Newspaper Page Text
3nbtx to a?brerliocmcn!9. Fae* Pave. ('"! jtmnaemenrn. 7 tt* l eetnren AMetttlnea.- B ? Anrmnnreicemii. H 1 ' an.l Fount ? Aui-llini Sales ?r neal Mnrrtsiren nun Death* ?> l.t.le. 0 ll M"."l..'"'"i? . * -J ?.anker*!, .i lir.kiri. 7 flMt?teallastrnaMU- ?!. .A 4 Beer a^hiieattaafc... SJ - ?Runine** N,.?;(e. 4 1 Oeean Mteamera.18 l Hivioei.u Milnes.... 7 g| Bra! ^88810...^.^-*-. f ?' Ssasswauaa. 8 ,-' tettelous N ????*?*?;.... A I iiinirent. V.'v. a ? ?<<?"" " imn rlsts... ? riininiaaa 7 8 f>r>*n?i rsotiee.. v . r__S_T ::::...; 7 i--::''1'-'-;'''';"'-^-..".? ? HintMM.j It""::;. ; ; Tl..lela .3 4 Teni mrs. ? : foelinaI ?...... - -, ' w"",,r *'*soi*t?. 3 I natl uri mn. *> - ?' _ iiti5inros ^otirfo. A ?HuM'!''-* BITTBR8 since 182S fickl owl , jims n ur iv tis the him i"'i i:m*i Mm.i*. ii Bitten pteAo, ?aether tiik.-n i" ku..r vt!' . -,.era r-ti-A\<.''*it i'A litrii ?;?? Hi*' gcnnine only), the wnr d ri bow oed sppetliel ami iuTi,i.r,itor. - ll?vc it ? leny* In year lioustv. _ WllV -VBBYBODY l.lKl.s RlBBR'a Itvli.T MFificixii*) ni..! Tult.Ki' BlO*! UWtteX lleoauae: First l li*v'!?. et.ct jr v?h tt 1, evpcttal of llioii in a*, lenit f)J ra*e, oiit'nf ISB MsSSad TBay nre attT-,vn rnavciaSle In price, beinr noiil at ?'...ul un* nair ti,-p, ,t.*. ciiai!ie,l for tba patent nunn un.s. *e. Taff! Shonlil f'ev In Mir cnse Ml Sa da BB t'l.'it is et ? * t* l ut tite-n inn neei imlT ?nr : "Th's hal nat prwred ?.'ti. aeloiy." ?j'V?"'ii m ui*!' nil'tc aBaarfallf iffirn' '.. 1*,.i.i I li I lu ir p,na'.'.inn*. ** it 'n. it ?,,??.,;,',". are Hie - .,! i?l: ibie, roana i ,?'!??. - it n? u ; irr im ? -a??eaiu*ol Bov ,ii laafMMotar in tba Dallas mates Baa I tai Uiair lUaatnted ? i.ii...-o' ol ta n Iv me iiciti" * aol tallai rc/ Ulalie!, windi is ii, .lli-'l lr, e un ie |iiesV Their eued. Bia Sar nile ninia,it seary-here, ni may bent. tesr.e/1 i!ir'*cl from MUS A BIM*, 'trucgi-iin sa 1 rn inulitlnr. ln? (!ie:Ml*U. ItJiaCtli ave., Xm-Vuik. Bal lltlishaddS jem ' Ti'.iiU'M- TEBM- TO mah. st !;-! r.i iii it** " 1 Y< ar. tl Munt Hs. 8 Maali? DnilT, srttB s-iitidar . . . 08 r>0 tf4 28 I- 18 tally, without .suuduy . 7 4'0 S bi) 176 Stindnv Trrtfaa. 1 .r>f? ... ? ? ? Weekly TrU.nna.1 00 ... ... ?eenl W-iHy Tribune . . . * 00 ... !..v 1'i.sul ur !f!, Kxprc*.- Oi-tltr. Oatlett. Lunft or IWrl'tcrei Letter. 4 jt?h or I'nsia.! Note. If hetit la an uin-'cisti-tei lefer. Hill ba tit o-iier'* risk. Main obie." of Th.* Tribal e. l.'.i Kaanav ?' Ee * -V ri Aid-ess all t-uirdpeii-leiii-c simply '"Thc Tribune," Nt'w. V._k__mm IXm^othiloiilQ SriTmnr, FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY SUNDAY. MARCH ll. ISfsg. SIXTEEN PAGES. TBB NEWS THIN MOBNINQ. F..i-.'iifn.?Frederick lil. Uk* new Gcimnti Em Bayer, started iron* .**sa Kemi) lor Iterln ; he liehl sn iiff*c!iiiff interview -rrnb Kins Hiin.liert Bl the railway si nt ion ; pajajsjSBSJlltf B BB Berlin tot the funeral of the rioal l.iiirteror. Wiliiani 1. ___= The Iilan-of-i* ar Batotssriss arrived ut la'n-ier ami tbs captain il tn anded llio releaita ot Hit* Moor, the S-Mfieaa protista, - Tweaty-oitht lives be lievwl to have l-i-eii lost hy/ fha aiukina; nf tuft Brit? ish *te sass?ip fi ty of Oas tala, ay ealhsieii. 'lb? Mt'iitiiiliiui| (I row ne! hr lbs .allow Uiver Inuiitl'itioiisplaiivl at 100,001!. - 1 lious.inile ol lives wiro lost in- lhaeartlKiasBesoa Deceasber 15 in the Province ol Yunnan. CMaa. -? - A i>n-i**' ol Anicrioans in pur-tilt of tra?I tabbara ".vere c.-.ttu'li! b.v M.lite in* and im*>r.sun-d at Julius, in tho Stale Of t'h iii 'i.i lill ai. i ___; fha I tallish Gui i-i'iiliii-nt lia* forl.i.iden the irnporlfition of t*ork proilnrts frorn Anicru-ii. - .sullivan and llitaballfaagat aaai C'lianlilU. Fnaaaai the hat tit* tv;?* di'ilirttj ailraw. Oaasaaaa?? Tbft llitiseoiilv wi'.sit: hassion. - - ? A fe'.r iiuir.i'.ii.rlsii! hill* tvt-rvt* p.t.-e i -=__:_ In eotii(iitt,*e : He irv O. Hnveiueyer testit."rl liefore the < omiiiifiro mi MaDBfafltBr**. icii.'iriliiig the ISutrur lin-..'. I?.iaici*ti,-.?Thc enj-iiu-ineu na the Fsttftra roads sn icu.m th,(*, iro dscadad rot tu insist on aaycot* Hob tba Barlinfjasai ri strikt* thrv-afenerl hy rn !?!''?,?)-. liiiincn, sivitcjim-sii and _raksaiaa in K4i.-"*s lily amt Topeka; tlie traill-* of tba Bar* lit -fi;.>n r ).'!<! cst>?.-iili-rubly itit-rea-fe*!; ths Iowu I,'-i ".ul ('iitumirvsionera roadenlaad tbs new en jri: i- ?'.'? s* iti"iiii|ictt nt. : Iii.- tee licj{.in to lu i! n;i tn lbs Hudson River. (ardiiul il iii.i,i* vMit-d Ina (Jty ot Maltli ii, Mus**, Tba Louisiana bobbi protiasarsoppoaatltba Miiis MiinalaitnreH at New-lie Urrd ref?S6d ti't"'"..i ?rllit* Kum its ul Labor. I i!; .ii .1 -lunn lim. .**e,ti liity Shcihan, of tho aA>> .-?: .I,-: CasaflslSBtaa, tesliled tbat tba Cantata. n...i uni, i Slayor Graes avardec] 913,000,0001a cn , ic t, aaaiast .f ooo,ooo hy tbaproaaat Board. Ihe -M'Hiitf. ('..iniiiittee on Taxation hejisn it . v('.?ti<ratinn lalo In* aharajaa brought acalaal iii. i'-it" 'iiiini*i, nh- A-viiim hi tba Mai?iaajsids Park A ian a. iii'ti. Ariaiifi' liiiiits wno complatM lor tt'.ejati! iiii-i-titii: i.f the Broth4-rhood of Ia4)r'ine n.e _tMP"*rMrs aud rTrssaan al (arainsny Hull to-ll.V. 1 \ l)li),i/? Ult.le! WU* UtlVajll'ol ia the ? arna-'if Lnboratary to ihe aaaaMtp ofl>r. Austin Vt b! i'. annal's panda wot einitwiiat im paded by 8 lire, ra l.roadway. = Mayor Hewitt a'ni ( 'I,.'tail .a fuiitisel Beekaura draw aa a bill la be presented, ai Albany aasbadytag their plana fi?i ia*jid transit, =Aaew sabnrbaii railroad Ir.iii (ttHv-'iiioili, (l-ai|(l-lifty-tift!i-Bt. snd BlfbtB ave. ia. Yaakers asaaaeaad. ~ Jsaspb Palttaac bal |i-,r-.-,i.:-,-,l Freaeb's Hotel ft.r !*flJ>0,tti>0 and m ten s tn uri | a Ur-ie haili"rai for Tot World. t bargee the Cbleaco Ha** Irnsr in a snit bvaaajU bf Hie Pebabtti estate nf this cit*. Repfaseatatlvat of Genaaa M.cietioa aiade atnat'",''"!!,'nt. for a meeting m Mein?ay Hall on Man li'-'l in hiui'iiof lJnii)eror VVilliain'ri lueiiiniy. - Btoeks dall and generally strong (ron open* iiit ta t.i'.se. i lu* Weather. ? Indi, at ions fur to-day : Warmer, t?laalaaiag weather followed b> rain. Tenpera t.irc jmtardaj : llighost, 5o-; laaast, 20?] avei "*?'??'*'? _____________ Iii Bbani a foi.night, if ilit* wealhor is favor? able, tbe (.'aU-s of tho. baaeball grosjads bere atiout trill l><* Hiiown (.peri. Wiih tin- -.tit ii--tJi i"K(j \c\v York and Broo_l*rfl dabs, tbemalti ttidc* in Un* in i<-liborliO'id -.ilio take intact! in tho BJBtivt (iij**rht to bo fiirni'-lii-d with sciri'* flr*-t 11 im baseball. 1_e ?__agen of Ibe two learns aa*- tbat tbeir plajcn will do wonders; how sm- i-i*- (liev an> ?tn bo (old bette* later on. To all appeanaoi *, boarever, Se-'-york and l:io-)ivlrn posgeu Ki')int>cxco)ioi)tba*(!i:ili talent. ? ? Ko *ia ia factory rj*xp_inatioa has been gjivca a*- to Why t)'llrk*n A flnrk sbottld ?*t Arjin -dm t, < 'mt til''*, when th(*y arc Qm highett bidders irst'iu! ol tim lowfi-t. Ni'veithclcf-*, it wa* ?boara jeatavdaj that siace Meaars. Fish, Ridg* vay and Uaraea bog?aa ?teaiben of tho /.ijiicdiKt Board onlr 980?OOOont of $600,000 vortli of contract.*- bail boen B~'Bided to thia fit iii. Th'"T f-'illld alford tft let these BHUsllcr IjIuiii.s hlip, howofBTi in the e.\u?*ctation of ptti-f tbe *$l,ailK>.00(j contrail which is now iK'foiv ||m court-s. Hut will they get it'. " - ? '?' Thc Wai IiejiarlmonI should m***- tb<* pro l-tictv a,| pint tcdiii-' li, jf al all, in tho v* "i k of destrojiag rt*vrorda relating to tbe Itr* b( hi'iti. lt is proposed to r-rt rid of ""ah'jut ? t'-n's ar?l*igbt'1 of old rn.i'r"ri:il. That i* an odd .\hv i.i ?*iiiiialiiier thf (jiiaritilv ta be de**'roved, lind viii likely the tstiinatf' of it*" valiM* in no mon- lo lu* i-elierl on. peaMWNl matters have b* -en pnf in ju'nt i> not always an ado-jun'r" rtaeoa is.r deateegiag tha ruigiaale There i*J*<ii:l I br- no cta_fo| out of otd records nnltss iii',*, arr paaaed opoa bf ? eaaBBtlsaiafl of emu |)*-l?*ni exjurU. Mr. (..isrheii, alter abatiiiij' last year (.he pay iiieniR t? the Kinkiiii" *"u?id loi the rcdu* ti"n of thfl li-riljah National debt, olfers a compensa tion for thal backward step in his large M-herne for redttcin{* interest on consols. Ile prapaaai to convirt. Uie threis into Mcurities bearint" ?J 3-4 p*-r ci*nt for a provixional jieriod. ll the expiration of which a furthir reduction to '.I 1-IJ Tier cen*, will be effected. Tho project is one of sweep!nj* cliaracter, bul the geagajj etas*. version of tbe debt ought lo be easily BaBaBged tN-Rh F.nglisb credit what it is. Foituiiate l.v. perhaps, for rich old ladies iu Baglaad the S JM rate will last only fifteen yia.-s. As ? fiiatier of 10. *J l-'-i p<-r cent i* easily rwkoned ? but 2 3-4 mlgbt drive paat matpssBausBajn, crazy. ?? ? Mayor Hewitl h:is had prepared a bill t* carry ard thc rapid tramlt scheme, prop.tscc bs him in his ta*t meesagc to the Commoii Council. The act ia a genera] one, of comae and applies to all cities Barina- over aXX>,O0C'.s. It provides f"!' I Board ol Munich juil Rapid Transl, (to consist in thia city of Uk Mayor. Cont rt lier and Commissioner of Publit Works) which shall deV'iillino upon thc in-.-il of ra],id tran*it and devise plans iherefor, in,il shall arrange for thc construction ol roads, which shall pay an rtnnnal rental to ?,ho rity, Tbe bill is el,ibm id* :ii"l il* |n>>\ i-i<ni** air comprehensive. Koch an important qiicelion will need thc moat i-ai-eful considcintioB, Thi idea is no dotibl a practical one; bm whethci i* is wisc fm* Htiea tn go in-o thc burinc's ol providing rapid transit roads ia an "inn qtU"S ti'.n. PEACE WITH A SPIRED BEI.MEi. Tiio Emperor died like a soldier drcaniiuj* of battles. Born during thc Napoleonic wm* he might bc raid to hine been cradled in camp \ .?tin! Iii* la*t bi >ken sentences a*erc premoni? tions of impending t.paigns in Europe. "I am a min of peace,'" he i* rt ported it) have ex claimed a few hours before bc iii-tl: "hui ii Russia forces ate t" war I *iial) faithfully sid< wi'.h my allv Austria '?" In a similar *)iiiit he referred ti. thc Czar's assurances to him al theil hist meeting respecting a conflict between Kitsvia and Genna nj, and expressed npproval lo Prince _-lamarck of thc military bill recently passed and rd ih'* general policy of conliti. i -, and aralaments. He took leave <d German*. iilmost aa a general bids farewell lo an anny. 'J'he Fatherland, a* it failed fnnu his eye*, vu* a vast camp, in which a summons t<> i\ar migbi be e\pect4*d before many months. A* thc burden of his thanksgiving r-r victories woa in war time had been, " N"i nnto ti*, but unto Thy .Name give the praise.-1 so he may rever entry be said In his last in,nts lo have com? mitted Iii** beloved country *p the (.'"1 ol battles. It is the Emperor's character bb a brave <-o)dii*r in birth-, who 1 ired the atmosphere of the camp and derired genuine satin faction from the routine ol thc parade-groimd and :ill di tails of military h ii ncc. that secures int bi* memory the Bympatbetic appreciation of Eu? rope. Th.* Continent to-day, a* never before in history, ii a circle of tamp?a continrioiis linc of h.,milks, foi tidal iona and drill B*ro_ads. The armaments of the Napoleonic wars were insignificant in comparison with those of tIii*- year of pence. The nelghl of dynastic coalitions, sulli.i. ntl* powerful thea to drive the*t soldier of the ages ttiit." into exile, would be Kghl In Ihe balance beside that ..f the alliance bet vi..ii Gcrmaoy, Austria linn-iry. Italy and England, by which Russia has been brought t" a hall iii ita Euri penn eon* rjiieais. m- by wliiili Fiance i* battled in its dream ol rCTCngc. The last ni my bill which Emperor William signed added at ? siagle stroke mea to 'Ju* effective military fiiT-co. so as |o furnish the Kat hei'a nd With g.S50.000 soldiers for defence against Rtissia and France combined. Thc Austrian, lillian and French military ?if-ablishmcnls wen- mvir before bo formidable as at ju*?-? i.t. The art of war has become the science "f Enriifican government. Not "t)l> is it *-t!i.lie.| in minutest, detail by strategists in camp, but nations also ari' inspired with ? ni lui-ia*m for arm*, conreHod as th?y tte aril*-, military BchooU by thi! operation of universal cob* siiip'ion law*. Th*" Emperor waa Ihoerohod.* ment of this spirit ol militarism, now rampant in Euroju-; and in his cbaracter of a soldier moaarch ronunandetl the adnuration ol tbe miliiary oenVrea of tho Continent. "I am a man of p?*a<*e '.'? ihe Emperor cx ctai?ted alm"s< with his lasi breath; and when he said that, he mean! that he believed in keep?ig, nol Germany alone in tho saddle, lid all Europe under anns /..r Hie take of multiplying tho dangers of Mar. Anothi r peneration will loora whether or not be h".-* ln-en lnsai*nuienta1 In multiplying the chances ai well as the risks of war. Coalitions seem formidable aovv on the sid.. ,,f peace. When the ma.*t<r dij,lomati*t wh'> bolds in the hollow of bis hand thom r^oaHlbuiB and the armaments lying behind them. f. Hows his angus! friend and Borereign to the grave, the real _Blcaey of these dynastic combinations will DC dem-n straVed. Then the world wail knew whether nation's that ar** now sleeping lin* a-ily with their armor on and drenmiag of fighting Ike ?,'ieatcst war in history, ar" preparing for a titanic conflict, or training themselves for the duties of peace and tbe privileges of hem lieon?, r ivilizatinn. It will be reserved for another '?enera!ion of wiser Emopcana to di?r?***m*.in.i!e bel ween idola* rous WOrahip of tho God of batties and reverent devotion lo tin* Prince "f Peace. HANDS OTT CENTRAL 1'ARK. Democratic AsbcbiblysUBB ( onnolly, of thc XTXth District, ha? btroduoed ;i bill at Alban} which proposes to rarage aad rum tbe weat .-ide of Central Park, in order to give a fi-w owners of hat tnatinj* horans na apportuaity u> dis? play tho spe?*d of their pet belora a gaping crowd. People who have a likiag for Bending borang along al a lively gait before light wagons have ample opportunity to enjoy them* hes in ihat way in ihe grounds of ihe I.entl.-iiieu'? Driving Association at Morrisania. There aro broad (stretches of widl-j-raded and well kept avenues and roads below the IlJulim River in which they can indulge their fancy for their favorite r-port, Bsd above the Harlem the spacious and itivititlg Jeioinc-avc. slieldies for mi!*? up into tho eounUy. affording room for half a dozen trottini* WBgoni lo bc driven .side by t*ide at tup spesed. There is no hint of ev.* u'-e Hor the coiirpirncy to deface and despoil tho city s ehoicoal plena _ra-groond. The prara of Kew-York with substantially anani?tot? voice la emphatically and earnestly against it. All public-spirit* d public Offidala herc arc 0)ipose(| to it. 'Jin )iian has. been nut with a genaro! and "rigorous denuiiiiatioii BQCh as few Hihenir-s tba*, have bun propoaad to this commnnity have ever encountered. The Park Department frowns UpOB it. Every one who has any appreciation Of tho beauties of the most charming place of leisure within the metropolis aboininat cm it. Only those who would like to m-o the most delicious landscapes and the mos!, attractive parts of the city given over to lr inls of speed bet wein horsi-a ure in favor of il. There is no M'ii.,1", IcnaOB or justlfi?stioo for this riliciiii". lt ir* the easic-,( thing possibh* for any one who owns or can hire a trotting boise to drive bim up above Central Puk, where he can occupy a whale afternoon in fast trotting without ld or hindrance, from any quarter. Way then should tin* trottini.' boise fanciers by brutal hands on Central Park? This at least shoubl be safe from "-polia!ion. The Legislature must learc the eily of New York to lettie I his matter for i'-sclf. Mr. tiiiiiiolly'h bill should be stepped on at 0BC0. Any interference with Central Park, Mich as this proposes, would be pre*ted with an oot bnr**tof wrath which would prove a mnch more sci ions matter for Mic Assembly than even the inenaoe <d the icilin-** in its vaulted chamber, i If the people of New-York, to whom the Con? ti al Patk is as the apple of their eye, make I up '.hcii mind* ii,at Hie Legislature propoaea ti deface nnd destroy some ol the choicest pints o that park, solely for tbe g*raiification ol ib< trotting horse croa*d in tbe community, tber< v il! bc a day of reckoning i"i ?very cir- abi vole* for this bill. Mr. Coaaolrj lake* bi* owi _? luge in prc*enting such a "tveaanrc. The poa of safely for b;m i* midoubtcdl.t Ihe privati -ttntion, ami h.- is not likely to infest p ubi ii life after tlii* seseion. _ REFUND HU ll Ll o il. TAX. Tb.' doune Committee na iii'' l)i*'ii't <? Col i imbi.I ii i* Hillier il* ( "ii :'bia'i "ii a bill ie funding i" c?iminort ial travellers a t.,x il legall* iiiipo-'iJ ;ii"l c.ili t .* -I lioiii lh< ia bj lin District aii'bi'iiH'*. Thi Supreme Court oi Ihe District ha* 'ic I"' d Ihe tax unconstitu? tional, and it is non pi ooo* .1 lo hand ii bael lo those from ahem ii waa improper.-) exacted Tlie propriety "f tin- court's dieision rall* fm no argument. Even though lh< Constitutioi lin) not in evi'i.*** ti no* Forbid such laxes the*, are i.h\i..-i-lv if VHilat "'i "f tbe timor*. I ol commercial imiii ni der which in,de he* tween thc States Uirougboul ibe Rational i1" main is nta-oli'tely free and unrestricted A* thi-* t.'\ should nevei bm e li cn t olleeted it I',.lb iv* Hm', ii -li",lid promptly be returned. Tho amount "i moue* involved i*- not large, nnd Hm- * laimants are neithi i ? 'specially ms nor inflm ntial. CuaM-qnently, in thc press id bu im*--. Ibis refunding bill ha* been neglected bj the cominiltco. Hui is it i* a maller af simple justice and honesty, a*- it inn.,' po**iii! v mee! with opposition, it sb "ti bl li" ii!,?-n un at,,I pm ,i|. its passage, Matter-* -f Hu* kind should ni I !"? b-fi lu ding along U the xexatlon and expense of rinimant* palpably entiilcd !*> (heir demands. We nrgi lhal thc bill be tcp.iii,,! without Hillie.-??**.!i\ delay. ts lllc il I K ' SSE 8 I'i < /ssa/ /. ? Mr. Hankson T. Morgan, who i-t rnrning an unenviable notoriety as ibo onlj Republican Assemblyman from ibis city who ha* opposed High l.iceii*.'*, says it "has not been iiiflii i ntjj tried lo remove it from thc region "I experi? ment." Ile tim * nol think it can bc called "a decided Btieceat." Tilla ia Btjrange talk, con -ddcring lhal it is jn*t ibo peniliarity of High I it-fiiMo that ii bas nevei made a nil ure* It inver fail- In reduce largely Ihe i.ber "f s.'l.i'iii*. Hie number of*arre*its, Ihe number "I di uni.auls. Tin* evidence ot this is over? whelming, lb fe. f'r example, is at i fi"in a letter from A ll Nettleton, "t Min i" i-mlis, not *.'i published, regarding the workings of Ili.'h I k^enne in bi* "--tau-: i | ? li- j- ... ,? , ;,,?, ? - i...... .. -. et ami of I lo I wei vs noni ha bad Ibe >?:'.-, t lo retluca ti.e aambei nf rlrinklag plaeas la lh*B Biala fr..m r-0 to co parasol. lr, SI P.'iii. i - ->r<-hi ila populailoo ol K ??",). ibo -...I,,,,,.. utHtei ibu >|oo lieeata fsa sst? bet i t.o boliiing " si u- ! i"' I- . thaa loo aA rlirlon il - blind pig . m Illegal drina i | glarcf. l ralei it." j.:o-i-i,i iilgb I ?' ?? erl Ibo llcsased *?|.."i ? iiiiiii'-'*! 3lg, and Ih* illegal placsa nm tc:* Irv*, li, lu Minneapolis ? lb .. | . .'?? pop '. of !.''."'?'. ?.??'. plan ',- ii Dill -?!.*?? 1 I: ' lt v -.,?'? oi I., i ba f i ' " I'.*, ?.- La- ?' a I'* _ Dill *. .ailed tba ?I" .?? ? t-- ' .1 : latoeaa ?*?*<> ? ..Uv in Hm ' . entre 'A tba slty. ?? ?' Ililli Hi * tu lo- .t !,,,, ? v : 1 rt iciir. p|et*S nf tog! ! llloB, mn! bellara li t<. 1-- . ? . ,:j *> f,,j,if,i by everj i. y ot any ^./.. ir, d,* rnuarry. Ia Ute air-i-nr* ,.f ii th Ueertsa a- ri | bb : Until act. i bars ao Bl I bl ? tv..,, title*, wu uliI 1 .'ira, -., rU* .i ft! fr-. :lh". Mayor llroatch "i Omaha, wui'* a* follow* lo Mr J. H. Pine, counsel foi lita CWxen*' t'ommi'atee on lb rh I.i.' nse : In | -o the loi ti nf Omaha ws 30 -i- lbs ' pnlil li,lt. Um *r-t.a.a?l un ??' onil nf fines an.i iii-eiM ** .i. v., .jj1.. . -i 'ii., n ? ?? nf talonns, 1 J o'' lo Itu In* ?| i ? ruin li ?' ????? ii. peal ? .- ? li, bul il ? lin. , ri ? ' ? ? i-ni Immnliafel- i '. pis e. Tha numbar ol v H- ..-'?? . In ? I in -e. .-* -j te tuber ia, i- .. .'.?? j.iui ni A.iii.ui... and ii.-- Boas aad Uri M.-'.* r* i- ?"?! tor !-*? ni'l !--'? al *-|7.?r.i r,.r 1---I and i ?-?> las sasouai aaa fig", .a<> *i. A"-..ol Ina In ibe re us ns ol 1* Omaba bad a | ' ai . 'i ian! - 'I ' !.*? '! I ;r'P"'!c ti ai.-.I ai oat I*-** I han 100,000, in i--o t hers sraa ona taloon fur nco ui'l a traci 'ti people. This sraa prlts to tbe enferrsmeni of tbs l I'.ct. license law. In IBM, Josi n*r. Cc !u"v iraal lu to operation, I berts a* ona .aloon tor east. .';-! labaUlaoU. In r*..- i ' i Wa bars in ii.'? ia',.' l. ", natch woald ba ona f-.r every -Km InbaMtaata, 7r-*> In** rr*-|iiii*-- l),e li.*.*:, a tn ,?! PI,OOO I" >?? paid !n hiv ,rv n lau in Hits ruy iii* i?w k aol ri."ipiiivi -m tr h. n auger na tirtllnarrfs n?* saiooa beopen *,.' ali..-**>?! u, |.s> una ri wi j in advanra. Ol iiif onBaaae-s ii ?? '. t- lao* ss ' ? local i .Tr,-i. it la mv Inlets aa I ? <i in ptrd it .in um i-i ur tprll ?rnl i-I.fniro tl.e I "I tv. Ii,!- v. .11 li*vr tl,.- nf, . 1 of roSjuolBsj ti. ? numl i ul ali ni , si \*a I bj BA, 'I lu re an- m oi'* of illustration!- a* ?.tiikiii'* a* tbeae, and more so. They are mi,nh quoting chicH.v bcrui-e tln-i are fresh t*r?timuny. ii i* folly for Mr. Morgan or anv <>ne pise to nt t*nipt IO throw doubt on Hie sm <i?*s af High l.ieense. 'Hie rrriti tv h., ?as*, he d"r-. not want lo (??Teiiil Ibe li*iH"r-il?-Jil* rs |.11? .*? a Ililli !l belter ll|)a.|| hi-, oppO*itl?n. |!|1' now that Un- ii pub.n.iBl "f tl"- A*** inbiri Imve voted, eight to one. to make the lull a party meaanre, we iiu*t that Messrs. Morgan, .\il:un**, Dratt-y, F.mery, Gallaghor, liiit7 r-avery nnd smith " ill boa to the judgment of an overwhelming majority of their ammeiatea, If th.-v d', not, we tmst that Ihedeeent Repnb Heans nf their sevetal distrii I * will take step tr, see that ii" one nf is returned to th'* \winblv. 'lld* ahonld be mtderrdond ni thc outset?that no Republican who rh setts In the Democrat - on tin'.* measure should he re elected. IS PE0TR8TJNT UNITY POSSIBLE! A -v iitf-r !n tb* rurr nt nnmiifr nf " The Arith, v i r Review" ili.sciis.sfs ihe posalbllltjT of PruU-Ktunt union on tbe ground thal it is a mach more prar lieal queMtion than tbs more eoBprebeiuilve lpns 11..ii nf general Chriatlaa uaitg the lYnletitanl denominations, he ?ivv which in spite ol their dif lei-f-iifts bute so imii h in et,mrBon, begin the wiirlt of unit** among thean* I\ <-s; and if h p-enerul Prot e**-itit nnd v iv not po**- Ihle at present, then Iel Ibr var iona dhrtat_M af Ilie nonie iler.i.miiiat ion show Heir belief la Christian union bj reuniting. Finally he urges thal Ihe raperfmenl nf unity la* tried in ibe tort-lgn miaataa Beal " I- ii alto gather a fer aaa ry,"1 he sales, ?? u perpetuate Hie theologteal (|uiirrt*ls of Aagta-fiaaaa I'l-ei. st:mhaa in heathen hiadaf IVoald ii n.,t be eusV foi tbe mi ?*!? ir.iirv BM irtjes nf all the I'mt. stunt CIiarches !n find Borne modua vivendi, Ba thal they would either divide the territory np among tin ni in order imt tn duplicate labor, cr urrrec 1., pri*aenl s>.111* 4-..ui(Mj-it.? i. nu ni fundamental Chrh44aaltj tu lbs 1 ,-i'''n"ii ?"? All this ls truc rnoagb. LogieaUj there i* nu \nlii| reiison Inr tbe rlivibiiflis of PlTlllSlailHsW J and it Hitis, divisions ur," tn lu- l*iealed, the plan propoaed by tlii* strriter ls aadoahtadly the right one. lint his cnlhiisiasm Hails him to tuite toe hopeful ii 1 lew of Ihe i*iiistinn. Erna the de? li* mi.nations most closely nllird 10 each other hy renson of their common orii-in or rummon faith thaw lillie (lls'x.Ml ion !'? lulim-*- Hie aaaaM Unit originally sopasatod them. Indosd, such deaom iiiiitioiis ure oftea further apart frorn sack other than (lim, iniiiHlinns srhteh ure ^ erj- tUBBballar. A.s u mat ter of fact, they hairnet lines billi; each other so bitterly tbat fellowship al uny hind is iiiipossiiiie between them. J bis in natural 1 hough it. may not be Chriitian ; for they arc In n s|ier|al -ilise Kirala in Hm Miine iiel'i, and ara larfely antenaiad by thc aBbna_tlM Hurt iir?t sasdaaai Hieir fcrversnee. While Methodlstii and l"n-sby lermns, therefore, are luokiug hopefully forirard to a K'neral !'hristlnn nully, they have not yet bet-u alalc to reunite the ee'uisma In their own ranks; uml while, the 1'ieteaiuiil lt,pisoop?1 Church ia holding out tbe olive-branch gt unity, and Rood will to oil Hie rest of 1-roteMant ChrlsteadOB ii is either unable or anwilllni to heal th.* schisti eaaaad by tbs irithdmwal lr.,m ii of tha Kefonnci Epleeopal < burch B bw ream ago. Bul Hus i- ma all. Even if tbs obi bistort dividions ol I'rni,-.stunti-*m were boaled ta-morrow new qnestlons would ranstaatly ans.' that wouli en use other division*. 'I bis is Inevitably so; for rh righi of private |udgmenl Iles al the very founds linn ol l'tctt siatiii*rn. and in exA-ciidng that ti-li nmn must differ not only in their viewn ol the ology, imi in Hi-it c.iiice|iiioiis ,.i religious troth And for a long tune t.i nome tii"*' difference ?rill be rmlioilied ia special organisations. 1 may i?* as "The Andover Review"' writer says foti tbs pit-sent divisions ol Pratoatontism enfoli no liv ing though! ol the I brita! ianitj ol tl. anil serve -.imp." to emphasize and ree?ll the theo logical dlffereaees of aa aga that ia pant. If st i ,-? deaomiaatioaa will soon ceaar '" perpetuat* tb m. niul will fad leta new divisions tluit wli erifnl'l seme tiring thought ?i thc age. And si tbs pNcesa will bo ob Irom getteratioa t" itener ut ion. ao loni ns men rontlnue t" tbiah on thi L r? -rst erobleais ol human life and destia of ronrse them is a jrrelvona sraid ol thoiighl :i!;.| effort Involved rn dcnomiiiatitituiiIsm. Bul r , ,,..if ls tl. ? prlt - ivhli h Pr itt ?tuntl mi pnyi for its spiritual and latelleetaal life- and lit ii*, leaders can do i-- lo minimise it b* riiltiviitinji a spirit nf charity snd sympath* nmoug the ii'' ll,'ll,, lull ?-. HIP PJSSINU "/' Bl LU FAN. l'..r many yen* Kusl Hay has been la Ma a i !i .-"it* rather a day ol li ?- ire, of r* i reation mid rajoymeul thai of penitence nnd solemn ra lila tion. I,iii tin*, year, in ll ton al least, il will '?? olivrvctl w i;li a humiliation nol u- i roached In this gem-rution. An ti"' stu.'-faced citizens ol lhal nollie tii'.vn eiiincr ncross thc tree-flllcd spaces ol llieir i.-iiii"'i-. common und look upon the Stat'1 House, they must he surprised IllHl it is no! ?battered try u stroke .of lightning or riven by an i arili.jn.ike. 'ihe gilded dome ahov-e theil Legislative balla, the aaek*at Otxlllsh Bus'ienitcd wit bia tbe BM~_Bf-placs of tbe freai aad (it Court, *|ere never regarded with more pri le nnd von mti..ti thaa hare hera accorded to thc cham? pion and ijiuist ?f the Day State, the pridi "i llosina ond the terror nt the world Kow how i* ihe haughttnesa <>i Sew-Eaaland's chief city aliased! H.ivs she provelleth In Backcloth uud . uml sniit'-tli her forehead In the dust! John I. Bullivan I as fall ni Her Idol's feel ol ri 'V ni" broki n, nnd the nbjei I ul bet adi rution .- prostrate na ibe ( artk ! i be parteatoi * blow * ?' 'ki n do ? n thia m.ul. rn -*. a., ..ii la a nprsillina to bi* al? ie.! -ra :, - it is li,'*. 11 led. Il was t Ji ? anani i.* ni'iiiion nf ll.>*?'?'!. ii!i opinion little controverted or d' puted elsewhere, lhal no nan "ti ile- p-tolie could stand with naked tia* nn hour liefon >an. Bal I lil bi''- ! igl ?'. Mi" li 'II, whose moiithin ,-? and ' ivi m.,.le bini un ..'? ? ??! nt i i'd.- il*> nml a- 'i t.-I, i' t. !.o - n t only sue ? I ia eluding the I interims knocks I - ? "'lo * Ililli" !??, hit, ll t',e rn'iJ, dU.|MteheS 1 a;.* io I,.- I.. Ilcveil, baa fl il ii i 'I Ihe chan i i ondit ."ii ' ' esl atiatloa ll it ' ? ms ..'. ?! tu call lbs ti. lit ? draw To t'ie amnrernenl of all the plug-ugMea and r Riaaa of the country. Sulli *.an'? hauls were bo Ikstterrd at i hrala 1 Hui! ir* blows beeaiae weak ami feeble bis rr -. wi re blackened i., Mit ebel l's Usia, sad Ms whole frame : was r'-'lu'i-'l to .Ui h ii f ladition "I i| ? er,: aad Irrest lu! thal thc man before , th.- v. liol ? i .-.. e-l vi p to yest < islay trembled became un m. rt and pitiful maa* of useless and ll .','-, tissue. To those win ba vi neon this tr. ne i.-I,,.!- trlpi (ol the buttles of Ilie rina, thi ??? ?! il-?teats seem alrn-*t in < T all thc mea of tl -. ? who Imve ., I- an d In | ' n hosing i '.. *., i ?.-. m the BMal s> u,tn- tr,. :-l|* il -, . |...,.-.|. ;. BHiileI of phyaical power eombini I I agilitj and ? All ibe sides! and ableal ci pert- d tim! no abo ever donm-d i?.-*..r. ? _?;.,-..?. or took |*art in the ,! 1. !, nf the ring n th '? Bsta i ?trike snell I'l..-is ns ** ll. i betting on light aaa Ave t,, ,..,. on thc Pride ,,f II ? The idea thal Mit. hell i i e out of conic t aa* ti ina h ii a -.luipi [ess uml bi wreck was - , t.-,i by all who r*i u,,, ,. -u :"?!? ni to |udge. Many a*_^tetons I*-..!'!, -aUl in* r ||M| |] ? sluggers coakl net hm.* t.wrnetaj, thal they ? imply wiahed to ).p np u prottabls nt n I svsiii.llf tn nti*f limn- itu,!'.- . ? ' .im! t-. draw n?\v r*Towda !.. tivirim- ?*' i ll .f lb" ? ll this ** ia tri! t !.: in ly riitt I lory theory In m- ".| t.a the ne nilli .| ti.' ? lietwecn K il rain nnd Smith, it dues nol ii|> fly at nil I., tbe n,r*, ? . _ incl Mitchell Sullivan had ever Him-, to loan by failing to ernsh Mit. I ii rnni ci. t<iy. Ile wns looked on ii! ml ronni . imm ii ' j My Mit* ... .' r., : "knock t. i" Mitchell w.? iJ.I tn- accepted every. win ic xi irrefutable mni final prout ol thc roi ..'I'*'" ol lu*. powers and H.t* ii* ll i lion of hi* is to il..* championship ??! the world Hs io . t disable and cripple Mitchell or retire fmni pi eminent position among fighters a i. ' . hus ia.n? enjoyed. Thal he hus failed to do ihia caa lie dus only u> the Bael thal ti' could i,"1 'Pif r\r*iri"s th .'lc for him ,,f o''Mi lining iitni i'f tl.e offed of a |*r|tnix nun. chiliin : bim iiinl reducing bia strength, ere foolish Ile vt,is thoroughly ned carefuli"* trained, uml tbs Breather had as it, must hnve affected I**.!li .thi," 'Ibe tra* explanation ls s,iu;,h enough io every ?eihle saar rv er. Ihe pitcher lhal goes inti nfteu t,i Um pata broken al la*' If bullivan lat) n"t sapped hts owa rita! energies l.y weeka .md tm* ol cunt itnied drunkenness alni de. i', ne 'bery ka isist fears, hs would never bave suf the laaomlaj ol yesterday's taiiitre. lt wns rum, not Mitchell, Ihat asa! Sullivan r.-elinn nnd tottering from thi* position which bo held unchallenged sn loni;. Mo one will bs afraid lo fight him BOW. He bu., Mink tu low that the merest tyro in boxing will bo ra^i r tn try bia prentice hand n|M.n lum. th sst on'a cup of anguish i*. brimming over uml bet streets am Siled wita ?oo. ________________ "No fn-r. wen-considered, Impartial hlgh-lt eeant bm," s.ij*, -'Ihe Albany Times," "need fail 1 because ul anj objection which will be Interposed in it in Governor lilli's banda" If this mea ns any thing, it inmis tiwi t'"- Coaatitutioa am-s tbs ' la.*)_lsluluis* tbs power tO pass a bill mer lin* (,t l - rrnor*a reta, lt sertalnly ennnot mean thal them l> ;iny conceivable son of u high license tull that 1 Mr. lilli would sign. Like hi*, party friends la tbe Legislature, the rum power eau depend upon lum ? - John Hoyle OltVIIly should withdraw- bis i, .- ul prom l'li-an iii honor nf Sullivan and r>*ii--i" it. li might sowed better a*, a lamentation, ? The death of " Porte ('ruy,,ll" relive, delight ful minion'**. In tin- minds of many who like to think thea?elves still yerang, How eagerly the "ILtrper" used to be bwii'i-J .vrrj month for tbs mks of " P< rte Crayon's" urti.-!.-, nnd with what glowing anticipation wen Hs pages rat, Could anybody pat thc charm of Southern Ufo lum warda .as he did? Could aaybody draw Mieh massive ?? mammies." such chubby ?? darkl ?,' ?neb rolliektBf " piokaabmica" '?' 'Mine mut n deal of kindly kamoi in what he wrote, which no doubt bespoke the man. His Northern read? ers, at bast, will bs glad in I"* reminded that wle-n Geaerai Strother hnd to take in* eholee betweea tbe Union nnd bis stood by tho Inion and i-eiidend lt jrnlhint Bervlee. ? Hayer Hewitt's oenuaeadatioB af our brare fire? men i*. deoerred. ile s,hmI(s only ai the Porty s'ooii'lst.. lire, lmt what, h.- mys is equally ap pUeabk io tbe ethel larne Ores that hnve oeourrad meeartly. lt* pire Departaassrl is one of the things of which New Vurii kaa sapeaia] leaaon to be proud. ? ? Toli'* Cnuiniit-asiniier Ball'a adaUaiatration 4.r kia JVpart?icnt in I.nxikl.m AurLag tba six weeka Mnee he t****k ofliee has \aJbi him oren to oaaaklei? nhh" urltb-iiun. much of nhiiL prilbabtj bi doa rv. J. Some n*murl? which he uiude on Friday, however. ure full of truth uud or sound eeriNc ; ii ml t kef aro in,,, uppliuibhi to tho i.olic* of ItiuoUlyii elana. " Tlieri- ure u great many iwlieemeu," he saul, " wbo BM their shield- mid helmets for ta von,. There ar." athen who regard Ibamatilrri a* owning 1be whole City." A hine cont ned b?MB huttons ure apt to gire ti maa an Inflated notion af hi. position ard importaaee, aad a aaefal thing is dons wh.n a pablio ( ch.-. Ls tbe prevalein-.' of thi, llb it. A pvlii-ctllilll aeedS In be told ly thiit he is (.illy a eitifii. alter all. BBd doc*, mit enjoy immunity from tho obligntioao to which other eitiaena am subjects "' At. n few miaatea pas! boob Friday the As aemb'.y adiourned over until Monday evening. I, ,t m.! high time for that ?>. dy to begin to be InduKtrious* li has already h>**i a tr"<"l deal of tims because nf thc cracks In the ceiling of its clumber, lt it iwopoaea to accomplish all the work which it baa marked out for Itself and stiH ts unwilling to seo ihe session auduly prolonged, H. cannot too i.n begin t" " puah things." ? - The c..mi.jil "-Albany Argo " forgetting that Gorersor Hill ls b Bun witboiil convictioaa "ti the canal question, i*- bow endeavoring to make the marines believe thal tbe Dcmoeratto parly I* tii." special champion of canal Improvement "Thc Judge" must look lo ns Laurels. ? ?Tbs ??mr" atarr?i where Mr. Bayard stood lu Nutemi*r. I ?*-!:?: Ai.'l ali A.,.'-!,',on.* should now lhere, oven if it be to itand t icctlyr "*oa tho nrrUn- .- i."*- nf batt?I*'- (XC? Vorfc >';?T. We rongntulate our neighbor "'? ribing high above tbo level of partisanship and givinfl tins oabSbiUon or genulna Amerioaa pa_*n*iisiii. When the honoi ot tbe Nation is ."?nmrwrnlsed as it has beea and i by tins shameful Fisheries Treat*,*, !?? tiio. tat ic jou mala should drop polities, as - ll'... Slur" hes done, ami lu sim pl] and scilly Auk rican. ? What! .fohn L. Suii.Min, proclaimed '-j a l-.-t.jii pod tba gn-atc-M ol boxers?the maa who defiantly offered to "knock out" aa* living maa in twelve minutes?fights awn than time hourn with a despised opponent, nnd thea it is called a drawl I,oarer tba tia.: to balf-mast. This is thc saddest day since Jumbo dnil. It is perhaps ungallant to find fault with a linly wi,o ia aa graaiona aa ta say, as Mrs. W A. D Acland (bes in "Th.- Nineteenth I '???"?! BIJ." thal " there is no more fascinating creature to be found anywhere than a thoroughly well-born and well bred American holy."' Upon titi*-* point, it* upon many others, Mi*. Acland'* observations on absolutely aceurate ami highly diserimiuating. Bat an I.iigliafa review- .,1 high stiiinlin:; o I ghi t">t to permit the itatemeal to gel Into Ita [<ftffcs I ii " every citizen of tbe United States must pay I ?ir.Ht'i- of two .!? 'tor- before b's name is placed on thereghd r" and beean vote, and thal this is the only " pr> i pe rt*. ?, ni, ii "i.-itt mn" iii America. Prattle of this kind is evident!j written lu a i?-rs.m wi. . 1.1- ta, eur"-' ptlon ol 'vir ? li rtoral system, launders like this in the 1.ngUab "atr***"*- nnd review* am as mysterious n* they ara persistent. .** regarding English nt. mri n*ou1d bo ira possible in periodicals ol the same class la this country. I ? ? Imi through uuforl ? In*.estm nts a, ide ii".' - * d. nth the ki ? A ? S '-"ti 1-n his wid'.w without iiieaiis of sup? port, Mr. .lanes i.rant Wilson, Mr. Levi P. Moiion and Mr. .l.,.*.-i*Ji W. Drexel, re-j*n-4?cnting those who might be ql-'l to relieve 1 t k tuation. .1 In her lielialf fr |20 OOO the house in which the Admiral 'li- l Thi snm of H5.500 luis been subscribed and paid, having 14,e.t r* Imae moaey ntl dui i I ? eommittee li'.;.." tba! thi amouul may be prouiptlj i mtriin i ? vv ho km -v .ii -I e-t--ein> ,1 ti,e All mi ml iu i'i. aad who bia i ri. fi st, x tr. ;- .*- !. t raref-1 reader uf the .: i '.j j ipeto. l: -.res i. illy goes lo bed al - o'i lui I; 1;. lha n. -!':.?? Mii.t get. up at noon. Mr. Laboui here has '. ll and ? f iii a , : ,? ... oi.-, * tiio fi mei. : .: h,> ,"?"i >'. ...- both i n Baili' ilsa tbs wrongs of Irs Isl 1. M. '- " -y ..t. "i.e of IhS " ' " - ; ',? 1, I Lori..-. In r.i. la. Mr. J i" ?? i Kordoeh. Hie veteran actor am! elu**uttoal*t. !. i ? been sleeted president ol the faculty i-f Hi." National st-l.tjol of I'jiK-i.t . md Oratory at I'hliadelphls Me **??? |_ kumar ri irs .t reildent .. bul let.* lat. 1*. live I it i .ti. I:.!...'I. m. .v. ?; i.eotge land, lay*, "Tha St. Jami - co ?????,' ? ?? - ; a- .,?:," tenor baa Invsi i ? , !?*'! u-i a riiinnnT'.e pertoaagB. Tho i'ii:a*er ii M. lieraard, lha bow marolths Parti "p**ra, bears bul M,e tradition to the full. r**<i yent**. a**n he *\tu* a tai it. Iniii..ii, unn _e iln.L. upon (lie unp* nf ihe '.r_n1 lij,>er?. He wn, d sentererl la a properly romantle Issbloa als* M. Ituituiaun, tho i. ii '.-al pul.1!.her. wa, passing along t!,e stre-ts ol ,i id hoard Horaard ........ ,.....,... *. _.. ed at I iv? bi. .c_ with tbo stagal j- beauty nf lha '. M. Uart?ann made lastulrtaa on Hie spot, arl etisanrii I,:, ivvit f..und tenor to appear In Ilia ?* Ilerwdiads,*1 which nt Hie Hmo was in re i.r j :,i .-i! Toulon Since then M. H.rd has studied m' Naples and >i'.lan. ami hu- ii.*,!.' (nug hi*, leek ol , si knowledge, Wbea t i il ."i.-a^-a by M. Bari, ii- contested that Le did aol know a .ii ul-* dote ol iiius!e. Thors ls current an-nn*: tl* peasants nf Bavaria a legend thal tbs ! >n| tito ol K.:-er Wilhelm --i* due to S Bt*r"BterIoas philter of vhlrh Ms Imperial Majesty *l',ne pir-sossrvfl the sereet. How the EmaSNr nl.titltied ii.* n.?isio borerags u not biara a. it wm s.i.i io bs ? Un..! of spiiit which. If lt di 1 n.'t hiv* I.Ira Immdi* tiiiily, v uil.l ennlile him ro live m?ny year* mun, miai suppl) him v. it li snitla lout b'Hinv sag Bteatal power to retain the gol cniuieuJ. of his Va.t empire bands, -lu* K*_uii*i fartbonaors states Hu. (,oi nun Sovereign condescended lo malu* a pre enl ol a few di ni.* of n,u chart?sd H.,old lo Mar ; lhal M'.ltlvo amt Prince RI march, hence ul*" rli.-lr | i ? portal .'? i-,''*; bal stt sags la say, be d-osiursi to *-ivo i 'tn? bf ll tn the Crows Prince, becsuae he feared hb ht-.r would ma-o ii.*e ..I ins health, restored i> h.o philter, to ft, i e hitit to aballa-.itft Scum al c t?.'?* *.? -1 nave, ir appears, applied tn the h'niperor tor i l.t. wonderful secret, bul it, vaia Tho '.?_-. lu I'tni'o'..!. iMivei for anasn af the aplill. and t; aaa Ilia refusal of the Kaiser iv oolloo mm which nen cr. real eairse ol the present rnnfiTi-t between Russia iiml lienuany. When Hu* l?'.< Thomas RnMnson, the artist, rernrned fruin 1,1. sludlAS lu l'-t'ls lu* Wiis, aajs a ?Triter lu " 1 h,? 1 I'l-t,' tin.a h vs. it li Vt iii,am M. Hun*, vt be rBCOg lined his he**n analysis ai d rrirle im, and enjoyed his ri.nipai.itmshlp. Hunt *?* paint Itir ? portrait af Judge I'nster at al nut tim. tm..*, aiol I h.* sittings man flTS-neiillj on .suii'lay , ul um* nt ihnn Hum tolil the ludge ili?t tlwie were many clever you ag men iu thli lot ;i v.i?, could petal a good picture *i _ sitting. "Why," suiil Hum, "I kiioii * young mau ju.*t iu hun.ol fro? abroad abo eaa patel >.ni ? ii ne hit ,.f Venice neal hu oday for goo." Tho arter wa.* given, ? nd the H'M Si:ii'1j> liaii. HUI Hatti h vvmhi-d nut tho Venli'S problem lu a wa> lo plfasn the Jmljje. '" .\nw l bnow snot her young maa who csu do the same thing for v.,11 ir _"u w_?i i-utti...- Another order another s iihIh.v. un.1 .1"!,mile Johnstone .11,1 ., handnome Ml nf *? it vim want a, lum Robinson can paint lt tm- you lu a Hue, largo way." The ihlnl Sunday s.iu Robinson ar or kl ag ?w?y fnr si* nr seven boors ?nd ihe Judge had Iii* third good sketch, nil fur ?150. 1 if all Hi" group, univ Kl ink HUI **i:'it!t ts attorn, sad h ? like Robinson, hav* drifird mnie sr lei* fran paint liia Mr. S. lt. I'rH'ler, nf fOOBgStOWe, Ohio, wini Wivs fm- saline vests secretary of tii*. Ameiiesn Lagaltoa iii l'u* Japanese 1 .nit. has baan shassa psstor of a l'u - i'i ii 11 .ii flinn ii ut Pltts*>iii_. Till. TALK OF TBE DAT. .'. ln>*-ri number nf esmBdales lor the Oatt et wai ihl p af mimili ino tn tho ii'-id. '-Th.. ( bleago Tribune"' thinks ii would \<* u terrible thing if they should lorm a brotherhood and ItrlhB, If they keep on being eandidalea tiio pninii-tiitis win soon striko thom. I.ile mid IXvth In the Wild r.a.l. l'u,t .Now-VutUor - W bal ' Head I Hr. B*-w<lfelkia dead. Hecond New- yorker Tn, several months nco. "inde.'d: liraago 1 dla not ant Bia ii. Vv_s it a r.i'.. ni- 11 beer tv a^nn " -Oh, lu* wasii'i run tiver: |i? dlr*l In his l-ed." ??IHed 111 hedi W'-H. Mell. Iso ll Kew-YuehST !ms die?i wiih hu h.Hit* mi at 1**1. lim world assart he i-nming lu au end.'' (Omaha World. A Draak In Washington Ihe other day demanded tte* arrest ol tin* Weather Bureau j>uit |bt dsaUag io fi, 1 men. A Devout Man. I'usl'U' Du ynu ntatervo ttOOl re llgtonsly ' - V.*. ; I fist all iii" >e.r mimd, tat thar iiutn-r "' I " U in , 1 hal i-n'l iirfe.-iiiy." "lt ftn't, el,' Vnii'tl ihiuK lt wai If you biiatded wi.,- ii 1 tin." 1 lal nc >>I u .lonrnal. They suv HiHt ? IVeriilor" Mills WBBBI vrrntii when lio Baas any i> leif ute tn hlinsolf *n u raw inalerlai lunn j 'lex as. H.1 yaara ago 1 Pumherlaad Daaata sshaol loashar w?. engageil te t"* married to a roath wbo oas dav gavs har soma rtecdt t., lamti in Call fonda, imii, ? r..i,*l,|eiod 11 .-ii, woiibless : lui! a Wataaa halos lo pa.i-1 Wita uni ii.iug, bi, j'uo out Hu.*? away. LujI wei'U ? Iv received an offer of i*4_'r0,('O*o fur the load, vain. abl<> ml ne: als ilej.nslts having benn discovered, whick Shs promptly accepted, (l'uttlaud Orcgonlati Tho " Dark f.anterir Tariff hill remieos the duty og -Paddy" fmin 1 t-A to ri-4 of a cent per pound. lg this an lUSlltlOBB hld fur lin* Irhh vule : Trama Bar, ailstor. gi' me tia elats, win >--r? i wantot to gil a -Malt ni-.'hi,hen*o nulsen?Drink water. Tramp Thal '* Josi it. l'<.-*. I araal Hier tin .-luis I,, iniv ii niter, m's i Un iwanei the; wstsr. trblladnlnlila t nil. Au appropriate Boolla fur- sams Democratic papen: We hara talk?t int" lyla* ssr Hi'* aosl eampalga Tbers i- ? gaallBBBaa in BarioB who ~-?ri:^ t" rive a d.uii'i it. in.- twalis greases! AaaartaBB anthem, and bs w.iil.l III..; il,- putilic :u fur Sta. who they ai... in Boalaeaa FlrctM Junee .li.- :.**>:i km N led, I nain r*iiiu'. end is under a rio ntl mown lanai!, has bel WU..' ric- hi-" !? * ' .inn'"-?i < kima el un. i ?-. pt I hi habit a" y ?<! bi* skipping to canada un tba m-*i train.- (Weah ngtoa Critic. A Coard] nomocracy H-emo?at I* boasting tani iii* Democrats will ala Ibis year beeaaea Ibey l,? o er- -r tho imf ii: y. Maybe ibey bava gul the dollars bm the) I st ? n'l P ' ii" lease. ( bleago i* Ju*t waklag ap to the In po lei.f de elding aha aaa < in'i w ft-: anl all ?.-. ..-., inn! pork packer, "f thc Mind) i l> sn* giving Ht lr v i, -V. on ihe ubjoct. Tin onl) rosn, however, lilli il' i o'" this si .? Iii - i I ms i. d .11' i-i : wc refer, > t cum ??. lo I?jjrei .? ii ii. Tbs iioiiiti'". of Kail' ita. Kan., have der toed lo dlsenn'lniie i!i.iii rn" lal I I up roll I ni - un suuiia" until u snltu ent nam hai been ^ ,i,.......i ,... I,,?? hil im - - i.i. n "I ?!' ? | I e B lui Ibo ? 1 Ipi 'V. f ?a -in,'. .| mal i -t hall ri lb. 'I lui* 'I i- i-i lo i - hand in han I e*tth pmgn-*?, " 1 "' ,i. i ti,.- bleaehlag board !"? doa*n "nueihei -narie ?pol ? J I .ililli". Tbe j-i.i.e. liuii ul Fran Crane ??" *?; His! 'bcj have Merer ?ccii ;, drunken L'aiaaraaa. Ileto li -' ?' i n n-nu s by Hi-* i hlncse mari g". Yat -vi-'i*' barily'*] Bake.?Mr. \ < and i ? s i: r. Mr. ll i ? sat* lo 11 .. you alli ' ? IlillHl'l ll l| Illa; a |'"l "?":? -I ? 'l'*'-ll i , ui,., i.o ... famll- ?Idren, Bl - ll I to her bed by itckness. vr i: ? ii tu-ve-: sorry, hm iinfoernnstely i ?-??" awfully ?horl jus! now. von s lha' we sro ? ng in give tl ?? pastor s * Iver w rvb e and 'i w.,n t do tor mn to ref'i-- rn -rive mv -hare; Snd beside-. I aili . liiitk! i -- "' sui a rib -jj minelblng for th- Bear hall nun. i'm really sorry lor the i-?*i won,sn. Indeed i am; leu I koa you *???') Ja.i boa I'm lix'-!- ll"* lon Ti mu*, ilpl. Ka auster how treat a nv it* a pbyslelaa'* powom n- ii tuini!'-. ba deeea'l lil-** lo lhasa, rmapbt mia.',! s-,y tim io* wa* skilful in laking people off, . a ni ni.,!-o llial Would never do. Plxtiacl f ?... ii r ar. eat novel: " Sn,] whee flag fr.--, ii's.-.,v en'I the "i,.iiiiu. "totals: 'danger! bown l ' .i '-c-'i:.".i th:ir i.e nindi! lura lo -rm,..'' Ood frey wa* ?? ly a good mill a.d tried lo obej Ike la junction io beware, li aaa eaeier to bi I ? ??? i ?> than an> nil.' i hind though if ba aaa .-.- big n bl rh I,, .ni ii- Uio.l novel hemes, be mlghl bave le-rotne ? ? ,'.??!,.viii'- ? li!; e'J.iiiut n Be* nhl - a i. J h.I: n; from Ike ."arie tnr-s with Wh'el tt,.* pea* pie al Bostoa dlscu * Ike gaestloa af speaking ua ihe i ornnion, ons mlghl lab I a Ihe ? tv le pn>] ,iv tii.ii of i1 ? ?> .. ?? p ulng to i-v rel ?? thal p.tvi pa Opposed tn nambling tn all Fornn Hnihand ? Mari. I don'l seo why ton aibi . :i te olav dominoes :?.* Ihoy ai*- doing now. ' '.I ' ..' | A.Ill 1' ll" ' "A wurhi ni barta, lt **:J1 lead on ? rambling w beti I a's ' ' . ; . I.,,,, have '.i mi hand rut ?>?' a* lu - ? iu pla ; -ie h a -Weil. ned. I'll tell them t.; Bal why eos v..ii s., ero - tn nl| ' Ive j . mt Iii a .iii. .'",1a 1. MUSIC il. - OMMENT. "* .. O-.t -. ,,-,., f .' I a, .-?--- - " ? I 'tn.!, place I.i*- nigh! ar the Metropolitan Opera fl ?.?.-?, -.*r\e-i again to direct stteotlon to tho aaVaatagB w hoi. the sihIi.'Ij d rives from tho fast ilia' Mr. iii"! ?s and in. bead ait* ti,.- sea noa lu *>.??? \ ...-k, a!.d tint petl'glll?4IBg about wiri, an opera fa.n.:'an-. I in* prograan.ntaiie-i no iioveitT, int its fn'ir ? . ruben \ .p.* steelton! r-smples fri.? ,? . u-. i a'., romantic a;,! modcra ? I >la sad rhe i-i ;..? uiiune af tbeai wBbuui axeayttoa vta- ai * uta. ino iiiiH'-rt opeaed mit\ t-chuawaa's atom lure r.i -Ms i I rlnsod with i-vurai.', flr.t symphony In l? ni or, ? p BO, vc*;i.-;, km at-ws rtgae but les grace its ' ttn kn* aa C4 spealoa in j, mil. .i. tietwac*a !_*?-? warks sams Brat Wagner** delightful -"Siegfried Idyl" and Beetborea's p nee f"rto roneerta In R-Bat, pl-v-d bf Mos Adels .Mrs dee Oho. The tuch.*-'r?! cradle son;* wbleh \* ' B t iii'srsf-d j ,r hi* vm tn IPT1 fiepivcd new t.-a-ity :?..:.. : : .-? a .J.- i ? tawit wah all ,,f ii* melodic*.-rii_I .a'.,ul;, pu:Laps, tail 4.. ,,i*i, I ,ii!., Which ls so ll'*..*tuou*l) Wuteu auto Iii ail kt.f vv I nit "rl^'iual ic-." .., v.i. ??(, !..* had pat lt. whilo g.ateaing t.< it, th.* tbangbl woall ont tit.wn thu th* "Idyl" probably o ??.?-?[ te B igiwr .1* a Bteans for gtvii.g the lovely melody lo which Rrueuuhltde'a e.-..f.?i, u, "Eaig war iiii," is -,-t f .lie.- di-vt-l .i-nt thaa ww. po-*lla|" ni Ibo di 4laa ol -tdegfn. i." lie thia ** it s ty, tho mei,st,- is inp tal orel -t.i and aa tn aled in tt-o " ImvI* a iii.i*. .il ii vii*.* An* ?:? i ''ho'* in.*- prov!,ns local saree ta w?.s dapUCBted ta li?i' r?"rfonjia4-ic.* of tho sola part if the pianoforte ciasrortsr. ^nen *fe> played tl i *atne Cou.erlt. at a loia.-tl uf !_?? pioakljB I'S... t: .... -ajietv a lew wc-ka 4*fi" bar porfaMBOaee waa i!;*ai]*.i,,l.Ua; tn in.t:iy rrniMli-n'Slira, vt ho SveiiJ un*.- io acoojd hnii n.: :,-._leal work a- lbs ama nf ail thia ila* musk dani a ada i.a*i algW sha playod wtk greaier Bawbaasssl pa rf.H-tion ami et Hm* seine time -.-ave ?u katelBgBm and iff-..orally ta*l."!iil e\|.i s'*Hin of tlie t'oi.i.'utas af Hie piece, wu tour, h,.?. | ,?-, aahaua sg itt fo??lbllltie* ta tho mallet of amati sal ?aai' li, energy aol o_*h, aud h.o ssas woa ??'...... .iii** Au- ik*i like ovoreaaas Bs loabalral i tll.e* were ln*pliitlng. With a nn'al.'le .-vc. prion ur two, the ramp itt lena perforeaed st ti^- ininti rup alar (Yaaag i-.p!.-,, Matinee ai Molawar ii?i yatlanlaj aftaraana oren .'a! dal l to disclose tbe raparil] ol Ibo orchestra ta - vin mr. ty." Il.,w n* haag stood I s tt-*t nf inch shnw pii-,-."s as tho sBrgiftls gtafoso and perpetuiun mablbi of MMbasraWS flrst s?n-. ,h,- gaab* i'f t.uidmark's Hustle VattHaa* Bymfhaay, the soc i.i'.d s.-renad.* fur StrlBgS bf Vallttnann, that BOM ial iigle lu tames called nu .Mr. Thomas's pri.*rraeim.? li** - KneehaaalO* from " Tannhao'iser" and Maellei nerghSlll'S iramlallon Into orcho.lral ianKiiago nf 1?-st's Beeond r.laassaa, it in srn-,-ciy accsmoty to liistiibe. All lie) have be<? given bc ilia thi* lesson, and nt ea.-h BorflasBMaro baaa ehaUaaajag itnndi"!' and admiration, M tbay did j, ..;. je.tfi.'.sy Urilllaaay nf tun.-.-..l..r ami pseoUlou al atiaik itu icarcely ru beyond mme of tho drnionstratloBB Bl ).*sierd?y af terni mn. i'vt* cuneert nit of the wash befbrs m htarhsim ? filial cm. .ii for the st ason of the lr,r,tou gyatahaaf Drebestra at (getaway ii ni t nu wrdiiewda-' waaf ag. ? i .'ii. rebrt,-ai tor Mi- ii..miBaw t.'mh syasphsai rune erl aa Thundery ofteeBoaa, ?mi Hr ?ssdl'a seeaad i-uuiert In i hit* heil ng Hall on Friday OTOnlBg M..J amo Kali*. I, Lehmaua aad her kaahaad are tlie sttragtloaa th-t Hr. Oerieka will otfer. Tte| a*?g In la. lim on Friday aficrnnnn and U*t nlirht, and <m las trot o'tiifion lion ?attach was r*s-iiii,*d linie*. The |.'"ut .ut', o for ?*edae>da>'-, oaaooit r-nnslsfs of llia!iin*'j third ** n pl.uny. a soprano ans holli l.liit-k's ** Ainu,la," lha *> liipln'nle pl,,lottie le ' I'thcll,.*' hy krujr. a I. nor aila from ?? TLo ->!??:!( Hutu," aud Hit- pu...... anti liuaie ot "lti.ian uud l-ol?1o.", Both ii,. Tboasas and Mr. ioMI will linn-,' oaf '"?* sot Itu al thOlr conrert Mr. Th-.inn*'-, novell) is ? >jitiyi,uni, faatasls t.i thd "ital:.,"* bl Blehssd Itraaaa; >ir. i*ciiirs, a symphatq samaaaaal "Baaaaa. iii,'' i*y Antiui Braekaer. la new pf tho fact i:...i i syiuj'hoiiy hy HoR Hi iifkitrer drove half the audl ruie mil nf Ike I'lf-i'i House at a rhilhaiiiioult- (un tatt i->t ?.a*.iu, Mr. .?Midi's praaaodlag ts iaMag and ?omfHBMBlary ta the \iMioia*sT eaanpaoer, io sny :i?, a.ikl. lu adult tun la. lbs ?} nipinuiie (am .isla. .Hr. rhuin.'.a oir.-t-s Bsstkavou's algkth sy-SBbaag, Bctarh'a u,,hu eaaaarta n*?. _ . >y *.",i li?*l llaaaeri and an air lr.,iii Kiii.iusti-tii s '? H.-u-inuit** (snag b> Maaa j lidia \ 'ul.i.o. Mr. s nil will iuppb*_seal tho sim phony Mitti Beethoven's pianoforte coaeerto lu u fiat plaited I.*, Mr. btorwood), tba " Itacekaasle" tram ? 1 aiiiiliaeuser," willi lbs din I betWCOa ' \'inls" aud 'launh.ieii-.f4i'' a* ainpliiit- I, BBBBg with Hm ballot a.a..'? ter Ihe Fan* p'-rfni-uiai.c* of IBIit. 1 !^ sula lingera win u* Mun*. Kallstb-_absaaaa an.l lion iialiseh t'onsldoraUe dlsappolutatenl wa* experleared >?** ferd i) iiftet ininti because nf th.* Ul-*-INN*tod and III infnclcuil} anaoiiHccd poaiponeaieM af i r.?ui.-ni Rrandl'a rept* ut '. 111.?,.,." i_e aosmmsat wi.ia-h peoaiBlad Ihe postponement. In spits of ae_har |-.i**iuent nutt niiin.'v I,,-* aaa rredltalibi to Fiaeiilo!n Brandt, bowovar, bot lu'hLs tho title ot Kaaunar laeagerta to tho KIM nt Itruaala, hihI foll it tn ha Ineumbool upon her tor >iiat roasoa a* aL.u j*>s,,i,iy td save iiir* i eraiau opera lu New Verb ta.- pu-.u,in i.iiimi ol halag tao aaly larne qm aim in*iitutinn ol imus meal uawlUlag to foiiaiw Bunifraa oaaSoasB? io ii4*ei) ihe doors of tie* Opera House closed until liter the funeral nf the ( Umja-ror. \ti opportunity presents KssU ror tho pabtts af Kew ^tiili tu uar lliirtnu M.'4 lin-hi ti. Ih"* lennr of Ihe s.itiui,? 4>|)et-ii Company, lu oonaeetlan win. .Viii ..iiu l.udvrlg, two OoabsrtS si-e ainu.uni ed fir the et eu? lo;! of Maioh 17 and IB al Su*ln?ay Hali, al wlilfb Iht-so ino artist*. ~lll lie aasl*li-d by Amanda Fahiis, .'lara I'-miIo, .Ioho Cheshire, hero plav.-r, ami AHhur Isvrald Tin* pi iifi aunue Will U> OoBliuod eutliolj, Ju koloctluuB bum " Maniaua- and Irleb meludloa.