Newspaper Page Text
CXittnscmcnte. ACsPBMTOr Mtsic*?tt? Concert. EuoHW-B* HeU'SB?A?" Aiioiii*. I amvo-fi?'*Ovi>st naroo". I>?i y's Th isl kr? A- " Mancv aud rompniiy." ?-i.)> Muesli1?Waxworks. )KASP DIKHs HliDSI?!*-lAittS MAB_N_S*a Park Th)iaTBII- **-"I.eath*r rutch.'* LTCBU? Theaikk?8?" due ol (Hii.*|iiIk." Wamsci** sor*K) uiKATKK?K:3o- RroV-n Hearts. NaUIBO** HQCAKKli .BOBS?1 and A -Circus, Kati.>*.-4.1 acaiikmy eu iibsiob? bxiii'-utioia. Blhir?*(i*K(.Kv ?n??? Tue Black Crook." fCxlAJ (4a'.tV>l>?? ll.l?e-liUll. STAB TlIFATRit?S?J idle. STAKI'AKis TtiKstKK?8?" Little Tycoon.** JllkATllK COM Kit ll?'?A BBS Hub). lu4i.ia iHh*iK)?I Qjrpar Baroa. v ,1.1 a. k's?8 --h.- ftoi'^s to Conqner. Mr AD-MI IIIKVTKK? 8?" Mik nin" 14TVHTBBB1 lamil.i: *s_ ?? KsMiiireiltics.'* 3\iocx to ^CtpcrnscmcniQ. l-ilge. 0*8. BSf* COI* AK'U**n*eis(?. 7 88 I^ea! Not'cea. 7 * Ai,: i'lU-.-c-Ii'i-nl* ..._. S ;. Misce-llstie.nis . 7 J alu ui Sale* ot r..?t Biacllaaeeas. A 661 hu-ie.7 1 Minnnie.* hui in albs 5 1 i Bu urra ard llrokera ? B New PsbUoSUoat ..." 8 1 tom sud ltoe.ins .... 7 S .scene Bteaners. 6 181 Allin ,'?s Notice* ... 4 1 l(e*sl I.atvte . 7 18 III e'enei Notice* .... 6 f Rofl-SBDCl Huts .... 7 I>?ncinr Ac?detrui-s.. ii * **h!cs bv Auction. ... (J o Bicuraioiia . 7 (,. Hpeiial Notices . 9 l> yilian. lal. fl fi Tries Hesoits . 7 Jlotel*. 7 fl IVKiftnnn* WbpI-.I... 7 88 llstmct!on.? rt 18 ^lesmtm.-iiH and I'.. It, 8 6 e let-*! and Found. 7 8 Teachers . . 6 3 Cnsinrss Xoticrs. Okt THF (iBBBIBB AitTtCLK.?The jopoiBnts- of "Wiitior's Comju-nTnl of Ced-Liver Oil and linn " hAs inCneee* so nc uriptinr iple.d persons ti attempt te) pelli off n simple article of their owu tnatitifs'-iure bat BB* eersnu wli-'la suFi-rins from (v.uirbl. ''olds ot Consumption, Should*nl where t ev pure-.ase tha article 1"he ru? ssel* ot Its un* arc ll* heit rec-uri Stoafl itlons and the pru trie*or has **nple evidenc? on file- of it* gre it saccen in pu!. | mcbatT complaint*. Ih* l'h.igpYits of I.line pnstessesauiost tnsrr llins beiiiing power a* cornhill1*.! with the pure Cod Liver (ill hs- Pr .Wilber, lt 1* pr-scribed by th* medical faenlir. sold hy A. B. Willoh, chemist, Lostou. and all druggist*. _ Liquid Bread is essentially a tonic. It apsiim late* eas'lv with Mi* tomi, sud make* pore h'noeV I* a pleasant aabMltat* for teaor cntToe. Ask yoift druggittor grocer font. _ Tckks.?100,000 Trees are now heine sold cTk?p at TT>* P-abvl.-ii Nurser* to dearth" gionnd and close Ihr boniness, a* room ls wanted for improvements fernel tor Cir, 1' Ii. lc -ii.ii i-a s. 'U L. L FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. THURSDAY, Al'KIL 8, 18b6. HIE SEWS TD IS MORSISG. I Fnnne.v-Preparations to receive Mr. Glnd itoneV Irish Bflopossla la tho II- use of Commons. zr?? K..ju Hampton aDd Varltj winner* al the Epsom sprint: iti?_-?-1iti Prussian Landtag adopted lull expropriating laud of 1'eiles. _-_?__ Confer, nco between Admiral Scott and Con*nl (Jenstal Phslna regarding rights of Americas li.iii erinen. Cobobbss.?Both branches m arssion. Sensis: Defeat e.f the I.cuan Army bill, 1!? to SI. Florida ral road land Branta, (a?lagcorpora? tions.-' ll-ii*.-: Debate on tbs Silver bil].: in Committee t General J, E. Johnston examined ill Hie I'an-Kicctilc IOTeStl8?tiO?. ?i--The tie-n era Iii.n-k Investigation. Domestic ?nexpress train thrown down as em bankasent iiear Qieenfleld, M?ss; tunny persona killed. = =_ The ( ity ?.f East st. Louis terrorised by Hliikers; work stopped in all the- railroad yards; threatening tho militis in gsmsi C " ' The* lulls tn nnntil 'ito charter si Iks Broadway railroad passed bi the Beasts, - - The hill to sleet lil'teeo Aldermen od a gsaerel ticket. _=_= Dsmagi done in New T.iiisrliiii.i, in the- Olnei Valley, l.v BtOTSMS four handled buallan destitute- ia Chariealoa, w. Va.; fsediai 2,000 people in -lahama = Ths british j Bclieionc-r Beta h>et on tbs MsHsaehnsstts eoast. Bssrs ProeeedloBS In ihe New-Tork and Kew England lu.nd cass, ??- Noithwestern ratea ?greed npon. Cuy ami BCBUBBAJC?Test inion f about tho (ity of Mexico. _-rrr_ Al'lenilllll l', eui,:.. 1 Bia sddrcH**. -___:?: Noelke, the lntterv luau, pardoned. ? - - A "tie up" in Brooklyn averted. ? Lect? ure hy Henii Greville ? AppointmenM bj two Methmiist ronfereneea = = Alderman Noone* ill. E= Opening tiie Mercantile Kxch.iiigo. ~ Biehard Arnold died. = = Gold Talaeof tbelagal tetuli r reilver dollar i-HL'^ .;riiii*. 78.04 seats. : :*t...-ks iiet i v. at highei iiuuies, ck?ina strong V rh BOIIM le.ii-tiou,i 'lui WeaTHB?i? Indications for to-day: Oen etaliy fan. with stationary or higher temperature. Teuiperatare yeeterday: Highest, 40?; lowest, 41?: ivir.i.'.', S?8fl ? Sn fur thors docs not seem to ht much evi? dence again il the Cits of Mexico, and a beauti? fy] filibustering story appears likely to !><? ruined. Times have chBB<god since the days when Walker and his sixty followere carried BTerything before them in Niearagna. Il is to be feared tbal the art of filibustering has fallen into " innocuous desuetnde.ff That ranminny Hall shoold favor abolishing Civil Berries Beform is aol surpiislng ; hut it is amusing thal it should put forward aa its gpokeameB ex-Senator Forster, W. Bourke Cockran, and Hie hard Croker. Perhaps, though, then- fitness for going to Albany to speak on tlii? question was baaed on the fact thal they know ai little about Civil Servic* Reform aa any other three men In thsi city. A*.-1 Many recenl parfonaaneaa of thc Board of Ahlernieii bbtc ln-cti so shocking thal it i* ii..! BBrpS-dng that tbe Senate yesterday by a large majority puged Mr. Daly's bill reorganizing tht Board, 'lins measure reduces tlie number Bf Aldermen 10 titleen, who are to he elected by the c ty at large, and not by Assembly dis? tricts, lt would lie lianl to make tin Board lucie eOffUBi. aad IniquitOUa than recent dis cloMiie* have shown it to be, and the chances art* thal any change would be a change for the batter. ?? lu passing the hill repealing the Broadway Ballroad charter by the decisive vote of uo to li, tiie Senate has administered a fitting rebuke |o Jacob sharp and his colleagues. All tmml* tt honesty and fair-dealing in municipal gov* eminent will rejoice thal thia excellent lull is ?a far advanced, Now Iel the Aaaembly act promptly. The Governor can be depended upon te. do Ins part. '1 io* work remaining after that must ba done hen in New-York, namely, the punishment of the Aldermen who told tin niselvi-s and of the men who bought them. There is BO reason vvhv (Iii* should be delayed. Where i- l>e Lacy ? i- the question now up? permost in the minda of those interested ia I ^roadway bribery developments. Whether bc baa foUosred tin example of Miiler(Dempsej and Itothmaa is not yet certain ; bot it ia certain that lu- 1 not al his house lt is said there lie baa f.'*"i<' avvav " tor a few (lavs " cen account ?f his wile's in alt ti and bicail.M- the BClgbbors' childi, ii make insulting reinarka. 'J ids is a sad Stale of ailairs indeed 1 lt must he humiliating for | City Father to ba gibed by the unruly children ol' his neighbors. But to leave the city because a probable indictment is hanging pver him, unpp -rt ed by st ion;,'evidence, i.-* far more humiliating. East St. Loui.i was the scene of principal ac tivity ii tho railway strike yesterday. A mob j of 3<?o men, alter being inflamed by Intempsr** | ate spaeebes, started ob a raid on tbs various engine yards and freight bouses. 'Their num bcir. Increased until there nen 2,ooo, They intimidated a number of engineers and work? men and compelled them to slop working Ihviity-Sherifl'ij armed with revolvers at tempted to stop Ot dlspeSSS the mob, hut they wen brushed aside. Wa ?Still Bllllllll Haili SUI 8 was luude until tbe Louisville uud NasbTills fnighf Lou*- wai reached. There four armed men caused the mob to pm_M nnd pass on. An at? tempt to seize the rifle* witli which PURRE <>f t_M opponents of the crowd wi te armed wa* incd itittetl. bnt was soon abandoned. No shots WON lind, and it .ft not known that the rioters were armed. The Hrothorhood of Locomotive En? gineers lian not deoidod what course to pursue In regal- to joining the Knights ol Labor in their attempt to coerce thc Southwestern rail? roads. The chief interest in tho annual sessions of the Methodist conferences centres in the ap? pointments, which are (Men i'd until the clos? ing hour. The announcements were made ycrstcrda.Y in two of tlu> bodies which havo been In session in this vicinity. Formerly the changes to be made wero kent profoundly se? cret by the I.ishop rand bis council of presiding elders, but in recent ycursit li,is been a growing cusioni for the principal church'*-, at least, lo pick out their own ministers and tho Bishop merely ratifies the selection.* made. Among many city church''* the desire for longer pas? torates than three years, which is the extreme limit, is strong; but tho itinerant system, to which much of the rapid growth of tho Metho? dist body is attributed, has .. powerful hold upon the church at large, and any attempt in the direction of relaxing it, even by extending pastorates when ministers and people mutually wish it, is vigorously oppose i. It was not many years ago that the term wis inereaicd from two years lo threo. and doubtless a further extension will have to bo raado sooner or later. A MEMORABLE SCENE This will be a memorable night in the British Commons. Mr. Gladstone at the last moment has modified his Homo Kn lc. pioposals bo as to pr*:vent tho dissolution of his Cabinet and ls now ready lo take Parliament anil the world into his confldence. Ho is reported to be in ex? cellent health, fine voico and the best of spirits. The merciless criticism nnd the political in? trigues to which be has been exposed havo not impaired his confidence. Bold up to public ob'oqny as a traitor to tho Empire, a despot in his party, and a scatterbrain fanatic in his policy, he bas persevered in his course with in llexible purpose aud a serene, nntronbled spirit. Unmoved by popular clam or, andie* inayod by de-eitions in his own party and by cabals and intrigues against him, undaunted by the enormous difficulties of his task, he faces to-night friend and foe with courage and confi? dence anti believes thst the reconciliation of England end Ireland ia close at hand. 1'oor in spirit and shrivelled in heart must bo the man who is not impressed with the moral grandeur of this spectacle. Mr. fi hillstone may be every? thing that his bitterest foe says that he is, but ;n leant bil courage and his faith are magnifi? cent. Mr. Tai nell also bas a groat part to play in this memorable scene. He has it in his power to crush the aged statesman with a few acrid sarcasms or with faint-hearted and ambiguous pledgee ol lapport; or ho cnn strengthen the Prime Minister's banda with a frank acceptance of the Government'! measure and render the most powerful aid in securing the triumph of Home Sale. With England in open revolt Bgainel Mr. (Hailstone's policy, and with Scot? land wavering in ita allegiance to its favorite itateeman( a reboil from Mr. Parnell will be fnial. Men of all parti*-.* will be exaaperat* .1, it concessions of such magnitude are coolly and contemptuously received by the Irish memben. Mr. Gladstone will be fairly boote,1 out of office if he fails to conciliate Mr. Carnell with the radical measure which he has the courage lo propose, du the other hand, the Etfglilh ;*tifi **coir.i congtituenciei will be favonbly im? pressed with sign? of gratitude and DOlwerving rapport from the Irish side. Mr. Parnell will hat o;i decision ofrapreme importance to make when be Nepondi tO .Mr. Gladi! me's .speech. FURIOUS WORDS?AND A CRIME BEHIND THEM. The rhetoric of tho rebel Knights of Lab >r is as lurid ai the llash of their murderous niles, by which officer! of law were abor down in the discharge of their duty at Fort Worth. Men who are conscious of a just cause do not tear a pinion to tatters in stating their case. All this lit*- and fury 1ms no other object than to conceal two vital lads. The Knight! ol Labor began a strike, according to leaders of their own order, in violation of ita so lenin agreement, and in de li.u.ce of its principle!. They rebelled againat th" authority of their own order in continuing it after they were directed to return to work, and they rebel again*! tho laws ot tho land in refusing to prevent crime! by their own num? ber, prompted by the desire to make the .-strike success, ul. There are many good citizens who sympathize strongly with all north j eftorti ol workingmen to improve their condition, bnt are now in doubt- because they <lo not know how fur tho organization of workingmen is reiponaible for infamous clinics whioh such citizens condemn uurcsei vedlv. There is a simple test which can be applied in every case, lines the organization pievenl theiecrimes, its power to control it moo has heen proved every day since tho. stnki began. When i strike wai carried through to the end by the locomotive engineer! a year ago, not a man in the company's employ was harmed, and its properly wai guarded, not only againit reckleie strikers but even against inis eh iel-makers, or t i iie\ es outside the controversy. When an organization can do this, and does it not, it is ibsolutelj rciponiible foi the things which it permit! instead. There are the rights of all laboring mon to bo considered, moreover. Are these labor organi? sation! toady io rapport a law providing thal all men who desire to work, but hare been threatened or assaulted and thus prevented, may prove the facts before an impartial ni?, and thereupon recover from the organi? zation, or from each member of it, the sum w inch would have been earned in six mouths or a year if woik iu peace had boen permitted i If the organization! are nol willing io moot thai lo.-t, what is it theydeeirel [ul opportunity tn nile bv force oi lawless violence ot er the labor of fellow workingmen . Thal is a crime , the most dang, rous crime that can be com? mitted against fiee labor, li any bodj Ol itriken dies not in point of fad suppress and proven! thal crime, when a itrike is iu progreea, it provei tbat itianol tbe friend but the mool dangerous foo of the cause of labor. FOLLOWING MA BONE Governor Fitzhugh Loo Seem! to be a ni in of sentiment an.l credulity. Poi years Virgin!*) has been fighting hei own legislation foi funding the public debt. Finally ii measure was paned which, it not entirely satisfactory to her creditors, did at least ^ive snile hope of pt nc. The old b.iuds wore to be fl Hided by new coup.?n binds, ami in rc!urn for that portion of the debt that was to be utterly repudiated the ooupone wore inaile receirablo for laxes. Hui the Mahone Governu out afterward decided to repudiate th** eouprmi, thus striking at the validity of the now bond*. Tho constitution? ality of this legislation was tested in all the courts, the United Slates Supreme Court finally deciding thal the Stato must keel) to III bargain and receive the coupons, and Mahone wa* turned out of office on this ilene, Tin* creditors of th*; State naturally supposed thal Governor Leo would sustain tbo State's honor and faith, hut he has just issued a proc? lamation, at the request of his Lcgii-iuturo, asking the ereditors voluntarily to nullify their coupons and pay the taxes in money, He seems to think they will do as a personal favor to him whit the coulls refused to comp.-1 them to du. His own Inoouel doney lu asking from the people just what he had denounced and villifled Mahmie tor demsndlog scorns tu Impress him as slightly as his amnsing eredallty. FREE OF RINGS (oi.siy OFFICERE The hills which the Brooklyn Citizens' League luis had prepared coneetning tho SherilF, |the It agister and the Clerk of Kings County ought tobepsnssdby thc Legislature. They provide that ihesi* *>lil. inls shall keep ac? counts, wbieh shall be open to the public, of all the fees which they receive. Last year hills were passed putting iii) end to the system of I payment hy fees and mahing the ortices salaried, j but Governor Hill refused to sign them. The influence of certain D'liiocnitic politicians pro- | vented the inoiisnrcs from In-coming laws. Tho present hills are less searching, and they are in a sense temporary, the idea heing to ascertain the precise amount which the incumbents of these fat offices pur in their own pockets, so that a basis for the fixing of tcason ahle salaries can bc established. The offices have long been regarded as the chief political prizes in Brooklyn; heavy assessments have been laid hy campaign commit toes upon candi? dates, and largo contributions to campaign funds havo heen mado hy thu men fortunate enough to secure election. Republican Hhcrifl's have been chosen several times, hut in the Reg? ister's and County Clerk's offioestho Democrats havo held almost undisputed sway. "Boss" McLaughlin himself once served as Register, lt is generally believed that ths SherifTfl fees amount annually to $-10,000, and that each of the other officers pockets from $20,000 to $20,000 each year. Of course such compensation is out of all pro portion to the services rendered, These men should receive salaries for their services, except perhaps tho .Sherill', who is liable for large amounts in actions may be brought against him; hut the amount that he now receives is plainly excessive. There ls no reason why the people who elect these ollie, rs should not know exactly the sum which is added to their private hank accounts while they hold office. Let this he ascertained and then salaries cnn he fixed for future occupants of these lucrative offloss, At the sanu; time, the fo-s that are paid for various services ought to be reduced and the tax upon lite people thus diminished. The laws now proposed require the R-'gister, Cierk and Sherill to keep full accounts of all moneys received in hooks that shall he at all times open to tba inspection of any one desir? ing to examine them. The expense of eon ducting the offices ia also to he set for! h. Sworn abstraeta of these secounta are to he tiled quarterly with the County Treasurer, who shall have the right to examine e tch official or Ids subordinates as to their correctness before a Justice of the Supreme Coan. A failure to comply with the law or the making of a false statement is made punishable hy fine or im? prisonment. Tlies,* measures will not put an end to the abuses that have grown up in the Offices named; hut they an- a step?and an im? portant one?in the light direction. pgOJ I V-SllARlXa. A dispatch fi on: Auburn, Maine, announces that a finn of shoo .uanufacturers have sub? mitted to their 750 employes a plan hy which the net profit! of the- business shall hi* divided among the workmen. The men are first to re? ceive as high wages as are; paid by competing linn-, ami ufti-i sviiiel ure. to allaru in flic net profits in piopoition to the labor contributed by each. In connection with this dispatch a very instructive review of similar eftorts in Great Britain and in this country appears in the new annual report of ths_Msssachusstta Labor Bureau. The report firt-t briefly de? scribes co-operation and profit-sharing methods whieh hilve been tested abroad. It then set* forth the plan of profit-sharing for a long time followed in tho Massachusetts fisheries. Sev? eral important manufacturing establishments i:i which the system has been tested for a num? ber of years are then mentioned] the est ab - lisiiment of Cameron fie Co., in this city, which divided profits for eight years'until Mr. Came? ron's death; the establishment of Brewster ii Co., which continued IO divide profits for two yeera until the mea dissolved the agreement bj i -ti ike ; aipl tho I'eiico Dals Woollen manu? facture, wldeh hus divided prouts since lsTS. Perhaps th. most important of the illustrations given, however, is that ot the Pillsbury Flour Mills at Minneapolis, though for more than ten years then- have been in operation in Massa? chusetts from seven to ten corporation! formed under the liBSSachUBStta law. The experience in this country thus far has been on the whole favorable to this lorin of ad? justment, lt docs not altogether prevent un? reasonable strikeei thus, the workmen of Brewster \. Co. struck for eight hours a day, lin 11__r 1 * they it in their own power through their hoard of governors to make eight hours a working day, and hy -triking they forfeited a dividend of fl 1,000 which woald have been due a month leter, besides lo.-ing 98,000 in wilges, and al Un- end of two weeks went hack to work on the old plan ol" simple wage*. But there are very few cases in which winkers have shown so lillie intelligence in regard to their nw n interests. In the va** majority of in? stances, the harmony of Interests b -tween em ployera and employed has clearly prevented controversies and increased the prosperity of lin; enleipi ii-. The amount of dividends paid, iu additioo to regular wages, baa been very variable. Li the Hale establishment, no dividends were paid tin- firs! year, fi pal cent in ihe second, "i per cent in tho third, ami A p.-r cent in the fourth and in the fifth year, hui arter the filth year the adoption of ten instead ot eleven lunn.-, for tin- day's work reduced profits so that no dividends were declared. Tbs Pillsbury bs tablishment paid three dividends of ?25,000, |26,OO0 and$35,000, hut all the men are not included in the arrangement j dividends are paid to those who have eontinn ou-,1, remained in service for live years, aad iln- Bamber of thees is of course increasing; ann dividends are also paid to men in certain positions of responsibility without regard to then length of service. It is still a Question to lu- determined by experience whether it is wiser io distribute tbs entire dividend in cash, or to reserve a part for the benefit of tho workers, as ia done in many eatabliahmenta abroad i wh.-ther it Ls better to pay a dividend after a dividend BSS boen made to capital, or h lou- or at tho Seline Iiiin* with such a dividend ; and in what iii ide, if at all. ihe power of the employ? ers to discharge negligent or incompetent bauds shall be limited. Thi* Ifassachasatta r<-poit clearly indicates the opinion that, wlicr,' prollt *h.nmg i* attempted, it is necessary for tho protection of the men that thc power of the employer to get rid of those who uro not effi? cient shall be unrest! toted, and it is pointed out that in other countries, whore the men thein aslvsa le i v?- associated for maaifacturing pur? pose, agreeing to divide pioflt*, it has been found Bsceesary tint the assoeiatiaa should ex? ercise for thc protection of faithful woikors the same unrestrained power to dl-chargo those who arv m.gliip.ut or inefficient t-_l ll claimed by individual employers as es?otitinl to tho suc? cess of their cnteiptiso. If capital tulcs all the risks, whether it bo furnished by tho men themselvee or not, it must iu any retain ? power of self-protection. j*j CONUNDRUM FOR ME CURTIS. The Editor of Harper's WeeklB is. perhaps, to be regarded M Ihe loading Mugwump of tho country. At all event**, lie is I distinguished Mugwump, whoso views touching tho true in? wardness of Mu.wunipoiy are, of OOttree, en? titled to bo regarded as I hose of au expert. In a ate i'.suo, of Harper's WeeEtp Mr. ('unis, in ati.twor to tlie charge that aMugwiinipory aims nt goM-i-niiieiit Without party, expressed him? self this way: Till* itsS'Tllon ts a coiivntnotit falBitir.-itlon for Hie purinna* of ui.i.'liliic I1' un 1 inti, lint ll* mi)' hmm-t iiiitii'>' in-ni, WOMgtoaaoore him, lu cur ooluiuii, ai inalntttiir-'t lu Hil* (iii; mil for ninny it y.-.n , " liidcpen-diM " illili! simply ut lOBOH au 1 d( NM ge***" eriitui'iit Ly inrtf. Now, it is not "a convenient falsillcation," but the sober truth, lo a .soil I hut Mr. Cuni* il mistaken. His osvu ri cord as a Mugwump contradicts his explanation of the aim of Ung ssiiinpery. The Mu ,'wuiiipery of Mr. Curtis is not a MiiK'wuinpery that looks to government by party. Directly before Crover Cleveland was nomi? nated for the Preeidency by Ibe Democratic party Mr. Cuitiaexpregoed his matured estimate of flint party on the door of tho lb publican National Convention. Tbo Indictment of the Democracy which ho then drew up contained these counts : Weare confronted with thc Deuinoratio parry, verv htinxry, unil. ut you nay we.l believe, very Hunty ; a party without a ilni{lc definite principia, a party with? out any dlitliii't NationsI policy which lt dare* to pre aobt lo the country, a p.irly which fell from power a* a complrsoy HRnlnit lunn in rights, mid now attempt* to monk huck to powor n* a couiplrucy for plunder Md ipall*. It will not bo pretended that in supporting Mr. Cleveland for tim Preeidency Mr. Curtis was luboring to restore to power in the Nation a political party which he had thus pilloried and excoriated. Of course not. The vorvsug gestioii is an insult to his intelligence and sin? cerity. Hut on tho other hand, Ilia devotion to Mr. Cleveland was not due to an ardent desire to retain the Republican parly in power. Very well then?wo far as the la*t campaign was con? cerned Mugwutiiperv as if expressed itself through Mr. Curtis had for its ann not govern* mont by either party, but the success of an in? dividual. Hence our conundrum to Mr. Curtis: Ifyon believed in government by party in I884,whicb jinny was it that yon believed oughl to govern .' What's this I Moloney gone io Montreal end Fagin to Flori iel Whit i "Muttering there ii among Jacob sharp's allies to he stir.:! Governor HUI may have plea**.*, some political friend* but he bal not aide- tb.arie "t initii a in con a ti ut ag the lenience of C. l>. J Noel ko, tbe con? victed lottery dialer. All tba appellate courta have su-tained thc conviction, but Moellte luis boen aldo by a legal trick to prevent tba carrying ont of t lie si'iiti'ii'-e. Hi did ? proeperooi buiinm ind worked for tha Democratic ticket for four yean wbile nuder nntenee ol imprisonment, and be now bao bia reward, la th* com atatiou o( tueeouteoce before ba bu begun toiervort. Tbal political in tliieiico is an Importint factor in gaining the clem ency of thi Governor iiabown by the fact that Noeiko's clerk, Marka, convicted il the sam*? time of the stiitie offence, is sent to priaon, while i be man iviio employed bim ami wbooo gail! ka therefore greater goee free hy tne payment of e lino. Thii ene, to which Thi Tiubcne lia* called attention a* nmarkabli tot tlie dclass which ? eonricted cruninal ol aafflcient ?* Influence " can lecnrn, ii aa lc* ? interest iii a- us sin nv inn' that tlie present i'.-eeu tis" bee a keen eye to tbe political record ?i the applicant tu,- pardon ?- -a Congremman Bennett, of North ?' irolina, niki ?' if n i* ;i iTiine tn ii,- ,i i>iiiit>,'" Weil, no,nol OX itctlv ii crime, though it Utn't usti.illy mentioned among a man. good points. ? lt v. as generally Mid a ben Mr.i larland cornea ted to ace* nt the Attorney-Gcneralahip that it wu with the underatanding be abould have the Brit recant indgeobip on the Bapreu.e Court beach. How would it ,lo to make him Juline Halter, boc tmesst ntKl ht liim try the Pao-Llectric inue with Um Boll Telephone Company ' John Geode suv* on tim wttneu stand that ho would me " no earthly impropriety" hud (Jail.m.1 himself brought th** Pun Bleetrii alt. Ol coarse he wouldn't. A in,ni wbo would intercept election returnri, condone the throwing oul of bandfoli of oppooitlon votes, and toko mother man's nat in Coegreoo, is not oxpoetod to iee improprieties. But sucli i muli is not nt to lie Bolieitor-Geuiral ol' tim rintel St.iles, ? The uiver infant does not make quite so much use ol' its lillias as il used to. If it wok* certain that none of Mayor Qrace'i nominee! would full below tbo standard which be alt wheo be wanted toalki Tbonna C. Acton in Kxcirie Commissioner, the demand L-r putting ? limit up'.n hi* appointing power tr said be much les* emphatic tlum it is. Professor Thatcher, who died.: ? New-Haven \r* terilay. wm probably known peraonally toa larger tiiiiniior of Vale gradnatci than ;i:i;, other officer of tho collage. Tbe benevolence <>i Ins ;i*|.t ind manner, tbe geniality of his nature, nnd Iheeonfl d.iiie which every student reposed in bia generoua ami lenientdiipoeition, quickly -otabliahed friendly rolosiona between them, ile \ tba mau to whom in mm of trouble whither ol precarioni itanding in his httidics oi anti, ipated diociplino?tbe atudenl went foi ii'lvice alni defeii, e. Too often tim iiiein benofthe faculty ire looked upon m tbenMaral (iieinics of those itiidcr their authority; every student at Vale looked anon Profcswr Tnatcher ai his natural friend. DoabtleM Im ru soiuctimes Impoeed upon, bul probably nol bo often as thou ill! lUllied Who III ide tlie atti -nipt. WM rio weakness in his benignaocy. His aoonael was largely relied upon in tbe government ol the col? lage, and no voice was Ugteoed to with greater mpect iu t'm nrroetingi ol tbe faculty. Beveral yt'.ir- tun ins declining atrengtb compelled bim to abandon in greet mnaanra Ibo regular work of in? struction, bot hi remained in the tMtan Integral part of tba eolloge framework nnd spirit. Indeed, it aronui have been Impooaible to think of Profcsi?)r Thatcher aa .-.till living rind yet ini.issi-ciated with tho inititntion with which hi hal been identified from Iiis yoong manhood to has i rani ind honored old iga, ? ? PnrhaM Jacob Rharp will < b inge bil mind on the subject of briber) .ii ter be herr.* thc e\ tdrnce accu iu a la ted hy Mi. Martini mid hil aaaoriitM PEBBONAL. Mnnri. Mooly and PJanlaj win rlose th,-ir ump?lim in the s..nth nett wook iimt vin tin-r retire, tho fortunr to Nurttiti.'ia, M.i**., ana Ibo lotter lo Brooklyn, TM Boa. H.ivi.i Dinney Plaid aili leeton og ? Cadia 08tinii" leal Thanda? avanlag baton ti.o tony Aaadoair ut l'liil.i'li'l;,l.l.i The Hon. Frank Joiuit, of Nuw-IIaiiipHliiro, Im* tailored ? ron,n * re!it|i*e. Mme. Helen Ifupi kirk will r.'iinilu in BoOtM until May .*,, wi,cu r,lu, will Mil f tr Inline. Thn body nf tim Ute Mr*. Krsno,-* *'.Illus, wilow of Morliiiair Cullin*, lim Leon ereuiut.-il. I'liiKin HaigMOt of Italf 1* iwioa ss-.aawta aovor fi,I.,,st s f.i-l,I,,,i mi lim ot ... -ii-,,, ,,i bo mtv", blie utterly ref-**,* to weer tim iitrovagMtir blghaad tiwertag MM gan una In rogan. H.-r booa-i ls of uu?larala iliiM-iiriiou*, amt tfeonton an tim non ba eating. : LatM aiivicoi aoaoornlag hm Qnnan'a" _rawt_g-too_i" r*v?8i tue mi MMMolag fit, i* taut Hrs. Phelpa arila of Hie American Hl-tator, wees a gray reivot truin, t?.flci..-a with larg fur, uml Unod tsltli mj siiin petticoat of gray -Taradi ii,,- goal* u Ituio Itoo-omi uni i... ?>? . 1." -arni .J, vt lill S r. I rf fi.) SS'H Ililli BtOOl O-VpB j till' ?eiv?t sud the brnandi Bron daftly tiienuo,i ia rhn I.i.'llo*, the litjliiir of velvet to mitton Hie train, Hie I runt i.i-.. u.i. -l Morgan U llulkeley, wbo wai re-elnotrii M.tyorof liariford ou Monday, lisa alresly lerred In th-l oa pncltr six year*. Thia testimony to personal and offi? cial wort li I* more completions bncauM of tho close*, bal sass of th* political scales In Hist city. Mayor Bnlke !?*)-. Ly tim si ny, ll.o lils lir'itii.r. Ooneral William ll. Dulkoley, ls u itsaeti ll.-publican. THE TALK OF TH if DAT. As nanni the pictty git tx s-cio to bo dolnR all the mis? chief or ifcttlnir lulu nil th* scrapes. Tho Biri in London who nasally eloped with tho coachman, thc gaflstSSS young tIiIiik In I'arl* wlio poisoned her husband, tho ntage-sinirk li.-rim brillo who ran away with a barn -l.u ti.itii.' etiiiipiiiy, and the Weitern?far Western ? fOBBS unman who BBS rccoutly discovered to bo the wlfo of tinco husband* nona of whom are yet clead, aro all ravishingly beautiful beliiKS?on paper. The plain liri, on Hu' other hand never does anything apparently but work. Hbo tu-ver flgaiBS la scandal* SI traaadlsa I und ulthouirli *ho nisy be homely enough to ul..p n clock, Mies I* inver he-ard of aa breaking her fsthsff*! oi' her hBShSBrt*! heart. Let soul* novellHt arts* und Iwmortall/.o the piala Kiri, for she will never do her? self Hint service. Ui-sult* of Oli?triictlnn-*-i'*no I.?Mrs. M. I'.: "Ye*, nu i'n ir, n's it terrihl-* thing tn.waday* to 1.0 In Pallis m. t, ami .eli thr.nii/ii I hose Irish member*. Pour (imru'e rur.-lv ic'cl* hume univ before 'A i. m., nnd he ts generally *.. ethauated Hist he cnn hardly ?tand on lu* feet.'.' i< ..iii' 2. Il lllard-rooin. Cause of (Jeurge'e cxhauitlon. ?[Loadss Judy. Thes drink bill of Or. at Mntaln for lRPri waa le** than Mat fir 1884, TBa auminat al thto drink MlI ll equal to tho V?tl .n'i expenditure for bread, butter and cheoso. ls not muoh les* than tim rent* paid fur farm* auel houses, 1* three tune* the um.unit spent for tea, siiicar, coffee and Bases, and six tim.-* tho amount spent ou linen and cotton goods. Mtranicers who vl?lt our publie schools are pusrled to know wiien- sve keep th" children of "tho vory families." They clo mi' rercurni.e them In the rows of ti. ut looking buy* nml girls before thom, and are on will? ie _ lo believe that tho childiren siltlug there with whlto apron* and nice niloc* and ?torkln_-s, and clean face* and nm..I?, bu vu e-i,mr from tue! *.|iiuliil purl* of Hul? ton, .'rom " hume* " th,it do not ?!.--. rs " the name,. Hut their teachers, knowing all about these homes, have been dally teaching them the *?lf-re*pect thst conies from i -..;. Ue'** ,.., 1 i.e.,! I..-.*. Tbsf ure even ready to sup? ply the shoes and storking* and Blsaa apron* which Hie little waif* need th it they may come to school.?[Kd? ward Kverotl Hal.* lu ni. Nicholas. Both Ihe Sun and The. World printed portrait* of Mat?B Iron* ye?tenlay. but, singularly enough, the two did not resemble each other at all. On other Grounds. ?Marla Ann: "HI *erpo?e, Mr. CbnrtoS, your bslSgBBt hair horfen luii'iee ? h!ui|iresilon OB tbs ladles hup*ialr*." Mr. (.'lui lei: '' What do you ?ii.'i,. ha* tiie '..?? '?* i, M .rlar Ann. Why. Jest now I borfsred Caffy Boab toa lady a* -iii al I be nameless, In my most lunipnaliig it) lo, uni *lin *o*, scs she, as soon as my nick was turned, *'(>w?weet!' -fi-- ->'?, ii..-anni'tm .'' BattBBI i "liam', rjhe tueaut tho c ?rfy, bs'sd two wbsckln' great lump* of sassi lui" [Exit burris illy, fo lowed by a roiling pin.]?i London Fun. Ih' Botlon He.oed w.mts to have John I. BBIllTBS ko to Xevv-M.'x.C'i BBd meei (ieroniino. Is thii tho Ito*tun way of BSttUag the Indian question, or of settling John I. I A few divs asro on., of the editor* of this paper was rsinbliug through tbe wood*, and beootalng tired sat dowa nu a ru' k. Best tbs rue* wita a rotten chunk ableb tbs editor proceeded to turn over with lil* foot, I ion lol tue -iwi ??? lutifu. ?-?lui Iii.ii hud refreshe l bis eye* fut m..ny a any im-t hi* (faze. On tho around lay ti imt -pp ared t- bo a saako ol gold i sBrstebed In Ki' ii--- f u I cu: ros, ssl!*! Kb luad ated, lt MB?ld to th's editor t'.in most beautiful object of dumb liB tun- he, li-el BTBT BBBB. A'ler a while lie turned tho -iiska over umi bs wm mers thu srer astonished, for en its stomuob tho following words lu tbe most stiletto rare rlilbie: "subsenbs fur lite Bacodochtt sim- ,Vnca"?[Naeodoebel (_*_ssj .Star-News, The " lurid rhetorio " of that romarkabio address of tbe Km/liU nf I.ab .r BgalBBl Jay (jouid suggest* a care? ful sui 1) ni The Btm-Xorh lune* and a literary style .;.-l upon its mslhodl .jual aller Jay (ioud had i .edi. to a. i emili, f r " BWsaUag " tho (ii ant Tru*i i.i... Caa tbs Knights bars bind Ksgla to iuu their literary buresa inr them i Tht Christian Edttmuiet-b ts a good many people In au . . I "Joining s Pastor." [t says tbsjr do Bot l i "i lt -ile imSSlrSI " lu the popu? lar j.astor. Willie be stays, they Hay. When ho gue*, they * eitel t. 'I hum for tho next popular pastor to (oin, [.SprlUgtlsld L'lllOU. Tin- ls tbs Urns ol tbs year whoa o omi* Ing Dritons I write to tho London pipers telling an anxious public t when nh'! fllier's they *,iw |hfl list nightingale. Till* yr ii Bighting?IBI appeared lu Bngtsad In Marsh, though lbs] usually ito nut appesr until Spill, and tue nightin? gale ibsrp*, u.-,in e. ih'.- louutry aro la aa ec?t.i.,y of happlnei *, foi ii pros iga i s mil I sad genial spring. A nive: BM ls IBBdOOl Hie StoreOBOOpS 10 detect forged bank nut'.*. A not') ola hun.ired innes WM leoently nil hm ai e.! lo me .Xpert* ol tn.- Hank nf france as iSHue.t by a baud ol lor Keri, but ths execution w,-,.-, so perfect ilint lie. delect ci ulei lie ducovi te l by tbe oluSMt e-xaiul ll.llliill. A * i-veMl-'ll W.i ? -..l.'ie ina.le tu plsOB tho BI1S peg >,.i u ne - il by si le with a genalne aaa rn tbs ob)ec l se ..i ,i stern I. op*, ih two linage*.0f willoh, as well Known, rei iy esch other sud torsi a stasis picture. The result ol the oxpsriinout ssa* tbsl tboloopin a letter ? e ..... tatton ...i. ni mmaxotlj cover ihat of tb* genuine one, ihowtai tint t.iey hail uot oeou primed from iln- taro*, plate.?{(iallgnsal'i Messenger. LouisTllle, Ky., ls lu have opera "Just as lt is pru? rient..I lu New-York" injune. Ills pretty certain thal tho sudlesoM wlll not be sold. "Thar will do, Eugene. Y'-u nitiat leave this house fuiesi l." ?? I..ti-ver. Flori n. el Great Boa that is?.learcst, what h.ii t I lu offend yu I " ?? l ur tim third lime tin* evening von h ive unfeelingly alluded to the - Itentre bi 'l canvas-back duck, rsgardlsM ol tbe fsct that lt IS Leut. I aue hut human. Uo I "? [Philadelphia i ? ill. Bwl Mitand looks with seora aa a beggarly little cen tennlsl cslebratlou. Bex July *ho will have tBa Mat millennial Mle irstlon, whan a monumMi sviii bo eract dleeii tin' b.iul'-l.ei.l near Lucerne, whero Aruoid Wiuk e-ii- i.i ?'ii.a.l.- way lor lill Tty and t?ed." Busim -.s ii bust uses, st au eleetlos ls Dakota of a Justice of tm- pea. ? ons ol tbs csn.tidatMsonounced ihat if eleoted he w.miii marry i-oup!es ror ono dollar apiece and walt Tor bia pay lill tbs lirat child wa* boru. It is superfluous to stats that bs ii now Justice ol the pence i-k s coBstderable majority. Ha Bssma to bs s ms ii si h.. ta \i lui ii g io grow up villi tue eoautry.?(Bprlagflsld t ni -ii. Tht i Bon Beeord thinks tbat tba Baiehsll cUampiou ship might bl *? ii.iii by srbltrstisa. Wall, give tho um pir ? a fan show, and io wui do U boforo the season ls ei;i r. Bsrmoni to ri lt" illcrssdB" are bsisg Bwaafsetarsd Industriously hy a Cedar Baulds man, who oiler* them lui ia,.- tu ina profession >v usn io iiesireet he win pui pj ii., a uud bsve them ssni by telegraph tbroagb tbs is newi i uterthatwiBaotfcMp a minute.?(Baw Uiieaus 1'K ay lines. Ill Sl.l.Y ni r OF BIS KLEMENT. THEORETIC tl* BOT PBACTICAL, En,el I r Iii, I line*. Prof.IIuiley, iii short, li viujf proven thal the .Viiii_i ) :..i? n..._ .-i ... now el,u-i lanni; DIS Ide 1 nb to h"W the world should be gorsrned . . BeleuMbu d-ws great things for tbs world, bm i is ordloarj MleuttotM s rule Bm *i>uiii*t much compre si ? ni uf lb. practical, complex u.i* uf'.v human rn iii?* a* a newly I.oin babe had of tho helux sall lc parallax. .-(* MAY ' I"--tl i:\tific. lr <e , ? rS(lacie ly.'ei.r It'll. Mr. iiuxies.rt. i-iii'-i) Iobm an opportnoity to pion* to I-" world,!ii io far .i* h-- m iy he taken ,i* ss ex? am- ie oi tin .las* ol >-? blob li" l* a diitlsgalihed orna? ment, thal ii..* u:--I ?. ..-iiuii.- or ipeoialleti enjoyi no iniiu t 111v frmu the .i : ii of suMlsntifti and laerel] lil-ra y i-eup e. vi/... t i ? Itea'ii.-ut of topics to win.'It athel people hare sad Uiey have not devote 1 a great deal of altelilieiii. ? . -a, BXEBCI8E l >K THE rill'.-Il'E.vr. Pru * Z/.e- tti.hiiioivn Critl*. The Sexr-Y'n-i. *m ? alvie-* Presidsul (loveland to get a te.iiu ol ItOtlSrS an I drive ur -en u,x\ea h day. tt WOUld I e i i '? e|. r tu iuy n lammer BBd drive tlfte-en nairn a day, and. u i be hall of Jellersouiau simplicity, we offer the ameu'lun-ut. DEMOCBATi DEMAND DARLABDf BRTIREMEHT. II . IngUtn tiitpateh te Th* Philadelphia Vimei. The iuvestigatiou of tin- Paa-blectrie mad? ella na* not quieted the * iprabenaloui ..f s Isrga numbsi oIslnMresupi irti - .1 bs President wno be.ievi- that thu Aumin trallon tb mild Bot allow ItMlf to bs aat ob the ilstenilv* !., any oue of u^ i BMnsl ..flleers however guiltless hs may lisofl ten lons! or actuii ?roag;aaS lt to srulsnt thst Democratic Mntlmontln tarot of At tu:: . -i -..en.- ai ..arlan, r, rstlrsmsBl is Browing fi uni .1 o to day l he bimi I ni port sot eh tags ol public opinion lu favor of (J rland'i retireu.tis In tbs Boats, when. Usrlaud I* held in ibo bli Lu?-i esteem perso?ally, aad Ilia! ebsngeel upi don ha* 1 h.- v li.-eu iii ikiiiic Itnelf felt lu the While Iii.uh,- and in bulli hr moue* of ( OBgTSSS, Mr, liar.all I la SOI in anv -en*'- a pollllolsu. ile ba* few eonSdentlal frlsndsi he Mldom rea li iii,- Journsls: be tskes ne part ls the eurrsal dlaeuMion of I ai ? . polley. " " tn.-?? -ntrar;. , lie quietly and labi.rious ly .ittr -tn lo lu* public .tiitie* wita me utmost ll.lellty, sud eoBscloB* of bis owa integrity, bs kaows llttls or in.thine of tbe distrust Iusl i* Kalbsrlns iroaud him. Even Iii um*! sine.-re tr eu I* ? ol hi* Paa-Eleetrie complication b* a person i and a pablta mlsfortuns, and ons 'li-ii wesksna ii. ? President and iii* party lu Itu war f.ue iga)nat the apt t-uiaU a ai d often corrupt oompllcs ti na oi ii-.iei.h_* Bepubllcana In tba pa*t. lhl- sentlmc nt I* now more pruBOUBced and outspokoB than ii wa* a iii'Uith at,'", -ii.'i Ihe retirement of c. uland from the Cab net ls not an unprubab.e outcome) ot it. HAS JACOn UTI A RP ItECOVKitKD Mis MEMORY I ts-,.rn Th* I hlla,I le'iia Inuinrrr. Tnr BSW-Yoas 1... ic sk ..i omMllabada imtaiilc piece of enterprtseyrsi rday. Itprlntsd Jasob Sharp, bwb a,-, inuit of the Broadway Ballroad dealt bbs, ide m.irv mad* rn* irly isvo rolnmna, sad Jacob .tt.i nut ?av he bad foti,'..nen Bnyiulsg ; though, ..* be elalaiai to be e-mirely Iniiu.-I-ut ou every point, Uo may tatt loigotleu a great deal. Too ANI iliNl TO Hi: BECOOBIZEDl syvM I'D' Beaton rta*ttrbgA They aro cIikkiiik ii,, ii,- foaall remaiuaal an ancient ra. e near Uartrravllto, Otk, nupp.mrd to bo OSBIglaBS wine b.-lleved lu pa) mic lin- .-late dent. JUDGE BAXTEK'U POSS IB LB BU< -E8BOB. hntbingttn impute', t? thr unttAntutti Bnemirtr, t [a believed mic linn Martia V. UuotgoBtery, pri-ent ( .'UiioiMit.iiei of Patents, and a Miebigaa man, I, Very like.y to BBBBBSd (be lats Judite BsStOB The I'leNiiieui look a grast laney io M..ut?-i.h,.-i , from ibo momSBl he naw I..m. an.I i. i* liked Inn. b. tier every day miler. wa, .?!?.? I to lae lu WaKbliiKton II Be would t.iko Um plaee If,itt. ir.I lum. umI he replied thal he wo'ii-i- He ? i--ut over au hour .villi tbs l'io*l dent this morning, It ti hollered, discussing hla inent to tbo Vaoant Judgeship. rso vi nc Fa 'jTl'ife 1n~fra n ce. MADAMK GKKVILLK'l ACCOI'NT Og ni CHARM! AXE l'KCfl.lAllllir.%. Madame Henri Bfdvillg P-OMgi a rcntonahly large audience sasln yeiterday afternoon In th* Uni? versity ( lub Theatre. Tho occsum was hor tanoni | lecture of Hill inlet, entitled "I,, Vie an I'ruriucn. Midi nf wliat Madame Ore-Till* *ald was nol u*w t? p*r?on? having a general known-Us of French litera? ture, hut In-r diann of BOOMI, ber anecdote* ar,,) witt* comment* iiia(!e the hour delightful. Madame QfgfgM of course, spore lu Fiench. In mott e.j.mine*, she b-gm, HM In tba prorlncni. lint li outside of tho metropolis, 1* a copy In niiniitluro -,f life In tim grout city, lu I-',- moa lt I* quite dlfforcnt. Ufo I* one thing In I'*rl* ; m tha BfaHnm ll I* entirely dHTer>-nt lu it* afrni, koong, Bt!iti*oinent*, and molt of Itt ctnfotii*. TM capital at? tract* what I* tno*t hrllliaut in Fram te; but there r-n,.ilsa In the larger cities and town* tina wlileb I* Inrelllgont, charming .uni often remarkable. Tho lit ie.* of tho inclety In tba province*, Mme Ot,'slim c mtiuued, MO tho prefect, nr moro often lha BBM! pteft '. WM ti gen? erally a young bachelor tat who give* delightful baeh elor balla?to attf-nd which I* correct, hut yet b,,Muring up?n what ls delightfully naughty. Noit ll importance I* tbe nf ibo principal okoro! or pun di. ila n, of Bonne, not a worldly man. but a ti,at, nf tue world eharro Ing iii Bonner, an extol;, nt w but player and u tem mat? ing talkeri hut be draw* the mm at Haines, l :.,. i,?r. rliton and member* of ina profe**soual alaaaei nert. It I* a peculiarity nf tho prorloolol Ufa ef groan that tho women in a enmasnalty karogenerally goong each other from uhlldhond. for when limy marry their liii*n,t:i,ls go to Uro with their wlv?*' families, or st loast become identified wltb them etit rely. It 1* a inclery lu wino tba hua.aiuli usu imparted. In dr, -0 ladle! ure gre..tty influenced hy what they consider to be the fashion. If blue ls wura tue- all wear blue, If riolet li (Vt mode rloi.-r li the only hu*. TVy go to the theatre ; :,. it la. If it happen* tn be tho fa?i.l.,n lu that ??ison ; but If tbo " bett people " don't happen to be gulag thal *est*oii, then no ono who ls anybody gos*. The provincial! do not pity n.any call*, only making ceremonial visits, Thoy cuiialder the*e a bore , but tho ladle* visit at market, where they all go In tbe man,inf attended oarli oue by a terrant who carrie* borne tha marketing which tbe madame choo*e*. Then tbe young, rim old sud tho middle-aged ot bulb sexes rlslt on tho promnnsue. (gen,-rally a large sonars with fine traonl where twice a week there I* in hmo. Tb* best people ali meet Ikara, nnd talk, laugh, gossip and tl,ri. In the very small pl tee* lt I* the notary who li the tin pi.rtant perioniige ; and the " l>e?t |>.-ople" devote them? selves to cultivating lovely garden!, lu wkicb they laka linuieiite pride. -? ? OPENING THE MERCANTILE RICE ANGE CONGRATCLATION9 RY VARIOUS OIHilXl/,.1 rioN.-i? 1000-00 HY ALHLIINON .**. M'LI.IVAX. The hoard room of the new Mercantile Ex? change at Hudson and Harri*..n *t? , sv.ia rilled with West BMo merchants yesterday alteinonii. It wa* tho formal opontug of tho hulnling uni thc wall* were bright, with (lag* and halinor*. Chairman Duck.vorlh, nf tho Ililli linn Committee, presented the structure to th,- I'.v cbangB. Tlie hull'ling t* it handsome structure or gra. ite and non, containing a board room about -oventy (aol square, about thirty oill.e*, library, reading-room. Ste; the WOOg wcrk 1* Of cherry. Presl ir-nt I'rnor replied to .Mr. DaokWMth In Utting -.?nus ..f congratulation to tho .omni lt tee. Afier Tappa 8 K.tnl nnd ti.e lindley Huck ('iiartct bad sandwiched ia niles, tho preeMeni delivered a long addi,-*4. rerlew* log the history of the I'.'x. hang.-, an.l dl*( listing tha prlii. iple* on which m.* mo founded an I rim. Algernon 8. Bulllraa delivered a forceful speech tbal greatly pleased the BOtoMota Boferrlng to tho rumor tko Exohaaga had telepboaoa io ali Um Boaltry ynr.l* in order to estlin.tte lion, tba rolumo Of tho nun i. in.'s caekling, tha aoiount of "vi.-i:,- -,?.,,?..?? h.. a.-id tint the Produce Ezchnngo wa* vin .sing meir antarartao ii.d growth Wath groat solicitude, lu apoaklagOf ti.a I ic ont lat.or ugtitt'in* he ibM that lo all orgaolao tlODB, whether,'i,iitile exchanges, or trade nniotis one fara should lie kepi in mind tint no Bsaaclatloo or Bsaoetatlon "f sasooiatloDa ls bigger thoa tba law nut loveretgnity of tbe people, lOnot tpplooaej. WMaoval bo] aaaemblagi ol neo atari om on ans imo that ',...,,1* 1MB across tho pith ol tM people's law, they ;,re ia donga ot losing arhatargr of good tin-rri i- in tl cir cmse." With an Incidental run nt the ffooorobla rbe Hoard of Aid-iinou tba speaker cl..1 wltb .i portrayal of the I'unli'i -4 in- I ison to ti.uko ni, tlie Ideal mer Vice-president McKot.. of the r rod Of* F.ichange, ie i. i, ?, .v .-I.'. .1 tba! lu* orgniiiz.itiou wi* rtoalai with alarm the of tho MereMlUe Eubaoga,aad tbal th.", hld frequently lent eoBBltti M np lOtM t"p of th-lr gnat tower to report progress on the new imii.ting in Hii(..-ol! st., but thai they had goally fume to tha conclusion tit*tt there wa* room for a.l. The nireaMll tlsosaf tun other exchange* BUO presented their con gratulatlooa, B oriin.-r. nf thc Cotton Exchange, .' Snow,of tho Now-York Boord of Trade oad Transportation; J. I'. Town-end. of rho New-Vork Murirlme Kxeh.ui-e, anf ui.tiiv jf tho well known merchants .,( New-Yolk wera present. MOOtrOOl lepresenttjd by A. O. Melt.'H.. Jahn Mag.,1. li. Kendell. W. I). rstmud. I'll,.mm Me Dooga] and Prank Manor. Tue I'luladeiphia Produce P.xchooga n-mt George F.. I'mil,.!. F. II.ib*.ui. .lolm J. MaoDomil'l. J, .1. Haiieeker, P. ft. l'e:iro?n. ll. F. Stow* uit. K. KobortB. lt. II. Browa, Baan k. M.itrurw*. v. *.V. riotden. 0. rr. ntti^ai.M, r*i.,?k watta, t?.in_ui rt. r.,u way, willam v. Bnuth.TMmaaGorrtti Jobi B. Viee, J L .Miller arel Oenrgo tihiiiu Tho opening pravor ud.l the heii.'lictloti were pronounced hy the Kev. Samuel H. Vugm. in tho ese..lng tbo r.xoliaugo -;t.? a dinner at tha Hotel llriinswlck to tho II ill.ling *"mnnntten a* a reward for h.n mg kept within tbo Original estimates of tha work. -?, yalparlf, rooks eris ii d nt BEKICO. The MOemblage of dealers und hook-col? lector* at the 1)., iinau salo sra somewhat changed a* to Ita character yesterday. Thechief portion of the cata? logue for the day"* sale cnn*i*;ed of Americana, Includ? ing especially many valuable vocabularies and other book* prion! tn Mexico in the sixteenth and toventeeiilli centuries. Tho first book offered wa* tbe Arena* Vo? oahulary, printed In 1.111, wbicn EM, tho re? print selling immediately after .'.-?''?. Au hook, translated into Herman, brought $.10. A copy of grita's " Art of the Mexicali Tongue" brought 033, an t .-ant,. Kaia's Mara Idiom, witnMS-. note,, stout for *>ln. Another boak lu tba M iva tongue, hy ALliO Kraisenr da Bourbourg. brougktg30, and ofrw., copi.-* of Breton'! Carib Dlctlonariea ono *ol.t tor BAA sod tba other tor #70. The l'oruvl in Indian tiramina!'of 1VK). in black letter printed in Vtladoihi. mid farfl-O, the lame e.,;,y having been bought at tho Hrlniey sale for $11LV ligUOiro'i Brazilian Loogtiage Bald for *>--, and a largs paper copy of Flank li n's wmk* In lou rolumo* for s>17 50. rorthobeoutlfal Kiugsb-,roiigb'i Itexteo, colnr.-d hy hand and published at upward* of -ri.ti tn. tl".*, wa* L-tvon. s.ild to ba a good price ai ti.o book imw ?.-lis. Mr'll.-iiiiey .li Hill'* Indian Tribe! mid for 160, sud Malbon*! Mora voeab-lary for 180. The exc*-e..iujly mr.-Molina, a Mexican vocahulary puhilslird in 1-55 ai.d the ti(?-? i book printed in Amen.-*, wsa mid for PRAEt Tho of I'ire.lo'* iieing hornill** In ihe |f, xican lon* Kn,igo. Bold for geo, karina forasorlr belangafl ta the i uipeior Maximilian, while Fer, /.'* Moxie.tu Catecbisiu brought $15. The celebrated " 1'iiga," a li'.ack-loiter rot* of law* printed In Moxie tn in l.*HU, wai runup to9360. Boiada Moatoyaai Oanranl-paidik Diettoa ory aold for gi4.0, and a cnefeooor'a ownool la Mexican uml Spanish for s-'-'O. The tale for the two *r*it,,ni resl Izcd about gA,300 for 476 lota. Tho salo wi.l bo cou tinned thu afternoon and evening. O. 17. POTTER AND THE COLOEEUE OP RHODES, I) II. Totter H bein? coinpanil to the Colos? si:* Bf Kl.ol- * j itt now hy underground railroad BM of tin* city. "Mr. Potter," said a railroad mau yesterday, "called .t meeting la*t ffck of li road ss ny property owners to opp i?e tbo Arc?.l? Hallway nndor llroadw iy ii,,! wa* appolnteU chairman of tbe twenty men who ai nmbledll thoSlewirt I'-nt Hog. Ho uext gol a com nilitee of twenty to light lb>* Arcade bill In Aliiany. On Tueidav, at a secret meeting, called without notice to athol propertv-ostneri, Mr. Potter BBloOMg the twenty a'ni lt wai drolled IkOt tboy shuni I in ike no opp ital tl >B lo the hill it came before the Governor as tims g*vo up all bop- of st,ippia j th*, me.nura m us earlier atogea. How Mr. Potter piara tM role of the *triiiing Oo.ui appear! fruin an article In the Ali) my Mtraapaada IO* ' l/,e Recoil tutti Gwitt, WMrOlO ll ll **.aod that M Thursday last the .ictiioexcoii-rr'stm.iu appeared be* f.iro the t-cmil" Railroad C.mun tie.- Iii l.obtlr of the Teruil .ii l'iilergroiin.1 Kl 1 wat. wliLh lt I* proposed lo hui d I rom me City Hall under K .rn-*!., Lafayettoa-p * te 00*1 Fourth-are, to tke Or.iul Oootral Depot, or any otbei mutes where Mr. Fatter doe* Bul own piap-ity. Mr. Potter baa eho-en bl* twonty laktara and nlll lu.y appear u albany *m tho side if lodlgaaat BnMwig proper ty-ow ncr*." -TEM palace Ol im Ul" is PREPARATION. lt ha-* boen decided to continue " she Stoope to ( ol ,pii-r " at Walu k'* Theatre f ,r IBM of nu* week only. WM Hmo the BOOOgOB nt MV! OM trmpUted the pm luciion of (.iiaiiert's " Fa.ace of I 'ruth." a al .i* Bl present the (iirreut of popular favor ?c. nf turned lu Mi. QIIMrt'a d.rectum. Ikey kara datero : tolosa oo time la presouilog tbla aaeeoMlal pay"' tk* popular author. .1. W. Hollow and Mr. El too bato pl:i>,d in ll with much Mooee* IO Imidon. Miss sophie Lt re ami Harry Uti warda bora al*o apMsnd rn it- For aroM time pani Philip Ooatcbor ti as boon bmoiM ? n ::i? Beanery, and me prudnattoii win no * ? araiel ano " i"ka Palooeof lr ith "will pnbably ba Breoadad by " ihe Captain of tho Walch." willi Mr. Wai.ack tu b.s WM re :ia,?,,,.. ii-, paru -M, THE CHI Esl PRATBBSIT1 OONYEBTYOK. Tho Chi Psi CoUege Pnlenitj began 111 forty tlfih aiiuual Natioual * oiiveiiiLiit reotorda] at he Fifth Avenue Hotel. Thu teen chapters lu ali parn af tho country were represented. The prece, ding- nat! Morai Last night the deiegitei attended tue then. e. I bi* evening al 7 o'clock a ilinuer v*l.l be mv n al the Filth Atoiiiio Hotel, al which l.lhndge i. Oerry still pr.-ii.le. lt I* expected that Mate honalor MfM.lleu will make bu addreis. -Mt - EB0BBTAB1 BARBING ERLE TO sit le. VVamiiS'.T.iN, April 7.?l>r. Hamilton Mid thi* afternoon thal .rcieiary Mttnuug ooutluue* io im? prove and Ibal be wa* able to sit lu sn easy chair lo-day for a ?hort Hmo. Ile had fiaqilttiitlr B-frOOBOi a ?roal de*lre to gat out of ned, au 1 ul* physician* c"U*enio.l IO bl* doing *o to-day for t-o Urn lime ilMfe bl* aila. t. The Fro.l.lent called Bl lue Secretar*/* MMOJMR afternoon and taw Mrs Mooning, but did nol se .tba Secretary, none but members of bl* family belug al? lowed lu the *iok c-Uaiuher. ILLNESS OE EbESlDEST ROOM RY. Kobort ll. NOOBOJ, I'l'Midi-nt of the Hoard of Aldermen, waa t-keu violently Ul willi au attack of* Mill on Tuesdag uiomi-g. Ua altooda*! Ha n