NEW-YORK REPUBLICANS. CoBthmoditem Plrat -_?e afford moral support, but not physic?! sid, to races strug? gling for that ^overnmruWi outcondng which we enjoy under the compact of the State*. And withal, be will have that per*on?l magnetum and that hold upon the affections which will make them SW?I to follow hitI ?? the legions of Frsn.-e followed the plume of Navarro. We do not Indicate lu sav.nce who he will be. ll* m.y be the gallant leader of inst, whose pm-eme wa* an In? spiration and whose clarion voice ung out Blsag thc Hoe*, whom we followed to defeat but not to dlagrsee, who In private Bfs has suffer? no lo** of reape.t aol who still remain* a Republican of IVpuhlicon*. sn Ameri? can of A?cricsu*. lie may be an huuoied *s,n of New York, whose f?me sb sn orator ha* penetrated every cor? ner of the land, but whose brilliant gifts af speech are eclipses in comparison by hi* generou* ?chi.l?rsi ip. h.? a es-vi ra te knowledge of practical *(I*:rv hi* undoubted ca? pacity Ipr statesmanship, his lobust patriotism and his u .? flinching coursgo In the enunciation of Amer.,-an seutl atent as strikingly Illustrated In hi* recent rebuke of sn Pren*, professor who bal wantonly sss*.led American*. ^Be nominee may be one of these, or be may he a son ef Mm Brest Wen, that expanding empire v ho.-e free soil rear* free snd educate* *iate*n.e:i In tho *chool of loyalty, the West of Busk snd Alger, ot Grc?l__ and Allison, of Harrison and .Sherman. But whoevxr he ls, he nil receive tho cordial and united support of the Republicans of New-York. EU CO-IMITTEKS APPOINT KI). Mr. Fitch's speech ended, the convention ap? pointed a Committee on Organization, with ex Con cressmati Screno ? l'ayne, of Auburn, as ehnir miiu; a Committee on _ solutions with Oaoc_B Bliss, of New-York, ms chairman, and a Committee on Credentials, with Clarence ff. Meade, of New York, ail chairman. These committees were as follows: D?lrv?ni*r H. Bacon... Alexander Allsr. III. I . W. Walker.Brassi Nathan. 1V....K. A. Avila.A. P. Jacob*. V....J. M. 1'airiBgton.J. V Valentina. VI....k>tet>hen ll. > Lngatt. VII....Guy B. Palt.ui.I- stewart. VIII.--Jame* H. ToBlo.C. ? Wtl IX ...C. Otto B**r*e .John Nugent. X_George lui**..llenrr K.oiif. XI. llenrr C. Iiackii* .Willum Mon tn obi erv. XII....Huton 9, tsi.ap.ir4.Jolin U Gunnee. XIII. il. it. Hn.i.ut.rsT.Albi-rt Nuoer. XIV W lt H..i.enson.D, W. Iran*. XV... J. C. Adam*.T. P. Rood. XVI vv. h. i Up.,.Daniel liulterflelA. XVII....B. B 01ea*..B .P. A. Kemp. XVIII....Joii'pn B.i'Brr.J. War.) lord. XIX....l?a*c N. Ila*w?-il.J*lm H. Bailey. XX....W. A. S?ck*!t.Loins ll. it.'yuolda. XXI . K.iward c. ('line*.K A. Prtce. XXII... M. D. _cKiu?ley.D.B, ) Tinle. XXIII....Timoinv Curtin...ll. J. too-iiigharo. XXIV...Clunie* H. lUauer.I>. V. Wiitbur. XXV... 1. r.. Cl..Kinau..tam** M. Hilbert. XXVI ...W. P. Keune-tv.Milton in-lBne. XX VII... Charl** ??xt..n .S ll Pst.*. XXIII.t 8. V*uda*en.M. '.. Alien. XXIX... U.K. Hull. .J C. Carmi. _?e. XXX. ...u U.-larkwna.hsr.Jons Nada XXXI....W. I. Watson.Cimlia.u II HilL XXXII. ...K. R. HrffBr.l. Charlo* J. Ball. XXXII1....W. K. Clark _.J I'. Humbert. X-.XIV....1: il. lti?or? lea ll Pi?her. COMMITTEE ON ( KED-NTIAI.S. T>itt'xctt. .Va inf t. XVIII II. 0. Hnrielirh. XIX...M. II. Von ti jinan. XX..a. ii. BoreS. X.f. T. J. rre.iiw?T. XX H..Georg* 7. Irwin. XXIII..Joala~i Perrr. XXIV T. ll IliiTck. XX V..('l>r.rl*? l'. c...*. XX VI. John Chere-. I Dittrteti. .Vamtt. LAX W. Wallara. 11.. John ll. Ca.-upbelL III..W. H. Bearl. JV.UMritd Kenneth. V.. J hot?a* .'ii,. !. w.ll. VI. Ao.a?o'i Thoruton. VII.. I.nrs* s. A.Inn. VII I..Charlo* I. Kosunt?l. IX .Orerge'Hiluarn. X..n.cliar.l M. l.usk. I XXVII . I Mciv.nn. XI .Henry J. l,*?li. XX VIII.. V. v. uro**. XII. Henry c. r-ri-y. XXIX. M. M .User. XIII .( tintlos D. Il*k*r. \\X. W. A. Smitheriand. XIV. Will.**. H. Tencck. XVXl.AI-U. R. Alleu. XV..J.T. Warner. I XXXIL.Wlillaai iranklin. XVI..Daniel llntierrloia. XXXIII. ..eur^-eA. .avis. XVII. WU? i brown. . XXXIV.._. W. Joue*. The Convention then took a recess uctil 4 :30 p. m., and tin- committees met iu the interval. That on credentials hud only OM OOBtest (0 let tie, namely, in regari! to the delegates .of tbe 1st _sseuil)ly District of Albany County, whose seat! were content.-I. Alt r investigation thc commit? tee sar aided sba oertifleatea of election t.. tbe .sit? ting delegate* Tbe Coauaittec of Organisation had presented to than foi penaeaeni ebairmaa tlie liaine*. of Speaker Fremont Cole, (iciieral James W., -.narai N. M. Curtis and ex-Senator Edmond 1* Pitta. A compromise was liually made ui>oa aa lemato- Pitta INSISTING ON A BRI RF PLATFORM. Tlie Committee on Resolutions hud n serious time, as Elliott f, Shepard had prepared a large number of planks for presentation to the commit? tee, all bearing upon St..te or National polities, hut the ooBUBittee reeolved sa soon as ll met thal lt would exclude from the platform all reference t*o State or National politic*, with tlc exception of a brief attack upon the Mill* Tari- bill Mr. Shepard's plunks, therefore, were rut?le?lp thrown into the lire. Ile tinnily moved that'a plunk ahould be pu! in tho plat torin instruct mir. the NV.v Vork delegation to vole for the. nomination of Chauncey ML Depew tor President There was a general protest against tbs adoption of the resolu? tion on the ground that it had been u^rced that instructions un mid aol be Riven in lim.! of anj Beptt?lean Barned f..r the Preaideney. It wai the spirit of Die eonvention, said ex-Congressman Kackett, of Siirato^a, that the delegates of New? ; York shaw ld go to th-' Natioaal C.invention tinin-: atructiii foi aujr eaadldata Theta was a murmur of, tv th's propoalttoa uini Mr. Sh.-u- l ard's plunk vmis rejected without tak? ing | vote upon it. General Joseph ll. Carr, j of Troy. wild ' that " by r.'(|uoiUuci*, and I belluve the battle ls half won. If all ya.l MabBriBge i-re burled h-re, we *h?ll In November i*n*t< h from power tlie t:rrat accl deut ot Ita*. The humbler know* ths AdmlnliitraUon ef Clevclaud ha* not redeemed a Mi.pie prot_l*e of hi* tarapaifu. We know paarf oiati who wore the Union blue lia* been Imisiiiy treated by _ixecutlv? vetoes. The pauper Isbcr of ihe old world ha* beeu Invited to Invsde American BSasaa The -tate Admlnltitration need* short notice, for all Ita virtues can be summed In S few line*. If we all po home touching elbows we shall win a victory as placed Lincoln in the place where \V?*hlng-tou sui. ExX'onKTeBsuian Burleigh, in behalf of the Com mitte on Credentials reported that the committee recommended the admission of the dssagstas from the 1st A_*cmbly Distriot of Albany County. The report- was adopt' i George Bliss t_ in preaaated the resolution whleh bad been drawn up bl tbs Committal on Itcsolutioiis. a> ik substitute for a platform. He said that the committee at the out Bet had decided t hut lt would be wiseet to conliue the plat form * merely to a denunciation of thu .Mills 'lu ri ft bill aud a pled~ of New-York'e support to tho nominees of the TRepublicnn National Convention. The con? vention would noon meet, and would supply the garty with a platform on National topics. As fur tate matters, thi-v cviuld b*. dealt with In a plat? form which woufd tie passed by a Hepublican State Convention this fall. THE PLATFORM AS SIMM-Ill, Mr. Bliss then rend to the convention thc fol? lowing preAmlde and resolutions, und the docu? ment was adooted unanimously by the convention : The R'publl-sn* of New-yorlt in convention assem? bled, eertalu that the N*tlon*l eonvention at Chicago will pieeent candidate* for President anl Vlte-Preal dent BraaaS devotion u> American Idea* and to tha pre tectlon ot labor, sgriculiui* and mannfscture* will e-mms_d th* spprovsl ol the people, pledge to the Re pntllcsD bu ti da rd bearers la the National ssaases their unitoS sod reilou* *upport. a'.d enter upon th* canvas* confident ol victory. Resolved. That SN gue?Uon? r*UUng to tho policy of tbe Republican party a* to the National *_d feUU, policy be referred u> the republican National and State con? vention* respectively to be held during the present year. Rsaclv*-. That we approve the acion ot the Iieuub llean members of Congre** In oppoaing ao Mill* Urlff WU, so-called, Md we urge thero to per*erere In drleal lng every device Intended to placs cpon tho autute book, tb* free trade theorica of Mr. Cleveland's annual ine*?sge. Mr. Aldridge, State Committeeman, of Rochea ter, then presented the following, which whs adopted by rising vote : Where**, Mr the de*Ui of Roaeoe Con_llng the Republi? can tf?rty hs* lo*l one of Ile mo?t brilliant ?nd intrt.ld leaders, the Kute one Of IU) moat gifted sou*, the Nation "r*rtee ar* bnyug Folding Beda at ridiculously low prises Bl Braaer * -teer* Co, 43 West lita st. Patents are eal. one of lt* moat Slslngulshed citlren*, and the cause of human right* one of lt* mose eminent defenders, therefore Resolve-, That we deeply deplore hi* untimely death, snd Uis deeds sud memory are a priceless legacy, and wilt ever be an inspiration io the ?ute*man aud patrlut. These resolutions were presented by General Husted: Resolved, That in all ca*es where tho Congressional district I'reaidential elector* have been regularly cbescn, such action shall be approved, snd that In all other case* the district elector* are to be elected by the next State Convention, ?nd tha*. In case of a mutest arising In any district, the State Committee be and ls, snd is hereby authorlied and empowered to adjust the *a_H>. llc'Ived. .hat tba names of the district elector* al? ready chosen be reported fortUwltb to tho chairman ol thia Convention. The following wns then adopted on motion of Colonel George Itiiss : Iteoolved, That lu 165)2, BBS every year thereafter In which Presidents *re elected, the dUtrict elector* be ?elected by the delegate* from the respective districts elected to the hutt Convention last preceding tho election, caootDt- Tin: D_USGviisat-lakok. Noiv cutne the impoitaut movement in ino life of thc conviuuou. James M. Varuuiu, of New York, moved that the convention should proceed to the election of four Megatas-at-laifa Ho ?id that thc N.-w-Vork mmtMMAU hud intended to pii-ss lafM i'. Morton for dsisgatS tl _*TfS They did bo because they considered Cliautu:Vf IC i)e pew as much thc choice of the State al large as .f New-York eity. Mr. Hoxton, therefore, would be tiie only local eaadidate. '1 lu y had not pics sd Mr. Morton out ol instil,ty to Mr. Hlsoock, and Mr. Morton, on hearing that there was a little it;.t..ui In tin- convention over the saatter, und that ii might oauaa fHaannslon, imd ii nt a tele? gram du-lariag thai be eras sot a eaadidate for delegate at large. He then read to the conven? tion the telegram he had received from Mr. Morton. " I apprehend," said George bliss," that there is no eonstderable difference muong us as to whom we deidre to send to Chicago. I therefore move that Frank Hlsoosk, Warner Miller, Chauncey M. Depew and Thomas C. 1'latt be declared the choiee of this ('.invention for delegates at-large to the National l&rpublican Convention." Applause fol? lowed this speeeh, ead tbe motion was adopted bv a unanimous vote. Chairman Pitt*) th'-n de? clared formally that Messrs. Hiscock, Miller, Depew and Flatt hud ben elected dclegaics-at ?ar.e. Smator -torn Z. Envln, of Rt. Lawrence County, Bored that the alternates should be ex-Senator James .Arkell, of Oana lobarlej David A. Baldwin, of Brooklyn; Benet or John Raines, nf Canandaltna; nnd ex-Sen atot IVinicl H. McMillnn, of Tvnffrilo. The motion was adopted bj a unanimous vote. Then followed the of a new Itepnbican State Committee. Tlie follow?g ware elected: 1st DUtrict-Hichsrd A. MoCermlet, lld Dlstrlctg-Isrsel F. Fisher. Hld District?William Ray. IVth District-Stephen V. White. Vth District? Kxlgar K. (Srlffln. Vlth District?John W. Jseobus. Vllth DUtrict-Cornelius Van Cots VI 11 tit District- Juln -Imp-son. IX th Dlstrlct-Jobn TL Nugent Xth District-Cornelius N. Bliss. Xlth Dlstrlct-Clsrence W. Meade. Xl Uh District?Solon B. Knuth. Xlllth DlstHct-Charles F. Brurtea. Xl Vth District?lame* W. Dusted. Xviii DistiIsl Weaji?n B OSeO, jr XVIth Distil.a?Hebert II Hunter. X", lilli District-John li. Uogsley. XVIIlth District-John A. Quackciibush. XlXtti District?(!? "ii" ( ii i|'!..'ll. XXih Diatrlct-l'ilgar T. Bracket XX 1st District?lunn M. Weaver. XX lld DMtllst JSSSpS Mullen. XXllld District?('haileo A. Cuickerlng. XX I Vth D!sulct-All.ert M. Mill*. x> V'h Matriel JessfBft _gglestsa. xxvith DUsrlat Oeeige W. Deas. XX Vllth District?J. X'. Knapp. X XX VII Itu District?loan W. DwIghB -XIXlb District-William L. Parkhurst XXXth Plea Itt Oasssjs W. Aldridge. XXXlat DUtrict?Marcus II. l_Ulga XXXIId DI?tiIct-0. fi. Warre:. XXXHld District?Georgo Uihan, Jr. XXXIVth DUtrict-Frank S. Smith. C.enenil Hosted named William II. .1 anson, Odored, of Albany, as a delegate-at-large on the State Committee to re pissant tbe colored ItVpub Ileana, nnd the motion was adopted. The following Pr?I initial -leeton were el ri d 1. Kent ilciieit.ct II. Cus'.av A. Jol.n. III. Nrlaon J. (Jule*. V. C. I). R.imi?*. VIII. Ws*. Il Ti.wi.Uy. XIII. I'avld 9, F..ner. XIV. Tho in ?a si??rn?. XV. W. V I'.'.ci.-nlsun. XX, K.twardKlli*. XXI. Frank H. Wither ),.., XXIV. I der, \. Hr*wn. x x v. ant. s. Orama X.Will. M. 1'iitter Bas. XXIX. ancell rtroirn. XVIII. Jame* A. Hurd-n. XXXII. Pliilio B_';?r. XIX. K. A. Durant. ..ii"iial ( oimiiitt, Tht gates aro undotaiooa to favor Alll.on, of Iowa, for I ri -i'lcnt. Juliet. 111., Ma| DV-Hciiry Mayo, of Ottawa, and I. E. Dennett, ol Plano, were ehOSOB d''l'*gatc_ to tl.o KepuMlcau National t oiivc.ton, ;c-tut(ia>. NI-.11KA.SKA REl'UDIJCANS POI PROTECTION*. Omaha, Neb., May Itt.-The platform adopted by the Kepubllcat: tstei? Convi-niion arraleus tho licm orrati? party for its failure to heep ns promises made In Its platform In Ism, for lallure to reduce the surplus and to maiie tho BBossaarf tepaodltare for public improvements, fur tho cflort now ma!, ag to tear down tte American system of pi-otection, fostered and built up by tba Republican party, 'itt- _f_| hill 1? denounced aud tho Democrats are condcini.el for making uu attempt to put down tbe corp vate trusts; and the President for his action In the inaner of tho Hebel flags. The platform pledge* protection to every cltlnen at Lome and abroad, to BsaBB-Mtarers and farmer*i, commends the Wtate Hoard of Railroad Commissioners for Its etlorts to obtain for Nchiaska the sauio rates as are accorded the neighboring BtBtea Liberal paasteaa to the disabled and needy veiorans ol the Uulon army are recommended. BSStlaaal s^os and the keeping alive of the haired* of the civil war are reprehended aid denounced. John M. Thara ton, Patrick Egan, -forgo V. Heist and H. A. Nervsl were elected delegate* to the t hlcago Convention. They are uninstructed, but favor 1 Haine. The only evidence of Presidential preference shown In the convention was during tho discussion of thc motion to passed IS the election of four ISlBgBtSS at-large. Mr. -rewster, ol Haine County, obtained the Hour. When he announced lils natue and ?aiil thit h.- hailed from the BBWlf organized OuUatJ of BWae, ho was luterrupte.d with deafeiilni; shouu aud cheers - Ves," ho kmd, "I not only como Dom one of |fcs youngea and best counties In Nebraska, bul thal county has tha boaor of being named after tL-? in-xt lTosldent of ino United .-Ut**,.'' another shout ol spprorsl uneltwl Mr. Brewster*! saatlBsata Thurston is a strooi ulalu loan ls a strotif adnii.ei of nielne aiso bal -OBI aol eOD nut I. tru-elf; Norval I ls for Illume, and Hist is nun oomrulttal. If lllalne'* uame ls i.ra? all the Nebraska dele gate*, however, will be foi- bini. # ALAUAMA'S KKfl lil.If AN KTATF. TP KIT. Montgomery, Ala., May Ki.?At the .'..n ,u to-day the following hiate ticket Wai neted: W. T. Kwlng, tiovetnor; J J. Woodall. tary of Stat*; H. T. Fowler, Treasurer; B. 0. rieflin, Auditor; Q. H. Craig, Attorney-General, and J. M. Clark, Superintendent of Education. Resolutions were a.i..pte.i oondeasnlni I tsvslaad's message su.i tbs Mills bill, Indorsing no mair bin. favoring Ihe abolition of the internal Revenue system. Ihe convention wa* balloting for delegalos-at-laigo at a late hour. !;l ITHLICAN COSTV?NTIOH IN .MiSSolKI. DKL-UATKS-AT-I.AKGK CHOSKX A.\l> A 81ATK 'IH-Kr'T XllMI.NATt'I). ScdaJla, Mo. Ma| li (-pecial).-At last nlrht's se?lon of the Krp.nlican State Convention, the fol lowing were elected delegate! al large IO the I latina: Chaeaeej i. niicy, it, i.?uis; d. p. Dyer. St. I/)Uls; William Warner, Kansas City: James ii. pelham (eetoredl Baaalbal, Ma. The Selegates were net inatraatad, altaaagh a resolution saanati tn. ni ic te JlBSISl John B. PoaSBrSBB was ad(.|.!"d. When the convention wa> called to order Ibis morn? ing the baata-M of alaellag two slastors-al i-u-e began The ballet resulted li) Ihe of William ll. mn_MS. of DeKalb, and '-Pony Po; B, Bf Sprtag field. The unanimous report of the CoauaftteS OB Resolu? tions wa* read. Tbe report resolved that monopolies should bo restrained: d ' :>'? UOmAt BB tbs ballot bes i!) lbs Boa?; .bet lasaaoa h.- bras las tow st limit ; thal the revisloa of the ta-ltr be made with a nee ot] ag tbe bone Intereats, ? of placing wool. i. ni sad sine bb tba baa bat, la a u Mufa lau rests; tba! lbs Dalea sol? diers are entitle;! t . irlief for di?hie I VOtonUU BD that tho per, : ii reta - should be ooademaed; Ihe'eoaeeettoa soaflaian Ihe sbellttoa of the state Boori af immigration, au.i thal tba DearoeraMe i istration ie aoB-BBinai tar M ?"'? tor ihe relief of litigants in lbs ovsierawdsd Sapresae Ceart The report ?- aiti.(.".d unanimously, ihe abaaaea of a Prohibition plan- was uoi oven lemarlicd In tho convent,"ii. g n. BreekearMge, of it Urals, "as BoaMaateg for Gavernoo ami withdrawn. Mr. lilley nomlaateS BL j: Kimball, i-f Toroa Comity, and U made naaalaniai Oeorga ii. Wallaee, of ii??.at.i County, a wool man, re.-eive t thl nomination for Lieutenant (iovenmr. 1. W, Mott, of St. Louis, was -..ry of Stata; A, P Iiiivcln, of Henry County, wa* nominated for I W. Martin, of Linn County, for Auditor; Cap'aln L. L, iirid-e, of ee.laila, for Attot neY-t.-neral; John IL i hus", of Iron i (Milty, Hepisier of Lands: B. W, ?-, of Sedalia, La ? I i,ai-;.ni, of Kansas atp, Judge ol the Supreme Court. _. F.. Kimball, tho nominee for Governor, li a law? yer. He has been Dej a: tmeo I i (.rand Am.', ol the Republic In July, ' WI, be ? listed at Springfield, Mo., as a private under Oem I l.v..h. took part lr. ol Wilson - < reek, and j.lined In the retreat to Rolla. Alie.- thal i." served rmaster until 1SS_, and sabtequently e'i!i-ied a :i private it. Company 0. ol the 189th .Nev. York Volunteers. He wa- a- dened to Ibe Seem d Prljado, Firs! PM-,oe, ol the I'M'li Anny ? ; until after ihe surrender of Lee and iv*. (Li char.? at El Hilra, V. V,, In .lim-., Dr?'.;,. - rn THE UH f?IH (XnWMMMK so WST8C0TMMS, Brr TM BTAAMUTT PA TD! BI.aink?OOPf MAMBO rou vir'!>pi:rsit)]-\i. Fairmont, W. Va., May IS (Specie!).?The Stats Re publican i oir. _Moa for tbs JStoStlBB of four ielSBBt? sad toer sltsraates le lbs Chicago Coaveatloi bald bore to-day. John W. Mason, of Oraftoa, mem ber of tin- Matlaaal Pommlttt*), iras the peniaaeBt ehalnnaa Tha convention -ws tho lainc-t and mool laslle ever lieM In the State, e\.ty coiinty be? ing represents i ate! oxer SOO delegates belag iu att"mi aaee. Stroas reaolntloiis la favor ot ? Pta Tariff were adopted, I;,el;,-!,nu tho toUoalng: "We ehsHBage ths wlaSaai of the preeenl Administration iii rctor.iniending. throagb Its ohoeea head, ihe sboll tion or i-adica! reduction of thc tail:! OB c i'l. woo!, -alt and lumber, classed as raw material, four of Kraal Vlr I ? a's principal prodaeta." ci reoogaltloB of Us ability and vh!uj1.I? servtoOS Nathan (."ff, the rils tlngnl >? in t .mi.i? - in Ibe 1st 1 let, b . il ? Duaended to the National Convention as a candidate tor V'leo-Prwsldent After the tran* acth.n of the usual routine business t>ie tollowlng vere ehosaa ss itatogBlaa al lat ga te tbe Natloaal Ccavea inn: John Brew, of Wheeling; Ralph i. Be of Mergaatown; Thoasas B. Swaaa, ol I barleetoa, and Charlaa ii. Smith, ol Parfcarabors; alteraatea: L M. Wade, t i.arier, r. leter, t. l>, BBIotl ami Roary C. Pleaser, Earlier in tha Say tha lld Dlatrtoi conven? tion elected John Miller, of Kcjur, and M. \\. Curtin, of Grafton! a delegates, ami T. F. Lanham i ;ii 0. W, FrIUt as alternates. 'Iho above named, together With the following delegates pieelouali ehosen Irom Ibo 1st, Hid and IVth Dh tri ? ? ? eal \ Irglnla's representatives st Chleago: Isl District, William P. Hubbard, ol Wheeling, anl Alexander <. Moore, of Clari burg; Illd District, John Cooper, of Pocsh i . and the Rev. t. li. Payne, colored, ol < "al Valley, IVth DUH let, A. I'.. White, ..; ? ;. ami .1. .1. Peterson, ol Huntington. While Ibe sent I mut ?, ? decidedly lor ulalu.-, m. Instructions were k".i. om lt i understood thal mould blaine's cai ol j i nnl i at Chli - iinaii will havo a majority el . ea. ?-_ MINNESOTA IN 1WV0K OF GRESHAM. SRADT io sriToRi lii.tivK IP ur. SHOULD ur. A ( v-i.iii. rx. * St Paul, May D'. (Special).- Th" teiii!).'i- of thc CoiiMi.ilon h.-M bera to-day was Maine first and ua next, but Ihe Qresham sandmenl seemed iiiiich tim stroagar. Tha eathaalaam user bim mus nei,.-ir frf. , . ' ^.i. Vote for (ire. I am first It m?v Ik. s-i rinwn t's- i-' out of the 14 dd i.'a'e- from thl Slate are bi Gi ham" and thal the pther two will ... , .. ? THKY ARI rOH BLAHfB ir KWH RSSART. Pueblo, i ot. Mai ts (Spec ab.- \t the Rept Obs vc-, ton h'-hl hntss to-day, the tollowlng dr ta Chleago wara eteoteri: Massn. DoaaMsoa, Hammlll, Bowbort, Henderson, Wingate and o. k. Wolcot! They are tor Ulai ne if necessary. HU: MABTlaAKD RBPI Btji ans t > MXXTTO-DAT. Haltluior'.-, M.iy IS (Special). Pha Stata Republican Convention Whleh BMOtf Bl Easton, Sty to BMrrow ?,ii bs attended by a large Bamber of ] ecatc. from all pan- of the state, gi city bis ?neil w, W. Jobnsoa, Lesa Seligsr, Oeorgs i Bragge, J. Reese Prltehor* (?euerai Adam i^ ki . A. \ Bteeeaa, .ian:e.s il Ward, w. t. h. )?'. Alragi John,m.II-. IBBBBI A. Clarey, SJ Ilaln.n. Wosley M. OtoTi Lunls llcci.eimer, Praasle >[. Uajh] ami nany ol Waiter h. Brooks, who ^...s tbe Republicen aaadldata fur (...vernor las: year: Thomas Ooraneb ar.d ei-Ststo Baaater winiam d. Barehla-1 '-sill probably bs r|,,.|, | riei*irate?-ai-laiBe. of the e_teen delegate iBCludlaa thS toor Just named, at I t ?? for Blaine, although tba j ??> -ii K" unii simeted ti ? , iiiatfi.ini will i.'e. ,. I] for protection and i ?', license, i be i.e.' presldoni Senatof Tbom? il Bo A ROI BUI 'AN 1 RJTJSTLY Ai I Di] _ liidiiiuaiiolie. May If (ei?-i Isl).-Alter Jagfl I h_i law m*s B] bj tbs i itrlet-Attomay ? ; ,nim i wi 'j be rv politli Ians as .-.I. offal I I ead i - " - ihe jurv ? iiii'i aK*|i?t | the letter, BX-OOVBftMOB PORTBB MUKli'U1>kntf.d. ladlaaaaelM, May ts ;?.r .- i !:>. wi. ?I wiib i,j-, ii..- -. i . ihit Jadga ? ni Was his l.i.!- -i ? im i i statement that lias oeOBBiOBOd nu.. 1. BaB-SMBl among politicians, because Mr. Poitcr ls one ol the SstogBtes at-larire from Indiana to the National Convention. Ho denlei thai ho SH-bi any such statement, and -av- Mat the entire Interview l* a fabrication, a-s be talked v.nh liter while away from hun:', was ir a waiT.m.oo (OB thi: coykknok? mk. hill's iiii'Mi* SOT BAM BOWS'-i.Dwakd COOFBB A r_esiBLS cab-idatb. If David B. Hill had BBOa sent to SI. Lento a* a gstogBBJ at-laige lisle ul of losing that honor bf an overwhelming majority, his friends could not, have BSSa hi lette, iplrltS than they were vesle,.!,. Not a trace of priof or disappointment was visible on their countenances. All was joy. hope, ami cont! lien.e. That ipoataaaoas Bathers! in favor of lbs Governor, at Hie evening session of the convention hail boated all UM WOMBS- lniiff*Wi by the Adminis? tration, raised their drooling spirits and Infused new HT,- late thea*. They laughed at the Idea of thc <.i.v aner's peBMeal -eatha Saelarri he tic BveBaat Mad ef OSffSe Sad predieted thal he would bo re? nominated "by acclaim:! ion"*by the rifato l.'onv. nii..n in Aagaat JadgB Muller looked like a new man. HO Mit, he tiiiil, that tbs oanVOaUoa w? true IB HUI. but leaie.l that the cieveliiid man.. : BBBVSal the men? tion of lils BBBM D'.s views were re-echoed by many oili.Ts. BBIBSsy, thai ihe Admliii-irai.on ansnt too far. As aaa Bta*TT*nan sal it: -it w*. all righi for thees t.. kaoeb inn down and jump aa biak Thal is poli? tics, 1 hut when they undertook to lead him out ol tba i ? -m. beoaaoa a toa winn:'- on him' they made a Bllstaka They areal I ley found out." 'li.e aetlvlty of Crace and Cooper stains- Hill ls generally understood. I DOB? really wants to ho Gaven in Qraea protends ha wants to saassed mu. but of eoaSBS this ls a atora dodpe. Bs wants the Mayer1 i bi sad hs is toing to make a stseag i .r it, despite tho way l.o was hissed hy tbs SalOgatl was not at his onie.) whim a reporter salted ysstetday. HM Mea? ara highly h> dlgnant at the anonymous ai lack made agaa Lim ami I ic ev la the pamphlets distributed amour, i: ?-. .I i of them say that lt w_s tbs I pahUeattoaa nat stirred of the BMSBbsrs of t.'.o saa> li -t Mr. < iraea SeSSS of the delegates went home on Tuesday night, hat mool ol them were una!,io t? tear themselves away from the allia. Hons of the metropolis until yester? day atoralog, when they departed OB the early trains. Albany, May di (Special).?The -overaor*! righi hand moa, William 1'. Sheehan, of liulfalo, rd urti:'.1 bara (ram ths ooaveatioB si Raw-TorR, and was r:.,S'i?ii to-day with his chief i!i tb Bxeeetlve aa hour. 'J he yoong toad i lui.:.".! as thoagh be bad h'en thrOOgh a month's II!, ami "ied to dread appearing before his ma-stor. Ho had diarite of tbe (.'..verm,:--* PrealdSntlal BOOB). All thal he woold -av !..,., that li was a neal eoavei The Governor Uaw ail defeat a.s only a ihiWWd ami ally politician caa He p i its in saying that he d! 1 not want lo go to St Li.uis at all. .?. - __-PU_tt_OAN- AHEAD AT MOUNT VERNON. MMOCBATIO BBAGGAKTS COXFOUXBS_>--TBB BBB BLOOD TOLD. Tba village; elect too a; Monal Vernon on Tai the mos: ezeli og tba! had ever been bold, sad saiaerats cam-? out of it badly plucked. They I,.,.i pu ? tl bos ' thai ti.. | Intend rd ta take avery thies and tbe Ulc_ey-_ewtor-QuoebeBbuah com bmat on aele tod the most respectable of tholr party ai candidates lo the bops of deeehriag tha voters. To uiiii.e their s' ban ' i .. . omptete they bli I cs to bung in ii ii'e io ni roten to u.u polis, ami dla?Ib< ,,.L.ii | i , sad dollars with a gsnarens bena, the latter baias mool elle I va In wasl Mount Vernon. Tbotr aa?ety was due t>. tha tool thal bundseds ?t thousands of o. liats are to bo expended la tbs build sg of th. ti"., sewers, sad thal they could not bope for a convenient treasury nor a ??divvy'' with tho SOB tracton with the Republicans to oppose mata. -i . ?? Demo retie candidate tor president of tho vii!ic. David Qttaokaabnsh, the "Ctoveland Reform" postmaster, ex-supervisor, etc, w] i ls Bnainssf. ls polltlea, was Bleated by only '' majority bvbi john p. Loth-r. a gentleman, a boalneaa ama and a Ueao; while John Berry, tba Domoeratlo candidate foi I IT3 majority. On tie hand, laace A. Farrington, Republican, elected police Justice by Soo majority. Tho I ?? pub? ans a: o eln te i thin a ol .ho live trustees v, n i j i i, Edward \ Hoe lai rt and Ss I rei-,'-!.-m. so thal Me seal board will ?land tam I pub] tana and three Demoeanll lt wa. a Repub? lican victory, and aa tbe Increase of now--con ? ? ly of men ,.f IntelUsence and educe m.ii the (tepublicans will cont uue to ram strength. MICHIG v\ raOHIBITIOKISTSMEET. PISH IHDO?1 D rmi' l":i SIDBNT, tRD ?1 IB rOSO?CAB l'AKi'V BIKO?CD OUT SOB ABUS? (.raiid BapidS, Mi -li-. May IS (Special).- A. 15. < boney, ol Sparta, wa.s cbs,man of tba stale Pro Lion h lld In thia citv to-day, A. ?>. i rosier, ol Cns elly, who delivered the aretooailng a:.lies.;, aimed his remarks mainly al the Republican . elalmlng thal the Rapabliean Legtolatora li d pa -.-il ths Local Option law as B conciliatory BIOSSOM to hold the prohibition Iii tho rural districts ami still ssalnt-ln pood standlns with th.* whlikoy atoaieni In the la etrtas I rosier was loudly an I in afternoon lbs Lev. John Unseen, ef Milton, of tba Prohibition party; Brat vtee-preeldaBtlal candidate Professor samuel Dtokle, of Albion, ehabs man of tbe National ? ommlttee* and Mm Mary r. Lathrop, of Jackaoa, were chosen detogates-at-large by aedamatloo; aad A- 0, crozier, ol thia city, and Alfred w bo, of Leasing, were candidates for barth place Ob ths ball I Miss was sleeted by one uiajorliv. Crosll y.-lliei fraud, ami dc iiiaicl I a new count, but the chairman issfns;.! !.. listen io their remonstrance. A Herns tea al largs, dil trict an.l provisional delegates sad alternates, ta the Bamber ef over eighty, were eboscn Albeit Dodge, of roWlerViUe, was ebOSOa chair nan ol the ( satral Committee, hud w. W. Who, of Leasing, seorotary. Resolutions wero adopted sa I ag loyalty sad devotion to tbs cause, ami op ou to every form of regulatory legislation; ron demnlng thc temporising, Incongruous, and partly na ikiiu'i ou tba ii |uor quosyoo en? acted by ibo las' Legislature, and the trw ding, stu? pidity, and moral blindness that starked its working, eaualng lt to futter away a golden opportunity ta thoroughly outlaw the dram-shop system; sad lurther do th1' the oonstltul i adman) was lu I through tbe i rfldj of those who, under the tulse of friend* ? . 'i lt to lt- death (or fear of disrupting the Republican party. Ths roBoluttona express unalter abl opi - . Dual ettlud ol the Slate, be au ? ii l- a fal lure where, ir 1 Iblttnn in tlie en- ' - ti itlon will le- satisfactory. They In i san il'laey oi General Clinton ,".. Flak, of pisey tor the R express e teem Dlcl le. ' ntghi addresses wen to t. i la bj Pr fe < t Mr. lathrop, tho I'..-.'. Mr. I.'ussrli ar.d I Opposition .1 tye Ropuhlli au party and 1 I option, and :i. ? ul tbe Prohibition cause, -i oi i heir pi ut I.-. Eithi r A. Ti, . or J. L. Hud ou, a wealthy Detroit clothier, will be tl The I'r.l bil i .' vote f. o years ago, and expect ibis ] i i),000 or i".' their State tleket. In il I ny-seven tocal pio i ba bees adopted. * PLATFORM OF THE MARIE PROmBmONIBTS. i " > Ma] IO. : be Probll Itlon state i ..,.? .y el,..sp. as SstoS-tea to the Nat 00 ,; v.-.if m. M. W. Perry, ol Camden; i .? i>. crane, ol Newcastle Alternates, J. P. iuii, _| Km>\; p, n. ? o' Bath. The platform mri reoplotlonsi unanlnsoealy adopted, aBIrm that traiiic m a;. aadaasera Babita morals ami safety, anJ )H a l soil,,-- of .,.,rill,!.?,, ia ?quuos; that Ueenae ' : l-et'iate ll. , tars wron- |s prim-,p. I | that prehlMttoa as * Stats BBS National policy ls th., ?edan agalaal tho sal.\; that ara. D .* * nation .1 Issue, an I ti.iist Le championed by * ii.-I.mal party ; that I,otb tho Dem gratia and Uepuli Ueaa parties have BOitbei the dlapoeltloo nor abtUty t., sw iho istooa; that (be shameful trading ,.f - ".'I. th- ram rota in Malae proves thal neither can be trusted to setoree lbs liquor laws; that 'he Ust mm eli.eetton In portlaad shows lbs , sdi bm ot nie BapohUi an party to maha a disgraeafBl . lo wis ?tri",e.*._wrt ?, parti i. ni ded In lion ol the cn.e. fn.n, the liquo- tu!,!,- requires the alni.tun of tba Internal revenue tai on tiqu ir; thal Hie present tatitr I ben iq cheapen th ol , to. *'.ii thai ll ? revised b* a comml*. lon ? ?hi' ll iy in elections dci-eivo* tba emi hal ? allon ol t ivilise i pi Tbs platform si .. Indorses Ibe Australian *y?tem ? in- work ol tho Wo'mau-* Christian To'. mon. . TSMMB8SU iii ra*Br.AI?B Df.i.iiUATi s. Na.bviiie. May : (Bsa ;ai,.--j?- BapahllMs Mtat? Ooov^l i i,;,, , al. 1 io order by a. M. Hughe*, |r., cl i rmaa of ti, .?-? as Bi i s_ ' S Ths Baoav.JeaNOl." wa* -".. i \. Taytov, i. asl v A M,.|...... , ,., lalaaas nn.i i*?^u*r. A ta. ? ? ""I sun, te Bal*. inti:*-. ? ,rr*rinw' onir A* ihe rr.i?i ratemule* i_ia, 1* *ft"n ttl* first Indi?tina .,f .nrlplent ill*****. In *neh la ids I ',??];(??? w * . ..: ? r \: a; |.??.r.rr. wtuet. Lr ita vr*>u '.rr.,. p'li-llyiBsaiiU iIibv tsutc i.rotmrti** will n.ii, k.? r*. I Slur-:.. . ir. rer.air.4ii4 *ir*u?l!ien the *-*tea I ?,, ! I'm* w?ri *!T s|p.mcf|i II* ?*t_i* ibuub*-* I roaihss or*ry organ af th* Uottr. Disfiguring Emptions Indicate Impure blood arda deraagBd stomach. External treatment is of no avail. Tlie safest and most effective remedy for those complaints ts Aycr's Sarsaparilla. " I was troubled with discoloration of the skin, which showed itself in u;lv (lark patches. No external treatment dill more than tem porerygood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla effected a complete cure." ? T. \v. Boddv. Uiver st., I...weil, Isaae. "No tu edi ci ne ; on I il iv better adapted to cleansing tim blood of such lin pnritlea as manifest luetnaelves oa tho skin by i.implcs, blotches, and small ulcers, than Aver* Farsaparilla. I have Urted lt for that pur? pose, with Hie most gratifying reeqlte."?J. R. Bosebeiry, M. I).", Wharton, Texas. "I have praaerlbed Aycr's Sarsapa? rilla in my practice for a Bamber "f peera. I Bad it to work admirably wbeaa an alterative is Indicated."? T. Porter, II. D., Carn tior.;.., Tana. "For pin,pies, blotches,(ilse.dotations of the skin, and eruptions of ev\:ry de SOriptlOB, we c insider Pimples And Bl.itches yield speedily to Ayer'i Sarsaparilla^ the most potent auu har,ul.-** of all Blood medicines. I>..n't waste time and money on any othen Ayer's -tursaparilla ls tho best. " 1 liave used Aycr's Saraparilla and Pills, for boils, sores, and pimples, ami have found them to be the best m?dl. ,. Consrsaa n> give ll soidlal a . 'i bea i 'ii"b - Um usnal | latitudes. w iii-ii ths Int paragraph was read the applaui ireat, sad every rt-*H>gatt (umped to ins tool yelling. By a i'll', oi.cet led uii.iii'.'nuiiif Ihe hand began IO play merrily, and a eartaln dropped showing Ctovelaad'i pietare over the stsgs a** Ohio's ci o.,e. Other bat* ores of the platform wero unnoticed. A d .veiled: ?? Hurrah 1 for faanie Clevelaad," and a colored te remonstrated, laying: "Uri. Frances." Thia ticket Nits nominated by aoclamatloaI Tor Beeretary of State, Boston (. Touag, ..f Marlon Oonnty; fir Suprem*) Court Judge, t* J. Critehfleld, ut BelaBSS County; for IfOIBbBT of the Canal Board, Jaaies k. Baualt, of Pike County. Bmmit was nead Bated becanae of his expected largo contribution. Ho I* a distiller* Vonni: sad Critehfleld are both lawyera. A< predicted, tho "Big Four" slate for dole at lar^o was put through OB tba fl.-nt ballot as (oilowa: (alvin S. liiice, of Allen Ci.nnty; T. K. Powell, af iianiiiin I'ounty; Charles W, Maher, af Hamilton Cornily; L. K. Holden, of Cuyahoca Ooaaty, Brtre lcd tho list willi .03 votes, l'.well being next Wttb '.:,_. I'ree-Tradors llmtl, General linley, M. I), gar? ter, Lee h. bert and W. W. BBtborry wein di tasted for dclegatos. Murd had 272, a surprise com ii s many defeat*, ii,ii.i, llerter, Finley and Bari were then made alternates. During the balloting for delegates one county nave Thurman nine Voles, al Ihough ho had telegraphed early that be could not bo a delegate. Brice's victory was largely div lo '? Ben" lao Ket re, who came hen- from Nev. York. Telegrams of thank, from Urlee ' ame iu plentifully when I mlts had been sent him In New-York. All foti were chosen at the wish of Senator Payne, lt was the mos) orderly eon vent lon of tba party for yeal ? ? everything was Rxed up lu New-York and Wash? ington and tho Instructions obeyed. Calvin s. Brine, who esme to Bew*Tork fl.e or six yean sge, but has maintain ' bis leg : residence in Lima, Ohio, wu greatly pleesed yesterday by .1 dis pan h annonnelng h.. election ss a dstogate-atdargs by the "hu. Democratic i onvantloa, His friends tele? graphed also thal ho would be the he ul of thc Ohio delegation at bi. Louis. Calana! Bries ls a stroag Cleveland man. _? 7IBGINIA DEMOCRATS FOB CLEVEULrTI). BBBATOB DAMl'I.s. JOBB ft, BABBOTJB, K. C. MAK BMaU and rail* m'kinnky ABS TIIH IM.!.! - (ja nts. Norfolk, Va., Mav IS (SpOOtsB.?TBS T>?moer?.f|e State coiivii'i ni to stool delegate! to ihe National Darno etuilc ConvoBtloB met hero to-day. The eonveottOB w_ called to order hy .-cn;,tor John \V. Harbour, chairman of the Democratic State Committee, and the nani organisation was tor mad with Speaker B, v. Cardwell, of the Boneo of Delegate-, in the chair. Bari ii mado a short address ashing thal BS ired lo retire (rom th-* chairmanship of 'he .?-'ate i bal the convention re-elected bim. John S, Barbour, Senator X W, Daniel, u. ?..'. Marshall, of Portamoutb, and philip w, itoKlaaay, of FermviUo, we:e eleeted d ilegatea-al large to lt Loni.. ami Ootoael K. r. i.eitno, Bdltor of "The Btohmead State," aad Judge John T. Harris, ni Shenandoah, were Bleated etootora-aNarga. Qovarnor Kiuhugb Lee entered tho hall amid much eui lius:a-m. Ile mado a lengthy ape eh dovoting Uti remarks principally' to tba debt (ji.csi; ,;.. The Committee on Beeotetlons were oitr for flvo lii.uis ,-" ,1 bad mnch dlflloolty In forming a ant of resolutions, las e being, a di po Itlon to Introd a i plank tor the repeal ol ihe Internal Rev, i ic n solution - aJHi thal li ls s duty due to the people to reduce taxation, to re tore the surplus to tho business ol t!.? eountry I I Bvelanri \d ministration aa.l thal olBoovonnor Len, and ihe isoendanoy of Republicanism in Virginia "would threaten every intcre-i and embroil the State In eoafliet Of classes an.l . . -.?. STRIFE AND V7AB AMONG THE LABOB MEN. SCBHCS Ol DIBORDBB .*>"?' THB McO-YNM COM VUTTION-OBOBO-'S THEORIES KKJKCTl ';. CiBelnaatt, May IS [Special),?Then la no fusion to? day between the Cnioa Labor torses ead Baited Labor people uiiuer tho teed af Dr, MeGlyaa. Bot tiiat tho wen sal wllUng, bal beoaai i tba brana, hy a deolded inajniiiy, njoeted Ihe alagle laad-tas theory Bf Baary Oeorge, to winch the taltowera of MoQlynn I'ie thoroughly nodded* Tha Colon Labor Convention bb la session all day. its proses dings i.eitv vsry ii'linus. When tin- report of iha Committee oo Con toreacs with the Cnlted Labor party presented their t, whleh wi so IndorsemeBt of the Qeerge theory In a (lot ii-ed form, it conrad oonaidenhle eonl bat the convention hy a dei ide I majority rsferrad ths report to the COBUBlttoS 00 BSOOlUtlOBS, '.Vhctl tim t'ommltiee on BessIatlOBS suhiultteil tho platform than was niet-ry WBT all BlOBg the line. The Brea whieh was adopted was not satisfactory to lbs Green bank elOBtoat, whiek wea strssg la tue convention. Next cami) tr,.* moat u rn: i eptsods of the convention* Ii ?;,, dBci.ied to eotisiior ti." plat fern pleat by plank The tit-ssi proposition was thal upo.. land a delegate fem Michigan, Bogg, submitted the Ceo,???,. iingls tai i tax plank, and a wrBBglS saSBOd that eau ed the con* vonltoa and avery ene in it to loee track of the sro Seedings. Finally debate *a. stitl.d and 'he ir, were sat doun upon. thereupon the I rdtad i . ,>. ,, men who wen pn eol In the gallery withdraw, ;. .'ii a number of the Union Labor delegete*, who I iwr-ver. they would support the nominee 1 ? i mtetj i ui'.ir tuen _,,. ,i,nsiiiei.?iiiv demorall ht, and ai ii o'clock I ad ont n .i imbi d. j ., ad Journmanl until 7 o'eloeh Resolutions wera sub Hilted thal tiii-siirpluK *iuiul.| be returned i" ll pl", either by laking up outstanding bund* ol- by being I Bk) lo tl,ctn plo iBta :: vu. v .-? \ i.. in* a iM:"i!ii'i!i '\' BOLD. Bgrlag-eld, 111. Mai '?' (Special),- l.. the sobtob* Mob of Prohibltioolsti 'h's Biorniog a sssssttos wu* I during tba elivtion of district delejjalcs by ? I eharfM Lenin SM4a as t*i polities of nouii BBS l'.liiu' oii'-iil.v den.niiie.d as a POBBBOSal Blld a HUbKtltute for li's nam- I.,,:, .! ,,, :?,.!?? I. ll s that aloiit a .!i.'/..,,i dMclples of Pei iii:ih had secured representation le the < ? tullun who were really fuillierliig th? ends of Demoersoy, and up to th.) tlino of the Bk-Moa Bf dlstiict dei' tho conveutiun bad boen their willing tou^ Ibo delegates Bf largs ta the National Convention at Tm dlanepoUs BS May M are MUs Francos B Willard, -. Lamont, Hale .loin,son and James B. Hobbs. They arc understood to be solid for Kink for President, bal divided as to second place between John A. Brno-*, of St. I.otfls. and QeergS Christian, of Cook County. A colonel In !!:.? I on federate Army, Captain D. C. Hart, of Lagan Coaatg, was nominated for Governor. Greet* lugs were BBBt to the I rn ted Labor Convention la i i.. Ituiati ensuring them that _s they Indorsed the prohibition movcineni they would receive the hearty eo-opsrattOB of the party of this State. One renolu. I.., i was tu tho etfect that habitual drunkards and persons convicted of giving or receiving bribes, ahould bo dhfraucluscd. FLAXS FOE TMB STATE CAMP, VARIOUS IMl'KOVKMKSTS MADE. fight muon ia thk nuns this ykar?ubi op TIIK IICKY COMPAMI's. The BBBBOB SBatsaebes when the National Guard** man betakes MBMeh to the tented Bali, when the dry goods el irh I Sglsn to thing of engaging boa.d at koiiio seclndori hllll llUUOQ, and the funny man points hie pencil to Ifidalga lils seedy satire on that lon,: -of? fering hero, the J,-,-ey ?' skeeter." Alie* li tho laagalad (Jude ls talking about hi* intention* for hot summer mouths and repeating a lot of Inane twa'Itl* al,on: bia last year*a exploits, and everyliody ls look? ing foi ward to tba day when ho or she will hie thom to the Woods, tba mountains or the sen shore. Tho yachtsman, bran amateur child of Neptune, (hearns of lea vin,' the shots and going for a d*ep-sea cruise. Cops of all kinds, including those known as '?claret* din ?? ehempega ?." play a praflMaaat part in hi* vision, out chief of ail io I lie America's Cup, wnh regard to which his heart beat*., not wlih BBPSBBSaatoS hut with emulous giee. Thotitgi the Scotch build a rentro. board and cali up tho ehoata of lienglst and lloma [ to BUB tin lr crail, ho thinks the cup ls saf\ Tho canoeist, too. ls looking forward to paddling Ms ow.i can. e. He will explore picturesque cove* which the rrow of no o:her "coveV canoe bad ever entered, and already In the dead of night he ls poring OVW h's eha-'s and mapping nut his curse with a fervor and enterprise winch would have be-ome Col u nv* bus or Cabot had they understood fh"> art of cam erne. Th" camp BIBOtlBgB at M.rtlia's Vineyard. Ocean (irovs and Cap" May, as well as the great Temperance Em ea?panel af Macs's .Sons near reekslUU will soon be In full teal her. No doubt there will lie. Bl usual, many casual meeting* in theso ai. t wis laban and tho attempt made, with the result that the Jolly mau was captured by the outposts on his re'ii rn after dark and locked up lu the guard-house over night, tslnce then he Is fully persuaded that the : rule ls enforced. The Nattoael Cuaidsman as a rule, ls cheerful, and con'cute.l whc.i lu camp: but the traditional groaner aometlB n strikes a glaeorgaat no:e even in that pi .1. .lui PoekakiU raia He timis fault with the bili of : . ;i the col-cry provided by thc Male, and Is sometimes remladed by his awn relatives that he has Bot been seeaStSSBSd IB fating so well at home. It has been noted by ofloon who have given ettoattoa io the s:i!j.-, i thu itn-u Who atc Used tn luxury Bl home are rarely hiiown to Complain a, out the pnva'lons of camp llf>. Otlii (.is aad men fate prfCUoly alike at the Si.ile Camp. The bill of fhn an I the cul'nary ar meats have been Improved Ben year io year, amt a still farther advance lu tl.-- right dlr ellon will be noticed during the erena! nasas. BOMB wi i.e.Nih: A-TEBATtOB The BlUltary road from Koa Hook has paBS mae Bd ami sod by Contractor 3. II. Healy, and will not pre H'lii thc swampy and ImpSSSablS aspect it did In wet weather last y. ar. The heavy retaining wall along the ritttlug Will be flmahed by th-' etui of May. Tba system of drainage pipes fm- the camp ground las be.-n completed, n that no natter how heavy the fail of rain may be, lt can be Carried oB in a lew minutes by tho weB-arraaged network of p'pc,, *nd delay or inconvenience oaaaol ans.- (rub thia cease _- in former 'ihe parade ground will be a..out |St feet lu- ..-:? thea it ??s last >.-*:-, thc cutting Into the Point of Hocks baaiag kass sataadod nearly up to the old stone wall, aial thc earth taken out used to HU tu ra\ Ines on the natbsssi sida The eneampanal aiU he soatfaaaf for eight weeks this gear Insiehd of s,.\-eti as h.'iel, The first full regiment to occupy the camp will be tho lsth, from li) to S3, DnrlBS tho saan ncrtut separate Compantoa, BBd, BBtb, SSth ami -u-i wai te pre-cut as a piovlslonal inst SettaBoa. The other regiments an.l ?panta companies that will Visit the State Kucampuieut thl* year ure as tottan s : ?lui;.- ?? to so. IM BaSbBMM and Sepsrsta C'inipani**1 WU, SSth, liJil sad ISA foitiiloK M Hau_lion; June 30 u? Juiy 7, titi, BasMsnl ??d ?ep*r?te OensaaBM 1st '3ii>. Sith uni it'ii. teeaSaa M Battalias; July ~ ta IA WWW ll ?.inieiii ai. 1 legs ? I SBBJSBlM Uk, Lilli, WIS ?"<* tormtos sui BattoBea; jr.;y m to sit. 69ik ?*???? ment alene ; July 21 ls BB, ll I ::.-?".in*nt alone; July IS t. Au-'Mst t. Wm BastoMal sad Bopan? ('unpanie* Mb Uta, SSth uni Stu, toesMas otu BaMsMsai August * to ll, S?|>ar?le Con.p?ule? nih. nth and Hat forinl?>? ?B Battalion; td, ISIfc, -34 amt WAA lenna. "'" I,,tl,ll?"; ? nt Hth. tilth, -Jaih .ind .TH), forming ?th Wallon. Bettarp of -rocklyn will be la carny wlia U?e Um IL ^^ cti.? treal obstacle In tho wav cf the l*pew boom rflfflCUltJ which people ? mid have lu learuiug i nt i in tbs irs*, syiiaw*! W '. I hlaUB-t (lloston Trans, rlpt. The* tlliinllc I , t.-r;..r ... tin, I vu.", r*. ???anuly le.* op seeouflt ? ii,., peiii* al ths Ssep tbsa tue slssssi ssnUaty rn na tam aaaa Tho bnl tan*** of -.?i de w B ?sstssara Sloanes Bitten whleh .ettie* the Msaasb K san asa , _ aistbibsasa T-. ?;i BsnBara ?* """V* ,-???. . land, lt pren's a bSS?9 *____ t__z_ . ,.?i um anstosnBs i^"-"' *>"_,,,-e "^"JT anmedln-al Heal '? "?' ?__ ""*___* ___* STS U.u io -MM -au.ed by lbs rollin* ?? * ,*-'_?_ tu, m.-,s is . ..'..nil! mi mass _*_*. _7___Z Ut 'Wish smMa .-url., ulaM.v on lou? ___* J_> __*? luoviublr b ' ' 4Ui SJ ivsass -nm i Idea. Bi-dlerty M t??t-ie?u m.iaHsi mt preullcl.l .B?u*?ce* of cdlmaie *r .tia..y*h.n ? -ell ss the aSssts of evno.ura s?4 hWJ* wn mm kidney csaptototo rhcunut_m sud doouiy.