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WmWrtk V^XLVU.IV* 15 08 NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1888. PRICE TIIK HE CE.VIS SHOT BY THK1R CUSTOMER MAN AND W1FK FALL aWPANfilK AliOI'T A COl'NTKRFriT lill I. BUB* I'S A PRfaPABlY FATAL FIC.nT. In tlir- basement ut tlie thc bi jj Hut at Nos. 160 nnd i 62 Hon st on-st. un- a baliery amV cmcery store adjoining. Valentino Qaaa is tlier owner nf tho bakery, and his brother Nieliolns owns the ?rrooerv. Tiny both live in thc rear al the stores with their wives and families. laast evening at supper tiino Nicholas and his wife were in tho back room of the croet-ry eating, while Madelina (Jue/, looked onii for the bakery aud Valentine, her liuOiiin.l. had charge of thc grocery. There is a common im&sngcwar between thc stores iu the rear. A ytiunc: mun. f.iirlv m ll dr.eaett, in dark chillies with a large fur tap pull, il duwil tiver his eurs entered lin- ttaktsry, pieked out two apple pies and sunie eake, ami t<>1*t lira. Qeei la wran them up Ile threw do .vu a 15 bili in payment. It was oid nnd IliaatJ. anl Mrs. Qeei cari fully scanned it. N.f feeling jHifeetly secure about lt, she culled her hiisliaiid fmm the grocery. Ho ex emili) ri the lull anal suid that it was a counterfeit Vh? youri'; mun said Ikal it was all ri{*ht and thar it had Itr-en given t? him bv a liituur-dt-alcr who keeps a place in Twent v-third-'xt, near F.ii'hl h-ave. The porer lepUad tint it was one of tho worst ciuiiiteiTtits he ever isaw. and that any one who would try tn paxs it MBJBft In l>e arrested. The y.aiing tnitn p plied Ihat lie did not know Bath about monty, bat that he trai perfectlf willing te wait ni til n policeman could be found nnd he would willingly go tx, the station house willi lmu llllI'MNfl TO RF.TfUN TtSr* PI?Pt'TVD Pill. Om'? dial not. send for n ..flici-r. and thc^ man becoming impatient said: "Well, if y..u ai.. Put want tho money gi e it back to mo. and I will give you 20 cents in (lumire that I have for the pies and cakes." (ioez r-fused to nive up tho bill, and told him that he would keep it until it could ba shown to his satisfaction that nn attempt bad not Iv-.-n made to swindle him He told the i: oong man that h.* would have to bring the liquor teeter to bira and prove thal hi had aot tho bill from lura. Ibis thoroughly enraged the pur cliitx. r ol the pica and lu- e\r-laimed : " What .' l)o you refuse to give me my money? It's pyr-rv cent I have in the world. My artfi and child are home and they have heon without food dorins' th" iJm and this is all I have left to feed them wiih.*' Cote/ stn...k Ins head and wild that ho would ki en the moneV. " Thea I will atnrder eeau" h's^d ihe voling man " if vu rob m.'.*' nnd he jumped forward and ?tired Goes by the throat, (.oe* tried to break away, and in th" struggle they both fell to the fit ur. Nicholas itrul his wife, hearing the noise. nabed into the bakery, and Mts. Goal ran to her husband's r)xsst,ince from behlitd the counter and thev all st. upon the stranger Goes says that before the vonni? man fell ha hail drawn a revolver, while the stranger elalmi tl in either Nicholas or Mn, Gom drotsned it on the loo*, nml when he f, ll he nicked it up. At any rafe, ni soon ns he cot. it he " blazed** away and emptied six chambers, lin rlii\ rut aim nt any OBS", tait tired upward from the floor The first, shot struck Valentine in the jaw Bear the point of the chin, pinn shed throng** the flesh, and runic out in front of the right ear. The see,ind bulla t hit him in the right breast. Ile fal] to thc Boor un ronscions and the blond rived his shirt front crinisun. THK WOMAN BTBORIVBfl A MORTAT, wni'M). The third shot struck his wife in the abdomen and slr* sta c. iff red and dropped beside her husband Nicholas and his wife ran away then nnd the oller ballet! were buried in the wall. The noise of the shot! and the screaming aroiisod the tenants in the house, und several rt ra tr.-.: rs came rushing toto tin- store from the street. Mr. Geei Mri that three min who entered first were confederates ol the straiuM r. but thc police do riot believe this Oflleer O'Hara heard the shots and winn be tot to the bakers; the young man stood iiaietlr leaning against the counter with his aims folded, He tl ld the officer that he had il.ure the rth'tOting la s-lf drrfi nee. and Mired te be taken t<> tbe police ?tatton at one-. Its wns nretlr wetted and taharaed Goei with robbing him. Doctor F, J. l)..iilin. of No. 129 West lloaston-st.. was willed to attend to Goes and his wif". He probed for the ball in Goes'! Rheet, bat was unable t.. t. ll whether it had emend the lunn or not If it, did peae trate the lune; it will probably end fatallr. Mrs Oi.e/'s wonna1 ix exeeedinclv dnnga?ron*i, and the Indications were, taoea alter the doctor arriv d. that the In tell ines had ben nerf rated. She trill ..robirbV die. At the noline xtat'on ?he yoong man t<*?M Serfettat Dooihte that hix name wu. Charles Giblla. and that he lived at No AU AV. si F ff V-fifth-st. with his w fe. I'e is he fitv three fears old, and crime lure hiM, October fmm Vi'ii-n st-r Maxs, wh"n' be worked in Hu le's trltre fur tore for the years. Ile has no beea tri t-et trrork here arirl chinns that the monet- he gave the bnl<"r wns all that ivys 1 ft ?if hix savings, V'xt.rdav afternoon he tried to ?Mri ortyrt in Brook'*. O. On his war back he Marted to wa'k home nnd s-iv*- thal he was nt traded br the show of things 1n the window while passing the hul-er's. Ile drank one glasa ol whisker s^veml houri before the shooting, as be arai half froieB. Gil Mn is ?/aod looking, dr es not nnnonr to be ? viii,,?<; t><r*-nn, and fmm all that could he har".-.1 sbonl hm last ever-'n? ls a r**"*d-w..*'Ki'"' 1 ? .- ,?) R'.tl expert m-ebritiie Ile tobi the i -? nt u rt-mlffhtforsvard storr in a mnrilv emf and impressed every one with its apparent truth tu llK'S-i. now TAB DID JAMBS iLBKRT WALK* ii ki: k's ?. ma with RR. OOO wno sat** ttt. PM*BB* TB1ABWAI UKI.P'i? n*r* A n**<)Tl*"?*. (nunt, lt no., Teh. IS.?A local atporMnr* man. Cltartei nilibili*, nfc rs te bet against <*j.O(Ki that .iftnies *1).ert .lld not wa'lt C,21 inl'es In tt.e reoen* rare tn the Marllsnn Rrpi?i? narden anti Ikal bl cannot v nltt r-."0 tn'lex lg ?l\ rlavs. ll ts nniinrarniil that If trie U't ls acceetriil I'ttililna will tiniietta'.e to prove tiirt' ibe r"i miles was aeeoBipllshed bj Albert and a twin Iro'li'^r. who looks precisely lille h!ni, uall' 1 ti If a'tei Bettjl*/, . AB AIR RF.GKTTBR BLOW* TO pieces. lrri.xix. n v.. Keb. IV-An air r?r?>ivt?r at the ll' rema Iron Works explofl'-rl at Inion todaT. It wax a l.ollrr Iron lanie for liobllnp air ns>?il In Ihe Mast lt xtiiorl MteMe ttie fm-nare proper on the east *tr1n of Iii" befMhtg, ami WSS ai.oiit thliiy-flve feet htch arni taghteea arel la iBaaaeter. It vvas BOMtrttsBed to ??anrl the (rreat air pn-istire reqnlrvrl by the worlis. At tfi? tltnia of Ihe explosion the laglas was not In niniinn. awattlag some trlfilnt; raapslr. T^tttUtmU tretgltlta) hurirlro.lx of jioiinrlF were t||.-o\vn many jarib ?nil In everv dlteetloa Murk honxo*, elevaiors. arni Iron iiiiiiiniis wera i.lnwn tn every dlreetlen. I'atrldr lir'.'ltley waa fatally hurt. The works were in full bia*!, anal now. nt great 'oas. are lille. The r1ariih)*f tr, ins receiver, machinery, and buildinj*^, wm. it^ cf time will axceoil tj.jii.rsio. Ulslt EKED BT AB F.AFTIIOIAKE Vt OHIO Akiii.-t. nhl) Keb lf> (spee al. -A) eii 1 li(|i:jl<^ \r.,a 'tit In t*tlt city th ? iiioi ni ng. at a small town about kiar mlle* away Mat! were thrown ont of bed. and ?inrlo**B and easlllnfr> ern mi .led. while the eaith tor ked, Hi* cr iivultions being precedird by a report aa of ?ulm li.-avy explodion. A (teat fissure la the enrtli I* today the only sign of the strange orr urra-nee. Pr oi b' tied from their houses In terror. Old In kaliliauin saj tiia' twenty riv j-eara Biro In tbl s.un. place a il tillar sbnek sr., (flt. A TEEETRR on porn cha roi s of forofry. (nix. bj, Y., ieb. 15 (-jpeeiali.--8:mon O'Dai, Jour? nal rlera of the Albany I unty Hoard of Supervisor*, ? a* arn-nxttad this aftern'-oa on four ilnr.-a ?f \,. ,..., N Ile bad fae gird bl faiber'a nain* on two notes, alao i.e aames of hui. < ai oil anl loki farter jn tiber Bot?s raKing o\ nr BTOO, Tbo note, w-r-*. ra*liixd at the Batteaal rania, three of lb--ni a few ttay* agu and Ibe other thia m.,i i.iiia*. iio ta.ia ba eas baavlly ia iuiii. BEBBBAl TRBRT EERIER A IlnCsF. in sew. IIA YKN. **asjf>fiavBBi reb. ll Haeetatl Oaesral Alfred n. "TefiT has purchased tho bouse reeontly built by E. *? ?laeei?,, mho failed for nearly H.oOO.O 'J, and l, ?BBestSw ,0 i|ve foro xlp?li jij4 retirement from ibo ?""y Tins hou-to li in ilillbouao ave., aad I. ibe ?"en' In ti.iAu. Jr; EPi\ n ci ns} ya tor ns rrLTnx. '""mo. i,.b |5 (Sprvruii.-Justin I). Fulton Itv-t "'? "??"1 lu B*tes*ataaer lant night, and the Supenntendi'nt J" "be li,riaio police sent a detective, down there to Inaj-vt the book wi,uh Fulton give, with earh ticket te aflm'iixton to hl? lectura. Mr. Fallon bad rented *Ut Hall for to-uight, ami the irusteasn of that build Stu sTi ""U'* ?*? ,>ooW *,'X"*'-(1 "'?*? 'ba Butlior bbs ?sa a in jycuu to taataae taaea im M.inct-At. "??i tul.l ibi-ai ti.e bjeaa SSStU not be revoked tao be>itvi''in1,?''<itl"""" '" thc h*?JI l?*.'ructed lo arrest ??e llllliat U? sataass b- tald se inde-en. word. Mr. Fulton's utterance* -aero guarded. Assistant Ptsfrlet Attotiiry Marcy had a warrant for the eWgyinan's arrest marie out Ibis afternoon but could And no one to sUu lt. IRISH LEADERS IN HIE CON MOB8, BE-L.\ 1 KANCE OF O-BBtELM AND DILLON. MB. KLI.IS ASSAILS TIIK O ? VKItNMKNT, SITI'ORTKD Itv BBBBBBT flt ADSTi-vr*. LOBBOB, Feb. 15.?William O'Brien and John Dillon made their etitnince in thc House of Com? mons to-rlay for the first tim.* this session. They were warmly greeted hy th-ir friends. The debate on the address in reply to tho I Queen'* apeeell was resumed tn the House of Com mons to-day hy John Ellis (Lib),member for Not linghiimxhtn*, who supported Mr. I*urneH's MMBde j tnent to the address. He denied that the decrease of crime in Ireland was owing to the Crimes ! .Vet, nnd nssertrtl that, the rat tims suhmittcd hy the Government to support that claim was vnl i in li vs. He condemned the action of the Irish mni/ixirates, manv of whom he said were uti'iual Ifled fur the positions they (.ccupied, while others had hem guilty of iirhitruiy conduct. He men tioncal Ihe case of one BagtsttOte, who had de? clared that lie was acting under Government or? ders and refused to g've any other nason for ft decision he had ri The administration of the Crimes net reeked with petty miiligiiity and calculated tyranny. (Cheers fiona thc Irish ni cm br rx). If the Govern? ment would assent to the appointment of a select, Commit!".* of inrpiiry, he promised that, ample evidence of m;iladnimist ral ion of the act would lie foti he online;. The Nut ional IaIi^ui*, he do? rian d. was stronger than ever and the spirit of the Irish people remained unbroken, the reason being that they were eonvinoed that when the fact! were known the etcetera would sweep away tie' pres ni mockery < h11?-<1 the Government of In land. (Irilb che ts.) Colonel hui),' Harman (Cob.), atemlier for the Isle of Thanet Division of Keats urged thai Hie events of the JSist few IBOntbS showed that thfl League was losing power. No n-al attempts, he said, were now made to hold meetings in the pr.iclainietl district**. Herbert, (Hurlstone |Lih.), taunted Uti Govern? ment, with the utter failure of theil attempts u> prevent the proe^eas. of the Pha ol Cevmpaign or to suppress the National Leni.'ue. The 1.HI0 branehea of the League eontinoed to Boorish. The ('ovcnimetil, be saul, did not dare to trv to hew down the main trunk in Dublin. Every Landlord, wi<h om- exception, te whom the plan of Oaapalgn hm. tieen applied, har! surrendered. On motion of William O'Brien the debate was adjourned. RUSSIAN TROOPS HAATKMXG FORWARD. HALF A MIIXIOB MnN NOW OS THK AI8TIUAN AM) Rt'MA NI AN PBOBTIBB, Hehi is", Feb. I ft. Tlie '-Kr>-U7. gettang** as*ert* that tbs movements of Ratslll troopi ar" being acceler? ated and that reinforcements numbering 18.000 men have rose had tho villages of Marlampol,. Kalvarja and Knvallil, on Ihe ntaln road Sktrtlag ibu Russian fron? tier. These troops, the "Brent Zeil ung" says, ran only bo (les'pnated as an atlvanr-e flying eoriix In case lt ls deckled to nialie a luddea Bael uioa Konlgs bei'R. Ihe paper furllit*r sajs tbat tli-a Russian along tbe Austraii ami Bunaella frontier.-, ls eal! tn a t ed at 170.000 Bea, with S.gftO imus. The field corps ll worktag avflvly. Manacling 'hr* military ?il hi inns hy telegraph lln-s with th" fait newses ,,? t|in frontier, ami erecting along Ibe whole frontior Hue, at inlet vals of a fow miles, siitllirrl plat forms. ? - IIANDSoMT, GUT TO TIIK GOVERNMENT. llAKKV PARBKB OFFER* Sl.OOaOOO TO KN DOW A l.MVI'.IWTV AT CHICAGO. Vienna, Keb. I.", - Mi. taBWlon, the United Mat's Minister here, hai acecptcd fruin Harry Farber, a rich American relative of President t le*, eland, who ls studying Uw at Ibo Vienna University, Ibo oller of .t 1.1 mi i.i ii io io flio American Government with which to end w a unlvei-sity ut Cbksgu on tbe Vicuna moilel. ? TIMK POB PRAKCE TO PALL IN LINK Paris. Pea, la.?M. Ftourens, BtMiesslBg the eiectois of (.ap to-day, sai.i, refasrriag te tke forelga situation, tbat all the toelghboring nitlons bad ef ti-iii'.i ? tiiiuirfn] Boncenlratloo ol tb'-ir faneo. sad that France must follow lb lr example. M,o must pursue thi* woiii of ai my organlz'ifion, and tn tl . nen both lae srmj ami the navy, In ordci lo lit tlren lor v. b'tiev.'f i ni', the future baal in Hore, THREE Ml NTH-x POB OOMMOHER PTWE, Dublin, Fab. l... Mr. Prno, Member ol Parliament 'or \\ i nt Wai'iford, who tra* ar.i?;ed near tbs Ht u of ms in London and brought to Ireland, waa treal to-day on ihj ci.a g'j of Inciting realataaei lo bailiffs He aral eonvni tl ami - n...... u i? three month*' linprisoiiRiat without bj; J la'.ur. Koitce of a> pa '1 nea given M P ne va re ci-ed on ball ni on I. ivlng tb<* court Wis ii-uiro-lcU on a xvi mt lat eharga. CKLLI reit FIFTEEN MORE IRIgiTMEH. Dublin, Feb. l*. iiiiii-i Etej ben* was to-da* teneed at Falearagh, County Don gat, te tares Boot bs iinp: ixuntiji-nt, tail hool ba..1 labor, lor laeltlng t.*iiat,:, not to pay re; ts. 'ibo clergyman sppealetl from tbe sen etiie. The Court was lurrouDded bj excited crowds, but tbe.e wax DO disorder. Fourteen pe nons, Including Me ira. O'Sullivan and Ashr, mernie)1-* of the mu bia t's >1 government, were nenrencel al li al way to-day lo Imp: isoiiii.rtit for ternrx \*?t>inu fn in !sro weeli- lo mi***1 nrat'i foi UUiu p. ii ii a demonstration on tb- occsslon ol Mr. lilun.-' arrhai at Galway. Mr. O'sullivan waa ?entenced ii an extia week's Imoiixoiiinont for 6,i)'li)R tbat be would do Ibe same agdin. COBoVh LEW11 WARTS A MAN-OF-WAR, Q17ICK. Tanr-ier. Fee. 15. n is rreportedthal W. Beed laewta, (hr* American Consul, bax arlen1 bis I.nv eminent to sond liniiiedlafely a niau of v. ar to irnfoi-ro his demand for the release of a Moor imprison -d at Kabul. The ailtborltles dcrla-e that the Moor bax BO right to claim protect loo of Mr. l.?-ivix. rm ibe pound that a civil tull v. is pendine again**) 'lie .Mun- when the Consul ixsueri his protection patent, ? CONDITION* OP THE CROWM Pi:I.ME. Kan Raino, lob. IS.?The Crown Prince ls better, lill headache of this morning hat d cr ax d. Ile B able to transact business and eau with appetite. The Prince "f Wales will arrive bare ou Monday. Dr, Mac lie ur ie win depatt on Friday, OB I UK SPOT WHERE MAD I.I Div io DIKD. lierliii. i'eb. 16.- ilia* Regenl of Bararia bas or ili'i'.-d the eonstmetlon Ol a Chapel cn piles al tho spot in ihe laka whare King Lo os eetanmted lin: WTOUIUO PETROLEUM Piri.n. Prrrsarao, Feb. is (BraeetaLl?Tba ?MsAdard OH ("oinpany bas been trying to secure contiol of tho Wy.lining oil field. Which B m far eetnpoeed of th roo wells In elie southern part of Ibe territory, sud ail owned'by tbe Omaha Petroleum Company. Tlie cap? ital -stock of the I iii i ei ix Bl.000,000 ead a represent ative of the stan.laid Oil Cou,puny mad.*, au unsn ? ? | , fill ellon a tow days apt le g'tt si.v tenths of lt. Decietii| Webster, of tbe Oaiaba company, was la the elly today. Bl says nio.t of tai ?Bael ls haiti bl omaha i too plo. ami thal Ibe total daaly om pul ot ibo throe wells would be 800 bari els if ir wen nut for the lack of transportation, WI ch ba. i'oi|iiiiorl lbs Pluggiia of tba huies. The eoiupeaj will Build a pipe lln>- to Omaha ihe wells mn aloiiii onl.i .';(H) 'eel. and produce an excellent lubricating fluid, bul only 41 lair rein la un illuminative.. ll has Iteen unod ou ibo I'niiu Feelfte a^allroad for several year*. K.XCAUI'UENT OF THE ILLINOIS ORA Xl) Alt MY. 01'KiNunKi.n, Feb. 1ft (BioolaU.?-Tba twenty saeead am..tal enrauipntant of tier lK-pnitinent of Illinois, '.tami Anny ol the BQpelllBB, mel lu lieprtvionlatlve Hail Iii the blatO House tins B*tT***Jtl*ag. i h'i*e aita aim it l.JCO itatCaPttei pmei,i and as man} vlsltiiii; iouiiadr> aside fi om a multitude of pol I tic mus. ? ? - KOOIiRS AT THE l.o.XO FRA SCH PIGKOS HH'OT. Lom, liKSNCII.N.l. 1*00.11 VI hen lb") Sbootliiy StOSSSJ Ihls afteinooii In tho Besttest fur thia big a? e--p stakraa, Will'aiu /.*)H;lor jf llslil.nore, aloud tia>l Wt?h t sn a . I loi'i bia . and Ml r.? '.Und BHb * Miiue . I lt t '^ ii :i. U11TES LY A OBABt UAN. Henry Slcnll, a (.erinan tailor, Ifl ??'??> -'"' living at No. tai elaitloii si., was takeu lo lielievue ll.nj.Hui la'e oo Tuesday n'Khi surferiiig from Insaii.iy lin bad boen tut of wmi, fm a i. i , limo and for heveral ala) s w.t. seriously 111. ile brooded so Dr neb over his misfortune that bis min.! ira ve way aud bn ber*me i mi.'lilly li.-ail". He sh uted and threatened lo hill every ans who came sear htsa A peBaataaa wa* . ail.-.l in Bini tbe maniac tried to %nt tim ollir.-r a club away. Ile fouirbi U'-aja-i ,ih-i> , and a man ulm wu* ax-iMIng In bun na, bilton la tbo SJ'iU by Mi ull. The lader was fm.iliy Bandied, Imn ever, and placed in tbe atnbtilaii.o. 'ihe maa ss Ito received tho bite went away. "DILLY" ERRS UREA KU HIS LEO. -Hilly" \Ai-xt. the actor, al Harrigan'! Park Thea un, broke hil rt?hi leg on th* Hage last Bight. I WES! VIRGINIA REPUBLICANS, ALL FOR PKOTKta I ION A-ND EDUCATION, rivr. ?OBBBBB BBUMIATra ruo**" ONK BOBUBBB AND TIN riCIIS IO FORM A SIATF. UtABtTB, M'Hr.F.nsrj, W, Va., Feb. 15 (Special).-Tbe Slate Convention of delegates from lb-publican clubs mot tn Dili city it 10 s m. lo-day for tbo rArf-OSI ol forming a State republican faeagno. About 400 dele? gates are In attendance, representing forty of the fifty four counties of the Plate An,\ no rlubs. Among those present are most of the men who have been r-oii splcuoui in tbe councils of the party In West Virginia since the war. Th<*y are tli.itoiii.hly Imbued with Ihe Idea that after a contest SlleSBllBg over twenty years, they are at ls^t upon the eve of victory sud that Ihe coming fall s-rlll see the cont ml of the Hate (lov ernment in I heir hands. They point with exultation tn tbe feet timi ile- lest tow nimpslgas have reaatted In hamey Derim, title h.sse-, th it th.* major? ity of ii,(0(i in 1876 bad '?bruah ia 1BB6 te .i s*eagre 100 ru'I they claim that this narrow mat-pin, all the ivnmrrat| could muster In a total vote of 1S0.OOO, will t*a eaxllv wiped mit In IftWOtabir. Willi Ibll MB vietion th? aesOfrntai a,,< ?? tba hippiesl poselble frame of mimi and it B not latprealbli Ibal Ibey trill f.n-1 twa days too Ibort a lime In which to di-iatch th" htulaen tl 1.0 brought to their ami af Ihe same time allow fire, vent to their eiuhnslnsm. l'o?sll>ly th* nowt noticeable thing le th" pronounced vicv.s of the d.v pates upon the tariff Issue. The sentiment ls over wbelmtufrly In favor of prole. Hon and la the speeches j so far mad"- th* Pf iMeat't policy has been roughly bandied. Mea fi'mn tbl baa it eoonttei, WbtBTfl ex? clusively au.'cultural Interest* tnlelit s<"-m lo lnellne tlietn to louli tb- revenue reduettoa idea vrtth a degreo of favor, havo cheered tbl more pronounced taiilT mtlateatl to Ihe echo ind tb"n) ls entile utin iiluilty as te the pollei lo h" pursued. Another thin* Wbleh ls looked Ipon With favor ls the Clair Kdu eationai bin. the sentiment bel lg eery stn lg la favor of the Beasatet Mi*, f.iaine leeius t? hare tb* enlhuslsstle Mead ship of ?rears; delegate, but Here ls an ontrrnpplnc of sentiment in sherman'* favor, should the Mains statesman be d"e)ai*ed out of the race. TbOTl l- little ls clear beyond Ibis second choice for President and tbs op lui. in ls general that there will Ire little recexMly for a serious consideration of the ci).im* ot any ono t.eslds Ulalie*. George M. Hewers, vice president of the National league for Weal Vlrplnla, ralletl tbo convei.tlon to order this morning and iBtrtr dueed W. P. Hubbard, of this city, who delivered the address ol welcome, suv, lng 01110111/ other I bingi thal th.- xjicciacie of 500 delegates is^preae tating HO elubs gathering In convention in the dead of winter augiired woli for the Bepoblican party la what was classed aa a Bouthern state siid showed lo tbe eoantty that Weil Virginia wns tl"teriiiln'-d, at whatever c,,st, to free herself from Ibe grasp of Democracy. Colonel Thouin P. Owann, of 1 hm loxton, was made teiup'.raiy pi-si,,-, ll At the afternoon .-es=;i,in commftteot on permanent organisation, resolntlona ami .ir.ler of buslnesa were named and nimle reports In tbie season. W. Il H. PUel of Berbele] WIS mad" pcnnarienl president with a vice-president ft tn each Coagnealonsl District .ittrttes p. Poster, r.f Kew-Torh, ih-* prealdeat of ttie Batlonal faeagne of republican Clutm made a ringing address and was cheered lo the echo The I ommlttee on Resolutions made a long report wbleh wax receired wirh cheers. It loo! high gronnd in favor of a tariff fa>r protection and of National a'al to eal cation, assert? ing that the Republicans of Weat Vlr-'lnia " Emphati? cally refuse tn abandon Ihe policy of home protection, on Whleh our 11 ti"xrii?pled National progrcas ri tnt prosperity aro founded.* Pi-ooeedlug tba resolution! say : "Tbe efT'ct of th" TVmoerstle policy Would he dlssstrans by Iranaferring many of our lnd?strles to England, tty roblrng our working people r>f their em p!".\i.eiit and wagea f"r the tien^fit of British manu? facturers, by exhausting our aceumulated capital in the experiment of foreign d'hts Incurred for Imported merchandise and by deranging the entire 6\st.-m nf our Industrial nnd eommeiflai Inlet-course. We pro? test agslnsl 11 In the name of all American labor and r>f all Aniei'iean enterprises." To night lb" convention listened to speech"*, hav. Inc deferred th1* transaction of further biMlDCSJ uii'il morning, ??1? A STATE LEAOITB POBMKD IN VEBMOJTT. Montpelier, Pee, 16 (Bpsetsli.?The Oreea Mnuntaiii stato witnessed a pira' rarleal of Bepubtk-aalsa*. ta> lay tn Ihe convention ol KepabUcan clubs which met here fur 1)1" Berpaae al forming a state lasagne. Beery county tn it,.. Slut., wm *e*neseeted. and asit of asss eight) organlaed clubs seventy-sis s-nt delagaias to the convention, which was composed ol peer BOO ol the leading men of tho Stele, The e inveetloa put i>i'infipies strove mr'ti hi"I worhed to lally ami bannonln tba party ratb-r theo to ideaaee the latereits of dov eeadldeta Wbeeever tba niitr- nf Mr 1:1...".- VBS n-enliiii, ri. or his recent letters Blinded to, there ares no mistaVIni Ihe sentiment of Ibe assembled delcgal 1 toward Ihe .nt"'! 1.a I et 11 ni 1--1 The convention wan called tn onier by Cnj ( . No1 le. Vermont member ol Ihe Kxecuttve Committee of the National league. The convention in- presided over bj Colonel neoree w Hooker, of Brafllelioro The constitution reeom I hy tbe v e'1 Vorh convention eas adopted by nventlon '.'' ? ronvenilon alan adopted the series "f -< -ol' it "?!*. issed by tl.- v- sf Ional 1 invention. . 1 nor Ri iii' 11 I*'' ctor, nf Proctor, a 1 1 bx ti i president. FEELING Till: PUL /.' OF WEIR VOTERS. I'lHri'liMMl MllaiV o*l ' UK .1' ItS'Y I nf I. ..I'll \ BILI. 1 snr. iiik i" ni'i.i: stir tr. .hinton, I'.ti IB fSpelal).-1h" ItepnblrCM mcrti tttl have decided to pOaponi action on Ibe local iptlon bill until next Tu*a*aday in lader le lllow l)dr cotviiltus ,t- ti iee thc MIL a large nuriber ..f ixtrs eoplea were p.-nei anl malled to-day ami 1 general aapresaloa ol opinion will eiu le the mern, tera ta dee ita ea tbe popularity of the b ;;!i lleerase eat uro. he bill prasddlng for a htialpe o'-er "the izap'1 In gasblaglon-ata,, Josey city, paned Uta lii'timr witii 1 tar opposition. Tim raeasure Intended to pal an en'l to tb.* ot a'Uvl borxe-i'B"ing a' ll fton and Guttenhurg ll be winter season, earns ap ea second reading ami eas auioiid'il to except trotting racea. Aa al tempi 0 allow racing In Apr I ami Nhmui ar wi~ defeateil md iii" bili w ax recommitted. Mr. buller ot bayon ne nt onie.I a iel c. prohibit raclug fo. * lougur period ban one ti,.mil, un any race tran In tha -tate. I'bo bin nx.H.* r> per rent ?. th" legal rate of In cia-sl va* 111 WI p. tim.I In Ide Senate. Au iBtere-iiiiig <l-bile looa piiico iu 1 lie lentta en be b li i" add eJ,ooo a year t'i tbe leiartee ..f ron n'lur Anderson ad ir- mei Toffey. Tbe Dem ?eratic caucus had decided against tbe bill, but re onsldered itx 8>ii'Ui ami the bli area ni 1 1 lhere viiiil.I not ba e been Republoan votes enough t>. )a-s lt ami lue Deinocra a who wen- onpoaed io lt it*.- angry beceusi they dd aot '?stiik.'' 1 WOMAN WBOSB HUSBANDS ARE MANY. tBBBBTBB nv un: COMPLAIBT or a man wno l.KKT TIM- PBIBSTBO'in F 'H BBB HVKf-. PmCAOO. I'r-b IB. Hattie IV-mont. Hattie Ktxa, Mat lie Voa Ku li 11 rt ri ot- Hattie Leonard, was arrested tb. 111 n ti by let'it've llruce on a charge of bigamy nd t k -ti befor* Jiit.ce I. on, who sot th ? ra.-..' far s beating on pabrttary i::t. aadar bonds of $700. cati Vim Kuehnaa ?hj* also sneated en the same charge lad hi* 01S') was soi for bearing on thir satno rlay. under tbe sun.) booda, In Inri) Hattie Lemonl ?.i mai led lo 1).-. lilia, AflOr Bevon year* abe left In'i heme anl wa- mauled by a ftlAAtt of the peace te Von Ku hnaii, a proBBeruua aai.iun k.-e|?<r who, however, was a rea ly mi ried, ilia r.giitmi wife waa aboal to v oo.uie inm whoa h.. teated mil I wa by ta*aaejartiag I a bink ot bli properly te hts wife aad going to Mew 'lurk, whare be Marted a aaloon on thu Baw ry. Mrs. Ki. b gea ta kaoh aruund fer sntrihir oiigiblo hu* bini. ami tiu.Ji) diaeoveted j.iiu, a. aaioaai-d, a pnesl lirtne Uot'.an Call, ol ,c (imr. h. They ts*ere uiirri-l ll lineage aud want te MUwaeteo, win re |afa>eard pm bli ii.onoy late a drug htoie ami f?alahld a heme for br* W f.-. A IBW wee.,,, utei Ur Waa in| nm.-d luat bo bad lay. lt dian.Ix,m in,,,, Itu- ptiOt ?b...el. 1 be c uplu de. uul long live t,,,,-,., ? , 0ri? d iv.when he wa* 1 lg ,.l ni li.-.i. -h. lUppeu f,,i.n tbs bouie. taking w Hi Uer. I la ale bt. 1 fiirdiltrs sro nb ?MOOL Ia-ajuanl ne 1 aaa bt-r a toward, hui lc.ti u.'d thai she bail cnn' io chi *i*o 1. lo .vol bet hen- and wiote he. several icit-.-a Baking b r 10 return, Tba woman paid no at l.llllOtl to bia Cllllxallex, 1,?i t,wk H b.ti-o ai Nu. ti Baal 11.1. !?? mil xi , m.. ,1,,. Alll[ ,K,r DJOlnrr opened ld )?. k.gbba.p lat'., 1,141-1, |,||. I, teOM ll .Mllu.llli.l wo l lo plo.- uni Iii) rtMiiBlm t| in ( b.cai'ii, olio liing a a hOOl Ol lei. gua,,|,v. tun ButhtlBn rel III neil 60BI No* lilli a> d op iie-i ? asJeoa. ii,- i???d ,,,,.4111 fra rj (? n ly 1 BBtat Mrs Um and I. ? .?,,| p.,,rt, nc tba) \on Ku-liliriti wa* ni.uv fi,v,u?| imma bltn^lf. BWOri ut the iii^ariij wanam., ?t,.' cau...>i i|?; ?, lx?t ul ihe pax Iib BOB BB or the saco dank RBCOTBBBD, Hid, M.-., Irb 15. Ins end of the S?cii Hank robbery soi a*Uon wa* arriveil sj nioinlniT. 'Ihe iiixtiint on bas iscoverrl t-vory dolla,. ?f u,e Bgaa^MlO II regtieioal b .ml* ?tajlen by fiank C. McNealy In Aupuxt. A iegi?te,el pacing. p,,,ied lu laivt-rpool, Bibia 117 ii. dlrecte.1 tu tbe (Jo dal-, ? g, 0 and I.bbl f ed saving* liitttiunuii was leeetved ai Ibo s*.'o pai.toitici, ju i i-i.1 tiiiy 14. Cpon laalng oi*enrsl at ih? metung of li- 1 rosine, on IV-boary if, ll wa* found lo cuulalu In) lb r'y ?evan 1 ...1 . htate* I'aja'i'xl 4 pr WAMA .ii'U ul |.i,uai earl! aiiionuiiug to t*.ln*>,t?o, tuges bar vallb the BBgBl aide b mut amoiinilni; to tn. ,)SS), with all thel 1 npoiix aLa/'hed 1 br bond* wt-re re ..veie.i by Hauy McNealy. All hit eipeiiHes In tina ?rti.rla tu ii'l.iin tbs -lulen pi..petty Wurt) Bald livlu ?lt osru B*4'niugx Bod ?*-. mji. MR CORBIN TESTIFIES. KXAaMLNLD DY T'lE SPECIAL COMMnTKE. UK GIVK.S TIIK RISB ABB PHOOKKS-i OF TIIK STRIKE ON TUB RirADINtl sYSTK-M?A.H ARBITRATION AOBBBMBBT, P1t11.AiiKi.1uiA. Feb. 1.',.-Tho Congressl nal Commit? tee appointed to Investigate the strike on the '.carling l.'ailroad system ami In the Schuylkill anti [/***algh coal regions and Its rclatloii le the alleperl of Interstate commerce rn the Heading system met at tho Continental Hotel this morning and examined I'resblent Corbin, of the Reading Railroad Company. t-Jr. 'olbin naiil that he wa* at tbl head of tbe bank? ing concern Which neg titted mortgages on Western ami Btnttbera lands. In order to twtabllth tbs Jurisdiction of the com? mittee, the admission WM draw ti from Mr. Corbin tbat the Beading system hud ii connection bf way rf Bo-BUd Iit.).^ to Nen Vin k, and had I brough 11 if fie Iii thal direction, ami thal li also owns .inti oja-r Sfes lines nf lunts to carry Coal to BOW Yin li, liosloti ami < thep "Interstate*' points, bul lie s:ild that the nm,] in operatlag Ibm coal llnr-t only carried tbe coal of tba Beading Coal aad Iran COaipany, and waa not a common canter In this direct! n. Mr. An ilei-soti drew from the witness the fact that fin* Head tiur Italltoad Company owns tho entire capital stork of Hie Beading c al ami Iron Company. When SSled by Mr. Andoi-son whether the consHtu ttou of PettBtylvaala did not forbid a railroad com? pany from owntnrr sr operating such eorperattoM as tho Coal ami lion Company, the witness said that wblta 'he .|'i.-stioti of tit.* righi af tai reading nau? mai! Company lo awi the Coal and ir n company had asver i>cen |adlelalty eeelded it had been a matter of legislative Invcstl-jailon. ami be dM not la-lleve that any body qaeitliaid tai righi af Um railroad c nipany to own tho Coal ami Iron I'ompany. Ihe chatter 'f th" former was gi Weted many years prior lo the adoption of the new constitution, ami was not subject to lbs res!tictnm referred t , and the charter of the Coal arni Iron Company was pranted a few years pr'or to the adoption of the r-on-t If titi n, was not a common carrier and coat lined a clause author farjag any railroad company In tbe sitate of I'ennsyl laiiia to ow ii its slock. a yi'Bariiia tog rai outTara to dbtkbmivb. Mr. Aii'leisnn laggested that unless the lot-Mat lon upon Ihe chnrter of the coal and Iron (ompany eifsreetly and la lereti (.'ave the ?'eatflng Kail road C rnpanv the righi to own ami manure the Coal and Iron Company, p v. as a question vet Whether the con? stitutional prohibition did not apply. Mr. Corbin " I rant ai s\vr that. Ir Is a ques? tion of law* Tbe witness then proceeded to say that when run? ning on full time tim Beading lyateai employs aboat ll),(XS) men In or stout th" mines, anil there ate DOW aboul :i.()0(l employ, il. Every edon bail been made to get tim iinm to mine the coal at such pilces as. In c mpetitlatn with other coal operators, the company COOM afford fo pay. The Heading miners had been paid aa sa sversge better wages than any other miners In the tit at e. Mr. Corbin retid a long Statement (-howitt!* the nature of coal mining operation*! t i prove that coal was really a mMufsrtuMd product. He quoted fig nrei to show that tin- kerning coal sad lum Com? pany has nlv received tl nee 1881 ob an average twenty-live cents a ton net for Its c al, and said thal rm nuiiet of eos! laud Would leas.- Iii-, property at a royally of twenty live rents a tun. In the lourie of his further statements. Mr. Cor? bin referring to the question of the Reading i oal and Iron Company, said thal tha capital stoch of thal ?ompany. Which n.ts full paid, ?ji 1*6,000,000, and that lt hail a inortpere debt of 830,000,000 or more, utiich waa glien for purchase inon.-y and Improve. meeta. To the question: "Is not coal higher now than lt was before lb* it ri he, sud is mu less being iblnpedf" Mr. Corbin said : " Tee. coal ls hlehro*. nnl we are practically our nf the coal business n )>v beean-.> we can't i*.-i any? body tn mine tbe etial.'* ii- w thc a rt irk ontaiXATBD. "Iii November lest." Mr. Corbin said, "noili-e wat <ent to him that certain coal rats were slrle ii licked In I'll a. le 'ph In. b-rause the iii'ii refused to b nullo them. 1 b- ol.ji-i- lon itated was thal tbe coal hail been u,innl In '.'ie Ia*' Itch *-egtoa hr inn iirilmi men. Witness, ran.- peer from Bow-Tort ami met a committee ol tiie men representing rh" bands who rifnsed to move these coal earii and we wat a* rd to as-st in a ?i>ttle? taeni af the Lehigh itribe. i then told these mei mat lt waa trrong lo refuse t hm.dh. tills coal which had come from the Lehlgli region Hie Beading Railroad Company, he. rerresented, was bound as s I'oi'im.iu ranier to lake ind frensporl all freight of fered lo lt, ami could be punished mule, the les br -rfusing '.ii i ii arat not foi ti.-, company to ?ia!, whare n rani:* fmm ur who had mined tho cud. The witness told them thal if any man rafi H to ?! he wool l h.. discharged. The eosl "as moved snd delivered the nexl dav. ^n.nt sffer fhl* tome cars loaded with lour from Taylor A Bens arere itl-r-eii and th* men refns?d to handle .f. bera ie a nits employed "-.-.i," labor, and hail dis? missed their Kn'gl.ts of t.''. employes. The man? ager .if il," rna.I wss directed i" move the fl.rtii and i . .< mi it.-..! win refined io handle if. In acryl ns: rmi this ordei Ave .tews moro dNeharared, .n neremher -i A' the lanie i m.* lt. .1. Sharkey md i morose ii^'e, \. h.t arere leaders In the Knighta if Labor snd bsd ordered and Induced the men t. efn... in bandi* lh? freight a-ere s'so rt'smlssed and Hellier of them will be given ara's on h.. road Mr. (..t'.ln then reviewed th" strike at Port Richmond Wr?"*?h followed, and the flnnl e-n't-g .ut of '.'.ruo men on r'e Reading Railroad irsfetn dr. Corbin then loo! gp lh" a"ai- a' B'lishefhpnrt, ?here the nen refused t.> I..-i<i eva) on a boat of Kelt ev lt. COXS A: Cu., because thu a .iv- nil'ter; were on trike Th'-v w*ee d sehsXffd. 1 his wa* on lv*rem ... ? t Then followed a general ifrlke ali over the road. At least the men nero ordered 0 t. Tney rere given until **ttseembr 27 to eeme bach again, but .'.ion refused and (l.v wcr<* drop ped ami ?.hil' never i rick strata This. Mr Corbin said, was the mis.i of rh' whole st rik.* of m'ners ami railroad men, ml be et.iiie. .ted thal bis Company wai fully Ju.stl ieti tn its ronna, f Vin- it TMK timi ii. iiion AOBBBMBBT. In anatrar to 'be qtteriloa was there not an a;*re* neut w.rh lb- men Car no ona- ahould be d s.-bai Keri inleaa tho matter waa aubmltted to irMtratlon or their ?a-o co ll he hen d, Mr Corbin saul thal bo bebeved there wils tom tort of au agreement to Uris sltei t, ut ii was sever Inl oded to cover auoh a ieee a- the ?o usa: of lha men to befalls ?pods wbleh tbs company .ia* b mil io tak'- a. a comm' n cattier, tnerelj bo? il *?? tba maker o. tb' good- was objectionable lo thu Kjtigittl of Labor. /Va well migbl lt be nani ihat such in u-reeni' ti aould praveal (ho Imntedlata itiaxharge tl an employs who ah mid burn ap au sngtoe or pur* rtjaey wreeb a tiam. Tie as-reetaent reierreti te , eu ii a ter.* aa iii ria son be lire subject of .ubl r.tb'O. Mr. Corbin's atn-ntlon wax called tai the rrtatement hat suji i i.iicihi. n. awelgaitl int sgreed to take the Ci .mk ami ailblllil lin.' question lo at'h.ti'al oo. Ile .* d ibai he dui no bel eve ii. There nevai wa> any n o ton to ar luau- I bia miter ou bia paif. Ile had > s.i i b wac et ami annoyed bj I bete men for months, i tl unil'i- the elreuBtstanora bad eonaldered lt bia duty u ta x- he malt, r iii bis own hands. Mr. ? thea proc.led with the question of tho t .? ot the bi inert which full wed ami which be lalniel was eauol ly the sympathy of tho miners vith i,ii railroad employee The mimi's, ho -ni. had no vi. oi' any disposition io complain, and wouid not ,,... go .e on the -trike but fit the pressure of the ,n cb a of laal>or iii 'in fr...n Philadelphia, lie len .al nrii lhere lari le.-n am private sgt ei > ol with io in neis Willah was nor itt their Written (nil! rait t,, lu, ellet t tbat If the Lehigh strike went on the S ncr .?ot advance would be paul. Mr, Corbin saul; ??We sn- and ban* been willing to tain* up the nttee lon of readjustinent of wain's if the men will return o woik, bal we will i, t ir-at with them while they ire inc We will nuke a basil as high as any other ? rnpanv. bul we can't mike it higher arri compete w th hen. And another ihine?sra can (in the piaoea ol I,,. ~t.-tl tmj ml'i.-is tn ti ti dais if the new men eui t? r leered l|i In fe mining dN'rlcts bin men w th ?jule ind pistols an- tiolenUy keeping, n.ali *Bher en, bu lin i who il *)-. to earn a liv nc anl Ue.p r ". -ia ring awes from the mine- ami the breakora. ge have tuen compelled io pfstteet the 8.000 men now ,? ...i kb) pul ee a' I con*lable* under-eon-itv omeers. lin exp n-H ..f wbb h we will be ri,mp' lied to pay*. ' e don't ear- w e berthe me l tr loner to labor o'panlra i,,n- ?"' nt We will Mi seek io find them out. HR tr? will pur to work all tnurn who ?PI>1>" at Btw cl. I, rio- uni aak no question*, bm If thee la BO mora ?oa' ti I Cd f .'in th ? Scbiivlklll region until we an' I'l'tn a'll-d to I. In hy il'-c'aiclng men who have tonie to m n r ur troubla sud s|o,hT bv us. tu ni ike wav for the it Ih-ra. an tror- w"l -v-r be mined while I have In luoiiCS SOOOgh to pr??veui lt." mi (?iiitiiiNAii..s- in pcttrpntafbicb. Tbe wlines* proaeeaeed the stories af a sonbraa* b,n nf tho coal ruinpanle* all over the coal et.iintry o keep up prbes pure romance. There wa* a board o furnMi statistics of the output each year and ostl nafes for the next year. That Bas ai.solu'-ly alL lo another bram b of the lii-iuliy Mr Corbin waa uked: '? Bow about the claim that tai railroad ema. !,??>? has made money at itu* MpSaSS af tbl cou,.liner ??l of tba mina-rs and lat,.,rers P Hs replied: "Tho *-at an?wer I eau make lo that 1* 'bat tb* Heading Italiroad Company wllh a paid up caplial t)f tMi).(KX)r ?SM) bas bea-n twine a ll tWettfl yean.." "1 berts iiugM tai othr channel* of looa than In the ?oaJ nuning linaine** I" "I halo not found any other yet.* "Wa* any of the debt of lina railroad eompari ln urrcd In the pun'base of the (oal and Iron i on.pany i "I don't know. Mr. t.owen who prtjetjtwd Ut m he tsfaee pf pusltbiat might tell yui moir* uIh.iu lae*. have picker! ?u a good .leal of knowledge sin el have aai-n hate ahoi t tho coinpaiiy, but aol ail if i aaa mown a* mm ti aa I do now, yeihap* 1 might not havo ?j-.- the place " A Btamber ut tba eommittee liu?nln*d ?betli*r Mr. [ Corbin did not think that lt v.n? really tbe .lit,, bargo of sharkoy and whirh led te Fha stiik.*. To this he Kalil emphatically " Ne." Ho WM then asked : " Why do you refuse to f;,k,. any of Ihe U.i'OO men who went ont on the -railroad lyetem back!** " Ileeariso they ?|.ni o,,f tl, injure our revd. IV* eause they left M10 |U u,0 btrefa ami uk-d to injino our business." " De you mean te ?ay ard to go on reread ss sav? ing, that for thal and thai only, von will not take them back J" - Tel, emphatically. I tranf thal to zo on record. They left me and I gave them imf lee . Il wfll he a pf tty cold .lay If I discharge men who Meed iv me wh?n I reeded h-Ip. for men who deserted ?nt! at? tempted fo min iii"." Mr. Cr)|i)|ii was piled with Innumerable ajBeetfeM of ttetatl. tin* ssrswera te which involved <, creal deal of sfafMi.-al Information *>. to th" coal trad.*, tba In conn* of th" railroad and the dal font pants* Bhteh ha said h? world answer through Mr. Vt hiting who would be examined te-morrow prtieahir, DUtitSg tin* iBOJUlry Slr Cor'.In Wal MlBd whether the nit n rut tn nts roil -itpnlv li sil suv effect In beeping down the pr*ee nf i ifhrarir* coal, ami h ? admitted thal If rlld to a '.Intlteil e\tenf, becaose people wo-ld DBS bituminous coal rarh.r than pav more than a cerf ali price for ba'd coal. The Inquiry was evld-nMy In- i fended tn on to the question of th>- Influence of Ihe i tatlir on bituminous coal on the price of anthracite Seel, hut lt wa- Bot fully developed to i'av. Mr. Corbin offered th" committee the ns., nf a sneclal train upon the ta***ssioa of ifs visit to the gebnylkilj eoal *-et*!"n. Whither they will go In a few days, but i the r.tTer wa* politely declined. After a teasloa of j nrtar'*- slr hunts ard a ha'f tho committee, ai 5 o'dorh adjourned until to morrow. ? THREATENING TO FT/>on THU M.NFS. MIVRtta (.it DFSPERATa WHFV TilfiFF CAR I,))\ni OP ITALIANS RKACn TIIF RF.GION. ItfiniN,;, Pub. 10 (Special!.?Roth parties to the great strike of miner* In the rachuylMll reKlins are re sorting to viperous me*.ure* to attain their ends. The first train which rolled Into Mahsnoy City this murnini: had one passenger ear attached completely Ulled with Italians. This afternoon two moro ears ot Italians arrived, mailnir, about 2"0 tn all who will be pat fo work at the company's North Mahanoy City Colliery. The striking- miners at this colliery have maintained an unbroken front ever since the trouble began." What they will do If these foreigners ar" put to work is not knowa There ls irreat indignation throughout tho coal regions over this now move of tbe company. Tbe mnve of the men to a'tatn their end ls regarded as more rlsaperate The enplneers. firemen and pump? men ar the mines will bo ordered out Thse men will hold a meeting on Friday to decide when they will l"ave the mines They have been ordered to take fbi* sefton by William T. I>?wls. of Shawnee. Ohio, who ls master workman of all miners' a*s.-tub|ies, and *?ho says that he is satisfied that the company will not (jive in unless compelled. The outside public has 1'lfle Idea ?f fl,e true Intent of this new move. At every colliery there ta maintained an entrtneer and men to pump on' ihe Immense quantify of wafer which runs Into the mine. At some of these collieries 1m lliense enidnes aro required fo ralte gi) this water. Puring the entire continuance of this strike tho en rl neera, firemen and p'amnmen have teen al? low eal to remain at their postg with the consent nf the strikers tn Order to beep He mies clear rf water. Tln-ie men are all Kui rht- of faib'ir and If thev a-e calb-'l out the dams ea thal bo' ld b" ttiiie |a Irreparable. All the idle mlnea woo'.I he fr oder), some In a dav or two, and all within a w ek Kvk ene would le filled with water, sub. r rpi H* a d ru-fln? v lna'de mining- maehlnerv. and eau nj dama-e which lt will require month* tn repair. T ?' >a i rs claim that seek a course ia fnrred on titem bv th'1 i'. f i*a' o' 'h* cnmpanv lo confer with them. If the*" mines a>e Anode' no resumption of work can tube place In throe month*. LASTFPS SISPF.NnF.T) IN CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Feb. 15.?District Muster Workman Cavanansjh has formally suspended Oarfleld and Hannah Powderty assemblies for their d'S'.bedlenee of bis order for them to return to work. Hannah Po*** derly Assembly ls composed af women and glrLs work? ing In shoe factories. They claim to be a part of As? sembly No 2Kb This action will bi Int* the contost ?a!? hiri Knights of Labor cli-cles to a decision, as there will un lonatedly he an appeal from Master Worliman Cavsnsugh't oiders. RAILROAD I STE RESTS. CU KAI* UATfcaS TO TUP. SOUTH. Rome, e.a., leb. 15.? Hi weeks Sago a onnventlon representing forty-five Southern cities met at Chatta itaTMga t. confer upon tho subject of securing cheap rads of transput-tall n South for Immigrant settlers ami Investors tlurljig certain seasons of tbe year. Tho convention appointed a committee of seven, one from eaeh state represented, 11 prosecute and request a one-cent mile rate, iho Central Traffic railroads agreed lo do whatever tbe Muthern railroads do, John i'. (.raves, ot Rome, chairman of ibo commit? tee, has received tliriai notice that on February '2H, March 13 ami 27. April 10 and 24. thbets will tte placed on salo at points North and West to all pouts South, pood to return In thirty riays at the rate of one ami one-half cunt parr nule each way, with al p over privileges. ?> LONG AND FAITHFUL BERVICI I'F.VVAIlDF.n. .aistttrilay Austin Corbin appointed William blood division superintendent, of the Boned Brook dlvtsloa if the Philadelphia ami Ifeatllng I'allroad. >.'r. Mood had been In the employ of tho Lon;; inland, i ompany for over Utoea years. "d Sr T.I J. AN Kt 'CS RAILWAY INTF.LI.K IBW K. bf. Ull 1-. l-'.ti. IS (.Special), -Qontrtt Manager Clarlr, of the Missouri Pacific, to-day appointed Alexander S. Cochran g"iici-al aoUcitor of the entire Goold system. Hie position ha-- b'-cn vacant tlnce the appointmr-n-. o hi.ijvi-iiiui j. c. Brawn to lbs receiveranip of the Terms Pacitii-. Mr. Coclarau ls a nativo of lliiaburg. He served one tenn in Congress and buia been In .St. Louis about ten years, 1 Itlahurg, Feb. IS (Special).-fbi blast furnace pro? prietors of tbs Shenango and Mahonlng Vallevs In ohio and Pennsylvania aro demanding Sleeper freight rafes and ch. ap.-r coko. Tho iiirnaco men say they will r -nine until coke ls rcd'iced to tfl Gu a ton. A rotif. i ino betwesa tba furnace awn arid rittiroad utan agers will be held In Chicago on Friday. Chleaffn, Feb. 13.?The Rock Island. Milwaukeo and St. Paul and the CWeaga and Nm rt wester! today aureed not to meet tbe leductlon In pain rates made by the Chicago, liurllngton and Quincy until such (Imo as lt was discovered tbat tbo lowor rates were tit au luit any lal lo amount of crain out of tbo terri tory of tho three r.iaali mentioned. Tho luirilngton, by putting In the lower rales has ett***ekod fbe move? ment from jk>int* in its Nebraska line Ml n> way of Kansas City to St. Louts. No leduetloni were made lu rales to-.lay beyond one cent lover on dressed le<-f, ami three and one-half cents lower on dressed hogs, Knusas City and ('maha to Chicago. Buffalo, Feb. 15 (Special).-The tretieS atreiils of tbo westbound roads met hero today and dei ida'd lo pm all grain In elevators as soon as lt arrived, the owner paying one-half cent a bttshol fer elevating and the railroads rebating one fourth cent after re reivlng payment for transportation. The only hitch in ttie agreement was lbs! the trelghtmen objected to paying mote than one-elghl cent rebate on oats, ihe matter will be settled to morrow. -a> ? Fop a PBOBTBITJOK ticket ix OBI a ir.i RM. DoWB, Itel., Feb. Iii (Special!.-The state Temper ance Alliance and the Temiteratn-e Kel'onn party both held annual meetings here to day. About Bareet] ttOblgStftS were present. Tho Alliance by tesol Ul lon to-tlay decided to J in tho Temperaare Its fbi rn party, and both or^anUatlous ?beted tte legate! te tbo National lYohlbitiou l (invention, which kJaOSt*. in Indianapolis .n June d. The resolution to ge Info politics was earnestly apposed ll tbl Alliance by some of thc slrnnirt'st men In the organization. The ulan now ls to put a State ticket In tho field next 'all In the fall of leHtl e\i>(H) voles were p lied hy tbs Temperance Kofoi iii ticket, but the groat or not lion of this vote tame to them, because there Brae no Keptibllean ticket In the tl.-ld. lin' Kepal.Il ians are bOWBVBT, organl/ed all wit ti.e st ito and a lull Keptibllean tkhet Will be put In nomi nat I. .ri next fall. Thia will take three-font >hs of ibo Pio hiittiou party's support away, l;. M. Cooper, of Kent County, wa* elected president of the lieu organi? zation. -4>-. APPkOVlSO THE I I Et TWX OB DR. FA ITO ,\" Prim tToK. E.*\* Feb lb?Tba Tiiutttii f.ieuliy it a special meei lng to-day uiianlmoti-ly pa*.-?d rssts ititloin approx lng the action of th- trmtoi-s lu selm-t ng Dr. Paton io tbl p'esitliucy and pronnaiiiK entire oipport. Ii ls thettghl tba! 'bis may haMen Dr. I'aitim'i oeelalott, **bu*h u geaarslly .-xpea-ira to be in acceptance. _ _ UTBOVB MAY HE OKI EAT Fl*. MARcrraiTK, Mb h., Fob. Ie.-4teperta eotalng la this evening and emieeted n/nn*.s hH\e .el n'.'l se, un,ur's mijorlty to lost than 100 and tbo Una! count may defeat him._ .vol TO 00 WTTBOBT A RTRVBBIR Th* (let man ami M?h lii.nlattt S'.ileil.'a BaBB*ttb*y melted saiaBttga flam 'he EaaltTtrstlaB ? ..lunn--.i..ii.-n* thal they nitl-it \.i.ate thia hull Ima* "?'cupled ?? B laBbor al Idelle 1..U Ina ..r 1. Un- M i a I. tn tSSBBBStSB la a rtaslBttiB rt OaeBastaalaa?*e raaa**SBBteaa bsbbjbiI by the Butru on MlSSBBy. Th* (ifiiaut So. Iel) dl*iu**?d Him BBSt .r and IBpatWWl ? ...mi. men ts, c'tifnr wllh a rill.lar rumtnl'tee of the Irlali Soi ety, Birt to Mm* Upjll tallie pian of atliij'i If haie Ihe ludituUiii NSliaatSBi BBBTIBB KVMPBCTRB treachery. i mn John ll Drat*, of Klitaueta, K. S. ? ho wa* iii?in-. t<vt ut iiittiilin* lo Jula "Kicker" ttayss, tl.* r?c?lcltraiit MstjMlBttl loud, ilman aod thereby ln*ak Ihe nial;.ig it*.i) mk In the iljt 1'oatnil, itt* inouily Cult* th*t in* t*/*r C4>Bl*aipirl*tl UUiugiuoii a*ii*D> A FISHEKY TREATY SIGNED INTKf:\A'IFONAI, NKl.oTIA I IONS K\!)i;i) THK DuciM NT SKINK!) HY TUT. SIX CoMifri notraai mk. earaaa srstKH ruuuvr what ma ona?rai lovDonvov ? omai.v jso rana nea, * ?> it r inion iy avd KOTMlXfl Aimer BFiirtivi, ska ? ki aa to the ??***> ate Kin ir. 'BT TKt.l.'.Rtl'.l Til THU ruinen!, i Wasiii.m;i.i.\. IVl). IS-At 7 i'll ti llb" ll algae n trenty settlmt.' the tisheries d spute hjatniitU tire I'nitcti stat.-. niui Caaaaa wai sinned in ilia Diplomatic l'liilur ,,f the Suite Iiiiiirttti.til hy the I'oniniUsioni't-M appoiiiHil for Haul puria.**- Bf the Tn sidt-nt and the- fllviraf I of linat KritMin. W Imf th.- terni., of this tnnty .ir.- Mi llnyiinl is iinwillitiit to -ny, tltoagb In- SJ BU liven** to stilting what the tnaly does not .01.tam. " If does not aaa tala," he bani to injit. '? ?ny provision looking to the free admission of lah into tlie United States; it does not rb ul in uuy wny wit li tin' question of commercial reciprocit) ; anrl it does not touch u|)ori thc ditliculty which huts arihtij in connection with tin- M-i/uro of British scale*-*-, in ?he Ikhring Sch.*' Beyond expressing his satisfaction nt the hapjf conclusion of the negotiations, arid savin,- that he earnestly desired that ti.e treaty woubl soon be given to the public hy these alone i-ump. t.-nt to do so (referTitij', of course, to the S. nair?., Mr. Bayard would not talk. From his manner, how? ever, and general hearing it could easily he NM that he, for oue, was satisfied with the result., and that he did not anticipate any opposition on th* part of the Scnat*?. From sources likely to bo well informed, it ia learned that the treaty grants to the United Stat.a practically everything lt asked for. Hie head, land theory advanced hy tho ("anatlinn repre? sentatives is totally abandoned, and an interpola? tion given to the three-mile limit more in tw cordance with the views svitertaini'd hy all civilized nations at the present time. The treaty of 1818, if an;* reliance can be placed inion these 6ame sources of Information, is amended so as to permit the entry of American vessels Into Canu'lian harbors for any purpose, except to take, buy or cure. Tbe conditions and the regulations to be made according to such conditions, under which American vessels can enter Canadian ports, are, it is said, also clearly defined in the treaty?one will admit of no farther misunderstanding. The disputes of over one hundred years' stand inf? between tho United States and Canada seem thus by signature of this treaty to have roached a termination. Before, however, the treaty ena be made effective it will have to be nititled by a two-thirds' majority In the Senate, it will have to receive the assent of the Dominion of Canalla and the Province of Newfoundland, and will also have to be rat ilied by the Queen. Thc treaty was taken to the Whit? Hostel by Mr. Bayard to-night and will probably be bout by the President to tho Senate tomorrow. 1I1E FIRE RECORD. LARGE TAI'LU MILLS BLTLM.D. I MASSACHISKTTS Vlt.I.AOK CKIPI'i.Kl* HY lill: DB> STItf'CTIOH OK ITS ONLY INDCSritY. hToara atltaifta. Maa*., Feb. IS.? Tlie extensile ?rnrks of tlie Collins Taper Manu'act irliu Company ?aught tire tbls morning. Tlie villus'.- la wimont ade piate Hrs protection an 1 ubi from f-prliia-tk-ll wa* nuked, tbree steamers arrived at 10 o'clock but could not sava ie pnperty. Tue main hulloing- was about j"0 feet our, 60 feat wide ami five atm ie* hi-rh, with larxe ea ten-ton*. It was constructed of brick and contained many thous tnds of dollars'worth of machinery. Tba Structure eontalnml a lin*e stock of nntintshed puut reaily for shipment. Tbl* wa* entirely cons imed. Tha works furnished employment to 'JOo operating am! waa practically tue only inrluatry in tbe town. The eoatratliag interest lu tue firm ls owned by Cno rreaatu iu tVllllau, vTbltlug. of Holyoke. T,.ti lite in <snp 1 laod fo have tiecll c.nise.l liv spoof tlieom iritiiihllstloD. rue lo-s ts eatliu.ited at flM,llOOi luann d In 1 Ne sr Ivuf'ai.d mutual companies for about B90RJOOO, M < j )f tho employe* had vali.iiol.- Brttetaa stan-al lu the far> ory, windi they were uimtile to a iv.-. The d-sTue inn of t ns Iii)lu4tr.v practically erl .plea lie viii uro. altlioitith rlie fu-tory will prob1 li.y lie re ? -ai - ta. The lir--.ii.-u Buttered much fruin tbe Intense coil. luanna iibocK rarnfsOTio \b brottrarbcr. PitoviDKM k. It. I? Feb. 15.?A big tiro rsj.-e.i to 111 tftat iver reveral blnrics ritaatei across tbe sneet lt. the m'c*| )f tue Union Iierot, and involving a of Mir hrlok ? 1 it lil 1 ir trt paitially oe u pied by niaiiufacturcra and BWaUari, several hotels, liiclii.liiia-. tbe Al.tri. 11 House uni stuhles amt carri.tiri' houses. The four-atory BfBBB ?luck witera the Ire atarted is the Keotuaon Hon**. iwne.l hy Willam ll. Kobi BOOB'S wtilnw, aud wa* rilled ?iib oarrlaga stork, easies uml binnia ami mher leases* n, material, lue iiltiek incloat-.i tty i, ?Mily, I.n.oa uni Uitabiuttlou ate. waa cleared out. TWO N'KWSPArEK^OlTK KS MI'Mil). Elmira, TUB, IO.-The entire building of "The Kl Iib Adierti-er'' wu barned to night. N'oibln** waa and except a few file*. "Tba Sunday EBRbbB1 .Mice Wi- a'so nest.o>ed. Tho larg.) tour-ttory fin*. titi r* st re of J. TL Bobtaaen i Boris wa* ilamtpsL -'ibo Ad 1 ai I Imm*!* loss ls free* BBBJ0B9 ts ?*Ta> K)(); Iwnratve. 1*30^000, *"lhu Bu inlay TtsllgS.*' INS, *r.*).()(S); insurance, ?2.50u; (J. ht. Uobinou 4 joh, loss ??''.i),is)0; Insurance, **- A,ooo. lite oilier os-es amount tu about ir-io.isJO. ''The Advertiser* viii bo Issued this murnini* from "The Uautte*1 oaaee, The Aih ci 1 set ? As-otiai ion, of winch B>aater laa ett ls prlneipal itockholder, win rebuild al ones ea he old -ire a Biodel Mock. New prsase* and vito Ul-night oiucnrd by tele.rr?pb fruin New York. WW A LOUISVILLE in REY WAS "Fl LLBD,* Al'TAlN " SAM1" BltriWV MAKtVO IBRtOUl I II IKHII AliAISSr HO KMAKKKs. PrrTSaaoea, Pea is *b**eetab.*? caataii "Btu" arswa aa made puliib- a (*l*ea4 scituil il on tue turf, lu a rc-eal ij'irvit-w be saul ha knew nf 11 Keinucky I'orliy having ecu pulletl ill favor of the lajokinaka rs. \ SulaStSBBb ruin lannisiiiie say* ibe Interview eeeated a great stat here ami au hiv. "'U'a'ion will be UttXt, Tflt* Captahl rsi caaV-.l upon for fur1 her Iniortu nina to day, in* Upatcl itaSted that the Derby ..f \B%% wai etUanalf he one rcfevreal tn, when the Dwyers' Kunn* IMbVi v. aa tetra bf (Mesa M*a*r*Tri Apollo. Captita Brevi J o-diiy: "lt wan the Derby Of IfMb, Oas af my iiiforiuauta IM (',1)1.1111 1 llllaai I at rill, a.neal about a year .i*-o, ?tl! tiie nt sr, ? I.'.oi-v'.ll.r 101.1 adler. ' Ji> 11 ' Hurt, ia till alive, it ta c. itit.i-ii tbat ihe wartt waa pirfaraiai iy ttie lae! ucl. knott 11 potn ttrui of llatl". ( .mu.tit a Itiirhe*. winch In las.' h 1.1 tue jaiol acllin/ B**1t*U*agei tl le l.-uini':.. Jeekcy rino, paynu.' tl .'.o ??'(..;? fii-art, I,ls Ililli Illirie lim wii;'or litifss un the Dil lal ..lui f '. >l lllllilri'ita of beti tia.' ll'' "'Uta fttUtt, WBt Waa all irBr iieiiM-f.ivoiite. 1 eui-' a K.nttii'k) MeasBers Sa lie piuil finn niade Uni.ks n.Mlt.s! him *egaealaSBI ->f at lia hey audibiily al 1 vere.I tua'. In the evens, of his viet nv tiny stool h. .nae ,.tat**.y ir-'TS.OOi). jn*et*efjaiei 11,er gued Uerena 11 tu.' rMs, but they were net li base. Uresa Murna'* Airetb*, never a f,sr hub, had eeo traine I at Ne >v ' lilians an.l WBS itt troml r..lnl;ll,iu. ut liiul nut tin- ia pee. I " I..111I1) li.aste. Th* l.l I er's ?Aiieia "til', at ou.I tn MID BtHIBI PJUfiOO, all L-l .. me. ll n: stakes, sad ebel waa tu prevent them truss it.une Iti.lKM) tu have ii liur.-e s.-euiul I AikiIIo Wno aad luiiiiMiieile was not fai Vimi I. The ciaiiu that tbf iier aih nut of slia|>* will hardly pnar initiator, for ll lie (lark Mases ? len dal a later lie made a shoe of lill i.iiiimiv. Apollo iliel about rt\e uii.ntUi. uro.' la,i is*, ii 11, ky.. Ifb. 15. -Colonel La-wi* t birk waa ten ia rt-xar.1 lot ap'am b. H. Brewa'i litlniHiioii* to a Ittabura rep.ulet that Vu- Keiilueky I)er0y waa ,.| imk.-il." He I nd tl al be had lu ITO! lieut it u nUaplcioB f am timor ul the sort tiefore ami waa evidently ina .ct looa aluiitt tim atelier. Me auld that die livec-utivt oiiiliiittev of Ute Lionsville |eei| Club weilitl undoutt*. Hy deuiiind au ."imt neal capt un Brews setttaa irtli the fact* as tai a-s he ki cw lueiu aud expUiuliig ie liulilicailiil.t ll bl* li.te;". icu. -+? RXPRRSB TltAlSS rmi OARRTIBB rillii Biri Mn. Feb. Il ltap*H-|al).-A cotupauy to be tailed ie Aiii.rtian Live Mock Kxpreas Oouipany ba* been triniMl to carry out a plau which ls likely U) revolutton e the live atot-k I rt* rt.f the country. A cont mit has -eu it-WMii to a Mufi ilo tliiu lo build 1UO t ar* to ha irntstietl with *N*aar whe*!*, Weatiiuhotue air hrakea ml all the lit'est uppliauiei for tho comfort of atoek. lie plan will dir otrrie.l out the wm* aa in ordinary ea? rea* com panie-*, the eaiuip.iiiy euiploviin: tuen to ear* ir the alork lo transit, emlrely rrlleTliiK tho ship|iei uU rallruaal cunt pally fisnu expeua*. Tim lii'**li|ilar!ers f the atimpaiiy ia In tlie Milla Ililli.Hui*, brat* Vork. lt ts that they will lK>trlu buaiiicaa aleut Starch 1. or th* pre??.iit the eoiupaui will -court.m lt- OMrausas . ihr.n.aih alock runntiiH' fiom I bliaa-o ta) I'.iiieke-u over be iiraual Ti mik ant Di-Uwana, .latckawauua and .eateiti ronda. Coutraela have been um to to leal a lilia.:.! on Moii.lii) afteinoon "amt arrive tu llobokeu t-ady tor market aa Wa.tu*-*i.t.*y laoriima*. Another 'rain Ul tears Clitca-jo on We.liieaday afteruonu aud be lu ne .leiaey I nv iiit.rket on Kri.tay uioiiiiuB. Tu* trip rill occupy furty Mata, tBoludiag a half hour atop ir luflalo foi water. --