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RACELAND SUFFERS DEFEAT j AUGUST BELMONT DISAPPOINTED. TBBKE BACKB rALL TO TIIK DWYBRS-BIB DIXON'S VICTORY. Mr. Belmont went down to Orave?-e>..l yesterday to ere his f-7,5O0 Itacclend run away from the _rw>er Brothers f_0,rKO Slr Dixon. Rut what he actually law. as ho tai on the balcony of tho club? house wrapped In gloom and a great coat, was a rf> merkably easy victory for Slr Dixon. People reasoned that Mr. Iirlmon-t would not have corni to the tiacu on iso damp and dumpy a day II he wore not sure ol auceeei. His presence, and the fact ihat Haceland's form In 18?7 was undeniably higher than Wr Dixon'* ? Kocela-d having been the best two year old of las* year?made the Belmont colt a strong favorite, al? though thia was his first race in IBM voile Slr Dixon bad won at Washington, had had plenty of work In the South, am! was ti,..iou shh eeasoned. >lr. Belmont wa*1 not w.ldly confident, for when ho learned that lie could not get even money against his entry he de? clined to bet a dollar. Tho Dwyers, however, were not much nioie sanguine, and thc- investments on blr Dixon were small, lt wa*, m ?* a heavy bri ting day, t.t tin* atiendonce was compact bocause of UM iain, and If Michael Dwyer had bached Sir Dixon In the bold ityle of hi-, famous Sheepshead Ray bet last year, When he put up tfcM.OOO to win B4.000 on Hanover and carried off the "W OOO, the quoted odds would have varied widely. Betting of that sort in the timid and cautious stream of inoculation yesterday would havo put Slr Dixon far ahead of KaeelanU. Hut Mt Dixon ls not llanover, and it will not do to toko liberties with Raceland, os aonie impetuous people may discover hereafter. Only theie two started for the Carlton Stakes, one mlle, Emperor of Norfolk and Now or Never having been withdrawn. Tho race was run In true F.i.-lMi etyle. Both Jockeys had welting orders, mid the flrst hall mlle wai only a canter, both colts being mndor a double pull. So tho first quarter was covered In the ridiculous time of .'!_ seconds. Whcu they reached the half mlle pest the two began racing. Head and head they ran down tho long lower curve and Into tho homestretch. At tbe furlong post Slr Dixon diew away and Godfrey's free uso of tho whip brought no response from Raceland. Slr DUou won with sur? prising ease in the grotesque time of 1:5C> 3-4. Even the pet of the Pacific Coast, thlck-walste.l Crover Cleveland, can rup a mlle almost as slow as that. Mr. Belmont calmly remarked, - Well, Kaceland Will do better later," folded tho skirts of his great coat about him and sought tho flrst train for town. The truth of lt simply ls that Kaceland, tall. long legged and towering os ho looks, ls mado up of deli? cate machinery. He requires exceptional caro and skill in ti aluin,*, and is wholly useless whon he ls not In perlect condition. Wait a little later and see thin colt when thoroughly wound up. Then even 920,000 blr Dixon may find himself overmatched. Most of the prominent turfmen who saw the Brook? lyn Handicap on Tuesday were at the course with tho addition of D. D. Withers, .1. II. Bradford, J. 0. Don nor and a few others, but the great mass of aniaieur admirers of tacintr, were abscrt, evidently waiting for better weather. Outside of the Carlton Stables lt was a dull and dis? mal day, with soft showers, a soft track and soft horses. Tho Dwyers won three races with Fordham, Kir Dixon and -oldlish, all good performers In mud. McLaughlin was on two of theee, but Fordham's li^lit weight kept tym off, and accepting a mount on Kurus he got second place. lt was depressing to seo such cattle as Kiamal h, Queen of Elizabeth and Miracle win races. They aro poor stuff, Indeed. but tho starting was good, the management prompt and MM?Um and every horse was i.dden to wln.^^ KII'.ST RACE-FURSF. asoo. six fcklonc-s. Dwyer Brothers' br. c. Fordham, by 1 'alV'ttri-seii.eer "Vive, 3 yrs.. 100 Tbs. . . . . IF. Littl.iield) 1 A. J. Cissitt's b. h. Eurui, 5, 120 tear, l-l 1-.., .(McLaughlin) 2 Appleby ft Johnson's b. e. Bradford, 4, IIS . (Hayward] 3 i. K. Adams's b. h. Bam Harper, jr., 6, ISO, . . . . . (Fitzpatrick) 0 E. Condon'! blk. h. Walter T.. 8. 100 . . lOssler) 0 Time?1:18. Betting to wln?Fordbam 7 to 6. F.urus 3 to 1. Sam Harper 7 to 2, Bradford 5 to 1, Walter T. 30 to 1. Place? Fordhsm 1 to 2, Euru? 4 to 5, Sam Harper even, Bradford B to 6. Walter T. 10 to _. Auction pools?Eurus (50, Harper BIS, Fordham $45, field ?-0. Mutuals paid $10 30. Sam Hirper led at the start by rm open length, Bradford second, Eurus third. Eurus ran unkindly and McLaughlin had H b? gin work early in order to move him along at all. Sam Harper led to the half. Hero ho was palled by Fordham, who, gaining an advantage of two lengths at tho head ot the homestretch, brought his horses to whip. Nothing could overhaul him and he won In i big p'l'lop by two lengths, Eurus, with whom McLaughlin persevered diligently, second, a head before Bradford, third. Walter T. did not Uko the going. BECOND RACE-HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES. $25 EACH, $750 ADDED. 1 lg MILES. C Llttlefleld's b. c. Klamath, by Glenelg-Alix, 4 years, 100 Tis, (ear 106).lF. Ltttlerleld) 1 O. B. Morris's b. f. Snt-cljdiy, 3, 100 ... . (Ellke. j R. Bradley'a b. g. Le Logos, ti, 100 .... (Cl.ui.-h) 3 Dwyer Brothers b. c. Battery, 3, S*_S (car 07) ? . . . . . .M'i.'il:''ali 0 Time?2 :02. Betting to win?I* Logos 4 vo 6, Specialty 7 to 5, Klamath 10 to 1, Battery 20 to 1. Place?Le Logos none, Bpeclalty 1 to 8, Klamath 7 to 5, Battery 3 to L Auction pools-Lc Logos $50, Specialty HO, Cold $20. Mutuals paid .100 40. Battery made the running to tho half-inlie post where ho collapsed. Le Logos then passed to the front and ",ci around the turn. Coming Into tho stretch Specialty made up and when squared away for homo dropped the favorite In the mud. The filly appeared to be a certain winner, but Klamath crept up in thc middle of the course and beat her on the post by a short head. Le Logos was third, three lengths back. Battery crawled in, greatly distressed, twenty yards to the roar. While going to the post he fell and threw his rider. Neither was hurt. THIRD RACE-MYRTI.F. STARTS. $50 EACH, Bl,OOO ADDED. BBU-tMO. 1 1-10 MILE.-!. Cotton A Boyle's ch. f. Que*:, of KUnbcth, by sensa, 4 years, 04 lb.(Dueler) 1 W. C. Daly's blk. c. Valiant. 4. 101 ... . (palmer) 2 Larnasncy Brothers' br. g. Brown Duke, 8, 104 . . . _.(Church) 8 Excelsior Stable's b. f. Golden Reel, 3, 87 (eat Of) _.(Prone) 0 E. W. Heffner's h. e. Ravellcr. 4, 05 ... . (Kilke) 0 /. E. McDonald's b. g. Longknlght, aged, ion .... .(F. Littletield) 0 Time-1 :5<5. Bettine to wln-Longknlght 4 to 5. Cold<-n Reel 4 to 1, Brown Duke 5 to 1, Valiant 5 to I, Queen of Ell^aiieth 8 to 1, Reveller 10 te 1. i_tlB T0-_Bal|.l nene, iel |$_ Ree] 8 to 6, Brown lru?e 2 to 1, Valiant 2 to 1, Qn en of Ellrabeth 5 Po 2, Ravella 4 to 1. Auction pools? Le.ngkr.lght ?30, field f'.'L Mutuals paid $42 4*,. Cyclops, Choctaw and Speedwell were withdrawn. 6tart fair. Long_nl_ht led to the stand, was pa*-"! ly Raveller, gained tho front attain on the turn and cut out the work to the halt, where he gave .jp BM chav. nunn Duke sulked in the rear, half a dor?i. leneths benin 1 his field. Making the lower turn he nv ved up to third placo, (leiden Reel leading. Valiant secoi.d. Coming lrto the ?tretch Queen of Elizabeth Joined the leader.., paned them on the run home and won, ridden nut, by a length and a half, Valiant second, the same dl.tance before Brown Duke third. The favorite wa*, a wretched last. The winner we* bought in by the owner for $2,450, an advance ot 1MB rOURTn RACE?CARLTON STAKES. TURKEY EAR OLDS. $50 EACn, tl.500 ADDED. ..M. MILE. Dwyer Brothers' br. c. Sir Dixon, by BIM Tiotiaot 118 (oar. 119).(BcLaogWIn) 1 A- B.l-iont'l b. g. Race-land, 115 . . . ((Jodfrey) 2 Tlroe-1 :-o 3-4. Betting to win-Raceland 1 to 2, Slr Dixon 8 to 6. Auction pools?Raceland $200, Slr Dixon 150. Mutuals paid al- 30. Emperor of Norfolk ind Now or Never were withdrawn. Tho race resulted in a half-mile struggle liol? aaa BM $20,000 coll ind the al7,.V)0 jf-ldlng. Both jock.vs hal received unli-n and Hi-y waited <.u es.-l, other with 1 vcugesn.c. neither being willing to go out and make the pace. As thoy crossed the line- McLaughlin pulled 6lr Dixon ilmost to a standuiia, forcing Codfr.-y to take? th* lead. Before reaching the tum (iodfi.-y che. lied Rtice land and held him down until Slr Dixon cante/el up. Then the two leisurely loafed ah og, side by side Tiie first quarter was covered in 82 seconds, the second in 83. Reaching the hali. Mrl.iiushl'r, pave h.h tm?ll Mr. anl I Blr Dixon leaped fo)w?rd. The race was al last begun. , Raceland, quick ai a fl.,1, on hl., ,, ct_ ,,,,,?- ;,.,,., hi* op? ponent and th., two ra.-d a> mmt -t lower tara n*-?d and ' head, the spectators being ,Me to MP (>JiU -t-T-* wno . had the rail. Coming tuc the mela- McLaughlin rode I wide, and when faniy struicl-.tcnrj ont f.,r U,c final run Bir Dixon steadily dre* wau Mm na Ulan (I Godfrey drew his whip at thc su Went li-pole and used li vlgoieuely. but thc gelding did not baye his speed about him and was unable U. rospodd. Slr D.xou won by twa and 1 hall lengths. The lasi half wu? run lu _i 3 4 ntundn. FIWH RACE-l_RSEt7-0-TWOVEAR.OI.DS. HALF Ml Li. Dwyer Brothers' b. 0. GolaUf-h, by Prim,. Charlie or M.gli-K.lh. 115 Tt, (esr. Ile,, ?' x J. E. MiDinalJ'? th. c. Bbb I P. 'Lorilla'id. 'jr.'i b'. c.'sii.t)?m,'llfj tF' (.i.y*".r.i 8 ti. B. Morris's ch. c. V.IulU"-.. 115. . . ,<. |l.,,, 0 C. Mooney's br. f. Oiucga, il- - . . (Broaaouj 0 '1 line-O 52 3-4. Be 1 Uni to win?lioldflsh 7 lo IO. Slotrsm 4 lo 1, Bob Furey 4 lo 1, VolunUior 6 to 1, Oaaaga IB to 1. l'lace? Goldfish none, Binirini 8 to 5, Bub 1'ur.y even, TataBBBBB 7 to f>, Omega 8 to 1. Auction pools?(ioldiiah $40, field $40 Mutuals paid $8 00. This wu Mclaughlin's idril rice?(>o!df!>_ first, and all the time. The old story 1 Running start for M?? Laug-Un'a nount, ind thea till over. Goldfish won lu tho asiest possible manner by two lengths. Bob Futcy second, wo lengths before Slntroni, third. ?XTII?ll-C!-- -VVIl.TK lt ll AN Die A I' BWBEPBtAKBB -$25 EACH. $(00 ADDED. SIX Fl'Kl" Al.plel.v _ .loht.h..n's l>. c. Mlincle. ly Fali??*tt"? Mirani... ;i rears, 112 rn (car. no . ("?__,r*< J, McMahon 1 -?.'? ch. f. .-'??? Iwell, H. 120 (<_rrWon) - [?otton . Bntle'i br. n. l.'i. 1 '.. 5. l'-'i ? , [Uonohoo . Dwyer lllet'e is' -M. e. IT.WJ.e.t. 3. lld M< l.*?ucl>liTj) 0 R. \v. Wilden'! m. e. Betao-. ii. 112 . (LltU-fleld) 0 VV. C. Din* b. g. by Km-; Ernest-Revolt. 3 ll-. . .... .1 silo ri 1 Rdgmo'nl Mable-s ch. g. Flnvfilr. 0. 120 (Fitri.itricK) 0 ;. vv.D.snn's rh. c. lt.inker. .'I. 112 . _M_rt*":! V. W. Harald v (V's hr.g. film Puller. 8, 112 iRatterty) 0 Betting to wln-Frosprct 2 tn 1. Letrltla 4 to 1. (speed. well 4 to 1. Refund 4 to 1, M'lacie 4 to 1, Revolt celdinc SUI, Banker | I.. 1. m I? I'm kr IB M 1. l*l?'c-PrOs peet 4 le o. Letrltla 2 tn 1. Sp.od.sell B le %, Refund 2 t" I, Mliacle even. Ri mit gelding 8 to 1, Banker S to 1, San. Harker 4 to 1. Auction ponls-I'irspcct e50, Miracle $26, field t70. Mutuals paid BTU IB Miracle gol th,- r>. si of a fair stS't and held Ms sdvan tare all the way, winning by three quarters of a length. Prospect rushed to the fron' it the garter, but 0,'iiikl) ?aural QpeaiweB wot?atUA np on BB tua, Wai (Jar rlson was forced to dtsw her out of u pocket, which lost him more ground than he could WAU up. Speedwell war. second, wh.pped out, Letrltln IBM THE ENTRIES Voil TO-DAY. Two Interesting stakes will Ik* rteeld-d today, the Brookdale Ilindia* p and the linds n Main's. Tl,' Rad being out of the way. llanover ought lo win the Brooh dale, with Dry Monopole second. In Ike HadBM Stakes for two-year-olds Oregon can los five pound penally. This fart and the five jail?Bl In plac* of the half-mile of the Expectation Mahes ought lo> Buddhist to FaWBtBB the icstili of tin* Expectation and tu win thc Hudson with Oregon second. Tr.siati should win UM IBM TWOW, mUMm IBBB UUWL Tho second race should fall to Favor, Kaloolah second. Following ls the full i;st of probable starteis * FIRST RACE?PC Rc E. SEVEN FURLONGS. Karn.-. Agc. Wt. Name. Age. Wt. Brouuhton a 117 Han v Fields ii IM Wilfred 4 115 Tri.tan 3 lot) Benair Juno 4 113 SECOND RACE-HANDICAP. ONE MIRE. Name. Ago. Wt, Name. Age. Wt. Favor 'j lit* Florence M. ii '?'*? KaloUah 5 113 Argo 6 '.'i Bessie Juno 4 10H Cyclone colt 8 Oo l'ortiand 6 lu2 THIRD RACE?HUDSON STAKES-TWO-YEAR-OLDS. FIVE FURLONG'S. Owner. linns.1. Siro. Wt. Dh ve, Jlrolhcri Oteg.ui Onondaga 3-'" Sj. ts. Brown Buudhist Hindoo 114 A. J. Caaaott The'lartar Stratford '.li Caatle tualta Diable l-.oius lal Excelsior stable Gipsy Qucea Ri.u.-id'Or 112 J. E. McDonald The Belli Ri.}?i. d'Dr 112 B. vv. vv*uiden Heteeotelr. Hopeful ii FOURTH RACE?BROOKDALE UAND1CA1*. 11-8 MILES. Owner. Hors.-. Sire. Age. Wt. Dwyer B.othera Hunovc lim i m 4 Ixl A. J. G.s-att Eutu* Eolus 6 117 w. Urtu lirv Monopole Glenell: 5 HO (.. tl. Morris Favor I'.il Malley 6 110 J. D. Moirisscy Kaloolah Longfellow 6 115 W. I.'iinii._? Dunboyno (Joell 4 111 Acorn Stable Richmond Vi ntl! 0 111 D. I). Withers Fit/i..v King Ernest 4 110 I). J ..Mei art-y C. ll. Todd Joo Hooker 4 lld m. Mm.. Grover cleveland Monday ?? Ma W.C.Daly Fl.-i. ncc M. Alarm a IOU FIFTH RACE-SELLING-TWO-YEAII-OL--. FIVE FURLONGS. Name. Wt. Name. Wt ?weet Avon io" Lim.* Bar-fool IBO America 107 Bravo IBO Bli lg ? -in io l#l Darling 97 Minchins, 100 Yinilia filly 07 SIXTH RACE?SELLING. MX FURLONGS. Boaaa, Age. wt. BaoM Ai*. Wt. Oriel 5 115 ct.uiei.iv .< UM Mur-n Redon a 112 Goura Beal :i 101 Calera 6 111 Johnny Kelly I '?<?'? Lucy II. 5 iii Bcaalia 3 DJ Sam Brown a K'S i .. ?* race at Bil! p- ni. JEROME PARK HANDICAPS. Secretary Luveci ifi snnouiiccs these weights for tho Je roi.m Fark handicaps: FORDHAM HANDICAP. 1 1-4 MILE. Name. Ape. Wt. Nam". Ag". Wt. Dunover 4 130 Bessie Juna 4 110 4 1S4 Aurelia 4 110 Eolian 6 12- Connemara 4 110 Linden 6 ISS R-iI-.| lau a HO V,.l;.nto 0 139 I.uh I'r.tnroK 4 108 Exile, C IIS Wi'ktiaiu 0 IM Laggard 4 118 Orillaiiuuo 4 loo Ben Ali I HO Wlllr.'d 4 101 Blue Wing 5 IM Qu eu of Elizabeth 4 101 Eui-us fi lld Guano a 101 Richmond tl li.". Valiant 4 mi Kal-..lah 5 115 .I-.....-. 4 05 Joe (elton li 111 Klamath 4 !>". Mis- lord 4 1)2 Bi-ne-l dine 3 95 Collah . 4 Ul Vosbnrg 4 IM Runert ? 110 L'gf--U'w.Vlctr,si f 3 le. Belvidere 4 110 Cl. ola 3 e-0 CROTON HANDICAP -ONE MILE Name. Age. Wt. Nain". Ag". Wt Han., v-r 4 RIO Strldi-wnv 4 105 Kingston ? 4 121 Banner Bearer 6 K'S Eolian ? 6 ttl Argo | mt Cvclops 6 120 Rustler 4 Kit .Stuyvesant 4 ISO Queen of Elizabeth 4 IM Bi n vu 5 118 Pasha 5 101 Bowral 6 Iii; Beana a IM Blue wing 6 lin Koi'dht.m I 105 .)"? I "it rn O Ul Mil. 4 loo Flrenzl 4 115 Artel 5 IM Kaloolah 6 115 Nlat-ara (Atlantic) 4 9s Ennis 5 115 Coldstream 4 M Richmond 0 114 Ilamilioii 4 fi Flt/roy 4 111 Prime Roral 3 '.; Ovid 4 1-3 Now or Never 3 07 Mis-* Ford 4 113 Ordwav 4 00 Aur.iia 4 Ul laekawaaaa 3 is Bradford 4 lil Oaeeela 4 05 Ben.ieJuno 4 lin Bela 4 95 Collah 4 lin Jubilee 4 :." Crlsctte 4 110 Paster 4 jj CUm-v 5 10!) Sp*.dwell j M Stockton 4 108 ('him,Uv ? f?ft Lady Primrose 4 H'7 Darri 3 90 Masterpiece f> 107 East', ihole 8 90 TV ??. 5 ld-, r-i .-.iv 3 Wt Georgo Oyster 3 105 Cleola 8 87 CEDARHTTRST STEEPLECHASES. The supplementary entries for the spring meeting Of the Rockaway Steeplechase Association closed yesterday at noon, and thc handicap welphrs will be announced to? day. The number and quality of the entries are a creal Improvement over all previous meetings, and thu meeting ls looked forward to with considerable Interest. Follow lng Is the programme for thc first day, next Saturday, May 10, raes to begin at Cedarhurst at. 2 p. m. Flrst rac?Inaugural Sweepstakes. 3-1 mlle on the flit Second race?Welter Purse, $500. Throc-quarter milo on the flat. Third race?Malden Ponr Handicap Sweepstakes. One half mlle on thc Hat Fourth race?Th'- Creen Hnrdie Race for 1858. Furse, H,OOO. Ope and one-half milts. Fifth race?Malden Hunters' Steeplechase. Two snd three-quarter milec. Sixth race?0|K-n Handicap Steeplechase. Two and one-half miles. Sweepstakes, $10 each, with $400 added. THE COUNTRY" CLUB RACES. Thc propramme for the Country Club steeplechases, to o-fen at Pathes next Monday, has Just been laaoai, Following are the races for tlie first day : First Race?Maiden Polo Pony Flat Race, about half 8 mile. Second Race?Open Handicap Flat Race, about one mlle. Third Race?The Ladles' Cup, full course. I nth Race-Open Handicap -teeplrchaie, short course. Fifth race?Hunters' Handicap Steeplechase, full course. Sixth Race?The Pelham Handicap Steeplechase; an apaa handicap steeplechase for a purso of Bl.OOO; course about two miles and three-quarters. 'Vl.LIFET WINS AT LOUISVILLE. Lo-jl.vill-, Ky., May 10.-Thc** ire the winners of to? day's races: First race?Gilt House Handicap. One mlle. Maa hill (112) first, Whltenose (105) second, Drumstick (05, third. Tlme-1 :48 1-2. Sc, ond nice?Chan piigne Handlenp. 1 1.8 miles. Gal liret (IM) tl-st, Hypasia (102? iccoiid. Libretto (115, third. Tun" 1 :55 1-2. Third rac?Purse 8-100. Six furl.mes. Dlim (88) first, MeMurty (92) ?ee&nd. Palish (US] third. Time? 1 :20 12. Fourth ri(e?Purse f.l< 0. in.' fu-longs. Lincoln (115, fi j sst. Castaway (105) second. Aba (1(*2 third Tim- -1 :ot 1_. Fifth i-.ii.-l'urse if-K'O Hall mile. Flmnus (04) Brit. Joyful (04) second, M'l.nlo Palm"r ;'ll) thirl Time 0.0b 1-2. RACING IN ENLLAND. 4 London, May 10. ? At the N'ewu.aiket second sprln? meet inc u^diy the race fer th- I I .:,?? was w..n l.y Ie ri lU.'.lney's bay Ally Bellata MOM, Mr. rai.eetr. chestnui ("lt Th" li..i hun.s eas se nd an 1 I .'oii' bay fliiy Bellalee thirl Ila batilM balati r was 4 la l afaloal Baaala Morn, 12 t. 1 i gi ran Tie Loidruriis, d c, 1 a/air,-t Ra: ha. an. an J 3 to 1 s-*iri?i th HamptonLaly Kars illly, the favorite. Ti. : iwrlie si, , . TIM* IK.vms OA-OB OPXB8 AT L0BOWOOD, B *ton, Miy 10.?The tennis season st the Ix.niwoo' Cricket Breoadl was fuin.nlly ..p-ie-d thl* afternoon. x match eetweea Dwight ind IVUill was wmi kV the former, 0 2. 20, 0-2 Dwight and Sears beat Fettltt ml Mani field, 6-i, 0-3. ? .*?/.'/; OOVLWWT DELIVER TUE mWMTAVMAWT. a I Baaarla. a ttotR* aaBlBBBBB-Br, Wvmt t< No. | Bl I 1 ?? i -. ? . Iii lorine ta lust flf Ie<n ;. ?'.is, and .lin on Al r.l *.'; he liw a. sn ? - Oit-nl In a (..-nus i pa;.-, f... J " ri.h.- ?'?' 'J la t h. roi.dui' i -,, in,nt i,i* _vlB_a. He wau ;?? Ba mmmu ?f the n i.mant. H.-nry VVillisru*. ..f N ?. Ill I md ws? Ih ;? al to Mt. Jchai.u.. Nu. iii'i Broaaaa-aa.) ii:*- a^B^eaad paeprtetre*-. Maagns paid down thc *iwo he tm1 savio but WM** ha s t mpici IO take po tttama ot tlc r> sruui-iiiu Vir> .Ne .it, * bu bund pm him otu. Mr. BeWOTtl s.w.r. ou | *.a^-..,r SfBbHI nt. of tia !?' Berlet i\,^n s.jud, ar.c-.iei BTIBlnM md Mi-. Neworlh ye-or.iv sit ruo .n. T'ey w-r- Ball .u default of ai.OOO ckh for e\aiuinaii. I ..'>, siy* thu hu wife had no rljht whatever u. sell th: r..staui__t. HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTEIA BRI N-sWH K-Vs' BU?I president of th- Bos'on ind Ra lioad Cnmrmy. rMFI'H AV BM I I senator Cuihmaii K. DBI ? ?">' Mlnnesou ; ex-Congr m man William A. Ruse di ol Massai-huSetts. ana Davit X. Littler ind A. L. Conger memliers of the Repu, Hean Na t.onsl Committee. BOl FM VN-Claua Spr cfcrls. of S. . ? ? MURRAY IIILL-Bsh'.p Willum I). Wail? er of Dakota. M.Rs-A.NDIi:-' 01....I Alf ed IL llel... _ -The (,.il\e*ton Ncts." hi J AM I _-outerbr .lg" Horsev, of Maryland. VICTORIA-Lieut.-, liri ol.innl i.i, Brr, cf ma British Arny- WINDSOit-Genorii Joseph T. Torrenco, of Chlclgo. WHAT 1(* <i"IN(. ON TO DAV. Rroollvn Jockey dub races. Gravesend. BfU p. m. Methodist Gencril Conference, Metropolitan Opera ?Annual parade and review cf Park Police, Central Park Mall. 10 a. m. Now-Tork Southern Society, Hotel ntunswlck, 8 :J0 Trill of Thomas B. Kerr before Judge Patterson. UBBMBllBB for the Rlind anniversary exercises, Thlity and Nlr.ih-ave., 8 pm. Mot-ting of Qusrinilne ConimlasloiierB, 1 p. m. Private view of Grolier Club oxhlblilon. No. 64 Mad i 'oncer! In aid of St. John'i Guild, Metropolitan Open llo.'.sr, 8 p. in. Dinner "f Reston delegltes to Methodist Conference, llark's, evening. BetOll Gio.ers' Union innual entertainment, Cooper Union. 8 p. m. v. iriir of tl.e Beek Department, Anniversary Ru?!ne*s Men's Noonday Prayer Meeting, John Street Church, noon. NEW-YORK CITY The Sehllet A Field Company, manufacturing letter file, anl n.Tlre specialties, at Kochesfer, N. Y., whose New-York head(|iiailcrs has bren until recently af No. M Park Bow, hai called a MCMBf of cicdl'.'i for May _-. Tho management may be reorganized. The Well*. Flip. .<-; (o's special o*?: press linc bo iween the Atlantl.* and Pacific and to M.'.Mro ls no"-* t?Mi The principal New-Vork oflice. will be removed to No. (Vi Broadway on May tl* Constant reader.?The Prince of Wales first vl-lted this country In July. lftOu. Tho Duke Alexis made his first visit here In I --T1. There were 2,61_ lmmlsiants landed at Castle Garden yesterday. Waa Julia S. Bryant, daughter of William Cullen Bryant, who wont al.road after her father's death and ha.s remained In Europe since, returned by tha I tem li Hue of steamer.-, on Sunday and has taken up summer quartets at the i anibridge. Hr. ('rorge U. Mundy said last night In regard to the condition of Di. I). W. DH -. al \. ?i-iiiii.r.ton, wl.n came to New-York to consult him on Tuesday, that alt lion:.-'! J)r. Bliss 'is a sick man. no iBBajBIDni have os yet manlfesiod theni.selves. and there ls WOMt of his ultimate re-i.very. He ls sneer? ing from occasional paroxysms of dlfllctilt breathing, which ate associated Witt an Irregular ardon nf tte heart Ai present he ls In a comfortable condition, an.l Dr. Bhrady hoper; that he will bo tided over his pro-ent dlfllculty. Professor W. B. Ware delivered an Interesting lecture upon ?* Oermany and Kngland," last evening, In tho Library Building of Columbia College. Tlie cteninor City of Alexandria, from Havana and Mexico, broag-l the larce-t carun to this port yester? day that ha* been pent on any one vessel. The prin? cipal things were: .'..Oil barrel", of pineapples. B.BOO bags of sugar, hemp and tobacco. Her fiftyone passengers, mostly Wunien, paid a ipeClol ci.Iiipliment to ( a-.tain DeafeBB as they left tl,' fasaal by saluting him a* ho stood on the bridge. Collen,,r Malone yestetv-ar promoted T. B. Mc? Laughlin, a liquidator, tram .-fl.-do tn ji-.OOO, In the pl_M Bf Liquidator Cauldwell, who WBB di-rhaiged a lew weeks ago. Tl.e ordinations at St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, will take plane un S::t.inlay. May 'JO. For this aroh di.'Cis,. tv... priests WlU he ordained, the Rev. Messrs. Joh* F.. UTiani-iMieai nn.i Angnate M MUbbx. II vva.s said yesteidav at the home of Henry Vi. Howland, thai he had quite recovered and that nothing mort* would be said In regard to his disappearance last Saturday and his retmni home Tuesday. Hugh A. Curtin, of No. Bl Duane st., has Issued a business bi ree tory of l.'.j page . enttrnetag the .-imi-s of Now-York. Rookh n and Newark, lt ls In .-(.nipact form, neatly printed, anl has been copyrighter!. The old United Presbyterian Church In Jane-st , which has for a yeir or two been the head luarters of ihe Salvation Army, ls being torn down to make Wig for a row of flats. The tenth annual meeting of the Interscholastic Attl-Be .Wiit-iton will be held at tte Manhattan Athletic Granada to-morrow. Special ev.-in^ellstip (.ervlces aro being held this weeli io Memorial (Lapel, at Avenue A and Flghfh-st., of which the Rev. U. N. Rnlan ls paatOt. Th^r-ven lng Hie Rev. ( hurlc, C.. Barring, of tho Frist Harlem Presbyterian Church, will penal h un '? Vino aud I.ranch Tlie AqaadBBl Commissioners yesterday allowed ten days' additional time to O'Brien A i'la,-, Hetnan Clark, and Brown, Howard A- Co., on their contracts, and six molli hs Ben to Contractors John Bi'iiuton _ Co. and Smith .i lirown. Francis P. McMahon, a private detective, of No. -iii West Tenth-st., vva.s held In $1,000 ball yesterday at Jafletaoa Market for firing two shots on Tuesday night at James Barker, of No. ,')l_ Wi st Twenty-slxth bt., the son of the Tammany politician. A meeting .indT the inspires of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Bettodlal Chard will be held iii Hie Metropolitan Oiiera House to nn.tTow even? ing, at which Mrs. Rutherford li. Hayes will pie-I.le. City evangelization will be a pnimineut feature of the occasion. BKOOKLTH. The Kings Courty Elevated Railway Company was fine.! ?_.'.() for of omit poeferdaj- t.y Judge Rartlett for "reeling its itolrcooe In fr..nt of Nos _M and IB! I irlton-st., In detinnce of an order Bf Ihe court,ly ir--1 ru! til nu- lt. The Minda*. Obsarraaee AaaoelBtlOB has railed th" attention of Ice-cream dealer* io the lau in ie.-in,i n, Miling any food rifler 10 a. m. on Bandars, ana thal n relates ta deUrerlea of lee-ereaa often thal boor. I I..- 'l.aJers say lt ls Imposable for thoa _ gjj ,,|(.jp Biders beio*r- that time for Min.lay dinners and havo tho cream keep properly. Alexander Dugan, a lumber ai d moulding merchant in Flushing ave., nada an assignment yesterdnp w R. C. Fhelpi. His liabilities am..uni to about 6-0,000 Dr. (reamer Matei, ?, the result 0f the mot?ll of the contents ol the stomach of Bago Boe'ler the broker found nevi in i,e,i i? Bareeaeyer st last week that death waa .lue to aa overdoec ol BMrnhlne la pills, which |fr, Muellar was not _eenstotoa4 to pee, lire Mai s|,al \jgwU reports .-,7 7 fi,*.-, wt_ *__ amounting lo fl,888,8B6, In 1BI7. D. F. 'Ial!iu..n. formerly a dentist la Rem sen -i wa, .r,est,-,] peeterdap for paaalng _ worthless cheek fur ito.) upon thanes Rejen. au lu.,, bander In in November, 1--7 jr. Wta. Wml directly after aol recently retuned. He wa foi' exatuliiitliiii l.y l'.ilioe .lu tlee Walsh. E/sr. ?? rVMSOVTA- FOB tVMMMM VMM At Long Branch, Bewpeat and other popuUr resorts, eencipaadaata wOl ni. l tins _*_?? atanoat a.* large a Held in -aaerthlng "loraontr as in writing about ths ? wan i... th.- i"i'-- V kop* ii. ,i. v < ,-,??, bullier.*, of Rr.iiidv.i.r |_| WOttf -,.,., j ? ^ Jugt _? i,.,-y c., um -tm | rehtelea for ti,. Va-fer-Uti LerBlarda, Ba*.?? ? Blaoaia, Oupir Bewttt, BUIett P. Rhepard, Ans.,n ii,ii,.n. Marrla k. feataB Oeergs m. p__ ?aaBhaaa of 'he f!i . * l t Arni ld, Constable _ Co. VVin-|,.n L.o.i.r I CO. and MOM* ..ti.-is. 11? i ?,_,,, 1-v^r\ tli'ii-' ih.y tOX fr.,n. a ?.,. ,.-,. u^wagoa oelghing IIB i io i hci.\y i'.ail aaeeh, bl Ihatt factory at Kighth-av sui Fortv-third st. Th. y have reined th. lr hmtm -s to an art, and all manner of carrldires-s.veral mj?t .,r i.i.i.. tonN T?teHaa, cahrii.l't*. reaeVwagaaa Bog-eerti ..n lau*, o' -. ,- be fP..? lt their" KareriKims. Oap colors rule, especially in i..; Breera _m af thc vheela Red a'.i pelton paadaaalaata. Baalp ^ _oo> paiiy r lion nonah atptai iar?'-iy. he_| u,,. a_wH_u esn -peieienis tt M.li1 ii. (.'ii'' t Cewpaay, ol Thc work .: fie finn being f MM hlgheat aadai entlUes ?..'.in I.- ne tuc pataaaafa tivy tay.f. BVBtWBAA TBOVWLBA AAOVOBl OTTO couitT. Baoeea CaaapMa, ? aaa! aarrchaM. af Be, i Broidwar. had Winnini .?*. M'.-u-s, a Harlen, hulldcr. i? _ .. M-i.ic ? ms an .-. mmnma ..i .hal Mn.'? a chOSh f..r lin,, fr?n, ,,,-, M May ic, ISSI, hy BOM runmaaiailiqa, M?v.rt mmmtU his ofi.rc, _arUl mMma J tftmtk n. (ha ..fiernoon. sarlns that he dil nut t.j.e Uni- m g., u, t)i? ,,,.__' _ylnK saked Compton to exchange aheeka -sith him. Oaaoptaa 1..1 s,, ,nd afterward diseovtred that Mo??rs had only t*0 in the Fifth Battanal Bai ^u ,h;i, , ()lul,t?n iud te _::n a sui*, f.r the fa.e \a,U" sf tn- ehaefe. v bill "f lie- ? aaa ? nv,. for w.. h. Coaptoo s.ii ii,' ??rk -sa* 'Hiv worth aldo. Justice Duffy put the rise off until Juuo h. ? - . Si ll.ISO IM POUTED .IE HS EY CATTLE. Th.- arru, lan.e at the -Maadi day's aile of Imported Jersey cuttle at ti.e AumtI.-sii Institut,, hulldlng wss m. ls cpr ihsri .rn ll.' Di si dar, ?,?! ,,.,. tUS],, WM lull niid .prill's*. 'lin- Mgfceat pro.' ,f ii,, ,],iy w_, WOO, i.,i . i li . , fI()m ' i Ba ii.m. ) j. .?i ha? lf M Lilli,--,; t, ..i,,hi a*J3o, and the bull - Hugo of st. Anus," il*, three yean old, hteaght r*_00. Other cows were '? Il*'auty," ?:i.Vi, "Koacc'a Fot." O-.u. -li? Valley Daisy." vi',0, - Jtirina M." B220; " Fhehe D," B-10; "Polly of r-rltuste," 0190; "Drusilla Bold Coait," B190; "May Fa?m ot St. Atm'* 21." #lc.O, ?? Sit tr, Ried 3d," *1T0. and " Fit'-h's Beauty,'' ?10o. Tho sale goes on to-day ind to-morrow. -? NE WU WMOM THE SUBURBS. NEW JERSEY. Oeneral J. Madison Drake, etltor of " The Elisabeth Sunday leader."' has boen Indicted by the ('rand Jury nf Cnlon County for criminal libel on a charge brought against him by A. B. Carlton, controller of the city of Elizabeth Ooaaeal Drake gave bonds yesterday for hil appearance on Muesdaj. The (|i;,irferlv meeting nf the Stale Charities Assoc! afton was held at Morristown yesterday. Dr. John Bradshaw, of Orange, read a report BB the condition of the Essex Comfy Institutions, ihowing that the number of people In these liistliitlons ls 10,000. In the Episcopal Convention at Orange, N. J., yes? terday, Bishop Starkey delivered his addres on the h.I si,11,arv wotk of the diocese. Reports wen* re? ceived from boards and comm ttec. The Mal Itt.-e sn constitution and canons laeaaUMndod the adoption of a new missionary can' n with thc modifications that thc diocese ls to be divided Into two districts, th? word "convocation"' ls to lie changed f*. " aiehdeanery" ?aherevcr If occurs. Tho camm was discussed in sec? tions aud aincudftl in part and then adopted. -? IBS-tf (TTY. The Roard of PuMlc \Yor!;s. which ls composed ol three Demoer_ts and ono Republican, has been dead? locked since Map 1, and In consequence the city's Interests are Mag no.lected. A moven'."'lit ls on foot among propel IJ owners to apply to tho courts . for a wilt of mandamus to compel tho Board to or? ganize. I The Liquor Dealers' Association has derided to boy- 1 rolf allXi-euers ulm supply beer Bl ale to liquor store keepers who refuse to adopt tho scale of prices fixed by tho Association. William Frecklier had an examination yesterday before Ju-lge stiising on a charge of arson. .V tire bro],... out on last HedMSdap night In a fhrce-siory framo housc owned by Fractuier. The house was va? cant, anl vvltiie -es |wow that FrtcUnor was In tho lum** just before the Ure bro' out. I'racUncr tried tn prove an alibi, but failed, and was committed for Ulai. Tho roof of an unoccupied foundry at No. 5S3 (.i-ove si., which was being demolished, caved In un? expectedly tafterdap, and two workmen, Dennis Mn] quccvov and Anthony Donovan, were crushed beneath tho tliubors. Neither was seriously hurt. Nl'SVARK. Argument was hoard by Judge Depue yesterday In th" Caldwell election curtest. On tho day of the blizzard an election for township oilicers was to bo held, but In one district tin* pulls were nut opened. ile' Democratic ticket got n majority (if the -.otes polled, but thc old oOtoen held that no election had taken place and continued to act. Judgo Depna reeervad decision. Application was granted ye-ferday for a rule to show cause why Information ihonld not I." Hied foi' a writ of quo warranto In thc of ProeBCOtor Orove, whose appointnmiit l.y thu Governor ls held by the County Cooneel to be Illegal. Thc Coori peeterdap appointed Edmund H., John I). Harrison. B-gOr A. Bond, OOOrgB Ii. Jenkin? son, c c, iiciitiiin and John Di Vopptn, coaunlastopera to condemn proiicrty for the new inarU.'t. NI'.V.' I.KI'NSWK K. Barbara Schmidt wu- kfUad to day by a train on ihe Penna*) Ivaata Balli 1' J. Il DnlTilea, W. il Boeoek, W. H. Demarest ard j. M. Altec Miall, a Japaneae, wara graduated peatar day from the Thaolog Bal .vuiliiiiry of tho BaiBlBWd drank F. M. Schnelweis'-, a musical composer, died yester? day, ago liftv-eight. Ile h;nl been a minister and composer of church music. 1 niiuty l'h.Vslcian Riva told L'ndortakor Fop.'iN yes? terday to prepare tho body of Jamel I'. BodlBB for bortala as he had decided not to an aotopap or even an Inquest, and that, ho would Urmo a burial permit. BAHWAY. A strike, accompatii-d by threats of violence against the propel' tor, occured at Heury Rosonbauru'S Bhlrt factory on Tuesday. Th" Dctno.irat.l.' ma Jul (fy In OMMMMMM <~?.uncil npp'.iiiteil Dbb, (iud.-u ii:id Hodgson city phpatelaaa on Tuesday night. Ry this action thy drop Dr. ?Beare, a prominent and Influential Deiuocrat, whose friends thi oaten lo malto trouble. BTATBB I.-LAND. ih-> loud of Baaervrton nf Blehmond county m"t yesterdav ni Toiiip.iiiisV Mle to investigate the alleged Irregularities In the accounts of the I OUtttJ Snin-t 1:1 tenden! of th.- Poor. Buperlntendenl Reardon was ti." only witness examined jre-sterday. Nothing could I... learned him t'> si,ow thal Ihe Boor Pondi had been iqaaadered er Irregnlnrlj expended After be ba.i been pol throng! .. teorehlng c-amlnatlon tho Investigation vviis adjourned. Tho detention of Infected vessels at I'pper Quat-an line neal- thc shores of Staten I-land has O-CaBlon-d nm. h alarm ?ood Indignation along the east thore. The Boord of Trust.- s ef im.-Mm.?!? yesterday adopted a resolution Baking Health otn.-er smith to remove to the Lower Hay all reen ila entering the port with con? tagious disease on board. ? LONG ISLAND. Yesterday was the second day and final session of Ile tWOBtl second annual convention of thc Episcopal Church of'the Diocese of Long Island and In tM alter noon all the business was finished aad the dcleg_te-j returned homo. i.\ police, Behool and Health Commlaalonar Kdwani M." ..Hum, of Long Island I ny, died there ye?t?nlay. In the 78th year of his upy Police Justice Stephen J. Kavatiaph. of I.onp; [aland (Uv. after the adjournment of Hu* suite Convention on Tu. ii-, wai ik-rlarxing with shei-ur Mitchell, of Queers 1 ni nt'.-, md l'i.lice Commliiloner VVuIlenii, nf Long toland Clip, when by accldenl ' ommlaaioner williams thrual ile point of his umbrella rn Justice KavannRh's evo wlih considerable force. Tho Juatlea whs icu..v.',1 i.. his le.nie. lie experienced much pain, ami vcstenl'ty waa unablo to attend to his official duties. fitting un*. BOtTBD. Ex-State Treas.i:i-r Talliiiad-e laker has been rho-en president ?<'. ihe City National Bank, South Borwalk, to succeed R. H. Rowan, resigned. TWMTMRDAV* CW VWV Al sussv.T. Those Hhu were i.i a position 10 s?e the foina; down of the Mn la-t. avaolog Wttoeeaad au unusual and almost surtllnsr. unfit. For fully tin. ?n atoota! before glaap | hehir. 1 the iir-ur-'c Boeill alni lt looked like sn tauaaaaa lerp bali, rdewlp sinkin? deaaa s-a of inky blatibneaa in *i7<> it. was appaiaatly arneb premer that usual at that, hour While black .'louds wilh a violet tlnae crossed the rod dl*k in horizontal parallel lines. To many observers the optical Illusion of displacement Kerned to lift lt spv.-nil th)gilli above it* |i."o|io!- altitude. .Serjeant Dunn, in cti,.rfre of the mri,al .Station on top of the K.i*|uiiiil.le iliillllii'.', rer/jrded the phenomenon a* due to tho cnlulen*, d VOpen of th" ulr, a i.ottlon of whictj bogia to I." precipitated a* the teapetatOTI of tho day decline.*. The condition was hOigMaaed la*t cvc-uIi.k by rle- :i of th- humidity, which was about sd. What sort of weather, If any, was lndlcai '. bj tha Maaga mm ? I of the sim lt was hard to say, llthoogh^M a rule "inly, nilli -ml hues with hard defiantly ntltltneil elOOdl forei.-ll mir, probably a storm With hiph winds. Three j curs aga* In th- month of July, thero was a succession of such red aaoaatn A UECtCPTIOS TO THE COLORED DE 1,Et; AT ES. Colored and white people alike hui .. h.ipi.T time MM eveiilni; in Ad'h.hl Hall, at Fl: .,.. I BOVBBth ive., i..i' aapeelaBp eoiorisd people, baoaaaa it ?.,* f,,r them thc aatertalaaaant was Rotten up. It was a re.ei>. lion gtoOB hy th,, maharg 0( y_ Mark's Meit...dist Bau aeppl thur, h to th" .oiored ditagatea iiiriaulin tha Bea? rra] f'onferei.ce. Th.y e;,m0 |n igr-,. Mtiinhers. anl Whtl ? mei Moak wera aBaglad Indlaarladnatalp togather, a foet natch aaaaad Bishop Mallaltan, ..* Baa Ortaaaa, ii toa of his speoch. to reiiuri* that it mal" thom sli Lok ??Bara et ??.. a_nflp. The Ber, ii. a. Moaioe, of th.) committee of irranc'tneiit* and pastor of st. Mark's (hun h. o|,eiiot th.- pmeaa Unga in on latereetto allies* The Bar. I.. \V. ? Pock, Btahop William Tay. lol- and BtOhep VV. V. Msllali.-U foll..ired hie! sis".-i h's. -iho arraogaaa i.t* were in .iinr_e af j. vv. Alevanl.-r, s. I;*. \Vi|llsm?, the Kev. -hail.-, I, BtOW-, Julius A. (. ivm, 1 Til. r. RobOrl Julius..,ii. , Fhllllps, (in,rc- (gr. Webster, .Mii-l.-.n Ros'er-. Di.ii || - - , New Cas Engine "The Baldwin" WMoMMmiu tat tatt Amt ram. A four hors, pawei Onglai Iii ..i,in-.-'.i.ii niti, stora.e r, ruiiiiini: s( n? j,el,.-, .-ni electric llnhis (ind, wltheut bellary, ?-.? UghU) itlvUn ? perfect i.c.i. a.Hi all the iteadiuesa thal rm h.) obtilne. from tho h.ut,. - ?.ni, .'UKIne*, in ruinmon use tor electric luthtlnr, ? ml paiwllUni any imml-r .,f imi.u to bc Mint off or luri.eii un witnout a_eatlaa n." remal_l_B U?hu iu i?o silirtiK'St Ml A of bed ii rr perf.-i-tlon aud power. B-BOO I I llih'.n... |.i:..|i.iiv. sud sll purposes where n -.lo sod ci.-in newer im r..|U r.-l. M.u.iirrd sud _u,iunt."d by Otis Bros & Co., Elevators and Hoisting Machinery, So I'-ik liv*. _ew--_j_ *"_- ^P^wIw^^Tt .Agnesi "He prnfsed your tresses In his rnyirie, Your shining hair, your golden hair; He sang that sunshine lingered there, The sunshine of the summer-time; He told you love had hid a lair, In tangles of your shining hair." T.o""ise: WT**J Agnes, I have caught a nea^ With these blond tresses fair; Because I cleanse them oft, you know, With Ivory Soap, as pure as snow; The soap without compare.'? A WO RD WAR r UKD 1 There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory'i" >f- I they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of NING. J the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. r(-h> HUtt hr Prnefer ,t- c.? Wilson, George Eccles, L. C. Handy, V. S. Drummond. Thomas EL Smith, H. If. Window, William II. Payne, .Im >t. Tins..n and P. F. Goodwyn. A supper was Mirved after tho bpecches. ? ? A close sil.lYE FOR a WOKAW WAWWWW. Min b. J. tin 0111,1.1.i<, of No. 2 WBehfagtoa place, Ilro.iklyn, ls a woman-barber, win. treal fruin California in lliooklyn last Novcml.ei- with her Beet and Bad elm rti'.n. sir., hud done well at her trade ea th.*. raciilo Oeaet, but thought sho arentd do better in the Kaa'. so she opened a shop it IV-id-ave. ana .letter... n-sr., itr.ok lyn. Hut, eeeerdtag to her statement, she hal to en? counter a prejudice on ar.-oui't of her MX, as th" wives of hat eaateaera objected to her ahartag and cuttm? tho hair of th"ir hushands, and she ind her family rea Be 1 tho point of starvation. Vest.?r.liy tl o petiea f und that, Mr. Oreaaalada la aa Invalid la mind und body, twa of tha tiin-e ahlldrea ara rich irtth moates ead toa <.niy food tn thc hou? was _ little oatmeal. Their |___edlate wanta .vro rellivel anl thi Chant-us ComuUisloaeri ware tn teraai ot the case. HIE CRIUF.AS CAXAL. From The London Dally News; odessa letter. Tin* ( l-iniean Panlaanla is t.. har.*' a eanal ent throiisch it. After nany tch taea have beea dbcuaaed bj tSe l.''i Qoveromenl and ltuaaiaa private enterpiiiea for -nerring the Isthmus ni 1 '.-t??Uki, mid opening a ni-tritimo highway through the Slvosh, there ap now- every prospect ol the Bndertahlng being carried io it luccesiful Issue, aol hy the Russian Department of v, ur and Communications, nor by inissinn private enterprlae, bul by a Frew h eompauy ami Frenon capi? tal. Tim Imperial Government ha- already given ita adhesion tu tbe project, and the Mlnlaterlal concession vi. ni shortly liane. The eoneesstonary rlghta do Bot ineiurio any Government guarantee to the oompany. Th- total length of the can_l will be lil vants, and when oompleted wlU unite the Bea ol Axofl and the linn Basin with the Bloek Bea ead i.><in of th'* Dnieper, Ibo ' anal w-jii have it mean depth ot fourteen feet, ami will offer very mal advantages to ttl., soiith weetern provinces, wnieh are rich ti. carnal products, salt and minerals. The nineh Baa and Asoff (anal Ponipauy bepln* operations with acaplial of ,-.*,.tn i ,000 flatus. Tbe worn will probably occupy about four v.'.iin. and will ha din-, re,1 hy M. Epala, 'he supeiln t ending engineer al tin* Bnea Canal. The Southern preaa lave some earp lively itrletarne op the neirtl genee ol the Governmenl ami the extraordinary apathy of Russian private commercial enterprises, which have left a work of such msg-ltnde and ni-rltltne Importonee to I.e. undertaken by tho French aud worked on French capital. -*-. MA fi / V K IN Tl-1.1 j IQ BB CIS. MI NI..TI* Ur; A I. MAX Aa 1ii-I)AT. Snnrlsis 187 I Sits. 7:08 | Mood sets ?? I Moos's agra 0 mich wa run. A W?t?WAt Hoo?. 11:1V l n.,r r*r t -I Hell mt*. IrM i: .)f-_B_r uoo_. li. j.*. I i*r,u o._.* I Heil cute. _:u INCOMING STEAMERS, TO-DAT. VetteX, From. Killel. EftM Holland.f.ondi.n.Mar 3.Kat ional State of Indiana..QlasMW.May fi.Htaio Mariala.H ambur?.May 2.c.irr Klivnl.-inil.Antwors.May B.Ks<t Bl kl Andes.Kin-stmi.May 9.A ti..* Alptis.Port l.unon_May 5.Vtlas miDAT. MAV 1< C.ermanlo.Liverpool.May 9.White fltar Seri h a.Lifer poul.Mar 8.('un,int hu.Stettin.May 1.Halt:.: ?aa *J.NO Lloy<l li.Warri Panama.havana.M.ty 1..Span Trans BATOBDA.. MAT If i'm bria.I.iTsrt)...)!.May 12.Cnnard (.nv ot Chleage.I*l~ataeei.Mar w.inman Raina .Haaibnre.Mar amii-A tn er Schiedam.Amstel-tam.May 5.Netu-A.ur Ayrshire.Bl ii-mi.M.iy ld..yuenoo OUTGOING si kami: Iii. TO/JAY. Teaaal YeneL tin*. Fur Milli o'.ois. lads. Btateet hTebrasR% State. Oloanew. 9 am -rSSIDC, Hu ni..A-ner. Hamburg. ti: 30 a rrj 9 aril Manhattan A.lexandm .i-ivans, ao. I nm 3 i. in Valaueia, ite-t \>, Laeoarn.ll am _ pas Muriel, Quebec Borund.. 1 pm 3 pm BATCBOAT, MU 19- , Bertie,OOnard, Lirerpool. 7:S0am ll a ni Ballia White star, Ursrpooi. ii aa ('Itv ot (llie*ter, luman, Liverpool. ll a rn ('ii.'.i?*l:i. OlaSOOW. 9 am n. mi Island. Thtn.v.iii*, Copenhaxea.. 730am ll hui Miler. N (. Ll'.r'i. -raman rta Vt.i'.ui/u 7i30 a ni ll a ni Zaamlam, Netti-tuner. 7 3d a ni ll am Li It.uir.ii rn?. Franer) Trana, Havre.,... 7,30 am ll a tu Niagara, Ward's, Havana. 3 aaa BOUDA., mit .1. Newport, Pacific Mall. AeeUwell.10 am coon. 8BIPPING NEWE. PORT OF NEW. YORK.WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1888 A UKI VIII") Steamer Tewer Hill (Bri, Arelier. London Mar 2. With mdse an.l 107 p.'.sssnKsts lo HsQ.lersou Bros. Arrived at ths Har at nomi. SIM) .et Battle (Hr). Srart'i. Llmrpaol May ri. Qn'nnstown n, wise miiso ind pseasngsri io J Braes ismay. sr.svin.-r Nt ra-ia < Hi i. UaoabSM* i.iverp'Ol Mav 5. Queens tOWB '. with nelse and '.'-1 i.a.*?MHK?ri-t" A M - uilei-'i:!. ,v l o AfrtVH at tha I'.ir .it 3 15 a tn. stoanii-r Kn it ia nd (Bri. li"* r, Liverpool Mar ii. Queens? town 4. with luise an! 1 :*..>-_' ii?iiseoK#ri to KWJIIntst. An tv-.l at th ' Mir al 1 I ? -le.hit I'n.i'ii Uti, L'.r.l. Leith April 17. I'ninleo Mav '.*, with in ?mn an.l I. |..i?*i'iia.-r.* 10 -ini|is..:i, -pt'ui'S- Youu_. Arrived at the Bar al ft s m. Meaner City ol Alexandria, Deakeo, Tampioo 1. T?. pan a, Var*Cras a. I'r.i-r's,, :. Karana4 naya, with imi*a sud tis?ssn?ers to F Alexandro A i*oti?. Atnrod at tho bar at 1 1 BB a in. . _ steamer ''..null, i'.l'k. iia!ve*ten 7 darn, ria Key Wost, with mdse ..nd aasaaaeen t<> 0 n Hal lory .? o*.*>' Barstow. Corwln. Pri.rldenee. ship it.ttio -vi b">* ' Rr>. I.iln Calcnlte 108 days, with mils., to Itali! Bro* ?e*?el ta Vernon ll Urovrn A Oe, alni. \i> Ilene*. Hirer*. liTeriio.. 21 days, with salt to J P itnhliisnii * foi rss*el t.. I t ('naprasn. lUiic 1'ietrlno Mian. M n?raj<". aaUTraa .8.lays, with ?Hiss toor.tsri ressel to I nu k. Hyde A Co, Hark llass I (Nor' Ellvrtaao, Bsrijadoas 13 days, with imrar te h ii Howell. Poi. t'o Mara Nurra iBr), Wm? Fort apata 11 days, with suharto Oe., rnr'stoil. li ,r'* Rt ba rtlten, Saransah ld nays, with lumber to or? der, re*?si io.* s Brana lins Pi thi . lust, rernam'iilio ol day*, with sugar to sraer, raissl t.. Funrh, Mi ? .* fo, Hnir Alli's Hradsiiiw Min. I' oonalrns April 'il, na Philadelphia, with mdse ts W A A Leaman; to 1 C Et li"1' . - . * lins-(Morilla. Holland, ilxvini B BOTS, with molasses ta B II Bowell mis .t Cot les.,-: t? u (.- Metcalf A io. Behr vi a Nutter (Hr.. I'euneti. Ha.. COriatafa ii* flays, wlih -nirir te ii Aiunnrk A Cn. vniisei lo "mannell Bro*. si!,. Thomas VV Holder. MM ul sn, Port d-j I'.i.i April SB, ria P' with leif wood to ll un* Kaiser, vessel to (, A Brett, s,.n A Co. BUVMBT?Al Saady Kook, wind ll^ht, SW; cloudy and har.y. At City IslaBii, wind ll?ht, sw, raining and thick off sh,.re. Arrirsd ysstir.tar staomer Kilter (Oar). Baner. Bremen Mtr 5. Sottthamilton 7. witt, rn 'neall I LIM passenger* to Oelnchs A Co. Arnrwi at the har .it'll P '"? ? . ?steamer !'? .''lt I'nnee iii. L Hil ban, Proifrei" Msy H. with hem., loerler rissSl to Bailout .V I I Birk Ante-lie* At?"?oa- (Itali cunorau, Cailii 33 dayl, witn in,l?e io ord"!: reaad la master. cuba anu Steamer Bessel (fir). Kraitewalie. Ltyirpool-Bnsk 4 Jer oas M.-siierS'slaot Naliraslti dir), Braes, (.lll(tow-Austln A Co. .-si.iii.-r l..-?*in.- ..erl, Har.'ii.l*. Hauii.ura- ria Plymouth ? KonUardt .t > n Hlanual *api?r(Hrl. ileintsrsou. Sy.laoy. CH? Simpaon. b?. :-,-+* Yoaujr. Mtet-uer v ileuen. WaoBrlai. I.sruayra, Puerto Cal.ello ami i ....... il...ill..... 1. :** .t I) ..lett. ainamnr BdtUi .lol,iou M'r.. Hounett, .Monie^.. Bay Ooo W.SS.M. .. I i. Hlesuier ll.iiicaiia (Osri, Lsltbaunsr, Jeramie, Harli? Kan-ardt A Co ?traine; Amrthyst (Br). Causa, Hayua la Grands?J Brue* Is.uir. -Humor ?1 Paso, Quick, Niw-Orloans-John T Vau -lo-lo. Steamer Benefactor. Triboo, WUaiinitton, N C?Wm P st.-nmr wv.inoke. Boa?, Norrollt, City Point and a.oi >lri lt..nunn.ii Bs Ca Mean;.-! P W Brans, -.-wis. Baltimore-B X Downer steamer Winthrop. Bras* Portland-Horatio Mall HnpN B p.i.i.i..; (Non. sorensen. llar_buf(?CTobiai Shin B f) Metcalf i Nod. Larsen. Hanibarn-OToblaa A Ca Mini Barbarossa '.er.. Matte, Am-ter.Uio-T Kuirer ? t'?_ liars Cssaar (Bwad), Lu..!.ar J. stociliolm. bw-Func-* Erda _ < i. Hark A ..nie.I Marshall (Bri, Parker, Rotterdam? J W Par. ker _ Dst B.nk Lewis Smith (Br). WriKh;, Antwerp-. W Parin A Co. .lark Fortuna (Port), Cardoma, Oporto-Haaemeyer A Bra aa, Bark Teresina (Hap, Lubrauo, Poziaoll?Funoh.Ears A Ce ? AtLF.O. Steamers City of Rome. Ce tie, Italy and Hersehsl fir Liver, r'M'ler Cltr, Bristol Aller, itretnen; B-lgenl'sDi Ant w.t.; Napier, Sr.laeri Oa Htaoo, St Jobs, XB| Maras! le s , rna. .vt;.'*. Marti; Kl Paso, New.Orleans. Ihlpt IiiaSinf Wiall, tor lloru Kori*, deo it SkolAslA Caliutta. v ? ' ?ailed?via Leaf Mian I Souad? Steamer Wiot-rap, foi. for Hand. THE MOVKMKVrS OF WFWAMMWA j-* ii: ki on prtBTI r.oxnos;. J.rar Hi-Arrived, srea'i.prs Tan Brerdel '-sic*,, Maper, fiotn .N.-'.r v*..rk ou her way to Antwerp) Molars! Br . Sherman, trom Now-Yors via w.-st india*. Ot-r.KN-i'.ivx. M ,y ul Aitivo.1. iSsnsssr .muons (Br), Rr.ik*. NowY.irk Miy ri ou lier way to Llrerpoot (asl [.re.-eedml'. .S'Ai'i ks. May 14?Salim", steamer Alsatla (Br), Brown, far "Vow-York. Rio JAN'Kttto, May 13?Sall*), steamar Terners 'Bel*), -^ lor New. York. _ Annonnceueata. Emt A. Dayikul M. D., BIB W-ST l-'orn-se. Diseases ef t*i* Verr.u* -r*t>n. Ceoito-Urlnarr Oriana Impotence amt starduy. Hours?8 to UfcB tai, E. _ W. The "Wk kita" Collar. E. & W A NLW BK MON 1*1 COLLARS. Platt's Chlorides tho Household Disinfectant. An odorless Ilium ; powerful, ofrlelent and Thean. CASES FOR SOLID SILVER. As we manufacture our own Cases for Silver Ware, we have aimed to make substantial work. Elegant and tasteful, and where novelty characterizes the design of the Silver, the style of Cases will be lound iu harmony. Gorham MTg Co., SILVERSMITHS, Broadway and 19 ni Street. "Securus JUDICAT ORBIS TERRARUM.'* Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.* The filling at the Apollinaris Spring dur.,:g the year 1887 amounted to 11,894,000 bottles. Of all Grocers, Druggists, ami Mineral Wait* Deaiert. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. lARVIMNKLIN I..V.S--AS (irv. Nt-.W VOItK sal I.UNDOV. I'nl.l iii. < nuiml nm! Ka?In*. ?l.I 10,000.00. , ncrra i.\vi>nfKvr -i-:a*KiTiK; PER JIKA I. _ TvTK VtDllTO.VOtS -''CENT. BAVIWOS H"NUS. lll.Js ri. A kV Ja. Manaor IM l< HOAD WAV, X. X. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. PRICE, THREE CENTS. SUNDAY EDITION, FOUR CENTS, Terms to Mail Subscribers, Postpaid. .$9 AA DAILY, p-r roar. ^ |g l?AII,V. t) ...uni).*.\ .j 30 DAILY, i tnouthi.. 9o DAILY. iMmUt.-?-._'; rJti DAILY. witHaai soiKla.T iia-isM-. i^rraar. ^ DAILY. ?!!-???*?<-?.???*_*. j 00 DAILY. wUmat taaUr, %MtM*U. >a U Vil.V. *?..',. t s.,?-?r. l M.nsUi.. ## fl MI.IY Tllllll >Ko?rr?-r. , 0# W-KHI.V TlilHI NH _g -*emi.h_hlv wmWWWW.9ttraa*. Kr?it .iw*y. -r mJi. nr.ft ****? f r-* ,Uu_e? Or-w. er U?_IH?*4 _*U?r,