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::ijU^rlwU_?__^_* ?-wjQir-^ritU^f __. <3i*jj* ~? - *^_ig2sji^SS**v,,n? yo^ XIsTL.-V 14dM*a NEW-YORK FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1886. PRICE THREE CENTflL DISORDER IN IRELAND* SAVAGE ATTACK ON OI.ANG_ME_. eOTTI.ES ol' C. CN POWDV.H TH HO WN IN TUEIIl RANKS ?KXCITKM- NT INCUK.ASIN .. LoNi'ONDF.r.t.v, Aup. 12.?While Oran gt-nu-n were paredlnc through this city to-day, two bottles Ailed with gunpowder _ suited around lighted fuses, wero east Into tho ranks at different j,olnts along tbo line. Both bottles were smashed before, tbe lights could teach the pott dor and the lights were quenched. ?jViieii the natur, of the altair became g*n ?r?aly Known among tho Orangemen tbey bicaine gieallj excited. Tho Oraogemeu were also glta?**t_ xi i.iio they were parading <>n tho famous prom? enade maka by tho ola town wa!!. Here they wero Manly and BBTflgciy stoned by a mob. The Kev. Thomas Oljtiicrt, canon cf the Episcopal Cathedral, and several others wcie wounded. Tho excitement ls reach Iiik a daa_*rou* height. Mr. Mil lillie*, firango Grar.d Master here, in a aper.'ti to-day, ridiculed tho story that Orangemen nrtg lu?t> fl the riots., ami said that when required to tight tuc leaders would supply meir men with belter ammu? nition than brickbats. Pi mi*.. Aug. 1'..?Ths police on patrol duty In Far feafsre, County Kerry, wt-r- tired upon by moonlighters last night. A physician and three well-known anitra* anecteble tiade-meti hsx'o beou placed under arro?t rn ar ged wl'h the aborning. I!Kl.l'A*T. Aug. 12. ? Tim city has benn quiet to-lay. Thc patrols arc returned. The people dread Ihe with? drawal or the military. The Ciitlm.lo Illation his pro 1 I Catholic penmen during tho retuslndor of tho lear. 1- ive liundrod more police from the ttniith have c in- .ere la reediness for August 15, tho day ot ibo Feast >l tho Assumption. ;?>.!. KANDOLPH CHURCHILL'S HUSH HILL. Iii hun, Aug. 12.?The Irish Tttttt Conser? vative) sletes that Lord KaudolpU Churchill Is engaged iu drafting a bill Intended to solve the Trish jtioblem. Tbe skeleton of tli*' measure ls already done, tbe paper say*, aud lt provides lor universal Ional salt gpvciiuiieiit thr<)iighont Oreat li: an I Ireland, giv? ing Ireland, Ruglan 1, flsstlsnd and Wales control each 0* Hs own Immediate .lairs, leaving the supreme po Vet Of the Imperial Parliament undiminished. The bill is de scribed a* a measure which opens the door to Imperial It-deration. Tue full text of the bili, ihe lrisk Timm says, Will nat be completed belora next february; " Out," i.-M* thc pap?r, " so far a* ll liss gone lt has beeu submitted to the Marquis of Salisbury, the Marquis ol Hartington uud other*, and ls broad enough to satisfy ail uiodcruto ltishmcu." AV IRISH OPINION OF S.VI.I . _UR Y'- SIT.I; il. Dciilin, Avg. 12.?Urdt**i IrtUstaA tass that Lora .salisbury In his speech at tho Lord Mayor's ban? quet Id London last nicki proclaimed war ti V outnuue. " Ihe bm den ol his speech ls twenty years of manuel.* for the Irl?b. Very good," says Vul'.c'l BrtttnuL "Our race ls accustomed to resist tyranuy. War lot lt bo lu the name of Ood." ..KIDING A DOMINION OFFICIAL. HOW NEW-Y')RK CONTBAOTOM BliCTK* D GOVI*. UV. Ml*. T VAVi _?*. Ottawa, Aug. 12 {Special*.?Cl rave ch.*i'.>r?.-.-* sre brou .Ut agaiust Mr. Chupleau, Secretary of State, who ls said to be tho recipient of a bribe amounting to some $11,000 from New-York contractors. Smith Jc Hutley got the contract fur ttie construction of tho t.rorgtun Kay branch of tho Cuuadlau Pacltlc Railway fr> rathe Liberal Oovcrnnient. The Conservatives on get? ing office cancelled the contract uuJ tho contractors su -d for damages. To secure Mr. Chapieau'* Juli lenee Mr. Ripley st. ne.l an agr, cmeut to "" Chapieau. brotuer of thc Seen-.ary ot Stato aud fr.erlfl of the Northwest, to pay oxer to him 10 per cent of whatever sum the Government woull elvo thS cot tractor*, lu add.i!**i) to tins, on "Sam" Chap." in'* nArlee, theeoat___ami-talned tba secretary of Stato for $:*00, yet ho never di 1 anything In the e.i*e. William Mt Dougal!, counsel for Smith B Ripley, sall t "I hal nothing to do xx nh tho arrangement but I:'.].ley thought lt might h*.p lils interest. I wns a inilerer by tho arrangement becsuse Smith _ Btpley txpreeefBdeep regret that they were unable to i if ms as mecb es they considered my services worth because of Ihe 10 per cent. I know that the money waa Veld Mien the i-i-T of 988,000 **as made by tho Oov einrueiit. Smith kn-w nothing of the agreement lliLt ni* iitinuer had tlgiied, bul the contract-it* bad to i.ep their f ngageineut. I don't kuow ex*etly to whom lt -.tai ict' paid, thoueh I see lt stated that "fim" < i si'.".ni'* wife got lt. Bmlth _ htp>y did i ol cou? ti'.er ihe transaction any srrat secret, and somebody to.d .ir John Macdonald of lt. I dou't know wbat steps the Premier took iu connection with tho tn .Uer, Inti 1 uu lersisnd that Chapieau went le Kew-York and in? duced Smith i_ Ripley to sigh a document stating that teey had uever paid atm any oney out of thc *^3,000 iiwarde-l theta on aeco.ini ot their Georgian Day con ?*??"?" ? . The matter has ci'eat?d a great scandal. DISTURBANCE IN **AN DOMINGO ?-ROI'S-.*". UV'll, THE ___CTIO_ d' rtMBIMmMT?MCT I 1K1I.Y TO LAf*r LONG. Advices from s,.n Domingo bj tha Bteaner QsorgS ft. Clyde, of the Cly uo Line, wide, arrived un IW-iliie.- lay, <-inflr:ii the dl*p *!? lie* resolved from 1 :'av iii,, m rased ay mating thal i revolution i. la mgr*-** lu ibal r. i'i:?*.ic mil tbnt the elude repul.llo bis : lated In a alala nf siege. Tba rei nit p * ,,ut oi tba rt mil t,f tho el,-c. ti*,ti I* i- |*n -itJi'iit ol ttio rei uidic hell sn tho lard it: ? .'.;.-? ot Inti . Th". ?re In .au Haulage two leading politic .il parties, kaowneaiha niue* and tho 1; Kor the la** -i? yeurr, the lllues have liei-u uni ; ? ... exsfnt u sleeting their eeo-taees and thi.* U deni led 13 I Bl no ticket la the .eld. There v.; .i ii ii ii. tb* bluee, however, aad oas ii. ie.,r seal :?< th all sees of Um Bis ?; at Puerto _...-, i- *, unod on the north sida of tba leland, ; Coi ? ral I'. lieu.-, su . commander of tho i :. r the republic 'or pre-.-ietit nnd Genera] _ fj_hert ... , ?? ii i 'ho .*.?? ii -au representing the iteM ii, I .a Veg * Bullied aa their candidates General Caeunlro .i end i.i-tKiai <i. B*lllnlfoi traatdeat asd rita* : ?? 11.-ur res ?? etlvel ?, Th.- La Visa faetloa reitardel I .-ri c_-I a- i it.- it. rtlculariy _tr'iii*r *lnee their U'lUit ,ii- li, vi e j'ir-i le'jev ,i_ elected pie-sld'-nt two - ,.-,*?.?'??.' ral.hi Blue ticket, hut bed reetgued ?iiTi.-uri* with ti*.ul Heureeux, tbs mill t^r.. i* ni*;. ..-i i es - ? i I.. Vice Pieeldent Alex ? ?-.. .;.::..-;.? .nt * lu-! SXOQ-llVe, WhOSO tS_B i, . i apt* nil sr i. i.e .-,*?< i'n wea 'lit. i , . q tented, tba Ked* butru* _? ,, it e.|,|,|i. du,! I a*!" ti. li eh Ice ni tho two t . . ' ? rh.- i*-tiiii* ii'li'-at-l t'liit ti- -i.etal Ileuroam >IU. .'iii iii.,,'in rotes and tieoetal Moya ab.,ut All t ?? dons wai lor Contrast tn e .md preeleiin Uenerel Hewreani preeideul fer t ? seal tm* years. Wtyn Counrww sssetublsd ou .s . ? . ni ri tt. ....ii ?!,: tn lt uf Uni excited -.tate .*! : lu La Veee. lt waa aald Ibat (Ieneral Moya bed ? ,i troop* ami prepoeeili > esteblleiiibie ri. nt to the |-_! I ..-I.* V !') t!*e ii ree ul linn* InHeild. tliet'efnt'it, ol 'Hon el (iecerel Heureenx** tn i ted tbal d'' i i-' i.teed with troupe to La Vera Ihe i '? alene.i rebellion. Till* order trna ou Ai _n?t 1 and as ths latest sdviees from Maa : .,. arei.sled Augite! '-' Ihe r.--.-i.t ,,t Uenerel Hear ' i's *.. ? d' .i.-u i* nut known. This Is the first revoln ti-**, i!, '.' *? i''i!i:iii,ean Republic lu *lx year*. Tnt- soon ? -- bedurie raeovar from tha Meats of tha long **iie? er Internecine wara prior ta that tinto aad wai i'o -ia'; in** lar.-*-1'.uinieieiiil Internal A nllroad ls in of coi *tractl(iii _.-t-'?- . the counrrv, tho tele i*ra,,u nnd te iet Hon.- have et _se Into common usa and in mj net* lint**-*r!?*,- nave been e .Hbllth*-.!. ** i hardly think tbit the rev dution aaa las', loni:," s .11 vu--* .nfil J allen, tue rept*?*e_ia_T* of ibo Doiuln l,,i i <v. iiimeiit In this ttty. " Tho trouble ls ciiiilii.tal |OS "Ui.ll * ->iii.ii in UM interior ol the island ami lt lu pre)tabla tkat tba O?*reraa_>at ???in qnlchly redoes th^ t "cu.!'_;<? i ;*iiir!i? l * s *Ut? of.subjoettun. As far a* I rea ,n.i. ^ m*. i de aol tiiink that asereheats in this roiutry need he ve any lear of shtpftng goedeto Him Doi.,iii?'i ii* i*u i." ? HKM'i'Nt'i*. Of LO-TI8I MICIIIIL. l'Ai'.i-, Auk. 12.?Louis*- Miilnl \v;in tn-day leiiieiicfcd at tt.e Cuy Assizes to f.mi months' liuprlsuii u.ei.t and lo pay a Hue of 100 francs for "seditious lan Juaje" and "molting to murder" In the rlotlm* at '". ai--vi. r on May 3. Ciuesdes Lafaraue and Muslne wore states ead ta tour au.l *ix stoathi' tasyrtsaameat tor sim). *r ofTences at ibo same lime. ? - M.W.I NOTES _*KOM LONDON. Lomi.i.n, Auk. I. l-~. Tn. Ktiic. lal lima laglaal ha* proclaimed a over llio Knlco I*.and*, in the South mollie o. see. 1 wti l DI lulim (itu Kirni-.-Tho Knglish crlokoters lu sail ou ti.e Adriatic uexl Thursday lor New-Yurs. (iu,.\ -AUKR8 os HiKiKK. -ivo tbousauil chuinmak ? i - .->t.iii-,m.iiue have struck for a lo per ceut meres-M m waxe*. AMTI-jK-naai Ri<?T_-Antl-Jowisb rlou have occurred tm ie luovnice ol Kiel!. Ktinaia. Tne houses of uiauy Jet* , ner?* wr*eK- I. t_\ '-. I'*,1iNni !!!5fOI,_!. ____gh wff. Paruell, with Ile oliy lui runion ,ui._ ntuet irieiid*. i. grouse shoot 1 g la ena ol rn* wicklow mountain*, walch Mr. Parnell. i B nHhJan.fl C'A*E.-The srsumeut. in the ?*. . Oi m. _pi,r.,., j,?1B? (lCrJoI1 1JeI1I)eu f ? , ? ?. . ;'?"* .""*- "' tl'.tmt, lu favor of tyrus VV. - . I*, *,re coucuu.d to-iiay. J mfg mem wa* J?'I*" j.I"""'"lf ll* prououuceiuout elocution of ...t *n^iu *\ * _ t j * I COW .LIATINli lilfc HUNOAKIANM. Viknna, .\ii(.*. 12.-t:ii|M*i-?H* Fiaiicu Jo_BD_ hM wtutee a iwtam io Ben von ii?r?, t_0 nUI)fc.41uu *rlu,e ,liu!.ur.ii, wnieu h? re?rei thal the recent frnmsmtm tuearmy-ine resignation of i.enerai ? on Jldel.lielui-uymal and lUo proiootloi, or Oeueial Janski-have be?.i, u-oi by aasaWflaaa asiiHioi* io ____S^.!_,*^n,'M'U" ??*t*T. The Kmperor* Mast tom to meet funner sgiutiou wiui ins tuu est severity of the law. Tho letter ls Intended as a con? ciliatory manifesto to the Hungarian people. JCS, DEVI: \Y AND BMPBBOB? WILLIAM. A PLEASANT EXCHANGE OF COURTESIES. VLOWSM K.Hl TIIK AUK!) MONARCH ANT) A COltl'IAL IIANIISHAKIXO Willi AM -KICAN. [UT CASU Tn THU Tltllil . K.] Sa_z m__, Ang. 13.?Emperor William afOataaaaj nnivt-,1 nt Balabarg to-day on his .itv from tba BM?<-t inu ni Gastala lo berlin. A journey ol' four limns in a carriage to Hie .station and tl no li<iur-t trawl by ruil artth the msroary at !?<>*' told aa hia ninety ye.-ni. aad ha appeared (hobie. The Aaserieaa gaeata nf tba hotel here sent flowers to bini with expraaBioaa of respect un leaving Balahaig ha reqoeeted tba ktpt lianas to aaasaabla m tha latca hali of thc hotel, whereha -hunk limul, cordially with each man -.ionian ami child, tun: spake to thom nil in ii* ranna. His graadaoa, Prince William, son of lbs Crown Priaee, traaolatiag his raasarlta said ?. M Thc BaaperoV thunk'* the American* for their eonr tcsy ami exp*,asea his profound admiration for the Aineiitai; people." Chauncey IL I), paw un . vere. : u The 3,000,000 Qanaaaa in America arc among .mr baal ott-oas, hut what tbej give to ns takes nothing from their love for tba fatherland. They bars tonghi ta 60,000^000 Aatarieaas lha deepest esteem ami veneration for lin ir Emperor anti the great people he so uL-ely goTorna." Tba Priaea expraeaed for tbs Emperor renewed thunk, for these eartthml sentiments. Tbe Emperor took tba Am, ricans' basket of Sowers with hfaa ia Iii.. nar, FAREWELL TO TIIK i:\tiHsil READ.. . PUBLia Lon. on, Au:/. 12.?George Moore, the nov? elist, pubiiihos n lotter in to-day's limet oomptalnlng that bs ha* t>>*.n s'ib|octctl to ft loss of liumlreils of poaadsby the refusal af the Media Satfth elrenlattng Ubrsrie_ management either to sell ur slraalata n.s boeha ea the gtonnd of their ail"_e_ indecency. Mr. Mooro says that he is determined, because ol thi* treat? ment, io publish nil hts writings hereafter in French, nuil he respectfully buls farcwoll to tho English remltng pahite* INTERFERENCE uv PEERS IN ELECTIONS, London, Aug. Vi.?Mr. Bradlaugh will ash a division of ihe House of Commons on August 19 on the ssssleasl aider deelartag ibat tho interferes _ al p rn in sleetloaa consttttnes a blah Infringement af tho liber? tine and privileges of the Oonmona lin Will tii?tanoo Interleriiic.* by ihelm'.o of Westminster, ths Kuri of I- lector, Loid Moolaga, ths I>i_ke of {forfOl_ ami tho Unit-' of Argyll, respectively, in Chester, Norfolk, Huck*. laington an 1 Argyleshlre, an 1 wm move tnai th" OM* r, if obsolete, lm abandoned ; otherwise that lt bo enforced. Tuc Rndleals will support Mr. BradlSBgb. ? FAREWELL TO WI_0O_ BARRETT. London*, Au;;. 12, Charlea Warner pre? sided at a farewell Slipper elven to W toa Barratt by hts dramatic frien t* this ersoing, Meesrs, Boueieeult, Dixey nnd mott or the at tm*, aiitii.r* sad mastelsas lu ttie city wiro present. All signed an lltutulnatctl address a Ishlng i: ii t tt mea is ::i Am -ric*. Ur, Ber* r.-f, rt-j'.) in. to a least lo hi* health, made au appropriate speech, in which ho said that bis coming trip woulil he the reellsstloa ef a dream of years. I .Vt I. I'M. IN Uh. DOMINION, IIOXTEEAL, kug, 12.?The ?' tttoii iii.iliiit.ii ? uro rs of tho Dominion, abo have been In tc*sn*ii here for a few days, ooaeladed their labon boro laat Bight, Tho advance of j,rice* ? roposc 1 la fr un S '.<i IO i sr ci tit. and tm* lu well ui a neted mills will yield from 0 to l's per cent to tbe tbsrebolders. , Tull',ni.i, Ajc. ij?p. linnie*, John ii. Vensblei aa i othcri were arral .ned before a pallet nsfflsti to-day a-i.i rhar. ed with defrauding tho oliy of f9,. prisoners were ndmltts i to hali. EARTHQUAKE IN CANADA Montreal, Ang. 12 [Special).?An earth* gaaka wa* felt at >te. Kara lerlte, hid. Adele ai. I -.. Sauveur, tn this, ou WedBQsdoy morning. Mr. (ioiliui-r** l,urn a*. Ste. Kanraerttc wa* tlirown down an I other 'muling* we..* slightly de ino . .? 1. Tbe sho.'ks lasted *u minute*. Bboruyafterward a violent wini AMEB1CAB FISBEEMEN OUTLA WED, for. id. kn ny CANADA IO imi rnr. BAT Ol ina_.kvit?lill*, ami;itu an t in isi ti SALINA. I'i,, Aug. 12 {Special). Private to* tonaattaawaa reeslred hara this aftaraaaa stating that tba Canadian nntborlttaa had i*-'io i to t iy adi al ir for bidding Anierieau reesels lo 1 fish within the Bay el Ciinlciir aii.l fti*u fOrMddlng .il; rossel* t.* enter thia h li? fer any purpose whateoerer. n >tii i. o. Willard, ot tba Ina or E. o. Willard *t Co..aad Mr. MeKentey, of dubing it (-.Keaney, awe aware of un* fa, t. Mr. McKinney *.ild lo-night I "Wis know that the Canadian authorltt* ?*. are bold mid tbsl they ore stretching theil right* a* Ibaj vail know, and tbat Ibey appioolana tne aetioa and Interest taken In Ible mattel ny oar .-tate Doparta eat, < mr reesels hara been seised aad not:.inn was Jone. No demands were made wnen ito-time hid otnuc. Now iii*-''.in.ilum authorities, well ewers of thia foot, have gone still further aad ar* drlr inu: us out of ahoy whets in aaoordanoe with our la wi and those af 'ill uatlou* _?? bars a pei fset ngnt to ti.*n." Another cuDt.lii sal*!: " Vasssls from ml netlona nra allowed to tish aay whare within three miles of lbs land. Now the. Bay ut Ohalear I* sixteen iuli"S wile anl wi hilve a perfect right t> ittii within this bey piorkUng our reesels km, ihres adios distant iron any point of laud. Tin* Caaadtaua do nol neem to like this ami th'Tifori) bara Issued this eiraalai aad ardor aa ta Ki-* ;i out-i le of the hay sltogetber. (if emil ss our Heber* men will n*h in ' beleni li.*; snd In consequence thereol tba Cteaadtaa eruMtera alli Mlxeoui reesels. Tbs Dulled btato* itsamsr Galena la down then- aaa and abai 'tc want ta know ia what netlonour Government will lent la regard to Ibis circular. btiLpo?in? now u raSSSl ls ?sued beeaase sho ha* rlolated the t<-_t af tha otreuiar, i.ut .tm bed tubed outside of the three-mlle nutt, .md her ci].tum .'.t*l n- the proteOtlOU of the Am* rli-ati tn .ti ul-war. Wiiat n**iSt_l>oe sea WS expect lroin .* liaVal ... 11, in.ui'ier! We ceri mi niy hare been compelled to beer .i ?oo l deal about outrages committed In Ciuimle bore lately, bm this certainly i.,-.-*t* ult Fhere certeinl) ia n iii,-. . ontrnsl v,ii,.ii you look ai tbs sot! in taken by ?, 11 (lorernmont and tb* n os the othei ri ti-, look al ti i ' an* ii lian* and sac how they sra ' injinu ' for us. We bsvc oas maa*of*w_r cruialng on tin* Causdlaa oaasi -thal i* ii |, The ''..h.nil ni- hu-.I-1he oralee! Conrad on gu.iid at tbe month ol tbe Miramlobl Uiver. Tho Howlett* i*. stationed at Csscumi se. Prises Edward's Island, tbe Mi.iii.-ton ls In thc iiri.hi.orhoo.i of Orana Menen and -t Andrews, sad Anally tbe T_ ror, with * isptaln Un isley oa board, a man ol whom tho Canadians can be proud of, ladolag duty at Shelburne. Bore yon see those fonr vi.iiaiit cruisers *>n the lookoni for our' rosee * willie wo must depend fe"ieiy upon the morey of ibose ' 'snedlsns Aud what eau wc expect .'rom the Btate Depertmentl Von have bssrd how tao Terror treated Cantala Wahl er who commands the llshlnit snhoounr Crald. It ls a hor? rible storr. Mr. Putnam hsanl of inls and has aaked Captain webber ta come uud toe him In order to ro*-cive his full -??i-elliellt " TRIAL OW TBB OB10AOO AMABCBIBTA Chicago. Auk- l- (spiTinii.?In tli** ADareh* i*t?' tnai today ssittlnat**__t*i Attorney Walker o*m eluded hi* .*i Irees tu lbs inr-,- shortly before num. ii. took up tho evidence against Klcldon and (ploted his BS. leg : ?* i h. re ?ro ptwmoallleas of deager. Ererybody knows H. Ihe prc*-* sins the. Anarchlnts will sneak away. I *ay they will nut." Nccbe'scotmectiou with the c<m*i>ira< y wa* ihOWfl by lil* distribution of tbo " KovtuKo " circular, .isohcr's llb* dui.'-er and revolver wire iilscinscd, and tba aaa* structiou of ihe nie daggar, with greared adgea, wa*ex? plained with refereiion to Most'* book of laat laotians, whlcn said that tho weapon uuitlit to tin groored. Ba thal a largo aaaatlty af peleea arigM remain apea ii when lt was ti. be UM',I With fatal cltect. I : cher lt was *anl, was the lieutenant of Betel aud au BOB-SB i>artlcl|iaui in tbo cou*pirucy. On the Bight of May 4, after tbe bomb wbloh Hples liKhted and Bebaaaaall fithrow had exploded. liagg end Mellger wer" In the nelifti borbood of LarrahOS Itiaal htailon wueu tho call for assistance came, ntnl waieiiod tho pal roi iragoa Hlart olf. I in. 4 hal a lininb and asked Hellecr for a Mah I, and lt wns only beeaus- ttell^er hesitated that the otlleers in tho patrol wagon naoiiiietl a like fan-, io thal stiller 'il by tho In tho II_, Mr. ZaUer, who tn ivie the opeiiltig *peech for tho ile ,'<? mi i- ht* >i ttroiiK lleiu ,11c oai*t and speak* With a broken (iernimi ecce ut. Hi* noe of BlgaaMMit wa* mainly eu atlaok on the noilcn, wuioh wa* regarded a* not helping bl* clients, owlug to lil* uiKjuiilllle.I abuse. He appealed to the fuel that the license winch tho An arehlVt* hu*l enjoyed relieved them from Hie Imputation of con*piraoy. Their meeting* were open and meir IPSCSbSS. though known to iho Mayor aud Slates At? torney, were uot forbidden. Ile will epeak an hour to-mono w forenoou. THE Rl'JIITS OS WBTTBBA PlIILADKLl'HIA, Au?. 12 (Specuil).-k bill ill eipilty wa* Hied in Ihe Baited Mtales Cironit Court Un* luornlng by counsel repre*eutliig I...ura U Holloway, | iirookiyn, S. Y.. against the publishing Brui of llr.d *ey A i u.,ut this oliy, asking io here me defsuaauu >n j.iltiel from publishing willi tho ptalatUTs copyrighled nook " Tho lAAltt ot the While iiou?e ; or. lu tho Homo of the rillMlB'I" ouy uurraliou of tn* Hf* ol M.-. Uose iUiso-S-i Uarelaad aud tue lifo aud marriage o | Waa Francis i'd-in), BOW Mr*. UroV r ' levelnnd, or aay ether aaaaaal et itatemeat aol v_lten by tba eaas* plalnant. The btllreeltOS that Laura C. Holloway wroto Ibo aboro aeased book, ead ofter bering it cnpyru*htoi enterea Into a contract with tfOBBta. Bradley k Co. to have tt pabUaha I i th tt '.'ic defendant Brm on.'nced tu the publication of the wert until Marah 1, Ibis year. when an ftirrcctneiit wa* m.tdo between the parties hy which ibo copyright was returned to the author ttie unexpired oootrsctterminated end tbs tight to publish WO unpin* of the book reeerre. to Bradley A Co, li la further n?*erted that while the negotiation* between the plaint!!! anl the defem ant* ls relation to endina lbs contract were goin_ mi t.i ? Hiter repeatedly urged the complainant to wrl'e sn addition to ncr imo., eomprio Ina aa eeeonnt of the life of slim Olerelano. and th'*. the reijuest having been refu?e 1 Bradley .V- Co, have made preparations for Issuing their BOO copies In ttie original fi inn nf pilbil.-allon, with an account of tho live*of presidentC-leraland'i wir*- and lister written by snottier author sud contalnol under thu sumo cover. Thc matter will bo argued next week, or fi: ssi ri: democea tic pa /,? ti sane itloa for Gani Robert I r*. sTMASTi-its am> riOHTlxo conspicuous IN' Mit. BILL'S CON VKXTIOX. Demabce. Ohio, Auk'. 12 [8peeial).?U trot in Obie tho dtsp'ny of "ofbnstrs parttaaaehtp " wa* wltaaaaad lt waa la tba Vlfth Distrlet Democratic Oea* greasloual Conrsntlon bold bera to i *y. Bat it was ali on the sido of ft, li. mil, present member nf Congress from tins district. Bill boasted yeeterday tbat hs had **boaaaed" ct tr/ ono of tbs 100 BepubUi in sssstersln lits district and mpplled th. .r places with l)emucrats. nus la true, and all "f lhasa man helped hui. one of tbo postmasters wassoactlra la tha soo* ventloti ho um lo lt luii. >SS ile te I" any? thing at the monties session. Thora a h great disorder, but mn waa eventually renominated. Though thi* is a Democratic Distrlet Mr. il iii cannot ha elected, Ile wa* for. el through t..?* ootirenttos br politician*. l?--;i.tai* w^re offering bets of f&o to 1*20 lo-day, wltb no Inkers, tbsl bs conld nol ha elected. Tue feeling ls intense sxslnst him ..-.ving to tbs appoint? ments ne made end thoee h" pi .unwed to lui.,*, bm foi - got. Them le talk of bc lug another convention. Ber eral personal eu ? iiinter* took plSOC between Hill and ibo delegate* from Pauldtug. Hill w.?* chssed cul of ihe Bussell llonss by ss*Prosecuting Attorney Platter, nf i'auiditig, a Hut followed. John Bremer, a delegate, charged Hill wltb bovine tried to buy bis rots before e large crowd, uni caliea hims " liar," and gsa rli.t followed. Uai.iib,ii, Jf. C., Aug. 12.?In the .'? I inven? tion of the Hld Distrlet to-i.i-,-. on tbs 345tn ballot, charles W. McCtammy, ol IVndei County, was nomina? ted for Congreae to sneeeed Wharton J ont illcumba nt. Tbe Democratic eonvention of the i*t i?*' I i* In Bessies at Elisabetta i Ity. lt les * tounts, on tlio six Meath ballot, Louie C. Latham a n ?? * ciN'isviit, Aug. ia.? A dispatch '? Tkt Sum from Bteubenrllle, Ohio, -ar* tnst tbs D*m_ VI Uh Cong, islonsl Dil ir:, i I0-d?j i omiu Kelli.i.H. RAUttaiL . . C., Aug. 12. LouisC, lt nomlnnted for Congress by the Demo* itic < ot tuc lm Distrlet on tbs DI d ... ?:. ? ? - con vi.\ ir'v rn- rm. m..i ii :n* op rsx va Qalvestox, Tex., lug. 12.? Tho thir_ Uti session of ti.* Den rs Stets Convention Stormy ono. Hie rep.'!', of the Com Bill was adopted alter a nh irp debel I I ( ll ie and Hie Knight* ol Labor their delegation from Cook County. That i i'i if,inn and ' >r_ iu leila after ea exciting discussion between I slr ie tao*! ind i lenients, ?? ansmmonsly idopted. In the j 1 itf'irni th" sdmlnlsti land Upraised! Ihe education ol white hlltrenandof colored eblldren **tn separata irk els*1 ls farore<1; the tale of tbe Rtete lends to settler* I "un? lawful inteif ? ? ary !?> corporate property" li dononneed i rsllwey propen r In rossi by foreigners ls viewed wits alarm i thea i g mg lystem li I ?*,'!?: >ved of end e reform ,. ? with folio reL- tra t" tbs pp sent mi *:??? u it:, Meii.-ii nv r Hie t'l "Tbe lie meerai* . ,. re tba t Ibe tbe '.- n -r.,1 Hoi bi nm* I -.. r?t.*ct ?tid hotnblesl tmerles ? - ,in i * I notion?, sn,l tb* ? imsn '.i-i. in li iirnty fur p_*t sn I 'titling grtei for the future rill mt * unqualified approval of th.* Demo ei icy of I '?****." nominations tor Governor wet then msdi followed nhlrb lsd to tbi ral 1* C l-to?* i* the ci i.i ,iu*.e. ;:..- nomln ttl on wj* I ten me ie ur,**-.Uno i a. iu<) BBOTBERB NOMINATED i N ishtille, illili., Aug, LS Spacial).? il lbs i' :.. i , ,r, ,-f Baal len.** ?--, a .* n imi i ile : | - noon by the Demo retl itel in for defeating Gen ral G. 0 Dil , : ? ia SC. kl . ii.-!,>-r.*' lol,r,-li waa Taylor's rag i at, bnt a*, lha sritleal .menl corns >t ir.* warmeat supporter* changed te McConnell and lt was Imposall i forces Taylor*eonred 82-1 vol*** on tbs ?ii-- iel ii ,i ebslrman i -, Isr* i bini tim n uolnee ..f tb* | i ? I* mnch dlsaaturaction wi . -. mind in, si . ls not considered either strong or *efe, Ile ls i brother of Alfred i nylor, who on Juna i "* wsa nominated for tjoveruor liv ibo Bepohlloen Btate t unrcnllea. ? I Rt rilli kin* lil.V'ii.t iv WORTS CAROLINA. ll u. 1.1'. ii. ... C., Au.'. 12. "ii 'I ii.-,lu i'i* Republicen Btate ? ommlttee mel her* end decided net to call a State con roulton ol i ii _.t pu ty. i oday a num? ber of prominent Bepunlleene, ..ogr>- ,it tni* setloo, Issued a nail for ? inn, , on re nilen of tn ,1 p irty here en Beptember __ ln? purpose i* to elco! n new com tulttoe. TUE \ WO i /' i N . ni.: v thai, i nv. IU illllll I MIA Kl I.FY N"I I'lM.I . V WOU-DKD WAS I UK IIIOOI IMi \li HUN | Al f Woodbi uv, (.'iinii., Aag. Vi_lin- Drnkclry wifo muriel tba! wai commuted here yesterd furnishes food tor ths i li mg" goes ps r.-iatit.t to the an* forton ate woman who ana tba vletlra of bar als-weeks husband's freniy from dlMlpeilon. Robert Drelteley, who lt wa* Orel supposed hid Injured blmeelf fat illy, la In nodenger whaterer, Be shel himself through tb* lia: d and ankle only, lt I hollered Hist lt wm I'l'-ni'ditiit*'I murd* r, bu* thut 1: wa* due ta, drunken in, in.**. it ls not believe i, either, tbal hs had qaerrelled with ni* wlfa from Isalousy, al? though ?ht ha* not had au SBSIsbls record for -..,..,ui* fis weeks ago th" j,.ur went to New York ead were ? irrted by s Osthells priest gas i .* Oil glnell] Mm-ll le l?avl-, au lr iii girl, in I th-ii a ,-till,I wa* adapted by George P, Alli u, fis p tetmseter her** ami ii iii.iii of *onia- ion -l-l r lilla w ilth. Mr. Allen, after ginns h'-r sn ???! icell ia tn Ibe dUlrlel Mbools ?*'iit ber to l<I*w-York lo bo I ral oed aa a prut* slonel nurse, ll here *h? ! iee Aim- ac pl.t In I. .I Wllb Wi ...:.* 11. M.ii 'Wieta .ii,, I ?oon afterward married bira. *? f* ? moo tb* later e dang li mr was born, but Mi > 1. 11 -.v ei, *a- dom i i ne to *-o bis wife end three faun latei they wer* dlvoi ,_1 Tbs little girl. Sarah, ? .* taken Imo ths finn y of Mr. Alien, lier mother v i* a--, iy ra al el thc Hi ? iiur-ing. Mr. Alica, wao went to t*lnrtde *rery winter, always took tue .itii.) inri with mm aud abs b known a* a member of Ibe family, About foin m.nth* ign, Robert Ors - . rho hod b.-eii left shoal |50,000 by lu* f *ih.-r, aa.ber lutenU Inn to become a funner. At omi thin lin cm ie 1 to study me Heine un 1 tried tu gel into the oiiice ol hi Ketchem bare, rhea*: ie study for the prto* t hood. but each Ilma be fell ii tek lu hi* own bad way* nnd sought only the eompaeloea *>t th" rum shea ll was about leesa v. e?k* ugo tint he ,ie .arel iii* Intention of inairying the widow Marwick, Arter marriage Iirakeley bogai te ir'tik|mors than ever, he being ebie la ue' Plenty of lupin- at one sf lha lora :,* herc la *pite of tho feetof ttl being o "no license" town. Ac. ur Hint to hi* own statement, lie cm* home eur'.y yesterday morning iiIidosi stupefied witn elder brandy, ami the crmplo lu, I tome worn*, . hen he iirew Iii* revolver to fright -ti ber, Budd ea ly tt was dlsebargsd and the wife fol. dead .nu a bullet through her heart. I bren more dint* wero accidentally dis '?li ii ge |, two of wiiliih la l_*l In tin* Wail* amt tho other pessed through Ur**eiy's left uainl un I lid jed In lil* ankle. TELEGBAPBIC NOTES, SALVAGE "N mi-: Wi:Itu _. BosTOM.Aug I-'- : hs wi vase on the steamship Wena will ii mon nt i,, u'?, ii i r;i' " 'ii * 't nu* ti" owner* take two third* and the real will be divided among the ot8o*ta end men ot the it. un,, l % tin lt,ll. BAN QI ET TO OBAN 0 AHMV BBB. HACBAMailTO, Ang. 19 -A I.un i in I wa* !? iel. i..! Iu*t 'ten log by ll,, ? Munn Bini 'in/' ii- I" th,,,,'I Alllit "I Ul' ' ll- [a,I I.II. . Ul' Hie,I.bel* ..I f.e I . ul. lill 111'' Hit. ml..1 iii u h..nv. r-i'.-.-i In . wt. ,,.,[,. I,} den. i.t Logan, t oliiliiuinb-1 ll, I I,iel lull, lilltt and Other* IMDICrBD uN a ki.rom Kit's COMPLAINT l'i|ll.*l,KI.|-!ll?. Am/. 1- [Hpniol). ih,- i.lumI Jin* (,,,lm toni,'! I. I,.il-,.I n,ll' Inn ni -.ii."tl i'liiu.'>iiiiii Wibi',un M. (ur i.e ..hui ml i,uiiii; iiii.ui.i ti,, i.ii au arreat mel Inni .-...un, ul nt .linn* U. li, U nay,* r* ^...i i-i nt ni* hoity Stitt. I'ooK ( IBtLDBEN BENT IN TBB < OINTKY. I'm.AiKi .mu, Aug. IU iSptelal). Tb* i hi.inn -1 onntry .-?.-I, .*..-,? i iiinii ?eiit ovei ion , lui, li* n n.t.iv lu -ai lui ? Wei k H .lill .,, 1,11 ll. ll..'.*' ? .ti"-.a* He ll.lilli""!' I inti.ll Ililli I...I.I TALUK ol' PH1LADI LPBIA PBOPEBTY. I'll 11. AI *KI I III \, Aug '- iBtHOiOl), A M., WS* le < ell. .1 I lout I Ht ' ..I. tl.,1b I I'L he .1 lo ,I..1 .Iiiim 111* the Unable prvperlj in i'mi_<i> i. in.i loi inri" wa* appraised el *o-!*-i.<i7'.*,.*i _. un im rees* ovei lt-', ot H7.ti77.S41. DI.iiKAHAlloN ok a LEGISLATOR run -i._i.niM, Aug lil IBgtexal), Jsem* . ri?h uml lil* Wit** .e|? i ii,nm,lt,.,1 I*. Un- ll" I-- ol i mr. ? I."li tuite) I"! "i gi .mc/, uml ti.,.i lei linell, i. f.i-re aiti-u I., il,. Hm let) lo Pi,,i,*i i iniiii'-ii innu i i..'ii* Aelah liven al I taint, too J .in. i..,ii. W J.. ..iel '*i "'?' lum- ii-|.i',. ni I Mon ii i i,unit in Un: Ni ? Iii *'l -' n-l' Hm dos niall U ti * la.i, _ el.,*, 1, i,-_,. wben li* gav. ui> lila i.uai,,. -* .uni . th... .lt. H.- ? .in to ?ll ,:? . ?nou in* lillian, ni - wasSWlit., '.. ku.i.i.u nv a non.i.k i xi'i.i hon. il'**lli.'.| i\ I- ..ii Au. l'J i-,, A ...'Ma* oded at th.-.'...iK t in..H.. i*' well "u ld ?'. IV. mhiHi iarm U* iUTi killing _ nini ii linen, a tank build r, ...n *_i.. ..j hu lt mg 3 _!__ and '' Cuumy ' -?.??> 'ls. TIIK BOEDER TROUBLES. A TALK WITH GOVERNOR OASZA GALON. tAOtt ABOUT mi Kl ItC.lA- Will! MEXICO. BAETILLO, Aii ... 13 (8pccUtt).?THI TeMBTJBE refceeeatatlva sailed yaaterdey apeo (.overuor Garzt tlulim, of Ooahalla, tit his hon?,'. Calle de Hidal.. o, to ulilaln his on tho liiteriiiti.i.'i il ,|iie_l_n which ls Sgltatlag tho mina. ot tim peepla. Conoortilug the Broslaa mutter, mt Breearts or Reeuroe), the Governor ?s! 1 fie tuan wa* a Moxloan clli/."u aud lived at the town of ..un Juan do Allende. Ho wu* at various time* s ?oldler In the Mex.e in Army, committed a number of crimes In ihe Stale aad fled to tagia Pa-*, 'l'e.x., where he lived forsli aisathi heforo hi* extradition, ito *** wan lsd In Mexico for uiurler at. il for ttcallntf and a requisition waa ma le for htiu. Braalaa nm turned over to Mexican ofllcors boutiil hand sui foot. 1 he Irons wero removed and the urtsouor was p need In tho (ttlnrd house at Piedras Xccrai. 't, . ?'..ntuii, ehlef afloat of the guard*, then directed his -econ.I uili sec iii eommnnd to taKe the prisoner uniter miunl ta the City af Eeragosa, thirty miiot hence, to bo breagl t balara lha helga and tried. He was accordingly loltsn from Jail .via while en route to Zsrsgose made un cit. rt toesc.ip-uti i w*i tire I at by th. jru.ird and killed. " fha napers In Tex is," contlnio 1 tho Oovcrnor, " say that Krsnel**-.* .meares 1* au American citizen. IT') ls not the same mau at all." " Wa* not the extradition of Arrosures Illegally ef? fect- ll" ?? i know ii ithlng ?f thati at least, a* far as wo tire cm,*? 'iiiii'i it wu* In necfeo! aorord w ttri tho law." '? Wu* ttiere aol some pr.vate arrangement to SOT* rendcrnn Amerloaa prisoaar waatad la the .c.'.oi in ax* eb ituo for _ salsa r ?? Ne, lin t.n-i i w i* no such arrangement." ??Way were thc beodenfUremoved from Ernslas when tie wss banded ever to your offlssrsI" ?? Bec ines it I- .galas! tha I twa sf our country to put :? ia Irons." ??it i* charged ti: it Amerlcani reoelva harah treal* menl at ths banda ol Maclean oiiicers lu thlt country I" ??Xii; on the oouirury hmerleaai are treated wtiti nun'" eoaaldaratton here ih-iu our own people, ft i* ? .iinu- im;'!-**!m tina American* aro not properly treoted In Mezleo." ?? I pre*uiu ? you are acquainted with th.* coarse Got* li t is tali ... is in regard to tue : -ri" ? ye*, hui I i .n't think for a moment thst ttie iv Isral i, iv.I ii ii ,r nt will j uy .my ut ten tl ni lo tb I I''-x i-* ?; over? lier'. rein ,r ,*. ao i wltho it lbs suthorlty ,.f the Central , .* eennoi take any action ao far aa lu* t. r' iti * ti'. > ire eoaeerna I." *? Wbatwoi rou thin! if tho Tex in* Won! t taite tt npon tbouiteivnt to lavalla you- country aad capture " it would bc in outrage sad tho Uatted Rtatel Gor? en squelch mch a prooeedlng and ? ii in ', i ve rn men l d mi is.'*. I leetlon* einiie settled amicably by ?ii-* without rs iui - ? to inn*." * .'bat are y?ur %.??.** In regard to tbe Cutting llffl* t I'* ? rta I fi- L'nlted Bl tte* 0 vein ? 't ii lave no Jurisdiction In ths eaae." ?? lecordlog lo our Interactions! rights and trestle'*. . < . intrr, tho lissi* ceo hu'', * tie* * -i in the Catting ca**. irrsstod, triad aad leafleted * ? ?? tf. in eui I 81 itea Government i i c nt::.* ?.... t_a G irem ?: ? ? i ?? I ? men the M- ttesn .tavern* ine,* u ,- ivoke war, sud -ni' ths metier would -I wu. i* mt sny bnmUiatlon to Meit o." *? if, in cai i ivs war. lt - I lar.epr ; lofth* Mexican p .,?. _.?volutloulsw - itel in i light ag nest ?. ?? ir we d n lave war with I -.- ,?..,. | ere would be t tra i In ihe . .i.r.:..-? Ihe spirit of patriotism ls greeter now I th?u ev -r." " H., * mers "I ant , i letter from I ' ' ' ncer * > Here I...- ? ? 'ter ior banded tbe eorrei iays . * . .- il false rumor i is ie forth ihrongi Ibe country i wai ted to tbe th (lovel imsul; thal un ? ? t ia kt tbet ell nye , l to deny tha falsa nate* : .-M. -? ? EAGER TU INVADE Ml SICO. .,Ill,i PATIUUTUM anoUSKD?XRX1CABI W \ V r TO, roo. Colt "iM!' . Ohio, Aag. \i Special).?Oov eruor Kora. ? instantly ra t letters fl loan War Tstsren* asking 1 * . lalesfor aii.iitwr.ii M * - ih Uovereor received a .Ricers of th natl mill usr-. ir** ItlOB, tarin.*: M IB CBBO WOT IS d* clere*. ? hope we 111 ba n-e Bri out." ......titos, ix. Aug. 19 I dis] ? ?> i *y. : "It 1* STtdSBl thal MSXlOO I* ?? lu read!:,,--- 1 WOT hO d i lb] the . .tates There arc sow 200 troops nation* I a'. , a* Neerea, aad ll ts stated aa good aathortlj tbet Doomorolefi .- isterdey for Piedras .egraa, it le oleo hnowu the! 100 ere stsiloned at lha peat below Uucrrero un ler command el Lye iboi \ .* lea i ?????? peay of United Htatea Cavalry, ' fifty men, laslett*! d et 1 .? - '.-- ss : . i piece ls defen KT. Lol .-. AUK. !-? "ie following IS telegraphed f rilli Laredo, I'm., to Tee Ulobe-Dem ??c: Lettei. end eon* irrlvlng in .nero Lared. Mesloo, * indrm tho ,.-,--. evolution try inrty .ii Northern v,.ii ,,', In for 'io**.ii. swords with lha I ?."- lat*. lt i* reported eu n??l authority i i?as ba* .. bini* wini the l . loni Uovernmi al i I ,.,,,, i the Yankees th* Governor ol I'emaullpa* la tata to beve eaeertett thal if Sewers I ibo po*IUon ol ,,u. n."i li'iimt, of Cblauenue, ba would uever slye i u-1.n.r up, sad the people ol bli Stele sppssr to uphold ion, it* ni* opinion, inun Perre* Llvere* lb* new* i one* -bal tbs pl OSBOCI of I* war wltb tie l'nlted Kt tte* :u, n* iininy in Hut seelloB wli to eld la wiplag "ut tho remembrance of their defect al i tin ..-..., ?onierej ind Buena v.ti_ Bto kmeo trriv lng tm.:, Mexico ? ui- tliut thS ne,** Of "I," trOUb ?? willi Hie L'nlted ."'ute* im* tu?t raee bed remote rest out tu the luteilur. <-ao*iiig ureat esellemenl sad makin,! lt dan K.i ms for sloe* buyers to stay D their 0 I 1st, -,i n* Penn., \-i.-. ix?The patriotism of thc re tera nt ol tins boronga has neon aroused hy ihe pros* poet of coodlei with Mollee to soon aa sates! thst two ,.psales ne srgaaltlag with a view t? tendering tneir services to ibo Gevernmeot W. "Jot" Barer itoeh haseorolled npwerdol 100 ama with a rlew te r.. rmi iu a eompenyof light artillery, snd Captain 'Jo* Vi t Idluger, also a reteraa, ha* srgsulsed a i oropsnr ot lufeutri I'iSstroBg. Bots eoiepenlee are prepared to i cell on me shortest i"***!"!) untie-. ? BOW "THK LO. GOS TIMES" BEES IT. I...MM1N, Aug. Vi.? lh, I,rms, speaking of ti,,- cutties aaaa *.* ti "T.i* -*--r dim* utylB tb* way of a *ett. 'iii' ni el Uie maller Iles in < 'ullin .* il'l'eal IO Hie petalons of the Texans aad tbs aestroef Ihe der. raider ea beta sldss "f the frontier for aa oat* break which would result la tbe restorsttoa ot contra bead trade. Presldeal Dtas, ol Stesloo, ?? sa Bass no wish for Boolltstoa with hi* powerful aalghbor, sud he in.i*l bs w.Il aware that th-re ure eueuibi* of BcXlCO 00 beth sides el tin* frontier who are ciuuiiiiitu* mr **?r. \i .leo haa beea sarprlslaglr reasonable in de*;iin witn Cutting 00081.1- ring the provocation ba suv,*, and ul? Secretary n*v,*rl hu* le en n little too . xac'iuir, m- .ie.i,o. ot thr Prttidenl and the .- .lat. is oil thut nula ft attired [sis], lu mm action its* theessoreneeol j,. soe." _ minimi ti: .i M k-'is-- i:i:-i'i.vM IOM. Citt or Jli.xi.ii, Aug. ia.?The i. Munition of Geaaral Jackson, I lt* l Mates, la said to tieponttive, ead general regret leespteeeed by resident ... Hean*. The Minuter baa won the werai apntofal ol .,, . ..i-te* by hlsdlgulHed and prudent com*". si i.i I. ii i ii. BAS UTA CTl BBBB COX1BKT. Loxa Bba_< ii, Am:. Vi [Spacial).?The buib BlMturersef Beseemer steel mila bald aa Importna! uietinu at Loog liiaucii to-d*). A year ano ih'-y formed M organisation el Loeg Branch for the parpose al ?o rogalaiiag ike output *,i rails thal BTar?p_t4a< Ilea and riilnoii* pt !*?<*?. windi hud for *oiue time pre rolled, woulil i?* ?revealed ur, tbs fatsura. Tao arreaaemeai whlah wu* then mud** ha* worUod *o well, nol only for the lin ?adis, mien-*- aaaearaed, um ai*o foi Ibe .morai i,u.iu,** lalerssta of ibeoeoetry, Uml Ibe awsBufaator er* ul their meutliu to-ilay decided with couil'Utn iiiiuiiimiiy to ooiitnitie It (or aaotbet J ear. I he demand for *leel rail* I* now uelivn and the ImmSOBS Steel rmi ICdUttry I* lu B heiltny .uni 0100001001 OOUdltlOO, ?up jiiyiu. nil ih.. rall* to Hie lallioad eompeOIOt lout tUOll *au S reiiu re and ul reasonable prloee, lt I* "???"T*JJ tbat daring tao ooaUag yeer tbe eepeeitr of ino steei iui mill* will lie luiiy e,pial lotaedemaod. tbere win. i benito!', tM no ii,,-e*?uy lu Imperf f,nelun nelle. BUU a -i.-e, rall -boom" aud ita attendant evil* will !-e .*- Maeu, Tne orcenlsettoo of stool rall meunfeeinrert due* |"" iiiiilertulie to lix**, e-ch eoninuiiy iii.kit**. lt* own eoatract* un.i uxuu Itt own prleea, ihe ergeoisattsei i* *ln,ply a en. .-.. lo over proiluctlou. CB l RU LU Willi "RiVELl.lSD." Ni.\\i'.)i:i, R. I.. Aii^'. 12.-P. A**li.!i'lfii wns ?rrested h-'ie t*. u> so a eu iras *>r ?? rsvalllag." Hooo ii.nt parties ara fre?aaatly matin up f'?r drarf drive* .i.iwu taa ..v.-nie ..mi over lbs aoeaa drive, ni whieh job .ut ?... e, illy prevails. Mr. Aebeadea wea sal rrilh a i,.,,iy wbo mdiiUeo lu i outmerahl* hernblewln. uutl. a ' non,'i-n - in*? f-iai-. -. Mr, Asaoudoo |...... l-l i "' (ttilty. and Be HlU ba examined betON iho coull ld* iiioi row. OOXTESTISO OVYABXOB DUBKBE't WILL, Mil. aii__;. Au0*. VI. Tho will Of ex United States Senator Chorlet Durkoe, who wat Gover? nor of I'tah from 1363 to the time of ht* death in 1970, I* to he oouietted. An ettnte of IJ31K.0O0 lt luvolved. CBARGED WlIB POISONING HER SON. DEATH OF rilE 80. OF MRS. KOBI-SON?TllE PRIS 0. EU8 I_ DOUBT. IIostox, Aug. 12 iSpecial).-Tho St mierville poisoning cate had interest added io it hy thc death to? day of tho soo, Willum. Tho body wat toou after re? moved to an undertaker'i. Ths hody of tho girl, Eliza? beth, wno diod lu Hare., wlU ho exhumed from Its rest? ing place in Cambria, o Cemetery. Tho hodv ot tho Freeman boy, which lt interred in Chelita, will not oe disturbed st present. Tn the paitoa court at Somerville t .ii morning Mrs. ltoblnson and Mr. Smith wero arraigned on a charge of mixing poison with the medicine of William 8. Robluson with Intent to kill. Both pleaded not guilty. Mrs, Robinson emphasizing her response betweeu sobs with tho exclamation "I um not guilty of poisoning ray own child." Bhe showed much emotion during tho first part of the ceremonies, shaking frnm hoad to tout like ono witn the palsy, bhe finally took the situation un? concernedly, .he had not beeu informed of her *on's death and made the inquiry once or twice of her coun? sel. The cate was continued until Maroh 1. and in the absence of hall both prisoners wore locked up. Mrs. Hohtnson was dressed neatly and wore n heavy crape veil. M.-. -mitti is medium In bulgin with .cant gt ay whiskers aud hair. He has threo sous, two of whom are engagrd In business In this city, willie one ls a recent graduate of Harvard College, lt is said thut ho ls superintendent of tho Methodist Bundey* Behool In Hyde . ark. His business ls that of a travel? ling salesman for a lielt-laelug firm. It ls sud that Mis. Robinson has a oas*) pending tu the Supreme Coori In irgar< 1 to Uer husband's Insurance lu tho N sw-K ug land Mutual Relief Association. There sre several dishonest transactions charged against her which, ll 1* alleged, oc? curred iltirlug lier stay lu Cambridge. A servant, .I*-i*to Mul-iinnld, employed tu her family rdoce she live t irs Somerville, I'ooame displeased with tho way thing* -".ere going on at the house and left tbe place last .aturday. lt I* expected that she will prove a valuable witness. Mrs. Boh!.son has two children left, a son, Charles, aga nineteen, and a little daughter, firaclu. BE MASKABLE SUBGU Al OPES A TION. A MAN IWALLOWI HU TI'I.Til AND TBET ABU COT OUT Of HIS STOMACH. Dost.., kag, vi [Special).?On Thunda. ,t rciiniikahlo _ur|.'lt.-al operation was performed nt Iho Haesaehueotts Oeaeral iio?ptt:\i bv l?r. Maurice EL Ki' li!t-l*ou, ,,( tl,,* city. About u year ago John McCarthy swallowed a eet of artificial teeth. Tho in** ?a*'!) of food to tho stomach was almost wholly pre vented, ths pitlont .rew omseiatod and wonk and lt ba* i ; si .lieut tbal .mles* relief, a* had,he inii?tsooii die. Dr. !?: ii ii'. "i.i nu-1>* etransYsrse cut la the Mt silo of the -to lumen, tiiio.uii which the mai*'* stomach wa* tim _u out, and then out open, when by the Insertion nf iii* irm to the elbow Dr. Richardson -va* able to re.irti snd remove the teeth, Ihe internal opening was then doced with tine *t.ti and tim stomach replaced. the external cut being also closed with stitches, ihe whola opsratloa was completed In forty-ttve minute*. Ths patient ls doing well and his completo recovery is nuw cjtistiior-'d little less than certain. IB BO U0I1 NEW-YORK STATE. PERIL OF A BTEAMBOAT. OS- ITO -II- I- ll I-'l.r.i:. MINITE. IN* .I.NTCS LASE - PASSKX4KBI I'ltAViMi. Elmira, Auk'. 12.?k digpatcfa from Watkina says: "Tba tovsrstt gelOOt Wind ever known along Beneca Lske occurred shoot 7 .clock last night. Tho -r Bcbnyler, which left Oeaeva at 5:30, mada Doy's Landing *-. i wae getting oat late ths laka ohsa the wind itruck h-r broadside, and she weat over 00 her sida and lay th.-re. i largs Bamber of i leeengers on boord. Captain Curry, with ni* i. i to aav* il .*. tn tho . i ? . - were upon their km ss pra ..... ? t ii torren - ol wat-r oonii the boat, wblob wst drifting to wsrd thors, Bo f,.r ,,vr ? i lie tbet one of the paddle-boxes, as w.-'.t *? lbs rudder, wa* eomplstely out *>f tbs w.aer, ami it u ,s lm P'isiioio to steer Hie remaitted lit this position t'.neeu minutes, and the captain ?ays ? te:, minutes tn irs ind there would liave neen Bo S, huylcr.' " i" TiKl. A RIDE THROUGH THE WHIRLPOOL, Iii i k.m.'i, Auk. 12 Special).?John Promo, t limiter, and 1 reit*rick II. Il-.-'.-k.r, a streot-cleaulng overseer, will ra ike an e3urt on suuday, A-gu?t --I. te u tvtgate tho Nlasara Illvt-r whirlpool In on old beer il lok for -I". )' 'ar* ti is beeu BOOldertnslB tho ce .jr of 'i?orge K_o*'s brewery. It ls Iva feet long by four feet di iineter of he...I and ls constructed of oak. lin) mea say it ls easy to go through the whirlpool sud the world of ibo met 'it.ey win dis card el i irrangementa end let thr. oarrel go a* it like*. It will tie weighted with 1,500 poeoda of sand, Wbloh Will !"? pl iced io a bOX, ."eat* elli bc placed on ? . I lbs ino:. Will arraiiKO to have au ea.<y ride. ADDRESSES AT CHAUTAUQUA. Chautauqua, Au^r- 12.?Profeaaor William i. -,miner, of Vi.l", gav.) a lecture to-day In the Am? phitheatre on ?? r id industrial war." Tea Chaataa i ia tieptlat Clrota met In ths Amphitheatre this afternoon, mi wi* addressed by the Rev. r. . Henson, D, i> i ii* ,go, Government, or tho Poop;* ?*? uo tioveru is." A Baptist ''tea m..1 MClable" wa* held ni thu remple tull evening, at WhMB addresses we.e Ue.ivered by ll. V. Jacobs uni Dr. Henson, ot Cmcago, Mi*. Kennedy, of rtilietlelpiiia, and others. Jon iM.-1 iii.Ki: AND THERE. Ki-GdTOM. Au_. 12 {Special .?The temper*, ance camp_aeetlug In Oakley's Drove, -tomi Ridgey is attracting targa orowda. Mrs. Lathrop, of Mlcblgaa, sd dresse. tho multitude ystterdas oa tbe aeesestty of making teiBporescs taa great pwiltloa] issue. Titi.r, Aug. VA [Special).?Xf ttof Distrlet samp meeting, wbich opened yeeterday at Leboaoe Springs, wm atiendeii today l.y a larger utimlierof peison* than ti*n.i_ Tho Hov. J. M. Appleeaan. af Kiadeihook. nreecbed tbli morning, and tho Rev. H. Van le Carr, ot Weil I roy, tin t iitteruoon. A TOWS 8WKPT uri of BXtSTBXOB. Pori Keogh, Mont., Aug. 13.?Tba aew town of i.usk, lu Northern Wyoming near tho .Montait. borderline, was visit*d by a terrille storm of rain aud ball last laaday wblcli Vtrtaally swe;tt lt out of ex? istence, ibo town contained several hundred In? habitants nnl was built of lents and temporary struct ur.)* of bonni*. Ide storm literally swept tho earth Blear of loeamhraneee. Tents, boards sad canvas were wrenciietl their ino,rings amt whined away. Yards of canvas w.r. mattered everywhere along the neighboring foothills, aad even far np ameag ths inonu inins. T.'.eie vere nt* casualties unng to thc lightness of tho material eotaposlas the buildings, I BBBEL POI \ OSES AT SI.A. Jv itv.sviii.i., Tin.. Aug. 12.?A 8_ Aligns* tim*, lia., dlepateb io ike llmet-Cnlon sa>* tuat tue *leani"r Ki'siilute, of tins Rebel Wreklug Compaay, Nor? folk, \'i.. sprang * le ik amt fou'iiered at see od Key, Jun lillies south of at, AurUStl BS at li'.'' oY.oek a,ll Augu*t h. i lie oaptata and ,-iew took to a lifeboat, with provisions aadwettr, end arrived hern t.,-i*v. rho tteemer left Korfork on August l fur llayii, and was vaiiied at 120,000, i .H'lAlS J. ,1. tVMMKBB meows EH. Count Juhn J. Sniiinn'is, in.i.ter of the Dotted -tales Uabtboaaa Depertment steaasrr, j..i.u Rodgers, i? sappoaedtu havetbrowa klmsslf late the see od Iilsos Rock Bridgeport, Coon., early yeater day morning aud lo have been drowned, ,11s live*lel ute picton, 8. I. Hs ws* Issi teea on board of bis vessel at anchor, oa Wodiiesde) mg m. *?(? .Rieck Ru* i. betlHir, and ai daylight sould nol i.e lunn I. Ko boat ned beeu orderod away dining tim mst't. Tuo deportment al . 'ii wu* informed ol the sn rt au minuet- _ua telegraphed, requeattng tba vesselto be held, nulli fm tiler limers, a vlgoreej search lor .tho body wat kept up nil day without niieoo?*. ? -. ?? CRIMES AM> i A8CALTIBS. MURDER OK a i HINES! woman, bivi ku. A,,^. ij a dsapeteh (Tom Evanston, Wyo., to 1 h. .'.. I ,..\ , 1 uo I il ll,,1,1,i ll lill' nelli lil ll fi. r Iii ll I ile 1.11 ij a t hm. _, u,,,,,?ii ,n,,|, bopping bal budy Ul plot ? ?*. ? hi* :, tex* lound to I.I ot equal weigh) ITic uiurrteii-r* wen je.ilou* Ut lin- lilt, ntl.,ll* 1 > -nI to llln a* '.mull lit .1 ** lille 111.ill. A lA.MU.V MURDERED AMD Hl'KNKU. mii.ii rs. Art., Ang. lt iii nulli Mm tm, ot Weaver. Ari, .1th hia wile .uni m.i .I.n inn -intel! ..ii Joh .n foi Krii*. i't un , on .i ? :*.l n..i bom* beer*! li"ni. a .-..i.ii i, -il ll. .1 l. - I ??! ll III til. Illlili llji Ol III, ll . ll III. .1 I li.l le* 1,,-tw, eu \ 111 nie Mme .uni I'i,," hiv. Mal I.n i* knott li lo hu . tia.te4.Ul_l tt til ll I'll. Iii,; lilMll, ?, lt IH tlloUKllt. Were lilli lle,| lo lOVel the 111111,1, 1. SUICIDE Of AN IA -U1K IIMAN'. J *i ks.n -iiiii,., lng. ia. I.-,, i,,i... a bartender, sbol bim n-li In Un*ha.ri n ..i..ii, *li-mn eluiosl luateutly. The act Waacauerdbj ,..u,.ii-i uf Maggi* * .iii.inii, hi**-, (.ol. ?.1.- tn.- uiiui um* linnell ii,, -nw iii . ,1 Ul ktk'blgau L'vntial lui" i ui in I HMO, 1. ti nm the englueon Hie lia. k over WU1< li Un i'm ,'l, !.l|.|e-- ,1 l-ll. ,1 .1 f. ? lei,lu, Iii- l.ilel. CaiUUIg * Ut lilli,- .1, . 1,1, Ht. Ill t\ (Hi li MX teel, )? | IOIM Itel,' kl 11,.I.; DUCE OEM A RESPITE I" i; i Hurra, Ark . a,,ii vi. i'ii-hi, ni i lavolaad has grant? ed i I* -im.- ,.f _ .. ii u..?:.? I., mu. Duck .i young CU iuk_i iiiiiide111. ulm sras i*. been bailg_l lo iii,uiou. Iil.Aills i ai BED UV A Ml- teTEH'd DAUOIITER. I III* alu, Aim. I.' \ ili.pMti'li lo I hr Dmttu A'Otm Hom * l,.ilt.ui,?,ii.i .it s .il iii.r. a* llle, U*! infill Hu lil *?. I ! Huntly uml luiii, L>? via, Uu* Utter a prominent tai hui, bad * UllllC ll lt) OMI lill' lilli lill.,11* ul DOV ll lo ll.Illili . ,1.111,1,,Iel i lu- yoong vt mu in h brothel atta_ip__ io ?iou trnvti .uni ibe hill, i -ti. .it h. in lo , Iradi, i li i-i ..ii _ I..* t,:.iill with * at oe* Al lllln jilli, lille die l,lill!.Iel lill u .1 killie .Hui atl.i, i,,,l I'.lll -. Lol li lo, i, lou,, hi u un i^ au. I.e.ti ii WSS iuuil.ui) StmiBltfli Ntl Ml I I.N Y li.N iiiii Hi 'IlllltUl-'F. KI.LSWOBTH, m,., 'ins, I'A Tho iii-I,,ii, ii ti,.iii Portland Ultu., .in rn t oin,I oi ii munn) mi lu.,il.I lu- ?< -lemuel linn) i' A i... null, ol I,.tm.Oin , on Hu- v,l uni H.,uk.-, i. I.ii.-, 1 li? mul iii) laug piano ea ia* . '? Slsiow*, **f i.n. kapui i, .tit A ti in HIM.ii .-*li:! DE UV LK.II i'.MM, i'n..-? im in,*>s, Meas, .m. i ..,.- asking *ch__u-r TragablgsaBale, ol ..,.?,i..-1.,. .,:,,!,,no in Umbsriior, Ulla ,,ii,,,,....,, t*.,. -um ki.) lightning, .uoi in* i_....u...,.. ...ei u..i..i i.,,,,...oi mn, u_ i.) ,-.i*i; STRAHAN DEFIES THE MAYOR DIFFICULTIES IN PROCEEDING WITB THE IQUIBI CA.. E. THE bAWTER WAMTt A>r BtmfttUBBmxBtn ANO R*> tVtWt TO OO ON?SQUIKK TAH KS THK STAND, BUT DKCLIXKS TO MANY tgVtWUOBB ??? MARKS Mit. 1'KCKHAM ni.l'SH. There wa9 n full house in thc Mayor's olVoc vest cf day when the hearing of the sharfae ntfainst Commie. sioncr Squire wae resunie?l. The cu-e hail b*en lirokea ott at an interesting point, anti lt win* in anticipation of au animated cro?_-ex_iiiinntion that tho crowd gathered. When Mayor draco called up the ca**' Mr. Strahan, Colonol Ingersoll and Mr. Newcombe had been in earnest conference for .cveml minutes. Mr. Strahan arose. " I am not ready to proceed just at tin. moment, your Honor," he eaid. " The MaeeM I a.-**i|_ nd winn I ?-ke*i you to adjourn on Tuesday et 1 II odtnin. Ky time na thut day was fully occupied ha obtaining BBB for my client and In attending to Mattera aaaaaated willi tlie iii'l'ctmeiit. Yesterday f was obligfd to leay the etty, ?<) that I have not yet had a chane* ta consult with those associated EB the case with me, ninl batata I eau go aa I mu*t conloi with them. I have made eanaat e.ort* to get a eopy of the indi* 1 un nt a^nin-t Mr. Bqaira, but thu* far my s_erta bave paras, quita unavailing, lam ai anxious, to <-o on a* your M.mop i. tar linne aa____ I bohara?aad teiaiehthean proeeadlofa. I will therefore a.i au ii.ljiiiiiiinienl until Monday or Tuesday, wheu I ?notni.c ta BC BC continuously to the finish." Mr. Paahbaaa opp oood the motion, ir, said thal Mr. Squire had given bail ; couti. .-1 did not say thut he ivis ,1: counsel knew the indictment o! lu* client wag a matter ol certainty? -Pardon me ; but I have not tba facilities for private con -u! tut i,,n with the 1 > i _- _. id-Alt..t:ioy whlob tba Mayor and his lawyers Bnfey, 'I'd our written reqanet tbal th** Oread Jury da aa tba p ms. tg courtesy of hearing what we could . .iv in our defosoe v.,' bad not area tba leant deeeueye. amply, We have not bat n on tba inside nf tbs District-Aft unsay. office, Bor nave wa moved our Britni MOS back and forth drona thi* ottos to tba Orand Jury room Uke tba woodoo ca-liier on a toy bunk. Mr., you Liiw no mfiafeat r.-m-oii for Baking an adjottmiaeat at l.-.i-t before are hare beea allowed to oross-examiiu Mr. Bqaira, Von bad Hafehad your dir* ct examination whoa yea mad,- your i.i . re? quest for aa adjoontawat and have not permitted . ? nj tesl hi* extraordinary tala. Mr. That i. tr'.,-, bat at n un,tnt au* other agency, not eongbt by aa, earns into operation, lt wss thea entirely within nay optua to shay lhasa lingi or to ge on. 1 aished ta a e ll in mm m wwf .?. '.d L.-t pto,.-, ed. I am confident that that way will bs i lear to bis after ronsnltatioo with thees apoa whom I greatly rely for adriee emf c I. Ia di bo i* adj to ,o forward continuously "!; Tu* -'l.iy. Mr. Peckham?Ton wish to adjourn without giving u- a i h.hi* a '.ti. ri m examine Mr. Squire ! Mr. Strahan -To i iball not dictate how I a a ta pra? tt cd, Tbat is for na - Mr. Peckham interrupting)?Ara you ipeaklngfoa yours it or for your client! Mr. Strahan [without ?1? Mr. !'<-i-kluim? I must stigmatize tbe com oana igenuous, leaked bia if he demanded the ad* join un,i it for Iii* o**!i ar for his olient's i . ii.-iii and ha mike* oo reply, i-ut sbnply say* In sn indefinite, in distlnct, uncertain way tbat he ls noir* o\v. nev,) tbe p of le no rights betel If thia maa ia unfit for - th** pul.ii.-to walt to get him oat till ll _ ace to have the charges againat Lim beard 1 Mr. Strahan?The bringing of n criminal chards against my cl.cut puta ass thee ta tom witb a eertona responsibility which l furn haaarably to dinebarge. Voil plm-ed us i:i this situation. Wo WOTS ready enough to go ob. Hawwrer, yoar Hoaor haa made a praeadaal (bryoarawagahtaaaa, Whaa yoa brought ch.ir_.-s to yourself against (ieneral Sh aler you iliad*! thr* a dui* rent a<liii!irnm*'nts, postpoalog the beariag far months or until tba aaaa bad tt*!,.- beea beard ia Ibe collits. I do not u(j_ any -uc'i Indulgence a.* thi*, but only what every deoeat mau will <-? isider aa boneel request?that you sd Joan for three days that I may eonsider my dattea, with tha distinct pledge that I will thea ge ahead. Mr. Peekbnm?There aaa be ao proper eomranaaa between Qeaaral Shafer's eaae aad thi*. It fe by i.'i nen- so Important. I in*;*t. Mr. Mavor. that wt -h..ul.I nt least have an opportunity to cross exaaaiaa Mr SqlllrO, rio-Mn. ,,r-It seems to me that there fe a greel di .on-nee between ths Shafer case aod this, Ue waa nt i-. t' .1 on the \ rv .1 iv be was samasoaed i* appear .?fore me, Ibis bearing feen fnr advanced that tba oroofi it ion bad olo*ed tu esse and tbe defence nae exeml ed its chief witness, 1 panted tbe sdjournmenl on I'n -.111 upon thc po.tlve aasurance thal y..*i would conn tullin. I decide that you must do SO. 1 da? el ne t>, great tbe u ,tio:i (br an sdjoarnment Mr. Strahan ie (tiing back in his chair)- _ ll right | th"!i lour Hon..! eull pn.i eed. The Mayor?Cell yoarw__e*s. Mr. Strahan?I "mi**** not. Thc bearing waa ad* Journed while my witasaa was ou the etnud. H. will rome bach when I cull bim: nol when yon do. Tho * i- i- ii, ms li md* now and I * ill conduct it Ile pl in tc ted to do sn bi t tu ll . in j; one thumb ia bi* -,* i .-I,-', it iimi.ute at;.! pl. 'lin.; una newapsper, ; ?" Mayor looked bm aga, "Citisea " Miller !>??*.<*l glam inti Hr. r,*-.ham I s.keii dtansessl, Thc Cor* hoi tijou Conns, saaasad araaaas- Yin.-.Uv Mr. iv*-.. 'inn. -.ii- that as tm defence hod etoeed ita ceoe, ht ill1 'elli t|-!l'd ? **. ben lie nor that far. Mr. Strahan remarked that ho li.ul not closed hts ca**** and should not till ht gal ready. "Yon ean cloee lt il you like." be continued, . to Mr. Peck hem * toa aa a the Meyor may eliiae h. bul you cannot -tal a ie ool ol osiart, and to ho :-, l< 'nt i- ii*- .i fig B you *1" ' Al thia Juncture Mr, Newcombe weal <"it. Mr Miller darted siter hiss, Ibe Mayor's seeretary cont siter in.tb. Por lilli' an hour nothing waa aaid oa either *nle. Tbs Mayor bumed himself in signing wurreate. Mr, Strahan reed hie paper. After e wbile botl tii_ luwyen oeuie back, and consultation* took plact* oa , I. li-ile. Then Mr. Peckham called "?Mr. Shear. in hi " Thia wee Commissioner Shearman's son. Ho aili ii. sd to tin- a ituess-st tad, bul Mr. Strahan ob ed. " Yon cloeed your ease,' t* mid. ?? _ ?! ruin han* you to eal! witaeaaes t" [be Mayoi <!.?. ,.l.-d i h.ii tin* objection waa Bot well taken and the wittie * waa aworn, Inanewerto Mr. iv* .ham's qm -i.? ha saul thai In* bini lett tbe court-room balf aa booi ba* t'oi-e in mi oi-ilu'i. <> null Mt. Milli i's ina tm* uu*ai_| beti ...i'- in the Lfepartmeat ol Public>-. lia ibo .iittn -nb- of the Coori Hnm-o be bad a et Mr. Bi ?u, ihe Mayor's nitooeugei^who waa going all or a mb* pii'iu'i.'i-Mr. N|ulre, I h*- wllaeea weal on lo ibo ilepni iim-iii. H.- ? nv Mr. Newcombe go m the* Irani door, sail Imnginiug that Mr, Bqaira would pr**** inly ?lip ti it ol tbe rear euiiaiii<?, be weal there Bud il tyi i im aouie ii ne. bal Mr Squire did aol oom* down Michael w. Brown wassworaand mid be wa* a m.'**. ae ... i in the Mayor'* ottiee. Us bad been senl by Mr. Miller io-et m *ubpteua lor Mr. Squire. Alter *? curing it h.- waa told by Miller to mt where Mr, Sow* combe wes gomg. He followed Mr. Newcomb*-eng miw iiiiii eater tbs Pttpartm*-nt ot Public tVerka Alt. rwurd ho eas Mr. Kau.aba cssae oal agata. Hs wi i.i upstairs and Baked lar Mr. Sqalrs ami w,*e tmd t>*.'-\ did ii"t awou arbsra be waa. o li fe bon apparent,*1 said Mr. Paahbaaa, " lunn ilia estraorxliu_ry course para ard by aaaaael fer theda* tenn* that thor, is na ase ia attamptmg tu further to-day. Thaaa gontlaasau hare evidently * ??i? ?idvrcd ii oonsfeteal >*iib th. ir lu,hoi t>, t.i!*, Air. Sonni' * mi of tho reach of a sabmsna. I deeica to aaaaa two reuuasta. Vint, I rermally deiuaud to knnw whatg Mr. Ni|ii:i*- i". timi WS may **??! \ * iiiui. Palling iii ibat, lu.,!, tom- liotioi- to edjourn aabjact to call white wt *. .mil no ooaoty for Mr. S(|_ire." i ?? Don't srarry yoaraaU^" *anl Mr. .-italian. u AAag Mi. Sipiiie pi'-it'led t<> his linli* tmnal ibis moraiag. l edt i*'d bim ibat bo iniglit go .ibmit lu* business. I t,,i.i i,.in I ini*l no <li>n >t tint tha Mayor would a| i,i .t i, .if tbs lieoeney lo granl my rcqaeel im aa aa* jiniiiiiii. nt until iui-Mlay. \\ lien 1 foaad I ?.i?inis? 'i.ik* ii I stut Mr. - eweoaabc to timi out whan Alr. Buuire a is Hat in^r fearaed, u*- bara dirccte*! hun to i.e inie at. o'clock, lt' you will take areoces natta then win * ill nnd Mr. bV|aire in this room." i h. rcoees wa* ta hen, and al Si o'clock Mr. *j'[uiio walked m. Be kooked white uni aaatoua Ma bad lo,i in* uni ail' md looked both collet ltd and .ll til.I?. Hr. Stratum aald i "I made n asatiaa whaa aaaaa pi ,.i e. 'iin_-* oiit-n* .1 Uni* ateraiag a blah w.<* a.* steer ?? ium.I. ci.ubi have ii.-en preseuted. MyyaardaBdal you baie pissed ihiaga in luah * ahafa that I aai now obliged io assume lesponslbititfes and nfea fnaatteag ot i,.ni \iliicii might have bteti arutded hadyaag mut iv e . been hoiioat and your eada and purposes Uoiioiai>le. li vim wara hen as a juet aomt deaigaiaa to nu te out lair aroa-haadoa Jur-tii-*.-. aad baa not Hunte up yew yoa ware gtdag ta ate eaaatw von l.e.ti'i'oii*! nord ot'cvideiioo. 1 *bould better know liow lo med tins ntuatioii.- As it i*. 1 must apply tor a ruling thal Hu* pruoaediag be nora* Jar eoaaju d ta ibuoe aiuurgaa wuiob Uo uoi i_mmwn/ffesaataaltefH