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IRE AX IU HOROLOGISTS SLRARAIE. STiJOVaviXO THrill CONVENT-OJ, tua 1882?THK LAST DaV-> PAfKRS. The International Congress of Anthropology _______ closed its convention and adjourned until 189.. Yesterday wot the most successful day of the convention. There wer. more papers read, a larger attendance, anil keener interest, in the pro? ceedings. Tlie day wus opened with a poem, collected by Dr. F. & Kmus. of Vienna, entitled " Die Wahlbrudder" : a Mohammedan folk-song of the Herzegovina. Ihe Kev. Dr. Breed, of Brook? lyn, mi the poem, but before he took the plat? form it was announced that Buffalo Bill could not I* present to read a paper on ? The Ethnograt hy of th. Indians.'1 The poem seta forth the mediaeval hislory of Eastern Europe at a lima when the aga of chivalry was tending to? wn rd its downfall Thc work ls considered val uable, both from its conception aud from a historic point of view. Dr. Lucy M. Hall of Brooklyn, nest read an able and interesting article on ** Heredity'* She js the only woman who. will address the Congress at this session. Dr. Hall spoke first of the two -"xtremes of the science of he? redity, and then vigorously attacked the Mea of i_TC?.*>onsibihty considered to be involved in th: Inheritance of traits. A discu-sio**. followed, after which Dr. .Nelson Sizer read a poper on ? Tiie African; kal Faoe and Cranium, considered In relr-tion to Industry, Skill nnd Economy in his Normal State, and the Effect of Caucasian In? fluence cn his Facial and Cranial Dcvelninnent." George F. Kunz, the well-known authority on gems, then exh.bited some remarkable carvings In jade. The afternoon session was opened with a paper by Mr**. Nellie Cooke Coon, of Wolcott, on "Woman's Social I*, s.tistn." Dr. II. G. Hanchett read a Pt_ft_ cntitl.d u Tho Prophylactic and Therapeutic _tcsour_._ of Mankind.? In his paper he said: Throughout tha civilized world moat Intelligent person* in io Ix found fluliberately mingling with their own PMMMf healthy blood a vile pathological product, with tha avowed intention of making thcmaclve- elck ?nth a maia!}- capablo of dem roving life and sure to dept-i. the vital energies of tho body, perhaps pe r nu? llen i ir. They have cv eu passed lawa in aome of the freon States con.ptiling their tallowa lo submit to the same Infliction; and all thia In spite of tte fact that proof after proof has ben brought f.rward that tl.-- vaccination, aa lt la called, ia utterly wl.lH.i-i avail tn protecting tha community or individual from the drt-adc-I variola. A member cf the Congress objected to this nnd hop-d that it would not be thought that the Conjrres-s indorsed the paper if the news of it should tie pnnt.d. Dr. Lewis Q. Janos read aa article OB "The Comparative Sireutith of Mau and Women in Civili/.ed Life." Dr. Edward C. Maali th- president of the Academy, closed the Ms-ion with ii paper oa " I l.e Physiological Effect. of Aki.Lol on HMa : nnd then the Congress ad j.urntd. Prince BolMd Hona] firle, who had ; re sided over iii.- .alter \h\ti ol' the sc_v-;..n. sara B tow wc.-ds i ii ia i aa int ins aieaami at aaotna so macy Anettaaa women tatai-eatst. in uuthro poiogical studies. EX. GEORG L'S SEW MEMORIAL BVII.DIXG. j. nr.r.fuXT MMOal't spi.knuid gift ix aid of a wtsrtKixG cauacit. Tho dedication servlco* of St. Georges Memorial Building, In SI .\ tec ut ti -st.. new Third ave., tool- place yesterday at ll o'clock. Tho handsome audience n.i.ra of the buddins was well tilled with members ot .**t. (,"o:ge's pariah. Bishops Fottei, of Now-York, and Williams, of Connecticut; the Rev. Dr. Kain_dord, rector, and ti.e Rev. Bear} Wilson, a.-sMant pastor of lt Cecile s. and ti.e fear. Dr. Williams, of Rainmore, former rector of St. George's, conducted the dodi -Story services, v.),.eh were opened by the singing ol a hymn by the choir of tlie church, followed by re? sponsive reading of ti.e XXIVth Psalm. J. Ptetpont Morgan then read tbe deeds transferring the property to the rector, church wardens and vestrymen of St. George's Church, and pre_e:.tcd them to Dr. Kalns lord. Brief addresses of congratulation were made by Bishop Williams, Dr. Kaii.sford, Bishop Potter and t)r. Williams, reference hiing made by all of them to the memory of Charles Tracy and his wife, as a memorial to whom tho l_u.ii!ii.B' Wm ..reeled. At the close of the exercises an opportunity was (riven to pniaal to in-pect the building, which I. In? tended to accommodate all the parish work of tho Church aud ls admirably adapted to that -puropso. It ls seven stories high, built of brown-stone and brick and thoroughly fireproof. There are two entrances, one at th* east and tha other at the west corner of Ihe S..\teont..-.t. fi..:'. (?"?? ..f which will be used for the boys and the other for the girls of tho Sun.lay -Chool. "ri tbe wall In the ve.tll.ule at ti.e eastern entrance ls a tablet with tho following Jr,-c. ;;.t on : .Here's Memorial House. To the Clo.-y of God and as a Memorial t., Charles Tracy, Ycstrymau and ? of this Ll.ii.Th, ISM-IMS. died March 14. M Tracy, his wife, dlod June I, ltt( 'n? ls erccied, l.-*od.** The flrst floor is d?\ ted la the Janitor's apartments ind club rooms for tho various u.gan.zailon. con _ccte_ w!:b tho church. Th- B88oat Swat is devoted lo the vestry-room, lu which if a largo sa_o#for keeping thurch records, and to tho main Sunday-school room, i-lth Bible clsss tarnma) adjoining. This Sunday-school roora e\t_.-Dds ixUo up through the tnlrd story. On Blh floor is the gymnasium fitted with all mo ti? tra conti\vance? for exercise; the billiard and smok? ing rooms, and a room which will probably be u*ed tor a library. Thl fifth floor is devoted to bath? rooms, esseeta, etc The assistant minlsrcra, three In number, hold .way in the sixth floor, whats there ls a larg" reception room, with sleeping room* adjoining. Tbe seventh Soor h ac vet unfinished. The building cost about KW0.O"0, Including ihe land, and the expenses were -orno by J. Meryoal Marfaa. A it.ei.tlon was hold evening by thc clergy for the member* of tho lariat ? ?-?? Eli WIS C,r,rLD GETS HIS SE IT. Edwin Could, the second sop of Jay Gould, was t. <d to the Stock Exchange yesterday. H. J. Faulkner, of the firm of helston A liussin.;, and G. W. Holland, who has no present business connection, were the other new members. Young Mr. G .uld ls wirh his father in Colorado, and lt ls no* llkeiy that he will appear on the floor within a week. When George J. Gould, his older brother, passed hi; initiation, he waa treated tenderly, but the second son ls more athletic, ?ai even Ita '* Itwata" ol the Stock Exchange may b**.-;ate before they ** hustle" him too roughly. He is a good amateur photographer, moreover, and the chair? man might not be able to remit the U6ual fine. which he Impo-'? *s a n.atter of duty, if he was confronted with a eoiiitcrfelt-pieseutmeiii of the scene. rnorsAXDs fob puiladllpbia ciiaiii7iea I" adelphla, June 7 (Special)?The will of FJlxa be-B ,'. Ilkhards was admitted to probate to-day. I' -Bakes ci.-.mable bc-tie-sts to the amount of S1">0, Anii.hg tl.em ai*e: Old Man's Home, West P_.;l*_delplila. iiO.O-O, Howaid Association, on -Pop? lar >t., Hfj00O; P. otc-taut Episcopal Church <al. tl".' .... I'.',;n_vlvanla Home for Working Blind cu, 8160,000; C'bl-dren'i Uoapltal. t_:u,UO0; i'rev ty terian Hospital, S-.o.uoo'. BOEE WILL EWEM WMEMMBAI'.TLOSWELL. Home wasn't bulli ni a day, but the Rome that ia to be burned oj, r.'.jlv.:? WSSWt Ba b* I on fell every < i*?l ai.tuaier, ax St. George's, bta'-cn Inland, ia rai.! Iv p tim Into thais.- for the torch. " Nero, or the Fall of F-otk.,*' wai piobably ?pen on June 20. The old Kodoji> ?a. -ojiva -_>.uj?ti_uus ehowa, but lmro Kiralfy doubt* If they had aiiytking to efinal thia, a-'.d John Hamilton, t t?eaa agent, w'tl gui-c i.ia reputauou for veracity that Way aadn t Thew will bo i.CCO pcrforo-isneea and tba rK)_iid? will accominodata lf.OOO or 20.000 apectaw.-s. There wiU ba cbanut raeea a ttack 88S taot In elr eaaataiinee, naval corobata, gladiatorial coute_.a. In which ly la klilad but ona, and ha commits aulclde; inartyrs will be chewed up by wild boast*; Nero'a palore, loor atones high, wi ! bo shown lnaide and out; ai.d there will be no end of ba-lei dancer*. Everyiamg will end In ? ssagulflcer.t connngraiion, in thc midst, of which attar ?orleal figure, ai.l appeal above the flames, prcXguib.g tba dawn of Christianity. TUE PHOSPEBOVS UOBOKES TURTLE CLVB. Tho H.,bukeu Turtle Club held Ita regular June bus.noaa ateatlnu l^?t eveu.111; at tho Sinclair Ifouao. V':n.lTe*i Soot William ll. T<.wi?. r prosldius. The report of tho t-taaurer waa aubauited and ahowed a flouitehmg financial culluou. thero being a aurplua ef over 81.000 with no debts. Over twenty new fuembol- were elected, making 9Pm b-j6 la taV V.c. Hrealdent Townley waa authorized V. act a* president for the remainder of tha yaisr In place of I**-eat!um li.iiry 0. ii-njt. who died reoently. Ta* uni tliutex tor tho ?.a*A.n win be ou Thursday, Juno Co. LITE HA HY BEEBCJBEM AT COLUMBIA Ti- U-rnar! I. .-i.iry A.,j?otiatlon of Oalumb.a O ^ kell Hog last night lu Hawlli lia ir... ,,; tho ..Ider graduate member* |,i"eidt>\ and ajraani a;?r.L>l ?j/At, .,_? .he ourd"!. tl tte i?...tiijg va* ?**a_-irkfd ?y tr* mem-tra af tha graduating elaaa. The ?*>*-_-li>_i was delivertd by Clarance H. Young, '88, and the leadar* u u? debate ot tba eveniug wera Haaiptou it -B-T-M i-"d Porvj F. Itali, both of '88. The eubject was: ? ile*..ived. That modern civilisation owea mora to Grecian than to Roman loflutncaa" WX1WISG8. At Calvary Church yesterday morning at 12:30 o'clock, Miss Emily Ogden Kimonos, daughter ol Frederick Vf. Blmonds, was married to Barhe McKvers Whitlock. The bride ls a granddaughter ot Limn Philippe de l_ui*\, or many years Swiss Consul In New.Vurk. and the bridegroom ls a near relative of the Emmet family and a cousin of Slr Dache Cunard. Tha F.ev. ur. IL T. Satterlee. rector of the church, officiated. The brldo waa dressed in heavy white corded silk, trimmed with crepe de chine aud old Mechlin lace that had been many years In her family. There wer* no bridesmaids. The bridegroom, with his best man, William Whitlock, his brother, met the bride at the chancel rall- The ushers were Alexander B. Blmonds, , William Purdy, Wallace Ogdan and Edward G. Emmet. After fie ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the I ride's home. Ne. 147 East Thirty-fourth st. After tba wedding was over a flurry of excitement ; was caused by a false alarm of fire. Most of the persona who had witnessed the ceremony had left the church and only a dozen men and women stood near iho doors, when the organist began to turn off the gas In the organ. He knocked a burma- off a ?a? Jet and from tho open pip* a stream of fire shot out. Fearing that the organ would catch fire he gave an alarm and the firemen acre summoned. There was no lire and the escaping gas was turned off. If the acclde-it had happened half an hour sooner thore might have been a Tbe wedding of Miss Gertrude Lindsay Howe to William Brenton Welling took place at th*. Church of the Heavenly Best yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Wallop Potter, a cousin of the bride's mother, officiated, the Rev. < barlee I). Cooper, of Philadelphia, uncle of the bride, assisting. The bude ts a great-grand ; daughter of tho Rev. Dr. Ellpbaiet Nott, and the bride? groom ls a lineal descendant of Governor William i Brenton, of Newport. There were no brld-*-.malds. Miss Margery Howe was mad of honor. Richard G W. Woliiug, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man, and the ushers were Frank Ward. Arthur Lincoln, Galbraith Ward, William Mitchell. Henry 1). Lansing, if Albany, and Bachc MeEters Schmidt. Thei* was no reception. Among the guest* at tho church wero many well-known people In New-Tork society. Mi*.. Jessie Cope, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Willis Cope. ! was married lo John Blckmoro Dunbar at AU .oiils' ? Church, Forty-eighth st., near Seventh -ave., last even I lng at 8 o'clock. Tho Kev. R. Heber Newton, rector of the church, officiated. The brid" was given away by : John I. Wilson, a friend of the family Henry Cope, I brother of the bride, acted as best mai. and the ushers | wore Frank Bickmore. Frank Olrott. Thoma*; WPEktt and Dr. Mortimer Lewis A small reception followed at the home of the bride's mother, No. 130 West .t.xty iiinth-st. VIfs Marie Kathleen Williams, daughter of the come? dian Bamoy Williams, was married to Otana H. E. .Mitchell at her mot ban aaaaa. No. i_2 we.t tarr_.B_jaarondat. last areaing. j The Rev. lather Bigley, of St. Agnes Church, offi'v atcd. Tho bride was given away by her uncle, i William J. Florence, tho comedian, a. Germen was J the best man. The bridesmaids were Miss Pla Mitchell. | Miss Am.llo Skinner. .'.liv. Kathleen Skinner, Mks j Nellie Jansen, Mhb Minn.e Barden and Miss Kati j Kyla Tho maid of honor was Miss Georgie A. Bruce. Thomas CeCarthy. li ault ?, Paiium. Frank <;. IXans, ! Samuel Vf. Swascy, Lucius Miller and C. P. Buchanan I acted as usheis. Miss F.llza Hyde, daughter of Isaac Hyde jr., waa J married to Charlo* Mortimer Waterbury a' tho Church t.f t!.-* Messiah, Thirty fourth -sf. and Park-ave., nr. ! V cdn-tV.-y e_er.lng. The Rev. Dr. c.ll.vr. pa?tor of Ihe .'ln.r"h. officiated. 1 h-* uglier* were John Z. Hronm ! feld. W. Carlton and n. Cornelius. A reception followed at No. 115 West F.lghty-sixth st. THE XEW FRESIDEXTOF UX10X COLLEGE. TOCK IN'.-COCRAT^'D IX COVIMEN'CKMKVT WKEK ? nkw raQUS-UMU-It OF STCOT. Schenectady. June 5.?T'nlon College ls Just now baa at Ital In her sprints garb, and ls preparing lor Commencement Day with high ho]*cs. Tlie election of Piataaaat Harrison K. Wobster to the presidency after so long an Interim ls received with great Joy by the younger alums.i e.porially. and by the students. Ills Inauguration vt-ill te the feature of Alumni Day, Juno 'id, which will be a bus? one Indeed. In the e.*.rly morning there will be a meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa, then the annual meeting nf the alumni In tho chapel for bu-Ines:, and thc election of an alumni trusteo. The annual banquet will take place at 1 o'clock In Memorial Hall, and at 3 o'clock trustees, facul'y, students and alumni will repair to the Pres? byterian Church fe- the Inaujn.raflon of the new president. Judge Landon, president ad Interim of tl.<- toffwaa Oaort) Win Induct hlnl Into office, and after the inaugural addresses will be made by the Bar. Dr. Alexander, of New-York, on tho part at the trnste.*:, and ex-Senator Warner Miller on the part of the alumni. The new president will pieslde on I tms* nicncemer.t Day, and at tl.*, close of the regular i aat-tsaa on tho part of the graduating cla-s the chancellor's oration wlli bc de.lvr.-ed by Charles J. Noyes, .Speaker of the Douse of Assembly of Massa? chusetts a elaaaaaata cl tho earn pi ea Mewl The !.:*'?(? ilaureate sermon wi!, le .leijv.'ied on Sun? day evening by the Rov. Dr. W, U. Davis, of A. a pulpit orator of dlstlngulshe-I talent. A larse gathering of the alumni la expected to gmt the teacher of former years In his new relation and to bid Lim God-speed In his new work. The college has already made a start In Its new care-r by a conrse of free lecture., during the term of Pro f. Hat William Wells, of the faculty. His subject was '?Germany; ita t uiver*.tb-s and the!- Students a::d Professor--." A thorough study of the modern lan? guages ls now compulsory on all the students, and new feature, are contemplated. ACTORS. M AX AGERS AXD PLATS. Robert C. Hilliard'* benefit dil not draw a largo au? dience to Waliack's yesterday, although an agreeable eu t.-rui-.nient was given. Neille Vale Nelson, Lillian Bench, Berth* ___.3-ir.ija, Genevieve Lytton, Isahella l."_*nu hart, Mrs. McKee Bankin, Ailee ( bapla. Sylvia lierrlsh. Harry Hilliard, Richard Golden, Lb**n l'lympvon, Henry Milter, Louie Harrison, De Wolf Htpper, George Belford, Qeaigl S. Knight, J. S. Burdttt, Kiiipli Delmore, Charlea J. Om ne, (.us. Kerkcr, R. V. Percy, and beril s.mouton were among the volunteer.. During the performancu the boxofilce receipt* were attached on a JatgaHBt aK*i?-->i Mr. Ullllard for fi\2 40 held by Mark L Ii.illey. As uot enough money had been taken ll tne window to pay even Mr. Mom'* rent, the sheriff's deputy did not gain anything by his enterprise. A decision in tlie application to enjoin Margaret Math-r from pUylng-utid.r my oih-?r Maagat than J- M. ILK li expected to-day. Her eo'.i to annul the contract wal probably come up lor hearing on Mond \j. John Dougherty, tb-' well-kaown minstrel, haa been engaged to play Ginger Whip_aiv in " NaiurU Ga*." John K Bussell, Itt manager, has gone to Kuiopc tar * hrlcf trip Blondin and a party of frtende were among . ? tore to the '? Still Alarm ? last night. Mrs. Potter changed her programme laat night, appearing aa Juliet. Loni* Aldrich returned yesterday on the City tt He has been paying a brio! visit te kl* married daughter who live* in P-Ailu. J M Hill h?? p--eb?**"*l * 8BBt______t interest in the , m th-.- I-"- ? al aila]il ii I tm ****** aalUSttet in this city, and will In the tatara manag. the en:e.-pr._v*. .,lr. ?f ?? Christ's r_ntry Ma Jerusalem" by Matt. UOtOMt La- diawa very larguiy in BaatH. Hen-y F. Dser will be a paev-uger on the Al>r next Wednesday. Dann; a part of Mi au/ abroad be will ba of Herr fe-a-MB-bal. -__? toamaM "W? Thc plana for Proctor A T-mer-s fire-proof theatre to he erected on tha site af tM Tabernacle in Twenty.third au have been approved by the M_M___t DapaRmanL Btt rk on the rebuilding of th*, .moa Square Theatre la proceeding rapla.y. New cooling apparatus has bren put Into the Bundar! Theatre by Manar" _-*?* We* H ***** M read/ Wt em U r. tin* m Monday next, ?__? ES wm mtton* . oaoiedy, - BM nil_tf|- win ka.o iu first Bow-tan iritaad a. Mr. Manafleld llmlta a in Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" to Ula week lt la drawing excellent h---_?e at the MalU.ii SQUare. Neat Maad.y he will raVtvc - 1'rioce Karl" Itt a we-k and follow lt with " A Parisian Roman.-. HU aua^ua I* for Ul* mouth ouiy. Manager Frohrran haa begun to announce the closing nirhta of " Thc Wife." The Lycenai I* the oaiy atock company yet ?___* U? kat atty. TM Uw.t-a wlli rexaai. cloatl In July and will be i-ts-pened In August with Mr. mpePaatafa C-m-dy Comi-any aapji-oraag E. H. bothem Th- ? Queen'* Mate" haa dereoaatrated that lt poaaeaaea tl... vitality cf a long run. Thc t.nefui cat-ay MM ai. 1 the -p.-ct-M'ul_.r mair:, in tho la*, act BbWt waa - f.vor Tha a*** lliialo ta Oi_ aeoond act liaMWI two ur ..,."-_', nroies c.ery ulght. The UruMway I. oue ol the ouulast iMalrta la tha City. _M ****? haa not r. .< hed 70 degree, in .v.y part af Uta Mai ?eaa_n Thl* baa be*" achieved without u_uu,- M and B] aSoWMt****** 1D,? *Wmml* lt? ?>*?MMtT MU'?* *? "?* MMM which foroee 2,000 cubic foet ot air drawn trna, omore ima roof lau, the auditorium through the yen a lalor*, whteh are e.atrlbnted nuder u? chaim oa tM toola Ouot. " PLEBS ? NOT NUMEROUS. FF.WEU THAN USUAL AT WEST POINT. rOUTHFCL WATtRIORS AT TIIF. pr.f-T EXHIBIT THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. West Point, June 7.-Tha - Plebe," a* the candldatei for admlsalon to the Military Academy are alwaya called, though for what philological or other reaaon Pro aura I don't know, ire not especially numerous. During Jun,] and August laat year 2.5 men came to Weat Potnt with letter*^ of appolntmant. while aa yet enly 128 prtaclpaU ? nd 37 al.ernates have reported for examination. Each Congreeelooal dUtrict In the eountry and aarh Territory lt eatltled to havo one cadet it the Ac_d**-nT. and aa sosa ai a vacancy occurs lt 1* the President's duty to All lt ]u?t ? s he Hil alt fill my other office wboee oceupant'a appoint? ment rests with him. There la a popular but wholly er roneous notion that spi-olntment* to tb* Military and N?va> Academiee bolong aa a matter of law aud right to ths Con itreaeaneu. Thia ls not the fact at all. It I* true that ai a practice the Congreaamcn are permuted to nominate tc tha President, and it la hla invariable practice to appoint whom they n,m(!i bul he h mtinT _. leJfJ|1 obligation to rouault them at au. That la Cone only for conventional reasone. The appointees must be actual rcsldeuta of tho diH.rl-u fnm which th"ty are appoln'ed. and lt ls becauas of this requirement ef law that the custom has sprung un of turni! j,- the ?Mi over tn the Congressmen. F.r thlrty-aeveo of the principal! alteraatea have been named. Thc examination* will take a*am wi June 18 and 10. and the reault will be announced two dar* later. About 20 per cent of those appointed ire usually iaj8?8al by tho Academy examiners. it u not usual that tho limit of tha Academy'a capacity under the law 1* reach-xL Some Congressmen faU te appoint. La?t year there wen forty-one vacanciea, whil*? the corps of cadet* should num? ber in lu maximum strength 344. The standard of ad? mission ls exceedingly low. OrlginaUy lt was only rc QUlred that candidate* ahnuld be - wtu versed in reading, writing and anthmeetc," but the law wa* amended In 180. by the addition of the clause, ** and a knowledge of the ele? ment* of English grammar, of descriptive g-ograpby, par? ticularly that of tha DaiMt fc'-'-s, and of the history of the United MMe." in practice the Academy Board pom as far as lt lawfully can In the standard. Itu examinations are thorough and Pa system of markina* ae vere, liut the theory of the law li u, mags afc easy and open to every public ar hool bey. and the se? verest method could not di much to tender tho grade ol eutrsnoe under the treeeut law much higher than that ol an ordinary high school. I'.ither Bate \ _i. ancles thau usual accrue lo th" tanth tlils year, or fl*, ft-.uthen.frs have a livelier BppfMeUaa of a mill'ary'cducat-ion than the pee;'.- of tti** .North and West, for of the 1(}3 candi lates bow before the Board seventy-?lx com** [rom b_.ow Mim.ii pat nixon's line. There aro fifteen candidate* fiom thia .-'.te. Theso aro Secor Q. Cole, Wii. ,.? I rr.i:cl, WiUlaa M. Flynn, Henjamin n. Hyi.-r. bainucl A. KUM, I'.d-.vard M. Sand, ra, Frederick M. Lenta Jnhn L. tMmPUtt*, Charlea H. Robb. Masai I. H. Hoers, Willum C. Rogers, Albert D. --ire, j' ... H i K:-:.U Tompklua. Under t.'i" slurj. Banna I Koeh'.er, mas? ter of the sword and baatflMtat of gj mi,.-.-.*...-*, the fourth c!a_? gave an aiM^HIaa this morning in the wretched aud iq . !cium in thc Manna I I (leeent gyn here, anl -(mons iii., tv appropriation* new p*nd'.ng baton i * eaa of $100,000 tot that porpeee. Dm curriculum herc has been sharply critic.sed In CeaajtMl and elsewhere tot the little atrrntlni. pall to ln^r in F.n[*'.:.*h. Thia aaa been a (teqaeatty discus* ? in the woona af Bc_i_i tt Vl_Uera, lat Ita eaaaaaaaa **. opinion s.-.mi le b. that while the your? men I. p_fniy of mathematica and any quanti'v <f tactic, they fall s'u.rt In English. Lo_;!c and rhetoric ara passed fleetly by, sud curious error* are ma 1- by tha csdets in simple grammar. That ls t"<_ bal ought not to bc tl,.. aldlUoiial tact that that Ut stinted lu physical education alan Many of the voung men showed bot-h ability ind agility In the uso of their nns.-les tl is morning. They ? avai t...r*. Uaahet around witu braedawaeta and ba .??med wtsmnemy **.'!? *'c:I**' i.t-''."'-! aaet, wMlteS huge clubs, and not v. rv limber. 1..,'. and red. But the. I the aa! neale ll ateMUaa of a large, and er.t!-.r.-.laUic body (.( you: ( ;,.cd to see their pattern anoe*. and who lavished a.i,:iU-* alUi I gc.ien.-S hand, and offn, too, with sn ample f> ot. In the aftem.on UM toftf lan cradtt-'es, command.**! t'T Ll Illiaaaal James Allaa, of the 31 avalCry. gave an exhl I* v drill lasting an hour. Tbey galloped up :... I down the i.l?ln (o M aattH nra-.c of an InsplrlM l.ugie, hallooing visor..usiv and wiving their sabres in the Ur, laaklag ea.-e*-ta?ly gallant and daring. They lt ai M shortest kind nf Ratten dashed hither and yon In coinj.anl". and In a Bingle line, curveted. pranced and did many cher valiant and d'* I. sh rfu I tl.:ii.-?. When UM? charged an Imaginary batten la *-i undi ons t'.i.y tore aleM witt peal f.-rocity and cut viciously at tbe Imaginary ..ead* of luckleee Manet! and grenadier*. Tl;-- Mea*) on thc plain Maia th'' 1 aaa was very prettr. The whole lench was I fi sight Th- aiuMl tatala were makins th.-ins-lv * able to a battalion of pretty girls, scated on cannon, on rocks on ti." fort:, " aud m.n.v other cor. and !? bWf uni I.ninan*, bonne's anl saucy parasols lent co.ur and 3 _. :i lo the sp' At Senator Cullom's sagfeetloa 'h" Booti tt VMtera held a meeting this aluioeea t. haai ?? irgonant from ai Parke a* t-. Um IM " . ? riiake crtsln repair* to tba Academy proferty. The au'-.e-' Df ti.e gymnasium was talied over. 1:. 1 tl I 8eM al said lt was as bad as coull l>e. T!.? he said, had beta 1 and he thoui/ht lt iheoM l.e takea Sewn a- -r n.-w re-i-atloii building put In Its place. This ci u. 1 ' at lie exhlbttod trawtacs al Um Inf 1 1 Ital la a:: moya lt waa tat Da wi - heit In the Kaaaa-B, sr. 1 it it^. ? think it was liable at any I. . . theil ears. Hm ? 1 hop it (.- li ? n'?ht which was attended by theTr especial fl -?**? - ? PltlSCFTOS TBETAE1E* EOE CBMMEEOBMBET I'rlBceton, N. J, June 7 (?peeiaQ.?Dr. MfiCSah ls hard at work ea li;*> farewell addr.-ss entitled "Twaatf Teen nt Prlaeataa Canaga." He gays: ''lt, prep? aration will laqnlga all my time until commencement ant. I shall set Barth therein my wi.rk at Princeton, Its rcniiltE, my methods, aud general views ol hl&hor elli.-ai ion.'* Lr. Patton's Inaugural ls anticipated by Hie faeiil'y ami alumni with much Interest, since he will undoubtedly lay down tbe policy of his lu* .ro rt-.-'ime. In Princeton the fofal c..:nniltt-v? of faculty and trustees for cnn.nien.'etnciit t.n malting active preparatlaa. tor aeeotnmotatloni al the cro**.is aa the occ-k>Ion. A -*p.s-:'il tia:n w:!l bo tao to Tren'.n, each evening, for Hm benefit of thost unablo to lind enter? tainment In Pru., et 1.n. -~-<_> OOMMMECEMEBT At A Flit ALE A Ca Dr "T. Winston, N. C.. June 7.?Tba eighty -fourth com ir.encoment of the Balen Peas ala Acsiiemy eio?ed last I,!cht with an excellent eOlMWH, the <*'>!.' -I. ri. 8g piece being Handel's oratoi-io of Samson, rendered by IOJ male and fema'e vo.ccs, assiste,i by tho Salom or. che^'ca of elghte'jn plaaSS. A !a:;rr audience was In attcndaiiro ttl an finial IPA tv. ? \..'\. Von t-rday tli'.ty diplomas were aaafanad on the grad? uating class, tho laiv-st number graduated In any year. PIplomas were also eonfeirej on fortv-'lve students 'n phonography, tetearaphy. ljrpe-wi b-oh-QOftng ami iuu>lc, tho icaturts lu tlus In. aUtaUoa. EVLOwlElE* eo'i'XEI.irs B. AOEBW. A large ntlanee ea'h^red iM nicl.t M Um a of Medicine to hear Dr. T. (JaiKanl Thoma* re^d t i.j;."r n M ..'?? ai 1 w.rk al Lr. fniMlaa W Acne.r. Th- papa* mm ti tl tl a , sketch of Lr. Agiie-T's charted r, whose dislinguNhinv' tralta wore aaid to be aimpilc.ty, Jusilce anl a lam "'. i: nth. Lr. 'i'. n.a- !.r>,;y r.v..-. Agnew'* early career, hu services during die war, on thc fc-ui.'.sry Oos-uBiaatoa, bli eonneetloa with ti*..- Valaa L-ague (.'lui., au I save a list of UM nmi.y, ny llglou* and charitable. Micietl.-*, at home and abroad, of which Uv wu* a mi mb. r. ? lie was to me," he bald, "a MtMl tyi* of a 1'uritin. ?'run.\, self-dcuy lng, but without the *eiJ-righL....u*:ie-^. it;,leraace and austerity Bar 4 fine . of chivalry ran through bil (.hara-ler, which made U l__8W--l-.l tor him to do a tm ???. a | i;- p a ti'.iil alert and a ?:-.?? for d-t-ds of fouWOaatSy, arl no man ever llv.jd in tills city who had more frteuds aaoong tlie poor arid lowly. Ca.11, and maaa as becrat-s, he Mt, and hla death, liae hla lits, ana a ?riumph for C__--ft-_a___-y." --* cryi:rai, vr. r. sMEBMae ILL, Genera! VV. T. Sherman has Ima ID for tn 1 di*** et li* apartment* at the fifth a- . with an attack of I ? . la co-ifluod to lil., bat, but the physicians du not regard the attack a* M8 1 the fact thal he lia* never before been aflVted with rli-.uraatUm In my form. The location al thc du av la In the b?ck. a'hlch makes lt dl_i.ires.lng aud requires h.rn to retain ? prostrate pu al tlon. _>-. CAVORT TAMPEIUSti WITH A JCRTEAS. Jacob Cartwright, a contractor, brtn.gut sui*, against the village of Mount V.-rium f?r I 1 in grading Fraaklynave. At the trial In I ? Pla.11*, before Justice Hpfc8B_M Mt a jur> yesuirday. Martin J. Keogh, eounael for t?. pi_s.ii, tifT. caliod the at. ni. ju al thc Caart to the fact thal he bad been .1.formed (hat 1 urd llob-fy, i-f Vo_k?r_ 0f t:.r ;.i( ,rh. 14^1 ;. properly *ppnach?a by Henry 1 ,'. the village Iiaard cf Trust, -s of M. j ,,-jce Lykmait Ju.-_r Hobey If su-li . . .... and being lowered .11 the ifflr-uitlve, at one: eicu.?cd him from further *?rvlce on the jury. Hy cot., nt of sldea the went on with ri?m:n Jurors In the t?.x. A * ?,as given f.r tim plaintiff for an*. cialAed lru*tic Wsam ll i.u*? In fear and *?fliting al tho li? lly ot hi* Ui-iktnit'Ut by l.'.e (>nud Jury. .\ KITS FOR THE WIDOW* of HOLMES*. Coiifrei* has .'u*t -1 that p?,i.ona heretofoi. or hereafU:.* grai . af the Vf et of the Haa *_.*:_ botiiu at the da-, of the death ... tb.dr husbands. Thia legLlat'cn favors ely affect* ail claims of widows of the late war, which hare been Clad tn the Pen? sion OIBce on or after Julr 1, 1880. and which have been allowed to btuila frera the date of Ulina the claim*, but will cot favorably affect the caaea of such widows ai wera flied before July 1. 1880. and whieh have beea al. lowed, pension having been already granta. In these tooee from the date of their hu-'.and*' death. This legtalatton waa recommended by General Ulick tn hie last annual report, . ?? . ? EXETER CELEBRATES IIS SETTLEMENT. MAHT SFKECH1-8 I.V HIK VESEKABL* OLD KEW HAMPSiltRtr. TOWN, Exeter, E. H., Jun** 7 (Special)?Tha celebration of the 350th anniversary of the settlement of Exeter took place to-day. Af 9 o'clock there was a tradee procession and at 10 :..0 exercisea began In the town hall, the programme being as follows: Music by Car? ter's band, of norton; prayer by the Ber. Swift _lylnf*on reading of the Scripture* by tba Rev. .-eorge E. Street, oration by ex -jcvemer Charlei n. j Bell, muale. trading of the hymn ? America ? by tha nev. J. x. Chase and aung by the audience, and benediction by the Rev. Edward Goodridgo. Gover? nor Hell In the couria of hla oiatlon said : ? Exeter had neither charter nor act of Incorpora? tion. Ir eame Into being as a place of refuge for man persecuted for conscience aake. The Rev. Jahn Wheelwright was Its founder and sponsor. He waa a Ditlve of Lincolnshire, in England, and belonfffid to the upper Bilddle-eia*! of the people. He received his education at a university and Inherited lands from his father. We may Judge aomoshlna of bis ahllltlea and standing by the friendships which he made. Twa of the foremost men whose names are recorded on the page* of England's historr, Oliver Cromwell and Slr Ilenry Vane, were his early ac (jual nt mic ai, and i In mature life his associates and friends. Thli ta a I F-ufflelent voucher for his character and position, lils sphere of action was limited when compared with j theirs, but he maintained the Independence and flrmneoe, the breadth ard dignity which would have fitted him for high station had his dcntlay called him to lt." The officers of the day were: President, Bradbury !- Tilley; toaatmaster, Charles ci. Connor; ehletf mar? shal, Sperry French. Dinner was lerved In a tent at 1 :?-?> to 1,000 people. The toaat* and speeches were as lollows, -The state of New-Hampshire/* responded to by Governor Sawyer; " Exeter's Daughter Towns," by ex Governor B. 9*. Prescott; "Colonial Church and State,*' by President nartlett, of Partmonth College; "The Mcmmory of George Whitfield," by Nathaniel Cordon; ?? T!.e Phillip. E.-.ct.r Academy,"' by John Phillips; "The Academy of the ra_-_t," by John T. . " Th" Academy of the Future.'' by Dr. Vf. 0, I Scott; " William Rooltvon and tho Seminary," by Geom \. Croea: "Ow ..-lopted Fellow citizens." by the Kev. John Can.'.lng; "Valedictory," by Charles , J. r;iinian. There waa a balloon ascension at .1 :.",0 bv Pro fe-snr Allen, of Tr Among the prominent t-enplc preen! were Governor Sawyer and staff, J. B. Walker, of Coneord; tier-era' Mellln Chtimberlaln, of ! Lostou, and Colonel Daniel HaU. of Dover, X. li. THE FAE8ETT COMMITTEE TO MEET. AQCKDCCT MATTK.':8 TO Br. fXPnSfD AGJ.IX?WILI. TfiK pr :k B'.ari. bk takkn rpf The Stale Senate Investigating committee will re? sume its inquiry Into the affairs of the new a .uedttct In the Coori Ilo'iie a* u .relock this morning Sen? ator F assen and all the other members except, possi? bly, laaatOff McNaughton, will be present General Ii. F. Tracy, as chief counsel, will conduct the exami? nation et witnesses. It was not filly settled yes botaay who would be called on to testify to-day, but It ls probable that ricnry T. Craven, who was formerly ,i-_l?.ant chief engineer of the new aqueduct, will be one of thc principal wltneoset. The Inrjulry will be confined to Gie work of construction, and Mr. Craven will endeavor to show that the contractors ran things generally, and did about as they pleased with all tho engineer** except himself. Senator Fassett, who still shows slirns of his recent Illness, said last night that the committee would con? fine Its labors, for th present at least, to aqueduct matters, adding: "And even then wa shall not be able fully to exhaust thr subject. We can only tat* 1.1* ti examples hero and theta In regard to the way In which the work has been done, but I think we shill be able to make things Interesting." It bas been sug? gested that the subways be Investigated, but Mr. Fas sett ls not altogether satl-fled that the committee ha> the right to do so. At all events it will not take up siter fm- some time at b>ast. The Dorl. ! >? part meet ha? been suggested a_s a desirable subject for examination, and lt may be taken up at an carly day. OBI TC A RY. IT1RAM M. FOIir.KSTER. Hiram M. Forrester, who was president of ths Pr alway Insurance Company fur thirty-six years, SM* af his home, No. ot', Watt Forty-seventh st., on Il ? was born in Uldgebury, Connecti? cut, in 1*13, started In business In Danbury when only fourteen or lift .-en years old, and came to this ttty in IBBB, engaging sucees-fully In tho dry go.d- business for over twenty years. About. 16.0, the Broadway Insurance Ctn panv being then young and Its future un certain, Mr. Forrester unexpectedly received an oller of fha pr-illeii.-y, which he ae<*_pt!_-d. About a year and a half ago he to ?'. tho poa'tlon on account of 111 health and he hta not been weil mn.-e. Tha Immediate cause of his death was a sudden af.-ick of apoplexy. His wlfo and one grandson survive him. lils three chl'.dr'u boring <ll"-| some time ?gp. Th" fut.oral will bo li.'ld at the Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church at 4 m, tn. to da**; the burial will bo lu the family plot ax White Plains. ? - MARSHAL rOMOND LF. BOET-F. Paris. June ".?Marshal Edmond Le Boeill, ef thi Trench Army, ls dead. _ This officer was born In Tarts, in 18C9. and was edn satet at ihe Ecole Ptn/tftfhlltgpa, He entered the ar? tillery aerrtee, won dis'inCon as a *taff oiricer previous to the f'r'mean War, ?nl In that conflict served a* Colonel Mi thief of the antl.ery stall, bearing himself wiih pspeclsl brilliancy bef_re pehastopol. He also took part In the Italljn War of 1850. He w?i War Minister of !n III. for a shurt time before the Franoo-Oermsn War which broke out In ItTt, and his exaggerated est! tnatea as to thc numbers, equipment and morale of the Trench Army no doubt bsd much te do with en-ouragtng ; ref |s pioetpHBfe that unfortunate dUBcultc. Le Bo'.uf at tills tiny bore the rant ot Marahai. and wa* ' .f staff, which was equivalent to Commander-in Chief. Ilia lnectnpeten'y lal to hi* being rel ev-sd from l.i th? Cabinet, anl Army positions tn a few weeks* ?. ter the war begun ; but h; aen-ed gallantly aa a ecrpe jer.imander under Bazaine, with whi.m he was totten pris? oner at Metz. Afterward ka was prominent aa ono of La.ai_e's accuaors. TMSTALLATJOB of TEE PEV. H. R. EeCREADT. Th- Re. R. ll. HaCtOOiy, formerly of Newburg, was v Instilled list ev* ling a* pastor of Prospect Hill riaatljlairao Ohaaah In K.ghty-eecond-at. The congrru-a t. u uas mty I -med .'.Cut a year aga, and the Rev. __ T. Payson ha* 8888 off: istLm as pastor. Thor, wis a large .*!?? i. t-BCO Th" itv. Daul G. Wylie, moderator of the New-York Pr-Mtyte.-.., pic*, 1.1 The m?tallauon sermon , . : bj the Kev. Dr. Joseph R. Kerr, and prayer waa oft-red by tl.c il-.* Jaie* C-_an.brrs. The charge wa* del.-.. :,?_ to Uxt peal ..- :?- the Rev. Dr. (i.-nrgd Ale arider, and that lo tho people by tha Kev. lir. J. M. Worralh THE WJEE KA* ALL RIGHT. John O'lineo. pMaasaa of the Mstropoiltan Telephone Company's t-aaaaao, tana ar.~**ted yeaterday for _tr-.c_._ii* a wiro along Ilu._il.say ?'. Thirty-ula th-a*-. a_a_n?t t_e law. ( ..n.uHln'. ?a* cn-de by Joha W. Talton, clerk of tue I;- OaaOMt O linen proiucod I . .i_n..d by Oaaoao-a-Mat Heaa. At tho J-fla.-.wu Market I'tuee Court ha was discharged. n_F.VT.L_.VD D_D_OCWC___l A S_-_V-N'DEI_ Froiu Too iVoaiou _-l__<e. Ex (Hilve Mansion, Maaaiugtou, Juna 6. Mrs. N'irodomasi: Daw Madam: I can only say In answer to yonr letter tba. every itolaaaoa. mada by the Rev. c. il. Pandletoa in the latorota* which you aend me ls ba-eiv falso, and I Pit*, tba man of hie calling who has i.e... made the tooi to g'vo circulation to auch ????Icke.i and hear:le-.* Maa 1 r" *'???? _-*__2"H at onr aountr ao motor blessing than tha: their lwmes anl Uart, may b** aa happy and that th-lr bus bandi may be as hlud. a'teutlve, e-.t-slderate aud aflectionate as mine. Very truly, _. FTv-VNClS P CLE\1.1_AND. -^??*?? trOaVj RAUL B?W1 THE OLD FLAG. From The irish Worid. Juna 9. iTotecilon to 'mei lt an :t:dus:rles la ess-ctlal to tha weil hoing of tlils country. Hrluob tree trade will bring ruin to both was-c paver* awl wajge-earner. Up I..1 t? tho policy ... ,....-oct!..', la the Ire* trade Ad atloa ar Washington, with other ?6e?*-fc* ?>n ? lida of tho neran "The IrUh Word" believe! '- one man. and only one. who with this lcguud.-a his bar.-,er can starm alf oj.>osl*l:.n aiid le*d the l_e l.iibllcan p^rty to victory tojuat peiadventtire. That man;*. Jane-, r; Blaine, v.- Blain* dod not want the : pei ; but tha peofle. aat "?** ^"** interests -if ? mo... w.nt hfti: lt I'- thor.-fore, "wpaotl^lly ?agf-eeiet to the eandldates who have thiaugbt of offer lu? th(,* at .'blcago that they stand not un thc r oan r;?(i!*- bm pat r ..'jell v eonsld<*r the_?n pre me r*v qulrooie,.t of the hour and gr^'-'V rc, rn tho (ootest fe,r tma n,)m.nat'.." TM ls ajjld ?*?.??*. i demands of tl.a hour tt-a.1* us b-ild to proro?e If. The question is not who shall Jtenornlnarrd. tell ! who aaa he elected! Meanwbte. "The Irl.h world" I ref..***- to baal down its flafc aroa at the commend of I our beloved leader. MASOXIC OFFICE BS INSTALLED. A SATISFACTORY FINANCE REPORT. OL08B OP THB 107TH AM J-.: AL COMUaJUCATIOIC OF THK r.iuvii LOOOE. The lesalon of the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted yesterday morning, drew o large attendance af distinguished Masons, among whom were J. Edward Wmmom, Fast Grand Master, and President of the Board ef Education: General Charles Roome, Pres? ident of tba Consolidated Gas Company; James W. Unsted. es 8peaker of tha Assembly; Edmund L. Judson, ex-Mayor of Albany | and John W. V room an. of Herkimer, for many yeti, clerk of the State Ben ate. The Committee on Finance, Jesse B. Anthony chairman, reported that for tbe last year tha receipt! fbr Grand tad ga dues aud other current lources. hare been 9106,898 18. The diibarsements were f-7,030, loavlng a cash balance on hand of amm\**E il. Out of the T17 lodgea of the entire .tate, the delinquents owed only tl ,580 75, a smaller outstand? ing Indebtedness under this head than had been shown on any previous year. Grand Master Lawrence stated tbat he attributed this largely to tho fact that tte non members had been cut off when the pu exemption clause went Into ct-oct About toity out of the f.SO representatives of lodges through? out the States presented their pay to tho Trustees of nail and Asylum Fund. Grand Chaplain Charles W. Camp, Chairman of the CommPte" on Hall and Asylum, reported, recom? mending tbe re?clndlcg of tbe action of last year rel? ative to renew tho lease of those bodies meeting In the Masonic Temple tint were not strictly of a Masonic eharacter. The recommendation wai adopted. so that lt lies In the discretion of the Trustees to lease the Temple property. Tho dry detail- of tho session wara broken la upon later In the af*_ernoon. by tho appearance In tho " Grand Orien-,*' not of a "spirit picture," but a material portrait In a masalvo gelded frame, ef Joan Boyd, Past Grand Treasurer, of tlie Grand Lodge. The likeness was io good that the picture wai recognised at once, tbe entire body breaking out Into cheon and applause. J. Edward Mmmona presented tba portrait to tho Grand Lodge of tho Stato of New-Tork. In behalf of Atlas Lodge. Tha Cummltteo on the Asylum, of which Past Grand Master William A. Brodie ls chairman, was Instructed to visit the sites proferred for Okla purpose. ra__o.OOB.Iy to September 15. and select the most eligible. The New German Masonic Home, at Tappan. N. Y., w-is commended. Frederic A. Burnham. Edward L. Gaul, and Edmund L. Pitts, were reap? pointed Commissioners of Appeals, each to succeed himself. The Grand Officers elect were then Installed in due ard ancient form, Past Grand Master Clinton F. Paige, of Rlnghamton. officiating as Grand Master, and J. Edward Simmons as Grand Marshal. After which the minutes were read and the one hundred and seventh annual communication of the Grand Lodge of the Stare of New-Tork, F. and A. M., was closed with the Impressive ceremonies of the craft. TBE PEOPLE'S COXFEXTIOX. MUGWUMP APPROVAL OF REPUBLICAN CANDI? DATES. To tUe B4 lt ne of The I'ribune. 6!r: Isn't it about time Republicans should quit liv toning open-mouthed to advice about the nomination .hey ought to make from people who do not Intend to tote for any candidate whatever whom Republicans 'an put up? Every now and then somebody comes around awe itruck and tells us that Mr. Curtis or " Larry" Godkin. )f the Second Ward, is dreadfully opposed to Mr. Malan and nearly as much to Mr. Sherman, but that hey think better of Harrison and are really quite .avnrablo to Gresham. Vf ell, what of it I They want to defeat anybody ive put up; they have pledged themselves to vote for -levoland against any, Kepubllcan, and would natu? rally like Republicans to nomina'a the man they can icat the easiest. Aro Republicans such downright, ly gobbling Idiots as to want to take their advice ? -nlucky ia the maa whom the Implacable enemies of ho Republican parry politely advise lt to nominate. Ve might Just as well have waited during fhe war to Ind out whom "Jeff-* Davis would like to have us se? ed as commander of the Army of the Potomac. Tho ?old cheek which these people display tn undertaking o advise fhe Republicans would be unparalleled vere it not fer the incredibly sheepish Innocence with s-hlch some I.oaubl-caiit soem to think their advice ivorth 11-tenlng to. Yo ir*, COMMON SJESK& New-York, Juno 7, 1888. A FAVORITE IN THREE STATES. Pe th,- Editor of The Tribun* Slr: There ls no name which would concentrate tho ?nt.'iuslastlc support of all Republicans more than that _f Mr. Phelps. He weald undoubtedly carry Connectl :ut, where he ls u.tlversally loved and admired No Mt named has a stronger following, or a more vlgor >us and enthusiaotto support In New-York; and the nagnlflcent majurltj he received as a candidate fir Congress from New-Jersey attests to his popular itrer.gth in that State. He would carry theso three io-called doubtful States as well as all the sure Ecpub Ican States. Of strong Intellectual force, he ls also magnetic and popular universally with the people. His course In -ODfreaa his given him a National reputation. Phelps md Alger, Phelps and .Milson, Phelps and Gresham? rhtehever way the ticket ls named, lt would be vic? arious. REPUBLICAN. Newark, Jt. J-. June 7, 1388. YOUNG TIPPECANOE. ro the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: I took an active part In the Presidential election jf 1810. I voted for "Old Tippecanoe." I hope to ive to vote for President In 18:8. and lt would gratify uo greatly te vole for his grandson, young Tippecanoe, without any "Tyler too." Tho General Harrison of 1340 and the Goneral Harrison of 1883 command equal -aspect. Their common ancestor, Benjamin Harrison. if Virginia, was a signer of the Declaration of Inde? pendence. There are no truer Americans than the Harrison family. Old William Henry Harrison died _fter beies President only one month. Let us send his rrandson to serve his term oat. Let us supplement 'Old Tip" with "Yoong Tip." Let ul " Vote for young Tippeoanoe-oo-oo," ind give him every Northern vote, and perhaps lome 'om Soathera votes. Let us vote for ??Tippecanoe aad Hawley too," ir else fnr __. . ? - Tippecanoe and Walter Phelps too." Bat lt aeon., to mn tho people will rally most en huslastleafly for Uarrtsen aod Hawley I Brattleboro, Vt., June 6, 1888. WHIG OF 1840. WORKING. ON THE DOU-TFUL STATES, ra the Editor of Tbe Tribune Slr: Since the withdrawal of Mr. Blain? seems to jc final. I think lt should be plain to all sober-minded nen of the Republican party that lt will now be le-ccssary to p:-?sent our very nest strongest man to he consideration of thc convention at Chicago soon o be held, Such a man I consider to be Chauncey M. Depew, of your -.tate. With him take Harrison of ii-'lana, and thu two pivotal .-.tates would be almost mre to cast their votes on the rlpht side next NV ? ,____. F* LAUGHLIN. . ; roland, Ohio. Juna _, 1888. A WINNING TICKET ESSENTL-L. -o the E it it or et r*? rr*ha no. bin Your correspondent ?* F" untes Morton and ilarrlson as a suitable tl-kot. Let me enter a gen? ie proic-!. We all think well of Mr. Morton, but iav.'ti t vo trot Just about- enough of him as a can lidato for everything there ls going 1 We want to ?.omlnate tins time to win. Mr. Morton has 10V0C yat succeeded In getting anything he tried for a this State, excepting the lower hou_>e of Oaafnaa f a Now York name go***, on tho ticket anywhere, lt Ibo lid be that of a winner. Yours, A MEMBER W TUE BUFFALO CONVENTION. Albany, June **. Iaa9. _?_> HOW ABOCt DEPEW AND FORAKER ro the Editor of The Tribune. Slr : Why not nominate Depew and Foraker. Who :an name a 8.1 Bap. He-Mftl OHIO. Sandmlty. 0-. June 5. l*8t._ TBE woRKIioBoUES Of PARIA The Worklngwamsu'a (Society held a meetiug last Bight it No. 28 Lafayette place. Mlaa Fanny Morris presided. .tatiana alarie David upoko on the condition of working ,___eu in Far!*- Sha -Old that their social aud rial condition w*n f?r ******** M> *** ***** c1*** *a lhU ., ^try ^.,1 that they worked alateea (urara a day. Mi?a titan ss-W. -hat she. Ml-* HuiUngtor _.nd Mia* He* ?le went vi Albany ta advocate the |M__*.i_gu of th. Factory Inspection bill, calling for women Inspectors. Tba bill oma favorably reported by the Senate Committee, bat Sen 1181 I voa made ao objection which sent lt back to lu rog? ar place on the calendar whisk precluded lu passage thia rear, lt ls Aitmaiad that at preacat Utera ara ...ut 'actort-e ta U_*-? tlata to each InapecU-l. -?.-? PISSER OF THE CATBoLIO KSIOBTA The Catholic EMghte lia-, lat ftnlahed the bU-Jr.esa of .heir IStai* c?uv. Lilon ye-l-iday. bad a -honer la_t aroa ag at Clark's, ia Weat Twetrtj thUM-ht. There BOOO 1S0 it tn.m. T. J. Larkin presided. Some of tko others ,re__*nt wara Dra. r. J. Qululan, Edward Donlln and 8. .V. toto*, tko Rev. Father Lilly, the int Meaara. Moase ind Parser md Jamel Donohoe; Martin L J. Gritta, I'Mladelpt-la; Jtaaae J. Buckler. Hus* King. Father Me ramciaiiy. E. J. Curry, president of the I<Uh Home Mt Club, and Thomas F. Costello. Lotters ef aympatby wero received from Monelgaor Preston, ratbera Larkin ant Merrick, and the Rev. Thomas J. CampbeU, Pi-ovtoclal et tho Jeeaila. These wasta wera reaondod to: " Our Holy Mother, tha Church." the Rev. Gabriel A. Healy: "Tho Ca-aoilO Kuig'hts of Amortoa," James M. Mcinerney; " On* Ce__> ode Societies," Judge Morgan J. O'Brien; "Hell Call."I Oswell Marnie; ? Our Catholio Jouroaia," Maurlee T. Egan; -The Metropolis." Fa*rlck Gleason: "The Medical Examiner." Dr. William B. Wallace : " Tho Press.** Edwardi Feeney; "Good of the Order," ThooiSa J. J'owei* " Th* Ladies," ex-Judge S. 8. Clarke, of Connecticut. A CLERSIEAS'S RVS AW AT BATCH. Lonlsville. Ky., June 7 (Speclali.?The Bov. Benin Brewer, pastor of a Christian church near Lebanon, Ky., cloped to Jelfersouvllle last night with Myrtia Minor, and they were married. Miss Minor's fathea la an older In a ITesby.ertoo church near Minor's, anal opposed tue matta be.ati.e of difference ut religion. ? . TUTTL--. Isfonaatlea wanted af tho whereabout! of Cbarleo Tuttle, whose same appears lu the directory of 1870 ao "President, ll*, Ubaity-at." Address Dwight A Ripley, P. O. Box 3,57'J. New-York. [???.<." warm weather, katoa the face aat heads, of whoa person. * itu Fcad'a Extract aud water. It re> vires, invigorates aad ti.sheas Ue face ar oonoo. Be? ware Of l-Uil.l_10DS. .*. Rely l poa Platt* ? (hlorMoo for all heaeeholi .t.slnfaet .,* ptirpu*** It la aa oAoflooo Iq old. very powerful. r*rr eiuceui and vary ca* au. Ooid op tl uggiets ??<ry vf emu. Ihe Beat Hi?fe_Class t'iirarettaa. Kinsey Brea' Spacial Karo .m. Collate Atom" 1 soo ** l.anatfry *Wmp ls strictly pure aua neutral. order fox mai a u-ukll 1 box. MARRIED. CHAMPLW-rHAMPI,I.t-.)n WuAaooAor. Jaoo 8,18*8, at the reaiueoc* of the brid*'* par .uta. br tba R*r. tMMOoal il. \lrgin, U. V.. Lornas, l.. ( aud Fealty Man*. flew. oolr -..agular ot Ediuna- I- Cbamplla. DC B-iis-MOl'LTON-In New.Tark. Toea-Ur. .Trtaa Sal the reai-toooe ol tba baxie* brother. Mr. C. F. il-.ttitoo, SoT Mae.ioi.-ava., by tba Kev. J. A, fierce. Moa. WUiiom lt. lui ti...s, stat* Traaanrer of Yeruiuat, and Miss Ada ____, .">!??. t-?!. ail of Weal Rando pb. Vt Ko carla. Ei.t.ifs.!!CNTi_P.-At( hrlst rjinrch. Pelham, oa Watoaa. Say. J aaa 8. hythe Kev. (hsr.-s HlgDee. Hector of tho pansb. > .* i-i .? Van llorac hUiia to Annie Middleton, ilaaghtor o Joi.u Hauler. lr'lKi.1. -( :t.vv. n _..', Tfenradar aftornaon. Joae 7, at toa r.'a.lraca af the i.n.l.'a parent*, by Iha Kev. Mr. Cr***r, c.r .i.-.. is j. Field, of this our. to Acnw, daughter of Will, tau J. .narau, t-s.(_ ol Montreal. Canalla. ELK li r.vi_R? m a v kr? at Mannum atation. X J . on Thiir*.t*r, Jane 7. li* _?, by th? fter. Roland (.'ottoa !*_*lth, asalated by tba itav. Dr. I. K. Uaukiu. Harrietta Appleton. ?I_.ujin.-r of tua tats. Ka nert U. l'iiayer, to ber. ti. k. llicht. ner. ot Fnglewood, N. J. MATHKWS-K. Lf.oOO-On Thursday. Jana 7. at carot Church, fast Orang*. N J., br tue Kev. B. E. Hlahop. aa. elated oy tha Rev. i_ W. lianoroft, I). U, Wllliaoi K.lwart Maikewa, of Brooklyn, to Kath Kellets, mace of Mr. W. a*. K Hider. Ml l.t. k ii-r, .tv fsa -on Wedaea-iar afternoon, laaa 8, at tue reaiden. a at tba urulo'a namul*, br th* Har. EL L>. Sus. clure, ai.ram J. Miller to Annie T. Ginang, all of Stowe ter. N. V. .Liv_.ii_iiKSav-i.iu W<Htn*?-tar, Jana 6. 1888. at Ornoo Church, Orange. !f. J . by tbe Hight Ker. Iiistiop Hunting. toa, or Central N'ew-Yura, analsi*. by tne Ker Dr -Many. Ur. itactor o' tue church, hr. ('bari** A. oiir*r. of Phil*. d-.-lui.ia, to Mary iscUeruierhorn, ..auguur ot Loans B. Henry. Ki K ? R-M OOft K_On Tueadar. Jun* 6. 1888. at tha Ck Brett ot tie Heavenly tu st. by thu Ker. Dr. I am*.; Jobaeo*. of Brou.ljtn, assi-ileil hy the Ker. iir I'arkrr Morgan, Elisa. beth Mina, .la.i_ri.tar of D. Mar Ititi Moore, eaq., la Kiehact Biker. e,.j . all of New-York ..'ny. Rl.-atE-._--K__EC.H-Oa WadnaotaT. Jnao 8, 1888, at th* __*tr*!.g Puce Uaptial Cliarca. Rr?oklra, by tha Ker. Nathan E. Wood. D. lt.. Rv Kobert M. Kassel!, ot Cato. donia, fe, Y.. to Carrie B. iv.*cii. of Brooklya. WELLING?HOW iv-At the 'burch of tho Uearoaly Book. .New-York. oiiThure<Ur. June 7. i*Wm, hy the Right R*r? arend tb- Blsbapof New-York, aa*'.at?d by th* Rar. charua D. Cooper, ot Fblladelphia, and tba R*r. D. Parker Mor. gnu. William Br.-cton Welling to Oertrud* Lindsay. Saugater of linns Lludeay How*, of Maw-York. WHKELER?DURANT?At th* Church of th* Aietonoa, bv tl.* K?r. E. Wi.icUaater Donald, *a W-slaaaday, Jaao tL Adala I mi ant to \> Ul am uruwold Wheeler. WHlTLO-K-slMOND8-On Thnradar. Jun* 7. at Ceirarr Church, by thc Rer. H*nry Y. tsatlerlee, D. D.. Sache Me. Byora Whitlock to K_nUy Ogden, daugbter of Freaerlck W. Blmonds, Esq. YATF.s-STROXQ-On Tuesday. June B. at tha reatdeaca ot the brute a parent*, by ti.* Ker. Theodore L Cnyler. D. D.. ...?.-_. by tho R*r. Dr. H. S. Strang. Joha l'ak*r Yates to Anna Louise, daiigatar ot Dr. Sy.rai ter e. Biroo* of Saratoga I pring*. X. Y. Xotleet af marriage* awl U indorted with, foll tad audreet. ______________________ DIED. AMKN'-At-'.f Ml'ot*). Conn., on Juno 3.1888, la hope ol a bUxeert lmnioruiitr. Wil.iam BUaouiau Allon. Interr*.! al Now..Milford, Juu? 5. CASE?At Newport, ii. I., on Taesdar, Jnne S, after a sharl i'.-bcss. Helena de bl Prte, wit*of Danial R. (,'aae. aad daughter af iha Ker. Janie* A. baud.raon. of FljraMtUh. fe aaa Fnueral aarvlee will be held at tha residence of har father-In 1. ?*, Ko, 1 > i a'uaiuie au., ii. L, on Eriday, Jana & at 13 JO p. tn. Kindly omit tl.iw_.ra. rOHREtsTER-At Na 58 W**t 4"th-st.. on Jane 6. 1888, il raia M. Korreatnr. In tua 75tb year of hi* ag*. Fm..Tal og En lay, June 8. from Madison Methodist Kpis.'opai Churea, corner of Min. at. at t p. m. r RUST?'.o ' rtnirs.l.?) 6th dar, ti tn month, "th, 1888. al bis lute raeldenee. No. iOo ilauiaoa-a*e.. Joha ti. Eroat. ia tho 7ith year of bia age. Funeral aerriuoa w_U be beldoa (_sturday)Ttb day, t'th laaa., al j o .:.!.'? y. ti. Intemieni at Itu ral Cematery, Poughkeepsie. (Sunlay) la day, m.-.ruing. KENNED V?On Jun* 6, 1 .*>..*.. El'.zabatb 8. Kennedy, widow of the late John Kenuedv. a.1*.! til year*. Fn.ieral Hrrtoaa at bSC .ale reai.euce, ii>0 Wael Slaa-St., oa 1 tutty, Juu* -v, al I. m. M ..f.t'.ATH-Oa Wadnesday, June 6, Tbooaa MoElratk, an*>t HI r*ara. Private **rru-?? at the reai.lene* of bis son-in-law, Oeorge **r, DeUnraiae, Nu. 2i Waal l-Uh-sU, on aalur.lay. Jim*'j, al lo o. ra. Fuacrai aerneea at St. Panl'a Methodist Episcopal Ch arch. Itu ..?.? an.! |_, on Oatirtaj*. Joss 9, at 1 p. aa. Please omit newrrs. MOORE-AtTreaton Fella. Mar 1*. 1**9, Mlchaol Moora, ar., age.1 86 yeara, 1 month and 16 daya. N-w York papers pleaae copy. BAND- At Melhooro.*. Aastralia. on tha *M inst, B_*-ar. c.. son of tha lata Albert i. Kaud, af Brooklya, M. Y., ua hu -li'th year. VAIL?At hla home near Sins sing, an Wedneaday, Jana 5, William Vail, ia the 7*Uh year of bis ame. Faneral oa -a .? i.t tb* 9th lust., at J p. ai. from Ua hooaa. Iaiaruiant al Dale (.'araetery. YILLEGA**?On Thnralar. Jnne 7. at hla resi.eno*. No. 12% East _. 1 4rh-sL. Joan O. Dy.j YilUga*. sgad 68 yaara. Funeral prlrala. o 4 Special Notices. A. Jaockel. .Manufacturer of Reliable Far*. The large lnereaae la my baaineaa haa mada it for mo to extend my atora and naaufactaring facilittoa. I therefore beg to inform you that 1 hare reiaured my of buslneaa to ll KAST Mitt ETC Blt TU STREET, Between Brsadwar an 1 ithara., topp. Aru*l.l, coaatabia A co.) SPECIAL_FA(*II,rTIK3_F0K 8T0I-AOK A REPAIRS, Hankinson'* **irpm t arpet ( leanin* VVorka, IS Eaas '.'Tin-tt. Laubliab*it 18.1. Cartage fr** on thia laUnd aouih ot lt)uth-at. sent Itr c.reular._ I niaey Holltry. H6 Stivare. CRKAM WHITS BULL aa* HOI.arEISS. n*arly Hf* tire. Mra. LACEY'S latest aaa grea'.cat wark. A.minno* _.:, c*i.u . lo t* I._ T. JL "Mewart. I arpet I leaning Works, __.; TlI il- A VE. Send tTO'.ranlar-. T?L Call r.'8-.lst at. ( eulr.ii* at THE SE.MI WKFKLT TIUB-'jnt iOR TOD AT i FtrM Pas-?Toptr* of the Day?Piling np Majorities. ; Page?Clo ve land . Third Pti" -Mr. Ulallie In L-iid-D?The Do-Notntiig DK-tator-F'oieiKU Heme. Fourth l.-i-i-An-.n-'an Utersture. Fifth Page-Fur tb* Faiufy LLrcle?Knitting aa4 Cro.Ii--t. s.xih PaRo-.3bltuary-Per_onal-Tho Talk af the Day. n'ii Nar?Tts Huu* la au C_ptoat-_M bay tut Free Tr.1';?.Mlscellar.eou* News. - .. Page?iLilitoriais. Ninth Page-Bditorlata. Tutu I'ake?Mr. Depew In Happy Mood?Popullr Noon lnati..i.?. , , Harenth Pare? s.(?rlculturaL Twelf'h 1 aif?Joyce. TbirueuJi Page-Mr. Mamh'a Myat!Cer?-A Quiet D*t for BherMan. l'eurt.'eiith Pase-Old Soldiers of the ".'Moa. I i ... is p *?- Marketa. bl \ Wt in a Pu go?Marketa-Ad ref Ua^mcn ta. Cull.'* in asaotoasa ready tor ii.i.iiiag caa ba hat ta The Tribune Counung R.,..m for 3 c^nts each. J. **t Oik** Nette*. Bhiuit be rt ad dally by ali lateraatad. aa (tungie may aecur at inf tut* Lollara for '-.tolga eoontrlee need not ho -pcclaily aa. dr***.'- for di.?|,a'ch by any p__rtir.uiar atoamer, oxcopi whoa Ii la dealred to saud duplicates ol oar. a mg and comneralat docsin.enl*. itti-i-* liol MOOlaUf a___L.aas)d l?jja< eua; tty th* fi?'?*st re*se a available. Eur*.gu mails tor th* w. re *ndtna Jone 8. will aloa* (proniptiy tn all caaeei at thia ofBeo aa foT.owe: bATl'RDAY?Al 3 a. tn. tor Eraaoe. bwiueriaad. Italy, epala aad Portugal. p*r aiaaiaaa.p La (.aseo_ta*. rt* liarr?*. -i ? a. o. for tn* Naiturloads, na ____asaaQOtaa rir aieauiabip L4aiu oeiiert auu bo dirtied ??p*r dam' I; ai 'J a. sa. for oaraiaay. Austria, bvnotart. 8we<i*o, Norway, Ru*aia amt I ai key. pei -leannai* Warra. ria Hreascn (l_itt*ri for ..'tier hunk Man i-tiuatrns, ria **outbampion. mast bodir*ot*4 ** oaf Werra"ii mis ... for r**oimo.i .litoct, par aiasaiahip Auch....... ru-, oiaaoow tlnitar* uuai a* d.r*oi?l "poe An-iiorla'j, et ll a. tn. lor Ven*aee_* aod (. uraroa, per eua .*'.'? Caraaai . at 1 y. tn lor Norway Ulreot, p*r iWonli-v Hekla ;.Biters most bo J.rootast " por II. kia ") at a p. m. for tiurupa, p*r aieoxaa.p atxana, ria (4 nee ne iowa. Ot* NU A1 - Ai I a at. -<>r t'osu ilea, ria I.iiooa, par eUa-a. aliip -.'.uiiai . :r?ai New-(jrl?ao*. at . ? m. for {tax* Ula. por il**ia*hiu **lr.....a. iroai New-orlooaa Mail* tor ibm* au.. Japaa. uer aaaamabia Oraom* (trom nan Frs.ion.-.i. aio** h*r* Jaaa -1$ al ISO p. m. Mails tor Mawaiiau la.*a.t. par aieaaabia Auatralia itro.n San i tau .?>*. cio*e a*r* J ia* *li at 7 |- io. Mails ter .ho 8o.nair,la. par abip 1'ropic mr.t itrom ?an Fraaaiacoi. ci*** hor* Jua* *'Ji, at i io p. m. Maila for australia. Now. / ?? . . 1 .w. .ai. ll;' aili -a-oai.'i i Caa ls, ???? at.iam.suip llanpoaa dram "San Fraaciaooi, aloa* bern .un* *-* at tit i> io. lag eo arrirat at New York ot atea.o-.hip Aurania with Brit? ish Bath tor Anstra.ia. Maila tor Cuba, Of rail u> I'saipa, Ela,, ail i ioneu or ??.-..nar, ri* Ks* ' *? t. . Fia.. oi*a? *- '- * ? a ., la..f at 2:1 J u, au ?Tba er omi nlo ot aloa! ng nf Tr*a?.Paei8e maits ls arraaga. on the piesiimp.ian ol t'.eir uaiaiarruptad *r*rland traoati tr. san Krati.-isr*. Maila tr* a ta* Kaat arrtriag aa U_a* ai fa* Franaiaoo *o tb* .lay of ea. um ot avaaosora aro dla patch*d l MOO! LU* aau a Uar. MKNitY o. pearson. Poitaaaiaa Peat Ollie*. N. Y? J uno 1, IBM.