Newspaper Page Text
t-..\ S6V HM P4 .1 6.00C s.e. M'. RV r?\\ e.ixs] coi O'.-i ?>. 6oi .VOtHi 39 i SO-.. S? I 8911 HM-00 Kr.e 2d eon. Ki *V A 1> v" UL.. M K ?*- T ??. tea I-aciflt N ~Tot?' ..~T~.."...'.""140.000 MIBIBB .**TY>cr_ imt-r.I M| I 1.30 I ?30 I 1.80 I 600 P?r.-cU?na.I .93 .93 I .Ot I .OH 1.0.-0 Million.I 1 t-j I LSI I 1.68 I 1.65 low nrnu.wic-.I .16 I .16 .16 .16 I Hm K.c<i4*.?-?r. 1.10 110 1.10 l.M j 800 Ho;l.W-*xt..1 .33 | .::3 I MS I .83 I 700 in.i?., .6" I .60 .80 i .50 I 2Sn 1 lilli-Cbi-*t. .24 I .24 .*_4 .24 l.'-'i'O Ml-tiMaWar. .41 l fi .41 At 90o ?pron.tll* . L10 ; 115 l.iO 1.15 400 rSon'.x ot Ark.. .84 .85 ..IS .85 ISO H,.*,:n?"? .' ?"?' ! "?' ' "n I .70 I Soe Potioinnatl.I Lt ; .jj ' .1.1 I .11 I K ftudar,! . 2.00 I 1.00 2.00 I 1.041 150 ..ii svebaatlan..I .H7 | >7 I J47 I .87 I loo H.os-h-.t.e.. i .11 .U I .11 I .11 i COO Tavlur Plu-J*?.I .01 I -Ol I .01 I .01 ! 2,000 .?ttl ?? " -._.. 8.950 CL03IKQ roans or philadelphia stocks. RM. A.W-.1. I *n,L A.Sad ^fnn*rivani*.. 621 _? ? B-ifTal-v X. T A Kea-liB*.3D*. 30 3 IC Phua. ll*. ll Lrr.ifc-1 VWi.v.. JJl 5i<% \ S. I C?ntr?'..... 83 Ht N.nn racine .ir?>iti._ Tr* a*.. 2.41 2(1 esta. 231 _.-?> ht. !'?-._.. 651 641 * - .?...? i Uea<l:nw ir*)*er U rr.-:._ fl- 611 ..ior.**.-*. UM. .... l..l._n N?v.... 4*<1 49 ' K-Nvl.u- Inc. Hi 84 Tract!**... 65 ... I Raiding 2d aer 6* 741 75 Of/KO-Q PUKES OF BOSTON STOCKS. Loston. June 7. 18S8. YcawMav.'r T.sterdej. To-day A* Tot*. In 7? 12" . ItOll Will Cent P. a A*T_?IUt... 841 *?4*-.. ran. 17 161 ??eton A A Hu'r .... lit.*. Rutland emu ... 61 5*. k t Saina... 511 211 . Kuiiamt ni . 38 .... iaic B.riinj a ktsmaat MinOi. mimer. Ill 1121 mewl. I 1 fte stn .. Clov. 16. 10 |Caiuru'tA iteou 244 84* MM. ni KR. l_31,CaUlpa. 20 VO fMtern RR ii. 124 124 Prantciiu_. 13i 15 run:-a Pere m. 43 4_*4 llun.n. 41 41 risM <t P M et I 103 lui*. MeceoiO. 20 20 han < Uv SU A ' Viuinrjr. 70 701 r Binns 7* . . 120 121 |Ra11 rele^hon*. 230 229 Iles 4vn corn... 141 ill. Lati.l ... 7 71 Mexicsn Cenrral Water rower... 71 71 lstMor ititi* 651 <"?*?_ TAnmracK. IOO IO:* HT-k-f-kML. 361 37lM_**_e_i. 2.1 201 *. 123 .... 'San OL Ca... 30 ll** Cpi- A L Cham Weat Earl l.\n 1 M V4 i-.lan. mm.... ("1 c.., Lam S'r* So'o* 61 61 pill Con-iv. 164 lin tlor.E KMLKOAD REPORTS. Thursday. Juno 7?p. m. Five non railroads Unlay- rcportod their grost -?* f'?r thc fourth week in May, makin*; th" t...iil niTi'.T tims far reported firty-one. Of the t'.tal number, twenty nine conip-inies which have returned rams ghre aggregal ? earnings of j'. ?. - ter Um i kofi - ya**, against s '-_.--*-".. 1 J for the week cf 1 *"*T-a sain of S">1 7.1 TC. or 22.05 . i he o'.lcr twelve c.r.iixinies, whicn have r tan ,te of $1,506,486 (or tl ' - tobe, ageism $1.5.0,221 for 1$??- deelia ..: IBS, .3.".. or 5 :>'.> Tiic whole f' ny-iii;, MBpaata have ..f $1 118,76$ f..r the week cf this ya-. a_.-nir.-: for the week of ]?-.-. .111. or 11.01 per cent. years of tlie Ch . Bock Is'.and un. of The Chicago nnd Northwestern Railroad! rad (.ii --larch 3] and Maj mi respectively. Thara* .'; r ; rta, the RSalts of which t.v dav were tri liv * i from Chicago* incliih' Bine n'.i ? I -?-??,. ly of the period Atria. ? Burlington ami Quincy l.i* 1;. war " f... a lasting peaon." B Ulan 1 .".nd l*a_ilic report i' 1 earn! talioa S.".g.*.T4 Ital than for th- ir, the net being ?*..'-?..-:.7. Adding the premium received fr..:n the total m ccipe After Um pajmenl of all l :;*id 7 i*t c. tit civid lils ti.e surplus for the year was $385,705, against a surplus of $411,70. for the v< ar. nd".I M:r"li :si. 1887, and $87,240 f -r the year ended Hatch 81, 1886. The ? id Northwestern'! statement, as .vs :. sitrplui for the year enided ,. 1888, all charges and fi per cent dividend on the common stock and 7 per c_nt on rot-ferred stoek, ..: $1,200,000: land sale-,. <?..?*. I 00 more, making total sorplws $i>oo,ooo sgainsta surplus lor the preceding jrear of $8,300, OoO?s decrease of $1,500,000. 'The fangoiaig figures dr> not include ihe ] mlits derirad from the company*! trane-MissourH linc.-*, whieh last year amount.-d to over $700,000. Allowing for a de? cline of 25 iwr c ni in the profits from those lines. 5,000 to be added to the surplus of $1,800,000 stated abore, and B_ak_S the net earn in^s for the in-t year rona] to 10.5 per cent on ' 'I hese exhibits, when it is . beted that nearly the whole of tho poriiM.s I by the respective reports was a fighting T.-ar. are little less 'har. phenomenal. The Bur . and Quincy Company seams to be fighting ii " lasting p< a e" that is lound only in the I Well. to*di 's si k market was ns dull as : the total transaciious .,? *.-i to only 107,077 shares, Whether the I thi _* il o\ er the sp_*eu* , that a day of reckon I .... ture, or th. Action ol the ! ? in i".ptini Mr. Cleve ; t on l le question, and thus other of the I ? mes prosrail t the Si wc ehall nojt andortake ? tbe strength (.f the I ? ? ming's opening a I itraat witli last : \r*.!. while there were some sub the ton;' of tho strong.all the way oat. The gKx-k : little or no iu the ? ? business fl ins was ?OK i 'iv 'ii', i'h-d. and of special -.. r- few. Westorn ! and Louisville and Nash . ielo|-ed more than an average ..- market closed quiet and iteady in TILE DAT IN THF. IIOND MARKET. Gknrernmenl i...;i<!'* were dull and the nominal SS follows: Ri. A** I PM. A?k ..a4Ha.lMl_.rec.107 H'7-, C.s. ear. ?? 1S91-..12 1 ...... Ca4Hal89_.eea.107 lo:\, c.*=.cir. fls, H407..124 ... I'M*, l.-.r-.- tito i-'i. t.*4. eur. ?:*, Ul. *-.. 127 .... :-.., ?*? -i ;???:-, r.*-. c-ir. as. n?>..12. .... Aft 1493 111 .. DHL Col. 3--j*! .... lltf .... I Tl la St.ate bonds was covered by sales o' Tenn teem settlement 3a at ti and North Caro* hr.a consol i> al :.4. < >f city bank stooka (fecban* I 65 1-. and Market HO) at 175. Th- general bond martel waa fair.V active and pries ruled linn. Erie second 8s soi. up fr_m $4 tn i?; 1-2 ai - u.ted .4 $-$?$$. if tenn ri, Kana*., ,.-,,i Texai issuea were exceptionally w.-ak. The 6s a d ht .... :;-l I.'.;. l-2a$0 l-'J. and the 6s at Kock Island .'.s wm firm at 107S-4. snd I'liiil'ir* n.v.- Bo aold np to and closed at M. arni the second incomes were active ot 88 .'--4a New-T. rk, < hieago and St. Louis 4s rose t?i 91 l-'ju'-M l-l. Thc 1'i.i' n Pacific and Sorthera s wer*- stronir. Referenot is made ta air full and detailed report of **.*il-"?. Of iriti-fS .lralt in at the Stock E? rhan;;.'. Cotton S-..I oil certifleatca sold _,:ioo. at :-t:s 1.8aa. l-**. Toledo, iv..ria and Western flrst ja($i?,ooo nt tx r: cago Gas 28 at :n 12, and - .th Sliore and At_autic preferred (120) at Matt. Money was in abundant .apply at l l -al per cent. i.i).I !?', ,>.-! offered at l l-l percent. Th- . etatement to-day was ns follows: Exchanges. J'jO,y**.C,541 ; balances $4,880,520. The Stib-Trea_?i)rv was d< btcr nt the ('lenrin**; ?*.".. 4. :.44. lund lassos balance waa $828. I laadeupbya .????iii los*, of $388,848 lesa a cur -- The day's operations covered: Kcceipi ? 163: payments $1,321,381; lan*/ togtlH lance al $168,034,485, consisting cf H$$,$03,8S8 cola and $18,330,808 curreney. BEPOSTS FBOM WASIIIM.TON. The United Statis Treasurer at Washington re? lived to-day $520,000 National bank notes for piton. . The easterns raesiala were |87$.1T$ and the lEUrnal revenue receipta were |I5$,S1 n. \u\\\\*? s *,''1'*'i:I;-'1' 'i ' .?*.?:?> irv ilalaailMlt of cash .n "ai ., bank oom pawn with the ' previous smtesaent as follows: .. , tl tt li- Jeiie 7 I)lff?T?.Tlce?. ?NM poll r,r liand e^ix- 218 -l?l $T.-,.).'.I12 SSS Dec. P300.0O0 ?r ot. h'd b2,'J'. J.01H 0.',^'J,il4 lite. 48,474 ?sti-aai _?__-_? oaaasfi . . . . lM$l,t8l 3370.vr.21 inc. 173.5.. Artual rash In IMMm ? tells ?vcr omiotMoA'p tie* . . ???"0.7n3.C44 j2-4fi.r-47.720IVr.tl75.9-i4 lis-lio-i-.. la bankii M.lV-,,118 03,.55,013 Ixe. 002.505 Bet ese) tarnee* $_;; - 7 1 e.'i IO. 103.338 Dre. $778.42? rhe im. ign exchanges were dall and weak with quotation* for business ns follows: liank? rn' pills, $4 h>5 and $4 $$ 1-4 for Ioiik and short ster 2f_ r*sl'*"'f'.'-'-iv: 5.19 $?$ and Ml 1-2 for franc*: JJ o . a;,! 85 7-8 lor reichmarlis; 40 1-4 and ? 0 12 for guilders. Tho gaveraom of the Bank of England, at their ??ekly meetiag today, reducad its rate lor dis? count fioiii 3 to 2 1-2 per -?-?nt. Darin-,' the week ak gained ?554.01 0 and ths j.roportioii of jt- it-.v-rve to iu liabilities was mlaad from m.#a J? 4i_.2i j>er cent, against an adtmnsa from 4i.44 J*? * 1.1.4 {mt cent in the sam.' weelc of last yi_.r. ?ben ito rate for discount was 2 pi 1 oeot To_iay ? ??: ?-1. 01 L?ulli? n on balance. I h> stat cienl : the 1-atik of Fran?! -.hows ? Ism af , mid and a gala ..f ?lins silver. At the London Sto*k 1 age british roi,v,ls wen .-troi:?, with hu ??n aa... ?f |.8 j* r eent to 'J** la lt* and 00 1 14. t'*?l?"('tive!y f..r mon.-y aud account. Bar silver ?-nUned to 42d. per ounce, Knclish standard. ASicrican railways were all higher at the open ?*?? aad ruled suon_; with further adfancei to Ihe close. At paris French .*. per cents were easier at 83.20, and ai^rhr exchange on London was firm at 23.28 1-2 francs for sterling. RAILKOAD LAI-NTNCS. CANADIAN I'ACiriC. 18RG. 1687. 1** -i Number of mtlea . . . 8,!J27 4.4.17 4,47.1 l'..nrth week tn May . 0271.000 $801,OOO ?317.0U*> Jan. 1 to May 31 . . . 8. __(. 1 121 4,047,884 4,600,1 DO CHICAf-O AND WESTKUN MICHir.AN. N*0Tn***r of m'.iea ... 418 41. 41 % Fourth week lu MIT . 034.173 eat.71 _ eS***,7-_ Jan. 1 to May 31 . . . r..4,i i 53G.P37 889,4a. OE0K01A PACIFIC. Number pf miles . . . 317 317 401 Fourth week in May . -S21.0O4 820,140 LARK F.r.IE AM) WESTERN. Nnmber of mlle* . . 380 M8 M8 F..nrth week in Mav . e-_*i._r*4S 044.84-1 ?5l '? Jar.. 1 io May il . . . 88..80S 723,8515 $11,838 WABASH WFSTERN. Number of miles . . . 80$ P?0 l.tVl Fourth WOSfe In May . el-KMOl SIO**..!!*. fl lil. _"*?.?._ Jan. 1 to May 81 . . . 2.100.'j3o 2,378,730 S_,100,337 KVROPF.AN FINANCIAL MARKRT4. lorronr. Jana 7.-4 r. m.??'etna's. "* 15-ltt for wienev an,i HO for the aeonunt; 1'nited statue 4 torrent )..iuds, - 4 .e. . Atlantic ami Oriel u..i.ri tret mongaga trieteea' rertiticat?a. SS Si cana-Van Pacific, 5**; Kne. 25>?: .ie. eecond conaois, fl? ; Mriir.n .irdiintrr -ll. lllUMHa Ccntrm. 122: M. Tani. Common. (i0\ ; Pannsyl. vania. 54; New.York Central, 107.; Beaning. J0> Mex? ican t'eniral. IS. Moaey la 1 per oenk Har eilvur is gifitoil at 42.1. per onnra -?pai.leh toura. Ti.'-. Tim Hank of England lias reduced ttl rate of d'.aconnt fro:v . t? li ".per SIM 1 lie auuiunt ot bullion withdrawn fro* the r.ank of Eng laid on balance to-dav is it!..xv. Th>- LB th-, hank ot KnjfAi.d hasincreaaod ?35-1,000 dnr.uc tue pml weak. The proportion ef the Rank of England's reee-ve to llal.llitv, wl.teli m*i week waa ll 83 per coot, is now 41.'il per MSI Parla advice* quote j par rrut runt** at Bs trance. '.'.' centlmoa for tlie account aud exehanceoa I.on.louet 'ii franca . - _ i-ei.tin.'s for ch--.-La HAkia. June 7. - The weefciv ataitroent uf tbe Rank of France allowa o .ecreaee ot 4,'.oe ...) franca in (old aud en n.creaie of l.Me.OOO france in aiiver. THE STATE OF TRADE. EAtTmoiiK. June 7.?Cotton Iftdlllne 10910'ae. Flour ate. tv. Howard Streat ead Waatern *4u parn rio *?_ so aa*-oo. r.ttra .i? 88 888)4 aa fseuir ia ?t ?_.???. 4 78. cut Milla surwrflu. vi ,'.;isi*15. BstrsOetS-88)8 74. .:. Ilir. <4 I*...'. 1>. pataeaon Famllv ft SO. U" Ku- ' perbtiive Patent S5 05. Wheat?Sontbern acarce, firm. Kulti: ' !<."?(IS,-; ^j.'.iTir ?399'.le_ Wriaiern aieadv. Nn. J Wm t.-r K?4 svM.t St-rSl^e ; .ta for Jnae Di a !?i'?e 1 Sa far Julv , i-o-i*flO?jc ; do far *inrn?i ki.)*-j3il(i*,c.. (Moa *a * lir.uer. steady, white ("Haste, yellow .; Western .'.er '! IX-?i aoot O'1!*, c IjO ... ; June OO-**' o .(? , J n IJ fill ... r 1.1'.. August I'laOiV. UtU -Mir. .?soii'li-tu elt'litUa. Wcetern Whlu at 439t5c. Waatern Mixed at 409C_c: I !?? ui.*r. vatua at. 4t-944c. Rve we.k at e.7 a Ul"? for trow. Ila/ eleady; Prim* to lliolce Western $17 noa 17 ft"), Pro- , visions active aud Orin; Mena Pork SIS O'L Bulk to it*. sh on iden ant Ctaar lUfe si dee packori 7', .*,?,.?. Bacon? : siiu'iidaia 7 you've. Clear Bib ! Ides B*_c Hvns l3*t*9_Se. Ij?rd relined at ? .c. I'.mi-' steady. Weetara i?acki*,i .t lS*aiSa_i Creeraerr at l_.?'."Jo. E?r_rs at I Sc l'oiruleum at_a*.ir. I.etloe.1 al ~*,c Coffee (teadyj 1: ornoo*, erdiuarr to fair, lOai'iUc. Pncar atro.u. "A" ?ott (JV- Copper reflaed tlrin .11 IS.915V'. Wlmaev t.r.n at SI .'1. Ul 'J*>. I'reiKht* to p.-r ateabier du ', - ( otton 8-SSA, Floar o>-r ton. Sa 0.1. 4iraln 1 ',<L i.oceu.ts? ' Lour *.>li l.bla W bfat -.'.4'*'t. hush. Con. L88I tus. <i__i Ceo.) bush. Rve- BOO luish. Mii;.ni?r.'s-Kn,'ir !_?'_,_.. .?>ale??Wheat 4'^5.o.Ki ba*:., torn l'.'.u..u<'., BrFKA'.o. Jun. 7.?*.v'h?at-.\o 1 liarl Pleaeke. ; Ita 1 Nort'iv.a dull al -to evi-r chleaeo Ar?ust; Wn.tor ? ante! ?ni vrmk ; Ni I Ki*'' ii., -c . N* 1 a* bite Kiel th du!., weak aud low.r: No. 2 Yalow at lt .*..?. ll Yell..* -' 7 '. u . -? . Ea, :i Mi',Ob~<: (.Ma *i?nly m. I u... Ii.itined Nu.ll White 41*43 4'.'t ; -No. 2 KU. ii.-'uiiiei. i lour .'.ui.iau.l seed; lissi Patent 3 85 .">..? *5 7S. Heat Wlu'.-r *l .-*.-;*.*, 'J.*. Ml Ile. I -. a.i.l lower; Winter Rr?n flo no, spntur .i? S14 om. i oinnia.,1 atevly. Oltieel stei.'.y. Ciu.u trelkhts vera li mer i vh-in, ,V4.. Mkai, :>*?c DU; (*..rn. . - '. .1; o..ts 2^-c Beeeiptg Tlnnt 1U.O.I0 1..1* 11 bush. Corn lOA.WW bu*li. aye 'J .'.'..). bu^a. anta ey Rail?Fitter O.o . ? i.m*. Wheat 89.0.1. bush. 1 ..iii 89.000 bnah. <._.i< I1C.000 kua'i. Cane) siiipnieuta Wlieat 88.088 bimh. KoeTO.**. June 7_Flonr?Smnll 1. and thr> general tri '.11. ?? toward lower pri. >??*. ne ese rn knyiug excepl t..r - .'.? ii-e. tori la Halli aapplv oaf, Yelle*888187a t?S4e ea?l>-r. .\o. $WfeNe48947a, t ? g?M i.u.l igic'.i.Tige.l. Provis, wis steady aad ipa. ataMMly. Ijird at ?.'?irsi^c. IImm.s ut H%'9lS*ie. Beal ataidr. Uuit-r-Llglit o: ti:*-.r:.s. .,,.?. an i g .1 .:...,_iii.l for Una cru-o 1 Nuimern 4'reiiiierr at 2tlc 1 Weetara K^ira Creivniery at 'J'lc 1 market nira. uu.l gleek taUtet ( :i?.e?? .mil; Beat North ara ?*.-.'-jc. li.'K* ntteer inactive, apt suppiv plentiful 1 Beaten Bttma al Itfei Waaiarn 1 itia* at 1S*m". Receipts foi the we?-k-Flour 34.Hoi) bbla anl 48,11**0 aacka. Cora et.Cu. bu.ix Uata 180.000 bnah. bliorl-. 755 tons. CHictr.o, June 7.?The lea.lln_r futurai ran^sl aa I feUs-vei WltBAT XO. 2. Op-niu-c. iliiriest. Lo'?**<: Ci34ln_r. I Jnly._ 88 88*. v' *j 8ft*? ! Au.-ust. Sfltj s. _ - ^ ^e)>temb^r. ..o". H*. >, rt. H4. imn-iuber. ts7_ 87 ?a 8o**? M _. CO RX XO. 2. Jone. f.4S 64. 88% l>3 July. 65 66*a b.i . I . ?Ml ir 11 st. M>? M. Ms f.4. S.pieoiber. bi\ 05'a bi* u*'e oats no. 2. Jnne. 38 a, S3** S-*a Juiy. SS7* :*4 ii\ 88. Auifost. t8>*| .H. ?_-?? ?<e I -September. -7S 27s4 $7*i 'i~ * arne tJta reit hhl Jalr . 1481 U9S 1412. 1418 August . 14 35 UH'-i |4tS UPS .-eptember......... 14 4'.'. U_S*_ 1. .. 14 ..j l.s.i* rk! lO'l IB. July. rli*e S7.*. SCO's 8 fft Au-tuat. t*77>a 8*50 8 7o B?U Hepremoer. 880 8 *!?."? 8 75 .**?*. october. 8 HO 81W 8 75 8 75 ihort nm* rt-t V>') tb. Jily. 7 7*. 7 75 7B5 J87*g Auituat. 7~'_. 7H'^. 7 7*. 7 7.*. _*. pteiiibef. 7'Jo 7 DJ 7 ti 7 e5 Flour oniet and ateady. Rye Bc lower. Caso (jieiuiions wi*ra %, folio wa?\ a. 2 Snr'.ij ' S.??a8o... Va8 8|iriti(i Wheat nomtna". No.'J 1: Ko. ! com ai &:'-j._. Sn. i (jata .it ;t.t?<c. Ha, 2 liva at ('..ia. No. I Ila I-lev li79GSc. No. 1 Kl ix Kg . .0. Prune Tui.ottiv -*ee4 t'i 10_>_ IS. .".lees I' I hi $14 05?14 10 per bul Lara ut $-. SO oer im 0 Bben Rioa Hides looae at $7 ?*.''? l_>rr Salte<l yhoul!, rs '..led *(i ?_)*$<! ?i ishort ''lear ni l-? boxei r 88 ift. Whlakec, dlatlller*' flulaherl i.mli atti SU p?r L il. la*, Su?_ira?Cut Loni 7l4ae'4t. Granulated WV-, ard "A" ti'oC. ^rflciei. R-u*?lir,. Shi;.manta F.oir. bbla. 17.(100 basti.. I il eon. 1.uah. :',*'i..ii 3 - .. Oats, boah. 170,0041 _. Bra bush. b.uoo lian ey. bush. ll.oO) 9.0M ..j the PieSeug Kic ian?e ti-dar tha Batter mir;. a.tiv- (Ynesigry ils*lHi Dairy 12910a. t-ti* Cr.u at l.i __ 14c. CINeivSATl. Jnn-. 7.?Cetron sana F'ocr ;>risier: Famllr ?.io... Kaiiev .H __'... H '". -TImm quiet h . t Ker. [iii:. Receipt- 2,tS041 l.-.ish. aii'.i. ..euu* 1 .. e. Com )n>.ivr. lower; Nat 2 Mne-i S.'ji.Mu n?t* ?'roiijr 1 -Nw .' ai 37c. Rye duli ; No 'i nt 08 _e, 1'or. galat .1 414 f.' .. I-anl steadv at **l 10 Rulkine?t? innl Beeag s. . -.t f,ib? a* 8775; Kheri Clear *.?:_.'?. IVhukey al mles ot liG4 b.irr.'ls Suiahed C....-S -1 lh.. '?, || ol 81 ll. i..uter .jui.-t; Kancy Knrthvaetern Cranae t a: I': .mc Ua.rv Koli at 12914a. ni.'.r w.,?s,..'?; Uara Rnftna-I 7974?ei New.O. leane 5... ...<-. IL.^-s atr,.".r; . o'j.u.'.n and Limb; 44 80988 Sa Packinr au 1 gate ter.' to 409*4 .11. Baeetjia %oito ?, ahipmaata i.-_-.. Ef ga wara nrm at 15915.0. Cheeoa was ateajSTi onie Flat a: ?-?. Kaatera exchange firm aud uuchanifi-il. DnTKOrr. Jnne 7_Wh^it? **t% 1 vviiit*, casu 'jOr ? Sn. '. K.?.\ caah i)l*?c; do Ju.y Ole; So Ansust 90 .e. Corn? N* ll S5c bid. Oau?>j. U at lojc -. No. 1 White . P.p.-.-ipla?Wheat b.JOO busX Caiu 4,000 bush, outa 7,5)0 b,.3h. ' ISM .XAPOLIS. June 7.-Whait flrmT; No. 2 R?l Sltgg bid. Coru .inlet ; No. i ^iixei nominal. Oala tlr.n , Na 2 Mixed ..S-a. bid. PHiLADkLrHiA. June 7?Flenr-Very little doing and prlceg steusly. Wa.tera aad Sig nar Sae SI 75911.).). do do io l.xlraa tl (ii.<_tS.4 29, No I .*? iutrr ism r e.: 354*3 75 ; I'ennavivania ai Si Si 00. Peuitsvlvaai- Hiller Piegggg 84 80981 99. OUii Clear S4'..K>l4a do da a_rtl<Ut $_4<i94 7>. Indi/.;.. CiiiiirM l-.UO: dndos-.ra:. it itt 40-?4*C,. hu l-4iilia and 8'iuthern li.mais Clear 44 Jo91 MS di Sa stn,.-ht ti tom >t 75. Winter Patent fair lo choice 44 K59. lay, Minne* >u Clear S3 leomt 15. de atraifhtS*- 4U9l 78 M:un.._ ita 1 . enta. gooil to "liico. s:iu.'95 1j; do de fan. M'r, 94 Flonr guiet at !?* ti5 9 3 75. Wheal-Mai kel ru.od il rm and fatnrea beyond thia mai,th _l..i.i'i*l V 11. sympa:.. with Ike Weat, demand UifkL No. '2 Ked .n eg nari .- - . P7c : No. 2 Ked fer Jone Vic!)..-; rio tor Julv'.<-'. <yj v . do for Anicnal 91 *?9'..l V; do for beptemoer ll ip a MSc. Ctn? Local traile deiu*Ld lighl, aug prices for spui lota Hie! lu buyeia' 'aror. fuiuree .jniet hut ate dy. .\.,. J| \ .How in rr'am depot (J3c . stearn' r >;: u 9'it Na 2 Mixed tor J1. ne oO.itil *?c , do for Juiv tll.90)<aei Sa tor A.i?ii*t 88*?8)8S'a? de fer September .ide,lc. .?narkal lor 16ta _e I../thar, under light*. mir l.Kial trade .laasaiid ; BeMctai Whlla 40 . Vo. :4 White 4 lc hld ; Na. 2 White 44c I mures a a..a.!o tirm*r ; No, | \', ;,.;. tor June 4:4^j?44c. Sn tor Ju y 44-.14.. . .'.?. i..r Aunist .'ti. <f 3!id: do for Kerteroacr .ci. poiaioea? New ttrm. faird.'maod old dnll. White p. . .,.1, Hcoicli Maguuiua per lbs th ?v:? *1 edail 80 u? Regan la J. 7<i? tl 8". '''" Cbaiupiona *i '>o#$l To. Pannayt. vauia and New-York K4nv Ruse ctimoe Whitn, ul 50c per l.uao. ; do do lair ta doon 4'i_i.'r.. do do B'-Xbai.ka and White ltira choice at 7oci .lo do do Rarbauka Fair to U?k>.I (;.'.??;?<:. lieurons nhaiae al .".dc : da lau to (4 >.i 1 4n945c; Mammolh I'.-ari Choice at 70c ? do Fair to Oood (1590**^ Honda ie* p..tai. .-1, ?rana per bbL. B ii()9?J 5n Florida now potai.^*. ?uedlnm, *'2 2i?..J 0(>. Florida nev i.owtoes. cull*. iM?r bb. $1 U(I9#1 5". Provisions firm, in l.ur deinan!. 1-eef .'ny Fain il r. uer titi., f* 5 I9S3 ? ?: da lo Pact-u *7 5o 9 8 00: -_iuo<iid Be"f IS 911* Baal li eau SIS HO 9 ?17 0.1 P.jrk Mess. JIG Ol); do Pr.m.. Nie*.. 10 -r S14 50: do Family #Hi*8i?? 50 Hams. Smoked pur to. ll-, r lie ? de 14. P. eared ll tiercM. l'H?9!l "<'?; do ,'.. .'.a In aalL 8.9;<c Stitt, dear lt boa t awaked *.<_ al'-.-_. SSonidan. in drv eau aut fniiv emtmi (I ',<:?. 00. do am.ko'- 7'.<f " "s". -.Ij.illar*. nie*... cur.vl. > 7*,c ao. do. ein;._:a.U S'-.d'J". Hollies lg ptMU o'.ic; do Rreaktaat Baoon at 10,-. Lard r.rn. - Ctty I'.er.ned W0o?_>50; rta Steam S8 75 98 8O1 ).'itch-*ra 8*t 25 *H ftc. Rutter hrm?Pennavivnnu ( rea me ry Extra nt ino.. Waatern creametv txtra al USi B. C. and N. Y. Crea-aerv F.xtra at lim. Western Factorv lia. Packing butter l.'915e. Kgea were Fennavivauu firetaallftc. Waatern flrau at 10c Cheeae final, . demand fair: New York Full Cream ****** 1 Ohio Flaia. Choice at M^ci tn Fair te Prime nu i>?e bniriir IWtlned firm. Powdered 7 1-ld. ('ran 11 lated (, .3 1 "e. Feel .inlet: Winter Uran SKI 6naSl7 ba D-*r ton. Petro e.i... ateady 1 7U Abel leal in bbia. 7.4__ ReoeitiU-Floi- I . > bus. Wheat 4.0..I bush. Coru 1,000 bush, '-ats 9.0' o uuah. -Jhipmanu-Fleur 700 Ii'jU. corn 4,(iou Luau, uata 6,31*0 boab. _. ? PliII.ADELrillA. Jnne 7-3 45 p. m.-Wheat dull and weak-r ; No. I Ke.1, June ?5c bid. Ortc aaked: J uiv Wa t.l.l. Weja uki Auifuat Plc bid. I) IV aaked . .septen, ber DI *-.c bid. U^c aaked. Corn and onie quiet and nu.hanged. ST. Loria. June 7.?Klaiirateady and nnrhanaed. Wtv-v lowen No. ? Rad. man 00... do July -*6*,_?k*'>V. Cloe.iig ,**6%c: do Aug.ial 85 .?Hga,e. doling H5*.c , d? I.t -'.. V9SXIV. clealng ??'.<-. Com verT dull ; caa.. .... July 51951 V. 'losing 6lC; Augnal 61 V- .'-?_-i:._ year inc,, cioaina 31* V. Oata oaer a..d faa ? ejas .,_ < . June 32o birt: Joly 88-sjS hld; Augnal i'^c. wi'-. Hrs n. minah Barlee -Nathina* doiag. Bran at t-J-. Har'du.I . Prime Timothy SIS ini9$1*4 nu : Praino $0Wfa_> "u'.t.r ateadr ; Creamery 14 9 Hie ; Dairy at lat I-***1 dull . < oas. moa SS *U) ; reflnad*( ll) K?ir, at Ur Cornmeal at ?'J rt Wm-kevatSl 14. Proviaion* tirm , Perk ai 814 TA tart ai SS :.*? Dry nail Meata. t>oxe<i-"*houidera 9*> n., 1 ?. ,.u long Cienre ai S7 tm; Clear Jilba al fl 881 Short Cieare at __ '-'? P.acoo. boxed ? ".hoaider* ?? Cleara S*. 80 : Clea. Kll.a Oh _-. 1 Short Clears #* 1., * p*. Ti llama al SD) 7S9*U. RacalpU-Flour l.-.Ml Wheat 12.0041 puen. Corn pi.doo bust- Osia '.'...'0 1 bnah. Usa nene. Honey nona. >i.u.meata ? Flour 1..W1O bbla, \v ...l a.uoo liasX i.oru '.b.aoo buau. oaU bu?u. lue none. Baner not.-. Jnne dull and easier; n*h Sl*f_i June Kl -e; Jnlv DO1*- ; Augusi 89 ?e. December ll KV. Lum ateadr 1 cae-i 60*?c; Augeai 87a OaU aie*iv ..nvnefJi-a*-. Clover--.! nil pat flri" ; oaah 44 J _ t-ct'obcr *. 57 .. Rereipia ?at S5.000 baatt Carn ii iain Imah. OaU l.OwO buab < lov. r.eed 14 bags .sh p.uenia Wueat 7,000 bueh- Coru .'0,000 bualL OaU I,OOO Puah. SPIRITS OF TCBPBNTIN--. rHAKLkmon. Jnne 7 -Turpentine ateedv at ,.3*?c. HavaiaaH. Jnue7.? Turpentine steady at .*4?*e_ WiutuoToa, Juna 7?Turpentine aim at _-*__. THK MARKETS TOTAL RECF.nTS OF PRODUCE. Per North Uiver. VsSSdS ami Kal,roads. B K I'eai .ush... Co.immi pork. ogga.. 1-21 ?i ? fto.Oatmeal b'.la lo.".!'._?-. pkgs .. _'". Beans, bbls. 1-. I (treas.. ,,kct {H '*?.:-..*aU|ika 4."71 ? -Pk i ri epa. balee.. 031 Lard, pa*a.. sol cotton. .??_!? I? taafhai.aga'l 8.5 J:'Lard, keis... -'?? Kama, bhis.... i eoirits tara I H'l't.-r. pigs T.S88 Firm, enaea.. .;..?:** ,,i,i? . . |?>.chaaaa. plure 10.00! Fleur.nkaa.. lu,:4on|Uoai__, bois . 4HX.wnn.aa, Mea 1*" 4 Meal. bbl*. 4 1*. tiilea-c. .<? 117 1 allow. pka? I'" C Heal ben SlSuo Oil. lab. bbla SOOl Paeeeaai nea SI irjarnic Tel.icio.rxi *>H Pom. butti., iii,...ii. pkg*. 2,147 Wi.laky.ubU *?**> (.ate, ba- ?.bags no_ GENERAL MABKET UEI'OllTS VOttKMr-T-Oii : af mapjtAaaat tor rtra/U prom ha. sad ? i..i>.lnal. on tba i:. ? lc l -i.,.i invoices, Lae terlay aalea of s.o- -Bade at 14 3 Mi nfi..-.. a hil ? . I iv i. . i |... ;:_ mil 5c>o bea** ?v' 7 IS 7-8C The milder ? ty!.'" ', ra ai 18 ,,-!? ..s ?*>.pi.'e?nt;'i|t a OOaUM of io jmiuts fr 78,78. baja. ? -,ng baiea Kon'hs. I . llirh-"t l-o-t- .st. Baja ... 10.SO9-i0.80 10.43 ia 88 I.OOO 7 . . . 10.80nlO.SO 10 50 1C55 1_,750 March .... IO 20810.80 April .... lO.'ioalQ.'iO . . . . 10.20410.90 in V*. 1o.-.(1 J.OOO . . . . 18 70-I1S.75 IX.**'. 13.7" 11.880 J my .... 12.5.41200 12 BO 12.80 t* ?"."" .... ll Mall.00 11.00 11.48 14.-"-J Kepteabcr . . . 10.7oS10.b0 ll mi 10.00 18.604 < ?? ?? I. r . . . . 1" bot IO 4-'. 1. .'i. 1? 4.1 1.1.750 b r . . . 'I0.20al0.28 1045 10 35 1 '-?'*" 10 - a lu 28 10 tO lo io i'i 0 COnOV?Tli? mow iii.-'iit In ?pot '.ms ans fair I .' qnota liana vcr' nm ehoBgel i-ji.-a, B7S laica, ceo of .. hi n ni" ob apatula tl ve accoent anl the bain. fbi ???? 41 tba pert! lo-dar'a inpart Indli-etea ie* - .?! 1,-70 balee, cua-Siailns with 8,800 balee thia -., and 5.11 Iva'.*, fi- the c rrnepondln? duy ar. since September 1 .-h.* beftanin* ni the er?.p year] tba re eely ta have ijrsi_fsied 5,884,207 bai.-a. cum with 5,171,-7d hai---. f.,r th- ctriespoullDg da") lust yar. (,in'tatiana based on the American standard ot cUasiflna. _?n are; Balsa la ?_??''*' r>ri.n*irr.7 14 7 38 "r .marv.7 3-4 7 7 8 i < . iary.8 11-18 fl 18 10 Strlel Good Ordinary ... . 18-18 ti.'. Id Low Mi Idling.9?10 9 11-18 S-ri-t I_oW Middling .... 013-10 915-10 Mlddilnc. . IO 10 1 8 Middling.10 1-4 1' ? io..1 Middling.100-18 10-11-10 lg Fair.10 15 16 ll 1 10 Fair.ll 010 ll 11-10 BTAimEDi Good Ordinary . . 7 3-18 Low MldllJng . 8 13 18 btiict Good Ordinary 7 7-8 Mlddliuu . . 9 58 The speculation ? il ai.l . 'ii rw.eo ttStan* lean I .atng prices rej.ented i.o change on th.- .1. .-ind a dcriine of ] point fur thu day on thc etd ..-rop month*. 27,400 ba:.:-. ll-iairj Vonthn. pneea. UlgM-M- i/iwest Sale*. Juna. 0.038 0.94 8.04 8.01 H.oeo . . . . 1<>.... _?!.? Ol 1001 10.00 4.100 ?. lo .".... IO. lo 10.1 i 10.0. ? ? . . . ?- 8.17 8.03 ...... 9.4 i 1.48 9-41 1.50 ' ? . . . . I ..-'? r . . . . '....c.. it BO '-? '. ? ". 1.2 -' ... . . 9.43a 9.44 8 I! *.' 43 i( 0 ry . . . . '?? "- '-' 51 '.? '.I '.. SO .:. bes '.. "??) ass ;? ss i i ? ? .'..?_??.>? 7 '.?.?-?J 'j .0 i.ioi MjV. ?I ll AM) MEAL : LOl'R-Tha und. :.<*v la atlll t>. a ..'?'? t 1..-*. with marked eealety I bold. : - ? .ur la-*, .t only tc ( ? laltlea, and #hlpp-*ra look 0.. - * ? ? ?'-. In. lu ung 1 .-?" Ill Extra, Ol I Pat nts. I ?_--.-.?? i fe - - ? : ? - I. - Wheal | ? ? . ;, I : IS Market ri?eed doll. Ba] *3 IS; Kine. S ? Ind :; ' * Winier "?> "'3-. ? tai 4o ; Fair to lane*'. _:t 2 ? - I IIKKN Kr.< .1 K - 775 ' bl ?. Incl odin ? ,04 10? _.*, l v . . . ia i : T.-ii'ii - i it and i! na i : 500 bbl) - 15 :'. j i.i T3 . , . Kirn quo tod at ti OOo ? . 50. li K.\ IN market ten jed bighei ??? ? ? ii pi taking ol > . " lien klan .lil i ? pening, a Ivan ced I-2e more. Later in tho d - 1 l-4e. Tba i Icae -.i- - at nfar tba botl ni. (-peculation waa mai' - I IO OOO bush fiKiir--. 1 T.'.O.>.' bulli 1 ?? '.'2 .( *? Wo. 2.1 K ?('. 89 1 I-J'..4 '14- : N'o J Red. ;.| 1-4*91 I '.' l-iM9'* 1 tc f. a h. No. ' _ "lng at 91 5-8e; do Jn|y. 92 1-4-98 7-lOc, cloning at 811-_e. d. ? '.3 :??-_/'.i l-!? teing at 98 l*4e: oV> Beptenv ?? ' .' . _? -i I :i "? I ? ,).. De - : - DO 1-41; do May li ir>i 1-2.-, doaing at ino S-4e. . . . RTE?Dall anl norn Inti ... ILIUM.. . i. . ? ? iiiiil.rv M v- ai d di ? bange*. . . . C .JIN?Wns -, i. I.-1 line t,, i....r- BCtirtty In -.1 early ai.J advanced i-..-. i. ? and rr:.*.-*, bbv? ?ray 84*1 I -?-, lea* ng ott at 1 4_>3-0_ above lu???- on m..- 1 v- rv qoi.-t, with ..jori Internet, only 82,"o. huahela taken. hi cher by 1 l-l - *:. ?,nj (lrnL ? -Mig sin.'. In 2 1-2*; -:? i:n*r. 6otf(.1c ? N . 2, 60 8-4 . v... '2 Vu..*. ? 80 1 '-401 1*8. . Ol ,1-16*62 3-.3C, at Cl 14. ; do '..'.. Ins al ! 1 2 ', ? ..-ii g a! Ol 3 !?: ; .- at ol Mc . . . OATS- ? .'.d iV) deal na ekaed 1-9 - , ? - Mo. a ? n ...... . ? ?'..... i i ? Ml', - : ' I ... 1 1 CD.-Un ? . ? '-.m day ? lbj*, ia*r - . ... SI UAW?L u. I)., ll i ri ry* 75o; HOI ol ;?-- 12 ' - raf of l-*-.:, ? la dall anl . bet la V ? . I'l'l '.- v. I. but i I ? - i . i \ ? i ? ? ? i .' r.' ud i _ .1 2o; 7 1-2; F, Si 80a 41 82 1-2 G ? . 55.141 it; li. ll. IS: M, .. .11. 100 bUa prime RniriMi \ ..- 4Se. ' ' I* > t- ,,, - nm i .? o.n*. . ? lost, j l 4 bia. 0 . nae**-. . ^ ,. win? ter, < ; *nr1' 2. ile ernie, Northern :i *. :i ? natural winter. il.-; bleached winter. 43c: astra I _N FREW HTS?1 .thc mov ? wltboul . . DERTI1 i:m: lOEM '? ll ?!-. ' , I. - ? -.1. ; to , i :>-4ii. . . . IS V; I . Il ibu i, rr ? . ', 2a. 3 4 L i ? an a in i lean sin, ? - -.-I, berg, . " "'???? priv.' ? \ . . I, 27c. ISCELLANKOU.S CHARTERS-Cork oiOara, from Ban i ahlpa, 'H*. PIU'VISIONS?PORK?t-achsnfe. in ir:.-. r_llB8 .? ? Balta, _ i.M- M" 4 i Mean at ?'.'..*14 50 I _ r Mi Ul -; ' \ir, l'rlin** at SIS; Prime M -- it *".,j**i.". 50; new M??ea ?,. al.1 *].*, jo. . . . BEKF-llaa i.. i \:ii:-J all ' '> India - , . ii, - i" i ?? ' ; In iiarr.-l.s a' S7*S7 50; 1 - --?-*.*.. par *i"l , . * 5 : 1 _ mi ly at ll tM. Bteady but (juiot. -ir. h* re. and flo at tn. weet , ? ? i di n_ji. 1 for pickled i mead rlewn of holden cheek tra' na <-..-. 4 , 00 B I IB l" " ?>? ? toa ? ? Me bi J : .' llama at 111-IS1112 Pickle! Shoulder! at 7 Via Tis* - I is 1 ir: gawked llama tl '? ' ' Ll - Demand < mi run! .... DRES-4KD wnu a fair inqaliT. City ??? light 7 S-**'.'T .". Ht Plga al 7 .*. - 7 it le. I Mil.-Tl., general market : ?>? dull and Jeal ?s'ion anion: ff | N1*' I ' Continent anl '? ''?? South Am led at 8-bi - -... ; A'^'.-* . io-.ll>!,' ' a< -. 91c : __' ? !. par lin" ato. k. I aimmd. i'r.'.-.i:i? ,-y. i.icut extra, !?". i ?_? c i? l n Bb I m. l'.ol'.i. : M.ito dalrv. half : firkin*, tuba, ll ,. Va- ; Welab mba 1". 1 i:?:7 12* - dairy tub^ 15*15 ; . ?'? rn imitation creamery, i' 128 !5c. . . ? CHEESE?Demand ? brtak. and the matre N ?' fa- ' | - il hi-. In.lui ared und white, - 1 I.; - .I-.-; ?klm*. 1a7'*i . ?? and ati*_ager. j State and neal i ?; l-4c ; W.-ist ? r.i. 15 l-2C16e : dael . ma l -- SCO *. iii kel waa dall, but oaeea* ? - < .'. 4. f..r Fair lh ? ? ? 1 979 bat" ' ? - l-2e; 200 bag* ( lil lair d.nmtil. iQuotatloea: fut 1. af 8, Craahed ** 7. I' rn lend 7. < ? I '.. Mo-ild ** A" i 7. (..nt-. lion. .-' '? A" '? \ Ktandard 0 1-4. : : s, Estie " C . ii t. " i" .". i_. Yallaw a :, id BTEARINE-IMil anl wholly saaaliiaL Weat, rn ? ? l 2c Oleoe 'i \i.__OW-t_ulet and very Unn. Prime city quoted at 4 lac mvp: STirK HARKRI ny .RAPB. BrrfAt-o. Jnne 7 ? Cut - taratg i?st it henri 935 ! Tis-a.i. Total for wuuK tl.ns lar .'?-h.". :,r*... for uni ?Hoe. ,^-i ?'. 7 .?!. < '..i.?:u'ii'-.: tliro.nb 47 earleau*. 4'i ot win. 11 t-> Kww.Vi da 011 aala uiarkel firm; all sold to .itv buuhera at 4.1 Sn,.- 4 Jj. .s.icru?ii-^-luu lasi '-'I noars *.r,- J ,- ,-, wu'. Tetal fo"* ,k inn* tar 1 .sou bawl i..r -aaia tim* tu*'. ?ae8 ? _rnr.i tnro.iirii i gara, ..1 arhlab ('to Barn ?arbac a!vaaaaal 881100 Bees lo ''ii..'., a ?1 BOBS lo . io I.ju,a ITiet Baaalpii .*? 'l 0 > irs 14..4. .,.ii Total fe* the wifK lima Ur 81,SS_I ni*ad. "-'.r .tm. iim? last w-ig 1** 1 *r?. ..f wbii-n - t" Bec-Tarti "* cjrionia oe ania; a?. bfller Mn*"! 1 .... in! IJght Vork^ra * ? 55 o 5 SA. SntrtMl \orkere S5 75 Medium wtnghia ti 'j a ti no. euler 'ki* HT at SJ 85. BT. Lot-T*. June 7. ***a?fie-r_e<*eipia 1 SOO head; ehln menta S.001 l.ea<t. marget active, ('biioe Heavy Native KH-r< 04 7-'. itt:. bO Fair to Oood Native swera S4.4J ti bli. Bu-caeta' Biaera. Medium 10 C'boioa. SS 40M 50. "?oek. rs aad Feeder... Pair ia Ooo. $-' 300*3 70; Bangers, -oiamon to()ood, fi 30914 40 """--tseeiea Loee barns 1 ahip-nenta 1.4'K). "Market 1 1. [', *? i"10* Heavy aat haU*h?rs- -selections S3 *$0?5 70. ,iri,, Ji Mwsl.aai to I'rfiiB. S."> 40-/S5 'lo. Ughl ?redee. ?!__. r_i? k*",,t* ?"* ',5*?^ 55. ?? ?'**'?*'-_?'7?iois 3.80.J i,e?.t: shipmanu nona. Market ?Ua-iy. * air to Fancy *:; wi*t 9 A ? - ? LIVE STOCK MARKET. New-York. Thur-d.iy," 7?BEEVFA-Recelptt 28 cars of 4"M h'-?1-25 cara at OOlh-at. for Mr. F-aatroan, and . ai Janey City for the market. No trading. Very i,rm. i'r -"I a , f j? Brio, arjTlonil and higher at 7 1-2*8 l-4e for Medium to Prime, and IK-.*, -ill a.. I I---***' 3-4c In the lafhter hous... 1'o.r (o Fair Texan beef waa ?Miling at C07,.. Latest private cable advices quote Refrigerated n_*?*f Bras* at 4 3-td per Tft; anl American Live Cattle are kell? ing In tte marketa of London and Liverpool at il 1-4cr ; Matt m. lay 33 and 77 Sheep In the Trini? dad for B.-rmula. MU.. Il 1JOWS. -About 120 head have been received thus fir this n.K.k ?,il pH.-.-s have rv.!.*d firm for good atock. Ordinary to Goo! Tows have a..) 1 at 035 to 460; ls- -elected ie privett nama ai 88*_afB8. CAI pu i,4oj head, total for the week I.88Q head. Rii-.rh?ra tilled up y-aterday and the d"nmirt una a little si.-g to-day anl uad.* alow; hut ty-ryUi.iig wis 0! ..d nwt, The quality waa not quite aa good a-. .11 We..,.. .Hy, |j11t makin!; duo sUewOM! fdr this priers tli .-lined li.; j*>r ?>,. liu'iorrnlik Calves sold at 3 lia |? .* ut BM 1-4.- 'one lot Choice at ti l-2c), and MIS 1 Calves nt 4 1-M8 l-l e. Ijrowd Calve*, alow anl 1-4 to l-2c lower than nn Tanadar. Oe?lie I>r.--*__,| Veale wild at Tl-MBBe; City l)rea*i.l at BC8 1 _.,? ; and Dre-Md Ru'terml'iki al d-7c. Isl *-Jelli:Te. Wright ?? Co.: Ml Ml-ed OOlTSS, 12-1 _) average, at S4 CO per 100 lh; 112 Veala, 133 th, at Oo per lh; 7C do. 181 Tt.. St ii l-4c. I). Ilarrlnpton : 7t V. ni* .few Bu'teTOillk Calves), 14G !*?_, nt Ba; 1.7* Wau 148 Bi, at tc. lUr-ii!.... k * Hollie: 9 Mixed Calvea, 125 Th, at 4 l-2e; 13 Vocl-i f.-w nolleiS-Hl!]. IM lh. at 5e ; 4 Veals, 140 Bi, at o l-'J,- ?,t 8a, I.T. Ti, Bl O j bb do. 130 Th, at >*? 14' ??? 1 (.Ula: IC Dutt/*rmllk Calvea, 144 Bl, at 44 per ff,; C Veala, 188 BX si Ba; 75 do, 141 0 l-4c ? 32 do.iio IB. a*. *<"> or, per 100 IS. Ilun-t t Mullen : 88 Buttermilk Cs. vee, 131 Th. M 3 l-9l ' _.".< m. at 5 1 2c ; 31 do, 134 Th, at Oe ; 33 !o (Choice). 15y Th, at 0 l-2c. Kv. rt.t . I'ldeock : 10 Veale. 120 5c ; 83 dn.12'- ? at 0 l-l.-; .S do, 121 Tb. at 5 l-2c ; 1 Buttermilk Calf, 170 !h, at 4c. lilli, n back * Dewey: 19 Buttermlllt Cnlvea, t47 Bi, at 4e ; 42 \V?li_ no ft, at 5 l-2e : 44 On, 160 Th, ar 5 3-4.-. SIIF.I.l' AND lift MW WiariBH vrts 33 cara of 6.C85 h.*ad?27 cara at Jeraey City mi . curs at flO'h at. ; and 5 cars wer. held ovr from yesterliy. Total to date this wk, 88.488 Sheep Wera 'a moderate, sup;,ly and firm fir l.o.'.d atm. lc, with Common and Medium ateeda*. 1 IO VS! 11 h. aw supply nf La** hs aad the drop In 1 rta I waa fullv ti pet T*i, in somo ca*w;a more. The yarta were ?Ol tttOied, hut them waa a little atc 1 Uer foeilng at the cloie. ?etta iiriti.?d a carload of Toxaa Sheep at S3 25. and vere "rllinry to Bead Natlv* do sold at S3 05/. 45 50 i*"r 100 ft. with a few Coila down to e_ 00. A carload of atrlctly I'rln. ? st-.cfc would have brought Si 75 and prob? ably <<ven more. 0*ret 800 Bowtkern Lambs everv chnieai. sold uptown si 8 Lie, sad 1 lew bl ???? ?-??"ton* tho extrena nape waa trna B M 7 .'.-Sc. with tiie hulk of t... ?-. Al..-it 70 IttOtyt lu Washing? ton Market, bet _0 I 1 ne. Di -? I Mattoe Bra il 8911c, bel tory nert** goo. ii - * 1 ur. IM-8-. W'l'h 14. .-. Bora .-..n.mon I ? quality. aalbmbeefe Jt Hollis: C.7 Oki! ?beep. 7fl 1-2 -ic-, ut 4 34c per Bl 27 K.uf'i.-ky dr., M b\ a' 4 il t- . ..'.I do, "J 8V ar 4 Ml | Bl * ' -**. ai 4 3 4e ; I. 'a 54 ft, at sc ; 3-.0 Iv-ntucky do, 07 ft, at 5 '.-:?? J. V. S.Tller * Co. : 24*-) Ohio Sheep. SI ft. it $?'. 50 per . at ?5 40; 17H do, S3 ft. at *5 40; 147 do. 71 _*-. a-, ri'. BS; 88 I'-i."i.'ky r?-i-nt.\ C.3 ft, at 47 88. Et* ' ' '.'7 V.i ..'.rna [_M__b_i 81 ft. lt 7c per ft; ll". '1 ? ? i( V lt 7 : I'i d... .*.''? ***. nf 88 SO p-T ' .1. X. Fl I..k : BIS Ol I "?? ?? 7 5-?c per t.. I m 1 i .. ''.1 B. at 7.-; 175 V.-.-iiii-i do, 80 -k ll ~ 3-?* : 'J-4 flo, 81 "". nt 7^: ttl do, 03 ft. at ii 7 ?*< ?: 181 do, 5'.i ft. at 8 8*8>l 280 Obie Bbeep. Bl Eb. a' .', 1 Be; 2-r2 V.r-ima da, M rr, a; 1 ?. ta; lol _... '? :t '???. at 4 '. - jil, ham: l-t'J "--Ho Sheep, m ft. at ?5 r.O p.r 1001 ?' ?>, 1-31 Virgin.a Lamhi, 57 .41 .1.. m; fe, il e7 15. M. 4,.lilns: 221 Texas Bbgaaj, 72 ft. SI S3 25 per 100 ft : 84 VlnUi al 84 Tl : I do. 142 ft, at ..', 75; ~2 tb, al i.i . 100 VirglnU LSStOS, .'.7 ft. at ?fl 2>; - Bb 4 dil var: 132 Keotoehy Sheep, 100 mi, lt 4 1-2.' p.-r Vi ; 213 Kent-Ck? I.aiiit,-., ("2 ft. at- 7c. I'. S Ka*.: : 18 tenaty Imo',*. "7 Ti. it 7.. Bsbm A Ualica: 12 Stott faa!a. 5. ft. at 8c. J^llirr,', Wrivht k Co. : Bl State Cull*. 44 Tx at 3e per ft. If.'.i.S-1'... ?> 1( I*, in ears af 2.77*4 head?14 cara at Jeraey City and 5 cara at BOtk-at, (jcly 4 heal for asia. Nomi? nally firm at 5 3-4_r0e per ft. Very few Couti? I' b-Md arriving. Nominal Quota Uona 7 ">4*7 3-io for M.Jium, md 80 for Light. THE PEIEOLEtfM MAEKET. tirws rT-.r.M THK. Fl-.T.D ANO Tt.V.Vcr. nr ritTCTTS. The erude <?!! u ark, t Khotva a d. *i*oslfino to Lave lu recent rut (if Buboes, even If HM dapa WW la B_M ttkH und.-r tt..' nuapieae of an advance. To the ?pe.-iui?r/ir and to tho ..on.mission broker any movement of spirit .... 1, wi..."kt it led vaiuea dewe word or upward. Tho laij..-r Haling nf VTSflM .tlty, which result? ed In a aha^p ni ly, waa followed jaMttrdSjr hy another fair volume of buainest at a aharp rec.-n.lon In prlc*. Ifaieiibelaaa. the gpaeadauai atiii ia narrow and teats t'?e ti,ii, u nf acme leeefMl-Ci leade-r to give lt any sue UiliieJ direction. If it w.*re not for the. seed al Nek I'*ad er*hi]>, tba aeresMBta of prices weald not o.* sr. tamtmyst. I.... to r-p<rta fi.,rn iMtSttfll tttilt In the oil country. Baker-tews veettura bas spiiowBlly ledeeoeed some .... m ? u wsa leportod on Um CaaaU. flited ' 'liletln to hav. jttnSoi 13. bonel! lu the tl- u li ara, and Has IO have shown nome I Kiier* have boatdel up their pl and apparently ?;*h to ?.,rli it aa a ?jattrr, and th.'r.* ...... t la 1 I k fe-ir of a new d i - Bl th- Mar-. ? I all sarfcat found an i -?"-?? ^.1* a decldi i 'll!-* D-* ...l.iu'y I'....-ina 1 ions, til ' ' Tt,.. : . iltka-fk UM leaper el Um saiail wes eaaailed Baa well of loons ,.: i!_; .-.?-. in t a* "i" tad Uni :n.1 ilry from ihoftt at " 0?l rates." The I X news, with tho | raitfe of DHcei and tho total dealings were n ftdlowi; B'ock Excnanje. Coaao'ldattQ Opening. --"i^ -"'i 1 isl. M. **'' - L-iwa.1. 7*i 7: ? l.nsl . 78. . ..... . 635.000 1.848.008 Tk! I MklkM cor.iltiu.'H att.uc In *.onc anl .? haajsd a*. 7 1-4 Mutt j..- ga'....n, At,-.-; kat, at all pou*. --?. OCITTOa irsR&BTO?ST r_;r.;"Tftv!*?_ Umroot Jase 7-4 pev CaCtte Tbe _aha of the day!.-.1 7.ii....l.?l*s An ?r:.-an. Kutnrea cloeed bar.-lystea.lri t'p aili*. Low Mt'' liing aiaoae, J a ut-, li-1'-very. *>'.'.>?'. vi. .se. lera: Jun- sud Ju-v leilvery ?S8-S4.I. aall-ra; J?iy .in i -ingnat dalivery, % 3.*4-64d. sellers: Augnit ant ittptombarrtallwy, 5 _.'?.' 0.. hurers. i*r|.t_'m?>'*r aa! .o' doUvMf, _ .ite4d but. ra. Oetabar November uelivetr. 6 0-04.1. lelma i Nwvi-mber aad He. ember dei ivory. 5 7 (W.t.aeil. r* : Doeember aod Jana, rr .lo'uvery. i 7 til 1. aollers, _:ei>icuiber dei.vary, o i."-i-o4 i. L,uy. r*. UALvaaToi. jnae 7. ?Ctt-n-Hteady. Midd'.ing. 07.14; Low Jlie.lllng. V; (loo.) ..r..inary, H_: oat and grfjaa Weeista, non" eviorts ooastwue, CH balee ; lalee, il, 143 baie* . stock. 4.8'i4 balra. KOBIOUt. Jnae 7 - ' f.'.'.nn ? Steadv. Middling, 9%: net mu graaa racatpa. 858 betoai eiaaftt coaai-riie, .on balm; sales, uki balee j sio... l j. '.m i i ba iee \ aro AO. J WM '.?t"ott..3?ynlet aod ataady. Middling. -Tl'i.U- Uli'Iiik, Oi-ld: Hool (irimary. 3911. ina! an.I irt _n recaipta, 4u? balee: aa.ea, 712 baie*: Meek, 13.003 betta, NKW-Oitutaxa. Jnae 7. -Cotton - Quiet Vldrtllog. ii !.?* Mirt.Uing. !> lj-ii:- do...'. Orllaaty, 17-10 j uet and cro.s rrceipta. l.tSS bales : eales. 1.080 baiea ; aloe*. loo.'Jia ?J-l'':*' ?^?__?????^? ??ifpti Steamers. APAN-CIIINA. OCC1DENT.VL A.ND OBnOTT^ orrANic""1"* *" bd" *r"Ue.taeTM,rS_.; J?ne U oaelju. . Wtdneaiay. July ll i^ki < io. . Tuesday. July 31 AKAmO ' " ' ' . ' . ? T-eeday, A-.guat El. _, Superbly AppV.ln^d-^nper'.or Acc^rro .^lon.*^ Kaaepaaaia can t-.made jZ.-^iaway ISew-TorS. ?g cabin plaaa eena al 237 and J"-*"-' "r""r*J* " Itoom Vt. Bsllreed ""'^'^-^^.rp^b. Pre.ldenb T. H. GOODMAN.' general I'i.-_cr.g<-r Agent. or n___u r rain-1 *'?'>. ?"? ?*?"?_ ~ ,,,?? ii T t^l^Vrl^*^^^ For trels*Z pruitt- so 1 P^ffl^tTW. tV ' eompany'a omeo cu *?*\J*f ? gciXA^ superintendent^ KtUSTAHIJNK. unMT.r, FORANTWr.PJANnPAnrS. w 4 ? <.,i1i4nf,t,ua **"rm* rfw^-r Kl! '? "? WLOEKLfrp - .' WedneadayJw*, f? O m. Summ.-r ?atea: Ft rat Cal In. *^*\}? aSO andlOSA ?HO to elfJO. Second C.hl.i. 445. ElcoraJ*"** etw ana as-. 6'e*T.n? ai v.-ry low ratos. ,, ._,. ? nowllnc Green. lil 1 ii Oj I.1..1IT i SUNS, f-cn'l A*1**;^ _?___.._______. \\'i;i IK 8TAB link . I'... VAL AND I Ni 11.1. STATES MAJ ? ; 'i)? "? * li'., a,.' I in lng. \*,"d..--J'V .?"?juni in' lc t rn ?Kl 1" 111 I. . I -. . I.s.:- ? }T,,. .'r, ?' d' ol i.i km-, m. , Wt*____?U.Wa#aaafcy. Juno ?S.B P.a. WKJ^amZ 0% ^ ff-fe -JWcJiSS? on faionble terma. Steerago 1^?? _^-thA^i'l;.0ri ill; 120. 'A limited number of ^c0^^!" P^n* roMri rled on theae ateamera, rate ett _K"Jli.**1* tJ*Cauu ?pecuon of pun. or other Information apply at UM _?_ pany'i offloe. Ho. 41 ?B-^'-J^^/^AT. Afeel. THE ARCADE RAILWAY IN BROADWAY. New-York. Juna 7, 1888. 0. B. POTTER, Eau., Ciialrnnui hi. Lom. of Broadway and Madison ave. Property uwn.-m, S retai Building, n. r. city. IR: In reply to your note of the let met., .-ailing our attention lo ihe gruaa mist re pre se nut. otis that are aaid tu Lave li^ru mad." by Imereau-d ol the nature ansi ? ft".-ct ol the tale decision of the General Term of the su Pr-nnti tour; in the earea of John Jacob Astor and otbera ..nd N 1'. Haney and the New-York Arcade Company, for thc purpose of m.lue'./.* .upi tal mle to . in.sirk their rund-s In the construction of the contem . . iiil-TkTouiid raliway lu liruadway awl M.ii_:**oii a\>-., ?.- inibnii*. the fortuning: ihe tutu wera boin bruupht by abutting property owuera io leatfSIs ii., pro*., uilon of tba', work by In* .uti. lion*, 'iii- ucfendam demurred lo the complaint! eev .-rally on thc ground that they did not nate facia aulhclent to constitute a Cassi of iction. The l.seues uf law thua M .iinp.y whether upon the fact* alleged iii platota tba piainiitTa tiier.-in arera batlMed tt the Mile, a-a.-'i tor; io sui, io remain ibe co-usiruetion of tho railway by Injunction. The Curt at Special Term bold in lavor of lae Arcade Company Ihat the demurrer! , w.n.- well ukcu. Lui ut General Terni, on the appeall of pla'inilTa, the Juixii_eti.. ot the Special Term wae re- , and all lin.- oi tho Jul*,-- untied In holding that the plaintiffs wei. enutled t? ;|,,. injunction! prayed for, and evstrruied the deimidaiit'., .1-m...;-? rs, with co?M, and .'. Um ,.:. ... cordiupir, with the usual leave to ibo l ..le i ..u.pjuy lu aiuwer the c ,,.:. plain ls ou payi&eiit of luch coate. -Mr. Justice Danial! wrote an opinion, in which be con- ! ?Iden wme of the question! iiivoiied. ind another quea lion v. iilch he says v.%? i,,,l nnjeealo. bv tbe ploadiiiga, but waitli. If preiHint.-d iou li will bel, he evidently minke - would t,e faul to the ia?ful existeuea of tbe railway cujii may, tot he anya, apeaklug of ihe act ol 1B7J : ?? Thu was i Hie aourt- ot UM r.glu claimed Uv the defeiulant to con struct, maintain aud terry ?n a railway for the ellissa anil tranaportaUoa of pi*een_..'re. lt waa a new and aubaian . it or p.ivueije In no way Intruded In thoae Ufoi. I conferred upon the. asaoclatea or the corporation. Aad no allusion whatever le UM creation of this right la con- I t-ilned iu ibu title of tho Act. but no objection bu been takon to iii'- gaBlcleney uf the title tpr 'hie purpvie. And whether ll ls ia oi- noi. for that rea-cm ahcold noi be con- i lldei-ed in the dl?p.,Klti,j?i. 0f thia appeal.** Bat. ludo- j peiKleaily of thia quesiiou, for reasone and on grounds tut- I | alf-aad VJ him. ho bolds ihat Hie compauv bas no lawful 1 r,.chL io aoaawM-Mt tba construction of its rallwav, and therefore tba plituUIT* are entltl.vl to their injunction!. Mr. I Brady "imply concurs in the coneluilou that plain- , titra are, upon lb.: ailegitloiia ot the complaints, entitled to injunetiona. Mr. Justice Patterson concur*, in UM coo- j els -wu that tho JeBgamti ((mealed trout must ba re- I farad; but to ito understood as eipresslu* an | opinion on the q tie-I lou of the unconstitutionality of the Act of 1673 dlscuaaed by Mr. Justice Daniela, but which J notice iiauieia thluka U not preaeuicd by the complaint! a-, tl.ey now atand. Li-ju ihi? state of facti, the only thing that can be aaid to U* determined hy the judgjnent of the l.eneral -.-rn. la thai the pialntitTa upon trie allegeilone of their complaints, by Uie demurrers, .ir,- euUtieA to judgmenta to the cOeei uiat the defendant corporation has no lawiul right lo construct lu railway, and thai ihe piain I tlffa have Um ri gk! to prevent its doing ao bv the in.'unc Uoiia prayed for by the complaint!. Under auc.i clr<.uni -. no \ ,?w a.pressed by one of the Judges not ex presaly concurred In by oue or bath ed th? othera can I U) b! a .ulifuient of "ie Court. Uut the ml? - utailons so far aa wa have m?_n them, are ba- 1 SIMM Wbet are illegw-J to be view* of Mr. Jmtlce ami lhaai art pearertad to ba. in eui.stanco, ttiat ihe Arcade Cenpaay may proceed with the eooatnattoa of iu railroad aj soon ia it ahali have eeaipllad with ii"- I*'iit* ? . \ . , [sse, relating lo a ward of Engineer i ? .? and Ulina of .. px ..ribed bond, ind the bavin? ?ni .!?.ll irs tu id" tr":i_ury of tba company a> pii.aii- ;.. -ii>- w-i.rk of eooetrtietlag lt.- railway* it. is i.n- ibat Mr. jii-i.i..- Baaleki -i.s. and tbe Court h.;1.-, Hi idmitli 1 default In doing these tiling! ia a iHulTlcl.'iii err und for Injunctlona restraining the work; but neither he noi either of the other Judges gaywbera -a-.* til.. ii;?.ii doliiir tlnin Um cmi ..ny t.i? power or right tn proceed; a':i thal Ur, J attlee Daniela iiit.'nd..'d nothing ?f tba) lend i- -Hillel. U'lv WaOWU bv li!* |cfu-ll:g fo insert 1 anythln. to thjl cllec. In tba proposed orders entered ou the dccUlona The coastal of the Arcade rompany asked that the-e be : In the ... lara a provision ihat iJa.iir.iiTs bave judg? ment ? ia d-feiilaiii rr>>m bediming tba eoe* atrucUoa of it- railway! n- long u* ll anal! eonUnoa in .1.'rani., in nnkinif proof ant .a.-ainlng and lillnn th- Ott* re.|U;i.d by law a-> Ml n- by lin- opinion herein of thia ' ."ir- a-. C neral Teirn ' tad ih-' learn"l J.i 1?.- r> tused ? ? inght to bc a nt KftttoUoa and rcbui..- o' Um tottoot mit Mutation .. Wa alti**m. ?i*li eni|^.??i4. that no lawyer can r"ad the opinion of Mr. Juetioe Dnnie'.* without Mains If lt id law, tko Ar ada Railway Compaay han do bwfta] right W .'.ii-Pi-c Ita proposed railway, and cnn never have -ii li rlulit .inter anv ,.f the legislation by or through I wbleb ll clafim railway poa i - Th" o.ber Jndgea irl\.- an opinion except the hrle' and .? one tbat t!;" pr..;-- ? -. i wn -- la Loth Sell NM were entitled to ndgmenta on th. pieadinga against ihe Ar.-.-ide iny. Thoaa jud^nv-nu enUUe tba i.laifttifT* to eater Bnal (adirmeato tor narpc^val in.ur.--i.ri* anlaa Um de. f. niiii', comai in a'id anawara the complaints. Bul th. Company ls at liberty lUo to allow the plalntifT** to euler ilnai l-lfaonts. uni then i.-lng Ifs anneal there* troa 10 the Court of last resort, where th.: validity or its curiK.rat.- ?jtlatence -un be determined within a lew weeks or n.ontb* 'for that Court, In c.i-e.s of such vast importance to the public w;ll advance and hear them if on-.-.. Tho defendant will do iioihlng of that kind: but, a* heretofore, wl.i d' lay and prevent a llnal hearing as loni; as prac? ticable. , . , _ in conclusion, we repeat our opinion, in the sound-new of which we have entire confidence, that th.* Arcade Hall? way Company hal no constitutional or lawful power to construct Itt proposed rsHwav* in Broad way .md Madlaon ?.,v ^OAII I).V\ I.S. ^* JOHN f. DILLON. A I' M \N. JOSEPH ti. AUERBACH. ~?-^?-J7r?i>_ Wella, Farce *v-'-v/\ nj and mei moo traine l_UXA?to the Erle, the Aielilson, the Burling? ton and tbe Southern Paeffle Rail? road ayntetna from New Tork, Ae., to tbe Pacific c.._at. tbe < Ity of Aexieo aad I ii t e r in eaiat" point* are now running; dally. KENT'S KM*E.ll,KAMNr. TIUIIINE. 100,000 in use la European Betti* ic. I.I'.WIS di: CONGER. Sole A?(*nt*L COI and (503 C:h-_ve., 1 i'.'i.i .iud 1.340 Broadway. -Tmonciol. LETTERS tfahnyandiell nilli of Ft eharife oa ant make cania nv< trinsteri of nioner ta r.urnms, **? Australia and the Weat In? ti.**: ilao make Collection! CKEDIT. "?'? **:?'?' commercial and Travelling ('-?.?.Uta. nvaiiable in .ii parla of the worliL brown nr.os. a co.. ??-(___?-___? no. jj >val_,.jt. rpo THR GENERAL CONSOLIDATED A Mul'.TGAOt BOMOHOU>_CB__I Of Tlll. Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. Co. XBV-YOSB-, May tB, UsO. In anticipation of default in Ua psysaei of inioreat. ' due June !. IBM, on the above mentioned binds, the un 0 r'i.u.-.i. 1 l.v the holler* of a largs , amount "f bond* to act i* a Committal foi- the protection . of the Interest of thu bondholder*. Tfcoae ?I.. desire to co-operate nhould lend fhelr name!, addTQ-eel aud the imouut of tsJiid* they reprek-iit to my m..-mlN.-r of tbe Committee. Prompt action ls lmporunu EDWARD l> adams, Winslow. l_anler t Co., 17 Naaaau-at, WILLIAM I.. ULM.. Edward bweet k Co.. 38 Broadit. WILLIAM WHITEWRIOHT. L'nlon Tru?t Company, 71 Broadway. WILLIAM MERTENS. L. von Hoffmann A Co.. 50 Wa.l-at. WILLIAM Ii. ST BONO. Work, biron,: A Co., 30 Broad-it. ?ccan Quamera. ANCHOR LINE. T. S. Mail Steamships. NEW-TORK ANLi LiVF.Kl'O.. L. S. S. ("ITV Of ROME -..ii* We_n__day. June 13. and every fourth Wedneaday thereafter. Saloon paiance. Sb. and upwufd. .Second claia, S30. GLASOOW. VIA LOXUOMjF.RRV. Anchorli, B, C a. m. Clrca?ala, June 23, 3 p. m. Devonia. Jon' IC, 10 a. ni Furneaaia, June 80, ll a. m. lUtea of ta.sjL'-. to GLASOOW, DERRY, 1.1 VEl'.l'Uui jr lli-iLFAST. Cabin, abo jul SOO S.e. :.l .la*.-., f30. btceraire. S20. Traveller!' ("ireular Lectors of Credit and Draft! tor lay ani-unt Issued at lowe?t current ratea. For ho..k of Toura or furthe* lnlorm_itlon apply to _II EXDERM-N BUOTIIKi-.. 7 Bow Un. Greea. N. Y. n-UNABD LINE. M^W-YORK TO LIVERPOOL na CUEEN3T0WN hem l'ler 4U. North River. FAST UXPREBS MAIL BERVICS. ??Etruria. June '.), 4 U0 p. tr^ Aurania June 80 10 :30 a m June 111, 10 a. ui. (.allia. July i. 1 :30 p. m. Scythia, June 00. 1 30 |> m. M'tiurla, July 7. 3 :30 p. m. ?? L in'.r.a. Jiu..? 2.1. 4 .'iu v iii Scrvia. July 14, | a. m. ??wm not carry InteriLelnite or ateerase. ?Will not carry ht'-emge. Cabin passaav, ?<W, #.0 ind t100. Intermediate *35. BteoraM ti. kl?t* la aud from il! part! of Kuropo at very low we*. Cor freight and passa^.' apply to the company, ofllco 4 Bowlimr i;r>-ii. Kew-York. VLRN.-N II. BROWN lt CO.. General A gen ta. CIRCULAR LETTERS of credit for travelers abroad, avaliablo tn all perta ot the world. Isj-.ed by HE1UELBACH. ICKELHF.IMKR . CO.. Torelsn Banken. .-j Wi:ilim-?t r^>_PATTNTET_1_:.NEi.AI.K I HAS-A I Ca!T" : \J HQ LE IRKN'-II LINK TU HAVRE. i (..inuany's P;.*r new,No 42 North River.foot of Morton-it I.V RaIM u .Nri. Mi.teill .... Saturday. June 'J. b a. m. r.v N.'KM ii M.IK, le Ki raeMea Hat., June io, 10 a. m. LA BOL'R'iOfiNF. Franguul Saturday, June 23. b e. ut l.iiL'I**. UV. B__BIaN, Agent. No. A Bowilia (ire_u._ NORDDEI'TSCIIEU LLOYD BS. CO. SHORT Ri CTE Tt) LuNImiN. NFW-YORK. SOlTilAMlTdN AND BREMEN. .attainer* sail from pier toot 2d at., Hoboken. FAST ___.P_T._-i8 STEAMERS, i Werra. Sot Juna 0. 5 8(> :i m. Fane, Tue. June 19. 1 p. m. Aller Wed Jun" 18- T 80 a m Saale. Wei., June 20. 2 0 rn Kider. Sat.. June 16, 10 1. ni. Fuida, Sat.. June 2B, 5 a. m. ? Cabin. *l|)'' *"* ul. wari a berth, accordlnf to 1.* cation. s.toad Cabin, SW and SOO a berth. St__.ra?e at loweat ?l^RIcn3 4 CO.. No. 2 Dowling Oreen. GUION' LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. EOR Ul EENSTOWN aNIi LIVERPOOL l^cavo Tier i?, N R.. foot of K.pu-.c ARIZONA .... Tue_._iv jUne 12. fl 30 1. m. WISCONSIN . ? ? ? lueaia/. June 1?. 1 p. m. MIA ... ? Tue eda-. Jnn? ?><!_ 0.3.) ?. m. alaska.? Tu***l**v. July ?.lp.m. WYO. I INO . ... ? Tue?tu;* July 10. 5 80 a -U. Cabln pa??ere. a.A 9**. 9BBjam S-OO. fccuod Cabin, tMj ind S3i St.^i-?.?, SW ? A M CNDIiltlllLI. 1 CC. 8. Broad wa TtJt. JL HAMHl'KO-AMERICAN S. S. Lint* for I'lj nicuth (London). Cberbour( (Barta) and Himtnirg. Fire! Cabin. OHO and upward , Hteeritf. at l?w mea. OeUart... S 1. Bi-, June 14. Suevla, 16 a nt June 23. Ithaetia, 3 30 I. m.. June 21. Pujfli. b 3.) a. m., Jun.* 28 SVNHARDT * CO.. C. B. RICHARD p CO Oan. Gao. Acenta, Ol Broad-at. l'aa, Asaata. Bl B'wiy. M. X. financial. State of Georgia Bonds. FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. EXECLTIV1. orri ce, ' I ATLANTA, UK., Juna lit, 1?88. Onder the authority of an wt approves] *?epu*ml-er 5t"v 1887, iiurhoruiiiK thu (/overn-.r and Trsi.Ui"..- to '-eua bonds of '.be Mata to an amount aol la I li >?>?.! nineteen hundred thousand dollars, with which to pay off that por? tion of the public d-bt maturing January lac, ISMS, _*ul*>t p-upoaais will h.* reeeHed at the oBl.e of the Treaaurer of i.e..rr.a, np to U o'. .... _. ? . on July ?ih next, for ona million nina hund.-?d thoueaud doliars of four and "i.e. half per cot coup.... |innturinn as herein aet tortnj to be deliver**. October lat, tine hundred thouaend ddllara to matnre January lit, HAM*. One hundred thouiar.d dol.ars to mature Jarina/ lat, loin.. Oue hundred thouaau-t dollar* to matore January lat, ll#00. One hundred thouai.nd aollara to malan January 1st, lvol. Oue hundred dollar* to mataire January lat. I'MJtL. Ono hundred IheaaaM Belia ra ta roaiure January lat, 190*. One bundi"., thou*_i:i.i Qo :ars lo mature January 1st, 1XM. one hundred thousand dollars to mature January lat, l!?0-. One hundred thousand dollar* to iratirn January lat, ltfOS. One buudi-d thousand dollar** ta u.atur.- January 1st, H?u7. One hundred thouaan*.! dol.ars to mature January lat. Ona hundred thousand .lollara to mature January lat. HW.., Ooo hundred thousand dollar* to mature January I-'. 1'JIO. uno hundr.*d thousand dolla re lo malara January j?t. Wit. tina hundred thoueand Ballara to uia'ui" January lal. IBU. one hundred th. .--ind BoUsra to mature January lat, 191 J. Ona hundred thousand dollars lo Matre January lit, 1914. ona hundred thmi*a:id dollar! to mui'ire Jaaaary 1st. lin*,, 'jan hundred thousand dollar* tn matu.- Jmiu-iry 1*1, 1V10. The bond* to be lu denomination ot one thousand dol? lar!, with ?emi annual aawpaaa due on tho lit day ot January and July of each year reapec lively. The principal a-id Inteiest pajaMa in tne City of Kew. York, it auch place ib the Hmranat may ...'ct, and al tha omeo of thc Tieaaurer ol the cute, in the City ot Ab* lanta, (.e.-rrla. Bids mu-t !?? accompanied hy eertitlert check or cheeta ?ceititieat.. of! of soire advert bink or banker*, sr bond* of the State ?f <_<>oritla for five lier cent of the amount of auch bid. Mid cheek* or certiri.iaie of d-poatl heine made payable to the Ttaai_atl of UeeejfS. Bid* will t/o opened by the Oovernor ar.d Treaaurer and declared bv the ?lxt>entn of July next, the State re lerving the right to rejeet any or all of sal 1 bids. Tho State will is-iue regle-eiwl I..eil* in Bee qj any ot the above named bonds, aa provt .ci m Mid act, at any Ilma on d Ana nd of the owner thereof. Cople* cf .he act ? th-- oeneral Araereblr authorizing thia luau, ot bundi will bo furnished on application to tne Trcacurvr. JOUS a. MOMOB, R. U. BARGEMAN, Governor. Treaanree. INVESTMENT BONDS FOR SAVINGS BANKS, ESTATES, TRUST TCNI"* AND 1'RIVATE INVESTORS. ON HAND AND EO_| KALE BY THE I.* NDERSN-NED. WE OFFER AT THE 1'RESENT TIME A* FEW BrECIAL. LOTS OF LO NO FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS AT PRICES i'AYINO 5 AND 0 TER CENT. CORRESPONDENCE ANO PERSONAL CONFER. ENCE INVITED. JOHN H. DAVIS & GO., BANKF.KS AND Investment Brokers, 10 WALLST., NEW-YORK. SECOND AVENUE R. R. Co. NEW-YORK CITY First lite s uer rat Bonds DI E 1989. COUPONS PAYABLE MAY AND NOVEMBER 1. CENTRAL Till **T CO.. I rn,ir-. We offer for tale at 104!= and Interest. Will famish farther Dirticul'.ri apoe inplication. BLAKE BRO.'S & CO., 5 NAS>At; ST.. N. Y. ?* sta IE-sT.. BOBJTOM, MASS. Notice of Sale of Bonds. OFFICE OK COUNTY c I.EItK AND IUX.jIUjER > OF JLi'li-iMiN COUNTT. > li .: : r. Mort., May 1. ISM. S NOTICE ls hereby (rlv-n the ll<-*ird of f'onniy O.m. mi-ilou. r? vt Jeflereou toma v, Mo&Uuia Territory, will offer for aa l.i to the blcbei ' - ca-h, on the latia day ot June. A. lt.. law, il li a'alaek m., et the court hollie at Boulder, tba e*-?l "f will ..ninty, th. coupon bondi of sal. county to UM amount <-f forty tiu-u-iiind t-MU.OW dolUri. bald bondi -..all be ot tha denomination ot live bun.! UUara, and dated tha day of the salo thereof, ai.l -nu11 ba payable In twenty years aft<*r the eaid data, and refleemaoie altar ino year, after -aid date at au. h time aa the Mid b'.ar.l ahull determine, and shall beat late rant ai Um ItM of 6 per cent per minim, Inter, st, payable *_-*di' nnnually on th. first day of January ai.J J ny ot eeea fear, _*.ul bond* ar.d Interest payaolo at thu '_3ke ot lite Xr.asui.r ot aili Je.eraon county. healed proposals for the purchase of said bondi will ba r**csilved at ti;: of thc (minty Cleric lt said town ol Boulder, up la s.i 1 tim-* ol Mia. fe-id iionda will be aold to the lilKiieAi i.-a-h Didder, bu; no bon la will bu aoid ter lesi than thc per value thereof. Said bond! aili bo laauul f..r the purpose of erectlne a court house under authority of seed..rn 75(1, "95, 790 aud lo: ot th- Gawen] L.-.*. (th Dtvt-Sea of the Complied Statute-. ?f Montana, arM under an election held then-rinder on April *J1. A. D. 1888, it whian time tba aaid board waa authorUed to Usu.; bondi, tu Mid uuounb By order of tbe Koa ri. _< BAS. E. BTEYEN8 Co. Cleric OFFICK OF HOUSTON. WEST STBEET ch PAYUNIA FERR. & K CO., No. 41S 1 luth-at. New-Tork, Ma/ ?.'.?, itsso. The annual election >.f ii:.... - -. [nspectora ot Election will be held n Tueaday, Ju:.; 12, ISO., between thc h.-urs tf 12 n.. and 1 ii. m. 1>. H .i \ -;. . r-tary. ?11UE ..IX'oNi' . : . MKETIM-. of Um X atoakholdcr. .* the Bu ? ? A ira C... will Vie held it th Ure ad way, New-York C.ty, on Thoralay, j ?t '2 o'ciocli p. m. E. O. VASSAR, Secretary. Cankcro an. JSrokera. P. W. GALUUDET & CO., COMMERCIAL tuuTESu I EOCKI AND BONOS. UNITED BANK iiL-TLDINO. WALL-M., C----.?. _>__(JADWAT. H. TITCU. Jr., NEW-TORK. Member N. T. btock Exehatia. , VERMILYE & CO., BAAXt'ERS, IC AND 18 NASSAU-ST., Kew-York City. Dealer, in Inf. *iera ri lies. 7immei:manx & forshat, _r--i BANKERS AND BROKER* ll Willi--Ff. X. V. MEMBERS OF Til. . .;;< STOCK EXCHAXOR STOCKS AND BONOS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISMOV Bealen la bnlilen, specie, f.relk'n biuk. note., *.-. Eiehani oa a.l paru ol tha world. In ?um? :.. Mdt, li.ter.y. on doy.slta. DiriDcnb Xc.lcca. Omct or the Di:i_*wABi: uni. Mm ?o i XXOM. UA1.1- I 1.2) i-h.i; ,.;.m- ,,? ,,., tlocK of this ccmp'.iiy will L- paid at the offlee ol i:.. . ompany. i...__. i- sm 1:',J<1*'*t-. *?* tnle cuy. on and aller 1n<Uj. j uni1, i j, UM Tho tr.n-.fer boole, will be closed flor tho clo** ol bu-iiieas to-day i.uui the oomlne * * -. Juna 10. By .rtcr of in,. Board ..f >!-,. _ JAMI..*,.. HARTT, Tfj-irer. BEW-TtCBX CENTRAL AND nCDSON RIVER IWlTl ROAD COMPANY Ol'lli.;. ol' TIIE TREASURED A nrviDFXDOFrr^.rKiTvr^8ih* te^.A^._iWA_ilDK_* CENTRAL AM, HUDSON V.l\! !?.?YtAluV.Ali . <!m. l's.M ..'?*--"? (undi r the i onutel be. tweea th- two e. n panlee>. al tl ... 2d dav ?f Juli 00SX. Tha tran-f.-r booka ,?,,.? a.' __:.0Jul7? Mmxl liUl 'U"" aatl ^?jene*t * 1(J o'*-****-**. . _ i Jj W. :?? s.-Tr-lV Treamrer TOMBARI) DIVESTMENT OOMPANT SJ i'..ui.-..i.s on the -eua ran p.-I ?? of th'* eomgan* dna June I amounting to 111.,:,. :. :,-.. wm i^^id n*Twi-_-2I. ^ur. at the oaice uf the , u?.v. ii0 Emliu Marni liork. ou and aft.'r Jun* i i*.oou.v,uj, ZMtm. _WU.[.ias! A LOMBARD, Secretary. 'THF MEBCANTTLE TRUST COMPANY. ?. . tm B'-oaJway. _H. C DI Mis... becretarr. I1 HE ANNIIAL MKKTIM; of (he Rtockbold ?J . of._.1" ' **???? 'Tr1'. r *2>..*^*u "?* dlraetora far tha t-u. ****} T*bt, I. I I af the company.' al IMWlia, N. J , n W. lr,.--day. Jun? 20, ai l(To'cloct! ? **? ff* J."' -v"':'* wU1 fiualn _|>en i v---' 31. 1-- o. a. ROI RUA> li. ^?r-urj. j -THE ANNl'Al. MfiETIXfi of the si,sk hold: ^-WT^r*.??."*? rj**-RMAN AMERICAN REAL 1 STATF1 J . t'1 hRANTCtE CO. for th' election ?. and f?.r tlie tran..i.-iii>n of sch ..tb-r baMneaa ss mar mema h-turv the nun-tins, will be held on Thursday, Juna 14. lKtitt. ?i l^ O'elotk m.. M M Na-aau-nc. N. w. Tork .Hy._A KOIM*EL, se r-iary. OmcKorRT. I'ltl. AMD HI (I IH ItAILKOAIK O. ? T___ HT. I'll L HISS.. Maj 10, DjeH J UE ANNUAL MEE ii NU of tho stotk holdar. of the Ht. I'lul and Duluth ltatlroavl I n p.i(*y for tho elertlott of directors and ii." Irau-icUon nf my other bnaiiw-'M of the company will tx b.;i it the ortka of the cumpiuy, lu lh ? i ??, et *l i*iul. Minn., on Mou. day. June lb, is??. at VJ e'cloek doom, of Mid day. Tha tranafer b?..ka will be cloae.! at Um dow of bail. nen on ThumdiT. May 17. lUtW, and reopend on Thuias tay, June u, HM, m ruxur a UAlUU_i Secretary. '