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WRAPPINGS NOT DUTIABLE. VIEWS ON THE IUPRBME COURT.DECI8ION. WHAT CT.STOMS OVflCBM AND MERCHANTS SAY ABttLT THK MA-TER. The recent decision of tim United eStatfts f-bipreme Court Unit nunn 'tba uri of Congress of Mureil 3, ISM!, wilber the inner nor crater parkings or OST Snugs of Imp Tied goods were subject Ut linty hus Bet the rii"!on:s officers ami importers to ll/uring. Hefore the net of 18*3 dutie. went uollecled no! only on articles imported, but also upon th" nddsd cost of inucr ant! outer packing essen, c.utons, ami nil sorts of coverings. The law of lS**a expressly excluded a Ita on all coverings, and left thc. Im portwd goods to be anprawed far as TBe Treaenry Jiep.irtineiit. however, fortified by an opinion from Attorney-!ii*iicr;t! nrewkter, eootinoed to levy taxes on the inner iv ra np I n km anil boxen, holding that they were reilly .1 pnrt of thc merehsndiee, and were BSSBaSBry to put Ibo iiier, haii-ltec in a marketa!.b-condition. Many Importers protested SPinnsl the ruliiig, and t >s_a?that of Ober tenner?to reach the BssfCBM Court justified their con-itiiictioii of Ibe original act. All thc extra du Mee pa ld under lcgul protest mu ce March 3. 18?*3. mnst be ri-turtied, and the importers nr<*'iio*eV enunt ini* ut> then gSttM while the oftleials aro coiuputi.ig tin* pisspostivc decrease in the customs receipts. Appraisei McMnllcii said sn Saturday that tin* (levi l-iiiui'iii would probably lose#in,000,00i) on a reluiniilatioii. " riii-rc ure thousands of invoices, h. continued, " tv Inch have bees paul lintier protest, and the ouslenn. officials viii have to '-.1 Ibrougli them all now again. We merely n-.'.ke out the invoices here, and the changes will liol aitect our books, ihe wmppmik* have very ilifterent value, with diftereut article.*. We baa an invoice of biaeking the other dav which under the old Isw would haye been viilti-d at 10,000 franca. Tho Importer nut iu a valuation uuder the new oue of t,000 francs,n nil we hail to accept it. The wrap? pings. I should think, make up tr.uii IS to 50 tier cent of the value of a peat many article*; bo tho | leve-nne will lose in just that proportion," < At lbs Collector'.1 offlee it wan e*?tim;tle'rt that, jl apsrtfrosatbspsymentofbscb clnnu*. the (Jot-. diluent would lose from ?4,000.000 to fl 0.000.000 . a year bj the deetnon. The ooveriiifiafainsl whieh j tuc I'rtasury Dsssrtsieiil objected were chiefly 1 cigar boxes, hose ni-ie-, and tho boxes of candi.s 1 Pud other fancy at I oles. Is ninny sueh instances 1 Hit* inlier packings, mo-caHcI, weis the really vain- 1 aiele part of the invoice. Cases of construction ! 1 might lip expected even limier 1 lie new di-iisum. A - ciuaiiticatioti in fact lind already leoen linnie OB - February 0. when an invoice had the OOOt of the 1 cartons and of tiie goods eontmiieil separately. At the Naval Offlee Colonel Hurt laid that 40,000 ] appeals had been taken limier the previous Tien*- , urv ruling. " Tho decision of .Judge Blatchford."' he added, " will ailee t from 175.000 to 200,000 en- ( tries made between March. 1883, and February. ] 1KM0. We can't say. of < nurse, what the revenue , will lose. We SIS mini si work now getting the , rlciucuts for au climate both of what will have to . be refunded ami what will he lost lintier the de- | | Stolon during tbe year. Tho duties on pat L wers itltvais aa vuloreiu. The coverings I in themselves wore not worth much. I Fine -ilk cannot be brought ta ' . wrapped in coercer silk on rlotbs ol iany value ' The 1 iicKinj-H must still tx- the usual commercial : ones, paper, pasteboard and the rest, to escape ?' duty." I ! James MeCn-en*. of .Tames McCn*< ry A. Co., Broad? way end Eleventn-st., usid ihsl thedeeiaion would J MUM lntle difference lo the importer one wsy or ? the other. " 1 be partings," he Ntiid, " tue very iu- J considerable in value. 1 have' bets .1 case ol' gooda ? just landed, costing $000. The duty on tbe insult' ;( wrappings was (8, less than 1*^ per cent. There 1 have i.een attemptahere to bring in merchandisable ' as wrappers, and in many ceaes twice tbe J ?value of the boxes to deducted in Ute Invoice when they are to bc sold along erith thc merchandise. ' Tbe beet wsy to avoid the whole difflcnltj aid to ' stop snob undervaluation ia to have a aucci flo rate j nf linty instead nf sn ad valorem one. All European ' coiiinrit'8 have cone tin., winn ver lt WSS pra> - j tviible. Tbsdntjrsnpackingawai put on partly for revenue and partly for protection. It ha** he-en 1 of some nae in neepiug np the coal ol Importatiou j in favor of the home producer." 4 A member of another hug.' importing Arm in Broad tiny-aid thru the Supie-iiii-Conn bad taken ] the only reaaonable view of the law, "Tbe knnei { packings}" be continued, " ere "i no value in them* , ?elves, bat only aa protecting and preeerving the , iiieiehaiiili-e. Ita )uet aa if a tailor .(mull charge I yoa foi tbe box your emt coi.:.* In na a part of tbe 1 suit. In hosieiy, for instance, we had to make om ? own csrtomfahroad,pay for them there and ihen pay duty on ihem again at tbo Castom Hon e. Ana after Ihe hose are cold tbs boxes are wotifa ing at all to n* or anybody. The removal of the tux wss limply a mstter of justice snd common* Moac roust rm lion ol tbe law. We have 1 ? 1 -*.?--t? d ? thc treasury ruling fr>.in the Btait. and tin- decision will save us many thousands ol dollars." _ THE NEW {SUBWAY COUUI8S10N BILL. CBrncisEi un n by tbs rsxsi m -WA* IT DRAWN IV GOOP TAI 111 ' Tb.-matter of laying the wire- underground be* como*more complicated each dav. tin Saturday when Coium Malouet il--** ? - ipoki n to :il>..ut ] Beuate 1 Cullen's bili providing foi ti.' appointment \ til' a ses Board ol Coimmwuouers, coiitu-miia ol Mayor Grace, Recorder .smyth aud I'reducni Koouey ..f the Board of Alderman, he (aid that mich action would simply retard rather than for* ward tire- work. He added : Bat we shall not attempt le laterfsrc In the matter. II llifv llllaH tlie li-w t.1.111 ii:-?...r ? 1 eui OoIvb tin- qnrMlou rn Ibm than tis mom! 1 -the tl tue T.e iiaTf leaii -why let thrill no alica ;. We in ulled hu n.i ii ?.i>. I. ut set of eoiutnlHlouers, limp.; bwcanM wc bi* sot .'I-I'ti'K'.ii expert*. I wondei dob II nu think Hm Mayor, Bwordcr mod nre?Mi il ol the r.'t-r.l at tttxtornton otc mon i.xp?-rt ob med matterB tlian -I- iire iii't-i' ia:r ^l\ mouth*' iti : tha (jii'-tr. -ii. \..i..- Bl t, i-i!-. - , ,'ni ns I, -.r(e>*c mole tlidU aB Ir.i.itt a-:_-. I .?! ptricitj md Ul liii:^. Of caulai .t lliat two ol ii.'iii arc T,.n: mn i.t Hall iii.-a. wliAj-- none of the presenl I' itel ms tliai I101.or. Wael Influence thai iroukl ba Te in the lii.ittei', iiui'.ii;u, I i'iiile.u'1 tay. Ai! tue papen have ac knowle dat d t....t Ibu laying ..1 ti... w,r 11 uiJer ground in Eew-Torlt Etbe grenUH aol ia.' day, and, willi tin- exception of int. Tiru:1 m., triey I1.1v-. hearty all c?u*uriH3 ut .'.ei ii it Bolvlua ii ls fare, bareij giTlng us tiiui* to cxamlue the mutter canfallr, aod re ct-iviiig tSe ti silmon;. of elactrli>al experts, ll ibeyap. leeeiiit a *mw cieiiiiiji-tti'ii, now our labor UJall lout, aral im- v. bole f|OCBtlon wilt se del -yed lereral morel:..-. inger Oar report nroald ?'>oii !>.- n ida. <'.-iiiii!..- -loner Loew waaia his office :>! thc Iron Steamboat Company's pier, aud in reepoiiac lo an li.iiniiy said : baan saetlaas el the new bill look tat'.iei Tbe act ? l.l.-ti glvi - n-e onr lualie - .t BCeaBB ny Inf Ul le adopt a general lystemol oouduiu. and souipel all eompaales nsTlag wirra to use lt. Tai-. 1* aol e-o with l-i. ,.t..ii allen's bill. Itgtiestbetiroposedc i|uiiilMloiiltbe power to dlserimlnsta in tween 11..- vina ..t Ibo d tompauks, a..el v. mi,' tin- vires ot oue company would kars te. h" jem nuder ground, ibose of Bnotber inigbt i>? bil ni; iii" pole* it two of Hm - "eu nltslunen in vt iii'-.I liier.- li far men . 1 lo ii. iu than wc could avert xerdse, a id tba eb int 1? ol fruud, ? blob -e.n." ot Uk- j..ij er.- kavc been laying at om door, re Just dounlod. An 1 ill. 'Il.i ia -l.'s t oin-jet,mt. ut says, lt look* a* ll lliis ta a bill wai not ilruwii la good fnltb.snd it nay ?- lr bx eu.* ?"ieit- tanpirlon. Bul wt. Rball go oa niukm^ oat om BB prl until toltl lo .(.ni. ('oinmi-*i..ti 1 M,.s* expressed ahonl tbe same spinion, mid thougut that from tho tir*l Uie Oom* mis.-h.u bird 11.1t reoeived fail play, hui ?a-.iua ligtii-tl I ruin psnonsl or t? liiienl motives A KEW DETAIL Al THE (.HAM TOME All tracee of winter bsd disappeared a: River aide Park yeete rday. The air was bi mild ai a day tai l_ay, and Ibo gras*on thc iitile- monpd behind lbs lomb of General Grsnl showed a h_;li! (roeu tint. A liit'K1' iiiin Ik r ol people risited I'm- lim innis diirmn tb- day. In tin- afternoon groupa were ?catteied aiouud Ihe park and ;t constant throng ccu lifted at tie- gatoft of lin- vault Mi-. Gran! dion-out t'. Riverside in tbs norning, .-lu: lld sot leave tbe carnage, which stood for aome time lu fr > .t of tin- tomb, lim nm tbe sven- weather ol tin- p.t-t two munni.-- Mis. (irani or ' olonel F. Ii. <jrani have tiiive 11 to Ibe groundsne?itly evt ry day. Ivy ami eyptsaa vinsacovei tbe easkel lu the vaiut, aftonliuji n warm, olessani eontraal lo the willie ga/., tl wales 01 tbe Itite'i mr. To-.ia> Ballon M ai tin- ."th Artillery.whieh has been on detail at ibe tomb tor two tuontua. will wei nt 11 te. I ..ii llamiltou. Capt-aiu Woir ami Lieu* lenaiits Galbraith gua Huck laud will be suceeedt tl by Hnit'rt I., w.tli Major Brinkin snd Lieutenants Say and Bsbbll in rommanu. Battery M lin* bsd the lou^e-st detail al Riverside, previous detach. ?Mats having been limited to one month. Its duty bu* boen performed tliroiinlioiit tho seven t weather of in--winter. Bsitery 1. la th- Issi de* Isefament of the .".th Artillery thar has nut don.; duty at Iii v i-i -Mei-, lt v. ill ia m.un 011 duly until Mareil 10. wben one of the on duty last Suiiiiini will again be* detall'd as guard. Er. JOHN T1HNKS THK BOOTH N<>T BO bAI>. Thine was a ISrgST nuinbei- ol tsmneTSncC tlev* ?tocH at Chlckering Hali yesterdai aftoruoon tuan MutmaJ at the meeting of thc American 'leii.pirr ance union nnleea some particularly piomluent teuipi-iani-i? advocate is to lu- Leard ; ami the Smaesssed bf ike aptHMruum of John P. .*it. Juan. With bis nun-ii-adinircd th-wing miistacln*. llo waxed eloqiieiit in his address and waa mach ap? pian.led. esi>e< nilly when he referred to the iemper Buce woik which is goiuti on iu thc ..oulli. Ile Said A great cjany people un hero treated the i-milliemoi_ altoreigtieri, aad a. a foreluu nation. A bo,Kio: ' purned in evurr Uibe, and aitioW ot ur body Abo'.IUon hui -. my Utidy, hut athen with Other temperance ".en I visited tbe bomb to : ria ol the getting 1 kt saloons. I did not Hud them such aid In 1, S bud people after all. There waa a large audience at the Maaonk Tem? ple at tie meeting of the ihilihutluii 1 eui pei 41,1 ,? ABeociatbjD. Members ot tne (.ons of Tempcr&Tice, wearing the regalia of the order, occupied seat*. e>j_ the platform gua amoug tM audience Ldwurd Cjrumuiey, of Poogukot_psic, wus thc (speaker. WANDERED FROM ROBE ASD tlASOFD RIRSRLF. e mikiiowii tuan whu wat. found huuciiiK ie neel from a t^s 1?" One-hnueired uDil-sixtj Tenth-st, fiesr the Harlem Uiver, sud who.'e iwfJr wtu int down and taken to the Morgue on Saturday, was ^?D ll ti ?<J resterdsv as Kdvrard rferee Toylor. Bgt* thuty r,of>0. 179 Ms'Ilson-st, Ilrooklyu. III. hrotber. Tavliir, of No. 261 Ualsty-st.. Identltle-d Hie I.oily. 'he <3?_<f min disappeared from his nonie ou Jm.unri .0. Diligent searcii railed io tum any truce of him. Tie ita a cisik lu Um store ot C. X. Ucyuuids A Co., Ia Nm- I au-st About two years ugo lils mind was unsettle .li. oiu-wUo trouble, hut ho wat able io attend to ni* hiis! i'"i* Ab out the time he dl?appeure*d hu uctcd slruugeiy. e 'inlng to bo abst'iit-inludod and melauchol.e, aud lt ls apposed that while sufla-iiui? Irom mental drr.uiKi.un.iit Iib wandered away from his homo and tlnaliy killed bim leif, lie had llttlo nr no money with bim whim he wm ast seen. Tho body will be taken to llrooklyn to-day ot- burial. Tho aule-itie loaves a wlto rina severed uuivli ihildrvu. -i HOME SHIVS. TI-OMINKNT AKUIVALS. Murray Hill Hotel? Sir Ambrose Shea, of ?t'tiw -roiiiiu'liind.FtJIB .Irrilue J/olr/--CouRre??niun I. '1 buin is SpriKBs aim Henry G. Hurleigh, of New York .IS cu.- Pork hotel-Colonel Maenrrgor, of tflteluiondle ?"cotlaud.Clarendon Rottl Utan, Mo.'Jet 3 ka. Enrett House Professor Joiin R. Praetor, of Frankfort. Ky.AHiemnrte Hotel ?iHincnu McIntyre-, of Montreal .Oilsry house-<.< QeorgS M. Sharpe, of Kings tou, N. Y. -*o--. WHAT 18 GOING ON TO-DAY. Broadway Railway franchise inejulry by State Hen.tte Committee, Host otlice Hulidlni;. Customs Administration Inquiry by Federal _*cna.e Committee. Post Otttee Hulldiiiir. Oeveraor Bepavnr memorial masting, Produes Ex ?lin'iUt*. 2:L'S p. m. Meeting of Lrooklyn Bar Association, ll p. m. Mrs. Itogeis's ault against Mrs. lim..un, Superior Dourta HnpllHt Preachers' and llcforiutd Pastors' meetings, il a. m. ."?ale of paintings of Artists' Fund Society, Association Hull, B p. m. Monthly meetlnt* and dinner of Congregational Club, So. '?'? Weat Twenty-thlrd-at.. _? i>. in. Ortcaulzatlon of thc New-York Whist Club, No. 18 Weat r-ve-nn-fifth-. t.. evestaSe Ariiiriiir of Sciences, Coliimbia Collage, 8 p. m. Parliamentary l-'utul Association, Hoffman lleiiisi'. S p. tn. Iteceiitlou to riinries W. Dayton by Harlem Dcuio rratlo Club, evening. ?-? KEW-YORK CITY. Fifty-seven Balling vessels of different rijrs urive'd at thia port yesterday by wu., of Ssnuy look. THK JtXITOB WAS THIRST. AVn ai:-i lt 11 rt'li. The flss on tbs roof of The Polio tiaxeltt Bulld? og Hosted union dows at hu vestsrasy. leveral fnantrera who were prompted to ask tba e-iisoii for sbis expression of ehsase snd grief wero old that tbe janitor had twisted the* dig mit or aspect to tue memory of General Hancock, bul hat while hoisting il bs bsd not bsd anything lo liink, anti, eoaseqaenlly, was in ? thirsty and ab tracteJ mood. MABSIBO THR M IMEXT TIIBT l.ivit'H. Among the steerage pas-wager* ol th-* steamship 'ullin, which arrived from Hamburg yesterday. vere Angus'. 1 onl'li! hal ililli Kl.'s.i ll. rm, who ams from Boyeo, s small town In the interior of lernianv. When tliej landed si the Castle Garden tardeutnan asked for ? minister, saying thal he viinteil to be iiiani el. Pastor Burgumire, of the lerman Kmigraul House, at No. 26 state-el , wai t-ut for uiul the eeeiiple* we-re married. Tli. v uro i..uiul for I'iiiriniiuti iinil will leave tins city for hut plans to-ii.-v. HXAIl.i.V Of KUll'ItiN CAPITAL "Vintlex'' wri'c-i to Til i: TiriHiM wanting to mow by what right the Tux Departmenl requires i ref mn to be imde by foreign corporations of tbe mount ol capital Invested in brininess iu th:* citj uni such other information ns will enable Ihe I 'ax lepartmeut to assess the ainoaat of tix tn be evied. Chapter87, of the l;.ws of 1H5S, requires in' Commissioners of Tuxes and Assessments to inessa uiul tax all forerun uml in capital nvested bore for sny purpose in ihe same manner s though it h .longou lo resident persons ot corpora fons. "Viruiix"is informed that his company or orporation comes under the 11 ? ? a i! i n ? e.r class of ion-resident and 111<- Commh-sionets csu compel lum o fill out the blank sent hun, giving Vie financial onihtion of Li* corporation. If its capital is in* rested outside of tins eity be must swear to tbat nit, ami if invested lore most pay its share of the axes unless lu debts ".jual or exceed its _t-*.-t-*. BBOOK1 VN. Charles Oayi <>f So. ?'i;> Mvrtlt ave., while on his way louie early yesterday muruinii waa kuopked down ls ieet-st. uiul robbed .'I bis watch by four men, who es ^t-ei wuh ibelt kooty. w 1....1U, the steve ior.-, of \ei. l ;.-. Clussoo-sva.. rho lost his woman companion sad his korss Ifl Coner i ?land Crrek while out iielgB-rldlualoue cold day week irinre laat, Iihh been tined .1" I.y Joatles Warina ol Iravaaand. for neglecting to dav* tbs horss boded, 'ihe roman escaped nf ii*r the runaway horse wsa stopped iy breaklug through tbe leo of the creek, and made nor ray beek to Brooklyn, aa did Loan, rha horse f--e. loam In the Ice. It was valued at #1.000, After being lued, Lona hod to pay for bavmg tii? anl mal i.urird. BOCRAWAT BTRRPLRCRAM1 rs i mis. Thc following are the cm iit-* and weights for lie Ccdorhni .1 Ursnd National JIiuhIIi at>, uinl the [ueens f ninty II ird" r i<-? un I r tha auspices ol lbs ioekaway hi*, pleepBse teeoclatlou, ihe f run r ta occur m February 15 and ti;- latter ob February '_'_' Hm 'eaarbursti I rand National ls un open ba nd I cap fe.-, .t OOH, set ni n ;?? i-.-i???. ? third < ..i ii i in ii ni Weigbtw 1.7 jioijihU; distance about ll.:e-c timi i hail miles: I lal H'e t ri ?? fnoiet. , , .el. E't' louriei ockrai t 178 luutkde* n ita 'J! Mi.UUe- ... Il IOS ,Hl-4 ee l| *. t) U.i im Mo'.t.*Hie :. iou Mal .ll 1 13 ?l i'lcki-t'. .a l "es i . -. rt ? M" t. -j.uicr. .. IS* Jim ? srll-de . b 1 .o : lt ??? _L_ . .. , -I . ?'. 1... . ". .'I et . H '.*.l a ll. .)'? lr . i )<s M'ar-l fl )'.'t -. I " ? nil St .1 . l'.'l W? < 187 '? e ,lri.--t ii e 15*1 . ' a . ,-i i- a i'.l.. tilt n ? 1.... a .'. I."'. ' . tri. t. 1 " i] ?:":? ii" -\ ri- -.* ..... - t ll I, J Pi ? e .1 lia M :? v- .... ei i ;,-, n|, | .,tl:, , i J 17 i . abler ... Ul | j ,,,'... I .linty Hurdle i.i " - tn ?.;? ?:, ,...:. . '??r it pi : ??? ..: *-1.on,., ?,. ,,i. I to ri V?O0 out ol the purse. Minimum - ??!. e.i*. :.r: pi diatanee, two end one*ball n.ri>---. Koiio. a^ ere lbs i ntrie-s .uni weights : Wei ? /...Ile.*. , .- ' . .a ne i ' ::. m. uni j. l o Wi it "? tod J mi v,i.?-,t,,n _ 'I 11.1 i.i .? .. . :.'.*:?... |4_ .'tlu.lel I le l't H '..C. lilli I'l.'* U llfl Hell i ;i ? i'i u i *. i .s,ini:i-t. i 8 ll M.i.,' ri i.nt I |... l-e.IV ' , Mt,If it If,11 I- . ,y 14,1 i en- ... '? 1 .' lim i .. I?le (I 11" V. ? , rn. on, . ;. 1 ,., | , , .?.. M j.,,, i'rll'.r.t ...j 1 ai 1. rt i ai.1.1 . ,i Iii..,-, '.illtitlj .., i.?. -, .,,., ? ., 1 .; kiim l i.i.i.. .a ?? , t- ?>. i .? ? i, ; . li ii.'' ll ... 1 IS -Uti... kiel. a I.'7 Ki. . ti a ii; uni i. .0 187 i, felsina a ia: a ll? HI. Pairie i. l 1-7 WUI I'.'.". u IS irs eua i. of Ut Sh i y.MA '"iii et: Tbe Inneral of Annie Kenirntl Cnliyci. r 1_? tuiiiiuefet daughlei "i the Kev. Koberi Coll .er, t..e.i. .e-Bici-ilay ai'.' u't -in .lt ai ibe CB u rc b nt tbe Hes niall, '1 l.iitj --fiiiii'iii-si. sad Koo rib ave. the uhureb tt >-. il Hid w uii ii,, in! .err, ef ito- oougregatlon end eeiio-r -t ip pathlzlng iriendh. The large number ol yoting people present Was a Botlcrable feature. The front of tne pul lei*, tt un a man-of while liuinorteili-s with a border of Ilvii n an e.n, mid the bier upon which ihe budy rusted eli.m.x ihe lervloe wss, ap|iareutly, a solid mound of towera 1 lu- front pt w ou toe left ol H.- centre alale, Ihemluliter'spew, wm adorned wltb QoweiB aad w.,k Se t ap irt felt the ll.e'llltl! r? of till- |-)il-l| WhlOh MISS ' eui yer IhukIiI la the Hunday*Scbool. I'he budy was borueinte ihecnurch preceded bv tbe boya whose Bundai-nocool leaeher tbi wlrbad bess, wssrlng ii.ouiuIi.k badicet on their arma, The pall in arets wera: ^ ti. It'loyd, C. A. < lapp. I Bartlett, lie. W. wilmot, vt. Donohue n.iHt.i-. fa) ur. laeBer* \lie? were jturtiCli'Stnel in by the Rev. Mr. William*, o| AliSouIB1 Cnuron,Twenty tjitrd-tt. and Puurth-avs . Ike Uer. Mr. Chadwick, ot ryimtlyn, lbs He*v. Mi. Camp. ?.' Brooklyn, ami the I<.-v. I>r. Kiirne??, ol I'hlldeiphla. Tbs musk wai, by the cooli of the eburck. A Mei ibe rejpilar Mrvlee, tko Bev. Dr. Purness, ilttlng at the tide or tim pulpit (bringunable tobUudi. talked quletlf to lac k:| family Band bereaved Irtends, nuoilba many hie i Ipi n ra I promises, pronouncing .i eui..;.', on tim pun e'l,matter au.l active uud Steadfast ChrlKtluli Ufa ?! IBS iiair.-liii-r and sliter eit m, fiiendi and exhortlua them tei comfort and hopi, fioni tba nature <jf Ibat eif.-. The -. r viio ivim closed by Un hIukIuk ol tinr byrne " Nesrci mi i...,1 to ihi-e." TneIntcnnent look pwp ut Wo...Huwu, whither tho body and friends wore taken hyaspeelal train. Atin.iig thone unseat I Ute In x'.er A. l.nWtfiis, i in -me.I'll Dean. T. (. rusiuiiin, In. i^. (?. Collen, JiiJia-n A, bmith, Di. leylm and Jiueil WORR OF RRLIRTIKO DRSTIIUTS VERSOS A lin** iiml efficiency nf thc wot]/, Ot tbo Inivrtitow n ll('ll''f lr.ire au, it* tbpwn ju thc fourth iililiiinl rf\ee,ii Ju-t pnbllahed, Lae been Bonslderabli' enlarged loroitfh Un. pud Till. ol'Jt ats ol itiu burouii me the relief "f sticb poor tn the lower districts of tim city as are really de* terviuf, thc suppreeieiuniif itnp.i**.or-i and profesilonal ?'l sn rt if-, nuil ii thurotegh liivcatl^atiou lu nil casein of iiiio5.nidittress. In thj supenutsnusst'sreport Usj peub that 8,736 parsesi applied for relief during Ike twelve Inontb*, aaa tinit or thsse only 381 w re f<iuu<i uu worth.y Keliet Ctiiinlnti tl of meals, lodflbg, fuel mitt In .-i'ti'lai i.e.s nut. 'Jl.t.* total alsbiirsetni ai. fruin November 1, inuI. to November 1. 1893,wereSl.A'stl 13, the receipts for tim eumo period hvlug |1,79S 80. A titr.i i tr**?*i au.?uui ls \Tuuted rot tne work tkt# rest. Subscriptions may be neat to J. r. !>? panter, tronwurcr, No. 20 Nsaiau ?t.,or tko collector, Wlilluin T. Crouch, will Cull for the* l.i' <;',0thl|iC, provisions, el(>., (B!| be e*e.ut direct to the ofliee Sf tho bureau, at No. 90 Trinity pluce. _ _ BUS TIRU VU \ MASSIFS WILL. Tlie will of ('hiir|ct> Colin, foiiiieili' eily editor of t_e stunts Xe Hon ij, vpn died lae-i .'ilelay, b-S not j it been fouud. It!? beliived th&l lt ia either bidouk tho papeta of l.]? Mond :ipd_ iuw/i-.r. *-;.ii!niir.,l Knit tuan, who IR at pre*t.nt lu (li rnmny. or In the vanita of a "afc ilcpo-lt <'..n.i.fii.y *bete valuables pekmglbg fa Mr. (obn aie known to bc. A starch BBOng the. letter wnj j.rel,utily be made an doon as a .uillcti I ..ld.-t dtincting lt is obtained by tue nenrent fHengl of Nr. < olin, who left so relatives In this country. Hurim,* hm lite Mr. Coba declared ll tobe hlj tilsb that bis holy should bo ere mat.d.UI'd lt lr ltileve.1 Unit ti leio.-lr.ou to tbil cllcOt wulbu found in thl--gill. Hit l.ouy ti-.t, yesterdoy te moved fjoto the undertaker's ctthbllthiueiit io lui* rc celvlug vault iu the t.iitbciCiu t i-mi te rr, vehtre lt will be kepi unui lil" Irieode decide how it shall be dlspeeRe-d ef. ler. Rudolph Krankcl alni a Mr. (tlautrotb ure enid to be (he executor, inhied 10 tuo will made by ar. Cohn >er. erai year* ugo. Hu property ll rained at 190,000. TRAK8ATLASTTC TUA TEXLRR.B. Hy Adriatic. 'White Stnr lijej ftewn t.lvernool C'rpiBln a. Hytep. ? W. tssoher, A (..easton, u, ji Hr A W. lleflaii. W. Tl Jo',...,,.!. A. il Ju,-ejui-a. H. N. J/M*S Im. i.uv Mi'ltt? Alfvaydei plileios ned r. ll. Wavur. uv Ai'xapnei tijiieurs ?p<i r. ll. Wail Bv Kulda iNorth 3irtunn l.lOJ.l Ina,, Jj . ii., rt- C. M'lllliini Q. Muiilerle.h. n I ena ls, iieury fnra and Align*! Moller. Pf OtWefei ifunaul Irom Liverpool .Mlltsu 8. Atnold. t aptntn t. A I ci ni: a,t. t. ji iimas c. ltoutllll**r, Colonel i...n.ei'i Maesneger, t'aisni __, p. Mussiy, Manuel M. tit Ter alta, the lief. A. M. wutul, Ueuletiani ..inila Uoiclt. u. K. K.' , 8 111 ivnn^ B WV W*7Ij I4TH-ST., SIXTH-AVE. AND I3TH-ST. GRAND CENTRAL FANCY ANO DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. WK. i. IF I lit IN ul'll BLACK SILK D!.l*AHTMi:_._"_...nO YAR.UB AI.UHII.K BBOCADBB Itl-A'.'K WUIIAH AT I'l l.'KNTS ; WOi'.TII ll "... 2.000 YA lt UH ill.AlK Gll'lrt ORAIN Al 6Sc., VVOKTU ss oirra, all-silk SATIN A\lj DTTOMAB BTKIMEft One, wi lirra si. BI.SfK KAHN ll KOLA UK., SBOA WOTUII tl. lil. Ai K SATIN Ml* UV I ILi.Kl X. BBt ; Wolli II tl. BLACK WAT! BBB r*ll.K. '.'he; wolli ll Bl 75. ?LACKBATU DDCBKBtB, **ie., n-c.+l l'i,gi U, ABO Si ii. satin FINISH BLACK OBOS OB UN. :i*c. fl lt, il lb. ANU .1 ia IUPSBI0B BLACK satin I.VIIr.s'-t:. '.'4 1HCBKB Willis, AT fl SSj Wolli II *_50. l.XTItAORUINAKY BABOAIHI IN SUITS AND CLOAKS. ii. M tBTTJB BOTTS Al gil ... TBICOT sm-, WITH BILK BINDIBU, AT -.10 '.''J. STBZCTLT ALI. WOOL AND ITTTBD TO BACB BBOWN Al.T-Weiul. N KW MA UK H. I-t PROM tb BB TO SM 4I-; WKHI-. _H ttl TO |19 !'?'. OBKAT IBDUCKMl Nr- in ol ii COLORER SILK DXPAKTMKBT. Ult 11 BB OOADKD ALL-MILK st'lt A ll IN DBBIBABLR SH A OEM a rSBCKNTSi wt ur il gi ag BBOCADBB FA I I.l LU NK IN KV INI Nt I Ml M.Ks AT 47 I __NT-; Multi ll gi, IAT1BKB, i'i.I sm s, am, vki vi TS at LOW run i 8 WK Alt:. BHOWIXO EXTENSIVE LINES OP FANCY CON TIN I'AT ION* >F ol'KS I'.',-I AI. BILK Of I, -MKS', iilssi:*' and CH1LDKKJT-I MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. loni 11 vi i.*, Tilt: BEST VALUES IK TUB CITY. BPKCIAI t.V KINK LIKE OB FRENCH CORSETS AT ll 'A.*. BEAL VALUE fl 4ft WK OKI I ll IN "it'll 'N Illt-lt Nov kith** .."'ti COMBINATION si re IMI*-, IN TIIK I .ATl.ST DEMONS AM" BBWEOT COLORIKOBt J."SI ll KM.l. A LA ROB I NV'.It K.t.l' OABMEL LACE DEPARTMENT HAM- III N *-1 ? A N I -11 PICU08 AI $899; N.. t?lt iii ll. QOIPL'HE, CIIAXTILLT, l.s, i'ki a r, ANO NOB MANDI Iii i NCI NOB, WITH NBTB TO MATCH. Al TIIK Mu*. I.s. PUK KS IN Till: PITT. CHOICE NaINSOOK IBO CAMBKIC I- Mlillie;!! BRI I - Al si'. CI ALLY LOW I'I.IC. B. - .11 lr- 11NK KltKN. II TI SB I! I Ifl RXTRNSI*- ll', 'BED FOB si BEET am ivi ni nu OOBTCHKfl WK HA VK A III 1. LINK <'l POI lil.'. ABE DOUBLE WIDTH, ALL WOOL IND WILL li .'il SKI I. \ I 49e. I'KIl VAIil". *.- WAST! VA! lilia WE ABB SHOWING A e.Hill ,'AltIKlY Ul' lAllKiiNS IN Till: fl BW FABRIC teNIUNI-.' SCOTCH lelN'i.HAM-. ANO I" >C I. \ I! li SATEEN! M Ii; i LOWEHl l-.ii.K-- IN I lt, . I M . M'l.lT.eLlM.l. KM AN TH IN LiS^JEI^S, BLANKETS LAC I I I KTAIMfl AND HOVSEKKEPIBQ ooo db M Fl I \l. ..Ml'IAIN'S IN SiERY I I HIES, M I IHES AMI i III 1.1' KK N. wk auk < ia -IN.; ..I r iiii BALANCE OB OOB U I N I 1.1! t NH I. I.t l..\ u ,11 \ Ki;-, I/,\V _- lc I < I ? . R. H. MACY & CO. i it i ii uiii.-r* .ir tatt -lt.I.U I Ll 'e.,!,*. ? - MAls FROM Tllh si El BRA A JUiTICEM sus' Al:l:i -I I l> t'l: l.ri'.i '. i".. Early Issi weeli tn- " I'tu-.i:- -in l'.r..ii''.-t.. ?a* roi lied - -i lij bursters wbo |iri>kc Into the*, resi ni tbi Hore, y e--t. -..; ratliff I be t bli f of Peiili :? III .- ., . ; ' ell..I, A,;..iv ? s lonely Boase oottuplo-l by two old a . round n .|iiatitity nf tba Stolen good* At '1 .,. tn Willum ? . ? ? ? I ag y, ri lay .'ui uihe t.,. is|m ? ? j ..r rom pl . ity ls thi ? THO! lill. i: \ CUl'Bt ll CONt i IT. A ...te ert !? ttl be _i\e-, al |.nnff isiaod City Ibis et -? ina lt..mun i ma...,, t mir. b.m Iluteh I Ile. Kw! Mary's Cb si :? ? r.i sffslnsl tl. ? i om ir i ? ? that Iheeoneert shoii I not laBt ; -? ? Dlenl tee 'III! eft ? ? ?. .?- .. .' , ? |. ??. ii .t ,i it ber I ..t Uileai ila . ? . pin ". a...1 n :? ti pet td thal I i ? \t I., ii ? i? i.-ii. i ??.. ? i oione w .i : .?, '. itt, e.. Mill l.J* aCltUU Ul ee :,_? ee ? tl ETTI NU t VA LEM I NI I r 1 .-? llileii ? urelay DiurniDi, ind be woe won ll t BerVBDl I Ii 11'.1 iii - Bl ll ?!?! Mr?. '-* ' lg .i ? ?? i rr . ' , tl . I' tl el e'.l|.'...I QU i ..I, i ? .'..i en I of d . : h. lukin,/ Lil- ly. ? ? iii BLI . i.ii 'nu. ?. ie B mi.i. DBI * Roundsman Conrad bi ' i ? i n in Layeti ; . | Ult du .. MoUtffoUM ri '.lt, eil.e.iii 7 n. ie. ieaierdar when t!..-.i atteution wa* attr?ole<l bj a limn ia V\ liiiHtii Bailly'* .hoe *!...??. * I lob iii a tli. Ile wae tutu I luff mold be beard ou thi >..;? talk Mr. Mel. > sraa sum n.iei.e.i iii Ute pt'.ie- ,.i,; v !., ri . i ..p.,...: tua i lu ?? tt,.? found lu be full of i From one of ina barner* Mi that the mau .... II 0 loxlcatrd ur, Salurdaj i ghi aud Mr. '-'a '.y guvi pet*,mi ie x.wi ? l teael of turill ? goa '..i.iii.ui blew lt out. Ila w?a uncnnarloua when i lbs tuiiiii- dlaeorered him md t ll j i t bad him te.v-ei t.i tin- hospital i'l .1.ItfUlltlll vt , lei ott I. ? .in: ; . 0 1**1 Tbomsa O'Brlsn sud lao ut bet n i wen ri I'l'm). Me ia .'e. r... i.. , N'i. i.n Ne-tt .irk ive., on ?-. lin? da] Mull! ""I Ihe tau meit vel/ed -_ . t:._... 11 > e.; jewelry ftteiii e,; ii.. , ,- rase* and rau away. They wers j ii*., el. bul icneeded In makins ile. u e rupe. O'Brien waa arrested ) e*tei In j .iinji] lon "i bains bb j e. con lillee ..I Hid lb lure ?. Ile: ei, i.h - knowing tin I., e lull.i; in ilicu computey. BS TAILED TO JUMP ir-'ll Uh.Il BRIDR. A etuiit, florid I'.i "I iniiii i!..ilu.l witb nil uii iel authority and a bea vi ovn oe! paced baok a -i I.nil, ,-t. lu-r, lii.ii Budge Huturday morningand el ?eyed ? vi i body wno crossed the bridge, It was Captain .le,I.n bander* of the lilith Bridge pollee. H.. waa walebing for "Bill) " Barry -tin, i.mi uuiki , ?) lil Ililli lil li le 11 il 111 et III --t ax lei commit ,11.eli le t.t J l'i li In_r flinn lin ini.ii.-e.Satur*}*] -i l- e ,?,;,? jj, rbe wide '?lilllie Itt Ml.'" I" Hi lilli.'- Hillie.ell l-l'llillir ll.l.l .ll treict.-'l ii .-in t.l ..I ).. tilde v, I. awi- lit die ?? ?? la. I iui|.|fll weemala. "Kilt ofltrer caine up earl) and ntavsid nu? lli tin. la-t bops >.r Hl-e-llii. lin- BlhlUltlOB ll el pt -e.i lim II un ?!al uol aiit.i'. -.?'.-. r.ti ii.nen lbs walk t.f Ch (elalie .-a-e. le IS ' 1 ll I ee I | I i (?! lil ?x rt Niall Wonld e'., um up apo look curloual) orel Ibe i?arap?l intolbedailt ?rater below. 'I be ( ..|>i ila would wile snd luke li position ready tn stop tue man Bilbo Nial mapleton* m.,ti ineut. Ab tune basted ii i.e...m.- mora sad nora >-vi tl'Ul thal tho eiluaileen had Leen postponed llitlerll nittrly. ? - IS YE-1 lol list: i BOA H tit AS. Wiiltf.r Macklin was charged bi Ins mother, on Jatiuary MB. wilie 'tijoieleiiv conduct, JusUue Kel ily Iiini ul Hie le,:iili# In ir).ni Iinil r<er lt. lim mr. t nu u.e ll nf Morrie uSered aa bul John Uemamel, wi,,, re ported bin.Heir to ba the owner ot tbe property No _;.t. \*.c?t Twenty Milli al . ?.'.nil I1O.OO0. free uni iinli; i nu.lui ral. Ile v.ii-.1.1. mil'. .I In f euri hy C. li. Koren/, Ol SO. -_-T Lal I Weuty BaVt lilli lt., wini Millen! Ho tyu* a wboleaalecominlastou niereuant Ib th.-. Wins sad liquor trade, baring an office el Nei u Beaverst Jos ties Beillv.ob Mic strength of tba Identlflesttoe. accepted (iiijiaiiucl Bl bull, and Mmkllii w.i* BltOWSa lon". Altai Iesviag the court-rooai be went tioipe and repeated i.m poad oct nf the fm. i.nt.n Md was scala arrested mid committed br Justice Smith for trial at S|ieclal Sessions. ?lintier "Hilth ordered the bond be forfeited On ths ihimtinr ipii'ittiiiir lbs rssl pnipristor of the prop ny. ou wb?Di tun sotles eif loifeitnre had be e.n lerred, Itatr.I lu court that John <i< masssl did sol nwn thee pr<it?erty. Aceordinaly n wm rant wai l?eii|e.l un Pa.A Lnit-ti '. Vf ho bud tdentllied lie-muinel tn i i.nrt, ml Jiiitl.).* TVlily e,n Saturday Mid Lott nz In BS,000 foresaatsatlow. TALRRTIFRS ROT RURbRRI.tO HIE BAILS Thal St. Vnlfiiiiiii'- Du*/ i. Hu longer ob? served I" liny greet ext..nt waa demonstrated y stsrdsy by the fact test in tbe BeS'York rost omeo tasia wu* ii .i ely any percepUlils Increase in the bulk of mo mulla iir* compared willi oibT daft. sri: A med atCai nun A UFISTSRRUPTl l> 'J Im Ptejtiiiifffon 1.lue -I'.eainl.oiit, loavjnjt Pier fnew) N'o. 36, (torte Biter) m B D. m. to-day, wm run ut rm t to fin. Idl'IiCi., Intltftd of htoulngtoo, on icCount of dam ano to tho between Htonlngto.i ktid Pro-lden-ju ranted hy tlie frcabet on H u tn ld ny. Wnen rt -pairs nl-o tiiude to tue r.tiiroutl tbe bSSSS will lund st Htotiluglou ul Emm. -A*. OFFICERS "VA COMPART Sot Ll a mr. A mut of tasaeei Nsal against Gnremnr C. Meyor Zul.fV, of, ttrrildriit ol the Hunnra Hedurtlon C.innmii.V. ana other tmUriduaU conne-eted with the n-niiiik-e-ineiit td lin. leiinpany. win deeldi-d br Judge l>e*pue nt Hswasfe mt Hatur^ay. Tbs pulntiff im sud bl* iu'IIihi for Judgment on the 1'i.iiiiid thnt the eerttlletite. eif organlzetlon waa de? fective, and thal the director* and members war* indi -.'.i? liable for ill Indebtednea* .. J nd ge Depne i |.i .(.. ? "..rm and which -linn wa* ra r? Bnd .lir-. i.u * tt.-ie i...t lubie la.rn pan y, whoas v. .rk* t line, is bankrupt ami rr Van ' - V. W. SI en*, of Mewark, .-?? i. *? ? *?n...r ' , ? ? n // t/ //// /. :*?/ .1 ill. HRS IEE DOINQ. pla.*, ibo i .'!?...- "i mri. ei -1 ? . t i m. i'l :.'- ii in. tn -. i rill ).mii.ile-, ht ul'.niiil to pla) -villi ? ? ''took ? . 1 e.. . ' l.l,. * |. I ? Atti . n.t... rt '? - t. ben ill -. a pitt Ur i e.' i ?? ? .r'i thr . oe, I ... Mau . ? ..-..ti Hen ' ? .1 I Mu Han College* prob aMv a rue Harvari tue training In ll* mini pru tut my pro fe !? . I ? of the ii .ii Club,' i*rd al a regulai (alar] to r- ?'..11 w. tba! ci in tine. , :. _ . ie. thl* yent I he pr *p ??? - ? ? 11 ?? r , - ?) . ? I braeina* In New-Vin , Uro Halal! Uland, ; I ? lu lull- i.iat. ii . r ? '..a ii-:i >?rate In ai rang lllg til' '! .'."-.II ?, A ral i-"t an c ia] ..i... Their hand iiit.ii.-'. . ..?'-.'? ? I ? . .r ri-- t'im-ir -nt'l t'luli ba* ti ???' ry I ger bruk , uud uno of Ibatu -? i ? - inn i*,ul .:,.- -i. ia..I.- ? . I* *aid in an. Hie lee*t an.I* ol tho veteran cutt hi . Ul lb .11 ari) Otb i h . men under c in ti..i t W ':. . HUD ' Ken a', 1 lie in', m. a pro il ? | 'I I ? Igbllu, l j?ii i md ttl luet tw-i sro pilchers, eua .no ire, .el , ?? nb I. idlj r Beted ? I I Mau ini player* ar.? playm |tolo ibis winter, tither* ire acting a* referee* Burua, of the I I.', .tree lillie . '.t ll,, t, ., . |t*,(| | ?-.- il! ll \,"u, IU.ltl'1. g| Ne-J. Haven la '. innle ?...leif- di-elsloo* willoh ureatl} , lite Ij > e...I'.l ? * .:.- ll Iiiin. ?* . MARINE l.\ I El.I. Ol EWE. y mi 11 aid. f nts V-. I un -. ? t. ' . . '. .1 loon - i i . . ? .. .1*. ll Hie 'I .ttl rat I e- , v, a. a. tit l ? ?.:?'. t: i; i i. i iv U>?ek, I '..'.i.n. i.l-,:. ..).;.i?. -i.t.t. i. .. AUREHIS STEAMERS DUR ll' THIS PORI i , .... Vettel. ' tu rx. Un*. I i in ... . 1 nit lon ......... N thlcaan .Hull. il?on Katti Mt Um . . Munni I Jo Vii v ,? . . in tn.a an ... ie.ia,ii,i l . imi it,,.I.- aa:,i , Ni th. Inn i Atlel ' ' ..!? . MUM llHvan.i -V n.i a I'1'K Ill ?, v. ll':, a ?| .mi. h .1 aeson .Mon ireb . Ilinif ai .- .Il.l!i.'. I,... V I ? \l . ll I Iel -e .... ' l.'i. ' . Kati *- i'm. -i<.... atlantic and W. 1 ViKUNKSIiAY. FBI Nevada . Liverpool .ii_i..n Auairaiia.. ... liBmburg. A |ur Beere t-ivii.-'. I r.-in* < nv .ei i'm nu . Havana Sici Vertaieau* .Ba-ateguHay .Vassal's sill cn so SEWR POBTOI M KW-YO tilt. -*f N u \ Y. r; P.. ' t. l.SStl ABBI I LU *-l.-t'inr A?irnitie illri, I'ir. ll. K.i. rpo.I |>b I Md ? ?? i<iowu \ with indite an I paieiengrie lo H Xcortts *.. m..i _t tbt Rei Al ol . i. nt Moulin i ' t ."ii Rri, Cottier, Liverpool Keb 3 and Ul.n* t.i WU e. willi m.! . f ,- i).i., ? gel i In \ .neal ll Uni* il J_ i'n ' !? I RI al I -il i in Ul et . . [bl, ? III -rill el?v*. w,il., ti. v. ft Morgan, t(fired at tuc mu at i P tn ktoamt-i li er.nan ur., Haur, Bremen Jan SI. with moat and ie.i?iiiiij..'i. to ii-.i ,,-ii, j_ i.,i Arrived ai ibe- hm .u i.m l' in iel Kubla ((ler). Bli igl. lr. wi *r i ?'!' I ti..I toot hamp. t..n J et in in.h- -..I paaaengen tn'n ril.-l.t et fn Atrivci at Ute liar nt i> u |, ta t*tr?n*e i il.,nib.ii (Br). Weahertll. Progreio 7 t\,\,. mia bi'tfiji lue1 paaeengnr* t., 1li"l>utU pr.i*. ven-trl t.i He-iltUii ?. t .. Arri! eil ut ti.e .tl A HO n nv Sleamft tllem i-.t.nn linnie/. Mtitrmra* .1 div*.willi iniijar ti,outer, t.-?v-i tee !', J I'etrtt*. Airtv-I *t lint lim at I.ito a m. ?t-ani'i bsutiagu Colton ClesritySS tew A, al Jago , and N???jo lo. with Bid* ind nssassgersto asl Bw*M*Oo Steamer C|atthiegps, l'?lrt,."ttt. (.irnruc;(,n leb 9, with tmi*e *nd pa*,?.-ii?rli tee J?* t. turd A Co. ^teamer I'nrtia Br), [lawson stJoba, BB, ivhi and Hull tAt u. .tim m,',* . e.: pa* len ri ri to Howling * Ate (iin.tid. Hteauu-i gall M.ti.eji. Iliirrow*. t.elvc&loli V'eb v. vitTbuni*n and lnuteentferHtei r lt Biliary S cf Rt?nine.r Hscooenee, Kotnjlnn. .-i?i?iiuah, i*. Atys, willi mila* ipr] p." (cn (.rr. t.. lie-in v *i oliffe. Mtcetnei fptnirt *n *t t Sl'.L Van Kim, I'tni.idi'iiiliU.wiiii rul-tet to i',<lh*tlt.{ Hine bte-.tIBer 1*1 OT Iden rr. Min'iinn*. Killi lllte-i. Pteawe't !>'*,,*? iv, __ Kali lover. ?teamer <1*y"t Siiijnetlci'l. < lark, "-at bretni. Steamer I'lirti'IieMev. Vlllianik. rm fi bt-.tri SUBSET Wind at ***iieir Kook, ii?.n, S?W| hssjr, ai City lalanfl. HW, llghli t KAr. SAII.K.n. Plemnrr* lmb pe ni*, nt fr.r KsdltSRSSMS* RsBBSa, Uverpeo . uirree- i,.,niimi. Jan lireydi'l, Auiwerp. i eil; -l iVWCBTf Of BTBA-IBBs, KullKIQN rOBTB QtrSSMrewtL Keb ll-Sailed, (trainer WI(i-on*in (Bia, Denney, from l.tvm-jooi. hence lor New-rora. Mjt-tiL. l.t. IA Bellell, aleaunr t-nada (Kr.i, de Krrtablto, lot hrw . ort 6TH-AVEr AND 20TH-ST., Fl MODS IT SPECIAL PIES OSTRICH PLUMBS AND Til 9 A I.I. OOLOBS, Mi.AliKii B0VELTIK8, MT I MUS, PiciUlCl'S. BIBDS, QUILLS ABO AIOBBTTXB AT PBICBB ULLOW THB COBT ni' IMPOBTATIOB. UI...D1_I> IloNNKl'rS IN* ALI. COLOBB ABD BTTIJBS. SPECIAL LOT S 8 E R Y. ftAR(_4I.M? l\ Ol ;t CLOAK DEPARTMENT. ?2,000 N KW MAKK KT*' l-'INl:'CLOTH, $4!)5'TOJ89% FORM KR PRU EH ify IO TO .19 00. LUI DO/.KN LADIES' sn'K.HUM. fancy COTTOB BOSE i-.'c. I'.KKl . l.l) PBOSJ BOB. IMDOZEB LABI BS* SOLID COLORED HOBS. FULL llLiil KAI*. M ILK, -''ti.; BBDUC SD V .'.M lille. 100 DOZEN CHILDBE1TS IAN' V AND SOLID tor.. OBED BOSK, 1 l I.i. I'.l. I I I." L A lt MA UK, 1 .".c. KKK I'A t lt. inn.DBKN'ri COZeOBBD ROBB; EBOLIBH CASHMlBRI?.. 19 . USUAL i*ui' K, 79cTO ll tS, SOO DOZKB BEITH KINK PBE.Tfl BALBBIOOAB HA 1.1'li i.M.. l_'_c; ISK AI* I'KIt'i:. -ic. 600 SILK AND WOOL N KWMARKKJfl, S12 ?5 TO IM7I. WOBTMSMM To .3)00. Mf SKIM IN Hil K RUSSIAN CIRCULAR*, QI'II.T EDLININ... fl) 75 TO HO 7b. TRICKS LAST WEI.IC $1? DO TO $35 00. '-'OO IMPOIITF.D WRAPS. KBDIOTf AND HEAVY WKIoilT, AT LBBBTHAB HALF PRICE. 2,ftoo ENGLISH BEAL PLUSH BAUUHIBB.JBI WTO t'Jb 00; FORMER PBICBB iib 00 to tb'J 00. oi ii .wrtm wm SEAL AND FUR-LINED GARMENTS lb PER (I.NT BXIeOW l OBTOF MANUFAt 'TU RE. MISSES' CLOAKS AND SUITS. iso DOZEN i lDIES' rivi: B50LISB SPOS -ILK VESTS, ALI. *-1/.is IN SKY Itl.I'K. KINK AMD Ki.I SH 't.l. "It-, fi .- NEVER SOLD POB LESS THAN" t'AOH TO Sa on. BKfT BPB.IBCI STYLES in SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. ai.i lill, NEWEST ka Hint - AT LOW PBICEB. WHITE GOODS. N km si*,ti.vt. STYLES IN EMBBOIDEBED BOBBI Bira I.. ?;:..". TABLE LINENS. 1MIII Alli I li D IM ISl . i " I S Oli, UM AN DAMASK, I. ..'. AM' a.. IiUsH im Kl.I. DAMASK. SAC WORTH The. BLEACH KD KNOTTED PRINOE .TOWELS, 21c. ?A ul'. I ll HM. A--e .li Ml.N I WASH I AitK Upholstery (Jnods, Lace Curtains and Furniture Coverings at low price*. 100 BO UP I.E Cl.OIil OBBTCim COATS, 4 TO IS YKARft. go PH. 200 FINE ("AT-*. VAR OKs "-TYLI.S, t TO is YEARS. ii M| WO BTU in jo. NI* WM A UK-.TS. I. IO IO YEARS, tJ bO: PoRMKR PRICK run fl". FLAN.NKI. AND < I. 'III DBBSSB>% 4 JO IO V_.AU--. tl 03; WoRni SHOO. Lais', Misses' ai. Iofaats" totara 200 do/kn Ti;i KEB yoke niout DBBBBBB, 4S0.V 200 OOBBM POMIAI.OCR ABB MBSEBIBB YoMB li I KM I** Kb. iTc. IM lir-ZIN BMBROIDEBED Rl'FFLK LP a WK tu*, 4*-C. _ . DOEBB BKBB01DBBBD BB FPU ABO TICKED SKIRTS, Me. H.O'N 1 I ?. cc, h. MISSBS' 1 KAWKIt -. 1 TO IO YEARS, 2'.?_ IN TA vt-- SnOHT hi:1 --<??. 4,-c. IMAMS- KUM. BLI Pu\ CORSETS. 2 wn DOZEN PBPXCH SATREN CORSKTS, AM. cou OBS, 4-1., tl O') AND .1 J.,. WORTH $1 26 TO fl 'J*. SATIN C0B8BTS ALLI OLOBS, ii'.'H. CRILDBKB'S WAISTS I'ac . worth BV Orders by mall receive prompt attention. ny *- 11 _.3___.3g_ & BJ OBI V BMI 3d J &? Zn V>3# wyn 32! to 329 6th-ave. and IO! to SH W. 20lh-si. Ad. u i- ro Mothers. chili.i i.i rat m. ti i ... MUD COLIC ? IA I tte ..I, .'til'. Esr! & V. lt i's i:. **_ VV. of Mcu'a I ?.. le lt i fi (i.t*. ? rittarrh, line Ihe urest rented ? - ? Iii sin ... Dann ? *. M. !>.. . th ???. i ? ? ,..,,,. .,( di, >, , .. ,,. SILK DEPO., 39 UNION SQUARE. t . 11 ki 11: LIB i. - rn ali. .i? mai; : an am. lieu. it.N SILKS, vi.i.t i rs ro TUB Ri: i I NT ll) VANCE Asl. ,-. T I'I D'. M'.-I Hi ? ISl Mil... I Kl. I.-. .M. .. Mut BM MU HOODS AND I KA PE.. JONES, CAMERDEN & CO. COOKIM! COOKING! BIHS I'A HI.HA. lil lill* tt'-'k'. l't "lle":'ll.l lau I.,--,n- nt l.e-r .1 tl"". I. >. I- I ""K I. KV. -J-' Kati ITlli .1 . will ptW |e.i'.-r tli-lt. - Kl tiiiii.*.*-. MONDAY, l.l. 1 -, mi iel o.m. i lain Baale, I bopped Paate, < blefcn lie, < iii. ?.-n Rlat.i Apple 1 ar u-i *>. Tl &SDAY, al '.' |i ni UnitMBB Haupt i Unlit ll'le t.ejke . White -Jil.-.' ' ll-1, a .a e 1. Ill' ' ll te olilt _l I,, ii. I.ADIBt-' I'.iivvii. I'LA**- B ;,? :,,n?nu Pruitt J ultu.'*? ol B ii'-'t e mil-e-.,. i, :i?.:i-ai.- i. a i.t itel t'.i-etii l.llleetl. RADWAY'S PILLS. For ihi- eula Qi "li di*.->ri1<*rs af thu Steane* Liver Ht. w<>la. IC l'isle va ULit'ler. Bri-rous l>l?e*???. Lott ut Auiirut* inmUcL-.i SMtipsttam. i'-iuvt-ut?,, DYSPEPSIA, indi*, c. n Bllloiuneo, Bedale Complaint* i....-nor in BilUlOl.ltlull tl' 0.0 ll >*?'U. Pll.'t HU'l 4ll l1e.lelll?-iil-e ,u ul tbe jieti'mu Vnt.iv ru- av Togo, .uio, lontaiu ue ut, metoatr. (uu-j-r**** oi dt-'nUrioi.. tlnue Milli, ii.en.'ai.. it ct* m Bot. Hr lindi* a- '1 "nra tj.-i-ttll,.ii |fr?/il?i-nt. Fur the cum of all Ai-rutuitiiM Skin itti.l P.lo ,l nu fee ala jul tl o. HADIVAY*.-* KEIDY RKIIKF. Por til* r-lltt anti triift- of n'l Value ObSCBBUSSS eiu4 I?,;*m? tua.I.ul .Outiuia auoitle. A PURE MALT EXTRACT i foBMBM* fa.- SUheel tei'-rit lt i? ui.n .!*. itxeat "?-..,ti I lin rh?i<_*'* Bteit. *ietl_, and* n)>at peil?t#lel* ev.ulm-* eef et reefr.a'a S.lntiV. ejiii ll.' luvtit'"r?tinic ami wh.-i..*eeiin. |m.|i?rtlee ot tiie [ ii * trtie. iotdc and delUhtfo) Iwi.MiiKet nliliet .V*aitrKb!tt for inri. ? \ [ei-r*...,.. .a ' --.Hil Will li. ft.tatj tj'het, tri.lcebr ? ;ilet?.H?n? I Une! ,'. nillle..- Ml|.e.l,U,tJI teer .11 ItU'.tllttllo .ll .till ll...?l ut Ubith ?te 1 too Mtn.lll.lhif flt .1.-l!i-.ii' conirtllii?liin? I U*th" lii*.tirlif ' Pr.r . iril'.rne-ei" l.if iieir?tn? mat hat*, ?'??tn; .ii .lit-n.lin.'e e.| milk, willie lt itlr-ngtlieii. ..ul ei.n_ .i?u. tile: eu lAt*lit> ,t_r*f il itu.lrMo. Vf iltmr C. H?|). Pl, D Now York. ????: 'Ta., iltl Bi.mi.1 i- . rflrMhln?. ii.iiiit-.hlu_; t M? lt*Tt>r?.T?. .ml ? etrttlv"...* ht?.?e.rHtit,g tonto lt I. ij.Uial.i* to tn* .ntl ttl JV?pk telim*.. Pit I> . M D . Ht Leete. .ft.r iui; " M low porr.nteijj-* iA elcttitel. |l. eenet.*?.<-.tti<-?. lt? iMmtitfiu mnm .n.i idol, ell ...niMue lo 1.1 ,.n,iiiii-ii.l BtehdUaa'* "-itraot ?? Hug a m.wt ii. 'ii1?'ilh(?f?v?rif?. .nil Di* heat .ttit-lei ol tue toft thu hw .v?t ot*i?? my utttnoallon " Bt.lil Irv all l?aettc_t I_r.K-etie and Draw let* DAVID NICHOLSON, Proprietor. 41 aad 13 Murun rtUeeU ?' ?> YOUR. PM I MMBS-?B_____B ^*?*****? " '????.__S_S Offices for rent in the Tribune Building. LINENS AND BLANKETS, JAMES JlcCREGRY *v co. PI.ACB (IN -\!.!: TO.DAV IBB Pill BS PIBI **__T*1*? TARLI OA-CAHK. ??! IXI IIKM WI uk, at 0(1 tEBBB I'Klt Y lilli: Ill.tN'. ?. IM 1)1 I MON OK .10 I I xr*. ri B YARD PROM PRRrtlvr RRTAIL TUU P.. TBI. AI.mO I HM i' i I UHR BALI OP HOI tf__ KIIPIB-l I1NKN-. Pl'Kt'UAMBO AT A linus Dix oj vi* PROM v, lim.i -*.i i. u \ti:-.; MPRCLU. tTTBVPIOB IM IKTITRD TO A I.INK OB BIBI CALIFORNIA BLABMIW IN lu* I. I l-l ?*->? I '.'- I M/K***. TU UK ( I.O-tll (UT ATTIIKW-U LOWISH LOM PIM .{|>: ?i. X7 ANO IS IIB PAIR i UH.l . ! l> I:..iti BUBB, SIO0J "?--? ? I I 3? RRBPIlTlVlLV. Jamss McCroory & Co., Broadwa. nud nth st. UR RAT *PH i IL >.i.i-:. ' l-l!. I*- BODY BBI --ri.-*. RA-fOIBO IB i.l li? ll I . PBOB I lt> IO pi..- i - "i t pa ll BBB, i e abO PI BC BS I.N ILA .-.I I . ,t IN.ti,.MN AIL WO I-. CHOU T. M . . ; -, ,| Bl MN \ MT lill- I-. PARTI KC K\ I : i ; 1 .1, ia. it ,;*.', mi |.a tKK OB I AB AVA II HM M-l LVKB OP lill? I. KATU VOI.IMN IK. BAROAIKM, ABD HAVB rn: ii*. . Ut Piers sro inn, PBBB ot CHA BOI ini ii. BBQCIB1 0. SHEPPARD KNAPP & Cl?. BI.VrH_.AYR. *>NI> UTII--T. TEE TMBUMB Retail Price 3 Cub a Copy. By miil to points outside of New-York, Brooklyn anil Jorscy City (for local ??l carrier delivery, or for placing in the pest office box of the subscriber), postage pre? paid ; practically 2 cents a copy *?? ordered by the year. As a general rule, readers are frist served by the local newsdealer. If the local newsdealer does not hM a sufficient supply of THE TRIBUNE m Ins stand, readers will confer a favor in re? porting that fact to this office, or they caa subscribe direct, receive the paper ly mail, and save money thereby. HAIL I'ltin: or tiik thi ??*?*?? One s.i llif-i **"?__ . e-.ei. M. ll tm Moiilie*. _-_??__. IJLItT, Bil- Iss il J tl lt 9ARB RR-BB -PJl ll -II.V. Minrttij? OO A bSO I'A TB mi *.oai iBifli'.?: I M - ??*? lt RB_RI_V.fl J* a irari in cImImi ?f ?????? ie )?-ar, willi r\lra ropj la niiiitie'ii'liM** NKni.UKIKI.V. N Sa rn tear* *m ?<?**-?**< tra, ?.J OO n yent, vi iib mira rapt *? BUBB .eii.liHU flub. lt. mil by P??i?l OrAcr. Rapr?M nanny Ilia,.!....I l.fllcr, ar U..ui ?? ?????-Warb. THE TRIBUNE.