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PLEADING FOR WOteEN. amp, i ___waaaa BOW THEY ARE ELEVATED BY THE GOSPEL |tAR5K<-r WORDS PBoM DR. ORMISTON* ? MONET NBBDBp yon TDK A6SOCIATIOW. I In the Collegia-* Reformed Churcb, at Fifth Bte. aud Twenty-ninth st., yesterday mornluic the Kev. tit. William Oimlnton preached a sermon with special nference to the wort ot tbe Young Women's Christian rn Among other llilnirs he said : Women an qualified for and have a right to oiiK.ige In Christian wink, and In thia work ought io buvo thu co? operation of mon. In pauaii Undi womnn is a Blare to ber father, or to ber busbuud, or to ber son. In atl sys? tems othei than Christianity h.r position is detrreded, due is held tobo incapable,ami tit only for a sluTe, or a .Servant, or a plaything for a time. When tbe Ooaieel is vuknowii lier coiulitiou ls pitiable In the extremis Denied i eiu'.fttloti, debarred from soi lui Intercourse, lier mind a dull vatrulty, ehe bus few Joye, lesa intelligence and no hope at ..H. ITow different lt ls where tbe Word Bf Qod te received. Even In Old Testament tltuee., when Ibe liKht of revelation was uot sn clear us now, womeil bebl a high position, nml not a few hate marte their Bailie's Immortal as lloboritb. Hammil, limb aud Esther. But Cbriatlaulty, ns rerealad lu tho New Testament. puts a crown of dory, a illa.tem of beauty on tho bead of winnini. Winn tin- hun ut Mary came Ho brought email dilution and joy. Every woman is tho elster Of tho mother of Jesus. The religion of Jeans makes no invidious distinctions between tho ar zee. Woman'* Individuality ls enshrined, and munni be overlooked. Shun Hie man that thinks badly ef woman- be ia a leper. Tlio voling man that speaks allgblinirly of the sex to which his undhi r belongs nut wiih him, and l,o.l have mercy ob him. Fain ly WOtaan'S aid In Christian work has become more tbaa erar. Tho Young WomeD'a Christian SM'ci.tii.eii was tm med ami Incorporated tor the ez yu,.-,-. pnrpoee of aiding womea that need aid. Hon than 10.000 women have iceeived lt this past year, at a rust of ("9.000 in Hus city, and tba work Issn appreciated thal its fi len la ure puttlnir up it urti bnildiug. Thia also puts them when they BOM moro luuncy, nmch of which ?BSt Mme irom ihe cliitrclies. POHITIVE clIUIsTIAMTY. The Kev. Itr. A. J. l.oitletn, of BastOa, n nicinbcr nf the Executive Commtttn of tim Baptist Fonlgn Mlsatra Poctcty. has BBBB In this city for a few flays in consulta? tion With laadlaa members of the denoiulnation in refcr rnro to Ita advisability of the Congo Baptist Mission. Yesterday murnini: he preached for Hr. MacArthur in tho Cavalry HapiM (Thanh. Hts subject WM " i'usitlvc Christianity," based on the words: " Let bim know Ilia*, he wbtch Cunvertclh tile sinner from tim error of bia w:iy'sim-a soul from death, and shall hide a inu!iitti<lc of sius." Tno substance of his sermon was tl follows : Tba aaa bas beard a good .leal ot positive philosophy. We have occasion tn lt-liiice in a positive Christianity. The great wold olthe Master to His pupils waa: "lo ynu ll IS Riven tn tue mt ste lies eef the KiiiKdnniol Uud." What ls conversion I "An orthodox tradition which ts fast fadina oat." same say. **Aa ImagiBary llaa over which the soul paaeei in its pros nea toward Heaven," nye another, ll.r, st. .lames says ?'lad bim know that ne whieh aoavertrlh the sumer froui Ita error of bis way shall save a soul from deulii, uud shall lillie a liitilliiuilit nf sins." Tton word* eoggnt two points: what wa aro nved from j and wlmt we are saved to. We ure saved from death. Boom pcnple say trial lt is an thin_: tu himw what we are saved to. bul a.tlvaHun from must precede- salvation to. There an- two nf death, present and future. Tbe sinner ls alive to this world, but dead to (iud. Tlie saint ls dead tu this World, but alive to Hod. What an we nved to? The hldlas of a multitude ol eins. H A multitude of sins ior one soul! Incredible!" eonic would suv. Hut sm eaanot ta seem In us own on virniniieiit. Ink sputa un the fate ol a black man are not visible, while upon a delicate whiteface thoy attract Im? mediate attention. notarial that fan repulsive.until washed, sin mi a backcroUUUOl depravity ls not visible. Hod sets nor ama In Hie limit ni His oeantenanoe, -anil aa the brightest light projected against tho sun caats a ?haiiow upon its disc, naven nor bestdeedi and menlt tios maha an nctual sliadow un tim li_rm of (Ind's faro. BIB iii Hm life. In the- Im-ines*, in tlio not be realized, b it jun ihai sm upon the eooniean and it win e.uise Ilia moat exquisite pain. Now Hu. boon ot the Goejtel ia Hi it lt prm-urea ita bldlBI nf sm. Tin: TOMIt OF THK RI8ES LORD, Tue Di. John Hall, of the I ifni Avenue Preeby terran ( burch : Thc empty lomb of tbo risen laud ia tbe most historical tomb la the world, lew tminsts co to Paris and do not ko out aa Hie banks of Hm BelBC to kWh upon tho tmnb et aaa abo, la hla day, ands the iiatlnns of Hie earth i-uakc, aad rulers tremble npnti tl-.'ir l'ew go lo Illiiiuis and do not s.-e tbe lomb ot bun Wbo fr. cd a raes of hi* felluw-beinga The visitor to that lomb >.n Ute baahs of the Potomac may mi arith only SHtltlactor* tboogb Sconcerning him wini ls laid tin rein lint to warel the tomb of Christ thc uatlooi look ami i st. Pea have mel'' their own tombs. Power st ii have tomb* to ward walch Battons look. Still len bare bera laid u a Bea ami borrowed lomb. Christ's tomb was bornwed. Put bow liltingly. He borrow eil our Briefs, mir Woes, our suit..we ami stripes, for "tey Uta stripes we are healed." Men have lived all their Itvnout wbo bad tei bea tacir bread while alive, but winn dead men rave them a st.itie. Mindy this may be Said of .It sus. Ile had ion litre to lay lira bead while alive, bal w,.o.i He died tb rh li caine forward and offered a new tomb. Christ's labor aad shame ?-? .- accomplished whoa He erred : ?? lt la linnhe i." Prom that moment Qod was ebaaged toward Him. He wm tieadlng tbe alua-pra*a of Hud's wini ii al-mc and Hod meted out lull measure tn linn. lint when the de-let le p.'lltlHoll rtCerMS lilli ililli 1.r- ililli I '. l ri while yet in the boada of death. An honorable grave is tbe Hist Innis nf His travail. 'J lia I empty Inmi. ls prophet-. a* weil a* titavory. it ell uar Braves abai! he <>i."n.-.i ami the imveclotha of e irth folded aud lan! asid- when wo shall appear in Christ's robe of ritrui.?uitsin-as ur one of ..ur owb fabrication. WALKING WORTHILY OF TIIK KINGDOM OF OOD. Thc Bev. Itr. Francis Brawn, ot the Uuiou Theologies! v, ni the riiureii of the Covenant: Wa are to wetik worthily of Ita God wbo < .ills ru Into ll ? kingdom and glory. Many tainanfrom thia take ou a aew aspect The world-wide view acU mightily upon life?eepwlally when lt takes In thc iiew t;..i ward as wa ll. Al ..;..?? we ure brutish! fan IO face wrlh U net quest io s. Vt'e shall feel tiiai t >? Held lor dis ebal i'm.: obligations la wide winn the thought of Hie KlBgdoui poeaesa ? n . We see 'tie- re salt of the Barrow view of things ia painfully familiar iMtaacea. Borne ' brlsiiau men have nu distinct souse eif respe. sibil y fur their employes. Borne Chm lan women do uot vlrldly fnl aay duty lo ward their a, lu a cit. like Ibis where acqialnt aneea an maur aad leisure small, we grus .urn,-nt to liruan people we murat - rrvo, and fonrel ib rm. lt la, after all. only a few wuo bart-a dear .in I oouatanl Bad brurtful perception ol dutj toward the oppressed ,-u..i luiiniaitt anti unevaugeilzed of whom we are obliged to think in tin muss. W luina what we on bl to Christie i/eihrs eity, because ne da not Iel mir thought cany e;,u- Mun ol duty with lt io tts wide ranees. If God ls working ont ins kingdom through varied human pursuits, tuen all pursuits are sacre i to him A<alnat complicate d im ness ami soeial tiri aiu-'etn .irs wliteii could nol be ma I ? lo promote hi ? Interrsta \\. onabt lo waar war to tbe kui fe, Instead ol adapting ours-ives to them, i li s kingdom-idea affects ear view of Troth, our horizon depends upon where we aland. Oat In Itacoaotry rou may let ines irt-nw Bo thick as to cut off your vie w. Hern In tba citv ynu life ol thought may be -lint in y broWltslOD Hunts abut oul other people's lue*. Bul we cann it think truly unless we tb uk all r mod- -take In 'mt monly our oan notions, bat the attain of tbe klaadom. Na nutt w,..k. worthy ol <...d i.y acid.lent, lt ls a mar Vellns thing thal any mau can do it ru ml t .ai ines I mee af Hilo um ham's Ilia honor la with us. |n nashreitBs His klnadom we dla honor Him. lu work feer His kiiigdotu wo gimifr Him, ?* A...K wotbtly of Him" oe canna! dolt without lils grace, working with mir parposes ami tbrooga our t nerg e-s. LOVE AND -I.iivn I:. The Rev. Jame-. II. Headley, ol it th PnebyteriaB thureii, in Weet lort, sixth it.: "Loveal thoa 'net faed ny sheep." Jasos demand* at all ilia followers love ami s.rvico. I', rsomil lute for Chi lal I* indisp.-n s.inie. Man i.y Baton don nol love Hod. Uenoe we can a y .r a man tio i nol lore (iud be ta bo! a saved ii ..n. i ha nm un ni a believes thal God loves him, that momeat to begins te love God. Tola ls th. pbll-jaee pby ot leva Love Inereaaes as faith Inereasee. There cen be m. acceptable Berrin anion it be pro opted bj hire. Ibe Ap..-tie I'.i.ll WH Bl t -'a'.- I li', lui'.- as a uni? tive m a i tirit he accomplished and en lu reel fur Christ, ?? i bc los ol < liit-t eonstraiueth me." Love for Christ res a motive win e-airt a until through when dmr bi b ar.oilre will aol. We have an Illustration ot thia In thc ron "f I'eter, ami ii waa this leason among others that Cbrut wtahed lo teaeh bim. Ile lei! he oaahttos i i hy hla Lord, lt vtas bis doty io defead Him. Butta failed and broke down and deserted Him when the tesl cnn.-. But nfter Chris! bad taught bim I.ive was ibe nnd re ?ii b should actuate bim, ta Borer failed. He serer denied tils Lord ag.Ua: bm he nrvedever niter *.;b a Oddity which kal bim at laat to loy down hla life us a martyr to the cann of his bleeped Lard sud M i*ii r Peter needed to tie taught this leeann. The ana wha wae ta go forth m the leader aad spokeauian ot ita Aposiles ueutieei ii streiiirtu of lore and heroism which eon ld not be frightened Into eowanllee hythe taant of a sarvaat girl, or b| tbe fear ol bodily barm. Th- Mas-.ei asks I lils qaOBItoa " l.ovital thuii tue (" of every imlit 1 nial believer, h-cniiee II bas a work (or each ona to do wbleh cannot be douall love for Him be Bot the muli rr. Lore lor Chrtat always hecet* love for the souls ol fer simm He died, with weal Intense fervor I'eter and Pa al and John loved Hie annis eel the leal aud perishing about them. Ami ail down ibroach tbe Bews thoa.- who have- had f?rvi-nt love for t.'hr!s.l have Bleu had Kl Vt ni love- f er simla, lt is not so intieii a Bense of duty that leads noble men and tu mob Wed my lambs. Feed my sher; TUE CORTEBMIOB OP PRISONRRA Tillie wus a unit in;: in behalf of City Pi non fin .sum.iry work attbt: First Unformed Kplscopal Church last e.ruin-. The llnv. sidney G. LBW, chaplain nf tlio Tumbe, ti e.?t ed sn ol his ex pe ric in ea with lint ir ie I nal s theil', wintro he bini kept tritett nf nfter they hal linen nat ta Stag Btag, npeclailr penoaa wheat he b.-iieved lon. 'innocent. He thought ll wat not oftea them was any etaaro of converting cmillriueii criminals. Tho Kev. Or. Heaard CroBby aaid mai the Tamba was a boon of detention wln-ie tao innocent BB Well as the ?Dilly Were rouBaed. The eur. tlieiu waa a inpi .-ini ene. Then priaoaan was Included in the cate? gory ol thane of \t hom lt wua aaid : " Inasmuch as ye ilo lt i it iim> Hie b nil eif ti.ese, ye do lt not unto lue. lie part Ireein nie, ye ,it-.irsr.ii.'- This was tho Divine word and wae nut ta to gainsaid. A collection was uuen roi the bein let ol thc City l'i ison work. Ali:. BRBCRBR illlSlfs WRALTRMIORT SPOIL RIM In his til fling urinion vi-lt-ii'iiy Mr. Beecher said: "It la a Koexl tli mc to be un bein at lraai I suppose so from lite efforts that aro made In that dllCC'.eUU. I Mlplni-t: lt WOUld Up.-e' llle: a illtle |f | sbould become un lu ir tn ii great property. If sumr one Billilli') buve Iht: lionel seline .ie me two or three- mi. ilona of dollar* lt uitirht rata me for a minister. At least 1 leoline thal ll le nilen tbe cane if a minister maines a rich wife or gets groot pieiperiy In any way lie ia I ia sbuid lo Klie up hu lime to travel aim atudy und to neglect his pulpit Men make great efforts to Moure fealth. Look at tbe 20.000 fcmls seeking estates in Encland which do not exist save in tbe imaginations of fools.' COSH Mi. .1 W> MORALS. Mri a nuor.DY on 11ail in - i A-iiie.NAHi i DAMN1NB l'i A Ml I lill l>l. ul Ml N. At tin' Brooklyn Tabernacle yeslerday morn* lng Dr.Talmadge dellrered tbe tlftii nf lils .ann.f senaona on tbe marriage ring .md kimire-.i loptea As .rn pm imus Haadaya, the Tabernacle wu* deanly enwded ami many unable tn gala admittance. The preacher ebon as bia suii|e-ct: ?* Ceetame natl ita Kffect un Morais,*' ami la ita coane nf tua wrmoa saul : ir ood anil iieip nu-i tteiiti ibla araraiag to bring be? fore t.. i Hm .-vi,- of improperdi-esa a.,<i esoeaetvedis dpi.-ship tu fashion. I say wu,a moat of you huow te. in- true when I derlsn thal mu. li nf the faablonalileal ru in society te. .ia> is theeaaaeof the temporal ami eternal damnation ut a multitude ..f men. i am unite in sympathy officer of Un-law in I'bila uelpbia who ia*t wlob r oi t ie n Intel bet >i" mi i urie of Hie so-called " laH> princesses nf fashion " thal sue inual althi-r leave tin- boute or put on mon elotblng. I call ber good woman, sensible women, tn utrer prate* be lt all nf the dignity nt theil tat ; uml if a woman slave of faablon ei..esi.'i understand the terrible extreme to wblcb the evU bas cone, then let ile- bnebanda implore their nat es ami tin- latin r- pre'tent their tl a ll ir li te rs mini the evils of tm- terrine faablon. I charra mach of this evil Ult'.Il lil" A un-1 lean Stage. I d'.n't cn to t lie.itI es. s.e I am obliged tu mk-- the statements of experienced theatre men. filch us .lunn Hilbert, A. M. Palmei eud others. I am also obliged to take tba teatlmoBy ..f Iii - | irs ed Hie. tluutn-s tel lie found een e-Ve-ry f. nee nf boa theaetnaan dreee. it then plcturn npreeeoi minas tbat an not eo, then the] era BWlBdln forget* ling peoble into tm. theatres lowltaen speetacular nullities whoa they do nut perform. Bow, thea, my fi ie n.i". Un- pa rim and I r.i'.i in.ruuri. au- I ii ii ti inn a nee with the theatre and opera bondie. The par oi mav be .1 little behind bow, but lt will eateh np.aud ns they ute mai ngtbe stand mm half of pandemonium will clap f.ei Hu- p,.rlnr and the other liaif fol open bailie. Io Ootna laius. HbOW ui" llle lii-blein plates nf any e..unity f.i now nntll ita reign of Louis WI. eif linne, er Henry VIII, or Kunian.1. .111 I I wi.I tell yon the murula nf ma people. Then 1- mi exonpilon io the raia Modest ap p 1 re 1 ls the sikh nf good society; ilium..!, al apparel tue sikh ol disgraceful society. lt is met nnly tue boldness nf fashionable Indneaeleo, against wbb h tin- pulpit, platform ami printing areas ti mulei bur. their anathema*, tiiat l speah against, but I iilsn repr eve th" eiistime-ss ol cnsin,n.1 beyond Ita own er's means. This lirnalts umre biinliiess deewn than all other cau-cs combined. <?n, rm rame moelera Shake? speare tte write a tragedy on haitian elntbesI Aetl: Beautiful home; enter newly marrie,t couple, enter ali simplicity ol manner aad as mueb happiness ns seer enters home. A.-l ll: Diai-mitcm Wltb nln-ii n-l nu ?-; 11,ii-i leslousy, -livy. Ant iii: BalaraaiaaBt of expense, A.-t i\' r rip mn ni Boelei t ; eater pi ince- and priuoeeen nf New-York and Brooklyn; BMgaiOMnl and en 11 ipa L'i-. A.t V: Win.Unit up Hie B bole iiltalr [lau nb tei; ;enteranlgneoi crediton; outer wrath of t,..ti, contempt el society ami death. RELT1XG PEOPLE IO A ll Ki HE ll LIFE. DIFPEHE1.T CLAS8K8 THAT MUM BK AITKALRD TO PEKSONAI. COMMUNION WITH OOD. At the Church of thc If miall. Brooklyn, (he Rev. Dr. Edward E. Hale, ..f Doslou, preached yesterday morning from Luke xl., 1: "Teach us to pray." "lu asking how people are tn bo encouraged to a higher life, we lind," said tbe preacher, "that they may be roughly graded as belonging l? one of three oliisses. 1. There aro men and women purely selfish, and Inter? ested lu the aflalrs of to-day or to-morrow. Tu diue well, to dress well, to get tho bettetr of their neighbors, to en? joy the out of sun and rain ami wind and earth? Iheae are all the objects of their lives. '?. We ihoald Hud aimther class not given to this personal ?elBahaeeS, wbo really wish aud resolve to help other people, willing, perhaps, to bc h?lped by them In lum. Tiiat ls, recog? nize society aa a u.cessnry element In life. The first man weald do very woil ou Craaoefa Island if iou nave bim BBOagb yams and bananas and oranges iinl coeoaiiuts and kui. and goata Tue aaeoad is not Mtilted with lonely life, au.l all thliigs, no matter now maui* or how Rood, aro ned eBOOgh for him. Ile must be Witb other un n, lo Rive aad take, tn lend and -oriow. 3. _et another elan, ls nut satls tle-.d with thia society of men. When lld these men anti women come from and where are they going I Where did I come tran aad where atu I gelagl finch qnestlOBS they try for aaeaen. Am I alone in the word, as RabtaaoB Craaoe was ou his islaud -or is this Power a eaaeeleas Pawn which Ktrts the sea athrobbin- and the world ii-movlng \t bl. li makes -team expand, make' clouds gather, inakca rainfall! Have 1 a friend In tba POWOT tbat tillea tba universe ) t ir ilo I know BOtbtai or Him. nml does He know nothing of nie ! Mueb im-n ami a onion,not satisfied with thc power nf mind uinl lieut which they huve to eiiiy, try to farm allianora with the l'eiwer ratable them selves; Hie Power which seems Intinite, which manes for Rigbtaoaaaaaa Bo shall their power lo-morraw bo granter than to-day's. Clearly eaoagb In trying to lift people te blgttcr Ufo, we inual leach dlfferant leeeona, according as tbey ara In one or another <>f tbneo three ??ills- -. ll ls 001 ti.e prcai'lie-r.ilniif v, a.. 1 t'Cetiriil/es IhCBC distinctions. Preacher, novelist, editor everbody wno deals wirti others, and whu le trying to convince, tu teach, tu m.-piie nins late tb.- nmedlfili any. The m.rei wblcb ls read by one sei of read, rs in r ipi aud absolute delight, ts mon chaff to another. I'ti" leading artlele willi li delight BtWO readers seems to tuc third,inn,un-illi. ami iu every mum unprincipled. " In tbo ceteirse ni tue lust len vi airs tln-re has been un effort iu ntc i.y celt ila ot my see-.'.nd el is- ie. shoe ibat if they do their duty breach otber. Hie will befall and strone, even if they du aol nek t tod, uml If they do nut lind linn,even if they tin notflooktor Heaven, or so much as hope for lt a-X ... i lien Idbam nhl In tba poem : * You umy writetne hi une wbolovn bia fellow-man.' Ho the ' ethical se linen'n I.-., to be eat laded with duty. I bat tuan, ablet anil w ll lim.- tn tin lils tl my tn ina fe, le. n in. n, and yet far more eager lur Ihe secret ol int!ultu life, may fairly bo tau..]! as the type ol tbe ethical s. he.ol. Nu true mau I- *.atislle,l With a law of daily prat tbe only. The dramatlo force and intense leann ol raul's ide nme from the contrast between tba! earl! ethical life wben un m ia trying to do eoBiatatna rightly, and ins niter re? ligious llle-. nilen In- bad lila I..-lit-- lu Ood, ami with tbe power of the Holy Spirit wa* drallug with things spirit? ually discerned. Man wants Infinite poa sr behind hui te resolution. He wanta lo enter eternal life as Hie young gentleman of Bdom ? lld IB Jeeas, anti he cries out, ' Wbo alu I, and, Vt ho istindl Where um 1, ami ulnre is Hoi Shall 1 Had Him, ulai lu.w am I tu niO- Hil strength lo help me tn mj endeavor i' Public wonhlp li incant precisely lui tbi* purptese. tbul anybody who wantsQed'i help mai have one plan ami onetime when wltb otber people wbo wantOod'e help, bc may nh for lt and listen to set- u hu lather has auyiblng bi say to him. Whatereroar habit elsewhere, here wetrj to tall lilia some of our trouble, our needs, om bones. Not that tuen aie Ind lo Melt timi elsewhere, nr Ililli film elsewhere. What the Charab uki is that you will loy? ally try ibo expertBient; imi tor one day, t.year, but roi r\ t ry day and every ye ir. Talk m a Mend with the poaer a blch makes for righteousness, As sure astin, existence ol that Power is lt that y>t.i wrii have s reply. It eomee lu a thonsand ways; nut nyonnked lt, par haps, not as jun expected, but all tbe t-amc, lt cullie* ? A TESDEll TRIBUTE TO BAXCOCS. tur. HIV. DB, PAXTON'S BUfABKfl <'N BU OLD l a. Iii tin- Weal Presbyterian Cbnrcn, in Weat Port] si. inui st.. Tin- li.-v i>i .lutin l:. Paitoa preached nu eloqneat senna tram the text," Sba h.itu dose she could." At tbe elon eef in- rarmon he Mid i ?? iiiev buriedyeetardaj mj mei commander the ?oldiei tbe pera patriot Ibe Babiest maa thestataleu aama gentle m a woman, with a vein lorant! oareea im; as .-.te- in Ibe camp and il Ihe Onside, bul herolt BB Cid, Bud With it Yu,-e ni timmie. In Hie battle to iii -, ire aad eoamiaod. And I shari.Mi lat e do d ore. lim while Ufa Into he will live in bi) ineuKiry, admira? tion aol love as tbe graadeei Bgun I ever eaw. ?! onn ssw WMhingtoB,' saul < boteaabriaad, ' bal that euee wae eaoagb. __? sight inspired me foi life.' Portana years i followed Ii rn from Freriei rksburg to \\ i oma! tee. mv lie-in. hilly alni -upe-i ll Ml lieu I I ls md O' day. Tlie worid laeoiptied; tn?< eoaatry poorer la patilota, 1 Ut richer lil He is.ired lueinuiies and linlnu. lu. tlieilie.lIS 11 .. H-e.tK . a .,. Il I I . Ile.I ll C. ni" ll. ...Iles! I -ee you now al < letty shun thrilling nt with tba aet-enti or command, I ec you In tbe Wilderness. lnaj ring me v, ith your d aga. My rama it i inj ? mv ;. a ler i with ii love p--.ii-- that of woman turn well! <i.'l rest i- so'il! And on bis tomhatone wrii.- ? lie dill ul. at be could' (or his conni ty. hu Hod and tinlh. Anl bodied iKior, 1 il tr to bis t-ountrr a -ramil ss maine, an nnblotted reeotd, and lim ineiii.erv Al the close ?.f the nrvices I?r. Paitoa sahl that he v uihl ilk- tn liave bia i.pie a ld to the Hancock t iud. lie wo lld m.' lake ni at ollootlon, but nol ?rue liliu k'l Utel |,nt .n.iii tee klein tl.itt Hie. st-nd whatever the) were willing te ?.-i.e Ile mentioned j, ii.I Wright, >.f Dri-vi. Morgan A Co..and I* i.. fl: tleinli ti. meii..ei.s of hil i-,>|.in. BS BlSO belli/ meiiii.e. -t o'. Ihe eotuiulltn a li,ca had lue lund rn i bargo. MR. sMYill's lillis ABOUT ACT. A large congregation Ulled the Harlen Ro* fnrmetl Cbareh at Tiiini-uv. ami Oaa*baadradaad* twenty-llrst-at. last night. Tlie pastor, tho Kev. H. II. Sm\ tn, delivered the Hist of his series nf WOMBS OB social (juc-ltoiis. Tho suiijeet en Ina disc..mae u.e "Tba babbatn and Ile nlatlon lei the working people ami Hie half -holiday uioveinent." Tine, he -rabi, huel noaa I ly broome tba laadlug onntioB of the day. it was a must vital queatlon, but tint aiil.|ect Was an uld erne that originated mag befon the i-ai.buin t nunniitiee; nf Kew-Yorh organised to preveut the. dtraecratlun of the I it ..b. tb. "The reece! r'-netval nf the liisi iiaainn reliitln*; to tlie," i e.nil ...el Mi. Sn,yin. "n oteint- lo Hie nt tempts of eenuin nniaotis to Beean lb" OpentBS uf the public libraries ami inuseuiua on t-umluy. The, . linn li li-h always laen willi the poof nial Hie wn; ?;i'.-je'.npie, and I say it Will lean unfurl iiru'o day fur Ihe vtni-kiiiK mann when atbaiata and Mit'lallats shall saceeed In prejudicing tben asalnel tim church. Who la lt thal propueM tins ile-.eeiii'lim of Ihe .Sabbath } I ur wnal do tbey pi.ip.eae lt 1 1 lill ynu lt la Hie roll le.a-i, tue- steambout tau pen at inns, the BOW ?ardear, iba newspaper eorpontloaa. They ult expert to galil by lt nt Hm end. Yea. Hiern ure annie preachers who favor lt 'lliere ure prophets In the pulpit us well as lu lin. prm-a ; but I will (eave, them mlaeiuh't' emt ol tba BBeBtlOB. TbgM corporitlolis I Intve Say : 'Ininti Bud enjoy avrryiblai on Buadar*' But <io iiiey give you free rides ea their aanea Baaaay I Do they ynpan Weembeat eiciiisiuiis free ap tba Itadeea i Po they nive you fire liiiieiins nml the-ir aewspapen fur iioHiIhk i " H bat Mlueaiinii is In be nut lu atarlnc ut pict ur. a in a pitt'ne gallery I Ali art is m.t (lietel. Many of Ibo niel a res are heathes mythology uinl nu aeept ilut .'mce with laiKij platans alUdo ne good in n u arts and ib.- item's uris thut deal roy ibaasandi ut bumaii Mirna. at tte bcbilil Iii lUly elvilultllnn waa nioal corrupt and brutal. Ibu wav' lo du la to give UK' wot klug p. -i'l. n Saturday lialf-iininl.t). Ihen lbe> eau no lo lue urns il thuy Utatrc." NEW-JERSEY STATE TOPICS. Tilt: LEOIRLATUBE ASH THK M.II.CKS. BBMATOB CilASi: AND BIS IITTI.K BIM.?THU M.W. ark raaniA-TKaaRip. [PKCiM TUB HKlll I IH re.KIII.-reiM.F.NT t tF TIIK THint \Z{ Tkkntd.n, Feb. 14.?Senator Chase, of Mid* dlescx County, who ls Superintendent at tba Delaware nud Karitan steam Towinp I'umpany. a corporation ns sDciated with the Peiiiiaylviinu Bailroad, bas int induced ;i iiii in tbe Legtstattua amending teegoeeral railroad law lu such a inauuer us to rctjulre legislative sanettoa to the building nf thu staten Island bu.I.e. lltbsagh, aocurdliii; to un extended ^biography ta tbe 1n.u11.1i of Ibc Leglalalure, " In-i.iiiiini'uei-i ,:'e u-a fannel '.ml " bedail at the fuot nf tba s... l.l scule," he was nnce " presented a Ith n baadaOBM i-lush rocker " by the Mid dteeei Pnehelden mid be i* ena now ? never aeheattd to perform thc duties nf lils euilnrditiafee." Nor, lt would seem, of bia separlofe. The bill be has- presented weald put the f.iie ol tba Baltimon aad Oble'i anpooed bridge in the hands of tlie Ia .t-liti re. and lt weald drive that company into'New fersny pnlities. tlil" le- nnt tba eely objeetlea te tba ateaeara. Aeanfsl axamlaa* nun of the mu shows Unit while lt weald aanniapllah Um direct pa?pen ot tba oppoaeata of tbe bridge, lt weald also aarioaaly afleet the Bailroad Law. Tina art, wi, ic li has buen kim'.vu aa tho i'ree Ralltoal Act. nut un -ul tn the ie>lrupUe>u will, h attended tho um i astir: stru_r_le- in the IjeKialattiru fur apt ital t barters. It i faTotably regarded in Kew**leraejr, tad tba aaaertloa, uiadc mi good legal authority, thai Mi. t'liaeeV bill would destroy ll ls aol calcalatedto help Mr. Chan In bis tu-iit against the bridge, the United Btateoitba Belli me.te iiml i din. Company,aadothsf Bowen, whether Mi. Chan will mind Utile tblngi like then, ot whet hoi tba semite Um If, linne it swallowed IbeBtate nrartigaty nsolBtloBs latacti will maheaay objection ob aaefa a si 'ure. is e_miiitfui. The Mil will coate belora thc uniter Roon Hus wee ii, ami thc ilena'e tull dlSClona food deal thal eau naly i i gnaaaed at bow. . The present a 111 be remembered us "the Bridge Legists! ure," ami eolncideul with th.*cmiiisi ii| un the Staten Island whame la tba Senate, probably ?> III he the battle royal for a brides acron tba Horrie Canal gnp at Janey City. Thc CotsmtttnbpB Haslet pel Corporation (wlll report thc .bill favorably thia week, and if Hie pree-nt n mi er- tam! i ii-- ol tbe attitude el tbe mani er* at c..i tin MU Will pass at an early date, 'lin ie ia fear tbat thc two bridge iiiiii-uri's BM] I.en.uni' ctunpllt uteil. nm! lt vt 111 lie tile eii'leaviir of tho Jeno) lit) people tu amid tiiis as fer in- peeetble. A lively l-l ie/.- In thc laaenbly nt-r the State Capitol nbnlldlai is rertala lo arise. The axpoadltun of T.J.-.iMiei |? t-i ere; y ci lt iel-e I. but Ind mure M Ulan thc plane ot the proposed Btruetun. rho talbot ronovtng tue Capitol to Ni e.n kim- beea renewed, hal only be t? au-, it noa seemetl well aigh Impoeatble toobtala the Je-ir?d action mi the' rebinding. Discussion throughout lue Htate (tees nn nver tbe Ter* diet In the Mate Pnsoa nee Tue foaluenoftbe trial ls pl.-ce.but in New .le-r-ey ail 1 tltere ba* linell n gre it deal ol unfavorable eomtnent upon pretty nearly averybodi aaeocb.l .un lt The feeling in Trenton vhs against Keeper l_averty from tbe start, aad. his j fiinmla wen astounded st tba blunders which marked | every st. p ed bis coo tn. lue next aad moat Importanl Mnelderatlon I- whal the i.?-_ri-:aim- and Uorernor will de at...ut it. winn? tine Keeper wae nomlaall) not een (rial blinni!, the <-.?->* was -.. ennatrned, .and Hie lari rs m una. whether he ie gal Hy ot lauoeoBt, that the prison line wae I maim all) lax. It i- proOoblethat the Logia] etur- will awall til" rnnji ..f the lareetlgatlon bi ino Hoard ol Inspectors, and. if tbsl Usgwnal tba ke-e-ne-r. will Impeach bim should ha persia! tt. retaining bia tell,ec. rim poetmntenbln ol Newark will probably be Ulled i\ .-? i ougrt heel lei Bl tbe end ol Ueneral Will i tm \l ar.l's pres nt term, in March. Ueneral Ward li.i bi-bl tbe utile!- tier iwe.t. v. ar-. be lost BB arm tn tue Har nt I be; Kel altloo. Ins record a- poetniaetci fbi biame eaa, hiseerrices havemet wltb blab praise, and ha bas level dabbled In local politin. He luis md. however, rai led ti Hugel ..' hil slim'..' hand to retain bia Ofl .e ami een at le-.i-t one oeraalon be declined tod) aa act winch bia feelings prompted.htm to do leei lt should beoon *lr.Ina a bid fer Democratic favor. The term nf Tulle l stutts Marshal Deeeoa wtHexntra abeeut the saine tiime and a une- i.e f.tn_n w. 1'. MeMtehael, ni Bul lllut<.li. alni A. 1. I., ld.ut, nf New 11,-uiiaw lek, fur tb. I . In pi ogroaa, with MeMlcbael ahead. A lull t.i create a systt rn "f holler I nape, tuen baa been Introduced lu ihc!*enate amit- wara itad t.y Tin- worklngmen'i organltatloua and others, Tee no -ui en isieen Bl pre i ut, and isme esses ni esploalon ol rm -ut.ui i-r.' e have made tin- neeeaeltj -t ? itt. action apparent ...venn' WI ii ?' i .... ru, t'e \e.?e^,nr In plat.IA. i M I'e-iu .?-. r.- eatly appointed Cha Clerk,! ? lt la anticipated tile dthicolilna In : -.. i j I - i ? r man are iiuun-r mr- lin- au.tx.a muet, uniter tbe law, r.e ;.e tr,, ni ..? a lawyer nial he should oe n Jersey City i t The division '.: I ona Branch, fm the u-imf nf the i ol ta.?- i--i !? id - nf I Hierou am! rtelnlt) .-?? III ne tbe mbje t nf donate Iii iii" - m tte thia senator ('nattle, wbo i re] rt -? uta the i in Hod v. nh Ihe oom* mission government tn whoaerule old ret lon in ada uml III- 1-evp-e lee] t a np n-e- ? , li I'}'. ! ta pll* aa-'e h. Inn -.-.a I. I - ali t iel pat. il la ?-. -rtlu-.. .\ I-un: ..ri ..f tn.a un. r* ..! lae * lUlBWh .t tam MIS I BCla lat ure of 187(1 ba* beru DKgeated .it mis decimiiial ol tbe seaaleiu. lt ?- .- I er, aa former mem Im -. aucb i.i -ii ll -.-nat i ? rueii Abbett ll uti A. P. Putta, Juline Magie, W. Il krk. .leeim Hopper, wnei were in tin- Senate, aim Hen Ito! (Ingga, OS "emt tor Vail, *t..1111_-1.....,'. P. K IluWell, 1 .k m.ttl In. A lett ind i-.r.eewn abo were r- ol the Utilise. TAIRIXG "I CA M'll ? ID- FOR GOVERNOR, I ls I il PKNX.sYI.VAMA N ?! Ml-. A I It is - - IIII. tl., ia tu T I t AMI la.. WI. II A- HU I. [mOM IN , ,, , t-i. >-. t ! . ? , -e., -I , |\||| S ; ||P Till I 111 l.l NI . I'llll \l>; I I'lll A. l'i ll. ll. Till le - .1 r'iu.ll nf the Hean State ticket Tb? genera desire ls tbat (ieneral Jami I ihallbethi candidate for Governor. lt 1 owi \. r, ti. t ? ienei ii Heaver would I.ppoeed hy thc i Hat road iiit'.iieiu e, and tba! Penatoi I imeron prefer lo bate ex-Governoi tlartraafl placed ti|...ii Iba ticket. Ueneral Beaver lins bran outspoken i.ut railroad mattera and is ia teifat ir tin tlmitlug ol thc power* ol corpoi . which perha|H would mahe the railroad people prefer some other man in the Governor's chair, bal General lieavei i- i. . .md i.i* "tidal wave" deft al bj P.c. tl son has sn med only to increaaef the fnllag thal ha te.i. nt i ut t" bc 'it a-.'ie r-ir nny ona ein In the n.-it eanvase, Benator Cameron ha not esprooaed aay pref ernnl: and ...en'.,I,. e - WlU favor tba nemma! Inn of the niall! tli- in"?t vut-?. General llartraiifl I* met m the Held. lin has li-ein glvimi his whole lime and attention, -mee bia removal from tin Collet tni-i.ip, ie iii- manaaotnent ol bia peraoaal boat* Beea Tbe story of a patronage alllann between Cissena aad Baodail has bren brought up agata by Thomas M. li une, member al Ceagren fnem H.- Wibi D strict of Una Slut.) (Pitteberg), alihougb then ls nothing new in rt. Mee nteatloa ot Marshal k.- here and Pei sion Av.nt Kn ntl ..f Pitta* i>.11 n. wbo are wai ui ti len ls of * en,nen t aoieron, i- m.ute tbe baal* lui ibis supposed amusement. Iionbtlen He nat ni Ca in rr ill would u- I td lo see any e.f lils friends retained in, bul i> ls m.i libel} ibat be would ash for or receive our speelal favors from tins Admlalstra* Hun. ll ls ttell kBOWn Unit Illa View ll Ibat ttl- BepU-.ll .an p.ttl wm i.e i>. ti. nt. tl hy letting thc Demoeracj li a va- free swlug m tbe m itter of patronage, ami thal the more removals Hint ar ? ide e.n pure!] partisan grounds tne mon it Min operate against the party at nie next eden trim. Hie r-sl nf lbs Belay in appointing a Demoeralie Marabel ben is ..e.-in-,- the local Democrats han brae ii_cii*.lnif i>it teri] ovei the matter and ceohl not agne upon a candi date. lt ia bow believed tb et Harri'y, tbe bow Democratic postmaster, will bo! be c,mumu.I. Ueneral Hubie k'ep.i'et removal Will he made a teat caa- In tbe Renata. If tlie fa-t* are et ri pei milled lo tat lin- ltk'lit tiley will abiiw. in Ulla and ott t cbsbb. whal eoBtemptlhle and ritiiciiimia " eiiaik'.'s" me considered " nllleleat" by tins b aged " Kefnrm" tdmlnlstntlon te puta Hepnbllran ..nt of, ami a Democratic Into, nlhee, Knowing lae ut ts. lt ie not surprialug tba; the Administration vigorously resists anj erinn io furuUh the poi llealan la Um se saeaa si s li IV THAI S'S IS CONNECTICUT. Iil-l'i.-i |) IN rill. I.l-tJI-el.Alt HE -INSt'ltANCi: - BAIL* Kt i Al > At t DIMS. ^fTtOMIIII III e.I'l.All ' e.HUI -I ..NI.I VI llP TltKTI'lllvr Il m.iinub, Cobb., Feb. 14.?Aatronitpreaa* ure wan l.ruunnt to bear ilpuli Hie members of lim l.e<i_ls latina lita! iteeU b) H." varunis .Inn.n.iiuitInns of tbe stat- t.i Beean Un- paaeaga .if a law stopping the running nf Suiuiiiy Iralna between Un; bean of'.. a. m. alu! ll p. in. 1 ha railroad cuintnlttee, lum ever, linnie an adverse report oa tbe alleged grosad thal it waa net wiso tn legallta Baaday Iralbo, bm to permit ii under tho gea* t-ra! clause of the old Sunday law.which permits no secu? lar work,ami only " wurlts nf necessity and mercy," lo ha done un sunday. Tin- House reje-ctcd thc bill, hut lt has been rccall-et and a substitute bill probably will be presented winch win prevent tho raaaiag af tralee ea Baaday. Mr. Clark, of lluddntii, who got a " Talne-el policy " of fire insurance tbroilKb the hean a year un", at tho jtres . nt M ia nu bas me fewer than llftcen bills ati'e.tln.' tin lea-mass nf iiniirniice, wlitia- InetllliiiiijiiH are tin- pi lue e.f Um state. jMnst of these bills are eefle.naive lu thut they te cripple Ibe eoaiiiaaln by luterferiag with eontracta ami utherwiae amhiirraaelag tlee ie. Ino united nattai Bents pf tbna corpurationsis bm a Utile short Ol B-Sb,060,000, and sharra of atm li ut their face utarke-t value p., into tue liulivl'luai t ix llai of ihe ito.bho.dera, amt inna hu-ally furnish au luiuiii"* nu emin to towna, which u'tie-a rm inward relieving in.. Inn.len nf Ibe direct Stale lax. Il ls when the fuete are BB* derslood, that Ihe I.egisiuliiro will consider favorably Ry nf tba lillis. Henry 1. Oe idwin, of Kast Hartford, who ls well known tbroiurboiit tbo BtataBB aeaptag a sharp watch BpOB railroad lu'., reals, has seut a anworlal le tin. v etislainnrepronnilngthat the aaedaataef lbs <'mi solldaled ruad are nut concctly kept, bul tun.eal vamma men.nt- llama. On tbe Btieagth ut bl, e burne tlir Hiellae, wbieb lind accented ami oldened OB Hie (bc roport of tbe Hallroad Cena-tsetouara, hM recalled it, and the wlmle maller tua) lu.w be elle tl-ie-.l. Cl l.l I'.i, I mi A fits. BOSS niiil < "ll BOA tl .*-'. Tin- liintr.ii ?cmcea of RtlwurdS. i.t^.-. Um v> tl. ,i.ow a 1 r, BIB .ison, lunU pta ? }.- erda) all.r lieeou ni tint i um inn inlet) e.i lin.- Ml -mi I -en pl.. at T-utily iinrd-.s'. andBillb-are. Hr. te ?* Wat .. un mLal nf the Kc pu bl ic Lort ce, Palestine Coroman-lery, Mystic nbrliii!. Mutual Katgbta Templar Associations auti Hie Ilenevnleut Protective Order nf Klka. All these societies took part In the services. Tbe Kike* service caine Hist, It was cuntliieted by A. C, Murclaud, actinic Exulted Hitler. raino the regular ledge acrvice, conducted by Archibald George, Master of the Republic Lodge. Thia waa followed by ibo Curainainlei-y Service. Com? inan 'et Dr. James Bowden conducting lt. John P. Baldwin a.-tc-il bs prelate, i'hebiirinl was at Woodlawn, tho beedy neitii_ taken lhere by u special tralu which left tbe Granil Central Depot al -do p. m. laen were many loni ullt-rluirs from friends and forinei- bualness associates of the dead mau. Among thora present wer-: John Scott, H. H. Brookway. A. C. .Moreland, Kugene Lunson. J. M. Loyman, William T. W undi liff, John I-. Reid, John F. collins, <-. D. Alib-ek, .lames S. Kith, John M. Amory. Robert Betty, Dr. fcani uul A. Brown, the Rev. Joim if. Worrell, Wllliain Jobu ?BB, Jr., Jeibn H. Wood, Chillon T. Duane. Theodore Grooron, John 0, Ii. anon. Wi.liam Miller. M. W. Bloaa aud E. A. Johnson. A IiT Sh IVS AMI t'OM.1/ESTS. THE WEEK IN AKT CIRCLE!.. Till MKKVO.V KXlllHITION- PaI.KSOP VTATEB-COLOM ?akt hbws nt i ni iowa. It .eldon) happens that then an threeezhi hltloaa open at Hie sam.: time tu Ibis city of sn much In? terest us those ut the American Art naileries, the bead* sasy sad the gallery of Mr. Frederich Keppel, On Sat? urday Mr. Keppel spaaed tim first exhibition of Mdryoo'a stabings ever iioid iii this ceiuntry. The works of Baden, Whist ler, Van s OtBVeaaude, Haig and other etchers have beea shown nllntlvaly rn thia city, but a knowledge of Mciymi lins hecii f?r tba moat pan confined to print col? lectors. Kenn B, P. Av. ry and Howard Muuafleltl j lillie ha- ran Impnesloas fruin tbeli ebelaaeob lei imus nf Boden prints to SapplBBMBt the coTTeT"* Hon formed ley Hr. Keppel*! perseverance, knowledge aod possibly hie Rood fortune. Then an a lew et Mi'-r yoa's etehiags In tba Claabora ntleetlon, owned by Mr. T. II. li.nrett, ami a still larger Bamber ls included among tbe etchings oolleeted by the Ute Un. M. J. Mm lian. But private portfoltoc aro usually Inacccssilde, anei tin- exhibition al Ko. 23 Real Bl-leeoth-at. flvn tba nuiiiic a mm b needed eppertaalty et studying tba worh .lune by a man who was appreci itcd too late as " one of thc greatest ami nm*- original artists who have appear? ed In Fun.;..-." Some aeeonat of Mdryon'a unhappy lite hus aire,nh lie-in given lu Ibis cnliiinn, lint the story of his beginnings In art, Un. liilliii'iices iintier which te came, the sahjnta wbieb appaaled must itroagty to lila Imaginative, tiver WTOBght mind am! tho result of mental dlBBBM lt must forc.b.y presented In bia etching*. Ooastdertag the rarity ol tba Saar ba pfooateee thia exhibitloa nptenata Mdryon far better than we might iiave expected. H ia imi*t creditable te ita prnuintei's. in London wltb tbe Heywood ami Haden collection! aad tba Mdryoa prints in the British Nanam tu draw BOOB, an exhibition nf a higher order wuuld be pe.ssible-, and is true alsei of Parla Tba Merton ex? hibition heat hy thi' Burlington Fine Arts Club lu 1870 cannot be equalled here, hut the criticisms upnn the ex ergaalsed by Mr. Rappel will come fruin amiably lelflab eoeaotoeeara in "states" ami it mei ne* pretofa rather than from the public. The portion of th.-public whit li ls entirely BBBOHMBlBlOd with MCrynn's work may be somewhat disappointed at the first light of a set nf small architect ur tl etchings, but a Very lilli.- intelligent *tmly will change thc tlrst Impression to Mirpuscil appreciation of the imagination, Individuality, and Hie- rare' qaalltMS Ot .lrailghttnanship, and light and shadelabenat la Ibesa little* etchings, it rarely hap [eena that Hm peneBal element la so strongly marka,t lu an artist's wnrk, ami mi th's account aniline others those punts may be commended to the attention of some American etchers. lu the neatly designed catalogue Mr. Keppel hui adopted Wedmore*arather tbaa Burty's arrau-remeut, Igh Burty's numb-rs aro added lu smaller type Hui ly's arrangement wblob ls chronological sc- iiis tei tis Hie proper one, and lt ls certainly the moat .nu,venbut fer ono anxious to obtain a curred bleu nf Hie hi t. si's sueoenlve pei lode. Wadmore'* list, how cw r has tim advantage nf putting tlie best Work, thc I'.i. ? ?. t, Ont lt. .a ll followed by the Inst of thc lso el t-t.tiinga, anti tbaa cu noa a large div,amii of ?'minor worh" headed by the New-Zealand set. Fur tbon intonated only In the mnterplecn tins arrange lueut la pii? preferable -Mr. keppel a,an half a donn illgbl dnwlnga hy Meryon, twa portraits by Bi and the terrible portrait of M.-ryon in? sane I.) V aim nc. Wedin.ire's clasalllcaHon of "tates has been adopted tn ibis cataloged That made by Burty, a nfen n which always means Burty edited by n.iirii, la m .n> m v.-r,-, baeaan trial proofs ar'- en,im:. rat.-.I a? ll ite *, an 1 e\en the tlrn-r ImpmslOBS rank lutser than la Wedmore'l lint. Mr. Keppel*! ob i to this an sustained by nany aatbentbia aad tha elawlflcatloo win ce?rt linly lu- generally latlafaetory, Without regard to tins particular point, however, it seems impoealbla aol to regard Burty n tbe or.glintl ami non I .te ii, luiniifiiliilor upon Mi-rnui, Bad Wadmore as In lirge pan a compiler ami borrower. The usa*: :i,i ..f Mdryon'e stehed wnrk couta ns ninety-seven numbers, lu Mr. Keppel*! oetelogBc ibe Utaereot states of each plate ara numbered for cou. willem.) ami ti..- drawings .mel portraits -' t-i 1 Vi. lt ls beaded by lin- c.ive-r fur ibe Paris nt, tbe etched verne to Zeeina otber Introduetorj designs >.f minor In tc reel which ir cede "Lt .ttryge," thut "horned and winged demon, i .... eill an i dis istrous I . . Hie Gothic lioaa*liia t among tbe carved stones nf .N'.ttret Dame." Ofthls, wblch is probably mongan e ral ly knoe q than any nt uer ol Hdryon'e sn i|ects, tin re an four states, including a Bret state, wita the renee, printed upon the greenish ttrgt paper seleeted by the .n ti-t inui ? ? be true eel lector, lien Meryon allowed himself :i nrtaln Unun tu thc t'.'i shade in I tn- -ii ni ias i.r the itree t below .h.ei in Hw relation .>f lu building* to the perspective, but ibe eenntlal feature of the etehlng i- of course tbe expression ol'.lemon brooding with simsier san..: i, Bon over the i as indi ilB ring ot tbe cit] bel ?w. tuoiber Instance el tiepartun from exaet facts ie teen In "le lita Pont," when the eompoeitton wm probably made up from two dlfleront ?hetohn and tba tow peer blaber than lue] would be tram tbe point ul rles adopted, im- artist's peen in rael In balancing light ami sli ide ami tn rendering water appeals ben and lu 'lue. Aub of botrt Dame, in botu, especially In tm- latter, .Mm lam's mysterious attie- Ojrurea begin lo appear aa *..m. thing meei., luauetaRage, te. be endowed wein sn an I uta tee I iignlfloanee ol lumr own. Mora du tlnctlve ?iiii i-.ii' ?t.i.eiy nf Sotn Dame," witb the ill. sirelciilug away be mw. and Hie elgin finally dill i-.-el th i ..n^li 11 ni n lc .tn lies il pun the a tinier, lt ia nut al range Umi ibis e i,iiii,h* aai ?? i'? Strpge" have ro ufieii suggested Victor Huge., under whoae pe . a* auder Meryon'a Beedie, old r.iris uved| agata, tba "Hine! et tbe Had Boya" with Ita nar.- linns, barretl Windows uinl BBing shadows, ls imprcMive, ll ia even au svhlenoe >>r Meryoo'a morbid stale, bul nts fame it au eteber ia nol eiiiianceii h- am n opaque, overliiiteu blacks, i ins point comes up again ami a-.tin, ami Unity's criticism that Meryon did emi always render tba neutral gny t.mea of old runs, nut m.ii ms plates wen. frequently uverblt le-n, st ems jurtiile el. Iii "Ile i neck leiw.r" and the [. oriel " I'oWel ni tbe Hu' dc la Ti mimili i f " them an dna gradatlonaof light aad ibadan bal u.>f tim Brinn's most Bignlfioaut contrasts is tu tbe admirable eiebiugof "SA Etienne du limit." lu the bnt etate tbe eoolrasl betweea au.idow ou tba left baud wall aud light up.en Ibe facade of ibe i- ti ii itii, which so perfectly ke. ps ita place in tin- compositloo, is mu h mun strongly inarki-.i than I in Un- act omi stat.-, where tl 1) mia bec.tine llgut I cm ii nu t ia probabl] aeani Balure Mere tim lauree , alli altreoi attention. Ibe difference lu the alain an pauly distinguished by differences ol attitude in a tu-ino ; mi tin- scaffolding to tm- right "TbaPump ol Sotrt im ni," wit ii tin- slgniBcantly useful Hun <>i the piles ami excellent wal. i, alni " I he Little Pump," with Veians, precede "l-< Pant Stn/," Hie bridge recently partially destroyed. The Hist nate ol nus printed upon eergt paper ma] hovea mora mysterious ami characteristic rOect tbaii the sc. end state, ml the Utter presents more cieari', ibe gradations from tue. salleu water to bridge lowers i.atiied ni suuligbt au l agala io ibo dusty atuioe ni.i-io all.'Ve the roofs mil chimneys of the city. Mi. Keppel ai*" showa rn nor suites with the chim? neys rennet eel. I U nae ni Hie Imesi nxampna of Meryon'* itt heel work, Iii,'. " Cont an tha nar," then Ul tia! proof) befon sky, daune or Hy painting icm by Mr. Mansfield, i itber states show tim artis'a in-auo re? touching with tbe burta aud Ina Intro luctlmi of birds ami balloon i in lim sky. The beautifully simple linea .ef budge'uiul lina-, drawn and meeting with wonderful exactness, tue burry lug .figure* upon thu bridge, tin; eddylug water and warm Ililli upon the Palace of Jut lice ure feature! cliar.icteristlo of Mdryoo, and hen nuoetl exquisitely t-xpreseed. Tbe two BU-Ster-pleoca w iiicii remain Illustrate cnutr.iettng m.mis. Gloom ta uppertooet in '? Tbe M'.rgiie,'' whou simple- Dorie oat line la el raw li Ultu Hie aeinbluuce of at.illili, willi a t an i'd door like a arlm fan beaide it, willi reaar windowed housn ruiaing their fnata bebiad aa brutally ourioui as i in- idii-i-a hiiniflug tiver tlie parapet, with men ou Hie landing bearing a dripping eorpM from Ibe river, with a frau tlc wnintiii rushing by ilia stem gendarme-, am! with the blae k. lilllie s- waler Mowing on bcbiw. Prom tilla. Ibe aral terrible of Meryoo'a e-icblugs, wc tum to tho beautiful harmony of the "Ayao ot soire Anne." for euee tBe popular verdict le right. Tho p'rfeci cmupo altluu, Hm delightfully curving lines ed parapet and bridge, the p.-rfeotly eleplctel How of the river ami thu finely iiiiruaed light, stamp thia na Mi'ryuii'a best work. 'i im Imprenlen ls richer, ofoouna, printed with rttroue sunr, inn tunny win hu i Hie simply prime I Impression preferable. Hits meatian of tue 1'ai-ta set musi conclude preeent ootln oi a remai kable eiuivnion. The Wuter-tnl'ir BXblbltlea baa twn weeks moro to run and yet the nlea alreadyamoual to $17,000, while ihe Binuiiut icnllred litiin the sales of thc entire cxlilblti'n laat year wita ouly 9S2,0o0. Thc pictures sold ?..'?o, and mer stan Ibe U?t lime of err.ting are " V. ur Hut Village," J. F. Cmpsey, If-O i " A l^ecnrattve Head." Vt al? ter batlerlee, BBB -, "Bornem. J. P. lltuo, i,TC>; " May Twilight," c. M. M. iii.?imy, $300; "White Peaobea,*' P. B. Church| "Karly bprtfig/* J. A. 1.*, 063 j ?? rbe Me .?Mender,*' Uniter Batteries," WOO I "trama Fairy Tale." F, H. Church ;?? Maltha Hilton," C. Y. lutniT, iJl.tMiti; ?? Wini r," \. ll. Toinpkius, #.<i?; "1 io della .-tusti," A. V. Hauser, |lWl "Tb" *blaaaasca llivtr,'* c.. ll. Katun, rf.H0; "Tilngbl," K. van Flinn. BSbO: - Hiiniiics," W.B. Buahlln, BloO, ami "Fishing Iluats," tl. II. Clem. ti'*. *.'?>. the aalca ol clcutiigs aiuuunt lo nearly > 1 .'_'?'? In Hie Conni, nh I At A .I.i.n.iv 22, M. lai.-nm Viren wm's aa iniiovtH "f ihe lui Paul llaiidry: "Via avnw HM] ae. lar as we .ire e> rv Ii I 1, tt HhOUl .'t' r ' 0? sblering a gnal artwt, we believe, liowevi r, ibat lt Isiteliisilci) to pu bim Huh' sim. i'.i nit Wllh M. Ilmue reuii. Ha had, al Ai aveata, n quality rain at Un* Um-? rcSp-CI iiml luce o. Ul ntl. I'Usiie.t ' V ll te. il I sin Ult u I tl ucs-. one toind oat, perhaps, havo t uud many urusls take accumulated profits efTtrcUtd a rally from 711 enM tn 77%,-etita. Dutevenibs slight gun ins not ra* t>vn?ei. ami the markot closed duli ii td weak at a Bet .e.- of .IBs eenie. the iMtige of prices and thr- tits! dentin** at tba Con* solulated tor tbe last two weelu wero as fol? lows : Weekended Feb. rt. jr*eh. 13, W Opening. 8JS4 62U Highest. Ht H'J% Lowest. 8'^'4 70 Fimil. W?Iq 7-jt, Sales, barrels... '_!0,l*llU,0Oi> 43,924.000 Tbe refined market was fairly active laat week, bet lo mpeaat to ibe decline in eraaaeil prices were put down >4 cent per gallon to 7\ cents ( Hail teat) lu New-York, and T'o tu Futludelpiile and ({altimore. Oil. Cirr, 1'oun.. Feb. IJ -ernle MU-X .Monal Tr.a sit iVrtillcstes otx-ned at 77 ..??.! *li*ed at 7fi''a; ui.'in-st price. 77\; lowest price. 7<i'_; clearances. l.'.i..?..0O0. Bu 11'Fenm, Peun., Feb. 1.3.?Crude Oil?National Tran? sit CbrtiSeatn oponed at 77% anet Piosed at 77; lilrrhest ngtoB, 77'-.; lowest priSB, 7f%| eleanore*, 3(k>4.000harrels; saias. 900,000 l-arr.ds; shipments, "?7,3'Ja barrels. -a, TOTAL BBOKIFN OF P2ODU0B. Per Perth Kiter, Vet tell uni Iii Uro ids. n. w. .-lour, I Malt, ten-h .'.i.sai ii.,,-, tex,'* Jo| ..Pf*"'. hbo Berley, hns'i w.i.'tbo Cn tn-etta, ak l.MB Reena, mn,. 273jQBlanl.bbe, .-, Lari ott.. . l.s,'4 rotten.oalee S.iwiiur.Mse. n*', 135'Lam ten inn I'.ir.ei -'d iii lunns heed, Hurter, pit rn 'l.AOS htew . 3l5| bews. g-14 . lie.-a-.tisi?.. 3,'J?<? rotten se-,-1, Hi.i.-.s_ :?,ie- '-jsDiiags, No. ma M ? '10". liena ohm. 4 lu Ric.; duff be SW p fruit pkt, !W| Leather, (ti B.61H Bk tnt, helsa lg inn*, nit*: SM Men, b?l a. 1 _-- starch, part MW Hour.bbla , 11,21.'If plttacs.bia, if. Tallow pairs Nf ' went bbla. 217 ll. sm ii,,,.. 1,115, roba.--o. lui* 79 I Me.ii.n.-1-.'e. 37.. 1 Oilcake, 11(4, 1.--IIU rulirie'.'O pk- OB a lui.n. O.tait Dieu sloes. Wluateybbt 41 t'oiti. nus,..-.nj,000| |ik_r-s. 17. vinyl. i>ai*w 9 ".I- Inihi . 5 ..-.Vi'Peanuts, a., ..HI IU'. iiim'i .. l,_tK. Puru, nae... 8_-l GENERAL M.VUKKT REPORT. COPPICE Bael Kio qm.I, steady aid uncYingtd Fair, MV- notions .lull, the npealM wis birelv steady at ua Changed prices. Ihe cose waa st-a/ly. isa.os. ltl.u.iO bigs. closing as folows: February, 6.7(><??_.70 c Mareil. iiililei,i;.t>a .'_?;.r.'i . Mty, 6 'YO a. Af, June. >iai.".'etn.70, Jule. U.na3 1.70 . Aiiau-i. O.7OO0.75; Beptember, 8.7U??.SO; ..ctiber. il.75? .1 -li . Nei vent ber, ll 7". ? u.u/l. I),, cullie*, il -Urt.i.HO. Mint era-ba steady, cspe siiv 'or la_reeTre saiev 1.000 bags washed < larsen sud nO.i La/u lyr.i, all ex " caracas," on pri? vate terms. Cu IT')V?Spot t otlon eiul"t, Urtu ami tinc'taiiged. Hales, 101 bal a No deliveries tO-daf. Tne q uitirums itccnrtinu tn thc Aniencin classlflcatloa art- aa follows-. New urttvi-i. rp!anel\ anti il-iic Tatvw nn-' BS re. Vja tl*? ?S *-f, et .1 luiari-. f, 7i? 71,. .I Ordinary . 71 <M 8 8 Mri. 1 .....ul tr-lliiiry.*>? H*? ni.. Low-fiddling. n\, 8'tM {,., Strict Low .Mi.l.iliiig. M, in,, fn,. Middini*. _'u O's 0\t Hood Mnl.lln.. 8'u <e?, pt. Strict oooil Middling. rm,, !,. ?-, llitlillmgl-'alr.In1,., 10>4 lin, tan.10",a IO, 10*? STUBBO, linoel or.1tn.irv.81s j Low Mptllln'?....... 7s* Strict tliaal ilr,lln:irv...tlIJia I Ml t'tliu;. . St Fut urea upened I points lower, hal lat-r rec evered the (te, 1 bin->?. tiny ug by siieeri,. and .line 1 1 tn 4 po nie hlxh.-r. Mun-or tim Herman liuusi-s aceSi un H.,eil to lah thi- bull Bide, hales, lol Gnu bale,. Tn-etii", -Kitro'ne-a.? Months. cios.nsr lt ar- ?-. Ijowmi. February. 9.'7'i l? i>9 MM '....) ffi Mena . o.,"a 9.11 BAB 4ltril. i'..'..'? 0.111 0.10 Hay. U.vOei ll. tO KM 0.1A lime. Tin,n '141 9.119 9.14 fill . b 40ei 9 47 9.40 9.40 lUgUs! . O.S.ef W.8I O.bA ptt september. I'.AAt 9.AA Mi 9.31 October. Ii Its 9. .4 9.14 9.07 BovBB-ber. o.lia> BIS oas o.ii Harket etaanatkna. Tranaferabie no'tces. 9.10. Fi.'l lt ami URAL PLOUR?Martel exhibits the usual -saturday's elullnea,.'int bntveviT. any eieernled . . ? in pneee. -Iitp;.e-r- ats- inclined I-, bod 'll ant ju'.h. 1 - rt Itu ' to [eiireli lat iin-rn illari eueash locater preas 111 if wants Hates, lu u ..1 bbe,., n.e.. tel lu .1.7.111 ibis. Miune a .r.i 1 nra ai *.i 1 e.-.j So mr rhe allele rana* . J.'j'Ki bbis. v. l:it.-r IV heat Kxtrn. BA Iba uki .0 for t'.iiiiiiu.u to Fair, .iii.t *i I'M . . so lor Pair te Cboic . 7oobbKBxtn No. a, + . l.t.' .: T. rc. un'.y witliln the rtngt SA Ibat'. M| tdd bins. KupcrDne. S- -in/*;t 1; tor - him: anl Winter, let ter ler rery cboic<*; tiuo b'tis. Kine, fi I'rwai Sl i?u-r an eitre ne; 1.7ot? nins. 1 ny Milt Kitra at |4 M tm' tb.) Weet Indi-s or the ti.i-e .i sun bbls weie 'nr BtBatl (.notations?Fine at vi ibgygi nb-, aapartaa, Bi *n.?.i 7.. . Kim Nn, I. tn j.,,i?:t ,", (UmiiI te Fancy Kura i*tate, PAH) ?e + i-j-.r 1 'mullion to no et Bttra Meelera, t.i ijiitim liens', in t .aie Kxtra -Veatcn, M Kia....TO <'.mi ,10s tn Fair Fxtr.i tehi... p.l IB?#;?7ft; tin ed, BAHttBrtl t ;ei,>ot ti ? Im e.., 41 lb ABS'lb, ( oiiininn K-tra Mum <e.t 1 *X 1 a ,1 PA HA-. Pleat, $11098450 Kv.- M1 v t u -.. * 1 "O.i M _.?, ? t_,r4l(-h| *4 .-.n? *?'< .'ii Pat nt, *t 7 e<j+.?.', 1,' Kxtra. .4 io A ti ? ?? I e us Cuminantu I-air l-l .tr i.S l i.'.eit t *o -. Fair li . ..e...'. t -.'../ *4 7'?. eiiie,! to Very Cbc ??? H - 1 -"> 50, Pete ll Hinter iVbeai Extra. 04 .vi a aa :.... tm- -vs 111 Kit* fur wast Indu ,. . 1 f af u ' s.. ni, America, *". nu.;*. IO; msrWet closlna dui:.BOCTHKRN M. P Ir-fu 1 pn.oaoi . lniii.e-el -s.iiet . nubble.. Inc'ullin- Couinon to tiool Ki tri itt ir rr ,; $ : 7 . . t a, .1 to Choi e I .. I I -t dib . I) RYE I Lui ? tull! nrb'>-a ut.chinned. :*ale% 4'.u bbls. ?siiieitlne el KA lb?SS 5*1.BCCKWHIlAT FI.uL'U ? Ss-lll al SI </*?-' D' .'If Ml ll. Illili. Yellow u.s'. iii ii t'l :.'. itPA -I ??; Drauovwlae *n iain a 05. ti KA I.N WU l. Al Mer Kel unset tied; ran lots a sh cte easter, t una.; steady, uptionsopene 1 weak th nreeorena at'1 jut ,. ed i. ,. , thea lost i be Miranee mid dec lined a i iii then vc. over.-.! tad .'..-I s-.i.'y ?t abdel thc heal price*, a f.Tv ititiitcet trade-tu export and city Mldiur, un.', .uv ri inoderate buiiuest ru p-nnis. 5 ut-t bu t'l. srero t'p rt.s| far et ion Salee, ll S,00d hns'i. future, I?'in. bush. a|i..t, inc,numil Dnsraded Winter Red atsvA Na - ll. .???<>' In si .rc, I IHO Oded Wilie, 9 ie.; Nn - lt I in elevator i|noted ut f ', ?. aud s .1 t lied at n...j Ked for February nomiBtl al Bia de f.r Mare 1 told al il'. I rn <y. ,?:? m at uiigc; ga, for April, '? a ??_ .'-e , e'.oaiini St ?e.",'-. el e. for m ey ? :;'i.; H^e.. closlllx iit 4 e ; lb", fee., 'al',, a -C.. C'.iin/ at U5'?C. ilo. fur ul. '< '-.ri. ( ^- de i.r Ml.list.a. _e . e- .,1111; nt ri W- ilo Jar D ciii'nr clOatBf BB I ll . KYh-N..tier.ttl I St . Ile fo IV es te nt ,i,,|e.l# '.i .- u Mote.KARLS*. ill HAI'.I.I.. MALT Dud. el .;??.. 1 chaim 11 prc COHN .Mariiet Vie. a. er lor No, ... while otber amd s.n.- .1.11114 iii ii.-.- optioosopened dall, then ;.tl.u,.t-i l*a^c, .1.14 rioted linn el ttie best p ic ? A I .-'i ir-'e feir eip-ert sn I booie ii-'-, an 1 a (noil business li ootloua. shlppert bouclil ,n<KI '..-. -tates 0 H.IKH '.usa tut.ire . non Int *li alni! alni tel arrive n ? il'. Hg In^iadesl Nlijej .. !. I ??-. N.t A. i-. ? 0 I :*,, . Menin. Mixed, i--- 1.?'?,'. ni elevator, ,-~/ '.',.. tor February, I--..- ?? -''..c for March, sn-l l ' e- f..r "11 -f.-un-r w-.rie.. I;.1,.' incl vdu ; So. : M 1t.1i t|tioteil at.* ltd ft 3 Sa no. tl Mixed e',.e- i.iir.iiiiv elneins si a.v Mdt Ha. tl M'\isi .'.er M .Itel. t tl-.'I J .it I do. mr April. 4U -?? > - - - .,,-i?i_ .it bo..-, to. toi Mar, H>, i , rliwina ai ia..(.Al -ens* lota tere ','; vc lower, cluain* quiet. n|.tiu's mote ', .. b ncr 11 r.i m , , :, ina. .v?i<-? lus'i. future- 91.1 - nt sm to ar.if.* tm'.minor Ne. 3 Hised tt '-.e ; .*.... .', .<st4,, ni,, . \4 1 ution 1 .11 ii c.. No. t White, ?>: \- -. .N? -.'. kl*?a40% ., in-1 u.nu_? "e..1 bush. 0arrive, cos uisur.i c.* _n 1 frelctil 4 4. l. . Sa 1 ,,ii ,1 ,t el ..( - Mind t-estru. i;<; .'.i^<^; iii,h. lo., lui e.. Whit. BUte, 1 - Pen .Veu ?_ M11-4 leei 1 eli na: v. .-',.. ChMlOff Bl IIH'aCi do ? .::?,* :i7 -c. cluain 1 .t .t7;.c . .m mr iprtl 37Veido, to May, '.'?7\'r.Yi '- ? -.: 17 "_ I I'.i-.ll -le-ilelv. HW AM> STRAW I'n s .1* Ua/ s'n.vr u? ?ju .1 ?bb- ci.atiir 1 there la a fair supply ml .. nodcrtte de? maud. So '.. .'". . sa i. & < ; .No H. r-a Oc.i n'hlpplac. 1 'e.TCr. "ae . 7'e ; I !ll. .'. til-, ll," ,.-,'. -I v , ,: r.e. Av nml. Prime 'Ite linn Nu 1, tl 'Nltf ri Ui; N... -.'. .a nr, bil . ?? c. Mtii.As-! s.~ \ 1..! otu tn lor ho test te .yo to notion; Una is eui lu* lied . >i on tbe spot. >ii.i m.- 1 11 ihi:i_-e. Iron certificate! have be. n anni* wha* feverish and more u : the week, 1 b b.e.k IB,etti' eell 1 II' s.'..l> Il.i.- S1I1C ? le. ell I'. ?' '.''. ll'. Ce. II, , I _ ( ? in niel and tteaill at J.7-... *:-V I i.iii-Vratde ne tne, , 1 cn. .'.-lit.-ri. uMutslai * : rm bat 1.n "u-j. r i.n'1 in lin- m.. il ,| m.- lt:. , altbOU billi e -..lie- e tri. iii tka .t ekoi tl poi ute baa (ieee eui* j. e r 1 ii- ntamr.itii 4. lei li siui and flames, eluting iteaAy it 1 - .'.it.- -.?... ?, <? . suet advance e.t 10 p .ibu >>.?1'.- *v ii mo. eaieul 1 <n 1st ced * ton lal li -.-'I il '-' B c tian-f i.lne mines l-au?e| et ?.a r.i'c. im piste bat benn ttuilertb.inet r and la tplta el a .,.- ,.!;.' - . . et IBS et. n v... lins steadier a?alii ai fl -ii'iitA ? *?*. ri.iu-icrsbie n Ucet lasueil at ., "Ti-.. Copper hat been .pu. 1 .til ibe we h and pi .-.I.- ie ri. im.Blt f.ei i.u Bad 30 HC tee taine lu uni, ri, ?".- uece '.-I I .- 1 -r-1 :i;rt'i at llS'e* 11.4 c. anile Ballimore 1.una .ere,-el et loam 1 <. P.B.i tltoael ei ute,lin 1 ia f 'Iii'., ll .rs olered nt KIO I 'Aa. Sd. Traotfarable notices il.alte" [an -'i ..t ll.'i.'?4 I'.l tl linn- Ht I'' ??? Bill baise _ ' lani ? i V .11 cl .lil Ml In po ms lol domettlt on u dcb free b-ivmn. an.l ap..- . |.t | timi nt the bar a-si nieiit rn.- ihe we at 47u*4T80e. fa tores, l.HU ert ',.- na ftrwt rall .. '. o . lbs tpnl seei.t ,4 I ?.' e- mntenble aotleu .' s.a. Ueaa lei 1 ka, sKltee lia. n.. ri 1 ber ui ire sen eau.l ead ui up anl in price, bu cloaca .1 ut .1 * .me shore I.i t -nurd-i at 4.ioc.e/4*rc II ins'i'! in,tn . s domestic lattin .'I I V. NAN IL kTokkb -(spirits turpentine nrui bal i|ti?l_4 l'i.; .'.'.' OB t ie sped -lc et I r ill p ' '?? ? Itt H-S fur utlicr -ue* eui. Mia.,n-r. *..'-'??. mo: Sir.tineJ, SI 07?-; C. l.l*_!*ai lr l.'iftj ii, l.M H. I. ii.BO. a. ;i.,..; M. 1.0. N. 4.751 W I... 0 Vt. W.bM'St i-iiHV is>l"N ??? Pt mik K\ mu ire ara rerv nub.lei mr, a?4 Hu- c. tn 1..1 in., tiLt-iit 1- B'luaea I'etU, li. ct, however. have 11 steadf *.tp|.ieii Nei otoo reportctl. M.-a Quoted fm Maali '?, *n ,u? #".' PO rm- Parally M. a*. ?!.' ',.'e-'s,4 .,1, fee,- 1 lem Hju-B; anl le. - uM lb f..r Kxtrt I l, 1." ll.-.J.i-' uuietaea uoniln.uly niuiuinisi. city Kxtta [edit Boat, -I. a0? ?IS nu. "r inn Mt as bela.. *l- u. PaCUct, Bl I ''e;.l'JisS in bhis Fantdy Mes*. . 10 a tli o> ... .m-.i-K iiamo? Iii bub' il.-iii.inn ... .-. s 1. . Cl I .Ml.ALS? lin cs rule 11; rn.'ut lie luovninont la ll'ht Ile Sled Mio-ibl nis i|iiieicil t'ael -lt'.; .-.'lej.etl Hboilldert, .'e-'e'lC.. t'.C.ntl durna, -',,;?'-.-.. Hawked ??. ? 1 .Mrnni.K- nat i'm! uutban ei lu price, l-oas t'.-.i in pew-York-pstaal ile-, f.,I ileatertl ilci.vt-lf : I ona I n.!.'. ? ?'. e. ^bert ' 5.M0C l.llr.^-Kle Uni-, ililli to ale alt | la ea. Wilna inthlcr te- .can il City lleety to I l-tril. 5-iU.V LAUD lie nial.el hud il V T. dill. In.:. tteel.iV. TlCl ht teni'., l- IHt'nr Ue trish I nea tb clr-nil 1 c.niple of pomtt, auilileis d wael C.i'tract tirade, el .,'.c *-aie^ ' ut. tte arrive st u..ioc , cutt and fr .'lab 1 Febntrv eloeiaa B.S7ej ?_.'.o< tc,. Maret., u a .,>..;.- ? closius .oi-fA.. i.twi tere Anni. > .4 1,. ? .1 ic. Ce.-iein . 0.tO.Att i.TeO Vet Met. -. .'11,111 Mc. cln-itirr lela.:.. 1.- I.VM tea. Jui-e, ii .,* j -...-.'i. t'l.isitit: e . ., u ft-c. 1 tty -t-.un weiker. --ana, _1H lc* ei'.'.u ,.,.,? K-ila d COBtlBCflt, c., tut! r-Olllii, :." Ul I I I-.. . i'i. I.' l-l .I'd EUUB wilt Ided ehanse. and quiet, tri* Cl 1.1: Ki.-rn fn-amrr, r.,u .-c.. Me tern Cres ie ry. l--?r bc -, Klfiadat, *le.i Ma'?^ I'airv hatl-tlrsiu tuba 1 a i7c. M eaten Isct-ry. Hw :i'i.. Iiiiimtiou vre-iiieiy, -.'??; :7v W.-afi ni Ualiy. l-'W 1-. ...fill.I:-I- Miali., 7.; l.'V 1 -kims. b*sitT:\ \\ eat tu Hal. i?J*?e. KOOS Mat, 'Sit tl t-alcrn. '--*-, -I auutiiciu, 'Hu ...'., l.iinctl Btate, l-Ol-'_ , no. Wea.era, ? r-l'tiAit?Kaw w.jiht?her; Fair lt-miui;. b\,ib T*lCa> an ! -onie tb ni. 11 ll c is at) :o.v ai this ctJt tc ii-tii .1 nnw be ein et .-.I rn vi w -i uln w'.ic'i wen bm s eaterdai ?> aojte lu,. Hie 1 lana ol I ra. il nt 'lift ? V CCBtM ?_ .1 o* ? li le at ti ae quoted Bl Sc. c t I tait. t. vc. t i-ti lu-:. .'-e. Cjbes, tl "N. * ti 11 ldc; Poweend, o\t.,,.-. drannUi u. ii'..,- Mt.ure A'' les,' ; 1 u!ifec!lu_tla' "A," 'e-i. S .u.lartl -A.'. Gilt!:-.. I'fl "A.' tv','. 1 Le !t'?-; V, Int.) I.Mra "tl" SApU .. 1: lc ixtra' 1," 5.'I.'Sc, c. b*s,iJ',c. . Yellow, 4 .. ..e.- 'I. -11 aiiink-I'.iit'.ir.i nuni illyiitit-ii.iTi-c.1. CM7aaaan at n>t *.al Diet.maresi lin- at \c rALLOM Ililli t.a mun ?r leas Baal I'nuie ci?r t|Uotc\; . Hi.: i I 1' c. _ LIVE r-TiiilC HABKETI hy rr.i.r. sitAi'ir. li.'. in-T'i* Benaan fnaratti rci.-u ''4'-/?? p,,,.!,,,,..,)',,.,, ?.: nipaee *. r.oosn4 *J??"*fn Kl, 11. ,.,!_? -ile, a t.n'i.,ii.e<.i -a 'ia .., 1 ,* t.cri. ?_ .? 'd^.doL.aiibUi-ii fl BiBBA tai nu.*. R 75 ";.,',.;)- Ile, emit S.aO* BklSStsoSt Mt 11 "lrirnei MMp ,l,.ui. an. Mi-en *?' f '"- '.-, '*' *"'- ?'" ^.ooiUB. il, ?,,i.n l..?l.r.*-t '? ??-?' ll) -"um ti U0?M I ? sVe-e-ln-.I'llll .'!?' llO-l'l- ??s.UlUllei.l* I -'ll le.l I | IIl?S?t uivO-U. ._*l..n.'..-.-.;..--UOw,l...lUla,.IS. B4tiei*v>e<?: naaiia. t8oo?i-e.t'. ll.KA.i. 1 eb. 1 i-rariC?Keeeil.isni-Vlf 1 _,io lit ? I. loUl 1 for wen mua tariM ? kant mt aa. n. ? e-n,- wen, 0 IM head citiai-iuxl ell sam I'J c..U.i-111'.l to .NtW Ye.rte : un ll-et ?? tee.'. Sturm-itec-net- t's'Vir. AMS head t"io* fur weet trnja 'ar. .' j ,,. *.' f..i, tat 11 ii- un ???.-.? 1 l.'i n bt. d C'.iiattuea Her., .cn. 1. eur* eira ta N.-.fror* I < n.-nOB lo Cir s -,.- -i gi boan 001 < boice to Ki t-, ?i be-a tb bo-, im- ht eini 11 ut tir'u : verv lew ben mi ead. //..l-BacttBtt bkdov. CA !bn,'Ml t,i'al mr ?eya* 'luis tar. a ii..j o bea* tar mo' tlm< Uet -v-en. sJ.lnO netti 1 coy acned ftreaaa wt cnn ?-*.? M Kea.Yen ?"*,'*** ate .'V- with ttir eic. aud 1 *ioikir*. *l ??'**?' -*? ? t.. eel io . nnico SI -*l*?.4o. ie v extras brought 14 4m M..anea. BtAbJiAbO. Uo llvaty bte, liga .*aa 1 Uiiiit,t'.ii-jd$k iu. who. being obie, like bim, to sain abundance of goM by producion salable works, would hive thut theme-tves up in tue rece.eacs e,f Ute ?>;icr,i llmtso diirluir many years for lett then lOO.OOti francs. We re<rel all tho uiure tu it ibis abnegation baa not had f.?r i ? meeaspeaoa thc ena* tlnn of Ibo ni-iaterieleee which tho critics who hold to considering Baudry as tim rnprca.-niative of grout paint In^ may ciuulousiy glorlfv." The London World anya; "[ hear the great dtllicuity about thc alteration of thc Millah, pict.ires hus been solved. Mutt af tho canvases un which the painter Worked, without authority of thelresmen, have beeu re? stored te, tholr original condilli, t. Tim newer color hn* be-en i-etiioved, satisfactorily let ae hope, although lt teems more than probabletliiltliesiirraofshaveeitlteiitrJ lu any cate, the luvNh addillnit of varnish tu tbo plc. ures will not luvarlably please their proprietors." THE SIS DAV I HI EC XE. In Tiie Sunday Thibcsk ot jreatatda? "0. V. 8," wrote of tho opening of PBrliaaaot by tho Queen) regular eirre^poodeBta told t?f baaoroai pbaeee of life ai Constantinople, pms mal and th< ntricai almira nt Paris, and two southern Beoatoi at WaahiOegtoni "A Dry Bread Care" in Biloela, M Odd Bidee of Life in Rio," "A Btraage Woman" and w Magaatno'a Little Girl" wen other Lntereat tng .ettore; Long Odda" waa a faeeinating tala of adventure'; Topics in LeadidR (.'Hies. 1'ulpit aad Pew, Tbey Talk a Bit aod Pan On, Goastp Aboai tim Blage, Current Anecdotes, Training Btate Troopa, and lim Vote tm Temperance Ulled maaj readable columns, gad ihi re was a detailed reriesr wiih copious extracts of Lieatenant Greely's uar lutive di' Arctic servile. Important news tooted were ms follows i F.ii'.iritiv. Leicester striken dispersed bj police ? Duel between kl. Clemenceau aod M. l?u \li(-iin averted. \ treaty nf peace to be signed byBcrvia.: Opinions of tba English ut et.-i.i...-is concerning thc Dilke scandal. iiosOAPBB. I lu- House in sesaion, : Clerks and salaries, : Compulsory pilotage. 11 ?" lim- on wnrk- nf un. - : Report of tba Poet* tiiiis'ii-' Ieneral, I ?" "ii *-n< . r.t.stnti slmoat cut off by a flood from Communication with tbe rest of the country. z__t_z_ l-m. nsive- damage done b) hiuti water and tee gorges ti tin- Mohawk, bnsquohanna, Miasiesippi itmi Missouri Biron. Attempt to hann a young woman In Illinois, Proieaeor l"uoiup Mtm lecturing on Protection and ProfNsor Dana jectnrlng on Evolution at Yule.-- :Tbe bearing in Un-1ibm of t minty Clerk Dalton pontooned al Columbua, Ohia Teatimony as to election frauds .it Cincinnati. City am> Buburba*.?Funeral of General Han* cock ut Trinity Church. : .lames W. Poanay tbe principal witness in tba Broadway investiga? tion. - _ r Decision in favor of Waroor and Work ? Deeirona of ebangiug the Central l'.irk Menagerie. = .-. A inti I ehaaed in tbe Bowery. _-=_*_-_ Hie Excise investigation close tl. A lintlj-.- damaged by lea. i . . A woman abut by ber bnaband.-Death of Winchester Britton, (ioiei vain"..I tin-legal-tenderailver dollar (412*] grama!, 76.92 eenie. : Stocks active at advancing liuur.-^, closing strong. Copien may Mill be had at tin-nrticc or by mail. Prue;.eentai QRAIN ARD PRODUCE BAREET8. RATUBBa OP VBW-TOKK DE AM VG.. Thc week at the Produce Exchange dosed on .-'iturJ.iy willi tlull uud uiicviriitful markets. Bpeea* lat un wim rauie all around and ttie dealings In cash lou wore on a narrow stale. Kxports tonk only 5,300 bushels of wheat and ?o,uO'? bushels of cuni. Cindi wheat wu* a ulindi- weaker but ibo clone was Heady, Ihe- option . ranged within trivial Hu.un .ind ended linn bat aaohaagad for Febreary at 01 aad Marou at di1-.'. ami *-i! *t cent better for Hie otnor months an follow* : April92VMar9414, laaa '.fi**. July D5*j cent* aad December gi 'Kt*!). In corn, raab So. :i was .\,,-eiit lower but the other giadee wen unchanged. Tbe options, lu au ll trading, rene *gt U cent iiiiil eloeed linn at the top tl.tir. n at b:i\ for icliruary. BOh for ll tire li. 60 for April,and 40cenufor Mar. Cash oatn yielded >..,'?_ cent nut eloeed ateaity. i'tie options wero Irreitular, february ending unchanged at 3Blfc and March, April, und May >_ ,1 ls cent blaber ut 37^ ceata Lard oiitt.ins were- n siinde l..vvi-r, fluril qUOtatlOB* being: Mareil ...'. 86. April |d PA, May $.> t9, June *}t> 96, July $0 03, AtlgUSt Tie 70, The neetpta of (tain at {few-York, 1 htladelphla, IttilTlni'.rrt and Boston on batuiuay wera an fol Iowa: wiieat. 15,007 bushels; cora, H7..t;-_ bushels, e.i'*, 96,240 I llshel.s; tnt il grain. 187,828 luisliela ; fleeitr 20,101 barrets. At Chicago. Mtlwaahee r.n 1 Bt I.e.als tin-.irrivnln were: \\ heit, IJ.Uri bushels; carn, 320.732 bushel* | nats, 13-1,..D0 .uthela , total grain, 490,401 bnabels; fluur,21,591 barrels. - ? ? THK TRADE IN CHICAGO. CHICAOO, Fell, ll Spiced .?The Cold snap u to long delayed thal seders o' wheat ure gaining cour? age. The May option opened reeterday at ftteeata aad fur the tlrst Uuiir dui met du aay better. There aaa mora ttl .peculate en tu p..nt sad cm, aad i.utb erowda vere a trifle clotted. David Dow's New-York eorwer aeted n 11 Utile nu tUe. local temper. M.ty cum noi.t at -t<. -^ cent-. ly after theopening then wen oaly IO.0O0 h 1 e_r s. ii the yerda ana pneee wera lOeeota higher there. Thli made p>Ci timi. Privileges la Min.a ie 1 .. night within, i* tent or tho market mid yet the Hue ttl ttrurin to ? day wero no Barrow thil ih.. purchaser* of them made nothing oat ef them The duct-...itu.ii In wheat we* withing '-_? oem elldey long rschwarU M Duppee were large buyers and ?o were 1 eft conge tun. M.*; po rh touched 41 centa Pork re,...11 lo eenie a barrel, thousand h"_s m..; i.e. 11 is expeoted,all thal alli b' needed hythe hourn.* un lesa the temperature talla " Putt" 1 wheal to-nlghl ?".'! st st's I -1\ couta : " < n..s " .it ?-..-. e. m*. rhe receipts lo-daj wer? 50 earn ot wheal ifni, ot turn ; l36ofoaU, sod 10,000 bend of hog*, TUE PRTROLRl ll IIAEKET. I.nst wick tin.' statements for January of the pipe .in.-s were published. Here ere tbe ttgur tofthe n,ii intusit Company; <;rm? smouut of fluid, iii.- 6,831 barnie; (ellmeal and sarplua (allowsnce ror waste matter) aocount, 2.963,787; tnt itoeh of' nil. 31,893,044 j cert I licit cs out standing, 27,567.042; ondit balaucee, 1,326,002; reeelpta, 1,534,864, dallrertee, 1,702,008; exce^n ilcllvencs, 227,124 hernia The Ti,le--tenter Pipe Ltne'i report ls ?? lol lo w? i t.r..-s amounl .-r fluid, 1,403,283 bsmls; sediment sod surplus, Vdi.UH'A; net Muck oil, 1,330,300; oertlIlcutes outstanding, ->r:i.......r credit balauce*. 451,300; reoeiptt, 185,254; deliveries, 194,781; oxoesa delirertes, 9,527 barrcla Comblulug the two noorla, then la ebowu a decilue iu mt stocks trout December last of 249.21 i a tola, nil repr sauted lu a r.iii.iik* oil ol uulttuilellug e einiicnich, the cretin ti.: ai.t'.-s showing a ellgbt uuin. Compared with January, ls85, the statements ol lum month record a decrease n in-i mee. k- nf ue.ii iy 3,400,000 ban .-. while the i soe ss of deiiTerlea otrer pipe Hue runs waa mon than d the excess chown lu January ,i year aga Compared with liec.-uiii.-r, leal mouth's ii-'ure-n scon a slightly greeter r tiling eui in deliveries thou In runs, bul t . i ter Milli in.; behind the deliveries. I i um annexed Utile ls given the pipe line reports for tho lam two mouth* .inti fur' .I.i;iii.try il year a.'o . M I.midi Vf Jan. I--*.. Dee, H-J. .1.111. 1896 I,hi* I nain, (.r.e.. at tl Hui.I . - , - ntl.itu.,.4 in rnl.rn.ill Heil, and nurptai 'l,b7A.iibl i,,0'10 ...:>? o Ne- liter, h mt . leotll '..a i AA. iT-.-'.s.i i . rl.ii. al- . .. u t og -Si >i....J lW.74t.U31 28.4lti.lli2 i r.tin 1' i? .. e. ii.I . i.Tio,bbi 4,777.30*; Ur, e lelM . 1.074.1123 1 *ilj7. j(H 17. Dellverle* .1, 00,-H - S*,U4,*-15 1, ? 8, HO Kt. ch deliveries ? U6JW5 S47.307 Muli cowper sens bb Ihe ?beva cull fur uu rommeot ami oiii|uiasi/.e Un- folly ol pro lui i-i? in reohieesly eudeevot* nu; to iiieiciist) ihe vii ul ol .i ni i petroleum at iii.- ex pe um of market pr lue* The eeuaelesaooei of tlmtruie Iii giving bp to in .ir leane, aueh us the oue winch in.w eoBtroli ?peoulstlou, k,.uni) ni the opening nt new ileitis or supply, nectii bo better elncldatinu than Ib given by a glance beek io August, 1884, when pipe lim. -incus reached then maximum. Within eighteen months overflveand throe-quartan mlUloneof barnie of oil above ground have been consumed. Appended ls a of the January nport with that of August, 1864 : N T .1 T. V., I.bis -Pl trait. AUB., 1881 .lan. 1886 < .rt-?_-. ??? iir..sita:n- iluld -.11 "7 :."? ;tn..i.n.l u lie-'lH snl. aim nurjetut i.Pol.l-li 3,0)18,770 Ina 1 '.. A.' Kel iuVji ide oil 'AH. ?*.-..-lt: 98.2.3,341 Doc ..-'-..t t'erufl'aoutatd'g..31,222.038 --.-Ut}.ni. Deo. 2,7iii.v08 licit hn. Ul. es ;., H.leJ.iU 4,777.302 bec -. a lleeeipm. -J.-Oi.-lte 1.7 ?jo. ir.7 1 .-,-. rr; ll Dcllveru-n l,?.P,8 il l,B.8,7n t l.e'C. ? H, lt. . ?s.i]..||icin-*. ?l,4?7 -: f,t).j'J Inc. ;.l*,i'ai> 'Kaxeas reeelpta Aiihoiigh lem tbaa two weeks of this itiontu bare passed the pip* line dalli reports -imw nu excess nf ele ltverle. over runn of than 20,000 barnie a Bay (j'jo.iioti barrels lu the mus*). To Febrnarv 11 Ute runs have averaged 51,51*2 barrels, again at 58,186 i-urn-u in January, 83,270 baird* lu iK-cembcr, ims... 54,097 b.tireis in ivniiiiirv, 1885, and tiT.t.Ts bernis Iii Peb luaiy, lVsl. Thc Jellly iive-iiig- of the ililli cries bal been 71.020 bernis, against 00^183 bernis ins; month, 70,580 i.arnun in D-eemher, 1885, 08/218 barnie In r'ebruary, 1686, aad 59,422 biinolsiu Pebruarr. 1884. The chanel a averaiti' now 1 J,!??*_; bu reis, agaluet 38,178 barnie in January,40,302 bernis lu December, 1885, .:..'.)ti(l liurreln lu 1'chru .ry, 1885. and 25,320 i> mala In let.runty, 1884. The pipe Hue ngaree from-february l to 11 (oliurtern lo Hie I2tb) nie aa annexed : lien linus. Deliveries. DeUrerlee. Chfrtere lotitlbirrels . &.tl.5nl? ,s7.^ia li -.:???-? ftliVSItl Average per day.... BlJirJ 7i."Jti 20,e28 42.V8-J Mn much raeea haa beea larreudend to ti.e latenet u.-r t-oiu]iitrineiiiH givaa iit' Hutt uotniiient on last vteeiVn c-?rinlcate ipeeulat on nt ceetarlly mual ne brier. An a matter of fact lt would need Utile desscrlptinti lu hu> t vi nt. Tho market Val umler tho control nf tbe bears, and ea a ileum loliiine ot business up to Ihiir-.lin liam -.;.* ii gradual nhrlnkniio in price from *'lltA^lSt cents to 7fl collin, ttie lowest prloe t..ti. ri.-tl williiu rt the BC* eeatrielitea of oil speeulutlon must tiutile any dos. pre? diction, hutu Buy be worth nmembertui timi lasi yeer thc lowest prices wiTu sciire-l tn tlie tlrst two iitoiithf. ht.irtlng with february ut 73.IV coins nt thu atti .li? fer thal month, tim monthly average price ihsu ruled u? follows : Mun h, BO HO reata; April, 78.94 ; May, 70.28 ; June, 82.25: July,06.40j Auku-i, 100.42; Beptember, 100.82; Oetoher, lt'."..j;t tent.. Tue ur^ thut now seems to influence traders t? l|", ai of other eii-iumits is thal tin ja eau be no bull itiatket whim prospectlog t* carr,eel on at its ptBMBt rate and tli'.lf Ihe null - ?i I-1* ginwiiK,' W.ishli.gtoiiC*uii:.t.v uni Kmie delda arc not lin,t iieliued. Il iti u noiiroo ol w'undei- that altar iicot laoee in vain.* or 37 Hi eeuta within abool four moatoa producers Should conti, no U, push Ibo drill without o.Uer pulley Ihan tiiat sf Buding ..s iiiucii oil ns ronilile. The cert,Mette marget aaa mun .punt rn laa lust t".o days ol taut week, and the covering of sl.ort ?BOW MNI lo