'THK STEWART WILL CASE. TESTIFYING TO THE SIGNATURE. BKNRT O. HILTONS EXAMINATION CLOSED AND HIKllH.T ANS il Y'8 tiroCN. The counsel and wltn-jstee In the- Stewart will cane were on hand at thc op ?tiing of the i-urroj-ato _ Court .yesterday, and no tlmo was wasted lu getting to wot h. Mr Choste finished the cross examination of (Houry c.. Hilton lu a few minutes, and llorbert Anstoy being sworn testified: 1 ihe at No. 811 West VHty-s'xtai *t. snd har* been s elerh in ihe office of JudRo Hilton since June, 1&79. Be? fore thst time 1 was s clerk In the general office ot A. T. Stewart _ Co. I knew Mr*. Cornella M. Stewart In her ?lifetime. 1 rece^-nlte my hsndwrKiug In the last codicil, and l mw her ms kb har signature. I recogniie my own sl*-?amre on tbs last line. Tho sr!tr.e?ai described the signing ol the codicil sul.stsutlally as lt has been described before, a"nd a.1ded: Mr*. 8tew?rt turned the paper over and aid she knew everything that was In IL The -raft trom which the codicil wss copied had Mrs. Stewart's Initials oa IL She was of sound mind snd under no restiaint. In bis cross-examination Mr. Choate asked him: U - In anticipation of >uur being a witness In this case hav* you received sny money from Judge Hilton or any aw-iber of hi* family 1 A.?I Old uot receive any money : In untlrtpatlon ot bein* a witness. Q.-Since June L 1867, have you received any money trom any of Judg* Hilton's family or persona connected with him by -xarriaget A.?No. Q_DI- you before the lat of June, 18>*71 A?I did. j Q.-W'as lt from Judge Horace Russell 1 A.?Te*. Q.?Did lt beela with S1.000I A.-He loaned roe the sam of $1,000 and I deposited lt In the Bank ot the Metropolis. Q.-After that dla you receive money In any form from J-o-g* Horace Russell 1 A.?No. Q?Did yoa r?cel-e money other than your salary frem Jt_>8? Hilton t A_Tea. Q_Bute what money. A.?Judge Hilton has made me ' present* at various times. Q.-Slnco June "U 1S87, state money* and dates. A? | About tbs 1st of No-ember, 1-87, $5,000; and about the ! lat ot J?nary, -Stu*. $500. Q.-l_ what form wa* ths 05,000 of November 11 A.? ' It was handed to mo at my request as a loan. Part of lt 1 appropriated by paying Judge Horace Russell his loan ot SI, OOO. 0-?To be returned when? A.?On demand. Q.?Did you give Mm your note for itt A.?Yes. Q.?Your own note? A.?I gsve s demand note, wlth eut Indorsement. Q.?Payable to whcml A.?To Jud?*te Hilton or order. Q ? Do you know whether he still holds lil A.?I do _et know. Q.? Have ycu spoken to him atxrut Itt A.?I think I have, only once. I think on tho occasion of his making SM a present of $500, about January 1. 1 referred to lils generosity In lending mo the $5,000, and he aa; J that was a B_tiur I aeeaaft troublo about, thal when 1 got rich enough 1 could p.iy li Q.-Uave you seen the note since you pave lt to Judge Hilton 1 A.?I have seen it In an envelope, v hen ho opened lt to take out other papers. Q?Do you believe II ls still In BK?HaoSI A.?I don't know anything about IL Q.?When you pot the $5,00<*> from Jit-lr-e Hilton did you know of the commencement of this mit of Rosalie Butler? A.?I think I must have. Q? Anl you linew tliat you would have te be a witness here? A.?I ttsMirued IL There were more questions of a ldnd similar to this and about various papers, books and accounts, and then a ree*-** was taken. After the recess there was more testimony, especially In regard to a certain UtAU that -a* Sept In a leather case and whether lt had asea SsstroyaS with other books, and at last said Mr. Cheats: Whare huv iou kout tho paper* of Judge Hilton? A.? ?In an Iron bu.. Q.-Doe* that box roi.tain the Inventory of the Inter? est of A. T. Sw wurt at the time of his death In A. T. Stewart _ Co. I A.-No. Q.? la there, to your knowledge, such an lnvontory In sxlsteiioel a.- H... Q.-Dld you cv*r know of money being paid to Mrs. Stewart ty ladgs Hilum? A.?No. Q.-fiy A. T. SB wail i Co. 1 A.-Yes, of the money that was m-nt to her. Q.?With the exception of money sent by J.djro nil? ton In packape* of cash, do you know of her personally re? ceiving sny if the Incomo of her estate from 1876 till her death? A.-P*iv)-,ally, no. After a few r.inre questions the case tvbj adjourned till Monday at 10:00. TUTS OV r.UAIa NEWS. Fx Juflpe A. J. D ttenhocf<*r, counsel for Mrs. Fanny Dav? enport Price, oVained fiom Justice Lawrence, In the Bu . pr*r_e Court, Chambers, yesterday, and order for a com I mission authortrtng Henry (.'erhard, nf Paris, France, u f take the deposit,otis of Victorian Sardou snd Madam* Sarah Bernhardt. Their evidence, thus taken, ls to b? used on the trial of the suit of Maurice Barrymore against tl. ? sctres* for (Ismapes ard an Inlunctlon te rcstral.1 hci from pri'duclDR th's play " La Tosca." Mary J. Conley recovered $2,000 yesterday In a suit Btra'nst, (he Forty-sossbS Btiect, M?nh?it*nvtlle and St Nicholas Avenue Railway Company, as damages for In? juries caused by her being thrown to thc ground from i car which suddenly started whllo .lie wa* Alighting. Th? case was tried In the Superior Court before Justice Truaj and ?? jury. C0UHT CAI.r.Ni) ti:-*?TO-DAY. HrrrrMr Couht?cuamrsr.*. ?Before Lawrence, J.?No* BS.se,ss, es. tot. 1 <7. ito, iso, ?.'!?, ii 4. v.'.ij. 2sh. ano ?? -ii. 3i_. ai'.". :)**'-, .'?Mi. nus, ?.7, sllOt sn, ssa isa 4'.'4. v.'5. 420, 1-7, 4J-.. 420, 430, J.'). 4.12. 433, 431, 4:c, AM, 487,4S-, 4 JU, 440, 441. 442. 443, 444, 449. 4.U, 447, 411 is M-ri'.i-MC COURT ORltlRAtTlRll?Before Van Trunt. P. J., Bra tv ntui H.irllott. J.I.-Nos. Ml. TX. M.S. IBS, lf.3 BL lld. l.*.U. ICB. i'l*. IO... 167. -3. 12D. 124. 133, 137, 143. 141, 149. fi.i. -a roi. io mi i nu l u. Tkrm-Part L?B? Tore n'nrt-n, a.?Noa. 112, ul. il'.'!. IU7. ????, 4.0. 110. 60, ?'? '?. 78 ? 771 772. ti1*'), cm*,. 77.'. 77H. 77!J. 7B0. 289, 657, CIS, 05fl. Cy4 1?0. Mm, HUI'. SIM. liO, 7?i. 7S5, 710 SVraSMB COURT?ClSCUn?PA-1 I.?Adjonrno:r 001 :i I'taCffT?1_B1 IV_Before Barrett, J ?No*. 3432, loud, H7tl, l|i?7, I7*.7. ;:ii, 1705. 4M2, 47*.l 18S.1. **-">l '?_ "il. !"7 i'll rn : Proliate of toe will* of Bartikrt "W. Oaiii.-r, ll> .-rt S UlMSb 1?' a. m.: Marv J. Cuahlns, John Mcl'artlan'I. 10 30 a io.; Jane Muri'.'iy. .'lemeacB 0 Leslsi ; ib t i ll..ll Jew. m. ii fniioK uoi'Hi? si'rcial Tbk??BcforB Uu^ro. J_Nev B88, - '.' ".I. 2irt. -Braeios OOtmr?Tsiai Tutsi?Part I.?Before Trust, J.-N..-. USB lifo. s*7. jo*4. ?o_, I0M, 1435. Hi-rr-moK col-ht?'I rn At. Tsr.x?i'xiir lt.?Befor* O'Qor. _>_i. I.?Maa. 109*4. fli 1. 1073. ISM. 1 .70, 172n, ian. Mli.i.uui COURT Tidal TSliU ?1'aiu III.?Betor? i*flg ITlrS. IX .1 -No*. 1649. I06X lSOS 1*4, 1706. 131. 166S. Bi I'SKtoR cot*kt? i kial trim?Vari IV.?Betore Freed, ni-: . J -N'S. I5M*. 17-'\ 1787 17..0. 47?. ll i'll. 1456. t*OB_ci? PLRAS-U-MettAt.l'IRM?llefore laarr.more, C. J. Allen mihi Bitoastavrr. J.J. ? Adjourned nottl friday. CoMiio*; plrab?m-rciau Tkru?B*fir* Daly. J.?Nod*: e?lor.''ar COMMOK PLBAS?TWAL TBRM?PART I. ? Balor* VB) lifiescu. J.-N'.-. ?17. (s77. 11). ell. Mt, SSS. H-t. Mi. BRU 8t*7. HSM. 889, SW), 891. 892, 8tf3, e?4, ?9i. 896, 81)7, 8U8, 891 il. 902. 90S, Ctn couar?trial term?part I.?Befor* MeOown. J ~ -nc 8457, "48S2. 37*8.-?oO, 3859, S860, :<862, S868. aS64 l.-rs 3,71. S87* SS7S, 8X74. 3875. Ott court?Trial TRhm?Part il.?Before P.hrlloh. J ? N.... 347-s. Miltt. 4.151. 84**U. ?473. 352S, 3543, 3414, 84SC 6t>ii, 87.S7. 2237, MO\ 3127 34*. irrv court? ibial i-rhm-part til.?Before Pit*hk?, J - R ?. tali, 870S. 3761, 36IJ. '*ol5, 3Vnl. 8)119. 8598. 889* *.;.-, *js.(7. 3isM8. 3* < i. '.s;j, 3-;7, 3st1, 315a, 3851 8s',-i 3845, -58. COUKT ..r liBIBKAI. "JKs.slosTS? PART 1.?Before Ollrtet ale*re. J,, huh Ansulant I;i?inct Atloriicy l;_ri?.->oi. to 31 itu ItSSlTB. i o> m ur orxrrai. ksssions-Part II. ? BeloroCowine, J BB I A-s'kt.iil iJ.stuci-AUsiruov Uacloua.?.N?(. Ito lill oasis's Coi'tir or(irxrRAL isRswtotc*.?PA'tT III.-P.otor* Becorrt* hnyih _.J Aa*Ut-M Ui*lilct AltoraeT OoT-Nus. 1 to 1 Inc rs v-. COT/BT of Over and TKRMtMtR-Berore Paitersoa. J. am -wine. Atter.ey BetlBwa. Ma, L PROSECUTIXO THE It UFF1ASLY WAITER. Frederlclt O. _MrH_e, tiresl.ent of the Knlclterborlti Trust Company, sud a member of the Villon Club, llvlr ?sith bl* family at Hm BsSSi Voi:l m,e, has been und med'cal *ttea*_nce SBBSS May 8, suffering tnU an Injui on Ce hear) rteetveO by B$_)S struen by a walt*-: Ja?<- Itt4fr*. Mr. BSllrtSS appesrel st the |S0Ssa I'oUce Court y?*ter.ay to pNBeratS MS b*s*I1hi. When Juitioe I)u8y a*lt?s_ ItaffeS *',.*i BS Bal to say to ll char.e ina-" avalnst him be said: ? After bein,*; lucked . for two *e?kis 1 tts* not prepared M bs nslVl t*vday. M r ? a:e not hetsa. I SsSBB Bi lii^'.UMin.ent. A 1 have to nay at preeent I* thu I stTMB Mr. ttl tri ia* Belf-deffiicB, after s srea'. deal of provncatloi..*' Juaj was sent -ec* to the lall BBS. Frilay. a__B au cxarui: tlon will Uk" RiSa > j BI Ua A EMA I. UK hos ur. | / Oolotiel OB- lasBSB, aecr*:a:y ?.' the l'lie c nimlssloaei stated yt-swr?y to a Tiiouiio mperter that h? hal I oelved ths MSlgaaBlOa (f BsstBB II. IfesMae, Kd-b Marsh for Iki iBSl Otujen yearn. " Somo aaBtfyUg friend*," M Hr. Juuieu, * lave .auRed a ru:nor to u,c tf.t^t that the wa* soineUilug b*ck of hi* resjgua_on. m? ic??>r ,Wt, MMU I undoubtedly bel.eve to bo the only cause, the u; ?tale of hla Jwaltl. 1 bav* knowu and be?n dosey MS ?Uted with Mr. -beldon fur fifteen year*. Ho ha* b? sick for sonia Ubi* pa.*t. Ifeeasfe he wa* a man who wou aever ooi-plaln. Prom hi* (-*ixi*iUoa I am Inclined MmMA that he may ts wor*? than be really i?." _ir/J?f Jt? K. JOXBB FORFEITS DIS VAIL, Lattimer _. Jones, the former owner of the Orani ?tock I?rm st Uoabsn, and treakursr of several corpoi tt?na, wh* t* madar _Uc*_iert on _neU?n cbirg** ferrary breosrtit oj Omtftmiu I* -o'?iaston, a r.-ilrsd U' yet, wko AlBeo'iated ;<>*** tm JseBB, dlS nit appear wa Wa c"i?o w.? ..J"< 1 Tj*?r_7 in tbo CouK of _?_-ral rn ?lons. Ills bond for $15,000, on which his mother and Georg* Allen, a livery stable keeper, of No. 850 Court-st, Brooklyn, bi* sureties, was forfeited. The suthorltle* fear that Jone* hus left trie country. ? i ? ? - TUE FASUIOSAHLE EXODUS CONTINUES. OCTUOIXO btkamkks ckowdf.d-somb BF TIIK I'lhSKXOKRS AllOAU... Th**- outgoing ocean steamships which |S0 tlils port for ?BBBBB yesterday we iv crowded with paSBSBflMS ?tait?| aa summer tours. Tho tig Anchor Uaa steamer City of Home and the North ("orman Lloyd steamer Aller, both hart a full complement ol saloon passengers. Among those who sailed for Liverpool on ihe City of Homo wero : 2>rofeBwr J. C. Arthur, Mr. snd Mrs. Ci. II. B-ibeoek, Mr. and Mrs. A. ii. Brunner, Richard Baines. William ("overly, Miss Ella J. (larks, the Kev. E. E. Chivera, ll. W. Crou&o, Edward Collingwood, thu RS*, Frank ii. Dob? bins, Howard Foiger. Anderson Fowlir. the Rev. C. If. Field, Mrs. Walter lilyn, Ml** ?nl.' ('lyn. the nev. C. L. lioodrlch, William II. Vnham, F. rope Hcbnesy, Sig? mund Hirsch, S. Mk Ilildrell-, tho IU V. John H. Joints, Bolossy Klralfy, W. Knight, the Rsv. Charles Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kennedy. Mrs Frank Leslie, Janie* Locke. D. W. McIntyre, the R?v. B. W. Maturln. Ell Marah, the Rot. A. E. Main, the Rev. D. O. Muara, the Kev. Charl** Miles, Richard Middleton. Cmcrai John W. Noble and Mrs. Noble, Mr. and Mr.. Charis* Potter, W. Ponsonby, Dr. J. H. Pryor, Mr. and Mr*. H. M. Pollock, the Rev. W. H. Rayburn, Hr. D. M. Jo*e Kital, Mr*. _L Ross, John Seiblnl, D. D. Stivers, th* Rev. J. J. Tbompesn, S. C. UniprevUle, Mra H. W_ll<-retein, the Rev. U. N. Whitford. H. W. W. Wood, J. W.dneM. H. Widnes*, Msisnall 1'. Wilder snd Mr. snd Mrs. William Yost The Aller had Mr. sud Mrs John Achslis, Mr. and Mr*. Gooree B. Baser, II. Beiol> hamer, John Beran, Mrs. Pauline Boetteber. Mr. snd Mrs. C. BInr, Morris Berger, Blr David McPherson and Lady MoPfiei-flon, Thoraten Niven Motley, Gustave Otto, E. Oppenheimer, Mrs. lluniy W. poor, Mr. snd Mr*. Ernst Poasart, Mr. and Mr*. O. P. Postlethwalte, Mr. and Mr*. A. P. Rock? well, Ignati Furst, Samuel M. Friend, F. A. Osna, S. 8. Jastrowit!, Sigmund Kraus, Edmujnd Robertson, George W. -ellerman, (rust* ve Stogman, Mrs. Platina Splrs. Mr. SDd Mra John Wolfe and Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Wilson. On the Ped Star steamer Relgenland, for Antwerp, were: Professor Joseph Zervas, Miss Strobel, J. W, Opperraann, Mrs. Brandt, Mr* Max Hlrtrelter, Mrs. Elise Theel and Miss Julie Hensoner. The Wilson Line steamer Buffalo, whleh sailed for Hull, took the English'merni en of Wallaek's company. Mr. and Mrs. John Bigelow and Dr. D. Ambrose wero also passengers by this steamer. NEW-TORKS EASILY AEFEATFA. S.rF.TUOR BATTING AND BARE-RrNNING BY THE PITT8BCP.OS WIN TnEM THE (MME. Pittsburg, May 16.?The local team took to-day's game from the Giants by their superior batting snd bso-runnlng. Welch was nullo wild in the first two Innings, giving four men bases cn balK The run-getting began In the third inning when Morris and Carroll, both of whom went to first on balls, scored on Dunlap's Soebte, Barlas 'eon aided by a wild pitch and two passed balls. The buttery s'-'.tle.d down after th-it and tho runs were batted out. Morris worked with confidence anti tho only run of the (.l;u|ts was earned by Ewing's triple and Slattery's hit. ThSJBold weather kept the attendance down to bOO- Tha score Mas as follows: Pitltfiurg. ir. llb p*i 4.1 r.ll A>?-1'orf. I r.ilM PnnfUv. c L... Carioil. o. Msn ,1b. Dunlsn, 2 b... C. "-i!roll, rt J>:i'rriii|.le. I f Kn.'hne. 3 b.. Smith.* s_ Morn*, p. Total*. 3' 6' li orilnre. 1 f.' 0 1' I1 9; 0 Oil Ward, t*.I O ll' 1 10i O' Ol Connor. 1 b... 0 0. fl 21 2' 0| I-win- 3'?....l 1 O' 0 I 11 1 (PRearke, c..' 0 0 1 1 11 u Slattery, r f . 1 o I'l 1' Si n'l*<>el,.*.r.l*'n_lv l) ll 1| 1 I 0 K.ster, c t....| O' % ll 0 8 SiiW.-lch, p...._| 0 "sl"s!i6lll' 4M Totals.!" ll ft 1 0 11 I. 18 2 ll 4; 1 ..; 0 o' 0 I 1 II (, 7! ? 1 0 0 4 ?L_L slit-il fl Welch out for Interfering with batted ball. Tltf-burg ....00240000 O-f New York ....00010000 0-1 Earned nniB-Ptttsburg 3, New-York L Two-lnse hit -Dunlai.. T?OS-boss hits?Sunday, Ewing. Doubli ? plays-Smith, Dunlnp ar.d Maul; Dunlap sud Maul; Sun 1 day and Mau). First base on balls?F. Carroll 2, Morris, ? Dunlap, Gore 2, O'Rourke. First base on errors?Pitt* \ burg 1, New-York 1. Struck out?By Morris, 3; bj j Welch, ft. ri'sssed t?BlU-C_ri-.ll 3, O'Rourke 2. WBi pitches-Welch 2. Time of gamc-1 hour, 06 minutes, Umpire?Mr. Valentin*. _ The New-York club fell back Into fourth place In th* League race yesterday. The Detroit nine ls now third. Cli.climaU still holds the lead In the Association race Thc records are as follows 1 J.mg i'. Won. Lost I 4 Morie Moa Won. Lost Boston.IS Ohtaaga.15 Petrntt.12 N?w-York.ll PiiilS'lelphla. 7 Pittsburg. 8 Iii.ttansp.'ll*. 7 Washington. S ICIiicinnatl. IS illroklyii.1? fst. Don s.14 ,llil*'!iiiiir. U Atlilo.lo .IO ll l.*lll*Tl!lB. ? IS CU.Tclmd. rt 14 Kat.*** City. 4 17 The Manhattan snd Columbia College nines will play a the Polo Grounds to-d?y. GAMES IN OTHER CITIES. Cleveland, Mity 16.-Bungllug fielding work wss th characteristic feature In to-day's paints between the Brest lyn and Cleveland nlnos. The Brooklyn men won as fol lows: Cleveland . ..800022110 Biooklyu ... .26001080 1?1 Basohlts-Clevcland, 12; Brooklyn, 0. Errors-Clew lani 10; Brooklyn, 10. Pitchers?Oberlander and Mayi Empire?Mr. IVi^u-ui . Detroit, May 1G.-I:ight Innings were played in trt-iftr' gai'i" bstarees IhS D.-trolt and Washington clubs wlthon a iun. The hems players batted two runs scross the plat In tbe final Inning. Tho scoi-e was: Detroit . .,.000000002 W:. l.lt.ton ...00000000 (>~ ItS?Detroit, 7: Washington, 0. Frrors?Detroti 1; WSSBlBStSB, 2. l'ltciiers?fonway and MSBSSB. Uti plrc?Mr. Daniels In-lanspolis, Hay 18.?Th*- PMlsdelphls battera co.il not (.'auge Boyle's delivory to-day snd wore beaten by th. score: IndlsnspoUs ...300000001 phla .. .01010000 0 '!??Indianapolis, 4; Philadelphia, 4. Errors Indianapolis, 2. Philadelphia. 0. Pitcher*-Boyle sr Casey. Umpire?Mr. Decker. Chicago, May 16.?The Chlr.igo club played s differer game to-day from that of Tuesday and defeated tho Bostc ?IM as follows: Chicago . ...00100100 0 Bo ton.00001000 0 -BBS-Ill Ciliate 4; Boston, 6. Errors?Chi (?go, ( Boston. C. Pitchers?Baldwin aud Raibourne. Umpire Mr. Lynch. Cincinnati, May 10.?The Cincinnati nine finished up 1 prta?iit series in the West to-day by again defeating tl Louisville Club. Smith pitched lu Une form. This wi -he score; Clnclnn.it! ..,.00030000 2 Loulsville ....10200000 0 Basehits-Cincinnati, 10; Louisville, 5. Errors?Clnci natl, . ; Louisville, 2. Pitchers?Smith snd Hocker. Di plre?Mr. Doescher. Philadelphia, May 10.-The Athletic players batted Cu nlngbam's curve* in every dlrvctlau to-day snd won 1 follows; Baltimore... .210000010 Athletlo .... 00102222 b Basehits? Athletic, 16; Baltimore, C. Errore-AthUtI 6; Baltimore, 5. Pitchers? Mattlmore and Cuiuilngl.ar Umpire?Mr. Gs.Tney. St. Louis, May 10?Superior batting gave St Lou snother victory ovor Kansas City to-day by the followlr score: St. Louis ...006000200 Kansa, City ...020000000 Basehlu?St Louis, 12; Kansas City, 7. Er: or*? S Loul*, 7: Kai.sa* City, 6. Pilcher*? Knouft snd Ucffne Umpire?Mr. McQuado. IO GET THE WIRES UMDMA GItOUXD. Corporation Counsel Beckman said yesterday tb I before taluug any action as sngRMcd by the May I In his re?eiit communication rep.t.llng tho removal the poles and wire*- of eloctrlo asaiaaalBl tlirougli I li.ti-i-\ enii.in of the ecuris, he tlionght lt l.i ? 1 tu Bl out eiaetly what objection* tho eaipaftlai ht.'l tu n.-li the subways. Tor that pnrpo^ Mt. lieo.nian sa that ho had begun OOtlBBlt-tlOBB With repn of the electric companle*i. ('no rc;_uii niven by tu for not using tlie conduits tva.*, that while they cou altos* bb .iii'..'u)i>* ia gr-ttim; Bm artie* late Iheaa, t iroul'lo was to get thea eat Tha only meat- tl had for rea* hint; their customers w _s thiough the ma bole* at tho Intersection, of tho Btreote If a ci tonier Bas Ii, 'l.o ii.Ki.'.'.e of a bloek IfcOf C(.:ilil r. sapply him. Mr. Beelaaaa hopsd to make a sat ii-.'-tory artaaaaoMat, bf tba atootrl* eaa^Bfl "...n aaarpeai tn Ret her unit In*; upon a p-j villi the anriicval ol tlM Hoard ol Elisctrlfal Cootr vi., weula rosi.lt lt. gem-i-r. Bil th" dat.g-rois -.elf from 1.v. ?I:, ad an.l placing them lu the subwajs, wit o'U lera! proceed::vs. hf WA in KMWAK* TTOTTM WMTTl ' There was a deeen laid up for over a mot from tho bite of copperhead*, bo that setting bin br sn-lua teemed to mn lu tho family. IN MEMORY OF THE BISHOPS. PAPKRS READ AT THE CONFERENCE. BUSTISQ MOM AX IllltIORAST Q1RL. For several days the Castle Gord'-n authorities have been searching for Mary McGowan, sixteen years old, an immigrant who arrival on tho White j Star steamer ( eltlo on May 1_, and who dlsapi*-..el on the same day. She ls deecrlbed aa being pr. ny, I and well de\eloped for her age. Ht uncle, WUUatu j McGowan, who lives at No. 7rfi Nlnth-ave., and I ls a member of tho Ure Department, has visited the I Garden dally In the hope that some tidings would i bc heard of his niece, and ls tlsttaetaS at his failure ! to learn anything of her. On board the ste_m*'r j the girl made the acquaintance of a Mrs. Ann Kelly, Mho gave her addr-se to the registry clerk as No. 11 Wost H.'ly-fouitU-st. She was seen talking to tl, ? girl oi. their arrival In the Oard'n. and, lt ls thought, lu I doced her to leave thre In her . ..nipanv. Defective, -indee went lo the address givon bi the woman and found th' place to be 8t. Luke's Hospital. [< \% f>are.l hv Biiperliiiendent Jackson that the (jlri has fallen into bad hands. OPJECTIXO TO HIGHER MAItKlT VESTS. A commltfeo of Bjaitst-ISBi composed of William Wentz and Cha:: of Was'ilng'on M William Ottman, of Fulton Market, and loka D n-r. of Centre Market, appeared battas Controller Myers yesterday to remnnsfrato against the Controller * order IIBIHI?lag Ihe stand rentals io to is per rent. They wero unablo to convince Mr. Myers tnat tlll, _,j. vanoo was not just and reast.naM". 0*fl ?f n it.Ute* has fifteen stands and two towers In I iii | MarBBt on which he now pays, all told. 180, Tht lal il advance a.sl.e.1 ls only tfT more. Another committ.-. maa whose rent wa* raised to r?0, want* to M ll bai lt to 07. the f.niiei rgur-. M?.*t of tba less. 6. , dil ati*tied. tho Controller says, sn!,,ct their sf aaivsnc's. e-mail tn tha Inereasa of real is in .-usp. tba apzrogate will gho a gain ,,{ - pal year to tho city. - ? * ? WO WOWOW A VOVO THF?E TWTWTMM. Michael Brien, sat of _, men e'.jrpisd with complicit* lu the stealing or i ' .it lateral themas i treat u," in ' store* tatt Daaasshas, wu 1 on trial risl-rliy ir' | h ' Th(, Bilks were BfettUB I IB to which tho sig? natures of the r.g:.-'*r ? rt BBS DSBBtJ Collector \V. 1 IBBH wei? : - ears IShSa lo a desert"! bam in Bah ikea. l> I ssas of _ In the rooms of OestfS A w,:.,,;.,*. ?|,,,( ^^ ? And-? Kutaru and Brien, wo* ac-used 0f p-.rueij.aUi.n in tl.* Hi-fL William* ' < '?* artSsasa and wa* HM tlrst witness against Brm. Ile said that Bri. bia io fal th? ieee, warn ti.e Castea** Haass, and prot_i*e( to pay him S-.O lal th* feb. lie took tk? good* ? BahaBBB, IlTlrn Baaaapaayt-S him f..r a pert of the way William* did not receive hi* pay, and he went to itu batu the next day and tonic Hie nintenta of one ..,_. t, hi* own home a* *ecurlty for hi* pay. Tho wltnes* wai Sketty eT(.s*-ex?mlnisd by ex-asMstsnt District Atlutatj l'urdy, but denied thal he ktu-w ihat thc orders wen foig.'i. or ib?t the good* did not belong to Brien BM Koliert*. Deputy Collector Willi ams. several i Hones clerk* and importers testified in an attempt ti forn-lly identify the pool*. The eas* fur tho sroaecutlei wa* not closed yesterday. AS lMPOrtTAXT ACTION' TABUS' IN RKOAlID TO TUB cimimi atacnoa os tiiBOM. Most of yesterday's session of tho Conference was given to tho memorial services of thc members of the last General OoafBfOBSB WAA havo dlod. The house was filled, all the loxes being occupied. Tho at? tendance af ulam Bibb "f th* Chat ah and their families was ont? of the larfSSl *!n,'? tne "Inning day of the session. If was stated that n-arly every Metho? dist Episcopal Church within 100 mttU of the city was ni resented at tho sen-lee*-*., and neatly nil the clergy? men of these churches were present. The deaths In elude three Bishops of the Church, and one of thom, Bishop Simpson, was one of the most prominent that ever held offlce lo tho Methodist Church. Bishop Bowman presided and was assisted by Bishops loss and Warren. The memorial on Bishop Simpson was read by the Itev. Dr. Jacob Todd, of tho Wilmington, Delaware, Conference. Dr. Isaac W. Joyce, ol Cincinnati, read tbe memorial on Bishop Isaac W. Wiley, who dlod in Foochow, ch.na, In Novem? ber, 1PM. The memorial on Bishop William L. Har? ris, who died In New-York l_st year, was road by the Kev. Dr. W. F. Whitlock, of tho North Ohio Con foresee. The Rev. Josrph Pullman, of the New-York East Conference, presented the memorial of Dr. Daniel Curry, Editor of "The Methodist Quarterly Re? view," and tho Rev. E. W. 8. Hammond, of the Lexing? ton Conference, that of the Rev. Dr. Marshall W. Tay? lor. Dr. James M. Buckley, Editor of "The Christian Advocate," read a brief and admirable paper on tha Kev. Dr. D. D. Wbedon. TO BBCAK THE WOULD-BE BISHOPS' ? SLATE." In the short business session that preceded the memorial service tba election of the Bishops was again brought forward In tho following resolution: Whereas, The election of men to th* offlce of peneral superintendent lo the Methodist Episcopal Church I* of to vital Importance In lu bearing on the highest In? terest* of both ministers and churches, and Whereas, Ths efficiency of the *piser,pacy and ths honor of the Church would be promoted by grest car? in tiie mlectlou of men fur this office and the greatest possible .cgreo of unanimity In their election, therefore: Resolved, That In the election of Bishop* at the General Conference lt shall require a majority of two thirds of all the vote* cast st sny piven ballot to constitute an election. The resolution wat presented by the Rev. Dr. William Swindells. An effort waa made to refer lt to tho Committee on Episcopacy. One delegate said that this would simply mean to smother lt. Dr. F..I worils urged that the matter should go to the com? mittee. Amos rihlnUe, of Cincinnati, maintained that lt wa; a subject the Conference should take into Hs own hands. Ho moved th"-, previou* question, and the mellon was carried by a vole of _0_ to 131. Tho discussion lasted but a short time, and lt had been adopted before many of thc delegates arrived. Iti o - tenslble purpose was sta'e'l bo bi lo r?"' an end to I ho combinations that have been form'mi for the ateoUon of some, candidates and t.. bri ak au " slates.-1 Tl.a effect of thl- action was- widely discussed by the del? egates and tli'lr mends afterward, and Iho general n prevailed thal Instead of shut ting our fhn combine?ons of candid-itc* it only helped tho strone est and the weakest. rhsra '>'.* some dfeenaston in tha evening of having tba resolution reconsidered to? day aban a larder m.inlier of flolo_BfSB an- present. ANCI.O-CHIN1.SE EDUCATION AT FOOCHOW, -ho Ree. MS Bel Oat, the Chin ? dategBtBi pre? sented an Interesting memorial to ilii Conference In reference to the Anglo Chlneso C'olle-" at Foochi w. lt was founded In lPt-l at a Hireling of threo f.?rrlrrtt ; roi-lunatics ol thc church and four of t!i" ( bin* o presiding elders. In answer to the leQBOSt of the nwm I hers of tho Church. A board of t-BBtBBS was orran j bed composed of members of the Methodist Episcopal, ths American Board and tho Church of England _1> i slons, the British and American Consuls and the acent I of thc Hong Kong and .Shanghai Bant By this board tho design of the college was declared to be "to pro? vide tho youth of China with fa>llliles for obtaining a thorough general education BBOOfSlBg to the stand? ards that prevail In European and American college"-." There are In attendsnee nearly one hundred students, a large number of whom are tho sons of Christian parents. The course of study ls very much Hhs tl * of tho Syrian Protestant College. The ln*tltut!op dow asks for a larger support to cope with the Increasing Interest In tbe progress of education In China. The paper proposes tbe following mauagement of tho col? lege : Let the college be controlled by s board of trustee* In? corporated In the United States, and composed of men wln.se names will be a guarantee to the Church tb.it lt* work ls worth the doing. I?t this board have charge of rslslng and Investing an endowment, of appropriating th-i moneys tor the Interest of tho colleijo, of selecting tho fa. ni'y of the Institution, of a beard of manager* In China, and of ali other matter* a hi Sh belong io Uie pofltl n. P.e board ot managers In Cit na should be ^noosed of mem. bers of th* diffoent Missions st Foochow, of at least one representative native Christian from each of said Misti ona, and of -representative nwi of the for-*iin< enm nanny The names of the missionaries and the native Christians will enlist, In the success of ths school, the Interest and moral support of all the Missions, and will be a plcdco to the Cb.tatiana of all the (hurchea, of the chsiact/i and value of the work. The namo* of the forelgii resident* there will do r.'Kh to !"comrr.end lt lo the favorab'o con? sideration ot the Euio]*}_n? sud Americana doing business ii*. Foochow. WVitWWAA MES SOT TOO UF.HY TO PRAY. The second snnlversary of the John Street Budnee* Men's Noonday Prayer M.eting will be celcbrsted ?' m M to-day at the Flr.t Methodist Church in America, No. 44 Jul::.st. Tho order of exercise* will In .-.nie tho annual ri port* of tho secretary snd treasurer, em_ voluntary by F,. J. Finney, sanal seta br beela E. BUaa ? isle br th* Wat, Walter a. a. Gardaer sad aSSieaaas by F.d'.vin p. Ide, the R*v. Dr. A. II I'.r.-. ITur I, of Monte]-.4 and Bl Ihaa Fowler. The committee In charge of these ineet 1 il's is eaaasaaaS of j"hn Baaeersee, pre.--i t.-nt; Henry a. sSsa, lr., saeratarr; BSwla v. ids, treasurer; _, O, Bali bate, Obarlas D. Ifarrta, i-'r.mk L, Bsd th and the Rev. Dr. erattester w. Bawilah; tha Ree. arsltaa a. a. Gard? ner ls the conductor of the song service. .1 niFT TO mr wriMOOPAL rnmen. Providence, R. L, May UV-Harold T.rown, of New? port, has Just given t?l()0,()(JO for tho missionary worh la tho Episcopal Church. Tie money will be used for tho endowment of tho Mls:on;.iy Kt.lsi'.ipnto of the Church, and tlie only con.litton ls that WhOHOVBr, aller the dato of the gift, any missionary jurisdiction shall have raised within Itself s?.",,(i(S) or more, and .shall have been recognized bf lha general convention a* a diocese, lt shall be entitled ta receive from this fund, dollar foi dollar, up to tho limit ol 910,000. Mr. Brown ls the son of John Carter Brown and a da .-1 ant of Nicholas Brown, after whom Brown Unlverblty ls cumed. HIE PROCESSION OF JURORS MOVING ON. mOtl-? DAY PAfsSKS WITHOUT OKTTlrTO TWmVfM SSS fO THY T. B. KV. lilt. Little progress was made yesterday In the wort ot ibtalnlng a Jury to try Thomas II. Kerr on a charge of 'orruptlng Aldermen There were two vacancies la he Jury has win-n the \iorl" of the d.ty began before lustico Patti-rson, sad at the hour of adjournment horn weie eleven men In the box. Oscar n. Wdmr, ISslM In brick at No. SM East Fifteenth-^., waa -.l_ce,j tn Ihe tenth seat. The eleventh seat was ?Hod noon after by the selection of Frank B. Tlns ey, coal dealer of No. 1,600 Thlrd-sve. Colonel Fellows announced that the people weie content reith tho Jttrj as it It-Od. Juryman Huyler. who sat n the twelfth chair, to whom tho prosecution did not -ibjoct although he stated In response to Inquiries hat he had formerly employed In legal matters Krjin_ I. Dupipnae, o:ie of Itlchrnond's counsel, was per -mptorlly challenged by Ihe counsel for the defence. Frank Wendt, photographer, employed by Charles Eisemann, at No. _4_ East Fifteenth-st., was mada ihe twelfth Juror. The box was full again, but after a brief ooMulta tlon Juror Weber was taken from the tenth scat by tho eighth peremptory challenge of the defence. Will? iam ll. M. Slitare, of tbe Erm of George K. Slstare I r-on*, hankers, waa placed In the teeth seat, although he said he had boon acquainted with Kerr for twenty years, had been examined as a Juror In the Sharp trial, liad known Sharp for many years and had held stock ;.f the Broadway and fc-evonth Avenue Railroad before ihe building ot the Broadway surface road. Juror rtnsloy next vacated the eleventh seat, being chal? lenged by tbe defence. Immediately after recess Mr. 61stare was excused by sensent af both sides. James Doonan, stable proprietor, ot Ne. 220 !*lnth sve., was accepted and tool the eleventh seat Jo -??jil I. Kelly, stationer, No. ?44 Blxth-ave., waa soon after selected as the tenth Juror. This fiDed tha box again. A conference ensued lp which all tba lawyers took part and then Colonel Fallows announced that Juror No. A, Mr. Wood, was exe_sed by consent. Boulton Krause, a fur sale-man at No. (WT Broadway, was chosen to take the vacant chair. The eighth Juror, Mr. Klein, as led to be excused, and bis request was granted by consent. HI* place bad not been filled when the court adjourned until this morning. STOCK FXCTJAXGE STAXDTXO COMMITTEES. A special meeting of tho Governing Committee of tha Stock Exchange was held yesterday to hear tho report ou tho appointment of the standing committees for tha new year. Thc changes were slight and the chairman? ships were thosamo as last year with two oxceptlons? H. K. MeHarg was mado chairman of tho Committee on COBBtttatlOB In Bless of F. K. StUTglS, who was promoted to the first plnco on the Law Committee. The principal committees aro as follows : Arrangements ?lt. II. ThOBtSB, chairman; J. W. Davis, J. M. Amory, A. G. Dodges, John EL Jacquelin, R. B. Whltterr.ore, T. B. Williams; Admission?A. M. Cahoono, chairman; By. B. Beckman, H. T. Carey, W. M. Donald, O. L. Halght, John Hone, Jr.. J. 8. James, R. J. Kimball, H. J. Morea, F. IT. Sturgls, Janes ?sell-jman, S. Tllgh iii.in, .linties Weeks, T. lt. Wllllsms, W. if Johnson; Law?I1. K. Sturgl*, chaiimati; B. H. Klsssm. H. J, MorSBi J. B. Dumont, ll. T. Caroy; Securities?S. Tllghman, chairman, n. iv. toaror, w. il Ora-bery, C. fe Laidlaw li I Morse. 'I h ? r'.nmltte? on Stock List and Unlisted Scurltlcs were unchanged. a Dniren tt ts rtnriiKE's bae-eoom. Policeman BBareaberger, of the Eldrldge-st. sn/tad, was BB trlti! betars ('(?miiilss'.ot er Met'live a' Hetvl qaarters reaterday, charged with coi duct unbecoming an officer. Abraham Levy, a young law student, tes ':!'..I lint he went Into Bernard Rourke's liquor store, at No. ">'> Forsyth-ft., on May _, to serve a writ of ejectment, arni found Fpatenbcrger leaning on tho tar. The pottoeBMB Frenieil lo be on frlonilly terms with the proprietor of the place. When I.cvy was about to servo the wilt the policeman Interposed and shoved him out on tho sidewalk. The writ was not rcrved. I-cvy'sj story was supported by a friend who went with hiss to Um liquor 6tore. Sparenbcrger, I.ourfco and ex-I)i tcctlvc F.tier.ne Beyer gave a dlffer enr reiBloa of the ease. It vu that Levy and his friend raised a disturbance In the store and that hparssribetgcr was called Id by Bourke to quell tha disturbance. Derision wad reserved. KOT TO BAS I SH THE GOATS AXD DOXKBY8. A special meeting of the Park Commlusloners was held yesterday when bids wore opened for the laying of a now cement pavement along the Battery from Tier A to tho line of the United Blares property at the Bargo Oflico; for repairing and protecting the foundation of ths sea wall; for building retaining walis at Morningside Park, for laying tile floors In enlargement of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and for other public works. The subject of tho Central Park goat oarrlagos did not come up for discussion, mit In conversation with a Tribune reporter thc secretary of tho Board said that lt was not at all likely that the donkeys and go.its, one af the chief delights ot the children, would be banished from the Park. A UCTIOX OF HA 7! I ESS A XD SA DOLE HORSES. The s*!c of harness and saddle horses at the Amer? ican IIoiso Exchange ye-stciday attracted a large num? ber of horsemen, and the blddUi{ was fairly active. The pric*-, however, weie not Iiltrh, and the finest horsa olfeied was bid in by tho owner, the res?rve price not halag offered. This was thc roan gelding Blag F.lr.1, tares and a half years old, said to be able to trot B mlle In _ **_5 and a 'BRBBted to trot In 2:30, tho buyer having tho option of returning him If he failed to accomplish this on trial. One bid of g_.60O WBS received for bim, bal this not being as high as tho reaerve prlea he was bid lu for B8,S0Q. About thirty horses and jonlcs, with a number of carriage*, har? li 1 'tabla furnshliigs wote Sold. Th* hlch-st i- a ?'x-year-old brown geld ng. T'lch srd, who bn.tight .-"'.no. Another largo pale will bo bald at ihe Ex hangs next Wednesday, whoa e anmb-f of couatry-bred hot will be offered. G RA IS A A D PROD UCE MA RKRTS. FF.ATFKES Of NLW-YOKK DEALINGS. The ca*? Wheat m-irk.''. wris lower je?i.;?y, but ex - failed to make sarahs SSS uni trading was dull ard Indifferent. It. is apparent that the foreign trade ?iltl duubt* the stability of the esl.ting rangs of values and ls awaiting, snd with annie confidem:" the determination of the sptTTiratl The optlcii* wore loss active than of Ute, although the total rc.'..rd~8 000.000 bunhels? makes a fair showing. lhasa wa* a partial recovery from Tu .-.Uy's " Me ic''-down" to the bull*. At the start tho market wan Uti .5-3 cent lower, tlie docltne being caused by ladifleieot taralga cabin advice* snd s large lu? cres**) lu the amount nt wheal on |>asnape to Europe, show? ing free ?uj)plle* from ottur couuirie* than our own. The Chicago bull*, however, were BM ready evidently to *ur ntid'-r theil control of speculation, aud their ?uece??ful absoipiiou of al offerings kilmulatud th) New-York market BCSia. ZfcS close was lirm, willi net gain* of 1 l-l) for May at CL 1 1-2 for June at M 1-8, 1 3-4 for July at 0a 1-2 and 1 M aaa! for August and Remember at 97 8-4 and December at SI 00 1-3- In cash corn a further easing off In prices encouraged more of an expert demand, snd shlp-ier* took (14,000 bushels. Prices for option* ran In about the Hame groove* ss whest did, and sitar a fill ol H-Hu'-H cent In the early dealing* the market recovered 3-4.1 1-3 cent. Tho market en-led ann at top figure*; May wa* unchanged at 07 3-4, but the other months were 5 ba7-8 cent h'.c&cr si CO for Juno. July, August and r>p U'rober and 65 7-3 cent* for October. Oat* were feature? less, gnd the options weie, unchanged for May st 30 Iii and 7-3 cent lower for June al H'' 1-2 snd July st 39 7-8 cent*. The f-atura in lard wa* the large export engage? ments, shipper* taking 1.000 tlerec*. The options gener? ally closed SlStei S? follows. Miy e.S 82. June e3 09, Julj BS 70, Augutt 68 72, September aud October S3 74. The recailj t? of fl',u. ?nd grain reported yesterday ai Nev. York. I'lul.i Mph ., l?l".n:<>re snd Ho ste u were ai follow*. Wheat, 77,9o'J bush-U, com, 174.093 bu?hel* oat*, -O.floS bushel*; tol.il grain 349.3-0 bushel*; fleur 81.013 package*. At fThliagB. Milwaukee and St. Louli the irrlvnl* were: Wheat, f.0.07'.) bushels; corn. 280.271 bu*hel?; oat* 3..1.570 bushel*; total grain, 06-,820 bua_ el*; flour, 80,545 barrels. THI TKAi.l". Hf CHICAGO. Chicago, May Kl (Special).-The earlies'; talk ll wheat ? that tl was to bc - pegged" at J7 1-2 foi July, and not to Le allowed to drop under that. Bo fore night all talk of ?? Baggies" had been forgot, an. bears were casting abast! for some device for sioirpln. the atvaaee. Hm i ?* ? at the hrareal ngura a ti,e rls*. Ile bl| I'M- I, l.oweier, notably Cudshj and Mun, we? plainly -Vpos'd to meot Hloom's an. licam's raidlns w;th baying In Jiis*t thlrty-thre. nilr.utr-c; afirr apaalag, July wheat was up from 87 Sh : | to ?<) 1?, lt was thi talk in the pit i ., ga's barlas aggregate bushels. Tba primary aiaraal receipts i lim shipments troa ihels, and William 'mun A Cq would ho ihlcped fr.ii iBS-a Werst telegraphc irom St. Louie thal ail- f,..:u Chiaaga showed iha Ihlrty per renl ol ihe aerragi had bien plcughe.) un I V 1 *>hed better, lt was s.n:|,l ?"as hie! er. August dmpred a cpnt behln .''ilv. gtvlB ima slllv talk of a Juiv eoiti.-i I ii ? i. shows thal it I nil lunger a bear market and that the bulls l.av.i got back their oM HBM ii* ceiidsncy. hsrters of corn. --4.0O0 bushels, were larg enough lo prevent ir.u* li of a break, but the T'U -na voi-v dull. The an I vaia. 27A cars, wera medeiala, an the lii?t)ee||oii na. i?.t _k p^,,] _* |t hui leen, onl 140 car* going to No. ?_. The No. 3 grade sold BB t witVin l 1-4 cent of the .Inly. ?howtfif a sharp cor Bumptlve di-maii'l. Prov lalo aa weae dull and Incline lo be easier. liner* wore In good supply and _ pc cent lover at tin vard*. "iVANAMARKHr n.4V**- M?v 1" -H-??Br quiet. b?MUU ?Bld 234 %:nV Eichsnge tif_? THE MARKETS TOTAL KKCKIFTS OF PKODCCB Per North Uiver. Vessels and Ital.road*. A*?i**, p.*. IPiCnm-ansh.'. iltOseOilsBKSbBC* !.?''? Bro..rn cora, .'.?U.I)_m... JJ,'UH) Cunnii, kg* ('CT baled. 63|M-lt. 0u*_... ft.injO'P'.ik, os**.. 6.7 Conlon, ons* 3,?!o^|P^??. Bu?ti . t.VOOlHool. akas._ l.?0 Cottell seel 'Gre***, pkgs ltf-iCatru-tBiiK* 'All otl.b!)!*.... 540.(iras* ??Ol I I.BM. Bk*!.. 2.SA2 UBMSB BBB] , Bags.- SS Ltrd. Hog*... 7.*J ?aeu.bag*. ..:i?4 lieu.-.. t..*:_a 25| Hatter, pass S.8J7 Cotton need lillie* No..-. Ha-. Ui.e***. >_ss 1.41 a cam, bigs 1.52;'Hld* Balee 62*1'D Ros*. Na. 6* Ceppor. bbl* 17* Il or.*,'nie*.. Hl.Kica. p?*.-. ') CeMaraks.. l,24i>Uatna .?i--* r.:.04jt?kia?, **i*a. 121 Mm P'-?i!k Mo* .bales . *io|Stetnae.ehg ??? v?kc?. 7? fiolaaaaaola si.1*.low. pk*-* 2<* I.2U1 Floor, pur*.. 2s.HA Bomb. bul*. 1.7-t'.? Wi.issy.utits 784 tMa-UBala iSS i .sr. bbl* 1,03.)i v*'...,;, naieS.. SiU t Meal bag* l.SiOOi*) itaas. |_r*udTiC.U), tV_*at, buib l?,7.*.o vkg?-. 027' pkg*. 00 QUUOUL HABKTT RF.l-oitT. COTTON.-spots very Q.n|et, bul without quotable change. Sal*, -DI bains for consumption At tbe ports te-d.-./"* report Indicat"* receipts of 3,4 34 bales, .-omi. iring with 8,284 bile* thi* day lent week snd 2.770 biles for tb* corresponding day 1**'. year. _ln?c Septen,bet 1 (the bcglinilug of tia cr?p year;, ths receipt* b.ivo aggregated 5,Jll,o22 bal** ci.roparlng with 6,143,757 bale* for the corresponding dais 1**-. m ??? n. Quotation* based on tho American Btsndsrd ot claaslllcs sion ara: __ Dplseda Gulf. Ordins- . ....... 71-4 7J}? Strlot Ordlnsry.7 8-4 Il#_. Robs. Ordinary._?_? _ I*,}* Berlet Good ordlnsry ... . tt S-lS ty-.1" Low Middling.0 9 10 _?_!_ Rtrtct Low Middling .... 0 1318 ?l?_ia Middling.10 IQ 1 9 Rood fild-llac.10 1-4^ J*?;8,, Hwlet (Jool Middling.10 9-18 IO-IMS Ml-liing Fair.10 16-16 11110 Fal*..ll 0-18 lillis STAINED. Good Ordlnsry . . THO Low Middling . 8 18-18 Birtel Ooo* Ordlnsry 7 7-8 Mlddllnf . . 8 6-8 The option list wa* not active, though very stesdy, snd at tha clune prteea Indicated a net gain of 4*5 points ovor the previous dar. Sales. 40.200 bale*. IMBBBJ Months, pr toa*. Hlg-mst. Lowest. MISS i Msy .... 0 87a 9 SO ?a7 9 87 200 Juna ... . -.noe ?ai 802 sss 8.700. Jniy .... 100.)-rl091 1001 I* i*7 0.400 A-rue* .... 10 lOclOll 10.il 1008 18,700 Septaaibar . . , 0 709 0.71 9 71 9 87 l.BoO ) October. . . . 9 48V 9 47 tt>7 9 it 1,0.0 ; Nov.raber . . . 9 8s?9.?J 9 3d 0 38 COO December . . W.MAW %U 0 8.1 0 88 1.800 JlBiciy . . . . )*.17?04S 349 940 200 ] February . . . 9.558 ?...8 9.35 DM 400 i Mirch .... f) CS* I 04 COFITF.rJ--Tko Brai-ll *tyles are very firmly held snd lightly offered. Fair osrgoes fully 16 3-4c and perhaps nlgl t- S^leo, 2.000 bas* Bantu* No. 7, 14c ; 1,000 bags No. 10, 12 1 Sn, A goo. Jobbins trade in mild styles, la case* somewhat higher rate* have been paid. Kal**, 800 peuul* Padang, afloat, 18 l-4c; 327 bags Savan'li. about 17 6-8e ; 760 d* Maracaibo, 10 12c; 738 do. about Iw l-4c: 286 do, IO 5-8c; 878 do, private tem;*: 670 do waij.ed c.nao?s teaaaad banda), and 2'X) do Laguuyra. In the option list s pretty good trading st high Brices, the close representing a set gain ot 2 Juna .... Ill-O'! 13.25 1H.0 1290 8,-CO Joly .... 12 83'* HOD 12 ?'..'?) 12 35 17.250 Ai_rnrt . . . . li pantoo ii oo 1153 93 ...o r-i i"ii ber . . . 1125*11.30 1130 10 95 11.750 October. . . . 10 .ne-10 ?5 109') 16.70 7,?fi_ November . . . 10.8eeie.--5 lo 85 10 50 .-) 2.'... December . . . ln.hOSK. r>5 10 95 lo 55 18 750 FLOUR AND MEA_.-rT.Ol* R~Failed to shew *ny In? terest fr?m s'.l no-jree*. ie dsy. The feel lal arno ifc holder* 1* very Urra, hut prices show no decided ch:ingc. In the w?y of trad tig Jobber* were tbe in?tn buyers, shippers taking only 5.200 bbl*. Sales. 15,800 bbl*. Iu*ludlr,g 1.S00 bbl*. Olly Mill r--.tr* at el S0-8I 90 for West Indies, iud I'm.-us, -M ?(,_*}.*) 25; 85u hal. Fine ai a2a0_-?8; 1,800 bbl* buperflne at S2 60**3 26, Inner aa extrmue; 1 .",00 bbl* I?w iixtrs jt aSstesSO; 5,V')0 bbl* Wtnier wheal Kxtra st ?a**5'J.); 5 700 bbls. Mltiuosota Estra st tl s5 25 10, sad In some cases 05 40. Included In tho wile* were 5,200 bbl* t*k,n U .xj^rtei*. vuotaJoi.s: rSunerOne, S2 50SS3 25, Fine, $2 80**8; City Mill C-trs at $4UOe*M90; W. I. and Pl tea ta, $4 75 ?6'.0; Low I.kira*. 13-83 50; Winter Wheat?Low uradea, S3(f)f850; Fair to Very Choice. e3r>otra, t3 40_^4 15; j Good to F?oct, S4 23.S5 25, and In som* tune* higher. ... RTE FI.OUR-3'osdT, trading light. Sales, 7O0 bbl* RnpAxflfte. at SSSSCSStS, latter Fsucy. . . . CORN MEAL? Firm. Yellew Western quoted si S3 05-S3 55. snd Btaudywlne ai $3 55. bales, SOO bbls Brandywine at es 5$. GRAIN.?WHEAT-There wa* less dene to-dsy, par tlrulsrly on speculative acoount. There ws* also oh senca of new fa.ti.res. Spot lot* are mere or lee* nominal, closing firm. Necking wa* accoiB|)llahed In the way *f eiport A feeling of tieavlne** dev?loned at the opening whleh waa fallowed br a dsoilne *f liei-2c wit- fr*e nellloS- Later on the bulls began s gtnsral raid, and the | result wa* au advance of 1 8 * ti 1-Sa, closing firm at 1 near the top. Sales, 8.09A.COO bushels fnrar*. 8.000 b-s-el* spoL ineiudlng Ne. 3 Red sumed st 1008100 1-4 j In store au_ elevator, 100 1 -__i00 3-4 f. o. b., 102 1 . . 102 8 4 delivered. Ungruded R"l nold on prlvSte term*. No. 2 lied May, 88 7-S-100. clo.lnc it 1001 do .Tuns, 0S3 3s*;l8 3 8, closing st 9S 1 -8 : ?o July, SS 1-2/Ws 5-8, closing st 08 1-9; dn Aegu*'.. ?*?*J7 3.4. olosvng st ST 8-4 ; Ss September. 98?07 8-4, clcslng st 97 S-41 do Decem- 1 ber, 08 1-2.100 10, .inning se 1001-2; lo May. 1K8S. 10. Ir??l04 1-8. el??tng st 104. | RtE-Dull and nnmlnal. . . . BARLET-Dull and un- 1 rhuefd. . . . BARLEY MALT- Dull and unchaaged. CORN?8-Tered eerly from the bi\a_ in wheat. Prices j opened opened 3 8*5-8 lower, but *ooo recovered and 1 sashed B-s'-'l 8-fc; closing Arm at a trifle under tbe j highest Cash grade* ar* iionut l-'. closlni BtsalV an< nu et Sal??- 2 OOO* 'u b future 128 OOo bn-h spot. iBcliMIng No. 8 *? HO", do White 43/ts.* Ute I Ko, 2. 89 1-2.-t0 l-4e; do White. 44S* 4 l-2? I N... 1 White. (Oe; Mlxei Wnsiern. 88*4 lc: Wb to 10 42 '? -l-l. ?: N-, 9 ^tav, 30 1 C*'I? 3 4. elna'ne *? 80 1--> do Jun ?. M SP S-4 c. .I'.alr.g at 3) 1 2c : d,> Juiv 3<) it- ?<*40? clisln? lt. BST-Sei do. Aneilst dosing nomlrsl ; d' Sen'' el^*leg iioratn:.!: di White \'uv. t3:>t/'>4- sfe>lng :.f, <3 3-4c: du Juna. 43 3 -?.*;| v e, clo*l:ig ai, 43 I - So luly. 43 i'.'w )3 3 4e closing at 4_H-'c. . . . *__D Ste?^T *n1 on. I, ui.e I HAT AND srr.AW-Suu^li'i still small and nrlce* well maimsliel Demsnds fslr TIVY "n- pur K'O m. SI; No. 1, !'0?8-..-; No. 2, 76_-85c; Stover mi" I. 75-b6c; clover, 0_#70s; shlpplne, 7<^S7Sa. . . . STRAW? Lane rv. al-al 00; short rye, Maj osta 4.v..*-.0c. HOI'S?Brewer* buv a* they neel, nnl In this way u a maali baslasaa aaau to notice. Frlce* precisely as for .".ne time (>., *t. QuotStle.l ?: V. Y. ststo. crop of IS-T, 1 teh IBS lae: lb, meSlon, io# 12c; dn. .'..uiiriti. 0_liv ; Stat*. .-Mi i. iJPacI lc Coast, crop 1"s87. ei.innmn to choice. S-'lSe: lo, 1s.s.-,, comtnen , io g.n.d, 440c: Oermtin*. crop of 18?7. lOtfj-J.-.. ft CT ALS COPFBR- ?. -oderate bu ne** si slightly . low^r price*. Sales. '.'.Vi.ooo rt,, nt lO.oa 10.05 'er June, and io.i'.o.ic70 (ar Ju--. LEAD?Wast Salas1, SS j ten* at 4 l-l lor spot; 4.15_4.17 1-2 for May; 4.17 1-'- for 1 June, and 1.33 1-3 for July. MOfaASSKS?Tho price on bolling ?tr,ck ls une.-rf.ln, I but 20C. near the marie;.. OUtet gr.ide) move nlowly. NAVAL STORF.S?M(id*rat-e Mlai ?f spirits turpentine st 87o. Low grados rosin* ftrm aud in fair demind, but pdl* ntock wea-. Quotations: Htraitied. al 20; (iood StralBed, (1 26; K -fl 27 1-2; F tl Sd ; O Si 35; II fl 40; I SI 60SS1 52. 1-2; K Bl 02 1-3-01 0."), M Si 85: N 02 30 ; W. G. ?_ 80 ; W. V,'. ?3. Oll.S?C?neritily steady, but Cottonseed h*ld higher snd for cruds 39* wa* bid. Quotation*: Cottonseed, crude, 3^io bid; nuinmer y*ilow, prime, 44_rtmnnt*. Vnanel* lo lead petroleum held liri? To Glasgow, ilntm., 8,000 bu?b?'.* grain, 1 2d.rF.TItOLKX'M CHAR TF.R-s-Hamburg, hence, a bark, 7,000 bbl*, reined ell, 2?. ; Rangesn, h*n.?. a bark, (to arrive) with 30.000 ea*.-* refined. .??; Ualtie, hence, a bark, (TrlBD wlih 4,000 tibia reflond. 2*. Od.; Japan, from 1'liila.lelplila a British fcark, 50.000 case* reflnftd. private term*; Rotterdam, anne", % British bark. 9.Ooo ',bls. relined, 2*. MIKCFLLANEOrS l.flARl'lCKS -A bark, hniue, to the west aoast, of C>uth s-oerlea gaaaral <-a?go; a British schooner. hence tn King-ton lumber, ?4 30, anl back with logwood, 04; a British steamer from liuhurst tn the west cea?t of Englari. deals, 46* ; Baeaaa Ayre*, hence, a Brltlrt) bark with Imrthai "ol *A(ie:al cargo; B?**o Terr* and Tolnt a I'ltre, hence, rn British brig with g-ntral cargo nrlv?l" term* FROVI-sIONS-PORls'^l'.uled v*rv qu'et with abm-n.-e nt lnt>re*t fr,*i exporters. Values, however, ?r* n"t quotably cbatic??d. Sales. TS bbl* >Ie??. rrlvnte term*. Men* quisled ?M?||.vi ell ^nd ?15>1625 for new; Short Cleef at ?1?'r 1** : I\fra l'riine at ?13: F.lmo M?-?. S15815 1"'"). tel Fsmllv M?*? *? SIS ,V>*lii. . . arrF-?to?lv and In light, rleiaan-1. F"?rs Ind1* Meas, rn 6oef3; Fsb-iit Mci sSSoaHj nst.?. S7_W750: In -r* M-?* a7S7 .V): l?nck?t e7 ?fWf7 75 . RTF II S MS -Qu'nt and iinchnngisd : milted ?' SIS CUT MEAT* - Br. wnll ?i.?tH(n*d tn r>?ii-? Sid 't,? dem?"d cuntlnne* f*lr; no *?Ie* reported. Pli-klrn' h?ll'aa, 1? Th ?v?-nff*>, nt 7 S-8o loane anl 7 7 Se. tn V??**; I'teirled ll.ni* Bl II 1-4SM1 1-_e. : Ptet-'-d Hheu'l*'* ?t 7 5-Se. ? s., de 8 7-rV ; Bmolied Hum-, si 1o?l*> 1 ie \f I DDT.)---. Du'l end nnm1n?l. . nr.FS'cr-T) H^cc_Are a (Vale *?f.ngcr *ed In. fair *?-''i<>?t 1 '-t heart le I'-it T 1-44BT l-te.: Wa** T#T S-Se. . . LAHTV Th.ro ra* n-n f"?riir.< tn f-e B'n?Vnf, ,?a?_. ,?,., per* Is?'k 1 Cen tlere** c??h *t.iT. T''e hen* i.-i^e ll 1 1,,eli SM iier.-c*. TL* ...ii'"* mM srei*? SB09S.8S 1 ?-. f..r t> t> rorw*r, jed a 77 1 ?" fr i\ * ls)?.-r. et-a(.-? ? ?>,. th" en't'.n. v*r'->1 ".-iihln 'lie .sn.-. , f | - | - ni"nc *ll*'rn.telv v**k *nd ???song, elnniritf * ' "l ,, ,... -i ,. I . .".-, f'r is-t?^m f*S Tl*-ee?. StSe.1 ref!ri* 1 "noted ?? R ">,v Continetit O.nOe Saatli Arr*-I-in \\-,v ? ., ., ^ |?a 1 -"-e. ((erees Tire ??? a o***- 71 ,? , ele*1r>(. *? ? eoe ? 1 7S/1 !>????' Tnlr s* o BBS - In- |i?;i) -1 god H n - - V" -'??' il I "?? - - -.-,.? nt n Tit ? "I. ' ' " ? . ri-*'ng il p 7op . < fjAc. .Ir.?e? (.rt, I er S TI#B "Se eb..lnr ll S -"? ' RI'TTi I ' -'??*Sv fee'le.' -^a.-*|'? *? -d .v? rt.-"'t '- ? ry h - - ?' \y nf itrle-i* e.^ M-^,,A,., r.rA>rra..ri oo,n*? . -??!? 0-,.^..,, . ^..,.a hsif firkin (eba tu Stata Cn an tty .i,.- '. i..' - n" " Vn.M? r)*(rr 10-?"?e- ???.,?-, ,,_,?,|^n (*.,._,--,. oiao'ie rs ri !!?>?? T''-T>-e sssrliai hs* -\ nn w|t>. .h'neer* '("I'" I SIS* 1 |m* r,M. |n*1 New rt*W< ' ? -. -, ,. -?? I .. ... io rnrva ir-i-?i* *-e . ? ned ""' i f" leireM: nr'?es '.iv. ?4. .n.-.d sivmi ' V ner d'.jjn B'ate ?n-t Pannartrasils 11 1 n''I8e *? Itint 1 -ii r, ss for Melaaasa, i 3 li- fns fslr reflnlne. nnd Mf* 'o' SS ?? | Centrlfiirsl. Sale* 6 500 beea Ceeislfugal, 00 te.t, B i ., , . MM hi-1*. St. C-sslx. RS lent, 4 U._Sg Reflnnd In f?lr d?msnd Ono'i'l....* Cnl tnt 8* Crish-1 ^ Cnhna 7: Pewdered 7: Cr?p..l.t?l. 0 ^4 : Mont j - \ ? T Confe.-t'o|i*??- " S ? HID r-fTee " K" S?*nd?rd n nieaS M : C ITee off " As ??8 118- White e*:!" "C." 5 T-jt TMra ? C." 5 5 8a |hi.*0* Si.*! Ve'iow. s sines ? 8 RTT \RI*tF^-T?em*iid ls iinlmpn',f?rit snd nrlee* temn'r na-ilna! Cltv oe. ted at 11c C.lenirta<_arlc.o, City ?e TAf.TOW-?t1l l's..sin l-iver." fsvet- mid rule* dull mme Cit? otftd 4 6 1 Oe R*l?e. 100 ooo m * 5 10.4 3 8o ? < LTVr -Tr*"-"**: Mt'tKRTS HT TF.I.R'i 1*-*'! BVrraLO. Htj 18,-Ce((Ic-Baeeipts laat 'it hours wan ? m '.)85 he*4. TBt?i I.r the wm* tha* Ur ? ikk b*_i. h*?_ *?- w?Bk 4.028. CoB*lgB*d Ibroiiih 87 cr- C4 l?w ?_ 0 M-* y ,.rl . s carl.*.!. *. *,i, . n,?k^ J? M "' "'"th ,S,U?-?-R*o*.lbtS last H :i,)?r* wnr, l.HOM neM T*t?l f_ li- week mu* tar 1*000 fur ,.,,?? ,im, t_," *i-Il_ MM .'oB,i.Bnd tliroug:. |S .ar,. ?, ?hl. ?%',?' *** '5 (HI _Si 76; (iiH.il lo Chaise 85 *.?,*?*>,, vt iii Ji ll iiySmJiXlXm" "**7 5?: *"1""< L*'"^ " ''^??oot ????? tUoe.nt* aal it nour* ?;.Dd ? h?s>i Tnt_i ... __? rael Ubs tar ss Jd I . .?. i_\ ,?,, -^! 1 I), head, i on*.gnni!T*4 SO toa* 85: M-efT 86 65**6 75 I ,,l7. .5 4.ie?o8.i, skip. $4 00?*5 IO. ' ,0-? ,s;**?u?rteceliii* 4.B0') n-a.!. * ii) tenant* l.*_f>> B?a1 ? m,r?_ ? **.ly. W_olle.| *? K)?*S ?*?> th fB BS ko.*:, 76- T*__ "/nailed st 70 4#6 Ut) i hiior.i $2 38**4 ou, Lauiu* $$ i*J? st. Lent. M?r in teev>'teemnu l.vyy h?*d .mb. ?eau 6l>.) I.*a.t . aarsst activv L'botea He*** -??iir* 4tB?r ti ."')??.') 0.1 r,.- toD.it Naur* *)|**r< ?. ..) * MMO; Bu to h. sf*' >Ha?r*, Weill i ii to ii ..SI 20au 1* Meeker* nat b'**t?r? Uir tai gool Si 4)*.(iiJ K_a._n /r?3i-K***e.pis 8.00O keadl ?hlp'nnnl* (UK) he-id m\r\n icu.*, l.'hele* He*vr an.l l?ui.-hnr?' .-ss'.r'.i.m ? 15 85. Packin- \l?Un tu Unaiot, $5 3)_?6ii, Lt?s? in-rf*., or .mary lo fie.r., ti 2 >*'. IS. .V.Ma-rUcniBt* 4 7)" li. .1 . shipment* 2.100. M*ck*S sreak. Fair Ut ia-,, at i>o.ik i. | port, 15 car* direct te the abattoir*, a slnvlo sae of local ?tock at COUi-*(. and 82 car* ai Mseef I ny. of vs ul.h ta car* were fer shipment alive on Ike BaBBl* Tke market *peaed active sud fully IDs lither on Conn ?nen t* Fa.r Steers, with (jood and l'rln.e slea rj ; but afteg Ike UeBrew butcher* had fllle.1 their order* SOS left c_? yard* u sSnerve the holiday, lhasa wee k Sall ':ii.>, *_{ the flntsh wss weak, with tim advance B__Bl| leah Tua yards were not entirely cleared. bevan ears *f Cern-fed Colorado Steers s.>id ai at 7;>e 84 9T 1-2; two car* of Texan* at et 00, anl Cmmon t*j l"r1_ie Cera-fad (Jattlo st 84 50-S5, sal one pair st S5UQ. Dry Cows snd Bulls ranged lu price from SS to %4 ?_, a^ beag* sud Oxen from e8 to 85. Mr. Ir0l_a_ut_ rencrved and purehaied about 76 heil fUf export. .shipment* to-day include 225 Cattle on tin) luiy; 200 on the Buffalo; 190 on tho -leter City; .00 quarter* ul Dee! In the Celtic, aud 1,000 do lu the City of : Frew -altimore 760 ('stile are tn be i-hip-n-d Du* vreek. Bale*?Kew ton A Ulliett: 6 tVBBSBSHS iou."., PaBS> sylvania, bte'ia, 1,5<-hj svci-ge, ai tit 50 !*-?; Iw lt., lg do, 1342 Rt, at BO 25; ld do, UBI lb, at. MSO; i> So, 1218 Ht, at 45 li: 20 do, 1.106 16, al SO IS 1 - , j; I., UM Tb, ?t ti 10. J. F. Sadler _ Co. : 17 Indiana Steer*, 1410 A, BtSSSfl 1. do, 1133 IT), at *)30; IS Sa, ISIS 1809 lb, at *5 16; ld do, IMS Sk ai SS IV, IO PIUaBBaj " Sttliers," UI46 ID. si ei 15; 10 bt.ll Uu.is, .oci.isjo _, at al7..?4o6 per loo Bi M. 0B*_SSBUai -- vorn'ed Coiur..d.> SM Bl l,:t o ?j average, st SS ST Iel Ik1*-' WO B; ..) Bu, 54 87 1-2; 34 de, _M _>, ai. 41-5; 10 Se, 14 75; _ Chicago Native*. 1S10 :'., a 1^.^ lb, m. t*; lo av, 1171 ?, at *4'.iu; u a j, ie, rr,, at 84 70. J. Sctumberg: 83 VeaasylTB?S Bl r*, : 1 rr a, w 84 B7 1--; l-> d.?, IOtS Ts, at *i ??'?; 20 ci aga J., ISSI tb, at Sh IO j 10 do, ISSO -. si Si SS; ti Sa, UHM rs, at 55 2U; SO d'. 12S0 "T's al Sit?i-2; - Hui.*, 11.-57 S, at $3 45; 1 JPv.'r.u.sylv.iti.a Dry Cow, l.;,u a, si SS 60. ?, 101 r?, al *6-'5, 6 do, lino tb, ai SiSSIlnS- IS d.,, UH rt, M $5-0; 17 do. _M0 tb, at $5-0, 1.: . | lo; 19 do, 1254 lb, at $6 05, 14 d., iaH. ;; j,,, 938 lb, at 84 50; 5 do. So4 ns. St 81 a.', 2 Oxen, ll it BS 65 ; 2 do, 186') it), at %5 ; 5 !??, I l'< I B, at Bl ; Hull*, ld.,u to -Ui'U ID, at .3 ,"0-$4 ; 2 l*i_n*ylv. ..la Civil, 1(j5j IT., ut HA. D. Mcl'hernoa: 2 Western Meera ISM ? ai |SSS| 14 do, 141S !?, al $5 40; -J do, le ii lr,. Bl *0 -5: I do, 1SSS HS, st $5 Mj .j do, llUu Tb, al $5; ii un, USO ft* at ?4 80; 8 do (Oxen;, 153a ra, ai ai IO; i- - ls, UOS lt,, at $5 15; 0 do, 11j3 Ws at *-; 9 Dry Cons, aOj ri, t| ?2 75; 10 Texan Stags, lol? % il Bi. H. 8. Itosentuai: S Ch c.gu .--. ?- US7 r\ r.t S". SO; 18 do, 1321 lb, ai $5 10; SS Sa U7I S Bl $5 IO; I tu, 12d'J lt), at $5 05; 25 do, 111) l rb, at Si OS; _, do, His Tb, at $4 BS; 19 do, 117a _, al $1 SS; SI So, 1121 T\ si $4 80. J. A. Munroe: ,10 Chi. b^o Steers, UOS K, at ?5 4l; 47 Tetan*. 1007 Tb, at 04 60. CALVK.S-Ke.ept_, 4,'."Jd _eaA-S*St7 at . n :. -? anl 681 at Jersey City. Lemand lair, bu. ai lower prices for M_uem 42 do, ISS ft, .si S5 .;(< per loo ft. 1'. S. Ka-.:: IU fBllBBJillBlB V(..l.-., 110 ft, St 4 3-40 per Tb. SBJUtP AND LAMBS . : . ts of 4,641 head?14 taro at OOUi-bU auJ ? cms ai J..-;, ' few strictly Prims bheep offered, and f..r ali the in.-.rlie. was rnied wash. Bpitl i ly. Bales to-day liu-luded OsSlnar] io i. s'mcp at seo 1-2.-, wuii .t.oui * BariseS ot rrina sold st 0 3-4'a7c, sud tulls al 4-4 1-ie. A f> ? 1 : waeUei sahl et 5.7.-.. Boatfa ra lamhi siatS .rio. for Shit U) rriinc ; SBd l'o.r s;.,...s suM Si i- T.Jl per 100 ft. .saiei^-juii _ Baaaaashaaii ll Its a?*a Oe ;ser ft. _ _ COTIVSN MARK--*TM-HT Tf.I.K'lt SPIt lifaataet, m*t io. -4 r*. w.-c-ttou Tha **'** af Ow tun,-ilBl ?.l)i.i b?.?? Aiiierican. _?_?'?_*?_SS__ t 't. au .*. U? MtiMltnao'.Buse. Marker, a fl ??? - Mny *b.i J bus d.l.?nrr. t Sl-OU - o-. * Jajtea sallvrerr 5 il 64d. l.nyera Jur ... I ? " J ? ? if 044. hajr*vai tesaai ..b.i Sepifeit-er ?*?" ? ,"VV;~ relers. r-.',,.,..,, -e. snd OoIoIh-i A.h^ir. . I.I-o4-1. - UatBlwr _? NevambardelivBrr. and Hece-i'aerde.iverr. 5 7-.4.1. L . "rr ' __LS ;'. ?-''-?? Vt} lt -Celt m-- "itv M- ' I "?'J7,^,1^ MUdiinr. oi lit ?? i bains;..,!-?. 17.*. mle*. *i4?cklrt,-sW bab ..a-lSiiea i hATiVKUl, M V I - , Miditliii- :i 8 10; .il Ordlmry. S ll-l;, ' ;?B'1 J2 r? mi.is, I'Ki obj-*: BZMrta i..a*i?Ti?'. U_?S_as ??*-? 14 U?le?, *.*.n-S. 15.J4 1 b_o*. , . NSW ? : *?-. Mac ll).-" ?' O's,. Low Ml.! Min.. '.? Ooh! .). " 'T. -- ?"''JX, 1 ?*) bale*; troa, rnce'oi*. 147 ? n.'st, 2.?31b?la?; Mle*. 1.7^0 bile*, tloct, l?l._--?7 Di-B*. KCRiPKAN' PRODL'CR Mk*****. ttfaai. Mar 18 5:80 ,n