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TO PRISON IN TWELVE HOURS CAPTURED, TRIED AND SENTENCED. A POLICEMAN TVRNS BCK6LAR AND 18 PROMPTLY "RAILROADED" TO SING BIRO. Policeman Charles Rickert!, of thc Old-slip squad, was caught in thc act of robbing a store on his post carly yesterday morning. Overcome. bj shame at thc discovery of his guilt, he staked to bc sent to prison as quickly a> possible, and twelve hours later he whs dressed in a convict suit at Sing Mng. Valuable articles had been missed lately from the auction afore of Reilly _ McElhinny, Na 83 N_*?u-*t. Thc things div appeared at night, yet the timi could see no l>r> ken locks or other traces of a burglary. Captain McLaughlin made an investigation, and thought thc thc it* were committed by some person who had a pass-key to the store. Thc lirm gave Cap? tain Mci?ughlin a pass-key, and he made prepara? tions lor ditching thc thief. Ile arranged some U.11 Japanese screens against one wall, and hung a curtain over them so as to make a hiding placet for Detectives Outes and Nugent. On Saturday night thc two detectives watched In the store and mudc a discovery which con? vinced them thai late??d was tile rubber, but they did not arrest him then, lt wns decided that Kn ki rd must bc caught in thc act. Rickerd MB on reserve uuty ut Hie Did slip Stallion on Sunday evening, huu his next tour ol' patrol was from midnight uni il ti o'clock yesterday morning. Belorc he got tobins post in Nassau st., Dates and Nugent tren Liding in tuc auction store. About I a. m. they heard some oue pushing against ihe door which led to the basement under the store. For more than an hour the detectives heard footsteps in the ha>euicut, and judged from the sounds that only one roan wits thr-rc. ST I l'l'lNO INTO A TRAP. Thc detectives had taken oil" their shoes, with the idea of going down thc basement stairs and snr. prising the burglar at work, when he deliberately walked up into the store. From iheir hiding pince the detectives could recognize Rickerd. He lighted the gas in the otliee, and then began to make an examination of articles in some'of Hm: cases. A silver teapot look ?OJ laney and he wrapped it up. Then be oelectcd hail a do/en siUvr-plated tablespoons, hall a dozen teaspoons and half a do/eh siher-ji'.aieil lurks, which he plaoea in the .arne bundle, lt was alter -4 a. ni. when Kn -kc rd tot NOMI] 00 |0 He went etti by the DBW JUCUt floor and the detectives folio a cd hm a f w minutes later. Tiny saw hi? {in down imo the aft? of a budding near Fulton st. and ran lo him. He was tiiken Ly surprise and submitted to arrest without ii struggle. Hi- booty was still in his possession. Wa*?I he was taken to the police Ma? tron lu- admitted that ba had stolen other things | from the auction store, and thc detectives found 'bern at his balBat, No. 120 Pearl st. About 10 a. m. Captain McLaughlin took Rick? erd before Superintendent Murray at Headquarters. The prisoner was handcuffed to one of thc de? tectives. " What have you got to say ?n Mr. Murray inquired sternly. - Mot?Bf, only that I am guilty and am willing to a-') as prison as BOOB as you can send mc" Mr. Murray took iii- culprit at his word, and went downtown te help " railroad" Rickerd to Sing Sing in thc quickest time on record. District Attorney Fellows agreed to have the case promptly disported of. He look Suiicrinteiideiit Murray and ihe detectives nt mire to thc Gi??j Jury room, nu Indictment was drawn up, and in a short time thc Gi?td JniT bad heard thc testimony and ordered un indictment. Thc foreman nnd Grand Jurors went to the cm rt. room and the indictment wa* lied with tbe clerk. Wickerd was then taken tn the General Sessions building. The indictment against him was for Imrnlary in the first degree, burglary in the third fteglM and grand larceny In the first, degree The charge of burglary in the first degree might have bean difficult ot proof through some technical difficulties, and Rickerd was trilling to pi'ad to grind larceny In the first ?VafflOJO), HO BBB arraigned before Recorder Smyth, and thc plea of grand larceny was accepted. Su? perintendent Murray sat beside the Recorder while sentence was pronounced. Rickerd stood stolidly i before the bar while his plea wf.s entered. THK nrCORDFR PAS?? SENTF-NCE. Recorder Smyth said sternly: I rcjrret to bc compelled to take action In rruir ea** because thu ?pre a policeman, ono of S.OOO In thia rltr. In mr experience a* a Judye, for the last elfht year*. In the criminal court* of Hew*Yetti, but thro? patrolmen have been arrester* and chirped at the bar of thl* wurt with the commission of a criminal offence. Tou have been on the police force about throe and one-half year* and you eave served In tho army of the Lulled State*. You have brought disgrace upon an honorable caftlna, disgrace upon your uniform and disgrace upon the Police Depart? ment, lu addition to that, you were a sworn officer of the law whose duty lt was to protect the property and lives of cltlrona. You wilfully violated your duty. Sev? eral times, lt seem*, you entered tho premltet on whick you were discovered. It ls fortunate for you that owing to the peculiar win. atructlon of thc house which you entered, you cannot be punished for tiinpiery in tho first degree. Accordingly I have accept- tl ymir pira of prand larceny In the Amt de? gree. Tho law Bees ant punish viii with adequate sever. Ity. When a public*olhcer, clothed with the majesty of th" law, undertake* to po outside of his duty to commit crime, I shall. If he ls brought b-for* me for punishment, Tltlt on him all the w-vrVity Vt*? the law allows. The aenteiice of thc court ls that you shall bc Imprisoned In the Bute prison at hard labor fi r tho term of ten ycart, Rickerd made no movement until the Recorder had ?Slabed bis ronni r ks. and then he turned and went to the prison pea. He was quickly hand? cuffed ninl was taken to Uso Tombs, and thence to tba (Irnnd (cul ml Stat inn, so that h' might bc In Sing Sing prison within twelve hours of his arrest. riCTIMS OF MAY-MoriXG CONTAGION. MANY I"*. OP IE LEAVING THIS CITY fOR LONG ISLAND AND JBBBBY. For a week the May moving contagion has held Us tores*?| sway In this city and Hs suburbs. Yesterday lt attavked all classes, mostly sparing the very peon and ihe very rich and to-day promises no abatement. Careful lii'iulry yesterday In alt parts of thc city re? vealed the fact that a great many families are. moving this year, ihat all tho truckmen are busy, aud that th'iy get fair price*, although one pissinilst was found Trim complained that lhere wen" too many men In the BB?BOBO, and ihat ko had obtained only $". 50 for cart? ing a load of office furniture and a stove from No. 34 Park Kow lo rhamtxirfc-sf. The Iruckmen, unlike the haekmen, are permitted to make any acrcement they can as to terms, but may bc summoned to the Mayor's office if they attempt to charge more than wa* agreed. The Mayor's Marshal suegests that families Intending la move had better contract for the whoa* Job, and not agree lo pay so much a load, a latitude that would tempt the honest truckman to make Ula loads exceed? ingly small. Only here and there was a loaded furniture truck seen on the great Kast Side yesterday afternoon and there were scarcely more signs of May Day aetlTlty on Murray 1IUL Hut In th* numbered cross-street*, east and we?.t, were one horse aud two-horse carts arid covered wagons ami great bia vans?scarcely a block that was no; ornamented orftfc at least one. Down lATlngton-a\e. passed ail day, borne In magnificent spectacle, thc household pood* of a mighty people, th* ? great middle 0?0?* The most general aiovtnr, seemed yesterday to be In the district between Forty second aud Fifty-ninth sis. The Houston and Grand ats. ferries afford the most direct outlet fruin New York to the newer wards of lirooUyn, and during the lai>t week the procession of loaded furniture true ki over these ferries to Urooklyn has been twice as great as from Hr, ol.iyn. At the Ilrldge, too. which has taken away all the moving business of Catharine. Fulton and Wall Street ferrie*;, tho balance ls inclined the same way. alumna;,, pm ira nearly even, and Uie I it arfrfTiw',/!,K M,"' '' '" """ direction "f Jersey lng to \o5 Kk!'* Wjl> *" 1"C0,">-<*'-'-W? sw-s-unt com _____?? _***?*SM WALL STREET. The limned partnership of Alley, Dowd _ Ca *x plrdyesterday, W. Hunt, the special partner, retiring. ' ' The firm cf Cold, Harbour A Swords, No. U Wall? et expired by limitation and . _ew _rra of GoW Harbour <t '..urning was funned. J. Nelson Portend mired from the firm of Fel? lowes, Johnson _ Cu The Cnn of Thoma* Tlleston * Co. expired by limitation Mr. TUeetoa will conti?ue bu.luea* at No. 45 Pac bango Ptspe, and Arthur _____ ., ,,, lame plain as a broker In bondi wnco?" st the Miller. I'lanels A Co., No. ;i7 Wall-*!., wa*,*! hy Miller A IS', _. junior jVtnet betaflS block kioange member. * "" MADE IS SAXE RY TUE liRLWER/e TROURLRS. Christian Clundt, a barroom keeper 0( j,-0 jj*. Aven io A, ls at thc DoflaVBB Uospltal, having BOBO?M Insane over the IMBOBBIO1 trouble, lie sold Kbret't beer and a few days ac" a committee of the tocletler aad lodges meet ii | at his place called on hain and toltt hira that if he didn't substitute union boer they would have to seek other quarter*. At the bar -room keepers' meet? ing in Beetler Hall a few night* ago he tried to mah* a sp*-cu la lavcir ol the boss bu-weis, ont waa hissed off the puif'ur . Last Friday night he etsui-cd Mr. thiel thu nw ould settle the whole trouble win him at once Tl / morning at the Police Btatloa oa IlfUa-st. he reueated the lami atory lo aa eiciud and I rambling manser. The eflleor In eherge thought him 1 to Be Insane and had kira brought before Justloe Pet? terson, who sent him tu Bellevue Hospital for exsm Inailon. The physicians promptly declared him In Sane. He will soon be taken to the Home lintel, a private asylum, on Long Uland. It lt though* that with proper care he will recover. HOME NE ITS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE IIOTF.LaS. BRUNSWICK?Cnngic**m*n Ira Davenport, of Hath, N. Y., and ex (lovernor J. C.rcr/ory Smith, cf Vermont. FIFTH AVENUE?Ex-Senator William H. llarnum. of Connecll-iit tJlLSEY-Kx i oncrcKam?n Worthington Q. Sn.itli. Bl Vermrlnt. and Secretary nf State L. M. Hub? bard, of Connecticut, WINDsOR-Senator Chariea P.. Earwell and Er*k1n? M. Phelps, of Chirain, and kV H. H. Clark* vlc*-pie*ldent of thc Mlsteurl 1'acltlc Railway Coaipeay. WU AT IS GOING ON TO-DAT. Methodist General Conference, Metropolitan Open House, '.i a. m. Board of Aldermen, City Hall, noon. Examination relative to Ills* Debar children. Tomb* Police Court, 9:80 a. m. Real Ettate Exchange Legislative Committee, Real Es? tate Exchange, 3 p. tn ilsa TOO-ltessaa bisebill mitch. Polo Grounds, 4 p. m Examination of Robert Hilliard, City Court, ll 0, m. lecture by ibo Rev. S. Gregory Line*, Steinway Hall, lp. m. Ptof?**or. Peck'a lecture before Industrial Education AeeoclaUon, No. 0 University plice, 4 p. m. Academy of Anthropology, No. 128 Tirk plice, Brook? lyn, H p. m. HUtorltil Society, Eleventh-st ind Second ive., B p. m. Photographic. Section of American Institute, Clinton Hall, lp. a Melton Trior** lectrire, Chlekerlne Hall. 8 p. m. Examination of James Campbell, Jefferson Market Police Court Meeting of Eighteenth Street Methodist Episcopal Chnrch. 8 p. %i. Meeting* of Police and Pilot Commissioners, torture on "Themas 0Bl_r?f* by the Rev. M. H. Pogson. Wirteeiith Itaptltt fJBurch. 1:45 p. m. , Oorpaiencement exerj-ea, Young Mtn'i Inst tut*, Bo. 222 Bowery, 8 p. m.. ? BROOKLYN. B. T. Achor, manager of the Alderney Caramel Company, No. 40 Dey-sL, New York, was before Pollen Justice Massey yesterday, upon a charge of defrauding Hayden Clarke, of No. 161 1-2 Eleventh st., out of B704 70, by Inducing him to put lt Into the business of the company, by false representations. Ho was liberated on ball to be examined May 4. C.emrge Marble, age twenty live, of No. "fi*. South Flrst-st, ahot himself in the head on the sloop of the house at No. 24H Ixirlruer-sL, yesterday, and died at once. He was employed by the Lavrrgne Refriger? ator Company, ot New-York, and was well known as a banjo player. No cause ls kitown fur the act. The hlgheat percentage. 1n the examination for Police Captain of the Fifth Precinct was reached by Detective Martin Short, who secured ninetr-nlne per cent. He will shortly be appointed to succeed Cap? tain Wogloui, resigned. PLANS FOR EXJUDOE RRADLETS FUXERAL. Tbe body of ex Judge Charles S. Bradley, af Rhode Island, who died at the Buckingham Hotel on Sunday night, will be taken to Providence at 1 o'clock this af? ternoon. The funeral will take place at his home tn that city to morrow. Judge Bradley was boru at New? buryport, Mas*., in 1819. Ile studied at the Boston Latin School and afterward at Brown University, vi?re ho wa* graduatod lo lays. He had lived ever since leaTlr.g college lu ProTldence, spending most of hit time In the practice of the law. He was chosen chief .ins lice for the State about tweDty-flve years ago, but re tlgned the office after a few years, preferring his old prac tlc* at that bar. Some years ago he was appointed a lecturer In tnt Harvard Law School, as lt was thought advisable that iBBtf BllBpl thould be glTeti by practical lawyers as well aa by the professor*. Judge Rradley was ono of the most prominent Democrats In Rhode Island and was admired and re? spected by men of alt parties. Iris election as Chief Jus tlee by a Republican Legislature being regarded as an especially high compliment. He was twir-e tho candi date of his party for member of Congress, but was in? fested. He bad been In New-York and Its vicinity for about a month runing alt ton at the Hotel Shelburn till lt was dosed and since that time at the 'lucking bam. He leaves oue other ton, who ls a lawyer lu Providence. WANYMD TO DIE AB HER BROTHER DIED. When Newton Chipperfleld. an eccentric old English bachelor, ahot himself In hi* clock More at No. BU Dlvl* loo**. aeveral mum ks ago, he _id he had only one living relative. She waa bia elater, Miry Chin rflr-ld. Hbo un? married. Ckipperfleld ahot hlmielf bocaue* bs had last nearly all hi* money, aod died In Uie Oouverneur-ejip llciplul Hie elater had no regular home. Occaaionaliy a_ worked at t ahoe fitter la a factory ai, Conn., but moat of the ttiqe ah* lived with nome ?f her ?rqualntenree In thia city Who hid rereh^d favort fr?m her In htr better d?ya. On Sunday ?he went to ?t*y at -a roo_t of Mrs. Guide?eld. it K<^a Norfolk,at. Yea- I NEW YORK CITY. There were 3,M2 Immigrants landed yesterday at , Cnstle Carden. Ihe North New-York Co-operative Building and ; Loan Association hat been Incorporated. The officer*, are James M. "Wells, president; William A. Thomas, I vice president; diaries W. Carpenter, secretary, and . George W. Yeandle, treasurer. The annual sale of ponies for children and ladles, nnder the management of refer C. Kellogg A Co.. will take place to-morrow at the American Institute Building. Shetlands, Arabians, Welsh, Exmoor and Creole ponies, and also donkeys, will be offered for sale. Charles W. Irving, a canvasser for John C. West? brook, an advertising agent, pleaded guilty yesterday to a charge of petit larceny, In obtaining S*" 50 putta the Hoffman House without authority. His employer showed the Judge a pathetic letter from the prisoner's wife, who has been seriously tick, and the Judge sen? tenced Irving to ten days In the City Prison. Charles Frless, who In September, 1887, shook a ladder on which he and a fellow laborer, Bernard Slober, were ascending so thal Sleber fell to tho ground, breaking both arms, pleaded guilty yesterday before Judge Cowing. An appeal was made for clem? ency, and on District-Attorney Fcllow6's application a fine of 8250 only was Imposed. Judge Cowing had the locket which hung from his watch chain stolen a few days ago, while coming out of the Star Theatre. James Hawkins, a colored man, was arraigned before him yesterday for Ihe theft ol a locket under similar circumstances. " Did you steal my locket I" said Judge Cowing. The prisoner denied that he had stolen the Judge's locket, and tho Judge sentenced him to four years' Imprisonment. The Junior class of the School of Mines of Columbia College will give an entertainment for the liquidation of the class debt, In the Metropolitan Assembly Rooms, on May 10. Three farces, "I've Written to Brown," " Little Toddleklns," and " A Matry-monlal (k)Not," win be presented, and Edward Eales Coward, '89, S. of L., and the Columbia College Banjo Club will assist In the entertainment. In the annual Joint debate between the three liter? ary societies of Columbia College. Frank H. Field, '88, 5. of L., won-first honorable mention, for tbe Peltho loglan Society, and Henry A. Glldersleove, Jr., '90, 6. of A., won the second mention for the Fhtlolexlan Society. Mayor Hewitt said yesterday that he knew nothing about the meeting at Cooper I'nlon next Friday, to Indorse his position on tho flag question. He hail not been Invited to be present, and did not expect to take part. People received the announcement of the Increase of one cent In the price of the Sunday papers, 6lmply with the remark: "They're well worth lt" Archbishop Corrigan will confirm 300 persons to? day In the Church of St. Raphael the Archangel, In West Fortieths'.. A solemn requiem mass was celebrated yesterday In the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, Lafayette place, In memory of Father Drurugoole. A concert will be given by tho Park Company, In Association Hall, on Monday evening. Tho Misses Park will play, and Edwin H. Frye, the Impersonator, will assist. The Produce Exchange yesterday unanimously re? solved to oppose thc passage of the MeEvoy Elevator bill, on the ground that lt would fall to accomplish tho end In view?cheapening terminal charges. The Baptist ministers, at their weekly meeting yes? terday, listened lo a paper by Dr. Norman Fox, on Hie " Eschatology of the Modern Pulpit." The Rev. W. I). Perry, of Brooklyn, talked to the ministers of the Ko-' formed Church on " The Faith Cure." Thirty-six additional tennis courts hare been laid out on the upper tennis ground of Central Park, and may be secured on prompt application. Thc courts now number ninety six. By an unfortunate slip of the reporter's pen, the few lines of testimony given by William V. Smith, ex Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, in The Tribune report of tho Senate Committee's Investigation, was published as testimony from the present Iiepufy Com? missioner of Public Works, D. Lowber smith. The present Deputy Commissioner was not called before the committee. The Excise Board Issued 0,608 licenses of all grades during the fiscal year ending yesterday, and received the handsome sum of Bl,372,040 from the liquor dealers. tcrdtr afternoon she put tome rat poison In a cup ol water ind awtllowed the mixture. She said ahe wai tired of life. At the Gouvorneur-illp Hospital liter sh? told the aurgenna that tl Would be uaelesa for them tc aavo her life, because she would surely pul an end u> ll tit thc hrs', opportunity. The turgeona thought abc would die. NEWS FROM THE SUBURBS NEW-JERSEY. Garret A. Hopper, agc seventy-six, a veteran Dem oeratlc politician, we'l known throughout New Jersey, died yesterday of pneumonia and paralysis, at Pater? son. He ttl a member of tho lioard of Ftecholders of Passaic County In 1852, and again In 18?;i'82. Ir 187fi hs ran for State senator against Garret A. Hobart. RepuMii -un, and was defeated by l.MiO major? ity. Mr. Hopper was beat known as a " legislative agent" In Trenton for many session.*, past. Cnless the boss-bullders yield to the demands of Ihe carpenters. Joiners snd laborers, there will proba? bly be a eessatlnti of building operations In Elizabeth today. The men are persistent In their demand for nine hours as a day's labor, tuid will strike If lt ls not granted. One of the fiercest forest fires which has visited that region for years ls raging on the mountains be? tween Montclair and Caldwell. The territory on Aro ls largi and the damage to timber will amount to thousands of dollars. The fire was first noticed on Friday night All of the sixteen delegates selected last night at the Democratic prlmartea In thc eight different wards of Elizabeth will g> lo the Trenton Convention pledged lo Cleveland. All talk on free trade waa carefully avoided. ta JERSEY CITY. The Hoard of Public Works, which ls composed of three Democrats and three Republicans, made aru'her unsuccessful attempt to organlre yesterday. The Board will meet again on Wednesday. The Board of Works recently removed John Mc? Laughlin and Albert Moorhouse from positions In tho department. The men claimed that they were veterans of the war and that under a law passed by the Mate Legislature, they could not be removed un? less for cause. The Corporation Counsel gave an opinion agreeing with the dismissed veterans. NEWARK. Counsel tor President Edward King, of tho Cnlon Trust company of New-York, applied to Chancellor Mr<;ill jesterday for an InjunBttOB to restrain tho West shore Railroad Company from discharging refuse from Us gas works aT Its terminus on the Hudson River upon the adjoining riparian lands owned by him; also for a mandatory Injunction to require the removal of jKirtions ol docks of the West Shore Rail? road I ompany built over the line of Mr. King's property. The Chancellor granted a rillo returnable. on -May 7. ? *> LONG ISLAND. A meeting of fjottiraltal from each ot the O. A. R. Posis of Queens Cot?t* was held at the 1/ong Island Illy Hotel nu satindaj evening, to arrange for a re? union ai Roi?away Leach (lining tho summer, and als,i to lake hirp., toward forming a Queens ('iinjity Al octal lon to turthcr the Interests of the County Post*. (oinmander John s. Power, of Post oiM?, Nowtown Village, presided. Thc n?xt meeting will take place at thu same hotel on May BB, ai b p. m. WESTCHE.VIER COUNTY. The Teachers' Institute of \\ c.-tchestor County be? gan its annual session In Lafayette Hall, White Plains, jesterday. Thero were about iJ50 te ichors present, Lom all patts of tho country. I BO l-l Sing Camp Meeting Association have derided to Open Utelr annual gathering August 7. Tue Rev. Stephen Merritt ha* engagod tilly tents for the accom? modation nf his Jienple. A stranaer entered the bakery of W. Stubbins, Mount Vermin, last Thui-sday, and purchased a loaf of bread. As he turned to aro away he a.sked Norman Stubbins, son of the proprietor, If he knew John Hock? ing, a teamster, who lives on Eleven!h-ave. near ITfth st. He then pulled from his pocket a bottle of whiskey which ki stated was purchased for Hocking, and asked young stubbins to deliver lt for him. Vnung Stubbins did so. and Hocking being suspicious about lt. he took the bottle to Dr. (JIU, a druggist. An analysis showed that there waa enough arsenic in the whiskey to kill half a dor.en men. No clew to the perpetrator of thc attempted poisoning can be found. ALONG THE SOFND. The Italians at Bridgeport were visited on Friday hv a man who proved to tie a swindler. He repre? sented that by the payment of (_ 20 he would secure for them steady work In a NevillItt*I manufactory. Forty-two of the Italians paid the money?B21* 40. The man agreed to meet them on Saturday in New Haven, but ho could not be found. Frank Armstrong, ot Rrldgcport, bat given B50 to the Orphan Asylnni in that city. Mr. ami Mia. P. T. Barnum have returned to their home, Waldemore, in Brtdgeport. RESCUED IN 1HE FERRY SLIP. A MTSTI THOUS YOUNO WOMAN OAVED KROM DROWNING?WAR IT A SVHTDAL ATTPMPTt What ls looked upon as an attempted suicide, took place jesterday morning at tbe New-York slip of tho Desbrossen-st. ferry station. The ferry-boat New-Brunswick left the slip at 2 o'clock, and had hardly moved out when a cry from the water attraeted the attention of all in the neighborhood and a young wc man was seen strug? gling In tho water and was being carried rapidly toward the dock. Alexander Mason, a pn-senger. who lives at No. 41.1 lslcecl;er-st., was or.e of the llrst to hear the cry. He premptly plunged into the river after tho drowning woman, and supported her until Barn I?torfe, ? pat's keeper, threw a rope and as? sisted both In ascending the dock. An ambulance was called and In the BBO??BB the young woman was rc-ii-.'Hated. To au oflicer she gave her name as Ailee Burns, age twenty-two, and h<r home *v? Paterson. N. J. she was taken to Chambers afreet Hospital, where ?he sahl that tor name ls Alice Moore, her age tw. nty-five, and that she ls a domestic In the Hamilton House, Paterson, N. J. At fin-t she acknowledged Jumping from tbe ferry boat, bal later she insisted thai sh* hail fallen overboard. Her condition Is sc Inns, especially as Hho shows signs of pneumonia Bom the sudden chining._ W EX DEL GETS A LICEXSR FOR LIOX PA RK. In Hie matter of the renewal of the license for the coming year bought by ex-Alderman Louis Wendel for Lion Park, wb'.ch has been so strongly opposed by citizens living In ibo neighborhood of the park grounds, Ninth-ave. and One hundred and-elghth st. Mayor Hewitt has written a letter to the INiUce Com? missioners saying that he has given the matter care? ful consideration and concludes that there i* no Just cause for refusing to giant a concert license, the music to cease not later than 12 o'clock at night. He calls attention, however, to the alleged disorders occurring in the streets and requests that the police force bc lnstiucted fi arrest any persons found In the neighborhood or around the railway station at One-hundred and fourth-st. making unseemly late at night. The Mayor thinks that a larger police force should be detailed than heretofore. If the dis? turbances there continue he will be compelled to re? voke ?e license. Mayor Hewitt said yesterday that he thought lt was nearly time for the park to be removed from that locality. He thought that a reasonable time should be allowed to the proprietor In disuse nf his Interest, and he was therefore disposed to give him another year's grace. Next yc-jr, however ii , ' were Mayor, he would refuse Mr. Wendel alleen? there. meuse " ? ? THIRTY TEARS A PIF.9F. FOR RURGLARY. Judge Marline In the Court of Ceneral BOOB?M yesterday Inflicted the severest sentences which have tieen passed on ctlmlnals convicted in this city within t quarter of a century for any other crime than rnur 1er. Michael Fee?_ and Michael O'Donnell -.vere tho ?rlininals. Neiih'-r of them ls twenty one years of Oft, The crime of which they were convicted had all the sensational matures of a melodramatic, burglary Max J. Stein, ot No. 410 East Sixty-fourth st., whllo sleeping In the room Uihlnd his store, was awakened ww the sound of breaking glass. He heard the kev 'urn lp the outside door and then hean! footsteps fomlng towatd the door of bis room. When tho d' Ofeaed one of the men, whom he afterward Identified ?? Feehan, approached Stein's bed, and with a candle In one hand held a revolver against stein's mouth so that he felt tho muixle against his teeth. Tw0 other New Gas Engine "The Baldwin" i I*. h li,i .ir ll,r title tmcrirmn Intltu.i. ._ .. Exhtbitta .it tn* Ut* Amtrlcin Imtltuti /air. Bwth y _ - wt* tnd id guaranteed by -. ?-- ,. r^u.rcu. manurra md guaranteed by Otis Bros & Co.. Elevators and Hoisting Machinery aa p*rk Sn. _.-?.. W rt_ Kow. New-Yerfc young men entered each with a revolver In his hand Feehan took Stein's eoat from a hook on the wall The vest contained a watch, locket and some money The three burglars left the room, and 'lien Stell started up. He drew his own revolver from undei i his pillow and pursued the burglars Into the adjoin I lng room. He fired several shots af them and whet two of them escaped he grappled with I'tehan am I succeeded lu throwing him to tho floor. Feehan min ' aged lo escape from his grasp, but was anestcd BJ ' offleer Voting a short distance from the bouse. Fee hau pleaded guilty. O'Donnell was convicted The two young men were poorly dressed and hu a sneaking appearance *s they wero arraigned at tin bar rester?gr, Judge Marline said that tho crime o which they had been guilty was about the worst on( possible io commit. Ile might have sentenced then lo Imprisonment for life, and had It not been foi ; tholr youth be would, h's said, have mado tho son J lenee even more severe. He sentenced each of th< | prisoners to thirty years In tho State l'rison. REVIEWING NEW-TOR K'S TRADE. A CHBKRFUL ANNUAL RBPORT OF THK CHAMBKR Ol COMMERCE. The annual report of the Chamber of Commerce fm the year ending April :i0 was published yesterday bj Secretary Onrgn Wilson. It refer* with gratlficatlot to the expectations of a healthy trade and Inrreaslne firmness In the financial situation expressed a yeal ego as having been borne out Id the year under re? view. The report says: There ha* been no further sttemrt, a* In 1886. ty create financial distrust by an export cf coln In the fact of favorable exchange*. The American money markei ls now. with a atrong metallic reaerve. beyond the react of apeculaUve combination*. Surveying the general field, we And the outlook satisfactory, and the promise beyond what we are accustomed to expect In a year ol political struggle. Indeed, we anticipate le** fluctua? tion* In the future, and a mora secure financial reat foi all tbe great Induttrles of the country. Favorable reports are made on the cotton and bread stuffs trades, and with respect to petroleum lt is said: The aallent feature of thl* trade for the fiscal year, 1887 wa* a steady and marked decrease In production, estimated at one-third. There has been a large Increase. In hume consumption and some Increase In exports. The total value of exports from the United State* for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S87, wa* 047,000,000, of which New-York sent 033,OOO,OOO?figure* not materially differing from those of the year previous. The report closes with elaborate figures Illustrating the growth of New-York Cit*, H says: The pt?M message* of the Mayor have properly In? troduced the consideration of extensive plan* of practical alterations, lu which sanitary and economic considerations are considered. A Hoard of Municipal Kapld Transit ls proposed, with full powers to control locomotion In the city, open new and bapOOTO SM thoroughfare*. Changes In the method* of heating and lighting will be controlled by nome harmonious eTttem, and the supply of ts-ater be Increased, to the better comfort and greater health of the growing population. The elimination of passion from politics happily conduoe* to a union of men of all parties lu maas'if's of ni'tnlcip.ii concern. Witt a public spirit rn.u.1 to the demands all these chin?' s Impose, nothing yet reached In municipal grandeur la beyond the Jun aspiration of New-York. And her I' may tte properly asked. If lt be not the true policy to unite New-York ind all lu environs under one general tcheme of municipal rule. BURNED BT THE LAMP THE MOTHER HELD TIIRIE CHILDREN WRAPPED IN A BED Or- FLAMES? TWO DIE AFTER HOCUS OK PAIN'. While Knill Falst. a German carpenter out of work, was visiting his mother !n I'nlon Hill, >'. J., on Sun? day night, his wife and three of kll ch ld mn were burned in tho tenement ho.tse No. 1,050 Tenth ave. Ilefore he returned to the city yesterday two of the children had died In a hospital. The family moved from thc tenement house No. SUI West Forty eighth st lo rooms on the third floor of the Tenth ave. house about a week ago. Mrs. Falst sent her two little girls to stay with her parent* In West Ncw-Yoik. f>he sat up late on Sunday night expecting f at Falst would return from Union Hill. Her three little boys, Knill, age nine, 1'hsrles, age lix, and George, the baby, wero asleep In on* bed. One of them made au outcry, and Mrs. Faltt went Into tho bedroom to see what was the matter. She held a lighted kerosene oil lamp In her hand aa she bent over the bod. Frobably tho un? steady motion of her hand, or the sccidenUl t'pplng Of the lamp, caused some of tho oil to overflow. Tho lamp suddenly exploded In her hand and fell on tho bed. Her loft hand and wrist were burned severely, and she was frightened so much that at the moment she lost her presence of mind. Her screams B***B?1 the children and alarmed all the other Inmates of the house. Emil, the oldest boy, sprang up from bed and es? caped with slight burns on his arm and hand. Mrs. Falst was almost blinded by tbe smoke and flames, but sJie mode an effort fn get Charles and tho baby nut of the bed. J. P. Smith, of No. 1,080. Tent have., happened to be pasting the house ai the time of the ox plo-lon. He ran upstairs after shouting to a police? man on the block to follow him. The two men helped to rescue Charles and the baby and to pnt out the flames that were binning Mrs. Falst's dress, occu? pants of the house brought water In peile and pul out the fire In the bcd before much damage had been done lu tho property. An ambulance carried Mrs. Falst and her three sons to the Roosevelt Hospital. The surgeons found that the woman had not oeen burned seriously, and they sent her home with her son BBB? The two youngest boys were burned from head to foot In places and were beyond human aid. Charles tiled after a few hours of ?ufferlug, and ton minutes later George, the baby, died. -? ?. HASTING WOMES FOR COMMISSIONERS A COMMITTEE URGES MATOR CB?FIB TO TUT SOME e.V TBE B(->KD OF EDL'CATIO.V. Mayor Chapln received a visit yesterday from a committee which urged upon him tho advisability of appointing women as members of th* Board of Educa? tion, fifteen places In which ho will soon fill. Tho women on the committee were Mrs. A. K. Wing, Mrs. BL M. Goff. Miss Emma Low. Mrs. W. W. I h.xpnian and Mrs. I. II. Cary, and thoy were accompanied by tho llev. Dr. Shirrs, General S. I,. Woodford and IC. W. lllnrichs, who were appointed at a recent pub? lic meeting to act in the matter. Dr. Btorn said that Ure committee represented many persons. It wa.s not a political action nor an effort to extend the movement for suffrage for womon. Hut I hrs Intro? duction of women In the Hoard of Education might elevate its character, and women had more limo and leisure to devote to educational Interests than men. There were fifty women teachers to each, man teacher and tho former should hav* somo voice In tho con? trol of school interests. K. W. lllnrichs said that although a majority of tho women teachers opposed any chango In the Hoard he believed lt would be of advantage to tho members of the body to have women associated with them In their duties. Mr. lilnrlch* was formerly a member of the Hoard. When tho Mayor asked If there were any women willing to accept the position, Mrs. Caty promised to submit a list of names on condition that they were not to be published utile-* appointments were made. Mn. Cary so strongly urged the matter of appoint? ing women in the board that she told the Mayor that the step might make him Governor, no Was visibly embarrassed, but answered that he did not know how that entered into the problem. Mayor* Gow and Whitney declined to act upon similar sug? gestions for Ihe appointment of women on tho Hoard. UAEINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC! To-?AT. San risa* iii] Sell. 62tJ | Mean ria* .| Mooa'i aga 20 Ul IS WATER. A.M.??a*rtylt*ef,.|0Jar.IsM .1 tieri Oat*. 1.7 P _.?I?adj Ho*- 0:0! I Uor. Iai'd. 0.3 J I Hell BOB* 2:0a INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-DAT. feiltX, Pron. Snlllt Um. Anton*.-..LlTemool.April 31.Onion ( ?rac??.laqruarra.April BL. Red II Helvetia.London .April 17.Natlanal Atlaa.Port l,tm*B....April 91. Atlaa Kibe.Bremen.AprU'al....N (J Hoy* wriiVKuDAT. JUT 2. City wt Waihtngton TUvaa*, *e....Apm !?,....Alexandr* PRESERVE YOUR COMPLEXION. The combination of the Oils and Alkali (Soda) must be complete to form t per* feet or true soap, such as will not burn, or redden and irritate the skin. The Ivory Soap is 99^ % Pure. which insures its being perfectly harmless, and will leave the skin clear, white and velvety. A WORD WARNING J There are many white, each represented to be "just as good is the Ivory'f they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it. CnnYrlcht 1W*. bv Proctor A Oat"Kc T-tTt?DAT. MAT 3. Oallta.Llreraool.Anrll 24,.Cnnarrt *piln.I.tremorn.April 1W.Nation il State of Nerada..illasa-ow.April Vt).sttai* WaealBBd.Antwera.April Bl*.Rad <ur Calen .Asuinwall.April XTr*..r.icltlc Mail Alreaa.Kl alston.April VS.A tia* OUTGOING STEAMERS lO-l)\X: Vessel Temi. lin*. rte Mall?ela**. aa;'.*. Wromlnr, finlon, T.lraroeol. ii:30 a rn 9 am Cur or Para, Pa^lrtr Vail. Aspiiiwill. am aaec ! rrinz Maurits, Royal Hutch, flaytl.10 am noun, j BB8HBBUAT, MAT Sa Adriatic. Whitfl Star. I.lrrrpooi.? 7 am MtaWaoi I TraTe. Ne) Mora. Bremen rta ^otitU'ron. 7 a rn lf>:30ain NoorllKti'l. R?n?ttr. Antwerp.-8 amil nut Chate* ti t*?ts, Baeasaaa, Betweens. ii aa 1 Advance, NV A Rrazu. ports. t a tn Rumley, At .t W I., IlnrbiKlocs._ 3 am 10 am A lro, Atla*. ll ay ti.ll am 1 pm HICRSDAT. MAT 3. 8'ataof aa*r*Tla, state. OBBBBBeT. noon l w.eland. llamti.Atiier. Hamtinra. 9 am 1130am Cityof Atlanta. Aleian Ire Pi ,* ina. Ao 1 pm 3 ena iirtnoi-e, yueuec. Wnntwaril Ulanna._ 1 p ni 5 pat Muriel. (JueBec Aeriuada. 1 pm 3 pia Sill PP I SG NEWS. PORT OF NEW-VOKK.MONDAY, APRIL 30. 1S<?8 A UK(V KU Steamer Koala (Rr) Ortlllihs, Lirerpool, with mils* and passengera lo p sv J Hunt Mrvir AratosT j Bi i Atcataon, Roaton, In bailatt to Simpson, Stance A Vouu<r hii-iiiiier Mululu illr;. Ill-owning, Boston, to William* & Rankin Mtoanier Caracna. Hopkin*. Pnerto C'abeilo Mar DI. Curacao I.'i, l.ann.ivt i 1*. wit'i iii'ise iri'1 -t paasenittrs to Boulian, RUM A Hallett. mired at tim bar at 1l.ii7 a ni. Steamer Saratoga, Ctirtia, .^airtia Anni il. Havan* 4 day* with ni'tae amt passengers to Ja* fe Ward _ Co. Arrlred at the Har at 6 p m. Steamer Cherokee, poane. Jacksonville t <1ar* rta Charles ton. with mdse and passengers to Wm P Clrde A Co. Htaonier E'juator. .Nelson. Wilmington, with mils* to Wm P ClyitAit Co. Steamer Commonwealth, Van Kirk, Philadelphia, with rads* to Robert* A Kine. Phi* Habitant t Rr) Porer. London '-'7 day*, wita ards* to order; re??ei t* J W Parker et Co Hlup Hainaut (Belg), Derne*. Antwerp 40 day*, in ballast t* master Hark Aletander Keith iRri. Mrllgnrni. llano* 37 days, with iron ore le V L Wright vessel le HeantSMll Bros Bar* Iran, eir., ('Panto (Wal). Pirate* Senile 55 day*, wltn mille looraer vessel to ruach. Hyde * Ca, Hark Laity Kllr.alietk (Rr) Huxkatn, Amiga* day*, with Baser to Smith <t Sehiuear; re??el to master Briar Mo** Rote (Br) Purdr. liuMIn Mar 2P, rta I-ons Is land Soutnl, with mila* K ? st Lura*, reaael to trammel Btes ? SUN8ET?At Abbot Hook, wind light. 8: cloudy aad rery atty. At City Ielaact, wind light, SW; hazy. Arrlrad yaat*ri|*T~ steamer Arizona (Br) Rrook*. I.lTerpool. with mrlte and paatengeri lo A M l.'in'.er'ull ct Co Arlr*d at at Ul1?? SAILKD. steamer* Picon*. Lltban: Eie-lra, at Ann* Ray Barks Ckarlttte, Port bTIISSBsI>) Archer CU?BSD steamer Richmond lilli (Rr), Hyde, London?TTenderaon Br** steamer Wyoming (Br), Rigby, Liverpool?A M I'BderhiU at Ce st*ara?r Neaatrla (Fr). Yenlet, Marseilles, ria Lisbon ? Flinch. F.dye <* Co 1 Steamer cyril t RD, Johnson. Para, cte?Rooth A Co I Steamer Flaniburough (Br), Fraser. Burmuda?A E Outer brlilui' A Co I Blt?BM Nacoochee. Rarg, Sarannah ?Henry Yonge. I Steamer Breakwater. Hole, Weat Point. Va?Old Dominion ' 8t Cn. steamer Wm Woculward. Vonna. Rainmore?n N Dewier Steamer llonnan Winter. Hallett, Boston-ll F Dim*<? ship Kmgsport (Br). Morehouse, Shannhai?J II Wine he*. ter A Co Bark Arracan (Nor), Ballaren, copentiagen-Funch, F.dye BOO Rjrk Pear.maser (Rp. C'lasson. HaTre-Scammell Rro* R?rk Jiaele i Ital). Iil?*iiunl*. Cadiz- r lincti. Ryde A Co Bark J Walter Scaiutueii (Hr), McFarlaue. St Julio. Nil - Scatnnielt Brea Bark Falmeuih (Rr), Merriam, Windsor, NS?Snow 4 Rnr. ?asa Bark Cont* Oacar L (Anal), (icrrllmlile, Dedeigatch, Tur? key? Raia Coaullch Brig Vate (Nor) Fltlald, Bahia -Fuurh, Eyde A Co THE ?OVKMBKT8 OF STEAMERS rOBBIOB PORTS. QUKF.!?*.T?>W!f, April 30?Arnred, iteamer Baltic (Br), Smith, from NewVurk April lil, on lier war t* Lirerpool !.o\i>os. April '? Sailed, iteamer Caledeuia (Rn from Nani** for NewTork lf-cvKF. April '.19? Arrlred, steamer La Ronrgogue (Fr), Frauguel, trom **______fc Anneiu.reniea ? Henrt A. I)ampi.*, M. D? 810 Waar l'lmir. ?1**a*e* af tha STerrju* -trite*. denito-Urlniry OOfOBO? Impotence anil (tardily. Hourn? 3 to IBO lo-4. Ladies who have tried Cornell's Benzoin Co*r**tlc Soap are tlelighle'l with IL Sold everywhere ? , ceo ta I. C. HOPKINS, JNO. J. DONALDSON, Preiidcnt, Wcil'rti'twwd Tua*. Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System Co.: Wholrnalc and IC< tail U a ir roo ms, 827-829 Broailway, New-York. BRANCH i 109 lt .-stern Inion IJttil.l Ina.) Neer.t er?. HOU8ES: ) and 3?? l'?ltoa-*t., rireoklyn. To TUA VF,UL.Kits. EXOURttIONI6TR, 11 mporap.y so.rorr.NF.Rs IN COUNTRY, MOUNTAIN AND BEA8HOBE KK SORTS, AND TO TBOSB OOIN<1 ABROAD, we can do ihi jrreater kindness thiin lo levi?I them that the jif. BuSTAVE JAKI.FR'fs iri.illcti t-P-rebei Rlanlo-t*. Cl*B mere Shrvts, Camel's Hair (shawl* PUleeTa md the enuisltcly aoft, imooth and elaattc all ? uol Kiah1 DMieee and all-wiKil Fflf, rilli pei* ur? eepeelaUy i_ptecl ts tin ir needs, belnr cnoler In MStD> r than el?Of linen ur SOttOB, and excvedli.ulr proteetlTC BSSintt ilainiiiuss and i-llimirlo cliana-es. and withal very llirht and Be*?Die, ucuupyltiK but little span; In one* Hunk Bl Ht??< Catalocruc.s ronuln!ii? deKriptlnti*. Illustrations, aampl- s of niiterlals and a full piiee-llat fr.-" by niall. Orders for eond*. by niall et expt?8, and lotfrt of In? quiry should be aadre*s"d tu Dr. Jaegers Sanitary Wooien System Co., fsi? ANDW9 Blt O A DWI \. NEW VOUK. TTEW-YORK, _l?y 1* 1888. # I this day remove my Newspaper Advertising Agency from THE TIMES building;, now undergoing reconstruction, into spafdous and commodious premises on the second floor of the adjoining Potter Building, 3H Park Kow, on the corner of Park Row and np^krrmn Street, the site where I began business Just 25 years ago. ? J. H. BATES. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. JAMES McCREERY & CO. Have Just received a special in f/otoe of Rich Dress Fabrics in? tended for tlic mid-summer sea? son. French Cashmeres in a full range of new shades with both the lustreless and tile Henrietta finish. India and China Silks in beautiful new patterns. Summer Bcnga lincs, plain, striped and figured. An extensive assortment of all wool ('hallies in entirely new de? signs. White wool Dress Goods in great variety, striped anti bordered suitings for Beach and Tennis Dresses, Pongee Gloriosa and English Mohair in blended stripe! and mixtures. JAMES McCREERY *_C0.. Broadway and 11th Street. THE GORHAM MTG CO., Silversmiths, have an assortment of Solid Silver Dinner Ware, that is designed by them to meet the requirements ot' parties wishing plain and simple decoration, white purity of outline, and correct pro? portion, give them an elegance and beauty of their own. Broadway *fc 19th-st* CARPETS SPECIAL BARGAINS. WILTON VELVETS, ENTIRELY mw. at than the price ol AN Or.DlNAItV BRUSSELS, AND EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS, AN I?MERRI VARIETY, AT A GREAT Kl.lrtt'TION FROM TH? REGULAR PRICE. BODY BRUSSELS IRA BUPER INGRAINS, AN I , AT A flREAT REDUCTION 1*1 SHEPPARD KNAPP & CO, Bl?TH AVE, I3TII AMI 14TII STS. KITCHEN FURNISHING. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COOKIM. UTENSILS, COPPER AND TIN MOULD*. CUTLERY, rn LEWIS &C0NGER, 601 AND lint tiTII- IVE, 1.33S AM) 1.310 HliiillUVlY. * ADWAY'C PILLS V Thr (irene I.lrrr and Moniaih Remedy K*r th* cure af all disorders of the Stoaarb,*r, Bowal*. K. ur,. Bladder, Nerven| Dla?B?a, I.onol Appetite, Haast tch*. CBS?BpaatOB, ' ost.vaa.'si. Indlcestlan, Rllloaintaa Veree*, inrlaiiiin;itien of the 1J*?ii*. I*t>i and all d*raag Manta af tho laOSSaal Vneera, lMreir r?je_cil*. coauinlaj at> mercury, mine tal* or dalatcrtoti* driiif*., Sold l#y drugfl.? '.'5 e*nt* a bax. 5,000 ROLLS FRESH CHINA AND JAPAN STRAW MATTINGS, Iraki aactlon and regaler itook. At a 11 rea I Kat-riiice. fae abore luelu'es all Jointed aa! aaamlea* qoalltleaaael borings, iu twautltul .:*. gus (*ir*pt ??as??l>. ^___J Ore airer t lie ie (eudt al mata lett late tue ?o*t*r i?B*r?? tolorln Wt .lou. Al?? u_ leweet qaalitr, at 800 rs?I .Ughtlr damaged, fro. tl* l*?_/ PjSSf'J M l<0 uer roll to 0*00 f*r SSS naeet imperte*. Bl ??*? a?? i*lld coloring*. II. F. WILLIAM & ?0.t ?-TWEEN UltOADWAY A.SD CBHTR- 8T. HAVIC THIS fann ui nun*. P-Mb-B-W Refor. y<m (tty a* our OOBjOBl SJSMOSOBl wt UVS BKfiT LAMP I* TUK WORLD. The 'Rochester Lamp,;' Fall llae *mt*d for co*ntrr ??>! BSBO?I ?* _0l .^ _a*Mf?cturee by EDWARD MILLKR *V C 10 sad lil Celisse Flss*, Kew- V?_ ???a4 lei c