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WERE THEY FILIBUSTERS! TESTIMONY ABOUT THE (TTY OK MI'. Xl CO. fHK sailor** moroni TBS m B DARB BOU9 Hi' OAOSB thky 8WORB An.'Ur ihk roon, Comm?stoner shields closed tbs honing under hti PSM-sisB-BS flooi Kev West in tho Cit" of Maxies sass os rat?day. I_s tsstimoaj takaaanU be test to Key Wast, libers a tissl hesrinfis the case will Le Iud. I ks evideaes ebtaiaed Im* lte>e>u on the whole favorable te tba shin, ah eliott was niHilo bf tho Oort lumoiit to establish a oonueotloa between |Bs ('itv ot Mexico end tho Fourth Ward ere who shUi*.! on th.* Santo Doasinsu to Turks Island. JabSS ami Willimill,, the shipping m.* -t* ?who hired tho Eourth Wanlen*, were lOBUBOBSd siiai lestiflsd tlint the*y eiiel not know QiRSrsJ Del? gado, did not hire the I euiitli Warders to go on tho City ol Mexico or lo liKht- any'.ody anywhere. They uevet had hired men to sro on the City of Mexico and knew nothing whatever sbsut her. A. 1?. Strauss, the BfSBl of the City of Mexico. Swore that she did not leave this poi t with the lil tention of Waging war ona lri?-u.ily power or of violating in any way the neutrality laws. She wa* ai> B?ansel merchant ship pursuing lier legitimate hu*.ne*. Oi all tlie vs dnews siiliiuioniicl before the Commission onlv two a.ive testimony adTeise to the ship. Dun witness sworn that a clerk ol' A. 1). Straus* A- Co.. named Marx, told Inn that ex-KresieU-nt Soto bought the (itv ol Mexico and that it vs a* BBS?raSBSu that she * ns a ti iiluister go ln. i.. tight lor her owner. Marx swore thut te never saul anything of the kind. Fourth Warder "Jimmy " Bogan told a story of hit* adventures on tba Baale DesBiags mid lark's Islaod aabstanti> ?!ely the same is ncrelolon? published. Ile swore that he was told hy Halliday on the Santo Domic.go tlint be and Ina companion* were to (to ahnard tlie (itv of Mexico to Bgbtagsinst President Bogrsa, ?I Honduras. A* an oltm-t lo H..gull's testiinoiiy a Copy of Hie court lecoral slmwiim him to he un ex cemv itt and an affidavit, that he boasted that bs h:ie| received nietnev from Jucub Uni/., tho Coassl ol' Hoadarai and could fat inure, will, it is saul, he Bi nt to Ki -v West. One elf tiie crew of tha'City of Mexico arrived hats realarday sad wu* aee_ hy a ThibORS reporter. When asked whv he thought toe tassel erasa llibaster he ssid: "Obl.ssissis ol it. I lie passengers acted sn itrangely." " What did they dof" " Well, vs lien the grub didn't suit them thev all got ur.ititi.1 (ieneral Delgado sud talked Spanish. A hell lie would ga clown followed by the whole lot ot tli.-m and swear al the hw ward." He* dil not n-meinber any other suspicions eir cnni-tames, b.U the maller bad heen talked ov.-r In IBS forecastle and the Milan had come to the cone I ii sum timi pa-sen sra w|m '?* raise-d such a row s'?.iit their grub " were dsngeroas people, l.x President Soto, ol Hotiiliiia*, was seen at his residua e by a Tri ar xi reporter, When asked aimut the < 'ny af Meliee BBSS bs said: ? I can only say. asl said before, tbal I have ao tetanal in the iii itter except thal General IlelgaOo la a per conal Ul. nd of mine. As far as I e-iui leam there Ih no evidence tbsl Delssdoor the City of Miexco i in .cia*.I the m-utra ity laws. Of ono tiling lani cert.lin. when Delgado !>-tt ms be bad no Intention ot \ hil. itmg any law. If he had he.-ti truing ona !. ibnstering expeditioa to carri war late 11 nml inns tv .uni lu- u.i ra eT'io' ou an iili.u in-il uieicli.iiit ship which spent Its tune ia carrying around a cargo of Boral li i* said Ibal then weie two Honduras Bags BBd twelve small pistols on beard, not a beary armament im a steamer wbieb was to ..m.-uer a ii.ifioti. Delgado abd hi* friend* left ben In the belie! thal ww b the* reached Central America the revolution against Bogran would have mariesnoh headway thal they could go to* Honduras or any whenelss they wauted lo. Kui the weah aerves ot tin- Consol ol Honduras and tho desire ol a news psperfars Bsosation evolved a complicated and a .*utd filibustering exp- lltion aol of Buppositions. Vu know tho elsasioal (noiiutain the' hroiight forth a mouse. Well, yoa will see thiel when all ti * is sifii-d in the courts tho mouse will be ati ex!v small one." .1..lin Mcl'iiiin. thc engineer, nnd Arthur (Villis, tl.a-purser ot tiie steamet (itv of Mexico, arrived ben yeaterdayoa the ateamer l-BBtpasaa They vi, i,- in,-1 hy llepoty Marshal .k-tines, who took them lu tbe office of the Knited States District-At? torney. Assistant District-Attorney Foster paroled theta until to-day, whee they will appear before Commissioner Shields for exauiinatiou. NOELKE, THK LOTTERY MAN. PARDONED. MYRO 111 oil.Il I*. U.I I le A I. IRPLUKRCK?'A FINK IMP.1*1 ll?ll IH I'lUlll C-I.KI'.K MAI KS. Tin-vin.nous eSottste obtais iht nieass of the convicted lottery-dealer, Cuarles I). J. Noelke, have at leasts been successful. Just four yean ai... Noc-Ikc-, tbeageotathat lovestigatsd the case elecliire-d lo be SS ik ti vi- dealer in lottery schemes, wa* convicted with Ins clerk Jacob Mark* before Recorder Smyth aad wa* esnteneed to im? bi isoament lor one year .md to pay a line of f_50. the case was taken to tho Supreme Court and to tbaCotiit oi Appeals and tbs roliaasof Recorder Smyth wei.-sustained and the ju.lgm.-nt affirmed. Wi.en tii" Court ot Anneal, rendered s decision advt rsc io Noelke. In November, Ih.h'A, a stay of proceedings was obtained from a justice .1 thc I'nited States Ba pieate Coulton the declaration that aa appeal woald he taken. The grounds of appeal I.ol. however, heen declared frivolous hy Ihe Supreme Court and m. action eras tagon hy Noelke's ea iBsel tonefeel lu* can.* on appeal, after the release ol lim client on the stay of pr..coed in gs. The, matte-r si um lie-red lor over two year* [though the attention ot iiccessivi District-Attorneys wita called to tbe ease, Noelke had political Lonuence, and was an earnest Democrat and itresiileiit of a Cleveland and Hendrick! campaign club in ISSI Distrie t-.Mt.>rney Martina litially intrusted the conduct oi Hm case to ex-Assistant District-Attor? ney vY illulia c. Beecher, and be took viaotous se tioie al Visiting Washington aao Albany, h. found ti.nt untiling lt. en done except tl tile the stay ol proceeding! sud that the eaas wss in such a coniiitioii tbat thal nited Stales Supreme Court rules naderad it open ior Immediate dismissal Us had lie Statler brought to the attention of the Knite-d Staten Supreme (emit and made a motion before the Supreme Court judges to have tue stay dismissed. Tbs motion wss im-sadialely granted ami Mi. Beecher retaraed t<> this city ami caused the airest eif Noe) kc and Marka hy Ile tei tivt^KelUy. I here appeared to he Bathlag to be donn hut to BMld Noelke at ones to this Keniteiitiary. A writ cf hui. ? ti corpus was obtained, however, and when it was found thal no reaaooebls hope wisted of sb ta 1 ii int: Noelke's dis. hargl an attempt was mads t>> se, ure a par.lon for him. He hu* a large business hi the Koweiv und Brsusssst. where he exebsnees m.mev iiu.l hcIIh various kinda of " ticket?" His counsel visited all Itu* officials who might he inter? ested in the case ami finally went lo Alhany to see Qovernoi Hill. Manv prominent politicians wein inter.-si.*.I in the .natter and yesterday inforinaticn WSS received at tho DistrieVAttot-ev'i ofies that G*-vernoi Hill had pardoned Noelke*. Me ivan required, however. to pay a Ins ol 91,7801astead af t200. H. will therefore ascass the ene year of linprisonment to which be was seiitiii. c>d. I'lie Geveraoi wrote to Recorder Smyth, who wrote, opposing any uctlon in Noelke's fHvor. The paei clerk, Jacob Murks, who was convicted on lbs same evidence, was not p an Inned. He visited the District-Attorney s onles yesterday and talked with Mr. Martine. Nothing could he done- for linn ami he left Mr. Martinc's ellice with a face* wet With tears. His aged mother wept and groaned hvatericaily in the corridor as young Marka passed ber ou his way to the Penitentiary. MORE CHARGES BY MK. CRAVEN. COM1NV1NO THK AQI-.Ul CT IM.U1BT?POINT Bsouoai ult. The Aqaedoet laieattigatiag Committee took np ytstarday ihe sixih charge made hy Mr. Craven against Chiel Engined Church that on account el eriniii-oii. nnd sxesssive tt sass is sr.sots of mssonry on the Third Hivision ho was ord.-reel by the Chief Kngineer to Cease examining and iippioving ll.o hiv estimates except clerically. Alfred ll. Renabaw, employed iii thc besdQusit? ars al Tai rs town, made a long stalcment eonesrn lng aa error of :t0 per cent in Hie msasnremant of oiasourv ni Shaft Ne. l~. made hy Enssneei W'ui bricht, its discovery hy Mt Craven and the relusal ol the latter to sign Ue monthly estimates of Es ?:ineer Wolbrei ht until he bsd examined them and omul them comet. Mr. W'olliree-lit'a exnlauaticin Wus that the plotting wae incorrect, lt was a mis? take nf I,.* draaghts-Bsn. \S'hi-fi Hie Aaaedael CommissioB met iu the after? noon a letter was read lroiu .nit I Kuuiiierr Church saying that Mr. Craven now complained that thc BBsetBeationi drawn up hy Mr. MeCslloh by direction of tbs Commission, wsre sot sufficient. Afr. Church asked tl at Mr. Craven he afforded au opportunity to present any charges or specitications that he mav wish la make a* to the plans, accounts oi work of tho Aqueduct of any kind. II. 8. Miicdoua, counsel fyi Mr. Craven, asked thai the follow mg .mints be Investigated) I. The si ci ne. that , *s- :.-en sifii.ile I and paid for. II In Lot with-li awing the tiiiii.?i ami peril bibil nm! rmi nml il.Hui; the spiun bastbbbb tsaextrsdosol tlie- are li sad rool "f tunnel willi wocl. III. Huh-lettlng Ot Ihe work lu viciUtinti of ttee contract IV. diving Special i c.utr.ictH te. ce.iitriirtiirs for .11itching sad direct? ing streams ttitougti .Limping air I,muli the; Specitieiitmiis that it he el.mis at tilt- BSBtlBctOHr exiM-ii-e. v. OsSsilas sBSBlsssI ?UHit* wiiere Heme are aeosssaff. Vi. raring e'l.pli.jeei lu .tcite contrary :>t the terms nf IBsasatrasi. Mr. Muldolia compliiiiiod th;it Mt, Craven wus ?ot allowed te < rei??-e-xiimiue wltaesesa A icsilution wii. iben i assad, piaetieslljf rcc]uest ing the ( oiiiniis*i.iii ul InvestigatioB bo examine BIS all CiBIIBJSB sf sh .dover kind preferred hy Mr. Cntveti. Mr. JissdsBS was uot satisfied utid wilded t'ce < on, in,**, on nioro ipecilically in? structed. Mr. Mpure -It loejks to me em if yan w.-u.t t:.l* ('.uniiils Bleiu tn I art ni fl the Invest gating Otigllieerk w hut v et.llct they sliMll ci .len. Mr. MaedsM sreteetad agaimt thi! latsiprsts* tion of his pleading He wus told that the resolu? tion just paesod guve the invi-otigittoi. umple power. DBQna BEPUBUCANfl TO RIBOLL. The enrolment of RspshMsSB voter, to-morrow bf!giiih to eicite greater iiitcreet amoug the Uepob* Ileana of tin* city tic nemer tho day approaches. I ndi i the rulee, n-ceiitlv adoptn.l by tho County Conuolttss the enrol led Republicans will not hold In. .-in,gs in June. July and Ang'i.t, arni ss the um irict orgBiHMtioim will hardly ue ecSBPiStS before uno, it is prouahle that uo opportunity will be \ given for Kepiildu-rtns. to havo their namee plaoed on the mil after io W-UTIBW before tba fall oom pniirii opens. At tbo primary elnottoni Hil* fall will ba cIhiipii delegntrMto tli*? conveution winch wi ll nominate i candidate for Mayor. Tho Exoob tnc Committal "I ii,** Republican Club of tho Citv ll New-York lias Hciit circular* throughout iho city tiruiiir. tbe Republicans to linvo tb?'ir Binni placed on tin rolla 1'Ba dktnot beadgnartMi will be open to-iuorrow fi otu H a, in. to IO p. iii. DIED WI. ILE WAITISO AT THE D RS TI ST S. Two women ant in the parlor of Dr. C. L. Pullar, a french dentist, ut .So. BB] West Twenty* s-conrt-sL, ahunt 3 p. m. yesterday, walling nulli lu- nu 1 lliiloued lil* liinclieou. Mrs. Itutc Oscar, ul No. 13 Ea*t Miity-second-st. whose hu*i,;tiid is a WOltOT ll a private house lu Fiftb-uve., wu* near it bonkeaio at thc roar of Hie ronn,, while Mrs. Jame* Hunter, of -I ai. ,-ioti, ItAtOB Island, wu. lookluc at sumo photograph* at a front win? dow. Ttioy were stranger* to oneil otlier. Huddeuly Mr*. Oscar began to broallie Heavily, arid in a few sec? ond* fell to the floor insensible. Dr. Kogers was sum? moned fro11, an ad: doing Boase, but Mr*. Oscar .1,.-. 1 Immediate,y. The physician* tliought thal her death was caused by apoplexy. SESDIXO THE WROXO HAN TO PRISON. Joseph Frankwiill, of Brooklyn, is in tbe peiiHentidry upon a commitment for sixty day* bv Police Jostler K' una. before whom he ls ailogod to have. been charged with larceny. Yesterday his counsel moved before.udge Reynold! in the City Court for his release upon the grouua ihat he wa* wrongfully com? mitted. Tho lawyer said that his client appeared lie lore Justice Kenna a* a witness against another mun, bnt being mir,'alton by the Justice for the uocused per? son he wo* sent to tne prison. Judgo Keynold* said thal he had no power to release tho prisoner as the com? mitment was perfectly regular upon its face. --My-. EIOHI TEARS POE A HOARDIXOHOVSE THIEF. Flank A. Manning, the young and bright vrtite.i ?*hoarding-bonna thief." attains! wham tann aero many , ii aim md-M-BanU, wa* arraglim! yes? terday before Judge OlLlers.eevr In tbe (leneral -esilous. H? pended guilty to stealing jeweny worth -_."> from Mary A. Ballin, of No. 18 Welt Thlny-flft'i-sl., and of robbin, the bouse of Lila A. -steele, No. 88 West Twenty thlid-it.. of 'eweliy valued al bot). Judge Oilderilesve eai.l tbat Manning waa luteiugeut enough to bare eui ned his living honestly, and there was no excuse for hi* cline. He sentenced him to four yo,ns' imprison? ment un each uf Ibe indictments, Uiuking clgui years in ali. - * BUN TXTO HY EB CSE SOWS HARK. The bmk Quebec of Windsor, JJ, .*?-., which arrived yesterday from Antwerp, io])urts that,,ii Febru? ary SO. Francis Cullora, a I'rencb sailor, waa drowned. On Apiti 5 tho bark approacha-l this port, but a thick foir il,ullin, down and no pilot coining on board, she mon? et,ed sall and stood out to sea. At 10:80 p. m. an un? known bark wa* s.guted, rum.lng west .-sue attempted to eros* the how of lue quebec and In dotnr so fouled her carrying nway the bOWOprll Olooo to the mtghtheoda. All ihe-oadrear wa* csnied away with the !| ill. Tbe wreckage was out away, but heavy seas broke over Hie hows cha i;,g tho hark lo leak bad.'r. Hie other ves? sel was balled, hut gave uo reply und tiliappeared lu the 'ol-_ MOBBING A ?? BOBTAIL" CAR DltlYER. While I lie driver of "' bobtail " ear No. ;">0 of the '1 wooly tnnd r-treot ( roiiiown line was makin, chango for a passenger about 7:45 p. m. yesterday, as Hie car was paulo. I blriy-soeono-st. in Lira, uv-e., a young i suatcbi-d the caab-box containing IS amt ran ntl Ihe driver overlook hun aud wai kui), ie l down by two confederates. The thieves abatructeii ihe content* of thc hut and escape L Pasaengors who wero unprorlded with tho exact change rode free Hum purni to the ataules in Weal Tweuiy thlrd-tL UUYYLtG OPP IRE REPORTERS' VIEW. Carpenter! wei*' at work, by order of the Police CoiiiitiisidoiiiTS, yesterday building a rorered paaaage in ihe yard of the Central (lillee, hetweeu ihe flout pad of lue building and the wing occupied by the petaotlroBaroon, Thoilied will enable tho detective* to Lia,, pita en arl In and out of iiiioeetor iiyriirsa ulllce willi,.ul nolng leen bv reporter! at Ilendquarleri, and lt alao wilt out off ibe view of the nella Iran, the courtyard. El Ab HURT IX EIZTY-EEOOED STREET. Aller the, fire in lhe building- Not, 490 to 4 J.. Laal eui*-i-cooil-al. wm uudii c.,1,110, yeaterday ilmming i 11. mun \v Ula,1,, lieuiiie. of Hool and I-td der L'oiupaii) No. A, tull fruin Ibo roof ul the one-story iirueiur* Nu. i.n uml received serious liiteriial injuries. It was sahl thal the total lue., b> ibo tliinol A DANQBROU8 LOVIK WHEN RLFU-ED. nTKMprs io MOOT ms swklthkar. and 8UC OBR-WIN FATA1.LT WOOBBIBB HIMSELF. Annie McCiinn. a r.retty yenna Irishwoman, wbo lives witli lier uncie. Fruin ia McKldulT. over Ula itpior store at Kighth-avo. and Iwentv rigbtli-st, mme near bellin iiiiir*ler.-il yesterday l>y her jeal ins Over. Hi-rnHnl Duly. Bbnoegaa to receive some 11 irked attontioni .'rom Duly about nix moi.tlia ago, ind their oeqnaintani? continued on a lovemaking baila nllhoiiK- sbesuid that alie did not directly eu 'onriiKe hu nih Daly w:ia twout/-oni year* sf life, and kept a liquor store l;i Thirty-seooiid-st. hctneen Seventh and Eiir'ith nvoe. Od Sunday sight Daly weat to s?*e lin* sw crt heart at her uncle a _ou*e and hegged her to accept un otigfigenient ring -he refused, aud gBTI him to understand that he must not expect her to marry him. Daly was so nun ti dl-conn'iti'd by her refusal thal ho went DUt mid gut drunk ou Ilia own liquor, an untiHiial oc nnrrenca with bin. He continued to drink heavily until yesterday afternoon, whei) he went to MoEf ilntl's"liquor afore with a bin revolver in lin* pooket. Annie McCitnu nat him In ibo barroom, but in? fused to talk with him when he again broached the inbjnot of niarriago. Wuhini looooape from hun, she went up stairs. Daly followed and lound her in a mihi II room next to the kuchen. There he iiiiaiu demandnd an answer to bis proposal of mar? riage. Sh" gave tho answer in tho snape ol a d_ jided " 110.'' ? I'heu lure iroc* one!'" Daly shouted, drawing his revolver. Annie turned to run out of the room, and ho firod at ber hastily. The bullet went wide ol it* mark uml lodged in thc wall. Annie tied through one room and fan down stairs. 'I ben her -right forsook li'-i. mid *!ic ran tiji ol,dr* again willi thc idea ot nniooi liing over tho dillicilty. 'lhere wm a niall wm,low hetweeu thc hallway and th** room in winch Daly was ntandiiig. IShe looked through the window and said as S'.vectly us possible: "Why harney ! What is thc nt.iltcr with youl'' Daly turned, and seeing her head at the window. bo oho! at lt hastily. The bullet broke the win? dow, hut missed the girl's hoad, and nbc ron down stans, c.diing loudly for help. She bad hari'ly leached (Le Uquot moro when another shot was tired up-sinirs. I'niie.nian Mitchell ran into the house and found the young lover lying on the lloor of tlie small room upstairs. Daly hail shot him? self in the ahilomon. He was removed to the. Roosevelt Hospital where the surgeon.* said the wound probably would prove fatal. A policeman sal boola! iitaly l-*t night and thc sori-'coiis said lie uiii*t not bafauowed to talk unless a Coronet carno to iee him. HIGH EXPLOSIVES KEAB A PUBLIC SCHOOL. The Aqueduct Commiaaion yesterday received fro'ii August Belmont, Prnaiilent oi the Amnrlcan Jockey ('lub, a proteat in tba nama of tboclnb, winch miiu'.iers about 1,000 ineiaacis. ii_anist tak? ing .1. linne i'aik us tiic sile tura leservor. lie ?oyo that Jerome Park benetta tbe citv nnd the country for a considerable dlatance aronnd the 1'iiiri: that tbo Aoooeiation hno ooenptefl tin gronnda lor abonl twenty yean and bas just sci med another lease for len years; thai th.-asso? ciation lilts r4|i*'llt ll .Tr lit ( of Ill'rllt'V *'H I lie, pal k mai in til" erection ol building! and that lund north ci the park, eanally available foi ? leoeirolr, can be hud at mu. li les* cost. Tho mutter will be coniidered inter. Ihe Hoard ot Education, of Yonkers, sent a pro? test against the ooiitinuaiK c of a storehouse for 0x plosives b-longing to Clark A O'Brien near School No. 1, in that place. In this building lhere is kept about two tons of li nj li explosives, and there lo another storehouse nied fora similar pur pone near tbe dump in neigbborbood, lloih ar*< Dear enough to thooebool {odo great damage In maa of an exnloaion. and probable los* of life if il OOenrred during Behool hours. The matter wa* re ferred to tbe Chief Engineer to investigate and i*> poit as qniok-lj a* possible. HEATLY ADDRD PRRJVBJ TO THEFT. John Patterson and Willum Hoogaboom were rooic-n at,-a milli September _?<. wlien PattersOD run sway with B78 belonging to tu* room-mntoi, Honan boom met Patterson In tin> street last month ami clittr,'e,l bm. willi the tliofl. Patterson at llrst denied it mai ilea admitted it. Tiio adtnlailon was hoHr.l by William Dlanioi,(I, wini stood by. PnttoraOB ttl tried yesterdi.y before Beeordar Bmrih, Tbo avldeaee ;t_--1i,?tt bini hhs overwtieiiii'ii,', lint le wont to trio wit? ness stand and wu* about to bo sworn In doola) of tlie story of tlie prosecution, wben ni* lawyer. Mr. Sullivan, auld: "I will clo-e ila-ea*c lier,,," mic, I'altersoii waa not sworn, but pleaded uuiliy. Recorder Siuytj, lu senteiiciur bim, sui.l i You came B-BT I I aldinz tbo ertro of paijllfy le f,.ur (milt. Your lawyer* oonroi ii, preventing y.,'i rrom oolog soi. couiinoiidabio a* mu di i Btoa before too attora! am bus* Ital in -lita 1111(1-r nail: 1 tt Ul t ila- Hill lad mit) I'oliaiilcra ? ii.ii an! toll 1 Ltoiicyou totwo years and i.x inoutlis' iw l ri i,: ouly. ? - ORAROBIt Willi issi I.usu A PRISON BE Po-ieeman Kerer, of tho Ninth Precinct, waa triad by tha PoBce Board yestfirdar on the com plaint oi' Mr*, diaries l'rirks that lie hod amalad ber tiitiioui cause nnd bad used improper laniruare to ber while abe was a prisoner, ibo ieatlOMDy sbowed Dial on Miinb lu City Maribai .samuel Peyaer went to tbe boai-UiR-honsa kept by Min. Parka al Bo. 2*7 w*?t Twelfth St. Io seize a piano. Mr*. I'.irks ro*1ste,l Um service ot the writ oj replevin held by lb,- murslntl, and pointed a revolver ai aim whoo be triad io nike ina plano a nay. Then Polieemoa Hover was called In to arrest Mrs. Polka lt waadlBcorored that tbe revolver which *lie had punned nt Peyser was not leaded, timi a* he refused to plea* a compluli : aCBtast rn r at ihe Tombs Police fourt, she wu* set at liberty, Mr*. Park* claimed lhat Hover iis.-fl ln*ii!tli,rf laii-Hage |o h.-r willie he w.,s tallinn' ber to the police court, ll'ver ye-t.-nlay swore that her statements vt ere fas". Decision was reserved. -a SV1CIDE OF A RRGRVS WB1TE WIFE. At er John Hubie, a colored porter, left his hom.- nt Bn. TS Bu 111 van-it. tn go to his woik at tie ( ort'.andt Street ferry-house yesterday mnrtitiif,, his wife Miaan. a white woman, a.e rill;,, porebaaod some rat poison in a .irn.-st >r.- In the ii."._::t, ,:.,?, ni. On her wsy home ?be swallowed some of the poison. "Prince Albert" Brown, a neuro wbo lives In the linuso, saw bi r ainrf.eil". toward ber roon a at 10 o'clock, and atked h.-r why she looked so pale. She sal t she- was uo,n_ lo die. Brown eave her a dose of mastoid, willoh relieved her of some of the poison. Later Dr. IL V. Thompson, of No. ITS spriini-st., wa* ritllod to attend her, but alie died lu .rest Banar nt 1 p. m. Dr. Ttaompeoa reported her lulclde at the Prince street Police mauou. Would -ol exceed Kial tbdl *l6,U_0. HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS. .Prejvoorf Haute? Sir George ErriDffton, of Eaglaud, and Matthew Hale, of A litany....../VM Afenne Holei?Governor Moody Currier, of New-Hampshire, anet John B. Alley, of Uoalon......iVew-lorfc Hotel?General A. Ilu'leriuiiii, formerly U. 8. Munster to Slam. ......Btukinuham 7/ofe-i- Judio Ama*, J parker sml Ho .en C. Prura, of Albany.Orand IloieV-Com in.iti.Ier W, B. Hehley. If. S. Navy, sud Colonel C, L. Meal, U. 8. Anny,......e? Route -Captain Rober! F. Brad? ford ana Culef laslassc 1'ieinp inch. U. b. N'sry...... Jfurreey HUI tfufrl-Medtoal Director T. M. I'otter, U. B. Mary.(Vtifaw Hourn? Neirris Wlualow_of Watertown, N. Y.. ana 8. B.D. North, of Utica._7o_7>nan Boutt? Tbe llou. I), II. Finch, of England. a ? WHAT IS HOON) ON TO-DAY. rtial of Oenoral Bhaler. Court of Ojer and Termlner. r-ideiuT of Medicine, No. 12 Weat Thlrty-seco-d-at., New-Yuri Yacht Clubapecial meeting, No. 67 Madlaon arcv, Bp m. ? _ Moncure D. Conway'! lecture, Uulveralty Club Theatre. 8:30 p. tn. . .______, HouueouatUlu Medical Socloty, Ophthalmic Uoapltal, 8 p. ui. .___ Chi Pal Praternlty coBrentlon, Plftb Arenue Hotel. Society of Medical Jurisprudence, No. li WcitThlrty aecoud-at., H B, in. _ Readings by George Riddle, Dnlreralty Club Theatre, 3 p. tn. __.___. Methodlat Church Conference. St. John a Chnroh. Creaceut Lodge No. -U-, Free Muaoua, Masonic Tem? ples, 8 p. m. ?BW-TOBI CITY. A meeting of the Exeontlve Committee of the Grant Monument Association will be held at 3 p. ni. ts dsy. The first of John L Wheeler*! Icoturos on "Tho Great Dattleri ot the Ci vii War " will bo given in Chickeiuig Hall to-morrow nt 3:30 p. tn. 1 he- rtteauiHhip Scheid.nn whioh arrived yesterday from Amsterdam wus detained thirl y-scven lunns In tbe North Sea by a dense feg, On Tuesday a sailor, Benduck Sever, was drowned. Mi-rnli.Tsi.f the 1st BsSjiBSSBt, Now-York Volun? teers, winch kim organiz -d in this city in Anni, ism, will BSSSl at No. 21)1 Uowcryon April 13 at H [.. in. I In* steamer Gaelic arrived at r*nn Francisco on Tne*day with nulls irom Chiua and JspSB due to arrive in tula city for tho tir?t carrierV delivery next rseedsy. The Independent Order Free Sons of Isrnel pre? sented sx-urandmaater Herman Bttefel with a gold walch aud rhum last ingot at the lodge ronni No. I'JII bast Third-sl. Amies ll.fg.-_, agc five,was drowned on Tuesday in n cistern in the rear of the Innisi* where her par* cuts live in Oiie-hiindred-aiiu-eighly-socotid-st., neaj Klngsbrtdge mad. The Votctan Ptremen'l Home As*o<-i.-itl'>n was in sorporsted yesterdsy hy George vv. Anderson, John Mci,er, James K. Wenona?, trederick A. Rulebook, Eugene Ward. Aiiram h. Iluil, -humus Cleary, Dan? iel 1). Conover ann ethers, JamesT. Gardner, snglneer, and Or. Baled, of, secretary of lbs rotate Board of Health, vest.relay began sn Inspection ol tbe Bbsatiea of {hs lsborere ou the Aqueduct, the ventilation of af ts aud tunnels and the preeautions taken to prevent loss ol lite. Meninie Ii. Conway*! suhje.-t this evening at **:ni io tin l n feral ty Club l in-.i'.re* will be "Lon? don i Its Prone aad Poetrv." lins will lu* Hie seo nini ni bis course ol four leotures on English suh jecis. I he steam t it tx Haviland on Tuesday c(T Hereford Shoali, s|iiiki- iln- ichooaer Caroline Young, <>f Pbilsdelpbis, wh-eh hud lost her salli and was otherwise da-Jiaged. The tugslso passed several of tbs (ir. gnu's life preservers Captain Bmbery, of the hark Ironside, which sr ri vea yesterday hom Calcutta, relents encounter? ing a in-.ivv gan- ou February 1. ann at noon of thai dar lie mw a remark ible halo around tho inn and tin- barometer immediately began lo fall. I be Metronolltan Temporal. B .ard, a breach of tbe Linnell Temperance Society, bald its monthly nieeting on Monday nigh! at Grace Chapel in Four teeiith-st., General Wager Hwayne, presided. Re? ports wein rend irmii us committees, and bvorsbls progress in the sv..ik wss reported. An invest gatton by Coroner showed res terday that the sudden death ol Henry Feldmau. at No. (i'i Willett-st., caused hv smallpox, ano the Coroner called upon the sanitary ..Hirers to re? in.ive the hmly. I cl ward <ir.yti.-ni wis removed from No. IBCentre-et. Buffering from typhus fever. '1 In- il.iwer ex hiinf i.<n of the New-York Horticult ural Society at Nilsson Hall on Bast KtfteenUi-st will remain open lo-day?a ?'. iy longer than was originally intended?because the inclement weather has heretofore prevented many people from attend ing. Congress man J.din J. Adams appeared before Jus? tice Y\ elde in thc Jefferson Market Police (oort yesterday and argued tbal hi* brother. 1 h.nuns ll. Adams, accused of hsving swindled Patrick Mc? cann om of 980,000, should be discharged, Thc!.ut mn kum. on tee-clny. The Fire Cotnmisnoners yesterday decided to award iln- Bennett Medal for bravery in 1885 to Foreman Peter Short, of Hook and Ladder t om tmti v No, 1, on ace .uni of the part which ho took in the rescue ol the Jauh- tinnily at il.-aver auu William sis-, a y. ar ago. Henry Hulling*, an unmarried plumtier, wa* con lined to his bed st Na -.'itu First-are by an attack ol typhoid pneumonia .-n Saturday, feater?sy morning while delirious In- ilirew himself limn ,-i third-story wiudow into tho rear yard. Mk I in 1 Billed iuui. lin* loll..wing officers of the Columbia Yacht Club were elected on Tuesday evening: Commo? dore, K. P. H. Abell] viee-commodore, G. I*, m me; secretary, C. M. Armstrong; treasurer, Joseph A. Weaver; measurer, A. Fowler Gore; steward, c. ll. Knnbel; Bool Burgeon, Henry Griiwold, M. D,; regatta committee. A M. Kvcrett, I barlas Diets, C. T. Wii.s. L. D. Lilian, W. J. lireacen. BBOOKLTH. Mrs. S. If. I/iinitsvnri li rei else.I .1 divorces yrateTdny, Tho funeral of Captain I- Btrhaidsoa. ace- ilsty-aavsa, preiprieteir of ihe ( linton Hobbs, look place last even,nc. Tilt- iLiii- ii-' rn Ciuh wiii sleet a iiiar I nf Director! aa Mature! ,y night. Two ticket* an is tho hui? Ih.-e.u-i has i'd- lurmhera. in spin- of the opposition of ninety- ino property ewe* ei*., the Bsstsa Comans?aaeri Lase granted a Honor lleeaae to Mle! ssl Murphy for * drain simp at I-'Ifln-.ive. ami Inn il-si. Arc-liileac-oii Klrlcly, win. hu* temporarily acted ns rector Bf Bl. Ann's Episcopal ? Ii ure Li, hu- Been asliO'l to tn-, nine au ui-sistuui minister ol curial Cuurcli, tn (lin. ton-flt. The Oneapstat I*n*t (iffl.-c statle.n, which Ima Leen for four year* ni Kraiikl'ti-st. and (ire- np-i ni-.iv.-., 1* to ho removed ta ?BBbsttaa-sva, bstwssa Qreeapotnt-ava ami Oalysesi. .be Atlantic Avenue BapM Transit ('niiiml*slo!i lins ilecnle'l t>> clivi.lo the r..a.t to lie Inuit Boiler Its plans liitn twi. section*, the first ono lo h.: from S.iutli Yetty to Kings toB-ava A. A. Low, who built thi (iartleld otlioo BalldlBS, at ('.inri and Bs-BSSS al*., a few ye ?r* air'., will hull I n striletiire* nf-liuilar e-li.trfte ter In Keuiseiist., ad)olulBg the DtsaeBavlaga Bask, toco*i A prii|terlv-eiwiicr wno Intrint. .1 BMSSS BS a relatives to pay lila taxes wu* ree-ntly MrpMSSd to linn that his prone ny wa* sdrertlaed ts bs mii.i f..r srrsBi. ot tain* In ls-i. The receipts K'veu to him wiro Clover fomerlra. The- trial of Herman Brindle upon a charjreof elefiaud Ii.k tlie (iermaii-Ainericiu Fi re Insurance Coaapaay by falae stat.-me-iita of hisses hy Urn beglia yesterdsy Ib ina Coart of Ssailoas, Ula pisa waa te aaa the >?*-.,.. hulf-hui'iied clothing to pul lu cums for los-i.-. m inher? ent companies. Judie;* ('nilen lia* ordered that tho action of Artornny Osaeral O'Brtsa lo test tu? validity of thc- shailer sf the Kuiics C'e.uiity Kleviite-d Cuiiiiiiiuy he he 1,'bii hy the BSITiee sf a siimiuiina ntnl BOBiplslat within tea d.iys, and If ihr answer i* hird within tea dieys lhere?fter lt may be pat ps ths calen.Ur a* a pre? ferred cease, and uni can hegls wub teu daye' notioe. TO EUOTECT THE (ITY 1SDEXES. County Clerk Flack yesterdsy said that ha weald ask the Corporattoa counsel fur i,i* opinion m rn tn the charin ter of tie ladszss pinch,-ml hy tba I'.mi Asseiciaiion surebsaed ) ihe etty from Bsberl Le BJ l-l I'ft, lu view ..f Hie chilli - Iniielis. hy thei Bal At ?sen-lii! tejii Hint they arc pntdic n BOH ls BBd ll* sueh siniul'i lie ctpiiii to anv one who wisbea to nske aearobes, Mr. i tact iiiiiiiiiHln* they becsed only ns aid* to ihe srar.liei * cnn, toyed by him ami thai i.y ital na them in tin . Bay an llii'iimo ls .L-l I veil hy lbs elly w Iden last month ameninteil tn ifl!.-..-1. Tim* wein loosely I'-tiind and would soon lie destroyed if u-,. el hy tbe publie IndiscflBlBstsly sad me Insame isferrrd lc would dm deereaaed ..i esaee entirely. If the Onrpora timi Connsel deddei th it they ire uubBi roeorda he win ask that tin | i.e recopied la i durable form. De d< uled tlieehuikte' llll'le h) siiluo lasvyer* thut some OBS ti s'.-t 'Iii^ up rnI,len.Li here ,fter tn lie aolel tn the eltv and s.ii 1 that tlie ladeasa were soBttuiied rronSaj ta day hy a clerk employed by tbs city al tsoo a yssr, wko werhi under the lapervbuenol Lm> craft, sad tba! taass sjass the property of Ihi c-lty solely. AOAVSSI BILLS AEEEcri.Sil THE CITY. President Colemso, seeretsry of thc Board ol Estiinuto. in OO?pltaaM with the ucl inn nf tim Boll cl, Mni tn thu [jssMustare yssteraarpratsstsagainst f.-ur hills which ailee! lins city, 'lil,: Iii-I I* one luttoilil. e I hy Assembly mas Klnn, Vbich (rlrea tbe lal 1 lutondnd twa market baHSIagal O sass coori Bethel lethe . a nf market K'urili-iie-r*. The BSSOBd lull B0Sbor*saB the ev ti-ns'iiii n! flin l.levated Kulwin tra.-ks to OOBBOet sa lt li nil tks iaiir..?.l* aadfarnsa la the etty, rbe protest aays that the mn weall gin tin- elsi sis i railroads maay n,i --e of ness |.iud, tliiitinrli ul,-I ainag Wall, Bulbin, Liberty, Cot?andi. Chambers ami other streets, v.iiu ni'ie fiunchlses woald tim* bs siren for nothing. Tun third bill directs u leiissc-Ssiiient nf Lue* lei ls I In I HS J eui tue prnpert) nf the Tri" UullriiBd. Tho e-lty his mill in Ibu btute lt* pSSSStlleB "f th<* UtSeS. 1 li ? f'.'irtt bill ls that .Isiiik' lin- I'spuitiueii! ct Pul.ll" Wmics Bdilitiotmi power. [tUdselars-l tbat thc paweta al iho Il.'p.irfllien! sh.inld lin! lee, in. reuse.!, hm If UL)- eh'-iik'-' ls iiiide the c.ill.-ntl,-ii nf c'rntmi wulor innis ah,mid ho itiv.ii tn tue riiiuiiee Dspsrtmeat, SALE OF TUA old cn a iii.icc IBBTTTUTE Tho old CbsrUor Institute, nuiBUig Lymi Flfty-eiKl.ih-at. tn 1-ifiy-nmiii st., hstwesa Mfcth BBS Jr vu i li us.-?., wi.), u sold al uu. timi nu 17(1,000, waa housht by Horace Willans, a real rstats BcSaai al >'.., ill', Iii '.ul*.,), .in .ii. order. Tim ow i,eta fins o liol yrl eli" Meal whether tn sell the BallSlBg ix{.du or replace it wim uu apartamal timise. -__ a>-____ THE IIOISTEIS PHIESIAN CATTLE RALE. Pit6f (!. Killogl Ei Co. ('(iniplidtMl their .sci' obd aaaaal ssmblaausa sale of ii..i-n-n. Prlsslaa cuttle st the A mern au Horse l.iii.?nke luaterda}-. Tba prices, bi on Tuesday, ruled low, though there vii I larger attendance than on tbe Orst dav. Koiomary. a four-year-old Importod oow, hy Porcelain dani (irlotjo, Drought $.'173, tbo hlgheit prl. o of tho day. OPINIOS'S ON THS HALE-HOLIDAY BILL. The am*in*l<)*l Hiilf-Holiday bill wm the sub Jeot of oou*|.loialii" dlsoussiou yesterday lo bank iu cir? cle ? arid alu.>og business mon. Borne ul the hiller Beamed to think ll BM rather too sweeping for an initial moa* uro, but. In tbo main, lt wits favorably regarded. Tho bank men that wero seen thought lt covered the ea-o fairly. A representative of ono of the lsrgcst of the rn Bald j _ , . " Our position on this Question ts Juit this. People In general leeui to want thu bair holiday reform pul Into practice. Ws do uot wish to oppo?e pul,ile sentiment aa regard* thi* In tho slightest, hooauso we mink the move ninut tu bc a good one. Hut st ibo sams time we must con? sider om selves lu Ihe muller. Thc bill lu Its original form Would seriously Injure u* since wu could not hy any oieaus oondoiue a day's husiiieis lute two houri' time aa lt required." " How do you ibluk your customers will like tho chango I " " walla ss most of theta sre besrtlly in favor of the propose, reform I oan't see how they can object to this '.ill. Ai for losing a dsy's tlrue on a promissory note occsRlonally, why that ls a small matter with the average hu*lne*s msii who never waits until the last day to prepare against bl* paper maturing." Secretary Oleolt. of tho Half-Holiday Cotnmlttf.o, thought tbat tbe bill would ooiumaud general approval and become a law. " I do not say lt ls perfect, by any moans," a til be, " nut lt li much more istlsfactory than the otis that bas already boon ordered a third reading In the la-.-lalaturo in tbat lt has the support of tbe banks." One of Ihe amendment* proposed to Speaker Hust ed s bill whoa lt was before tho A**e,tildy, wa* to made the law spply ouly to the largo ottlos of the Htate. I hi* re? striction nf the Mil ls nol favorably raoeivcd by lome of Ibo bank people, who think that the law should be Blade uulforiu throughout the Htate. TOPICS HEEORE THE HOARD OF EDVCATION. Commissioner William Lum mis at the moot? ing ol the Boord of Ldiicailoii yeiierday brought up the subject of education, by a resolution request? ing tbe committee huvlng -Barga of that itihjoot to rn oort li ana monta Mes*r?. Bellgmao, Tamaoo aad B. I., t-nt.-ii" constitute this oommltiee. Mr. Sollgman being tint Two new primary schools will be organized In the Twenty-fourth V.,ird, one In Oneiuin rticd -nnd ihir' v -ttfrb-sL, near Klgli tli-ave , nnd the other lu (>iie-lniiiilr'-,l-..ii'i t.venty-foiirth-st. near the lame aveuue. They will be traii?frrroit to the now school bull Hug In One-hundrcd-aiid-thlrty fouith st., near Slxth-nve., when ll is completed. Action on the report of the teachers' committee, In reL'ard to tho prtiicipalship of the female department lu (.laminar School Na 38, w.i* laid over. The harmal Oo Inga Committal reportoo thal .Mr. Beiig har! oBett I a Bril* of tftO In gold for five consecu? tive year* to the stinlnnt of Hie college ranking hlgbe t lu Biigjleb literature. Uaatouant EL ML Berry, of tho school ship Ht. Mary, h.ivlng roetgnod, tho Hoard ap> proved the appointment (af I.lenton.tut W. L. Field as executive other Of IM school -hip. -a XE1VS FROM TUE 8UBUEBS. HIS BODY roUXD IX A CPI-CBK Georgs H.inft. an ex ional ve lowe* raiser of Pearl Uiver, Buckland Couniy, iva* found ilea! iu a ci*torn In on.- of lils greeii'ioii-es yesterday uioriiln.-. Ho lefr hts hotne early and a* nt out among ms Howers. Home Ilma afterword hla hedy waa dlaeoverod lu tiio ei*t*ru, BBd upon examination of tl.e p.-*ilioli of tho elstern lt wa* believed tbat ho hal not folleo in acot.iotit.iily, but had committed sun-id... It I* believed that Uuanclal embarrassment! wen rho raitaa of tho suicide. -ar POOL-BHLr JUMPING PBOM A MOTIN- TP.AIV. Edward Halronaeo, ag. iwaotr-slx. and Martin Oa* brlelSOO, ??ni'- inn.-teen. Norwegians living at Kl Mora, nr-iir Lli.iiliefh, X. J., boarde I a trim at LH/aboth y.-s terdsy, inti mung to ro to _ll_abetbp.irt. Whoa the train ba i sun ted Hey diseoverrd thal ll did aol stop ol I . -.-: li j. 11. and they apr nig fr,un their seats tn lump of. The conductor shouted to them to refralo, bm il though tha train was oow aador go,.,! headway, they a,.ii' the leap to the groan!. Ralvortaeo struck the ground vvitn great violence and ro led lack indar tba wheel*. Hi* heal wa* (tartly mashed. Qabrtelaon landed no the lido track on his feat bat tho rehound thrrw him barkBgainsi the cai-. Ht* hip wai broken, bo tb arms w io di-.ioeut -I sad be w?* lojared internal? ly. ILiltortaen'a injuries are fat tl, and ibero ls little bone of the recovery of the other, llslvortaan has a wife and family and Qnbrlelson l* single. --? ? SUING A CEXKTEB- COMl'AXY. An Importanl mil waa begun in the Circuit C in'. .1. r-..y City, ymtertlay ny Clara Buekmaiter, ono ot the heirs nf Thoma* lt, Buokmaater, to recover from tin-New-York Hay l> inetory Company 30.000 lots lu tho cemetery, olnlmed to belong to tho Backmaatei (?sine it was allege, I for tbs plaintiff that a* far hack a* l s.'.;i Thomas il. Huckin .ster wa* ea Iel Into tho earn* ct.-ty comp ii,y, I,? calls,- ii.iy WM needed to beautify the place. Mr. Backmaster paid ott tho company's debts and took 30,000 share* of Scrip, Boob lb ii'1' l'cpro Hentiiig oin- lat In tho cemetery. Pot unno Utne after that In- and lils la.nily managed tho altair* of tho com l> my, mini it wo* reorganised. Thoo ho wu* rated oat of the m iii-4goui,.i.i ob tb.* grono! mot when he waa in control kn deeded the 30,000 sheree to !ilm?eif. Bush? master sud bl* wife have since di.-.I, ami vvhon tholr belra mada a demand for rho property the eompaay rn fused i? recognise their claim. A Urge nu mtier of deed! were offered In evidence yesterday, hut th-y w?r? nil-(fill to l.y the dofci d mt on the ground that they wet. i? I odella tte ns to in ,ko tn-'in v 'id. The Court re? served decision up ni thou admissibility. LO-tt- IHI.AN'O. Vt (lOnillt ,..v ?,loam, a '(mik tt a* a, los i eu ou Tu. -<!? lar attempting ro n t ure tu the huns.- lo which siio lived. It wm discovered tbal she was Insane and yesterday soo tva* committed la the County Asylum Ol Milled: Lona isi.tMicrrr.?Oo raeadar alaht MlekaalJ.BaV liv ni wat elected Chief ol the Volunteer Pre liep.trt ineiit uml Ant ion)' and Anthony Dryden wero elected A**t*tatit Chiefs. Hamilton-?Tbo pilot boat K. T. Williams. Bo. li. .t h lo g..lnu ro sea yesterday, misitayad int wont ashore on tuc Long Island ?li.,re. She ll.-s well up on tin- henel., head on, Tlie tasboai Eonnve m?.io attempt to haul ber oil, lint sin-cost. ?? - ? BBWABC Jo?oph ITenrv King, who practises as an Indian doctor an.I bas s..ino not,inly ni several cit les, erst arrested hy the Suei itt on a clung,) of fraud, lt ls charged that he incurred a debt ly giving Ins indorsement to a note, representing that le awned In* furniture and some .*..:.().ul worth Of olh' rg.!.* lu Ins place. Th- case caine up for a hearing before Judge Kori In the Pint District Court yesterday. Klug -naiad tho ail, g.iiioui lu sn attidaVlt. The deetsto Was reserved. The Newark Preebytary wet yesterday al tho Third Preeb) tartan Church, the Lev. w. li diannne, of field, acted a* Moderator. l!oi?,rls were ma,lo oa foreign missions, publication, Ministerial Relief Fund and other subjects. Vf BSTC11 KsT IK C"() I" XT Y. M'iim Vebxox. JoiaCasey, o laborer, while walk Hu along ibo track* of ilie New-Hat ,n liallioad early yest,.i,i ,j. i,ia,rilli,., vras killed by an expia is train. New-K>. in i.i l .?At the annual school meeting In District No. I, hold ob Taead-V, .lames (;reii_ebaoh, llorac! Croobl and Ldvvur.l li. riucknev were oiecled truateaiaud tVilliaiu I_ Count treasurer. ERM REAL SEALER WILL STAND TRIAL. A rumor gained considerable circulation and ere,lonee down town t e-torday afternoon to the effect that (ion. ral-siltier, wtiose trial ls set nowa for this morn? ing, h ul adopted the tactics of " Hilly " Moloney and fid toCoooda, A reporter rung tue door*-ell of No, 1-7 Weat Korty-eighth-*t. la*t Bight, and Genera! Bholof himself opened thc tloor. A smile travelled across tho seamed and care-worn feature* of tne Oeneral ai he laid: ?? I do wanr to leave town OB soma business of e press? ing nature, but lt 1* uni Ukoll thal I shall do bo until Ibis little sb ia,--,ip ls over." MAKINh INTELLIGENCE MifitrtruK AL.ttfi BaatfliBB bm set.*. g ia Ram uti,, lot*'_uoa*i*r_,d_ 4 iii Ml v i ru ri r i-.i t v i..V.-MltirlvH'ii4. IO ll 'lor. |*i.? |. Kl 10; Hall OVA, - /-._(.?r-aii.iy Hook, r int. I lian L lo 401 Hall >?-i_ 0:08 OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-LAY. Yentl Yentl. Line. For Afailiaolt. Salli. Baltic. Inm*o. Liverpool . in.Opin 8 sm lieii.Tt. Hstuti Amor.. 'Liiiiburg. 8 am *'hateaii Vqaem. Bordeaux. Bor-eaaa_ I pm Aina/niiciiae. lied (ross. Para. 1 om 3 pm . i,|,.ii. I i.< in, Muli, vaiunttall. noon. Vannen. Be! Il l.aguayra. 3 pm (leo W Clyde. l*Iy*IO. Haft!. 1 pm 3 -in .ll .taara 1 pm UiluoCo. taUebc., -erminia . 1 pm tl pin I III OAT, APIIII. 9. Amil, is, Atlas .Porto Btes.11 .!') a ni 1 pm sAirnnvv. Ai'Kii. 10. I'lnbria. Canard. Liverpool. 0.30 a m '.cito _ m Marengo. V'. Lion's, Hud . 3 pm Uv, Bristol -hy,Bristol. a pm Ar Koria. Anchor, IS lasso w . 7 :0 am 10 a in )i, lb un: vat t a, i 'nicolina ,--n . ti ao a ui ll a ni Jloi av 11. ll am I. Ain.r. Hamburg. 10 sin s, In, ii.,in. Nelli Amer. Amsterdam. Gunara ll ..'0 a tu p. lillian,!. Ucl star. A nt turo. n i a n ',' .10 a iii Ldlii iio'i'1 n's. Kingston . s .io a m 10 em .Niagara, Ward'*. Hanna.. 3 pm INCOMING si EA MERS. tO-DAt. Temi. Fr nm, uro,. OrecUM Mo.larch-...Looasa.Monaro,! renmark .1 "ti lon .National A bysatB?I. Livcrpaoi.h.nan ?TV i.Liverpool..National LeplPtO .Nowcaatlla.Wi.son's Aiicliorla . Olasgow. Anchor eiate ol deorgla.Glasgow.Mat'* MOTBVta.lUiu'.nrr. Haiflb _?? I u.i i*.Iiaiiiiuirg.Cart i;ir**tar i Ca a.;a .liuvio .Pranoh innis. ? !i.,ii* .Palermo .loebor Aapcs.Ilatana an.l Mexico.Alexandre's I Hint*, ti BIL :i. I ORV of Merlin.Liv.-ri,,.,: . inman ' iii:."!,. nv .Beweaatla . Brtatot < itv I;.:* . Iir.-iuen.n.u. Liol! | haulltgo. t leuliicgos .Ward's bah uti ti. trail, io. ; nie),monti nm.bamtaa . inn Hails.Naples . Ali bot 0OOfglfla .Marseille* . .lubra SBIPPINQ XE D'S. POUT ol MW VOUK... .WKD.N'K.SDAV, APHIL7, 18.10 AllllIVKI) Pieani-r Atlin* (Hr , 1 ,,w. Jar-Mi Marla, Ant ("ayes 1>1. J, I- Ol..- : '. ,|l l-'lt .,. St.- I'.l. Pori au I'lln c ll Klll.Sto'i .IO poii Anton.., '..'I. willi m.lir alni i>a*k.-i,gc, * lo Pun 1,, a* ( O All .IO a Kl tl," IU, at "I- I. Ul .-lin,., I .nt.ab lc . nn. ll.-niilu. Pon Marls .'..lara, wiih uii.o ia i. Wessels-I * ,, A i nt.-.l at lbs Uar st '- a in. -t.-aunr gram iBoti, Ueroldneo. Iiara-oa 0 dapa wui. n,ut ta (lanais 0 Paanall Arrlvanal iii. Bai at j a a. ! ,.l,.,r I alu, .eas. L'roWBll, liBiV-StOO Via Kev Weal, willi sartie and paiirVgen l.x ll Mal sty _ Co rs'..-aa,*i . .in audoi ie., galley, .v.. Point an! N. upurl N. w . willi in i- and paassagl r* tO (I Ho nu.Iud sa ? " MBdiuer Cen Whltl.cj , Ileane. vtuhmiUelo ll 1 Ilpuivk. BnaaaMT ('itv ot Jaw BaOtOf!. Dav**, lau Hivur, wiiu nidsa teUwl-tu di Lw.._i Hhlti T-tsn (of Boston). Allyn, Hong Kona 1 IH alar a. with mdse rn ..r.ler vessel to Vernon il llrovtn * Co. ump I, BciH-hrlBt din. Wood. Amsterdam aa elura, with iron and erupt- barred to nnli r. rasssl ls J W Parlor 4 L'o. Ship norlin,vnn mt u men,,., BS),8-BltS, Lutikir^ 60 dara. In baflaaf io Snow A Illirie-,, ?J Ip Ariel .v..ri, Hthwun/s, Liverpool 30 dara, with sail to r D M.nilton .t Co, vessel to 1'unrh. Kdye <t ('6. nark Ironside -or London). Kmery. ('alotuis HO daya. with mel-* to Keilli finis; vessel to n.aater. Hara Initt ?n of London i, hi wood, Zanzibar 70 nara, wltb m.lses to order vessel e. Maia r Marie (ju,- ?.r ,,t .iuui*,,., N*ii Antwerp 1ft clara, with Inn anil empty bairsll to order: vr-sso! to snow A Bnrcresa uart Li,?? H.,,ed.ui,. Puta -wi twerp ia diva withlrou and empty ii-rrel* finnier, vessel to J W" Lurker * (Jo. daile rsreslBS 'Ital.. In bruno. Bereswas 84 Ssys witt milao to circler vessel (o Kuneli. Kdveeke o. Hara strauss iJson. Uaassa. Hulila Uti dava, in ballast to master, l ark Klebn.nri. Oielgren. ueinerara IS dara, with sugar to ly-aye-ra ft it Oa Hark Albion (Ker), f'lirtatlenr.i-n, Havana via nelaware nn-akwater ll days, wit!, sugar to Moses Taylor a Co. vessel to L Hoe. Mriii Lolita 'of Windsor. RSI, M.iDsmM, Hanfandar M ??ya. witti iron ore to order; ve*sel lo J S Whitney A Co. Ml Magi! (Ari. Oran. B.hla Ai dava, lin baila!to How I He! A, ul ...'* -no ' ,,n(,rtne (Dan). Warner. Victoria. Brat, 7'J aa-s, wlfti cnlloe to O Amaiiick i Co; vessel tomaste-r. Itrnt Hlon'ireave* Uri. Pritchard. Fejnainfnico 36 days. with sn*ar to (I Ain*lne*K rt Co vessel to mister. ling itot.i-rt Mow.-, lluriitiioiid. *l Pierre. to.rtmi'ine. 16 "asa. wltli suifar Io ll Trosvbrld?e'aMons. Hrl_ Itu Whltti-moie. Wright, ("ardenlea via Delaware, Hreuitwater lu dava, with niolsases tosMM) veaaei lo Jed Frye _c-e, *>oiir J K Btetson, Tresa. Aracaju '19 days, with anger to or? der; vessel toil M -smith ? c'o. folir yacht A_b---adrt-ss iof, Taylor, Hu van a 8 daya. SUNSET Wind at Bandr ll.*>_. moderate, F. rainy and aeinahy. At City lslsjui. llabt. H8W, cloudy. (?Univ itooin, io n tn BaieflBMsr.88.S8 thormonoter. IO; swell, heavy. E i wind. SW. A cloudy. Arrived yesterday - ?steamer Beninese (Br). Webster. Yokohama Deo ll, Kobe IBB 8, .SnuHsakl Keb s, ll una; hong in, **lB?rapore 17 P.trt Hald Mar 17. Gibraltar.], with BM?s to order, vessel to Uou lerson Urns Arrlveei at tho Uar at 7.8o p tn Steamer Kcliloo^iu (litchi. Hakaer. Amsterdam Mar'id with ie .'*?sud passengers to his), Kdye _ co. Kteaiuer iirlon l ur., Harris. Huenoi Ayres Feb id. Monte vidoei Mars, Hln Janeiro il. liahlaT 1. with mdao to Buak Jevon* Arrival at th.. Har at 7.18 pm. Jateamer llenefa. tor i n.iott, Wtlmln?-t<in. NC. 3 daya, With melee and passengers to Wm | Clyde _ (Ja ?J I.E A UKI) steamer Biiltle iBri, Bnrtou, Liverpool via Qaoenstown I'eter Wright * sons. -reamer Tr.uacna (lin, Mitchell, Glasgow ?Henderson Bros. f*teamer Minerva i Rn, Appleton. Lublin san.ier'on A Son Steamer Oelleit (den, Kuhlessein, Hamburg via Plymouth ?Kunhardt it Co. Bti iiuer Madrid (Span). Cartier., Antwerp lunch. IWye a co. steamer Valencia. Wo-dnek, f..t;ru;ivr.i. Puerto Cabeilo aad Bliss A Hallett st.-un, I Mnr!..|(Bn, Locke, Tho Win.lvvtird Islnnds A E Outi rbrnlice .4 I o Stssmer Illsai BU, Sansom, Pun au Prmce, Anx I ayes, Ac -Pim. Forwood_ Co steaueer Jeame, l-reetliy, Kt Johns, PR?J ll Winchester Co. Hteamer Fram (Non, Ileruldseu. Haracoa?(Jonie*. _ Pear sail. r-t"atner Kin drnnde, I,-wis, Ke,- West and Calveston?C H Mul ur- .t CB Steamer Un. kl. Monnr. Jue-son villis- Warren Har. Hteauiercityoi (.'oluiiibia. Woodhull. Charleston J WUuln tar l i? co. Meaiiii't Josephine ili-.m-"n Moore. Bal'Imore_J s Krema Stearne! l.i-.ii'ira. Hra.ic. Piutlem! Renado Hall. burk piB.'.-iiiulii-r (Br), Clis-on, llntrerda't.-Sessimsll Hroa Stlir Jftjulo A Stubbs, stiihlis. -lux Caycs?Lyon Jt co. SA! LKH. BteSBMtl Werra, for BrSBMBl Nonnandle. Havre; Muriel. Parbadoee. Aoi Havana; Ciaiirendoran. Cardemas; Annetta iiuiaceia: lllo i.ramie*. Oalreelon -i..rican < ny, City Of ' olutulnn, Charle-itou. Seueca, Nawport Bews. Bweduh ?-..nette Balder,-. ship liiimiiton Fish, Philadelphia. Banu l.uun, [or Batavia, lei md-rs; Krr.inte, Alexandria, F."ypt. ida f..r lutiurg; l-.iild.i, Qe_I,_0; -MelaJuel, l.isbou: Avoca, 1".nh Amboy. Brue* A,d ne, !or raiBOS Avr?s. Hamer, Pet! Natal. behr! .tattte Weston, St. Croix; Mary ilradfor l, 1'ouce, PB. Al*e, s:nie,i -Via Lon?' Isl iu-i Ba inn Harks BButh, tor Antwerpi luim i Baabroaek, Duukirs* John HI', arson Utd I' 0 ' h.ii III. BobIob. Hrlics Peeress for Canary Islsnds; Artos. st Jo'm. BB. An. li..r.-.l M City island. I.ounc out?Balk! Ingleside, for Slu.upore, ( lanhi-l, CliaiTottetosiu BISCBLLSBeSOUg, Slnp TssTBOgSrS i Hr), t,e-f ire rt IBO ted aafion* St spnnt; Lake. N I, i.s bailly bruken up, and the beae-li is strewn nub empty barrels'rom her .old. Ihe ship will prove a lotal loss. Illi. Mu VL.MEN TS OB BTES BaKS VUBEIOB POBTS Pi.tmoctii, April 7?Arrived, steamer Rhaena (den. Ao?al geaaaa. tram slew-Yorh M ir jt cm ber wav (o Hamburg. sm LT, April 7?Passed, steamer Wuealaud (Beni, Leher weu. from Sew-York M ir ii em n-r wa. to Antwerp. IBIS OK WIOHT, April 7 Pass.-'l. steamer A-synan Koa arnli i liri. Harrison, fiom New-Vork Mix-ti ou bur way lo London. fl AMiiiitcj. April 7-Arrived, steamer lOer), BopS, -TOtB New-York Mm -'7. sainu st.-ainei Lessing idet), Vosa, for New-Vork. Bssass, April? airived. stSBBBBC Main (den. ChrlstoL fer*, from Mew-York Mar .7. SWUBBtTBDS. April 4-Arrived, steamer Martha (Gen, Todp, Irom New-Vork Mar M. Annotine-ementa. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. W_sttOWa sooi him; avnrr should al wara ban sod for CHILI.. KN ll.hllllMi. lt -? "lilrTS tho CHILI). 8' 'fl fc>i the elli*, ALLAY! ALI. IAIN. OOBBI WISO COLIC, and ia the BESr hkiiklii lou i-uuiiiii.'.A. '1 wenty tl.e cents a bottlo. Earl fi, Wilson*! E. 6c W. brand of Mon's Cclluraaud Cults aro tho beit Sold every wu.ra. -? Hf.nrt A. D-BIBU M. D.. 144 Lexington ave., between _'ith an'l (0th ats IlcEra--ri to 1, 6lo7. MMSSSS of tho Tservoas system' cji-iiiu.l ilnary organs, impotence and sterility. ? Pierce's "Pleasant Purgutiv-o Pellets" aro perfect prevent vea o' constipation. Inclosed In glaaa bot ilea, alwaya tresh. by all druorista. Kikkk's Compound Sarsaparilla Will he found to give far better satisfaction than Ayer"! or lleust's. I ni* Hi-v r itrau'-M, or .i.?rne io ruiiiu-1 tha Ah all, lt > astalas -cn mkbcl-icv os Extra largo i...c!e*. i-.itifain iu 17 . o'iii.---*. 7S .--nts . il bottles, li b'or sale only by UlKkB? bOM, 363 6th ave., corner .'-Mat. Solid Silver. The Gorham Company, Silver? smiths, have an imUkSiially large stock of Solid Silver Spoons and Forks, put ap in fine Cabinet Chests, sui ta? llie for wedding and anniversary gifts. The assortment comprises sets of forty-eight pieces and upward. They have all of their staple patterns cased in this way, besides several cases of Special or Handwrought pat? terns made exclusively for their New-York trade, and not to be found elsewhere. Broadway and 19th-st. FOR GIRLS. ?uTiA-.-tAr We are placing oa sale delly BtW 8PBIMJ HTY1.K-* nf MIBBBir aud CH II. I) lt KV* IU<h*,-.t-> AND CLOAK*i Irom our .mn workrooms. We invite* ronipttri*on ol lin- si s le* and (leish of these Booda with iii,,-,- ordiiinrlly aold rendy nuigp, and the pri. e* must c-oiivine-c* ee-onomtrnl bayer* (hat li Ib net mn ih while lo buy* now and have garment* linnie ap nt bonni. \l i heeii tin-he-i assortment of KVKBYTIIIKt., from HAT** Td BHOBBi for Uoyanud Girl*, at very low price* for reliable goode. BEST & CO. GO & (te WEST 23D-8T. SYPHER & CO., ManufacturerB and Importen of FURNITUBB, offer bargain, to those about to furnish. GRBAT KKDICTIONS in MAHIJLEH, TAPBSTBIBSi BRONZES, BILVBBWABB, POBOBLAIN, &c 800 Broadway, cor. 17th-st. THE CHAMPION IN THE OREAT FIRE AT KEY WEST. ll SAVKI) THK FUVllS OF TIIK BANK AM) CHUT VAL. DABLES ciF .\K\ HLY A 8COBB Of TIIK L .AUISO) MERCANTILE KOVSBB, Am .'oLLOWS; BANK OF KKY WLST, FOGARTY & JOHNSON, JULIUS ELLINGER & CO.. WILLIAM CUBBY, BETOEHBBRG & CO., CHAS. R. PIERCE, McKlLLII* I5KOS., DUFFY Ai WILLIAMS, MICHAEL WADK, J. J. I'HILIJKICK, R. J, PERRY, GKO. L. BARTHUM, GEO. DE MK RR ITT, JOHN II. GREGORY, A. F. TIFT, JOSE M. NAVARRO, G. W. MASLIN. HERRING & CO. PIl<IPKILT'il* OK THE LAUf.E-T BABB WORK-* IN THK WOK LO. THK OLDEST 1\ AMKItH'l. NOS. .51 AND 25'.* BilOADvl'AY. NKW YO. E. FriedricJish all* THE TONIC APERIENT WATER. " Most efficacious. To know it is td appreciate its high value." Professor Justus von Liebig. ?? A highly efficient ALTER A TI VE, correcting disorders of the bloody Spe dally applicable in th*t treatment of the affections incidental to Constitution,*! Debility in Children^ in Glandular Swellings, and Affections of the Skin and Eyes."?London Medical Record. " A potent agent again! Scrofula* when combined with suitable diet and outdoor ixerase.'4 Professor Loeschner. NOTICE.? "The LONGER Friedrichshallis taken, the SMALLER is the quantity tiuessary to effect thd purpose." Sir Henry Thompson, F.R.C.S., Lond. Oj all Drug^utt and .Mineral Waler DeaUrt. ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR ANO FIVE YEAR OLD Weil rooted, strong, tLkomui CONCORD GRAPE VINES FOIt HALE AT BPEER*) PASSAIC VINEVARU3, alao at Ms WINE STORK, 16 WARREN-ST., NEW-YORK. Price lists ami in-tn. tl.mi (or p.anllnf mall*,. frsonpSS applicauou. Vines seat liy express up .n rie.-i ir -if |,r-.cew Al.Kile- l? SPEER, !__?__, N. J . Or to 10 Warrnnat, NswYirt ?_: SIX COLUMNS A WEER THE TRIBUNE has arranged, at very heavy cost, for publishing a series of Special Cable Dispatches from Europe, either whiten by or authorized as a publio expression of their views by PROMINENT MEN IN EUROPE. The dispatches so far published have included valuable and interesting ex? pressions of opinion by PBOVEiSOB IIIXLBY, PRIMM KBAI'OTKIB, -nie parnell, mu hali, nit itt. LIHOU HKRfc. MR. ( IIAMIIMCLll*, e. ARL, OE Ol.NRAVEN, LUI MB MK HIL THE TRIBUNE will print six columns a week of these Special Dispatches. Newsboys on all railroad trains are under orders invariably to supply custom? ers with ihe papers they call for, and ta regulate their stock of papers so as not to run short Travellers who find that tho newsboy has run short of TRIBUNES w ll oblige this office by reporting the fact uy postal card, and especially giving informa? tion as to what train it was. If a local newsdealer does not have a sufficient supply of TRIBUNES, readers can always order the paper by mail. They will save money thereby, as THE TRIB? UNE is only $8.50 per year by mail, post? age paid. Mail subscribers will get their papers by the same early train as thi newsdealers. BY MAIL, 75 CENTS PER MONTH.