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RACING ON A MUDDY TRACK. |j - bf JfAUMKE CAPTUHKS THK \vT.STTH ESTER. T| A jockky aayajsarjhlBB mit a ykak-faiih.v BOOB M'oliT. I K Tho oviTtm^t Sky, tin' oooasioiiml pattering; j ? down of rain drop* ami Hie knowledge thal in tue eany i f, houri of the mani.BB, long before people who have tile leisure to atiend the races .ire lu tho habit al ailsmg, there hon hoon showers lc ivy cumuli to make even a better graded track than that at .lei imo i'ark it mai* of mud u .di- i.di d.> kept many from to mir to the park yesterday. Tho inan.igers hoi postponed Hie race* ou the first day of the meeting, because of Hie bad con? dition ol the track caused bj MM a lighter Min than that of yesterday. Wooed there be another postponement I many asked. TM BSaUBgrera d 1 BO) pn "tl tho races. Bltbsvagb UM track was in an , J ti uni. .. deJedlUer,teaing -o i .n ni m be danger- , oat .a sp OB, ead Mr. Wive r* tMaghi ll b al to dtaw bbl ? tine Mimi colt from the seconal, !\.r tbe-e reason* and benouee tho usual | ir !?< I uoucea of "racing to-day. rain or ihine," were uot posted a toni town aa usual, thara was a li thi alleud bnen The racint. w'nilo r.ot brilliant wat fair, aud the Westchester il uidicap furuMhad one of the most ? lu BfMUag < oiitosts thai has takeu piaci- tnl* j V season. It was ibe third race. The Dwyer lirolherof i ? era. k racer Tom Martin wa* the favorite. He is a . inn,, horse aa . Ins Ul pounds on such a unnldy track j J alienor.,i nun. TM estes wae aever raelly ta lt. .dr. Kekso't filly MaoanBB, withoniv 100 pounds up, m ol- a.i lb'- runmnt end won. TeeUmeeB made a ?;jod old for the ra ??, mn tue filly was loo mm ii for ni m. lateen of ElbtaMtb won tho lwo-year-md race by a toegtb BM bad ea altowaata af five poonda. >ir. wnhers'a I boos U india ru.t wa. a.i.i eailttod to sum ? aUowanoe, bu: in* troiaer did not maheiMclum foritwneu he innue ma omi v ami hail to catty full weuht. Ibo tire pOOUstoJOM atHiut heat lin- Bolt He wa* it good oeeoml. In ila- second laen Dry Monopole t|efe?i*d lils field easi.y. ont .millik MeUaiiaiiui tried hird with Burch. I'm.i Lswla bad aa easy time ta booUog e aasall be ii ol Mtoerabla seiiimr platers In tbe fonrtfi race. 1 he ?ie< pinella**) waa lull of incident. TM start was bod, and Mr. Mi Duweii wa* suundly hissed. Of the Bevon starters eely two ran tho course. Disturbance, Dtnircrnehi and Braewood fell one after the omer. Kory (/Mete bolte-i, uud liolaware also refused some of tM Jempe. Jim McGowan finished first by a lei.gin, Abraham second. Jones. Hie rider, made a Bi Bim of foul anales. Walker, lh? il.iur of Jun >i*-i mwan. and w...?ei m id ? ii i .'inief ederga o: tool auntaat Jouea, * The delii ern lon nu the case by the |udget W i* tong, ' j ami Um milne* stand was surround- I by BU MM crowd tnat shined tM name of theil raepeetlva favor it,. IM lodeee nra the rare to abraham, sod sus jH-nde I Walker lor a year. No horse wa- ni Mod second aad IM btmhiuakar* were told to pay ofl Int Md soo* omi bet* on Ania'iaui ami to return all mom y tbUI h id hneoboti.thor boree* for a p.see. lin* made the decision anpoimar ? Uh U.e uuokin ak-rs. A tin r .mle mc dent of the day wa* fornlabed by a Tm, li emili w hu fell lats IBS liil*ui of IMfOUBlOlB am! SOI a good darbies. Inspector Di.u* said tM efitoar Waa i ry ia ie mi a pool. Potto* ii-- ts the raelee in detail: if -t i: t b?pi aaa anon, t wo itui-tups. bnriiL Waioma I ll 1. ' KU N -. It. W. Walden*! rn. I. ?. tb, liv BeateMoB I. :.a.'--tli 1 -i. . .... Ms toa) 1 | Ii ii. vn.-iss eb. a Oocas-nswdie, l.".. Elayward) -, , I -wai. -?- gr. c. i ii i tts. a ms. 1- ...- Bal Dwiti Bros li l ilo-aliiil l.J . lim 0 ? j. i ot oo'ibik r lady Bar. IIB.U lizpetrl at ii | , J. i.. i ..a i ..'s 'li. I. M ss ia*-so lo? . i um.all 0 j i .m ..' i i oe * < I t'Bcsa-Dawdis coll ?-' t" I. I osaitad ami Qaeen , i . .... : . .... T.ii.n-1 nt ? ML and bU*a iu teaM J aa. U if - io ? , : wa-ai.r one. Hosailnd ami t.aov Mar baring ' . t?,, ,? i ibstbeb lol lt so., ''uti:!!'.." rai set ra'li furl bail liosainid an i Leds May raced bea and head 1 ? for in a: e.' half tbediataii a wiiM Barnes on tiilis.uuie oasis fro . raat with a rash aa.I headed them ba vms I ?ital ap his bad staitrsmartably fast. WBen the main tra ? i ara ....<,i i.n. ?? . . ........ ', and tbs ll ncaa-Dowd , mgh trots tbe row P'?llaws and wm hil tai to ta* i.i-'-i.'S. i*ue u . a /.ain in wai hy i engih. i acas fjas ? Itt ? ? - . ,? . t..- .-i I ? - ! ll ifisu Ot [hird. s , . ? m . ,. - ? i \ ?,, I ? i ? i . i :i Ont .Mii.K. dc Cotton's n. c. Dry Monopole, br Glenelg, ero, ;., ii . . I ol?? ti- .li 1 fi ll hliriiagh..!, s b t- lliiifi fi. Ul "o . ? I j. i; vt ?.-. i o * t> ii u ai . a -te ti. uri .i a.dwell) li K. V. ?1 : I rSlVlli f K iou*. 1, 0*1. .. ll vu..8' 1} ll. : i V I". Un ? - m. a 7 t" fi Un Mum,.ole .'? BO S, Wat I'lifl-I tv l, ? ?... .... , :.. 1. \\ at ! Uric h i * I.'.th' the beat Bl tbe tl 'rt.nita Hm '? ? fl , .. i-i u :. r) Mm ..poi" went tot i from viii. ...... i n eseoB'i place. War Ksgle and Larch I ? r by * ?? in leosths ht t. lt was a procession all tbe w y around tie irak Baawaf tbs others nota | able to he*d Ort Mi ,..; . , v ii in i ? .pn r turo Hu i se aBd War Ksgii te Uautnitn tried har! in tM n .. race, bu ? Ho i ? 11 w . *. i pall, a leasib. Burch * cou I. s.x I. ... . s U> on War bsel- third. ' i... i -? Isl. ll elf I. UaKDICAP.OsM) Ia ll. 11,000 S lilli l?, Ost Mil.i ami I m.ia. !?'. ino*. Mr k>' -o - ii. f. Manatee, br V aa Mall?MaodiM i. ion, sr) l V. I' ?',.. s I. r. 1> li'iit-h, I, 1 :.". .(W Ha io ne) i D?t-??-r roi nrrs1 ti e. itloSinood, 4, 116 ..mi patrick 8 , . ' . -,.. ,e-*b fa -i:...-n ld. ii. .07 .. I .: . ?: 1 1 (' t tl t i .sits - oe, m. Tol i. " ?'?' . . Mt .sn ii pwiei rm li rs'br. b. Tot Marti a >. 12t..,Moi-augiuiB v J. ]'. ???.,.-?. g. Fosters! ? lil . W. I. s,- .lp.ih t la*: lune 4. lng. Mc timi o i ki . _? aiig la tri :.--I"fn Mall li ., t. . 1 SM '?' I el til tl' h iii lindi liol, 1. st I vi ne SM .-pring:.cid 0 to 1 Cai li I'll'.' a I. SM I'm h.. niel IU t > I. :. .. . . . . ii tba traci in fall ot t'.e lag fl ?... ? ? Hs tbe urtu came t iMhtot through the mad d'wn tMstl 'hi Bpnuitieie saeBBied the lead, BaumeeIn eeeoud j: .1 lcd loiu Ihir I Kichnvnal beaaed the second iivismn ni wa ni tutu M o i. n -*?s bttaglag un i ne ; -sr ?...nm around tiie a.v.r torn loin ire a serb, Maomes an ad ami MpringfieM third, uh the nth'* ,n a bunch Bud elo*e Bp. B u net sod T"! t :..<???.I hrird from tbt tin.* t ? hot-es ia'.'- Ill SbTbt .'lo u beU'tnl 1 ? d iii the! neat oat of si ht beti il me club boase binn, both a ie nitu'g in tbe sid. althoagn at ni lime .at ritlie- a ti . k ta- n. tier ot it Wilt came ia al t lenin i ..'i was i tung net Maimeebad a had ol .. 'i . i ?? od third i ecnmseh fonr h anti Tom . li. t was s In ,isi i< tai e. aruua l t !?? lula iou keg rta tue hun- l reich le, an li wi* a lotict*! In front. Ms'ii.e- ,.e ul, ia. h non I Hilrl. list war ap toa a mi .sr- ? ?? i ii r- ? I. loots i at ii she baid fae - ' o' tinta and Tba una's weald ?:-i tba rees, bal mu i"''i. * l.,i v l...ii a.oe', -s.i. i reaiHwtled y. a t ? ....;...:' a alu bi ?? I.." i ad md Ab ai? rt* i> '! iseh ?ee "ii, nair leagtha befort Richmond ti.r : Hprini told t ai ti Itu i.ti, i; o i -Pl RM BMO, RBLUBO Ai.t.'.A a v, i.s. One Mill ~|i * ll i l.l! U ptrwoee bum i * hr i. Pi. i leads ay BUawatba. tm ma haul ii -i. ?. . WUUaaui 1 C. liii ....'- ch. g. Mi ike. il, -0.IB. Lill ? W. C. lu v> eb. I. bahami ?. '7 . Paliuer) l rm il ia Dei tm.- Phil LewU 6 tc ?. iiulunia 7 to fj. Maru. .Julie 8 to .. i isda ?? ni Bal tn* r i.o i noil sad he A fi drop aol i ibo club h ase hlu Isl i . ? 1. 1 h re Bahama gavs u ap sad rtropped hook, rhea Phil li ? - I ? lo lUruielii.e ? , .. i.l sn t -er Sad * u i ol ir io i ? ? il. wesaoro waa too uiueli or Maruiatla i and Whee beti d of lae bome?lrt'tcb wt* roached he hal ! il ? ind Phil Leo i.bim ob steadlli won nndsr a pull Bj .\>., nu-ri.. Mariai ass ?? ? sm > lita baba il ( riv loman* ti.nh.-r bach i ho arma r was , nu red Ul bc *oal for aooit. in- ?...- boeabi to at au Mvaace uteioo. iuiu Boca?Pt nea fiduo, UaMDicar BTKEPLaoiuwa, Mc .a < "I B>S. r. LoagbiiB'a cb li. Abrsbam, by Mll< li ric, a. .lo es 1 B ' ".? v - i. k .Un Me-io-sn ">. 1 i*.IWalker U T. Kins-- it. g MO. Hut,- u j i. - ir Ht ame* ch r u-t raaoce. a 160....(P. Uynchi n sl.l M.i'.'it'nli g. l',r.os,.,.i -,, ,,. . I Pepe 0 Wvuu- 4 -en's ? b e.* ?, gore, *, :*o.tW. Ln Josoaii i . i ona- s , 1. f. Delaware. 4, Uki .Bowse) 0 Boil ia JM McGowan 7 to3 Braewood .'. io i, nutirb one ft lol, out) >'More and Abraham 0 to 1 fucti. aud tba Still ls .O t? 1.J. . ? waa a senna* bonne snoot tbe elirt Tie ber* s sue sal w. il ti,^etnor a- they bassett tue -ii i e'l itali.: . ? l be riot lu fi oul pu d up. bm theatarting adge dripoed bu lav a* the last berat 1 i - 'ni w ie n M Om li Um turwai ii Bornes wi ti... -i mi I :Ijs 11 e.r iis-.iieia watt toll lo -??? on, ?i>.c.i Hey cit I urn wi* such a bad ot-and soane-rtain thal tbs jockeys aeson ito M all ambled up. Am* uni. Disturb. I i Bc ewan, na?ii,' .eu rover theflril I * )amnt abraham took tM water lui flrwi . oe yfol wed by in* tartan tv mihi iitn McUowan thud. Bory U*Mora ma foiiiili nut te..i'-d alu! BSVSl WSBt tM i lit furtlltl I'l* i.i . ? ai lhe mit ju ip. .. fence. Uaiig-rfle il. wlm lind taloa tin.t n a... st un ale i utin toil as be aaa ran BlUf u., ll. uie I ld llrjew,.o.| te I ut the ll'.ne wah lu tao aorth field ibo Delaware rel.i ti.u lampaaftoi I'leaie iii bad ueeu crossed, this left omi lim Metiowan a d ah . i lu tbs Lo e. J lu MC'loW?Ii ea SS oil" OOtUStOS With Airs', ml ob tin I. and Ab [ted ap seain*! Mc lowan *t i it hurdle Jim Medowaa t?s?i lauder ttawirs Ural ?yali ri a fnalwas eisuoed bi Jones Ibu.? ? ol > ia - ind.afisrs longcousaltaHon, tan Judges adowsd lt pl ii at non lir.-t Kiel soapeadlDg Walser. lbs jocker nf Jim Me i'll', for ooo year, ito JMtes said mat nohorss wo . ced sseoad in toe race. aM tbe lookmskert wert toa! lo et. ..*i ou A..nii*ui tor tlr?l ano s-c .ini puce sud io refumi , e i'i" money ou all the omer burses. Mi:. LAOOMBB <>\ THU BBW BETTIXQ PLAB. Tho I'olioo Commiaaioners yooterday received from tho Corporation OoUOSOl a reply to their Opp al fo adrice reiiarding a propose 1 plM o.' Mlttag on tn* race* at Jerome l'ark. Lawyer B wc limo bad doaorlbed tM plan in wntlug a* follows, lu bis alvi o to the book Beakers i (sun pabUerr on * a'e or blackboard, that moaer od l he recoil ?< I lui in-iiiim ou che to..owing imrsei at tue fm, a wing ISiU* A ll .li to 1 < :? .5 to 1 k. p.7 ie a if ii- . st leoelvsd to M returned, TM ibjeel I . iii the party ma. lng tbe a 'a i ? tech monet et they des. rt tooetoeiM above terms rhenotM it ital also s's:- na to event of Sany i-ie vni; ni mev ri,.t m.I .? Del lat-inl" , tht J *ih.s:i .1 Ail tte rel iru-a Da saeh race ,t wu. ne l-;iii io isintu t -'conn.-ni ou- or two s icu Instaaeeo lal I lit pan. recetvtas tbi umuev acioalli aisse t, ts Beeny iijaal in ai : . ioej I-- .:,,? m sorb mund ?ai.i...* thal benia, r -ineuiU. r Ih-ui rooOrUllUI OT reslStOTl g. Hemal BUM tbs bois Upon lei ms a trifle fiii ??! *b ' Lag set ti d col* be inmie between the psrty receivtog the i.oney Bod tbe party wilta who n hs lus.e- U,B Uris. Ii,m.nv I think piimeqU bj cbeeae tbse desirable, i h- revel pia wsw 1 '-I a. and duto) nt "uer. in.plo. eil n isis Baling BiieiuLis. hui u|*.u tm* poiul your own expertoOOS mast gov- I bru. Mr. Lm millie's io tue 1'olice Hoard wa* that lhe po iee moat iiisko arrests if tue law turallin poobaaUlag Wa* virnatei, hui iiedid not un I'rtako to say thal bet ttog aeeordlag to Mr. Bewaeutoe'i p au weald ne un aw? ful, lils i-ul,('.ll.|.i|i Wis- AS I.IloWs . I iftemry ass bo objeetioo to tbt pelbse arr'stine the nor. * '- ? ? ?mi ? ii ? ic* in tue proeodore eaten t ie tho* so. oormes Sal nainatluo by tho ensuael ese i? o: tbs tines. ti ii wbi I or s.i., p-isa.s sje er Hug lu v.uiatiuU of me OTU Visiuun ol me l'lmai cude. VIBBBBfi AI I.MONIA PAIIK. CincixnATI, June 3.?At Latumn to-tlay the lui rate, three-iitiarter* 'ci.*, whs waa by Jo*:. lii:lm^s, A.'.ban lecond, J. C. ( aster third. Time. 1:'_'2. 'Ino BBSBOd race, one uno, was lion l.y Hettie P., Btiruier second, Ji.xle Him. ar thud. 'lime, UM. t-li Hm.var w?* winner of the thud race, ons and one ?ixteeiilb lillies. 'Iltur, U,'>1 \. The winner of tbe fourth r?r?, one mlle and five bun d'. ?: yerda, wai won by V\kune*ua, kau***Beeond, Keene third, riasa, 2:90*4. 'ibe'iooai c.. Makes, one and one-iliteenib milo*, wai won by Uodsloue, Ligau second, tuuuce third, 'lime, |aaoi l'LANs OK JOHS TKEMER. PiTTocuiiG, Juill 3 b%bBbw>, JOatB Teeiuftr day. through hit manager. William Herman, lent lila try to the sweepstake* of the International Regatta, to rowed on the Tharne* course about September 1. ni* fur Teamer and Reach ars the only leadlnir uliera who bare entered the content. KaasasS Oar* nn I* aamalittaa Brraaaaaaanta for the ruy Kiige ?rstts. tu ne rowed on July IS. It lt now known that -enier. murtnev. Omi mr, llunin. Rn*t. (on ey. II ?.. ?K ii iud other* will mw li the ?liu'la scull raee. 1 lie mure of the'rea-atta will bo the d.mule scull rac* ? ween 1.. mer and Courtney and Oaudaur sud ilaiuiu. VE FEATING E.) ssas CIT 2 AQAIB. OOD n.AYINi; Bl THE HEW-YOBK CLUE rraoroUTAXa bi at hmtnsah and biiohki.yn Ii.f1-VI1.iK. Not over 1,500poopls maile thc j.mrnev to ur.eui \ eater lay tu willie** the BOSOBd game nf base nl at tbe l'ul.. l.roin. 1* batwaaa ih.> New-York and inaaa City elabe, Tbe eeateetwea ahallar to must .tues whoa one nine 1* lar superior to the oilier. he riitber uudersrzed UerBMU, Weidman, tried uni to preveat tne New-York plo-era rrem akliig bate bus, but faired Ingleltonely. Keefe lobed fur the local cub for IBO Hist three ninga and held Hie vtmrttna pl .yers down to tiir.-e luis jd uo runs. The N. w-Yo k club in that time bad (?red hilt a doaofl rune Keele wea teni In to centre Md ami jtlahardaaa tonk id* plas* in tne nttenefa boa I. did !n.ll(l.'ii-'i.iy Iii bl* first three UiUilur*. it pitched with great etroi In the last thr".-. li, \. o.York (nen began so..rmi.'lu tne first in ni n ir, 'Rourke lieriiir sent to llrst ha*., on cal.el I.ails an.I lorlagea a bli lo righi Bold by Connon, lu ie second lulling the "Onoto iye" were retiieii in quiea Uer. wule the local mayers added ito inure runs to ieir credit.. UllleepM, Hie Ural lialtrr. mada ii lilt and organ uld tbs aame. k< etc seel the bali late tal* field ?foti anii...lil Ollleapla ead Dorgea scored. In tb* dlnwteg tntiinir the New-Yurfc men saorod three umre in*, all earned fruin ihe pitahlaa O'Knurka led nfl Uh a bil. went loarOOOd ea a tut by stole i third in Bus stria and weired on a bu by ward. icu u.Nun and Wari both *>ore.l nu a aaf? lill ny !iies(.ie. The Kansas 1 Hy Bl .yers did liol beril) tiieir lUHtaltlaa untn thc third Inning, when tUOf mule ne Keefe went lulu centre Held lu lill* lnuuiir nd Riebardaoo pitched. MrQaory, the tlr?i bitter, ?ache.I l.ral base nu raile.i bills and scored BB ?onneUy'a three base int io centre lieid. Had o' Bourse r inciiar.Uoii le.-n lu c. litre, ii.-el lt Would not have eeo a blt. In tba lu-Xt inning the Weetara players ania Beared, while the How-York players put out i quick order. Bedford was also * ni rn first base bb Hind ball*, we it lo aeeoB I on Hassett'* turee int nnd oored on a hit by MitJjuory. In ih? nix in Inning tba .auaa* City club a-i i.-.i oas mers rna to it* toora ri. i- in-.i a ba*-blt tu lefi Hell and ?-c ni ! un a Sin. le hil by U . h. Tba New-York player* were pul eui in ne. tw... taros mir. leering tr.e ncir- at B tu 3 In favor I tn.- 1.1 . lull Bl toe ead ol the sixth inning. .\.j ? runs wre ma la m. en ber aide until iii* eighth t.i,, n .when tba New-York to n aeored three, Conoor ?.! . il wita a lui. bul was nun i ont Richardson Mi? me i with a bu and wen; to third aa a two-base bli te ?fi ti l.i hy Wa .1. (.. Iieapla weal to Ural on aa .-rmi by .aelly and iiu-iiiir i?nn Booted. Ollleapla alola lo ri-i,:..i an 1 both be aa i Ward soured on a hu by Keefe. lie score was aa fullOWBi Aril-York. r. '.(, ,. . .'. .. A ? ? u. i. IB ii, L ?. Heirn" ? .. '-' i ?' 1 '- Sad ford. r. I.. 1 i li 0 0 uii.i .r. ib ... 0; i. :> ll i i. i - ? ts.... 0 0 .' - uci'.rn ct.p a '?' i " " lc 1 ? ry. '?<? ? '-' *> '-', " larra.** ..... '-" iii 2 4 Illume, c. I. ...| u, ll ll Ol ti lllesole. l.t.. iii -i - n, O ...i. ?' 1 .1 u 1 iorgo i. ri... li i lu! oiMeyeiB. ib.... 0 0 i ;t o ?tai irk, lb. o ii .'-, I n it.- ?!.'. c ... I i ^ Si o . e.1 .: U .' U 1 " I. llb) 1. i ... ? ii Ai 2 " '? .ern ir.H.Jb . ll U i i u .Vei lum, ii. . (I 0 " ?"> 0 'lura: .j U,.l '.'7 |a i. ;;| Tu' ?< . _.__ :.', l ii,.'4, '71 1 taasasCt'y.0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 <>-'? ,,?.iula .1 - A ll 0 0 0 a x-a strum Kansas City. 11 New-York. 8. First beaeon .-iii* -KsnsasCltr. ' >sw-York .. i'n- i has* oa ari ra ts - i?itr. 11 New-Yore. o. Strnek out?Xanaas Hity. a ; , i.-j ,i.i. ; Lei! .a ia*e* .1 .i.-j- li '. 9; ie*.York '-'. rota ha ' - n uv. ii. aa fork IH i'.h.s.. ilt* : i,mi iv. i; connor, i. Two-brta, hits? Hilu.iv ii' . \\t\U. I. Iiouble plays la w'jrd, i_.n or. j.? ;n. ry un i to abai i ' Gilles. 1-. .. uni airs Iii Connolly, run* -hours. i ne Mi irupolil ia ai.a Hine! ni .il oiub* Li 11 a hard Bgbt if lt on Staten i, the borne player* winning ibe raine m Ibe loll luUing, Tue, f -,,;iit'e ni IBO KB ll I waa tue leavj batttug of botu clubs, tue Metropolitan* mat tun hlrietin and tbe rlaltms plarere slxtoeu aita, Tha b.i*> luau i'.i.i-.:, orsa teri ile, bo mab >g a hit svary tims . ?? i 'utlie li.,:, IO . bein; l Wu-ba^gi-rs and Ono a hree-h i-e int. The acare w is : i .. r . ?'? pa; a ? ' . ri'. /.-.? n .eli ,. . 2 i l it (i lt I'he.. _?!, . ii n j a n ? >. cl 1 1 rt u u ' ".is . f ... 2 rt ?.' n fl WT. IO .. ... 1 1 ii li 0 i ni .s If . 1 1 -I 1 n mnaily aa B S n l| 4 ?'..s .r ii. . . I 1 rt n ii Bi ii r, lb -e.. 2 I rt u u .ri ., ri.' a :; ul ii u \<- um, .la-p, i li 2 ai u il- I '.' 0 l ' lld rio c ;. ii 2 51 1 1 l'i-. bl iger.C. I -' N| 1 .1 Mi* rn,- rf.. Ol i 1 0 u ayoca. ]. 0 " ii i i U. i.o,.u. ii. lb .i l| 81 4! tl Total...._'lal lil -, ..; 5 ...tin. lille ," ... :. astro fi'ltan.a B " t; I o (i ?_' 8?1 : In. ::...', . ...... i 8 ?'< ,! 2 0 1 li u?ll 1\ .rn.-l rana M -trm. . u.iii 3; . I'i< irinili. '-'. l-'lrsr .1, e. i ??! ??? - ii- n n . .au. . Cl ne.ll i. tl I, 2. I . I Ol ' . ? OB balts di ?., Ill . '. ' incin ..ii..'. ..?? ... batta an, 5; I .ii Minti 7. rue* Bill - .I'lnin. dilan, 1; ridil . ii..;, .,( m. 17 -1 .e.j .al. i A. runt u* roan. 1 i hr i.ju- bite? ennellr, I; tai.iwiii .. pwo b iee bria -'-....ti. li rennellv.B; i.-wit, . .e ina..-* iiiiji* lla.-er uni ilau.,n*>;i. Kaanaa ml i.rKi-ii,i -lulen ua*es Border, 1. W ra pits baa He Keon, l. Pa*?ed bi.ii* - Balawip, i. i muir* -umuu. 11 inn . t .iiinu 1.500peoplewUneaeodthe gama at w*a*iiing on Park bvt ween ibo Hmoku-n nnd Loman I ts eloho, (heb.iuie niue outplayed Hs upponante at every point ind woa wita ease, Porter pitched wr*h efr-.'t, w die irvos were batted hard and often. Terry pl iyi?t il riu.rlBl'.p for lh>- I ohio club and Ins work rivalled al noualla1 performed by Bmitb. Tba toora was as ulluws: * Cr, telyn. , r. lfjijio, a i Louisville. .. \b\p a t PlBkBOV.Sh . 1 2 li 0 0 Kerln*. lb I 0 0 10 0 0 i BB, 2b 2 '.' ll 1 u !'r.-.-u "-ef .1 I a n ii ii -warti.u. rf.. 2 ll I ll 0 t 1 1 f. J u .: rt il ; c U u i. rf _ i" ii a| ol O' Bte I amity, rf. a n i 2 n Wbitfi. ss Ol 1 1 I I l'... |. .'. ' ii u lu li li lt errick. Hb.. | 0 .' 7, A i T ny ss. il 1 ll v < '-nant, if .... ul U 3 0 (J I. .Hies, .c ... 1. 1 ii il 0. Mac. Bb.... c, o, 2\ A\ 1 l'urur., ii ...I Ol il u a i. ny. j,.i ti ii i i o _ioti.;. ii .: ia u ! jToisi.i a j -j ia j li" - h .4 0 1 0 '_' A 1 0 0?11 i . - Ula.1 o l o o o ii o " - ? rans?Brooklyn, t. LoulsrWe, l. rir-t baas on ..i h..., n. . I .. ..-vi. ... u. Inst base un balls? Broikrli ., i-\' -eui k nu ?t;r....slvfi. J; I.n-'is. left oi baaea?Brooklva Loaurrule, 5. Total haas bils?Brooklyn, ltfi Lamlsvilie, m u.. a.e lin? r .ri. r i Browning ;. Mr-.-iM,- blta Bnvch ). Den Dla piavshv Mack Whim and Kenua. Umpire .Mr. li a .'.ti. | lh, kania* City clirb will play tl.e X.-w-Vnrk* Hie last gsme nf the preston aeries tu-itav. To-morrow the Kew. Yura end chicanoolnba will play, and an enormous crowd lo espeeied. Csppa'a 7;ii Regiment Band will furnish inii*ic In-ii.iv's (.'ame rit WaahlBgtOB 1'aik between the Hr,mk.yu and Cincinnati cu'js will bo c.ilied al L..4J |.. in. w OAMKfl IN OTHER CiTIE& lu.-Ton, .lune 'A.?To-ila\'fl p.tine WM a onrt aldod allan ap io tin- last iiuiiiih-, when tho borne players rallied and narrowly ml-.sed capturing a viet..ry. The 1 lui ,.tn nine ootbotled the buii.e club, hut played poorly Sid. The leora wat aa f 11 nw* : ' in a--".(1 11 3 0 (1 0 0 :: 11 1 bootun.u 0 o 0 0 u 0 u .. 5 Barn int* i.,, ?., 11. Boston, 8, klrraee?1 bu-aito. 11 j ir. m .11. r. tntohexs?Clsrkaoa and iiuihtuou. L' Air. o.niiiiv. )i iMiix.T'i.v, JaneS.?Tba Detrett and WaahiagtoB cluta played another great Ramete-d?y, tao Weetora playen only winning after a Botiy eoutestod game of eleven la linga rna toora wai as sppended: Detroit .n 1 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 l?a Aa- .111;,on .(I ll 0 I) 1 U 0 0 1 U O-'J iiatii hits Detroit, h. W.i?!i-nu "i. ti Krrors -1 eiroit, 7.-. WaahuigtoB, 2. I'lteb ri Ueuein and Shaw. I'miviri. Mr. Yolk. riiiLtui.i.i'HiA, Juno 3.?Alnnat perfect fir ldlug b] lbs Philadelphia cuni lo-ttay resulted In a rather ea?> rwtory over in? Bl, Lum, Blaek 1'iaiu.nidt. Beti pitchers were eflVoetlre. Tue In-Bald piny ot Denny sad Bastian w*o noteworthy. Doily's mult ofaflyintbt eulin iBBlogssved the vuitors a whltewaah. Th* tomes was ..a fuiiuw*: il lu.!-i,'.li.2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 vt-i...M .O0000O0101 Base kim ntladeipbia, .'?. Bt tanais ?'. 1 irrae?Phil* (Vi; hu. 3 j mi i.uuis. n, Pitohera?Casey aud Bweeaey. Liu xir. Curry, Ai l'hi.a.;. .luiu-ALliletie. 12; IMuiurg, o. At lia.', lh .le - I, ,111*. ll; H.l. 11 Him c, b. At Uawago?Haauitoa, I?; o*wcgo, 0. 1 UK TtVKXTT-TBIKD i:i:(,imi:nt AT CRXXOMOOB. Deaptte tbe ruin yeaterdaj rix rsynpaiiiefl ol the ^.id Hetiiucut. under command uf UoUtOOaOt-COlO tlei A. 1'. BaaOB, went to Creed moor and practised riflu Fl.lihisami WARD IS A BLOOM! MOOD. lYnJiiiuiid Ward, until within u few ireekl had boen pi n-,i-una- at ^ing. ile had settled Bowl lo Hie life thora in a philosophic tjiir.t ami lia I Balee) twenty pounds tn wright. A a mrt lime agu bo boOBUM reiilea* and his whole inanber cliangud. Walden ld,isl ?aid >o terday tuat Vard has ahown a aireaae bb ati aeaa " He seems greatly troubled," said the Warden "Ihe trouble seems tu have rloeu abou the rue the news of the dr. ulatlou a a petition ot the par.lon nf Kiah j.'ut abroad. I dun' know that Ward wst oppnse.l tu a runion tot aopeeonliy ir Kua wi ie to 1^1 regarded a* u principal witt Ward, lint Just H.eie nee in* to be ihe troub.e. Wari became a little melancholy and Boomed lo be labortni nnd. r an apprelietisicu. that the |*tition wa* pla.-iiii I,.111 lu a wrong liKhi. The point wu* Hu* : V-ard htal u< 1 ihut tin- petition net forth i *,. bed been a dupe 0 1- 'i ui* wa* tea tnudi fur Ward. Bo regarded nab a being Bs much ul a principal as himself and he coull nut atand Hm ihouirht that be BbooM be regarded a* lb aoie uffender in those iraaaantlaBS." RUBE w. 0E1MWOLUM FfSF.HAL. 'J he funeral of Uurr W. Gn.twold waa hilt yesterday at hia home, So. 'Jl lui Tun ty-ninth-st. , larire nun ber of leiial friends and ac(.ua1ntano?s at landed Ihe aeivicea. Many n.en,l.*it uf the UalOB an the L'liuu la*aaue CiUb wale present. Tue Kev. Mi iHtilauu, sf Ail Souls' Church, ocuduoled the servicsi UNPROTECTED AMERICANS. WHAT IS TIIK APMINISIKAIION DOIMOI THK canadian* OtTTstatOM sWJOtTBBBaQ IB T?B fii-iNATK. [Br tki.uris int Turor IBIMfBE 1 Washington, Jone :i.?Mi-hkmisiM tram van* ons public bullea uriHug vigorous action tu ptotoet atoerima Bshennaa have reeaoUy.a Biasenled lu beat hn.iset nf Oamaaeoa Ooo wee aoowsetod le dey imiu Hallett..11 mid uliier* from Baateta Catlee. lu aiiu.ting te thmrmeelnr agpretmea of ewtnooathnl the (,..l.i i ln.-iit nut doing Its TbU doty lo the matter Mr. Dawes lii'iuireil lilllie BOSjata what lim rnnuii'it.-e nu Kniei^n ll'lali'Mi* nut doing on I H I ' A liuiui*! i'.l .im:i-t brno furlliet leji <'.it "ti In order tu |.I American eitUetis in theU right* Ile ai<? asBteased tim oi-lulun that American ivar vnse's. aliu.ild lu-ssnt tn ( ana.lian wateta lo ate that vc.sci* mid fun play. Mr. iiiiiiiindt, apaahtai fur IheGseaaalttseea PsaeUta i-.e said that tho Commit" OB Tt mega llelilluu* bad nu p.mer tu protect Amen.-an uiiiuims ar Aiimrl aaa etstaaag*. That balengad to the lire, uti ve Doeeaa BBfetettha Ooveramentand wis part .fit*dut> miler the laws of thu Unite 1 Stale-a id the laws of a atm, is. in the abaoaea of definite iuininatiun tt meat be aaa oemsd th it Hie Bxoeetive i>-pertinent of tits nm. rn ti eal waa debil everythlaa it aeaild la a reta t al laeaa ol the Hui ted Htaut wunse v(,*seishid kama setead er aa kindly .1- alt With bi- t li * in.tunion Bf Can il i. Of c.. i: m ir mlghi ii. aa ii moema i tb it aeaaa nf tlmt'i vessels ?it mi,.'.it pealla!, ? int s'o haapaard thu- ail af them-I id been guilty of a vi ilatlnu af existing law. af the Do? nf ('auria. At they had been seized by ihe nufi ile aarherlWaa af Oas* 11. nf eiiiit*e timre mutt bo a pub? lic pretenslnn on the part o' tb aaa afaeera tb it a leb was th., asea Mr. R imua la bopa i it weehl tara oat thal rae eeaaete ware Inaoosnl uf nay 11 linties of timm taloa law, or nf I lilllie Inn- arni th it they li ?d been ene., .'ed in .Illirie what aBewed hy the Inlereoerso of natlone, by trie mern of their own ooontry, and of the aonatry te whteh they had leaei and that reit im* weald ?wawefate be ate* nu--".! without even the aaaahfawea ot paehahle eaaBa Bal that depended, of course, noon a ludleial InewJry In the Brat In it soon de dm noi mona le any that Amortea Mould be bound te . ie. i in Ihe reenlta ol a Cnaa Ilea n;.lieial Inquiry, If it IbOOSbt remits notus! rm proper, "if wo iud aayaptrli left," mid tu- apeeker, -tb- rights of eitiaeni of tbe Called Bteteaweald be vin .Healed If tiley hud BOOB VI ll itel." ConUnnlBg, Mr. Idmuudo auld thal the Treal.lent, H ba had alga rd the reeaat not af Ouagraaa on this subject now had tba Bearer le retalhtta fur any injustice dune vessel* in Caaade or etas where. Be far aa tba Committee oe Corel rn Relation* wat eoneernett, bow over, Ihe subtest woe toe Immature tn enable Mr. Il make nm' putdi limn i< declaration aa io bo a- tim inaner waa, or wual o i* lo ??. ?!'. ..- about it. M:. 11, rea remorkod thal Uro ld no b ire ese ip -1 th.ssoiration <> ihe ewnmlttest atenoeder ire ol IboOauadtaa Qovernmeot woroaiKmt the water*ou the hm.i.-r- of lh?" three-mile 1.1" ta irareta ol American teasels, in order tuut hoy min nndei arno pretence oi other, seise them. Tha entire neeeuee ot any ar.I re-ael al fi'" U lied Htat<?a ntbo*e witera to fr. American lishe?rora ia Ihe Bteretmof lawfa rommer?e led Mr. I ia wet i . ii i dm whe bi rr..! ab*enee wa- fruin ?my looa ..I proper po wei ia tho prenlao*. Ra was aware ol ie aeeetaity of promo flog '-urh cttsliion. iu.-ie were thiiiie en .'.i,'.I lu tba buamom who lt they r all have tba s*su iu iol .j ? a i a itbority ai I isl ol iii.mintie., m. Foreign llelatlona ttiat no deity bbb tram Inllferooeo, ba was quit* sotltilod would bore gaea tot ooo Bil euee In their eonseeodia altlmats . lb by the..lum "it. in uply Mr. Elmumii -?? that ao la.ri?]utin!i wat .in.* i mit i >.- y iip"ri,| ri iti.iu of money and hardly thai, tu euablj the Preaileut of tbe Culled >.,;.?., wbu li foul i.iuder tn-('hiel i the Inn m aad Navies, tu send oUI anv ve--', of lbs Culled B it* I I .e.- li appen-..! lu be OB* I hoi Could -willi. '1 ne -| ... ,.-t hollered lhere was noe Hut cul I BWlm?O0* in lt ll ..I linen trytug lor auroral wintha lo leim awl had aue> ci e ,e,| eierv Hine in - > i'uiiiin j lull I .ul nu' v.-t. he be lie ve I, sn. ?<-.- e te I III i.'ll.ll.' into til.'VII.I 111" I'll. I 'il .-i. Mr. tidniuiida prnauintM] it wuild not be eon M i. re 1 .1 a. a to Bl "?? 8 Hu* BOD" that a ship nf tne i ii:t ? I Bl it?* waold tn due tune anpa ir ? ... Kori ern -- ia at i iitiper and raspei i ni di 1. (mm lue a me o Ber Ma>e?ty'a Doniinlon togne sotna lillie enroot agetneut '. i American ciilaona engaged ta 1 io r il pursuit*. Mr. II ile -t <t- d Hie eli l ?? rise t i tha di-;.-it b r..iv-1 ii.mi i.i*i,.irt. Mai ne, relating to tinier* *.u 1 to hove I.n i*-u .1 ny tbe t'anadmu lOthorl* ties atle,-tin.- the hen IUg Balli .e.* of the ? a nadia Ii people t ini-eiie. ,ni their business In berringa wit i tie pen le ut Maine, in* mutter eootaed to Mr. llals te be ra vest t nug thal had ., ,? uti a l on t ia mn/, ia. If the i w i* curred thal tl e ('ana lian atithonttea li 11 gi vee directions to benah up tua Indittryol Ib^rown p opie ia tha course unIk etal a more pro .. ind mischief thoa bad he-n r.--.-;. m iu ire-1. Whatever eould undone by | ia Btat* Depart? ment ibaf wu il i lu in i to f m knowle Ige n -t osly oi i iia Bain i ii. 'ii nf Malua nd tftsaarhuaatt* into tte people if tho United States Inst wast tbs fun lum "ital purpose it Urn ott .va i ...c rn nant no* wo il I b*i a '-.'t t?. ..ur Bauple Ko question h 11 been before the Btoto Uoporl Bout lor r-..iin Hum thal wi* mure grave an! nf uinr* 'noiii-nt thou thi* .|ii'.,ti.i;i. Roneroa* bani dn sly neted ami h ..I t> it mm the han ls af tue i*re*l lent tue power of iii. and ut ll.-lou* let ,'i ill.mi willoh inls' Le e i-r.-IOod a* an administrative ami not aa a lagtabstlva pur... Mr. Hale waa bon.ul t i *av th it Hm pc .pie li" ropf? anl ihn |Minide nf tue I'nite I -tiit.a reetarally orara ' wk lug ultu anxiety to ae< toa Idmlniatratum oems ap le . . .! :, . 1 ..e.,n the Intent, li nf I ui.T -.?, Mr. Hais sail that ihe eomomnleatioo from Raatporl bavlag iieen lani before tha Beeeatary or mk, that lill ce r bed oise,used B ll*P"?iil"'i to a .?. Udder ernry net ind 111 lil* power nutt it lu* (.IIB tod, learn the nliertur pnrpoeo of tbe Oinadlin authorities. Mr li ile boped and trusted thors wonk] be no Belay In that di? rection. A STERN CHASE AFTER FISHERMEN. 1-' ni: or I wo i;i.(ii'( i si i.k TRMRU rtou .\ CtlCIBER?19 JiMil.AM) Hill.rivr, CAXAOAf Hai.ikax. .lutic 'A [Special).?The Batter Owlet it busily employed chaatai Amer eau lab ii a ia Ib Nov* Boot Ina water*, Weile aelllag along the r-trait of Coane early yest rd ay alie als nt el tWO OlOOOOBtor Ve**eK lytBg oil Judlque, a nomi batting pines between pori Hbo lings sud Port flood oe tao a If atda of the strait They were evidently warung for ball au.i ai*o Beeping bb open eye fur the cutter, which they dunlite-* knew to bo borertng in ihe vtetoity, B/hon c.iy gol th* drat glimpae of ber they erowded ea all sall aad put to n-s Tbe nw,et ht nfeat Baller, but the Bthonnaa wera lee niucb tut ber, uni litter un o.T.-itiii^ ch.ise fur boara the ratler raee up nod returned io Port Hood t-. o'.tain telegraphic Informali.'i of oilier Anierrcati* along the Cape Breiea eoeal on thal sh* might drep duwil nu them. Sh* has probably pa. I a tlrm* visit to anona! ern th!*,where the Uki .ester BSSX roten Tbninas J* Tarr is lying m port with sev.-n! ether Amerteaaa Tha crower Conrad, wbtch ba* beea BttlBgoul ai rbi* port for several wseka la nearly randy fur *na and win tail cary on Satur lay morning, Heir dBBtlBBllnB I* undoubtedly ulong tho ooaau or Lunsnburg, Bbelburna and Yartnuulli, where both tn t.-ksrnl and American seiner* am reported in Bombora, Tha noteworthy feature In MBneetlofl tvltli the titting ont of the Conrad is the flint that her gunner was ....: .tined from the crew of Hm Imperial ironclad Heileiophon, the lag Ship Of tba North American iquadrOB, wbieh air.v..I from iierniiida a few days aeo. lui* looks aa lU0e*tb Ihe Im? perial nevaraateni nd only approved Coonda'* fishery proteetloa policy hut is ultu aetlrely Baatattag the Uoanlnloa naihorltiea la ibalr war on i mariona Bibil men. The Terror, fitted out at St. J.tin, lt also ready for sea. The Geeeral Mlddletea baa retarned lo that port of ter cruising In and out of all the b .rb irs between th if port and Caiiipubeiin. CaptalB M '. ui saw a Bamber ef Amerlcauo but uit'le no attemiit* ut aotaaiSO, BOttWa*. lng hiroaeU with ordering thea Mtetee the ihraa>atUa limit. Little newt ls received from Trlnee Kdwanl Island. The Intent rejiurt *sy*r "The hernnif caleb ha-fallen off considerably on the north hide thia week end uni. ss a school strike* lu tho Bahermea will he hard preeaad tor bait. Oritheauuth llde the flailing la better, Tlie Ba ill....ii,- I* expected lo striae la al Hie eu l of thc week at the furthest," The Domini..n G .verntnent steamer Newfield rltltel St Haul'* Uland, ni the (Julf of 8u Lawrence, last week and round two American UsU.-riu-jn uuehurad near the Northea-sl light. Os the of tim cutter the Bab* erinn weighed anchor and put o sea, but heavy weather Boaatng they latarned te boot th? akora aud aasbmstl within lialf a mlle uf the N'ewfle, I Tne I ir'or nf tbs twa hal her trawls aet wilina a mlle and a ha.f ot Hie land, aud ber dorio* were atleuiiing them win'ti tue Niwilei l bora ia Bight Tue anpertntendoet nf tue Island rep,.it* Ihatadoaoa amarlanaa be vs beea haning la the rlotolty for the la,t Ave weet*, lunyare ntl lille 1 for the I. ill but tl -I.>-i f. Ila.mut have hern ?c.iri-e. nu: largs BUmbol a ol hue ciullish hate Iieen MUghl lu their traw.s. I ursa sra valueies* loihe A , a* limy have Bo Sall lo cure tii.-ui. i ney oro taruwn agata toto tho eeo. eemeni i? forty (juiuialas dar bavn thit been doa troy ed. lois grc.ily lil j uns f:e?e ral la'.lr Bibing gntuuda, A ills,i i'ci flinn I.tpol 'ir- tue IH40 tr rei sell BB BO r leal,.ia i^-ntn has ainve.l tii?re. CBjetMa ll am ino,,,i r*> pori* til .1 i..- was in eemaaar ve*t?ruy nita ii'ineu Atiiern .iii ni*.-wer,-i ?.-i?.-r*. all wni more or le** ttsti or bargenndgo l( Hu thinks tho bulk of the fish baa goue ea-1. OTTAWA, Jiliiell.-Mr. Thompson, Minlsfrof .f i>tl.-e*. started lani Bight for x?ra . .o-.,a t? innervtaa the -* ul tue Ainetuau BshlBfl IBbOBBSrS BBlBed by Ibe (a.i.i-llaii (lovertuuent. win. h win be Isled la the Vice-A Itn.raltv Court nf .Suva Beaguv ' The Ooverner-Oeeernl ba* raaarrad 'TthaalgnHee lion ol Her Ma|eatr> ploeaure tba aol furiher lo amen 1 th* act r.-?|^<-iiDK llaliin? By foieiKn ve*?els A large OelsgntluB Walled OB tue MlBlator Bf llillwavo tn. da] and preaontod a putltloa Signed hy thirty mem? ber* of Parliament, repr *enlative* nf llatniiBT osmsllia* enoie*, Bed lither* nrnylUg Ibm eheaji an.) +?.r ?ii-a\>, tot tne tr.nap..nation of n-i be ..ri.ui.-,i. bo that tba Usu may rrae|i|tlie mark. It of ihe Interinr of the rnuntrr thal rain* on tl.e lolsUM ..Innlal ilsllway be redot-od to the lowest Hi-lire*, and ii,ai refrigerator earn be pro? vided. Tbe delegation repraeealod thal by sa doing IB* ' ...I ei ii lue nt w.uild !?? R.i li .? h.-netir* lu Bf the Beaeeael and ol Hie interior. Kith poopla lill, d wer* paying hl^ner i.rire* for Ihetf Han from llus'oi Portlaud, and orher Vnlle.l Male* port* lltsi Un-y won, ir i Hoy Bbtalned them (rem iia.ifut. ine aflulaterpra a lied lu oonalder the malle.-. SO imnisH TBOOfl AT IIVI.lFAX. ToBo.Yio, June J.?A rc^yrt wan circulateil -d*r that a Urra Bamber of ilrlil?h trnopt h id arrived Halifax. Timre la no fi. uudaibni wh never fur ihn ory. CAI.I.IVH FOI'. 0OV1 KNMIN'T Ai'TI'lN.'. Huston, .lune S.?Th* Home to il.iv abbett Ited the following for the resolution presented by tho iiinmlttee on Federal Itelatlnut ml sduptod the IUb 11 ii te. by mi shu.isl un min.* reta : \\hrrrot, lite people nf Hu* OemmoaweeHh rlew with ei-p cu (i ce in thu uliic I.ll Mel tu I ?- ul Vessels b. In n Vi ll I IO is citlseaa, tba breaking np of their royasea and tue p..nan.m of their aorgoea la the Brlllah Provlaee of ana la , md Whereat, Tba BaMag lateraati hive evr be?n r. ,r ie i no' noir Butene Hie uni.! % ala ible aed important . u rm,.i supply, i.iv iiu ib- bs i Buraary fur iii? aval ?'-rv.ce ni tlie Naliou lu llui.-s of War; therefore, ? il ,'.-.> ii. That the Beanie aad lion** af Ream antes v.* ii; tao Coium nw.-.ilth nf If aaa tcbuteuo, la inn rat enan isaeraiiied, look tu tbs Don gre** ..r th ? tJulted ute* inl tn.-li- aura lleptrtmeui nt t:ie Ni lone! ment for prompt snd neeid"d sctlon, to the end i ,t a "?: ?'? io ii-uei' n.-ii may ba proteetad la the axer* i*. nf t..cir lawful rtgbts, ant that funner oom pl iee n.-iO Iii r-.-ar I to Hie rniii'iiirci il pr. i lieges of our Citl ? ii. la British parta m iy ba avoided. PBOTBCTWN FROM RABIES. DR MOTra EXPERIMENTS ON BABBITS, WO BOTH AWAlllVO lit ArilPlNT ? IMSIKl'll'S .Minions kui.i .ow i-i ii. Tho fart thal tin- liif Hf il. nth of nt leant two uniiin bein.'* may hang upon the result af the Barina af tpernnenls lil In..rill,ill.iii for now bein.' con u'.e.l hy Dr. Valentina Molt, llurcaoes public tntero-t u t'o-pr.. jic*s tnadebr the fnuiubrt of tho Ain.-rlc ni 'auteur I nat itu tts. Little (harlie Sargent, tho C'lnon Mil BO webey, who w rn Mttea by a ra'.I! cat, and a littlo cllow living in Somer* Centre, Westchester ('..linty, lim wilt bitten by a Riippu.tril mad nea,nra walting satonaly for n anmmons hy Dr. Mutt to come te Vow. 'or* and submit to Inoculation. Tho i ewslmy'o par nts mo poor, and tho nclirhbora wero aaabla i, rai*" mure than Ipjuu. Th!* .sum rat ihsiifflcleiit to carri bim to Parts, ud bow too lung ix timo hu elapaod tn permit ibe uiniey ie ha taken la tune, even if the mo'iey vere I'Vii.-i. Dr. Mott waa eommealeated with* ead. lt h aderatoed, held eal honea thu' he weald ba la posltloa alora the twentieth day to ttioculate tha bey, Tha ether ehittfa rather, a farmer, lt lee poor to send la. lo Perta, Tue boy ama breaghl te tate etty and ramlnod by Dr. Alci uuler B, Mott, thu president of tim e?r Inst, tu IO, who advise I tnn parents lo mtUrB hom" nd await the pm in,-Hon of vim*. Theos case* spurred ko d wiora lo re lonnie I alerts, bat then aro fa irs thai ne vir is will not be ready in Hine. Abmr the time ihe Newark hoyt were tattoo to Pa-it ii. H.?munni M. Bigga, In the Carnegie Lah* rat..ry, wat aent over by tim Bellevue College ea* lonliet to observe the en pen mints of I'ast-ur, and ? ir i as iii'u-ri a- p issi ...? Boueeralagtba treatment, ittor bia return Dr. Voiooilne Mon aimeelved tee idea tronsplootleg tbe treatment to thia country. Rrery ie,luy fur stu iv wi* aoeordod him by Paateur, and non deporting fdr Amarloe virus aad Inoaulated r*b 11a wer-< uiven bun Tor the purpose of egparl manana ad pru p i uti i ti.' tbs virus |g thr* country. Tao Amert an Pasteur luatltnte wus oreanltod with the followiBg direr*: President, Dr. Alexanoer I;. Molt, (tether nf ir. Valentina Moir i; riee-prraiaents. Dre. .mier K. lunar i ami Loni* Depfaaae; recording aeerotary, Pro .?*or ('narie* V Ila; corresponding secretary, Hr. 'aientiua lott, lt waa boped to ie ira tic* oo-opora. IOU nf weal liv nie-i a-i I not un ni i i -V ti er-.t a nun l ii.'. with opera i ir-r ? un*, muaeu nt, eta,, ind a botpt ,1a .-re .I'll ll ll* ?.!*;. -fe I of the 'll*-i.Se might be BBBB it and observed ThtS BOhom ' bud IO ne riven ip, n..wev?r. aol two rn.mis on tim appor Dior of ha new Carnegie Lohmlory were secured. All bs pisna for fliting ap thee* roomi inf kepi .-, boeauae tbe aa).imentora are not yet euro of ncs-ess sud thary wlaa io gat ar rytbleg la resdlaosa nr tba day <>f opening. Yesterday tba r. in* wera ns te.i hy a iiuiri .ii', reporter aad from Dr. Vntentlne tulla portia otateinoni was obtained. i ie apparatus asod aad lbs motnoda punned ure nu.lille .tl .ns if Mr. l'a-r.' ir' -, One ul the m.,ni- ls li ire ii f.iii.iiiir- ami appliance* ail it derotod to rabbit* hat ii ic hern operated on nani tb it Bora aol yet .te reluped lymp ima o roblen il-ru mott in* taree ..bis ina bat lo en ittoculutad With Butdi taken lui 11 th.' milli of a tn in wh u lie I recently I rom nervana ii.,*, nunn aud ir-*ui wine under ibe linpreeatuu that ie ba l boen bitten by a rabid .1 ia. They are alive md re , aho wing i bat the tua lid mil are hydrophobia, lu i amal room acroaa lae ball a good deal ot fernitore baa .e.-, pucked away. An iiper.ititi-'-l.uile oceuplsa lue 'cutta u. tue room and al t ,e l. ft .. tne euti ..nee a iltic >r- re i io-ir ni pp, .rt* two iimi.e *m catos. rhe*e it- af galvaulaed wire, ali om Home loot alda hy btu I.-.-i deep .ml twenty -eight lue nea Iga, made wita ?? igoaal in- * ies ai".ul un liieh an I a lia t a in * hi: I III 1 le I IbrOilgU the chi le IB ll- In tri \ e aeoinmnilatlnn ulm ian.!.* cub. un ibo opposite -I..- of tao room brea ? aires similarly .???..:? I el ' slue ire placed, and hi is ul* > are ladng til ed altb cases A emir, a reservoir lor eater, spit lt lampe and rnrloua laboratory equip noat* . mill' ete the .mtnt. Another room ia provided s til ai paratea .'or maintaining temper it ure and for da? re.- itina i ii u-. lu tin- eel l.i r., ti .in i-,-r ol cages for doa a ne being bi i . ri.? victim* of ra lid sain ais win daily rial! tba iii".mt.ny tor Inoculation. Already aerortl l...-* hive mt ii Liken lhere tor examination. A dollie, longing to tbeianltor of i public seaool oas taken Ibero ? u ruaaday. 11 ult a child throuday* prevlouali i ha mini ,l wi* pronounced ki goo I he ii, n. ru,- asps [menu now imlug co nluelo I tu tim basement uni yaru nf Dr. A lt Mott'* Mtdlaou I venue bouaa are ninon* and frau'lit with dangur to the experimenters, hw thor un not i>i ? <t- > t -1 wah inouuiatJoo a* sis tim assist?ntaof Dr. Pasteur, and ao virus for < onnteraoting the poisoa I* reedy for application. Hr. Mott bt ought nei ?it. iiim vim* an.i iu:.''.t* Hint ha i ?? sn knoe ilatad nv Dr. Peal ? ir. <?n May IO tha Bl -I r lb ut itle.l an I the spinal curl waa enr*>f Hy reiuov?<l sud otbei ra'* Inoculated "'lt i tile vitus 111,- tlr-f liuicuiit -d ill Hut ennuin din.I un Mun lav nf gat Heck, aud hall a d' ./en here died aiuoe tuen, but aufortuuately tur lue hoy* swuil iu r-aini. nt it baa Seen impossible t i .v-i'-ire ? regular sequel.t doe ba, which ls nacce*nry. ur. Pasteur found thai laths li mm being or nairns! .lying ol rai.ic*, tba vir-'i, wa* preeaattu groat alma Juice in the conti al nervo ii lyatoni so I i aprotally ia Hie m.-. in lia ohioug ita nnd spinal cort, Ile also r.. nd tba! antmali knoe dated arlu ibe tiru* token from th*) apiual curd Lei ame rabid mueb m.un *p.-elli, aid certainly t'.at wueii tin- aadlve ol tbe r ibid d"g was amployod. Fhore fn n be employed ouli tba former plan lu propagating tue disease lor Bole ul ldc pirp.?-??-. Pillioning out Hr. I a-eur'* intii-uciiiins, Hr. Valentine Mott procured u lur.'" number ef rabi.its aa i placed t.iem in a pen nu ii* I,a.let's pre.i.i-.-.i i'm- .spinal cord ut tbs deed broigbt over from Paateur*! laborotorr waa rarefull) removed ami tin- matter n*e?l fer the inoeulallunol "h niiuiber ol rabbit... The rab IU were trephined and a r.infni record ol Hie date and all subesqueui symptoma waa uept. On tba eighth day after the inoculation tba rabbit died and ol hera bars followed. Attar tha death ol ? "b rabbit tim luina! curd was removed, ana? llen.Iel ni a Ui*k wita a rather largs mouth a id tie .ly I lugged with sterilised cotton. Tne bottoms of ii sae tla-ks mci* covered Bl.t .looa Beep wltb caustic poi iab i" a .-'.rr. nil moisture fruin the mr. Thc room In which tho deeba wara Placed nu* kottata temperature of 'ju Coatwrade. ihe lowar the tamperaltre n.e longer the vin lome at Hie mar ba pt ern reed. Pn Hine u la rc tba BBXl serbs ol iii iinais a piece of min ol' Hm nurds waa ru hoed up wita a small quantity of sterilised ehicke i bouillon in a amati conlea! glass, and attar tbe *,neut had tattle 1 to Hie borium the ell ar timi was ii-.-i 'ur Inoculation, lu ar.u.u iel ea day* tha diaeme enveloped. a b umbel of .mumal* lu varian* Nogoa of ra alas are BOW lu tBO ilo-tor'a hack yard, but Balda lunn enan lng nun |o c.xi niiiuei t* in tb* i...pi, nf areotu ,11; securing virus in a sequence nt agaa iar application te human bcun/s. -u.-eee.* ha* BO*, vet crowned lils elloi ts. ii is necessary tn cou loci Hie. inueelatlooi ibruagb tliree aorttaofrabtits, thus reducing tba period of Incubttion le acres dara Tha irdual cords are aesrmrided in bira alni a. owed tn tem,in llit.-en day*. ?? Hu* luiu will it bo before you are reedy te ni crate up.rn tha boyer1 waa ashed of Dr. Valentine Mott, "I can't sa-'." wat tba auaarer. " A* yet I bore been unable to produce ? dooth a d?y. It requires trme te gat u eilillclant iiuiiibri' ut animal* sill'le. t tn Ibu villis." ?? r en rou can't L'ct reatly tnis w.-eki" * No, i oonnot uinnwlsks to laoeolate a human beni!: until I i aw on h ind vlrut ol lae requisite aga. with bb llitervenluit duvt and willi M certainly ol | .mtv Bora maturing while I am operating, lt rei. i ire* to an ty da-.t fur the iliaeaaa t- '.v itself after a pei ana ls billen by a dog, ami r-eien days lu- Inoculation te develop tbediseaas In a rab:.ii." * u 1m Von reg ltd luoculatlsn aa B certain preventive^"! rabtest' ? Ye*, if n a ule.1 to In time. How loni; it protect* ls \ cl -. dispated qneatlon." " ia Hut., .lancer m experimentingr" " Very greei douser. I never approach tha U*eaead anlmali eithout the greatest apprrbenalee, I wear gloves end eevor hnndle the cord, using plceera After BOCiiring the?| nial mai mar 1 bull the Indy to destiny tim an I ii spoae nf lt. " ? when a aappty af virus la obtained will you protect vmiraeif im t ssatatanti bj lanealai loni" I " Cndonlitedly. Tool la ti.nly way te be *nV." -Win yoi provide rooms la tea bow Institute tor tho cure ..f i ii lents!" " No; that would require loo iar<e :i building, and WOnld Ii"t he necessary. Tim puMte to nut oootnOUtlUg eui w? bore to eland tbe whole expense. We hope to build ft place adaqusts for cur perposa mr hIioih *. . I,. I. ii i. ii eill coat I."ut a.'S.oO'J a yeer to kee| il going. w"e h. ii.' an sbarge for laoeeletioB and t.iercfor.) thc kottltute uuisi in- -uppund by aontributlone.'1 coital ClIMi SOMB.MBEOME To the Edi ter ot The tri '? n a r, Bibi Without(iinsiionin^ the ireoeral no.-ti racy nf lour WnShtBgtOa currespuiideiit, will you permit . correct Soma trivial Cir.ii tn Hu.*, paragraph, which baa Jeal esma lo mr aol los I ib- regular B/aahiagiea serroopondealof TaaTain i aa soya 10-day s "J uni UodBana, ihe eell-kaowa rm. - li i el, i* in town, W.lll the i.liji-ijl, I un li I al.tiiU, ol de? feating tba Sen.ile niiielidliieii'. pa lin l'..,t I clicu Appi..|iri*tinn bill, wh.cli provides B8UO.OO0 fol IBO iroasportaUon of ferelgu mans. Mr. < uduiaa it ouu nf Hie il.i,I active BdVtaMtoa of flea Ship*, and ha* au aril .e la tba current an io ber al rae \orik American Bo? ttom ut whleb he fir..rt the repeal of Hm protective tai lit on Bhlpa aad tne pnaanae ot me aiortuon nil. ii i? rii.n gad h.-re in it be i* aa ageui ..f the Kugilah itea . ? hip rou.p.nie*, amt llial lu lu* present lash bs rt a?*ist?it I.)' mi nanni "f tho dorman ateamablp lin.-*. They Boom lo bave espturod OeentOT, of VS |se..ruin, and a akefiei'i. of Mianeeota, wha are nie eely itepuhiicau* who will oppose Ihe auiiiiidm.-iit." Tirst, l di I BOl di asa the Mormon queatiOB lu tin) Maj number ol the MottM A marlie n /?? o.r.r. Becoadly, Ml Bh B? ld tie apparent lo every ..ody who li..a given BU li. n tn Hie "Iree olitp " theory that the Inisrc-l nf Bag* Uah and Herman aU-aiuolilp companies li.-* In an oppotl I dlrui'tlon. and th it if tiny employ BflBaUl al all lu ?aah IngUM , their efforts would be en ried ib maintaining the regiatry law, t w..* n, uermaay ol tue t. in-- i\ lien tim li.Ua.'laph nat wi iden. I will take Hut nppi. t inp i lu retnarU thal Till. Ti.ln i.ti, although dinortaa in ita ?othodetm benoating tbs An e.-. .:, rarrylag trede, baa Mver te my knowkodgs given riirietu V lu H* sdiloilal (ulumiis lo lin. stupid ami inailciuiio falaeti ..its allrihiitln** renal BSOtlVi * lu nm, whhli have tarred for want of lomothlBg lietter u* ur*- uneirs againo'. Uta pulley 1 .ul rural-. Stu.-iurik, June 'J, lsaii. Jinns C'tiUMA?!. BOGUS mT'l TER TO DE TAX KI). 'IUK DLSOMAROA* INK BILL I'ARsKD. v*Oi:k Of a POW inti i t, I ..iniv?i HF. i AX MWtafJP T'i nvi Clta is a rouxD, [nv rgtaoaira th rna rnrnowa,] WASHINGTON, .lum' 3.? Thc bill lo tax imi? tatton butter, whleb bea occupied tim time of tha !' ? lines M iv '.'?*>, wu* tl fi . If d oposel of tl.It nft-r i ooo. 'I he contest over this measure has bOOB the inual minnrk.iiila ni tin* *e ? on of Gongresa Ob the iir-t roto toben la ibe Hearns whleb aeald io hut wei ba i if ir I, I ut a fe t, there wre only thirty rote* In eppO aittontothe meaaera Bloac thal tine a meal aetire and peretatent lobby baa been nt wort tu defeat it, and that combined nith the natural oppositloa on the part nf tii.ifiv Democrats nearly reeeitod la defoatiiiir the en? tire Bseeaare, lt paaae-i in doy by a vote af 177 yen* to lol Bays, bot bb the aaotlea to raduea tim tux ta 8 cent* a pena i there w.i* eely a mejorlty of 11 rohaa in the negotlve. I he unly Imp, rr am uni. lui'ii ni mile today was one reducing tho lal to Baa sonia s pona t. Ob th it the vote was 153 in the anVmnslaw nnd Ul In the Boeetlre. mallon wm male i,,- Mr. Ifeteh. cb.iu-in in of tha t'oii.tnitice on a manila at by dlruoifoa el tit aeaaaaa* leathough be wat persounily appose i io it. iin* Bhange of opinion iii thOOommiltoe wai the * i ., ???) of a good deal of Boaueetara aad diaoaaalen aiuuna: mem hera of the Uoaaa hlr. Hateh oeennled nearly in hoar today tn hat etea* btg ipeeeb, whleb weaoaoof t.ii moat rtgeroaa deliv? ered ,,t nus laasloa. Ha took pertteuler punt to axeort* ste ataey of his sseoelstes oe the Deaioeratla aide, ile s lld that Hinch of the BBtagonla n to the Mil cauin from tb" taet it di I noi union ita IB me >V.,ys and Means Committee. He look np the cry af aneonatliBtleeallty whian la ralaod by .Mr. Tucker, of Virginia* and Mr. Boagon nnd nther ax-Confederatee on every aaoeaare hroeght ap la tho House, sad rtdlceledtt in teething tem.*. Deferring to Mr. Tucker's assertion tani bia oeeacieeoa would nit permit bira te favor such a maannrr. Mr. iiat-h sud thai wheeerer hu adreoatad a fraud and Blood M Hi" a. lo of corp .niton* and mono* poly, than ba would waeiaomebedy io keep pta con s.-i'-iu-e un i to yell "coottitution." Mr- Hammond, of Georgie, whoas blah ord ilea of hlmeslf bringa bun Into frequent eui llstofl with hm asauelates,oamc Ib fore good deal nf!.- by afr. Hateh, He sud rha*. Mr. Hii'ti inund gaea tha opinion of til il ffrtut lawyer, Hammond, on Hie uuu.institut lonelily ot a measure, ami thea gara tiu> optnloa of mat laea amlaenl Boaatltutlonal expounder. Webster, with au arrogance Borer equalled la thu Home. Mr. Hitch de? clined Mr. Hammond and Balled ia queen nu.',ns un.I ni Uiiin.l nf tlmae who ad vance I this bbl and then, rntalng hit roles. b? said; "if tlie gentleman weeta to try tho in.inho ul of anr memher. let lum nut do it under the protection and ?hleld of ti." rii.-s .f rh" House," Tim ipeaker pud in* reapoota to Mr. IteagBB, the ea* Poatmsater-Oaeeral of tbe Confederacy, who basfnlaa been sponsion! opponent of the measure, Kr. Hatch t.i.d that Mr. Res ant h . i oe bo by, ihe raaalettoB of inter-r-t.ite commerce, and if bb eng >l thoa d i one down fruin beoren ind offer bim a plan of salvation be wonid (leoline it unless he coull tack his luter-.-tate Commerce inti on to lt. Mr. Breckenridge, of Keatnaky, another on.- nf tba Blibueters, Mr. Hatch said, beda silvery tongue,which wesgad lu me laterasta ol rich eil.-irs nod grooti.iip,nan,i it i.-r.i.i-.- lii.u pi.I beet. Mr. Morrl* so,., wu., h is ,... n eonapi uuui lu opposing thia measure, waa described aa al way a promising something grew anil failing ro settlor* .,nv Bing. Tue forman e. ima bera mr ur.-.ul. aa tai t, md ni") got a ai me. Tue 1'iriil bdl, Mr. lian i uuu lug . dat ribed a-> baagtag ? where not ween h> -nv-n und earth. i ir lng ni* a teni sa attain to me g nt ie ni-n iro i. Vir atula, M . ii itch -.i i . .i i ba li ipa i the . i. wo ; I coma When riley wo il . .-.-,-.- talkies ,i ai ll tne m' and musty nest aud wtka up lu Ute present, ono of them. Mr. Daniels, in trie de hate deolamd that ino in-....j ra la party would ha betrayed, and Ita (Hamels) >.i- gi ng to throe bit body athwart tbe lui. Mr Hateh wirned bim not'odo lt ai ba would be Brushed ny ina car or prorreas. if tim Detueeravie party betrayed lt would he hy the ainu whosoUxbt ttl ba I .i di er to e irp ira .nus. Mr. Hatch ? ,t w ir sly sop tn le l on the Republicen R'.le, but lils; .1 li! uamic'.a * " I HOI -.'.-.u to relied Ins *i..-e. ii. VS n?ii Uf, lialcU ilui.tlio I, the tl.musters again iltempted to .-? lat t ..- i. ... ha< tbej were do? retta*! by Mr Hatch, Mr, Hleooek ail ethers ef itt lr;, u.i*. Mr. Hlacork, who baa lsd the Republican aide, bal been or .r.-ar Berrica iii helptns tn over, onie I ti ?? DuetOn cn-* placed iu the w.iy or tm- uioeaura by tb- Datum rttic leadei -. 1 In- .1.-.ay Which Hi") cu -?? 1 BU ?! 1" I ll ue ti In* cr ?*-(? the *:/.'? nf lue o, pu-l'i n ,itr I When IBO pru posit lon lo reduce Hie tax lo hie eoUtS WM rn.mill foi w.iel lie day, li wat carried by thirtr-uu? majority, tbousb pro. p...*it..!? * to reduce lt to Bra aud ali and Bevan cents h.ul Leen repeatedly rots l down. Ob tho Bnal on Hie iiiii .-t .ni 177 yen.* io l >l naya, u -- than lon* ruled, in ma n Bailee, Among t ..e lol urgailve votra wen Adam*, I : \ ' bk p wi , ?? i im " Campbell, D>w ! m y. Howitt, M iB i iay iii Merrlm in, of New-Yuri i M. Alon, or Janey City; Curtie aud Kelley, of Pennsylvania. The lui!. .* it pa*sed tba Honse, eontalni the following feartlles; jilli te|- I* ll fl .eil lo hO .1 tool pru IOU etci-ivei) ir.jin milk or i ream or both, v thur with mi cm,mun soil ned wita or alt hom ad.Unuual coloring mailor. Oleomargarine la deBnod ut "nil aobetancea linnie of menial irarine, olen, comuai /anne uh, 1.mi.-lin.-, laniiiie, aatoO and neutrals au mixture* and compound! of .oinirgarine. oleo, oleomargarine oil, buttonne. Ur.un-, amna ami iieuira. ; ail lard extracts and lal mw eur.uta ; au t all mixiurne of ta..ow, .eel tat. aiiol, lam. loni ol I, ve.-e ian,., .ol, in tn.tto. ai d other coloring in tt.-r. Intestinal fit and orfu fal mada In imitation or acm ? ...u ? a of batter, or whos au Bream, eaiaaiaied or m trn .-.I io ba mid a- butler or for butter." Bpeoi I tuxae ara imposed aa follow* On menafaet* urera, frtpuj; ,..i wholesala deslera, B4*M); ob retail dealers, ?H. 1 im nxisi ina lilt.-r ..u rerOOUS : iwa. an far ss applicable, are made to ippiy lo thees spools! lazes. l'.-ii.iiti * are Impuecd on nay peraon who iball .ba in oleomargarine wimont paying ihe special tux. Pro risien I* made tor the proper ?tauii Inn and labelling of every pork um ur oatttuiargartua, a toa ol Bv? >?? n* a poued i* imposed un ail oleo aergarlas maaalaeturod au . bo .1, aim a penally is proaortbod .or tue pur. n,kc ur receptiuu for aalo of oleomargarine noi branded or stoaspM ac? cording to lao. a number ol westona ol tue bili aro de v.,1,.1 to prov.'lim; in.iiruiu -ty to carry lau btw lulu eil-, t. TAXATION OP RAILROAD LANDS. W iBHina suv, June ii Special).?lu pursuance ot iti duieruiiuni 1011 to gaard the interesta ot settlers on Ihe pur..ic domnlus a.-, 1.1.1..-cd tu corptMutlous. tho Hen ute to-dai pa med .'dr. V..11 u >-.?;.'? bili t.. prortda fm the taxation ol railroad grant lands. The ni t:.".t* by whioh nor 1 orations lune e*npad theil birnie ol taxation in oome of the Weetara r-tate* und Tel limn.-.* were full) (Um I load lg tha daveta na this mu. Mr. Boar withdrew his!.eui in inuit the nu iiersuip of lands sold for luxes under him act tn (.40acree sud, boeenea it murht Imj ede tha passage of the 1 k bi ira. lu doing 13, bower bi, ba replied to aome ot tbe arguutonta iutvi,need Ly Mr. l var.- agalaai tba amendment, ta I, Mr. Hoar, looking at Mr. Erarts,said: - T e people win sot 1. njet be content with the wind si any rbstoi lc, bo Buttai from ?* hat tt-Soll in barp lt may OOtna, mislead Ol t-o.einu (a.-ts." Mr. Vsb Wycii skilfully aided the prompt peaaaaja of the bill in tbe House b) netting lt eubsHiutod, all eieapl thc title, for the Honse bill recently panted on tha aaaM sutij.-ct. He then asked tor a roafatoeee eoaualttaa The lollowiag are the prov latona ui lu.i, 1* passed: " Ko land* gi anted m say milmed eompanr ny .>? t of (on maa -nan ne bi ampi rou. luxnttoa bj .-?i.tea, derri tn. i, s >.r municipal corporation* ...1 u. count o', the lieu nf 1 et 1.:!..ii r-taiea un mich landa tor oust* of survovlus, aelertmg and cou rey log, ur boeaeae uo patent i.u.l lasen i-su?l un Um; this provision But lo apply, how? ever, in lunn* unsurveyod. Ah inch ia ula told inr laxes ah .11 be i.oiiK'hi tun incl tu ibu lieu lui ibo**,. osta, abd tu nb ii.-i..-. mortgages aud riirlit^ ni tbs rolled*. The tnt is mid.- tu.,1 ply only to landa altuotod oppusite to, mil ootermluua with, completai portions oi tbs road aud In organised couullea. bl any ania ol lind* under the aol iii" United Htulec may become a preferred pur lhator, und In audi c.ism 1 he lu' la Mia.I Le reaturotl lo th" public .lu,nam. if soy railroad company required by law tn poy tha roeta ol aurreyiiig. ste., oeglects r.>r nutty .lay* tu pu. luob coeta after demand b] t.icre lary of nie Interlui, the Attorimy (lencr.n s' ii!l proceed af law tu muk" the coila allon, and in ca?en when a pur? chaser ba* already paid mich eoStS, tho) I loll no re fun.led 11 hun. Itui further provided that tbe eat aboil imf aflecf t,e rlflit of tue I iuveriiinnnt tn dociaro ol' enforce a (erfeltura ot any ian.I* granted by 1 ongresa, and :ll the rights of the Hulled Stiles to-neb 1..lids aru to romain us if inls act had not bona p.i.,?c.i. AI1MY AND NAVY IX I'llIJ.K 1 IIN'CK. Washihotox, .Inn" :i.?s.?ciMi.i Lieuteaaal Chartsa Medare, 18tb infantry, has bean relieved frew duly at thu L'uUoialiy of [lllnoU. ChnajBOjtfa. 111., July 1, 1886, Bad ordered to join nts company. BOBBed latOBV ten,mt (.ny I an.-loii, I'd I aval: y, u..s len detailed aa M.uiary Profoaaar ai the hctiealtaral and ateahnalcnl (, ot iej.i*, .a Coilaajs Btetten,lexna*September 0. leen* reeving Beaned Liaatennnt John BL Mallory, Sd [llfaolry. ItaJOl (,oor<e W*. COI lee, I'ayiuisier, ha* bteu ordered todu.y al st. I.oui* in* eal of itu Departs unlit of 1 11.umina ; Maj >r William M. Mayuadler, Pay. ULiBler, now ou il Hy al St. l.uiilt. to lort lilatr, Texas. The fo'.lowin,' ollie, rs will he rellerad from duty ut Weat I'oini Aiuust 'js : Major C'.iftou Couly, Ordna ice l)e pnrtment; F.rtt LaVontenaal Arthar Murray, lat Artii larj , 1 ira! LloolaaaBt oV.9. Wyatt. ;? h [nfaatry, ami Kun l.t. iileiiait I'uoiuat C. p.aiers ui, 1 ,t Artillery. The following otll.-er* lino besu BTiterod lo report for duty el Weet Point Aug.1*128: Cantata Henry taetealf, Ocdnance n ipartmenl) inti John P. '?'- laaar, 1st Ailiu.ry; hui l.louienaiiL Jo..11 .'d. lia, Cespeef 1.unum.-ia, sud li itt laboutenaal Ifrailarlolt Marou, itt, atti I lory. laoeve of abeonee tea ix fiflhi hag hann ejBBlad t? I apl.ilu Wiri balli, -Uh I avairy. I aplaui I harle* ll. \\ i.ii.iu.-, ksststaat ijaartei naster, baa keoa eaewwad to the Milltai)'Academy lor duty as dbl bag al ag otlin-r al ina Acisuiy. ria piala Ooo rna W. tdetr, Assistant *ur c... 1. uno men gran tod irav.- af aboenoa f .r 1 we mee tba I'.uiiuiau l.-r WllihUW a I1.m11 lu, bOOO net*, not cominan.t of His Nipoic amt planted OB WUIUUg urdi-rs | l.ieulen int-i'ilium ,11.t--r UeOTSS C. Keller, l.ieiilHiiania ( . H. Ainoi.l, Oborlos A. t.'iaiS ami Bat WOM J. IHim. lu sims H. W. Han ison and W. M. li 0 i..r 1 ...n, suraeii.i ip.wai.1 stud iii. i titer kogtaeae it- ti Hine end \,s ,1, 1 Rnglnoor K. h. aaalbnoi, fro o me Nip*ie and piaoad aa waiting antere , Paymaster ll- 1. Wright from the Nip ala ant. rdorod tu lottie aeaeaeta ami wan antera. Order* aero la.ue 1 al lue Xavy Hrpariiueui ta MAJ tut the TTnlted flute* ateamahip Ttrooklyn. now st Xew York, io prepare lo proceed to tha auntie van,',,, ta take tbe place of tbe flag ship Trenton, now on her war home; alto for th" Alert, mi the Asiatic BtOllee tn "i turn loone hy Way of Baa l-'i an.-.a.-o ; also fir IBO Tallai ooo**, now at Now- York, tn pr. assad to Ibo Sonia Ai),rt tie a'liiion ny way or .Norfolk, where ?he ia*-,, on a draft of hay*, the i:*set. whtoh wi.I be pu? ir, .,1IM|,. ainu At pu' In commit, n In a few days, will prehohlr be ordered to tha t.itie stalloti to r-place the Alert. ? COMIRMATIflNS BT THE BElTATat, \V\-111vnr.1v, Jiim: :> (/j^aWnw*).- -AlBtajjr, the luti-Mt loiitlruiiitioiia hythe Boaeaela thal af Heard Hoaaaaa for Beeta ister of | liefest. Kona, Ba wa* chair loan of 'he |."ii.o.r,ln> ( onim-tle* ian.I ??-.,. promu,. :. r IdeatlBcd with the oiurareuut abraham irani, to thea Mate. ? haiifca were made asalnst him before the Bj nate Committee, end BepaamnanM of HtoaaSelppi a??...i that tha Beanie pal the seal of iw dtoneprorel on ,,,., ,ieta by rafa Ung Hotaaae He wa* earned ihrengh, haweBaa in l ba a., u.r. executive seassun at which BantM |_> , .,,?. iirm.-d pootasoBtea of nUaOatphna tata espneled thad tl.e aemleoa fur paBlBMOtog at Vtohsbe *? sad athen who bavn upheld I he ?.,uK,ilei of BOloied BBBB Will abm be cm Hr m.-.I. Bolicitnr-lieiieral OOOate, WBO :* ... f ,r? Ilia Henato ou an udver*o re|wirt from thu ImMUttSB t ou.mutee, ls .null.lent lin will Ije cmfli m-d. lu tho ex.-curive -e*oi..n to-day af ier dtoposlag nf ooroe iioiiiluat'.uiis, sn alan w * ma le to Bell up th* s ,t >,. . men al treal f with Mexico to ex ten 1 tbs tune for c .rrj Hu Into clleet tho Bel Ipr.cit / Tr.-aty wini mai e ..nury, lui i' was defeat-d. Mr Coiigor timi .y oppose i || i,a* i...l me H., I*.- h.,* the gubje t now bi I gaj lt. Other I pa Ba Bl * wein mads lu opposition. .Mr. BtahUeeeraer, rr ht r sign sd ba dey bb a aaraahet of tlie Iii?irlct of Columbia Cuinmrttee on ace..tint of the Matthew* caa ?-, hal BOflBOthtBg lo * iy on that taltfoee. Mr. Kiddlebenri-r wat au?'ry beseasa a new sim-.-oni uni U-c wa* appointed to In vest i irate the ekatrgaa Bg i ,j Bfaitbawe, ne being eholraua of tim sab-oca Bittee pr.-viouoly imp iiiifed for per pose. Au oil .rt waa wadu to Menota Mr. Itld.lleb.-r.'er's Hillie I faelluga Am.ii.- iii- eooBruialiou* to-day w. re tba fo I'.-lm.i-ters -I). A. Hillier', Bainbridge, N V. lit. Olllcaple, Kingston, N Y.; ll. K. Howell, l.iv rn-avl, M. v.; Kobari ii.impurey, Neat-Brighton, m. V , Albert nweet, iJauavl.le. N. V. I. tv. i nulli, ol .N'ew-Ynrk, Atsoel ite J itfloe Supreme Houri, Dikuta. W. lt. H.rn.>*, of illinois. Associate Justice Muprorue (J..url, Arizona. - a> THU LABQI ll Mill.ll UV FatmtOJ AlTi.AI.3. VVaataiMOTOsT? June \i.?in di*- Senate, to day Mr. k.iinun.ts heat dbe clerk rand a iciicr leesived up him from theeeorotery of aha lawler, in tins letter Ur. i.iun ir BOheowtodge i roBotpa of a tottac from Mr. iii'liurin/as to tU-i tol.,1 humour of pa..-..,ii appeal* now feafOM the Secretary of tue Inter... , Bed wino the appeal in the aaag of A Irian I. IV no iWBI 1. iato silt.'.un tu His lim Yeruriut Vu .ut.:.:. i, Wo ill be reached in its order. Mr. [tenser rnplteo tint in i--i Utera ware 8,031 app? tia Had of w.ucri ai> .at c, > i aefg b?en deoulud. and that the cat's appealed lu Mar i, rsaenewhetajgoeeasatored. iuo appenl iu Ma Woodward's case, be say*, wa* llled on May 8, 1--,.; that there were atill about a.Kl canes abe ..1 oi l.i-, .1 ,1 it would not bo leaahad lu ita ardon1 fer abeet thi 1 mouths yet. Durtaa thia yeer tbe i.. n ?<? ? of ..pp da tiled was over l,-'H), inatiru a total of OVOTaMhWei MB now pending ou ap,.ea. before rue no. artaaent. ATier tue realiru of ihe lotter Mr. baltana ls in imtttod B propjocd um-iidtneut lo tha I, BhMatll ??. BaiecaUfB sui Judicial Appropriation bill, which, on bis *ut tun, rn 1* referrer Ititi" 1 nu iVi.tlon*. ino urn -tnlm-nt ls as follow*: " To enable tao Heerstary et tho interior ti ipoedily dlapoae of tao appaois from tue Commiasio -r ?? P .1 alou* to lum in peoei i-i . .!*??*, r ie Praal toot " I Blatea ia h.-reiiy oath irised, ny and With nie lbs annes sud consent of the Benet*, to nppotui aol ex ? uii< luieu ?p ii.1. a-si*tii 1.- IO th ? 3 .-.uta.',' o.' : il" I 1 teri Uf lur tho coi.*.d"r ui >u of such caeca, al a eotnponaalloa nu eaooeding ft) a dey lura _mne_dnjeaeasa)aallaBj IWciVo mon ina ?r-il,ODO." M'ai:!;-'s (lin ii.11: REC ALLS n \V.\.siliN(iTuv, Juno 3 {Special.?Mitch Bf leolsbmoet wat aaprsaaod iu tue Braal! Chem her to 1., ..-..; the rem na ibis Brder toaaad yoetea 1 iy ny Latad t ommiaswner Bporhe aui ap.'i-u,e I hf Baarotai j f a 10aft Hie order rea is ; ibe repeal of the Prt'-eiuptlon rrn?.ei Cult* ute atid Desert Lend being now the huhieet of considers! un by Congi nea, a appel Ballona to euler land* under Said Iowa ard bert u) from mei after thtodsV 1 aral day o. Aug "*:. ls- i. ui I 1 iu a ?? a re iy !:. ted to re? ceive no Bunga or mw iippucatioiia for entry u 1 ler said law* ..u. lug * ii.1 I. .in'. auapenda throe laws now out latotul . .', By whet ri-,'!it or p iw-r tU.? PsmmnaiaBor of the Hind OiBco or any other BMmbOC ot the AdnUnlatrauea co 1.1 ?? auapeat" law* on the stat ll.e Uouki is oil- of loose things a,'i> irOUll) WblOh BB meuiber of Couaraaa coull Bad out, ? ??? ..;... ., for tblt extraordinary "order" was tonghi ia rata hy 1 . arel "oneiora to-lay ead a team atina et 1 nury vu., in rn c.. le-iuerrew. li wa* ooeedod tuol the Cooa, mieetouoroaa aospenl tue, leaua 01 peloota. uui tue p.wer io *U*p*"U 1 lue llil.'i^ o: ". BntCMM .t ! r lue law look ? t Up ni BB a 11-w .I.-covery uy tm* A 1 ministraMlea. KrMoutly inls btoa dowuod epou ta uv lelligent ne ,.ls ot lha lotertor I) iport aant for tue 1 lar wa* tie lubjeet of a eonaultetlOB held to-day b/ Hooratary Latoar with bia u*-ista.i.v lt wat .lea.iel tuat me elroaiar n.u,i 00 roealle 1. -a? ? m>lNi:.-s BACKWARD IN TIIK HOCnn. WaSUIXOTOK, June 3 {Sp.:cia'). ?Spf ikei Cftfe lisle is Stormed mer Hie b.u Viviuid cohdillou ul nu-.nell in tho Honae ead he has come te work lo try and bruni order out of duo*. Bo far the H.. i-o Lai pal se d only IPI paulie aad 7*1 pi nate uri.*. 0.11 of lha ltl,0U0 bv trodnead. The chairmen of the various coturuitte.-, ar? now ail stru.'a'.iii< for preeedoBca Mi. l.'n 111a 1 will try aud call up to-morrow tLe LaVp itiarivc, CzOCUtire and Jiuliclal Anpr.ipnatroa tull. That contain*. the eui." to BBlllfV Hie Cirll Service act and ls liksly to bmd to piBloagad debate. An efloi'l wid i.e mn.I" to c. iijup utiier BU a-.lie* In Hie meantime. Mr. 1 a l-l- * NM '..1 tola - iii n e for precedence the Usual tuc. clink's au l ,i',ul... and US wants te arrenge mattera amicably, lor that pure bbb he bas calle.', a eon fer.'nee or the . i.a.r io-11 nf I ie rai IO lt coat mn taos to-morrow, Mr. BJ ir..*ou w.?ue- toorra oto b time for os lng up bis Tri bili. It ta doiiolful, bow* ever, if tue House will stand ny any BgraOUMBl reacuod In tura nay. TIIK TROT AND BSOOKLTM HTILDlVOa. WasuixotoXi .linn' 'i [Special).?Tha liouso Committed on l'ubliu Buildings and Oroaeda lo- lay re pened favorably the bill to mer" tte to 1100,000 the Umtt of seat af the pebllo hnildbag to Troy. Tba BaTarl ba* filled ao fur lo gel favorable action aa the bill to in? crease tu a decent ?utu the limit fur the Breehlya bellsV itt_-?_ Hut ba* baoeeeea ka the cane ot Parkersburg, Bf. V.. ( tist'.i'.oo.'a, i'e.1.1., UalreOtOO, lex., SBd v lull ind there, se. int tu ue a dlapoa Hon on the part of lieuui:raia tu deny ju*uco le BrooklyB in thia matu r. -o TO PUNISH ISlT.'ll iilil-.NtT. WITH RAILSOAD8. WashimotoX) Jinn' a [SpceiaD.-'Vbei recent Bellen of the etrihera la the Booth weal ta KtjpptugnH raiiioa.i travel lhere, baaconaod a Ueoly den.a.1.1 [.otu Bmrchaata and oilier.-, in thal bm Hon for legiaiaitsn to aieetauohdifltoaitieata tue fatarn. Beetetowaa wera aa able te get aappUsa neat hooey loatea resulted. 8af> crril bills have been Introduced 111 Cougre.** un the *uu jeci. Ona aeat hara hr tba Kemphla Cettoa Etcbaeuva waa to-doy latrodueed by Mr. Hams la the s.-iia*?. It provides .1 Baa and imprisoameel fur ohatracting oscept bj legal pcoeaaa any railroad aomnaaf iu iheeouvey* ance nf paseenxero, IroiKht ur mail, from uce Malo to another. EIOdtT BOUBfl A DAY FOB LETranVOABBlCBS. WA-iiiMiidN, JatM 3 [SpetAml).?Tba lintty with which Hie enale penned on Tues .*> tu" uill lo extend His eight-hom system lo letter, arri rt aal followed to-day by the Hunte Committee on I. iltur un iiiiuiously reporunc the bill lu ilia llou-e. Fha I 1 pror.dea that eight hours ahall be a day's werh for letter-carrier*, and that lhere sh ill lie BO reduction of pay on nc munt of .-l.urirulur of hours. The luemlieri ei pressed tl," opinion thal ihe pre*ent mghl hear hlW covered th" letter-.sirrb-rs as well at ali of her UoreTB* meat nye*, but aa PottnisstersQeBerei Vtlaa lin esprreaed a eoutrery opinion ann hna alan ?mid ha' hg Bight-hour law BhO lld no* apply to carrier* the meniliera cum Hided that tue ul a .nu d ba poohed th eugu ni on. e. .Mr. Vila* thiulis that trio Government shoal 1 sol ?ive ita empksyea so much of aa advunteao ovec etona .? 11 Linen, as lt increase* the numoer of otb.e-x-eaero. IBDIAB TBADBB8 To BB is Vll-THi a 1 in. Wasiiim.ths, ,1'iiic ;i [Special),? iIm Bettati to-day ordered the u p pu. nt ni en t of a Comuiirl.-eoi tue to tovaattaeta car, w liia.le Iii retard to the appoint nunt of Indian trader*, lt app. art tuat oiuee lite Banaeat mW uiitiisira'iun came in power these pacei have beea dla* pad of lu a way lo create meal acaudai. ll 1* ahaWaatt t.. a tho Inlltii Ci>inini*?touer ino refuted io a ol thai gea ami doonmeataty e val enos aaa st -.. u" sf '..-,- men, ahowteg e parpeaa te preiout mein ia their money-making acneume rho low now peahlMU whliaB ui ba li n .-.1 ii 11 lia na rom trsdiug nllh tho trtbra with* outnlicense, which pim i* ibo Indiana at i..i?wj of tin-na ina. Berne tatoreeling aevetopmaeiaara prout* ited. VaflBtlfUTOM otTJTM ^N i'll 1 m;i.?>', Thursday, June J. l*<?rt. Orayroaa Di (rruona -AtsUtBomtetitet Pafawhasl haa Informed the Ceitoetar ot Caateeaa at n.-w Tech mai cei lam so-called minn aetorea of OOlloe, OwUllallUg Of Barrow alrtpe, les- lb aa er-'ht Inohoa w.ue, ?.f a .oar niiaiitv nf muslin, wbli-11 na* Bean art al pcs! au.l fei.ed loriuaniiUciuralnl.i ruchlii*-* are properly al l ic rale ni lo pel o--ut a.t lauiem a* .uaiiufa. tura* ol ctr,,.,, msrealof at the ra.f .I-f Bud t's cntt BgSJ yani aa nioached aud colored ouilou tn claa?.ileil by UO toiic. mr. CuiMBM CsUBMB^ MMWAVUE tana] l-!Ji''i; 1 I'i'.whe his foi severe! years tuen tho Cline, e tons, tl (i- u-ral Bl Havana, alTIV.'.l bein lo.lay. Il" BBS 'leen old,-le I tO Luna. I'.-ru, a* liiaixn d' Ail .us*. Hud ba* cm- hore tor iu* nnai uaetraattoaa hmm iu* 1 niuaa* Htaisti r. l uk pi mi ui His liii.u-The eonfet rees ou tue part of tue 11..u*c and senate had a aaateaeaaa taaleyoaBhaj I',.' 0:1.0 Approprtallou b.ll bul tailed t? 1 each aa jar.-eui.-u'. lim llBUll c.uiforre*-* Will laeomuieul noa coucuiieuei, liiaaou and a.I of the rieiialo aiuenduieula. ilium nm nBanal?\ wea ut me i**i oUiciai acis ut tba President previous to his marriage wa* me pardoti lug af M. ft Hlfelow. (he defaulting teller ol Ibe Natlooal Hank of Hie Hepubiio, of Ikla city, lhroe yeara ago Mr. lllgelow was seuleuced la Uvo )eai? ima ,tr.ouu..ui. While liuprisouod bia wife died leavimj , iciou utile children lu fi o*re of their gtandpereBia