Newspaper Page Text
V0L* XLVIil.^1*5,1591 NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1888?TEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. THE EMPEROR OUT DRIVING. k$ HOUR SrKNT IN THK PALACE GARDENS. -ROFI980B VIRCnoW'8 MICIIOSCOPI. rXAMLNA" TIOXS NOT YKT HMSIIKD. Brr lin. May 16.?The Emperor passed ft good night. Dr. Mackenzie MU emilia. Thc wound presented B good _fft____MM, He transacted business this morning with Count von WintA-rfrld, and this afternoon went for a drive, reinaiuiug out for an hour. The Emperor went out dri\ inp in a closed pony carriage in ti'.e gardens of the Schloss. fgatUUt Virchow's microscopic examination of the WMmUt di^'harged from tin- Emperor's throat bas not yet been lia..shed, and nil statements mane hitherto regarding thc results of the cxuimuutioii are premature._^_ TIIK AMERICAN COPYRIGHT BIL London, May 1-.?-lr Michael Hick* heach, replying to a deputation from tho London Chamber of lom mercc. who preeeniod au address In reference to tho American (opyrlght bill, sahl that the to do justice to English authors would not have gone as far as lt hui lf lf h-d not '"'eu UM1MMU with a protective proposal In tho American labor lnteiost. H wa* ob? viously ? proposal made with a deliberate Intontion to get tho trade of England to America; tho rc fore America was not likely to rceclvo Kngltsh repreoont* tiotu *g-inst tu0 proposal. If tho deputation ? ;....o to say that sooner than such a measui-e they would prefer no copyright lrg'sl.tloti th-ir proposal Wight bo considered, they did not go BO far. BALFOUR POINTS TO THE PA.sT. findon, May 16.?Mr. Balfour, In a speech at Bat? tersea this aatatug, Infornn-d his he-WW H.p.t he had j laid UUtt tho lloan of Commons a report showing j that in evciy year of Mr. Gladstone".. adsUnlatiatioB ; thero had occurred cases in which sememes had been Increased on appeal, and that cumulative F*ntencos not carrying wita ihem the right of appeal had bees imposed with brad BMOMtuH kaowteaga and consent. TrrauLK.NT BliU?BU in 0__M_ht. Berlin, May IC?The Government is actively watch? ing th' t-trikers, who ans encouraged by tho loelaltetB. Tha police have tttud 50,000 Socialist leaflets and arrested thirteen persons. Tho blacksmiths of I;er lin and I.antci:b!i tan have -track. At the latter place tho Btrtien had a collision v.lih the iiollce. THK BIG J'-r.INS RAI- UBI. London. May If..-the BlttMh stearne:- Sardinian, Captain, which arrived at Liverpool May 14 from Baltlmorr, passed numerous timber logs on May B, from latitude 45? north and longitude 4." west to latitude, 40-' north longitude Al" watt* and ou May IS passed a timber raf.. 1TNEKAL Ol' ARCHBISHOP LYNCH. Toronto, Out., May ld.?Tho funeral of Archbishop Lynch took place to-day. A requiem mass for tho dead was celebrated by Cm dina! Taschen-ao. Ibo icrmou was preached by Bishop Hyau, ol Butralo. In the MUOOMbUII there were I ardine! Bight ?nhbllhopa anti t Ishops, niu- tj four , Mayor jail members of tho tit y Council. AU'IDENT TO Till-. NEW INMAN STKAMKr,. OtMfOW, May 16.?The BOW intt'an Lino steamer (Wry of Ncw-Yc-rh, in I 1,tel In;; ihe lia>ln at ( ly.le Bank today, was ta eolllsion With a HM) ton steam shear, which foll. Tl^> steamer lost her bowsprit and fl&uro head, but sa*tamed no other damage. av ? HONORS TO TUE QUEEN REGENT OE SPAIN. lian elona, May ir..- The Quern Kegrnt. Who will open the exhibition hero on Sunday ne.u, arrived hero today. Tba route, fiom the station to tha Cathedral was decorated with floral arches, and Hags were dis? played throughout tho city and on the lhlppt-8 In t:.o haibor. The entry of the royal putty Into the city was signalled by the tiring o' lalntea and thc ringing of bells. Crowds Un.s:l tha streets and gave the Queen Regent a respectful welcome. The pany will stay at the Town Hall. -?__?. KING MILAN AND IUS QDBBT. Vienna. May 1 rt.?Count Kalnoliy paid a visit to-day to King Milan of Servla, The latter still adheres to his decision not to permit Queen Natal.e to return to 1>1 grade. Tho Queen aud hci- son havo gono to Wies? baden. ______________ RAILWAYS ORDERED TO STORE COAL. Vienna, May 10.--A dispatch, from V.ixsaw to the "Political Correspondence'' says thad -M managers of railways at Warsaw, Granlca and Iraa-Gotod have received a m lt arv order dlreottag thea to accumulate without delay on each lino GOO.OCO tons wf coal. TO AID rrALIAN EMIGRANTS. Rome, May 16?A missionary Institute has been ope oed at Placenta With the object of aiding t.Iue Italian- to emigrate to America. The movement was ln_Utu?d by the Bishop of Placen.a. MILLIONS FOR FLENCH COAST DEFENCES. Paris, May Kl.- M. de Freycinet, Minister ol War, _!.<! Admit al Kranta, Minister of Marine, aro Jointly preparing a bid tauting a ciedlt of 50,000,000 for coast defences. PRESENTED TO THE Pl I IN CESS OF WAUK Loudon, May DI.?A Drawing Boom was held at Buo lingham Palace to-day. Tho Princess of Wales recolvod lu t!ie ,: anea of the Queen. Mrs. JThlte, wife of tho United Mates OharfB d' Affaires, presented Hrs. Crawford. M M M;yle.el, Mrs. and Mrs. Mac kin. Mr. White preaanted Mr. Bturgea. AFGHANS AND XUBXDlIANg ITCMTINO. Lon.ii.n. May H'..- (ron Me;-.- iv;.nit a conflict between Af?.i?n.s ard a pan* nf .-alor Turk? omans, who woto _B_ltag the r f!oc_s i.ear tha I lor, and wto rc.-,, ted tha demand of the Afghans for ttllu.te. Four ol each patty were killed. The eaJor Turkomans roil-ed to Russian territory and order wa:, Natoiad. lt !s Rot Ihosght liheiy th_t Uaw will bc any further trtuthle. THE COimrPT MANITOI1AN OITHCIALSL Wlaalfati Man.. May 16.?Ia tha Lefialat-N, Nor ^nay moved for a Royal Ooa_B**Vlon to ir.v.s'igato the chaises apalr-t him, but tho ( ntnent rafnaad his request and carried an amendment to have Korqtuy, Kurrows aid Larlvero examlnod togatheri tho Premier ?Kiarlnt they were all equally guilty. ? PUKED IP AT SEA IN A D08T. Quebec, May lfl.-Tho British bark Jensie, Morris, Captain Farland, from Greenoch, which arrive.! at this port last night, picked up a _aMa_ dory off tho banks of Newf.>indlar.rl on April 30 containing two men named Furlong, brothers, from !>t Joha, S. 1:. Thai had lost their vessel while -shing and had -rifted about for ten days without food Loth me:i wero Biuch exhausted ? ? "TRCSTS" AND "COMBINES" IN CANADA. Ottawa, Ont., May 16.- lt H said that the commit? tee of Parliament ls Inquiring tata tho subject of - trusts," will re;x>rt -in aaaparlnf thrills" .,n oaal and sugar rlDg?j. The repi'rt, 11 ls further said, will regard ??combines"' as conspiracies. an,i wiu advise || d? ? hey l>? made o.Tenees punishable by Uno or imprlsou Bnat 0P1X)SED TO CHINESE IMMIGRATION. Sydney, N. S. W., May 10.?A bill eo-sistlug of strong an*ctments against ! hlneso immlgratiou will soon be Introduced In Pailiameut. Several Vaaaahl now 111 the harbor have larj;? numbers of (hines- immigrants ou hoard. Tho vess< Is are guarded by polite. SEWS ABOUT IHE LABOR UXIOXS. AH li serene once more In tue Lrooklyn flint glass factories. The worhs will be run with a hill brae Up to about the first of July, when they will cloie until autumn. The Carpenters' and Joiner.' Cnlon, firanch No. 4, held lu regular weekly meeting at Clarendon Hall last aight. No act lo* bearing on th* political yu-stlon *? taken. The hon Rrewere will hold a meeting at their head Quarters, No. I Irving place, to-day, to take final act.on in regard to their present corplDatlons, tians *et iMUtaaai ai.d i.i.lve rcpor's. Handiome " Da\e'' I'la.Bl faa Is once more a balk? ing delrgate, having been abeted io p.,?; at mo 1a*t regular meeting of the Biowiutoae 1 utters' Dates, The boycott of Holton cigar dealers u Unug gaaa> geticallj pithed. At the last ?aat_| of ( igar ?nakers' Inteniational L'niou No. 144 a laaelaitoa *M adopted fining any member f_5 who u U. ul woiking lu any factory In Ihtl city that _B_M__BtBm cigar, for holton deilers. I ho aalOB will ?'? hradij :_rter* foi the reason thal pool Ltct . ?hare t- \ *, *raawt u tm 8,00')Cuttrr?* atrlho ti Gi-eenwood Cemetery work. *'r0ttrtb-? ud tem new men ha% e applied for BA ILBOA I) IN TBBB8T& WAYS OF BEC B tl M.ATE REDUCTIONS. CN8ATI8KACTOTIV CONDITION OF WAMI Bl IND 7I.'_NK LIM. Kill-ililli" TItAt >.' . Thero are sumo Indications that the tariff on w-t bound rail fielfhts may bo aahjeated to th? rsni-'uti recently applet to tho west bonni rail and lake tariff ont al New-VorK. That rev.-um: va- daahl dip in tho direction of rcr-ietlon. Wost bou.vl ra' clalnicd by nome railroad men to bo In a very unsatis? factory condicMon and shippen havo oanfldaittlaBy nl mltte?l that neh was tun <a-o tu Ultimate frion.i*. No such thlBI as a "war ..f rates" ls ragtag, fur UM ?- under tho Intewtate law must be aha read and the pBaOttaH bf which rat's are Secretly cut aro not universally indnljrd In. There will b.s a Vtf atOOa effort mado to coitf-t tha evil* ci.niplalncd of I..?! anything Uko an op mi rotl-ietloi: of Mtoa v. ill bo made. A well-known trunk lino officer said yest cr iii y: -I lclcvo that to-day, in the Shape ol Irregular tad lubterfugn of aartoua hinds pa with and wlthool the ? bi.:.n.I rates air) reduced lower than th- \ ? upder the old i-y-:em of rebate, to shippen." Thoa a:_ various ways In which li ls (Charged that tho tartfl is betas eat, Probably tha Baal paoaral method ls that of under I Ullin: or nader-weighing 'lel? and this practice leOOM to flouilsh in spite of thu reoeat eiToris mado by tho trunk lit." conferences i i put a stop to it. Another wai ta which the rad ? haw bean practically cu* la In the allowaaee af axoai sive lighterage efaawjee ami payment ol axtrenM to shippers for tho loadlag of cars. Tn i. la sri! on pood authority thal a road whleh hid previously lcm paying IO cents pisr lill) pounds for toadUaJ has paid Bl* As much as _."> to SO oents per 100 pound* bal been {ol lighterage, thus slicing down tho latifl one-third to a ball it ts avon charpod that some of tb | i I. .vo paid clerk; lu the employ of shippen lalariaa lor aomlaal v...:k which really weal Into t Lands of the ship; -rs. The iiieptimat* practleee by which gooda aw ?hipped v.est at le-s than the tari;r calls for l be? ttered to bo canted ta a ecaadaloni evti-i.t. Many railroad men aro anxious lor a .-p'-eily amendment ,,f the Interstate Commerce law io as to BBbJoat a ship? per who aocepta Illegitimate privileges from tho rail? roads to line and linprl-ontu tit for v.olaln- the law. Then ta no immi of tin Iraak ll nee to eonatdor Ute situation. The AMBoulty of providing rem.iics fm- it is so widely noogntaed by thaee who complain most ol tha trouble that about, tho i- mady Maali i.- ls a hesate opea radoe tlon In rates. This j...Hey eras adopted last aweh In dcaling with the di ?--? I heel troables whoa a tn duetion of nearly .'io per cen! oas ordered. Fr.cuds of the New-York Contra] Rnllrttail claim thal ihat line is (i .. -.y ,,i, erring the tart? When taxen With pillie.pallon lu the general method* they denied the charge and pointed out thai for iv.o montha tha contra] had been carrying only 10 or SO per tent, of the west-bound bmdn - ? prim to January HI Soper cent. Tim (tow-York Central people an) knows lo be seriously iWaeatlaflad arith the pnaeat condition of tho dressed beef name ami to tavor a ndnd iles Bearer to iho ora.-. tmfflc of .5 con! in) pounds. A dUpatcb fr. have combi *c;,d th' bulk ol their cattle ihtpment* over the penn? sylvania Uoad h. order iu bring about a reduction below the e_J ting basis. A Vand-rblll oflieer ask id ;.!'..ut ti e dispatch : ?? it is too I the cay for the live il pp n tu ai c imp! th tl.inp by inch a con blnatl. lt might o before tbe iii - l t ?? f oomblnatl co?fut. it : ? the Pennsylvania i> In,- in to (jet tho live Hock traffic and starts this run ur to explain its ancceoa** III): Pmi___ELPl!IA BRAN! If TO BB POSTZRED. BaUlaoon, May ld (Special).?The Battlaion Chlo dire. lois. IM,t to d:j- Ihe following Stab ol earnings ead expenses for April r.iei for the months of the fiscal year was submitted: On lines east of Ohio Uiver, net InaroaM l^sS over IS87, | I .I'.'- ; west of Ohio Uiver, not decrease. 01,041; Bet Inrreaso of entire system, $_,153. Earnings an.l BX peates tor tho seven mutha of tho fiscal y-ar ISS7 '68, compared \\lth same mont hi of fiscal year IfiSO '87: Lines east of chin Uiver, deon an a, 1870,1. 1 ; west of Ohio uiver, deaeasa, .rio,otB; sammary ol' entire system, decrease, $:-!),198. A torfe amount bas been expanded aa tha road bed and equipment, there belt." more than enough Increase la thal direc? tion to oifset tho total decrease in aa! earnli gai The directors decided to pay especial attention to the ito aatopment ol the philadelphia division. Major nu:', ttlon as purchasing agent \. as accepted, The Hoard conflrnii tho appointment ol I ilhonn, as assistant general bolghl agent for the Philadelphia division, with headwaiters ar Philadelphia. ont Si.rnccr stain) that Mr. Calhoun had bad i e experien.) ki the bolghl department of tbe I phla and Readlag Railroad Company, and arith tha merchandise traffic la aad om of Phlladelpfala, and thar thn appoint mem was made arith a view ol mate. Hally strengthening the traffic organlaatlons >.f the rtaltltnon and Ohio ar Philadelphia, so as io develop tho business of tho Philadelphia lu ait. h. ? ? missouri, kansas and ti eas __ecnoif. Parsona, Kan., May ld (Special).?The i Itowtag were elected at to-day's BWOtlng of the Missouri. Kan pas and Tai ? : ' :? rv Anderson, W. I., linell, u. v. Martineen, w. Mertens) Beary BL Baot, J. Denvllto, W. Dowd, Samuel Moan. George .'. Forrest, Simon .?sterne and W. pond, ail o' New-Tork; I c. Thompson, ol Bedalia, Mo.; David Kelso, ol Par* sm-, Kau.; !:. I'. McDonald, of Fort scott; II. c. :i s. Hendon, of Tyler, Texas. -* A MEW RAILROAD 1 DTH. Indianapolis, May LB (Special).- A new railway com? pany, to be known a.s the Indianapolis, Chatiai a:'1 Southam, h_s been I hero. Tho mal win mn through territory vs heh bow has bo railroad tadlltlee, and will ho a direct route to tho Ohio I i .- through Johnson ' minty, i l the of Brown, Jackeoa, Washington, Darrisoa, Crawford and Perry eouatles, aiei striklBg the heart af soma ot it cal nine*, stone quarries and lumber land in tho southern part of this >t-ie. thi: r.Ai.TiMoiiK and OHIO LOAN". Tho aahoeripttoas to tha 17,900,000 liaitimoro nr.d Ohio loan, which were opened poiterday, v. liberal thal b fora noon lt was anaoanewl that bow subscriptions hen could oni* ba aeeepted auhjeel to the allotments ta London Tbe suhaeriptlous la i?n don an bi a of tha leane and In Sow fork they w n almost as largo* Ihe exact flgune vere not mad.- public. MW KI T.AN'KOI'S UAH.WAY intki.i.ic.knck. Baeraaie-Mi ia'... May ic.-Articles of lacorpera* Boo ami tiuasolklsl-iii ol aU the railroads la Noni.ern California owned or hantolo b laaaed by the South? ern l'aeilie wen- Hied in tho ellice of thu sr,rrtmy of Mlerday. The aatlmatad toagth of the road M 700 miles). The name ol tbe ooraor-tloa hi the .\..rth arn Ballway Company ol Callfurala. The capital stock is |__,000,000; ns par value * loo 1*1 shara. I'li'i-U" 1, Mar M.--Tie BIM Of the ( Bortlagtra and Qalney Ballread asM at tbs eonpaay'i seises b iiy. Then ??' a tall stteadaaee, Un af m - inretins belui? io eli- t a i eafd < f mtoomta, whn will ih in Boston in sis ? sfltaen foi lbs essapeny. Ti.* swst bapartaat mater ut ba?sees nkieb nan ap w..* lbs anaaiaUaa ..f 1 raselatlsa eou__e_dl_a the 1 for thi s'jud t_K<-ii in tb* late sink* - resolution wa* it****-. Tho pr_cnt tuai 1 ut un*.. t,,rs was n sleeted Berridare, M. j., May ' raaans d^T sa ? Bm taway Val k ls ? teaach 1 .?:.-. In sals ? loi it MTa Uni ti... Ksw.Jersey Ceutnl at White House. CeBgraeaaa Pidco'.-_ ls president of tl." n*w road. tedar Baptda, Io"..'a. Maj l< f t\ I.oi..a\, mater in ahaaeery, hat Sad b ? nport alth the Ualtad Court la the case of th ? 'tpa-'e bOB_ of tho lluriliigi.jn, Cedar Baptdl and Northern I known as the tarama an.l equipment bonds, Which have baan ta UUgattoa slnea IBT6. of 'he ?_,.utMi bo mis, ha .-"ports that Mn are established, and amount with Interest to over ?l,00O,O?)0. The 1.400 hoads known a* the I.ackawai,i.a bonds are all thrown out 'Jho m_bi"r ai?o ranorta thal ti.' t!'-'1 mortiraga at:.ouiat to over B_ 1,000,000, iho eaaa will m tried lu DM Moines, _t tno October term of the court. TWO (Ul:1.1 EMIo roi; ttOWMi ItUAUWO, Akron. OhlO, M .ai .-Ka'.lo PhlUlpi, af Cloveland, u_lo, and Aunlc Job-ion, of Atl_nta. two elegantly dressed ami pri*ity girls of BlghtaSa yean, were today anaalad tor UMU staaltag. They were *topp?d In Ibis city j.-Mrrday on a lalagnphla, order Irom Ilolivar, Ohto, foity BU UN] had hired a liven [|c, but falicil to r.-turn ll. orticei. wbu arrrrad to laj ktoatlflad ibo s-rU as the g had bind tha rig, which a. The girb Ire*"-'! ' ..?_.'?? that they hal simply Matted out to have a good time. lahnsoa has b"t.i v_iting Min Phillipa In "*?Bland lor several weelu. The _u_ weat by rall to Bolivar. They spent lief nlfrht In 1*11 here. The names they gu.e aro probably Dctlttoas, but their homes ara a* stated Both an exceptionally bri*:!!', aid from ihelr Innocent manner have pu.zlod all tue oflirers. HILL TRIES TO BtTBI JUS SORROW AT YVOHK CN THE LEO LSI* ATI VB HILLS. MANT SIGNED AND DATS FOP. HKARlSV.8 ON OTHERS IIXKI. I?T Tr.t.-CIRAFII TO THE TRIBTTSn.1 Albany, Miy in.-The (lovernor I* cuttlnfj Into the 4O0 and odd BUM, hi* lagaap from the Legislature, at a rate of from twnaty to thirty This morning na ptoaod hi- slgaatom on twaatp-aaa, and to -morrow as many moro will rsfv.slvo his name. The only bflM that h*. ha* yet allowed tu heeoaM law*, that aro of moah public Importance, aro tba r.ovrnrnetit Supply bin, an aasaadasaal to tba law retaffag rr. cntapious ?s in au mils aud tbs *7.imm:i npr.inprlitlon with Mhich to pa| tie- aarpaaaaa of the 11th Bagtaseat on its trip to Gettysburg In July. from Judpe* lu various pails of Hie s>:aie ( onie qaorioe to tba Governor asking about the Bardi bia] Rxeeutloa ..iii ami when it would galatoaShal f Igaed by tte Qoverae- Ttep aaa Bar* fal of giving deeiatona whleb tba aaw law. if it beaoanM one. Bright set asldo. The law does not po into effect bowavar, until .la..nary 1. 1-"ii. and no decisions aro sui je-r io i' nato after 4 Late this aftaraooa Mr. lilli announced tho d.*?e of th" hearlnc.. Hi waited, of eouna, until after the Mate Oeavaatfoa bad dec'.].! .1 better stay ar tel . t| a to 1 ad a little lilli Presidential i Tho bllbj sljiied by tho Governor to day MUM a* follow*!: Authorlzin? tba QOTCmec ta detail the Otb Ilepltner.t, N. <.. S. N. V.. to tttoad the dullcatlon of a monument at Qettyaburg; the Benja?ta s. Horner, narin ? Mil; anthortatag Onad bray paafe to bold ami Convey Ral estate; providing for a bridfs aaroM Cayngs I:;'."t ar Ithaca; authorizta; tho purchase ol Mate armory ste., oxoept lu New-York Oonaty; Mr. li's atneniliuent to tho Aff'gnUrft of Debt Act : providing for the Incorporation of sod.-ties tn BIO* playpi.linds tor ehDdraa ta cities; pnnrldlag for the establishment of grade 1 Wbaak In Ithaca; author1 the BnaTato Ills I labial Society to set apart 1 fond; providing tor the suVmlnton to tho people Mit November of a prOpOOed C.institutional amendment; providing for the designation bp tba Oovemor of it ai _upm_M Court Jndcoi t<> a'-i as firrlttiriti to the Court of Appeals with tte same powcH tu dtspon af oaaaa when the Court af Appeals calendar shall become 1 a '? b il Ile n- ??? ilty deasandi a qotoh di thereof; aatteri-lag tte State Dalrj CeaaaaMttoaer to Di flVC expert l.utter and cheeso mahers tu visit fa im ? Icnltnral f.iis and conventions to ol ii. ? I ?? I mott _ af .,- butter and cteeae; amending ih-- act aothoria Ing tte Incorporation ..;' soldiers1 monnmenl sesocl*. tloi -: a,ne,,- til- act rotative to couta,, mai ieee of animals; relative to tte puretese by tbe Called of eartala toads a' Weat Pola?; amandli tbs 1 olen-, vetoetrooi paving;lmpoelag iiax of .21 ( ; p"1 ? ways and mean-, Xor the support Ol tte GOVCtW* ?ant* Governor appointed teartaci on ie in as follow.: Wednesday, Maj S3 11 a. m., -en.te bill prorldlng for tho Buffalo and NI rvard! 13 m., ? - bill relative to the oonstrni ' Lookport; _ p. m., Long Ialaad < Ity billa. 1, May S*l ld f tia bin amending a ::ii .,; the Code ol I Ivll Pr appeals lo tte Court ol Appeals; .. 9. m., Aaaombly regulating grain elevator ehargi ? .... r SO 11 a. m., Aasembly 1.111 rotative to of tte ballot; is m., Assembly bill relative to tho _Li,o:.s claim . I and J :. n, 3 p. m., Benah) Mil relative lo the Raw-Yorh City Koral? : _:::.) p. m., New-York City bill.-. Tuesday, May 29?11 a. m., a- i moly bill rn protect dealers in monuments; l_ m., Senate bill relative to the powei_ af stiect aorfaee railroad companies; _ p. ;,i., Brooklyn and Bil bills. Friday, Juno l-l- m., Aaeembly bill relative to Palmyra school bond.; I p. m., A.s.cmbly bill relative iorinatioti of water Works companie. ; i; p. BU, BtBaf ii - net eon-aratag 1 a_d tu Coopcrsto*n and biieqnchanna Railroad ^OILp-II}. Tuwoajr, Juno _-J p. m., .scnalo hill amending .. 834 ol the Codu of Civil i' relative ".i. the evidence ol .1 physician or surgeon; ;; p. m., niy bill relative io mo Investigation o; tte I'piy. Thursday, June . - p- m., Assembly bill provld in,,' for ru pan ? tu thc Aasombly I bamber c. illujfr ay, ii....- - _ :'. m.. Aasembly bill relative ta I in Richmond Coun . . p. Bk, Sonata t.: 11 relative to dredi 1 * toi I p m., Senate bul legalizing certain ! ity bond.. Ul.ll ll l sr.AM) 1 ll Li: 1 TENED SUICIDE, A MANO-MAK-ll's Will; IN' BttTBBlB A YOUNG WOMAN MI-.-I.Mi. An unhappy aramaa Waal to rollo Headquarters fi da] and Inquire I if ber huaband, Mafcnus Ander? son, bad said ho wai a Journeyman piano-maker, abo had baan out of Braal tor several months, Oa Tuesday maning in> waaf to tbe factory ot Mr. I I ava., whero he had ii prom.*e of employment, but ho soon n> tnrned to h.s boam, a. No dos Weet Twoaty-ntotb st., and told his Wilt thal ha was too suli lo work. ii ; ft tba bon s .ru. . morning, after watching anxiously nearly all Bight, Mr*. Ai;!. 1 on re 1 Ived B postal card which ber luis.,and bad malled al Station 11 aa Taeadaj td wi Ittoa .^i tte ear i ?? When poa gel lins my 1Mb w iii bo gone. 1 eoald aol help lt." >iu reporl of Anderson's .i.-aiii bad reseted l'ollco Mis. Anderaoa wai laid that her saged his Blind after a oral alu in ii itmetlng tha . as sent out by Superlateadont I Later In tho day Edward Aboles, of No. 170 Hast Oa - .i' .'.st., ashed tba police lo search tor bia lister, Augusta Abalaa, a^e twaaty-toar, who h. ul '. . clrcumetaaoes a i. ab ea ? 1 bar tor bet lafaty. .\;. rust a bad not been in this '1. and she mi-hi easily t>.- lost rn tte elly. Lately slr- had haea ': ou account of tte death ol her mother and sister In Germany. Bte had been living with h< ; ; Edel I Iftj eighth st., tin: en Monday nigbl s'-'' Mole ool of her room er good alghl and I - to go to lied. STATIST/' TWOW AlfJ> MTWWL TRADE. ?rh UdelpMa, May io (Special).-**!? Ina a .1 BoUolln" today says: ', . b port ' .' Inn. Steel -.nd Iron ore In the firs* quarter ol 1887 amount. 1 to 401,IBS gram tuns or 163,416 tom m.-I" than In tte Brat quarter 1 I j.-ar. Our Imports ol . I quarter ol !--.?? v n 1.1 ; ave fall, n oil I43.SU aa compared with tl i.?i ol la?t year. The lotelcn vain*" ef our Imports ol Iron and steel lr. s Di il quarter ol ? Ung Iron on, Mt ? ? 2,4~B,-Bfl la ibo quarter ..: 1 17. ?-? MVMDWMWD WT A TOWW KARAMAL. Cincinnati, M;iy IB^-Manhal Iiowen. of farthare, a Vtttofe toa I I - bom I HnlnnaM. shot and hilled C. 1). 1'lulPps last Bight Tie MUlBg was doun lU Ibo ('..ur..-ii. bamber la tba preeeeiea af ttu^ Mayor and tba vUlaga offloers. Bowen had nfusrd to pn.seeuf" * n:au wi,., owed Phillips BIO SO, lint worth followed and tho mart-hal pulled his revolver and shot Phillip*. A VAAStOMAWLM TAJ LOB WILLA WtMMWLF. Philadelphia, May 10 (flpeetoI)^-J. 11. BpUaaa, *co sii'y, khot blmaeH dead to-day ti bia tomi at Qood man's Ratal, Oormaatawu. Ba wa* at ono lime one of tba mo*! toahtoaabto saw r li sn I tailors In Phll* ib ipi.1.1, bul tong aga retired fi.m>. BM I, lu New -Y..rh. TO TMSMMMTM MMMWWTOA of ORAXT. Watertown, N." V., May If..- In thc construrtlon of his summer homo on his Ialaad In th* St. lawrence River, near Alexandria Hay, Oearge M. I'uII.-ibii. af Chleafa, bas provided for tho prctcr/atlon of tho room. In the roiRh itrvicturo of the early days. In which (leneral Grant ilcpt while he wa Mr. Puiiu. ans |. ?ii- r,.iti-1 la to 1.0 i:t ,.rii t,ut tho rlrad soldlei'i old avery ; linj t_0 furaltura. lue uo* ? Is 10 tost I . WELL om: TB.OCAAWD ir.r.r i\to a MIXV. VU1 "?::.')., May ISL?Thomas Itowan, siro I Mr many years head man at the Spatb aire il.aft of the Lehigh and Wllliest.arre t'oal ly, BWl a frightful death at a lalo hour 1? ' nil-'ht. lb- a . 1 ;.'?;' cave way, and he fell bnafllBBg dov, 11 the shaft, a dlstanie Bf ai Bl ::.!.. a sump of water fifty toM d'"-)), lu the fail both arm* a*to ? "*w~4 W"*? -" bad** NEW-YORK REPUBLICANS. HARMONIOUS COSVLNTION IN BUFFAT/J. FRANK HISCOCR". CMAVWCBt M. DEPEW, WARNES MILLER AND THOMAS C. TLATT CHOSEN DELEGATES AT-1.A r.i. iv I KH-MD?U THIS MILLS BU? [ar TBL?JRAiM pa lilli IKinOStG.) Buffalo, N. Y., May 1 G.?Thc Republican Stat* (onwniion, as l..ts bern foreshadowed, tai u.i/ '.'.tci laastoOl Frank Muscock, ex-Souator War? ner Millar OhBOBaay M. Depew i.nd cx-S.-naior Thomns C. RaM us, delegates at-lur^'e to tba Ba* publican National Convention. These rtalsptrs VB to Chicago uninstructed for any candidate for Hie Presidency. The only platform adopted wus a tdioit. Maalattou denouncing the Mills fina Hails Mil aw| plndgiui; tlie support of the BapabUMUM of New-York to t lin pend*?to for Prosid nt BOB ll* naiad bf the RaMaoal Bepublicaa CoavBBttim. 'Ihe alternates to th.- dBk_Bl B-St_fgS elms, ri were e\ .Seii.if.,,- Jaaaa Ark-ll, David A. Baldwin, Senator Jehu Ba_SS and _ Senator Daniel II. McMillan. A new Republicen suite Commute,*. ? i-eted and Presidential electors were selected to repr. s.'iit many nf tho CooRrcv-ioual districts. Thia work iras au all day Lisle. AU uf the SSS delegates had arrived carly iu tho ni,', snd most, of them - --acd to he crowded together ai the QtnSSSS House, where iip-striirs '?vero Senator Hieoock, sxrSonator Hillel .-uni ex Senator Thomas C. Platt. About 10 o'clock the New-York delegates, and New-York sends th" Mg delepition of 115 memliers, bald a meeting with Biased doors in one of tito rooms of the Ccnesoe House. Police Ju ri-f Solon ll. Smith neted as chairman. Scarcely h;id the roll hern called when Police Justice Patterson moved that the New-York iWltitBtai sin;:.ld eust votes for Levi P. Mor? ton, Warner Miller. Chauncy M. Dop-'W and 'Un in's C. Platt for dele.aies at-liirrre. This ticket, if adoptad bjf the BtatS Convention, would have .the effect ol' cx<duding Semitor Ilise, ,k Irom tlie list of delegates at largo. Assemblyman Brneet ll. Crosby, who was one of tlie eleven Assembly? men who, by holding the balance, of power be? tween I.,.vi P. Morton and Warner Miller ia the Senatorial contest of lr/sv, managed to elect Mt. Ilise.irk as Uuitt'd States BSBStOt, protested a'/a inst the adoption if Mr. Patterson, tieket. lt would be rank injustice to Senator lliscoek thus to ex? clude him from the delegation which New-York was to send to thi' Nat ional Convention. More? over, there was no |0Jt?Ofttion fol such .in attack. Thc objection would be made that New-York City proposed to send two ol' tba delegates-et-_rge, namely, Chauncey M. Depew and Levi P. Morton. Me had been informed that Mr. Morton did not to i,e a delegate at large. In reply to Mr. -,. the supporters tenon tioket said that r,o hoist iii tj to Senator lliscoek was felt or Intended. In poshing Ht. Morion tho New-York deleon! ion would be simply rx ag its prererenoa for a local can? didate. In their opinion Mr. Depew waa tho candidate f..r delegate-at-large in a certain eenea of other districts than New-York. He could not be accredited solely to New-York, and therefore Mr. Horton alono would be truly tho New-York representative, A vote WU then toked upon .Tudpe Patterson's notion, which substantially wibstituted the name of Levi P. ?orton for that of Senator Hlacock, nnd the motion WIS ad..plc.1 by a large vote. The delegates of twenty-two of the twenty-four Assem? bly Districts of New-York voted in favor of tha motion nnd the delegate! of only two Assembly Dis? tricts, tho Xlllth and the wist, against it. The news of th.- decision cf the New-York delegates pyi_sd%nic_y about Buffalo, sad wis heard of with milch regret by the majority of the delegates from the other counties of the State, ?Mm thors was s genera] desire for unanimous action cn thc dalegi it was fell that the " I ni< a ticket' of Hiscock, Platt, Miller and Depew was weil composed, if the geographical distribution of thees delegates waa considered, Mr. Mis-. ' com? ing tram the eon?al part ..r tits State, Mr. Platt representing the southern tier of counties, Mr. .,- representing New-York city nnd Mr. Miller, the counties of the Mohawk Valley. General div position was at oaoa Bads to the rearrangement ..f the delegates-at?rge proposed by tha New _"< rb del gatton. It was pointed out with some f. rocity that that city waa proposing to tike two of the delegate M_?rge. Senator Ilise,el.s friends were, of course, much annoyed by the pro? posal thal hs should be mad- the victim of thc desire of the New-York delegation that Mr. Morton Blight be elected delegate**?rge. However, the over, tlie mal ter quickly subsided when the following telegram was received by James M. Varnum from Mr. Morton: New-York, Mny 10, 1S8& I notice tliat my BSSM la ? al med foi SeU i -I,.. Natiroui BepaMlsaa Conteatloa. Please ask my frl<;n_i nut to prenti; my nam", as 1 am not S BBS _? ?!_? U3VX 1'- MOMOH. OATIE??WI IM T"1'- MUSK) BALI* This excitement ever, the delegates started fer the convention, which was to be called to order at 12 o'clock 'Ihe kt?to Hall, in which I i convention was held, is a noble buildii -,'. ll is situated open tho chief thoroughfare of Buf falo, Mains:., a broad. Straight avCOUO r;;_ni!:'.; through thc heart of the city. Tha finest buaJ itructures of tho dty, 'lie k_go wto?? and ilmllar buildings taos street at Ito west, rn extremity, while the ? ?ml of it ls ornamented with beautiful dwellings. Midway between the business neighborhood of tho street and ns :. I inda th i Musk Ha? lt looks Uko .some Flemish town hall. Bui red brie!, and terra c.: m. the great tower which ants the build es it a warlike appear? ance which belies Ito purpose. The tront of thc building; of brown stone and nd brick, has an Imposing appearance, which la enhanced by a gigantic arched doorway leading Into the bu.Miner. Tho purpose of the building is Indicated by terra eotta beads of Beethoven, Wag* uer and Monti on the ir. st of the Btructoi* Within the building lhere Is tbs finest public ball in the State, a large auditorium, broad and one gallery. There ure seats i"T 2,500 per? sons. Thc delegates began strolling Into thc build? ing about ll o'clock'. Many of them WOM bl boa?og a likeness of Chauncey M. Depow, with the words pnni.d upon each badge, " For Presi? dent, Chauncey M. DepOW, the only man who cm sarry New-York State." Tho ball was about time Quartern filled with delegates, srhcB a tall man of distinguished appearance arith iron-gray hair, was sfcu quietly wmlkiag up the aisle to thc seats occupied Ley tne Oaondagn County delegation. - llibcocl-. Hiscock" shoBtod through the ball and a thundering round of a; plattOS and cheer-, rolled up to the ceiling in hOBBT of the Senator. Bcatad near Mr. Blsooek on tba opposits sido of the aisle oue coui(i ^ the pood-natur.' I lace of U l.i'u'cnaiit-CoM-riio: Stewart 1*. Woodford, of Ihooklyn. the da ik-featured Stephen li. rrench, Police Commissioner of Hew-York, aad tho been eyed Henry (J. Burleigh, of WW*****1 Nr;ir tbo suice In Uie left aisle sat th;it BBB al bon BM-tB* tioti, ex-Marshal Louis F. I^yne, of Chatham. Over In the right-hand aisle of the hall was seen the gigantic form of General N M. Curt.-, of DgdenaK ..??, D) putmeM Command ttl Army of tha Bepnblk of KevoYorki -"J th(' ??1,'ruli r I of Frpmoot Cob?; I nek- -f M* Assembly. teated in the mdio a.sle was (. I. v.,th Rilv. rjjray W_ a".a __**? S.i,.,t.,r Georgi 1? Sloane und BtMMttW Gt_l Erwin. Tho 1?,11 BSCSBOd to contain v'-ULIs'i Bf Senators and AsSSSBMyi '"'' - , tin (ram were i s-Spoaker Jan i \v. |J Charlea _ I u. ??:.?...... Clark <?( ,:'" Asoembly. Ihey renderrd important service m 0OB0? Bg tbs rhalt?rm. Seated on tho staue -;s<> v*'1'*'' 'aa Sheri??. of Ottos; Androw S. Drav?r. "* AlBBBIi Superintendent of Public Instruction: General J. N. Knapp, of Auburn, chairman of the Execu? tive Committee of thc Republican State Commit? tee; P. ti. Warren, proprietor of "The Buffalo Commercial" and a delesate to the National Con? vention; AssSBBUyflBBB Hunttinc, of Suffolk, Shs a -SlsgSte to tba National Convention; and John S. KVnyoti, Clerk of the State Senate, cai?rs for. the nxsT-jrou-SUD men ov tub .STATE. General John Knapp, as chairman of the Kxeeu tive Committee, called the convention to order. The absence of Cornelius kt. Bliss, chairman of tho Hepur,:ican State Commlitee, broiuht this duty upon tho shoulders of General Knapp. Prayer waa BBSI offered by the Bar. Dr. Mitchell, of Iiuffalo, tha dslsgaSSS rising to their Bast and bowing thotr h-ads as Ur. Mitchell Uttered his lUTO?Clea, waleb was a fervent ../peal tn <.."l to guide the del. fates. Freak S. Smith, secretary of the ftepuhlicaii State Comtaittce, then called the rell ol delegate-, The delegates were watching for iiie names of distiagnlsbed Bepubbaans and cheered cnthuaiastleallv when the name of seme fa. i,rile waa read. ?l-fl*?at? Warner Miller received the first round of applause, and th*n there were (beers at the a*.enti?n of the names of es-Qeverae. Alon/..) a. t'orueii and Stewan <... Woodford. When the XX 1st _aombry District dolesates were reach?d and the name of Chauncey M. Tiepevr wai read, a sturm of cheers swept over the hall. Threr> ehe?rs were given for Mr. Depew and it was several moments before the clerk could proceed with th" reading. The galleries aron filled with Buffalo friends of Mr. Depew, and they loudly applauded tl.e mention of Ins name. AssamWyman Crosby announced that Mr. I>?pew wa* abs'tit. and aaoved thal tbs name of F. Shepard should be substituted for thai of Mr. Depena. The motion was adopted. There was another outburst of cheers when the names were rend of Senator lliscoek, ex-Senator Thomas C. Platt, General Joseph BL Carr. James W. Hustcd, Will? iam II. Bobertacn and Fremont Cole. Cff-Bf?S E. moa mum: IX?VOftaSX CHAIR- j MAN. The roll, Mr. Aldridge, of BoehSBfeOC, | moved that Charles E. Pitch, editor of "The] Rochester Democrat,'' should be elected temporary chairman. Thc motion was adopted by unanimous vote, and Mr. Pitch was condu-'tcd to thc chair by Gili'ral BU-tCd nnd General Carr. When Mr. Fitch reached the platform he was greeted with applause, and his speech which followed evoke! many cheers. When, in the course of it, ' ? ferred *o James *i. Blaine, the greatest en t in:.-...isi.i ii I;,- dai manifested, 'ihe conven? tion b;iLi shook arith applause. A Utrgu propor? tion of the delegates ieu|K'.i upon their ebelra nu.) lt was several minutes before .Mr. Pitch could proceed with his speech, li waa a plain Indica? tion ot the palpable (Bet that three-fourths of the d.l...Hes favored the nomination of Mr. 151aino (or President. Mr. Fitch's reference to Mr, Depew as a favorite rou of Sow-York also was greeted with cheers, and applause followed bia itsUisaast that New York Sepubiioaas weald heartily sapport a Western candidate far Preatdont If .one snoulid be nomi? nal d. air. Fit_h spoke aa follows: QaaBassM sf _a Cern stteai i r the Stat ttae aaaeo ti.* BapaMI pa party, ssaisa-lns t? th- libe-tlaa ot itn> P spic ..:: I io unloa *f tim S;at'*, rrlwiphsS. under Hie leadership Of Abraham l.lrn'*ln. BTB1 _MSS Who, SlthSfl In I?Bli ''? s H.i-'.ii'l. or, in their fmaij. weald i i' Guvs.iiti.i-n!, lt aptieais, >lu a . n* llii> par.y o.' ISO 0|.|, \ a coi, i, lease ot power, iIBS ? si lag ? period Ol a Quer? ier ur * center?, after a history unparalleled lu tho spion dor cf ii. ? sol its i ste ...-I.i|.. iii dlpleaucy an.l la tata, winch it records, for Its combi' I st wat-, it* adjustments, .if reeonstrattlun, ii* ?ro of thu Industrie.*, Its exaltations af tho iai.or, ns Bsaltj ti Bm Suawslal band sf iii-: Itopubllc, sod sbovs sit, Its i.i! right* of tho mill.on* v. ii.ia li ; from bondage ....I sadewed wu.. cltlssnehla. it pea surrendered it* Uah trust, although it nail Baan that Seth BBRSBdei was not at tho behest ol th* unboucht aol the sasBaeBleS rosee of American treeBea. with a (ko vote and a fair count BepaSflfaalaSI would be to-day en? trenched aa msciuely lu l'edeial power as lt wa* when l; tnut. a the cohorts of Democracy, shrieking tho shibboleth raf for tho .alon was a ral.uro or whoti, fur u I lent, lt called to Ui* bead of altai rs the Stoat HS* isla v.h.. throttled rshelllea and te whose heroic quality and sin.:,':" fteetaea* the . ir.-nit of the world paid bonaira. Zhe partr el Uaeala a.-.i sf -tent i? tho pert? sf l.-.v and order, aud lt leOQSIlllOd a* Imperative Uiion lt li.'' V i dlct of tho baUot-box lu ISSI, Whleh, while lu accordance with the form if not within th* spirit of tho I.'.institution, iras still tainted With tread and shaped by accident. vars sse reactionary impulses sassetad Uv BSOlvoa which uro ps .indii'tiv. In pvrpess as wero those whidi bettered tho eaaunaawealth of Oroassrall te ths cu*t.Kiy of tha _tuartd. and aro only less huru.tul la BipiOSSloa b'-causo of tlio rest.alnt liapnsfll upon Ihass by tho SSleasB guar? antees of freedom which Hepalilli anl?i has lae*rperated la the organic law. Tho will la each caso was the _:..:. I'.'ai lion Sons all that lt cnuld do la trying to restore tho bi i'-r. have peas I slat s the i which f> il from tho UBI vi lOBS sf Jan..* Biiclianau, waa pUeed la tho untried lwiiids itt -lover Cleveland and placo if mas in were rananded to the Democratic party, which bad justly forfeited tho popular confident.) and weerjr waiting fur tho restoration w?* dtsttsv 1 only by the obstinacy with which lt resisted anl the sullenness with whleh lt accepted each of tho vital ires Of progress and of reform which have alliio cou .. l tho National wal and crowned I'.ciiublkanisui with tabla Naasra. What sain hat boen found In retrogression 1 This ls tho reviow to v. hid. wo aro invited, ihls ls the Issuo now ls lt found In tho niling of many of tho attest* ppl ..flin s in the iiopubllo with thoso who wen: but re . Inst Itt Is it found ta a violent rights seat, d BPSB tho b> nell (Mai v. i'.:-h Marshall expeaaded the L'oii?i<tu:ioii and Chaim vindlaated pstteaalltyl ls it found Ui ihe sase*noes which tin Chief .Magistrate orders the return to th* **? ,? .:* it I ' ."'ii which t'niou sol? dier, pin f;..r., th* bot SOBM ef tutti*, au older whleh ls Ball revoked becauso of ih? hstu-r liidlgaailou of tho ? Rap?lise? sf Hew-TedM T*ur r_i-*. di?ci?iin?d by Sefeat, ai* silts*?ts. hasaeaieas ai.d hopeful, rea ara nerved t* tu* tvntest by the ssUrale *f Diu.octaoy that you ha. i nilli I) seed lu your o.rn btaoi y*u havo ?o?ii au i.i-cutl\o defy tho majonly of ll. ? poopl* ll Ntnatnaj to oh-y tli"lr eommand tri a ce*isuj sf tba soaasasilt* a-'d f..r a ravlslea of the or-ani.' law, snd la him y?u havo 'i';. sad SSBiSSlSlsiB of t:.*. gratist typo Insamaa i and tha preroaatlea of the vole .ipi.icd uq he.-it?tui^iy and h ts ?eesaiee watt '??- i- '?'? hi.ii.o to the OOBflBOfl weal, w hlcli w..:,il havo SOBS i a c.pantie trahw, ahleh laiposos tha n.o-t prleveaa bu: deus upiiii the homo ^s well as Bpea the holy pol t.o, li l? ar seats ] . nf 'he burden., lt Inllcta Ll>"n ihj lar^^r ar. iu Bf Iho Cation, poa have SSSa iBCaps i-i,i|.i.ic!*m and lii'iileranco "piiy th-ir brlaf and . pa:ts" ta tho fae- of tha voitd, sad jot am t"..u* a rttl.-o tho who ha\o BMKtS Civil Kervlco rn lunn grotomiuc, c . aaa absurd, and who hmo area ? ballot-box upon whose LUilly liio Ilepubl.o di panda, a . f Saaiana ps i :...? moro cl'-ariy thu*. !h"y wit- la ISS4, whoo much of lin; d.* tinetio. betweea ptiaolptaa was absoibed la sentrevamee coiircinlui psiBSillillis* You um hop*if_ *nd with buoy ant puipo^.- ., ni will win, and thal SSSptte the cou ... t lu'inato of na elect..ia! rates dalli ..-t t? th.- Den nemer, as human chattels WOTS ci -? 11\> : si io their owncs f:om the au. Lon blocis la days of }ui-; d'spit) tl." army of retainers Mtl-S Bad d..i.k..c; Sf Shs Jb'edoial b^ai i, i'.l still, la tic laasaafs of our d'parted out not fo. gotten frioud. Mr. Cuitis, " veiy huugiy aud veiy thlr.siy,' anl despite ti,., plat at.nouu. ou.iiit that ?fpaSdeaalSSB has paded it* sslsaloa anl oattlvad Ita u**.s beneath tho reign of a .hallow philosophy anl a OSaitBBSatal l?m. You will win, tho loyal heart u: the North (till turn* toward uatlunality a* uuo aa ihj uceoiu tu tho polo. -eiitlrmen of tho Cnvontlon: It 1* not for me to direct your d.lib'-railun*, but If I hav* at all ga':gei th* ssat?ant ot tho Bspaalieeae ot Kaw-Teeh aright, you do not BMSa to sltt tho Sstesatee whom you will con mis? sion to tho National councils of the party wlih ia*t-lrou Instruction* or bind them a* to their Individual prefer Isa the Katteaal st?iud sssasa x..u otu trust to their sasaalty boJ dleeretiea, safpisasaaiad a* they wm be l.y mtes and con-ultatl'.n with the delegate* fruui sl?t*r _tat< s. Whee thus th-y ha ve reachoi tho wl*e.t conclusion, you wlii uxpoct them to act lu uulauii *o that the voice of imperial N'ew-Vork may hs.e that persua.ou to vhlcli tho i* *ntitiel by her population, her a0*110 ind her ujiIquo position a* tho chief pivotal but-- upon which the SB-SM** of 1^,*-00,OOU of volur* will tu.u. _ou wlU net lasiraal ai loetrlat your Salesatoa la their i.. dividuai pf-tsieoees, bal traaUas tu in r jaMMmaUj iou i.jy ... id el .. btlcaa anraad who wi?h.? ti..:., ile v?ii, bu nu aa?tee in politic*, no wm be timtousbly equipped for hi* Uuty. u? will b* ln O acjualuiSd w.tii th- blStOSl of his c.uutiy. J!o ?iu b' u aaa aha wa* sa the -Hu of hi* country ?i. a her SsstSBlSS hung trembling In tho baUlue. ll* will ba a stat.-stian and not a meio poliu. ian. He will have a uti. ok, * h'.ch will take tn all *rcilou* of the llo pahua ? ? '? Wa wm I* i. aaa. i . ta ? ai? p I saeasS io punish kaaUf to tue flag and *c_<~ oi.eugh to toe Hut Aai.r.i.... pr Ju t* are ont driven out of Amer.cia market* by th* peeper coin petition of the Old World. He will ?yropai_*o enough to C'sutiuucd ou _-c jud i __*. MR MUKRAY FOUND AGAIN. Bl SAYS HE WENT VOLUNTARILY. ANXIOUS Ti) HaVi: Hi's \TIFK COMK TO HIM, BCf Vol MIS MO Til KR-IN-LAW. At last John lioyl* Minny has lyon found. Fla ls occupying rooms iii tl.- New York Hotel, within a st ono's-th row of the Imiiso whence ho was taken. Ill* sister, M:ss Annes Muray, who ?'abd.ictod'' him. and her friend, y ,-.. who BSStttOi* aro keeping bim company and talon f aOBS of tho old man. On Tues,jay afternoon. SSSSS workmen engaged In miking repair* on tho douse No. __l Wost Fourteenth-st., where Miss Stephenson lived, saw Mr. Murray taken feast "ei house by hi*. sister. She was assisted by a> muscular eolored man. v. ho half BS si '-I. Ii-ilf carried tho invalid into a USlllBBB. Miss Murray and Ml*s risoii als.i entered the carriage, and were rapidly driven away. Ar -BaS-pasI ."> trmm k, they arrived at tho ladies' en trauco of tho New-York Hotel, In Waverly Mace, ami wore assigned feaess No. 2, on tho first floor. In order t.i span* the old utan the fatigue, of going up and down stairs. Miss Murray dr.- dsd to keep that room, and the party ls lhere yet, lui,-.dr Leen supplemented by Mrs. -tephoaooa, the mut her of Alice stephenson. Before Mr. Murray had been In the ho'el thrco hours, his wita and mother-In law Isanoi of his being there, sud Mrs. Lelss scut a \v..mau to ascertain whether he was being l.epr away eoattorp tn his will. Tho messenger waa refused SH-llHBnfS hf Mlas Murri?. Yesterday mora? ine, liiiweni ? \'ial callers, and by one a was som to Ko* NI Washington Placo, in which I | SO eSSO-flM his wife to call od him at his temperer*; bassa Tba ateeeeafoe iras intercepted by Mrs. Loise, wl.o ilccli.e.i thal Mrs. Mun-aywa* 111 and routined to her bed and th'rcfore unablo to leavo tko house. Later In the day Mis. A;nr. Kerray BO-OB?Si BS sse a reporter., amt in ti..' m.. view isM: ? it ta aa absurd story that I al my brother. They _;.us.-.! lim lu that house, and I tool, him away so aa to give him better care. On that Saturday I found him locked lu I.U roon:, helpless and alone, and had tn call oh tho polleo that servant-girt would open the do..r. My Implored me to take him vhcre his sight would Lo restored. Just a* wo wera leaving tho house, Mrs. I.eiss and Mis.. Murray rama back, sad made a scene, but they didn't stop me from taking him. I tried to have my brother taken luto thc Now-York, st. Vincent's and St. Luke's Hospital, In turn, but they all refused tu take him, because bia cuse ls chronic. You may speak to my brother him? self If you wish to do so." ? Mr. Murray had Leen In bed nearly all the morning, but Mas sitting up In a chair when a reporter talked to him. Ho complained of feeling weak, aud then went on to say : " ibero are many mistakes la tkees Stories published about me, which Agues read to me. I wa.s hot sbdaotod, bttl weut with her of my o'.vu fess win. Boah?a, I am not a millionaire. I am rory, very BB?OOP to seo my wife, and want to gu Seek lo BOB now, though I don't Uko my mother-in law. I wi.-ih SOSSS ono would got my wife to como aud seo uio alone, for I don't want .'ii ,. LeUs near rue. Bot she will aol, I am afraid. I havo asliod her l.y a Bambi . nf BUBSBSjna. amt sho will not answer them, li si.e does sot come .soon, I think I shall Lave to pu home ? raitt.' Mr*. Lois*, whoo .Kn at No. in Washington Placo, ? ihat her daaghtec now weald not make a step toward her husband. Inasmuch a- ha hail left the boase voluntarily, he would have t<. iioturn in ? ?? manner or stay au av. she added that no len] stops wouM im taken until ' ibis nowspape* I.: - (piloted dowa." ? ? THE HUE RECOED. UDSctmra an invaud pbom the flames. Hy a Uro which bioko out early yesterday In tba bouse of Thooias Kirkpatrick, at .\... st Taylor-st., vu, tho lifo of Mr. Kitknatii?'k, who ls an In? var.I, wai eodaasBtedi Mtaaaaaa sullivan aroused tho other Inmates of the and they got out, but Mr. Klihpatr.i !?. ul aa I l to move, and was forgotten tn the excitement um il he was nearly suffocated. When ho was thought of. Sullivan ran up tho stairs and carri.*! tho Invalid t.. the -si.e t. a loss ol ei_oo waa caused Ly tho tiru, whir ti began In a bureau drawer. I' --KS BY Fin: IN" VA IOCS IM.ACI'.S. I ChariseSsa, May un?Pisa la BlaakvtBe to-day da* etroyed tnouty-fuur store* and house*. Tho total lota la SM,SOO; Ineufaiwia. *"-'i Boston, H .?,., stay IS*?Plas In the flvc-story brick hull lira No. 5 PBpettS Curt, thl* tticruliig, caused the following lesaasi Os building, owned by James T. Barker, $4,000; Cashman, Kcatln? _ Co., prlnteis, eHJ.OOO. In swanee^ s_7,SS0j Dphem t co., boeS-SsSssa $3,000, Insurance, $.',',00 : the Katey O'gan Company, about B2.000, Thu tire, lt ls stated, wa* caused by ?pont_co.? com* bustlyn. I.ockport, N. Y., May 10.-In Kast Loekport laat night the eoopor shop of Jolm IT. Little and a grocery blore of Fred Hine WOOS burned. Little's los* 1* about $o,000, Ibsu:?co 01,100; -linus's lo?, 010,000, lns-r Uiice, $1,000. i ? BAPTISTS FORM A SEW EDUCATIOXAL SOCIETY] Washington, May Itt.? Tho second of tho series of Baptist M.ssl.n Conventions vt4 held here to-day in tho Utterest of tho establishment of a paMBl BaptisS cai atlonal society. 1'resuleut J. C. Welling, ol C> lumbla 1'nlverslty, was elected president of tho con* vintlon; L. B. Bp, of Missouri, and Judge Francis \\ ayland, of Connecticut, vice-presidents, and tho Hov. Lr. _. Qrlaaoll, of Michigan, secretary. Tho Rev. Lr. J. Ii. Thomas e_pl_ttied that tho object of tho project* td society was tho promotion of Christian education, under Baptist auspices, lu North America. Tho flrss address was delivered by tho Kev. W. Scott, of New* York, favoring tho establishment of fellowship* and lectureships for Baptist institutions of learning. Tha BOT, Dr. o. 1*. K_ches, of New-Jersoy, followed with au address lu advocacy of tho proposed society to help resist sectarian aggression, ou thc common school and jiubllo funds. Hu said that in opposition lo tho Konitsh Church, Baptists aro unalterably and firmly opposed to any connection between thu Church and .State. Ho declared that tho Cathollo Church was making a do 1 warfare on our public school system, and In mauy places today tho public school funds ara islip divided. The address was received with . I. Tho Ber, Dr. george C. laorlmer, of i _|. rago, addressed Hbo convention upon tho subject of institutions, especially In tho Northwest. 'Ula , waa _i eloquent appeal (or higher education. i A REUXIOX OF COXXECTICI'T YOLUXTEERS. Wil'iiiaiitlc, Conn., May IS (.peela').-The largest and most enthusiastic reunion ever held by the 21st, Uegimcnt, Connecticut Volunteers, was held in Willi* mantle to-day. A business so-nlon this morning chose Captain D. O. Lombard, of New-Haven, pr >'.d_l| I leateaaal BL _. Cerpeator, ol Baal Hampton, seo retary; Cantata J. B. Baldwin, of WUUmantlo, treas. Kev. a. ML Crane, shelburne Falls, Mass., chaplain and historian. Over a hundred persons, In? cluding tL?s veterans and their wives, sat down ta tllnti. r tn EiceLlor Hall. The afternoon waa de? voted to war mou.or'e. and spo. ches. Historian Crana was unablo io bo prooSBS bat sent an Interesting and valuable paper on the capture of Fort Harrison. Cap* tai::, BOW the. Kev. A. S. Hul.bell, of Buffalo, sent aa cut.i faining account of the siege of Suffolk on Nansvi mond Uiver, Va. Let USS were read from Mrs. C. B. I; tell, seeretan of thc -attona! Woman's Chrtstiao Temperance Union* widow of Captain Buell and il.::.I.ter ol Ch.| lain brown of the regiment, and from (apt ti ii J. M. tSheppatd, of fall River. Mass., who-? $lo chock inclosed for tbo reglm-uu.I lund called forth hearty applause. EXFonciXO pr.oiilltltiox IX RHODE ISLAXD. Providence. Mav 10 (Special).?Vluoro? efforts are Ielng mado to bSmbo tho 1'ruhlbltory law lu this city. Beti tho State and city polico search and sel.o a hali* ISBOB or more places every day, and aa a warrant foe Leeplng, or else ono for maintaining a nuisance, fol? low, soon after, tho courts aro likely to have plenty to do. Ia tho last twenty-four hours tho city police have made eleven seizures, and the State police t_re*v DaS of tho places '? raldfMT by the State police waa thal af iiurke Brothers, wholesalers. Tl.jy were ri*. Mai also on Monday, and a few bairels of beer taken, rho Burke Brothers came out In a card In the new*. [.aper, reciting the facts, and inviting the police lo call igaln. They called to-day and seised a large ?_a_s Ity of stuff, valued at &v;oO. Lr. Grosvenor, the ullllonalre who w_ -nested for letting a place to I USN for a salon;., has ordered out that particular euant. Today u.o Mute polio made a big seisure ivm another of lai-osvonor* tenant*. This activity ;. enforcing t>..0 law ls very pleasing to temperance waaia. Tho nun,brr of arrests lor drunkenness la lis city of l__,uo_ Inhabitant* has boca brought lo v. u io keven a day. -* i . A WWIWWLMWA SUCCESS IX GEORGIA. Macon, Ga., May H5 iSpeiial).?A number ol Georgia irsii! ira of OeerpJB I*. Montgomery, tho Itli-ol* lum ? nulier, met SSSS t..-il_y and apTwIrjted E. O. Harris, of Hants I MHS-Oll , OBS* Oe., to eructed at n.e.. la Illinois ami institute proceedings for the ra* :overy of the!,- claims which amount to Sid,OOO. The ?.aiu.a of other Georgia tlrms **._?lu_C _lt.utgoi SUaWUAt IO *sa'.',.Y.. *-_. .a