Newspaper Page Text
irtferttti \9^ XVft_N* H,47a NEW-YORK, TIll'RSDAV JULY 1, 188(1 PRICE TIUlt-E CENTS. .b.. >....i..... i r^-v^bT*. I ssttine to tnt' t ? ? <? In tha Plttsbnr,. New-York and TIR DID NOT OFT TO PANADA EVK OF THE KLECTIONS. TNCERTA1NTY hJCD EXriTlMl-NT lNCKIAS IMQ. KOBODV CO*vril>KrtT ItXCKPr MB. OLAnSTOM* 3SV IORI' ltASliOM-llflU'ltrlllf.l.?Ill- l'RIM" WI.MKTCIi'a iTi.XPK'trn. < ANVASfi. JBY ______ Tel TIIK TUltll'NE. I Loxnov. Jeno .10.-Th.* attain of tnt* pnlni.-ul eitnatian is becoming da If ?:''??'"? thtBAMWi ex otemcnt unMMM M <>i)'?_????' untl'-v th.' stimulus of feverish orate.t> tai em Ut.* other aa th.- MO__-slt ona character ..f thi* contest allows itself more clearly. Nol-clr in ? position to know atula IM on ? confident pio.1 t' nf tlio result, unless Loni li'atnlolitli Churchill l>o the exception, who Mid yesterday in racing parlance tbat tin* Unionists v. < )<? winning hun,ls itinvu. TV split in Ihe Liberal ?tarty makes caliuiatiotis ditlirult. pei uliailv bo in I...inion, wini i- the initiation of volts fi om one* dhieion to another tin* utmost confusion. The lorita now hardly lio|to to <lo more* than bold tin ir own in th.- metropolitan constituencies. Chelsea, wlncii they c\|)otie.l to win, ia cot)'tatted lo Sit '('harli's Dilke*, whom the Toriee have ab? stained fimn attar-king except on political _ phi nils. Loni Randolph l'hiirehi.1 is safe in I*a*l?\intflon. Mi. Cliaint?"i Iain's brothel -tiebold is ve-ry unsafe in Watt lalinitton. frederic Barnoon'achallenga to Si; l.ul'.iork for London I'nivcrlfity la the ectisatiou of tb.- niiinitnt. Frederic Han ison isa bariistei lae iii lb to prue nco, a pi sith >t wi it* inf aajjraal ability, enihaaiaatiri tot Bohm Bast*, ami Independent ta the po.nt of eccentricity. 'Nothing ia ino,'' i.tiiiiikable than tin- iiiimberof nncontea'.eil aaede thioagboaf the (Jolted Kingdom. Ot thean ha fall ta t.ludston.ana na 1 int"' on ?anallfea aad Liberal Unionists. These heavy against Home Utile are lessened bj 5."> utuon taated Parnallita aaate a .Iralaad agaiaal lBCoa u.rvittivp. Bath eldee, whatever they tay pnblieiy, nu* ib spun (lout. Ncitlier expect-, a i.e. Wva major? ity. Bath think that the division af parties la tbe ticw Ileane Will be u*-arly tho same ita in tho ol.l ll;.nv.*. Bath look forward to a loaf and bitter ntxpAaad 'Jiu*. Ceaaat rattrap pola! to Mr. Glad? stone's last np.-ci ii ; s foretokening systematic oi'striiction by nomi' Rale Libaralaia combination With Paraeilltee against any Ouservaiivo or Vniujiist t.oViTEiiit'iit. roiiticai oratory tiows on a fulleratream than ever. Nearly every loading mim ou both sides has apohon einoe Saiuniay, but tha leena remains enafaoed. Phe Home. Bale voices uro eoatradictory. Nobody is quito oortala whether the Land Parehaaa liill is alive oi dead* or what shape Hoaae Bale, if triumphant, will take. Hr. Patnall has sj...ken to live Rag! Wi audiences, boldly declaring against total separation and inpeatlag la Plymouth, CnrdiiF iind Cheater tbe aaanranrta tirst given in Porte Btoath tbat tbe rlgbta ot Hie minority ahaaldheraapeat-d, aad that Ireland as a whole \v..ula ui-cept the present settlement. Lead Hartington has prodnced a Btrong inipres aion hy the analyoia to waieb he has aabjei tad Mr. Gladete_>_>- aeaertioa Ihat ue had navel during Afteaa years .-tiiid.-iuiit'il Bosae linlc m principle. His eolleagaea during a>J that i"enod were never allowed to anepact Ihat their chief favored eelf gm nra aaan I la .toland. Mr. Qladatane hlmeelf was leepeoMtbla for tiie ajoTernment af ireland during eight af thee, yeera, and governed it by what be now ridicnlea aa a jadicioaeaitztare ol coercion and I'Diieilr.ition, bal never Mated at Home l.'uio. Lard Raadolph Uharehill in e lively oratiea preaonted ghafres- poiat that tbe paUay of ? ee?ttle," which Mr. Giadatoae had fallowed la Afghanistan, r-oath Alricn, lhe Ciiiiii'i'iiis and tho Soudan, Le-ow prop-oee io fallon in Ireland. Hr. Gladstone, who mer with a reoaptioa in i* In orpoel uot less iiiaifiiiiicent thau la Manchester, laaeaad his appeal for rapport from the maeo* .. , ia a B_arteUoua axampli of glowini i torie, pat "u; p"cirT*??.:.-.vn0-, one ,u.i J .'.* energy, aad eenfidenaa, lie throws aa new light cn tlio perplexiti < of the >.aiiT.iss and relies arowedly for aaeoeea on aathaaiasia which be.iond Qaeetioa be aneceeda in aronaing, nil anelaagbt ea " ? laaoeo'1 Im* taken a dosi and wider fo*_a. for after complaining thal Le w;.s aol sup poiu-d by dukes, l>> aqnirea by the elecgy and i.y the ii >iiy, ho udiln. " nor by anv ejtin.i bo ly of vo'v **aapaetable penona.*1 ? Na auttter," aaya ba; "the alaeoea mt* alwaya wrong; the masses an always .lulu \* nen truth, justice and humanity an- ion Cei ned!" .Mr. Glaiatoae still wages bis war of paraoaalitiee, lhe list of foiiuer friends with whoaa he haa aa* fc.-ttl'-J poraonal d-opateo beana since tho Mid? lothian joarney inelndes Mr. Bricbt, Lord Hartina* tou, Mr. Chamberlaia, air, GhMMbaa, Mr. Trevelyan. Mr Ry I sada, and tba Dake ef Westminster. Mr, Bright makes no anawa, to Mr. Bladatone*a jiti.-iiiiiiory annuaona for proof of atatea*enta in bia letter ta Mr. Bylands, Mr. Qladetone > hm ?! sa'.t-s no answer to Mr. Chambarlaia'a atata rm-nt -I'triut brad Darehaee, winch Mr. Gladetona Invited him to make public. Mr. Chaiiibt-rlain's aoeoaat af lha matter is daaaagiag both tn Mr. lilail-tou.*and to Harbert Qladetone il toft as it i.ow elands Bat it is the Uaraat*roavPanieU controversy Whieh Md <;liistone has fol.owed uj> most eagerly. Lord Baliabary now raspoeda to Mr. Qladetoue'a ahallcngaand Mr. Parnell'e assfriiems tilth a aerl I "f explicit anil eatagorieal denials. Hr. I'an "!i - atatemeal that le l.,id reason lo know that tin- ton..-! vat ive- Cabinet wooldaira lum irish legislation is absolutely falee, aayoLard * Baliebary. So of Mr. Parnell's stories that Lord .-*t':irti?r\>iii had beea uritiii'' his view* on the Cab!Bet and tha ('.ibiuet dehatiiiK tho matter till li. cele-, lions went a*rainst*theai.and ea ea tha whale thing, ele.lares Lord Sali-Lury, is a elream, a fab ricatioa, and Mr. Parnell simply invented it for tho Btir|ios.'8 ol the present pul it i. al canvass. Th .i. aaaenally atrong eran tor Lord Sahshury, ami makes a htroii_ inipre-ssiori on the Knglish pnblic Otlet coiitradU'tieiiis appear at other points. Tl,, linux risks tba) letnark that Mr. Parnell hM beni convicted out of ins owu mouth af conduct iin ajsjasjaia fat a ganileeaaa at a man af honor, um alt. ParaalPa in<mis say that Le haa not snoken the last wont. Mr. Irving's visit to Oxford must be reckoned *a_*BBghia arra leal triumph-. Erery tldng Oxford eould tlo to honor the actor was doue save Kitiag bim a t' Ile was the gamgof the Viot Chan* eellor fioua Katmday to Monday, the idol ol the BtudenU.. and the. entre of attraetion for all Oxford, There were fifteen thouaand applications for tickets to hear ina admirable lecture on dramatic art, which the IJ.tMHi pre?eut listened to With delight and < Leered with enthusiasm. The underRradiiates prt-senteel him wit_ an address, i'rofesscr Jowett an__*anjaai tho art of actmi? aud the artist. The ? Louelon press expresses surprise and pleasure that md; a reception could be niven to a represeutstive Maa. in tbe university ao lately the home of C'ou ?Virvatives. Mr. 15o?t-lier's arrival at Liverpool occasioned no deiii.Dstiation. His presence at tbe Gladstone niectiui' was followed by a brief dialog-tie with Mr., who appears to have received Mr. Jie-cLer'e compliments rather coolly. Ihe Loudon papers Lav- little to say about Mr. Beecher, perhaps respecting his wiall for quiet He arrived here jestenl-ey and is ihe guest of the Kev. Dr. 1'arker, of the City Temple, a noisy preacher ol equivocal reputation. Lirua \V. Field's long contest with Mr. Labouchere ending with the surrender of the latter bas shaken the general belief in Mr. Labouchere^ Invincibility. All imputations ou Mr. Held made in Imth were retracted and aa apology waa otlered. Mr. Labonebere publishes a report ot theprocediugs in to-day's paper and pays Mr. Field's costa. Hie Judge declared tbat both sides had behaved haud eomely. Mre. Mackay'* social ambition haa beau gratliied by the Prin-e of Weiee'e acceptance ol her invita? tion to dinner. Tbe r*riace-hut not the Pimeesa, who dined with tbe Marchionea of Londonderry ?'_* present laat Monday at Mre. Maakay'e hoaae at u. kingham (.ste. The list of dinner guests had ern previously trabtnitted to and approvod by im. A small concert followed the dinner, invita laaa to which were issued with Lady Mandevil'.o's nmpHmerts. Mrs. Koiinldt- did a like service lor er foriier party, nnd Airs. Mack ay's position may ow bo called secure. G. w. p. WISH ELECTION FORECAST, FBOBABLI HOME RULE HAINS. MY OtVJI NATIONALIST RV.AT IN ItANGKtt?AN IN? VASION' Of t'LfiTKP. rai oaaaji to tub uunuaa.] Ccpprigtit j ISMS i HottM Aaxtrisom tab*. Hows Qm Di iu.ix, Juno HO.?I lind tho Nutii'imlists in reland In lil_li spirit* over the oleotlin prospects. Hera i a Mrdoaye view of how they aland and what they ,niiit upon: Tin* INationals now hold eighty-five seat* lu Irelsnd. )f lhasa only one?.-south Tj.oao la lu real -anger. This onsMtuoncy at tho last election was wuu by ths rs ouhlahle editor of batta. IraWag,wTUtaai o'Hrien, ,nd by a very stnsll majority. I have made apodal In tulrica extending to both parties in the orateel aa to the naners for the Nationalists In tins emistltnency, and ny Impressions?huso, on the Information I have re elrad ara that wTlilaaa CBrloa win win by a larger nsjority than he received at tho lasl election. This view s strongly emphasized hy a te!e_r.itn I have* juat re ajaVOa from O'ltnon himself In which lie says that, lilli.nigh the light will be tierce, he feels pretty c?n i laat of vict?ry.son'!> Tyrone la tho focus ofOnaanoaa-, md the election as well a*many other tn thc North ticing ielil in the nei_bhorn>io<t of the anniversary of the BattlO of tho B .yu -, which t* the hatght of thc Oran re? nell's rabid season, ls to bo rcco_ni/.eii .is a fact that lanillcaps tba Watt .aal ta ta aoaoawhat, ordinary fair play B such a tliiio bel) | altogether forgot tea. liut even this ! .un convliictd fruin I have ob lervod during my tour will not prove a factor strong mough to nvei'l'f .r tho irrowth of linnie Bala that has rrown up lu Dialer since tli<* introduction af Olag* none's nonie .talabill TheTeaiee ballera Ihat beaton louth Tjiana they aro likely to take back South Derry ' nealy: bm they neva not the ghent of a chance, rhls disposes of ihe cl_hty-llve *eiits. besides these .here arc two ko.its neitl by the Tories the Nations.tsts lara fair prospects of WtaalBg, namely, Wost, n-hlch I reirai-d as nearly certain tor Heaton, anl Derry ny, aaooHnfl by Justin MaCaitay, which may be narked otf ns hopeful. The str_to_ic importance of saptarlag cither of tboao scuts would bo enormous. Willi a Nation-ill it attttag for tho capilai or t)later ac for the home ol lhe Orango 'prentice boys the whole jottoui would be kiioc-ed out ot the Orange Loyalist argument. Thou again liberal candidates pledccd to linnie. Hula iro likely lo wm m two constituencies- -North Tyrone mid North Antrim?where a thnreagbgelaa l'arnclilte waald have na tannee. Thoa i believe on tue wnoie ii.n rnsiiii uf me irish etaattoaa Will bo to increase the strength of U.e Xiiloiiallst party by al least ono vote, tba Liberal Boase Kale partr by twti, aad therefore to lessen thi Tory ttrengtn hy throe. A . nrious spilt has taken p'.aco In t'li Uranga camp. in u ti ist llajof Bauadarooa, who ked baan Partlaatoats ny leader of tue Uranga patty, oaths for young, active rana to assist him. As Voe Torlea of North Belfast were ruuulDK thc slttlu? men ter. whit ls old and decrepit, ho lu. lins pitted against bim un Oiiu.e cuiidtdtUe of loaghsr mould, the Captain Maxwell who opposed Will? um ty liri,ni in Boatb Tyrone last election. Ti: ls iiciiou has ni.ui.-h Ine'-iis-d thc Tones ol tue olden ukool who tb-vau a to retaliate by oppoolaa Baaagereeaand ats swaeheaeklera lu their own eon* stitiieiicles. Natlonallsta uro watehtag tins family )nr with cheerful inti iv.v.. Leyallete ara asaklag up their minda lo n- .iu to las: yci'.r's policy of SlarUag bo is eaiiiild.ites in i-s.iiitiicru cijiji-t luencics for tho sake of pottlag Nationalists to expense. They have arcady eniersd opposition to Bli Taoiaaa Baanesutoi Mr. Dwyer tir.iy iniii Mr. T. ii irrtagton la imi.iiu, nag to Mr. T. r. QUI ia Beeta Loath, bat I tteobt )f tiioy alli perelet 'I in- ruin.tivt ni ii i ii ?' the Nanon:).isl parly ls reeetVlBg Am. r,.'.i ttl ? e days Ix rrlgbtealng tho moro sensi? ble ead bard-bond I Loyalists from i warof atoaoy*b_ga merely. 'J'ney roae :alsa .hat tv. > cnn p!,.y nt thal game. T. P. Otu. Till; DEBATE ON HUM'; RULE. MB. l'AliNT-iLL Ill.l 'Ll K ti TO LOBB SAI.ISIiL'l". V ? MT.. OOSCHR-I AT KMNIiflilir Loxdok, Jone 30.?There are altoftethor 528 G)ad*doiilaa aad ???>(> Daloaloi aaadldataa la tba tii.i.1. Mr. Gladstone is angering from boasoeoeoi u laa goi.o to Bawatgea ie rest. Mr. Parnell addreoooda targa Beating al Wrezbam to gay, no aald it oat allege! thal two areatonagers weald raeait trom oonsortlag Boase Dale to Ireland Uta saparatioa ol Ireland Irena Oreel Britain aad tl*e paree miUoaol the Tra) itaal atlaartty hy the Catheln inejo.** iv in ireland. There were aa grenada for apprehending f-iii-r daager. Mr. parnell thea deroted bl-sooli ?. aaalyela o ?? ii ba sallee ino If art) als ol B_llsbt_ry*a pretondet daniela of bia d'atnetl'a) charges thal tbe Ti rles had prom.sett to anppoi n noe Bala la return for i i support at tn* poll* and in I'erllaaieut. Mr. Par? nell c.ilieil attention lo the f el Unit Lord Salisbury si;:. Ide! lu thOOO dpnlol* bellini! h.s i .linnet a bea in- doelared timi aotthei the oaveraaaaat not any pei on connected with tbe Ooverameal baderarlD. nu tated tbal tie favored a atatutery Parttnawt for tre i.ind. - .Mi.'!; i purte i wno tm tari of Caraarvoa, then Lard Ueatoaaal of trelaad," aatu Kv, Parnell, "l loft the coherence h.' that he fu , tue dish Oaoot iiiel tiiiit a lloiiu' Kale bill iin.i n Land Purchase aol would e.- paased ny tbe Couaervativea witb Irtsb volta before tl < end "i tba aaartnn, with tba obnoxious alauses coinellt-.l, nut in the oinipe I hu. drtiuauile i .ni it-null y tue nish party. . ? ? I had teest-ci n.i* i sstrougei reasons to believe that the Folios woull havi . .eu in? land tlowe liuie it they h ni been tooee sofa] at tue poll*. . . . Il t oin ion bo continue!. ;u lr and tee natl ital s.'utiinent wni rn- laonased '.among tbe I Isa i .?..[;>? m.tri ' lu,' nulls Ililli u-lllttllt. Home lill ". Oil til." ..Un wiii^iiiite thc imo ronotrlaa la bonus ol toro aa i amity," The Hight Mon. Uaorgo J. Qoseben addressed a mool og al lils eonstitaents lu East Kdinburgb to-day. Ba pointe.I .ui that H.uue liuie meant eo merola! al satei for Ireland. "Why,'ho asked, " seoul i [roland have Borne Bale any more than Kagland or Beotloaill '.viiat privileges tho Beotoh psopla or tbe Baallab people poaaeaa do tue lu li people nut anJoytn Tue pro ,>?> .1 \ole of eonllili'iiui* in Mr. f.osehen Waa cari led by in.t a small majority. J ?Mr. Muit leila apeaUng at Sherllold to-lay said that I.:i Hartington s statement that Hie sti o.. ..? tor autonomy had cauhed Irish ?-cuiiti--s to doprooialo was inaecuraie, a *|ieeial Board of Trade uiiiulry naring shown thal Ilia fall wns due lo the failure of the Mun? ster I .ans. I-i nial's pulls are eiel'ln. intenso interest. Of the -pfentv-four oontaota the Qladatonlana aro bopelnl tnat the Ill-all v.ito *-vill wrest ei_hieeu seat* from ike Conservatives. filadflonlan a.cnts report probable faina In Brianti, Norwich and noni'iain pion. ENGLISH POLITICIANS I BBEATENED. Mli. I'l'AMBKIil.AIN AMlI.Oi.1) HA li IINU I li JJ li LA lil'1.1) BV 1*01400. HiiiMlM.IlAM, .June 90.?Joaeph L'liiiJiilit-ili'iii said lo a reporter of l/tt BtTUHUahnnt Mail thai well informed friends had te-ld lum there wa* In existence au Irish plot to murder him. "This lufonuiitiou," Mr. (Jhaiiiberlalu added, " had heen eorrohoruiDil hy the Iud) lou pullce, who had warmed him of the plot aui in formed him tiiat the iitsiis-iiis n,?ei,t to kill l.or.I Harl? in.ton sleo." Mr. Chaiulieriain said that both himself and Lord Hartlu_loii had In conseeitience permitted themselves to be plaoel nu iii police protection. NEWS NOTES FHOM I.ON'IiON. LoMie'.v, June.o. Mu. LAUOLCUKKt and Mk. Viv.i.ii.?1 ruth to-day pui> n -laSaanaBI of regret lint lt primed the error ullea-laif that Mr. Cym* W. Field Wa* counccied wuu lhe Usiisnii swindle. Ht).M?: td Uk. HOfJ-M.?Tho convocstlon nt Oxford to-day waa crowded. Honorary degrees were conteir.-d on Ur. (Uiver Wendell Holme* and Juli i Brlgbti The siudeuis hissed every meatlon ol Mr. Oladsloue'* name, sud rne.-red for lxii'd halishury aud Lord llau.loiph Churchill. -IK CiiAiui.- Dli.K-'S AD kai.?The appeal of Hlr Chsries JJ..ko aud Mr*. Crawford aurainst the ueclsioti of lhe Divorce Court reiusiu_ mern (termisslon to ur pear as wiiiiesae* In their own heUalf lu lhe Crawford-l>ilk<* iLvuri'- i ?si- as ri-ti'tcn-1 hy the inlerveuitou of the t^ ie. n's Proctor wan to-day di*mi*sed. Mk. llKli' lliiK id i'KaAt )).? The Kev. Henry Ward lt.-e.uer wni prearh a serwou lu Ut. larker's i ny ie tu? ple tv morrow. MixiCAS BoMjIIOU>-KS.?A meeting of ln_.i-li holl? ers uf the Mexican bouls of lgS7 aud 1813 w.i* held in tht* city to-day. The Mexicau ?...v.-.i ninei.t waa ue nouneed for Its of creditors. 1 he lueellu. re? solved lo refuse ui aces pl le** than iii) lier cenl of tue fst-e value of huts cia*.es of huinls a* a Iiiiai selllsmeul, or _U per cent wllh interest. CONOKE-8MAN P_t_tia*l OM IloMK UCLi-? In a letter to I'rt-Hiileiit Atkiiieou. ot tho Ni-w-Jersey Irish Naliuual I., a.ue, Congre*aiuan Wu Hain Walter Phelps a check for .**.'.- with his re> greta that his sngaxaweuta will preeiude hi* attendauoe ai lha Mete encampiaeui aud tesilval, to be heht al Newark this mouth tu aid of lha Parliamentary Tumi. Mr. I'helu* aaya that " the voice from Caledonian Park will apeak arnon* tba iouaeat to those that are carr) iu_ courage and __n***_aa> t** eanau.* ie Jt-a tl imy ii?un us. sun .,11 sw... ...- ??_. In*).' .arty. . . . It <".i_ht to be a eheerfal ?*thet ln., y. it xreat Irish National festival, for lt enrouraa*e* amt ceo "-ates a winning When a Ilrltlsh Psrila mentdi le* with oul*, thirty agalnat tbe bill that rre )'*>a un . i nh Parliament, that ''-feat ls a vtolory. H >S a a*_-0__m ouly nf a few year*?possibly only a few months. AU that I* needed ls that weil-mesnlna* Eng? lish, n accept me practicability of an idea that ws have i.lnstraCed for 110 years, the lilas tbat there ean be a power within a power -e local aoraruraent making local laws, ami local administration within a National ccrcrument doing the ssuie for National Interest." AN EXPERT ON IACUTISG. TIIK GALATEA AND OTHER RACERS. roiNTs or KxeriLT.r.NCE o. the puritan?the NARHOW Ct'TTKR MODEL l"T CAIUS TO TUB TRIHI ir. 1 CUpmight; UfM i North American 'able Nevi Co London, Juno 30.?There is little interest shown here In the Impending contest between me '.muter*. and the best of the Yankee sloops for the emblem of the yachting supremacy?ths America Cup. This ls do doubt due to the beling that the lin* been foredoomed to defeat. Anticipating this the British yachtsmen find comfort In tho (nat thal the Irex has repents Hy beaten the Galatea this si-'i* .p. Not until tbe Irex haa been beaten bv an American sloop will the conservative Britishers admit Hint .i sloop is a faatet ty ps of boat than a cutter. Ths depnrture of the QalaBBa the oilier nay excited little comment from tbe press here except of a most doleful kind. Some few deslguers of yachts are losing faith in the deep keels and nnrrnw bea-i-s of Kng'ish mein. cutters. ?aat un onu .s the eminent dsslgner. Mfr, Dixon Kemp. anther ef "Teaht AeetHeeeares** wttn whom your cor responilent lind un mteivb-w to-nny. Mr. Kemp i rise no-esapnalel Mr. gehfeatf to New York, first Iii the Cfiulirla and a.atn In the Livonia, an 1 he witnessed Ike successive failure of each to recover thc America Cup. "There i* no doubt," sahl Mr. Kemp, "that In all? round ?ailinr ami laking the clr.ince* of the weather a boat with a little more Lentil than ant extreme type of cutter would bi* faster, but ss yet there has not been a sulticient Intisri-h ince, nf mutches to nsecrlain decisively what peitloeloi form lhe Invader boat should take. However thsre o in lin little doubt that tho Puritan ls laa aaeiaat *ppr >aeh ta it. theagh i nun. she would be Improved If given a little Ins* benin and a little moro depth. Thal weald BB ikea better boat sailing windward ta roii'.h water, I have tin doubt we shall ultimately have to ir.o-'.lty our rules of measurement so as to afford tint opportnniiv of experiment With boats of a bre>ad<*r type. Oar teeing boola aro na sarnie nih af our hea? rt me rules: bal lt must lin remembered that tho sea-_o taggoalWeaof oar boata hara never been impaired." Canoerelegthe Oalaaaa, Mr. Kemp said: "sim baa undoubtedly aeon Improve.I thu seaton by shifting her bonnet toner ant missing tht wrtf ht "f her spar*, she now goes issuer to windward an 1 may bo fair.y rousld ered the c.) lal of the (Jennala. That is the gnamal oiiinlon in raehttai circiis; out over a gfty mlle senna she ls ut Icaet tra mli'itei sin-*- tr thin til) Irex. Her greater al'a ought to make her three minute* bettor. Over tint disianoi live miuittc* is tm Important eenoUeratlea when two typsa ate so even ly matched ns shown lu the last race between tho Puritan anl thn Oonnfta. Still, I think that the ("tala:**, will bent th- Puritan In the race *.v:n liv.nd with ,t .no I sea wind Mowing hard, hut she -tight not obtain thai utvunta.j tn othor points of srillni-. " It I* very ilesira'i!?." -nil Mr. Kemp in eouc.usion. "that our yaciii.suic, i should ba eaeearaaed te build jraoht* or ii bro i ler I rps 'or thc staple reason that tho narrow type aaa beea naaae. to its extreme luana." PI'ACMI.NTS Of CAlil.K NEWS. TH ii/ is. June .'id. ? Wita persons were instantly killed to ti..y iiy un ace-itlent to ttie mail train frim Belfast to Dunlin. A ....?..- i. t....'-i or tue passengers wers in? jured. 1'akis, June :;o.?The BtptttikfUS PrmmpmpApp tn-MB oe anal en to-day la annenneiag me laolanailon of General Cuiissietr, the Military liornrnor of I'arls, to accuse Oem erai Uoulaiiger, Mluisler uf War, of aspirin, to a dlula lorship. f "N'fA'.TiN'ii i.i, .Tune 110.?It 1* olllclallv denied that lin- Mi.ran se- i; any* to Bresnl.tii C.eve.mid ou the i.ei- t-i,oil oi Ins mania..'. The I'm te has i'rn.oe Alexander of Bulgana to adhere strl.tly to the ret eui decisions of tl:e lowers iii Ins cu.Incl of liulgo Huuieiiau atlai: s. STABBED HY HIS FBI BED. Juint'S I'hilli|)3, lin- onii.r, tminer and a-.rtl-t.iiit )-t.irte*r Ht ibo Itltghjtaa Heai h race track, was seriously slumed Hi lin: hairoom of Uatlur'* llolel, ou tbe liDulev.ii.l, i ?ney Island, yesterday morning by " Halie" I'allwcll, also au ownci ini't trainer. About 2 o'clock I'lnlllps, (ai lwrll. Hank Woodford aud sew-ral other* wer.) ilrliiUim at Ike her, when Caldwell was repn li' ni i.- 1 ly Ui urge Mulei, (De proprietor. Hot -mis ft,.rn ??? ed, Woodford atul I'hlilips acting the of peace m.. Lt rs. . mil weil gran a revolver and said to Under: ? lou li rf v.. aa nu tm--* tu .r>.-I nun me." I'lnllips apraag betwaaa tin- asea and for. e.1 tho revolver flum *ai.lwrll and Hailer I au belum! t tie nar. W nodfold ami Phillips iin'ii renewe.l tneir ..Dort- lo purify the man, wno dre* uiiotiiiT revolver, wbl.h I'htllips wren, he.l Ir>.m him and put lilli his jH.tkt.L l/Mil. k a* a ila-tti I'-ldrreil di--i u klnl. 'loin ..I ? J oe,.,,' ,m 1 nv ni* ?? lin \ ru want to murder mel" Byeang at I'l.i.iii ?>. eumn. at him all lhe time. Phillips'* rout -us cut lu several Bjlaaoa l-iiiilips's I, i,t wilsl was cul, the w..i|iid exiendliig to tho palm ol tie h.lid Hillier Mot.iuuls went to tha { house, but i uJ.lweli had hean I'Ut lo beal his Ul itval. I'ullllps a as iiik.ui to Dr. (bambers, aha di. used the wound. Tue *.%..,i.? 1?<I mau fatatsd Uni-* innes U>.nug lue op, i,ilioi.. Ko nrrasta wera ins 1., aa Phillips _sti_H*_ ha )____e a aau_a4a_a4 aqeinaLiile f nsu .. MEL GLADSTONE TO LONDON* VOTEBS. a i.i.unit B-Tnxa forth Tn-", a Rta vax. gg or Hil I AND ?1 Nt.I.Ir-ll 01 I'.IKSSI.jN. LoxdoKi Jane 30.?Mr. Gladatone '.\n.iis that bs win tn. iin.i'.iie to udttr.-s the aleetora of L_L_ in, i ntl he theiefme ventures to oller '.lie-in a few verge In sunni lint up the QMOtton before then). "A rentiiiy ni; i," lie say*, "wo gave Trr-lunu a fie-e I'.v iiuui'Ut With Wb loll Olia wis s.ill.sI.eiL the Ce-nstitutlon waa ' it wus he lng gnwtiia :y f..'i.n, i. ? ? u '.ac torlea, lo Hie i.orror ot SVerT Liberal statesman, stopped in' verb t.y recalling Fitzwilliam. l m? tvriiuiiy beget dtseenlont, rontstaaeo sad tn.-hifui bloodshed. Thaes mischiefs, ol srhlob tbs rory Government mero the an thor*, were nanda tbs jireteii for ilr- Union Into n ri it lt In lan i was satrap pi .1 i?.' i >? shameful maana Promises thal vere maiit* tren .1 snTaeafa ly broken. Tao Millerin?-?* of ibo people, -lu , ,,f. 'illili.' lo the Ile-Vu ll I Ollillllssiiill, w i in greater than la any other i indian country, were si.aiiiefiilly ne.|ie*i.i*,l. ('...'reive laws were iia-se.l to enrich tee landlords at tan azpenae of the people; an alien obare b voa malntalnod; Cai holies nsrenel u.i ii.iiu-.l to r.ii.ia,ne,it anni th.-y beenaio t.u. strong to ie* resisted, a i emmit u nation wu* granted bv Welllnrton only ta avoid a rirll war. hVeavhlle, when la l**-') Dublin wished to peaoerally remonstrate, soldiers wore seal lo h.. ak up tin* meei mg. This is a ' evoir, n - record, but .: i* only a-ni.iii part nf tim tiniii. Caa you veadsr at the err, lona; and loud, agalaat a anion so rouiiy ob? tained i" " lint, like many bad laws lt was dltllcult to ellan.e. anet had one feed t li lu sr. namely, lt established the *uprcmu?y of Pori ta ma ut Ireland now ne, Inr. s thal olio ia content w:r.i lli.i sun,, iiiu.-y. Bbs lewiss )o.i what is goad iu tue anton uni) asks yea lo rni lt of ebal is bod. Bbs saki y ?-., tm thar, to do ynu iliii wnu anea ? Ivantag ? roi iu, Dobmen in cana ior Dutchmen iii the < ape I ninney ami fm m.* rbUoren nf eonrieta in Tasmnnln, in give bar Hie management, aol .-t Baclaad nor of .-.i.teU nor of imperial, but simply of Irish allans. lt ls a long retold of ilis irr.iecfni .leeds against aa i He qneatton I- th it of WI pl inf I' away. '1 he .lei ils Wars ii' B? Ino*'ly before i ?? paaaaea af tue tlrst Reform dot, - aaa ... , ii ilma mattera hara improved, Oood boa seen dons slmost wholly in daaance ol lha roslea lint evil hm aiso tn- -n .In,., anti lint food tinft to ii iv tuen dona li-s targely boen left uiui ? ?-. A liiKi; coi! se of evit balooga to ihi) lime before tba Nation wis safraaeblsad, ami tm.) partial gaud ha* been noeomniiobed linea "Now, for tba Hist time, tim question is put wn.iie uni c ear te tu* nnfrannnisod Ni? non, lhe jin j le nf Kuglsnd nnd Srotlim I have attber Eo puree out the old ahems of tneir cointry by llaienlng to reason, or by r ti lng to listen to make her clo mc their own, willi ail the wr.-lehe.t cons. ipi -nee* lt win nu r-sslogly sntall. I ten ths peopis of Lea lea ihat this ls th'' ejiestlon with wlileh they nave lo neal, aol for til-o*?" a - .n dealing with it eaeli vole-r will be he.d respoutii,,!." CANADA AND AMliliK'AN FI*-FI I.KlIIiN. MoMiiKAi., Aunt- _0 (Specntl,.?MiO-tter of Fisheries Ko er in an address to the electors of Carl" len Plane yesterday sard tnat tho Dounuion uovoru neut Weald *ti t lirra ou the fishery qu'-ttion. lie held that in no way h id he "*latin, treaty been violated amt i bal koo wi as thia luci ths Domloleo Oo vern mont would bold ont to tba bitter aa I to pro t-"t the ruin* of thu Canadian p?op c, lu wiiu'ii position tuey wouid be sup ported by the british Uoveniment if necsssary. KXPtOBtOIl in Tin; BOU8I OF <"OMMOm London, Jone 30.?An*--oa ofl___TB_l yesiorUay in th. il.-use of (Join lil ons. EVOrthing was done by the otlhrlals In charge of the build? ing to aeaeanl the fact. The most an* naaernted ami sensational rumors ab.nit Irish p.ois and dynamite .ot into circiilation. The explosion resulted fro.. |.niil-iip -.ewer gas A Work in.tu '?i o happened lo he tu tho vio.uity ai the lime was Injured by ihe explosion. GEN. BE A VI. ll rOU UU YE KIN Ult ENTHUSIASTIC PJ NNSYLVANIA REPUBLI? CANS. DISPUTING OVER TIIE LIQUOR QUESTION?THB TICKET SE-r-TCD. Harrimuko, Juno 30 Special).?The Re? publican ticket in Penutylvenl* for 18S6: For Gover? nor. General .James A. Beever; for Lieu tenant-Go ver n,,r. William I. Davie* ; for Auditor-General. Colonel A_ W iison Norri*; for eecretary of Internal altair*, Colonel Thomas J. Hlevart ; for ..'unitres-.iian-at-I.ar_e, General E. 8. Osborne. Tbe convention to-dsy was one of tbs Unrest and most enthusiastic ever held br the Repub Hean party In this state. It began work by -emoting (laorgo II. Oliver, of Pittsburg, for temporary chairman. An attempt was made to have the committee on platform instructed lo report a plank favoring tbe sn mult tin j* ton vote of the people of a constitutional amendment pro? hibiting the manufacture and aale of liquor In tbe "-lute. Thi* waa violently opposed ly c. Magee, tbe ?Tltt-burg leader, who sahl tbat the party wonld suffer from it, and as earnestly advocated by Colonel M. fi. Quay, who maintained tbat the party should take the high ground that when the people want to vote on any question tiley should be given a chance to do so. 'lhere wa* prospeot of a lively ip.tirrel, hat lt died down when a motion w?s passed sa muting all resolution* to the platform committee wuhoiil debate, ( I/uila Wagner wa* selected for p. mun,mt chairman. He asked fur nomination* for 'im-., and the name of General Heaver waa pre? sented to tire convention by Colonel I). II. Hasting*. Of ?illume It-aver went through with cheers. There were ?inlv two lieu Lamed for I.lenten .ilt-' iOV n or, William T. Davin*, of Ilradlord aud in mel p. a. Montouth, of Pittsburg. The vuto wa* HIT'S for Davies, l__hj for Montootn andi for Oeecce II. Itne*. a colored man from Ii:.u>>hlu County. Thc Piturmrgira wrrs much chagrined at .I.intooth'* defeat and arc ?aylng thing* they will be fi.rr*,- for ii a week. They blame ibe-lr defeat on Colonel Quay. For Aurtltor-Gcieral UelOJel A. Wilson Norri* rallied the Phlladalphlaaa. and preta* much every i tiler eastern des-gate, *o that when lbs ballot ended he hnd l-l. vote* and Colonel Thom..* J. liriinrsou but i'-. Tin* was anotl or tr,uuiph for ijuar. A. qnarastSe at statesmen wantol to be Secret iry of Internal Artair*, aat the conveLtlon slfte-d itu votes ..retiy thickly over Colonel Thoma* J. Stewart, a Grund Anny asea fi om Norristown, und he went throur ii with i. nish. The only real atraggla of the day was over the not.ii.ia ?iou fer Ooniraaaman at laina. Genera; osborne, bucked by the coal mer,, w.iut.d to serve auothcr term sad Iir. W. li Uoheris, backed by O. lay and 3everal niiier 'angara, was anxloni ie go to congress, where hi* ii Illulia would servo him well socially. Ile I* a aeaeta . ' Scanter Warner Miller, of New-York. lhere were a m.Hide of other can dilutes, but they didn't amount to i'ii.ti except to scatter thu reta and cause a second i .uiui, ai lbs cin*e ?f which o*.lorne lacked a few of a i.i.ij'iriiy, uni ei.oiuii volts were Clanged io give 1 iu itu, liomin.tioti. Thi* completed the ticket, i. I directly afterward tho candidates were brenan! te the front amid the greaten enthnatmna, Beaver'a praaaaea especially provoking the wldesi eheenaa aa ht* hobbled across tho stage ou hi* Hu ae-nowlettited the .real honor paul him aaa aald thia oma nea a State lt wa* a ?tru__ie for aaprea soy In tba Retina ami the Republican piny iimst laka a'v..nord arrouuil to-day. It li< a o,neatli n whether a great principle elm!! ba ii'lull, or whether Ii* friends iii.til stand by and ase lt atnekaa donn by a Congress of ita (oca, lieuver is tue uiithor of the Unit plank In lue piaifi,rm anil this reference to ll ra Band wild shearins. Tbo other candidate* thanked the ciiventiuii i "I leuily. Nun is n-tcrrin. to i'i* oh.ince now tn net S'pisre with . Iev?l md before iho people of 1'ennsyl Vuin ', and Uu iml i-i|H' f-linr his d.'terii.i' , iiuj., to t'.-tniii io Washington and tight Tree- Trade more fiercely than ver. lu.-u the platform was read. P wa- i-t in .-: ii . ?? ns in'i.ia.e.t in TaUl 1 kIM'.sk to-day, with utlililloniil i - denouncing- leran ian.le,I proprietorships, tim ,n-. lemont of the solored citizen* by traud aud a . n'tpiiivi'ig tba latet-Stata Oommsree MU new poad* ' ' ns-, lhere were several attempt* to arnaud . In minor pat'i.r .lars nut all failed, aud al 8 1.1 ucl tbla aramaa Ihe convention adjourned. r e t'l-ket ls re cardo 1 a* an c.tee I -nt mw, Imf there i* - .b. .fae loo iteoauaa w.--i w_h eel reeuK* i'. -tl. I li-iuii.- (.lames luis on 1'iiii.uis , |iu,u. and say. Ibat t will get even s.juie nay, inn nie tandera aay that tony wal notahli i. uer il my <>n<*ieet.lou,d.?y and tina Ilma WltB n united party Heaver ant the whole Uckel are li mad to win. lhere area not a trace of Mug numnery la lae nattie aaaalea aad ihe aspeetad revolt of die eb ron te anreheada wa* not made. Kiery referoaoa lo Bialae'a I. anio was wittily uheeretl. -? I F-MOCRATTC PRITl.PLNi BE IN DILAWARE W'ii.mi* e.r. >."*., Del., Jolie 30 {Special).?'Ylie Ifteea nmrnb. rs af tin- Peaacrntm Oommlttea met bera this nfternooi and raaolTod thai tbe Stele Convention tn nominatei sn lldatoa for Governor and Bepreseniatlvs i in ?"..ti -ress sh ill lt.. held on An.list 17. Tee committee J sum!* 1. to it tn of Bdarin IL Oeehrnne, a. Mid ?.-n,Xor Uorarnor, aa agaleat Banlomtu T, in..'-, eif ti,,' .'.nut niue, ai a i* ared'ted witn bein.' toe Baale* iii, e.null.Lite. Mr. Cn brail" if clerk of tl.e peale of KowoaaUa county, the u.o?i ramttnernttve ofltue lu ibo Sta'.o. .-?. BAILEOAIi INTEBBSTS. J IbOL'lli.I. OVEK A W-*_T_*__a I.KASri. .' a___rp il-'i'i'm- iii the bouda ol the Indinna, jjitJomiLg.i.u ami Waatern KaJlwny Oamnaay yaaterdny aureoled nttentli u to .1 dec,sion rendered wituiu u few .!:.ts>,j ibe -uptime i..un af Okla tn the nana between that cou.pany na l its leMad line, thu Cincinnati, ritn du-kj andClevnlandread. Partnl lha latter's line?be Iweea Deytea aad Bprl-adeld,Obie,?la lenaadie the c.ei. and, Uelnmbos, Ctnelanntl um' IndlanapoUa Hall? way 1. aa nan aal rental ... 1100,000 a tixunta ama ?11 iho pr..|.or tion ol i'm rental l. VBIrb ttin .-.iii .. read w.i* emiline! natl tba e_ee nani to the couria, il.u iii'iiiu.ii, liuu.iiiiii.t.iL ned K'eeteen sacnrl if vieiory. 1 .. on baa laeted twoyenra, nut the ndreraene* etsi u Of 1 ii.;,!> court w lil virtually mid rnt'.thlO . i ? i lo ibu |.resent rniial rn .1 in th.- Sand-*-) road by Mr. i ,ii bin ? rend. >ir. lorim las boen stell fur iii., inn. ami ssneela io ao Baratoaate-day. nu rr imt* said ti si negotiations wen* sttd pending 'or nu amie,iii!,*, Battlement with lhe -undiisky p opie, but If tuey failed a flgoroaa affort weald ue made toeauoel lhe,ra*-, winch w >ulti li- un| l'nlltaliie lo Um Indiana, lu." uiiin.tiin s a Western al the increase tusiillnig irom tue laeni Inaarpretntlim of the lease. IKYING TO Kl.OKGANT-K TIIK -HENANGO. I'u r-ui :i<;, June JO | Sp eda I).? Tbe ie \v.,_ gn armin.' .1 In tho .- tenango and Allegheny Kaiiroud case .ofore .Indite Acheson lu the Culled State* Circuit Coin 1 lo-'iav. duce ll* cnnpiotiou thu road has buen in ? l> id ahapa aud now na* a total iiidnhteduoe* of 02,12 ,27934. One year aaa lt waa gl.947,000>j bm le tin- !. is been aililcd the n.ierest on Ibe uiurt.agea. Tho two prlamaal mortgages are lho?o held by Henry Kawle and Jar > M. siu-dd. T-gether they represent *J>1,4U0, lilli' ii lin elite 'in--*. Today tiley IiiSil liioilous lol'de ..-is o.'foi eclo?ure, the objeot being, sale of the roset so that thom cm .1 ba a reorganization. Attorney V. T. Wa;'ou ntnaantml acgaaaaata for tu.- foreci..*tue of tho ujort?_-rua. ile sud thal two-ibirds of the orediturs wen ea?er for :' forocloi.ire aud for a reorgauUaliou nf ih.* nu I. If the omer parties Interested were uot sens fled arith the* pi'opolllieiu, be Would make them a second, thal Hie feroeieattro ba made on each lnort?a_i) ?epaiate ly. U thia wea net anttafaetory he wonld ask that me sale i>e Banda uvier the nhedil mortgage. Johu Dalzell *poke fur tue opposer* or me sale, lie said tl)nt the sale ot a rna.! alway s requited in a reorganization, that ir till* sa.e wa* ma b u cut out the e.ii.k* lo Ai.ii.-u the road wa* Indeb.ed fniiu their nen* or pusipoue the ll-iii. The Court reserved its decUlon. If ihe moiton 1* refuted tbe t.ondholder* will have lo make ou.e ar i?ii.i-iijeii!? wini the bank whereby they will receive protection as secured mortgage h.lder*. Kr.OKGA.MZINO THI EAST TEMBBBBBM COMPANY. Ai a lueetiiijj; ot the lioldere of tiie consuli daied aud Ueneuiuro bonds of lhe baal TenueMne, Virginia and Ueor_ia Kailroad aud of the flrat mortgag-. hmm* ol ni" < iiii'iuu ni and Georgia di villon of that OoiDp.iuy expression wa* giveu lo taeir preference* for director* ot tho uow reorganized company. Out of the -j. 1 T.i>.).).i>exj*of in. i.-Ussiig meniioiie.l I. SI. -ahwan, *et mary ol the old ooinpany, dropped a solid vole or rid..'.on.udij fur iiiese uaities: bamusi ihomas, Calvlu e. Hine, Sumuelifhelhar, Geor_e Vi. "*mitii, ol Knuuize Kio.. ; I.narie* M. .Melihee, uf Ki'oxv.ile, 1'enn. i Kobari li.Hiing, of iiuinle-. ,-t-ot.and ; K. IL IC Lyman, prank Work, Johu it. Moots, of the Klchinoud t.ud llauvi.le C< mp my I O. H. raj ne. A. li. Juiiilaru, Jay O. Mo?s, ol a. <iii*ky , Heurr Plus, I.. J. Hauturd, of Knoxville, and li. ll )<ieiianu. ?f Atlanta, lhe result waa teiearapued to Ku..a. .le, lei, lha iieurgsni/. n_ Couimillee will carrr oul the ? mira of tbe boudhuldera. -*>-> Mltjf El.LANKOLS KAII.WAY INTE_.LIOKNCl_ ruiLAUEiPHiA, June 30 (ib^ccia/i.?Thir Keii.iiii* Kailroad. through Its .receivers, has ordered tht; payuieul of all rentals due ou July 1 that han rai n?d their iiitsr.-si. The receivers have offered u purchase oa aud after July li ai tbe rate of 5 percent dui semi annual inieiest nu the Hebuylklll Navlffstioi. mortgage loan et l-iJ-l'.ioT. Tba *emi animal liilare* oo lhe tiru mortgago uoud* uf the Heading ilaliroa. Company will be pabi In fud oa July 1, aa will also thi ?eui. si.nu_i internal oa lbs general mortgage (erip o 1-.-.J *,.'. .Hiniauaiug, Ins pay manu will aoiount ts ?bout tOtXt.-UO. PiTTHiiLM-, Juue 30 {Special)?William D. Baker, i bolder ot bonds of tbe Warran nnd 1 rankliu Kailroad pr.-s.uied a peillion lu lha United Slate* Clroait Cour to-Ua) by tal* couu*ei, liranola Ka wis, et Pblla_->ia)ii* Pblladelphts P.aUroad litigation. Tue coan grauiou ?_. petition, ? m ? - SU0071N0 AT THE STRIKERS. ONE MAN WOUKDJlIlWlT-l A WINCHESTEK. A TRAIN THROW** FHOM THK TRACK IS CHICAQO KOISY CROWDS IN Tilt* PACKING EDJGGHt. Chicago, June 30 (Special.?The precautions taken by the Lake shore Railroad Company to protect Hs train* were even greater to-day tkan aver before. Every locomotive earned ita contlngsn; nf men srmed with Winchester rifles, snd before tbs dsy closed they were compelled to use them. The railroad cotnpaay suc? ceeded in getting out Its trains, but the feeling caused by ttie presence ot tbe Pinkerton men ls a bitter one. Tbe action of tbe sherill' in espousing tbe cause ot tbe strikers and tha Inaction of the O' vernor, lt la con? tended, have Increased the spirit of riot, Shortly after noon the armed deputies weie stoned, sud when one ot their number was Knocked down, levelled tbeir guns to Ure, but refrained from doing so, tbo crowd falling back sullenly. A (uceetsful attempt to maka up and ?end out a train from lhe stock yard* wa* made thi* morning, and no sooner wss lt accomplished than the engine returned to bring out a second iraiu. This sa glne wss literally eovored front, rear, top snd sides with men armed wtlh Winchester ride*. The engine crept cautiously down tbe main track* till "lieu's Place," a restaurant, was reached, and than eight of the ritleiuun were ordered to get down and take posses-doll of tba network ot awltcbe* at tbat point; thou, still uiore slowly tbau before aud makin, frequent atop*, tbe engine went on ilirou.-h tbe packiu.-houso region and began moving tho car* back aud forth tresa oue track to another. Its appearance wa* the signal for every win? dow in the adjoining packing-house* to le crowded with men and boy* who ill,od the slr with shout* of "Scab!" "Kal*:" sud other epitheta directed ai the officer*. 'I lune in command of tin- riflemen order' d them to re? main silent, no manar what waa aald to toual, bul to keep their eyes area,lily tixed on the wlndowi, for ll was uot known what moment Hie .-uguie would bs treated to a shower of hucks or knives fi'tin the windows above and around them. Wm ie the men In tbe packing-houses were behaviug tu tai* manner, ibo street ci'?**la.s were sii.' duh i>*,i by a crowd of hooting turn and bora, but '.iiey contented them*-Ive* with shout ti.. It wa* tedious work mokine up a Mata. After au hour aud a half of brid struggling tbe eugine had only secured two car* for a second train. The railroad n'he ul wu was din itn.c all tbe nioveracuia waa determined not to leave nil he got ali he wautod. Iiy th;* lime at least 2.WJ0 o' thc employes gathered in the vicinity and began to berate the otbe-ra wbo w. re on the tralu. Missiles were thrown from the Windows, sulking two of lilt) I'm.j..-I lou men wbo Were on lop of a tar. 'ihl* was a 1.1-ua: for a aiiow-r of stones and slabs which came from the ero i'd. Officer Bagley, wbo was stand* lng near, wa- struck on the | iw by a el ab and seriously burt, ibu Pinkerton tuen no .sooner saw thia than ihey levelled meir gun* aad woul i beea fl md Int- tue mob trait tuey not been restrained by ihe deputy si.nii I. 'i'he train in veil away amid a shower of mi i.e* thal did no actual damage. At 'J:l_ p. m. a train wa* thrown off tl e track by tbe strikers near Forttetb-at, A Balinnorti .il Ohio tram rame along af tel ? .rd and wa* lurown trom the rails. Tann ? Lake 8 >r eloutf irani rantlniiinil nama along and was alli.' rn , .sa llii'uu. i a,, right, i om'men turned the aw nears nag aa ? ni .i< ti,-) il l -I', tli'-jr ran swittiy across tue ,Tieri-. J ,;rc-c or fourshOU wire tired uftor them Willohbtoggbl the int,, ii lol*. 1 'ney eera arrested and taken to the town of Lake Hail, wueietiiey were i leiit.'lc.l as the inen'w..'! Uii-e > . BWlU ll * and din lied tram* the other gat*. Oue of tba mea aaa shot iu tin* lee Thoaaaa Chitern-, ene of tbe lenders nf tbe Htrme.w,i?charged with con e.opt of eo iri before Jud?e Shepard In violating ihe injunction reeeutly leaned, lie nan committed into the eaatody nf the sherm nan. bo pur.e* atmoalf. In Justice I'.-arui-y'* court to-div When lil. A; drews, uni) of the sulking switchmen obargi d with disorderly con ,uct, wis iiisn ?fe,i, bis syiupattii.'ra cheered juuiiy. Tbarenpen tba magistrate ordered the deon locked and uued every on.* present gs ror contempt. il- than lined Jam.-* Coi,neil fj". for helping to i. .?-:.... * me track uud lo th- $1,000 bail of Julio Fre-tuti j foi' not responding when h.- nama w. - rolla I. Ktgiity iu< ti were ttieu drawn up lu Imo and mieetioned oslo who applauded. All denied Hie charge, but eigui -tt ?rn held tel be gulty. Joha Poe ami John -linn li, John Mei' ow: y, Jonn i^ lillian, lanius Lsiul. aud Thmnaa KierunO palo "??"> each. i__BOB Tum lii.r.-. in oren cmi:-*. PittibubOi IVnn,, Jinn.* SO.?The greg la al? most overy glass factory in the country will lie pot out lo-nlgbl. Tue shut-down Includes il window g.a * i tenn' -s, 17 table-aleaawara factories aud iu bottle factories. The d'J iactortcs employ S.OttO men, uud liavu a weekly output oi 26*000 boxes af cUasa f) AN vi 1.1.1:, 1.1...lune ill).- trouble ontoaa ino *tg_Mag miner* In tba eiiip.ny of the Gia;ni Creah ' ? il and Coke comp..ny of crape (reek is ezpeeted. Tbaeompnnj to? il ,y applied tn bbartg Tuttle to protection to about I'i) mete, who are rx pee le 1 to urmo fruin Ken tiie-iy Wednesday night. Nl.-.viit RM-I.KT, Mass., June iii).?The Vi-orla Milli ariil abntdown Indefinitely saturday, throw "goat !?2_ hauds. Bourn iirAMiM.H \*.t. Baaa., Jane ." '.-Tho eighty inst ars employeit by dalton, Cobarn A; Co., wno nave i>e-u em airike foi-iho last tow days, have been ur tcr.d back to work. I tl uni m. Muss.. June 30.? The we ivers of iii > Ply. ni nun Wouiieu Company have decided lo aiu. pt m sm t.i auvaiicc. Toot, n. Y.. Juue 30.?Joha W, uTayaa, af tho Natloual Exocuttva Board of tue Knights of taber, ni-ii.iv ii.-iti i eonaaltsStton with the Puller a_d Wairoa itu,pa",' regarding tba eompininte of ann stove Munm? in (battbaoompany wa* amploylngaxpa lei Knights OfLaboi lu violation Of an aiT"e-ueiit mil. with that organization. Tba Fuller and Warren Company denied thal thej employed ?uch pateena. __7*_*_Tjra cum rr- bebb alone. Tiie (oiri.'t'ii'i'i iii ifi-iiir.;)' hli'.it, tbs. brewer, wit.u tho trials of tho Tilt!** boreotters, ia likely to costly to tun:. N'o formal boycott has lieeu debared ag dael hi* beer, out uoioug all iheUer.uan tfadaa ut:.ns nu : nany of the lin.lnh ono* Un wort has bean '[iii'-tly passed tiiat BhrOl'a beet ls to be left alone, and te> a general extent this bu* been done. Mr. Ku rei thu.ku tbat thia dees him a gross ic justice, ,i* he was aabpo ind io t.'int hm ovidence in tm- eases Mini could nol dist gard the snbpoBna. He doea not liimw how bu baa merited the aa mi ty af the trades unions, nor ht.w h-> is expected lo pl .cate them. A. member Ol eui.- nf th-- '.ar.e.tirade unions saul yesterday : " Weare u.,i l.-i,, ti uii.' l.lii-.-r* te!". We are simply letting li atnie, lia iou iel liavo made ihels* tet up ?ti tbe boycottsrs if ho wanted to." MP. POWDKKLT wil.i, BB HBBB T.iluY. Qanemi afaatar Wuikinun Powderly apent yestenlav ut ll ci, love. I,. I. .trying ti arrino* llie tlllter.'lices existing tetweeu the (Hen Cove-tait ii Com pany and its ample-yea. Tn-ilay ho will ne* in New-York amt will in*. I'.-n.-iiie thu tr..o'dea ut tbe street-car driver.-!. THK STKIKIXO HEWING MACHIM. BALEgMBB. Thc at**_k_-kCinwiBg macliim* aaltianifin nu.-tat No. lilli Baot Plghth-su yestorday atleruoon. Ii was re p.ute,I that tbert were seventy-six men out, bal most of lueiu have repaired off-r* te go io work for omer anas. pauic*. A reaoiuliou wa* paused condemning mo com? pany._ BIO CAVE-IN CN TUE LPUIOII VALLEY EGAD IIazi.kton, Penn., June 'JO.?Tins iiinriiiti1.. an iniui-ii.-rtc.ive.ui occurred on the I/ebtgh 'tai.ey Rail? road ut No. S .Stockton Breaker. Tue tlrst alarm wa* given by a miuer employed at tbe slope aud throu.* of people hastened lo tue spot. Tue care-lu is a.mut 300 feet long ami l.">" wide. When the uccidrnt occurred there waa a loud crash aud tbe (hock waa fen for *oui? 111st,mc.". Three track*, on oue of which were two trucg* maded with lumber, were swallowed up by the in of thc cari ll. Telegraph anti leiepoouti pole* and wires, aud tu fact everything lr the immediate v.iinitv. weni down with ono sudden crash. Ail trains from bm h north am) south were delayed for *ome time. It is expected mat the truck* will be In sui. shape thai iraiu* will be able to pas* within a day or two. PROHIBITION COMES TO RHODE ISLAND. PkoVidknck, R. I., June .10 (Special).?With tbe (Hoke uf 1- o'clock tun ghi Ulinda Island will enter upou a long era of constitutional prohibttloa. For several day* tho intemperate aud temperate alike have been laying lu a stock of liquor* a.aluat tho um.- of need The demijohn and bottle business was especially brisk. There was oouaiderable drunkenness. The rum *.-.iei ? puile.l dowu their alena A few or tn-.ii wi.l keep opeu ostensibly io sell temperance drinks and a Ititi.* '? hard atutf " on the *ly, but the majority of the dealers will quit ibu butiuss*. People here lu..ti tor a rl_ld eufurcenieui of ihe law. ?-? Wanted in california for boeebbe PiiiLAiiKLPiiiA, June 30 [Special).?X t**_a> gram wa* received al the Mayor** office to-day ordering the mimi of H. ll. Tolley, of Ked liiulT. < aliform a, for rob bery. Tolley uti ler the natue of Ha if wurta married I'riula Lena Herr, a protetre of Paul Wel>er. the artist. J hey were marilee, lu New-Vork lea* than three week* ago. When they arrived here ha disappeared, taking with him alt ber effects. Tbe dispatch stale* that he haa a wita and family ai Ked Bluff. TELtAillAI'ltlV SOT ES. KKMOVAL Of OAKKIKLD'S BODY. Ci.r.v?i.*M>, Juue _Q iSpettnli.?Ths hotly of President (iartleld was n move i lo-day irom the ,-cotleld vault to the public vault tu Lake View Cemetery. The transfer waa made by the Lulled btates soldiers wbo have bi eu guarding the vault. DYINU AT A PL'NEKAI. IiiiVKR, N. H., Jima iii), tiei.rga W. Varney, OOO Of the |tail nearer* at tne funeral of hf ra baker yesterday, ?auk dowu aa he waa io carry out toa cotna and died luttautiy of heart diaesaaa KI'il.KAi-KH UV PKOVINU AN AI.IHI. CHIOAUO, June blU?Charlo* lieilley, who waa ar? rested on tbe ebargo of being the author of tbo Caual-et. fire, in which eight persona lo*t their liva*,.proved aa alibi aad was discharged by the (.rand Jury. TWO MASSACnUSETlt. BANK. STRIPPED. Tna rijKMDRNT ARnaaTKD on his war through MAI.VR ?HIS DEF A'.CATIONS Boston, June 30.?lhe Journal will contain to-morrow na exposure of a bl_ place of reseal!**/ oa the part of a prominent citl.en of Rockland, Maa*., Rich? mond J. Lane, and lt ls lar.ely through the sfforti of The Journal tbat Lane bas been prevented from seek? ing refuge In Canada, whither ha la bellevsd ta have been bound when arrested at Port lang to-nl_h_ He ls president of tba Rockland. National Bank and ibo Rockland devines Bank He la aboat flfty-flve years old, ead waa for many yearn deacon and treaaurer of lha Con**re_atl-nal Chorea and Superintendent of Ita Sunday school. Ho han been regarded aa n model citizen snd he boa had ths flnanclsl menmrement of soveral lar_o estates. Ths eharite apoa wilier*, bs waa arrested la tbat ot embezzling 91.I5.00O, charging lt to the Rock? land National Bank, and as lt* total deposit* only amount to *l.;..ot>'>, Hie ooncern will doabtlcs* be placed In tha hands of n receiver. He has. it would appear, completely hoodwinked the unsuspicious .tiree tors of the bank, end when a ehortage wa* fouud trout time to time he would give bis notes tor the amount. He bas been In ths habit of drawing on the bank's re? serve lu Boston, and In toe last few months has taken In this wsy about .**.".? ).oe?i). The balance of the am nit ho took out of tbe bank by gettlug Irresponsi? ble persona to give note* for vartoua ?um*, i:,o president Indorsing them. Ho ls trustee of the Washington l.eed estate, which ba* been recently appraised at $300,000, and is believed to have hypo? thecated large sum*) from thi* estate. A* treasurer of the Congregational Church, he raited contlUerablu mihi* on notes of the society. He ls ala. president of the Rockland Saving* Bank, which I* * bolder ot stock and a depoaltor tn tbe National Bank. Tbe exteut of the lo-se* of tho *sr:ug? bank cannot be definitely ?tated now. Bank l.xaiiilrier Cstclie'd discovered some of Lane's crooked way* not long aga, and repotted to the uuthoritles st Washington, who a<Ivis d delay In exposing tho adair, tn ths Imps of saving tbe National Bank from ruin. A rep* rcseutative of The Journal, howcier, iil*e'ovet-?t that Cane wa* likely to start for Canada a6 any hour, aud tb- neper sniplojed Pinkerton to put % couple of detectives on lils track, i'i..* I'li.trd - r<** ( ominissloiier lo-day latani a warrant for Lane'* arntt. The detective* followed him to Portland on the train this afternoon and at 11 o'clock to-nicht he was arretled. OVER HALI- A Ml LU OS GONE. HF.AVY DEFALCATION IN Pilli.ADELPHI.!.. DISAlTt.AlIA.NCE AND CO*.____*OM Ol-' TEEAXMVEEE J. A. I. WlmMOB, Pim.ADEi.PHiA, .lune 80 iSperiah.? Tbe .lisapnear atict* of J. A. L. Wdeoa, tiei-surer ot the Delaware amt Chaaapaaka (anal Ceatpaay, from bis eU-sk thi* mon. lag broaght tn light tho must gigantic aa_alan__aa tha. haa aeennad in the city for a long liaaa. Ba Ml liehind hiin nu over-issue* of "stock that |tJOO,000 will liol cover. 'J bc lacti iire these : Thc coiiip.inv created n Ci per cent luau in l**i3fl ior thirty years, which was dm- to-morrow, iiii.1 .ii raagaaaeata hail been made lor extending it ai 5 per cut. Whaa Praaidaat QilUega iiiiin bent fat Wilson aboni io .dock this Boaaiag to over liiisii,. ss ati'uii s word iva-i rei trued to bim thal tl.e er had not vet n ported fer duty, la lDnkiut*" over his mail he baned) a latta, from W_ktea nhieb ia aabetaaea Lnf-raead him mat bsetaad oi the loan 8tanui:i_ at 11,075,009, the e\si:t atnoiiut hid baan axteaded hy him ta .**_..v.)'-',303 7'J. Ile iou Ceaaed having aaadatina erec-aaane ever a yeer agaa. The Beard af Dir eton iaaaed the naOawlag aatfaai Defalcati ma by tho treaaaror of this eeaapany baan been diseovared thia day. I ha ia tareel ou tin-, bena due Joly 1 l***)<i. wli not be poid natil i.'ib.-r nottee inid tiie exienaioa ?t tba i.i,m cannot lie aerried aat in ti a aaada provide, tor. Holders et aartiaaataa af lona ar. r. iiuested to pi'o<liic>- i baal at o ,c al IheaAeaeC Ihe ootnueny for a__nan___on. I-aaafnaa af the stock loan QI not h wade until i-'i thai mit i . This niieruooii Pmsldaut iiillin_luii s.,;d (liar while the !o-e is very heavy it will not aft.-ct thc standing or credit of tht' company snd tint eveiy etlnrt w,,u. * ba rniuie io npur.-iitMid Wilson. The delenltrr hna baan In tbaaanplejaf the aoatpaaj for thirty paann, lin iked hie way un nmi bad the antin eeaadaaaa of thedlreetorenwt had bein hraaaaraB bt tares yaaaa, The iiiiioiint in ca.*ii taken furn th.- aa-b yan'?? idav hy him waa 940,000. President _heah_a af the la*n_aa ment Company el Philadelphia, -1 lab la l.u j.-lv inier aetei ia tbi Canal Companj. aaid thai an atna 'hui his eotnpnnt Will aol iii any sv.iy Im ail ti "I b) ihe.lilal crilion and over iesiie ot' Un* lean mi tba pan iii ria oihccr of the, Chaaapaaka aad Dela nat iCeelCeaf any, tm purl af >li" cteiiilejil loan b.ivi .. bari pi e.,on toil io or taken hy tho .aiaetnaal Oaaapany, Thtaa ynaan age th.- bsrasoi .secretary aud toad-tot, B, II. laantta, wo i dis. -l. u -r-f I te.mse ot a BhaEtagn m bia ncc., ai;,* pf gift,0U0, Prior te leaving tha cit, BTUoen reaaiaadl a pi-ouiiueut lawyer na aeanool in ease ba abonld b-i aneal od. ' a the Maninga of hi* e en|hter looonlly be presented her \.;i!i eapeetona and alegaatly Itteg houo- at Wajna Stati.n, on th' i'i :i:i-yl\ ima Kaili 'vf. .-?. ADI ISL ANOTEEB J OBOE TO THE LAST. I ! V i: Ml .. Non AO.'I I'l'H.ll IN CHICK'.)) F'lil TUB rataLOP rn;: aJfABO il *? -. CntCAOOi June 30 (8pt stall - . .<? co tnaal in the dal aaaaa this a.termou accepted ', tank ts. i isiioni, aaa thirty-nine, a taits nt ni la a wa daoata ?to.-s, a* Um iiitii.i'iror. Nearly theaattiaanica Banal of ino hiid been exhausted haters he 1.1' it'en ac-epte.! by tua de-fen.'e. He waiacceptird by Ma I Sta a'tor only a few iiuostions. hagaet Insaa _ot ou hi* tani tar ih.. n> it time in t ie aetonl pref teas oi hit tua!,when Attorney Zei*ier ana abeet te net-apt a JnNf aaaaad Stelae a. Ba vha> pered ewnethlng e i .etioalii toto tha law er's ear, anl the l.btt' r iheu lurnad lo int Juror and nat -.i : ?* Hew far la ll treat year Uo_?o tn tho We?t ban .- -'allon I " " A'toiit. a block Vid a half." ?? il id \ a i ever a cunt with i.ieuietiaut Stanton l" " , bo, sn-." " lin., ion. >_ i I" " Ab.till turee monti)*." " Do un j or tho paasae ofllccre at the s: vti.ii tl -al la your suire I" ?? Yes; I believe two or lure .'' Tin-juror wa* aaenaed peraasptortty, snd H;>:e* re* sumed ins seat willi a look of c.le'. T i ?, v narcnista all sp panta il la pontt te__ey eatentnUonsly displaying ard flower in tt)t) lapels of ih lr 00 .ts. *fc-!nv ii thi* moroni. wore a ii- w situ of cloth.-*. Purinna B M wi .' HI a haas p) . full of delicacies to-day and tue u;ii. r prtaaaan fared equally as well. BJ-PEBEIDEM7 BATES OE PENSIONE Pllr.MDl-.Nr CLKVKI.A.N|)'8 M iSMAQEB CKITl ctann anvn__a_.T. Toi-Kiio, June UO [Special).? Kx-l'ii-aielent l_ B. Haye* adtiroaied U/HM) pniplo In Memorial Hall, the occasion l?eiu>{ "Orana Army Sith'." Aaaang the other siM?alier* were I 'niel Jusllca Waite, liepa tiiu-n. ( oniinan'.er ( ami lit'iieral Trow? bridge, nf, but tim romai ka <>i t.rucrul Itay?a exoite.l e.* pee lid applauae and com mont. 1 >-e-l.'i.? uihiii the -uiijecioi ptaawna tbe ax-Preahtcal wa* p.u titularly ?ini'iii upon I'lt'sliietii llev Inid tor bt* pOo-luu telona, tbe si int ot wine-]) he r./e I as a iii Idly _r n-in**. '.e IK anion./ the moll will) eltd ll..Illili-- to pot down Ilia I iel..- iou. The I'u si,hui's arl mu Ile said w?s tuuil r.rf to mp \ iia ilium nf the country uni .ne u men would meal with no approval from thu p itriotic and the jutt. t HALOES AGAINST CAPTAJB WI Ll IA R.S. Lie-iite-tiaiit Ili-nry A. He-m-kc, of tin* '2'Jtl Ke.linriit, baa lod_ed ch ir_o* aub tho 1'oiice Counu:s siouer* a_aiust Captain Willi un , of the T'wimity-nluint l'oilca Precinct. Tue charge* are of ? violation of tha rules," "conduct un trom u. an ottlcer" aud " breach of discipline," ai. I relats to whst ls alle?sd to have occurred on Dee-orattou Day at the 1,'rand staud near tha Worth Monuuieut. The ii.-u leuaiit aaS'-rl* thal ha was as?l_ue I to duty i| tile reviewln.-*taiid by Hie order* of Briafidivr-lie i?r_l Ward, and that be reported lo Major Mehi, for duty. Ile then reeeivnd spe,ii:c order* not to a. low suv otaer per. son* on tue stand ih n mote liol,im. ticket* Lui-l nf the Meuiorul ' 'ommillee of the (irani! Army of tba l:>v uublic, while he waa par icu;ar y . au ono t not to allow (..plain William* aa pa** auy aaa) le tb.* sisud a* had linen .lone in previous) ear*. Captain William* attoiuptetl lo piaon iw.t .a tte* ou tha uland, out l.tnut?uant H.-n?ke retuiad to allow ibis, sianna ni* or ar*. The Il-utenaiiS char_ss thal tho captain itecaua abusive, oalled bun a Uar. leterrnd io the otboar* ot tba Otana Army as a lot nf bralnle** inonssy*. aod spake of tba lieuieuaal aa "a ttli).?C lu a wuue coat." Captain Winianis deuiea tbs eiuphatiealiy. Ha ?aid yest*:-lav that when l.ieitti nant ll-nek* siaad his order* ha (the C'aptsui) placed tua ladia* IQ front of tua stand and went about bis bnsinsss. euperiataudsal Murray will maka aa lavesil-.itloa. - nt CHAROMD WITH ALTERtXtl DIS S ER OBBCKM, J. H. Johnson, the night cashier at the Hovel Koyal. waa char.od yasWrday by liiouard Xaaras, lin proprietor, with altarlna dinner oheeks end neeholiag tba uriieaeda JoSn-ou was nrrnUnad In the Jagaiaen Market Poltea Court belora Juauoa Wolae. He waa hain tor exao-liiatiou.