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BUILDING APPROPRIATION A8K-LNQ Foll NilW OFFICER Taking oood cark op pm .li. plaCoo?latish KXPF-NKIICIIK Of rCOUC MUSKY. (FROM A KIAH* I '.HItK-1'ieNIU st Of m 30100X1 I WaSOUVOTOM. Feb. 14.?In one tlav last week IBM Bowaaa pa*.Mnl twenty-nine lulls nppretprl^tlng Ot.ii-'.iiin tur the eeiusir ttiuii of pu'-iic halMlan lu ? "/arion* paris of the eountry. Alto','cllier there have haaa 1 IS ? leh bi ls tatndaeed in tbi t oem :r ?*--, ealilng fur au aggi. gut', npprop. -tallou of aluiut i*i-_il,lMIti,lMMI, nnd there aiej iiiriny eoawtlW yet to bear fmrii. Til- ap? propriation fur each building is by a special ii.-i, which oller* icn-at opportunities for log-rolling. If there ? ere one teni ral upiu-npriatloii tull fer sub pur? ims, a, while lt inlirbt not pre-cut waste any inure ibm dues tbe Uiver and Barbel bill, it would at least attract HM at'eniiou et the comm.. Uader Ike praaaal system large sn,uh are yearly roted fOf pul.ire building* in -inri'i VtUaeoa, willie the Govern IOOUI ls tlenied such sn ".ie: li res When aeeda L Toa laetMc ?, In ibis city ? r.-nt of 05,000 ls paid fur Die City Pool Ofliee I milling-a wretched une foi Un- 1'iir pose- anet fl4.000 inure IS paid fur other rmeais lei tiie om of the Post OflBoe Depariaeat. A te bllildi... Is bailly needed for tile ]U1 lilli- cnnvel^cnee. nial lt we.uld he money saved tn tbe Gnvemnn nt In ere ct it, hal probably hecaaaa ne rotes an- tu i.e lui ia that way, Ooagnea has t ag acted t" maka saeh an appropriatim:. Ti,. s.',;i un.i j,aid rn leal bl the I'ost titlice Department here weald capitalize a - un lufllelei t --t en v. a building wu lld be a t redll t.. tin- t.i vi-iiiint nt. In onler tn npprt crme tbe log*rolllng proeaaa by vt bleb appropi lb tutus fur jeu'ilic bnlMingl are l.ratle, lt !s eerily iieccs.iry to 'ia,iee Bl Sons nf lb* r. c nt ucl* of l'eeii_re.s. ll. re la a list .if a few places in wblcb new buildings have teen provldeu fur: ont?s Postal J lac. A;.'.inpTi?tim. Itciv nts. Popolatlon I ... I. lill . . J.e.S-7 1 fl li y.e.l-isio-e. itv .I.n ib. Wi iii....'.'. Frankfort, Ky ... ii imo lo, in ti.i'bs Pt an ? Kt' .i ? i I I.ii ii MM Aler ? eil, il 'SS ... .... 3, itt 1. 00 liv .. .1, tir-s . e, ii i) 'A.ibil Yb i ji-rit-e-ei. (-t -. Mo.I ??.'."."i lu .0 6,271 N.t.r: is .:,v rv. Neb ... 75,0 0 IO 4,I.S. tinea-boron-rh, v.c... 67.000 b,-"4 'i.Y-b Dsl aa, res nt ..>?? o *? IBS lore Waco. Tei. loo.i u 17._r 4 7.S.i.'e Tyler. Tex .... ..'.'in 6.443 S.t'lt Jl:.rriwi:.biirg. Va ... 7bi"> S.tMl AMI Lys bm. v.i .lit, o *o i::.u A A meelon ... .i '_'. ? 'I' 'A- ? ?'< i ont l'lti.v.r ft, ' a .lltl.OOO 1*4 0 7.6*0 I :?.:-.- '-., -. w Va.... 6 1.0 J I Aliti I.."'. bhi'i-v.-i-e.:t. ].a... le ... ?> 0.000 S.ulMi ". ha of Secretary La nar ls at OstorlLMIaa, hence In thai \rilliigi-. willi only 1,500 lahabitaata aad the entire peal a I receipts of w blah amount to nilly r-:i. du, the Oort riiineut is amtiag a 080,000 building. Aberdeen, Mlaa.t ia haathei \i,iage ol aa gi?tat im l.nriiiiu e, and there- a WI 1,000 hui din..' is to be' erected oader ee appropriation nada last yer. Dover, OrL, lu the bine ..f Beaator Baaiaaary, aud Ihoaah 't bas ttniy ] JR ni in lia I itiiiils lt bas a post lettie e bullet, ng which waa i re-led ai a . o t i-f 102.000, Beaator Coke's boa*, is at "A'uC'ee, Tua., the I'?'puiation of winch aceurdllig to the BOMBI Waa 7.1'Ab. Pot la nt of its pint otlice lhere the' tinveriiiiit'iit paid ani3, bal last year 9100,000 waa ap? lico pta a ted for a pull.u building in the place. M.reve port, I.i. ia 1 1 Hilliup .r'.a'.t and tnt- Government pays only 933b lor Ike nat of the post otlice building, but Bepnaeatatlra l;..millard, who lives th.-re ami w -...-d i.e ein Mnethlaa Mt 1,1*1 aeastltaeaia, obtalsed ur. approprtetloa al 0105.000 fur a bini nug la thai place, leg-atagtoa. Kv., ii ihe liouie nf Banaler Beek. He Bbtalaed the appropriation of QI00,000 mr a pnsi oOtos building t hf te. though tba Qoraraanat pays unly 3019 la nt foi its I.iii den.' 1:1 tnai city. Au 1 ni a s.iuilar way ti.*- 11 t)vrilr of tho appropriations fer public buildings ran be net .'.ulled lae, * iii hla anneal report tba Poetaaeter-Uoaeral says ibat the bnsiu' ss of a plaee eau bs> best elis Ingatshad by the gru-s re e.pis of its post ottlce. Taking nf the Cities that do uot ti tv-- p.l ic 1 eliding! au I comp.iring them willi tlmse mciiti.'t.e . above, Whieh WOTS xelcct'.d Bt raul'.rn, tbe lujusrice of tie- pres. nt method of 1 re. in.1 publie buildings i? made apparent. Tree lee.iow hag efiieaanaaBoog theaa for whUu na appropriations have been made: Omae P. tt, Population I.e 1-,t_. . s- I. 1 .- .11 OMO.*0 1-e 38,iS7rt I Hiinten. .n. J. -.?.'.-4 4 ai ? '.? 1 I. 11 lt. J..... 'I I'J ?_?>.'_"-'.) jin. u. 101 .vi . ii .vt 17..,,: N.Y. Ab.00O 20641 LockM*., N.Y . '-liHH IM . J Ivi 1.ur,. S". V. 'IA "tM 1M.U4', llb-ct. ? V. iii Ott !'.". 3B.ur-town, N.Y. lb. .rn le...-,7 t- ..(.a .V Y. _.( .ul Bill li .,1 ..ti Y. K...-2 k..;:u Han 1 monto, Tot. 82 VJ 211000 Hi.i in.-Il ld >laa*. 7 .770 fci.OOtl Va,--.. M .ss . B6.0M1 M..9I Lauia.ler. -"tun . SSjBBt WO Uta unnecessary to tarry tne ceimp.eris.iu fuiiuer, Tlieraitk injus'.lce of ercclins a publie building at Ox lord, Miss.. We'll lt* 1,500 111 l.lebltllllt.? atilt $.',. Hill J't'SlHl receipis. while W swater. Mas*., wnh ite ij*.._'.ti lahabi? taata aird l.8G,tis>7 in peat Bl rect-tpta tine* not have on-j- ealf evident. Then on 180 peetofloM la New Ynrk Mate lu rented buildings, ihe postal receipt* of euell one of wnieli euee. 1 many times over those eif tu lard Bad Abardooa, Miss, and other such plaei-s for Which appt .priatiutis for public* have Leen i iie.i.i.. i r.e Gi.vri inn. 1,1 baa r apr oded 35^40.942 on I pui.iie BlHIng* la Inraltlana aad still then are billa lu Hie pn sent t OBgTOaS nt-king lui ^-.'.I'OO.UOO uni. fur timi state. Hm Ntw-Jer-.y with 200,000 apara population baa had only --7ij>i'.i aapaaded iu public bandings, New Jersey's postal ncaipta laat year weie 9704,383, and lt furnished a net reveuue n; 301,000 te. tilt- t.eiVt ! eeluetlt. Th. pusiili leCClptei 111 IjeilURi ella weit. 0410<000 and tnt- ex|.i-ntlil..ies ex ci e led i Ue let. rpt* b) bil Ol. iiii-.'. Xew-i't'ik t. tate furnished a net revenue Cnaa postal receipts ...' 31,070,000 and M s.sachuserte $833,589 i evidtui.j. ti.en j..rc. if tbe OorecaMHl is goiu^ to t il-, t i.eibilc Lui. lugs wittr any regard t.. pi.pu latiou or tax u ou. eitn-s uko Worcester au 1 Bpriaggald lu Mas-a. ijunetls, and Kiinia and lliughaiuioii iu Ni-w Yurk, aad Camden, KHaabwth aud Patenaa in .New Jer-e-y, BBd li.yioii and /.a.i-.-ville lu Ohio an the class Of I riles that ?ii.a.d lit; til t-t accomuiudaU d. llcPO are the uills which passed lhaffaaaia last week: P. I >. I'OIiU flare, Ireie.pta. laileen Cxiuelrn N.J.Bi.eOU o ilsa...1 4i,0.i?> Altei .itt.lls. Md.. lOu.onU 7 TJl ti.iel.' Msw.elk. \a . ?!..o.ismi iH.'l .o 22.01*) Hui.1st ill.-. Ala. le.,.iNKl O.lul 4 '.e77 Mon ester. Mass. . VJ.', 'ti'itl -W.eisr. b.S^ai Feel-aili ,. Ark. lull...00 HH't S.II0U Moiiroe. I.a . 100.000 S.-15 iaao Isjoiix . ri; . Uiwa. 10 ?.?) 'U 2S,t>J6 lil.ost Ju< p.*. I50.U00 :.7.:m'i lin .en., e.. . .,'. .il 'il ll -.r.i 0,111 Un- rt ttl IO. O. C. ai. 7.-01 ti.Hiei fMtJikoiib. v\i? . 1 *I,000 '.rti.'.t.eS 15.718 Vic.snir?. Miss. ..? ..i.nti 17.I'S ll.hi* Pottia U ute .ij'.,' 'Hi ta. rat,- 1s.o.hi Poiins. !onr.?. Ya... 1 \B td tl bili bib Housiuii. .iu . 76,000 irS.i.eO 16..-.Kl latiuuait r, i eau.. luu.OiiU A.i.ifll 20,000 Yx*l:\. xl. H. 1 . l-l....UKI la ...i I' I' K u aeltll.i oo.i't'O kfSTM Vlubiia Kani.tO.ll'.. 6'. .'oo 9. 13 4.nil Krwpsri Ky . Int.imo I'.l-b 2'.4... Og? ... ' .* ia. . 5 mhiii 2,n_ 1 .tiTti llier-.n. >' v. . . ftu.oOO 12.0*2 n' 7o Vi ui.ieicinn, N. L'_ 2ou.n 0 20,016 I7.S60 Halton .lulu. K-e..eon (,e,.| ., 80.000 SC., tit -i li,,-, "hio. 1..'.i.'-j 22,tiiS ls.lin lex. ... OOo.OOO il .btl 20.OO0, ...ll._ ll' ll.b-H ll.'.s7 .\ .' ii- .e. fa. '.. (...?"-) HI.7..7 21 Mil )'? alton Me . b moO .' 9 0 '"> Mi i? d r. Minn. 76.0IHI 1 :?:.ll O.u 6 Merin*")* <i, -last.. ... 10 7S77 0 HS imo Alehi-ie, Kan ... InOi'iKI 2B.117 IA.I116 i'ele e ..leu. it. Va .adelle 60,000 17, TOA 21,060 tan ii m. i>co fer sile i. ieo.oisi 6ii-.', ,n8 93:1,000 jiaaigaliar. Vi. Inakoo ii...hs 6.h4; TotaL.(1,61-1,000. . home ol these appropriations are additions to ethan previe.usly made. _..,r IVierslmr*. Va., -*li:i.. hid alreau. etttn appropriated, mus itrlu/iu_r lin- total up lo efl83,000. I'oril.ttid. Ore., now has a post otlice build liiK', aad Norioik, Va,, has a 8228,000 iiundiuic. lu the House bills ale pen.lum for a public I id in- in <>ie loasoa. La.,whloh his 1,876 lahabitaata; Monroe-, La., wita JAUH) inlial.nail's; Aaborille, N. C., with 2,016 llibabllauis; lluiuen, Mfa., willi l.iij'.l Itihabltalil*; hl.ii.svi.le, B. C.. Mltn 1,008 inhabitant", aud liuinertius nt . i-.n ii ??.; i.e-. iiit.iiuuse eoaalttee ba- re tea liieiide.l an ad limn lei itu- uppreipriatlun fm- lim K.ecue snr bending, tbaa ariogla_r tn.- i.iai fur timi city np lei rji.-.oti,iMX). ibat lseoiisieb r.iiiii i,rt. man has neeti exp. line i nu Hie publie eau.lliii.- In either Meuiplus, Haahrllle eir Knoxville. Te-nii.. allhou.-li neit one ol llie--e pine es han out-half Hie I'e.pil lal loll Of Kot lie-ter. I lie C'uit'.ulli House liullellllit lu I 'lia. le-lou iiel tln< tinVem mein -j,-iiti,'.il.'). So fur e-ilorts to nex a satisfactory al Ini- feir a b i.idinK iii 1 iinok ly ii, the third city lu the Luinii, have fulled. BHUN Koli THK NI.W -i > KU. A NS BXPOOITIOV. W'AMiiM.TON, Ft-li. 14 (Special ).?A joint reeoiuiiou will oom- up in Hie House to-iu-irrow to load to m.-Nt w-o.l ai.. Kxpo-iiiou apart of !he exiiHells timi Won seut to Ibat elly last year hf Hie HuVerniueiit. The ssklMIS hav.- all been returneil to ibis eity, lull uiai.y nf th.-ui aie SHU uii]i nk"il, aud the uew inaiiane. Ilieul nf Hie Kxputlliou lo nbUlu tho I ..tu of them without exjiense lo I'no (Jnveiuiient. Owttta to tbe iiiifier'ittiale exjierieuee tlial tbe (iuvernuieiit had last y. ar ut New-Orleans some of the uipiuleer* are oji jiosed tn hiijt proposiil'.ti e. Hil* kind. Mr. Caution, of Illinois, says tbat If the exhibits tillie t_et elown there tlix tioxeruutent will have lo send somebo ly to look aller tli in or appropriate money lo irei ihein kui. Mr. Iriou. ut la.ii alana, wno I ti trod Hood ibe neoriitiou. savs thai there ls no OoaaaOttOu l.elwe.-n luis Kxpoaltlou and the one held mere last year. No ileiulle-d repeirt of tue expenditure* of the foruuT J-:_p esitieen ever ii.-..ii male, a ngnaeataUra ol tho Mew-Orleans B-poalooa bow kan aaya tbat lt win be kept o|M-u nulli the onirinai Hui.- axotl lor lt to eloeo. -a. MOIe-ltl-ON KKA1/V TO tlFKF.B 1118 BILL. Washington, Vrh. lt i.S>ef?.t/i.--Cliuirtiian IJ.ii i s.ii is i,nay to-niirhl lovnn- the tlnlshlnir touches to bl* Tariff bill, wbli b will lee ode reel in the Ileeuan to? morrow and referreel to tbe Ways and Means l.'eiiniiiiitoe. lit leelinod to furnish nm details of Hie tiii'.i?iire for tabln afion. To a 1 huh .a eortyai.dent in- said . Ike dla patch lu Friday* lunn sk nut* a good outline 'if the malu provisions uf the bill. It was sah-tantlaily come;, aud everybody csu aee the bill to-morrow." THE PEES1 VESTS PBBDIOAMBBT, IS TH__I.E HAK.MO.NT IN THK 0ABIHET1 III MOiIS ABOUT OAKLAND 1 HAT Will. Mit IlUW.1 A PAX-W ' C'l'IC MART. [nv TKi.i;e;itArn td tiik tkibim:.], Keb. 14.?-Toe spectra of a Cabinet e-risis will met deWB at tho bidding nf A fminis t rat ion ore.ins. Despite tka WtgBlwaa denials of new? I iijee-i-s wh ch deliver themselves of their opinion* In a manlier aili wilone eamapoadeats prc tend to elerive their iii-pu ttl.iu Irani thu IV nile lia is -. the talk about un iuitieiidin.' norn mi .Hun 'if tka Caul net becoaaa rtnager .-very nay. Tue fact that Mr. Oar* hillel's cmii.ectnui with the- I'm Klee ru- Teleplione bab* hie has lint been tua le a ?ubjuut of discussion al any of tba recent Cabinet aeellBKS tt cito 1 aa a proof tnat per? fect harmum prevails among tba Preeldeat'a adviser*. rms itatoaent, eoalaa dlmotlp fruin the White House, of is retitled tat selim- waight, lt tio.s nut loiivince evtryUody, however, Oa the con? trary, inned p.e.pie <-untinu>-to that Instead ot anowina b inn my Banna tba aoabM iel ibe Cabins! ll is evidence uie-reiy ur fi* rn-: that the taleph aeaeaa .lal bas be'couiit s.ieh daasaeas er 1'iiid ter ponoaal rea.snn<e that lt n? Heit el. e-in-el lt ivis,lille lo diBOBM Hilt Hie ri.'iilar uieetinirs Of tha l'.?'d:i-t. In pr.vate. Ills saul, at least uni. rind, it is lie.ieie'd, I Wu, Cabinet oltl eera were ladiarnoi ooongh to make use of loagaaga la refe-rr tnt to Mr. laud ubi li. if Known to lliat Knnllti ..ian, weill I not un'.y li ITS slntcKtHl him n -yonil ine-asure. i.ut wor.i.i bevil lad to a repton af tn..-" saleable relatlona whieh lt is doatrable sbooid exist aaong snakers at Mr. Cleralaad'i .tlielal family." lt may he nssumed that the nial mis betweea the aitocwey-General and sams of bt-tfiilleru-ii'-s are anytbliiir b at plea-nnt. If lt not for the President BXertlOgall limn .nenoe. threaten lou'and eaioliiii: his ooiistiiiilloiial ri Ivisere by turns, lt ls believi il that the Cabrnot wntibi have irone to nieces hag before thl*. It ls hardly conceivable that Mr. Cleveland should wisn Mr. Uarland to withdraw ut this Hine. To reslun While ui.d'-r tire would be BOBO!reed us aa adalaaloa ?>! tha Attaroey-Oaaoral's galil. Fa ra reataseeaaIlkalafitte* aa open raptan wltb oilier numbers of the <'aMuet. Ii. -I ween the two the- rre.t.lent ll IN tel cliUO-0. riie report from the Departasaai of Jastloa I. Oooae Committee in napoon ta tbo Banbaeh naolotloa was -I nei bf Mr. tinii.l.-.wlio slates lliat "tho COOdttOl of the suit bas'li'in devolved upmi myself liv the Attorney. Genera bec ? tu- fell himself io ha aader tlisai.iiit__.ln tlii-lr.siiin.e." dr. (ie ne le- rcf.-r* tujthe Mil heir un nt M?. pala last September, "apoa the applleatioa of the Na tn.uni Improved Telephone Company." Thia atateaaai not only refutes the repent, il BBBBrltBOl nf th-' I'uli Kleetr.e nag thill the M. lupins suit Wa* be?un|at the iii sticntion of ellison wim were not Interi'ste-d litany Telephone Company, hoi stmii-riy corroborate* thal pa i of ike Bogan n-rte-r of Septoabor 30, iw-">. wairhde* Scribe* tba lnaiiniT in winch tba N..tiniial Iinproveel Company was substituted fur Ibo I'aii-Cl'-ctri.- la order in-ave tbe " delicate fOellaas" of Mi. Garland. In vi.-w nf this unezpeeted oiiiei il rtoaBnnatlon af tba Uiki i s letter in s-i lapottaat a partlralnr.a hi lef diary or ceri ri in events in i lc history will be of lu le res': Late in Juli/.?Cum J *i ..inn.', it brother dlroOIW ind Mm klii.i eli r of Mr. lilli land In tbs 1' Ul I .? I ll tvevu < Meei., riri'e-s linn p. brina a salt Iii lin- nani'- ol the lulled >. .te--, im of t.i.ti tomi..m.. Th* Attorney <>. ne lal "itPM-IIIie-- 'lecituse- be ls ii -t '. Lie.IL I alni IO save ii -i..-im s Hu National improved Coapanyla *ub?ti liite.l for I'atii: f. l-l.- ? du tin- .lerataiidlng thal the application is to made tn Goode in-t'-inl mt In fl.n land. .1 njuxt 1 I. I-..?" t oiil.'tlerul.'S," p in-niiy await tie' rel uri nf 1.1.11111. fruin British tn umina. iii'ias' Ifl .. ode returns to Washington. .loinst it) lo Hi. ?" t.'unfeelertttes." anxious to spare Oariuml'a "tl-ia-ne leelm^a.*' nwnlt ins departure fter ?'llmiiiny Hali" lu Hie e.r Arke.iisii*. inls pt-rled of walting ia marked br anal lapattoaaa he laue.. Il llearillK nil a llin'loll feer lill I li lu I e" I .ell a.'allmt I'ltii-Ci. . t. 1. iee .1 e in the United bluies Court at llaiti llii're nu --i-i.11-Iiile,-r 1 ."1. Aii.iusi 27.?Garland ili'iutrts for ?' Ilniiiiiy Hall." Casey ^ nun,' i* In Ti net.?,-.-. Augutl 'ju-t'.sey Yoong and Other I'an-Klectrlc Rational laproee 1 "eitlaensof sfoapai*," nie- ? peti t 1 -ii arith I.i ed-int.-Hrs ile '{-Attorney MeCorry fe.r Ibe hriaglne of a sall la the aaa* of tue Doited Btate* tei .1 uti 111 Hie Bell patent, Met lorry > id boan appointed I i-irlet-.MIe.rne-y nu Ilie- rei'iiiiiinrliilntlnii ot Harland Bl the 11,si.ii.ce. of two eef ins brother director* ia Pea l:iei tuc. senaior Harri* atnl ex -(? Yoma. vice reston, slispeliileil. Nei chant-s li.'.'llisl I'l-leei. McCarty'* sppniniwient nen y. t seton upon bv setiste. ' manet ni. ?Mci orri lei'omii.etiils il,?t sall lu-1.ron?clit. HepUmber 1 M.i-rry's appln-ii. received la Goode'a eetttie. Henator Harris aud es-Con*rrfB*Bian Young e.n 1,and to arro th .t n lie appnred. At pit mbrr M.-Oe e. e. le urti er* suit tn be braoghl and BB peeiii-- fas y Young and eetiie-rs tpeeial eounsel -if lbs United >'m..-?. Btpttmher ft.?Pneeedtngs i-e-Kim lu I'ultt-d - 1 Ce.un iii Men p!.i~ by Mci my. Beptemher la Pan K'leetrle eonnael and Tnlted Otatea I>l-!riet-Al'iern.'V Stlrlinif He HOllaore mttne Hutt pre llniinary injunction a-.-in.s- lan Bleotrlr abeu il (ranted hecaue* ..f ihe Memphis proc?-edin?s, ut United Btate* Judge* Bond and Hoi il- Dei rrtnelra gr inted tba same. OetnharA. Portend returns frtnu "Hei'.iinv 11*11." President < ryeland aaha for au explanation of Pan* Electric t.u?iii-s?. ? dither**, liar and exp! .ins to the PreSldenl and Cabinet li* connection with Pnn-1 let trie Company. Writes letter on Sa tne * ti bl ert. PnaMeai snrgoata tn (ie... ie IP '! iii- pneeedn l>? bare beea I itt sol ar. oiin'irr 0.?Goode 1..fenns Pres ideal nial Memphis sun beea discontinued. MR. 0ABLA5D TO Mit van jiivthi' Y?i:v Nkw-Ohleaps, Fob. 14 [Special).?A loading editoru.i in .1 'ene a e,r Lamar and Garland la reenact! tn wltb ike telepkaaeeaaaalaprtaied in //?< TtateB-Dtma. mit to-day. After declaring Hint saoatal si ress Int* boen laid upon tb'-fact that Hie esae inn tinnily Iron .'ht tin dH lin- I lo-i' au I lon s e.f thc S. nc it ti 1-1 it-nt ral. Mi. I"..le. in Mr. (.arian.i's al wean mm allheal bia hoowlrdga, Instead ol beag re lei rad ara te the Depanmeol of th* Interior where, it was said, tl j rujierly btloiiired, thc writer says : on Hus point the fnllowliiir letter tuvei pnbllabad ha? lon from Mr. Uarlaud to Mr. Vaa Beathni sen ea bi* tlr-t re-epiesl that tbe sun tie lirooghl 1- 11 -utile 1 -ni reply. lt wi 1 ne *.-. 11 that the HtiK-.'SlloU irenerally ere lied t<> Mr. li. v. .1-nd thal the fuse nu.'al tn be rifi-ritt.l llrst tu th* Interior I>e pirMiunt belooga rightly to Mr. Hariaiul. Ijtme be* f.i-e- Hie Presl lent li. ar I of til" ca-.- and when lb" mut? ter was Hist referred tee Mt. <; trlalid, Hist (??-i lb ni.ti, on July ! I, 1 SHS, wrum IO Mr. Van BenthqysOB : In reply le gewe letter of tbe 12.h Instant ea the stit> i.-ci ul 1 ti->11rn1111 _r snit Miral-tst tue Hell 'ledepboiie pat? ent. 1 say mat iba mattel ba* beea referred m tha Bee. rotary ol tue Interior, lo wtmui lt slim I I have bera pre sooted otialaallr, beforenferann o, this departaonb Tbt- releieiice to be the lie paltaeal of Ibe Interior ePUKSUIT OP SCIENCE AMONG THK MOQUU. VlrtlT tel Ctil.eeM I. Me v NSUN AM) HIS WIKK In oom . WaiHUtOTOir, tab. 14.?-Colonel Jomea Bterenaaa, af tba liure.m nf Bthaoloap, has ntoraed ;o tTaahlagtoa afier a -ojourn of about >l 1 aoal bs aiaaag tbe Intli.tts of Arl/mia, lulii_iii_: uearluad of tare and ralaabia curm*. illustrative of tue aaetal k mils, worship and indiiairies of vutlnus tri lees, ur wbicn little- ls ktieiwn. He was aeeoapaaMd la ins travels by Mr*, hnvwaaaa, mid they bael au aelve-iiluro anion,, the 1'uitblo luutans euaeaal la Ita eharaehar. Hartag eiptend some newly near PtagBtaC Arizona, they ?.athen tl a email perty and struck hi.? Ike desert tu Hie BBrtheael Ibrtha Mutjin Iowna, severai day** Journey. 1 bey arrived safely and eiiotmpod ut the feint of a hl-'l: luesa, upon Ibe top of which stan Is Oie-il.e, thu largest Wester, iiin-t nu I l.a-t kunu 11 of all the Peeble towns. | home nf Ihe lea Uni; m>n nf Hu- tnwn e. .me duwil lo the the camp, und, after considerable smoking and lu At, cave eeaaaOt that their VJiiagn, be visited, I.ut stipulated tnat no ellnrt hIi>>u 1 1 Im made to convert tin-pe-nple in t'liristi.nilly. Tho next day Mr. and .Mr*. Mevetisen, ne'e-ompanied by their fear friendly MeejalBtfom other vlllaifeei lind ns uiany SaVaj .es, roele to the top of Hu- mesa, die. iiuuiitel. wulkeel I ii tu Ihe- vil laite plu-.e, and then clline-il a luelder to Hie tup of the eaeuiue'h (or hl?b priest's) limise. When tho pres- nie of the atraagen barana kaewa then- wen algae at ea* eriii.ieiit ihnoghaal tha rtllaoa 'the aatgaborlBg housetops and the plaza were tbrewged by exeited lear l>.ni.tu-, who t'li.tllercel iu loud voices aud made tbrcat eniui. nee lunts. One bully iijeou a muf Just al.eeve the caciipie's tlainfled a lariat with a BOOM at thu etitl, and Inu.IK ilen,anded Uiul Ibo wbile-s be t.ikeu to the eetufa, nr uud'ih'i'.iind ebajiel of Ibu tillage, and lhere suiniuarliy ueait with. Oue or two iieiuonstialive indivleluals veiluiileered to bet lim l)r-t lo apply tin. knife. The- friendly Moqul* steed their Kround only g few minnies and then disappeared, but the NaiujotiH, who are made of firmer iiiiit-ilui. remained. 1 ne patty renamed in the- itali, hhorhnotl several elavs, viniiiiir the otherJfoqai rllUaea, io ali nf whloh they ? en- we,i-niii.-.1, and many limes y Bon Visited sur? reptitious)- al 11 irhi ley people ftum Orellee, win. brooaht curios for sale, wbieb they dared mil oller openly. lu Ibis way a fair ooline timi Waa ni.itlc. Meanwhile ibu st'trv of Him episode In Ou-ilic waa cai ind lo Ke-niii'< Canon, twenty-five milos distant, Hie proprietor of which, an Kuull-b ruiichin.iii, baa lived IB tOa lieiiililitii lion t many jens, ulai hy fa Il? pluck and i.tiru.-ss. has-(aiiie.i au extraordinary lt.H.reece willi beith Ifavajoe* BBd Moa Ola Mr. Kea'ii al nins nrirsiiiii'.l ?|nity of lliree or four white- Baa, Die e.niy nan living within sixty mlle s. anil a donn ol IvM-uty Nm a|or? tor a resent-. Tue Orelbo* roi eivr.l m loriiialloii of Bis iileproiioh, ami Hie he ul ne li of then trine ino.-utneiitly fl.-.l. kearn seal bis N..vit|oes aller tl.rm. anti Hie t wu, mein lu.i; the hunt kell thief were i.roiisbt m. Keam ned their elbe#" asdleoh thea tullis r.lieb Inr discipline, the Mevensmis itivuliipany in.. The pristine re were eh llml nt flrsl. bul nller I wu or three uh)s' cniiliiimeiit under the giiardlujishlp nf N.tvaj.eJ ellers. whee neat tlrums. danced an.l IBdalged In oilier lt rritjiiiK iierforman.Wa, th. > be^'au to reienl, BBd eoafeaaed thal llu-y had .icletl bally. After another n.icht's the prisoners bett Keel fm their, liberty. The nett day they were released. A jjotiil life insurance is tlio hen) policy. lt ls lee tier tee i/tVe a thrashing tuan to receive- one. You can se-iduui embrace a pretty flrl without feellnij her pins. 1 ii,.1-bit, twice cry. (That saves being hit twice).? [Judy. THE WORDS OF SEYMOUR. itiiomjino rm; PUPLIC faith. AM OLD MESSAGK THAT HKA Its. I p -N THK Pr.E.IKXT .slXVKK tjt I. I I.i*--. rn-e-i-f tiik rici uah OOBS-Orprgpaai og tiik Tinm-nt. Albaxt, Fcii. 11. ? Horatio Istjutourh death re?all* to Hie uiemory of many person* he-re hts nntol.le ae-ts as <;o\t One af Hi" must cuii siuceimis ot those acts iras ins menage lo tm- Legislators iii l-'.l, cullin, iipnu tnat body tn make pn.vl* on f.T ttie payment togolj of the bonds of tba -'tat* In New Veirk l.eiel by nut ll-lag la tba I'm:.-I State* lt was iii war tune mel the - -n- ni.a. k tin remy td IM Catted states sraagnatl] depredated m kalaa. Mr, Ht-Miitinr prolesreil anaitist laying nil fi.rele_lli-rs Mho helli New Veil k lintlils. piircn. nd hf Hi.-ui le-lure Hie war hegaoarttb -folder ta equi-Bleat arith tbe dopre elate.l .-reenbin k-. Mr Bey wai la Me awasage, a Mob beam tba date ol April 23.1804, saps tba! hie attention had beea Ballad tn a ie--..!.ri.en pawed by the Leglttlatnre dorlartcgthat no iii'ti notion *hooM be maOe between the tantn aad dont -sile luiiib-rs nf {few-York bonds " n ta tha oarnouy lu wbieb Hu- p-lii. lp tl and n tere-sf e.f Ihe benni*,I i.i- priiu. - r.i tba i rtnetpie lal: down tn this reaoiBtton.** Mr. Beynont say*, - ihen nn be rn ob|sottoa uttered ail the creditors Of the State, ts I.ether they be nf our own people nr foreign, shani.1 i.e ..ilk" print, j aid protnptly an I rn full r>ll lb] t was prole: ed tlc...." Bat, ai Mr. Beymoor i alala oat, tbe lagMatan the year befon bad passed areentntljn deetanagtbat the Intt-re-t elm- tn foreign holden ol New-York limul* si..mi.i i.e- paid in gold 'i'"' bb appropriation was aada n tit.-ii enabled the Cob tr rf) ler t? boy tba geld. Danae* He heiMc. s nf Hie beni ls \t 're, I o \ ever, paul ill e-'ir naey, ne apnropriattoa bein-' made In their behalf te buy gold. A distinction was Hms made I.y the Legtslat? nie Itself Wow it was proponed ta pay tue taralga creditor al*o with gnaanarlu. Coaioonting on thl. Ger* t-r nor Heyaanr wrote: ta praetiee a distinction tnn thu-, main betweea the re .uleiit ero I dor ami tba meldeni ero lit -r. We kept faith .ula ta.- ktranaer wbo had tr.tated na. We f.. lill milt ?rilh III..see o' ..III' O .Ml luillSe I elli.I. Tilt! ell.-it ol tue r.lotion nf Ibis yeal lu the a'-seuee ot any up, oprlatlon a ill he tl a ne poi t al tha latereal a ll be pal I. a- it wa* in oinl-ivl lu I.e | md. lo \t lt. Iii ? ? lu or Its ctiulyaleut. Wben we sought tue niarkeis of tba wnH WltO mir se, in-rtti s. we plelne'l nurseelve- lei ndeotll Hu in I: lue currency of the world. Tbe partial Benlett ur plighted raith east year In BOW to bo follwa d by au Open le'.l ill '" IWJ all', nt '"ir |'t.l-l- lie, .trill li*' |n I h.. . plain sense. The dlsffreee ot la-t ye ir w ts ||n,lted; lr waa kept within ooraelve?i bow oar shame-ami ? i. lieiin.r. i . n.rae In the taw of tin-world. [ lm,k up,>n thia mattel ns of... ullin .cent lo tbe welfare and to the character nt Kow kVk aid of ia people thel I f -cl e.ui- r iliw i I a Boh ? na '<> .-ive the ?ui.|.-et a reeon aideratlon ind io iii n you ne pa** a coecurnaurtwolulion that ball ci.tbe t'ontroller io pay all lur lutero*! i may fall due before tbe Beal *e*a|onof Ihe Ler I*..,tun- in .e.m. in tin- nay ymir ,tf nd. .li lie ene I lied lull' e ll.-el < on.I-I t-l 11 ly Ililli Il.e K.1 iii tbe flats nini " nu ili.iliit-tliiii " will In- ii -de en fen-l-'ii and doiiieetia herders " of ibe honda. I mi u.e liol tin 'ht-, let nu- tiree mil tee j r >\ I |... a le.i-r. tor tie- Interest trial I-due rc-lel-lils nf ntiier ce. i ii trios being p ni lo mia. Thc return lo pav in eo n to mir own citltena may Jnatlly Iise't lo ?ee.i e. in mi-. ,i!< hunch nnt to tuine.aea niea-nre nt i/unt taxation; speii..i. tii.t i limn.tim* and unfair; bul rion '??! b\ mir pic ml rxtreeirdiii i tl in.ii. lu dr ali na will ur . reditor* tn other r nu a - no sii.-ii .-.en.i.let come In Wanara i .le-.titnuie jse?er uttaxBttoi ; thea* rredlloa ie' e. ns li av.voice boi part In our p" Illcal act bm : ne I. ave lin el.lim upon lien t I ? \ -I "n 1 I tak-u -! ..-. lu ibe ii !-? ort ii m's that befall ?i.rraner, rbej a ? I..' o' e. II l,n nelie.ld, I eel I.lld Ul tSth* I'.tTI .? ? 1--UH--11. e.e,au.Ile-s ii-,..ii i . carlee*, r ],.. It'll >i.-ii n and misfortune* n( mn war hulong mus: it ls ungenerous t. -h lt any pi- Ino ol t .-it. tr.-a o'h l? wbo are n ?? an rt ol is. Tn. ,.? f..r. -i -ii rn its art'at ran ter* who lent u* their tm.nev wben ?. ?mt. 11?, npnu i i. -I-. ur I) bul our weira ? : h nor. If WO donn) p them Lae I. Mi lr ii .. 11 ie ?-, a. H..- -l n t ls '? ? "f "ir i ar nal ii, wh int ut a sb inn- i bat i i er tie removed fr un ii* Vf,- Deprive \ew York of an '?!? limit Of Mtnogtb whieh I ire ba- I. -en ttl-cv need .elel ? ' I'll it. people hat. r...;. I p.-..Mi ible.tu ? t. rs iiiitiueatlone I rredfi. I'rlni'iple- an.I pl ' i nulte lo ur*e the ari lon I recom? mend In fill lt [s the ont] Wat lil Ubi. lillie. -I,... can. In truth, fiU8l n? i-ntitr u t?. lt ls tba only w* which ilia stat* can lu a | nit I., n t . _ . t... n ..rkft hereafter deceiitl) as a iMirrewet, rae - n ina pr..i. .-el i.t uri raj Int Iii i idn I* ?m ill and lea j."i irv, vt idle the dishonor la laatlufl. ead tin. pei aoiarv !?--. ronaeqtieni m. mts dUbonnr. the end Dad faith nu tb. par! of Sew .mk. tba lead? ing meaher ?f onr enbfed* ti- must I .et h.,i.iy -toaken i rn ll donni destroy tbs rr.-'l' et our Govern lut-tit -.-eiirltii-. in Ionian iii .f."". Pomp ir--.I tt llb Hie Importance nf tht* Mate action Inila eBeet upon Hie credit eif tba gm ernmenl therua! ni paying nar inter**! In coin ls in-i-Mllli-unl. Asl lee from tl.u-I ,.-r t'lui nf Illl-f-st OH p..ilr. '< UT .lilt I 'III ll Ij I lel.'lllellt ls pi. lill | i. it pat lb* debt* of tbe Ptain ie. pav lu it,.. Ucl jr tne un. le Iii whieh thei were pr end.f.I lei he i aid. lo x. ?; I..,- hom ir ?? ih-t-ta', .it- I led and lo Ibla plain tint-. Wi- should be true, ? eist w li ti ii | . Mr. Bayawar*s words eas he nnlled with remarkable" app opiati n.-ss bow, when ll ls proposed te par I nt I' Ulled M . lea bonds In cicily Beal marr .' Ifl rei .a f..r Hie one baadrod seaton 1 dollarglvea f..r li. binnia Tue I'M.r.itlr t'oiicresstiirn whe preaelng tba i'.i na i.i e,r tr,e. betula la *Urcr bane ?t, pirtnl tar freuii the ataatard e.f ti,ear e.m.1?.late for rre-ldent in I OOH, Ile.rain, -cyuioiir. A BcpnbUcaa Oovaraec, Jabe A Dix, wnn aot as < inventor (seymour to Hie dlebeaerfarolred In p.n I'C d.-t-'s with d.-preelateel ciirren.-y. la >.-?? latba .mn-in 1873. ba Hine denooB<-ea tba dishonest I ii n.eiil ..f S'e-w Tot! bernel* ? III. i-r ? nl-.u k? and | rn pbeileall] lbs pay m. nt of PaiirlflairsHalt aim a ile.i....isl silt er tlnllar: ?? I treal Ibe good I - state la Ita Berat trans .?ili lee srriipii.nusi) maintained m.el tn,ii tie pun n- ci e. I. mis all] i ed he- n-i.e I i.e ir. i ive depreciated p ip. r iii payuienl of u.e debt* doa lo tbeai. If it I** Jual) hallie lu aranon* ol publie danger to Make anything bat ?rooina legal tao ? In coal teeta betweea indtrtdOAls, tlii. de|, ,l lui;.- tie.o, th- .....> .1 .nd ,rd of -ulm- rnreen 1. /-! '? . c l UlM I -tat-- and tile OS ly nil- tee V, lile'.i tran* ie. tuen* Let vtee.-l. Ile 1 -p.- Ii ile lit t III il r.lH-s ..I, le tu .els tee ..I.'orin, tao policy ead loo tellly el . m.tu,oin.- the he in time nf p.- i. e ..i.- 'ii- h i|aestloua ila. elide-.-. I, m. eiiilni ii. f in | m.. nie laperrelied betweea a cole pnis,.ri ae - .time.- nf a ete|'tee!ated |.a| -r em rt-ii ry huiI an adulteration eel tin. na min." l'.IEl.lAElts ARD BILLIARD PLAYERR 8CHAKPCR AM) riOS ll \ at lit Af i li r .uk OOOK* MIKIIrs' Te.flN tMI.M Al lilt4 It'S-MeiM. Billiard natters are rejoicing io a little" boon" Bt pie?i-nl. 'I be ii,en,eu j e.f the- past and the iniliripa titei.s of the eoalng niBtch betweeaBchaofer aad Vlga nui keep ibu timm, kit ot eve t > billiard player apoa lbj gaae, and all sorts nf aim.,,I ?? .lupe.-.mi- malt -net " are geing ofl lu the hotels and otboc '-spots thal are al? way* barred " i.y ngnlai ii. ann of tha Basin ' onalo e . ?. -i liaefri b,i* not Kuue Into practice yet, bul li.I. inls tei ih, no neit week, A second ami small, i room la bring fltled np nndcr bis plan a Broadway, lt win I., apaaad ut me aad nf ibis weah with u ibneaaahlaa e ai.em I ie ll rn all i e n t lor et III ut' ll ra. 111 Will, tl Hie prize I. ii Kol I a.e.i.ii. Afterward nm > aaplea will u.e it for hi* mgalaf practice nf tblte hours ad.ty. "Iliad nliniit fe.itr wnii, practice fur the Chicano loiiriiaineiil," hi hat fer laid recently, uwhile I only bud len tlay* tor Ibo lad mulch. Tea dags am aii.mi saoagh te. g''t me mtei goad f inn uml after that it dooaa'l do any aaad tu pr.ey. Billiard playlag ii a sun el a slft,aayaoa i it i-n'l s e iinu'li of an ai t. lull lea ubi.ut ? hal lieu walli Ibo balla to do, and yoa haag away, if yoa are aK"d playei Hn-y roil aad twi*i nud stop where you Wasted mem i... lt )..i,'r- a athyer they doBT. 1 hui iv eve i -top Io ie as,en mn h sled. I fni whit I oii^ni to iii pnpariBi lei a Balah Ibne boan' play a day is coonga Non.inn else bas tobe doeeei ?-pt to be a lillie e-iirtfiil almiit j-ur llocp, h ep le. linn areli and don'! n-l rn rv.m.. HoaotlBW* ou .-unlay oben t I.e 11 i- uni hi i, j.' I., du I pis) 11,1 I in i neel, hui ? h. ii j nu dei that you no stall', lel.l- ye.ur intereM In Hie natue and ?ot all out of lora. My practice avaregn an ouly a little ulm vc Ibnse until. Iii my malt li uniie'-s.' \i.iiaiii, who is a plodding, aethodtoal worker, la praeuciua every day In lbs biiiiHtil looa at tia Koa*. Hole!. Nt-ai ly every i.f r.-rno ni and cv-num tie plats al .nu e.r willi sumo frifiiii. Ho inns l.i-00 or 1.1UO p.dui* m day uni aeema del-ruiiiifd tee win nlnry and nula minny ne il inoiilli, il I.Hi.l work will tin ll. (rowde s.mid about Ila i., uni uml lent li oul lu Ibe e,e.t,r ts n t nut,lunn lu* skyrocket ^Ilols and it. ib are nuning, 'lhere ls nu ai pie Childe ililli I. ni f lu I vt. en Ms pmy winn I hm,sands eef titulars un- iee abaaga hand* on Hu- n tait ami tins qfllrt prat tue. Bork aaong i rn nus. lt*- see ins lei i.e- awa of a machine IhaB a man, anti tums steadily in tha .vellum aalehn, daag/aai as wai winn m's appa neut ls far ahead us v. In.i, be is hun.-If Iii Hie lead, li I, this that n<V< ? bim sui li pioliiliielice over tit Hit Kii-ii. Ii pla) ara, Then an athen who na play nearly as brill* a nuute et. be. i,ul there ls nnne wini can play agalnai him for tnoaey. The,ta i.' I.,iii mm, cii*hlnn carnin name, ut the Kiims in tern I lu l.'i, Ceiin-s on npuc, , nm the | me i. ral li? ri a-luw 'lo norry ll up tin v will banu Iee day, play* IBS Timi gean la place eel twn a day. ?' Havei " Johnson ami "" tmory are In Hu. vim, aoch with inn-e \ietmii* and no elefeal* ou their aeon. "Charley" Darts nome* next with two triumphs. I.uiury ls tbe. man whu nets saes eiioi ine,iis odds fruin thu handicap. Ile ha* oiny silly five point* to run, while Julius,m mni ?otoo of ibe otber* ausl inver 1 BO, I'he eonBdent ?? Dare?" pot up O&OU even aooey that ha wimbi aaka bb aroraaa af twa aa tbe gnad total af saan, bal i.? baan't cona any when near lt aa ya. Tha ileum akers tn-muru .nuni is m pngnn i? enwded wim aaa aban faen an weil known een every nae Beana abra! the elly. Tbey watch tha name wnn the greatest aoletonlty, and aever give way ie applann nr dlaau*t, whatever Hut em,dl'lon of the lavuiite'a *trmn. I'he player* iriilnp al.nut the talde, e nail, ss and culmrless, pei-piriii- lieeij uieilet til teen nu* Jet* uiul tuplniis iir.tiinhls ol i.e meier, und MBOhlB. tbe ball* Viciously up and dO? fl Hu lal.le. Arter lin- name I* over there lg ? lal Itanretci e.teusll Hom noe ke-t tei poe kel ami a ninkliiK of bel* eiu lue lesiiu of Hm lie xl day'? play. A .VI AY C S E FOE SITE COM Ttl V C S. M;iny people whit *iiism Um timi.' slurp ol' Coo* Well. Harald .^ In..Ill t lit- P* i f I ll AfBOM Hotel, .ire all lick by the ?ctecu-shaped maa* lu one of tho wintlow* of w hat lank Ilka tnuiiy-culored "swe-ate-nt " for el I ml nu tl vu athletes worke.l up *o it* lo form a xr_r i, icknroiind fur two or three lines or brilliant leltrrlnn. Tim (mall pieces in Hil* silken mnsnle arr md sweaters, howsve-r, bul the newly invfliteel silk spmine newels ami milieus, which have i nine min use within the l.ikt nix iiionltiK. Tim towel* are *li inebe-s sepinre, looae-ly woven, and the- lulii.-ii* loni, like uni '*-liinneel w.ersled Klovea, tint llliltleil.bul i roi hf ll.-.i. lint li nif linnie of abort *llk teilnle Ins* sfoa into heavy thread* and lu water hare much ibeeaawaaeltflnaeaeaeega, They can be aced dry heebie*, for rn bbl eg aad B tating, and in polishlaa "'?** \. .-tn-, fnraltun .iud brm. They are especially adapted ior sintinpooliifl, the silk geuerannic elninoUy readily iiiai.-r fratiien. and t'aet du the work- ut .ince nf ii i,'OII){e and .tleen hriUh. WltBOUt makin* tho skin hurd or r.eiinb. Ot trtm H. Brown, of 1'ioVldcuco. ls tue inventor an i until .tarim e.-. TS HE'I'M IS I SO TEE ri VII BBBVlOE, TRICK* _-OKVj.DETHK1_AW IM M!.'Ooi_|jYN. blank osaiffNAnojia waroo vb*>u ../ki ci al.?? MAY'.K tPIUT-faT'a NKlV HI I I .. Tin- stan- of mniil OSJO-tng atunn? iba DetOO cratic oiii'-iall iii Brooklyn la regard to -i>ni| _sctbod of aotttag their Buaeroo* fneada imo tho cit. Teer rica de* spite civil berrin rogul.aiou*. ibe n enan ut walabla tee pre veal tba a..use* of parceiinu' mit egina ns nwarda for "oft-nsive paniaainhlBi**nan ba bettor laattned than dt-si-rliicd. wini tho tunisian c af MBonM '?!? Laaghlla'a aabn a heoahnaa, agCbarltlM Oem* Dal - uti' l ll": mau. w lia ls eiotv Inecuiiti' '.tug p-lWcr III ru bow Civil gerrin Coaalnloa, Mayer WTbitaay bas darlead al terni'ona in tba ailetlag ngnlatloua, aa pto uni:.ute-d hy Mil'T LOW, w ileli ul'.- h.t.inled to blind ibe public by makins a pretence of adherence to u.e principle* ol Civil Berrin reform while tunda. aaatally i lolatlnc then. Caa ebie! at thna aban proposed an tu tower tbe st.?.i lard -if theexaminations, Wlllt-ll ls alis iliitmy iiiv'-s. t,-y li Hm iii ti ?? itv af I N .0 - nci.ttii's-e an for olin an la hare any hops ol i lag ihem, and the abolition ot tba pn aa! eligible lists wbleB wm Ulled by Mayor Low's Uoaalnlaa inr two > ll i.s. Bat the aaa Layor'a powa over me regtUetloos 1* overruled by thai of th* Civil rtarrloe Coaala nlnlieis and ll . ,1 it' ilia, ta UpbBtl i-iiil>'li- changes proponed bj lim and bis au.ism-. Governor Hill and th.her beinocntic sum url In I blbanj ..a.e aken alarm und Uara .tire Ce 1 . ne I ,.o, lt ii l>, ni.ii rills In " go SlOW," lest iticoenal tba polls In '.-??' be bu snawreei. Way wt Whitney'a regulation* Dave not yet been approved bj tue .-t.iie. Cuuiib?*aloni r-, although ll is mule si.1 that thej bare been -em bach t"i mndifli-atlou. lt lara. i acted that tht y will tn ready for oin, mi promuln ttl ? aa Wednesday, wbea tba Brooklyn -nm w hi lueet. Ol mo anoual meeting of tha brooklyn iiiii berrin Rafura Aaaooiatlon tens week lt ta exported that*aoma tnnobaut criticism will i.e n. .a.-,.i tri, eviden _ maori] of thi ptlucipie* of tba rei ra ol I ?? laaocratto maragen, One rnirl ol il.r- ? I* i tu- -e .- i ie deviled i.v im new br.els ul de, arline ma e,i n-i ai un I t .,1 reelgUetUoa Irom Bick employs to bold iver bi* bead m a threat Tbe result of iii s action an- e ... i .ii whole Borkmg loree of tuc uunlei] il Rnvcrniucut, and -i rleari] evade* the principia -ei civil Hervioc r form w ni-h is In ie ade i ,i i,,au'- poaltltin mm" ire ll re Illari und i iin- -p isyatcm. Cit] WorksComm ? lier bas ev--..- .'le'i- -.. nt the re*l_WUt|eins of til* s.-i m. wotiif ii eiiip, i ? ty Hal and ibe Meniol pol Hu i i.ii ii _-. come ol ebom nave arown gray ia ihe . ? rae of nw eily, lt la supposed t .t r iri ol ibo policy bo early ano.ia del puttiagm a noa p.'K wberevei h t uu,d hud .1 piasto. - ? - Hist i;.--lNt_ [UVINC! HALL'S ITI i I.'i.. I Mill- Wilt- -sY III V A.:.. Neil Al A, --IU. Al RKCRM I> ''il! Kt*. 'J Im livin;. ll.ill print it-..?- uni tha COOlDOgi ll.lll ot lin- Ol'..lill/, ll lull lie 'I- fll I cuss.'', jes,i-i.lav IB political i irelc. I >' .- Mr! I.a. t-i, eavored te bold the badana of powei between tne IWO le,Ullin H-liI.e.-.-.H.' .el.-:.. Haw ,.,r lt will succeed tbe pi*>nnl year caa ?? better known aban their tn w ti. mi ii ai ei i.\ . - .i t; \ - i n umi' ?> -.?. meei .'oi ur.-.n / it.m. The -tr-iinth e.: the rartoos dldriel Kallon* will ihen be more ,uej, ifent. Ia tuo Pint l'.-.i.e-i tbe dr re. inen of -en tim .M C Muipny ami Assemblyman Daniel I edin lents is .il-e-t .\ tn ? ad lin . i "' I nie ber of nie-*.iii.iii Na-:.e.;... M. i.-i's fne daau m. t u., t. ji. t n ni "s-ui.i a ?? i .ii " t amp na .rn r I.i i.i- i eeu.i i .HU, iii ol ' I ' ' ? ii I nial iv-rii..-. lt stell, S ,. ... I, || u .- oi ? u I '. lime ... ), ii- tt... ,-,. . Iii n. I... i Iii Hie ,-i llb I'. -ti i.'i lui I lo ; mil ir ii-. * ul \l . ittd !? - Ide . .1 .,1 ali 1 I ..UMI li . lill nil . Viii ll A-s-ni .... i ousr aam ml in -u . t l ue ? ,...! I., ia -i. |. bj powerft ||, a at I - I" - le-e-.-t le I i. .1 e ... tm, ibe li .In ilelrfl tin. ? fl .ai 'h* I V li -!? u ,,. tii i priaing i.l if.i.n is i.l li t inn tl.t. i ny ti > m v il iwed lo r.u.h.u mell / Hon ttl ttl*district, Mi weal int.. Un I e.I,ll' t I e.- i.o, ; I -, lt I lin ll ill.' I e.f I,I* Irl.-i.ds, a il ibe) r- mi h si him Tbey .ere I bi 11 n.t.- -ni pi ? fl bfcauae a ftronff elton a ts ma ?? i .i-t.a: ?? Jiu " la Bod be baa bow tuned bl* back ob tims- abo elected h.m. I Bo leaden nf irvine Hall *ay that they ar- not ei ?. lee,Hat. 'I . 1 .. .1 Ie. I.e.Il of I . , t'.llll|.ll. 1, Mei. n oby and A *? m dj mau l i tn, au tn..;. ! n ike ti,, ri . - ? . n si '.j tn- a itu nn ..f l.u-. Bea turn. 1 h.- ms* ni r n< -.- ii.i' ? ...;a ea* i seven bloa 'e. ? a- lit na Hall t.r .nd/.ti. 1 : s i , . .. er eberto* IVter Howe and ?. \ fraetdaon, lt af? forded rootlet,-1 t. ? pal., Peter Bowe la now witb 1 .m.a at j Itali aod e?-.-ma ii Hat al* ? . li isbeeo ??'? Hon, Irvin* il il. TO PAVUR IM.AKi.l li REPRI -IN rATIOJt. Tin- Vf -.'illili' .ni < ountj Committee will linet nu I .y rveniBi ai lb* Uraad OpenHouaa Hali. I In- i ?? ti iniite e\ i .rn- st n _ ..' .1, .n ll Ja. ..''is, ll il a .. ii I a ay. i huns \. i. ri..i. \.i..i..m h. Bellamy Bad Cherice a Peabody, Jr., barlas aadar .oaaldrm* I Pe n .hf pl ti po*id am. i inn. nt to tue pre .nt p ali ol ot r.inti .tinn ?i I] bi i- idj lu t, pori .. ru meelina Mt -i- rain lor and Kellanij wen appointed a sui. t on a it iee tu it aft a >? pott t ii.ti>ii> um t i.e- raw* aIBecommittee, rbi* ?ii tee diaruaaed br Ihe fu i niiiinriii-e it ,a piese-iiti-ti to ibe coumi commit. t. e. I aai h.- e.|f .11 wi. pro! ult- leer au lucre tat I ie pre Ina la the count j comaum on tbe Imaisoftbc K-pu bl lean vote, ibt ? io ht bo doubt, M -t, ll n?t all tbe committee farortbl*. Tin pre* nt uicmbei s. ip , r mi- rone ly ceinn ilea la eal) Bot teat ll.t.i ha* a sw* oral committee af ar arty i,7uu mere in j. ni ?? t Kc | in .ns t. , , kallara tr. ir%oti e moan* el. e. n ii b- provided fa allow lag Kepablloefl V-len li nt mn Int.. a Ul* int. ur t\ lui ene un ,t ,,,,| ,.,y ?|. tn .I. lt ? i en lin ,i' ilia, i Iiini Hie Irl nn_ p.a. e. lo ba ve Hui: gamea placed ou tba r <j.1 e>I it..-.r I-*,.-, live ms- ' tm ts. thia could ba tloae by haring iba e rollins <? "'? e-.-rs in i-f i a n - in - a.-n tune inoni us and bar* t ? * ni ? til-ll l> I r-elf U ,.|.d l.alllfS Modell. Ot ->' t 1. I* ?' I! fr.elli la' roll whoa lt la kaowa the ow nets ham reawved II nm tin- di.I mt or tree lietel. I nf rmiu v e.en,ti,11ife, iti-sidns flrttngoo ibe report of Ibe ce em in 11 ee ? in name Hie tune for tba ann ntl .uroll luenl and pmbahl) IU the elate for Hie pl ni,arie*. ? ? MORAL lilli I UP 3TA0M BURLESQUES,, |ei-i l-t-ION ee.N III. -I lilli I HluMi THKAI (tll.'AI. l-l ..l-l I MU. I'A I MKIl'l II"K\s. A 'ill-nun hit's reeootlj bonn ta proegreaa, IB Which seteial lr,.'al 11, a. people bane taken pall, wu Ibe ipi-stn.ti eef tue. iii.ital nr I ef (eel ..ii the . emili unity of thu ?') Calieel biiru-a |il- per fiiriuaiii'f* al prem-ut current. The eli?oii*sioii ha* iuf* ferrd somewhat through what appear* tn both* prara* but alsooolatloa nf aoal >.f tba partiapanta, uml aaah aaaoyaaaelaaapnaaad hy Ibon oho kare boca thai misrepresented. A. M. I'allil.-r. fur linlani'i', Wh .?e sup poeod naarfcs hare beea takea as awn of te.t from wide h diver* scrim.ns have been prcacli.-tl, te weary of r< pe.ttinn lo ni* Maadi Hi il ho never said what lt in bundi) BBSSrtsd that be did say. " I believe." said he nu - inn d i)," Ibu any tb mi that i? lagltlanta laeaittcally is Hgbt, ami i do aol eeaplala If ii la successful. Ilr the lonitunat- I do mei refer te abai tb- mii um-! -1.insider uni) wormy ed that nama, keary tragedy ar aatlaaalrd comedy. 1 bellera thal tbeie lt li-Kltlinnte billies.pi.e, lenilluiate fur. e, lenin aale ballal, ctbb I wa. m me A mer ic aa Opera tha eei in-r i-vi'iiiii/ uml lhere- I saw ballet which I eouehier iiioroiinhiy logittmate, though lhere was a decided em lerevlailuii of i ..?linne at lillies. Hut tlien tlu-ret wis a inn ii..*f In Ibat : pb tur-.s.| ie uinreiiiimt wus Bedded to e itjn I- il > Ul US IO. .-o wim Inn le -.pit. lam myself nutt li . on al In, ten li the .tr- lull Wei k a luirlns.piet Which I call llinri'iinli.y lentilimito. 'Hu- 'Mikado' ts fl i.m lisiiiie with Whlcl.ut ha* any faull to lind. -n. lei take a .lulen nt type, wa* - i.a Bella Helene ' ma origin n.ii produced, lt I* l.akftlm s* fiW lins .like of li.tktt.i lu-ss tn winch I I'l'l'it, mi Ibis point I alu Munt I canr ull nnht fetluin people with me. We ale ut pres. ant undoubted!] paaalag tanuah a period nu ablea aa sh ill lu. k back 111 years lu cum- willi uina_. inent, but Iiini we snail pass Ibrtiuub ll alni rt-1 il rn tn a heller slain of affairs I uni i tin vim tel. I millee, I.y Hie way. I Inti thu ? iu ouoepie ? arsumaal is being larne-ly use-.i ia thia .is ciissmn. lt ls a wraK BeapoB. I, fur Itistauc", mn lu be debarred from riving au opinion m to tba morality til lliese pal, li wen k shew* b-.-ausn I hate, tn li; y I linn tiiteiueoei Preach plays, tm- aotln of which was based li. part un s. ina! ri-iailou*. 1 boldly atilt iii that nu youngperaon wu aver deaonlisod by seaina aper* reel iiniiice ni * i iiuii lin * or kindred plays, which all narry willi tlu-iii alesstm ami an elatiipli- Im nonet. Tun wh,'I'? ll!.it ter was mu stirred up by iou di liberate ly, Mini: ever I feel, i abonld never have dnaawd of talblag to the un tho aobjecl " 11 may be .neill.ed III COIIIiectlull with tills subject thut ii serin ut mik. hy proalnont maaaaare oa tue re lntmll eef till, stan- tn Sue Inly Will poss,Iel, Soon Int ar r.i ii ned. IO he ile-ll ve-nd at a lend Inn Iheal r.'. These will iiiiuoiibieiiiy im Intereetlng, rapr>etally as oaeortwo New-York aanagera an good speakers aad would un eloiibtfiliy plead I heir roon with skill. On tha otber blind, aanagera wini uiinhl be iiit-nti..ncd havo ul'iiturl Cal talc n kill Inverse latin to the-lr initianerlul capacity. .1 OR I El. HOAX. A evriooseoae of Inpositioa and oredolitj has come to Hm knowledge of lin* Otarllp OrgBBlSBtlOU Society, OBS Bt the tinily paper* receiilly tu.itle au a|e peal fur a faml.y auld tu be lu dlstrt-s*. and the Bsllew* Inn day turned over lo tho wife the hui..uni* ii-cnveel. tm tin. areaiag ot tin- sui.- day a parana of gsallaaaalj ad.liens Ballad and asked what success bad att-inli .1 tbe appeal, when she e'mit|.iinnl> slitted the aiiioiiut lei-I.t el. He et illumed Hint he had al*0 callrel lee help lier in lie-hill, nf tha "Mumers' .Sini-ly," mit befiim so she inusl swear thal she was truly lim alfa Sba flumed to be. Hhe uuliesitailhnlv tunk the re qntnd Mtb, and was then laid H.ut tts ri eomlitton of ad mintos tu tha haoada of Ihe society sin- aaa! nive hun BU, which ttin.niul in- \t .uld relurii Ibo next day, together with snell addition as tba society eooid appin pilate for Inr relief, .-the coiifiellnnly paul Hut lunney sui has sliiee bena vainly " walilun anil walohlnn" for hi* reluru with thc protui*ed relief. - W ?i lt I* a strlklnn fact that lu Hie rapidly expaiullnn Val balla Of contemporary statues lu Boetop, only two theeh* of \S ehster and Kvcrctt -t-otiiiueiiioi ate. tliti-S who ?tood for tbe party of defence lu the nn-at anil-nUvery e.millet, while all the real - 1.lina.In, ."limner, Amlrcw. Minni, Harriet Marlliieau, ami. pruspeciively, t innis.m, I'arki-r and rthaw? repreaent the party of attack. Ills the re rill, l nf niue, ciiiillriiilnn lu brou* and tuarl.le Ibo nn-at it ..rds e.f I.n,-rs.m. ?' M hat for-sts of latirsl. w. bilmr, and the tear* of mankind tn those who stood linn analuat the opinion of their non temporal In*." i a: lantio Monthly. CONFEDERATE HISTORY. IM POM AST PAPEE3 MADE PUBLIC. .SHERMAN BEADY TO GRANT SLAVERY IO Till: BOOTH. DAVlo'd CAIUMKT OR I UK fi ff BRM A lf-JOHlfHTftlf AU Ki.-..MKNT. nora ooxomn to rot mirra tua!, it could j'Miv ili'i'i-r--H'>PK_.i-i-i coKontoji or 1HK i'iiM'iIOI lr IO*r aOKlTTOO. lOsTMASTi'.K-t.lO.NKIlAL REAGAN f-TATKS TIIK .sin vin?>. From a Letter to Jefehon I pit, dated April VA, 1888. I..-.ural Jubneton i-- >f opinion mai the enemy's loren bow tn th ? ib-lil exceed unn i i numb ir i>t probably feu ti, ..n, . . mr f'.u-rH ni the loath, ilnni-h lilli holding tbe fortlliCStloaS nt .M..mle. |i._ve leeeu unable to ure.ent tne I lal, nf Selma mal .Mun -uni ry ii Alabama, ami ur > hus and Macon io Goorala, with their niagaxlnee, i I -,t irkebupaaud nona ol sappltea Ha army w?*r nt i m Mi laiaslapl Is unarallable mr thu amat ot tho rtetorioui l i iireei e.: rr..- enemy eaat nf thal liver, end is lusdoquan I I fur Iliit.lef-I'ie ..| the I'Ulintr, tv. st nf li. The eeiiintry i.i j | vt ni ti llOWfl by u I.lillian! and', hil e _li.iil*ltn_. alni , bloody -ti u_r. - ,.f yea'.-., e im purl ? rita- cloned eu ns t-. i triode tm- hope ..r pri earing .-inns und luppllee fruin i aluna.! ; ami Wa BM H tUb- in a. in mu BOOplO ll they wera willing t?*contii tbo struggle. Ths sappllesof qu ruisstei and snramlsnry Mt m i in ti.e e..uni y ararat untied la amount, and our rail : in.eels are eu broken an i ueatroyed is to i rercnt, t.? u ? itreut extent, tlio trnuaportation and accumulation nf tl,e.-e i ni-inn ir. Our currency BBS loot Ita Ii.nch tslnif , pt neran i (bore is uu uiLer niraus uf atipplying tbe [.en nu ry | und "a- people ure hostile to Impi eat j nml endenvur tu outieeul such MUppiinu are iii eel-.i ieu tlie em tny from the nfllcers charged tt nh -h.-ir collection. our ur -iiie-, lil caae uf a proloogeiloa of tue struggle, will continue t. mell away isttiej retreat ibrougb ibe . eann ry. iiiei'- is dancer, and ! mink I lulah! ny ? ' mi the-Inforiniitiein we h. vi', that H l"ir tiuii, and probably all, nf the tttntea will make separate i terms witb tbo enemy aa they orerrun, with tba chance ; that the terms -. obtained he less mm.ral.I- to them Hi tn tbo*e contained tn thu aroeioent under consldera tlon. the despair of om people wt,i prevent a manh longer ooiitluuaucu nt le-rioui reaiitanoe un len tboy -a ell bo lierea'ter 'irifet tu lt liv Unendurable tipples I . . . lt te alan*nd tbat tbe agnemeut milln el reference to the queatinn Of, slavery, nt;'. ,,. from ,/. to renard lo lt, nnd frans ??t fi tha i n A,-iiuii,,,. u? i 1,,,,-s 0f in, 11,iifii state* aim- of Ute sn-, mi matu, i-iai ag U wu before the U ll . . . Nothing le aid of the tic, emera shout tba public di bi and tba dlspoaUlon of our putulu property baromi tbe iiirnit.gover of tbe arms to the Btate arnnala. lu thu ii ia, adju-t ifeii tv sinniid endearoi to troon pro rn.i for tho auditing of fte debt of tba Cou fadorne* ? ir p ? , ii ????? In i'iiii'i.i >ti willi the war il-nt of tile i ntted Wi a tea. We may u-k thia on Uie g rna nd tbat we it heck this war, bul only loughi p..fal aa par e i.-eii '.. lecuie otu ,? .. .. ? md' .-i.u-- fro n thc effect.) ol m.euiistrt^il, emil ener".i.-i|'iiei;i ? by Cw ntlte-r -tates, :. -I because e,., ,i... pin,rip;, ., .,. equity, allowlufl that until pen tie* h id acted in n >od r nib, sud goo* tu wai on i .1 Men .ni outed ol no otbar solit* e to a reconciliation and to a hartal af in-' |eas-. it " oul i;- .ipel "it pe ip e to sa* ? ne , meiii ol i Ue war debi ol Ina united Mates, I mid foi them io refuse to uii.'w inch of the revenues u i we nilgltt contrlb te to be applied te tbe paroiedt of eui creditor*. OPINION OK .11'.'All I. BKNJ -MIN'. ? . . eil UU .a il" ???; n .-'i ' . ?" r i! John mii m le io substance au agreement 'nil lr lae ' "Ut -.le i ' 1 te i a- tn w t-'f war Itel' lim pori . . ? .?.n ne- iInvernmeut, the lui'' ' I eelve in- -tan-* back into tue ... - - - , nt it.I,with all tltei i t.u-ir in ee ii righi! reeoaulsed, with protee timi feir I y t.r tin- people, anet Willi '?ic- icra - I: MAM IKY I tVORfl I li IGBF.RME.rr. ' li A n vi,, ita'eil . i .'lie- I liv th il4 ure uould J ist.v ii i ?? thorough know lt iiuditluU uf .ute mi. ry. tbe !. ni-t-r - ind re ??i -, i. .!? t.. ie re -i.-? i.i..? -. ot prompt!) aet-eptiti_ n;- ,,: promptly re ii. ... Th r ibe i ountry ?-. ? ? ia end I ml thc - ? ,t.-s in iv -m. i upon thc -s .i lah lie nt ., of lu rn ir. ? . . ler. v.attona . ly fol ..-.t ne..ii lb. i fillan time. - . ? tull - lu.nie .:?.,-? ly fi om lt, ATTt i.M 'i -.1.m:'-.>.i. li.fin.r DAVIS'* VI KW. I el LA Take - ? . m. . .un .-an.,n a i... ii.t . tn Hits: icy i nil rt. uter tha uld ti' _ up-in wlib li tho) ?! en eel before s.... ding from it, A v'i\ \i.r ATTAI K ON SHERMAN. opinion o , in iHsirr ant arena rt r of wak L'NIiKR STANTON OH ill1' ABOVK . . .Il'll'.-I'e.-I> i M ? ? tri Ai'V IO THROW un tin..ri" siak I A tt IV / ? ? lt, HUM. lu r rn the filgilli ? di ..n eder i ? ? re wbo wen I .un (de* .>r nis - . ,. edy and Vt i- li ive, -e. lu -p. ak. ? . 1 revel ti.e.n ? il ?. lent. me prod l| .in-aiis that mm biet ? j ol ?? u. i - lion i, ,i-t be rca neal ni tha un the con . ?ume of the chief lt meant that tin- MIS* p, t-i.-.i iiieap nut ...'me. e..,.. | I., e's ?ur i.nei-r to extort teriua mon te muouditloual ?ii tren.ler we* .ii Indisputable fact, sud thal r.u exacting :? General Juhnetot Incomparably 1 lees ri..h. Una! required .it Appomattox Hu _? i.r,.i i, . ,er ;.i s,.i .ii i irolina kimi -eb bi elthel nf . roe* un eel :'\ .r ol a -.-sn.lalo is li - tray al of his I tu*i li means uot ob | (Jenora! Johnston i.i.i in.- - . il) rle anti the al emla i n. robers of bis i ai.inrt. far from t-etuit pended nf Imper Itel- l?r.l? I lllphe-. - .Tl- lee 1 lie- ..,.1 ||.(J Ul IO I ee||?e|U lill linnie.-t ..mi i.t.p.-.. -,? . a.ise. il. I i,:i.? t ll .nu ..n hair's . li of securing more aroM ibe thank -f sb I pw reck ti. tn na. aver bern conceded In i ol their bbc* I .. -- 1; un !? - :, it latt tai tba prut Idt i t ai | re,-me ..f a Kieai eil /? a al VI - i: pub le must hava lue) ne.u.y .li Unit a irrent eoldler ind wmi fur ital ; ml, ar 1 ihai the -'irp, mle of thia j couutiy'a ti-bi tee .-t .nt-ti . ? si a- to ba scknoa I dged. . i ne ni.eli.,iit.i aord, was haowa lo Its organizers niel ellie . to bo at Ila laat autp, IU I B rh tue eui; eh et: .ms nini: ii.eti i tu y e uiiiit ie , he pi lkeer ronna and l r.leiiipl.uii lu id ulil In llee-lli let rs l-l mali's H.S. U-atC i.i, ii n of .inly. We aa? Mnenuau'a breech of dun. mr hr will aol ilisp.ite m Oeoeral'e ohllgatloa te imeke the m.esl mt hla stlrautaem j net t ber I b lace ol icttets e.m it .ny longer be pretended thai hr would h. tie risked more by eu unconip o <lugtreatment of Juhn sleen Hutu tir.iut batt leu/..ide- ; lev Ills iiiiflliiebilig course towan Ure. lt wae prcpoateroua foi au) I mun com? ma utter 'u e\a.-I ie s- ariel Ila- | r. stiatruli nf the public fe... at Appomattox than had ht eu tb Banded then, amt ll Mas i i uk lujuatice to -u rm.m'- veterans tu sa? ibai tln-y e.etiiei bet pat ..fl with bot gaardoa almrt of their eiu-iii.i'H anoouditiunal ?uiraotier. rn Impose ?urti ii_tt.ifni tarma tueir Ueueral bud only, us tba eient pt i,red t" ni I nun.e his iillniiiit nu; let it I Hi every trump turd in lila buuel Min-! a nu WM Inspired by fully, urn vaingi.iimua desire of (ureetalliug tbe ICxMUtlve and mlmu-hlng a-ttatoamau'i patt, ta t row tbe wlmlo Makes ?win . lu tin- tl-.'I With hla sn ill-is at bis bank nu would bars beea Invincible, but ha an a puppet in thc pia. H-i'd bauds ol tbe <" *- lerate po Iti. ians. The ennveiltleill HIS.le hi Ililli e.-tem-I nh with .tnhi,St.ell. hilt virtually, n the leal shows, wttu the Confederate <<ut er u ii mit. neats memorable ? h :., -s 11 the aetutauan of tbe one part] aud Hie ulitslneae ul Ibeotner ll ba-. In lend, heen .ple-lnned wlntner I lie 1*1111111 Oeneral bad tagaeity enough to an tha (tavityof lu, . -mi. -e -si' ms lu i.tniT Voids, tba mau it-ally knew wbat ba Waa doing. Bul be knew let-waa henilli n B seeldier'n olin e. ll.- k'n-tt be tins usurping fniie tleeiis ol Ihe fivil power, lin knew be bad BO luinlness lu treat wltb any ona but !ohnatoa,of with bim upon any other subject bul tba rmradet of tba rahal furn la Kurth Carolina Hherman knew .bur he bad un umre right theu the mi.itiin-t sutler In bia camp to embarraM uiul eeuiitnlt tb-te.'V. ruiiit'iil nt tViishi gtott. t if knowing flinen ll Inga and irl sinning wltb bia syce wida oona hu eau only ne sheol red upon Ihe plea of klioej ; .ml then fine men fell Ihen. wnal mure nt ll- must liuw ark flo wira get Unit simple |uatlnhad been tlouo bad Urabi u-eet me iii-ereilunary pown witb wbieb Stanton ha.l Intrusted him. amt m reesteti .-berm.iii .tl Hie head uf bia army. . . , They aaa the agieiine-m wltb Hberuian, rsl I Ile.I liv the t, en er li men t al \\ Babington alni tinw' ibat I.menin wn au mon, thor bad good naeoaio expeel mat oirlllane would Irucklato ttie will nt a nuccoasful ?OldlOr w eiilel lunn the defeated rei els In shs.taite Oolliroi ut the set adlai -titles, Inaste-is nt e vim V BtBM HuVeriiiiieiit, nf every arsenal, ot the militia, nt the tax loan raising power, l'i.ey >aw thal it would la ive them ready, a lien lillie should Mire lind the l.'uiull ? were disbanded, tn break a BBCOfld inuit lin- nulli w lin li they bad nut e prniiiuilii ed not lui.dint', BBd rt.a li eniillii-t wbieb W.ih How more Hnili ever ilt-ltiuiistrwbly Irrepressible. All ot tl.em itisn peit-etvetl, nn tit eu l.t. what Judge lu willi Ina iiiullnii t han bis Cull, aguus dilates upon, lian.eli. tl,?t the m hem* ot retunstruetlutl out lilied In tho Hetmiin innvenliieii wuuld oller it Baals either Unit the- Pedare) I.e.-e-riillie-iit should recognize tha rebel debt, or should relieve tba cltixensof Breading Btatn tnmehartna tbabatdaa ot tiiMiHuu ti.heil ttl defray the t-usi nt placing L'liluit urn lee In the Held. Hui we have md yet ttuielied upon Hie whole shanie whieh Sherman med to fusion on (us country. Mot only Wt ititi his relii-taleineiil of the rebel Mute liiiveinnu-lits in nil their et.iistiiuti.mni i otters provo an lueuponble har tn tho 1 li 11' vet li t li Aluelidineiit. but ley thu Ililli Blltole e-r his miiiisireeiis Bgrnmenl he exureeely guanutoed jtlie foutbera slavaholdera in ali tha rights of proiKtrty n* eured io than by the too Indulgent Conattlutloa ot the United Htatn and by tba ilare-bindlng orgaak laws ut ii.eir rnpectlra i-ommoawealtl t. Nu woudsi th.ti tho Cabinet advlnrs ol Mi. Darla dwell vt Itu tim-iiun on tho impiiri ol ihis incredible roncenlon. They were tu heap, then, niter ali, thone hawaa ehattols wh-na paaaaa ab'ti bail long been acknowledged nu holli eldon to bo tbe fatal nene! nf li reiuetlluble tll-t teni. They llB.l lliunageil by th. ir shrewd illiilutuiicy tn hiuiiiI the rilli tu freeebuu a blah Ll bouIb bmi put foi tn. uml a blob Oraal had aoaa* leralguad with tbi nr v. aim tbey dalman te ly staked etui lost upon tim east ol war was io lie reeovered from ibo vanity eir waakBen Bf u iii.-ddle-ttnie eumniuudei'.w Im, " l.Ike Un- ban I lube au. iinew a pe url away Itit-lit-r than all I ls mhe." ACCCSKD OT Itl'SSISO AWlY WITH RRRTR I'dvcl'iyc Dilks, ul' liispeclor llyriies's ntnll, arrived ta tba etty aa tatarday m_bt tram Rsabaatar h ivinir In hts eiistndy Frank A. Civille, a real ealuto agent duliig biisinuas lu iJast <lint-huinlreil-iind tneuty Ilrib st., wbu is neeusail ni ul.-ruii.lln_: w ii li tents tu the bmount of 97,000. About Mm we. ks bim lira, linter, af Mai SO Wesl Fifty eighth st., r. purt.-l le. Inapeelnr Byrnes tbui drills, abo mr a_. bi, had itiaappeured und with lum bad gone about rj.,, .on lu rents wblrli he had counted for ber. Oader tba adrin of Mr. Byrnes a wurran*, was sworn ?.ui. Un Friday the Inspector fouinl that livllle was lu lluebester, wbeitt be has lela lives, emt be telegraphed to t blef of I'nllce Cleary, who arrested him. Hs waa locked up at 1'eilioe llraduuai lei a uutl will lt- tuken lue., un Un- m..rn.m.. IS BATES FKItllUES El) HI A HOV SE SETTLISO. Tlie mc\ ph f.tiiiilit'H in tim tbraa story brirU tem inniit Nu. HU Mlaiitnn st. Welt. alan.e.i about - "'cluck lust ni_la by a tharp no!M aud a truiubliug ol tin-'.mme. Thar thought at Hist thal aaechtf ..?*?> tiuska woe upon tiiem Bad sn-rn pi i' -I linnie baste to leave tho lu.use. lt tr ia ascertained tbat thc bonan li?.l f-p. g ?y a s itt',,-, i i-aek bad appaan i |ua* nu let ona t f r ? ? story windows. An examination showed thal tb re waa 'in ilftii_rnr. uml ta,e start.e l le,,?,...I- f -ti; ' ? . : norna A now I'roteatnnt-Ki I-t-opiil t'iiurt-li :* i'i ? ol anettan next door to tim bnibllug, aad ll >- sapp'.-i-.i that the eelttlugls due to tim illetui baan ut the on ti . Tho Hull.ling Uurea'i will muse nu invest.,:..;. , i to-duy. PR-OGRES', OF THE HAEI'-HmiAAY WORK VISIUI.K IJl TKClS OF TUR AB; TA I IOS IX MA\Y DIMCTfOm The Satr.rtluy hiilt'-lioh.l.ty it form w;:.*, BtXtOfL. ??A 1 ventry hy tile Alexander .-Junth .'; .ms Cai pat Oem p.uiy, of Vunkera, thnnign ut tim entira estabUehaaeat. i.veiy empluye) will get thu extra half eliif e.tch WOBk tv it Iiuii t BJfferln/ any dednctinn In wilgee, the flint a - raadtag tba pay of -*:tc:i ?o a< to maaaaaterlan af time. I'he timi tunk this step without nay astlntlatlaa on the part of tlie eii'ployee uud ibu latter say they were t.ike 1 couipietely by surprise. Aaa token of meir teeiiuK ia thu muller, the bauds beld a meering W. dui-a-tay ulglil BdQfleJ tito following roso;aluin: We, thu ciuiuoyee et tba Alex lader Smith .v Ibm Carpet Company, du en.-mi to our empiover. our t lian Ifs fur their kind OiMhleratlou of our welfare manifested by mun- grautlag tis a half holiday erery Saturday wltboul oar nklBg th uu ami ?rubout censing 11.- any peeualary lo.e Ihanhy, wa d.-imuut-e and eeademn nil outside p .rims eiuiiniug to re-pie sent us tn any a. ii. ry or oigaui/utlou M benu with tli: treatment wbn.11 wc bavo reoelsed fruin lins t-oiupauy. Th's ts j.|gnod ny tbo rtrpruauutativos o' tho varioun departments of the wm lu. That tba Batarday II if-iioiway Corumittce hae not ! 1' e.r.-.1 rn vain in theil emleiivor to per?uarte tbe pillilio tu abeteta rr.mi tratuug ou latardaya aftei Itt t/rlueb 11 .1 nil. .il.tly proTOB bv lu'- apia, a ia'.ire of lue bUslliesa streets of the e-iiy bow on Saturday afteruoniis. ibo wholaaala fllatrirta art remarka'dy qaiot, 'the bat wanui .etur-rs ami Jonbereaad ibe importers of bio trimmings aluog Qneue-ai, uud a ber thuroucufaies,. i* iai-ent In it, eio.e met"-lures uml aimpa roirmarly at 1 ..'chick. Many uliirr houses -hui their eloura ai li and tint iinij irlty nrs practically closed at 3 o'clock. These that do ke-?p opec ufler lin* old cu-tuni du .j more fr.eiu habit and to tl ni-li up the altair* el tho wee-i tu tu to trans eel new baalneea, tor there la little, if any, of Hm latu-i-. "a- piounueut dow-nteiwtt mere.-b tnt eanl: "I think we all mimi na wed elene nt. m.mi mi Ba irdayi it ean and bs deas wltb lt, for we an eomtng to lt rapidly. Ifearlr erary? lindy is iii favell' of Hie .-uluruay b.ti.'-b 'inlay projot-l ami I bellen 11 ia a rood thing." Tbcsbopplogdistrict, which is tba aaflM now gem.t nlly applied lo Ibat portion ot tbet ity hoaaded by fa ?:-? teebtn-ek, Slitb-ave., rwenty-third-et. niil lire.ada y, exhibits 11 marked eoatraal tei tue appeansae pta. aaaied eaBaturdar afleruaoM a year agu. faateaaaf ir..- gnat i'i./wd ti. it termer ir thronged Hm ea 1 -hie walis, inakina rapid motion Impoaatbia,then art seen aler 1 e'.rnieg univ a fe* Stnitgiluf group* of buyers and p rdeatalaiis hurrying aiemg tn- atreet*. fu.i elerka lu tbe big aforce bare an may ime of ir ii.el tao 1 ib-boys ;u soiin- of ih-ui hara airndy iaT*~1 tan plea-urn of taa comtag areekly lisif-nollday. Bereral of tba largest retail .inns stan 1 nady to close tb-lr iiiin'. a at nomi on i-Btardayi wham ver a oertaln few of their competitors will to folios t.. -a examplt. .'tia iv peoule- have n ire 1 the mi amitie*) to ri I a hill la* troeiuced In the present l>ci?latun to nrako Saturday afternoon a legal hait-hoiiday lo nm ht tte. BOIEQM OW HIE ces tea:. LABOR UBIOE. i'iif time eif *.lie Ceuii'.il Labor 1,'iiinn nt ifs un eiriij; .nstei.lay au-rno en, nt Ra, NI EMI I..;-lit!i-s:., w is 1 onaumed pnaotpslir.aa us ial,bj tha etuarre.sof tue ctgarii. titer .* Uoioae. M. pruteai a'sa presented ea tba part of < Igarmakera' lateraa loaal Uoloa.N'o. 13 igaiaM ? "ta ni e>f in ir delegatnat tha meeting twa * ? - ,:?>. They claimed that tbe pnoeel laga wen aa* em,-tu" mal iitasinui'U aa th.-1 n-upl.t'iit au'ilrnt lhe,u .imi 'i 1 1 atoned ta the aemmltna on griev 'i ,. Chairdawtde Mal tua taligsits w.-m uot entitled ta -eats aud Un w ns s lsd.tined by Hie L'eiloii 1 . app. il wm takea. the CuafsniweCumntttaa tepol ed tu the I unm the resull ed .li-.1 n 110.niuo is es uh :lie direr u uiiif.tcitir-r-. Tbe r-peiri waa referred na. [ ti ii- committee wnn instruction toiuaisi mai ibe -h ep* ibu lld be Bladeatrietly uuioaeBoM nu tfareh 1; tbat 1 ema hiaiauaodeugiaeera smpidyed hy tba aiauntaotanrs sboabt ).uu tin- antaas also, aud tbat tht l- iniiie i-hause WeirHer, should bo pail Ita sam- wages ia the faetorv workers, rue letter aro now paid, 'en aa ave ra.-e. fl 35 a 1 leas. It wag ar gm t tbat lite Central Lober Union could unit e ._ in/- i-ne .."iii-iinuse work ii'ii.1 tba inequality In saan ia done away aub, fhe Prugrneire wea in eoalaeat ti.ut ti.-/ gill be abe to Hil the simps i.fMeto. B Co., I j i.'.i d Levy Brothers wfon the aud af tba week. The faternat eaaia, howerer. say that it will bo au utter imponlhtlliy for thentadaoa The bm of I a um c. Italv, rxeiuptiag pbjalrtaaa iran Civil Bull en .te tai nu of in tlpractlCf, Waa detioiu.i e t. A re- ul .a eas adopted boycotting ll.ger M 1 lou. at BBd 1 ?eiii_t ei-ijili-M.. who works ids u.eii ninety h.mrs a week ami wn.. refuses io neeg* iiu.e the union. iba ina ala bnweaa tbei s 0 . sera iad tue New*Votb Lamber and irking ('.imp my waa r.dened teethe waking ... - of the billi ling indee a Uh a re queer thai tb.-r un ..,1- aBtrike ob the nine bunding, ttaiug mat rial .y t lie comp mi t'. i'he People's lane rtsanib-mta between New-Yeirk and Albauy aro to be boycotiad beea nea Pri-eedeal fuvcre rr.' een Slaebarge u .n-uiilun pa utera. Tho rlotbiuir cutlers employed nv Beaeaaea -v Oa, alethsan nf .Ne. el., i.reeadw.iy, will -trig- t ila uniriiunr atalust - . ? .' ;.-11 .11. Tue Ii.j ,s --ni His bate eleciele.l to ?trike igatnet the employment af aaa aalea tuen on a number uf the large uuiiduus u iw lu cuurse ot ereouuu iu thc city, e IB IT TRIOEIBOSIS POIBORlRBt U 1 thaw Hi'zltT, B baktr, BinOfOOB Vt-ar.-i old, uf ba 1,-J." > K.rst-ave., ale a large q lautliy of half .milie-.I ii :iu uii .-saturday. He was seized sunn alter with violent patna la bia ahtleesea ami v..mite.I repeatedly, ll- wa- siren medicine brought froui a Betghboflugdrag Kimi'. Im' aa thc symptoms continued to grow worse tur udlcated polaealBg ol some nature, au ambulant'!*. wooed ead the yaaag min was ih ? t.. tue N'inetjr-olnthatnel HeepitaL Fmrlln wei-. _iv-n to remore tbe irrltatlBg subaiaaoa fram nm itemm-h, but lt wm 1 lung while hafen tbe pat ie leonid tell ina his lory, lin MM was then dtagaeeed aa tra hrin-st-, and ii 1- tappoaed thai the ba 11 ea'e 1 kt lle/.ler waa Infected. He w.ts rt 11.lived yeeterday to tue liel.evue Hospital. ? ORATE Ol .1 BBTVOBR Michael Huitinctoa. bra tifty, died featordai it the Bemmeaaibia iio*pitai, ea ii'ard'a lalaad, ot .iieiiiuniita. Harrington wae a Ft-> ian, and was aen , nerti to penal ari run.lo lu Knjfi au 1 for treasonable n - ag me Government. He t.-.ia sent to Aualralia, tr at ...I aped from tho prison them with several oilier muru ta .1 iniiui.-r of yeara Bgo, and were pickett tip bf be -hip Catalpa, Cntumauded by . BBtBta Authnny, ir bleb bad bran chartered ty Fenian lyiopatblsen la -.nit-net tn Brain tn the lieuuiior.iootl where the men Ben tuliflued, to ult! them to 1 stupe. His l.oely .vue Liken tu the hume of bm s.ster, No. Ill last uuo iilU.11 eel- .IlibelKhtb st. A seiy CATROLtO PABIMR AT BEIOB HILL, S.J. Tlio Hov. August nit* M. Hrmly, lormt-rly of be l'auiisi, Fathers tu this city and recent.y un as nsiatit lu the t'huron of li I'm*. Ka*t Noeark, R, J., nts beea iippninted by Bishop Wlggef to form a new md iiiipuriaut pnrisli ut Union lilli, N. J. -? 9RIRTARCRS OE EOCltlH-CLASS POtTUASlEKS. Cnn Ai.o, Feb. 1-4 [Special\.? A large uuiiibtT >t (hud aud fourth elaas poattnaatera began arriv.un ti> lut tn laka part 111 tbedeliberatioueot tbe National inn w Illili will Beat to-luorroW. It IS aiilit-lp et'-d hui fui.y liltern Uuutlred lepieaeutalit ea will be preaeut rem neutily every .-nate and Tenritory Iii tho Luton. Il a couci-eied that a demand will be made upon loiuiess IO have the rent and ox pe-use ot heating po-u WRtBOt pud .ut of thc National Treasury, aa m tbe e tao of the lirst lad aei emil claaa postmasters. A meeting of tbe'oiu I'llte e< nf At'iauireliieute was ht-bl this afteliiunti at .vhleli lt waa tteebled to Invite BB-PeBtmaBtcr-OSBSral ilesliulil to uti,.ress tile Collvenll.iii to-llioiTe.w. lt is ex peeu tl ilia. 1 lie eoureutiuu will ceusnier tue question of 'u111.tiing a p.-at uaaiers' bem-tlt naaocialimi, or ?e.- pei a; Ive life I nan ranee society, after the plan already adopted ny tbe railway postal clerks. a__i__niD&-ts ro-Djk. anraaMS coobt, oataaaas?Baaara Barrett, j ?luird Mnuelav calendar. SI I-IlltJIlt t OL'UI-SPtflAI. TKRM ?I'AKT I.? ll?-ft>re> lMll ellll-. J teen tl I. bl). 'A A. I 11. Vi s. ..|'), ?Uti, p.l., .,._. ,OJL ?;tn HA '_-_ \Bb.AoA, ATS. AB 1. Bot, tan, i-st. ?^u j . _?_. 111. r-4 1-5. Sta. 1,?'. Its.'. 1 A. TM. tOO, *7.->. ..*><. I'*4). inn .uu, lao. nu. ia:: cai. m. in, if* itu, bio bi7. .<A no. ina, ap*, oh. a-ii. -ii'.kuk t olin t i si-11 r -Ha kt l-.Jantiarv term Ile rore rctkliBm, J.-Xos. J.IIU), lh-T, IT.'.,, lTil U7:, ti'il, lan. ii H.-1777, lu.o.H-.'fr. et ruauK t'ofur-i latiii-i'AHT i. Belora Laanaaa.J.? Nih- lu.H. 1..*, 177'.', lrtl.t, lUm', 0*0,1*81. MlO.'MA, .0.0. IVIS. 1417. lllttl. IV.'O. IOTA, IBM. 1'j.o, iiulS, "Jil, 1.1 I. 1 P.M. 7' ??'?J l-H'. -st'I'SRUiUouBr--I'lKi'ttiT?I'aBl H.?Hefore Aneirews J. -.Noa ...I. ?-'.,-. _-i... 1 .40. i7-'a. ldii.f. Heil. 1-si. IHT3. HM . is..7. l*7?, Hmo. 'tong, io\n, l-.i,. inn. Ii77, iH.-t, nt. .-l.t.... i.-.u i:.i.-.. i ta. lin. n\ i-iiFmk Coi UT?l.'lRcrn ? I'AUT III?n.-fer- Ilea, h. J.? Ne.a tala. I--- i.e.. -ia-, ima, un, ii-:, nos, sia. iola, 14v:i. i'n. l7-;t. id:, .iiiri. 1817*-*. 1000, 8117, 1.'-". IBSt, 178 ? A' i t- i s i- el. t>urRr.BBi..'OL'ar?t'lut'tii?1'asi I v.?Before Van Serat,*. -Noe. .n, ti. l ...o. 17. 4. l-.-.i, lim. HI '.i, 1.(4... 1**-*. .IJ. 1871 .it -it. lil. Uta. lobb, 1878., llAB, lull*. 1..KU. IU A, in,.., nj , 1887, I.i..!. eiram.,.tilt's t'.ei ttr-Ueture Itnlllns. m. -Kstaenf Hirsts Hutt-.i.nsoii, lila iu In , will nt .t.'riret e,russ, lu .m a nu Bateteo! -an.uel XS.^ei. 1 p. Ul , 117, will ot laaa. MaifUS, hi "klilOB COUUT-Hi-SfUI. TKtt-t - Ut lure Ilu,'raIl_-_- J. .Nns I. lt' a'- ', - 1. NA. 11 '.'. :? l, l"t'. -UVKHltiS COUSr?'rBlALTKIlM?I'ART 1. -Ht (ole FrredniAB. I _ Nos J 1.1-1 ?. . .J . .4 1 t.A. HOB, bHA, ntin. lita, 1-14,1 i i,,'l-l*. 1 A: .?>??-' I- 0 l.'-tl, -.'4.i. 1-61. '.?OUiio_i i?lka??MraciAi. twa -iletoro l.airo.norB, i'. J-? COHMoil Plbas-Kyrrrv TEiiu?Hoiore Van iloeaen. J.? coaaoa' r___-_i--^-_ut Taaai- Paw ^Batan tfiy.Sg Nus j . lin.s.o. Tut. l'Kiie, 144.', lAHb. lula, 1878, 4b?. IMa IbWI 1841.1842. 1213, atna, l.f-0, 1584, lui'. l*?L ltll.-J* 11103! 11.04. loOft. HU.', WW, l-l". Mit. WI* lb 14, 1014,1814.1817.1818.tata, 18.0, ltt.'i. IOU, lO'll. Uii*, -Joi_MOB-*l-B-U-*--TBUI,TBB-l PAM II.-Hefore Allen. J _\o* UOB. laO'4, .88. H?08, 1408, l-17-s, 1321. 1428. j '/>?? ibA-.i. 1.4-., 167.'., lab". I3.t.(, l.a7. HO', 1181. IWL ItW tan bouar?tbiai n sa Rabi I?Badsn HeAWm, ?'./?? Nos. i.4..... 4l.'7, 3;.. H...P,IB, bi. a, 6131, 8447. ?4J* ???:?* 8644,aafta,aaiiu.tauo,oom, ..??,., _e_o_, -titi., booj. ?u.i_ $o7t. 68 ~,n, boro. bd?l, oBWi. bass. , - CBI coi irr-'l'mAi. Ttua.-i'Aur II,-*'. ,N.;'h^ J. Nea.Oula, I8?a. 6826. *812.6843. li 7. ..I U .''V0"^ JiH-ni, ?__", .. .,-AHb..'.ann. ..A'l.H lld, ?-*. b868, IWT. i>8,^ r.t.ui, .oma. boon bno.t. :,7o-i, oin:. -_.__. , _. un oona. -ikiAt. taaa-PAM 1H-Beten.Wrjla^j? Noa Urti, ...IT4 6o76. 61 tb, 8M4, 178* 647J, 44 JO. 6*.^. 6480,614,162 4... .00. .v.OU. bun. biA,, Hoo, bobt i-no, fl:,^,,rUU,::^i.i:u^^Mo:?a-?.A.T I.--.iefeie .-Un -siitylbaud Asetisutit I'lalilCt AlVruoy KllOW.-Noa. 1,*** 4, J, b, 7, O/.l, IV, ll, Ut