Newspaper Page Text
I'HE TELEPHONE SCANDAL. OKORO.!-: T. CURTIS'S WEAK DEFENCE. THE IUI lXWAHDM'SS O'e lill: I* *? N l.lEClltIC?A I llAltlll II ?-?- < ilMI'AVY. "nv TsuteiniiM ro rns tuiso'is. ] Washington, Feb, 13.?The House Com* jiuttce un Kxpendltsrss In thc Inp.atnie nt of .lu-,tc. to il.iv ssbmlltcd its n-peirt under tho Hs noach reso iution, tho liniil- leStSISS of Which luive already ?sen reported la lin: Tmbi uk. in tin- Interior Depart mint tin- expense Incurred een sccoonl of tin- Telephone Investigation has been f33i. No mosey bru boen paid oat br the Deportment of Justice, bnt the committee ls olHemllj Informed that a con ti act bas bees tumlo with Hunte n a ( i, in Uer, wbo ure tu resell e -;,,.i.i.. for their service, a like oostrset with Lawyer Whitman calls for 43,000. Tbe comm Ul ce ls not Informed as to whal amoaiits ex-Si nstsi Thurman and Mr. Lowrey, of New Yolk, an to receive. In tho meeting ol the committee thissaorslsgthere was discussion ot another veM.iutii.ii prepared i.y Mr. Hanbock, which provides for th)' thorough mv ItlgStlOB >.: the Telephone -caudal. The publics! lon to-day ot George T. Curtis's ipeclsl plea in defence of (iarlanel, la regarded hy many .n au at? tempt i.y him and hts Monda to prevent a Congressional Investigation, but lt will not aacoccd. Tbe defence la isgardi ii a- extremely weak. M my nf Ibe riatementa it (oul.un- were derived from Mr. Uarlsnd and mum of hu associates lu thc speculation. Mr. Cartta says that lo February, 1983, Mr. carland nnd other persons founded " Ths Pan-Eleetne and Tele? phone Company," which was formed to acquire and op? erate ths Rogers patent for a telephoue, an enterprise which it wss supposed could be developed without a lur^o outlay, nun) of the Ineorpsrstors beloit wesltby men. " Mr. Um ian.I became tho owner or 5,000 -hun--, par valos 9100 s share. Four thousand live hundred ahsres wers Issued to bim snd he lett SOO lu the- treas? ury of tin. company for Its use." Mr. 1 urti-, labors to support Mr. Uarlsnd's denial tbat tbe atoeh wss a sift Ishim. Mr. Curtis also referi to "thc luoorporators" of thc Pen-Electric t ompany. lie baa bean misled. Thc l'an-lJiccHic Company never bas obtained au act of incorporation, slthSUgh ll BCClM td have SSSUUMd to grant lioenscs to telephone somiiaulea In seven or eight i-Uteft, Tbs fuels are these: "On March 13, 1--:, Messrs. tiarlaud, Ilanla, Youog, Atkins, Johniton and Koircra signed snides ..? sgrssment to form a Joint Bloch company. The sgrsemenl apeclUe! a number of patents .uni Improvement! obtained and mads nml owned by Roger! aol only for telephones bul bIbo .'eu telegraphs, .and aud lubmarine, electric light*, burglar alaru.-.' etc, In the articles it ii iel 'aub thal " the Inventor! dcalrlng to develop and pul into practical operation" the ial.1 Improvemvnts, discoveries and In? ventions, and to secure for thal purpose "the sid and ;.-s itanoc" of Uartaud and bli friends have agroed to give .'.un of them so Interest of one-tenth In Hi" Itu provemsutsand Inventions, thc v.tine of wblcb muons tho as ttciatcs was rstlmsted at #1,000,000, but In iii .1:1111: with 011'sidors ut tiv?- Huies that amount, ll agreed tbal "as soon ss the isms cnn be done" they will proeurc a cb.n ter ot Incorpora? tion eonetilutiug tbemselvei a corporate body mulei the- hallie and Style ol Un- " l'.m ' Electric Company." Pt ock eon ideates engraved, j printed aud sigued, and tbs "sid snd ssslstauce" of ' lian.ind.- ll.u rn A ? 0, were frequently Invoked lo secure tbe promised i-narter. Home inquiries were made wllh a view tu .>..ia: Ids .1 charter in New-York, New-Jersey and several other SI ites. but nothing fm Ihi t s 1- done. I and to tbl-da*-thc l'lli I.i.i rr..- Culiipuliy ls WitboUt a chsttsr. Tbs ref lissi snd neglect of Uarlsnd, Harris A ' < te. iel carry mit th.- part of ti..- nitreomeul nave luceused 1 Die inve t'.r. lie gave away sm tenths ul tbe Value of nil bia niven noni and diacove 1 les, aud Ibosu comprised every thins ol value lu ibe enterprise, post and prospect? ive; sud the bouetlclaries have eonduutod the affair! ol the Mock . oinpauy iii opposition to hu wisUea. in their BUXtel) lillee.!/ .\ Uley S'hl -'lt .lilli lott, aud each one promptly pocketed bli share ol the "ss is" i.d lott ti... licensees io light their ll.e.r um ri i.t". s with thc powerful Bell tun.pani. < .11 < iclubel 1-, 1-?>.:, tbe Tun Lld'INC 1 e.t phone Coln pau] riic-i under the laws ..: reunessee, with a capital stu kol tfi,ooo,<.? The incorporaton Were (-srlaud, Kogers, Jobmton, Hann bud Looney, t- icu h.'..!?:._? onc-tifth i>; Ibe nock lilli ls a Mule company aud ls authorized t>> do a telephone l>usinc?i eu, vin Lr n ure. Mr. Uni ''.I received bli million -ul lei,lu -see HO k bj VirtUC Ol III- ll.ICle.-l 111 tbe i'.in-i:.e cine Joint stock Company, li Rosen bad inn -riven ibc half u wk of the Joist -' '?-. ' ompany Mr, Usrl 1.1 would not h ive lee-e-ll eel),, ul ' >| '.el- eil lue | , - J' 'll-'. Mr. Curtis seems to have forgotten all ibout tr." palen I bm whloh us.! md -.? r.i r< t ?? -cn ile while M.. 1. ir.aril wa- a member ot Hint bo.1... Mr. 1..11,.nc inti .--ci himself iu ibat measure, nut ti.e BenateCommittee em Patents devil od i.t lavor lt. lt v..I-.1 bill to empower ibo Departmeut of Juitlce to du precisely what iii-- liepurtiueiit is now uor;i0- without thc autbority ofauj itatute. GERMANY'S -11 AM-ilIl' POLICY. \T--II.s Ml -1 II I'.' HT IS GERMAN YARDS AND Bl I.N lal.HMAS- CO ll . Washington, Feb. 13.?Inarepori to thc Beere tary e.: on u.e German sbipplus Interests Frederit k Kaine, i .writes tba t ?; ire al present ? ? ? ii one bm dre i sud thu ty ship? builders sloss '.?!.'? rn in coasts Ile iriyi Ih. ? hi lp granted by tl ? i neal to ihtp build lng ls the duty fros Importation ol steam-eugluei snd buller-. 1'rie.r to April, I--."., thu OertDSO l.iuplro had no control ret sh unship Hm -. The o? i Ber v wc sf thi <" i.n..ii Empire lu direct Intercourse with ..lime cuni.u.e-1- at present carried on by ten pnrate stoamsblp lines, which keep up by regular irlpi the communication between Hamburg ind Bremen and tbe Culled States poi ?? I il Ibe pcrloru. ul tue larine mill - 1 cn e tb- Iii.pu-ial P..-I nth i- ll. na- ie.nd, up lu Un- present time, .._'>.""> iniij.4 yearly, -.: which an: .int in.-. "Norddeuttcbo Lloyd " ai..I I ... " il m.nar.' Alu. 1 . Action - - receive tbau 'Al). 1 ui il,.- -ant.- pinpi I'ost < erl., c H. - par;tuent ",- ureal Britain hiv- yearly nt..1,0 .. -; france, _ ..\ nu. .. l.otKi.nii . lu.ilks; Ital.,, 7,.I."..."'.') mei I, . ... : 1. ifiuiU, <?'".. mai - Hatter Uro date cf July 9, 1885, a contract Was concluded bciwcen the Herman Liuplre and the ! , . ? i] . ," s'ordd. ;i - I,.- j, oyi| i, lative tu tl ? -; ,-. labmenl iii i uis uleii e oe "t llerui in ui ii. Bleniliship . "inui iiei.ii i Vii ru.'l luitralia, Oi tne .-ic.ini !< rc'iuired .c. .- isl \ lliall li rn I. ult iii i.e rina ll ya. I- '. usilii . .? luuell a- i r ic t liable, t.- . ". ? . ed lu Ute ,,., j. e.r t. ? - . . i :, ? , . .ailie 1 Ul d I Hf 1; . i ru.iii I.loyd. I i icpaii i shall, as tar us | ? .na le rn German docks. Supplies -ei ?.... ie derived ei frou German pits. All ntcaim-rs to be inn i ? ? amined prior to the voyag. bj exports appointed by tbe Imperial Chancellor. i; SE DOINGS. IN BRIER Washington, F< i>. 13.-?The Speaker luitl before tbe House thu reply of the Postmaster-U ls response to the resolution 01 formation as ta whether the eighl lourlswlsoow applicable tolel ter eamon, Referred. Ths Postmaster-General that thine i- no department regulation prc scribibg tho number ol boura during which letter-carrieri aie required tu work, and that '.lie - li..', i." ir raw bu- nu! linen d'-e ruoel app to letter-carriers, because they .ne not regarded us ",.,. borers, workmen, oi mechanics." Tbe opinion that the law ls not iipplicabli irrlers wss. the Poetuias ter-General ia informed, promulgated from tbe depart ] un..< ru > of ui- o; .. bange Lu- 111 it directed kines. Adverse reports were submitted from tin- Committee Oil l'o.-t . ellie.-1 al.l Post ilea I, un to e hal, io the. people lo name then po tmasters, to regulate tho nam lng uf punt' es, lo .'.ni.. i. H.- tn dellvi i >- ut mall mat tei and to re-.- nate the iub-lelllug uf . outrai : tbey were- nbi ii? mri ii.i. table. Ino pending busiueas in Hid morning hour was the motion to i.ii. i- the motion tu rc ouslder thc vole ny wiiicii the Hun-.? on Ihn: - ..) pa -ti tie inn authoriz? ing National bank-tu lucre.c.- iii. n capital -tuck nml change their location i sud name -. 1 he motion lo recon? sider wa- tabled '.---, ll"., us After Minne deb j le ou tno KHz John Porter bi.I th. llote-', al 5:30, a IJouroud until Moudoj. ? e ? edi ii.-dhv PILOTAGE. Washington, Feb. 13. -Messrs. J. R. Beck? with asd J. .?. fucker, attorneys of New-0 leans;!] li. sn, pt - I, and i.. Co Marun, secretary of the National Pilots' Association; Captains fleetwood, ol ha.annan; Cooper, ol Baltimore, ssd Pianola, ..f N.-w Orteass, pl nts, wers before eeaator frye's sub-commit tl e ut lue - , ,,-c i un,in BEACOS LIGHTS -I DDENLY DIMMED WASHINGTON, Kel). 13 Spedah.?Mr. Can rion. of illinois, ts-dsy frightened the Dsmoerstle "re? formers" ejf the HOUSC BS thru they ISfUSBd to a-lopt n, (sport from tho Committee os Aooonnts, providing for three more elerks la tbe documcut room, ut a total ex pearn of 02,320 a yesr. Ths aanual cunt ot Ibo doon lut-nt room on uccoiint of (.alarie-, ai Mr. Cannon Showed, i- ai.e,ut 115,000, While lbs salary imt of the c. uar.- document room is eeniy pti.OOO. ile loit tad ?inn ks looked to the Democratic sids and discovered tbat those "beacon lights of economy, Holman and Randall" jud cease d to-bme. The resolution was n oom ml tied with Instructions to the committee to lures tl gste snd rupert ?poa the entiie force of House employes, Including eommlttee clerks, and whether there is snr room ror a retrenchment of expenditures. -? ? NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. w-?iiiM,!..N. iv!,. i2,__lieutenant Charlot H. Lyman him ben, oidered tei command tbe natal station nt Kurt Koym, h. c. Ensign william Braun*!* reuther hal been iletat bed H.,i? sostmssdsf ibo naval sutton st Tart Royal sad ordered ta bold hlmasll m readiness Passed Assistant Surgeon li. c. Helfenger M? keon ordered tsconUsuoon uuty at the Portsmouth. m _r___5__Lla*,1 !__*!_ ^1,ly '? As'"'"1?"t Paymaster M. IC Calvert has been ordered lo the I'mta. A"-m>v n Paymaster t;. u. Wonstor has been detached from tba ?ats upou berni: relieved aud ordered lossttloBocoaata. -w ARMV OHDERk. WauwoTOM, Feb. 13.?TW resiKuation of ?ecoud Ueuteii.uii Hiitton Uavii. '.td Cavalry, bu*i been ?ccepted by tiu. licudcni to take efftsi Juno 1, and bli leave of ab-cnco has heen extended until Hint date. Second Lieutenant Joseph V. Maxfield, Signal Corps, bas besn relieved from duty ut Kuri Myer March 1, and ordered tu duty In the offli i .?: tb I iii f -Ignal Officer. BUSINESS d' lill. I'A I l.M OFFICE. Mt.Ki: ROOM. MOHR KMI'ii.VI- AXII P.: Ill R BALAH Il - WWII |). Washington, Ttl). 13.?Comtieiasinni-r ol Patent! Montgomery baa forwarded to Congress bi annual nport fm the raleml ir year ended December 31, 1883, He renews the recommendation of bia pri? ll, ct -nor tli,it additions! room be provided for the Patent Office. He sa] - that every i.i In the Interior Depart? ment building eonld be sdvaulageously nsed by the Attention ls directed o, ibe fsulty sani? tary arrangement! ol U.e- bull '.m.-. a laboratory ls .'en ' i i ratlvsne ? illy ol thi office foi Hie ;, mug .?: trie ii sppsrsti .?, inn! s lulinbls location could be fouud within Hie. court-yard or tbs building i bnComml ssys tbe examining corpi ls shelly Iniufficleut to per f.uiii it- important duties and nu morea-.! uf the numb.; of employes li recommended -?? well a- a general in crease lu tbs other division-. The sllowanr-1 lur sslai ico ol aistatant examiner! are said to bc Inadequate, and the practical result of tbe small sslaries la Ibat man) ol ibo moat valuable examiner! desert tin ir em ploy ment every yssr to eu ter amore lucrative Held, li also !- cm 11'nen. I- I Hi il l'i.' - ,1 nc e.f thc Is.istant Oom- , uiiaslooer beiucreusud from .-::,'hm to $.1,500 per an? num. 6 i be 'attention of C ?" .-re's, n dlr. eted in Ihe fael thal there 1- ut presnut uo statute eminiwerliig or dil.Hug tho Attnriiey-Ueneral lo Institute proceedlnxB In the Ul. Oj' the I I.! I. el ??; ate - ul ul t ter a -| - ? I u crillee! or .'lil? li ll '? a patent which mn . have In-eu rratleluli ii ii oblslne I ur unwisely eu- Inadvertent .-ii |, nd which mny work great injury tu ibe pub lc. In roncluslon the ? t'ommissiouer says th.i thirty years bio there were thirteen classes of inventions, rn-dsy lhere were In tbe office 177 distinct cissies. In 1.55, I.4H.1 apDlicntlotnt for patents were received, while dunns tbe tail calendar year tbe office received 35.717 applications. Tbe lol al ? c lits of the Patent lillico durinu lbs yeurwere1 rr l.l- t.i i-r i. ii,, i tho expendlturci wi re -r-i."-". I i lng a balance ol receipt! over exp uidlliirci ol r.lii...7l0. Tho nuni.. i ol appllrationi received waa35,7l7i Ibc number ol raveati hied vrni'?',.>.>-, and ibo number il laatii-e was 25,C'.il. Of tbe domesiio patents insucd New York received the largeil number l,T>'A'?, orono putout lc everj 1,121 eel her populutl.but Connecticut, witb l.oil, had one patent to everj U15 persona -?? DISCRIMINATING DUTY ON ART. OPPOSITION TO Mi:. ii'.i.Mi). i's lilli, and rm i'll -ir . ley 11. Washington, Pub. 13 Special).?TtepTesvn tati.e Belmont baa received many letters Inqulrng rm..nt tie- prospect! tor th.- Damage ut bli hill t" abollab the- discriminating duty on worki ol art, bul be hu* beeu unable tu no c un;, latlifaclory answer SJ to the outlook. Ile thinks, bowevet, that tho bill will pass Mr Hewitt has also Introduced shill onthosame - l.iiibe intends, lt ts said, to Incorporate the providions of,bls bill In the tariff bill tu bereported hythe Wayi and Mean- Committee. Mr, Belmont's bill provide* that ?? no linne- -hall in- lei led or collects I on any s oi lix eef ni'. e-i. ber mice nt i-r ure ul e-r n, unit the lei lu ' w "C.. "t an ' -hali lucliieie paintings, dr.iu Ines, i botographs, and itatuary, whether tbe wotkof Anni icm oro' loreign artists." I; a).pe.ii-that nie artist! were nol wllh thl- bill, Inelii.liii.- ilr.iwiii'.- snd pboto| inn.. uk \\ url.- of art to be silmitteil free wai di-', te. them nm! weokcned tbe measure. Hence thur hud Mr, ;; Itt Inti olnce anew meaniuc, which provide! thal - p ii ii: i m. s in mi or watei s >loi* nn>] ?1 ituary, i eiug Hie prof e--iuiuili ? lol of a I i mei. -(.,tu uv ..r i il ti tor, m.pun..i Into the i nltotl state.* shall boreal 'er be mi ni n i e. i free "i duly." \ niiiuliei ni petition* rn favor ul this nicusUIe llBVe hceli I u ' I .e.lui . e| lu heetli I.-.--. V Weoteru member-eiibi to-day: "I sin told ? oho bas made a eanvaei of thc siinjeol that there are onl] eight) three vote- In tbs House in tovor "t tin liti i-iir-e. I! (Till nol I a--. It i-a ~\.ul- Dies Ute. Its a<l ? t hi tell the public ibu to'-. le ? ii il "ii werie- ul arl rn; il I d fol ? ? 'i >e Ant ii ii iii I ie-1 . -r I ei-un- e in ii, ? ii ?-.i ii -.1, ely |..i the i-n ci mi igeiiu ul o' inc hue arts and have their paint iiuf uni ? itu iry nd uitted fiee, n i- univ u ben pei m want to Import such article* for private ii om I li levied. Now, I hay can ne pi iubK nie Mr. -folinp ily inn-: b.r - :,. lorelei ii ;. dui free while a duly ii levied Ion thc n i<- .i ? ,. ,i.'u . ? ni thal I lu thl- meninie, aud it- opponent- t.i>:i.-?? o tbsl thej aita in -uccsed. -? TIIE VACANT CON I K0I.__K-.SH1P. MR. . l-K- i LANA MAUI SOI N'UKIt Ol I eli. I'" ro I MAUI l- ItllMil I.V. Washington*. Fi*1i. 13.- I i ilat Hie While House that tho President ha* nevci letidercd the ofll ?? ol i ontroller ol tbe ? urn i i . ? . .. , u ie il ncc Mr. i au* nun'- resignation waa received, ind I t h.ti.. - lt igely, of Spring e-r e-i. lt i- -aid an i Hort w i- iu ?nv lor, bul lt wa doned because the President ind the - orotnrj eef ih. Treasury consldereJ him too young sud lucxpi for an office of such reipo - t ls auld further ibat Ihe Protldeut, In order to have tin beuetll ol lir. Can dou'i ease tbey may be rt ap]'...!itll:ell' I ? III eh . a- '. . I tal,, ri UU n-.-i-u_! lui. wblcb w i- .cu ler* l to luke e ged e.n Kebrii ui\ I, Mi ? ou bim not. however, tied any tlilno Beda wi li lue bunine lol ll, A l.l- 1 e-i?> ee,., ,,? ,,.|.,,.| tho I'DHU I ell t| lie - ?? r. t!-. md wiliintr ti ?? .ir..I experience lo whou hm ?? r ml .. .-I ti.-.,... ? i him. H i, ? bei? fore, I ? pie i until :. .r ,i;.j.. ? 1 bi ld -, . t lite tl. ? ? i m..\-y niM'.f i: \ i ii -ni i H i.ii..i.i.i:i>. Washington, Feb. 13 [Special .?The itel ion nf ti..- Pre ldi nt n piev.-i Hug reco rd i a n <l I laying c."-. couflimatlou ol non lng great nm iiclnt ii a .... med ? clive ofl Many ol il -.conloi in regard to thi ml ? et. i ? ? ? * have ht .-r. I v. art letter! from iii ealing for heal ii. - ll i- u portetl that ( promised I ibluet oiHcera to rote foi conilrmlug nee* to carr, throtuh many <>r those now "hungup." Buch ii ports, l.i.'.v. .. .-. are ol doubtl though there si<- ludicationi ol sttempted " a I: publican i i ii , o, hen -Oil,- tl ? to be pursued in < - Ininti tlon ; in it- at tempi lo - .pp: >? i the dex ii men ti ou willi h re nun a - 'nie-iiiaeb-. Pilliliiirj nd l'baie, the Internal revel n cn eel uri who wi i..i icei ej 11 itenl iii Men e, have returned lue au-. I be--, ml . hat they could not i -p- i i t'e lie - un lu incl !?? a> lean ir it< ruelr reje. lion ;- . el .nu un ten lhere sro dcfcctloni In the Hep in _ IMPORI WI 1.1NIJ UKANT DKCI8H IN. Washington, I'i Ii. 1 H.?Land Cumiiiiriiiioiier -j. i-l. In a di ? run in the oaso "I a inn - \ a lg . ill, a Miller ou tbe line of the Northern ladle Haili Montana, bold! Ibal landa wei not resei red by I the railroad grant upon tbo Hiing i.y the romiuuiy of ump "i _rr ? r lira ite bul oulybtfter Ibe di iii Itt lo allon of Uie actual line of tbe road, rbe effect of the rom ? ni- loner*! decl ion, if imtiliicd, will be lc ; rettlen along tbe whole, line of tbe road wbo souled sf ter maps of gene al route were Hied and before the eleiinp.- .,.c.tnun f tho I ad, ti lng j., i... i - raiigiug from three to lon years, mid ainu [ooim-ii to eutn all lauds on the line bel teen Wallala, Wainiugton 'icrrltory, and I'ortUud, Urcgoii, ii ni Lam ut some BOO nu., in,.I run eiin ru. lu mule- Hi .li '.'i.e..'"-." ru !? '. I lc I I lld- Ili? lli Hie valley of the Columbia Klver and have boen ki pt .ii ie ? i vi lion mice 1-7J. UNITING nilli hie PHESIIYTER1AN ORV BC ll. The cnn.-ii-'.' nt lin- Onchiintlrt'tl lind* ilxteenih bircet United Presbyterian Church hu roted to leparati from tl. .i deuomluatlon and lo niiite wltb tho Presbyteriau Church ol New-York. ah tbe memben sro In sccortl on tbs inhjeet ..f tbe chango Home difficulty, however, eras encountered In separating tbe church from thc forme r .is -ucl an h. Tho property li valued St If 17,OOO, sud a mortgage wai itoi.i e,u w by tbo I nii-u | te i. hi < bu rc ii '.ei moue] .tel..,-. red lui i] p ii i Ih k li ireh. Tbiselalm baal.n ?eitii-ei un un agreeiiu-nl by the trustee I to pa- -r i ._???? foi lbs P. (,. Jclfrj one of lbs u a-tee-- .-ai l )? -? i ia.- r ii ii ..jip ; ? tr,uu bud been made to the Church Kttoi lou i.'onunli eo uf Hu presbyterian Church te.- admlsilon to the Presbytery, aluin report would probably be luadb Bl Ibu Mardi meeting of thut body, Thl-evening ibe Itcv. Ur. John iiuii will picach in the church, - ? Act IDEM TO HIE UOBOKEN CARLE. Truffle on tim elevated road waa luspended again yei terday In consequence ol sn accident to ibo cable. When the third last car passed tbe curve at Pallsade-svc. tbe steel cable waa carried agalnsl an Iron glnler which -.1 \cd a- b -tiard rall, and i swed uh way lune thc iron. [n doing so lt cut o.fits own iiraudi io tbat the eahli e, uld not be used. The pasiengers wen- wa injured aud no damage wai done to na- cara. President H mn mj - - Wo expected, as In all otber places where cable roads it tv tee ii ii-oil fm- the in-t lime, thal we w.ui hi expert euee i.e. i nc li iii pul a i j- trouble.. 1 ur tiiat I ins., ii wi u t . 8 only inn our ear-, during < ert.iiii |".i lions of Ibe day aud kept our horse cars and elevator running aa hereto!., causing ot considerable pxtra expense, flor in have been of inch a character I hut mir ch lr bu ce in um arrangements aud devices being correct lu principle hu hut be cn -I,liken III lin- ba-I, aid ne ian BBB tua' they need on ij some minor adjustments, Thepassengei ono never be In any dinger. By cur powerful brakes and the extra liars brake- we haw nm ooutrol over lb st every point ol tho road and Inall kindsof wealbBr. Our structure u very strongas li sli the rest of Ibo work, and our grips have proved s perfect inooeen IVo shall have the cable put In order again aa soon ut poi iible." /)/.'. RRIBTORS olD AND NEV, PLOI RS 'lin- Methodist Chan li of Bpruig Valley, N. T., la sot disheartened by thc withdrawal of ths Bat Dr. George K. Brlsior. Pusday lervtees will beheld regularly owing to tbo efforti "f s. il. iturr. Tbe Kev Mr. Ferguson, of tbs Drew Theologies! Bemluary, will preach to-day, and Misa Ida Ouoerdonh bas volunteered tu act bs ui.-aiii-t. ihe eSnnday-sehool last week had forty-seven scholars and thc new Congregational Sunday Behool ahum half tb ut Bamboa Boam people eontlaua io boycott Mr. Burr's grocer] nore sud patronize tba shop of iii- oppenie nt tn church umi business natters, John I . ii ood. I h" " I s UesT Guild of 0," --niii_r Vallay hfetbo dist Cburoh" bas seeeded In a body and li now known as "The ijseiies' tiiiibi of tno .'-piing Valley ConuTOga llonal t'biircli." At the time of lir. Hrr-loi i indictment, Judge Oroo. his counsel, pleaded not guilt** with privi lorn of demurring within len days io tbo indictment, ? r Ait.nut i I)cni..'.e-t hai beeu a.ivi-e i tnat n i de? murrer will l>e Interposed ami the Ural Will pi'ui c I i II I'ciiniary '?3 al tr." t'e. li-' ee[ .? MffoUB, Ne wi t;,. ? - ?? WAREEK I \ i> il'//,'A SE! I'l:Rh'. JUDGE BENEDICT l? Cl DES FOB 1 HEM. HOLDIXO rilAT HU' IMd.'IM NI W\ DI I r.e'UVI \ gi y, ny i i ::??:! mi r. Judge Benedict, ol branch of the L'nitcil stat' - i 'ii,-1ir Court, rendered a de-cision vestcrday in favor of William S, Warner and .1. Ile m.. Work on tbe demurrer argued by |hcirc'?tiii?'l against tuc I1 ? !i;ir_'ii_' them ? itb iiiin ; Kcnlinai il W .1 I In ;! ? 'll Ippl III III ed' Hie lillie:-. |e| U.I' Mi,. Nini. na] Hank, nf 1 liich \\ .1 I wai a ilirector, W'.-nl . 1 Wnrnr-r one* or iiieire cheeki on tbi ile. before ibo suipcmion of tl bank uni at ,1 time when lu- had nu u.cii -. to meet tl em. Thi checks were | aid, and it ? il that Ward so misapplied the money ? .1 tbe bank in \ieeliii.ii eu il,.- National Banking law, j Warm r and W ork were arrc .tt d and lu bl 'n -. 30 IOU bil each, a im' e ,. 1 im, ;, ,(. I iii. .1 staten I list ric) Attorney Dorsheimer, caused th ir ind ic nu ic. ;,n tl un tin- argument lor tbe di inui 1 cr ,-i lew wren .ir'. Mi. l>oi ilieimer nnd Elihu ICoot}ap? peared for the Uoverument sud Oiorge Blissand Jamei C. Carter fur Warner and Work. (Tic printed liri.'ls of the counsel were- delayed and Mr. Hoot's last bi..I wai -.'it'll to Judge lien..Int on Friday. A <l<-_ cition waa nol expected for se viral days, but Judge lb in di. t li.ul lc cn convinced ou thc oral argument that a fatal error 1 aisled in the indietment. Ile maj have been lcd to an earlj decision al-o l.s the lac! thal n new n 1.1 ml Jury. I a-1" e tvliidi tbe case maj bi 1.1 ken il 11 in w iiulii tun ni i. ttl I"- found, will m. el to-morrow, I he lull decision I- .is follows : Ibe brill in Ik ball of tho Government submitted to un- \.-1.1 lin v I sil* tu poi ul nut any way of escape Irom the difficult) witb the indictmen in ii- present lorm whieh was apparent al I be time ol (bi oral argument. Thal difficulty 1- Ital tho Indictment contain! uo avi-i nie nt ol b cum vc 1 ion by Ward of tbe money of (bc association which tbe iuuictmcnl itates was paid bj iodation tu Warner, lin- indictment st eke to charge Ihe defendant! Warner and Work ri- alden and slM-tteri iel Kerdiniiud Ward in a wilful misap plication bt Waul ol thc money ol Ibe Marine Uiul,. of wliich as-..ii.iiii.ii Waul wai ul tito linn-a director. Au indictment "I Ibis character, as all cou? ciic. tee l?. good aga'nst tim defendants W'arner and W01 k. h.u-! ititafacts showing a miaanidicati in "i the monet e,i 1 bc a sicialieiu committed by NS .ml. I lu SupremeConrl ul Hu- I ulled state- in ibe I'nited Man- against loT I S p .1.1.1; bas expressly declared .1 conversion ol Ih hindi of tbe Sfsocistion by tho pur:', charged tolma n-cwian ingredient of Ibe iiffirncc e.t misapplying Ibc funds oj an officer ol Ibe I--.efl I' i.Hl. Atc >l e||||a |,| |('l- l|'C>ii'!l .'lill' eUl'l.ll incl t. h.- averred and uroveil tn this ease is tbe cnn iri'sion by Ward ol ibc nionevi In qnestion. I lu --I ntisl to, I I riie-iti ..uni*. 1.1 -r.i'e-. I !? 1 statement Ihnl Wail inlcneled that be and Warner ind Work should convcrl tn thi-ir own use Inc money iii tine-ii .11 Inti rb. n- i- nu ?;. I. mi tn that mch a cu 1 ci 'un bj W arel v..1- ifcer al', r .rt.ct...I. 1 - nml?sinn, uh'le 1 Ute- derision referred to, uinsl Im- held i.n il. .md lor lld* re .sun tb. rt fore Ibero must rn judgmi-nt im ibc defendant! Warner and Work ipe'n ibe demurrer, thc argument made at thc bear ,i_ -p.. 11 thi demurrer was uot t mdnrd lo matt.-ri ul u-i and omi -1 ?:.- . .: ildt .1 1 irreclist, but siwumcd I Slider -I ip alee! Ie leele I el ll |.l. |.el I., |- Mle at H I- lillie .?. lier thu iiilu: ri n 1 -ii ol COUtlM-1 that I elo not i-->nt to Ihe propiMition (bal .Bence sgsii i-.. s .it thi 1 untitled bj a din ? I National Hank, who knowing th ? r bc has no 1 II bi* credit in'he bans ami 110 right to draw tn rom I br bank in which he has no tight, bj means ni ll- III ? Hr. .'tt Ul idi ... ll, Alni COU' ,1-1 I- ll ? limC tee I ! - OW 'I ll ? I . tl A ed .el Hu bt r. . I ie nij opinion thc -lal ul ? t? ? 11 ? - ol lin- hank in Hn c\. ii ie ol [tower tc.I incl bi menin ol bu office. I . 1111 -li ? ? -. rr .:. e r 1 . -. b ben ? iii 'i adi ire .bene le;. holding ' -a le,.ul, ol pu -? ? lim 1 ar.-.1 1- thc i. e-! : , I 1 e . . . ? ., . O'. I ill! I (Ol ll he poi rn I h.- e.\. : ? intent tei ilelraod, S'Olll.l ' et .Ul .tl IllUtll -. e,| | ||U ? ?? ? ci tin- p.ui t,i ih,. din ctor, 11 nt lin adj pointcel ...:? '?'? id ap ? 1 1 h .' .uml made that e nb t in bl ill lb* indi! true hi i- I inti, I.-1 Hu 1. ? it lor tbi '? ml .:.'? 111 el. Mr. H .... ' ij aft. 1 Ihi .ion was made known. (Jenora! I! II. Fn?ter, thi lilt lu fl 1. ' I ? ni trlci tttorneyi nilli ?. tai 1: Pl leelalon Ib sgBjInit the Movernment on a teebnu ' lew. bee kl with an ' lb neild bold* thal Humid ?, cmiverl ibe mon. 1 t.. li If he mt bin ? ? i -e- ..... ? . 1 he ' i> . Hu- u iu u. ?? llroctoi iii :,!- . " e ?;-.--. . .. , r liohli in ii - 11 ii iii iii t Wu :. ' . . . ... ; ibat n new I nd lc I r<-ii I LOSING I III E.Xt ISl ISVi sTIlsATlOX M.1.1 Mi \ ' - I "l: 1 lil. . ? >M vu -I.eM ,.- 1 iii 11: ii 1.1 i'. I I --M ->-. John N. I'.i cl,!.v. ul I .'.ti lu -1 e i, ulm un- ?p. po I li ted by O o I . n r 111 to c sa ml I In tu tbe chi ma 1. uv Mayoi urucc agalmt the I ids. Con ' - . I; I 1 Idonce ?.r thui ? wa* all In, and tbe ??--run wa logivoihu c. - 1 inca to mm up . uh, 1 o in iel 1.1 . ? ?'..:. 1.- wa* obuiy with the Broadwaj Itailroud inrcitl .-athen tbsl be bad bad uo lime to devote to sum ii. 1 ni; up, bul wnh tbs permission ol ibo referee ? I r ui ii in .. irii 'Im b. Huh. 1 I I 1 "\... counsel for < .missioner Morrl*, -.rmi mat Hood tbat tbi ? ? su irai bli client wss concerned, was drooped. francie M. Mcolt, thc Ma I n |i b d 1 bul 11 li w 11 tbe ease. IV, 110 .1 ie'' ' 'U Ii' l'', COUIlBl I '.'ll t')) III III! ? ? 1 e e ll e I I Iel! IC b tou, and Mr. Heott, bael everything to themselves. Mr. Cockran first took the Boor. Illa argument! lendedto ile the i'en.m.--lo..'n iu general aa well i- in. illeal in parl cul ir, Ile i labned thal tbe remov .1 from iflloe by the (iovernoi wei dlfferenl from sn lm| .i.ei,t, and tbat if tbe Uoveruoi -bunal remove tbs com? misioners it would nut prevent them from SOldl ng eel'u-eS III ti.e- fllllllc, hilt th.'. .:?! -iu! iee rem eveei except on rvldcnoa thal wonld be (ood lu courts of law. " lt la sonccded on all ildc*," ? I. '? Ililli Ile- CUlllll.l --hell. I - Ult- O I. e 111'.V e e | With ,11.1-1 Jill ic ia: |... we I- au I III Hie ' < eic: -ei of ll. I el lil? li 11 - ii., ii Mellon* can nol be Impugned except ti >! culi>nhh mu! criminal u irllgenoe m performance of iiuii ii.i:.). aud ii.-? I. i ? b eu pruoi ed." Ile ; ,i I,, i etihtiuided I il tba ? -.ii.'ii' ??: -in-i. had no pown lu refus.'a license to a place I hat had beeu llceused for it ir* ami where no cou.plain! had been made again*) n, uni i hu I - ic li wai i!..- ? i-e m reva rel r i the ' n nun ne Cuni n ind tbe ll tym ii i rn- itatnte is h.,i .minted bj granting a license r., mi) rcsorl ??' ii med bj men si d womeu ol doubl lu; reptile milt s u ,,i,i. .;-, , ndUt t u abos n. lue . I : ?? I lc i ..lilli.I- loUOl - lune had IVOI I.I llppll Cite'I Ie el I . t :,-.??. I .Vi I -..I-Ul I..U I' .-??ii ci iii i d. In - irh i . .. ?? lt li ii.'i |.able (bal ill ul lill iii " lippi Ol ill ur .Ml. tret h. m.- Hue <?:?? for thi. I'reveiiiion .ef Crime tbougb ibe -ulil III I--I. I - du ail III ' hen (lOWel tee he ip Ult: HoClBtJ , it a ri poi! ii verse tu Ho- euiuiuu -I,, iel- . Uti li ? III III '.!. "'.ll ice ll Bl I u fl . . ? uti ini iii -Mile thal ll ii "un tin't -cud a r.igraol te. |all or I went j i] ? imply becuusea fen mcb places were leen -i-.i " Mr. Scott, In bli luiumlng up. reviewed Ibo evidence for ii" i I"- ? ?.ul referred to Hu. diflii ally ol Oiling et ruce. Ile lld I " \\ e m i. un ible tu rely i| cu Uv (Milli H fill .my i-ieelil. I. limo .. I be \oi\ Worst .1 pee I icc l. i.l ll l.Ill sa) woultl ho to p ii aplil .1-i' Hie .1 iii 11. iii ?..,' hi* c ,, du, t f pi iii Hu-1 is,. ,,| -, rreant i mi, a worth] mau, wbu had been removed from lbs lintrici fe>r a mlllcicni lenglbol nine lu he free (rou .nen Influence." - ? ll 1 /lin, Ul ll HERS ol IR) ING 11.11 L. Tin Ililli- Ililli |)1 iniill i.- welt- helli lil.-! irening In v.-'- \ tri nu Assembly ills ti lois. Members of be (Ieneral t Coinmitteei and olllcors ol be district orgauli tloui were chosen. Congressman aiiiph.ii, .-ian. Henator Murphy snd Assemblyman linn, a im were members ol tbe las) Ueneral .md (.seen 1 ic ie eli, h.. ti e-i h have gone over to the Count] liemoe .uv. ii.o 1. nit!, member* of ihe nsw Irving Hall or .ai," ai.-: president lloherl H. Noonejr. ol ths Hoard ".' Alderman; I iclie Commissioner Nicholas Naughton, Jo.-cph J Kum.', Hu- brewer; Moses Mehi lacb.ex Police Justice Buller, A. Btxby, ex-Justice .I?,ii 11 rai.aiuiii, Nlcbolai Muller, .11. ex-Assembly. [inn I limn.1- wild, John 1 '.. llrogan, W alien Bennett ind Peter F. Murray, Judge* Kdward Browne aad B. II. Kbrllcb, Charles 1 ?. Cornsll, Klllotl Hand toni. Ail? ie, in 1 ia run.ii 1, Beth ( . Douglai , JobnHiacom, kal ward I. Kldgeway, John C. Parley, Oscar Bogart, taiwan] M. Knight, 1 inn lei .lune*. Henry b tel nert, Joseph P. Mc iiuiiuiie-ii, Neil Hi).mi, John Usstersonaod James Pay, Rill oil 117 .1 I HER AT SEA. 'lin' sd?iiin-.hi-i I'li-iiiii Moiiart'li, wlnili ar? rived yesterday finn Londoo, repurti mee tl 11 ir a SSCtOt if torrtae gales seeoapaaled i.y high aoa*e Tho burk in*/...-, ?inch arrived from Yokohama, reports thal sa laniiary I'J HsorgS Uussell, u -e-ain in, died freilii con luinpiiuii. Tbo steamship C. II. Dodd, team Bilbo*, re? ports eiicnunteUni; boavy wcalber In the greater pint of th. voyage' dunlin which lbs carried away heir WSlntopssIl yard and -put and loll nilli. The bars Loyal, from I'adang, rup." li ibat 011 December l> Anton Olsen, a seaman, died. PLANS FOKTHE MENAGRRIE, CONFESSING wini mi*: PA BK BOARD. BCOOMTIOXfl i;:uM ,11, ii .wi.sri: pnOPURIY iiW M KM- I ' I \l -ll I I'm ttMM' mu H. A du.'.II lu li ii,.I. -, utiog , r ., t Itv inti.. -t- in r.uii. ave., tu ar c. iii;ul H.iiu, nu t tin- I'ark I'omtniisionc.s te -i.r t.i v iii ii,lin;- in a cosily furnished room in the Ai-, n.i. I lu nie,tin.' was hole! tu cm.bier winn ire could be taken to secure the transfer of the treungi rle from nb" ..ree sal : > .1 ia ttl r pince. Among ru--, ni were Helier I.'. Bishop, Jokiah ll. Fiske, <'. A. I'oatley, Henry Kuiekerbaekor, s.metii Worm er, iiml VV. il. Tillingbas.. thomas Mutter snd I. A. llo..t wick had been rx (.coted liol they are un; ..I the city, l'i. id nt IWrktnan anil Mr. Borden were tbe e.nlv iinruh'i- of Ihe Park liuiii-.' [ne-ern. Dr. Conk liii. - iieeiiiii.-n,lent ut' trie i.'i.'h i_.-iii ar,i| Mr. I'ar.oi.s iiipcriutendeul "i the eity parks were also in atteud snoe. A triangular piece ol ground compri lng about seventeen acr-i in Central Park *% .-r e.i thc Croton reservoir and between it ami tin' Niuctj - rentb-st, Irauivcrse rca I ci pointed ont un the map .d' Central a- ihe uiu-t lining place in ??> 1 I -h tbe- mensgeriea .?'"il.i I. ? placed, 'lin- was regarded si central.! located .'im! Ibo ground wu- lilted through natural drainagi tacilifiea i..r a Zoologi ?-.) Bard -n. ?? 1 bi- i- J !? null lu. ri 11 un in Ceutral I'ark," said Mr. Il- ? i. mri ii. '? that I can -ce i- ut all fitted lur re '/.""'.vj. lc il culb-.-? ctn. V, un knuw getltlcini ll Ibat Ibo |)e| :irt lnent ii1 hiiiiiri-ii--eei tr. iii a lack of tunds, A change of th. menagerie will ncecsmtats s large cspense in grading, laying ont approaches, draining, etc, I am free i> -.iv thal I iee no prospect of securing the amount in.eii'l froui t!i" iiii." Mr. Bishop Wi it ia the amount ol space dow ot . pied bj tho nu na i ric ' Im. t'onklui WA- have about four seres in use and -ix serri i.??? ai ? ,, J able. Mr Bishop Would ll iud lu possible'to get a tract ol .eb.i it tiiti seres lo allon ber Future ' Mr. Borden I dou'l know "t an;, inch -price in ? .i I'ark i) be given lor such a purpose. More ground con id bc secured in the futin if thc site pro posed were taken by running over into the North Meadow. Mr. Bishop What la tbe amount ol ground occupied by Ibo Luiiiluii ( hs ( Dr. Con kiln \b.eut A .teen acres I believe. In the ??ito proposed i-i < I'ark ere seventeen acres nhl b would au uer ul: purpose her years to come w ii h.uii encroaching on thc meadows, Mr. Bishop My Idea la thal wt ibonld providt lura Zoological ti arden tbat ma> become io lime one ol the lineal ni the world, li bm-hl be rentrallv located aa thi* pince mentioned would lie and we ihould make tbe ?election, ii ooghl to lie renioml iel. tm-a city Hint will have a pipulation of five or -iv millions. I am ?peaking for the i lliscni et la nos lilli wi -i desire this bange- iiml who wixh a permanent place for the col? lection, lt meauf of course -.-, large expenditure, hut il i- as imnortsnl an ohjeel ss any thing thal I know ol, Nb.ibin,- else w ill nile.r.i -.e much cntertaiuraenl t ir the ?O lt lllll-s u| | ce.| le. Mr. Borden Hie menagerie does thal new. On ili-a-ant dav-, we baie irom to Inn,nun e l-lllil ? Mr. Ki i. kerba.?!.. i What will be thc cost ..i I li inge lo lue lill I bal i- -;.ul,. I! nf. Mi He. billah li i ? met e-i-\ an estimate ol berxpeiise, Ibe Philadelphia Zoological Harden bas -::".n uni-. 11, ,t i. i private i uter ailie, however, ami oe don't wanl anything ol thar iiml in i mt ral I'arl Hit-re un adml ?mn fe-e ia charged. I -b told si\ ibat bi ? ' -? -.a ii i.i idi i would be reipiircd .?I lin- I rap ct".I e li '. Mr lli-bop li f DM).OOO was obtained lon.1, ollowed np I.-, ibe - i.i. amnuiii lu siiceeasive years I upp..-i the change could bu made, 1 he city should be ibli tudu Ibat. Mi. Heck ni in?Thi I tin rc are- alreadv io many demands on thi city Inrfcbools, dockland .ther important |nir|MiKe* that the Board ol Kstimatc ive ns the iii" Mr. li-'... I , rt ai bc Lui ' dillons tn lin muni nins, lt will bc ..!? Hu' tl ? ..| |te-.e |e. Ml I'oStll V I b. ih. lld eel L-llll. if. *||l>lll I he- CO.1 iito el u ^'. ,\n\ t..iu bring i lictiu -ii against iii exists uu \. ll il Mi ll Board ol \,-j.--. I Ht 111 I MM lill itiin I ll ri-:- pi Mr K ., .ibu ki i ii .1 Mr, Bi ?? np tl... igbl tb it thc d Hu- meiiiigi ric ?lioiild Ix- givi lion nn [i ':?' lllllll ? Bl e| thl | . * Inf , I III -. belli voil Illili ind lin ? led i'.l Ii I I . ii. I ' : h.iiihl ?f -i nil in r b, j, . , ? mom mid bo 'ed. ll vi- i|i '. : ii in. .1 I li lll~ tn i lill ? . . plan bud lu . n i. ...-lu il. ? VARS! i I ?/ v- ESCOl RAGED. ttl:; II*. . v II ITKII I : '! -l'. I ll Til Y AM. BIOG All lill ? \. till. 1 i i-l. v ?. A -int lal iii.-e iin_- .ii ilu- r.Mriitive' Comniit I .1 ktlo i ?.., Ju ?!_??> i il wai l lirowne presiding. The I . Iltlnnal iob*erlr> - ? ;? anim ut.-, il: Un ion, br .wei. .IOU; I. M. Il . Bl Nu. .J Tl . r M i i li i ti natur, and lt- I III ,V. eil ;:,,? j. ?> d ol in any w u tba committee l'"i l'i'. ? i big ci rt thia ul ern.i anti ?i.-i.m. iy he -? :...<. irtll.n Helli il eiY'ie, _, III' fu, uW lilli letter W.l- leal amid . IJ ? 1 > I. ll 11. : Heel -I eel 1 . .-? .| ? -N- 1,11 1 , I --el. " Hi Ml IV 'a\ ur ..' ii J ?_'.te fruin Me ? I I-.??. ? fe I ti , nc ii .rt \ iii..- thia ulil ? nml ? : - .a ul in c\ iii d hr th ron I ? m ii. I ;.-in. ,! . .. foll ru C.o cr of the h lt o 'itiiur in ii ui : ? si... ..,, , .,r tim N ition il : . ' and idhi r. ? .ir ?- for Ireland. N..i pilli. 111 ?? lc irs lal :? Mic min tiovi-rnmoiit into I'listeuce liol ipnto -,. mouth* l ?... \ ? r . .. tull*, .1 I -I l\ Me t'tltlHr, .l..-i I ri le. lillie, Ul. Till cl I l.ll ,'/ tl RODI t)P i min i \ Anyone lulen -sled lu wt at I me nea can do In the iiiiinii.'. inc will find by dropping in al Ibo il el. \N '!? i I ll.;? HU, in ?' I be linn a " lutild ng, a curious lr.-ak ol n durn "i thi* mri wbicli i issei lu- ult-ul ibc K nv pt ian*, lu a large box, just from John ado, liri lu d In ?!-, ol a \ niing Indian luiiiiin aliuusi -e. r'. ells pro .rr toil, willi long black lair and cyrillus , in gaily-head tl moi i tin* and leg [ia* ..i -.-li -km. I he iiuiiiitii. bi long* lo ll. II. I in ? u-ii. ol Denver, and wa* lound on I ? liruart -I, I "-?' 1. ii ae-i,c on Ibe ubi I'-- imliau reservation, "-li lammen i adi ib'i In Indian curiosities, nud while H.. I -i tin^ in *-?- it In rn I'olui ulo i Bini" upi u i bi- cave, weui i i'.i i deep m.d rulered by a narnia aperture, [ be body ui tho ti m.iii, whoso olothing iudic'ited bigh ni I, itiu'i ?"? ibc Indiana, wai lying ai one end [on ionic I . .1 - BUll V. I BppCll Ul i! Ililli.lill billillie I. I lil? li.Ill,|. ii,.- uiub i nidi ol ilo limbs nnd llllik had 'te e il \ e-.l. lull lill Ila ll pia |- I cl,ibu'- illili nun le-- brui baldened intostouc, rbe nose bad dla ppc.iici, but ibc min i fi .inn.- were ai natural a- in ile, I ho immune, |H uot on public exhibition and will i -i nt tee \\ i t.: 11 rmi III a lew .lu -. ? H.Ill INO ii //// I " l.l /-"RI I If" A wini io Mn-_.ii.'nt tii-iic Garden yt-g? ii i.u an'l Baked pei iilsilon to no luildc. Uateinau mei, lol i him that vlittora wi r<- nol admltieel without |.a . The tuan then took um a uote-boos and began rril .1 il ? rn- -linn u.tbat he was a reporter i,un ll., ll.,//./ an.) that his haine wa- Thompson. Thc aii-ui un told bim that ii he wn* a reporter I.wild go nude, aud directed hlnilto thc superintendent*! nlllce. I Imuipson wini tu in.lice aud tm i uni: Commissioner ni ii .I lo " Interview" bini as to bl* views lu re rani to numiKnitioii, tnklug down bis answers lo what, ie- called -hurt na ml. w Iii. i wa ? a hm ni letter-, lots, limbri and ic ra wis. Mr. Btarr remarked tbe apldlty wiih whl. b tbe man wrote whoo be liuiueeliate i> om llicliccd .1 lulu .ll- "I ililli hun -Imi H..i le I and Claimed ii,., rastril writer In Ibe world, ssy lug thal hs rou ld write seventy words a minute, I bompaon then .tin ,i.c. ii iu ib.- rotunda and mal a reporter wbo In i.niue e.i bini to ??" Kciiliy, win. h i- ebal ge "r the iiuiie.y exe -haiiL-o. A fl el tull, I u.: r u lum tu: B short tllUC ie went to the wharf having learned Hui a deck baud, Ul one ul Uu- t ri-th- ti.irdell lu,'-, ta III bl ail nf Ibe lin iit.-t.mi bablei tu iwim. Thompson waa Interviewing verynne he met until an oRlecr ol tbe Mardon wont In oareh.ef I .eu. ci it- . ir mien *. Before be could bo found i'hohip-un had run nut ol Ihs ?,-ate'. ? ? ? /,'. /'. PLOWER d Ca'S COMPLAINT. The well-known firm of ll. I*. Plower & Co. scantly sent a letter addressed to ths Committee on kdmlsslous to erst v aiembei of ti.iveralng Commit bo of tho Stoek I .change, eomplalalng of ths action ol hr Kuti eommlttee, sud tbreataulng to bold ths members eeraonally r.-i.ribla. Tbe Uoveruliuc Committee at ts leal mestlng directed ibs secretary to return the let? er wltb s note, lubitsntlslly to tbs effect thal tho sub ?ommlttoe had performed Its duty aud thal Um lottai leservctl no other consMersUon. , ,,, .. _ The oauseol the i.trovsray wu* ? claim hel.i by it- r. Plower* Ca against thc *oai ol Mr. w.-seoit. ol i msc. a former member ol tha board, who failed over a rear ago. "/escott* Co, had b.i customers ??? *? willard .v t.... who h.i.l security lat their debt.,bul igalast whom snlti In relation to tho eollateriiia neve been broogbt Tba committee baa refussd mivs ai t ino* io take action iii tbs maller until thia liii-raii..,, bas boon laded. Tho tin., of Plowar B Co. oomplotiia that by I bli lotion ll hal been deprived of the money i-!gblfull> be? longing to lt. - o - TARING POISON UECAl'SE OP ILLSF.SS. Maiy McCoi-uiack. au untuariUd vruiuau inc Q J direct atlention to their great HnS c. _J -..* LE in which they are SACRIFC1NG THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, in order to determine an Expiring interest in their Business. 40, 50, AND 52 WEST 23D STREET. tlftf-three yrsrs of sge, committed micide .it Ko. 78 i i-' I.iriil-!. reaterday afternoon by takin,' poison. hhe li ne l i.e n -.'.'. tor -cverai months und bud threatened tu drown herself. MA HI Sh INTELLIGENCE. MIN! ITO BK ALU 1*41 Bun riv**, 6 31 leta, S:30i Moon ?"' ?? 2:A9t if eon's arra*. Wt IO lllelll till.. ; l.-u ir. A.M.?snn.'.v II uk. ri I? .lil', ls eil, SrlHI- Itali Oat* .'e.-' p.m.-HandyUoob, 851 <ior.i?t_n .ia u . tOREWN STEAMIES OUR -IT Tills RORI M > \ ?. ?>>??,?'. fM-iiL r,?)M. lui.i ...I lon.Stations Ul _-,.ri.Uv : i>-. .I. ..... .Cunard Vein,.t,, . I.i\,?;!>,ct .Willie --I il bu , -ti .linn. winton (atti . r-t' nm .Htettin Liovd Werra .. .Bremeneroi souuiBiuo*u..N.<i.I?iovd ?u.el a.bremen a soul tai lot n. N.O. I -i> ev-l - i .1' uni .Kotteruam .Netn.-Aoii-r iBBtlago. tie uni- -no, .W MuSliAV. 11.11. 18 le ilii.inii. Bremen.B.O. Povd ithei.-t \i ire.-UM ?ar.iteii_B .11 av.Ul.I ..VS .Hell ITl'sDW. I'I. II. 10 ? r.. iii m .H.u. _.i oolloo.Monarch ., ..I .Hum ni ? .lianne.-.Mic r. .... 'i i it ile.w< it Indies i mte'i I. ..ii'a .Port -|eii:i.VII in th' aiel W. I. sli IE El Si, MAYS. 'rv. I.ii NI WY e.i; k. SATURDAY. FEB 13, IBBB ak ri vi.i) ?/t. mr Denmark Br), Rlgbv. London inn 30. willunda mit paiieusi ntol W .1 Um it. Arrive I al thi Bar ii Pl 17 1 h. Ste! ii'T A ? > lu. I. '. I'- ri 1. I. I ? --ri Mt ? e.. 1 patel e ? -, . . ? 1 ii, t.lbi iltur ? ? n uri ru. rsc .in 1 1 i.e, i.i.-.- in-. ngeti te. li' ,niii ion Bl ll < ? ? tin ir 11 .it I.JO nm. h,.Iinavian Bri. Vipon.1 fatanlaJan'i Mewini :. Vaie-url r-I, withuidie i.j lleudt-rion Broa. p ni -si.-rvii'-r \e .eco. ,1 Shi ... itii mille md |..i.-e. tn.. 1. tu I'.u.r.' 1 111-s i.e. .Mu,. 1 bi tbo Bal ri ' tl lu 1 luit-.ib .... ii. r e-.tti luiiii' havannah 2 >idaya, with ... I, _. ? . Ill ll. lil l ") eui- . ile',-'... ? __ ITU, with ,.'-. mi h.. 1, r* t.i - ? ? I, ruy I Ipa ie-uz.ri leioitl U luiiuioti si ( o. ? .1 . lenuf Si-wp-irt >ea?, s ith sulie ? ? .e. ? ... enwoutl. Newport Sew*, with 1 - ?? 1. u- un< ?'. Portland, with 11 :- ind p.-? lei .-11- te 11. rut lu lian. - . 1 . - 1 ?? ? lil ltira, witb "u et <e.. Uar! t Vol.11 1 - ? ; i 1.1 . . . ? ... . -.rb ru I." to "lc I I t .ml fill, \ n Itr , Pudd. Bil'. - re snd - UaiK Antwerp ut WuuUul \- ? lau. 1.-. .lal t. ? I 1 IV htttiev A ? ? ? . il ir?. ?.Hi - iee l-l v '. ? \ He rt i'll. uk, i.i\ ??.1 'A* .'..i.e. ft uh MU lo ? si Nt* lei I Auiei ll.H.k. lialet, BW'i eloadjr, .it Hamil liens. Iii u m -t l.t.BI TMsr 11 e-n .(e.r. .; rt tl..!.-'.. . -'I . .. A ?? elli. r. ste mu i Penn :t Mon ire b Hr lon 17 dar*. I ie tu 1 ;? 1 ... : ft I .. Ai nved il Hu- Bal il . i' m. li ? f.i.'. si .10 Ily ul I'lui-ago < III ? 1 1 , h '.'. I ill A I irnvi ? ? ;. IB. !'? ' cr. il . ? ructi :., ] 1 lo F Vf 1 llii-i Al rived ti Un H tr at ll. .nam 1 .-. ? ? lu ree, - .' ' .1 .! 11 1 ? ? ; III e. ndlnua. . \ il 1 - ,v . ... Arrived il tb. e "... u -i. h. 1 . . <t Ann'n ? .'. . .e. \i. . i>. lain il bj . 1.1.. ? ??? 11 Wi r.i. i . br. Bn n u md -.. 1;:. . A . ,, -r in.; scuii-ilaui Dtehi, iii,k.i. ? 1 Punch, AA, ,t t'n ste un . ?.u laud Belg., I'.-berwog, lutwerp Peter ?tin ? ? Ste. 1 ' ? . I, Mai l.ll I ' ? ' A 1 ee 11 .oi...i! Vleeman. New iii Icon-, s ll seaman , Ian .. A"...I t hal le itu 1 1 * ste ann , ir in [ai 1 i. i ?. iou Ne Wm I- ( li ,1. .1 ? -'? un.! i.uv.iii'i-.'ie. Kelly, \e-.v- md Weal '...I.' \ - ' . .! 11)1111111 nu Hs ... - iriolk, f*lty Pnini .en t : r.ul -old I lomlnon s. 1 . -.. ...ic r KI'Kll \ .:. Ina 1 w rt i_- tn m.. 11 st. cu. r 1 nun .? ? ii Sli te,lol ll I' |l| ... Halli ll. P... I.ell ll 1 1> Hie. ? smp 1.,111,1c Burrilltliri, -luipbi -.liaughai iioydA Hine ell slop Jnlin Maun Iii , Beveridge, Rotterdam il'- . Bi ? Bul 1 Van ust, I'orl spain -V rrowd - v 11 1 1 >. ste .e't.e 1 . 1 in ,.f 1 .;. .te 1 and Inrani 1. foi 1 1 llekla. ' upellli > ? ii 'ei;. '.'. S.l.-l-llel Xl "... t ll Nl'HIMII'l ll V ,11.1 lill,l-eeil .11,1 ? ,al ie ie- Nee nrli ni: I'arund.-l.-l 1 . rnan.lln 1 1 1 lb, savannah; 1 uv ul Itlaiita. iharli udor, WU . -ld H..111 Pi. bli -!; |i.N ll Lewi., lui -li mulla! I _l k- I I I.U| lie-in. 1. !| md I .ililli |t| mi il Viii 1 ..clii.ui. . Al1.1l. '.i.uu. Il 1. lute.11. I lenients. 1 ' ..I..- Ulan ' Sound Hli im ri rt lUeabai ri itel ll V 1 >: 111 te k, Bolton *-iii|e i uipii 1 . Mau Bi 1 iii M"\ 1 '-1 :s 1 s .c. ,1 ,.; v .1 ... v I'tiirl IIIN l-.ii: I -.. I.. ??'! . a. l'i '1 1 : ^ cl, ... st, ue. 1 I.'hui.11 Mun,rih _r|, [ur New-York, 1.1.1 iii.I.. Keb lit irnvnl iteamer niit-i-i (Bri, Clark, mm N. .1 1 'et i, ian n Ni.? 1 a-ii i. Keb I'J Aiui.e.i. itearni-1 Ahnrtndlne (Iti Oil HR* fleelll \o? -I eelk \-.iu'rr i.iii.. An.v.ii. si..oii.r He Hurter li lg*, rr.ei eui ll "in Sew. York lin,: 1, ', 1 1 -.ii.i -I- lu. 1 Canalla Fri, ile Kvriabiec .! Ne u York. 11 1 if i'n, ..11 tie fOURNSAY & BURNHAM, Pit. I'M, PAR \TI.WTU - tl 1:.. URO* >KIjVN. lIPORTERfl o' RmI DEALERS In FI NI DR*i UOODH, ie nos offeringapcrlalInducement! bi "1 lu owing lines: BLACK SILKS. ?ANTOINE Ol'INET A < 0.*8 e. lebrated Caris lu ?n-iii et >i 1 U-; la the best grsdea Rvery piece wsrrsntsd ml ai tally SI ? pi 1 ct nt less th k rsgalsi pi COLORED SILKS. All -11 k SATIN Ml lt\ KIM r.rx mt RIIADAXEB, ni 1 \. 11 _ ieee,-'.-. .11..i Heavy li roi e., ,;., ,? all tba new olorlngi ,it J... rill \ \itl> Kine Ml-\Vuul Kn lu ll [11*11 Kali-lc <. ld un '? ? ?? OldS SSW . e.ivct. tn plain colors, mlitarsa ludeombissttoai, ii ..Oe IMIJV .1 A II fill ttl t.-nl Um tu Hu- ablive lilies: ut fOOdS, .1- BS schvaluei have ...r before been thews ind the of eringi aiuieet be repealed. * NOW e.l'i N, Hilt spitiN.j IMPOBTATION OW Fine treich Salines and Zq>lnrv iviiiii ni styles i'i' 11 a mu r Rn KMBROIDERIEI u laslvs designs, ann exits wida mai gun ami in sci. io nh h. I.Alni.-- 'and I il ll.UKIN -. 1 me I nil. 1 vs. ai in issi vainly, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS tn i;vi;it\ ui>i uiitiun. Jtll lt\I.AV ,1 III RMI Ul oller the 1 hoice-4 nml .ene -t.ei li ul ? io he- lound roinplete io BVSOf eic. un iioeiii mid ut pilera liiiuriiibly low ii* cnn be eb. iiiurd um w lu 1 r. Dm U??ao_i3. For Babies A loft warm wrapper mfWl and trimmed wltb oither red e/y bin* worsted, prettr. lnixpsaA ^ ure. and very useful for nlghv "~*Vv st r.eirnlng wear or after a batfeJ _?^_> Hiss, ft ttl tr?fl lftc.esUa, kV I ? f|tV_*_S Ii it worthwhile to make ap L ** Ail^*J7anytiiinB for MMW Weorwhiw \\-*-J f yo i can purohaie every amoks required at the LILIPUTIAN BAZAAR! -.nina Uss I lalisi aad sipsassf Wepayipi'clalatteoti'jis luttieii'iniif^ n'H.e.e ireeeeri, aud our oneejuiillt-tl fuctll, Ues ena ie ni to produce in.-iu w fix MADK IN KV1_R_| PAR'l I. I [Mt lt ren.arlablv Low Prieil. WV Invite Attention to our Outfit Xo. 5, , ConiliUns "t ?'-' I'"", ini ".rthy Eaektt furnlibe.1 ?1UB toilet article., J For $24, Which ls CBpselslly goad m'-ie. soo a Urge suortnrst from V."i tu HW . ui -t ? li eon prl _ei t bellell riaf-mf for Bo. 8' anal HUH.-- w...r u ...I mr everything fros, nato to Hhoew U th- Io "e-t p.l ? . II! utrateVl i ma e me lunrtsaed on Application I BEST & CO, (iO & (.'2 We*! 23<i-st, New-York. (wkjeSTY'S CORSET latia hSgl .p.'iel ter ever and lt mpporta equally at well lbs a: d .men anl nil other pirti of tis bexty. ItprBdaSBS an e >_\,nt. gtBCSCal ant artistic ibapB. Ureipee live o' ibo ..e.r r's tat i. BIMI'-''-, e. p wi ye.p.u DANIELLA BOBS, etSIMF-UN. LORD * TAY Ml ll. LE lint BRO*, BOW. HIMJEl A i-ONS. Utb-ttt, ACTINA CLEARS THE VOICE. Mlu'. i? si.ti i .'. ne Vi - be wrrheet;' t A> ri NA CO., "8 .'.th ave , N. . ?lacs av.b Cljina tUurr. B 932 BROADWAY, NEAR 22D-STREET. CLASS k CHINA. OWN FACTORY, CARLSBAD, BOHEMIA. .HE LARGEST ANO FINEST DISPLAY OP GLASS AND CHINA IN AMERICA. SOLE MANUFACTURER & IMPORTER ll TH NEW CARLSBAD Eli lill FACTORY PRICES. ER. ACTINA Al TIN \ i ii Hill pl.'le--* il .1 ?h ; iii it. . N. 1 icc -Trciiin. A FACT.?Horton's leo Cream is marie from parn cnaa Horton'! I* t r.t -up. r >i l. .* BrtefcssJ li-.-' ri .un Mr !;?-ij,, i '.'.u-tie-s. Festivals, iu.. will , ? uer.. ? tie.trr lountn -i ?? i. I'loiui.t'y flie_ei. i>eyoia ?BUS nh ve>, l.'ing Brm i i 7.'i i..rli.iu.i? llol-__* l..ti.-i_, Mi ?f V?ik , soil l-l I'ulr.i: it. liruuk >n. J>'V'jx. tOG. lilli. foRtlO. Ii IS I. ??Mn'iel iv. IiHiii.tiA fi, n pendant t<> a 1 te-rell. tua i'll -. .r, ?!, , i, i ii, ., ?. , -,,.. .,,,,. .-,- i-i! ml 'iTIiOII rt-el -tm im- ul). - "i iiiuimI iii cold sim platinum i -.?? tiueirr mil ns re-.\ .u ili-il I.y IsaVlBf tlie ISMS _t Hu lile-ntlwiy. Ul RKWARI) will be paid for the rema SST ott "'? i fiv n it 'i ii k I.i UU..I ta I - nninrllisA Nee M..'-; to i-hat?lai.t onyx eoosectad bani loaf prui'.'ei-. -.n i; r<-a..?iy e.r .'.III. Hu- ufii i e.coli eif i tu id_- . .'iii Imf. ri MANY eft I O. CffCirtlOM. ^ L AKIN s EXCURSION'S WU 1 *?*--?.. Tin- lu-.. f:|.il!.e?. I iple.iire' nrirti I -. r.nun BtSSSBBB_i 'BparltV '?''? iu i -;..'. panae-nfferi I tn- l-ir.-t -t uiul li net ? ie i re - . lo i icy, -.1 popular irovea ap Hi su-enet, in tbe ii u.i?iii ind loanihsilBi I'riDclpal oticca. Prer 1H. S. li. to '. e.iHamil ur Rook- u iw u,.. >o, ii.t.u ii*, in io '.ii m. lUllt. .ni I fi.lin I to I it in. -iiul.ii- lir.iiirh albro, rth ave . ?: I.M si upt-n in tim i-vi-Mu-. rn I ir.iriy iii jetM-.uro Lu trab eSatci Difooituil.uti*. ARTISTIC [)RE8.SMAKE__.-Perfed fit and ti.t n tit-li Bulla, $10 iiitipi IS up l.uti'lortli-n ? -i I ? tl' ts.' I 1st '.lill Ht., e.| p.l.He- Ht IIIIIIIC'?_ 1 DVERTISEMESTs F*OB THE NEW _-'\ VORK lill, f NC WM.I. BK UH-KIVKII AT TIIK 1 PleiV N ?>l-KU KS. Va 1 .--<- Broadway, ni.ncr Ttitity. inst ... nun! 0 p m. OBS BroslWBT, I 'winny. -.-..en.I ind I -.. ---ii vi tur I ita., mini S p Bl.. SOB WSSt 1'wi-b. ly tb.Mil ...iu.-: i isiitli ??? '. - o.iitha-e. nirtn-r I'mirtriuni ?t. .''" Til il ne', e linn r I . rty vvi-ntli *f.. No, I ... 7 nuni. it.-, mar -ix. <-!n--f . SBS Um ll \ hi.KM (IK Hi, i ",; Kuti .un- linn nni- nuI twe-uiy Mib it.. J,.nw Tinrei'ievr. .un. r ii ? "' ri-', up lo I p. Bt. Bl re-it mai'tillite-1 ate-ee._ I_KI>S\IAKI'.1{.?Fiist-i-la-s.-t; by the d;iy Ol " leiwori *' luinn- initiii/, liiiiiii;. diapiuir. remmlellinci i vr-ni? ind ii'cejei nen Ui*-ie-i! ?npe-riat> liuheit citv rot. tr. U.K. AddXSSS AllllM, Iriliuiii- I'ptoau Office, 1,'1'IB lineatlwav. tjflp lUtlllti'L) VV AN _ ED.?A zinc etrher. Addreits JAMKS IW.NANT. _ _ 1. Franklin it. Bsit