Newspaper Page Text
VOL'XI7Vl-I.N*-.-, lKl NEW-YORK, MONDAY, JIM-, ll, 1888. PRICE THREE CENT& A PLEA FOR AMERICAN ART. WHY #0819 OF ART SHOULD BE PLACED oi Tat waa list. >*s* mm MKMOR1AI. TO 1HK MI-L9 COMMITTEK VmH AMKRICAN AUTISTis ?HOW ART MAY BR lIAVDICArPKB. (BY T-UtGR-I'll TO THE TRiniTSF./ Washington, Juno kl?Tho House will nt tempt to ;:o on this week with the ? Mills gttttd." There is prokV, ly no better indication of tho *>or sjstency with which tho Wave find Maaaa C,,m mitta-a- ami thc Democratic caucus h.'vo insisted on protecting whore prut ai ion v. ia-, not needed or asked f%>r, nnd N-M-BgJ protection W-MCa it was ?inrently and obviously demanded, limn is pgg. vnt ii in a niemorial just forwarded to that com? mittee *W. tno nr'ist" ??? Ncw-Yorl-, erith the in? dorsement of thc Union Lc. _uc Club some time since given to its The main features of ihe presentation were ?dopt<ni in the form of n petition hf the Anvriean artists in Komc some time a_o, and the petition trss directed B_ninst the tax on works ol are. |>. p-nt ions of some of the N- w-Yorlt men have succeeded in impres.-iii_: upon Ute Mills <',,tn mittee thc consideration that no harm and creat pu Mi e. nctiolit tnij_lit result from placing works of art on the free list, hut the Democrats in canons struck out that part of the bill. The American ari'st*- Mt] ! lt this duty ls? levied for tho purpose of revenue. ??? tobmlt that lt !? not require* hy our country nor yustlflod by my necessity. If lt ts' levied for the BftfgsM of ,- ? -'sen of American artist*, ssa- submit thal tv v are | to such protection. They neither need lt nor fi. sir.- lt. On tho contrary, they consider lt to be at, vtrUiir. with the pc-sonal Interests as well as -I'h tho ?sneral Interests of Amorlsan art, and to bs as Injurious to ihe public at home as lt ts ii matins; and sCMSTS to trtlsts ind Govarnments abroad. The application of the principle of protection to pro ducts if ort s, la our opinion, a serious mistake. If not tn ibmrdity. The protection of American manufactures B-iy enable us flnaJlv to produce at home work of sn eqtMi, or even of a superior, mi ill to that S3BBSBM8 liy f.Hi~i nvtons, and so similar as scarcely to ba* dtstln jrclihed from lt: but no amount of protection wT.l enable in Atr'rt-'iin arttst to prsgass BOI-S similar to those of any terelen artist, or undistinguishable from them. Manufactures sro one thin::: sit ls aether. The charar',--r and value o' a ssmk of art depend upon ttl Individual genius n,J ability of Um artist himself, and fill ran n -HI: r lr- trinsf-r.s-d to B-OSBSf nor e_n lao Ire 1 ot lt oy anv law or any prohibition. Ky weight. Inz witli Inavy dories tl..- w.uks of UM great masters ut tte pat', a-ioh as Tl'.lan or Tlnt-retto, or by virtually pro? hibiting Um ssorks of lindern masters, such as F_rtuny or Miliet, m vs ai, i or Da Nt la, irs mbIh bb s:ep taweig | in our country new Titi ms, Tin'ort-ttos, For t-nys. ?-il!r-rs or Meissonlors. O- tho contrary, by pi-e. tSSS?lg iii- (MS taBTSBB-ttOfl of their works. wa> deprive r.vr IMtl (f op-.-irtunitK-s of study, BSHgaHssa ind fleing; isa- force th'**: u, r... abroad for their educa? tion, and. und?r tne preVm ,- of hSlp-M 'hem, we burden them wlih difirultles. Ann rot tniy tha- ar*ls? ls thus ?j;-' i i bul ike public ila- mirers, .-md art is bast-cap A? well >r,!_hi sse s?.-k to develop the literature of AjMrlCS by prohibiting the works of all foreign authors. There would scm lo he no anaw-Z to those ar trtiments except the inouiry of Free-Trader Cobb, rf a?haaao : " What's the us,- of the ni to mo and tn j constituents ?" TO R Esr ME THE FISHERY DWCUrSSIOlf. \Vs6uinpton, Juno IO (Special).--The senate ls to ro? tuli, e tn agaa inseeBttee ee-Stei Um eoasMeiatton .,f t)y> Fisheries treaty lo monow. Mr. <..ra\. 0. Dela? ware, Secretary Baj-l*-'l warndag-pan, -BSiag the floor, isuch Interest as niiplii ord!laai-lly havo attached ti, his remarks bas boen abstracted to a groat extent by Mr. Merges, who on Thursday last AadO us" of ?? palatal speech e-tkeajlag Dearly all Mr. (nay's points. Mill, thc a bib iii"iy r(, as bmbb rerj lively auaBrpeUe ticuis ft-aiin the Republican iMfa, Osireelall;,- ii Ml'. Five should return in to take part lu the debate He Meal <>:r to New-England aboil! two wed:*, ago to Ool? loo t s-lrtlllonrsl information on Mils fish'-ry miofctlnn, and msy not be back tom,arrow, which will Le tbe aeaa ... _ loss and Banal or (Brag's peal gain. Th.-re are, however, so many appropriation bills Jresilni; that lt ls Ifl-fOWlble that ii.nch tim,- will be tivavi betvaea now aad tea *m..i ol the mooth tu this ii.nv queslioa Tl,,- Leglslattve, Executive and .lu iHcltl Appropratlon bill nott b? considered In Il earrie* with it so mani changes thal ll N a-solutel*! Impracticable to tibik',- over any dela)1 thal Bia) oeeur after !'.?' close "f tbe prose:.! fiscal yi-n bs cou'lnulug presetit appropriations for a linlto'i period. Such a louis- would stop j)alf the ness ly-a-t.i bllsh '-il fie ? delia r,- sat*toes in the dulci.m pis-t ofllees In the tountry and would ge_s_rall)l turn things upside d-.wn. READY TO WOLLOW PUTTKAMF.R. BVHOM OF TIIK -rlTHIrRAWAt. OK A MnMBKIt OF THF. PRUSSIA V Mill MT BT. I:ei-l!n. June 10.?It ls runioi-oil lhat another Cabinet Mln!st'-> Ins resigned ami thal I'nuni von MBBSMC will be recalli->| from l\.v German ITinhBBlJ at Patti. rti:v:-or F:o.|a-!-iit-. hag I long Intel I MSB with ITlnors ^;s^lal* k this afternoon concerning the Pru*,*.ian Min? isterial a-ri>i>, ^ Ls still ttlM-ttle-L RAHC-i JOSEPH D__8nK>U8 OF PF.A<"F_ P>sth. .lune 10.?Empa-j-oi- Ftancls Josoph, In ?etelvit.p the DelegaUoae, aaM that he was aallsfl, '. with ihe it - ibis iclatlons exlsltnc brtwoen Aus'ria iud i. | The cn'Ht mlIitary eaadlta 9t> Branded did Dot mean thal trouble was Irnpendln.: they va-.,- hecBUss other States had -ugaMnted their forces. ?lec!an-d tint ho earneetlji Ue tln*. ? l>f'M n:npO UCCOVERIKG KAITDLT. All lat I .::,,-. June lO.-Tho E-BfeWM of Urarll If, n*_in_ excoiiont propress. (J-lavarable ereBth-t prevents his ruins' out of doors. LOKI) STANLEY REA: HES OTTAWA. Ottawa, ont., .tune 10.?Lots* Manley, tho now f;ov troor?Qsaaral and BBtte -ntvad here at 8 o'clock tti's Biornlng. Tho hour of his arrival not br-lt'g ltno.w. tere, the-, WM ?., j,,,},))- rosepilon, _nd onjy a few ?Pec'sloi-s were at Um station. TllK LK'ENSIN'f; CLAFSE.S Td HE DBOff-EDl -*>_d(>n, Juro- io.- 'Ihe PlCSfl Arrt*flatl-*l lr. author ?_ to state thai the compensation eJBBSee of thc Lotuity OararBBMBl bill will be dropped. A RIV EGYPTIAN CAJSBKWt FORMED. Csiro June 10.?A new Ministry has been formed ss followK: R|ar Pacha. PreslrVnt of tba founcll, Minister of use Interior a'o! MlnKt,-r of I Inane?. l*fH paeha. MinKi,-, of Justice. rehml Pacha. Minister of Foretgn Affairs. J?mar Lutti Paoi.a. Mini ter of War, ?eel Bey, VHnlstei ,.f Public Works. Ail Mo'ibart-k Paeha, Minister of Education. -.*.-, THF. ur ;[!>* Of EDIKDCBOB ROBBED. London. June 10 (gpes-ri..?Hm Doehees of Eilin las been robbed of a qaBBtttg of jovelrv, tuc - being stolen from h*r baggage bet~raaa Cot dova and '-raiiada. a JAT WOULD ABBIYT.S TX ST. LOUIS, 6t. Ls-jiiis, Mn,, .tune (lould and party ar? rived i.i.r,. fr?m om Uest to-nlpht and starla*! law I 1) afterward B_ Memp!i!s. Tli.-y '.ave visited all Im lartaal plata*, od the Missouri Pacific system In Mff* ?oiir!. K-,-iv_^ a,,_ Colorado, and Inspe-tod tho dl!t.-r !??? pr np Miga, Mr. OaaU is atiaaiai by his daaallf ph.Vsjs an and appears to bo feeble. *A hilo the party *-*? st, Kansas. Eddie Could, while going Irajin t|,?. depii! io the hold, fall liit<> so excavation Hid had hts rlpht leg seva-roly sprained and IBBerrN Viiae bad bruises. A TAMMA XT BRAVE MJBSSWB TX FT. LOT IR. lt -BBB), June 10.?Dennis McOlnty, a lOBBtflg nion\? hri of Tammany Hall, disappeared soon after i,|ia- mem 88*8 of the orr-TiUation BBlllBg In this city for the .(invention snd has nor sines BBBB BTBlSl ol. <>n re ?urnliijr, bom" ami not gadlOf any -trBBS of him. lils tr>nds became ulaimed and warn d Die St. Look {"-lice. A thoraiiifth seat ch vs .is l u^. t^'U-cd, but nu U-Ce ol the rates I n| man has been found. SUICIDE OF A DESPGXDEXT WOMAN. Reading, P-nn., june 10.?The bodies of Susan \S\x -*n, ago etghie.n years, and her babe wwi lound ?h-owned in tho Schuylkill River here to day. Miss 8/lx. ?on disappeared f",;.i hoi hOBM la MohlBBberS Toss a {bin iwo we?sks ago. She had lied her child about Ur ?*->' will, a rois; before _i]u)ii<!riK latO the liver. CGMFLA1XIKG OF A X EXPENSIVE WIFE. -Wilmore. Juno li) (Special).-New da-\oiop,-u,-t.ii in '.!., <.a-ia.biat.-d l'.iossn divorce eas" wore mado y,-s knUy, when Alexander li. Brown flied BB BBBB*er *?? '-e L'ucuii i b ni of Baltts-ora county la Ihe peU Uoa of LU v.lfe, vhe BSketf thai ho be requln-d to pay **-* -X?cn_es of ber defence In the dl\or<(> P*rBBB*s1 ?kgt. u. allott. iLai ibo coub-ol leos v.cre Dald aiid further declares that the testimony talton on his bebatf fulls establishes t:?. in-deilty of tho srite; that. there? fore* ihe wifo ii nm entitled to further allowance; he was allowed ggOO a month, ral hus liv*-l o\tiavaganlly and caintlntie to Ue-p four beta ta, Ber -ii earrlages .and an expensive retinue ol lert-aot-, ? mot tuen nnd trainci-s f,.r he, beceaa. Mi. Brown danita tho charges of cruelty brought by Ms wlfo. SHERIDAN'S SLIGHT RALLY. A HOPEFUL M'LLF.TIN FROM THE DOCTORS. A PARTIAL IMn:oVKMi:\T |SJ Tm* ACTION OF TIII* HKAItT?PBABg OF A Itri.APSi:. [nT nBUMSAI-i to the IBIBUBB.] WiMMRMi .Tune 10.?(i, ni-ral .Sliendnn, tip to u lute hour to-night, had cxiro; iciieed no relapse. This was a relief to all his frit nds anil to his phy I i UM. There had liecn apparently so mud. rct'ii la.ity _n tim returns of bia dau.ormis relapses that. another one was d-gudgd and almost expected to oeeni to-day. Dr. Pepper, without Wing re quegbad 80 do so. stated when he left last. Thuis liay morning for i'liiiailolphia that he would i-eturu for a general consultation on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Lincoln, apturently moved bf the MM im? pulse and anticipation, also ggnud to meet _g other physicians at. the MM time. Uta doetors m.-t tltis afternoon and held a long consultation. They afterward, tn tween 7 nnd H p, m., issued a bulletin, signed bj both Um civilian physia ians, and also bj the Army BUfeODO, in which they Mated that tho Gemial's condition continued " at. l.-ast as favorable as it. has booti for three days past"? no hotter, no worse. The re-pir*t hm was described as being " still irmruiar."* hut it was add? ed that " the Beal- .ic!ion is iinpioveil." This, as the first definite indication a,f even tho faintest sn, eesslul etTort to rally from the deep dos,-ont into which the hst relapse bad -dunged the Battering hero, was nuiutaily t-releomoo. 'ihe physicians state that the -ervoai toroc holds out well, that his mind is al,ar. and ihat "then- me no present indications of >>nv serious oompHC-tion impending." The* my thai the GanerarB appeal once is U-ttcr and that he expresses liimself as feeling hopeful Of rec,very. Of course, the solicit leatnros n" tho onse con? tinue to be the steady loee of strength, the titter inability to take anil assimilate siiflicieat ntitri i". m. and the ever-present doubt of the recujiora tive power to survive another relBpee. Each previous attaick has h-fr liini on a lower plane then before, and his gallant efforts to gel baetc bare always been rvpulsed bj sollie now eom 1 lioations. Tho sultry heat, of tho midday was tempor-vl l>v a limn,lei- storm in tbe afternoon, and all the windows of hons,. except those of the sick? room.' were thrown open to let in tito refreshing niter-breeze. At ll p. m. his condition was uu ohangod __ THE SCENE PAINTERS SH Pr Err dr. lAROR MKN* RLAMI* Till" KMIOKATION COMMIE SIo\KHS?MAIVTAIMVG DISCIPMNE. Eighty delegates attended tho meeting of the Cen iral Labu!- Cition In Clarenden Hall yesterday and were BBJthlBg but harmonious, there belli- a spilt on a technicality of the constitution, in which Edward i'inclslestoiic beadell om- side and various members ehaagtoaed Ihe otii,-r. Tin* report of tho committee Bent to Intercept the ?ceno paitit'-rs and carpenter*; who came from England unilor MBt-BOt to Henry Pain, of Coney Island pyrotechnic fame, was niisatls factory. Tho committee wort to Castle carden and i'm- imported Borhmon landoai with the cabin pas? sengers on the dock from the steamship Aurania. They laid in the report that tho Oontmlssloners were lux In C.cir odilia! duty, for when they trent to 1 ol lector JIagone to complain be lt was tha- duty nf thc Commissioners of Emigration to Inform him of tho coming of contract workmen and they had not doM .0. The Metal Trades' Section reeatred tn admit the iron Moulders' Union J*o. .'", on condition thoy paid ii]: their dan to the Foundry-ion's Association The Board "i Traste 1 visited tto- Moulders' tulon ami as they bad partially compiled arith tb-tr orders did not suspend thom, it was aioeided to suspend thean until they should do so wholly. The Journeymen Hrewers yo-torday derided that j t*s<- mon enr''iv>-l at Conrad fc'tein*- anton btcwcrv | t ho Id be Bxpelled If thee i'd not ?i-o|e their t ci,'mts hr Wednesday, if this is -lone 1 mrad Btefn will lias boycotted ami will natuially Join th.- : pool" bi-owcrs. If ll..-y let bibi. WESTERN RAILROAD MES DISTCRBLD. RATE Cl'TTIXO?DAMAGED BY THE IOWA COM.MIS 810XC1-, Chicago, Juno 10 (Speelel).?* Tbe situation will lao woree before it is bettor," reeaarbed 1 railway nan* egera -BferriBg to tbe generally naaatlefaetorj con? dition of ajfali-s uni,,us Waitara and IfOllhBBllMII loads. He voiced the opinion of others who have 1,,.-ii watching the course of events lu tho la.-t ts-.o Weeba, and are now awaiting tho developments of the next fortnight wl'h a pool deal of anxiety. The linos in tho Western and Worth WM tem freight bureau arc In a woree predlCaaMnl than ever, now that the Iowa BaTlroad QoaaBlBaloaeea have alssbed down theil tariff rates In tha! State t.i a profitless ngura, and they are beginning to wond.-r when their future Bar-tags are to como from. With their .st. Paul and Minneapolis business I wallowed by thc Burlington ami Nilli horn and the Chicago, gt Paul and Kansas City roads, and their Iowa business rendered practically won Moss, the outlook is gloomy enough to give them all tho blues. Tb8 recent complications bare given rls-^ to cort alt: gngattoBB thal in all probability will bare to bo settled In tho OOartS or by the Interstate Commerce Con.mi' sion. Clio of theo ls toed by tho attitude ol the Chicago, st. Tani aod Kansas City road In dropping its I brough rates between Chicago and st. r.i-! to tbe 40 o.-nt schedule and still holding up tis local ratal In Slotagtoa Bl tho long and short haul provision of lins Interstate law. Another point that In all I; kell bond will bo settled In the courts. If all other means fal), is whether the raUroadi arc to bare any rights in 'Iowa or not. Tho troubles are likely to spread, and tho St. Louis and Kansas City road* are not fe-llng secure. A serious part of tho problem ls tho probable extension of the "prorate" territory M tho Missouri Hirer, which ts nnderstood to be what tho Central Trafllc Association would like to bring about, if tu- Missouri, instead ol the Mississippi, should bi.mi ibo beac Uno, the reeuli aili I ? bad for Chicago, as wv.'-York and other -astern centre*] would make heavy Inroad- npoa the trade of ibis city, which would softer Material loai m b distributing point. 'll.,- question whether s demoralisation "f Northwest ern rales can be avoided la t,;. bo -team settled, but it is an encouraging ilga thai tbe managers are dh posed to try all mean- ol seeming harmony, in.-toad ot talking hasty aud aggressive action. -1?-?? LOSSES OE MI-sOTKI. KASHA- ANT* TFXAS. St. Louis, Jun.- 10 (Special!.- Judge Prower baa Ixed July 1 a- tba date tai bear Bi***t-_M_ti fer ai 1 against the application of the Urreaii-Oc Trna! ''mn ,,f Na -r-Tfork for a rea eivc for ti'- Missouri, Kansai and Ibjum railways, -hera are 14-80 miles . f . i.I. and the todC-iednBM now amotini- to g-8,000t**aM, The rcvciue of tho road has bera lag at a frightful rate. At the beginning of ia t year the debt to the af-astirl Pae-k wea ab.ut ir-i.'Jiri.O(K). Now lt H 9SA1O0AMXX It ls claimed lhat the traine has boot, directed from the mad lo tho Iron Mountain, am! that unless 1 re? ceiver I- -.arointed the Lnc will be dli.rn nb-w! bj bondLoladeri uruler foreclosur-. pisx**ti!iiigs. rbis would K-siiit in a complete wreeh. 'ii.-- J-me int.-. a-t, a total of gi 400,000, ha- boen defaulted, and tba Indications a:c thal tbe Aagast hMen 1 wm aat be paid. -? PLAYERS OOWBULTtWS FOR THEIR OWX GOOD. Several men, familiar figures In the b.-.-ot all wm ld, haat a aime! BiBiiiiiig hi an Bpeow8 ii";!-i b-d night They \aer-, thc council ol thc *'_scball I'layers' Brothers hood. Tlw BBlegBtBI wen- lltiltiiilon. ti UM PMlB-Sl phis club; MentS, of tho 1''g: Ward, of the \e-.v Ya-rk: I'lolfcr of C-M&go; lien,is. of indianapolis, ind sb,-h. of ajaahlngten Tho Beeta* **''(* sMtaaH elaN were iepri*sei:lea| by proiy. little actual business wss done onl-ble of rOBtllM nnaiieis. Thc aa.mentias- appoiitcd lasi year ?" <. fer with tho [MOgtM B-OBl ci.nltable emit rait- reported Hut ibo I.-a/ie had nm kept faith with t>-in. The report was accepted, bul tl - matter will bi broughl np again b"f,..e long. Ward ami rfeffer wor 1 appnlnto I a 1-.inmi. 1.vj to ravi ?? ?, ?> brotberhoa-d conatltntlon, it w_s alas decide,1 thai Iq ti.'uro a player In 1 e could apply for aid lo th" Rratberhood. som- ch . tti-iojnaale ii, tbe ConstlloUoa 01 8 being that In fulure the olfieer. of tho omanUalliMi would be elected by a lol.I volo of tho member. Instead of by thc cuiinclL A DBX1AL FROM Fa-TRIOK F.GAX. Chicago. Juno 10 (Special).-a dispatch from Lon? don jeataalgf gave tba abbataaN of a telar gvfegUag to ..uie been written by l'alrlak Ksgan t<i Mr. l'amell, bag BB-prase tbat - anthia, bad bap deeM while Ihe b,st mci iii ltciaiad were in prion." ihi- lettes hail been produced by "ll.o landon ngMg* In Hs defence igaiael tba O'Donnell eetioo Ber ii'"'1 Pei risk ban, who ls now In thc city, wa a-lie 1 about the ma'tii "1 havo sent no siien letu-r," ho ssld, and fcu~w ol uouc. lt la a labri*allua aad nothing -iorc" FKEDICTING HEP flt UV AN VICTORY. MASSACHUSETTS DELEGATES HOPEFI'Ii. HHCIB AT TilK Nomi ILK CUT.-.MANSON Kita KI) EXIKCTINli A TIDAL WA VT. Boston, June 10 (Special).? The Norfolk Club ont ort ni ned on Saturday Ike ik-lcgates-iit -large 80 th,- Chieairo Convention. The mention of Blaine was received witli hearty applause. State Treas? urer Board, one of tho detafgaeg, siiid in regard io candid itM for the nomiiiiiiieii: " There are .s;\ name; which are prominent Non,- of them repress tit fueuoiis. Thane of thnn. Gresham. Harrison gad Alger, are soldiers. Aa other three, ? Sherman, IVpow nnd Allison, nre civiiinns. All of them nre well known in the country, nnd their ex|*oria-nco qualities tliem for ga* post within Iii. gift of tim people. We have no ,|iftlculiy ns |g who our candidate shall Ire. I h;iv" no donht it will bc one of liesa- six. Arty one of tliem is worthy to represent, tba party and earry it on to victory. It makes not tin !?? ditierenro which is selected: the part** will poll the same vote in any ease. Wt BBB go to Chicago reeling that what gre want is the heart, Thara la no blot on the Mooed of any of these men. Wa slioiiid be proud that, wc have to ofter no explanations ns to tim poln;c;i| Mooed or pa-rsonal j character of any of our candidates. Perhaps j y,,u may think that I nm anilgllllM. bot I b?***8 j lu, n in the habit for forty years of carefully j looking over tlic imlitioal siCmtion ln-fnf-liand. I believe this year lhat JOH ale going to Bee 8 tidal wave, which has already begun wln-re rolls the OtBfOB, and thal it is golqg to sweep nut of ! tba A.iiniiiistration of this eountry the party that now dbtgrafCa it. We ,-i-e sun- of OlBgOfl and W8 arc sure of We carried Indiana last. year, and only lost ii through teg-dative fraud. We Mond on the fundamental principles the j party stood on when il \.as i luise,I to the eiioroaehnii nts of ila- Blare power. I go to Chicago arith this fooling, this ev nectanej- I migtit ny, this rn "taint** of enooeee. 1 noser saw I vn'orv prt-Ogrd mon- plainly than lins '.I the Republicans of the Duked State* In the eotning E^ealdential election. The sots will in- cisl foi political principle. I go to Cl wishing to please the majority. I do pot propose to drift willi tho crowd, but T 'lo propOSa I all the information I can -rom the different quarters of the Nation as to the man who would best bring out the determination "f the Repub? licans t" ,- m. and tl, a I shall rote f?-r that maa" Ur. Eta-den, c****-i*rf**"t ni the Republican State Committee and a dclegat -, auria an e-nellent ?peech, in which be said: "I du not want the Bepublleana to hare any doubt, nor to be deceived by the absurd n**etext ol tn nil' reform This queation is not protection venus lori- reform, bat prol ction renraa free tra,!,-, pure and simple. When you look Bl the platform adopted by the St. Louis convention, voa can ngve no doubt of this 1 do not believe that anybody caa read the President's merenge withi j hcueving that, if his instruction- weis- oanied out, the last vest iff 0. piaita r-tiori would be carried a-.vav. and our industries would be reft (l.fe.ieeh-ss -aaiiist the onoroa-dimcnt!* of the in dustriee of either countries.'' MR. FLATT DENIES A RUMOR KO E.TOB*. HAS DEEM MADS BT HIM TO IN* DUOS Mit DEPEW TO WITHDRAW. Tho trtataeetent pubHshed ymtorday repsesentlng ex* Senator Tkomaa C Platt andSenetor EDaeock m bavlaj 'twined e combination to drive Mr Depew nut ol tbe ince ;is a I'ri-'-l lefttlel CB-tQ-OBte BBS ?_-(? lierallV l-gardnd as aarlng ll origin e great deal mort lu Imagination than in fad Tba story rai sj*.-, iru- in this: Thal on Friday Isa! at a <>:i.-.- n: Mr. Depew'l hons" Messn. Platt ami Brteach Infostned Hr. nepew'that the] could ii"t sapport him and lartht-itaare deuMaded that be should anoot-ncc bat Bitbdrawal Mr. Depew is mpreeeatet] as saying to bli rhttori thit they were a' liberty t,> aanodaec thal be wai aol ? eaadfdata. This was nut regarded as siii'i'-la-nt, and Hl-cnck and Flatt are said to havo laij-tatj thai Mr. Iv pow shomd witto ,i positive lotter of d-'llnatlon. Milch be p tartly refused to d ,. The eeeUMe-ct h resorter! to lia\e brobea sp tun, tbe ead retaad-ng thal no definite decision wo.iii! i.c i.-.a.tba i until it should ls* learned ar Chicago hon- tbe BepuMteans "' thc R *thwo*rt sror Ht poaed toward Mr. Depew. Mr. -Qteock returued to Washington en -eturday Bighl ami Mr. Depew I as nt Iii. eoontry hOBM at iv-oiisiiiii yesterday, so thal neither could ba asked a* to tba truth or falsity of tl,,- aaserl OBS. Mr. I *!. i r l was found at the Fifth Av,-uno Betel yest ord ly ami promptly reepondad: "I bare art seen the statement yon ipeak of. hut i bare beard absal it. it is bosh snd noneOBM all thc way through. I was not at any eoBference on Friday a' Mr. Depe_r*e boase nnd have never demanded, Biked or suggested h- withdrawal. Tba si,,ry k io abenrd tba! a den,al of it leeeM ta? ta ceesary and superfluous." Mr. Platt added thai tho ad-litton-i st.itomont thal tho fi-ionds of Mr. i>.-i>ew and ex Senator Miller ware (ailing their ai_ierniits to Mew-York for a conference to 1,0 h.-hi to-morrow (or tho narpi te of counteracting the natl His.i,ci, sch. >,f forcing Mr. D-yew ott tho track waa news tn him. Inquiry in other gturtors filled to iubstant|ate it JUDGE THU-9R0-I WOULD VOTE FOB BUSK. Chicago, .lune 10 (.",.-.John M. Thnr-ton, chairman of the ff tibiae ha detogetlon to tbe Kcpubii eaa fonTBolkwi. waa al tho oiaad racine Hotel to? day. Said ho: '-My heart wai l,rok'-n when lilain.'.i last letter came out I hav alwayi beilc-red that the BapabUean party should pal ap Ita treal mon tot candidates. Two thirds of oar delegation were Car him. Now I do nut thlnh any BMmber fal pledged io any candidate, i would rather bm Governor Busk. of Wificoiisln, nominated, though 1 do noi suppose bc will have support which will ra-snlt In anything, Alger would run In .\cbi-aska, because of the old soldier v.,ie. !,a was settle* mainly by soldiers after the var Wo like the doctrine preached by Inpails. li suits t!io Wa-st. bot I ItlBpOse tl'- 1'ist would not consider his candidacy, if indiana came to the con ventlon with a tingle oand.daie. j would be In favor Of niitiilnatiitg him : but In a contest, lt would not be the '."si thing to lake either man. lv-jr-w would not be an acceptable candidate lo the Weal i n ace,in' f his presidency of the New-York Centra-" Judge Thurston says be Bill nol be a candidate next year for tho tiiiici states Senate, ?'ben a -ncc?oi to Senator Manderson mu*: bc elected. The Itepubll cans of Nebraska, be said, are In favor of a strm;. protective tarltf platform. MB. Iil.AINK MAY BECOME A RBCBB8ITT. Bx*OaagreasBian Darr, of MMhigan, a Barn agp porter of Governor Alger ter the Prealdoaey, started for Chicago ycsi,-,day. As ba was pattlBg on lils "gaster" a reporter eehed him how long be though) the I (invention would last. '? I'm afiald,-1 salo be, "that \se shall bare a lon;* ice sion. Bo man) i i dates, you ki.ow, and id many ifreechi i to 1?' Bede pulling tlji,!.-i In nomination. The ipeechefl will take ap Ihe beal perl ol three days, i eapeet." Mr. llorr repressed strong faith in bli candida! success. "Hos a roil gM ".." hfl laid, "that's uhal w ? claim for bim. Nominal,? bin Bad tia"ll ra i lil... a steer tbrOUgfa a Cl.lllt-e.,1. I llul.u he Man,I- a lia.' chi is*,-, loo, milos- ti,,- balloting thou hi hat -? i ii uni.I the delegates get tired anal then tun. round and say: ?Well, let us pm np i.laina- agata, j,.-', the man all Munt, anyhow; let'i nominate bim aad tah chalice,.' Ami away lt would ea lil,,- i cyclone. If some such condition ol thing! doesn't turn up, i lee. bun- that Alger ls tl.e ii. - ? ?*- ?? PA; kkk BOAH WANTS TO m PTOBT au; ki:. cUeaga, lase io (Spacial). Petrteh Bgaa bm be i in Now-Torfi ami has reoelved un Alger iMptratlea, ul would rote for Ores ha ti if he was naarinateeV ihIiI Mr. EgBB, "lil! Cen' glgBT 1 BBB?MBT the BtrOBgec caii'lhlale of tho two. Alger sAUa ? brave SOldtac arel l.o i. ? s? Jf ni ,.1? man, ami tho Irl.h Aiucricaiis prefer him, as th.-y do not ??cm t,, iii. ? klndli to flioiliain " I or wini reason I" "Noss-, | salli sui,- and work for tho ticket In any event, oat tbe trish da not liku Gmahaara Know Nothing record.' ?? ian that bas been expended." ?That may all be, bal ere waold hare ti a-pleln p. aad bb we want to hobi ti,- voters I belle* > lt |. pood ii'illoy io lake ra maa a^islnst vs hom Bottling BBB PB -..If'l."' ? Till". *.NTI M.MH?NF. DEUK.ATI*g K'U'rl'TT-. Bink mond. Ta Taaa 1ft Ctnnrlan TheWleel * ,|,1, .-.ates lo tho Chicago I ons chth a have ready all nf thc evidence they want for tho rout,-st they are M hav,- with tho Mahons delegates bi r,u,- tbe con' nus ? ,. ie. ..... ... m.,..,,.. ..... ?_><-- ,? i>, i a- i un ,-,, n , , i. sud will leave hon- on Fri,lav. Tha-y say they sra' languins of betna partially tasognlaed in tho Bonven* lion, but thc Maleme ii..-ii denten that there ls no show for such a result. Till-: CAM ERO .V rU'Ii'S WI'.I.niMKT ' III.A'NF. l'hlladelphl.i. .lune io i>_r,cUli. Th,- famcron Club has egpetated the teOewlBg comtnitteo io art arltk Hm b*e? Vurk Kapai,ll,,,,! i tab la tba casca.),timi M J sines <;. Uaaaa aa bia tatara ta tl h eoaatr] i winum Linn, clialimsn; QOBMrBl ll- ll. i'lngham, hdva'n I s*B*t_1 Willum Thornton. John W. Dubree, gtate Benator tlandy -mith. willum j. Mint_r_ii. Willum '? Mcl-turtilln. John O'Donnell, OUt/ac wiiauu aud Mi' McCoach, ul Loaimou Cuuucil? KILLED IX A POSTAL OAK. a MvsrnuY to the h?i,kt: of BANGOR A CLi-.i'.ii: wiin.K sa. i ?. i n a i.Kirr'.ns ATTACKED ->KATII AT FIRST T1KH (HIT TO BB PBOM lir.Miiiip.ii bOE TWO i r.I'.RKS, HIS (JOM I'ANIONs, AiiilKSTKD. [nr iKL-oitu'ii m run tiubusb. ] Barta*, June in._A dispatch to " The Journal-1 from llnnfs'ir says that, tin- Maine Central Rail? road depot |M Hg| pu. v,,,s ,i1(. mmant on Saturday erealng oi ? mysterious murder, the *-_ett_ beiag " Jerry" Sinclair, a railway poota] clerk and h. ra-.-i (lent. of Oeelpee, N. II. Mr. Sinclair WM g man nhout. fifty-live years of a..-, and hid In-ell in the service of the (iovernnient. a*, a postal clerk up? ward of fifta-on years. Mis body was -ieebTB-Bd lyinp on a pile of mail hairs just, as tie- train wis leaving f?r Huston, and flu- train was stopped and the body n moved, but it was not _888~8nd that he had boes murdered until two hours later, whoa tlc- tinderla!.-r. Mr. Hunt, was renies lag Um i ta*__g from the bodjr. I 'nt il then it waa BBpposed thal luannihaga td the lunge ea,ise I death. Th,- and rinker found that tIn* body had a deep cut la tha lefl breast, jn>t above the heart, winch severed thc maia artery, and that this had caused (loath. Dr. Sander, wini ev nriiiiied tin- wound, said the man must, have died within n minute attar the wound was indicted. Sinclair had charge of the mail-car attached to the erealiig train f.,r Borton, which learee bom at. | B*eIoda_ He left, tin- postoflieo on the mail cart, which takes Ihe mail to tim depot, abott!** aft.-r ; o'eii.i k. io |oin tba otbet two -terka, B. Lillian Hayes, of l!-,:; e, :i';d A. ti. Sellon, of Methuen, Mass*, who mad" the run with bin and had' began work on the BBil-eax at. t; o'eloch In the evening. !!?? had ehanged his O' ?? for n jumper and donned n [mir of oreti Ila The train had been Lacked into positi-.ii in ti, di pot ami the mail put Into the car, when the transfer clerk, S. T. Lowry, Stepped up to the main door at. ihe side of tin- eal and handed Sinclair a package of 1, tiers. Ihe last gong was Bounded three minutes later, nm. th,- train had began to mord slowly oat of the depot William H. Lowell, who runs the restaurant, at th depot and was going aboard .-. - a pa a ager, lumped on ti tie- rear platform of the mail car. ard took-Og into tho ni>en door saw Sinclair on a pil" of mail l)a_s in n lifeless Btate. He pulled thc bell-cord connected with the en_ir.e and the train woe Btoppd befor. j it had cone more 'han one hundred feet. Tho body was'rei loved from the e;ir nnd th" Hain peo Cee,l,|. Those who removed Sinclfiii auld tint ho bnatbi his last while bi lng taken from the enc A physician wi', tailed and the body taken to tho EVnobacot EaXtthnngr. when an examination was held and th- eauee of death pronounced to be lc -morrli.'>_- of the lun_s. About in o'clock in tli> evonin_-, when th, undertaker removed the clothing from tha body, be found a deep cul > \t- nding downward In the shape of a V on thc lefl side, lust op;,.,site tl"- left arm. This was found to be seven inches ? b | . n live and six tnehes deep, and the main artery had been severed. Word was telegraphed immediate.) to offioera at Augusta to arrest Brilon and Ha* ? for murder, nnd tba I ofRCs ia started on n rigilattl sen rc h for any othor tuepicioua oharacter. Si !l,m and Hayes were brought to this city on' the return train at an early hour this morning. Bollon -ays that be was in the forward part of tiie ear BOTtb-g letters. Beak of him, a few fud, tonia opened on each side of the ear. and he h.-iud Sinclair, who r.-;^ standing, he thinha, in the door oppoaib the depot platform, say to som, ono: " Not, by a - Bight," and then heard him ?tumble over a plank in the car. He looked round, (uni sr clair mid to him: " I f, ri funny.'1 Witli that he f.!l across ft pile of mnil-hacs in tho -Biddle of the oar. Ile thought ?"' -1;"' laintid and startn-d into th,- baggage eat for B0U8 thing to I,rim,' lum out ol ile- faint. Hayes, nye In- was in the nar end of tho oar and dill not bent or seo anything, but soon learned that Slnefa-ii had fainted. They told the men who curled the body out of the ear to get him a doctor, ami one of th,'in took his watch and pocketbook lor aafekecping. When Hayes and Bollon w,-re brough! to this city, tliey wviv let go aii.-i they told their story, hat ai,our ?.? o'eioek tren taken into custody, and S.-loii was searched and locked ap. Hayes -rag allowed to (-ro to his howl, but is still in custody. No tra,.f any sharp weapon was found mi th" pri-oner, or about th.- Station, and two knivs found on the body of the dead mun were without a stain of blood. The three ch-i!:s l,a\e been tunning together for three years and were beli-reed to I.a friendly lum ?. Sinclair was known to ba a good-natured man, well liked by all wlo knew him, iud it was not supposed thu l?. had an enemy in the world. It is said that la- was married about two months ago in ins im: .- in Mew-Hampshire. Whether some one was detected stealing the mail by Sin? clair or whether he was assaulted by anybody ia th,- ear is a matter ol conjecture. Three tramps base been ern ted. bul it ia not thought that they had any connection with thc crime, A DOG DBBCBBD9 SI ABABA Ul TTS SAFELY. niagara rana, Juna "> (gpeelel).-Car_ele o. Graham, th Bhiripool navigator, thi-. morning sen) his pM dui", a "co,di lorrie:..os. er th- ll"i- thOB I all* A h:i!i-!,ancl ak CBS- vs j. I BttOd Blth a haaiiin" ls Blade fl,-in ;i , ,,irre -wis A vent ssas pro* lu'i! lind I .ratiiilll. .a.... is a cooper by trade, pii'isb beaded '".- barrel mid wal li adrift. Ih" stan bm mada Iron" ' [arks i land, and . cask weal uver tbe oatarael n a ww mlnuti .. Tin barrel came "?' ft om thc tool oi inc inn- ... fourteen minutes. When recovered lt baa been In the oater halt an noni and thc dog was *_e*??y i dead. Except for ti Ump, bo altarward ;'?'"-?. ?''?. " III rfroctt putt, Kud Hazlett, ol buffalo, wh announced theil Inlention ol going oyei tue laiu - aftera.,. disappointed the ero** '- ot people who . i --"? ?*-?>> 'i,V; ,,';,'.?',iv,'.' , tried and failed I i gel gl.CsX) for ?m_?rtDlnatheyil***M. I C. A. Percy, who las! iuinmerwen th. ag} hewhlrl i.i In :i i. .;-. ? ' Uoberi ls. Hu., ol -? ' i' _ JIM'S I /.'/.'. M t .\ CIA REES CHI I, CH ie tan .lui..- io is;eci:i!i.-'n." doon <>? the I burch of um Ueelplea were eloeod to-dey, sad a family gBtharlag ol eharch -washers m- held ll the restry, owing r*. the death e. Um Ber. -eases rreeeua Clarke. 'Hie t'lllC Hi will occur to-ll!OI|l,W IB tba chinch. Tho lev. Dr. i',,lillis Btu ot I"o.\la!'!_' expi-essed thc trish '!,?. hit old .-la-maru a.._ Ins friend. r>smuo| May, laka \ wi In th? funeral ;?'<'?? Dr, Clarke al ti requested ? -11"" ** '*-'mar? on his -i-veal -th trill lt ' i> " CEDAR JACK" SETS IXTO TROmi.E. Joh., i.v.m, was BBroled 9j Jbettee Deufy, i? tho Barlem Coan yietwtlBy. to oirtHin -ail Ise his appearance for trial ?"' rieJatlag UM Satmt lasv. loll.-.,,,,,,, MopaJbaa, bariag .?>?'"? ?'?'' entertaining right oust,,,,.-,- at II fl-ctoek "' ""' "".min;:. Lyon - a coi?,,i bm mm I.:.-'""':' "i!1 kM""" (" ;'?" ?agar UM aaaee ot -Ceoar Jeer to neartl aU the old il-'.,, e,., tbe beat Imesrn drivo.? aoan ob -?roan a-e. h.. oeooptos a shanty bmitt ovei .. swamp lust north rf MeOomb's Da- Bridgi ->"l only a few lori anal oi leeeeeo av-. SDWASD DAMWOStlT OAE0EEOVSL1 TTL. -tatra, W. Y, Juno io.-Kdwsr.l D.nforth. ol thM city, kaawa ibraagbeal Um Itate la eosraB-tloa Btth hundsy-M-hool work, m I'.aii-'-ron-ly "I ??tb Brigbt'l l,, BBTseal years ss bea bepa te- irriari.-of th* ?undaj ch.H>!.. ?"' Y4..' V."; ,1""m Deputy state siiisti.ii.-i..!-n; ol Public luitructloa AXXIOCS TO STUDY JOURS ALI ^. Ithaca, V, v., j?no 10 (Special'.-The BSsMfetltlee . al liaiaiMiM st fteneil ' Blear ly premieea .? ii-; ? BttotM tb- Ntl Preeldenl Adams .-..irs,- ir, ,? ?u ?*, ,i?. eountry. ?? _?*!._? ,'a', b' " BssapeUed lo I bb b i Iraaler k-ttsrj" rapiy. Di.OPVIXO DEAD IX THE STBBBZ ('leighton. Neb., Juno 10 (speclsl).-Flank D. Mills, ol thc i-ai tslato Arm ol E. St h-Bsl -* co.. 9E9EEBi dead at the post office door last night, of heart dl* i-Hsc. li,, wa-s twenty-six joass old and was on lie eve of marriage. a CHARGED RYAN ARTIST WITH BLACKMAIL -IF. IlIOBKY, Or UNION BQUAlll", 8AT8 A MR. AMD mrs. j. b. roTTtrR ooaartaaa to ruin him. Roundsmen Cockran and Albertton and ofllror Lang carno to tho Nineteenth I'reclnct Mee Station about midnight last night In company with I'crnham Rlgbey, of the firm ol Rlgbey A Granger, crayon artists, st No. 31 Union Square, and a man who said ho was James Brown Totter, of No. 150 East Fourtocuth-st. Tbe story of tho -.Ulcers iras as follows- Officer Lan, was standing In tho hallway of No. 31 Union S'luare at 10:10 l_st night -h*n a hnndsocie woman, fashionably drBMBd, ontored tho dcor and wont up stalm. shortly after her entrance a man of perhaps fifty years, with gray hair and mustaehe, entered the place. A few minutes later a young man. whom he leeeggfaad as Rlgbey, rame down the stairs and ealing to Lang tadd him ho wss be? ing trapped. "Thoy aro trying to blackmail mo," said Rlgbey, "and I want you to arrest this man." At this moment Mr. Totter came down stairs, and ' | tho two men tarted on a run across the street Into tho pule ollie: ( followed and ca-ight him and the throe mon proceed <l to tho polio- station. Tho veman ?as Mr. putt- r's svifi". Maher denies that ho wat alOBB with ber and savs both tho man and wife cntne together. Be sari thai the] Bare trying to get Money. Ho had Potter, who ls a canvasser for the Brm, emoted on charges of larceny and embezzle? ment. Pottei- charged Rlgbey wtih stealing away his wife's affections. ANTI-CLEVELAND IRISH-4MBBICANS, ORGANIZING VB KVri'.Y ASS RMI! I. Y DISTRICT IN TU (I TY I OR Till* The Bagbsh fro" trade policy of tho TVmoeratlo party Bia handled without gloves last ovonln. In Clarendoe Hall bf a largo and SBthaslSetle body of Irish An, i icm;, ss ho have pledged themselves to vote BgaltMl Clerala-d Best fall and to work hard fa help elect the Sepabbeaa nominee. Tho Meeting was hold iiinler Um BBBBteea al tho Irish-American Anf!-f love? land and Protective Union. There were close on a. handred - legal,*,, representing the different As-cm hly DittriCtl In the city, radi of whom offered on? ie.- reports of tho progreea among Irish-Ma of the anli i h\ eland campaign la all sections of KOW Yn:'.. .lolm Hes nv presided, and in a spirited addie.s deflaed the r,t,J?*<*t of th.- organization. Ito referred to thc BalStBpeSSCatBUOBI of which "The I.I ll h rune--' had been guilty In BBBBlllai moodier* Of the society, anil added: "I think I and all of us should bo allowcit to take what course wo deem proper In American politics without being made a butt for tho vouotn and iplaeo of Mugwumps. (Applause.) peeallar people aro boiler than wo, of course, and holler than rite. Yat although we are bambie men working w ll limit pay in a cause that wo believe all Iil.shmen should support, these Tory tra? ducers -for Mugwumps ically are Tories?will find as i result ol our work ia defenee 'if Amerteaa labor some? thing thal will cause thom surprise when the vote ls counted in November next." (Appjaaoe.) Micheal Breslin also spoke. The Committee on Organisation reported In favor of the formation of a central body with branches la oacii Assembly District. Thi a- delegates from eaeb Assembly District win form ihs council. These officers were then elected: Presi? dent, John Dcvo**; Bret -*|ee*-*****al_?**-aY, j. P. By aa; second vice president, Michael I,roslin; third vic-. 11 dent, Thomas fencer; ti-a-m-r. J. i-\ Olbson, general secretary, John (;. Morrison; corresponding seeieiary, Mat'liow Carroll; recording leeretarp, Luko MoAvoy; lergeant-at? arms, samuel cavanagh. ALMOST 3.000.000 WORDS FROM ST. LOUTS. St. Louis, .lune 10.?The amount nf work done on a National Convention, and the telegraphic facilities ii requires to distribute the pr?eeedlngs ,,f these great National bOdlBB to tho prSBS ami to tiie peoph- of the Country, may bo Judgcl when I' is stated lhat tho Western Union Telegraph Company alone handled and transmitted over Its WllSfl BOWS potting dil Bri Ij out ol the I) ino iitlc National I (invention which was bold ben thia Meek to the amount of _,151,7S>1 words. This consisted of regular press reporis, special dis? patches to tba leading Journals of tho country, and of bulletins which wcio sent to every elly and town and !,, ale os! every village and hamlet In tho laud. Of ;his gnat amount ot nows, tho Associated Press fur? nished Bearii 100,000 winds af the regular proceed* ines of the Convention, and nearly as inueb nm:.- of th,- g,,-sip and speculation derived from delegates and descriptive of thc situation as li changed from day to day ami from hour to hour, in ad,in lon te tbs above, ,'.)_ii messages, averaging perhaps tiftoon words ieh ami pertaining directly to tbe I ooventlon and its si lt, were hand!'-,I by the company, making a grand total of almost 3.000,000 words, or nearly _,t>00 newe i ag ii columns of matter. TRIED rOUS TIMBS WOE ASOTWBB MAX'S CRIME. Qleawood, iowa, .'un" io (-peclel).?On tho fourth trial of .lamper N. douser, charged with tho murder of William Doran, the Jury last night, at the close of an eight days' contest, f.iiind a voidlct of acquittal gre minot**! after they reached the jury mom. Joseph Kel rary waa convicted ot this crime In lt>70 and ls BOB Berring a life sentence. In l>n:i a conspiracy was forme,l to secure a pardon for Moi'rary and to IBstOn I hr* crime on ClOUSBr. first (louser was found guilty and the verdict was reversed. Another trial resulted in conviction and aa appeal te the -uprears. (our* and S reversal. A third trial in the lower com' ended in conviction, another appeal and another reversal Yesterday tbe fourth trial in tho lower court ended With acquittal. For live years Houser has ben ? prisoner on a tromped np charge. Tho trial has eo.t Mills County s?i*>,ooo. SERMOXS RY THE VISITORS .1 T CATSEJILt CatS-fD, W. Y.. Juno io (Special!.-Nearly all tho Bharehee In the silage and many In Hudson and the sin ronni ling villages wore to-day IBBpBod with breath? ers from tho Gaaerel Synod of the Informed Hutch Church now In Meeton here. Tho Hov. Hr. Hutton, president of tho synod, preached an impressive dis? course at the l.eformed Church this morning. The Kev. Jamel Et Ballagh preached In the evening. Vice President Moerdyke preached ie the Baptist Church this morning. Tho presbyterian people -stetted to tbe Kev. Dr, Frltts In the morning, and the ttOV. Or. Joachim Hlmendorf this evening. Tho 1,'ev. In-. < lark addressed the Methodists tonight, Several ,,f the delimatt t aenl back to their own churches, ex? pecting to return for tho Synod to-morrow. A largo party of the del,-catos look a trip IO the mountains day. A memorial from the Boards ol Foreign i ! Domestic Missions, requesting recognition In tlic Church Constitution, v,a* referred to the Committee on overtures yesterday. Ths synod resaunes u* saaetone to-morrow ai ll a. m. DROWXIXG OE A STUDEXT AT COBWELL. Ithaca. W. V., .Inn.- IO (Speclal).-Orange Judd Oreen, of Alfred Centre, H. V., a postgraduate of Cornell University, today, in eompeay alth two trash. men, Started for Pores! Homo, lo take a plunge in tho waters ,,f Pall ire k. (.icon was sobted with cramps and was drowned befot he eot-d be rescued. Be was graduated lu tba classical course fn Alfred University, and bad been blt studies ai I mn, ll In history and political sc I elicia. il.- ssas a blight Student, and his sn-!,len death will be a great blow t<> the family, a_ ho ts an only son. .-_* IS CPU A SE TX COAL PRoDCCTIOX AXP VALUES. Washington, June 10.?The following statistics have been acaipiled by Charles a. Ai-bumer, special agent of Hit- Batted states QaolOgtoal Survey, principally fruin tba -tieri returns of th- operators of Individual coal minos and of railroad BgentS, supplemented by sal lahls facts contributed by State officials: The total production of all hinds of commercial coal In los7 B as l'j:;.l.i'.j.'_.",'r short tons (iBBTeOOB over 1 --,-,, 18.288,040 tons), valued al the min,., at 8173.8*10, '.,|,,; 11 nc reuse .-j.'., ll '.-.'IH. Tho colliery coiimi in pt: o n at the Individual mines varies from nothing to - per cent of the total output of the mines. The total oat pot ,.f tie- mino-. Iii' ludlug c..Iii,-i I eoBSUinptl-n, was : Pennsylvania anthracite. 4_'>--.r.?7 .hoff tons (|a crease over 1880, 3,052.781 short ton*',: all other coals, -7.-:!7,:i<,0 short tons (Increase. 14.1.0,403 short tons), makins the total output of all coals from wines tu tho i tilted Mat,-., exclusive ot slack cal thrown on tue dumpi rj'.'.'.e-"'.:?'?>' ?hort tons (Increase, 17,182,184); with a total value of 9A9SA01*9B>1 (Increase, 8_7,b01, ?'.'Ul. _#_ XF.W POST* OE THE GRAXD A RMT. Albany, N. T- -lune IO <> pee lal).?The augmentod Ii-,',i,-,i ihowa lu Memorial l>ay MllbUea by the vet cians of tiiis Mate brought apptteatteea last ??aa. f?r charters for three or four new posts In places where tn, such nr.snl-ailons noss- e.\|st. This ls an enooura. ing sign te tho members es tbe order. New Yerik OUghl io loaat in point of momlrorshlp as she led la Hie nuiuber of voIULteer* furnished to the army during ttn> scar. *_ SUEDES DEATH OF GEORGE X. VAX DBUSEX. Kiii-stou, st. V., June 10 (Special). -Oeorgo N. Van Deaaaa, Wk* ?;>i the lemea surviving m-mi?r of the ding of Van DBBBOB BrstharS, formed bBM n-a'ly fmty jeal* -_(', wa- found da.-ad u;>ain th* mmtim\ lb. ir of his ItatU late lari night. Ile was slvt.s three years oid. iii. health iia.i asea lambed lae some years and tba Immediate obum ?f death la thought to have been paialisi- ?f the heart. Ho wit ono of thirteen chll sU.fl, thu fall1-- ..lug Dr. J--*-b !_, Vam _k.i_.s-_, . _ THE CONVENTION ROLL, W-LKGATES WI IO WILL NOMINATE TUf llEPUULICA.1 CANDIDATES. DAKOTA ASD WASHIXOTON TrRBITORIBB TO PRE** Til Kin CLAIMS AT CHICAGO TO STAT-HOOD ?TWO DELKOATIONH PROM VIR? GINIA?PEW COVTE8T8 IX OTHER STATES. A list is given below of tlic delegates, with their postofllce addressee, to tho Republican National Convention which meeta nt Chicago on Juno 19. No delegates hare yet been chosen in thc lag Illinois District, and in Pennsylvania two deles gates have still to be elected?one in thc XXth and one in the XXIV th. In Illinois the delay is cause*, hy a contest over thc choice of a candidate for Congress; the convention will meet todajs. In Pennsylvania the choice of the two delegates ia delayed by contest* over local questions. With these exceptions the list is complete. In Virginia anti Maheno delegates, who oppose the unit ml" and fnvor the Congressional District* s'sti in ns the unit of power, have been chosen in all of the ten districts the 1st and IVth. In thc other States contestant*, have been chosen in only a few districts. In support of tahcir claims to Statehood Dakota and Washington Territories have chosen more delegates than are allowed to Territories. This action was recormmended in a resolution passed by the Republican National Committee when it met last December to issue the (-all for the convention. Da? kota sends ten delegates, on the ground) that she is entitled to admission as a State with three Congressmen, and Washington Terri? tory sends six in support of her claim to admission as a State with one Congressman. The admission of mete than two delegates from each of thrsa Territories will be decided by the Convention, Alaska may also apply for representation in the convention. Under the existing rules each State is entitled to two delegates from each Congressional District and four from the State at large, and each Territory, is allowed two delegates. This gives a total mern hership of 820 delegates, and 411 votes are required to secure a nomination. If the twelve extra dele? gates from Dakota and Washington are admitted, thc total number will be ?_'-', of which 417 will be a majority. If Alaska is also rcpre_er_tcd, tho total will be 834, a majority being 418. I ALABAMA. Jit Large -B. M. Long, Jasper. J. 1). Hardy, Ca.era John W. Jones icol.l. ITaynesvillfta. A. Boyd (col.). Birmingham Districts?1?I' D. Barker, Mobile. Km uk Threatt, Domopolis. ,. "2?Lee J. Bryant, Montgomery. J. N. Carter, Shell. 3?William Youngblood, Union Springy II. A. Hendricks, Opelika. "a?Benjamin De Lemos, Hayncvilloi Stephen Childs. Perry. 6?Lew is E. Parsons, jr., Co<_sa_ J. N. Findley. Chambers. 6?W. M. W'lbortson, Birmingham. Dan Cooper, Fayette C. II. 7?Willard Warner, Etowa. Georgi! D. larsons. Talladega. -?Jami* Jackson. Tuscumbia. i_ | Henry C. Bursford, Huntsville ., ARKANSAS. At-Largc?Powell Clayton, Eureka Spring Logan H. Roots, Little Hock. J. E. Rector (col.), Little ltock. John A. Williams Pine Bluff. Districts: 1?B . \V. Ellison col.). Helena. A. M. Neeh-v (col.), Forest. City. I?John M. Clayton. Pine Bluff. Ferdinand Harris icol.i. Pine Bluff. 3-D. W. Chandler, Camden, C. E. Mitchell, Texarkana. I?Cassias' M. Barnes. Fort Smith. Clark N. Kix, Hot Springs. 5?James T. Penn. Harrison. Charles .M. Green, Fayetteville, CALIFORNIA. AtrLarge? John F. Swift, San Francisco. George A. Knight. San Francisco. Cree- Haymond, San Francisco. Morris M. Eetee, Nu [Ht. Ilenrv T. Gage, Los Angele* Districts: 1?J. M. Bvington. Santa Rosa. . J. F. Ellison, R>d Bluff. j 2?A. W. Simpson, Stockton. J D. E. Knight, Marysville. 8?Eli Dennison, Oakland. R. D. Robbins, Suisun Cit-r I?diaries F. Crocker. San FranclstjOt W. II. Dimond, San Francisco. 5?M. ll. do Young, San Francisco. , F. C. Frank, San Jose. 6?Paris Kilburn, Salinas. II. Z. Osborn, Los Angeles. COLORADO. At-Largc?Henry K. Wolcott, Denver. Irving Howba-rt, Colorado Springe. William A. Hamill, Georgetown, J. W. Wingate, Durango. C. ll Donaldson, Leadville. John ll. Henderson, Sterling. CONNECTICUT. AtvL-jf-e-E. S. Henry, Vernon. S. L. Warner. Middletown. E. S. Day, N>-w-London. Samni'l Fess Baden, Stamford Districta: 1?1. Luther Spe-oer. S ilhi-ld. Julius Converse, Stafford. ?f?Nehemiah D. Sperry, Ncw-tlavw. Oscar L'-aeli. Durham. 4?Thomas H. Allen. Sprugue. G. T. Bates, Putnam. 1?Henry ll. Parrott, Bridgeport. A. T. Roraback, North Canaagfc DELAWARE. UtrLargc?Henry C. McLoar, Wilmington. ' Edward B. Bradford, Wilmington,' J. R. Whittaker, Dover. , A. ft Connor. Felton. ?'hitias H. Treat, Georgetown, Charles H. Ma nil, Lc wea. FLORIDA. At-Largc?William M. Lcdwlth, Jacksonville* Samuel Petty icol.), Fernandina. .1 E. Mitch.-ll, (ooL), Tallahassee, Edward R. Gunby (col.), Orlando./ Districts: I-F M. Wicker, Key Wast. , George B. Wella, Pensacola. 2-.J..hii II. Bo?ell, Oleeaee. James II Shelley, Pu lat lui GEORGIA. At-Large-A E. Buck. Atlanta. W. A. Pledger (ooL), Athene. W. J. White cd.i, Augusta, lt D. Locke, Macon. Districta: 1?John II. Deveunx (col.). Savannah*. Floyd Siielsoii col.'. McIntosh, s 2?B. F. Bruni berry. Bainbridge, C, W. Arnold, Albany. 3?I Ub' rt Head icoi./, Amcricus. r. M. Dead) ;col.i, -jBerieaa. Contestants?I). A. Dudley, Americas. II. J. Taylor, Smithville. ? .-J. C. Bali ie.-1... Hamilton, - R. F. Milner. Newnan. 5? Jackson Mell.-nry cul), Atlanta, C. C. Wimbbah, Atlanta. 6-P. 0. Holt ol.., ICaeoa. W. W. Brown, B-M88 f 7?Aaron Collins, ('artorsvilla* A. Ba Fortune, Rome. 8?Madison Davis (coi.). Athena. John lb-rd (ooLk Greensboro. I 9?S. A. Darnell, Jasper. H. I). Inga-rsoll. Dahlonega. 0-lt R Wright Augusta. Jesse Wtmlierley, Waynesboro, Conte?wiuts?O. T. Condor, l_iude*-v 111*4 P. BL Craig, Augusta. ILLINOIS. At-Large-Goorge It Davis, Chicago. Horace S. Ctaxk, Matt, on. Charl, s B. F. rwell, Chicago. William F. L. Hadley, Edwa_x_vil-_, District.: 1? (Delegates not yet elect?*dj. 2-William E. Kent. Chicago. Henry Soberer, vMiagfl 8.?John A. Roche, Chicago. La'onard Swett, Chicago. 4?William B'dda-nweck, Lake .Vieeat Canute }{ Matson, Chi,-a 'cl 5?Isiwo L LU wood, IX- Kalb. Humer Cook, Waukegnn. ?r-Charlee A. Works Rockford William Spensley, Cal.-im. 7?Thoma*. E. Miia-iici*.!. GalvBj| ' Josiah Little, Amboy. 8-Il.iiry Mayo, Ottawa % I. E*, Bennett, Phtno. j, D?James E. Morrow, Pontiac ? is*" *^- John U. Jouce, MiUoxO. /