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COLONEL OSBORN'S REPORT. WHAT MANUFACrUK.'-^S SAY ABOUT IT. BMRIOIS lN-H.RVALrA.IoN** (JOINO ON-CUTTINO . INTO A-KIHCAN THADF, epeaUl Agent W. IL o?boru's report to the Se-oietary al tu* Treaeory oonoerutn- utidervsluitlous In toe eatlery trado, pelilU*ied on Wednesday In Tiik Tiiinrs*-:, feMee-oed a profound oensitlon In the Custom Hone* and the Publio "toro* and among the uiauufaoturere ana lni]*..rteri of tli.u ? of merril rn lise* The denial* of tke Appraiser anti bis u-s st mt s .ml of the linns aoouse t ta Colonel Osbnru's st-tcmetit only herve to Intensity the In'oreeL Collecior M.igone hus acted upon seme of tue Information given him hy Os'ieirn PA tnt a* to send lt to United States Olstrict-Attoriiei Waiko", who ta ronslJer lag bow he would best proceed In tho premise*. He ls not orr ela whether lt sliouU ba taken op ur him without speoltlo from Was itnift m. and at \\ asblng tou their ls reluctant***, to lm peach Mr. Mi'Mu len. IIB Ras all elong stoutly roaiiitainel thai no undervaluations weie going on et this port end etill adheres to that poeltlon. notwithstanding the atory that the odl'-lal -goree telL The Appraiser's ohlef weapon of defence seems to bc tbe alleged aslselome-iiiorg of Colonel Osborn. Ile ears (kat inborn ls uot an ace re i ted anent ot the UoTrrn mrnt. Tbe fact ie that he was employed by tue Treasury Department In August, IS.5. to go to England und Oei aatuy for tbe special purpose of Investigating alleged revenue freud*, ile denies thai be was thus employed at the liis'.euee of I be As?oot tnt I'm! try Mauufeciurere arl Ihe United Kates, and proaiiuetit otllccts and uiom kera of that a-jaociutloQ sup- ort litm In this deni.ii. lie Bays thnt ni tue tune o' thu emtiassy be was ticiiualuted with but a single member of tbe association. Previous to that lime for Iltoon years he bud beeu engaged In tho importing brunch or the trude*, with which everybody Ire Ure* him to be perfectly familiar. A cutlery dealer laid yealerduy "Colonel Oaboru knows more about foreign cutlery, and tue ptaetioal details of importing, tbeu any mau I ever >i et." Mr. us'Kiru wns nt Hie -t- Dem* Hotel yosterday after boob. "They don't seem to like my retort, do ??hey t" ho rem irkini, re erring to tue kpftOSttt uud tue lu porteia. ? Well, I oau't help I didu't expect thew to wue.i I male IL Ani tney *?y I am not a special Bgeut o', tbe UoveruuieuL They uuy cali lt by what Burne ibey like, but I take ll tbal n luau ls lu the eui} loy af wuonver pays i.uu Ior his services. Tiie fulled Stairs pistil uie for uiiiie, um report I lust seut tn (MIBtetaa u.y work, lt la wholly falsj tuat I tun iii the service of tue Amiricau iiiftniiluutureis or wus wnile ai-rn.i , or thal 1 was seut ott at tu Mr lusiauce. lt is qul:o true thut tiley ci.u-eai Ihe investu it on. Iii "day, 1 **-"', tim ie:i I lug cutlery manufacture!s, aroused by tue losses tuelr bus:.,ess i,,i i >.i.-|t?i,,o,i uy in of fraitls comiuliteU by luiiort ie*, iii ide rat oas couuUiuts to tue D?|>HrtuioiH at Was i:igt<tu. 1 i.ey ooullUUed tbe-so UBI'iIbIbIB uutll Sli.ile lullai Hal IO <M ilouo. Il Pim elm lr i Bgout ulel'o ul to uinaiii the farts. Rpnclal Ageut I'lu.: liiai. o boston, BUgueaSted u.y name. 1 i.r 1'"} ai intent, ot i, .ri!-il wit. lue uieiuii act .iel s i.e o wiu-innr m u lt wao b.iti.siiu tatiy. At ti,a time, tuoiwli Well il0t|UaliiU*el BMMNIg Importers, I only knew e.Ee Ul.millan Ul cr lu A.ieor.r.l. I wan -rut uni did my duty Hie uesl 1 k.iciv iiow. 1 v .is fMW ue.tily mix montus. tue (juvir.iiiKtni pay mit ail my vx,n u-en and a reason aldo loiujwiiesau,.li. 1 mu.le iit-iiji-iil n-pnrls. " 1, Ibu wuk i lull ii vu- a nad rec ned nioner assistance I.i .?? lu tue Appraisi r's olhve, Underlain .lieu wuuid 1. .ve ueeu ellet.tu.iliy -.tupped. Lui olen us ll was, ide ii ai ls were eiiecird. Muuy taportaH Ral trtfktaaad una increase i Hie v..lii"8 of their lu?(tiers. 1 ne Ai'i.raiser -.ot liii.-i.ti Urd. loo, un 1 Old Ina du y iniieli belter. 1 i.tillie thal lie etrlnes lu,*, iiuel eui 8 unit lue iliele eisoel leveuil ? nf Blinni *_3OO,UO0 Was dui' lu lils nilli".l sy s ,-ui mil nut to my revellitlons. If taut ties tine, uuw Banaaaii Mr. MnMnllaa. nu- Appraiser, im lie.niles Mi. .lr.dalli ll, l.n Kxa.nluel*. Willie .ie BUB l.t.iiiiiuer liiese it.i lei liiiuii i u,e .snit ou. 1 lil didu't he seioi't au lan iovt-il sysia-iu uieu I Hie oil Ul linnie* of Hie Hiifrau ol Btatlsllc* tliat lu tim yeareuuiu^ Juue 3D, lssd, iiiviie.eiof eatlary watsomly iimraaeed tei t.e value o'. ?, 170. In tue next year tney w?ro ad? vanced only fl 171 Mi. Mr. M.'Mu lieu cuarge ol Iib cuii-ry dei uit.'i.out Ul?. lu May ol Hi.', year agitation buiruu. In Aui'Usi 1 snit ainu ul. .Now li!? lo l* u iiSi of Hie liiVi'irrs i.ii.e t iii i .linc .ifle'!' ,i a' tiines. a is i..ken fr..rn Aa* tal .iit-A}t|.r..iser Hal.ted's bunks. liuruiK August tunics ni-re rais.-d .s,"i7n, nen ,i I wno us lunn us la ibe Iwu prnviniis yearn, uud lioui tbat time Ior?aru tiley were eu uitleb mci eased tliat Ibo raw eu-ilnu Juue 30, 1***-G. ekvWB u rise iu value ni t'_. l.d-'.;, i,.!ieiu-ii tao qua-lit* ot -foods Lei urteii was ^_',"a'oUe'^eus inns iii,iii iu tue prarie?a year: thai is a iluitli g iiiuoieticn. ll must be ace,muted fur soiuem-w. li il iv.iau'i lue ebert o. uiy ie-j.,.ii?, hut i..lbcr ut Mr. IK-MuilrU'S iiupl'oveei system, lUell wliat a lOaltiil cu..i-;eoi im iniii iteiicy MeM alien, me A i-i.raiser, itnius *_ al inst .ill.Ulllli-ll, lin; M*MMUr***rl " Mv ICjioll *.iS male ,u Kool laltll, 111 tile liOIlOSl (lls Marga Bl my dull', ami ls tm-.every word of iu Ia. fully |<i'e|<uiel tu barK lt U}i Willi fuCl?, tl^liri 8 mid aHiil.lVlls, nil of Wlnrb tile lu lue liejiai luienl'st ]in-s.--. slou. I am uu: Mr. ..LtMullru's u.ily aecoeer. P)teilil Aleut Atlsius sii|>|ioi re I n.e. >iux'iai A^ent lian on bas iluiie .so. Ibo ( etusil.s ut .-sbellieKl, i.reiuou uud ..llj.-lfe.-i i give uni en i-i'-1 le t, :ti ni). 1 beili vu Ibe .'iii ls will lei-eiva in aij ir utbeutlnii flout Seeioiary MaUlilug. I Ue will lul.y lUTcatJe?ata tueiu aud uct uuou ilium. " I im iuosi .em ol me Aaaorl ited cutlery Mauataeiurers ls W. Y. Kockwi-u, of tbe Milirr brothers Cutlery ( oiii liilliy. Tue ...ll hi eui,si,u lu addie lull tei tuls tlrm. Ol Laueii-is, l-i.,i->' A Clal'k, t.,e Juill! Jlu.sseil Cuilery (om,-any. Hit .Nen-Yuin Kiiiie Coin,i.iu.v, tkaOoudall M iriiifactiiriiis' ? ttiiipiiiy. Hie Aiin-ncaii Miinu' I nu tuny, (Uo Auietluuli Kniie Coiii|isuy, tile Ali.eiiculi r-ltral Cuuileauy, ebe Nnl ilitieM Knife OmBtpWUf, Hie l,iii[ilre Kulla Couinany, tue fSixi I til u_, t-ui Cm lory Com? pany, tbe Walileu Kn"ue Cuiujiany, tu* Ulster Culirty Coui'iauy, t.iO ;'uiiiste>lu Kuhe ''atnie iiiV alni iseveral otiic-r*. lt reiereneu:.-*. almui *?7,5lU,0(ill or itveste-d i-.uuisl. Mi. Kock vi eil said >?? Sli-niay lliul tbe fact* lu bl* wuilsiilei i,!in iu sai'lUK tbal laeie w s nu leount out tl al serious i.udei valuations wein *.*oiUK OU. I'O his lulu l tlie t..ct lau' im inuri. miere-duly liU'l btrou (oiltcieil siui-e Culouel (ie...-ru iiniai- :.i. i..i---iii:. tums was of Itself stlhstauilal |-r-n:. i ne revenues h id lieeu ii ci t-as-jei ..nout *..,,;.i.iM?i u|,0:i u total iiaty of only ? iioill *,l.Oi?0,OO0. Mr. I.ock-Aeli eal I UO bad lind esl Vela I talks wita ist-cii ury MdUuiug uud ne eboui-tit the -e- n lary me int ludo rigui, (mt ue leuro-1 tue situation wuul-i require r irealiuent if Hie irreg.iluriiles were p I* stnjejKta. lie denied thal Culouel Daborn was in t.,r ae-o, uiiioii's je.iy, .mi sal tbat w mle ne had be-U acoet'tai le tu .tue minni actuins, be was imt oru-.n-lly j-ut furward lty Hiern us a *}i.-i i .: a-e? .i. T. BJ. Lr nlley, uf tbe New-Vork Knife Comuauy, whose ci tease ve esorks ure in Or au_o Comity, wus lu tuis eily ou business yestet tuy, aud luiiy ourioboratod tbe story of coin unmet and serious undervaluations. ** ll lin y d n't s.ol'," sain Mr. Urn ley, "? it is a uuesiiou willi me lietwt-en Uning a losing 'HiMunse nr nlitl11 UK ti) slum. That tUloW 'AOO Iiu-ll out ol rmi..ny umnt, Imi I can't belli it- ll I** BU nwui lor these iteupic to deuy ibo itaiements uf Mr. Oouorn, an i to anuse uiui ell they li'ie, bal u_uie* ute figures uud ue ha* tue uieper bund of l.'ieiu. tie I* uot uut mau st all. lu fact, wheu As****** ?'it..-erreiary uskoil mo altoill ui'imii trna bim, t gave ulm a very eiuulitied 1 durseiueub .Ile lui 1 ulwuys beeu lu lue importing braucu of tue truelo, aud I was alraid of linc, bul io die! bl* eiuty fuiihiuil). f like tue way Heertrtury Manuing lulks|aoout tins luatter of uu-ier falualiouek ile uugur. to luvestieistie ineee srritsaiioiie, fortlUe-U as tbev are by so muru e?l .rine, suit I lumk Un uni. Tbo leme.iy will ouly be .'ciiud lu the adui>tloa of u new law wllb ie (ard to oi'i'r.iis t._ and ieii*iprel?Iug merman alee. W eu reemiieteiit men ure put In ili.nir ol linet work, appointed witb a fud reguiel for expert ju i.ilu- .Lu ,s, ut salaries larxe euougli tn raise ilieiu anneen leiiiptaliuu and to Lold " lire ?lurliiB ?rnol be? havior, K'e eau Uope that Hie purpuse uf a protective law will .o s. eiii'eiti aud'l Ktniepeti in-i',cull,-." Mr. ley Was forme ly au Asaemblyiuau fruin Orau&e County and ls a veteran if tbe war. Wa reu I*. l'u_tiu. uf ihe Juue Husaell Cutlery Coiu pauy. So. 37 Itoude-sL, also eupiorted tue Bliegailoaa of Irregularities. " fake te mi i .i.i; -?(* Ciillcei'Ulug tie'i i cigar oul tera," be said. "I know tbat ls tue. Ikara Butlered from lt myself ijulie niouub to kuow. I spent fl3,000 farfaatlltg Hie muobnieiy ne?-e?,ui'y for tbeir in .iiufae?? ure. Hut stint ali tbat millay I bad to eieuudu.. 'ile and elianm up all my ex reuse to i-lullt \Uil l.iBA I CelQIilu': leillliete willi tbe fellow, wbo u l-l. ?uumiig lu t MAS out tera wmcb eh m l'i li,ive paid 70 pnr tent duty uu Uer tun ciussi heat lou eu ? knives ' ut bo per tnt Un y. Tuny me uo more kim rs lban a nickixe ls a iuiie. The eviilence lu tuis m.itte ls per.eitlt clear. It doean't aduiit of iieiiete. HuvIuk beeen in ibe iinport lin; Inns.uc.-h, iliini-li tin rn au lu.ns! basis, I kunw jusi low lbe?e t:|eius uro played. I kuow bow I male my Boney. It was by hard, painful work. I kuow Imw Miine luipor ors malle tneirs, tem. Tney lia-i a much easier Ume of lt Hum I." Luuders tran ii Clark are en-a.-el In tin" in uufnet? ti rr of tu'?ie futl.-rj. Mr. Lainleis ta! i yesterday t nat the ta'de cuilery braucu uf tun bud nut beeu injuroel by fraud-! aa yet. * it ni. seeiu udd that I inive taken a -eli au acive Interest lu t.e uiluirs of tbe cuUeiy ?ssMiiiatlou," be I'uiiliuuutl, " '? ut acte I ou mo principle ihat an oil re of pill i'iit!"ii li worlli a | ..uiui ul euro I dou'i meal) that tbn ciiiielitum of atlairs nuw prevail!.,g lu tbe pocket cuilery trade eu.ill OMttl iu ours If I eau prevent lt. I have no Bowbt tbat Culouel i ls .-urn's is in tbe milln corieoL lie wus well rj lalibrd for bis work uud be dil it Well. In ?Ming Mr. Manning to give tlie matt rbis sincere alton i iou 'Iiie ruin m. is deling a goo-l work. I tuluk Mr. Manning ls li*i*os?ed to un 1'igi.t. ile hess trea,eu us welt 'lhere is a In.-e.pieetriiiit ty here fm educ li ve action. " Home of lue liiauufai-turers seen roiiiplalned earuesily il A-Sletant Appralrer llalstrd. Tun | ly be IS lint muiiii ient 'or tue place nc noiils. Mr. McMullen waa muon ii.tei-ee<e.i lu bis i ppuiiitiueiit Tbe Mauu .'?scltirrrs' Assoelatiou Warmly it| linseed lt ail I lurinelieit mob oxualleut Bruuud* for a|in>*Ul>a tu t the (Senate r>oiuiuilti*e uad pcm- lies.. I ly eteclde-il in lecomuieiid h n rep t-timi. Api'r.itsei Mc3tullia| tliereui na pieade-d mi lerue-ily wiiu HMMneat uiaiinlactuiers iu uesiiulf of lils avonte, uni pl?el_:ed himself tbat hume one elm- s.niil-i lave cuaive of Ibe cullety il.p.i lumiei, | rmi.i nu- au .trotigiy uo ii regularities sboul I occur, tuat Hie ui.iuu aelurers **UiiUiew tbeir oj i*? -.'.-m. 1 ney uro surry for t now. Ahsihtant I'ulted States IlNtrtct Attnnicy Hose said ve* enlay : "Our office bus received w report trott Special 4i-'( nt Hanlon nu inc subject nf mule i valinitiems lu tbe sUtli-ry tra.].-. 1 cumiot iurnl.-b you witb parin niara yet. We I.H'. l lli.-tl lit te tl .Ml. Il.lliiitli In Mippl.l ll.-t ia. lill BOOM further liei-eiful taite. Vllifii we ge-t Uit-m we will be ultlc to ileU'iiniiie wbat ? etursc to pursue. Muru tbun this can? not bc n.aaii public." TFtillFriNO AGAINST MAJOR AOEBEMAM, The court martial for Ibe trial of Major J. Kn4, Ae ki-rinati, 0* Hit 13t!i lie 'diluent, i olivine.! yes!, lela.y al lliittAilr iii.!. au?iter? in Hr..eek nm lt,i ?t Lieutenant ('olniiel Lenau Dowd. Villi lle_nn.ul : Major* ? A. ll iUrtlelt. ut the- tttli. O. A. Miller. .,1 lb. Titi, auel W. It. Kipp, ol the 7th KoBiiueul. and CBiiUiii'l'liuuiaB.Mille i of Hie i7lh s. oj rat. Cuinpsiiy. 'Il.e Ju.lBivAove?-?i,-was Major A. 1*. Jcuks. amt Mayor Ackerman leas det.ude.el l,y a. K lamil, auel J. A. Wernberg. Hie ?e^.title-ilious eliarKeel eomluct unbeie e,iuiuK an unite! ami piejuelicial le-aooet uni. j uud military rtivcluliue. Tim presence of I ulonel Kai hoer we* lesel lo, Uut Una Hs* overruled. lin alicgatlous set forth that Major At-Be.riuuu aald . " Tbat UniiK," ti.etan mn I nie.url I'm kiln ?? must gu ut ba Will Ineak Bp lue regime ut, ant! tbal lui ere-uibluevl wltn oilier vlbnis lo appose ( eilOeuel I-'stkiu-i uud leoiupvl Ul* relireuieut. Tire ile fetnlaiil pie?eleel not gullly. Lie ka first Wltnes* wa* Lieutenant Jame* Alexander, of ??,.,? y P. Who testihod that at Hie last luspecllou Uie Majen *~ T "md Hie latter Multi -'liy and Major Ackerman aunt buvera'id with Captain ( .iiirlriey auei Um latter Multi "li tait Uart-thl* Hgbting Bletppe-d ' . and Major Ackerman Bani, "I'll Mop flxlitin-r when one thing is oul of the regiuieut." Ike Major seemed bitter ai tbe lune. __?i*uin B. vi', tsuiiii, ot Couiynuy L, le*iliit*d tbat oa. tit* tame nlrbt he heard Major Ackerman ?ay be thought the reg. lmeuf ellrt well *t tho flr?t parade alter colonel Faekner took cornmaurt, but lie riltlclseeftlio fray the Colonel commended, ile said : " If you or I bad lu en in oonnnand we would have kept t e nu ti Uteri* all night If they had not drllleel prnpe-rly." On another oceasiitn the Malor saul he w?* Bidna* to (lav In Un- rt'irlimnt ami tlBht lt ont. ami that Culouel I'm kiter would have to go ilnwn, or the regiment would all go down. The trial will proceed tomorrow night. no me nm wa. PROMINENT ARRIVAL**. Ftfth Amur Hotel- William K. Chandler and family, of New-Hampshire; Henry W, ura-ly. of The Atlanta fNtniWu Hon. Mm-. .Unlsh. ami cx-iioVt'inor A. tl. Cornell_Hoffman Mouse- i mr,.-poller, member of the Krenih Chamber of Deputies, ami Marlin Mactntil*. of Montreal Attar House? Civil Service ConinilHsn-iipr John H. llberly.Hrerourt Doutt- Hear Admiral Daniel Ammen, I*. B. Navy, and Frank? lin B (lowen of rhiladelphla.Murray Hill lintel Urn* tor J. \V. lle.ysradt. of Hudson ; ex Senator Jauie* Arkell, of Canaloharie ; ex-fst-nator A. T. c.In u, nf I ti, a; John A. fletcher, of Albanv, ami Professor T, IL I>onnsburr. of Vale College.Ilelredcr* House?Mecretaty of Htate Frederick Cook, of Album-.Albemarle HoUl-\L Stewart Mernie*. M. P.. of Kugtand .Wintimr Hotel?(leneral Frederirk Town-end. of Allany.Yic'orit Hotel-AuXon'.o K. Terry, of Paru .Nett-York Hotel?'Ueneral T. Ia CUngtuaa, ot North Carolina. -?-. TVTIAT 18 GOING ON TO-DAY. Sentence of ex-Alderman McQuade hy Ileconlor Smvth. Vale Alumni ultim i to i'resideul Dwight, Delmonloo'e, even? ing. I reran Investigation, Cooper Union, 7i45 p. m. lietail uf I- st mate and Apportionment. Weeleyan University I'lnb (lintier, Westminster Hotel, 6 p. m. Klectrlcal Subwav CnmmisHloners. 1,21 H Broadwav. 3 p. m. fyia.use University Alumni dinner, Windsor Hotel, 730 i). m. Meeting of directors of Hrooklyn City Railroad. Amateur Comedy Club Theatricals, Metropeilitan Opera House, m no p. m. Academy of Medicine, No. 12 West Thirty first**., 8 p. m. Tammany ('emin li tee on Organization, 8 p. m. Mic..*, imeii ai Society, No. iii Matllsou are-., H. p. ta. Cl'.enlan and I'brenoeosiaiau **** ii-tlcs' debate. College of the City of New-York, 8 p. m. NEW YORK CITY. The annnal dinner of the New-York Alnmnl Association of the Maelison University will Uke place at the I ititi Avenue Hotel next Monday at 7 p. m. Daniel limn, an ex convict, against whom there sre sev? eral charges of larceny pleaded cuilty yesterday anil was sen? tenced by Judge Uildcraleeve to seven years In the State Tri sen. A pretty lioy baby, scarcely a month old, was abandoned on tbe steps of thu bouso No. bb West Thirty ninth st- ou M'eelnosday. A can of benzine exploded In the rostanrant at No. 25 Bow cry and caused a brief scare there yesterday. ______ Ander? son, a walter, was burned slightly on tho band. Michael Miller, a young __?___, was found insensible In bis room In the North Uiver Heitol yesterday. He lived at li muk on aud had prcbably blown out Ibo gaslight. The members of the Maritime Kxcbange yesterday con tributed |MI for the families of First Ofllcer H. J. Henry and the four sailors of the steamer Knickerbocker, who were drowntwlat sra on I'rt ruilirr 7, lu attempting to ioscuo Ibu crew of a disabled schooner. Tile. TiiinrxK has received $10 from "X. Y.7.." lor tho i ti i Iel j cu's Aid Society, which has been forwarded to Mr. Blare, Tho Wilson's and Haniburz American lines not having set? tled their ilillcieiices over Ibo t-'cainliiiavtaii business, tbo former concluded to Coiitlune. Hs slea uris in oppositiou to tbe latter's I Baltic) hun betwee u Bea_4l__*/*__ ports aud New-York. Tne Marengo lett Oottenbuig last sun .ny. "**. T. H."- Dakota is still a Terntoiy. A bill to udmitltas ii Mate passed the Semite-, but lias nut been acteel upon by Ibo House. .-my BBOOKLYir. Tobogganing will tte resumed to day in Washington Park. Dr, dttii Groth A chemist of the Health Depurlineut, at a salary u! I "in, ins reaigned. The employee of tlie Hiooklyn City Haili*o.ul COMpBBV bave fiM-ii a te st.mumal Ut W. II. lia/./..u.l, thc- lol mei picsiikul ol Hie i-oiiipaiiy. Rapabltcaa primaries for the election of 140 members o! the General Committee will be held tonight, only a few eon tests will ue made, aud muuy of the pic-sent numbers will be rc -clet -i-O. It is ellice ted that the dir, i tors of the Hnoklyn City Hail road Uoinpeny will elect a aaw preeident lo*day. Daniel 9. I e-i. is. Hr- present ?? BietBII, is believed lo bo Hie ino -t eligi? ble A testimonial ronrcit was given last nu-bt to F. ft. Du chanue, choirmaster of .*st. Mark's Preteetant Episcopal Cnuicti, in Hedtold ave. 'thc was given at Knicker lo. kel Hall A piih for llinite-d divorce bas been begun by Mrs. Mina O. Samuels against Alexander it. -samuels, formerly manager of the Park Theatre and bow proprletoi e.f Um Uland Union Ho? tel at (.y islam!, ii,, plaint ff allegee cruel and outrageous titutnicnl on tlie part of lier liusbauiL Kx-Mipt rvisur Jolm W, (nilen, of Hu- Filth Wan!, (liol yes t reis* alala home Ko. SUS 'in.aiy c. hn-.n rhenmatiaai nf the beni. Ile wits lui ly two yeiirs ul.l and wus bm ii lu lc i.iiui. ile ?.isa li. tm,, mt.c liquor-eoller. l-'n.tu inlb tet HUI be was b -ii,.ri visen uud ins l,Hellier lUOoeedeU him in Um ut lee, He lett a wife ami t.iui cliildreu. The report of controller BrlnkerfeO?'to Maror Whitney, for ase In the latter'saunual message, ehowa wal Um net city debt al the end ol this year will he -h.'.t.ei'j i.-j.. 6ft, a decrease ot (3*, 817,000 from laet year, doe lo lae payment ol matured bomis .md the i'ouaii tu i ional pe-ov,stem -ireveufuig ita Increase beiui.d a iel iain amount, ibo debi isnuw willnu Ibo linula lion. Tao Nassau Athletic Club ls In a flourishing condition. At tin- aimil il election recent!** K. U Crabb ead H. K. Corbett Ill-el let! ?*ptB!n : W. fi. \S elleellll lill 1 I., i'. >|llll!l, IIS ill lr yr;, |,.. pe tiela NBltOIIIll ASSelCIIltlOII. I'll.- caetl test lilith will peTObBblT " loss up." The olin er* elcctt-el are: I'resliient, Georg* W, Honericki tiist vice pus dent, Oeorge w. muir i seeead vieev pii siitut. i.. v. sining ; treeenrer, itu.i p, u | rt-coruing mo ti tu v. Charles 9, '. Iden 11 ni ? . e urres|Mitidlng secretary, Will ui ni c Turner; a-anclal secretary, Mai es H. i-Jbbcta: us sistaut m iii'i.i.y. James V. Tulney. 'I lee lamliiiK of Ike I'ilnriiii* will bo remembered by tbe New England CongrBgalional Church of Williamsburg, aa tho ?vening of Dec-em be I '-'-'. by a lappet, addresses uud songs, under trie auspices ot the 1-adies' Aid --society of the church. -?m NEWS FROM TMS sun CUBS. -JSBUR CITY. Thomas Stewart, a yoang teookkeeper, ls suing for a divorce. ibe eouple baie biran married aaly i*u yeera. Junes l oyle, of No. MAH l-'irst-st., a tr.ickwalker on tlie I'eniisi ivauia lluilroad, was lulled yesterday at tbe oreo, e st, crossing. NEWARK. Moses Rinaldo, n Russian J( w, who abandoned Mirlant Alt man, a Jewess, at the bom* set lor their Wrejfctlng ant lemlc witu lum money ulnl jewels be.oiiging tn l><]. arrive d in New* ark yesterday In charge ol an uniter who bat cease*, hie ar? rest ta Beltimore, kui lido is l? i-nty nina year* old and Uie prospective bride ne any lily, ile said ii,.it be bael gone io pawn Hie Jeweleiy at Hie siugestiou ot tbe womau. Uu ?as litiil on a i barge oi grand larceny. 'thc house of James W. Hcboeh, No. 560 High st,, was (iit.ifdl.y burglars yesterday and robbed ul silvi-raato and ether artlelea ot th SHOO, a poltcemaa ?nw Uta targian leaving tbe house aud gave chase, bul was unable lo overtake Un in. The frozen body of a man was fonnd in tho Passaic River Hie ice doe k yesterday, and was reeoguizcel as tbal of Richard Neeehaw, wbo bad applied tor shelter ouo night ou board lue steamer yuien Mab. ni:w-ji:rsi;y. The New-Jersey Leocal Option committee of last year has beeu reorgain/.rel wltb Dr. If. K. Carroll a* chairman and tue llev. A. . Ballard BB secretary. Thu committee* bas approved tlie eli-alt ola bul e!;fT ring slightly linn tbat wh.. li passuei tho lust winter und proposes to press it up.m tne l.ogis Ul ure. The committee is un, ni I. sim in chara, ler, having members from Bli tbe part .es. ibe cn.m.tin- will have Hie i u-iip'-iatioii ot Ibe -New J elsey Auli-Ualoou Couimiltue aud doubt lees Ol otbi I bodies. I -.i.i/. mi: i h.- -Tin- I minnon Connell on Wednesday evenine awarded the contrarl mr lighting Hie streeis foi 1HH7 at $17."ii alamil. ... Tho I ontioller was aullii.nzed lo borrow |S,ft00lr, autlcipat.ou of uixts to seitlo tho balance due the county ny tbe city. 0 AI/iNG THE SOUND. niMin'Ki'ORT.--Nath.niiel Wheeler, William P. Bishop, Colo rei riiouios I Wateoa, Ptaacls Iree, eeaator-elect K u. Hun ham. Dav.l M luiul. K. C. Ile llor.l. Cuaile-s K. si. John, l-.uwi-i Hoyt. P., r. Hutlirie, T. M. Wakeinaii, .i. ll. Me-<*re-aely, Newi nhl Murrisauii K I'. Feater were elected -treeton al tim Fairlie ld ( ouiny Agni iillural Hoclety yest-iuny. Culouel v. .etseeu will b-re-e-lei teal presielonl ? Several lactoriets have t.usle.I notices Stating that business will nc ?iispenili-d trom L-l ember'J' tn Jauuary S .The town is filled With ! ulmus mm. " ??:,, ui wink tm-the winter by tho cloaiug ol a,*in-tluct aud I aili nad n|M-l al Inns. lu Bl poul.?Knginer Case yesterday thrust Ids bead froro tin cab ve iinliiw as lie Mas croaliug the iirawbrnige, aud waa aiinosl lusuuliy killed. -? WBBTCBS_fTBB COUNTY. The reduction of fares to '1 cents a mile on the New.York, New Haven ,t Hui liol,I Itailioael to lase place on January 1, will make ibo rates Hum tins eily as follows: lo Munni Vcr BOB, 'iii nuts | Te hamvilee-, 3'J; New Kuchel e. Si. laiicb mont, SH, Ueiuaruneck, Tl Hairis.ui, 40; Rye, 4.1 '? I' ,r!.>. lii.-i iuni ii, bri. ( e.a Cub, HO; tuverside, i,i; -stamford.<i8; Norwalk,Mi BrjdgeporL *l 12; New-Haven, il in. 'lin- l.lKMInii.e lie-gets, coupon tie kets and Uie '10- tl lp tickets are- lo bu witn.lrawu. YeiNKKiies.- A short time ago Mrs. ll. J. I'ettingill obtainod .1 ii lilli! a-.iliist tin-('ty ler 111,000 "li an oiiiil o. luis mal injuries n-ceiied by faning lillee a ditoh thai had bren i xe:a valrel bu watti pipes anti left iilipioteert-e<L ilie rase wus ap. pcale,el to Hie Uanetal iel ni ol the bUpreme Coull, Which yiA terday tbe judgment ot tho coull below. -? LONG ISLAND. Tbo Queens County Hoard ol supervisors yesterday fixed tl.t t .4 lute-lot lm S vuai lunns lu I'm uiiuly as lollows: Kl uah lng ri .'?':, uysiei Bay Bl 1". Uia>**?trad Pl in, ^orth He. pst. ad il Ti. JBlBBlCB QI 80. laing Island Cltv Ji ol. 1 lure i* a leeluctiou from last year's tale of norn Iwu tu tun cent*. eTUnWM.- The young laities of the village bave contributed fr 17.'. to tbe Flushing li,esp,ul l un.I. lei.AMi (il i ?IxniK ls.a...I I ity eunies under the bill rc i n'ly passed Uy e undies* lu ext. n.l Ibo nee- delivery sm. vue lo all town* which have a p..pu.alum of in,(KM, aet ureilng to Ihe last i lietel .Males census. Jamaica. Tint i.ev. iv Do Hart, of Ibo Ki funned Clune i,, ba* leslgned. MR. CIA FIS ABD BIS FLOCK TD HE PACIFIED. Il was (lated ycslciduy that the trouble lu the Flrht ('mon i'i- siq ti i mu i i.un ii in i.asi i.igiity-suib st witti its panter, Hie Hiv. Wilbur 9. Cralts, Wuubt pietn.ilily be luljiisfed by Hie 1're sbyleiy, ? Ir.cb BBpOlele_ B.imUli-. ut the lasl uieetniit tue em,i i nilli Hie mile .rs ol the i bun ll. (lue ol tbe nit ii I.cia ea,ii lin: liiiiible bael Int n tn cine lintel by Hie Be lion tn I,en iii hoi ilt-ie li ina lu tue Mislns of Hie outlets ul Ui? ctiuuli, most oi wiiuiu are its nldesi mien mis Ol Un so A. I . Williams, supt r.nli nib ni ul Ibu Kuiinsy mcIkmiI. is uni- ut Un usl i. <t it'icis n. lliei burcii. lice litre*.! nombi* Hitler .is Sllpt I lill' lialOIlt ld. Illly UU Ul CUIilll Ul lilli, lt Ut (V. ?* iib lin- pas len, but be bas noa rosuuitsl bu nuilee iu Ibu k< bum. -* CIVIL SERVICE BEFOHMS PI/t/Pli.sF.D. ?Che tlatta lu tin-1.1,-'Oil, -fl,UNI and IMOO giaebH In tin- < iistniu House-, Mliei wile- e-4iiliillnii m-ii-iiiI Mt elis iik-u un Us their <iiiulillcatiui'h fen pei lui iniiig elulie*? In the higher graeles, may Minn liupe tei know Uk ir fate. < nil Hiivlce Ceiiuuilssioiii l J. ll. tho Custom llen.M- \e-trltl.lj Ul lein-ulriitlull Mitti leillntor Mairullii and .Naval Ulllcel Hurt with .spe*e*iHl ie-4'.nl tu the: n.uii lu-i ut piniiiuiieiiis. Ono Maarw_BH nun* ti on ___-t ??m ?sldri.illuu was whether a full eligible Hst of caiitliilulc* sboulel he Mill In Hie (uili i lui ilueii nhill, tu in.ike Ibu bi ie-< Uuus, or wheUu-r. aa lu Uiacaaa eu dob asuolBtaMata, emly Iuni liHint* ol clr_llilrn sliuiild be subiullleil at uue Illili'. In tin latter ? ae?e-nile me,inl ih) selre lol and ino oilier three liaiiK-e would be, sent iu tor tbe uext Bela tum wilh a HW name added, AUolLe.i 4,ic?liou ll_? reguidiug Ula ai>iie>lnli4icul ul a secretary of the I/*cal Board of Ezamlner* to fill the vacancy caused liv the resignation of Deputy Collector Wyatt. Mr. Oberly Will propose tho nmxilutnirnt of a secretary with a salary. Mr.Olicrly said that among"the reforms which the Hoard tina under serious cotutdorafjon Is a radical change lu the present methods of exnmlnft Hon, Mid rspcclally with regard to tho Wusbltiglnii B?1*1 ot Kxiiinliie-i's. 'I he riiiniiiissliin ls In favor of establish? ing a permanent Board e-omiKisod of srven members, who Shall receive stated salaries suet give their sole attention to the Civil Hervice administration, lt ls pro-a-eied that this Bunni shall scud tn all local Honnls tin- valium (-ih-s tiniis to 1*0 stiiuniiti-.i to candidates, and thut nt the close of ?tip examinations thc railers shall be refnrwarded to the Central Hoard who sfiail sum up tho rcsulU, mark the eia-iinaUuu papers and furnish the eligible lists. MAKINS 1ST KIsLlQESOB. UI.VUI.M . A I. H AV A-:. TO-DAT. Bun rises. 7 16: Sets. 4 30 I. Moon rises 11:43 | Moon's age. 22 IIPJU IVATKIL _f.Jf?Ssndy HejoV. -I Oov. Isl* I. Or 24 I Hell Oste. 2:13 F.M-AtuAy Hook, noon I Oov. Ul'd. 0.30 I Hell-ale. 2:10 0 UJG 01 VG STE A MPR&. BATUKDAT, DEC. 18. Vessel TetstC Un*. tbr Malls close. aall*. t'mbrla fnnard f.tverpewl. 7:30am 10:30am Cltr of Chester. Inman, Liverpool. ... 8:30 a rn ll em Devonia, Anchor. Glasgow. 8:30am ll am Amalfi, Carr, Hambur? . 9 em Edam. Netti Amer Amsterdam. 8:30am li a rn Pennlsnd. Red star. Antwerp. 8 30 am ll am lat ILiurrog-n*, French-Trans. Havre. 8:30am ll Bm Klauiburough. Quebec. Windward Islands 1 pm j pm Vrrtnmnus, N Y eft Jam, Kin rr te ton.ll am 1 pm BUteof T*xbb, Ward'A llavaua. 8 pm ll I *i'A\. DEC 20. Alaska. -Inion. Liverpool.ll am l-30pm Chattan l/i-.orille, linnie-Ul. Ronleaux.... 1.30 pm WlliSF.siiAT. til.-.- 22. Kgrpttan Monarch. Monarch, landon. ... I pm W.-rra, NO l.leivd. Hreoieo via SouUi'tun 11 30 a rn 2 em Philadelphia, lied 1), I??i nay ra.ll am 1 pm Atlas. Alli4S, Jamaica_m.ll BIB 1 pm JSC0MJSG STEAMERS. TO-DAT. YuieL IYom. JAM ?iryptlan Monarch .Ixindon.Monarch Stair, of Nebraska..Glasgow.Anchor Devonia.(J lange**.Anchor Chateau I,e.,..ile..Bu: dr ll.Itoreloaux Vertumnus.Monte#n Bay.NV anel Jam Cltv of Berlin.Liverpool.Innnen California.Ilambur?.Carr Weira.Bremen A Southampton N U Mord llhy uland..Antwerp.Bedblax BATUKIi-'T. DEC 18. Francs.I-onrton.National M ma via.Hamburg.ll am b Ameer. Acaimli o.Aspiiiwall.Pacific Mall (alSHlV, UKO. 19. Aurania.liverpool.Cn na rel Britannic.Liverpool.Wbtte HUr 1* Colline!.Ue.t!. i?' iii.Netti Amer 1* Chain pagno.Ilaire .Frcnch-Tran. 8BIPP1N0 SR irs. POI.T Ol' NKW VnllK.TU C MOAT, DEC. lfl, 1986 AKKIVKI* flteamer I.n-rt.1, (Orri, Alln-rs, llamburiT. Nov 2!l and Havre i'ei il ?:iii nieise .md paeeeagan ta Kuuhardt et Oa Arrived ai the Bar st fi a m. sten.r I... ren-ne (Fri, Franiruet, Havre Der 4 with mdse and pBSBOBfan to l.uu-i do lleblau. Ai rived al the Bar al i'.'.'-'.'i i> m. Steaini-r lla'tibiiroiitfti (liri. Fra-ecr, DeoMTBra Dee 5 with sttcar lo Mi'lellel-irt .t Coi reseal to V K Uuterbiidi.'e-.'t Co. Amidl al the liar at 'I p ni. Meaner iiitsiiu! 'iii'. Braithwaite,Santos Wot 17 ami Janeiro 'll a itit coffee lo order; vessel to Husk it Jbtbml Ar? rived nt the Karat M p m. SUN'SKI' -.Viii.l tl s_tily Hoik, fresh. NW,hazy. At City Islauiu fresh, NW. clear. CU. A fl KO. Steamer Llandaff City (Bri Uoae. Bristol Kng-Arkeil ,t ITimglaBa -teamer Manhsttaa, Bten ne, Havana and ateziean ports F Alriaintria .t- Suns Steamer Hiiiiuio il'.D. C.arvin. Ilatniiton Uer A I: Ililli r briili/i- <t Co. Bteamer Morgan City, (lardner, Mew-Orleans John I van sn kle steamer Cltv nf (loliiinbia, Wooellitill, Charleston and Fer? nandina -J \. un.nial.t a ? o Bteeaiet City of Augusta. Ntekeraon. savannah-ii Yonire. Steamer Unyandotte, Kailey. Kewport Hews sad West Point. Va Oin Dominion Mai'o sie.iiiu i (it in ral s\ iniin v. Beam. Bootoo? H f nimork. Hark Rena vote (dr j McLeeetcr __luouth -Bowrltur et Ai-h Ibnlet. Hark I'.i iUia tiler). Krtiee, Exmouth Kn;- -Finn li, F.dye A Co. Hark I'lianl'iia (liri k'o'lf. Dieppe FT?J W Flwell .t co. Brig Arcadia, Woodward, bridgetown?ll Trowbridge*! Sons. Schr Nellie rniico iUr). Somerville. St Johns, Nil- ricam nie li Huts. Si lu lloltert Barr, Irc'.and, Casdnuas?Waydell A Co. Cleared feotsfdajr? Hrig Fain Inld i Url, Bra*-, Tort utiTiiiin- (; A Hr lt, Bea et Co. HAILRD Steamers ^tato of fire-errrr fter cl.n-rnw: flallovof Lorne for Lm.inn riiincvnii.i foi Copenhagen *? Manhattan for Ila. van i Morgan ' lty for Oalveston; Escalator ior New-Otlransj city ul ? uni nina for i'< tua ninia, c lty .if au-usta (or Barna uah: Breakwater tur Btchinona; ouyandutte- tor Newport Neil s. Birk James <i Bain for Alsosailed Via leone leland Sound- Strarnr-rs Portia for Jiaiilai, Kluanoia for l'ortlaBd| Wlikcnliull'i) lui Buslou. lilli JieJV t* -,IK yrs of nCt-l.s ABkM Fn'iKKJV POIlT-l Lnrr.nrooi, Dec ll Ballad, steamer Italy, rcarce, for New York. I .e. snorer. Dee 10?Saileit. stuatner Lydian Mon.ireh .Hr), for New-Vetrk. (il.aslmv, Dec ld?Arrived, steamer Kline tyla (Hr), Wilson, from -srw-Vnrk Uer 4. II Allman. Dae Kl?Amvod, stoamer Hohemla (der), Kar lowa. trom New-York. St Der IC.?Arrived, steamer Polda<Gen r.ln_tt. from New *i oik Dec 4 ou brr way tu Hemtliain i. lon abd Hi emeu. Annuli iH-eiiieuta. Hf.nry A. Danif.l*, M. D.. 144 I.e-\iiiL-teii. ave-., between 20th ami .'loth nt*. limns H tei 1, b le 7. Iiis.-as.-s ed Um NetToOS System. Ueiei'.o-L i ann j Oi nan s. liupulcuvo aud stciility. E. -5* VV. E. & W. Fe. At W. "ianhii*:.' "ianthe." -iantue.** tub latest mtv1.k in c'/llahm. ?'-? AtiVICF. TO liOTHBBS. Mrs. WDtBl nv.'s NooiMi-;,: STllli' should always be nsrd for PBILUBBB 'I'KI. IIIINC It BOOTHBB tlie (HUI'. * i.i. emu, ALLAVb au. i'aik, evan Winn COLIC, am! I* Ibo Sta UJKMKbl IUU LllAllltll'I.A. '1 ?i nly live COStfl a bullio. - ss Nolailv will feel ;i_*_Ti<-v<'il to find ,'t bottle of Ma. utahan's llaiuliia|i Tontli I'owder among ber Cbnstuilas ul-. All tali' J KOOila dub I s. POND'S EXTRACT CATARRH.?l'oiul's Kxtrart is ne-irlv a MprciAe fur lids diaaaae, lt aaa bardli ba i-\ cciicd area lu old aad otMUnau eaaaa, Thit relier is sn prompt Hint noona* has ever trl.-el it m .11 00 Mit limit it. CHAPPED ll A \ OM BBB WAC et. I'oi.d's Ex? tract hlui'iM In' In I'Viiy f,ninia. fAJg SBtttt Mc.illlrl'. lt rc.llinVcH the SOraiMWfl nmi rnii'-'liiii ss mid ??Itru* an.I Ural* tin: skin .promptly. RIIKCflATINTI -Uiiriii'- si'ver-* uml tsnmSBI*ttmwA Wentlici- lin tiller t-ulijcct tei KilCUniativ rains stinulel be MM day \i itlnuit I'.ind s l-:?lrnei, which ttltuit. re-1 ie rr* MORI* IPsTtonB, ? 0\Ml*tlPTIO\, COIt'im (Ol.Ile**.-This enid Breather tins Dm l.uu(. hen cl c. Him' l*on<l'? fr vira. | on liuud al way a li rellevea thr pain and cures thc .li i i-i? < lill.ttl.AINM uill he -i,re,ni],Hy relieved mid ititi inately cured bf bathing thc afflicted plllts Milli I'.mel'a l:\IIHrl. I ICOeS il Ile 1,1 f| KW. Pomr-e Bitntl inrni-inbly rc I ir rr* tim pa_a and tinnily '--rr*. NIKKI-: THROAT, <H l\NV. I*. Fl. 4 tl i:o TO.\. Nll.M am? AIR PABMIAGBa an iirnuijitly eared bj Ike isr. ni I'omi** Cviiutl It never fail*. CAi'Tiov i>e> nut be IflBpoaed noa Bay Ike mob* ui*r. Nilli null In bolllr* euclueed In Bl l'l' UIIAPIM'US. .Nut,, tim ? lilllie ' ?'. I'llMls l\llt\( J io on euell U'KAPPI-: ll uml I. A ll ll,'. FOK EVEUV At;IC vou AU om rNElll'AI.I.FD STtKl K UV HOLIDAY NIK, TIES AM) SHITERS. PK1CEN MOUEItATE ano in i'lain nen rsa ALEXANDER'S 6lh Ave. and 23d St., Mew-York nrptntioi. opbh t u*__-_*n. MANUFACHJI'.KI) I M'lil -*-I.V I'Ml I ?*. V, I | Q | l; ? 1AI. ki ii hi.mi: TO TH Bl lt ?ICM l*?l\V. II AMI tmi Al. l'l.UH'.l HOV I.III.ll Nl'lCt TAI I.Ks lel'l l( \ l.OKtiNKTTN, MA?;u LAIITBRNfl, (ailtAI'IIO-al OPBBe, MU KUM (H'K-e, AT MOIiKI'ATK I'llli'Ks, Bri i tai 'IBM AcciiiiiiiNd to OOOI.I .*. 1 .-t* i'm; BCKIITIO.NH A MI'Kl.I AI.'I'V. E. trnkJIMsi ii CO., OPTICIANS, b3U ll ll OAU WA l, uer Ut**.**. 25,000 FATAL CASES OF TYPHOID FEVER ANNUALLY in Tins COUNTRY. ALL TREATEO WITH QUININE. ?Or. J. 8. Mlte-hrl. ofChleaj-o. In t clinical lector.** at the Cook County Hospital, Oct "th. ISSI*. Mid i "In typhoid fever no omiible pood ean result from girtna Quinine, as at the best it ann only effect a, temporary reduction a} tempera? ture: and miter forty right hours the fever ls usually higher than at first." 1/ ACIAIRir DESTROYS THB DISEASE IV A o IV I lu c. noun in FEVERS, MALARIA, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LIVER, LON ARD KIDNEY DISEASE, I*Tof. W. T. nolCsimbe\ M. D., 64 Ka?t 2Mh ?t, N. Y., (Ute Prof. N. Y. Meei. College*) write* i " Kaaklne I* *npenor to quiolno in lt* apccirlo power, and nerer ure-ducea the sllglite**t injurj to the* lie>arlnn eir constitution." Tho U. H. Eiauiliilnn Biir-jeon, Dr. L. R. White, wrttost ' K??l>liio ls Hie bel medicine made." S" Every patlont treated with Ka*klne ha* bern dl8char?cd cured." Bellevue Itev-pittl, N. Y.r " l'uiver*allr ?nrroMful." Kt l..*i*|.l, ? i(e.s|..t:ii, N. v : " I t's usc ih considered lndls aaa ?Bala. lt act* perfectly." lt. i.le-uamut tu take and can bo uaeel without special niciin ai Baaaaat Kemi tor thr -rre-?t list of tcstltnonlal* nnparalle-leMl in tho hleteerjr ol raerillclne. $1 per'tuttle, hold by all druggist* ur se-nt by mail on re<e*lnt of price. TIIK KAHKI.NE CO.. bi Warre-n st.. Now.York. ?Oar Americaa Home* aai Haw to 1'urnUh Them." FURNITURE. OUR PATRONS ARE DAILY ASSl'llIN." VB THAT OIK STOCK EXCELS IN QIAUTY AND VARIETY. AND THAT Ol'lt I'HK 'KM AKE THE LOWEST EVER NA .lKD I'lllt I'IIIST-I LASS (i(HII)S. LATEST NOVELTIES IN DKAWINl.-ROOM, DIN IM.-KOOM. BEDROOM, LIBRARY AND HALL Fl HMTIKK. ALSO CsEI't'L, ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL AKTH'I.ES St ITAI1I.K I'tUt HOLIDAY I'ltE-ENTS, ANY ONE OK WUK lt WILL LAST FOR YEAHS ANI) HE A CONSTANT REMINDER OE THE (.IVER. TO WIT i GILT AND WHITE CORNF.n CHAIRS. EASY AND FANCY CHAIR.*", ROCKERS, DIVANS, OOt*CHK% STANDING CLOCKS, CABINETS, ^ WRITING.DESKS, WORK-TABLE^ PROGRESSIVE El'CIIRE Tilll.E**, HIVB O'CLOCK TEA-TABLES, CHEVAL DIIESSING-GLASSES, SCREEN'S, PEDESTALS, DRAPED CACHE POTS AND CHITS, StO. R.J. Horner & Co. Furniture Makers and Importers, 61, 63 and 65 West 23d-st. Close by Elevntrd Statlon--Gtb-ave. and 13A-U. tm EVENINGS t'Vni, CHRISTMAS. Useful Holiday Presents An inspection is invited of our special lino ot Holiday Articles, matchless in quality, nov? elty aud cheapness. Ladies1 Desks, odd styles. Louis XVI. Reception chairs. Colonial Tables of unii/iie design. Music Cabinets aiul si,nuts. Chi>Toniei:i, more, than 1(K? pattern* Mantel ttui/rres. Jlookrascs, tnant/ old desityus. Anti'/ue Lockers and t.asy Chain, loot i.i.-'t, bereens,etc., eic In stock, a large number of tastefully up? holstered parlor suites, odd chairs, etc., wbic'i thc latttMM of the season impels us to offer at considerable reduction on regular prices. "Buy of the Maker," GEO. C. FLINT CO. 104 106, 10S WEST 1 ITU ST. PAI'QTTF.TTK Ft.nOf"***. WOOD MANTELS AND AM. KIM)"* OF WOODWORK 'l'l OKI1KH MADE AT OUK 181*11 KTIthET FACT'iltY. KASKEL & KASKEL, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. IIOlsi. JACKETS, I.KI.ssi\<_ -J-JOWVS, GLOVES AlfD !**( AUlSf Mle ii nor flesh. 20 West 23d-sf. Greatest bargains ever offered. With a view of attracting holidag jHirchascrs, 1,000 Musical Boxes, ptaijint} G tones emh, just received, with thc latest music, including " Ermin ie," " Mikado" etc., tor unit/ SIO, regular prici' bring ?.<_. M. J. Paillard & Co., 080 BROADWAY. I.'oK SALE.?Tbe propertie* de*if*-n*M_Ml l>?*. I,,w. Ini-nuii- mi " I. " . ,, *. ,1 i.i ?.'.,: i isl i.iii -t.. T/ii mot tuwx i,y uimut vt f., I ,1.. |i; linet.- ?i(il ul Inly mn k l.tnl iln?_ . un,I Noel. 8-le -nd nn.i s,,.I ni e> . 47.-.'icol ll'.ul liy ul,..ul ;,ou fret ilr'I' . tom story Inn I. i.u il I ii ( UK UAH i V ll UlN|;iT,t io, __^_________________^^____ TS i.n.-iiy m. -__.. .- -UlUlle.4U. ui eurea U-ei uy AMAMKC MEDICAL lit ItKAtT. Aili iJi_-.i--,4_, MtwV.rk. | r Whiting M'fg Co., Silversmiths, Union Sijimfc and 10th Street ^piEVEFt. ST EXCLUSIVELY. On Monday, 1.3th inst., and until Christmas our store will be open evenings. UNIQUE AND APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY GIFTS of the highest merit in every variety of treatment known to the silversmith's art. lillis, Jgwelry* Silverware, fe THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THEODORE B. STARE BOO FIFTII-AVE, iMa-lis-on Bf-uare-), Will be kept open in the Evening of Saturdag, 18./. inst., and until Christ' mas. T. NICHOLAS, " Edited lty Mary Mapes Dodge. Bound volum., two parts, $-.oo. A year's subscription, $3.00. ITie (Jhrir-tnuis number, 25 cents. The Century Co, N, Y, HOLIDAY GOODS. D-tCOBATKD CH INA. FANCY AKTIOUM. CANDI.KSTKKS IN HHKIHT COLORS, (Pr. Dresser's DcsIkiis), ltr.A-s El HE (ie-OUS, BKP0V88I HIIA-**! UMBRELLA STANDS, AT LESS THAN IMPORTATION PRICKS. AFTERNOON TEA KETTLES IN BRASS AXD WROUGHT IRON. Lewis & Conger, 601 and 603 Sixth Avcnar, 1.:1.'1S nnil 1.310 Brejn-twny. DIAMONDS. lUMM'l.. lltllKHdltl-: & le'lM.IMiS, IMrOIRM OK DIAMONDS, Kl'BIES, SAPPHIRES. KU KU A 1.1)*-, PEARLS AND III M.ARIAN OPALS. ?Munnin titi rr* ol llniiiiiiinl Jewelry. Rliiuionel Cutter*) mid roliejh.-r*. OS si. m.; -J!? Malelon Lanes, New-York. 1 ?-1. An. :n te - ii.. 11 -j, ;,.,i 11 circus, eLroU'lua. SHADED GLASS, POMPEIAN GLASS', ROYAL WORCESTER, Toilet Tallie Colognes, mounted in iSolid Silver, are a new feature in? troduced by us this sea.son. GORHAM M'F'G CO., Silversmiths, Bro .id way Sc st. Sypher&Co. ARE OI'I'KUIM* NEW AND DESIRABLE ('OOHS IN ART I'lllMTlIlK, BOTH .MODERN AND AN TIQIE, ALSO CHOICE SELECTIONS IN PORCE I.AINS, MARBLES, IIKON/.ES, TAPESTRIES, BRIC. ABHAC, ETC. OED ENOLISH AND Ollt KR SILVER A Sl'ECIALTV. THIS ASSORTMENT IS INKI'I AI.LED BOTH AS TO QI ALITY, VARIETY, AND PRICE. 860 Broadway, cor. 17_h-st. STEIMAY THE -TJUWAID .TWOS OF TIIE WORLD The Largest Establishment in Existence. \Vareroonis, Steinway Hall, New-York. ALL Furs and Ser-alnktn Garnii'tit* ni.uiufact iil9elli>-C. ?'. HU AY NH, 10.1 I'niir.-et, IiUTea Um tlrm luiiicm, tlmroby i-.irr.ynur; tito irii.ii.uiie-t- of ii'Iiaiiillty. SPECIAL IV.EWTION. aden l Uni Ino Ikea, r.lumn. am ?trtmutimrndod tn thr render* mt TUE I lt I M I ". H aa ? -.? rr liable, nnd nweinree caa be dont tr ammst writs* lae ael.crliaera willi perfe-et aaletr P It O P. fte L DOWD***) SCHOOL ! i?k rifiti ' IHYHlCAL CULTURE fOH U-N ?fl.KM KN -mil IIILDUKN. 16km*} lt}A**! ml 71J -tli-iiv.-,, "-? v.****** te-ntluu ls niven Us t?V MM .Kl "nvi'i.c- I*"*; , polaeto** 4 M.tiii'i. lie-am y ? U- un.. I* ll.'-ny tel .ii we. '?" t*Ut l? Mr. 1111,4.11 ulalkle, mitl.or ol Mow lei l.e-l HtI?Bf, ?nl t'>* e in-alar ot MUM ul re-.'e* el., .*. tevue De Ia Mode. (MONTHLY.] HI ll ?le X oin. s. I", 1*1*1. .-mil ?ubi. ri|.lioti. ***.*. i. J This Knsliion J on rn.e.1 lathi -<?*? , emit ur th,- i u < ll 'ililli.S.lilll< litmsisl III ari*. I; a einiainsin-in uren lin e-t_tiiv niii-eiloioal eula, a -Ional, mn..Iel sh,-rt Hill Milli ll I .III. Ill eel 111.'lillis ?lltHIIH Illl4y leo Ir.lre I With .I le. I heel SJ lea ..I ul| tMMlk (Hil Ile-_mil alt I?, ol nt Iio liiil'llslii'i's. -. I. TAYLOR, PM) BrotAany, S, Y. Pl. tl**. HIND IMMY CANDLES, suiuhle lar Itali r.1, iL-ie-|.ti..iis ami iliimors. I * lilllie*. Mollie, a, Robi-i-lii-. Lie. Nil I. AIM) UV SOAPS A SP KC IA LTY. K0BEHT LEFFKRTS, Mah if.i. :uni amt Im-ioiter. lilli, lili.inr., mtAWmmtUwt PARLOR FOLDING BED. mple 1 N-.I.e-lraa! Pr Heall 40 -".lyle**- All Price** *'ew iii isublet ?uspernlO-l lils ?itrlii). maUieas witt li lees* ll- U I M I V ENTt Miii|,|i-1 IMolaelciaat Prrleell 40 e-tylea- All IM. em. New HM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LATION. *e?iiil for i-iaui.if ii A. II. ANDR KWH A XIS, WO -_ra__lv_jr. B. 9. SPECIAL MENTIOr-tj. ApBwmrrlmomarntm mAmlttmd tm'm tktMeslaaMM utmmmtmtrnAoA to tba randan mt THE Tm ar Nra Bm _i?r??f(UT*tll?a-l*. ???* ? ????aaaa aaa ka A**mg br MO with tbe adrertleera w/Lb mwrte-rt tmt**a? BABCOCK FIRE KXI1NGUISHKI MW Pt. lt Kfle-e-tl-e. DHU lilt PX. P. "ll AYN* 4 RD a co.*X'ii kui*. 407 li road wi Crouch & Fitzgerald. Reliable Trunks mid I-nga. lCortlanilsf. l*flM%_**ft bbu Hroaelway, W, Y. CALLI I.ATIONS In Pln.tne'e-, Insnr?nee>. Ilowor ami Life lui' if-H. Adrli-e about Life I a*, tirane*.. David Parks Kacklkh. Continuing Actuary, haaov-ir '2b years' e-ipi-rle-ne* anel refer rone -Hy lias liesen eua stilli'illtv limn ninene .is. auel State liieniraue-o author Ities. Will pliM.-ert rlients' In snraii'-es Iniii ii imlly lu tht beti runt linnie* uni un Int best plant, iiii'l compensate! Min? ne IO.y UM Haunt eoiiiniiesiiiO Irum All com lunn-, Alelioss ll. P. KA( K I.I, '-??I Nan-au-if. f HF HAM MON JJ Thee onlv typewriter a-**anle*el o ti,,i,I M,.lal at .New Orleani ExpoaltUw. Hni-eei, Perfeol Alignment, t'nifonn Imj/taw non. Cli.ini*eaitl? Tv***. l"in* liillty. Kor infiiriiiatioii ail elress Thu Hammond Tyi-K Wwtk- CO. 7? Naasuii-at. **.. Y._^^^ EOLLER'S General Debility, Scrofula, lilie-um ? i i .in or Conpuimption. SOU) BV UM.ul.ISTS. WlScMiMCfl KEW-YOU li. -J* TANKA HI >?**, CREAM PITCHERS. OLD Tl A BETS. St'Ci A ll ROW 1.5" tea ca nm I".*". pictui'.h nuMn and many other anti'iiiltio-.i SILVER AND RRON/.E, J. H. JOHNSTON 160 Rowerr, ror Hrooiiie st. Hew York._ PAT. PERFORATE 3. ?sole Man'"a.-*'??". 38 D. C. II ALeL Sc CO, s? Leoniird-at.. V. V. PeHS rOUnt-iin pen ? I have no taut to timi wit* M."*? Hrnry I.abonchere, I? Lewi-Ion Truth (Emt.), Oct. 9 MMe WEND FOR CIUCI LAO. No. IBS Broadway, New York. IDDSOFSM EM__.IS0 ^SP "Indestructible" iT141-l-li\CiI\K Tin-Stamin rd in HnftSSA. St Heal required. A Stretcher feir imi.Inn; olotliiiiK wlultr markn--', tr** to eve-rv |inr iliaser I'rte ?-, inf. complete. D'AXI. Jl DSON elr SON., I.M. I AM. REA IK* I'A RIK Rr**. 40 .tl I RR At-ST.. N. Y. At Retail K very wilora, K.-J. H.T.Antlionyi-Co. Atti URO Vint itv.' .V V. Amateur Photo? graphic Outfit. Patent Novel ROt.MtlV.asl. Pally * llijoit ?.'.-itiii rae. tlliistrateil i tale* 11.VS free]. Men Mon Hus maa*0. PEdDOZ. ^OCKV-UUOS, 17 INION r-i.*!' ? ??"? BURR FOLDING 3ED. Maele tn .'id differ- iSft (ut tli'siKH*s A. Warner, iMW, _Btw-York City bli Fulton it.. Krookhii "home RXRRl I*"*!!,** ^^^^^^^^^^^ ?_4eeea Tet... ?f but tl. I.ehM l^MI. Ile?r ,,.im, Minelbnlg ee.i^ e.-i?iileft< ,**U. r..e..i...le. eer.i. MM S.s4 (, ?. , irs U Ue, ll"MK M ll.h.Is HUI 111*1 K Al. 1-l'l.rrilK," I ? fen ? ?ne) ni Kiele 4.'? N -t ' aw, I-' I. 1 DOWD Will .iii Hlklkt-4 ...lUl ol " How lee (iel bilung," *e?Tl ll, " I mam mo tey vileei 1 UMI 1.i ii, "I ... tall rn mil, Iteemiiiejton :??S#j* Standard Tyoewrltef Bay .villi itrivlleu* al rom innilna unbroken vvltkta 38 ela ya C. O. I>.. If aat aki*. lately eiatUfaetary la ortrt rewprct. Ve V '*"''. -cimim A RenAelle| 'A.l'A Itron.lway. Kant Color Kalil Inc -Wr, HM ititi \ he Bralne rd A Inn.I ron-- C*,t 4B9 Broadway. HARDER RAB HAN*,, GRXNAU**t RI RR titlnrmUfcM, PLTS OVt, m L*l8TA5TLt> 33 B4RCI.AY."?T, NEW-YORK. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR OUR ' Trail.* Murk ? HAMS A .N .' hom; 1.1.*-* BACON. Onr Cein-tant alni lee to make llii-tn Uta Finest in tho World. _n_E._i.Tn ct IMI'ORTLRS OE TIIK IEL RRVTI.I) A.DKMUR OPERA GLASSES, MAKER- OK E.NI! GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES 1.1 MAIDEN LANK, jj*. Y. SLEIGHS. l.n mci A*n?oi-ime-nl. Be**j| Styles aoil I.o?i-*et I'rirea. .IO I IN MOORE] BB, 11 Mt fe- Wai nm*ts. AleSO II.I mee s .V: Uni si' I DEANE &, CO'? ?SSS** 266 Water-s.., N. Y. Bond for ? Ire ular. Makes a specialty of the painless extraction ot teeth with pas. Dael no other dental work. 1,218 BROADWAY, Cor. 3dt"_..t.. ? Y. City, IVallark't 'lie-elite Dulldlu... HORSE BLANKETS, LAH noni s. Ry the Rale or "?iiinii- One JOii_N M-?01___, b ,,.11 A 39 WtmTSW Mt* ONE AND TWO STUD SHIRTS tor Rrwlag Dteia tnt PeiTjjo, VI** A 1.10 TPBtsm M RT, EatabliMbed ls-6. J. LEACH, Stationer, Mn ter and BLAH BOOK MTG, HO NA SS A | -.vr. Rtanelanl. Americaa tat Spring Hack ou hand ti PMS vear ??-peela. I'.uli-.l see..nt Room tUa-Ut- to onler at - t:>rt not..*. JERSEY FITTIXC. UNDERGARMENTS. Malle to Ur tier. lor I amii's ana SRI- ri KM KS. - e Vett ansi . raw.-Tv *'?*.? 'i-ii* a i .ii !s. ,il Iel i.l \. I ita All Vt ont lie.ny of* ll_!H iteiuio RIKIll le ? HRS ? kUle uue I ire. Mrs. A. Fletcher 6E.14th-st.N.Y URNACES RANGES. '1 lm lent maile aro iii*iiuf_it'tur*l bf _l.ll.-ll$ll\ _ WKfM CO. 234 WaU-r-st., N. X. tHaiu<e_e.lilr*Me tor IA uri.i Se u.l lor i lit ul ira Vlr.t i ._-* a ork -ou. ?_?__*?? F