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LEGISLATION FOIl TKl'STS, A CHANCE FOR A TALBXTKD LAW.MAKEK WHAT TIIK BBMAYB C'.-MMI1TKK'8 IXVKSTIOATION 18 Tiioroitr to iiavk accomplish*'H. Oalaari Oaaifi Miss wu.s aslaeil ty a Tr. mrs k rcpctte, ye*:ei<!ay if ka ^* piv pared to express Ms eammj ?>n tho rc.islm ol -?? BmaM laaartlgaMa-" Bo ima nenau. QmBBBBmmB M 0?WU U*. He poudcivd a while and ilc-n replied: "1 think that Thk InUOT ls right In Maying 1Ut (!?? committee have accomplish., a great deal, bc r*a--s? ahoy ham tamma t_i.* wkatt matter Braal the rcnlm of rumor and Nfart and have bi ought lt Into tbe ic-alm of ascertained facts; but 1 Millik -HE Thiiusk ls wrong In B?W?ltBnj that sny disagreement between Ihe ,-nnnrilOeo ami I heir con rn-el has hail any effect In limiting tlc* anio..nt of l.nowledgo aequli-rid. On the cito.i.y, whatever disagreement there was led rather to more can- In bringing ont information than :o tho iiippifssio i of il. And, In fart, there wrns Jtllo mmmmBBBbmBBB either between counsel or counsel ind emmtitre, or betwee i. mo m. be rs nf Ihe committee. mtii-li less thati might br inferred fioni '.omi- of tho rei>o."H. "Of C-iuire. (he committc* did not investigate, all nf ibo HiiMs, ur an-, I Liiii* Ma all, nor did they get to Ihe bot lt. ;n of any of the tnisls In the senso cf bring? ing ont III the details <,f their past actions. Tlicro cps no Hine tc. do th!* oven had the commute* b?en M disposed. But the theory Ol Which the committee proceeded ?*m lo look Into carn trust so far ss to toe tho prlrveip'es af ttl organl/.ation, as found In the Instru? ment creating lt, and Its practical working, ai shown tv li* operations. This wes all that v,ai necessary at BWBB I't-.p-r lo recjult-o to enable the ronimlttec to tatar, what, if any. legislation upou tho subjeet of tr.i.tfl wits neces-aty. A DUI'K III MA f Tr* lt TO DRAW THK MVP. "There waa a constant Inducement to go further than 1MB, and to get al mutters whirl, ically came w-iihin tia-- aaeaa al jrivate haalnaafl. nf Beaten, tba eaauatttae AM aai pst al aaatpthlaf whtoi araald have beaa de Irabla in ali the ousts to thro* light upon tha n('."ss:ty ,if le .i-i ii I lon, but they got at enough wttn evey one ot them ta show thal there ought io be some legislation. When th-, oll'ucis of iho trusts batty produced their a.'t.cuicnts ai.l answi-trd read? ily as to their Bperattaaa, it iran n?i aaeflaeary la loiiiiw iimm up w.iii th' Baaae pe i leal ernM-ax ainlnailoQ a. when they UflMtaak lo withhold in ftu nial ion. "To the surprise (af e-ciy one ihe f-tardard Oil Tr list, which wits ii-*ervcd wllh Iho ex part-lion that lhere viiau'.il lae a prolonged fight Nt it li then, Cairn forward, produced th'-lr agreement, which had alv.ass I icvloiisly l,'"en kept a profound sec -et, and gave full si-ten.fuiv. of course, these Blatnmcn'.s were one, i . in a BBeaaara, and ptcacalcd tho vtoaj Beal toearaMa to oj* oust, hat lt wai so clear thal aa Bach ilaltmciits thfl caye, war made out for tinnc I' i-Uinia in much lesa time upon tho examination Bf thal Oust than ha/1 Inn lippMed nen marj. <',i ihe other hand, tha sugar trust paapao panrtteBtly Bo:.ghi to avoid giving InfoimaMon. It tnoh, thru lore. more Hine a Kath more aggressive ?-?.stein nf '?ross-exaiimi.itlon. Bat as a result, wc finally got at all aavaaaary details, though li thc cornmlttoo had had more time 1, personally, should have betn glad lo follow uji Hu- oj ri .itioiis of that Oust a little mo;>-, partlealarty la IM effect la lm.r.ii.g oom petition for crude sugar in this mi) Dtppcuurt ci.i-8 ? ur* raoan. "it iin'iiM i** nate, that t!.o eoatBBlttea las-itl fated two widely dlir-reiit of coinbliiiitioiis. One class of t atiihliiat'oii ri Hie trusts, Strictly spcaH itig. In thus, tho prisons aagapcd la ha iiaPss for tho parpeaa ot ytavaatlap eeaiaatltlan, regulating piie.,_, maanaililaa, the conduct al bananas* umi in? creasing their cwn profits lrs_t_sf<*t llnii property and Its absolute control to Certain trustees. V hen this ls leland in kp ali those aatmoi la a part lea lat baBlaeM, lt seems la secure absolutely to Ihe ttaal it- central, If not Ita monopoly, and just In proportlun as tho parties engagetl In Ihe business into sud, a Oust In that propoitli-n do they Becura abBalatC control In Ihe iiihiI.iI. These tru-ts havo all tho powers with nor.? of the limitations of corporations; their dura Hon noed i.ot bc luniwtl; they aro .ul.ject tn no sii'er vlslon ; th")' atc a new creation, to Which legislation must bo adspte'l. lt v;ould hardly be wiso to forbid their cxlsto_ee, but lt cannot be denied that thi*> nay perform--!in-y have pwlQNMd lo 8ome Oiicnt a bene? ficial fun.'le ll. "Thi. ls partlculaily true to tar a* r>-lat>*s |(, hi;, r-tate of Ncw-Voilt. Pat some ot thl Ousts here have brought to this state all thc capital and the aaaaatary advantages dmlvcd hCBI the practical concentration of a business hero which otherwise would bo statteied over ihe whole conutry. Talie, for iitstanee, the cot? ton seed ell trust. Apart fri m the possible objection to ho found In speculative dealings lu Its eettlflcatCB. lt has como herc, established Its office hore, bargains for tho salo of us pu,duels heie, while noni) of Its mau ufa* tining op'iratlons are carried on w.thln many hundreds of mile, of this .-.tate. It ll,us btn>i> la UM Mate a business which under any other ByatCIB could hardly come hore. NOT AN IINMIXI'D EVIL. "Tho MaaaaN OQ Tml eertalrdy hat brougld about a largo reduction hi tho pt loo of relined pe tioleum, or at any rate thia ha.s accompanied the serrations il tho trust. U'it Hs CaW-BWH aggrega, tion of nearly 1100,000,000 t iplta). eaatroUed I;, 'lino men siting with all thc Immunities of a cot), ra lion without the Illulia'lon. of a corporation, ought to bo brought under the control of statute law. "Just What thal law should BB ls a po.'lil upon whit h Ihe wisest Individuals may all differ, and upon whuh, without any knowledge upon Um (abject, I pttBUUBB Hie menilacis of the commlHiva will dllfor. Il ls un (oiOrnate that tho %BCiMai comes up Just befoi*o a cbs Hun ls to bo hold, for lt OlTots In luccmonis to dcmagoglsm, wliich tie human nature of ill legislator? will, 1 fear, not bo of the hind to ro? ust. Indeed, there sro not wanting Irttilralloii- that thorn ls au attempt to convert Iho question Into one out of which political capital ls to bo m.>do, and there may be men la both parties who Will l>e foolish enough to enter Into a race la sec which shall go Ibe furlb'ist on that "Tho oilier clafS of combination'* an simply cws a*boro porsons engaged lu ono class of businrs- inter Hilo contracts ni.orig theni.s.'lvc. inicndod to control production, limit comi-otition and laCfCMC pilcc. This sort of combination is oid, and aipinInane hus usually show u that, no matter bow Itwgty ixaople ace bound upon paper, such Combinations aie not in fact MM er ?HM LKOIS'.ATItiN IS NRKDIiD. "Romeo! those Investigated by thc MN?_UttCC aro nt --i.. ta a nature that lt BaCBU that thee should bo some legislation on the Hiib.'.ct, though lt ls d Uh ult to frsme any. Take, for installer, the (rea stone <-t.r-.i blnation, tn which lt ?pnjMaai that suLstantl.illy ill tho owners of fia-e stoac b.avo made an aKioeiuent wllh tho klaater i_toni-e;ittciV As?ociailuu lu this city that H-ey will icu no stoue to any one lu this city except to i-s ot ihal association, while ibu association agrees to buy ol no one bul th-rn; yet tho -Master hi.11ie< i.lteiV Association ls, to say tho IcmSt, unwill? ing lu admit new members, and requires any now mcnilier to j ay .f '.no admisMou. Of course, ibis tends to piovom any active young inechaiiH' nbc iaslrCC lo go into the l.ii.slriess, but who hat not tjto-XJ capital to ? pare for a penult to engage iu bii-liitss. fi .nu rsiuli Hshliitf hiinsiif, and Keeps him la a subordinate ja, .si tlou all han Hie. Path ihlapi ought ucl to be. 'ihe Lrglslatuie ought lo stop it. ".--nil, jon aili see thc dlfllciilty In framing legisla? tion when you come to retied i hat ll you say no pe, son* shall comillie among Ih.-ins'lves to limit the production ol any article or to control Hs sale, >ou practically prevent the bu-iuess of an oidlnaiy put aerabJp olios'' Bteahcn nuvl dariba how much mtoaB they will in a ii u fa. lure In a given year or at what they i-'ii sell ibo man who can draw an efficient act walch JBBflfCB honest anti pralBBWOrthy trsde fi*o to puiBMB Ba Coarse and shall af the same time provr.ut a combination Bach as the stonecutters' Combination, can tind uow abundaul room to eser alae his talents." WHY IHE SA Fl YA 'lt IS IS ACTIVE. Thor? ls a good deal of criticism at tho Navy Yard that ao little progress is being made with tho new 6,000 ton armorel vessel, io be know ii as tho Maine. Tho lines of tho latter have ben laid off | In the mould loft at tho Navy Yard, tho keel bloc hs and platforms have boen placed for building bat, the machine .hop and stine i,o,i?o aro marly com plct. tl. a low moulds are b* lug made, i.nd the tool. for doing thc work havo been contracted for. Hut there !b ? MtlBfl delay in beglnnnn; the work and ll-!, ts said to lae due lo laxity al tho Navy ixv partnii-ut, and with the evldeiii um-puke to make it an j?t, i,y be ginni na the work and puttlna on a la.Ke l<,rce ot Ulrll j?st u-Uini election. Tlie advei'tlsements for Ih. maa him rv were put Into thaine several weeks ago but they ara languishing lu nuahiigiuii waltina |h ihe bectctaiy'a approval. TBE " TICKER" DECIRIOS SOT YET REORIYED. Offleers of the Stock Kxchanne ssld yeaterday Uist th?y hid uut, rscclved the decision of thc General 'ia-rm of the kupreaas Court In Ute ? licker" eaae and e<>na<-'l<i.-i,'iy could eet Indicate the course Hui would be purni. 1 becrctsry l.ij. ?xpre??ed tlie opinion that the deel?lon waa aol so unfsvorsble as it appeared oo the tire of lbs pub? lished rspaaits, and to Ue suggcsUori Hist the -'lchinge bad the rights at sny rate io end the contracts with both the Gold and Hunk and Commercial Telegraph companies, he replied that that right could hardly be taken awty. ?Patti the full lei* td the deciflion had been received,.how- | ever, ll waa neelees W speculate ibout Ute iction of thc hilo.- lvxchsnse. -m THE PREACHER AT THE DANCE. G-UK VOL'8 CONSKQUP.NCKS OK THK RKl'NION OF T?E 9VBBA /-PTA 1.ITKHAUY ISOCIa-'TY. Aunt kt I'.iKK, N J., March 3.-The permanent resi? dents of Albury Path and Ocean Grove are excitedly discussing thc recent reunion of the Mg-na Zeta lltetiity Holey, which was held in tbe parlors of the West I.n.l Hotel at A-dr-ry-ave. and Kingsley flt Tro fo-umr William I). Ireland, thc rJuperliiteiidont of Public Instruct!.)!) of thia solitml dtstrlct, taok an Batlow part In tiie ofliiir, Hi" mmfBBt mata Hoe|i-ty being composed of tho puplla and m i ilusu--. of the High School. The I'rofossor ls also tho Bupcriiiteu.lcut of tlio Sunday-school of tho VUal Methodist Bptaaepal Ohatah of Asbury Park, of which; the Her. I), lt. Hillock ls thc pastor. Mr. Fell .ck was on. of 1 ha invited guests at tho reunion. Ile asked the Divine blessing at tue table and also responded to the toast of "Our Host and Hostess.'' "Tue Hhoie Press " pubu.',[,?,1 n (01 account of the adair, tbe article cont tiniiiK this p.iragnph: Tho till,les were removed soon after nnd Professor Woitinai"s orchestra struck ap ?" lancers." This was thc algiiiil for tho real fun of tho evening, and for nearly four ho tr* tn. y-uiiK folks with a ice exceptions Hu.- idc-l the of the danoo with happy faces. The publication of tbe article raise 1 a decliled brceto "The Ocean Otarra P.ocotd," wilted by tue Ker. Dr. Adam Wallace, a retiral Methodist clergyman, pub lishe.! acointnuniC-tlDii signed" A Parent," In which the Kev. Mr. (-chock and Professor Ireland were strongly condemned for adM-M-lag the reunion. Tho wntor asUs if Paaiat Boheoh ami PtilaaaBt lialaad wecwaaaeag those who tlid not tiiso part In Hie daiicim,'- ' Il would bs a c si'.'ltt," eays tUe writer, ?* to see'a Methodist preacher and ex pi\_-hlln_ el b-r Joinliu with the super* inletnlent of bis H.ui la/-school in the iii.uesof tho .1 nee. Wo do not suppose that either of them did Oils, at least wo hope they did not; but the ilistiii>*tlou be? tween dammi< themselves aud giving their proseuco and appian il Of the flaacc is very slight Indeed. ' You might as well cat the devil as to di ink his broth.' " Tito writer then quotes from tho Discipline of tho Methodist Epiaajpal Okatah tue lines condemning aa " itu t'Hi; cou Iud'' "dancing, alton Hug dancing paitics, bona races," ete, Tho article decca with a strong protest against, Professor '.Ireland's connection with tha affair, and says: " We send our children lu t;io BChOOlal Which lie has cliar.'c that their lutcliect- tn,ty bc trained an.l nm their heels." The pabltoattaa af ? A Parent's" letter nos followed by one entitled " Tlie Ol 1 a'atns," and al-'ned " A Crank.'1 Tnis was p.ihlishcd in " Tue New-Jersey Tribune,' a Pro biltiliotiist journal here clited by tbe Kev. Hiram II. 0] tlvke, nuat'.ier IfatBO iist inlnls.or. In refelling to tho rc,inion ol Nf BU Zetas ? A Oran!- " eays: The Invitations were Inned by a clenrvmnti and ths oacaalaa was graced uv tha daughter of aaeteer, .ts wall aa tba toa ol tull Boothera while his father was preeent to eantrlbnta to tba interest af Um ecaaaloa as wall as io witness thi llanelli.' in which lil* son wns engaged, and Which We !.:rn noni one of our local pupers waa the ?? real fnn el the en nins," aad whs continued for nc.irlv four hears; mid to thia lae fact thai another otergvaiaa meant ly gare coantaaancc to it ball by hie preaeaee, l lu- writer- i Lim tii_t bia conduct is " a dell.mee of tiie i elis oi tlie ('lunch," i.n.i Hint ?" i lirloffaUM eomlug here irom otiur puns of tba caaatrTbBTcoipttsaeatheil surprise i;t thc laxity of processors hare." Tuc feeling cause I by tie public,itlin ot the two Ib rory Ritter, The lanibaTaaf tb. literary Society alroagly denounce all peraoaB who atc in favor af upholding ibe ru ii af the Methodist Church. a nu meer nf then arc members of thc Rot. Mr. Behm _ ? oliurcb. They threaten to withdraw fara the fold. A number cu aerlmoulous tjuarreH bare beaneauaedby louie,! discussions of tho uut alien. ihe Lev. Mr Bi ii o t. wbe is tl <? pastor of H. Paul's Methodist ICpla copal linnell in Ocean OroTC. wrote to Hie Kev. W. M. Hoflett, Hie presiding elder of this district, that he la tended to prelei charges Beilul tbe Ker. Mr. .chock. The elli r replied lo the eitect timi in- earnestly hoped thal nil aii.tcioiicis between tbe twa elerarmcn waaia renell a friendly settlement before the opening of the annual Bassfin of tbe New-Jeraei Confcreaoe at ' ,aiu icu on Marah ll. In answer Mr. Heltlng wrote thal he iiml no person ii dlBerenoes with Mr. Bel ooh. Tho nhargo*, If raade, will be for nnmlnlsierlal eonduot In attending the Sigma Zeta's reunion. Tim feeling ovet thc BBntter trill "probably seriously cripple tho Methodist Church TBBVEABOM 0OMFAB1 AO.lISsT RAILROAD. Boeroa, March 'i (Speelal}.?Aa Intercatlag decision has baan rendered by ti.') Bopreme Court of IhleUthta In fa*, or of the Manufactnron1 Pira and Marlac lu luranoc Company agalael tim Middlesex Ballroad t'om paay. lu thc Middleton Coaipaay Itaaed bonds lo tho aiiioiiit of 1160,000, and ti,.- plaintiff became the owaer of Ifty ol thens, lah* seo.ii nilv th" ioii,piny was authorized to .divert the bondi Into stock and to limo additional stock- The arratit'titiciiis Mt;-c made with the Iti'i-rnaftonal Trust Compaay, and ail rights expired ea January ill, lcs6. At li o'cloCb on the afternoon of Satur? day, Jaauary Bl, lr8.\ that being the close of business hours of thc defendant ( ompany, the Baan e committee of tho Mlddlc-iea Coatpaay transferred all rcaaJalag -ti.. K which had not Leen tahen, lo the Ii.toinaiional Trust Company, Al 8:20 o'clock oa that day, tho president ot lae plalatUI company presented bis bonds ami saked to have thom converted Into stock, but l,e was (old Hut ho was loo late. Tiie thon brought suit ami claimed lhat lt was entitled upon surrendering tbe pS5,O0u of bonds and Interest th-rcon to ha\e a decree tor a oort!beeta ot BM) shaina of Stock, mid to subscribe at par tot IM 2-100 more shares aa age! ne I tho Middlesex Company, nr ' 4 lo shares ot tho Bacton Consolidated Street Raliway Company. l im mil Court has ordered en assessor to be ap? pointed io determine tbe value ot ?60 sheree of Ina -toc.% of tbe Middlesex Hallway Company on January Bli 1866, and Ihe Dial nt I fl ls entitled to a doe tc*, fur the amount of this value?over fttt/MO?-with lu lore.t from that day. TRYISO 4.V ELECTRIC MOFOB IS ROftTOS. Boeron. Maret I (Spacial).?Although tha tests ol electric un tors made by the West Bad street Kau? Compaay a few months ago were not satisfactory in proving them suited to practical use, the result! led to a continuance af experiments, on Monday a car waa! lalo commission on tbe line betnteea Uarvard K'luare, Cambridge and l'hrii Bqnaro, Baatoa, raaniag two taaad ni-.s a day. Oa Thiindaj tha number of tups was I nc rc BB ed to four, which ls about the limit of Ibo Duplicate batteries have been pro? vided, however, and In a few days tho eat will be run tho full number of trips for a day's work. Ibo route over which the car ls run ls practically level, uu.l there lb no trouble In Carrying a full load cf pa-sen ?Bia. v. hen iina experimental trips iver.- bmob la.-t tull, thc car was nut ut a satisfactory rate ol speed on eaay grades, but had some difficulty in climbing strip grades, There lois \^,-n ma nhsngo la tha ear, but a BOW mell.od of n*lng the power -.toted In the batteries gives mach Bsore satisfactory results. Tho company will soon put in operation the other eat which it baa lined up with an electric motor, ami bulli cars Win be kept In rep ular use. 'the cabin system will probably lao put in operation la Huston over u pan of ino \. tst Bod Company's ln.o this yaar. ni'lV DROUGHT HY A BVBA WA Y l.YOlSE. hy. Janis, March -.-A runaway engine played a biief bm .iisiistao'is eagagesscat la the Mlacoarl Itaalla yards at tin- place las! night, 'ihe city ex P - _:iivcd at liiJO p. tu , anti Ibo engineer, as usual, bai'Ked the engine li,to tbe round house and left, lt theiss. An bout later in some mysterious niau ncr tho throttle was opened and the engine went through the yards a! the rate of thirty miles au hour with nobody, to guido lt. There were a BUSBbei of cnKioes lu the yarea and on tho main trasks. The eiiKinijers wen; ail auxious to gel out of tho way, but owing to the complicated arraagemont of toe numerous switches none knew which way lt would come. A train was pulling up on a long swltok lending to an elev al er, with aaotaar ctglae it. imo this switch the runaway engine tm neil. ilia- eaglMCC of the Brat tram s,iw um daagor, lie was betwaaa twa tues. Put reversing his engine and WhMllag to tho engine behind him he started backward, A not -rana of tinco Mocka ensued, but thc runaway caught the train. The two engines carno toj-e,i!,f-i with lei'fill taree, tcaiiiiK both Co pieces. Thc Urala behind con? tinued to back at the rate of forty mlle* an hour, arid beti.ut the engineer could stop. Jumped ike traak ai the elevator, Wracking lite engine. The three loco moines aro ruined. ? SHOT DEAD AS HIS EATHER WAS Ir-.C isvn.i.h, March II (Special). IL H. Lawirni-C, one el the proprietors ol the Vinegar Works ban u.-.-, -not at 5 p m. yostui-day, by li. 'l. Qlviden, liriil died half BB hour later (,'ivlden iha' ?om '' gave lawrence a check In payment tor a small amount In dispute betweea Ihena Tbe banh refuneal paymcui. Lawience retuint. to Oividcn's otllw an.l a q'luirel ri, .-> ii Ci li. cia.ii. in,i LawtOWC Inc tusiniie .i with a slick gpd then drew a pi-iol. UlVldei srreated tba ptetal asran and Iradi lb bail aatared at the base ol the brain, i... only vttMagea VBta (1.1 in's ni', WOW in itenogrnphem. Lawrence's tub i waa killed by "Hen" Jeaaeoa, of Lexington io the Hall Ililli-*.- la IBM His mo h'r wa- afterward mauled in Jam-. Uh archill, rh ownet ul Churchill Downe, where the Lenta Illa race trach ls. b.,e li lt bim fl'_.',.JuO, which he bail run through on mo tu:f. MRIOBTMOF HIE BOLDER OIEOLM lERBMTBD, Vinci. nm>. Ind., Man h M.- lalgBM (Xi ileiiienl piss vaJLs In shoals, Ind., over the arrest of John 0. Jones, County CommtantOOer J Hr. Blaalklld and James Archer, thai ged wllh tin- murder of "Jack'' Ballard, a I'nlon soldlei iwenty four >ears ago. AllxTt Qualk Inbush tamed t-tates evidence. liallacd lane heall tn Ibis county during tho war to BTNal s de't-r-tet-, ind, ii is said, tha three men iiHmeai balaaped to nu- Kalcbta of the Golden I in ie. At a meetlag of thc order, Hal l_rd"a murder wa* decided on and it ls alleged lhat the mon arrested wera ImpHeatad in tin- crime, .innes ls out on fl.OOO hall --tai.Held and Archer are lu Jail, and one tslone, wl.u tlvea near Olney, III., lt ls Kaia, will be arrested. rt VEXED QI'F.STIdS DERATE. A challenge de1 ate between UM Weat Harlem Voun? Men's Circle and the Irving IMetwry (society will take place si t,ne Wesi llarlorn HalhoiM BahMapal t'hur'h on M. I, 1 r,. The propo-I'lon for tlelnte ,? "That Wo ???> ahuuld nol be entitled to fluili-agis'* ibeio will _l-o o , musical and literary i-nlm iain meni, iii.iP-; hm ?aa_pi.?i itt tho Weat Harlem Vouug Men's Chile BASEBALL GAMES ARRANGED. THK SCHEDULE OF DATES AND PLACES. THE nr.AJM.OCt: OVP.R TUT. BROKKN AT LAST? HOW TIIK NI*W-YOi:K CLUR FARKD, Tho Iyrsygne delef-ates tirortp the deadlock over Ihe reehedule at 8 o'clock yentenlay morning, and the Schedule, aeloptaill Will DO fo'ltul IrCloW. JollD af* Tiny maile a haul itglit, saying that he v. as not treated fairly. I>ay's olijertlons, however, were overruled. Tho deadlock iva, broken by sending tho three dis? puting dubs from tho roon: and the five dlslnteroastod i,ri,vs agtoajtetj the schedule that had caused all tbe trouble. Fi-llowlng ls Hie tchodule of games: N KW- YO RR AT HOME. With Boston : April 30, Msy 1, 2. 3; June 23, 24. 2f ; August 27, 28, 29. With 1'hiladsljihls : Aprtl 25, 2C, 27, 28; July 2(1, 27. 28: .September 3, 4, 8. With I'lltstiurg: Msy 80,30,81 ; June 1, August 0,10.11 ; 80, Anutvt 21. With rittsburg : Msy 80, 81 : June 1, August 9, 10, ll; October ft, 8, 9. With Detroit: Juna 14, 18. lo, 18; August 18, 17, 18; Scpte-rulicr 28. 20 ; October 1. With*. June 2, 4, 6, 8: August 0, 7, 8; October ll, 12, M. With Chicago: Ju 0. ll, 12; August 18, 14, IC; October 3, 4, 6. 1'IMI.AI, PlIIA AT HOME With Revsiem April 20, 21. 28, 24 ; Juue 29, 80; July 2, August 20, 21, 22. WIUi New-York : June 23, 25, 2d, 27 ; July 19, 20. 21 ; Aupuaat ta, 24. 2ft. With Washington! April 30, May 1, 2, 8; July 23. 24. 2Sr August 80, 81; Re-piember 1. Wllh Pittsburg: June 8, 9, ll, 12; August 10, 17, 18; Se jiiaieilacr 28, 29; October 1. Uv li Ueiinit: May 30, 30, 31 ; June 1, August 9, 10, ll ; October 0, 8, 9. With I nil m:i]?- i- ? June 13, 14, 15, IC; August 13, 14, 16; Oe i flier 3, 4, 8. Wl-ti ( Lunge: June 2, 4, 6, 8; Anrust 6, 7, 8; October 11, 12, 18. BORTON AT HOME. With NetvYnrkr January 13, 20, 21, 22; Aurum 2. 3, 4, 30, 31 ; (september J. With liuls'l'iplila : Msy 98. 20, 28, 29; July 30, 31; A up isl 1, September 24, 25, 20. With Washington: June 23, 25, 26, 27; July 20, 27, 28 ; Srplember 8, 4, 5. With I'lirsbuig: June ?, 4, 6, 0; August 6, 7, 8; Octo? ber ll, 12, 13. With IVtmlt: June 8, 9, ll, 12; August 13, ll, 15; October 3, 4, 5. Wllh liidlatiS|)'!la.r May 30, 30, 31 ; June 1, August 9, 10, ll ; october 0, !*, 9. With Chicago: June 14, 15, 10, 18; August 16, 17, 18; frjeptenabcr 2H, 29; October 1. WAiSIIINOToN AT HOM I*. With awatea: April 25, 20, 27, 28; July 19. 20, 21; An;-tivt 23, 21. 25. Willi New-York : April 20, 21, 23, 24: S-'ptembcr 24, '3, 20; Aiaia-u-'. 20, 21, 22. With rhlladntphia : J ...- 18, 19, 20, 21 ; August 2, 3. 4 : 27, 28, 29. With Iiitiburgr Juno 18, 14, 15, 10; August 13, 14, Iii; ('.lober 3, 4, 6. With Detroit; June 2, 4, 6, 0; August 0, 7. 8; Ottobr 11, 12. 13. Y.'iui Indianapolis : June 8. 9. II, 12; A ii gu vt 10. 17. 18; Se pta n,i? r BL 29; October 1. Willi Ptotragt' May 80, 80, 31; June 1 j August 9, 10, ll ; october 0, 8, t\ DETROIT AT HOME. Wllh Peats. : May 0, 7, 8 ,9; July 14, 10, 17 ; atoJMNt bcr 13, 17, 18. With Neva-York: May 19, 21, 22, 28; July 4, 4, li September 'Jo, 2t, 22. v.itli l'hlla1el|.'ilr\r May 10, ll, 12, 14; July ll, 12, 18: S'jiieitiiVr il, 12, 18. With TTfarktolton* Maj 15, IO, 17, 18; July 7, 9, 10; *jc;,f niber 7, 8, 10. Wllh l'lltebuif May 1, 2, 3, 4 ; July 23, 24, 'ii ; Aogu*t 2, 3. 4. Wllh . June 20 21, 22, 28; July 30, 31; AOgOM 1, 17, 2*, 21). With Chicano: Juno 25, 20, 27, 28; July 2G, 27, 28; August 23, 24, 25. PITT.SHCRO AT HOME. With Ri.a-ton: May IU, ll, 12, 14; July ll, 12, 18; fccpfinlicr 20, 21, 22. With Nm.. York: May 15, 10, 17, ly ; July 7, 0, 10; bepteiiibcr 15, 17, lb. With r'.iloslciphU. May 6, 7, f, 9; July 14, 10, 17; tV-pn-iiiia>l 7, 8, 10. With Washington- M.iy 10, 21, 'J-.', 23; July 4, 4, 6j Beniestnei n, Ut, 13. With DttJOlt. april 20 21, 28, 2! ; Au:*!i*t 00, 81 ; Sep. '.ei,0'-r 1, 24, M, 20. With Indianapolis: May 24, 25, 26, 28; July 20, 27. 28; August 23, 24, 'ib. Wllh Ctiicci-or Apr',1 20, 27, 28. 80; Juno 29, 80; July 2; AutfUHl 20, 21. 22. INDIANAl'C'US AT BONA Wllh IiviAis.n : May 19, 21, 22, 23, July 4, 4, ?; Kip tenil.-r H. lat, 18. Witt Mtw-Tsrfc: May 0, 7, 8, 0; July ll, 12, IJ; tep teinber 7, b, 10 Wiih liillitilp'.plila: May 10, 16, 17, 18; July 7, 0. 10) !>ptcmber 20, 21, 22. Witli Washington r May 10, ll, 12, J4 ; July 14, 10, 17 j September 15, 17, 18. Wllh I'lite-burr, : June 25, 20, 27, 22 ; July 19, 20, 21 ; Sept- rnbci 3, 4, 5 Willi Detroit: April 20, 27, 28, 80; June 29, 30; July 2 ; Augu*l CO, 21, 22 With ChU-jvgo: April 20, 21 23, 24; July 23, 24, 25; Auguiil 30, 81; September 1. CHICAGO AT IIOMi:. With Dillon: May 15. lo, 17, lb, July 7, 9, 10, St | ten,ber 7, 8, 10. Witt New-York: May 10, ll, 12, 14; July 14, 18, 17; binn-nib-r ll. 12, 13. With I'la.liviaiphia. May 19, 21, 22, 23; July 4, 4, 6 ; September 15, 17, 18. With Washington: May 5, 7, 8, 9 ; July ll, 12, 13 j Sej,. tatala r 20, 21, 22. With Pittsburg: June 20, 21, 22, 23; July 30, 81, August 1, 27, 28. 29. With I)eir?ll : May 24, ?5, 20, 28; July 19, 20, 21, neasaoxoa 8, 4, tv Wi.h Indianapolis: May 1, 2, il, 4; August 23 4 )Scjile-:i,t>e>r J*, ??,, 20. TWO Illili 1 ttS POX VON DCB AME. After the us antoMOM .che lui'.' .natural had b"'ii settled, to. tosetall ui ti Btouered la laka a tee koorsf rest, B*> fine n,?,ii, BO Wt ier, they sroto all bath lu the BBs-riO*** ? nain lu greatly Inci-ea-.-! niicl-ci*. The lt-aa rd of Arbl ta-allon then niel. This egBsasJMM ls Mosman*! of t.liieo Isogoii and tares aaaastottea clubs, and is Baapased r,, wilie all dliTcrcincs. lt iii I not rattle anything to a-peak ut yesterday, anil left thc iirluclpal tangle In a knottier condition than lt was al Orst-the Quarrel totwSt. th-' two etota In K:in*.is Ci'y. Messrs. Ri me, ii,, lp, and Von der Alie, of course, fainted the claim of the Association " Cowl,(,>*," adult HM bango* men did not favor eiiher. Aaotaei deadlock Maoltetai As na aaototoa itali be ar rivet! at, H waa finally agreed to allow the tao Cowboy MMM to fight out lb'lr battle In tht- Western courts. are- ras.gk lsvv>fr*' fees lu the dim distance lt wn-i-k bulli clubs. Von d"r Aho. was Indignin' at thc recent decision lg tie Halliday mm and demanded aiiutber trial. Thc gatJstta wss ..'alii ai-., ni- to the (luman manurer, nnd Halliday will lui" to jilay In tho Des Moines Club. Thc delegates watt also unanimously in favor of thc three strikes' rule, and lt wa, allowed to I'.ii.iln a basoball law. Manager Willi:.ans projioscd lhat lour strikes snd four called ball* should govern, bul the motion was laughed down without hav liv; to be put to s vote. Tho Joint Committee on Balm and the, Reporters' A.?e>. rlnti-iu Committee then had s liv dy session. The practi? cal scorers carried lhe day, and nearly all ihe suggestions drawn up by them at tho recent meeting In Cincinnati ta?r* adopted. Hereafter the players' reiords will bo worth kuma tiling mores ihan tbs paper on wiil.-h liny are written. In tho fourth column hereafter will 1st .cured lhe bases stolen, according U. thu fellowing rt.l?s: Any atti ii,pt to steal a ba?o HOM go lo the credit of HM baw-tinnier, whether lhe bali ls thrown wild ur muffed hy the Helder; but any manifest error is to be charc-d to me lleldei nian? ing tbe am.). If the bsstrunner advance.* another base, ho stiull Dol be rred'.te-d with a stolen MM, and lhe fielder allowing such advancement ts al u to be charga-d with sn error. If s ba-a-runnei nume, a surt aad a " battery" criol ls also mad'-, thu maier teeureg thc credit of s v.,.,-ii MM sud th* " laltcry" e.rioi la Btrored against Ibo player n yaring lt. Bhotnd ? I..-*- i,,:::,, r overrun a base an I th, ii I"- put out, he should receive the credit for Hie ming i*-" The twe Items under baschlt* wi.-ev als/, nlopted as fol? lows- ? When s player reachc* lirst basti Dir,-ugh an error ot Judgment, auch ss iwo fielders stlovving ihe ball to drop between them, the bstler shall BM ta- riedltei with ti basthit nor tho fielder with an error, bat lt shall be s,.ie,i a* an unaccepted chance and the batteer shall bej charge! willi a lime st bat" it rn :,i.i, H -,,'ved thai m ca'e^ f/kMi a tootreaaoi is retired by bttag hit by a baited ball, Uv* btlssaaa oatjl to irtfitlH aiik s Batseai Nrivfoaali 7 it Rals i).-i ha, itoH I '1 ai (ollowe : " An BalBOl rna *>i.ali b?- a,orel evry Hat -? pl.] sr vi-:.'* till ton ? 1 to I te ile - I ny -n. rs, be? lo re , Lances hsvo t? I -i I ?? ? i t" rcllre tl,. b|d,. |,ut, tia*cs on called balls, thougla sumu.ari. .. >ri,u bo orediu-d as fai-teirs In .ariied nins ' i ,,?? ;,ir. , |,atl ?( thia lulu was ol,.tv ted t. t,f <:,,? Heirn, hil ;.?, |kjg man. ager, had conceded so n.udi, Hie Beaton yteUSSl I'.ule M BBS .iitrreda as follows. " In the MMB ny iii- ? be a iie-.? ae.iUiyii, Nu. b, regarding " the number ol Mm ?truck ,:.'.' Tho lye ague men irrofissed to Is: Indignant that 1 tn,gus scheiuii! had been pnlillihed. They eaiy a rigid liiv.:,tlga. linn rilli be male, and if Hie gu.Hy person i. din ?v r-d, he will tie summarily dealt wllb. Tim bogus Khedule wa* ia 1, - r..j 1.' I for. The American Aaemclation umpires also held a formal BBOtoMOM afici Ife. niau.,,', r* had niri.hcd H.slr labora. They wished lei Cum* tey .one ui.ilrr.Litidlng about In'.er 11 nain rules, and ?,i,,,-, d-d i,. ,li afur a short Maa! .a. Tlie Kansas City liub Saftni I'll,Hips and lian tels yeaterds/, oblie toe ixir'.r. Club Induced Breuiiius, the heavy bitter, to put his slgrniture to a contract, Hm lon refused to sign with Detroit and Ciiok-m also refused IO fllgU S ChklgU COUUflct. TBE TBE LI'S MISSION. A DFCI810II OF IMPORTANCE TO BKNI.V.>I.F>,T AND nELIGIUCB SDCIF.TH-S. Jn the suit brought by William E. Dodgo Btskei in the New.Yoik Supreme Csart acslait the majority ol the truitess of ths rh.lps Mission, to restrain them from dlverlla* the tanda and property committed to their otiarjrs snd to sst Milln tbs sttemptsd ooniolioallsn which maits with the Elghty-fotirth Street .'reibyterlan Church la Jan. ?jary, 1687, ajramit the protsal ot Mr. Siokea. a t'.ecislon l.t. Jaat been hsuited (town br the lisneral Term In favor of the plaintiff, ths Court roMIng that the transfer of the Droperty ot ths Phelps M leaton by Anson a. P. Atterbnrr,Henry Dale anti Ktllasa Van Rensselaer to tbs Klshty fourth Htreel t'hureti, ot which Mr. Altcrbury ls paator. must be annulled ss a mlsapproprtatliu ot tbe prsperty of the Miaaiou of .rblch they woro trustees. Chief Juill o Van limul, in sn able ami exhsnillToopinion, lays. The plaintiff han shown that, all of hts aasoclsfe truitess were enfaseil tn the conspiracy to deprive the ii,ties Mil alon sf Vitality sod rob ii of its properly fer the- benefit of an? other corporation, tu the an, .-<?** ol whloh one of them waa deeply Interesieii, being pat-tor ot the recipient of the stolen KOOtis The fart that oneof the trnsteea of the Phelps Mis. sion, who ta alexi i to usve been th* chief pni-iotet sf thia acbemo of soDSolnlatl.iii, waa atm the pactM of Hie Eighty fanrth Street Presbyterian t'hnrch. Waald of Itself be sfltfl clent. If na other grouud inned, to invalidate tho whole pta cee-'dog. The principle thst corporations hartns common oflieere ami truatera cannot a-nter lSto valid comrade with each other, lias become wsli established In the Juriaprualencs of lb la country and In England. Esch corporation hal tie right lo the unbiased counsel of e?eh of lt* o!th en aud rrnsleea. and where an olHccr or trustee ls connected with two dlrfereiic corporations, e.ieh, with any dealings between tho two. wouul be itenrived nf that to which lt ia entitled, viz.: the niibi-.s-t ali _iot roi.t'l nf sue', trustee ami therefore thur must not contra.-!, aitfl if they ito such contract will lie set _i:.'s. A fltore air.kins* illustration nf Hie salutary ten ilencr of Hus rule BBS nf vcr been pinenled la sny court than la SXhllattfld by thc tacts alleged lu the complaint In thia actloo. 'I'l.e cia'-ir nf tba Elihtv fourth f-treet C'hnrch, also s trm toe it the Phelps MisMofl. assnuee that if woul.t tieirieatly for hil advantage if bs rsa by rnes'is of his Klthty fourth sireei Church swallow np the property of His lin i,i? ."!>-? ai. and apply the isnio ts the support of the etnirch over which he ministers, stn! aa trustee ol tia l'heliis Mission he brlrirs about tho anrrrniler "I Ita wiaole i te eily t? Hm Right* fourth Street i.burcn. lt la clear Hist I e whole Interest ot Hits pasta! waa lu thu l.iplitr taa.ii ii; -i, , ,.- I :,.,,, I, ?,: | u,.aa I,* n-., I nu I.,,?il,,H. ss s trustee of sail mission, to accomplish tbs ui.Jecl ol;, (or the brttertt of the church to which lie must look for his ruppert, sll property ami aa*, t* of ibu rulasisc. Juline Van Btaal also holde that un.ier tint ital nie ot 18TB and other atstutea of thia Mite -consolidationcan fn nn cast lie effected between a f roo church, such as tbs Phelps Mle ' alon, which la a benevolent snd chsrltsole socloty au,I unite nominations', and s body like a Presbyterian church un.Ur a denominational control, and pointe ont with great diinnet* ness ihe organ.c iLHercnce b"t.veen tim twa Tlie Fhfllf Miision ns sharllaMa stgaaitallea sstahUsfeei as a smsscc lal to Anson (l. I'heipiby his deacemtaaie sud relsliTra fur the beuelit of the poorer classes. Tln-aae waa ilechied on au spnesl from B Jaifaseal sue taming a demurrer, umi was BffgBOd by QeOfgC BtchOlBfl an.l Cephas llrain'ril for Mr. r-to'.ie*. and by Beatie IL l'or.lea* sud W lilian- L. t-nyder for the defendant*. HITS OT ttBOhXi NEW**. Germ -.mitti h.a* saocecBeB 1" i st-'-L-i,lag ala anua to damages for thc liialadioil, treatn.cnt of a frft'"iIS ll lils ankle bailie hy l)r. Cornelias J. Duna,nil. 'I'll*. Ulai of the Casa 111 the Supr. Court h. f"ic .Ins';.-' Andr* v.* and a Jury result,! je-prday in a verdict for the plain? tiff glvli.K him *1,0U0. The .labu WBS f-r ki.X'O. Mr. ?i Ilk, who ls in Bfgaatst, ic lived Ihjurlci B lilah, lt was rliilimd on thc ti I ul. lilli Lita. f ? )'? SSI-OW-ly Wltb his ne petali Bl ths lastraawal sa whlcb ba pinpa F. W. IVrihoff, to nieun Henry W. BtOhf & Co. rn ei ? Ba aaatgaanat in Deceaber, 1884, ehtalaisl a indenten! in the BapresflS <Soart for 811.000 aaaleat Laala BehtelU r, who had Itel' h.nile ,i U.e shStU print ta tie. aatfl -J UM littler of properly of tbs inni l.r the lui.?lit "t .redlloi*. An ipp. .il waa tali' n bf BIWBCnatlcl V. Hirsch, BOBBMl for the deft tidal.'* and lbs Oaaeral Zetas hat ordered a new HUI. An ord-'r to show cause fl 1 t A in-ii.din,iis should not ir.*ue rt qui rina? the Manhattan BaUnaH Osmyeay nnd thc Coninilsnion. r if Public Works lo r> ..nain WOoBra structure.-, Stetted by UM company for thc st.aa;.'" -il coal, ell, ere. lu front, of the -.lopeiiy ,,f BCtBh l.-un lt, iii Eighth ave, hetweea Oa?haaOiaBaad lity-Bfth-Bta sad Ona hunting Bini Bltj ninth bul, was er.ini"ii yaaasraay by justi.e Patttraea, al tbs Bapsaan cnurt. Baa slals_s that tin y arc a nuNiince. Tha Qeaaral T.rm of tbs Beiatani Osnrl i j* oidaiei a nctv trial of the sun lu which WUlUca K. Hayden, tba IhssMrii al ?anagcr, Obtained a Jadfrnenl fat fi!,'"'" Bcalnflt Tiioiiuita H. Eagleton, known oa lbs ?'ng'* as Xhowaas W. Keene, UBCCBIaa, br SSOaey which ll ?;<s clulm-d wa* OvaryelO lo thc actor. The la".r, while under fn |B(aaBBat to 'he inaiiat*''r, WM Mri .lien with paralysis. When ti" recavcrai, hsssaal al ccaUaalag Ma enirageincnt, lu. starc-d out, la psi fatal under his sara Bansapeawat, and Hayden hi*et:;'ht mil for tho BMMMy on a note which Koa no had glvta bte, aud Which ibo latte, cialins that ha baa paid. JAtlES REDPATH AI.HOST HIMSELF AGA IS. James Redpath i- atcwdfly recoverlaf (ran Ms long ai.d Mil Ital illness, and 1,1s ply-lcun, Dr. B> W. Dana, believes thar Mr. Itcdpath v.Ill ultlin.itely recover hi. entire health, Th's will bo gratifying news to Mr. lieiipiitd's anneroos Monds, who feared thal it ?'m nut polhla foi tie) faiiitius nid Abolitionist to pass -brough BaaUm Bttaeh al paralyclf. Mr. itcd? path wm attached thia bait time la the throat un Janu? ary IB. His Illness, therefore, BOVOtS about four weeba, no wai uaaUe la epoch part of the time, and ro'ild swelloW only occasionally dilling the llr<t stages of his l|lne;s. 'Ihe Ital altacli raine a \eir or -ti BfOa It ileprlveal I."rn nf the HM of his left Brm and lefi loir. Ile reoaavered Hit* uso nf his P^, hut cannot ta. iuy open bia fingers. Mr. Kednatb has tu fur rapalaed hi* health that he catt walk al.tiut bia hintso) aid e:at solid tutxl. He Writes a little now, bot generally only to answer qaestloaa leal by his fiends ni doctor. Ye.-leitlay bc WTOtC to I'i. Dana that h.- waa nil righi ami wanted to walb to Central Part and beeb te l.i house. Iir Dana says lie Uha io Bghl wltb Mr Redpath lo keep bim from soelag all his friends. TO TRY TAcoit BBABF OYBB AOtlX. Plstrlct Alton y Kellows was not at bis oflVe yesterday, hut tho Informal turi waa (riven out there on good aathortty that thc fa-ii af Jacob Sharp wouM ? be (alien up at tho Court of Oyet aud Tttnulner to Le held In April. Justice PattertOl-, Who ha,, liecn a Justice, of the 8nprenio Court only for a jear and who han naiver presld >d lu tho flyer aud Termlner, ls asHlKiit'd to hold that mort fit Ihe Ap-ll term. Sharp's trial, if it takes place, will proceed on tho same llnPi its tbs funner trial. o\c,pi that the (osti? ni..ny whit-li the ( nun of Apicals cut'.ldered oblcc ah-nal le win i^ excladed ii-it'et \!ton."v Pellowa ha? pranleeB lo prose? cute pw-Mmally tho ease of (JuNeppe fainpobardl, accused of tho BsurBat of Polleaaiaa Harrett'i nm. ? BVM1WEMM HEMS is TBOUBLB. hsmnol J. Oana, thu tobacco broker ot Xy. 1:>1 Water lt., whi>ne llrm. J. fl. Cam, Sou .t: Cu., impended a we, lc a?jo ?ra* i,ti *tlr airtstc.I a te-r Jj-, ag,, at the Instance o' two a>t hu crenltots on a charKo ot laicr-nr. and toteeaet oa 88,088 lull. IIIt)ei?tnniiti<an wu iel 8ewa fur yejtfntar ?t th* YnrlaT,Ile I'bltco Court, lint st til. re.inr.l *t Mt com,iel lt was aajeatael nnid Tbataaay. The stailteta who tom nicnral Hie criminal procrfl.Iinrs BgBiafll him are ll. Fall * Uro lier and O. C. Kieuiiuich. Thu tr*us_ctloas on winch tba turn,er base* Ma co -plaint, lt la Bali, wai tito salt br Mr. ('ans as broker of finythre , c..t??s nf tobacco, Tatum! al SI.O0O, for Falk A Idother to Kilns liacti & Hon, the latter's lilentltj* not belr.g known to Fia'a ?_ nrother nt tho timi- of sale In thc of Mr ts saul Hist Mr. Ham itold fl lot of for him to HorTtiifln A Son, who rave their note lu p'-Tinna;. Mr. Haas Ind ll dlscouuted and nepi the proceeds, amountlnir tfl shout S- 600. His'iiieiits were ?iite.-n I aarsiflst Huiuet t Ce., Iron fi, at So. 704 Hut, yeit.rdaj in taror of M_rr J, O'lflH. flaarod-tlni $l.,0st), for money loaned the linn. Jacob Kruiniue, her attorney, sall ycnterlnT thu tb* gbattBbad taken diane of thefoundrr. Th* nra had been pr'tinisinj Ui par the mouey, but wer. BBBblS to, although they boped to r.ilso uienoy to extricate tl.eiuselTes. 1 he Crin ie composed of James J. and (jilcert J. Unmet, tbe tonier tl,e ' ?a'.I*' 1st. andtiifl inter kissou. The schedules ol DaTiil -OhmlJ, Jeweler, No. .81 and 286 E.iet Houiton-sL, to Aruold Kolan, show liabilities, BMBBYBi contiBjiiui lialwhtlaa, $.,o7U10i nominal ai sets, tl,1110 45 : aul Actual SBaatS, $1.7-0 60. S.lic.i.ilea lu the aaalgaaMal ol Willivi I. Negns end Wi'..lain ll. C. Carpenter, comtttntinj tbs nrm of W. I N,|ii? A Co., dealers In Hatilware. (fa. 17 Wnrrou-il., to >*i.,iet!ek (j. har-.ller. show llabilluis. 8180 3'1 ll i uotulual assets, trb,S7'J Ul, auil sa-iniil asaeis, t35,04?', li. , -?-, AS AMEBIOAM EDUCATOR IS EUROPE. I'lMfesior John 1.. I.tnceiti. of BtBWa Lui* era-lty, ons .f Ihe uiost BBOSeaaTa] and hMietti of New 1 ''nijlaiid orluej torn, ls now BBValllaa In iulr. li, a urlasm laatBS to a friend in this cltj dated at ban lieu, on ivbruurr 16 be .yat "XhC health of thc OteWB I'lln-c ls tho all-cncro-slutf aahhiii "' tbs Banaaa pr^-*. ^nd of aoataa arith avail* i?,iiv hara. Lana haft rs \ s cn Ibis lattes von win i.a\.< h.^ni et ii," , ?>? r,,'.. ii , r .., hcatonu which les been f"r f?n?. 1 mal ,'f Hs Hms tar t.rsMfl msalU 1 BM ilu.ost dally S friend ,f Slr Mot. ll M.., kentle and aa get ii ll lepeeta it laellaaa le st lanai tba b bs tbet lbs disease mar not be cancer, hut tl- Herman phTfllctaaS all thlnlc Hilt lt l? SOB SSI and t-'ri. :,.,inlri!!* bBS-BSa. In BllbCS biBttbssIa it ie a m rv Betteas nail tl ta hs whlcb tho i rewa Pita ss is m. Btaosat ii,- eeaaat ajcah above ? a-lunacr. and BOt much ut (nd ll pt weal bOBM lo lils bed. or st lej.t to his ttmmBMt. AU IbS world ls Iii -jin paiuy wbh b-fls.-' i'i',fe.*?r Umala u Ihfluaahlj ?c inatalad ?iih Oeeaoay, whets ba spent roar* in tom pictiiiai hi-i eBaaatlaa sal ahleh bc has visited -ince md ls ihotnuiihly In sympathy with the bel md noblet t.crni-n nci.llu.erit. In this p-tii-r ha refers In the follow li, g term* to lli-iiilrch'u great sixech i "I read with Blent ti.lcres*. tho words of l.-ud hiillsbiiry In the IlousO Ol I..O 1* ill Ott dala-le UH the '.Itt. uf Ifllbt?IBff, It III lerested mo far more dian lils attempt ia, Jusltf-r H-_,- t,*,. Hold's (In Answer to I.sri Hraiavtlle) actiou cu Ui? Ballia Congres. tu fsvorabie to (ie una li T snd Hinuiia. nescons fi.ild had fl great ovstlnii lu I.ngland as If ho had resisted Kus-ls'i ambitious designs; bot lllsuiarcbfa groat spee-h nf the ',?;. ot thia rnonth tells the story very di-t-rvnilr. Iiy the way, thia Bleaurck, mee. li ls ...r.ii-ly a cieii one In the sweep of Its range and tn the rigor ind outsp /ton? nes* of tts tono. It seem*, too, te givo promise of peace In Europe, but It ls a peace, howevr, resting on au a* sured pn-L-a-.allon for mr, I think lt I* rather over? praised by the C" -man paper*, bul lt ls so full of telling Herman utterances that lt I* not strsngo that sll paule* acne la lt* praise. Rut there la an undertone nf Uireat and even of boan In lt. In Its confident words of (''rican strength In tts armies and their officers. Tbe lier man* are making enormoui sacrlflcea in these huge armaments which rcQiilr* such crushing ti-.ntlon and draw aa hard upon everybody's earnings. Ry and by there must conie ], n.oiistraiire and perhaps something worse." NOTES FROM LAKEWOOD. CHIEFLY ABOUT YESBORS A.ND TIlLIli DO? INGS. Lakewood, N. J., March .'I?Wilnoa tie Mem, Hie Now-Yntk artist, aaa ft unique little studio on the upper lloor of t.he <-iislno of tho I atm rel House. Tho Hoot ls covered with rita's. Comfortable} chftirs Invites the visitor to seek their embrace. A cheerful Ure of oak and pine wood or-acUli *, in UM open fireplace, beneath thc brick munta?), j.n iron crme supports a bright ri plier ten-ki'tllc over the blaziiiiyj logs. At one sl-li- of tlio trantel toaaatl aa old-fashioned brd-wftm-.ini* pan, wind) was iiv'.l for years in one of tho historical old man? sions of Connect lent. Tho queerly designi'd andirons in the (irepliteo came from th" sn me lmus-v Ncar one of ibo wind Wt baDSt un iinci :.t link iutf-j-lass with tho imiiilin** of a farm hotiw, which la Its liny was [jrolnl'iy ci,:,,,iereel a Work cf nit Thc oddly designed frame bas carved on it birds which slightly Nfamtbk tbe Anii'ri'.iii rn?,!<.*. On one well bangs the pajtnla ot Madame La Coni tonal d'Oicsii, which alt. is Meta exhibited at the French baloo Id 1885. There iuat other picture, meetly painted In Fnnc* walch gita*!* laterctl the visitor. Mr. de laen, it, now at work upon a port rn lt. viii, li Will (ivute tl mtMatfOB WU. li lt )s ? xhibited in New-Yore, IX -Governor Howard nnd Mrs. Howard, of Rh.nie Island, have lu cn Item this week. Dr. and Mik. Alfud Ja. Loomis, of New-York, ore iiinonu* tlie BOfljV K'.l''St"> "I lin- laOUtV) I Ho IBO. Mr. gad Mis. Cornelius Vanderbilt and their children will not return to New-Volt unul next Mr. imd Mr,. Hodman B. Ellison, of Plilladcl. phin. have taken ti hxTg. suit of rooms at HM rel llouse. 'I'he Minara Bilton. Mtm Anu:t M. Bmttli, Miss Agues Morgan and John B. KUison, all of the Quaker City, nm with thi m. Mr. ami Mi--. Clarks -I Bomtimirte, of Baltimore, are late emilers at, the Laure] House. William Tiona pori, Morgan, ol Eat! Orange. tt. J., baa joiiud a patty of friend, nt the Laurel lld.isl Huston ic represented on the Laurel House rejr latei this week by tb. names of Mis ,T, M. Brewer iiiid Miss Brewer. The Lim rd'- leava-s show the following late i'r iivals: Prom Niw-YnrU-Mr. rind Mrs W A. .I'ullman, Mrs. Henry W. Vaughan uud son, Mrs. Sharpless, Mis Potter, Mr. and Mrs. (J. Pountoin, Mr*. K. VV, M (Jinnia, l>r. It. 1*. Collin, Mr. and Mr*, lt, M. TbompsoD, Mr and Mrs. Fran-is Lee Morrell, Hr. li. Kitiish, Frederick K. Coudert, Mr. and Mis, l . I). Eddy, the Miss,s Ekldjr, lia, J. Hawley, Mite Knowlton, Mr. and Mrs, John Kath, Herbert 1'. Brown, Mr*. .'. IL Coghill .Mia. Coghill, J ?ed crick Kernochan and <>ilt< m. Prom Brooklyn?Mr und Mrs S W. Johnson, Mi-s JohnsoD, Mi-s VVallace, Miss Hoi nea, Mi*> (lawley, Mr. and Mrs. l"homaa i. EVareul) and Dr. anil Mrs. Willium Wallace. Prom Philodelphio?Mr and Mrs, Lucien Moss. the Rev. L. M. Colfeltyij W. T. KJnitloy and Paul Th(iiiip'i:i. ? - ? ?? BO FOREIGN CONVICTS WASTED. TWO CAOOIIT OH TrW SCAI.K AND WEST HACK TO (.t:i:MANY. CoUeetor Magoo, nod ths CommlMlooora ol I'ml gratlon took Much tomrmt y tcn'.iy in Ino dispatch tran tyMhlngto. lltal Um Bee rot try af tho Traoturi aad been .i.ivi ed ol un srssrsSsS movement to Rend Oennoo eoavfcti to thh country. All sanes agars on lin inning steamers will l,o watched and tl.nso u ho ci nie within the re.trilling provisions of the uv against ex ,(,nv lets, naanem, tad nt hers liahio to be ccnio a int lilli* charm will M MBt back; lint lt ht )??? Ueved fL:tt the ii.overii'tit tm al'eady teen nlj.jat'. la tbe initi. Tho United Moles Congnl at Miitiieh hes srritten MTCral le'tera recently relative t'> tills goading Ogee if (jarman eonvtott, and two wore found on the steam Ship v-aalo and were nt,t tllotrod to laud. Tho consul said lhat f'.ur .X-COHVlCto bad bed th. (boko ol going t<i tn. WoraVhOUM for fivo years or earning to lhe united states, ami they/1 bose to fttints hen*. Km h w u.s provided wllh a mw suit of clothing, a nsw over eoat, a few extra places ot uoderelothlug, a hat and ?omOafow small objects lueb ns eomba and brushes, I jinn their arrival hei-o they wen) lo lie sent to tue Gorman Consul ard anon his Ideatlfleatlon of thr-in wein in have a lev dollars anti a railroad Mogal to Omaha, Bf. I'atil, Pargo, or lllsmarek. Cori I-r-iia't-i-s watter and Jur-ejiii Rictberger wno rho two fi und ari, .:,.- u.o Beale's patMogarg. The former wm rto ,-i li.i-.i ai a worthless vagabond, ami a dlsordtirly character, nnd was nader constant watch by tho poi loo lu Bavaria. The other was equally a" objectionable. lioth weia* sent back. NOTES FROM ATLANTIC CITY. dibcomio*, ovra tim'. oi'ii****.?mci-.nsi: dux? VISI HlRS AT tm: BBatCaf. ATlaVgTM CfIT, March 8 i.Spi'elal).-iiiii main tuple of OtetCIMllM this vvt-ca Is to. naf.-.igo of tho Option l ' SM bill mer tho dovernor's veto. There ls much di veriilty of oplr.lnn, bm )nany pro|,eily-!iiil(lcr* maintain thal If the taloona wattle] close hire lt would kill the place. Hut tho bill does not iMOtMS tpsratho for a year yet, and In the meanwhile tho MaVaOfl kco>,c;* will trgtalte Tho Iicinocrats have attrmiited to form a combination with too so-called Independent* against lhe RatpabUcaa tleketi As aOtotts city ts aaaaug Btpatu, tho inovrnent ha* met with llit'.o el.c ?-. il shi.-ii'* along tho line of tho Can,hu ami Atlantic Btolwtf have ojivniltcd with Ucccrsl bewcll aa to tho ru:-: in price for commutation tickets. They say that tho i, -v i e would have a disastrous effrct upon lae new towns on the route, (iencral Sewell said Unit he would gr*t the a.alter carly attention. A Ur>.-e hotel is being BtOMti at Arctlo and New Jersey ave. bix hundred and six Invalid women vrere ccrci for at the Mereed Memorial Home here during last year. Among tho coiiulbullons to tho Institution were aariy.i.'OO from Mr*. atatOMM ll. Powers, of I'lilladelpbla Mrs. Quintin, president of the National Woman's I, di.,n gsaselatloa, ha* BrgoaJtoi a btwich known gi t!ie ludlati AssnelaUon of Atbuiflc City. l'lit'ish.-d eoltagta are already In demand rci:'iri-ri fr, e sjOOO to $i00, aecordlix to r>i/o aud location, for the se\i?e>ii. John Van Horn, of New York, ls hero with his tandem. Millionaire Duncan, of New-York, ls making (ame as a besch pedestrian. The 5th Maryland P.-clrr.fnr, ha* selected Atlantic City as Irs place of encampment next summer. Among ths jimmi neut jieoplo horn are i-x-liovernor nar? rows, of NtW-BsstpSalrt j Mr. POfttj of l-'.iicland, brotb-r to Captain PtVgtt, who mauri.d Miss Minnie hlcviiik, Iilai.i'li S. S. ChtMfd, of ludiaiiapulls; tUJOl i'arnsvvorth, one of Uie Wtalthj) StUstOS of llaltlmore; Colonel llradfoid and wife, of lllchmonil. Va. ; ex-Mayor Ulcliard Vaux, Iurnao a-hephard, (Jeorge JJ. (Jinlian., wife and toOghttMi Ilanlcl al. Fax, Duevinr of tho Mint., andflfiuer ii |<, Jamison, of l'hlla k-lphla. Among the New-Yorkers aro Mr. Homier, of "The Lcdgei" ; Miss Louise Pusi-mere, Mrs. John O. Warneck snd, Ul Ital lilt W. llrifr, John Jay I'lirticnier, Mrs. Jay, F. W. Ve-rhts, Mis. W. H. Warner, of lirooklyn, and Ccorgo W. Lok*. ? ?? ? - DISCOCRAOIXO COAL OVTLOOE. PHii.viiKt.iiiiA. afmeh I ifipottisA).--A prominent coal merehant, hiicalilnx ot tho coal outlook, said to? day : " Prices havo fallen from ?.r> to 40 jh-v cent a ton during tho week, and (might, by water have kept eotiijiany. This, however, hal not Increased trade, ss buyers prefer liolilluis olf a little lo: |m In tho hojsi that prices will fall to the fij-tuo that prevailed prior to tho strike. Tho markets aro baro of coal, consumers aro lu urgent need of supplies ami no one company has much on hand. lint tho market, ls, DOVOI theh'ss, exceedingly dull." Them jul, es jaiavMilcd tu dav at Port I'.lchniond: llroken, *:i si,' c^k, ,*.| ; stove, 44 ur,, ami nut, B4 40, frito un board for tnlpmant boyond tho t ajves. Thom s but little demand, how,-vii-, tamp! fur small lots. h|M'(ial toondi bring belier prloes. Vosgel (relghts to liustou ate $1 lb, a ticcllue of tit) cents In tia- las' week. CF.TTIXO UlS uqooBS FOR XOTIIIXO. PaWTtoagOB, March .'I isiiive'ial).?Au lotomtttag and Important cane has Just been decided by Jud/o Colt, "f UM I'nlteil stat.v* Circuit Court. Ono John Iv Q.I puii'liascd lli|iiors lo tho value of OUO 50 from Hanley, lloyo .v; Cu after tho proelamatluii by lng liiaveinor thal tho prohibition amendment hail been raia!,-,!. Good psld fur th. ll |IMM hy note. Ilan li'V, Hove ,t i o ItnloiNcil ta. note over to OM Daniel Smith, who sties lot the fae- value, ela!ming that Ibo prohlhillon amendment vv as not lep.illy earrled and laoreforo lbs itla and pnreaate tl Uvjoor gras .1 lawful ti an,s.k ti,,11. Judge Coll decide* thal the United Bl al es Courts have un Juilsdletlon to decide ni" 11 the vaiiilitv ol an amen lineal to a state t ,m*ti tutlon when lt baa tern H |iileV ,-,| |,i by lin- people Judgment wa* given fur th- dcfuiidaut, and Mr. lioud PO*, ling for lils Ihitnus. NO ATTACK EY SOC IRV'S FoROES YET. (Jeneral Neaw tem still " holds iho fort" lt No. 81 Cham bcrs-,t.,atid will retain Hie garrison lhere until sll .lancer of Hnlliii M. beiulie stteiiiptlnj; tn obtain possession of the lieiMirimenl of Public Warta bf fons la pa.t. linus do not bristle from the windows, hui the guards ara cod I at* I uf 11,en, each of whom " csirys a gun." Al Hie ,,fl!.-., ol Howe a Hummel, Ko,utru'a lawyers, lt was asserted that nothing had yet boen dotio looking tu wa rd beginning a ault !>,r the tssliisutetueut of be.ulru ss Cowint asl oner ot Public Woika, STUDYING WATER-SPOUTS. HOW THEY ABE CAUSED AND HOW THEf ACT. li-KT ARI. SIMPLY I.1TTLK ni'wbki's OB8BBVBB nY mBAMBM, The di villon of Marm* Mstaaorote^y of ihe Hvlretrs-ahte Unrein yesterday gave flat an interesting report of aagbj spouts noted br reese!! In tha .North Atlantic. Ai to lille ls known of Ihe rhsrseter and forma'tun ot wat.-r spo.iti. they are Interesting y deicrlbo.1 ss elmplr spe.clai <nee et viii iliviiels ami toruidoei, but on a muller -ca,,. Tbs general princlpl*a nnderlrlng thru pitenan.-u* ara a layer of wann, molli air at the mrfaee of the ocean with a layor of cooler, drier air above IL 'I his con'tiHon of thuga ls oue of unstable equilibrium, so 1 sooner .r lat. r the warm light a rat His surface rises thro.igh the cooler and heavl?r air above.. When tho difference of temperstan- amt t--?}*tura and tb* supply of warm motet air at tue surfaen are cravat, thia action lae.onie, intense, and ls Ititi fort MW bf tbe comloi sation of the moisture of the air. As til* surf*, a air rushes in ami escapee upward lt tikes up t rotary or w'.irl. lng motion, the velocity of whlct Increases mi tri the centre of the fannel and a motion or partial vac nu m ii ere a taxi Whea a whirlwind is tims forme I over tho waler li ot'ea tb a vu Into the ceatre of ihe whirl ow.n; to the nictloa cr. itel, ami at tbe lama time tbe moisture in Hie air is eon. deiifod a* lt rises, hence the natae n-etcripo-it. r-on-rili-nen ? spout will lnirst over a teasel and flood her BssBb iud ?> h?n one ii forming, ita upper portion ia flfteu visible first, teem log to grow downward from the eioadi. un January 12. Captain II els, af the steamer Philadelphia, ssw (our spouts In lattitcde 36? 41' north, hu.git tide Ti* BT* weat A week later the caption of the iteamer i.l/zia Bagliab i.iw several about fortv tulles to the oast want, and ea January _1 the eaptfllit of theateanirr Kdam siwa inr,;,' BpOOJB lion miles eist- northeast of the plac* where thu .the:* wera sin li let. Captain netter, of tho I'acltlc Mail city al Pare, sa Jauuary '22, lu lstitu.le ,')1? 8T? Berth, Baw th-ea bags ai outs at one time, sun sam BM course ef half ab hour. The waler seemed to be drawn np frun the sea, i.u'j tttug la spin! eil uni :n of troiocndoui thick natl, w.lh a lou,! roaring SOlltld. i : ' aln f'leirv, of thfl iteamer Itlver Avon, on Iinoirr 2% In latitude ijn0 30-Not tb, longitude 51? '.'O', Welt, saw a spout BOte Hun a mlle la diameter. BoTetBl other* wera noted ta tli-? r<-porti, and ibe Hureau re.iuests careful re ?ort? orall sucii phenomena, witu lb* temperature of the an aa i water, isa nus oi tn- barometer, tn* itfaasasa and tmyta i . thc wind, eic. POINTS OF INTEREST TO MABIVBB& VAU'AItl.K PATA IB TIIK ClIAItT I'OIt MAIICI1-. ?IIMR WKA-WKH PII.IMIHF.D. The rilot Charl for March, iMi'ied bl lbs Ilydrogiapble Batten of tho Navy Dsfartsaaah la un seenrats t.ra.k chart, and pie cms graphically much inti mullan sf Int :>-t and of value to mariners. A r- neral r*,,"or,r-o :? il tsiecaatj with deduct: ns ibsrcfrem, '.*? gi :? r the current month, and thc drifts of Bel lUtfl a.:! I | sbetmctlons sa lbs eeeea ar- Indi Bli lon tl . ? Ibeagh neatly throe months have peasel BOCO lbs erna? Kara Scotll raft wai abandoned s<aurh of Nairieket, re? port* coii'iiiuo to be received at the bleach ? ?*'.' - ' nasals fsiiiux in with tho ions, arbleh ate aaw widely sa-paratcd. The gem ral dilft has bCOB In an SOBS SS Otb ea?t dl-ei'ion, Um loii* being fan? I a little la abe a 0_b> srard el this line. That th.-y Bran nat SBtrl i :..<>r?? to Um aartbwati and tantwflrd of tho <iuif st-osm ??>_- pr-.b.*:. bi.v du" to the biioiiK liol lin. es', wini, nhl) li pit .iiicd ia ii lettes pj:t of Ja;iti,iiy. flesh sreeSotty *.uin basra I ? valid over the transatlantic BMaBB-big Baanga lui log tba gteeset part of Pebtaaty. Tbs ii I <f Baagateas ot*ttu Bews on the aecaa is coe, i i l ofr.eiai data, md is eoneesci up to W8_aea day eight Much moist fog was Bsaatteacol oif tha (.und Hallies and along tba of tl: ? U '. Btates than is umwI d-iriug ytebtaety, Baring to ibe Bfa> sal n? that moved through thone re ginni lng tbs flrtrBtbi 1".' has L.i;un ta ...,n.o gawa timm the t.a'oradcr coa-t and lnl"?s, repattfl hSTtag been ? ''iv**! <f large (ie. 1, between lot.fitii.'c 50 and Bl dgrto.., u. -t. Bad aa, far north a- lat.lud" __ gagtcea north. The terecael for Hatch la thai tba waa lhat aBI ba ?liv lesa (-oe, re than during February, (ba lou'h sta Unala of Bog anal pales being, la paaatal, i Baa from Caps Ilal'.oras to thc '-'.iigllsb Channel. To the north ward rale.s may occur a_ fltlsa as saes in six Berm, blow lag h.,iciest from BsatbflMal and BStSbWaat BBg fTCO_n0aa1y Binodal hy slectrisal pbsaoawae. Along the .iiantm, from ffattsraa taatbtratg, Bm wind* wr.i _<? let* -rarlsble, md Berthon win bo tess bog acas in ihe Oaft Onsets! dlrcctlonfl, or suggKHtioiifl, uro given ae r? thl h. -t i utcs for ttaaaetlaatls stcaaHta sal ^.iiitig \> taab i .ni to English or pori* and to tho mmMBBB riucan._ 1 WEI WASTED To SEE FIEBMBB AT WORK rti'ivtiii.M n, March fl. -Two years ago B mWBbStB ol robberlei were Bsnunltffrll In Central Falls ead Val. ley l'alls, ouo of thc large*! being tho robbery of th. Valley I'allt Compaay'S alon', .-evcial fires weiss ret In tann In the Iwo villages, ami while they were. ? bttralag tho aatyeinJog bolldliifs were will _itni*-iity .-av. .1. A ftitv WWalB "if ? thc Valley Tulls store \t;tr. agata robbed. Boon after thin, (he local police ar rested a couple of fouag mon. tram iiifnituatiou galBM front them, tbe robbOfg of Hie N'alley lillis j.oat 0000 were arrested, n. I oeafaaoed that tn eoas* :?!>? with two ether boys they fliv.i tho bulMtjtja with oil "to seo the His) companies turn out." The gang ranged from thirteen to cightd-n ye ira In age. THEY DIDS'T BROW HE HAD A WIFE. BOOfOSt, Mir'h ll (BpecleJl.?Two years at*;o a Bos? ton man died and soon after his property wrns sold mid the reei-ipts wero di.tributed amntiji his Ihtwa children, who supposed thal their father had dl"d a widower. A fow weeks a^o a strange woman ap? pealed, claiming to have been tbe Wtfa of fha man. Thia claim was found to bo si.uinl, as tho marr,aga wes found recorded at thc Begleirar'B oi'icc nut two days after the wedding tho woman left for New Vnik mid later lived In Peniis.vlvai.ia at the State's expense. YBt man never told bis bully of this marriage. As the title to tho property w*.? unti'i'il by the examiner to Hie purchaser, be is now the Inset and not tho chlldien of the original OWaOBb OOMBTBATtOM BFBEFBBBM OOMFABIBB Bdstdv, March 0 (Special).?" The livcnlu^ Tran* scrlpf says that a KbBM for 011111111,' tho lacel cx-t 01888 ci,mp.mles ruiinin;} from lioston, Into a trusl bas been under con.sideratio:) for .-.onie mouths, an.l has now taken such shape that Its consummation se, ii *. probable, lt ls proposed to limit the trti-t mt the U-j.Inning to rompanb-s running east, Including tho (itlcs aud Iowas on lioth the eastern and western division.) of tho lee-nm aud M tine Italiroad. In floniea BlaceB lot esainple, Tort-mouth. B. H.?there am Several companies, alUioiii.'!i tho busiueas could well ba handled by one. Dm- of the promoter., uf th') plan. In M{ac.tKlng of Its advantages, said' "It valli result in it saving of froin ir-COOO to *r_-,000 a Wo will render better service tn our paliou-i, ana tho bu- nio-s will be fai' moro expeditious." ? rREP.iRISG FOR SUM it ER AT (APE BAY. CM'i: Mat, March fl (Special).-Telephone connec? tion I. to bo established between hero ami riilladcN pi ... with loops for all intel mediate poi nt 5 atong iles line. A ledfB of colored Flee KaOOBB has ben ..rj-".-ilal/-<*.*. Already a number of cottages have been rentest for the s;mimer. Holly Heath, near mBBm, l? beln^ piislit'al with great enterprise. Mayor Kdmutnl. and Mrs. MB-BaB. have returiie, from thaiT trip to Florida. Tho .Mount Vernon Land Company ls to build a hotel costing f'.O.OoO and a number of cottage.. IS ls probable that the City Councils will ant hm in- tho extension of tho beaeh drives to tho Mouut Vernon property, A number of owners of summer cottages at Capt May Point havo beeu oecnpylag them lac several V. eel.s. Another lai-fro exctirslou goes from I-lilladelplila to Sea Isle City to-morrow. lutvaya an* bdaa BBSBla for a branch of tha WeM Jersey Road frotn Sea Isle City to tho BCrW resort, Avalon, on Seven Mlle Beach. Tho roiul will be oaly foin miles long, and lt is Cxaectol it will be com* plc led by May 16. COSGRATULATIXG MAURICE R. FLY SS. MaatiCS B. ilysa ls Ving conKraiulata-d by fthnds a", around on being "out of the wood-."' is they (g|| lt. lu adlttion to being relieved of the Indictment* over him he ls also safely out of tho hOaWhM a la. il *uil that ba has encountered in hu. ca^?^. Ile sud Willum ll* Kally haao setlcd tho sui brou'Jht by William MeMahon. of Babara?, N. J. to obtain slaea aatth BI881OO8 in n.o I le, ti. ll Bwbiray ( onpany, wl.ieti Mr. McMahon SU 9*4 tie- nth is had iio'iii-e- him for hU icrvicoa In ?*? a?' up tho buhu ay Cun*: ruction Company. The action wat brought In the Culled Slates Conn, and ta'Slluiony HU taken before Conimusioner Bh-BMa I lie new* now loidlt out Hui th- .suit wai settled lase Baaaaar. Mr. ilaHaMB did not ic, all thal hr had dciu..U'!ed) bul bc va ate BBt?Be4 bo was Mr. Ullin. tji-tUruu-iit was n.? 1>- varlly lu cast and patti) tu stosk. B1FFIHM A DBT-BOODB BWIBDEB is THE RCD. Aie\nndcr Otaaa ago mitty-feeta of Ba. L9TI maa> ave was heil at lafwaea Matkct Court peeasia_y fut Biaaalaatlea on a charge of Ui-o representation. I_ul lie. -.'ii, hat ???inc f.rijr hu-"ie. houses In this elly Ind bera dcfi.iiiied ot over 88*888 woilti of pt-.ieity Hie mer chants tald lhat a iran, gt Stag tba mame of Henry H. Baanjaaa, si He vi- BTeeB-at. Pajlalslphbl, had repre Bsalsi ihal he bal * eteea wt Ba tbi nfthave.. uro?k lyn. with a sto, k vtilu d at fll.600. ci-sr of debt. Oil this reaseeBatettea h? reeo-vel tamma BtaBa which be hs-i BBBl to Hie BtSSHra stine. ll ??? leaiiied Hut after rci-enlng Ute soojs ordered, ther wore sloresl at No 803 Mercer-st.. ?ud ib?n moved Inw ? store nt Ko. l.lyj Tblrd-ava. BaaBgjaoa wu not the outr one In the swindle. Alet. Hider I lr., as. in suclloieer, il No. (12 ltowury, and liv? ing at No. 1..7- Thlrd-ave.. and Jonis (ai.ld-u.uh. also tn . ? uetioiu-cr liviiiB le One- hu nd real sud wero Im* pllcl ted. About D-an-D-b-r HO ahev went lo ta sn* ry Bx l.tpptuun. flu.' iloneers. at No. titi Howard st.. sud disposed of the whole stock tor 0000. Bimnson wss flrrestod in 1-hlladeiphla last wes-k and wss brought le this mir flag held for nisi. ?aMaBaNh. Uo third flwludiet. Bad te Canada.