Newspaper Page Text
TWo ni iBMBM. From The Co'holie World. ? Would I could sing * so :i*,* s poet said, "And let the teais that ail earth'* ?tittering one* baw shed Pun trembling down my voloe, With children*!, glee ?hen happy boure are *rpea*l, And si nmg i ens t-.gbs at some rcgretied choice, And stifle el gi an. ol ail the world's uppre* ed, .v.ul ii.aaiiti.i, * laughter mliigled with the ran? Thea wt,u..l immonoi lani* to me belong: Ail men cuuld bear their own lives' ec boc- In my Bong l" "Ah* why should men weep twice," another sold, ** 1 ir--, o'er a -tong, lb n at the wrong remem? bered? . . t On i lei mc lin. instead A gio;imis strain ihat w.l) maka men forget Ufo'-,* and t. oin get. and Its black regret. Ad luii^ f?i liesa cu with sm h tni*i.*lty Tba. n .von In tucir own b arts will dm* to b*: 'lune's ia _iii> hernani* nigh .ssa I In vain? They cuuiu noi boot iol-stlu_ allen.e ihat rr-r-tn'" MAl.tiAliKi ll. _AWLE_8. THE FliZKOY VASES. What 1 am about to relate is absolutely true. It bas uiver op-x-atYd in type before. 1 shall iii- ? i. make a ti "? -arv change in namo. and locale. lea vin. the f.ict- exactly as tbev were ,i nilled to me by one peiaa.i_.illy inurested in the story. lu t> .__u_un_ old rectory in tbe Midlands there had .si,urti for more than forty years two china s-out option li** aUmired or valued by the ow ncr?du.stcd hf the -ucrilegious bauds of every ch.iiie,c heiiisi'inuid, yet, curiously enough, unbroken durinj* that long period of time. . lhere were qii.nii.tin of china lying about and rouged along thc \ ;i is no hi- ntlv ul equal or greater value. ? ii- place was a vast china warren?why, no otic ooened to know. At the end of the forty years the Rector, v.: n.iii a iain.- dijjnilied ecclesiastical title as veil. died. L:kc Mr. Bardell, "he glided almost iniiif-rceiitihly l:om the world," and left his china behind hun. Minc ill* lucrym ie! T|ie Rector left two sons, Robert and James Fitzroy. The property was divided pretty cquaily between thc two, except that to Robert, the elder, went the furniture pictures, plate and china. Before tlie final settlement, however, .l.iiucs Fitzroy said to Robert, " I have a fancy lei those two -nan out of the hall?mure for :i ,11 i.iii- sync ihiin anything el**-*." To whicb Robert replied, with generosity more conspicuous limn discrimination, " All right: I don't care about then). You may hrtve them with pleasure." ii.'* incident, which steined to Doth trivial laoagh, did not dwell in thc minds of either of tho i>r"Thcrs. James, who was a barrister by profendoa and a farmer hy preference, took his noll away. The vases were placed in the <ir,i\v'n_-room of his country house, where his vi'- i-itrtly because her husband from old nsso e.iitvns attached value to them, dusted them herself. One day a lady of their acquaintance called nt rho Ilriars. After the usual platitudes about the weather nnd the dnlnesa of the season, the vader glanced round the room in search of a new subject. The inentitude of one's friends some i ns (.Tts worn threadbare under discussion in tiie country, and violent efforts after novelty have to be resorted to. The errant gare lighted ?'ie sTrantre* vases, nnd rhe quest was over. "Oh. what lovely vases I Where did you get them. Mrs. Fitzroy?" " They rame from my husband's father's. Were 'lav ti j |n thc room when you called last, Mrs. Hcmmin. ?" " N *. I am sure that they were no*. I do admire them tremendously ; don't you ?" Here the visitor cries s thc room to inspect the delicate ware in re closely. The pantomime of devotion which li illowa can be more easily imagined than de? scribed. " I like them very well." replies the hoiTbess BBiynpathetically; "but I have seen a greit many vases that I like bater." The visitor returns to her _eat, but cannot keep Jier 'vs and thoughts from the object of her admiration. A we. u afterward Mrs. Hemmim. calls again. Tb s t bm sh" is accompanied by Lady Sarah Mordannt who is unknown personally to Mrs. Fitzroy, hut who is an ardent chinamaniac Mrs. Ti mmin ?. introduces her friend. Togethor they becoming, appreciative, and. to the unsvm pathetle, somewhat ludicrous attitudes before liiiir ielol. Mrs. F'tzroy nl.iys second fiddle to her own china. Lady Sarah Mord_unt is even louder in her praises than Mrs. Hemming. To? ge! her tiiey insist, unmoved ly the passive re*ist buc" of their hostess, on removing th* contents of a glass case hirherro filled with bric-a-brac, and Installing in ifs place the two vnses. Petarting aita ? solemnity becoming to the occasion, they tins exhort Mrs. Fitzroy: "If you and your husband do not really value this china, why not send it to Me-srs Christie irv. Manson, and let them K*1I it to some one who will?" Lady Sarah Mordaunt. with, indeed, an enthu? siasm vterthr of the cause, was quit-e rude about it Tie* ?mW outside eblnamar.lp, ls. to the trii" believer, very much what Macedonia was to Athens in th" eley of Pericles?a barbarism only to be touched with the tongs. These exh nations sunk ."p into the recep? tive vol , f Mrs F't'rny rind eventually nermeaTed even the rnorc nnchydermatoiis entiTy which enm j.oscil her hisii.T'd The barrister commnnleHtod willi the famous firm of auctioneers. They asked fn* ? d- sar] nt ion of tJi" china which was given. T'I'ini't**1t. "hy Their advice, the vases were sent no lo K*n"-st.. S*. Junes' Snnare.. to be Inspected, nnd s.lel for what they would fetch. " Let us bave a little (aunt np to town, my fleur." remarked Mr. James Fir.roy to his wife; " if Tiie china is all Tbev say. the vases ought to fetch a ton-pon**'1 note each, and that wiP nay our ex?aenses. Wo ho Tr not bad a holiday for a lori" Mm'." Like John Oilnfn. when r.rnT*o*aini-* a aimil?r eveiiTsion. Mr Fit7roy was unaware that ih f-?I,*-. *.-ns big with fate. There the simile breaks down. Accord;n_la to town they went, putting un at the lt. ilford Hotel, in Covent, Garden. After a few da rs s?-<"nt in the extremely innocent eninv ment in wtHeh married men Indulge in London. BI BOB 'bey bave tb'-ir wives tvitb them. Me Fitz? roy reeeiveel ri n"!'ee from Christie S: Manson thut bis vhs-s would be sold on a certain dav the ? " ***taa oneil at tbe end cf tbe sale of Count Mirabeau's ebina. Count Mirabeau wa? a name fleur tn connoisseurs, ond even celebrated outside th?* charm'?d circle, ITe was. in fact, a hiero ptiant nf rb" china fetish. *? T r*_mM Ik" tn se*e this collection of Count, M:r-il>"ati's Tlier 1-11.- so much alton' In tbe *iane**s." sui Mr. .T"mes Fitzroy. "I think we will go ...i , * Witli this view, when tbe day arrived. th?v wot. premired ro swallow quietly their own (and tb" vas'-s'i com na ra'ive jns'_-nlfiennce On their I ir tr ll in Kinc-st. they found thc rooms, or course, crowded with ?rer.tlemen and 4oai**** Tb' T;n,r. fiverl fra* fla* ca'' '.-ar* r|ct ?-ei OfTie*, Makins: ibeir way with difrieultr thronch the ro' in Mr and Mrs. Fitzroy mot an acquaintance from Th" IfMtflnd shire in which they lived. "Hallo. F'tzroy! what are you d~inr_ here? I never wmom roo were a maniac What brings you to Christie's on a china day?" " I dori'T cn in for this sort of a thine a* a nile, bur I th no fdr* T shold bVe to see Count Mira? beau's eoMeetion. Tb'*y talk so much about it. lea T bave a little thing in th? sal* myself" Tbe friend did no' heed The last part of the remark, bur answered thc fi?r. " Oh. Count Minirtc-a'i! Yes. that is fine enough. I confess; loir it is nothing- ensnared to some china at Tbe f'lr'her end of the room. You come this way and I will show von." Tb* trio threaded their mtit ??? -I r- mo'" enroot of tbe siile-room. passing as ra-icily as rni.hT be n great quantity of very han 's me cb'n-i which was a r re n ired and tieketftl r*:)d\- f"r lb" sale Ai th" end. remote from the door noel neut- The rostrum, under two glass moulds, op ti failles stooi) their own two vases. " Tin rc. 'eiok pt that" rtmarlts the friend com rlacietlv. wi'!> ih* Bealle patronatrc of superior let w' I.e. " Thal is china if you like?worth any * liter fen pie c<- hi the room. Quite uniquel" "Hang it'" said Mr, Fitzroy. "I need not have come all this way to _ee those vases. Why. they an- mine 1" ^ " Yoma.. F Tzroy! I like that | M'ou have turned humorist in your o'd age. Don't you wish they .v. n, ?>y Jove! You must take care of your bus band. Mrs Fitzroy. HO works too hard.* "Thank you for the insinuation. Somerset. I am s?ne eaoaiti lo know mv own property when I se* if. I tell vin Those vases thar von think such a lot of are min". I sent th'*m tn ("bristle." The* toii" und the words were too enrnesst to be mis? taken. liv this time the hystanders had heard the col? loquy, and had gat' red the import of what was ?Hissing. The d'al' ii swarmed round Mr. Fitzroy like- vultures ii'ir.n carrion. They ta-tok th* fact! and thc " greenness" in at a glance. " I viii give you vive 'unfired pound for those vsse*.." "I viii -'ive you si- 'undred pound for the*-' tis-as" "I viii give you eight "undred pound for those vases.*" ?* I will give you moro than any man In England for those vases on thc table, slr." Such were the cries which resounded on all hands. Jew nnd Gentile for once had found a subject on which they could agp-e. Mr. Fitzroy vant iMifeety bewildc red, and ran consideroble risk of ticing reduced to the condition Somerset bad sugL'1'M..el previously. The latter, who waa an old hand, came to his rescue. ? Don't be a fool. Fitiroy. If thcT really are ?ronns ke?D a cool bead on your aboufdrro. They bril roe Itlfrnriu have been ?n tb" go all over Lui- pe about thoae vaws to-day. They are worth a mmt of money. Don't part to any of theso bbs rm i )n the Me ps of the hall tbe barrister would have Ulu:u twenty poundes tor hi* chance* from that dbtT b eahb* -with cheerful alacrity 4s ter Mrs Fitzroy was looking vrry white The sud r ft? "C,,i:y ha(1 tUk*U W8'* ??Ino?t ?**? m??<h E*^Cl*_i**_ my "_*??* ?'?????*?* her husband. it w___^.*,V'''d,',"? 1M,P Nlt vc?~ lil** >t niUlSS"! '?'JVL-5" corloalty to tee* thc end, -TB%? !^wffl iiSlS-r curi0U'? ?*? ?m* ***** ncgni. Conat Mirabeau's eriUeettoo wa* aold Iii.-i. ii. junior ...uiijij was tuc um. I tioneer. Ihe Count's chin*, was indeed tanguin cent, aud duly appreciated. The bidilins* ces BC I tive and the prices adequate. Neverthelen throughout there was u restless feeling of impti tience. More was coming. Thc bonne bondi was kept to the last. There was a pause. Then, amidst loud applaus and great, excitement, to which it may ne im agini-ii Mee Illari jr*, ceri pol wboll) imttnalMe the two vases were placed before Mr. Woodalla auctioneer, in full view of the audience. Whet silence supervened. Mr. Woods said : " Gent it mu, we know ncxi to nothing abou this china which stands before you. and ol wh ol you have just testified your approval. Wc cunno Ste you its detailed history. AU we kuow i at these vases have been hidden away in i country rectory in the Midlands for forty year , and more. Anything further back seems to bc ' absolutely uncertain. One thing, however, wc d? know absolutely: the tint inn is the real P.osc d Barri. We thought there were only live him* ll I Europe, the tinest cxieting examples of this beau | tiful ware. Wc now know there arc- seven. Tin | sixth anti seventh stand before you. gentlemen.' Another round of applaus ? L'r*"te<l the conclusioi of this short speech. The bMa.Bg bogia. Mr and Mrs. James Fit-roy stood in tin- corner un noticed, breaihlcss with suppressed BXBllBBMBl No one heeded them 1 hey again played sec.otic field lc to their own property. Five hundred pounds was the first bid for thc pair. A cheer emphasized the spirited start, e cool thousand wits, however, soon reach' tl. Tber there wa* a pause, amid silence which could be felt and almost heard. Only three bidders were left in. Every one understood that they were gathering up their forces for thc final con diet. " It is against you. my lord." thc auctioned , remarked quietly. The hint was taken, and the bidding begar I again. " Fifteen hundred guineas." An BUBS ; swerahle argument. The hanmer falls. The crowd cheers The wealthiest nobleman in Englant ls the purchaser. Mr. James Fitzroy is the i wealthier hy one thousand five* hundred pounds i Mrs. Fitzroy marks her apprecint'on oi the gravif, i of the satiation and her own good luck in true i feminine lashion. by promptly flinting. It rends like a romance, yet happens to be per fectly true. About the same time a ?*irl chances to die ol * starvation. Nobody need do thal In Enirland. a* ' Mr. Scrooi*" in bis palmy dav-*, before t!i?- trhost* I got tamperinir wirh him* would have* taken oare ti : point out. But they do. oeca'-.ininilly. all th" sam" j The public. rescnTs it very nalurally as bael form 1 One of the weekly papers saw fit, to couple tin I episode of tbe vases and ihe death of thc cirl to. gethcr, nlthoiiffh the two thintrs were quite dis tine.. The effort was lyrical, and the last couple! ran: " nut she was only common clay, And these vere Rose du Harri." A puff of smoke rises up into the air and curb 1n graceful spiral curves to tlie eeiliag, wh re it hovers until its identity ts lost, owing bo Um tk*A of its being joined by other unsubstantial emana? tions from the same sonree. "But yon are RnbeH F'Tzroy*1** o"erics the listener, who bas been sico* frir five m mites after the narrator of Hie story had finished. "Yes," with another and more vi_oroas puff of smoke, which may or may not have been expressive of internal emotion " I gave those vases to my brother." ?(The London World. STORIES CF THE DEAD EMTERO E. From Tht St. Jamet'i Gazette. Among the trustworthy anecdotes of tho late Emperor are many that illustrate his s i._ui_. amia? bility and simplicity of habit-, as well as hi- devotion to doty. One dav, a little more tban twenty veal* ago, an exalted person*,,* was conversing King william In th* llitie corner loom nf the palace over? looking the IJnden-ave., chen the sound of apijroaOi Ine drum, and fife* signalled the proxim ty ol the "Grand Guards." Hts Ma.OStysBoa* 1] tan hom a chair, buttoned his military tunic up to the throat, and pulled out the cross ol the " Oi -dre pour le .tieri**," which was alwats hanging around In- ne* k. displaying lt Just above the coat Oollar, n '!??'! ha troops might see him absolutely en regie ;.s fa n hil dress was concerned. Tbe General to whoa ho had bceu spea. itij{ venture 1 to BOB h * Majesty why be was so particular In this mat cr. Md added: " be Guards, slr*, see you every clay, and 1 should haitlly have thought that your Majesi r won.d ha o deon.etd lt necessary to stand upon ceremony with them." "That ls not th* question,"1 replied Ihe King. ''As the head of the anny, i am bound to show my sol? diers an irreproachable o-flank in the ?av of tenn They bave never yet tseen ne "Iii Ml coat Btv* buttoned, and 1 do not Intend that tbev ever shrill. For, lei me tell you, i! ls 'he one button left un? fastened that ls the ruin of an atm*. P At Babel-bui-g, his favo t'e country house, he used frequently ro permit partial of Bxcuisionlsta to be conducted through the pilncipal apartments even when he was actually slaying In the tabla .-. lt hap? pened once that he was engage*) In tbe library willi one of his secretaries, v.hen ibo castellan, al) un? conscious ot his revered fl aster's presence in a part of the house seldom u'tllzed for official Inteiviewx ushered a "seciion"' of itc sightseer* from neilin into an adjoining dlOWlflg room. 'Hie 1'iivy e ob ellen "In wading" was Io. prou.p'lv ctoslni thc door ol communication, In ord*-r lo keep cnn the unwitting Intruders but bis Majesty would not allow his holiday-making subjet* to to bullied of their amusement. I'pon opening a door lu the oaken paneling be said ga viv v\\\ go In here and walt until they haw passed on Into tbo other apartments; then I can come out, and we can resume our conversation.*' Wlin no non ado, he squeezed himself Into a narrow room like a cupboard. used by the servants for storing away old china, glass, and other superfluities; a repository, ayireorer, of housemaids' brushes and dusters. There he patiently lenalned. In the dark for five or six minutes, \*litist th* Berliners wero handling tha knick-knacks on Iii ts w-rftlng table, peering at his ptctuiet, and reading ti." titles of his books. Tbe rorisicrnitlon ni tlie altai d ants may be Imagined when, as the last exeat** onlsts passed out of the library, bis Majesty em'*r_"'l from the china-closet and called !>ack ono of 'he foo!mon, raying, under his breath. " F*tch mo a clothes brush. for my coat has got vary dusty whilst I was in prison."* In the spring of 1378 ihe Emperor was dressing one morning, when his servant, a man who Iud boen a! tached to his person lr, the cap'iciry of val"t for? more than Thirty years, thinking that the " Hob ? lt"rr" bad romplered h's toiler, removed rho chair (frontlne the round swing looking-glass) upon wb'rh RI* Majesty w_s won! to slr while being shaved and brushed Not noTlelng The absence of th" chair hum Its accustomed place, th* Kniperor sat down en l'alr and fell heavily npon the floor?a perilous mishap for a lall ind stonily built man In hts eighty-second veir. After helping the Kaiser to hts feet, the half ntotrootoi ,),i servanl bursT Into tears sud fell upon h's ! net**., tobh ,,_ un entreaties for forgiveness, and fears lcsf Ills Majesty should have snfT*t"d some n*l*~0'*s l-urt ""flo nol be alarmed." said ltira p(,od o'd Rmporar, imfl'ni kindly upon him. and molle,nlng h'm to rl*-e. "Bland up: lt ls nothing. Ton were not lo b'ame ll all. h- t oulv my own carelessness In not looking behind me before I sa! down." The same attendant nod to te*) 1 how. early one morning, a verv trott ladv hod Baked to Se** the Kln_'s be.].room ind dr* ts lp j;, room. 1"st after lils MaJesTy h?d left them " *-'h? bait a wilt'-n per? mission, and ons of the J'oval aldes-rte ramp came with her to !ell n* thst der hob* H<*rr tvl-h'd lavir'h'ii: to b* shown to her I hi-O-ghl her In. and sh*. Iookesd a! Ills MalesTy's tn'M Th'r.s loat as yon are looking at them now. I bud been combiner mv Bints**** hair *nd had not had i'm* *o e"t eveertblaf le Hobta: so there were Rilli a few gray h'lr-s l*b he'*"e" lb ? teeth Of The comb. Would v.," lei'*,* I! t-firr* ! CO"ld stretch 0"T mv h-nd to s'on her sh" bar! picked un the comb. d'seri?ar*e^ ?h- e;tr3v bales f'om '-t. u'd h''"d*ii them away In the ),ocr,"t of her ett"5<. Ard sh* a Princes*. *oo! T exclaimed: '"lehners, 'hst won't do: nobody must take mv trina's hill wtt.o.i lac ?terml-slon.' Pot the aldede.r-imp said' 'fee ha: M?1"?tv will he flittered1 I snides. > on 'now f t. -tr H* nerer refuses .nytblne 'o tarries.' Wh*" 1 told 'he bobe Herr he only lanib*d. and ?s'd ? 'Thou art Ilka thy old master; thou can'st nor say Ne,:"1 TR'CES OF PKRVTTAN THIEVES. From The St. Jam t'i tlatllte. _ome of the dodges pta. ticed by professional thieve. In 1-TU?who* il ls said Ihat lune moo oul Ol oven len are scoundrels?are axno*Od bl a correspondent, abo writes bon the Interior, io "linnie \\ c, k." ihe organ of tbe Worttng Login' tii.iid. A short Min? ago, w* are told, there aaa great OXCltemeflt In Lion a: oi eortolfl i .I, tines by old ? ni OM Bbb h wi ?? ugote tor sale, and bought, in some instances, at vciy big] grlooa vt bil* this ferment was going on a man caine to Hie shop of a large general dealer and begged li I in to fl ii In bis window a landscape Ihat hs had f*" sala 1 *< dcalei consented, though th* pictuie w*- aphareotlj a mere daub; bul bs t.iie**.' Utile of the value of paint Ings, and wa* lindi ned to doubt lils own j when the owner cha-ged him on no Beena Ol te let ll go under 5.00:1 soles?about Bl,OOO, Tb. picton WM accordingly put In th* window, and Apparently at tracted some aTtenilon; for seve-al gentle men a_li*e! tbe price, and offered large sums?:i.e*rin. 4.0 0 ane! -.500 solew. but neve* e:p to i.i On. andee which sum the dealer hsd been charjreil not to lei || go Aftci a time the ownar earn* barb, in! sai-l that he was nott defermlrutd not to take lens than TjOTfl Boles, as lc was told that he had amt too low a prlc* oe lt helton; and ?oon after this anothei putcbaser api>ca-ed and odored fi.0*"O. Th* dealer thinking that ihe ott net would tie MN to tai* the "..O'* be had origlnsllt asked, determined tn mske something out of lt fm himself, and ceepti?d lg* ofTer Th* purehiser d* Bosiied |,IXK> toleaj in order lo flt Hie ha-gain. and left th* picture In the ibor), iher**by eomrloelaf ihs dealer of ihe gen' Inenets nf lils otter: tt- A th- Intte, BMM to Ihe owner, told bim thal H ""* hud beer f'***"sd. and sslen If h- would take lt. Ihe ow ne: "crtlh ipparenl *el'ictari'-c consented, and tb* dea'et accorel'ri?!T pa'd bim B.OOrl so'e?. anxious to cou.!.'cte the b?rgs'n and secure the extra thmtcand fnr l-'m BS*H CVf co'tss The p'-rcba*e? neve/, turned iv barlil been (a* w*-e Ihe olhe- pre'errCea pi'c' atetsii (r le?ri* will, Ihs rome. Ths gan ref'ied q- 'rt tv will tt*!r iBjtri'ts. lesvlnr th* dealer re'reia * fifi . s,.>s anr1 phis a wo-tb1*s. d*"h. ??out wu*!, he wa* nnmeirl f"llv laie*<s^ a" hr hi. acnt>a'n)?r.ees A Jeweller In Lim* wa* Imjo-ed upon In Ibis way A ling wllh an unusually fine hr'HUnl. worn by I wei) rt-e. ted rnsn who sal In Ibe coffee room of one (, th* hftteli. alfraeted the attention of peeld'lni Jeweller* who wer* present. "ne, ut r),em begaod le be allowed lo look at the stones The ,(ng wait ac na??ed mund and on* of lb* J*w*lter< a?ked the owee* If hs wne.ld s?ll lt " \'n." h* said u 1 do nol wish tn part with IT. as |f ??, a present Pec).!*." b* sd/t*d. "IT !? roi * real stone ont* sr lmtts?l0T> s || ,(?,, ,)?? e..,?uf.s *V*-a|ajM>it lt, again, and iVIng eonvlneed of its ge nu lu n lornied him thal he waa toNt-il.-n. Ile i.nivever nor tlstecl In lt that lt had ls-en given to him as a f.K ?Tona, and lbs! h'- die* not b?lleve it to las rtm\ '!? wa* asked If he would sell lt a. fal*** Thi-. tow ever, h* refuted To do on arcoon! of Hs associations but _*!ng at last offered a price considerably above IU valu*. ll fal___ik-??a sa much undar lt. If .?*! nc* ..a" ...? . ..i ? . n, o.i o'udation tn*: m. onie. would make a written statement, to the effect that the stone waa sold to him as false. Thi* wa* agreed to. th? wining wa* signed, the price paid, and th* ring at the lani minni* handed over, whereupon th* seller quickly retired. It was not long, bowevar, before the purchaser found that th* sion* tn hi* ? slim mrn tn i mit Ii Imitation, a duplicate ring having ar the la?t moment bean *ubstltt'ted for th* original one. A th* same time he wan cut off f*-om all rrrii-ess ny th* pt'er he had signed, acknow'edelng that he bo ghi the line ai false _nrt also hy the fact that he bad pa'd a rrlee sn unfairly hene*th the vain* of the stone. If he had supposed IT To be real?a fact which he was nor anxious to have made public , AS EXPERJESCh WITH GP.RMAS DOCTORS KF-CAIIT'D BY THU CO*"m'LrATIf.**S OYKB THK C.FItMAV KMPrKO". gag *l'Oti*'**TTVe. AT LEAST. To th ' Editor of The Tribune. Slr: The cable dispatch announcing Thal l?refe*sor Kusfmau) had been summoned ro attend the stricken Crown Prince at San ltemo. recalled To mr mind the following personal med'eal experience, experience ' which may prove of Interest and which llluitratos? j well. I 'eave lt to your readers to gueas Just wi,*' it ' Illustrates. In the month of August. 1882. I came down from j Engelb-rg to Lurerne. Th. next day I met a friend | who. knowing of my search for health. Informed me I that the great lungsp-claltst, Professor Ku sa maul, of i Strasburg, was at RI gt-Kal thad and advised that I i consult bim. Within a few hour* I had made ao ap? pointment by telegraph, and tbs following day the train carried me from Vltrnau. up the famotu Plgl mountain. The doctor?a *)?rft*s**t type of a German professor?received me cordially, auscultated my lungs with care, and pronoutced the following opinion. Satd he: " You are nor a verj sick man and. wirh pru? dence, ought to live to old age I And a chronic catarrhs! condition at the bas* ot the right lung. This you should try lo remove. The lung ts sluggish at that point and needs some shock to make lt work. Go to the great water-cure establishment at Dlvonne. uear Geneva. The French unrtersiand tin water cure treurment better than we Germans. Dr. Vldart. tho physician of tbe CHUBBA establishment, will arrange a cole! douche to fall direct cn th* eatarrhal point with grear force, say from a height of Twenty to thirty feet. A few weeks of such treatment will help to remove this calarrhal condition." I paid a liberal foe and returned to Luzerne. The doctor's advice tilled me with concern. I feared that such a violent shock might Induce hemorrhage. The j-ame night 1 wrote particulars of this Interview with a request for sdvlce to Dr. Messing, a clever phyilelan of Meran, Tyrol, who knew my condition perfectly. Three days larer came Ihe teleeraphlc response: "Do rot po Dlvonne. Koch treatment dangerous for you. Mes.lng* Ho I did not gn, but went to Italy and. later. Mentone Instead. The following summer I ipent several weeks at Rlchenhall. Bavaria I heard ?o much of th* ability of a Ur. Mii'i.ii 'hat I consulted him. Ills diagnosis and treatment agreed wlrh that of Professor KusimauL Ile advised strone douche* on tho affected part of tha lung. I still bad my doubti. The next dav I con? sulted Professor (schneider Ile rather undecidedly advised agalns! the douche business. A dov or two after I had my chest thumped bj Dr. Hammerer, a physician nf reputation. He opposed the doucha Idea mot decidedly. Bald he: "It can onlr do rou harm. You eat well, sleep well, feel well and, to all oractleal cs, are well. Be satlifled I Don't try danger? ous experiments." The balance itood?two for cold? water treatment, three against So I still kept away from Dlvonne. A few mouths thereafter, en route from Frankfort to nation-Baden. I left the train at tha llttlo station whence one drives to Falkensteln. I wu curious to inspect tbo great Sanitarium and to meet the eminent Professor Dettwsllor. Boon after arriving I had the Profassor pro? nounce on my condition, telling him tlie treatment Kaooaual had advised. Deirweller Thought lt a good Idea: said, however, that lt was not nc-c*.sary to go to Dlvonne. that a flue water-cure establishment wa* con? ducted at Baden-Baden: that I should call In Dr. Scbllep. a man of ability (physician of the Empress of Germany), who thoroughly understood water-cur* treal mont and would arraog* to give me the ^werful douches required. I left Falkensteln delighted. At last 1 was to' have my douches. Th* very day I reached r.aden-Baden I sent for Dr. Schlle!*? a bright, Blde-owoko yoong man, who has a hobbr that the majority of lung and throat diseases originate from breathing through the 1110:1th. I explained to him all that Don weller had said. He examined me atten? tively, then a* ked what form of bath 1 wa* lu the habit of taking. I answered that for many year* I had taken a dally coll sponge bath, followed hy vigorous massage "Thal," said Dr. Schllep, "ls al) you need. I see no neceslt.v for am violent douche* In your case." Cheated again 1 I spent part of the winter at Mentone I tald Th* case before Dr. Stle*.e. His opinion wa* that tho treatment prepoeod wouldn't do me much good, but thal lt eonMnM do on any harm. Then I consulted Dr. Cube, a Russian physician. He most emphati? cally believed In the treatment and urged me lo go IO Hlvoiine. Then 1 wen! to Nice and eon-ulted Dr. Drummond, a (scotchman Be lust as emphatically, with the broodesl brogue, tald. " Don't yo_ go to Dl? vonne. You'll burst the machine." My ?BOdleol balance novt sioud. four In favor, five against, and one on thn fence. The physician* of greatest reputation, however, favored the treatment I had pondered on The subject some two year* and so I finally decided that I should at least visit Dtvonns. In the month of Anril. 18*4. therefore. I emered the Etta-basement Mvdrntheraplque de Dlvonne, and stood In Ibo presence of Pr. Vidsri. I explained to him the original ?uifestloe Df professor Kussmaul. Thar a very violent 1 'lil .'..itel ihOO- should be made io fall on rhe ed part of the lung, with all the other medical prn snd ecus The doctor devoted considerable time and care to his examination and finally delivered the following opinion: 'Told water el tidies will do you good, but not violent donches. and the whole body must be donohed except the very part which hu th* chronic eat-rrbael affection." Comment unneooooirr. Did 1 follow tbe treatment? Yes. for Ute weeba I'M lt benefit me? No! It robbed me of flesh and of vitality which lt took me two rears io regain. Besfleotfully. louis k. -ULRICH. Now-York. March 1_. 1888. "THE SNOWING OF THE PIXES." T. lt'. Hlggini'in n Scribner'e Magazine. Softer than silence, stiller than still air, l ioa' u.iu 11 ii ,111 high p ne boughs 1 he slender leaves. The fuiesl Boor Hs Banoal boon receives Thal ie,n,es Uta snowfall, tireless, tranquil, fair. Gently thej glide gently th*. Cloth* the bare Uld rook! wita grace. Their fall a mantle weavu "f na ar >? boo than autumnal sh aves t>r thou strongs blwoni the a Hob hazels wear. Athwart long aisles the sunbeams pierce their way; High up, the cm,us are gatheilng for the night; 'Hie delicate Doodle*, bil the air, the Jay Takes throngh their goldea mist his radiant flight; They fall and fall, till at November's Close Thc snow-Hakes drop as llghtly-snow* on mow*. A HI Ult HAT STORY. From The. Introit Free Free*. lnterpreci'i- are a probability of the future, If high hats comillie- tu bl vinni ai tho theatre. 111 : nan a .toling woman al tha uacs-tre one evening la-i snob Wi le ii bat ou UKe th" leaning tower of Ptaa btbiad tar <*.__ auotb'-r woman vainly trying lo bee Un- play l-. < r. I *w moments tins wouj_.ii oom nilli- li I hail au<l aii'l aek : "Harry, d arl wbM ai* they doing rvowl" lt.iiiy d. _r, vt it li -,ct teeth?'" Toe, have lust thrown Jack o 11 tbe mil down luto a ruvin 80 1 feet deep." A little grunt 0. aaiisiaction an,, sweet silenoe for several minute*. "Iiuir., eic ar. ba 0 tte) lound hi* body?" "1 di ni kill bin. (Jtiosio. They are trying lt over aga* u*" ono nen llany doar. A eucecsaion of piatol shot*, ani Mrs. Harry trie* to rlinili uv 1 1l1.1i ba, In front of her but fail* igno I l.iinii i-ly 10 fal titi,'*, over or around lt "llany, clear, what ace tbev doing now!" "ll y aro throwing liim down an old mining shaft Now thej set u on Bn:" ?eli, hs lovely: and 1 can't see a single thing j What ar* the -.homing fort' "His sweetheart reaOBU bim. Sh* la lifting bim 1 out o thc barning mine*. He is saved!" Mon r-ileuee. arni Mr*. Ha.ry rontecnblatf** tb* barb bill of the owner of l'_,a Then moro shouts. " Hurry, daor, vvhat are thov doing now?" "it i-'a barroom in * mlMatnng*. a fellow ia Just trying Ul sn-ak a drink." A golden -i.'i.'fi tot it bri_f space, then? ?? it irr . lear :" "W-h-a-a t 1" "Did he get it?" j A OLD MEEDLM STOUT RF.VI-T.D AXD ENLARGED. Frnm tht Ch irago Newe. ? Talk shout yt.ur neel!* norien," said a man ob ths 1 i.trc*t aesierdny. *? Tut I cn a-ll von tne ihsl Jltcounls theil, all, snd I im*' Mn lt gc fsr rion home f,,r _*,*, I facts, BU**** My wife's -Isutr, a yon vg lads tbo ot nins* 11.-a hits ? pei floodta Slie wouldn't do without lt for th* seirH About lin tr rein are the needle male lia Brat .|i;- ..i.iiii ?? by sti .klug lt* ifiinl nut of her shoulder. How li ever gol I11U1 her bony or how long lt bsd b*eo there sh* tut's she d"ii't kn.'v. 1 llJUi'i come ooi far em,usn fur any on* to get of lt, bul OOBI bick In, and in _.*??? t., * moiuli lt t'eicu Its no? out sway down 0D a*t fifi.! aoki". Then lt d. si j pe s red .(.'tin tnd ll hst been I . .'it 1 liis.l. ot Inri s,)-i*:i eve) since poking Its pani 'itu aleut evtiy u.e.nth _ei_i*t?_ei>_ or other _h* Iud lt pul.el out one-* with ? I>*<* of 1,lipers, and you I i".i?v* it, tii.t ll l? ? titi, -he became almost liar**-__!J ol willi .1 *ar: ot nervous pm?t,i_oii thu the dm'er- ecu idu'i m._c.' anything of. One Ave in irr*sl?tl bi* ii..5.1.1 ??* tftitOi. her, ss she says, to get that net'dle and Jab ll .11U1 ri. )-H. feac dil wi ind feit itioeh belier In? stantly Tbe -earlie- bas bflOO on Its titvrla without in? ti ri I,,.Hon ever lint., .nd she has had perfect bealla. 6h* ivm nf 1 tst persuaded now to have lt taken out. About s }t_t .ff th* ned:* msde lu appesiaDce si ber left it rut and th.) lot-allai* ot both ends of 11 ass clearly dla c noble. By ?sy nf *n i.e. nrei.t. 1 .u>.po*e. she n.*ns|sd la gel ni the hflfld of her pn and slipped I little plec* of fine, bright red till, through ihe era. and now th* nee* ls lag tut sll uter Im tytu-tn. ind one* in 1 while lt ls dim "lld'' Manta the rkln. When th* nt'-11* tta* eau ,1 . .!? d.-1 .ie ;*1 thai li was very strongly magnetite.. s a M-ry f|iiei esr snd I dou't pretend to en pit in I:, bul I know li.e tt?ry ls true." V*,. hutte llelo has sued a London editor for libel, tliiliniiig ?*.'., io, 1 otw damage.. \V* don't kneew bow it may lc in i.,i.don, lui if an *e_ltor lu America wa* mulciad in f^.iiw.ijoo lt would maka a mighty big tal* in hi* year's tMary.-iNorriftowa u*-_d. A iSIKAiNuE ESCAPE. THE STORY OF TWO PATHO IS. rai.-lei , March '_ Many races have left the mark of their pre-senc* upon Sicily-Phoenician, (ii-oek and Roman. Noiman. bpanhh, French-wbo all In tum have Inhabited tba fair island, and all In turn have vanished, leaving lt at last?ai was manifest destiny?to be ItatUn, and for Italian*. Of tha many struggles ere this co.ild im ?Heeled P*i*rmo In particular bear, well doUued traces To say nothing of Us earliest days, or of those mediaeval ones, when ibe bells of San Giovanni del Eremltl rang for Sicilian Vespers, lhere aro later memories quite as thrilling, of deeds wrought for liberty, within tbe span of our own live*. Repeating tho past, loo, I'aieruilian belia had again their part to play ; and in loUo, the Campanllo of tbo Gancla teni out a peal that united Sicily, once for all, against her Lour.on Kings. Ko one who loves freedom and honors courage can pass unmoved this plain, now shabby, convent-church. Priestly robe* and discipline could not efface In Its brethren th* underlying spirit of patriotism. When Italian unity wa* In question, tbey never feared to lend a band, and prove themselves rhe ? seditious, pestilent broih*ihood" their enemies deemed them. This same patrlotlim?their black mark tn Bourbon days?ls now their chief distinction, and In every wsy they strive to commemorate lt At one end of tie building a marble tablet recall* th* fact that ber* Francesco Rlso Inaugurated th* revolution of l_i>0; while In trout, at nearly the building's length hom this tablet, ls another, io extraordinary In appearance ai at once to catch the eye. Irregular In shape, of whlto marble, now badly woatber-stalned, and rimmed wltb Iron, lt bean these words : " linea dells Salvezza," literally, "The hole of deliverance," of salvation. A longer Inscription above itatos that ihiough this opening (for opening lt was. before the tablet covered lt, although so small that one wonders how a human body could pass through) escaped two men, Gasparo Blvona and Filippo Patti; thus saving their lives, and at the sam* time achieving one of the boldest deeds of the revolution. Nuw, a* I was examining this Tablet one day, a crowd gradually collected round mo. Not that th* story was new to them?no; but with the sympathetic friendliness of Italians, tbey felt frosh Interest In what so deeply Interested the fore*tlo,e. In unison with my silent translation they sc.tly read out the wena; and when at last I turned to go, a stout shop-keeper polltely addressed me. "Since those things Intoreit the Signore forestlere. tt may also please him to know that those prudi (gallant ones) still live." " What !" I exclaimed, for th* heroes of such an achlevomont .eoin.d almost as mythical as Greek god*. "What! they are actually alive! They are here, In Palermo I" " Even so, signor* mlo. Filippo Patti lives somewhat out of the way, lt ls true: but blvona li right here, In th* hand, as one may say. He ls a wonderful fellow, Signore; call and see him. Ho will tell you things to open the eyes wide? things that are true, Signor*." It seemed to me I could hardly do better than follow this advice; and tho same evening I sought out my hero. He was at home?a home which, like himself, boro witness* to the changed state of Italy?being tlie old convent of Santa Anna, now secularized. Hero, by th* flaring lucerna, sun-minded by bis family, he sat?a man somewhat over lifty, spare, of medium height, Umping slightly as he rose to meet me, but otherwise alert, with dark eyes, gray hair and beard that one* bad bean black as thc eyes, and wltb a most mobil*, animated physiognomy. It was easy to see that Nature had fitted him both to act courageously and to be ready of resource In emergencies. "Yon know about Francesco Rlso, Signore!" he began. " Well, lt was he I hat set the ball of revolution roUIng In Sicily. He was head and front of the move? ment?Capo della Rlvoluzlono. We had borne aud borne with those bourbon pigs; but he lt was that first said the tim* had rome to act. So ho planned what wo should do, and -ino evening, th* third of April, eighty-nine of is got together" From this point blvoua's narrative was so diffuse that to give lt I.i his own words becomci Impossible. Keeping his characteristic phrases, however, I now, reluctantly, condense his story, and give lt lu third parson. Francesco Rlso, then, a fontanler*. of Palermo, with eighty-eight other citizens, began tho rebellion of 1660. On the evening of April _ they concealed them? selves In the Gancla, Intending to sally forth at dawn, and take possession of the public buildings?the EMMI and Flnanz*? In that quarter- At the same time, act? ing In concert, their friends without were lo rise, and carry other Important points In the town. The boll of tbe Gancla was to be the signal, the tricolor their badge, and their watchword, " Viva 1'Itaha o la (J be rta I" It was a well-laid plan, and should have succeeded. Rut while tho patriots wore In hiding, a traitor had gone to Manlscalco, the Director of Police, and re? vealed th* entire plot?time, signal, names?every? thing. Speedily troops flited the Piazza Marina, cannon were placed fronting the Gancla. guard* were Stationed at th* rear; and so far as the eighty-nine popolanl were concerned the revolution was over bo fore lt had begun. In the face of their certain doom, however, they fought Uh* heroes; and. entrenched in rh* Gancla, maintained themselves almost two hours. Thon, many being killed, am) Rlso himself mortally wounded, the survivors sought such safety ai tliny could. Tho majority, against BtToaa'l advice, took refuge among the rafters, between the celling and roof of the church, whore they were soon found. Some ?prang down among the soldiers and tried to cut their way through; many were killed, hardly i*rio neaped Tho<e who surrendered were taken to Ports San Glorghi a few day* later, and fusilladed; among them, tho old Giovanni, father of Ftancesco Rlso. The latter, mortally wounded, was removed to tho hospital, and died there, from his injuries,. *s,;rh at least ls tli* ac? cepted story, and probably the true one. I have heard lt laid, however, tliat he would have lived to bo sho. had he not avoided that fate by poison. Meanwhile, Filippo Patti had Jotncel bis fate to blvoua's. and their escape is In great pan due to (he latter's astuteness and steady nerve. First of ail, they led to the Campanile, bnt seeing that the content waa surrounded and safe descent would soon be Im? possible, they clambered down to tbe roof. There, looking through a shyligbt, they perceived two of the brethren, on their Unoes, below, praying. Their rap upon th* glass Instantly directed toward them tao frightened faces, but tor som* time they could get no answer to their signs, the priests evidently fearing that they were spies. At last, however, they Bon told, by signs, of course, that If tta window were open, lt wai possible to climb down, by BOOM of the* cor? nie* and woodwork, with a blow of his fist, blvona broke the glass. The blood spurted out bom a severed vein in bli wil,t, but twist lug a handkerchief about lt Uko a vice, he tied the Itnoi with one band and his teeth, and then managed to owing Ina,-.if down, followed by Patti. (A tow days afior this In'erview blvona took mo over the Lanela, tracing tb* fight and theil escape from point to point. I remember thinking, as 1 limbed up at tho shy light, that not many would have found ibo de-cent easy, even wltb both wrist* sound.) Ry the time they were down, the Monti Lad van? ished, but wer* found In one of tho side chapels, praying to all the saint* for safety. The fugitives made lt clear they wore not spies, although to be friends?In this crisis?was almost as fatal, but thoy were brothers tn misery, and lhere waa no longer any fear of betrayal. From the body of the cbuicb they fled to a small room at the opposite cud from tho high altar, full of chairs, which were Stored here vt hon not In use. A laue was hastily flPOaod lu ibo mass, and they crawled In. twisting theiaselves heio. then*, any? how, so a* to be out of sight, and xs far from the front as possibi*. Th''n the monk- replaced the wooden Ile. above and lu front of thom, shut tho door and went back to their praying. It was well they had made haste, for In less than half an hour the ?oldler* emceed. Little of the Ganeit escaped search; evan amoug Hies* chairs they pblBgSd and pried with ihelr bayonets, but luckily hit no ono, and after several trial* went away. In this cramped and painful confinement, tho fugitive remained until the third day. At the clo-e Bf Ita se<"onil tho Gancla, now supposed to be empty, was locked np, alt bough still strictly guarded without Half d*ad from hinger. I hirst and cramp, but some? what rea. sured by the silence, this small remnant of Francesco Rlfo'* troop MOOTfOd hom Its concealment, and ont*: rd tho church. Tho first thing the men saw wa_ the holy wator font, a* good luck would hat* lt. half full; and th*,y drained lt, to tho last drop. "Never was wat?r nines truly ble*s*d," said blvoua; " Acpia benedetta, slcurol" Now In their long hiding among the ch?!rs, he had b*en considering whai beltet reftig* thor* might b*. and bad rememboied a vault below the church. Mgl Ih* *tr**l, which opened b> a trap door imo a room used a* a v**try. Hore tbe conventual dead were laid aray, each on blt shelf, bul ut hoi ww* un cofllneKl; and Ibe rrobabthtle* were Hut no on* would ?eek il* IU lng In such companionship ni the se-il dead pried up the ponderous, nun -hod door, aud ?olmsted ItamMtm n those who were tal Just below ihe celling of the* vault wi-i-e several ?mall, heavily-barred windows; arid aa the sound of Uta ant* th* frosh spring air cam* pouring lu, thn caputo* wer* reused to new exertion*. They mun di* ol hiiiuir li thar (toyed; they could oo more thaa die, if di.eovei.d, and they decided to take their chances. They were feeble, still they managed to pile the good brothel, ol the Gaucla, ono above an othor. uniil from this standpoint of mortality tbey could re nh a window. Tho tirsi who luolnd out. prompt'.)' dodged; sentinel* wei. pacing up aud down, before iho building; and at tta corner, tvhcie two streets erosOOd, was itaiion<*d a largo guard. lint, wau-bing l lie ir chance as iho MOttaeM passed, they aiaile signs lo a woman In IB OgpnMO cafe- Tbey were leen, they were ii oder*, omi. aud all wei* SBgOf lo help. their tii-t, MMX press tig need, tta* food, and this wai OOBVOfOd to thom most adroitly by a cab driver, brother?if I remember right to Patti. As ihough by chance, be stopped his cab close tu tho wiudow ; again _, by chance, ??-vorae peo,.lo su,\>oe<l |ii noni of tbo cab, t-ikiu- uustly lugeth.i ; and lin.s scro-iied, ho thrust lu at mo grailug, a rub of bread aud it short, puiuied uou bar. V. bou they bad a hoie, ho reid them, they must atgafll; thou ibe people vt ouid go* up a quarrel, to eau od the guards, ana lat or ibe escape. Paul waa ovoicoiuo at lh.t with weakness and dos pu lido nc j, aud vt opt blttorly. Aa tu bit una, tho gioaici ilio peril, tho Wilta!, moeo loiiseiy ?ti-ug ho uecauie. Ho up his companion, aud stiougb lUOd by tho uioud. the. soi tu Oura, aiaiug ibe slow imlOOl willi ilieii- bau--, i.n.n, uu lue Huh ii_* uf their mprtoonmeat, Ita outoroioe. Mobo lay loose in ii* socket. Ital rested a few ooOoaBs, then signalled tliat they vt ero ready. ihe street had boen quite peaceful, only noisy, until now; but suddenly two women began to quarrel, thcii friend. Jolued lu, and a grear hubbub arose, An oHlcer passing by, slopped a moment closo to the window, and blvona hoaul him say to a fr.end : "Il there was a conspiracy, you may bo sore these nfl. cursed women would be In lt, they are always ready for a row." On he passed, little dreaming thal con | -piracy was actually there; and blvona. despite lbs I peril, could not testraln a chuckle. In almost the same moment, at the crossing where The guard wai stationed, several carts, loaded with straw, managed to run Into each other. The wlld'st confusion snood. The driven rn-sed. threatened ] came to blows; tho bystander*! rushed In. and, sym l parhorlcally. began to 'fight: those "accursed women" | Joined the fray, screaming loudest of all: In fact, ai blvona sa'd fb?v had a devil of a Mono Guard snd sentinel garhereHf In hfWte lo separaTe The combaTanTs and clear the streets ; such a th*one was nor sate. IT lead to Insurrection: and while ths friend* of order were thu* laodably at one end of th* Gancla. af the other appearer!, feet foremost. Filippo Parri! Half way ooT of The bo'o. he stm-k. and urged blvona to help him bsclt. "No." s-tld tb* laffer. " ret om ls death To both of ni; out you must go. even If In pleceaj." With all hts m'?ht he pu-hed him. while those without polled: and In this manner, although barllv ,cu*'"ed. Pstri retched af l*st th* street. Then came blvano who being of slender build, and going bead first, emerged safely. Tho women covered them as They spne-jred with their c'O'hes husT'ed Them behind and Thro-'gh The crowd, ac-ns-; lb* ?creef. at,,! from one friendly boote To anoTher until tbev could reneh the open coonrrv. .**n adroitly was tb? a^alr managed thst The sold'ers had nor even a sn?p'r!on Vei sooner. haW"M*0*"< were Ihe ftn_lt Ires safe, rbsn?To o"OC"* s Paterm'Tsn wr'ter? "?here ceased, ss If by ms"le the conf"s!on of the earts.s Th" driver, recovered their tome.** _. one*;. pecTedly _- they hart lott lt J the hy-fande*-. grew amicable snd Jolly: The hordes rrotre,! on: the fnTrle. res"*ned Their march All ss v?t before wtt-b one evceT'tlon In Th? .Tone wsll of The flaweto llb*** an eye b.oving out from Its vaults?wa* a small lt*gagnlol n*r,?-in_ How hsd lt come there* PrrsnTe to tay. no on* knew rtnvthlne shoot lt ! The peno'e r*?the*?d around. ss a.tton'sber! a? The sentinel* "Most holy Vl-trin 1 whit contd they ftrtow shoot If! Tbev had b??n wnletntriir the slraaT-erirf t. A piece ? "Qt hat's fal Vi ovt of the wall while they were not looking ! Dlavoio 1 Din Ssnflsslmo! 'Thus Invoking ihe two strongest authorities.) Nobody had seen snythlntr!" The most rigid cross-qu**stlonlng and search failed to elicit more Than This. There had been an escape, sc much was eei'ialn : and since P'von* and Patti had not been found before lt wa? arced. rl_hMy. Th*' Thov -orr the fugitives. Rivona's wife and children were treated with much harshness; but as the poo* womnri said, " We only knew thal he was gone; we could only pray that he wa* safe a Bo matters wenr. unTll the 1 Ith of May. not qnlte a mnn'h from Thal sad iTrnrgle In the (landa. There landead at Marsala. Ga^lbalrll and hN Thousand. On the * ft h they were at Calntifml, rh" 17th af Merimo. The isth at Partlnlco. bv the 25th they had reseted IfltlllPOH, the "ftth Glbllr'ossa: and 'he 27rb taw rhe!, TrfomphanT enTry Into Palermo. Before \ov?mber ol this yea* the camnnltrn wns end*d : Itslv wa-r fr**e 1 And blvona? 'tte bal Joined Garibaldi, of course: and fo"ght with him bravely, as you mav supposes, but after a while, some chronic ailment disabled h'm for active service; and he was voted a ima'! pension Small as lt ww, lt soon ceased fo be pah!: snd for the last ten years he strii-uled hard wlfh Hine", poverty and the care of a 'arere family. This .sys rs|r.nor Cslvo ls the vrsv on*'* country pars ifs debts * Vet something may he for poor, debt-oppresjer TtaTy, She " ray. thus." offen. b?cau-e she ls un a>*Ie To do otherwise. And. In trite of ht. harre-i pension blvona can -rill say. w'th all the fire ol patriotism That fl*st ted him to rebel, "Viva Italia! Viva Ia tibcrta 1" RIDING A WILD nrFEAT.G. From The MUlnge i.Afont) Gazett*. In November. Iggg, north of the Yellowstone River, between Dry Forli and Red Wa'er streams, the buf falora were very plentiful, and the slaughter of them was prosecuted wbh unrelenting vigor. That was the IM lon where Vic Smith. Doc Yahl. "Missouri Jim." .lim bille, George brown and m_ny ethers followed the buffalo like an avenging Nemesis, and. sad to say. never let up until this nollie game was wiped out. Al that time a young man named Charles Vf. Hock. better known as i?i<-j? Roch, was nknowledged the quickest buffalo-skinner on Ihe range. He could easily ?Un forty-five buffaloes- on one day, was a well-pro portioned six fooler, and the besr horseman I ever saw He claimed that lie could ride a:;*l "stick" anytnin; that wore hair, unless If was a grizzly bear. It was seldom thal he -.j,,,lee of his prowess unless bantered by some of lils companions. At that time he wa* hunting on a tributary of Dry Fork, rion to Vie smith'- camp. One evening In camp the subject of breaking Inures and ttllel animals To ride came up. and link offered ro bet i*..0 that he could ride a huf IllO His money b*|| , covered and Sam hub nell chosen referee and ttflkebolde-r. The conditions were that ho should ride a buffalo half an hour, barring acielenis. soc ii a. rho bnOllO tal Ung down or running undei limb* of Inn 'hat lld rt ed Hie itnall streams. The next morning one of the nany rode over lo Smith's cami, and acquainted bim vv 11 li ihe facts of the wager, ami reuulred his assistance In ? I url Bf The animal on which Kock was to ride. Vie acejulesced, and soon all hands rode out In si-arch uf game. They approached wirhlu alxiut 200 vard. of about a dozen buffaloes, and all hands stopped except Vic, who crawled on hands and lineei wlrhln 100 vards and, selecting a fine, fat cow. inuit careful aim and accomplished what was Intendeel?that ls. shot her through Hie muscle* of the neeh and knocked her down. a feat that is called " creasing." Ar the crack of the i Be bock on bis horse *t).*e| like the wind to the fallen coe sod qulckli llimounilng sprang upon the brute's bock, v. hiiii had slreadj recovered eonreloiune*., and away they went f-ill HU after the balance of tlie herd. Iii* large spurs, rhlch he had -unli deep in the cow's -ides, served to enable him to retain his seat, while lt served also to In-Hot* 'he bruie: she bellowed and buc be,) lu a frightful manner while bock applied the " quirt.' They soon tren .mung the herd of buffalo, and. remarkable as lt mat appear, Ita oiher buffaloes dui no* seem frightened at coming iii contact with man, bot. on the 'ejiifraiy, enilea', ored to unseat him b> boa Od Og viciously ai Ins legs. ibe balance of ibe boys soon separated bock and his animal from the rest of ihe herd and ran them In a circle nulli time was called, when a half-breed mimed I ipi ile s^o the buffalo and Roch laid down on rhe ground for about twenty oilouin '" leare. tor _u lo-t wind that had been pumped out ot hun bv thc terrible bucking and lobing that he bad received t'1 legl weie badly bruised Irom ihe limns of the herd but thereafter his obiing as a rider was never que Honed, and Iho iralin was accorded him a_ the bon buffalo rider. A WOLF ROT. From Natur- {London). The '? Zo, I, gUi - (0i Mairh reprint* an extraordinary pamphlet, e.led, ai. oeeouni ol Moivn Biirtiiring i iiii'le".. ,n itu",r Dens." 'lins pauiUilci wa- pnuied ai bli im,inn in I-,_, aud bas long Imo out of prim. uu a wrapper ?? i W'pl In the zoological Library of Hie .\atar.ii ii,- ur., Museum a- .-inti) laeiis i,_ion then i, tbe followiu_ mi'iiiurauduiii-iii the handwritini ol tbe late Colane] Hamilton nmlih:" Thli account. I oxu Informed by frlenda, is written by Colonel oleeuioa. of tta Indian Ainu, the Well-bBOWn cluer who had charge ol ihe limgg intiulriesi and >im redded long lo Ihe toresil of lni!._." Tte writer reiuitls ;i number of ra-'a ol children who are Mid to have been nurtured by wolt e-s in liiiba. In ono Instance a large feum,** was seen lu leavo her den tallowed by three whelps and a little boy. 'Ibis happened near t ban? dour, tem miles (rom butoapuor, lu lao >'??*'- tdd. bejj went on ai) tour*, BOd ran <t- fust as ita wle.p ennui. Ile was caught vt nh _j_J*-ulty, and bad io be lied, as he was trott restive, and StruggMd hard io nisii lulu holn and dena. \\ hen a up per* rame near him he beeoon alarmed, and tried io (leal away. but when a child Canto near lum ho rusted a' ll .aub a liriae snarl, like ihat of a dog, and tried lo bite ll. When cooked meal was put ue-ar hun in* r," lilied it wiii, disflualj but ?linn iaw meat was ottered be seized it with avidity, put lt on lbs ground mulei' li;- linds, like a .!.>_, IM se lr With evident plea-sine. Ile Would not let aiu one com* near him while ho was ealing, bul he nude no objecilou io a dog coming and ?hanog bis loud with him. Tho truopei who cayiured the boy left him In charge of the Lajah of II_*hni*uor, who -mi tum io rapiain Nicholle!*, commanding thc firs' regimen! of Hie nude Local Infantry at Sul'anpuor; and some luiere-tiug tiui.'R as lu il.e ni', hal.Its aro given on this afllce.-'s authority, ll" died in Aurust, ISM: ami afier his death li was remembered thal lie had net cr been snowo to laugh or smile. Ile used ?l_i:s w ln-u he wauled any lb ag, and tery lew ol I hem except when hniigiy, arel In" then pointed t" hil mouth, V. hen hi* fond tvau plaieil at some distance Hom bim. he would run tn ll i fi all fours, lita ant four tooled animal, bul al other times be would wail, uprightly, He ihunoed human beings, anet snMOd lo carr for nothing but ealing. If the pimphln rofl te proved i., le- |MB fectly triistwuith). lt rerT?lnly deserves to be carefully studied by antbrupulogtiik. BRIDGING TUB GANGES. tr m li' Tl me i of India The formal opening by Hie Virero* 0f the grear rail? way bridge B-T-B* Ibo c-aiijic- al I cn.,,v. ?... a nu-iniii abie reieiiiony. Tbo work ha* tal.en sever, years io con,pion-, ami ns luetrenfUl aeeompUsbnionl nf iii,* grBMBM ol tte riiiiny glam) engineering : e\'-t bj Bril lt b eii'.irpilso in india. The magnitude e,r ita i_*h maj ho pa..tied __oi Ita bal inw.ii^ gguresi Tb* leagti "f im* brldgi from euri of tl.* glide-is ls :i..'.'J i feet (tan are ID spam, k ?*. "ii nf :i. el fi*c! ariel nln- of ll* tool ; Ihe p"! , nt Ihe larger s> a - Bl I bunded nu elliptical wells, ll", feel by 'jr*) fee' ; the p:ris tarv lu uepth Irom oil f?>*t to 1VJ feet below ground level ; Ibo weight of th* material used In one of ihe d*ep pier* I* about li).coo looa: tho total ol th* aU-d idrder* ta 0,405 tuns Ibe rn no ipan* ai-e rhe lunge*! yet constructed lu india wltho.t the use of the eantll?v*r term or giitl rs and the foundation* of some of thc* main piers an* tbs ffp -I lt. b* world. b en.tneerins prob? lem* that t.ere In tbe .re-station of tho de*;g -,,j,i io the cari vine out of ih* work were ot Iminetis di cnliv. A 'Ive." bad t" b* ? a'nd 3 0*0 f o w e, lt. * I?.! o ar. un nnwn d pth of pur- ?b*kl oer wiiici, ibo lovel ?i lb wa er ..urina ibo cold ?mia Bioaibo "as ibooi .I*" m*, r* ng dm ma flouds to 0 feet, wvh a velocity of ab.ut '_0 f*** nar se ond. lu or'er to give aiu, 1' co... for tie fro* p-s-. ge o', boars h .eight uf th* ?tructure bal to bo flied at _5 foot a ove "he highest re'Oided looa lev*| Th- undertaU'ig co?t * toirether over 75 lakh* of rupees, the cost per lineal foot being Ra 1.727. The tli-si brck va* laid on January, l#. lr\B-; and ihe brelge was rowdy tor rraffle In Odobor last, tbe work bating boen carried on all tb'se vear* not only by day, i ui alu by nigh', w tb 'he aid of th* electrle Light, except during ihe vrr, r0|ei weather. te benares li''dc* completes the plan of 'he Oudh and l n.-1-lk'in.l balway under the contract granted to the company y ats ago u brngs l.u.know Into di iee I railway c.,muni i.-aiton with Calculi* by a rou'* ttl mile* shorter than that tia Cawnpor*. rall places !.- uti of Lucknow and be? tween Lucknow and Renae** p_r*fol i pating tn rh:- grear jvlvantage. Tte b I'ge baa I eon named a t"r 1-ord Dufforln, and ll ls ce tain that no moro splendid rn moe-al ev^r h ndod _t*WI an Indian Viceroy's uanio To posterity. War ha* H* glorou* trafUtlons; but the Durtenn bii'lge will siieaJt to th* eye for, we tost, connies* gener*>lou* to come, and Its conten plat on bv the na'Ives of India should provo !-'? ' a liberal education." sim win* them the marvellous Inge ulty and the Indomitable per** .eveianco of th- nen to whose lot ha* fallen tba ! guiding of India's dostlnles. _ FLORIDA COMFORT. ; WHAT RETURNING! TOURISTS 81Y OP TOT \ SOUTH. It ls somewhat difficult for persona In New-Tort*, ' a* They gue. de* pr. rtugi> or. the g." ai snow pile*, to j real zo that the) ai-e oily thirty-six hours' ride from a land whero they di nor know what snow I* ?___ when there a'* tb jieaand- of persons wbo have nev.r seefl j .now st aU The rerurnlng Florida tourlit* tell , some sr, iles thal ll le not in ordinary human nature to | li.tcn to without a shrug of tho skouidei.. Rip* I strawberries and peach MoflOOBM and roses blend tn all their conversation. Ry tho way, brayton Ive* has j boon down there. He lt somewhat rotund In form and i thereby bang* a tale. It is said that when he landed lu st. Augustine, which ls tb* centre of floridian al j traci.un, lie still had on bi* h -_v> winter clothe*, and j by somo misfortune bis trunk wltb his summer garb | bad gone astray. Aa b* stood In me -.1 the tandy -tree's, mopping rho sweat off hi* forehead and puffing I from the eiertlon of a short walk In th* town, he was ho._t'd to exclaim: " Web, I think a man I* a tool who tries to find two Julys In one year.'* This at leon ls tbe story told In Wall Street. Tho Hotel Fonco do Leon, at St. Angruttn*, seems to defy the descriptive powers of the tourist*. Th* ! least they say la that no one can ai tempt to describe ? Ita magnificence, but that lt must be seen to b* ap I preclarod. Ther* are other tale* told, however ol Iho magnificence of Its bills, which are Illustrated by > a remark of Colonel Enoch Kinley, of Tennessee, who j wa* formerly president of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company. The Co.oncl spent a day at si. Augustin* vainly endeavoring lt gel acca,mmc lat,on* at th* famous hoi el -i a when tbe management tnt tn_?? lng away two lo tl.rei* hundred per_ut_s dally. Mean* I while he caught a culd which settled lu one of his eyes. When he got bach to Jacksonville, where he had lefr his friend* willie bo was at M. Augm-tine, bc declared that tte j now structure was best termed tb* ? Put-your-eye ! eui! Hotel," because Its beauties were so dulling ! Whet: Lo heaicl bom ju acjiiaint.tneve about th* coal of living at the bonce do Leon, ho sided: ? wolL lt's lucky rhar I didn't get accommodatloDS then or tte other eye would have been put out." The man who ha* made _t. Augustin* what lt lat H. M. Flagler. ls a New-Yorker, If several year" resi? dence here can make him one. He made bis fortune In tbo Standard Oil Company when lt waa still In les Infancy in ( levi land, olio, and wa* one of th. original projectors of that great cot.eera Like mosl of the other Standard Oil poe pie ho has always bad a diabko of being taikod about personally tn the paper*, and such sketches of bis life as bave been published are full of inaccuracies, because bo w.mld never consent to tell bis own Ufo history. Ho was once poor aa a church mouse, and drove a ream for a living. Now he ls so wealthy that he can spend nearly three millions of doll ats on a hotel structure for pleas ur* 1 s_y for plea*arv because lt t* already evident that the hotel will not pay expenses, even If the bills are high. Mr. Flagler bas other means of making up the deficit. He owns tho railroad from J-cksunvUle to St. Augustine, lt 16 thirty-three miles In length. When he bought tl the daily receipts were about $150. Now they ace over $l._i),i. He ban bought up a great many lot* and lands around rhe ancient old city aod baa ambition, de-signs. I am told, of owning most of the shops and sturts and bazars. Land has gone up In price ht 6t. Augustine so that Tho old Jr ko about buying Florida nut * si,,,e i,y the p'nt ls not al ail a 'uko. It take* a fair -i/ed pete lu**- book to buy more than a pint In that neighborhocd._ In personal appearance, Mr. Flagler ls not at all like a money getter. He is tall and square shouldered and somewhat spare. He ha- a lean face with high che-eh bones and gray hair and a musraehe of tne hall grenadier Type, which is while as tbe .now. He bo* a look In his face like on" Inclined to be -esthetic In bl* tastes, and lt ls reported that the many poetical Inscription.-* that are scattered on tho walls aud ceil? ings of th'.- Fonce do Leon have been selected and dictated by him. He ls not Inclined to accept lndls cnmlnaie praise fer what ho bas done, which shown that lie is sensitive to a dogreo In my presence a gentleman recenrly atretupted ro praise hu effort* in the construction of so flu* a structure. He re? plied eiinotly i.iii UnpreoMvoty I "Anybody could have duos what 1 li a ve douc who could sign lis nsme to a Chech and hav lt honored at the bank. It ls the .ucl. loon and bud iris and the artists wbo hav* mads ita I'n-ic-c de Lee,n and not I." During the same con vrsarion he Unheated bis tntenrion tc begin at once the '"iistrui'tioi, of a great annex to rhe botol on the Boran opposi'o to lt and to the Casa Monica Hotel and also to bullet a large numt>er of crttage* to sell or rent to persons who desire to spend a Mason la Florida but who do uoi relish hotel Ufo A story that HOMO drifting up from Florida ls with reference to that well-known New-Yorker ? Larry" .ien,i,,e. Ho ha* been visiting F'orida and upon his arrival at Jarj\s,,nviUe and St. Augustine he was re? ceived with ail tta anent.on that feta good liver* of (bon cities could pay him. Tbey declared that lt only needed Colon*. ''Toni" Ochiltree to complete th* making of Florida. Mr Jeiome went Into the State at tue same time with the party of United State* benaiurs uni iTCsideni and Mis Cleveland. With bim was Hie weean statesman of I'un us \ Ivan!*. Gen? eral OtmOfl t omeroo In the Jam aitendanl upon the rec-p tun of tho President's party at Jack-unvilJe, th* ' ..ini,ta bad bl* pocket picked. His waiiot cunt ..nest Ms railroad '* ami ??<?>?) In money. He didn't b? gi iulgc li tho mau who got il, su be de. lars d. bul willi m..a., him nan nj- i,,a: ho shuulel ti.v. boen ii for a l.ntcd MBtM tvuutm amt uiaUe the ?*"'i.u t i-e'i.n-al act. Uoaeral I anierun ls i.oi ui teal foi wearing costly apparel, but ihe eon lr*_r*y, Wooo Catena! Jerome onad out that he had been robb d, General Cameron Instinctively lek for bis uwn pui l;et ia ob. ?? Hold on. !_enei__, cried :,.'? COlonel, "don't du thai ur they will think yuu have got some meney aud cub tim. too. 1/ you keep '!?.Iel IhO] Will thlnle fio i yotu- old clotho* thal you haven't got a dollar to roar name.*' LONDON DIX NE SS. From The Queen. Owing to the ftallftMs of transport, tho fashion thal prevails this season at large elitiiiers 0f gl-.Bg game, Ililli, .vc, Hom iai count iles, |, |e?? difficult tluin lt might at lit-st appear, aud vou nott meet with iiiany cm,mis dl-_e> thar hlibeiiu the untravelled have utily read or heard ut At a grand dinner lt ls not extraoreliiiaty now to have otle*red to vou be*ar*s hain bom ttusaifl, sterletl fiom the Volga, or haunch of reindeer brun Lai land. Amuug the fruits, the cokli fruin Japan are tho best. This fruit ls yellow. r*a*ern lllng tn torn, and cu.ur a madame orana*: tho Instil* ls eaten vt nh a spoun. like an ice. Hui all these di-di _ Iran i-fai* are* uteri-afr-t. and coal more than they are really worth: and jour true gornjets prefer tin* produn uf Franc*, where Hie poultry, game aud fruit c_o be had fresh, and not Knolled by a loug Jour uet . md ticing [incited In Ice*. Tlir* iie-ent fitahion fur dinner Tablet ta for the linen io be embroidered olth colors, the china _*int,xl with :'"'?" re, M ( glan eagraved sad gift, aud quanrttle* of Bowen ami baskets uf .lams. A Hoi Boies A year. Brandreth's Pills ??????<> ???? '????d. ?**-* lui* th* Inn, Btrrn-iliru Ihe Kidneys. r*_t_l__* th* '??wei* They were Int ro limed I* th* Tulle*- Hint as lu 1835. -Ince thal tim* over flfty at bax** ?' Brandreth's Pills tafe te. nial* from all part* nt th* w*rl?l, to oaetdve ?li_?-*b ?f ihelr ??lue Brandreth's Pills ?'?rarely wfNMti lutriy luu -nie.., uud safe lo luke ai any tlaae. Mold lu every dru* and _B*dlcl_* st-ros Mlteo ?r ??|ar-eoat._.