Newspaper Page Text
. _x--U-( s_ MaW.voltK il 1 SDAY KOVEMBKH 21. 18831 PIUOU THItl_l_ CBNT0 V0I'.X..V~3? .14554 BVACUATED BY SERVIAH8. BULGAKIAN< KEtJAlNTHlTlK LOST POSITIOaSS jui: CTTT 08 8-IIWB BOMBABDBD AND IN rtAMB8 ATiiriio: 08 the FOWHB8. Lonuon". Nov. 21.-A diapatch from Bf* plil nU IJrif. IWe_.v?A aaya: Tke ?orV"in Lvo evaoeated aii tho pnaitioiia fcltberto oceurle.l I'V ttiem. n.iKO.nan. BteBBtk. Pl-rnlh an.l lawen _f.,_lUe Ha... aoi tlio Hule.iri.ini. Tka 8arrl?. 888 .tn.i-elirl..-'. IilseUtcdtuat Di.^'irian cavali) BBT4 aaeaated _?.__ _-?> From Balgrada lt ia referted that Ktn? M. Un waa foreod to retreat by the tallare of tka <*?^"***_!? Tlce. He Wlll rcm-iiu on the defooalve at "<'f " "'" nutii the erctval af Qaaetnl Le.hj.uiu'a dlTlataa aud the yes-tof Ihe rcaervi-s. ? ,.?i.?. harp A teleitnun Irom Sophia ?aya that the Borviaus have haaaberdaf WMla aad laal ihe city lsou flre. Th* b.?.,h,..lme,.t wa. eontinued for au kaWWtthkial anydeiliiver.-ult.tboliiil.anana replyla. ilBorottely ^Ik..^ ?. ?-FTBKa Alexaaocr ha, aen, a div pr^klfL^ Ite. totue Balaaiiaa i.- ra. 4Up?tck eJeo aaya. -V. foturhl an Bawaa, :,u.l aaeat the n hrlu . , ttWuu" Belahta. wbleb ?-e earrled by atorm. Tho fle.hl.ns ton boti. atdea are awalttaa ra-lafaraeaaaata. Tke 8arrtoM .re preparlaa for a pawerfal banakardaaeBl of Hlwertiaa "io!- to ,u ...ti.e, uy, on tha,, toxvn. MwMBi Ihe.,...,,.:...' hatrad ef tke BoUrarlana ku dwludled. oxvi?,M.. l' Alexaii'Ur'a aubmleatOB to Ike Porte. The aopea oi a Baal vlelory are fadlng aad tfcere lainoek dei-r.? ,?,,. Feawln Utterveatloa la eajrarty i.ed lor. On a-eount of ihe BUeBBtfc af ItM tOlta Bl BllTBlUa BBd the.r aaattaate reetaianaa tke Servlaaa eatt taal towa "I'.'VIii, /...'? or "l.ltrle rievil.l." Iaa tareifa dtpleaaatte repreaeautlvea bere are oi Ihe oi' ti at the Fawereare aboul to Intenvi.. - Ii, m?-,i,u t?,ii, v,i.-i. iv.--:iileie,l ei.ouph. wblle the ,<.?:t- re ladeclalve. Auatria aJone keeltatea. rhe RnaaiaaCovernmeBl haa reemaated tke Bervlan Mlnla t-t. I'et.-r-h'inr to UafaraBhlaOov.-nu.' ol Boa Bte'i lo. bm] .liM.voxval 81 tbe eoadnet of ti.e BervUna au afaelal repert aaya tfcat kliag MiIbb baa brousbt uta BBBjnfarea lata eiiaratloB wttk tke Dnnaaad Motava aiTlamn. and that adaxl*lv? attaeb on BltVBitia la im n.ih.iit. Italaaeutea tbat u 8Ja_MUaalavletorloaa bewUlaareate aa arnuatlee aoaateattoa taai aaaa ..f tke Pawera to aettle ibe terms of peaoa. vr pm miii bo. Nov. ?_-:;.- rka rameval of tke tnltlala afPrtaea kleiander ofBalearla rrom tbe olHeers* epau. .; NjS i,:,,,,. xxiia, \, Uded iron. Ibe I" la "I i1" '?"-?>' Aimv bv order ol tba i i >r. 1 he battallon waa koowe *a ^TalrteentailinS Battallon of Hla H.abneaa 1 Bubraraky aad ia now alanpty tbo TkirtaeatB J<;'!!vm";'x"v,?,i n?x 23,-Prtaee Aleaander fcaa ? ? <j,':,:Mh.'!?o^et,M'"-^-??-'^^?'??';:;l,;;!;!l;r to Iniein Kuniell.i uuin tbe teim lie'i-'ii of tm war. il..-.v-.l'a..,-i.-o;.l..rl,e.-...,o,.ly ,..00 BB arm.a tl,-.? vv'i. n Wtlkln Bervi.ui lei-rttorj. 11/11.01 ihe Porte haa aaBtBtoBOd tha ... Him;-toavaeaatr Bu -'"??? . . .. , . lae BalknaCoufen-noekeldUaelcktbal - itiienb Sov '23. '?? n. ? ? ~ >l?o ' ' |l ? ' i-i , .wklefa iauKumm l it - l.xv.iuncor'i-.-a io cro.? ike fro.jtler am ladva , ,. Th. ?.ie. ha ln lowei Maca.uia are XBej areformlucaforee of Irr THE BEAT OF WAH IN BULG ejTi 4TI..N OP nn: PBiXClFAl. riACES a iiat taa itAvr. nai ?? rr i< r. -V *U B" V IrruY "**>., i f3 \V VI.. ^--l 11* ? ?J -a ... L - ? 1. Zrk/o \ ...l y Tue above Biap,dr?wa ou a aeala ?.f about f..: ty wl ? totueineh. abewaelearly taa aaaarapblcai altaai taewarbetweeatBe Bcrba aad lae Balffara, Tbetwo raada i.y abJab BJu* Xilaa'a forcaaadvaaeed froai Blaeh uponftoiihia araladieatea. ihe arwy 44hitii baaaaw attaeked Wlclin weut froni Niaeh bv w .?>' "f BaB> cbar and the Tlniok Kiv.r valMJ tu Beaetia <ut tbetopof taeaaap) aadtaaa aaoved aawa taa aaakof IbaOaaaaeBlver. Wldla U aBalaarlaa elty of aome anaaaetaaea, At bigb watat large ablpa oaa a .?? ad tbe Daauba to that p...nt, aad a large trade i- earrled ou la tra ?. wtaM a at raek ?iit. Tbera are u'.-o large tanner lra aud au iinnory tbere. Tba at tba Utaat repone.1 eaaaaa waa 18.714. faeplaea la wietebedly baUtaadaaeeaalvely Bltby. Bal lt oeeaptea a atraa? aataral poattlaa, aetag aarraaadad by almeal Imbt bl.- awaaitM. It waa aaea fortiit'-t witb walla dela ui.tii ii wai eae ol the atron* il placea oa i.iie but hv tbe Treaty or Berlla It, witb otber fortre*ja-a a ,' Illl' .T. ?i.a Ordered to 1,? iHvu .tith'.l. Tbe Bnurara bavo wltbla tba laal Btoota, bowavar, ' refortifie4l aud ar.ued it. aad -it.4 o.i the Dan largely RTJSBIAB 0FF1CEB3 ARBE8TSIX Bt. Pbtbbbbijbo, Kov.23.-A mihttry bcbb aal ia attraetJag naeb aataaBaa aara. a partf ..f of liecra bclouKiuir to vurlou.a reirtmenta of (inarda, whlle diniiur recciitly. oeca.ue. BOaaawbat tarbalaat, and a iiiin aalalnnnr ur i oiio.- faUlM la hii attaaaaaa tu gmet tbaaa, aaaaaaeavadOeaeral Oiaaaar, the Geveraet <.im. Petere burv. The oftlcjra thercupun loeke.l nnd blwekaoed tbe aaaaa af taa aalaa. Ouerai oreaecr ara>rrdtaa dopra tabe foreert, V4.tii.-ti waadoae. Ob oomloa froia tbe ealoB I'ount BcbereuMtMB,a eaptaln ol buaaara, atruek Qeu. erai (.n-aaer In tba faee. a rerpe ol gaarde ti,en arreat. d aliofrho Baaoara, wbo wereInpriaoBed. TbeCaarbaa erdtred a toiirt u.ariial to try taa affcBdeia, - ?? ( HAJtOEB AOAIBBT A BBEBCB 0OK8UL. Pabjb. Nov. 2H.?A Ivttor pubUaheaJ ia the jfatfa to-dny aaaarta thal al i.avk-iie, taa aewlyap* Boloted Bteaeb UbambI al Paaaaa, 44'.." waa eaarajad i.y lTcii.i.'rli.i>a..iit..i.|.", aaaaa aa tba aaaat, w eaaaeetad arlta tbe Paaaraa Uaaal OaaapaBy. and took out witu btaaa repeel alreadr "r"|'-1""! ;\1!'', tha ob>aet of Indaclaa tae doTcrBiueut fo aaw ta tha laaoaace oi letMry bonaa to tlfe valun af 000,4X3^000 traaea _ _ XKW'.r.UINKA BXPLOREBB NOf MLUI.KIU.P. London, Not.24.?A tlisijaU'.li froaB Cook Baaa. QncciaalaaB. bbjb' tho aaMgraahleal aBaaaltloa whieh waa reporto.11? bava been aaaaaacred la Bew Uuli.ii baa anived hcra. Al! Iho uieuibers an: will. BBWB BOTSB BBOJI london. I..iMi..N, .v.iv 23. T111: CBnraa avn rwa PBBBTBa. l.ord fiallsbury to Oay bad a aeafaiaaaa witb ti.e Qoaea. Maai wi.i.ii.iN'a -1 ?<. 1 aai 11. Bi ii .?Tbe trtal of the acuon for nhel breaghi i.y Mra. Weldon agalaet Hlr llenry Hutho waa eoueloded to-dny, daaoagea fo tbe auiouiit of JlI.'XH) and coats beliitf reudered lu ber bo Etc Ki ^isers I'Aii.rui:. -Juhti Tbaataa BUaea A- Oo., waej brokern, hiive stianeuded. Tbelr llabillilia BM tMtMvaB to ba heavy. \ oift raoa Mn. guobtobb.. Mr. eaaaetaaM aa vaiied tbe Clty Croaa nt Bduiburgb fo-iay, aad |oii.ed heuitiiy In tbe aiuuiiiK or tne Oae Huiidredtb raaim. Tbaeraaa waa reeeHtiy raaaaradat Mr. Sladefoaereea> pouae au u gtft to the, miy. MATrKRH Ol VBIBMBBt IN IH1 DOMfJIIOH., Nov. 23 (BJBe*BB*).~ The niortnl Jty froiu siiiallpox luiuio a amlilei. drop Bt tha BMt two daya, Ix-liiiroiily BJ, "n Huturd.iy ttiero wero twelve deuthaiu tue ftty aiuUuh.irtia (t.ul vi-teMay tbeto were alneteeo. Tbere were tweuty atveu uew eam a repnrted. Wbile tbo deereftao haa been atewllly .le.rreaaliig tlils ruontb lo the elty it baa Uecn Incr.-aaliii; in aaaaa uf tbe couutry diatricts, but the ceutral beard aro tukuiir -.11 poaelblc aie:i?urea to atuiup It out. Tbe .li?ea?e BBfaara to be aprcaAliui; mpldly lu tbe lower provlueea, tlioro balug now uearly oue huudred caaea lu Cbiirlntti-rowu, p. t. L It Uaa alao brokeu BBl 1a aeveial barta ot Xew Braaewlek, aaoatarwaata larflaad |_ofoi i I aJna to rapaw.. ea-e. Tkere i* now no daakf Uud the ekwf abjt st ol .loim a MaodoaaJara vndl to Enjtad la ir, eeaa. <?., a tviti. neaotl atioua i.ctwe?n the lu.|.eri.-il (.overninent aad tke li.ite.l BtataaInreaard totke Bakery eJaaoea aftke WaablBittoa treaty. _ Thi: CAUPA1QX IS OBBATBBITA1N, MR. PAKNELX, MH T<> BISK A DEFBAT. BB W'HIIl.RAW.S FBOM THE COBTE9T IB UTEBFOOl -MiViiK. TO IBI8B viiililii. I.ivF.iirim. Nov. 23.?Mr. I'ain.ll lm-* with drikwn from tlic eoi.tcat for iiiemher of Pui'.l.iinent lor tbe lriMb diatrlcf of thia elt v. Mr. l'.nnell. gpeaklus laat Dlfttt, BBtd tl.ntbe kad with drawn from the routeat keoaaae Be tkoaftkt it linpiu.I. nt torun the rlah of dofeot Uo aWROd tt>o Wak voiera to aupport Mr. 0'?he.i, tho I.Ibcral eandlditte. who op paeed eoerclnn, hut to vote aaalBBl tka otket Ukaral eandldatae for Mverpuoi. Ho furthor adTtead Iriak rotera toauppo.t Maeera, Oowaa, Btorey, Tkoaapaaa .ad Labooekera. Theae ure tuc oniy exeapUoos alloded ta lu hia ln.iulfeato. la a -iit.siq.iont opeeekMr. Paraall promlaed Protea tanta a fa.r proportioha! represaaUtlOfl lu ibo uow Meh Parliaiuent. Mr. Qladetaaa an.l Mr. Okamberlala bave telemphed toMrO'sheu wleklna;klaaaaanaaa. Mr- O'Skaa wppetta Mr. tiitulatonc'd naatfoate. LADY CHUBCHILL CANV UWIN I. OCTTUxG T0TK8 FOH BBR iu-hand FRoM AI.L kIMl- <>K I'l OT! R IN HlliMIN. 1IXM. Lomdob, Nov. 23.?Tba araateBt pprsoual inteie-t of ilm x\ lu.le ol-rlor il U' 1 ' -ei.treali tbo COB teatat iilriuiu.'liiun batwean Mr. Brlgkl and Ixwd Raa ?i,,ip!i CknrekUl, aktob arlll b ? deel le i to-m irrow. rke Du h.asof M iriboroach.l I ' beadol 300 " PrBaroaa Damea " wko lutve bai i maklaa akouaetaoo.mvaaa ln bekall af Lord Randolpk. i:,., l. lady la reepoaalblo i >i ? aecUon of tka dlatrl. i and reiurua me niiinbei- of prouilaad voiaa t?. tke < -?.....ce. ii,? i. - ,ti idy < h ilniuv- l,i.-ii-pi-....'-. -- lhi,,..-li Ibo ?' '? "t- are . eeieo ixiil. ehoeraby* lavty Uh.i ?? haa vIMted the pooreat bou ea lu Blrtaluabam and l.u , ,. ,i tbe i-ou.lieal p oole, ?.. ' un" one ? . "p tlon.kaal.n reeelved wltb the irreateat *?"??"? '" . ,? - ;...|.,- , .i .?|.l.,.-..l tbe workmeu in,, ....1 faoto .? -. l""'l H indolob la alao r,.r I'., 1,1,11-: n. wbere be i- eartalB loi Mr. Brtakl ib bla - ?? prlmroae oauipal_a." THE PREMII R Hl Itl Ol l MA IORITY. I.i.Ni.i.N, Nov. 22. Lord Saliabnrj ib i.i rpe. di ,.t tb.-M. m. I'liii- 'in' te-Bbjkl aald th I a . ?.,- rvetlva ,.:,?,1,-y wa. , lorad. bai be wai lOrleiiuialui M,. ,, . i ? Ue iliii.'i.l. -I kTIBTK - OF PARLI i'l: NT.. Prior to iin- bcI <.f 1885 tha dlBtribntlon ?l ; ., CooBty men ?,?,. ??..:!>. 300i aaP >--tv. ?.'. t. ? .:. '. ?-'. ii." ? ? diatrtbullou ondertBe RedlatrlbnUon I ? ?wo: ,177; l.or,. ."ii. ?'- 1 . Ul ? T.i Tbe atring'b ??' Ihe eu'i-- m 0. c n-.-iv..tiv.?-. 247; IJhera >, 33 ?; Home II i ei total, 038. ITiere ?.-re l I ae kia vaeauL CMUMMNii T11K HANOIN I OF RU l Dt'MONI 14 MAiiii il.-i liMi.-l PROW I ?' lll IM! ]'? Al UM I'l . MOBTBl w. N'.v. 2'A ?>>"? " .?Mr. ' uaaraai ken , prloetp l rapp >rt' r. -.- Bla i , .1 ,.,- ... bl ? :? ????.' an i ' ?? ii tbe . man . er Mr. proprietarof . re liiiiiiiiit. l: < ' - II day iu.itum-' n ..!-. ibi lat. ii- waa atru !?:.,:..'.- :-i Duiuoul i ,... | ai ., rea q u U??Ba le bttu wbt< b doul.ta and the ?l - nt I 'iiu " ? im,. oai ta. !. M -- " . M.uiti...: i.y iba Xew York tru .'?'"- beliia to be pr.? i.l it tb .: |..u,....i .,,11 eould i ' , idaeoutt ne' ? ?l ?. . obly. H I ,,, , I, ;,.. I,.11) uent, ? '' '? ,*\V ,.s partaer ol Col. ' > '? alleo ptedto -,...'.. lu fat i ol i aa l .'..I:..!. bj tiB-plie oft. '?"?? "-' I monloii.l) from Ibe plalforui. He-.eral ! i?i ,, .-. have pxprri H I ., :..,. forraa Iou ol - . party andai ile lliai K . I ?? ?' ' ' WIUoB.wbola nroprletor o! a bere, .- bavlu bla >>?'.-< obim ed na li.o rr.i a.lian- - ig ">!? Leeanaa Rlel i >a bau/eal in ,.HiS} .:, .,i,i.i...'. Wliaon lu ihe ritj rwiinH admitred that aome ' ? wbaro w lauiMllau bad dooe ?o, bol rcpadlateil all kuow I ? ol *?.iR?"a!ivi v?4 j.t. \ dlapatcb to ?? Woo> freru vi. t..r, i. h! < . aay. rao ar-1 tbrouali -.???? ???'. I iraln witb naval auppilee reaihwl Io ; ?.? >e - inorni.i*. Tlie ......:- were trauaferred lo i. ?.?..? . u .,,,?, aud were delivered ?i lue Bat .I an. - i Ka.uhu.l?laa1 oveulna. n.a raodaleft I.lveruo .x? ....,.,. 1-7. .n.i tfoiiti alon S'ovoi hei 5. Hax.o. K, Mlrh., Bov. X\ \ part! of Babern i thl* plnec have retunie.1 frooj Ibe uorth atioreof l-ikt -,.,....i..r after vl.lilng tbe aoene ?l ibe -!.-tne r Mbouib. Wulle tbere tbey pl.-ked n| .r ,:??;;::.i,,,?..?, u.,.* n..r:...r. n i-n..*?'"?* iiu iiiitv tii-,1 a BUBibar >.f .Baa bave aoi yei beeu rVeorera.Ifraaa tbe Bbore. wbere uearly all of ta, ,.,.,,;,, I....-H |...lir.-il. Tl>? -t-ainer e m l.e pl.ilnly - ? '? >B ou tbe aaudy bottoai of Koek Harbor. i-..l?:i.-IO,.i..,.t..i.a.l .Bgbla. .n-!i:..".ita ta-dajr. aaUl iu- woul.l 4,t. agmuai tbe iJovrruu.euton tbe ? . I .::,. Hover. I I i. ucB CauaiUan prleata.' UelB-lvea .,- ?,;,.. <l tbe Battoaal partj' ???> ,,,., Ki,.i ii.--.-i 4. ,t iii- fat-'. It la atatrd ti'.i .i" '" ? Hovam.I tB?T??raTot "he HM agliatlon will be to ret tb.- (tnuuiy touuella tbrouafaom tbe Pruviure t.. p<??a reaolutloua propoaed al yealerday'a .Uug, .ou.i.-n. aatory of tbe pwaeut OoveroBMBt. TBOl XOV.K3. 1 mrollMg Of 000 iret?'h-< 1.I...II... eit./'.'i.a* waa li.'i.i Ib thet'it] Ball lo-ulgbl 'o Proteai agulnal ti..- eourae of the li Itlab '.m. niiunut lu Iimiiitioi Rlel Amoa l..-r-iivr.- waa obalrmau. I'he pioeeei were eondueted lu tbe Preneh langiioce. -l'"/h'- ;'" " maite b* J. Bt Mitbb-r. Bdltaw ..t La rnitrtf.ll. J. ' i. ike Ix'on nay. Captaio ?'- l Boborta !,u.i uti.'ra M- Autbler deitlarad tbal tke barrackaol Kegtaabadbeeoinethe nrlaon of.pairlota. H.-iu.l bat tbe poliey for l-,. . i, \... il.'.ua waa to I,,.,,,, r?rii,-ani,.t..ii'ui..ri Boada. aml be driiouBceB the IT.-i.ii. raiidilieKi'i'iieli Mi.u-iera 4vi.ii'i bim. t eororalttee eonaiatlBg of aei.whb appolated fo draw up re-.lutiona f..r pnlilleatiuii, plole-tluc BgalBBl Ui" r.itii-i-nt tlie Hnti-li i. iV.-r.iiiuniL Mun-'V waa r.u I io bave .ua.auug for ibe repoee of Blei a aoaL KII.I. 8AID TO BE AUVE IM THE BOBTHWEBT. ST. Pait., Mimi., Nov. _:t iSprruih.- A eor riaponileiit or ih. Pitmer Prem at Braadoo, Bortkweal T. nitoiy, .eniti aaarprislaa Btary, it? tratb la not Vonehed for. Itlaaa rollowa : " Ihe li.inellii.' of Rlal raaaora of avery eaaa elvakla akape baaa beaa adoat, pupuiar amoiiK whleh n one 9kat Blal ?. B8BB ln p.-r-on on the, l.ortb bBBh af "' BaakatakewaB on vxv,i?.s.i.iy >? ;-"i'''i';'">' xxitb.i iiaraonanawerlng tbodearrtplloo .-fOabr e l)u ll.ont. ill.ll tli're la.l -tl "..' -I, p.eot. II. ll.e '""""" manv tbat Rlel la now llvlug, aud lhal l.e who uaid in< pe.iaiiy .... Nov. mi.. r 10 waa a rlever and Keoeroua aub ' in tke paraoa ol one <>f tka ooadeiDBed pnaoaei. .it Kivinii.Ia.i." __ 1I1I-; BBITOH EXPEDITIOB IN BURMAH. Rabooon, Not.23. Ihe Britiahax*?e(Utlon. aryforea liaa reaebed BUaaayo wltkool meetlagwlth oppoaltlea from ti.u Baraaaae traapa, T4a? aaea are Ib .x,i;i,-nl ).,,.illh. Tbe wouude.d aro dolua ayalL Tho eaptnred forta .ue Btraaaly aar rleaaed. Tke woonded Banneae wko bave beeB .-.iiii.iii.l aie belna iikin oareof u. Ihe Eogllab bo. pitala TkavllUwera are returoliig 9o ibelr bomea. lt la denled iini preaa loleirraataBave been atopped. iu patoliaa huvo baaa la oiplalned, becatue of the defea tlve couditlon ..r tka latagTapb wlrea a> ? fi:a<.mi:ni-- OF UABLB BEWB, c.,,:ii, Nov. ?.'.'.. Oaa Toi'iu. waa i.i- been aetlng ia caretakeroo a farm from which ihe leuauta bad been ovlcted, at Arugliu, Cuuuty Cork, naa ahot dead lo-dajr. OoraBBAOBN, Nov. 23. -M. Martln, OdltOf of a pro vliicial< r, haa been aentenn <i t<> r,,ur n... tha' Iini ii-oniiienl on :i . t.ur.'e of lii.-ltinK ihe people to take. uparaaj and drlve tke obnoatooaEairapp treea peWer. K,ri. COXOJTJOX OF A\ /.VN.i \i: Chicaoo,Not.23 \8petiaX).?h\ tha inv.-ii Katioi. luto tho aaTalra or Um Ceak Coaaty i..a....o Ahyinm, Dr. U. M. Mayer ial,l tl'i.t "" v.aitel avery ward aud room, Boiae wara anelean and tkeatrwaa luiil Afawktaiakad laeafa^claatclatklmt. OBapaUeut xvaa'iyii.R oi. a robkar akeet. Tkare aaa ao Badereleib iuk t-.r imtieuta aad tka a4Maadaata tabj lae Doetartkat it waa nol Baad a.ul lhal the p.itieuta eaald nol ao oot for tfcree or four uiotiitia ou aeoooat of laaaBkleni clotb ing. There w.-i-e bo ovoreeaU t*eaeerBtBg tha revela. lioii- RUkde rka IrtlitiHt -.111,1 tu-d iy: "ir tthaaa atalnaaaiita ara trae ereri one af tue-.; eaaa ml-aioiicra d. ni i ei to inake bla eill lrom CklOAge 88 B ru.1."_ OEAMQBD WITB i lA'/.vr, A 9MJBB, .UBTOXi IVnn., Nov. 23 (Special).?Anoilici warraut at'.ilnat DiM 11. t-A; torm-y tfetBOf ? :ia BBMed ti.lanvcuinKon coiuplaint of Alfrod II. ll-ihn, wl.o aaya tbat he pa.d OeaaarflSO to a.ltle, B caao of latferf th'-u peuiiini: iRiiinat baa W$m tka aatkjaet af redaotn ai bafl for lliihn lu the forgery and embc.'./.'eiueiii aaaaa waa before tbe court laat luouth, Uahn'a couuacl lu the hcat of iv,ii-.- i Itbat the Dlal ? '?' "a1 ume .... .?),? ? i ? ra ? ? ratlou to furrery o.iae ogalnei II,.'.n. Mr. ?1.r dented tli lo Uf . .urt. Holh ital.' - '. ? ' ';?' mem" - , re in .-!.' mi 'el'i'i'll. 'I l.e I Atioruey la tlil .?. u i?ro tt i In the ' nn u i aud ui....: tin llit ai- ii""1 ? ? ? ? ALfred llabu. ? ? pi CO\ ED 20 111^ OEA III. POCI Mt'RDBR Of a WEIX'BXOWB Q VBEH * \: ORO'a VII I 11XT. Cubstcb, r.nii.. Nov. 23 ?John Bbarpleaa, i.: tbe bmmI proMiaaai ,\ i ru mi- la Debtaare Oouiity, .4,,-iuii:'.i. .."in1. i..-.',. tiii- Proi townaUa, aboal twa aaUea Iraaa ti.ia* alty, laat alght. HM furiB la a part af tbe erlglaal traet ef the pkaaaar, j,.iii! BbarphMa, of whoai betoaBaaal aeeeeadaat, aad la in a loreiv road. Al 9 o*elaab laat alght a atraaga eelarad maa ealled al taa boaaa whttc it m.- ralaiagaad in,I..' .1 Mr.SharpMaa 'o ga t" n." bara wltbhlaifor -on.,' aadat taa pretexi aearrlafala wblch waa thrae waaraa bad brekea dowa ba tha raaA, Wbea in the auble ihe mvr.. atroel alr. Bbaralaaa In the baek of tbe hia.i witb a bafobet, eraahlag hia ahall aad klUUig t,i.u laataatly. After taklag bla wateh, tbe aagra pal eat tha laatern aad rataraed t-. iaa baaaa lat the pawpoaa, ll i- thoaght, ?f klUiag mi therein, Mra BAurpteaa aad Ihree "tu.-r wooMa. in reply t? a aaeetloa, ba aaM b? 4..-II1., i ni.uuy aad advaaead to4v ird aaa af tha wonaeu, ?t tbe -.ii.i.i Ubm laklagwhai had haaaaaa or n, yoaog LMii 44 h..ui be atlaaed fraaa tba rompaay. Upoa learala ? tbat -ne bad aoae aat aad Iba eolored aerraat belag a.'.n for, taa vlllalo weal awaf. He .aik.-.l aoreai I la tbo dlreetloB of Joka Uodaay*a r.nn aOoialiie, aad, . |, ti.e.i tba bara t" diatrael atteatloo, for ll iruod down a ebort tlfl.tar tba morder, witb all tixi....,.-. i irrolaa loipMro ol ? aad fo u I in,. ?,,-- ?., ibe i,-?:?!' wlll be aboal ?,?K) '? Tba body of J-.Sin Bbarpieai 4. ,i- foaad la the itable whare ba ha?l r,,ii ii. it i waeaoU a, raa. ra i-, be "?? > ? "i; e w'" , ,u-1 \4 iiii,ui' in tha worht, aad h.a murder i. appeUiag. atonej li aapi.i fohan . .,,.! M . - pk , iitbj m in. kepi little aha il Iba boaaa ?i .4 i- ... hia -.? ty.eeveBlb ye u . ?.. . i, al ui- lie .-I uf tba meetlng yoaterd . . i ,?: 4 - lonke.1 npon by evi i.I] aa maa Ib Ibe eooniy, wi.i ? a frcely ...|. He '4..- prealdeal ?? 4 ;,,.,:,. .,...1 looh ... aeUva m'ty aud ir- raUgloai - i I lii-ii Iht. ti - i r ,, ,VMt. ii -.?-'' w? ni ni ot medioiB I i ? ii. 11' eultai -I"" I.. Bnddn ?- d iii.l. I ; '' * n vi.. ? ? ? ? ? I i reward of unvlcllon. ? /,?;.-? ,,;.,.4 LVl , -" ' ?/O.V M I'l Tn i >ni ro, N"v ? - ? '? ' IBBIICI J. ... Ibe ' u 11 . , tpp i aad . . ' v trat! ?? i. ?? .1 Ui" p l ' ' ' : ,(,,,.. , ? .1 Mr. || i.i I lll I. . I ' ? ? : ? i a: ?iu . ? ? I ' |j 1 ' /?/ v, / (\,. | gff/l'H ,'..' ll' ,- . \ i v. ? ; i ?? ?. ? ;I v 11 : '-I .44 . ? , . , ,.?..-. r I ' " ': ' . 1' " ' ' ?-..?? ? ' . I lil .' Ihe I- i :.. u l ? ? /- n t /'.' i'/' /.' i'> tf? '?'?' " ' U,-mm:. k, l).ik., Sov. ?-? -: >"'"' .-.' I '"' Biver reaterdai ? ia r.,ill. I ihe "..14 ...'al.liil ai..l ." !"r ,?.,!!.,.- t.iiii-:r.. i. bM wlfi !>. I..I..1.'". it"' letler ...n. ??., burry botae ii you ? ipact to Bad your little s, , ,| am dolag all lu n.v !? >wei i" aave hi r, ,,u) abeli ??ry low." Thli aote aaaaddre.I Io ? ap , ?? |?, nocb. I ort A-alnlbolue, MoUL, bul , ,n, nn,| loue ond the dlaUnoe II mual have raiuc. in ,,? in I..U.I.IUOI.i b.r. ??., W,| ,i.,i,i.i...4 Ibal bla .1 ,?..,?-,.t.- ihe , int.1 ?8 Ih, ?tl rr ' .... v..i?|. . thal h- kBowa ol bo au. I. luau |." haviuB ??".. al ih. fort. Uu- '.".iv waa fon ?,,,;., Ilfll llllll - ....''I 1.1 Illl " IIJ BOd ?... I, ,: IO.I lo .i44.iil lilforuiall ui and lualru. llolia i r i'i\ i. ,i PJ //.// // " WODr. i;,.-i..N, N..V. 23.?In the town ?f Topaflplil ihe aextoo haa been eugaged Ib rewovlug bodlea from tbe old parl >?! the .?,.u ry to tba new, aad in dolna -?> Ihe bodj of larai l Oallonp waa removed m tbe ordlonry way. bat It waa found Imp aalble to ralae the body ol hi. mr,' wko waaburled byklaaide, anda plaal ?ui iiown aa a? Inellned plane iiid tbe c-?iBn iu ibla way ,i- . , lo tb.- -iii f..iv. A I.v eialiilliallnn Indieaiii tbat tbe boily, whiefc kad keaa burk I ifcirij yeare,haa i? . ulun |" ii Iflod. ? ? icvidextai nnooTixn <>r i ror.TO WOMAX, NoBroi.B, Va., N'?v. 23.?Yealerday In At l.uit.e ( ity, Aoule Dixea, a pr.-ny an I attraeilve glrl ..r alltl en, aa- VI lltlBg ,k BelgbbOT .ieoomp:ihl>"l by I lio.iiil M'. <-, an ? frl.-nd. IWentV \eari old. Ai Hi'V ?aralaavlae tkekoaae Moaee plehad up a gun aadke nml ll.e yinii,.' en! iii'i'.n loa.i.tll ..x.-r it. wl..-.. lt e?. ,,,.,.,.,1 ihe ei,i". i.iknik' eil.ei in Mlaa IBion a ihro.n. in ikimiuuhintiy .tu.Iaud killlaa i.-r Inalanily. Ibe comner'Bjory r.-n tcrad a verdlei ef aaotak al .1 ahoa iaa. ? /./ I /// OF 1 VETBBA* OF l-l' Bai riMOBE, Not. 23 i<>>.?;?/'.-Siinniel Jen 1,1,,"-, Bf* elehly-el^hl, B '?[ I he Wl. of IB1A ,1ml t.i-i nlghl. Hla death waa pfiaaarUy eauaed hy a eold eoutraetad oa laat maalaipal eleetloB daj ?,.,-? he lll.l.lo.l npon gVlM o'lt I" vote for II",IgC*. Hla takloged teaveeealj fnur aorvlvara ..r the battle of Nuiiii Puint. He waa a man of greal rlgor untn tnreo ..,.,,,. , ?...i?? nnnegnu lo nreakdowu. Mr. Jen.luga waatl.-olileai prlnter iii lt.iitln.ri-. iiinl tbe ilr.t ? - i Ui up- "TheBtitrripaugled llauaer.*' H'a graudlatbei ? ? .', of the aeltli n ol I'Blladelpkla. ? ? llll.) in.l.w OUT un: QA8. Baltimore, Not. 23.?Sbortlj before mi.l iiU-ut oa Batarday C A. TBerBe, or Perryvllle, and J. a im,.. of FraBehtoa b, aalled at a pakRe keaae la Hay ?_ aad aaked for lodglBt. Iaa] were efcawa to aaonper ,.|, ,,?,? r ', . mi ii.,y l.olh nt' li we..- foillld de ul lu Uell. ine> bad blowu the gaeoat aad were auffeeated. ? CHABtilXO UIMHBI.P WITB MVBDEB. Philaui i.i'iiia, Not. 23 (SjMvtai*).?Thla BjorniaBaywauutaaau whe aald bla naaae waa JahB .ioiie-.iii.ihn aare iweoty-eevea BarreBdered hlmaelf, daeiaiiaatkatlwayeara uk-. be murdered a eaveua. ,,,?,,? ,? fb.rago aad wantadto baeh tkere for ,,.,.,i. rbe poilveaiitborltleaof tbateity kave been w i.i in. it oi nia atory. ? l\ MEMOB\ <>r un: MAXOHEHTEB If I /?'?"?'s Tbere were two eeli ibrarioBB laat eTentng ol ii?- iiehi.ei.ih auBlvaraary or ibe aaaeaUaa el Ike Maaeke ler i.tyra, Allen, UrkU aad u'liuen. Oae u,.un . bickenng n.ui, aader tke aaaploee <?f tke< i.m ii.i-I.ii 1, an.l ll.e oll.e.- iu Clar.-l., ll.ill by the 1 enlill. Ii,,,ii,.r.d. ai (hiikeimn H.ii ih-- ebairmau ?aa oeneral 1'ho.n.a Frauola Boorke. The hall waa crowuea. The ebairmau eulogize.1 tke hrrolBm ol tke tbree men. wbu, l.e aald, braved aad iuServd death In lh< li au nu .-ii.,. 11 loi.-ei.o two ti i-.inii.-ii from theu cuptors ai no iiiday. in ii., neart ofagr, ,n Kngllah eltr. Tbe aauia ?inrll .,r berol ... eilatad aoa aa u <i then, aud thla, con? rimliii me obalnnuB, la a aare nvtdence tbal ln i ? wllleveutuall) o.-ir..-. ColonelJ. O'Byniedeliverea lln- oriitioll nol WB8 tri"|iielillv I '" ' "'"'"'" ?f in- remark. oouai mi In the atata.uent lll .1 \ilen. I. ,1 all. an.l l.llrirn W. re I.IUI der.Ta. I U" > ii. ,.-',?, more munlen .>." -,i,.i he, -tban tke Jewlek girl wl.ukilled I'hey glul n .1 ... I ln -i.'. -'... h, an.l ln.i,n,en wiii iini.c,- revere tbelr maoiory. farneii ib i.ow Birnaallag n.r iiberty m lraUad.aad ei na nupa tbal B0 Wlll,lll. Wll.llillk V I.l; II wlll aventuallj leadtotke oaUbUakaaeBtof aa inaaaa. puhlie." [ipplaua I' nol ul.,'. .lo... IIUII "i ni" 1"" -"" ? , . ?Z| . m_Bla?klJ! <.IVeh>,.lU,.l.?,,l,e.l."lp<e,,.y Ol 11,-llU j Insland wili be lr?o lu our day. LAi>piauao.j HALT <JX WEST SlIORE LEASE AN LNJUNCTION OBTAINED IN SYBACUriE. Acnoxornoi.DP.R8 01 329 sbabrb oi ?bw-y ?iib < BTBAI, BTOCB?WIIAT UR, BKPKW BAYB. S', it\i' r.. Nov. l*:;.- Iii-iie.' Oeorgi N. Ken aetty, oftha Buprerae Court, ouS.itard.iy, ou raotloa of (...I- Marabalt, groutad ao iBjaaotiou reatralulBg the Baw-YoffcOaatral Ballruadi orapaaj rueraateelBg aso^Mh),OOS boedi ol tbe Wa 18 lora ro 11 aod froai par? fecllaztba leaae of tba Waat Bhora forfear buodrad yeara Mr. Baraball repraaaata 328 iharaa of tbe eapital -tu.!, o." iii, Bew-York Oeotial BaUraed, all of wbleb ktowaed t.i Byraeaaa eaattaliata. Tho InJiiBttloii la ti.e ootgrowtb uf the raJeotloB uf ktr, MarahauTa protaal aaada before tha meetlBg af thedlree lata of tha Oaatral Boad, la /tlbaxy, oo BovaaaberA. At that time u.' argoad tbat tho laaatag ef Waat Bhora bt bhe < waa .'.0'.i!tia' pabue poliey, aaa aaerefore vnid ; that tho itatutoa ef the Btate forbld the eoaaatida. tloa oi paraiiei aml eompetlag llaea uf railroad, and tbat i! woald ciiaii an ndilinon of 850,000,000 fo tho Oaatral road aml tona Aepreeiata CaBtral itock, Aith'.n^u Km iujiiii, tiuti waa graated on Bwurlay, the fnet 44a, im aaaarally kaawa tu Wall Btreal nalil yaater .im afteraooa. Boaoora were aal bt Botloa aboal aooa, 'mi iii v, ,,iiid aot iie eooBrraed for aorae tlmobeaaaaa tbe paparg in t ti<- eaee were noi aerved nn the ofheera af taaXi r-Torl i antr .1 uatll ... i l o'eloek. lathana .' Baa giicaeod Bt oaea tbat tho lajuactloa woald praeaal tbe foroi ef tba Waat Bhora road wbleh bad 1.1 appoloted for to-daj. Toecooae - ??( data) tha naeetlea aboal tha leaaa were . in ..-. ihed rn .. iraal dlaaatera. Wbea II w ?<- laaraad that tha anler afthe court Minpl] reatralaed tbe Baw Yerh t'aatral Ireni lenalna tho Wea! Mioreand luaranteeing .,f tha reor/nnlied eorapaayaad tk ofior iv.ia j. 1 aable on aaturuav. Wull Streel reganleal tbi malBatai >ne of little lurporiaaea, It 4v .. ... lerato ?l ii: it pi I - re ro e< |4, .1 ui :'. ,,., ;-:,t,i;-,| 14 BlgUt, atatlUg Ib ll 1 . 1. l'i.. papera raaebed tbe clty .ui -..'1 laoj n "I... . bnl 4.. ,- noi -? 1 ? 1 rdajr. , irj - ? uf nn- ii.-i.iv waa ela w . a pl iiu I b id .nt ol ibe New York ' eutral I . . , prn . -. ? i - -111 :-, . a -?... . ui irl . ' tli ..'?., ii -I '??.... 1- ? ,. 1 i'i.i that a ? "? lnd> ?r lloti 1 a :, * j,.-,.. ,.- u.t,i-r,.i la tbe tuatt r bad declaed on a |fe ?..' I in.-. I tbluk, thal iho In -; 11. b it t> Ide l ro . ; . . . ; -I 11I I I did oot pa ' ? ra iu d.iv 1 ' loek, 1 r . lloii ii-1 i'l" 11 l;ed lo the :.. ? r ? : | werved tbe I . ..f tbe ? ? . . edy, uf -v. a .ii Bble 1 i ?' . B.tB ' ' "'?. - 1 ?>. iiil.iBH 1 lo Ihe i'l... ' ? tl.ii U lo ? I .|..,..t, .1 dcredlla. Dl , i| lllgtu I'l ' 'I illl .iuu I.V . I? in-' ..,, 1 . Irlluw mi ul - 4' ..? - | I, li it 'loei 1 ,! f'la . | I h.i4u 11 1 : ?? 'l ? ? ' ' , \ ?-',?. ? - 10 pr. ?-.?!,' Mi bu Ibe | rre ? ? , . . ! .1 U'l-1 ! III lll I""' p"-t|.ed. I.??? ' . ,. Ild . l ... .1 in ibe ... ? I 11 ,1 onl :n .1 ?-"''" I ..... ibal 1 .. ? \. ?... 4,...... ? ' ? ; ilkrr, |< inl ll. Dyer. ? ...-. 1.1 lualn ind tl..'..- .1. ? m ol -tneU were tb. .,,. !, ? |tro ?'. 1, M .1 li ni and Ituirer, ol -> - ,, 1 1 " '' '',!,>' ,?., ? on and n d< t1" applieallou lor tbo Injuuction. BALK OF 1 IIK ? l -T 8IIORK P ' DAY. Ni vvbi if.. N..\. 2.1 ?.. "'"' ? -I I" -;l1, "' tbe u.'-i Hhore Railroad ..1. to-Morrow wlll t;,L.- pl .eo at tba 1 ? ? I'" ?-'?? Refi"'" ?"i im B. laraldy wlll onlclate. aud It Ie e?|.UhI tbal I 44111 ioti.,1111 n.ur ? 1. .;...,; I uiaa-iiatea tbau ever u.fore H,e n... ., n.iiu. . uii'iii lue inii-etiun ? ...l.. , Ide froni the li.Uu 1 ?ald to - 1.4 the - ? !-- -'? :?! '""" v" In 1.dl.11 eouipanv from le.i?tn* the \\. -' t-Borr, ia tii.t tbe Malllinon. aml oiiio will be lepn-wnlwi bu.i ,,,?,,?.i,. wlth ihe ? eiiii.ii lor ll). road. n tula rnijior provi-atrueltlallkelj Ibal tbere wlll l.e ottera .onai.tei . ,,4- ihe upae | ? ? -.'J """.."'ni.i.l, I.y l.e e.iurt. II. howevrir, BO iml l-.'!t.r. ?! ?l H al 1.t the l.diruetiHi to adjourii iba -.:?? from tltue to line until ruriberonleroftb.nn The pmperty ?? ,,,1,1 .,, . ||. ua 10. I.iding iiupald taxea. aad tbo Mla la obI> abaoluta wbea couflraMd bj the court. BRIDUIXG IIU'- KI I-I- VON K III.. iu.,11111: miiaii 1 ..1: 1111: inl iim..i:i IND OIIIO A 1 M .4 WITH BKS 1 tOB - 1 \M 1 I . I'iiii iDBLPHIA, N<?\. 23 ? V cial), ITuited -lu. iBeaator B'lllUn J. Bewell, whe u aleo promlnuut ta tha uaaageaaeat of the PeauaylraBla Railroad. aald yeaterday atblaoAieeln I'amdeB, wben aaked aa to tba i;.iiti?..i.,-and 01.1..'- BtatoB lalaad plani " D la not gaaerally knowB oatatda ..f UmBtafo that the toaaage 1,., ilugtbrottgh the K.u voa Kull B latger than thal of ?,,) aiaaUai waterwa) ib tba oouatry. II UoBaUukof tbe great laahta waler reata freaa N< ?-\.m:. aautb tbroogb tlie Delawara aad Rarltaa (Jaaal, Detawara Klver, Bebuylklll Caual, Cbi aapeaka Uaaal, 1 beaapeake nnd Delawara Caaal aad tbem.lufo Vlrglala aad N,,r!h Carolina Thia IrafBa ainounU fo ubout 23,000,000 loua a year. aad everj atfompttoobatruol ll 1,4 .. bndge, exoept one tbti veaaela oould paaa uader, wlll be realated by tbe State of Bew-Jereey. Piera ih alreadyoatheatotalal.ka -. apeebtl Uw problbttlag tbeeouatraetloa "f abriaaaaapropoaadwllboui ajMelal ?"^^^o^ih^^u^:::;;'.'---.'!.'^...'..-^'.??w; .,,,,. i, ,;,,,? re.,.i.'M,'n..-tb''i.^^'.','7;'i',,1''i;r" l? .,r)(i,?,.^l.yronir.'?..rihe, ;'?... the brldg*. New .l.i-.J- Il.leieat 11. ttir lualte. .a '""' .' " .',, \' alve. UlalBthevalueol laod iyn.t'a .uu-u.e l.n 4 ... Kull. ..uw oceupted and to 1.up ed by large 1... or a ofalkiude, wbleb n.akea large p.-'-i ..f m.''"? ' '; l eiuploy a great nuuiber of iu. n ... ii.e ?l .. e. 11.. e.. - str.u llou ..r.. l?4v hridae would driye man ?"*??? ??" e.rna awav for they eaa llve onl) t>> Bav rn, .u.-.i,.1 ?.....,.riailoa f.e.lltlea. and would ,.! 1 tn tbe alfflcultiea uf ho l''1".'$>'? ?,',!,, not I.. lleva tbalirongreM eaa be iBdoeed. evea t h..,iii. power, toautboilaetuebridge agaluat tue pro 1, 11 of Xea leraey Tba Btotea eedad to the xatiouai i?veru?ie1.lS oustructloii or.waforarolgbl.iilow.-d, ba Bat ll nii.-lit he prevauted aad tbal .; Btate or twomgut uotbe iiiii-ro.-.......? purpo.eaof tbelr own toelose npa wateT' w^t^uaeoWhiob the reat of tho caua.ry ?..-.. 4o far 1- NiMr-lei'M-v ia cooecrBed, I lielt.v tniiime. ^KUmmraJisieTea ao mi fara? urroooal tboiwaerad railroad law If tbera ia 1.tber way ol preventing iaa eoni im (Iob of Uie brtdge." All the ol.ata.lea whieh n.iRl.t Inl.tfaro Iwltb ,,,,. ,??,?,?, ?f ,1,,' i;.i't..n,i.'" aml oniu IMil'.iiu'" iva>'l? iheportof Baa>YorhwerodlaoBaae4la Wall Btreetyea ?.?i,y. [twMafotea.aiBOBgatBarthlBga.lbal m. tract iiiulii ... l?7fl betwaaa tbe Bortb PeBBaylvaBla, the Delawara aad BooudBroob and tba Jeraey U'Btrai ruiirua,! eouipauie, ,.>"?''"1"''?'j;,;M,i;:r:;:;V';;f ll.iuuil iiinuu abould be lorwardcd "^' '' ' ' "i ;uu iral Uue, 1..leratooit tbat . modld. atlou of thl* ,.tiit.-t 44,im made before th" aiii ... . U.ltnnoruaudO.^TlSW^"" SbV^T-bbTO oorporated uuder iba general rall '?*? '?** brld-"?g !^:''::;;:';:r;;:;t?!.!:;,.:::;i!.''"^'"'":?'';"'^ obatai lea 1 euiovotl. ___ illl; Kl.Al.iN'. ALUABCEB. PntLAOBLPHIA. Nov- -'? {S,'T ! t? aftar..a aeeaat aaaBlag 1. ^""ZfEt goBeraiboadhoMaraaftheltiBBUag aaa held r?r .1,,'..nn.ft^agdeBBlfoaetfoalaaalBgla Um ul,a?.,.,UU,u,l,rallallla.I Wtth I.",er .nte.'.-at . !,?? iBtaattaa .a to wltharaa taata np*?eeataByae fraaa tbe Board af Bai.atraaltaa Traataea tMaeaee ihe board did n..t dva tlie... aalUfaetocy taatoeUoaa af ******** . Wau lu tha ImuMdiaW WBBB, A uiajority of UM board Iaponaplaa nttketr mee'.in? on Batarday un.t tb y bave aeu*. ward t.. tho Bartet aud WheU a lal rwlUanhmliil ta them for conalderatlon aa Wedneadai afternoon. Thotkreatof tbeBartolIBK reata towltbdrawbaabnatebodtbefrimlnrof tbopian. II B known dettnltoly that the plan provldea for au aaaeaa. ia. ? . ?? tbe atoek. i.he latel) actlng ebalrjMB of tke Bartol Comulttee of <:< neral Mortgage Boudholdere re r. ive.t a lettor tbia morolngfrom teaderlaaj tue mpportof a large Intereat ln ibe Botdfnxgeneral inort gageai. aud expreaMog a wlliliigneaa t? JoTo uuy pariy tbal neaat to enforee tke rlRbte of the keldera o. B? 10 bonda. NEW -KNGLANP BOAD& llii-: Ql r-ll.iN Of COBaotlDATIOB?THB BO8T0M ANI> AI.UANY IHI'.OIGII I.IM.. \i w-ii viKN. Not. 23 {Bpetl*!),?PraMMeBt Qrorge 11. Watrooaof tho Caaeelldated Baad waaaakad lo-niKlii If tho ruinora were true that thore had beeu a levival iiinoiig tho dlroeloraof tbe ldeaof gettlngpoa vea-1011 of a lo.nic of the Nexv-York and Now-Eiigiaud raa 1. Ha ?a? alao mlicd atjaal the tfntaaaaat tbat Witkta tbree yeara tbe UoHon aml Albany would bave a ron.i through to Baw-Tork. Ba aald tkat(kataeetJaaa of e.m?o!i.latlon xv'.tli tho road hud nev.r '..., .Iiaenas.-d ln llie cunsolldaiod boaru of directora. Wuetker 9keconaolldatlon xw.uld cvcr come, ho dld uot know; eertatnly aot for .1 long tlaae, beeaaee af ihe ReW'Sngland'a _raat IndebtMaaee, Aa to tho Boataa aad Albaay, tio aald that il,, 10 la euougU baalaeaa noxv for ono road and one gOOd road !?= iloing lt. There la iiotenoiigh for ixvo aod he dld not believo -tlie purallel road aaa a matter aertooaly dtecueaed. BfiBTow. Bov. 23 (A'preta/)-?TAi Journat, referrlBg to the i.o-.ii,,.| of the state In relatlon to tke Baw-York andNew-Englaad Rallway, correeta erroneoua menta iinole hy Tht .?/ rlngjU Id BepuWican nad otber pnpcra.and aaya: " TheB'ew-Vorb BBd New-tiiglan loan 1- due ln l?90j hut bo earefully bnve ltaiunda b.-en inan ngod tbat when tbo partncnt for the bonda Juataold la adiled to lt tbe proceeda wlll be aulttctcnl topay offtbe loau in tliree or four voora?at any rate before tke l?aa i.d i". Ti'Ma lt appeara that tbe 1.ple wlll not 10-0 tae 11,ii 1,111- 01-auy unllloua, or tboiuaada, by tbat loan, a f.iet very Inrgely due 10 tbeeure and ezperteuce of tbe ottl . ra who havo had the maaagemoat of tha alBklng fund." ? ? ? oi'['(?-ii|..v TO A BOAD 15 nrlii avi:n. r. Albant, Not. -':: {SpecM). Ularence W. Hi ward iv..a al tke Attoraey-Oener d'a odlo ? to-dev, and In tbe abaenje of Itturney-Oeaeral O'BrleB rewianatad IVpnty Attorney-Ooaeral Tabtn-to preeent to Ih&At ... neral bla appBe itlon for the AttornOy Oem ral to raatraln tho pro|ectod bnlldlng of the Flftb 4 . rtallroaiL Hla applleatloti la kaaod oa aecttoa 4, i :i;i, 1.1W1 oi 1-- ?. I iowb aa Ika FlfIk Avenaa . .,?., wbli li provtle- : i:.ecptr..r tho i.coeaaary croaalng of rallroadi laldor |.. be 1.1.1 upon Fiftb-uve. al ihe Interaoofoii of otber , uo rallr 111 iball bo 1,11 up .11, 1.1 01 BI004 uuy p.iu ..t ; II ti .re. In tbe clty or N'c i To morrow tke depnty wlll lay ike applle itlon before Mr. O'Brlen. Hr. Bewanl waa uaabla lo reatalfl ln U bauy ni,ni to mor aw. 1,,. ? ij artd , . of Ineorpor tl ?n >.r 1 Iveaue 11 c,,.n|,. iv were Mad wltb the -? en tary of ? . 1500,000. VOM1 <T1C 11: IGEuY IX // WOBEX. A\ INHANK UOTIIER kiiL- IIEH BABT?TBE TATBBB r/KIKB l'? l OMMIT St'lClDB. Williiiin Stei-irer, bro thlrty nnd hia vxit< .,.-,? twenty-two, lived >'". tke fonrtk ...,-. tenei >''>? Hoboken. Tke eoBpte had abov, 1 moBtka. Tl ' ? tkla ? | , :....- italucd employ raenl ,,,. iu .1 ahorl tini" he loat hla aituation ? iiua mootbe. a taatleaai No. 523 Broadw iy aad ?1 igreedto pay bltn 87 ? ra k. Imrlnglho iim- tbal be xv,.a out of work Btaagai raa ? rably uebtud la bla reat, a 1 laet ^at'ir ,i;,v ti?. laudlord Infurmed Mra. Bteeger that . tha r, nt waa pald to-morrow tuej woald I ;: .,,; tb. r bi .1t.1i' Bta. Tke woman . i .,-. ,-r ber tro ?" muok tkat bar ?,,,.,! ,.e ?r the aelgkbora bo ? '. tha pallee. Aa ? . huding laal Mi ?? -?? _? .tolent, he 1 ' ? ; ? '' tae faeta ' who llvea U So. 188 < ? x ,:"" remalu wltk Mra, Bl gai uattl ed li 'me. Ali ?ut 0 W p. m. | - r> : . .-,?. nad Mra, wero aittuiir I'l ti... 1.11 cooveraiug aod .Mra. baby wheu aitadoniy . . ,i,t 01,? or ?: .- u Indoa ? and, thi . ,,.),, i,|oi . 1 0 il wltb the baby lu bar ,rnia bi-foro Mra. Benmelli eould cateh ber. 1 ?. ? utb r in.,1 chll 1 airnek on n ralllng baby rolled out ovi ,t,l,walk. He waa plekeil up dea.1. Mra. Stoeger waa I,,,,, ,1 t., ba. >' - lall" -1 dangen ua, bul nol . trlly fntal Injurtca Bhoril) aftar alie l??i 1,,,, reiuured luto tbe booae ber haaband , .... 1 when be Icarned Ibo Mtoatlon ,,f iinn he lelzed a earvlog-kulfe :n"t b? tempted to pl mge It Intu la h. irt. flla arm waa ,., : bl hy Ilu imUmau M i >'H md Policemaa Me , i,n|i ? ho ?"re lu tbo r.'.in. ll>- waa pueed under BiirvrlllBBee and aeloBe waieb kepl upon him. iir-. -le.-e., w.i- -ii.i aiiff. mig from dementla aud dld I dooe. UAttD EXPER1RSCR. OF AS OLD 31AN. BTARTINU 11 ?li: WITH a BOBTVNB MK LAXD8 VAi,' W i IN THI WOBK-IIOl'SK. |t..-:..\, Sov. -'.J (Spt"'"'). -About ihim-ime i : . poole, i youag bmb Uvliigjoal aal of Rrocktou, atarted for tbe Weal tontake blafartnae ih. i.iiniiy ti.en eoualate I ol a wlfe aud aa iBfaateaugb t,r, kfra Poole frequcutlj beard froBiaerhuabaod,aad retelved reBiittaacea regolarly. He deelared hia rntea tiou of not retarnlBg uatll ka bad earaed eaoagb toeaa poit i n r.iiniis' Ib <',.rt. Hia daaghrei graw la woBiaahood aad marrled Lather A. Hayden, bow eaa ployed Ib tbe aboe baataeae. Aboal a year ago Mr* Poole diad. 144.1 Biootha ago the bu iband declda I ta re turn hoine. luiMiig aavad aeoafortabie fortaae. Tbe ir.un upoa ?l.i. h h.' aet oul 44.1* atappad bj deapcradaea aad Ibe paeeeagera were robbad. roo:.> toad Bverytblug aud iu tho BBhl a - tbrown from tha trala. an-l waa aererely mim. He waa earad for uy frtendly paople. aadwheB iiartlnlly r.iverwl told bla etory. He aaa a Kree Maaop, ind the bi-ethren ald*d him to returnito Boaton. He nrevioiialy Informed bla lou-ln-law ot hl# purpoee. but wiien he anive.l In Boatou be waa In a daaed eondltlon. witliu.'t nieatia aml In nee.i <-f < are. He wm arreetea and ieBl aa a vagra I to Ihe Btate workhouaa al lirl.lcewater, where bla aon-ln-Uw foaad him after a loiia-aearrh *t>'i>a were at oaee taken f.>r hia releaee, aud the old man wlll apeud the reauBader of UU daj a la ooaifort with bUeblhtrea. im: I UtCAOO lill.l ni:n TOVBKAUEBT. Cuicaoo, Nov. 23.?Tha niaiutgera of tbe i.liiiar.ltournamof.t, wblchclaaedatJeoa Baturday nlgbt, h.i.i a raeeUag tbla aftaraoaa aad deeldad thal Um tie? aaoald not i,o pl iyo.1 utf bai thal tha atak.-a aud reeetpia bedlvlded aaaoag tha pbayera aa foltawai Vlgaaax, i-i .uu of wbleb 82,000 m for axpooaeai Bcbaefer, ai'ToO.of wblch B-'jO ia for expenaee; aad Bluaaoa, ii ,oo Bioaaoo. belug a reatdeoi ot Cblcago, 4MI1 ne ceiva uotblna r.w expenaee, "!?,1 " '','' ViTa.S?? t0 Ul? eutertalumeut bla reeetpta will be ealy -?. CBIMBB dXD CA8VALTIEA KAAKED BtBB BOB A PEDLER. /wi-Miir. Dhi.i, Nov. 83.?Ia HoluieeCoanty, Miileraburg, aboul 8 e'olockoB Baturday aveotag, Um. i,.i,l i p-lilii-i. waa ui -t by I wo iniiaked inen who robbed I.iiii',,' ilnnil 81.000. 1'hey llien -. abOUl tbe aauio aniouut lo eUaa aad otber floegaodaand Jewetry Iraai bla wagou. . (,\l l>-i|N(l A MIHDKH. OMvin. Neb. Nov. -:t. John Plereou.a penitoiilhiry .net haa eoufnaaed tha! be waa the man who kliled r,< ? nlaon B. Bmltb. ob November? 1881. a tba Ltu,,od BtoUM CourtHouec, amithwaaelerkofAhel '; .< Btntea Court* llewaefound Irlugat i.i-..tiieo do r. -i.ot tbrouah ti." i.ea-1. Pieraon In bia llrat coufeaaloa ... thetlM kliled Builth for 8300 pald to by ;.Jee* V,, reut lu a aeeond . oufeMloo. Ploraou denleJ that n? dia ihe klliiag. but eektthal Qeorge bOraoaaa, aaw LEAVIXONOTEB WITH POBOBO INPORsrMI.M-. La-.!iun,M'-.,n..v.?.M.-.i'.i.M.-i.K.i:?";;"; ?;;? ",' ,144.14 myaterloualy laal week leaued ?-,"" ',',"(1 *. v ,,?... .,1 ui ,,r-.i UOUta. It Is bOlleVed tl. it alleMOpt two I,'. ! ? e 4.u. -ttlod. Bla torm.-r lurtner 11n.I. SouMoo&oua unacojiunted mr, jrhlehjajaaaBBV ?? 1.,,-nl to be la iiuiiiee. IIW liBABDMOTHEB PEIOHTEMBD ID DI.aTII. l?s32Rh?jSB&M&a h.-.ui dlaeaae. ?,__ ..iror DEAD BY ACCTDBBT. iuu ?, \, 4 23-AttheOaeeolamlBe4,Bea*CalBBMt, ...."sundio. iiViiu-u J. BtavaiM aoeldeatally abotaaa Uilled i'raiik BaudeW. Im.Hn . ? i - 'I'd- "uv. --<- Adlapatebto Km T,rre ii.,,' WiV l 'Aay": " Voluey Keller,.. youag groeery , . J 1. lll trle.l toBliiiol bla wlfe boeiuiao ahe refuted uinve'^U h'^,'M'ocaoapcd. aud ho aaat a bulletatbrougli bla beart. ?illl- MUBDEB OF BUBABBAH l'HEHCDTT. avi. Miah Nov. j:i.-rhe preUmlaary bearii.g af , ,^,, , i It'i'k.'r .....I Bla wtfo Mary Ann. Wbo are ?l irie.i wlth tba uiuntoi of Suaaunah Preaeoa al ?.rn toioi.N vei..l..'rl'J, waa bemii. thia nior.ilog. A larae ? , 44 ,.'.r iie-.i.i.. waa In attaudaaea aad iba auaaal la* t,-.e,l44aau.i.nlfe?tcd. Both lUo pilboucia BMB 888B uUited: ui li'iai. WARNER and WORK IXD1CTED. IN TBB 8AME BO.\T Wl TU WABD AN'l) FfSlf. OBABOBB wtni r?*T'Dis'ii Tiir. MABtRB iian'B? Mli: MRR N'lT A'tlM'STKI). Tlio Datted StatM (Jraiul Jury, who have in > I ilttluir for a p irt of BlaBOOt overy day for two or tbree weeka, llni-Ued part of thelr lahora yenterday. They weat aoDii afrer noou to tho l.'nlie t Btataa l>iitrloc t'ourt-room wlif-ie J_4_B Adllion Hiowu xvua aiUilig, aud l-'oreinaii Ii;-ijv u ln.U'led a bundle of In dietnieuta tu Peputy ( iVrk .lobn A. fjl Ida. Oiatrlct Attortiiiy Porahciruer and hla Chl?-f Aaalitiut, II. II. Foater, wei-e pi-eaeut. Judgo Hrown tol.l tbe Jury thul they mlgbt llnl-b anyhuiltie-i that they bad lu baud, and they wltbdrcw. (Vitmni ,-ioi.iif 3blelds took the iii.llctiueut.i varefully to hla rouui aud they were, locked up tu tbe aafo. Ktghl of them wero in uul.nportant internal rcveuua caiea, but a nlntli waa uu ludletnient agalual Ferdluand Ward, 8/lBBBB 8, Warner and J. H. Work for derraudiog the Maiine Natlonul BaBB, Pl-trtct-Attoruey Dorsbelmor aald that Itivonld be irrosaly iuiproper ia inako public the l-oiitenta of the Indictuiout bufore the lndlctcd ptfBOaa hud lieen i.rreated. The lndleiuient char?v8 Ward aa tho prln< eipal and Warner an.l Work aa bla aldi and obottora with a violatloa of tho N'attonat Bmklng Ai-t. under which .laiuea D. Fl?u waa convietod and Ward b.ia t.euu aevoral tliuea Indtcted. There aro aald to ba aeveral eouuta In the ludietiuont, One ef tbeta conccrna ti.e ekeek for f48U008 glven to Warner by Ward, on May .1, 1884, aaal wl.lcb waa inadc tho baata of tha xv.rraiit agalust Warner BBBBed . ou Ootober ld liy Conimlaaioiier Mnelda on tho otlldavlt of Mr. DutBhalJBBff Wiirner gave himsolf ap at tbuttiuio and the rTiiiuliiution of tbe cli.irgo agalnat TTaimi kaa Biaoaided alana ta a deaultory manncx be foi-.- I'.iiiinil-aiolier -hl,-Ida. Mr. Poraheluier char.nd ln effeet ln his affid avlt that Ward aad Waraer kaawtkat tbe ci.eck waa wortbieee tadtkattkaydefraadad tho out af over 470,000 uy Biaeaa of tho ekoek, to ino.t which there araa euly a aaaaU oiuouut <>n dopoeil iu ti.e ri.,- (ii-aud Janry kava ao4 Bolaked thelr BBeabM, bot will contluue.un n. xl to take tcati.uoiy an 1 oih.-r ladtetaaeata ? iy be laeaad. Notilleilloi.a were aeut out to Warner and Work Ihroagk Depaty Marakal Petaaaa, an.l tuo in-tn will probably lorreadet to-tay. A fneii'i af tka t,we eaaa Ual evaatakti ?Tkaaa gen ti.-men bave all aloag tioarta4 tbel Ikdaaat inveatlira tlon of thelr traaaaetlaaia wltk Oraat A WarA Mr. Waraer mada bla Iniaetweata the - i_te aa aay aaa wo.ill m .i.e pun baaea over tke eoantar, baBaylaaj in tka artaa aiity of tbe eeetraota. Aa for the BRarea wbleh hava been publlabed ahowlag that Mr. Warwer fwr tbe ftoat perlod ol im inv. -tt.iet.t with Oraal A Ward put ln more Btooey ihat. ba ever took aat, thia etaaply ah<>*-a hla ?on? ii 1.1...- ii. tbe repreeeatatloaaaf orant a Ward and iiii faltb in tboee laveetweata aa 9. rtttBaate aad prepea He baa aever preteaded katl that un tho w-holo he Baaia BMUOy and ean.e out" J. FLOYD EIXGCJXX01 IV.111! BEOABDIXG CCT1IBBBT JOBB8 AJ 4B AABA8MB?A TBLBOkaM rii'iM .iiiNKKvr. MABTTB, Wabhixotor, Not. 23.?GeBeral J. Flovl Kin-'. <>f i-'iiinin: i, to-tiigiit fiirniii.od fer p-klMattee Ihe tollOWUkff! A CARO. W i-iii\,,i.>v, Nov. '.'::. 18*8, [haveta-day r-ii ti.e letter of Caihkert u. Jonei of the 18lk itiat.. pabllahad ln Tiif. Bbw.TiMbB Tbjbcn'B of the 30th and Ilahed ln Ihe .V, e- o, 't.iiii h net-Dt ????? rit ot tho llat aadelaewhere, iad 4>aai It araper ?uly ta ?..v thal . l Mr. Joneeaaaa aaaaewa, uad la aaujport of aaf iloo I publtak tke followtaf aaaotlaiaad lalaajTMi from Oa.1 Wdl r. Miiun : Nu. iii:z. Mi?*.. June 18, 1448, .1 l'i..\i. KtXO, W laliinginii. If Jo'ie*. anpo'.ntel t?? , laCuthbert BulBl Joaea, aceond aon of charlea i can uo proved beyond .[iie?ttoa li" v-aa one ,,r the i-a ii-lna ot Oeiieral Lldd dl and ii. .1 tbo oountry toavoidthe eonaeqaeneea of the marder. Wili. T. Minrix. Ae th" repreaeataMva iu Oaaktreea from the Yth Loitial .h.i P.-triit, In wbleli tLe mur. ,ler eeearrod, niy oppoaittvB la Mr. Jonea'a appolntmenl to orii,-.> baa baea aaraatl aad Raeaea. pnimlitng. f can kave boooBtroveray i i. ? m n "f bla ehar.ieter. BOf t .n I BOtl. 0 ihe aaaaull he m.ikes npon n.o lu aucb way aa the pablle aUicat expeet >f lt a*d " :i 'in any repatable aonroe. J. Hu>i b Ku ?? BMEAEIXO TIIK enWAOO WBEAt MABEET MiNNKip, .Ln. Nov. 23 (Sp-aat . ? TlUJ Tbibcxiob Batarday,ajavawaraBnfaf a eeeataaj bn-ak i.i the i-'o ii. iiket, reaultlug from the ift'orta of a MlnBeapolia lyadiaate of uniiora and eteTBtar ni-u. .-in. a then Deeeaabef wbeat haa dropjied three and n .('.i.iiter eeata Kurther aenaiitlouul develop meiita ai" n.w llk'ly to gru-v out Of tbis. Th' < AaVafM Tribunf. re.'ogui.rlng the atrength ofthe Rortkwaatara ayaatteata, arter the deeltne begaa pabUaked a I'itt.-r art.. 1-; aboalad tho Mitler*' Aaaoola tion of MlBBeapolie, aeoaalaa; it af aaltfM the graln itared laelevatera alaag the dlrter,-nt linea wliloh w.ia the propertyof ahippen, aad now attempt> lag io breakthe m.irkel for tke p.irp>??e of aettllog wttk owneraof tnla wbeal at redueed pnree. Titi: ritiui isa piibii.abcd tke real faeta ou Batarday. The Millera \--oi i.i-o i baa entered fntu a i.ittcr eorreapnadenca with tbei bl. igopaper aad thaehaneae are ihatallfcel ?nlt u; l he ihe naiilt. Tke preaeut criaia ha< Chlcik".! vpeculatora aod Minueanotla n.lllera luto direct confliet.aal atterceatraaale will full.iw. Reavy ahtp menta from bere aod Soatkan Miuueaota ailil contliiue ponrtag luto Ckloaaa. ? UXDBMBOVXD WZBB nenrm ? - Pini AUKi.piiiA. Nov. 23 [8? ci<\/'.?siiptp> Walkar, of tho Klectrl-ikl Da partmaat of tho clty. aald to-day the iaw cotn . iii overhead arlraa to be pkaaed under ?rround by Jaaaary 1, 1888, xxl.. have to be eurrled out. " L'nlcaa [taoelve otlier'lou*," ho aald, " I will have to eut ull wlrea. A reaolutlon paaaed Co.. :.4)9 ln June laat that ull wirea inuat go uadararaaai, but t kuow of Beeftorl belng uiaJe to roaiply with ihe law. ThaWeetera Uatea Oaataaay haa .. taraa amoaa*. ef in ilemiloii lliiiul with wlneh to plaee tlie wirea under. groiind but ,t baaa prooualtlou tbo Oouncila aud Wlll walt untll aonu) actlou la takou la Ihe, mattiT. A uumoer of telagrapb and tob pbone and ele. tno iirbt oompantea bave been aeoorded prtviiegoa, but they bavo not aa )Ct uvailcd ihuiuaulvea of tho coueeaalor.a granted._ ;//. in FAi.Llsa Oft OT nuiviisn. Pnii.AiiKt.PiliA, Nov. 23 tSpecmh.?Slnce Jaaaary the Delaware Rlvar ha* not baaa aa aearaaaf reeeelaef large earrylat eaBaetty aa lt u at agaaaaa. Heretofoie there have t.eeu oa all averaco rlfty eteaoiera BBd bbIBbb veaeela laaalad wlth ajrala eaah ?aalh, but iineo tho tlrat ot tho prcseut luontb tbere t. M not a earge ef grala U-ft tbia port. The prtaelpel carriew were "blpper* !a OwSt! to tbo large ih,p:?ent. of whoal from Indu._^?_, tui: 11 in- BBCOEJX I |.xMI> IN THE I'ltlNTINO DI4JT8UOT. A fii'o waa disoovorcd ahiutt 11M0 last 8T948 ing la tho lundeiy of P. 9?. Colller'a piiblialinii,' hjuie al No. 18 Taadawatar Bf, .Uthough tlio watehman, M, i.lTen la reualrcl to inuko hla rounda BTefW half li ur the ihe waa well under way lo tho fearth atory hafare it waa d-aeovered. The btaaa eaaa burat tbe Bfth atory and up tbroosh tbe root. lu balf an liour tbe llro waa well under ecniiol. TUe ?tock OOBilatlbgOf Blbiuaa andrellglous b.M.ka. waa weJl Iniured. It w.ia thoiigbl thal the loaa would not oxeee.1 !jll.",,e)00. _ j POtJB cHAltlli:i> OOBP8B4 POU4TB BARPOSKT, Oliio, Nov. L':i (Sprrhl .-Tho auperlntcndentof the biirnod Indrm.iry di.i. overod to-xtay" tlu-eoor f.iiirliini.itea.auppuiiul to have baaa aavad, aro Blttl uilaahuj. Whetlier they 88088*4 BBd xvi-ioler.-d luto ti.,. eoi.ntiy, or woro hurne.l ta death la utiknow ... Thla Biorolng tkeeoBtraat waa let for a te,npor?rv-imcturo for tho aceomm.Hl.itKin of part of tho".. 1 ue otberawlll behoaaed latka eouuty l.m. Fwti-he I ??-, ell.irred hoyond rocognitiou, bave .? ,-n tith-.n fr."ii.Uo ruiua. TOO PKUXK TO OET Ol'T OK THE PlaAMBB PiTTsBiu.'., Nov. _3.?A dispati-li ttem Du hataaaya: Aakaaty ?t Bakala, aear bere, waa daaJtaaad bj Ira laat ulght and twe ot the aceapaau. JaaaaaRia> iji-anoraiid Wllllam Cuiupholl, buriicl to l!''llt"'l_Tn_? two iiioii and taatad aad one ot iliaiitj-. Plper e wero t,u> druuk to tolluiv him. VOBBtB IN TABIOW ftAAWB, Kr.v WBBT, Kla.. N-v. 8Ja-The atoa.i.e. Rio Orande, from . .alvea.on. haa nirived bere wlth th. 484498 li. hor forward roiupartmebL lewar trntd, on nro. c.__8TOWB.II.Jh Nov. ?-?il-lbebarn on the farm of Mr. MaakBf waa burnod ''?? -^^Ivtu.^rBaL iwo valuahle boraea. Loaa, *i,OvA), laartly luauraa. a eokapaatoa n*med Plper were lntox t.lieui upaet a lan.p.H.d ...:?: M,o ot he eaeaiH'd bul Melir.iuor and < unpbel'