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> Mat of which was a Bold omlin.lderad oroaa. Tbo av aKtaiit prlnat bad OB a black dalmatlc frlnaert with colC. Uco ami with (Uaijrna on it worked In gold. The d?aeon Bud auti-daucoii hu.l on lilai k Jalin.itles ivitb two penien OlcaUr bara Iu aold workM dowa tho back. Tbe tuiwi tera of i-ctemoiil.-s wera t'athera M. Donald. I.avalle. Keilv, Blattary an.l Miiili.-in. iho aeolytea weretlM Ber. OMrlea Coltoo and tho K.-v. Thoiuas McLiosk'-y. Tho Arolilimhop'- rhaplnin* woro th? Kct. Dr. M. II h.-iuiv. the Kov. Michaol Aytward and tho Rev. John M, ofatb. The Rer. A. J. Claney waa tho iaot nae-bearer. jratber McOean aauf tMeptetle. Darlaa t''? time l "' tihoii aangtbaKyrla. the Ar.-hbi.hop km-it aear tae eatar. faclux the eoaarexattoa. Fathar Donnelly read tM8rat Ooapel, darina whteb nii the prelatee J" the aaaetaary held ilghted tapera, ti o ehanrel rlinlr reapoMlBK. The m iaa waa tBB Mtna as t>n- or.iin.ry reqetem maaa, tbe oi.lret. uaed nol belna klaaM Mfora i>.-.n? banded to tae arehblabop, nor tbearcbblzboo'abanda belna kl.I, n i? ,,,, ?? Arehblabop Cerrlaaa'B rotoe, aa be chinto.1 thoiaaaa,waa aliaaat inan.Hile. Aa tM gnna waa tawp -1 tbrre !iiiio?, a laud i.ur-t <.f tnuate eame rr.nn t r,n loft, and tbea aoeM ailenea aettlad npon tae la tbe i athedral nalhe an hl>iMi(,p>-i<-\ at. -iltuc ,a,.r.,. aa over tbe Mwedboailaof tbekneullna eonereitation, tl"' zelemn-toned Mll tapplnaearntlme aeawarnlM*. After tae eompletlon of tM maaa, abnol IS i.'tii.c, ih-' whlto initre wa.- r.-jilM etl on ArihM?hnp , . [au'a i, ,a I. i i.i- prelatea i beu mored d..?-n t" tho fronl -.f tbe sanctnary tobeartho funeral dlzeonraa ol Arehblahop Oibbona, "f BalUmore, who moonted tae palpll from the - toriaty. TMdlaeonraa ooeopled ? balf liour ln Ite Jellrery aad wai a rei Itatlon ratbar tbsn an or.iti..t.. tba Ai hbiabop'a niaaaer beina entlraly nnemo bia .l.livrrv raltu an.l .-vonly uiodulat,-1. He wa. llstcD ? I lo Wltb i lua.- aitontloli. .?^ ih" ..? raoaeiueata were belna mada for tho of the flve :.'? ? liiti.m*. tho ortntiUt "f tl"- catbe rai, Av j- Pecher. play*d the Lameatatlona of Oullinatit. Th.- tive :i',4,,iiiti..i.- nt tba ratnfalqne were aald by Archblahopa (ilbbouB, Wllliama, Byan, Corriaan auti filabnp l.oii.h'tn, who came down from tho aaui atteoded i.v icolyuwbeeriaellebtMjepera. ArchhlBbopi Byan aud Wllliama took poeitlona al tM bead of tae eatafalone and Arebbudiopa Olbboaa and U?r rlaan aud Blabop Louahlfn al tl"- foot. Arcb Pish..|. ( aald IM tirat anaolntlon. The Incenee aud holy wstet betaa bleaaed, be eheute* the l'.,ti?? N.-tor. .i.'i thon pesaed tw. arouBd the oata falauo, th <t aaperalng holy water and tben Inrenaluatna eatafalqiie. He tben ehanted the prayerof abaolntloo. aii'l nftrr be i. ..I Hnlthnd th.. eb toeel eh?lr ehanted the arayer,tboreaponaee beloa-madeby ibe prleata from tbe'cUitnoel aallery. Tbe flve prelatea aaylna the anao luttona iiii-i... arhlte mltrea and blaok ohasnnlea oi wa t-i.-i allk ambrolilared arith wblta, TM aaeond ebaoiu Con waa aald by Arehblabop M'lninma, tbathird b> Arehblabop Kyan, tho fourtb by Blabop Loogbliaaad theflfthbj Archbl?hop Corrlaaa. The alieolnttoai Miaaeoaelaaed lither ki-iu bx tlu-nUbed tbe thlrty eaadlea burnlnz aMnt tbe eata falque. The rallma at tM MM waa than remoyod ano th.- eoffln w..s llfted, mll epea, fr.-m the bh?r by slx ef IM undortakrr'a BBdataata. lt waa bome throaab tba aeerlaty aad down lnto tae eataoomb uaMr tho wl*r, a^omwnkd by Arehblabop Corrteaa, Bonelraer inr,.-.. Father Mo Oean. MonaMior Freatoa, l.almior Uuinn., tbe Bev. Dr. MeDonald. Fattaer K.-iiy, Father Colton. I.iihrr Me Cloak.-v. FatherClanoey, iho Ber. '>r. Mellheury. Mra Jebn Kelly. Mr. aud Mra. Cleary. af WaMlnalon. Mlaa Mullen and Or. ? L. Keyaeand wlfa In tho erypl a sho.t burial aorvi ??? w ta aald. af.or whUh tba rorer waa j.iar.'d oi. tho eoffln, whi.n waa plaeed la tbe e-reoBhasoa A marlno ?lab w:i. ."'?" ,,i ?.?.i ?v, r ll. aml tho iviu.lus ef JoM. Cardlnal Mo Cloakov wero eoualgned io tbeir l??l reatlng plaoa b< Bi'.ie thoae of bia predeceaaor. Arehbl hop flnahea. Amena tboaa m tba ro4ervo.l i?*? were Uenoral iian coek. (..innn Carr an.l wlle, Preaideni Mneerof tbe y. >ai i..: '. ti r uen an i m my of bia . oUoaaiiea. t niei Juailce Dnly. Bryaa Uwrei. Predorlrt B.(5oudert. John r Derelln. E. Ellery Aadaraon, Commlaalonera Cnleman, Ciiminlna, Koeh. H.'-s and Br-un ia, Reglater Bollly.ez-aheriffO-rlen, ax-Park Commlaaloner Halem 11 WalcB, Mayor Cra.--. Jamna Coo<an nnd i-. u. j.irr.'.l, beaidea maay membera ol tne bar aad etty oiMi-iala. ARCEBI-rfOT OIBDONS'3 DIf4COVJR8_. Tha fnneral diaconrM of Archbiahop Oib Mna, <>: li.i tlinore, was liati ued to with eloec nttciitl.m. It waa as follows : j ,-. |.-':i-;icns xl.v.-"TlioI.ordrxii!:.'d Aaroo. . , , Ua ,, ,,|, an overl ?1 ng rovenaul altli hlni.and irnve hlmtMrrleatlioodof the aatloa,aal awle blm bWaed ltiL-n.rt. Au i be UM abaal with a alo-loua Ki-'i..-. iiiilc:..!no.i him with arotie ol alory, Bnd croaued him wili innjoatie atilre. . . . He choao him oot of all jii?n Hzlna t.l.-r aaonflee to (?M . . , fnr a tueinnrial t.ika reeonolllatlB f.-r his people And b* K?reihlni powor iu bia eooz?andmenta In iho covenania ol i.h l i.i'.-iii'-iit ih .it be ahonld te icli ?' teeb bia teatlmoaii.-, and glve Ihrut o Ni.ul in his law." WusT BBT. ni' BM-1 Ii?:v. PATBaae. ViMK4r.!K liBBraaaa oi nuCLBaoi aubbkab Bbktbbbj oi TB8 Laitt: , Tbeae worda. apokon orlirlnally of Aaron, may io flninaly applied to tue great lllgh Prleal whoaemiirtal r mialna n >w Uo i..-r,.r.- v-n. For he alao waa oM**n nol of all ni.'ii Iix ui_ t,, nn the hi,-.i. -t ecelcalaatli al poaltlon Im tl. -. N'.ifioa that be mUm leaeh Jai ob hli taatlmoulea and irive Itzbt to Iaraei ln bta law. TM alorloaa orna luenta ..r a I'.mtill l" wnicli the BBPred t"\l r. hBVO a twofoldaUnlfleatlon: th-v kymbollze Intheeyoao tbe Tiro.iio i ii dlgalty andn tborlty; to the Pontin hlmaelftho) repreaent tMlatertor orna_eata ol nrtue with walebMaboald i>o aduroed and wltbeut wblob ih? in?: proelooa ornameota loae th-ir laatn ln toa eipreaalra lanKiaM of tho Pentiaeal aaed on tbe (..?.?.i4ii,n of tbe eoaateratloa ol a Blabop," uoa bonor 4-.iiiiii.i v.-tium aedaplendnr aalmanun."--Il is imi tbaalorj >.t the reatmenta bul th,. ai.ionlor of tht aoul thatoommeuda it-elf to AlmUbty tfil Tbeae s.-:,ri.-t r.'.i's >r tbe Cardlnal roaiiml yo.i ot tMexaltoddignliy to he w.i- r.u-.-'l. .Tbey reaainded bimaolf of the carinont of iBnooeuea i.y his .liviuo M i-t. i aad erlniBoned wth Hi? preeleaa blood, ami itmt he -n-iuld ne i-,'.ii\. if ii..'. aary. t i h.v down his Ufo for the f.nth. It u aad t? tiitnk tiial yeor Mlovei Cardlnal ?haii u.'i.-racalareeumetheaeraoea al affeeandahsll ae-er ?h enthroned m thla nacaiaeeal Oalhedral ereei any himaell In whleh he lovlnely lufartad to jroa hla i.''.n. Hh aeathbaa bronabtBorrowto th,- uaiveraaf obnreb as well as le the ehareb ot ABwrtea uo 1 New-Yurk. , ._ . - it has tiiied with cri.-f tho eeaal hearl of tbe Borerelao i'oniitlaii'iti..' ColbigeofCardlaalaol ahtehhewa. aa llliiatn.iiis meruber and a dlatlnaulabi d oruamont. It haa fBlb-ii li'iavilv upon yoa. renerable bretbren "f tbe eli-r-v Von ni'tlv reeoB-ized in Carulnal Arehblabop a klud father. a devoted frlend, a watohfu^ abepberd, a faarlaaa laader, aad, aMra all, an Impartiai uisdeaih baa atriekaa with sorrjw roa alae, bretbren of Um laitvi anl tMaadnaaa depleted on youroounte naneea la Uieezpreasioa ol Um griel which Blla your Nor ls thla arief rontinod to torme who are of the heaarhold ol mo huth. Itoxt.-nis toallelazaaa and ereedaol tho oomuitalty. Th.- hcurt of Bew-lorb b-ia moarned blm as woli bee.*?> thw empln lai'.otniiik' tba .le.itti af aae of Ita inost llluatrlonaand ei'ui-is. Beltber wealta, nor power, oor raub oould eommand aneh heartfelt aad aalreraal respeel aa kaa beea bpobU-bobbIj paid to the raanalbaof roui reverol nro ,ite. Ho had woti tiie Imart* al tho jitoplo. TM Cbriatlaa Prelata la alwaya amaaof mark. a eentra of ?AMarratlaa to the ayee iftMworll Like bia dlvlue Maat.-r be * ls s.-t for the ftul an-t tno rsaorrectlon oftua.iv tn [araakaad Mr a aura whleh sball M ooutra dlcto.1." Van .us optnloaeareforuMof him, nomeaay. as waa aald ef oor Sartoor," M ia a good man." "th.-rs aav no,-iint ln- aedaeetb tbe people." Hetalored by tboae wM Mow blm Mat Hated .>r aoapected he'nay be ny thoso who are Blrangara to him andu his aaered ebaraoter. v.t ho has beea too promlnent a fai-frt- ln tbe elvlllxaUoa aml meral ro^eueratiou of maaklna to tio erer lanored er deaptaed. Ba* to tM eye ol faith tM BlaMp is ezalted a'mve anaeia becauae be eaeroUea powera not (riTen toangela. Th- BlaMp la tbe amnaaaador ..f Qoa appolnted t.. vindieato Hla bonor aM proalaim Hla nama amona tao riatioii.-. of Um eartb. " I'.t enn-t." aaya tbe Apoatle, ?? w. aro ambaat?lera, Ood, aa II were, asbortlng by na If ;t is eatee_ed a ?reit prlrllage for a eitiz-n io revre aeiH.ti.i- areal Hepui.itc ln tho coii>-ts of Earope, boa ii,. ii areaier la tba prerogailra t.. repreaout tbe .-..uri ..f Ite v?n nmoiu tM liitlona "f IM WOThL " As ti.e Fathar." aaye uar, ? hstt aeat t..e, i ni-... bbM you (;'in.-, teerafora,leaeh allaatiooa, . . . teaobiaa tue.ii toebaerre all tnlaaa wbataoever l huve eoiaiuandod yoo, aad hehetd l am witn you aii daya aven t<> tbe ton BnimiiB'ii.ii of Ihe worli." What a prlvlleffo to he tho lior.ild of <?" t's law to tho nati.u.s af UM aartbl "Mow beauUful ob tn- Bteaatalat ai* tho feet ef blm thal br.'.k'?t.n jjo.hI tiilntraand timt preaeMtb paaee, ol him that ahowetb forth good. thal treaohetb aalratloa. thal aalth to Won. tby Ood -sliall reicn" How riion.hod B faroriobetM boarwr of the oiive braaeb ol peaeetoa worid Ml I'-.-.l hv sin; t,. i.- appolnted h.v ReaTOB t.i proi'iaim tbat Oaapel which hrlnca tlery to Ood nnd poare to inoti. that liospel wlin-h atieuittbana the woak, eonrarta tbe alaaar, reeonellea onotuies. oomfurta tno 9?leted, aa i h .iiisoiit to all tn>> bopa of eternal itf?*' The Ufo of tno I'anlinal baa noier beea WTltteaand 11,-v.-.- eaa ne. And this is tru>- ..I evory CatMM prelata ofAiii.ri a. Be aerar eaa bare bk BoaweU. Tbeblog rai.h.r ni i\ r.-Uto hla lnihlic ati.l oilicial a.ts. II.? m.i> raaeaat th"' chorehea be arsete I, tbe acboola ho npeae l. the knaUtaUonaof oharlty ami raUgtea which aaeatab Jiniio.i; tM prteata ho onlalnad Uie aermona ba praaebe i, the aarranieutB ne admlntat-red.the labon ma vlaltaUona be lmcie. Uut he can kn<>w notbiaa of bia prlrate and luner lifa whleh ia " nt'l.len with Chrlst in Ood." That ls aaaaifeal le Ood'a rewH-laa anael only. TM blozrapho. knowa uoiiiiiia; of the Blshop'a i.eiet nnd onoBdentlal relattoua with hlHOlerty ani jieoplo. and rven Wltb m my ?wno sre aiien to hla faith. Ho la tMdally depealtary of thsir aaree aml BBTlatlaa. rrf tm-ir troablea aMaBUe th.tis. of tneir trlaU aud lemptatloaa Tbej aome to blm for eoaasel in donbt, for apltitualanderen t.-mpniHi aaalltTT* ?'ero a Itiah'ip'sreal II1-- in itsoutwanl aud law ird faloeea, lt wouM he more latereaUna than B noiol. If Ihis ls tt'iie "f IM hil imle-t. prelalc It) the im 1. aritn bow uimh ZTeataC foi. <? uia> ll Be applied to eae ocoupyina tho oiuitieut peelUea of your boiov?d Car.haal . . . How can l, then, tuv bretbren. with tM faw momanta at m> aatpoaat, attempi em'i a "nef "ke.'.-ii oi tba C.ii.iiiiil-iiio i l.anouiy akhn arerlM aarfaee, and to.i.'ti upou a fow aalieut fcaturoa in tils Iouk aad event fui earaar. John McC'lookey waa boru ln tho nelehl-orliic clty ?" Breeklya oa tue 10th day ol Mareb. A. i..ihi.>. Thal flourls itaa ' Uv which ii. iw nn nli.ii- .nii.,uu itii ilutauts dld not tben Boatala 8,000 a,.uU. Traiiie.l ln tba path ??! Tlrtae and piety by hla exeeli.-n' tuatiinr, ho ^la* aei.t, about tho at;e of twalTB voars. to Ml Mury'a lol'ieao, -iniuittshurK. Md., whore h'> frraluatod with the hl^'h.-at tumora lu 18?8. Thla vonereble lu.lllu ivhu-h naa heou tho Baraary of ao maay dlaiin .tni-iirta iii-imp4 aud pr.esu <>f Aiawnea, h ia beea eleaaly Vlei.ti'i ? I ?it i mo laat f.uir i inlinar.ra ot tM diOOBee W Bew-Tat?j. After aaraalag a ?n s- of tbeelogioal Btud'os Bt he Mountaiii be arai ai lauiod bythevaaer ablo Ki.nop Uui.ol. ln ls.ii gaaa .ifier. yoniiu Father Met loskey repalred te K.mie, where oe devaied two yoara tn tnore prutouml tbeolog laalataamz, Bo talanted and IMaatrteaa u pnoat _nat havo ilerlvo'l iieetiliar benollt fr.uu tho alia it t\>-4 m the -IBCBBl Clty. Anotuor year lio apeal la vlaittntt tho prinelpal diinlrii-a of Kurope. Hia eaataet w uh amlnaai taea tn tne clv ll an.l aaalaabM tl.-il waika cf iife and his hai.n.s of aloaa abaenra?oa derelo|H.<l in him an intlinzto kuowled, o of mankinl wineli provel uf tuCBloulablo adiautarfi to nim UurlUK bia; Bil'iilinstrative earoor. On ret.iiiiiiit to hla native o.iiintry ho was aasliriiod to the pastnral ehar^o of st. Jo?4.pli'B (.'iiureh. iu thla clty, Where he romalned a few yoars. liut hi.s <roat inetits dld leag oaca|N) tho vlxilaut eye of BlaMp Hiu-lies. l|i? wasch'?eu aa coadjutor to tho Iliahon nnd c..ii40 erated ln lsl _ Whon the ibMCee of Al'ianv waa oroated Dr. Mr losaoy was appoiutotl lt? flrst itmiiop, in 1S47. Thronifiieui tho leugth and broa.ltU of tbut cxteualve and llaurialiitiB* portlon of this provlnes can bo tra.ed tue faotprtata of modevuiatl ureiate. and the ohur.-hea and luatilution* ei'eet.d aad foiln 1-d during hla a.lmlnlstra tioii hear tesllimiuy to hla vi^Lanee and apoatolio real. When the n?? of New-York bociuie vaoant i.y the death Ot Arrlibiabop Htifhos iu IMB, tho Ut, Bee. l)r. lfcCliiekay was unauluioualy chosen to auoee.vl him, and tlme haa amplv ahown tno wUtom of tbo ohoioo. Catb ?llr e'.etgy and faithfal of Now-Ynri-. what aaatlmenta of bom st pride muat be eroked ln ^roux hearte at the bare a-Bttiion 8f the oamea of theae two Ulu-trloua poaiiflal They will eoinpare favnrably wltb tbe hierarchy or any Heeln Cl.rlitendom anil tbe- wlll abine forth as Btars or tbenrst iiii.ultuae lu tbe |iofioaa tralaxy of deceaied Amencan prelatea. They wlll ??er aerve as ehluliK lwhts to yulda tho*>- who Baaat alter them lu tbi patn* of virtue aml apoatalle wladom. Iaaaa two prelatea had eaeb his predoininant traitsof ahameter. HcCloekey laeek. aentle, mtiriiu from the WOTld. i. i.iin li 111 of M.iki I with upll.ted batnla praylng on tha Bxoaatala. Haahaa, aetlve, bold, vlaorona, axgr-esalve, waa ae It wera anotber Joaoe Bghtlnj iu the vaiiev armed altb tbaChruUan raxaoplyof faitb. trutb an 1 imtiee. Tno one recslls tb<- I'rincc of tho Apoal ea blendinK aiitborlty wlt i patarnai kn.dn.i-; tba other retntnda as ef the A|ii-tle <>i ti.e Geatlles, wleldiog tbe twoeVed aword Of the Spirit, the rtword of th.-tonirue and tbe peo. ..... , ln 1868 ArahbtahoaMeCloakey attendedtbe weotal Plenary Couuoll ol Baltimore. of wblea be was b hnmlug and a ahinlng liglit. He aaa eonapleuooa aUke far bis .?...|iei,e. in the pulplt and for hii wtadoni In the cuiieil-cbain ,ct. I well reinember tba dleeoarae he .I.'.vr.d at tbe openinit aenlon. Tho, silvery .. bis volee, tba araee of bla geeturaBand nuwinor, Vm perauaaiva eloipaenoe aad ebarm ol bla are in, lni|)rtated an my Baoaaen ''i"1 Imaaluation. .Imi before ..i "ti'linx the palplt, a teleerrain waa banded to h< ,. Buiiountnu tba deatrnetion i>y Bre >.r bm Cathedral. He did aot betray tba ailahtoai omoaonnot mdlng tbe audden nnd ealamitoaa newa N<-xt monnna I evpre.ised lo lilie my siirprlseat hdit.n-.r turbabla minn.r. ? Thedaaaage." he repliod."ledona, ?mi i eannot undo it. w<> mn-t ealmly aaaaul ta tn. w m Tblshablt of aelf-eontrol ao eb '?'? ihoiaan waa >.??: tbe atarn. n.ifeellug oo npo j atolo i,ii,..; imss not tteeoldapithy oftbe Mobaui liicdau fatallst; it aaa tha eerene Iranqulluty oftbe i i ; riesi.lulrad by loag aad aerioea nmaltatKiw at ibe f. ? i oi i hrlat, , ... , ln iiieeo'.ri' ii rhanaber hia eollea rnaa aiwaya iiatenefl wltb uiarked att.-nti m nnd respeel to bis worda, ;.:i I rarelv.lf over, lldanyol \m.? dlsaeal frota tbe newa t ial b" exnreaaad. .. . lu i ?..;:. tn.- Arehblabop attenrted the O-.eiimenlea c.ii ii oi tba Vatloan. tbe moal irapoeinx eei li ?l istleal t tnat Iiiih e.'er tai.-:i pll. Bluce 11"' (ouncll 01 iv,.,,t Tbe blshope asaeiubied from the varlm.a eonntrlea of Burope, Nortb aml Boutb Ainerlca, "',;" Ustrall '? ' \; i ?""' fl'""1 ""' bdanda ol tbe \ilaiitie ainl Ibe I'aeitle. Thfy eauii 1: on tbebanka or th*. Turrts and Ihe E.iphrntea, tbe eraille ol tbe hiiroan familt. an-i rrom tna nankaof Ibe Jonlan, theoraaieo. iniiv. Thnv came frotn Muunl Libanua and ratlBiuipartaof tba lloiv i.ani ballowel ay tbe fool prluU of onr hleased Redoemer. Ari-ublibop Mo< waa a eonaplcuous flxure even In thla aaaetiibir. II,- waa de. a ed wortbv of hemg made a iraniber or ii? oomiuittee ou .ltscipinic one of tae moal Importanl oi t.e Connoil, and (ar.tinal (., .alii, who preelded over tne eoinmlttee, apoke ln tarros ol the blgheai admiratlun ol Iho wialoui of tba ArebWehop of New-York. um on,- erownuxB bonoi waa reservi i ror yonr oeioveo arehblabop aa are ward of oonaplcooaa nwrlt ana lite lo.iir aorvlooa lo tbe eaaae of UotL Our'ato ow ratuer 1'oi.e Piaa IV ln a con-titorj beld In I875waa plea-ed t . rreate htm Cardiml of tbe Holy Roman < bureb i waaanbonor aninveedentcdin tbeWeatern World.aad rareh if over'waaaoeh adlgnltj eonfemd with sironger markaof pnbHeappn?batlon. Nol oniy lu tbia graat eity uud B ate of NHW-York. bat tbraaaboul tbe leugth and liread.b of the tbe nrweof your Brehblshop - el. - i tion waa halied with the graateat axaaifeatatteaa ? jej :ii;,l siitlrtfnotlon. ,, , i aball not attempt to ennmerate the inatliutiona 01 rellKlon. ebarity and learnlnx which huvc apranii np ln ihia pnpiilous dioeeae dunog the I'ardlnara adminiatrs ? 1.r..... .ci iw.ntv yeara. Weinayforui a.? e?tl io .ie -.1 ihe derelopmanl ol < atholleit* when we i on^l.lei tiiat tlie oi enurciiea bas inereased dunugathal l', no i from aeventy to one buu lro.1 ind aeventv, and tbo oti.nher ol olvrgy frotn oua baadred and flrty tofour liuitdrril. , , , ... . ,,m renerated Canllnal baa left yon ut hladeathtw" great inonumeutao! bbi /.eal ana two xreal logacles .>? his love Tbe t atbolle Proteotory and this noble fatha Ir i, tbe BTandeat ta tha 1'nited Btatea. wlll atand aa laatlng luonun '-nt- ol ni- zeal for n liglon an I bum 11 lle bm leit vo.i two |.i"n legmlesof bis love, and flrsi i'a- legaovof a pnroand nnaulllr-d ifea prieit, blsbop. arehblabop and (aiillual. He never tarmahed Him B.irplloe "f tha prieat >H>r tbe rochct of the blahop, bot the'palllura ol tbe arehblabop aor the e. irletroj-es of the Canllnal After anending npward ol half a eeutury lu Iho exerelae of Ibe mlnlatry, he goes ilown to bla bonored grave wltboat a al un apofl bla morai iie le ivea yon another preeliaM bwai y ln the parann of bla L-iii.-.l Kiireeaaor. Bbea Mi?eadbsl. saya tbo aa ns Pci pt in- tbe people mourned rm 'him I ilrtj .1 ?- a. Amt joaliua hlsancoesaor waa fllled with ibeaplrll ol aiadoin, .. Moaea I. ..1 bl- 1.l- npon hln.: and tho ,-hil.lren of Isroel olasyed Jnshna aa M. bad eom mniie.l them. Tbe d) 11a ' bi llns ; ,11 bla ba ida lu ben ciiclio.i ou bla Nueeeasor. aud tlie exilrlng rVrlarcb wlll be aa frnltfol to the aon of bla a.l'o.tion aml ti," h. 11 i.r bla prte tl? tbrone Ba waa Jae'ib'a blesaing to .lo-.-i b. And if be coiild a| eak rrom thla bier he would ?av to yon all: " A* yon \o\ 1 ? nerved and obayeil ne, ao wlll yon love and servaiand ob >i blui. 1 ro/ard aa doae for aa. whal yon do roi hln.. I will llTB fur y.m lu him and ihns j. ralhi-r a lo?t ii f,,-n..i: bavlna been dead be la eo oe to llfe aealn. oii, belovcd Ponilfll mai thy 1 ml be tbia .11) lo lara di ,?: We cheilah thy inemoi 1. and .-veu In tbe yeara to eome when tby llfe aball bo vteaeil throuab Ibr m Inaatrooaphera oi tim*. tby aaamory, like Ibe ra imorj ol ,|,.i.?, wlll be in tbe eompoattlon of aaweel.1 made by tne arl ol the porfomer, tby memory aball be awei I .4 b'oney ln erery menth and aa delleloua miali banqtiet Tbi 1 - II api \\ ol thaa aa tbe Mmi aad aaat ? aad tatherly cirdi'.ai M,-c;,,-.kev '_ rjrf 0AAXT FVMD FA1M PBOJXVT POMTPOXBJX Tae l.Mcinivc Commlttee oi tbe Oranl Monnnieiit taaoebttioa aaat yaetarday, A. lt. (on,. \ .-, r, Btdaey DUhxa, 0. B, nteaOUvar Hoyt, Wi.liam l.ummis, Willlam II. WI kbam and Pr.ifeaaor 11. T. Oreener. el?bt >.f tbe twenty mombera eoaipoalnx tbe Exaentlve Commtt tc- waranraaant. They bekfalongaoeretae; loa Al ubi the meetina it waa aaid tbal theqnearloa .,f tin- propoaeH ralrbadbaeo larxely tbe aubleet npon whleB tbeeom mltteo bai glvaa atienttoa, *and tbat when tha mattei waa pul I" a rote 1! waa declded to poetpone tbe f irthol oonalderatloo ,,f tbe tair IndeBaltaly. 'l be folloaiBf Mb lerlptlona ?<-ie r. portad yaetarday 1 Jiy I_M Xem- 1 '"'?/.? Vrolurr fxth'iii'jr. ilolt A Ce $;oo eo Milioi. Knarn. 88 00 1; ireadweli'aBon l?ai 00 V. 1 Mreaey'esoa Waeka A Parr.... 60 00 * Oe 81 'S. ?I n. Hairli . 60 0oJaa?ea 1 i,.,l!on. .. 20 OU jaaea 8 narrla.. _6 00 A. V tiTit-r .... II. I' 11 ll.irn- ? .ni- i'i Kotiaa A Dl ire_ Sl nn Obub r> 'Sl I. a. Iteed A Co . gtb o" 11 >l. Bepaoa . 600 H. II. I'Milips. Iiunk Jiiiek.r 1 isi Jonei a Co. S8 00 1,1 Furtridfi BanMnf Beaar, aVarea luiu, X. Y. AJbert * 00k. ? Tatal. Prevloa ly B4__aowIedged. .4,-'.i.ji-i ji Uian.l total.taV.aSB -'4 WABVBTB1AL TOBBOIX OX UOXDAY. F.rilinaiHl Ward ap;..-iind before Jostiee Barrett yeaterday In tba Uoari af Oyer un.i Xenalaar te pleadte aaethor ladtJetaaaal faaadaaalaal bbabytha OraadJary orrathar a revlaed veralna of anobJ one. DiBtrlcl Attoraej MartloaInfomed Jnatlea Barmtttbat t..e foi-in. 1 nie, indletmenta dld not aovarall lhal tb Matc'a Attoraey deslrad , bo ba alebed to add two eoonta to tbo tirth ludlcUnenl agalnat Ward, la order to Ineinde bis lareeoj lcti. us a dliaetar and aa a traateeol tbe Marlna National Bank. Lawyer Hadaon, in behalf of Mr. Ward anterefl a plea of not gullty to tbeae new eonnta. and argnad that tnla new atep mixht muke udeitiv neeaaaary la tha trlal ael down forMonaay nexi. Juatlee Barrett thoagbl tbal ae everytblng waa in raadlneaa for lt, tbe trlal wonld proeeed.aa ibe two contiti niHiie no material dlffernuee lu tlie general pbaae ol ti.e prooeedlBgB. Mr. Ward'a oouaaal eoald Btate th.-ir obieetlons wln-u the caie cume up OB Monliv. Mr. Ward and Warden ICIernaa tben vlalted Ibe City Hall t<> hi r.nijfe for Ward'a appear.1:.before tbo Qibbe Com? mlttee. Mr. Ward told Mr. QlbOa tbat ba aaoaldbe bappy to ui'i>eai to-.lay and uld tho work of rcr.,i 111. ??? IRJlxu A WMW DTXA UTTB orx. A new piKitimatic, (lynainitc pin was tested yaetarday at Fatt Lafayetta hy Uaatanaat ZUallaaht \ erowd af visitori aaa praaaat Ia spit.- af u few defacta ln the mecli.inisiu of tin- aaa und a lllgbt mlibap or two lo Ita worklng, the expentnent waa a aneeeaa, fbe bar ral "f tba enn Ib nxiy f< <-t iomk, witli a bora at?jit Inebaa in dlameter. It baa u wroilKht IrOB OOVOrina tin. >? f.iurth of an ineii tliick. Th,- alr for Brlng Is itor.-.l ln *U lan.'. reaervolra, Ihe a iii? of wblob a.e eapabla of aaatalalBg a praaanre of 8.500 poonda to tbe aouaro laeb. Ibe all iiiei latothaoarral bablndtba proleotlbj m k-raiiunily y.t p iwerfnlly lhal mi daager ..i ooneuaelon ln tn. obamber li avolded, with a preaanreof I,oo0pound?, ai.ii a 200-pound torpedo e:m be iiuowii a niii? i he Oral attempt yeaterday aaa with a 200-pound Iroa peaked l.all. Il wa? tliwi at an alevatloa Ol twenty degreoa, und waa tbrown aeaward oror oae and a tiuartet aillaa. a ilynainite torpedo was flred aiao. lt was BDOUl Blght feet long, eonilHtlnit tn psrt of nolld WOOd, aad was nhaped like an arrow. Ita eaot IrOB ttp was faateBad to abraaatnbeabontayardlong,BBd tba two wereBlled ivuii expio"lve ?ci itmc. iivi-ponniM ..f No. l dyaam.te formed aeare ta theeoatreol tbe tnbe. Tbls waacoa neeted with an eleetrle battery whleh voold canae an axploalon wbaa the mlaallaatraek the water. it faited lo do thla yesterday, thmi^h il had iu-vi t fallcd heforo. -? WLBOTBIOAL BVBWA1 OOMHIMSJOM. Tlie liuinlx'iof inv.iitt.i.s aud ?le< trictaiii bav., app.?;.'?>? i i, 'for,i tha Bleetrleal 8ill> way OoflBBxteeloa al one tiiim ni'-t yaeterd ty aftoraaaa It waa tha laat haarlag far tboae who deelred t,? mibmit pi iai aad ?odala. Par aaarly foar bonra tbo rommis sioiier- .iitened tot'ilrt.-eiior fourteen .lifl.-rent InTOUtora an.l rapreaeiitaliveaof telagrapband lelepboaeeoaipaB iei. A scctiou ot tbe Doraeit Aspbaltum < oaerete i uiiduit waa exhlblted, and Profaaaeruray. lha alactrtelaa, ex plalned tbe hlgb laaalatlag qual.tlaa aod advantagea BOOBfwd bv lt. TBO w i.i au lio,iilitiln_- eompouud eontaiatng eoal tar, paraffloe, allb lona aumi, pnh arlxad ail.ei aud elndera, OXtde of uml umoiiiuiu ehiorlde. The eoodnlt waa ta eonalat of oaelarga axalo pipe wltb any iiiiiniier of dnota requlred eapabla of ua eommodBtlag frocB 100 te ':n.i anraa Nearly twenty mllaa of thla ayateia le aaad lu Ohleaao, and tt la now belBf laid ln I'etrolt ut tho r.tte of aaa mile u we-k. I ba con.lult. It li claim.-il. li lae ipaolo of oxpaaaioa or eon tra. tion by heat or froat, llm, nl.viitini^ tba dillicnlly experlnaoed la laylai wiros iu ataaa pro.mniy io atcaiu he-ttuifc- plpea The coiiitnlsalonera wlll now bojfin to exatnine the ?odala exhlblted and try to se;o?t the inoit feasible oim out of tho several btuulred subiintte,!. FOATVXB-TBLLXMM TBBBATMXMD wmi ni:i. Siil>erintemlcnt Murrav festerdaj n-. ci\cd a postal i-ard from a woman wbo Higned horaolf " a iad ineuibi-r ,.f the Hoclety for the SupprcMion of Vice." :-h wrote io thtaeffaot: ** ll la fanaaa-talbira tbat mis up the iiifitiu'-d hoaaea of taa eity ?itb iho poople'a Vtrtn oui atvaa und laaoeaal daaghtera, for aaarly aii wobmb wanla lo bave tbelr fortune told. TbOBQ crlnilnui lot tune icllcm uivertiics ln tho ucwspapori under the liirne of clairvoyaula and ustroltik-y. Weaafe tba palire ottlocrs to arreat tbeae'erlaiinala aad ahui ti.cmnpln jirisiii; tf uot. wo wlll have tbo publie to roll.ct them and hanx them to lauip poits uud sel tbciu ou Ilrc." ? BTATEB ISI.AXl>i:K-i hi:ai i:n AT rRKKKT. Oni'of t-M iili__sanu'bt cniki'i umtchi's tif the aeason waa played yesterday between a tean. of Htaten Iilaaders umlar tbe captalncy of Uarry I.ambkin, and tbe i / tenta of New-Vork| eaptalneil by Bobon Hooper. Tbe Staten lalanders placed a good team lu tbe flelil, bat suffored defeat by a aeore ot R to ,'li?, malnly throiu-h tbe flne bowllng of llooper and Cuddlby and tbo wicket-keeplng of Morrla. _ RACING BESIDE THE SOUND. AUTCMN MEET..VOOF IHE COUNTRV CLUD. BTABBBT MORTIMKR TIIROWN-HICH 1URVE3T FOB BQOBMAMBBB FBOFUI PBaWBT. Wcs?ciicstcr ititiuggy ti DBTeria ehar__Bfai ln autiiiiiii. and no part of Weatcheater ts luore pictur aagaa inan the apot wblch the Country Club haa ehoaen for, Its cluli-hoiiae and Ua raoe-eourae. Whoever, at tho racea yeaterday, reuieniberad that all tho surroitudiua eoaatry la aaeo to beeoaaa u pablla park, foit laallaad to lyiapatalse wiih tho nieruhcraof tM Ooaatry Clab, lo whom tho clty'a eain briuga to beavy a 1088 Mo long, bOWBTWr, as the land roniains In its poaaosalon, the Country Club eeeme deterralned to make gaei imcoflt Taeterday aaa the flrat racc day of the Cluh'a aataaaa ?eeUaa. TM eroaadeal Bartew ea tM gaaad were ln goed .oniiitiin. l ba day Jaat aoeb a bm na would iir eboaaa by any h.v. r ofeport foraa oettac, wltb b breeza wboae breatb aarrted a foretaata efwtateraM ntfiii Mrsta of taaablae la whleh aaamer ailii Bagarad. Karertheleae, tha attiadaana araa Ugfct, Bpeetal tralaa -.i, re um fr.i-ii Baw-Torl to tM raea traat, belaby w.iy of mu--huiiilM ii-and twaaty-nlnth-et aml by way of tha Grand Central Btattea. '??. Mwaraa, wera aet well Blled. Etthat beeaaee tM appettta far raatag haa butiami dal?d by a wM ?? iommer*a tadahraoee, or beeaaee aa "amateet abow" preaeaU few attcaeUeaa t-> t)n,4,. wh,> iiiive f"i!..w.-.i tM azelUaa i lerema Park, Miiiinoiitii i leepaMM Bar, the laat ,n ntlii, af tha loaeirn ttall' lontfi w auectatera MaMea IM .. n, ' the ( BBBtry I lob aad Ibelr Immadlate frienda Ameag theee preaeal weres Brigbl Baafota, .1. o. k. Lawreaes, D. i>. ifltbeta, wM aeteal aa pn -li |BS Judse, K'-.n., B imlltOB Ke.'in, l!io. khoUt Cnt tina, w. Cattlag, Dodley Wlnthroa, OUrer Harrimaa, Pretcotl Lawraaee, Cooper Hewttt, >?eha Cheerer, Bia Batberferd, Hla Work. Cbanee OeeUrr, IM Mlsaea OanUer.Cbaiiea HeekaeMr.the Mlaaaa Beekaaher, Mra Fraok Lawreoee aM Mra. Fraak Lzwreaea, Jr., ri, rra Lorlllard.Jr., Orlawold LoriUard, Misa BBd. Mra. BelmoBl rni.iy, Mr. aM Mri E D. Maraan, Bay MlUer, ? ? Monree, Mr. aM Mra. B B. Handa, Jr? Mlaa Btephene, Marlea Btory, Bamlltta B'eMter, Mortoo I'ii'o'i an i Henry Maaa. 'ih ? iive racee on tho programme dld aol aall fortl ereat dlaplu) ol entbualasm. Oeoran Wort t. In tn? nr?l and areond racea, aad hla monnta wera hearliy I hy lils fiienda, who bare uullinlled oonHdeuee lu hla iinraeiuauahlp or hla Inak. Ho failed to wln elther ' Uo'haon'a cbolee, IM faTorlte In tbe tblrd raoe, fell at tboflr* atone renoe, and Utanley Mortliner,hisrlder, ,.,?.,. j,,; ,in i.i, exc nn- mnrta aymuathy. lt waa howorer, aoon learnad tint Mr. Mortlmer. In i ii,, ?: warr not niortal. I he lall ol the ruvorlte played ': ,. with lha bettiua. The mutualapald glltfl 15 nnd tbe conienta of maay puraee weal to iwell Ihe proflta ol tho i.oniiiii ikora. iu.- fouttb raee waa prettily won by Mr. lliteheoek on i ?. . et - m. nt - Ioob] i,? liova, whoe mi In'l b .ar tho thou.-ht of befiia il. :?? itod liy au auiatuiir. Cmiaeiiueutly the raea waa diaputed. .,;.,! || ..v. , .. ni ' thal dr Hltebc ???? li M) nol ron orer tbo rourae. Tho |ud*ea aenl a oo n nlttei to and ih' ir reftorl nbowe l ? melnalrel) th il Ki lin .1 u izter waaeuUlled to Bral plaee. He waa aeoordtagly deolared wlaner. , * tatbeap ?re wera learlna tbe eoarae they eama upon a *et of i.iiino i.ieu, who ware " rea i> to ? a?er - ?, ildor it-.ri that no k ml. iii.iu pr.t eonld tell uuder . ia the llttle i.i ol; hall " -. r?vv untiil laoua el a iture trle i to Bnd tlti .,.. I i,,i| i-B ..i.-iiiii- for the si.imry 1.-.4-I..I wblcb tbey reei iv,-l. I ?,. i.r-t raee waa a huntera' hondleap H.t raea toi nuulifled iiintera. #10 ea i i p ad .? ?'. i lli inii.i.t I 'i m Hve il itt.i ? Shtel l-'- ? , lone ' ... I. I0S, ii i.i. r . II. l?e Iti ,, k ii nt , ? '.. Ki I, Mr. K- ..ii>- lyi . B. M. t ui la. |r. a I mu itlon . 1. I.YJ. Mr. Tnrraiir ?? ; H- innitca i -< d>l - ii ,,:, tioa ' ?. ioo, Thomaa llltebcockj ; and ' I M irk'a Mi ra ift. Ig-l.Own i; nn ' ,, ,,,,? ?..!.. i, lllaek lliiaanr .''-j to I, Man , iKimihi "i. :?> Io 1 .?..-ii. md llal fellow lltol. II , . . ..ti v.ii i tbe lead it Ibe drop of Iho tl ,_. Klaek 11 ud plaee and Bniul itlon tblrd. Mr. iiiii-h.-.'. k madeaood u->- >>f bia allabl l-.ei ijnd nover poriulttad lua pnraaora to bead blm. down thn ba< kairi tch and over tho hill tbe ilr?t tlme aronml, he l< .1 tl ;; :u k lln-.i: -'., i. Euiulatlon tblrd, Cyelniio fourth. "i f irtber ha ... M ira waa laal l he aer.i ttmr bi .nnd I inulatlou qu I end Mi -'. el l? in? i Cyeiono up near the lea-lera, but hla aflorts w. re u?< il ,. ? .tt , ial v i>. tl--.- lenztba, Bl ick Hnaaar .,.,.,,i,,l. nv , . ine ih r 1. M ii - waa a p?or| fourth. i unlaUoa waa pallM np Matuala k ,;; -.1. in,. aeoond ratv w.i. a bandleap aweop4t.4k?a f..r ateepleehaaora an 11 ,,:-??. diaiance aboul l 'i mi ? - on tbi Bai . prof. - j .,!,-, i. t.. oarrj aeren pooada eztra. I . ?? t .' -,i:,t.i ( |6, 107, 1 ? ' I Dreamland '">. 133. Mr K.aex ~l ild. 'a Ta '" *'?rki . i 41 ibio'a .I.i.'i i-niii.o' ' i. I 17, ?r. Koane l. . iu I Uowanl'i Weal W/ln i L. 150, I*. Manej i ?,, ;., HVal u ni l ?_' tn l. I it ii.ii', i to 1. Drrainlaml - (?? I, Bnd .1 n ' to I. -.,iit , . * eond, ia up. (1 ""'-' dowa ih" baebatri tch ihe i .. and ii.iii...ii.,t.iv took tba lead. aM aa ba wi nl nvi i bm ba waa twe bmaUn iwore Jarquamlnot, wbo waa foirr laactba Ib fronl ofWeatWind Aa ihe bor?ea paaaed tbe ataad aflor i.nln.- ben.loa around, I..r riiitn (hree lonirlbn tbe beat ?.r It, Jaequoinlnol .i coml, tri.- otber tbrae it, a Mnch I r? i? t li.-r baek. Tarquln beld tbe lead nnfil tba iiome tr.-t.--i waa reiehed for tne 0 ilshlnu riiu, wben Claiia, who h ? "iv Iraprot Ina hla p ial tloii took il.- li'.'l aud wonwttboul .ilort by a Irna-tB aud a ball rarqnln was aaound, a langtb before Jacqnltulnot tblrd Bfeet 8TIM waa feorta Matuala i athli raeewaa IM Hoaterz' Handleap Btesple chaae, a aw ? -'..,. h, i eup addad, for >t n.ll li-.l hiint.-rs ; fnil e.i'ii- ? Teuran H. \ H.'" Vi.-tor i.i, liiii, ownari : Hempai \A -? ib ?? ?> \g? itoi laaed, IOO, Owner); Htanlej Mortlm* r*a HelMon'aChotee ..--?"!. I'-.'. i iwnor) . tlezande ?? ' ?'"? -%lr ( ,,i?i.i.. ln.; I'eiialatou'a I'llol . ??? I l?<?. O an. and iv. (nire.1, UV?, Mr.C. Pi nnlamn) \ Belrl loreMl . n ... Hi'i. Mi. K.-iiin-.ii' . yuaenaCounty Btable'i i),n?l.i ,1, 165.1 ozh ill Keene), un l ri.-ar.tto i u-.-.|. i ,,i. Mr. i .:. inee); and ?? _ l>. Btokee'e LaaralwoM II ] iai.. iwner). it-tiiii.- Hobaen'aCboloa 'J to i. I'llot :t to l, Claarette ii to i. Dnadee 7 tol.aal from m te 18 to i ag tltal IM ot.:,-! B. Ah1.ii ii bolted Bl the tir-t iuinp. Uobaon'a Cboloe w:,. tbe Bral orer it, bat he atamblad aad foll at tM flral ?I ,],.? wall ni.i was ?at ..r it. Dundee thon leoa tM lead and heldituntll tbe atand wa- paased tbo Bral Utne around. C'yolone an.l V'lotur i? -? r.? foll before th reuebed. Pllol aoofl deprlveil llundaa ..' tba lead aml lo iu tiiin waa paased i.y LaureJwood, wM waa Brai to take the w itor Jnmp nnd wae ti? >L afterwarl hraded, arlunlnai mHIj bj two lenatha Pllol waa --ron.1, two lotiKiha before Dundee tblrd Claarette waa a bad fourth, ai ti.h-ra altber bolted or wenl wroag, Matuala BK40 15. Tbe fouith r.iro wae for tha Coaatry Club pi ne. i '? tndloap ateepleeh hm foi a plee ? ..r pi ite, a >S0 ii.i.i.'.i. prof eaa. ioekeya te carry aerenpounda >i tii -inut eoiii-f. I.;. ven r.m M. .1. Ilaly'a Jaek (4. 147, Wyunej; Wynne'a Borr O'Mora (8.1.54, Rowani and Kiuis- Trouliler il. 147, LlttleH Askay'a Bay Keuel il I l.'.l'oi'i'. Ilnn|.-ii.-.oi'??-i .'"'- -. b.Milui iai-r (5.158, ll'ioinas Hit. h.; Mr. Prlmro - - Beai.? (5, 1 IT. Alford); ishi.-i'ls's iinftw'ioi (aged. 145.8. Penolstnu); Clark'aJeater (ajtad, 144. Orean) i Uawita'a Boae laaed, 1 ..;. I' Maner), and Mamtaaalat (a_ed, 148, VaaMla), and Urlaa*a Furdbam (0. 135. Bera ia). it.iti ia Boae ii lo 1 ; Kory O'Mora, Kin.- Troobler and Bohoolmaater. 8 to leaeb; Bay Bebel, 7 to l.Jack B to l.and fromlOto 18 to 1 aftalaal tM olbera. .1. -t.-r w.n lu fr.uit nt tho at.irt and h:. |oekey Immedlataly epeaM a k.ip ..f aereral lenattu between blm ami his purauer* -i-iii.oimaatei was s. < oini nnd Kni',' Troubler tblrd. Afn-r Um water |nmn bM been taken Mr. Hltebeock, onaof tbeamatenrJocMya ln ibe rare, ruabed Bebool niaater to tbefront, and aoon after Kinu' Troobler alao paasrd Jeater. Bohoolmaater wai nerer afterward beadod, thouah Mr. Hlteheueb liecama aoaiewbat ber \oii- wban tho beweatreteb wae aaaa.l m.d widpp d hi4 nor-.- wbaa it waa nol actu illy naceaa in, a-. ba w.ia wlnalaa eaally. Bohoolmaater won by foar lenatba ; Kinit Trouliler aeei.ii.i, thm- leaatBa before Boae thiri: BoryO'Mora,fourth. Mutmla f TM tl 11 ti raea waa * handleap for polo i.s for a cup; dlatanceaboul '* iml.i tba Bat. Pltreraa l. l. Kernoeban'a Illlly barlne (4, 142, Qwaer) i II. lt. Klcbardaon'a lom My tfi, 159, Mr. I'or rance); J. bf. w*atterbnry*i Caddy 1 lO.BUalay Morllmert N. .;. L irtllard'a a ild Tom i 170, Owner), aad Wlntbrop BaUierfofd'a ttath (5, l u, Mr. Blrd), Betilna WJldTom0 toB,Tom BoyS to 1, 0Mdy4 to l. ji.iiio D.-i ni- ."> tn i. aad ii'ii" - to i. WtldTom to,.k the laM at um atart aad Md foar lenatha tba best of lt ia tbe poBtee paaaed ..nt afelsbt over the bill, I'o.n Boy beloa i" aeoond plaee (Ud l) ihii'l. lii'so poaltlona nover ebaaged. Ihoaab a/lld Tom'a wotaht toid on blm aomewbal zttMSnlah and Tom Boy Balabed onlr two leagtM MalM him. Cmldy waa talrd. MntaalaglO 10. -?. - BE88IE WIH8 THK ORIQLE HANDICAP. 8ECOMU HAV uK inr. MABTLAB8 gOCBBT t'l.t'li MKIIIMl. Balttmobb, Ort. 15.?T_e Baaxmd daj of the M.irylnn.l Jo.'k.y Cmli m.-.-tlnx at I'unlle i wa ?aeeeaafalbeyoM expeetation, althoagh iMtraek was atlll heavy aml aome of the tl.lls were sinall. ln tM raee, eaa aUle, weit.r weta-ta, for a peraa efgoOO, the staileis woro l..roy il.ll'l, Kit/p ittl.-k | ; t-am Browa (5, 116, AraehDi Blmendorf .:i. l-7,Me_aa thUa); nnd Coioiiol Claik (3, CI7, Hoiiil.r.on). f'am Ur-iwn w a, the favoriio at ^."iD to irii) for Blmaadarf aM IM Held rin- l.cttlnif waa (1 to .. nifalnat Haui Itrown, S lo .", l 1 ini ii'ioif. 7 to i Ooleaal Clark, aM i le l Larey. sam Browa wea, three-geartera of a lonitih in (real al i.i niendorf lnu<ths ahead of Colonel Clark Ihlnl, 11ii.4- 1.18, Mu? ib:- pald >?'.? 85. I*er tba TJrlnla Baailttag. ftrr aii znea, |M aabeertp tl. tM iluh addla_ $i,00, 1% miloa, the wero: Knrewell (U, Oniey, IM) ; BM took < 1. I'.itter, 100]; Him h, i>. en i>, iu.,, , Beeaea (?>, Hyaiopj; Balg* ilin i-l. I.oii'iliue, lu 11 ; M,min.-.) Ci, WiuiaiiM, '.14ii aud hwifl i.'i, llualon. l()7i. Bwlfl Waa favoriio lu the .ui. tteaa at BBO te B14 fer Maamee; glg for iiob txiok und *i:i fui tho Held. 1 he l.ettlne wua 3 to 1 each aRiiliiKl Hwift, MiiiiU'.'. Bebl ."k .ii-l 1'arewell, B to 1 aitaiust BaigBM. aml l'i to 1 each airalnai Hurch and Itesalo. Iloa ble provod an ou.y winnor onu lemrth In front of Hwlfl MBaaat, a half lenatb ahead of Kulftnia thiul ; tiinu g891%, Mutuala pald$17? Iu the thit'i raoe. 1 \ iniiea, for all atrea, for a purae of s.ii'i.1, weiitbls 7 liouuda holow tne acale, .>a. 1?- Poatefal (?;, Arnoi.i, lioi; Tm.i 11, Ragbee, 108), st.irie I. Poeletal waa favonte, at $J0 lo $.'S. luo Mttlag WB8 SloSoa puateral aml 1 to 1 agalaai Tolu. K.Mt.nal won by uu leijtclhs. tlme :i:(M '-j. Mutuala pald *'i lu. A eelliuz raee, 1 | inl.os, li:i>u_ti t out Movorelzn l'i! ('., Fitzpatriek, 110) and Touy Fostor (5. Oinay, 105). bm Pat had tho aall lu the auetlnna at * H to |30 The hettlna waa 1 to H on Bnvereb;n Pat and li to 1 ag-alnat Touy Foalor. borerotgu Pat wouby iwo luuxihti tlme ftiejka, Mutuala pald 87 05. Wlnnor bld ln by ?7u"Tbe flftb raea. mlle he.U for a puree of 8800, Tho atarter. were-Bonanaa B. g. """^"Vruauat (Oreeu, 110); Fraukle B. (8. Miibioo. 10.J). MonJai-nt 3. Potter. 60m B?* M.les (l.Mc-iiighltn.nJ.Bald Ifornet <3, V.ckera, OOi, and Or.-rntleld ^JBgB^n.W. B,.b Mllea wui favorite lu Uu ntteUoBe ?????? K?*"* for riaahja U. and M for Nettle ??? ?"4tM] tbe Bald. The bettln. Waa IIta " 80888*W?tt4, *IO IMordannt. 3 to 1 e-eh Nettle and Q*Z**4M ,,',,. Fraukle R. and 10 to 1 e.ich Bonanza B. and BaMMOIJ net Fraukie B. won tbe 8rat beat. a >?"?$J"*"",'?f OreeaSeld aaeoad. a lengtb la frontof >e"';V '.; tn,,.-1:47^4. Mutn-Ua paid |11 85. In tha aacead beaj Fraukle lt. aold for flOO, aaalnai tbe n.-id at 9100. r e Saulngw.a i to laa ftaadBa B..3 to W" n*t ?? ' Mllea.4 tol Nettle.5 to l Ureenaeld.6 to 1???*u'0b and 20 to 1 aaata Bonaaaa aml Bald Her et. i oj Mllea wo?. leng-b abeed of (ire.-,.tl.-.l leeond, Sva lengtha aboad of '?[:'?"?' f,h(_1tD1?[ timr, 1:17. Mntaala pald 817 88. *'..r.thehIr. baat BobiMllea aold al 850 to 815 for l-rankl e H. . iad the bcttingwaaOtol axalnat Frnnkle 1!. ,?? K^-Jf00. two lengtha ahcad of rraahta & ; Maaa _-*aa_. -lutuaie pald r. 80. l-.l-TI'INO OM TO DAT*8 ItACKS. I ? BBMIC -even Mrlongi. f?r two-yeai-a-..!ds : FWB i . ,,.,.,. ai6; Bordelalao and MiUia, 811 racb. Tbofleld.8urlingandHdTon. 88. ..,:,//.'?.< (Tbe VeaUl Biabes): Baat I.ynne, B90| Bnd M.iani.-e aml 1'i.ieat. .-I "> ( ? b. . ThlrHRae, (Kelllng). l?a aallaai I'.. ?.?,?. |2 i Wii - saii. 823 ; Foeter. 818 ; Joha O. 88 ; aad An* aa %&?Jta? (Haatal !?? Bl y Paat-ae, B100; Bor arelxn Pat, 820: and Bob Cook, 87. , /-,?/, /,??, [Aoll.n.l i mila (MbafbhrM for tha ,(.,.|,i,..i,,i.-.v.-!,l,-h did . 811): \m.i & her, kflj. K n t (leoriee 827 i Pai Denoia, BW>i "?" rr'- 8s ? Boaette, 83; aad tha nald. Kon a and Haroa, aa ? ? l. vi ?NIA JOOKEY CDUB B -CB8. Cincimnati, ()?:. 15. -Tho Bt-cndaoceal La tealato-daj waa awed; the waather waa aoderataly war.u aad pbaMaat and ti.e traeh s-nr. bat Improi Ing. Flrel raea, parae 8350, Baven ''"'??'"^ "T"1"."? Jv,-" Uofellow 835, .rehblshnp 822, ll:!.'!-'- 8-1. ?old 830. Areht.lab.roo bf balfa lengl .. Ull."*? -,.,.| ra.--. 8350. Ove fnrlonga Bettlng-IeIieIter -., ...uaiin^-.i. i::...-n....i*ii.ii.-M*:-?. Blaa Uood wnuby ix Inoboa, Follelter eooond. Eudorei tairai Iffie.pnraa 8250. % ol a mlle. Bettlag -GeM Ban B?n. Ul-alarb, ? "-. fra .eo 812. Kbj klng Blrd 810. ii-i.i ia.'M. M.Niklng Blrd won eaally, Bangla aaeoaa. tblr i ; i io- 1 10. . .,.,, i ..... '? raee. piireo 9300. V. tnlleB _ ".li;": -.I''"> ,,? more ?wi ..UreyClou 18HII. Houlu *?i?. il -. U ; ? Troi lope won, urey Clo id aecoiid. Volothlrd i tirae -:iw. -,;,,, ,.?.,, p?-...ri-ni. I io.le Betllng I .pedale875. Tr.MibadourSI, trJll..o830. Held * 13. "opodale won by two lengtha, Aretlno u.I.Valllala tblrd ; Mme t.aa. COUBfNEY r.i.M'KN ACAIN'. msiix ANB lini'l.AY WITH HIM aM' CONtBY AM> WM 1 III" I'i B48CBI l-MMi BACR. Tboy, Oct 16 Speclal).? Twenty thooaanil asaw thedonble acnll raeethii aftemoonon tba ire 1-i.iint aattraa batweaa Coortaey and Conley BBdHanbtn and Lee. Tha raee waa foretabea and a ,: 83,000 . a i.i, and a balf, wlll. tiim. Tha oars ??.,, h,.,,.ina .?..i.dii.oii. Hanlan aaid tbat In bla Ping csreer aa aaealler bawaaaaver m better abape. Lee aai aa browaaa aberry ind bla mueolee aera aa bard aa Iroa. .Coartaey appearad narvoua aad auxlona, b'it c.iiiey waa aa st nr.iv ami plneky and ebaerfal m Coartney welgbed 188 pounda, Conley 164, Han? lan i"'"'!i un i l-ee i.-.-_?. r. w. Jackaon, of Watalna, S. ita for Hanlan aa i i *e ; John Bl ilkle,of Cambrtdge. Maaa., lodeeal l ? i ? ited, tl.rew'a tralner, t.keeper, ( uurl ejr'a |ndge at th ? il irl and Bnlab w ,-, ,. h. ?. Iman ; Jndate al tbe turn, M B, ' Cohoea Kowlog ( nn keeper, Willlnra i;, ardlel Jamea (i.ind, ol D aten, wai tbe referee at tne laland. Ileforo Ibe atart tba i ,.>.-, abowed fJonrtnoy aaii. onlo) lha tavorllea lo ullU-8 for ?10 ta r' for the otl.el ."? a. Al i p. m. Conrtney aad Conley In blna and whlte bite aml blna ileeveleaa ahlrta, and red trunka , i irlera, i aaa led tbelr oedar aholl an 1 rowed le anrely down to tbe atartlng polnt, amld a ., rmofcbe i in I tl a ?hrt i a il ? Ing or arowded ex i.ur.:i,ii tbarlver, Hanlan and _>efollowed a r?a iiiluutes I .'? t. I ..e. m ire re il and bluorapa, blue .mi i? and itirk trunka . Tbi ,r appoaranca canaod llttlo eiilbn- . . \t 1:12 Keferee Orroond with a lood "Oo aent thocrewaoit fourtuey aad fon ley eaughl 11.?- water ,.; ? ,: ibell .1. -v t.. Ibe foi |.,,,,.|e yellrtd. Opposlte tbo | on the laland where tbe erowd waa den i - ' ' aharply to illrd a baird ?/. i tromondoua utrukes, g by Conrtney and Conley u< II the laitur were aochoro i \- ii i , ? bla old rlv il be tnrne i reli , . ??',. -i to broak Conrtney all up, aud fr<> n that ilineon tba raee waa no raee at all. . puilod gain. 'ii', bul allhougb l oui i . . ;,,ie 11.11 noa,- Of lllS , ,. ii i.i n;e itroko. t half mlie from ihe atarl Hanlan siopp.-d rowmir. kleked blabealal.i the alrand then w.-t tiii faea He louie, He and l ? .. other ore * to lha . lOnll ? dellxbl of tb? ?;.,., ? , ,,,.. ,\t ib.- bousea tn? leadei ? i eaaeil roa ? i,', . and laid ob thelr oara nntii Cooriaay and Conley bad drawa ua to within al.t u lenatb of tbem, tben - - - r i.-.t t .wn i.> w.nk in i won ti..- raee ny ihree I. tn I - 15. Conrtney andl onloy'a tlme ?.i- IHi.'IO. rhoir tlme iu tbe raee wiib Hoemer uu.i Oaadaar ovar thla eoui a ? i- l 7:53. After t in- i ae.- tue erowd bolated ll u.i... to tho top ol nwhorebe toade Ibe followlng apeech: ?? I a a _la i lo knoat i il yon know l b iva won thla raee. I wanl to tb mU i ,,n fo: lha f Ir way I bave l.. eo treoted [ Have aotBlog toeay agelnst Mr. Conrtney, but rou aaw how tbe raee waa won. I aiwaya i.i.l my beat, fahall row Teeuaer evar thla courae on .??.?; .<;, aadl aball do my baal than foi myaalf and rhe laekera of Conrtney ittrlbnte bla defeal to tne fa< i in ii b" r ,w..,i tbe rao i In a.bell Inate 11 or ihe papar b >al ln whleh be and Conley bad pra. tiaed. Theooiiraa waa amootb, tba wlnd whieb had prevalled ?,,,i,, havlng .11-1 oul aompletoly before tim atart. n mlaa aud Lee bad tha h il le i ? IKTErtVCOLLEUtATB LAWB TENNI8. Nr-.iv-ll wi.s, (?((. 1">. Tha fOuiih iiiiiuial taaraaaaaal ?f tha later-Catloa;lata LawaTannia I elatton waa begua tina morning on tbe grouoda oftbe Naa Haven Club. Tba rollowtng collagea wera repro Bonted: Amberat, by Cbaae and I'ratt; Brown, i.y Brownall aad Daalelaoa; llarvard, by Beara brol l.or.i and Knhti ; Prtncotoo, by u ilaay and La i, b] Davla aad Howo; Trlnlty, by Brlaley and Paddoek; Waatayaa, byc.nii an.l Kabayaau; WiUlana, by Dnryaaaad raaaar; Tala, by Knapp,Shlpman, Lud iii^-'oii aad i'i.a.-her. Tba raoord ..f tba Bral day*8 play was aa followa: Bmglea?flrat raand: Daryaa n. il. Beara, 8-0, 7.^; i bi .? i a Larklaa, 0 -, 1-8, 8-3. Beeoad round i P. Beaa ra Babayaaaa,8-0,6-2j Lord va, Pratt, 8-1,6 li Knapp vi llinib-y. l',,<i l.'lt; I'.i l.lock vi. Mblpinaii. V :<.'i-.l. 6-S; DanMlaon va CoOJn, 8-4, 8-8 s Cbaae ra H.on, 8-3, 5 7. ui. i. ii re 11 -. ii. _ ?er, B 7,0-4 i Urownell va I'an oer, defaultad. Tblrd round (uuOulahed): Duryea ra V. -imi-. 8-4, 0 l , Paddoek va Browjjell, :> l, B-O. Houbiea Bratround: rhaeher aud Ludlngton vs. imr \. iiidTauaer.defaiilied; Cbaae and I'ratt va Lord and kniin. 7-0, 7-8j Davlg an.l Hawe va L'odln aad Kabay um, iii. 8-1, h.-, on.l round: Larkln an.l Halaey va Haulelaon aod Brownall, 0-0, 7->. Buapp and Hhlpiuau vh.-o ni !.i,,:iiei....... .>?>;, Lt; Davla aud Paddaok va tu.i Lndlagtoa, 8 l, 8-L ii'-I'iN MI'.n PAIL |YJ 8CORB A BUM. At tIm- l'nl'i Qrouada ycitcnluy tho BotAoa aml MatropoUtaa taaaeball eluba pl i ?.i rlv inataga, aml tlie rlaltora bagua ti.e alxtta when tha amptra oallad tlie L-;uii.i. Tha score w.m : IfetropolUaa. . 4 10 . 0-7 i:, .,.?,. o o o o I, -o ai.oiiI 800 p.opie wltneeeed a Bnely pla/ed gaoaal Waabmgton Park, Brooklyn. t.eiween tba Provldeuce La-axue und Brooklyn uluaa 1 a,- Provldenee men pi iyed a brlllianl Beldlag k uaa aad won iiy tlaely bai [iBg i be ?? ora *.n i provideaca.' 118 10 8 0 0 i lliooklju .0 8 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-J Tbe Metropolltan and Aeme elaba win play at tbo PoloUrouuda to-.tay nnd tlie Boatoa aad Brooklyn uiuei ln Brooklyn. Nearly all ol Ihe direetora ol the Laague aad Amarlcaa kaaoolatloa arnvad In taa olty yaatarday aad a pretlailaary aaaatlag waa bald i_ai alght, ? OAMSa IB OTHKB CITIE8. ClBClBBATI, <?.t. 1"). TtW N'.-'.v-V.nk rlub play, .1 wltb Iti wonte l \ im and daili to-ilay, und by i,,,id batttBg ataaagad ta turn tha tablaa on itmir Oln cinnati oppoaeata. Keefe pftebed for ihe vlaltlng play era, aad ni-enrvei taotbarad tha basaa teaao eoaalder abty, Iba tleiding was not ubuve tha average. ibe acore ?*?! N,.H^ ,,rk. 1 H () o o o o 0 11 7 , | | BBBtl .B 8 -' 8 oool 1-4 lli.r Inti NewVork. 16. ' t.iein-i ..ti. 7 RutMB ?l?OW" s.ii. .,, . in.ii.u.ui.... Plteaera lta?6aaad Mnliaaa i? i.r. Mr. Bally. i i.dL'Is, o.t. 1"> -Tho gume bntweeu tho Urimin aadCbtaaajo bara to-day broka up lu dlaetdar In tho Bixttatnolug. Bulllvaa aa axapira aaa anaatlafaotory to tne boine club. ll.- made ao deelalon oa tba groouda, inu i;,it.- the gaae to Cblcago to-ulgbl at tbo botel by a 1. .ne oi .. to (>. I ba Browaa aaaerl lhal tbe deelalon wlll uot atlek. ii Itaaoald bava beea laade ou the grounda. Tba Baoia waa: BblaaaM .P ?> 0 1 o x i Ihicago . 1 1 0 o 0 S -6 I arne.l runi ('hlra:o 1 TWOiMUM IiHs ObBaaoa. Ijitbam suodayand l-.cit.i. l'a?i?d balls? li.ihin*.ii iv.ll, I. WIU1 io ii ?i i ,,ui/ i Kini ti ,ne ou i,iiii i;i Pouti I. Plral I,,..errora Bt. IsjbIb a, Cblcago J Hlraek oal iiy Kouk _. by BcConalck 6, Boabli ptaya?Oleaaca, iiuiiu-y _nd loiuis.t v. t.'iii|.ire Mr. naiUvau. l'ie-.,i,-;it Bpaal Ing haa luapeadod (!or?, the eantra .ii of iiie riiieat;.) oiub, for tha taat of the aaaaea for lii.llltrirlit [.laying. l'ltll.Ai'i (nt. lo.? Tho Athlctie and I'lillailol phiu cl.ibi pluycd one of thn Hertei of trauiei for tlie loesl abaaifNoaaltlp to-day and the Aim-rlcan club waa ratbareaally. Matbews piu-bed lu excellcut fonu. Tba waa : Atl.ieiic .- 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0-7 piuuvielphia . . _ o o o o o o o B?3 ii.i.i.ii- Athiet.c. ii; Pbiladeipuia, 8, Krrara Atiiintio, 4; l'ml d ? phla. j. I'llcbers-MaiUews aud D.uly. L'u.plru Mr. 1 iniiier. 1 laaUUMlTOB, Oct- 18, The Nutlonala defeated the DaJtlmera eiub ln au exbihlilou iraine to day, oiitplaylug them at all poluta. Tbe gamo waa uulled at the cml of tin- ebthth 11.iilii_r ou ui couutof durkuosa. Tue followlng Ih tae acuro : 4 0 0 0 0 2 f?8 BaltlBBora . - o 0 o 8 ?? "> 0 _ iui.. i.its?.Vaiionala, U j llalinnore. 7. Krrore Satlunaia, 1: ItalUiDure. I inu. i, Oet l."' (_taaaaahi The Corneii Batvaratty baschaliclub added aaathar Tletory to Ita unbn.k.n raeord by dafeatlng tbe Bytaeaaa i-iars to-day by n Beara of i to',. Tbe Hiars rereuUy capturod tbe New-York Slale Loaguepeuuaut. MR VILAS AND TIIE MAILS. THE DEFKNCE TO BE MADE IX HIS REPORT. SOUKTUING ABOCT TIIK AUSTBAMAN SEKV1CE-OP posiriO.V INTHK O-BWWBT. [ur tcleorzi'ii TD niB T?i3tra_] WAS-Df-TOB.Oet 15.?The PM*_4_8ter-Oe_ eral haa oollected conslderablo tnatorlal for bls tlral ro ,.?rt 10 Conzrcs.s, nnd Is devotlng a good deal of timo to it* conalderatlon. Tho mnln foaturea of tho roport wlll belhoeerelatlagtotheraUway mail aorvlce and the tiiui-piirtatioiiof tho foeelga tnaila. Iu BBmaaetagjtha Lattcreehjeel Mr. Viiaa wlll makeadofenoeof bM rofuaal tocarry lnto cffect the law appropriatlns $ 100.000 for the tranaportatlo.i of foreiitn tu.iila in Ainerloati veaaoK Ho wili eaOfe to show that a concertod atteuipt waa mado by tho Atnoriean ateamauip compauleB to coerco hla ao tlon; that tho tcrmshooffered to the Amerlean stoanishlp BBmnaatT- wero ao liberal that thecoinpauies would have mado tiearly llvo tlmos as luitch inonoy as undor the old syBt-m af aUowaaee, and that evenlfcoutrucU had bcon aude nader tno law af laal Matwa, tMmaaay paid would have beiiotlte.l not tho A BM Ul -an .-teamahln coinpanlea, Mi tM foroi.n gararaawata from whioh tho asaapaalaa ii-oi.o ?aul.-idies'' for the tranaportation of tho lualls. I ho tnitn of this laat nropoelttes, It wlll bo sas-rtod. la demonatrated by a eltaUoo of oertaln provialoua 0f thecotiventlon afParta of 1878, aM n r.ferenco to tbe b rtiiHOf tho contraets b.-tweeti forolgn govornmeiits hui Amerieaa ? ol ataamera aMet wbleb the latter are n mtred to traaaport malhifrom a? woll aa to tM fjelted f.,r eertala aUpebUM aame a year. Tho l'ost ?aater-eaerai wlll bold probaHgthal aader thoee oontraete the terelga adaelBlatratioaa aoaearaad may aompal tho ooatraetaea to couvey tbo froai tho li.iiid Btatoa to thett i.ign deatlaatloaa aa wellaefrem foroiiju couutriea to tho t'nlto.l Btataa Tho raport wiu c int.iii: a reaar- dealel of tho jmtloo of the ootnptaiBta of dalaya aM IrreaalariUee la the traasauaaion of tae forelga mallaalaee the fanuro of tMFoatmaetar-aaaral and tMataaaaablg eompaalaa .,, ,?,,.,,,. to aa agreeaaaat it aill ho atalalamM that no complaiut of- tho dotentlou of torelga eofraaaaadaaoa e-Bttaed for tM Ualted Statee eaa M lald at tha doer ..f tho UaitM -i it,-- Poal Ofaoa DepartaMot, beeaaaathal Departmeal baa Botblog lo M wito lha meaae or reata of trgaemia* tlon ot aaeh aorreepeodeaee prlor to Ua urrival iu the Unlted Btatee. TM I'..-.tinastor-<;en?r:il proMbly WlU OPPOBB the enaetment af aay fartber leglalattea appropriatlng iiiiiin >? for tho traaaportaUon al tM forelga nuUla af tho I Butee by Amerieaa iteamahlp llnee, and wil' reeommeM aa aaaaal appreprmUoa eqaal to tho aoa and Inland postage "ii aii forelga earraapoMaaea. In a iv. -ni atalem.-iit t.y IM I'o-t olllco Deiiaitiiient ro gardingtbenewuaall aemee MtweeaBaa l 'rtmclaee, Aua ind tfew-Zealand toreplaea tM PaatM Mail leraiee, lt waa aald that tbe reaael ownere wlll reetore for tha eewaervlea only we i i poetage (9150.000 a year) i waa tormerly paid. TM raet ls that IM sea peet afa pai I i.y Um Unftad Btatee for tM traaeportatioa af, rrferred to laal ye w i.mated <o tM maatB .?.?nt iiin oi g] t.r.n 77. ..f which the Paelfte Mail Oaaa? pauy reoelred gl2,093 10. In 1888 Poatmaater Oaaeral OreaMm'areportahowed tbat the PaelM Mail Oeav psny, for tbe aerrlee meattoaad, reoeivM 112,53389, ?ud tbat had lt r.iv.-.i tbe Inlaad poataaja ?i*o, tho Hiioiii.t would h .vo been aboul --' >.0 K>. Laat year the total hui...iiii pald i-y tM I nlted Btatea tor ,,,?,?..11 mail tranaportation to all IIbob azoepl! for the (r .-rvieo waa only f.'i?.2..-8 47. Iftho l', loi-riil would attree to pay the Amerlean ts can,?i,p lonjpany ime-tblrd ol tbe fl&O.OOO for tM tuotrullan aorvlce, Uie cotnpauj woald doMUaae Jump iit the ofler. it h underatood tbat IM Cablnet le aot onenlmoue in ? ,,f r-tin i-!-:- ... n.'iMi Vlhufa Bttll id- reaardlug the tranaportation ol tbe forelga malbv l-eannaunce mi'iii thal bi artll adverUaeforpropooalato do the Barvlce ln ;....-!. ruuipa, l-'i.i.. and Havanala a aop thrown tofthe reata in the Kaet. wbleb loofcuponBeoretarlea iig. Wbltuey. Ba) ird aud Emlioolt na their repre aouUth ?? Iheae geutl men have been bennng from houi- and tbe burdeu >.f tn-ir coinmanlratlon i- tbat tho \,i.t ini-t'Mtioii oannot aflord tosoataln IM Poata i .i,l in aacrlttoing the iforelgn eommerce of tho L'oiintry. Tim uierchanta of Xew-Vork baTO empbatl ,. i ptuteat a againat tM proaaBl aiaiiaaameat of IM Mr. .mi hus h.nt iome pef onal experlenee ln tbla lltie. TM le.eiit oi: l lireaks 111 IfVyOOiiOg BgalBet tM t'hlnameu bavo made conalderable oorreBpondenee wltb th,. L'ulted ?,!' I.a.'atlon in Chlaa, anl Mtweea tue ( hlnean Leiatlou here aud the homo govarauiaot TM latter haa oentlU 'orreapoMeneo by ape?al meaeenger ,,,, , .?. p iteaiuor fr im fl in lr.ui' :-.??'. reaehlng in elghtean daya. Ml Mr. Bayerd'e dlzpalcbee to .MI-I4I.-1' D.iii.y h.ivea-one I.y way Ol -iirope aud th-liee by wai ot the -??><?-. I'anal lo nhiaa, r. inlrlng alitj -tive ,1,., t.,r.h th. ird slliiatlon. Ir the r-plv eomea the ?aioe way lt n-iii ho before Mr. Bayard reoalvaa lawera ta< bia dlapatobaa. It muat ba aunoylng to ial t is dri.iv bi oooaatoned by a maa wMalts al tho I' t tiinle ultli Um. Tne nueaUoo baa l.n dlaouaeed in Cablnet roeetlng, an i the newa <>r Mi aera. Rarard.Wbitney, Manmng and Kod.tttni-l.ti fii-l\ ili.ti. Altorn-y 'ienerai tlar land la now oonahlerlag whetber the attltude tbat Mr. : i, t ikan iu Mfylag tho wiu of Coagnea aaa t.c BBd. WM.I.lNi; TO TKADEWITH AMERICA. Washibgtob, Oct. 15.?Ib g dispatcn to the Btate Departmeal tM DragomaB of ih<- i nite,i statea Legatioa at TeMraaalTae u.e aabtaaee af a roeeal eaa reraattea wltb IM Paealaa Mmlaterof rerebra ABBIrs, in wbleb th" l.itter a-ke.l if the Ain.rleaiia would eii^mre labnalaeaslB Parata,aa tM raaelaa Oererameat wae dlapoaad t.> ugbr BTory faelUtyln th. ir power to Mprore i lulaeee relatleaa bt twaea !?> rala aml th- DaltM Btataa Aay propooala, ba lakt, for eoaeeaeioni lortramwaya, rallwaya, mloaa or oommorclaJ projeeta would reeeftro tbemoel terlone aad farerabla cotisi.ierations from tho Ooverntnent, prorlded tbat the poraona maklngthem wer- kuown nnd ititro.iuo.l I.y tho MlBtater of tho i nitiii i .'?-. thal be would be ciad todo BTerythlag I n bia power lo anrourage Amorieaa rommerco aad ln . in I--: .1... iin.l ttiit anv falr eomlitioiia forcon i-eaaiona wonld be accepted i.y th- Oorerameafc Ho wlabed tbla ahould be brougbl lo the aiientlon ol tho iiii-ino-s im ii uf \ii.. i .... Tba Kin-. th- Dragomaa adda, h.i^ alao aevi rai umi ? azpreased himaelt In a man ner ahowlng a favorable dlBpealtlofl toward Amorttana. ? POUBTH^L-Bg POoTMABTBBft Wasbibotob, Oet. 15.?ThoPoaa-iggtBr-GoB to-day uppoluted tho followliiic fourth ulaaa post Baatere i \,ir- Tork \t rtko, Jaap-r Hnl.tnson. u ugA llarborClty, Albert Hnll Iiach. I'miuj/ttania At weol Aubura, ? Herllnger; ii.u', ii-nir c Downerj Auburn Cautre, Mrs. (laraB. I; l..'iioxvilie, Mary I). Johnsoii; H.ip IJottoiu, K. M. Tiitiinv; Diiuo.k, llarvey T. Alleu ; douth Cilbsou, John J. Manning. Ke?t YUrginio \i Bew-ComberlaM, I.. H. Smith. l/.iuir At Boothweat Ilaihor, i:u.Uy l'. BMIaaon; Not-tii Bhaplelgh, Btber 8.Tblng; Matb Aoton, Btephen l.ary ; Reunebunkport, Praai K. B'Meleri l>:iiie:.t t'l-ntie, Mrs. Alioa A. llolmaa ; Jay, ciiarios I.. Maoom I,. i , Miniii Durbam, Amoo 1'. Laat; fTeat l'olaiul. (,,? irgaO. lii.o.lwln; I.i.-bou Falia, Johu 11. C'oiubs ; Wll toii. Mllton llolmaa. tennmt* At Bntherford Depot, H..i?.rt n. Beona; Uoodriob, C A. Noiaii ; Vlrtno, Wllllam C M. IV- , Cai* t.-r's Depot, J. t. raylor; Ptney STata, J. W. Bmltbi Camden, Wllllam A. Bteele; U.Blm. W, r. M.-K-iry; Dandildge. HanryO. Bontb: Hopowoll Hprlusa, Kll-ha l Grlfnth; Oaiber'Balllla.B.?. Blair; ?aryi llle. c i'. -r. i'C.iiui Urove, David Woo.lward ; IIiiiillMj,'toii, ii . Brawer. ItaMfa lerrttory At Waahburn. John M. Caruahau. ? APPOIKT_f) BV THE PBE8IDBBT. Washibotox, Oet. 15. -Tha Prealdant DBBdg the follOWlag iippointinents to-day: (. Mayar Zallefc, of grlaoaa, tohedoveruor of, Vioa l't-.leriek A. Trittto resiuiiod. To be ( nii.'d Btatea Conaalai BdWBld l>. I.lnn, of Toxaa, at I'ledraa Begfaa, Moxleo; w. BoMrta. of Maiaa, at CoaUeoek, OaaMai CbarleeB. Wllla,of Marylaad, al Haaacaa, Niearaitua; Juaeph D. Heff, of N-w jeraey, at Vera Crua, Mexlco, i? tM in iinii Ai rnle i ini.-s McLaughlia, of Dakota, for the >t.ui lnn.' Koi'k Agency In Dakota, D.ivid 8.1'r. ssnii to be OoUeotor ..r customa at r.iouoos ter, Muss. . PagetoM OoUeotor of Int-rnal Revenue for the Dlatrlot of New llaupeblre. l>. 3. I?ughiiu to Im> Bpeclal Kxainlner of .Iriizs, ine.lhlnos and eheiuicals for tbe Di4inet of Pblladelpbla. Prank w. BuMrtaiaa lawyar and haa boon a aawa paper maa, bavlaa atarted tae Hrii .lailv aaper Ib Bldde, M-. He baebaoB aoaaeeted with thn gorarnwent of his clty. Edward D. Unnllraeln victorla Couuty, Toxaa, and la tbe Edltor and proprietorof /??? adf oeieft, a i>.-in>) oratlo paper. Uo has aevoral tlmes bsou a uieinber of tbe Btata Leglslatare. ('. II. Wills is a well-known bnslueas mau of Charles (ounty, Marylaad, aad issixty rearsold. lt l? iiuderstooil that Calvln l'.i-e has l.een for sevor.u yeara tM zttoraer for Praah Jeaaa unu sovorai othor lar^-o brewera of Bew-Hampebire. N wai. OBDEBS. WA8H1BOTOB,Oot. 15.?I.icutonaiit Frai.k K. ?awyat ha.s Maa oi.ierod io reJeiB IM Bwatara. at New Vork i i:iisi|{u John T. Nowton bOOB oiderod to rojoiu the Viiutie, al Norfnlk. Va. : PaaaM Asslstant Kuftneer (' B. BoelMr, 18 coiillnuo on ptoa<-iit duty with tho Navnl Adrlaory Board untii october, lbMi; Payataatar Albart 1). Baebe, to tho Adatus ; 1'aiaed Assiataut Kuglucer Arthar Prtoe, te tM Bwatara j Baataa Beary T, Mayo has beea rtntaebed from tM faatle aM phteM oa waiUng orders; BuraeonA. M. Mooro, troui tha tralnlna aiiti? r,i ta?oulb .'ii'i plaeed ob waiUng orders; Burgeoa D. Dieklaaoa, from tba Baval Heepttal, Man. Iaiuml. an.l to the tralnlna ?hi|> rort->mouth ; Fas?. 1 A--i-t antBuraeon L. B. Baldwln.from tha Baval Boapttal Bt Pblladelpbla aM ordorad to tM Baral Hoapitai, Mara laland i Aaalataat Beraeoa Joaapb Bhafer. from tbo re aalTlng ahlpBt. i.ouia ?ml ordeio.i to duty at ihe Baral Hoapitai, PblladelphlB. Naral l ad-t Patriek 11. rinibln, barlug siticessfully paatBd * *lx yeara" eourao aud l.een Uiveii a aai iiihato of Kraduatlon, haa beeu houorably dlacharged wllh ouo'a pay. _ DXLBOATIOB AT WAU OVBB A ro9TMAsTi:u. WAsiiiM.roN Ort. 1,").?Diaaens?Mtt Imve apruiig up uinoUK tM 1'enueaaee .loleijatioii gr.iwing out of tho coutest over the postmastemhlpof Jackaon, Toun. Tbla foat oflbaa la af tM Praaldaatlal BraM aml u re K'anleil aa tho inost iinportaiit In l^opieaautativo Tayb.r'a dlstrlot. Mr. l_ylor had hla eandidate for thopostmast erahlp ln tbe pcraon of Mi. Iloward. -otiator Jackson, howavcr, autaguuizcl Mr. Taylor aud aocured tho aup port of Senator Harrla In uritlog tbe appolntuiont of Ma. Hurt to the oftloe. Tbe Keiireseutatlve offnrcl to poll tbe towB toa?oertain the M.reiijjth of tbe rir?l eaadL dates, but llie oli'er was decllned. Mr. Taylor M rtporud tu bave declared tbat Mr. Iloward had the 8iip|N>rtTJ tne entlre buatneis coiuiaiiulty ln bis eandtdaey, U an. i-ears, bowever that tho Heuatorial luSoense haa prC vailed, as Ibe Itepreaenlative baa boeu iuloia.uu UtalUu luuu will uot be appotuted. WASHINiiToN NOTKS. WAaBBBBMBMX, Tuursday, Oot. 18, tfJ-fjL Dtsmssen.? "coretary Mannlng has illNtniased 1'unh I'.. Wteka, keeper of Ollffo l.ifc-Havliig Htitlon, Tblre liistnct, ooaat of Long Ishtud. Cmiisi.i Mrkiiv.!.?Thi-ro was a full atteudnnoe a| tbe Cithmet ?laBag to-ilay. Tho seailou wa-, short and was devoicd prim ip.tiiy lo theoonalderation of top,,.4 to ba .-iiiij.idieii lu tbe unuu-1 report. of tho Cabiaot uttlc-ra. Tuxaslhv Ai't'DiNntuvn. -Tbo Secretary of tba Tl aaa a il to-day appolntad Jatuea II. Baeed. of Ueorria and I_ It. Keid, of VTrginla, to be eblofa of dlvlslon ln th, Beglater'aoilico. M.-. Bneod waa formerly A*nUt?et rostmnHter of the United Hutee Seni.toaml Bfcrelarr toox-Moun.or IIill. Mr. Bald n a r.-iidout of Aioxaiidna Va.. aad waa forui.-riy Aoooantant of tbo Vir0'iiiia' Mldland K.mroal. t:\roKTs of Paoviea>aa ?Tha Chlef of tha Baraaa of Otaitallearaporta that thalittnl valneaof the cxixirtisf dotneatic cattio aud baga. andof beef, pork and dafry prod.lcts from tbe I'lilted rttates during the niontUaf. Beptember, 1885, and durlng ntue and eleven umn'ai endcd Beptember 80,1885 ; aTao of dairy prodneta f?f tbe ilvo inonths aeded the naiue. aa eempared wltb ilmllar exporta dartsg tbe aorrospoodlng pnrioda of taa preoedlng year, wero aa followa: deptetnber, : trr.70A.600: for 188. 87,500.248 Nlne luoutii.emteii Beptember 90, 1888 872.020.080 : for 1*<1 -7>i,i.>s,. 521. Elevaa montba ended beptember 30, | 880,300,059: for b-l 877.5S2.U30. I.anv pi , for tivo moiitb- endiag Soptewber 30, 'is-Sj-TSJ.JJa.tKlj for l-}s-l-8:>,-2<;,7:i'.?. A D1BTUHBEB VFHABMOMT. SOUTH I'K.VNriYLVANIA NO COMl'i: IITOR. A KOAI) WITH IIKAVY SBADB8 THAT COOLO ONFt BK OPBBATaO AT I SoRMor. IXI'EN'SE. l'Hii.ADEi.i'iiiA, Oah 1" i.*preio/).-Kx?n;inor John II. W.-in -Safaa takinir testimony lor tbo def8806*86tat Continenta! Hotcl thla morning in the suit of the Stata f Rainst the tramfer ot tlie Beaeh Crcek and Soutk I'euiisylvania railinails tu tbe l'cinis.\lvania linilroad Compauy. PreafaV ut Hobcrts was th<- tirst wttaaaaaBi was accomjiftnieil to tbe slaml l.y bis attorney, Wayna MaaVaagh, aad Jadfa Logaa. Ti.e latter rcminded bim that be had forgotti u to ^ivo the biatory af tlie ncfjotlatious lrcni the tamoiii Menon meetin-at Mr. Tliomion's liouse until the nici-ting at Suratoga. Mr. Knberts sald that up t< al.-nt Jnly 20, he was under tho baaaaaaiaa thal he wm p.erident. t'ihe Helfotd aad -ttidgepert raad, i>u? thaa aa Uaraed thal Caaaaa Oraea.nai af taattaaaraaManta attba -Vaoaytvaaja EUtlroad Pnaipaaj. waa its prfsident. <>n that day ae bad a Boafarenea with fJaatala Qxaaa aad laforaaed bim ,,t bad tran-pirt-l with raferoaoe ta tl.ne_.tia tions nn<l cxplaiue.l tbat the Paaaeyivaaia Battraal (ompany would probably be ealUd upou to iudoraa the ?.? which the Piidajapar. raad araatedB> liv.-r in On August 21, be saw Mr. Depewln Bai Btaaja, He wanted t.< talk ov-i tlie trunk liue aitua tion Bad 888 what poiitinu they were g<?in_ to take lav toro the I'nited 1*8*88 Seuate (Cmiiiiit. 8, Urn ia loaafoa there. Ba eaeiarea tbat the Boath I'enntylra i;ia raUread waa uot, in htaelf, a eoaapetitor ol tha Peaaeylvaata Baflraad Whal littK- traaV taeBaatb l'eniisylvama would ice.ho had a natural teodCBaj to tha Haltiniore atul Ohio Kaiiroad. There waa abao lnt -lv no trallh- Bloag tho '.iue ol iho S.ntli I'. nnsylTa nia that the PenaaylvaBla Kaiiroad L'ompanj cuiild cnmpete for. Ha aaa raapared aa aa enrlneer t.. >*? tbal ttathi aaa be takea obaaper over t:,.-1'< naAylvaaja raad thaa over Peaaaylvaala j thatbyrae ?ea "t the e.|iuiti,,n of padea tha diataaea ?t tha N.nth I'cnn-ylvanin line thtoagh tha State waa thuty milea longertbaa over tha Paaaevlvanla raUroad. In at.awer to Mr. t'a si.iv's q u-.itiou, " If thla road ta ao Ui a i,i, c<- ot eoaTaeeriaa aad leacd aeoaapettt_wof bm Peaaaylrania liailr, a.l. ahv did y..u aaaad so jj'eataa amoilBl ol money to aai it '" ?? Baaaaaa it wm bm ot the aleaaeata ahleb wii div turbina the traah Uaa aanaoaji aod wa wonld bave "i\ en a lar<-r -nm t'i aN nre 88 adj't-tineiit of tbe diflloulrina, lt waa tto BettLarAeat vt tbeae tl at we wera tr\m_; to se. nre. In it-< II tho Mouth reiun\UaniB waa a naalaaa p:<-c.- oi proaarty aad ii the PenBaylvaafa Kaiiroad Compauy could taaan eontrol ol th. m> ;th i'etili.iN Ivai,j;t it aotdd in.tke I eoniic. tiou wltb It.i lb-d tord ainl Brtdgeperl road an.l _et a better npenin| inttj tba Cumbarlaan eaaliaajiaaa thaa ihe Hultimoic aud ( il.i,, had. Bv ttn method tbe distauee could t>e nbort ened ixtv nules." ?? So, bv getting eontrol oi the aaata Pennavlvawa vou would uot oniy nhut out eomii. tiii.'K froao ti. '.\, -t 0] pnvcntine; coiine.-tiolis witli lha W.-ieni and Keu.linn liaea, bat gel a pn.iitable tatag aat the I'.-nn nlvania Kaiiroad (oinpany i" ?? Ihat queiti, n - rery _Bgaaioi_aly pnt," reptii-d Mr. Boberta. "Tbe Wcstem l.nes iippioaching the N.uib l'enii.i\ l\ ai.ia are natnrally hostile tn thatf inlerova te that road and athlialion with them i.i out ol tba qii'--tion. >.. lar in getting j.rotit by -c iiiinu u l.etter eoiiii.ctiou lor taa CuBbarlaad eaal regfcM ii cn. emed th" aaatter would liave beaa prottable ta th.- r.unsyl aaata Kaiiroad aud if the inatter bad he.-u bafl to mr jiidi;ment I would never have had uiivthin. to .lo with thosa i,e_otintion.i. Mr. fhaaaaea. Captain Graea, and oth.-e eaaaara Btara in t'a\or ot tbe aanraaaaa and I yiolded mv jadgaaenl to them." .John A. Wrigbt. nn ol.l . who rirtt surveyed the localftyaa eariyaa !":<*< an-1 aatarqaantlj/al ilii'eieiit Intervala, teatifled thar tio raadia a renea ot undulating gradea wbieh eaa oaly ba operated at cnormous axp. aaa, There aoald ha no hteal aaaapraV tion. The rnaili would ba\e to be purallel to he i-om petitora. He pained thii \nw att-r readiBg ,h*< " ot Igaiwaaea the new constitutiou ol tbe Btate.'1 Willi-im M. Sinuerlv. proprietor of " Th. Btaeard, wa.i eall.-.l aad ia aaawar to a quaaaioa trpai Mr, Mae \'. a_b aa t.. bi< polltiea. aaid tbat ba waa t tb "?: it; ttiat he did ti.'t write th.- arttelea ba " tha a>eerd, nor did he. directlv 88 iinlirectlv. I__aptra the proewd. Laga iaatitatad by tho Attomej-IJeneral. BtTPBBrjrTBNDBBTa BXCHAKOfVa vTbTWB. About forty ruilroails s.-nt forry hamlsoiae and ab'.e aaleajatai ta attend the tentb seint a.tnaal BMth lug of tne Amorlcan Aasociattou of llallway Htiperln U-mtents yaalafday ut tho olliee of /fte Truerlirri ofllfUA (iuulr, No. 40 Beadati Tho Btasaxfaaaa w.u the lar.e4t t-v.-r known. 87, H. Btavuaaaa prestded, aud tlie oiber otlic.Ts present were Vtce-Pi-esidants J. M. Metbeany, ii f. Beyaa and J. F. LNvtaa, Heoretanci Maaaraaa Mone und C. D. ilainino.Kt. nnd Tieamrer it btBaBy. Twonty-alx aew memb n aere eleoted, aad thea taa a> perlntendenu proceedea ta wresti.- with aueh topi.a ai r_.llroad fro.-i. faaea siirn us for slxnalllu, at n'.ht. ana ipei-,1 reeorderefor frr-l_ht tr.ilna. Preatdeal iievenaoa cntertalue.l tbe im etinc witb au aceo.lllt of Ihe ei>era ttons ot tin- ayataaa adapaad aa tin> Baw-VorM >??* Ilavcn and lUftford Kaiiroad for telecraphiu- t? -MJ liiit tialn*. Tbe n.xt BBeettaa wlll bo he.d lu I'liiemi.aB lu Apnl, iittfht, by liirltatlon. the curon tion enloycd " Tne Mikado" al tne Flfib Avonue rbe.itre, und to-day tho Caatloton, trlidelol b) lolitl II. -tariB, wiii take tho party up tha Badaaa to Wost ratati -?. OHABTO-BI Al PHB FUIK 017101 Tho BoauraJ of Diroctors of tlio Xow-York, I.ake Knc and Weatcrn Kaiiroad C'oinpany met yeit? r Uf and made the followlng ehaaaaa -B tbeexecJtue statf: k.h Bowenreaigued as firn rloe-praaateat?baotuaai of lll-bealtb and 8 M. Peltoo, |r., w;ts pramotad te hia place. Cbariee Palna becounuK aeeoad rlew>pi udeut. u m. Clementa wm mi.lo saaeral aaaeftaua-teat of tna Now York. I'ennsylvanluand ohi? Ballroad, toaaxtiaj Mr. Fatue. Mi. t'lements wai formerly OOBBOOted wita tbe Balttuiore and Oblo road. Fdwanl Foley, k'eneral fr.i-iit aa-ent. raetgaed t,. baaorae taa eoiumen-iai ageui ..f ibe Frte Uoapaay in Baw-Tora. and J. 8. iiauimeu-. trelght agaai at B ulaia, tao* Mr. Foiey's plaea ? ? ? MISCKI.I.ANFol'S HAI1.WAV ISTFI.I.Ilir.Nl K Hai.ikax, Oet. 15. (SprviulK?lt in Ktatttl tiial CBaada PaatBa surveyors bave fouud Iho line fri.a Montrcal to the Atlautlc aeabourd hy way of -brrbrooka. and Mm.rrhead Lake. Malne, luipra.u.a ' IbatCaaada raatfla wlll aband.-n that r..ute. win< b? beavlly Bttbaldi* .1 ov tha lioiumioti Farlinunt and ?eea uuoihor rattta to its CauadUu Atlantlc wiuter teralaaa l'im.4i)Ki.i'iiiA, Oct. 15.-rho subscrlpttona to tba forcclosure acbuuie of tbe l'hllaitelphla and KeadhH llulhoad lompany up touoon to-day aggregate-J abeOl 81, '>.>.., (?()(>. coi.i aaaa, ohio, Oct. la.-Tha annual ataatfiai ? stookholdersof tbe t'olumbua, sprtuiftleld and i in '?? 868. Kaiiroad Fouipany was hold to-day. tbe follo*"1* direetora f?r tbo aaaalaa year betag afeatad i J- s * t r..w, N. \\. I'irrce, I. II. Fatumvorth. HoKton. J- "? Thonaa, Bprtngtlebl-, J. A. Jeffrey, co.uuibus, J- * Cbainbcrlala aud J. I_ Moore, -aniuiky. V_-BB-_ae8oa( Oet ic> aaii baa i)>-<-n 'i'ca lD l* Court ofllainia bf tha New-Orlraus l'acltlc 9wB9**9 ConapaaT agalart tha Tfaltr* tlatrt to laaavar tbo aaa of $11.000 pald on accotiut of aurveyaand patenta. O.V r?/.ii. for Fouoxixa ut:* BCABAMM The trial of Johamia Laaaraaan for murdar ln tbo tirst 881188 was begtiu botoro Juitc "?'rMlJ>. Ii ii aharaai thal ibe aoteoaod ber aaabaaa by givinK Inu. p.trls kiwu. Teaiiuiouy aat w.,.vs. aiiow that ha waa tahaa aiok at 11:18 -' Ul-:;!'",''__ nnd died at hln botaa, No. 199 DeUaeey-et,. at -_-;"^tor Dr. w. ll. Kranaa treated him for eJcoboltsoa, ?""*?_. hiatieaib <ovo his wife a oorUBoate. MI a reiauvee pcclcd f..ul plav. aud ou cxaiiunatloii ludicatieaa FoUUd Iie had been uol-oued wltb parn irr.-en. er..l wltaaeaoa teatlflad thai ihe "jaa "gr atrali.Ht bim befoie bluUatli. tbat they b*iy*n?Z2 aud tbal abo told a nelgbbor lhal ahe wanted -*? ?" of blui. _ OBABBBD WITB UB1W9 TMB MAlU FOR FBiBBj A hiiKlit-looktnjr younfr mau. aT-BBM 1888 9Bm la fiaaata Wahh aad w_baM sald to be of M *TjJ2 fauiiiy, waa arraatod yeaterday by Poat <>,"?e ""','_.?.'< Newcoine on a .haixo of uHing tba u.aiis rorjp? . -jpJ?t fi.iinl. He wa, foric-rly B letler-earrler. nui " ^ from tho puatal sorvice a few >oar? a?;o. '"' ' ,?iw racaived a letier aoiue we.ks a^o aeni to ??? ** ' ,?, ?r dmaaluKeiiosba.Wlsei.i4Mn. IB whleh tb"' ?" ,tt IH-nred to otler coiinterfoit money for aale ? ^jt Ii .aid to have epereted axtenaivelyjindar^taa ? ielt^ Farroll aud Itobinaoii. is chargnd wiih wrl 'u^_vdD?U N iie wai takaa baforaOeataMiabaaarlaiaaia a_? ^1,000 ball for oia_u_ual;oa,