Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE. f BUSINESS AT TrOC EXCnANOB. I Ths isle by James L. Wells of over tixty lou In the Twenty-third and Twenty fourth Wird*. by order of Daniel G. Rolllna executor, sod other*, at the Real Estate Bxchance yesterday showed that whatever tendency U atagnitlon thero may ls* tn price* ss regards other parla ?f the city the annexed ward* still present attnctlona to buyers. The aale. which began it 12 o'clock, listed over two hour*, until every lot had been sold lt waa well attended. Among those present on the floor were Prest deni nush, of the Northern Oa* Company; Henry Bracken, lohn E. KerbT, S. D. Souffls, Samuel E. Duffey, A. Oldrtng Baiter, John Phelan. John K. Evstls, William Reynolds Brown, Benjamin P. Fairchild, Hugh N. Camp ind other well-known uptown dealer*. Tho bidding started In very b?!?kly tnd continued bo nearly to the end of the *ale. Lou In the Southern Boulevard, between Trinity and Kt Ann'* aves, brought sj <?" apiece, ind lots ta Um rear in One-hutidrcd-iod thlrty.second st. brought from 81,100 to si.180 a alec*. The corner it Webster-ire. ind One-hundred-and-soventy seventh-*!, went for 02.000 and interior lou al from 81.400 to 01.490 rich. The lets facing the nation brought from Bl.100 to 01.450 each; the comer of Ono-hun lred-md aeventy seventhtt. snd Webster-are. went for 0L480 ind Interior lots for 0350 and oLPOO each. Two W* In Ono-hunired-lndseveoty-seveflth-st, Just vest of Was' locton ave , b ought 08,500 each. There was also active bidding for th* property In tile Hlghbrldge road at the Junction Of the Klngsbrldge road. The house tt the coner with three lots brought 06.D00 tnd adjacent lou tbout tl. 100 each. The success which mended this Mle ls another indication si what ha* boen urged previously that there ls a good mtuket left In th* Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Ward', however much building of a moro expensive character miy have boee overdone in other parts of tho city. R. V. Harnett * Co. offered by the direction of Joshua. Edmund ind Harmon Hendricks, trustees, nimble prop. crtr In different pvrts of the city. No. 20 West Thlrty tUih-sL I* a 4-ttory and basement brownstone bouse on a lot 21x48x71. lt rents for 02,200 a year; the bidding ran from 015,000 up to 022,000; J. M. Levy was tho buyer. No. 115 West Twentlethst. ls a 3-storv and basement brick kout* en t lot 28x40x02. Th* property lt letted lo one person for life at tn innual rental of $10 ind nil tams, *?*??sment* and renalra. The bidding ran from S5.000 to BS.OOO; J T. Pierson was the buyer. No. 62 South Washington fcQaaro (West Kourth.%1.) la a 3-siory, mansard roof tnd basement brick house on t lot 26x55x110. lt I* rented until Miy 1, 1889, at sl.450 p- r annum. The bidding ran from 012 000 to 022,000; H. K. Thurber waa the buyer. No. Bil Water-su. a 4-story brick bulldlr.g, ind iol, was sold to F,. Fe Ibe I for 00,200. Tho sam? auctioneer sold No. 214 West Thlrty-righlh-st., a t-story English basement house, 16.8x83x00.0 The bid? ding ran from 010,000 up to 013,260; Vf. Vf. Chandler was tte bu;-er. The Board of Directors tt a special meeting held to con? sider the action of tho ConimPte* of Legislation on Rapid Transit decided to request the committee to delay action. Thc Board seem to be of opinion that no scheme should be Indorsed by tho Exchange without the calling of a general meeting of all the stockholder*, and that lt la now too late to call such a meeting in time to have tny effect during the present session. Brown * Levlness re? port th*', thor* U a deelded return current toward the r-ure central district for houses. They havo Just rented I?.i. 78 (linton place, a Ossory house, 25x50x100, west of Ftfth-ave., for ?l,M0O per annum. There wat ii cal! at the Exchanee yesterday for a dirril.riii-kouse on IhS West Bldo at from el-.OOO to BlU.OOO. Aito for a 8 or 4 story high stoop dwelling house, b-tween Sixteenth and Twenty-sei-jtid st*.. Fifth ind Sixth ave*., and for o loin of 050,000 at I per cent in i buelnet* block, well rvntoi la Chattanooga, Termes ?ee, valued li 0120,000 -+ Nrw-Yi'RK, Mender. April 30. I8te, Th* ff ".owing tales were h*ld at tb* Exchange and Anetion Boom to day . Uv sVstra rf I.rrinei*. 0*e4-*tery builillnv with lot, No ?-'.MOC tth-ara. w a. 100.11 Ita of 124th ?t, lot lH.<tx?o. R P Louns berry. . $10,000 Hy J Thoma* Steurm. Three ft-suiry flau with lol*, a s L*xlngt*n-aTe, 25.8 ft n bl 05th ?t, lois 25x81 each: Vf S Maddock... 64,508 Ry William Kennell^ rf Are. Dae | ?t->ry dwelling with l*t. No 117 Wost li a. iT.Wt w?l (.tb ave, lol 108x90 111 cjeorgo A .--. -.. ' or. 11,000 By A. H. Mu Uer J Son. One plet of landon Pro?rt*ot-aT?, cor of Kllralieth ?t. West Karros. loOi241.4ll30.?>aeOx24.JJ?2U4.7 j-i.Maue*. 6.300 Hu John ff! B. Smu'h. One 8-*tory dwelling with lo-, w* I exlngtonave. 84 4 lt so.' Ib2<l-st. l<i.7t7o, l? satlum . 7,(100 Ob* attutlai b"Ua? wah lol. Nu* '..lio* Le.xinaiuiiai h. w a. ST.O fi n nf llil?t-?t, lot 10.7x75; W nun aa 7,003 One similar home with let. No 1.010. ali abevr, ,.,i 10.7x75; liJ Hatch . 7,000 Ry Richard V. Harnett rf Co. On* 4 *:ory bunama with lot. No 018 Water st, n *. VC'.' ft w of i.ouvrrn*.ir st, lot 25.7iG5.11; _ lois* .. 8.201 On* ? Bterr'iweillng with lot. No Bl *outh Waefc Hinton S 11]are, ss, PO ft o of Ttlo_p*on.*t,l*t 25x i'.li. II K Tbarbei. 112,600 One BiNUlat lem*.- with lot, No 2.1 Wet '-'Otb-at, n *. 1HH6 ti-re- 'itu- ra lol 2.1xi*2. leaaad to oa* person for life at * in uer annum, taxes, asteas B SSSBa stOSj J O Plilioa. 0,000 One 4?torT dwelling wttli :ot. No 2(1 Welt J.Mh-at. a a. t'l\ tt w ot blh-ave, lol -.'lx7L J M I-ott. 22,400 On* 4 atorv ilw*lliiiv with lot, Na VI4 Weat 3?t],.?,_ a*. I IO 8 lt w ol Vlliave, lot; W W ?"bandier. 13.2 50 Two lota, n ? West 117lh-st, 21U.4 fl w ot Mliare, .-1 .-. "' ii t Denara*. 7,550 Ono 4-atorT ilwelllng willi lol. No IMO Park-are, w?. ?i.8 tt not 65tb st_lot l?.?xS?4; <? I.o?b . 17.4(10 One bouse with lot, a* west 54th?t, 273 R w of Sta.aro. lol25x -Ot ci-'. K Moore . 4,67* Oiie-ltlorr <1w*lliug willi lot. No 138 Weat 't.lth. lt. ?s, '.70 fl w of '.Uh are. lot 17x100.0; F llatekkia.. 11.500 Ona I sioty boos* *-ith lot, No .i;i2 Kail 72<l-at, a s, iiS.I 4 ft**f 2?a?a. ot 10.8x102.2; L 0 Knono. man . 9,850 Oas 0 et**~ dwelling w th lot. No Lill Wast lUtB at, s s. '.'83 fl w of 9th ave, lot BSzl00.Si K A (lark . 25.R37 Or.e s.iu lat Louse w:lli lot. No IM Wen, 88.9 ft w ot Oth^v*. lot 20x100 6; same buyar. . 28.000 Hy Jame* L. Willi. F*dr lota s a. Roothsrn liouierar I, sot Rt Aaa'a ave, 26xl2'i each, ll Cunt-kmiaiiu. . 8,800 Four lal* ii * lM'.M at. _ti ft ? ol Ht Ann's ive. 25x lOOWicii; TJ McKea. 4.600 Tm luis n* ll? lb-el. SS ll w of a astilngiun-aTe, 20 a* abt Sa M Non, Jr_. 7,000 Oaa 1 *tor7 houae ?'t i lot, w a WasblueUinave. 90 ft net U7lh *t. I*t25x?4 *aaia barer. . 3,100 Ona plot of land na Hlghbil'Ve ano Kingstindc* roada, opposite T ?bout it*, toy i wk unix meg; J Milhollaud, C F McCabe. U W Whee, er, JJ (ooenaiolJ KKiny. ?. lb.085 Two lol* w* A'iuejuc'l?r?, not lHtthtt, 26x90 Bach W ll Feel . 1.750 Do* neusa *tnl 2 lota, adj a hove, lot* 25x90 each; J K ,-uatl*. C.951I One bona* ana1 7 lott, ? * Main st. a o.' Proapvcl-avc; B P Fairchild. 2.750 Tw* 8 (tory Cwt!Unit* willi pl*! nt land on 175th ?t, n w cor o! IS*t.'ig?t*.?ve. plo; 7iSxlOiS; J E Klrbr, ? W rotter and ?**orge W Bries*.... 12,120 Ei|!it lt'ini. ITTmi cl.ii rurel \s e!i?I?-r..Te. 23t 90 rai h. J Tai Oox, JA Uaih. B F Fairthi lil ami J 1. KiibT..... 12,420 EkBM Ut* ui, Wedster-avr, n e eur et 17?ith *t, 2Ax IOU each. J a Hush, J K Kirby and B P Fair chi:,l . ,. 8,250 Sn Ula on Merila av*. 44 1 fin of 171th?t, 23xlo0 ?arh. J H Bannon. U Y Palrchil 1 ami J K. Hurst 7.200 One 2.?Ury'iniiae with let. et Cromwallav*, ti.',. 2 ft I ot DeToett, lot 40x184: O H l'*?l*v. 1,925 Doe 1 itm v In.ui* with nlot o: land, es Cromwell. are, 30(? fl a of Hu;bbrl(ige-?t, plot ?2.0xl89x20w lM>. li-l-r -.. 1,174 On* viol of lard *? Klugahrldee road, lon lt ? of Msec-to* Dara road, S>0 6x178x80x195.11) AL MrowB. S.450 BECOPvOFDRRtLKSTATI THAN8FKRS-N. V. CITY. Th* follow inc ahowi th* realatuto traatactiona recorded I* th* l'.ea nt?r . OfSoe to-lay: ?7th ?t. No 118 East; Emma n Onion to n J "ll*. ken'.u* . ... . $26,100 121ms. ii b. sa it w of 3<i av*, 26biOO.Ui ?T?* a ? st, IBB fl ? of 2ii-*v*. 20ixKMl.ll. Jahn ll s'lnra in; wita to David Frehmau at al. 40.000 68th si, .\b ?2 l.aet Lo* B0_ea_B*t *tal:o L Dr. yin*. 45 (V>0 Sd av*. Rettie sad ?<7, same to cordalia 6 P.aruani 4o!o00 lill. a?*. s w cor of t^ih st lOUXlOB.6. HttirT OVtd hill au'l r?L-e lu hiioon UaiM-riBaa. 43 0(0 81tu-it. No :;f5 Last, I.eoooU l-'rl*d<oaa ao.l wife to ?>..... 4" 0*0 MallMMff-et, No 246; Abraham K?hl-aingarto'j H ....... ai '.00 7th.ave. * w tot of *0,'?XTOtt| J "6'Mea Ilia ami wife to ''athai i.> uomiell. 37 000 Oth-ar*, n? cor of, 121 4x KU lo, Peter N Baattar etaite Will ant Wbiltr. 112 000 Io*'-*', n*. J'.e-.ilneo! rihar*. 20xlOttS| Cbrlallaa ___*?? sad wile ts J C.OBI**. 8O.500 ?!<Uilt ??. S2o ftw..f tl, .ve. tm TOO. Ot KB* kl _>*_mmtoTI na. I.ei?*e an 1 au .tue-. 44.000 I8th*t. . a, 2. ". t w ot 'Jtb are, lOnxMsi .6: Ella M o ri ie th toapin-. 4 J 000 ioth_arc-. m *, ?6.5 ft * of ii st* at, 5(u7.r, bhrutlaai aitaajraaa wifeteHeaeieiia C0edK?iek . . 47,750 Pltt,*t. ea. Uta v. and 21. K.t.IIubbiI Tr*a4 .n! ,_._ru*? t? Loma :_*? *M'i ai ntber . 41.000 Kttnu iHl fleof 2da<*. .'0,100.4. William ?Ic.Ntnb tai w.fa to louie Arabela! 42,360 Real .state. HAVE YOUR TITLES GUARANTEED. LEltMAN-AVIEKll AN KIAL MVATCi TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, 34 ROM01 *f01, aJOl UONTAtil E-ST.. tfl-TFAl. LIFF. B'I,I)'(1,_HHtlOKLVN. _Unction Salt* of Real iletotc. A -PHILIP A. J-MYTII, r\l-(TI()\FF]{ ? om vni * ryan wu 'Vii *t?,.ct,,. MTU-6T., south ?J'--*. 3W I?t_t ?o.t of Dtk-ave 4 ________ I..-.TATK BXCHAKOE, 5;. i', ut, r,v ,.'" mr ok_lk vv ^^l^^nu^i btew. >, 300 teet neut of nth Lot*, i-fh 25x100 S 1-2 LOUIR M. nosi UER. ATTOaUtKY. 2?| BKoaiavay N?i->*,cU., at AucU*nt-er's OBlte, 70 Llberi) au ET Buptem* Court Sale. Cheri** A. Jacteon. Esq., Iteferea ,11! I-m AV MAY 3. ^' *""?"?? at 12 o'clock at the REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, No. 60 Llbertyat No. 65<i llroadnay. The Ottory atone building coieiinr, the whole lot, i. i 35x1 'sj. Ma ii*, tc, ?f tt,, aaotlsassr. to P?s-st '/Al A P. KA V MOND. Audi (.ncr. Unfurnished tjauocs _ o Let. ~P'? LCT- UNKIRNISHL? i il _m_*m-ta**' ? ? ' n '0rt L , ? *l 8"t8-Bl.8 (ViO ' JO ww 4sia.*t. 4000 L I ^^'"uoU.^0* rUK"' *?' K*" 7* CwjM-,t- -tween _*tUai Caiott^ KO. ll. Ia January, 1?F2, a well-known lawyer purchased the southeast corner Sf IWtor and OWOBWtoh. St*. Ile extra. Ined the title in the ustui way, usinr such official acirchra as were attached to tho Belier'* abstract and maklnr addi? tional onea to cover th* intervenlne period. Th* nam*. lndex aearchea thowcd the proi>eriy free from mortfic*. Ia April, lvc2. i loin was mado upon tbe property In re llince upon the same aearthcs. Two yetr* !at>'r iho oivner wa* tbrpilsetl ty a (lcmmd made upon h'm to pay a mortraee of SL5P0, ta id to hire been placed upon the propel ty in 1372. Inraxtigatton showed that the morteage wis * valid nrBt lion, liad usart made to tn innot- -nt holder by one who had inherited a quarter interest Ui tho property ind hil Boon omitted from ino official Registrar'* search on which tho th*i owner md hi* prodeccasor had both relied. Tho mort?i_e hid to be paid. Such an error can only bs safely truardod against br i search from ? " Locality Index," which disclose* all ths Instruments affecting any lot from the t'ttlement of the county down to tho present tim*, no matter when recorded or by whom made. Aod such an Index, both for New-York and Kines Coun? ties, ls possessed alone by Ute TiTlEGUARANTeE AND TRU5T Ga 55 LIBFRTY-ST, _6COrRT.??T.. NEW YOU K. BROOKLYN. Paid-up Capitai - . . $900,000 TRr.?-TEE?*! Orlando B. Potter. Oeorr* Ci. William*. William M. Ini'iaham, Eug?n* Kelly, Emil Oelbern-i.inn, Alexander fj. Orr. Martin Joost, Huco Wesendonclc. Henry Morton, Jullert T. Davie*, Benjamin I>. Hlcke. William H. Mile, John Tl. Hicks, Edwa-d H. Tiller, diaries Rlch.iid*on, Charin* lt. Henderson, BUIl 1). Williams. Isaac H. Cocks. William Traiitivlne, Samuel T. Freeman, Henry C. Thompson. Charles Mttlaek. JOHN Vf. MCROAT, C. II KP. LS KY. President. O'ice-Pieaideat, LOUIS WlMiMFLLKR, Treasurer. NEWr.LL MARTIN, Secretary. (Tonntr_ proj)rr._ fox Cale anb <_o ttl. ARGYLE HOTEL AND COTTAGES, ABOVLI PARK, BABYLON, Ul. Oottajrei an fatly faiBBehllSL have all mo lorn mororo ?eula, amt mut fur the ie ian tat frett HUI in Ol, 400 Ar? lene nek i? one ho ir from :.'etr Turk . Tu tv-rst; .19 acre* _..iiii-.,i lake. Hu.sui; bethlee tts'iins, sill, i* on th* Kiev, eoulli Hay. Ppe.clal rate* lor families lu hotel*. A;olv Io 1. W. MILLIK, Miiw'f, _ Murray Hill Hotel. A -FOR SALK OB r.INT FULLY Ft'RNISIIETJ. tA Btoas msoslon an the wast tide sf IBs Hudson, '2~> miles out: overlooking the river sud surrounding country t T MADISON, N. .I.-I'on KA 1.11- L*me modernlred a_old-fashioned residence; replete witta cnmeuience*; I "au'.full, I..-ale-. ; hifliJsoino tivo-acrc comer, hlch c round : near nation sol Drew C-ille.e. . arnY," outbuiid (nga, aubin, eernaae house; largo gar hu fully stocked; fruit and tie.-niiifiii shade tires, a mod- i borne place. CO tiiinutea fruin New-York; hi^h, natui-l eteratUai son. Venleol te schools, rhurrhea, shops, and select surround lng*. Price, ea**, ooo ; imins to sun. purchaser. Applv to KOW ARD P. HAMILTON jr CO., t_]_PO Broadway, Oflice 31. 4 HANUSOMK SH.MMKR ANl> WINTKR COTTAC.E ^*- in Hyde Park,> luimrv. N Y. ; frans' eon- I Sttattlsa filled in with brick; roiitalnlne: seven lasasa kltclieii, laundry anti pu nt ry, furnace, betide* a fireplace In aBch room; two acres of ground; smll suhle, Ire house i and spilug: len minnies from the elation- cost : ulitfllilllv ?'-'''.<.' 0 : pries, fuiglshed, univ SS, OOO. _V K BTEVI'-.N.SO.N *_ CO., Wt Broadway._ VCF.NCY FOR MONTCLAIR-Banralns tn handsome : , residence* and building sites; houses ta let. CLARENCE B. TUM Op, 8 Beek-* D-at, H. Y._ V handsome Oeterr aad exteaelea hou*e. all im- > preraawwta, at Oreeurill* Qtattw, Jersey central i 20 Btloete* f.i illy; $-t.Y Vf, H. AioistronK. 45 Vtaey-tt. t ' BIRDENTOWM <N. J i MILITARY INSTITl'TF.. mi t!,e ItlutlH of UM Iieluware, between New.York alli l'lili idei|,hl? Solid loon laloma in Ki ali-.ii. American academic aludlea Careful pre nt ration foi collete and higher acleiiiiijc Behool* Musi". Upton's D. h. A. Tactics. ; RSV. J. ll. LANDON, A. M.. Principal._ "TV4ST fiRANOE.? For Mle, the house ind pronnds of ' , la tin- late Minot 0. Morgan. Willlam-st., corner Lin- , ci..n-el., 2o0.x?0 feet: house and H'O fed Iront will lie sold separately oi ai: together; house 40 feet front by 30. with larg* piazzas oa three aides; extension 20xil0 feet; twelve | be Iii nuns ; parlor l">\:il feet; dining room, butler's pantry, , library, kitchen, laundry, iaiyo bathroom, perfectly dry ; ' cellar; bouse balli bj dsytf wuk ant in h.h moat tuaetB-- t titi manner; bearing fruit leese,, pears and ' Bpptesj strawberry bed* and s'nall fruits; live atlantes fiom ilriiK l Inn. h Button. Apply lo JAMI'S K. MOX. GAN ur HAMILTON WALLlis. Lxecutors, 430 Wlluaiu st , Prick I burch, N. J. ^^oR sAi.L.-Rici.inoiid ii.ii., l. l, wveral aew cot laos on fSNorabie tel ins, with all mulei n improve menus. J. M. l'lLLLLN, ol) Llberty-st. ; Ocorgc 1'or.lrr on premises. _ , l^OR BALK.-AT STANLi:Y, MORRIS COL'Nl T, A n. j., a Btaanlfflcont rataio. wini .-.. men expoaure, i OverluOk?lg for 20 miles th* i'assa,.- \alley. s,ull, lina leeja over grave). Drainage pertest Healthiest Inci? tion in the rtclnltr ot New.TerO. Lirxe home. Gat, \Aa;er, iv.i. farnacee, all ronvenlenee* ot a city -bau**-. 'llurty titres under eui tl vt t lon ; thirty acres laivn tnd weowaaO. Borea ?pr.i;;'. ?,', ttcelleni irater oa ihe prup erty. Large ttabie,shennerv aril clup kennels now tesln*; cotittructed Kine heatlni and Baaing in the Passaic River, whh-h fri iii this polni fornlahe* nshlii- nod boating fur ll iiiiics. The river l? slocked with black baas, earp and trout. Partridge, quail, woodcock anl snipe ?hm>t I.ic tn the Immediate vicinity. Th" owner ls going sh.-oad. Horse., carriages. Jerasy catie, kennel of im pei ted deerhnund*. Moat BOttSe and brat fully equipped, with pleatnre k-rninl0 on the Pi-csalc River lnclaled 1n the eropertr; a.v> etttege and factory building wiih 4 acre* of irniiind. Trice of the abuve In full. S80.000. wm oniv negotiate with prUMtpala Na exehaafe ?rin bo niad'\ Teni- 02B.OO0 cssta Bud BSS.000 on hood and m'Ttpace. The residence ts within ten minutes' drive fr.i"i i-lther ll.' Bumniil ur Cha'hain siailor, on the |)el*. Mire, Lackawanna ai; -t Weatern Railroad. Adlress CFO ROE SHEPARD 1'AOE flfl Wallsf.. New-York^_ .' OR 8ALi:.-one of the most complete farm* near tfew-Tcrk, row ea a aelf-sopportlnc bealti win t>e ex. hangej for food Income propertv In thl* cltT. For par? ticulars apply to or address GEORGE R. READ, 0 I'lne-st._^^ .-'nit BALE.?An Tsl.-ind en the Southern Coist of Jlt? _ eaehasetts. Good flsMnv and beach for batlilne; located In the b'"t summer climate |n Ihe world. lor full particular* aJ.1re,? EDWARD n MKRRTL_ _, Mutual Life liulldlig. 82 Nassausu., at. T. IAKi: GEO RI IF -AilMr.Inr ( r...|ivsl-1r lietel, biisi.tlful i niiint''' of H roonn; tennis noun. tmat. ice-bouse Ailed; superb lisws STOCK WELU 65 LI th ri I I.H. 'Vin.\.-Furnished house In South ?t. ; lawn, shade, extenatr* rlew. Apply le Rev. Dr 111 I FIE. "I'il lifttaBglTB ftrt New.York. I I Mn\ T( [,\II1. N .1 T.. V. beautiful ne UU'a'i, s|1.. losltb-n ???; lawn* astSBSlTO clew..; Hue rriwth of foliage; housa eontalnt 19 rooma nil convenience*: rood i sfahl" ? all m first-class order. Reut. Si ."CO- t'LAR FNCF! B. Thrill'.;. .1 I'.',. Wew-Tefh._, ttt'NTi-LAIR. N. 1 -K1MT1AI.TY OMutlfM modern j i?l re?1 lenee* sale and rent. PARSONS i- TAYLOR. I lueeeeaHng Howe * Peroone, rnoiirsi.. N T. ? i Ti RFNT.? Th*" ?uli?f tiber offers m 'en- l's pia. e at . ' Irvl'iis*'o'. on-HM Ison, known a* " Wo d liff." for sU | iiiontl.s ot * foot fri m Hi" '.'nth of June ?e\t. Tho bouse ls completely furnished and will arrommoda's, a larfS ' ramllv Tc- hil Se*, carr'aje., , ow - < c. cu. i lbs piaee If de*lred. For fu-ther lnfon-i.itl"n Ipel] i;K'>iy;r. n mor?ian, trrluctmi, o- at th'- ufflce of E. D. MORGAN * CO., BO Exehenge Ptae . How-Teak, j I Tn [Tl T for the BM*on. ? A ftt*n!sh?d cutt ur- i'|"i ultu ' reoaw tt Gr-enport, L I ; ty th" a j tao and op- I posit* the Roo th House. Inquire pf Ii V Wi RD, HQ Na inf . . .. -a (Tonnirn Propertn iVcnltb WAMTED, bv ai . ? '-"'"v fo "i ? fui!v fun.lshecl contiiiv bonan, i. ?. 1 rooms, /, servj'lts' heil- rooms ; -tallie foi a' .I dance of Mirtna wirer; kitchen fartti ' .anted, and Icehouse filled, also lawn, beames sh..i ? fruit tree*. Adlre*. arl vina description and price, "c 'L'NYRY. ' Box o.l.'i New-York._ _ \V* ANTED.?To rent, a sun>mer hotel, fullr furnished, to "r arcoinmod.lte 100 to 1-5 ?uest, ; cnvcnlenl te New fork; lee Una good; ai?" -, hmise sal table for summer ' | Boarders, large cnmieii for SH te 50 seraona furnished in . ?ull or lu uart. Addreas T. b. 4: Co., lt>2 Wllllamat., 3d * Iniir BankfTB anb J3rokfro. P. V. GALUUOET & CO., ?tv Mil; tt"*, COMMERCIAL PAPER, STOCKS AND BONDS. UNIT1.D HANK UIILD1NO, WALL-8T.. QQBMMM BROADWAY. H. FITCH. Jr.. IsEW.TOJUC, Member N Y. block Exchariga O' ^ a, KLAN JOUN PAIIMO.X. S. A. KEAN & CO. BANKERS, X WALL *?TRr._T. DEPOSIT AC't'Ol'NTss ItKCEIVKI) HI BJEC'T TO (HECK. 1NTKUF.?sT MKAItlN'.i (KU Tf flf tVHt 1-i?| F i COI .STY, < ITV. TOWS AMI HCHOOL BO.\D?t COlMTAJITLf OH HAM). ('KtE.N U BATEMAN, Baakoia, T**i Hara remoTS'l te No*. 7s Bini ko ftriMcciwar. and b aud 7 Now at. finarfcial. ELEVATED STOCK AND BOND SUBSCRIPTION. The Chicago and Routh Side Rapid Tranait Railroad Company is a coiporatlon organised under the Lawt of the Sute of illinois, and araa on tho 2nth day of March, 1888. cramed the right, by the city Of Chicago, to ron itruct and opel tue an c!e\at.od railroad within tho muni rina! limits, and ic secure by purchase or condemnation, and to own a r1?ht of wty 80 feet In width along itt rntlre route, except where Intervening *treeis are cro?sod -greater widths being permitted where needed for nations, tte. So -similar riafhl ha? ever be? fore been granted by the city of Chit ago. That element which hat proved so dangerous to the elevated railroads of New-York, of vost and undefined tlalms by owner* of propel ty abutting on ?trcei? tor lamage* not foreseen ot provided lor In the financial pit"* >f tho companies, and lae disputing Bf which lias ematcd vi much pnpular piejudlce, 1* ellmliiaU-d in thc plan* ot thl* company by the Blt*flo and Just expedient of taxing In the ordinary way all needed real estate, witt duo ?nmr?iis.'ition u> tte etrnao The ponton of the railroad BOW tinder contract fur immediate construction Im-cIiih at Van Iturensl, near the bustnea* cent tu of the oliy ; nina due south for neatly four miles, adjacent to bn?t?-st. and MTafeash and ajefhhrsa ives, twhlch majr le? likened lo Broadway. Fifth -ave. ind MoilSSB BIS In tho city or N"w Yorkj, to the present IsataOTlj limit of itu- city nf CklCBfO; and ihe ne for four miles th roux li Ihe most populous and growing suburb lt tho tat/. Tho grant by the elly of Chicago to this OSOPSI M-SB is most liberal in it* starlstoaB as u tho route oaths Ital md as to the tight of the company, by purchase or con. frnniatlon, to secure and own lie right cf raj, snd ls icconipanied by wril-con*Idercd conditions which Iniure At tbe city and to the investor the mut approved fenn of Berated stn utrea seth for safety md permanence, md Bm latest and baal bm4o sf oc.o_bbsobi sad sasratlssi lt aaa passed with but one dissenting vol.-, and received the prompt signaiuie and aupruval ?f Ute Mayor. Tho value of thu BSCaiiteSe of Ihlcigo City Railway MOOfO-lOO fumier..'-* no BSOOPttaa u> Ute general rule of :he value Sf alii.IUr securities In other large cities. In fact, ii bmx sa wttinj aaid that such Benet iles havo BOered utter bbobwimiiIIIss of taoaaoasM than ihoso >f any other cl'y In this country. As an Ulai ll Bil ia. and by aa means an exceptional in lUnce, the present slock of the City Cable Company Bf .'hit ago. whose linea tho ruute of Ibo Chlnaaa md tsouth Rapid Transit Itali road OBUfBT ptralieli and a.vide*, 1* how Btlllag at hut three hundred dollar* per shire, the par l-emg ono hundred dollars (0100), and the letti l*iuo ft.Ot'O.IKlO. lt* corporate note* or debentures BMTSgatS 14000,000. <lf ti'C-o ?1.000.000 hive Deen l-sued, the **t lasue of which (Sl.OOO.t-OO; boars interest at 4 pe' :ent and now sells at HO per cent. The grant to tin- CUtltBfS und houth Side Rspld Transit ruilroad Company permit, it le build and opeia'e three track* It I* Intended ?t present ro build two of *uch trackr,. reserving the bulldlnr of the third for a when ?.ho demand* of rapid transit diall require, additional (08?? Ut*. lt la difficult to overestimate the vtlue of this third irack, for the travel, al the busiest hours in ti.o morning >elng In one direction, and in thc evening I;, thc opposite lirecllon, th* three tiscks will du substantially tbe ser rlce which would ordinarily require four tracks. Il ls trail BBder*teod that If to-lay MM New York ?I'lvated reads hal Iks '!?hi le construct and operate a hird track, tlce leejtrlrt nun's nf rajld tiatisit in that city rould be solved for many venrs to come. Th" Mal sm mut of securltlea to be IssaBl upon the first ection tabout eight miles) ls as follows: 3,OOO ahs-re* nf capital stuck, of the jar vi'ne of S100 each.07,500,000 ,500 tirsi. moi 1,-jag'i 0 per cent gold linking fund 40-rear bond* of the pu- value of 01.000 each.7.500,00i) Of tbe abov" the undersigned now offers, for account if the. Conntruction Company, 08,000 shares of the Capital Rock, of tho par TBlaB of S10O each, sui 4.GOO of (tie nm Mortgage 0 per cent ftold Bond-.. Ol ''te pat vataB of ll,000 "ich. for which bookt of sulieeriptloti will be opened m tho 5ih of J.fay, and clj-ssd on Tuesday, the 8th of May, it tbe following placet: 1 THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. rile Kniekerliorker Trust Co., .\o. 8__ .otb Avenue. The Central Tru*t Co., So, .Tl Wall Nt ree t. Heir's, .lone?, Kennett *_ Hop? kin*. ??<* Broad iva v. Il fl CIT! OF BOSTON. !_e*sr?. Lee, IIU'ffiii*on & Co., No. IO Mate street. 1 THE CITY OF CHICAGO. rhe lllinoi*, Tru*t and tavtefl Bank, .Cookery Building, ror ner La Salle and Adam*} Street-*. ?(NTI* .Jones Kennett ** Hop? kin*, |f#, l Board of Trade Building. The bonds are aeeured by a Brat lier, upon all the fran :l_*ea of the corporation, upon all the right of way of he 8rst section of said railway, and upon all the ec,ulp nent to be furnished for said first tectlon purtuint to the onatnictlor. ruiitract. The t/indt ire Forly-Vear Biz Per Ont Gold, of the lenomluilloii 0r *i.ocn, ra h. with-Coupona tttached anet irlvllego of reglitratlon, dated April 1st, IMS, Intercu urah!* April lat and October let. ai the Kirk'ker boc ker ["rust Co., In the City of New-York. cannot le? redeemed ??fore maturity, and are provided with a sinking fundl laaao, to SBBSBMMO five years afbir dato of tho toarl ft ge. r liding for an application "f one per cent of the yearly et earnlngt ot tb- CeeajaaT for their redemption, and will a, de.lvered In exchange fur the Trust Company* receipt n or 'aefore the 15th day of November, is^ intere.-t to ie adjusted at coupon rate*. ' ? "icationa will be received for UocK* of equtl amounts I and bonds, at 110 per ,-ent ?f the par thereof for la, and 90 per cut of tho par there.,? for tin .. >'o application will be received for less than bit ea of stock or 81.000 of bands 1-aymonts under allotment wm bc made to the Knick rbocker Trual Co., ind ui the Centnl Truti Ca., and will ? called for aa follows: 30 per rent, on allom, nu t .Oprrrriit. in sixty days from the luff of itllofiiii'ul ; _U perron!, iii foin moil(|,S from thc lute of allotment ; and tlaa- final nay iK'iif of r ' ?iO |?or itiit. in six uioiui.s from flir lair ol UilOtUM'llt. Negotlible receipts, v^n which lnstalm,nts will be In orte'l as paid, will bs Issued by the Trim <-, mpaules, and PH the final l*v.!.'. aud BSM pr,,-!,,,,,,,,, ful , ill,,.,. Hlon ?f inch re^ipts. the sssarilleo w.ll b, delUered. The ,oney. thu* received ty the Trust Companlei w.ll he held T them md paid out only a. the OHM _Mil BOC BM WW ni payible to the comractor, pursuant ? tho ,?,.,. al ach rec*iBt Notice of allotment will be g|Ven within five dav* after lay H, 18S8. The right lt reserve, lo wak* lny , ???? licatlon* or to reject applicttion*. and, further, t.. aaaaa on aod alloi any ott" ip-aication mads lu any ataee t<> iy of the other pi?re. n.m-d. |B ,Ufn pr,,^,,,,,,,, m n,ar I Uk rn H,-1 or to cloao. ;he lubKrlpnou on a?- _. lihou! notice. JONES, KENNETT & HOPKINS (> broadway, New-York City, and No. 1 ttOftrd of Trade BuUdillg, tiiicaico. Now-York. Mar _ ihsb. _ financial. AMERICAN LOAN AND TRUST CO., 113 BROADWAY. MW \ OH Iv (?.altai. Fully |'?h . . . li.OOO.OOO T1IIB COMPANY TUANBACTR K Or.NF.PAL LOAN TIlUST. AND FINANCIAL BCSINKSS. IbreelToa monty on deposit *u>i;ect to clie,?k, snd allawa interest on balance.. All check* pan through the Clertrlng-hous*. M A K F.S IN V I'STM f'.NTS fi f MO N FY, ACTS AM F.XM.TTOK. A UM I MST KA TOR. .... <;i/AKniAN. tri'stee. tc ALSO. AS ItFUTXTIUR ANf 1 R \NSFF.It AfiF.NT. funds *ulne"zt"' d' P"t!lory for cou.I ani county treatutert' ??.?. ? ? aJOWl tJCtl N RAIA Bil, resident GEORGE S. BART Vii l tTialOriiL JAMi._ S Tii(;..-.i'>;;. btc'r and Treas. IUWOIURI mP',r"?!A'',,;j-Ay' (.iit-vn.i.r p. i awes. i2_Jl .f. BLAIR, JUN D XtMSaEY, Er.ViV,'.'.' >?' "NIVU john HOM ,"i W', ;V '' N nAXAAD, AI.F...A.M"'' '. O I".VIC. xi}-. . V "U:T HMAS RI ff KIM V m-Tco. "^'-^"UK. Tt?| Ll J AM I ANfl. ISON, THOMA* I. WATSON. Ol' iii - 'tvs .?.,..?,,? WALLA! Z C IM' I'WS. TUtXB) ALDIGE._CIIARl.l a. l_ notice to ?i;-,!;:::;?< V/ABAS3. SER7IFI3A7E3. ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. Rix. Bolitha' lnteictt. due Miy l?t. IMeo will be ,mH on that date at ty Central Tiu?t d'., No. 61 Wail-st., to holder* o," tho cerUilcute* of 'hat Con.(.a,it itvtn .or ! Wabash Cn ninrteac-. bon I.- ieBeatfc | ,r |rI (i.e reefBSni '?""?n Sgl.Bl of November 51, 1SS7. upon pre ...niall ot - of tuck certincaiea IfcNTIl.U. ritrtT to m*X Y. C II. I*. i'Aik .ii ;.. -eerotar/. ; Wew-Tork. April 23. leen TO THE T. t'KlHM.IlKR Ot. TUB RICHMOND ANO WEST POUT TERMINAL HAiLWAY a :;:? WAREHOUSE OOMPAdY* The otide .-limed, holding ail leptOaeatlllB ISTBi amounts of stock of the RICHMOND TI.LMINAL < O.'J l'ANY, believing that, any chany*. it, tue n.anst!' ne ti' "i policy of tho uor.pany at Ihfe t.iv a Uil be BVfsDM I hi ll best (asllasts', solicit prcSte* te b-> lo laVOl of GOtV tintiltiK Hie present B'.atd of Dlrrcitors We ehall bo (lad to five our r< n ore fu>- iM? vleir to ?harehoider* ?hi will give u* an ofpultsmltf ot Buist *o by Miling on F.DtVAIfD HVTKV.T A t'lL WORK, .iTItONT. - VU T. \V. ri..tK-tl.L Ala JOHN ll. PATIN * co. I. A -. WOsXMBBM. MOORE * "(III.KV. JIWIXIV i-i il ITU A tOTTTfO. NEW.TORK. Aurll _1. 13b8. TO M'HrH'RlBINl. HTOCsUIOLDRRrt fir Till SUTRO TUNNEL COMPANY. Pursuant to our notiee of Januarr 12, LOB*. Ihe MlOl ?' of your subscription* Ls lervbT ealled, lo bc p- i la Inion Trust C*mp*ny, .No. 7s Btoa'dwiy, Ncr)' . . ' tweaa May 2 and Mav 5 next, lir-IQaive, and ree Br* re qtiea'ed tj d'-|i?.:t rear so ck villi *-.ii Tra*) Ctrmpenj : letelhaf elt'i your re'"lt.ts liv turh ;??' nient ind deposit you Will be i-oi,-,I1.ti d la BBBOatltU tin piaiih of reorcanlteilon de?eribed In rlrculsrs nf Ni i i I ft. i-h;, ;?,1 A|,r1l 27. 1BS8, tr hi ch Isttei circular ria. hil by api'iylui: at Room Nu. 123, Nev.-Yoik Pp lues I l change. Suhterlptlont at lb" r*r? nf 50 cent* ire now closed. Mew.York, April 28, IBM. KXIiCUTIVI. OOMMITTBE OF, ____ 11.11- lltl.TZKR. ( ____MS> CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY 5 Per Cent. Bends, drexeuIwoImah a co. Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co. The StockBaMsfO of the OBSTS Hallway Comp my aro urp elly re<iue^ted to send their f. .les to b' u--d at, ire annual meeline; at I'.upoiii., K.cnsj.s, on the 10th nf Mai aext, for the aleetloa ol Directors, to either of tue uridertliltied llienilei-, of tho C.initnlttee. W. ta. wtihU of Kd. Bwe*t A r.e. . Vf. MERTENS, of I., von Hofln.inn * To. W. E. STRONO. of Work, Btmns ft Co. J. DE NI- I'FVIM.r.. of de NenfrlUe. 4 Co. .. \'. MARI INWON, te|,re.eiit;na- tie- Aatatertaa Committee THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANK Will pay i rm, . i.s ii.i.tnr:i cr Miiy 1, In. S, nj on miMis and WICKS of th* CITV OK NBW.VOUIi. en and after that dato. Brhedult* eau b* procured at the bank._ LETTERS Wa tar aa* asa nm**f rn*. ehnuire mi anil mrcto e-ible ava U.iii.fcri of nioner t* Kurona, K,r AastiallB and tue west in a lites; BBtS unKe 'ollet'i-ius CKEDITi ?",l ,","? ,f>niin*rcit! and TraTelllu(r Credtta arallacila in aJl part* of tha world. BROWN RHOS. A CO., BANKEI'3, NO SSW.xLL-rtT. ELECTRICITY The most wonderful. ?ln,ple and Mimbi* Invention ot thi agc, ippllod to ?avlnit did md *llver from refnetory ore*; patentt aecured. Tho Biethod fully tested. Thc hyatem lt now opented by ?, N oUstlBi Now-YorS. meiallurulcal worka. 101 Wt minston-st. On 100 m to half a Wu of ow, aa voa all valuce, rtourol anialRam and | * ir-nory; can bo alta, bel and applied to any RSM tnd | i tllver mill al a nominal cost: will RkSTS than |?T lt* ex I. ?f lntiuduc-iiou In tovlnc of TSMsa tv*ry week lt is and, Lilieral wrai*. rldht*. Ucoasss md *toek In? hale. Apply lo M. H.. 42 Broadway. Room 53. FINAM IAI. FUOFli>Al.i* We Invlb* propo*al. for Meek* ol from 0*000 to 0100,000 of our 0 per tent. Gold Debenture Ito.ids. Inter Nt aajraMe in New-York Jaaasry fn_ '1_fT(f>____!* Itond^ am aeeured bv the entire tapltal of th" Comp*ny. lol In addition by ?lOS.C'O ?f Hr?i Mort'ajret "" ?_? proved faim property ir..rth *300.(XV>, lepnHlled With IBO Mercantile Truit Company of New-York City. Full particular* on tpodicsMoa tothe AMERICAN 1VVFSTMKNT COMPANY. ^_ IBO Naaesu-at.. wes Tera CItf._ TBBJlASKOr Nr?A>i-rr.iii'Al(.} NKW-YOKK. Apiti "il. 11"S. I A MEETING of tho Btoek-Oldera of tins oink tar aa election ot diroctoi* will ba held at lh* BMktM Hollie on IVe.lueedai. May 2. M8S. TU" i-oll Jill M MM fiei. fiilO uni.i libSO <i'el*ck *. m. Tr?n*fer Books wt' ' '??? thl* (Uy aB.l ree,,en en M?y i ST J "? KU ?_. ' ?*nl?r1_ ATLANTIC MUTUAL SCIilP. Qf?,In_2J{2__ Auank, City, K. It. Stocks, Ac. Send for ll-t publlehed DETHOIT. MACKINAC A MAfiQUETTB fl. R CO I.ANn ORAlfT BpKVB. Tb* TruMe.c* .,f |hs Und Otsal *?*?** "r IftPtJJdli Mickltiac and Marcjueite Kalin.* 1 CooiBsnT. seUac "??2 the provltlon* af Bald morte.ii.-e. J__?Vufi15 __H__e_ their Inteallea le purchtt* on. handred of the botKl. i'J"'r' then-.ind.-r Offer, for the Hie Bf BBCl DOS I* ?JJ*_?_J reline.ted to l^i inade to the underslKtiect on or before June Pettolt. Mleklasa. April 00, UtEB. __-irutiee*.?, I IMITED BALANCE SHARES in a now? ie" WOSSOOtl Tru.t Comp.ny, *4O0.t>00 cash capItal, for ?rc_M robtortpilen. Aid''/ for BBrt_?l?r;? V'*00?_5__" Cement, pronts. *e. .'aSTOEIi IV MACLB-JT, lille". inn M?iiker, au Ilrnid-il. N. V 1 ruiay. Mar 11 aext. Th* tr*n*ter book* inda,, tb. iOth in.t. to B^7$&Vl?__ !___B' _LYN COX, A-?I_?PL.S?C'_*5_ OfHCB Or TU OSUtTABB ?^'J.treBSrV'lMfl ' I IMIK annual s_a?lte|f trf lite?^?J_?? ? 1 thl au I Hu laos I Wti P*X2a! b_T rinroB uta.offi.enf d-roer ,'''11^1 ,,*'!,_; ,"'._ ".. New Vorki HT en Iu..'1ay Ul* __ ' 'r.'" M,Jr "0,'t? or th* ric, linn ?f mraa?*r? am" ol ol '"'t'Se" T!.* solli will ?i.*n at ll o' u.. -? 1 "-??? ?- "* ,or me knar. , . . _ .... A pun will be Btihmltt*.! tor a-i l> lot * i-" ,'a.?, .'" :iricl*l('roni*or?'ir..lii. lu il le u.? I rl ' l|??0'0BO xiihI*faiitnr du* tn ItsVl. A ti,il atlee-' .a-e.- re ines" i ,l,a a.* lina-af "Pa tr?n.|.i I.k. iill li* elnte.1 tr ? rt ">* J"*''". ,f -*i:,r.!?r. Aj.t.lT. BntilUie'.i.r'.i-ec. I H*'Ur. M.yJ. Hy order ui the Boan! ni ll .:i-**is. .. r s _?__., TKITIP i?tMnni-''r";vl'iM' } Na? lo.* ' '? -''? '^t Ul V11 IX .. , ... __ pur: Tranafet Booka ol his, o P ; 1 y'?-"'"' ? 9 m ?;,;,,-;;?;,!;:; \:v ?Tim ai mais* " ?-.. ',V,AN' I H.'R iiili-i c >l" -Vi afb Acyril li. 1-H1.> Ililli lil v . i? .** "- ... ; IMIK Tra-i fr r.n Lb Of li tOoHin???' Will M . M. iioaou Mai J at i d. m.. a I r**_?e ?? ?H"rJ__l__ -w?MJia> a _i ap THtj *'. wuuu, lr**?ur*r. | -Financial. MAY INVESTMENTS. ABB?BM Ac Pike's reek < eatreil Branch Inion Pa SMBOftaSOM (ia, 1WV. Chlea_oa*(I Allan Slnklaa Ftwd Gstts Oe. lfOS. fa-lea go. Burlington end Qalnrf Sink, bia Fes4 >"?*, 19(11. ? ( blcago ned>orlhwretem Re*-I*t*red Cold ?*, ltO_ Chicago, Kock talon* and PnrlBc lat Ba. 1017. t kl<-aao mid Eastern Illiuola lat O*. 1907. Ciurlnmvl, Richmond aad Fort Wayne ajMtr. lat 7a, HUI. Celnmbnanad ladlanapolla Central I?c7a, 1B0A rolanrba* <Ss Herkln? Valley l*fTe.lS?7. Columba* _ Toledo Itt 7?, 190.1. Dayton _ Mlcklgaa (gear. Cia., Ha millen & Dayten) Con 3*. 1911. Grand Rapid* cV Indiana Ex. l*nd Grant QoM To 1 *>?!?. Ilnrlem River cfc Portefirster lat Ts, 1?0S. Sen-York A-Harlem 1st 7*. I00O. m orihern Paclflo (Pend d'O-rilie Dir.) lat 6*, 1010. ? -taUy, >lmisfield and Newark 1st 7a 1909. CHARLES T. WINO, 18 Wall**. ?"*?**r nmm_B_a____MeaEeaa__Menm_e???*_?_???_??? BiuIOeuO Xchzct. V .'? ?<> l'o\s nlK isfPHOa... ANT) Wi i il of ail bondi lue on that <J*<? limed by THE I Mi EQUIPMENT COMPANY, and eecured by rn.ling ? ??.. k furnished rallroid* under Cir Trust form. ta paid on and aller (ht*, dam it lb* office of POST, .'i N A CO., No. 34 1-2 I'lne-tt., New-York. and I. W I'T.niK A CO., Nc. OS Snort h 3d st , Phlladelphfl. AP l_ !?*_. _H. A. V FOOT. Treasurer._ THK AMBaiCAS BxqiANOa MATtTKCAl, i',A>K.l 1CS BK'iAliWAV. } Nrw-YuBK. April 24. 1H8A ) \'\ fl. MEETING Of UM Hoard of Uircctora .1 1*1.1 0 s dar. adlTUlsndof TH REP. AUD (iNK.tlALF 1,1 "EH ' :..NT -aa declared uavabln May 1 Drouin*. lrnuafw I'ioX* clo** ta-.lay and wm open Mar 5. __ _Efl WA BP aiKNs, Ca?hl*r. IOHN i'ATON it CO., i/ A2 william.?t N*w-York, a-il par ?<> SI I after Mir 1, ISA*, th* following coapoat und latareet maturing that dat* i LOUPONt of CHICAOO AND ALTON flNKINU ri . ???!:.? tai. . ' PAM)- I.OCIBIANA AND MIitaOCRI UIVER -in .i .'I I. i'OAOE HON Hil. I NI i; lt ?' 't KANSAS (ITT. HT, LOU IB AND niCAOO lit/A HANI BHD PBKFKBttRD rti'uUK. JLffMVAi KF.K. LAKE SHORE* WESTERN .'I KV. ' '>. ? .upotis due Mit lat pro*, from the First il. '.cia- u ( "i * lids led bond* of thi above Company will be 1.1 .ti ,i el thal dal* at tho Nat.onal Bink of Com e,- ? ' MT', BONDS-Th ree per cent Bernl-annual Intereat IB th* Income Benda will alan be paid at the wm time ii I plscO ou pntcutatlon of the honda. QOILPOM NORRIE. 03(eisr.*t, N.Y., April .1", 1888.Treasurer. y.:\: interest .\.\n dividends ort I following timid- and Met?0 ire poraMe at Ihe ., ... BJ hons.- af Messrs. WINSLOW, I.ANllll. .fc CO., 17 Nsassa-st, NeW'Tork City, oa aud after May 1, le*S: Durant routh park and pacifio a. h.. First Mnrigago 7*. 1REEN castle, indiana, Behool ba. iRAND RAFIDOJ AND INDIANA H. lt, Six per cent. bond*. INDIANA STATE, Reg. New tsuite House 81-2 per cent Bonds. KOKOMO. INDIANA, FttOolBf b Ai*. .K FAYETTE STREET RAILWAY, Fir?>t Mortgage OA WRTSMOTTTlf, OHIO, Hil...- . 1 Imp. 7a ?ITTTTiritr,. KORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO, First Monea; o 7s, " berte* E." MTTM'.f !'.<;. EHP.T WAYNE AND CHICAOO, Beean O' KoftBSBS IA " Serle* L." 5T. PAUL AND NORTHERN PACIFIC WT CO., (len. Mortgage Oa, Rcr. Quarterly. rERRA IIACTE, INDIANA. ' ' ? Ja'..- I Gt. IV EST ERN R. H.. MINNESOTA, El; lt MortTtce 7s iV MIAMI, .111 OF, INDIANA, Annual Ca. MAY 4, 1888. IOC HESTER, INDIANA, Behool o*. MAY 14. VHITLEY Cn TN TY, INDIANA, Gravel Road Va MAY 13. ?IARIF.TTA. OHIO, Mm. BM lin. Aid. 8*. VARtsli COL'KTT, INDIANA i.ravel leal 6a MAY 10. HINTON COUKTY, INDIANA, ur*vet Road be. M\Y 17. HAM! COUNTY. INDIANA, Gravel Road Ga MAY io. [ANCOOK COCNTY, INDIANA; FuiiUiik Ga MAY 20. ITY CAMBRTDOF., INDIANA, _ Municipal 7*. QLopaxlntxoi)i^ follett. "~isf Fifth-fvo"~ Xe'riXoriV^iiirA^ySsS'.*~ _1R. ERNEST li. GUNTHER, son of the late Tl William Henry Gunther, la thia day admitted a part? er In our flrm. _OJ}. OUNTIIER'S fiOyfl. No." IS Wail-Vr." " New-York, May 1. It&S. ITR. WAYLAND TBARK this lav withdraw* from nor ll Crm and Mr. WM. M. KIDDER i? admitted l partner. A. M. KIDDER A CO;_ NEW YORK. May ( le**. rltE firm of JVCQCEEIN ft DE COI'PET lt thia dar (Ilitoiv.'d bv muiual 00-SOBt _lthor partner will i.ti In liQuidatloti. ' JOHN H. JACQUELIN. HENRY DE COPPET, LAWRENCE JACOR. We havo thl* day formed a eonartnerahlp under lac Ona tuie ot JOHN H. JACgC^i cr,r JXCQvruv LAWR?BOB ACOB rVH'Fri'NDr-'T.SDIvr.D 'hti'ce formed I ropirtnershlp I under the linn name of WAYLAND TRASK A CO. ,r riv. trenaactlea of a Bfaersl banking b??ine??, incln- lng ie pur.ihaao and tale on coruinlttiou of aecurlwet dealt IB , :L Ncw-YorR ?tock ^MJBt^J^mptm. Member of ^^^^taiv^lT New York. Mty 1. WHS._._ HUE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore eil?tltiB bctweam I the underslirned under the Bim nanve cf OOM), UAR UI'R * KWOIlDS ls thia Aiy dlatolved by llBilUtlutt. 1_ wili-st,, New-York. SO. l**?. CO UN ELI CS B. GOLD, WM D. RARBOril HENRY C. b WO RDS. TIIOMAB J. BARBOUR We hive thl* dav formed a rnp*rtner*B!p under the firm mir of GOLD, HARBOUR A CORNING le u-aiwact a ?ncral banliliiK and brokerage btitlneiia at No. 1* tA aflat. CORNS?>IUff B COLD, WM- D. BARDOjVR, EDWIN CO UN I Ni;', ?Member nf tha N. Y. Stock Exchange. new.York__Aprll 30, 188*. _ New-York, April SO, KW6 TUB COPARTNEItaHIP heretofore ealitlna; htfiwaen Hie ntid'rs'gni .1 under the Orm uame of MAYER. AlaMBTER A CO. ls to bu d_wlved on May 1. UJ*fsi i mutual consent. _.____* .? Either Alexander J. Mayer or Charl** F. Palmeter will ?, the Arin name in BqaJtkt^ R ,,^,,,,-j.^ f A. MAY Eil, ALEX. I MAYER. Referrlnir to thc above the und-r.lfBel will continua the rural brokerage. bu<liies* tl <? New-at., uiulcr ike name PAL.METER A RL'TTEK. u ' CIIA8. F. PALMHTER. _____.N ? HUTTER._ HEW-YORJL April 80. IBM. 1W? COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exUUBg he'ween t'lurle* A. Miller and Jame* Francla. under tho Brm iran of Miller, Francie A Co expire* till* day by Wini lion. Charles A. Miller will *tSTi ts llq"'d?'?-jn_ CHARLES A MILLEU. JAME, FRANCIS. The undersigned have formed a copartnerehtri. under c (Inn name of Miller ?. the tranaactlun a general nankin*; tnd Urokorasu butlneafi, at 37 snd 1 NVa"?t- CHARLES A. MILLEU. rs ward doubleday; Member N Y. btock Kxchiri?e. NEW-YORK, lUrT/ltrft_ \ew YpTtt M?T t. lass. tllF. COPARTNERSHIP HERCTOFOB? lAl^TINp between N. S. Jone*. WHllam (.. M.- nrmi. a. fi ?nnett (.eor^e Kirkland and t-eerre H. Ilmikln*. nndor n tiriti aaaw of lerat*, McCormloa A KoaaaOO, uxp.iu* la day by Il-tuC-jr WILLIAM G. McCORMICIT K j KENNETT. .BORON KIRKLAND, ti EU HOE ll. HOPKINS. __^ New Yoi*. May 1, H*$8. ^HV. I-NDFRSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED ? a lmrtnerahlp utider th- Orm name cf Jnrve. K*S_B0J Hopkin* tor the iranaactioii of a feiiemi hanklne sad ukeraae bu*luc?e la New.Y..rit. nummo wi **ssaB_ F'J KENNETT. Cl OhOE H Iltil'KIV.S. _ GEO ROE KIRKLAND._ (h. aro. M?y 1. 1S?K. .HE I'NDERBIGNKO IIAVK THIS DAY IMRMFU a oeaaruie-isalp under the nun nan.e of W 0 McCOR n c; J (V) for th- trsi'SB'tloii r.f a r-rerat remklnr 1 btokuiaao buries, ac -.".0 did ^.'1 LaSalie-at. OaMOSt*. W. O., M-inner of N. Y. Stock Exchange, late Jones Mef.'onr_ck A Kennett; E. M SWITZER, Late E. M >>wu/.er A Ce.; ^?L^^'^^Homn. A Co.; N iv CHAPMAN. . i_u cai ta A.o-ber Co., St. Louis. Qlmn?emcntB. A. WALLACK TESTIMONIAL. Mr. AUGUNTtN DALY aol Mr. A. M. PALMER hare great pleaanre ts *nnooB*lng thai THK FESTIVAL PKKEOBMANCB in bonor of MR. LESTER WALLACK Will ne alr.n at ta* METROPOLITAN OPERA ITO CB K ON MONDAY EVPNINO. M.lY 21, AT S O'OLOOX, They ar* embie*, with I?? oo-eperstios of MR, EDWIN FuDTH. , MK JOSEPH JKPFCRBOy. MR. LAWRKNCK r'lAlRF.TT. U.UMM' ?t.lllJhS.KA MH? D, P B^WER". Mian hose ooonr.AN, And nany other <lr?natlo artutaof BOOS, toaonouuc* for tat ocxatloa a parlorm**- * ct suakeaaeare'a giami tragedy ef Il A M L I T, to be fire* with a mott reir^rknble eiat. the full psettertlaff nf which will app-sir io future adTertueMeota. Ilia following aciie of price* ha* bieu a .o,.i*i 1: ?.r. ,,-s r.i t-i...,a.?10. Dreaa* cirolo ....fSaadBS, eeeor.lltu to lora-ion. Balcony.tJ. c)?ne i,i AdmUwion. Family rirel*>. BE The Har** will bo *aU1 at at tb* Madiaon Sqnar* Theatre on Tue*d?r. May S, at a o'clock p. m. Applications for a*at* (ta .ny part of tho hon>* erron' t*t* hole*i may b* tout br inti, to A. M. Palmer Madtton -qa.r* 1 liaaire. ami *>,ata li* an spied alricily _ Hie ordar ia rino* ttl* appiieatiaua are receive I. Not mora tIiuti lix st,a ta will ba auld to ? altiela applicant. ADpHcaricMis mult tn ?ll e?ie* b? ?ee.enp?lii'-d hf m<Hi*r *e Oheek. 'I* a*) .-? o-e-l will lt* r**>t T tor 'lellTerr at the box niJJoe of the Madison .-? mr* theatre ea and lita* May 7, or will tie atnt by mail ie the aoMreaa of Hie ap; il' a rt, AU Beat* remaining nnse ate.) un and :i't-r Mar 10 will ??? Naeert on sale at tb* box office of tito M*tro,"ii:;..a Op?r? Ilona*. ACADEMY ACADEMY Uilmore A Tomakin*.Proprietors :i tn I Mauagtt' J-U-B-I-L-V -R W-E-E K * HOWAP.U a--:. 21ft, H'lWAItfJ ATIIICNEOC BK, ftrV.. ATHENEVM SPECIALTY 750.. "io.. hl'EllALTT SO*Y. 01.00, Ol.(>0. COT. MATINEE TO-MORKOW AND SATURDAY. _Ail tkeoreet PeaUr**._ BROADWAY THEA'1 EB, < LOSED ROADWAY, corner tl*t-?t. T..-NIOHT Manager.Mr. FRAN RT TV. SANOKI liASB80MWr**ilSAri'>l' I'll KAT tr. ia lh* WollLV J. C. DUFF OPERA < OM PA NY la tbe gueotucuial' Comic ' <9*t%, THE 1 WEDNKSHAY. Qt'EKN'B MAY I. MATE. MAY a1. Box offlee ojkb from 0 to ft ________ A8EBALL. POLO 0ROUND* TO-DAY Grand T. -v?u? ChaminoiiiM'p ii ima. BOITON VS. NEW.Yo' '?<? (Hine % p. m. ; i.|nil,i'.n:i., To-niotrorr, I; <te , va. New.York. _ B CASINO. BroailwtT tind :.'?ta-oO. Ereulng* at A. Muline* '? al A A MOST ItFMARKAIiLK bf' C .-??>. NEARLY 7.".o PK RPO BX ANCE*. POSITIVELY LAT TWO WEEK** OF TUE C. KR AT EST ff) MIC Ol'Elli OL'l'lKsK ON l'.ECullD. EU.M1ME. r.RF.F.TF.D WITH SHOUTS OE LAUOHTKX. Arttnisaloa b<h:. l'.alrsiur. SI.IH?. O:'hes!ra. M 'A Mindai, MAV ll. I is Uungariau Oiicrotta NA WV, Cy FRANCOIS C1TARSAIGNE. Composer of FALK**, Entirely New lostunie*, S. -n.-rr. Appointments. Ae, SALEOF SEATS comiueuce* TH IS MORN INO. pHJCKCRIlfO RALL. Vj TUESDAY EVKN.'N't.. MAY 1. ATS '.'''LOCK. Major Pond has th* linnur to BaatSMSS the onir anBear*tiee In th* I'nitert BtaOaeef tao fatnoo* War Arm: of Tua llluv Haled I.OUckiu New*, Kr mtlton prior, In bia tbrlillnc iloaeriplinn of tba .-.rn lao War, thu Nile Eg. te.i.tiuo, aaiitue iiisaairoui defeat or Dakar Paiba at Tria ltab blxty.tnree of bit ORIGINAL B&VtCHEM wlllbaahown on aa enoriuoai eccl* by meant of th* Oxr Hydrogen Lime Llgltt. Tietnlt. SI; on tal* at the Hail ant at Ho na berth'*, 31 t'a'.oa Square._ ^ fPHiCKEKIMQ HALL.?Annual Cnriowrt ol V./ tb* Yale o.-o aint Il.injo c !n a lor t;..- I. hi:.: ut UM Yal* L'iiir?isity boat dali. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 4, ISSft Tlek*t*on no at Ctn,:k*rtl| Hall. DOCKSTADEK'S THEA I I.E.lTv. 1T-9_H| SPECIAL ANNOCNCKMEN : COMMENCING WEDNESDAY EVEM.Mi. MAY A FOUR MMHi'K AND O.VK MATINEE. VICTORIA blDDu.N.i VKM'ORIA BIDDOKi AND HER MOCItTTY COMPANY IN A ORAND FESTIVAL OF SI 'ABOARD PLAYS. We.1. erenitiir, I AH YOI' LIKE ll. Mar 3. with all theotlKiual Miltie. Thor*. eTenluj, I PYOMaI.Imv andttALATKA, Mst S. I and tifl- abai li'* hose nf s t.-- -,.* Friday era. Mar Th* new ?Ur Or Wm. Eennna 'lill, 4 aort Sat., May 5| TWO I IVES <iF DK JECYI E. Mat. an! Nu tit. j Faatnral srrue* from A* Yen Elke lt. POWK-FOL ATTRACTIONS ANl> c.HEAT Altai <ir SOCIETY AND PftOFEtVXlOBAL AKTISt':.. JFTr.0 t.ioi lal Tiiatiuets by Mis* snl io'.a and'o- pmt$ Tl be flTeu it Minali Srjuara Tbeatie. 'J p m.. Ttnirtdaj and arlday. May A aad 4. Ticket* al regular prices. DALY'S/"" Jo-tiiBlif it BUS M.VS. Matinees* tanlay at 3 3d WE_K 31 ?mt POSITIVELY r.A8T PK'tFO'tM ANCEO of this su. . raarol irltd* UaU, ".l LAME OE CAKD-V -THE Cl RC 178 lUDEIi." A PANTOMIMIC l'EIIKAl:SAI. Neil week-COMPLETE CHANUK '?F 111 l.l.-Ne\t week EDEN MUSF._. 2'M-Bt. and <>rh ara Op*a from ll tn ll. Admlstlon. 50e.: eitlldren, -ie. ; o'.ie. r t -in Day tn Wes. aH .lallaty. LAST VVJ KE UC ' OK :: Ol' BUYTEKFLY HIIoW. HE I I'KRFLY SHOW. ERDEI.YI KAI /I'S (iSCIf KsTr'.A-Dar and ETetllng. _AJeeb. tbe BjUallSf i Ues^ Automate!.. .BAUD OPERA HOUSE. " etna G Reserved (santa, Orchestra Circle and Ila irony. Vas. Wedaoadar I vat c noouwiv Batardaf .Metiuee. ^AI U (,<'ulm ?*? Mat I tree. In Tl'BNED CP a*d LEND ME FIVE hu iLi.lMiA. _Naxtweek-A HOLa IN THK (IBOUND, LYCEUM THEATRE. Uh-are, rad Md-at Daniel Maser THE V\ lOffi I?' xibb l.ifTan. Mia* H*bSii*BIL Ml** :>.l ?viii.- vviiM-' - lon, M.a ir.ily. Mr*. Waleat, Mr*. Whit. eli,U ..-.,. "I- !|SH Mteare. Kelley. XHIer, Wabot, lilfc >Vlr;-.. - w?'??<?, Oirkami. le.Morne. lMHbJime. BaaTiuiiSlCi^M^iti** r\*.|u?*da) aod ^i'.nr.lay. vmLO's." MtilAr^i a.t IViierved t<;ats, Orehestffl Circle an! P.i. , 'r To-Bl(Iit| i>tli*tta>'s At'ierlia.i |. .r, ('IVNi^til "HELD KV rill: KNKMY." ?' Bl LD BY Tl i K ES EMS.' Speeiai Prina<t1oa ami Imfevlaal OOSO WUh Ute ailtlin:- *l "Ml il.',... Matinee* Wa lin and Sa'irltT. _NEXT WEEK (LAKA AJoRtlH. WTAR THEATRE. t7 THE NOVELTV OB nt''. BBA80X. MoNjKEYS, I BKOCKMANN'S PONIKSC, I MONKEY Till Al KK ?0. OOATS, Tlll.l FLAY, lill'.-. EAU .il. OOOS, 1 ai tail t.'.? i'u . ? anil Cirrat Itiifere, Malleea* for Chill ran Wed need ir. Fndiir und -*tnrd*F ( ouiwemiLK at J ii m.. ore', a' ', ;.i j. I r.mii.: ? 1'o.n , o.,ei?. 7 .Vj. b*b'inae^O. Prioaa-*!, T?, .'un; '.'So. I .Mum -J ai .1 boo. oidcUTT OF~A"MhRICAN AIITIST-: * fD TENTH RX fl IHITIoN. I MOM OPEN DAV AND KVENINO LAST j AT THK YANDELL tl \ I.LE RY, WElaK. C0R.6TH ave. 'nd iain sr. Adraltiloo. _.'. i-etr.s. ttTANTiARD THEATRE. "Vim,' *-' EVINIHOH ATS. SATURDAY MAT. AT 2. rKICKS, tl J'h ti '?". ..ix- and JJ . BFIL BUItOES- in . "VIM." " Laaaliler kearty anti ( ?ntiinioi.*."?. i mica._ THALIA.-Last wock of POSSART. BAR I NAY. ol Kits. T-uiaiii. PRoIlEPt'EII. Wedn*?.iaf WILLIAM TELL. Tksrsda*, JOUBNALISTEN. fruUs OrHiiLl/t. Hatorlar, WALLENSTEIN'S TOD, W ALLACK'S. Under the dlreetlnn of Mr. HENRY E. ARBET. POSITIVELY EAST WEEK OF Tilt WALLAEIt COMPANY. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Tu*tdar.OLD HEADS AND YOUNO HEARTH Wast Mellon*.LONDON ASSl'HAN' IB W*<1. f;.MONEY Ttnrkdar."HE. STOOP-. TO CON QC EB Frular.SHE STOOPB OcoNc.' En Kat. Matioo*._. school Eoll -t'A ? O.vL Sat, Evesin*. BOHOOL FOR BJOABBaS Seat* for all performance* on nala. "\ ET?nlnc*?t8 IS. Maii.i*es*t? (L MONDAY. Moy?.-THE LADY OB HIE 1'lOEi.. uy M>x'aniriOp*r*''O'lipsuy. SEATS NOW ON SALr^ >V TAli SONGS. QFTTYSr.U r.e. OKTTYSBI KC. 10TH-ST. AMII lill AVF. K m-AYE. thKATRE. n ATKJ-Atr Qa3 O admis?ion .-?> CBB ra. TO-NIGHT AT H. MAI I.Vl.K -Al I KllAY AT I OILI.EHT. D )NNEI,|,v and OIRARO AND AN BXCBLLBBT i oMPANY, In the lat.-ai laiahtas kit, NATCHA I. ti AS. >A'I'URAL (iAls NATURAL <;.'.>. 14 TH ITSSET THKATKE. Cor. ?tt-a asea ai Muiitu of TUE MUX ALARM. Matlnre* \t *.lnes.||v xll,t Satwr,1ir. t$clvtt9 anb /ll**etittao AMEBIOAN T\STITUTK.-Thc Quaiicrij **? Meettog will be heil cn lliure'ay, M?y ?". ?t B 8 cork p. Bt, at Clltitoi. Dal.. A*t?J 1 ,_ J. TRUMBULL BM1TII, bec AN ANNI1 \l. MEETJNC. ? ? h onnera in Ike (l-i .Marbi* tVnie-. f .r he eleellou of Ave Tieatuo* fm I ? ? a ? . .1 l>e i"i<l it No 17 i.i,., . U in IS, cm Monia)-, May ti, .om Vi u. i e*eBsea p. bx. _ ANSON KAkEK. S...-. :-'f.y___ MKS. DK." KVhliKI I'S Vr<v Li-rniii-s ru Laytiet wi'l ho eontinntd todar. I 10 p. cu., at 31 Irawercr Park, nott il,.." tn yn.iker (htirch VllW YOKK HISTORICAL SOCIKTV.-No. c-t tlc* ki Memiier* A at*ted meeting wli! I- '? ld or rur?dsv eveiiles. Mt/ 1. "l 8 "'clo-t JaMI-'a Cs wi i.i.ini; LC P. Pr- li"i "f <?:. isiiy Waahinaiiin. D. C. wli1 ml * p.i|.-r on "The U-arTil I'oiitlei of Hie United State*, From tho "??'.?ii, i f uui (iyy srti.nciii Dowa ti the Out ii i. I tl t'lrll War." ANDBaVW WAi_.tR. RcCvrcUiis Sevrewry.