Newspaper Page Text
tfjbtme. V0L XLVU.N* 15,'107. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, MARCH %'\ 1888. PRICE THREE CEMS. WORK TO-DAY OR STAY AWAY. J1IE ALTERNATIVE FOR THE SWITCHMEN. TJHOSK WHO ARE .NOT AT TBEIR POSTS TRI8 MORN l.VO OX THK lU'RIlM.YuN LINK WILL BK DIS? CHARGE!-- KCMOK8 OF A 8TH1KK ON TUK LAMBS ?HORK?THK ATCHISO.N DIFFICI'LTY _I>.t'STKD? |RimMKS NMMONKD TO CIlIOACiO. iBT tri?HUM TO THU TRIBD1R. ] Chicaod, March '.'"..-AU has been quiet in the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy strike today, but im-nTt-int dovelo]iments are npMtad beforo many hours. The Burlingion road yesienlay posted o notice to the elleoi that nil switchmen not on hand for duty to-morrow morning might consider IhemseK e-a discharged. This means tliat the com iwny will endeavor to place Hon union raeu in the yunis and violence is almost sure to follow. Tho It-cord of switchmen'*. ..trikes shows that tiny ure Bot disposed ttl sit down calmly and see new m-n Inking tin ir ess. Several Illinois Central, Mk -bi? glin Cent ral. lfciltimore and Ohio, and other BWtteb* ?Btu declared tevelay that they would not switch any more Burlington cara under any circuni b1?docs, until this trouble is Bellied. In the Michigan Central and Illinois Central yards several Of lin- olde, tiona'de cars aro already sideirooked. The railroad officials, wh n ask* cl what they pro |K>se-el to elo. evaded a direct answer by sayini* that, tho Burlington had informe-el thom that uni il further notic. it could not receive or deliver any freights " Time enough to cross the _?***?*__? wh.n we eome to it,*1 said one sujierinlonden!. A morning pa]>er fo clay contained a slafement that a -like of engineers od the Lake Shore and Michigan i-iiifliorn road might lie looked for soon, ll was to he the result of _ deal between the engineers and swlirh- j BOO Whereby, In consideration of the Bullington swltch nien sit iking to aid Hie engineers and firemen, tho lat lei would call a strike on the Lake shore lo enable Hie union switchmen to get their men back on that roail. lt having been non-union ever .Ince Ihe last *t!i',c t'p to tl'ls evening caieful search fails lo find any louiielation for this report and rail? road men are reluctant io boilers lt. lt te -tell known that In tl*, meetings of Ihe grit vanco eennii.ittoe. In Ihls city, those IroOB Eastern roads were SMengly opposed to any extension of Uio strike, es? pecially in ih?lr direction, and this ls quoted as an ad? ditional evidence of the baselessness of the rumor. There aro soiae, however, who assert that they are ??Hiing to believes anything, and say the sulking Rn.thei-hood men OM in such despetate sti alts over tho failure of the Mullington walk-out, that there it no tell- j lng what may ?SffO The trouble with switchmen on the Atchlson Road, which had ne? connection with tho Bullington artair, has apparently been amicably settled and a renewal ot it is not expected. lJailrosidnien aro waning wit,i some* e-"ai>e('t.itiiey to hear the answer Mt the I lu iii ngt on onida's to Hie serious alic*- \ rations ol the |;. <?!< Island Hoad re-arding " lrust?'' ! He., hut a n,imbi r of tliem who were tpoki n to Ut-duy sumed to think that the Butter will die out alter the answer ts read. Of course, the Bur- I In ' u |venple make light of it ami as staled in I lui: liniir.\i:'a disjial'li last Bight, Baser! that, the parpooea "f the proposed Bosooiatioa were not ?! ail wha! tho Koola: Island claims, nnd, further- j mon*, that the latter road was just as ele.-p in it os the Burlin-te.]. Th,* striking engineer! Bad the ii svmpaihi/ors are inbilonl over the eharces I preferred, and say the answer bears oat what they nato claimed all along, that the managomeiit forooel this strike for n purppac. It is allegi-tl ti)at ( lue! Engineer Arthur is call? ing penaaaent nnd Bremen and ?witch men from all parts of tl"' ocintrv to Chicago j for oeinsiilnnion It is said that delegates from ' 'lexus have bec**i called to Chicago, and Hint all the roads in the territory southwest of Si. Louis ?Aili be represeniod. It is known that two or ti,ra-" men. high in tbo ranks of firemen nnd switchmen, left Fast St. Louts ?n Friday nigh! foi Chicago, ?nd that two prominent cngine*ers wont from Aurora. " KvoryS-le't'T U rp-fr-i ai-lf*. ?i * p.-ri >_r," 0?ld|l Morton. s|K'akin_- for tne Burlington dmjinnr this ?fUiaaota, We aviii )>ce*in hirtn_ new switchmen *v morrow. Tho mn nra o"t at Qoleeshiirg, Aurora, j and Ot tn rn WT*, hut they refnoed to strike at B"r- | lincrton. an'l it looks pow If il,** m"n there would r**niH*n at wwi**.. Our Mr. Ifsaon at OttMBWB : whs burl tli'** mornite while owHehhtg rai-s in | the* place of tin* sinkers. He bael lo be Liken hume, but I ?'." l.ot think h:s Injuries are serious. CHT'T ARTHTTB nOHriDT-NT OF BUCC-.*9. ilK WA RV** TH" Rite iTF! I* I'HOOD TO HF PlfFfAI'l'D a1 aw tm ron a ofvpral "tip tt." ai thc* r*?ei!l*r mont hiv meetluur of T>lvls!ein No. IO* nf the Uro'hoi hood of* Loeomntlve Fn.tneers feld >n gatariay, lt w-?a unanimously resolved to continent he -tipport already riven to the stilton on the Chi- ' ?hrt.o. Hurllne-ton and Quiney Railroad hy thc* em*!- . seers on Die Eastern rall wad*. The division I* i ?omprlssd of tuen employed on all tie line* which run Into New-York. A private leit<?i from Chief Arthur addio-sed to a ?lemlier of the Uro)hi in New York was road al the nieetfng and wa* ent hu lastloally receiver! In lt h.* stated tiirtf ths men aia* jus! sa OO-uMM*- nf -uc ees_s at I****** wste at th'* Irf-rtnritng of the sti-'hia. Ile fin-flier said that with the support of the switchmen, *l?*i.en!i>n and the Bj_*__eris00d of Locomotive Flre itic*n success wa- certain. Ile* urses upon the Bruther kood thc* neecss'ty of rnnlnlne the strike to the Chi? cano. Burlington and (.uincy Hoad until driven to the BBOOOSitf cd extreme measures to gain their point, hu! he emphatically slated that no deviation will be ?als from H.c lino of action laid down at the gat side, and warns the men to he prepared at any n.l'iu'e for a general " tie ni*"* of all ralli-ouda. Coin dhiiiI' at nus weie recehed fi mu all division* of the Uroth-rh'tid In the F.a-tejn iSiates expressing their j *lllin-"npss viil'intaillv t" contrl!*ute a blither e") | oer head before air. Btoessmont U levied ou the men. tl was stated on jood authorllj th" apparent _ef*at of tlK* strikers is partly owing to the negotia? tions wl,n! were landing between the Knights of | La).ir aie! the engilsSerl and llretiien, wtilch raaolted In ti," a.rva,"iierii s'ptu>d hv Genera! Master Workman l.ewel.TlY and Chiefs Arthur and Sargeant, the par tic -liars of which were stated hy Mr. Powderly on his i-tsri-iiT t-isi to this city. This settlement having teen accomplished. lh<* englieei-s aro expecting fui Iber Jeveloi.njent-i lt) a few da. 8. MR. rAHNF/HK HAS A NEW T*L.\N. TMft<hnrg. March _"? Csiwctal).?R F. Stewart, who H known a* the colored orator of the Knights of l>abor, fefnrned from th* Fast yesterday He was one of the committee sent to New-York to consult with Andrew I arnegie on the still?* at Hraddock. Mr. Carnegie re? ceived the commutes In his most affable manner and treated them royally. He took lunch with them, and apent over six hours In an axhaustlve discussion on the wage trouble. No conclusion wa. reached, Mr. I arnegle Informing the cotumltieo that he would tile bis an-swer with the (;enoral Executive Board by letter farlv next w?"*k. Mr. Stewart ls of the opinion that Mr. Carnegie bas a new svstem which be Infends to In tioeiue, _! his stool rail dill at l.iaddock and hts otiVr works. He thinks lt ls the co opearflve plan, which Mr. Carnegie has championed In "The For un." Mr, ts'ewart says that Mr. ( -meglo app-ars extieiueiy auxiou. to arrive at a mu lome nt. GIO AGAINST WHALE BOAT. AND THB WHAI.B BOAT WON?YARTINO TUK MO M*MMV OF A TROPICAL CKUTSK. 1 ntI POM ok Hi-Atti. Trinidad, Weat Indies, Feb. tl.-lue United State-* flagship Ult huioiid, (apt ain Hobei't Royd, U. 8. N.. which flies tbe blue flag of Rear Admiral H. ll. Luce, V. 8. N., Commander! n Chief af tho Inltad Htatea naval fore ea on the North Atlantic Station, from the mitten royal tru.k, arrived here on fcuu-ay morning, February H?, from Bridgetown, har tiadoes. Tbe entire English fleet of the North Ameri? can and We?t india bquadron, uudor command of Vice Admiral Lyons, who flies bis flag on board of ll. M. e. Bolleroi?hon, it her at present. Ibo usual .ali. i os l.-ttti". a tlie a mci.'-'tu aud Britith tie ts wej-o exe-banged The moDotony of tropical cruising was suddenly In terrupted ye?ierU?>" afiernoou, wlien lt became known thal a boat race waa to come otf between the captain'!, gig and lint whale boat of the American flagship. Tbe raye waa io be a friendly one and wa. tu tanged be? tween Ibe two different fejrcaaile nie-se* H* oreWr to lest tbe relative qualities of boih boals. There wa* to be no poise, but In order lo add to the genera! Ipoit two baiiels of jjoiaio-s wera bought by the fore err_*tle Dieu of the Richmond and put up bb a pi iee. ii-'i Iheiv been a purse of #l-.OOet at Blake, the ex? citement ai,d lutert.l luajjiietsieti tuuid not nave been k"i .ie gig waa Bleared br the captain of the port walch, .bouia- Muns., while tho whale baal's belia was en Ims-ied to C. <? And^rsou saptain of tba tia* Im,ai el walli,. Flank J. loibarn, a tjuai lei maslci, oOlod a. refei-e and statler. The course was laid out den l_0 ataib_*rd boa of lb'- liicbuioi.d to tho Brills ?oaoklB i*ellere,|),on and back to In* Bi'hi.mad. T :he j^ieat aslonl.ijincaiil of sll sminiiig i)j?*n Hie wha' ?oat carried aaa. tl. boam-* e,i ih- rna i Ibo gig 1 SDinuta aaa- -t) a?SSat?. Tba caws *? ? ?? \ cheered loudly hy all tars In the harbor and the offlcen took a lively intcreit In tbe day'* fun. *> ATTACKING MR. BARTLE'S TESTIMONY. A KANSAS CITY PACK KR DIMES THAT DISKASEII BOOS ARK MARE INTO LAMM, -akbarCity,Mo., March 25 (Special),-Jacob Poid, Jr., was seen thi. morning In regaid lo (he testimony given by Vf. O. Bartle, yesterday, bofnre the Senate Committee Investigating the lard question. Mr. Poid characterlied the statements as a I,ase ile, and said ihat Mr. Bailie would either make an Immediate retraction or suffer to the lull extent of tho law. "1 shall wiie our rrpi-oseittatlve in Washington lo demand a retraction of Bartle to morrelw," said Mr. Dole!. ''There ls nett a packer la Kansas City val,,, uses diseases! hogs, and tbe stock yartla BOOS* pany wdl bea) me oui in tue statement that tholen stricken or smothered hogs never reach ihe packing house's. If ? hog has tl,a cholera I! will toppl." _*j**M and tile before leaching tho packing house Boin Hie stocli yards, and If a bog ls infected lu the least, lt can lie easily detected. Dur runing and -Ullin* foreinen ha.e Instructions rhat any hog having cholera shall be duinpeel li, n,o gietaso tank, which cannot m*ko white lani. It H Imposslble for any packe. In Kansas City or I hlcago, where they havo Hie same niles, to get dead ot badly crippled, or evou glsoosed hogs, oui ol ibo ?tool yard..' AGA1S DISCUSSING THE TARIFF. PRoVIDEXCK OOMMKKCIAL CLUB HEARS SKNATOUS ! HACK AND AI.I>ltit'll ANI) MK. 611 KA UM AX. 1'KoviiJi.M k, March _6 (Special).?At Ihe monthly dlnnor of the I ommercial Club last night Ibo tarin was again the subject of discussion. The debate was Ofoaed If Senator Jonathan Chace, who dovotcd MM of his speech to pnnclurlng Ihe free-trade theories ol lieger l*- Milla and Ciuigr'-ssinau Brcckinredg*, pro? mulgated at iho last meeting of Ibo club. gtBOlvT ChOOO said thai lt would he the greatest mistake to ad? mit wool five- It would bc admitting thc Trojan horse Into tho citadel of the country's strength. Themas ti. blj"ai inan, of New-York, avowed Maadi an absuluto unconditional and Immediate free tru'l r. Ile did not say it excitedly or passionately, but lt was aa0O0OOT| io break dov, n this whole accursed system of taxation. Ile claimed Ihe authorship of the phrOOO "BSVOMM IS* form," and said thal ii et*-trade would conn* nock sooner than il would If the Mills bill was allotted lo pa... Tai i ff Was downright robbery. Free-trade would result In a laigc Increase ol wages, iu .nilma*! and in pi,,spumy. ?s,"natiir Aldrich sad, in reply, that the prosperity of the people In Ibo mill villag-s of this State was **a answer te) Mr. liT-IBIIlloa'O theories. If lt were possible fur Mr. BhOOl mau to bring about his Ideal state of airali-s, how long would tim peoiiio permit it io continua Bow-tor Bawley! w iai hail i,i*i-ii expected to make the principal addie i, was unexpectedly io WfwbingtOO In tb* afternoon. -IN IRE SWIM" NOT SUCCESSFUL. _.:oi:-i: BitoTiiFiiroN s comedy company i>is IUNIII) IN I1AI.T1MORK. Baltimohk, March 25 (Special).?Ceorge BrothettOB'. Comedy l ompany got over th'-ir necks " lu tko "->??," and ijul'.-ily disbanded altar la-,t night's pei fm num o at Ilolllday*t Theairo. Tho company Included R. E. t ,.* ailinn, Elma Dalara and Allco ilarilsiin. " In tho Swiui" ls an alleged t>i?'ralu- ctmu-dy by Sydney RooobMO,, supposed to be a satire on society. Ailee HarriS'in tiled to look mad to night when She said: "If I thought that 1 should ever have an experi? ence similar tu that which 1 have had with this show, 1 would give up acting, take lessons in running a sewing inachlno and retire lo private lifo as a soains treOS, learn dressmaking or anti!,lng elso Ihat was liuiiuiablo and would support kio. Whcfl 1 came lu Philadelphia, where ihe company was fDrating, and looked over the part OOO lg lani io me, I saw that ll was liol what Mr. Brol berton bad represented lt to lie and wljheel to throw up my OOgagemenl then and there, b*it Mr. Bini h'.'i inn hold mu iu ni) connaal, and al? though great!*" disappointed, 1 stuck tu my Verbal bargain with him. 1 wa- Mver before forced to play such miserable troth. Mr. brutkertoo promised that the authur should re-wrlto mv part for ma 'Jin-. bowevcr, was never gone. I nail been out with the coiiipauy for two weeks before i had reclved a ce-iii fur my sorrleos, and Whoo 1 d,d, 1 wa? paid only tlies twentieth part of what was due me. I do Qui know what Ihe other own-ben of the company wera io hate received, bm as oura wm an unusually high sala net! iii-Laiii/.atinii. ami the remainder of tb. ron pany hate nol reeetved any pu ai ail to ter. Mr. bratberton must owe them a largo on_ouat." MR. FAS DER Ul LT'S ('HOE ARRIVES. HK DM?IBM THAI UK IS ONLY f.NDKR A V-BB-l AOHKFMKVT. Joeppb Dngniul, Mr. Yanderbllt's French eui.;., who tai riv i-U t'-s'.'M'liiy with his wife and child and two ass.iiaut cooks, on tho Frc ni li st somer La Bieiagne, w__ tsken to I -.ile Garden, when* he made ibo foi.ow inii affidavit : City and County of N\'W York, ss: Joseph Dugniol. thirty 111 year- of a;-*, being dulj sworn deposes and nats: Tha! lie ls a native of England, and arrived at the 1'ort of New-York the _"*th day of March, 1---, |>-i Steamship Lo Bieiagne from Havre; that ho ls accompanied by his W?B Fanache, thirty yeas, and his child lia* mond, seven yeats; that ho pad h's own p_.ssaa-t*; that it ls an understanding that he ls going lo work with Mr. Vanderbilt, of New-*, mk, as a headwaiter, but h" I* POI loot If at liberty to dn anything cl?e, and lie might perhaps ptefer to ootobUsk a basinets of his own hero; the ogreeOBOBl w-ith Mr. Vaii'lerbilt was made verbally In Frants and he has worked for Mr. Vandertillt Ibero; but If he li going to work for him here there will have to b>- signed a contract heie; he ls furthermore accompanied by Messrs. Wallia and Dalenne, a cook and pastry couk, wno como here on their own risk, without hating mado any engagement wiih any one. Frc is per! Watrin and Edward Dalenne agree to tho truth of the a'.ove statement. Mr. Dugniol weal lo Ibo flo'el Martin In Fnlver r.lty place to sj..nd tba night and if tho Collector, af'er reading tho at-datlt, want* to seo him, ho will find him there. Mr. Vanderbilt's ?'gastronomical dliecior," as he prefers to call himself, wa. been at H.'- bate] lost evening. Ile li a dapper little man, below medium h'ljrht, hrlgh' and smart looking, and evidently plca-?*d wiih the distinction that he has ana ned. No sus i.ic-.uu ol a mustache even adorns his smoolh-shavon looa . Iii wife, a comely 1 renell woman, a litilo younger an 1 half a head taller than ber hu-baud, with a daught'-r of ?o\en years, complete Ibo family of this high priced originator of dishes to suit Ibo palate of a millionaire. Mr Pug'nol br >ught wiih hun his household furniture, Including his wife's niano. He does nol Intend to live ai Mr. Vanderbilt's, but will set up a separate* establishment of his own. Mr. Dugl nol dlscoursei] on ili.- arl of cookery and the sclentlfle preparation of food wiih ihe air of a I'nlversity pro? fessor. He said thai he wa* opposed to appetisers "f all kinds, especially cocktails. He advocates a few simple dishes af a meal, temptingly prepared, and nature, he a-le1, would fake care of the appetite. The stomach, he declares, mini Ix* appealed to ihrough ihe imagination. Hereto wa* ike sctoboe of cooking. Mr. Duglnol was formerly a cook In Ike kitchen of Emperor William, In Berlin, and note romes f-om the Cafe Btgnun, Bails, ".her** he attracted Mr. Yandel-bill's attonliou. XO DorilT A KOUT IOWA'S CHOICE. D s Moists. Iowa, March 23.?( ommenting on ibo delegation selected by .bursday'* State Convention to represent Iowa In the Nafleinal It'pu* lb an Conten? tion "Tbe State Kegist.." .ays I It la made up wholly of Allison men and of men without sis oud 'bulee); of men who will go to ( lucago for Ihe one purpose ol gaining success, and all in? spired by tho common purpose of *crving loyally Hie elate which ha* sent tl.em on the errand. There will tie oe doubt ul sons of I* wi ti betr.iy their pennie or iheir own biaie in Hil* delegation, it ia a delegation of mon of honor of un u whose open friendship for senator Allison and pride In the Sfatu of lows, are better th-n bonds or oaths to Insure) their loyalty to a good cau*e. Tbe following delega'es at larg.* were selected to delegation: J. S. Clarkson, lie* Muli) s ; I). _. Bernier nm Dubii inc*; n. P. Do'.lvei, Furl Dodge, and C. D. lvikins, Mom Cliy._ VICTIMS OF THE BUZZ A ED. pAsnritT, Conn,, March ?5.?Tho beaty of Mr*. Henry I'pton, who has lieen mis-lng from her home at Bedding .Ince the bll__ard of Monday week, has not been lound. Marlin Lj neb bas U**u found fio/cu stiff In a snow bank In his dooryard at Nowie,wu. He bad wail.eid three miles In Hie s'now and fell exhausted, and died In M_ht of homo. Mrs. Orvllls Lyon, of BetbaL and Ileniy Waling, of Beaver Brook, ti. Urns of the blizzard, are In a critical state. lloih woe bally fro_ei_ Waring's arms hav. been am? putated. 1 RI INO IO BILL HIS BROTHER-IN-T A W BOMMBM, Marti '__ (ispecl.-ili.? I he alien.pi tu murder Lui her ll. Bowe, of ?OfaaOO, In IhS iii-l_hbuilng tow n of Malden, on saturday ain-rnooii. w as a pooali OT BOOB Ibe man who umde the atii'mp'. Jame* Cuile-r. is a bro!hor In law of Howe, and has for a long lime I.n regarded as a dissipated, ellsiei.utable follow. He ha* begged a living for some lime out ot ht* anther, tim lites wllh her daunhior. Mrs. Bowe. Filially Mr. [tsars ladUCSd Bia ?saker IB law ls stop giving her sou lunney Me had boen In set oral case* of swindling. Muong the* int'*' nol f ifcOOB waa Ins advei ll.alii_ for gil is lo icu. n lehgiaphv. Hi- ekOTBO f" bO Mfta I'Bi'l in s. ,ei ii gi is wore swindled lu ibis fashion. tnd his mother was obi.*.- IO nat te-ral hundred loila*-, to secure his ilUsbargs ii oin urngoteaahMBt, lie is still ai largs RIOTING AT YOUGHAL. WILLUM O'BRIEN ROUGHLY HANDLED. THE rOLICE CHARHE UPON THE fROWI) AT A PROCLAIMED MEETING AND A .EltlOUb Fl-H. ENSUES. Di'BLi.i, March 2 .V?William 0 Brien addressed ihe Ponsonby tenants at Youghal at aa early hour this morning, and afterword attempted to hold the meeting which had been proclaimed by the Gov? ernment. He mounted a car with the intention sf addressing the people, but was seized by the policemen and dragged to tho ground. Thc po? lice thoa charg'-d the crowd willi nmwn batons, nnd a serious niche ensii'-d, iu which a number on both sides were wounded. Il *is alleged thal several of the police WWI ttabhsd. .Magistrate Plunkett was thrown down and beaten and ho received n cut on tho bead Mr. O'BrieB OB?_cd to a priest's house, and subaequentljf h_-EBa_aed the crowd in a stable. Poltee und soldiers arc jiu ru di i ig the streets of the town. IIB, MACKAY BBFUDIATEfl Boi'LANG R. SYMi'Alill-LI:. DLPKI) BT 1 II IC Mti'Mul Kits Ol A MI tl llVei. Paris, March _.Y ? The '-National." having recemly Iwlce alluded to alleged relations between t.eneial Boulanger and a rick American rasldlBg near thc Ate do Trinetipbe. Mi. .Mulkay has wltten a formal loiter denying that he ha_ ever been ac ciuainted with Boular.ger. The Boulanger meeting lo which M. Michelin ea!l"d attention In tin* ( kamber ol Deputies yesterday was h'-lel In RlVOlli Hall. None nf the alleged promoters attended tli" meeting Tbo (tatekeepeto disappeared with tli.- receipts, ami the audience, after nol.} pro te*!*, lOOOlved te, asia the IMitilic prooeentor lo Indict th-* pspjons resptiiisible lor tho nieeilng on the charge of swindling. In the election af Bann eieneral Bsalaagar received 46,0 !); M. Dosraar (Badlcal), _e>>n-i. and M. J aro, a e mart (CoaoeireUve), _i,i.7.. Amrtkw ballot is Begee* taiy. GREAT 1-cOODfl IN Gr_SSIA_fT. rn ii;i:n BOLMBM iki.wm.u in an kk.oI.T to rkiikvk oowb?aaa, Berlin. March IB faa Ijlag district* along fh<* j banks nf the rlvcis Ellie aud Vistula are Inundated. j The villago of Dornl'z ls Isolotod In iho midst of a great Uko. A number of soldiers fiom tho nearest garrison, aft.-r arduous efforts, BOOSOOOa**) In reaching , lhere with a supply of food for Ihe Inhabliant*. but fifteen of them were diowiied In the* aitcinpt to reach their destination. Purtbor attempts tu relieve mimer ons villages In a similar i-v-iium are being maile. 'i nea flools, it is estimated, cover 200 itjuaie miles of ter ritory. and alarming rumor* of the amount of dune are circulated. OOMTUCATED BCA5DAL IN HtTNGABT, a Diii'L'iT MOBTAIX. w,iini)i:d in a nir.L-iii!. woman in -mr OABB ATI BUTTS ?*t icinr. Pr.sTii. March _5.?Deputy Abranyl was morully wounded In a duel to-day by Herr FiilszT.y. The fi millie was oeeootonod by tho refusal eif Abranyl tu separato from his wife and mai ry Madame I'ulszky, who was formerly a leading Hungarian actress, lin: lady thre-w- herself into tho Danube, inn aaa bli!) afleiwaid look poison. TWO MEN RILLED OHTHU -TEAMER I..MIN. London. Mured i'd.-'lin- (.eriiian Itea??**. Lahn, f ap taln I!'-limers, fi um New York. March 15. collieled with a pier at Ri*emerheTen, badly ??naging ber nora ami plates. Diiiaiig Ibe voyage a ste.un pipe burst, killing two men and Injuring four uthcis. A worn,kv WALK POE Till. EMPEROR, Berlin, Mani, ?_??..?\ wooden walk i- being eon* itrncted la ibe park, at i karlvtton] ..... io oas Emperor io take outdoor exercise. HF A VT SNOW ATM A GALE tX THE WEST. Pt. Bail. Mina., Morck er..-Coming as lt did |n*l w!ii*n people wera looklag lor s cn* of spring. Hie 'severe snow sad wind storm wbleh raged today in Nortkera -.(-cnn-la Mlaamolo ami Dakota seemed specially unpleasant- ibe wind -.?.*- _<,? ,, west, ami bh"W at th" >-">? of thirty mles an hour, nie snow, whieh is keary, kai fallen to a depth of flinn three to live inches fa Bt. Bani it begao falling at IO o'clock Ibis morning ami eontInned uiiil) elark. striaeaf car travel was ab.nub,m.I. lue teni perature romalo *i onmparaHrely mild. Trains oa most of the railroad- wera from ona tn *even hours Imo. while trefle oa the llsstlng* ond Dakota s i on Ilt<- m. Bual and Knu-a- c Ity I.i- been wholly abandoned Tbe itorm wss i] -lally *-.rn In lout bern Mlnnesola. in places rhe ra'lroad tracks wero I'uvi'i ai fiuiii live tu Bfteen feet TASCOTT MAY llAVi Ell itli BIBBEZr. t*T. Pail, Mina,, Notch -'">. Tbe bodj of a man with a biillef Inde iu his hood w_, found ai iiinai Grove, a si ai :nn on iiic -t. Poul ead KsunK i n> Mutoi Lino, M-vi-u mile- south "J st. Paul A revolver lay oesr him ami lt l> generally believed thOl he t oiuiiiltte-d | suicide. There was Balking to reveal his Ideality. t To day a 'Mu er OIOO-lBOtlftfl ?a. mad * a.- el tko api i ur ance of the body wa- found lo tally closely with that 1 of Tasceitl, tho of f-mll, In chicago. The ] body had lain where it was found foi a considerable ! (Imo. Tascott was known io hate a we,man In r?t , Paul ami to luise visited bel -Ince Ihe Bael] murder. The theory ls that be committed lulei'le to avoid cap? ture by im- detect! vee, who h_U learned ti bis pie-emc here. BEA TB <iE A Wa TER WIS A BB Cleveland. March _.Y?Charles Latlni<*r, far many year* ehbf er .meer, tiui lat-ly Consul'in. OBglseOI of t e .New. V.irk. J'.ijji -via -ulai and ohio ila 11 ? >t*l, ld uni* of th* Bailing *p, rb * in the luieniBti n.ii L.sii ute fir the PnosrvaUsa of Welgbts aad Meoeai*****, Hoi heie thi* <ii of i] .ipa *y. Mr. La tiinr was in niauy ie Bpect* * remarkable >???)? Tie Iro ?'?ivel the ponor of finding mlnpiaU or ruiuiliijr water bi neath tlie e*rth'? surface' bv sltiinlv walking over rh'-m with a forked wlrih. ha/e| twlij In h's rn nd. lils power* with the d'.'luina rud had been put io puen .I !? r> - b, I ..- rlierov-ry of valuable d'po?u> of coal si various lu ohio, ile wa* sixly-.ue years old. *> AN INSANE MURDERER FATALLY WnVNDED. Chicago, March 26?A di.-pat'h from Waterloo, Neb., lays: A. W. Alilysworth, a ho lives tn Council BlutTs, Iowa, entered Todel's llo'-l, and drawing a ret ult or, pointed lt at George HUI, saying: ** W hat ll your Ufa Worth f Hill was stout to reply WkuB All;, sw ni i li tired, the bullet passing thruugb Hill's head Jusl abuse) ibe e>e, Inflicting a fatal wound. All>-.wu, ih Hun went uut un tke slreel and lugan firing piouiis'Uuuslv at everybody. Tho Iowa mar? shal. John i atupbell, klll'-d Ainsworth with a dooUO* barrelled ?liol sun, AllysworiL 1. supposed tu Late buen in.sano. THE SOI'TIl AF RICAN COMET VISIBLE. Phelps, H. Y.. March _6.?Professor Brook*, of Bed House observatory, obtained a Hue vl?w (his morning of tne new iSouib African comet, In right ascensl bj twenty-one koota, forty minutes; declination sou'h ti" IS*. The comet ls now In the Constellation AOjaariaa lt ls Just visible to the naked eve before dawn, ami In the lolOOfOpO presents a tine appearance, with a bright, elongated uue leila and B skull spreading talL ? - CITIZENSHIP RESTORED TO CONVICTS TatNTeiN. N. J., March *_5.? The following prisoners are to be rclea-ed bf tho Coori of induna: Albert B. Shiiin, of Camden, sentencetl to three years fur P* 'J ry , Joooj*. letir-uii, ut Union O'ouuiy, senienced tu one jeal fir rubbery. James Albn, of Hud cu Countf, seat eared fer t hie-* years for forgery and bnglary; thane ll. Miner, of mi dl'sc Ceunty, sentenced ti, el'hie ei months for mallei",us mischief. Hie ebjeel uf iin- t mir In granting the pardons wa* to restore eltlsenahlp to tbe prisoner, whnsc terms a.e about to expire. --?????? COWED Bl Pl RUO OI'l.XKlX. a iMHANti'oi.i*,March -?'? (sp-ciaii? I*ubllc Indlgna t'on u.ei ih" action oi ih>- DcBM r?t.e Cob niissiuiier. Of Mai lon OOBBt] In p-ai point n.- as rlectluii liispe t nr- all who wis- iniinlei ? ..f tin I uiv.-i ng Loard in IBBB-Wkca the ttally she I fm,arl s Won,ited, Including even i uj and Bet nie!mei, tan ol IBS r""" ki I. alni - whn "have boca ii,ii\|cie?| tjnd uernenccd to ; liii|itisiiiiuient. canoed the Board yaxlOBUOJ t" ISeOB* Sider il- ap|iolnti;n-nts and in lb ii-t leloa "f the Mai uf Inspectors Ibe names of the politicians Implicated in th bauds were ?jltoa. TO OMMAXaM A F.ljV_f?ffV TRUST. Inii ki. Kan. Muir!, IS.?i movement ha* bee.i started 9j tie Iai nu i, of Kansas looking io ibo organ Irailnn of a lamins' in,st iu iijcludo tbo farmers, slink raiser* and feeders of Ihe Nojlljwe.tori) htaies and 'len Hones of the Mls?lsslppl \ ailey A mass ceiui,-,,linn of the Iai ineis, anil sfocla mon ha** h-SB e alle-el le, meei In 1 ups ka, Tuesday, May 1, lo 000B* pb ie- an orgauizalloa. AEOTBMM RiLD-KNtiRBER FOUXD OCILTT. Kansas Clf,. March _5.-A dl*DBlch lu "Thc ltmmn from ci.ark. Mo., says: "John Matthews waa con , vb-iwl of murder In thc Hist degree te.terilav. He ls Ihe third ni Ibe Bald Kim! .k-i- te, recetife ike rureiue veiUni lui Ike u.iajJr, ul Eden, and _jeei_,' | POSSIBLE DELEGATES. MEX WHO MAY GO TO THE NATIONAL CON? VENTION. AN AMVM9EMCM OF WORIHT CANDIDATES IN ALL THE C HM, Ri sate iN AI. DISTRICTS?TH K 1 Vt II KI STATE WILL BK HrSONOLY REPRE8RNTK*. AT CHICAOO. jin ti i.rn rt tru to thi TBlB.ats.] Ai.iiant, March ?_?.? Now that the Hipubliean Stale Committee 1ms MOMAOd May lillis the day for heidi?g Hie Stale Convention und Buffalo us tho pince, there is considerable gusnip ubout tho election of the delegates from the Congressional elistrie-is of this St.iie io tho I.rpuhlicr.n Nutlomil al'oiiMiition. Practically the State Convention Will hav little to do with the election of thc delegateo to the National Convention, bsoaaao ?sixty-eight delegateo out of the seventy-two from ibis Siiiie- an* elected ut thc Congreooioa?1 district elections, le-.iving only four dliltgOlU at lBIgll to be chosen by tlie State Convention. The district convent,ons mi,st be held within tho fortnight I'D'cc (Lug the Slate Convention. 'I li're promis-s to bc a lively conies!, in sumo districts between the various cHiielidates. The leaden of the D**_oo__atJe party here say Hutt they will bold their Mate Convention ut Syracuse em Mar _ ur May '.?. juoli.-ilily ihe hiller data. No Prohibition State Convention will be held, Fredi ri<k F. Wheeler, chairman of the Prohibition Mate' Committee., sncs the bulk of ia Prohibition delegates will be elected from tho Congressional districts, and that- he has ni,uh* Arrangements lo have these district oonventiona Prohibition mina mr ("tinea at ?which Prohibition s|s*akers will make sive, ei,es, and there will be e.ui_iti_ by the Sliter bake <jlutit. t. so lies OP ABU* MBMPOI DKUCOkTBgL Already lhere has been a gund des*] of work done by Kepohlican politicians in rwpeel to the election e.f Cu- Congreooional dietriet delegates In the 1st Dietriet, whiofa is made up of ihe counties of Suffolk and Queens on Long Island and Richmond on Staten Luaad, tho political goeeipo say that n Ima 'minus it mon nt of wire-pulling ls In profit ss I lictweuii i ii-- friiuiels of John Birds ell, th" State i oommitteeman of the dietriet, nu.I Simon S. Haw,. Senator, who renreecnts Suffolk ami ! Queens. Doth Senator Hawkins and ex-Senator Birdsal_, it is saul, desire to go as delegates to tho National Convention. Iti Brooklj n. among fie men named bj possible dist ri, t del 'gates nre Stat" Senators O'Ce nm r snd ; Worth, siit-ritT Rhinehart, Cone-meman S. V. ; While. Michael J. Dady, Seth Low and Audre.v 1 D. Bili,.I. Republicans who enmc here from N iw-Torh ray thut among the in n spoken of for district dele? gateo from that c-itv ur- ex-Governor <'.irn.-Il, j Conn lins N. Bl,ss. Levi 1\ Morton. John I). T.-uv ' son. Billia Root, George Iiii-s. John J. O'Brien, Assemblyman Ernest II. Crosby, Anemblyman | Robert Kay Hamilton, Jo cob M. PBtteraon, Ben alor Van Cott and Solon B. Smith. Wi'sii'hc'sler County politicians say thut tho delegates from tin Westchester elistriet will nrob ai'ly be Senator William II. Robertson ami ex Speaker J ill) s W. Iliisleel. Across the Hudson River tn the XVili District consisting .*f the counties ui Orange, Roe leland and Sullivan, it is s;,i,i ex-Mayor M. H. Odell, of New liiirg, ls likely tu he on' nf ile* delegateo, as be v\;is in i sst. Th,- other delegate is likely tu ooma ficm tho County of Sallivan. a. CONTI s| LIKELY IS" THI" Sf VI N.ri-NTIL Tbe ConglSOOiuHal clistriejt tej Un- northward of ill's one. ihe Will h. hus in it the .ounti'-i ol lister, firoe-ne and Delaware. is au abnndanee of obie men in it. Thsmao Cornell, president if tin* Delaware and Histor Railway, i-\ Sneaker George H. Sliurj>e and Congreottmiin Ste, !n n T. Hopkins ore prat**, d for di-tricl d* i ? g..i. s. Scn-'tcu L- wis soys !> [aware County j will als,, have a candidate, ami it looks ns if there would be a contest among the friends of ile genii m n named, thi re not being enough pla< "s tn :??' round. Hire iii ?litany, thc XIXth Districts there aro i such keen rivalries that it is rather dangerous even to name a randldnte for delegate. However, ! ii tnuy ii. started -.*-111. fe ur :niil tremblina thai among tlie nun nu med are Senator Bu**-*!**, ?> I i rc__nian .!,,!,a M. Raiiley, S. N. i>. North, editor "f 'ila. .t'tiiinv i-'.m.i?s.-1 ex-Senator Hamilton llnrrs. Jehu A. Slelcher, editor nf "The Ali ii nv Evening Journal," Ettgene Burliti-| game. State Commltteet-utn. nnd ex-Senator Wal- ; ic r ., Bi ...iin. Ihe p'osininnie is io eleei aa Albany man and some mun living outside uf N"rih of A'W.y lo th* NViHth T-i-trirt, ma le op nf tbi Com t ? ?* nf R nsselaei and Wash- | iri-toii. 'Ihe inori' -? tu tn nt candidates at the piesi nt ure John M. Finn's, of "The Troy Times,'1 ex tiiii.i's-'iu'ti Jam i S. Smart, nf Cora bridge, end ex-Congrcsf-man Henry C. Hurleigh, of Whitehall. Still further north is ihe XXIst District wh'eh holds in its ti-rriiei!-.- the Counties "f Clinton, Es. sc\. Warren and Franklin. Aroona the candi? dates named in tli is district un* Congrcssmnn .T,,hi, Il Mi,(M. of Plattsburg, and F, S. Wither bee, af I*i rt I lee rv. Ir* the M li'". I; Viller it ls -lid thc friends of cn ("nn'.'r-es.m'in John II. Starin un! ex-Senator Jinn's \, K,,| ure pushing them ("r delegate's from the XXtl Diatriet, whi'-n consist* of the Count! i of S.rat,.".re. Schenectady, Montgomery, Fulton nnd Ilamiltum WABBB* a'Tttrn ?? wr.tT.OATtt. Senator Arnold, who represents In the Semite tiie counties in the XXIVth District, namely, Herkimer, and SchOsharte, -sail) n few dayl ago: "I flunk the delegateo from my will be ex-S-nntor Warner Hillel and Congress? man David Wilbur." In the XX lld LiMrM, which consists nf iii* Counties of St. Lawrence nnd Jefferson, tin-re are numerous candidates. Sn id Assemblyman Kimball n fcW days ago: "The favorites nt present are Jooopk Mullen, of Watertown, ene! ri-Mayor W I>. Proctor, ol Ogdrnsburg. General Edwin A. Merritt, of P__~d**_B, desires to ao, but he ls too much e,f a man, and Sherman sentiment ia weak io st. leawrenee County. Mr. Proctor I- ? sirona Blame m.m. and his second choioo is Depew." In the counties of Oswego, Wayne and Cayuga, which compos" the XXVIlth Dia. trict. the men named for delegateo are Slate Sen? ator George H. Sloan, of Oswego; ex Congressman H. Camn, of Lyona; and ex-Congreoemaii E. Tut ne, and Central John N. Knapp, of ?aban. A RTRCC.OTf PrtOMITn IN TIIF RIC, DISTRICT. There promises tn be somewhat of a struggle in thut. large district, the XXVIIIth, composed of the conni us of Tompkins, Ciiomung, Schuyler, and Seneca,. The Chem ung County ?."publicans will, it is Sal id, preiss ihe selection of Senator J. Blast Fasset. lu Tompkins County the friends of John W. Dwight-, State Committeeman, are pressing him as a canelidate. In Schuyler County the friends of Fremont Cole, Speaker of tho A_ temhly. desire him to be sent as a delegate. Politicians sav that Thoooao C. i'latt oan sro as delegate from th" XXVlth. District if he de-hlrs-. to do sa 'Iho district has in its territory the cunm _ uf Tioga, .Mallison, Chi nangu, aud Broome. Congressman Delano is mentioned fur delegut*. i.-. n, this district Two si nmg friends nf Senator Frank Hlscock will be sent from th" XXVth District (Onondag*. and Cortland Counties.) O. _>, Warren, son of J a men D. Wainn. v. ll iwahabiy be a delegate from one of the two Buffalo districts 'lhere ls u district, the XXXIVth, iu the south? west ern part of the Suite, composed of the goBBtteg of Allegany, Chautauqua and Catteraugaa Among tao candidatoo for delicate mimed from this district are Frank S., son of lleulth Otlieer Srntlh, t*f N'-w York and e x-Alt orri ey-C-cn .ral Hun.m.rn Ward, both of Aliena? County; Frank Iliggis, of (Hean, Norman N. Allen, of Day? ton : *>x-8enator B. Sessions, of Ilanama, and Jeromo Fisher, of Jamestown. "PREMIER" MILLS Uren BETTER. WaMoWSMBBB, March I*.?Th" lmi-rovement In the condition of RofMOOl ntatlve Mills, chairman of the CommitBe on Ways and Means, which was BOted yesterday, has continued sbeadilv today, lils illness consist*, of b sesere cold, Hooompanied by neuralgic h> attache. Al Mr. Mills needed rest nml i|iiiet. and its ?--?bera of Congress were eu ii-tiui'ly calling on him to discuss tariff mat? ters, his phv-io.-ns forbade any one e_e-elm, him list nichf. This fact nave risa- to rumors of an ni i ? tn ncr. .boaga fort ii na te ly euilniy unfounded ci.untcter. _? CATTLE WITH nMVMO-TXMtTMOWIA. liiKBt. N J., March '_"..? There ls grraf slnrm felt anions the- farmers of Warren anet Hunt'-nlnn ( ountlea over the spread of pl'-uro-pnennionla among herd* of ettfle. principally milch cows. A herd of iliirteen catii" he.otiirlng to s farmer. Ailmn ('aMuer, v ?- se_4i|tiiii-!.-il Irlilay by order of Hie Htale In tiree I ul. - a, ? ? Rafcsing To help novo** ROTaLTT. Pill) tia-) em*. March *-*> i?*n*clal)-Tho servlc.-** In au.'..oia of Lui-..4 vtili.aui rosttadoi aft .-i-uuwu el Hie | Academy of Music crowded the house. Carl Kuhl, president of the Personal Liberty element, althoush Invited to be present, declined, saving: "I am not In sympathy with tho celebration. I was a Republican before I came io this country and I am still a Henubll can. Emperor William had no sympathy for Republi? canism. On principle I was compelled to decline the Invitation." AFLOAT OS HR I FHA G ICE. UEK'UC B*_aCOfl OF A WOM..N FROM A PI.KILOCS POSITION IN THK NORTH KtVRK. Mrs. Jane Donovan, the w fe of Captain loka Don? ovan, the chief officer eil canal boat No. lfl. belonging to tbe Manhattan Tianspoi-tatlon Oooepeay, had a novel experience yesterday tt'iaiiug around th,- Nor'li River on a large* cake of le e. and receiving a OOVSfO shock wi. ch will im.'mi lt have a fatal ending. Ital canal boat caine* from Burt .okBOSS Sa inda)' and liol up at ihe loo' of West Ninety slxth-st. Capt .In Juna.van and his wife *-l *pt un boatd. Baili yes? terday a terrific cra-h followed by the *u'ind of svtlft-ruslilng waler BOTO?OBOd Ike captain 'th-* bool rocked fruin side te, si,!,*. The captain lumped fruin his bod, amused his wife, nnd they both ran on tlOOk Just as the waler broke through the catlin win? dow. They made a raak to ge' off the boat, bul be? fore lb")- eeeiild got Door the pie-r lt sank under their f'-ei and left them floundering m the water Their loiid eries tor help sttmer?*?! the attention of Thomas Clemens, a switchman on th Badeea Biter lt-Uro id. and he ru ned dows to Ike pier. Tho liver ttas Ulled ttiiii lieut) Cokes of I* e. OHS Ol winch had HBOSBSd a b.g hulo In the canal boat. I InlBOIIO threw a long rope aud lt ttas OBUghl by Ile captain. Hi* wife hail been carried out of his ir.iri, bj Ike tide, aud clemens pulled iilm a-li"t-e. Hrs Doaoraa wa, lao far away lo leach tho mp-* when lt was tlirovtu tu her the secuiiel time. Sho could not sti lin, but the leo kept her fmm linking, bin* seised a piece of the cabl.i roof which came near her. li reste.-d upon a i Ik cali*? Of I e. Tho OtraggliBg wi mi n min ja.d n, pd. t.ur tially out of tho wafer on the Ice. (tho had only a nightdress on and Buffered bbtoWb. fruin cold. hieing Ihat ho was usable i" sM tko Womoa with Iho rope, Clemens ran to tho fout of Nlnetie.h st., anil, wuh ino aid ol' .Nevins, broke nj><-ii a bout hoiiso. After OoaeldataMo labor they kui a small host Into tito waler. If lcalteel badly, bm both men jun ped into lt and stinted fur th" WOOS aw, ll") Barre*** ital tatton her out Imo tho ml Idle of co liver sad shs was being carried riipiil*. a-uy bl Ike Unod tide, ste' sci, urned lur help um il benumb'-'l by ike oold ead exkaastloa, and thea lay aa th? lee as If ? o t>l. ll," two men Iud a pe Hun* Journey through the ic*. It strut k iii" lune ci_ft tu haiil thai I storted the maim, and one man was kept busy I ai,lng tho waler while iho Other pu-hod the leo BWaJ'. lt seined uaolOOO Mt ? tal tunes to try ami get tko boat imo etosr water, but the two men stuck lo iii-' aork _BBfnlly, and lo obout a quarter of an hour they necked n pia' o where thej eoald maiie goo i heedway. Air.. Don it an by this time hod dllftod up to One l.ut dred-and flflh st. The Woodwork had slipped partially fruin tho le, towelling Mrs. Donovan lulu Hie water nearly to her ne* k, but she clung to the wood wiih the grip of denii. wi,en tko leooaere go' to har, lur raes WOK ClOS d and her ii ml had dropped so that lu a few tull,uies the Mute, would have run over her. Sho was un onoolous wiieu th y se zee| bar ut Hie shoulder-, it required al ike strength nf the two men io brook tho woman ? -rip on the punk, ad tie- te a' wa- nearly up-e-i lu getting her lota it. Tl," ;rip- Lack to tho boat in, .si- also dange-rous lu Ihe h..oe was (nally rc SC bed. Hutu t bundi* Bini "-.evin- nave up their clothing to the nncoiisclou* ii..a an when they co! her emt of tin* Water. At the beat bouse an attempt was tot?kl tu revive her, bt t wia-n tue u; ainu.- ki I 'd Hum lbs Ninety ninth sr* * Hi*sp'<al ia- "ii -il! m a comatose" Pondi! lem. It took iwo boure1 heroic treatment to re-n-r la'" har so iha' sit- in. a ian fioely. I r. Lawlor, he houae lurgion, had hillie's ni saving ihe wonien's bf'*, bul wu- c.r the i pinion thal sii- w.iuii have pneumonia and ills would Cdt: I ly have a f t 1 ea 1 ?'. .Vis l'uuuvuii v.a. lu lue water near, a.i h"Ui. sr IC DE OF AS HLD SEW-YORK ER. J. S. Hi D-.BI.D TAK* s HUNCH llAVI", nf ill* ralvana at plobrkcr. *. s. Brrir ttu-tl-'tiA, M.-in-h HT,.- -.1. Ki RedioM, ? Weall bj r*-fi!-?-'! business mini llvlm. on th- Three Towns mud. ?eas ri,Mince, rr, j.. bo_jjbiII*bS sni.-i-.. last ni_i.t by laking laudauuin and opening one of the orterMO In his arm. Be llveel upon his fiirtn Sith \t lilian) Botts, to whom he leased lt. Mr. l!edlli;!d wu.- set oaty-nlne yean old, and was formerly a Voa lork bssineas niau of tbe Brm of Redfield .v c o., booh pule llaheto. HO was apparently cheerful umi! he retired In lils nunn. lhere' he Wrote set ern! letter. Tn iii f ferent portie* In regard to business affair*, and uno to Mr. Potts, whieh reads i will: I om abooI tu ta!;" French lem-e of tun ali. I ex].' you '.i'll iiiul ni) body e-nid enough In tba morning imi will have to gel th'* Co oner. After he |s ellene* he nil! plve Vein a eertIdeate of titirl'.l. I request yon lo have a ptain |Hne coffin nnd no cere? mony What -''I, and I prefer lo bo buried in the apple orchard. Following ihH were iii-truciiotM in **nfbrenee te) farm woT? Be also tefl his death not leo, with la* strnetloaa to have' it published as follows: niel Florence, Harrh 'Jt. J. b. Rt.dr.eld, In tho levant] ninth veer of bl* age. Mr. Bellfield leave* a wife in the Trenton Aeyitim end a lister and three dsughiers in New-York. lb* w a.s well ciiiineete-d In butti New-Vnrk and ibis city. YOUNO LOVE WILL ll AVE IIS WAV. TH!". DAt'CfllTRK OK A WEALTHY NEW-YORK IM POBTBB CI ANIiFSriNKI Y MAKIII I>. A Spooner, a civil OBgioeer In the emplnv of the IVnnMyvaina Railroad, and Kinma Browne, eiangluer ejf John IL Browne, of the Arin of Dunham, Buckler it Co., Importers in Broadway, were secretly married in et. Paul's Methodic! Bptoeopal Church. In Jersey City, a week ago. The marrla.e bfOOW known on Saturday and lt has created a great deal of gossip. Spooner became ai-ejualnted with Ml-s Browse about a year ago snel upon her Invlta'lon he called to see her at her home. Mis* Browne'* parents did not approve of r-ponner's visits. Thev forbade their daughter fra,in receiving him. After that the young couple met rbindes'lnelv, and a week ago, bv pre-arrangement, went together to the church and were married. The couple are now on their wedding tour. Miss Browne'* parents say they will not forgive her. Mr. Browse ls wealthy. His only objection to Spooner, lt ts said, is that be ts not able to support his wife suitably. MORE EVIDENCE AGAINST NOL AX. Borvo Brook, N. J., March cs.?The links In tho chain of circumstantial evidence tliat are being welded In the mysterious murder of old William Race, at hil born near Plainfield on March 17, aro fastening themselves around Morris Nolan* now locked up in the County Jail at Bomorvllle. Friday at noon Defective Crow went Into the Jail an. ashed Nolan to remove bli clothing. When the coat was taken to the light lt was found to be smeared with blood in places. At the Inquest that waa held In the vlllago of H.rlfn&rn yesterday tbe biOod-stalned garments wcrj produced and shown to the Jurvmen. Tho most im? portant witness who gave testimony at tho lmpiest was Thomas -Milman. He said that ne had paid Rac* r?0 a few days previous to ihe ono on which ho wa* murdered. Bart of the money was In gold pieces. A number of gold piece, weru found In NulatiW possession after he was arrested. A. P. bulphen, a Justice of the Peace, said that by lil* direction a constable searched Nolan'-) house arter bo was arrested and found a sum of ninney In which, was a B.0 bill?the one that was Identified by John Bergen ss one that ho had paid to Race?aud a gi bill on which were blood stains. John Cray swore that he was at the *ale near ITor-e weli un Saturday and thaCTie law blood mark* on Nolan'* face which could not have como there from the icrstch he had over hts eye. The Inquest was then adjourned until Tuesday. - ? ABDUCTED ET JOEINO FRESHMEX. Hanover. March ?_ (Bpeelal).? The freshmen last night Induced two sophomores to go to a late train by a pretended dispatch, captured ono. carried bim five miles w#*i*i of here and left him lo walk home. The other si,phi,inure, escaping, alarmed his Classmates, who. turning out In a body, captured the returning frc-;,,nen, brought ti,'-in back and held a mock Ulai over them. TIPS FOR FIST TROTTERS. ANTKVOLO'S RTRIDF. IS NOT fSHORTBNBD, NOR. HIS Rl'F.KI) UUMBU Uk San Francisco, March 25.?J. Cairn Simpson, editor, brssder and ?port*m?n, *nd owner of Ihe celebrated trot? ting .tallinn Antevolo. write* to * Th* Morning Call." ot Hil* city, la reply to * ?t?tt*meiii published In ?* The N't* York Hun" thal Aritevolei ha* shortened ht* *tr!d* snd l..-_.'n?*d hi* sp- ed, owing to his being trotted In Ups, as Mlewei s Ant"M>lo never ha* OkoWOi **Kh speed ll In hi* !??t bru-hca, in,tiing; quarter* In SH second*, without being pleased tu hi* utmost, ?nd * furlong In IS ?coonda, but owing to a slight laruses** In hi* left hind ariki'* tnd the season of titres marva, extending Into August, he wa* not In training li*t _ei*nn further thin to be driven sheri I rushi*. Further*-:->re, Instead of hi* stride being -ie,?'? i. I ant! hla losing apei-.t, the reverse hss been tha casa, and he la expected to show further Improvement, or h*' would have beea nam*d In Ih* Stallion Stakes. Krill fumier his ownsr has mort tilth than ever la lbs -fllri.y Ol I. J,* Iwj ?Bl UV IK. IB. s, , TALKED of fob CHIEF JUSTICE HEBE POLllICIANS NOT CONSIDERED. ADVOCATES FSR SA Ml'KL U. WILSON. OF CAMFOBb I-flA, AND 1HOMAS M. COOLF.Y, OF MICllHi"A*a*? ts-* pkksident KXi'ixn:u to act wiiu dc LIBKItATISN. (ST I l-.l._oK t ru TU THK TR BC Hit. ] rTlMiaOlOM. March --.?There.' continues to bo much sp-culnlioii as to who will be the successor to (.Luci Justice Waile. Although such politician its Carlisle, Dickinson aud oilier, were at Ural given sollie euusiu tallou by lue shite um kera, yet the sui,-i in,nm <i i tem ni is now busy ju buding un ii wno nu se ut iea_t MM dist,notion in tia- tow In. oud Hint ot their own coum.y circuits. Aiiiuuii tbe now name* suggested ats tlius..- ot fahlBaJM ?L WllsoU, ol C.iuiollii.i, mid lhooass -ti. t_uui y, kami oi tbe .alola i ott I oo_bi io* UomaiaOMO?i .lm-uuuii ban _***_? ui .re li.i.tii ur? ila.> uuecU-'d lu SSS. VV ll-oll, U_ lie ain. ea in.. yeeUtfUB >, uud BBB since been Uiucli ui IM '.'ntl W1UI tuc Associate J u> l j ces ol ibo aupivuie Cul, it. lie is r> jjitiued aa oue ol tbe toa -Bv* i aiwystB ot Im 1'Heine Cults,, mm is tue cuuunal lui moa. ui tot* groat cui'i'uiuiluna ol lue gold ceniiiiry. Ao allunaty log lue ?JBBM Cuuiiii'ici.ii t io is Mid nial ile lutiiled tliat seal inn. iv po 99 lue puenne allc-__liot_* whlOB Oov.iiior BWUteftad, ol AmsK.i, ??its u_ulllsl that coUcelu. As a la.'.y.f be ia .omolbing moir titan IIjc Canis;, | .mi ui,;h Hj-suU-, and lue aupielue Ju-alec-, ...uu'iii.ti./ J Ubi ICC J: It-Id, batu U ln6ii 1. lv'i'1 lui lil-s leOjBS ui tail.mellis. a) .Ur. VVilsuii is known to stand lu_h iii I'l'Mci'iil Ctevel?nd's Cavur, and it boaalt?_i tin .> cn i.i.. sliip of tlie interior tsus B lulen *i lum alni cie .luied. lt is eeiluln that tlM l .ml .1 ul.nj ta?I offered the misehtn to Uh?Ut, bul stu ok ins berat pi.itrriug to reta?I bis exIoBsive tow practise on the lucille Coast, Auiuiiy lue I), moa nus, ul nat Slulc- lie is in .til acluiii'iU. iiiul ins ii.tiin- bas bee a urged by In- ii'ieiiuj. lor United bteatee Beast ob .Mr. Wilson is here to argue- au iiupo.iaul I .oe before the Supr_*ae Cum-t aud \till ruijiiin m. a tune, BO tito buSiB-OO ol tbe coal is ie lupina, ily et-spended. It is iii aerate*! ega?ut Mr. wilsons sci.eui,n thal Judge Field is from California, yk many in.s.-t Unit the dearth of ni the L>'m oe ra i ie ru?ka will compel eu appelaiBBOBt wiiln .ii regard to locution. The bop. im"*i*|'-'[ also thal the l'n si__r_-t moy bc guided bj fu?lici__ linn vs -.Miiiuut referouoe to lue Bertina is on honored. The Hinno of Judge Cooley is promts**! bj ausroy who recall tlisl st tho time Judge s-atUsewe ?;** appointed Judge Cooley was lum.i eatons thora suggested. Although u [Republican, he le eoo> servatlve in Ins political all.'.nt,m.s. s,, ,,,,,, li >_ that Democrats have otoiiaed bim so o Mugwugsa ;uiil bave ooeerted ibat he roted tor C-evelanA un taapeeehmenI urtaleh the Judge bi.s r> |*'ll*-, however. His selection us head of the Ibu? islam Cn miner oo Commission, while Dftnoemte taets given Bpeoodary plscso on the Conuaiaeioa, >ii"?s the estimate which tho Preoldenl bas of Mr. Cooley's legal iiiul judicial ability. 'Ila. re si probably no* soother Jurist oil the Buptrt?e Benah ?rho is regarded as more of an authority than he. For years he was Chief Justice of Michigan ats! lead of the law facility ol' llie |"ni t entity of Mi.-i.i i-'iin. Ute law writings on ** Constitutional l.lmita t inns"* und either topiee nre etaadsid legal heil liui'ks in _.urope as well us tn this eottntry. A eluM* observer of the I'Tewldcr-nt'e mode el* makins appolntmenta sager ole thal li" will tu!? no h.'lion for ar bast six nientlis. givlnc _* * summer to examining tlie merits and availablllt** Of thi'se propose il. It |s also liiti'd tim! it WOO ll !>e Heelless for the Pprsldenl f" hurry oetiea, os the Senate would obeeh any haste, .'mci wooley in nny event, decline to ronflrra any.nlr*.*a until tlie issue of next November was cleci'li"L Thal an out .'"in:' Prealdent*, repie-entlng ? tarty lik-i Iv to he dismissed fro'i rtower. slionld na'oa tho muat Ins port nnt Indirial hooA e,f rhe fl txnm, ment Beens* to bo im vtliieli the Sena's will he likely to resent IRRl.t.rMEniES IX WBOOSSDr. HARD WOK- Ti DIO ANY RtCTS l)!,'l OK 1 *> D! t? tCKNT oorc.onT. Wts"i|!Nr;TiiN Mareh '..", iSpeelsl '.--Y- sfeiel.ev f-***v noe ? Indian Agent (.regow was under th* a orchis** Orooe fire of Senator Clinndler. who heads tis invert'i_ariou inlo tbe irregularities in e.,nilui ting tbe Ltt Wei?te Ind:an a_e-ney in Northern \\*? oo nain. On direct examination Qr**gory bad freely inatle ortm lml trna thal aeveial ot Um char, a againrt bim wen true and that he was violating justruet-ioiis of t'm Inliai Buiom nore ll rn'rn .it tl thal wh te labor wa- allowed ua tbe reservati .i__ contrary in law and ragalatioaa. it h s b ob tke policy of the QovarnawBt tu rneiruiagr ladhm labor, by statutory aad departmeni provteiom that the indians should be thc onl) ei on- eii | doy ed e>n r<?e.\ni ,,ris. Hut a cording tr. Gre cory thc white labor waa mu., if* etire nii'l ii t'n refore ,-** ilie c ni attorn to oi_ !*I'.V ant labor they saw lit. lin- Uw made _ Gregory's duty to proe-eute laborers u ii-e.sp.iss- r-, jil no 6u di iire.-i-c :tieins had bssa begau. Among tin" other ehsrgeo ocalnel G**e_ory wae tliat he wa- extending unusual lavnt t,, iiu* s*. perlor [.umber Company, in which Beei*et__f| x lino is sui,I to be a stockholder. Gregory dealeo Iha any wits isteretited "ii tin- rc-, rw Mon, but admitted tluii its superintendent, Heit netty, had es tone! ve contracts tine of the most fniporiaut points dmr out bv Senator ciiatullef uns as to the grooely improtier m.ititi'T in srble. lifuber contraeton were Bilowed to carry "? their oporationo wlthoal any supervision from tis npi nt. The tow prohibits any timber cull t or lo->?:n_ nntll th** oontraei lieitweeu the [ndiaa owner and the eoatraatoi shall b appgored hf tin* Gu vern iii'ni u.;tijt, and by lin* aiitlioriiies liere*. lt appeared from tlie testimonv. In wv- r. in Slime cases. timber w;?* cut sn<l ]o_a.od before the gfi fi* had S'cn the contract or had at ph nd kt, uni therefore before the authorities here haci s,.,.,j the contract 0**ei*;nry extdnlned that this wa* Ase to his practice of " buncliinj.** contniets. They were b-ld back fr rn approval until a number nf ciises hnd necumnlftted. (io that all could be seteal on at one time*. In som** of the cases the land was sfrlppeel of timber, yet when the eont-Hct** were praseatad to tho department here thev \v"i*s rejeeted as Irregular, llie examination will coo** tinue thia week. SENATOR SAtTlT-R'S NEW TOWN. OKLT FIFTEEX HILES FRSM THK. CAI'ITOL?A GO!B MIXB ON IT. W-iaUU-OB. March 25 (Si>ecial).?Senator Sawyer has nt last dosed his lj_tr;_:iiii for the gold mino recently discovered BaamWaghiagtsa. 'Die discovery was made by a Gcosgla m'ner, who in? duced on ex-employe of Scnatar Sawyer to " grub Btake" with him. Tho two together purchased options on all the property m the Minborhou. und opined several snails on <m<> farm. The c<uuria wldcli they mineel producedRrom kl2 to pl>i a ton of actual rock. Senator?awyer was induced to advunce $2,001) with wbicwto begin operutions. Ile was tlie-*roughly sittisfiei-Mfitli the rc-bull uud Anally bought tho farm u__h whl< li the quartz was discovered for about M000. Ile has taken out with orude machinery ajBut 600 p'-nuj weights of refined gold, and tin- Jt*-k he purchased tho *nt_fi|g__>?J tho di*':o\ v. ? .afaud now controls tbs *3? WWator'i fnvestm_ps in this venture foot WfWto about ffiO.OOO tluiiJfHr. He bas cont nv ted for 600,ono fee-t of l\iAW<'r, to be delivered by .f tlie Chefwpt'4-kej^hil 01,1c ('anal, from bl* in Wisconsin, _p te preparing to start a around hts vrojMttr. Ihe clace is about ?n miles from J^P_tagtoa anei every acre in lld outright or on an TITE TEXAS OUTRAGES. MISSINO T-SriJIOJtT?SOM!* CURIOUS DEMOCRATIC WORK. Washtni-TO***, March 25.?In the Renate Com? mittee room on Privilege* nnl DooHOM yesterday morning, half or three-qtiarters of an hour after the time fixed for the bcKlnnin*, of the Invcsil pitlon of the ftllerjcd Texas Mlnpv and while Senators Everts and Spooner wer waiting for their Democratlo colleagues on the sub commit? tee, Senator Spooner mode the follow mg state? ment to Senator Ev arts: " Senator, this case seems to have been fairly tried by the I'nited States District-Attorney m Texas. Nevertheless Kirk was B-qnitted. The* 111st struck oil from thc J irv panel every mm publican nnd every colored man. We subpoe? naed the clerk of tbe court-, with instructions t, bring on tho records. The clerk lias brought what purports to be a transcript of tho steno. graphie n-port of the trial, it bears the utTidavi? ed the stenographer, who swears that tho ai* pcnile d ..0 pages are it true copy of his not-* Ihe testimony produced is, however, only Aft throe pages, beiiiir throughout testimony for the defence, lt shows, however, that there whs iai po rt n nt, testimony for tho prosecution. What' should be done under the circumstances ?" Senator Evatts reioineel with emphasis thal the c. un ni i rm: __uiili_ brine all the _c_--M t_ Waahiuatoa. _