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, .e win cm, em the Knights en ? ?*? ry rei** toed iu n.e . mntry and tiepevery wileri fruin moving. AN IMPORTS VTC( ttTTlSO 1" ggSTOaS UNllNlilNV-A MUKTINO AIMIL Mid*. ..W's . Abtmportanl conference lu-twi-cn tin* inc I aj.,,,,. g anthracite i oal eon pant- ? nn is be d at tie i ei e of J. 1 it m eel Hoi gai . Ko mVl.m | . n i-a.-i for the ineetlm; wa* 9 a-eioch iel ai iiii.lnia.-ht a supper WBserrved, altahoagk ? I.,;. ,i i.i in,inn ea ii,-- rep | , I that the c-o' ri twee ra rely ame be* .?,. intwhich nothing wes tabs ? y s ), - - ul i . preeMi nt el lhe iv ? i 1.1 il i n.i i; Sam ii . -.,..n. iu,--, '.cut of li,,. Delaware, Laekawanaa and Weelara Ballrtiad; j | ii I,- ii -,r the t ehl h Valley Railroad company; Joseph i>. Barris ,"< Ident ol t ii Lehigh , . ; v ,i ., ., company; 0<Ni*f*ge lei'- Kel in, ,.?? . r t.c ..-e.-ivers ..f the Philadelphia ..-I Reading I patty; John King, p*e*tden1 of the Brie , , M. t,,y|.!,..nt, preal p| t ,? Dsl ,m tie and Hu .-.". I ... t , rte S Pe *. 11 -skien' ol ti.e New-York, Bnaqnel oana and I , t, m. -. n nt of 1 l - - "?"? "i two ethers. i , ol.}i "' i aeon terence wai to dttc ? t i view te ret i ia them. 1 er the | .. ti-:. n- io t-i',- ,-;? ??' a , |>e -ii eugsa d in mining i ? ? ? '* ' : t , rv of the ti-1 I-. Il waa o , i , t? ma Beading Railroad i" re-eai , , at INN, r ll ll..' I I' I ff ,. , i , ,t the production sb mi i bo rei t . : i . ? i i . , en uni- n, the peel month to bring a ? u ree tn i.t a- least io pi , i , wii.c i tbe .-.m. ? , . night * is ths .. ' " , lc i en t"-. f oue ef tha c impsnle* eat 1 ? hi o tl . j.- ign te: "Iheconl i private , , . i it is plain ii" ? a a om .-I I'jr i . ll aa || ? onnii kaggcatlon, however, bm that of persona j ,: trade t te blt Influence in brie ina al.' ;, | , .. So on ? knowi ni ? he a - t-nmp.lahed and probably the u - ?' be ov.-r i . [t is possible (h.. no liln will -, ., , - ", 1 ICSU.Is \ I! I ? UN IVINNi .v. I UK INNS, . ,, n . . . K 8 Ttl 5. iNk. -I?:.! i \N". March 22. I he i < ? ? ? j l ? i ling lo im- ol Igln ii i - ? ' i, ii aa te be a draw. In Bl. Lou! ber by I to ei.iit to i. .*.- ii draw. i. . z , iinI ii ;./. Kn in in NN 11 1 . . ? fa . .'lull ll H ;, - i. ui k .", ita) .... :; ;". )' IO '.' i: 3 . i ? ? . I ', ' ? is to u a s r . ikea V \. lal Uki *. Kt lt 1,1.. l-l J loki 1.1 loK .; i.. ki to K KI 1 [ttl to K lt -I H. lt to WA ? - l- :. 1 - KI to I. ll li' I- 1" l,i tl i . - il.' 1 1 ?ll J :\ in. vii",) ?. ? l. m ii ? !?*; i: -...I ?ii i? ; -. - Btoij ll :; ,'i iii;-: 1, lt to Kl ? i; i iki * Heh :.. t a III li I ./.-) :.i ui :. i" tn un ti) .. i-1 ;," Btu K2 tm) S?-o io r,:; lakea i: P now oontejjsl* thal hu cannot loee. lil ICK. i I -Pto S Kit.. <? B 3 n :.; i Pl ?, : :. I" to<> Kt 3 e?it 1 Ki J a- K' lal) - I' ;. I' . ,..?? Kr ': 1 (Cl J ' i" k J 14 - K li i* 2 1>. I' t., I. i. 1 17-Kl lu K ?? I .. lu Kl tu ?? ?'? il ..I '. Kt ' i - to I; ii 'J ll .! li*) ?.?;, piak. , , li:, i Kt 3 , ,, K 'Jil Kt lo li ) to K 3 i.i ?. tak. lt ., .. j :::; Ki io li A Kl- il lo ll ... Uti?KI lo K i li." -V t ike, p :?- ii... i; ;;-i I" tu K "t (ni ' BT eil" nv MACK! /? ? i lt a tal i thal Dr. Zukert .rt. nv iou naked why be io i .i . m ...ti t i it.ti i ,|, /.ii -.ri i a ., ., an .a- ., t-i aa oj- o ill.i ii ,i open ia lt h i iie liny i -i drat player, re ).. . . tn ,t us did uoi i ire about a Its e result ol whn . ought tu he i draws esma 1' ?? tilda- M / limy n.nt heard ,,f thia remark, and holding a ,: opinion bat peretateutl] played ila hu? Lopei io sm,w that Hie resultIsuot aeceaasrlljr a dian. a . tha n.nv, s on b . ? : ? h il,,,ac of the si i lt mi 11, game ol the in it. h. am bia eleventh muve, bowever, if we remeiotiei - Mi. M'iniu ratio l bia liisuop lu t ? .i lelurs SalVl I.i- B P. (i I i ia appeara lo ho ],.?* of tims at a very important pe; I ..I t,i Hie garni (d \n.lal lue arr,'it of knowing t . rcr?e King ka* castled, ami proceed! forthwith io ?pee ii ? ii um sti sci on m- ? itrenebmeBta. (?i Nveeaaaiy, others au ia,, iii bo ait I the odvauce el Whit 'a P to U .".. r tppareutly with Ihe Intention of pl.ij nf I' to K 1, but Wini ...i ilvee him a rbance of doing aa, iu, ibr tieaiugadireful eheck at K 7. (ni WhltO'a ei:er_-r;ir cot.,lui t of tbs attack is ia ni like i conn i-i with tho vaeillating tactictou the other ai le. .1, A feeble move whleb, from tue excellent form rtis ji uye : bj Mr. rHeiuiti In the present game, li . t i Ide ih-- ,laj ogaiuai the Doci ii. (? lt i* rarely tbal coalling ocrura so late and to ( ? ? . ant li ita. ?-. i ie two lllthiipa, in conj-iunlon, are uuiiujut ol dii.tst ? tu the Bl lok Kins. I", rbe beginning ef theeotL 'im i.n :, cm. i hoi g of the opinion that his Bishop la far no valuable to be exchanged for lue adverse I .-I.-. ot, Bl Mk-.a-ems to invite tho death bio**-, and thia la shoat aa ape. . i war of having it -dinlnlMered osha t ;?? .jti) rh awn. ( ,, Mi. StclBltl sintars to ulvaiita.-c in thia game bul lu. Zukertort all thr,,u.-li play a mu h below lila usual force. --?. hil A TMA1 BR SEEN A I A SPR1S tl OPENING Th" t'iroiiL.'nf |iio[)le tlint is alway! inovini* Sicily F nirieeiitd *t. had more than the usual (llfllcviity lagsattiBf poet Macy'* itore yesterday. That Internal koowa aa the " Spring Oi.lag *" Bau takes place In - - -*? ib lahaaoal aa l the oatwa* i evldeaaie of ?ii- a atritingiy drsssed wradow that Ulled the tiC-walk wuh He admirer*. The whole wat on a ruii'-d platfenn iirrered with olive rreen reivet ann blinni wnii gold. That port devoted to suits baa a goigeoii* bat k gTouiitl of tapeetry and lace eurtalna lt contains a Bomber of '.nisse*' ami chi air- n't ag ami dancing tui.a that denarii, tue temlaene he?rt Oneof the** dn-siea baa a cuituut uroameut which lt nut bini; ?- tbau natural aced* ol au olive brown color ' luat n.iaiclie* ina dreea aud tl tja ? ly with Ihe jet ornamentation Tha ceritru of the window te given ovei ??? a moat attractive efiiieeHuii of hus and bonnet*, duplicated by a mirror li. the back giound. A self-const loo* little doll In evening Ureas Stand* on a bronze pedeetal and waves a baunei whick gives th- key to the whole altair lu the winds: ".ij.ei.. Ina- year'' ? >v,n thees ure at range*! a number nf plauri's ..- i .i tiirn bronze medal I >u of a Japanese young man amlrklng -it a bronss Yum-Tura tn Hie other en t "i the window, Beyond ls a rich col c-1 i t ol dre?a I-.?-. embroidered auk* aad dainty paraamla decorated w m. all I le ll is eri that bloom li) the sj.rmi,- o| ? Slag, Within tbe -torc 1* a .ltai>l*y of new etyles In every le panmeiit. i he suit department ha* bloesomed out with a bamber of rici, eoetamee, among winch may i.e . s qoeenli evening dress of while with corn* colored satin front, Llams lace snd wheat nmsmsnis; a stieet f-uaiiiuie of garnet velvet, trimmed with cut let. an Imported dress of black ottoman a l with steel and J'-t; one uf i.ew can vat noo'i*. ttage eel i lind light in t,-mi re, t't- .est eonaiating of three sba lei of velvet; a i ts ?)?( - .-?!? d ifltt wita brocade ttlmmlags i a black grosgrain Bilk wita cut i.e.ids. a carriage and dinner '. ion. voalatlus matartaNla; many alahetrate eoe l - r<>r lucky lillie adria, and tail the poiitively latcat thi asa In aprlag mantles. ibe millinery d. p.rtuient I* also "a cheer lng ?taht to eee." Tbers ara dadisate Uti a honeste and Jaunty hats. A lady*! I eghora hal with shaded plumes and light pink crei'i trimmlBg; BBOther trimmed v, m. o ian ara Rhadet and wi.j lltiwi-ra. a black atraNN With jei winns aud p'umea, sud a coqoetUsh walking hat in two ahade* of In b.i,L,ta there art-Uee atructurea trimmed wnii *i idee of iunnii a;id yallowi a straw bonnet orne i td a\:tl, li .ttt-rflle* aad rrfpt.; a taney one of rice stras N. ib i.e- end orang.- tiiiaiuluara and aaaTodila; Jei Im,-e;? willi wild roaeu ami; a complete array of Shllatrea'a head gear. ol vis u BR OLA KO A LAST (Hist A An ? minis'jstic iiHM'tinu; of themcmbfWftof lin lian; Branch of the In*:, National l>-a^u? WM bald last evening In the basement of H,,|? (nni.ceiitt Church, Ti,-*t.. near broadway. Thomas Callaghan presided. 1'raneia Crowley, tbe secretary, took tha nam*-' ol twenty-three new meinhei*. f-everai raemhera of Hm brat ci. l...vr ? omiaed Ui pav l*ln * j. ar to tupport I'ar ) ? foliowt-rs uatil Ireland hat a Parliament of her own. , ->-..? ANO. HEH BRIOOI lil'ltslll). Litii.k Hock, Ark., Mardi 'Tl.? l'ha nortli b'u'.d Iron Mount.ilu Hallway pasaenger train wat Stopped at a lons trealla two mllee south of I.I tt.e Ko, a thu morning by the d ecovery that the tretlle wa* burn U-f It waa aoon deiiroyed abd tha train waa unable to priaceect. In is beloved thst tu Ure waa laceudiary. KEFUSING TO YIELD. 6TRIKEBa KEJEC1 MB. DOXIES OFPEB. I'Y DMIU.K IHAI 111K V CANM'T COBWEBS DRPI I I. .St. Loi i?, March ti . >>-'u/'.?T1h> iJsPoposi ?n of the .MiHitnnri !? n- ti.- Ratlroe ?. i impaay,oddreaaed the ttovernors, wes to-de] rejected by ibe i i ? irl ot lin- Kiiiiriits of i.ulior, ai. 1 th" Btrlke NNi.ll-e ililli ned Huns, ihe t ball an I f He- beal 1. this (-nina: e?i.i: "lb.- Executive Board bea i- cam aaaulos I day, aad le noe preparlog tbi .rt.. Mr. iXle't proposition, in tabetanoe ll rejects Mr. Hone'* ler beesnae lt grants nothing tbs! '.vc have a .kcal; is gue, ai I ida i us in ths position of having madee like without cause end abandoning lt In us> u. We are iionn framing, on ortdrest le ihe ibtto and the merchants, requesting thal a ell n um; bo ealled ead sdemsnd made on tbe "kttiaonrl .ti lit- Itali war i" ru i tm traine or anrrender Ita charier, s anights will ase bo fores nor i-lolstethe law if an is made to rn,ernie tbe r ,.i i Pi ntl i.e c,it-ill, I. Mould i- Interest ?! lu Hi" ind ws ire after bim. Tbe trouble may extend tat, thonsh we can not tell jual now. Capita reftiaing to recognl ? m ni tc I ? ?? ? . tempting to atauini! uni and nv are now willing te .ike a t, -I ,,r itrength." Ihe Exeeutlve Uoirdeformulated their reply t'i tbe Uer of v.i--i'iesi lent lloxie In tbe following reeola ?ns : tnitations: flhcrrae. lt baa be evident to every observing men ? ii ion* -f ' lie i-i . ire niiltin t an I g lu Concert r ibe p i ? ?? ?? taking down tba la . ition* autl tra te* aasem ilii-a; and, wliereas, . s.ui, ? i a.-. 111. /1- e ou growth ul eleni neeta ty, f,'n fd mn.n tli -iu n> th- ol c --U i H" ti- ?!?-. ho nrrogaic tn them utvet right* which tn J deny ? nu i, ive m.i le ali 1 ll ",l or e. ?,, .. ii ko io -n r ck tbe , ll* ll - .| ii|t ,ii ., ,t- i igllta as Am.'-r 1 . er i mil iilons, tlir? ugh . ,-*, with the represent cniuhlu iii eis ,nhat ? r ii t ie tt-'ii- ii o i the l"' ? ol repri teni . Vee life ' : . I live* ?f ige r,r the; piirpn e ol |>*rpetu il ; y Which ll I* bet -onie VI i I n.e. : tesl ill or.-.un,'. .Hons and trade ii i lor rei ? I |gl t tO ll'-Ca ite, ti ai a i.,i ,'i Individual* or bod lae, aa tba ? ie-. ,.- f.iini. ih.i ave call upon oar legislators, both stme I andi measures a* will eu ? . ?? . ,? i ii ntlotia to ar titrate ? a -. . ' I -m.m.ned tu Mr. Puwtterlv was given out ny ,- k: i. :.:. Il SO' : ? ? I tba nu nllre in- ?? o on na n '.nc: . ' - ' ta ol ? :? . ,.i ,. . n -I were - ? ?y ,-ould ma aday, , nen thu - - company, ll ? ? i utiiir < let are ,,,.: nv ,. i of aud ai bb ruiiirih lon* ten io Ihe ive i - .i|?|hi i ' .Vi j ? . , the i mien h nn wno v.H* , ii.ii .,,- ; i i Mallock, did ,. whu . ? boeu i- ? .-ed un .,:.-.. ned and la ij"Nn ,,i police bea I I lo continues nt Kan-.iv (Ty. ? m nn . - .]-?-? i.ver ll* US i course i iiniioi imi - - i a t ie ol hi i ?? "i - ? ra lu ide K1IONVI. ' -I,. ), i;,t,aed the ? - in o , uro Nam ol Tin strike ? the un i il K ma ? ' ty haa alarmed tu on e axieM Ihe ral road official* Eibi st. I...rn-, a.ti. inial til il ny ie- .. a.ill he city. ? .W'lTCiiM.'X QUIT WOlaK IN KANS VS CITY ii.CLA.tlMJ rilAI I IK I Mll.ovi i;r- HAVE l?l*l;.l li ll lu ll N ( i.n | RAC I. Kansas City, March Tl- Tin* twilfli-mt'ii in of the ghi thal be did not lie love tl - fer traine would be inolrated. An t, however, bad been pl iced .. freight ir..Mic ihicii 1* i-i., ti all] loin),.etc. a ..'abash train was ap late thia allen.nan. A ifiru*- crowd i about, as iii,- train prepared to eu'. \r a signal twenty coupling pint were pulled ind Ute liam ni.i. efl. ol .1 ly dla 1,.'- im,Ne:.ic,.; ii.ta mi quick that no uuecould ell wbo tilt] it Another edon waa made ian ron and .t 8 o'clock Ihi .. mi.ift In atari lng two Ii i.r-s. There la a dlapoaition among tbe atrlkera ,. : vu I comp i' a- -.ns nn nh tbe I ? dei dauthorities The inly iv--i.iu.-i i,il,?:,?,i Hu- atrlkera wi*,,, ai engineer ,n the Hannibal aud St .1-; road, ni m about to pull ii nv,ia tai'" ae nn : en bal* idol n atrlkera mounted be enciae, whereupon the engineer telted an ion pin and ordered them utt An offlclsl >f the read appeared, and ordered the engine Into the oand-houte. The follewiug statement nt:;i be publlebed . m..I i ow mu nulls,' by tim cum.milne of the Switch i.. n's Union: ., ti-hmeii Of the various yardi, of this city .'Inti I deem lt duo to you ss citlxamt and frleudi ta i brief explanation of oar walk-oot tbti morning ind tina reason therefor. We teni a ri o mir auperiutendeuU on M ireh :?. ms],. nar bein lo pay us tue, standard wsgei . dd iwltchmen tn Chicago, They mel u- in seaalon al lin Union Depot on Saturday, Mareil 13, un! nv i :, , made ii vernal contract. .-Ince that time the SS ueu have lived up to their par) ol tne oontraot* Bu uiui-ni ir aupenntendeut* have v dated ami evaded lu- apiril ol ilia' contract, and aa wc treated with them ia a noiiy of tbe wUule we expected them to live up to lieli contract ai a wnole, hui a. one or mora vi >l tte I li re claim they all did ko. Now we come uni to de* n ind tue *i m.i,mi wagei paid switchmen In ii c uro, ai: i ibe signature of tbe vurluut lUpa-rlntendentt to r-m-ii an agreement, We ure sorry if tv i- msc :?' u lost or trouble, bul we fee', t tal we ht-. ?{.-in, and will nut agree te go te work until we have istiled .mr difficulties Nvith ont employers ai-. " saan, .i.i,en out. Whleb enforces idleness ipou iou enguieart sad as many Bremen. ? ? ASKIMi PROTECTION Ol' C0XQRE9& WftaSHiKGTo*f, Mareh 22 Special).?Among sa memorials presented to the Senate to-day waa ens rom the Select and Common Connell of Philadelphia igalnat the admission to sn Amerlsaa registry ol foreign nilli ships, us proposed in the bill relating to th* Intt-r littlonul Steamship Company. Thu memorial stale a hat many workmen In Philadelphia uro employed in :.* construction ot Amerleas ehlpe, s ail., rigging, etc.. CHAAINO A THAIN EIGHTEEN MIHI.-*. Chicago, March 22.?A dispatcb rromOmaha Mya : " A MlSSOUti I'ucltlc frelarht traill was nt ut,-tl out it i mialla ye*tetd ay afternoon. At Hie time the Kolenia af latabor were holdiog a meeting, end ooo of meir men i ii-hi-'i imo tin meeting and Informed them of Ute fact. A number of KaU'lit. ran down to tha yards to head ofl the train, bit Anding it gone they capMired a I'niou Facile endue, an I with lt overtook thc Ml-aouri ['neille train at V ipllilen eight* en mllet out. They aidstreeked Hie train, hroughl the engine back to Omaha, aad ron ll into the Round House. -<a> FIFTY in.Y.- BTOP i.t.t-ss WORKS IN BROOKLYN. Tba Empire State (.inn* Winks at Kent-are. and i.iylor st., Brooklyn, w. re at a ttoedttlll yesterday, beciiite tbs tifty le.y heip'Ts had .'truck, and 200 men were thrown out of work by the.r action. On Saturday tho superintendent told the boys that he would dod i. I arty caste each (rom their pay haeeuss they destroyed e lol of h..ribla by jumping on tbe m. Yesterday tba boya ilemaniled iurrcnaeil pay before tl.ey rei..rue.I. i'hiiy frightened other boys away who applied for work, ami , ? -n mi,-ii diaturbanee that pofleemen were ealled. Tbs men are anxious te wmk. nnd give 'he bora no sympathy. Their pay li from ^H r,u to $(; a week. ? ? PROPOSITIONS Of Ci.oAk MAM'I AC'TI'LIL-s. The trouble between tin- cloak openUaraand the eeatteetura I* In alair way of settlement. Apart of Meyer, Jotia-aon a. (o.'a oilier. No. 358 Broadway, waa turu.-tl Into a mee tlfl gs teem yesterday. Commlttest from tha Central Labor Inion, the Independent Cloak operators' timon, amt the Cloak Manufacturers' A.-su oiattoa were present. Mr. Jooasson told ths central Labor Inion people Why the contract system of wink could not be abolished at once. 1 ho conference laslr.1 nearly four hours, ard milted In the following propo? sition being mode iy he rn an af oe tarers: Thst wa wi i in in rv tm .m. ir rice the by tl e ( . i,ua; I.e..i . linn nf i .. n, t-iitiiii thop* nm s jt?, i ni work fenl lu ., cm tra. tor. ii slip be att.i, h. ti ooa irina ibe pun-at Mtiti garment u? paul io *u-.,| conti* ?t alu univ a. i work toauch contractor! ai c enera Uve shops when Un same sliuitcil in s web Iii weU-venillated shop lhat are will appia ... i ,? vt I, er. I.. Uii.i.i.1 ni it.,1* a. uv i ,.|, ia.ti c'.ul and hil employe**bail b. leruatee la an eqattsbb manuel anatbat we win a-ive wost to neb alu,j,* a* employ union mea Ne definite action wu* taken by las repreeeatatl i - the nalous, bnt they promised to submit it to the On trai Labor (Talon wini a favorable report te murros nik-tit. I'opkm A (.ev.. umall linn Mhlch ls not In the as eociatiuii, Kavt-iu to thi men yesterday. BOOt-KEEPERS TO Join THE LABOR inion. The Nntioiinl Pedenttiotiof BooUrAeperi mel l?tt Hight at Nu. 141 Kail i.Uhlti-st. Fell \ lib hard*oi and anuoauoed that flfty ncaa member-, had J joined during ihe week. la lier, had been Neeived from bookkepere In Uro I lyn, Jeraey City nnd Marina., ihowlng the etrong interest felt lu thoae plaees. (Ireat Haematin tho fed er.ailuii la also being manifested among rall roiad clarks. The Commlltae on organliatlut waa lnalructsd to begin tho work to-day ol erttabltehlng "loeela" In Hm places ns med, F di ration, le Boston, Phils I Iphl i ani ii ililmore, i hal ina.' a lin li bri ihlp ol 1 ? ?. I ? 1?? I. - ? I (br ...I Ul*, i'? ll eek. The prepoaltl u ;,. |.u.i i i Lah ,r Union ?las ti ti ni iud; a <1 ? ? ie I doa irga*d lbs fe |, ia ;i,,ii tn , ,,n lt an! il w e. tlci-i le I I lari., v far a I ? Mission. SPREAD OF THE MINERS' STRIKE. DISCO] l : ; KXIE" DING WESTWABD. q .IIINii \V ?!;... Al ll 1' I I -\ I! I K?I'.MI'I.OYKIIS Ol '. 1 ? I I ?' ll ? ' 1 Ii I ll Mi IN I III I l-l. Rt riNi... March ' ! HI .?The "trike p: mu?i ob .-'iiiur Uv al ii" H' >"> ddavllla bltnminoua eon mir on in-.'tn ihi. morning, Abool 5,000 minora quit wors and doclai I that they nh I not return i.nnl their demands ara compiled wita. The min *. where the strike* too i phi ter, al Da da. an I th,, y,ti i i Ha nilton, at Et 'yno dsa il *? Tae Pleasant Valley and Hprsgue minot there kare been Idle tor some t tun. Tha i c mn 'ii i Jefleraon and Beeoh I ree ii.iii,-.*. All I . ll 1 or owned by Bell, I*ewls .V- -liles. of this i liv. 'i iie men SI the Dixon inuits at Halls (.'reek, owned bp II. C Springer ?? ? ??? oleo qolt work. Tim men n Hie North western's long run ami the Petr* mount's Ster mines struck lost week. The "'ak Bidgel ..liners ire vt il work. They do not to the Knights nf Labor sad a.yth-y will nght before they will ge ont - here raped, however, thal they will be faireed out by tho others. The only other mini-rt working nie the lingua, controlled by the Erie, a,ii un- \n .sin ., nt Punxautawney, controlled by th.-r.uii lo, Kocboater ead Pittaburg Rrulroad. Huh tbeae companies m nie ? to the men end t- titrated arith tbe Km.hi- of Labor, In ord r nol t" be saut of lr.un supply emil. Hie Buffalo, KeW-York uni I'i,il ..te.- i - t so fortunate in ihl* reapeet, and '* will have tn bay from othei . D , Le ... t. who '" c ,- 'i iel -. ? i me i ir md Trunk, ba wi rd enough i , la o( the, ta koop that fi pi li comp my going for , ru Tin-pn '? o' - eal '..ia tn- n greatly i tl mala tel -tni;e, though eil .ri-j to goop pi lees ti .ri; are b.< mode on ac. mi ni tbe ell el of an .i Iv ince on the ttrlkera m. Man ti '-li i be operator! In the t uin lie. a ... . . ' be l: litim .re and ( >:. ?? sd Company have i teh put an lnr-n money for f. it* in pr- serve :. g to tbe etnkera In ihatreaioii li mi ill rn sd shall , ari i t "ti fur any op. ral? I li -??- iee forfeit, ami If any operator sha dd be Inset I fell. Orwlnd ? Wuite, the larg.-el nperatora lu the ii - th. lr contract* wllk the i - ? ?* Ne-.a y , k. in- hrlngln ? i .si ila iud. . - il I* placed In hon I aud (baa ea irge work* of . ap m ?' ii ive hean co i :.. ?! p in ie"!i< '.ara,i.., of the teat . ' ll| -"ft I',.-||. I'i i i -ei ii... March 22. The Hocking miners Irom I .lill i marthe 1 i i lg ho t le lb lill-* to attend . ii- i... ?? Um a ted until late thia alien.n. Aftel li taxing Scott't men : by a nm all i (or a ' I ivan.f nug the .Iii- isbtirg. Mc Ka ?-;. Voiiguloglieni roil- general. Over 2,00,1 men ar. ( ii a.,,., m.. M in h 22. \ dispel 'ii to The Fa Irani Ia **i - . I iva: ** One thonttind mlneri efl tbla ruy at 12 o'clock ia-t nia'iit uni marched to Pprlng Val ey, a nli|ing town, * it, tim objeel being to gel th,'m um ,ii. (everything woe orderly aad ? liMiM.i.'N, I'i nm, .Mureil 22 (S/irriah.?Rn, s-iiup-nm ol mining basan In tbe Clearfletd bltnmlBoui ut 500 men going Into thi mlnea nt ? i i. i li.-nini"* r, sam ni.' are those ol Henry ? .ii dt, Chlpin in & I'".. John Aieheroft. ? the Poa el on (dining Company and J fit. limp : ? . I ? iimpauy. The largeal op iratorahavs in ide any effort al ad)attmenl wltb their men linea that > i ul hither, Mular it <'o. aiid imrwlnd. White ak Co. last week, bal ihe ttrtker* i hem tel vee are prediet.Bg :i *et- j I ? before ansi Monday morning, I al ward llugbct and Jobn R* Palalny, of the exeen (Ive board of the Miner*! Federation, were at G on Friday and .-ai ur la , and their visil bad the effect ol '.'.- uni I si lor.'.- Md '..y's men, Thote et tbe Illnlseye aad Beseh Grove mines nv,-rc al? ready ont An advance of 9 ce nu a ton wat given In ? it region on March 1, bal President flagbee, of the I K'lecutive Hoard, aaid tbat this eould not be eonsentea. to by the federation, ..a tbs Increase mii-t be unlfurm ibrousbnut tue uiatrlct, sud i every otber place he in< visited, the men struck. On Suturdsy e. en,na taylor dc Med.j snd tbs operstors ol the i , cr ? ..nee- .-I.itu- ce, and thia morning the men resumed work. Mr. Hngb< * wenl to Mlly*t Iti-day, A strike is im ii. i si ' si he ralina Rho ? mines, bill lt la j ? i that it will be prevented bj sn advance. The m ol tba atrlke lt now apparent The demand of the im ii ? m. i-i- it lu- ? ? i bc,-n .lone. Iii tia IT" ,.i i ll the cnlllerlea on the west aide ol Ihe mountain I iva teen reopened, leal* i mi ii i. and ' oat ? tompany't men at ' I. l-l III M I I Op (lilt. I'iiili i-ii ii', S*. J., Mareh 22. The Atnenean Pheet I i-i.n M ll, ona t-r ii." largest worka of tbe kind in the , -nile, eh tl I down to-day ova titi; lo a I ut of coal caused hy Hie .sti,!... in tin- bituinluotta Cv.ii reglona I.AI'. IR 'Ii: i'".l,r.> IV OTHER PLACES. lilli MAI.!. n:Y BOYCOTT - iv nil..- .Mil ANl'l-'Ii ? in R WI n I:! 1 I Bl ^.. TO WORK. Galveston, March22 '-in ria! .?TbeMallory boycott has taken another turu. The Knights ol Labor h ne nm determined (o resort to tue unit nod of publish? ing tbe namoi ol all merchants under tbe nan of the boycott edict in what ls known a. ihe Bleak 1.1st. Tills ant, 1 arge numbera of which are being prints.! lu a hal Iblll, nm:: be ? ui oat through ths State Hus week. Wii.niim, ii.n. Mareh 22 [Special).?Thu labor troubles iu the Malleable iron Wnrka of thia eily bavo been sd lusted, tbal oom nany granting an luereaae of wsgea en a in xl us between I'.uml 20 p-rcent John O. Ba? ker end W. Jonet ,v r-o *, morocco mennfsetnrers. botb refused a demand for 35 per cent increase In ni agaa I'll I. ItlVXR, Mass., M ireh 22, Tue Htrlkliti. weavers ol tbe Barn lbj mill held a meeting thia morning to di*- " cu-, the iltnetlon. According io the report of their I. commlitee only twenty isvsapertsui were al NNork in' the weaving shop* Of these only twelve wsrs regular , ifi'.nrn. A vote by secret ballot on tbe queetlon ol re* J turning to work was taken. There was only one vote rn tba afllrmauva I" rm.-itu, I'cnii.. March 23. Kobert Wetherill at <'?.. macbltuaia and hoi har-makers, have sdvaaced thc warn-* of their employes to the prici-s pani piim-to tho leilue 1 i.ii ill.ale ll. I-* |. j inn too, lil., Marsh 22, C mirari- to expectations, ( the estating troublas) between Maxwell Brothers ona , tba Knights of labor are by no niesns ended, a emu millee called ou the Arm thia morning. Malar Maxwell I taya that tbey demanded the diaebarge of tae foreman i of the box-ehop, aad that be refased to accedo to their demand. lui ii lin m. Penn., Mureil'-"J Thc employe* of the ' Kel lil, hi-ui lion Company o,i .-at urday received tbe < rag. earned la February. Instead of a 10 per oent ed- j vance, as ihe men had itt-eii ir,! to expect, they found la i their envelopea tu mt ibo* lag that wagoe were j precisely the same as before ths red notion of l--i, an i average increase ef shoal 10 per cont. Tbeeompenv i lilied ths iriff., tho?e who were K'ettlng tho lowest wagesreeelvlBg nie most Isereaoa AKii.i.N, (nun, Mareh 22 [Sptefutl. aa response to au order from the Executive Hurl of liistrb-t Asaembly No. n- 100 Knights of Labor this morning laid down toals nnd (juli work lu J. P. Se!berltng*a Unpin, Mower anti Keaper w,,rk*. wblcb, witii Mi. BetberllBg'a inanj other but nasa lute reata, hare been under a boy? cott foi the las', ten days. I'll i I I nm "'. a, I I'ti-i., Morck 22. Ttl,. Lookout Ito! lill I* Mill to-day announced tnat on in lay wegea will be ad vanced lo percent Ln ell departments. MIN ol; FEATURESOPTHELABORQDE8TION. There wera do flew (levelopmente in thc strike nf tho 'loogsnoremeo yesterday. They have re wived noi to Interfsrs wuh tin- strikerssxceptIne paaeefal way. <>n ti.o steamer Dorset, st Pier Ma i-. Kast Kin er, a loree nf uoii-uuloi men ivere at wort. I BS sinkers say lhit -Alien they soms to Stow cargo the ele? vator uiou and coal bearer* have agreed to aid tbe atrlk? era A settlement of the troubles between the New-York steam Oempeay ead the men who weat ea etrtke seems a- far oil aa ever. The Nvork of t,,,- company la a,',,ina- I ii without difficulty. Ibe mon declare that tbej will lu duanes proper legltlstion against ttsa compauj and will make trouble In other enterprise ls wblcb the Iseding ii,cn of Ihe meara Compsuy are Interested, ii,.- -? like of the carpenters for nine hours e daj at r,:t ;.D ha* bein siiree?sful ami the btrlke ( t.ii.ii.lttei- "ima boca discharged. blind makers mods ida* mai..' las: ni e, k for nine boora e dey st f~*3 2.1 and all Hie msnufscturera witt, tba en. ptlon ol Grimier A Psuoett teared ed io theil doman la i as ? said ? mun la the em? ploy of Hail .V .-ona Ui O e burnlrt d aii'1-lxlh-sl., ne;ir Third-eve., Nient to work yesterday after a atrlliii for j nine lioiiis as S day's WOl >. 'ihe Joni ney men batehen ob Senday et If a 283 Sev? enth inc. perfected sn organisation, lim employes of Ihe a;na compan es ..lao formed ai. organisation on Sunday. 1 !.'? sal.Ill'llltec ol Hie gsael tl Klee nive lloant of thu Knights uf 1. tl,.,i , ontli. od ih- taxing el testimony lu the cigannakcrs'trouble, lt .viii bc neveial .lui* be? fore they ure ready to report. . ,;? ?? gsli.f Brooklyn trodes union men started for Albany Tesl Dight to -,-?- Uoveraor Hui and utaie the re appoint men i of Hm i road Commissioner ? 'I io 11 ii el I. M' i i-i iii pron Inenl manefactun rs of Hu ige port hare received nriui'-ions letters and telegrams from Knlgnts of Labor ordering them to ttop work m. certain cou ti act* ami lo cease enlpmeuta, on seeouai of strikes on ths I,olihl ruinI", weal sou'.li vac*t. Sevi ni) Hr.-. tn ploy si ol - il - PrlBtiag Press Works, at Plainfield, N. J., atruek yeaterday for au Increaas of 25 oems par day. rbe demand wee meda last wo-ik lu taeabasuoe ,,f ihe proprteter. Au Aaaeclatlon ol linibers was farmed last evening at No. 177 ai. amie a.,., Brooklyn, .nih the io. - ;. Adolph Mracl ; vlee pre. Tater Moebu*; recording seereiary, Henty (imbil; lin un in sii-ietarr, Vt'llliam Heinrich ; treasurer. Uu- j dolph Hoffmen. Thirty memben signed the roll. The Ma.;ti painters' Aaaoclstloii, et Brooklyn, sgreed last svemng t , the demeada ol th- Pointers' rn.on for ?j a day of nine hours and elgin hour* ou .-aluiday. A strike the truik iuborei* on I I.e North Hliors, or Kim Park, division ol Hie Htaten Island ltapld Transit Kailroau took place >. alerd.iy, and la-letl until notn. I lie n,en, mm.i,criag aiaiut 100, tiwi been einpl,,y,d all winter .it .ri ::S a day. laaat wet-k thoy liifornintl Boper Inlendent Mprlga-a that ICey wanted a-l ,r,n a daj. He' agree,1 i.i pay them at the latter rate from April 1, au.l they seemed satlallet. Yesterday they deuiiaiided fl M> B day for th" remainder of March, and stopped work j from Ht. Uenrge to Kim Park. Mr r-prU-gs told the ni I that he wouid keep his word, but If they did uoi go to work al 1 u. tu. their Discos wuuid he ii?*ii?r?d vomadi. 1 KA DING REORGANIZATION. tITLINE OP 'il!". ' i PH I 'I- PROSPECTUS?. IK finals sui HIT BT ntl 1'I.W np BKCOX? I i.i , i lox, Philadelphia, Mareil 22.?Readinff* sd ia matructiea irastcee held nuother meeting thlt ' if .'i. i :.a p..rn of lao-,: t-ion wsscompleted ti a parchm nt copy will tn - u- to tbe membere (or I ira. A f, ' wei it in ile Iii titi r.tseol igy nf ti, ? p il , h || in th- terms and other ii't ra tie : rt i. tit alteration In the plan already made i ??.ri. liekaon and (Vetch were added io Hm lard of Trustees a. rcpresentatlvca of thc ayndlcsts. i ? i-kson, w. leh, Dupont.Cochran and Weal wein pointed na Executive committee nf Hie Hoar,t ami li all be their dmr to carry out the details of tbe pun ! ll a tl.ile u il ,111 '.n l.h-li fe. deposit ef securities ill b made and tbs aasesain nu pats! Tale date will ni.ably I.e June :;o. rbe objecu toagbt by the plan of rnrrganltstlfrn un if, ow.: tn.InetloBofthe tixeti ehargee within the mini. . ? * il) tuite reallted in future roora ii. p: ie ia', ii i,i n atna to pay all presalng dalma, aa ennis coupon*, receivers' ecrtltleatea, ai rears of xes, etc., nnd iii inch way ..* no' to - ptest ether the ? comp in ?' oi tao.! Ii o ,i v, hom contributions - required. Hie r -c t| iblllhment of credit as a basil for the neces iv i.ei tei mema of tne properties sud cit -nsiout of tho item iii ih? f,.i ire. Hil lion bs ic ? >' th" in leneadeno ? of the notnpany . i ihe retention cab r li* control of all teated ami con oile.1 lines essential to th- Integrity of tne Reading eleni oi pro ri table in tbeaneelvea, 11.> ?' ,,.'i- i, out roi nf a ,. . .'de foal ism med by tho ( oai uni iron ('ompany, or otlicrwi-to eon* .-.1. I he it- .1"!' of :he t.ip my from fie neces ilty to mulu? lu at tin-fo,i ,,f ni ir t gaga creditors contracts In vol v ..- io productlve s? of the system. i . ni the ni'- iii iii.i.i-m-n' ni '.li ? p ijier e I. I he pu -e: i- ition lil mr at pr .otlcable of existing pri? nt! j li a a. . ''-if .ii' tment of tba affairs of tho companies If ? ai practice d'- without forecloaare. . h.- ir.-si.-.-a ssasti thal tue (s i thsi the general mort* . 11 -ra .a', i .k ? t:.,' p: ipei ty co urtgage, p ae of ell prior creditors, end re ? return for their capital, winch ls nol Hie essa eyon I ttueetlon thai e contro. ol reor.'.iiii,- mon reeta ii greal measure with e general mortgage, tot tin- concessions asked from e general mortgage bon Iholdera, tbey arseompeosated r Hie i moral ,.: 'ens to the amouiit of asvei .ns which im" obtained precedence of lien over tina ineipsl of their bonds; by * n-s redactloni of rems of .?i.e i lines, interesi on esr trusts, ooal and Iron debt, i-., and by tbs extension of ths lien of the new 4 per ut mortgage to co vcr tbe varloua % ? end otber ?op'-rij at mired tines lbs execu cn of t:,e present lucia! iniri;.i'.' in i-7i. if, |0 . ,,, r|ew of juniors, io mu.di lt si i,i .? d io th.' generals, it mm I ?? ct that tin- lt only io t.n determined by tho v tin < of securities of tb. unpsuy. P.u ever] , eaei em ic, :. preferred ahsres en tc,,' boldert io earnings up tofiperoen per annum IbtlSSS, ii.any ItOi : ?: creditor*, esp t r those whoas holding! s ai ''if' n -tm ill, np ei whom ai. asssssn uni lu saab will rove burdeneome. lo tlirse a partial relief will bo ? I al ui nie isle of tuob proportion of ti.fir several m.,niara a? win pr"N nb- tin- money require 1 lo meet the ?aeaemeni upon tbs remsinder. i'ne Importance ,,: sating in ihe pres,mt ereditoi class tbs mauagemenl of le properties mill theil prod, tlveneaa la considerably .ti. is,-,i, ,,i. i tba propriety, on tha other hand, of Ita tina: rt stored to tue shareholders so soon aa the prior ? turely indoonttnuoaely earned, la tnanifeat. ? ls proposed to ac ina thia control by depoattlng tem* rania .ctn trustees ths eommoi he reoi suited company, For tbe a tock rerUflcstea sa dc tuted, marketable certlticatea shall bc laaued hythe ?i e*. eal iii ibeeotl of (Ive yeera from thi -organization Hu truat abell bo terminated sad tbe i.-cK leturned to thc owners. ''HMS Till*. PRESIDENTS MUST BETTLE. .HY THU Wi - '-I'.'.fM) I' POOL COMTBACT H'M uv- I N8IQNKD. li i- likely that a meeting of the trunk-line residents win i.e heal before tong to consider ipiestious rd In the pooling conti .cia. Contrary t.> rn.r, I.,- recent irr. rnlaritlee in enstrbeund freight raf -r, a.. not bc'ii oi lufliclent Importance Co create anxiety railroad manager*, and the must y.' ie-'ion that of p-t venting a tll-crsioii of dressed beef :.:? 'iit-nts -WM satisfactorily settled at !a*l Friday's looting ..r tbe trunk-Una Executive Committee, aat-bonnd (night pooling contract, however, though um plated in ali Its details, is not yet tlgued, tho 'euntylvanla Baliroad declining to sign lt until the rest-bound contract lt als. reidy for formal execution. tl tte- .nt: -i a .-rceui'-iit a Question has arisen ni,oar to that whl.-b ar.ete When the eias-.-bt .md (ton? is dil Tbe Penuaylvanla people ore urn ur Hint two pools of wsst-boaad traffic be ?rnied, fine to include the freight traill': that oes only to tito western termini of tho ronda en tim otber to embrace ths nilled to laces beyond. They hold Hint under tbs pro|0icd plan, rbi h incl ides hutu daises of tratllt-. the I'cnnsylvatilti oesnotreeelTethereeetrnlilon it le entitled tony it* o*it|,,n and facilities. A lar.'e amount of tratllo. they ay, which is noii-i ,i"ipelilivc, is covered hy the geosrsl ooh Tim reply io thu ia that when perSCBtages are warded tbs toot thal the Penntylvanla conlributet inch bnelassa which may tm termed local t? the tingle Iv Ition will be daly weighed nnd ali..weil for by tue rbltretots, lint bein* tha case. the teparation f tbe ivett -'.,.,mid traffic Into two oils intarht create iiunecessarv complication* and urotah aa opening for frequent dlapatea AU of the muk Linea are a unit on this point, except the Penn yu.allin, and tbey carried their point when a similar noI o*itioti ara* mada to Change thc old system of eaat (I'.ind Jin iiions. Ai the vice-presidents, however, are tu.Lie to agree on t a wsst-b and nutter lt will have to n to tin. president.* for ?ettietncnt. Commissioner ink Will piepare for .submission to the presidents state it nts SOO wing the advantages of only one pool divi Tne trunk linet have decided to bring vigorous pret uii-on their Western connections to secure the early oinpletbiii of the pool organizations Ut Western tum - poins i-uuieiiiplated by the Central Ti atti" Aa oclatloa, of which (ietorge li. Blanchard ls cominis*, luiier. "vovi.i. ur.-t'i.T- of tiu: kati-: wau. CHICAOOi M.H'i'Ii M.?" Yi:-, ave EtTO ihippinf rult to California," said a Ilurllugtou freight otUclai to ,ay. " Our fruit tblpuitut* are cauduoi to apples thus ar, mid we have sent ilreoarloaals to Sau Francisco aluce he thirty cent rate went luto effect. Oihur roailt have ii ol.ably shipped a Uko amount. California apples are it,' a y.icesa and are not much grown. The supply il iiually from oregon, but the rate Which BOW luann from here ls a trifle lower than tho rato from 'ortlatid to San Francisco. We are alan shipping veire ablet lo California- something altogether unknown be? or., the preeamt rate went Into elToct I lliuiaf. wit have blppsd three carloads of onions uud potatoes In the last sro weeks, and of course other shipments have been nt .,- over other roads. Alto our .hare of the thirty cm rate, ueget four sent* per 100 pound*, to Kansas ny, hardly enough to pay tor wear aud tear and cars." ? -*?-? BOND*' OF TIIK KKADINU TO Bl BOLD, Tkknton', !Urch2-J iSp,ciab.?'l\m Beading '.ulipa).y iii ls-:: pledged -:i,00 1,000 Of seeuritlos for ibo payment af the tadshtednssa of tho receiver of tho --antral Haiiroati or ?*? Jersey, whleb estated prto* te he of that road. Au spplieatlee was m .le to tbs J.,url of (namer) lo compel the Blading to ahow causo irhy au order shou; I not be greata*, for the iain of theso lecinties. Dates fer tho argument nt the application rririe Hied, buttha anrumont was never hear -I. beean"" Mt. (lowen ivas never ready to ge on. He tried again t.e lay to get another postponement, but failed. He said he thought that bs might raise tba money to redeem tha loud! in a few houts If the chance were only given hun io do *o Th.- ( ourt gara tue reeelvor the right to sell the booda forthwith, lt ls believed that he will bold a lay oi two at the solicitation of Mr. Gowen. '?-*> ?OB A NEW LINK IS i'KNSSYLVAMA. IIahkii-i'.i Roi Penn., Mareh22.?A charter tvaa mauled at the -tate Department to-day to the New fork, nioemahnrg and Western Railroad Company to taild a new Hue from Mandi Chunk to Newcastle, ia In-1 ance of Jil" miles. The capital ts 110^000,000, of ,....,.i f i.iiiu.UOU has beeu subscribed. Thu road is to -stet through parts of Carbon, BehnyklU, columbia, N'ortmimberiand. Inion, I.yci.ining, ('Huton, Centre, learfeld, JetTersoa, Armstrong, Huller abd I.awreuoo .'ou u ilea, li..-directors are J. C. Brown. David I.owsiiherg, A. '.. Amjn-Ii a-.d 1.. r. Wells, of liloointbtirg ; John A. lair, of Jersey City; A. H. Messuioro, of hew-York ; ani W. W. Fraat. of Newham, N Y. Mr. FralX lt irctlited with the ownerthlp of nearly all thc stock. _-4> TUE IV EA Ul Eli REPORT. fniVKHSMrST DTDIOATIOitS?rOR M IIOURSa WaflHIKOTOX, Mareil 'Jit.-For NeW-EngitUtd, local anowa followed by fair weather, allgut chaugea in leuiperature, westerly winda, higher barometer. For the Middle AUautlc states, generally fair weather, westerly wiuds, stutlouary temperature in the uorihern portion, slowly rislug temperature lu tho southern por? tion, bifchrr barometer. lui '.he vicuniy of Now-Vork .'Hr aud Philadelphia, fair Nvealliei, slaatlouary temperature. rriniuvs l');ai. jrj. ti 0 Une. jtxstrssaT omKRVanoM1) sl Bouifli EersB ?-*-.- fRjgg ? 'li-T^vl'i' r^" ? ''M'JRAt+Mn j** '" * :?'*" '"+"*' j?-^*ailsi >?? ?^??ssailMir rm'?T '*1**> 1**-r.tasi*?M*fi??!**? ?**?? sV-s, -4 ? . -a*. 'ail I I ihSiil a '? iii i I ..mi. ill. ?? BAU. lachei JU Ta.', 20 I Kim nc UrriCS, March M - 1 a m. Smut- cm liin-aa In .Ne*- I.lilian I mid thia Mlate, and light ano* lu th Loni or Lass roj*lou llugerod lu tho tsar of tho norm yoi ter.Iay. Elsewhere generally f.dr wciithT ruled. The barometer herr rose, willi in (j luch of rain before dav. ii. nnd partly Blondy shies sstll evening, Ihe tem pets* turc ran -ed between SBA uni sti*, u.v. sverage I-10"sj . b?liig 'I'.''-.' lug erih.ii un llie '"ii ponding la ye i iii higher than on Munday. lair v.. it ber, a.; a ? nv [omperntnre, m in be expected In tbia city end vicinity to-dsy; fair ami warmer, Wedassd iy. >/ WRDSALSR8 OOXDEMXIXQ THR WORLD. The ii ?|i-.ilcis of Hoboken mei last ni..':* in Hannon:.i ii.,n, at .v.. -n Hudson formed a onion to b" kn iwn ns the N'ewtdeslsra* (Talon Me, l ul the Hists of New-Jersey, The) also mst to declare war agalaal The World tor Ita treatment lu cutline down the price ot the pepi r la the pu die, wltbo .t m ih ag sn equal reduction to tba dealers, Npeechet con lemul ll," '?' -a.-ie in i lo, in 1 :,. one another against Ila tyranny, fha following a ? - were elected: P. i: O'Connor, prealdeut; Inns D. Sin? clair, vi"c president, i,i?i j .geph I an* itu secretary, Delegationa from Brooklyn and Williamsburg news? paper unions Mere also pii Ihe Daiwer fraam ri.fumnnlii i? gre I- I m spriest a bea the?vstem ls weakened snd In p ibt 'I ba the lung il i -i -.; i wi Hi rn lot. r's ,, l noprecau'lon. Worn on the i-in-i sad back Benson* plas i,-is aro tlie best preventive Quick anti certain rellel Irow roughs, n't ii is, mnl rhcnmatic p Ina Aaa (ct Bi li, ni-,- 'i ap, b tim " snd Other um I si kum ana subs lu Bl t VIED. BEITH in Brooklyn, (gsreh 20, lunn, si hit borae, S ??! n.ivm'lid ta. nt |,ii-'i: a '. la. N. AogaatUl Betta, i.b. lt. :.n.i i. D? son ,,' :.m :? Nathaniel < ea and friend* also tbi Faculty of Laang Island .oi it-Kf. ni' Invited ? iattend ins (amoral. Ta iday, Mareh TA, ai .' o', nek. iiuerrn. rn w e in, s lar al Babylon, Long island. Tram leaves l latbusb-ave. - i", a m. ii-in i-.i;ii. ii r I, Philadelphia, on Bandar. Mel bas*.. Bo ibrlgbt. lb inn", .ina m. mis an- invited to au ml tbe funeral eer. de ice, Na. ..'s West Lotan tfapiare, on v. ,-i .ii. liar 'i . I. u i i o el .ci-. c nni ri i i;i.ii vt Newark, N.J.. on Bundar, March 81, i-'i tbe Rev. .io .cit n. campfield, mihi -u.v, ar ,; . from bia ii r. Fl Csmp-at?, Nswark, s.s., on I Inii-s-ii,-, Man li lb IBrlll SI - p. m. CRAWFORD Nf .e.i'.ir.', \ V., March IO, wei,e. ol I avi,i t trswford. Knnsrsl ri in hei late residence. 1-tfl Montgomery at., on l a sd i_i itt ern ona, Marc i -li. .it - o'clock. CRAWFORD "i. -ii-i'-lav, March 30, ot paeamonut. Rob > t 'ii of John snd Rachel Crawford, in tho -.lil. yeal "f hi Funeral services athis ' '? rcsldenoe, i":i Weal, on i Bl -ibl. Man h -' I, lt I p. Ul. ia un- "ii Mimi cy. March 21, al tha randene* of ins i nd ave . i ni .e-i Ith- ti . suddenly of diphtheria, C. t'.ordo i Dobbs, lr. oni> un of Charles U. and a rut ... i' -ii -. i. i . n ki- and - mouths. DUNCAN On -ottiiti.iN-. Marc no, indar ii. frnnran. lim nt Mai v H an i i. Dun an rn itbsr, (81 Wi st .vith-st.. i, i Tua ? I..- .a,: nina oea li n i - ; ; a.-'ina ,v. i.n ta 'il, Mrs, Ann W. Hali ,,f j,, nh ii,ii.i, m ;u ti sister of the late (Ion. Jacob n Wt -t i ?? i. i "I en yeats - and u n h lt invited v, ttten t thc fm i n , s on a,; n. th ? -j.? h i -?. ,-.i ii o'clock a m., : -li .noe. e. ; Weal I8lh-st ii i\K- in Rend tinii. vi. ?? , iandaTrtsoy, i - Hanks, ag n a ink-?On Sunday, March 21, al Home, X. Y., tbe Rev. ?- li il. in hit - Uh Ipterm ol in i dm al iv. iii i'?At Brick church, N. J., on Mstnrdsy, March 'c. al m.-ni../Pla. Anna Hchermerhorii. ilaaebter ol Lowls n un I i nh,-, in ? Ile. Kit'it i ii ???! vi, ? n a tl. res lenee I bei uai ita o larch lid, un arrival ,t i t > i> in. train from Near-York ' i church btatiou, norris snd Kssex Ballroad. ia i.i.n tl ber residence lu this city, natnrdsr, Ma ? th -. artdow of William Kelly, late .,f Ellerslie a. V. ll iiuias aud friends are Invited te attend her funeral from the ra . I, lid a- sad lilli -t., uu ii - - .v. i I mai MAX-sON*-At Jacksonville. Pla, tm l-ri.l ir, March ID. Will iain li Mazaon.ol PlaiuUetd, .. I., aged hi years Relatives and friends are niNit.-l to attend! (uneral >n iif'ine.iiav. -ith Inst., al ?'? ? ,' m..athis late residence, u id ii ti. m. al ia.aa th i'a. li i| lisl ? burch. Tr .1 .- lt ive f" ,i "f i.ii"-' i-.- -i , al i in ' 1 IO p. m. MORRIS?After a ihorl i ? late residence. Yon tel a A. V., oil ? lill'l l , Mal 'l il, . ' ?<".? i tm ? Morr's. too nf fha lal in Morris, V. H. \ . ? it'gran. ann of Lewla Merris, of Morrlsania ru,,, ra t I \!,-, * ,n -t. jn'i.r. ? burch, Wedneaday, March-J 1, al < li Ml. . -'..ii ii. ii: the arrival o (ho 2p. m and - SO p. in. trains (roi nran.l Central Depot Relatives aud (rienda are Invited I', attend, Albany iiapsi - pb j- ? copy. li n-'1'\iii'.: ic t-.i- NN -\.:u< .- ? I' . N'.t. 103, J H i-Nl.l-I ,M t'l Nli'.N Y'liil. .1 A. H.. > Ni a V KK M i Ch 1! ll ? ;. > The members of this post are r-i'i"M."l lo at,-ml the f u ii i-r i. ,,f ' fiii .ia i a an ? K. . orris, at si lo in's Cnnrcb, Voiil.. is. N Y . on Wi'dues lay, ' inst . .it A imi .ck p. in. fla o 'i". of M. i. Mi M ii.'iN, ( otuinaudcr. i. ii u iii, u- Adjutant Kl 'jr \ Al Kast Orang* ff. J., mi -. reams, March -.'>>.:-*?. Helen Max well, widow ol the lal lames B. i.t-jua. In the 81st i ir i) hei age, Funeral se vi. es ., her il ? '? il lea se. Ai mid i nae north 't siati.n on I i sd-iy th. lUdla-t., on arrival of train leavl.iK UareUy ami ? I - i-irns. rm Delaware, Lackawaana and Western Railroad, ai -.tu P m. SWORDS On Bsturdsy. March fo, Breve! Major Qeocrsl 'I boreas is words Failed states Nm v. Funeral service al I nnity Chapel, 2>th-st. on Toeadiy, 23d . 1 1 I . a. 'ii inested aa Bowen. I ROM I'-' in -M Hudson, !*". Y . Mir. b 21, 1 M. f lina Liv. ingston, au.t.nv .-? in-- nat,- Judge eolith rbompson, of the i ?? . snprrme . om ' Fa nena service al tludaoo, tt. v.. on Wednesdsy ift.-rnoiu, ? lock, lntt-rim-iit ,.t 11 inls in, V Y. 5UCCl.ll XjtlCCtl A. ORAND FLOWER SHOW, MF.TKOI'oI.ITAN OI'KBA HOtTSB, WHDNKbii.VY, THfl'.sH.VY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. MARCH -i, '-''?. "'' and -IT NEXT, BY C. P. K LUNDI". It. AND Ult DEB TaB PATBOXAOB OF Mr... J.J A-t .r. -M -. A ii. ii.- P.. liuont, Mrs Wu. M. Bl s.. Mi- i-.d-a.u I .per, Mr.*. f.j. De Peyater, Mr*. Hamilton Pish, Mrs. I.tulls i . Hamersley, M i * Ami iii Is Im, Mrs. Joiih Jaj-, Mis. levi p. Morten, Mn. Robert J Remaeo, Hrs. Geo. n Werna, Mitt estherne Vfe I , FIRST DA****"! OPEMTNO AT -' P. M. FOLLOW I MO HAY- AT U A. M. CfVOBEB BACH DAY AT ll P. M. A CHAN" COVCEBT AFTF.ltN'iOV AND F.VI'NIN'1 BY lilt: MI. l'1''OI.lT.lN OPERA CO.'?OBCHBtTBA, Coder tin Isaderablp tl WALTRB DAMB NM H, Eaq. ADMIBBIOPf, (LOO. A limited uumit.-r ol bonea tor salt- al 'JUT liroudway. ii un i.o |*. Haere, Aarlloneer, MOORE** ai , now BOOMS. .'.") I li- I'll.A Vb.. FINK MDDKItN ANI) ANTtajri. PURMTUBB, KS 1 lill-. HA n K ::1 i'l' .-I'M K lip liAliM..- ,'. H IhUERUOLDT, r.v oin in of nan .riv. .i dibrl, AI.-" I-.SI IRK STO hi tia' I . Bi'IKIDU ?. 13J -l.\ ill AVI1. Italian cuv.a.i turnltare m a- "ii. Htatcarr, Qenntae Bronzes, Benares Brass, Venetan Olasa, Venetian Mirror*. Ar.,-in Pottery, I' Ins Bilka )??. mrlea, etc.,ula -N"NN ,)> ,.X ill HI U'.i.N sAI.K, ID MkKKDNV, Tlll'RHDAY AM. FltlH.V*,, MAid II '.'1 'ii AND '.'H. Hpeetal notice is eal sj to iii" hoar of sale, which on ac count uf tbe magnitude li ayn I i-i tn lock m.v h day ll : ^j Bicycle, nearly iga \ : llleycle For Sale.?A spe lal " 1. . ticiT , in perte. ' oruei . ?! ?? equal I I re ach ball b, tad nlcsel pnate. wm *eii for ?JJ if taiseii immediate v dress K . Tribune . ifBce l.isints BaterraUaatora lilla Roachea. Bedbucai it.Us" Mii-f, Mutiis, neas Lies, Abu. Infallible remedlea Not poison, to., Broome-Mt. All wnlsrprisiag spirea._ Post HtHfe Nonce. , a b? read daim by ... mtexostefi a. ehaagea m-iy u cur al any tinnrj. Letta is (or lorelcn e lontrtesn.l rc,! beapeoiailv * t Irawaed f,*y dispatch hy suv parucmar st amer, except ia n .* J t airt-'i tu send dupllcatei ul bankin! an! dose nu nt., ntturs not speoialiy addrsaaad Ut-inj s*ut 'jy tai last, st vessels av caa ila Foreign main fur tbe week eodms March 'il will IV, TIT >DAY At5 a. ui for Kurope, pera. s. Aruouia. via sjtntf iiHtown. Wtl'M-ai'A V AI'I a. m. for linroy ?-, nert s. Kins, via -o.u.iaiuptoi. ann llienifii . ai- a -n Iur Praafai direct, pl ss til Laurent, VIS Haalc ,.utters limul De ilire.'letl "per Bt- Laurent '? P tl, 'or thu ni in mr.', dlit-ci and dir \ euezu.-u and Curasao, i.a Vr)n)tia.l. pur s. s Ht rm el j lin ,'.-"n\ Atti ii t tn fm- Barope, p. r * ?, Oeraaoale, via Uusenatowa tlettera fur Frau. -, Oermany, 4c, uusi b>- direClaHl !?? i tifiiiiauu' , at '? J) t I. foi tra.iOa. (iiiuianv, .nc. paras Wsstphsiia, ria Pivwouth. Liaai Imiuik au I icttera lol "e- t Urttalu and other Buropean oountriea nmsi ha directed " .,-r A'satpba Bs it] i in foi ll.tvti. iiei . s Albauoi al 1 p. m. fur lit-.iiiinia, |? r ? a. ni not-,,, al -tail p. m.. for I'ii.atit so. Mensa per s. s. I hoi .ililli. BATU RH \ i a. m. for ths Weal ladles, rta Bt H.- tass umi Bsrbodos; tor .e.tels and Curacoa als Bal i us for Braid .mu tba la I'.au i uuotrl s. na Braail, pei s. ?. A,iva. it'. Hum Nsaa-pul vrw>i a| -, ?% ?,, f(ll , j.t-r s a. M-ii.t viavjati .ttta.aii |e .fis lol ucl many...c., ii -isl ba directed ?? esr servis**1i at tl a m. tor ?<? tun I i pst a a Circaeais vis Olaagow iletters must na st a a. ni. Io; the Netti,-. n: is i il i a ilrllfra must pt-r tulsa ai ti a. ta lor Sewfoundfuaad, p,r * * Portia a' ??? ni ai Bc -iain dlraot. pei s. ,. '. vis ABtwerp iel I r* Ul isl . Waesiend " ; at as llennaay, atc pea * ni, n ia ur u,an i at Wa m. foi ? i at a a. t ny of (.'bl caa!" via Qiifi-nsiown i lot lora inusl li dire.-! tl 'per City ol i liicaao "i . a; 11 * rn for Norway direct pea tl I ii |,,| a, ,. , ii ,??>... . ia ' ulri,.i p"i ' ,?"' aaala"); at Ian,is .icci, asl v s. i dam, vi b. d rscted " yi balsa *' t a uaissr, a. a. lettera n.ust ted "pei M ? f. m. (or Blnelle.da, Hrsitowu ai.d Llaon, per LBS} I Ml ..-I, tl -mi Net, tilt-ans Maits im ths Bocistv lalaBda, per this rrjuic hum ifroa eau . ai.-h-r' .alan i Jt nt , p. rn n,r '..inna J apse, pet a. t, ?c sou (ron -ai ii I ai..'.*., . .lose lifr? March *-7al T p. iii. Maila im li usn... Maw-fs-saiaud. njaodwieh Kilt and eaaoau Islsadt Berat Msraroa iron, Ksa Prsuetaooi. clots here vyni ?a al 7 [a in ot mi aniv.ii-t N. ?? Yoi * ur . a llrilu. io Witn nails Iur Australis' \iais for i noa. n,' ral it laiui'a. Fi i. ani I'u-n ? bl * .aiii.'i Ho u Key Wast, Fl a, tlees al lois oilier tl .ur st Hi li) a iii. ? Tbeseheilii i g Trana I'a- '1" tl lists il.-iiir'l en Iii.- li ot.) upai.I I i"li I 1 .. "ii I'l,I < li.sui 1 alf !...i Niau, flo il Hie I', is: ai e. i i; no U.U' a. Bsa fi sue tann on ibu <uy ui saning, .ti itsattaca ira lia imai beti in.- i< i ;tia same tav lil.MtV Ii I'I-Aiit'iN. i'oitaiaua-r. l'af?l"-ai.o. *>oa Vork, IN. V.. ilax.u U. UtB? ? ?I,-sr Of Tl!" ll . , " :* . il : -? I r . ? ? c.. Y ? - !?? nth last ia .- uagnifli ? ally iliuati ? of only from Hie olaf . ........ I ' ' ,-..., i isca - .*i y uii-li-r-i ? ' Tbsleetore last evening ara' aaswoea tha aabje t Alchui niel Its El . . ? ? ? i io igbly un ??: -i ?? ?' th. ? i ... ? ? ?al atsedp im. sod i. *. a i ? -t ? aaaa certainly lamala weight and gi ar i our p ken I tl fre proaiii-tiv" ,.r iu;iin u waaapoa AIM I.I EBA I D I.I'H' HW I hesvtset wshrht of hit ? ill it was not bs sieve i at r at to tbe greater (act sad oas far asora iaSsetrsM - . fda. th it IO .,, ii ,i of mani- Sf hp il ii,utis ib iu. pip nany In ui) by physician. Sn lui di rho inva'ui therefore, lo when awafeoUe stimulant. aTe n seline I i.aii'l lint c i t i-opn. sr *aaiarag pbyetelana, specially when *he . teed ba 'ii ? tat itbey are ta ? c. ? rn ii- au). ? -tit-o's of the >i iu.,'. nut tlso the ti preasiogaadex< lanstlmj a Lon of one or ... ,-? i ,??-., is Ur i<* atth which h ? ill'ior is a'inti riif.l, sn 1 all th s In stliiUI ni lo tbs pffffa falsrly pres ? .a inch aio, it r .aps. aa |. .. de i b ? imus ls tuen I ri i Das ? r then proc ia i- it to d mae itt tt i by nn.' -MosetT, ns vi wa Ih a.. n m.on Ila- t m. i* tn i p...-,. rue s tCSOp! ".ll i. aii i aflat ts oi adsliersted llqnora Us Aewed t*ie . . Bas ih ni I '!,"? ? . ? ? 11' Um ' ?. "f li nats ii I >,,h ths Nar "is oi jiint of Ila, body, " Alcoholic atlmulaula *>?? neither (sod nor medinina They I * lill 'l all 1, . i ally bulli ap t n [be i .ii ?!.. '.'V fun upon (ho rbolea anal ids t naasIbUbsmm mayas ? r," I hu.- wiall ti tho , . in the i nv r of the - , reslsi Uis, a ? " finch ettniulauta may keep np ea i ? . ? lor t t. ia , Lu t' , v .-. .r -I ? IAIN i Mi. VI l AL KO:: " They Inflame i.t nomad*, asakee the i o rer of rUeasthMi i . m.I COBS il i ?? . ti, i . m.iiiiii.-I iNithiat dis. I In I" c.. i 'a BO t'lUi .In.i, pt by .nit a', -l ;,u-.N. -.-11 <:.i ition .tn,I a' iimilarioa. 'i ks.m ut un exalt tn,)) of tba functions ol althea body sr teiad pta, luce I bv ie, lao ic s- uni lie ? t t 1- alw.ns i.i owl lu-an In* qaarree .,f ^iti,,. ,i. alcohol nay h.. ir t weacy brain n- in-i-vi. .. '.? ? it. .um to 'nil.- ,\ i-..a f,r | Base 1'Ut ita it oi lt i - <lf. trie ;i\ i- ;iii,| ii .r c.ii* tr net. v". ?? i be tara ; ? ,,f | .,?- moua j adc tented Ibroora are ai.v..ys injurious io he - a te i 'i iv'ici-lei--ans i I bi yeats af expo**i^*aee u leal,ti thal ? ll . i ra ib lid (asset be until to Hi" ais: m isl fir tf llb-ni'V is to,;, -td.-, n ai ii,, bm ta rene ly la auv i ibey take raak arith other potts is di roess ? "Is sdi uv i of chronic diseases lt la sbsolotelv ;,? C" aary thai the medicines aasd - io lld a i istorsiiva aad ? fl tv 'ell. tating in Hun i-ii.-i t? i ia asa ,,i tiqsers ted p ns ,n,..i* u,ugi :.'?.-? ret a - i- ... i"v.t.iii.'iii.' ai,' rat i i ii '-ffecta it . os i i i .ii." remedies from Hm . r ir iji, n i-1 ol ii i' ?: tbat tbe tra imsI ts oed health glvlag i ? , led. ? li. alt . depeodt u;i n ihe perfect pawformanee af all the vorloaeorgaasni the hedy, ti." Meed drcalatas (attwagh th" * LIVES, ami th, il-ty of i'll i orrin is to tepMBM th btleflWSI BM blOOd. ih ? liver, hf ?oiiilrir: t,e [il I ... i -lo,xtract this u isry matur and tba bio 11 aral athol ? ayttam bo one . il i a -np. ia ann SBCS ot I 1 luva .a throws od fran the arness, uni yon IneesM Btuanei ih" brain i< .ni- ? ted, aa t f a bsvs ',. loat heaea ie-, in a f. w newths the syatem beean i e ? ad wltb thia tc- that it secamulati sn. th.- stem >. ii .uni b .wats. tbse voa complain of bad breath, peer appetite, slekaeat at the etna a h. p Ila in I ie sill- .imi are snl'din,' fMn BjVOpajpetS Ia tnchoondltpi iori raf-d Uquarssatsftpat4aa*e* ons tlrtiats work a tito-i bretni llsble inlury. " The b.o il, ii.. Irculating taruaeh tho K UNKi. srlves np Hs uric sci I, whteh ia ahM wotre-oat neuter. A a'i-.ilnln? "f these cr-an-, lifilna-a la av y i td, overwork af any timi, a cold ,,r il." aa ? s.-nii.i.r bara ney wweekaiBtB ktdneyt thal they tail t ? .la their duty, fail io eitra t ths uiiti SC il, mnl in rinse is ? th- tr, aol .int Ci ? Nilio. ? tysM ii laciitus poisoned csustag rh, nm e i. n. tsaeh bil,*, pains, lu>'-rour. (ike the diena Butler the stn mo Mrry the flitb from the atty, so ths n-.--.. kUaayaaad , hut ski story argana bm aswan ia ths kanoa tfetan, sad, ll clogged, diaeasa neal inevitably follow, in ,t'i a healthy ttomaoh ts enable oatotska rsqatsil . sf saasrleb* tn,nt. in-iniiiuif.i 'ur ? th i'i ,?'. tu Beti rt liver 'i-i'Miy t Dflltlnni of 'i.,t aoaroie tad kMaayt sad tha aiicininrv of the hu'niiii v-i-: i rina s ii'vithlr, a-ul wc (Ben nutty QUttB tinton Messing to nsaklad tinalte " rhe*.. afgan bi co -i ii ; dlsssasd BStt*Mr alohillc stimn ia n rs im. pus ,n ,a, ui I.-. - toni. ba i ?trted t->. bi- kacattsee remedies wi! ta Uleaawa eel a cn" iiimu tue coitl noathaof avinter the tystesa, tren tic parii.-ai i-i a* Bgel ibe pare- of the tkln an i the I nh ol power t ? throw 'iii tho Imparltiea of tue body, often b o bm un dead clog ul with mo. il n,..ici. il rh-'.- rn!,-,r'i i i 11 u: ,"> I ? o i '.tt ms nf 1.1- -i -I'-iii ,,r- arneb n tra ? leUy eaw t ia the tpclag than st Bay , th, r season of tb" rear, as ? KM snrhur th-r,- BM gr at, ami lapstlasl nhsogoa iskisg plaes thMocheaseh nature: tha lakM aad rivera g iprloga firth, thu hirds of th - air and bMata of tho fields BtaSd t-.t-ir WttS-M i iirilar pntnan iialraa pises le Mts hanan .1*1111 a tlWOWlBg otr of ile o'd .iq 1 as*a niii j- SSW co;,till ions, atni in this c'1.11. rt tin- nat aral proceawi issie! la a ma or,al .legree l ? 1 lion 0 a .- mi" ni' ci., ui'-s in cia.lic.iliug au 11 Bl ing. ohrnalr fllswatre Ileana it n (abel tr.-atui'nt for two montiit nruig in nesrly til cssm pndoees si re? sults tb rn iMstmeot for double th it nu* it tray other sraaoa of the year " Dr, OMsas whose o Bea ,s pertaeasatty t tested si U west, Ni av Vin X. n -in/ a spts-i tl,st tn til", tr. .mu -nt if all ? no. I.-eissseea I snlnintlrqeaMSsdto attnadvfae opus tin sc -ui "i ta sa 11 ai" t- ih m ni"-,- vhs Batlow his un i ?? vni be Mworded hy petteei ai. i psraMasaM ka iMB ss I i tha cut- ui , ha. nc *U*SaMt is BUBtBi W.'.'i , lt, tad bs *t.tuil. ti-' l ta id iii emun st lu lils pio ii ri ipsciatiti ni tba irealiaeel of tilts chee ef enhe nuns, ns ths foil larine;, wblab w..- clip fio.n ono of thetiaiiy journals, mil ah nt " The nm isot psrsooa nflbrlasj from ehfeale rMsaaeBi aro d stag with thspolesesas drasi nnffbed b>'paysh Una. or fiikine tins ui r h al ;, al ? n M v.n- ? i .h I -In- ma 1- r<> sell broadcast oat r thi lan I. r mn t bs lAaptsd '?? in ' r nura. nea lol aa. pi t. n ar c ia ? whfa al: iftny utsesl io eraiitc-ata tba ?'.!- ase (ron tb li if a- ai sad bb r 'i-.. i' ki .. i ii .ai.rn tl a ecsiMs ff aatoM'a cisaaaoj partfj ss tad uivi?)ratiDg Iflllf.l.ilS, .1* il?f 1 lil Hr ...LUC, of .'a'O JJ N.'aitltlb st. .N?N?. V. rt;. ?? tYs tpesk atronarly, hans is ? -.w snow whereof we sj.*ak. wet.iN, | . tresta dhna i fade sd tlaknaalet tn attii-iu nv [io ia m ' i i or tbe ass of pa teal neetateea until th. lalua thal th ..- i ? . in du torana- au l aebaa ??n t i- aonta mai it. u.iiort'ie Use of this.' MtjotaMa r"in ill-s kihi rapuliy anti pert ct tadperiuaii'-iit acakh wMrMSoreaL ? \n i - i ani it bal ni isn Dr UMeaafa (measseae-, for tm iiscsabao aliily no poiso:iuu.a drugs, and ava have ouiseivcs arttasassd the wandsrfat aausilva etfsete ol ins teassjahai i- ? s ive kaowsf iiiindritis af eeaes et ehieesete ioog ttaad ag ela a?, t M.a. Baan keee i atari i> n tore 11-? he lib. ly ftoptlog Hr.. trtjitni'iii. miiy of ttie-u having ba-a ?iv. n i.;, ,, un'ir.'.'?? ny oth.-r phreiaaaae.ead we kava nj iiesiiaiioi) in Sivliu that In th'cu o' BSSM coinplaiu'.s bia au c, ss is uipa il a tl In tht history of m ? ticiue." I >r. itipi'ii" mar be consulted, bee of charge |>er*oi?iiv er hy l.-tts-r Hs ti lii-c l.o ir* are fi oui 'Ja nt lo a p iti.tlailv; rs u tirtays fi om ;. to i.' 1 .* i-veiilug snd ^ul.llay boura are tm those wluse oc- uninlon w.l not adinll th,ir cal.iun during tba i ty. I'n, "N-i-niiig the Histor tb livers hu ur.-at " Lecture on Health " Ul Bair at sd I v ths Ba s; sr-r'.u.ucoii liewa aud .'.ls etina** effects esae -ii.? n ,-., 1, as a Bsaaataa s free io ail bis lacMMS, aae piealict an ni ii-.., e ben:.. I -n n bi th- capacity of ti.e kSS) e. NN t.lnta.,lay eveBtBJ Hie lei Iur-- will ho ?u ? I ina Nervous eran iu ' cu Ihuraday aud I n,la. aaeu.uas Maicb BB ead Bat. Ihe Peels** wtU nive frrc pm-tte ieeBBMS togru Ht'iii.'ii o.i). il.ust. i.el ky lie st-ic.ipiicon. fudiy a/l-r no ni at a .ia ll.toe wi I lu- a fieo private le. turo lo la?l:ea outy, illustrate J hy the sta-rcopticou. (rilral-l ln*a He .lisli ar ol tv, rv tle'criptlon st Hie lowest prut-* hy Ut. WAI I .'. ri Milli SS I Ml - -I Si ol.l alan I. Bets of If".h BC Bp*Slat. 1 111 ai.'.g OBdSI K't "????1.1s . r.. j \v liewa n.i' nett, j. ia' warner. Mt-der?ellera Mular. ' r suiiiiif.siuu of tho l' itoverntneat) Kei'ii'iirmiiib'.l by thc leading kiUlopeau lu.-diCal auU; i.-iiier as a water. BBWAAI <U' IMtTATtoNS. AMII"VY fKCH-a. M Warrrn-SL, _Bola Ag ni (or the Inned .itaie*._ Ntraiiishtp Otegnn. All persona. Maslins, Agni.ts or owucrv ot vessels, hiv. lUK Ul (lour it last-asiuii or uutlur I lu-ii cuuiiol. iirupiily pl, aift *ay J AH iii lt I Kl PAIR, Avtmgat N.liusier, bb '.um, Neat-lark.