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CALIFORNIA AT THE FRONT. THE EMPEROR OF NORFOLK'S VICTORY. ti fe BXCKLUtXT 1UCI-.0 AT JKRUMB PABK?TWO OOOD TBUKa-TkAR-Ol.DS. It was refreihlng and delightful at Jerome Park TOSterday to seo that sturdy and iwift colt, Emperor Of Norfolk, eratter all opposition like chart In th* Bpujten Tuyrel Stakes The best of th* black Jockeys, Jeane Murphy, rode him at 113 1 J pounds, having taken much pains to reduce hlraieif in ordsr to ride this race. Mr. Haggln wisely concluded to with? draw Aurel*-, as there was no probabUity that thu ftlly with 120 pounds in the saddle could get first, eecond or third place. So tho field which the Em? peror met was oonilned to Climax, PatrocUs, Lady gMtneose snd Ovid, all of whom found supporters. Murphy mad* up hu mind to have no lingering or uncertainty and sent the son of Norfolk briskly along (rein the first strid**. L-irfy Primrose and Patroclo* kept pace with him for ha'f a mlle, ard at th* head of the horoestretch Patroclo* shot into the lend. But, running smoothly and with enormous power, the Emperor had Patroole* and Lady>e soundly beaten before the lost furlong was rotwbed. Tbe ?nd of ths race wa* beyond the regular Judges' Itand and the Intelligent and discriminating California colt got the Idea that the race was over then and there, and did not wish to run a yard more. Just at this Instant Climax dashed up with one of his characteristic La-iesnry rushes, and Murphy wa* compelled to shako up Hie Imperial racehorse and flourish his whip. With this mild reminder for him to bs up and doing, tho autocratic dolt strode away ?nd won easily, Climax pelting second place, aud Patroele* third. Lady socrued tied up and showed none of her usual speed. Tke friend-- of Ovid ?were confident that she would get second placo, hut shs was never In the race at all, doddering along modestly In tbe background. Tho Emperor Is the lion ot the three-year-olds and few of the owners of older horses of high class care to try conclusions with him. Ile ls certainly a colt of var-t sp**ed and stupendous ability In weight carrying. Put that hr. I* the American colt of the century ls rot yet at all clear. Ile must meet Tho Bard to settlo fha* point. It was a favora-lc day for favorites, the majority of the seven races falling to them. Mr. l.clmout was present to see his commendable colt Tri nee Koyal make a sickly show of his only antagonist, Brown Duke, In the first race. Prince, noyal ran like a prince el the true blood. Ho will start In the Belmont Stakes to-morrow, and was run out for a mile and a half for a trial. Som* watches made .ls time 2 40 1 li; some others made lt 2:40. The Dwyers' colt Hr Dixon covered tho distance yesterday In a trial In 2:41. Hence these two colts may fullly te considered as not far apart at present, and they will probably run an Incandescent aud Illuminating 6ort of an electric ra/** to-morrow, one worth some minutes of caieiul inod Itaiii.n. As Potlphar's wife did not Interfere with the smooth progress of affairs, Joseph won the second rac? neatly, With Mr. Withers** Minority colt In second place. But joseph will not succeed In Lading his out of Egypt when ho mocts the Minority colt at Monmouth Park. Mr. WU hera's colt needs more time, more work, tnore .at* and les* cougiiing. Ho will yet put J OBI pii into a pit and sell him to a caravan of Egyptians. The old horse Le Logos wore down his opponents In the third race, and won wilh a trifle up his. ear. After the Empeior of Norfolk's 6uperb dl.piay of fitrength and speed, Mr. Galway's Belvidere, now a handicap colt of much merit, made Mr. Wllhers's Fitz? roy look like a skulking sneak. And yet Fltxroy isn't the worst colt lu the world. Mr. Caldwell labored long and wrestled nifgedly with some recalcitrant jockeys In the selling race, and Nrhen he had got through with them some gory heads were dripping under tiie axe of the cxocutlou'.-r. Por instance, that rapid llttlo lad Church was suspended for the ret of tho Jerome Park meeting. The favo? rite. Little Minnie, filial;., got off lu trout and ielua:ned there. in the .teeplecbase two riders fell, but they were only stunned. Johu Henry won easily, Harry Mann second. Mr. Morgan's mare Mystic -.etuis to need a little more work. 6he will see a better day. To-day "alli contain no races nor rumors of races t Jerome Park. Everybody needs a rot. To-morrow he sport will be resumed with tho Belmont blakes and other fascinating contests. B-RbT RACK-HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES. OM EACH, el, 250 Ali OED. 13 19 MILES. August Belmont's ch. o. Prince Royal, by Klngtlsbsr* Princess, % yrs., 109 16 (car- 110. . . Oodfrey) 1 Lauiaaii.y BroihwV br. g. Brown Duke, 6. 102 .... (Williams) 2 Tlme-2 :05 1-2. A oe tlon pools?Prince Loyal elOO. Bre<n\ Duke $65. Mutuals- Prince If yal straight paid &7 95. Total ou5n ber ot ti cte t? told. i, wi. Brown Duke led by a length for a quarter mlle. Go? ing around Picnio lilli Prince Beyal moved up tnd When the pair cams tn sight at the Quarter pott their heads were together. They ran locked together like a team until the tluit hid them from view. When they reappeared In a cloud of dust at the half, l'rltice Royal was three 1<-ncths before his oppeneot, and thereafter the Issue was never In doubt. Coming ou without tim.h of whip or spur, tho favorite won at hla leisure by four length*. Godfrey did Hot pull up at the finish, but kept the Prince isolng for another halt mile, giving him a mal gallop tor the Belmont Stakes on Saturday. IECOXD P.ACE-runSE $700. MAIDEN THREE YEAROLDS. ONE MILE. E. F. MeCarthv* b. o. Joseph, by The Duke-Brtda. marne, 111 lb.(l.lttleil.ld) 1 _D. D. Wilheiaa b. c. by King Erneat-Mioo.itr, ll. (Hayward) 2 preakness Stable's b. c. Fiddler, itt.ishauer) 8 3. H. HaStfla'S b. t. Music, 106 ... . (Ix noii'ie) 0 Ilam.i| - li. c. I-i.Ineton. 114.ll*. ????_) fi Castle Ruble's b. c. Chambly, 111.(Stone) 0 M. W. Kolan'* ch. -_. lian, 115 . . (Pal.rt () m. Lotta's ch. g. Harbor L'.zhts, IOU . . . (Anderson) 0 lt. Bradley** rh. I. Fanni* H., 300 .... tKiiin-v) fl Edgmunt Stable's b. c. Joggler, nt.i.Mauin) tl Tlrhe-1:48 ___, Auction pools?Minority eolt $250, Fiddler $185. Dar Ungton $1*0. Joseph $60, Juggler $00, field $70. Mutuals-Joseph straight paid $.3 bo, piace $14 10; Mi? nority con place $0 2.. Toul numbor of tickeu sold. tutti. Harbor Lights led for half a title snd retired In disor? der. The Minority colt then took up the running, but Kentucky Ban outpaced him and shon-ed the way into th* homestretch, where he quit, as usual, Joseph mad* hla run at thl* point and paused everything, gaining a l*ad ol balf a length at the fur'ung pole. This hs continued to Increase, and though nevw hurried lu any part of the race, won by two lengths, th* Minority colt second, a neck be? fore Fiddler, who came boldly up at tho finish. Music iwas net er dangorous. ff-UIRD RACE-HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES. 92b FACU, $1,2.0 ADDED. 15-10 MILES. R. Bradley's b. g. Le Logos, by LeUpa-War Real, 6 yrs 107 lb.(Chin.-*.) 1 J. li. Morn_*.---y's Uk. c. Locust, 8, 105 (Littledeidl 2 J.. Martin's hr. m. Bord**!il*--, 5, los . . . (I'aliu.r) 8 K. N. M.Uer*a b. g. Ten Booker, 0, 103 . . (Williams) 0 l'l-caiuieM bu ti.e u b. c. Larch mont, 8, 105. . t Sha uer) 0 Tlme-2:20 1-2. Auction poola-Borcielaise $2.0. Larchmont $210. Le logos $175, Held $150. Mutuala-L* Logo* atratght pall $16, plaoe $5 C5; _x*eu_>? place $9 ?>$. Total number of ticket* sold 4,535. Le Logoa made a runaway race of lt, getting off well In front aud remaining thens to the end, winning without effort by a length, Loiuat second, four length* before i-Wdelaise. Tha favorite run wr.UI_e.lly throughout {Tan Booker 1* Improving tn pace and temper. Th* dis? tance wa* too great tor l-_an.-iii.ont. POUI-TIt KAC-D-SPUJ-TEN TLVVEL STAKES. ?50 EACH. SL0OO ADDED. hEVEN FURLONGS. K- J. Baldwin's b. c. Emperor of Norfolk, by Norfolk Maruu, h yrs., 118 Bi.(Murphy) 1 y Brother*' ch. g. Climax. 5. 101 (\V.._ia ?) 2 J***'*?"_*,. 11*'**.'f **? *? Patrocic*. 6. 101 iAn.-_vi.ion) 8 t/uke Tully's bis. t Ovid. 4. 9? . . . (Litt-efl.Hi 0 August LtUuoul'a b. L I_a0y Prl?roa_. s mt ill ay ward, Jr.j 0 Tlmo-1:30. Ac.t'on pools?Emperor $700. Climax $210. Ovid $125, l__d $110. Mutuals-Emperor ?tra!ght paid $7 05, plscs $0 25; Climax plac* $7 00. Total nu.-nUr of ticket* soil 9,17ft,. Bea* ana Aur*_i* were withdrawn. The race waa run ortt the Tun oomoo, the finlah being b*yon1 the judges' Stand. Murphy drew halt a pound overs-lsht. The Umperor waa more fractious at th* pott than ever before, causing * ?hort daisy. Mr. CaJflw.-ll mix them off alwoat !? lite. Murphy ahook *up the favorite instantly, a'.d thj great thr**^y_irold shot to the front uul.k and sweeping stride. Pa*dug the club-house he wa* half a length befor* Ledy Pr.mroa*. Pauocle* third, cloae up, two leugths befor* Ovid. Climax trauing. Tit* pace was bot. Ciouls of don followed th* horses aiotti.4 tba bl ul snd hld them from vl?.w uutu th*y wer* beyond tho half? tone poet I^dy Prtiuroa* wa* thu flr*t to ,m_re. tru?, tbe y*liow *cr*??n. Th* tmptror waa at her throaviateh sr I tb Patroclo* only a neck, behind Corni..* law. th* komeMreteh the favorite appeared to lose grosmd for an Instant, PaUoele* taking tho lead from Lady*?, Oho. having .Hough, beat * hasty retreat, Olmax eame through with a rush. e-_all*_-gi_g th* iead?r? lt ?v^ _Kiuar?d away for home. P*trocl_? Quickiy aurcurahsd aud tha Emp-ror faitetcd. Murphy draw hla whu, aad gav* the Utter a smart blow on the flank. He rall.ed lu reply, and with a mighty bound extended himself f?r th* flrst Um* this year. There waa no llvlne with him after te-' A* they passed th* arsnd sund h* waa leas. lng by half a length. Climax strove very hard, but he could never get up again and th* Ernie -or won- i iui_at beat Patrocles two lengths for the pla. e. Laiy prj,.,. ftotft and Ovid were disgracefully outpaced in th* homs steatch. Tb* Emperor wa* blowln-r aa If he had been to the races whan ht cam* back to the ?-?ales. riJTIi RACE-HAMDICAP SWEEPSTAKES. g20 EACH, $1,000 APDED. 1 1-8 _dlI.ES. pr._kr.e__j- fct..i,io'? b. c. Belvidere, by Billet-Jaconet, 4 yrs., 120 _b.(fahaueri 1 D. D. Withers'* b. ft Fitzroy. 4. 118 ... . (Hayward) 2 ll. McCairou, Jr.'*, br f. Nelli* B , 4, t*2 . . (kiunott) 8 Tlme-1:58 1-2. KoCttalSwBeiviaere ctraight paid $6 60, place $5 15; Mutuals? Belvldero s-ndtJhS paid tb PO. plan* $5 15 Flt7roy place $5 30. Toul number of HahS-i WEE ESS* Hayward took Fltrroy to the front at the fall of the flag ind (Wt S lively pace. Nollie tl. nae se.-oi'd for a furlong, but as they rounded Picnic lilli Belvidere moved up under t strong pull, the Ally falling back io her proper place In tho rear. At the Qiirtrr Fit.icy led by two lenetha, Bcl-.ld.r_ tecond, tho Mme distance bo/ore Neille ll-, who was soon dropped by tho wayside. Belvidere, running well within hltoeelf, gal." I ea I Oaf at every stride, closing vlth him a* he cnt'-:ol tho homentrvtch. Flt7roy held tho rall, forcing Belvidere to go to tho outside. When headed his courage faded Hayward dNM lils whip and used lt with vigor, but Belvidere galloped away from hit opponent and wou st ida leisure by a length. Keino B. na* beaten ott. blXXJI RACE-PUR.**-.-, $000. BELLING. SIX FCRLOM.s. E___meaa> Brothers' ch. m. Little Minni*, by Ktng AlfPti-o-Mlninda, b yrs., 1.0 Th . . (Williams) j. Craver's ->? s ttOat, tm U7 . . (Leavy) 2 R. 3. U-utchinson'* b. h. Oholuia, 0, 106 (*W. Donohue) ii TLme-1:10 1-2. Crtera (111), Niagara |U.), Queen of Heart* (106), Oicnspray (1W?. Fii-ily (mt. Was Mouse (Bl), Eachos (111), Electricity (lOV). Qnibbler (1)8), and Fountain (08), also ran, finishing in the order named. Auction pool*?Little Minute tbum% Frolic $150, Niagara $150, Firefly $140, field $800. Mutuals-Llttl* Minnie stratcht paid $14 06, jTaca $S 70; Frolic place (field ticket) SS 70. Ariel ran away three mi!, a, and *topped so tired that tho judge* excused him. theta was a long delay at tho p?*t, and the usg waa given to aa uneven start. Little M Iniilc and Frolic having th* best of lt They made all the running, th* favorite winning by a length. Frolic second, a neck before Cholnla, third. Miss Mouse ara* shut out at '.he bluff, and*Glen*pi_y was in ciiflicultie* ?ll the way. Ko bid for the winner. SEVENTH RACE-HANDICAP STEEPT.'ECIIASE." Pt.R-.-_ $050. SHORT OOUMfc A. W. Weli__.-ar_H'? 1>. h, John Henry, |.y Barnton Malar'.ii. A fears. 150 B ........ . (Dickens) 1 Tl. Cohen's b. g. llr.ny Mann, a<,-ed, 1.5 (M. Haly) 2 R. Bra.ley's b. g. Elphin, 5, 137.(l'op-. 8 Of. Uiu'iiu-i- b ? Llttlsfellow ir, o. i.- (Mara) o Hemj.*- ch rn Mystle, aired, ni (Scanlon) 0 v >. Daly's rh. g. Willie Palmer, 4, 12$ (Verplanck. 0 Queen* (... Btabie'a br. g. Eenabar, 0. Hi* (If. Kenny) .. T.'s ch. g. Klee Ti.nbler.aged, lit') (J. Kenny) 0 (.'. lt. Post's ch. g. Valli Devi . aced, 1st. . . . (Pot! J. IL McCormick's b.g. Mont* OhrUio.5,120 (G.Lyuol i) ? Time?None ? Fell. Auction pools?Mystic BIBB, John ITenry $100, Will Davis OtOi Harry Munn $00. Held $100. ?at! il*?Jottli Henry straight pall $25 50. pla-e $15 80 ; Warty atssm place *16 50. Total number of tickets sold, 8,410. Flphln got a long lead In the first furln**. and made the running ni) the wac M the head of the homestretch, who<*e Harry Mann, Llr.Kf.-llnw and John Hei.r\ (BOael with him. A desperate finish was the result. Thc four wero almost In ilii" when they took t-he lani, hntdle hr the bet? ting ring. John gelaed ci.nsi lern>..y !<V a long ani easy filch.. Md setpeO-M the oth.r-. la thc llnal darli, won cbverly by a k?n-.-tti. Hairy Munn SeOSBd. * neck before Elphin, third Llttlefellow close up. Kin.: Troubler pat /..uighur had a flu- view of the rac* thro.i'.-liout, their riders rn'oylng a p_M-___f cha' as Hey cl'd-l leisurely a furlong In Will Davis caine a mtOj eisppn at the hurdle hy the ci?i. boase mi ' bit the turf at tao helga opp..-1.- ti,.- n-Mftaa paowaek. Neither leehey va* seriously hutt, altheaah E-jMftf-a no.o got a bad mashing. A DEAD HEAT AT DOKOAITZ1L landon, June T.-Thl* iras ihe first day Pt thc DOB caster Spring Meetlnfr. Ti.e SOS __rWS race for the Doncaster Spring Handicap Plate of 1.000 sovereigns leawlted in a deal heat for am pia.-* between Lord Enesmne.1 feu.--ar... 1 ehestaal sall talla and Lcd AHrigtoii*s four-year-ol-l b..y Bell KU gflahsr. The sOShOS were divided. M. Bmrrft _kioe_?e-_i*eMI oheetaet filly Pedlsrree **-as third, thre* l.-n.'ths behind the leaders The bettine before the Mart waa 10 to 1 each against Felix, Kingfisher and Pedigree. -1??.---,?. EFIDESCE AGAIXST TTTH*?*r'OMBTXE." THE GRAND JURT STILL m*!,Y WiTH THK DKI.ATT.D t ?*.(?*<>*.: OA-*'.'. The Oyer and Ternilner Gre,;.. Jury has been In ve-.ii.-atlng the d.-la\t*d excise <-*t?es at the rate nf fifty each day. The result of Bmtr days' work will appear to-day, when ti.e Jury *$rVj?**-H b_*,w Sm*** Lai-rett to present indictment!*-. l*Jit).iiiv.:.s'!gatioti ol th. alleged corrupt " cqinUnr'-'Itf the fl<M_rd ol Alders mon bas not tiecn beprun, but (riinesse. Va\*? liecn ex? amined by the assistants of ttjo Dtotriet-Attoraej and lt is tald that evidence tnE-etfatlng two ol tie* r-ioin bers ol the pea eal Boar, i as leen obtained nearly sufliclent to establish their zutft. , |__-T Ex-Judge Angel, tv.rn Tfty^"...-*?**. --_*?0?e met Im? portant trltn.sses In Uio $*___$ oftl.e Woodstuek Pall road, which, tl, ls cla-iued, *r*_- stopped because the company rtfuw-d t*_.-*pa\ Aro ?*"__mt.-ne'' P2UAJ00 for a tranch?e,*?ri*$hii>*d'ye-{rr(J**y. bow the demand ?-___ made known to him. wiiiie-ttin'iri^rnhrwra* under con? sideration, Mr.,..r JJ-^y*-'buf..f-r -.nd an acquaintance of several Vf the "Al.i??rnien, Inrrrosted himself to secure the desired Me did tlils. Mr. Anjrol said, on his own rosijonslbimy. McO<s n i-e)niited to Mr. Angel tfiatJ \',ijA*>lho mill oed tu looted upon with favor by tbe CviaJ|U>n Connell, "lt would cost -ta-ljf-ITtl to int _M-_XfiUfju" T?ll report, Mr. Angel said, eua made to .iK-_\T-$' V.ri<wcn in the i .;,.?_ ni c. C. Blgelew^ wi... wa*, wiii.i.rt to provo tho statements made by Mr. Ati__l. JO REFORM Pl BUG SCOODL METI\OH> A IT.OPOSAL TO OBGAM-lB A KOCIETT POP. TUA': PUB-POS-ET" A circular has been wot t/o.a nUtiter of prominent pee pie In New-York, within a le.v Jays, v.lil. a \ i"'.r to Du organization of a s?iety for tlia poipoes Of t.form In th. pul.ile school methods of tho city. TIN plan of Uio oi i.'..n..-atJ":i is oat yet matured, but a I ' Utoes in tetested ls to be held ox the huuse of Dr. Wililam M Wood, No. 17 Last Thirty Slfhth St. on Saturday fo that puipose. Among those BMatfODSd lu ? I with the project are: Dr. Abtahatn Ja. ..I.I, l'-iix Adler Franrla Usher Wood, Dr. Ilowaid Crosby, Anna C Brown, Professor L. S. Newberry, Kate V, Thompson Dr. P.ichard Ii. Dewey, Caroline P. Choate, Horace White Dr. D. li. St. John Koosa, the Rev. Dr. Ralnsford, Jean I ette L. Thurbtr, Lunlco M. Dana, Ju.Ige and Mrs. Charle P. Daly. School Commissioner P. W. D^voe said he though food would come to the school system from any *ucl movement Referring to tlie re-election of Superintend ent Jasper, Mr. Devoe added: " I did not make any M erenc* to ex-Mayor Grace In the $neat_hrs .-'..Hsion yes tcrday, or hi* connection with any opposition tl.H wa made to Mr. Jasper. Ono of the coinn s-imiers salt that e^ Mayor Grace had a band In tho mutter and h. know lt, but I told him I didn't want to know anyihini about lt." Superintendent Jasper was overwhelmed with tele (Trama and lett, rs from friends yesterday c.-m^rratul-.irinc hln on his re-election aud expressing th.-lr sa ti -fa ci lon at th. ic-sulta. He sail that he had received one of tho cir eulin relating to the proposed sod-'ty and was ready t< otter any ad that his position weald et.a.lo bim to con tribute to lu TEE APPROfRIATI'iS EOE QUABAMTTiTB WORK, A __eetlai of the <?<!)>.\,i?-.i..n i peale led 1$ $_cesM the recent apt r..prlatlon of the bsgUUtare 0> put the Quar sntlne establishment In thorough condition for the coming summer wa* held yesterday at the Mayor'-. ..dlr. Thl member* preaent wei** the Mayor, II-.Uh C'l.-er Smith, Quarantine Commissioner* Nichol* aad Allen and Slate Ei.r'.neer Iti.earr. Tho State Ei.gtn> < r reported that the oommittee consisting of hims. if. Prstfteal Aadstasa and Dr. Smith had cajefu.'ly examined the islands In Quaran* tl...., tot'.tin-r with Die lo.ltliim* aud. wharves, as well ai tn..-., kl ti." beerdlaa wstlsa. ti.c eeiiialiiiis found that the work aotherised by tho act of AssS-Shly w.i- tr . s^aiy, and it wa* recommi-nded tiiat the aeesesary surveys t.e n,.i l. for the apeeilieationM, on which bate coulu ba ?(lvertls< . tor. Tbe employment of aiMiistai.t* te the cummitto* u do this work wa* authorized. After some discussion as tc the mode to bo adopted in expending the apuropneUon the subject was poatpoiiod until tho next ?eealag, whi>;li will b* held to-day. lim sum of $1,000 was appropriated for repairing tte board.i.g tug George U 1'resiou. BBOQELJB SVSDA T-SCHOOLS para de. Tbe anr.ual parade cf the Sunday-in-hool* in the Eastern Af-sxyulioii of lirooklyii r...... pteei 3r--.i_*y lu lu 'llorj-ave. Tho fine wttrtb.r brought out ever 20,000 children with thoir Maehass and oflleor*, Exerclvs ann hali in a acore of cl.urv.he_, what* annlvei?ary were sung and Bfeeah. s were mada. At 2 :80 p. m. the flfiy-lluoe school.-i, mei_a$Bal in twenty two divlMoi.*, each led by a band, Shambled lu tlie streets ciosalng LedTordave., betwe-e itroad-ray anl 'i'ayl.?r-?t., and Iod by Grand Marshal O. li. Eewl*. ?Stnhed on ea.-.h aldo ol tue roadway In BatTt*s9,arO., from Broadway to Eluahlnt ^re., and then Se__a$ea__BS_h$i down the tei.iro of Uadford ? ve. bclareea thc line* moving 1n the opposite direction. The reviewing ?und wa* st bedford and Divlalor. aves, snd among thc?* upon lt were Acting Mayor McCarty, Corpjiau..!. Ds$M$$| Jcnk*i tad ti.e paator* of a nuiuhcr ol the chtuxhe* whoso ac hool* Joined In tho march. TO REPAIR IEE CliVSCIL WIGWAM. Mens-wer* at work lu Tammany Hali yesterday clear? ing away tha rubtUh of the Ur* and get-lug ready to re build the liiUHor of tha .tructure. Work will bo begut ?aortly. A political can_.lga wlUiout Tammauy Bal a* a meeting pi a cs of thy big chief* aud little " lujuna" would be a wonder, ana the oonusvtor will spare no ef lort* to get the wigwam lu resdine** for thu bras* a. OH! MY BACK! So often heard at thia __oaa.ii of the y.-ar mean* tor. pldlty or oongu-Uou ot ino kidney*, which, if not promptly -ed, 1* *M-*iy /uLowd bj norna form af li :.'t Uk* naUM-_l.i.K -cur. _,l*? fo -.UU, lioul,..? bul ID I'.* l'l??ier imu.r u?teir over the kidney* a.. will quickly follow, u, coutit-r-lniunu anl stlmulaUng propeniv* sr* truly wonderful. Aaa lor Bena-cm'* sud ref u_? _a ether puut-tr*. THE GIANTS WEAKENING. THET DROP BACK TO FOURTH PLACE. BROOKLTN WIN8 ITS THIRD GAME'PROM ST. LOUIS-TnE ltr..VI.I>. The New-Tork mn* played another wretched game at the Polo Ground* yesterday, being defeated after a tire? some conceit by tbe Washington club. Abont 1.500 spec? tator* wore project. \V*rd'a futnbllnir work kt *h..rt sup did mvch to cause the defeat jf tho home club. Only one baaehlt wi* made In th* Inning In wbleb ti., visiting men *corcd Ave tuna The _K-or>* wi* 1 EOtt. Tork. r.;i?ipoi Suit, ({ore. If. WaM. ?*... Kwing. 3 b.. Cmiior, lb...., Slatter*, r 1... R, ?_! bj Troter, ct... Mniphy. 0_[ Tilcuiub, p. s; 11 0, Ol 0. 2' 1!?! Oi Ol ol Ol (I 0 0| 0. H'aaAfngron. I r.jlblp.), a.. e. Tal., rf. ll -.bock. If.I 'Jj S i.'Brian. 1 1-..I '-. 0 O/hltMr, p... ll 0 _*_I.er_,2b....l fi OiIHot. e t-.| 0 (i Mift, o.' Ul 0 0, i lal fl 0 n r Q _ I Irv;, es, II Tooa-lly. 3 b. _li Toals.I bl -tins elli,'! Toui*.. 0.2 0! 4 1 1| Oj 0 5 T|"4.l7'li|l0 Runs scored each Inning t New-York.02101 010 0-1. Washlngton . ... 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 o x-7 Earned run*?New-Tork, 8; Wallington, 1. First base bv error*?New-Tork, 8; Washington, 7. Flr*t base on balls?Gore 2, Connor 2, Murphy 1, Shock X, Irwin L Stolen ba*_?t?Ewing 1. Struck out?Fo.* ter L Tlteomb 2, Myer* 1, Irwin 1. Three-ba*e h)t*--_>oi. L Slattery 1. Two-base hlts-Hheck 1. Hit by pither-Shock. Baae on balk-Oore 1. Umpire?Mr. Valentin*. The Brooklyn club again defeated the St. Loni* nine at Washington I'ark, R'voklyn. yesterday. About 9.000 people wero prs?en*. Hm. be* pitched, ne ha* not lo?t a game thl* y??r. ___? wa* as lollow*: ?_v leaui. plI-JftJTaT;.. T Rmukivn. ir. |lb|po] *-k L_tl7am8\ ?s| 1 I if .I '.''Plnaney. 3b. 1 6 ?| 0 " 1 Lvov*, Sb, rf.I Ol (. 0 H ri M. Cieil'n, 2b. I1 9\ bi 1 0 Ol 7 >rr. lb li: Kouts. rf.| 1 1 smith, ss.I 2 ti O'brien. If... _? (l)Ka.lford. rf...I li I il ..h.s. p....| l| 6 C.. i 0 li ? O'Neil, ll Coariskr.lttfli Hobips ti.2' *ll M'C<rr..v.rt2ii Hu.!-..i: rf. lb Boyla, c. Bevlin -p.... _T*tal?..1~.'!~.T.' Totals.I'll' 0!87l"l.l 1 Beere by lunlngs i BL Louis.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 Brooklyn.2 2 0 l 4 0 2 0 x-ll R'ins earned-St- Loul*. 0; Brooklyn, 3. Two-bane hits ?Hug) Thiee blKO hits?O'Brl-n. Home run.*?Smith. First baal on CI!?Latl.-iin, Devi.ii, Pinknej- 2, Radford. tMtai bases?Latham, McCarthy. O'Brien 2. Btruok out? Bobin..n. Boyle, I)c. lin, HeOtSUaa 3. Orr, O'Brien. Fir-t i.a-sn on suets Bb. i.ohk 3; i........i\ n, 4. Dombls liushong and McClellan 1, Hoyle and Robln.-on 1. Hit by -.itcher-Orr L Umpire-Mr. Gaffney. The .I'm-y City and IiKliantr.oll* clubs p'.iyrd at Oik land I'ark, J.r*oy i 'j ho home nine w..n with ease. Tho score was as follows: Indlanai ttl lt Jeriev City, i r.'lb po' Hilund. ?!.... ll en, 1 b.. Knowles, i b, li:. I. lt.-. Brady, r. f.... lt, -'__. Hnfford, c... . J", y. i>. L.'.ti-l, SS. ? ll 1 ti li 21 'Jl 1 1 1 j 1| 0 1 i**eerv. ll. i S'li'l 0| l.i;..i.*.(.|ic?, 2b I 1 ;: _ 2: r. Sbonbar*, rf 1 li rn 0 'lie nr. * ?.. ..| n 1 (? ll Mi (?.?... bv.Ctp o .. Daley, S b.I 0 7. .11 1 K-terl.r'k. lb. I (' 0] 7, ti Beckley, c.-1 0 0\ i o i-hteTc. u ...., 0 _ l_. | ? fl ?-?O' H | Totals.I 3 U I . L 'l|(.|~0 (. 4 I o| a' SI i 0111 1 I .. 1 7: __7ilts 17 fl 0 B 0 1 7~_-> 0 0 10 0 0-3 ; Indlanapolla, 0. Hist Indianapolis, b. Struck Totals.??_... ! J Run* each inning: Janey Ctty.0 0 1 Ind _ I- ..I-..o 0 2 IDs toed runs-Jersey City, IC base on brills?Jersey City, 8; out-Jcr-ey City, 4; Indianapolis. 5. Doable plays Clea hardt and Lang, Dinny and Classcock. Home runs? Knowles 1. Three bavhlts-O'Brlen 1, Wei L Knowle* 1. two ba.sehlts-0'Bri'n 2, W. l?.'**y 1, Beery 1, Shom r__-*ed balls?HolTord 1, Buckloy L Umpire Mr. Diverts. The League and Association race* to dat* leave the clubs In th. appended order: / mayat. Won. List lt. et | A etoeintion Vv en. Lost. Pr et Chlraito. Di Iifimll._. '21 Boston. 2S N'.w.V?rk... Il Pli'l*.te.|!hl?. 14 l'iits?iir_. 14 In.tlatiapolls.. ll Washinrton.. 0 1" 13 15 14 IIS !<* 24 2d .714 'Bre-.klyn... HO 10 .7.10 .029 *'? L'" ?- ? 2l *?? '; ;fl . o. -innatl.. 2.1 IS .So* .' i I uhl.-ile .... 19 1? .M4 .41-7 >B .lUtnor*... 18 17 .Ml .421 ICleveUnrt... lr> 22 ,4H5 ..tit KaaasoOlty l" '-"> ._?_ .250 .LsuUvill*... 10 20 .'-.-.8 Tho New-Tork and Ch!ca*ro club* will play at th* Polo Ground* to-day The Chicago nine will parade over the field In their fu!l-dn_S4 coats before the game. Uambi in o__n_B cttteb, Philadelphia, June 7.-The Cincinnati and AUiVtle club* placet saethss close and eaelMaf patot I ? ?! <r. which wa* v..n by thc lattas by bette, all-round playing. Ta. Alli m i tho winning runs in Put ISO tb .:.i._jig. Bauer, Townsend anl Kappel played in e;il.n_.d ">r_i-. '.tappet. Corbin, Lyons and Mullane led In the S?t_l_?*^ Too _?*_. wa* as tullun ai Cincinnati ..001010010 0-3 A .. ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 "1-6 lUK-hltB-ClnclnnaU. 6; Athletic, 8. Error*-C!ncln. natl. 4: Athletic, a Pltehcra-Mullano ind Weyklng. Umpire?Mr. Doescher. li iltlmore, June 7.?The Kanaa* City team wa* defeated to-day by the superior batting of the Baltimore men and its own Inability to bunch hit*. Both team* Helled mag ?:r, bsttery sners being Ihe only blunders m-t-e. McT.iitiii.iv and Chit.!, led it IhS Mt. Greenwoo-l. Bark? ley uni l-.i-u.rday playtd biilendnliy in tho field. The seor* was as follow*; Kv vu (ity ...00100100 0?2 Ba.tiii.ore . ... 0 i) 0 _? o 1 0 2 U i Itasehit.?Kansas City, 8; Baltimore, 10. Errors? Kan*aa City, 0; Baltimore, 4. Pitchers?Jb.gau and Sm!'h. Umpire?Mr. MeQaaia Cleveland, Juno 7.?The Cleveland club again defeated the Louisv.llo nine to-day after t rather poorly contested paMk j i,(. home club batt.-d nell, whilo the fielding work of tlie visiting nine was wretched. The acoro wat as annexed: 1 B -ile . ..010001200-4 ' ..nd ...00630122 0-U Dav hits?LouUTille, 7; QeTeUa_l 15. Errors? Lout* ville, ll j Cleveland, 8. Pitchers? Ramsey and Baselcy. -Mr. -bVruuson. Providenco, June 7.?The Columbia College and Brown University nines played a lindy contestei gamo to-day, v.uw.h Columbia won by the score ol 4 to 3, afur a spirited battlu of lea Innings. Danbury, Juno 7.?The Chlcngo and Danbury clubs pluv.d au exhibition came here to-day. Chicago wou alter an exciting battle by the score of 4 to 3. Lowell, Jun-i V.?The Lowell nine defeated the Pittsburg League club tu-o_y, after a tattM poorly contested game, by the score of ld to 10. (salem, June 7.?The Boston ?nd Salem nine* played ? friendly contest to-day, which Boston non by 13 to 0. MEDALS FOR ATHLETIC CHAMPIONS. The fourth annual Individual all-around athicUo charo plo:.ship of the United blain* was held on the grounds of lh? New-York Athletic Club at Mott Haven yesterday. 'ihe officers of lb* day wer*i Reforee, William a. Cur* tl. ; Judye*, R. W. lUthborne, Otto Sarony, H. ft. Mill leri Ume-g-epcr*, J. ll. At.*-el, Jr., J. H. hiead, C. A. leal] mea.ui.r_, C. A. J. Quickberner, G. J. Bradish, Chane* Caster; starter, Walter li. (schuyler. The com. pi-Utura were! J. J. Yan Ii..ute.., \vt8; sid, Alhletls Club; H. H. Jordan, New-Yon* AShletie Club; Arthur (schroeder, Kew-Yorli Athietlo Club; M. 0. Sullivan, Pa*. Wm Alhletls Club; Malcolm W. Vord, isuten ih.aud Ath* leUc Ciub, and J. P. Thornton, New-York Athletic Club. Th* track and giout.d Here in fair Tha Urst event Haa ihe 100-y*rd run, which was won eaaliy by M. NV. i-orA in tho bO-pound IMghl throw kl. O bullo au won Hist pla.e, hla throw b.-lne H fP,.t (j ],_ luchea. In the running high lump M. w. i ?t \ ajug. ? s, 6 feet 7 8-4 lnche*. In the 440-yard* run he was agalu Urst, 54 2-6 *ec_U-l_. The winuen of tue oilier eout^u. wer* lt follans : Putting th* lC-youud ahol. M. O. buliivan, 34 feet 9 inches. Pole vault. A. A. bciuo-dtr. & fc?i 0 inches. 120-yard* hurdlt race over Ha huid.e* g fe.-t tl inches high. A. A. Jordan, time, ia 1-i SSO-Ma Thiow? ing the 16 pound hainruer, A. (s. hru.lT, Td ttot 2 In. hi*. Raaalag broad jump, M. W. lori. 21 fe.-t io Ul Inch**. One-inlia mu, A. A. Jordan, tune ft minutes 3d s-coiids. Tord won with l> poin^ fc.hroelcr anl Jordan tlciug for second place with 'ii polnta each, (Sullivan third, n po.uta. The competition ls Uvuied on 6 point* to i win? ner, 8 points to $eeead in pooh evens, ?nd 1 point fi third, there beinc ton event* with * total of 00 point*. A gold championship medal went to tha first man. * *Uvcr meJal to ths second aud a brou/* medal tu the third. IIB FIRED. TURKS BIIOTS A T HIS ESEMT. Wi,.iam LrUcoll. of No. 017 Sccond-av*., *n(j J(.hn M-Kay. of No. 22 1-2 Bout.-*... met at l\ o'tio. k We_aesda_. night at (second*ve. tnd Thirtj-ninth-st. *m renewes ?u old QuarrcL Prom words they came to blows ind Anally MrKty dr?w a revolvar Ind fired thra.. it,, ti ? t -Driscoll. On* of th* ?hot* patted th.-ouab hu thumb ind lb* other twa struck him on thc head, but aslthes of the shot* Seem- to have penetrated the tkuil. Xjutu, coll wo* taken to Bellevue Ho.piui aud McKay wa* l, ld ye-terday in tho YorkvlU* Court to await th* injured man'* recovery. ?-? al PRISOSER WITH FIFTT ACOVSRR8. Plfty Italians wei* tt the Tombs jc_.ter.ay to press $ chaine of swindling igalnst Uouato Tuzro, who h$M$ * ll(|Uor store at No. 8 Mulbeiry-sU The chtrg* was that on Tuesday Turio represents Vo hi* countrymen that ?( tliey would pay each $2 70 to bim he would secure them work at Wlndaor I-ocka, Conn. Pl.ty of them did to uni started away. They found no work walting for them, ind returned tnd caused Tur/e** arrest wa* tnxiou* to pay tho complainant*, but the Justly bald him for uial. ? *? (.IL MAKKI.iS. 00_ Crrr. Penn.. Jun* 7.--N?ll*nal Tr*n*1t C*rtl(le*t** eoeaei at SU; bl|l..?t. bO .; lo.esL 7"'.| oln**t 7^ ' u '.?, l,:tol..KiO *?rrel?: cl*_.-?n<!**s. '-.ikt'.'.isiU barrels', har tot. 1S4.UP0 barr*l*i iblpnieau. l>3.tJUb?rr*l*: mut. 44 mo barmis. PtTT?Bt'se. I'*nti.. Jua* 7. ? I'-troleam f?lrlr aetir* feat weak National t>.in?it c-*rtin.*ia_ o|.?ue<l ai *toi.. .1*^4 ai 7s . 1 highest 80*. , lowen. 77 V IfSAbri.Kli. Poua.. j nu* 7.-N*ti"ii?l Transit f?,ats? Sf aaa *t "'i. cloted at 78i hlgb**t, ?.;<.. U?t.t 7V>_. Cle?r*nc. *. 1.I94.UOU barrel*. ? Trm*vif.t.R. Penn., Juo? 7.?Jtatlnnsi Transit eertiaoato* opdiiciaiau1*! highest, $-JS< b-W-*U 77 .; cloted, 7a. HU COURTS. A BURPRIS!1- IN ALICK WOODHALL*S CASE. Oeorge B. Newell, representing th* estate of John (lill, rho ba* been endeavoring to obtain possession of the prop rty taken from Alice Woodhall by F.nglUh -__*-*<-.iva*. ,hen itv ?as arrested In england, prior to her extradition a thl* country t* answer a charge of forirery, sprung a urprise upon the opposing counsel In th* case In the ui?erl<.r Curt te f.ire lO-SteS O''.orman yesterday. Hs roaucHl an order obtained ex part* from Judge Uugro on uue L appointing (Jcorpe F. btoucbrldge, Jr., receiver of he property of Alice and her lister Harriet Woodhall, inder the Judgment obtained ?*lnst them. Thl* hsd lyn ranted without notice to the opposite aldo on the gmund bat they wero not within the Jurisdiction ol the wurt ustice O'Goraan held that this order *eltl*d tho matter, mt he fixed the bond to bc given by tb* receiver at $6,000. rhe eu.-etle* will .uallfy to-day and ths proporty will be urned ov*r to th* reeolver. BITS OF LLOAT. NF.Wfl. j J A new trial having been gmnted by th* Supreme . Vmrt, General Term, In the suit of th* Commercial ( relecr*m Comp-*ny, for an Injunction re*tr*ln1ng the New- | n.rk Stock E\oh*ng* from r*mev1ng the pltlntlfT* ticker* . rom the floor of the Fs.han-.-_. which bid been decided | idver-ely to tbe pl a In tl ll it Specltl Tann, Colonel Rob- < irt <_-? Ingerioll, on behalf of tbe CommeroUl Company, isked Justice Andrews In th" Supreme Court, Chamber*, i restorday, to grant a new injunction pending the aecond rial of the case- Jamea C. Carter for the defendant. 1 ipposed the motion. The dee!*lon w*s reserved. I The application of tho Metiopoliun F.levated and Man* I in'tan Raliway Companlc* for permission to interpose .ui*plem*n_al answers to suits brought against them by x-Judge Leo 0. Dessar, on behalf of East Hide property iwnens tlleglng that the tgre. mont between th* lawyer ind the plaintllff wa* champertou*. wt* d> riled by Jutttc* Van Hoe**--, In the Court of Common Plea*, yesterdty. rh* Judge hold that whether the agroement wu charo -MUSH Sf not, which he did not pas* upon, the right* >f the plaintiffs vv. re no*. Impaired by tho agreement. Thoma* 1, who was appointed to appraise thnSS egacles under the will of William IL Vanderbilt which ire su'i.'e.-t to the collateral Inheritance tax. reports that heir Milln, ls $813,708. tnd that the ttx thereon it j 116,0811 lo. Surrogate Ransom has confirmed tho report j Jtihtlce Andrew*, in the (supreme Court, Clumber*. ? r.*'. ? liy, heard argument t.n tha petition submitted by j Hie New-York and Metropolitan Biers led Railroad Com innle* for the appointment of commissioner* to ?ppralse the amonnts to lie p.ild to abutting property-owner* for Jimaces biased by HM construction and maintenance of the road*. After lietening to numerous objection* to thl* I ii ir, the Judge $|$$lil$d th'*m, and decided tliat ? ny should be tak-n only as (a Ute offers nude by t i .:iles lo 'lum property-owner* In payment I .; .1. r easement fe, Wooloo?, who owns No. 20 Fronts Bed thal BO was offered .1,.r><-0 for his easement, t hlle hi* SOM mt., for *8,.00. Tho bearing was adjourned uni.l t..-ib'y. ... Milt of Charles R. Pine, in the Supreme Court, Halal the Pro*, ld. nco tnd Stonington Steamship Com- j [?any, to rec\er 110,000 dani.itr>a for Injuries tustalned is a re-.uK of the of the Narragansett tnd Ston inp'on, i seal led yeobM_ay in t verdict for the defendant I Mrs. Jane Bi hail, .lin as Mrs. Clark Uvcd for many year* with her family of six children on t canal-boat, ]he Cove. Jone} city,, obtained yesterday In the United .'ates Circuit Court a verdict against the American Hock ind Improvement Company of New-Jersey for $4,000. ts * for'loi. and false lnii.iisonment. The .u.;iniy laid . imiii lo the property on which the canal b'.at rented. Mrs. Clark and her family were atOOb L bhe wat arrest.*- on 1 charge of a-saulilng Jacob Wlnant, r. in. repr.-s.nted the company at the time oka wt* eject-*.. She was locked ap for one night and released the next an.ming. Tyl t McNIer, of Mount Vernon, yesterday recovered (10,000 d:.n:a_.-es, sci.Inst the Manhattan Railway Company, n tbe Supreme Court In White Plains, Justice Dykman ?.residing. On the evening ol September 20, 18.6, the ..jliitl.T wa* passing through Sluh-sve., ind t rel hot piece of coal fell from a passing locomotive Into hla right tye. Inflicting severe Injury. lt. tb* tull of I .mn,* Y.iunn Crosby against the condo tmeelian, Jamel Oven O'Connor, to roeovot a balance of $?.'.; -Imo her for *.?rvlee_. In his eomninv, .ludge Berne ye* Ur-lay gav* a decision for the plaintiff without cost*. ? ? TIIE COURT OT APPEALS. Bi-ratoza, Jue* 7.?In tho Court of Appeala to-day, ihe following cause* w.*r* uglied: No. 800?Apgar ?_*_. Hayward snd other*. Argn nent resumed and ooncluded. No. lit Tseai R pharls. applt., act R. Nelson f.ere, ??sp-lt Argued by Louis Mart-hall Ior spplt | George f. Comstock for respdt. No. 870? Henrietta EL Wright, agt the Bank of th* Metropolis. Argued by Joseph H. Choate and John -ty for deft; Vf. E. Scripture lor pill. Argument in (In I shed. Following ls tho day calendar for June 8. Noa. BTJ, ?13, feSO. 8S1, 682, 884, 885 and 887. COl.TRT CALMNDARS?TO-DAY. 8i*rFFW? Court ? CRAUiiicruk ? Before Andrews, J_No*. PX 94. 0\ inti. IM, 180, 111. 137, 1*7. 149. 160, l(i.l, 175. 178, 177. I**'0. "-li, 917, WO, 233, SSS, 24S. .47, 249. 2-M*. 2 BS, 360, -7(1, 271. Wi, 273, 274, 27 ., a7?, 277, 27S, 87$. 2_0. 281, 282. ats ei-raaim Coctit ? Sppi-ial Ttbm- Pa?t L ? Before tn rraha.u, J -N..*. 770, 7_i2, 7i'6, ai'l. 870. B06. 3X8. 757, 783, 199, ell. 77*1. 7U7, 811, 041, 702, 833. 706. 774, 775. 38, hl'J, _0U. 701. TM. BoraBMB t.'orBT-Prscut TEBM-Past IL ?Adjourned until Vi.i.-'iir, Jua.* 1'.. si IBMBUOOBT?CIBCUIT?PAST I.?Before Lawrence, J.? No*. HRS, 17... _, 848, l(l**5. Silt, 3172, 17*J.'..'.830, 1730, 17.r.5, .(1. iT-i-*, ?_.'.nu. .'?17. 8048, 2049, Mb*. 2061,2*52, MIKS. 3064, 9058, '.'nor,, MM Ht rntMs couBT ? ciatuT?PiET II?Before ??, J.? No Say . -.BJ-tSiil cot;KT?CIRCUIT? Pa*T III_Before O'nrlen, J, **.* _>_71. 3.-72. 9063, 8514, 8804, 3*.?4, 2'.i7'J. 12i'S, 3423, (SO. 889ft, 8834, KUI 8860, 847.J, 8204. H07-.. 3388. J.*.. I 879a, 8147. 1761.8816, 8766, 8794. 8788. 8744 _7_S. Sl'lBKMI C.itfKT-CIHCl IT?I'AKT IV?Before Pesoli. J.? N..?. 173'.. '_.IH 1U1. 7:r.'-.171.\ 1814, 2099.1836.1028, 1094, 18M, It-tM. 1998. 2006.2080,8081, 200^.2*03,2004, 84 'J" 7. ttl la, 200 '. '-'..Td. r* on roo at t's cottRT? Before Ransom. B.? Will of Kath ir.ti* >.i .ckner, i.i ?. rn ; wu *| Mary Bbeftdaa. 10a.aa TajTmon ro nit take^ iiF.roRii ins Probats. ci.krk_ Prol.Aie of th* win* ot Joseph T*n Eyck. Mary Untlin, W L'urolitiB I.Al.rn, i:ilse .M ohler. Preilerick BaeaslOT. 10 ?. m.; (Jeorpe Kick. A?gelina J. Wabli, 1" 89 l. in Joho W. -L.owa.ii(, Jose ttitapiaa, ir., Kiizabetb Ci- le. ll a. m. ??i'm coubt?(irxkrai. Term.?A.IJouraed antll Mon 8*1. J one ; 1. (*i;rar.ioM coort?*>rr.ciAL Term?Brfor* O'Uor-nan. J.? Nos. ?_-.!. ^82, 812, 316. 145.'Jill. Boraaioa court-Tbial i ku.?Part I.-Betore Dn_rro, I * mi. 1..T4. 17*. 1*1.**, 14>i5. 1816, 1721. 981. 1U11, 1707. connon Fleas? bi-ecul TkKU?Before Vau Uotxen, J.? No oar calen.ur. Ci.mvos LSAa?KoCTTT Tfrm?nefore Allen, J.?No. 39. COMM..M Pleas?Trial Term?Tart 1. ?B*for* Larremo^ C. i. 0*0*001 n* .ia. ral*ii.i.<r C.huon Pl.EAS? IRUL Tei.m? PAST IL?Before Daly. J. IS, '....'. BOS, 788, 71". 61?, 710, OHM. 676.714. H98. -N?* B 1. 023, '.'27, Cltl, 933, 508, 961.. 9i7, 908. .'.9. -41.962. 9.:. 904. 9W. _ I cirr Couar?<;eal TERM.-Aa.oarn*a until Mrnday. I*i.*li. ' tiTT court?Itiai. Tnn*.?part I?Bsforn nrown* J ? Nos. 5174, 41'-Jn. 61i..t, 6171, ?."43. 4"*05. 6H9.I, 4964 kf.yo HIT.*., 6_-;J. .'.'17,4 18, $187.9131, 6201.6206, 5133.4806. IC..H. 4264.6280. 1,2/i. a.,.1S. 6U38. 6042. 6317. 5270, 6201 . .. 496*. 6.1.0, 6331.6292, 6343, 4710. 63.16. 4377, 6346. (881, 5.(07. Cm < >.ubi?Trial Term-Part il?Before McOown, j. Roo, 1490, 49tf, 6e.:i, 4844, 7S4, 4715. 8037, 6130. 30M 8499,46714910, 4372.6143. 466H, 6198, 6199. 6188, 46-tl" 5147. 4H 5, .".-'.'.I. 6281. 6210. 5212, 4939. 6309, 5*32 I 5346, r,H'M. 6180, 6353, 6289. 4294, 6220,6413,6246' 5 H8 cur court?trial Term? ur.?MNl McAdam C. .1 -No* 4981.6066, 5140, 5010. 6115, 6240. 6080, 600/ 6.'-3 6278L f.2.'.?, 411'*. 3834. 6279, S251, 6*-'i;6. 6389, 6249 16:8.48*2. 46.13, 48.I-, 4978.8144, 414'i, 6H.0. 4*131 5152' titi, b.dl. (.!:-(, 4830, bioO.biil, 4619, 6224,4202,6428'. 42:^6X4,4033, _> ll ARIN E IXTEIJjIGENOM. MLNI at i* h.: AL hah Aa Tl'-I'AT. Bud rite* 4_S5 | Sou. 7i25 I . Io*a ns* SSS | Moo*'. *g& 28 nn;n water. A. Sf? -..n-ty FTont 7 Ol I ih,r Isl' I 7:05 I Hstl Oat*. 8 54 J'.Jf-SaJiilr Hook. 7-03 1 Hot. I.l'.L 7il3t Hail Hula, 9.02 INCOMING 'STEAMERS. ii.-i.Ar. Vt ft. Fran. Ki\t\*\. Oi tie.Liverpool.Mar 30, Cur ot Berlin.Lit ts pool.M?r 30.. ((. -'?......C?peiili*K*B_Mer 33., W a i,. .?. ?..May 25.. SAT I ULAI. JLNB9 rirewc*_?..?........I.on.ton .Mar 26 Bepublla._. liverpool.M*y 21" 2s'..' ..i:.ittorn..m-May 26.. .LMlAT. APRIL 10. ..Mr*ri-ool.Jon* 3 ..Havr*......Jun* a ..Berininla..Juli* 7 line, .Whits Htar .Inman 1 . ? ? . .? ....K*a 8ur ( ? ll .1 'I.lAi*. ...Natunai "hlt*8tar .. ll .111 .-A 1 ?r .-.N*lh-Aiu*r (?errl*. La Noraaual* Jluriol......... .Cunard tronca Traa* . ? ....q.i*?*o OCTGOlMi STEAafEME, -a ic ri 1 at. a p Ul am p m kin a s ? ni a ui VMM I ?ail*. 4-30 11 iii 6 pm 6 a rn 4-30 p i.i 6.30 a ui 6 1. ni 6 au 1 pu 8 pia r.M.l. tina. For Kt. uria. Ctiunr.t, tJ*?tttsI_. a (j|u?, I iiiiihii. Ae.liori-i. ulnifoir'...".',." 9 Hell*, ThlincVAlla, ConentiaEeu. j W*rra. N", Itrnnieii ri* south'ton 3 I .1 ne. Nelli-A mar, Ain-t..rrt?in. 9 I.-i .i .?.-.-?. e. I'reni ii i r?nt, IlAVr*.*..*.".'.'. 3 Carder, Ke.l ii. Lavu*v-r ... , ' " ll Waw*. Ba*ra_M_."...'.."..'.'.'.'. ??(jsdat. jL'.tall. San Marcos, racine Mau. Aipmwall...?10 aa boos. Tl BSI.AT. junb li Arnot*, Gol oa, LlT*r?*ol. smifTimq sews, robt of new.yorjt.thubbdat. jcub7. 1888 ARKIVKO Bt.a-nrrClfrof Rom. (Dr). Toun*. Llr*rp**l Mar 30 arY_;:2i-ai. _^Tao^jr,,3=rw-SM htwi....r.-i;t....i...ier), wrttibtor, llambnrc May 24. with ui'iuTit i 35 'm. *""lo ***** *T" * Cu- a_ti?$a*ai w^,,^*Ta?^^Mmmn?...o'Mr^8??nt0? M?y?- RloJan.tro 15, 81. hi lulim** lt .lars, willi oatt BMOMaet* to Lh a ui. Ul Bullaa ? 4irlTo?B4tbe air at" VU a ak etruatur L.lers (llel?i, MoAul.r, a.utoi harli Rio ?Teaeire '.4. wm. mim u. Uu.k 4 j.?u,_. ArriV*. .[tb. lilt aie.nicr Verliininns (Rn. Coot. R.t Mar *tl Mt Aaa* l-.r ...0 Port M..i?6rt.y.%-u,ll?r,K^ ""ellie A Co Ariired atth. Bar at Mooni HtcAinir Her., useren (Nor). Morl**|eD, n?raroa 6 nore. Wm fruit lo oom.* A Vearuali ArrlT.,1 at lu* li.r .1 1.20 Hte*m.r McOreeortliri. Miller, Bi Aaa'* B*r Mar 81 *n4 .?.M 1?l.,__tfwMKM -a Paaieuor. S A fliUlnt * 1.01 ??_*_! ta *A W llurlbm o Ce, Am?*d *i th. u?r ,1 b-.'LlrhU.o.i.e jtlUll! Bmmm. Key We.t. Htraiuor ll V LiliuocE. Ki trUao, UucUiu. wilh uiIm to H ? blraook. au . ...r cur of Fi-rhhnrii. Wiwrir. itiTer. Hark Mair A Ureeuwoo.l. -. Auckland, >* aa Auru. wiUiSaurl/umtoAruol4,cben*r4Co; * tv aayo, WKLNBACU EA1EOTTJAS LIGHT CO. STATE OF NEW-YORK, io. 13 West 27th Street, New-York. Thia company otter* a lii-Uf-d amcm.t of ta* lull pud *aplt*l Block of tho Ncw-Vork City Wel.haoh Co.. pisr 'allie oioo, at $30 per si,?r?, pa'.ahi* in two Instalment* il th* Ch*i-_ National Hana, P,ew Vora, th? a*-4gn?toi lepo.Hory ut u_u? company?no runtier payment* or ** eo-tnenfs. Hy the terms of a R.itriuitee, which will be ?vpi|tn?_ to nt-mdlng in.'i.t'-rs, the tctuai risk will probably oct "x ;tot oue or two doiitr* per ahare, wulla Urge profit* sr* easonibly sore. -l*hi* wonderful *y*tem of llrn.n.. '.z . mt on exhibition m 'I to lt) p. n at 18 Weit '.'wt-nty-teveuui a tract, rhero Ui* buh..rlpil..n Book U op*a. A. 0. i.kam.i-:ii (-onoi-1 Manager. rom Roard of Director* I A MKS H. HTFnUlMS, JOHN WAN AM A A ICU, riP'MAS ..OT.AN, KOWARI) Tl CK. ll) H.**. C IIII.l., \V UKI A M '.. WAKDIUS, iv ll I.I AM W OIBBS, K O. KKKNCH, H. W. CANNON, T. J. MoNTOOM KRT. ,l.i'd'.I. If. .STUNK, WILLIAM M. -.INUERLr, A. ti. Advisory Committee of StocRholders t J'.IIN I. BLAIR, HLNRY C Oll-SOIf, F W. KK.N.NKIlY. EDWIN LCI/LAM, ' JOSEPH M. QABMABL lusKi-it r.rmin i'll, james a wriuhx DANIEL RUN ELK. J. B ALTKMUS, JOHN O. MAJUN*.. Advisory (.ont; iBioncr, n. curtis, ROBKitT n sa run; IBU ru ? Pm i li, i*. ii. SPHINCTER 6RIF ARMORED HOSE WRING ---TEE... GALVANIZED.) ji the most valuable Improvement In hose since 1842, and ta lairing qualities sro from fire to eight time* "Treater ,liin any nose not innr.i-.yl. It* cimplete* ha. ?aused unprincipled partlea to Infringe the patent* owned ind controlled by us, and we thernfoie notify *U *uch that "TIIK MA-UNO, VF.NDINO OR USE 08" ANT AR? MORED WI II IT-WOUND HOSE NOT OF OUR MANU PACTURB IS AN INFRINGEMENT ON ONE OR MORE Or OUR SEVERAL PATENTS, ANT VIOLA riON OF WHICH WILL MEET WITH IMMEDIATE PROSECUTION. BRASS PLATES SEX BETWEEN Ul tl HOSE AND WI HE DENOTE OUR MANUJ-ACT fJuXW ANO TIIE PATENTS.? TV.UHl.e_ li_. er Co.. 40 Warren Ht., E. T. Barn Cheshire, O'Brien, Montevideo SC days, with md** to rS'M'i >en * < 'o, vessel to F II dmitri * 00, II..rk''"s_r.u. dui), Romano, Muniendro Bil day*, with m.i?e to Bees wilden voisel io Kunck, Edy* <t Co. SUNSET?Ai Satjir Beek; wind fresh. North. hast and partly cl..inly. At City i.'.uu wind tc.ih. NE: cioadr Arrived y.?!_*r-1ar? Steamer City of W?shlngi_n, .tor CsmpMho May 18,* 18, Vets Cm '.'4, Progreao 28, Havana Jan* 3, Willi mil. "ind passenger* to f Alexandre _t goo*. st. kiner Al vena (Uri. Mackay, l'ori Lirnon M?r 29, Jacm.l lunn 1. with mei* ami l-l p*-?euger? to Pim, Forwood A Co. Strived at rhe har ul _>._*)(? p rn Steamar El Dora.'..., liyrao. New-Orlean* b day*, with nids* to John T Van Hlcklo. ste..i?r Iii ,? ikwater, Dot*. Weet Point, Va, with mds* and pa?:ieiig_i s lo OU iJouiliilou bl Co. CLEA i'IC a Rte.-niirr Veptsnn (Br). Chryttal, Sydney. CB-BarMr A Ca steamer city of At ant*. Burley. Havana ami Mexican port*?F Ale\,mitre * *-..ns. -lenin.-r V> t'uiiiuus iBr), Cook. Montego Bay, Jam?Ooo V, nilli <- Co. si.aner ci.-ntiiii-os. Colton. Nastao, Bl Jago ?ndCienr_e go?- Ja. E V ?rd A Ca % tisrj. Fraser. Hamilton. Senna**?A E 0 lterbrldg* A. I o. steamer City of Angnste, Catharina Sevannah?henry fMt Steamer Breakwater. Dole, West Point, Va?Old Dominion B'l ri,. steamer.jiir?ndotte. Kelley. Norfolk and Newport New* -Old Dominion -ts Ci hie,n ,.r l anny Cadwalader. Uilllnichara. Baltimore? B N Downer. Steamer "ea Whltaey. Bears*, Boston?II F DI mock. Hteaui i*cn. Skylark, Paitei_.ii. Waubaatila*. Oawrio? Richard Wyukeaw. Hhin Enr.ka (Br), Konthard. Pan Franclseo-Satton 4Co. Bark* (Ital), Cuscuelo, Eu*lai_i*. Australia? W ll iTossmaii & Co. Bark La Pidacla (Ital). Feigl*, Brlabana?Arkell A Doug laat. __ Bark Pn.ltl (Oer), Parlow, Punt* Uro, Arg Bep?lunch, E.lye A c.. Bark ara.a-1*. Laguna? i'. F Metcalf A Co. Bark Monalta, Wallac*. Bridgetown, Barhailo**?H Trow? bridge'* Sons. Bara Falmouth (Br). Merriam. Windi-.. NS?Snow A Bar? ge**. Bark Hornet (Br), MoDoaald, Bt John. NB?J W Parker A Ca Brig Teresina (lui). Marla, Marsetllo*?JobnC Seager. ?SPOKE.**.. Steamar* Stat* ot Isdtana, for (?la*g*wi CryitaL Leittli Wi.iau.i, H-imli.trct Net.tun*, 8t John, NB; Ailsa, Port Li? rnon: city o( Atlanta, Havana aod Mexican MttSl Cientne gos. Clentuugos; Tri ni In.I. Be. tn u.ta City of .*. u_.-u.ta. Savao. UHhi Bieakwater, Newport New*: ( Weat Point, Vs: Ho.moke. Norfolk; Al-atla, Perth Amboy. Hhip. Aaglo Iailia, for Shanghai! Anni, llarabnrg. Bark* Western Chief, fe* Hamburg; Attr.ia, Algl*nj. lan-lu. I'.mattit>uco. Also Mulei?vi* Lona Sound? Bhtp Atklon. for Bot. ter dam. Brig acc.a for St croix. tat. atOVKMB.NTS if STEAMEa\ FOREIOHI PORTl, rr..n?, t_,nne7-Arrivad,etea_ner Ripon City (Br), Broichl*. from Baltimore. Mvaaroou June 8?Arrived, (teamer* F*gl?nd (Br), n.e.ev.ani Aia.k. (Br), Murrty, from New-York 088888 HO not stop al (jneeiist _. wu. ou account ?! tog). UU/'1'.ws, Jim. 7 ---alie.i. .learners U.rmanlO (Br), (lie...i*il, and Cltv ot Cheever (.liri, BouU, trom Liverpaul bene* (or New-York. Jon.* 8-S*ll*.t. it.?mer 8cythl* (Br), Roberto, -rora Liver ?ooi henae f. r N*w-Vork. SoiTHAMFrois, June 7?Arrived, steamer Tr?v* (0*r). Wi i.-K.rod. (rom .New. Voik May iii) on har way to Bremen (and itu.'*, .lo! 1. Hailed, .i.aiuer *_?*!? (Oer). Blchter, tr*m Brem*n hence tor New-York. Olasoow, Jar 8?S?il*d. *te*m*r Circatsla (Br), Camp bell, fer New-York. ? Orksnock, Jnnetf? Arrived, stormer Ftiraeisla (Br). Hee fl*rwlc*. from New-York May'J. on hoi* w?y to Ula*gow l?nd proeee icd). Isli or Wioht. Jnne 8?Pis'ed, ?to?mer N*derl*nd (Bolsi, Ot n'.n. (rom N.w-Yora May 'Ji oe way t* Antwerp. am wm.'. J tine 7-At rived, steamer P*n_iand (B.lg), Wever. Irom New-York slur 'it. OiEaAt.r.R. June 4? Passed, steamer Baton Belheaea (Br), -, irom Mediterranean port* tor :>ew-York. GRAIN AXD PRODUCE MARKETS FEATURES OF NEW-YOIIK DEAUNO". Tho bulla are again encouraged by rep-'sO .' Arj weather and ravage* of ln._;ts, whieh Save ijafci im? perilled the wheat crop thai hus gone through eo many (specula tl vo) vlcleaitules. Against thurn are the apathy af ti.e publlo, tho tailing oil In the expoit demand and llscouraglng cable*. Tho re.-uii ot tliote oonill'tlug In? fluence* wa* narrow changes with a (light tipping of the teal** In favor ot holder*. Cash wheat we* h?ld well in hand and prices ware advanced MaVM ctnt, but tho sale* for export reached amati flgur.*. The trau_.ici.ou* In options tell below 4.0UO.0OO bushel* and th* market wai variable. The early, dealing! wore at sd ad vince of 1-0-.3-4 cent, and gatos fullcwad on ercp report* tavcratTe to the bulls. A sharp drop of T-Stfl 1-4 cent foll .w3d, but a steadier tone pr?valle-, near the eloae and t partial recovery waa mado. Last quotation* wero unchanged for July at 02 1-2 and December at 00 1-4, but up I'i tot June at. Vi 5-8 and 1-8 for Angus! at 08 1-4 and Sept-mbsr st 98 6-1 cut*. Com on the spot wa* a shade bettor, with only 82,000 bushell taken by shlppe.-*. lug receipt* al the Wost bruko price* ot option* 7-S-fl 1-3 cent alter ni early rite af 1-4*1 2 cent in *>mpstliy with wheat, and except for the liter month* flnai figure* were about tt tho bottom quo'ationtL Net losses were acoced of 6-8 for June at 60 3 3, 8-4 for July at 00 12, bu tor August at Ol 1-4. and 1-2 for tb* next three m .nths at Ol 8 4 cants. Cash oat* were Arm, but tlie options eased off 1-2a3 S cent, closing at 37 3-4 for July, 38 7-8 for August and 33 cents for September. There was no bu.-*tno?* in *pot lard, tnd the option, fell iii point, a. follow*: June $S 83, July 8S ?5, August es SS, September (S 91, October 83 39. Tho receipts of grain md flour reported ye_>t.oi lay at N-w-Yoik, Phlladolplila, Baltlmoro and Boston were a* tullows: Wheat, 462,009 bushcU; corn, 70,701 bu-tRls; oau, 2(38,780 bushel*; u>tai grain, 797,440 bushels; liour, 83,400 package*. At Milwaukee iud St. Lout* the ar? rival* were i Wheat. 04,417 bushels; corn. 474,060 bush tl*; oats, 203,230 bualicU; total gi jiu, 740,7-3 t,u*nr_*; (lour, 23,278 barrol*. .-? THF. TRADE IN CHICAGO. Chlc*R^ June 7 (Special).?Price* of wheat opened to? day at ? alight advance on bettor cable*, on th* tempo? rarily strong f-Mltng on the other product* on the floor and on a rather influential buying. The advanee was encour? aged by higher price* it til tho .mrroundUig market*. The July option .wrio! at 80 cent*, aud went to 30 1-2(ISO 6-8 e. nts. August wt* it tlnio.t the ian.* price. The fig? ure* which showed only 67,OOO bushel* cleared from all three port* were tho fiiat ditappuluuuenk Thl* mad* ll etty for tl.* teller* of ? tails" to stop th* advance tl 83 1-2.33 6 8 cont*, the " call prt< e." When the advance wt* (Supped the b-?r Influences l. gan to aceumuiato. Th* July opllou *old during th* (eaaion between 88 1 2?86 6-8 ? nd 8o 8-8, clo.Lg bul far fru.i th* bottum at ts6 1 ii, August olotod il lh* Min* price; December at 80 1-2. Lorn wa* weak, and at one iiioujeu. ?v*_i t luuo pan. Inky. Th* armsl. In thu ir. toing, 43. oar*, wer* u\er Uki undor the t-.ii ma ic*, tnd tn th- lot thiM-e wore only 817 cat* of No. 2. Thl. ?t*rtod pine. up. Julv oi-eiied St 68 ind got to 66 1-4 on thia Influence. Tho flr*t set? back wa* on a sudden break ot 1 la cou;* lo Juiy at N?w Tork, ind ino news ihat Hie t'hlcago clique were trying to ?eli thora. Tit* estimate* fur Kn.lav, 730 otra, dispelled U.o hop* .tarted In the norning of * Ut-up In th* trrtvtl*. The marknt suddenly went down froia 66 1-4 fur July lo 68 8-4 c*nt*. After th* prl.-e broke lh<* clique wa. cred lt?d wilh toying. Il 1* potting t, b? th* lmpi*...l.m thli tho bull porty lo corn has it.un.: |u< operalluii. uut too long, tnd tint ey triiitfcrring Its Interest from May to July It mad* a ml.tak*. wer* 6 c-nt. higher it th* yard*, and produeia, e?i?scttilr lai-o. w<*r> higher abroad. Tho piovlalun pit. Ixlug without much Incident ttvlf, *ymp*t_hl*ed closely wlU ouru. ^ ?UROPKAN PRODUOK MABKBTS. M*nt?root? Jnne 7.?S:30 tv .n. lie.*' in poor demand. Pork?In fair demand. Han..?In falrdemant. Bacon?tn fair de.n.i,a. (beere - Id fair i Am. rn ?n tln.-st "A Ult. tod .'olor*.l it.ady .1 44s. Cl.; r.ii.w In fair ile niiiii.l. Hplnttof 1'iiruruUn* ? lu iniur d.nia.lrt i .lu.l at 31*. Rn.iu?in puar Sen.nd. Lsr.l ?Spot sud tuturi. In _o?.i ileiii.nil. |,rnu* \ .pul, Jan., .Inly ami Aiigil.t, sin.en at 43i. W ,.r*t lu pour e-WSS4 Hour?In : ...r Uaiuaod. Corn?Soul--Io noor ilenian.I :*.-Iii fair <1*iu*od i M i.d Weatero Julr dali at 4*. 10*. u*pa at London-New* Toik Stat*? in ;?oor dent.nd Lonihim. Jun* 7.-4 p* ns.?Prrxloee?Reflood Pelrnlenm, fi*?_el ?-.*,-_.t. iH*r gillon. -Spirit* ol tuii^otlu*, 30.. |.?r.'tl ANTivaar. Jun* '.'.- Peir..len . rlU4 ^a* Auieiu*n. 18 franc* 36 .rnilB.i paid aud .eil.r.. HAVANA MARKBT. HavAjr*. Jane 6. ?tnaui.u MM .'S;'._4-?..14. Exchtng* .n'.et. Hagar Ono i **l**. T.QOO bag* 80.20 to im ?-) deriee. p..;*rit?U_u. OU *pocul*Uu?. el Pi 10*8 i- 18 cold p*r utlnuU*) STOCKS DULL^BUT HIGH TUB MARKET GAINING STRENGTH. RECENT RAILBOAI. REPORTS KOBI FAVOR. ABLE SALE!. AT THR STOCK KV ff \ *.*.::- j ? *.K 7. THB OKS SKA C LIST. A1M-T* ?"? A Too* s v.. Atlantic A ?*< FA**.Y A Lort Buff RA /nt** 8 CR A Sor... Con Southern. Canada Pacific Cont ;?.. (>iiti?.*( "*._ Can tr.. ?afl?r the. A Oki*. CI.**A (Jl_'.W th*. IOU! ar Chic A Alt ... Chi*A Norw't Chic A MW or* Ctitc Mil k fctP ~ Actual Sale* *"i**ln?. Op**: H'grt I-oWi Flnall hid. a ?itara* k*4 i-ii 4^ 881 83 1 3o 4HV 68*1 leV 4H _ 6'IS at g 3') _-?v io.*.' iod. 144 144 1 144 84 V rt'.S 84'. 4iV 68 . 881* 30 I Of). 14 1 6S*. 141 MS I !?;. M 48. *-. . ir, j 54*. _,?*?*?*? 94 6.. ?w M*. 'J n% 31*. Bs-y 81 I 1. fl ?* 138 j 1ST :<>.i\ ino*. 148. Itt 8?*? CMA ' tl'oro. 106V 18. , lu. . lei _ loj. lo.; 113 ;o7 C BIL A Pitt* C Ml LA r or* Cl ie St P MAO ? 8 P. X A Oor Chic Kari A <_ C R I A Pactfl* < I StL AChle. C H*m O Dav. CW*.*..* Bal. <: W A H rrfd. Ci-.*-.,**. 1'ilU,, CCCA I. Col H V A To Del La A wei Dal A Had. Denv A Kia Ur I. A Kio or Pt lint'.v BC..., Tenn... I.Tenn itt or E len:, io art. Evan* A TH WSW -a Denver tireen dav tl un nat Texaa. IU Coot.._ Il tent leM l's Ind H A Mt... Kine A Hem... LEA ff_ LB mm nrfd. fake -thoie.. L. r leland. Loni. A Nash. ISA* Chlo. Manhattan. o? Maohal ReaC-L al LISA W_ kt LS m W set M A Hi L.. Mc Bt Lort.. Uk- T. Me Paeifl*_ Mot' A Ohio.. ' V '. "Ml,... NY i**ntr__l.. NYcAStL.... RY CARIL ar* NV LE A w. RY I, KAW Di** NY A NI**.... NY A N'H.... KTOA W.... NY' KA W... NT .*-. or.. Nor* *?V*at.. Nor <_ *v ort. North ?*-*itl? Nor Pa* or:.. Ohio A Mi**. Ohio ' Or iro*....... Or RA N. Oregon Trana. OrSnori Lin*.. A I PhllAH_w_dtn? Pitt VtW A Cl. I* P car co... Rena A sar.... Rich A WP.... (TAW t oref. R Vf A Og_ si la *;a.. B.I. AA III.' ?". eu-?E ?rf... _>?(...r -- .si Pr 118 ?tpA __.ii_ St PA D pr... ttPM A M... So carolina... Tea Pac new.. Colon "**?.... Vi'alissb ....... Wah prf.l ... Vf * Lv* pref Weet Cnton... Adam. Rip Amer i*.t....? t * Sxnrej.... Wells, Far Ki amer cable.... Paeifl.Mill ..__. Con Maa. Cam Coal A I Hoe* Coal A 1. Colt)**! A I... Conloi Coal.... M-rvlsmlCoal. New Cen Coal. Tenn Co?i A I. li.1.-r-itt* ... Ontario Min.... Quicksilver.... Quicksilver yr, 4 ?', \v 112*. 113 4?V lt'f. V 1281 108S, loUt Lil 48 Sj 12 ai ll 13 81 54 H._V if .. I 108 I0T . 112s ii-"- ita 8-1 38 1 UM 107 y 10:1 70 1 77 10*1 _\ 6 4?V 3 ' ?> IV 45 . |l| Gi'. *-'7 119 W-lj 14-g 43V KS'.' Bay 85 -0, If. 01 . 87>J 87*a TrjagrJ i4?y 65V .7*81 39 s".: *, SSS al'. fl ll. ai*. 14V 48 y Mil e. 4 85 00 .1 I - _ . ' . 44 <d , 'ii n 12*11 uss u._a 204 3. xi KV) 20 2.888 . *?? 18.3-V) 948 300 118 l.i'.*. a*.o 200 61 ii 70?? 78 4 lo. . ii*. 68 87 "V 61', 54 33'.j 18** 801* i.i ?? 170 'ii ii 42 80 S'S'. lt'Vjl 64 2:. Ill 76*. 72 7-1 84 72. ?7 y .7 119 .il 141 42''a 9(i . 63 Vt SJ* eui. 87 . 12 70*. 76*. 106*. 241 661 871, tm io"! 7.1?? fill 64 *J 19 60 . 161*. ;? .4 170 j 170 23 66 Sbto] issi 69 -fl fl 119 at-V : i*. 43 _ SI Pl*, fi.**. 35 Ba?, 871 ii 70. 78 H 105 1 24. fie 371 'il _- J lon ?7 I 4.1 7ft 9'. 61 ! 32-. 6 .?. 8, wm ll" 8S 10 . 32 14 . 4.1 9.?', at __ . sr. _. . ?j M 87 ll I *, 70l| I . 18 4*1 : io*. et 23 ?7 27-J || '..j-. 1.' ri 14 . ai 9.VJ 54 *V 37 a.) 1 ??*__. 8J ll" I. ia 70 S| I ll 7... rc. 105*. 103 14 .4 84 6. f> 4 _ 0-h 1- . 60*. 66 S 115 I'-*. 86 v. 2-1 82*. 76>, 72 *% 84 72S 2 a 651. ll 151*. 170 24 -4 fifi . tfe 221 15V "?I 2*1 *.7 47 SSS 51*. If .4 1" .'I O.i - n l-*a 0( . 150-I LAI 105 UM cw se. io. io. lo*. 1 .) I." 1 361 4.10. 100 '_?4 K* 21 . 4? 224 I M^ 4"1! IM '.' . lu . ii ii IH. 2:.. ?_ 1 18 ce . 181 . 170 2Ji_( 23*4 n\ ' ?-._, a 13 0.'. 19V 44 V 98 fi'-". 75'4 *-' - 84 72 V tfu RM. 115 fiaj 64V 3. 62-4 7C?4 7 J 72-a, 84 72H m (U 89 ' 40 >* 76 fj m 1* ii e*.>. til 114 . US 40 58 tty IM lol I 102 8 I io*,! fi! . R?. foS so 7?S 138 109 71 135 72 831 jj J SO n 2-1 ?4I 181 SH'.' 8*4 84 . 1?_, 64', 1 '_ m*u\ 7(i. 141 li . 7 ' .: I ?:* 84 ff lu 8"7 24 '.1 ll ???.. ll . 0. 86 6-13 4,fcj? i(_i us S.-'l'*) 300 e.-'ie .00 io'j '? .1 7.5W 41*) Ol 18.100 so 1.2 it kOO Be loo poo loo m 13.-J4 2--0 "0 7.70. 9,44 T*U1 mi*. >.I 'he rta.v.. l67,f." OOrESSA'SST BO.YVA V ? 4 .. K- g. C 0 4*3* Cou.. nm Reg ... 4.000.10/ IK'l.iO.107 o.oao.12? ?OSDS Alto BASK STOCK*. L S 2*coupon 6.000.123*. Mil A Ht i* ur u. So Minn div 2.000.112 Mo Pac 1st Coe 1.000.101 Mo Pac AA 1.000.117 Mil A > ?rt li ern 1st 1910 Ma.u Un* 8.0(10. 108 Me Kan A ..--.. Haul oa ll.Son.S3 6.000..*.."-? 2, OOO.62 M* Kan A Tea** con 7* 11.000.98 Mobile A Ohio tie., 1.000.11. 2,000.112 1001 MU A rit Paul con Morris A Essex M 2.080.ill Mutuiii Cn 1 ri oe 1.000.93 MU I. 8 A Vf oonv 1.000.89S Me Aod a 'in... Uea'l ds 60,000.60?4 6/100.60_? 66.000.Ct'.tl N T Lito F. A Wu new'JI ooosoi 6.000. 95 18.1.00.-..951 16,000.94 >4 NY "i ?' 1.04X1.112^ Oregon 1 ;n uroveiu lal 8,000.Ito Oregon A Trail 1 ?>l 10, 20,..00_<<7 4 Ore Itivor and Nav 1st 2.000.Ill fts 85.000.IOU Pt.-u.i-__, l>ec A Kv lal 1.000.Wi Plttsbur.. A Wert 1st 3.000.76'e Kwmw. W ,t 0 COB Soi* 'J.Ono.1081 Bl. ,1 A Pf P term tr 6* 6O.00O.89 .'.I. Ul.'-?9l 15,000.8tf1 Boc fa A Pitt* 002 6.000.115 Rich an 1 Danville 6* 2,000.t<41 St I. A Ir in Mt Cairo A Fnlton !?? 6,000.104% StLSl Mount 2d 11.000..105 . I0.OOO.'820..81 8 I. Kan (and Va lit ( tn* Li lil C.i.Ot ... M4. Site.1111,1...h VDU irust .u-ceipts S.oeo.ll S . ( eat 1st Co,ip I San A A A P lit 64 Nor Carolin* con 4* 1.000.94 Tenn Settleml 3* l'.'.OOO.71 Market Bank 10. 178 Mechanic* Bank 20.16.1 Alt A T H div Ma 1.000.811 26.000.40 6,000.40>? Arch Coi A PactUu 1st 1,000.104'j Atlan A Pac guar 4* 13.000. 8S1 Albany A -*uso.ue consol 6* 8.000.1231 Bnr 0 tx A NUi'n 1st 2,000. 1.000..C. 1091 B*llv A Caron 1st 16,000.1101 6,000.110. Cbl A Ea.l Illino* Hen j* 43.000.961 Chi ll I A Pao fi* coupon 7,?MK1...._. 107 . ll.*.??.1071 into Deben 5s 6.0f?0.189V Central Paclfl* Laert Orauts 1,000.1031 Ches A Ohio our P.eorgcer 28.000.18 Cen P--C UM 61 '98 ..OOO...... 1161 ?98 1,000. 11S1 1.000.1161 Central Pardft Bonds 1836 4.000.103,*> 10,000.103 Col Ho* ? A TO M 6* 3.000.691 CliKHur A v_j.11.1y Neb Est ?* 6,000.92*. 85.000..92*4 41.(KIO.92*a Cbc. A Oblo .01 4s BeorganlrirgCert* 3.000. Ml D*t Uav i"r A A Isl 6.000.1081 D. 11 A lt Ude lat 2,1.00.1191 Ki :<? 7. consol gold H.lteo.1351 _ Ten* Va A 0 Hy Cons (Jold 5. 8.000.102?4 F*ri Worth *nd 1". lit 7.000.SMI 11.000. H3 . Qal ll and (_an An We.t Div 1st 6.000.t*0\ 2.000.91 BA 'lex Cent 1st Main line Trust i*c_l:it* 6,000.Ill's Intern1 aud Ul N 1st 6.000.1041 Louisville A 1* . lien mtg* rs 3.000.Ul SALES AT TUB OOSSOLIDATED STOCK ASD I'M!ROLE VE I EOE A > I /-. 8'TOCA'A_ 1,000.1851 Itew-Jeraey ("ani' Uen '' *g ? 8* 49.000.105Ts N \V K-itou.lou 4s 6.000.9V*| Na.bC A 8tL lat 1.000.130 Nwtl. Pac 'Jd .oiip 88.000.10ti*? Nor P*c 3d coop 80.000.'JO Nor A West li.ll).;* 1.0*0. 1-3 . N Y <hl A St 1 4a 6.000.911 18,000.911 S Y i-(is,_ ?tii 1*1 Refni! Hog 6* l.eoo.0:11 Nerlli rac lit OMS 8.000.1191 Nor Pac Tenn isl ?-.'.WO.105 K Y aad Nor IsS 6l .'.,(?<* 11.10S N Y l-.i.'vat-M 1st 1,000 . .. ii* N W 25 year U***u 6s Ohio Bonthern 1.Cl il. 6.000.341 Lo N A A (.'Ul* ?easel 10..0.91 1.0041.911 Ohio -..m.lien, lil 2.000.102 Peo i-i*o A fcivwns 2d 1.000.70 i**('i-rjia 2.00(1.91 et L Ara and Tax lit 8.00...SI SIP Min A 'twilit ". ? . Kx U 4,HIM).1441 Ma*_nntots_ ? .'JO St Joe mi O I motstt 0.0(H).40 r*ia*A ra*l8* ?J.i lncotn* 1....M).S8?j 5,0(H).ISl J. ,000.39 |ll.(MH>. ? 14...00. '? 14,000.3?1 To.oU. a A A N - i lu 1.000. I * .89 Colon Paclfl*IK "..(J 2.000.U-**4 "J7 0.O00.US'! __l 1000.UB'* 1.000.H';*. M. ?... 117 V 1. na Mi Land gen luort^'ag. ijaet_h West Pac bond* 15.000.1151 Wr. SIMM il Hn?ii*1 ts 0,u.Ni. Io31 Reglsl.'-**! UN.1031 2,000. I Samel. AnTC OIL... ?. Beet** ll A Knew.... (. *ui low*. i i.Ut BOUtC.m Chlo bur A U.. C**s*i ua* va..>. C''CA I. CB I AP. (.All P..' . Chi 8tP M AO. < a Mi' A is> Paul. U.uval ot K J.. lill* A N<>ritiwe*ter*. D*l-L*okA Waitera.. Delaware A llii.ltuu.. Kn*..-. ITV A (I*. lAie* ior.. L**1.A -4**liTUlo..... ltd *?e.t_. I. k A We.t t.rit. __*. Paoin*.^..?.^ M.n'i.11.1, lau. li* kan ? i_?i.._ ^ TA? A..Z. Nor Pa.- .. N*r Pacinc*!..... N*r A W *l . l-*w r*ra Cenirai.... K 1 ?? Vf *fj. Or.-Trsns . I'aclOo Mall.* n.._.nu_........ 1*1. I'd I T. Bum a w p. Bioh A v tat.I ltr?*i,*r*tlv* waa..I Ml A - ll* ?rt. Tenn 4'A Irou.I TMMl'aotno.. I HIM Pvuua.-_ Vic** A Mer.! winiam* .* M.nt. Weal. U. T.l.I I Op? I Itt. .5. 5-16 I 4-1 !.- . 7-.' -'I * ? 1871 6MV 8'. - 641 Si I 109-1 |2?1| los-v -1 .1 IO ? ? 6.11 li'.I y 701 yoi i Hv 2-1*1 611 451 ;()??. i 34 60 1* - 19 B 21 601 27 U 181 841 ll 75',! 83 V ,H\ 4sV 11 ."4 ,7.11 4?1l 1071 6-3 li :(.,-. 6611 88 ll 10911 IMS ic ; 241 10 I 91 I 841 14'* 43 . 70 . 1*01 12 87 . WI 611 47 lo. 4 29 24 601 19 281 ed ll 651 2 ' 191 tb l_ 41 781 83*4| _? 4 ll-'s tl sj 461 JOT -,i 601, -??_ 6411 S3 , 10?S I. - 10*'.I 14 V 10 POI1 f ll lil 4< I 701 Bj 871 *.'_. Si MV 451 1051 231 8* to 181 *_1 sn '_? 6S--J ll-l 841 1! t\ 78* atom Inc. 's.e. 6-ld 3 4*;. Ill* lal UH 147 _ fifi lei ,_h.r* '..4 - H..|> ?.Ut 1 " . : ' 3 SO lnj Iff mi ia?*? 8 *l I*. I." I'. . .1 lin ?2i\ lo |. 64V il ? 43 . 7o ... B ? NT SI Mil 611; 4* ! 10..1I rn ' ?:.l| 84 " 1 4 -- ' "oe l.l'*> lisl 4.4>.' 730 1 i *I0 l.l-* 15S 50 t'Ml 100 4?J t '.'? 60 ru cw 60 Tu iel sAAre* mlA.. ti ; 3d *n t*u\ MK In loo 14V_____i_? 78.o7-i