Newspaper Page Text
SUPPLEMENT. PAGES 9 TO 12. SUNDAY EDITION. FEB. 14, 1886. TIIE QUEEN at WESTMINSTER -jl'l.MM. PARLIAMENT-THE BCESE IN THE ROUSE OF LORDS. (n.< j; rm wwi LsncoaasseoxDEjn of tup TBiatntn.] London. January 21. It waa a l.leak tiny ?itli a bitter wind blowing, Arti mulei font the -tw. tn presented that particular combination ot melting snow and thick mad wbieb London is most prone nt. Thora carno not u ruy of .iii'.sltiuo to euliven th.- teena or to encourage loy,illy. The (_uteu Mas to open Parliament in peraon. Not for six yean bad she transacted tbie ceremony; not Mme that February in 1880 wben bei beloved Loni Beaconsfield still held tbe office of Priam Miniate, wbieb he waa eo eoon to lay down. Abtil fulfil cry ilie- Conservatives: not without reason aad bat too \ainly. Tho Gladstone Ministry lia* come aad gone in tin- interval anti thc partisans o! Mi. Gladstone remark wrathfully that it is o:-ly foi .1 lory Government that tbe Queen will show herself to inr faithful Commons and more faitbfnl Barons at the beginning of a Parliamentary session. \\ rt it i Li Hid '? ithoilt the- HoUSC >.f Lords th" < eiv mony is -o splendid tnat it seems a pity lier Majesty -aili not oftt-nt-r undertake it. Once a year would not pall on tlie pul.lie, nor has London so many spectaclee aa to grow easily weary ol them. Then is a great turnout of people for this. in suite of the weather. I had heen warne I (needlessly as it proredl io be early ia my place at the House, aad drove through St. James's Park just before neon. The Queen was to leave Buckingham Palac. al half pris: one. Along the roadway by which she was to lass people were collecting in gration Tho pul iee were takiug their stations: ni thom in all were on duty in the p.irks aud streets, with sundry battalions ol household troops to lend them a hand should the aced for it arise. Once out of the Park, the crowd was gloater ia ;he streets, A lon_ file of carriage* was drawn np near tbe entrance to the House of Lonla. and rather than wait I got ont of mv hansom aad walked t<> the door. i. No carriages were setting down and a civil police? man toM me that uo one couldenterbefore 12, Tbe hour struck as be spoke, but still he said tbey lnust wait for onl.'i- before admitting us. The military spirit ruled : tbe pol: e ls half military in it-, organization, aud in these doubtful days, with fresh ramon ol dynamite filling tbe air, is more alert and more pieriae than ever. Presently ap? peared the bandso-ne, anxiona face of Mr. Inspector Denning, wno rules sopreaie in and about thc Houses of Parliament. I hean! afterward he lu:! rust ooma from a -ear. li of tbe v.lilts and other sus? picious places in this vast labyrinth. He looked keenly at the little group of people who bad gath med at the d.-.-r. each with los card in hand; aaaaaed to maka np his mind thal non-.' were in Ross.i'- pay, half recognized oue or two of na, and gave the word that we were to go in, The porch beneath which we had been standing waa tbe Peers' Entrance, lt bad bren curtained foi to-day with pay ly striped awning.: a shi Iter only too sun-1<> be needed in tbe midst of the sleet aud snow which hung in the air. The awuingsstretched on eithei aide tor a dozen yards and from beneath them you looked across the brood to Henry tbe Seventh's chapel and thc whole fabric of the A bl tey ; while to the right mee tbe Victoria Tower. Within gleamed the s. arlet and gold oi thc ofth .-rs to whoas command were intmated the balls and corridors through which the Queen waa presently top -- " North Gallery " eai 1 my .ard. and koon ina this to be tbe egnllerjr which faced the throne in the l'i tis' Chamber I thought myself sure ol a good view. 13ein_ ont-ol the lir-t to arrive, I reckoned al-o aa a seat: hut Iliad reckoned witha Lost. My ho-t. il larnoo to atyla him, ia a areal Molal, aud il I am his guest it is, I moat own, a little acainst bia will. A friend to whom 1 >.-.. many thanks?-whose inflneuce nml even authority art' great, bad applied rn my j.-1 a place. !!.? waamet at oaee with tbo objection that I had ln-cu present on tbe hist similar occasion. A areal book ?was egened and there was the reeerd >>t guests ..t spectators in 1880, aad my name was pointed out, The fact i\;i- aadeaiable and threatened t>. be damn int-*, lt seemed to operate like proof ol a mc vious conviction at thc Old Bailey. Promiaei which my ira i d volunteered of future good coudiu t on my p.ut, and a pledge never again to be seen in mh!i company, were all unavailing. It wa. onboard of that a ticket abonld lu- issued twice in success oi to the tame person, rbe book was closed : the negative, he aaid, was final. But later, ami nndei soma kindly pressure, this austere oft. ia! i. tented, bo h.-re I was in tiie Ninth (ealle-ry. with io '?' vacant benches to choose from, lt seemed, in;! seemed wionply. 'Ihe benches and everj single seat in the gallery were re served for ladies. Thc spirit oi gallantry ami .ei gentle consideration for the geatlei sea had seized upon the official mind, linre men were tolerated. bnt only on condition of standing behind tl,.' "evomen. If we had heen in court or evening <lte-ss we should have looked like oo many footmen in attendance on the;r miotresoca, bnt WC had!.- ii mervitally permitted to coom in morning dress. Ai our iiaire.w pew- Piled I found myself inexeclleul company, a dignitary of the Church, tin- President of the Boya! Academy, thc private secretary ti Le.rd Salisl.ury, ami ot mis. Taily H it was the chamber below us won already an air of animation. Functionaries in ijnaiut egarmenta were moving busily hither and thither. On the right of tbe throne near one-th rd oi tie honchos weie filled With ladies, and aver? ill.nut", were arriving Thc eight Bun burners ol gaapeadent Irom tbe flat-ribbed ceilii were- ablaze, bal even with the help of tbe dim hirht which lound ifs way through tbe stained glasa of the outer windows the place was nonetoowell illuminated. Un either aide of the throne rise two tall candelabra, but their aeorea of candles i< unlit. The sanguine said more gas would he turned an "hen tho Quean came, bat they wera too aau guise, and none- \\a>. There was no gloom, there Wa* only an ab-ence of tba luminousness wanted to aol oft to tlie height the lavish gilding, tba norgeona frescoes, the endlesa magnificence of innumerable brilliant coetamee. The galleriee wera falling more rapidly than the door. All the ladies tu front nf us in this North Gallery were in .ourt dress like those below; Berthing wanting bot tho train, and some aerupaloaa ones \\o:e trains also: of which the;. had mach difficulty in disposing beneath the narrow benches. Feathers in tbe hair were compulsory, as at a drawing-room, but this i ip<>r was aol enfor. ed aa at a drawing-room, where any one oflendiug ia tho least particular oi the specified raimeut voald be ruthlessly beld bach by stem cbamberlama from the royal presence. I s;iw perhaps hali B d0?C0 featherless la Iles in ir-.nt of me, Wi ap- n. re kepi on. Tho temperature of the chamber Waa ii"' many degreea above freesiag, save tbat on tba fioor, I lu Qnoe-? is known to be nuable td bear heat, and has a lam y for open u inilows ami thorough draughts in tba. oldest weather. By 1 o'clock every seat on tba righi was full, save the front mw. ami the enclosure railed oil next the- throne where Bishops usually congregate, now :.-?? . ti. el to the- th ii! om at it: corps. Thc ambassadora nod ministers are tbe liuest -,-iit of all; bo such mnm ol glowiag .er. 1 . rn ioas color anywhere aloa to na '-e'r.. ih' r aoiforoaa are heavy wita gold and i .* matte in hue, some of them glittering with som*, '1 lift Ameii.aii Minster came ia good time, aad I a hil plain avening dress was much the most COBspin noas lij-ure amid his bedecked and daizlingcol leagnoa, Dnaa lum baw yoa might, bia figaro and t-.iey rtifrnity ol manner would attract attention anywhere, Op-e-sit. egathond a little later a group of royalties. The Daba ol Edinburgh, the link.- ot Conaaagfat. the Daba of Cambridge ?*.. t together on im- trout Opposition Hench, while at the end in his pm's lobes stood the 1'nnce ol Wales, lennon- OVei the rail ami talkiag to a lady who eal behind his brother. 1 im- thc le.insMinisterial and Oppoaitioa beaches, but I he-re is ol' course ute political siiniili cance in the distribution of people to-day. The Peers, ministers excepted, have .proved their gallantry dy giving up nearly tbe whole ol theil awn aaaaa to their wives and danghtora to other Peers' wives and dughtan ; or to ladies who fm the time being pass as wives _ml daaghtera ol Peera One of the latter told me that she was in? ti ted to tuc last opening hy a noble loni now deceased, famous among other things for the cool? ness with which boeetasideaU raiee and regula? tions, whether ol' his own honse or of general society, us did not suit his own convenienec. As Hiey entered, an official asked lum. with deference but Dimness, who was tue lady. ? My daughter." The official no doubt knew that he had no daughter, but the answer waa decisive, and they passed togctberon to th.- sacred door. To-day most ol the ladies as they ari ive are shown to the hem hes on the right of the woolsack .the woolsack is jost in front of the throne, and there Iiml such seats as they. can. But thoTwats on tba opposite aide an reserved. I can see from my perch earns on each, hut 1 do not know on what principle, if on any. some aro so mu n more favor, d than others. The favored ones arrive naturally later than tbe lem favored, ami some ilo not arrive at all, for among these dames remain aeated to the last some of the aquino who had gone to pay them h.image. There ia one point in wnieh today's proceedings resembled those ol' an American political conven? tion. They opened with prayer. 100|ht to have mentioned it e.n lier ior it occurred long tlie Queen caine, ami long before th.- royalties whom 1 have already named h.ol appeared. Hut cannot always be chronological. The i rayer came midway between the opening of tbe doors to the throng of sightseers and tbe approach of Her llajeaty. This indeed ia, in theory, like any other sitting of the House e.f Louis. Thc Chancellor tonk his at l o'clock instead of l or 5, and the Bishop of Southwell rem] mayers. Aft.: which matters went on as helene. But I must int sho-.t the story of these preliminary imi.huts, remarking oul* thal tin-two boars during which I looked on had natadnll moment in them. I'he decorous vivacity of tbe sn ne nover grew still, save when the loud and slightly narah toneaof Hie Bishop inspired silence mi everybody t>'.-f. Tbe music ol lilied tbe chamber, the ripple of laughter was nuceasing; every moment entered some great personage, most ofteu a pe. less, advancing with dignity and some? times with grace to lier appointed seat. Ce'le linties wero ever visr'eie ; great officers of the- royal hons,-. h..Ll. Ministers ol .State, greatex-Miaisters, Peera great by rauh'and aome of them bj character an.l sei. ieei: women chose !.?? mtv or other r. noa .i has i i!e.i a kingdom for years past; some of them nol unknown across the' At antic. There was. moreover, au Anglo-American contingent and also an American ; one American ladj whose charm of manner .md gracious presenci London has rather 1.1 te-Iv learned to ad ie ii.- : another foi some y< a ornament ami an i lol ol English so. ? t\ : .i type of beauty, distinction, o finality, intelligence; tn H hum Hu' in.nm-'.? ol ._ngli.ll and A mei n .m a ottered. If tbe Queen left Bn -.-H.'-n Palace tt half pa : l. she was due on the throne at ii o'clock, vi' - ordinarily punctuality in person aad ail was rn rea lines, lor her some :. u minnies before I' a hour boomed from Big Ben. The Peers in their strange robes of scarlet ermine baned, crowueu 'he cro-ts h.-ni'h. sand theftwo [longitudinal front benches on e ihci side. The judges formed .i compact s,.u.,; e-.,i red gowns and gray wigs nsf in front ni tn. wool sack, on w liicb the- Lord < 'hancellor, \\ ith Ins short lignre and face thal for ver reminded you ol Toole, si .1! laughed and nodded righi and left. Kvorj seal iu thc open side and end galleries was filled with ladies, a lew .itt.'., bea ??! emba: - es am! legations ? v .-'.te.!. As tin- hour .'new near, tho Prinet <>t Wales quitted the lady t?? whom he had l?een t.'li. Ug. ascended the dais, and took the chair on the i ^>,: ut the th.'em' to which he is heir, I'hero he waited, motioul. ss. I'he hush grew deeper, Ihe last luonnur oi Uni erina conversation ilied away, and I i.e door on Hi-' len behind thc ...,- closed, but through tbat on '!:?? i ghi could ?-' ? '? -eeo aclu-eteroi scarlet uniforms. Dace or twite the door to the right opened but only ;.. close, anti iwi '? Sir Kraut-is .Seymour. Master of t'eremonies :?? Un- '.mit untered(and crossed and .iuitt. '. Ibe cl 'ml" r. At ten minutes past li caine a blast of trumpets 1 lu le.!i Ililli l\TT, Ve-el nt ll.r ..nt e-r .lill a tl- ev I lei .vh.ei' company rose. I'he l'i a o ro,e and rcm-iim-d stand'ne. A iii _ men I lat':', the door to tbe right opened and am id perfect st illili *s. broken on 1 j i.y the involuntary rnstlc ol s.i',.. and th.' never silenced stir o' a n. ? .t tude, tlie boa 1 ol the royal pia. i waa se n advancing, pm sui vants and heralds in quaint attire leading ihe way. lia" aye ot chivalry r- not gone ; il inn ives .i m not!, mi > !-.?. ..-tune These living relics ?>: am.ther ami inure pi' ' mes |ue civ il; '.at.ou um vc a- ii tie -.i, ..'ht ul ..emu 1,111 e[,-tie- 1 t' ie . r I l.l I.e.. lt ls lint the cuirass hui the tabard wrought iu strange dei cc: Hu- corselel i'.as gone hut the doubh-t and i nie- here'wit li rampant lion and leopard couehaiit, rlii- in a! anns ..i Kughiud ind Scotland aud I know not WI, lt er-.- emilia OUC?l HI val Vet a ml :?. ?! argent, and gulca I lareiicieng King ol Arms is h.-ie. thc Gentleman Usher ol thc Ilia. I. Bsd follows him, who precedes tbe Karl Marshal e.i thc lb-aim. I he Cup ot Maintenance is cameo hythe M .1 VV mc hester; high privilege to which Li'I, westral right us I'remicr Martinis et i.n Ure l...;el I nvy Seal ami l_ord 1 . li di hi "I th" (nini .! aro rear-guard to the Cup and adi ance guard t'. the Sw .rd of Mate borne by the Mamu. ut .Salisbury ns Prime M uister, Ile wields this gill ie.n I.u mi.!,inle weapon as il he would gi aili; lay it nv n : not a* Lord lieaconslield bore il upright in ;,:- iu.i hamI- straight I" lore lum pride iu hrs j. .it and w Ci protouild eii.oynu nt ol the pageaut wherein ie- waa o great a figure. Tho Queen appears. Her Majesty moves slowly ihi..ii .-li Ihe dour with that astonishing diguity ul l-earing a*bii h nigh forty year* ol sovereignty have ; e-t.iw.'d upon le i abor! stunt figure. She is clad m deep hlat k ti immed e. ith ermine at Hi.- edges ; lo\* neclj ami long tram, ami bel gown is better made than w hen sin last wained through that door, near six yeats igo. On her heaei a diadem of brilliants; un her nt "i- giows a living light which Hashes to the farthest end "t tl..-hali ::,<? priceless Koh-i noor. Itu- Prince ol Wales quits the chair by which he :s ht imiiiig. descend* tie.: two st? ps .el tin dais,'neets bi* royal mother, bows low, i.i--es Inr buuel, ami conduct* her to the throiie: does it all wu h eonsiderable grace and irreproachable li um ri itv .'i demeanor. With tbe tineen is tho Princess Beatrice iu ruby velvet, whom, ii -.-i'm-, we are now t.? call the l'i I., ess Henry, .un! atteuding lier Majesty is the Mistress of the Robes Pm he-sot Bueclem h , and a ol tin- Bcdi bamber winni. I cannot name. Other Officers <'I the Household follow- Tiler Lord StCM a,.I. the: Master of the' liol te, Her Captain ol the yeomen ol the Unapt, thu Cap? tain oi the Honorable Corps ol (ientlemen a' Aim-, but ou imne of 1 lie-in th. anv ol us heston many glances, We mt. all watching tito Queeu as she lUOUUtS thc two steps ami h ats Leis. Il tm the throne, a he re tbe royal robes of crimson Velvel a tl a bite silk embroidi red in gold, which -he mm lit to wear, arc hanging, -."i In n she has taken her seal the nival robes ito certainly look aa if they were pai t ol the! att ire ul the occupant of the gill aim -hair. Ihe procession aron ped itself ahout the ?.?u. .-i i. ih'- Princess Beat*ico sf,??| l-e-ude her mot her on the ? i __. 111. the lim-hess ol Buccleuch be? hind, and in their compaui two Mina ol th.- Prince nt Wales, Prince Albert Victor, in Hussar uniform, and l'i un e (jeor?C. The scene was al its height of brilliancy; is mora htilliaiit I Hunk Hain.un other any n here now to in- w if ncs-ed : hn ll ia i.t *-. 1111 color, iv ith the beauty eel wini,en. u nh gt ms, with 1.1 ii li. with urea! na mes, with historic assmialiona Clonks und ?*>raps had dropped oil as the compani rose, and wonderlnl the gleam <.l white shoulders ipa ri ! ng with youth and w eih prc. iousstones when this transformai on was wrought. Many ol these great ladies were iii hut thele w. !?? con ll?i til -kv Lille and a bite .imi rose color and mani another delicate ur splendid tint, and the jewi is lhe.\ .'.on' wonld have mure than ransomed all the Kiugi ami Qm ens still mi linn.penn throne-. A blaze ol e.nm wat everj where, searle! fol oura blondell with crimson, and crimson with ruby red, thc hlack and gold harmon* uiug tbe mool discordant dyes. There was s long pause, the Queen motioned to ber lieges to lie seated; theu the t.nthiul Commons w..e summoned ami arrived inamob with much i ii tu u lt oi voices and slamming ol doora The la it lr lui Com in .ms ti st, iy their devotion to ll.r M.jest) by their extreme impatience to arrive iu her prei euee. Quiet restored, the I.oul Chancellor guee down "ii his hines ami hands a paper to Her Majesty, who Lauds il forthwith bat k tu hun. 'Hus is the Queen's speech, which the I.oul chancellor [iT'ieecIs io read. Wa had all boped the Queen would re-ad it herself, which thev nay sin does very well, but tbe fatigue of tho day see ms io bc euougli for her without that, laud ll a Isl.un makes hun-' If easily heard and we listen in demi silence. Nobody in thia august presence ol royalty or its throne dreams ol applauding. Ami then all lsseou over, lim Queen riaes; all rise with or before her; she iit si ends, hal iug l'i un o Albert Victor by the baud, fha Prince of Wales steps forward aa il to accom? pany bia mother, hui aller a few words she passes on alone, the procession which tame with her in stately nieaaure goan out as it beet can, and Ibero breaka forth aaain throughout the House ul Lords thc sound ol voices impatient ol twenty min? utes' silence. Leaving at once, 1 found myaelf al thc. omer of Palace Yard ju-t aa the Queen came hy oa her re tum lourney, The carriage, aot) still more Hie th ree llluukcys in livery who clung behind, wire mag? nificent,- so wero Hio trappings ol tbeaixcream* colored horses who drew the whole. Her Majesty showed her face?it is a rubicund, strong visage? cheerfully ont of the window, and with the .lank of trottiag cavalry mingled the grateful sound of her cheering people. The next minute rame a sound less gratnlul. Across tho road leatling to West? minster Bridge was a stout barricade of timber guarded by police, and behind it an angry moh, who groaned. They loudly anil more than once, ami the '('men's fatc as sba heard it flushed a deeper red. Tue aame thing. 1 was told, happened at another point Ol the route. Hut I testify only to what I saw and heard. In another moment thc cm teg. had passed and the ceremony was over, _____________________ (i. W.s. A TORPEDO AT LARGE. GREEK BCHOLAR8 TO CONVENE-BLA8 PHEIIING GOD AND THK PROPHET. >noM nu ni ',ri ui coniesrosDr.KT of tiik raimnte.' c.ivsia\ i iv.eeLF. Jaaaary 25. Turkish ofiiccrs of inch rank ere not always noted for largo technical abilitv. An example of thia baa come to hand from Tripoli in Barbary. The'Turkish Governor of thal province bad been ordered to place bia seaports ina state of defence with a view to poaaibilitieo. A quantity of tor. pidoes wis sent to him for use on the coast. He need them, bnt bas been grieved t ?? tind tbat they do nut stay where he put them. After Anding aa assorted lot bobbing on the wavea in the harbor they wire expected to defend, the- Pacha had tbe unstable machines gathered up. But when the tor? pedoes were bronght in, two were miaaing, Search parties were sent ont, nndcr sec rot orders, but fonnd nothing. A tiny or two later ono of thc missing torpedoes came in of its own accord. It was hoped that tbe other would do lihewiae, and the Pacha, lorn with !.st some of tbe Turkish Irons ports abonld encounter lt on thc high -eas and be blown up, confided bis secret tothe Government here. A mitice to navigators has been i-sin d iu consequence, stating thal a tor? pedo is loose on the Mediterranean, and sea i a nf a iris <- |.,> hope to re ich their desired haven are advised to give it a wide berth. How they are expected lo accomplish this feat is not stated. Here isa good subject foi niahtmares of an pntlrelv newqnalit] for those who are inclined to go yacht? ing on the Levant sins m ih,- winter months. I be moral ot tbe oceni ? ? dd seem tte be that a law sh.mi,| i?. pass, ,i pmhibi.r Ihe sale "f torpe? does lei children and Tnrhs, The Grech literary s rictj Inthiseitv, hnown as the "Sj li.'_?. -." is a flourishing inst 'in;mn which devotes n rood deni of attention te. srchirolosr, as well as t.i the development of ihe Greek-speaking peoples of tbe Turkish Empire, lt ma* interest Bomen) your readers to learn thal thiaaoeiet\ i templates hohling a general congress ?.f fireeV scholars in this eity in the latter part of the Hum? mer. Several ol the lending Oreel, professors from Germany and from England ire to he present, and the occasion is likely to be one of interest ami of profit. Itis*!; fli t attempt of Greek i-cholar-diin in thi-city tn i'.i- it its existence he fore Ihe world in any g neral sense dnec the dispersion of tile leal ll. .1 men of (oiisl.'ll. Minp'c !.'.? hil,air.ll years a-.-o. In the mids* nf the trials of the time the Ministry has fe ?! i en I oee i?bm to modify an im mrtanl law "I Ihe Kin pi re. ll i- the lan again*! blasphemy, one nf the most imiKtrtant of the code for those w !:.> I ive I ib ins theil wits to Wai in overthrowing an ad vern in. W!ei r.e-- er a m in has a quarrel and im e'onnt'Ts'n s if fae? in getting the lav it i? customary ta urge bim with blas? phemy' The reckless volnbilitj ol t)?- Oriental when e-vasjee- .it. .| alway* leaves one al ri loss (() know inst what he did mv ..nan- given necasinti. If two witnesses would testify thal the culprit nsed blasphemy Oin matter passed rit once .eui of the dom un of the ordinary I, and Ina .inn- a State efl ? 'i m ??:?.! no trial, hut iu which the Sublime porte itself had the e!e- .-m;i of the lt ngth "i lime Ih il Ihe w ;. iel ? expiate his fau 1 in prison. I li ? pi ii le ?? nf Hms punl h rr ir an antagonist m n losing cause has hitherto been rnjoyed bj all .'.e-i ? alike. Vow, however, nil this has lM-fii eba .- .i. \ '| m k was . . ?! n ir ii ha ...h. m ug Ihe mimi ol find. WI .ri Hie- eas** wen' to the P iii- mi aeljudical inn, thi* de? rision was made 'lia' tO I'!., pliian (teni I liol blas? phemy, bul a ?'?? loosen ? -.f language, ond orders were issued thal hereafter noone shall he he-r.l to lee- Vin.!\ nf hl.tsphemy Unless he' shrill have blasphemed the name <?! the Pi op? hel Mahomet. The Christian* .,f the Empire reg id Hms a. an unfair regulation. No M..-Nm i- likely t.< in nil thenamr nf I is own Piopbet, while Ibe subjecl offers unusual attractions tu ('hr I-I Lllls add'. '.'! IO Wars Of Hie ti Ul L'i ie V ll', ali' .reny wilh believer* in th-. Prophet. Sn the new interpretation of the law n expected lo Le ii heavily on the t'hristian population, Ibu* deprived "I i righi illowed t" lh< il Slosh in n- igh hors. The number of net inns of lin* uni ure may he- | nd get] tieem the- ).nt thrrf iiinh i ihe nen ps, nnt uh man; as one hundred |ienons lu ld in durance foi hlasphcmi othei than I he kind rcco-f. ins.,| hythe presenl law ofllcer. wen released fiom Ihe pn -oi. - ill ihe i it) alma'. A .-/ ItAXUE WON AX. LOUISE lill IIF.L UOINIS ISTO VOLUNTARY i:\ii.i:. [FROM ?s ... l*|OKA1 . ..inn 'I ..s-^n I ..I I up 1 lani ai ' I'vin-. ,1,uniary l?. "Mademoiselle," I >.ii?l t?? Louise Michel in tbs counts of a conversation with bei to-day," why did \ee:i met lum ry *" ?? i;. i'.'iihi- ii,ii iii.- the Kamiri all awn wara Idiots aad nothing wai loft to me bul loesooassthe Ftevolntloo," .rn wired the with a rslbei look. I-au thai i bad ii uii a mistake, and i" mend matters uld: ** Keally. Mlle Michel, I innst tell you that even people ulm an entirely opposed to your rerslatiooary ideas ? lu ip Put admire your courage, your abnegation and your zeal." I l.n.l ml ted tba mark. "Ad mliatlon," ihe answered," is entirely uuneoessary In this world; avoryiwdj does only thal ohich pleases bim. If 1 ilnl uni like what I am iii.lin: I Would tint do il. I Uki hardships. I Ilks the poor, I like revolutions, or I WOUld ll"' enuc, rn my Mil "lill Ullin. I.t-1 us lc.ivi ail miration to the nen. They make chattels of ns women with admiration." I ht that question drop ?? Maj I ask where jua will allah ymir teal I" " I am disgusted with France sad i nea going back ta Nen < .ii.'" saiii Mile, Louise, "i lived therefor ten fears and i um food <>r Iba eoantry ami fomi of u warm i i shan fnuiiii schools there, aot for the Krenob bul Ior the natl ten, tba Canaeka, I shall spend my time tn educating tbe savages aud ta teaching them the lows >.f libatty, I have already e-jroparod several booka foi them. One eif tin in is a reader that contains un live- ol the graal revolutionists. I aa Ineorre sposdeaeo witb tilt- Major <?t Noumea; be and I will woi ii together." ?? iLiv \e.ii im Idea of ever going *o America I" ? Ve-. I -im.ial Lin to g.. to America vi rv nindi: flr-t 1^ see my brother revolutionists wbo are lo exile there, ami tin a rn study the school systems. Tbey are ia u ? titi' of perfection iin-r... Prance ba* made prugicss la n.i - direction since 1*71, bul lhere la still room for Im? provement. \-e would i iii i>r.?v,- iain If we were nol lurceel to live nuder the law >.r ian I moire rn Un- lame i:,.|,ii'lir. i have isugbl msst of my life; I did a gooel ei.e.ii of leaching ia Sow '.iii ai.uii.i. My vocatloa, after ? imi nf a pinn.ii. ..'<>r nf revolutions,ts teaching, lam very load ol music and gavt lessons on tbe pianola Prance and la New-Cabdonia, lu Noumea we had aa ., .i rn ki ty initiumenl -.? "i whose notoi wen-1 ra en .uni ilnl lint -..ami. I'1 -ur' tin-rn-I. una nt I lavented a uaw method ol teaching; Ihe pupils wers laugbl to sup plf all iii-- sile in notes uith -in.'iiiL'. i i.r -aovemeuts wen- m..- ?;,'. law, l<ut for that vory reason tht tem moved a good one. In lliat way 1 laugbl ihem to transpose, fur v. ben .-ne m.te wa* aol given in one rn ? a ii was given in another, and we m.nie harmony li* ir.iu |i,ni_. Ilelore I." to New Caledonia I shoals like to ?...lei i.e i man) .ucl lltissla t'l see my friends there, the vailnus revolutlanari groups. I shoal J like lo study reVSlUll.Hit si l? Ol ' ''le r. fur awhile." - Would it in- in<i? -. n et lo ii u rou if yon have aoj ic souri i- for sui ii extensive travelling I" " .Vii. I Lin. mme stall. Bal I Im. er -vant fur any - thing. I alwsyi Bnd the mean- ol dotaajast what I piesse My friends provide the lu ads. Thc Mayor ol .va,n.m.,i-ii i he would pu) m\ way Lack n. bis country. lt |,eer ll.-t nun ll. I .llWIIN- |r,,ve-| I ilirel e l.l?-. I tha . ask lilli i<< idvs bm s ll ke i l?j ?.,> e.r Amerli n. In Aii.e-11< .i i won'l need any money; my meads lhere will provide. I nt mi tioe-.t i.>j '..i inyit-lf; il Isooly f.u my i.r that i require lt " .in . iiini representative! >>f tbe publishing boa es Olleiidorfl ami I..- Hoy wert ennjuueed. Thu llrst ls in iklug nrraiigi inents wltb louise Mit bel to puldUfa bel Me.ns, ucl i,.i tin.-- novels, and Ihe otber ber poliU . a:-a.nns. Hhe bas piles Ol maim e ripti. you iee." said stir, turning ta mo,"now that the papers are filling Ihclr columns rena' me, and I um the topic of print, the publishers all come to oller me their services. Before, \-.iren i wa- la prisun nml sorriv in eef the mosey, I coo IJ aol got one to accept my Urti. I don't waut their money now.and l don't snow wiici lar I shan give them mi works lo publish. Reslilt s, I have always asea nanni bj (uittisbers. I hs.i had rniir;, after story stolen, rea deliberately stoh a. I inuo na i UBS, takea oul w toy m..tiler's own liedroom. Nothing is -ee iud bera Publishers ara a wi ol -ii.trsa 1 have ii.iit.til one of my i.o.o.n ? !___ Microbes.'" TWO SOUTHERN SENATORS. DROWN, OF GEORGIA, AM) BECK, OF KEN? TUCKY. INCIDENT* IN .UKIN I.1VKS?TIIKIll LIKES AND Mlllin -ANBCDOTM, traoii job gfoni in mioiamnprar of thl rammi VVASHiNOTOir, Feb. 13.?Jooeph Etnoraon Brown?old "Joe" Brown, ai ho ls tamtllarly eallod is one of tho most eoiispieimiis Bgurea on thu floor of tho Honate. lie- looks eighty years of ace Urang- in reality he is imt slity-llva 'lhere ls a certain patriarch? al hwfe aboui him ? kieta al oa ?>? attest li attentl m. Ho has .k long silvery beard; (ha tap al his bead ls almost bald an.l bis hair ls of that smooth, lank and oil] kind wim h in ti.e popular mind is generally associated with ? certain of saootlty. Illa enemies soy that ha looks like a Morawa Ills friends pretend to see ta him .1 second Ain. if rs hardly necessary foi me to tay that In- is aeitbei 'he uno un' tha it In r. ".'oe-" Brown, though a Baptist, ls a Atm viiever in his own destiny Among all the Democratic Senators he i-. to-lay, the only eene wine thinks thal be alli yet i a ealled ni eui i.soapy the White Uousa His ambition ls boundless and surpassed ouly hy bis egotism. Cool, .ii ? i.e'.i stienl .uni oaleulatlng, ho ban all theatttlbntes nf .i ineeensfulintriguer. n? 1- a born schemer, in i icorgta In-1- ?? boss." Nothing ls done there wit hoc t bia consent. Ibe political tortuoes ol every pul.lie maa ta tin- state .ne iii hi- keeping. miu, makes aad unmakes 'mn ..- ka raes t.t. it would aol bo wise ta a yoong mau just entering |? isijii>- life to Incur the enmity of ".lao" Brown. Ho bas', more than in his day. . Senator Brown i? ono ol the few Southern men promt* ii"nt in public life who ran lay any claim to being self made, He i- .< native of Hw th I'arotlua, though the greater parrot i is boyhood was spoat In tho mountains of northeastern <?? ??r_ri.i. where in- f..tlu-r owned n small farm. Hera ha labored lo the Held and attended stock until be was nineteen years ot aga In ibo winter time in1 luana-' <i t>. attend a c.,' mt oountr. icheol whore bc learned how to read snd write; hal beyond thia nothing. ilo han beard, however, ot Calhoun Academy lu South Carolina,aa in titutlonof learning under the cbaigeofe Wesley l.e-vere-ir. Iii-, ambition wai to enti-i lt for a term. Bot how waa he to do Ul tte had no mooey. Ho hui im friends. Ile hali.lotbing, even, except the s at in-'.'.eer.i bis back, iii worldly possessions .'"ii il tad In a yoke ol iteers; that was all. But Le bud courage and the determination to succeed. He set out witta tue ...'ii, accompanied by in-< younger brother, .Leiiii-s, ii,,,v an eminent lawyer at Canton. Georgies, to ride alternately in- f.'ih.-rs plough borso and drive the snd to i ? track tho horse utter tho inuln part eif tba Journey was completed s ttistauce of aboui 130 inileis. He sold hts si ? ? rte arrival lor eigbl .lithe' board, cure ml the school ami went ta debt lor tuition. i rue i manner iilnt I bim credli nnd friends. j\i i . .1 ol bis bonni contract he returned to bis horns liri ?? mon tu >?' bool, a Ith I ie pr ict nIs of whit b in-1 edi bl* lunion debi - uml bu i some money '..-ft lo apply to the expenses eef u not lu-r r-rn . lr ni this ? . bi ' I ii ul anti "'a' ? ' ? io \. sdi my, alternately; paying lor bl* own tuition wltb the money i,i.. earne?I ..- a tc i-r ["brough theklndnc io! a fi lend who sdvanoud hi.ii tbe money, ho was sble o attend tbs law school ut Vale in I -? i e. Being graduated among ths blghesl in bli cia ? he returned to lils home .int egan tbe practise ol thi law. rwelve yt us later be was elet ted (tavern ii <>f lieorgla. lin- uni. ni ihle i ccefs in a man so young an . ed uulvcrsal attenttoo. "Jon" lirown's ?? ? im-iit career only Incrco od thc wonder ot pollilclans. While, in- methods were nol always tho best or tin pures', ia.1". .''i'l in- sagacity and shrewd. nei>s lie- j?:..>-.-.! h."i '? ll . " trimmer " of unusual re Indeed, -??. atoi Ingall* In one nf bis ? -.* ugo onslaughts .in "Joe" Brown ia the Senate, ootnpai eil '??I the thin gul.I lbs " -erniiieir rr.un ?lanka " ? ? a -a ti.;. ons hyptM -e. a ha wai :??:.r wasnlng bis bauds with lnvlsible|ss ip In Imper hy io a habit "I I .f".- " I constant Ij i ib lug his li ami < wh ri be i ng u.e'-.nari' Mr. in.-...: , too, demil.-el hts t fl si ??' tin. rn .Iii ,i ?? Me. ' I'n.iii IL en of Mi" r-. i..i'..' ? ,,i- .lo .-ch - ri r.i .. nf .merion politics," ?? a -riM- log political I's 'i whs had beau ou all sides ..' . , . i ll ' e|lle.II en. wbO ll.. I vi. , . i hts Iii lime, .mil iieiei'i_..ii tu norn in- eli. i a rbi denunciation ol .iee-'' Brown ls m.- a ioi cthei iiii| ist. ll ? :. ? a ?? - a ., nr.ul m?u i ?> , - i i ii. la liol it w.i- not nu purpose rn . n-e r ne-.e., review "f -.'i nor Brown's p in ami pol : . '? lt wna ruthi | ola oul th. di lenities be overcame lo bis ? . s I the iu ess which attended hun In Uti r ;? i ir i . niau-, other men In p ihllc Ifc w ba bal a . Joe " Brown bas bud tho nee ain I eouu-eel uf a faithful and ?ynipatbctic \' ,t.- Mrs Lie.-,-, ii. in in a swn way, li nil bern ne,m.m. *,.' ls tbt daughter of .i Le il .min. : - beard a stol, abo rr hu which Illili r tte.? uni) bel owa peculiar sbrcwtlaei .-?? bows wbsl .-? power "i 'joe" Brown ls In (itorgla polltlci li- I . .m.i' tei 'ii- Keasts . appuloteel by tbt Hoi e: hoi lo l ? . i i i ? i - .-ie ii ion ol' ion ? i.ii (loni.en. Ir waa but natural In bim tbul hi pretend sot to eo vt the honor In fact, lt was given out . would not be a esudldutc for re-election to the -..I..'.-. Bo, before the LogUlaturc niel the frienda ot utbei aspirants came lo Wi abington te. Hud out lt the report was true, I bey rouldu'1 gel a word oul of tho eel.I man. however, and werong.I deal bewildered, They called ni on Mrs. L; ..un to pay theil :.? [te. ls, when she asked them wbal I icy wen dolim la IVtishingtou. They (rankly told her thal Hu.ctol their visit wis to lr Brown would bc n i sndidats be fore ti., i ? ? . ir not. ?"ie,n mlgiiS i. ive- s,\,,i yonr car farr," sho replied, '.. toe likes tbi'.', .h. i be allows he'll stay." Beaatoi Beck ls as unlike ** Joe " Brown ta everything, as ran wsll bo Imagined f.igbof shout tbe same aire wita tin. (Senrgla H.itor, ne looks nearly Iweuty y.ars younger. Ho seems iii the full strength of bli le, Ile- ll.IS U StlOUgl' marlie'.I f.ll e . .1 full evilly hi-iul eil hali, a Ittong frame, ami a rolia-a i"in I rf ru nm. lin. eneigy he | nts Into hts speeches I* so.thing tre? mendous. Hi ? winia- Le.i. shake* n, a,, amphosizos with sweeping movements nf bis amis ihe arguments he hm bi si bbl opponents. Il" Ls always ta earnest, lils fund of humor ls mu.ill. tlc ls a Pa ol lim.m. ,inl ., nn Hilarity ot ii.,- foreign-born statesman ls that bo lets.ppor lualty escape to denounce everything inp ts foreign or nu Amelie m. This weakness frequently gives Ms adversaries an opening. Otherwise lt is difficult to ge! at lum. Beek I- a W*ll Informed mau. Hoi-i.e, rr especially m making n^nn-e* tit ins aide eef a ease. rimline ls his strong point; diver his bobby, Howiil talk on crih.-r hy the hour, always ontertalnintly, some? times with Often losing bis temper, ho never forgets tbe amenities of Senatorial lu this respect ho shows wondai fol lolf-eoptiul, ead un,mt lorva ;>s a pallet n to many of his colleagues. Having lived tbe best years of lils lifo In Kentucky, Lei li i ii- well posted on hm-es umi their rsolng looonls a-.inr in i lir-Lite, ld-know-Hie petligreo of ull Hm noted hotsea uf the cooatry, .\ bor?o race win eiraw lum away from his seo! la tho Manolo BUT Bay, oven a silver debate ls oa. At tho Ivy City races ko ls a regular attendant If I mistake aot ka is one of tho -I,.wauls of tho cluh. In Ins hots be ls us cautious ss a Scotchman gaaevallj ls, ABS bel In the French mutuals will satisfy him: ami lt ought to, for, hore, a wim vaoturci a whole . ~> bill sn n borea raea la mu pooled of being a " plunger." Wast laglan, I may remark in (eas iu_. I- ,i |, mr Beld fe.r ihe line'!,maker-, who Hen? ri all \ give it a wide berth, nol -.. much boca i tc lhere ii im mono) her.-, bul because uoboilj seems wllltsg to i.i-t. Bul to return lu Beek, llo and Coagressmua Wilkins, ol nhl.., were talking ol Welcher's over some business m itteri iii" athol dar, whoa Ibe Kentuckian i pied .i picture nf a horse banging mi toa wall. " linne'." In' e-xi':.I'll.I'll "Uh rapture. " If B pa CU'S Of l..-vin.'on, tbagracdesthoiaa that rvei s.-.i on tour toe) " .es." ssl.I Mr. Wilkins, "he was certaiiih ? very rt mai kohls iim-e-. Waa he .i 11 nit ei ora 1 nuneri" \ hwb ..f i..??Hal'e. Morn passed over Seoatoi Psok's i.r...iel es pi eui vs eountonsnee. "Waa bo a trott sr or ? rnnm ri" he repeated, astonishment.pity, and profonnd dis a t being blended in ms lone of Ins vole. " \v as he n trotter or a runnerl Well, well, well, I do declare, I never lu-.mi nf such astounding Ignorance before In Hie whole course of mj life, exoeptlng on one occasion, and ihai was lixo fears ago, ami g fellow Souaioi was0 frightful example. Iroquois bad won tim Kbgllsh Delby, and wo Kentuckians naturallj (ell proud ol tbasiioeoae ol tho lacer abroid, anti waited with breath Isssanxlet) lor rews!.Kianee tbat would tell us nf the victo!) or defeat eif tho Rennick., bred lo.hull, aha wus entered foi tho Orand Prix, ol Pans, rim da) of lbs I opened u.) afternoon patel and looked foi thc gate hoe tbo Ural thing. I wea overjoyed to Bad that Foxhall bad Indeed wan, and aent a pnge tor Son tte.i Vlllson. Wben be i .um . ivei tom) <!?? ->k i pointe>il :,. thc Pan,, telegram and asked him to ' Rea i that* He rea.I the i uragrnph and culiul) oxnicaaed his gieal grut iii.atiiiii over tue vleteiiy. AHer In- bad rna oo a while ha linvale real mn le, the Inquiry! ' Was lt O tfOttlttg OT 0 running rare that Foxhall wonf Imagine ni) feelings. Wordieonld not es press them. I f.-ii 1..i. it iii m. ch.ut- speechless, and didn't opoak lo tbo Sanntor from Iowa lor two weeks, iimthor Wilkins, I weniiii uko to iee yoa ta Kratueky, but aa a friend I must al.i-o ...n to roan np on lexington i.oiorojeui ,. Un ni,lo If tho Koiitiu klaus slieiuhl siisjicot you ..f m.! knowing whether lexington wasatrotleeoro racer B might go bard with yon.H Senotof Peek, by tha Way, married a coiutorni ue -c. ri.lani ol \\ sslilngmii. ;? 'loct not goiu-rullv known, wine.i makes tue Senator*! son <? sm gc one of tho few male di iccudanuof Washington allro at the present day. ..I.-, heck was a Misi 'fborotou. Bm tatter woo a wealthy Virginia gentleman. Governor Clark, whhe In washington, as Congressman, met unel mari n-.i lier mother. Wbon tho family moved to Kontuckv, .Miss Thornton oeeomn anted her moHrar, Beck waiteet upm her ami frequently iie-ciiinpuiile.i her to church. A rela? tive of Miss Thornton naked her lt young He. k wae courting her. Sho said she. eli,- not know. ? If ho does,' sahl tho gentleman," yoe take him, amt von will nerer regret it." lt was not Iwug before Beck proposed ami accepted. Oreen Page, another relutiveof Miss Tin.niton, wrote Indignantly te> tho relative who bad given Miss Thornton ins odvloe aa to Beek, aa* naked why he had eaoouraged theil kios woman to marry ital ?? rough o'," referring ta the fae! that Boes bad in hi-* emly days heen an overseer ona farm. Tho former replied thal ho batt advised Miss Thornton fee hoi own good, and that the "rough overseer" hail moro iiite-lle.'t than Louis, illy* peat man, Luthrie. Tho re? sult pro wu tho wisdom of his advlea Beck obtained 9:10,1100 with his wtfo, which wm the beginning of bia ll., made good Invest monta notably In landa around Duluth ?ml lu Hie Northwest, ami hate bara mak? ing monei ever linea Bi mme bc ls classed as a ?? iniiiiniia!!i'," bul a Kontaeklan who wai .inked bow tue Senator lived ai home, simply replied: "He Urea liken ll.lituif,'cock." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PARIS GOSSIP. BIGAMY?A PRINCE OP TUNIS-THEATEICAL, .11:.e\i un. aaal LAI e.u.m.-1 ..N'l'i nt or mt. iiiiiiim:.. Pams, January :io. Tim trinI nml conviction of the Alfortrille big? amist baa set all the "throne and altar" Journale writing againsl the bad morale of the Kepubliei as though Frauds I., Henri IV., Louis XIV., Louis XV. ami Napoleon 111. weroparaconaof purity nut to mention the Duebeaee de Berri and ? boot of leeser lights of Preneb royalty. Tbeoe rama jour mils wrnto against M. Naquct'a divorce law, hut that meaanre has proved beneficial tn publie monia Polygamy aud crimes against the Seventh Commandment Bonriab where then- is slavery. l'i mee Taie-b, brother of tho Bey of Tania?wbo la mew living Inr ? tells inc iiml wherever tree in-ti luiimis make their way in North -Africa, the polyg bonaebold tends to diaappear. Ile bimeelf his nnly mic wife. Bbe ia not here with him. hut be speaks of her with affectionate admiration, Tbey both, be anya, mow old together; both watched with loving interest tbe evolution of an only danghter'a mind, and are now devoted to hor chihlreu; without, however, being Mifishly wrapped np in them, for they continue to adopt, sn far as their means will admit, orphan -.-iris. Prince Taieb thought that ono of the reaaonawtiy a society which legalised polygamy could goon I xiating for centuries, as that of Turkey bad dona, wan tin- eoustanl lu flux of hardily-reared men from the hills of tbe Bulkana and Greece ami from the Armenian mountains, Tbey wen-all the iona ot monogamous families and reared in poverty, Mcbemcl Ali, who wrested Egypt from tbe Turka, v.u? a Mace Ionian. Prince Taieb is a majestic old man. Ile Urea in n handsome Hat in thc Rue Trouchel at the curlier that faces Le Printctnps dry-goods ^store. His tl a 11 gh tor is in Tunis aud the- >.\ ile of a monog imoni hnsbuuiL Bbe has several children, oue of whom baa accoinpaniod his grandfather to Parla and ls the delight of his old age. He 1- ter. fair mala v.. : i-in .inn 1. ii cbihl. It is be wno nails the Koran t<> Tam'.. v.h<> comments upon it as the reading goes on. Pm ee Taieb speaks through an interpreter. lu re? ceiving visitors bi sitson a divan, but m>* crt ? L _?? il. Clouda of incense ri*efroni burners in tbe corners of tbe room in which he holt's bis recep tions. Tbe grandchild takes visitors known to bun it, lin- hand and leads each "i them 10 tim Prince. Taiebe. household is, witb tbe except.1 tbe nee. retary aud Interpreter, entirely composed ?'i perrons of his religion, which does not, however. preveift some of them going to drink alcoholic II eu.'i? in the neighboringuafce. rite table to which at luncheon I had the hourn of lifting down ia rved in the Kuropeaa fashion. Ladies are often ini v. nu theil husbands to share the rep isl ol His llighuess, wbo stands next io onler e.f succes? sion tn the actual Hey of Tunis. Madame de Les ami ber children were bisgnests laat week, and be went t" seo M. de Leaeepi siaii for London I -.'.O' lee] I' "1.1111.1. I am to heir, thal Mr. Pigott, deputy 'eu >? ira l of plays lu England, has forbidden " Hapho." A more disgraceful exhibition of low vice I have never Been on tbe stage. Ii in a thous.rmi nines worse than anything of Offenbach. "Le Grande Illulia-. <?" waa 1 droll minx. Uni "Fanny I.t iii.,mic" ("l_apbo") is :i vile harlot in personating whom Jane Hading endeavoie t.. m.ik street-walking attractive. How an octree w tm has ii in h husband aud considerable market value could bring herself to accept aueh a part 1 1 iiiin.t think, lt ia all nonsense to say thai arl pm lies everything il (ouches, rhere aro contrncta 1- bit h degrade artists ami their arr. What ! Kul? ele': ni dedicating tbe novel " s.i..ln>," from whit h the pla) is taken, to his son enjoiued hun not tee read it until he waa iwenty-ont ' And then he ami Ih int produce ou the stage, crudely? without niufflling np, nml. iudced, lu a point-blank way?tin- worst features of the h....k! Parisian playgoers thetas Ive* think the play too revolting. I be suggestions ..f .lam* Hoding/a by-play ure worthy of tbe Gulden lle.use when Nero waa I ni pe ru tor. And without them the drama would bo Dal and meaningless. A Ntrtiug i.'.i' lion has wi li se' iu bera against tbe th.'ailie.ii beastliness I cannot think of a better which bus distinguished tbe better sort <>t Parisian theatres for many years ami which tbe lute M. Perrin did so much to promote. Pramas " iu six or seven gorgeous dresses,'1 which all tbe mantua-makcra were agog tn iee, an goiug out, I suppose then never was a greater success than Ooudinot'a ? Pal lah n.' ot a bich I shall speak on a future n< - eas. lt is a- independent a-* a tranedyof C -neille ora cm.l\ of Moliere 01 ilaire scenery aud tine garments, bul ia brimful of good humor and na droll lt ia witty. The wit is ni a high kind, bul un? translatable. Tbooe who would wish tu seo "Lc I'.i. i-i on " must come tn I'a 1 is. it ia in the diapason ul' "The Bt hool for Scandal." BOT Ills WIFtVS RUMRRR. A tall man, willi a hatchet Lice and a nose 10 thiu that lt barely leparated his kecD, cray eyes, oi tend ei crami m. store, drew a package froiu_,capaciou? pocket of hui, ami iain to a polite clerk: "Somebody must havo marked thens shoos wreag. They aro a half eira too lama" Ike clerk opeood the paekan,looked at tho ii.ciuso.-i patrol kid gaiters, ead remarked: " Ah, tlieioaro twos an.!-.i half. Voa want twos." " Nu, I don't," saul the oustoruer, with a sharp rim; In lils voice ; " I WBr.l Ne>. 2kg, hit, the ihocs must Le a ha'.f -in- smaller than these." Clerk?Why, ilr, thoso aie IWOS-sad*a*bStf. Vou can ?ee for yourself. Tho mark is pram enoiich. Customer -Hut 1 havo already told yoa that the mark le wrong. My wife bas hem wearing No. 2%8bO0ef_t years. I ?ttgbl to know, for I li un had to tiny so many of them. I took those shoos home the other tl.iy, ex? pecting thal tbey would flt, of coane, arni I leave bail to como back lo exchange thom bocause a rascally aloe maker put a wroug mark on thorn. Clerk?You must be mistikcn, itr ; this hou-ft.ili.-s the grratSSl rare that everythl . _ ?o!d ls exactly whit ll li repre-ienteel to be. Our reputation ? Cuitome-r-Ne'ver mitiel your reputittion. It>!l you thrso shoes aro No. 3. u? m.. .linnie i petita ball to* itu aller. The polite aalosinnn went tn search of ilioei of theiama Ir.iei.'ni.irli and soon returnee! with l wo pairs wbieb were marked ?? ?_ " sod " -*?*" He smiled serenely ou thc eas tau -i as tho Utter e'.iuip.iroil the linoel which he had Liken nark to the itore? with earb of tbe .ither pain ibero could bo no mistake Tbo pain iiuuilierej - I*? " wero of exactly tbe sams toe, trails the pair marked " i" v,ne n tiaif bim ?nailer. Cast omer?Well, tim-e- Noe 3 snnei will (lt my wife, but I wiall you woulel explain Something. 1'bce MUM nesr li?ln< et row in Iho family winni my wife saut I I have to take that p.ilr uf iboetei Lack, aii-1 to no very imo tli.u I not for,"!!.'.. Uu> il/e nf In-r fool I looked at ker edd shoes aad saw the Ila K*e mark ra ibe>m. Vet Let ..! I thoo* me .mm: eil a yuarter of un i.u'd leis In k-u-rtb Ulan Hie' new one*. Clerk -Wero the other shoes nought hers 1 tiiiiniiier-No. I have hew buyim,' shoes for .-anio yean at Blank's, la the trnw.-ty. Clerk Ab. thai may explain thc tlitlcrcnea. 1 ibink thor have a different staniford for working at BUak**. You s...e sieini. wennon inii-il od buying MOOS ball a BIM too small for them, ami when tln-v go to a store lo buy fut tbe-inselvei. tbey CSD'I lie- Seitl-tleil until tho salesman crowds their fear ami a bair foot imo a foarshee a wain,iii who li ii wurn a foin lime will not have lt ian! (hat sire has tn wear a four ami a Half. Now. if she ba* been buying ber shoes at Blank's, aad she happi-us to mine here for a pair, she either gels fours that .ire emu forlalih. on herleet, or she Hints (bat she Can pinch bur fe<et into threes atnta b.ilf. Hil* will bo latlsHe-.I. any? how, ana lil.uik wont sell ber anr mme abuei. lim ms trade, don't rea imo t I he Sharp of the customer relaxeil In a smile wblcb ant liol vanna until ho departed from Ibo Itor* ? Fntsr Nir.iiT Convk.kjatiov.?Author?I think it wont oil pretty well; thcro was bo hissing. Val? ued Friend-Oh. yes; but you -ec a fellow cunt hiss while' bu's yawning. -[Fun. A DRY BREAD CURE. DRINKING AM) DANCING ACCOMPANIMENTS, A QL'F.EK HKAI.TH 1>TABI.ISHM**N r |_| Al'STRIA? THK Vlint'KS Of BI.Oi'D-.WKATIXr.. IFaOU AN OCCASION \L'-e-Klli:?lt>NllRNr l)F tar. TIMBI".**.1 LtBBBMWWABB, Janu.iiy '-'0. It is not a difficult thimr to timi Austria, hut it is iliihenlt to find Silesia, an.l when you have foiiml it, to penetrate to the aecluded *'illugc ul l.inttr-n weise. It would he infinitely more dillie ult still to rnnreire ol" a nota brion anti deoolatO pince in existence, lt is a hole, absolutely without attiu. tions: hut it is curious if not lateeootiog as tho alto ol tko water cure established here iiiaiiy years ego, If the promises of the I'a.ulty hohl pooil. tins is the only place ou the face of the globe w here one .an baeeoia a new man uml shake ol the ohl with any decree of tborooghaera lhere ia bo mention of tbeeaoaeiooee or memory, go we have oe pet-thro rr-?ht to e\in-i t that the un- oinfoitable recollection ol old sloe caa be perspired uti with the ohl .1 meases. Hie methO'l is very simple and tine- win. li bas been tried in america Hui the eonditioM could nm hi carried oat tbeco?especially ina prohibition Htutt ?for the reoooo that the LiadewetoeCuredopoade for ita etteetiveneae on the ebeapneoeuud plenty of a ni tam Hungarian wiM made on iv ni this part of Austria. The nf the Cure is to throw oft tue vitiated blood by Bfofnaa aweating. This ii pro duoad hy placing the patient in B ihOOt dipped in ice cold writer: the abeot will jnst raver tbe putieot'B Baked hotly, and ariiiinel this is Wrapped a M omi wet sneet: then about these two sheets are pla. ed two thick I.lan!..-ts. tightly folded. Ahout tbe whole isa thick feather maureen. Thi-sim, turo when tigbtly houiiii ah.uit the victim hy et rona; striiiL'u is calleel an " Pinballs.'' ami 1 am must confess that Bey sensations whoa aroused at 12 o'eloek at night to be* pocked "are very mach like those of a man who -? nj- .tt bia own waka ami lt called upon to consider the preeaotio is taken to h.ive bis remains well prroerved. Win ti liist en? velope 1 ni this watery ahmad ead tied see thal I was obie to BUBO bat one movement that ol pulling the hell rone which poiecd over my chest and was Strapped hy tim pads .lose to my bod) i Baked my attendant if there warean) rats. "Oh. yee!, many nita." WM tie: BBBWor, anl my -utiseeiuent experience irives bm bo ? sosa t>> doab) his veracity. Hie precaution of attaching the hell-rone- t.. ihe pat rent's heil isa verv BOeeOBBrj tu;.- rn OBM ol lire. and om which in itself is similar toth.u used in Italian praveyards, although I have neve: heard it used incaaeoftire them, but rather to ueeiel those poor wretehea who may BATO hoon hurieil alive to re-turn to this mundane sphere. The seventy of the u pack " is only ei|tialle<l liy that of the di.-I. I have' bora he-re- three .-eeks .ind have- h.-,t ten pounds.-h i.'rm- iu time dis? pensed with an Immeasurable riuaatity of vt rared blood hy means ni tue procoos who h i-e railed here " hlooil-sweatini;," and by system.iti- starvation have reduced my avoirdupois considerably, ''nc ia allowed dry brea-1 oalr, bat of that all ono wants. lhere ure emly two exceptions te> thi- ia-: i twice a week ooo is allowed tho special indulgence of rice ami a little sance m,ide of barley araaoned witb le'ini'ii joice. U.e only h<"vcia-'i' is IPim-ai ian wine, hut this, too, can he takea oniv on special daya Bundey. I'ucsday af tei Boon and Thursday. Ailthoiest of the week oin- must tliiist. for 11 eli ink water in the iv iii is sine tu be attended with extremely un? pleasant consequence Hence the week ia divided) into Ul ink Duvs and Thiist Daya The fast having rna its prescribe 1 cooroo ?<t six weeba (aod having bora almoet as rigorooa as Ton nor. and without tbe atiai ii is of botaj it eooaag to au end ami thu |a*ieiit e.its BBalllag witt 'i.e. followed em the next .lay hy a howl ol stewed chicken, lt is prepared in the Km- ead ie railed ?*\Volil Hes. hui.ick," which betas inte.pretetl means, - Souiet bun: f rsl in_' good. " HUBgWI 18 well known to h ? tho beet aauee, end raver did cpicuto enjoy a dish coinponnded by the most lamons,/.,/ nioie than do thc cluain' pated slaves ol the sta: v.i tmn pm iei.l enjoj th:-s ste-ued i bickan. lt seems a siugalai featare .it tbe Kui-that then sim Tai i e-a elaine several times a week, and thal Imings reduced to euell frugal cheer as dry eemela ami an ..:...snnial glass Ol tight wine -hoiild have vitality einiu.ii t'i ludalge iu that 1 ioleot exorcise whieb dancing ucana in Ueimanv. Thedaaee ia never! helene, ono ol tito features ni tiie kn. Uv 10 o'clock mails the patieota ara decidedly ? under tbe weatbor."" ami utan.* of them uiieiuiv eieally drunk. Recently I s.iw a I'-.i: Kwedeovei six feet tall weighing -"ti pounds, not yet reduced by itai ration, and wearing Iw ?ts which rose nbled the se-, en li:a_uo Loots of the- proverbial giaot, stan au uproar in tins manner i Seuing Ins tei ride l partner around tbe waist bo charged down the- hall with the- stamp ol o war-horse, creating th.- wildest enthusiasm among the patients ami apprehension aiuoug tbe ; wo hundred guests. At th.-, juueture up umped .i wild Hungarian wbu prot eeded to sddroao ;lu crowd on the subject e>i Hungarian polities. In thia he was ash.- could not apeak Dorman enough to be understood, us:'.-' oue ol tho many Magyar dialects, lint he made a bold -ti .,'..?> I.. popularity by seizing Ins partuei ami per* forming the curious antic of hoppi og around thi room ou oue foot, coiupeiliin- bis partner io keep step with bim. At ouce he became tba most pop? ular man iiniouk the patients; hut be was soon superseded i.v auotber American wno wae a victim to nour. Thia man, tired with a coal tei maintain the hemer eil Aim-ri. a. forgot hs pani. throw away ins . rut. hes. and with .i W? atora war whoop rushed ob to the Hoot and r-rot retied to turu hat-tlspiniu's the whole length of lue ru nu capping tne .Inn.t\ hy lumping upon one oi the t.r.blrs, standing on bia beau anl Bragging bio feet aa foot as he could, li..- laster be wagged 'ho wilder became the entbuaiaam until the patients all stood around the tai.!.- ready to toast Heir ll.ind sprioger, but as tbey st..oil ready, glasses in band, now ii came lin- jumping jack w ta a t bump, smash* im.' glasses right and I. ft. Ile was earned out. I 'award 'i o'clock th.- scene degeoerateo imo an indeeoribable howl, aud bv i all tho patients were exhausted snd wen nilling to he dragged elf to bed. Diink Day waa culed. lt is fortunate that Tuesday afternoon ditlen from tho two other Dh uk Days IB that tho patient. are not allowed wineenoogo t.i beeooie intoxicated. When tlie six. week's are ucarty over the patients begin to talk ahout what tiny will baveto cat when their time is emt, ami the- demolition of amazing qnantites of moil is threatened on all hands, [ne end of tbe fast ia called tbo " pause'' Tho lirst dish aerred is rico, rho next day comes bouillon with n c. Generally one howl i- inllcient; s..m.timi's two eauae nausea. The third day i bis ken BteW is given. Tins tli?h is always the most palatable one to the person iuet breaking his fast. One epit patient said tin tie-in ions ie neat ions he experienced over Ins tirol he.wi e.t stewed . hie ken were worth going through the euro im. i in the louth day a Juicy beefsteak and a i bp nt tea const il Ute the hist meal ami a little nilli liam with tea the second. Tlie Bfthday the patient t serciees hie own choice, avoiding all food hard to .I. '.'--t. At tho end of the weil, ono caa eat about what taste dictates. Every day the wioo ie mixed more and more willi water uutrl al the eml of about leo doya water caa be drunk pure. Beerie prohib? ited at thc eanie time as water. AftCl tbe li lal two nooka are over patients generally lind they don't rare for food as much as tln-.v supposed tbey would. For rame diseases, such .is rheumatism, ilyapepoln ind gout, tbe etfecti venera of tho erne c-aunot ho i.mi.t.d. A pan. nt ? bo . ame here a slmi I lime ?"_>> ?uttering so badly liom the gout that ko bad to lepood un n cane, waa at tho end ol three a-ecke laueiug and able to keep a good lour-mile u.oi. Dtber instances ol th.* same s.ut ure raid to ho common The clear complexion if those who have iiiihi'd their la-t isa good inoai that flu' blood is ?nt ii eh r. in-we. I iii the til Weeks' tine eil the Chic. lt is claimed hen* lint tho method of this Cara discovered i.y au Austrian peasant named ie.' ann ?cbroth, nh.un lift) yeera ago. Ile waa Ira to believe tbat if inflammation of tne throat could be eared by wrapping up ihe throat Incoktwatef .andagee, the same principle would apply io in* .animation in other parts ol tho body, IfeeMen mented on peasants who won too poor to biran hector, ami met with considerable sncce*oa<i far as giving relief was concerned. But ho could edcet do permanent i uro. He soon dlecovered toni nn ?! li.t was m-i.ssaiv. rbi peasants were jot wishing rn Leo .pcrimeined on in this respect, so be was ol.lined lei prat tim <-'? Inmseil. I I.e' mau itarved nimsell again and .-n;.iin in striviag to reach tbe propar syateoi winch he lirmly believed would h. neut mankind. Ii is saul that he .uttered levers I years of deprivatioo before he hit em the diet of semeis ami ncc Extreme poverty and iiiedii al opposition weie Obotncleo Bfe Mid tor him to overcome aa those that Charlea Uoodyoii itruggled agaiasl when be obliged i<> wear ina i.wu ruhher as elothiug in want of am thrnu better. At la>t be succeeded Tb establiahing acorn wblcii ?tot with enough auceoaa to tain for it n conaidet ibleropntation inn short time, rho llrst pationta had a leard tum', as the old man had decided ideas bs to the ueoeosity of "keepiego stri.t eora. If any one showed a dispwitwn to break the rules of the Cure, he was lot ked no in bis ro.,in and only such food w is served to bim as BobrotB ^aw lil to give. ?___?