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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, June 10, 1888, Image 1

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tn* IMBMDM ci.acses abandoned?newb Of
and Comments on mk. cleveland's con?
vention?waiting FOR IRISH NK.W9
gSBBFSfM i UH Pv Tht Snr. York Trlhun*.
London, Juno 9.?If this morning's news bc true,
as it probably is. it i- -i political event. The two
loading Unionist papou agree in announcing that
the licensing clauses of the Local Government bill
are to be dropped. The Ministry have taken a
very sudden resolution. Down to yesterday they
meant to postpone these clauses. Perhaps it may
Mill be felled postponement. Neither last Satur?
day's Hyde Park meeting tor Mr. Gladstone's op?
position greatly nlarmed them. It is the diseon
teut of their own supporters which has discon?
certed th' ir plans. There was discontent among
the Liberal-I'niinists, but it was not genoraL All
at onoe the metropolitan Conservative membors re?
volted. They met yesterday under tho presidency
of that vt a nc U Tory, Sir Algernon Borthwick,
and unanimously advised thc withdrawal of the
clauses for the present session. No reasons are
(riven, bat they are obvious. The dislike of tax?
payers to paying condensation for cancelled
licenses is ceneial, and Sir Algernon and his col
Issjaas are convinced that it cannot be overcome.
So liny counsel surrender. Nobody doubts that
the clauses could be carried, but only after a weary
and bitter st merle, which would weaken Um
M. -try more than this concession weakens them.
That most inconveniently candid friend of the
Government, " The Standard." remarks that the
lb me Wule fai t;on will make the most of the vic?
tory winch they may legitimately claim as a test),
mony to their strength, and will carry to the
Bl of their own cause the prestige of which
they have deprived the Unionist Government.
? The Times" is good enough to print a two
column account of the last sittin? of the Demo?
crat ie, Convention, plus a long leading article on
tho subject. Again wo are permitted to read
thrilling accounts of bandannas, pty cotton cloth.
j?oitraiN.horn-blowing, band-playing and the eccen?
tric dolivoraneos of excited Democrats. The author
nf this dispatch spares no detail which lead! to
make the proceedings seem ludicrous. Editorial
delight ever Mr. Cleveland's nomination is freely
(xpr'ssed. though the writer's enthusiasm is not
always according to his knowledge. I fear That
Mr. Godkin is not read in " The Times"' office,
when nothing sec-ms to Ik- known of his melan?
choly avowals of Mr. Cleveland's Civil Service
delinquencies. Ibo Repnbtieans, we are told, have
?roved none of their charges; the wholesale re
ino%als of political opponents have been brought
to an end; and Republican officials have kept
the places which they secured during a long
monopoly of Bowes. Perhaps it is on thc faith of
Ihlt curious delusion that Mr. Cleveland is said
to be a wort Im r representative of American
political life than has often been installed in the
White House. The other papers hardly allude to
the subject.
I met yesterday an Irish peer, who is.also a
lime Ruler, a combination occurring but seldom.
and ssksd him how things were going in Ireland.
" The Pope will win," was hi* sententious answer,
not less d?*?*onfeiited than smtentious.
There is very little Irish nows, unless it be
Irish news that Mr. John Morley has made one
more elaborate and pungent speech in London
Sgsiasl Coercion. Roth sides seem to be waiting
for the next MW! from Rome.
It is well understood that nobody now practises
obs'not ion, direct or indirect, in the House of
Commons. There were eighty-three ques?
tions on the paper Thursday night when the
Ljfe] Gorernfeent bill %vas coming, but all these
were of vital consequence. So, of course, was Mr.
EUis'l motion to adjourn the House in order to dis
MM ? mattel of urgent public importance, a mo
tii n supported bj nearly tho whole Opposition.
Tah particular matter of urgent public impor
prOTed to be the tithe disturbances in " gal?
lant little Wales." This having been disposed of
by ch sure, anotlr r Opposition motion followed,
wi:1.! the result that the House rot into Committee
on Locai Government at ten mlnntee to lt, and got
out again automatically at midnight.
' I/-t ne mend the House of Lords a little," says
its T< ry leader. The voice is tho voice of Lord
' it the man behind it is Lo:d Salisbury.
Eui Cadogan, as Lord Privy Seal, is one of the
?eel dignified ann ornamental members of the
Cabinet, whose wife gives exeelleal parties as Cado?
gan lions?. But it is not from him that will
onie any great measure of reform for the House
Sf Lords. No, nor from Lord Salisbury either.
Tins is not a great measure of reform; it is a lit?
tle measure, meant to stave oft" that great BMBSOJN,
Whiel imi^t come some (lay or other. All it does
sppolal a Shot Committee to report on tho
ksndlni Orderi of the House. This committee
%vill consider at what hour the House ou^ht to
meet, how many ought to constitute a quorum,
Whether the Lord Chancellor ought not to have
PowertSSSj who shall s;>ouk when several corn
lie'.tors rise together, how old a Peer ought to be
Whoa he takes his set, and other such matters,
Rene of them <;iiit.o radical.
Lore! ( sdogao, however, pledged the Ministry
lag in a bill to create lifo peerages and enable
the Honst to rips] black sheep. This is what
Lord Salisbury some time since intimated he would
do. lt is the day of small mercies
IV panic about National defence was supposed
to have bat ii decently interred on Monday by Lord
'? [ami t ??:.. A % cry good Royal Commission
Was appolated to bury it, with Lord Hartington
Bl ehaiaBSB. Rut neither Sir Edward Hamley
*? ' Lord Wolseley will allow it to be buried. Kir
Edward bas wrtttea another letter and Lord
Wolseley bas ? sde another speech; and now " The
Lady Telegraph'' starts a fresh scare,
sad seems inclined to hang Lord George
i: too because he is not scared,
to haag Mr. Stanhope, and appoint a Minister
ol National Define, with full control over tho
?Jl | and Navy. The other popers, including the
oriana! patent ?<? of sensational scares, cannot be
lad iced to take the oracle of Fleet-st. seriously.
Nor doss the British public seem seriously frights
sm i.
Perhaps the real sensation of the week is the
hm*, i st jimmy relatinc to th* Board ol Works in
i'iUiii'-s. The whole story about corrupt dealings
Jn the Pivilion Music Hall business came out yes
;md other stories aro coming. The evi?
dence is the evidence of those who took part in the
trhtisactions, and the Board is doomed.
The sweating inquiry, too, supplies a weekly
BmssttOW, The evidence affects many well-known
Arms af tailors, as far apart as Poole and Benja?
min, and several others, including Redfern. Yes?
terday Mr. Arnold White accused Mr. Maple of
kSBptlteg arith, his witnesses. 'Ihe Committee of
Ihl Lords twice cleared the room, in order to con
?iet the matter, and linally adjourned, leafing thc
'iuistion anea.
The pablishod aoosants af Mr. Bright's progress
OantiLue to !*? favorable, and um true, so iur as
?Bf relate to hil recovery from congestion of the
IhlBB, Ba| j um sorry to say that his family
c<'ii.?ider his condition one of extreme weakness.
It is characteristic of London journalism that
?U. Blaine should have come and gone without a
word in any leading paper. If he had been the
King of Sweden he would have boen honored by
paragraphs everywhere. Being merely the fore?
most of living American statesmen, his arrival
and depart ti re are matters of no interest to tho
average British render. When Mr. Blaine was
hore Inst summer ho was, as you know, much
lionized in Lnglish society. He made many
friends who looked forward to seeing him a,Tain,
and ho would ha\*o been received with cordial.ty
not less than that of last year. But his present
stay in Loudon was less than a week, and he chose
to avoid parties and dinners, and willed at but two
or three houses, whose owners had particularly
interested him. The two persons whose ac
( quaintance he now has first made are Sir George
' Trevelyan, whom he met at lunch, aud his country?
woman, Madame Waddington, wife ot the French
I Ambassador, with whom he took tea thc afternoon
I Oeforf he left.
Mr. Whistler retires from the Presidency of the
Royal Society of British Artists with something
more than the honors of war. Defeated by the
Philistine majority, ho takes out with him
nearly every man whoso work gave distinction
SS tho Society. Mr. Alfred Stevens, of Paris, Mr. j
Waldo Story, Mr. Roussel, Mr. Jacomb, Mr. Hood
and many other artists shake off the dust of
Suffolk Street once for alL There remain a
eompany of painTers who have signally failed to
interest the public or to give any promise of good
work. Mr. Wyko Bayliss is the new president,
a most respectable person.
? The Mikado"* was revived on Thursday even?
ing at tho Savoy Theatre with all the circum?
stances of ceremony usually attending a first night.
The Princess of Wales and her daughters and
Princess Louise were present, and many other per?
sons of varied distinction. Sir Arthur Sullivan
condueted. The cast remains the same as before,
except that Mr. .1. G. Robertson replaces Mr. Loly
and Miss Geraldine I'lmnr is now the " Yum-Yum."
" The Standard.^ whose critic is a person of aus?
terity, speaks of her as specially graeoful in move?
ments and attitudes, and singing and acting with
charm. Messrs. Gilbert, and Sullivan's opera %vent.
in fact, as well as over from beginning to end,
neither Mr. Gilbert's humor nor Sir Arthur Sulli?
van's music seeming to have lost any part of its
hold on a London audience. D'Oyley Carte
has mounted the opera with his usual taste and
Thc more deliberate criticism of thc weeklies
on Miss Calhoun's Hester Prynnc in " Thc Scarlet
Letter'1 is even more favorable than tho next
morning's impressions of the first night in the
daily papers. I quote Mr. Wedmore in " Tho
Academy" : " Miss Calhoun has grasped the true
character of Hester; proud and embittered when
the town reviles her. penitent when alone, full
ot tenderness, and full of womanliness. The per?
formance is consistent and harmonious. It has
real beauty." From this and other notices, as '
well a.s from tho interest shown by society and
the general public, it is clear that this young
American actress has made no slight impression
on tho play-going world of London.
I am desired by the Honorable Stephen Cole?
ridge, who thinks That I made an invidious dis?
tinction between Tho authors of "Tho Scarlet
Letter,? to say that none such should in his
opinion, nor in the opinion of Mr. Norman Forbes,
tie drawn. " Wo give ourselves to tho world," he
%vrites, " as joiut authors. As such, we wish to
be accepted for better or for worse." I am sorry
if my distinction was invidious, the more so as I
steted thc facts correctly. But everything shall !
give way to the joint wish of the joint authors.
G. W. S.
London, .Tune 9.?The court has ordered the wind?
ing up of the American Exchange In Europe (Limited),
which recently suspended. Counsel for tho Exchange
ttatcd that nothing had been done for tho eiedltors
since tho last hearing and tho company therefore
petitioned for a winding up of Its affairs. The capital
of tho company was Jt%.000.000 divided Into .100.000 I
shares. The concern was Insolvent and the potI ti onere i
desired to protect its asset,*. Counsel said that his
clients had hail tho capital ready to reconstruct tho '
company, but at the last moment they had discovered
that tho lease of tho Exchange, which was a valuable
?Stet, had been secretly mortgaged. This transaction
erse flBBtilfbnfl as a fraud.
Ifr. Robinson, repiestating creditors to the ex
leal of *80,000, and Mr. Mapleton, who ls himself a
ci editor to tho amount of A'.'iOO, both applied to be
appointed to conduct the liquidation. Mr. Mapleton,
who was the first petitioner, %vas appointed.
? -*.
Pcsth, June O.-The budget was submitted to the
Delegations to-day. After tho receipts are deducted
from tho expenditures thero remains 118,086,684
ttorlns to be provided. Of this amount 67,717,150
florins ls on account of the army and 6,180,847 florins
on account of the navy. Tho total extra expenditures
amount to ii3,000.000 florins, of which 21,000,000 Ia ]
for tho army and 2,fiOO,000 for the navy. A pre
amble to the budget stale-, that though all the Euro?
pean Cabinets are united In desiring peace, elrctim- I
stances, nevertheless Imperatively indicate that an
Increase In Austria's defencos ls the surest safeguard
of peace. ^
Potsdam, Juno P.-Kmperor Frederick paswd a
good night and ls cheerful Today. Ho went to tho
park In tho forenoon.
The Emperor passed a fair day. This afternoon
Dr. Mackenzie, in the presence of Drs. nardelchen.
Wegner and Krause, changed tho camila In tho Em
peror'l throat. The patient afterward drove In an
open can-lago In the park, where ho met tho Crown
Madrid, June 0.?Queen Regent. Christina has re
tvirned to ihls city with tho Infant King, from Bar.
eelona. Th??y WON warmly received by largo crowds
nf people at the station and along thc route To the
Dublin, June 0.?Samuel B. Oldham, deputy grand
I BS IBIS!! ?nd treasurer of tho Society of Free and
Accepted Masons of Ireland, ls dead.
Buieharest, June 0.? Representatives of EaSSiS aro
hore making arrangements for holding an exhibition nf
Russian manufactures In this city. Russia will con?
tribute $rj5,000 toward the carrying out of the pro?
ject. _ _
Belfast, Juno 6.?JtV. Matthews and Mr. P?-ess, who
were arrested hero for Implication In The frauds against
tho Equitable Lifo Assurance Society "* New-York,
have been remanded until Wednesday.
London, Juno O.-The degree of LLD. was today
conferred by Cambridge University upon Prince
Albert Victor of Wales. lord Salisbury. Lord Ree*
bery. I/>rd Randolph f?burchill, Mr. George J. Goschen
aud Mr. A. J. Balfour.
London, June 0.?A semi-official denial ls given To
the statement that tho Government had decided to
withdraw the license clauses of tho County Govern?
ment bill.
Paris, June 0.?Tho Revision Committee of tho
CahaSSSe of Deputies to-day adopted a motion sub?
mitted by M. Revlllon In which the conviction ls ex?
pressed that the Government will produce before the
close of the session a schemo for The revision of the
Constitution. The committee Therefore adjourned
until October 2a.
Mon'real. June 9 (Special).?Senator Platt and a party
ol New Volkers taft Wu thoo to day for salmon fishing
on I...I.'- St. Jonti.
Havana, Juno ? (Special).-Information was r-eolvel
today fi om Santiago is mba that thu Inltod lietel
rurvotte Yantjc, ( oiniiiaiid-r Oscar F. Hoyernmii, had
returned from Port au PMBSBj where she had BBSS dis?
patched some ton days agu to look after Amerloan In?
terest!, owing to the report of the t'nlted States Con
tul-Oenerai at that point sent tn the State Department
at Washington to the effect that a revolution was lin. I
lulnent on the Island.
WAPniNGTON, June fi (Special).?All Through Tho
day the unvarying report hus been: " No chango
in General Sheridan's condition.? No indications
of recuperation have been mentioned. None has
manifested itself. The (Jenernl simply Iles in Tho
condition where his Inst relapse left, him, without
retrograding, bal also %vitliout making The slightest
advance town rd recovery. Oxygen has been
freely used all through tho day; the wagon luis
been passing backward and forward with fresh
tanks of oxygen al shorter intervals than have
boon noticed previously except during his severer
crises. The ordinary bulletin promised nt 9 p. m.
was not issued until 0:4.1. It staled:
General Sheridan hu* pn?s?d a quiet afternoon, for a
groat part of the limo sleeping naturally. Tho pulse hat
boen from 100 to 112 and of fair volume and tension. Tho
respiration remained about the same, though showing Ir?
regularity at time*. Tho rough ls not annoying and tho
expectoration plentiful. The skin has been warm and
moist and there has boon no fever. Tho seerotlon of
tho kidneys ls Increasing In amount. There are no signs
of a return of the appetite. No moro unfavorable symp?
toms have appeared.
The General is still confined by way of nutrition
entirely to peptonizod milk. There are no indi?
cations of a further relapse to-night. Mrs. Sheri?
dan is suffering severely from the prolonged strain
and is not. to-day anything like well. It. can hardly
be said That sho is seriously ilL but her condition
excites uneasiness. Lust evening she was able f'>r
a brief period To Take a liTtlo exorcise in front.
of the house, escorted by Colonel Kellogg. To-day
she has not been able to leave tho house at alL
Philadelphia, Juno 0.?When seen this evening nv
an Associated Press reporter. Dr. Pepper stated that
Ihe Telegraphic repoiis from Washington Indicated
that General Sheridan had hold lils own during tho
past two days In an encouraging manner. "It U
Impossible to predict tho future course of tho case."
he said. '? ehleltv because lt ls impossible to estimate
how great a slock of vltHllty and endurar.ee remains
after such .severe and repealed shocks as have already
been borne. Still, as long as the >;;ilous complications,
gravo though they bo, are brough! easter seated *s
promptly an has hitherto he?>n found possible,
lt ls evident that very distinct hop.i must continue
lo be entertained. For lt ls to bo romeinlierod that
this ls not the final breaking down of a system worn
out by chronic d^oa-ie, but tho arnie development of
dangerous functional disturbances to overstrain In a
raso of organic disease of tbs heart. Here, then,
whllo lt must be admitted that uncontrollable heart
failure may occur or fatal secondary dl?oiso may en?
sue, it must be iteadtlj maintained (hal gradual res?
toration to comparative health hi saw possible."
Dr. Pepper Mated that while lo Washington tho
Iam time a consultation was arranged for to murrow,
sunday afternoon, and lie SBpeOM to ISSI'S Fhiladel
phia for washington at i; ::;o io ?morrow afternoon.
Rainmore. Juno 9.?No nows of tho recovery of tho
body of T. Harrison Garrott has as jot been received.
A statement from CsptSiB Wheeler, of the steamer
Joppa, which ran Into and sunk tho yacht Gleam, was
IBtBlBSd this morning on tho arrival of his vessM at
Paltlmnte. Ho says :
"just hoforo tho accident I was In the saloon aft.
[ heard two whistles and In about a minute two moro,
short and quick. I then started for th'* pilot house and
;ot about to tho forward stairway when I heard tho
loll? ring, with a Jingle, to stop and back full -peed.
Hefore I got out of the forward door we had struck.
In seven minutes wo had ono boat lowered. 1 looked
;vor tho bow and ashed if tho yacht was sinking. Tho
eply came from several voices, 'Yes.' I told tho
people on tho yacht to come aboard of tho Joppa and
leveral of them did so. Wo laid by the yacht and took
hem off. They had ono of their boats at tho yacht's
torn aiding In taking oh* tho people. Wo remained In
ho vtolnlty looking for tho body until 1 :30 a. m.
?'Mday. Somebody said there was a cry for help near
mr storn, before we got our boat out, but I did not hear
ho voice myself.-'
Captain Phillips, the Joppa's pilot, said: "I saw tho
?acht when sho was about a mlle off. Sho was going
apldly. We blew twice, and then tho yacht answered
vlth tho same signal. She kept advancing and %%'0
dew twice asaln and she BBIWQICfl with one blast and
vrnit toward tho eastward, shutting lu her green light
ind showing her rod. When I In ml ter single whistle
rang tho bolls to sto;i and back. Th*n carno the col
islon. I did not seo anybody on her deck WBSB IBS
truck. I was in the pilot boase and was running th'
oppa at tho lime. '1 lc geehi ebaag d her course wlier
lot 100 y-anls from us, too late for us to avoid tba
olllslon. The yacht wa.s making about fifteen or six
epn miles an hour. When the crash came sho stuck
o us until wo backed away, and then SSS drifted to tho
SStWSrd, I did not soo Mr. Garrett, If the yacht had
iopt her course ws would have passed each other about
00 or 200 yards apart"
Darry Taylor, one of tho Joppa's passengers, says
hat tho Joppa, ii] on lighting the yacht, blew two
ihistles which were not answered, and after a lapso
if several minutes two moie btBSBj were ghras from
l.o stesaase. This time th>- yacht whietlsd aaec and
ippaiCBtly everything was all right, suddenly, dow?
ser, when the Gloss* was within a few hundred yardi
if tho Joppa, tho yacht change I bec BOOISC and ran
Ureetly In front of tho steamer's bow. Tho Joppa's
nfl nd were reversed, but tho collision was then un
Chief Engineer Lowell, of the Glean, says that both
ho Joppa and (ilenm were on (heir legitimate course
be Otoatn showing lier red llghl and the steamer h-r
"rson. ?? I heard ono whistle sounded from the Gleam,
ihlch was for the approaching Steamer to pass on lin)
.loam's port Bide. This was answered by two from
ho steamer, and beforo lt riles Hmo to tell lt, tho
teamer, which proved lo bo the Joppa, er ached Into
ho port side of tho yacht.
lacie are Ave tues near tbs spot where Mr. carrot:
v.v, drowned, whit E have been grappling si i.roster
lay morn ng for tho body. Another tug went io the
.eerie of the wieck to-dir, taking divots and wreck
ng apparatus for um* In raising the sunken yaobt.
rae (.anett family have announced that a liberal
ewsrd win be paid for ibo recovery of tho body.
Annapol s, Vd., Juno 0.?Admiral Luce was this
norning requested by some prominent gontlemse to
;end one of (he ships of the north Atlantic Squadron
o tho sito of the recent dlssster by wales Mr. T.
Hair son Garrett |i?t his lifo for thc purpose (J
?ndeavorlng to bring np the body h\ eoneusslon of
sound to bo obtained by fir ng heavy puns. Ile pave
i!s consent ami tho Osslpee, Captain Hough, will visit
ihe local.ty tomorrow.
Hlnphanifnn, June n (Special).?Charges against
>eputy Collector Charles Davis wen? yesterday laid
afore Collector Daniel Magono. These charges, which
re In substance, except additional matter, th'se
aid beforo tho President some weeks ago, comprise
,t bast ?lx separate complaints, and accompanying
i a seven aud a half column article of "Tho Call," a
llnghamton paper, which printed a history of the
ntlre Wall Street deal ab,Kit a week ago. Tho affl
avits are sum that it baldly seems as if Mr. Itagenc
ould Ignoro these, Bl the President has done, on the
ilea that ho has not the power to act.
Omaha, Juno ii (Special).?While workmen wore exc?
avating tall afternoon for the cellar of an Immense
rsreaoeSS for tho Holm Manufacturing Company !n
^orth Shorman-ave., tho bank gavo way, burying threo
f the mon, all of whom were killed. Tho dead men
re. "Dan" Lyons, a resident of Omaha; William
loee lc, recently from KSBSM city, and Bobed Rui-evll,
f Lansing, Iowa, where hU parents reside, owen
for, a slate roofer, and a belper named Jones, fell
rom the roof of the Convent of storey, a tl vc story
ulldiug. and were Instantly killed.
Columbia, Juno 0 iSpirlal . Robert Hratcher ha*
SOB tried In Abbeville for enticing away laborers
inder contract, a serious offons.. in this State. Some
Imo ago a Miss Hamilton with her suter, brother and
inther contracted to work with J. h. Ashley, of Abbo
llle. Although BSSCi tho girls were young and pret
f and Miss Hamilton soon captivated tho heart of
oung farmor Hratcher. He asked ln-r to marry him.
he accepted him, the ceremony was performed, and
o took hor ts his home. MUs Hamilton, however,
?as still under another kind of contract with Ashby,
nd lt was unlawful for BTSCtBSr te take her off IBS
lace The Jury, bowerer, k?vo tbs lOSBg couple a
erdlet of not guilty as a Wending BrsBSBt
? ?
.1 MAX Dil.Mi l>E TUE 9LA \Dl.RS.
Long Pine, Neb.. June ll (special! William George,
roprletor of the hotel ut g >rliifview, i w ned a vaiu
bfS blooded horse that was shot on Jone fl by tho
tate Veterinarian Genii. Tho animal bad tho gland
rs. In earing for his horse, Mr. George contracted
no disease, and after much suffering dlod yesterday.
A fpeclal train of litsee cars n Bed Into the Grand
Central Station about 10 :iJO a. m. v unlay, and out
of them poured a tired, dusty, hungry, thirsty, un
ShBjesa crowd, known as tba Tammany delegation to
the Democratic National Convention. No bands of
mu-lo welcomed these tired veterans of the 0/SStsrn
campaign, and tho crowd that received them was
iinlthor largo nor enthusiastic, yet the tuon as they
stepped from tho rars ha/1 the appearance of being
well Hati-fled wtth themselves and of the part, they
had tallon, which was moro than could l>e said of tim
outward look of the County Democracy delegation
which cam* later In tho day.
Among tho f|r,t j0 alight were Sheriff Grant, the
" silver-longucp Daniel Dougherty, BdWSld S. BtOBCS,
of the Hoff mon House; Deputy County Clerk Thomas
F. Gilroy. Kaoh was rjulekly surrounded bf a co?
terie of Wends, and all declared that they hid done
nobly and had wen the eve: la -ting gratitude of Ibo
country. Most of them carried big red bandannas
tied to their hat*, umbrella*, or canes and many were
arrayed with badges bearing the representation of
Thurman. It was noticeable thu photographs of
the hoad of the t|.-kot wen- maree. Prt Men! Forster,
of the Hoard of Aldermen, and Fire Commissioner
Croker left thc train at upper stations.
While the train stopped af Albany Hr, Gilroy sent
a messenger to Governor Hill Informing him that
Tammany Hall intended to celebrate her prestige by
holding a mtl BS dion meeting on Tnesdej evening af
tho Aradomy of Music, BSfSrC her foe,, tlc " OUnttOS,"
were able To tako breath am! gai Into line. Boon
after the arrival In Now.York Mr. Gilroy received a
telegram from tho Governor promising to ix- on hand
as rqucsted to give tho braves ? a short talk.'1
The County Dsmociafy dstsgatlOB WM Bve or six
hours behind Tammany In getting beek. This gave
their adherents plenty of time to druin up whs! WM
Intended to bo a crowd to receive the faithful repre?
sentatives. Two bauds of muslfl spposifd al the
(iranrt Central station an hour or mme l .-'ore the
lune for arrival. Judge Mai Hue. rollie Commissioner
VoOfhlSi Deputy Commissioner D. Lowlier Bmtth,
Siipeilntendcnt of Markets Jame; J. Kobo, Com
nilssioner of Accounts James Daly ard State Com?
mitteeman Clinton Beckwith loni then- presence and
countenance to thll croat effort to applaud th" i 01
volition's work Tho bands played patriotic sill
long and lustily, hut everybody not Immediately In
tarSStSd asked. '? Where 1= the OBthaslaem I" About 4
o'clock the expected train arrived. The drum, wore
beaten louder thin over and a strong hinged sdVOCSle
of a second tenn roared out "Three cheers for < love*
land, Thurman anil Reform."? The reiponsc I
foebio that a prominent County Democrel toll called
upon to explain to the reporters thal be di ln'1 believe
that tho erewd understood what they were ashed to
cheer for.
Tho wearied look In the faros of the delegates n-;
they do-cejided from tho train showed | marked con?
trast with the spirited expression ol the Tammany
men In tho morning. The presence of bandi did not
make up for th" Issssi sustained at st. Louis, r 1
ward Cooper was not with the delegation, having como
on a train ahead District-Attorney Fellows bad
gone to MlBBOSOtS to visit a relative there, his | ital
ant, Mr. Fltzpeiald, explained. Roswell P. Flower
went homo In a rarrla'.'o. Alderman Dowling wits In
cn,ual haste, but before learlnp the station he declined
to say anything regarding the recent charges which
connect his name with the refusal of tho Aldermen to
pass tho Fourth-ave. electric motor franchise. HO
was told that Mr. Mooney Intended to denounce the
story at thc Hoard meeting on Tuesday. " All rlsiu."
replied Mr. Dowling. " I.et Mooney go ahead. Dowl?
ing will take caro of himself.''
The lines of the 1st and XYth District reception
processions were formed, and with Hags and md ban
fianna, flying marched boldly dov n town. Tho former
went ? tho Budjon-st, headquarters, and tho la.tor
to Thirty fourth st. and Eighth-ave. A notable Uguie
among tho returning "Reform" (''legate, whose mar?
tial tread fellowed the beaner of lae Murphy legion,
arrayed In light uniform mit, terra cot!a glove*, white
hat and Cleveland badge, was - Liver].I Jack," other
wise John fitzpatrick, the imiiilgiaiu boarding-house
keeper of No. 5:; QreenwIch-aL, s renewal ol whose
license Mayor Hewitt refused early In May. .What
effect ?? Liverpool Jack's" st. Louis labors win have
upon ins chances for getting lils Ikx nm remain! ta
be seen.
Tho Kings County contingent of attendants al the
st. Lenta I 'invention reached Brooklyn al noon and
wore welcomed al th'" tool of Fulton-st by i delega?
tion of place holden and politicians, beaded by a band,
and "Boas" McLaughlin, Acting Mayor Mci arty, Tax
Collector swan. Deputy Controller BrlnherbofT, Con
grew man Mahoney, James shovii;. and others. The
nine delegates ol the county and the 130 members
of the Kiii--s i ountv i lull arith them reached Brooklyn
(rom Weehawken on the steamer Blackbird. With
their escort they marched to Ji denton Hall, passing
??noss'' McLaughlin*! house, which wm gaily decked
*it red bandannas.
Columbus. Ohio. Juno fi (gpeelsI).-Jsdge Thurman'!
nomination for Vlee-Presidenl still remalm a surprise
and pleasure to I 'olumluis people. It ll looked upon
as a big assistance to tbs Ohio Centenary, and for
every meeting held In Ohio tba Judge will be invited.
Ho ls already overwhelmed with Invitations from all
o\er tc: country, but win give tow definite answers
Dr. Van Seizor, who his been lr. attend*ace upon the
Judge for a dozon years and has lived B neighbor
loafer, va.-.. i
'Thero ls no trace of organic trouble. Tho Judge
ls f.-ebi.> in his ie^H with ti.matisse, brou.-!,! on bj
ii. sedentary habits. My great trouble with bim is
to mahn him go on nure. BS reads natl! 9 or 3
o'elooi every rnornlng and thea ileepa like a child
until noon. Ba seldom gem oat, and tor thal n
I think be will come ont of the campaign ls better
health th,u h-> has now. if careful, ti." travel and
excitement win do aim good. Hui besrl is sound
and h.s kidneys. Ha ls unfilially a min Ol -phnild
physique, especially from hU hips Bp."
Dr. terser lays there ls M reason why four years
heneo tho Judge should not be nearly as go d as be
ls now. Ile has given up thc sse ol itlmalaato, to
which ho was addicted only moderately and convivial?
ly at any time. Other personal friends and members
of the family say the Judge bsa not li.i so well In
Ave years, mainly because bo BB! 1.ti taking bettor
rare nf himself. Tho excitement of tba Issi to* BSJ/l
has had a remarkable effeol upon Bim and hfl
neve:- bees personally so plSSSSal OT so elated.
Senator Connan was reported as I quiet visitor
at tho Thurman home to-uay, tor a personal confer?
ence, but h" could not bo lound at any hotel and If
here dipped in and out mysteriously. Ohio Demi
aro anxious to have Colonel C. B. RriCC bee tine chair?
man of ti,e National Committee, ii" hm fons to
New-York. While willing to accept th- place, he
aa beeanse bli | ??*< bnslaem Intwcati win
ohio Republicans are using Thurman as a reason
whv an <>uio man should b" n.Insted al "-Bwego.
Nu i- tills au in fav,,,- nf Sherman, bul Foraker and
McKinlay are Both favorites. The Blaine men st,.
in- st that the,,- ,,n li... tr will i, ? nominated and
that Sh mian should take second place.
novsRjroR braver THunu the ibsub clear.
Harrisburg. Juno ? fgpeeleD.?In Hi" COnrse of a
conversation to-day on Hw Democratic tlekel and
platform, Governor Beaver raid: "Speaking from a
Bursty political sundi.,,.m. i' hi ?" Bouesl I
upon a sincere platform and rais-s a direct issue Bpon
(bo groat political and roduatrial question of the
prssssd dnv, sever beietofom distinctly raised. Tbs
liepublican party will glady sud snconanersbly ac
k?pi Hid issue ami go to the country unhesitatingly
ipon i;. The rasnll w.n. In ?? J'"'-'"?':->r? '^"'"''v
lettie for a generation v.h ti. r an Amei toan oj ;,
Rmellsh inda nial pulley shall prevail In the i sited
An enthuilastlc meeting of tbs DalSB I '.ninty Repub?
lican league wai hold on Friday SVBBl I in Library
nail, Elsbeth. PT. J. A SSW OonStll tlOS u.,
sdeptod, now officers elected. a?d a Bamber of i
inombrrs enroll, d. Hi" vs li"'" BSSSTOl of Hi" I.
was vested In an Olenolin comm.:' I I l-l' :i
inference commute of lieu SWS appointment, and
IBS plans of work for tlc BOSSlSg < BB]
miked svsr, a masting "< tbs sxseative committee
nlUbshrldsa rBasdaj eveolag Th* committee eon*
isis of president. Chariest t . MeBi da, Bdltor of .
nailv Journsl;* secretary, Jamel MfMsatrr*;.and UV.
c ul Roselle; tf. >l. .J-*^ ,"f ' "'"Md:
I rank s. M ih-r. of \\ - ? ;1< Ll: ' '? "WOa, of ltahway;
md Angnstna Moore, of Pliabetb
uirrriNo tdk. new qfaktkrs rf.ady.
The new Republican headquarter!*, at No. 18 West
Twenty-flfth-st., were not reedy for occupancy last |
night, so thero wai no general opening ai waa ex?
pected. VNorkmon and women w?re employed there
during the day nulling the building In r'gMi, ready
for business. The opening win be tomorrow night,
when an Informal reception will be given.
*BTTBtiBBBsm to thu iBIBaBS
Boston, June O.-sinco thc positive withdrawal by
Mr. Ulallie (rom the Presidential race, there has been
much speculation as to tho probable choice of the
Maseaehnssttl desrgattSB. It can bo stated ai un?
doubtedly (ruo that at present a largo proportion of
the Masssehnsetti delsgatos favor Alger, of Michigan.
OeSBBWSBmSB Horr. of .Michigan, ls In .Massachusetts
working up tho Alger boom, and tho soldier element
In tho State ls strongly In lils favor. Tho delegation
bom New england will leave Boston on the evening
of Juno 14, for th lc ago.
There fa amt a decided effort to work tho Gresham
boom In this Mate, and not without somo success. It
ll understood that Senator noar has expressed a de?
cided prefcrenro for Jndgo Gresham, and his chnleo
would have somo Influence with the delegates. Mr.
Heard Is supposed to bo an uncompromising Sherman
Al out forty delegates and alternates to tho Chicago
? '?invention met at Young's yestorday with W. W.
i ra po, of tho National committee. The object of tho
meeting was lo consult over tho policy to bo pursued
ai Chicago, The gentlemen were In s teston two hours,
and met n it bout coming rn any conclusion. Thero was
B good deal of talking. Hut that was all.
Senator Hoar bad written a letter, it was nndor
'" 1. counselling no determination aa to candidates
until the delegation should meet at chicago. Th!
Idee was adopted hy the members present, who In?
cluded Messrs. liurden. Beard, Hyde and Boyeo. It
? ? ? iddent, sn lome of the delegate! said afterward,
thal sa attempt will be male to anita tl," delegates
for Alger. Mn. Hyde was a Michigan man and Mr.
(rape came from that state. Speaker b*o?M bas
rJreadj am urie'-.! his preference mr him The talk
Pherman that was expected to ei-op out did not
materialise and the belief expressed by ono delegate,
after the meeting adjourned, was that the delegation
would divide between Ore&nam and Alger, with
Ibo workers more inclined to the latter. The
delegates were warp of newspaper wn after
rho conference broke up and said they
di 1 nm care t? tall bul one alternate not so laden with
responsibility said to a '?Record-' reporter: "1 am
satisfied thal Sherman bm n> show In the delegation,
nor has Depew, I am sat laded that Mr. Beard and Mr.
Hyde Will taaa kindly to tho Alger movement, after
lt shall have been pushed a lillie further by tho actlvo
men, who are no' hesitating in their determination to
? Judge Gresham, "n* thing ls sure. Tho dele?
gation ls not likely to vote as a unit, at first, unless
something new is developed."
Worcester, .Mass., June 0 fSprolal).?It |s evident
that the hitter factional fight |n this Congressional
District,-which resulted In the election to .'ongross
two years ago of a fro'-trader, ls tn bo renewed this
fear, though probably tho big Republican vote which
the Presidential canvass will bring out will be sufficient
to carry in tho candidate of the Republican OoB
gressloao] Convention, whoever bo may bo. Tho
il icrlptlOB piper candidacy of Joseph H. Walker
has received tiio Indorsement of about ii,.-,oo names,
all the towns Iii thi district having been visited by
? I canvassers sent ont from Mr. Walker's office
Mr. Walker was one of the leaders of ihe RJee faction
two yean ago, aud four yeats; aco was a pronounced
Mugwump spending tune and money to elect Cleve?
land and masing numerous iponcho! In denunciation
of Blaine, These fact! have excited violent oppo
sltlon to his candidacy which culminated yeeterday
afternoon In a meeting In Continental Hall 'this city,
attended by about :kn> Republican! mostly trout out?
side tho City, at which State senator Ladd pro?
dded. This meeting denounced Mr. Walker's candidacy
and his Mugwump record. T. C. Rates, who was
hf.',itel In the nominating convention two years ago,
will probably again make a strong effort to secure
'he penni,Hean nomination this fall. Mr. Walker
ni-', bM announced his Intention to enter tho Repub?
lican convention and sland by Its decision.
lin: CNnAPrv?a divorce suit pending.
At about 10 o'clock Friday night, Mrs. Goejgo S.
.Innes, of Orange, N. j., mado a desperate attempt at
silicide, by Jumping Into tho North River from Ihe
ferryboat Hoboken. Mrs. Jones had been stopping In
the city, and, with her maid, took tin ferry at Chrls
I ophel-st. When the BOB! had nearly reached mid?
stream, Mrs. Jones left the cabin, saying to her ser
vant thal she wanted a little fi-esh air. The woman
acted strangely when she reached the open deck, sim
leaned over the railing for a moment, muttering io
herself, and then, with a wild scream, pimped over
ii g .iii. and plunged Into tho water, cavers* people
who had leen her Jump cried "Man Overboard."
Pilot Mc.Miillin Instantly reversed the engines and
without a moment's hesitation, leaped In after her.
I :,e would-be suicide as she was going down
[or il e second time, and In a moment both wero pulled
aboard with a lino. Mrs. Jones was unconscious
when rescued, and did not regain consciousness until
ld rv Ived medical attention a' tho Hoboken
i Hy Hall. She was hysterical then and perpetually
sid -Ii ls his fault, lt ls bli fault." Yesterday
morning Ihe woman's buaband arrived with his son
and brought clothing and a carriage for his wlfo. At
II o'clock Mrs. Jone, was taken to her hone In
Llewellyn Park, Orange, while her husband carno to
Ne-a York.
?corgi 6. .lot'.es was formerly connected with tho
banking Brm ??f Winslow, Ranier .t co., but is now
employed in the Bccretsry'i oflea at the Central Hail
n,:,d of Row-Jersey, ile la about fifty, is areal thy
?ind bal a luxurious establishment at Llewellyn Park.
Mr-. .1 mea, v. hose maid ri name was Josephine Aubrey,
li about twenty-five, and ls the daughter of a highly
ted Canadisa family. At sixteen she was
graduated with high honors from a catholic convent in
Montreal. After leaving tho convent, despite tho pro?
of her parente, she went to New-York ?nd soon
married nudley ?-. Haines, a real estate agent, who
now has an otlico In Broadway. Iieforo long she be
camo Stage Struck, and figured In the ballet at one of
the principal Row-York *hoatre?. Hemming en
SntOfed of a WOU known actor she deserted her hus?
band for bim, Haines applied for a divorce, and a
? ares granted In his favor. After living with
her actor lover for awhile, she again bSCBSsS uneasy,
a:; 1 a separation followed. About four years ago sho
mar:lcd I.er pi-esent husband. Georgi S. Jones. As
Mr, Jones her lifo has not been a happy ono. Quarrels
vera bsqueal In their homo and lt. ls said that they
had many personal encounters. Mr. Jones objected
to her actions many times, but his objections were"
int |.filed by her. sad, as a last resort, he recently
made application for a divorce, and the case ls now
pending since tho proceedings bogan Jones has ro?
to furnish Mrs. Jones with tho amount of
money which lt was customary for her to receive, ami
in consequence she has contracted a number of largo
d'hts. This preyed upon her mind and lt ls claimed
? of tho remona why sho attempted tBtepie.
Anot'cr re Soon given bl that sho was Jealous of her
Iii-' l.ii-hai'd, Mc. IIaii.~s, who n to be married to an
estimable young aromas of "ran,*" Mlu M. 8, Cavne.
on .iinic i~- Haines was Introduced to Miss Cayne
latter's millinery st. in Maln-at, orange" by
Mrs Jones ul:!!.- be waa accompanying her on a ?hop
ping tour subsequent to their divorce. Mr. Jones
came to bil ofllce, No. HO Liberty-it, after sending
his wlfo home j -1'iday morning, but would sav
nothing regarding the cause of his wife's desporat'o
ai t. Hf had not beard of tho occurrence until he
? i ta account of it rn the evening pajwrs. He
left the oillee Bl Boon, but, according to ono of tho
. mpluyee there, did not go to his homo in Llewellyn
Park. _#_
ismrrr mqvel toa yovtufvl rovaxce.
Akron, Ohio, Jun- t> iSp-dal). ?A strange romance
ll brOOghl om I" a BBSS now OS trial here, in which
Mn, Ranice IL Thorn, ag- mvaaty five, sues her has
land, ugo eighty, h? divorce ami alimony. Mrs.
Thorp lives in rbi'ago with her daughter, Mrs.
Limbo tssrhlne. T'? ' Pal1' were residents of
Kew-York when poems, and wore there
betrothed Just before Thorp came lo Ohio. Ho
married another and she for retaliation did likewise.
A BTW years ago tho partners In lifo of both died and
1'.ii nico as the widow of B II. Teaohow and %n helr
,- s went lo San 1'iai.ci-co. 'Ihorp sought her out
and on Janrary -'?'. IMf, martl-d her. They came
,,-s purni bera, bal soon found that ase* weet
illy mated sod Mri Thorp eeughl a homo with h'>r
thing'.i. M i. rwhlns, ?ho represents her mother in
the nial. Mi-- Thorp bring .ii.
gajof POWM os ms doorstev.
Bridgeport, Cnaa., June a.?Aadraw j. Busk, a weii
todo farnicr, living In Hie Baaton part of Nowtuwn,
i ono., was t.hot and Killed at :> a. ol yesterday. Mr.
Peel storied to como out of his hourn at the front
door, when the murderer (Ired at him from across the
street. Tho murdered man turned to retrace his stepa
and fell dead. A pedler, with whom he had soms
words of dUpute, han boon arrested ou suspicion.
ropt/rHght; ISsH : Ttu tfw .\>i#-Torfe Aunfinttd Prf.
Berlin June 9.?The full of Herr von INittknmer,
vice-president of tlie I'nis.sian Ministerial
, Council and Prussian Minister of the Rn
I terior, has caused immense jubilation in gas Rndi-<
cul camp. Herr Richter, in the ? Froisinnige," as*
cribes his downfall directly to his speech in thu
; Laniltac;, nnd closes an exultant, article with tba
, exclamation, "Long live the Kaiser: May Gwl
j preserve his stren^h! If He does so, many otbec
; things in Prussia and Prussia will improve also."1
\ Thc satisfaction which the Government party dc
j rive from Hie Kaiser's yielding to I'rince Bismarck's
representation, that it would never do by vetoing
the Quinquennial Parliament bill to furnish tho
, Radical opposition a pretext to boast that tim
Kaiser had sided with it against his own Cabinet)
j nnd the Conservative sMjuiHf is dam|>ened by tim
I prospect of an Imperial rescript. The " Cologna
j flazetto" and other Government orpins daily urgo
! tho Kmperor against doing anything likely to causu
further resignations.
Herr l'uttk?mcr never had tho full sympathy ol
j the Emperor, and the latter's decision to part)
! with baa betokens his determination to impart)
j to his reign tho stamp of his own independent)
convictions. Herr von Piittknmor's letter of justi
j Mention treated tlie matter ns a personal one. It
i was not submitted to the Cabinet. Tho Kaiser's
i reply intimated tint Herr von Iaittknmer had
J failed to convince him. Prince Bismarck \isit?'<l
j Herr von Pnttkamer to-day, but not the Kmperor,
i so nothing is ywt decided r nardi tig Herr von Patt*
' kamer's successor. The Nit ional Liberals want!
Herr Miguel. Mnyor of F.ankfort, or Herr von
iiennigson. preferably the former, to succeed him.
The Radicals desire Herr Winter, Mayor of I):iutzig>
The lasprtwr*! loorm y lo Potsdam was idealized]
by thc loyalty of tho people, and has been treated,
by tho Berlin press in Um spirit of the Arthurian,
legend. Tho liner weather of the past two days
has enabled bim tO spend much time outdoor!
to his great benefit, ns it is certain his removal
IO Potsdam caused a lUgkt relapse. His arn
petite is still enfeebled by the heat, and his
lassitude, and the doctors arc trying to assist it.
Hr. Leyden has Ogata joined in the consultations.
Dr. Hovell returns at the Kmpeni's special rc*
quest as soon as his private affairs will pcrmih,
The Kmperor bB6 decided that no summer fetes
or other festivities shall bs stopped on account!
of his condition Dr the death of his father.
The Empress, during her. tour of the flooded
district, stopped nt Jotiasdorf, Altefelde, Elbing,
Dirstban and Schneidomuhl, visiting Hie sufferers
i by the floods and receiving the town officials.
She returned to Potsdam at midnight to-night
Her Majesty has sent a kindly answer to tba
address presented to her by the women and girls
of Gorlita.
iTince Bismarck is expected at Kissingen on
July 7 for a three weeks' sojourn. His wife'i
illness has been serious, but the (langet is now
averted and the Princess is able to leave her bcd
at intervals.
The" National Zeitung-1 states that the Govern*
mont has abandoned for the present its intention
of increasing the dtit'cs on Russian grain This
announcement had a good effect upon the Booree,
which was quiet during tho week, with the ex?
ception of a disturbance which was caused by a,
rumor that thc Government contemplated tho con?
version of the 4 per cent Russian consols into
I 1-2 per cents. It is believed that the Minister
of Finance is in favor of such a project, but tba
present circumstances aro not favorable for aa
operation of such magnitude.
Germany's foreign trade during April lust does
not compare favorably with thal of April, ls<87.
Thc export of iron and steel show a large do?
orcase; pig iron from 153,381 tons to Ul,034
tons. Tue imports of coal and wool show an
increase, and those of sugar, rye, oat.s, copper,
zinc and cotton a decrease
Beginning with thc month of July, tho circus
lation of foreign coin will be prohibited through?
out the I'.mpir ?. except in districts nea- tho Austrian
and Swiss fronter-. This mcaanre is mainly di?
rected acainst the PVnch coin in circulation in
Alsace and Lorraine.
The " Kruez ZeitOBg" states that the Governs
mont will soon introduce tho Maxim mitrailleuse
j into tho Army, and that Herr Krupp hHs acquired
tho exclusive rit-iif. of the manufacture of tba
weapon for twenty years.
Many Austrian land-owners have joined tbs
Ilunpnri.ati maize rintr. which now commands a
capital of 8,000,000 florins.
A grand funeral ceremony is announced to tnkd
place in Vienna on June ll, on the occasion of tho
transfer of Beethoven's ashes to the new Central
Cemetery, where they will be laid between those
of Schubert and Mozart.
Cincinnati, June 0.?An attempt was made Ia.??
night by masked mon to rob the east bound express
train on tho Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis ard
Chicago Railroad at Doth!, near the western boundary,
line of this city. Joseph K>t< ham. baggage -master,
was wounded with four bullets ami died (his morning.
OBS of the thieves climbed on tho ter.,lor, where hu
was met by the engineer and fireman and luicclovt
PtlfT by two blows fn.m a monkey wrench. The
ci.glncer and fireman then rolled him off the tender,
while tho train was at full speed. Colonel Haren,
the detective, ls disposed to regard tho attempted,
robbery as tho work of tramps, and the facts show
that If done by professionals they made poor cholco
of booty, lt ls certain, however, that lt ww a casa
of Intended robbery, as after the shooting of Baggage
mastrr Ketcham, the robbers entered the car, rirletl
tho wounded man's pockets, and reloaded their re?
volvers, but then seemed to have tx-en frightened
away, probably by the failure of their partner sent
to take possession of tho engine. The struggle be?
tween Engineer lloyd and tho robber on tho englno
was a decorate one, but ended by the robber being
thrown off. leaving his hat behind.
Four marketmen coming to the city last night, re?
port that they were met by four highwaymen not
fat from the see-no of tho train mLbory and wera
robbed. Ono of the victims was bold CBOBgb to pg
back after the robbers and thought bc saw them take
a shirt and row BBBBSS the river. Two men have
been arrested on suspicion.
A dispatch to "Tho Times Star" from Autora, Ind.,
says the marshal of Aurora this morning arrested four
men who were rowing down the river In a skiff. They
wore not able to give a satisfactory account of then*
selve* and aro thought to be the train robbers. Tho
whole country ls thoroughly aroused over tim matter,
the excitement being Intensified by the news of tba
death of baHBS.ll mssll r K tcham.
Columbia, 8. C., Juno 0 (Special).?Mrs. Catharine
('rowell, tho f\eat groat great-grandmother of Mrs.
A. J. Dennett, of Lancaster, has just died in Lancaster
Coiiuiy. sho was nlneiy-nlue years old. Mn.
dow-ll was tho mother of sixteen children. Ilor
descendants numbered -I--, not including tbs families
and descendants of two of her children, who live out
Weat and have not boen hoard from In years, She had
one hundred and fifty-six grandchildren, two hui.,!i\ ,t
aud twelve great-grandchildren, thirty-two third
grandchildren, and six fourth grandchildren. She was
married w heu she waa alxteeu and moat ol her OSSs
cendanta have done likewlsa.

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