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MR TOWNSEND STIRRFaD UP. INDIGNANT AT A NEWSfATER'S CHARGES. 1UP DIPS DKBAR TRIAL INTKRRDPTRD?AN INVES TiOsTios tWBtSSBMW* An unpleasant element was brought into the Diss Debar trlnl j-eaterday. >*hich will alm-vrt cer? tainly result in another criminal i-roooution. A netvs}?per in Its account, of Wedneftdar'a pro? ceedings ha*' nude much of thc tact that John D. Townsend, the able senior counsel for the proseett tion, and James Wi Rsndolj.-i. one of thc witne*??.s for the prosecution, had left the court-room simul? taneously, though by different doora, after ? mut lial "K-nnce of intell- **_n<y.n Randolph wot fulled for by the Assistant Distrlct-Attorbey bhortly (fter this, and did not reply, having left thc building. The newspnper in question broadly hinted that Mr. Townsend wa* responsible for the witness's flight. Mr. Townsend, with natural resentment, called Jud je Gildersleeve's attention to thc article as soon ns court opened. The Judge read it. and at ths* close of the forenoon session he conducted an informal examination into the affair. Aa the result, when the case wns resumed after recess, he stated that the matter was one of which it was clearly th. duty of the. Court to take cog? nizance. He referred to Mr. Townsend's high standing ns a lawyer and a gentleman, and said tbat if there been sufficient evidence to jusnfy any such inferenc** as wns'mad<**. it would have been the duty of the Court to call the attention of the Onfroi Term to it As it was, however, h_. entirely exonerated Mr. Townsend. " I think," he went on, ? that the inainti-ttion is an unwar? rantable refiectJon on the professional conduct of one of the most esteemed and reputable mem? bers of thc bar. The investigation presents an? other feature, on which I must say a word. Mr. Randolph states tbat before he ltft the court-room a slip of paper was handed him containing these words: ' Leave room quick. Get thousand dol? lars North door.' He does not think he could identify the person who gave him the note. I shall hand it. to the prosecuting officers that repre? sent the District-Attorney's office, nnd ask them to give the matter an investigation. If they arc able to find the person who bunded this communication to the witness, he would be guilty of a misde? meanor tinder thc IVnal Cod.\ and if the D'Strict Attorncy. throucli the assistance of the detective fore, shoti'd discover the person, it shall be brouglit to thc attention of the Grand Jury." Mr Townsend nnd ex-Senator LV.-yd beth thrinked the Court, and Assistant District-Attorney Davis promised a thorough investigation. Thc day was one of interesting developments for thc i*roseei*ti<*n, who presented much te-_ti m-.ny which was n**w. To put it briefly. Kate San.lslinry, the actress, testified that M' Diss Debar once tried to ongntio her to be the " snirif nt ber mntT'.-li-'ing ?canee*; Mrs Jennie Hamlin knew Ann OT-din nt the house of her mothr Mrs. Ralom-n. in Brooklyn; J. W, Itando'?*_i re'ol ' his cxi-criericcs with the " Mf-dnlM" at No. 1 <?'> Mndi son-avc. and was riddled by the hot shot" Mr. Town-end poured inti him at cross-examination. Isaac Buchanan, a Horst, of No. 40" Fifth-nve.. was n fri. nd of Lob Minter, who, in fact, w?s Luried from his house. i<nd did not know of her Imvlng any daughter; Sus-.n IV Vance knew Ann HTMia wir n abe WM a ehild in a'ms. a**d G C. T. Salomon. Ikt brother told of the che 1< ted career hi- sister Iud I'd un to its recent culmina? tion in her arrest and indi-invent. SPIRITS IXSPWED TIIE LETTER. v now MISS TrrtRV r.-di* t><*-wv stairs on thf DflfTni?'- nice, The trlnl of th" snit In which Miss Mtnr.le Terry scobs fMO.000 damages from Mrs Mary Ann Ferine for, proceeded In tim Supremo .'oort before Jnstico Lawence atd a jury yettertas, Sf the presence of a throng of sprtato-'. among whom were many m.m feen of thc soclctv of Svlrlttiid'sts to which the parties belong. Ito examination of Mt, Ferine wis con? tinue 1. She pi av cly iclntri that a clairvoyant nan.ed Martin, while In a trance, saw Miss Tatty trying to win , thc affect'ens of her husband. Acting upon the be- I lief that this was true, she had written th-* letter claimed to bc libellous, to Mr. tarroll, thc president of Ihe church society, personally. She did not Intend lt sbonld bo published. Phe prayed to the spirits to remove Miss Terry fi-om her path and she believed that lt wa? In answer to this prayer that Miss Torry at once left her house without ipoaklng to her. The people at " tho Home*' called Miss Terry *' the doctor's little (lee.? v . nt did Mi-s. Ptiylter, the medium, tell you in her communication from your daughter Eva? A.? ?va told me about a letter from Miss Terry to the Doc o.. The witness said that Mollie, from whom she ha? re.i\ ni warnings concerning her husband and Mis* Terry, was ?"one nf Mrs. Ptrylier'n regular controls'" and thal ''John Morris's spirit*1 was another, tho ?toted that her husband had given Miss Terry magmetic treatment. 0? I?ld he magnetize her? A.?Ile did. tinder tho dlrctloii nf M.-. ailed sj-.irlts. She -..-nested lt and wa- wining to have lt tone. Mrs. I'erlne sr.ld that when the Doctor was going away. Miss Terry would have the last hiss before he went and would have thc fiist kiss when he returned. The witness could not help lt. Sho was a slrnplo nonentity In her own house. Mts. II. T. Milson te-tltled that she was a physician and that she had atten.'el Dr. and Mis. Perln<* In a pr fo; lon.I capacity. Sh" waa to:. i,y MM TetT| that she loved tho Doctor. Thc witness thought that she was insane. Eli/a A- I-.11*, who had lw*en a hoarder at "the Home." said ihe hx-l -"ou the Doctor carry MIfs Terry down stair- on his back, she had her arms around Ms ned, as st,.* la> al full length on hi- hack. At that time ihe wjtneei hean! Mks Terry tell the, Doctor that Ito l'.ved hm. sho did not hear tho reply. Tho case ?a> adjourned until this morning. POLICEMEX (LEARID OCT THE CHURCH. A UVKI.Y QI'ARPM. IS A .IMISP.Y CITY GERMAN IITtlPRSN* O'VGRIC.A IO**'. There has been trouble int some months In the r.M.ui.i Lathami Church in W'hltonit.. Jersey City. BM > <..':'.'*('i*ati-.n ls not satisfied with the wav In whir: Ito building Jl roc tors have pcrformca their duties. Iho board of Trustees, too, find fault with the di'odors and have taken -.ldc-, with the people. The el ? iis*li ls a small frame building. He-cause of the quarrel, lu the congregation, the cl 'ireh was closed two aretha ago. On Wednesday night the building director! went to the church to hoM a meeting. Al? though they vero not Invited to the meeting, Hernard Heinrich and Jacob Keller, of the Board of Trustees, ar.d Not.ry Winters, a member of tho congregation, were present. A m.inlier of the femalo memr-crs of the congrega? tion eVo entered tho church and took sides w|.t+ tbe j , and for a time them wai, a groat deal of , excitement. Ernest Hlland, the superintendent of thc Sunday school, objected to something tha#l-jroctor Hahnhia had said In (;erman and threatened to whip i thc director. He put his fist under Mahnhen'a nose and son.c of the women dragged Lim away. The ] >. is ran out of the church and returned with tao < bo].. tuen, who cleaied the building. The .I.rectors .av . they will have a inoetJng and wind up tbe affaire df tie church. ] ROBBERS DETECTED RT A LITTLR f)IRL. ? Uaw n en were a**ied before l**olic? Justice Naeher, ' tn Brook:yu, yesterday, upon a charge of buirlary. They ?were leta McMauus, of No. SSS Graham ave; George ' Bluomflvlj. ot .Nc. 247 fc>r,*Kh Thlrd-sr., ani Michael Mc- ' ' m, an ex-convict. They weie aeon to c-nt i the ? house of Hector Logan, at No. 100 Kent-at, on XVednee. lay afternoon ia Um- abaenre of tbe family, bj a little ? girl wi.., i.ved in Ute adjoining houae. Ktie ia sr thora ( carry ojam a couple of bags of things and followed them ( to a su-wi-tar. Me.tlng _ policeman aha told what she | auapected and the men were arrested.. The atolen prop- *? arty was wot th ?700. -M_- 1 BURRI*0 A WATERLOOOED BARK. ' Captain M-AMaa*. of the British sts-amcr Teulera. which J pyttroi at this i^rt yoamtSay trom IUa laanlia, reported that on Mar 10 ho alghted thr, Uut.h bark Matilda, of ' 600 tons Caa*eoa Voss, from CartllT, for Moluceoa Mt? l with aaoL Th., bark was watar.l,.g?_ ,nd thc ctvXMln ? and crew were taken oa boird the Tailers. Captain Voss ? K-ji-rU'd that tho bark aoilel from Cardiff ?n April 1, and ' that ahoitlv after sailing he ei.e^uniered heavy *? v.ther, m nhirli me vessel strained cmshlerthlv. At ' the time of abm, .onion her the c?*w atatr*. Omi, there was US. towt ot mtij't in tho well. After rescuing the crew th? bark waa act on tte. tutu and aft, and when laat aeen from thc MaaaaM sa. a ma-* of flames. a ci mhitted ron killiso mn fa th er. i I'atrlck McO.rniott, of Ne. 184 Fast Seventy fuofth-st, I the youi. | man -u. ix-ttod of cn (Ml uk the death of hlsfaihor, t waa tonuiiittid In the' Yorkv.lle Court yeaterday morning a to await thc action of tbe coroner, ID attli atys that his father waa Intoxicate! und the lajurl.-s which cau-w-d his death by falling ifalnst I stove. Oatertlvo Martin, of the T?. nty-flfth Precinct, cxainlnod ti,., prem- * laea and says there la every indication of a struggio, ol- ' though no weapon waa found Tbe prlsoaar ls thirty-two 1 years old. Ho waa under the Influence af liquor when I I HOM E A E irs. PROMINENT ARRrV.VLS AT THE HOTELS. ASTOR-Kiral Conan actor Phillp Ulchboni, U- 8. dary. BRi-VOORT-Lor- da oii-fom. of Kofiand. UM NSWICK-Henry Adamo, of Wa-hl.i_.t--n, and M. B. [ngalla, o. Cincinnati Fin II A VFiNlTB-Mcretary Endicott and wife; Senator John Sherman, of Ohio; -?on-w-oman Oeorce Weat, of Ballaton. N. T. . Curtis ft-IH. of Bnston; Henry Vf. Sage, of Ithaca; and State n. ,,u(?rs Donald McNaughton and Frond-, llei.dii. ks. "JILSRY-Alexandor lt. Shepherd, of HOKF MAN?Sauator John P. Jenae. of Nevada. NEW.YOKK Seii-itor Wuae HiunH-.-. of South Carolina. VICTORIA? _*.lonel Henry M. D-lBeld. of Detroit, on- Vf. S. Cham bcrlaln and Xl lae Jcnnio Chamberlain, of Cleveland. WHAT IS OOINO ON TO-DAT. Fasaett Investigating Committee, Superior Court tooma, ll a. in. Waa Debar trial. Court ef General Seaalon*. Boird of Electrical Control, No. 1,318 Broidwiy. t p. ni. Ladles' Tennis Club opening. Livingston. Staten leland, ?fie rn ooo. Quarantine Conunlaalon meeting. Mayor Ilewltt'a ofllee. Alice Woodliall'o case before Aaoiatant United Sutea District-Attorney Boee. Trunk Lino Executive Commltteo, Commleeloner Fink's office. Trial trip of ferry-boat Robert Garrett lillie practice by 9th Regiment, Creedmoor. Society of War Vcteraue reunion. Rossmore Hotel, 8 p. m. New. York-Chicago baseball match. Polo Gr- uni-*, 4 p. m. Presentation of fla* by Lorayette Poet, No. Ito, to College of the City of Nsw-York, 8 p. ru? st. Teresa'e Uraullne Cenvene, ceremony of Profes? sion, IO a. nv Pair In aid of Tribune Fresh-Air Fund, Jackson Semi? nary, No. aoS-l Flfth-ave., lp. m. Plge win eaae before Surrogate's Court, Staten Island. Plymouth Church prayer-meeting, 7 :46 p. m. ? m . NEW-YORK CITY. Theodore Denchor, employed by A. Kleeman, a market goldener, pleaded guilty yciterday In the General sessions to taking r.ven_e on his employer for discharging him by setting fire to a lenee aud the covering of a hot-houie. Judge Martino sen? tenced him to one yen and seven months In the itate Prison. The new managers of tho Cotton Exchange h-ld their flrst meeting yesterday and appointed several :ommittces. The Ra*/. Dr. William N. Dunnell, the rector of All fcalnts' Protestant Ep.scopal i hurch, will deliver ti'o baccalaureate Sermon to the graduates of tho Rutgers Female College lu St. Thomas's Church, at Flfth-ave. and Eifty-thlid-st., at 4 p. m. Sunday. There was a glut of Delaware and Mai .viand straw? berries In market yesterday. 6tock In primo condition sold wholesale at 4 to 6 cents per quart. They aro like.y to soil low from thu onward aa New-Jeisey are due. California made a fine display of fruit yesterday. Dv.diey, Clapp A Doc, of West VS abington Market, received CCO case, black and ox-hoart chomes, and cherry or goose plums. 250 cases apricots and 160 cases peaches, lh*. white cherries were among the finest ever seen here In quantity. The June arrival of fresh mackerel are not plenti? ful; they are worth 18 and -0 cents each or 10 cents per pound. Whola salmon down to ?__?*> cout6 a pound, cuts 30 cents, connecticut River shad aro now a feanire of the tish-stands. -Some buyers await the arrival of them on account of it a.Iii i.mal ex? cellence. Buvks are worth 30 cents and roe GO cents. George Connolly, age five, was run over near his home. No. 418 East til IJ janith at. and seriously In Jinel yesterday. Tho wagon was dilsen by Puter Hart, of No. oOi East Elg*hiy fourth-st. Tho Stato of Georgia, by lt* principal officers, asks for proposals fur tl,OOO.OOO nea 4 1 ii per cent bonds, wh eh to pay o!f tho portion of tho public debt which will mature on January 1, lesli. O'Donovan Rolla has been robbed of a gold watch and chain. " English emissaries." he says, entered his home In Urooklyi and "don*- the (.oed.*' The redline ma..agers of the Produce Exchange yesterday passed a resolution to cloe* the hmlnoea of tho Exchange at | :10 p. m. from June li to _>(-*j1.-it> ber lo, and to begin business af ll a. m. on Mondays between those dates. The newly elected board also met and appointed Thomas P. White secretary and L. B. Howe superintendent. The children In the primary department of the Jack? son Seminary will hold a fair this afternoon and | evening for The Tribune Fresh-Air Fund, a feature of which will be a magic lantern exhibition by Fletcher Snead. Tho oldor pupils have ahcady given two entertainments for the fund. The transfer by the Roman Catholle Church of All Paints of the pioperty on the southeast corner of Madlson-ave. and One-hundred-and twenty-nlnth-st. to tho Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent do Paul for 125,000 was recorded yesterday. The Second Avenue Railroad employes held their picnic anl games at Jones's Wood yesterday after? noon, over OOO people belnjj present. Tho winners were David Di-onan. J. BatTy, J. Lawrence, D. Sulli? van, "Sam"1 Lee, Manhattan Athletic Club, and T. F. Delaney. Patrick Egan, ex-president of the Irish National League of America, bas boen In tho city for tho last few day*. Ile caine from Nebraska to meet Peter A. Whlto, of Dublin, agent of the Irish Woollen Manu? facture!*.' Association. Thomas Martin has organized a large I tish-American anti-Cleveland Club In the XJth Assembly District. A cup. presented by Thomas ll. Hall, to be contented for by tho winners in the League and American Asso? ciations at the close of the season may be seen to? day at No. Hill East Thlrty-scventh-st. A special meeting of tho Colombia College Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will be held at Hamilton Hall, Madlson-ave. and t'oriy-nlnth st., at 4 o'clock to day for the purpose of electing new members. ? Lafayette Post, No. 140, Department of New-York, O. A. IC, will present a set orflags to the College of the l Ity of New York at the Academy of Music thli evening. Chauncey M. Depew will make an address. BROOKLYN. Mrs. Mooro, the wife of Chief Engineer John W. Moore, who h__> been detached from UM Navy Yard and ordered lo tho Mare Island station, gave * Kat.'.-e Klatsch on tho Navy lard lawn yesterday aliemoon itt, a Itiowall to har ttmmte. lin rumors that A.miral uheiardl ls to bo de? tached a..a i omniodoro John II. (.luis put In his place are dlseoun.cnanccd at the Navy laid. Adm.ral .heroiui has reinrned from Washlugiou and wa.s In il? omeo as usual yestcruay, where lie win probably remain, ai least until the tow cruiser Mame la well jnder way. subscription books for tbe capital stock of the r"ulion Elevated Railroad Company to oj-orafe a lino n the Twenty-sixth Ward, valet will bo practically in extension el the Kings County Kid, Wan op.-in'.l 19tSat*9S bf the Rapid Trai.sii ( oinuilssionei., who aid ont the route. The capital wa* lixed at WQ0.000, ind *_J,51.r. shares wero taken at pim) a share. Moat >f tho subscriber* are Interested in thc Klius County :oraiany. a Tho lift li anniversary of the marrlago of Dr. A. J. F. '-Chiends was celebrated on Wednesday evening In the .entral Congi-ega'Ional Church. The terni* ot tho present Pork Commissioners ex >lre at tho end of uext week, when Mayor chapln ls xpertod to appoint eight new Commissioners. There s now one vacancy In th*s Board, aud three of tho .resent Commissioners, tho Rev. Dr. R. H. Storrs, ?.. K. Kennedy and C. IL Luscomb, were appointed .y Mayor Chapln recently to Hil vacancies, lt li spectod that they will be reappointed. The first victim of the season's heat died yesterday, le was Patrick Barry, age twenty-one, of No. b'iO licks st., who was prostrated In a lumber yard at laltlc and Columbia st*, on Wednesday. A girl named Lizzie O'Connell, who loft her home n Philadelphia la-.t week In company with a member if a Japane.o troupe playing with the Muldoon Comedy ompauy, wat found by her father with the com ?any lu Brooklyn yesterday and went home with him. he ls sivoiiu**!] years old. Tho friends of the youthful members of the 'Olyuvhnlc Athletic Association yesterday wltne??e<l heir eleventh annual games at the ground*, of the ;r.x.i.l.. i; Athletic Association. Joe Atkinson, belier known as "Isaacs, the hang aan,*' who lives at No. 'ibT Evergroon-ave., is unhappy i-oaase (iovernor Hill signed the bill abolishing the allows In thU State and substituting electricity os means nf putting condemned murderers to death, itklrson's Inkiness ls gone, so far as this State ls onceriied, and he will be compelled to take himself tito anothtjr State to carry on his chosen occupation. IRE DBTECTIVE TUB SOT MEAS TO Do IT. Drtectlva Horgan, of the West Onehtrdradind twenty :xth Street police Station, who ls lo bo placed on trial *fore the Poll.* Boaid tor shooting young Charles __ toyuor, said yesterday that the shooting waa accidental. Ila defence will be tbat he fell In chasing tbe clerk and imt lils revolver waa discharged a lihou! any inu-rtlon of .-looting ? TIUKSATLASllC TRA TBLLBB*. The CI17 of mirna arrlvid from Liverpool yesterday ri th 103 saloon and 700 steerage pats*.Dyers. Anning tha ninon paoaengsrs nore Joar-ulm Kan? 7wo. Louis Aldrich, lalor Ai-rasirong, B. IV Bartlett, the Kev. W. W. Camp. Bo* Fielding Clarke, Chief Justice of FIJI, Stanley tanner, Jamea Galloway, Frank Kuraeh, Mr. aad Mrs. B Inalla, W. Livingstone, jr., O. L. MaoArthar, J. M. Rete. Robart Tracy. Oeorge Townsend, E. N. Williams, II. M. Williamson, and W. A. Waitera Si XE H'S PROM TH E 8 VE URBS. NEW-JEIuSKY. A " ttta champetre" was opened on tha grounda of the Orange Lawn Tennis Club at Montroaa yesterday tn aid of the South Orango frco library. Word waa received in Orange yesterday of the ar? rest In Buffalo of ? Doctor" William Oodllng, the fugitive colored coachman and goneral agent af Oeorgo J. Beabury. Tho charge agaliyt him ls embezzlement from his employer. Eugene A Favor, painter, of Elizabeth, was found dead In h-s bed there yesterday. He was last seen alive on Monday. County Physician Westcott ls of the oplulon that the man committed suicide by poison. Tho Inquest will be held to day. Favor wu the son of the notorious burglar ".Tack" Fox who In 1854 was hanged for the murder of William Henry, a young sporting character of Elizabeth. NEWARK. Patrlck Desmond, who was arrested wPh a nnmb-ir of burglars and Indicted for keeping a disorderly house where thloves resorted, waa acquitted In the courts yesterday. The 7th Regiment Volunteers Veteran Association have decided to attend the dedication of the New Jersey monument at Gettysburg on June 30. Examinations have be?n begun of applicant! for admission to the Newark Technical School. A satisfactory trial was made on the Panalo yea? terday of an electric launch built In Newark by Anthony and Frederick Kock* nz au m. s> - JEPPEY CITY. The Supreme Court has refused to grant a new trial I.t tho case of Thomas McCarthy, tho New-York bur? glar who was convicted of robbing the house of Dr. Theoder. Hornblower last summer. McCarthy was sentenced to eighteen years In the Trenton Prlion, and he will be talten thero next week. RA II WAY. Tha Board of n?..lfh has organized by selecting Dr. E. B. 6llvers president and Charles 1^ Lambert secretary and health Inspector. The Board of Education has decided to close th** pub? lic schools for the Bummer vacation on June 20. The 6nnday-schools of the Baptist and Methodist rhnivh-s will hold their annual "Children's Day" festivals on Sunday. ^ WF.STCHF.STr.R COUNTY. Christopher Pwan and Joseph Farker. trustees of the African Me h..dist Kp sr opal Church. ?__ Etty belle, w*ore arrowed on Thursday on complaint of Peter, ir., another tm-tce. for creating a .llsti.ibance In the church during religious services. The accun.d were held f>>r examination. -_? THR CATHOLIC RVIOHTS CHOOSE OFFICERS A -state Convention of the Catholic Knights of Amer? ica was begun yesterday In 1st. Anthony's Hall. No. 00 Mr Dougal-st. B'fora the buslneaa began the delegates NMfcet In a body to the Church of Bt. Anthony nf Padoa, In Sullivan-.t., where high mass was celebrated bj- tho Ber. J. S. Duffy, of ll.ll-_.1jB. State spiritual director of the order, assisted by the I', v. tBmtt Jsnv?a as deacon, the Rev. Father Daniel, sub-deacon, and Father Psmphi lu*, master of ceremonies. Father Anaeletua, Father Julius and the Rev. M..n?lcn(>r Farrelly norn also pres? ent. An address of welcome ass made by Father Ana ck-lua. James A. M.Ti.orney presided. Th.' ord.-r ls at present In a flourishing condition and. Ita mem^cishlp ls Increasing. These offlcers were elected for the en? suing year: State pre. idem, T. J. Larkin, vice-presi? dent, J. J. M.t.iivern. tttU sc.retary, Beter C..illus; State treasurer, Thomas Fair..ll; .stat- spiritual director, the Sm. Jamos s. DufTy ; d-legates to the supiem-* coun? cil, T. J. Larkin and T. J. rower. The next convention will be held In Brooklyn. In the evening ? dinner wa.* given to the State council by the city members of the or? ganization at Clark's, In West Twenty-thlrd-st. THE EVE BEAL of cn i RLES LABBALLB. The funeial of Charles I.astalla. formerly proprietor of "The C'ourrler des Etats I'nls," was held yesterday In tho French Catholic Church of St. Vincent de I'aul, Tn-tity thir 1-at. and Slx'h ave. The church was crowded, some of the most influ. ntlal Ftench-Americans In the cit.* bain present. Tho altar was drape! In bla.-k and white and was one blare of wax lights. Th.* aeleaa requiem mass was celebrated by tho Rev. G. .<-.- ;. It, assisted by the Rev. lather Humbert as deacon, UM tuft. T. Wucher, sub-deacon, and the Rev. Father Calve?, maner of cero monies. These were the psll-bcarers: Charles A. Dana, Charles Coudert, Dr. Cbauveau. L. Mercier, A. DOuvIlla and M. Thibault. Those present Incluied: Viscount Paul d'Absac, Constil-Ocneral of France In New-York; H. P. Ssmpers, Edltoi of " Tin- Counter" , F d- Tranaltcs, edlior-ln-chlef of " The Oourricr" ; H. reaulejeuno and E. Aupolx, membera of the atatf. Ita burial was in Green? wood. CL OSI ,V 0 A S ORA OX 10 rs SA WEIL I. Occupant* of houses near the planing and saw mill of F. F. Smith .. Ce... at No. 1CS West One-hnudred-and tweutysevonth-st., rec i.tly made a complaint tn the Bojird of Health regarding the smoke and noise from HM ml.I. and Sanitary Inspector* Decker and Gold, ehmldt made an Investigation. Their reper. to Sanitary superintendent Day contained these KateaMata ah..ut the mill: "The Iron smoKO flu., rises only t<> the h..?'ht of iii", third story of the neighboring dwelUniis, so ihat the etomt and eas from the or*i nt shavings and other fuel enter their windows. The exhaust tsmm is u<.r properly eeataaaat and till the neighboring bundill'.'- anl vants .. Ito motto*. The noise of iho exhaust and the motion tt the machinery, wnlrh la Improperly set, ls surh a? t.. jar the ,,, igiihorlns houses ind affect the health of Um Inhuhitai.?.*.*? Opea the re. -ii.imendation of Dr. Day, th" HaaJU Ii ard yesterday declared ihe mill to be a ?? public nuisance," and ordered boi.lno,H tl,,.p. to ps MMamdet " until such appliances are Introduced ss win abai-- the nuisance.*' SEEKISO A SITE Foi; FEDERAL RCIT.DIXOS. The monthly n.e. linc of the Chamber of Commerce waa held yesterday, President Diaries S. Smith fielding. Milo M. fielding and Juan M. l>t.ll..s ?,.ro elected to membership, and the re. lena lion of Seth Low ?aK ac? cepted. Woodbury langdon I;, lng fleeted to th.- va. amy. The Executive Committee report--, tea letlcns which \vere adopted favoring the Incn-aso from el,.Vin, OOO to 13.000,000 in tha appropriation f,.r ihe (.,,\, nment ;,nil lings In thia city. Jackson H. tChatM favor-d ihe erection of an Assay .mee and su ra__- \.iu.ts for l.uilioii on Goveruor'a Ibland. Mr. hrhulir, .Samuel D. Babcock mid James M. Constable were appointed a ipeelal con.ii.i,, |? vi.*ct and report on a Hittable site for tho n> w F.-deisl buildings. MOURSISO FOR A LOM CAT. A remarkable cat BlIeaglBg to Mrs. Ow.-rn, of No. 225 West Thlrteenth-st.. has t?-en atataf s.iic.. Taaataf anl the sorrowing offers j ld reword to the poison who returns her pot. She advertUel ter leaa jeiteidaj ami I typographical error mada it appear that MM .Mued tho cai atllOO. Mra Owens says the cat was Milto, -nighed nearly thirty pounds and had one blue and one sjold eye. It will eat corn and asparagus, n. -ides thoo peculiar! tie., Mrs. Owens says that the cat will stand on Its hind less and imitate Sullivan and will spring to the top of a door and swing. ? a nerrin: seller wnn oouLD wait. Henry E. Fuller, of No. 41 Vlg.-n.i-...... nrooklvn. was held for trial by JtteUe. Ford il I , ?, Uattot Court y.-M-rday U. anawer the chart.* 0f hi a ns .1 fmit of diamond earrings valu.d at |-_-. Mrs. Anna Pond, who has a boarding-houae at No. 114 West Tlilrty-eer.ind st. pre? ferred the complaint. Fuller called on her on Tuesday evening and Induced her to buy a platan tha turned Into an a.rove at the b.vk of the mea le g.,t the mon-r, but before she had time to get lt Fuller said he would walt for tho mono- u t.i the .*_llo.?ln? day and hastily departed. After ho had gone alic discovered that he had stolen her diamond carringa. m??-. THE MUSEUM TO HA VE ITS FtOUBBg AGAIS. An order was served on Property Clerk Harriot at Police Headquarters jeM-ltaj, du.- Ung |,|m to deliver up the wax figures whieh aero stired In Kahn's Museum In Broadway a few m&uths ac. Kahn Ineaajet to remove the lip.ires from Headqiiaitcrs after BilhtfUL lt was said that his cont-itnplat<.d suit against loaparte* Steers aud Anthony Comstock for dan.ago* would ba abandoned. -? ? ALL THAT HE SEEDS IS LEO.% August Axt, age thirty four, who came to this country from Wurtemburg with lils wife on August 4, Hxy oms tmmnmy sent baeit m castle Garden ttem tat Hearait HriKpital, having hat both his |.-^s iwpmta^ jj,, ^ L<.u working on a tent emt .'.'ia:ii up to ian Mater, when one evening he nariel to walk to Uamllla n. j,, on a visit te his father. On the way his legs'boeame frostbitten and he waa taken to the hospital, and having neither crutches nor aiilf.ilal leg*, he wa* aent to the Immigration c'nniml-eloners as 1-elng hefeaJeaa Tho man states that If ha had artificial leg* he could support him aalf by worklm is a stone mason. -? ? _. ADaauncemeata I-Rimmei.l's Caramel.'. I.ich, Mellow. Deli none. Hams on a?cli ? rayner. Wli.ussals ll.,,., ;wsiirand iu iirancues. Ubi Pe*tWtWOf. -' V, rsi 14th st. tm mb owv -? fl EN* RT A. llAS'IlT.s, AI. I).. am wen uttmt Dlsaassasr tho Verna, smsa. -MaMMTltaMa oraona laipoteDceautiaterililr Hauls?aio Ui mi, ?'To Morn kr-. it ns. \f*t*atxiw*s *e>r:n*t 1 inoe, ?r _ itt tr v. rast.l.t. softaus ths gu os. ral.osi .si. , .??..,, 4n4f, %ll _%l4 aurea wiadooiia aa- durra a. I' vsatr a raaaaM ? ow.., ' or You cub keep Ai I.aby'a Skin m soft and mooia aa velvet t?r aain? CXjuMix'a Btsiout C'oimkiic FROM DELMONICO'S KITCHEN. yt*t^prwu /cj/?isi? <?^ __/? y^ffst^-tiryi (vL\s*^iMAjtuA a. 'l&u'r ff &?j" ^a^UJhr? [TBANSLATIOIT.] New York, February ll. In my use of tho Royal Baking Powder I have found it superior to all others. I recommend it as of the first quality. C. GORJU, Chef, Delmonico'*, PERFECTED, E. B. HARPER, President. HOME OFFICES: Mer Bli,N.Y.Citf lew aod Admirable Features of its Perfected Plan; FEATURE NO. 1 : Frco Policy, nn restrictions ui on rt.tidcnco, occupation or travel. FEATURE NO. 2 : Tolicy incontestable after five years. FEATUBE NO. 3: Policy non-forfeitaMe after five yean. FEATURE NO. 4 : Policy with a cash surrender va'in after fifteen years. FEATURE NO. 5 : Policy paid up after fifteen years. _ No Other Life Insurance Company Offers More Mflfctagms. Features, or Has AchJevcd Beter Results. ..VMlYTHlNt' THROWN OPEN INTEf-KITY OF TIIE MANAGEMENT. IT UAH STOOO TUE T -T OF MOUE OFFICIAL EXAMINATION;- 'MIAN AW OTIIEIt LIFE lNsritANCB COKI'DltAllOV IN EXIST ENCE. ANO STAMM TIMMY INl.OUS-.l. HY 1V"-I'I-ANCE WEPACTMiNTS AMD ? ACTUtUIEM, Ats The Peer of Any Company in the World The Mutual Raaarea a*aa weenUy exanteed in tho most critical and careful tttaaot br The Insurance Department of Missouri. n..n. Aifp'-l Carr, t-p-ttBt-Bteol; Um examl-U-UoB boing ronlii-(fd hy linn. !?'.. \V. Kim 't, DejmtJ "?".'' latent-lit, H.-n. auk*, ff. Barreff, De.a.H_neBi Actuary, Thew fen* ...?men, In Ililli OtMtl report) and an ?atborliet Inter \if\r tri-T.-up".), ".-.ld a* tellowa ! "Erotrtitlep in the oPlree of th. IMMMUN whs thrown op.u to M. 'Iii* B-BpIoVM ttotr bal I wi o ..' w*r?, an-, monlaetreeied t .?t ira were the temnatotf Malara ot (h*rntiro rat.ii>. ji'liniti.t. lu sh .r , srewere at liuerir to rt.. ex.ictlr its .?..- ._!__.?* ?. Mt I (aa e*r freaklT Vbtt wa trailed eeraelTee af our te the :-.iiie?t extant." " Th. re is en qoeetiea whatever as to tt.o laiagnrv ?t l.e rei ye ny'I ollie is : iii.-, nooks tlicinscv.-s snow Hit- eotidittna ol ihi i?l .Bri thee kera i.-^? kepi ?<- cw racily that mer wo .ia Ht ..ncr r?\? .1 au. ininn wron.', (ar taapeetien o. th. books siioirci n* that tlie Mataal iteeerva K.mi l.i ti* il aeon i tlna'a .-teire .re *io .lore Ulled lalo one aaottier thal ir..u-i <<a ti.e p.nof tt.<* meeecemeat eoaid be sm ces.Mil onlr m Hie altogether nn |rro....t.le rt.-iit of a Wholeaala cnn tpiranr ea thu put ol t..? meut." " We ox...nine<| eac'i of their elmina eeparetely, ** e saw tue eri-ien. 1. np tn wliirli 'lin .Lils t ware ealdeara le eaeryeeee. >a ? ?eel mi.. (Iii m_tter mr care full, fm ii" reaaoe Hie oem* Liar's ._ (iou wim reference te t|ios? (linns n ?i occaaioued wile _? iti?. n?s ea, ami tor the,u1 na ?on Him I myeelf nut .1 eerie e itaeraew prejudice, ?-hie a lied i..*?n cieai..< by Ilia -eiy pallin tr aralon th* metter bad reeetret, 1 rue -ar weekly 1 ?.. I .li 1 not .'n 1 3. sr.gie ri hui .nt deeper thin I myself wmiu bera cm 11 tool I I cen slltln : In (ll lc Heel Bp iii .1." " We eecertaiaed tbat the mortuary toot toe in ne I>.d.i with .nor.. than the actual am.mut paul Iii CiliipiomlM., I lin evnlenca lieiiif tn. corr. s;ioii,|,n(*.. ?| tlia Item in tile Mite.mut is.l Hie ohecK Indorsed ny me beueiiciary." " Now, as to Tour i.irse .|ne?tloaa reaar ima tti beuesty pre.ieeeimt vr..?'(>?.. ot Ihe ina (?(. -ir)?n I. Ilia Membera ? tba a?s.? unoa bara u.eii lionns'ljr dealt with ; (he niau Me<eeelhM boee pi nd eal le .en ..-?tin* fra udale ul ola) ..-*. ami it lia. hean w:?a in aaa srnne of me wont certainly, and thalia tn *?.>?: nt tn it Hut . cns* was Hear belara lt wis ?.||iist>'l." " I'll* man ivteiiient e(-.iis..i| .ino caution befnro sht. tlmif claims. I hey attted ia *ood taits t. .var i ?arvtvora " " Mr jud* mont is in it Hie c.m.piny ceiinucta Its aTaire Jn?t es i prndaol m.n Bendeela Ins prirate matters, witti due regard to economy and the beae lit of all concerned." PAYMENT OP DE ITU fl,AIMS. HONK8TV. PK I DENCE AND WISDOM. IT nAS PAID OVI.K 34,702,000 IN DEATH CLAIMS! rr nAS a cash ubservi SUBPLOT o? 31,546,368.49. The Central Trust Company of New York is tho Trustee of it3 Reserve Fund. It han tici-.-mpltshed all thee, result*-, paid all those claim*, accumulated this MMff-Ny fund, (.aid all Hs ox i? mm and MtalMi this iftoatM wpaiailan. and tat* lilMnl Life Insurance at Less than Half the Rates CSAMSD ny its iii-^ii kati: ni vals. Further Information supplied upon application to any of the Managers, General or Sportul Amelita In the Cnlted Mates, Finland, Franc or Canad!, or hy applying at the ?CM .'fill- l'oiicr lluililiiu;, :(-, |..,ru |',,,w, N. Y. INWARD ll HAKI'l.U, I'r.-sll nt. ALKHKI) TAVI.oi:, Vial I',li?nt 1 T. ll li AM AN, S.-rretary. N. W. BUBBA, BeaMaM Vlaa-Piw for Oreel nriuiu. J. W BOWTJiBM, M l>, Dudor. Hon. HKNItY J. lu-.! NM I M. il;it.?iupi Ins. Daffi of ?Hilo), ( ninptrollor \VII.I.1\M MM.r.i:it. Ulr.or of Airenclca. SAT1-0I I I'AIUllll. Attorn.}-. K. ll. LUDWIG, Su|H-rlnt. ndent O. R~ M.M'lll-.SNI'.V, Adjnetor. TUECENTBAl.TniMT < OMPANV DP NEW-VDUH. Zruatee ol tba Xontlno Hoaerve Pant. CONTENTMKNT. If you'd be content keep comfort? able, and comfort depends largely upon dress. Cheviots are greatly in favor; they do not look cool, but their loose text? ure permits freer circulation of air than closer woven goods, while their rough surface is appropriate to the duty of a business suit. We make many of our Cheviot Coats without lining in the back-Suits, $12 to $23. A blue serge makes a neat and ac? ceptable Summer Suit, and, worn with a white waistcoat and straw hat, is becoming to almost every? one. Ours are made in several styles, but the low-roll Sacque Coats are favorites. A liberal stock of Summer Suits for large men is one of our plans for pro? moting our popularity. Rogers, Peet _. Co., IlltOADtVVY AND PRINCE HT-, BROADWAY AND 3 JD Sr. Prices Samo at Both Stores. Silks f o r 31 i d-s ii ni m e r wea r. Tn order to present tlie Most Se-j led Stylet and Modern Colorings in Fabrics appropriate for Mid? summer wear, we have made special arrangements with oar Manufacturers and Printers and will exhibit this week, in our Silk Depart mont, a beautiful Selection ot Rich Goods especially designed and Colored for Walking Cos? tumes, Matinees, Wrappers, etc. We respectfully inform our cus? tomers that these goods cannot be purchased elsewhere, and invite an early examination. JAMES M0CR-BERY6CO ., Broadway and 11th Street. A FALSE IMPRESSION fAmm^mumm^?^_?^^?^^^s___________? ls aSooa i."i<*?i '? tin' ril'iM-i linn sbi-ra inijsi hi* made to iiirusuri- lu Ut well. Tho rrndy-mnili' I'"""" Mjoc ? triumph uf slim- iiiuiiufncturliig un* dtaprU this illusion. I.ri ua odd Hint it I -ll->?' ??'lil""' Iciupii till*..- llliprr-sl.Ml. HANAN & SON. AT RKTAII? 207 - BR".-DH \Y, N W-YORK, llriwi*i*ii !(?' nil* innl llmni'.n. 3U.Fl -.TDN--.I'. |||{ (OKI.V., Oppaalt* City lull Dar **h ts mu bp uhialui-tl fruin o ir Ajji-ms In t'i<* uri ur t(t..| rlnr. ol Iho I ulti-d Miir. A poatnl eas* tuldrcsard io u? will put thom within your reich. I/ULL. DRKSS SUITS (or Mle or hire. t Import-. NnrtltlM In fancy Veata. UNU'I M.tC; Ci?lh_a? I'artora, di) ?mi Itu au, aa__r Karto* liaaaa. SPECIAL MENTION ___.Tordw__.o_ato _t4_nltio_l lat* tb-*-. o<l??_,__...^ mtw-iai_r_ l*? ????* rs-odfii. ot TUB TRIaCl? m tl--ro?c-ily rollabl*. mmA baoiaooa earn b?4?4t tr mall trida lb* -_d?ort_*oe. srith aorta*! aanty --.soi inn .u. Ural Mi. I*-* and l.oir. .1 I* ricca. John Moore M ?'*. A -iM W.trren?4*_ Alas Van in sm A IKni ?. . _> n SCARFS und QfN I '?'?r rift ^^Oa* I JU \ DI HARK *" **N I Aro for SoB?wr I by tha 1 M-.l-tVO RKTAIf.KK.H CorrfCt S'.rla an'l ?i;??? ? .'ir :' wixd, coi.bcrs a- siuvim M-_Bu._v-'rs, -W B'--ay. _*-. Y J.S.C0N0VE-._;C3., J*ain.;i<*t-ii***r*?' SjutaWttO OPEN FIRE PLACED ?nd Parlor 'Irita* MAIW8M n,woe>_ suta wt .fatal U_ffO_rT_-B-l oa* -II____. 2?A:3ffW. NEW 2.1 D. tTL. Y->_t_-_ z^pen Artist, SOI BROADWAY, Fxecutra ?var* atyle of Ar. liaiii- l'?n "inin'ilp: Kpaola* lion*. Woatortato, orr., en. frroaan'. Crrtilnv unrf anec* IMI-IIS I.I'I ''I- I OD I I i| n-st. d! T. AMES, ii)j IIUII.luW.lV. GrPgl UNEXCELLED. OLD GOLD. If the tparii>ra of The Trihnne will K?t out t'.air on! __.-<? i?!. alit alTcr, olil lewelrj*. an'l '??"? R ly mall <>r fiprrn la Ba, we will si*ml thain l>r return ir.ail n cariiiiritriieca tor full raina. ni ii la ratoraad If oBbc not tat lsi.ictorv. Headquarter* tar Ijiiii* Waditop Praaaat-L luamonils, Watrlies, 4c A atore lull of nil-.- nus. hen.I .tump fur prli'o-liat. J. H. Johnston & Son, IM BOWERY, N. Y. wa-: DIFFER in ekaraatar aaa eaaabiliw ?? va <io in liiokaand tem~era rm i.t. i'r-1 rataa I youraoll ami faa ii ito tho ker to oqo. (-,_...' a 1'. t"Miii.o_r'.*al i'h>rt will ahnw wli it ru ii aio. Bl R-rloationa itally. POW M-R& WILLS CO., 775 BKOAI'WAY. Crouch & Fitzrjerald ICeltahlt" TrunkM anti _?i'_ra. 1 CmtmmS m -SM*! fifth lironil vt :iy, Ka V. awTjwni EACH is-i i: MTm Tl IAN Xiii. I Ajpm TWI-.l.Vr PAQUh BTi: i.v ; ARTICLSI Et ROTED v...i.'.:r.. Barara* tfcaamnd i.o.iara mottoi I SEWS, .*K Kl-'ll Ks, ANO KT"iu::s roi: CEN TB. Tbe purtioec le to amm tm At.oi oaim': ia tint city. ' E. fcFl.T. AnthonTACf Ml BKOAUtVAY .1 x PIIOlOORAI'Illo'* A-tiA.__U. OIT-/!^ ."N.I-Y8!t tHt Broadway, i ? S37 I r. i !>.tr,s ? I**7 I'nlloa-et, Rrstklji GOLUnflSIA Bicycles, ^ Tricyciw, Tandems, Safeties. POPE MTG CO. IS WA RR IA. Hu, WWW YOP.K. tjfufM Egtnbliahed I **?*??. J. LEACH, Stationer, Printer, BLANK BOOK MTj, fs6 SASS*C_".T? Ptaml.irl, Am-?r!<*ii? aol Pptmp Hack Diaries on baal til ike ye ir. Special Ruled Arrennt Bielq naile te enlcrat short natte! LEGGAT BROS, CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THS WORLD. IVi.LLIOM BOOKS Bare, Cn -i-it. ll.ttOftl l-IVKs, I.Hiram < Pup i i.-l > hsapaf [kau at any Bo Uti ir :a Le ""..rl-l Lllirarlei ti Bunsil >:-i!.'iii?)i'i I itlalagaa I'reo. -1 ( !i itribnrx-st., ?'. laor .'. cat oi cly li - Putt, VV. IO vrs. exparlen ? ?- ' ' m PESFECT STEAM CARLET Cleansing. ra*, la I". 8. A Ki rope, Thos. Jas. Stewart. i :B?_ 1.531 vent, Sd doora .re t6tk__L md Iri.-ite I '-l-l "IS.J.O Ti-!, ' "tioa. Relaying a -in*' "'"-__ ?Tke H - rltaB i ? le e .?'. I riiii-** -HAIM-..I* . ll -itrBO-WI , >tk-*____. ! - .'???*?? ?_f ? Aieet in _B ..s trin-lii. nfs i * _ * * ' : ''*_*. irii'i"' "_*fj , . 1 n ?_ s .1 SILK lu ve e'.retAjet ?timi i i-r* auriu heart r-ci-liii.ti't. i-.?????;? __c hoimiii. ol Hit* Hrwln-rd* tiin.lroiiul <>? ii i'd lb*'I"*-* ,,.11'L " A-iali. Ilya. ^^ Mill HR.HDW.W. M* T. m <_?-> 7*. BUYS a nobbr punts: 50 ktrUs *B>-?_ i?9 ira.i leadlaa tall-re at nat. ea''-*' J****! Multi lu:mag Parleaa, 1.1 Et WI * ?" **? *mm "CHUTE THE MAIL.' VII8FIT ninl uncalled-for *_uiK - ??? Jl trouaare (rom teadlnc talara t . . ?u .I'-ats. Munt CloihJBjl I'iiMrs, Ol __. Utile*- un lor UotlOt pa******* THE TARIFF T1IEV ARI- TKYIXti TO OVERTHBOlT Anil orer *?_r..h A Tug-of-War is Now Taking Place. HOW AMERICA FLINGS HER MILLIONS Over ihe saorld for Forrluii Labor nnd l?roducl?. "Tin*. Ttitu i WE issy .? -?V"'*'r."?_i"'-^ I", ll,,' pri-int Tatt* I" tull- "*?' '''', '?*.,,? ,.?... ?? eh.,.,...,, HM ...-mt fa* al;r..i I lor _?"?*? _, rf br.,.,: I..'.- n.*. baa?l;r 'V"'?Mba \rmrmm oummaa nm Uww* ?*? 'J' ,i^7?r_J ?ava., tn asMbli ,.i th" m ???*?* ?"'??? **,?,,_.... a ,,..?. ann,* 17-M ? Jarclan I ?^-r ^_ ,, run t_a i.?? I"".* W_eJMb la tbr JBP? _,. ,? bJy all I ailed -uti,- t...-..-r...Hi'in n.r 1* j <? r ??,,., ,wie? Ibr lallruis-leaud IVIt-anipb Hiu*a -? *?? avrr. . ....lin* Roat? I -j ronf. a ropr- A pplr In Tr limn '^Z-Z-rr?2 i, anit or (ivpro?t *_.(_ 7**; KOKn o'?-'**??ii> "li'^J. t'i_tuu? Pari-r*. ? J fe ? ? > wann 99b. LA -NO??_??_& .reuCtia. " BM. HtU-et, uador Ma-tea Uoiue. W eu