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jsTHE BaLLLWat-S COUNTERFEIT. ONE OFGIBLIN-3 VICHMS DIES fM-TBCTIVBS ntl) BVIBKBOB IB Tit mcrdbrrb's ROOM THAT HR "SBOVBD THK QfttKR.1' lira. Madeline GocU, who tnt shot bj Charla* Giblin in the bakery at No. 160 Weat noustajn ?.. on Wr*dnc**ciHy eveniii". died a trw m mu tata after noon yo?t??rxiaY. Coroner Levy whs unaltle to fot any slatomoiit lYom her. Valentine Ooelz, ker hiiehinil, made the following ira_temenv tu, %-r- (.'..roncr: Alu ut hilt pBat 7 o'clock laat eveolng ray enter Mary, ?artio vt.rbi kr ? y b'Tlher in Hie bakery next di-or, carne Bb ??<? B Hi a C.. 1 li r bill Mii ask "tl IB w ai 1 thought ot Bt, *>* BW sui h ni ii In ih<* tior* who hui twight thi i ty aaa'*' aJBttfe of i>l<' autl cakce. 1 exsnun'i ii anrt said ll bm* a oo.'i)' rf it six' uRmi run ti g" lino Ute bakery ai ul Bill the i- an bo, .a kIm* aa* afia.d lo tull hun. I toola tho Bill md went with Ber. When I ent"red the bakery the ?nan mm BUMafl n ar th' * o\ a PPR lo .king nt the firmr. 1 Bake-', lil a ui.i'ii' le' |i t the b il sud he said "Int (.alamil In ?Twt ni ?-itu r,l-?i " I mi t : '? Y. ung wan. thai bill li a aeon'. ??:.-.t." ll* miJ : ''I don't kuow any nuT* a bum eaenrti: i)> than that stove." Ile wea ttUi tonkins; at IBs f or 11 -it h ? itti up Mal pu'lel eoine niiuey out of hi* [.ttl. " I hart 'wc-nv cent* In riniii-,'." he gull. Then ha ntii-l to ? ar : BM door, tumlo* hu. BB 1 la/lea and Ink ng at int" mid ly. Whee Iv gut tha- floor he BO I'l .-? r-v.'Vei out Bf Blt .0.1 'n>itif.L 1 .'af, i Ul liing about IB Iv fe r distant. " < hrtn r-." ha sa A, "or there you sro *e pointing tho ?i"i|iin at my h'ad. 1 t*-o ight about ?W.tilni* a"<>.v. but eniiclii'led lt would pg Letter to run tee ant lim and get the revolver away from him. Ile ?ravi tarlee u* I ?l> ru*l.ln(? at him. One bullet struck tate !u the .hln and Hie ether In the should, r. 1 ?tru.-k kia BBB 1 ii* I"' fired kga\:\, aird the powder burned my ta ?? The lu:let went Into the wall. Aa I tried to Ret the ** aju'i ii- av tie flt.-(1 aga ii, and that bull, r ..l-u nant Into the wall. My wife ian to help me. arni aaa behind BB*. 1 kai H.e nisn by ttie thioat. Ho rea. hed around Bf-Mri-1 BM mir! *.iot her lu tl.e BMaBBBB. He hell the reto'.i' v..r., mu IBM l"1' ?1 Mi BRM burned where tnt" I ullt-t rr. nt In. That wa* h!? Ia*t ?hoL M] ?lfe crl.*d out thal khe h.t.l aSM shut. My sister ; ?an rai in tall help. Tony BeBara**, my clerk, rame and ' eauirlii h. ld of the man. My brother and my elaler-ln Ibm alee rame to help me. A man r?n lu from tho I street and rarttSi away the please. Another of tho gang sst: <? in ail triei to NBBM the man who had done tho | ?1 ? ' g. 'rt..ui m polk-eii.ita tatiie and arrested tho iisna*. al! late* I irate tho counterfeit bill to a !>.?! let mau wi.. aqa re l r. r it, ...Mil NIKI) WITH TIIF. MAN nt* S-IOT. Kitrly in tlie tiny Qlblifl wns t.ikf*n to thc Jc*f ftr-.,n Murk.'t I'ol ie*" Cooli BBd IBBB?llHlifl with? out lui! on a cliiir'.''* ot fc'loninus assiiult. His wife. i>;il<' ini'1 fm11 l.u'kiniv'. wns tlicro to moct bim She ivept rs li- cl.! a story of poverty Binni:.r in thin h<T buahand U !rt after his arrest. Giblin claimed that lie did not know that, tlie bil] was <t e. unterfvit.. Ile also denied that he had fMried tin* revolter with win rh lip shot tho (.oel/s. bul ch dart.I that he* picked it up from the while defending* himself. Ianta- in thc atv munn Giblin vmi* .liken to Goclz's totRRt, In Iliiiisti.ii st . ami ("i.r.iiii'r Levy anil several re? porter**. witBeatied on exciting Mme there. Goeli jot dd fi- ni hi* lounge nnrl Blared at (die hand en<T..I ;r ?..)!! wrcteh!" be shouted, " yon arc il....i vho shot uio and killed my wife. Oh. 1.. v. 1 wish I conk) gist yoi", what you do I ? ll.aii.iiiL' is too good for y.ui. You im i t lo lu- 1' ni heil I** il... I/'*, brother find sister shouted "liane him Bpi" Ih" nv mus eanghl un by leverBl Ott rnri"* whit hud put into tho rooms, and a crowd in thc sti .i bawled: " Htuig him tii>! haog him ni I* Giblin wea r***le but cool, and his slender In! nut tf.-nil'le. Point inc his left hand Bt ';.?!/. he Wild ilclihcrntely: "You know that whit I did IfBsl nighl was done in Belf-defence. You !;? a v. how many set on me; and you could VII. if i.'i Rooke the truth, who OWBcd thc rc- j trcilt.:- 1 du not know that." C,,-i-}/ nant, tn the sofa overcome. Then he ' jK)iir".| Dill ii flood of nrofunitv and thriitt-s. anti fi im fi;, neut thonted: "Hana* tke munk-rcrl Tai < h hun"* p I icemen lcd Giblin huck to the JefTt'i-vi.n Market I' i*< n. A rrowd followed ''art af thc wu,-, t .'"'iii'.' " liane him up!*" Gaell was i*emo\ea| '.. tbe <: nunn II"M'itiil last evening, llis wife's i. .'i will he htined in tlie Lutheran ('nu i. rv on S'l'ltlaV. Tin* ? >"K? ntl) mr, oinriv. T'i ?! "''til. ?* ,M."*'f;.n is and Scanlon, of thc United Ft'ii.s Se rel Sottieo squad, called Ht Jefferson Mnr'.'t Pu* n yesfciil'iy and rccoirnlzed in Gihlin m " pill" ol l"hn Smith, a notorious cr.i.ntacrfi'irfr and forser, Tbe ofDeeti anaerl thal they* potaBeaB eridenee anfffienl to sin." thal Giblin knew that the S*. hill i.'.i'i which the tragedy "ccuri'd wan a ??*? mt 'if"it. The deteetiveti then ahadowed Glhlin'a trife to her home, and found sonic wooden plater *>i"! h* i ?? i*''l hy ron'it-. rf.-it.'-s. _great nany ehnnka ol e n fr were fountl l*s*trtfi In nooka and i'.rn. rv It is siiimosnl the copper wns BBcd In mti.ufactoring rjfjnnteTteTl "diver nollaia. TBey BK,, r .,,) ? t * ti ivi?" of Genera] Grant petr"*. tiv MiMi'i'i". said he hnd >>ecn ?.n Giblin*! trail iii ice laial November, ard that his " |>al." John Bmith Bboot th.* miriillc of Noveaiber went to thc Mr*s*, Fntrravine Comianv. No. SS9 Pcarl-st.. ?nd ?bowed tb. ni ? tin tvt"' of Oner-il Ortnt. and .pi\c ;..| order to h-.or- ti str el plate cn-.'"ii vd fruin 't. ni-" t i"uiiir* the si/e hr* wanted, which is r\ ?etl\ thc -.ive ten rip hills. He found fault with tim ti rative phown liim on account of the way th' hail wai rairted. faff V -v nbont this time prew Bi|*r.irio'iS of bi- cost-mer, and mic notice to the Secret Scr? ew. The tin tvpc found in Oihlin's room ls fanni t.. he the oae ?>*nwn at the Moss entrravlnt*; ajBatabl'mhtnen* GfblHi, Iti t.tlkinn to the de te.(ti\. * \.-st. rdar. sairl he was sliirhtlv aernialnU'd ft-jti .),. i i.., Smith thee had rcfr-rcnec to. Tlc hill is a lennine *-i silver certlflc't/* io OltrnsiU raiaed to a flva that il could hardly frii) lo >'s ape .! lc "t ;on. The poliee have received a Biimi.'-r nf rx mp.ainti reeentlv from shopkeepers ?ah', have lu il inniltr bille pMSsr-d linen 'hr-m br a roan thr-v W tc nnat'l ? to ihsari'i.- flelinitely. To dav the pr s ht -aril] be in*pc*t.ed hy severnl - these po,plc. la hopea thai some one may identifi' him _ BOBBBS IX KESSIA'S CAPITA I. PTfif?svr V. IUbH I.lla'.y. jr.. w ho?e tttillei of ? ' ? 1- rn Jtu?ii'a have j.r.itm'i'v tieeri at iTBBl TBlBB tan mi'd.rii gr*, -.,?),!,. - mid |i,llr't-al *efetttJ*t* rlellvererl tm In gop ai nv l'Ctur. W-ilne-!?v ev n'nir b fore the A Dieri can Bttii/raiili!eal Slx-lely, at Chi' kvrin? Haili. 'Ihe lub.ect ass "Maa.,.iv"- aiid th.- aapllal "f the Uuii'iiti WM Bevel. !i''i,?|i*. Trier*- fullv rt'sc-Hx-i. lr* iBBaMtaatB, lt* Bull'lliif* Ila hlait.iy, or lt* iiolitlcail toi.lirlou. tx;fore B Nen Va.rh au !li-iic<*. Pl lit "Batt Ub*f*BI hluairure'l hi* iMiaia, willi uoiBBptlcaa rtawa of patrallar aoBat?aaa al Hie Ku**;*ii srililKHttirc from the f.irirttrenth f. the, pMaeat eetitary, and rif UaatrBttaaa of the eti.fBi'ierlb*,lc ttUB Wid lial Us of the pres;r.r lntiHlil'aiit* of the ffNBt Bmi.ire Tlie I.-. luret BBeWatl rt^e|) HMBBKh, Burt fltreful ?bserv .".'ian In his AeatTTtptBBBa The deierlptlmiB of Uie Kremlin, Ihe itutilk" Njuares and tiillrUnim, at.1 the Bui>y rimiiasre..-* aJel iitHUaMa of the hl*ri,rlr city were BBiieiially tliaqu.iit. Thc eatn[)Bi|ffi of the First Consul iea.eive.rl tareful att.'ritla.n, anl Ihe oulrHR'". coDtmrtted ky the rn nt h aruay under Nauolton wtie moat graphic? ally rie-ii.r !_ al l.ESTI S COPR8E OF STODDARD IBCTUBBR Af'.-r ?staBlaf hi* lecture ceurse la-' year, John L. BMMarB* BgatB went abroad and IBWBrt a loner Mirrimer In Fur<.i>" rath'rinf* n.aterlal for un.ihcr aerie* of lectures Jfhi'.re un- t!\e In the serle*, nnd Ihey will be delivered a* ? lafiiien matinee*" Bt Daly'* Theatre, beginning ou luesrt.v. February 28. at 11 a m. Each lecture will be Illustrated. Th? pl?n. whi.-h wa* fiuod BmUfaciory last year, *J Rlvlna the course lu duplltaie. will be pur atxyl Ifela year Cm Fftiruary 28, and March 1, the leelure will be " Travel* In Sunny Bpain" : March 6 and a," Juliu* radar" ; Mar, li 8 and tl," The Pyrenees" ; March 12 and 18, '? laoi-d nyron" ; March 16 and in. " Coimtantl Btayle." The price of ooursi; ticket!", lii.Judlug rv te rv cd aaawi. I* Pb. 4> at POLK EMA S CHARGED WITH PERJVRT. Ki-I'ol'. t niau riirl-jt jifier I'lark, thu was recently di* Milmed DaBtB the Hmm tor druiikeniietts, made ehar|*e* at Police ll.. ,/t.;.ii!ter* yenterday agalnm Koundaman Fn.ll Bach.-, if ih" K?iat blxtT-Beieiith-n. "yjuavl He declared that in IBM Hat'iie kept a dimirdeily hnuse In at., aiid vta* llfMMl thsrv fur htyhwny robbery, Id cobv pany ttlih Jt.)iu KuuJT and Charle* Mrfintiigle. All three Bfii w.i. iiidlriaaid. Clark a.ld and later Iliv-he was arrested en a iria)ja of assault. If Clark'* story ls true. Dacha aotupiiiii'l iji-rjury when he applied fur appointment an a policeman. I.ike other applicant* for appaalnln'Ont, Dacht Bia l. an affidavit that he hart never been arresvrtd nm ?oniUicd of a crime.. Clark pra.mis/'d yeBterrlajr to make Bb afliluvir ?ui,p.!Uhf* bis charxeasa, arni to appear a* I wu...--- If lia tn was placed nu trial. It aaa snld al'ian. iv a similar ahBIB* afaluM Bathe wai InvenUgaUatl ai.d not entertained lay CoiiiiiilsNloner* Vt kardt an.l Wheeler. H.,che lia* iiad a good, record since Ba bas tx-tn a p<.llc.-man. ?I URTHOItlHT OUVBCB IS DISTRESS . The Fat Ific Buvet MelhtxU..t ICpinaapal thur. I. In Brooklyn, which eccuplss a tai,,- artTraetBBI edifice at Clinla,!. and I'arlflt bu., bot his 'm,u laBOClalle Involved tor stn ra! yiiira., I? Ukely to ditbund ai Um Blaai .f Hm pj-iasuil I'oiiferei <?? yiiir In April, and the buil'lli,? will Ix Bold under forct-J.inure of Diortttaffe. The Faclflc tstreet Chur. 1. vtaj. bum lu lb&O. and wai regarded as the laaa M'lli,. -likt chm th In the older part of the elly Mer, ilka JJol.n T. .Martin. Goori?* 1. Krney, W, ll lln/Tard uk Jaw-pli lla/leliuafel were BaaBBBBBBi with lu bur the ar landa:..'?? ?as always ?mall. The pata-toi ha* been pani Billy ?1 tu, it, _w year., md li has beeu ln,po-.?ll,le u say th. .; taeM on tiv debt of Blti.oOO, ae the oonnreKat Iii.n- flu ma iiuml^r moie than .me hundred al any tm,e PURIFY THE SICK-ROOM And reurtsr Hie at.ut.?plierr ?w,-?i ou\ luvlrorellnr Ba hnrn lae li i UKO.*?* A PH r.lDL PAHTILI.ltit, wul? B4BB llMn no the pre.iiUea ami atilt i anuiaiiuu. ai n,e ?.,,,,-,,. ,, WYl)hONAHliTlir,L*'a.APwi,.nBrae.T.i..|l"ia.^^ B? 4 ?.. lit en amoual ul Hie uis.',..,r?a kti.i , ,,. , a aaijea .i.ia, unka, fit>e?, *a. ta isetarieir aid iu ,? ',i0 <ftiar tiiiroiia.lune* Uou't faj-Jfie, HENBoN'a PI.A-T' Ufo BOUiii*. r I i mil chett patlt. BOMB NEWS. TBXlWLURBT -RR-TTiVaUL wtndttr affevee-WiUiaa-. L. ffiiiaatn, et tha Fliharlss CaaiBilaaloB, aad Jartg* Ueerg* ff. Oaa>atsak, at Sjrraeaia. .Pl -O' Atenue H*tsl?monaloo Rrtaeai Bil*, of Balee ( ei-aeaater N P. mil, af Colorado; Jaiaae U. Tynar, ef Indi. BBBi William D. WaaBbnra, et Minntiou, and Oeorge Weat, of N?w York.;-'or*,n?n Boote?i?ornnnt Daeld B. Hui .ifrrreort ;imn-Ja .?? DliT.r Weartell,Jr.. of Bottou.hrerrtt itvuie H. A. P. Cerur, HawatUa Mlsit ter at Washington.. *?*..Tor* Hsttl-O. W. Woolley, of [ Cincinnati....!.fitri> H**us?hscrstary of Biala Beor/ a | Kell*/, uf New.Jersey....//?tel Brut**!*)*-*? Donal* Mac mat ter. of Toronto. ? ? WHAT 18 GOINO OB TO DAT. Aldermeii't Committee on Kail ri,? in, City Hall, noon. Anderson will case before riiipromc Court Cm a. \\ i'Hiuan nutt. Supreme taourt. "steamboat Inspectors' liivostlgation. Federal Ilulldlng. yale A' Aniorlirloii, Delmonico'* 6.80 p. m. County Democracy County Commltteo, Cota.ier Union, t P- tn. Veteran AssoclaUou of intiih P.. (tin "-nt, No. 62 I*ni' n Square, 8 p. m. lvnadliiK* I'.v Charle* Dlrken*. Chlrkerlng Hall, lp. n. Amateur theatrical* at Madison bouare, 8:30 p. m. Heading* by i'uti .in t. I uJer nih, Association Hall, 8 p. m. Organ openlnR Memorial Presbyterian Church, 8 p. tn. Orchid nhow, laden M n <?,? Blats Convention of Young Men's ChrlMlan Assocta tlon, .I'llgrltn Congregational Church, Hailer? KEW-VOHK CITY. Henry George, says : M 1 was a Prottvtlr.n!r*f until I heartl protection expounded." Ho will be surprised to find tho overwhelmingly larper proportion of his fellow eltl/.en*. who alli be affected In exactly tho opposltt* way during the coming campaign. If Janice Calllgan, ti bo kept a news stand In Park Raw, vxheio Um *tiaet I.* \uili'*t, fur ten years, offend? ing nobuily, ls obliged to "move on," anti tho Urti telegraph pules on I'arK How, where the sidewalk ls narrowest, are al 1" we rt to '"stand still,*' otrentllng every body, where does the consistency conie lu? The report that sixty go as-you-please men have, demanded, ot Coninilsslniier Coleman a fair share of thc Bicju.OCH) a month of the city's money which he handles, ae coinponsatlon for tramping and ret lamping over a given number of miles ui BtltaVM (luring tho v.'iiv'iv weather, with a view of at lca.*t bealing down tho dirt, *? i.i'4> lt cannot bo carried away, is nut yet ottlrlally eonlirnied. Aniring tho many assurance* of regat-tl t-ccclved bj Senator Ul (Mle Ur i ge i lroiu Irish societies In several large cities throughout the Tulon for his sjcocsMuI opposition to ihe proposed ^xtiit/litlon tren*; with hii(-in'iil wa* a han siiino Bot*) Auici' Hag, in behalf ol tbe i lan na < ,a.;l (society of th.s city, au organization which contains many thousands bl In.-li? me n witlilu ns lat.lis. Tl.e Fifth Wari! branch ot the Irita National Iacaum-. I which claims to bo "' the banuer blanch," hat, tlhaagitfl Its lime and place ul naotlug (roan Horrigan'* Hall. H. t.1.. mi anl Des! in*-*e*. sis., Siiihlay oficruiir na, to tho hail attached to m. AlpiiotioUi i lundi, bouih Illili ave., Wedneeda** BVBU UKB. Co-as jou-picase champion, "I'a!'' tltrgeraM, Who IS not saltshed thal Albeit cov.'ied Hit* C21 Uill-rs, anti bas tiled ovciybody by sa) lng so, will now .lon Ibu bell Winch tho champion BO-aS-yoU-plOBBB " klcltor'' lia.* t righi lo cxpii'l, il -in u a bolt He .' be. Lox eis of Vi Inter sccneiy ian do no batter than visit Niagara on batuitiuy. A sin'i'ial exclusion will leave .Now-Vork at b p. m. by tbe Etta Hallway, aii'iviiig on return eaily Moattaff. iii'* turu is e-a Tho County ix-inociacy l.xecutivo I oinniittce will mot th.s ova.niny ai tho iictiqiifcihis lu looper I iiioii and complete its orgaiiiaaiioa. FlBBs, aggi Bio costing ii\)"r two cent* erich whole? sale Have 11,.' beni lonni tl a tiust, tool i'li a J. I' t.ill will iliad sell ctioiis from ??l.aviil Copperfield" in ABeOolatloa Hall, Teemy lilli ii ^i. aim r wurta a* e., ai o un,nu ibis oveulag At lita M. J i.lui's Mc'hoiUst hplwopal I Uti rc li on tho evening of reUruai) tst. Utera will be an euler* ia i.'iiirni illustrative ot iiu "Social lifo ot ye oldo nun) tollu*," anl entitled n.o ** Yanbee l'i ol" lt wu, gl.a p.. ni)!.- a iriaia.i oppoi lu uil y lt> (uOaga whet iori lu! linn luelr gt-aaiUattMia kail alton lucy a tay eu homo Bignie. Tho Staten Island (tepid Transl! Company have applied tn i! o Dock Board foi pe irltaion to re binni th'li' leny-huns" at iii' loot of Whitehall-it., im nie purpoae of accommodailag ibe new non ateain els ti li i li ile ci in Huts t.Uiltiing lui' Iho s a'ii. 1*mii.1 leny Hallie. Th') I Ivll Beivlcc examination ul nj pl it niits for Customs elorkthlp* coiiiiiiii. rt yeetenlay. Kighty-oue ctn lulatcs woro c.\ .nil ned, ami ?< these Dot linne Hun one or i?u "threw np lite ipouge* bcioi-o ibo ci.a ot the olticriL An au.tlon sale of bioi. n pa arin.a, nate the au*|ik"* oi tbe Aiiniicaii arl A-.*." a nm, will laka place al 111." A inc.'.ali Ail Ctllii le*, .No. li l.a>t Twenty tiiii? 1 lt., on 'rue*tl.i*,, Wian.Mtay and Thuis day ovt-mi.fcv, i.i ui-.\t week. TTbb -Mlieotlon laelaclea 111 lll> i-Mlll |ll, v i,{ Al-l', l.ul.V. ll rtlliiv. Killi C.lin,ll I,I'-, two emili iy prlVBlB I'..ll> ci ion*, ainl iiuiiieroiis tun tl'lbutloua iiolli UtBBC li u,twin I Iii ?u...n-.. Tbo failures of cotf.-o Imu-ej lu l'ana tMUaoaaBBd >.'*'.'i.iiy on iho toil..) Exchange eauaed a tumbling ol prteee r,i iron tweatj io ihirtj potata. iney rv collin! about lileeu poitils alli-iuiutl Members of the Produce Exchange >c*terdav adopted resolutInns in rncmoiy of i.c-fige V. Ile. lier, ar..' a coiiiMi.ttfi- of lolly 1' ir Vii,- apioiii.ed to aticinl hi* funeral. Walter J. l!til*"!i* Qotag baalnesi as W. J. Koberts ct. CO., de Blot Iii stoic, at No. 43 liroinlway. hu.* boen plai'-d in th> bandi of a receiver, Jaei.b P. I). Bolla, tm tin" appih a .lu ol Dloomingdale Brui hern ludgmenl eredliotrs. Judgmente for a.nut gttjri.OOO have been entered again*! bim by varloue ereditora. Wavur Hewitt, t out roller Mveis anil l'tilillc Wini-.* CorainlMlonar New tun jreaterday Mtboriied the toatw ot Jti,DUO 3 pei ccu! liinulv, lo pay I lu" Leake and Watt* Urpliaii Ax", lum truatOOS foi a lol -J.j by 126 "ii ihc. so.Iii s'de nt uni' l.iii.ilieil and lliliti i-ir li *t., t.l) !?-, i ut Tenth ave., to be u*ed as tin* silo of a new engine Iwusa The counting ot th" money In the Sui TremotJ, which is rendered aeoeeear*; by the ehaage ot nanago I mont, will not be begun for a week or two. l..\ judge Mci ne. ii.e neat iVaalatant Treasurer, win uot enter BPon tho linties ot the Office brime Ma'li. lt ls not BXneeted that he wiU make any chang's la ' tho force uuiindiately. Compeer " D," of Um 7i-t ReglBteati liad -?? drill and teeeptlon leal nigh) at th.* armory, Forty-tltth st. and Un.a<l? av. Forty-livo men took pai-t In tho ; drill uniir'i' the command of Captain tiaik. Chatles Mtgv.-anl and Prank tathep, *roaag eoiB i poaitors einpioyo'i lu Willi un a. Pell'i printing offlc ?? at No. 92 Johii<t , quaiT'lled tAutt yr'.*teidai, ainl Kch-p was kiioi' Kill down with an Inm bar bl Mlgwerd, who eecaped, bchep*i skull wai tra lured bliirbtly. Tli? survlvinc War OoTernon will bc thc gnesta ot the Saturday Night Hub to dio.tow at tho Huffman llous*. FiROOKLVN. Chief Enriiiec-r Nd Ins npoit"d to the Mayrn ve* terday that all tho hotels lu tho city have eampUed with the law In placing ropes foi e*cai>o iii case of lire In each room. The Theatre fire tn 1**T? ls recalled by a friendly suit brought bj Jamel **.iiiiii!c. Jr., airainvt Isaan Tium to settle the title to property at Noa. 188 and 187 North Elliot piece, in tr hie h it li neoea tary to prove the lieut li of \\. ,i. Bani pie, a brother ot ibo plaintiff, \slm periahed In the Bro, bul wboee bo.iy was not Identified. Mayor rhapiu'i I.apld Ti ans t OtiBtmlniOii organ lied yestei'tlay by-the choice of Thomee s Moore, eh.iirtnaii. CtMugo sx. Anny. trcii.iuiei', and George brown, eeeretaiy. The County Batallpox Hospital ls to b'< ealBrgcaj and iniproieil. .No now casi',* of smallpox wen tuund yesterday. In a suit by Mary Agnew, ape plicht, In tho rut Court, to recover 810,000 as demegee (rom nc Brook lyn Ctt| Kaiiioad Company, for Injuries received bj being nm over by a Itroet cax, a verdict a?aitliin tx,.Oi 'i wai, given yesterday. NEWSPEOM IRE sCRURRS. N i:\v-j KKsr.Y. A lulled 8tatc? l'ost C'llica-, lnii'K-ctoi- h.t- been ll Orange OoumUbi lag tbe ij.i ?-.,,u of moving the pu* oflicc from Ila pivXvent loiatum to the Mason,c Hal billi" Um, Bud jceteiday catii d ull bnelneM Hi' ti to g<' their views, which were g.m rally Jn fBVotT of th cbaii-jn. Many citizens of Uahvay have ".Ik'n-.l a petition t .-\--i-i.ilil , man L', a-li v tho j,.l ... uf B bil to niaJke legal th- a/IJii*tineiii of pa*l due t.ixe? an Bf -I krill' l.l.a. ll Will iapply Olll>' lo iBlCn ii 1111 BBBI M uii uta. K-virsi prior to IomJ. Ollvrre- Clark, of West lal l, a gai*ateoer BBd (.nu lui,a em ploy oil by Ad alph Gaii/."-i, ha.. *><et*etved milla-.-, ut th tnhcrilituco of tH".'" i). UU*0U(h tho death o. a biotin' In tapo Town, ALI.'!*. Ho also lecelMtl woul iha eavaral tbooaaBd dollar* prize money awaltad bi oidci at V.a.*hliii.'loii. lit- wa,* in thc MaVJ during Mi war. ? ? NEMAIlK. Tha Iii publiiaii A"-*." lal inn of Ihc Bightb Uar har. linuuil 1,11.111 Int nat loiin for a reeeptluu on \Sa-l lagtoa'a Illnhday. HM Aef.-rClallini will t-tit ?-i- Iii bt.lte IjCagu.. tit KcpillillCBIi Club*. The nowiv meei ed edifice <>f Uh geeoad t*reah*terla Chinch ti. formallt U'-'l t < at .tl la.,1 BTeaiBg va. il a, (lrcesi-a by a numbul of cl. lg., m. u ami oiher eau tris ce. Ji'scph ll. liatall. one ?f |he proni'ilti. of th TorUlla Ml,,,- ,lo. lt. who liv* In Jlb-.m,..-1,1. u , reeee-ai: *<..xi by bin,..,, ra li. ?t mn, oin, lu 8800, ?*lar8gBd te hara been borrowd on a note whirh went to protest. A levy on Heall'* household ctr e. te was pr?vaated by the daltri of owner-hip of Mm. Heall, and In a trial a rerdiot wa* r.'i.<!.'i*.l In favor of M.a. JReall. The patent leather factory of Charl''* Hmlth, No. fits Central eva., waa do?trov?*d tiy Ure yeeienlny. Lout about tb 'O'), pa. tiv oovr-rM by tii-m amax 6eventy Ave nmnitx-rs of the Oakwood Avenue flap tilt Ohurch (ecori**]!, have with'rawrn and formed an Independent congregation. The troublo arose over the diamLaaal of the pastor, Mr. Davie. a JFnSEt* PITT. A circular letter liw been lent to all tho phyilclans of Iln.lton County, by tha Board of Health, notifying them that a faJlure to report case* of contagious dl?*case will tnvlta legal prosecution. Detective Aufnistna Holt lr ?aa kiiix*).ril down and brutally hlckeal in tbe stomach by two prl*nnei-s who wem In his custotly yesterday, and hid it not been fur the timely arri*, al of assistance the oflkcr would havo probably been killed. -4> ELIZA Hl'.TIl. The project of tho residents of North and fioiifh Faltr.abeth lo cstabli*h a stage line riiiiiirtrting th'-m exti emil les wllh the bu*lti?*s portion of tho elly hss given place to n new scheme for tho foi malton of B new horse railroad. Tho route will bo from North l'ark sf. on Jeironon ave. to F,a*t ttroad st,, thence to Urti....-*.!., connecting wllh tl.-* track of tho Elizabeth ami .Newark i ompany. Martin Thoiii|>s)>n, captain of the canal boat Mon? tana, walked Into the drug sloiro of Dr. David II. Miller ye*tenlay md goBiplalBBd of feeling III. Ills hands were tovcie.l wlih pu.*tular eruptions. Dr, Miller ln*!aiilly prouounci-rl ll |*Jj*allpoB and hail tho man removed to tha. pc*r bo'ise. Tempcranco people aro much exercleed over the oust im.' of tho lied Ribbon chili fruin it* beedQnerten on East Onad st. Thc liquor nv-n terned a leognc to coniii.-'.t the chili, rented the hall ami ai unit* served a notice to quit. 4> BAlTRBRDB. A nian Hiving lin natue as John Dale, of No. 20 Hani; st., New- v.irk, was ?treated on Wedneeda**! having ta ale pneeeaalea nearlj all the property tiolcn a few hour* b- fore fi mn the Kev. I. K. Miiilcr. The silk dyeing eetabUahnwal of Claude Qoppo lt clofi-l tor iiiiii of finnis to pay tho hanils. RATES ISlaAND. hin-ei ann was miami" io |-i-i iii.. in1 Mats mau no crie'i out for essUtance for icverel boon natll bc beean.o unconscloua brou tho cold. A I.e.NU TUB B*ODHD. Tlie balliol'* af Bridgeport, Snit rmi'. Southport, M c*i Norwalk, l-'.v.- M'l- Uiver, Main! in.d MiuiiiLs, windi im i h. cine partially clear during ino thaw, were on wedneeda*! completely blochr*il again viih lea, Ex-Crinfrrcssiiiriii E. W. Seymour has t<elegrapbed to Mayor rmi-, Irom Washington, thal Ihe committee hail ngi'.-id to rrpoii In favor of kn eppioprlation uf |GOO,000, for a post olliic and custoiue building In Bridgeport _ i/im; island. A unanlmon* cali has been extended to ttie nev. Mr. Venema, rif Kalamazoo, Ml. h., by tbe eontlttorj ol the li. im ne <i i lan' n ai Janalea, TOO MASY Ci TV LOTS FOR ONE DOLLAR MATOB III.WITT "a-MKI.IK A KAT" IV ONS!' MON ? mt AN OIIPHAN 4BYLOM, The fsiiikine Kunil OetBtattaalonara yeaterday anther. l7ed tho OeatreUer aa Bdrenlea far propoaali fei lha Bale "f tit" leeea "f the u I terry ter ;. iwried "f ten yarn ai an BBMt prior n yBBT. 'l'i.' CBB> tiniier offered a Kaolntlon thal 11? ? - ksaae el the Thirty. fi.urti).st ferry be Bdvertlaad for aala fat tea yean el ea ansel price "f 110,000 a year. The Uayoi objected ta Oils and *aid lia. lu- In fit-..>r of BOBlnl IBM i BM ll)" yearn. Tli" larrj *'?'- IBpldlj growing In In,i '.illili, .? .'ind value. The matter ?n? referred beek t-. tha Caatrallat to further eHHiii ne Bad IBparl Mayor Dewitt tald that ht* at""ulla,n h.vl been rallel le the lead at LeslagtonaBve rn. i Beventy>ae~ Beveled i.y itni'iin'iii. boaaaa the rents r.-i ablet* wera aollectad by tba Hebrea Orphan A-iium, The Central. li i asl i the ' araluan I outell ba I - kaylen the lat. 1 rn Qt ? I "H. ?' '?' icing several elij li ta ;'.r " ? eansl leration at lt The \ yleni ba I belli rn tl eity ead aoUected the rania The Haroi raid thal thia pla ? l lha ci'v in tin- Bttitada af eedawlBf a etwrltabfa baatltatlaa. Re aaa red tin.' lae eatlre "nt.... i be ra to Hit' fi.i|, main .lt t i.nlivil lu ln\r*' ?-'''?' anni n port. This wat uki. ci to. ? Titra: E. A TD TWBUTT U ' E DOOR FROM rs-a I, i va Tha at cental Uaadafl City, et the iiii*ta.i Lina*, e rived yesterday at in-r peat Ra M Worth River, eat-ered arhh i.e ber if", ii 'i.t.i*' royaga fr ni H lataL Aboat the liveliest Hm:'- aa beard were nana' dlstJiictilBlied j i.t'iitb . ?? .a ilia* fa.un Bf twent] three dogs oma ana hera to be exhil.d a' lha dog show at the Mali--ii Iqaare Dtrden en Pebraarj _i. 411 ef Ihe '!'.(.?*, except a bal tall I ihepherd doa;, hare i un lune a* ih"ir taila s..m.- of iii. id iiiiv already tjia.-u ?rateable i ri,--* in i acland, and if they ail keep ap Heir , record, ii Ih expected Ural taaj alli lake many prites imii-. t nw in ii. Monta "f i vi"'? i i ..lull, owtaa the dui.'-, s . ,r ti h. sra ti1- rateable Devon ihlri' kennel, and Others ai" fiaam Ills aportlng fili-i.rl- and exhibitors .n I iigland. v. tb tbe exception el a spaniel * bli ii na* a luii" saaslek, iii" gaga bm la grattai"* ? dliinn. The larfeet due; in th" eolleetlon li Oentaar, a fine ?;.- oin.en i,f ila- si, p.. maid speelee. ll.- i* tba *i ? al a nuiniit-r af rateable Boga bow owned in England, and eoneldeial le none] ha* beaa tefneed foi him. Hi* niat", ? a l* anoihei beautiful ipeclmen. The polo te ra ara Devon Bell, Juno, Don an i bsneho. Devan Nail's fbther BBI r*.l!lll'aa Ilia- lla-\ll. ll ho Wa.Il HUT fifty pli/i s. 'lil.' ,n.. I ii-;.!.-- i ',:.i,n'. tVllllaa the Bl lam, William ti..- ai i tba New-York Beauty. Thora la a mo tailed dog ni pare breed ahepherd v. h" can .ins'' ins awn nm k nf *in i.|i ti.iga :.ibei ti,.ck ? inn,ui, lo lng ian.- a,f his own sheep Arong ti," ipanleli bm Emprcie and Gladys Mr. i.ghi bia dugi ovei a. the re? gie el ol * BM Bl Um " dog '.l ii.. - ? on CHARO!!) WITH A S A TTBUPT TO Ell I His WIFE. J Im P. Bl .!.. !i I iili'ia'T. carrying on basin ;- .rt flo. 36 B "ii I lt New 'ark. a 0" 1,\ n In . jir en lu - . In Mail s"ii-:.\.-., I'la h Bf, I.. I , la et a i .. Bel Bl 0U h bia Kim,ie eoadact t- a ml ali wife an.i fa Hy. h" aaa arreaied yeaterday In New-Yerb cl..i ".*.-il with attempting to kill Mis. Btock. t'i mi being arraign l ti" j.t. ided nm guilt] aili s-kt-al fair an a" ihiiihih ni. m. iii- h wa- Ifra Bioek - itotrj le ths bei hnalauid, who bee Bl* treated ber foi eom i roman lo ni* heine uni sunilay and "litsil?v nlelits nf this (seek, lnr., daelng lan ..s iii- ie mid wife tu .-in.' of Ui eenrMta Baa *:n I 'tim ..ii 'i '..?? i.i. night li. o.Barreled with her and ni rea ber "'.t of the boaea f!"'.r ihli r t pla ol ead tb i >' illina '?, k ii h r Sh., un tn | ii [hbo - Imus" am! n irutiiicd lhere uniil yes'eid.y. In _ m an'iii. Bloch and thc MOman locked up (he han-', lear lng the ebildreo ll li" In lt, and wan' re Nei-Vnrk. Btrteb BXTi lii.ti bil ti.i!i|i.i'iii.ii i* a nm- aervaat, ead that bli a f--'* t.a.i teapei chds^s ali ibe inuit'". H.. expreaeea hi- wllBBgaeai ta e-: 1<i"-rr hil Wife a.ul family. MOBOBR oF HIE inn Halium; MATt ll. Eugene Ctualsky, a oarnallat, living al .\... tl Vfeel Tlilrllt-lliHt.. !., ll,,. ,..ii,|,li,n, mt aunliist BdtTBrd J il, ". who, he ' laim*. i> tin- real nun,.!.-.?.- ..r tbe ti eanl - viaik. He sayi unit i>n jami ai >? 17, he expended i'.'.'io far the BTtrpenaea ef Gt urge Can , ? ?, i d.--tilan. Hall, ths lion.lint imnagnr promlaed I Imlairs" liltn, pal failed t.. ),, a., BBd < "'!?? that Ila-.-.-, who I* n ii.ii r.-rt.'tit, Int,.,,!., i ,,, ],.;l.,.',|?. city wm...ut pay-tag hi. ela ? ledge lltal. ,,f the City ii.un, leeaed aa erdet el air.--t. ,,n a-bleb Hasse wai detained a- be ?a- eaterlBg bia hotel earl* \ ni.irnitii.', t,v Dspvty Bberil Crawford, and In default of etoo hail, v.ns eemniltiBd la laiiii,,a Btreet Jail. look iso it, rn, UATOMTOM iii i p. c- n !i,i"..."s ,,f the Oem u and i -. .' ,?.),. a eonfe-renee yeeterday le dlaeaai ateani ,.f teeuring tba repeal af the resolution adopted ai . ??? ?, th" jt...ird et ':i.,i.'ia!i"i. to Uapanaa alta the Uboi Ba i.-.iu et Ca '" Gardea. n w?s urooA thai ll..isit!. e\-i.nici? a feea-tber, ihaBld i*r Br?eaily r..j.i.? ??! in attand Ibe raeeUng oa TuartrUr, when an effort alli lat mai" tn annul the bcUsb taksa en Mee Mayat Hewitt, whoa Baked reaterday a kathai bi favored nr opi-1 lae -moval .,r the Labor Barasi fruin l'a*rle Gardea *a:'l r'ia' ba |,',,|... i ., a'i.ii'1 lin li"?l BMCtlag ..f Hi*- l.iiiir-rarl,,!i i '..i-,? ,;-.?;.,,?,, .,?., ,,,, deavor t.. leara the details ef the gm ,i ti. i ba ri,ni i got \i...-sh an opinion. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ih ? i," ?'!?? lever i arii-i. A mari'lo.' pul a, strenpt snd vt ti.iii'siiii.t ii. s.- Mote ernni mleal than the '.ii. linda, ami ? allin,- be letd in eorapetltien ?iih iha muli ti nd of Inn Mali ibnrl et-lgbt alura oi 11.??-(.!. .'? (...,? hr*. Mil. only li. rank. ll") tl. ll A Ul.', if l'i. ll lil i. CO., li" Vt'?ll ku. N. V THE t8th ANNUAL STA TEMENT OF THE Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES, For the Year Ending December jr st, /SS/. Aiiot-aT op Lk.doeh Assets, January Int, 1887.$70,100,00.30 Income. Premiums.|1*t,115.r~t."l7 "ku-rat, Hunt*, etc. llg1,CJ73 ^2 TAAAtXRU ?*} pB\WAO%Jk Disbursements. Chlms tij* Tietth tal Mut tired Endowment*. fS.TIS.M.*) M liivlilenJi, Siirreiiil.-r VmIui'*, Annui'.lfii ind Dlscouiitctl Endowments ... 4,ll;i,ljtj4.?!l Total Paid Policy-holders.$ 10,062,509.81 MvMeadeaCaaHel. ".oonoo CearaUeeimM, Ail thrilling, TV?>t*.7f' and Kxrh&ngo. . BMtl JH7 ??'I General Kittens?*. St?U\ foul ty ai..I I irv T?iea .. . l,Tl7,?UT.ll I4.199.1M.13 Net Ledger Assets, December jr, iSSj.$79,297,955.46 Assets. Tinn-la ind Mortcrn-rit.$2S,r>l**,3rC.I8 Kial Entile, Including the Eqnltrihle Iliilldirij** and jaiirrhasei under mortgage* . . UAW.Ttl.R7 1 1 **t?tita si.n k*. stair ?atm-ks, c'lt.T Stock*, and nthi r Intrstmentl... 8h,M''.l*i.' HS Lobbs eetiued by Boade sad Moen < "Barbel Valaa, UUBJUUi. 6it7.ou<) 00 Ilea! Ratabi oaands tha State a>f >,'??? York, incliuling purchases under foriTlomire of mortgages. . C.'OO.l.M.Tl ruell in Hank* ?nd Trust ^ompjiiiie*, st Interr-nt ; and In transit (tinco received ead iaieated). . fAUYJRBM I)n." from AfMUBoaaasnaatef Premiume. lti^ f**o,W,(tta?).aJ8 Msrket value nf BtedtB Md linnd* over beek value. 2,3'.w.921.T9 Interest and lb 1- doe and arei led. nt,vi 'il rrniiii.iiita, dater rad and in trtmilt. IJRRRABt 00 Total Assets, December jr, iSSj.$84,3 78,904.85 I herr'iy ttwB/p, dat tfttt n ntr'onnf cr: m Ihi'Inn nf ire. ttcuritia and account* detcriled in thin ttakuiBt, IjtBd the tam' to be true nnd cornet at stall 1. JOON A. tfeCALl, Omftnller. Total Liabilities, including legal reserve on all ex? isting Policies (j per cent. Standard).$66,274,650.00 Total Undivided Surplus, over j% Reserve. 18,104,254.85 Of whirh the proportion eontrihr.tit. (a* enmpntcl) Itv poli ie> In genrrsl dees, i?. 16,911 (if whir li the proportion eotltribut.'il (aa eoinputeili hy ruinna iu 'loni hie ilium, i*..12,l*Jj,yl8.iXJ New Assurance written in iSSj.$ijS,02j,io^ Total Outstanding Assurance. 48^1,029,362 IF* certify lt, ^e rorr'ch.etn nf the abort rn ci -ition of Ihe' and turp'ui. From (hil MTV, U the u-tvut Uicidendt u-Ui Oe made. om. ir pb nura, .,,?-,.,, J. ft. I'al.V CloM, ) a***""' no Ann of m:: koto ns. iiFMtv n. iiviiK, ra?obi JAM).- W. ALEXANDER, ) 11 rmnrviT, ?' 'rn nT7r.n.Air>, othw A.?JTawaitT, etjoene killy, crarucsa tttvm, iriMiv a. ic in mr, j'.ns i' j.>nks, ora mu..irs levi r morton, henry a a a mil t-.n, J""*-' sloane, ww. n ki.*.,, .il, ,,, ,,,,,,.. ? STL.ARTl WM. A. WI ir. H.'at ii. r pa mm itv k. JJ ??"" .'? '*? ' ??' '. wiii.iamm hu**, HENRY LAV. & WIM.IAM-'.V. litB . hS") J<"*KI tl 1 LOW, at hartley, a w. rkgixTon, WM alexander ' r. Dbwitt cuylo, ll M AMIAMTR. r. W I.AMIiFI'.T, HORA"r* PORTEB, OLIVER (Mr*. Cl "A. n M I'EITIV, )| s, Tt'l-.rit'll CB iLF.XANIiER. BL'.ST.tfl i UTZ, CHARLES O. LAHPOn, Tl'""*** TOffCO, CEO DtF. I. DAV, 8. ll I'll.1.1.ll*. CoKNELIL'B >". HI.!-.*., Ra," I'THM** J. t, Ul * I.' vu.Lo, HENRI , M I ' I ? I r, ALANkON TBASK, J.allN .!. M.. .".*:, PARKER I'INDY. A. VAN BERllEft. E. bsit;Ui>l)I COLT, u. r. RAMi.iI.--II. IUWiRI) W. *a_OTT, ..Isl AV ai. lt,Ula. MISS < ni FIX'S QUEER I j MUS. AN INStVltY IXI'Kirr HI 'I.ITK* III* r< i\ S I LS ATI-)N wini Hin Aimrt K'.'rt.r: ti' t I- *?. A BberlfPa jury y - <i'Iny In line of tin* Supremo lui.' r..iain* ari ln\ e-t|;_'it ni In regard tn th." aile- .1 I - nit. of Ulna neiTlet Rllsaheth ' > ititi, wno la *t h nun ming in Jersey Qty. sk* waa in thia elly ye- cul.iv lur a slinrt Um*. End railed Bl Nu. l.'l Weet Tueiity *<?.' si., the lum t "t Nra ' nilli, un o ri friend ol thc Coffin family. After a Hhmt talk mi ii Mrs. Goold -lie neatened baeb to .ir-ev Qty. Mis. C.,ni i was Iii n,url bad BO Wee Mi*. M-xta < rifll i, ti.e mother of tho eecentiie young woman, hut f, cv w.'ie ntl Balled tn th'- wi i ness si mal. Dr. C). .M. ll murnini t ,1 Oed thal ba wae un expert In nervoua di rac-. Hr hi seen Hies Collin tan save ni <>..;. - a. *. "ii Janna**) ir, he . iii .I m tho Wlnclsiir Hotel Where In* mi- ier ti 'i -I-.-II r I ho H.un." of Mia. Hil II.||i1m) I ll- li NOI - tl Ililli III'! Ill III.* pilli' fl'i'll 11*30 J) ! . ll li. '_' a III. MthOUgh -I"' it)- tx.I a...|i wi I, hi Nh ni.,fiaii fi.-.iv, inn. revealing tn him i.-, i n i.i. . ,,. . h.. *..,.? ...i i hi ii tha Kvrl i '? le . Wli le oi Hi. st i.',. I,, i), ? |;, ?|.,,, -j |, ,v , n ami i-l-.-u i.-i.'. h -I motin In h. li i: j.--, ni ?- anal remarks in her, ami i ut hVlwtn li.i. h : il done the sam,'. Rhe itertat*f*d ?h t ji i> e iii rin' -it-., i ti i -n pointed ai bar ami aal.l I, st -le wi- a bad wiiinun. r.e.-1 .. mu h ex...I while making these s'u'e. ments. Fl nail -'ie n-i-.e I tn pi wm, the dnrtor the text i. oi'Til'i in the private a*\liiin ..f Dr. Per* rai in King Sing in when I ?? i aile , ah< h ad ii hart ed ami he hil mit -ea., i i sm.,) iha heeling wae adjourned io 4 p. m. tn 'lay. PROMPT BBI'.IMF TOM 1 OBSTTTUTB FAMILY. Tha <?.!*?? nf Mrs Uughee, th'' i.? wldna dring of eaari*uni|irinn, nt N Ililli av. an I < Hu" imi.'tr. .| .'in!- thlrtl i". -t.. il.- ri!., al In WV In. -lily-* TBIBCBB, nn't with i ? pt and heart; relief from Tbibunb rBarters, a !.. .-.. a- Sent nf ur "'I y Ima !..?, li i , lil l .lal! ? 1 hy Yirmn-I ? *aaelent te keep itu" family eomfertable lei ?nm.* timi', a penlee >.f the Boaey, reen ab i.. m ?i* i v in, it..-1-. --. baa been aenl t" bira lin..'..-, im! tie r. ii,ni.i i.-r bee been placed la Ihe banda af Hie New.York Association fi.r Improving the Condition al tba Poor, ia. be applied t>. the future net i* af Mr*. Uugbea and bar ebllJren. The Aeeoelatlon baa *eat ene nf lie visitor* tn iee ti..'m. haa provided theta willi lead, tu, i uni clothing, anl baa a-,, furnished able medical air. ii iain'? fur Mra Bag-bee mil the lame buy, will bbb lb ?' th : de e..' -'i". r in the tatura. i ?? ibm -. which iiaw ii"i prevtoutdy l.a ,.a* Iged. Lave I..mi received a- followa! A. X. 1'.. eg! Mra c. M. I>. 1*9; T. N. RR; A. ll. H.. Ml Pf. II. C.. ?>..: I*. H : <). Il fl ; - I'.'.)." "fl ; J- T. s-.., $10; K., Mi "A fri. ml.'* cl: " IB" I te," tb; ll. A. I... i! .ii, Canada, $10; "Smnpetby,** Hi "A Barlea* it..." pt; c. a. M., t-l; eletk* In the Home Insurance a.I*,' ", ?1 :'i (1.1 , "mi" of 'lill. TBIBCXI i.-.el rs." ij-l ; "In m.m..,ry nf Tommj & I'.' ti; ? < Bab.** gi; ?'? H. H.. BS; J. ii M. ab; B. sx. k, aS; " ABonymoaB," el, " Maili.'l!.., ' li P.AHCiilXS TB " r Ml AIMED" BOOBS Tim asia nf " nnelalmed and BhandonecT i*..'a<is gt thc Pt li ,- st. ra wa* finished at lb i liar-' OSes i estardaj "? th iel Hiing et uh ant (8.400 pt the Governmeni Treasury. An e gr i\ luff upi n Ivoi | of Wn-h. ugton, kittani i ii il inc i M-|iiuri.. wh.,!i antedate* ina. celebrated portrait bj stuart, vu* Bperaleed bi a reine ef e.>- 50, bal a Mr. Mm (ta wu* ide inn. i.a-- r ut eil. lt w<is consigned u> General ai Ces apia who tald y- aterday 1 u mi thai i UiiD'v aijnnt the engravlBg I* a let?> i thal i received bobb. time an'i fruin the amst. ir *.ii.t thal ha bad t k n ile ui)";;i ta. lead h u> tm, beertag thai i w n'..i -'eli an aug being ob Ivory ol iVaabJogton, sud if i wm 11 il bi '?? ? ol i foi h'u. bc ameld allow bb i eon mla *!? n. a* i .im aot in the romatiiBloa boslneea I paid bo fnrttier at entlon t ? th ? matter,' rjOlf TO ti li IE a sisnAl-sciioor, nri.-nrs. Mrs. \. I, ]"., vn. 1 I., pre-l lent of tim l.a.'ll."' Aids eletj af the I'i-t Preabyie*lan Church, Mount Vernon, baa eaa> reived a navel methii I af ? reeling . Ben lar-echool I'm -1. Bbs procured ene iiumirei bbb iv-iini. ? and gave aaa le ea I af the Bunda] tehool acholara with the Miggeetlon that th<ii -ii'.uM be mt.-lui in a'.T thal wonld prednee a guli), iiii'l thal BB BBB) I tiiislin i- tha ri ruriis sliulild bo i, 11, The mu ?? tlon baa al aadj began t" aban u* ba bbb pennies fer u premium, ?asking candy, kulttlng, Bne needle **..rk. palatlng in nil ;, i , ., .md items f..r bow leapers hj the ehUdr.... I I .SEPAL OF I.I/71F. MKLRKT. Bering baa roty Utile Ur rle Kelsey had been kneen* la Ihe theatrical prof.ieloa af reeeat yeera, it | wu* a raili.*- r< maila .ih" proof Bf the kind Measly In r, hil ii ,,; I fi lends bel i bei thal *<. man] actor* end a. treleea si,, ul 1 ta., bean p?*eeal al the fun- ii -?? ley at the Utile ' i.ui ti Amend ths Cotrasr. Dr. Haeghtea read tbe strti"-, end there va- s,,n?, excellent tlnglag, Harriet. Kelsey, Ibe "I In M*t.'i i.f li, gt , | BCtl -*. was present She I* bersetf in delicate bealla, and fainted during ti"' *i'. ina. i.ut I iel sled .rn galag to Ihe eeawtery. Ai'i'.ni- tboae io* Veraoa, Amy Um, Louise .Mi.iiijK'i-. "'Imii" I' ami wir... .I.ui,.-s Meads, Kaw. .'tl Rowe, J.i.i. Vincent, i.a.uis Aiiriih, i barlee Rice, " Bea" Bab. r. J ..? i.i. il. Tooker, Mr and Mra tlarry Walbina, T. Mst.ii Brawn, Louis Uarrisoa, "J..sir Hart and ai. Web.l- li"- " i'..'*' i-uml" ked ahure- (af the fum'ial. the Lu. ia! br-drag In lt* plot iii I ..rn "fr. rim Came. t. ry, Man] ftsral ofcringi mated un the Beana, KO Kl rOS colic, ci ?" OBI TOIA llox. Protease! Joesph ll Otlmona, af tin. Unlvet Rm h'-t-'i. lectured leal Bight before the Laas*tu**-B Club at Cola . aa "Otu Ulaglaaea ta Dtetl.irisa.** li" Baa i i wily Introduced by i)r. Robert Callyer, win. mali, i /. w r-ri.aili* ,,u t|?, ItaumtlBniW nf Hut w.,rk that tha Lei ? ? lab la dolag. The teetarat laid do?ra rul'.? for the |.rum.un.-I iii,,i, ,,f Bards arkara ii-,ik'.. ali.,ns a iii.i..'. i ir-t. prefei thal pronanchtUaa which rm.foi mt tn ; second, ehoose IbBI whlih I* n?,.t _..i.-ii,I., ia th.i sar; third, study tbs rhythm ..f mntenoae BBd Hist will, li in BMBl lim mal. "i inmsiiti i4?iii.i .nm wt.- treailae." <n v. Trlbnae "Yee aagt.l i-> *rii IOiilOvii ? Ibam, i_ a lin,* gd Hnirn ?: Ihe Tl.* iili.'i! IN IU I.M l"N I" AUK AM) ACTIVITY. lill' I it) kii Hoary n.ipsoa, f. u. t. s I'loUi, a ' i i 4 i j,,, pul, s,.li; ,,? ,,??,,? ?f ,,rl, e hy the ^m, .li..rn i ' I i . A 111 lt.., ll?iiali, kiata SMALL SCI ELY OP PISH AM) LOGS. Strict observers of Lenten diet sro not at.undnnMy .ilpili l this n....ii, not likely to be until tbe aa uileratea, Egga are sun Quoted at thlrty-tbrae eenie ?er do/, n. rettlt foi fresh, With an Mp'..anl turn nf Hie narket on 'eHnnga. Common fresh Bab aro marin i sw, tn ly because dealera ur,, wllllnf lo ""ll at at>i.nt her thea rl-k a braaklng up ef regular ca alema ro ,y allow in,' them 10 *l'"ii urminil A good si'fti (eel I -n ai 'ia, perhaps twenty snti*i. la* riii?, eal arrival* I along so thut 'any daalere eetaln fell reo,alre North Caretlne *inil are worth al>ty rent* for inn-ha mi -l fur me, sBch; Canadian rroren amita, 8 per '.nil and Maine green tn. tr* 15; halibut, I8SS0; yel aw perch, IO; white parch, 15; sela lf*aTtl; atrtpad .un ia**, 20, and bolling si/4 go; bed, live, 9; Nova Scotia berring, '!; loundnra, B; rroren ntacheiei, le*: prawns, (0 and SO rente pei gnarl*. Bhell ti*h am min-u itiv ataree, BCBitope betaf cn ?.-n's per gnarl 0}**tei men an: Borne what epprehea ?i.. .ii-ui tho hulling mu of their Nock, which baa h ip.jiy a 'iiiin ii rhu i baon. Supplies are ? iw when ce Interferes with the tunga Virginia, of eon res, esndi ir theta, bat a,i available gathering I* nea-1, i tn sold ?eather?prieee rance at 7"i ta gS per 106, extras gg go. Caipitnhia River eeatied Bthaea t* finite plantlfBl st io vents pei caa; Aia-ka *..rt*. ld; Nova gee tie amok I Btmon, 00 coate par paend; f.ngllsb aprata, io eenta "ter bunch) Engllah bleatera uni kippered herring are a p.-r pound: lil. ' mackerel, S irVnole deep-eee Oeaigee suit ead ts ead packi I : lo. To pru,D tito oi' ima v in pi 1ST OBUMOBBS T'ie K. v. Dr. J. F. Bidet pi -I lei ur a ape'lui meeting af the RsptlM City Mlselon which waa bstd ut tba i'm hiv ihini Street Ha:"-t Chan h ia*t night The 'pi. .ai object ender dlacaaaloa wai* the bun ling of two .."man Baptlet eharehea in thia etty. Addie eeoc were i i- by the Rev. Dr. Joh') lliiriipM.'ne. of tho Ininti.-I Saptlet C'hnrt-h. In llrooklyn, ami prealdent, of the 1'lninli [ \'.-'si,,,i Boelety; by the Kev. I)r. it. s. MeArthur, bad he K.v. i.. a. Crandall, of the Calvary and Twenty-third Baptiat eharehea Contlderable enthualaera ares ii.u-a-i iii't tn the two (l'iman Baptist eharehea, md every tltort will ba mada to raise lbs BBeaaanry lurid*. Aiinounieint-Dl*. Ttptv.-iro of a Irritation of tho throe-. Hr.i'iri ill'i i ii no Drill ri/j i.a mini) relief, boil al li.a eau val oal isiirji 1 alt ll I 11 (.' "iVri-R?Its Ci'i.e. Vere lolerentingpin.alilsC Iraa, Mt. Ki! a iso, l.'i W'eslt'aM-ata. .tow.York. Ui.MiT A. I",m'i.-., M. D., am Wm i.' P!api*e?*f ttl* **r?rTii|t -rina ' rtiito-ftt-iry Organs. Iniiioienc* ami sterility "lours? ri is Vt, ? le H. " ROCOH ON H \T* ** for ni'-). ttliiT, blt .**". l.JC. " lui a.M .in c \ I'tiiuii.' Only itieointe eera 5-'e. ?* I'.til'OH UH l-'OB a." Ilui'il or tot tsrn*. 16c "*KolDH OM louliliCllR." l**t.tst tolief. 15a - ?. "To Mot m. rv' Mr.*. wiis'iaw* eooTdita tr tor. *r OMI tree. r**'bi*?. MtlfBl the lim, realdoe* mi t < n ttl in. sll tri .ill pm, cure* .Tin! colic na I Hut mi Ttrsaii' lits costa * ll tttl ?. Spring Wraps and Jerseys. We are showing very hand? some and choice styles of Wraps, Raglans and Jackets for Early Spring Wear, also a line of Paris Jerseys that are very unique. Lord& Tn vlor, Broadway & Twentieth St. Oar A.VMJIL SAL!*: ot broken line and shop-soiled shoes furnishes GENUINE BARGAINS IN AIL DKI'AliTMlNlN A. ALEXANDER, uth-ttve. and SSd-tt. N. V. SPECIAL -MENTION, _4rerHeaaaea!ta a-elaalitael latta the.* es lama* are rearaeaa.Bt**?*aJ ????**" rtmdoro ml Tll? T Kit. Ct? hr -MBe. with the ?rlearllesee tri t'i jerlael ea'elf E. ULT. AntlionytWo "Wi BllOAD"VA V. B. T.. piiiitoi;kai'iii(' Ul lr I i'"*. ?tATtiM'l. 1 tMCTtt. CATALOCIt:F. FIlKK. U en in ni rnhnaa '?iiout: t \ E.i I "iKIt" r-i'n- ll'tirkeri ,1'iitari, leo ?lilli- aal'll, lal B IBS ts! YiHtih* tl.s AIhi at a nr ^^^^^^^ llltsllft A rampiete BTmotmon*. rake* cp lim Si* laehB*?*ln_r#"2J*. rnnril' ?OtBBt**lB? SSW. tntttf ,.?., '.inf.lil", r.iprehBBBIBB, liV*. ?fn I for "iril <r ac hod tatt fob pirytii'At JV" VOCAL VVIXCBK" j? K i?t I d'' tlrsH an.t 11 ' Fifth Ari-nns, **?' V. ''"r Vrot i) I., i"''Viv William Blaikla. iBthftr nt "Haw ri Ciel Bttrwi c" -ara nf lt I rAvnr HT t>t!>t*T ' 11**1 half se watt." _ M.pUiM f*? tnt.TOV--T.. ft. T. Tlis le*', pltr" FINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ARTISTIC' jr.WKI.ItY, F.nsrll'li ?illr-riTBrs. stn. Biles! WUBtA Wurt at 40 o*. RepalilBB *????'?? Watchee m lapeciatllT MEMORY. Wiinilv iinllkta arUtl.-iBl *T? tsaia nnrr ?t B*la.l.araansr. in . im ii ? >fe a an.ol iu aaa rraUi'. l'lO-pt". ms. * tn ap lunn* ol Wart] 1 teal... tir. I* ari ar, lion* w tv Astor, .lu lull I' HeninBin. *l'r. Brawn. *<? v.l-'rm.tria li. Ill'll'lt ml I'H'.r* ai'll! istt ,,re. .1 aaa a.,I | IMTJ .'?ll lui Lair Blurt* .!?. ta*e rlssaaa ?t 1 a ri)'''. USO 'l Otter. Un ? elle ?. 100 ai Wrelleelef i ,ii ,. -a- 4 ii si I'in*-, rai al Pro nar lr ml', ib I hrff laren rlSBBS* U < ll tllt.lU'l il-t fill earettr __., Prat. LOIS! TTE, ?a'.'i? rtflh ir,.., Meat Vu'!-. gr* Tancy ANDLES. HJOSWajKE OR DRIPPING POBERT LFFFERTS >f\ 1 ? / mun mu Dui. nail In 'nt tioif" Brill ron. I rr- Hil alinpii.-r His" I ?ell alerllBB ti * er Wfi.ilne 11.? ul* io i ei imi is,..?t Bra niel t ' "" ""' '"'?', nar.'* iwane 'v TltfBar, '? "*? ti in tl Lit r.r. K ,r. amt t>ih rt., iiin-ii ?? '?-? iBltf i'll"- 1. M Iii mi I'.uffl'iV ll lin* Ol). 1)01 Iii e'ruant D' * l B*B* J. H. JOHNSTON, 150 Uowt-i-y, C or. Ulooma. IS SHOULD ask' FOR limit.i nlX tr .itn-ons*;'* BPI 11.1 riv ft is KO ri: SILK. 'I Ina a 'Kin mi. I.ll' .liol ir lac. a . i null ;. "A* il 111., ' lt r*y l.'ia.i'l of ita l?" mi ii ?ofi leann e*nar all' .'tu i iii. f r in.a'nelli.' eal. ,111,. I .alola 11 [ -O . 1,11 ItlS Ui- if i lill !? a net* la BBB 4t;*l Lieailwitv, Sf. V. Laraae" %?"???????? m. i.' **" ?<'*? -imi l.t.ttia.1 frier*. John Moora. 8,1 .Ti? A SS Unrren-*.. BOYNTON FURNACES RANGES ilrit-r'i** "fit* ute t.anuliii'iiirnJ ??* boynton tol-Ml )?> 107 AMI aaOfl H t FBE*mB\ M. lt ? I H.. lt.. ?M liltO A ll lt AV. fUttmAimprmt* ?i?l.-nf Ar. lilia I l'i. inii*.|i|i i rt lu inn-, linn H iol? ric, .-n' . < ll* ll I at a nu .mo. mri!, lin', linn nt|.r.|. D. T. AMES, IMM lii-o\..'.v .*,. FURNACES RANGES. BEST IS IMF. MAKK-TB **aBll?,'l). ' ?.. I .!)'.r..l)lrsj. MAaN LIA) I UK Kl' BY ?*'. n. iititvKY & ra Ks. Hi it ll.oi.awa*>. Jt. \. - 1 Ol lt (LD? UNEXCELLED. Kaindi!'.',)"! 1 *- "..i J. LHACH. Stationer. Printer, BLANK COOK Mfg, ?Ml Nt?v\l a-T.. Nfsnlir1, AeaertOM nnt Bbcibb Ba. k Martee soi haas, ail the rear. Bpeetai Hu aA itttmva*. Beete ;..i,, : ,'iort nail e ) HAVE YOU A BOY? 1 lill! a ?? "IU I" Villi TU fl.If ita .,... ?., ,, ,. ii,. a ii -ur ai-1 i! it; Hi.- rt:hi line nd w il .iirelv tail .f ii. Hi,- sr ., t par* ni M., l r, i . tr li 'i* gnni if niii. r-t.Mi' ni ' r eVI* ii tttnt. 1>i> lim ir ? tia at t'i.- ?rent, lt ii. 'V rn ii ,, ti. Kalin af*, 'i iii |. sol a, Hut. A piiraaslo**t. si ' h rt mil ttlaM Wini a ia.-al Uti nilli. r.a ,l.t, iv I'ltVli; t Se \\ 1.1.1.-. t I).. TT . li tl' IV. Hl-ZrJ m mmm mn Crouch & Fitzgerald ItVli-tlili' 1'Mt it kt :ni(l I Iii ?.*?.. 1 tUB 'ifti-ne i,C. Ht on .Itt nt. N. *i. J.S. CON JV it\ScZ J., ? annfi.-riu-i-r* - AIM lallu OPES I li.Ll PUCW aa.) Parlor 'Iriist, HAS I'KI.S tri Wno... ta^ls i'll t.'V.* Or' llLbiA. BB AllOW '-53l)-sr.. M.W ti).IK SMI-CENTENNIAL ISSUE THE ALMANAC FOR 1333 18 NOW BRADY: PKIOh* TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A COPY; ?n - ta ai full tt ever if i'ulUM*!. atatirla'.iri eat tc. pUnstajry tlita relating tu Ills POLITICAL LIFE at th* rnitsn Bitts*. Tfii* Almerna, tlrtt ?r*rte I br ntreat Cl. nee,, bu 1 B trori na witton lie iiiiltaii j: Jil 1**. st t'i-:.. jj cars. i* still tlis STANOARD TEXT BOOK ot ths Any. It c laulat eUt>orate ititiiiiirt at lit ELECTIONS OF 1887 hr **t?tia* sn! caa nina, ooti ,ir?t wiia mymttmu r*art faal lu th*a-atianf .-a v .1 a .. i .fea* Jerte/or t .thi) ?a ?? stjirrax-i ot ninth a lae IMPORTANT LAWS OF CONGRESS of t*i? patt rear, tnol'iliae t*i* Air nuil'iral ronTiot Ut ? ir. 'Father*/, aol lu lise leiiaui ecai <?*?? Utm tum I o I ?>?'?? hill, the t're.iteiuitl Kie.niii.1 ntl i >* BU et l?ri4ai*s aaiberue.1, sic, eie, ste. ABM us at iiio tl URtR PLATFORMS OF 1887 In tits tllffsr.iil elitist, inf i,r >.1a iUsb ?C ?si I sn! tl! rte IB U.? U. H. au4 HM auria st Isr-js, uffiirii sUtlef eil Hst lemliss Alto ell tl*.* "Mar, Plin?.?ry, Tl .le, asi ether Aitrnantaiec*. tlatiilioe winert cou.iiistes flrsi-oises Oslss ls. .if \usysnk, (?? i lu nil part* at tu* Catie 1 Hists*. THE KEW-1'OKK TRIIIl'XR. bNbW TUE TRIBUNE, New-York.