Newspaper Page Text
/^l V*-XLV_-N^14,38a NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 188G. PRICE, THRICE CENTS ,t?d to A Tn * i\r Atn.'D * nupr-iDini* GLADSTONE AND HOME KULE unuousLT wah im; ros m* proposals. IBF. rm: Ml ku TO Mask lilt OltKAT sPBBCfl TO? DAY? 1 HF OOMMOBS TO ot'KV AT 0 A. M. I.uMi'.N. April S.-Al] of thc ParneUite mem ber* of Pat?Bssaal Bass aii-ewiy ainvad to Loadsa in Brd(>r te> secure seals In the ll.msc* for tn nlfrht. It I* rr ported tbat Mr. (ilaclstoiis baa lnfornieil Lord Marline spaas*. .Mr. raiasll st IBs toadtni tsat-am of hi? link arliene. Mr. Furnell, lt la said. approves the plan. His nppiova!, however, ls subject to a modHLatlon of tho Srtails. I.'.r.l Hartington is averse to a division on tho first reidlnirof tbe bill. Ike Standard aduilli) that the Conservatives sro pow BBtsSB witlu.ul tbe assistance of I.'.r.l llartli. ir * uti. Bud that ?n attempt at Isolated Conservative action woald remit in a ftotSSJ tor Mr. (,lapstone. Tho Liberals believe that they will bo able to carry tho measure-tbrou.h Us second reading, and that the real Banner will BltM lu coiniutt'ee. lhere to B rumor th?t the bill ss modified will meet -lill ISSSSBfSSlltSB f-. m Mr. CbamheiiaBa Special Bl I BOBS?? SafB been made for reporting an i teleirrai'Iiiiis- (lie speech. An exira writing room bas Leen prepare.!. Tin- Qii'-en invited Mr. Gladstone*- last WsdasadBI and b^ an saBatarday te dla, st Wladisr, Sal the Preatet WM tat bang aad was issspsilad ss sasilas both lnvl nasa I...M...N. Apiti 7.?lrlshflssa Urine in London fcave BBSS raqaSStS-l to BBSSBSWsIs thousands tomor? row loSbBSI Be. QlsSstsai as lie enters Parliament A similar Liberal tu..infestation ls expected. Vrgent Whips have been issued IBqBSStlBE 'he presence of uii tn- m'icra ll tins House of Common* le-BHWfB- and on Friday. The House will be ope nail at i a. in. to uiorrow, to enable members to obtain seals. fae np. nine af las Haass at ea sari* an hour is ri, n.l i-|...ii a.lvi-r-.-ly on tlie eround Itint it place* a i m. i-u j.! rahal aaSaraaes sad aaadleaas invalid and weaker aae-BOera. Tha Parasllltss al ? -Matias to? ual ili-c-idi-d lo end r the* Mouse at the earliest possible h. ur in arsst is -<? are Mata i ii.- vain.iis vs uipi ii.iv.' srraBfi i willi the members of their parlies for the paBtpoaemenl until Friday of all questions which weie- io Bass sass broueht up In tho linus, nf C iiiiinon* to-morrow. e\e-.*i.t those of the* most preesiac lraaertaaee. Ia tha? sartalllac ths BbbIbsbb el j tm- Haass, Mr. <? aaatsBS viii ba asaBlei] to seals ins | I-,- -t eh la explai allua of Bia lils!) Boots H ill sc-iu-iue- Bl an.ut li ill p .*i t is tbs afternoon. Inc- ii-u.ii l.oiy of police stslloBSd BB*>nt the I'.irlia i batMiBSS -ii,; baatiaaalj reinforced to-morrow. i - pi. e..uti. ii will batakaa te aapprasssay oVibob ttrailoa thal mar be stie-sated eal ni- of the- ball Hage. I Match I i ini'i-rs tula a meeline ibis afternoon to tt-ceiTB a deputation ol Presbyterians trott Dieter, abs care la enter theil protest BSBlaal tiie- granting of Boms Roto tn Irelaad. Rn Donald Corrie, 1 el .!, number for West Perth shire, pu* Bl. ed, Tbs Moderator af the (len.-ral As? or tuc I'i- sliyteilin t'.iuri-li In Ireland, win. led ia* depot allon, explained thc- reaseas for the v HsaaM the Preebrtertaas al Ulster were lu deep Bullet] Issi Tu lineal shook! adept legislation which wiioM pi..ce th.- Pr t '*;aat minority m Irelaad .(? a srasl cl - ..!-. auta-.-p ny lian Ima over tue c? ntroi of Hie .flairs ef ibe coo ut rr toa parlj distinctively BBti-Protsatsnt, 'll;.' ell -pilliiliull SpBkl Ul Ihi' lillill. l.-St ICIlleS of tiltil' . - it breibrsB in .island, but saul tiny feaied Hie Kool relations aaa exisiint baiween Ibe PmteelaBta and Caiiio'.irs in lin . i.uutry is.. lid 11- il * ii i:,I'll un 'er ibe aaa order ol thing*, which ll i.rallied thc leaders of tile Uov.-l nttnjiil in t. I eil la sun. Im hi iv. April 7.?Kurili I hoi'sand ladies of Cork Cona* t har. tes a petition |u I ii (Jueen sislnsi Home Bole Oi.e thouaaBd of the alf nert aie< athoiics. WINM.lis AT TIIK EPSOM BFBIBG MEETING, IjOMjOB, April 7.?1 lie (.itv mid Siiliinbiti) fl .ndie.ip raes ol 1,000 sover.-i.tin WBS run to el ey al lbs i i?em Bpi ne Baailaa. n waa won bf Mr. UhlMwIek'a leiii-veai--uid bay BBB Beyal Hampton, with Lord I. les? li., ie i's ali y.-ar-oi't bay baree Hlchtaad chiet lessad nnd l.eei-i Ci,<?<? tan's fo ir-vear-old bay Ally Lone.)* ihlid. There wera safeate bb sim t. r*. Tbs raes lor tbe Hid- Psrk I'late. fortwo-ycar-e.iel* bsd eight alerter** F. Beolrew'e brown Sllj Verity was WU ss mn i. r. iisiii'iiiarni) mis i..i*;-.,ie. SM lavin le. ?(..l SBtOBd Blaee .ml ft Jennings, Jr.'a hay tilly Manna tu int BEWS Min.* PEON london. Lcsiiei*. April 7. I induct Mis Just after the raia cariylnir the ('zen mimI (/.ama tn the Climes had DBSaSd ( li.irkor! !? u iii-ii, wini ..lied lu a -u~p emus meaner, were ni ri-teii nu (lie railroad naik. li bi aappoeod that Hwy lia.) I.e. u en e i ne. i In a pint to bow up ihe ti am. i.i.lllsii '1 kai -I.. 1 iee returns Issue.1 ny the Hoard of Trade ?Ii.jw tbal ihe in,pmi* iii March deereased ;!?) -s c.'in,'oed wiii me month last year snd i:...I tm-. sports increased 83*28.3.5orel March of 1S8.V E>PK0PK1ATIN- Hi:- LAND OP THE POLES. Hiii.iv, April 7.?Tba Lower Ile.usc of tbs l'i'.i*-iaii Land bb lo- e.n adopted ihe BUI ssptapnatlBs tin* laud tit tlie Poles IB l'o-e-i. and ? olnul/.liiK (he prov? ince Sinn e.ei nuns. The Polish Deputies pointed out Heal they h.1.1 tefl ame 1 from laklBS any part in tlie dla lus-ioi, Ol the bl nu.i ie. onie,l i..en vnle-s lu pro* t'-1 MIBIUII (he p BBBSa nf tne inca-ure, wl.ieu they ,'e e. I a*--.i vtolailoa ol Un- fundamental laws si Lie State, sod eouirarr to ina dlelalea ol humanity and to Ue. ll.Urn..;,,,I,a. lu alii-n." BTBIBES IN Il KU .H'M AND IRK!.AND. Hui--ii.*, April 7.?Tbs glass-makers ol ll. ..!..In hali- li ere sid Un- price Ol wlmloW-eia** one ri i i ttl VO) per 800 feet Tho edvaaee le aanaral sad ts -. a 1 ? ne. e *-.u > I.s lt! i-i.orii.o-!* evtia outlays needed t.i ii s.oie ni rep..ii be slaaa works deal ruy ad or injured la ell parts nf tam dimitry lu leereoeul stnke. l-l hi.i>, April T.- 1 he Mse.liMii we-ikuioii imp.-rtcci to les- i . places o IBS sinkers lu nie Dululu linnie W in k- aie .iii x mini li. i eui rn to .*w> .lei . Bet sui-hu./ to Barnes* the i-os m ., i.r tb* irish aorsnicn. lin saedea Ba] Ibal Hie- en-.,li den tn ku io Ireland Wltlmui know Hi lin., iney wale umlei bliiuuij l lie Ii.bIi norWuieu. BSD Or THE IlKVilLl rio.S Is ni'l.NOS AYHK*. Bi e.mos A tees, April 7. via Qalveaton.?Tbe re v,.,u: loniss bali- been completely acf* ami have terminated ine.r eumpalsa i ho wounded are heine t-rcl.iili air. lided lo, _u,| )\,? pi jsouers taken hy -.he t...seiniiii-iii tr. ? un nave bean liberated. I,e. . an-.i-u: in of a li'-r ('.hui..., .or tue Presidency e. ,e Bepob ic hy the oppo-ilion parties, was pro t..n .ed >i siee.iay. - a*. BI4M I I Al IT'.IMDI.M OF COSTA BICA, Washikoton, April 7.?Henoy Peralta, thc Costa Iticau .Milnsl r, has just receive I a cable .1,.patch lu-ni Um Ws*.i re-.ary nf Malo ot Costa tilca, BBBPailllllg tlie unauiiuuiis elecliiiii ot (.enersl Ona lleriiar.!.. Bate a> i'u sui. ni ni. sate Una for tho soastitattoaal period ie. oui year*, i.eeiiieiiie mi May Sl BeBer Peralta,la sc* ol tin- sealy elected Pr, sideal said: *? a i.-i ( . death iii i .ene i ai Dm, PftM|iere 1 ern a inlet in March, 1*- -. (j Bim . aim- imo i.nwei .is V li e-PreSMleat, auel cjiirinic IBe past year bite se rve-ei the couuiry a* prwTla 1 nu l're Idem willi sn luuclt cie.llt to bu.,sell ann load !?? lue people, iBal tor tue first niue in lae bletory of the Kepubllc, .. I'.e- lent n ia been e.eete.1 by a unanimous Sole." IKCIOEXT8 IN THE DOMINION, 'lui:..Mu, A|nil 7.?H.uihiu lui received a te. siam lunn u. k. K..x ottnme la buen hun for fl.000 a.-..,nst Te,-luei. .,ni aiaiine leemar'B wlLlaaneaste enter the rsaatiB bs bs tn-.,! ,? aacast Haalaa ?uye bo ant eater either or bath racee if issy ar.- Bled before J., y Ift, sa hen ne Will s.arl fur l.iiician.l. i.l.lil.l-. Out. Apr 17 -Ue (..ami Trunk Lipressfrom ChteaBwfar*Msauaal ssa* throws from u,,. nii u,ti. llhtl Meat owiue toa BBrMSB heme ?p, u. PaaiBBrS,taS eaalBS and lend.-r were aliun-t wu eke,l. BBefliieer I,, .-ree Uiown an.i Expeeaassaa (;. vv. Blakey wsrs t.i.nuy iiijuied. Ino aainave lo roiliiie slock iscon ?. ia.,le. 1 BAOMBNT8 Ol CAULK BSBTB. PaBIS, April ..-A third of the, party of wolf, bl t-i. Boeslai m who caine lo Tails tu be Ife.uCil by M. i - i bsa .in ,i. I'i i, April 7.? Mrs. Me laueliiin 1ms elird of starva? tion li. tn- rt?BCI of lurnj sliuabli, (oiliil) Mayo. /ABU, Apiii 7.?A vo hilo en'llled " ATnut ls BaUllte," .!? voled lo an exposition of the entire ability Bl li...c lo cope sueceasiuliy with Oelluali). shounl Ihe '? ? i i. as- au alla. - nb 1 lance, has hoon published te tr. BBWXBOUBLA ov.h tut. Tl t. BIB IA covvoss. Rbi BMOBD, April 7 {Special,.?E_-Govenior a* H i iiainUer.aiu and William L ltoyall. In Hie [Jelled ?etea ( in nu court to-day, arened emotion batata Judge Loud for a maudamus to compel the Slates ort! tr*. |C| , >ei\e coopee- frmu lae tr aaaurei >.f y.irtliiiui ?I sud ( ounty. who had collected Irom tue L . - ?jBrroBcy. j,llll(f liuud bad previous.) deciued ib?i a _**""'' "". '. not pa> lu c-oupoi-B vs bat be col.i-cied in CJ**' but ii is uow lb..lieut he alii surely revere, bis . -^inii. Hie:, ?,e eiiiiiieli ca?es of the same character ? m* otale lo a-e.ount to fTo.OUO. p ?"A.s Bl} i. ia | ia (uMPA B rE co a I, TEA ''I Heber'LA"M P"U' AplU 7 {Si'ecU1''?? PNMadBBt J" ts, of in, I'eiiusjiVaUia Batlrsad, is-u?n .o-day the 10*inistauujeiu in releiaaas to tue coal business of ?? biaaaaay i stea-f*_i-f>_'Tu -t-BBrBaa Osmpesr Em not lu sap ''?I'esiioir. '' '"" ,,'"?'t Intend to depart, from BojWrt",l*-'^''^tui,.!*- aa.u.neil. u> wit., mai r. will be ?SasS-Z-t-' *'t,0<'"-1 lestilciiou upon tosnaee, or ~-? s lAtuuy aiuiltiei ad venue u? gtlno. Aasom :)_, however, the belief of the Arthraclte Association bat the natural increase of eou*uiupt!ou In 18-tl will mt rsry mool from the tnereaie of past irear*. whleh Daa averil -cl about (I per oent annually, lt Waa quite it ?- nit ia gu. i's insurance that Ita own Increase of -I od non..ti during ls?n would not exceed that tcenerally foneeded sreraire? that ia lo lay. Ita production of l**i-*5 with 0 per cent of tounsge added?but lt will not -unsent to exert any lnflueuee whatever on lt* Indi? vidual producer* and chipper* a* to ihe amount of their respective production. It will, as beretoiore, extend ?ll tstaeiiltle* to the traniportation ot their reipectire iblpiuanta, whnterer thc capacity stn! builneti dlicre 1 mn of the Mill', era uisy iee til to wake thew. CANNIBALISM AT SEA. AWFUL SUFFERINGS OF STARVING MEX. RAILOI'.S ADKirr IN A DORY D1INK TIIK BLOOD AND FIAT TIIK KI.KM! OF A C< >*-_>!Bil Uf. Halifax, April 7.?A (lory with two men 'ivint- sud two dead drifted ashore at Guynn Island, (iaberui. Cape Breton, on Monday, Bigfel da j* after har? ing left their vessel on the western part ot the <irund Hank. The dead men were both named Mcdonald and ibe name* of the ll vi nar are Chisholm and McKacbrsn. line of the bodies wa* coiiiluerubly mangled about tho .I1ra.1t and arin*. On Thursday evening Jame* McDonald, tho weakest ind molt thinly clad of tile four, began tl link, and In the night died, the body of the ile,d nun had hardly frown cold when Angil* .McDonald ?ald he munt have mmoa_tOg to rut sud drink or lie would die a!*n. D'spite the protestation* of Chisholm and M.T.aciirnn ie took a knife sud eui tlie righi nrm iff the dead man, sucking the Blood and deTouring the 1e*h. Ile offered some to the oilier*, hut tb-y refused it, Ihough *otne hour* later C'lil*boliu ta*ted a piece of tba flesh, but wai unable to swa'low it. Md uni.i..I having nicked sll the blood from thc Revered nrm. Angus Mc? Donald laid he was going ni cut 111- throat of Hie dead 'nate, ont waa for a time restrain,,! fr-'in doing *o. 'Mi Friday night, however, while the other two were tleepilig, he ennui,ittcd the.:,ct. and, Un.ling no blood, ?ut a piece of finn from each thigh, drinking tho Mood kl rt eating a po; tion of the lle?h. Ol tho follow,nu- dav lie became delirious .ind before darkliest* again set in ne, too. died. During all tbli tune M<I'aehr.m BBd Chla liolui dbl mott of the rowing, though every hour their pfforti grew inrrrc feelde. They gol into beaty In ft iee, ,ake? of tillich they bailie I Into tin* bool lad eagerly licked with their tonne! to allay their [bust Oa Saturday evening tiiey e line In Night of < li.Von Ilium*. BOme lillies Oil lie co.tst o' (ape Ililli n, but tie ir izhanatmn waa so treal Hal they wera Doodle to maota lt They tried to Bleep tbrnoah tbe night, bnt th* . ug cold nod beary sea prerented their doing so. Io the muming they I to uel [? land. 'io-11 if in a ct auder McDonald, o well-known barrister if Ibis city, mod it) nu even'' g p per ot fie death of i he two fishermen, nnd waa horror-stricken to Boo ibat tbe Int lunn lo ile and to bet oma : tie Victim Ol cai;' ii..ill*.n noa hi! nan Mother, Angas McDonald. 'lb.- Mc? Donald* and Chisholm were ahipmatofl un the Qlooeoater aehooaer Mary E. McDonald, which wa.* dallied to piece* nea-r Liverpool, Nova Bcotto, ,* lew warks ago. The crow were Bared, sad winn tbey ur lived iu Halifax Alexander MeDooald tried to porsnade bia brother to retire from ttahlag aad mttlaon his r,,, u. He promised to Un 00 after thia Benson. Tbe three men thippedoo the Cecil H. Howe and me their fate. Chis* li..1 m. who wa* ii niau of powerful physique, was to be ii.a: I. ... in a few neall. FISHING IX Et).), IX loX WA TEES. iOMIRAL bCOTT'8 MISTAKES NOTIONS. MIK. L'.MTiD states COKII L-OBMKBAL IWSTBCCTI BIM BBOABDINQ Bl! I" ii % IIu.iiax, April 7 (Special),?'There wes an lotereetlnit KBlherlng of lawyers and leglilatori ia tho Parllnmnntnry library to-day whoa United state* Con* mi, phelan oed Admiral Booti mot, the latter un.Li t ikmg to ihow :iie a iii.-rii'.'iti it preoootatlre under ? bat auiiiority ne bad ordered American Baling reat out of ]iroTliiclal waters. Tlie various local Statute! wera eaiefui > searched by Admiral Bcotl withoal Bad lng any warrant* Justifj u;g I..* proooediaga Then the go<ul-nalured Admiral iii bi* 1)..itt english -tay ne Uni: ?? boo?<? dutlcr had knocked thal Beetloo om of the ai atnie book." He fell back upon un md ad ol (.eur g.-lil whleh, be uiio.ed gave him raqaietia authority. Tha L'ausiil-treii* oil c.riit'-iided that tbal BOt wat obsolete and was repealed by ibe liriliiu North American act. winch gave excluitve conti ol al tbo BahortOI to the canadian Parliament, Admiral Beau then agreed to leiegriipti tbe paints laised by Conan! Phelan lo the H.. in in um Qoreromeol ann await instruciluui. There fore tlie fl.igdnp Lansdowne will be Kilo for Mime tlmr. ('fiimii-lteiieral Pin lan OOtOBdl Iii rt Amen. tn TMSelS eau put Imo ny canad).ni purl aid stay a month it they w.tnt to, and tue on,1- thin! the Canadian* can do I* to jolt un oltleer on board lo see thal she does no! I!-h or buy inn. It n audantotftl that tbe maali ul thur, little e. inference will also be IrlOKrapbOd to \\ .1* iligt"ii. Mraawhtlalt spuesrs tbat aOnin will remain in nain qua. a* (apt un Scott will oBly hereafter aol wiihin the eli ic: letter .nd sj.nil of bl* iiiiiru.tloii*. CONOKE88MAN BEBO ON PKEE FISH. Washington, April 7*?Mr. Recd, of Maloe, to-day expressed hlflMolf it* follow* o,. Uta free lal clause in Hie new tariff bill: putting iisb on tbe riee Ital ls an nnexpeeted blow fi it -* i, i ii at iBtrreata of tbe cou u try. li i udm ..i*o rn a lime wh'ii lt wnl bo moat severely felt. Under the treaty ol 1871 rm tl-:, bod beea tl..- price tbe lulled State* juli I fur the right ol ttthmg in provincial vt iiier*. A little than a j eur nco lt had liecoine evident to everybody Hint the price WM too I,; ilia! free ll-li inn.,.i tallon from Canada, even ( onple.1 with Hie ruin of fishery on Hie I ulouial coast was Headily ana turn- ruining A mr noun fisheries. Fully coi,niKcd of inls luci, the fisherman el the north? ern renal with tim un .nun.ty i.oiu ot tn..okigb Informa? tion deo?MKted the abrogation of the treaty of 1870 te lat as it related to Babarles. Cooareaa rrspouded promptly by ordering nonce of abrogation, and ibo treaty ceased lo ,.p. rat- la*' fall. Tbe Pr, *ldeut had the iii % fortune to ie so tniiltiforiiied as I., propose a Convention With ' Britain oa tbs an oj. ci. bin the Indignant re idhi,si lances of nil interested Leen lo patent In rc... sou md so sound IU fouud.i! lau ii,,il by cou,mon Cou*, 111 tin- rrcommendhtlea of m- Prrsldeel ba* dropped oui el every in iii'- thougla*. Tb:* mil pi opuses to enact lim very outrage, Hie fesr of Hie p.saiiiiliiy of winch BS aroused the indignation of il,,, whole Now-Eogland Bakery Interest*. w.lhoUtdlNtinotlon of polities. Il does ll prop,,se* to give to C.maila for nothing tvhal Hie Do,iiinion i* longing to pay a high pi Ice for. Tb?- bill proposed by the majority euuid hurlly afford io bare In uso sinking au example of the fully ol the theories *\ billi poy no attention to existing*. RI SILT OF THE RHODE isl. AX D T.LEt HON. TllK ItKlfltl.lCAN TICKET H.HL'TUD?PKoll IBITlo.N AM) vi; ti -it a\ ICTPBAOB CaBBIBO, Providence. April 7 (Special.)?'Vhf. l-t-pub llcai. .Slate ticket, headed bv (ioveruor George Peabody Wetmore a elected oxorpt oa to the Attorney-General. The prohinlliou and soldiers and sailor*' inffrage iiinciiQiiients aie adopted. The groat Unlit was over the Alloriiey-li'-uerulitilp and the prohlblllon iimeudmeiil. At ibis * riling, with throe towns and two war ls lu tins etty to from, there were 10,953 vote* for prohibi? tion L> ti.7'.)7 against ll. K Metcalf, the prohibition tandi,late for Attorney-'icnei tl hud 10,038 vote*, ag., list s.tsi for Ha,?uel P. Colt, the present lin uiiibent. * olt'* delea* I* not In anv sense a def! if of th** Republican porty, rm Meteall l* aim a Repoblleon. rho lairlalalamie, aaosool. largely Bepnbltoan, but uf snob a oemplealon ibat a bill win !,? pa*ie.i ai ibe May ichNiuii fir enforcing prohibitory law. Ibo present il c-ii-e* expim on July 1. ELECTIOKB IN ILLINOIS AND MtBBOtTBL BT. Loii*. April 7.?Iii** city election in Kail st. lx>ula yesterday for members of Hie City Council reunited la the Balabla of taber earrytogtwa war-is, au! what lt known as llio Admliiisiro'-iou party earryiig the other two. The city Bleotloae hare boga i.eid torana?ant thlaBlott*, ami dlspntohei from Bama* oii* palate lu the nu* nor show that the labor party ha* cai ried levcral place*. 1 he i Hl/.eri*' ticket* bare leen niccrsi.'ul al other pot ui*. aad uriel nerty linea have been drawn I Ba Bm places, in tbe majority nf which the Dem,.ciaii,- been rictonou*. (iii. *..)), April 7. --Ten Benublieaia and eight Demo ciats w.-i'e elected .-uperv |s,u a al Lluoulli, III. Ihe tunic Kepubhtan llckul of Moliuioulb, 111., aaa elected. rn, A Max oh ALIASES BREAKING STONE nv. PABBBB Kop, A PBBAOBBB, AND WAS BBCOM* Ml BOBO POB A COBBI LSHIP. Indianapolis, Amil 7 (Special!.?JhRbOug tim priauu.-rs wbo were into Hie Mayor's Couti thu mernina waa a ama maty yaam atd, who registered st Ihe Grand Betel last night ai ino BOT. Iiaac J. Hrcntoi,, of Pittsburg. The chane agaiutt him wai that lie waa a thief and f.-lcn. In i,ia vallie were found rel 10 lo caah and a few theological hooka, together withs hatful ol cuppine* from Chic.igo and New-'iork iiewtpai?r* giv? ing- a fragiurutari History af louis or bl* ciiminal exploits. Au.ung the .lippi,,ga was one (tating ihal Le bad swindled a bank ol K ? better. N- Y, hy railing a check Iron. * if* to-fi,uno. Hi.uso bsd leslliiionial let? ter! from lome of tbe molt prom,neut periom :, the inaaMJ. Including the Kev. David Stung, den-i .1 (.r.rge H. Mc, ilola-ri bun,lil aaa, Atlolli. ) on. erm uf i', lil..*) , v adla, t ellale*Mll*ll Atkinson, uf the Name slate; and. in fart, frcin ul i.mi army innrttr, uiior of them (Uncled lo i'lcai.ieui Cleveland, ra* um* UiellUllig bli 8* (ol|s,ll _l Klllgslull, Canada. The trial .level..pell lhal lome of his ??r.-rer end'1 aliases Wore J. J. .-hu.. Jacob Mlmson. (.. '< Hart sud (/? ors* Brenton. Alinouarb ibsre wa* not suiiici.ut e. idell'e Ul i un* I I I'llli "li br i Inigo of botog 0 thief, he wa* anira h_%* and eo*u and seal to the wuikhw-se for ten days, where ho is now breaking stone in prise. garb. -e HUMES I SVA I) ED HY WATER. FOUR BUNDBED FAMILIES DESTITUTE. without ron and coal in chaki.BSTOM, wist VIRGINIA?FLOODS K1.8K VVHKRE. Charleston, W. Vb* April 7.?The river at this point ls thirty-four foot and falling. A large part of Die olty ls yet nuder water, and there ls much surterlne in tbe flooded districts. About four liuudrod feiulllei have boon aided by relief committees. Tho suffering will bi great for s week yet, ns tlie families who receive Aid havo been driven from their homes twice within t last week. There has been a coal fnmine here for n week, and lt ls almost laiipusstbe to (SS fuel now. At Point Pleasant the river ls forty-st von reel amt ilslng. There ls a heavy snow here and lu the mountains, and should the sm.vt tu off with more rain, lt is fear-d that the water wlll reach a greater height heie than bas been kaasm since l-.'.l, when the til.In ?t,I was underwater. T ti .me of Hie cilUens who are. abie aro Salas all in their Dower to alleviates the suffering without asking Bid, The ohio Centra! Ballroad has elven 1(H) tuns of coal, which will be btaashl her. to-morrow and distributed. PABUSUL P'-nn., A|erii7 ISprcint). ? Advices received here lo-alghl frmn me BhenSBdoa Valley and alone the Cnn berlSBd Valley report many landslides and wash ouls. All thin,i.h trains from Ibe *-onlb bv way of the ('umber! .nd \ ailey Ballroad to Bow Yoric sr.-r'- d.-laved seveiai hours In coBseqaeaee. TbsPjIsibBS BIstssTbbs inver been known to Le so high a* at presi-n*. Eastob, Pana., April??The Dstoerars River ii,is lissa stemii,- durt-ie the issi thirty-six hours, anil ai S o'clni k to-meht was t welitv-nlie feet above !..W slater Ulalie. ti om the lmrtii shows thal the siream will continue to rise daring thc night. id STI-...I...S, r. nu., Apiti 7 i orena/).?Great loss baa i.een sustained hy P. a A. Biyan, Delhi ,v Ca end others fi ibo iireaking of booma in th.- Keystone braaeh el Un- .! Riv.r lettiag out large i/uantiuos ot logs ..n.l railroad ties. Cincinnati. April 7.?TfcS river, linville stood for a lei e lime al IW feel _ laches, has Sagas le rles slowly. Thine 1* no douiii bow thal the rise will eootlaae, aa al. tho reports from above show tsal the river I* ri?ine all Ihe- wa) np. Be -1 .. *. the snowfall, is Men has hardly ceased ye', is .. i.. h\ \ thal nu elliss will feed every sile for I'!?? miles Ctnclsaatt bowerer, ls srsU waraeU, .md no property wlll be loal by surprise. Pittsbi bo, April 7.~i bs dearer of a er. a: load le re ls believed tc, be orer. .in rivers tonebed Ibe highest i -? i. ik. e.. ik in., ;, m. ea ny i hu Morning, and are now talune from tbe headwaters to tho etty. Tbs damage was not heavy. L'.i isvir ? ?.. Ky., April 7. Tee river remains station arv mr.- ind ihe ple.esani weathei make* hopes test the water will begin tn recede al once, lt la tbvusht tbongh that tbere will be a slight risa before Ihe fail begiaa The canal eauge registers 31 feet 7 inches. Lyons. N. v.. tpr.l 7 (."prei/i/).?Heevy mai sod melt? ing snow In tilla u- e.n ;, ev i auseil iii- Kieateal Bood known bcre for year*, i. ?? eater hat been rising rapid is i.i il. , ..I. : h.-is r.*iiu m?re rapidly tban ever. lu this s ...-.* a: out thirty inr.* >.r land aie covered by arstei train two to eli feel -i.- p Booro* nf dwelling house* sre sire dy surroundo I, snd tba inliab ; bi ts io abu in boat* In the southern pan ..f the ? tho waler hos covered roustelerable en ry, ami :ii re being no boats 'he resident* are alarmed. They fear thut mm ii of their property sui! bs washe.i swsy. I!'.. I IK-11 il, N. Y . April 7.?.-ei lOBS dani lg! by heavy sc ,s ou i.a...- umaria bes been lone st Charlotte sad ..e ports. I c i ;?-:ie.,-e R.s er .Broatch Rochester i- rising rapidly. A freshet In iulpbui Creek at Clifton h tiri ii l's flooded all tim eellsra la the village, damaged un- ? in' I-.-, eatal ishmael a d swept away an iron bridge .. mlle from Ibe village. Al Palmyra, Wayne j County, there im* been the w. r-- flood ki,..wu ror yean, Pour iracks of tbe Central Ballroad ?< re *u >i.ged ami a large M-etiou of the roadway wjb washed oat Trains Iged io slop m both sides of the a as hoot Hm el i- higher than ta tifly year*. A foot of mow I BlaBI Bight ami lbs ll '-sv i- s 111 la.i.n.'. Chi leo, April 7. A severn northes*! gale yesterday , O.iused much nddliiou-l damage to Ll licola I'-irk and ; the Lake Shore Drive. Between North-ave. and tbe end j ? a:? a . Ihe i ir, >k water* b ivs beaa swept a wa v. leering thal portion if the Park without proteotioa. lu many placet drive has disappeared. amii iii Park, B. .!.. April 7.?A piece of ?n Sid -. c* washed on tbe beach las! nigbl al Ihe fool nf Ashu . ? e.. badi darna ig the pavilion owasd Bf I. Bra lley, I hi roundel ol the Park. WRECK OF A BRITISH MEI ONER ALI. BIUI11 is' THK BICUIXO? F.FF tl*- OP Tin: BTOMM is N v, -i sui ash. I'."-i "S-, April 7. Thc British schooner Beta, from Halites im Boston, wa* wreeked last nleht at Plan Miami. Besides bar erew of six men iho vess.-i ha i mi nar l eight passsoger*, Including two women ami three children, k heavy sea drove lhamall into tho rigging. A giri of three yean sn J sa inr.mi sv.-r.- tum by the sra from tbs arms of their in..tfcer sad drowsed. I i.o..k was swept min bis _alley and drowned. The survivors felOBg hall fie-^ei. to IBS stay* and slirouiis onUl dsy break, when the tide havlag fallen a few tuen ora and svit'i a line sm- I !!.-? o' lui*. Tlie naru ii: BeW-Hampsblre continu-d until this morning. In Sanborn ton some of the roads sis ?ix toe! dee p h. saew. < Ither t sada are indar a at?-r and ssvoiien s' reams are doing sm i.e- damage, lu B I tm.iit a Lani wa* un:n -i'i, a;.. i i reei n . t fence* blown .in wu by the wind. Al I iuy Village, near Portland, Be., the wmd drore a uer from lt* mooring sud demolished the torry ? ip. A blacksmith sm.), sva* blas ll tote IhS water ami -. i-:, ii i? ,?. i .?:??- ,.re serious sv..-limits along the (iran : lunik r-md. Vnnoas p i i "J Sea-England wen hnit ny tbe k'le. v; sui.ui. s. IL.alniek wall ol tim rnllroed rnnnd-boiisa ssa* blown ont, th- spn-.- ,,t tim ? mell of the I ti' in iculate ( oi ceptlon wssdsmaged bb I ?any ie noes ind signs wen wrecked. Al Concord and . 'c..i.i.c. S. II., m.nv trees, signs, btll-boarda and roofs -mi,i-,!. At llrldeebara, (-(lie,, tbebrul.'e on Hie s.mth e. n.t. in Ballway wa* waaheei a wa] aud Iratoa iiave lu-en obliged io run over ibe Central Vermont road to Water* ioei, thence to Mitton J one lian. BXOW IN TIIK I.AK.K BEG ION. Ottawa, April 7 Speeial).--A terrific bbow storm oesarred ben a t Bight, the wind blowtag a hur rioans. The telegraph wtree are down aB over the boob* try and trains ea sit the rsUwsyi are seriously btoek Il'ieil. Di i ic st, April 7.? Tno laSWIIoISi cntliiucl until C o'eloek mis u m nias, Ballroad tr.ive-; has been blocked, but few trains getting ihroogb. Tin* Onad Iraak iib..ut abandoned between here ami Port Huron. Tin- Detroit, Urand Raven and Milwaukee, ami Detroit, I ai sm.;: and Boil bern Bellrose? have been completely blocked, bal taree can:.* ol Bass an- at work siid irave] will soon be resumed. 11 .in .sj.., i int., Apili 7. ?In the southern fart af Oo? tarlo sa >w (ell to tbs depth ol two feet to-d.iy aud ali trains irs njoroo;- :e*s delayed. FREDERICK H. WINSTON UER FRI EM). HIS III LATUlM* Willi J KNNIK W.i'H.*, WHO DHU yin.M nl'UTM SMOBIBO* Chicago. Api il 7.?The HnkiBfco- the name of Kmlei'ick II. Winston, United .Slate* Minister to ITT*:a, with that of Jennie Woods, tue unfortunate girl Who died Monday Blaming from excessive opium smok? ing In a Chinese den at Ba 198 1->>urili-ave., will cause surprise to many. BsvertBSlesa, revelations just made show tiiat Hie tsvo st. re not only acquainted, but weie ono tUBB Bt toast, uuli'li te each other. The follow mir letter lias be,e;u found aniline 1 BS deed girl's effects : Clle-A'.i, III., Dee-, '.'li, 1883. Mi DCABJEBKIB: 1 have your letter, and um glad to hear from yea again. lam surprises, lo lean thai yu left Chicago I nave hoon sb sen i myself for soma wooka la Waahlagtoa and New-York, so thal l did sol know thal you had gone, Voil are mistaken lu thinking I ssas ai.ery with ) ou when 1 .ii*i saw I WSS um augiy. out sorry Ibal you bad alloWSd a had habit to BOB tr ol you . veu for a time. Now j. uni.-, i ballers rsa will - re.!i: me as heine a frbud of yunis. I have thnneht. auu do mink, an I shall alway* think a great deal of pm - mole llniii I e-s ei l him. Tl nf a girl IB S our si all ou. and 1 I,ave bopsd ihal you might tiso lu life and become a ic....d sioin ,u. v on kavS s.nin- nonie t.alts of character, and .imie, different ? li en ual lacee you a oald have done n.neil h. tt.-i ilutn yon bare. I sufi hope aad pray thal you may yet become s SsafBl. nappy ? niau, li 1* us lees ts eo over the groat d mai I sove Bu sites cone os er willi you, hut 1 n-k you -nun times lo think nf inc amt of mr advice to poa. BBd SS ran kn,.w I am sim e-re and a.IVlse )o.i foi your own good, fnllmv my a.line. Be true In yourself and try to i .ilse ymirse.f, ami neiiese that you wlll alway* have m> sympathy and goad Wilke* I may BOVO! sr.- you oKiiai J. nine In this World, bat I do hope lo hear goad sooouati of yon. I shall bo ,11 tl,e. lt> ul! January IS, Bul llieu slar! BB my laug Journey. Oood-by* may (iou hies, yoi. Yours, P, There w,,s also found lu Jennie Woods'e bIIuiiu a rab toet psataciaph al Mr. WlaateB, aderaeath whisk wai pasted ibis card: "Mr. Frederick BL -- iuston." Joniile VV noell, ur Jennie Jones, was saOSB BBllS lu (levillain!, one ssas larraaadad with admirers, lt is kiiosvn that sh.- Badaspirattoas purer uud higher than those of tho life she lately led, and lt leeins probable Unit it was In me ei.--cue Sf ih. so on hei part that her frieilship for Mr. W tastes gre iv. Mr*. Pl BIBS, Um uiid'aly al N". -J Dsaiaais ara. vasts Miss Wnnd* iih-i, said yesterday Ual wnen Mes* Woods saw in th pspST* the notice of Mr. VI UiSlou'* Contemplated marriage willi Missl ail.nun she-" despondent, -she Would sit and r. a.l lt ut luit-rvals. remarking Die while: " 1 could havo marrleel Miuistcr Winston na) self and gum- in Korup.-. VV hy didn't I do H." Mrs. Laura Murna, who Introduced Mis* Woods to Mr. Wins!.Ul, Said yoslcrel cy, ,n speaking of tho relationship helsvcen them : " Ills n.te BttoBB, as f.u a. I could loam, were lo sdasaM her well, make her a fine lady.aad then, paeetbly, la the course ol BSBassarry I.e.'' Miss lafassd to marry hun,-o sim lo.d Mrs. Morris, because- she did. not love bim. Kil.l.lK.i HU win: AND CHILD. Bt. Kkas. is, Ark.. Apili 7. -lor lime lhere has lived ni tm* i".minium, a laboring mil-'. Brillia- Ellie, Willi hi* Wife sud in-' >e it noli un' lb") -allie lum. Southern Illinois, hui l.i) nnd mi* Bal much is known i.r tboiraiileaedenls. Kills was a dru.kine mau OB San* da/ he was In ali vicious mm d. Ills wire went to a inaeutrau'- orUoe to procure a Wal cant Inc lils armsi. Be te?awed aad ShSd ut sud ibo sal?- Ho waa arrested. OVERRUN LY THE ST_.IKI_1_S. DOINGS OE A MOB IN EAST ST. LOUS. TWO THOUSAND MKV 8ToP T,-E WOKK IN 1.A1LR.OAD TAROa Non-union WOBEMBB OOMPBL-BDTO JOIN them? SH Kl-11 I '_ IiKPLTir.1 TIlKATKD WITH CONTEMPT?AWED UV BOOB WIN OflBBTBB BfPUflk, IBTTULSUItArUTOTHK TR.BrTrfE.] East St. Louis, April 7.?Tha Winchester rlflo at s fsctor to sdjust labor troubles wsa ap? pealed to hero thia afternoon. A few minutes before 1 o'clock a crowd of 3o0 imbers assembled In front of tho City Hall and Halalled to ?pecctie* by several leader* on the prolable action of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En glneera Many of the r?niaik! wera lll-tlined and ill tempered. The bau determined to move on the yardi ins to comp.,I everyman in the employ of tho railroad* to quit work. "To the Island, tam, to tho 1*1 md first!" Itiouted the leader*, and the mob started hurriedly for that portion of Hie city in which are tba vardi of the Loulivlllo and Nashville, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, and other linet, flm procession received many secessions along tbe line of inuri.'b, sirikort and lounger* hurrying from all gu irtotl lieut on Joining tho mob. When the men dbl bot fall luto Una voluntarily they wore ordered to do so, illili when tho Kolay Depot wa* re tohed fully .1,000 men were hurrying toward ths yardi. Adjiiiant-iieneral Vance and Plienff Kopniuot were quickly warned of ?hat WM taking place. The l-herilT summoned alibis depuile*. and the Adjutant General aent a dispatch to Governor Informing him nf Ihe movements of tile Striking. Tue yards of the( lucago. Burlington sud Quincy w. re Hist Invaded. Tho mob found threo engines at work. Ti,eic w< re quickly lurroiiuded with thoura of "Take that eugine back to tin, roaod-boaee .iud don't bi'iut; her out again. Will you do a* we ask I" " Yoi, boys, I'll take her back,'' said each engineer in turn and back they all went. At this the striker* gave ? ellon*- that could be beard a milo away. Hats were thrott n un. " Nu* f,,r tho frelrht-boose, men. Don't bo rough,'' etled ihe leaden. Several deputy sher,IT* willi <;?.ral M-BIBBf Mono wcro on the platform of tue freight la,,iso. Tho doputies made ! feeble nlteuipi to bar ibo program of Um ernwa, and a* tho leaders the platform tho dcputle* pulled i,ii: then revolver*, but this act only had tho affeal "f exciting the mob. Tb! men Jampot on the p .a' foi in .al ,i -.t Hied ,t few of tho depatlea and com* pall) d the rest to put up th.-ir weipa i.s. (.cn rr a. Maoa> ger stone was tlirotvn ante, the door* of the freight house v.,re opened and th.-mob poured In. About t weitty ?oe were ol worh hoodllag freight, ebtefiy clerks ami nil: " eini,love* of the cotiipa'ty. " Kail into line here," shouted tho london to tho uwo ot work, Tho men hesi? tated for a ommiot and tlicii putting on their cont* fell tu tvnii the itrllera. They wera p.?ie and terror stricken and implicitly obeyed every order. At this moment D.piitv Sherill Ki.iatid arrived at the head of a poOM niiui'-erifiL* about twenty iiieii. They drew their revol? vers au,I Raglan! ordered the sinker* to leave thi piat foim. Toe m.-n only toughed ami said: ?? "i ou woiil In't lboot now, would you. Jim t Ain't you afraid von viii bart youroelf with tiiat gaol" After tho strikers had accomplished their purposo they moved on tlc-yardi of the Ohio and Mississippi. Aimil' haifa dooen doputy-ahertffi were on duty there, mi,i they non Quickly iwepi ai,ic. a freight train waa (list shoot to start out. Bud the engineer and llre.tnen wore eal le I ol ead "i ier,-,i ta t.ik.i the locomotive back to tin- maodhoase. Tho brakeman and other employes of the ra id st.,rtc,| to flee from tho ino!), but many were caught ai ri beaton. The Chicago and Allon frel*Uit hon** was next visited, and thu ofltcliils, hearing of what had ix cm red nt the other yurd*. Biaaed all their emptores lo a box car and quickly ?onfdlng on an (Hume took them out of the city. Unrip '_,')''<) mea a ero |a lia ? now and , descent was niiidc ou thc Va,, lain yalda. I ho few dcpiity-glierifl* were hustled aahlo and the annal waa naumUad to n_o r?. aafety. ah the nea ?**. worri were forced to bil into line. Thia they promptly did. glad to get off io easily. Al,out twonty-llvo coal teamster* who were at work loading coal at thu poiut quit work without; being or? dered and Joined thc mob. " Now. hov*, tho I. and N," and a great shout was girea to roopoooo oe tho terna turned toward the l.ouis vi l ? and Baahrill! fr ijhc honan a* tho crowd turner! up tho track*, lt wai seen al once by tho appearance of a Bamber ni dopntraharUb oa the, platform, that tho ar. nt... na.!.hc>u anticipated. As to th! Chicago. Burling? ton and Quincy yard* thc. sight of the dcpiitiei had not ti.o iiiuiitest eiict. They were proamd aside, and thc in,.1, were about to enter thc freight-house Whoa they w, ra un ', with the first formidable resl*tanco of the day. Poor ne n it aad at lha door wita Navy revolver! lu their hali!*, and though they spoke not a word there wa* a look of determination lu their eye* which awed tho stnk ( rs. I bey did uot dare to pti-h these mou aside a* they hail the deputies, und contented thetnvlvci with searching the cara for "scab" workmen. Thr j found NTOIBl and haatled them along. When tho crowd lia.i pulsed by the frcighl-bo ne sud was marching up rhe track*, four men aimed with Winchester rlllci went out of the freight of-M and atattoaod themselves along the tracks so as to proVOat B return of the strikers. When tbe striker* *aw them they halted. Several of the hot-headed leaders of the crowd were tn favor of maren, lug bolh and taking the gum away from tho men who held them. Kiiiboldeiied by thc succesi which they h.ld met. the itriken itarted to go back with thia In view. Before tho Crowd had advanced twenty pacea, the four niles were leveled. Tho crowd halted and the more prudent among the atrlker* then prevailed on the real to go back. When the Sherill heard that atrikers were victorious at ali point!, he massed all hla men at the entrance of tho Cairo Short Line yard!. Each m.isle,1 wa* armed with a Winchester rifle, a rorolver ami u blue badge of authority. They rolled up large h..-*'.rads ot tobacco to form barri.Miles, in the expect? ancy of a return of strikers, who, if they carried weapons at all, had them well concealed. The wooden sidewalk which nina parallel with the freight-house wsa well lined with strikers, who Immediately began jeering end ridiculing tho preparation* winch wero being made, for active warfare until ono of the marshall cried: " If you don't keep Hill I'll arrear you for inciting a rloL" llecoirlng an impudent answer, the marshal left the Bar wad approached the talker lu the crowd. A war of words followed, reiulilug in the marshal'* gun beln_ snatched .uni turned upou with a peremptory order to go lui, k where he wa*, ot die. The mob dllpersed on observing sign* of approaching bloodshed, but it ls aald that all are arming. The Kxecutire Hoard of tho Brotherhood of Locomo? tive Boalaaitl hold a m-etnu' to-d.iy. Chief Arthur being pmeiit. They are seriously considering the ques? tion of unlng nut. If they decide to go out the quea tHill of the company'* lidding can be only one of hours. Ariu-d men arc arriving by .-very traiu from the aur roiiiidtug tomi* to protect the railroad companies. PU tren m. ii urine.1 arith -bot gu ii* arrived fruin Molrcanaboro, UL, and were pat M guard al tho LrOuiiville and Naih vi'.'.e yalda, Whom Ufieywrro all sworn lo ai deputy ..her fl*. Aiined merl have nl*o arrived Lloni Lebanon, .Nashville, Belleville and Kdw.irdivllle, No one ll at work to-night Ur* ibe yards, aad it i* for the purpose of protecting property that Ihccoiupanies iccurrd tbe tneu from adi iceni towan II I* said that no matter how ii. ii'Ti protection I* guaranteed the men who were < m pioyed wUinatgobaokto work agata. It is thougla ibat Governor og:.-shy will arden oat tho militia to-inor row. About 100 men, armed with Winchester rifle* and mot?.iii* guarded Hie rUBotoal yard*. Tin: BlafCM K.uiK in KDMOUBL Sr. I..,its, April 7 [Special).?Ai Ilittiiiiltal, MO* the blockade i? assuming larg! proportion -. Tho ciUr ns Lave loans I ll al.lren calling ou the Miisotirl Paeta. to maw ns traiaa ead aa thiooaatyto protec the train*. A warrant will be sworn Ml to-innrro-.v a.nltist K I' tha telegraph oparatot wi... is aharon! witt bartei triad to tempt Kalghmol Labor into the com miaatoa ol afeloay, nader lamiaettonanl tho railway olin iii*. Thmornalng ihe Bwrnaa rn the employ of the Bratgi md I Comp my qm work. Tu. y number Iw00t| iii.-n. Tho oaglaaora aro BTprttrl togo mi every hour. Miller* have been B Bil I Bl lha Lihou Depot lo-da)' ii',.',, uer.- a anmber efotrikon oboat ibe pia.form con vei-it.j a.nong tl.ein-clv.a., l?u th.-y bad little lo say tn outsideii. Bl arly all thc OM who had gone to woik li th. ).,rds of Hie Missouri I'acltl. quit ajj.ilu lu tb-la, lew dat*, and Hil* morning -tandy ali)Dody wat a work In thc parda At the Iron .Mountain Ball mad ) ard! to-day. rivi * aitch eiigllin serest cork willi crews selected tran thc ioa.1 force of brakemen. Tho| are lon.ew hat awk wini In BOW po*.ns. Ml OfJ BBttona ?????*? ' .?xpenniced in getting Ih.-ficigiil tr.*-t,it--d 1*0111 Ol llaeSWlUbmcu cuiyitttod lu lue-**- IS-dalMaraM fe do so ny a committee from the Knights of labor. The yarri master sent to De Soto for moro men, twouty of whom arrlTcd thia morning snd went to work. A FLAMING TURK AT AGAINST THE MILITIA. Lawrence, Kan., April 7.?In Ottawa and Hil* city cliculars were yeaterday diatnbuted on the ttreeu. They were printed In red with a wide red border and were headed "A More Queitlon of Blood." Tliey read as follows! Tvi Parent!, iltiardlant and Tearhcn . i on have sent your sons, w.,id, and pnptls equipped wltb the Implsruents of militiamen and murder toeoone, drive, mangle sud kill a body of workers who ate struggling with a giant foe against a monster oppress! oa. Tor month* and month! together have these brave employe* borne wltb reduction of vva.c*, vloiatiou of compact, ileepleia night*. Irregular hour*, sud a dog'* existence without complaint, and when, by atandlng together wiih noble brotherly fidelity, they have reached a position to couimsnd peaceably that recognition of their right* which the law'i delay waaia, never vonchiafe, you *end your *on*. in ihe name or i hrlstUn eivllUatlou.* bearing lu their hand* weapon* of murder, to iee that Juitlee 1* *ubTert*d snd wrong maintslnsd. Now you ("brlitlan fathers and mothar*. If you have trained up your boys for the religious talk of elaughterlng their fellow!, you bare only fattened their frail form* to fold maggot!, and|!t will be a matter of economy tn purchase their cofllni nnd hire their liaise* In tbe slsok of the market, for as sure ss God li God'He that iheddeth roan'! blood, by niau ihall lils blood be shed.' and ' There ls no respect of persona with Ood.* Thia matter baa been frequently hinted at before, but you hare closed your eur* snd blinked your eyes in ?coru. Wherefore, know ami understand this ill-starred fact?that, while thi* ls a free country, lt la a free country for all; and Just so surely a* you aend your boyi to slaughter itrlkers, mst so surely will arrlker* slaughter your boys. Hare not y?ur blinded guide* apprised you of this faor I We presume not. They have beou bo bullly icheuitDg to keep you asleep, ALI. QUIET AT FORT WORTH. POBT Worth, Tex., April 7.?Kverythinir ia quiet here. Train* aro moving regularly, and no further trouble 1* anticipated. Ono company of Ranger* w,.? *ent to Alvarado to-day on rumors of trouble there, but later adrleo* show that the rumor* were without founda? tion, stein have boen taken by tho Parker County Farmer*' Alliance looking to the nomination aud elec? tion of a laboring man's State aud county ticket. MU 'RETARY TURNER BLAMES JAY GOULD. PHIL vdki.phia. April 7.?The Eecord to-mor? row will print an Interrlew with _evratary Turner, of the Knight! of Labor, who Hopped here today on bl* amy te BerantoO to confer with General Mutter Work? man Powderly. Pausing for a moment tn the work of Inspecting the heavy mall whiou had acoumu.ate.l dur? ing hi* ab*enee, Mr. Turner remarked: " When we arrived in et. Louie wo found that tho company would in reality employ no Knight! of Labor. Wliat wa* worse, they were discharging m.-ml,.-rs of tho Order who had In no way participated In thc strike. i-'or lu*tance, the tele? graph operator! were not called out, as they were uec-i s.ny f,,r the ?afo running of paiienger tralni, Whleh have aol been Interfered with. Maty of these hnvo boen discharged, tho Knights Invariably going when removal* were made. lu fact, instead ot no discrimina? tion, lt wa* all discrimination. As a comoqiienee there wai no cn,nico tor tlie mon to malia up their portion of tho Committee provide I for In New-York. Itrlkers wbo ware Knights could not got employment when tiley ullerci ebedteneo to the Order to return to work. Theil tlie company's detectives were exposed lu BO ., item pt io bring ??.me ot tho Knights within the reach of the law. With thia Hale of affairs facing them, the General Board had no course open to lt other than tho neall el the order to resume work. I *ee no chancre of a lettlement- In fact the situation I* worse than lt ever was. Mr. Gould undoubtedly li re? sponsible for tba failure to keep the sgreement. Mr. Itoxlo, of course, la acting under tho proud, nt'.* direc? tions. Ihe Port Worth aaslr i* unfortunate, and tho Order being oppoord lo every way to inch measure*. should liol be held reipousible for lt. Tho people went driven to dooparatloo, aud tho deputy iherltT who led the posse ls a well-known .lepera to. "The dispatches sent by Mr. Roxie to Jay Gould every day telling of freight traill* iiioviug freely are untrue, lhere is practically no freight tia.Ho to aud from bl. Louis aud along tho line." HOW MUCH MONET CAN THE KNIGHTS GET! EM LU Al I - OK III' III FINANCIAL BTBBBOTB?MB. BOXtl TO MIL Holli). It is said that there will bo no trouble in rais ing aiupio funds fur the support of tho sinker* lu the Boathwngt, should ibo strike last long enough to exhaust the f iu is of the districts engaged in the struggle Un? der the constitution of the order each district sud eaoh local assembly attached directly to the General Anacin* bly ha* to accumulate a fund known as the " Defence Fund." It i? r.t.-. d by a amall per capita tax on each member ii der tho Jurisdiction of the body In whoso euatody tho fund ls. It mint be kept In such shape that lt ls Inn.m.Lately available. 'Ino district assembly having in charge the atrike may issue a call for aid on any or every district or attached local lu thc country ami tho Defence Fund mint bo forthcoming. Lach district must retain $100 of tho fund lu ks treasury aud each local BES. Just how great au amount of money I* available for this purposo lt li lmpoisible to estimate, although lt li sall tuat at least-i' would be ready at tho tint call. If this should not be sufficient to carry ou the ttrlko, then tbo General Executive Hoard has lt in it* power to order un assessment on every member of the order. It 1* prob? able that a per capita aaseiiment of len cent* would be ai large at would bo ordered. In his pr.Tate circular General Maialer Workman Powderly puts tbe atrength of (tie order at 900,000. This would give a weekly con? tribution of $30,000, but it ti said that the order has grown rapidly all over thc couutry and thal ll now num? ber* not lei* than half a million. At tho office of tho Ml?*ourl Paciflo Railway lt wa* ?aid loiterday that'JT1* traius, made up of A.*2l can, had Leen moved mi Gie previous day. Till* traill,- wat camii.ierably larger than on the same day last year, Vioe-l'nsidnut lloxte reported to Mr. Gould lu the morning that everything waa quiet along Hie line* and he donled that tbe engineers were dissatisfied or likolr to strike Mr. Gould deollned to talk about :.?> maul feito of the fainoiu Assembly flo, 101. Ile remarked that fie spoke for ttielf. LABOR TROUBLES IN OTfiKK PLACES. NKW MINKS OPENED IB THE SOFT COAL BKG1UM ? WA.HIS 11AISKD?NOTES. Huntingdon, Penn., April 7 {Special.?The rise in tho price of coal camed by the ttrlke of tbe miner* ha* had the effect of opening up mine* that hare been disused. The Everett Iron Company has taken a large contract to furnlih coal for tho ClearMold Coal Company. It li to be taken from the minns at Kearney, lirdfoid County, which have never beeu worked by ths Everett Company except to aupply tbalr owu furnaces. They have not been operated for more than a year. A large number of men uot recently engaged In mining, aud therefore not under the influence of the strikers or tbo Minors' Federation, have been employed. They will be paid lifty couts a ton, tbe amount the strikers are de? manding. After f nilli Hug the contract the company will couiiuue to mino aud sell coal If the strike be not settled aud prices reduced. Philadelphia, April 7 {Spetiali.? A committee of In Undula, cn,.eu* cn* afternoon forwarded a petition tu Councils ,i?kiug Hiern to lake tome action that would cou,pol Ibo i ruction Company to cunlluue rftnuliig Ita night line* of cars QomOT, Mass., April?.?At a meeting tatt night the (.ramie Manufacturer*' Association, cotnpruing thirty five of tbo leading firm* here, adopted a price list which inc: eases wage* from ti Mill percent on au ar el age, lo lake cd':..*. May 1 and tu continue for oue year. cul. Ario, April 7. -At leal! a thousand mon and ...) s ga h. iel ,:i f' oin ofHiiuchk. ,v Hicke'i furniture factory ..nt evening aud threw bricks and other inutile* at the ian.-uni,>u workmen a* they ({Ult work. Tbs Deputy ShftrlB who it guarding tho property came out and the crowd began throwing eggs al him. G. Wallor, Johu I .iciel manu and ll. Jagdfeldt were arie,led. BOHUB, April 7.?Hm Gld Colony Railroad Company to-day raised flo poy of bnggognmnatam and brakemen as fa i.i*: Those who have worked un the road live yea s or more from -jl 7ft lo tj>_ lier day ; thoie who have worked over two aud leis thau five year* are Increased proportionally ; luone whothavo worked over one and len Gian two year, receive iou cent* moro u day. The increase dale* back to March 1. Wii.mi-.ot.iS, Del., April 7.?All the Wilmington morouco manufacturers will allen.I tho meeting of the National Morocco Exchange al Philadelphia to-morrow, nome' ance ls attached to a movement among tho local a?ie.nb,lei of Knight! of Labor to organize a di*:rici for Delaware. The formation of such an as? sembly will remove Wilmington from the jurisdiction of the l'uiladelphla assembly and bring matters concerning reiideut workingmen lulo the bauds of local member* of the order. Y.ii;.\..-!o\vn, Ohio, April 7 (tyefiu*").? Tho linke wai b..guu al tbe limestone gool I lo! lieur Carbon | on lliui,d.ty came to an end yesterday by a couipro- I liilae. Un- denian,I wis for an lucie,*.- In wage! from li eeols to 15 coota a iou. TM compromise price wa* tu.-d ai l-l cent.* a lou, aud all tho meu weut to work yesterday. Hunts,, iii.i. Aprll7. -Thc Woousocket Rubber Worki will si .ri up on Kinlay, aud tho bool?iakcr* will resume ttork mu Monday. Curalo, April 7 (Special). -The employe* of tho Hrniiswiilt- Halite-Collender Company, 'lu thi* city, de? cided to refer tha iiueetioa of au advance In wage* io the Fur..nure Maker*' Union, which held lt* quarterly m.-etlng mat ntobt, hbMI 800 orombori were irmiaai ll na* o |.ilvcd ibat Hie men iu the eu,ploy of tho finn lliou.d lo day demand thal ail piecework bo _lM>lt*hf>da vt ila the exception ot billiard balls, tho wage* tor a .Iel ure t,, be railed 1-". pur cul; wago* for work by tbo d.iy to bo ralied _0 per cul HaKTIouI), April TiSptetnli.- The Honsetn-dar palled th,- bul prohibiting suy minor under sixteen, or any woman, from working more mun leu hours a day. or nxty hours* week. IT.,- peualiy I* TlOO lol each otteucc. Tue rata WM 110 la M. Tneblll pioliit.utog lbs letting of lo wn wm nc is by coull act a .. * p isaed lu the isenal v. this t oaunties*, ou lolita Page. a uvneii a inr?_ ir !*,__? PLVSQIWQ TWO ll VS DEED FEET* CARS ROLLING DOWN INTO DICK RF IK LD RIVER MANY PERSONS KILLKD?OTHKH8 BWIIBBBB IHI THAIN BITBBBD B08IB Nakhow BSB_P_8? mah. MA I I Kit Lost. Greenfield, Mass., April 7. -Ou the Fitchs burg Railroad to-nlglii, midway between Baniweiri Kerry and West Deerfleld. tho east bound passenger train from North Adam*, due at Greenfield at 8;Dj p. m.. went over an embankment 200 f<*-et in height. Slr bodiea have already beeu taken out or tno rums and lt i? not known bow many others were killed. The train wa* the Kostera express and cou*i*teeJ of a baggage car, a smoking car, a sleep!og esr, a mall car and two ordinary passenger cars. The tralq was in charge of Cnuduotor Foster, with Herbert Little* John as engineer. The point where the ac Mem occurred ls the most dangerous on the road. The trick runs on the edge of sn embankment, 800 feet above DssrBsH River. The bsuk ls steep sud ls coverel hugo boulders) and masses of shale ro-k, wills which the roadbed bad beeu Ulled. When tho irtXn arrived at this point the track begau to seitlo SB?to lt forsdistancecovertngltsemire length. The coai-bes broke from their trucks and went robing over and over down the precipice. The engine broke from thc fernier, tearing up the track for twenty feet. Below rolled tho Deerflold Uiver, on the edge of which tho curs seers thrown. As soon as thoy struck they caught fire from the stoves. Tho shrless of th.- wounded sid diing Ailed the slr. The sleeping car was a wreckT It was occupied by several psSSSSfBSB not ono of whom, at this hour, ls known to h ive BM tfsd injury. Oas man, whoso name it ls I ni poss! bin to learn, was Imprisoned tu the wreck of tins ItaapSBj a here ins was burned to death. Oue little gin was picked uo dead. As soon as tho nows readied Grssafsl l i sp WBA trula was made up and .scut to tho scene, having on hoard sov? eral physicians and section mon and a fi- w other persons. Ou arriving at the BBSM of tho BTBlB B hm..!.ls sight wa* witnessed. Tho darkness of ni,aiI had settled over tho spot. Far dowu oa tho river bank coul.l bo seen ths smouldering embers of the train. Is was MapasaMa to tell who was hurt and who was killed. Stoat?sartld trackmen were lowered cautiously djwn the tre ibBssbSS height and the work of re.cuo began. Merritt do.-ly, superintendent of tho National Lxpros* Oampasy of Boston, was found lu tho wreak aud uko a Into ihi re? lief car. Ile had a a-oiuid four Inches long sad half SB Inch wide over his left temple. His left thikli was Helsa and also his left log at tho knee, besides which hs sustained Internal injuries from whieh ho will die. D. L. Crandall, of Athol, postal clerk, wa* pliiiig.'d into the icy waters of Ibo river and got ashore willi eli;! culty. He was wouudod about che :.?? * l and his ara was fractured. The Fitchburg coach was tho only one thit escape IBs Are. Dap lt" MM*?I, sf QlSSSlsM, wno wm lu this cir, rescued tho bodies of tsvo children from tba flames, but ono was dead and the other dying, Their parents wero on beard, and their motlier ls boliced to havo beeu injured. Iii lr names canuot be learned, i--.ii!* of tho lujurel ml dead wore taken to Shelburne Falls and some of tba wounded to OroonOO' ? C. P. Bell, of Nashua, X. H., was cut slightly on Ihs head aud injured In the leg mid arm, but not seriously hurt. Ho n-ni thrown hoad foremost tats tho river and went twice to the bottom, barely escaping drown? ing. Conductor Foster was reportod missing, but at 10 o'eloek a report came from Shel burne Falls that ho was there safe and only si ghtly lnjared. D. C. Wells, of Andover, had his shoulder hurt and lils bead cut. The car lu BB?_ hs was riding was broken iu tsvo and stood ou end witbiu a few feet of tho riverbank. Nicholas Dargin, sf <;i**a ileld, had lils left arm sad ankle broken and was serious? ly Injured Internally. A little girl who -a* a passenger on tho tralu died in his arms from Injuries received. J. Ii. Priest, of Littleton, X. H., ha 1 his face and lie?I out. Engineer Herbert Littlejohn, of North A!.mis. ass badly scalded, lt ls bolleved fatally. A. K. Warner chairman of tho Greentleid Board of Selectmen, was badly hurt, hut his injuries aro not fatal. Conductor Foster says: "lam unable to stato iiow many persons were on thc train. Ouiy three men have thus far boen found who escaped Injeiry and they set ths number of passengers ail the way from 2* to loci." Ko doubt half a dozen were killed outright while failing, sud a* many more were fatally injured, besides many who escaped with broken limbs aud sashed heads. The westbound express wos delayed at Greenfield and West Deertteld two boure, wtiiio a IS?Sf tram wita surgeons and their assistants was seut out ou Its time. Locomotive Na 12 is a w'reck but remains ou the track. while iu tender ls down the bank. The following persons were taken to Shelburne Falls more or lesa injured: H. G. Littlejohn, brother of tho engineer, with his wife sud child, both of whom have sinca died; A. D. Cornell, Allen Lewis, E. a Stowe, AO Harvey, of Huston, badly hurt; J. H. Fowler, A. K, Warner, of Greenfield ; II. Conllliard, Charlemont; K. W. Duunells. Waltham ; Miss Darby and May Gowing, A Miss Cornell is badly hurt, as is Mall A ,eut Finney, ol Eagle Bridge. A. M. Waterhouse ls missing. A porttou of ibo mall ls reported lost In tho river. At ll o'oiook to-night men are stlli worklug at tlie wreck. It ls learned tbat tbe lujurod at Shelburne Falls number nineteen, among whom ls E. II. Arnold, of North S?BBBB In addition to thoso alroady mentioned, three mora dead bodies were found al the wreck Ians in the night. Tho train, at the tune of tho aicidont, was running il the rate of about twenty miles an hour. Frank I?ne, ol Boston, salesman for a New-York linn, jumped from ths train, and i* believed to the only person who saw ths car* go dowu the embankment. He says tbere wers three passengers in Hie drawing-room car. Latkk.?At midnight it was icportcd that four mora dead bodies were removed from tho wreck, and lt was believed that otners were swept down the Deerfleld Uiver. Of the four bodies found one was recoguMat SB tbat of Brakeman Spicer. To tho hst of the won iAgt are to bo added theuaiucs of C. Abbey, Fred.oula,. N. T_, and E. H. Arnold, North Adams. Mass. TELEGRAPHIC SUERS. SHOT DEAD BY HIS COACHMAN. San Fkamisco, Api ll 7.?-.dispatch to M- Omit frota Gias in.*, Mex. say*: C. e Benham, *U|n-riii eudent of the Copper Uueeti Mining Company lu Sonora. '??** shot dead ut ll. yesterday Bf bis coach usu. "Fred" Sweet. Tbe murderer wa* arrested. OFFERING HEB SOUL TO THK DKVII. Omaua. Neb.. Apn. 1. -Laura Phillips, s young wom? an from Vallscoe. Iowa, commuted suicide yesterday. Db.- took uni...I from ber usu velu* aud wrote wub it the following note, wblcb waa found on Ber pillar: "L I.nura Phillipa, hereby sell my soul to the devil, in coB fi.lei aloin for wine ii he agrees to irlve me we, io, beauty e?i'l the power lo ovcreoaie all my enemies." sh.- bad lakeu a heavy dose of morphine. MAINE DEMOCRAT!* Al'PKOVK THK FKK.-ilDENr. AOSOBT? Me., April 7. A meeting of tho Deuiocrallo Stain Con.iuitiee wa* beni h'te yesterday, li wa* v>>t?d to boletlhe Mate convention in Bangor ou June I. This I* six *tlys earlier tbau ibe date ot tbe Republican con vaiitl-iu. A resolullou aparavlag tba aduiloistratiou Ol President Cleveland was passed by a unanimous vole. A OL' A BTE I Of BABIES. En-Clsikb. Wi*.. Anni 7. Pour iuui from here. In a logo.btu. Mrs. Lars arndani, age ibirty-Bvveu years. on Biiudav gave b?IB to four male babies, weighing pounds lu all. each allie, brikht-ered and Tho mother la doiug woU. _m