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t.i .-wrier of t.'rc rwy bal Hared up und |i rkedthe rod bandanna End laurel wreath away together, -ravin***: '* No Gray, no Thurman.'' No blood was sled, however. All this srhilo the wini mi st.adily. TlMgl who ?_*? tired atopped :ind took breatlu nnd then went on a^iin when they wen- teated, lt could not be been that the volume of MMd wavcred at time. Now ddt-fatea to collect the polis bealing the Shields of the different, Btateoand gathered thin about that of Ncw-Vork. while the screaming went on like mad. Pieces nf muslin w*. re torn from the decorations and waved vii.Hy abont. Pig yellow pasteboard eagles that did Mt* ns decoration** were made made to flap their winsrs over the heads of the crowd. Finally the scene verjred on the ludicrous. Fish horns started in the pt-llerv. ar.d their blare was heard i-bovo all the din. with tlie bund still banging away, and tbe cliairman pomading despairingly with his ..ravel. At lust when th" nm hud lamed more than twenty minutes by the watch, quiet was restored. So that, if the len.:tb of a cheer proves that a man i* popular. Democrat-- love drover Cleveland. Put they don't MUS. CI-F-VELANI-'S NAME POlTTtAU. Kx-Congressmon McKenzie, of Kentucky, sec? onded th<* nomination nnd made the hit ol thc day. His illusion to Mrs. Cleveland ns the only Dem? ocrat more popular than the President wns loudly cheered, but when be settled down to the racin*; vernacular of Kentucky, he showed that, be knew how to tnlk to a Pi moo nt ic convention. Every rev* touch of sport inc; slang wns greeted with de? light. In conclusion, he fired the heart of the con? vention by moving to suspend the rules and make tlie nomination of Cleveland unanimous. The roll call of Stats went on. I). D. Twice* spoke for (-corbin. Colonel Fellows, of N'cw Wk, was recotnized sitting in the front row of the gallen*, back of the chairmen. There wre loud mik -Of him. but bc Modf-f-U*. dodflrd down and refused to appear. William li. Morn. on. whom Mr. Cleveland made Interstate Commerce Commissioner, spoke half a do/en watat for Illi? nois. Th,is WM doubtless done tn draw attention to the fact (hal there were no otllce-holders in the conventi...i. Bryan ti. Stout, of Michigan, who Mggaated Jahn Drown a little in hie appearance. .puke at seme length, and enjoyed his speech in to-i'.lv, p gratification thnt the convention was unable to attar.. When Missouri was called them wi :v loud <rie. for Senator ?/est, to winch he did not respond. Sow-York was calle,l, and there were agata loud eulie fer Wilow* Mr. Flower came (hovn the aisle nnd beckoned to Colonel Fellows to po on the platform, but he remained immovable. Many cries of '" Soott" greet <i the (Sall fnr l\nn nrlvania. H. W. Lightfoot, of Texas, spoke of President Cleveland's noble attitude when he said ?"'ell the truth." but somehow this allusion did not awaken any enthusiasm. He predicted SOO.OOO majority for Cleveland In TOXUe. whie.i, .-..-? ,,.1-.,cr that thev cnn make it auythiug they like, would be drawing it mild. When Virginia wm (riled, there were loud demands for Senator Daniel who.-*" dark fae-. noemrb-ing that ot Edwin Booth, enid be ??*'?_ in thnt delegation. He did not si*".--., however, ncr did McGinnis, the popular delegate from Ari? zona, who was also summoned, -."te chairman then put the motion and declared Mr. Cleveland nominate.!, at which there was more eheermg, but not for long. After arranging thal the \ ice President should not be nominated until the plat? form had been adoped, the Convtntiou adjourned until to-morrow. It is said by some delegates that this is the first. time alnce the convention system came into vogue that the D'-m"*rntic party has nominated a can didat. for 1 T'sK-CUt by i-ce.a_i_-.tiot-. NOTHT.NO OF A BtJ-tnUf-l TO CLEVELAND. HU MCI TM TUT. Ni-W-i WITH RVII.1SO KQKA MMITY?ENTHUSIASM FOIt TIHRMAN IN THE H-IV ?"*?*?. Washlnpton. .Tune rt fSpecl*?b.-Mr. Cleveland re? ceived the new*; of his nomination with -.milln*, equanimity and did not appear to be In the least sur p-Htvi. He had a r!,.ht to tafco lt as a matter of nun se. When he went down stairs, later than usual, to patt tho atmagan wfce cather at ike willie Home dill.* to .eo and ahO-M aSStSt with the President of the I* tilted State.. Mr. Cleveland did remark: "I forgot all about tills.*1 Bot mel of tie callers eon prat doted Mm on Ms re? nomination, afr*. his fure. according to an eye witness, "wai uni. nally falm" as bp acknowledged the con? gratulations. -*liue Monday the I'le-ld.-tit has br-m unusually K busy. _everal members of the Cabinet have been In ll conference wtth bim fnim time to time and Kpealrer jr Carlisle bas been at the While House almost con auntly, lt ls understood that tho latter's advice bau been li-eely sought and elven in malters relating tt tho proceedings of tho St. Louis ratification nicotine. Including propositions allcctlng tho platform. It ls re'iorted al-n that Ike tenta of the letter of accept ance have bec;; already considered and disrobed and that that 6_c___mH may bc expected to make Its a;> ?pearsne- ut an tnr-naily enlv date. In thr* Bouse today. Mr. TUlsaey was speaking when rt di. patch wis noatved by s. s. Cox. announcing Ihat Mr. Cleveland lind been renominated by acclam.v tlun. The tii.tiateh waa read by tbe ri-ik and tke*ii_ set nji a ci.eer, a 0btM which lacl.(__l a beaitlnr^s and spontaneity until Tars ney caught up and waved a " Turkey-red*- cotton hutdkeiehlof. Then the Democrats suddenly 1 .crime wild willi enthusiasm and yelled at. a RlOa! rate far several minutes. The Regan-team cheered loo, although only fudge Kottay nnd two oi' three more of th'-m wno provided with Thin man badgee. Nearly every Demorrat dis? played a ml cotton handkerchief, and lt was really a "Thurman day*' on that side of the lions'.. "Wo want OW ticket loreead with ft little true Don-of lacy," said several Democrats when asked why they mado such an ado over a man who had not yet msatVOd a nomination. Karly In the day tho free trade leaders were moro oeoapeeed than yesterday, having received amuraaeoi from _*t. Louis thnt thee would be no "surrender"' of the glOUBi tamu by tho l,i*esid"nt and tho Democratic majority In tho llonae on ihe tariff question, baler, when news came that th" Convention had adjourned until to-morrow and that tho Committee on l:esoitit!on? hail tiot been able to agroa. the faces of Mills and his aoaeamtm again showed tract's of anxiety, (ino of them said: Something muat be wrong, but I still hope lt will como ont, all right. Cleveland has pata noniir.n ??'., rmi atm the Ci.iivet.tion will be eon.p.-ile_ to make a platform In accordance witt, his expressed views on the tariff. The Convention cannot approve his message without approv In-_ the main and mott imp..nant features of Ike Milla bill, which aro freo wool and free raw materials gener? ally. lTobably there ls not a Democrat of prominence tn Was ti in eton, outside of the Inner circles of the Ad ministration, unless lt be Speaker Caril, le, who had tr.oui.-rit len days arro of Mr. Thurman as a probable nomliif* for the Vice-Presidency, but a Rood ninny of them apix*ar to be delighted with the prospect. Iu tle*d. while th ito-fourths of Iks Democrats In tho House probably relaid elev, land's renomination as a rather disagreeable party necessity, nei.ily all of them arc heartily in favor of the "old Unman." Thev wei*" t;vk"ii aback wtWU thev found that after nominating Mr. (loveland, the Convention adjourned before completing th-* ticket. Many of thom thought ii portended a collapse of the Thurman boom and the numf nation ol Gray or somo other man tor lb. .(-(olid pla... IT DOES NOT SWALLOW CLEVELAND. ? DKMOCBATIC JOIRNAI.'S DISMAL l-OREDOU INO OP DISASTER. Albany, June 6.?"The Albany Times* of this ?tenir.,; was an object of much (utlosliy. It was assumed that Its hostility to Cleveland would give way when the n-numliiatlon was an accomplished fact. But while thc lull report of all the RUOOOdlap of the Convention ls printed this evening, and Clovc laiid'a renomination ls displayed lu a big hca-iline, the tenor of the editorial matter shews the same an tagonl.m as before, lor editorial comment on tho subject lt has the following short paragraph : The nm in _9aa___u__f jiaii, im kaaaeeead _tapakUeaa maKrity in Osama. _n;i the N_ma___a*_m of Pits. Cle*.eland aro heavy DvmotraCc dl_*eU;rs to crowd ou the party ell ai mi Ard the following more serious screed ls placod prominently forward: In 1882 thero waa an uprisinR of RepuLllcans In thia State a-rain-t thc Interference of a Kelcrai Adml?l..r?. Uttu in the BO-B-UUttm ot Cherles J. Folder for OorotWtt. Tba. ammiag ekctcd giaeaa Cleveland Qoronmt, and made him, for the firs* time, . ?*.. ,.,,.,_ ne.:. In poll ttca. In 1883 thero was a revolt, 0f Democi^u a-jaliiM the imposlilou by thc State Ado_lr.isiratl.m undnr the sallie Cleveland of an obnoxious Dein_.r_t, l__j? n tlk.vr.urd, upon Um Slate Convenuon at liuttah,, i? pia.e of the choice of the purtjr, WillUia Purcell, __, v_s oaail. date foi- tataataty ot Sute. Mr. Maynard waa defea'.-d by over 18,000 majority for bis atfeeaaS. while kia Democratic c<.lJea_,'u<.s were clotted. In ism (,,_v,-r Cleveland, then Governor ol chis bia-n, who had ninda himself objectionable to a luigi. portl.n of the Im-iik.i eistic party by his veto of tl . V'.mj Cci.t Kais bill and try Uls personal characierlstiCN was thrust on the r>t_n.<> tratle Nationul Convention by the e.nsummate manage gicnt of Iiauiul Manning and tho bitten,.e enforcement Of the unit, rule. Ile was dcft-aied on a fair Ufu*-, _jl(j wis elected only by reason of a rcdlpious f. blunder. Thean are reedit lu*iaiic-ea of tho people's Steadfast antagorils-n Ut dc-spollt; for'riiig of no ni ina ii ons. Ibe chief Editor, T. L". Callicot, is at home, lour years agu bo was awa*>' at Chicago opposing ( lev. land. Later on lt accented tbe situation and worked hurd and well tor Cleveland. Its worli (.ben ti i-t-Jnl} saved Albany County, and, possibly, in view ol the mcag'O _-._m_U_*, iht .l_.Uou luelt ' ri.OUEKDJNGS IN DETAIL. P. A. COLLINS PEUMANENT CIUIBMAN. CLEVELAND'S NAMR rraCKD BKFOnE THE CON VENTIO.. nY DANIKL DOrC.IIl.IVTY-AN ADJOCnNMKXT nOUBBS HY SrNATOU VOOr.HEKS. 61. Louis, June fl.-At prcelsr-ly IO :2'_. a. m.. Chair? man White stepped up to thc desk and after looking for a moment over the mass of h-man beings packed lu tho ball, banged the desk with the solid silver gavel which was presented to the Convention yesterdav and ibid: '?The Convention will come to ordor. Take your sc_,t? as rapidly a. possible.*' Alter waitln. a few moments and the Convention not ticing quiet In tbat order which ls necessary for tiir tren, action ol buslnes-i ho thumped tho desk again and said: ?? Delegates will please take their seats. The Con? vention will come to order. Thc Convention will be opened with prayer by tho Rev. J. ll. Green, ol Mis? souri." The nev. Mr. Green addressed the Throne of Grace as follows: Oh. I-Otd. Thou he.t been our dwelling pince In all generations Thou has been the God and art tho Cod of all nations. Thou hast appointed the bound*, of their habitations. Thou hast been the (.od of this Nation, thc Gurt of our fathers, and we. their chlhlren, this morning, enter Into the Inheritance of tlie blott? ing. Thou didst henlow upon them. Wt come this morning to ask Thy Mewing upon thia as**-mbly ; i upon these mern who have conni up from these sister ! States, from al! over this gnat Ucpubllr, who kOVS com** on this important occasion, sent, by their people. Oh. God, do Thou liesa them In this asseuiNy thia cunning, and as Thou hast ruled over this Nation in j all Mv* vrars past and Thou hast brought good raj of ail our evil, do Thou this day rule over this '.'onvotiflon tor tho good of this Nation and for the glory of Thy great name. We pray that Thy blessings may bo upon tlie Presldeal C. the DUKcd -states ami n'mn the . ('ovcrriors of all State* of this courjtry and u|*en the humbl"-*.. ofllccir of th" people of our Nation, and up? on tb* kumMcel elttseu of this great R_<rrak_-0. we pray Thf*-. oh (-od, that Thou wilt guido us m our destiny. Help us as a people to fear Oed and ta keep His commandments, snd direct mk in all Anr ways that we mav tx* Ike Lor-l's people, not r-lmply In the i profr.slou ol our lips, hut In a godly hi.:1 holy aird fat life. Now, we commend OUrSClVCS to Thee for the ? guidance of Thy spirit, ami as Thou must overrule Pat i mistakes of nifn tor the, gr.-vi of Thy name, arid aa Tbofl must guld-* ua !n all things that are great iud good, do Thou thl- dav Idee*; thene men and lead tlc'tn In Thy way according to Thy purpose, and let them '; remember this day aa they sit In t.hls Convention : that they ar>* not only maHlntr a biston for this ennn ! try, but "they ai-e also to determine that which will bo I gocd fer lt or bad for lt. and may their policy and mav their wo rh*" redound IO the good of all c|r!/?"iii, i of all this country and for the glory of Thy name In ! all tbe raith. Lei Thy bloestOf rest upon us now ; and ever more. We ask lt In Jehus' name. Ann"B. Frederick 0, PKnce. of Ma--sarhusctta, then offered the following resolution which was sent to tho deCft and read: " RoMilved?That the thanks of the Con? vention be presenfd to tho delegation of Colorado for its gift of the silver gavel, and that the same be placed In charge of thc National Committee for uso at future "Democratic conventions." (Applause.) Tie Chair?Tho question is upon the adoption of tho resolution offered by the gentleman from Massachu? setts. Aro yon ready for the question? The question being called for, was carried unani? mously. The Chair?There have ben handed to the Chair credentials from Alaska They aro herr-by referred to thc Committee on Credent lal *-. Will the chairman nf the committee please send for thc credential.-* from Alaka? They aro In tho possession of the _ecrr**ary. (Applause.) VABIXD HINTS nOH THF COMMITTEE ON RESO I.CTIONS. Conprcc-rman Timo*'iy .'? campbell, of New-York? I de.lro at this time to offer a petition which I will at ni ur. I hope lt will be read fur thc Information of thc Convention. The Chair?Thc secretary will read tho petition. Tho secretary then read a* follows : Whet-eas. We belle ft) -hal th* Safety and continuity of re pu tal lean I nat lt ul lens oe thl*" eomlnent Impera? tively demand' tho reeofnltton and en fore--ni'*, nt of the Munroe Inctrlne In all lt. Icngtk and breadth; that territorial acquisition or aggrandizement in thia (?uaif'T of the world by fofcicn and monarcMcil pawer, ikoold not only tte"discountenanced, but should be d'-couraged and prohibited by every means In our power! that lt ls our duty as well as our Intend lo establish and maim tin th" friendly diplomatic amd commercial relations wltn our sister Republics, ?Aith MexICOi Central and South Ameilea. to extend to th'-m snell morai aid and sympathy aa they may need lc prole-*! ?ha.Tns-'lvea front ui**"rl.tco'i-. encroachments of 1'uioj.ejp powers upon tbc-lr tewltotry. or off).'lon*, in? terference In their governmental affairs: ami further if Decenary to maintain the supremacy nf tho Monroe Doctrine on this continent, we ikoold be pre* pured to mahn and enforcf* our dil andi acalnsr whet ever I'ower may undertake to cvado or disregard it. Therefore be it RatOhred, That a copy of thia Tireamhle and resnln ti-vi ta transmitted aa m-r-eaentcd to tin* National Democratic Convention Which ls to ftSSOmble at Bf I/itils on the fifth dav of .lune, 1 ? -. fo such recogni? tion thereof and such action thereon as the said Con? vention moy see fir to take concerning the name. The Chairman?If thea*e is no objection this reso? lution will he referred to tat Committee nn V.atform. There being nm obj"ctlon, tho resolution waft so re? ferred, i Mr. Mallory, of Florida.?Mr. Chairman. I have a resolution which I de-ire to send to the secretary t i be read. Tho resolution was gent to tho secretary who reel as follows! Unsolved. That- this Convention approves of and hareby Indorsee fh? principle ol tbe tariff reform Initiated by Preaidf.nt flevhind (loud and uproarious applause) in his fu-at -Be-asag. to the present Coi and the policy recommended by bin for Die practical application Ol those prl'i-riplc-* to tho Administration of the Coveriuiient wo .Ive our unqualified and uni* renal support (Load omen.) The Chairman?1'nder Ike rules this resolution will be referred to th1* Commltteo on rial form and Reso lutiiuis. I will now call for the report of the Com* ni!tt"o on Credentials, that being the next thing In order. THK ONT.T OOM TEST WA.. IN' DAKOTA. John C. Webb, of Alabama, chairman of the Com? mittee on Credentials-Mr. ( hariman, 1 Jiavo the honor on behalf of the Committee on Credentials to make the following report which I will Send Bp the secretary to bo read: The Chairman?Unless sorno one calls for the read? ing 'if the names of the delegation to which he may belong the secretary will omit the names. The secretary then read as follow-: Your Committee on Credential, hg l?_vo to pro sen' the following report: We find tbe following list of delegate, from th" different --.tates and Territories entitled to seats In this l'(invention as follow- ; Tl Territory of Dakota?tho Church faction eonsiaiing of W. V. Steele and H. L Maguire. This eotnmtttoo further reports that there STeia no Contest. In anv of the at.ove -.tates and Ti-ri Korie*, except Dakota, where a ropiest waa brought hefore your committee hy th" Church fiction against the Day faction. Ihe. (le? gates selected I.*. tM (hinch faction to thi< Convention we W. K. Steele and H. I, Maguire; the delegate selected by the Day faction are A. W, Baaf* and T. W, Wallace. After a thorough lrv-_tlpailon Into the merits ot this contest this Committee decided riltti.-st unanimously io rrommeud that. W. I*. Btoele and ll I, Maguire be allowed seats in thia Jonveattos aa legally elected delegates to m__KMRl Ike IVrrlto ? ol Dakota Your commute., understand thal Ike Territory of Ala-La has a recalarly elected delegate to this Convention, but thc committee nave no oOietal Information on tho -.object. Tho Secretary?I find at the ceri of the Hst of the delegates the names for Ala-lia of AitfjUr II. Delaney and A. II. Carney. .', , Tha Cha!*, man-1 **ill it-lfssi WM* you strike out from our rcpoi. that portion In VM-h Jou stato you have no Information regaiding Alaslia, Mr. Webb-1 will do that. Tb" Chairman?The question ls' upon the adoption of the report of tbe Commltteo dtt Credentials as amended. Mr. Hutchings tof Minn.)-Slr. ' Ch dridan, I move th** adoption of Uk* report. Tiii. was ea.:. ',l PA30UCX A. COLLINS KOtt I'F.UilANENT CHAIR? MAN. The Chalrman-The next order Ol Unluc** 1. the neafefea ot ii- report of the> on p.-r manent Organization and Order of fluslness. IT-1 ll lusty to that lt !,___ been suggested that, In view of the contest made having been settle, tilth NfatBUM to Dakota. Ccorge C. Maguire be appointed upon the Committee on Permanent Organization Irom Da hot*., and William K. -steele on the Committee SO Rai olntlens. If there ls no objection, ar.d 1 hear norn. lt is tn ordered. Mr. Cashldy (of I?enn.)-I am Instructed by the rom cijtteo to r-port that they have unanimously agreed Weary aod Worn. Wl.en tho tired factety operative, the weary out-door laborer, the ovuruaked bookkeeper or clerk -tetra ? m-dlesl*- for expenditure of bodily fore*, ft he.. .li*ll he lind lt? Could the recorded ex pe ri en oe of tliouaaudii ot worker* be voiced, th. terdict would ba ttiai HuHt.itftt's Htomach Bltlura rene*a failing a_r-.ii_.-h. aUinu Uti a the Jaded mental i-jvtera to fr.-ah activity and to, laxc? unlue nervous tension aa nrthlng else does. I)|. ,'eaili.n, a regmiir of b.Kly, appetltf* atid sleep un jirouietcd by lt, and it ls an s .ml rs Me tuxillury In ta-* ^? covnry of health by coiivalescents. A fastidious stonurh I* not offended by lt, and to poisons ef both sexes la d>-i;. cate besltli who o..s*loii*lly foel the neel of an emelen! tunic, the whole range of the phetmacopoela and the cat/i ii.i/ue of propii. uu-v ineilit-inca does not present a aiore usv fi I, safer nr Wiatt di claire ano. It is also incomparable foi 1. vet and agu*, rbeuinatlim and kidney troubles. upon (icncral 2'atil-i* A. Collin*, of Massa, husetts, lor pr rmnnert chairman. (Cheers.) \f:er the cheer- which ramo with the announcement of lieneral Collins'- ?election had subsided, ihe sec? retary icd the list of vice-presidents and the rom mlllecmcu of each State, and also tho following, which was adopted: The order of business of Ike I"-*-. Nat onal Dcm.rraMc. Convention shall obtain, and the mies of said con ve tim all govern Ibis Convention v.lth the mod incition that nn Mate shall chang., tt vote tor .dint or Vl-c-l'ic-ldcnt until tbo call ol Wales ha. b07onrcommltte-. further rceomrrtend that the r< cor-llni' secrelaries, Tc?rf|n_ clerks, official steno* rai.... is ard sergeants at-aims of the temporary Or panlTatlon lioM tlirlr rOSfmUTO offices under tho per manent nrganlzatbrn. Tho Chairman-The Chair will appoint William TL Itanium, of Connecticut: the Hon. r.oawell.l. Plower, of \, v..York, and the Hon. lohn O'Day. of Mlsaouri, as a committee to escort tho Hon. ral rick A. Collins lo the chair. ._ . This announcement produced uproarlocis applause throngbout Hie Convention, which was continued, es rvctclally by tho >la_sa_*husrtfs delegation, whose mnii. ken ames end stood upon their chairs and gave thrr. UKI three for their favorite. The gentlemen ap? pointed io eaeart Mr. collins to the chair pmeaoted io his cent and brought him forward- When Mr. Collins had BOOntOd ibo platform he waa greeted by a -hahc of Ike hs'"' ty Mr. ? iii"*- **? ********* ?**** sn, ofter Wh-Oh the chairman said: This moment wa- the occasion of another outburst of appian-.'*, which lasted so long ihat cries of "Sit down : blt down !? weie heard from different part, of the hall. Wmtm order had been measurably, Ha rollins bc_an bis remarks, **hlch ai. reported In full a. follows: Gentlemen of the Convention: To stand by your fav.r in il.l** place, so often tilled by tue foremost men in our ?rn-st part*., ls a illatjricllon of the hi.he.t character, nod an honor tor wkleh i am profoundly grateful. In performing the delicate and difficult ter vloe to whl-1. J-0U lave -.s-lgned nm I can scai-ecly hone io lustily tr..- wisdom of your choice. I shall at al' times need ? eontlBuaace of your Indulgence ami courtesy, as weil a- your full co-operation to promoto i..,.,.. decorum end good alli, until these proeodmf ire brought to a happy crace. we represent in thl* Convention more than _O,0*UO,00. cf the Am. man people; we bear Hie com mission lo act for them ami their Injunction to act with ail tke wisdom that -.od has given us in pto-tee! aid lal-Mnaid tks In.tliuttuii- of the Ki'publ.c au the (atfirn fem.iel them. in a Hum when lite world was king-ridden and paw* 1 by the privileged few, when men sear-cly dei i to breathe the -ror-d ?? liberty." even if Hey un? derstood n* meaning, th" people scattered along oar .utera coast, ultk a sublime bemlsn never equalled, broke from all traditions, rejected all known nrttems aiiil estahUahed, to tho amaier.i.-nt of Hm world, the ptillilcnl wonder nf tho agc-., the American ltepubilc, the (hild of revolution nursed by philosophy. Tko hand that framed tho lnr.nnrt.1 Declaration of Independence is tke hand that guided Ike emaaclpated eountry to progress and glory, tl i* ihe hand thal guides na still in our onward march a* a free and pro gretslve people. The principle upon **hl_'h our Gov* srnmoal ean secnrely i-est, upon which tho peaci., proarpertty and liberties of the people depend, ac* ihe principles of iLo founder of our party, the apoatla of Democracy, Thomas Jefferson. Our young men under thirty hnve heard more ht their time of the clash of aries and the echoes of war than Of the principles of government. lt bas been a period nf paaclon, force, Impulse and emotional poll tics, iso 11,tit we need not wonder that now and then we bear thc -|ues*lon a^I.ed an.l scarcely answered, '?What difference ls thero between the two partlus!*1 JI.KFF.K.MiNI.N DKHOORAOT. Every Democrat knows the diifcrencc. Tho Dem? ocratic creed fi.s not penned ky Jcftemou fora section or a class of tho people, bin for i'll time. These prin? ciples conserved and expanded the Itepnbllc In all Its better days. A strict adhererife tn them will pre ? ive ii to the ead, ao tke Democracy of to-day, as in the pa-s*. believe **it.'i .iefr.u-i.on lu: 1. Equal and exact iiistiee to all men, of whatever stale er pi nnaaten, rc ii pin us or political. 'J. Peace, commerce and honest (i-endshlp with all nations; entanglini; alliances tilth none. :i. Support af ike Btete goversaenn In all their rights aa Ike moe! competent administrators of our domestic eoneerne, and tho sut-e-st bulwarks against autl*IUpabUcau tendencies. 4. 1'ivservat on i f tke general government In Its ci tiMi'ui'nnal vigor, as tho .licet anchor ol our peace and safety abroad. ... A J.'.'.l. us eeie of tl?> right of election hy thc pei.ide. a mild and sa', corrective of abuses, wh'ch aio lopped off by the sword of revolution where peace? able lut-.v.m aio unprovided. fl. Absolute eco ilene ance in the decision*, of the majority, c...- vital principle, of, from which s no appeal kal te taree, the vital principle and Immediate parent of de.poi ..m. 7. A well-iiise pMe.i-il ml]Illa, our best reliance In j lace aud (. r tl.-- iiisi moments In war. H. The supremacy of tho civil over, the military authority. 1?. Economy In the public cipenses, that labor may bc light ly I. ii i de neil lu. Tba koomi pavmen* of our debts and the preser? vation of our public frill h. ll. E-Deouraaemeol of agriculture and of enmmerco as Un handmaid. 18. The d.ltus on of Information and arral^nmen of .11 abu*es at the bar of publlo reason. IS. freedom of religion. ll. Ire. dom of th.- j.r.--. 15. Preedom of tim penoa under tho protection of tlie hate.n corpus. I'i. Trial by Jtires ImpaHf.-iily adeotod. Add to these the p.i-i.-M economic mle that no mure tuxes should be levied up on the people In any wan than an* necessary to m.-t am koaeet expeneea ..f government, an. you kare a bod] ot prlnclplca to Un ftga.nsl wkJcfc ha, ben polltleal death to every Party h tberto, to sin arnin.t wklck In Ibo future will m Pol 'hal suicide. True to these principles, thr- Democratic Par)v fought suer,-snilly our foreign Mars, proieeted our cltfena in every ci:mo, compelled tb. reapec. of al. nation.*, for our fla- addc! Impeilal domain to our ?'rr ;>ry and insured peace, prosperity and kapptncei io an our peoj le. Pulse >0 these princljdm, th- great Federal. Whle Md KaowNotMng pan fe, irenl dow.,. tottoTio mm! ___ft kLI? I,r,''1,,l'l'w lepreeeatatlvei of tbe paru' v e i iesir,vn''a" ""'*'is" **? uI'iu?,,? -^ffs, nvlr.-i de ,amcracy, prepared tc .trike down fonve ,,......'.,v'."'- f"" [n sovemher. . ,?,.-,.?_ ,i.i i lui UH ail': opie. Tfiti ha* boen the asylum tor all food men from over t tl patti Who Bee Irina want and oppres? sion, and mean to become Americans, Bul we In vlto and welcome only *' friend, to this ground and liegemea" to the republic. Our Institutions cannot chango to meei hostile wishes, rior b-> ao muek as .onsloly modified aeve hy the peaceful and deliberate ...'ion of 'i.i i,i.i- of our people le accordance with tho Constitution arid the laws of rli?- hud. Whatever prohlciai-. the present haa. or Hm future may present, so far os political action can atreet them, viii he dealt with ey the American people within Ike law. And In the future ai In tte* pisl ih>? people will find Motility for theil' liberty and property, encouragement and protection lor tlielr Industries, re_,-o and pam Irf.lItT lo fiillnu-lf.f. II... -.= ,...? ... ..... ? _ i "'i""'i ?u, ni ia iiaritene..! |,y .runes erufked by hiii-.****. or nlghtmared by c,n.riraei.*a w, altino enjoy a healthy peace, a rntiunal liberty a'nn. cresslve prosperity. We ..we |, ln 0llr Miilleoi Inst ftftlons, le democratic teachings, at leoA aa ,,?,-*? ? to the ezutoraa] lotL Tho man is ,10t a good _,m.-. kan who, knowing what we are, by act or word n. pOriment pr thought, In any way. will attempt to weaken tba foundation of this splendid no 'tieni structure-ibo l'.epubllc of the United 5mm. Ni.W CONDITION'S. We meet to -day under ooadKlom new to amt Demo? crats ol tkla generation. How often we atood In con reattom lu tho paul when tu others it eeemad a* if the abodOWl of dOOtk doecd about us, when tho day of victo, >? aeeanod almost as far away as i|r ,|av 0? general Judrtmeirt. It could no' t **? --j: l? -m ? .,,.., v,, I..; fm .sj.mis or personal adventa_e. \\,. ',?.,', ,, kcop Eke lim <-f ben_ocra_le liberty abra tm the duv.ii of a better day. if re "ere a jany of mis fortnne. Il BO.1 alM bo agreed that we w_*i- a partv of nnd-funted eoarage and Indexible princinlns Twenty eight years ap, tie- Democratic part* reni In fiaginenli, heat cl by feudi that only time could allay or pun! hmcnl doslroy, met. aa it loola Don merely to lettie la sogry mood til., lernu upon "able", they sholl] 1 bccoini, e\ll.)s from pOWer. Hy their nra.] dissensions they elected to ^u to de font rut her f Itali v, nit /or iii" sobeiii'K Influence*! of tin ? to ? I ira."h. To the younger men 0f th.; iii-, Ibe act loomed anlelde, mitigated by Insanity. Their madness trans fun ed to a minority of the American people tbe i-oitieai government of all. Thru partv whatever tho ftOnOSty a-.d PSSpeCl ability oflt. members hon ev er patt lo'lc Its motlvmi, w?.s not l.r.ta.1 or nat io Ital at Its Il hml uinrot but mu central ui->a and when that Idea vim set in the Constitution and srysattlsed Into law lt ran a career of riot that annulled all mea Tho history of that po ri od of pniii:,.u| ,-.. banchory la too sad sad familiar to Amiri-ans to b" rncitrxi anew. Tba Repohllcan party, sometim-. l-f'aciifully ?;?l sometimes l.v tome, Mmetlmes fairlv und tomettme. by frond, auceeeded In holding power twenty-fear years, till at last thc American pe?pie no loaner condoning its faults or forgiving ita sIun hurled ll from power and awaiti committed tu th? historic Part/ Ol tb. Coiislltutl-tn and the wholn Colon tl... ml lulidstraitnn of our political affalit. We won t.v the uro-MM_raed Mnnnenea of the country lu Ike rectltads of oar parpooe, i... the aid of eklralrou. and cou,.-! -niious men, wno could no lonunr brook the c i is dillons of the republican party. It WM erflAt ile-.-i \ e,i. iuH-cuiarv vl'tory. The day on which Grover Clevolaad. tke plain -triil.htforward, Iviilcal American eltl7-*ii. chosen at tke BleetfoB. took Ibo caih at oitire in the peest-upa of Um maltltside a day so lovely and so perp'ri that all naturn seemed exuberantly te sanction au,| ( , r ,e, r.t<, tba victory Miat dav marked il.e rlosf. of an oi-i ora and the hOgtaalBg of a new one. It closed th ? ^ra of tiaurpktloii of power by tbe federal authority, ?f |j|P|_.* ? i i ??^* ' ' "? ^__-_-_____M____-_t \,i-nl Calnrrh ls ailaegi-reosi'laeasA Froui ita tenilsntr to axtsnd te tttr ll ron M.I tillie* amt I italie lu InToIr. (ha Inoga ts i .ii.iii.rttlT* i! a-a?f, lt aliiiulft be p .i.iinllr cursd, that tliaaa irrara ^sna-cr* hist li.bvrrtn.i S. r tr.fl.l^ot ari. thu insnii factorrrs of I>r. Haeu'i - aiarrh nf their ebilltr to seeeaaeeeM-Oltr wita *.ius?*?rr prfrstsnt iii?aa?f n;Kt thor I,i.t s fer rena nfl", fi*.I ts i. <?>?! ftillli * IO I i a t??r.| t,,r ? caa* nf catarrh, nn aastter 'ow hai nr af h .w many r.ara atamllnit, ?i-1.irn ilisy cannot cora. Ueoiedy oaly lo cunts, by ami fists. i force, of general eoatompl tor constitutional limitations j and plain law, of gianni scandals, profligate wasto ' and un_jreal-aldo corruption; ol narrow sectionalism j and elOSl Itrife nf the reign of a porty whose good i norh had long been do ??. It kogan the era of perfect j preen and porfoct union. The State, fused In all I their sover-fgnty Into a federal republic wlih limited I but ample powers; of a public .civic* conducted v.lth 1 absolute Integrity und itrfet economy; of reforms pu hed to their extr tn*- limit; of comprehensive, sound . ? ?! tate Bnanc SI policy, giving leourity and conll denee to all enterprise and endeavor?a Democratic i admlnl*'. allon, to I's mighty mist, loyal te I Its p!d|-*.*-s, true to Hie ('(institution, safeguarding the IntC-t-'-t"- aud liberties of the people. TIIF. COMING CONTI.ST. And now wo stand on the odgo of another and, perhaps, .? greater contest, with a relation la thc electors that wo have not held for a generation?that of impeaalbQlty fur tho great trust of government. Wo are no longer authors, but aceouianb., no longer artf-OS, but the criticised. Tho ros po asl bl ll ty ls ours", and If we base Mt tal?on all tim power meesSUry to ni.l-.e thar rosponslblUty good tho fault I. Oem, nut I that ol tho PC-P-O, Wu a.o t om,oii'ed by a wily, unscrupulous: and desperate foe Tbste will be no sin*.'li on lb. record , I that they uill not uiupnlly Into a biol, no almtUaC-Saoe I that th.*y will not torture uni mteroarecoat, M dla I appointaMat thai thoy will not exaggerate Into a IO* I volt, im i* Uss or crued (bat they will nut aool. to I li? naine, no passion that they will not a: tempi te rouse, nu fraud ihat they will not willingly perpetrate. Thoy t moy, indeed, (hat than* ls un Imposture im- monstrous fer Hie popular credulity, no crime tlia. will not be aol lionel. Hut wu stand at guard full armed at every point to meei them dur ftMOOl ls O''' _? peseioa nor to prejudice, to class or lactlon, to raro ur cte-*.i. but to the seana, eoes_nan seam, mo laSasast, tko intelligence ami patrloUHa of tm Am.?item peoj.le. Th** Administration of Prcnldont Cleveland has tilumpliantly Justn;,.,] >,ts rli-llmi. It co tn pt ks tho respect, oonndenoo and approval of the country. Tho proi)h"t8 of evil and disaster are. dumb. What Ibe people see ls the _;iiv.*riiiiii*i_t of the Luton ro Itored to Its ancient baiting Of Justice, peace, houeity ami Impartial eu.oi-ccmcnt ol law. They seo the dc ii. .ie..1 rn' labor ami agriculture mot, SO Ur as govern* tnent can meet theta, by le pl si'it ive enactmenti fur their eueoumgsaieat ami protection. Tbey seo th- veterans of tba Civil War granted pemlom toag due them lo the amount nf more, tuan twice In nuut bec ami nearly tkree timm la value thom granted un-rer any previous Administration. They seo moro tuan _-_-.-OC.QO0 .'cres o;" Und, rockleosly and Illegally hehi by ike grnatee. of tke corrupt ItepubUoaa remmc rmtored tu the pubtie domain fur Hie benetit of Ibe honest settlers. They he,- tho mgm, WkOSC fears of Democratic rule were played noon bv dematjogm-s four >.'ara ai.-o, not only tonto fully protected than by h:s pretended friends, but koaorad as bia rice was never honored before.* Thoy am a flnaarlal polley under which rocitl-ss ipeenlatlon ha/. practically ceased, and capital freed from dis? tract. Tliey arva for tlie ft;-st time aa kooest oh ?ervanee u tba tow governing the civil astabllsk meat, and tbe employes of tbs people rid. at. last, of the political highwaymen with a demand for tribute In one band and a letter of dismissal In Hi" Other. Th<*y am BWle< * n'*lcos abolished and expenses of ad* ministration rodaeed while improved methods bav.f lifted tho public aervlce ta high efDelemy. Tbey tea tranqnlUty, order, leemtty and e-jual j':.*:ee rmtored ii. land, a watchful, steady, safe and patriotic Ad. ministration?the solemn promises nude by Hi-* Dav mociaey faithfully kepi, it h - an boam* gu-veraav_nt by hoi..-.*, in .h.- ir this record seems iirosaic, if it toeta the blood-thrilling element, if ll la not Ut with lurid tires, if li eanrtot be illustrated ky a pyrotechnic display. If lt is merely the plain record of a ConetltU flonal party In a time of i*etrn enaaired In ftdmlalstrattve reforms, ll ls keeaom tm people of Ike country four yean uro elected not to trust to sensstlon snd expert* menr, however ttrllliant and alluring, but preferred tu place tke helm In a steady hand, with ? fearless, trust? worthy, patriotic man behind lt Doon that record and upon o-r earnest efforts, as yet Incomplete, to redOOU and equalize the I.unit!.a of taxation, w* enter the canvass and go to Hie polls confident that th'* free nnd Intelllgeat _***>eo_e of this great country will say, " Well done, good and faithful servants." HAir. TO THF. MTJOWTT-fPtl To the patriotic, Independent citizens who four year*, apo forsook their old allcjUtico and carno to our -nip port, and Who slum that time havo nobly sustained the Administration, tho Democratic party owes a deep debt of gratitude. Ihat they have been reviled and Insulted by Heir former associate !-. not only a algnal compli? ment to their ckaiauvi snd Influence, but another evi? dence of the decadence of thc Republican party, blind v.or-l.ij? of tho machine?tie* political Juireernaut?ls fleeted from every man who will take even stan.Un;; room in that party. The Democratic tenMk la open tu all. and if in council we cannot agree In all things, our motto ls: "In essentials, nully; in non-, sscntlals, lllmrty : In -alt things, charity.*" To nil good men WO aof : ?? rome In. Good will 00*01 halted at tbC door stone. As four years a.*(> you voted with us te reform the Administration, to conserve our lons for the well being of our common country, IO Joli with us again In approval of th') WOrh so well ?rcomptlsbed, to complete what remains undone. We ask von to remember that lt ls a 'fatal error to weaken the kanda Of a political or-janl/.atlon by which (treat reforms have peen SChleved and risk fh^m In th" hands of their known adver-url-*-.' Four years ago you trotted tentatively th** Democratic porty, and *up ??? ted with neal and \!r?or Its candidate f..r* I*r**aid?nt. You thought him stn.ti/ In all tho sturdy finalities rena Isl te for the prent task ol reform. Behold your If) r.did Jil-rluc_l|.,n. N'i iv- tide nt in time nf peace lid sn difficult and laborioni a dnty to perform. His party had b-*en nut of power tor twenty-tour years. Every member of ir ked been alum*! venomously excluded from tho ?.mallee! potl where admtnlitralton could he ittjjji-d. Every place was rilled by men whose !ntf*r-**it lt was to tkwart Inquiry and Itellttle the new Administration, t.ut Ibe mat-tor band came to the (elm. and the UM course bsa bren kept from the beginning. We need not walt for time to do Justice to the char aeter mi' lervlceg of Prmldenl Cleveland. Honest. clear-sighted, patient, grounded In respect fur law and Justice: with -i thorough _ra*P of principles and situa? tions: with marvellous and conscientious Industry: Ute very incarnation of Brrnnew. be kee nobly fuP piled the promise of his p,irt>*. nobly met tbe oxpeeta. Mins of h!< countrv, and written his name hl;:li on the scroll where future Arneriians will read the namec Ol I CH a*hO hive been anprvinely useful to th1* lle tuiblic fellow Democrats, this ls bul tbe Initial meeting In I political campaign destined to N? . m 'p. n -.-.til if* a eushlng of nearly eve f.r<* a. I et no men hTC or ,. elsewhere belittle or underestimate the strength or resources of the opposi? tion Bo?. great a? they are. the old Democratic party, In conscious strength nnd perfect anton, toma lbs . .c feaih's-rly. Dbm Invitation Of the chctrman all the dele_*at-*s i rimed as vlcc-prosldenls took scats upon tho plat? form. The Chalrmin?Gentlemen of the Convention, I havo kean ftdvl-ed by Iho chairman of the Uonunlttoe on Bemlntlons thal lt win mat be possible for them to report to this Convention until 8 o'cloclt this ev. ? lng. The (halrman?The secretary will now read a com nun-oetlon addressed te the Oeaventtoa. The sf*'retary NOd Ibe tallowing: To thc t'hnlrmnn of -lie Democratic Convention. Dear t-lr: Tho Women's greul Convention held at Wi -Mt,eton l__st winter appointed two delegates to mal. a sh'rt talk to vour Convention In behalf of He women of America, e.*.-cat appl-vis-vi. If you will klndlv grant one of these a kearing, we pledge (farselves not to sneak longer than ten minutes. (Applause,) V1ROIK1A B. minnky, Vi V.. A. .M)".::i(IWKTHF.n. Mr. O'Donohue, of Xew-Yorlt? I movo that thc re (pje-i be grunted. The Chalrman-Tho pentleman from b'ew-York moves thar the mqaeat of the ladles be irrante.l, and lill they bt given len minute, to addresa this Con? vention. AU In favor of the motion will say "aye." The ayes we-re uimnlnious, followed by Sheen. Mr. Hoyle, of Fenns] Ivanta? I o!f'*r a resolution which I have sent forward relating to tlie order of the business of thc Convention. Thc Chalrman-Tho memtury will read lt. The secretary then read the lollowlng, which was adopted Mith uaf-uaaai Reaolved, 'ihat. all resolutlpm relating io the piat -,,;.,, bi iwrredrto tho CotkO-lttae on nutfbni v.-iti-. o-jt reeding or debnta. SVMf ATTIV K'ir. OKHZBAXi sur.niDAN*. Hr. Campbell, of Hew-Yoi*?Mr. Cbafrmaai I havo a re elution, which l u*llh to preeenl to the con rcnttea, and I a_U anani moos eonn nt that the imota Hon I"">' '??? omd. it dom eel relate to tic. platform. ? an ? a | lurut ol objection from all parts of the hali, until the I'h-irinan BSOUrod the B.-legates that Mr. I smPbeU had told the truth In saying that the tasotmieu did ml relate to Ibe ptaliana. when con -ent wpp ol.-.ii ul. UM N -SUttOm WUm recd, as fol? lows : r.e.uiveii, That this convention tahes nee eaton to us unfeigned sorrow al the lerfoua and diauge: ous jilli.? of Conors! Phil Sheridan I applause), and to kim, "rh. -?-? noble and valiant deed, win ever be enshrined In the hearts ol ins countrymen, we extend uur ilncere lympnthy, We earnmtly trust that tho jji-eat "..idler ami dlsUngulehed nat riot win meet with aipeedj recovery, and thal tbe Wvlne Provhleace ^i_ie lum lu Hus Wattan for many years to come. Revolved. Thu! a COM of tkese resolutions tie for? warded to Oeneral Bkendan ri- exprwslvs of the hearb lenta-Boata ut tim Dmnooruey ol -lie United states. ii beera'. 'li,. BMUtUttoaa urmo ftdOftOd by a ris|D_ voil) with thim bean) ..'li' .-is for the (.'allant M.Id'.jr who la now engaged In hld must d**pciate .rampaUn. AliVOCATINH fm OATJtl Of WOW. Mi-, k. a. Mmrtwe-km, of gt Louie, appea-s-si on iii., idatform and was received with cheer, by the getofUtoe anfi Ibe BadtoMe. Bbs ?as latmaumd th ibu i oii-.t'iiMoii b\ CbOlnaoa Collins and IfOka as follows: -lim.- and a_ain tho wom-n of this ci-untry have appeared before ymir leglilattve Oodles aa r.o\\ aa you.- grand political com . . mklng that the pcm ,' ihis uovernmenl be mad.* to comfort with its principles, tke basic principle, Ike fundamental priik ,!pl? and tke foundation biotic on which iv.ts this (jovcruinein ?f wjaial rigkts. (At this polut there waa some disorder In tho b_.ii pait of '.u- hall.) Tho Chairman-Th-.* chair will Insist Hut order be maiutalivd. ssp-Clally when a lady ha* the floor. Un, a-eniweiket*jTet tkrongkout th's bru ad land nov. bete do '>'|uul rights prevail, (in the on- dido Wa ea a ami govsrutag elma On n,c other aa iee a lubjectod ami gorerneg daaa. Qno half of thr peofsa of tbi- goal ami to-called Bepuoll. yoi live in C.SK ll'llfsl". .Itli'M ACIII I'llOSI'H \|i: pr. (i c BTOUT, eyiirtiM), N. V. naya: -I envn lt to ono patient avlin v .? uival'ln, (o luna., i tile moa*, or (linary buallifaa. *>*faua. hla brain waa ?lli?t a,?l confua,,!' u|t..n tbo leaat mental exarUun. inuaci-iate twn.'lt aud uluiaate recovery loUoweO.. ?******?'?'*'??? wneai tua 11, all Itl tire same politic.*! .erv I'-'.'V11. iJiiim moiheis lived In under tho kines of^England, before the clonlea n'belled and s-c dod from the Brwn Empire, dur forefathers thought their condition was 'lavery. It ll bo slavery for them, how ls lt BOT slavery for us I I am deputed le appear mttotU you and ask yon to riuht thee*, groat wrongs and eauctder this great question of ef.ual rights. A dcdar.itlnn chining fiom this great body of people, lit BOON, -' Ki .??nd. will send a thrill through humanity . kr-car. heart and ca-i-y the memory of this convention down the ages, down tn tho very end of tim- "SOtt . Hui if, gentlemen, yu refuse this plain principle of il__l.t and Justice, then 1 sugget to you lb*-* y?u add to your platform of principle! ihe billowing prc-am bio and re*?'iliiiiims: , , , _______ Whereas, AU history proves Hist education nnCiK human ixelnes for the condition or subjection and awaken* In the human soul aspiration* for larger liberties and higher lifo. (*_on tdderable confusion here occurred.) The Chairman?t.enllemen. keep quiet. Mrs. Mcrt-tworhcr?t.enilenien. you a-o not troubi-d with women often, and you ought to hear one once. They do not trouble you political men often. Mrs. Werri wet her continued the regular course ot her remark* as follows: And, whereas, during tho last fifty yea-* we. th**< rulers of this land, hove committed tho great mistake of permitting i subjected eleni te enter oekoola of learning, thi-rehv expanding their brains and quiet. enlng their thoughts and bro..tUln_- disaffection against our time-iioiinreiL rule; (lien* women going to and fro over the land, Snochlng at legislative dmr . demanding to know why the glorious doctrine* of Democracy .hould not apply to wemen as tn men; and, whereat., all history proves that the t-re.tor and denser the Ignorance In which a ciao. I_ In ld. (Con? siderable confusion.) Mr*. Merrlwothor made several effort* to be h.atd, but after a while when *h? found the Convention un? willing to listen to ber further sh- gaatotod. The rosoluHon which the Convention refused to hear I* as follows: ?melVOdj That we the *r**f**moeratlr men of America In Convention emouiliiort. advise and urco the Legts* Int mes of every State In this broad 1'nion ta ? such laws as will forever put a stag to ihe education of the women of this land, and thereby pst a stop to th" clamor of cipial rights that will forever elem tho door* of every lebool, public and private, to the fe male children of this country ; we advise aad urge that lt b" mad.- a p.-nel offence, punishable, by fine and im? prisonment, to reach any girl child the letie,-**, of the alphabet; and any woman com lered of reading a news? paper or book, or nf rate-tog the lei ure bells. m bet her an ll.tcucr or speaker, be severely punish.*. ty law. THK TIMr* FOTt. HOMXlfAnOm P.FACITF.D. Mr. Plcliott?I move, Mr. Chairman, that when tbh Convention adjourns lt adjourn to 10 o'clock to? morrow morning. Cri.s of "Mo, no, no, no I" Thc (hair nanoUMOd the motion nf Mr. Pickett. Goveeam Brown, of luuoeeeee?1 move to amend that motton by striking out JO o'clock to-morrow, and in neting e o'clock this evening. (Cries of " -fo, no '.") Mr. ilensel, nf Penn,>Ivanla.?I oi.T as a -ub ? Mtnie to tho motion that has berm made tho follow? ing: Etceolved, That Ihe roll of States and ImrltOtiea to now called In alphabetical order and Iii" namm ol tbe candidates tar President and vice-President bi Disced In nomination (cbeers), no ballots to bo tak. ,i by this convention until the report of the Commltteo oe Keeelutlota1 rind platform has boon presented and disposed of. (Cries of "Good, good," and applause.) Moil of tho dalogatm being on their feel, tho chair? man rapped vigorously with bi. gavel and commanded order. The Chairman?The delegates will take their seats; tho convention mu-i como to order; tho resolution JiL>t bent to tho MCretary'l desk will be nu I. Governor .fohn c. Brown, of Tennessee?I risc to a point of order. The resolution which pave bene read cauuoi bo considered pending a no.iou to ad? journ. The Chalrman-Tho motion ls on th* substitute offered by Mi. n^iiM-i, of Pennsylvania, tba) the roll of .States bo called, but that no ballot l.e taken until after rho commltteo on Resolutions have reported. (Jovornor Brown?I Insist upon my point of order, My point of order ls that nu action of th.S convention can bo toben pending a motton to adjourn. Tho Chairman?The chair docs not understand that tho motion of Mr Brown ls lu order: th.* gentleman from Connecticut moved that tho roll of States be called, and wo then take a recces until ll o'clock to? morrow morning. Wo will proceed with the buslnoss of the Convention with tho regular ord'rr. Governor Brown?Then I will now make a motion that this Convention now adjourn to 8 oft l._*k p. m. A Delegate?I move I brit we now adjourn.' The Chairman The motion ls lu order that we now adjourn, but tho chair rall-* the attention of the dele, ?rat'.* to tue fact that a million to adjourn ls a motion to adjourn sine uio. Titos-* in favor of Opt motion that the ('?invention do now adjourn wdl siy aye. Not a voice was heard in the hall. Tho Chairman?Those opposed will say no. A tremendous shout of " Kum" arose, and the chair announced that the Convention refueM lo adjourn. Tho Chalrman-Tho question now ls u;.(in th** sub? stitute of Mr Hcas<>|, of Pennsylvania. The vote w..s declared In ibo affirmative and the sub? stitute was adopted. ALABAMA yields T<^ cr.r.vrr..\N*P,e* STATF.. Tho Clerk then proceeded to call tho toll of States, commencing with Alabama. Fdward W. Tcitus, of Alabama?Mr. Chairman, tho delegation- from Alabama have lt.-trncted me to tender its Hist placo on the call and IU flrst righi to syeak to the State of New-York. ('Treat applause.) Tho Chairman?Tiri gentleman from New-York, Mr. Dougherty, has tho floor. Amid great enthusiasm and applmse. Mr. Dougherty ascended the platform to the right of the ebalra_aa and ftddreeeed tho Convention a. follows : I greet you, my countrymen, with fraternal regard. In jour presence I bow to thc majesty ut the p opie. the sight itsoif ls Inspiring, thu .bought sublime. You como from every state and Territory, fiom every nook and corner of OW ocean bound, confluent-cm er Ingeoantrv. You aro about to dlseburge a mora liian Imperial duty. Witta rimpleet ceremonials, you aa representatives of the people are to ch<>o_e a Maali tr. to with poww mightier than a monarch cheeked and Controlled by tho .supreme law of a written _on? ititutioo. Thus Impressed i moend tbe rostrum to name the mut President of the United Stutes, New* Tot*, piumnla Um to thu convention and pledgee her eleetoml vote. Delcgatlou- fi*oin the thirty-eight States and all the Territories are assembled Without caucus or consultation really siiiiultancuu.sly to take up the cry awl mako tho vote unanimous. We are herc not Indeed to choose a eandfdate, but to name the uno tho people havo already choeeu. Be ls tim man lor the people, ills career Illustrates tho glory Ol our Institutions, Eight years agu unknown, snve in his own kieal-lfy. he for the last four has stood In the gaio of tho world di. ch andu s tho most exalted duties tbat eau be confided to a mortal. To day determines that not of hi-, ..wn choice, but by the mandate Of lils countrymen and with the sanction of heaven, be shall nil tho Presidency f_r tour yearn mote. i;.. has tatt Htd mastered every as If from youth tl tu slattajuiaii-lilp. Tho promise* of lils le!ter of ac? re-..rino* and Inaugural address have been fnlflllcd. Ills fidelity In thc past Inspires faith In Hie future. Ile i, not a hope. Be ls a realization. Scorning sub? terfuge, disdaining re-election by concealing coovin* lions, mindful of his __th of lillie.* to defend the Con* si ir.u ion. iii* eourageonsly iteelama to C i-ngrVsi, diop* ping minot matters, Hiaf the supreme 'asm is leform, revision, reduction of National ta.iatlon. Thai the rremury nf .the United glutei, glutted wltk unneeded cold, oparemca Inumtry, earamromea boniness, en* dangere .nanete! tratmuillty and brooda extravagance, centralization and corruption. That high taxailou, vital for the expenditure, of an oapuraltolled wm, is robbery lu years of prosperom peace. That the millions that pour into fhn Treasury come from the bari (".med savings of the American people That in violation of equality of rights the present taMtf has created a privileged elms, who. shaping legislation for their personal Min, levy by law contributions for flin oaeeesariei of llb* from every niau, woman and child tn tbs land. That to low.-r tbe tariff is not bee trade, ll ls to redam the unjust profits of monopoll.ta and boss manutaeturere ami allow oonsumen to retain the rust. Tho niau who aoaertl that to lower the tariff means free trade Insults Intelligence. We brand him a_i a falsifier. It ls furthest from thought to lai l_o rn I capital or disturb enterprises, rho arm ls to up? hold wages uni protect tho nghto of all. This Administration has rescued thc public domain from v, uti ld be barona and connor;: ii corporations tabbie**., ro obligations and .eowwed it tor free-horni i tor this and coming generations. There u no pilfering. There are* no Jobs under this administration. Public oii;( a is a public trust, inti g. (tty stands guard at every post ol our vast empire. While tbe I'l-eM lent bas boen tue mo li.un throngt which has ilow.-u tba undying gratitude ol tbs Repub? lic for her soldiers, bo has not hesitated to Withhold approval from sp-cii legislation '( itrlctost In.ulry revealed a waa! of troth ant justice. Above .11. Motional si Mle a.s never b.-foif |a nt an end, and ilXty million, oi free men lu the lbs ol brotherhood aro prosperous and happy These are the achievements of thro Administration. t'nften the same lUnstrlous leader we aro : to meet our political opponents lu high and honoiaWe ..' imj.* and stalte our triumph on the Intelllgonce, vtrtne esra patriotlim of Hm people. Adkerlng to ibu Coustftu Ron, Its.y lim- ami letter, ever iii it "powers not delegate.! tn ih-i United Btftrm by the Constitution nor prohibited by lt to the "state.. ?'.,. ?.. to the Mates resp.-, lively or tu the people,'1 by iL" authority or Ike Ix-moorecy of New-Yuri., by th-_ Democraoy ol tbe einir-o Dnton, I givo yost a namo entwined with vli*n,ry, i nominate Grover Cleveland, of New York. A CONTINUED STORM OF Cn KERB, When Mr. lKiugkorty finished his speech, at shs and a half minute*, after li, tho delegates aud tho aujlonce tot up a .yell. After almaty yeUtUfl for half a minute, they -egan to get excited and sumo of ibo moro atdent pe**lod (heir mats ami waved ih-in. Alxiut thu time Ibo doors of the Capitol lu tlc* picture ni the rear of tue plaifoiin were swung isbl.* and In the panel spmnij a portrait of ( loveland orcunrina the centre of; tho facade ,,f the Capitol. Then the delegate* and/ th* audlonee limply went wini ju.i with a furtoiis cnorgy worlie.i the.r voices and tben* bodies In their error ts to testify t lit*tr uprroval of the nomination.,' A bann* somewhere In the galleries ?tarted upJ-Marehlnj** Through Georgia,*- and tho air ot tbe seul.n-.t_t. nubody knew winch, elicited a tre* dutbuist of cheer.. At this timi* about a third ot' the delegates and pei haps on* fourth of tho audience produced bandanna handkerchiefs and waved thom frantically, ami m response ta thu troth Incentive there was another swo'.l in th-* terrille out burst nf nolsi*. One lunatic lu ike .-alti-i> his now plug'hut and *ont lt sailing __'r_s? the ipoee over the lie**uH of the delegates, and lt v as cau_ht hy a man ia td_e up-iisi'i' gallery with tho expertness of a prof.-*lonal baseball player. After eight tumut.-s of bedlam, Cbuirinau ('wiitin, thoight tim thing fi ? I pmo fareDough and thumped and pounded fur order, but with, every thump of the i;avol new yells from Hie aucmblni-.', anl Chairman (ullina reliuquiihed. ihe Joli 'n despair. At this Juiuiuie Daniel Ih.ubIi ? TIk' ll. ai llmu-l l,,__ Clearelii'-a. | Xlamy Bros.' Special .'iroura TAKE YOUR ' ! _ _ r*LiIX!rc now-! unset**., B*___S^*"-*?'^i,rT^^ ~* Blt -Witt.,-.,, m i J^->.*-7U_.C...' -?*?&*_---___" ?_.'?_. ^?***a*ma_nBI WITH YOU. TOURISTS AM) TRAVELLERS will find rONIi'S BR ACT Sf wonderful efflcacy tn ema of accident,.over-exertion. emaMng cold, ba, lr. As a llnlmvat for pe.eatrlan or other exercise, ATH* i.l.T. s anl ____U__Ul_-i FIiAYXM, lt la limply _* valuable. ' ALSO I OR Site, Stn Insect Bte, Ctahi; Sere Feet WW Eyes, Sprains, Bruises, Wounds, Rte. Boils, Earns, fe, k AVOID IMITATIONS. POXnt. EXTltACT U maiicfactur-.l ami battled ky t_*> sols proprietors?Batata -I it ra tl Cempanft Wow Tork aa.l LaadeUU See orr ni rn-j ou ev.ry wrappir lat label. POND'S iiimi co., 76 FiHh-Ave., New-York. ertj* mounted a chair in th" centre of the New Yerh delegation ami waved i Beg. From all pails nf the hall (el. ratei .... ? ? tm about Dougherty, leering tho standard, of then ft .pectlve Btatee, and ferme-, in a eirels about bim, holding In a sort of canopy over lu. head th. pl.'auU b.aiin_ tho names ol tte -States. In marked distinction fruin the .carlet bandannas UM standards of In.liana and Kaii-.ii* were .1.corned with strips of Mask silk, Indicating the adherence ul tin; parties v. hu bore. them to tits cause of Ike pr s*nt Commissioner ?f Pen? sions. I'l'dcr tho canopy formed by the stanrfaHi a eanpla r.f i pited -tales flags wera Introduced and the tableau, as thu. completed wm cm-ted with a pundemonle enema of cheers ead howl. and j illa. Anion,: tbs crowd lo the toot ot th" dels state, a number of people produced a floek o' big yellow eaples. which by MUM arrangement were .nada to flap their wini**!, when the demonstratloa at last lubsided comparatively; John B. Castleman and a. G. petai-nettem of Kentucky, earrled th- Kentucky stand? ard on the platfo.m a.rnl planted it be Ide this chair* man's (leak to emphasise the leooad which Kcuuiky. proposed on drover Cleveland. CLEVKI.AMI'S Qt Vf.ITIF.S AS A RACER. Bghtem __ia**-M of unadulterated bedlam seemed to be eaough lo ntl tho umug-im. and tln-y sank b_.'!t Into their seats, but th* aadlmoo was not satisfied with this allotment of time and continued the uproar two mlanftea longer, when they worn lin.iiiy bauughe to order. KT. McKenate, of Kentucky, then took th* platform nnd addie - _ the Convention as lollows: Gentlemen of tho National Convention?I bear the ftommlmtM Of th. btate of Kentucky to thu National OonTOBalaa and In the nam*. of tb. Common weriith that has glrcn io mat -Mate ia (liv .net a i titti.-uden I desire to sec? ond the Domination of Grover Ptmreta-Ml for th* otlice of the Presidency >.f iho United States. (Urea* applause ami will cheering.) Within tho limits of (rreat land there te bul nae nore popular Democrat then be, and that ls Uie queenly women he bm mai!" bli wife, .'.real applause.) le must be, Mc. i huh nan, a matter of t-.iioltation to every good oitison within the limit* of oar laud that th'.< historic White House, atound which cluster w many memories i il rt..- gem to every patriotic heart, i^ presided ovei by a man who has the courage to emoi-ce the obedience to bail lawi until they be repealed nnd recommend the enactment of (rood otici unitl thoy .hall b. enacted (.Applause.) ai tbs mme t "???. it* soi tal destinies ara guided bjr tho fair hati'l of ibo nae row ned Queen of our Ameri? can womanhood, I neem intend to Iel Mr**, . ii'._ ian.l om of tbli Beames. (Laughter ar.d applause.) In bue signo vince-.. It w.-.s -anl, gentlemen of tlie jury (laughter*), in our last Sot Ional Convention that (.cover . lev eland wa-* loved foe the enemies ii. had made. _*.t_n later i. lia-, bean mid thal he waa loved for tho reseals he Innl out. (Applause.) Mill lat.-r lt has been said he wai lov -.1 lot- the massage he hart writ toll. (Applau.-*o.) Kentucky loves bini for ibo HkqI there ls in him (laughter ami applause) aid for ols splendid racing qualities. (Laughter.) li" is as ?.'ame ai Lexington and aa speed] ae Ten Broeck. Ia ala taily lon he won tue lniu_.i.< Ma;.malty stake*, hangi down, ami ho won the Sew-York handicap. Ile was thea entered against the florentine Musaw tresa Main.- (great appia. aiei. cheering) and vron tm Nat ional l-ciby bj a neck. it doe-, not matter, gentlemen of the ..emncratio jury, n do,.-, not Butter bow this National *>w.>epata_ee .hall bo made up, whether ll be lilied out by hyper* boroan leletm, florentine aamnles or dark kt rn i, abm the noe ls run through the bulletin hoards will show Eclipse tif-r, tho balaiico noi planed. (Laughter ami applause.) Tho Stale of Kentneky loves Mr. Cleveland for the that he has had n i co u tgo to storm tm ea irenohmeuts of lubatdy and monopoly by recommend lng lUCh a Judicious revision ot our tariff system ot ?.val icoum equality tu tho disitibutio.i ol tm publlo bui-dens and lighten tho exactions ol labor. (Ap? plause.) Ito bas bul tho courage to inaugurate luck a ? on that terrible misnomer euQeg tru*w. thnt beforo thia National . ampiUn suall cline, li will mom to be a popular earns for a dot;. (Laughter and applause.) Ile baa had the courage and i>att.otlsni to is>_ard tM Freildonc.y of the United states, not ns a ganami P***** qalstta auejutrad by patohase, or illminuwij. or di pleoftmjTi or mekom. -M. McKenzie hail turned round to face the people seated on the platform, W_M0 tho audience in front let up a cry for him tu turn arouud aod lace tal audience Ho replied: , Lal me tail, to dose learned Thebans a while. (Longhorn.) Bul he hm regarded tm Pi.aidsmg ? ? grant public oilice. coiiiliined by t!i>' nnbeugM >u_fragl of the people to be administered wisely, fairly. Judi* clally, Impartially,, in tiie linc, est* ot e*"-*"-"" body, tt beers.I V ell, thO -SCI oflhe bUStum! la, he ha* gol IO mott coortjja thnt lt is un sary to enumerate. Del ibero Th uno thin.: that I ** ?_*'' w rail sraV-al atienuon io. "." 'bort iiave wavered anl o?h*-n lia*". "*??' onb** f;.l me-f,8_jc<s, be ha* written a m_$saf' ' "*** Alil"iiC':i ( ettgrew thSI brui about H til" or-s l ii?'?* aod force of a Kentucky rifle and the executive aiiimy *?*? dynamite cartridge. (Applause :. -n lawyer parlance, it had abont lt the energy of a caniai nra toa ami the Corm ami effect e. ? WE**** band. Now, gentlemen, lb ? la iteammmf history of Amerteaa poll th s where we had ? ''i?n WJ" fin i.i.:*.. i. ni bi ? oa n .arena, a gnt_elasi eaadMOH ?n? i thoroughly Democratic plaUoraa. [Applame lie h.s dam in* duty, kel <?*? JJ* nui^. (Applans-..) I want e\er*,' llctneetJ'. r??*.*" ami female (Uughler), In the body of thia ''"'*?* *** nittccul deliberative hall lu ibe wm ld '?PP**l**?_vjS__ a., ,.,.,.i .,, the ! ull< -i purpose uutaide of the ' hrt;''" religion iipnlan-ei 1 wan! every coe to *r*> boin** a-'? wo -bali does theae ev.-r-l---. (l.u*_btert wi;ti in*? Democratic benediction and If n -i-ali plca*? ?"";?'" addition to Orovi ? Cleveland, ono of the -.iildonaj?' ?s the elesr Uno of the Democracy In Ha march ? om torv frhail l.e a rad bandanna (AppleusaJ . In conclusion, Ma I and n-r.rl'incn. ? ?unj to au-tpeml tin* nil.-, and make 1.0 tiominanea.__ Drover i l raland for l*T***lden( ol ihe nu .cd e****-*-*** absolutely uiuiilm.ui*. ir.nat appian*.*.) l!)OI.\TK0l"s BOMACI-B TWOW C.".('-tl-IA. JMp ll. I), li. TwtfgU, at OOoriria Mr. l,r.,***t*" and ti.iKleni.n <,f th.* r..i.vei.tion The pr*?at State Ol tieorda, which 1 have tho honor In part ts ****** on this oceaj-lon, ls proud to sin-imd the nominate, of Omim ( levelaml, a tstaia which haa Jj* "JJ liplcuous in Its lldellty to the great principle* ?r mocrucy and economic-.! gaummauuti *'*'*'J. *^ found their highest expression lu hla ipH'1'"* *?* magninci't.t AdioUilstratlun. (Applan-e.1 JJ*5J2 ?aid lo the pm |de of tbe South, " Vol are . *-***j:'.\,,0<. Op your factor.! -. diversify your I: '?'?_"?*;;? JJ, iike siiii'tl is inseiiie.l uer tinxi... ""-'"'rjy. -We moderation : >.!.a_ laid lo this artful W""* ^tt b, mav be poor, but we aie unwIlllUK ?*? V" , levying tribute u,m.ii tho i--ul-*. '.-UJ^have come the twenty-four dcleeaiea of t-?*oi-?-t? ?<?* ? la to thia conclusion, bearlne with them o? o| cottunl.aloii and that .?oiiiinl-.-.lon ls tu cs?? ?'u lml9 the ista'e for Ihat matchle*; ?'*'??'',^1**>;,,^tU|?d eonvoutlon in tts platfonu.of principles cnarac-enaw*