WEDDINGS PAST ABD TO COMB. Thc chimes of St. Ann's Unman Catholic Church In East Twelfth st. rang out merrily yesterday morning, spite of the chilly air, in honor of thu marriage, of Miss Emily Th-res a Frith to Maurice La Moetague, ion ol Edward La Montague. It was almost mmm whan the bridal party arrived. Tho bride entered the church on tho arm of her brother, Louis edward Frith, Who r?vo hor away. Hoi- gbwa was of heavy Ivory white sailn made plain, with high BSSBSSB an.l long WMWUM, The brldesmalda wei? MM talllo Tucker, HIM Mollie Hayden, Miss Marlo La Montague and Miss Almeo Ia Fargo. 'Ihe groom -with h.s b'st man. Charles Fenaud. met the bride at tho altar. Tire ushers) weiss Antonio de Navarro. Arthur Frith, He.l.iald Frfliirldyn. Henry lllnsse, Alb?rt La Mon? tague snd Anton ShalW. Mot,-Ignor Pi e.ton per? formed the marriage ceremony, after which thSSB was a low mass, celebrated l.y Father Smith, chaplain ol tho AsyhuB of st. TraoBoM do rani. A wedding breakfast followed a< Ihe bOBSS. of the bride's brother, No. 47 West Thirty-eighth st. A___g the MMMAM >vero Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Cai i-ettson. Mr. and ?BJ. Ct h. I>" Vivier, Miss Du Vivier, Ma Bl lui Vivier, Mn. |,. lt. IHattti Mr. mid Mrs. schuyler Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moran, Mr. and Mrs. Ans.Iel Moran. Mr. and Mrs. E. 1). Morgan, Mr. and xirs. Kichard Irvin, Jr., Mrs. J. F. de Navarro, Ml-s Tlnle Noel, Mrs. A. Noel, M!'*<* do I'losslero, Dr. and Mrs. Kobert F. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Edward La Mon tagnr. Jr., MW* BBS Mrs. August P. Moutain. Mr. aud Mrs- 1-dHf Khlnolandcr, T. J. CmmMf BhlBI Iambi, Miss Annie Berry, Miss I-eary, Miss Neille Redmond, Mrs. Charles Coudort, Miss (.'larc Coudert, the | Harnicn-Frown. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo FHtSOh, Mis. J. T. filbert. Mr. and Mrs. John I4MUSBS0, the Misses brenco, John La Fargo. Miss La Fcige, Angastas ]!. Field, J- Bowers Lee, Miss Loo. Miss Letterman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward La Montague, Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest C. La Moutagne, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hoguet, Miss Hog*uot and Jule. Montant. Miss Georgine rresslcr. daughter of William Dress ler, was married to Theodore J. Gelsler, of BMOUya, at the Churoh of the Holy Communion. Slxth-ave. and Twenticth-iit., last evening at 6 o'clock. Tho i; M. Dr. Mottet, rector of ihe church, officiated. The wedding was a simple ene. Tbero were no brides? maids. The bride was attired In the conventional White satin, tulle and orange blossoms, and carried a of lilies ot tho valley. The ushers were Louis B. Dressier and Louis Gelsler. Dr. Charles Holsten, of Brooklyn was beat man. The bride ls a violin player of preat promise and returned from a year's study In Germany recently. Tho groom ls a member of tho Amphion Amateur Orchestra ol 1'rook lyn and is bv profession a lawyer. After ten days In Philadelphia' ihe pair will sall on Saturday hy tho steamship Zanndam for Amsterdam _t.d will remain abroad tor Ave months, daring which period the bride will pursue her studios In Vienna. After the cere? mony there was a smaU family gathering at the Hotel (.lenham. t'eorre Zabriskle will be married early In .lune to Miss sarah Gray, of Cambridge, Mass. Miss Gray ls a danchter of Dean Zabriskle Gray, of the Cum bndpo Prnt'-stnnt episcopal Theological Seminary, aud a granddaughter of John A, OL Gray, of thin city. GOO!) WORK OF THE SLATER FCND. MAST INSTITTTIONS ASSISTS-*?MR. BATU S-XI A timm to justicb warre. The a-imial BBMtlng of the tWBtSSS Bj the sister Fund, gtveo by Joh* W. Slater, of Norwich. Conn., I" ISSS, for thc | sf giving hotter fae?ties for tha edu'-ation of freedmen and their ehlMrea. was held fgBMSlag at the I-ifth AveaUB BoteL Those i were ex-Presldenl Rntherford n. iia\es, Bhatmaa; Senator (ol|t;itt. Morris K. .It-sup, John A. Stewart, of New-York: william A. Slater, of Norwich, Oona.; Daniel C. Gilman, president of Joims BJop-tni I ' vei>tv: tho lc v. Dr. Boyeo, and tbe Rsv, Dr, A. 0, Bargo*.;!, Gcn-ral \ce:it of tha 1?4. Mr. Hayca paid a tiibute to de Memory of Chlel Jostles Waite, a member of the Beard of TfBStOOS a*.il his address was adopted bf tho board as an eNpresslon of their SCEilwi'iits and ordered to lo placed upon tho min? ute^. Tha Ostini Agent'i report showod thal the N.'.,i'0') appi opt lated fer tbs achoo] yeal I rt had boen dtotrfhoted arnot".' thr fellowing hutitattona: Atlanta t*iiivciHi,a Baoatan Neran] Behool, Benedict Institute, Biddle Ci.iv.-rsity. llrnii" rd Disunite, Cei il Ten_("-- l ? . Claflla Unlyerslty, Clark Un ? Fisk Cnlversiiy. Gutter! *-? c.ii,.ny. Ila mp toa [n ? .?..-??, Haruhi'in Men...Mal institut.-. Howard University, isak* ?on CollCRo, Jackson* ille, ('raded, Kt N.-nial Cnivfi-'.'y, Loaoaig Medical School, Letand "University, LoMey_a li.Ktitut.., ),*-ivis, UvtagotoM Oellaga. Mehany Medical College, Moors btiO'-t. D.idustii-.i, MeatgsaMry Normal University, Mt Albt.m state Manoa] Bahs al, Mt Boram ?Waalc SaaaV nary, New Orleans University, Faui Quin College, Payne lastttBtp. PhOaager Badth Collage. Regei WUUasM I "i veealty. Baas Normal L-stttute, Bas) University, Soho n?ia Normal institute, Bcotia Female Ben?try. M.hw University, Slater Industrial School. Speliiiai. Bowels Insiituu-, sui-: BOn? gnhoil. Bute Boca? Behool, Straight University, Talladega Collcee, TUIateSB iBMfr tuie, Toygaloo B?VOt?tf. The report of Um progress mado in manual tralnitu; iras exe oed li. sly ?SlMfBShM). aid to tha; branch of tuition will be pa'd especial attention tho coat?| T***> The pupils In the forty-five schools Bided by th. Band os c: ll.odo. The sum of ?fl.V'HXJ was ap? propriated tor th** neal achoo! year, and will be ap poitlored accord mu to ths needs of present benefi? ciaries and others which are In course of organl-atlon. _-,??? SO VXCEETAIX SOVXD JUBB, At thc Inst monthly meeting of the Century Club thc following resolution, expressive of tho BBBOCtatJeB'S sentiment- with respect to int*rua 1 ional copyri-.'ht. was offered by Jolin lligrlow in behalf of the Board of Management, and adopted without (lissi ut : Resolved. That the Century Association cordially ap? prove of aaiaai-Mtlj noannoad the efforta makin* to secure from the l-'ederal Government a formal ac? knowledgment of liter_ry property and Its lights. - ?'-m IXCIDENTS IN SOCIETY. M ? W. K. Vanderbilt gave a dinner to Minister Phelpa last night. PS SI Mai - gave a dinner of twelve covers nt Ms bouse. No. 48 West Klneteenfh-sl., )*-* ov-ning. Nbs. ParaaroT, of No. ?_?_ \)--3t iwontleth-at., (-ave a tea ycfterday aftomoon. Mr. and Mt*. Robert Hoe, Jr., and family w.ll shortly leave their town house. No. it i:a>t Thirty-alzth-at., tor th'-.i farm near Lake Moho pac. They will spend Dart of the summer at Kar ltociiaway. THE CHICAGO XEWS OUAXOhS EDITORS. ihtcago, May 10.?Melville K. Stone this mornini*; BSaoaaOOd his withdrawal from editorial control of '?The Dally News," which he has h-ld Macs IM founda? tion. II. says : - For twelve years I have been Work? ing fourteen to fifteen hours a day. This sprlni,' I took a trip to California and aft. rward COI?1 not gel back into the old -plod. 1 felt my health failing and (unsuited physicians, who said I must stop work.'' TUE FI VA I. CASI FOTI THE VALLACK HESEHT. Mr. A. M. l'aliii.r ann., that arrangements are almost complete f,.r tic. toeth-onlal peifenaanea of ? llsmiet" in honor of Lsotoe Wallach at tha Metropolitan (?peta Hons* aa M'i'idav BfSBla| BSXt Thl dis', rehe.rsal ?sill b4j held to-inorro-Aat 12 o'clock, at Walla.-k's whleh OaMaal John a. MeOaall kindly Mased at the di? M the management of the t4-stlmoiiial. The first rehearsal will bc uonUued to principals, I,ut on Moudsy MM full rehearsal will uke place, at which everybody (onneciod wita tho stage performance i? cxpertod to bo i Mr. rainier was also much srratllled to receive )-es?r_v a lotter from Jame. a. Baiastllt, p-iTllial cf tho -.-iitaii tiptra House Company, In which ha Mated tliai the dlrectora of the Opera House had decidod to offer I .-? for the testimonUi free of any chaine for rent. ! This 4?eii.-rou* offer was a mo.i agsaaehM SOI gi lei to th.. 6:an?(;en.. nt. Thc action of the _tM0sM>S was BassM-M-tal by that af the Hvtgt Committee, wlilch, in a loit.r fr.m G. ti. Haven, Its chairman, places st thc fltSginBl of the ' naaagBBaaal MM spleudld ? Hamlet" ?es*-? belongdn,'; to the .Metropolitan Opera Boase, a privliege which they have never t^f.ire prauted to any one. Thu complete cast Will be as follows: 3__r__ ?,.;.-.* ? ? K(1w,n Bo?th (.hist of Hamlet's father . . Lawreaea li. Kunf ciaudiiu.-rraohMayo J010"1"'1.John Gilbert ******.Ehea P rapt ia ?''?*?".J 'hi. A. I.,?? "rant ..... Charita Hiinford m.Lewreaes Hanley __ .;__???? ?- ? Charles Koehler Marcellus .... Edwin H. VaoderfeU 1 ...... -herbert Keb-, v irai.cls(0.Tntm Mordaunt Al????'lia ........ Beleni Medleska 5 Oertm-a.nott EtSob. ti,- hayes Oueea ..... Sol < ,...J,, The sale of admission tickets will tam al _M Ma offlo / the Metropolitan Opeia Houk- on Kriday mornitij at !> clock, and v. .11 cntliiue until thc allowed by law * t* a,n ghgii have aooa rej, hag. iho gMaa of adi-insinn UcktU Im the onliest;a, dress circle and balcony i , UxM at SS. and to de family circle at gt Not | Usa three Uckeu atti be sold to any oue pei son. -?--.? A V AEDEST IIT.AIXE MAX. Prom The LowMtOB Another Illimitable aittielSBO ls T.lac.-d to th? rmrm .* rare ?m geutleniau. Israel lt. Bray, .-., ? fTaaaaai!. \\H Uh,.,| ,? i?. ? >la|Wi j?.-:-....-,-u 'j,,., tie ,?:.m" f"i,:" ""'"1 "' Mr 1,lsl,ie' Talking over o_lR-!__ ?!i"11""1'. ??'? "".er day. were Ihieamen. moo Jshou, wat Mr. llr-y. "You'd iola for Ulallie ? ha were dead,- a*:d No. 1. ? ol course I would ? said No. 2. "Yea, by thundor, I'd vote for his ad mli.istratorI" said Mr. Bray. SBEKMAN'S CB AB CES OF SUCCESS. EX-GOVERNOR r_^_^AY8 HK WILL WIN. ohio, BBWBTBB) will scpport thu BO??MB or 'nu*. OOMV?ITIOB. Ex-Governor Charles Foster, of Ohio, who has been I here for a weeli, waa asked yesterday on the eve of ilcpariure if he could give any Information as to Hen- , Sherman's candidacy for nomination at Chicago. Bs replied: "I am here on business and lurid, ntlally have learned something of tlie genri?l situation. Having a large acquaintance with public men, naturally as I have met them the talk drifts Into a discussion of tho Chicago Convent',n. It has so happened that within the past few dava I have met m_::y af tie leading lle publlcans of tho country. The controlling thought and wish of all ls to make a winning ticket. 1 rio not lind that a vor*y stiong partisanship gsfsM for any one man. 1 hey ate going to OhMSfB In a dcllherato mood, ready to yield Individual preferences for the common gsoM. ?This being so, I have great failb that the common judgment will unite upon Mr. Sherman, who is tho most conspicuous In long servico and steadfast BepvbBcaa l_m, untainted with any doubt as to his thorough identlij with UhB party on all the groat questions i , fore Hie country, and a lifetime supporter of the sub- ! Ject now agger?BM la thc minds of tho people. 1 moan tho threatened destruction of American In and menace to the labor InterOeM <,f tho ' roon.ry. Ho ls apposed, and apparently hated, by tho Mtigwumps. This ls a .strong ] .Int in BM fa. Br. lils equipment for the place- li universally conceded; and, I be'icve, his availability will lieconio so apparent as to secure lils nomination and election.'' "It ls said his oivu -i'lcgatlon is not really solid for him?" '* This ls a great mistake. Von can rest assured that there ls no weak spot In the Ohio delegation, li will bo led by Covernor Forakcr, an ardon and BevotOd friend of Mr. -sherman.-' ' Ohio Is, of course, a Republican Stato?'' "TBS* ITS will support cheerfully ihe nominee of the Convention. A candidate without any taint of Mugwiimpin..Ism Bf doubt of Ins position on tl, Hon of Protection will receive In Ohio this year tho largest majority given any candidate Mace the War." " I presume you Know I here is talk of no>n:n .tin_; Mr. Ulallie, notw his withdrawal as a candidate t* "Yes. 1 know this soil of tali; is ifxlui ^.-.1 lu; but I have not met a Ulaloo man yet that denim bri nomination in any other way than by a unanimous? or practically so?voto of tbe couventlou; they all coll? ei Jo that a nomination now by a majority of ibo con? vention would be fatal to success, ii is not believed thal Mr. Ulallie would accept a nomination unless lt come, in the form of a demand of tho party unanimous? ly expressed." '? Von were made to say In an Interview that BlSlas was tricky :n "I never made such a statement. I probably said that his nomination aud acceptance after lils decllnar lion would have tho look ol trickery. In Short then. 1 expect to seo Mr. Sherman lead la tho vote at the lieglnnlng (f the ballot, ai.d Hie more be is c;uiv_ss.-d the stronger ho win be. if he should i;*.ii to receive the i."mit.allon, ha and bia Mends, who havo never ponied or Meara, win come to tl.e rapport ol tbe nominee, and wlD pert..rm their full lhere ol the work which u to sccuro the triumph of tho Republican party.*__ HOTEL COI! RI DOR CHAT. KvSenator Brad'.ury, of Maine, was a striking retire In th- pee?lae cf th.- pttth hvaaaa Boto) yesterday, with his neat black MOBO?sth anl long Mtowy hair. Ba ' quietly about the politics of ti." Say, snd'saM ahra< ths one topic of al.-uri inc int' rest! " The poattlOB taken hy M;-. oi withdrawing trom ti.- aoatoM for Hie rrest- ' dential nomiiuition was aattreiy tit and groper. Il v. is the right thins for him to do. Tot I 19 ' MC no impro- | peiety i>? Ma acceptance ot a a atrina Uoa, if Um shall now sc; lil lo stive him UM b_-Mf li earry. io* leek himself out of tho ilraggM nnd toft tha party ch.'OMj elsewhere, if it still srlahaa Mm le ha Itt Bonlnee, I do not see how ho can refase tha pieaanio." Hm feeiinc pmong DeaaoersM aga'nst Presldenl I land ls not easily wygi eased, Mthoogh Hm party leaders iu-,.at oat the wort that everybody mu-t ihoal t..r him. Ths Information mhos ri? ? m Washlngtea thal H. ll. Quin. i.'-.-s, an i .lui"ra I) -mocat, rccntly bel a tboosand dollars that Mi. Co'V land. If Dominated, WOOhi ie this State. Whoa the bet iras t-kao i.Sered BS.000 atora on ll.- -tmt I.i-opoHltioii, bul could nov BM the tWtt 'Ur neiley has leen put np In a YVa.shiiigU.ii bunk. UBI DBI Rufus nunook, of Atlanta, Georgia, who ls iii BOW-York, lus become so thoroughly established lu Georgia, that, although a Bor_waar, hs speaks Ma mini frilly n all questions atlectliii? the South. ile ls la i ? letting Hm nears question ?merely Mei ftfu>.Heirn party M the Nation is of more in.portal.ce lo il.n Benth than iv ls to thc North. lt is thc tinaiiclal and taiirT pulpy of the Kciiublicnn party tho has MMMed UM Si.nih io iiciid up i's "-reata plaoei sad bogia I i renew'ita vigor. The Democratic policy would ruin tho South. If it were i. ?'??:? t I paoy affairs that he scarcely had lime to discuss politics, bal la response to a question, laid : " I see that (ir. shani's friend*, Maine's fri.-lids, Allison's friends. Sherman's fri-ml*, and possibly others aro claiming Minni-mta lac theil fa'," - Pcs. BMiM and (iioehain arc. tapesOUly t-.i).'--l Bl. Al! I know about lt is that I cot a dispatch to-day Miling me of the election of tv... .j ? ? rho icr for niaine nor Qrea_aaa.a I Si Mayor rdward Wallace, M Springfield, Ohio, who is one of the olteiastas to Obieaga treal thia stat", ins bera in New-York laklnir SepoSlttOM for tWC days, ll I i- a stalwart apectonen M manhood, arith a Mndy mustache, abo was Mayoa of Ms alt] as ??* Denoont, bet baa ali. I ? RejraUloaa I _ad stbai laoMa, " Wa tr* for S.'iuU.r Sh. ."tuan fur I'ic-i'l.nt," said Mr. Wal (lay: '? but ire lm\e the u;imh*-i regard f"i Ml iltaadj sii tic gathering Moveawat in Ms favor, if hs ls nominated I think the State wlU gs wild g. ai Wk rai adoi?atton, esteem and snpport, and favorite son, you know, but ha hi * I thusiaom like Blaine." MMM. PAUSE!,L OOMIWA WAVE Tn AMMWIOA. Mrs. I'arncll ls araln BOBBag to thia etty bom Ire land, whore aha has hara d iring tho I at eighteen months, seeking to reston- her health lt wa- : . ihat wbon g_a left eautry, shortly after Ihe convention of the Irish National LSSgM Ol IBM ' a. at . blcsgo, in ISSS, .-he hal "gime tor good*; bal win? iam J. Klii.U'l, ai whose home she stayed pn-iimi- lo bet -Spartan ka Boropo, states ha baa r a letter fri,in her In which ihe BXBTS cl ti.- | tontlon Of poon (jul tiing Ireland and rotaralag lo, thia, ber na'lve land. When th.s fait became Known it wai generally pnsaorad thai it was UM Democrats who were I.ringing her back to help re-elect ( tovolaag, tor Mrs. rariiell delivered many BpSBShSS lu favor of the ? nt during the last campaign, greatly to tho disgust of Irishmen In many parts of the country. Ma Knoiid said yesterday to a Tribune reporter! '?I do not know what Mrs. Pai-delTs object -Mg be, although lt ana Bia IO ma rather droll that any ona sholl.) be seeking for an object Whoa it ls announced ihat a person ls about to net urn to one's native land. You will have io nnd out from bereelf whether coming to support -rover." % LADIES VISIT TDK DELTA VPSILOX HOYS. The club-house of the Delta Opalton Fraternity, No. 8 li*asi Forty-seventh-st., was brllbanily light-d la*. Bight when the Columbia Chapter gave a reception and mu. cale to IM friends. Forty couples {traced ili? aecesloa, vb. I students from Harvard, Williams, Amher-t, Balgara Crw mil, thc Cniverslty of the City of New-York and other ? - - ?.-?? [jt.-'cnt tu -how tonto loyalty t i '*?* ha tcrnlty and to their brothers of Columbia Oeltogn Hy? the aid of a few slight, chances, _M parlor and billlarrt roum w.-r*. transformed into a hall for dancing, while refreshments wert, served In tin- dlulng-roon. MSOW. I ' UM .Isitors were: Mrs. P. B. BBMtOW, -Mrs. sj li Duryea, Mr-. H. H. B_g. Ml? I dm Sleek, Miss DU Carey, tho MMM -lida, Ml-s Mil lr. 1 J... t i-w . Ml? I la Sammla, Miss Lily Barstow, Miss .spracue, t'?> Ml ^.v* Di.iid.son, Mis. i_ur. Can.pbell, Miss Bteae, Mis, __ Allen, Miss BaMg Olore, MK* Kost.-r, Ml-s Jacks,,n, Miss Helen Genncrt, Miss Macy. Mis. C. li. UalhaCSth, Mis. WI,.'.-, Mi-s Van Dummi, Mi-- BMO-MOtd, Ml.-S . Miss ll .ll, Mis, and Miss Cram.: 'j'he ehopaar ?j? aaMhitahad M (MaaMH l si ge tt ? yearn tr? erith fu charter memki* Sue- lien grown trinarkably in Bea and papa Bl Ul. ami among the c.even fratornliies ihat have chipter* ai OataaahM MW the Delta I pall ti Chapter is third In sire, anl .s on^ of MM toa thal liivu a dab and alumni BOM I iti this etty. H'/.'/'f.s l \/- ul,DI TU S. Oue would think Hist -Mara, win... dlei consls's prlncl pally of aalt-junk, would wtlcomc a brec/e thar. MSWS lois I and chops about. TBS stern of a departing ferryboat is more p.ilte than that of other boals. li always rolum* a bow. This story geing around of a d'htl.t filling a pr: I-i th, BBrS coma from tho VV'i'.t. Al to-M It's an oity denial phci.omiiion. A merchant who failed throuKh not advertising and. hav? ing mended lils way*, ls now growing rich, has altered the olij piovorb to leal " Jswest are tha uses of BtraMtoBBBBM.1-! POPULAR OBSERVATIONS. THK NEW CONJ-KDKRACY. ? sootmsbb bbmoobai's row of the sitcatiox. To t he E ?! Ho r of The Tribune. Slr: Dato?I Jones, speaking to tho Grand Army In liiool'.lj n. nnd um.-'lillie*!, said: . The President has not. changed, his friend* ssy. In effect Ile stands exactly where h- ? lid when be vt .?n the Pension I | al tbs wounds ol.ino veterans, when he ordered the return of the rebel tines and allowed the Union Baa to i-e draped at half-masi over tim Qovei?oem building** .it the death of ?'*'", Thompson, traitor and thief. Mis most rereni ofqclal act. the elevation of tho I upper io .id lillie'* to the I I 101 Justiceship ol ti." I'nit ed state.. shows that tho rrcri dent has not changed. The chango ls .In the Grand Anny. Tho South was anxious to forget the war and to bury all Its anln^>slt!e*. Mr. (levelsad had drawn around him bar stat stiien and toidi . I ? ?? *l ?'.I1'1 ' Johnston had Just '....onie an honorary BMBAbT ol 'ho Grand Army. Tho (south hail accomplished, by diplo? macy, what war had fall?d ta effect : anl I (ederney, ones mots la power, had b_mb! arssasi las ie.l sill! IO I ''lf ll}' ?ueh eenaarvatl ? Vs sho lound in tba DsBjaoraoj ol the .\orth. The SagraaM Coori (P?tar belag bobB* naled), tho B-OOatrrO and tho Ho,iso ol Ki' lives an- leis ali 'I l.e Benslfl v. ill soon be DSBBO* nat ic. and hence this "'nf I kt Wm* Bf Jeans and Ingalls. Nearly all trna Southern mon i love-Bad, but are ahBged t.. use him for the preeeut, anti Intend to eoato him la m tko last msosUsI to s'1'' ccm. Wt Use bim as a la I rOBOTl : hoi Wkg llnO-OT UM saad Bx-gaerotorp nf tha later!erl Was ho * ??traitor"1 OT " thief"? It ls easy t? us? ugly words, and wo night rotor! that our property was tal.en from us twenty -roan a.M hy "thtovee" and "-sitora" \n - .Hi iud primarily a*ts - tithed; but common decency forbids. ?>f (": rule onr negroes . . and aipei I to "conni Cleveland In."' whether you Ilk- li or not. fi and Eugene Higgins will Mtend to Kew York; V.bees to Indiana, and tbe sooth _ solid, so bo patient, Mr. -the mills of the gods grind si,,viv." bul ??tr :!ii is mighty and mnal prevail." fours reprov? ingly. .1. W. BOGEB& na t. li- **, Md., May 14, 18S8. THE TD8KEGEE NORMAL SCHOOL. To the MAttar at The rritaai, f"lr: Al the foundation of tho IBstSfM Normal and Industrial Behool, In tbe toora ol Tuskegee, Ala., "Tbs Tribni lng Known tbs work Ihat had th"!) been Started In that th.elly populate! POgTO ?nt. bc'' e.bii MtOMlly and in Hy. lome years havo nov* elapsed, an.l as tba institution has expended ... - ?! ? ral \\ Boee ns eaiab lllhmsni. a abor! account of v. hat has ls-en a-cuni ptlshed mus' ("itiin.'-i: 1 lt-s'-lf to all who are latefOOtOd la i ba ne. ra rai a As is won tattara, thia iMtitatloa la alton! id ls Ikea* part of Alabama where tbe negro i iee ? Ibe thickest, hones IM doslgnatlOB of the " Mack bolt" A ?tarting BflMBg a people who wore abaolntely srttbonl ? "'. in ii eommone t term, and sadly In Bsod ol Mond moral ard industrial training, eonld ihH bal ba "f Immense benel'l. and though Hs ai?I bBVa bOBB tat* reaching, lhere i- rel ? *?? de fl ld to cover; arneb Ignorance itt '"'?'" Davine grown with Itt gthenedwltb Hs strength daring these ito j an ol Ita eal lenee, ll con nts al tbe i n teni mon eal 100 si even teen ollie"! ' on t's. an income n i. . . . of i ind. cl li ly ol ood, been need In building all tin- cottages, dormitories and -i bool room*. Il Mms al a ion nd n i mal I I Industrial trail icing at the .ii:iist ?, ti, ? n;. bunding of (I. iracter. I! ??iii",.! li al v. Ill ;c.I work In one of the Industries l [ht, either on Um farm, In tbe bl teki el ? ard, in tbe inter i bop, I "'? "r in Ihe cool ' '..!. ah h. ? li all il." bulpunga, from tba cottage to tbe 14 I other evidences ol growth IhM aro to be aeon on luci ol ito I ml labor, guided by eompetenl Instroet-i . Stew li lustriea bavi conti] adj monti making A large tour itory bulldio * to 1 a dormitory is nov.- in teni.'. comp!': Ibe work of students. fonng --'iii-' who bat >? >__ here i omplel and - havo ?ching in Ibe ? rarlooa ? calling in Ufa up bj ni ?' out to m:i itrove thc rice thereby. ? ? -irons and ? trugglei pal f.< lb by student. ta ac in education are trulj heroic. Borne coma ab Kolutolj i.c.i.ri.- sn I put li tht i bool, and wi ra? in Un* dav. ; gb money te through day school the following year. Circumstanced badly, ma ? re, In ?< financial polnl of view, they oe lng ? h - in dilution, a*l Ich ls di pondeni i ona i-f ii.' philanthropic and charitable for ns support, bul lt is pleasing t.. note thal there is show n ' or faithless conduct, Indebtedness ls illi met, (hough tettlemenl miy be long In com? ing. Ti'iiis every effort li exerted to cine,.. - and heart. The :-. I.....I ls sltuatB about one milo from the qulel town ' 'lt'- in*.-? Ide and Ben lt and tl ?? a bites, ami ll is pl"i ? lng to record lhal il. bis not been since Ito ?? tab ??!?! the slightest friction v. hercbj Iti even progr ss and successful working could be Interrupted. Tuskegee, Ala., Maj -. 18__. BYJ?'ATHISEB. mi:. BU?BB and 'lin: IB] -ii VOTE. To the Editor af The 1 r i tan*. sir: I waa much interested li: Mr. Patrick Ford. In tort Iowa in The Tribune, and as g_ eames! Bspub llcan fe.-l In dnty bound to add my tc timi "V ta 'he truth of his statei illy as to the Irish vote, in ii the icu . rtai ce of hs uni (?. BUdno as tho Republican nominee foi Pre Ident, especially If Ctovo 1.. i : the Dei ' '? bow ll Beenu eor taln he will I.e. i abv Mr. Bord ls his motto wblerj "Includes both principles bi I ?ton," a!:?i I feel a- coi ? ? tl.If Mr. Ulallie \t nntnl !.-'?? i i '? will bc rice! d." Mr. Blaine I- the toremo t American, the rtai i I mo I pot* vi cate of pro! roi Ml Amer* ???? h labor. Bavins daring the peal tow Weeks (f my here bad li loi *? low erith maay In ??ii- and bostneas men front i onntry, t.. la un tho drift ..f public : lng, 1 sn fully warranted In aping ina! it *?: i' i .' I-- iloi -, namely, " that ." aiid Ilia' " popu? lar e; | -v ,:? .., :; . I * -li, Rg as ever." if Mr. i ie i-i i ' I renominated Mr. BUino'i rcnontl . ls Klvio-t a DCOOSStty. I an. Iii edy Convinced tra tnt ei'.ict n ton i',' ler an l a n mber of said i lab, and ?* Ueh l- ta 1 ?' Inleresi of English manufa -turei.. In bj lon, do candidate for the iTesldency .-an possibly be namco ***? ho cai s.- .,...? I BJ Mr. Hlalno. He la my I i nnd li our own dlitln I P'lshed cittern, Chauncey M. Depen and I have go doubt ..; winning the election with either. 1 * cerely hope aa iball do) bo hai dfeapped with '?''' " !- ?"'?? - ;? iroli .-i riv mentli ned, ?.- with th? - ?.- can wield a i aggi ? (ve a id aol .*? defensive i camps! .i . but, a ai I.- .. ii lera RA pul.M.- r>n ; eyer -li ce the patty yv,, form.-.!, I shall do hII I Can to elect tic Republican nominees of tbe Chicago Con? vention. The feating manifested here el thc National Capitol ls thal ibe oesl Administration will be ice i'?i* .ers. I Bad icri.!.. I ' ,. ?oi, r.\, ep) ll lr 1 ha*a 1 ? -..ii,.- g l.t.B Why doesn't tho OOTOnUBOal pu' V'anl*4r4 or )-' nul'.s Aiii-ricin Mood i"'" me position, where a taafetaa ba 1-- ., a Lm-'.peau vagiaut and a prospective regulable rltlten ls required I Why put one Italian to Judgo an? other Italian, or a Russian, or a (.ci man, or a Turk I f>ew-Yor_. May 10, l rn I1KTWKKN THK. LINES OK FRKE TRADE TALK. To the Editor of The Tribune. 6'r: In a free trade speech recently made In Con IsTess, Mr. Ford, of Michigan, states that a continued i of protection ? could not fail to have tbe result of building up and nialntalniiijr, vast monopolies and trusts, whoso enormous profits woro swelled and Increased by th* tribute which tho tariff authorized them lg 1-vt from the paekato of the people.'' Let us rather read between lils llnM*. " 1'reo trade ?"(mid not fall to have the result of bal??I up and maintaining a vast and organized system here, of Metogo Importations of foreign goods, at enormous l"""ii'a, In foreign steamers, to coaipete with the employments and to n.!. tks pocl'C-i of tho working In our own country." OMS! our precut tarli! the balance of trade has, BM tho first limo In our history, been OhBBSBd In our favor and the wealth of this country bas been enor Inereased. Boaroely bbms Ifcas thres roan ol ii'- ,,. a to turd back thia current ol ; i ,,; hiing ut deeply In debt for foreign Importations forced upon oar markets. The business ufo of the wribw in-' enabled him to watch carefully Un public misfortunes, and Uko can es are rei tam to produce like circe w. New-Vork, May 10, I tt B, lt. A BBB. to th:-". BKLIOIOUg Ff?Wt CLOW, Tn the. Editor of The Tribune. sir: i se,, thal --onio of tho speakers M Iks Ind nnnual dinner of tho BsBglOOg ftCOa Club tad?ged In crltlcjcnis of tho aaenlor prasa IBS secular press ls uo> by any means pet tooti even IhOOa who ara largely roafoaatolo tot it win frankly admit that N is cip.ii,io of Improvom ta ta many reepeeto. Hut lt si likes an outside observer as Just a little ont of plaec for a club of toUglOOS jnurnii'l PttOh iBtO Hie -e.tll.ii- Jcc-s on tho very til-' -nii-il BWBllBg thu th y have e\er h-Md. It surely would bars been more In keepit!;*: wlih tho olijeetn for which tks BaUglem Furn Club ana toondsd, if Iks apoakors et its dinner had arltlctoed tho Maota of the retlgioaa pre aa Bnek critletoam oo such aa eeo? lon wonM have done a ci-at d al al good. I yield IO n(> ono la my admiration of tho reUgloaa popers Bi Ikla country ns a whola IBB In common with all think? ing, people, [ h many \,.ivs bj v.hlch they Blight bs vastly Unproved, Tha eultivattoa by rallglooa papets of a wider lolerat-nn. and a gr r.'or .lia'Itv. the obliteration of the hateful spirit of erotism, the tallon of more consWeratfon for th" doctrinal poi 'im ? of opponents, a truer nnderetnnding of th" needs and tendencies of Hi world of today, and greater (ero in th* admission ot doubtful reading ?matter and advertiaen.1 iii.--.* a'-" legitimate and timeiv ciiijec-* for the consideration cf tho i ? lua Preas Clnb, and v.n give ps reforming ni-mti i-i ail thu occupation they want tor some , PBKNBYT-B Kew-Tork, May ll, 1 ? ODDIE 77.11*' AN EASY TIMI: OF IT. UK BBATS BAXBBBIDOE BM TO SI iv Tin: THXBD BAMA OP Hil: lill.1.1 \l'.D TOUBNAMKBT. Tlie ann.,linc. i'..-nt t li-1 Orvllto . ? I ?>?. Hi- airc.tis"r ciiai.i|.i.,ri. m ? Br, Bainbridge, ead thal Blaaaan wool i exMMI rons "f Ma mar,'U of gas, braagbt a la ar tl -.,.. talara v. tho Ka'(Hist. Clnb (.urn:.., i- 1 ? ?' . \ nile; iisii-il. third karn. In Um smai ai p tortes was called al hetopaai - ..'.-iii.-k, orv in- ni!"- gatalag thal ..:t with ? petal Bainbridge mleaod, and Oddie ? ? ?-. Bainbridge th n, to tha m .-ni I lu li ? a ii . i un whola gat -. Rt ran toona ta ? id n I ? ? ? tba pa"*, of ' .- ? , ii. IS in. hi* lU-sronnd-the-tabU) ?' ita a ? brilliant, b ??. .iiiiiir a view 11 pc ?-*.?' i. OU ?'ii posh ii n- ir ?, ..'. i in * "tn ii !i ? non by a Kore ol I ?> I', '.il, ii -.- s: h. I, 13, 7. 4-1. 0, 0 ir. 1, ll. 0. 0. IO, I, 1. 0, 1. 2, ll. io, i), _'i. I. - o, A, 'j-*, ?_, 1, 0, 0, 1. fs, IS. Total, : ' I ? D : '. t. o. o. i, ii. 4, o. fc .-,. 8, fl, \ I. I. 0, :. 0, I, ii. I. 'i. o, J. 0, . . ?: '.il. Ire, J :<-o. I. - - ??! IS 23 20, 92 ' ' . U. R Ult ? ->?:. M. I I player nf the Baesoet Coori Otoo, after >ii" championship ?-?>??? >n played a H-ln.-h I.'1, lin" ?? ? .-,.? ? -i. .i Randolph Belan 800 points op aa 1 made a I ats I alli tm Alexander Moi .... and Dr. Jenn i .-? WIAETOX WORK IX HAUY LA If J)A A mh lonary maia meeting under the auspt the Methodtol Oeneral Conforenee aroa held r. teran imf iii the St, Jamea Beth pol ' burch, One-hundred-aad-toreat] ilxth-st ami Madhon-ave. The attaadaaaa waa large. Biahop Henry W. Warren, ul San Franetoeo, pic hied, ami the opening addresa louvered by tha Rev. Dr, Otto EL Tiffany, past i ol the church. 'He* Kev. s.a reis lng, presiding elder of tlc Foo Chow Conference, China, was then Intro? duced. Ba in'i. 'ii a rlmple way, boa be hod beeome converted lo Christianity ami how ha had afterward lal-.d v. iii lu family and friends to flght down sn ?ion iin.i establish a pros perons church in his nativo village, The Rev. DennB Oiborne, of India, da ribed the extreaae davotloa and telf-sa_ri_ce of many native converts in india, ami then ba an.l bia ?on, a ohubby, sun broased youth, sang aeveral bymnri In tl.e Hind.... tong i The Rev. c. Joh?on, of Chrio tlania, Norway, also spoke of tho Work of the mis? sionaries lu his eoaatry. The Norwegian, he said, had been found a ditiicuit nanon toeoovert, bul whoa once converted ho always remained io, Pro gwea eas areordlngly slow, but sure, ad as a whola laitof? tory. The Bov. Dr. J. B Thoburn, of India* also Introduced, bul refrained from mabins any re? marks owing t.. the lalenee-j of the hour. The com? mittee in charge of the meeting were Alonso K. Cona ror, P. A. Welch and Robert W. Anderson. .1 ZTttTW cnni.JX WOt srvi'osFD TO EE ILL, ? . ?;,,,,. D tami "f Aootto Corbin to thia city i ,,., gawa "f my nines* .,t iu* la Parla ss . m i by cobla A! toa atoea of kl i I D ..-I. i' cs ri i eommui les ti. ?? had been reeMved Bom Mr. Corbin's prlvai bm h.. aa attoa M any Ula mb st a ahtoat was nada la lt. / \i,f. i.v/.'.s- UILTTAJtl iDXDirmv. London, May !''?? LordCharlei Beresford, In a speeeh in London ti sMd IhM ll Oeneral Boulanger go! to tha tap ol tha U., be might within a wed.*, rn order ta [Ma popularity, order Ragtond ta Blear ont of i bay wanted a definite : *?___*" '" order ta enable tha country al any timj ta meet tbs contingency of a war wlih France or Ku.-sia. -?.-.? A FAMOVA WEIO TICTOWT. From The Chicago Tit:." All the talk and tlc M.riea M the town levi re Tull t. in ti.- ii;.-.* when ciay and i*. ia wets rival ea-dldal n?. i'i, ? . pullet was a yeans twa, sealing, i" bltletoare boara a'""*-' t'1" ?",''*-' '*' ,:'" K""""'' ' Tht .'' ( i ic.' Jostles r?? n :,'i- those daya and rn Ma lunch yeaterday raterulned ? ton ol bis friends with a . ti..n ot how Um election news waa tt ? . . .in ,\u ... ia, tm tel - ipa ?is aol In rogue then, bal party spirit was as monto1*' " ,n di*J'? '""' |,''r'pl0 at' Au -isla ami ric ? BU te Bj odst OOH 00 Ma m.m.?'. ora* Um .I.-rn.iii ind prei in I foi ma meeptlon newt l-i a nannea thal wa* enterprtotog, sIUk?agh it did not reta ? witt enl t. n waa irrsngsd that cann rn aid bi Ito ahooM ix* Metioned at, intervals ilong ni" Ke-neb.4- Rlvei Sown M ? certain potot whew t1' wd.s I.. hoi ming ol Um cannon would In ? elton M i'-to; the rtogtog ,-f tba bells tba ? of Clay. Thc newe weald thus be eorrl I ap tba one eaonon following a.ber or one beU ringing after an* ether, as the jesuit, nf tlc day ?"';;i dictate. Tt aooad h?iO was ti,.* el .-, ean-on. It oas a raUsn roar I- tba friends ant -.dmlrers "f Clsy. This wse tmlowta hy aoetber sod anothei u i ""-,lcl', ir ne longer, and to eheei Attperttloti they basan n>? ringing ..f beUa, S. SrM '"'f,,t ?!"- l"."""l daj arier um th tton paomd ead both tttUmt mm un ea?y and ondeclde*-. s-vrai .lavs lawr, hpsyaver. tba - v.,, broken byatoeal aewspapfr. ritoMha auppcrtlng a nan peratas toa tho UgMataia. bj tlie inneancem?t in Mg type: wines r.ioi'vYTo cod: Wfl HAv_?S_>. BOT lost rr AT Mr. poltot waa a beB-rtogaf ta thaai day, on Ma banka cf the Kent.'-I ? i . --? A SUV ETTY'IX TEXAS. l'nim The rtufTaln Tout br. * I me, i-*.,|. ?e,l while In Texa,," said! Btoto e ^AMor? ney Qnlnby, who wa- cbattlog ?ith a group.of reponere --"..lay afternoon while IBO Jury W?re ^Wi"! fulton', fate "and he got BM toto S '?! ? ^'? with whom i aaa well aoqoMntod. dress suit and patent leather eh . nail not do -S trick In T_SS SglB. *W^??J talked, ol having me tram* aadptoM- on srtlhMton. i uii'-ii s fate, -and he gui ?" "",, ; ,.,vi,.,i ,?P i? i.n ha is playing with Bhea, at* ha_**?, Ugh call behind th. scene, thal OVealBS BBd SOO Kn. With Whom I .m *n..H ardlial'lted. ^?-ll. I I"" "" " > kt down, liv, they [lilbltlon. "i"". "I nsviiiK me ir*ui-u -?-? ' ;- ...... j |,?I|H\.? 1 don't caro to wear a s.vallow-iall "'Texas. 1 believe I was tho first man they rv.-' sa'v WHS one. A X IXCESTIVE TO YOUTHFUL PIETY. From Tim l!..-toti Boat , , I a.fie,, astonished ta sad what Ureleu roaaoaora ehlldren are. They are as* toi bain mut la ti..-!,- prom!**, and their "r>' ????'?' <*?> ..rn aol Mwaya according tu ruto. b?l th r i is . drawfas ?'.'?:'"',".. 'f, ' dav. tor e>...pi^. , heard a saMabopsaj to i mother: ? \\.-!i. i .un]. IhM ??"*?; '?' .*), , ;,, mentioning a routh ol tourteoo pi ? ? " J lately .v. MTe.i5 tho nt., of _***?__ -t_ t jut as i.e ptoaoao; go wttAmUj_?*J_t*_i wanto to; pl'ay ball tfll aftOl dark rwf n^?,'? J stay at hon.. from aehuol *htn M tori* tired. 11 is mother i,_iur_iiy ack^d why, ?'"'"> t__m_f__\3t_\ ?upposed io have boen emancipated froi a l pa. a (.ml h. this egtranrdlaary degree and the orcMn replied* "Well I wa '"ld al eunday echool that ,?;,ir,n.M - -;-; i . ftuppn ?? thal r_esna havinu yow own way.- coii.ln'.ion may have bee). '.nw^.,Md, but lt wu eicuaable: and lt rsplalujsd ierv a_tltttc toiUy a certain devouonal tendency aincii, i a ? told, had Just begun to show Itself In tho youthful . phil.. ..pher who had gathered this erroneous Idea concerning thc Episcopal rile. DINSER OF ThEaJSILK ASSOCIATION. NO BOOM FOR FRKK TRABKRS AT IM TABI.K? WHAT TUT Si** EA IC KR'S TaI.KFD AI'.OLT. There was no room for free traders at tbe dinner of the Mill Association of America, held at pelmon'co's. Nearly -MO men Interested In the manu fae tu re of silk attended lt, and tho menu was prtnte-l on silk cantu, each a specimen of what protection has done for at least .ono hreat _ml growing American industry, ['rank W. ('beeny, president of tho association, pre? sided, ami Ainonn those present vero tho Kev. Ur. Guilbert, Senator an^, of paterson; Bohorl r. fm I er, Vi. Strange, Ii. Hose, Ilrltain lllcha.dson, socro tary of the association; Colonol ,f. V. ( oi'.don, W. Slimier, Jr. J C. Lambert, R. Aral, Mr. Wirti*, of Pater? son ; II. B_ Twombly, C. A. Harcent, J. I'.ooth and F. Ii. Thompson. Letters of apology were announced from Chauncey M. IVpew. W. W. Phelps, Senator Aldrich, John ll. Illicit and others. The speeches dealt mainly with Co question of ihe tarin*, and there wero many hard hits mado at thohO who would Ignorantly tamper with If. Colonel J. Vi, Congdon responded to tlc* toast of '-Tho Land of the 1-Yre, where a man's a man If nc'.* willlii*.: lo work"; Senator Orlgp to that of "Tha State of Nev. Jersey and the silk industry'*; Mr. Wirti, to "The Oongreaa of the Knited States'1; Dr. ('Hilbert, lo "The Stale end City of New-Tor-" ; Mr. richardson to '?Tho Silk Association of America"; BohBTl I', l'orfer, lo '?'ile Aiii.r.crn system, home markets for home manu? factures." and William Strange to "Sister boclJtles." Mr. Porter _.vo many facts and llj?ures la support of protection, and devaled special attention to the Mills bin, which ho eharsetorlsed a.** a wrotohoo_y Blogteal, unjust a4ia.-k upon the labor and Industries of the rountry. Senator Qrtggl spoke _a BM ?itrrinyly and ?'.. clilc.Hy on tho subject, and several speakers dwelt on thc exainnlo afforded by the dc*Ilno and fall of the Bitt manufacturing Industry la free-trade Britain, as eoaperod with its rise and BmSfStllJ IB protected America, Ootoael Oaagdna laatoted that tho popular ir ind should ba dlaabneaal of u.e lane eas too that a w.dl in .1 -.-lcd Industry like the silk Industry was. of neces? sity. ? "Trust.*' Ile urged timi lt was a branch of business thai K'4**e ail who entered lt an equal ebonee lo rise, and Ihat was ibo true toa! : tn talc* away that protection, would simply be to minimise the cl of auoeeea lo lifo of many daservlag and hard working people, Tha ipeeehea were Interaptrsed with ^lees by the Orphena Quartet, led by Mr. t'l-wnhalgh. The dinner wa- s. itteeessful thai all present boped that such an occasion would not again be delayed for thteo years. _ OBITUARY. (?(?r.oxF.r, jam rs n. woonvonn. . r.Iciico, May Kl. ?A dispatch from Madison, Ind.. Mys: Cotoaei Janies II. \V>.elford died aulilciiv yester lay ..r hoe ? stoasaa Ba was a asttva al Bau toad, and v,:.s a Itoateoaal to Aa isgolar Army durina* the afe-toan B ? Daring Um BebeUtoa he -.-.a* to UM CeoSedarato i " "it nt r.l'hniitid, Va., and Issuel all the benda "f toa Oanladafasy. j. n. WILDES. Idmlwrum, Mar in (Special).?J, h. WUdrr, wheleaata d>in.".'is' anl MS nf the lea linn real e-tate i.?!.cr? In Kcni.i. i-.y, i - al hi. hniie Icio ti.-'Ijv, af tpoptoxy. ;!?-?'' teventy-ene, Ra was r..r eavaral ..ii. Kington itali:..ii l, now a branch ol md B brill ?? ne waa tl ids loath a director in ti,' latter i I. Vi. 'ITITANV. ruin -ililli", Penn., May IS.?Ia, w. Tiffany, sp thlrij ela, -*. promlnenl Bason in thai .-?' Ho, died _t bi* borne i ??!?? afternoon of typhoid pneumonia. I'CSEHAT, OE VICTOR DVVOST. wilmington, DeL, Moy 10(8] rsnudni <rk, fair wcaihor, liclit to torah wcsior.y wiud*. Tiitnt's-r. local i>u-4**uvA*no\*s\. TU M S3 st i' *.-, : .+.- Ii?.ii ..?;,I._??._. har. incliee jll.ll 29.8 in tho SMgraai a etnttoaaot noe s'niws tim bereoMter fluctuations rs*tar.tey, as ooaarved al tim I'liii.-i sr;it,,s ? .-nc. station at tau sttf. nu. ?iasiie? minite tha tempt?tare i.out at ButloaPa pharmacr, sis -roadway. Tit Omca, May 17, 1 a. m.?Yesterday bc*an fair and closed clear, lint through lunch of tho day cloudiness pro* railed, aaa* little rain fall. The BMsperaaaaa tanged ba. twemi 4i'.*> an.l 14 \ the -Teras-e 00%?) bulm: ll *???> lower on tho atlieefsoding du/ laa". year, and %* busher thea aa Taeasav* In and near tills city to-day there will probably bo fair cobler wrathor. WWW YOXM STATE'S CIl Ol CE FOE PIIESTDEST. Ti otu The Philadelphia TlBB I, Karly In Mann "Tho Times' obtained aud published an observation of ibo poUtioal barometer that proved the talk of tl.e country tor several dara. Il ?howe- aiiii.n.v- Interesting things, that tho sentiment ot Nov. "loi-k Iii [.nidi.mis waa not at that tin ? lng mw.nd a ny candidate br the head of tho Na tIonal Bche! The tooling than ttood: Depew.4 (it Han Ison. ld Blain* .4o.i Cooanna. If ll Koch. 7- Shei: au. ll Sharana. 4e Kornker. 4 Lincoln. '-'*- i.reaburn. 4 Allison. 'JOl - .'l_?l?y. 171 Total.1,130 within the week '-Tho Times" bas tak.ti another observation of tbe political barometer noi la the In ? "f anybody, but simply to ascertain thi pi oreueei ol the people. ? ? ? The name men ulm reported lu March now declare thai tho sentiment ..f th< state fur Bret placo on tim Preairlonflal tlohot stands:'.'B Any goodman. bi Iio-icw."'.'.4 - ?-- Total. LSSB Bhandaa. B1 Most of these Blaine townships say they favor their mau whether be decline* or- not. Some j-m -.. far .is lo s_v they had'rather lose with Maine Win with anybody else. . . The toeond eholee rep i .-its nothing bul the preferences with Ula.ic ami Depew ("ii of the oray. r-.oi all vol >don the qu but so far as they did tha result gtaodl I i..lin sherman.BSSIAIger. fi If.ii.-iic'- .lin >li?rt.|.in.,. 40 I.'Ola.101 in^alls . Mi Harrtsoa. '?>?> r_Ipa . . IS ( H'4 Any tool Dirni. ISS BawUry. (ii Alhaoii. 4.') Total.1.1 lu iii the queatlon of Vito Tloalilanl an m.sch ii ? Upon 'bo choice of tho I.ead of Hie tl.'k-t that but little ls said Tho tolOWtng are the VOteSI Lincoln.ISSiBharUlaa. 4 4 Harrison.1 li. l'oia.or. 4d Hawley.1171 ? . ii..., ?:.. 1!4' Total.CJD Alger. BOTH AEE FI ICE il EX. From The PlttShnrg C'lironii I". '* I>anlcl." '? le-., sire." * I nee that Dave Hill says he wai oneo a fireman.?"? ?? Ba 'i.i.-s. ilia.1" " I can also boast of tomethlns In that line. DaaleL" '? Fob san, siro. You have tired thousauiLi of l.e publicau ol!iclaH.^_ SOY EL WFAWWOWW XE ET. From Tho Pittsburg lil.patch. There ean ba ?een from the window of a country boneo near thia city a sparrow's nest which upsets and datlns alt tho sfateun'rits that can be lound lu all the booka about birds that have ever been written. It is to bo Imped that White, of teelborno. Audubon, an.l all tlio great naturalists ..f the past will remain la their grave* notwithstanding this assertion. In tl.e Interest of Itinerant observer* and tho aotontlato the tads must be Mated. About level wilh the second-"-tory window of tho hSOSS I speak of, In ilia truuk of an old aggie me, two sparrow- began a month ago to excavate a domi? cile. Thev didn't go to work as they ought to havo done, according to the historians, and with twig ami loaf and scraps in general lace up a n.-si in iho branches, nor stow away their little home lu hmm teeny earner uf a wat*r gutter. They cast tradition Lu the Winda and organized a manaling company to i.ore a hole In the true. Thev elected tbeaaelV? pi-sldent and vleo president, directors, seeretary and treO-Orer; sublet the contract to ibenches, look all the Itoch at par and, without even a paragraph In the papers to announce the event, stuck their bills bravely Into tho crumbling bark of the old appi. I>av af'er dav friendly eyes watched the birds at their leah Tho. ?orbed lum and turn about; (hut ? Mr. Spa-i.iw stuck his bill Into tbe tree, pullet out aa iiiuih cf 'bo docsvod wood a- !,o enid, ami then flew away ifis bparrow repealed the i Hon lioth of ?beni *.ery B-Bhorauly betook Ihaaa selves to neighboring tslits and spat out the bliiful of wood Io thl-* way. aft*v nearly a weak'* labor thene two pto noe rs to sparrow eigli erring contrived to carvn ou' a room IO 'he tire larize (-nough to [,0|,| theui and still leave epace for th? eggs In prospect Altair ibo two sparrow-, had ana to hoiiM'l.eeplng in pr per style, tv... imiuileui bluo Jain camo i-olllck Inif along fruin lim Mouth, and espying (hts cxri i oitllnaiv cave dwelling of tbe Anglo-American bliils, tbeughi it would he luat tho plac_ for them, mi they tried by strategy awl loree to evict tlie spar rows. Hut th?y didn't si.rvee*!, and yesterday I aaW -[.arrow silting In the queer little, nest, while ?Mr. Sparrow strutted about ou a limb of the old apple lui'. n a ' BORU Eli BENSON BILLS B1M8ELP. COMMITTING SUICIDK IN THE JAIL. , u.v?u: TO ltiiiu:: A ki-._it._, UK JUMPS PKOB THK SKOggB* TIKU BB THK Fl.oolt. (.euigo, alias Harry. Jion-on, the Patti ticket -.windier, ?omiin t.'d sulclOo at 0:_u o'clock last evening by, lumping from tho second tier of the Ludlow StreeS Jail to tho floor below. He died at 10:15 p m. tanSSn had asked Keeper John Powers to eseorS jim to another part mp)ie_ *1th bis ropiest, nnd as they returned Powera walked ?low* behind his prisoner, V, hen the stairway leading ? tito 1-ts.oud tier was rearhrd Henson rushed foe bo upper part of tho building. He was closely fol** owed by Powers, who was gaining oa him, and when [.e!_*_i reached tho second tier ho throw himaoli to bl i-i-*.und floor. He fell ou lill side and rrcelTed nteru-1 injuries. Dr. M. MarUlowlez, of No. 2r,I Kroomeat, Dr* Hogan saud L?r. Crosby wore Immediately called. bheilir 4'ruiit and United .tat? Marshal McMahon wen situ tuon.*!, and they at once went to the Jail. (ironer Mesi-emer was also Informed, and the body, alli remain iu tuc Jail until he arrives. Keeper Mo*. i.abe, to tv*bom Henson ottered $10,000 to be allowed o escape, was on duty at the door of the prison when ho suicide occurred. ?n,VA? SLIGHT COSrVSIOX EXISTED. Fiom The 1'lif.sbursr Chronicle. j \V politician to Pittsburg bail erenk?Whitnep _s made a bit In Wasi-ngtOn. Pit?bars Baseball Crunk?Yoe' he's doing well thia fear. - And Cleveland's third year seems promising tor tho ;erg." | - Vi.u bet. He's a good one, but Kuehne takes th/ ?eke." - Who takes t*_ cakef " Kuchiie." '? li.m'i know him myself. Suppo*-) he's a* loeal candi, tote." " Ves, and he's 4,'ot tho "Point d'le^atlon with him." '? Ali ! He may show some etroii.tli in ht. Ix. lils. The MleettoB of Fuller will aSjaagghaS us In the W^st." " Br?a did poa get him I X thought hu was with tho HW-Ortoaoa team." " Nu. he's In Chleago." " Well, Anson's all the time picking* np new men.* ? Yes, tlie nil man has a habit, of taking new men Uko I'll. Ips und Full' r." ?? Phelps T Wb'Te's he playing r "nh, bato in BTaaltagBaa iu w, you know. I'm sorry :he Besr.Yerheea didn't uko to peaag Grant". " Ho seems to bo popular iu lluffalo." ? Pea" " I ?upp?*c his color rrj* against him In New-York.*. ? III* cl'irl" "Y'-s; lu's a coen, you know." " Bet nut. He's tvhl.e jil around.* ? WU..' I 0*1001 i f tho Hurrah.esT " I (1..n't km.v.- about lils ln-iii^ In BntTalo, Tie's been Uvtag in BeW'Yssh BlBSS the old man _ie_" ? nrhai aid nun p ' Why (.rant, von ?*s, C>neral Grant, U. S. Grant. Did yea nev. r lear of hlmT" " Welt, j ..v.cir. You ns-an Colonel Fred Orant?and Fuller, ilia new Thief Justice-ho ! ho! and Grover Cte-* Und? and (Secretary 071?nepi W. ll, I'm Messod t I IlllillgIII yoe VOSS ulkinx about men?real men who can hit tho ball." . , | ,,, , ? *_UM_ Al'.eneli's Parou* Pleotors cain Tho orals*of all. for they remain The gmstsst cure for echo ami pain. .1 Children I i-y lor moser's distorts. " Priers alw.iys lower " at Geo. C. Flint Ccs's Furniture emporium, 104 -.Vest llth-st. MA ll HIED. 1.4 WOBTAOBR-PRtTB-4-B the i.-i; and Aust'ista, Mo., papers please coot. SHAMAN- Ol TaaaSar, May 15, st Poaithkeeps;*, N. T. Jacob Sciiman. la the 7arl year of his a?e. Faners! msiM at uta late residence, on Thursday, 17th nut.., at '.'.ii') p. m. SCB-BKWBISS-At Xew-itrnnswick. H. J., May 15, Frati7 M. isclineeweiss, in tl.e Gilli year of hu ace. Fun. ra private. TPSDAKK? In Rrooklvn, on hts 7'.'d blrtSdny, Toestsy, May 15, 1*4*4-1, M'lllian. H I'udale, ltelatlve.s mid trien.'.s are invited to sttend bis fnneral s*r rlces at tbs dniren nf th* Hsriour, corner PtotiaSOBSOh an,) Mooroo I'Uce, Friday, Ism, lust., al 3.iiOo'cleck. Funeral nriTite. VAN ANTNS'i RP?Fntered Into rest Monday STenlnf, May 14. at Mont -cello, X. Y., Kdslu Vuu AutWurp, Ot >'ew;,r_, N. J., aged ST years. Van wick I.k-Al h's home, on Msy 15. elmon Vas Wlckle. a*?'t 67 lesrs. lie' fi-'-n.'s of t!..< f ni.l" are lnTlt*d to attend tba rOaarol from his lat* residence. .Vo. 74 carroll Place, Na*. itiuuswick, B. J., at ;i etoleeb p. aa. PrtSar, May is. a fipccial Notices. A.? Wiliin.ii P. 'lour.'. Anellonoor. JiOOKU'S AUCTION' OALLi-RIES, 21)0 6T1I-AVB. r-AI.Ii OF AN! I(Jt ITIKS. -C.. This ( and Frblay afternooaa Miy 17 and ls. at 3 -"clod? s'A I-F OP FAINTI.YUH. To-morrow (Friday) KTenlnr. ats) o'eioek. TIIK TAIN II NOS, STUDIO KK.'EOT*-, SPANISH ANrTIQUITX-HL OF J. II. BEMSl'SAM, Inclndln. Rich Tapestry Hanclags, Rmbroldsrle*, Rxquiatt* ians, M usical Instruuients, Tiles Curiori, li aU Clocks, * 7 1 ll A Vi . Bend t*r circulars. Tel. Call l'26--lst st. ... ? ? rnprer-.r'nirH *urrt-nt. Rt"nv ROVAi. "Si-i "ot Henri Aboie, Relma te already tlie favorite wiueof th*elita, ________________ fast lilli, e Notice. Should ie ri ad daily by ail interest*-, as changes may occur at any tine. Latter* for '??.dim countries need not be specially ad* Ares*, i for dispaicii br any particular steamer, except when lt ls desired u. wod aupiicaio of ns..king and c_.iuerciai .1 - un .-His, totters ct -i^claily addressed being sent hf the fastest vessels available. '. Foreign malls for the we-'t endln* May 10th, will clo** (prouiptly In all cases) at this office as follows: lllt'KsDAY-At 0:30 a. m. tor K.rope, per steamship Leasing. Tia Plymouth, ci.erboura aad iiauiOurai al Il a. h. fer Vsastiioli and Caroona oer steaiiith'.* Valencia | at 1 p. m. for Uer.suda, per ?t**ui-"ilp Martel; at 1 p. m. for I'auipeclie. (lilapas, Tatiasco au* Yuoataa. per sis* i.sUiu M.,.i'i.i ian (letters for I *m?.'.. ? and Tin pa... .Iite.i and other Mexlcaa bute*, via v era Crux, must be directe.1 "per Mantialtan. at ii p. ni. for Bin*, tleids, p*r* sUaaiskip(iu.sie, trom New-Oi.eaa* SA'H'KDAV?At7:i!0 a. n_ tor Norway direct, per steam ship Island (tellers tniist be directed " per leland") at Ti!') a. m. for IO* Netherlands. Tia Ansster. iisin, n*r st**a_-i0 Z-saSaatttotsars mast be _ir*cie*l ? per ?.asii.l?_"i; ai 7.So a. m. lor Frasco -swiuerua I, Ital., epala aud ser etea.ass.j 1-, _*/ur-e*ae, tu itaTro; al 7 ito a. at for Ireland, per ?teauisi.lp -*er ti* Tia Queenstown (letters foi (treat BriUiu, rfoKi.:*. Netherlands, i,er ii, ny. Aualri*. Dciuars. stweaen. Norway, itussla aad Turkey must b* dlrecie,! -pers.r Tl*'., at T.JO a. tu. lor l.uiope. per otea-iaMp Kider, tis Koutliamoten aad Breinea. iletters for irelan.i. France. Switserlanrt. luiy. .-paiu and l'orlout-1 must be .lirociel "per kider"); al ;)s. ia. for XeetUrjtl direot, per steaiusbip Circaesla, Tl* Hiss.ow deners must be di? re ?tel "l*or i'.ria?si?")i at i p. m. tor O nair mais ami l'uerio Cortes, per steamship Prof. Merse, from New ai w.ins ; at 7 p. m. for Para. Pariiauibncu aud '.cara, per steam -hip Maraabease, from ba,timor*. SOBDAV? Ai lt p. as. for cost* Ki.-*, ti* I.imoo, per stea-n. shiD F-i-iiali. 'i..). Xm-i.._;,. at ?< ,. m. tor Hu*. un. per sieasisblp 1_ ii. Ward, Jr.. from New* Orleans. Bails tor Hawaiian. Islands p.r steamship Austra ita (from Han Frau is.,.' .lise tier* Mst ' Mails for (.'ama sn i laen per steamslup (Ity of Pekiai (Irom .--au Frauds.:... ?lise here Mar "'ii. ai 7 j. ai. Mails tor .be .s.>c;*iy islsads. per siii| 'leiitl llrvu Saa * 'raucisco*. close liere Mer ?iJ. st 4 is p. in. M.iU for Auatnli*. Ne*. /.ei.iaud. Hawsiian, FIJI aud -asa**n lass**. n*r suamslup Ai niel* ('rou t?*a Franoise*) e!os? here May *'ii at 4 ?9 ^ m. <*r oa arri Tal at New-fork et aleem*l_* Anrsaia with Ont lsk mails for Australia). Mails for Cuba bf rail to I srapa, Fiv.- au t thanes br ateaner. ti* Kef w*st, F!*,,u****t lBa?BBBOs_psh?ssa ? *> The arti* lui* *faio*iog of Trsas-Pacific mails ls *rr?a<* t on il..-yrs* uiu.iiou of t.ien ur. uierru.ilot ovar!an,l ira-itl; gfanateee. Maits ire.u ih? Fast arriTi.K ea >k Oas Fransisco eu the mt ot sail ian of .isa.iara are dis? patched llieuoe the saireusT. _.___ _ UFNRYO. FKAROON. PoeU-aeUc. F**t Offlca m TH Bar Xl, ls**.