Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS AT THE The aiarket re.pondod to tbe floe wot thor yeaterday at the Real Eatato Exchange, and lou and cottagea, eapc tully In the annexed dlet.iot, acid well. There waa a Urge atuwdauce at tho alaod of Janies L. Wella whoa he offrreJ. wOnt ihe direcUon of Oroavonor S. Hubbard, at torney, a cottage aud eight lou at Morrla-avo. and One. hundred-and-slxticth-st. There waa actl\-e Ridding for the lea* which ran up to 01,700 apiece. The cottage at the comer nf Ono-hundrod-and-alxtioth-at. wt Ut pioi 70x 100. ran up tmtu ab.OCO U. 08.150: William F. 'Otlva was thc A? aOowlng tho noiindnuie ot tbe buj-ers of this ciaae of property, toe auctioneer stated that although 60 per cent on ?B-S-taaoi ai 6 i*er ?eat waa oTered Ly the Holland Truaa DMgtNTi net one of the buyer, took ad? vantage of Ihe offer. . Tho btdd'-rig a. the eund of J. Thomee Stearns oa prop ,riy in the Twcnty-fuuuh Ward, in Webaier ave. and the Southern Boulevard, also attracted a good atuodance. The eerner lota brought ?T00 aad 0750 each, and lourtor lo;? la Webater-ave. tXbo rich. A houae and plot 44x114 m'd t_> *'? **? ***** tot a-,176. while .leu la tha rear, 24x100. broagh* 0460 each. Thoma* A. MeGowaa A Co. . _,-0 i pw Madlaon ave., a throe-awry atone front Zag* oa ?*>? 163kS3; m **ro"*nt tia.7t.c_*. v. *__-. Bt^veison * Co- have, tn con.unction with Chatlea lu fcehayicr. aold a new four story high Bloop brownstone dwelling.' No. 23- Weat End-avO.. near teven ty-foal -b-et, w Albert r- Trott, for OSiftOO. A four-a-ory hlgh-atoop brownaune twelllng in Woet teranty eecond-et.. between Ninth and Tenth a vee.. 20x 0W1C4, waa offered lor eaie at 94b,000; also Ava new ?wor-awry higb-_t_-*>P OrtvaU dweiltnge. 20_.66x.102 each, Jl.wecn Seventy-third and Klghty-thlrd BU and Klnih aad font- avea.. were offered at a b-irgiln, ind a modem houae 5 tweaty-cleht rooina, at Suffern, N. T., witt 2 *i iona J, ground well Unproved with trult, lawn, atabllng, atc, M? ______. New-York, Thureday. June T. toa following aalea were held at the Exchange aad lucilia Room to-day I By A. II. Muller * Boa. 1 6-atory building wltr lot, No 812 Eaat UfteVt fc PXi feet IO- -'d ave. lot __tSlOO-4. Mr Stern. 018,-50. By Richard V. Harnett A Co. a lou w a W.Uie-ev". between 134th and 135th ata. "?UdOO-O each, a IL Adama. 134.00.. By T. A. McGowan. 1 _.aeorv flat, with lot. No 344 Last 125th-et, I a. 133.S evt w oflat, ave. lot 18.8x100. ll. Marr Cary. 0_0.-_.3-. 1 S-sU-r*- house, with lot. No 1.866 Mad-eon-ave. e a il.t-sT, e of XtusXmZ lol U-Sta M *_ A H M VaU. pg, iso. By J- Thomae Stearne. 1 "atory hoa?e. with bioek or land, on Southern Boule? vard -nd Welx-ter-avo. blo'.k Ullx-l^J--2-14--V_i:7. Various *U1C h-ot'of land.' w a Klngsbrldge reid, running to Cooper ?t l.v> feet w ol Hawthorna-at. 100x1.0. Prisci-li Bn-l-h, ?0.000. Bv Jamea I* Wella. 1 t-storv houae, with plot of land, on Morrla-ave, a e ?er o' 1&0tb--t. plot 70x100. W F Olive, 18.100. ?V ?i a! above. Staion each. Max Well, aa.400. 1 lot'aa above. 86x1.*-. W J Warwick, al.700. 2 lou, aa above, 26x100 each. A J Riauilgaa. aS.400. RECORDED BEAT. ESTATE TR \NSFER_.--*-. T. CITT liifiisen ave. No I.-.3.; Frcd'k II Allin u Adolph Mrussel. 813,600 M?1i->0 ave. n w eor of lllth-st, 201x10x50 It; G Schuvler and wife to John J Houlahan 170.000 Li xirgw.n-ave. n ? oot ot 47th-at, 60x80 ft: al?o e 1 of I-e-ung-on-av*.. 80 ft n of 47th-st, JWx IOO; Angelo Mondolfo to Martin P'.aken . tl.300 ll&th -1, -1 s 300 ft a of t-th-av-*, 2*>x0.**0; Mar ee*et Seidel to John Wacrioj and ano:lier . 13,000 tladison-ave. a e cor of, 13x09x11 ft: the luman Catholic Church of AU OalnU to the re of Charity of St. Vlnc.i.t de Patt . 25.000 tist-i et, 1 e. 80 ft e of tth-ave. 25x100 ll; Jacob wick. Jr, ut Edmond I?**ver.10.000 13.*.:.*. *t. n a, 231- ft w ef .Mh-ave, R3; Francie G Gardner to John ? Robinson . 80,000 HDat-at a a. 104.10 ft e of St Nicholas-eve, 54x 100 11 ; William J Penoyn and wife to Ix-uiaa r Nar\Tull ... ... 60,000 lO-th-a-e. a a eor of T 3d-*t, 58x102.9: David O and ot.heaa to And..vt Ciawford . 40.480 fid st. a a. 68 ft e ot lOth-eve, 41x102.2; aa ma tc. Philip Hauaeman .23,520 Rivington-st. Noa 19 and 21 ; Winiam tewtrd and ?lfc to Sair.ael F?mpner.78,000 Bis' st. No 121 East; Samuel Colcord lo Charlea M De Land ..23,500 iM. Cfitatc. V- - The Nsw Tc.-k Ttmee ot May Tt, len . "The departnre io the method of ehort leena, aa described "la thoa, eolamae laat weak (Article, entitled ( hu nae "la tbe **l?-ih_?l af Obtalotna Lonns." ...mon sling ec tho a_T_etagea ta real estate ?*nrr? sec urea by the practice of the Heiland, Atlantic, Brooklrn. and Kaaaan Trust ( orapanirs. Cha Home Life Inaarnuce r?mpnn?. tho -Hog -ing fl.idsoa, PeekalUII. Blvar_ aead and ather-Saving* Hanks, wbleb now freely ar. ie?t mortgage loane when the title la fusrsnirr. by tte Title t_.aar*nte? aad Traet t onipnnr "baa exelted * orach attention and comment among all who are interested * la real osut* tn thia city. Thero la hardly any division Cot opinion In regard to tha desirability or the early eoe teeaa ot tba methods deacrtbed In that article. Tho dlf t* Acuity of getting loane upon real estate haa bean deplored f for ao many yean that the announcement of a meaaa hy ?whieh loane may be had aa promptly upon real eaute ?"eaeurltiea aa upon eecurttlee of any other kind waa Joy -?fully welconud oa all aides. . . . Meanwhile cou 'iwrvatlve and prudent agenu are advlaing their client* " u> have tiielr tttlea insured when they purchase. Thia twill facilitate quick loans when wanted, for the lneurlng f eompacy will need merely to extoad tu guartotee, an lepera'-..*- -*a<_(_ir___g but a few boura. . TiT1.EGUARAMTeI: ANDTRU5TC9. lt LlBERTT-?tT_, 20 COrKT.ftT., KKW.T0R1L BROOKLYN Capital and Surplus - - - $950,000 corvHizu tt.rhen F. N'tah. Richard Ingrahara. Ceo. T. Demareat. TRISTEES i Ortindo B. Potter, Oeorge 9. Willliin*. William M IngrahADt Eugene Kelly, Emil 0<'.hermann. Alexander E. Ort. Martin Joost, ling" Weaendo&ok. lloory Morton, Julian T. Devlee. Basltnun V. Uicka WlUiaa H. Mala, John D. Hlcka, Edward N. Taller, Charles I*.: ...-Ison, R. Ilenderaoa. E'lla r>. wunama. Isaac H. Cocka, Wr.'.'.im Trautwlne. Kamuel T. Freemaa. Henry C. Thompaot* Charlea MatJiek, JOBS Vf. MU RR AT. C. H. K ELSET. ? Tresident. Vloe-Pieetdent. ICVlS WINDMrLT.ER. Trcasuren WEWRLL MARTIN. 8eeret___T JUE TITLE GUARATTEE AM) TRUST COMPANT. of 51 Liberty*-*.. N. T.. had MM TO I.OAJI te heed and mortgage at 4 1-2 per cent Loane Baat be adthin 60 p? cent of eooeervitlve valuation. ^nrtion Soito cf Bcol Cttott. JA flF*. l HM ArCTIO!.EEa. aili _-C at Ue_i Estate Exchange. 69 Uherty-afc, TThora. day, June 14th, noon, 167 Alexander Ave., mata aid*, .e.g p^t north of 135th-at.. 23d Ward. 3-atory ma basement brick and brownsloue, 12 rooms, every liu Broven^nt, iyrter: c rl_-.- ehoieeat location in North New York. _ biocie from 1- * tallon. HALE Al'.-Ol.l TE tnd wlthoat reacrve. Rend for maps to Auctioneer, 69 ._Liberty ?t. _r,d 3d-avo. iud 149th-at. _ JH| PropertB Sot Salt._ ^N Al IR VESTMENT tot t capitatut or aa estate. THS ST. r ii tit I.i s. E. W. CORDER OF -2I>-_T AND **>TH-AV-*, ???*-pt*_d by the Hudeoa laver Bank and other dealrablo matntM. Groaa rent* about a20,000; price, giOO.OOO. Pirtlcu._r* of the Owuere ead BuUdaxa. CHARLES ?y-LiL?-1:. ?_pr?*alaea:__ FV,..8-A''K'~][tn* Sttorr freeaton. house, No. 441 Lex itg-on-ave., bett, cen 44th and 45th ats. Addresa ^_R H. II., Box 2,295. J*. T. F. O. Cits DrourrtD Zo ttl. D__l .MAD*i>ON-AVE., COR 430-ST-To r>et.-The ^/* *?rg.r posion of ateam-heated, furnished corner i/"", '"'' , *VM"1 reserving nome iuou.*.. Apply on prei:. ****? i-^iu j gg p m, ea 5"inf6s -Propcrtn Sot Sale and Zo Ut uK^EEtBtMG Crand Central D. pot, on 4td-Bt.. attrartlvi ?*?' Vaai'ao-f-** t>1*1* '"*** tt'Jtlt*'' ??**u> baot. Apply 1.l',*:'?/-'*? oi*. .st< IU-&, u)rrs and offices to i.>. r, ,n U-ekinan, Auu, Kultoa. Joliu, l'oarl. Will ^Vl^'n?**?*.,?^ ?tr?*'*e in the vlelalty. RULANO A __.?" **-v'_. 5 beekn.aii-at. ?ili) Cccpcrtc CDanUb. yv- ANTED.-A houae uptown In New-Tork or Brooklyn* ut ?!__,-_.** .'.".iy of *'a,**IK wit >>uy or relit for a aumtx-r Ww ti*?' ""* ""? *?v>*rable. Addro-w ti. ti.. Trio ?Crook-mi pioptrtn lox Salt cnb Z* Ca *S(. '.(Ml ^'LV Bl.y i hiii_Uoii.e. frame rea dence. U. ia ' Di4'*' "??***-'. 16 ru*ute Otoiuitebij, mema, ard veaillat-d; healthiest locattea la Brooklyn; EfJ***'i Botc-iiUi waah-trav*. Urge bath-room: piujniiltic S?i~__*_t"e* can be proda.-ed: two-nut-ry br:.*, euble, ^m*****a*,w'e, dte. Apply u?'ewa-*i on nrcmiaea, 770 Wlfloaghby-ave. _fnrnic!ic. pauses Co Cd. \T HEMl'STi-M), 1,. I.-Inrrlsh. I bouv*. 9 large rooms, all iniprovcn.out*; gae. hot and old wat.'r. iHith-ro..i 1. electric bella, ftc., el a Mn. *-*? uh reeta for man; tru-den, with frail and; f.untaia <?a Uv i.: iecalion ??? ?? ! hie; otilv tunr minutes from rall not; to relit f..r th" ?--__f-iii (July I to October 1). LU ..-I Parli Row, New York. C 1.1*1 T>'.V STATEN l-.LA__rD.-A v.-rv dealiat.le fur i h?u_-*, roji locitod; eonvenlei spect; good garden, fruit tr.-, a, tc. ; -io nii'iut"- t-. Wal'-at. Ii c. URI DUM Alf, fd Wnrnii.t XCKEIHNOLY DESIRABLE." wet__ieeat.d hoaaaTli roeaaa, elt] conveojfncea, :.. rent, fuwiehed, for season; high in..end. averteoklag kouud, mar s-allon. AMBLER l'ortcli. -??-. M IT._ F*(IIt Till'. SK \>.rN'.-0"fTorn .. M. ntelalr." N. J. a large airy h(.ti*<. en m. m.ui. a. nu*-, with p aedraeeaa, good vai>le und large nwoate; water. ?omiaotloua and well laralahed; an excellent cow, with pasture; stable aeooinio'latloiis fr.r three horses: garden plant", with wagatablea, Tn piUat-' family only. i iHN . UPWARD, iii Lafayette gliee, N. T. [plSHKB'h 1~I.*>M> B__r>_lk Co., v Y.^fta'sy of ac -eeo JT from New-l.ondo:i. Kur.usli d cottage, real-, for housekeeping. Apply to J. Ll. ll LULU Lit', 79 Chain. ber- ?:. F** il'_NI.Slf--Tn""ii(irsEr~**oii'h si!.- l.-ng" IslandTT. rooms : subling fm- 3 horeea; photograph- UL'LAND .t^willTlNC. 5 Beeinnan-et,_ FINISHED BOTTS! u? ih.rAIHnoNOACKS.-Rent in* f..r the -.nmiir, at Saranao Uikc Vliiaec : 10 roo ma; nice lecithin: all Tall mote. Addr.*a fur ianlco lars MKS W W. PLATTO, PoagMteepale. V Y. Mjwmouth i*.r\. ii T- let, folly ramiahed, a laiaa. attractive house with all convenience; atahle and pound, ruunlnc from ocean io river. BROWN A LE? VI \ 1 BS, 69 Llberty-at. ORAN RE, ~S - -..?Fur .tent, a.lknn. larg* mod-*rir"re<iT dence; every oonvealeace; wolt furnished ; 'i 1-2 ?<-rea. shade, lawn, amp!.' stal.l" mountain views- near ?tallon. Further particulars, EDW. 1*. HAMILTON A Cu.. M Bri.atlwar. T" HUNT -A largo, old-fashioned house, nlcelr and thoroughly furnished, on Oudlev 1II1L Mn-a. | rory near the line of the Norwl.-h and Worcester R. R. There ls a'..-. vegetable gard. n. plenty of early fruit, fine shaded tennis lawn and >'*tende_ vti-w ? a v..rv hcil'Tiv and r.'?tful 1. cition. Terms, $150 fir the -oi-um. For fur. he' particu ara addresa REV. W. .. MCGINLEY, Portaawath, If. H. Countrn Vioncxln fox Gulc anil (Eo Itt, Valiiebh Timber Limits, THE PROPERTY OF HAMILTON BROTHERS. IN LI Hil D\ Tl ON. On or about the First Week in July Next. BY AUCTION, will be offered for aalc a*. OTTAWA CITT tha loUowlag Timber Limits, comprising un Duuioine Uiver and Irihiiinrit-*, Ilii I. :.r ra.l* liiiu, River All In the l'rovinci- of QfrehOC 751 i SQUARE MILES ! with large and well cultivated farms, e''r,e_--l plant, eup pllee and stock In connection therewith, and un <-ii Hore u Kiter and tr.buta. i ????, In the Province of Quebec, 934} SQUARE MILES! with farms,, plant, supplies, ic, Air. riana of above llmlta can be seen at (.uvcrun.-ni ( town Timber, or Hamilton Bru:hers' office, t__ae?-at., ottawa City. Im? mediate transf-r of above on aalg betag eire tied. ALSO, with possession, eey th-' 1st of Let-ember next, the property known as Hie Hawkesbury Wills, owni-d l.y the abine firm and used for manufacturing timber fr.un above llmlta; situated ..n the Ottawa Uiver, tn the prov? ince of ontario, mid way between Ottawa ind Montreal, contd stine nf four saw-mil la, with lath and scainlltig-mlll additions, driven Ly water, with sawing capuciiy of over -1,080.000 Peet Weekly, blacksmiths', Utting, wheelwrights' and carpenters' t)M Ac, Ac, 4c. Exteaalva wtarvee ind p.imf town tot forty million feet, of lum'ior. Lame brick dwelling-house with extensive ground*, ditto eton.' hous?. und aeven poe* houses built of nun. and oue huiulrod tei.emunt-housoa now occupied by tniployaa. Valuable farm In the vicinity of over l.C-t-fl Icrea, a large portion of winch la covered witt excellent timber. \ J. J. C. ABBOTT, ? GEORGE Vf IIAMILTOI-T, ti. ti. HAMILTON. C. V. OIU-KR, ' _ Trustee*. BOW SALE OR RUNT AT __ DOBBS FERRY, Elegant stone eHom .lurnUu.-d ?. ; Uxfi Ml stable; magnificent view ni Hudson , perfect. _#_N1 \ ?. N, ta JA. berty-wt AT THOUSAND ISLANDS. WeJ'.mlnsi. r l"?r:;. Alex? andria Bay. tt Lawrance River. ?Por sal-?a furnished c et lase ; lirst-clars thrtufhuut; beat-he---, two row-boats, Ac, iii. i'.ir ail particular. Inquire of N. Vf. TOMi'KINti 2tl Broadway, jg. T. A T IRVTNOTON-ON.H-Mi--.lN.-T- let. ii/^irnl-hel a*. iTenistda Cottage, ob Broad wa v ; 12 rooms, with staole and about 1 3-4 a_res of ground. Af.plv tn II. R. BISJIOl'. Ileum 0, 8th doo.. Mills BulidLg. 16 Broad si. New-Tork. AGENCY FOR MONTCLAIR-Haodeome reaidenoee and building altee fur sale . imus, s to 1-t. m.ason or year. CLAltKNCK B TUBBS, 8 -Beek-T.a-i-a,.. ff. Y. DWELLING HOUSE at Nordon. Oallen. Conn., for sae ?Tu.* ali -int new residence of tho late <. I G. Neff, at Nor.ton. Cum.; I?, mom*, with all modt-in conveniences ; h..t ?nd cold water : hemed l.v ateom ; ono acre land finely laid nut ; 4 minute*.' w?lk from N R R. atation; 8- train* atop dallv; ST nilj.'s bom New. York; location hp.-h aud healthful: excellent n.'lchtior hood; musi be men lo be apprcc.?ted .price very low; terme ea?y. Inquire of D. H. CLARK. Real E-Uto Agent. Stamford, ( FJ-LBKRON.?To lei on the -cean a comfortable home jwith 9 bedro.ims. goodtKable and large groundsi water, gas and ail coavanloneea, BJ'.own l Li.\'j.NE.*s*_-, oj Liberty-et. t^'OR SALE. TO CLOSE AN ESTATf..-" Sunny Bank.1* at Mountain Nut!.m. W.-: (.rang'. N. .!., 411 aUnatM from New-Yrik: (iu ualns dally: Hen dwelling, ll h?.n.,; barn, and grounds containing about 2 H-4 Betel; situation corner of two beau:iful avenace, Orange tleuntala aid , about 7 minutes' walk from station, most heaithv ... a tloa, and deelrable pclgkberhood; adapted for a summer and winter hume: inver failing waler aamdy; gae and tlxioros Included: ecmantad i^lur, brick furiiact-; atar,l.) for two h'n-..s and OOV ; coachBiiiii a r._oin and i~?rm :???? house; flu- lawn end ahade tree-., gard.i. fully stocii.-.l, i.nd Miawberry bed in bealing; -h:? p'^ce w in ptriv t order lo every d.dall. Ai^-i. fully furtu-hed, laeluding horses aod carriages if d?*.lr-d: !?.-..-.'ssl >n Immediat* ; price low and terms easv. Apply **> E. t, HAMILTON A CO.. offlcea at principal Orango aUitlou, aud HU lime 1 way, New-York City. FOR ?AIJE i.I.~HF.NT.-For sea-M.B. about 2 mllaa from seashore, Rvo, N. H. : nice, roomy set of buildings, connected, nearly new ; good water; h'-alth.r location : very pleaaant; near post-ofll.e : nice farm of SO acree enn nectea, in g.-i-d stato of cultlv.tlon anl well divided. Ad? dress CHARLES S. WHIM! n Weet fire. N. II. F6lC_SALl<r~OR~KF.NT "l'1'llN'lsitED.-A te-aatlful and *l|htly hom-* In ;lio Berkafelre Hills, midway be? tween Lenox and Stockbridge : ll acree; orehard. meadow and grove; 10 mini;..--' \*jk from paaVoflee or depot; splendid water; buildings new. InQulru Box 14, L. o. Ma'-. F~OR HALE OR"T(i LKT ?A houae. Tawn and irarrteiTiii the village of BarewioaiT; iMirlor, dlnlDg^roon and kitchen, with .-. bedroom!; fruit and vegetables -m Alder? ney cow and pasture can also he obtained, lieut. furnlsheL a5W): unfurnished. *'-">.'. Address J 111'., iAD.MLADOW. Shrewsbury. Monmouth Co.. New-Jersey._ HES For Salo ?>nd Kent In all loca tiona of the Orang-a, K. J? bum-nit. Madlaou and Morr'stowa. EDW Y HAMI..TON. i- Rreedwiy. Mt5NTCt_A"lR N. J. (Spoctalty).?Modern honaaa for rent or sale : fu-in*hed ^??ldenc<*s i.-?i or rear. PARSONS 1 TAYLOR. 7. C<-d?r-st.._N. Y^_ Td RENTr^ near ?*atl..n. furuirhed room* for light housekeeping. Adalia o-ily. P. O. box Itt, f-ummlt, N. J. JDoarb ani. Roomo. _ nTTIRT.. 122 KAST, enrrer Irving place.-Supe.inr JLe-aeeoB-BodaUoaa; douiwe and single rooms: cool. roi.,. modlous and central; ?lth -.tod Amerlcau Uble. prlcci; referenceii. Brooklyn. FrRNISTTED ROOMS. 1 tl 1-2 Columbia neiehte. Brooklyn; several desirable rooms to let. en suite or single ? one room suitable for physician's office._ ?Rooms rmi-' -flats Co ?cl. THE PKltt IVAU 230 West 42d-st., near Broadway. Hult.'s. with bat_h and toilet, lt ral". -____tHag__ ajaa tS table d'hote. Qottl*. HOTEL BRISTOL. 3TII-AV-- ANO ttO-OT ymt the t-n-Timer Months. Larg. Cool Booma, with baths at taciied. at ?.-Wtaaa. **?*? WOOL-LEV. TIE SHEIW0OD. 331 5TII-AVI.tOH .-IITII--T. Will ren-aln c,^n during th, ' ?"'^. 2%?? facing tooth and West, willi U-U-. Ilw-f" *-'-*?* ? K'^u able rau-s lor irous. M,*,i!i.A>. Prwpr_e?M. , ff 0E6UI0?.-Naw-_e__g-a_i i B it... JO i-^'^ ? -w LiUg-lt, M|.arate room.-. AM . .-'tc. j wfekiy' *- ~ * * M I.ireetly ..?p?.i-e Wall-et. N?*r-Tor-t. . f.urminuus' mu.e hom w*-!!-.. .ul r_-aaataa^waMn? Bridge) a.-iHrloraceoai-uodail'-as. raaao_-.uler_.-Si. sei-_. tamiiy aurt transient hotel. 'JO1, reena . ,-. return; PRESTON. 134 West eleV^.-^^'ll?^''^ J Half hotel mles Meals optional. -Wr.-.c s. Biiinmcr fie60itt. " MONMOUTH HOUSE, (SI.V1N MiLi.S DI.LOW LUNO BRANl ll.) Spring Lake Beach, N. J. For terns m* 'i..'!) rina-Kn a M re se L. V. M ALTAI. UonmoutU House, or Il.rt.-i Uf_iyetiA Phila._ UNITED STATES HOTEL, hO.MJ Hit AM II oran jove it. LAlItD A VAN Cj-JtA-T. PltOPBIETOBS._ -LOCK ISLAKD. i'* I '"KAN VIKW nOTKL. H.m .._-** afl bio- irkioMiwmmtti tatld? . ir, tri. llfl.ta; elegant inuaic hali fl***" ',rt1'' *'r*' ? ..,.. "toek ia.I" Bend for lund l_ook- O. O. MaUI'-_N. nfth Ave*..**- Um?k I*. V._ BAV READ N J- THK HV.l.l.VVVV." alli ..i-*-n June lt; ml- Moch itom ocean and -to"_:??* ?'; J": p^rb bathing. -leKni. m<\ aa. lng; Aru-aian well .mer. .or term* .ellie." A. H .IN-**r'N- ._. uarneoat city. Open Jut." I* to October L Terme. addj.aa *_ C. B01CE, I.?prieto?. Sammtr ncaar.9. ARGYLE HOTEL AND COTTAGES, -MU PAKK. BABYLON. I. t HOTEL WILL OI'KN Jl NK -3D. Cottage* are fully furnished, have all modem Improve. nt**rit? and "fat for tue season at from gttt upward. Argvle Park ls one hour frum New-York; Tu acree; 30 acres nat? ural like. Boating, bathing, tt.blng. aa!.lng on the great South Bay. A CAMMI. with BOWT.INO ALLEYS. HILLIARD ROOM. P.T'.tD 1*0 ROOM sud 'jig* BALL K"nM. with permanent PTAOE, 1* in coarse of eoimtiuctlon. Special rate* for families In hotel. Apply to T. F. MX.LF.Clt, M?nar**r. _Murray HUI UoteL AVON BEACH~ HOTEL, hath ii. i. i. Th:* old-established hotel will open shout Jane t. Letter* of luijuiiy aJdren-d lu botel Will receive p-nmpt attention. 6. h. M.'RliiN, Proprietor anl etan ager. Also of ROI AL Vl.lUlUA ll Ul EL. N-?_au, TS. P., CAMPOBELIO ISLAND. faasamnqtioilily Her ?Opposite Knalpert, Me. Th* hotel* i.t ; his __M___Mf sa nmer r?sort open July 9, I. i*trate4 esuiphi^'* un lia 1 md engagements for rooms may bo made lr addressing, T. A. UAKKRR _f'ff.eeof Alex. M porifr, '.'7 -.'.aie-st. Heston, Ma**. COOPERSTOWN, 0TSEG3 LAKE, N. Y. THK (norlin HOC-F. WEEMBSVBU ii Famous for boatln;. driving, aud the abneacu of hay fever, malaria aud - S. B. CT.ITTF.NT.I.N. Proprietor. Address or call (g to ip. m.; until June l_0. Windsor Hotel, N. Y. City._ Crescent Valley House, Pawlet, Vt. AMONG the GREEN MOUNTAINS, "pens Its tlftli Benson June 1. 1*^*.. ITaaallJ IOHM I gas, clecirie betta, lint ant '..ii ; teeta un_>urpx-seu; *_ to #l-_i jx-r week for I.'.' 8 and .*? |.t_-rnlMr ror cir. mars, ftc, alU:..-.- K. A. Vi. VIM:.*r, l'awi"t. Vt., or J. K. CKAt'U, 121 West 'JJd-eL, real es? tate otll.-e. Nv v.. York. DI TC IILK HOI vt:. PAW LIM". Ht Ti IILK CO., N T. Ban feet; perfect seufraK.;; pure sprint water, un malaria or Moeqoitoe* largo brick hon**' J"d two yueen Anne cottagea with fcni.iifully aha led lawn, croquet and t. mus grounds; drl.ltig. boating, Usb'.nC. Table a ipcclolty. Kow etea. tot e|rm:_ir*i adinna wm. li. BURRO cons Proprietor. GEORGE HOTEL AND COTTAGES ULAI . HOI l\ Ul At H. . >?>'".' , 1 12 hour- from New-York, (.i.e.;* Jiinu 20. The (tne location og LONG ISLAND HOUND. Itotes awderate tnd cuisine the b-*?t. Hln-e -I*.. epetilng ot the "GEORGE** In 1871 fifteen yean igo. lt has enter? tained than iwgnty-tve thousand goeata, and not a single UM of *e*.et_ Uino-s has teen known. No ma? laria, lo mosquito**. < ir.ular* at VV A. i'oad A C.. 2b ti.i..n la aa ra, .*?. v . and 9. h. Chaa-Der, 17*_ Monta-tue 61., Bi' GEO. A WK! I.S. Pr-prlelor, nrMjeport. Conn. Mr. Barral irtll he ii w. k. r n t t .?>.'*. 2f rm.n Square, from I'i .1 ever} Wednesday, to make ar iaagaa_aate with tkoee deaning to cubage ro-n.a or cot tacts f r the coming season._ . GRANT HOUSE, J_-FK..U-<0*< llfclNIlT*-. CATSKILL, K. V., OPENS J CXI*, io. ' For : - <? " . apply to <> ll TUPI GOsoy ll aaa. Bj id way ia t gath-et. New-Tork. ""hotel brighton, LONG BRANCH. Oih-ii (rom J uer '-1st tn Ha ?>!. I -ilh GITSTA 1 ".?*? Olti IU tai Kt re-ennn?t-d for the *-prclnl niles io families Address a* above. JOHN tl Kl S, Proprietor. A BEAITiri I, -t ICIER Kl.-''KT. INDIAN HARBOR HOTEL, ? _R?'KMVIfII. COJfs' B. li. VMM). I'liOl'lt'l.TOR orr.* Pk OM JINK TO (UTOIIER. situated on Lone 1*1 ni! Soe I _- ??? from '.rand Central _>?? Kew-Yeett Ea pease tine-. M ialnu-.ia . allon, tu .eu'.- a. day. _>>iid for de? scriptive pam; hlct.___ LAKK PI_ACID MTAUK LINE. Only coach UM tinou.h ttl awaatalae; new four hor-- coaches leave ? - taadayi .?!? eopted. ? a. ? lune __?", tot Keene ( en re ll ; Ca*.-. : .-'? View It ease, pg 28 ; *.?".- *'.'25; Lah" I - - cl ; ?? I urning leora t.a-ce I- ? l. .. , . . m. 1 i> r at Keene ( 'Hire arrive Eura aetbtowa, 4 in g's s-ag**- for O A II. V.. ll. Weatport AGNEW Hi: - ;'? MIZZEN TOP HOTEL, QUAKER HILL, DL'TCll i:**S CO.. N. Y. I'..:.-* ji. Ni. 2 i. A flrst-olas* farr.Iv hotel in th". Hlrhlanta nf the Hod eon, l.i-UO trat al?s. UM ?*_ l'oat (i-Bcei_.ldr._4, I'AWI.I.'.ii. N. V. _li'jWT. * OXU-A-f. ***ropr."_ora. NEW GRAND HOTEL, WfcMTKN <?\r?sHILI.?J, D.1.NS JINK 27. ONLY ROTF.L ON* HOUVTAIt TOP *,VITn TARLOr. CAIl* IiII'.K' T WITIIOUl CHANGE. 1'or circulars an I tarma apply to H. 8. DKVISOX, Murray H'll Hotel, >. Y.. or Hot"! Lafayette. Philadelphia. Peon. NEW TAPPM ZEE HOUSEr NyncU.on-t'te- Hudson. N V. This popui-ir bMee will epea Juno ll as a flrst-cla*? family hotel, enlarged, Improved, and 1 Ad? dresa THOU At H. WINCUESTtt NORMANDiE BY TKE SEA. NEA!'. BEABRIGHT, NI'*V 11 i;->EY. WILL Of EN J I m: -? ll- * ie i ciel iel r batta, FERDINAND p. EARLE, Ownei tnt Prcprletor. PENINSULA HOUSE, Seabrlght, N. J. C. TT. Li EDI. P. F.R. Proprtetor. Pure fron, artesian wells. FOIHTKI-NTH BBAWUB, SPRING HOUSE, KM Hi I SPKJ\.-*i. .?. Y. OI'KN JL ni: lt Tu OCT. 1, 1MB Applications for rooms may be n, to WM. II. LEE. V.'ioii-i Hotel. New-York. TKE SUMMER IN COLORADO. Parties ccntcmpi-niug I trip lUoad should lint ace their own country. Parties looking for summer retorts -rfh n?w attrac? tions sl.ou.l ' ? lo Springo Ma tea l"_rk or ono of Lia uuny uibcr UHereeung epala lo tue Rocky tains. Urie Shiwitlne, Et'-eiient Fl'hine. Mitnlfleent P-rn-.ry si.a Charmlna Climate. 'mir .'>'- h?'its N"* York to Louver \la ttie IiiirMiiirtoii I*...'' ;<.'.. li. anl Q. r. i*. Ba I'liiui/e of car* fma i i . rai fall uar t'.-ulors addresa F.. J. SWORDS. 317 nn.e-lway, or PAUL MOUTON, Genenl Paaaeneer Air-*nt. Chicago. THE ItAUTI-H-Ue. SEW >llLFORt). CO N- OPEN Jl NK IBTH. In the t?auiiful Valley, of the Ile:*-hlre Hill*. El?.a*-...n TM laet. No malaria. No meoQ-ltoa. Ev.-rrtbii._ New Banaaama-U. lor tlrcu lois aodrees JA.M_.-s SMITH._ Al.lir]'.(.H tPUBOi HOI Opens Juno lt. Near the head of Lake Champlain, amid brnuUful ece.iery. Famous fur lt* sulphur sad llthla springs. Beal of fishing and boating. Send for circular. I. i. I; -. OKb, Vrj) Vlbu?gh ftpringa, VU /'UELiaEA, \T.-';KANOE OOUBTT 11'iTEI.. WILL OI'IN rn}', st KXII ftOAROERI JT'NE 2._. yu.ct \ii:ie.-. ej-.;>- icecastbte frum railroad; l*..o-1 beard, pteaaeut dr: ria Maltee*. Fer city ref. - iit-ii-ss E. p. HAi-.Ni..., Prop r. / i I.E.N .?..".I. ll*?v : DELAWAl'.R WATEH OAP, PENN., Opeaa J (NE o. Seventeen a^r<M ol private ground* n.w complete tn every re For particular* and New-York reference,** _A. 1. LA BAH ^_ HIC.hi.a.n;. in l.i. il ' SE.-Open until November; rn Hldge, i_.-tn".;J Delaware Water (Jap and Mt-udsbuig . ? - roery u.'i*ur liassed; pure, drv ila ?..ft -.pring wji.-r. l-\.r elrcaian *,IJie-s .1 9 I*. 11'EKE. hiri.udsl.nrs. I'.iin. HOTEL tLLAIRE SPRING LAKE BEACH, W. _.. : .iv liou^-. Eniarg.-i. exteoalve ln. piuvciucnis, billiard ruooi, lc. E M. BICBARDSOB._ KENNEBCNKPORT ME, RIVERHltrK HO USE A pi"a*an'. loone fur th** summer; to river and leenn ; t.roal plait! I; p.-rf?e'. Jnilnsge ; Special rate* for Jun- iad Keptcasher. All*.*** i;eo. ooocll.' l~AK_-:"ciiAMi'f.AiN Tiir: wnrPOBX inn. Sj A hiuil! wi .I j,.|...-nted :,.,u??_. Sup. rb view of lake and mouuiiilui; boil ok. fli*li:i?j_ and floe .irlvea. Addresa _W P.r H. ( ? LYON. W.'sn?irt. N. Y. /kAK HILL IIOt'SE. mar I.ITTT.rrTON ,w. ts. One of the moat ei" uded and magnitleent vtowa In the Vv'hite Mountains, l'cif.ct drainage; cl-ciric llghU: all modera liupro vernen tv be.-ij for _t a 111; A JARVia. STEVENS Iict SE. VEROENWEB, VT. - ~iin.iM.ui qna-upaseed: tally ?tea_nei. to md fr-im Laka t hiunpleiu tx.:., .-ni Uble; pure waler; eood air; oo nauiia, telet.aph and '>,?*" tent-s mefiniila. _m. B. PAIN EM, 1'ioprletor. HE LEHMAN, Atlantic City. N. J. lvii...-j ...iiiu-ave. i open all Ute year; enluiged and ucwly fumuhed. _Mrs. T. Vf. Lr.llMAN rpUE BAHS ROCK, GLOCi-K-iTER. MASS. Strictly flrat-claaa. with every mudera convenience. Including hot and tatt sea--.aler lailu. Opeu June 1 tu October L Ad li ..ea F. If NUNNS. Proprietor. _ Till. pIK-lRT-FOSrf~~i.ort_l..,.. conn.-_*_*!-?. ?nd hillside. Cool .jule'. r*._.'rT]i ; pUPr mnn. freall vefetaUee; churmlng walk" .int drives f.e'iiing boating. OsLing. laaiata > ii bCKll*f_H_____, Mau*i,*<tr. __ WIUTE Mot N'lAIN*-. it ii..u.iiiiiiiy lui.iied. eeavealaai to %i\ j.iinu of inter? est, ljiit.- rooms, efan f.ic*. lae iswns m. -ihslt* trees: livery eaniteeted. table aisi-.l-m.; terms r> .?onsble. 8e*a for circular _ Addi im T1U- I.I M.S'.mi l rm..oula. N H \k*iini. il'LFHUB sr,wv.-, hi i.inKHEiir. t? MOUNTAINS-) Btllee frvtu Altamoui ou AL an4 f+ae. R R ; fare from Albany to house, al 10: rat-**- est ui *ts; eoe cottage with or without board. Kor particular* write JACOD Hu(.HSTRA.S-?LI_. Dcrn.i. Alb. Cu.. N. V. SnmmcT fireorts. ARVERNE BY-THE-SEA 'LON li I.-.LAND [THE .NEW ARVERNE HO I EL ANO COTTAGE*.] rAttEf*i_-inLE, gi'IET. BUMUBT.] Adjoin For , ?9_mll'>it-*s by rall. Directly on th- ocean. A( lng Wave treat. Now boulevard to Ear Rockaway, fee, te. stabling. Ma.EtOcent Ufttttlng Beach --. room.* or cott-igee, ap|J]y bomaecte B-llding. -53 Broadway, cor. lltk-st.. Roma %i. Descriptive circulars. _ , RICHARD If. tvTF.ARNS. Prop. - formerly ?f ?_,, , ng Beaoh Hotels._ BELMONT HALL. BCHOOLEVS MOUNTAIN, E. J. This favorite mountain summer reso.-t will open for gilesta Jurie I ; elevation, 1,300 feet; terms moderate. Bend for a*"****-*' D. A. CROW ELL Proprietor. _ M. V WINSLOW, Manager_ _XARRA<_AN-..TT PIER B. I. CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Orien JUNE '23. M'Av.N OB 1MB -Sixteenth seeeon. A select fan.lly mort, tret-daa* In every icspe.t. Loca? tion uiiaurtMiee-l. Eor term, and circulars addreaa _ I. V -*>\l Ml Eg.*.. FIRE ISLAND BEACH, L. I. MUK IHiTEL. rAr.ADlsE IOR (II II...r.F-N. Bpens June 13 ; now st-ambuat; ti-ne ot transit aeroaa th? K_... redan.-! to 15 tumut.*. For lui partleulara aaa Ell'.!* ISLAND TIME TABLE te be obtained al hotel. at Uefcet -fl_ 1 . end expreaa offleea of 1,. I. lt. R Co., or of llluti. yAjQKJc, BON, 201 Broadway, New-York._ ____ _ HO TO TIIK 1 I - \ AN L-.A***'** fAT"lk'II.I. MOTNTAIN Ol* I PE Contain* 100 Illa-tr-iU.o* of Hot 1*. Uoai-dlng Houe-e an-l s.;"iiery; with full description of location, term*, dla tan^ from /aJiroaa ?tattuii, and all that you may wieh to know. 1 oriial..* also i valuable Map*. Mail?*d un reeeip.. of 411 pents m Cotn or 2 cent postage stomps. WALTON VAN LOAN, Catskill. N, X. BCIIOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINOSTh. il. 12 I'M TU HOI si:. Thl* beautiful r?sort will open June 1; re lured rate*. $12 to |U lx-r wc*k ; tiet-elaoa livery .ml 'w.-nty well ,r*;tiel sad tie horses; dlagrama, Ac., at Eveulug Post Building. Uoom SH. _bead tor dr ular._J. WARREN COLEMAN._ HOTEL ST. MARC, 134 ITITH-AVK. ON THE AMER I ( AV AND F.CROPKAV PLAN. SP.CItl. lt A li..** FitO.'.I JINK IO oi ii-il!*'.*. _ J Al.ON/0 M'TTEK. LOtjG BEACH HOTEL A\D COTTAGES. ? fCXHIBHSB MVF.-KOO.MCO-TAG'.-. TO III.NT f< ia, waler, bath, ' ? __.!__ rr'r- "' -A*-"X- tf'M'. TO orTonER. COTTAGES AT POINT LOOKOUT. ' . >>l. *l ISON. _ , KEW LA W.N.TENN IS COURTS. Trains now tun:,,..;: t.. LONG BEACH and POINT LOOKOt T from ly.ntl Island City and Brooklyn. Por parUcalaca idlreaa JOHN T. DEVINE, .Manurer. 0__lt*. 5th-'.e , cor, i_-U*t. LAKE GEORGE, iii 1.ur;'** i.andini; iioti.i. ?tnd lotti gea - ?. (amil ? toe se_i?nn. Jana ?nt teat hall mea, ExeeUeat eolelne. i.rm ittaetoed to hot" 1 { . Be ? lin'- A"eT?. bend fer pamphlet ant terna. W, jj v av hf. NIH*, rt Prop. LAKE GEORGE. MOIIlt tN HOI -I. At Colton, dlreclv on Like shore Boatse sMbles, Ac. : milk and vegetable, from hotel larm. Terms. *12 te $21 per week, rlaos ind ri* togreph* may he seen at ina Na*a_u-?t. (Vanderbilt liuildlu? . New-Torn, I*. Own Iron Jrts ll to Octoher 1. For plan of rooms, cir-oUr*. etc , .-inply to or ?4 lrMl i; pr, mac avov. er J. St J E..CF.IL -Il farr-or.. Ncw-VorU. "LONG ISLAND RAILR0AD7 111 KU oKi-M r>. NEW YORK. .li-. * -I;'., fool I ;t**t tl th-at, A-ur I' uee, OM. 012. Lifll Broadwar; 1 I Wee tu; lfi3 2v>6 rana! st., ll East Itu -? . 02 " IIIt'.HiKi.. s ulai and F*_atbue_ ivee.. P.. ? lf-rt, A lian ll lui Franklin aves.; D-otwIclL cr. Hu*h?i.'ii aod Montrose ..... ; iii i'^ltun-st, 107 Bread ?av, r.. .*>. _ HAND BOOK. >*.tt.i MAI', and I-TST of HOTELS snl B ' * .-???li.t of Bc r_._*taa>*. Ha] ba obta ned liitE at llj l_.o_.Iaay, Ilo.,in 2b, or Lin '? 1 land ( . y._m 'minncqua house, mi.vnmqi'a tpRiKOt, nrttnFOBn ro., penn. OPEN FOB ..! 15. Hlgheot polni en .*? ? Central 1: R : invicratlng air; -i spring of wonderful curative qualities; elevator, gi*., .nu-n;, an'l cv.-iv modern c nvenlenoe; hotel strictly ur.-t.-c.a.-.- Bates ?i. la -.11 pei week. _1.. I Superintendent, 'MOORE'S' HOTEL, TR] '.:? 2. FALL* n. r. Flne?t Scenery ind foils la tue World. Opens Jane 19._6 N MOORE, Pi prtotor._ OVERLOOK MOUNTAIN HOUSE. (V:**:ill.L -IO! NTtlNS. O.e-ns uti ' Ju'-') 28th. Elevation 3,P(Ju feel B pec lal . r I*. E. HATklt, r.i'H'KIF.TOIL ? . k, L'latei I 1 .. N*. Y. Until June 20th, '...'? Uh-ai -,,..... POCONO MOUNTAIN HOUSE KU 1 INT I'm ??.. .1, MON HUB CO., PENN. EUevatloa _i,2(KI feel above tide-water. Mac!!'....'ir ..'.I ? Open ttiti Hay 7 to N?,??!... r 1. Ac.?iaimodat-}? Sci Spec il rate* to Joly 16. On Lt.. L. A Vf. 12 U. Tot eli-, ulm'*, tr .. ad.lrvaa L. E. HOOKER 1 4 -lltAND. Wli LAH ?- MICH : BAGXJI .'1 WATKI'.S, WI.-,.. .. ' er ami ll suing re . iv ii.,- ?** Ashlaod Rottte,'* Milwaukee, LtEt bhore and W'eaiern Ballwajr. Fo- pumpl eta and aaida* hvroks deserlbli.if summer Loirs jul quoting encuislnn rat-* to above polnta, the Tcllowitone I'urk aud l'_n;iuo Coast, address GEO. K. ilAKMl. (.. P kW LOi'K ISLA Ntl, ? I. HOTEL MAKIBBES. rtfteon miles at sc* . ddigh.ful climate; suus-rb bath lnit; Cu.- bus and blue ttahlng; dal jr boata: perfect -_-in bridge and i.i_/r_ 500 ff. >.'-VtN 43 nuv-aolnsu. Beeton. Bead -Ol Ulttatratad circuUr._ *t -*-_-________________________________________________________________ BE HMM IRK im.i.s-The CUdla t^*S**aiffa!S& \I_..1 ,ln..:.i' 'tie fan..'.* Iler^slilre Hills, will oc-ea for the nea. ? Vav IO bcvatlOO. 1.20O f.*et. Perfect &HfarSprtaa wWr. sod ....e .f the h.*a.lhl.''*t ^ne lu tA New-I&iflaiid. fcUeveoth eeaeea*- city refuj* enc... fm Ula-tiatcd ttnalatji Proprietor. _ Gi LES SUMMIT H'.TI.U On the Lehigh Valle; R R. a aoiira from Kew^Tor* int i boura from Phil I ;?'. ?> ?" ' ,%--?^J'"V1 ?^?T*ieTa 1-v-1. Maa ana* rpe seed ad vjn lacee torheal* a .idIMaej ure. The scenery is superb, and beaut if ul *?'"_*"" drives adi area Ut io thc Reaauri ol fl***** ^mmSt attractions have mon _d--J. Open all the ye*.- Tot titaaoan, tarma. Bo.. ?**gggft mrEMEICA, Womma. ll . ?*;.__" t',, ??<: R. _ ; rn" . ? reljr new ; Hutted Moona the HlghUndV of .ry' /':?fniii;*e:nl? 1^ and supplied with ; I "*a??i ""J^Z"^ edible t? Nen.Yi,.K faralakaa such a C?Bip!^ ^^/^JJ place anywhere mon booltidol. jwvee jar*J?"g .harmn.e; troth, vegetabloa in ''"''] .'"' ^IuvtS. Prt earl.n. s n-1 for circular to JAM ?.*. ?? **.-ll?. ***re. prleu,r, late of the Aldina lietel. 1'l.U* i-.,- Oa. -_. HK.lll.AMJ BOOSE, V.e:riu.m*-"V.llulunn. E. JU now op-n. tee 1 lei clreal 11 iml i.arUouiar*. or apply at Oraud Ualea Hotel, Mew-Totk City._ JFFrKKsON H ll Tit' WAPM-!-_*__. ,_ WhIM P.levatlon. 1..VW feet Heen.-rv unsurpasaed '-V.^!. ?ia rcMlou. lure, . - Ptvfeet ^^ TER uu*.U Jane 1. PLIMI.I. \ l"iiii.-t uu.u -?u. .. L?u:el House. Lake*. -?<-, W. J \ "i-.ii'.T Wi nv: ' MAH UOVEE ?_? N 1 I i^ for the seae 7 SIDKET pjutl N'. . J'"v.'; 1 ist. i??e. 1 ' ?" feet of surf. l-pec-al rates to* J ?'"? y T SANK U boating int im.lng- - f Uent Ol . - ? V-* ?* in seenrry 'i'll I. MW * ' D ,. -.11 Ita ippolntmenta, ateaej 9rtt.mtm\ elettrio appu IB eel and n.l mod n li. pr ve.':. * _v proo'ra PAVILION* I!..TIT, ANO Cy'U^'fi*' ?Teer the Gr-,,. b'-lVh V?"?k "^f",^^ Hotel &rst-.<Iasa le every respect. (_;"1 "L>'? * ?"?0"mo .atlon. I?wl__7. bUllar-a, 1 itlng, sa nc. ^taf-'W lng. laklag. ..?' Foi f . ., ..,. 7.,i9ti si bHAI.L WM I'I BED. at tl .' '\;'' ?.??,, tor late of I qear Sea ?? 1 ^___i_____. * r"l-?"-t'-.L On the European ?^5^*?V^^lSfS8 e_latae and Brst-eUse *ln ill W*>2?. Wb Ita Mean tau .nd eaaahaM nattere s.opuine la ""-"en wi I fladl l tta ceoleet and meat comfo.uLlo l.eyl1 ? \* ?'l. ,.'"? con* leiileut lo their depou. ???*???? Lll*lu ,.r?pr)et_)r? __ ? HAWANOUNK MOCNT^INS.-T^east Oiov'' Hotts^ Dat Mow-Pate Near Lana Woaoak. tor portteolare Mi for circular it 111 Waa. ?atn;''',;uVlAtTO.V < i#ru jul dwf A-ijf w<^5SS?dK__S_,"S I h? most -Wira ' '_^ ,*, 1.^I Club. particulars Inquire o' li e.. W -' n...?.t.nlon Laruc tiuo. rpiu: CATSKII i.s. tv.-.. Moaerttaj W.T. ^^ 1 splendid locatio..^ te. ' , f.!'? ^^t?' q-sHE HOTEL BPKSL1N. LAKE H0PATC0N0, rt. J", wUlopenforihesoasanot 15aSoa SATCRDAT. JO-fElS. GEO M. B HOCK Vf A. Y. Manager. .illsev House. N. Y._ ?ty HITi: MOUNTAINS TlArKp " ' "'V "' i.?n>a E H. GOOIiN.'W * CO.. -'rop'a, Krancoiiia, N U 1 .ooo "^r^'^v^^f*"b^p tire fen. hay fov_r. eoe saddle Horses 1 splan-tm llstilng. "The kttt I-1-.a.t House." ftt."!.'!!"." Ut(?t family aolel 00 I 4i.*!u?TT??i will be the T'pner -st Lawrence. Thl" ??""Hf "'!'" " j (.pen June l? te Oelab.r L onen M*' ?*i.,? '^J^.1 an-' lir partionUr. apply et ! Har -a*f*aT_f._jaatae<a_Bll; Hotel Itruiiseick." Nsw- kneen. **ead ter ll. sirs *t York, or Al.tan.trta Bay. . Historv ef '?. ?J"' '"^S't ?en.t for catalogue. *'1'"*"" . i'i. ' v V Ii. U. -OUTUUdll. Fleet i SuN. Aloxaadria Bay, N. Y entire.ot*. (joly all-water route direct to the CONEY ISLAND IRON PIERS. TO DAY'S TIMK TABLE: Elton WWT -?3B_ST.. N M., hourly from 9 A. M. ?intil .P.M. I hom pikh (tiwi !fO. 1 N. M. (Battery P'aoe eta* lion elevated railro___lai, bair an hour later. Hs turn log, LEATB CONET f-U. tNl> PIKRH .0 *0. 11.40 A. U.; Vi itt. HO. hie, 3 40. ? 40, SilO, (110 and 7:30 P. M. TUE LAST BOAT FROM CONEY ISLAND WILI* LAND ONLY AT PIEK NO 1, N. R. FARE TO CONEY ISLAND AND RETURN. M CENTS. Excursion ticket, aold at all DOWN-TRACK Stations Elevated Reade, with free transfer between South Terry sud Battery place tor 2.1 and Jd ave. passenger*. SPEND SI NDAY~AT LAKE MAHOPAC. Thia moat charming Loka Resort ls 1.000 foot above the seo, healthful and free from mosquitoes. Excellent h. t-ls at low rates; beautiful acencry, line drlvea, walks, boa ti, tc. ROCND TRIP ONLY tl Train on Harlem Division evrr Sunday leavea Grind Central Station at 9.15 a.m.; 125h-at. Station at 9.64 a. m. ; 138th st. Sutton at 3 .31 a m.. and arrlvee at Lake Mahopac at 11.10 a. m.; returning leavea Lake Mahopeo at b 3b p. m._ CONEY ISLAND. WEST BRIGHTON BEACH ANO Brighton Beach Hotel and Race Track, "Culver Route." Ttoata lenee \VHlT_tl il.L*_T. I B.tterr*. rei?itnaa ot ell ele.-atel railroads, .mun. tn n 7.Ll i. m. t > 8: io p. m. Sun.'ays. Via, 10:10 and halt hourly from 10:10 a. at. te 8:IU 0. lu. i:\? I ItSlON TICKETS, 40 CKNTrt. flo-*d to romrn to Brooklyn vu Prospect and Coner leland Railroad. NEWBIIBG7WESTPltl!id?lJ8f KEEPSIE. Omnd Dally Etcu-slon (oxcept Bundiys), by the laat and eliuani Day I.lo.; Bteamera __ __ NEW-.OKK AMD ALBANY. From Brooklyn. Fulton-st., i hy Aunegj . . . . S :00 a. Pk - New.York, V<-stiy.?t. pftr.g :10 " " New-york. Weet _>2d-st. l'ter.9:00 * Ex.ursloi.lst* eil! have thiee hours at West Point, or one hour ind lkra*-4___rt-HI a. N?wburg ; returning, reach New-Tart ?'. SO, Brooklya .'. N i> m. A line BAM) anl ORCHESTRA attached to each ooat. TO CINCINNATI AND RE-TRX it 15 M. VIA WEST laONB RAILROAD. Account of tlie .Supreme Lodge meeung of Knlgfata of Pythia* of the world. Excursion ticket* te Cindnnvt and return will be sold Jun** ** '" lt, Ineluatve, e<?>J n tur.iln_r until July 2. Call af. ticket ofli.-i* "f ih>- weet Sh...-.- Railroad la New-Tork city, 303. iX", 7s6 HroHdwsr, Vi I'ark place, 1 Bowery pla.-e. lit 1-'-' Bowery, d?|>ot* foot of Jay-st aod foot of West 42*l-st, North Uiver, Wechawltcn station and In Itreoklvn at Sin Wa?htr.-jun-*t. 730 Fulion-at., 398 Bed? ford av a:id Annex OflUe, foot of Fulton-el. Dnoine99 C-iances. pOAL LAM)**. PINK LANDS. V-li'.o acr*s Bituminous Ci al Lani- in Dal* County, Ox, tot sole, near t hatunooga, Tenn., and 1 1-2 ml'.ee of rail? road. .Al*. 3 V". acree ot Yellow Pine tn Southwester* Olora-e. Address H. F. STR0HECKER. Macon, Ga. Coot ano _fonuo. JOST.-Bank Bocks Noa. ?t*l ot? and 13t,0T. on Dry ,v ijavlnc* Bink. Any pargon having claims upon sill hooks arc pallet upon'to pr?*"iit th- s.roe to the batik thirty >!W*. ?r 'he ?*!_* book wlil be declared eeo .-l-l and ...Miiigulshed aud a nev one _.*_>ued lu lieu thereof. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKER.?Bf i Vs2".a'.*n dressmaker: tlrst-cl.isa ? .;? ? :? and fltier ?.:-_0***' wert in piivme family; city .?r ?? -uuuy ; pt 30 Utt.&SiT, lt*****5> BauBXT, I-f- Waverly _ D1.(.SSMAKEP_.-BY ono whose fitting and d-aping Il not excelled; wishes mott tua um-r* by day: term*, |2 pei liv; .Itv ur .?*"..!'._'. Alitii ilie- C., IOU Wost tdd it., Tritium; Lian. li. C.rtj ?ooog SPECIAL OFFERIV'. -Qsrpatlnge, Ri-ga, China Mat? tings *J TV Balcony, porch ?tid L'pbulateMd chair* St-*nn.<r ru ANDREW LEi-TER'S fc.'N'S, 7.-'_??Til li". Stwmcx uc9orl0. PROSPECT house:, NYAC.. ONUl,. I-I-Jp-J:.. NOW OPEN. linus, and locetfor: .:. rirpn?aed. Rooms eau nvw be engagv-L Many in.Df.r' sluco last *ea>oo. X. J. CURTER. t:..i V ??* h. 11 x V: oin V v I .**. *% THEWPEH HOUSE. n^en Jnn? toi ii.-t. Kio ..nv le sen at Flftn Arenas Hotel M jii.Ut* vilJj'ri tay*, or ? llreesi J. H. Titi. ?'p.:::, ir. fj .?.. .i elater Ca.. aT. T. UEWia t'. ... lu D-,1. Ll,. Hj-.lir mr: r uf ii-.aston's gegt WATEH GAP HOUSE, ;.. LAWA RE WAI..;'. GMT, I'i-.NV . OVEMB TOW* 'J a favorite Meuntola Reeeit thrta bwara New-ifor* ly Delaware, La.--kav.ania and Weetara l'allroad. L. W. UK'll JIKA Li. NH KKK to stoWmitk* finnKit. If you ara looking for a doll^h'.fui summer home get l eopy <?f " hummer IIoiiics*' on the N>-w-Vork, Ontario aui Western Railway; dlstrlhuted free in New-York lt 207, | 107, 'JU. Viii Broadway; 737 Oth-ave.; VA4 and 261 Weal H-.V.h-M. In Brooklyn at t Court-at, SW Fulton- ; st. ; 88 and 107 Broadway, Williamsburg ; 210 Manhatloto ITd., (..i .-i.'f-liii; or aeud S cents lu sump* tu J. C. ANDERSON, li. P. A., _l-> ___________ piece, N. T. A r.tDEMC8 SCHOOL COTTAGKf*. Oceaa Beach, N. J. ia Now upon. Chlldcn's hotel and health resort. And continue open during the For particulars addr.-** MRS. CHAS, a HO AIL Ocean Beach. N. J. or a. J. CLAT. HO Nassau-st^_Room S3. New-Tork. Ca iii.KT. iN HOttE. .--pru..' Laka, YT. J- one bio?g I from tho beaeh. Well furnished, superior bedding, elevator, electric b?ll?. fip?'.jial rates for June aud hep- j tambar. I. U H IN ESPN. Proprietor._ ti* ORTESCUE H'.T.'SF., Arksn-as-ave. and Ocean Flout, cularifi'd and entirely redtted. ls now opea ; full ; oei>au View: Hue rooms; splenlld location: full orehcaua. _J. fO RT irs." PE. EA('LF. ROT-CC-, EIUX, CONN.-Three hours from I Now-Vork. overlooking river; reanouable ta private i,. iee. Cir....luis und particular*. URQUHART. 17 Lo* fayi.-tte pia'.', New-York._ CiREAT SOUTH BAY.-Hotel Elmor-i. Sayvll-e. L. l~. TM.-et pleasent situation en the South Side. Aecoitt modatians llrst class. Ol^ns fun.. 15. Addreaa Til... Mas .r.'Ki.lNUTQN, Jr., Manager. Yl OT EL PARK Pl ELD tl KITTERY IOINT. ME. pt.*w last season : npen* June r,tti ; delightfully situated overlooking the oceiui tito bathliu ana boating. For particulars address _J. E. FRISBEE, Proprietor. ? rfi HE TREMONT." SEA f-IRT. N J. b. W. LEEI.d. winter addreaa, _ (TN**. \MINSON. H. J. WHITE LAKE BULliIVAN CO., N. Y. ll PROSPECT Hor.E. Op?_a* .lune um: elevation I.SOO toot: pure elr; malaria ; reduced rates for June, route N. Y. o. A W. Ma. ?W. C KIN NF. It'ILBL'I'.TON RYTIIH-SQ, M'RINU LAKE NEW-JERSEY. DIRECTLY UN TIIE BEA! II OAS AND ELEC? TRIC BELLS. OPEN FROM Jt'NE T*J OCTOBER. 12 K. LETCHWORTH. Countrn tooaxa, A BEAUTIFUL private homo for summer guests: ooo ur two famllle*. or a select party *-*kiug flrst-clase occomaaodationa; a Urge elegant oansion. location lilah; evil na. U \.ew; beautiful greunds of several seres: lewus, , shalt., trait, ku*, hot and coll waler, h?ih-r.?>ii-i. stabling; tonvenii-ii*. te A depots, few mlnutea t? Dearest; atioul ai. hour from city, tmq-ient trains. Ad . 183 William-at.. Ul iiuor, or call from 9 to ll. A private taatily weald t or 5 adult boarders; to minute^ from Grand Centra] Il^pot. Harlem Railroad; hisrh ground aul healthful ; evrrthlna tlrsi^clase. Ad fcKtt _^___ B- b- A.. Tribune OBi-o. A LADY having a comfortahle. large houae md varan dalia, lawn, larriace* and huroee, bathing and boau lng ..(Tit* ttrst-elaes lu ard for Or two lamillee. or adnlta; term* from HO to all* fr mvaA Addreaa Mr*. -MITH. au Ja_-ea_P. 'J ? Loiu 1 >____._ CiTSKli.LTI-EieVatad mi^**m private boase; steam Mat; ruoma en suite; private bath*, eleaot; livery, OahlBf, boat; excellent uble; term* moderate. Apply ? .luta---. _, COUNTRY BOARD -Ftrat-claa* accommodation amoug. I tke anountelua. term* mud-ra-"; eily rererenca A-treea C. H. LEFriE, Ciaremaat, N. ll. I ,*AMIL11_I? Ol-SIRINO- COM Fi. RT In healthy lueaUoo - for Hummer on large farm; lilgh grvunOe: au a*-** ju l.,.-*; 75 mlnut-** trom city. Mrs. F. SMITH, Lwaat Val ley, Long Ulaiid^ FtOVfA. UK.NT LI-MEN or two couple can Cud desirable summer board with pri-at-* f-im-iv; handsome teat lorre grounds on Palisades' Ieee than an hour from N V ; 5 minutes' from statian. Call or address A I> VE UTI.-ER. 1W Willtam-st.. Jd floor._ Fl ..-, p . i.a-s BOARD ii i MODERN n'TTAOE. With Ui gc addition* and cummodluu* moma: centrally localed and newly furoishel ?4 FronUat.. Sarstugl Springs. Opea* lane lb. Mr*. 8.-.VAN^ VLOllTEN._Prop. Hi m lil AM> COMFOKT.? Loria airy room*. Hut and cold batu I ->'*?" l.-ratioa : beautiful eoale; ani gardea; home comforts. Numb-r llraiiea. 1'noee de slrins a country home for th.* summer, ud.rau Boa 107. Fishkill on lluason, N. Y. IJI.t As?,NT II'"ME foi* INVALIDS. ?teaatiiai ?round?T ?f., river view, sul'l" scrum.- od triona . lah in charge a prof east mal nurae. Address Ml sb STL'A RX, Shenoao Place. Grand ave.. Now burg. N. Y. ? -THl- TA RI Fl" "F lABa.* a pamphlet of ao large page* 1 giving rate* or duty now In turee la full, together wttk tbe entlr*' Free List, and ether valuable Tari IT i uio r* mallan TIttely fut reference. *iil absolutely corroct. I'rtce IS emu a copy. Published by " Iha Trtbam*,*'. New-Yorfc, , _\mn8emenic. BROADWAY THEATRE. ETenin*t *t 8. ROADWAY and tlst-at. **!*.T Matinee at J. Manager.Mr. FRANK W. SAN-J SH HsmUomeet. and coolest tl.eetre ia the world. J. C. DC FF :._.____? Meeno-1 Month. OPKRA t 0,.,,?^y.T, I hee.od Moat*. COMFASY. . QC KN SHAT*. ._ ujoeood EmtA, _ ADMISSION M.Vl_.NTS. ___. gUOU OPERA HOUSE. Erealnjr* it 8. Saturday Matinee ot 2. 2tc, tO*.., Tec., el. The Thrilling Comedy-Drai LOST IN NKW-YORK. A river of real water. BASEBALL-*--POLO GRpUKDSJ TO-DAY. 1_> ORAND LI**A(-.'F CH AMFIoNSHIP GAME, CHICAGO VS. NEW-V(?KK. GAME. 4 F. M. ADMISSION, SOO. TO-MORROW. CHICAGO VB. NEW-YORK ? I ?pASIXO. Broad wa v and I-th-it. v*' Evettlnga at & Matinee Batardoy lt ts ? THE PHXNOMENAI. BtJCCESS C0?T_-IUE8.*. I A THOROCGHLT ENJOTABLE PERFORMANCE host reatjtift;i,lt PPJSENTED. THE 6rARKI_ING COMIC OPERA, KADJI ROOF GARDEN CONCERT ArTER THE OPEBA. | A'ju! anion 50 cent*. Including both entertalnmeaav \ EDEN MUSER. WAX TABLEAUX Open 11-U.. Art Gallery.___ PROF. HARTL's 9 VIENNESE LADY FENOEIC 00 cent* . afternoons snd evenings-SO cento. ERJJELYI NArzi'S WONDERFUL ORCHESTRA. Ajeeb, tho Mystifying Ch. se Automaton^ j G~~RAND OPERA HOUSE. ? Reservud aaaU. orcaeetra eirele and bakoay, 50o. ?- j MU. WtTEEmmtmtm ;at. To-alfUt-LO Y A LLOVE. Next week-CAI. LED BACK. Vt GETTYSBrRGI. THE GREATEST BATTLE *-HOW ON EARTH. . _19TK-ST. AM) ITU AVE._^ LYCEUM THEATRE. 4th-ave. an-1 2 . d-st. Daliel LAhT WEEK BUT ONE LAST WEEK BOT ONE of Belaaco aud Oe Mille'* Society Comedy__. THE WIFE. TIlrTWITft THE WIFE. 230TH TIME. TUE WIFE TUB WOli THE WIFE, BEGINS 8:15;_MATINEE SATURDAY AT 1. VIADISON SQUARE THEATRE. 8 :30. AAA A. M. PALMER.Ma_i-a_ger. MR. RICH ARO MANSFIELD. Last 3 Times of DR JEKYLL ANO MIL HYDE. Neat week-PRINCE KARL. *$. WW -.[LT-!" 1 E-'-erved Seata Oreheetr* Clrelo and Balcony. JO Oemta, LAST- ll ALI.KN ANO HART'S ?WEEK. Last Ma'tue., sstu-rtav at 2. Neat week-l NCLK ToM'8 CABIN. STANDARD THEATRE. tt?u*7 COM MUN CI NO I ENE lt, HIS Li i RI)*-HIP. BY EDWIN ai'wu LL. _Beats now on sale at Box Office. ?rn -IBM]- .BEYOND ALL PRECEDENTi A AS AV-.RA-* ATTENDANCE Of tMtt Delignted instrocted aa' entnusl-istir people dally ot BUFFALO I K RA .Tl NA. STATEN ISLAND. A larger, grander and better ezttlattteai HIT I N than ever. More Indiaas, cowboys, Meit -_.i____._3 |PM voeiineroa. lady ..hootero. Backlog n,,,,,,,.,. iAeries, Buffalo. Elk, <lc. UKHj-NAJ. VIVID ILLUSTRATION Of WTLD ?_. _ I'ltOXTtKR LIKE' WILD ' Boo. wm. ?-. cody (Bofihio Biii-ateaak entertainment, livery lay at 9, evaaloas at WEST. |? ral" or shine. Cheapest aad beat soler Intent in America. HOW TO (.KT THERii-i HEAP EXtTRSIONS. Battery boats everv 20 mlnutea; fore only 10c te grnun.ta. Kteimer Henrv K. Bishop, from Jewel's Dock, Nroojilro. 145 p. m. aod 7 p. m.; fare rouud trip only 25c Krom Newark?Thomas P. Way. 1:30 p. nt, aud 7 p. m.. rouad trip, He. llmt Julia from EU tab et ti parr, GREAT FAMILY DAY Ol.TING RESORT. RALL R.-1'.NS VIV ALL RAILROADS. Refreshments at popular pncee?Ooo. Dinner, soe. NO INCIDENTAL __f_fOT_-Mt___? NO blhArHHOWmi CAMP OPEN tONDAYB. ADMIS?HON JBe. vtblo'. Xl Reserved rP EBRACE -lARDEW Orwra And Prom-n a. a A. t emmttt, To-night, bj reou.-st. Suppe-* be*t Opera, Buceaclo; Saturday, strau>_. Op.iri, I'ruu Methiimicm. WALLACK'S. Eveninn at 8 i Sat. Mat. at 3 COOLED BY TONS OE ICE. SECOND MONTH. GREAT SUCCESS. ??OAHU TUE LADY A OR ? >l J OPERA CO. THE TIORR. General admission, BOe. _____* two meeta In advooee. C TH-A VB. THEATRE Adm.-sion 60 rta. *J Every ,L vening at 8. Matine,* Bataaeqy ot 2. "NATl'ItAL. ?.AS." '* NATURAL GAS." _PONNT-XLt*. GI R A fl D and ORE A T COMPAWT. TH-ST. THEATRE. Cor. 6th-aytl Souvenir Mat ne--.. Wedne-day and Saturday. l-TIIH STILL ALARM. 14 nth wreek llth Week-THK STILL ALARM. WtEuwry, 2'tc.; reeerrat, 3.'..:.. :..?.?.. Tuc, al, al ct. ^ (Thc ?nrt. rn MEIilCAN JOCKEY CL. _ L bl'RING MEETING, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, AT 2 30 CONTINUING MON DAV, JUNE IL And looa li at 9M p. m. Train* ftom Grund . eatral in-put at li .'if, tai 1:58 p. nu' E. A. LOVECRAfT, .??.-. 'y. JoHN HUNTER. Proa. Jlcjjal Notices. ^I'LCIAL MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Alli tun Gallabar, ploiuutT, .?. Henry T. Mles ind olhera. d-.ieuaai.l__. In lue CUcuit Cuan u( Brown County, uaio. vase No. 1 -v lu pui-uance ut an crdcr of sala Issued from the Cir*. cull ...un Hitbiu jud fur UM cuuuty ot Brown and Stat* of i_i.ii.., and to ....; dlrectcj under aud by vinue uf a de> cree made aud entered by a-iiu -our*, in tiie aDov- enutlet cau-e st ibu April term, A. ii. leos, ut xi.l Cuurl. X will oiler fur sale ai public auction in fiuut of toe ..oort Houao ii tbe city uf caiUicwtue In Russ Cuuuty, ublo, ua TCE-jD.".*. TUE lidTH DAV Uf JOE. A. D.. ISM. at 2 ?_\:.uc_. p. m. ot sala aay. Uie fuiluwlux desunbut property w wit: All that puruuu and MpHty uf um ClneUuaU, HocklOK Valley and Huiiuuituii Railway Cuni lany lying and belOK a-st uf Hu'ii-su in me wwii ol Hillsboro lu Higiiidiul Cuuuty, ol,m. wi.lek ls particulirlj described aa foliuwa lu wu: All tint part uf tne Hue ot inc railroad of Mid company constructed and to be con? struci--.d, beginning at ibu etty ot iliiciunail la* County, Otoj. ona tbeace p?-?iiig iiuougb tbe .-.muties ot Usu.i.'.ju, Clermont, alni lllirtilaud tu li inn si la thc iowa of in ?nd la?t turned . uuaty, tuiethet wall |U tbe real and pursunsl propel" .' of Mia compauy, lucludinK Its lands, ten- uieuw, bei.diUii.ents, rlgbls of v. ny, dopois, bridges, piers, iiulvene, Oitures, bulldJnas, cir equipments, macluiie*, louis, Implement.., ma (/.'nala. fntnclass's, arlvllefee, interest and assets of every ulai upd deecripuou uwu.-.l by sold company un tty. pert et Its auld Hue of railroad ur Ui a nj' ;uanner apperlaliiing Ol tx-lungmg to that part uf tbe railroad uf sold company weal of aaid Hlgl.-st. iii sold tuwn ut Hillsboro, uki.. Said above descrlij-d property tanuui be sold lor Ieee than tba sum of _."v thoussuid itbO.OOOt dollars, on the following terms of payment, viz Ten per centum uf ike Mat! cash lil ul nd un the day of sale, forty per centum thereof on or belore tlie conflrinatlou of auch sale, anl tb* remainder tbereof In such amounts aud at auch times aa the Court shall order at the niue ot ike confirmation et su.'h sale, the payments to be made after the c..nl_lrn_attoa of such sale t<> bear Interest aud tc lu-cured lu auch ?Mi aa the Cuurt at tue timi) uf ibo couti ina .lou at suck eal* shall order and direct. And also at the same time and place and in pursuant* of sold order ut sale from said (.nut, I wlli offer for sae* al public auction the following described properly, lo Will All that part ..r portion uf thu railroad and property of th* ( :,,. i;n._U, Hucaing Valley anl Huntington Hallway I oiupanr lying and being ,uw. of High st. In aaid iowa of H.Ui>w_>ru. Iflahland louniy ohio iux.cui thai part of sold railroad and prvperiy lying ami b.-lug between th* hi>... Valley Railroad ai, thu VUlajce uf King*... n in Ruaa (uuury, Ohio, and the Village uf Adelphi lu aaid county un the west side of the Adelphi and Or. le ville turnplaej. being all tia* perl of tke lott ut ii..- raiD-ued of said c?jia. pony, constructed aud tu be eooa-rveted. Ie*ginuing at Ut* ?Mt side of High-M. In aaid town uf HIE-buru In ili.'hlaot County, ohio, and itaaee tia?si.ig tkr*?gt the cuuutiea et Highland _u. l Rm*, to tte Kd*to Valley luilioad at oa near -aid Village uf Kingston In said U*t naiu.-d county and all that par* of the line of tke railroad of aaid .-om pauy. beginning at tb.- east slib. uf ihe Adelphi and Cir I'levllle turralko In satd Village of Adelphi in Ruse Coan, tv, Oslo, and thence pawin. vastwardly through tko c..un. -.;cs .4 Rose. Uocamtr, Vluiou and Athens tn me VlUag* of N'.'lsonvtlle In said last named county, tugether wilh sll tbe r*al and pereunol oroiienv of sold cumpnny tn iluli;ig Its Iambi, leueiuente and beredltomei.ta, righi* al way. Bridges, pl-_rs, culieru, natures, materials, trna. cbises. prlvtlegea, lntorear, and aaeete of everv kind emt description of sold company oa said porte of tts saki Doo ut rill road, or Li any mann.-,, beiungiii^ ar anne, tala uig thereto. w^mmm Said last above deaerlbed pro^rty einnot be aold foe leas than the aum uf t-reniy thuusaitd ig-OOOO) duUara! on Ue rullowlxur u-tme of paymeut*. wi : Ten per mihi. of the amount bid th-r.-for cash tu hand on day of _iT forty per centum ih-*r-'..f ?u or U-f.,re the conflrmatlo" ot said -Kile, and tue remainder thereof In aucn an...unu ao2 at su.-h times as the Court aholl order ai Hu. time of th" cul!imitlon of such sale, tho payments to be made .Rea tke c.ntlrraatloa of such sale to te ar interest and to be se cuisol In suck i maimer as the Court M the unit ul im coiiflrmatlon of auch sale may order and direct. And o.m. at tlie mom. Hmo and place end In nursueno* of ss.-l order of __al^ from .aid (, t S3 offer for Tal* st pUOlie auction the following d.'*. ribed nroi^rtv ta ?lt^ All that part of md railrua-l .,,J pro^riy of tie ui tA_i Ad.-lptU and ( lrcl..\llle turnpike. Including th- land. ten*, menu and her-edilaiucnta, ngbu of war. building... ma. teriaia, wau-r unka, bridges, piera. culveru. trestiea. fronckl-wa. and unvll..g-*s thet**t.. bi-loeglng ot apperulm. lag. wiling at.M-k and suhaertpilons pic.'pted. ^^ Bald laat above d-*ecr!b-*d p^.pertv .anuut be enid for .es* than the ?c.m of a-y.-uty C\.> -hou.send (175 roo oo? dollars, whlrh shall le. paid aa follows, to wit: Twenty it*. >? per eentum of said purchase moivr caeh tu hand, snit ibe remalnlns aeveaiQ tire i?-r ceniuui th? iv?r on or bo. rore the runflrraatloii of such sole; p^>vlded, however, that If John Harahiicr shall tx coo*, a MOder sold laaa named pan. of said relined aad propem et* the ? -< **m}tta strack uff and still t.. bim. bu shall nut be ra. _uli^?i i? make Mich pevmems or either of them or s'ny K? uf tke Mm.- at said Haws, unlese his sall bid shall in en.TW ?r th- a mo um du* him vii : .Ightv-tkr-* thousand . iCht hundred .1*3 *)..) m> dellars, with intel? cai from th*. 18th day of April. 1?.*is |? which rum bat Hut <iU?-rwiM\ he shall be reqolral to par iha amount at ?ta'ad.**60*4 lft "^ ?*rv>l'v"'u*'n I1'*? at tko tlmee sbwv* OlNIEL lt. HARVKT. Sperlsl Master Commi-sioiior. Milford, OhKa May 17th. 'l8t_W* Kn'J* Iwt X?1*' U^toto* Otto.