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LINDEN' QKTS THK HONORS. ll!S C.T..AT RAC.-; AT JRKOMK PA UK. 6IR VUOS nv.Fi'ATS I'ltiN'T. KOTAI.? AN AVrKH ROSKI ok KXCITIVO OnXTBBta, If thc skies aro fair and ibo trick ls iluo on Thurs? day. Mr. Galway's Longfellow colt lindon will striae haid and Urang for Ibo Suburban. That became clear yesterday at Jerome Para, If lt was not clear botere. ijndcn. with i-s pounds, ran a inperil race Oj a mile and.a snarler, the Suburban distance. In gai 1-4. >o n-.aii.a'.dy fast time for tho we Jerome Par* IracB. Hr. defeated lirown mike, who rae, SXtresaerf well. BstbOBgb !,e ranid twenty-five pound! more thai ?Pawn Duke. Il ls true that Elisnor was compelled ?to rouse him a little and ride him at tho finish, but most of Ibo Longfaiiowi slsnd a drive well, especially Tho Lard and Linden. Aller this race ibo *oi>;!iih for the Westchester Handicap came out. and gltPSU and trainers were Immensely amused to find thai Mr. Wheatley had pat 111 pounds SB UsBsSfl for lhat nee, to only 130 tor The Hard. As neither of ti*cm, however, ls at ali lll.oly to start lor the Westchester, lt really makes no dilfcrotico. IJnden will bo reserved for tho Suburban, for which his weight, with ibo two pounds penally Incurred hy lils victory of ycstciilay, "Aili be 124 pounds. Linden ll worthless In a heavy or muddy track, but In goofl going for any one to gagg*Bl thal fe'iob cattle as Klkwood and liur.boyi.o cnn defeat him at any reason? able Weights ls the wildest flight of frenzy. No, Elkwood and Dunboyne aro not tho horses he has to fear ii, lbs Baharhaa. Xor lae Cottee either. Elngston and ITrenzl are lils formidable opponent.. If thor tonio to Ihe jiost flt and well, while i.'lboulot might possibly Ve sensational Troubadour. Icit no boras tba* canuot koop his Based in BM bead, and to horse with so checkcml and inglorious a career as Joe Cotton's ls likely to eoaipelo a? tho fin? ish with such cracks a* I.indeu and 'Trenah Tho Bard will not start as ho ls not a veil botan, He 1. etti! troubled with mild sub-acte inflammation ol the bowels. If he were perfectly ?onrrl and In per? fect health, |gi pounds would not Mop l.lm an? more than MO pounds BtOppBl Mfastlag ht England. Ile will hardly mn IBM week at all. Bal If be should take part In a race it ls net Linden that should con? cert" him weljr'it. but rather tho oilier wa-.-. It was tho most pashBN of Jun" weather and many fboneeeoj oj people lateresbnf m iiio tari teal tho short ind ea<y trig te Fordham. Jcrnnir- Park was full ot inimtsii 't, anil es erl erne ut, The betting was extensive and lt was M well mBBBgSti tbsl ne OM had a chance lo find f??? 11 ?. Tho itarttag was lbs bml possible and the spoil rm over In geog sea-inn. BanbBTg was a sirong favorite for tho first ra'o, but sfor boMUag a geog place in Ike fi*?! three lor sm en furlongs and even leading lor a hall Balla, h" leeased to remember lhat ho hud another engagement etntWbotSi rCfnSBd *r> try and carno la last. Hut this was tho animal that defeated Hanover last year and won (he sousa!Ional match with Bkweod Kow bi could hardly lerpssi the iBoai of Mayor Bswltl la ka stTarts ta pst tho wires In tho subways. Ho BSesM to le tho slowest animal In training on the American tart, with tho possible exertion of Huzzaed Wing Be has Inberonl speed saevghi iiowrver. ip. mels proper training, or lamper riding, or proper etlmnlni of bobm sort a dark boise in tho foi ni of Leagtlgbl esptureg race. Can ison -e-t fin jr IQCOBd BMCC Wtth l hoc law by bald riding, Delinaa a close lairg. ** C!nia\ and Fitzroy WSTS ?CaoroailJ' supporlcd in 11,.' serons' race against Volante, who was tii<< favorite In uast of Ibo pooh. Tbs California hoi sa wai at lasi in running hamer and won ca.ily With Climax lu second pince. Mr. Delmont wi.? ',t, and lhat was proof enough that ho d'd BOl expert lo win the Betmoni Et-a'.iC'* with Priam Royal, if Bli trainer bad insured him that iiii edi's rbanrn were bright, ho rertslelj wouM come to tho coarse lo see Pillie" Royal try for Ibo named In honor of himself. Slr ]?lxon wrs a strong terortte, and rannlng easily hy the side of Princo Hoya!, took the henri out of tbs ik'imont com iu tbs shel mi". Ikea leering Um far BSUni and eesstBg BOBM many lengths Iii advance the easiest of factor . Linden's brtttlOBl trlnm;,'i followed. The s liing race was well contested by Nettle and Clou-pray. Kettle gotilnir fist place. IlOb M!!?s wa, BTSl IS IBS letting on the steeple rhi**c, but fell nt thc Irs! jump and rolled OB his Jockey, (ross, who was IbOBghl to bo badly injured when tho rpeclston lett tee nowie ne v*a aease> less for a long niuo and InteiSMl Injuries worn feai-cd. M. i?li Hob Miles ont ol (be way, Hairy Mann won the longing taco neatly. The racine will be continued on Monday. Ficneh Taik. Holiday, ida!.lo tod Oypaj Queen win mn in tho Ktrore staX'v, and Hen Ab in Ibo foin Iii race will apjicar for the Brui lin - this fear. The entrlm win bc pabll hoi in full in ??ihe Tribune" to-morrow. it hst race-pfhsf.. ?:ro. l mo milks. M. N. Nolan's h, p. LongUght, by Longfeliow-iuiiny Malone, i yi... lot ir,.iMurtln) T. Mn null's 1,. li. cii..ct:i?\ aped. 122 (bsrriaon) A. Belmont'hh. f. I:--; nie :i. :?< (car. 105h (UuiefielO) Summit Mable's ea. |. i'.ojai Anita, aged, HO (McDaup lilln i P. ll Rvan's ch. p. TbMtdoMns, 4, 11.1 . tlluzhc) J. l). biarrtassy's i>. p. Daabant 4. ns (Fl./patrick.) Tim"-! 58. Auciion peate- BSsasssm S100, Choctaw $25, Royal Arch , Sid, Bsfsaai BIB, Ball gie. fct IfMaals- Loasdtghl straight paid *C0 CO. place no e-5; j HI (: cU?, place. 611 M, Total nun!.or of tickets sold, ; Wf 0.37,* W An excellent start. Betlndi tommed torte Pic lead, hut *V'.,'.i, Arel piis?.'d ber in ;i Bsaee ssfMia Bad taku.g thc ran. lei irenai rteal* um. Plupstrlik, evidently de. strmlaed le stn t., ebaaei mis nasa, banted hi? ' jiiiailc io thc fri.nt lu ttie ree p'.si tai slab haye, :md ;i? the geld ttmsseered bayoad ins Mai gaabatg was a nock banns Banksia, Liagllgbi *aaloB, sal Caesma soi kapai Au), lylne beek. il -tilt HM BBSlS at thc half and ' lcj the bosssetieteb, ball i length beret! Lonjdipht. , B*aabaig saddealy aaUapseg sod ssnarted fur the mei srfth Baaajdog ereelpluUeo. Loasligkt Umo j.-i?- out an.I mam I ? alena finales bf a tesstth and a bulf. Garrison ; mada bo san. ? e:i l ba lew antll be entered the auetea. Tin ii bi bmaght tbs ? I Mien slang hkc a theaderbolt and OBeoteW pu; Uio psSM ty a neck in Hie last two ; Strides. aaOUltD RACK-BAJIPIOAP BWCEP6TAKKB, BACH, OTOO A,';l'i.i>. <>M. BULK. gi, j. Baldsfta'a b. b. Voleeie, h\ UtlaatoasVaiater Anno, o yra, iii p..(Msruerj Latassney Brothers' ch. |. Cllsnax, 6, ion (Wil'bimaj 9 r. i.nil,., i- eb. h. ai. .?;-..o-.. ?'.. 103 . . . iMoiie) il C. Cornehlncu's nr. j. King r,?b, it. Ito . (Andi-non) 0 n. li. Wlthers's b. t. Piuroy, *, m i<-?r. 112) . . . . li.i.\ ward) 0 IL N. Nolan's b. f. Clay Stockton, 3, SS (CST. SS) . . . (liosno) 0 0, E. Rand's br. c. Prefilgat, 4, 10-1 (car. 100). (W. Donohue) 0 W. P. nu. h's hr. p. 1'iisha. .*>. 93 (cir. 1C1 ? Martin) 0 li E. McCarthy'* b. c. Ju-? fl., S, 1C0 ivar. 102) .... (LlttlcUcld) 0 Itsae-.] :4d 3-4. Au g ? paSB*--Vi tel I 1466, Climax $300, I-T/roy S2?0, Aaaalgsai Jo"., told <170. Melaala Veteaai kim.pia dbM siT20. rhee ^i0 4:>: Ci*n..i.\. ptM , ?-?> 66 'j'?:ai osuoaa "t UeBete "old. 7,lil. Hi. lu.'id sad hariet (rete withdrawn. Volante was r.r*t ot. bal Marphr l*aaodlstely toot blei te bead and pcrrMitcd tlc- llpiitv.eiphtu, clay Stockton and Amalpam, to msbs ih? pees. Otes Bteekiaa lei bell muni ins Hg gold and Quit. Ptterog aaawad te fr sal for a naree, stride*, but founu Uio Journey lo, m-t. Cumins' IBM ttW BMsS. fctrvtih Vuianu- Bask con.maud, and ],,aii>p tim furious seaaaagbi ot CUaaax, mm with ridicui'ius earn by a length I lin ax Beatteg Amalgam lh? san.e dii>t?nuo. TlilKIl KA' r.-nKI-MONT BTAKE& TUKI.IC-VI-AU OLDS. |100 KACU ?1,200 AUilEU. 1 1-2 Mll.l g Dwvc. nioilcra' br. c. Sir Dixon, by Billot-Jaconet, IIS th.;Mcb*iiphliii) 1 Augu*l Belmont's ch. r. l'rli.c- ll")al, 118 ((mine*'] 2 Time- 2:40 1-4. Auction pools?Kir Dixon S-100, Tilnce Royal SlOO. Mutualfc-Mr Dixon utialght paid |ti 80. TuUl num? ber of tlckcu Kold. 4,000. Tho pair laced head and hoad for half s alic, both run nine caMly. McLaughlin pave his mount an inch ot rein at the club-houm-, aud Slr Dixon Instantly Maid good byo to his opponents Ile went away so fast that God. trey drew his vi hip sud es l'rtnce I'.i.yal dlssppoarod I. "hind tho bluff, hla Udos wcro IMlBBJ thc- filing of the rawhide. and tho prick of tho ?pur. Ho failed to respond with his accustomed gtinioiK-sh. When hlr Dixon reappeared St tho half-mile pofcl he wan out of danger, Prince lloyal bsvlng fallen six lfticthn behind. When thov) six had become a do/on, Mcl.aui/hlln pulled his mount to s canter and he won leisurely by that distance. Prince Koral looked well, but set med to have no running in him. Slr Dixon wantod to go anoih-r mils. POl'lMTl KACF-HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES. |25 EACH, SI,OOO ADDED. 1 14 MI DES. Preaknes* Mable's b. h Dinden, by Longfellow-Linda Lewis, 6 yr* 128 !?> . / . " . ,??.,??, 1 l^iniai?ney Bios.' bf. g. Brown Duke, 6, 103 (<?r. 104) W. P. Bur.-h'f blt. C. Botcaerlo, i, 10Q . . \|,rt'i,, 8 I^niisney Broa* b. g. Banner Beater, C. no (esr 112) - ? - .. - ,_ ?,.^ (Hayward) 0 R. Bradley's b. g. Lo Dopo?, 8, 110.fLItttrfl.ld. 0 Aooro Ktsble's b. h. Richmond, 0, 118 . . (McLaughlin) 0 Tlme-2:11 14. Auction poola?Linden (OOO, Lsmasncy's pair eiSO. Richmond Si 10, field gft Muiuals-Ltndon straight pt?!d S7 M. p!?ee g7 20; Brown Duko plate, S7 Si. Total nui,,tt r of tickets sold. 8,100. Le Logos was flrst off to a fair and prompt start for all oxeept Boceatclo, who tamo near being lift st. th? poat. Little Williams had orders to forco tho Mee, and ho piU. ce>.".iod to do i. by rusiilng Brown Dulce Into tho bal. i^ Logos fell into second place. Banner Bearer took third. Linden fourth, RlrMnond fifth and boccaccio last, six lergths back sod apparently out of tho tue*. Shouer had bees warned against giving Brown Duke too BBSO) lead. S20 1 The Beat HI?B*CUee Clcoreita* Xteaaj Broa' Special Favour*. td in tho run te the clu> house lum re permuted Dinden . gain on the great de, trio rusher until HM tetter was ,l.v Ino lenulhs away. In this crier they went out of gba whee tiny rwggsterel Brawe Duko stilt tod. bat I wa* lobing piound rapidly, foi Lindon had sri tied down hnaiaim isl was moving up attn rsstsaam sBriin He lietel Hst home*;retch llrst, half a 1-ngth hobie Brown ul... Bullio Bcai-or was a stem third. Richmond had lit and uss now taking a di nmrtStg view of MM contest ie i:?, i io bsd MadUy snerteaod lbs lean pap which saps. tod bim from the others, and SrSS making BasSge Inter iting far Harmer Bo.oer url Ut Logo*. Davin'' head d .crythln^, ghsaet assad Dicion, la an blatant Brown uk,? ?a? BB even sfSnst with him. fchauer picked up lils hip and plied lt vlfioiouhly. Bu.wn Duke cline on. Tho looked douic' il and tho SJaMBsnaBs VON Bl a fever ' ext if n;f l.t. buddi-n'r PhaeM dr?p)H.l his whip?which as surely stopping hit mount?and taking tho reins In .alli hand*. SaSSpSd ta lift Dinden along. The gSBM bl m ronj)oiid?d to this rall, >nd with n mighty effort shook it hit tren >ioh->tno antagonist, winning by a nock. Bu rSsSS was third, six lengths back. una ftaCaV-roBB* *7oo. sellino. im MILKS. . Sclgol'a ch. g. Nettle, by Diekens-Ncttlo. aped, leia jr, .(Martin) 1 . triton'* b. g. C.leosprar, 4, 100 (W. Donohue) 2 K Taylor's b. f. Mala. 4. 104 . . . . (=>tonC) 8 It-SB 1*06, Sam Brown (lOOi, Harwood (lgg), Finest (109\ Mt gara (IOC), Shamrock (106), Wangeneeal I'M), O'Follut! 103). and King II. (98), flnt?hed In namoi. Auction jKiols-Mala ?150. Mallum SJ05, Shamrock iC5. Nettle e0."?, field ?150. ; I Mutuals-Ncttle straight paid S2B 05, place Si4 fl.''.; nsasajeag place *19 40. Total number ot tickets sold, 1,023. Niagara and Sam Brown mide tho 'vnning to thc icad of tho homestretch. Here Kettle, cleverly ridden iv Martin, came through, and renialnlng in front, won, flei a vigorous finish, hy I neck. Gienspray second, a ingra and a half before Mala. No bid for tho winner. iXXTB RACE-HANDICAP feTI'Kt'Lr.CHASU. PURSE S700. FILL COI' Rs K. ll. Cohen's br. g. Harry Mann, by Lever-Asia, ap.-d, 14611.(M. Daly) 1 ,V. Lakeland's b.p. LlUlcf.liow, aped, 14'J . (Mani) 2 N. c. Daiy'o h. g. willie Palmer, 4. l'Jo . (Yerpiaoek) b Vvondale Mable'* b. g. Ol t:l,ar, aced, 166 . (Dot kilian) 0 \. o LerUterd'a ah, g. Ilasrborettih, o. 16s iiiuishaw) o iueeos County Suhlo's th. h. Monte Cristo, "?. 140 (J. Kenny) 0 I. II. Lewis, ir.'s ch. g. Chanticleer, Sgel 140 _ (Callahan) (, r. P. Dawes's h. p. Tcnfcllow, 6. 130 . . (JOBBS! 0 Mex. KhlrlKs h. g. Repeater, aged, 148 (Hamilton) 0 I. T. Wllliams's ch. p. Bob Mile, apod, 153 . (Cross) * - Time?Hens taken. ?Fell. Auction pools-Bob Miles *210, Harry Mann ?100. Littlofellnw foo, Moule Cristi 185, field *105. Mutuala-Harry Mann str.ilchi paid ?85, place */ll 40: Llttl-fellow plsce tl2 70. Total aSBsBSf of tickets sold, J. 136. Bob Milos fell st the flr-t hurdle on the flat, miling reel 1,1* rider and lesvlng him insensible lu the dust. I.lttlofellow and Wllllo 1'almer mado Ihe runnlii? for two ?Bam llsrry Maim closed with them at thc h"ad of the Homestretch, and In the final floutlHh won cleverly by aalf a length, Llltic'i'llow second, 8 neck before Willie I'almer. Cross, the Duiner, as woll as rider, of Boh Miles waa borne off the field auffe'lng intensely and pauly unconscious. His Injuries sro serious, but ll was impos? able to hafl their precise nature. His recovery ls doubt uL POUL BIDING AT CLIFTON'. roUsTG BXWABD IS Iil'.AI) AND THE A I'TI IO MT! KS Aid. MKHilNl! FUR KFU.V. Alexander Scwa d, ago seventeen. 0 Jockey who was employed by Mr. Daly at the Clifton half-mil" truck, lied yesterday morning In H. Josepha lioSntiai ar I'Bl.'ison, N. *., from It-Juries received on Trula.'--, Bbsa be wen! gOWfl under Mr. Daly's chestnut maro iVlmlsail In tho fourth race. According te the SC ?omits of eye-WllueSSOl Drina Boru, lbs favorite, ridden ?y Keiiy. and Kink, with Hislop on bli bash, ware n the toed whee steward sa \vindsaii tried tc send the mare thmueh on the inside of them. Kelly, as al oged, gelled Brian Bom directly across the mai e's maree, canning bar to foil. renal stell* ls iaM te have a shady record even imoflg ibo ti.iiglt Jockeys of tho half nillo (reeba. II" ilwapi i-"itos srmed, and a few Bights aco threatened te shoo! i Peterson bmbeepir whs didn't give him bis ?henge i|uiok cooaga, tesl week bs waa ftned tK.o ?or Bgbltag with snother looker at dillon. About wo emahs aco be got into a row with OnpteiB Brown'a loehap, Cbantb, on ont' af the Loni: Ulead tracks, thc ipabol (,f wbtob ?hs tiist ho ged te clifton. At tho ?gtanhsg of the sca-on. lt ls said, be took a dislike to seward and boasted t!iat bs would throw him anil lils koree over thc fence. In view cf these statements Coroner Oeodrfdge, of Patcison, yesterday Impanelled a Jury to hold an la? tin."!, and tho Jurymen viewed the body of Soward before lt was remove.1 to the homo of bis parents at W Hil mantle, Germ. Seward is spoken of as a docent um! peaceable lsd. Kelly has disappears*!, but the autkeettioi aro looLlng for him. Tin: wiJS'Kinxrr.K handicap. Weights fir thc Waitetester Handicap. 1 8-1 mite.-, aro given b, low. The race will bo ma on Tirsdiy at Jerome Park. Mr. Wheatley cause:'. BOBM amuse? ment aiiion:; tnrfmen by honoelag linden arith top waight, giving him one pound mero than The Bawd. Lindon Is undoubtedly u. great horse, bte Wbnl would ho de with Vii pounds alongside of Tho Bun! with 1801 Bat neither is likely te start for tho West? chester, tho (suburban bStBg so close at hand. Nan.c Y>"t. Name. Wt. Linden.131 Fs(,ulmiiu . . . , li J The Bard . ... ISO miks i\,rd . . , nj Item var ... 150 G?llah.n? i".iiil?Tor of Norfalk . 184 Rupert.lie Kingston , . . , lill Bess*! June . . , n llelvllero .... 1L(> Lon Al pelcb . . , lg Aurelll. no La i.",-os . . . , ins lien Ali . . . , , 119 (io;,no . . . ... ]ri| ,ti..?,io>-i. I .... us Klimatb . . ? . lo .to,-(.'.ron .... 114 ueiiedlrtnta . . . n.' Irfiegaii > ? a i ID* Voaborg .... ti Bunn . . . , . no Quota ef EUubeth ? lot i\:iii?.lah .... 114 Longfellow-Victress l^taplan . . . . ill in:..- ..... (X TF.TtP.A COTTA'B BftirnHAN TRIAL. Bt. Louis, June D.-Torra Cotta. the pron.lnent Kuh urhan candidate, won tho (Iranito Mountain Stakes, 1 1-. ICBSS, with great easo to-day. Ho carried 121 pound and was rldd-'i: by Kiley. Time, 2:11 BS, H ls no certain that he will go te Sheepshead Bay in lime te tho Suhuibju. - ?? ?? WHAT CRICKKTKBS AUK DOING. The OsSeSsM Club had an eaxy ta?k to de feat the New-York duh at Prospect Tarli, Brooklyn yesterday. Only one inning was played. Cobb's 67 wa tho feature of the mntch. Tho score stood 15!> to Ol. The Cia lemont Cricket. Ciub, of Jersey City, steteste the Kings County MsbM Clufi, Bf Brooklyn, at 1'rospec Patt*, yesterday, in a ono-lnning match, by a scoro o 00 to 48. The Alma Cricket Club, of Newark, easily defeated th Albion Club, of Brooklyn, yesterday, by a score of 79 | 12, in a ouc-innliig game. 4> THE GRAND PIUZK OF PARIS TO-DAY. Paris, .lune O.-The isco for the firand PffSS ol Par! of 100 OOO francs will be run to-morrow. The BsWBB bio starters and th'ir Jockeys, together with the lutes betting, are as follows: t'rowborry (Webb) ll to I against; Stuart. (Lane) 7 ta 4 against, Saint (Jail (Cannon) 6 to 1 against. Oalaor (Minni |g to 1 against Cheri! Oirldgelandi 20 BO 1 against; Saint I^eon (Htilfe) Iii to 1 against, Oaulby (Elliott) a5 to 1 against, ? ? - BICYCLE RACING AT LEICF.STF.R. London, June 9.?There were seven starters in the 2." mlle bicycle raeo for the Champion Stakes st Leicester te day. Frederick Wood, of Leicester, won by kix Bartel in 79 minutes. 30 st conda Knapp, sn American, wa second. Crocker, also sn American, und throe other fell In i heap, but noue of them wan seriously injured. ?-?? ?.? A Pltisburger write* to a local paper asking aid tho panoiti drop the '? h-' In the name of the c:iy li li nut because they a;e ?? Ki.iiiish. Mm bnow/ bseaBM the ' h" is not on that end.-(Norristown Herald The Lady Who bag f,ne Hair, and desires to pre* serve its color, BtassadaBOBj ami lustre, should ute Ayer's Hulr Vigor aa a sB*etnhsg. Il keeps tlio scalp cleun and cool, aul is by far thu mont ttxnuisita toilet propriration in tho market. B. M. -Jubnvm, M. D.. Thomas Hil), J>l>. Bars: "I bnrs used Ayer'* Hair ?igor in :nv family for a number of voar?, and ngari it uh lbs he.-t, lmir BrensWntsOB 1 know nf. It. keeps the Btmlpeleea, the lmir soil ami lively, and nceeerroa tho original color, My wifo lian used it for a loug tim? with moat sarisfw tory rosiiltl." Mrs. S. A. IV,ck, nf Anderson, Texai, writes: "At shs njo of 14. in Munroe, Isa- I had a ssvere nttneh ol swamp, or malarial, (crsr, After I got areli my hair ci.rnnienood coming out, and *ocon? tinued until it h(u\ weil iiixh all gi ne. I need Barara] kinds gf hair restorers, but they did no good. A frionil gave me a bottle of Ay?r'h Jlulr Vigor. Ilefore fiaistniiK tho llrst hottln mv hair began to grow, and bv the timo I nsod three bottle!!, I hatl a tluo head of hair." Ayer's Hair Vigor, rur.rxi-.r.n ST Dr. J. C. Ayer h Co., Lowell, Mass. ?old b| Uruulsu sad PsrIum?rs? PYGMIES ONCE AGAIN. CHICAGO TURNS THE TABLE* THUAsTIKD BY THF. KWALL0WTA1LKB VISITORS -BKUOKLYNS SCORE A flCtOKC. At tho Polo Qaaaaahl rtatlldSI Hie (hieago flub defeated the New-York nine rather easily, tho < Menge outplaying thc local nine at every point. Ju-.t m.'-l-l boobIc aare Bsataah Tho Kew-Terh players mads an attempt to burl-mino (heir full d>ess i-uatnl rivals, and marched down from centre Held elad Inf Ishtar regaler BBlteIBM, but aWo wearing lilsrH whits bats BBd llneii dusters cut to resemble tho claw-ban.mei article. The veteran player. Lynch, walked In front Sf the file, "Windup a bat In true drum-major tlylo. There was renal irambltag among tho sntonkon ta tho poad Itaad against tho management for ennlinti hsg ht '-"ll crand (.land admission tickets long after every Inch of Rpaee on Ihe stand was occupied. Tho gloomy result ls appended: "Teas.Tere, i cT:ir,:poi a,,#. ii Ckuata. | r.|iMp?,a., t. Uat*slf.......iOi oi"o| v% Bram of.I a! i 1, fi o tvai-.l. ss.I Oi ol ll 1 i>.!y. c.I i 0111 0; 1 t'rniier, lb....: 0 lill 0 U Pettit, r f. I o| il ol Ol 0 Fwinif.c. T 1 1 :?? o ai,s->... i 1.....I ii- 'Jl r 6.'a (.'lt.i.rke. rf 1 sj I ol O' | 41 .1 J 0 Slatter*', c f ' 0 tl. ll ? 1 I Williams n, tal 0 al Ul 3' 0 Ktenartl'b, 8b1 o o l n u Barns. Sb....1 o ai o 2: 0 HattiBbl. 3 I 0 '.' Keele, p. (I| 0, l .Frock p.; Ol O' KU :i i Karmi, lt.! 0 1): ? 0| 0 Total*..I SI SIS! S3 JS 'tTutaU.I ?'l0 37'lo[ ? 0 New-Tort. 0 l 0 2 0 0 0 0 o-;i Caieose. 4000021 l x-s Untied nins?New-York, 1: Chlca-jo. 8. First base ht erMis?.Ncw-York, 2 ; Chlcaif.,, 3. Ix>ft on bases? New-Yell:, 5; Chic?!!.,, 3. I'll st bsso on balls-Connor 1. {stolen bases-F.wing 1, HattlelJ 1, Ffeffer 1. Struck ..ut-li,.re 2. Bwtag 2, fclattrry 1, Ilnlileid 2, Kt-'fo il, l'ettlt 3, Anson 1, Williamson 1, Krock 2, Farrell 1. Home runs?o'Bourke 1. Two-base hlf??Ryan 1. Blt hy pitcher-Connor 1, O'Bourko 1. Bawd balls?Ewing il. letly 2. L'mplro?Mr. V.ilei.tlne. Time of came? 136, The Brooklyn nlno defeated tho Cleveland club al Weshtngtoa Park, Brenfetra, yesterday, before about 3,C0O people. The 160*6 was as follows: sad. lr.flb|ae|a.iA ll Rmokiyn. [r.|lb|se|a.M Mckeon, as .. I 1 S|~i*l ll PlBSaey, Sb.l I 1 Zi Ol 0 iloiallog, 0f..j ol 0, 2! o| a Mcciei.'u, 2b.| I :, 1 I 0 0 T I 11 a! Si u o ll B I ? 11 o Plats, lb . 1, Ol in I1 tl nrr. lb . t unt.'i J h.1 lj i: n; 5 o KonU. rf.| 1 (.ilks. I f. 0 1 SI o O; Muillh. ss., 1 '.?olfellow rf 1 Bl li o, o I O'Brt-m, If ... 1 Mentana, ai>.. 1 0 O' n: i 1 Oar ot Bera, e.. 1 ll 1. 6, nanaar,!....1 n 11 0 B 11 Radford, of... | 1 1, Bl oi 1 Bakaly, |<.I 0 0, ll 3! 3 Biuiiour, e...; 0; Ci 4 li 1 Bartter.a. 1, a, u 0 0 ?*** H _.-.'_.'__. ; Totals...1 9 8'2C;U, 7 Tstals..I 6j tf V4T4 8j_ ? UeOIOBI declared out for Interferln* with ball. rlevrlmd.200002 1 0 0-fi Bieeluju.5 1 0 1 0 0 0 I x-0 Runs earned?Cleveland. 3; Broeklrn, 4. Two-base bile Billilli, BnjrSor, Cai tithers. Tiitiv-baso hits?Me? lt eon, McClellan. First base on errors-Strieker, Bukciv, MeCMlea, smith Hadfacd. attorns basss?lasts 1. Nato 1, O'P.iicn 1. Caruihers 1. Struck out-Stlicker, Good leslew, haast**, MeClcllnn, O'Brien, Bushonsr 2. Rouble pISJS gtllllWI. Faatr, nnd McKeou 1. Hit hy plteher 16661 1. Wild pltcnes-Canithsra. Time of garne-1:40. ITaipIre Mt MsQeaae, Thc standing of the League and Association clubs to date iv as follows: I.rnyiu. Won. LsSB l'r. Ct.M?rortiti?n Wen. Lest. Pret Chleajfo. 30 ll .70.1 Ulr?-.klfii... 81 lo .751) Detroit. 14 IB .'?<? III. Loii.s.... Bl ll .SIM New.York... SS 1? ,?S>" li'ineiniisti.. V4 IS .010 .678 I tthleUe. 90 17 .471 lUHinmors... 1U H .111 .4011 I len UU,|... 16 UH J66 .hal KanaaaCnr, 1" BS .'-'T* ,?M I. .iiNrllle... ll '-".? .'?.'7.'. Tie council of the Players' B^etkaTchaod wtD bold a h.coting In this city to -murrow. Unmet!. a3 Philadelphia, lo' Ptttatrars. 14 Indianapolis.. 13 Waslilnitton.. tl GAMIN IN OTHES CITIES, roon Ll'ck of THK STATESMEN COMTUftlgfsWA liOCIIl (.AMI'. AT l-illl.AHKI.l'l-ilA. Washington, Juno ?.? Th,1 WBOhtBgsSn club made a nteaeet of taMfny*! k;,i:,o to li,dim spoils hy error after error, until lt was only llliaegb sbSM bad luck that ihe flsltora Std not make | lnr;jer nora. Tie- leldlag of the Waahii,ginns was simply nilscrnbl1', bm indies this lacy bad Bl leen f'.ur ehaacei la win the gea** bj ;i angil Or even a good SSertfleS hit. They were lilwavs nnsqasl tu Uss itaergenejr. la the fomth and sixth in Slag! Myers led oil with ii IhlSS Islggei. but srSl left oi' baas iiiiiiupti the inability of tho antceedlag bammn le 1.1! tl.u bill outside the dianioi.d. The More was a? flBlWIi tBllanaeolli. 20200OOO 0?4 Washington. 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-3 BsweUte?ladlsaspell! io, Wsshnajtea 8. F.rrors li. I.:,,,,iu.i^ ii, TToaamglia G. 1'itchert?Healey sud Wluini'j. Vniplrc?Mr. Hanlels. l'"li>hla, Juno I l*hll*sa>lpbl*j apaln defeated l'ltts btiru ii flay in a cioso bat tedtous naBsa Sleasoa was eflc-cllvo but wa* a llttlo SBStoady, M'nding Ave M to beM ''il ball*. A stags! hil wooli have wo:, th- g*USM fur tho visitors at several Junrti.res, hut lt wasn't forth ts>?lng The batting of Pogartjr and Kaebae*i |i?y nt tlilid were tho toitarea Cai mil was deildeBy oft in his threwteg Thc scure wx> as feOewai l'hlladelnhla ....100 10000 0-2 I'm si,ui*. 00 100000 0-1 SB tahiti *f1t1Stirg 4, IrVtodrtphsi <\. Frrors?rina Barf 4, l'lilladsliihla 10. l-iul.ei s?Morris and fl WI TO u,iii'in-Mr. Peiaeri BjoaSOB, June H. ?Another laifto crowd witnessed **M Kaine to-day between tho Detroit and Boston clubs. The Wolverle.'s asain won by terrille hallion la the fourth aud llftli inning's. The seora was as follows I Detroit. 0014 6 000 0?ir Beaton. 0 0 2 2 0 o 0 o r,_ <i Basehlta? Dot reit, 13; Boston, ll. l'.rrors-Detroit, |j Heston, 8. Bitchera?Conway and Madden. Umpire Lynch. Cincinnati, Juno 0.?The Clr.clnnatia celebrated theil rdurn hen,,; by dafmUag the bt. Louis Browns in a closely contest, d and o.veltliitf (fame. The Ileldlnq ol Fem.elly and the hailing of Lyons and Reilly mam th, "octane. Attendance, 3,200. The score wis ts fob lows: Bi Louis. 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1-.' Cincinnati. 101 10 120 0-,. Basehiis?St. I.oul% 7; Ct*Msas*s*St, B. I'.iror.s?St. I.ouls, .">; Cincinnati, 4. 1'ltcuers? King and Viau. Vin plre-Mr. (iatTiicy. Hitlilnioie, June 0.?TerilDo battlne was th* feature ol to-day's Baltimore. Ai Matti **snsl, and Hie \|.,;t,,rs biol tho host of lt all tho way through. Beth Bsatth at?l Seward wei^ unsteady, and their turves srStl never bsN to solve. Ktupld h.iso-runnlnir lost several nina for thc ho,:,e t.-an.. but <f SSsTht AH.I- lil ic.-n BOM ls flr^t nt, halls, live ateit'd., and to Smith must the defeat bl attrlbmed. Bauer and OtomwoOd did son.c itmiarkabbi ihldlnx. Jfas tcont was this: All,'.clio. 410I2G20 0-11 Ballin,oro. 1 l o 1 0 4 3 1 l-l^ Bawhits-Aihictic is. nelllmeie 14. aTarrsea-athletli 10, Ballimore 18. Bltcheis?Seward and bmlth. Un,, pin?Mr. Dooaeher. Ile, Juno fl.? Tinder tho n-^w management, thc Louisville* put up a brtsB game on their re um to th? besM giinedi tala aftnaaen, and defeated ga wi ? easily. Wolf led with tho stick, and Browning awl Waist tioscly foliowsd. Kansas Cily could not hil Chamberlain lill the last bininu, when he *tt up and thCJ broneht lu Bm lues. I..,uls\ ill.- was iho lt;tier lu th, iii-id. Cross ?psested igem, sui mneht a g,^?i snnaa Keiiy saw tho game to-Cuy. He ls p|v,;n a i,;,miUe, i^ bil iclmlrers tonight, and leaves for Wsshluglou Monday, 'ihe s,'.ro was as follows: Kansas City. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8-4 Louisville. 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 O-i} BaM-hiia?Kansas City 7, Louisville 17. Killi! gu Ms City 4, Loulsvillo 3. Plllbmi flt ld and Chamber laJu. Umpire?M r. Ferguson. Other gin,es r>-suli'-d a* folliws: At Mott tillea nS'llll. Cjihart & Co., 20: Alerts fi A', Imtea Island?Staten Island A. C., ll; Brooklyn a. a, o. At Croenvlllo-Ifomi r Lee, "; ; American, 21 At Bfilttn IT********, bi Ii ton. o. At Ulnghamton?.Scranton, 13; Blnghsmton, 0. At Allentown?Allentown. 8; Jersey City, L At Troy?Truv, 'j; Hamilton, 8. At Albany?Alhany, I: London, 8-twelve Innings. Al Kyrscuse?SyiiKu-e, |; ItufTslo, 0. At HochesKir?Wocnejlei, 10; Toronto, 0. PB1NCETON BFTLATS TIIF. nnr.r.MBlAXS. Princeton, June ?j (S|?.'cliii .-1'niKcton ilefuated rja|sjas> bia to-day In a falny exciting ball eontc?t. 1*1 III I ii mn took Hie laud at Itv uni th- tame jiroe^eded ll.Mc-Mv until Columbia by a thrcc-bese hit al V. I^tmarehe's and two glaring STIBBS of Princeton closed the seventh limit,,' with the score, five lo four In her favor. Columbia then seul.-d down to a good steady flcldln* game until the aSMm part of the eighth, w hen her n*n got '? rattled." ?r,d Prlncs ton batted th" hall all over the field, each sj uie nrat sn men to bat scoflug. Coluiobla n,?,l" one mn lu ihe ninth, but Could not ( tho gap. Tho flu,, stop, ,.( pr|co ,| short and Wilde IStdBd tho bat wera worthy of rueiitlun. The score wss as follows: < (.limbla.1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 l_n I'nt.c-oi..I 0 2 0 I 0 I o o_j.j Ila-.hlis?l'rlnce on, 6; Columbia, 10. Lrrors?l'rlnc ?. toa, 0; Culuml.ia. 4. Kttuck eut-Coluiul.ia, u, hlSlllijn. 4. I'miilro-Spaulding, *b". OAME8 OF TIIK I'A-TlMF. fT.iTR. The innusl summer BBBBS and sarah* ,f gj| Pastlrr.e Matahil dal m?teaaa*s Ifesd re-anarisy atterroon, wer, the most eBBSSanfSj Btar hold hy tho cub. Those are some of the eventa : '^20-)?rd desh, won by W. |(. ltn'ietta, llro'klyn AU.Imo SmUllllin T,me, <>\ ?.{, ? No raattsr srhat the a, hool ol phrsie, 'i ber catii can cur* va eek! or phthisis ? At least 'us ail I ' ?*? oin . But as Sraaaoa mrus tba whsot still faster Asl Munch* and bissit mast dlaaater, ' To Da thero oo mea a man Whose merna haili won rnunllsaa genim*. Who uso aud praise in, - Pieaaaal Peile s'" Ths " rieasaat Pnrgatl?'e Pellsu '? nt !>r P\,re^ thnuai geiillB In action, are thoron -b, asrer fall ts sara LU,.ai DSss. diss?s?dortsrpidlirerand toaatlpatlua. The half mlle run wis won by bf. Murdo I. p, A t\ Time, C mlnutis 14 1-5 ?e'end*. Tho run tai most exc'tliiR race ?f the gap, with twenty sia-ter-, was wen by B> H. Sklllmsn In 4 Bantams 3*. 4-5 rn conda. -li'Mard flash, won by W. B. MyrUtus, Athletic Club. Time, 53 seconds. Handsome jjpM medal* wore cUVn tho wlnneis In esch ewin, diver io second and brume to third. W. B. Cur tins waa roft rei. MONTANA. LEADTVO A LTTTT.F. (HUT, TXTO A BXTiTiOOM. A policeman of lbs Baal B*fght*r-e!ghth suet s-|ua<! saw a drnnkns unman lead ? Utile ghi 'nts tho Hojner stars at Mo. 1.-77 lecond ara geateedair, and .tri' 1.-tl the woman. She said she aros Bridget |fc i),,iieii ti,,- nfte of e. Istmrer Irving at Ka :;i:t gnat Nlnoty-sevet-lh lt The glr! did nu belong to tho -raman bal had leon brand la tbs street by lier aa Pride**. She bad kept tho ghi ar her house all night. The child huh! she was Mamie Meyers, age sd*. Har V Beauts had aol late rana 1 the Belles of her disappear Snee ami -he Could nut hal] when, her hume whs. Sho ?rei pieced lu tho care of Mr. Gerry's bude ty and Mrs. Meii,.nut ii vsb loohod np. >f .4 Kixa rxnu of pim nt*sYtt& "Johnny" Byan snd "Joe" Day. tho mlaJle-wrlfht fighters, were prisoners at C10 Tunibs yesterday. Ber. guam VtCarrhy, of tho I'ourth i'rv'clnct, nt 2:30 a. m. hear-,1 tilde "a* a prl/, fluot li, progies* In tho loft of tho Long Island 11,01, ut No. I?l South-st Ho turned out tho mooree Ignad and l.urrlcl d".?n flier*. Ko ono wns caught In the building, hut flyim and Day were f,un1 issi Ide. " Jee* Farley, thc nv-f. athor-weight champion. orENIXG OF TIIK OBEAT NOUTIIETLV RESER? VATION. It ls probable that twenty years boneo lhere will bo lltllo or no land left In this country, obtainable at prices within IbS roach of tho pour man. Startling as this proposition may seem, lt ir novcrtholebS tho opinion af woll-lnfi.i mci men, based on IBS develop? ment in recent years of tho country wist nf tho M's sisslpali aiid thc rapid absoiptlou ul available laud* by IStllSIS and others. Thu cheap Iambi of tho United States havo been a nwHjnaei ia drawing ta tali cassatt1;/ tbs Ibmbbbss volume nf QjiOlgl Immigration. The great dluilnutUin of the aiea originally Basan fur seiileinent mint thorefuro in? crease the lataeeel with which those Mettam >.tm open tu thu pioneer are ngerdod. Though leos In sates! than in former yean, they oiur to lanustrj and snterprlse u. tempting nelda ami retnrmi ?.s bountiful as any regloui jei lubdued m clvUlsatU B have yielded. 1.1. at srees of veluable lands, rich la sgricnltaral 1, oaaeee, In niliies ami lu forest, havo from time lu tune, by ii," policy ol oar Government, been se) silas for tie- exclusive uso of tho Indian tribes, Now, tho tuttltlpBcaiion of the whim population, and Ibo racist. I ? advance ol civilization, am gradually forcing Ibo Opening Ol these HM-i vatlun, ti, the public. Ol the inman lands thus opened in recent years, no single bodj of land exceed! iii Brea ar variety ami extent of reeonrcei that known as ibo tiroat Northern Kc-.or t at tun ol Muntaiia. 0penes to sattlomenl by the action ot Congress, In the spring ol tho preseat year. Bounded on ii.ssl b> [Maota, ea thc north by tin British Province ol Asslnlbola, on tu^ wo.t, by lac limn dh lue 'it tho Rock) Muni,talus aud un the loath mainly by tic Missouri au! Marla* riven, this greal ?,i tiou has a mean length nf 4iu miles, a noaa Width Iron 11011 h lu -until of eighty milos ar.U an SBprOXlmstS area of 16,000 Muan mil's -a territory ball as largo as all Now.Kiiglaud ?on cnipro In Itself. Always a lamons huming ground of the i Tl mao it ssa boon known to explorers lines ihe Lewie ami clarke expedition ol 1-04 r> as a region uneuuellod tor Kneing ami agri? cultural purpOIOS. Well Watered by Um Missouri. Milk. Maries ami other rivets ami their tributaries, lt enjoys a Climate milder and moro equable than Its saltern Mlghbora. This is gae partly te its low ele? vation itii'i in sisal measure lo tho influence of tho "Chinook" winds, which aro boro felt in foll loree, tho iinlfurailv moderate altitude of the mountain t,,,,-- to the westwerd la thia latitude Riving free pssiiagf tu tbeoo wosterl) windi wsrmed by contaci arith the temperate currents of tho North Pacific lucan. Official figures show tim* the avenge winter 1 rn porn! ure of Kolona ami (ii-eat Palls, near tho Rosorvetlon. bas been tor the peal tea ream about fifteen dcareea higher tl an Hat el bt. Paul. The nimmel- iiiiuiiie ?-, Jd! rbi fol Ibo reservation ls traversed by many streams dividing the section into rmi, bottom lands and fertile, rolling uplands. Principal anions thc retteyi ol the region ls that of the famous Milk River, extending longitudinally through tho Reservetlod and ooverinj ni arra almost as crest as that of the famous Ked Hitor Valley of Minnesota and Dekata. This MUK Uiver Valley, its nil.mailes and the other valleys of th" tivi aro surpassingly rich In soil, capable of producing Immense cram ot the various grains and mote, sad will certainly Become ono ol tba chief points of production ol ile- famous hard Scotch l'lfo wheal, tin- rnltlvstlon of which has had so largo a share in building up northern Minnesota and Daliotu, and Contributed bo mavrla'ly to the wealth and pros 1." of sr Paul and Minneapolis. Tho extent ami fertility ol thees valley:. Justify thH expectation, aid the eonstsnl tendency of Die area of wheat culti? vation to move westward Indicates thal from Montane will ultimately be diawn a larg" proportion of Ameri? can breadstuff's. Tbs opening of the reservation has made available a natural pasturage capable of 1sustain? ing a million bead Of catilo amt furnishing 100,000 bead fur annual shipment. The honi; slresdy rang Int the borden of the reservation will nut bo slow to avail of (bli past ungo. Tu the southwell of the reservation, close on tts borden, lie the Immense mining districts which sur ronnd Orval Palls, Helena and Botte. These milting districts, rel li Ihe Infancy of their development, pm ' iei I le ' rear over lilO.OOO.OOO In gold, silver, oop p'-r and other metals, and give employment to a lars** ind lapidiy ineroeslng population. They win furnish a natural market for the pr-st'icti ot the agricultural md grazing regions of the reservation. - II Impossible, within the limits of this artlelo. to give on adecjUHte Moe ot the capabilities of this wonder fui region mid of Ike whole Territory of Montana. i'".ii.s' iii" most nooroo! natural provision of forest, Bold, and mine, ll has already added lo the-,* ad? vantages that of cheap railway transportation. Th" I Montana Rxtenslun of the Bt. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway, completed lu the fail of 1667, enters tho rescrvstton v its eastern border, traverses Its rici 1 portions, through the valleys of the Missouri ?td MUK Riven, as far rn Asslnlborne. when it tunis to thu sooth WO! I au.I. via Henton, reaches lireat falls, Where lt OOnneetS With Ibo Montana Central Hallway, leading to Helena and Lotto, the great milling Centres, with branches r-met,sting th;.- ooal Betdi of .?sand Coulee and other Dining dlstrtets of lbs Territory. nreal Paid is situated at- tho eotifluenoa of tho Missouri and Sim Riven and ls exceptionally well located tor ? commercial centm. The Missouri River al this point fall-, by a series of cataracts an I rapids known as the Qrcal rails ot tip Mlssonri.over SSC feel in less than three miles, aifortliiie an unfailing power estimated at from 500,000 ti 7 ."0,000 hors" power. When it is considered what the weter power of tho Falls of lt /anthony BM accomplished tor the city nf Minneapolis, it li easy to appreciate who' oifcct 1 his immense power of the Missouri uiver will have on the future of <;re?? Falls, with the gicai mining districts lying at Its shirts and In need ol a cheap uni ample power to beadle their dillly Increaalng oat* pal of ores. In tho Immediate vicinity of tho dlr aro great field* of bituminous cuni much of 11 making a Rite quality of coke. Iron 1 rei suitable tor eonvenlon inio steel i,y bessemer process, limestone, Om eley, buddins stone, eic . an ell found In close pisixlmitr. Thean eicrptl mel sdvaniagi * have not escaivyl the atteut'on nf manufacturer- and capitalists. Worki fur the redaction of gold ami silver on - sn In course of rapid Bonstrtictloa snd on completion will form the tareest plant nf the kind hi thli coentty. Hom? idea of their magnitude may bo obtained when lt ls state-i thal their noel will be Itt the neighborhood nt P2.000.000, and Ihe! Chou! 35.000,000 building brlelt null n.000,000 Ci" brisk aili be used In their con struetlon. Among other Now-Vnrk men In I crest ed In these wtul.s nag Lo mentioned the namo of tho Hon. A. S. Hewitt. A ven extensive plant for tho reduction of copper orel ls about t<i be begun. , 1 full development of the mineral resources of lids section will ibow result! astonishing even to those best acquainted with Its posslbllltlss. Tho whole region ls Inviting allho to tho farmer looking for cheap lands, to tho hilliness man seeking opportunities for Investment aid to the tourist, who win p-id much to lntero-t snd please Mm In thc heanttful farming and grating lands "f the reservation. In th- superb mountain ct ry of thc eeiitrui portion of the Territory, In tho wonderful cataracts of tho Missouri, and tri tho mining towna ami camps. Already the tide of Immigntlon ls pouring into the reservation, tho poop!- eager io secure tho rich (andi open to them under the operation ot our beneficent land laws. >'o portion of these lands ls reserved to nUrnads or corporation!, all bein* ?"[nally open to occupation under tho geneial land laws. TO tho Ka'tern oar Montana his a far-off sound, bal the raliway snnlhits ea time and space, ami (ii-oat tails is bul torty-elghl hours from Chlosgo. 'iii" easy cn'.les cud low capitalisation ol tba Manitoba tysfcm sn a reasonable cuaranteo to the people of lin- section of a continuance of good ami cheap tnnsporiatlon (acllllles. They have cheap fuel and of timber almost at Ililli' doors, with read* markets fer their aarplui producta lt ls dlfllcult to Imagine for this section a future less prosperous or a development less rapid than thal of any Mri nf th" g'oat West. Certainly, st no point do Ihe clements ol a gi cat prosperity exist lu greater *neai are. )f Kneland, who was reforee. was raiKtht. So was nan named Smith, who was Ryan's sscoud. They were ill hell for examination. HOME AMII'S. NEW-YORK C1TT. "Thomas Klvlln."?The (ireat F.asUrn mado her llrst trip to this port In 1860, arilving bete BB fsBM 2*, ten daya from Southampton, (she carno Into port bf way of Sandy Ifooh anti was moored at the pier at ho foot of Hammond st., North Uiver. Abe again ?ame hore by way of Loon Island Knund on July ll, 1SO-J, and anchored In Flushing Hay. Tudor Ibo management of J. M. Hill, tho "nattle at Oettysburg" WM bo suppenionti-d with many tolling additions to tho made around leading up to the canvas, mid oilier features adding to tho already great realism A tho canvai will be introduced. fleorgo .Moran, the car driver talton oft a Sovnntb svo. cae at Flfty-nlnth-st. by Henry Uergh BB Thursday livening for driving a disabled horse, was held in 6100 ball by Justice Muiray lg thc Yorkvillo Court yester? day. Mayor's Marshal Hymns last week Issued 0&0 licenses and receipted for "52,028. Croton water receipts for last wool; were .501.07ft. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shayne left town last week for in extended tour through tho Northwest and Hrltlsh Columbia. They will return In AagBBl and then go tu saratoga. The free baths of the city will bo opened on Friday. rho locations for tho season aro as follows: On the North Uiver nattery, itSBBa Bt. Horatio st., Twenty sovontli-sf. and Forty-slxtli-st.; on th" F.a.t Uiver? r'orlcars Hook, Statiion st.. Nlneteenthst., Thlity iCTeath-St, One-liundioil and twolfthst. and One? il nnd red- and- thirty-eight b-st. Heretofore the brakemen on the elevated roads have not all been compelled to woor uniform*, but to? morrow the*, and other employes of tbs Manhattan Elevated Railroad Company will appeal In blue unl [orms and white caps, In saWsBshsBBS willi an sasha recently Issued. Puring this wsrm spell a visit tr, tho Eden Mttseo ls particularly pleasant. With the Htingnrian BO : heat ra, tbs Viunneso lady fencers, tho excellent art taOery and the great cell ?< (lon of waxworks, tho at? tractions provided aro almost too many. Tn day the usual concerts will bo given, and tho admission will be but half tho weekday rate. Iletweon 1 and 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon fht* lonni nus of the Fridge, and tho Thlrd-avo. elev'atetl railroad wore as crowded and bustling a. on other i' eel,days between 5 and I p. m. Many of the largo lown-iown hous?s yesterday began tho siaturday early : losing for tho summer. Joseph Mindel, a Orman laborer, ago thirty-six, :ommlttcd sulcldo In his mom at. No. 8"?1 Flrst-a'.e. yestorday, by hanging himself tu the transom of a door. John Reynold*, age ton, fell Into tho North Uiver ?t Flor A yesterday afternoon, and George Kemi, tho telegraph lineman of I'ollco Headquarters, who happened to bo op tho pier, Jumped Into tho water and rescued him. The New-York Chess Club opened Its new rooms In Pearla el last, right, anti Eugene Maiman, the jinabMir champion, coiobrated tho occasion by saa*b> Ding 6 Can tesl against twenty members. Frank P. Ityaii, an ex runner at Castle narden, was arrested yesterday, charged with stealing iFOH) from John olsen, a friendless emigrant. Ho wm taken to pollco headquarters. A skull was found In an ash barrel at. No. 401 Frist Thirty thlrd-st, yesterday, supposed to have been haft there by a medical student. The unknown man. supposed to he Adolph Meering berg, a bookbinder, who shot himself In Central Park Friday Dight, died at Roosevelt Hospital this morning. " Excelsior."? The steamship Ktrur,a was 7 days 4 hnuis and 8d minutes making the trip from tier dock at Liverpool to her dock at this port. Fut In order tu got at ber actual running time one must deduct Ul? timo lost by stopping at Queenstown, disobarglng and taking on pilots, and tho delay ar Sandy Hook walting for high Hilo. Tho best way of ascertaining the act mil speed was as "The Tribune'' computed lt on .hmo 4: from Queenstown to Sandy Hook?0 days, 1 hour and Oj minutes. Archbishop Corrigan administered tho saerament of continuation to a largo number of children yet rday In Kt. Nicholas's Kunian Catholic Church in a*OCO**d-Ot. John ballon, a eanalboat captain, age thlrty-ilvo, wa; found dead on bis boat, tho Washington George, at Flor No. Bj East Uiver, yesterday. A romarkablo bunch ot asparagus was exhibited st a Broadway fruit stare yeetestlapi it bontalnod sixty shoots, was thirty Inches In eircuni'crcnco, and weighed thirteen and a half pounds. Some time ago Mayor Hewitt received a lotter from a Turkish El'endl In Constantinople, a-king him to lind the Effendi's two sons, who had come to New York many years ago. The Mayor refelled th- case lo tho Pollco Department. reetSrday he was told lhat tho missing Tarlta had been found, and the de sired Information was sent to their father in Con? stantinople. Francesco Amatrlcclo, an Italian grocer, of No. 115 Mulberry-st., was hold for trial at the Tombs Court yesterday for distributing grcon goods circulars. .Mary Donnegan, a homeless woman, ago thlity, who runic tram Ireland and eaald not Dad employ? ment, Jumped Into tho river at tho font of Rector lt yeaterdSJi bal was rescued by some men who wein at work on tho plor, and was placed under arrest. Throe foundlings, a girl and two boys, were taken to Police llcad'iuaiters on Friday nl;:ht. Tho pill was abandoned at South Ferry, and the boys a' tho F.oulevanl and Seventy-llfth st. and at No. 101 East l'lfty-llrst-st. Thomas riu'.llvan. age seventeen, ran away from his homo at No. .'!0."> East One-huiulrt <1 and Hr t st. tno ? asks ago, to avoid punishment for mhnondttct, and hU father yesterday asked tho police to search for him. *mooi\f,YN. Tho qnattCffty harvest meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of tho City Mission Boelety STU held In st. Ann's Episcopal Church yesterday afternoon. Ad? dresses wore mado by the Rev. Dis. Charles H. Hall and Lyman Abbott. Tho Democratic leaders aro endeavoring to discour? age the lb|iior dealers from making I hom SC hr ta prom Incut In tho party organisation, an I are acing their Intliienee to prevent a parado planned to bo held In August. All tho stock of tho new Fulton Elevated Ballway Company, formed to build an extension of the Kings County road in tbs Twenty-sixth Wari, has boen sub? scribed for, and tho charier has beni taken up. Children's Day will bc goreially obsXNrend In tho MStkOdlSt churches in-day with special services. Tho Inion Elevated Railroad Company has hSgBB Ihe work of la;.lng foundations lu My ri le-ave., between Cl mid and Nostrand aves. The annual oxcur-don of Uio rjimdav-schnol of Plym? outh Church and members of tho congregation will take pince next Bsttirday. The bon steamboat Strim will start from Jewell's Wharf at 8:30 a Ba. for Us cawana Uland in thc Hudson. XOT THE DUTY ER'S FAULT 1 UTf TTHE. Abraham liroomstcln. a newsboy, ago twelve, got on a car In lower limadway w-icidav to sell papers. Tho car was "Ming uptown and after riding on lt half a block tho bey Jumped off tho platform In a hurry to catch tho down car. Ho fall almost under tho car and his right leg was cut and bruised seriously beforo the drlvor. Edward Rolly,'of No. Bud West Forty-ninth st.. could stop tho ear. Kelly, who was not to bo blamed for tho accident, srne ssrrested. Broomststn lives at No, Uk) Henry st. Ho was bent to tho Chambers Sticot Hospital. P.IAT I/JfA' VT l'lilEOXH Philadelphia, Juno I).?'Ibo best pigeon race ever flown for hal dunnee, and tho bo-t from any dis? tance since 18.8.'., was by the Urta of thc Volunteer ft Bawls ttOB to-day. Tho BBasiSS B*SfS! i diaries F. Duane. .'I; Charlo-. Ritohlo. 2; and C. W. P%iigborii, |, The Kidneys and Liver Aro organs which lt ls very Imporf-nt sheald be kept ,? -ned condition and vet they ne ?i'*ksd and Ikaesl |f nearly evervhodv. io,lil th-y BSMSBM S*om '"ir, eligu-el um or dlwascl. lieud'a hai'Ji-arllla cures all difficulties arith theao oriana, rouses them to healthy sotion, sud tones the nhShl d'.C'stlvo orifiiiitsm. Tho fiill"i?ni? 1? from a well known Brooklyn lady. il,,, ariki Bs ht* '- ht tTaklp, of ihu lina of Ohly, bchrnl'lt -;,, cinnilMiloii merchants at No. 89 \Varrnn-sa., ar, i peril ci'?: a r'?r n taral years I suite rei creatiy hem |*sasrsl .1. tciuy. MlleSssneaSj and tick hSSestssssS, with high foyers. r.Te duelers arid I Ind malaria, and that my liver Wis ,,,,. sf SI"*** ?hBf *s*eaaetsad fur me, hut lr 1 little or no ben, ut; rtnally I sfCBt to Minnesota, and sites a month really felt Improved. I ut soon siter my roturr hume 1 nat uciilr ?s I*<1 M Saar. Then n lad/ locum Bsssahnl te mo BssneTe Ismpsrllla, melt mg sa**arsl ta stances wliero il had eurod cat?.-s similar to nilli''. 1 had kskaa Hood's Barnapaillia Ism Haas a week abm my appalls! lessm Iniprovliis;. my sick h--, I bee I I ie?s violent, i be#BB to feel stroagm ant issssaiagea, ti,.- i wr ma ? it Neaas mtmisli tad i ta*B**e**cd Belly. Tlk.' fifth humby after I SSBammeSd tahlng Ilu'sl's Sar soourUls, I was strone enough to walk for two houri with my husband aud child In i'r,.?jie,-t l'ark wlthoul feeling Ulises!, nnd *.? aftsjr I Mi helter than I BVm did. \v,< aaa tahe BeesTi garmpartlta mrp spates* u,v hushuii I ctill 1. ind I, and suncftne* In hag ?"??IL. an! wo have no ruorv thiuchts of Ill-health." Hood's Sarsaparilla Hold hy sll rirucR-tsts, ci ; sis for S4. Frepsred anly B/ C. 1. il'-iuU & CO., Apothecaries, I.owtll, Uss*. . . 100 Doses One Dollar Sold by all AniMlsts. SI: als for SS Prepares, only by C. L MOOD 6 CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Tho start wai made from Orango. C. H., Va, at A:?t> a. m., and tho birds flow to Hrooldyn. N. Y. The en? tire entry was at homo beforo half-past 1 o'clock, the tlmo of return unknown. Tho birds of the Rltchla and lhasas soft! BNB6 found si 1 aVeteck and canines at 1-:10; dl-tar.eo about MO miles; averago speed, eui:' bm flme of finding as tif arrival. I^ggg yards per mlmito. Tb* fl. W. I'ar.gls^n bini, Cantsln IfaiT was found at 1 :'ir? p. m. certified a' 1:46 p. m. '? distance, ' miles. The best prevtoni K.i*>e<i fn,'^ this lil.itanco bj i.j<.;> yards ami ts*sB mado In lutd. ? -. NEWS FROM THE SUBURBS. ? JEFMEY CITY. Joseph Clarlte, a laborer employed by the Eris Railway fompany, ls lying at the point of d^ath in his I'.me, No. gig Coles st., from the effects of a numlerous assault made upon bim by John Hojran of No. ggg Erlo-st., Friday til"lit. asssJBI ls also empJopCi by IBS RHe Company and tho two men have Leen at enmity for somo time Friday night they tame to blows and Hogan struck Clarke on the i,,.^ with an lion coupling pin, fracturing bis skull, The Babies found Hogan at 4 a. m. yesterday, secreted ta a friend's louse In lier dei COB st. Tho applications for liquor licenses thin far ra> eelvod Indicate that high license will close up about 400 rum shops In tho < Hy. NEW-JERSEY. A Kepublirati I/'.iguo will hs organised Bj Bavosne City Munday evening at HendrbBasea'a Hall, Avenue D and West Thirty Iii si sr. asSfBBanasBBBI fi op, every waul In HM city will participate, MCSBSJ?ssgfst at whom have signed tho roll of n.-mbershlp. lbs E\c|s,j < ommisslonors of tho villas*) of South River, htisMkmss caaaspa haaa stirred up tba place ly theil ac!lon In BsBBfaf. an ordinance which allows all stu re kee j*'rs and others to remain orien Sunday! until V2 o'clock, and do business as SB any other day. Captain Joel Wilson bas boen chosen superintend? ent of the Fuitrors (*clsSS*s Preparatory School, and tho faculty of the college has decided also to appoint a bead master. ALONG THE SOI'NP. Thomas I. Sfarsoa, of the hTesr-Yerh Consolidated F-.Tohangt*, ami Colonel of tho 4th Regiment, r y ^ I,us been ehoson chief iiiiii>h:il of the military and clvlo parade to take place In l.ridgeport July 4. ?? hlgTCOUlEH rotVTY. At the second annual dinner ot the Foelc#'?,? j,f||j. (arv Aeademy Alumni \ss,,.-i,ii,.,,,. on Thursday even? ing, at the Eagle Hotel, PeeksUU, K. K. I amp ass elected president; vlee-preildenti, Edwerd Weiss, jr Reorge S. Allison, and C. W. Starbuck; secretary, \V. L Ellis. a* ? JOTTX G. FROSTS VUWtMAL Funeral sen ices over the bogy of fda th Passy, em of the oldest flour merchants In this city, wen- held nt hil hom", Ne. 805 MudKm-ave., yesterdar. Many w?lt. known businesH men wero present. The R.-v. Waiter Mitchell eeadaesed Usa aarvtesa Ts-day bsa I atp win be token to rneghtfls**sSS fur butial in the Rural Cometcrr lhere. THE T.VTUTRAX WTWtATMBJffK ITIng=ton, N. a*., Juno f) (Special). The f.'ithenn Mln'sterluni ha? been in BCSSten |g the Spilm: street ImtheraB Chnreh hare for sumo days, a Urge num ber of RlatstSCI and laymen vasa In attendance. Ths Rev. F. A. Ea'ilor, of Iriillalo. tbs Fti.-'llsh secretary, jei'iicheii to night on the po-ition and mission of l.utheiun chureuei in Amer., i . OIL MARKETS. PtTTsnt'itn. Penn.. Jane 9. ? Petroleum qolet National' Transit ci'iui:> aloa opond ?*. 7s-1, ; closoU at 7a1?; lugUssL 16%| lowest. Trtsi. Baan4*0S*>. Tenn.. June f) ?Xitlinal Tr^islt f"ertltlc?tss opeue.t at 7-ir? OiosSStal TsS,, highest, 7J\; lowest, 7*j*sv (. lear.iii'es. 1,11 ti.OOO barrels. ? Peen., June 'j.?N.itlonalTrtns't cerft'icslss SI 79 ? hlBliaeS, 7S*|l lowest. Ttls,; closed. 78V GIRLS. E have the best assortment of everything to wear, mcluding "Tennis Suits," Jersey Stripe Shirts nnd Waists, " Blazers," Canvas, Lawn Tennis and Russet Leather SIk.fs, Fancy Flannel Hats and Caps, Bathing Suits, etc. Also n full assortment of nil tho new stimmer gomea, Inelud'.nn Lawn Tennis, BanBSlB Nels, l*:ill* and Poles I roane: Seu. Bnsshall fTtshe Balls, Mask*, nells and (iloves, Arebory. Pielitng Karls mid Tackle, Photo' tnijib I'nnioriis and Out dis. rt". ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. We Invite spec lal attention to a now line of >U YS' SUITS Ti iurs Strictly ALI.-WOOLi sewed w'.lh best qtiallty silk, eat in our -tuiieriur stylos. Ut Just as well as ibo liner *s*r*Sslss nod have our usual guaruntes I! atvcsatisfactory R1 Alt. Our New Knitted Seamless Suit, the "Jungfrau," is the best "vaca? tion " suit in the market at moderate cost. There Cl no other phire irJiere children eau be flited out (ta wtU with everything required. BEST & CO. 60 & 62 West 23d-st "Buy or the Maker." FASHIONABLE Ol R SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW FILLED WITH AV EXI'KLLF.\T !?i:i.E('TI0N OF HHJII-CLA*** FfRMTIRK OF IMQCK AMI AltTIsiTIC DE? SIGN** NOT PllOt' (.'KABLE KLfEWilEBE. um co. Nos 104, 106, 108 We3t14th-st. WARREN WARD & CO. ARK FBIPABED TO FURNISH SUMMER COT TACKS, Al'AUTMKNTS. OB MANSIONS C* TIIKIU USUAL TASTEFUL. SUBSTANTIAL AND CO.UFOlM A1JLE STYLE. AT VERY MODEBATl TRICES. 0 and 8 EAST 30TH-31.