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to SOME NEW BOOKS. -'-.der tho title " Harvard Kwnlnlseences" (Huston: Tic 1-nnr __ i 0.., Hr. Andrew p. ivabody. lh? venerable -Teacher lo th" University and IMummer Pt-alr-si-ir ol Christian Murals, lias put on record his recollections ol I ho baa known during his long con oeetloa with the university. Ilo says In a prefatory ..mark: tamm wei., sixty years ago. ass-oclated with tmotits of ibo university, men who ouehi not to bo forgotten, yet ol whose *,.,.,th and services there remains no record In the tiding memory of H.etr tSW ?*irv! OmoOP, as Wtsam self appointed rcprc t mt lin I wTltO. I have adopted tho order of grad itches, tchloh embrace fifty-itx years et .-..Meir.* life, fiom 1770 tn 183] (Inclusive).- Not ihe teasf int.*_*e,;lng portion of thia little volume ls tom r(,i..-Iii(..n-_ ebOBOOf. la which Dr. It*abody gives bis own recoil *.*t'(.*i- of Harvard as it was during his . _.r. Everything. both the currle.:i liitii an.) UM living arrangements, was at that time on a decidedly backward scale. The had to rough !?. ind many of them must have l*x*.*n pretty raagb lyttutm oi aafloralofat culture themselves, whll-* the iiistnictlon wis what would to-day be con pmmta* little b-t:er than medlreval. Dr. Peabody haa some;bini.' io say of so many college officers that tho akctches aro individually very brief as a rule. His nail lilli Hi-WH arc a'.r.K-t always kindly, and his antipathies ono would think must hive been excep? tionally few. All Harvard men will Inevitably t8 fo read book, and there are few Americans tal.lng any P'i,lP 'n ',l0lr country who can run their eyrs over the lor.g list of distinguished names hero ,'.?! .lown without feellne that the .lightest fresh In- I formation concerning such cltl7/>ns has an Immediate Ititcre-t for all their countryman. Trlnclpal Caird ha** written, for the Philosophical Classics series, aa account of Splnota (Philadelphia: J. IL Lippi noel t Co.) which ts confined to an ex? amination of bis philosophy, and li perspicuous, com? pact, and unsympathetic. There are somo things In Bl n .7,1 which prlnrlpol Caird ls ono of the last men la under*-tan., but his analysis and comparisons are elucidatory oat us*eful within limits, and the brevity of hts .-*-..!>* may tempt many to Inform themsolvei cnnccrnlng a philosopher too generally neglected. In "Tenting on thi Plains" (Charles I* Webster A Ca.) Mrs. E. r. Custer describes army life In Texas and Kansas titer Ihe eloae vt tho Rebellion. She writes easily and natnrally. and with an ever present admiration for her gallant husband which ls touching and delightful. The fi-ontler life In camp ls vividly depleted, and the Intimacies of the military family l-rs-onVd With e.ual humor and spirit. Mrs. Custer benefi must have hoon an ideal soldier's wife; for it-ouch In following "te (lashing (.rn-ral she was i to endure all manner of hardship** and priva, lions, sh" evidently bore all these discomforts uneom plalnln-.y, oat Ott qi'lcK to take her snare In what ;' in and offered. The General's staff was a lively one, betaf composed of young and bright officers -who were always on the lookout for someihtng to lOltefO the monotony of their exile: and as Gen? eral Custer ind lils brotbor, Colonel Tom Custer, were much addicted to practical Joklnp, time did not hang too heavily upon the bands of tho comrades, lhere ls plenty of interesting anecdote and fresh narrative In this bool:, nnd ihe illustrations, though somewhat rough and retrty, are plentiful and well placed. The Life of Anandnbat Joshee. by Mrs. Caroline nealey Hall I Iloston*. Roberts Itrothers), ls an Inter at-ttni Mogr..;.liy <?f 'I'" l^rst Hindu woman who WM patlia'-al I'i BO Anicriran medical college, and who for much better rca-on tuewioa lo be remembered. Anan dabal Jo-h**e had the courage to break through the atroof barrier of Hindu conservatism and caste. ind to at ail honeU ol ii." opyottaaWea for education tStat&S ey Iha Weat, la carrying out a nobly philan? thropic purpooa Bot Int. inion va--, to arm herself with a/esters uodteol science in order that she might minister lo ber countrywomen, who are _-till Cfit off fn.m ti.e beawtl of sane therapeutics by the lren laws of casu* nn;! eeavontloa. t'nhapplly the brave woman could not live In th's cold clltntite, and In tbe prosecu? tion of her studies sho contracted disease which car lled Tier off soon after her return lo India. Rhe was thc wife of Bopal JoohCO, an educated Hindu of most eccentric and Irritable ch .racier, who by his wild e? ploataae ol ailiat t.i Qm Knellsb In India was con? tinually creating dlllirult situations and embarrassing bis wife anil ber friends. Mrs. Dall has written a sympathetic account ol Anandabal, who possessed a beautiful character and a lofty and enlightened mind. Margaret Stol..**, discusses _ Early Christian Art In Ireland*1 (E. and J. It. Ycnng <fc Co.) In a well lUustratet little volu-ne. In the main her positions appear tc be sound, bur In writing of Ihe Irtsh round towers lt could lie wished Ihat sho had given her authorities moro freely. The hypothesis which sho accepts, namely, that these structures wero bell-towers and ljceps atta.Iie/1 to monastic houses, may be the solu? tion of the problem, but lt ought to le frankly statrd by any one who writes on the subject that archaeolo ap* a* yat divided upon the question, and that ial ||V8 t" the mund towers a far remoter an? tiquity thin Mia. Moina ls willing to concede. The lia WOflhlf in.-..ry of their origin, which seems tn derive support from tha (Steal of the European Held over which flmllar relics are spread, ls certainly not abandoned yet, while the assumption of a Christian origin demands as Its corollary more evidence of Hm aile/*-***! mona, tlc buildings, which ought to have left rome remains besido tba towers, than has hitherto bron discovered. The chic, value af Mr. Gerald E. nari's essay or "The Fall of New France" (fJ. P. Putnam's Sons) Iles In the abundant and curious Illustrations! of the bock. Them lncluilo fae similes of letters from Wolte, portraits of Admiral Iioscawen, the Fnmpa. dour. Montcalm, TIlHIialPlffle. Wolfe, Monokton, Townshend, Hutch I'alllscr. the Chevalier de levis, '.oneral Amherst and t'enera! Cage, together with an Interesting reproduction of old prints of Quebec In 1750 and Quebec after tim I'ombardmcnt, 17,'fi. of Montreal In 1760, and of tho Battle of Montmorenrl, 1759. Much praise cannot be given to the narrative part of Mr. Han's work. The president of the Hoc!-ty for n,-to.1ral Studies, Montreal, cannot be said to have tuk.-n patel to secure accuracy In his I?!*? torlea! statement,, and particularly in his date?. Homo of the errors may tie duo to the carelossnees of the printer and proofreader, but even for these authors ri.nsf be hold responsible. The t*ory of the fall of New Frame moreover bas already been written so carefully ard well that there ls tho less excuse for slovenly editing now in a work on the subject A volume of the Jato E. P. Whipple's occasional papen has beaa ptfcHahOt (lioston: Tickcnor A Co) under tho title *'outlooks on Society. Literature and I'oiit.c,." ti,., titfciM apveare* originally in vari? ous periodic;,!, ai.d an on diverse topics. Mr. Whlp Pleas,ai it, epEf, shrewd manner Informs them all but lt .. appatoat that he wrote better on literary Can on political themes, tot ni treating th" latter he toothing of his native geniality and i - --iso a little of that restraint and moderation ii his best *.v,.i_ Such papers as " a t-runt Bualaeoi Man of th? New 'School,*' "Lowell as a Prose Wiite:,' -in nit-kens Land," and tho **llaid bvK- attloka, are of the k,nd to Interest all alike and for a long time. Other essays are on passing events, and wl_!h> refleetlng tho thought of tho period belong too wholly to tho past to receive the same welcome. Mr. Benjamin Tucker certainly shows his faith by tis works jn undertaking the transiaflon and publl cation of the who!..- of Proudhon's writings, in ? about fifty volumed The fourth f-lume of this ponderous literary enterprise has boen Issued (Ileujanun H. Tuckar, Iloston) and contains tho first volumo of the 'System of Economical Contradictions,- or as Proudhon's sub-title runs, "The Philosophy of Mis? ery- The author', .boorie, aro characterized by au d?city far am iban by mme Judgment. Among other oagciplodeii hafcefc, ,?. MIJU,ks mach|nerJ. 2 M lujinlcal to tho Intent, of labor. His contentions With regard to property and its richts aie too well known to seat restatement. He belonged to that aftermath of the .{evolution which em? bodied the clements of WttEttk thought unconquerable by Hie logie of ttuh. fmm ls no donia a natala Interest in following tlio vagaries of these writers but aastiredly no pent to be derived from them, and least of all any practical ideas. A new edition of IT. L. Kidney Lear'i biography of Henry Dominique Lacordalre hai been publiihod (K. A J. II. lavaf A Co.l, which ls a proof that the book has toast appre.-lativo readers. Lacordalre's farrer ls full of picture, -ncness and he moves alway* In a rcfln-d ataaitl.hMt spiritually. Mr. lyne, a... totitit of the groat preaebe. ls full enough to convey k distinct impi' .sion of lilni, and not so elaborated is to ovary tho ira.!.-**. The severn ii ai, 1 etfhUl volumes of Mr. Illgelow'i Pew eilitif.ti of Fr.iihll.i's World (1'nlnani'si have Issu. d. 'ibo love Bib volume contains, among murk faluable political corresiwndencc, eonio evidence that I ranidlt's naturally sweet inn per and large patience aero not quite proof against the Incessant and multi farious worries and annoyances ol hla position at the French Court, ne was Indeed brought In contact with some- very exasperating people, and when at laat ho Indi forbearance useless with these, nothing can bo franker than Ms expression of his opinion concerning them. Captain Landals was thus favered with a portrait of himself which could hardly havo soothed his native Ira. clblllly. and William Jackson, for at? tempt^ to lecture Ihe venerable Minister, received a "setting down" which ongbt-seelng that he waa a voung man, and so not nnlmpresslonable-to have done him much good. At this time Franklin's scien? tific blas Interested bim In the experiments of Volta. John Faul Jones sppears often In the seventh volume, quarrelling with LandaH and Franklin, taking British prises, g-ttlng Into trouble with his mcu. -he corre? spondence with Vergennes shows how much friction there was with the French (.overnment even when things looked smooth outside. This volume covers 1780-1783. The eighth (1782-1784) Include* an In? teresting and exciting episode In scientific annals, namely the beginning of practical ballooning. Frank? lin wa* present (on tbe 27th August. 17b..) at the ascenson of the balloon constructed by tho Kobert I'rnthers under the superintendence of Mr. Charles, and In 0 letter to Slr Joseph RanJiS, the president of the Royal f-.oc.oty. gave an excellent description of tho affair. Tho experiments of the Montgolflers were then the central theme of discussion, and Franklin naturally Joined tbe chorus ol sanguine anticipation. More than a century of experiment in aerostatics has taught a wholesome distrust as to the solution of the great problem, for In that century li tie If any real advance has been mado ll aeronoutlcs. Franklin calls Pllafre de Kar.ler Pllatre de Trosler. Such a misspelling mlcht as well have been corrected in the new edition of his letters. In this volume Franklin appears working hard for peace, and If that cannot bo obtained, then for the mitigation of the safferlng caused by war. as In the abolition of priva? teering The signing of the treaty of peaco also occurs in these years, and discussion and defence of Frank? lin's own acts and positions. Here also ls the philoso? pher's letters to Mrs. Sarah Baehe concerning the. Order of CInclnnatus, and the argument In favor of tha tnrkey as the national bird of America. In this volume, too, ls the famous " Lotter frem China." M fJnblicotlona. ACMILLANT'-Tco7_r" NEW BOOKS. By Mr. Goldwln Smith. A THU' TO ENGLAND. By GOLDWIN SMITH. 8vo, paper, 40 ccnta. This Diy^ ?"? New and uniform edition ot THE POETICAL WORKS a> of ROBERT BROWNING. To be completed In Sixteen Volumes Globe, 8vo, each, ul 50; published monthly. Vol. 1?Paulin.. Snrdollo. Ready. Vol. 2?Pa rac- 1-us, KiatTord. Ready. Vol. 8?Pippa POaaaa King Victor and Kine Charles, The Return of the Cruse.*., A Soul's Tragedy. July. This edition will contain more than ono portrait of Mr. Browning, at diflcrent periods, and a few lllustratloue. Kew Bojk by Mr. Ilenry Jame^. PARTIAL PORTRAITS. Of) .;... 18 ' HENRY JAMES. Globe 8vo, fl Tit., CONTENTS t Emerson. Miss Wool son. Georeo KlIoL Alplwnse* Djr_det. Daniel I .eronda. i..;v l*i: Mat.fpas.sant. Anthony Trollope. Ivan TurgcnlelT. Robert Louis Stevenson. Georgo Tiu .Maurie-. Thc Art of BUt-?"*?__ " Il must sufllee to sar that there are few paces of this new book of his tbat do not contain something anni, and that th* effect of transitoriness, great, as lt ls, ls equalled. If not surpassed, by tho effect of careful and amazing clev? erness. "?London Athenaeum. In paper covers. Trice, HO cent* each. MACMILLAN'S STINTER READING LIBRARY. VOLUMXS NOW READY: Msnlo'a Crucifix ...... F. Marlon Crawforc Mr. Isaac*.P. Marlon Crawford Chris .........'". Vf. E. Norrii Ismay's Children . . ?- ? ,.,.,, . Mrs. Martlet A Teacher of the Violin . . ? . J. II. Shorthousc For God und Gold . . . , %.... . Julian Corbctl Bingle Numbera, 15 cents; annual subscription, al 75. THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE NO. 67. JUNE Contenta: SolRude; from a Dra-vln.- by Davldsor Knowles. Gltmiu-es of Old Eugun -Homes, 4. Erldsjt Castle, Elizabeth Bal-h, with (Host ra Hons. The Met. tation of Ralph Hsrdelot; by W. Minto. Pagodas, Aure oles and Umbrella*, Part 1., C. V. (Jordon Cummins;; ll lustrated. Coaching Days and Coi etina Ways, The Yell Road, Tart I. ; W. Outram T*l_t_m--t; ll..i.stt_t-*_ by Ungi Thompson and Robert Railton. Llf: a Liverpool Child Agata C. Maitland. Ft Cetera; H. D. Traill. Oma mental Frlcres, Headings, tc. ' MACMILLAN & CO., rtew-Tork. 112 FOURTII AVENUE O IN DECK. By T. ROBINSON WARREN. G. W. PILLING HAM, Publisher, 33 West .3d st., N.'y, Mr. (Captain; Warren has served under almost every foreign Hap, and presumably offers sound adtrlee to iiMiIrlng Yachtsmen. counselling tatra IO ignor" cat.?b.jttimy to xl books, mere corni,nations of English books, and stick tc -.usii-l-ird works, In uae by our Navy, In eonneettOn with aetual experience on beard coasters or llshlng vessels, uni iiuioluces simple foriuulaa to show bow almplo s iimtt-r lt ls to llud one's position at sea. '? Extracts from opinions of the press." tr. Y. EVENING Po.-*.'.-" lin talks In an easy-going way of the lamented decline nf American shipping anil about the part yar bremen may some time play In the history of this country's Marine." N. Y. SUN.?" Bl doesn't believe tn text books, hut suggests a cruise In u Sandy Hook pilot boat or a Gloucester fishing boat as tho best elementary Instruc tinn. lt is lively, discursive, iv I tl i much agreeable read? ing. W. Y. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.-''He Indulges In a good deal of minded chaff and common sense. Tha book abounds In im.-'-loto given In a rollicking vein " COMMERCIAL GAZETTE.--He hos .cant respect for steam y.itchta. those " Iron smoke boxes with engineers for bosses." The vachting ha bellerea In tests all a sailor's raaaoioea, Ile spins some eea yarns of other days, when sailors nero sailors; debates thc keel and centreboard question ; sketches his Ideal yacht; gives teat books an unfriendly i.lsst; spoal.s In praise of ih? qualities of Sandy Hook pilots; ncounts the modern daatefl of the deep; Merl bea lead Unca, buoys, variations ai th-* needle, the log, leeway, the reckoning, the nautical flay, etc. ; and conclude, ?with a chapter nf general axions." J?NITT1N(.-CROCHET." TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. Ol. IHE LATEST NUMBER OF THIS POPULAR SERIES tm ILLUSTRATED MANUAI5 FOR HOME WORKERS CONTAINS A GREAT VARIETY OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. .BENT POSTPAID TO ANY TOINT IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA. PRICE 25 CENT! ADDRESfc TIIE TRIBUNE, NEW-YORK. Inotrnction For Bovs and Younsr Mon?City. A -CIRCULARS OP GOOD SCHOOLS FREI1 - JL 8'i'/' '.ll?tn*r tnt bovs or girls, aud locality preferred. I- E. AVERY. Amerleiu School Bureau. 9 W. Murat.NY. J> REPARATION f.r I .llCoIPge K.xanilnatlen*. Sum .? "ZZ ft*""!' WOuDBRIIh;--, SCHOOL, bt gina August 13, 32 East lttfc-at TTNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCIIOOI_rM73 BroadwayT near laaat ; Bint year. Primary, commercial and classical de pa rime n u- Instruction thorough. M. M. HOBBY, Vf. L. AKIN. N. C. HENDRICKSON. Prlua. For Both Sexeo-City. TUB BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, ?__. TJLST ?*DISON SQUARE. N. TV . . Open all bunin-*-. a)_o bcaside Summer Couran For Yountr Ladioa?Country. HQ VE ?.?-"_ l?KY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. ? TnE l.l.M.S. .Spr.npii.-i., Mmss. Miss Foliar, Principal. Pu. jilla admitted Ut Viissiir. <-.,.ii...i/.v ..,_s ___?,(,_. lilicaui. Quincy .. .J,P"l"r-rl"H. Mass. Mlsi, Porter, Pr_ j.!l? admitted Ui Nassiir. Well.-ky and hudth ou our cer fulncy uiethod for iiiliarcu. Of H-.S ADELE BREWER will be ?:sl to receive lTlpupiu ..r niue chiidje.i in her hon,.- neal winter. Addr-'ije lill August 15. Wro J. S. lHHKiAM A CO., i-i old llroaO'Bt,, Loii__n England. After that, Stork ..ri Jg.-, Maae._ Mii1VJoim,U!AMSI'SELKrT FAMILY SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES AND LITTLE (illtlS. Amharet, Ma aa. From Sept. 12, 'SS, Ut June 17. '09. B____w&a_ip?* coue"9 ""*?'*?,n4 Uitctru.llcm. For Youtt? Ladiea Country. MCLEAN SEMINARY. SI-MS-HRY. CONN--Home School. Young Untie*. IVrauillul and healthful loca? tion. Three hours fiom New York. Half hour from Hartford. Address Riv. J. Il Mci,KAN. M 1SS CHISHOLM'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 15 East OSih-st.. New-York. Will reopen September 20. Roys' Ciasa< fTOCKLAND -'tl VV.C.V.. lt N VA. K (iN'-Ilrr.S''N. ?Aili be open during aeuunci for pvpils, Rend for circu? lar with full particulars. Inter at any time. \V. ll. BANNISTER, A. M. Principal;_ EVEN GABL___-.-MJU_. WEBTCOTT-S I'.'iARDING Sch.. .1 f,.r Ye. ung ).., I.cs Blhlgeton. N. J. Ccrtlil eato admits to We,!.?,;? v. _FmalM for anv Collies. In the piney region. Climate of Lakewood. N. J., but milder. Pure spring water. Gymnasium ind Sun Pirlor.' tim Ur aa spi "cition. _ STAMFORD. CONN. __ Min Aiken's Sch.iol for Young Ladles ind Children: comme-iues (iii 3, Ihbs. After July 1. addie** CATHERINE AIKEN, South Yarmouth. Masc Ii HE MISSES AN'-r.i.i ??'.?** BOARDIKO AND DAY school for Young L.-i.llns will reopen September 2U, at flfl Bayard-st., New-nrunswb'k, N. J._ ?yRINITY HALL, neverlr. N. J. E.?tahllshe1 1807. A tnorough homo school for twenty young I*-Ilea. Varied advantages of tho highest order. Careful training In man? ner, mind and heart. Solid In English. Music, Art and Languages. A prescribed course for studtmta pre. paring for any follege. Twenty-ftrst year begins Sep? tember 27. For circular address the principal, _RACHELLE GIBBONS HUNT;_ WEST WALNUT SI Kl I.T l.i-M.DlNi- M HOOL for Young Misses and Utile Girls. Reopens Sept. lina <9:h vear). Miss J. TRAl'TMANN. Principal, Catalogue on application. O.ri Wslnut-at., Pblltd'a.Pa. WALNUT LAM", KCHOOI.-F. i RM I'.UI.V HAD A WE Clement's?Boarding aud Day S.-ho?l for young ladles; _2d vear opens Sejitember 10. A.-.'idemk-al and Collego Preparatory Courses; Pupils omer W.H. sloy on our examination. For circulars, address Miss ADA M. SMITH, \ Principals, Mrs T. 1). RICHARDS,. Germantown, rhlln. Boya and Young Men?Country. ADIRONDACKS.?Camp Cedar, Summer School for boys. For circulars addie**, E. O. MONTANYE, U rt'iiion, N. J._ BRYANT SCHOOL. Roslyn. L. I.. N. Y.-Boifdlng" School of thu highest class for boys; Primary. Inter I mediate. Academic; Military organisation. GEO. BRL'CB CORTELYOU, Principal._ 1 FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, Freehold, N. I- Forty fourth year; ior boys and voung men. Address Rsv. A. G. CHAM--ER... A. M.. Principal. Ft LM WOOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS.-At Milford. Conn. j Parents who aro unfortunate. In tho management of their sons will do well to prollt by the a .v-ui'ages ottered by this school. Address FRANK M. HOWE, Sup'u IOHLANR MILITARY ACADEMY, Wore-aler. Ma.. 2d year. English, Scientific, Classical. C. B. METCALI', A. M., .Superintendent_ IRVINO-INSTITUTE, Tarrytcwnon-Hudson, offers un? usual advantages lo pai-nts seeking the |.<>st Instruction for their boys. Address A. ARMAGNAC. Ph. D._ MITCHELL'S BOYS' BCHOOL, nulerie., Mas*., 13 miles fro;,i Ri,Mon and 0 miles from Lowell, on Uv Uoaton and Lowell R. R. A atrletly eeleet Family School for Boya trom 7 to 15 Inclusive; fall tenn commences October 1. send for circular to M. C. MITCHELL, a. m.. principal._ j 1 PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER. ?J..Ill VI MC A MILITARY CoLLE'.E. tl.I En? gineering, chemlstiy. Architecture, Classic* Prepara? tory Dept COLONEL C. E. HY VTT. President. 1* .iRni.Vs'S.'Ilnoi.. NerfeiiTCoan. J I. a Hom- Sri...?.t. preparing hov-, and rom? nvn fnr Vale, Harvard, Princeton, Colombia, all toe beat collegee a...I scU'i.tiiic. aehoola. Instruction vigorous ant thofoaOh. Tho lii.ine beautiful, in a remarkably healthy town, tva bonn (rom New*York, T. rms, a*t.o. Tho hti_he_,t ref? erences given. Adlrc.-.s, for circular and partleulara. REV. JAM Ks a. T.'WLE. Prlnrlnsl. BW6RY S-THOOL. Hamden. Conn.?Eu* Boys, (3.YV -.150; (inns Infloenees; thorough school sy*tem; ex? tensive crount*. -.??. or..-illili, I... i' lo.usc, Ac. Address Rev. II. L. BVERBST, M. A., ft.or._ SPm mii; scnolJL for boyh. AT THF. BBYANT SCHOOL r.i.SLYN. I* I.. N. Y. JIM; 2\ TO (SEPTEMBER 1. "Tho ben I.itt ia nd i I suceeaaful "f ihe Summer for Boya": property beautifully situated on salt water; every facility fur stuly and recreation, Fur catalogue applv '.. i.F... BRUCE ^ORTELYOU, Principal^ _ SUMMER SCHOOL at Worral] Hall, Peck skill, N. Yr For circular address COL C. J. WRIGHT, A. M. II [ CM MER SCHOOL, NORWALK, CONN. 'Moderate charges. For circular a'1r.*s P. g. ROBERTS, Prlncips.1. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR I'.OYS.-IVekskUl Military - Academy, Jun-* 20 t" St pt. n.'.icr 5, 'ea. Send for circular. JOllN N. TILDEN, A.M., MD., Fi-eksklll, W.T. Trinity COLLEGE ma ki i OED, CONN.?Examlaa Hons fo- adniifsii.i. trill be h.i.i at Berkeley Behool, o last .4th?t., on Monday, Tueaday nn.1 Wa-tnoaday, June 25, SO and 27, F<-r.i'ii.or partleulara apply .. FRANKLIN ll. KUVI.EU. 99b Weat :,.*>: h-t., N. Y._ TKE PFFKSKiLL MILITARY ACADEMY. Pecka kill, N V- S. nt ' _-JOHN N. TILDEN. A. M., M. D., Principal;_ WEST JERSEY ACADEMY, BRIDGETON, N. J. A Home for B.,\>. Select, tboiough, succcsafuL Established 31 years. Term*, t'ioo. l'RIVCll'Al R- J GAI.EB ALLEN, B. A. _-.i-I.Nt II ALS. | - NV RIGNEY, l'h. D. ? EA/I A TEAR EOS nOYS. If _> UU SWITHIN C. SRO RTE! OG F? A.M. firsrvard). Media ipenii.j Academy. MisceUaneoua., beth sox.s, rl'v snd co'intrr, with cjifful atvlea t>. par-eat--. MIRIAM >' lYiil l.i'J'., 31 1 iist_17tlj.?t., bo?w., .'have and ll road way. WANTED?PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN VOCAL music. Address Ro*: C."., Trlbuno Olflcs. Cciuljero. \ Mil'.! CA NANT) I'i .REIGN TT^tffcRS* kti\WSf jfa. supplies Preleaaera. Teachers, loton. Governesses, &.C ui Collegee, Schools ami Fa millee. Apply t. _MRS. M. J. YOUNG-FULTON. 'J3 Union Square. J" "BEST TEACHERS supplied I no efcafgo TEA.'IL -'?? EIL. for 20 tenta foi ptitage: racanclea alwin on hind; form foi stitnp. li. E. A Vi.KV, Amurl ian School Bureau, i Weat N. Y. _ \\.\li. 'sa Graduate, instructor in a boes' ii.o pamory boarding-school! wants an engagement as ,.ii..ito tui..r t..r the avaunlr vn.-aiton. Addttaa ASSIST? ANT, Boa 708, Ktngsn n, N. V. \il a RV ARD un 1.:- ' ? a poeli on in th.* country b* tutor oaring the summer vaaatloo. Ad? it:..?j. w., 12 Kirkland plaee, Cambridge, Mom COMPANION, '.<?? Vr a youni lady of education n.; 1 ri'iii.iinoot, with hlgneat referencca, deal res jsisltlou v.ith lady ?s companion, or with family a* Inatnietor in English and Latin; no objection to travelling. Alli.--. ].. H., TriMn,., Uptown otiic-., 1,208 Broadway._ 1) RINC1PAL ol' PUBLIC SCHOOL 1* oiK-n to a fall encaccment; 13 years in la_,t poaltlon; highest tesii. moolala -ddreea for tea daya PRINCIPAL, lt. x la 'Irlt.imr- OOiee. _ It RI VATE LESSONS lo steoognptiy (Pitmao'a Im. proved] plvn at loy rc.ldenc", 0i) (linton iilaco, (Itv terms, r.e. eenta per ItiSun; day ana evening. M H.s. , , HENRI L. STUART. ; ] -T"*'TORS, gol rneaaes, pi^..s.rrs;iea7hers all brau- h-*_T; l | a. clr.-ulai^ schools supplied Ki parents; French, German . I Spanish spoken. MIIIIAM COYRIERE, 31 Ea-t 17th ? h., between Ith-ave. au.l Broadway. "W'OMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' RtlRBAt (IN fl both lazaa] aoppllea ptoteaaora teachcts, ^overnessea, musician*, housekc-ejiers, eonraanlona, te., .... .oiieRcs aehoola and famlliea; also bookkeepers, Menognphon aili i-opvlsis to business timi. ?MKS. A. D. CULVER, ttP -Jth-BVO,, Nesr-York City. i)c\\) UUnnteu. w ANTRO. ?An -*n"r?et!c, pushing travelling ial^smaii ? expailenced in the bualneaa and scqualnte. with th" cb.Hiing trade In Michigan. Addreaa W J Tribune Oflieo. "ll* a NIKI., s lir-'.;..-- farmer; Scotchman p ff thurouchly competent in all Ita braach-'s; mairU-d.' bul na ci.ii ir.n. Ai.;.,.- at J. RUSZl'l'S, v.*, Mm ?\VANTED.?Sileaman for pork protucta, leaualnied " "Ith the c.iv; rc-Ull trade. Apply r.|th i.;. t<. .I'UtN MOORI-, Room 184, No. 1 Broadway. Silnatious iDantcb? -females. -4 ? .. ?Want.-1 t.y a ftrst-clasa cook ; waltr-*-s .t,,-' -\. bermald ant lau :.,h wv* ,,,,7' buri-*, maids of all mott ; I iouii^- German, aenerai work; ir.nch chamberiiiaid. Al BOL'CRA_N__Vft iu, Oth ave. ; entrance on ^ " ? *** COMPANION Hy .i lady of^rTd^renTirrrrt aa eompanlon fo ? lady; ne ob]_ciloo t? L.,.. /,','* try; referencea esehangad Auuicm e., pap *,-,. .'; m.'., laney city. "?_-_.? ( ' d'HE te.- By I comp tent young woman-; un 1 -r-tandi J all kinda of cooking thor -ghi. ; excellent laundress' In-st referencea; elty or country, tali at Mrs luwi ?_.' itt td-IVO., store. amewmm C? ilAMIIERM.MI) or PARLORMAID Hr i ri?n,m,*,~, ' penon; beat cltj refenucta. tau be ?-,? ',', ' ?j. m. tt i p. m. il pfeaent employer'a, i v, . :,tiii._t (lOOR -itv n reapeetaMi (^-rnian woman: _rst-el___~ * uni. m-uii ls ali *.u|)>. meat, game, pastry and , -,. ?", competent to nike full charge , city referencea. ??- ?', i. ?.' Uth-at., norn *' ' "l (''""*-??By a vonni; v o-nau as __nuelaai c. ok t,", ^,,7 j or cuntr;. ; teal reference t. >.. lt-i <?,,,.,'/' JV ? **_tii.i . ire, __s Weat 37th-at. No cari, SHUAMBERMAID .iud WAITRES.** a lady mantm el V> lind & pUea for a girl lu the country. tfWeai SVuJ i fm employer'a, " C'OOK Md LAi'.M.iiE^S.-Iiy an able Mtive~~lsi-o_Mr 'gill for Heady ;,U. - : city or country; a, ,?,;,.''. >.?>. l-eference. JEN XII-, 'ilfl lll'i ave., |?.a. , - j j j J' CtOOK.?By a iiri,i-ci??s, mghlv recommended wo________T' ' auperloi servleea; beal famlliea only, ian ... .', '' BARADEI/8, 227 Baal 28ta-at._* ?*ur** ( ' RAMBBRMAID, WAITRESS. 4e.-Br a wining tomi V/glHi io .1 iii penon and work; du house iv or i ]i . quin.!: Mrlith temtonte; citr orcountr] ; good i. ??'. - ..?,.'. BARA ll, 270 tth av*, MW I7'i, -? ' '"-' ? pRAMBERMAID, WAITRFJM and NURSE._B- "T >-'neai, eaeebl* girl; ci'y or country; vUlinc. h.-,.K ?abet fond of child:**n ; excelleni suln. ss. (.;i.i ,,. , . ^, 270 Ct hare., mar I7th-*t *'A' f'")., washer and IRONER ,,,,;, ^-'"..iiian; ixculient cook; bn-ad aoupa, d-ttjt; waiO lng If required; iindersunds car.* of niliii; an-adv i.'i?,._? tealred. .i.\sv.. 270 Oth-ave., near int. *i. * ?J'*U! pOOK *iVA8lTER and ll'.i.M'.R -liv a "re,,,.,.,,rr. S'iriri In si.mii private family; good city refer..;,,. .,,__ ?Ml 73d-_t., lop floor, back. ' "**? ( ? IAMFEKMAII), A c.-Ry a reajiectsble K\t\t to -? -, ^-* -the country as ehanihermald; ?.'?.?> I .itv and com irv refereneaa; u..uid assi.t ?Hh nth-r work. AAAruL Mj A. i;., Tribune I ptowj OlOee, 1,2*8 lli,.ad?.', / '. ?(iK. ? By a fir ai-Ha ?a young weaaea, In prlvau* famflv" * ' ( city ntereneea; U*t .mpioj.r eau ba soo ifW ?A"*; 99J.QL. *' ???' pofll'ABION. ity a well-olucatod 1 VloAF v '? a lady; u.uslual ; can give bent or refenaeeiL td oraas lt. K. ..', ?_.?;.. VS -i 2.'\ st. A" p OM PAN ION.-. By a woman of eiu.sti,,,, _,,,, ~ .,. *_> aa companion to ? Itdy In Nen-V..rk or vlelult*. referencea dxthanged. Address N., 6tu? New.rk.avo ' Jersey ( Hy. ?"" "'"? PO?H*ApiON or in.rsi ?i .li !'-.-~RyTinld4T_^__5 vvlady ; la a good e. amatress ; wagoe no object- a SSS borne dealred; excellent reference* given. Addrcis B, E. O.-Box 672. New-Yerk. " Address Oitnaticmo tDanttfc?StwioXt*. A. ?A.?A.?A MRS. L_ SE ELY. {formerly Mi?s L. Campbell), 68 WEST 220BT., rnttEIGN AND DOMESTIC MALE AND EEMALE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU All r-ferensee airletly loveaUgated and aa Ula fer '""iervanta disappointing famlllaa wlU be excluded from my offloe. N. D.-NOT CONNECTED WITH ANT OTHER OJrFl.i- _ 08 WEST MD ST. CHAMBERMAID. -By a French girl in private family; I 'goo I city references. Call -Jil West 2Gth-st_, basement. /,,, a _-By o TOOOg BeO-Ch woman; comp'tent, \ > i -.,,inimical; soup, poultry, game, postry, bread, rolls; rirelleat lauodnaa: wilges tn.ider.-tc, city or country. Sb2 .Have. AMI.RICAN 'I RAI NINO SCHOOL._ /STlAMHI RM AID By a rcapec table colored chambermaid ivnr wsiir.*-. .... go ... Lo it [aland or Ubeno. Addresa M p Tribune Cp.own OtMO, 1,2'-S Bruidnay. C IIAMHERMAID and WA I TRI AS.-By neat American girl; moty smart and relianie ; good; city or unity. C-tU USO Ml AVA, toot tBtW-tA st..Hon. ( CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS?By competent young girl; also cook; would assist In washing; personal references; city or country. 7-'J fithavo., near si'k.kT 4c?By a iir-.iri.vis German woinaa In restaurant -...or summer hotel; understands all une desserts and j.astry: nod baker; beat city reference. BIRK, 71 SJ ave.,'ps;l"r toor._ COOK--Ht a smart, competent Welsh woman; under? stands all kinds tf good tinnily cooking; best reference; city or country. Call PSO 3d-ave., near 5'Jth-st station. C-BAJ. BERM AID and SF AMSTRF.SS. -Hr i personTs ' chinibcrnuild and seamstress, or would walt on a lady and do sewing; lint, class city references. Call 330 West 1?'- door, front. _. C. .nit.-Rv a nr*t-(lass cook, where kltchen-msld lu kept: uudTS'anda all kinds ot cooking and marketing; 0 yeirajnja^t place; referencea._211 .th ava, i HAMBERMAID and WAITRESS-By ? young flrl ; also cook; would assist In washing; ?som ' -Mst. JrillAMBERMAID and WAITRESS.-By a young~glrT: V/ will assist with children ; no ohiectlons to small family In the roun'ry; good city references. 221 East (it-th-st. HOLS E WO RK or N U RSE.~? By" a young-girl, la tely landed, to do general beniewon or nurse to grow? ing children. 2C0 West lOth-st. ; ring fourth bell. No -'ir I*. _|_ Hot'SEWORR.?By a neat, willing Welsh girl with 18 i ...ntlis' | etona 00 as general houseworker; good baker of br'-ad and biscuits; excellent laundress; wages moder? ate; city or country, tai 3d ave., AMERICAN TRAIN? ING SCHOOL______ Ci LEANING.?Ry a respectable woman to clean nfllces. / Address Mrs. SULLIVAN, 3.5 Earn 35th-st.,lloom 10. noi'sF.w..r.K, ct-tOK an. 'LAU_*3rDRfi.-t_-^ny a neal competent young trlrl ; would do ehamborworli aid waiting; city or country; 5 ye.irs' l-efeienco from last place. Call OfiO td-ave., near 60th-at station._ niUSEWORK. Ry strong, trilling Scotch girl; niel* ?ncea; g"<>d plain r,,nw; gool linger ?.( bread and Mo cult; excellent laundress; wages moderate; city or tmtntty. IRS td-ave. AMERICAN TRAINING BCHOOL; HOUSEWORK. ?Ey a re*pei table young woman wP.h a lltttl hoy 5 years old: would HU" place in country as working hooaoliMper et do geoenl heoanworfc In a small f ii-.'-.-; best city referoaee. ... Wost 27th-st., ring oue ML I INFANTS or CHILD'S NURSE.-By a capable Trot eatant inman; g....d plain seamatreeowperaonal etty ref? erence. Addreaa II. H., T.-lbuno Uptown OlUce, 1,23a i.roadway. _ 1 Al NDRESS, Ry *i young wuniari; elly or country. lie ll on pnaani employer, 20 Nortt WaanlagtOQ place, f.r two fay-;._ I A UN DBI SS.?By a pill In a private family as flrst . cia-* Lune!:. -- ; city ..** COW try | good city reference, k. e.. ''illume Uptown oBea, l,2w Broadway. IAENl'RE*-*'.-r.v a flnt-elasa laundress"; 0 ?? i t beal elty referencea; m. objection to the eountry for summer months. Call 830 Wesl |0tb-at., Ul floor, front. MAID, ite.-iiy a no*.^i ns maid, or to walt on delicate lady ind do pulu -.wini', r,r tttbtt with lli{lit work. Ir.-- ni employer, Yt Weat 24th-at._ *V 'RBI-.?Uy a respectable Pro'Ostant woman ; thircigMy ll understands rare ol either Inf.. nt* >.r growing children; A yean' refennee Call or addreaa sos Otb-ava, ^J I'RSE, Ac. ?liv a respectable girl: experienced wltv .1 nfanta and crown children: di.* plain sewing, and li very aaeful; travelaaa dty reference; sober. Call ot addreaa .'.:(". Weal Uth-et, _ ^'URSE.?A iady wlahea t? lind a place for a youiiB girl. v. hniii slie can r?.minend as bright, Intelligent anl thoi Highly trustworthy, to laka ear.* or children that cai walk; eountnr preferred. Appir by letter only to Mis. C. TIKiMI'soN, '_:... East 12th-at._ ^'I'R?*?I?". te.?By a young womaa as nurse to grown 1 en; i- .v ti'" ough seimatrae: g. od city r.fer 328 West 59th . Bra] Bat, weat fiTURSE and SEAMSTRESS or NURSERY OOV i* ERNESS.?A lady wlahea t>> ?o.-ure a good situation f..r an English girl as nurse and MafflBtnaa or nursery g..v.rne*s, whom sh,, cm hlrhly recommend. A td fell prooent employer, mrs. c., 70 Olen weat ive., Yonkers. QTENOORAPnER and TYPEWRITER.-nr a paneo Hon Rend...ton ; no nhjeetton to leaving city; good refer? ences. Aldr.-s h.. |t0 F.ast 12.V.h-sf. WA-'-lllSi. int. IR..MNC, - Rv a re?i^elaTiTe_T'rotest .-? r11 woaoaa to go oat by the .fay *.* a.-.'nn_r and Ironing or any oilier work ; good references. Call 130 West Illth st.. store._'_ \l- AITHFSS and t'llA.NTHEitMAID.-ny a llrst-elass >T wiltreea and chamrt'-rmald ; tlrst-ilass city roicrenco; city or country. 210 East '^.th-st. Worki*-.; liorsFKEi.rER.-Ry'" a MUaMa and Iraatwerthy Kagllet "..iran: good cook, good di? pisllinii : no ohjectlon to widower'* family; city or coun? try. Sufi F^st. .'.'.."J. >t. Cit-W-ions CUanUo?iilalca. |> UTLI'.R, to?By an experienced Frenchman, in prl la \sie f.iiuili, ..r head walter lu a total; thoroughly un tterataata iii-, duty as dr.*. cia*a aaanagar; ls willing t< t ii.e char ?'? :is eek If required; la reapeetaUe, wllllni ind obliging; vorj Ii^st referencea from Uni employer, Address 0. il . Kl Weal S7th--.t. il UTLER, VALLI', te.-Ry a Scotch Protestsnt; good I> nlet, ni's'.-1 ian wa/, i ; ondeiaticds eon of river; ran r:.ik" ali k.nds of>.. vil'il-g and respn.-tfui; - temper it .t 12 year-' t^'s- . i' v r fe.oiic.s ; c tv or country. Addnaa joseph, Tribune Uptowo ofile *, l.'Jt.* Br.iidv._y. HrTi.i'i. Dy nu Engllshminl thorcughly competent, Ad.ire-, ii. c.. ,s D niven I ty p _ CARL 1 A lt F.RS. -liv mau ma wife, te take care or a gentleman'a heuae for rammer or n nat: best reter n.e. AOirOM D. li., Trlljuiio Uptown OU1. e, 1,-JJ. U roadway. COACHMAN and GROOM.?By .*. -'.adv mao; best ol referei.s fr ,m flrat-caaa famlRea. Pleas.) addres. ( OACHMAN, *.? Ea-t 021 st, _ /""O.U"HMAN. ? A gentleman going to Europe wishes to v./ pr..cure a altuatiou for hla coachman, ? Ol st-claaa maa ; \.Ul highly recommend him. (au be seen al present em pinyer's. Adlr.--, EMPLOYER, lol Park-eve._ (I OACHMAN.?By a Protestant married man ; one child j beat eily referencea; thoroughly undemanda ins bust i < .^ lu all lu i.rn, !,?-.; leavea on account of his people i,oli.g to Euiope. cali or addreaa J. f., 31," i:a>t t*.Ct 1,-t.t. C...\. UM AN.?By a' man. married, ne f.imiiv; ihorougblv uiid.rr.ia.,is ean of saddle and earrlan willing uni ot diging. ali c ly temperate; nr?t claaa relenut-ee from city families; country prtf'T.eJ. Addi M i OACHMAN, No. :t: __ Weat ttfth-at._ COACHMAN.?By a thoroughly competent single man (.nully; u:rlei -innis hi* business in all lt branches; win be generally uaeful and oORgtng; klgheai teailmoaiali ai lo sobriety, honeity rapacity j countrj preferred. Addnaa lt Weat lutii-.t., private homo, COACHMAN. Ry u man Dlaengaged June 22, on io* ...lint .f gentleman giving up betane; could leave nt once if aeceaaary; bicrhly reeowmented bi pnaent and ? employen Call or addnae coachman, 23; 72d-st.. Jlllvaf'- Milli". (? OACHMAN.?By a coachman who will be disengages! j jut.e ft, oe ;;..,-..ont of gentleman giving up his horses, .r could go it pnaent if necessary; will be highly reeor* mended by ht* f..rm.'.' ind praacnl employer-, cali <u addreai COA( UM AN, 2;)3 n.-st U-th-aL, private stable. C*}OACHMAN, te, Hy a well-recommended young man, /willing to I*, r.i.fui: good driver; can-taker ol harness, carriage-, fte.; rmi garden, milk, mow lawns, fte. ai CARPENTER'S, lOtMJth-eyo._ COACHM \N. By eanful driver; city or country; good groom; can m.lie cow. keen lawn and grounds In ordei If tin., permit*; geed elty leieroneo Addresa THOME* SON, Box 10, Tribune UptownOfflee, 1.23d Broadway. Ci OACHMAN and fIROOM.?Ry a competent rel la bli /married nun, noIneumbrancci; tlioruiij-nly UDdontandi ihe inn- of fine hoi*.* I nlai'es amt lisni'-ss; carefu driver; Willing and Obliging; city or ???.imtrv , beal per utee, Addnaa COACHMAN, Everett'. H tel, V* M.y-i.1._ C*"OA( HM AN, ic ?Hy a single young man, age 27, ir / nrst-ciaeacity eoachman ind a thorough eoaeaman mm gteeeai atrietly temperato; .an mle at m.-, n.*. ; ^.^ c.tJ panoaal referencea, Call an or addres* care Mr. Prleat 6 Ea.*t 2.1tl. st., Now-lurk (lob sublca. Cd.cllM.VN and PLAIN C. \ RliTNER.-Ry i single tuan whu thoroughly understand . Uno horses, enrrlai'-s, nnd harness careful city drivr; Wflllng aad ct,living; 7 years reference; employer cnn be -*e>'n. Address EDWARO Tribune Uptown OlBee, 1,238 Broadway. Ci OACHMAN. Uv i? single man with 10 uwi' c.ltv ref. _. irenca Oom ene employer and 4 yean' city nlunnci t ,.m present employer; leavea .... iceeant of famllv gotni t.. Eutep"; thoroughly understands Ibo eur,, of "horses tO'l or addreaa 1,. ... ..... Weal &8lh-at (...Mi'A.'.'l'.N. IC. a pro.'.'s-or; siieuhs E.en.h trftt _/ iliiency ; best ret-rence. Addresa W. W.. Tribune lip 1....ii 1..lie... tm Broadway. COACHMAN, Bo?By a man as coachman or gardener ?teady, aobei and rireful driver; p-feren.-.*. Addreai WUP terma, Vf. P., Bus 573, New-Rochelle, N. Y. (..iv 11 man. By ,1 tingle man; folly anderatanti thc j rare ut aonea and earrlagea; ls a careful driver Bravelaaa refer.neea 11 to honeaty and sotniety. Ad di.-.s E. V.. Tribune lp-,.wu OtleO, 1,23.*) RrooJway. Ci MICKI -V DRESSER.?Impoit..nt~to summer hotels.-! ? liv a nr-t elaaa experteneed chicken dresser: ree.immen dallons '.1. be bad fnm laat employer as to capablUUaa mi , (nertnaaa AddrtM I). W., Tribune Uptown onir?i, : ? ay. /?KIA" UM AN. L'S! HI. v; \N ||v :, ,-.,.; s . Uabl ?? 1 I mon; ondeaatondi .are ..f toa botawL ear r!,.c-'s at.rl barneaa; gardening, lawn mid sliver; beal cit) rea. Mr. FRED, loj Weat lliti st COACHMAN.?By a Bingle mun -shu underaunds tte pr..|H'r care of horses and harness; ? ol. clrefui driver; vs 111 Oe found Willing anl Obliging; BOO r an I li _ <st; good references from last and larmer employer; eona tr, preferred. Adlrt-sa N. E.. Tribune Uptown Ofllce, 1....K Bru 'way._ ( * (1 \ ( 11 .*-I A N ll y a single man; or wouTd~uike aecon ? 1 .1 - Mao : nrat-elaaa groom; Kret-elaaa elty and c...mir. rercreneea. < :,n or addreaa 238 East .'.'..:li st. / < lACHMAN and GROOM. By 1 Uncle mao; thorough! S und-rsi-ied* th'' proper ear** of horses, carriages; com patent, reliable, generally useful; wining and obl-gina n .,|. 1 lin wage*; v. ry beal etti referencea Addnaa K. C. 'i.ii ai ?? 1 ptown Ot .?. |,2?8 Broadway. (?OACHM.N.-Hy a single man who thoroughly Undet Btanda (00 ean ..r horaea. urrlagea; good city driver; . 1, . ne hlgwj ...? 11 mended Irom laat and former am ? m. ? ?:?< -iona to g., to cunutry. Call or sdi:.-. I*. Ii. av*9 ?ol-' ?'?' /< .*.. hm an ? gentleman w.'sbea a BttoaUor f.r hil ''I'" r;.'* ',"", I'i',"1 '" U,.T?" "> ?? aaaue-aaa; under t all about ile* ..11,. ,,f horaaa; (i.iuid like to havo 1 place In icu dais U_ao E. W., G2u I/.tlugiou ive. pOA^UMAN ind <? \RDI.N ER._Ry nmrrled man fnc ^-hildreli; can milk, tend furnace, tc; wlfn good plain cook; excellent laundress; understands walting .'ffi^vl^ -t_comma.ul.uooa. ii Bitna-ic-i-t. fUanttl.?Malt*. (u 'OACHMAN and C.ARDENER-HOUSEWORK-By ? -'neal Herman Mid wife; no children; man will be generally ureful; wife good family cook; both wlii do the ?ork of a family: excellent recimniendailona. At CARPENTER'S, 108 athave. __ C* OACHMAN.-By man who th~o~ro_ghly~um_er?tands tba 'care ot horsea; willing and obliging; I* a careful driver; 8 years' reference from present employer, who may be aeon any dsy nt 8.r.7, ellice No. 8- Call or address JOHN McB., 228 East fOlH-st._ Co At'll MAN.-By a young Englishman; Just disen? gaged; flrst-clasa references; elty or eountry. Ad dress V. Vf., U7 East 40th-?t. private stable. /~* OACHMAN.-lfy'irfTrat-C-Baa ai'uglTlnao; thoroughly understands the care and management of hones aud carriages; loaves hi* pUce on account of family going U> Kuroi.- ; tlrst-class city reference. Call or addresa 8. Wi No. 10 West I* th-st., private etable._ COACHMAN?A gentleman who has disposed of hla horses and carriages ls desirous of procuring a good situation for his coachman, whom he can highly recommend. Call or address CHARLES A. PEABODY, Jr, 2 Wal! st. COACHMAN. Ly a voung man who thoroughly uiidei* stands his business; has the beet of city reference, t all or addresa T. h., lalo employer'a, HO Irving COACHMAN. ?Ry-." highly" competent msn , excellent nferences for driving and capability. Addresa W. O., 'tribune I'ptown ofllce, 1,'iHS in >?-i*.y. 7^"0A{.HMAN~and" 0W)-TSr__Tly"'irtemp.rite7~fe[labTe " ? yoting man; thoroughly understands the can and Imndling of tine horses, carnages and harness; good and careful driver; not afraid t<> work and be generally use? ful ; t-est. of referencea. Address TRUST., Tribune Up? town Ofllce, 1,288 Broadway. .-I,*' RF.E~TO ' EMPI/OYERS>~AlTTilndJr"of_male help S carefully selected and sent on receipt of ordera; city or eoupt/y. TRUE,_Metropolltan Agency, 685 Broadway. GARDENER.?By single man; English: haa thorough practical knowledge of his profession ; flret-clasa grape grower, propagator, aod plainsman ; Including gr* enhouJo* of all kinds, fruits, flowers and vegetables; also a good firmer; !>??" references. Addnaa J. H., Box 80S Tribune Uptown Office, 1,238 Broadway. GARDENER?A lady who haa aold her greenhouses, wishes to place her gardener; ta thoroughly competent to take charge of a gentleman's place; undentands hot houses, fruits, and flower and vegetable gardening; la fierfectly troatworthy: no bad habits; Bingle. Apply o "Tho Berkeley," 20 Othav-e. U'WV.F 11!_- M A N. ?By a young Englishman, on gentle man'a place ; can neraea, garden, ic.; good nfenocea. Will gentleman eal! strain or write; will bo at home. WILLIAMBLACKWELL, 318 West 32d-sU _ (TSEKtJL-MAN.?By a young Swede, area-is English ; ean I drive, garden, milk, mow lawns, and keep gentleman'* t.laoe In good order; good raforene.. At CARPENTER'S, 10S_ Cth-ave._ USEFUL MAN.-Br mvrled min (age 3..); would Uko care of gentleman's place In country; can do carpenter work, drive, milk and plain gardening; moderate wages; English. Addveaa TEMPERATE, Tribune Uptown Ofllce, l.'jihs nroadway. __ ITSEFUIeMAN. 4e.-By a -.nerte min as walter or I; understands keeling everything nice; good milker* willing and obliging; good, aatlsfa.tory referencea. Addnaa J. D., 100 Weal 42d-su, Trlbuno branch._^^_ TTSEFL'L-MAN?COOK.-By married couple; man aa ' coachman, gardener, useiul-man; tend lawn, milk, careful driver, sober and attentive; wife rood cook and laundress; small family prtfnrred; good references; both (rood servants, smart ind illUfing. Addrcse COACH? MAN, .2 I'ark-st., Orange. N. J._ tT-sP.I-l i.M*AN.--I-v a "weU'recommen-fed" German, J who eaa drive, 'garden, milk, run errands, attend ! fences, and keep gentleman's placo In order; wages mud At CARPENTER'S, IPS 6th ava._ X" "f.SEKE le MAN.- liv n young Englishman, on gentle - mini's niaeo ; eare horsea, garden, to. ; good reference-. william BLACKWELL, tl8 weat SiM-at,_p \rALET or COMPANION. Hy single young man to a gentleman or grown boya. Addresa K H. P., fi East OlRt-bt- |_ I WAITER or VAT.ET.-Rv ? yoong Austrian, as walter j '" In ii nrlvato family, or valet to tdrnjle gentleman; un .??_? r-tands his Imslnosa thoroughly: >"<i-ellent references; conn , Irv or seashore preferred. Address by lotter C. BRUNO, ? are of Mr. Radecky, 241 East 18tb-st. ._ Steamboats ALBANY BOATS-PEOPLE'S LINE. Bteaaen DREW and DEAN RICHMOND leave Pier 41, N. K. foot of Canal-st., at 0 p. m. dally (Sundays excepted). FREIOIIT reclved un-ll ihe hour of departnn._ A?-TKOY BOATS?St-xunen SARATOGA ? and CITY OF TROT lighted br electric ltghta. leave pier-it N. It. foot of Clirtsi.ipbsr-at.. dally, except Satur oay, 0 p. m. sunday steamer touches at Albany._ (' ATSKILL. HUDSON AM) COXSACKIE. ELEGANT KAATERSKILL leaves from foot Jay-at-. N. R.. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY at 0 p. m., connecting with Boston and Albany lu ll road. n ATSKILL MOUNTAINS. The Old Kout.. VJ QUICKEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST. CATSKILL EVENING LINE steamers leave every week day at 0 p. m. from foot of Javst., N. R-, connect? ing with C. M. and Carlo R. R. For time table, list ol bouses, mes, Ac, send to pier or addresa _ W. J. HCO II EH. Treas., Catskill. N. Y. TALL RIVER LINK Jl for Roeton. Newport, Fall River. Providence and ALL P01NTH EAST. BMamera PILGRIM aud BRIS? TOL. Leave New-York from Pier 28, North River,, foot ot Murray-st, dally, SUNDAYS INCLUDED, a*. 6 p. m. lull night's rest. Express tialns leave Fall River 5:20 and 7:25 a. m., due /locton 0:50 and 3:05; returning, Pave Bootoo 6 p. in. week days, 7 p. m. Sundays, duo New.York 7 io a. m. AN ORCHESTRA ON EACH STEAMER. Connecting ANNEX BOAT leaves Brook? lyn 4 :30 p. m., Jersey City 4 p. m. Send four oems In stamps for copy of " Old Colony ot Pilgrim Land." a profusely Illustrated summer book ot nearly ono hundred aama. SPECIAL NOTICE. The DOUBLE SERVICE win be nannied for tho summer season commencing Juue 18, 1838. Steamer. will leave New-Tork al 6:30 aud 0:15 p. m., for aU East? ern points. Itoats leaving al tbe latter hour will toueh ai Newport at 5:45 a. m. Sundays, will leave Nevr York al, 5 :30 p. m., touching at Newport. HUDSON RIVER BY DAYLIGHT. DAY LINE STEAMERS. NEW-YORK AND ALBANY. DAILY (ex'-ept Stiudiiv-i}. i^eave Brooklyn. Fultou-st. (by Annex) .... 8:00 I. m. " New-York, Vestry-at. Vier.8:40 u u New-York, West 22*_-s_, l'ler.8:00 " for ALBANY, landing at West Point, Newburg, Tough k-ej-ste. itlilr.ct.eck. Catskill and Hudson. RcturnlDI, leave Albany.8:30 a. m. ^A line BAND attached to each ?<at._ MARY JTOW-SLLPOR CRANSTON'S, WKST 1"! Point, Cornwall, N-wbunr. New-Hamburg. Milton, l'l.ughkcepsK Hyde I'ark. Rondout and Kingston. Eveiy li.-i. day it Yes.ryst. 3:15. and Wet 2'.'_-st. 3:30 p. m. excepting Saturdays wheu sho leaven one hoar earlier. NORWICH LINK "f.r Huston," Won-PsterT Portland, New-1...inion, Norwich, White Mountains, all puluta North and Ka^t. Steamers leave l'ler 40 mid num I. r , North Uiver, foot of Watts-st. (next Dler above Dev la-at Varty), delly. Sundays excepted, at 5 p. m. Tlils lino has unequalled (aellltlea for han t_ln_.' and dlstrll. uilng freight taroUghOUt New-England. One steamer ..oh wav nally, except Sundays, ex.-Iuslvely for fi-Meht. Tlrktea and State Booma secured st 207, 201. 337, 307, 087 Rn.adwav, 10 and 12 Oreenwlch.-t., 153 Rowerv. In Brooklyn, 4 Court-si, 333 Wu._hincton-?t. snd 331 Fulton al. At l'ler 40 North River, and on Steamer.*. _ O. W. niiAIiY. Agent. TJONDOUT, KINGSTON AND CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, Landing at Cranston* (West rolnt), Cornwall, Newburg, Marlb'ro. Milton. Rouenk. epsle and Esopun, connecting x. if h. Clbtcr and Delawt-ro, Swuy Clove and Catskill Moun? tain latlrvada Steamari CITY OE kinoston and J \*dl S W. BAX-DWIN leavo every week day at 4 p. m.. p ev f,...t of Harrtano-at., N. R., exe...* Saturday, when CITY OF KINGSTON leaves lt I p. m. CTONiM.TO'N LlNK.-ThoonlY d-reotTroTito Ofor Watch nill and Narragansett l'ler and points In Rhode Island. Throujh cars between steamers' landing and Narn?ga:is..u l'ler without change. Steamers leave new pier Sa N. R, one I.....-K above Canal-st., ai 5 p. ru. dally, except Sunday. 11 nriiE new roi/te. ' PROVTDEXCE LDJE FOR BOSTON. lT-OV-DENCE, WORCESTER and all polnta EAST, via Doston or Worcester. Steamers RHODE ISLAND md MASSACHUSETTS toora Tier 20 N. TL, toot, et Warren-st, at 5:30 p. m. dnlly, except Sunday, coni.ectlng at ateamers* wharf with express train for Boston leaving tl ni, arriving Boston 7:15 a. m. Tu.lman cara, new equipment; full night's rest; shcrt rail ride. Rceves'a renowned orchestra on each 'PO NEW-HAVEN, 75c. A EXCCRSIDN (good 6 dsys). $1 26. Steamers C. H. NORTHAM and CONTINENTAL leave feck slip, l'ler 25 E. R. 3 p. m. and ll p. BL (Sundays excepted., connecting et, New-Hiven with specUl trains f.r MERIDEN, HARTFORD. SI'RINCHEED. HOLY. OKI', te. Thiough tickets sold snd baggsi'.* checked at Kit Rr.adway. New York, and 4 Couit-?t, Brooklyn. Railroads. ^;^?;w-Y<.I<k, ontario and western I RAILWAY brains leave irom leirlea at West fjA and Jay *:i. as follow a. West 42d-st., 7 :50 a, m. ; Jay-st., 7 :30 a. m., for Mld dleu.wn, Fallsburg, Monticello. l.ltierty. Walton, Doih(. Norwich, I'item Rome, Oneida, Fulton. Oswego, Rudall,, Detroit, Chicago, Wallklll Valley points. West 42d st., 4:10 p. m. | Uy-st., 3:55 Bb m., for Mid? dletown, Ellenville, Wallklll Valley points. Wi *t 42d-st., 6:25 p. m. ; Jay at., 0:10 p. m.. dally for Middletown, Fallsburg. Liberty, Walton, Norwleh, Oneida, Os\. eoe, Suspension ilrlilg", Detroit, Chicago, St. Loula. IlutTet Mee|s*i. to Niagara talla, llecliulug Chulr Car free to Rochester. Pullman sleeping-ear berths reserved at 307 Rroadwav, Tim.* lal.1.*, tlcketii. tc, at 207,307, H44, l,:t2.% H road way. 737 Cth ave., 131 ICast l*_I5th-?t.. 204 Weat lJSthst., New York. J. C. AN HERMON, li. P. A., IS Ex. lunge l'lace, Now York. J^EIIIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. PAS&ENC.i:R TRAINS leave foot of Cortland! ind Urabi-seca ala. aa foilowa: 0 itt a. m. for t'atasauqus and Intermediate p.Unts. b ,i. m. for OdMVa. Ll ona. Elmira, Rocboaler, Buttalo ind tho Weat and yiiucpal local point*. Chair car t. Elmira. 1 p. m. for Tunkhannock and Intermediate polnta. Chair car to Tuiikhauuuck. CoumcUou te Reading and Uarria burg. *?:40 p. m. for IMttston and principal lntermedlata points. Chair cur to E. and R. Junction. 6:40 p. m. for Mauch Chunk and Intermediate point*. Connection to Reading and Harrisburg. (hair car to Mauch Chunk. 7 p. m. for C.eneva, Lyons. Elmira, Rochester, Buf? falo and tho West. Eulin un ileeper te Lyona ?15 p. m. for Lauiaya and lnterm.?aiat.> polnta. Tralus leaving at 8 a. m.. 1 p. ni. und 8:40 p. m. eon acct for all p-luta In M.-ihanoy nnd ll?/icu,i) coal icgloiia SINOAY TRAINS. 0 a. m. for Mauch Chunk. lU/letoii and Intermediate polnta. .'> 141 p. m. for Coplay and Intermediate polnta. 7 p. m. for Coneva. Lyolia Elmira, Rochester, Buf? falo and tim West. 1'nllmaii sic. in>r to Lion*. _ Oeneral Eastern Ofllce. 235 Uroadwsy. CIloKK LI.VE.-Ail Kail l_.,?t,. f..VT5?aon7 h .. *w'>,,rt *nA toe ??i"'.1* ??''?Press leaves C.rand ("entral Button ut. m a. m. and 1 p. m. Limited Express ant a new Express train at 4 p. m., except Bunday. Faai Ex? press a til p. m. dtuy. tillea parlor-can _? eieentng* earl to destination. T HailrcwDs. 'RAINS FOR BOSTON Tia New-Tork and New England and New-Tork. New Hav ri and Hartford Ros ls. ., Leave NEW-vmiK 10 a. M., ?3 P. M.. iTilTp. IL Arrtvo BOgTON 4 .30 P. M., _f P. H., 7 A. M. ?... PARLOR (Alts ON DAY TRATNB. PULLMAN 8LEEF1NO CA Ita ON NiCHT TRAUf-L ?8:00 p. m. Dally, Induing Sundaya. ?* Other trains daily ex .opt sundays, bleeping car a.-. can be second at tltkai efflces._8..7 Broadway, ami (.rand Central Depot. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ~" _L On and afi.-r May 1.. ItoAS. (ii'.AM) HUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUT*. Traine leave New-York. Ma Dcehroeeea iud Cortland* btreet Ferrie* as follows: " Harrisburg, Pittsburg and the Weat, with Tollman Vxleeo Cara attached, ? :00 a. m., 0 30 and . p. rn. dally New. York and Chicigo L.-iU. 1 or Parlor, lMolng, Smo*in? and bleeping Vestibuled Cara at 0:00 a. io. over* day. Williamsburg, Lock Haven, n Wi i m., 8 p. m. ? Corry and Erle at 8 p. m., connecting at Corry tai Tl Linville and tho Oil Regions. For Lebanon. I) .00 a. m., .1 -__o ;.- m. and 12 1.1 night ior Norristown, .'hen! xvii le, pottstown and Reading, 11:00 a. M., 1 0?, 2 .CO and 4 .<?<> p. m. batuilayi only, ii p. m. Sundays, 0:16 and 10 a. rn. Ran..nore, Washington and the South, " Llmt'ed Wash, lngton Exprese'rof Pullman Pallor Cara, dally except bunda}*, lu a. m. ; arrive Washington 4:00 p. ir. and dally, with Dining Car. at 3:40 o. tn., arrive Wash, lngton 0:12 p. m.; regular at 6:20, 8:00 and 8 30 a. m., 1:00, ..i.i., 4 ,;i. aud U :00 p. m., and 12 IS night, bunday, 0:15 aad H m., 43u and 9 p. n. aod night For Atlantio City. 1 p. m. week-days (through Parloi Car). For Cape May, lp. ni week days. Long Drench, Ray Head Junction and Intermediate ita. tiona, via Raliway i...d Amboy, 3:30, 0:10 a. m., ia noon, 8:10, 4:10 and 5 p. m. On S'inday, a 45 a. a. and .*> p. tn. (do not atop at Asbury Pirk). For old Point and Norfolk, via N-w-York, Philadelphia and Norfolk lUllniad, is p. m., dally; via Raiilmora and Ray Line, 4 :3V p. in week days. Boats of r' Brooklyn Annex" connect with ad thrcngh traine at Jersey City, affording a ep.-)dy aod iiwcs transfer fur Brooklyn travel. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Express traine leave New-York, via Desbroaeee tat Cortlandt Street Perries, as foilowa: 6:20, 7:20, 8, 'J ('J, Chicago Limited, with Dining Cm, and 10, Washington Limited), and ll a. m.. 1, 2, 3 20, I, 4:30, 6, ii, U:3(), ts and 0 p. m. and 12:16 night. Accommodation, H /SQ and 11 :lu a. m., 4 :80 and 7 p. m. bundays, Express tilt, 9 (-> Llmltedj and lt a. ex, 4, 4 .'P., 5, 0, 0:30. b and 0 p.i__., and 12:15 night. Accommodation, 7 p. ni. Trains leaving K-vi-1 ork dalry, except Sunday, at 8, 9 and 11:10 a. m., 1, 2, 4, 9, 8 p. m. and 10 a. ra. and 0 p. m. on Sundays, connect at Trenton tor Cam. - den. Ticket Offices. Noa. 1. 485, 849 and 044 Rroadway, 1 Astor House and foot of D'-abra*.-.* .i.i.l Cortlandt sta. ; 4 ourt-st. and Iirooklyn Annex Station, foot nf Kulton-at. trookiyn ; station, Jersey City; Emigrant Ticket Offlee, os'le (inrden. . Tho New-Yor* Transfer Company will call foi ant check baggage from hotels and residences. CHAS E. PUGH, J. R- WOOD, General Manager. General I'asa'r Agem NORTHERN RAILROAD OT NEW-JERSEY. ?Trains leave fmm Chanib'-ra-st, butlon week dari for Englewood, Tonally, Closter, bparkhlll, and Nyack 6:30, 7:00, 8:20, 'j :5_ and 11:30 a. m.; 1.15, 3:30, 4 :.'i>, 1 ISO, t-20, 0:40, 6:40, 8:00, 10:30 p. m., lj mldnltrht, sundays. 7:00. 9 itt a. m.. 4 and 8 p. nv. Vor Nanuet Spring Valley, Mom-iy* and Tallgians. w*-.< days, 7 rOO, 9 :.".. a. m., 4 :50? C :10 p. m. bundaya, 050 a. tn. aud 8 p. m. ERIK RATLWAV.-Tirket Offices, 4m, 817. TM and OiT Broadway, 153 1-2 Ilowery, 187 Weat-st, 1 Battery pia-.-, Chanitiera and WI ad (Stn a) teri tea, New. Fart, -l-l anl :;:*?> FuRon-at., Brooklyn; p.7 Eroadway, WUllamaborg; corner Ne warfe and Hudson ata., Hoboken; 62 Montgomery-at., and New Str.tlon, Jersey City, where Tickets and Parlor or sleeping Uar iraoi va tiena and orders for checking and transfer of baggage can b- obtained. Ex* trains leave ttd-et, 6 minutes earlier than limo ehowa rom Chambera-rt ; I..1 trains 5 to 10 minutes earlier. 9 a. m., daily, Day Exptaaa, buffet drawing-room coachee te llut'alo : pullman bleeping eOlshel H.ri.eUavllla te Cincinnati and Clavi lan I 10 -Zo a. m., weeli day*. Itc'aware Valley Expreaa. pirtar car to Rine'ua.iito'i, Owego. Elmira and Corning. G p. m., dally, "Chicago_aad tu Urala Limited,* a solid Pullman tia'.n of dav and buifct lleeplng coaches to But. falo, Ntagaia Falls, Cleveland. < hkaga, .u.cliinau sui bt. Louis, no "Mia charge fr 1 HM fi.i.e. 0 p. m., dally Chicago Express. Pullman buffet s'.cep'na coaches to Binghamton, Ow.-jjo, Elmira. Rochester, Buf? falo, Cincinnati and Chicago. Ru .fora ana Faa_elc?4, 4:45, 0, 7, 7:50. | :80, 10:30 a. m.; 12 noon; 1, 1:45, J, 3:40,4:10, 4:40. 6.10, 5:30. 6 50, 6.10, 6 30, 7:30, 9, 10:.*.0 p. m.; 12 night. Also to Rutherford 8 .io a. ai. ; 4 .So, 6 :20 p. m. ; to Pai-tal-, 5, 0 10, 0 40, ?. m. Sundava. 4 :1">. 8 .3(1, 10:30 a. m.; 12 noon; :45. 3, 4, ft, 0 :30, 7 :-!0. 0, 10 30 p. m. : 12 nlvhL raterson-4. 4 :45. 0. 7. 7 :50, 9 :30. 10 :30 a. ci. ; 12 noon; 1. 1:46. 3. 3 30. 3:40. 4. 4:10. 4:31, 4 40, 5, 5 10. 6:30, b.j6, 010. 0:30. C MO. 7:30. d. 10:80 p. m.; 12 night. Bundara, 4 :45, 8 :30. 10 :30 a. m.; 12 noan; 1:45, 3. 4, .'.. <- HO, 7 :3t>. 9. 10 ::*:. ti. m.; 12 night Newark and Paterson, vii Newark-0 :45, 0:50, 8. 8 3o, 10, 11:30 a. BL| 2, 8:30, 4:20, 4:5(1, 6:20, 6:50, 6 20, 7.30, 10 p. m.; 12 night, bundaya, U m.; 3.30,. 8 .tn. 8 p. m. Ridgewood and Suffern?4. 4:45, 7:50, 9:30, 10:30 a. m.; 1, 3, 4, 4:30. 6, 5:30. it: in, fl :40. 7:30, 9, 10:80 p. m.; 12 night. Also to Ridgewood, 8 :30 a. m. ; 6 :20 p. m.: to Suffern, 3:30 > m. bunda va. 4:45, 6 30. 10:30 a. m. ; 1 :45, 4, 6 :S0 p. m. ; 12 night. Newburg and Cornw-II-7 :50, 9 a. m. ; 3 :?0, 4, 4 :30, 1:0O. 5 :30 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. : 1 :45, 6 p. m. Warwick?Week days, 4 :-15, 9. 10 30 a. in. : 1, 4 :30 p. n. Goshen?4:45. 7:50, 9, 10:30 a. m. ; 1. 3:30. 4 30, 6:30, 9 p. m. Sundays. 4 :45, 8 :30, H a. m. , O :30 9 p. to. Middletown and Port JervIs-4 :45, 7 :.*-0, 9, 10 :30 a. m.; 8 .30, 4 it? 5, 7 30. i) p. ci. Sundays, 4 45, 8 30, 0, a. m. : 5. 0 :30, d p m. . Express trains from the West arrive in New-Tork lt 7:05, ll :50 a. m.. and 10 20 p. m. W. J. MVRPHY, L. P. FARMER. Gen'l Sup't. General I'aseenger Agent ? . - m WEST SHORE RAILROAD. N. r. C. * ll. B. H.,co., lesieea. Trains lPave Weet 4_M-~t. atatioa as follows, and 20 mia* otes tallier from low', of Jay-at,, Nortii River. Detroit and Chicago, -'J itt *? tn.. *lj :i.0, *s :15 p. nu bt. Lollly '6 00, -s:15 ii. m. Syraiiis.?, Rutijlo, Rocneater, Suspension Bridge, NV? ?gara Palls, 3 .15, ''.? itt I. m., -0 :00, ?b 15 p. m. Utica, 3:15, "9:55, (>11 :30 a. m., *(> .00, *S .15 p. m. Kingston, Baogertlea, Cataklll, Albaay, 3:15, *7:15, *9:*i*>, [a ll:3Ua. ir.., ia)4:00, 0 .00, -S:l.">p. m. t'raimton'M, \\v.i Point, Cornuall, Newburg, *3:1\ ?7:1.>, "J :'>5, 10:15, (adi ,'l.i a. h., (a 1:00, 4:10, 5:15. ?8:15, 8:45 p. m., and -0:00 p. m., Cranatoa'a, Cornwall. New burg. per M. ntreal and Canad. E.i?t, -6 00 p. rn Hamilton, London, "j :,">5 a. m.. *(l .Ox), "8:15 p. m. To? ronto, :i> ..',.*> a. m.. :C:0'.', "8:15 p. m. Elegant sleeping car.-, for Budal.., Niagara Falla, De. troll, (. hi'.ui: . ml >t.*. * Dally. : Dally except Saturday. Other trains dally except Sunday, (a. s.j dava laney City, P. R. R. su tlon, (a)_l:_0a. m., (a) B:40 p. m.; Hoookeu, West Shore btaiioii, (1)11.901. m., (?.,:> bo p. m. lor tlcne'.-., tl me-iii ul..*, i ul... os *0-eplng car accemm' datlons or lnforniitlon, apply at office*.. Rrooklyn-Hnj Wa-hiDL'tnn-sf., 7ii _-'ui'o:i--i., Annex O-lee, f.vit of Kui ten *t. New-York City?.KA, 785, 942 II:..adway, 153 1-3 Bowery, 12 Puk Place, and West si."re SatUn*, feet ol We*t ttbLut foot of Jay-st-, N. R. C. E. LtMBERT. 5 Vand.rbilt-ave. General Passenger Agent NEW-TORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON ll RlVl-.R RAILROAD. GREAT POUR-TRACK Titi NK LINE. un and after Jinn; 2, trains leave ck*."*.!. (.r.NiiiAl, bTATIOH, Largest anr Finest l'a-s--i!g.-r station la Amir?*. *8 a. m.. IU Chester and Montieal E>prc-..*. drawlng-roeto ears to Albany, Troy and syracuse, Blao to Montreal and b*- Alban-. "J:5D a. m., PAMOttt VF-STIBULKD CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS LIMITED, eonpi-aed ext laat veiy of buffet em?kit.i;-c?r, dining-car, lmwing-room and sloeplng ca.? for Albany, Utica,, R-Cheater. ButTaio. Niagara Palls, Erie, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Toledo, arriving al Chi. ..i 0 at il :5o a. ii... St- 1-o.iis 7 :40 p. in. next dav. ilu:30 a. m., cr.lcrgo Expreaa foi Niagara 1.11a, To? ronto, Cleveland, Cincinnati, ludianapolU. Detroit and Chicago; drawin>;-rooi>* cars ?... Ca ninda Igua ant P...hester, 111 :3o a. m., weetea New-York and NorUien. E-preas, With dra wing-too in car. 3:30 p. m., Saratoga and Ctlca special with drawing room cars to Albaay uni Troy. Run., tlirou^'h to Lake Oeorge on saturdays only. ?4 p. m., Atcoaiasetallao to Albany and Troy. !*o p. m., Past Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louie Ex? press f..r Pella, Buffalo, Hiupenaloa Bridge, To. ronto, Cleveland, Cincinnati. Indianapolla. tt Lowe, To? ledo, Detroit and Chicago, with Bleeping and dining cars. i'i '?) p. m.. M. ul', al and ( laigua ExpeCQQ, dall*. Sleeplng-caia to Plattaburg and Mor.-j.-.l via Rooae'a Poins and via st. Albans ilao t.. 8}ri( I aa ind Cananda cu.. dally except sunday. Bunday 'ruin dei ?> aol nu wael ot Albeny. 9 p. m., Special bleeper, arrlvea Rochcater 7 4u a. m.. Buffalo 9:35 a. m., and Cleveland 1 '-'?> p BL 1*11 :H0 p. m., Past, Night Bxpeeaa for Roch'ster. Buf. fal.., Niagara talla, Toiooto, Clovclaiid, Cincinnati, In. dtlnapulls. St. Louis, Lefrolt and Chinga, with sleeping ear* si-'cnlng-car* lo Clayton, via Utica, dally except Saturday , al-o to I anand.ii^u.i oa Bundara only. 12 nl-ilit, Albany Express, with *!"(? l>!ni.--ca.-s to Albany and Troy. Conneeta with the norning tralus lor tbe West, for KliatOga, l^iko Georgu and the North (except saturdiy night... Tickets and spec In drawing-room and sleeping eire cn sale at (itand Central s-a.'..-. 4 1.1 ; *.*. aod yr.* nroadway. IS Park-place, l Rattcrv-plac.', 02 West 135th-st- and 1,'ISthst. Station, N.-w-Vork; 333 WeehlagtoO and 730 Fulton sts., Rrooklyn. and 79 4th st., Williamsburg. V\e*iMiti'B Expreaa calls for and checks baz.age frost hotels or reel,len.?>?*. ?I'.un d.iil5 , Othcre dally exeep* S-inliy. !Stcp at 133_h? st. Btallon io take up passenger* (or No th and weat J If. TOD! 'P.V. HEX RY MONETT. General Supoilntendont General Pa*.*.ng.r Agent. CENTRAL RAILBOAD OF XKW-.JKRSET. P(.OT OE LIBERTY ST Kl KT. NdRTH RIVER. Tin. ? Table el Ma) SO, 1888. For PHII.Alil'T.PIII A and TRENTON. " Bound Brook Route.-' al 4, 7 1>, i), ll a. ni. ; 1 io. tilt. 4, 5 :_0, t'JEp Vi p. m. bUNOAYd al I. ?* IS a. ax. : .'. io. Vi o. m. a*.-.!.,., i.._i.... ... a r ?., *. Il ? ... 1 -.,. . . ... ? -.1 lt ?, 7 lS. ll .1. ni.'l' .:)ii, 4. bm, 7:30, i rai'is te.i\ m.: .i n. , .... ,. ... ..... x.,..-, ?*, ,. ..e. . .^v, 12 p. m. have ,i,i ne.'iou fur Reading, Harrisburg, Potts? ville, etc.; 4 a- in for Eaaton. Bethlebeea, Allentown. Mauiu Chunk, Reading. Hairl-burg, etc. On bundar fur Easton. 7:00 a. m. for P.en:iii'.'tou, Easton, Rethlihem. Allen? town. Mauch Chunk. 8:30 a. m. fyr Wemtngtoa, laike Honatcong. Easton. Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wtliteabare*. Beran ton, Reading. Harrisburg, pott,s Hie, T..n a jua, hham-kln,, Lewleburg, WnUamaport 1 n. m. for Klenilugton, Eaaton, Rethlehem, Allentown. Minch Chunk, Reading, Ilirrlaborg, etc. 3:45 n ni for Ea-'on, Hethl. h.-in. Allentown. Mauek Chunk, wilkcbarre. Bcrtntea, Taaaaoai. 4 'Al li. m. f.-r Flemington, L.iUo Hoj^ujiig, Ea_tOO, Bethlehem, Allentown, etc. 6 00 and 5 :3D p. m. for So-iervii:.' and r.-mlngtcn. 6:45 i.. in. f.r Eaaton, Bethteh.m. Allen-own, Miach Chunk, ll adm/ Hairlsbur^, etc. (in Sundays al .M P' 4!'8 T"., ll :15 a. m., 1, 3 3'V 4, 4 -lo, rt 15 p m. I Sun. dav*. 0:1.', '.COOa tn fol It'd Hank L?ug Branch (A'bury P.11I1. (Lean t.r.ive. except Sundivi, P?ltit Plea** ant. Parlor cars at ll tit a. m.. 1, S:..i.. 4 30 p. ta. ?1. ** l.*> a. tn., t, 4:30 p. m. for liri.iliigdiile, LAKE* WOOD. Manchester, Toms River. Rirn.gat. eto. , . 4 .1 m.. 1 p. ni. for ATLANTIC CITY. Vineland. BrUgeton. ' 4:00, 0:00. 8:15. 11:15. 11:45 I. m., 1 00. ?. k**e 6:80, 0 15 p ra'.ivs. it -no. lt a rr. for lVrlh Amboy BANDV HOOK Ri.t.TE For LONG BRtNCH. OCEAN GROVE, etc, FROM PIER 8. N. IC _ . ? ' For Atlantio Highlands. Highland noach Reabrighl. Mei** mouth Reach and Long llranch. 4 30. 10:18 a. m. ; t-io. 6 p. m. bundaya t.xiopt AtlanUo lllghlanda). ???. ForPiiVron. Asbuiv Patk, Oeean Grove. a_0.. Itl-IHh 1:45 p. m. Sundaya {except A-t.ury Park and Oieax Cmvpi. 0:.10a. ni . .. . _ For l.skeweod. Toma River and Barnegat, 4 30 a ?*_?_ 3 :45 p. m. (V.l'E CIUHLKS ROUTI ^^ FOR , ORO POINT COMFORT. ?* / -NORFOLK. I*OltT8.MOt.THt AND THE SOUTH. NEW-YORK. PHILADELPHIA . . Train leavea foot nt Cortlandt dally, t 00 p m. Tickets and sleeping i*?-"^ . at any Ticket Office ol the Pennsylvania^ W*_?,*. ST H. VV. DCNNli, bupt. IV B. COOKE. 0. fl ? *? ** A TiOttrOltE' ? 1 and I-*,''^rg^in!aA b*-I?V__5fUrv?