Newspaper Page Text
yo-xi,vii.N* 15037. m?W^ NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1888.? SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TH KEE CENTS. _W T.Tj ..i .? .I-, I a ? *? v - b ? Tin: news ra london. ?R1NC.: BISXAHCI PLATB His STRONG i-sT (ARD FOR PEACH. OoataiKww on no. obi sta anora maea-on to ma yo ei ur rsrAl. CB*Of ok lmsii ixt "IBBMTfl -CdMTClloN OF DYNA** KIF. FUNDS? ftRPABATtOtM FOIt MU. (.1 AIStOXF.'B Jil 1TT(N ? Pl Voil-p IX 111*"' I1KE XOTABLB I.1BF.K SKITS ? ITA! IAN" OIKKA? I.I ARY AM) TY.K 8 XAI. BOHO BYf <A?1.K. To TIIK TUHilsr.l ro?yrii7i.t. l-HH Rv Til* Sett-York Tribune. T.ovtov. Falk, 4.?The extreme gravity of the EaPBfl*-*! sit mit ion is for tho first lime clearly tliown Ky tin* simultaneous publication nt Berlin Hud Vi.-nnii :>f the secret Treaty of Itlt between fllUBBlBJ .'t'.il Austria-Hungary. Such an act eau univ BMBB that Ul tl" privat** persuasions and warnings addressed to the Kniporor of Rus? ts ii I,,ni aeaved -raia. Prince Bismarck had be e..iii*- ii.iivi.icl cilher that the C-BI was loni un ivar, ai that, out of deference to thc military party he was determircd to persevere in those war lik?- measures winch have alarmed Austria, dis qaieted all Euopa, and were rapidly making war inevitable. lt seemed, therefore, to the <K riiiiiii .'Iitii.'-f-rlor ther the hour had come wbo* Europe must. Ix- taken into his confidence. Ku rope lias long known of the existence of the t.?.cy. Iii- Czar kn<-w it. Hut Eurone eer laiiily ati'l tie* **i-.:ir perhaps never knew how turingen", was the agreement between Germany and -tUSt-ia, 'liny ii*>w kn.iw thnt Germany mid Austria will tight to the death together. No <-,,liher believes timi R iSBia is n mutch for both. An iiilitck Ky Russia can only ha Hi'' BOI of a mildil,.m. Yd the publication of ti,is trenty 1 its the Clear in ibis dilemma! lb- must attack, or must, vi' ld lo a public threat, Never would Prince Bi? hBtfa laid Ibis stress upon Ihe BllMlBB BOvefaiga had any other resource re? mained to hun. Bnrope linga with the disclos? ure, but li-teiis willi d.-erjier niixiciy than ever for tlie nevi B-t-BBta from St. IVlcrshurg. "Hie Times* Indulgea in sittirical comm-nts on Mr. !'|e\eland's asl oakliing address to the Papa. Mis laitnVot tokea af individual good will iva-, mya Um eulogist of the President's freo tradc policy, loveaMd by tho rhetoric of the sat hor of the words accompanying it with the cban.cier af a Nat ional tribute. Yet nothing bbb bv further from the (act -baa that it em bodied, brough the Ittsideiit, the homage of tba American people. " The Time.,'" careless as ii-mil about. American facts, be-tex es that America rontains one Catholic to four Pr*it* slants, aud still dcelincK to accept, the picture ol thc Nation tl,?duli..I* through Ita Chief veneration f*.r the Hoi] Bea, lin* (leputniion which pTfM-tsd Mr. Cleveland's m-monal sought, it thinks, the tour 1ms privilege ol aa mt*mew with iii'* Pope. The M-'tl-y-Ripon deaseaatiatkM at Dublin has lasted three day* filled many columns, attiacted B0BM English atieiiiio.i and elicited unbounded Irish eathasiasM. Hm naosl striking single t.nt, In all the proceedings ls that aa at hast one 00 <? .1, nu*' English Hag waa displayed Mr. Marlay has spokea in thal pungent* apigiaarimatla st.vle, winch lu- bas inquired sn.*:*- be entered politics. It. is a carious blend of wide literary culture with Um pol' tn ea of the platform. Ile hus repudiated Mr Davin's recent Sucialistic declarations, but in ad uittlflB that the gnat mass of Irish wealth and ealtore is against Uoiue Rule, he himself talks aomething very like Boat-lien. Where does the wealth * iii' ti .tn. asks Mr. Morley, if not tram ths labor of the people I1 "The trish peaaaate w_i un ietatand thabjia menning thal all the plait of lubor i "t la Is'lotix t?> the laborer. Other Irish liiodetits Inelade the deliberate \ Murder of nu aged Dish larmer in humble liie, gail!v of takmn a farm from which his brother bad been ev Icted. A deputation of Irish lundi*.rds lins Keen Baking Lord Salisbury for compensation and relief in vu' its other forms. They hera cot, as did the i*potation lo behalf of the London unemployed, mun sm i. tb w rd*. ,n answer. It is perhapa aaffleienl ta say of the comic Hon and lilieen years' sentence of the dynamiters Ca!!:,.! and llarkins ilia! the hading Home-l'tilo argea la England pranounees it a nghteona judg Blent. The iiolice are thoagh! to deserve much praise for tbeir skill in leearing evidence against these twa m. ti. and mmh blame for allowing Melville, here regarded as the leader ol the pang, ta eeeapa to America. The English express a d.sii-e to kaow win. in A .I- ri si nave all these dvnn.i.i: :s l.Uei-s, |o Ir .li Metaben of Purlia Bi"*;1 Mr. Glads! >ti"'s decision to n turn to London on Monday aaa relieved bis trlenda and eolleagnea fi ni some anxiety. They feared lhat he Bight i "i appeal till thc day of the opening of Purim n, ni. Nu oppi suiuu piaigmmino for opening de bat.- can ba drawn up without him. Mattera Will n w lie sclllod hs usual on Wednesday, thong- whether the es-MinA-tera will dino to gether, as usual. Rooms uncertain. The Boom whieh Mr. Qladalena has taken for tb*- chm! on. In .Taiii's st.. Buckingham Gate, ls auder the shadow of BueldnghaB. I'aluco, but is small and ttl adapted to entertainments. Nor is lt expected that Mr. Gladstone will -per? form aaany social functions. His eolleagnea are desirous thal tb.-ir l.ader sin.uid return not only ts. advise, hat lo be advised. They hold that eft.! six we.-ks' absence he needs to recover touch with the party and ihe country They ar--, or BOBBI of th.-ni ate, alarmed by the report thal be bas premired a Manifesto la his mUitiaatint at Florence which ha Intends to launch on land? ing on English soil. The whole manifesto' story ls donbtlul. But. if published wtibout consulta? tion with his eolleagnea, anek an act would not be wil Inuit, piocetlciit. The Liberals are, how? ever. Belonging to hold a reception to Mr. Glad Stone on his landing, wln-n a six-eek will proba? bly !??? delivered Lord George Hamilton has now given his ver? sion of ile- dispute -which led io Lord Charles Beresford's resignation. Like the trained oflicial te is, Lord George describes it as a matter of blunt mental discipline Lord Charles stood out Bgainsi the authority which Lord Georg", as hoad ol thc Admiralty, is compelled ti) enforce. Half a do/en Adiniials inc fiBgBgTd in explain? ing the matter fruin the <]uarter-deck point of view. The nous* -a fa ring public continue to side will, Lord Charles. The law (ourls have supplied Mlicr BBBBBtt'iBi than Di- dynamite trial daring the week, 'ihe Patin divone case |?a Iel ir. B-BM light on the Issn"ntn 1,1. of a well-know. bookmaker on the turf, sv bo was formerly obscure, but latterly suo eeaaful enough tc. man,kum a larva hooaa at I'ant atead wiih righi servanto Ihe social atMoaphtii was m squalid ;.s thc iipbolBtering was splendid. iKinii -swore and drank, and Mn Dunn drank. Yanns strum.,? cha ruct. i>, male hud female, appal- on the sen*:. AnMBg lb* in is a oeitalfl Wall, afb n heard of iii recent >*mi> m oonnection with musical copi right, lt hus hean thia worthy person's custom to act asa dote*rive and Informer' 1> nneo on p< op", arli, iM.oeeiii I, sang, (arinatanea, nt - hnritnbla concerts,, and bring action for v,on ol copi righi, the |st'iiiiitv, going lo thc Informer. Ko register of eopyrighted son.,- ,.v f- . ad no tn ans ol knowing whether a song ls 1 .'righted ar not. It caine out ni the Dunn eas,. ' si this Wall. wboM son is aeenaed al adaltery willi Mrs, Dunn, had sp* nt eigbteea Montba in prison f..r felony prior i*. iRginnlng ins copy. oareer. Dunn has ko! a verdict a*.aini,t lils rife, and Ina whela Dobie arni, ol bookmakers * i i' Mr Funnvall, whose BOOM is probably known ir Anieii.-a as the ol ti,.- Mew fl-ahssprait Society, has buen ordei-d by a jury io pay S*.00 ?oi HbeU_Bf Mr ?K..iei?, ?n ador. Tho fact** " ol no gr._.t interest eXOept that thia OBM at last, brings Mr. Furnivall to book for thal vioh-nt. vituperation which he has long indulged in. His BttOCka on Mr. Swinburne and Mr. Hal UwaO-PMlIippa enoaod thc withdrawal of tfce mosi mapculalile members of thc Bhahcspaotc Society A Biitish jury has also given .) daughter whc sued her fal ber for libel Il.tOB damages; a eas' perhaps without precd'Ht. .Sullivan and Smith are now giving an entirelj new version of the old Baree.of " Bog and Cox." Both are eager to tifcht, but they insist on fighting Mt different and tim* s. Yesterday's meeting Ut I alisa Smith and Sullivan's manager resulted in nothing. 'Ihe truth is that both BSCB hBTI starring engagements which neither is williup to cancel. Tliat most energetic and coiir;'g<_oiis of mnn avers, Mr. Augustus I ?arris, has taken a lease ol Covert Garden 'Iii alie for an eight weeks wason of Itali n Op ra. beginning in May. I-on don weald otherwise have been without e!t_M Itali: n or KBgliah opera during the whole y?ir, Ihe Carl Rosa Tr-Tipe will not appear, and Bil thc schemes fer Italian opera nt ll**r Majesty. Theatre have fallen through. Mr. Harris will Dhus have the field to himself. Yet not even un? opposed would he again venture on such un ex pertUM_1 without strong financial support, Hil Beacon ln*-t year, mus colly nial dramatically BOO eerafelj w-a undertond to have reeelted in a pecu? niary less. 'Ibo Reminiscences of William Rogers is thr freshest, and no st vigorous o' recent BUtoblOgra pbies. Mr. Rog*rs ls thc wei! known rector of St. Bot ol-h's, Hisbopsgnte, and is one of the niosl delightful mon in London. Ile has devoted a greet put cf Ip's life io educational work, of which thii volume containa ample Ncord. Ii run'n ns als* a p'eiurv of the man with a true BO-OUttt of how he became to be known as * Hang-Theology Rog .rs." Mr. Howells's " Modern Italian Pods" is Sty scribed in "ihe Athenaeum" as a volume wimsc accomplishment excels its j "eOrnelO?B It WOnU probably ba difticult, taya 1 lie reviewer, to find eitKer in Italy or (England in om- little vo'unK (lninort'y readable si much accurte ard cay in formation about tbe national life of Italy fi oin Napoleon to Cavour. His humor, bis sound km,wi edge, hs political Bympathiea and his style art all praised. Dr. Asa t! ra v's death js deeply rcgretteil in Lnr land, where his name is just as familiar to thf , scientific world as Sir Joseph Hooker's. Many ? tributes to his memory appear in print. Eng) Ushmen readily admit Dr. Cray to have Keen mu of tiic greatest among Darwinians, in spite af hi** religious belief. The deaths of the week in England inelud that of Mr. Goodwin, tlie architect, and editor of " The Builder." Ho was one of the leaders among sanitary reformers In modern house building. On the other hand, he has something to answer for as what ls called restorer of ancient churches. Mr. Edward Lear, dear to all young and many obi people as ihe author of tbe inimitable - Hook of Nonsense." is also dead. He was nn artist with just notions of landscape and a friend of Loni Tennyson's. Ile painted much and wrote much, ami was in all things original. Tlie lat(st, bulletins shown to callers at Lady de i it- y's rep resent her Strength as fairly maintained. But sho has entered upon the most critical singe of thc fever and it must be some days before recovery can be pronounced certain. G. W. S. RER BEAD IN THK LION'S MOUTH. a ri ki"i:mi:k tf.iikiiiiy LACKB-TBD tat ax BXBAOFD BKAST. Lond >x, Iel, t. At the conclusion of a pulMB. ?ince at Lowry't Mu-ic Hall, la Dublin, la-t night, Mlle, be,,Ide, ?>>:? ol the pe, forme,-,, placed hor head In a lion's, mouth for tlie purpose of having her photo? graph taken In tl'iit position. A sudden fl:_*h of light earned Hie beast to close his jaws, and he ie i'd growl lng to the corner of Ins cage, dragging his BelpieM vietitii with him. Then ho -hook tho girl -violently, tearing her Karo breast nilli his claws. The attendant- at OOM spiang tow sid tho cage and n'inched thc lion with irons and finally Succeeded lu bealing him off. Mlle benid,' was removed lo hr lodgings .mil .nodical ahl wu* summoned. Hoi Beek, -le.'oilers, bress! and one at ni an* terribly lacers.d, but -the offered .,, apis-ar to-night ami ropeat her porftrmsace wiih the lions. A HUIT1SH MAJOR STRIKES A BRITISH LORD London, I'eb 4.?A well known sooley man, Major Kildare BaiTOWM, was charged In court to day with BMSUltlng Lord Howard d,* Wald-n. Major BniTOWM slated that ho had a'ted In defence) of ht*) lister-!-dBW, Lady do Waldon, vv Ik, Is lying seriously III In her house. Ho said that Lord de Waldon, while drank, tr,ed to foiee his way Imo Iii., wile'! ronni. and (hat in tin, tight that ensued between 'lo Walden ami himself Hi- 1 jriiiOr was hint. BuroWc, waa remanded. TIRED OP MAN ITU KA Mlsf.O\ KKNMKNT. Ylaalpeg, Man.. Folk 4.-1). K. Wilson, late Minis? ter of I'ubl.o Works, and C. E. Iiamlltua, late Attor? ney Gansral, will soon resign their seats In tho Legis? lature and MMOVS from Winnipeg lo St. Paul. They suv they are tired of fhe wnj things arc going li. Manitoba. A Kt. 1'ail dlspa'ch stays Mr. Hamilton luis Leen admitted lo tho Minnesota har. RAILROAD (".RANT TO AM KR I "AN-*. Pan rtOMlaga. Fob. 4.?Tho (iovernment of ranto Domingo ba? granted a MNMMSloa to American capi? talists for the construction of a railroad from tho rlty of (santo Domingo Into the Interior of the Island by way of San I list..bal, and beside the grant of valuable lands ha.-* pledged the issue of a largs amount of tl i*sr cent (.oven li.cul bunds secured by public iceni,-, a- a .i.i-rd). -? MR. AR<)N**->N'S R_W <'KERETTAS. London, Keb. 4.?Manager Aronson sailed on the .io.iinor Eli mia for New-York today. Ilo has ar? ranged to produce an English renlOB !,y (iill,ert of an Offenbach opera, and al.o operetta, by Lo Ooooj and Andrea. COU ni 'Kl AV ti HORSES BTILL IN" BORD. Ottawa, lob. 4.?Isidore Cohnf-'ld, tho New Vorlior whose valuable span of horse* are still under seizuio, has not settled with the department, 'thirty dayl I from last week wei. allowed him Id which to BOMBI the Mi-tiler's derision, and at the end of that time If CoBB-Sld still to ace-pt lt, tho homes will , be sold. ** AXOTHRR PARANA CANAL LOTTERY LOAN, l'arlrs, Keb. 4.?Agenls of the Panama Canal Company ' a.-o negotiating wit), Deputies ol the Right for Iho pro ; motion of a lull allowing the i.siio ol a lottery loan ol 77_,Ooo,Ooo francs. EXPORTS OF AMERICAN FISH TO CANADA. Ottawa, Feb. 4 (Special).?Tho sinpular fact appear In spite of the outcry as to tho Canadian flshorien, thal tho in,puris ul Antillean fish aro enormously increas? ing. Ihl valais of dutiable, li-h brought Imo Canada from tho l"ii,!,_ Slat-os during tho last fiscal year B live i,ii.cs as great aa lt was only two years ago. Tho lilllie of fl-h Imported from tho Knited States wm actually double thal of the fl-h Imported f,-..B ol duty tram Wewtonndls-d ui-ter* loria tlio bulk sf thc fl-h Imported. ? ARRAN' INO FOR JOHN C. ERO'I REI CRN. Montreal, Fob 4 -John C. Ruo arrived here fnun Quebec yesterday noon, accompanied by Lawyer Tis -lei. and mot OsorgB I* Teany, a lawyer from New Vork lt ls uiidi-istood thal a .nov einent ls on foot to effect a Mt!lemont, bo that he may return to the -tate*. TO PBOLORR THE TEY, A RIO MINE CORPORA TlO f, K-'SIon, Mass., Feb. 4.?The special ui-cllng of thr atoekholden ol the Pawahk Mine to aensldM tho od vlsabilitv of ? .Mending the corporate cxlsten.-e of ihs ru..ipany lo, a psfied of thirty veais w a*, held thu afternoon A pTOtMl against the holding of Iles BMSt ; lng and agalnsi u|| act nm Ilia! might be tjlvn vs.,, ? Bled by MetSia. Mason, .sniilh and MhCM, Who .ins op pased io IBs ptapoMd BOtlea, and la t>ehaif *n Um Quincy mining people, hie said to be anxious* to se. Bore th-- property. A resolution wa" olfer-ed providing | for the ."vlei,.,,,!, ,,f H,c companv _ OOTpu i ale es.lsK nc i for tlint> POMS Kum Apiti. lnh'1, antin.rUing lt,* lars lo lah,- -ah bibmiiim as should be oe | Mrj to *?-, i \ o,t |_s pnipu.c of the r. s- Intlol,. A 1 formal prates! a-.n!i,st tho resolution iras fl'-d l,v Meases. Mason and smith. ll was voled lo kc^p th* po.;, open until M.i,.'lav at 2 :40 p. m. ? ? JUE ICE CHOI' OF THE DELA WAUK. Pilli ai.1.1 lilli, Keb 4 (Special..?All tl.-. Icehouses ou cuber si,me ol thc Delan ai.- River both above 5 | ann or mw mr onj- am mini ami ... . -. | | of cutting has laen stopped. 'Hie crop housed ls Hie I targa*" pvrr tOetriOd la this region, and th" IBS rs 1 pmer and nioi-s solid than ever before. It is esiimat cd (ba. upward of -*i.imn) tons of Ice havo boon tal~>u 1 from the liol aware River alone. A BANK OFFICIAL MISSIONING. CIN'JSNAII FINANCE- DISTURBED. stai:ii.ixi; kau ix PBICB ov hkthopoi itan va IIOVAK BAX". STOCK ?IX KX AMI K Kl. DKrl.AKK TIIK Ci.XCKRN BOIVIiNT. fBV IB-MHUM To Tin: tribt?s-k.1 Cin?-txnati, Feb. 4.?John If. Decamp, for a long lime vice psinlfllint of the Metropolitan Na? tional Bank, resigned at, 6 p. m. to day. A feel? ing of uneasiness has existed regarding thc Metro? politan Hank for some time, nnd its stock has , : depreciated so rapidly as to create gonorul alarm ! Diong depositors and anxiety among tho more timid of the stockholders. The latter have done much to Increase apprehension by disposing ' of their holdings at more or less of a sac? rifice. Ibo stock was held closely at 124 [ two weeks ago, bat to-day lt sold on 'Change at 7!?. a fall of 5 points from the price yesterday. Ibo sale todav was clos.'lv W-tChed. A wc k ago a morning paper announced thnt Rank 1 hxann'ier H. V. Sanders. Lugone Powell's suo c BOT, had .lust completed an examination of I fl,. Metropolitan N'ltimnl Bank and found its af ! (alli in n -itt isf net orv condition. He eenie diii'lly, i va" 'nterviewed and remained one week in the in sl tulon. 'Ihe lei gtli of his visit made Till ni Sine gissi'is wag their tOBgOM nnd nod their ? beads, an-l " I told you so's" echoo. from bank - [losdeli's' cfTKes to fha open street, where 'li'* i "curb stone" contingent pitted up thc phrase and > apr*ed it alsout. I ', A heavy nm was anticipated this morning nnd . ' lin- paying-teller's doak wtis slacked with currency j and coln to the amount of nearly $4no,OOO. Th" ' oHi*" rs of the b'ink arc : -.trident. William Means; vice-president, John If. De Camp; cashier. Charl?I 1 V.". lal wards; cashier. Francis M. Siegel '? The directors aro the (Jim two named and ll. P. 1 Power, George K. Duckworth, GeOffC l.'erke, K. ' N. Both, Michael Ryan, Louis Kr?.ui. and L U. Dayton. Five of th-*sc wets, its meeting held Int'* 1 tl, _ afternoon. Neither Meena nor De tamp wen* present. De Camp's icala?atien was dc-mailed 1 , and it is understood that wbcfl tha full board meets, the retirement. ,,f the other adnera will be demander' Competent men in Third-et consider the hank ?*<'i . vent. It bas $1,500,000 deposits and $1,000,000 . I capital, the result of a d. ubling up BTOOSM about a year ago. IN DESPAIR BECAUSE ol' POVERTY. A TOING MO ll! KB Wot XI'S B8B8BLP AXD BABK? HKR OWX IH Alli t'K'tTAIV. Bii.TlMiiHi, Keb. 4 iSjKs'iali. ?IX'spHir and poverty diuvo Mrs. K.Ilcii MIILs, Ibo JTOOag vslfo of Adolph I Milla to allemp. the murder of her babe and to kill I beleeli Early this morning a poUrCBMM pOBStng ilio I hon-e was accosted (>* a (Tightened boy, Ibo step-on I of lira. Mills, who excitedly exclaimed that Ma sMs> '. motlier had cut h-r ll mal and killed bot bato. Willi | a physician the policeman catered thc house and found j tho woman and the liabe almost demi. Mis. Mills , cannot recover, but the physlOlM* thinks the lifo of ' Hie baba tnay be Saved. Mrs. MUK ls twenty righi i years of age. she is thc daughter m w. Alexander, a [armer ol Fredorick Ciunty. lier pride kepi her from known her wants. lier hu,Land who 1 appeals t' be an hone-l. soln-r man, said: "Ellen ls my second wife and we bsVS been mai ried about . two years. Om life together has been a very ptCMSBt one. lt must have beril our poverty thnt made hei? di) lt. We have struggled hard lo get along, bm I I Lave mado only 'Kl since ibo week belora . lu Ki mas.-1 SCALDING BIS PL Ai MATES TO OE A TH. BOBM1BLB CBIMB OK A DBOB-BM BBOB0 BOT IN om ukia. Evstmvv, ria., Feb. I ?Hubbard Harrell, a colored boy, len years old, was mado dinnie here yesterday and going to the homo of his broiher-in law, .lames Rope, killed three, children. Filling a largo kettle, M* d fer scalding bogs, with boiling water, Herrell l? gai- nit Work bj Inducing on" ,d the children to milln-.-, siter wi vii Ba soddenly tripped the little fellow* up and leaded Inn. in tho kellie, whore li" wa- boiled to ilrath. lin next child, a girl, resisted, bul Harrell felled her to ih? ground with an Iron bar and while she was still In?nsibln threw hoi- Into thu caldron With tlc bolled Col pM Ol h ir brother. lin; i-otii.ilning child was the yonogMl of tho trio, ami picking it ap bj tin* ankles, Harrell was beating its ic mi against a tree when, attested by its cries. i the fa.lier and mu! h-r Interfered. They w-ro too : lattt to rescue the child. a hose bead was rrnthrd I almost lo a Jelly. While ib-y wen* attending 1* Harrell ian away. TO REOPEN RBOPR CLOSED ROE TEALS. Br.mtiit vi, tv,m., feb. A e-speclal'.-Tlio SOphomom ! In Ij'high Cnlver-lt;, caught some unlucky _-e?hii,'n, made th. rn wit in bowls of water and go rowing Braaoeuvres. The sophomores on -"tiing Into theh truUSOrs found them lided with snow. Last night, B'hiic cl pranks, a policeman run in a mphomorc for disorderly conduct Tlio poUcamaa w-.m pushed and drew lu* revolver, bm ii mts snatched fnun his hand by a af?lent, lin- student was subsequently B_*rmted fur larceny. RTOTEMAEERS 1<> FORM -4 TRUST, st Loris, feb. i (*p-*eiai*.- it is Mtaeeaeed herc t?-diy ihai the stove BMaufartaian af tha Batted (Balm are In secret BMShM la Cincinnati, lt ls ?uider- lood thal thej are tn lng to form a stove tTUfll to restrict the production of stove.. The plan Is lo fo m a -.ram) corporation of the stove manufacturor oi thc country, each bnnorj to bc appraised aj tha valaa of Its, Its out),ut and thc BdvantagM acer,lng by the convenience of * mil and raw material. Tbs pi*" ductloii an*! prtoa of I to Vet arc then to bo r<-gu ard by a eommlaa'cner, under the di red ion of a board of managers, and th,; principle- of B railroad pool caji lcd out lu tho division of earnings. DYING IN BER OX K ll U N OR E D- A V I) TH IR I) YEAR l'nr-pn.l.i), .Vasi.. K.-b. 1 .Special).-Mrs. Kll-abcth ('ranger died at Pittsfield, Mass., this afternoon at tlc* advanced ago of ono bandied nnd two years and nine Womba. She was probably tho oldest woman Ifl the -tate. Khe was hoi ti In .Northampton, Mis*., May ?"? 17-.",. v. _s the daughtM ol John Kelton, Bha came to I'ltisfleld In IBID and mar, led Kernlco (.ranger, who died Iii 18K1. she was a widow for arveiii) live j cn -j and all that lime lived In l*;i t-il.-l,|. THE LA IT JR MONMOUTH C0UN1 1". Long Rhascii, Feb. 4.-The residents of tho Rraiich are dolug all In their poWM In aiding General Unpin. iho Proaeeator af Ibo Fleas af Monmouth Conn's, la his etforu lo SUpgram,ness hero, rome of the loading dillons af the Iowa have organized a Kaw and Order League. I ailed stat,.- senator Rot?i Blodgett, I- the president Of the organization. All persons found the liquor Iowa and ibo prupueior_ of lo** Uciio aiu to bo vlgorou-ly DRCL1RIX0 TO lil N IOU GOVERNOR. -T. Loll", feb. 4 (Special). Judge Norton, *,f the NlMoeri Bopreane Caiut, who wu, eoacadsd hy ail oppunsnli tu have a walk-over |m lbs Ooiinnscshhli I t -la. ofliciall. de la, ,i u,.. noSBllMUlon. UOVM_M I Mut?louse will step forward a.ol officially declare ' b in- il a candidate. Mayor -"mads, of .h.-, cay, i* i*,i,-Merci th- Strongs*! man. OOMPLAIRIRO THAT S1U WAS BADLY ABUSLO. a massage was bmi Oma ..Bm nssd.ssrttn io Bgsai Knell or um boctety ior Um PtsvmUm of Crasltj w i'li.Kii-ii last SVBalag, idling Lu,, thal ibero waa a caS f*,r iihn to MVOSUgSM al Iso. PT l-errj-sU Mr. Km,li ?kern to Kial uni fouint 1 tut' lio Ho,-on, S:'o -lc-*". Suit, ring trsnii Inn...- i,,, ,i?. BOB* 1 t?- gill told as p?0f? e'"iv ol ill-lica,ii,. ni al l),.- Lauds of a boul-Kiig* BOOM keepsi In Weet rtVM | .- sod t About two JTSSM ag" Bsttlt lis.-d ssii.i ,,. i in kn al iso. 1)3 Kerr* at- ?"'*? ss I,.(. Hmm gained Um MsedSklg of Mrs. Ilurus. a Mad I lu ighlair. Mi,. RtpsM fi.uniiT) bail liv.d Ifl PMSSSSS*, H. J , bm lui -,,,_! ,1 jr, I,, h,., kmkand, BM sen! buck m Pal. is.,ii B?I ui. .1 ii,.-,,. | peile SMM -Mn * i's"" ?ig... Iii,-rc v..,, terna plMM In su a-kluw, but was sent t ai.o-it is*o n.'innis ag., ,., t,,,r_ |? tt,u XtMat|*esssa0_8i 1,'iij-.. li, lanna J UM gill Baal to Mis. Ilurns for pMM^MB i and said -,." ,, el i. .ii ii'ni.'.i .aa ciuliy hi Mi BUsiresB. : .Mr.. limns sa*. MaeB sod him Marlu un mb ..iT.i- o*. k a . i b- 1 --I e i li.-r -tor . "Be ,i.,rv k. 1^- |ri?ateil to Ila ' I- 't a'li.l. ...... I isin.-.i ,. al .',.i i.,,,i -riitt-uiiiiii-.t.. and M.- I ian, l.fik ,j|i ul lin- g il lol s f""*s ilajs. 'ibo "email ssl,.. k--p' ih.- BoerdlBt _o_SS MSI Ml* Klanagaa unit gul Halli.' lo j."titii. promising nlit to d'--l hat-'ilj ?shh lor I..- .??,,,ug Ila ti? sgabi went lo Mit". Knrns nnd a-ki-rt tot si,, lier. Mi" did not have a hat or BU*leli".t co mg Iii 1'nli'it Imr fi,.in UM BSMi ?oa lier , bi .fl ssa- brat sad and awoll n Ut ii,i-ip*s .le- ?*** . lui .nisi., Ma Ml ?? th.- botts* In linn coi.diilon. an*"* I Sollies I"a bs 'le- ten ?"d ts-..'l.ia l.-i B-ad aflainsl a i Hull. Mi Knoll '"oil Ililli! t<? Ho- KOt-Uli a laal ' i. fi., and sail that ht B-oMd pr, ul- 'he NOS I" , .kteu.v -...(.Tt If lija.,, >i,v?-l.8*iKx. MS U'rl a tun) ? pn.,??! io be true A\.A\Jn_y_x _\1 Dlirj.>A_M_"i_*^VII. niEEF. 8TRIKKRS AM) TW > POLICE SHOT. ST' -NHS. (TIBS AND Bl Vol V*"HS DBBD FIIK-KY? TIIK I)IsT('BBAX< !B MADB HY K,)1(KK.XKKS--i.AU IlIN-.S MH HU COAL AXD IRON' POLK K. (nr "*nanaa_a_l ro thr TRi'insta Rkakixo. IVnn., F-b. 4.-The rlotm* in Shen? andoah was renewed this afternoon. Three .'oles Bini Iw-o Ooo) aiul Iron tx'lieoniou were shot. Shortly after I o'cioou '..ono Mm left Bhenun doah on the way t., K.bbv Bun OoIUmt. This mine is on the outskirt* of the town. When the mob arrived ut Fowler's lumber ynnl it halted and ..wailed thc Bounding of tho whistle at Kch lcy Hun. The workmen came from the mine in a body. Thc strikers made a rush for thom, nnd a bend la Band strugr-le followed. Stones, lu mi* of coal, clubs and bottles were hurled at the non? union men. Captain Christian, of the Coal and Iron police, with a force of twenty-seven men, made aa effort to subdue thc mob, but he nnd his men were overpowered and coin-polled to flee for their lives. Officers ["etas Kreig.r and John Hleecker were badly wounded, and were carried into the city on str-tclicrs. Three m?*n in the mob were shot, but thev were takfen away by j their friends. 'Ihe officers are seriously hurt, but, their injuries are not likely to prove filial. It is feared ihat th<-so rioKs may continue from day to day uni ll more severe measures aro adopted by the offlomls. It is reported that two-thirds of the foreigners were under tlie in? fluence of lin nor, and that their buders were all drunk. Tho Shenandoah City Colliery, which was the scene of yesterday's not, did not work to-day, and it is lin- intention of tho Brading officials not to start up any of their breakers in that dis- ' trict until further notice. A number of s|>eciul police have been sent to the region from all points alone: the Bending mud. but. it is mid they will only bc BBCd in guarding ihe Keridi.lg collieries. Miehnei Heffron, who trna shot In thc mouth last Bight, is not expected to recover All the ol hers ure doing well. The labor leaden say that the special officers BOBBted their revolvers unnecessarily, aud thus exasperated the Poles. Iii,, chairman, John Let- said Iho labor lenders deprecated the trouble ut Bbonendoah. " When wo heard of the trouble last evening.'' naid lyce, " we got our head men together, went, throng- tha crowd and pacified the excited peo? ple. It was unanimously agreed at our Bleating that any man attempting violence must bs handed over to tho proper authorities. The palioa have brought on this trouble, I believe In my heart, to raise public sentiment against us. This trouble will not, change Butters any with Us.'1 " How about the WiDlam Penn and other indi? vidual collieries:''' " All collieries signing the adTBOOl can work if their BBeu want to. The Joint Board gives this permission. William I'enn, Kehley Hun, l.avvreuce and Brown and Big Mine Run have either signed Ihe advance or said they would sign lt. When men refuse to work at the udvanco il. is Iheir own individual act. Only a few of the Bending Companys cnllicrio. were in onemton ta, day, and the shipments of coal did not exceed over '.'io ears." 'Ihe Coal and linn Company shipped a lar.e number of snrbinea mid ammunition from this city to Shena minah to-day. There is a general belief among Bending officials that a break will occur in th.* tanka af tb'* strikers BCXt week, and thnt they will have no trouble in getting all Mm men they want. N'. INC RF. ASF. FOI. THK WYOMING MBit. AI.K TIIK COU. (UM PA NI KS KN VOL 1?0 SAY TIHCY CAXNOT AFfiiltl) TO GK A.SI* IBU" IB l'K.l CENT. ADVANC .?QO?CT AT bllKNAN". ((All. "A ii KBSBABfl-, Fd). _.?Officer, of flu* Lehigh and W.lhc-b.irro Coal Companj, Ihe Delaware and Hud? son : oal t ompBOy, the Hillman Vein Company, tho Susquehanna Coal Company and the Red Ash Coal Company, being the principal coal operators of tho Wyoming Valley, havo boon man by reporters to-day. Kioiu What Can ls.- learned they all emphatically declare that they would not grant a lo per cent advance to the Hilliers at Dds Hmo. Tho reasons given are to tho ellet thai they aro paying all they can alford to at present. lt lu stated bera thi* afternoon thal Ibo Hist do triaiid for an adv ance of ",5 per cent will be ni ide upon ihe Delowen sad Hudson (.oal Company. This Hill bo followed by a SlmilM demand Bpon Whet companies. Hie merchants bete, While tearing a strike, are of Kio opinion that lt will neither be peiieral nor laM any great lent hg of time. They cite the fact that older minors who have been encaeed In many I previous ttrike and have always lo-t tunney thereby uow una their own BOSKS and arc latilfled with their prent earnings and tue fiirthw (set that many of tho employe-! ai ir Welsh, Hungarians PolandBt. and Italians vv ho^o actions cannot bo controlled by any organization. The Withdrawal of members of tho Knights of Lalor from the minos would seriously e.u barra-s operation. Imf would not entirely stop pro? duction. Another rca-un tv hy ibo stiil.o ls oipo-ed li, that miners lu Ibis valley at" not Working on what ls known a_ thc sibling Malo and that they are actually receiving ll por cent Blore than tbs Schuylkill miners havo boen receiving or DON than they have asked for. Shenandoah, Feb. 1?Everything ls fftlrly quiet here today although the temper of th) I'olanders is sueli tliat they may at any moment become violent. The chief lear ls lhat encouraged by their succ.-ss last Bight they may attack the Kahley Hun and William I'enn mlie-rs. lT*o->aratl,,n.s have been .alien to meet this sBtsrgeney, a largs number of special polieeeaea having been swoiiu lu by the BargOM for duty. There aro also from Ii ft y tonne hundred Coal aud lion police? men and I'iiiitoKon odteeia auataed hero pmyered for duty If rcpiii'-d. None of Hie Iteadlag Company- collieries am wrfrk tng to-day bul li is B?MMtOOd that th -y will bo Marted Bp oi. vn.niliiv. Noli.) of ll,.,- iii-n shot last night BM In danger dept Holfr-.i: vv ho-o wound In the mouth ls lu such a condition a. to make blood-polsou lug possible. Ho ls a quiet Inotfonslvo fellow, a ba.-cball player who bad signed lo play with tho Ncw urleans club and was only at the riot as a tpe< lalor. Tho dllliculty ot Ment! fy lng 'h.* I'Oflsh aud Hm. Karlan rioters greatly BBlllBIIMSM ibo efforts of tho police Lieutenant Heyei and .ni.ocr Delbert ot the * oal and Iron loree, ulm Hied upon the rioters went tu _*ot u ville last night, and ra "tendered ika ai lettes and entered bali for inuit. Their trial la, however, looked upon as a mom legal formality. 'Ibo bheuau doah affair k_i occasioned a marked revulsion of feel? ing, not only among the general pnblie but also among the mons oonservailve and Intelligent classes nf Ihs sulking miners, and lt ls believed li will exercise a decisive efl-Cl In breaking tho backbone of tho strike and bring about an early general re ranptloa. The sttlKe leaders hero evidently ap pis-rla'o ibo seriousness of Ihe Injury to ihoir cause aud .-how plain signs of discouragement. Philadelphia, I'eb. 4-Hugh T. Dorsey, one of the Beading Railroad strikers, was arraigned at thS -Ven? tral Kullee Station this morning ChergSd with apsault Ing non union train hands by throwing coal cinders at them yeaterday. Deraey is ene of tho many stuk'*!-* who have boen arrested for committing broaches ol tbo peaoet an! attM ucariiig avtdMMS tho iiiagls.rat.- ?a:d to him: "I am going to make an example of yon. Yon do not want to work yourself ami >'"U Irv to keep oilier- from earning a living. I will bold you In ?J.,OOO ball on tbo thargo of a-sailt aud lucltlng a rio!." Horsey ls known as a " tough.* BoBM yrars ago ho daacaroaaly wounded a policeman with a brick, BBd a few reen ago MVereij BMaaltOd a nun union freight handler. BROOTT-tG 4TBTBIKBBA III PITTSBURG. OXK BOT BADLY WiU'MiF.!) AND Ol* IIKII8 SAID TO BK ROBT BY MOHO Wi'H-MI-X. I'ittshitki, Feb. A (BpOOlsIl Tbs Kolar Irtin Works of i lark A Co. was Idle for two months, because thu iirm aud the employes diiret-'d on the question of allowing William Blmms, a roller, fo retain two Jobs. Thr workmen Wanted simms to divide the work with another man. gimms still holda the fort and says lhat he has kana admitted to the linn. Yrcterday morning the mill ua_ manned with negroes, tho furnaces lighted and the machinery set in moilun. This afternoon at 4 o'clock work ceased fur Ibo stjck aud elginv sf thr negroes escorted by a scoie of pulloemcn stuned tor their homes. Tb-y OdsS BHBSSMd UV about BBB BBB* and boss. A short distance away from .he null, one ul tba bo:a threw a brick which UK a polict-uian. Nearly I boys. A policeman also tii-ed. The boys Mattered In all directions. Joseph Kenny, age seventeen, was flinn*'! in..-,,,-cioiis in ibo attest He was shot In the face. Two other bos- ar" said lo have b**rn WSOBdsdi om- of thc policemen seised tlc* Berna who she! Kenny, and after a MVOM Struggle), t .od bi- weapon from littti. Ile dbl not BINtl Imo and aft**ruanf told the lieutenant who c<-iisiii?tl him that lie bail fm t-oHeii to (lo so. I HF. CIA MIMAKF.KS TD FIG llI IT OUT. XO UI!1.A_ Mn IN MIK STKIKI-: -IMPORTANT MFKT IBOO TO BK MEI D TIMMY. The contest batWUOB the elga,- makrrs and fhe factory proprietors ls growing mons healed every day. Th? " (rick" tbal Ihe wor-lnitnirn say Jacobi A Konkmaii playrd thom for the purpose of brea!,lng their ranks, has made them strive twice as hard as they did before for complete violiny, and every eifort will be made dining the coming week to force the manu? facturers to a tSSt-MBOM. Jacobi ,. Knokman s shop bsd more non union men In it than u, lon men, but when the force went back to work on Friday morn? ing and found that oniy a ? heap grade of cigars would be made at a reduction ol twenty-five cents per thous? and, they saw that thry had bern fooled, and th", strike committee now instructs them lo hold out tu tbo end at all hazards. Money ls coming lu lo ibo unions fast from outside Sympathisers aud a large amount was locelved dur? ing tho present week. Iron, six shops alone one of ihe unions yesterday rceelvod $l2ri coiitilbul.d by non union men. ihe strikers say that there will be nj lack of funds, no matter how long tlie struggle Th?y aro fully determined not tu yield an Inch, a* they Itellev thal after this sn Ike is won good limes will foll, w. At the factories windi an- running and employing "scabs'* tho pickett a,e active and several wowbmb were in? duced not to go to work yesterday in place Of " scabs," ' hui ipili. In I,,,- ttav Ur- flllloM BM - osviy depleting the working hm of non union factories. Fhe* of tortj six fan liles w|,0 have been ordered to vacate their rooms In Jacobi and Bookman's teas neut houses, win bc icaisi neal Tuesday before Justice Lae kilian In the Sixth Kl-trkT Judicial (oort. Ixieal BBlOM Nos. 10. IS, 90. 111. 1I4, g_0, 2..1. BOI and '..'i-l and thc si riki* ( IttoS will ali hold s-*cr. t meet in-'- today ii lieu respective lieada .artrvs, wiien preparailonB for tb. coning wei*'* campaign win be i. ad-, it ls expect****! thu thc gat be lng !?? Schmidt's Hal. Avenue I', bri wer ' fgxtb and Seventh r>!-.. in lae aft mom. will b- tan-: iv aUeaded A partleu larly llveu mfoll against ih, union leaders am! th-lr una 11 boris, d action on the revenue ta] BjUMllOfl ls promised i.v hnndteds nf clgannehera. "urnberg brothers ordered leo strle-is to move out ef their toueiiieiiMioii-os ve-iei-dai. IXAKLI". TO aXRACB AN" AGBEKMEBT. 1 o ion, Fob. sj. The elgar iiiininfaetiircrs an-l Iheir emp'o e-* have as ye! come to ni, satisfactory trims of -e;;|e,neni. .\ cominlttce fr* in Ku un 1)7 met a committee fruin tlie manufacturer, for th'* purpose of an iv ng If possible at som.) conclusion agreeable to both purtles. The ma ti ti fact-rei -. a! I BO Ugh feeling ll necessary to make a reduction In pay. wt'o disposed to malle some concessions In mtier to pres, nt a strike. The mon wei*, evident Iv Inclined not to coaeede anything. They were niven until Wednesday next to bung the inaner bef. ie their .inion. Although there ai'* rumors iha' a .-nike nay Meolt, no action tu thal rt.rct ha-* yet BOOB taken. ? SII.IKI". IN" ,\ BEWSPAPEB OFKIcK. Philadelphia, Keb. -fi (Spool?).-Tho majority m the compositors on "Tbs BSvealag Item* left tha eompm lug room lu a budy this nmrnlng, giving as a reason thai the owner, Colonel Thoma-. fitzgerald, bad rotosed to take the papm imo th<* Typographical Calen. Ten men aiul the foreman refused to gu, snd succeeded In petuiifr tho p.|>er out on lime. Tho sixteen-page paiior will be printed a_ usual to morrow. NO WORK VOJt ITTLVACrc HEH T*> DO*. BsatOtt, l'e.ii... I'eb. 4 iS'ieelal).?Owing to dull fillies a mon of yantara at th.* Qlendoa lion Campeay's BirnaCM WeM laid off to-day. Tie* company selected unmarried mon and those having no families de| ending on Hiern for support. This lu the third lot of hands ms pended at these furnaces -mee the l/'high coal ?trias beean. Should the Wyoming miners go out every furnace In th* Lehigh Valley would be compelled to cioso Inside Of IWO week-. ? AIMCSTKI) KY AKKITKATION*. Troy, Keb. 4.-Tlie BSOBSUMS Steel works depart - men' of the Troy Rad and [NB Company today ac? cepted Hie company'* fenns and HM steel works will Ins -lurid up iiex' Wed; e., lay. Tin* emplo-.cs of the ic i. ki ui ks uepartmen! bave nat ill BccepteO ihe r< d.Tl'.i. 'Iii' si*'(lenient M- elf. clod thN-gb tie* -lalo Ki ard of Arbitration. m> WORKING WoMi.N oKOAM/INO. The working Women's Boolety ls pushing torward Its Work of NnrgWlUetton with considerable energy. Slu'*e th-> Nattai Society was organized here, tbo Newark operators have formed a branch, and the work of organizing two mon, separate trades in New York ls now going on. The house servants will re? ceive a.teu.ii ii next. 'I hey are considered the most, oppressed sf working women. Word has been re? ceived from Boston, Kaltlmore and i-t. Louis, re-piest Ing that thS MC tot) found branches lu tho-e places, and lt ls predicted that Massachusetts will bernini* a sitting arm of tho body. Protottor Catharina cnman. of Wellesley College, and Protestor Ely, of Johns Hopkins I'til varsity, have arranged to havo lectures setting forth tho -principles upon which the women are organising delivered at lacie respective educational Institutions. Miss Anna Krackett, of lids city, will address (be nex( meeting of tho society ht Cooper I'nloD. Miss Arrla Huntington, of Syracuse, bas charge of the labor burran. Which leeks to pm Vide emniploymrnt in the Interior of the slate for members of the society who ?l*li to go there. Ky this moans If ls hoped to relieve the overcrowded occupation! now Bile, by women In tho cities. >'?> collations are pending to seem,* the house, .Vo. _8 Lslsyefte-plat e, for a DOrmBOBBl headquarters, contest? ing of a lareo assembly room, ollices, a library and a reading room. A BAUD OF TAILOIU. Sl'M.M VMLY DIBCHASOBD. Louis S auder and bis mother run ths tailor estab? lishment that wa- started by John Stander, the fathjpr end husband, at Llborty-ave. and Barbey at,- Krook lyn, sixteen yean ago. The father employed nearly BOO hands, but since bis death tho MU?MM has run down until only about regular employes are at weill and the outsi.t- **tatf has been greatly diminished. These hands bave been dissatisfied willi the way that they have been trca'ed, and on Friday night a Buming was le ld and a bill of gltSVanCM Wa- draw ii up lo be prMOntad to young Louis. They wanie<l the ht ur- ,,f labor reduces! from len and a hali a day to ten, and thor.* wcie cher matters that they foun.l fault wllh. Mr. -'auder learned In some wa. thal a strike was c.'n'emp.afed .md af noon yesterday '.io exiled all the han's Into tbe otlJco, paid them orr and discharged them all. CONFESSION MADE BY DEACONS. UK MLRDF.KED MRS. ADA BT0XK BECAUSE SIIE RK PCSnO TO HIVE HIM POOD. Rochester, Feb. . (-special).?Interest lu the Dea roii. murder was shown by the fact that In splto ol (be raia to-day the oourt room was crowded, women being far more numerous than men. Th. first sen? sation of the day waa produced by the testimony of the detective, John Hayden, who rep a ll rd the confes? sion which the prisoner made to him. Deacons be? gan thlt confession by taylug tbat lu could not sleep nights or rest Be then said: "lam the man Chat killed that woman." Ho said he was around getting something to eat and did get some, but not enough, as he had had nothing for two d,v-. He aald that bo walked Into a house wUh the dom open. There was nobody In the room, but a little uumau soon came In and ho asked her for something to eat. 6he told him io work for If, adding that the hail to work too hard lee her living to ferd any tramps. She then carno toward bira aud he told her she need not call any help as he would go out. Ile declared that she pushed bim amt slapped hts face. This made him mad and ho took a stake and itruck ber on the head. Then hr threw tho elub away and choked her. she tcre.i.ned once. Ile no.lood the ring on the trap door, ral-ed lt and .onk her down stairs. Ilo said sha wm not large, but at tbe toot of the stairs she fought like a tiger. He uoticod a cloth tied loosely about her neck, so he lulled lt op tight. Ile then carried ber ova tn thr curlier of tho ttllBT H" did not drag ber be? cause she was uot heavy. When he lani ber down shr soi -med to revive a llttlr. so he said he gav* tho cloth an,,i her pul! Ihe detective eftev repealing this con ies?lon, added! , ? ? 1 saw Deacons at th * jail on (September B with Captain Mci orin lek aid ho told us at my request the same stnrv h<* had previously told me." Captain Me( ortni . . ol th' pol'". corroboratM this -fateinent. John Cewthra. the Jailor, uh', ha* had si-solal charge of Deacons testlHed thalI the P-Honer had eonf sse.1 to him that he had kl led M-s_ Moue. Coroner Kbarpo also twtifled that eon." weeks after thr minder, K'-acoua made a sluiliar confession to bim. BEIT ni. ir In CI UBS OR ti A SIZING. Fun Aiir.i.i'Hta.I'*b. i (Bpo-Oll "A mooting to-day of .hr executive commute.) of tbe l*BUMylvaula delega? tion to ihe QBntenllBB Sf Kepublican Clubs held ro In Now Yoik deddsd to lur.t lu Lanrasfer on TbsoaS?yi April *_.i, to organize, a Ktatr Ij>ague of Ke pnbl.ati (bibs. An organ ired club h-jin each county I a.i.l.oi.Z'd Hillel tho rolislltuliuii lo send two (trie sar- 1*. He M.H" Convention. Thero were nre--eni Charl-. B \'..orb?*s, sf Ilari-i.burg; H. M Dubols, Ka!win S. Stuaii am! Thomas ll. lliwers, ot Phlladol plus .l.itri II Kenn and .lob ii ll. I-kt-Ua, of Um -aster, and WiK'b'b Frants, uf Franklin County. ?f-.T -.u\."iuh.\ r *i_?ivutEji\o tr i7ii rt THE I .ME OF AN INSCKAVCE COMPANY'! PBKHIDIOrr L'HKIJ. CMBC8S PCBPOBTIM ro bk shined bt J. M. Mt' Utan, OK TIIK MANNA TTA.V KIPB. DMT ABM, WORIIII.KSS?XEW-YoflE BANKS WILL LOBB *0' MI Mi, Seve.'al clicks purporting to be signed by I'r.sf. dont. .Limes ML McLean, of flic Manhattan Lift bonnanes Company, No. IM lin ad way. tm vs imss.d iknaan Ike Olsaa*-_g Hons.* sbs?ssbbjm tm the Inst week and on b. ing peaBssBsd have been found to be forgeries. Thr most of them have come from Boston and all from New-England cities. They have ranged In amount, so fur an has boon ascertained, from a few hundred to a thou wind dollars, each, and apparently they were drawn in favor of au laggan* agent of the insurance Company. 'Ihe New-York banks nc iv cd tb. rn In the usual course of hiisin. ss and in most instances probably returned them to !h.*ir country corre? spondents without special inouiry. a bad onncn c ups i hom noeTov. Thc Nat ional Hunk of tho RepaMlg received .,n? of tlie clucks from a Mo-ton trust company. It wae for $!?',(. and was drawn on thc First National flank of fins city. When it was (atoned through the Clearing HaOM marked "no funds." thero was probably a i oiuiwrison of notes BBOweeu the two bunks, whieh are In fhe same building. Il wits learned that the insurance BSB-PUBy had nw account with tbe First National, ami tho nevi slea in the in<-iiiry was directed naturally to Maa in? surance company's ollice. E-MOd-Ht McLean de? nied thnt he bad drawn the cheek and pronounced his signature a forgery. The eheeh wm a printed one. and on the (Boa of lt HMM was no nason to BUapect thal the eotnpeny had not an account with the First National Hank, on which it had drawn apparently f?r an ordinary sum. It was dated early in January, and. besides the name of the paye*, then- was only the indorsement M the llon ton Trust Company which had sent it to the National l's,!,;, of the Republic. 19 THK PUHMBB A CoNNP.CTirKT MANf Ii, is rumored in Wall Street that the forger wm an agent of tho BomnBBJ in one of the principal cities of Connecticut and thut he has recent!! leland tha Caandlao colony. No estimate of thi amount can be obtained but the freqnsasy of ths checks iu the last few dav-, is IT gamed willi sua pii ? ti. Il is not vet known, of course, that Hie muli',r of the forgeries realised anything from hts wurk. The delay iu th*- prmentntlon sf the sheens if they were dated properly, and ii few other -..r eiinistauees seem to Indicate his ih>t1i,?|. ile may have deposited the spurious cheeks to the credit of lils account aa agent and soon afterward drawn the money on his own oflicial cheek. Ibo imus action would be a natural one niel, until the fraudulent character ot th** deposits was dsaesasa lhere would be nothing in il to arouse tin* sus? picion of banks with which he had been doing business. If the cheeks were not aute-datod it Would seem impossible ti) il.,,nilli for tho d inf In the collection of some of them unless the forger li.ul ii friend who helped him in floating th>__ tani rsm losses sri?, paku The losses will fall on tho banks which cashed tha eli-cUs unless they can rely on the pei-ia-r-M to men tha money was iviid. Neilher tho in? surance, company nor the New-York bunks will Ion*- anything, but lhere is a natural curiosity tc learn the e\lent to which banks have b-t-n swindled. Crosio, nt McLean nnd J. L. Hula***, first m.-* pnsid nt nf the comp nv, icfn-ei a'l inf-rina non shoot the forged* h. They declined bs div alfs ihe ii.iiue ol the uga i.l who is -u d IO be lui-biii-. Mr. Ale! eau said in substance: '? I would not willingly attack the character of any ma . lb. t/m s.uToue mav lie explained P's-ibly and until I see the a*.ent 1 cuniiot -uy anything." To repeated inquiries about partieulors of the forged cueeit-, lie ''returned tbe reola that he wonM not talk on the subject. Vico-.Vsident Halsey sugi_est(d mi 'dly that Mr. lld?BB mierht have Boinething to say in a law days, but the presi*ient was nat dfaaxeei to make even that B??iBBlem Afterward br Nfuatd to ere a i Kinrvi- ranernm who bud learned nm* lilias more about she tacts. It is it udor*, "ol that the c_se has bren i laced ie tho bauds of detectives, but that the .oates har escape I across the Canadian frontier. 8TEALING His ERlENirs nulOE a hay. TRI W IM OP A IktCd ( (PRK WHoINTR.iDCCFI* 4 PA ITU I.Fla's milli AD"* Ta HIS RPTKoTHPD. For atghtaea months William Harvlr. a HrooWvo dru-' clerk who hits recently leeched hi-* majorlrv. has beea hun,liing th" pestlB and mortar for Jones ,t Co.. of Kedford aad cale- aves. While he wa-; giving his sfieoilon to business In the davtlirie ba -i?'ut his aeenlap making love, ihs eb|set M hi* all,-.ll,(ns wa- cus-lo Law, win. has bern -landing behind a counter In this city. Thev mrt tn the board? ing houso of Mrs. 0. (.rlh.iult-. No. IB- Madison st. Ky dint ,,f hurd work and strict atirn'lou to business he so raised himself In the estimation of his BMBSSPSSB Hint they raised his salary lo B\2 a w.-.-k. Mis. Kaw returned, he thought. Ml affections, and thSf became engaged. Ills hii|i|iiiies-s was so groat lhat he had lo share ll with ano'her drug clerk, F. Webb, who worked In a house in th? city. To his Iniciuled wife youug Harvle Introduced his friend, and from tbat time on hts life has not been a happy one. Lovers' quarrels because of Jealousy wore frequent, and Clerk No. 1 apparently supplanted clerk No. 1 18 Miss Law's enactions. Kui she finally thal llarvie was the only ono sho loved, aud un sal unlay, .laiiuarv io, tho) v>ei_ quietly mauled. A thur! cit was taken up lin. State, and on the following Moada] both returned and resumed their former oedipal iona. Ihe next dav Mis. llarvie, With SSH of her most be? witching smile*, asked her husband for two io do some shopping With. ll'* handed over thc limn-j- to hal (he next morilla,*. That evening wh-n hr went hom* to dinner she did not appear at the lanie. But bf fora thr meal was li ms lied a messenger boy rang the bell and handed In a BOM for Mr. Harvle, saying thal (,u-sie loved Mr. Wrbb _e-T. and had gone away wills him. Harvle ls frantic, and Yesterday he was In this cuy looking for his former friend. For his wife be docs uot care. His love bM turned tn hatred and con? tempt, and he sayt that be got off cheap. ? ? A BROOKLYN OFFICIAL'S TltO IV I DOH'S. HIS DUFT.IC-TY WAS L-XKXOW.X .NTH. THK. ORrilAXS iran in waxt. When Charles Gordon, a Deputy -sheriff, died at hts homo In brooklyn last October he left two widows and two Bets of orphans to mourn bis loss. Ho wat a Quiet, unpretentious man and no ono ?us;>e?*tesl blt duplicity. Uo lived lu Mtddagh-st., near llenry tt. The houso was small and neat, and he teemed to live happily with tins wife that be supported theta Ho had anothei one, however, named Annie Williams, with whom ho lived at No. 112 Bands st. at one time and again In Pearl-*-!., near Sands. Later he kept bouse with ber at No. _0<"> Jay-st. This h., nie became broken up by tbo Insanity ol bis wife, who was sent to tbe leish As} lum, where she ts at present. Ky this wife he bad throe cblldien. Two of these children were spirited away after tho mother lost ber reason and tho other wat placed In the care oi Edward H. Hamilton, No. 175 Illidge st., to whom the father pani a monthly allowance for board and clothing. Ibis he did until bis death, and Mi Ham? ilton has kept tbe child Bluce without pay. Ile it extremely poor, however, ami although be and bis wife be. onie mucn alla* bed to Hie little tetlow they have a family of their own to lake rare of aud they cannot afford to keep him. 'Ibo boy bas, thcrvl,,, ,\ become a county charge. Qardott'a sane widow ls nearly heart broken. She had Implicit faith In brr hu-..and and ran hardly believe tbat bo would be guilty of such duplicity. Wheu he died he Irft cotislderal,lo property, and an elton will be made to make bl- heirs support tbe boy ,.u'v living at the cipeu-O of Kings l ouuty. AN OFFICIAL SERRATED TOE EELONT. LockpoBT, N. Y., Feb. 4 (Special. -William A- lb. man. member of ih) Water Works Hoard of Sui-mensl... Krldgr. has boon arreeteil and ls now in lan In this cits to await the action of tho grand lurv on two charge one of grand larceny In tho Int degree fur -/ron rfu I li Bppropnaliag n**" waur bond, of *?..*><>?? reob. the otl.ei foi le.ony ni tho :- .- ipi'iopi i-*' i of public moneys. ?COMl'LAlNT AGAINST THR NO'lTB ERIN. UETIli.iiLki,1-i.n., Feb. A (Special).?Tbe Floyd valvs wot ks, tound""f BBd marlane .hops, which have beea lille since tbe fall of IBBBi will bo started up ag.i'ii la a wt. k or I wo, the llc*l,|cb,ui foundry aud ni_cbi_s sbuy. *-m.-oKdaliin; With Ibo valle winks. COLD JONES ON LOWER CLASSURN AT LEHIGH. Nohiolk.Ya.. iVb. 4 (SpecialI).-Knited 8iates Die trlet At toi ney ilibt-on has forwarded io the Altoru-y (,o!s-:al of |he Cnn..! State* tba olHclal stateinenl of the deputy mamba!. Sullivan, who was throsrn od the Bat?bb ?ea?ship North Bria, m ? Mes pssts Hwy, when Iks st! nrptrd lo board ber s.iti, papen Mi Judge Hu .l.t. ol Ike 1'iiK'd -tate*. ( oU__