OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 15, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1886-02-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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Mr. vcat in tide glne atteeasee us a aeatenee wnin
PD)' olio tau Se-; ut av lam tr is l-eife-illy lunn canaled wi ti
truth. ___________?______^?_________
CHA 1 7\ THE tl fr.
Tho iiatiiicr lu -whic'i nmn become ri'li in tin
far West ta illu..ti-uiei! lu the m-e of A. M. Cam on, tli
Imtiker ut spokane Knlls, Waohiugtea Territory. Ii
t-battiiii: erlib nie peeaaedaf ho told mc thai tweet;
yean aaa ba haacht a gnnrtor aeetlea of lund aearth
fAwaaat waa at apokaaa, tor which in. pnid atom $4<k
"Within twa, 01 three yean 160.000 has boob offered bli
tor , f'.uitri of lt. Whoo be went into the eoaatry wit
his first Moah nf goods rind the first st'ecli thut lind eve
bron takea thara tba trading wus prlaeipally wltttk
liullaiis. tin cuniplaliie-.l to i:u. that, whereas In hi
early dnya rn Bp thane he gol 7f> and inn per rent piniit
the inuri'ii leatl grade illy none dowe until now he coule
emly make 2& par ooah I asked him aboat tba rata a
Interest BB bank loans. Htid ho told me that he hud l.eci
gallina 9 per aantamoatk <.n short time lanae ant)
within two or three year-. Tho rate ls now li,, pe
eeat, ile- is ubi'* io Dorran money in Uaw*York on fort;
years' tune at f, pc. teat
General Olaton B, ptah is active in theeharehe_i
kaaatoa arorkel *he MotbodJete la thia etty. 1 here
Mm aay tha other dpi- thai ba bad baan recently to 1
nie rtiiitr eif ilise (.iiiente-t! paw\ lc, lui.I somoa h.re- BB th
Weet SM* Ha wnn aa old aad rusty oven ot mci
eio,1,-ii hal iu ardor aol iee iee- ronopteeooa Tiie argnmeo
of tli- aa-ak.ts was that wane workers wore tu.
properly treaded and thal they contd ?ret propot tren;
?eatonly by rafaama to work at all. toe apenbe
mada tbi reeeni .cit."." lu frelabl ratea a subject o
talk. I'.- -.t rn a man, Oeneral Ptah siid. of toe praaoso
und eommnadtng moaner. He deelared tiiat the nd
Vinci in *? ei_-.it v.is to prohl luonopolts.s, llTlBgll
l.t.nt 11-'.eft:- fi-.,: 1:.-, wno ti ul nu care thst the mis- weak
ina He ihepnoeof door aad ll provisions higher tn tb
petter. Uadenoaaeed aeTeral aiilionairaebyaame,aa<
toallyaaM Nial ll he nai backed by any Bamber c
t'leiae |iri'? nt lie vt aa reilly In go ap un Fifth-live, nm
h mt; un- man wno wis iim 1 iu.f ofieiuier. General Fi-1
?weill u t tv tlat s a.-o Wltb .1 1 a..ic. man on a tiny 's roun.
ttrongh the Baal side-, below Ponrteentt-ot., and in tim
time c.i.n.- uins- perenna spanking forty-three diticicn
lun-'iiri.f- ini dlaleota
1 naked -i ; l'terniiient ele rc vin tin what should he don
to iii,ike lot ul Amelie.ills of t'jese people an.l lu* l?| I ad
"Trie- 1 ii rr-Man:/ ill.iu ill the lil .asea won ,1 ito lu.-rr t
In-urtt good gorers men t than all tba la wa thal Cougrei
? tb! i'-s lu il hundred )e;,ls. 'lb
ahnrchra havo bann alrlnn alma te. iin-so p. apia whei
they abonld bare beea ministering le tin ir tplritua
? .1 ney h.tvr-oula, rathitr Uian for Ihei
tempo 1 welfare beean**-they tra mortal uieo."
Ml. Iv u_r. Ol III ? rue ch .ri -' .11 ulU t" . tv ile 1 ls lirfi
int: - .:* ? 'i'.r ilill lo r- ;p et nt i: dirtied Uommiatlonc
O'Douoell, told loe yoal rday thal h- hollered the Quv
,1 r ti eroonwll) makio the appointment. ?? I wa
cn ainu ec .if the tomtit ie-." be - dd, " which atoned ii
four veera aao to atop the .liver- mi .>? fr- in ht un ler iii
pom. bj ri.rebauts tv.-rc so badi]
treated, dr. O'Doouetl waa the erne man un Ihe cnn
iiiiasioi, wno appreciate 1 tn,- tltantioa lally und al one
turued in lo I a lp us. iii.il is way we arr so Btrongiy ll
iiisfi-"! nw. (Jura nor Hill'sc 0 ce ie,r the place,
ni leraland, waa bli partner, W. 1* Maller, of Elmira
Wittie 1 lew days. Huller baa anuoanoed that be - 0
11 lamil .lt*. I think Ibat luiilc.iles iii.il Ihe tinvcrii-i
knowa O'Hon pel I ia the ? .. nan ha ran appoint \t,i
cu. tn ce 11 hr med, .1111 I t link be wt 1 eppoim fa at "
? ? SMSMAA ."?' ::? I IR OR THE T.ll'AI F.
l'iiii_rn-.-.-iii.in Burleigh, of Whitehall, wini i
lntbecttyonbaalueas.it largely Interco lo tl lu tue lute
ber trade, nod eonaequently keepa these natch of th
lar-t: ur-. - iit.-uts in Comer a.. Ha Waa Baked yeal erda;
ll , tani! ulil would !?!? p loood nt una oeeolon it ile t replli -I
??liur will be a bin reported wilbla lea dapa I do bo
behereli will bo parnell. I think that Speaker Cttrltala'
inti - exerted to thai ead. lie is a i-.n-in
811 >l Ce>..-". V.tl. Vf ,,1| 1 ,,'e I ,.,.|-.l,||- 1 lllllll- .ll le,Ut t ll"' ll"*
i In I - I ri ? t a I llb willi I.nu lin
week and lound that ho ie oppoaed ta nay meat
vf. i, i. ... r.y .lisiurie ur lui ire tlio ueneral ha-i mu
th.-c.un. ny. Be lo Bannaa. too. oa wiitt is ie,-. ,-.,i bl
j.artj i. I loet let tin k ll wloa to jiass a tnrii bill I I
ii- .- bas u controlling 1 tl e n.-.- wnn alt porty and t - li
poaiiiou t i pren at aay extreme ci-, itloa, wu.ch bc i.
diopoeed to ilo. !!?? bu noa thc reaper
uf Hu Bepublrcaii membera of c
by bia fa air, I have ne i r teei
n fait-i ,n ri ni th.it p..-mon. IU- baa ajodirl.i a 13
t'seui in.-. ..elis oerer flurried He arid alana and loki
the .s- a. i. ..t tin. ria Ka -1 iiii-iiit>.-i' by tko half hour Ol
boar witi ' ii linn ii.- .. mu- I.-nf hi, f.u-e- or beiraylui
th, -lintiest I pt' .ee.."
-?iv,. 1 abool the New-York Senator*! ,;?'''
??I; na 1* though Worner Milder wonld herr
eleete 1. rilera ls bo noe oppos d .. hun arba ins bu]
eimc'th. ll s.en-ii tau not oo ui pr te Willi liliu."
?? Huh ii..,,11 I) iVeUpO 1."
"He told me within a n eh that ba bi ant aeandldatt
an I ti.a- :. - it in fat-ai of Miller."
?? Hal yo 1 *--en any Pr s !? ntial drif! vet t"
MI do nm ..?'!?? ve ;.:.?;??? nil! be mt poelllra drift foi
anv on- until aller the clociloni Mit* fail. We -
j. . : ,-,i 1. too wurr.- vi" -ti', I. ll 1- 1...I -... rr' in
that th" 1 11 xt llu.i? e,f I:.-).;"-'nt.i'.vrs will li I bare
Bepubllean i..iij..iUy. 1 b Here uiy--!f that ur \iii
Barri'lt. rbeu the Pi aid ntial oaaaidatea will begin lt
derelop In earnest."
Cha?inci'v Andrewa, theuuonuMterol Younga
t a. Obi '. whe aaa .1 dalogata lo the bal Kallona
lle-p il.iie-ati ('unve-utieiii, is in t i'i city. Be was oaket
yraiorday bj a Tbibpbb reporter ahem teio attoatlooa
l ...umi. s, :uie| rejelle- 1 :
?* llieie 1- a tro.eel ele.tl Of .1 IliU'lello t.il-re, bat Of OBI
thinir tin-re is mi mietaha. The Iranda ai Olneina ai war
larrikin. Tho bottom fnete abont thom may aerercomi
out, hui the people of tho Stale know pretty \? eil nba
occurri'd here- tn Bgeaeral way, BBd that fact will muk
Oiiio mi idiy-liepiiblii ,in for h11 tiine. The InleraaU ..
tte Wata are ao Import aai thal ibo people alli acre
ct.iiae-i't u, ot their c..an..1 paao imo the baBdt nf i
party ol i...i.ot-iiox otnffei -. i Bo t.t--i poi i eef u,r i>.,,, .
ara u- party eondamua the frau la as aeveiely a- tte p ib
lu. tnt., bal it ts uu v ? e la lie au 'ratio coonoom."
*? What .,!..,in ibe Payne inreoUnatloa I "
" i in- com,h. t tt-o .a wallia* for Coiouel !>?>?: rivi li te
artier up. A member "I tin committee lum mr |ual li
lora I P it Ohio tbat tbey bad struck ll rteb. lhere tt,.
Oeellll- fl-.ll Ilia llellitt ill li.ell Ill-ell ' ll Xeil ' Willie lui, ll
Bea York aad noald bo) leanly, nut be kaya thal ht
propooea t.. t<-ii nu ba kuowa aa soon as be, is wml enoogl
to to before tho committee."
The following arc the rabaoriotiODa tims fai
m.i,ic to the "liane..ek Memorial iu..ii," mr the i?-uifii
Of Mrs. lliuicock, Wk oat i.uiy Income ls the paaaton al
lott lenee nf BRO tt month, irivcii lev the tlevei iiuicnt:
Seanaw.t-hitit.ri .uti lamooA Ber/mam.... MM
A J rtrrXrl. 1.000 ll .: i.e reta
J. I',e-. [.e,i,l a..re...i,_ j, i.i j h eeel'Te- Iv. Lulu . _-..<
J.e-eip), .t. Drexel ... I.tusiijohu o. i nmmma. -f>
Plvllo , Hilts v Co .... I.ut ' I.e..Il ll. J ll'-s . '?' .
"A . et. i leic rai . l.OUOlMorua B. Brown l!M
j.j. Aa,ii . i.ue.ti jmUe Samuel itnttcb
Auku-' Belmont . I.-".- 'oul . '-'.'.il
Viii lew, i. liner tb Ca 1 ' " Ben milli ll Plaid. . '-''h
Br.tt'i, mos. . ? a 1.000 H.-orv Keielms . lot!
jmdrawOornagai. l.ouo.Joteab P. robles. ... uni
I'vrus W. I l.-'l. I,..Iiuii o ch . Ill
Ii ii. Villis . I.wai;Wollar k. looker. 6
J AW -eiitrm*.n. I.u u -
.-JuooihP_lii.ee . I,.,i Total .*i? Tl_.
bam uri J. t inion . la co
'lue Independent Older u! tte Free Hons of I-rae-1 met
lo-l niKht at /.ioa Lodge, No. '.itt. BAA Bowery, .lillias
llarnurifer, P.r?t I'tnie i -i.nes i). putv Grand Healer,
dellt-i-.e.l riiloiiie- on General Hancock ami Horatio
heyiii.ur. Ceeiiiiaelliei Jo-cpn -toliu-r, Mo-rs Auieiuiiii,
Lir. Ii, La liieuciift 11 .ti.el olberaalontpoko.
PBtaPBBSOB (kulin i.i.i. os BWTTBBBUtRIA
1'lolf.tMll t 1'UlllWfli'n llllletlitllll lit lille IIII
Bwit/ei.un I at tin- t,r mel Dp ra llou-e la-t oveiim_r was
litlriieil lo with tuieriat by a lar^'e- uitdieiice. The views
Of Alpiiu so.-liery. the liike-s 11,1.1 clues alni Ihr .les. lip
tl..us of Hie hal.ila, lad Bal Hot and eli ara'l.ri-tica of tbe
Jun,.ie- ea -rc cliearly pi.snilr.l. 'I he In-tutei ranii-il bil
audle-ice with bim through the most anngerout mona*
tain petksit* ami nv r tin-liuho-t peaks of .Mont li. nu
Wlliiieilt a Itiis'tep, auiitsinr_ llu-iii ou the way willi a
runniii-coiiiinrntaiy lull of linn,or ou everything tiny
Th?' '.ii-Hciit weel <!<-? s not Will fiiir to bc a
busy tine In society. M.a. J. < o.niian DmylOB, Sits.
tjittuki- 1_ Brhlrlklla aad Ihe Mliaea Bnheeel vllleack
fire tliiii. um portlee within Hie uext few (lavs, Imt
here wnl nc no lame private halls, tew wediiiiik't uiul
even the- llanelly num. ru- reenpUotta hive- iiiaily nil
go balded mm "at bomen" Mun woii-knowa jteopio
ore on the point eef leiivuia tuvtii, tniStO for t:,i) .-.nulli,
Otliel-s to, ii].iy the nejenil navelira at U risluiiK'oli Bud
aili! oihors vt HI yian Hosi.u. Ono parly In
p.erticiil ir. start* tor the latter plane
this inornlnir to uttend tho i.n 1 glenn
ley Mr* Thuriiton Kirk Uud Lathrop this . tannin for
her ti.iiii.ii*? r. Othrn will alon go oe te Boston tram
this lilt lo attend a -I tillar eiitcitalliuiiiil irive-n em
Mt- i eadey eve-uiux hy airs. T. I* Ames leer lier aeoond
d.iiii: liter.
?*a iiiissiaii Hoaeymeon" ?ui i* niven in
Btooklvu tint et i-iuiik' Ol' ihe same amateur re,inp:.ny
thai n.ta played it frequently and eneeeaafnlly before
ot tho Madi.-uu Bqnnre lin-irie. ??ibe Mattie ami lin
liust " .. ul a.ie. luella ir. in th.- Ilramalic I.j tics of Hubert
Branning will form ibo enhjeoi "f a maalan ky m-bs
V, icki.a'ii tin- morniag ia lae Hotel Branawlek pnriora
A fa*h e.i,allie au ru nee will alao aaseinhln lu lislm tu
tba readluganf Charba Botmrta, Jr., at the Madison
hijinire- I In alni l,e-ii,eirioti ?ri,-rmeou "? rseliula -emin i "
and " 11..- -ti kr lu Ihe Pone " wiii be bis se c. tit...a.
luspcitol liyinis |. tt-ivi'd wortl lroui War?
den Kouike, <.f lii-lievu.- iluspitul, a day ot twu ax", that
Kinny Wi i-'lit, a y..uni, woman, was In tho hospital evi
denlly siille-riuK from criuiitial uiolpraollcc. He date Med
Jii-Ieclive--r-cr.re,tiit- ll" key and Crowley on Ibo case.
The girl told ihem that abo weeta few dnya ano ne Dr.
'li.roeioie K. Kluirel. ul .N.t. l.ti'.l Mxlh-aVe., |or Blllcf.
Xinget'i wife loM bar thal li -tonia cost fso, but us tim
unfurtuuate tte,mu., bnd eei.ly -j-1.i i.u, r sumo talk tbe
doctor eurced to ae-cepl that um..un t. 'Hie ilete.t.Tit
Went tn KlngafB beeuse, arroau-d him aud took lum to
Belle-vue Hospital, wh.-i-r bi- was fully Idcntillci hy Mist
Milt-lit. Kinnet Wat lucked up ol 1'ollct- lli-a.'.ep.ai'le ra.
lila wile was also aitesird. ..ti<i In au lulerrmw with
Iti-pe e lor Byrnes mane a ea,ute---mn
Klineet it 1.1ty ycart of uno; bit wife, who lt the third,
ls nfl) tit.-. 1 bey nave been married annul tttu years.
Bmlly Wright lt a wrv.uei-i.irl, aud baa been In tbe
dountry ar...in a ye ai anti a bait.
** The Flumed Knight ia coming to the front
Hindu nt turo as you aro born." told nn lule-lltarnt look
in* .nan ou ii .'ourtli-Ave. street ear yettcrday ton
oi.mn .iiie.u.
" Who lt the Humed Knlcht I" ?*hef\ the other,
M Why. mnn, where were yon In Ibe lott rrn?identlal
canvass! lt it Ulallie, ol Mai un, of course," was Ibo re?
" Oh V Waa tho rejoinder. " I tin remember now. Eui
I never wns matt on man de plume*,"
M EM OI /i.S OF 0 E X /?; ll A L ll VS TER.
UfO IRS FREi dm r.s.
|riII)M A ?ll titi. (*nnBI*SI'eiM,C.>T HF Tl'K TltlWt'Nr..]
Washingtou, Feb. 14.?Oenend Dariel Hun?
ter, wim died here recently, hat left anion* his pa?
pen elena rateable memoirs of Hie late war. Ile wu?
stationed at Togt Leoma worth, Kaaeae, dorina thc
Pim Uleatlal eampalaa which malted in the ciet-iinii af
Mr. Lincoln, atut he there became iiwnrc ufa tousji nicy
tnini-ve nt the Inauguration of the l'ri-sident-clc. t. Ile
c-untniii.teated the facts to .Mr. I.lticoln, mid was Invited
to aerempaay him ts -Taahlegtoe. for six weeks ho
spent every nUht In (he Baal llnoni nf the White Moimi-,
wiier.- ba recd veil r.-|.<>rts ir un a volaatear gaaid al 100
gentlemen from ell ports of tha Union, who wera tu Hen.ed
ahout tho -iron .ls nod the etty. Later be was In oom*
i'...ri'l ul tt.. righi elivi-1. n of Un- Armv at Boll Hun
where be *t ns wena lad. While in eommaad af Ibe De
pall.nt nf Kansas ho furnished, nu his mm rBBpeBBl*
Milty, aM to Oaaaral Hal leek wblBk wn* a. 'ka owled* d
later hy that Ucncr.il aefellnwe: "lo yent n,..io limn
.my oilier man in thia department nra wa ludobtod tot
ont anoeoM ai Kent Dnnnieon. Ia my strait for troop* to
ratafnree General Omni I appealed lo yon. Tan nnbly
and ceneronaly placed yoor r?>i-<-?*. al my disposition.
Thia enabled na to wla tha vic:..iv. Reen! re mj mott
heartfeltthanks." White te WnsbiBateana lea*raofBb*
BBBesla 1862. Oeoeral UBa ter was detailed ai p
af tbe Flt a Joba Porter eonrt-martlal, aad tte fncmis
of thal ollii-er never forgave him for performlBB hi*
iluty at that time. Rome pap n lennie 00
Hi it trial ure lu poon lon of tbe dead General's
One liirtilent lu Oaaaral Dai Lt's career bnd an lin*
portnnt bonrlnn ea ibo qneotloo ai employing colored
troopo, in te-e-i, tn tns notion tt u due ti,- armina ?r ibe
h. trre.es. While la anmmand nf Booth Carolina, Goorala
and Florida ha leaned bb order fmoina "ie sterne, and
enlisted ii regiment of fr.lama, A Berat
bowl wis reload by ibo Copperheads over
Iii it ;u t atc!, in tba BBB ipepBl s. Mr. Llccuil- wr.s node
to rc im. 11.1 ii- Iti i eui pi iva ri-v. lu- wrote to Ueneral Hoo?
ter, .taylor: "I uni iriuii lo tee the ocr oa ott of your
colored force at JaekaoariUe, i tunda. I me the eat tay
. re drtrtag ai t'u in llen-ely, ti- r* t'i lie expected, lt ls
im...nant to tin* etiiejuy Hist sue a lorna -hil no lake
- u|te and non nu i ihrivi* la tbe Sooth; bb i la pn <"* ly
the aame proportion ula Important to na that lt ehnR." The
r.'fiii.cui of catered troop, which Uoneral Hunter onron*
:7t-1 on his own ratpotis ,i a great an
bat tte-lenora! could ua Bile racot*
olseorpaj ihraoti tope, Purttinately.nl t.;i* luocttim,
Mr. v.'tpkrni-, icemb r >f tbe il ? mw tram K' Btneky, tt ka
? - a .tl. other .teiu -- i att '?. ?' ? ?- ma ei aie bad
been committed bj ;. Beroi il uu tor, inirodaeed danun*
cia tory ri'sotuttoni lo Iba Boaoe of
lieprese u lng for laformstioo *??
tn wbelhi r (ii narai .linter !i -tl or ? i
a regiment of fugtllre slaves ia nm the tuner.n re
jei'.'.l: ? .. i. -,...?? tof'lugltire stares'bas been or ls
ii.-ni_-,er_'ai,i7,-.i in tm- :-.' ? .... i i ion la, boa
ii lim-r-_i'noui of i.yii ? ate moat ra ira
fugitive i',-ii.'is?maa e b tere tbaap
pearanoe of the Uni aortas ihelr ee,\.ii and
u..ii ipjiv-ri vants ii.-ii ii i iii-m. Tbey are end arurine
V. ll li ..lilli,. 1. . lilli t ... Ilili aOd el sea?
le.ii.c i i.- i urtill of llieir
fugacious and ira ?? ?.' i-eneral limiter
iu in : uiueb inure thal was unpalatable
te. ;h ? : '? ni . . - .ile mel i . doa bis hope
to h.ne ;.ii. a rn colored u.mps organised
wittie a few woutis. Tics brought tha
?ieee:.' subteel iii '.er.- t'ei greta, wblcb then
aniliori. e.i tbe employ we il il t.leny eolored ir.... ??.
Rut i he respmooi Brat organ li ?; by u in ml linn.- i a a*
.i.-e-, irgs i v. I- inuit pay.
Tire Confederate Gorernmenl '<->i I aproclamation
Aagntl 21. I M'?, .lc . mn : luat Qeuer il Unlit, r. if t ap
lured, lie treat, d as IB OO HOW, in I til ll Ul V nf III- olil
cert e..a. fi i.-.l In arming negroet -If also captured be
likewise ext cal dnsfelnoi U Boral Hu nor remained
nudei i .is baa tei tbt clots if the war, bul betook
cttectuiii step, io protect iii* urtu ors. uno of them, nho
waa raptured, wm about to bs ea coated when fl ne ral
linnie r Imuiedl iloty seal n ttlee t ?> tuc Rebel antic: li let
thai lie wonld "atone* tels, toe! pl ice In close co flue
meat all elUseue of auylnttue.iee nithln his hoot and
tt,eui.I Immediately execute toroa of their unmber for
every tun* of bia otSeert lujurod." Ititi wat ihe laat
Ueueral Hunter h ul ?! aay .il ut ol mo rebels to
treal bis odlci i - ot om lawt
upi a I III
tr ->//' FROM I IT. OLD ll ORl D.
All ?!' I Ne.' MM V pl e.pl.e.
Pre * Br. ral ?'?? Wt A, land ir;. I
Woi.8KI.ki -I -1 ? \ 11? i* i. i. -. - I _. 111 i VVftlaeloy'a
refusal Pi pelt lees lo tbe Hera ?' .-? o ?
ll , . and t" I - ii Kl g-ei| Ann- alni lil- e.til.-a'* IM lila
lusnruta ufa., Patnck, reiueuit me- of n aiorj lu.w a
sin,I.ar exiui.i.l .ii ..f Indi ,.. , lou >? W lt ilea 11 with bi
(it-urge IV. A coi ala hut il eel Mindool wnagiTon ibo
urdet o. -u .tin in I and Bt. (leorge, md et ter tin li
V. .lilllie Ii..- Il-eli.l. .1. ' na I uf ll'M vt .1 e - 1,1 II. 1,1 li,
which be swore notting Ooilld in,lin-.' lum lo pu.
Thora ts** ou preeodeu i" inch i < e.e. -..e ,
r.iii'iiiui waa sou '" Sir William K loblou ol ft'indoor,
lour >r thal tlc Ki k''s pleat nt.rh !"? taken, lae
el e.une- it tta- ie- i neel ititi, r. ?? following ludortOOH. '.
tt il. li. George IV, iel ..-.? . " . ip Hu- .1 -.1 Iel
. this e,.un it cleared.**
Will \Isli>M.'- MOX I 'M.*.!. I uni ie iiiin.Ii.i
that over a yeer ago tba pi j i.'tactiag s tatui l<i
tin- lete Br diaries Whe i -imn-. F R \. In bis uative
el ly ,.r . .1 au- -: -r ? M ll it I e.i, j,n in lin.-al ra. . .tuniiit'. e.
. wno form.--l. timi the Wurt ii.:. n*i u lee Ur. 1 ra, of lim
I, h l School ol tri, blina 11 ii 'e...iii'- Uni man p..
ee-lll lleej.ur ? S III le.Olle sile r. ll el t? .? I . ? r. tali lee I 1 lit
Signs of Ute in tba linitt.neat Mot i*n.l-I If >? tel a
memorial In marble waa deaerred, sumiy tba perfecter
ni electric'teloarapb eommuiieni on, th ? lo roo tor of ihe
ttereoecope, anl tin- di -ct ci er ol m .ny <. t n- ? r mien! i.
i,pp.lance. Ute TU* -111 ll t e-|-.l ^ Ul lui U, UOt UtllV O.' hit O tt II
lowiisn eu. inn of the Kntion.
Di l-i.-si.i-s ai BODTHAMPTOX.?Siiuthiiiirj.
lou's fare a all lo ihe grant aaenrnlni loot thine... j
moi Ina waa ta one rai pt et a lameutibla aabibitloa ?.f
li in lel-feding, tlili'k lio i'le-'l ,e.-*.es. llile'l. etklljlieilhe-a, m..I
yanclirrie n.i .umi .el. Mr, M ty-r Loira uni tba P" ae
ll..tables made no al.owai.e.-. ,en tao fae I thal M. ele- Let
sept was no leas inuuceui.,.- Beallah tuan tbey "f I reuob.
I'hit wns I iib i on ta bte. i-rmiilrriBt tba sympathetic .t.t
mlOalOB fe lu' II O'.'' "f t Ill-Ill ell )'!-! lee-ell limit I ll kT III t."
t.irel tie tuc iiisiitlliriein y nf .Mon. et.eeu'.-, .alni .tlioo. let
for nearly lwo.mortal koora limy hue,.hauled i keir du
tlOgOIObcd bill help,ess idie-st Mitti In-avy ai lille rv of
er, e-i min i., pal.I.i moo tory, and inroclilal loploo,
Hlilcu wuu.d ii ,1 Larc liitere-sreel lu ii Iii thc s i,.iIIhsi do
Klee ev efl lt In- had I.e. ii prude !? let tu lin-Insular
veniucuar. H Hui Would ne haVtt tel oil tor
"tao bishop uinl clergy ol lbs dwooao, and
iiiiiiist.-rs ed til dan omi Ballone '' I As far ?< peet lie
I., s-.-p- WOO ron. ei in-.1, lin- nota .les UilKlit liave lee eu,
talking tU t'heectaw, nnd oneal HM party tlUellilis an.l
lei irita -nolle ns uf III. m.uti uf I blUffagoOk. I lu- pl.ici. y
llltle Ililli S e, lld lt lll'.lMIU . lie k'lljteel Slowly HI..Ililli ll
the iniariniis Basembiage witt a half Bxpreaatoti of
amuscil ctiiieiiiiy. Il- Il lad Iiis ellie,it et on the ..rms nt
i.i-chair, nod conlnmpinted ins shoe polain, Ile tool
up iiloglooo, tlppeu, put it nowa. Inmble d with ins cntr
,!? ul tt nat nu,, bo noonda! tho Oe i int ?in a ur ow n sin ,y,
| us If lilli I tm 11 lill IS Wen Wllh I lie n in ie- lia V vie* eef I "ali.hum,
ami nut willi Hie e-eeiitct Ipi talliers of .-southam
their spangles an i feotbera. Locally for M
he hui in 1...i.i Montagu " rbtti-naad eeighbor wno
spoke ii'-ne.i. Injusile-eto ibo Miutbomploa folbero,
ll must be auld thal the loacbooB ooo a mngulBeem
triumph lu the art of eookery, an i tbe wines were. %%? ? .1 thy
.,; 1 ne- '? Sh lilas " ll Was Ihe eu a le ry III .el tt as ull WI'.H..
ll ain I.hiiii li tow,-ictal.1. s next .-.. Le-r 1 al 11 a elis lu
|/li:sli"i| f.lei. mr alni *'ejiale," I tte. nil advisei llieui lo
- t Ul ll ehul-L"_
Tin-se cuni) iiniiii.il iiittt tnj4 ni tte Whits Ure i8e
cictv ut th.-('burchol Kt. Joba tbe EraaKelial vta? bald
last ni-.;lil ill that "Iiuleli, Nb 330 '.ViM l.li-ti-nlli M.
I his h..cicty wno really tha Brat orgasmed tu ft molina
te ct.ar.t^e pei*,mal perry, an , ttcu^ii umler a
ilill t-1 iii t BUM an* itt.ri.nm einiclly lin tins
purpose n year or unite belora thc present
vVliite- ('ness m..vfiufnt vmih Marted m lng
land in 1888 by tbe Biabop of Darban Aaborl
tai ?lee ttas lu l.l ia.-t infill belan the meetiag. 1 be uu
iiual rapottgare a detailed ens aai et tte growth nf
Hie. mut eiiiiiit. uiul a-lt cd for tii-mi v t" entry it on I lie
ezpwiaea lust vear wera ebb tty t. r prlatiag rea While
t rose tl..cl? ami tillie- s| ea-nu 1 :i|ie-l- tt, re pul.li-hid by
il.inaral Committee ttrangh K. I*, iiuii n, a Co;
I In ie aie BOW alu.ul BOO Ineinl.rfs in all Ua- .New-York
branches Letters ame read tram Bishop Huntlagtan
ami Hislop \\ hin bend, ol Haaaeylraaia. I? i -1,.? j, 11. c.
I'olter wns ci.lieu oil I I xpt nit. alni n.l.ll.'s-.-x tte.ie also
linnie ii> Dr, l>.H. 8t. Joba Keoaa. Jemrs MeCoanngly,
Mini,nt ol tba Minti- (ross .Society ot the Vouug
Ai uti ? l Inii-tiiiu Associatioii. aiul llcuiy ll. Wclisier.
Loessa in VABioua tlaobb,
Lynn, _laaa_i Feh, ll {Spacial-..?Tba tbat
last factory of Alleert X. (io .win, iii Mt. Vi-ruoii-t!., took
lire lu inc. engine room last ui-ihi. ibo tire aaaaawd
I.u.-,- propnrli'.ns atone Hmo ami two alarms Were
souuilod. i'he lots will liol lie uleoVi. ^',,(liK), iiivereil hy
iBtnreaite 'in- leesiTs beoMe Mr, Oodwle tiemir UTilliam
Totter md hons, nhoe mauul.ici mers ; l,eil Ke-niuy,
shoo etoOk j C.'rtlu A; silirive s. tu.uiiiii. shop; IlaiTy Y.
armory, boots m.ti abaon.
1-1 m. ski 1 Mei, K. 11 ll i.s/.ee ml,.? The bay barm of A.
(.'ia. k'iil.nsii A- Co.. In li,.ck si., ciiu.hl Dru ahutil 3
ut lex k 1 li it uieenuu. iniel I.urned io the ground. 'I lie
warelu.il.se of Whitley, 1 ashier A Kelly, adj..hiing the
bal lit tt ere- eitel COIu-lilel.elily etam.e ld. A , oUhlKlillu ni
eef I li ll,pion linette r* fur \u : 1.1.ia, lie.x.-d ready for
tbipmeni Hilt weeli, ?a? eietiroyt-d
ri leaee. Pah. u.?'ihe aie amy hniidim:. Bm i?n
last Maelisiiii-st., eewin-el by George P. Il.ireliiih-, was
damaged fM.OOO bf lie last iilskl Haifa doaee priiii
liiK tlriiit ieee U|.yllig Hie sli iiiture - n rt 1 losses silltirlem
to tuake ihe toiul ?.l.',,n"0. All are ItOly lusured.
bT. I'AUL, Minn., Teh. ll. ?A Hullo City, Montana,
di-jiitch U lite Pioneer En*s mys: Tbe Ainerlcan
iloiel, a two-sioty ira.nc hoiel lo Centerrlile, wat
burned ve-tenl ty inoriittu.. Two other balidlan we-r
bu rued an 1 another w.i< t rn do ra et stop the sproa I -
the Hames, Lots, $ 1...00U: Insurance, M,80th
iiejtci.tr; tm: ____n__t__ io make a falsk em ky i:
ihk uxi*aoog.
Tho Italian burk Idea G., Captain Gallo
ttrrlved Item y. st, r,tny from .""myrna, after a te timi
royaee of ISM BAyO, and anchored ut ipi- rantin.' uii'I
sim nut beardad by tlie health anl revenue uffleers
V. inn the revenue officer weat on beard S
ber, Captain Qa io Baked him io broken Eagiisl
wini,, he c.ul.I Hud n police ststieci. Ho wi
diraeted tn tho puttee boat Patrol, and thoa at the pa
p -I- were corn ct th- hoar.lllikT e.Ul.'rr le-rt Hie Batt
AttiT tin- r.-v-eiirn-ouitct-hal cast oil' from tte IdeeO.
signals werna.i the bork for e tee and ono qntoklj
lame ,iloiu.--litit, i,ml t ii k I ii ir her lu tow brought lier np I'
thc Atlantic Dorks in Brooklyn As soon a* th" tu.' n i
Butts fust to tin- burk cap: .in <. .e .er. ired a email trna
to he lim-i r.-.l uml manic..I. ural netti,12 'ii v. ri
tal;. 11 as!iore nt Bay Bidget l-'rotn tlore h. came .11
to Braektya nn tho cnn nnd went m tit" Bleeeatt Pre
etnot Potles .-t ellem In Van Kraut -st. Hon he rep'er. -?
that a sranMa named Dolgerro bed >*. t-ti marderad 01
ibo batt during tbe royage by the sec,,nd mata am
c.11,1; of Hie voss,.1 mni uked r.n tl.eli- arrest. Afr,
beartag tba odptaia'i torj Cantata Riley, aeomap
by Deipt uv 1 un ur and a squad of polloe, nea1
t.. Hie docks atnl Brrosted tlc* leooBd mate
I'apa Ooorgl, un.I ths eook, Theodoras Popndnltg
Ths 11.en wcr.- taken t-. Iba polios stories, where..
1: iii 1 minti, a formal charge of murder sgalosi them
Two seamen. Bpnnluondaa Pron cody and /..narla
Vail:!, wera also bob) ns wit nooses.
1 eji-iiii l,-,: 1
17,1885, for New-York with t cargo ol licorice
emery alone, We bad a mixed oran of t. inca bar
li 1 -et en I ? ? ins, 11 ie- \
Bo 'i- I lore tbe mt-t. \u went wei
until January 18, whee, while tba >hl
wss iu int. 30.li, ina 10.15, mo of 1 m
aenmnu. Baatod Delgerro. went to tho teuttlo-butl aw
look aome water tram ti with e . Tbs sea
ten.1 mate, ? ? ,,. w..r,
ebon eif freak water aad Ihai I rater ha* goo
enough fer him to wash In. Daleen* re- ti.-1 ibm ht
bad sot permiosmu from tho captain te uta lbs water
Ho then wnataod bis face and Bauds BBd bob!
After staying la tine ron .- ? 1 ibm time, bi
c un.- OB dook omi be . to
tin' male la root 1 teni - feir laterfer bi
witn hin. ile na-, ordered Iii the mate te geforwen
anil xv |. -1 ,,. i,m 1 a - e.,,,', en ram tue. 11
Forward and ? ick lbs
Wit ll BM li- a Heh Idled bim la .:. ? derk t ?
t ? 'i.i ,- ie lu, ret. nu . ilr .-iiiii:
llauOed Dnlgei ru in thc are.o.t.
i ne Ceeek. tt In, -., tl iii
* .ep ii ?lieu ;. ruo a lei te ? sn
*? rock 1 : . ibm which ki'iic .'ii lum
d.. tn. Blaine lo bis font again I rook itali
a il springingupo liomerrotn I in the tbruit,
killing lum .. "
el 1 .? strm gie 1 ran on ?'? es 1st In I the 11 in
fall. I -.I what wss id wot told
ll.ete t ...I in- III . I.lill.
. I iv Hill I '?? ' ? c, . ...
un en *y Of 1 'In Hu- lu .k. I ii
fi. ue. d nie Imo -ir- ' .1 -In an I i. ethel ll ?? et iry
a 1* nj : kui m< , ??>, I 1
t ? ni liter hy tearing t li - ?
Ita ".. lt IIB a. e.,nit ol III. ..I 'I .
th.. .11 ii... ru- tated that Ile;* rm was .!..-? 1 i.v fell?
ini el elli lille!'."
\ .a in. m t.- 1 il 1 fi the rabin the t
u 1 et. bi Bene atti ' mi try a ti in
ut tin- murder Ml ?? t.. rn 1
ihe adair a.rooka, W .??? [hs men
H.- '..eek* Um i- tt a* fen,h.1 In bis ;
, dougeraut iiHiklug dint olin a h.ad - ? ?
I .? 'ii tie -a'el th it In 1 mo blt ort
1 he maltier. As t.? 1tn.
' the in-ii olil lee lase.,, in , I -ir' lo
.I .t. W en :u !? tte I Hi.' men ?
tbt .t sui pms te, bal -.1 1 'bs li wat me 1 ,
PRETA.USG 1-n. Si j / ., ,,'\ Fl M EAL.
ihk 11 , v ro iii 1- B1ATR ?tux Moxon
Hoi I -.'..: nu 1 . vi t* vi>.
Tnt v, N. V.. 1. .. ll I I.u f np ni nf rx*
: - t m..ni alli h.- tl' . I 1. '-.' .'.>-i I
afternoon fruin Prinliy < bm ti Bishop Hun -?
wm corni ui the serrtras, winch tt .. bo siro pie. Kt
l.Ile ten ices will hs held ur ibo house aad in
I.. . -? ll 1 < e,i .1 r. will be pr v it". 1
church Bel vi.-.- :i pulu o meeting -.ii im- ii.-l-l Iii thi fl.1
douse. ai wai ri 1> Iel rein uss nil lie n ls bj
lol Kerr,an. Kills H. Huberts, William A. Ba.1. \. M.
I r.i.. .i nm ?>"! ??'. et*. 1 h ? '"' ly will lit
in H 1 ?? la the uni e.f , \ Heu tine rem's m.-'s ba is 1 int
I". ? ! J 1. ;, ? . Iv- -?? , . .1 1 ? i. r ?:?
hera ti is ifter o.ui Mr. I> rsbelmei md 1 1.- vi rr
ol itu- -s.u.r . Ihe fu 1
llVCt CO'll ll-ie t'l le.l'lt - ,|!.p.l,,'!|e'- ..
ml 1 art* of ibo i" 1 ir..
v.r I be fill ll . I Kn .re, \ c ,1
nf N'ew-1 ..li'... . ' '....'- 1
i u il ei ri, 1 ii 11 ... ul \. mj .li.. . .
ft'll lill J. U* IU. ut I .le a. ur. I I ., .1. - I
. t I.
I he .mei) im.-ut e...t .-ra-.r Seymout wil titre wit oh
I county I
lt is a h..ul ;. 1 ..i pi. r .,, nni.- mn .- n- id ?? ?
half feet long, two leei w . .e .ee..1 .... .t r. 1 e ,i luch -t
tin, k. it wi I ne laid 0.11 1 rs
tv lil bal e Ieee ?? ..ia.. ill.I 1 timi
i.,.i ? 1. ... Hey moura
? 1 I -al.I ll s 1110:11.li,e.it ? !.
Alll.M, lea. 1 l-l.uteri.or 11,1 Viii,
funeral"f Hoi Ila Be omni il 1 lina ob i ii
lug IBM City nt B-.'iB o*l ...lt. lt lias nut tl I.e. 11 do
Bided wbo will oe .po i ??? < ? re n r lt I* highly
prob ibis thai many ol t . rs will be |
itt Hi.-Iii 1.ei iii. it aexpectod l.ei i.e.v. nmr III
? 1 .1 bari add rets ai the inc uot lal
homoorronasI, ? teld alter the body hat
0 en lu ir.eu. ..- iiiii'. 1..... rn or II1.1 reeatred lbs fol
Inning dtapetrh from John 1 Hoy moan
Your lel.-j.-r em r.-< ei red. B7a li anet > ..11 fur I
terms in wblcb you tueaS nf my o e....i brother, aud
ten v., ir itu.pliny In oul bereavement, lbs funeral
service will ba Bal il 1 - I t? ? 1 ?.-,? ,11 1 \,. 1,
1 item lav. 1 e t.i toll ? ? ,.. ? . .
an. c. \ noe roe whether you will 0,010 ?aatteausd,
and a: H bal lcur.
IX (i>v;itI>-M I.N in.NM- M'CARTIIY.
Si lt At I -I, N. ... le ll. 1 J. - K \-< eell.lt RBTIiail
ami State HoBator Hem,lu Mei a IBI dst I it als lion..- lu
Hil- e ny at tl ot iteeii. I.e i,le_lil, aller an Illness nf taree
Weeks' (Ioration. TOO -eual',i's life mia il npn.ie?; ol
about a wckaga, bal ic rallied somewhat and ther*
was ne upp.neut rbuags lu ins < .en.1,. mu up tn the
iiiuiip nt af bia death. Ile was tee in- laslstod lo ?.
Hi ellice iii Ills c 01 nm..', for ell e 1 li" hui egpretOOd a
wish, when tbe exertion snouted too arneb for mm aad
... back imo toe irumol bia aile udon is ami egidrcd
linnie.Intieiv. e inly .e pm 1 mn ..r lu* family waa Witt ta III
a' Hie lillie. Ill- soli, A* eu,lilt m.il, I heimat titi.11 .1.
na au Helyn ting anv imme.ii.im .tensor, bed goan tu
.N.tt ..uk, aril lil- Ot BOC BOM was not al h..un-. Hr
I lieelh ,? l.lll'eiy. * '1,-ltl 'atv llf *-ei,.lter .1. I'.I I I ;. y. Ha?
tti t ii ii 1 iii a 11 in. 11 ai -, ns oom also Mrs. MoCarihy, Mi*.
l_morj and Miss K ito .Mci nil let.
Mr. M.-Ctriliy wes Imru la Byraeesa In 1814, lils fnilu-i
haring cuuie fm 11 Blamer Contle, Ireland, aad in*
Wittel from I'ljn Otttt Reek, M .ss His eilnc.it nih was
e.uupleie.i Hillie Onondaga A,.,tierny ami Hu- Vate*
1',,!t 1,1 1,111c st, htnil. Ill* tlr*( nu*ilies* tt,11 tlc mami?
lu, turi- ul -ait, l> il nile- wald ie.- taged iii mereantiie
nm sui sand wns the Bead ol one ol iii ? beal Uno wo aad
WrgSOl h llset III I enlrtl New-Yeirk He li ul lee 11 plo ul
neill in politics for tortj | eora in* aral,< 1 ti.-*- was thal
of Aaaomblyman, whieh tie Riled in lett, ll-wis
M11v.1i ni Byrarnae lu 1853, tod nat se-ni io Uoagrem In
I MOH, terrie there fem rears lu I *;,-, ba ? a* sleeted
to ibo biaie .-en,it.- riu, un Onoudsgn .ii-'ret feir lbs
lorin beginning ihe following .1 inuary. His repealed 1
election kept him them ten roars, aod bo 1 wearne a
pi.imlii. ni member ul that body. I..isl year tin To was
lalk of iiouiliiatiiii; him f r lintern.ir.
Viski.ani), N. J.i Feb. L4.?Commander
Koii.-ra-ii.-. McCook, U. B. M., died hors yaoterday. His
h..nut Was Hli-iiiee nvllli, Ohio, win re- lui will be burn- I.
Cntnuiatidi'r McC'iuit was bora la Obie la IBBB, catered
tin- ,\.,v,ii Ae.iiieui} iii 1854, wae with tbe Baa Jaetnio
ttl,ile- cap! 1111 ru; -lav- -hips |ust le, f.ue the \lnr, Iiml
freon 1 ???i 1 lei ISC', toeik un nc.Ive. pal lu BKgrSSBIrS
np, ih .h before .s.-srh ru, Wilmington, Char le ti oe ant
I eel I I l^lll-r. ami UH .Lillie I II tel Ile W.I S I'.l '.linns Ul. il
ll.- He nani in A.11.'.1*1, l-lil, I ut Hen.,,.I 1 .euiiieetii 1< 1 in
1-.,.,. tt.,* I.i rn rv>-' uti'.r of Un- Koursiiiie, Albany
nmi Congreaa, and then 1 oinmanded Ibo *-a?i iskei, K ni
I e? e. .1 Yaiitu-. Iii I-* Til In- hera nu 1'..ninia il I, ami Ul
IH77-'7a wns Nnrlgattm UBtaar nt the Bnmalya Mut)
William Ct Mourc, president Bf tho Hyatt National
Ita 1.1,,il leei un-a 1 iii day. lin ?us wei; known iii .V.w-Vork
liil.lliel.il I'llCll'S.
Mis. Lucretia Bllsahett Moo.ly. wife of tletinral tirati
vi. le Hood] . .Lei "ti li*1" u iry .'< al Me hom.- Bf her sun
in-I.nt, Professor iluu'ii Boyd, la Moobi Votboo, lawn.
If ra. Mead] woolnherali r-aiaih year aad abe and ber
Im-hana bad jusl ci-leuialcd their Hoi Jen W eddi ag aunl
lil Elf I* IS THE lil ISS OE A HOI SI .
l'liiiAHti rm a. Feb. 1 L?The ttme-ttorj
il w.-iiiin.' iioiitu.. Hoi l.tteUmrsnea *t, earnaled by m.
rnmtOea of wiutna Beagnrbanblec umi John H|iieje-?i
holier, fell Soddenly this aft. minni. Although teven per
min-, four of whom were ctille.reii, were- hurled in Hut
ruins, they ali mir ,callously tSCBpOd serious Injury. Mis.
Hi uk*- r <-i 1 ?- ti 1 <? r 1111.1 her four eblldrea, raagtug ia one
ll.WO to Ibu le, 11 roora, tte ,e m..re or lett tevere ly
lii)iitnl. s tt. ie ..Iso Mai ..net -p,. ve limiter aud lian)
I)..mau, u visitor.
VT A ITI ttl EOK ll TO ll I. "IV nPFB
/Vain r?? Ch,ro#e> hiter-ncrnix.
Pieeideitt?Una, it deeeoM aeem t.i me ns if
Hie o was as laauy " oileuslve partlsau* " lately at
there wera.
Lamont?Yet, Mr. Pre?l.leiit, I hare two Hve-_ni*iiel
haateli tull nf naiiiet, lull tho weather lia-, mn beea
lavoiablc feer a repeirt. At s on at the Beuatorial nar.em
tier marti "f-uled west her" fer Uu ls Ult! Ja no aili
proceed la ibo good old woy.
fFnow tnt: rtt-crtAit 0onMM_m_arr or ttii* TJtaHrBBj
I. .M.ov, Jauiinry 517.
lt ls Lard Randolph Churchill, ace..riling lo
coiniiioii licliof, who baa broagbt ahontthe aaaaa
tropho. I.terel Granville told Loni Saliabaij that
the. Qu | n's Bpeaeh read na if it had 1 aaa ttiirpered
willi. Uo wus linne ri__- t. Lord Baliabory bed i
policy. Lord Hnuilolph -sriiel h.- would reatjCB it' it
vr. rc put into th.- Queen t -peech, and ao the
laagnage of that remarkable harangue "rna sofn -d.
l'i mor ke tpa on repenting fhr.t Lor ' Bnndolph bad
prtVeif. re ,se,r,s fur ptotf-st:nu Bgftlnsl nny measure
fur governing Ireland Re wa*deeply committed
tn bit. I'iiriie'U laitt mmmer; pledged to thc lips
agni net coercion forma of it. Written rTidenea li
said in I.e in existence, nnd thia v.nit only fro
Berta tu to Im prod coed. flo, rnrh.-r tl.an aee bia
M:ni* try snlit in pieces nu th"'-vu of the ital
aaaaiofl ol the new Parliament, Lord Sellabury gare
i -ruy.
The ralstahi la probably a fatal ono. . -r .lid a
j Ministry in a minority bold anni) c rda; rat did
any Ministry whatever sn reekleealy throwthe
I frame away, Lord flalial-nry aaa* thcstati ol
I and enrol ! hare eh in ged the dcat.n ,? nf his p.irty if
I he linn li.nl tl;.- conrngenf his own opiniona, Thc
, courage ni nthf peopl 'a opinions never anawera so
areli. Mr. Oladatono, old Parliam ntary band
tlioii.'h in in-, had played his rival*' game,
pilot ballaona from Hawarden bad In.v. rod io the
-.'. ' oi_-' n.ui-.'i tn Bj fi.- al ten tlon <>i the English
people, Tln-v h ul thonghl seriont Iv "ti linnie Rule,
and ?!?."- hud prnnonnead againat it with rate
nillir.nit \- uiul Arm noaa. Tbey were nol willing to
?etnoan iii-'i Perl iraenl in I'n'.lin. l'ber were
tct n 'ling iii abandon the lovat minority iu
Iici.iti'i I Imf wera not nilling to tolerate
organ Ired and racaeeafnl reaialaaoe to tbe law
..! Un hud. Tbey wara nnt willing
t.> see Ir:-fi tenant* confiscate flu property nf
iriah landlords. Ba mneh waa doer Liberala --i".
"i "tt-' mind with Torlea on thee* points. Al'tl..*
l't.ri Minstry li d tn du waa lo annonnce in the
Queen's apeeeb ;i poltev baaed oo thia knowledge.
A declaration Bgalnat ll,.un Rule rind u demand I. r
power* tn pt H.-iiiini the Learn* end anliatitn'e order
for atri'chv 111 I re lu ll 11 tVt.'rl.l il I must e. 1 t a te Iv have*
e- tired a Parlinm*ntorj majority, li t hail nn| it
' i have given l..eiel Salisbury solid foundation
j I-., an iiDpeal loth.miry, and ovary taopeofa
.ll ll, Il IP W lintis.' .ll ('..lill
li" st ipped half nay down
,- elf for Ibe la-?-? dat re Hi ion s the tunda
H'm t il I nv of tbe Kingdom. Bul insloed ol n plain
statement nf i'i- Ima eonditloi oflralond
demand fur powers to deal with if. he i ?A
n n ? tentin gem ;.. Ha wonld .-* foi powen
hy and bj if Mr. VV. II. Knuth li "i'd I lin ' i "
.1. Mi. VV. li. Smith waa t" ko to lr la
t'l.,e-r *-?-.? r-trirv in ? ireh of a .policy. Nobodi
I'ece'ved by Ibis tr*.i*p?renl subterfuge, and the
I'm! ui neilin ry opportunity vt ns I emt.
I.. .!?? ,. ...i t... Ad Ire i in a 'Less by the
?? in repiv to the Queen's si.*?? leal i
. .a\ I ... !'..? ' . mi. lt was given out.
r.itlu r ostentation ly, thal Mr. Gladstone would
move im ui ' Ha ra tl e, however and
iwi ii ail the partieul .t scUi a
Home Rnle Imputed lo him, he did not disavow
Homo l.'iiie*. ll I an appeal ..? Ihe
lt n .- of th" Ha I lei chet red bin
I ir..111 .-nd to end, and wheu he s.it down it wa
mee hail hmm [aid. No
terns vt. r. tilted, no proposals wad , butagixid
is .'.t,il.|is'i.-.i. Mr. Parnell, tl, ?
.-s e,f men, graspod ibe hand wbieb Mr.
tone held oul li the Irish question ls to lie
? '? Irish l>- i.l- . t. > re?
is reason to !.<>-t - il i..:i\ be settled to the satlsfsc
? ? ? ? '? went
Mr. Gladstone bia format aacend*
,in ? -i tba H.iti-'. and thal bold ob biaowi
,r., es dm ina ' hi n re - had -
ile weaki .-??! Ile- spell nf the magician had nn
? rs fare*; he wn* -till the Grand <>ld Maa,
whose pe. w-i-r I u I indi*, tinalitr dwai fed all othi
i in L'lstei lories h.-. .mn- alarmed and indignant, i
11.- r.- waa ? st.univ scene al thc ' Briton. The Tor*
r raged. .\.-t os ol amendments
? a-- ii,!? neil, tl; one waa actually pal on tbe
pn orr, net bj an Ulster man either, t\f the ? inti l
ine-iiis moved by i si tei Bannah,
? ? leann! farm ra, Vnith r waa deemed
<i .iit'i-t.Mis. Uni indi ia i fur i rv, and Lord 1 lu fieri n,
< nhoanneiml lt, a Liberal Viceroy, Mr. Gledatone
s.-t irs fool un Mi. Hunter's rriticiem. Mr.
ty's appeal ? tber farmere wes fell t.t
Mle nut of dato. lt. tenant farmer waa once
tho object ul . ? lendnreel pu i - litudn, ll"
held thc counties in his grasp. Tbe grasp of the
. mi ii I.i s I,., s i ..is, d to lite .1 u ii lin r ,1 In'inrer. mid
it in his a h n >n oct any I h -
.itt-r.t Pat amen I in .? 1 una .. Mr.
ra ? lilj Bnntl*d nut. and Mr. Jeaot
-''?!"?! t'? the ri"nt. vt Ih nu crt pre a.,un nf
re 1.1 11, .t i 'i hold nol nn promise
.ii ritiut'ii, nis or of email h..Min.;* to the agricul?
tural l.ti.uiur.
Nothing iu reoenl | -. corinna aa the
history it the volo on Mr. Jeeee CoilingVa amend*
mont A throe lined whip waa soul ont hy the 1 ib*
.N.i ?? hip .iiiil.r imir line* i. really i.rge it. I
asked I Li lu* ral on -uv.I.iv wbal be and
.1. ** Ue,|," aaid b?, " tbi re ire
s, many Lila ra'a -.. bo owe tbt lr seats te, tin- i,
or who are hound li eic I rn pledgne, tbat ws ahall
|ih\i- great Oifllcalty in not carrying o- ? 'a amend?
ment. I ti: 1 Btill rli;iik wa siiiiii yet men enough to
?t iv m. .v." un Eronday and aa Monday the Lib?
erala w.re atilt deairoea to heap in the I ..ins. On
liles.lu, something ii-s-i happeuetl. lin- lori's,
hu m.ms alread. a.it the threatenee] defection
fi.uii theil ..t.i ran ka, gol wind of a new moro on
tin Liberal side. Commnnicationa between Ido
nol s n Mr. i.Iud iu;u>, I.ui bet woeu some of Mr
Gladstone's i..-t frienda and Mr. Parnell, had been
going un. Tbe Irish leader tboeght bis boor had
strm U. Ile- li ul board, everybody had board, that
te- I ..rice had become awain of their blonder and
menai tu retrieve it. \ mdUore for restoring the
reign of law in lu*..md waa nu good i t reaolred on.
Loni Randolph had bean coerced, nr bed bean ooh
rertad, A i abiuot C'oaucil waa bold riieeday noon.
I in- I lonee m. i .o fonr. Sir Michael tlicks-ttaacb,
moatbpieoe al the Miuietry, gave notioo that on
Iiuii duv ba noald nev., for leereto bring in h.ils
tor the auppres ion of the National League, for the,
prevention >i' boycotting, and for the protection nf
hie rind ni op. it; un I pi. Mic order in Ir. lu,ni.
The truth is the I'm :? , I .td disci"'-, tel. und dis
covered too late, tbat tbey wara ia danger ol
lii-jiieii mi Hu. Coilinga a.nd mont, rimy perhaps
di.i nut greatly care about being beaten, hoi th y
desired strongly to chooao tba iaaae on which tbey
abonld reine r>> po to tba count.?? aa championa
of thut Leg. sin iv. ? I inui which the Queen nad de*
cl.tied to befuniliiiiieiitiil law wns one thing. There
?,i. tbe ilinen ol vi. i..ry in .t. Te gu to the reentry
us opponents af lund lor t'u* lille.lei B BB a VBIJ
elli.e-ienl liing. Tho utnoil llicil 'V.mid lc ul tle
ient Li berala aad Torten seem to ii ave inept i tin-.
1.1.-,i nie.ut lin. -.niuo time; thu l.il.einls it little
Hii'inT hut lint mm ll. Wlii'll tlM House* inet, ern li
Illllllil-IIVfi-el tu eliot.se lin* I.little lilli. What tue
Inri'ts wealed was te pul off tbe vol.-on Mr. Jeeee
Uolliaga'a .linen.lin. nt lill rbnraday, and then take
ii teei volo ou their new Coercion hill, bot tba
Liberala, acting noa ia < ouoart with tha Iriah, beet
t iicm ..ii titi* point, nod it waa elaar that the [erma i
h.i.l nu rluil. i' hui to Lu f n div ision ntl nu i.*mh n.it
ol their choo.s.ng. They wore tel ?o mil on " three
u. r.-n und ii cow."
Mi. Chaplin tm. lenst good chai-ipiuii t In* Tones
i mild huve pul up told the Umist* that liie linv
ern mont accepted tim amendment aa a conaure .uni
t\ nu..I laatca if it weie uilopiud. Mi. U leda tone,
witta Gu* nol'. oi exaltation in every santanna af bia
?paech, mtnportc.l Ilr. Colling?. Soul cooma did
Air. ? Innnl.ciliiiii. linen, jot mihly nilli. Telegiaius
were acm oil to Lim nils who had hud lunts to sl.iy
ii iv.i.y Biging them Ionium im-su uinl viet,-, in
vain ilnl Mr. Hallow mukrt a Ual ellon to save tbo
?titii.itiou hy tin-owing aver Mr. I bafdin, and offs*
um to ntiopt thc inuit mic oi Hliotuieiits. iii vein
ilnl Lord lliirliiigtun iiiniouii.a- nis opposite.ii lei the
mueii.iiii.-iit. The Hpuitoi porty v. ns apparawati
Hie delight of bealing Ih'' I"i'"s loo Leen lo Im
lost. Mr. Ji'sse l.'olliiigs'.somciiiliinmt wus. ari lett hv
a major.ty el 7?, Bmhiyalleof ir.omfta from the
Irish ben. Ins. follow ed hy a I Vf tioui Mi. O'lJneu
to _l_iiietera: ? Don't forget eooreiou on I baiadaj
The word yella is the ono whieh a Liberal useii i
describing the scene Tuc Irish demonstration, I
added, wei ..a li that the Liberals preferr.nl to kef
.? uiet. It was to the ir.usie of lush t-beers, and Ir i
only, that the Conservative Ministry tuan Led Ol
01 oili ce.
Mr. Parnell had been as good as bis word. I1
had tamed ont rio* Liberate last May, Ha b i bb
titrneil ont the Tories in onlor to put the Liberals I
again. He hates eadi .-.Uko omi lin will use ert<'
ul; r.e. when ho inn, in the cause e>f Home Raia,
the Torlea hud bean .is gcod Bactl-laea aa ll
Parnell, ur if thev had acted tolely for Englaa 11
"?? at t - -"leiy for liciuiid, thev .oiiid have baale
lum. Hut it is the calamity ef Ln_laiid. in a e en
te*st whee the Integrity of tba Begtieb Empire is i
atahe, that party and not eoentry is the Bri
thought an both sides. Ami so tin* country lim'
itself iii fall crista; one Government oat i nnoiln
nol In. Mr. Gladatone hus lanendemd to M
Chamberlain, borrowed part of iiis agrariaa pellcj
and iaexpe ted nbortly to surrender to Mr. ePernal
and adopt Home Kola pure and simple. Not all i
ooce peril.tps. nor quite openly, bnl by degreed, on
With the leo.sl COU vitl'l ll L' proofs, ill tl.c ?.Tenter
nnmberof worda, thal tbe aai? atioB ol thaEmpii
.'I breaking it np, <.- ? -?
TWO QBKAT cum villis IX rill* MADMOH BtUlAB
(HKI.I-v?MHKIIMi** AM. ".i'll: IHK CUT.
I i.. son glinted tbrough thi giana re of of tli
Madison e ? t ii,.ieri yeeterday afteraeoB moi
copiously Hum it luis dooe I tr amny dav* aaa ligated u
the i tct - of Mn* 7.000 pee,;,;,. ???;,., thronged Ibe ipeeleti
ie* i i* -. Qllmoreaud lr* i> uni en t jo musician
wlio wein g.vlng lin* tlrst of tile tw
init eooerrts in ai i of tbe Parnell Parllamt alary run
An orertnre entitled *' Kobesplerre " waa played, tntrt
during the Marseillaiaa \> bick wea taken tip by the enUi
orcbrstra and bo loudly appia >i d that tao ekoera wer
taken up outside tbe building. Moore's, famous Ms
neledy," Tba n?rp Tbat Once Tbroaeb Ti - Boll,
wa* then played with excellent effect, aud w.is (allows
by W. ii. Btouley slnalug " L n Me Libs a Bold lot Pall.
Mr. Stanley's ve.it-.', wimrii i.e.; i-iv.it rouge aad powoi
vries Beard lu every part of ti,et lim liiu'.lui,
Ke waa warmly applauded, aad sana anani Iflresponi
to aa c tin. st ravel. Levy, tue Barnet pinger, ws
greeted wltb storms of spplausa, again and nenin n
Dewed, ll.- ii rs t play sd "Tba Lost < 1 ted," huh reepoude
| to lim -lin.I .u<e u 'tu ?? Kill .1 .ey" .ucl " Vim ken Doodle,
from " I * Africalne," "Lee Huruenota," "I
'-.-iee du v.r.t." ?? i.e Prnpbate" aad oibei operas wei
intro me. .1, ivl.li solos by B . oric-t; Her
Stoekigt, clarionet, and Slgaee Bet aalun
"C.BaektoErta" waa snag nllbmuch i il'.-et b
!......( ..I.-, in.i "Plow on Tko.i Shining RI vor."
: c*. I li ? . im .rt closml w.t
ii ? Rational a ithem, AiieiticT Immense erowd cheero
: Mn. performers .it iiie svealng eoueert, ebleb waa
great sui is,
igh the big concerto at tao Madison 8qi ire dei
den mlghi besupposoel to an lessoned tte* atteadauc
?it ibe N.t.lot.al League Btaettag la Bid af tlie sm
,-.ii ,., -ne-!: ?? i nol tba .a--, beeaaae the prim.p.
patroaa of ti.mi' rt maremeni sere to be toni
lg tbe members or tin* Parliamentary Puad Asst
j e..ul. ii, .if wiin li Eugene Kelly is ok .nunn.
'lin- meeting at nt Boniface Hall, PortyscvoBtb-s
I ?? COlt i.lt'ee., uf lir..ll'"'. N > -'" Ol t'l'
i.-.1 .ever ie. p. i). Kerwin. IBs ball, trincb is
... -.1 t.i m.-'il .wi".', u large porttoi a
... I. 'lg ? : ... . -. li .-i: inan In
rem.irki Introduced J. M. Wal
... ibe I men ??
u.Iv ?'? . 1. Mr
Wnil. wbo nus wa illy app ? t. *.. 1 .n sub-itai.:
ar ibe leadership o Psriutl ....1 by ino non
lr..a* ?.liiitnert h ? ,- received fr., n our i? .]
.- wgll aa ia Ir.'i.iiii. oar sirug.t* for imertv i
t-i at ibe topic of tbs hour tu rery l iud, an
[?.?...ni's ii,., united lotta ??? ?? "t ol tba pn*?
._.._. lbs !?? ugle .< Hue. Ki ;. . .- 1 are is D'
ii. .-. r is rt before,
popular bas everyibiag Instr become *i u-e tiii* gum
ii.non.ii li'.isi ..'for iii'lepe'ol i.e,-. ilr't? familial et
I I'r.-s-le.ii I ,,- !ti..-i. ? lian.'.'., tie fr i,..tv I.-.'- eVOTI .1.1
.-??:.. n il.i.- Ups, ii'< Irish rou i--n.it
Laughter and epi.Uus*.] P.irnell is rlrtnally
un r it..r. ile i* it il c alor li In in
j tod we t lank Ood .. r it. beenaea i.
dictatorship baa ureated a ut. noeng In-ri- i?-i
i tim tin j.stforaood. ipi lae.] ne is a tlie
i lalor in kl i- .in-i itu.i ?M-tiniii; tusi tar ii ; baeuaar bi
lictoioraulp baa . r. ,i i liatruel and coofusioo lu tb
ra k-"e-,iiii-. J'r..! ..,.?.*.I .ip.i tu-e [ feel eon
ltd. he will msge no mistake I hinieee unit fal .
corni ii n 11, r.ni_'i
.,.i tauit of bin oi oi the irish pennie, but through lb
una to .io I rs i.e' io a . min r
, uie; iii--. :?. .I einriiiii 7>>o years." [Ma
BS -f,l U|>|e
eommlttee eef the ICuiitoipal Connel
a I- ,,l.lnli.e Kelly's 1 .."" -' "> '.. I. l.' .'" Ii.ll-st. nr.
,i .1 1>- r . pia .iiiii.-. 1 f rat)
,.f ia.- inn j :? ? di li gatos rvpr
eti-.itliiL' tin* diRereot ci r Brooches wr.- present
j uu. _ i . . Uia eghiietey ai*.
After ihe apeeehes idmwiog ib Bbl ol n..-i',i
Hainan tary Paco look place, froui nblea *ioa wu
meeting of tbe Pifth Ward Branch m tin. after
II.leei., al .Ni,. l.'e lill .-elli. St., V. ,t ? taipei)' klll'll' IC-1
,. .1. i Csu ni ut, u ri.. |. ? ? . . .uncoil, iiiui.
applause, that tbe bra eh, ob i 'it lent lu lt
.. , mt i.i ie in.iii I., hail , -r .it/ in ham
:-eer a lecture delivered a few uar
at, nv one ..f the Kedemptortsi Father*
Patrick M<-. linn, y waa tbe spew kel ol Un aron inc. Hi
ii- ,ve'i..i asUirins iddreeaelibe .-.eiu-.u.-ioii eei wbn-1
..'leuii in w namea wera ad 1. -. i to tu.- :?>, I, io,-re tbau f7(
aubeenbed aud lui ward pars.I ".it Into Ulatricta ti
II, , .h. l - ? - .el Blt I'.ellll.li: e'C
lir. Wulla.ll V <...ivs- tv presided al .t tine tug o
Braueb So. M, al Bo. .'1* Eas! broadway, which ? ,
tt. (attended, ["hied.amet, wbieb rs lu ibocoutroof i
e iou who are pour naasra v.:,.i? alrerni
?? gi t., ii ? general fund.re ibm *.iih>. lion tuan f7t
noa a<lJ d ... ti. summit attn aai uignt'e meetiug, out
III- -.-. '..?(.ll t V, ..? It.'|el lill*)' ..f ?" .I." -I"'. I.e '1 - U.l I till
Ubi I tn taking tba nemea of seoree nt yonag ama n ?
crowded to bis desk I.ive inemselrea aur-eited uuoor
.h. cftui I. eel I. t.-ii. . 1 ,c jina. I,..il speaBora
were willum H. Clarke, i: t>. lim.- and I M-rurty.
-h.no Of ' eu lia'edol lu lunney uni IBO .llf
f. Iel,' llllll.e 111. . UU'UI - lie.l.ll- ay tue- O.lle-'-f
mein ,ili*el ili.it Ike IU--.1 ire-XII.UlSllII. -v.-. y OVp.-elie) ll
lu eil .ru to Heal ooah otber ??? nu- amounts saismritioil
to the geoeral lund. John Ena, secretary af ht. Bat
nani's branch, sa-.t li- bad sarnrBd thr * rvtcea
pi .emilie ni lilah \ inn arti si tel tte liter a lecture WhlCll bt
boiietl would litcreaae their fund b) glSO,
i ?,, - I Cl li.,n JU. , el I el lt III".-ne_? .'f tin- Dr wi tl
Branch, So. 155. la Holt [tiBoeeoig bneeb Hal . i tur
. m.. -t., ii .tr lim et!it..i. Pranata Crowley,
iii- -. re'art, -ntl tn it .nev liu.t new mors
tiian :t.hi linnea on ibe roll, tlrtt-tvto mw member!
haring ??????!! ueitici siuci tba la*t meeting. Astrid
U'Neill, who bad a anhscrlptlou berna mreu bim by Mic
t'liatl-uihii, lull, e.i in *.l-\ Hie l.snlt .if I.U lilortl
anning B ?B Inre-d-. making a tola! of gg38 for tbia
b ranch.
HIE II/ _f_.-_r_.__ El I'OllT.
c.civp.iiw.i.sY iNDfoa nomi
W \ tTiMii'.v, Felt. 1 I.-Fe>r N*i 'v-En^liiiitl.
fan. sii_riiii> colder weather, oreeeded by nearly smtiou
arv tomperatnra, westerly saiftiaa tee aertbsrly ana da,
For tin- Middle viunue .-i .i.s. wotnnamg eioudiueH*
uni i... ai raina la t a Bambara portion, (air waatier la
the northern pnrtfon, foUewed by local run*, rariabiu
ninds general!] strirtiin.- ;.t Dortbeily, colder weather
willi iislrsiln iiiiil i ave 'lining the bight and ouTueaday,
TitfMers'B LOOAJi tmsKiic \ ri iv*
r i.i.,t ,.s M.-iui., BQR I ,*A_^
I,- li 'iuMTMioi.n.-iii-'rR (nnul .. , ?*
:. [-.?TTTTTT7-"1?"~-""'"*"*"",tJ ?*"
_.._-_.-.-? _3J
__ U..?!>..._ _3'_?j______Z_________i-7_D 2fi.fi
..f.ii, tmamt th' mi wm wa tsn aw fi in tm. .aty 0) i?nn?
i -.,ir,l?,?.?it. .HM,.- .ti*.i.td.? t;;Mi'"< ;
i.rr, ..I.r. ua minti-. I li. ll l.v..?. li '? l""'*' - ' ? '' '
.VltriVerr, in ,1 ininti-.'.'-leu .... Vt* hrtiveu ar SoU?S OtttttentrUt*
;'-.,."1, ,i'l.._l.J bf tte l. e-iu.0 utm .1 Mud.
ucl '? iere?nuwjf. Ki* B e.atlwaif.
twswsnuo Owtoa, F.-ii. 15.?la m.?A tract of hltili
pressure, with a eeld wave, wblcb iinji, .neil in thu
hirth weal -ni ii'iuy. sztended down the Mlseoaii fal
,-t a...I over nu- Upper i skea yeaterday,eaoataeeoasa
ilnndlneea aad e little sn..tv. Oas deeraaalea waa atov
ii.. MtwafOover tito Lower LbKbb to aottbira N.w
r'ngiaadi mi-i niiiiihsr advanood trmu tba Bm Oraads to
irk.iii-ii*. The barometer baw ieee witb .generally inlr
ii.i.s. 'lim tem pera tura ranm-d betwoea Mi and i"> ,
ihs average 140%?) berna Ki' c'..'ei ttuui aa u.e
-tn responding ua> .asl tear, .tttd -Sg low. r ttian SatOX
Blightly coe in-, fair weather, growing cloudy, mae be
?xpv. titi iii Mus elly md viciiiiiy to-d it i ct idor, i-Pt ly
--. mii-1, un.: perhaps light rain tuesday; enMer aad
au tt Bduoaday. _
linnie Dc rnHo,, is i% f,.rti.i'--iitiy inafaal pnbltabed by
Un Art int it/ene/e foinpauy, ml dot..tel tu ? artistic
louse furnishing and ino minor orauehes of el* ,.:..nte.
rork." I"" .I.lleelllt l.llllll..-. eef lit omi I;,.nut,.,n
a,III.Hil- ..* USUnl .IU it lilllie Lint SUpplj of sUjIgt'St tellls .lilli
,i,ei. nts wiiit ii should prara ,>( rnlue io drt-oraure
u-l.-l- Tin lel'l'iiaiv y.aia-../ .Hf is a ' li-at f
lumber, sud the relief nit... L-l bi um ih*s*ius is -urn
leaded rbeoolj artlela la nblob amerlena mnaere
mi I.e BS pee ted to Iikc an eat.i el mle r. ?t ls e.ne iii'tin
,,,l.| N,. .1 bl Mr .lunn K. Tait. f*bo "AliiellC.tU
:.rd " i* Introdneeu t r depre* itu ??? sltustotii io " n e
'iiiin.' etblblllefl tl nula." of wiileii " lite lee-st that t .li Ue
i.ii.iisiii.ii u is .me of tba un in.i.lull.- iwtliologlenl
ivmiitouisof tho ti me*." Anl tbe wn;er apt!) remarks
i,.,l - iriit* ul liv. tnt little lo do wa tu ti.e oMma.}
unibiiieu tilled wlib ' snlnbls e.ui'-.i*c*.' " TbeivsnaM
.ire. .Ul e-e.i:issl..u- alni niall - !??! s at in-s ainl llioull
neill*, in.lie.iles a tle_-r.f atilt lit tt Inc !,..,_, urina*
,,i. '.??...." |.rr-.i na Bneourmctug. Tba lauu.bi Tata
t,i v.,,,,.t ... it iiii-ii is i|ukenofaa likely to mouot ?
,HU Ute .in-"' ti..f all n ouiorlal w,er?s in I'kiindeipblJB.
ms niven a oommlsaoia for aa raoestrtaa atnina >f
,i-ii,.r,i Meade to Ur. Aleiau'ler Colder, nud hascoio
lii-sloue'l Ml. "I. t.au.ii'iis iel BXeeOtO a si,il.in eef
?reaideui Garfield. Tho bitter, tho design for wiu.li has
? ni'Ui.leit I.li Uf! altogether t.e Hie die..- .tl .11 eef lim
i-ulptor, will not in- cree te-1 for threei or four yent i air.
eelui Bul le's madel skel. ll for an li.illaii ala.up lu Fe.ll
nouiit I'aft iei.ie?nilsaii lu.liau mother ueiendlag her
wo BbiMran fro... wild i.t.*t-. MooomenM arapre
e. eel in Vice-I'resiilent llmidrlcka ?nd J.-'m Met ul
.ugu.iiii.l Ur. John P. Howard baa l.-fi -f20.000foe a
utua ot lafayette, te aa eceetei bi Bariiagtoa. va ii
a ' i*sa'rt that tits terna a*nais woe tem Blind w-tt'i the
abanrd roe|eiaiat ul a Oi*igre**t?etal ?? nu ml'-tee1 . -u. nit
n Bgetahas tor the X ? wh<ir | moa muon tn.ui>"i.ii.ii
. I hoing gl50 each, tars aa v-t meal red no report upon
*. "ir wnrk. Koeal. nnd Irawtogs f*r n "t mmaaal t-i
p tietier.il lab ail eg. i,.,., ?? ? *re.-r?el li K'.'utii'in.l. have
i, i'.-.-u place i aa m ilMtton ? t.'1 ?? ? . i ..all ir, in
Wash.lurleen. Ti-tsr> me l"ls BBd Ora riggs ar.' ties.'ribs!
t m " Tr..in a-.'inri cu mid aeulpton Iii Kur.iite." ns
1 BBgatftotte a discrimination as Mist of tim a> tara
-VIitbMiiail *?? a rites-,itii-pA.<a.| thru lilli Shis cty "to
' i i.k ahout " in Bumps for s senlptor '?? Breenie a statue
y : of one of tire in t*t American of Amer'e-'iK I jo wis Cass.
. I * THOSE U Mt ka SO SAKI. K I'lRKl-T*.? PilttT
" laiolc lie.e, J limul.-, if yam fmegtut la gulag pa I lliat
f "it mer" board I'll tn ke von take yonr skate*oft
.I'liiunle?? ?h, arVOC mimi, giiv'iior. Acre.r.lms tu yo t
? i'm a,ways t_.*itl!ir lutee hoi water. It'll ho a little
a abaagatagetlateoela.? Pub,
I'll >t ll-KM-K lleesl'IT.tl, )
t V-LHURoaoa, i) <-.. Aim; ji. un j
?* We takl jOra-uie i'i att.>-tiii,_; the mertit. and
8 iootbine qualities of Ail.?uo'i'* I'orons r.nsiers, Having
r tined them on v niel is eceeaeeaa wltb mu b benefit te
'. many of the patients under our cliarce rtiirlnr many
?t years. na ur Cilium. .-.
, -A*-?
11 Use Cols ito's Derauil Bane .?.
Il ! -A,
t See Judge of February 17, anti its attack on
society women.
Wln-n Your I.ivi*r is Out of Onl<*r Mt Dr.
Jayne's Saiiatlra Pill . sud you will rationally assist thia
I or^'an to regain a hci.itby coudltion. aud get rid ol many
I distressing symptom*.
See Judae of Iclnuary 17, ainl lt. attack on *o*iotr
Thi-ouaii Bkeaaaee i? ihe Laaa **torin
Mnltltil.le*. of le-oplc have i,inti'ilo.'. BSBff < o ila. t .r "rt-teh
nausea's natone aiaatscs ans tba best Medals r<* ..."iv 'H.e?
olds yl Bore i* pis* . al iesin . md ir i lace bo
et.ect ? her? then, aie daeasea cu.lui.rn-. Ah_ for livnw.n's
au.I .le, line irb. ap lau at,aj, .mu tubettitiitiou*.
? 111 h. IK
" ' AUROWsMITtl \t tl mi ivan. Sew.lc rs.*v, February 1 rt,
i, Ann l.liza. wife ot Tb ania 'I Ar.oweejpilli.
, Fuie rai Irom her late reaiueae ?. Tuesday F. butru,-l-'. 1:3d
P m.
I Ba hmm \f New-LsaesB, To'in.on sanela. moraine. P.-b
? mary 14, Hsij, vi iiii.iiii II. Oaius. lu 11- ..'iu rasia, bia
! *ne.
. Funeral Her-iee-- athis 1st-* re eiele.ni-". No ,'e Ul am te vt..
.Nuw-l.oneloi. itiuu 1'el.ru ry 1 ;. .ir .', o', loo*.
' Iti'M.I.U- ai le',.nut' IS. r'.il'ni B. nd T.
Ku im> ml IliirleBS fr .in bb tam t"*lel nee. loy Kast IJatliet.,
?t rneaday, l a m.
ir.-iiet v. * Hint friends osiexriiuliir _BfNaC
lin..in,..m ni t oudla rn
1 I ll l r. iV-ln p.r .,.. a ri ,ui l>.|ii'. .rv H. '.s-t :. Vl'lBe
' nunn.
, rmi. iu. aerrtces at his late leetdanee, -io tarro.'ot.. Moa
' .! ir. ,'e'l Tl If. 1 ? .1' ," t i p. UL
it Interment privaleat Albany, ? V.. Tiieeiiy.
r bititi'.-iddealr, of paoamaaah si not -sp:inj\'s. Arkaa.
. rm t Hi i Uri*, rs.
? Sn i. ?> af funeral late,,
f BRIQOa -ati.nl iv ISfli bisl ar Pru .tinei*:, *?>w JVrvcy,
^ Kate it. Briese vir ? <>r Uao-oal Bi
. t. tnt?ie. morn log, lu o'clock lu vfiiloit Mrr* t kt. ...
i talleh.
j fntermsul In . .re. I
fl. . Ilk*.rv? n ttl* t itv. O' TtnireillT BtOralBg, Fllrrabeth
-treritfft'aV wi.n.w eef i avrt llarkaun io t-io *? ut- y uar of
h?r aire
Tba i. alive, i.i'' friends ef tha fa'illly are r m,.-e-.'-iiiv m
rited luau nd thefuoeral at irlui-jr Chapel ?u ItoBday,
t ?? i *,th inst a ? i ? ? -. m. ?
,. ll Aim.'..*; -irtbulv. on siina.il-, February 14. Ohsrtee
. i ll..m lien, vt mi-em nuiili.' Ra lie, A. owl lb,; lan ' hail *
1 U.e
1 Holla IBBfMB
,. Hol-KIN--rn -iiiiii.Ur February M. .it Mintil.iir. X, r.
I ler my, :'.??'?? coXibOos, o gea of <;ukr?tu$ Hopkins ni
i'n. ? -? i .?? i ? in-r airs.
Puneral mt euri a >m beria'* reet.t^n.- -, at If intc'sir. eiu
I i-< ly j-,-,r ? > . at Ml 1 u. in.
'? 'Ira. li ni-'-lop'at-r ?t? at -.' io.
i Jin. un. ni al tiuil. -,, : . ..-.ii . tt't .li, .i.t.
? l.KTil lilli HU --A. oiaur-. Sf, J.. reVunry ll, 1HH\
t Miii.ue t\ aiesra, wife ol ueorgi Lethbridge, iut.ici.eia
u of Ii i aire
i Funeral s.-i-iie is at S| Mark's I'l-ur-h, ll^lu^^ N. J.. Morn
Cl., ia' JU*' Bl '? tl- Ul
Tr-iaiaerea loot bi Baattey and. Unst..jih?r st.. at l :)
. , 1' tu.
i vt ??'. 'K -PehrnarT 1>_ Ooasaasodar Redsdekg M
, Unite t se,_i-s Navy, nt Vineland. V J.
i I ii i.'nni nt will :?? al -teu'eetiniiet. eiino.
? M'i.iK' nu *aiurdav. Kebrn tv lt. Mirv BgOaM Hosea
t arlie of ths ti- nolie ll 'e..eer-, In tue > .in .-?r.,r ll.T .ti?lt.
j lii-iativ. . ....I rleiMlaars mnteJ io attenl tba nm
. eviccatbei late I ildea - t. ,i l ao oi st.. oa Tuns.
Any i't. .h.ian i' imi' past 1 beleeli
iiitente. nt in Asrilniruliaiu, .Mass c eiis-'ts.
. l't l.M K - nale-nlf. ot --ataiilav. Ke'ini?-v lt. J.etm
to'tr. aoB I. ths lat-, u'ri.uu i. Palmor ?, hlsettv.
f Ku..??! el se ni. e. .en TB sta.' ii .ra n . at IO
oe ia, i_. al itutgei'i, Pre t.i. ioi ian t nur.li. a. ..'..wm ate and
1 ', REA \ <>n-atir.lav. Febrlarv Ire, at Jtrset fn> Ue.^liia,
john Beady, m the USU.tr of blazan
" pi HAROt?mi the litb toat., attsr a aaart maeea, IB-Bet
' n. i.'lei.i .tn td.-timi,/on-e,i ats sea,
Fnneral sei rlaaa at Vlei i.a-t i^thaCoa riM?dsy, ldtblaal,
at .J.,,'..,.k.
' itiit,i.,.-s-tn itreeklya. .?. rBtunsrt ll :--*?;. n.iri-7 n,
J, (l(*.eg-*.?u o il [.nii.'il . i 11 ,,r.,. ll
,e o il.? ami 7 .1 ivs
ltciauv. * ad frienda are inrtssd le attend iii.- tnascal M.a.
ela aft ru ? .a u .' 0. m. kee de lass 1 ndeaaa Laid
1 r.i.'. t -t nr ? ,k,t-ii.
1 wuii,_ ai Hsckenaaak, NJ anthe MM lu-tt.. janes c.
?? rd. lu bia roth rear.
8eTvice?._,triir!.il n.ir-i. BsekSBS :c_. ItSMBy, I'e-liniary
1.,. ml p. m.
ClJH'Cidl XjtlCCj.
A? Uillinm P. -loeee. li. r. .....
MOOr.i... AUCTION ll OMS, ::. 1 ;? ,. I'll WI.,
tull- < lillee Lori uf
_f_VPy__NEH? Alli' riilwYSl.lU.S
Krout Hie
JAPANEbK vn.i.AOi:.
ON FHKI .\IIIill lei.N. -a. I- ii Til.. WK.
Karo Antill BS lin.11 -v.t. Auti ci ? anti Mn .ur i ? - v
r.i..'-, 'i.-1 e.- trait. Lacgueri. l.ar.t- aud i-,.?;rit abr
ft- -I. iiml Lacquer, pira Em 'reider! *, '.a e,-*tr.. <,
Ki saMaaaa Beresns itain a i.t. j i.- and vrt..-i.,r Passsrtss,
1 orceuOua, etc
_I_B??, TBOU VABIOBB <? ?*.-I..N ir
1 arv. tl ak. Ole. M.ela.iraiiT. Kaanv. [Iras* Ialai'l. eU'.. Par.
leer, arn'ee-r sad Htmug n's. CaMneta, Bo tk cassi, oaaka
Httfleit 1 iblessadsTarttty? barorntiTi pieeaa Richi ut
llhMa, elsrant t-n- eli UaeiWiSed IhSBS 1 lune. Tea l';-b,
t.,111.' imi bsaasn . moa* ilea.la, ni-oie/iea, . t<>ci__. etc.
s \ I, > .*-,:
1'KI. lt. 17, > AM> IH.
_AT 3 ... LO h. I .vl'U DAV. _ <
"Tb.- Most Im^ortiitit ai Krrntof this century."
ut Hie
h-N 1 u.i.Nt'i. 0 BAJAT MB -1 .
from '.' a. bi. io 11 p. ni and Tin to lop m.
f... 11 ...1 ny Ui- late
tlie w li'ile re-present inc a SBSl value ,f
will b ? sn el i'i. .lute r wrt mut re -erre tn- o dei .rf
WM. M.J J lt 1 to,., A I'M IN IB< BATOR,
Foll porttcotars aa te ease sf tale arU o 1 . a 1 in .-araluan
BOO mady, arel nituie u.ivtrr. ea-eu n<?
I H'M t.-t ? Kilt 1. Al' I IU .tl-a
Alli. RI. aN AK!' As- ll.lI'li.V. Manager*,
OKKH's.. rt I-...SI .MD-sT.
Kee Jud?c of li.ii.ilAllV 17, anl U* attack ou socl.'iy
woin n.
Toot (Illili- NotleT.
[slioniel be r.-.-id ivtr I by al- iiil.-t'e-si-*.l av CheagM mayoa
1 ur ,-.i rn.v 1 ne a
l e-t li In le ir inrrlllll can-llra-s awei not hetitpee*silv . I linens l
le I Uls|e_.l. A 111 1,1. |eiUii,-,l. ,1 *l .1 OeT. ? ICCOt tftl,"l 1, IS .!??
sireu to .seii.iiiiit'iiiitii.. ..! I, uk ii- a id ceaua reial Seen
ni'nts. iriietis nut ?anaiBlly iet.uv?M*el 0 in* ?. ni b; lau
U-le *I te- .se ll at HU ..?
i.'icixn mans far tha neall sad u< February-.'o yin dosi
tl Kt.t.i n.i lu an BBSeS te this etiUte a, feeilo s
Mo-IOAI At 1 i. iii loine ISiu-ltteril I -laud* iltri-ct. sud
i.n veaasaela .tni ? araen^ -u? ia in.dna, i>. i _ * Uer
li Uti a
il tM DAT Atr.'m t >r Para an'l Manae*. BtBOM pers.s.
e letii.u j at IJ ..u p. m. f ." I Ulupa, p. I s. . Ail.'.oaa, via
WIN'- tv At 2 ? in en h'raii.e iliit-.i. int t. i
at. Laurent . \-,a i aire tetters most be directed per "Bi
Laure ni . at -t te.... .1. r-t, 1 mop. pet * . 1 ..ie. vu
ts. alu.nu,.I'll an.l lir maa st Iva iu im J amalia. C n
ll . America .. il . e ouiil I'a. .11. . o. I s. ct 1 ?. v tiHa.na
kloretaa lesters :..i Ueitee u.uit ia- dlfestsd 1 er
Alisa", at .H" 1 ni r..r tirttisa sod *-pai,ii!i Hem
,1c. 1.1-. ind un item au pe- a. s. 1 li/ ot Delias, irjin Ne*.
lill KBDAY. At It.Nl m. for Ranee, prrs. h. Ailr.atio,
rm yueemtowui at 1 p.m. for .Nassau. If. P.. p.-r s. a,
PB 11>AY- tt "a. 11. for St. Pierre vt Iq tteloa. p-r itu-nor
m. 1 Hamal.
va I t i< 'tY.?lt 1 a. m. for Hie Weat Indies, na nt,
1 bout, is iilld !' llb ellas . lor Venezuela ital tal aell ne
Barbaesai for -ra il suet tlie l.al'l.tli BBOlnea -ia
Iii.1 ie p 1 *. ? ma,,, e lioa a cw pori .-?*s. at ta. m.
iee, i.u rope, per a. s.urMoa, rle tdaeeostowai aila, a
i.r ie-..nun uirtit, pi'i*. s. MesleruikBl. vtiAuIwcip
ilr.lei-.si ne elnet'teet '? i.er .1 eetiei nlaml al *, .at
?a ii tor Ja i.i.cei. I'-'ima tue r.c 1 .in 1 .i- aacih i'aci..?
M 1- pei s. a V- 1111.11 .us. via Klngsiuu ilvllcla lol
itexjta ust be aircciod " per V'tituiiinus ". ?l:is.ui.
leer vonfound an 1, p. 1 t.e-i a 1 ra 11 ll ea,ax . at 1 e. iu.
Inr fie . iu. 1 tet.et ls Bads 'ti I -sn 1 ? ni', direst, au I fal
Veno maia sad i'm.en. m irlaluad, pei s.a. llarra.
couta at 1 p. m. Ioi ,,t..-mue|a, [ear a. ? 1 ruial tel ; ar 1 t'l
i> tu for : u-ape per s. a < Ily of Oiucano, via Qu-eus
Muns m ohms BBd Tepee, a a tan Paule, tram aaa Vrnaata
us... .,.-..' tor . 1. r . ...I 7 P. iii. M is io. t 10 -ti td
t.i. a is an .*, i?-r s ?.. -11 i'a,il tfr.iiu --ail ITraaelseo . ecus
ben Kebru arr 'in. st 7 p. ia. 'lal s fur a ust a. ia. Sow
/ ..an: -anianrli 1 yi ana -aaie.au ?laaas. D -r _ ?. tlaf
cone fm 11 -an 1 -i-nniiik'o clo-e) ti.-re .'airb ??. it . 11. n.
lo .ni ..,1.val at -ea \.<r? ?.' ? *? unit.nu s witt .IritUh
uia.i- for AiiHtralia I ail* foi th > -h i,-ty .tl Bds,parn
a. lab tl to , > .11 Kian.-i? ". c. ea ? I1.T.1 .?.??.r.iai-*?-'t. al
4 I, ni Malla for.-nba. bvrdl tee lain.--, l.a. ami thon.w
let *icaiui.r norn Kuy itotl Hu. SSSBS ai tali ortiu.t dall/
ai .'rana. m.
i,,..s,'*ie lui'-of .'loalngof l'r?n*-P:*eitlo uuiesH arra .?.*!
nulli' in e-eiiiin.. im tilt mu unlni.-.ri .iel erariaad irani*.
tn ?*. 1 i-.ne ?"" MauttToiu lae M.?t tr lfl.1 ? Oe Ui09 tt
Mm Vi ..tn is. a nu tba .lay o' aaiilui. of aioauieira aa di?
ieu. lotti Ihen. ea tua aaiuontr.
pule nea 1 nen . ,IK .HY O. PKARBOM, I'ostuiaater.
Post ' Ulco. iNiinVtiili. N. Y. Fob. 1_, lnrtO.
JJnli ic il Notices.
The Menlhlf MeetlagftPTriK RKPUBLfCAN OQVfTT
cuMMIili-.. w.u beheld st tirantt opera Housa Itali 00
I ne .,: tv tteniuii. J" b uary In. 1 si,, at o ?? clock.
ile.- Kx. . ulivett oaiuiiitee wi 1 meeta. lJ<^_..-,. .
K.N. .X M c V PB t\ ADV, AKD bilTCUPII*
sitrtriary. ireaiaau-.

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