OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 11, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1888-03-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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?rill-c lo avoid br-rflttms lite "'.?" r, cl t" thu!
-mall extent, All the other ronan, will pro'.uhly
Come lo |l,e ,-i'iiia- eon. 'lunion wa have."
WHY lill IMI BS! Sic I AW WA* J,|SR! li A KU I'. IX
Ths ?.'??in i,I maaagor ,?! one <,f thc W< *tern
roatis sahl: "' It I* tin.* Ihat Ihe mud I irpreariil
:.iit| oih.i-s have ,-.ms,.|, rel it for the ''cst interests
To disregard Ihe later-state btw, bul we have
iulopt.il tl,- whens course iiinl ons srhkh il." out
mansaa will justify bs ls laking, I' "? ''"-??? ??'
avail a gearla! strllta by sny and all 11.1.1.
No oil* i,,s ct ii.".is!.r-d the full extent ni such
a calamity. Il b* aM BO_-r_e tu say that .mi nt
tuii.le bas . m!.nrras cd the tarlington in the
bligh-1 i ti i
m Toa cnn see clearly what thc issue ates -
The men vvaiuhl no! yield In b weeh or in a month.
1'iitil th' liual breakiag up c.mes. ti." strike
v.,,nhl utterly stagnate the railroads and thc
(limmen.' ol the iniiiitry. Thal i* wlwl by ji
mils rvativc?and possibly a llivv-lii uking Cu's
?th.* Western Haas have ao fat- arcrted it ?>
a wisc uni siisililc policy. A little ia.,eli'" BBd
the strike will hit over wiilu,ut spreading, Grad
milly Hi'" striken will yield s point lute, anti
.?.Hollier tlu-ie. ile- conservative element will more
romplet>r_r :.*s, rt itself, nud tee danger will be
orer nothing could !>?? mora foolish limn i i pre?
cipitate a catastrophe, which lu Ibe excrc?e o'
diplomacy caa be averted."
imii vi* ni i Xii mum; TUB STR1BE,
Tlc rngineen and iii? mn of the Atchison,
Topeka and Santa I'.- road at Topeki, K a
Ihrnagh their Urievnnee Committee, warned the
?aaager at thal point thal il he peralitted in vio?
lating the pledge of noa-intereoume with the
15ui!iii_;!i!i road that nt 12:05 a nv ou Sunday
tl,ev would leave their engines iii a body
'lin- ll.emiten Of the Sw it'-iin.-'i"* Piilor *!\'v
iii number, employed nt Kansas City i'i the yur<i
ol Ihe Kansas City. St Joseph uud Council li'uiis
Ifnilrond and the Hannibal nnd St. Jow-ph. holli
ol winch me ii pull ol th" Burlington system.
Ore on th" eve ol ii strike. This murnini! they
i vpn isi'd a ii termination nol tn work with the
engineers now employed hy tia* Burlington.
'I heir reasons bit that the danger is s,, prent ln*
raur-e ol thc ii--oropel4*ncv| ot the new m**n thal
they leal Ihat they will be crippled or killed at
any moment. The switchmen have pass.-,I r, so?
lutions ihat they will uphold the Brotherhoodr!
t.f Engineers and Fircrncu.
TAI.K Willi .IV l.N'dlNKII! u\'T!IK 140**lf>\ AXD Alf
r."*-..*- March io (Bpeetab. A locomotive engineer
employed on the Boston and Albm j '"id -.pcsMng "f
the still,-, sn i: -We <'"u't tiiiuk lhere will be
but iiiiiii'is hen*. I deni think lt will pay roads
to tnlic Hartington freight and inn Ihe risk nf n
lie np; hu! we me ready sti'l lt lt !-. mc--i.iv for Ibe
good <>f tie- order lor ns in sn ont wu will da st. as
a unit Then are from ?_?'..'")?) tn JJU.lsio loroD ' ve
snglneara banded laajaUiai lu this ronni 17 hud 1 annda,
nnd iici.iii ns in?1> gresaea iii their organizsllon.
('ur timinie-, aro In ovrlh-nl condition, it ta! t
several years' work a.* Brenan belum a mon can bo
eoms a competent engineer, and lo-das then sra
t.nt tow ci,, -iaployed in t!r.s country, lu fact, tho
chicago, Rnrllngtnn and Quiney reall) hi* evidently
put Ional her all ll can Bud ll SA.000 of ns *l.,,nhl
gu nu, whal would ito tho ro.uli .' lx> you think nen
in.-n ronld h-v found to till hui places!
-Tin 1 Menge, .tarlington natl Quincy talk* at-nnt
tanning nil Bs train* soUsfarterl'y. why, 1 Lava
a Iriend in hm nln. Ne!)., at. 1 he wrote io" a ' 11
linter! last Mon.Uv lu tvliicti hs sa!d that np lo thal
limo only cu" train had arrived iii iImi eli*. Thal
road baa bees assad he- noihlng bul whal tither roads
ti.tvo granted Ths officials nf sos.f Ibe ?? roads
held a meeting ami Nimrod up what th*
would eos! them, lt amounted to about tr-TO.OUO a
rear and ihej decided lu gran! whal vva.-. ashed, and
I nues, |Bal ihe Hffleers of th* imrHngton wish now
they ind duie) Uhewlsa"
A lilli MK! I Nd IN TAMMANY ll A ' 1. 11 )? I> V V -MAXY
HOADS Kll'il) si-.\ rill
chief fi!!,!, uni Mi? ronim'ttei* In eharge hnve
?plates" th"i srmnaasBents for ihe great Joint meeting
of th? Bf et hei heed of Leeomotlve Enirlneeri and Ihe
Brotherhood of lasamal ra i h?emen t., i,a heb! in
Tamilian) II?li to day- It will b" the ]a*i*e.t ii--."ii
t,la,-r- ol tim hind In the history of th<> aider, at I thi*
leading members slat* thal tho unanimity of f'vaJini;
with i**>s:.rii tn a-Mipi'urtini* thn < bleago, Barlil |ton
and Qnui'-y ntrH.or** to the la*l extremltv, is perfect.
Th? meei!!* w ii tx* s,^-ft. beginning at lo a. m.
ir ls railed bj Engrnears* Dlvisloa No. 105, t;..- iu ?-? *
in the Illulia*,h..mt, ai.d Firemen a Division JN". 143,
and ail lot ul lodge*, are Invited io attcinl.
The engineer* ol No. 108 WlU mci at their head
(platter-, No. :;:i IJnion S^iare, at OiJ'.u a. m. and
go In a body tn T?mniany Hall after their regular
routine wsaMj batlaees is attended tu; and tbe Ure
m."ii of Dlvislaa No. li J. wiii assent bis likewise ar
their heariapiarleis}, No. Ill) Kasi Ons hlindied-and
t went'fifth st., at tha* same hour ami pn_ead t? the
jieneiul li,Beting. -New Jlavcn ISTvUlOB So. 77 aii'l
l)ivi-u,n No. Sim, which inclndea nuaily ail Brooklyn
engineers, will saul large delegations and the follow
lng iain,ari* win t,o representen t.v mem"?rs Bom
tba earlene ledges: The Long island system, tin
staten island Read. ttl". Manhattan system, th* Subor?
nen Kh-v .iieat Hoad, tho Brooklya Bridge Road, lbs
?tow-York and New Maven, mo Kew-Yorh (??"
and Hudson River Rend, New-York ami Harlem, New.
Yoili anil Nert hern, Ue.t Shore, Pennsylvania, the
Delaware, I jut! ns anna ami B'ettern, Nevi Jeinej ten
lui! and lbs Erle, 'lite express,*1 dr-blie ol the enn
servairve sternest is tia advocate arbitration if j-".
8fhM sad n ?' tn vote for a general its np ol all the
rellree-tn, m.les. tl" i : i.-heriinnd I* absolutely driven
to lt, but tu stick together and act ns a unit at ali
? -??- -
inr. tiiKTKXT ton a strike ob sriirxsna IB bbw*
t Nj vv iii i.ioHD, Moto., Marab io.-rive sf th.* six
Waii'sutla Mills are still "hut down, ami tn all appear?
ances will i.'inaln ho tor a long tlnif*, unlas. the ll?".
iii(* spim,,.-"*, return to Murk By this stlihe ?.000
himl. m<* rnnip-.lled tn quit work, a good many of
?sfccni am already BSSdy. All of this I* cansod I .
ono *puu,er ".topping work bi hi.* own watch. Ite'r,,]
of bp lbs onion time, which was tht.-- Binnies fustcr.
The srransss dischaigod him, hut he elnhned t)..-.t tt,"
min wan raaalag overtime, Bud th-* taber spinners
inpiKirtrvd tiim. An effort was nude thlc nun tiing by
F. M. mtiltry, of Rosina, a member of the District
Kxectitive ruiniuitteo af the Kiii(r|its of Labor ta brim*
about a runi-j-'oinne by asking fir ths reinstatement of
the discharged spinners, iiit effwts wars iuiiie fm
tho mil! iiianatremcrit wilt have nothing mme to iln
with mo KnJghU of Labor. A sex-re! meet I in/ was
bald Ju>t .Wort) IS .Aim ii anti lt wa> voted lo Marni
ibo weavers ft*/-! ths strike more than i.thr opera?
tives, an 111.my of Heirn are ullin and nara mu.-li leal
than ths Spinners The discharged mau ls a berber
as well an a sjifrnicr, and will probably K.llu'.v th.it
bll.Sll)f?!S now.
Affairs at thn 1-otnrnska Mills Inch dnblotis for the
return of the spinners unless rhey return of rhelr own
?.'corri, as that mill has a tarro supply nf fllllnc nn
I.ai.l. and eau run without the ala of iii* striking
splnricrs for rt long time, borne of tho strikers have
serin ed work out ol town.
Tu wnimiuw itiom tiik kni*;iits Op LABOR.
Kali Btver, Nasa, March 10 (BpertaB.- B-cictary
?eward, of the Bptaasss, la day i*i.'ied thr fi,in,wing
Circular: "In things tssaentlal, unity. Tha monthly
meeting will lie held In the Spinners' Hall on Toe day
evening. March |f|. Br?Inenn nf very gr-en.4 Irnrvnr
lance will Oe submitted to this meet'nr. arni lt ls
laigl.ljr tloslrabln thal overy member should be present."
It 1* thought that the btislnes. of gre? lim.1.ri..... a
refers to tho eipecu-d withdrawal ol the spinners from
the Knight . of Labor.
The follow.ng peculiar arlvertlsement appea.-e*! In
yesterday's ?? _H_HTS?I fourier Journal":
Sti.riOO reward. To the priests af the diocese of
_SO?Srilla Ihe above i-eward will be paid for the
tt)l urn of box containing rei ti ii. ate it-fi with a priest
of Uga city, whose name U forgotten, diiring Hie year
of lfti-H. Address P.. L. Mercantile National Hank,
cor. liroadway and Dey st. New York City.
A Tribune reporter wat* told by the ce-tblnr of the
hank that un itueh advertisement could be published
without Ihe authority of the Hank officials, that no
such SrU'IinHiv h'td been srinti-d or applied for, and
he did not know of any one connectM with the Hank
who would Oe hit lr t> advortlM* abtiec Ihe Initials
" K. I." lareful Inuulry was made throuiibout Hie
bank buildJn_, a number of offices In which have been
oernjiied by the name persons for vears. bul no one
could be lound who could reveal any clew to the
telepram. The Janitor nf the bank could nut recall
any cnri***ponding initials of regular tenants, or of
their en, plo yea ; neither could the regular postman,
Who wa, ai*o 1 ?een. place t|,r niv*t4ulous " K. I. "
t. 0_ll-__tB TH OM A-S. Sf. jj..
mn. El.I,HIT F. tslIRPABD.
UR BIONBY lill.I.Ot.
MIt_ KjVF.IVK Aa t UVS-1 ABl.r..
MR. J A. BII.-.TH 1 t'K.
? B, Wtl.laACK V. ANDREW)
mr. j. j. mccomb, nobb. K*i-?r.
run. it. sri-o>i'ittinu,
an.l handreSi nf olhar wall aad faTorablr Iiaa ?n ..?ii.u,m
trail.!, and nar tint rel S-^Jw* SBBtatSS^L -_-r__
beana, e-f-ah-ri aud aaaeeaBrn'TSB^t-y&^Mi-ii?
tion af raraliwr*. woi>dw?r.. reMeSu\ *ta W? rnM ia
.stir a,! ..ore iitcraern. whoa* U?ti-noa_"ui will i.e ?mt-ni.
IUaairaiad CiUio?ri??a a*plicat.i,u. M"1 w'"*
main o-btok. BRairoa oppn k,
ISO tlroa I wit, EqalUble U-.iIl.llng j., Kan -.atti m.
bili; Milli QAVK ell A Nil Iii Wv* I.Ull.N
?tiliil A CMIU. ?THM sini.Kil.f.
I NIH li IN I I'I- 111 IN AK! Ill
Tl I Uti VMM ii, tm.-.
l'vi:i*,M;.r i, lo.-Ile- "s.ulii.'ii-.Mii 1i"U H. hf
at i liam il I) to-daj wax nu even glooaiicr and
nu.re il. ,i'-*-,'i;i liiiM-o titan the battle between
Kilruin niul Smith ? few bmmiIIim asm on nn island
in the Sin.-. It look scircly tvv.-iity minni a
of shuni h fliting t" snow thnt *,\ years "t n
brutal, *1 * ? ? i il'etl lite Ililli rviipp-il the 0068 li- ,.'i
i*li,in; power of tm- American champion. !!??
ronld not elone wirti Ins wiri Eng! sh nntngonist,
uml Hu- effort to force tbe lighting cs' bim ni!
ile- strength which his b.luou-i admirer* counted
i.n for tl..' critical rounds ni tin- iim-h.
Then tin- min nun', drenching ibe pugilistN
nml tullun,,' ihe turf pf lin- pii/e ring into a
mans ol slippery mud. Mitchell held out dog
preilly in tii'- wet, imi Siillivan wns seised ?nth
(liiii*. nml after thirty-nine round*?moat of them
.iii, uud un iii ci liiii-tio- ii.ni ? s- ended in ti
Tin \mei ienn uni; li-**! ' ried ? ith Dior! I
flcation a! hi* r,*nit*ninii is fiiilnir t" mnh
?he thrents h*1 h "I been burling ao lavishly nt
Mitchell. Mitchell's friends wot- ci-uully ehn
griBed al their rhiimpion's inability to righi not
i4 decided \ iciory. The credit, ;.t nnj rate, rv
unlined with ihe London mun and it nus u_iee(l
on nil hnnds?Sulliviirfa trackers r.ol excepted -
thal the I'."', n prize lighter li "I met n ith it
stinging revi-rse, ns crushing t" lu- hopes ot inter
tii'i .I'li'ul clmmpionsbip ns nn nettinl defeat.
WliANT.l i vu <,v i: a *]., ,-| mi io fi r nx.
Tlie batile wns rou sill on the country i! i ???
nf Baron Alphonse Rothschild, al Anremont,
n.-iir the < h.. i. tilly stu tion. The hacker*, nf
lilith linn had sp.-ni yesterday wranglins nt
Arnicas over tbe d ?';iil*, ol ihe match, un.i!!
I' ii ree on pince lo pitch tllO lilli.". Th" look?
out dispatched from I.?'?.doti early in the week
timi arranged for a bottle ground nenrer ut bund,
imi iii tin- lii-i moment ihe -jot h*hs found un
sui,iide. The Sn I'i vu n- part] thereupon charged
Mitchell w uh tri lng to wriggle , ? ul the iii lu,
nnd much acrimonious discus-thin followed.
Finally, Mitchell's hackers ngreed t" leave ll"*
choice of u ring to iln* American eonllngent, and
" .lohiiitv" i.idtoti. of "The London Si"iiism..ii,"
who liml oiiec hunted up a battle ground for
Suv us, wi], tun other of "Ihe SportumnnV
represi nial iv'.-., -'.ut ,1 mil 1. ? t. - 1. | ii i gb I at
Sullivan's r urst. io pitch s ring uud make nil
r.;..Iv for 1, 1". '* cn, - -1
iwaiuv'i Ba BOX r.u rn-i mi a's cnorifW*.
u,'leon nnd Iii* two assistants travelled ns far
T"v\;ir* 1 I'm',* us t i-i-ii. niul enrly this morning
found n quiet s;ot un Ihe Uotbscliild groundx,
lust licbind thc Baron's si..ide, Ilie white filia
?bowing thi' ugh the tn .* in the diatan e. Forty
people in nil were in the Beere! mid san thc fight,
ihe s.Hi . pun *-. i. ? 11'_.? v.-ul ii.tcli ni ou e.
and tl"- w irring factions ni imii us ,u, ,v ju,. ..it, r
n few lu urs' delny. Tic l"i'H li poller were on
the iii'il nil ni"!!, the line, short liles treing tl r.i wu
up iit th" different stntioiis which Ihe pugilists
nnd Heir friends liad lo pusa Some officers were
bungin*, ott ntl even nt < iel. bul they mad*' no
sign us ti, - Knglish uud Am 'rican _ i ou! ol i lie
1.1'Lvov carriages, .-ii;'I short I.t afterward Bil
' v tv...* :u;il 111is- s i.ver Inward Ihe woods u
lute!; of i bc ll :?' ii* a-., .m iv seat.
I I nfl 1 VV HO S WV I Mi ! lt.HT.
Tlie lust rii."i -aits ' ii iu 1, fl nally, about l i
a. m. The ring wu*, up and thc w-conda anil
lane kora were dividing into two linallie ram pa.
The rt'i-i s were drawn about a i.tti- pi.tt ol turi
limier thc ii.* ile' ground wu* ..'"'-I ; nd the
weather fair enough, except for a tiire.it ol rain
tu thc north
S" ma- well known English *; rting men were
in tbe groups .-?? , ua-h ctn! of tbe ring
Kiiii'ii. the Iii It-more pm iii I, w lin I
draw va ii li ?'Jtin' Ninth, uni Italdc-rk, nf tho
IVIican t lui., w.-.? Mitchell . secnri ls " -I
\-' ti ii and Mm lona bl were si .?? ml for Su
A laotidon stockbroker, Dum I . . waa refor****.
**.!;!?',;" I', I'li'lt wit* Sui' \.ii'- umpire, iiinl
- Fhn rle*" Kn *.. II. the kn .- d tanc p tl, .ti an,
die a similar ofliee for Mitchell. -I"..nv" Moore,
Mitchell's father ti I iw, and " i lui'i'v" Norton, the
wi ii known lc nth.ii I.kmaki r, Bini hobler ol ihe
-takes in the comiug match, -.load in .* group tn
elie Bide with ' 'ai "v ^ .unli; Sn Michael Sandi ?.
I.".-.! Wemyss nnd n few 4?ther nristoerats who
u- p.iii. ns of the I.''id"" ring "n Ihe
American skle were Dominick Mel "nfl rey, " < dmr
ley*1 Dougherty nnd ii few Bewspaiter men.
Mt.I IN AV BOAST**! I 1 V (.lill* ml.-.
Mitchell l,"l i cn lalkii I I 1 all Iii ?
morning, and Lia face wot flu lied with ?**.. it?
unlit. Ile bad trained hurd, and bbl face wo*
a trifle iiiiu. Still, his spirits wire good, uud bc
mid h" wu* confident of holding Iii* own. Sui
liv.-ui bm] not pushed luriisa-'i s., Imi i in t. i
and his fine and muscles showed it ll- v
arrogant uml contemptuous u- i -.. nud h i I
fully pnlleil on* :i C5on iintc ; entered lb*
tin. snd, flouiishln. it aloft, ral'id fr Mil h-'ll
tn cover it ll - nun ?-? r I'bi |s, also n| - n -I
a roll ul loll* .-uni off' cl ..tl!* ol ll.OOO to ?.'i"'i
in ile llo-ston pu: !..*'. Nu lakers could be
' h'lwi ? !? Tlie Engli 1, |-nt! in ms had i'll
ilieir money upaBl long ."ll* : .ul ii* the battle
drew i" il they"ooh* il tm ? ? ni ' lin *?? *i '
intlv BC ri?S nt thc big self-confienl bulli
hud never yet met lu* oi.it'h in iii- prize-ring.
Sullivnn, st-,;,.. I ti t . ? I -t< :? ? ? I irit
from his i' ? i ? r of tl ? iii,!- i ? nl.nti! bi
12. lb- looked roddy nnd i nrly ? nnnel hut li?
the crucial rounds soon showed, iris Blaring i nw
cr* hud already vanished under tbe double bom
bardmeni ol French ehampagnc and American
whiskey. Mitchell followed him into thc rina
four minutes Inter. 'Ilie two irv"i were old an
lngonisf*, niul personal enemies and they glared
nt each other flereely. Mitchell made tin- first
movement toward shaking bund* thc two na n
touched piilm* weakly, the rr-fcrs-e railed tun--,
nnd the flit round In thc fl. i.t began, Tbe
t iui taken by tin watchers was !':><) p. to.
TUB nsiii.n t.i'KN* nani riv.
Tlie fii*t round opened savagely, Sulliiau, .is
nanni, fnrcir*., *he fighting nn<l making "ne or ta >
l*owerful rushes. Tbs American binded hi* li.-s)
blow, u heavy Icft-liander, }uxt to the I* lt <?(
Mitchell's jaw. Tin; Londoner waa dazed, hut
looa gol in a lulit return oa Sullivan's cheat Then
he sparred cautious!] about Ihe rug. warding "it
sneeessfolly two tar three ol lu* pm ler's li-a?l?.
Finally Ru 111 van uni unary nnd rushed m cit,-.e.
His left hand Ml in .short. Mitchell dodging, bul
Ins bin right ili-st rrasher] u-fiiinsl the untuck)
1.nglia?man's ha ad, and the wiry L-ondoner fell in
a heap ( v.r iowan! the ropes iii ins coiner.
'lin- Au"iiciiii contingent wa. mini,mi. nnd adds
ran up ns hick ns u.. tn ! I "" "ii tin* big
Bostonian. Sullivan was a I rifle Minded, bul
it looked na ii the Briton could nol stand up he
fore nvinv more rashes Uki Hint jual ended.
M!T(iiri.l AOAIK KN'ai i. : i) DOWN.
After half a ininute oi' si, Mitchell wu* ups ?-,in,
BpasTfed uff ntid in the rim;. Still i \ un BOOB
follovA-eti. This lime Mitchell fought shv, retreat'
niK from one imr-t of tin- linc to the Other, Sulli
van's tierce ru-1, vu* too much foi lum, however,
uml the two nen eloaed, The tim blow caBghl
the La-'titloiK-r on the cheat, and Mitchell stagg, raul
ns if he had Leen hit by u pile-driver. Ile made
a feeble effort !** i>urry, hui! Hun t., nm astray, hut
another blow nn tlie bead In.m Bull ivan's deadly
right baud lind him Hut on tin- tm I neal Hie middle
Bl liic ring lim sseoflaa tlftsd Mm over to th
corner, where a little sponging brought lum ta la
a minute,
Thb pace wns too fust for the r_igUabiaaB, but it
wns ul-**) beginning to tell ou tin- greatest ul shot!
distance "sluggers," Sullivan was red In thc
fitec, anil thc cool defeaslvi strategy of ins aiitng
oiiist rufllcd the big bully's lemia-r. (Rill every?
thing looked rose-bued lo th" lui ie prirty ut his
ImcU, which Wiis now franticilh waving tlc- Stars
anci Ktri|ieH and the greta flni ot Ir.'liirul in nn
ticitffltory Irinniob. " I'oiiv" Moore hud u scowl
on his fae.-, and the I'riion Jack ami the Royal
ensign over Mitchell'-* quartern droi i* d iliscmu
ruil.it-ily in lin heavy nir th.it threateaed a earning
Mitchell liad profit*d by his experleBce rn hit,
and from Ihe ht ginning of tar third round fought
ii walling Imllle ll*- r.ui ull otot tie ring, Sul?
livan bo'inding uftcr lum nnd getting in un oe
casional incfTective hlow, I h* Ana-rican chant
pisa ut list autda b deaperate nish, broke down
th*: laiigiishunan's (I'lcuccs and sa-iif lum sprnwl
mg to Hie -a-rouml With a righh-bnnd bhiw ht tin
face. Sullivan fcei-nied to hive hurl lu* li.uni a
little in tins inti rush, and Mitcbtll, though luiilli
t.HItf rt il. WM tar liniii Iniilg ' kill Cg' il out.
Sullivan wns pushing Ll?anvil hntd, .md m?? in -I
to feel tbs strnn.
In the fourth wand Mitchell mu I nar *l ?""'
d?jj*dged i*u several minutes before Sullivan ? lld
(lota- With him. Wileri h'" cl I'l I lull ll? I Jri'-'ll-li
man his bia wa Ml lightly, uml though Mitch) ll
weni tio-Aii in the last rush, lu iiii more In the
tiiwsle thaa under uny MM blow. In the llflhiiiid
sivth rounds be took to th, tucti(*. thal Smith
imd found ko saeewsfal in his iir;ht with Kllraln.
Sullivan eharged ag.nn nod again, but every time
tin; lai.mioti-i if.it a rat Ont* vvl.n be wns cor?
nered lu dropped to ifir* around on ssw hand and
one knc* ?a lull by the Urtndoa ung mira Sui
iivim bud come nenr striMBa. lum ns le dro|tped,
imd thc referee aaatfc i.-d both nun ah.?tn mik
ing or eaaniag a fail stroke
in the Best tillea rOUIldn Sullivan kept up lu*
inelfeetiiBl tttOtkl .lite, the Hotfooted 1'AlgliMi
mau. Mitchell ^ot off without auy dum..^. t,,
sp. uVr of, ned t'.en pl.mt.-.I Lia ii-t ; .vu or titree
timi? in Salltvaa's fai ?-,
SI I.lalVA.** s,.!/).!) BT \ t'ltlT-t.
In tha loath round rain began lo i.iil, and lha
shower sosa turned into ii td ady pour. RuUtvnn
w.i* chiliad to Hie hone and liegnn lo sh..kc with
ague, Ile kept pluckily on, hovever, pounding
' t brou ch the mu Inlier bb o >|H.rn-iit. fullii
j and shorter on each rush. Ilia Imckrn. kepi up
' theil . liragi but looked for ii"! liing bett -r Iii r *
draw, Mit I.el'- tackers I ...p. .1 now timi their
utan might ootlast the American and win the
cha i' ? i . r ? nn.
I ? m iuds from the tenth to tlie thiiiv * ? ?i I
dragged stu iud ly, Suilivan, who wu.*, beginning
to -hiver :*!l over, could dn nothing, Neither
could Mit*hell. Mio'ttrh he tried with nil bism ld
The terrible p_n -lim ni ol Ihe first four rounds
li.ul nenrlt crippled him. The thirlv * eond round
hinted tvv lil, s. vin li,ililli s, 'Ih" ihlitv Illili
i ii , i 'I wi,. iou sb! I brough fifteen mint a. liol li
tm ti ,v i w. uk und i "uni im lo'igcr I"' out fruin
thr "li. nlder.
Aftei Iniit nn h<nir*B righting In the la>1 round,
Baldock, Mitchell's second, broke into thc ring
nnd cried sits* Ihat the men had enough. "Moke
ii a draw," he urned, Th- fight hid now lasii-d
three hours anil len minutes, The prinri|tnls
rcndil* ng-reeil to atop, and shook h.'mis. ibougb
ih" elia injin ii was s'oiii ji'iii- hoilino with rage
.uni a bagrin. nnd his borkers f. ld i] np tl., ir Mu *
th,* in,-i bea rt-sore se! of sportsmen that hi
trnvrlleil :t.-???.? miles to --.- u great intcmatlonni
fill l.t. Pill TT1 lt v i'l.v BATTER! ii il'
Mil 'hell v, is badly linus d. '11.* r<- was n
bin 1 liip "ii Ins invv, Ju* hit ? >?? was bunged up
nnd his lu'dv v.,is n good deal battered, Sullivan
,' is -. ck .I v* ""i "iii. bi i not much hurt, R ; h
parties st ri rt cd for thi* "itv on lin- evening, train,
I he | ? ? .no u -.ide. v '-"i lie dh i'l'-i. ol
r-n'ir*.". fut it looks ns it Sullivan's l.?bftn'i
career won nen riv ..v.r. iii right I n d .\- will li*
n .-ml blow, nt I,list, to his ? bippodroo?ng" box
oiiii" receipts,
4V -
WrlOl K**\I.i: AKKK-I-* l."TORTF.M.
?fl.1.1 VAN*. Ul I If I I. AM) lilli! I I tN Ul Uf ll" "Alo?
in hats nt'i *** c vi-it tu m,
T.')vin,*.. M-ir, *i If).-lt t* ra'tvorted that Si'.Miviti
and Mitchell ami thirteen athel persons bays hean
MI re*td.
S''!;!".."?*!'. AMONG RI-OinTSG MES ll''.!.I'.
-*, i. I I.ii rt,: Willi! Pl km. of I ll I- M Willi SAID
" l TOl I' TOO tO."
'? snip,' ,-- ?.mild ' ii Uv es pre i Ibe fe llnf wi ? '
manifested Itself si sfl Ppli aro ri t inf |
men, las! evening, nn account nf the newt of lbs
Sullivan Mitchell .ir-ovr. "Consternation" sr-mild be hy
lin ? lucre ry >??.? siva. Tl." cit.- ' nf the *r,t' ll," n v.,.
tn ph ,u erv I*.uv araln t tha anea areal nuelii-t Irom
Hi?inn, and * l-l old you-so's" weia lan asmerena to
? ci,nnt.
Al the Ilinfmnn lli't'*". the si ,t mies, lbs l;r.??*??'.
t'ln irver *--p"'i." f. it.* relined alhlete ol Ibo
amateur circle! I ? i it ? prufn ional bully, as-,., i i
. tba tonk nf cod
tn. it- m. - liilly" I Iwards. al Hie ll fn an ll ? ??-.
i ,.i ; ??? ..| bis ni lea-ant ri, llectioi al li -
not aol ' Mitchell, rdvtsrd ll
slnnti i on I > n itt. lu I tbe odd til
ten to one thal ll I ?? nan wnnld i* knacked
mit, ile Bald: -I ct, hard!) hellem thal il"* -
wm is lt ts repotted, lt i* rertalidf ? snrprlsn. i
roi ''!'-r ti*, ih t, bowe er, a I ? maaanra el t ii**
Blniiiie* i,f i" ;.i mea Bull i ... un I 1 mi* been aver?
il ed, I do n rt till nil I! ?! tm Waa In I .??!
condition, h.r ba bm l>eeii taking care of
iv tl i i... i '.... ..i lib i a : ,: , | .- .ni
'"'il i ii.ii '.li alfi rt him i o? . in ba .. v ? g man
!!?? i.o- : uplv dh I ll ? i i-i' a
' ? . ? I ii' i ;??? ? ?
r >r him lt ! rred ?
? ? i- u !
X St i'.'- beg i ii K nf the battle l
I. a- ts""'! t- I.':, ru to 1 j - li. hmenl BS
lt ls lo sive pm inenl lt Ml i ? n h
? ? pa i. t ?? Hill
n.ii enter !,',>- tn.- araln with ant ol Ihem Ile ran
ll"- rr fa||, ,, ,,,,. jr| |i ||..,,, I - |,.,, lt ,.;, |,,,W
? J...- ' I Ol - | tee. iii '1
h uni? itt.. .: a* . ,.- i ? . ?.... v .. > ell
Mid do I ? ?. I , I I .-?! I lah! : ' O'
it i !.., i null ?' "i "-? an o .. i ...ii bava lakea ell
t| a Ita ta. ttl ? bel "
( npt_ii A. W King, nf Ihe 1'i'ti !'? .t. lier Mal".tv"
lr-,,,; l i ri a? i.i?. I ll"
v , >-,'.- h n-l full <?! bal ' '? al all
lo 1-et ihsf nil rssportl "f th* __I,i Oem
" IS 1! '
i ? . n I ? .' ' , '. * ' i."
ranch In U owing, pul ?1..*? n -1 non li crisp
on a Huff man Moline rafe ta a and itrangi It rnnual).
,,?'. . i u. : , .i li ? . .. lu a il".'**.
rhaltenrc fur ** Jack* nemp?cv ira I Mllrhetl * If
Jack Hemp.ry vt ll righi Micheil." 1.- s?!'1 'I et
Ililli me wi'h uliii-tii) or ni,j part thereof, ?? I !..
M ? in House, for 1
Any numlnsr ?.f "sports" would n >i I ; ?? ? rh* re
port* of I lu ind a - ?"''''
f,? Bimi a i- I- ... a ' I I. . ? ? I'..' ? .
I,.- Ssh! did nd rome Off, nnl Ir-ilmf"!, Bell
v* I... Ibottgbl ii 'i'O.
,'.'. ' th IM. VP i s Ec HO ll sill II
li.yin,; ju ini.M(i un B8X1 KV il i-.Mst. tu i
111) LA*.
t the Al li
royal ? ? i ? i stale of I nilli
..ri ncc oi-.. nf Ihe manns
treated ihem. The rnngregaMon worship li Ki
reblot Hell, So. B3fl ' mi
Jaine-, '.ni.. B ul.'le n, m. Iv lin pr ? |," le'..'-. The
(-1,1,1-. I, ho* uni 4 - . ii li. tn tl' i. I.I .1. : lln.incls! r. ndlMnli
rerenili si i in order to -nen tu., fun'!* tt.e Boa -i ol
Ju, t... gol up ? lllemrj ami mundra! r ""it* ament.
I thal | -i* *o" iM ba da
v.-i. -I , ? .a ta and b var was
I - i] : -,,.- h -. n I., ii." pa lor, h. ? lie* ' ?'?
I) , -.v I... !..:
legree of regllll ? ? '""Jv
p,:.,e ,,i> i f night and dd I it ?? i ? -i. i
iii.nu'.I ?? Lil Ior the i.ii."i ',? rc' ??? ..( 11,4 la' I
i I. ts ho Insisted ".'. getting bl* real, r-.. anil lui tied
.*??'.- . |he , .'? 1 , f 1 o ll I" ] aV
l.ve-vi.ilv rubbed f"r lha stab bi I many T-- Tl
down l-esdloiig binna "I ti." men mngbi Mr. ? Uik
III ll iii .i ? lui lit "."? .1- a !l?l 1 ' un li
vs:,* struck *eve-il lin ?* ii'i'l s.-<IM,ia| Will ?
lld o] lb a chair, *? .??Lici bj
i Url . nf assault and ballin wein in
Justice I..tv ind tr ??? ? , ? ?????: tn fm
nish SBOU 'iiU ll" ? Ul in lha ron ula: . hi! ,- ?* mtii'li-'
-....i.r i I I... I ol.,...1 |,,.-n.
lill UAY".': AND HU S!Ei:L J.v.vui IATION.
Ma i I! ? ,: ? ' ' ,. with r ferem a lo
.-i repori tint lo i wi ei ol the American linn
sud Meei \ ' .':"n v i. , h uk. Hi tami srUve
d * "Ulina rn- ol high tarifl literature In ihe ruted
sidles :
lt i. trna 'bal I ara "t.f the vice president ni
lha - -?" ni'ion mentioned, i bave been 4 mein
t" 1 ol it fm I! .? la ; tblrtj ti. '? y 01 , bul I du no!
remember e\*r having attended h meei I ns ?,r t(, it
j'>.l>. The t ucl a! I on 1- ? tradVi of-caiilsathin, and
im. I,.'11 ni grea! henefli t.. n,.- S'er| ?,,?! |.,.? .?
.In tri'- in ciiinplllns nlall.llc*. If ti,- Association
I* 11 -r-fi 1 , Kemi ..tn high tmirr rlrcnlar- ^i"l 1
1 iiijoir no tlu ns sioui it. 1 bava io-ii.i,.ooi tn many
a - cia l*i Li ?? ne inbei ? 'i 1 11 't na '??' willi mi
v1"-v? Int ll ll Std reit seem to !?'? n f f-.,-,,-. ul.v 1
?hould rs''ii. Th" (ihjvt, of t lin .\*-,ociat. ure
?.'..?I ami theil- |n n ?'i. n*: po lill, ll lil.mil ll.
All ll - '? ??? 'I ?'"'. ??? sboul no- sra poid I bed willi
au cvhi*ii! pui p..-?? nu.! by pe-Mina -eeiiirif u, make
local capital oui ,f them, lt hrs bena nil Bats fort una
;.il mv [ifs 10 L. L.i.i." io the iiiiu.., liv i have n-u-r
hai.it ni ari to ex, pr* i hit views, eeen if I ?;: l belons '"
iii" mi-,-,! i. When I ??? i- 'n Congresa .Mr hrii*t
i ru rio np ihe lari of nit nc'iulif-i .hip in t',-. \
ti,ni un,] (.poke at mit tba me ru ber* nendlni uni lilt, i
toni: circulars i prutekieii aaralaal ? i,e Aafunelatlon
belriti used fur an li .? poi p*>*e I suppose niue ueoplo
WOUlU la- l.len "il lt I |-.-.li-neal lon \ ,|,.| , , ,.
I hould mil in :i,j rrslgnailoB becBiisa 1 am la 'le
II .1 tu lt >.
Vswrosrr, Harch IO (-pe isf). loka P, (.iee,,, ,,f
Philadelphia, hu, taken ?ebbsni Outtnaa on I'enanl
rut Islaml. Angastaa .liy. H..*relai7 of Ihe Arnei li -ii
l-.",-?i|":. ai Par! . luis ll Us Newport rotlai-e
I'ct.nt t-lsltors at tha nollagaa were lurhatd J.
Aii't.lil. ol I'lovl.lciit-e. .lolin s_ t*ev,'ii,, Jr, Mr-,.
York*8 ''?'?' "", '""' Un -*' " TkvBasaoa, al Sew
Mk. (IntlcK I. Whitney, nf New dries i,., |,?. ia_nn
Iwo of tba Mvlugaton cotta?ea na thc uilth ?,,, ,u?
Mr nnd Mr. Barhaaan arinthrna have Serlited la
i-?'"-'" lu Karapa, nml rhey -||| |.-| n,r,r ,.,,...., ......
iBgi which th.y ..iiKiiiaiiv, li,lei,dei lo uceapyT
Ki.ai.in... Marrb m. a Mghttel wrsea. teal pu.-e
ou Ile Howling i.-slin.ail near Iteyetafcig ii. ul_tit.
A Q-elghl lr...n ian Into a tiuck Which had her*,,ms
ii. i.ul,-I from :, tua] ctr ul a train which |,_i pr*.
i ion-iv passed np ibe road. Tha eii-,i!ie -?, ihrewn
on i'- i a large number of can nen brohea nil
?eli ii lort> feet high, liremen John ^'Connell vt,,,
lulled ai.ai lieurga anorr, a hrnhMaan, wa, BBriouslv
ii n .i lalaliy IuJuitmL
t n not us WtTBOVT soil's
A' 1 BMIIBBg "f lt" !"?<*?* Il'iill".' I l,u.,i l^t a\a,,|,,J
?i N". I..; Kine st., r sMd.bs wi ra s dept ad um n,* i,,i,.
?'?ire hill lina) la taate la,inrr"-, ta. \t* T j au! shiv of IhlrtY
rents pei los i>er 1,600 ssUea toveUsd by ?n BaMiiess
?hip in ,i foreign r?*ra|i?, i* .1 wea ania nhich dasarv.-.. u,.,
heart* co-oj-erailoii snd mpport "f cvir-r aarklagsMa ia
lh? t',,1-1 hrtatt-n, ,,,,1 anklns "viv **"glSSSSSSB fra.n.
"tew-YorS ie uti tot 1 si u Btt?ri no..,'ire.
A ?' I'm and I all."
1 bl ? la ? timur |.i,i?.f. iu ii,. raialtmSsS, bm an bm br?ic
ar. ii-n! rnlaii I ll ll,., ?.a lt arl.*', a |.ar?,n K:?? ? Ca un.
I*r..air*i Ilia ..piiua ur I.UTIDB ar aallluc Monk on n rt,art
1l.1l at 11 prli ,? il tu , BB tl Uar um nf, lu ii 1. a I ran. li laoiu.u
., nari..us n|.?r*ll*n li, Ut* Ur-tier. But itiarn li finora nam, , *
? ,, .1 n.i . ol lluin lui. trim,, roil ar* "|ml" io I.e i ?|th
:. .av. ir , .,1.1 in.I j..1ir li leads " eli '? a BrtJ-lleKs. A rr,|,| ,u
tl. 1 l>r lot--ll'; la ll.* lianna Or Kiaioc'n u.io.n Malle,|
I'll' oval v. lha Kl'lt , Ula tnt j.inin ii ur ile! blot al Ol tit ian.
lt. Betlan I* m ll i-ailnu. It , ma, tim tvi.r.t ii..iKli, wi,nillir
Billia, imi'i" in : or ri 1 anl' inr nml l.iin?\ Mpiiii r ..r
I l.o.L .-hon Hr-111.. ' "nunn pi I.,11. Bight riaoiU aa lt lu
a? i-i .ttl , 1..,n, li nuri -.,,i? nil vVuai WOiUslUSS. j
tttemuart* n?'e aaren AH snalsksn. lataly Ortmn Min
interal WanMaeio*.ant?avBiBBUr Wllllaai h. Banna, >.r
,,,1,?.,"?"t ri trmn* ll"'" P.x-OntatoM Ptweam
, , ....?.., .1 n ?-? iu nus!,,..-..ml Senas* "???T\J_*:
,..'., n.towa, V V.,'...,'-.',r//o-fi B**ln8 K. HaStSt
and J'-' " W. i'"Aor. ot etui ssa
M.',', t'ORK (ITV.
-|l,ere v. ill be in. bottj In fatting hicks on tin
Panama Panel rm ons wants io steal tl at present
The Envelope Tm I deas "?i appen; la u**?r ths
-Ul!.,li of public il |.li.viii.
Tba ..!>-.lin; ef parnsoh li "mneceBanHrji ndver
llaed. PfVeobodj knows Ibnl ti,.* naya ure iwinly
.. ,|i?.-lint,, .v. .mi when the Hatless damsel siaied with
one "f tb- - "-evolving harpoon* wHJ placidly piwsetnre
;,n un.iffen.llnc Roman n* -"? <u mu-- np a frtloWa
iv.'i.i.he-. and i' ii -v..- tl| murmur"Obl eacuan me,
ph ,-?-"
"What's i" i '"''"? "'nm which irecsll -* " ?!?'? "l'"
rurtnln nv anj olbci uams wotikl per?ll Ihe aroma nf
, ,t uni-, dui and lo.i peel lo nervnd.theatre.
pura mn; le ingai i ju'i bs beet
Whale t.;i sad buttah bidet have "weonte wntraerclnl
rnritli *.
I st p.iuiiv, ona B-tpecU lo ?eenie Senntor RtiMla
; beiger si ' M"' n ? '?
Ai-,-!,, hop '-.'??; ui wli ?? I irate lolemn
.. ,.. in the rall hal on W. l*a!rick Da Rl?l "i?
i, I,,,- p. ol Ti ion vvii pi' e h and the 00th ttegl
n,.-ni v i;l ire presenl In ni If, nu
nh- Paull t ralbi iv Ul ti] en a I rn ' ?"? ?' wi
.:,?. in the i ?1 -'"' " ''' I ' ' ?-"''. ?'?''
ru y,!,ni, -i tl ? rei ng
i Father Brophy, ps ior "f lha < bntvh al the Beer
' ii,.ni. has p.t.i' ? -l ? pi"' ol sn nnd nppo-lte his
' rhureh foi r?2.0.'. in irblch lo build a pa
fUnce il,- ? ii on il Ibo Ii Ka ' :
ol America a yesi and i hall .-it-". rYuher o'l'i lly,
ll,. Nat Ional Irci rm. ha* forwarded i" It-ami over
- to i," i: -, if ir Ire! rt ss hlimrlf. ami ! nu- If unlj.
I mnv sea I*--' " ls i.i. '? I" h "f ?* i ?" cl'!, which
O'Danevsn Ro?si recel"! ,1 v.- terrie*, from Ihe Rohert
Katmai rlrela ol thi lin.m Rmtherl.I, Ban Ytan
The pre i.i,,,,! ,i.l [.tollu of Ih* I'm -i - I'""i-1'
i utlep wli r .ol. r s re *!.""" t , Ihe Pundtl i c int * il
- . -v-iill on Tn - ! .v fn. vi !1 to .*. p. Bl . in Hi" parlor ?
ol ihi! c..!:. ia i "v - M and ??'> Wen
, Hf.) liol, rt.
John ita.it, ia .-? li?. ind !hr> fireman and dt
.1" ;,i in i- of ie- -?? uner Mrlrlnprah, which "Il rrj
lill has lu*fl I., inv-i pi--cn-." '? "'t **?""
V..'k and bis p'aei ? i . , | ? ? i 'l i I In
i i!,.. th iiuoi ,i -ni- ' ? i .... i wo.:.-. Tl ?
. . I i i . ? ' "J- 21.
t i -... di il M Mahoi - dd yt
i h ? . -'I.it ." i .. i m.- m. i, .'.r Irli 11 at Jui rs,
vv I ,i ? ,a ,. etc. . bin ,11 lie I ;i,| p ,'! I'i
. ".riie-.t -)?n i|rt rv ' be t - Ogn / '! did t '
tl.a N.-VT Vorli office, br
'/? 'i no i a if the J i and ?n
ie - ? i ,t. i.<.' a-1 before the pas;menin wore made
Tl ? v | ol il -,-? * ' ni ." I ie ralh I
her i.v i oi t, li i- ii * ? ii ', ' ii,-:.!'.>! io kidd h.
The I- li ? .. ,..| rill n '.* the il, il ni hi
parlor leeturei at Mrs. James lt. l-'ranklin'a, '??? l -
I ., ? ! ??? ? if n ??(,,
Tickets oi.it he had Brent ano' I I
I* "The Ni-rt I Irals of 1 i I," l_lu dial *d
III* i!*a.l Kl !?i.. Ullin- the fe.'ure. ta-t'ir. e.
eserllngly natural is r* ll was as 1]
lal t tim 1 ?' \ . ? I me nt In ibo
fiist ball ' ? '
I'lill ? i a' ,i . - - - - ?
in r'.-? on fonn nf,tl ? I ?? " i |r gu ard tbe r**
ll,* erfa-t being hight} imp ? v ?
Mm h as lbs I ? ? ; - ? ? ?!. i n ?
Inatlnel ul li.i-f-,, i, still strone** vv.u, him. Un
Kisib-svs * t,?- other <t it, outside "f ? randy al
. r in bn Hoi
ed -not to aal tb* ia hui
'." -i 'I ll.eui at i B o I.n a >? Bt
M-i ? ' i that I ' her fis reit, when
net - look au) serious step - -
? " out t. .- rm ling him. a
many year*, bis J,;
int I vc or a verb lu tl
l.a *? . |
I -re r
' . -
Mayor's Mai.hal
. '
May oi Ile* in j,, ,.,,.,v, | (iou , .,,,, ... j
a, O lor th n, ii' sols, luflere ?
nm laities" ara tho !*? ? ?
world, 'lt * tlei ! si v.. hera t ??? i i -. lenib I
lo Harlem ll..ce stall ll ll laid ? ll il". -?? n '??*
ereeb i al ? Ihat ? ,..-,?
11 ??'-,. , - ? . ?
lin ., p.--,', rust's t
-\ nea t.. - *; ted in I
? ' I i .. j to
Moi ..... the gruel laj tut spec ,1 - il iv*- ami
bargu i, -1,, -, |. uni
ping nml th* *??! vant ,1*- nm ?., sins iel when
evening ronn i.r ... ... , ,,.,, ., v, , .
.... ,..
it ! i t ?! r* ? j- , . . rli at all, bn! the
tetlow ? . !i
If li. ih- *..Hii..i-i |.;,v ? j', rabies ira 'I \rn*A,n
"I'J ?l" 1' C:"i I " I- | 111 'I an I thal netti
' nm.ii tie* gstentea on Ibo Tldrd .venns Klevsled
I*- compelled io ? rv o ii i .- rh ? ,?? ... ..
i" ?? n trail '
Why do m.! u,e people v. I,,, Bra nanni na for l ?
new dtove I,, .-I,-.! evil t.| ? ii ? i-t v. fourth
tl ' ll. i liners h,v.. slread) taken over I .?
Ifaomoghfare, sidewalks Inrlud !. for ti" pnrp.I
t.t^nini'ir in ronna tttwnS
The l "!"!iii ( lull has ,::,, ?..,, au lai re In i ? I
' a ll ,? .' Sn Hld Madl un ave, .1 ? i ,i
plier Buflklenl srcommodallon for their meei n.
iii,- rim baa rai c,i m., i ? k.? n,?,,s |n ,,,? |? n ,. IM1
lha '"?;*! ? n ri rm ner ol i ifij nt nt I it ,.i,,i Mad ni
? vc, which alli h? ready* lui occupation In att-oui ?
iin.nl h. In addition te tbs meei Ins room ti., r? ? ul i,e
? reception mont, i parlor, snd t Millard room Tbe
duo mil iiohi a Steeling ti So. tun Madison ive sa
Mi-n lay sight.
l'u.fe?-.,! i ' ore t-as siill loo 111 re terday te
it- liv.-i- hi ? lecture n' ii,- Mu "inn ol \*iiii-oi ii
ll v., ?i?- i.i- .sj however, t" 'ii rontlnne ihe |cciiir*i
fur Ih" ra!nilto*-r nf I lie month and teacher*. Iii tl,.i
puhitc schools were informed ..f this dee I lon The
lultiret villi lre"1? nsln on *-:i!:iu1.it April 7.
Iliiii> .1 fnllen, ji-, ' hui"- ll Daniela and Austen
c. i'o\ rest erda) esamlaed Iwenlj five applicants fm'
in.l ml - - "ii i" lha bai In lbs General fcrai room nt tba
supiciiio J oiirt.
In assail mailers of cit j government pabitc opinion
ui*asn'i i inuit. Miine." ti.rartlou of snolhei p la
to enmplcte lbs oh trnetlon it ti..it part of lbs kbla
the lt
I . - -
Impure Blood
Is thc cause of Boils, rarhuncles,
1'imples, i'.c/.eina, mid cutaneous erup?
tions ol all kimi*. Thara cnn he no par
niancnt i ure far Iii ass complaints until
the potsoa is siiaiaatad froi.i Um sys*
tem. To do this irtoeonghly, the safest
snd inu.st sffecttvs nedlclae is Ayer's
huisiipiiriiu. (Mra lt a trial.
?'I'"or the neal twenty-live yenrs f
hnve sold Avei's Sarsaparilla lu my
opinion, tim hist remedial agencies for
tin* cur.! of b!1 dlseaaeaarising lunn ha*
purities of thu bloa.il sra cuntnloed la
tins iiiciii.-iiii.." .('. u. Bruck, Drag.
j/ijif, Lowell, "das*.
"My srlfe vhs for a Inrifr, time n suf?
ferer frt'in tnninrM un n,e neck. Noth?
ing did her niiy jj,,,,,] bi cal 11 sho tried
Aysr'aSaraaparula, two bottles "f wbl? h
lands ii i oinplcte cure." M.'. ij. Martin,
111111111114; BpriagB, vf. Va.
"Vfr have sold Ayer's }larsap*irilla
hare for over thirty years and alvruvs
ret onunf ntl it when uslni to linne ilia
best l.lood-piirilier." - YV. T. M. I.euii,
DrugRist. Aiign.nu, ohio.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Mir.r.iitKii by
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Priest!; als "/.Uer,fi. ^ wrth Si ? Oulllt.
' ni,r. Bamparllla i* ii," beal in tho wo:ii. jenni. "
'? And th* .i | .:. to", Charley, lin ros - j I
hail in: lu on) only .. eenl a tin-" "
" ^ *. m.'! Brothel snv, v|,,. n-.vrr had n med I elna inn
? m do u ..- nut li :.- ??! a* tl io I' - Kai ii| trill i."
*? That's *?>. Hurrah f ir li ?? V* Bar?| ai Ila, i
i ? . gnat ,-.--? -ardlrine mn reaSdentty reronwnsal
ii.kvVs Barsapartlla Ry Its nas tba blass' i? pnrtBaa,
eiiriciitsl :in I vttallred thal I "1 fer*llnr* In eiiHr<*lv nv ?-.
tome, mid iii* whola i?xlv siren Btrangth anl vtiror.
The appetite j- restored and harpnmeA, tl)- SlgeaUvs
oi rana ara I and tie k tm r" nat liver "avngBfatse.
Thone who kaia never tri't HoosTa .***.:*?.
0 Doses One Dollar
"lOO Doaaa on" Ii.el.u" I- h..t a catch linc, hut !* j
iv i;i, ami mi.-i.i ..r lived"s Bat.nilla, which
I- ile- vii*, beni nurina; >, b. at.J blood |,u:i'cr. New,
reader, prove it. Tar,,.- a bottle home sad measure Its
conieaU Vu will Bsd it u held 100 leaapojarula
V ". r. j ! Hi Sin 'I'".*, ami j-.ii . Will lin! Hit th*l
uv.-rsc" .1"-". f.,r t, rams nf dii'i real s" * ls lana can ,i
i' i -j.'.oiifi-i. i ? . ? ' nf tbe | Blltr strength
Ifood'i bama] a islvs an-l
March April May
. i in whirl ? - j -i ?:'-.- ? ? L for at bb
' ? ? ' i ? fr,.in
t rtng nm
- ," re |?f v hal sw nee* t te r*rpel
:i" ! t-r'.'r tl.,- I Bat 'I"* AeMtttetl?st
i" ?. ni null weather i ?? ? yt ir Inerenesa tte- popu
1 ia? irv ?{ ii ,i". KaraapnrUla for li la |aai rut: ptmpla
r."<i at ti.i. naasoa. it. i. i," Ideal aprins niedislnc,
,- i ha va ne-rae I ? ?-1 i'. in ?, uni yea ni le. eon
Vlli. .1 ll I" 1 p Uii.ll li"": IL
Hood's Sarsaparilla
?M. rhmskiar baa beea v r> Ul wi ii <? ? ?? By
- , i .. ;,).,.,: ne, ? . - . l **o- i i i ?? i te 1
, M 1 vii- m.lid 'ifllllj -'ir'.ri-'.l by Un
v. -..i! ? .: .oi . ' ' '?? ia nae
si .?-??'. i. ? i v ? a
wu-"i.H'.iv eared ll B B *.\ UNA I lill.
1-, t". ?? I -. sn say, .**?? t.
I .... |.
: ?. '??'-?
,? . A- t keeilh ii.vli/"rit.,r 1 ll. UK lt ?ui?'i..j:
aa Bia i i'. utica H. V.
parilla ahould do ts thia spiitm*. Il is ri I'loimchly
honan unj. rcllabla preparathm, purely v??? table, snd
."I, mus iii, ii,".'inn. iii.ii'ii-io v iis-.-v r. Thananads
who hare tak-n ii.".;-, s, ... , . ... :, beueSt tr.ufy
to irs peenliar raratlvi i>o"r.r.
m Forty u.t if.na I waa very *t -i -h nm I nra I'"1!
nervous beoSasha, f-it mi'pra'.ie and all tint. I task
Ho.-I's Sui-iipiij 'it, anl waa ii.i.-h I,.fiuM hy lt, I
I r. .ii.n.iii it tu my friends.' MRS. J M XATI-OB,
1,1 I'.' 1 ll l.ll Av. n ,, , I . , ? ,1,'J. "...
Purify Your Blood
We brill re ll mtV i Ban ? I tba trw r bot - tu
rina ",i tv. r 1. j. ll, 1 .. . : pur ale! t? exp."! th* |WHB|
a.I ;.. r.,ilt' ,. V || lll-'n.,. .,,, .1 ,. 1 ?? j o a, . lilli.-!, I .,';,." aa,
r li .-'!..'. 'narai
I . - | .- ' . .1 , ! ' . - - .- I.
par! . - "i- ami hu.ids u,, 'ti" -i."*n, nhl! I
. sa n - wa
?? I ?. .rt Head's s.-.-ti ..M.i.'i fir -. al sppet ie, tym
pepaia, and ? ..- i .! :. cu ... lt did nt" a vaa bi a*
J. IV. WU.1.1.1 Oil?i, Qui . . i
Tho Best Spritlfl; Medicine
.., . ^ ... . -_,.. .. .| ... | ,.... ...... . |
' ' ? tl thiy , I ii... !?-. .-- iraapertlta W i
leah it law "salas, it SM aaa ? si I ii ef r""i snl
v.- p-ll ? | . nen e"..*r ;
i ired a y irifi vi .-m. ..- ., - .?
i , ? .. a . ? 1 . l.r-cj
I ? ? l ? | -ti
purify the ii' tod before l ithei tetces aa . '
-.lil. '..!., snri:;?.'/
J. il. I'l M.' e. bapt '--j- ?- Itallrssd Ca, Cai 1
V ll.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
i I ll'.< 'Ii k CO., At, .' -..?*, I
100 Dosc3 Ono Dollar
I. r..r ?'?
a . -v I "
I I IruggiaU ??-.:? - *. r ... J 1
* ' J li ? '!' ??'... A;. .
100 Doses Ono Dollar
nalh ou i'.t. J. lion at I ?*?*?*?
I., ulga al ara poo pw a< ie an i !j '?*?' " "
roe'!* .vj in oi der t" paei bj -
Jobs . Orahaaa, ana ni the banian of the Ir
put." ina !n this flt), hu* Ju*' i.-tninctl li "in * lb***
, ; bi* fal ben w ?
Berni, he anya, th*; Lia Uloue *? ll j
I .. r.. ?i .-.ri .iv il,.* Tortes an I I .'Vu -.. lloma I
,. v , ? y,,., , ... ,.;,'|tv nf ll." Rev I*-.
( joh', ll..!!. Ila i ' xs' born '"
ii,., i . . ?. ..ii. Ireland.
i ? a* rev. dlnappol itatenti in Ute eojnal to 'hu
.,r * man who lb!uh* I snccse ind sud
". - ibal io, i' ni '
]l -. ? ,.!, !? I, S-, 1. 1 al 'ii-..'- ' ?! .1 1' ni
Iii liv ci) i tup-BIO v.... ' '?
I rymoi ? it' '?' 'I"-''** This machine,
: u-i, will fa ive '" have a pat*
. ? uni
li," war -iniv d ' ' tn " Tl ? i ?
i? ..?-. ? Th it ui mt?Ij l*t now
lltor of ** Han '
i. ,. ;.. -,v mn over 'i.e can
pa ..
1. 'lint Wilson, lue watchmen el tha ichi -
tn. t Krhnudt, n?. arraigned ji*i-....v
.1,1,1 .. M? -. . I r - ... 1.1.4 I'i" ' ' "J*. ' I 'he -.-h "'il -I'
,'.- sd a il*., ni guilty.
Ma ? .- ' - ihul IhS mi!' In *el( defence. 1!"
'? wan held 1 I ? I Uni I'lt'i: and Ihe nure of
.."i,i., Katu ti ! ll Ludlow, waa detained n*
., Billie*! Tbs i'-.iv ni Ile runt, li '! tao Btorgii.*.
ll la ;i lino- b) birth snd waa known a* "Jlnt"
lit- wa shoat Iwenl) liv- years i td.
I teni .1- ll. Ni. liol .on. Btuptuyi I lu the laid itOTOI
ai He loot ol \ ii, Ul ml i.. who feil through lbs
hol'l .( ile lou li Alt "il Itue-ll ni I ii il) amt
-. >, raterdny.
( f t .'? i im nays thal i! ? Rings ( ou"*v Kle?
in i i... ll "..I i ? ' u ii . -.. , |jcr ii tu place it- r.,!t
"?ii on il." na k- lu murrow. An Inehne hw
lu oi bulli si 'ii* un nv where a MaMonary eng
will ni aw np tin- rai -
r V* ? ai ur ht* berne. Xe. ::--* Rerry
i'i'.lo;, nigh! Ile bad been unconscious lor ibm*
dais nml i!'?> litni. ol iii .-.- pi v- iiu'is tu.h.i to ra?
ni ore hun. th- hui hm n in un health previous tu hi*
dualb, Lui during the winier be snared teverul)
fi"iu .,? ..- un |fe "i v' .1 hui or ti'iv ti ?" i.'i
the v* ir snd wu, p member "f the Harry bs* iv-t,
li rand \rm\ ol the Uepui lie
A I'.-'u, ? . n ?? j i,a |",?o. ?, ,,f . o iii ?? ri .,i trill lie
'??I vc.-.! lu nl-chl before ii"- Association ror Miwal sud
Ppirti iud "(ducallon, In lha -?e.-.ii)ii Unitarian I'bnreh,
ut . 1.mun hu i nagi isa its- ly Archie duerteu 1'ai
un r.
I -*i mit -* Iii" t'.fiv ..ce frstne bul klings were Iv-uu- 1
lani virf-K lai rmi eic. I .'J: an! for f"itv one hrlch
buildings lo cu*t ii-.i-s, ? ,2
A good audience i.-ic,.ii to a lecture bi ? hail.*
Mi Kragh ai As < lallou itali, u.i evening, nn Buna
perte snd M Helena Mr. McKnlghl ins ior mur
vetr- tiiiti-.i -'utes I'unsnl at st. lid uri, where he
Inailo t -1 ti.lv .,! Ih" li 1 ii..j , ot N.t; oleoii.
NEB. auk.
t! in nippocd Hill lin* per nn vrhi, a- a.iltetl Am.
ti'-ri-iui with an ice jthh mi Friday Qi ghi l-s Mia K*
i i Downing, i ilstci In law ol the unteftotM turf
I ar snd |all breaker, "rdlver** Downing; uud a w i,
nun lui- Il eu Is.iiel for her at rent The won m
ulm was u-millett revived lo dav uml lt "ii foil"!
Iliat lier Injuries viet,* uni aa a."vern u via. al lli.r
i tu peel eil
? m ??
Tha [lillee are busily engaged try lu.* ta Unravel
another mystery. Usa body ni a cniureu man nnmad
l-.ioi! King vva- fniind In the icllur wny nf Avery's
alni,* -tura la I bssry al ysetatdaj amtnlng lt u
np,.ii il thal King cngBged In a quarrel with bomo
ne ii ever ,i game uf *nol- I'l'iUy night, and thal the
h'iiuic ended with ths ab* ve iv-uit*.
Tbs tn-i -ih- nf plop rv In RUsabeth under iii*.
Martin ad for bark taics snd a -eseateata nu. held
restardaj ami th.* city realised thousands ..f doilnrs
?hicl, it im- previously been Itnpuaalbla lo rolbjct.
"i.iv :." per .-ni was bought In b) the rlty uml iii,* '
ri -uh waa a plea?ng sarprlaa Hie tams on aunw :
ul Hu prupert) im*.* been dun for tweatj yeera
l.ONU l-l.AXD.
nurgian entered the hon.*' ,,f a. p. ueass, vlUsas
h-eaatii-er ol iviloga Point, .-iniv >.--,r.? t.i.-.-. morniiia
and ransacked the Iwuse fr* tn tnp tn botturo while
the I.n it, slept Mlverwure, Jewelrv Snd Other \ ;1
ualrlt!* vvoro Currle.t elf te Ihe value of lf."itl(l.
.-.-.'? ??'*' .in". ......I i.tsi anni
im i m |,onion, Ohio, ami il,,, Huts Kill *??*> "hen lu the
ears af his Butha* After Ua seats him a*aal u.
Inuit.Ul niul on .laun.iiv ID. Mice.-il.Hl lu SMSMag j,,.,
daughter a*- -tho -van leuv iu_ jcbool. olio put Ualio
Into u ? i ige and drove .1 ' nh of tl 1
Itt", er until a ilde to i>n bri .i-l a ile 1 it,
"-.I" n.11. ?? I -.i - 1 I -il'- ta. 1! ,s - itt lu -nf,.tv.
i'll ril-dli lav si.- I'i..v..| 1.1 ii..- house in Twelfth*
st. Al""lt *_' |. !l!. ..'! 'J I ,!-llV |."-.| " v-a* --nt out
to 3 si . ? ?? i.a-i. !,I ? irbood 10 umi,a -,,!:'?? pur.
?? 1 . 1 .,: -.1 .'.;, -. M< 1,'." -u.: *
: ? wi on her war back ti.
. t '?>??!. lu s-'i to rake her
back i ? . . 1 . ' , rt er* ll
. ! thal ? ? ? , ?*. 1 ?"' .'I. .-'a nol one foi
. mi ti might I <? t*!i"d ta
ii," IO tlir? tn-nalv of lin* girl
/'/:. 1 BOsBY DENIES A /.',' MOB.
itt- w.." ii., iiiivvivn*. am.i- ki risa rm: rx, i-k
L tWa II Mil- 1 HY.
li v*ii- 1.iperied in te , ?? t1-* afternoon papers
'??? ', | ' ,: il- Kev. I' ll-', im! 1 :".v. had been
lcd b] ? ' " ? 'I "f I'- :--",i
v ! rv a
'? ?'.-? pti .1. 'll - l>r .bj .1
- I vv bs -,*; ed last Wed lay," I ,
'? Iv i ? \ on (.latin a I Mi Dayton, c< 1
? ?' ;? isnl. v beti er I wo ld < lent to sen*e srr*
: .,. I o!.lilli ?Inlier V....*lln;lll ri*lit ll SM
? .:, My ti ely
!ii lo.ii. - was thai * I have 1
? Inclination, Imf thal if lt I- Ihoughl nree r
fm- rt,,- to ..???>.?. ii-.1 there I* tm :i!- ? 1 wm
ito my rttrry ' I bIso said ll si tlie ro si '":!'t
? ? ? , I ul conservative men; exiremwis un
either -'le should have nothing to itu witt, 11. I
le*! .ii',ic- 0. Putnam, ct Buffalo ,snd Mayor
ii-v.'i ..- 1...1 l - 1- il .ni ii-?: men nho bis .- 1 un
''.?:'"-'.'." 1 . tupn: tani
Ihe ive tuen on Ihe committee should be nell known
ii. in" ul,oh* ronni.nuiiy anl lei i- c.v'fiin*! .."
l>r. ' i".i) 1 Hut 11 . -? io press
Ibis rnmmltrre it ntl until thi h'eh llcci -a" ..,?? ,
1- rill posed nf. ?* high license I* ult Important, if the
committee .-:,,,u!it begin 11- lal" 1* be foi c thc question
ef ! Igh Meei - IS .' ; ie,] of. tl lt ! Ill llllj-lil '".
'. the Poetor ihink^ h. unthinking 1.pla
Would >** ant lo look upon il a* a lubatllute fm h..'li
! e. W| le 1' I- n lilly ai, i,,i.!.i:,,!i lo n lin
think* thir io il., th.- vv.,iU pro perl) not le-> thin ?
... a. wu .i.i be it'iu o-'i.
IS ill \10B\ ttl DR. AUSTIN FLINT.
YS\ ri: I\>". A BItOXZK 1 .Mt 1 1:r iv un CAMXKOIB
I til ill* I"!1T.
1 -- 1 Tv' rai ry, in Heat Twentc-slsth-et., eal
di.- ,-, 1. ; . a '1 ?., ii.- i! ??ii.-ai frnteralty ?t tiow
fora ii-i ."i'll t?. b' srssalcn kains tte- Bavsfling ni
ile- Ij mt i> IsMel e-iieil lu iii" 1:1'iii'tv of lir. Au-- ii
I In" to Un Al 1:1 ni All .: . ? li. .. VIM ll .-in'.il
Medlt -iii leg* t moog th wu p opla pn s"t.l
err." Aii'ti-" v. t I . . v SC g ' 1, ;
l>r. I*st f 'I'f 1 r p- ? ? fi ul y ;
PsufMaoiB A. a. sn th. i. (I J sn* wa* rut K I- Keyes,
"f Bellevue! frofc-nt-. J. r. Dal too. L*kartes ll Aa ,
tai a. j i. ".i.i. .r ii..- toil,.?of i-iir.'c m. ind Snrsnaas;
lu*. Ij in* A sore, Austin .lint, 1'. li. BWrgta
v i , ri", mi i *>. !>? mi.-, i barillas
c c. . i-,. ii-r ll li Porter Samuel Sloaa, i ?? - '. -ut ol
th- Pelawara Lackawanna sn i w -'."rn Baili ?. t. and
Alt-van'.--r Doyls lha artlat by a hem iha ." nt
IK-* in- t I'lion unl't Hi." iv p ..-*. ,i..it :? -i ot Di lilii>
ii ii ii - - ii i '.i :- s remarkabU Itt ness, ls a* fotluwi
Ab'STlM I'l.l.M, M li l.l. D,
Itara "i tab* ? SO, IS12<
n i March 19 I**-.*.
Ira, IC 1 nv li ? Bell Via
BoapHnl M ?! -rn <"".l*r*"
A.Ul:ul A** '< I 't 'll.
Di. D.tvii Webster, piasMam <r ih* glnaml haaeemF
lion, op?ue,i tin eaerrlsss wita a faa w .. . ssw N
i a..is and eal) t upon Dr. Ltttay Milton fata, tim
triter of iii* evanlea eke SaMveted Ba rtagarai snlogf
?lion the v!-'it'-s sad nti'tl'T of ht* ftlctil and Instructor,
Dr. Flint. Dr. l-l* ic _ Tsyl.-r. i"i trahslf "f th" faculty,
BecaptSd th' tjihla: ami also pal I a Kiovt.nn intuit* n?
Dr. Flint. "In BM henri-,* he -aid. "lute ia Stetted
m labial n H.- sndarlag than tin* ono that Uta jiu', baaa
Thc "ii'ur*j'Ui i I the tai Hauls Sf th* TuriiiM'" .-*.|** li?
tton tu Nan Betas u. eatabtsta Um aiu.iv.-rsar* of um hattie
[aught lhere "U Msreh 14, IBOt, pseaalaaa tu i*> ..eil ?t.
tended The peopls nf thal Kortb CaroltaM etty hara i *
1cnit"d next Tiicdl.T", Wednesday au.1 Thara Liv f"r i fish,
irani.* amt myan tnir sad have invited tn* t nt.,?
rstetana ta i** grsaaal vt un thaaa RrptaaaeiBttvae fr?ni
il] ile* *? aboard sun- (nm !?? ansi Ivsala ta :.? ?-llss?pM?I
win be there, and Um Bs* i bi unera from ?tltaaata
an.l th.- BeetBern i:iii! mia hon nattai in giving itt?*r?i
terms fa,r a tm ilay?' esrarstoa Iks BaraaaSa ('..nunn ice.
17 tnt-tl '? u. -M. KIM ? h. I"--' !""i ot ihe inti Army Cat bb |
ie-i."ni o. ii. Barney, nf tne ita Khsds i*Uan4 falnasaBea
sad ("i. '.ii u s Owctej "f Um 10th Connattlent, au.
Bianca that tick"'* liny ba lui'! lt ml rate Inuit". :, 0 uiirg
.-? o'l-incit, Mii.iti.iv, si Ka HS Biaadwsy. lt la Bsa.
naasassfy u> ir* a lateran ur tba *"n air ? astetaa fcawavaa
io hny ? ii.k* t a:i vsti<> abaeaa kt aessssssai th" ssitp
win pe aslcusBfd and **in kara m appartaaliy ta -tiara
lu (he v.nnmi* cv. ii? -it.ii-. ai. 1 lu '.he taaUvltfca iiiciiJ-nt ta
tn.- (antral event at Mea Berna
*tv i'uvm i*.... Mareb io, ti*u.
,e.t*i 'atr I" ?' iv. Yetar.la,- i,,. Uf>
Alta. ?.'..?*# -' >'? lV?T:iln. - ) 7.'. .. .
lOll-rnr . 78 ? "?*? Ophir....111.71 11.50
Bnnl.t liiloitir ft.sT'i USS I't'toai . .VC*.. MS
H.aun cuii. IM aUS ."Mviire. (, ,-.-, gaff
nu.tm,. los nisi marta Sf iou. 8.88 r>.-.'j .
C'?u tata Vi.. 1 J. l-'*? i" ? '-'?? ! I n.'.n lon. ... 4 ;.'. LOO
frown '?.nut... li.l'.-"i 7.ti.''j Cull. V.lt, -.Mi
Kluan,-a,n Hoi) . Va.iotv l:\c.M. III. 80 IS.SS
lia.nl I ,t ' .liri. i.J'a -.-*.. ? . i i ..:.-,. . :', ll.HA
beta a Mer.... Il.n0 '?* *1V"?'i Untia Alb .; .^
Imi'i'M_ (iS) l. IJ *. I.*!.. Ula. 841
;?;?";??;. 1-22 lM lK?-_dWst, mi ass
ul Ulah..*._ !??*? ??- i_?a**~

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