Newspaper Page Text
D 10-.Tulius S. Starr, Peoria. Clarence E. Sui\ely: Canton, ll?Benjamin F. Marsh, Wai-snw. John M. Trumbull, Monmouth. 1-?William L. Dist in. Quiney. Richard W. Mills, Virginia. 13-John A. Ayers. Jacfcrsonville. William Brown, Island Grove. 14-B. F. Funk, McLean. James Milliken. Macon. 15?Frank K. Robeson, Champaign. Charles P. I Ii tah, l'nds. 16?Thsimas W. Scott, Fairfield. R. A. Gordon, Mount CnrmcL 17-R. T. Higgins, Vanda lia. Benson Wood, Efllnghnm. 18-WiUuvtn A. Haskell. Alton. Cioero J. Lindley, Groeneville. 19?Jnsper Partridge. Carmi. (ieorge C. Ross, Benton. 20?William lt Brown, Metropolis. Edward E. Mitchell. Marion. INDIANA. At-Large?Albert G. Porter. Indianapolis. Richard W. Timm|?snn, Terre Haute James N. Huston. Connersville. C. Studcbaekcr. South Bend. -Me-riete: 1?John B. Cockrum, Boonoy i De. Arthur P. Twineham, Princeton. 2?D. S. Chambers, Vincennes. Joseph (iardner, Bedford. 8?John Overmyer. North Yemon, W. N. McDonald. Seymour. 4?M. D. Tacketts Greensburg. W. H. Clark. Rising Sun. 5-John V. Hadley. Danville. W. L Dunlap, Franklin. 6-W. A. Cullen. Rushville. John F. Wildman, Muncie. 7?E. W. Halford. Indinnapolts. It Alexander Black. Greenfield 8?Jacob D. Early. Terre Haute. Robert N. Nixon, Newport. ??Thomas J. Kane, Noblosville. N. J. Throckmorton, Lo fa-nette. 10?E. C. Field. Crown Point. A. K. Sill. Monticello. ll?A. C. Bear*;. Peru. Hezekiah Caldwell Wabash. 12-Willinm H. Kinsley. Columbia City. James S. Drake. Lagrange. 13?J. W. Crtimbacker, Lapnrte. M. W. Simons, Plymouth. IOWA. At-Large?David B. Henderson, Dubuque. James S. Clarkson, Des Moines. Jonathan P. Doll iver. Fort DodgB QBarge D. Perkins, Siouv City. District*: 1?James E. Wilson. Fairfield. i John N. Irwin, Keokuk. 2?James T. Lane, Davenport. Milton Romley, Iowa City. 3?J. u Newcomer, Eldon*.. E. A. Dawson, Waverly. 4-Thomas UndcgrarT. McGregor. John D. Clas*.. Maaon City. 6-H. Tl. Rood. Mount Vernon. W. A. Hunter. Belle Plaine. 6?George M. Christian, GrinnelL J P. Earley. Albio. 7?D. A. Bigelow, Am*s. T. J. Caldwell. Ad"l. 8?William P. Hepburn. Clarinda, Franois If. Drake. Centreville. 0?Smith Mi-I'herson. Rod Oak. W. J. Davis, Audubon. 10?W. L. Culbertson. Carroll. G. W. Hanna. Du Verne. -F. n. Kelsell, Sioux Rnpida, E. C. Brown, Sheldon. KANSAS. 'At-Large-Alhert Griffin. Manhattan. TbagMf A. Osborn. Topeka. J. R. Hallowell. Wichita. J. C. Strong. Lamed. Districts: 1?Cyrus Leland, ir.. Troy. J. M. Graybill Leavenworth, 2-Henry L. Alden. Wyandotti W. A. Johnson. Garnett. 8?William Jenkins. Arkansas City. _ D. Baker. Girard. 4_W. W. Scotts Emnoria. Alciah Sheldon. Eldorado. 8?H. D. Raker, Salina. B. H. McEehron. Concordia, g_W. W. Watson, Osborne. W, H. Johnston. Kirwin. 7?A. H. Heber, Meade Centre. C. C. Curtis, Wellington. KENTUCKY. At-Largo?W. 0. Bradley. Lancaster. George Denny, jr.. Lancaster. George M. Thomas. Vuneoburg. John W. Lewis. Springfield. Districts: 1-W. J. DeBoe. Marion. Neil S. Allison, Prvrrsbtircr. 2?George W. Jo'.lv. Owenr-boro. E. W. Class, ilopkinsville. 3?W. S. Taylor. Morgantown. E. M. Fofdyee, Bowling Groom 4?Charles Pendleton. Hartford. J.ihn Thompson. Springfield. 6?A. E. Wilson, Louisville. W. B. Ham;itoti, Louisville. 6?John P. Ernst, Covington. .Tohn F. Wilson, Williamston. 7_William Cassius Goodloe, Lexington. Louie Lebne, Cynthiana. 8?John Bennett, Richmond. Tr'igun McKee, Danville. 9?W. A. Warford, Flominc-sburg. W. W. Patterson, Ashland. 10?G. Ta. Kirkpatrick, Mt. Sterling. J. W. Langley. Prcstonburg. ll?E. H. Hobson. Greensburg. W. W. Porch, Glasgow. LOUISIANA. At-Large-William Pitt Kellogg, New-Orleans. P. F. Herwig, New-Orleans. P. B. S. Pinchback tool.). New-Or? leans. James Lewis. New-Orleans. Districts: 1?Henry Clay Warmot.h, Lawrence. Louis Smith, New-Orleans. 2?Andrew Hero, jr., New-Orleans. Thomas W. Wloxam, Ncw-Oricans. 8-C B. Darrall, Morgan City. H. C. Minor. II nu ma. 4?A. H. Leonard, Shreveport. William Harper, Shreveport. 5?Frank Morey, Omega. John W. Cook. Laka Providence. 6?Napoleon Lastrappes, Opelousas. John A. -beaux, Point Coulee. MAINE. At-Large?Charles II. Prescott, Biddcford. Samuel II. Allen, Thomaston. Jooeph II. Manley. Augusta. Charles A. Butitelle. Bangor. Districts: 1? Charles A. Brown, Portland. WiUiam B Tobie, North Berwick. 2?George A. Wilson, I'aris. John H. Kimball, Bath. 8?It BL Shepperd, Skowhegnn. Ehen D. Haley, Gardiner. 4?Fred Tick A. Powers. Honiton Benjamin B. -"hatcher, Bangor. MARYLAND. At-Large?Walter B. Brooks, Baltimore Co. W. D. Burehinal. Chestortown. .data E. King, Baltimore. Daniel I). Dickinson (col.,, Biltimore. Districts: 1-R. J. W. Carey. Denton. L. E. P. Dennis. Princess Anne. 2-W. M. Marine, Belair. W. T Warburton, Eildon. 8?W. W. Johnson. Baltimore. W. F. Airey. Baltimore. 4?J. Boose Piteher, Baltimore. Wesley ll. Olcr. Baltimore. 6?Adrian Peaty, Port. Tobacco. James A. Garey, Baltimore. 8?G. L. Wellington, Cumberland. Benjamin Miller, Sandy Spring* MASSACHUSETTS. At-Large-Gaoeaja F. Hoar, Woroester. Fred-rick L. Burden, North Attle >?oro. Henry S. TTyle, Springfield. Alanson W. Board, Boston. Distriete: 1?Frank S. Stevens Swansea. Jonathan Bourne. New lied ford, Cantaeatant?Samuel Fessenden, Sandwich. 2?William II. Bent, Taunton. Eben h. Ripley. Hingham. t?Arthur W. Tufts, Boston. Edward V. Wilbur, Bo*:tor> t--JeaBe M. Gove, Boston. Charles J. Noyes. Boston. ??Edward D. Hayd-Mi, Woburn. Elmer Howitt Capon, Motif ord. ??William B. Littlcneld, Lynn. Bainuel W. Mcfaull. Winchester, ??William Coirs well. Salem. William E. Blunts HuwrhilL ?-Joseph L Sarg-nt Draout, George S. Merrill, Lawrence. ?-J. Henry Gould. Medfield. I>nvtd W. Farquhar, Newton 10-\Sil!inm A. Gile, Worcester George L_ Gibbs, Northbridge. 11-JM.n W. Wheeler. Orange. Jeaa G. MaehlBtoBh. Holyoke. ,a~s.r",';rst>n _;a-'<>m Ohieopaa William M. Pierce, Pittsfield. MICHIGAN. At.__a**ge-*R. J. Frazier, Detroit W. Q. Atwood leal), Saginaw* J. K. Bois, Hudson. Iii _--a_ P. Dunstan, Houghton. Districtet l-H. M. Duflielel Detroit. John Atkinson. Detroit. ??C. T. Mitchell. Monroe. (ieorge Spalding, Monroe. ??William II. Coombs, Coldwater. Charles E. Townsend, Jackson 4-L M. Ward, Bomen. Bishop E. Andrews, Three Rivers. 6?A. B. Watson, Grand Rapids. C. P. Brown. Grand Haven. 6?William McPherson, jr. Howell William B Mc( reery. Flint f?Edgar Wee-*, Romeo. Harrison Geer, La Peer. 8?Roswell G. llorr, East Saginaw. Perry S. Young, Stanton. 9?E. O. shaw. Ne tray go. Gorge W. Crawford, Big Rapid*, 10?Gm>n Paek, Osceola. Nathan N. Richardson, Cairo, ll?Perry Hannuh. Traverse City. S. M. Stephenson, Menominee. MINNESOTA. At-Largc?Frank F Davis, Minneapolis. Joel lt Heiitwole, Northlield. C. G. Hartley. Brainerd. C. G. Edwards, Stiring Valley. >istricte: 1?James O'Brien, Caledonia. George ll Edgerton, Kasson. 2-M. N. Leland, Wells. li. J. .Miller, Laverne. 8?IVter Johnson, Datss-L Mark S. Chandler, lied Wing. 4?lt II Langdon, Minncunolis. W. J. Frcany, St Paul. 6?Alex. St-eonerson, Oro i ks ton. Charles L Lewis, Fergus Falls. BSTMBI-l HMM At-Large?John lt Lynch (col.), Natcher. .1.inns Hill (col.), Jackson. John McGill, Jackson. T. W. .Stringer. Vicksburg. t_.tri.t-.: 1?Green C. Chandler, Corinth. J. W. Lee (col.). Aberdeen. 2?George M. Buehnnan. Holly Springs. J. S. Burton, Holly Springs. 3?V,'. 0. ('royton (col.!. Vicks-fcrg. W. H. Allen (col.). Friars Point. 4?W. 1). Frazoe, Okolono. B, E. Pettibone (col.), Grenada. 6?A. C. Edwards, Meridian. Samuel P. Hurst (col). laoxington. 6?G. F. Bowles (col), Natchez. C. A. Simpson. Hattiesburg. ?James J. Spoiman col.). Jackson. EL Kemaphan. Brandon. MISSOURI. At-Large?Chauncey I. Filler. St. Louis. William Warner, Kansas Citr. D. P. Dyer. St. Louis. James ll. Pelham, (col.), Hannibal. )ist_icts: 1?Charles P. Hess, Macon. D. W. Pollock. Unionvillc. 2-W. A. Jaoobe, Chillieothe. A. W. Mullens, Linneus. 3-William T. Sullivan, Gullatin. E S. Low, Marysville. 4?John Alban, jr.. St. Joe. J. A. Sanders, Savannah. 5?Jahn A. Duncan. Kansas City. Samuel (J. Kelly, Knoluiostcr. 6?S. K. Crawford, Warsaw. (>. Vaughn. Slater. 7?William L. Morey, Warrenton. John lt Martin, Washington. 8?J. H. Polhman, St. Louis, ll. M Pollard, St. Louis. fi?J. G. Chapman. St. Louis. Charles E. Pearce, St. Louis 10?Henry Zeipenhein, St Louis. lt C. Allen, Clayton. ll?1_ F. Parker, Rolla. T. B. Robinson, Tuscumbia. 12-G. A. Neal. Osceola. Joseph C. Stewart. Webb City. lt?Fred King, Marshfield. Unlace lt Williams. Purdy. 14?Byrd Duncan. Poplar Bluffs. S. A. Risley, West Plaines. NEBRASKA. At-Large?John M. Thurston, Omaha. Patrick Egan, Lincolu. R. S. Norval. Sown ni. George W. Heist, Sidney. Districts: 1?C. .1 Greene. Omaha. C. O. Bates Beatrice. 2?Benjamin S. Balor. Fnirhury. E. 1). Einsel. lloldrege. 8_W. M. Hob,rtsoii. Madison. Aaron Wall, Loup City. NEVADA. At-Largc?William M. Stewart, Virginia City. John P. Jones, Gold Hill. W. E. Sharon, Virginia City. L. Hamilton, Virginia City. Evan Williums, Carson. M. D. Foley, Eureka. NEW-HAM PSHH.E. At-Largc?Person C. Chene**, Manchester. Jacob H. (.ullinger. Concord. Hiram A. Tuttle. Pittsfield. Alfred T. Batchelder. Keene. Districts: 1?John L. Ponvey, Wolf' bur,.u_h. Edward H. Gilman. Exeter. |?Obeetai Pike, Cornish. Charles II. Greenlea!, Franconia. NEW-JERSLY. At-Large?Willi -rn J. Sewell, Camden. George A. Halsey, Naaviirk. John W. Griggs, Pata;m.n. John Hart Brewer, Trenton. Di_tricte: 1?Richard T. Starr, Salem. Isaac ll. MotTett, Classboro. l-.Toseph ll Gaskdl, Mount Holly. William ll. Skiren, Trenton. 8?Joseph H. T. Martin. Wmrdbridge Henry S. White. Monmouth Co. 4?John I. Hlair. Blairs!own. H. Burdetts Herr, White House. 5_\Vj]liam M. Johnson. EnglewooaL ll. O. Marsh. Mo**rJ*tt< ern. t?Henry A. Potter. East ((range. Henry A. Doremuf*. Ne\vnrl_ 7?John* Ramsay. Jersey City. James B. Vredenburg, Jersey City. NEW-YORK. At-Largc?Frank Hiseoek. Syracuse, Warner Miller. Herkimer Chauncey M. Depew. 22 E. Fnrty lifth-sf, New-York. Thomas C. Platt, Fifth Avenue Hotel New-York. Districts: 1? William S Cog-*-*.voll. Jnmaiet,. H'-rlry E. Huntting. Bridpehnmptnn t?Timothy L. Woodruff, li) Seventh ave.. Brooklyn. Granville W. Harmon, 40.1 Macon st., Broolslvn. 3_jcs-4) Johnson, 160 Adel[>lii st, Brooklyn. William J. Taylor, 140 Howes-st Brooklyn. (-.Theodore 1'. Willis, 64 Livingston-st Brooklyn. Michael J. Dady, 55 Johnson-st Brooklyn. 6?Louis E. N'cot, 67 Union-five Brooklyn. Janv-s E. Johnson, 154 Devoc-st Brooklyn. ??Ste,'hen B. French, Boulevard, nea West 140fh-st.. New-York. Oeotge B. Deane, sr., -77 West Uti st.. New-York. J?John D. Lawson, Brovoort Hons K ow-York. Charles N. Taintor, 20.', West 57th-s New-York. 8?John J. O'Brien, 62 Rivington-st Now-York. Arthur E. llateman, Witidsor Hole New-York. 9?Ja e. di M. Patterson. 152 Stanton-st New-York. ** George Hilliard, 741 Fifth-ave. New-York. 10-Alfred It Whitney, P50 Madlsoi ave., New.York. Robert Bay Hamilton, " The Alpine, N'-w-York. ll-Frederick S. Gibbs, 42ft West 2'.'d-st New-York. Sheridan Shook, Morton House New. York. 12-Solon B. Smith, 232 East DOth-st New-York. John P. Plummer, 39 West 4 0th-st New-York. 13-John MoClave, 156 West New-York. Donald McLean, 84 7 Pleosant-avc New-York. 14?William H. Robertson, Katonah. Jninos w. Heated, lvokskiii. 15?Charles St. John. jr.. Port Jervis. II. J. Sarles, Liberty. 16?Louis F. Parn, Chatham. Obed Wheeler, South Dover. 17?Jacob Lefever. Mew-Baits. Marvin I). Wheeler, Hancock. 18?John A. Quacketibush. Stillwater. ?Tarnee s. -atari, Caabridge, IP?Wat..i**. W. Br.iman. West'Iroy John lt Balley, Albany. -0--Cei,rgo Wes'. Ilallbtoii Spa. i'-'vid A. Wells. Johnstown. ll?Robert C. T-OBMiaoB, Malone. Ia. W. Emerson. Warren-burg. 22?George M. Gleason. Gouvcrneur. jloeeph Mullen. Watertown. 23-Samiu-l R Campbell, Nev. York Mill Henry A. Phillips, Lowville. 24?David Wilbur,-Oneontn. Hobart Krum, Schoharie. 85-Frnneis Hendricks, Syracuse. Edward Seater. Cortland. 26?Stephen C. Millard, Binghamton. Cyrus B. Martin, Norwich. t.-*-George 1? Shuni. Oswego. John H. Camp. Lvons. 28?J. sioat. F-eaett, Elmira. Jeremiah W. Dwight, Dryden. 28-J. M. I-rkhurst. lint h. Stephen T. Hoyt. Corning. SO-JI. H. Worner. RofbOBtitMr William Hamilton. Kosh. 31?Henry F. Tarbox, Batavia. _ L. II. Hemphrry, Warsaw. 32-0. (i. Warmn, Buffalo _John Laughlin, Buffalo. ?o twtiff w>nt iljr. irliool ot pbTiic, Tat-rs-Ma a*?ii a-ore .,i s. ur- or pIlUillo? At Mest lu i-nl lass- SM : Bnt si l*r|a*?a . turns lbs wfcaasl atti] fsstsr, -nt' nuatks an,t ii gatts msst diisster, _. To na tlicrs so mas s id-q wiia>M ruirlii bub won countlsia ..alola, B Bo sss snd prslss bli " Plsstssl I'slleis." Ttjs ? Plsss-nt Pnr^stlTs Psil.ts " sf Hr. Hleros. thorn ajiatla*i la setlas. sri thoron,- an* serar fsll ts ?-?*? buist asst, Bissau 1-turpin Irrsr?-d cosiitlpstio-. 8.1-Harvov F. GuskiU, Niagara Falls. john ll. Webed Wot Seneca. 34?Frank Bijtt-aa, Glean. Jeiome KM Jamestown. NORTH CAEOLINA. At-Large-Elihu White. Belvidere. James H. Harris tooth Raleigh. John C. Daticey, Salisbury. Tinaaaa H. Cooptt [tohh Brevard. Districts: l-flush Cole, Eli/alieth City. C. BL Bernard, Greenville. 2?L G. Estes, Enlield. ? L J. l'arrotl, King>ton. 3-Oscar J. Bpea***-. Lillington. George T. Wasson icol.i, Goldsnoro. 4_j if icol.i, Louisburg. J. C. L. Harris lialeigh. 5?J A. Hoskins, Greensboro. William I-tillo, Oxford. 6-1). L. Bussell. Wilmington. J. W. Gordon (?ot), Charlotte. 7?John J. Mutt, Stotesviile. t.eorgc M. Bulla, Lexington. 8-C T. Pear*,,:!. MorgantOWB. J. T. Dula. Yodkinville. 0-J. Wiley Shook. Civile fi OL Crawford, Rutherfordtown. OHIO. At-Large-JoNoph B. Foraker, Columbus. Charles Foster. Fostoria. Benumifl Bitterwoith, Cincinnati. William McKinley, jr.. Canton. Districts: 1?William I. Graydon. Cincinnati. Howard Ferris, Cincinnati. 2-Arnot Smith, jr., Cinoinnati. Frank A. Tucker, Cinciuuati. 3?O. B. Brown, Dayton. J. E. Ls-Wea Dayton. 8?Gooree P. waldorf, Lima. A M. Kuhn. WannkoneU. 5_\V. II. Gibson, Tiffin. _ J. Totten, Findlay. 6?H. A. Hamilton, Perryabarc. J. N. Alexander, Vaa Wert Co. 7?John Little, Xenia. James B. Swink.'. Batavia. 8?John Foos, Spnngtli-ld. Fa-Miis Walter*,. Cireleville. O-II. ll Carper, Delaware Co. lt S. Woodburn. Marysville. 10?J. B. r-oekey, Elmore Clarence Brown, Toledo. ll?E. S. Wilson, Dont/m. S. M. Brandrherry, Gallipoli;* 12?K. E. Donn. Wilmington. Marcus Bogga, Chillicothe. lt?John P. Bliss. Colamba-. John W. Jones). Ilavd. nvillc. 14-11. C. il.-'k-,-s. Monsneld. S. S. Warner, WeUIndtot*, 15?Charles L. Kurtz, Athens. W. W. Merrick, Pom,-r,,y. 16-Mendel Churchill, Zi.nesville Samuel T. Das in. N>-warl_ 17?John A. Bingham, Cadiz. ilobert Sin-nan. Stcubenville. 18?li. N Chamberlain, East Palestine. Thomas Ii. Morgan, sr., Alliancc 19?William Grimiell. ltavenna. W. II. Johnsion. Last Mentor. 20-C. J. Mamx. Cleveland. W. L. Sraysor, Wooster. 21?Myron T. Herrick, Cleveland. Marcus A. Hanna, Cleveland. OBBQON. At-Largc?Bufns Mnllory, Portland. SS. F. Tba Dillies. J. E. Bean, Pendleton. P. C. Mays. Tat Dalies. J. W. CttBiek, Albany. J. Bourne, jr., Portland. PENNSYLVANIA. At-Large?Matthew S. Quay, Beaver. William U. Leeds, Pliiliulelphia. Daniel H. Ils-tinn. Centre. Henry W. Oliver, Pittsbur**. Districts: I?-Edwin S. Stuart, Philadelphia. Henry ll. Lingham. Philadelphia. 2?David H. Lime, Philadelphia. Hamilton Disaton, philadelphia. 3?Hour.- Clay. Philadelphia. John Hunter, Philadelphia. 4? James McManes, Philadelphia. Charles A. Porter, Philadelphia. 6?David .Martin, Philadelphia. Thomas W. Soul h. Philadelphia 6?Isaac J,,hus,,ti. Media. Louis P. Waitera Phoea?iville. 7?Joaeph Booler, Chi-ltenluim. ? B. F. Cilia, .,,n, BiistoL 8?Frank Boeder. Easton. .S. C. Walton, Strondsbnrf, 0? Franklin H. Hersh, Allentown. Augustus M. High, landing, io?i'm nc j, Schroder, S. M. Beldomrid**-, Farmersville. ll?Joseph A. S< railton. Scranton. E. P. Kin :.di!uy, Scranton. 12?Edwin S. Osborne, Wilkosbarre. L. c. Darte, Wilkeabarre. 18?D. D. Philips. Goidon. W. J. Whitehouse Pottsville. 14-S. J. M. MeCiiiroll. Harrisburg. Eli M. Woomer, l/-bnnon. 15-W. N. Rrvnoldi Tunkhnnnock. Thomas I. Boyd, Aefo. 16?William K. Jon.*.. Condersport Hngh Young. W. llsboro. 17?Ellen p. Ingham, La Porte. I) A. Beekley, Bloomsburg. 18?J. Merrill Linn, Lewiaburg. Bemnel 8, Woods, Lewietown. 10?George 8. Schmidt, York. C. H. Mnllin. Mount Holly Springs. 20?William S. Hammond, Alcona. Second delegate aol ral elected. 21?M. C. Watson, Indiana. William M. Henry, kitt-ming. 12?Christopher L. s-agee, Pittsburg. William Flynn. Pittsburg. 23?Thomas M. Linne, Alb'-di-my. Peter Waitera, Allegheny. 24? Gooree Von Bonhorat, Pittsburg. (Second delegate not yet elected). 15?John II. Negley, Hurter. William Kile, Merer. 6?S. A. Dnvennort. Erie. William B. Roberta. Titiisville, 7_H. II. Cumin ines. Tldimite. J. W. Cochran, Emporium. ,8-J. H. llntterty. W. G. B-elVey,TIoneeta. RHODE ISLAND. At-Large?Frederick I. Marcy, Providence. William K. Walker, Pawtucket. fUehard Thomley, East Greenwich. Gooran T. Cranston. wickford. Districts: 1?Melville Bull, Middletown. Benjamin M. I!'sw,,rt h. Warren. I?Albert L. Snyhs. Burrillville. H. L Ballon, Woonsocket. SOUTH CABOLLNA. At-Ltfrgo?E. M. Brayton. Colombia W. I. Myers (cd. i. Wnlcrhora W. N. Taft, Charleston, l'ohc-rt Smalls (00-), Laufort. Districts: l?E. H. Webster, Orangebtu***. J. M. Fra-etn.'tn (ooL), Clmi-leston. -J?Ford NU (ool.), t-ht-k-illt, Paris Simkina col.), EdgefleUL 1?11 H. Bryce, Walhalla. ll. W, Nam-'. Newberry, Contestants: John R Tolbert. Abbeville. P. L Nix. 4-P. F. Oliver 'col.', Colombia, P. A. Saxton (001.), Laurens. Ti?i'. C. Very, Camden. '/. E. Walker (col. Sumter. 6?T. J. Toomey, Sumter. Ki, li. Deas (eoL, Darlington 7?J. Johnston, Sumter. George E. llerriott (col.), Georgetown. TENNESSEE. At-Largc?Alfred A. Taylor, Johnson City Leonidas C. Honk, Knoxville. George nancy, Nashville. S. A. MeEIwoe (eoL), Brownsville, District-: 1-B. Ii. Bailer, Mountain City. Newton Ilii'k-r. Jonesboro, 2-W. W. Woodruff. Knoxville. Gooree W. Hill. Dandride-. 8?Charlra E Stanley, Chaltanooca, W. Y ll.-d-'-. Athens 4?Claiborne Beatty, Jamestown. Eugene S. Priest, Watertown $-Jnhn OL Dougherty, Fayetteville. Bolx-rt s. Montgomery, Palmetto, 6-H. L. Vf. Clieatham. Spring-eld. John ll. Bosley liol.), Nashville. 7?Archibald M. Hughes, jr.. Columbia. W. II. ll. Butler (col., Franklin. Contestant-?John Renado. [_w**eneebur_. W. ll. H Butler ieol.|, PntnkB-. 8?Newtan Williams, Huntini-don. Mia IL McCall, Lexinntoa. 9-W. J. La* lt, l'"fWU>V|llc. QtBtE* w. Win.sTon, 1 "risdon. 10?Isaac F. Norris [00-1. Memphis, 'ilmmas J. BHfM. Mcmphi TEXAS At-Large?John B. Lector, Austin. A. J. L.-sa-ntlial. La.tu np-. C. M. Perguaoa (OoLi, Fort Bend. N. Wright Coney (col , Gal-rrstoa, Districts: I?Milton A. Baker col.,, Houston. Joriiua Houston lool.j, I lu n til vi Ile. Cotit.-stants?ll. D. Johnson icot.j, Huuston. .ililli.M Houston ICO-J, Hun;,s ;|1,. 2?Georg.- W. Burkitt. Pal stine. Alexander AablClJ, ,'-oi.,, (.lalvert, 3?Webster Flanu_un, Henderson L B Fihh. 'I vier. 4-~amuel Wright, I*aris. John Coffee, Sulphur Springs. 5-H. IL S|Hildiug. Denton. J. W. Hi-arni-. Sher man 6?J P. Al'-xuinlor. For! Wortb, 0. F. A'leimnnn. Dalhis. 7-1C B. It'nt fi", Brown-ville. II. C. Pi rgueoa, Biehatood. 8?A. G. Johnson. Cidumbus. IC, M. Bogers, I-igrange. 0? W. F. Crawford, Cninoron. W. II. Blunt, Brenham. 10-E. II. Terrell, San Antonia J. C. Dc G-css, Austin. 11-Bobert, F. Campbell. D rSSS. W. E. Morton, Weatherford. VERMONT. At-Large?Redfield Proctor. Proctor. J. G. McCullough. North lk-nnington. Julius J ivstey, BraHleboro. 1- tiatiic W. 1'lu'mloy, Northlield. Districts: 1?Carlton W. Road, Addison. Bael J. Derby, Burlington. 2?S. 1). Hobson, Brightoa, Hcnry C. Ide, St Johnsbury. VI LG IN IA IIAHOXE DELEGATES. AM-arge?John G. Watts, Tazevillc. S. Brown Allen, Staunton. William Mainni'-, l'etcrsburg A. W. Harris, Peta-rsburg. Districts: l-A. D. Foster. Frnderlekabu-g. F. D. Lee, Gloucester C. II. , 2?L. L. Maury, JeruaalcB-, K. M. Smith, Newport News. 8?J. W. Southward. Richmond. John Mitchell. Richmond. 4?Charles Geo, Disputant*. John M. Linpston (eol.i. Petersburg. 6?W. H. PloasjintK. Danville. J. D. Perkins, Grayson C. H. g_.l h. Stove i Halifax C. H. W. Lea Brand, Salem. 7?A. P. Fnnkboueer, Harrisonburg. John H. Dean, Winchester. P-W. C. Flam. Tr.-vili.ins. W. II. Shauifhter. Warrenton 0-M. I! Wood. Estiliville. W. A. French. Pe.irisbiirg. I ?0-W. E. ('rail.. Staunton. Caesar Perkin-, Buckinpham C. H. AXTI MA HOSE DELEGATES. At-Largc?V. D. Gronor, Norfolk. Ii. A. Piul (col.i, Richmond. S. M. Y,-st. Staunton. C. A. Hoeriuans, Ciiristianburg. Districts: 1-'None.) I?Harry libbey, Fortress Monroe. Patrica O'Connor. Portsmouth. 3?John S. Wis,-. Biehn-ond. Morgan Treat, West Punt. 4?(None) 5_\Viiilield Scott, Floyd C. II. J. ll. Pedi ,*o, Lout horwood. 6-D. F. Houston, Roanoke. George W. Jacks,,n. BrookwL. 7?Han ison H. Biddleberger. Woodstock. John F. Lewis. Lynwood. 8? O. C. Hines, Vienna. yardley T. Brown. Hamilton. 9-.T. M. James, Wjthevillo. W. C. Pendleton, Marion. 10?Jam s A. Prazier, Laxington. J. W. C. Bryant, Clifton Forgo WEST VIIs'GINIA. At-Largc?John Frew, Wheeling. R. _ M-rkshire. Morirantown. T. B. S's ann. ('harli st own. C. B. Smith, Parkersburg. Districts: l?W. P. Hubbard, Wheeling. Alex. C. Moore, Clarksburg. J?John Miller, Ker.sor. George W. Curtin. Grafton. 3?C. il. Payne (ooL), Fayette Co. John Coo|ier, -taree. Co. 4?A. I'.. White, Parkersburg. J. J. peterson, Huntington. WISCONSIN. At-Large?John C. Spooner. Hudson Henry C. Payne. Milwaukee. Hiram <?. Fairchild. Mari netta Henry C. Adams. Madison D'striotas: 1?L. ll. Larker, Beloit. Jess., i,. Stone, Watertown 2?A. S. Ludlow, Waukesha, Ga A. Kaapp, Fond du Lie. 3?J. 0. Monahan, Darlin_ti>n. William E. Carter, Platteville. 4?Henry Baumimrtnor. Milwaukee. Charles A Cliapin. Milwaukee. 5?Charles Vroman. tireen Lay. Harry Kress, Manitowoc. 6?John Turner. Portage. Albert E. Thompson. Oshkosh. 7?Louis S. Fisher. Sparta. David James, Riehland Centi_ 8?James L. Lindoriiiatin, <?sseo. Jam's O'Neill, Noillsvillc. 9?Bart B. Scott, Ashland. Albert W. Sanborn, Stevens Point. ARIZONA. Ia. P. Eggei*.Prescott. L. H. Goodrich, ..,?_. Fin,-nix. DAKOTA, G. c. |foody, t . seas Deadwoods J. O. Bogart, ...... Scotland. J. M. Bailey, jr., . . . . Sioux Palla B. H. SulliTsn. ..... . Mit, hall. W. C. Plummer. ...... Cassell ra. P.. W. rroet. Redfi.ld. <!. N. Hoop, ..... Brookinga. N. K. Hubbard, ...... . F_._o. ll. Riobardeoo, -?-??. Grand Forks. H. C. EUtaebroflgh.Devil's Lake. DISTHICT OF COLUMBIA. Perry H. Carson.? . Washington. Andrew Qleason.? ? Washing-ton, Contestants. S'amuel Shel!nbar?er. W-Shins*ton. Fred. A. D-fSOB. ? Washinfrton, IDAHO. Weldon B. ILyl-iirn, ? ? . Murray. Georg. A. Black, ... ? . Hailey. MOOTANA. Geortre O. Eaton.? . ? Park. Thomas C. Power._ . Lewis. NEW-MEXICO. Thomn?! B. C.-ttron. ...... Sante Fe. Francisco Chavez. Valencia. UTAH. C. S. Varian, ...... Salt Lake. J. J. Daly., . Park City. WASHINGTON. E. G. Ilvde. Spokane. T. T. Minor. Seattle. Edward Winston.North Yakima. \\ J Thompson ........ Tacoma, O. C. White.bbb-* Daytnfi. T. H. CavBiiangh. ...... Olympi.t. WYOMING. Francis E. Warren,.Cheyenne C. D. Clark,.Evauston THE SICS AT. OFFICE CROP RULLETIX. Washington, .limo m.?The MloWlBf ls tho weat hm crop bull, tin for the week ended Saturday, Juno 0 Issued by tho Big-sal OOee : Temperature?The traeh baa boon Bltghtly warnie: than usual In gOW-Knglead, and from Texas uorthwan tu UM s-ttMOSti Valley, and slightly cooler (lian u.sua fruin Virginia southward to Florida. In tho colton am grain regions of tho central valleys, tho temporsturo foi tlio week has dig-fed bal sitphtly from the normal The season ooMinne.s lat.- t !n ?,,ii.-|i,hii. tho Northeri gtstee, while the lii.rniil coi.dillons In the Southon Slates aud tlio Ohio V.tiley continue, at previously re ported, tim sVerafa delly lemgeratare dlfferlag les- thai 1 degree from tho normal. The targe seasonal do ftcleacy of tha* ii-mpeiaiuio In the wheal, regions of Un (fort karat I continues, ? bera the crop conditions ar" froi two to three weeks late. Ilaltifall?The la'.nfBB for tim week has booti les thai usual. o\,-<-ht nt .sianoiis In KertheiB Minnesota, South ern Illino,s, Restore Missouri, sud southern portions o l^iul-dana- and Texas, whore slli-'ht exce-scn aro to ported. Ughl Bhoarata bobbi tad in Rew_aglaan, th. Middle At tau; la- Kates and tho low.-r late reglOM while prier.Hy t liinilchnnt tho Southern Stiite. SOB ol the Mlsatssli**-, there aaa a total abeeaee ol rain. UaBetal Kern... ls Tbs weather for the week has beet generally -wrorable for ail growing crops, Deport Shaw Improved BOIMllllO-l os -r th,- preceding wool; Kit hon _ 1-. Un cool weather io the extreme Northern see Mon-. h_s probably rets _ed Um growth ,,1 coin, in tb v.?h-a! refloat ol Minnesota and Dakoti the condition were gBoarally: favorable for the rapid growth uf al crops. In UM eora Stales nf the Mississippi nm Mtesoarl Valleys tha weather waa gBaerally lavurabli althoflgk more rait is areded in thu southern portion of ohio. Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri. In tho cottle region erofa were a-betad favoi-aMy, except in som cu ulina, whet,- c.-ii. *v..i weelher raurdad the prowl ul tho cotton plant, whteb la re**)eied ??< saull an baekwurd, The weethec was favorable for thu borreel In Southern Kamo, und Tenii'-s-,-,.. A CFT.F.S1TAT fTOWIO WEET Tf***f*T. The Sunday -Behool Chinamen of New-York. Jonie; City and ltr??il(l- | (ths bed fan-tan players and other of dissolute eheaaster win he each-leg) etgeel tn tah Holon PalBli B88f Norwalk, by slorui on June 18. I Ih th" day set fur tl,,h- annual oxcurslnn, and th'* who will hear tin- chinese exchange podtlap in thes svi,! . "(ho iMai tatt nina may fae*" ne'-d not b slarnied. This cannot bo lltiarslly trannlated Int the V.i!il?o - ll nw sro yu,i r alt-BUg- I' means pra-tl rally UM ano- thins'. In pui* Angle Saxon \ uni - lt means "Have jon calen !" the -BlB-te I oiic.lndln Ilia! ooo who ls mala te '-at ls sundy wall, -SOB) an all rir-'ht in tren respect, bia itoaaaeb hoi nu the ur* , ?-si l-iaiion. ii ii expected thal lever*, aondre Chinamen Slid tl eli Sui..tnv-srhae.1 lOBCllOll will sp-n s dav In catlin; ind mci ry iiialdn_ If licit Monda should not ho stormy. A RE SUXltA T MA URTA GF.S LEOALt From lia lliitlalu OeeeaMeaW AUvorU-er. Ari- bundar marrls^asa IIIi-ksII Tho a_uestlon has non ho?n test--. Iii thc -isil emu ?f this Ht-W, Thu buproti Ci.uri of Psarsjis.i.iii. i, iwaaat, issMsd in s nu-em bbb thsi th,- ra. |,.iiiiilr:it!.,n ?f ? i??rrli..,. \?? ..,, Smr'av ss. null mil V..1I. Ila- jul..., In |,_n Uni/ ilaiva.ii hi* IJSSl-lllI bald tbal Beesfdtas ls ihs baaaBT tatra bb toatra I bb rttt.-i! ..n Ihlt dar ls Ifpal, sinl thai. BBBnlaga ?K unthill mair* than a civil c.iit-.., i Tins BBadSg laws srs vfl rim I In 'hst State. lae llest !!lsh-( laasCismrrttes. Klnus- Bros.' -psct-l Fs-ours. SERMONS TO STUDENTS. TWO 11ACCALAUR-ATR ADDRESSES. THE HKV. DR. DIX TO COLUMBIA AND TIC"5-C"-*.X CKf.tOn mVraCICK*! TO TH** tJHITRRStTT. Tho custom of having a baccalaureate, sermon ls a new one for Columbia College. The prssont senior class, believing that it -was a desirable custom to Intiodtico at Columbia, petitioned the authorities of the collrgo to allow thuin to heir a graduating sermon. sJonseqtiisntly the IOv. Dr. Moi-gin Dis. ? graduate of the collcgo In Ds48, was Invited to preach to the gradu? ating clasHes of the Behool*) of Arts, Mines and Law. Last evening tho college boys assembled In ht Thomas's Protestant Episcopal Church, at Flfth-ava. and .'ifty thlrd-st., and Hastened with attention to am. earnest dlsi oiirso from the text, " Voting men I likewise exhort to be sober-minded," Titus ll, 7. The churoh was com? pletely filled with pcoplo when tho clergymen, the tr isl,--., facultlcas, graduates, graduating classes of arts, minos and law and undergraduates marched In order up the middle alslo and took their position*. The ushers wero college students and the committed In charge were Robert Quakier, Charles 8. Baldwin and Bean A. CHI, all of the giaduatlng class of the School of Arts. Dr. Trix began hy referring to tho fact that it was forty years ago that, he stood In the same relatlvo 1"'-ii mi that tho young men immediately before him aili! that of graduating. Ho asked them to consider what lt was to bo sober-minded, aud told them, among other things, lhat lt was " to have rightness of under- j si anding, to havo thouBlits under control, to be calm ead self -disciplined, modest an, humble; to be able j to 6Co things in their true proportions." He said . t Kat ha dlil not wish to rm misunderstood In his dolinl- j non of what a young man ought to be. " Youth anil' enthusiasm ought to go together, and there ls no j Bares sight than that of a young man no longer a young man." " Kejolco, oh, young man, lu t/hy louth." After dwelling upon tho cost of sobermlndedncss, tho Bisashflr gave the young men a warning against authors who, In a delicate way, would Instill poison Into the young mind. The first duty being a duty to Hod, Dr. Di.t considered tho second duty ono to tho a_e. Aftej* (speaking of the qualities necessary to perform ono's duty to the ago, ho said that among tho tempters one must resist were the Socialist and Communist. "Wo must (strive to purify society?to oppose despotism of political ring-, class organiza tuuis, fashions and such bonds by which we are dally conti nod. Wo must strive to stand for personal free? dom, and to whom should we look for help, If nut to the gradual lng classes of our universities. Earnestness and enthusiasm aro needed heie." The third point was duty to sell This he I said was a corollary with duty to (ind. "Personal purity honor. truth?a | love of tlieso In the heart should ho manifest. Purity, honor and truth do not come up of themselves as a! Wild carrot grows up along tho BOBBITT road. They I mutt !.<? sought ai a diver seeks pearls. Uemomber duty- one ol tho noblest wonls In tho English language - (Int v to God ; duty to your neighbor and duty to your? self." Dr. Di.t then addressed a concluding word to the professors of tho college, asking: " Have we Juno our duty) Are wo up to the task set beforo us?" He alluded In complimentary terms to President Barnard. iiml -speaking of Ins successor he talked of the requii-o ne-i.ts. ar, well aa marerial, that should govern the trustees In making a choice of president. Ile *poke with pride and pleasure of tho prosperity of tho College, Mid looked forward to the time when Conimbla sh ,nfit be ii university, '* not as a destruction of the old, but as a construction of tho new." THF, T7NIVT.RSITY BACCALADBBAT? VICI'.ClIANCELLnil >l ACt'KACK EN UBACHUS A SK.l'.MON TO THK GRADUATING CLASS. The Ciiiversliy Place Presbyterian Church was filled to Its utmost, capacity last night, when Vice-Chan* collor Henry M. MacCr&ekea preached tho baccalau? reate sermon to tho graduating class of the department of Arts and Science of the University of the City of New-York. Dr. MacCraeKen took for his text the words: " But exercise thyself rather unto godliness," and -poke lu substance as follows: T: i phrase " exercise thy-elf ls llterslly " ma_? thou of ths-saif ju athlete or gymnast." Ai au athlete or gym | uart trains hlmsa'lf for victory, so train thyself unto the I ia,'.inn.,-ni, ot godliness, or as ths word fairly Implies, unto that .ondit!,,n ot mind ind heart, that ls acceptable unto God This loner ls written to a young man living st ono of the chief centres of gymnastic exercises. No doubt, vrhen Paul livid lu Lphoxus, ho had himself wlt H - 1 lbs athletic exhibitions, and seeing thom and know? ing all about thom, he makes them au illustration aol btlp to his precepts tn religion. I take a lively pl-nsure In seeing a gynmast In body. It ls of great importance whether for business, 6oc!al or spiritual luteroots, that a man have a bodily orgaul.atloa -f hlghaat order, or have his body, at the least, tu tho average -tate of ti. ul' li and vigor. Paul In lils letters BBB-BSadS this, and In all his allusions to the games ho n> v. - deprecates them. Paul was enough of a Greek to pertain saith Plato or Aristotle In enthusiasm for phy sh.-al training. But comparatively, ths Apostle thinks that the work Svery BBS has to do as a gymnsst In the spiritual lite ls far more Important. Ia this spirit he says Ui tho nest Mat??OSa " bodily exercise,'* or gymnastics, " protlteth a little." luther make stliietea of yourselves unto godli? ness, he BX?Bria tha eager youth of the metropolitan olly. Thin ls of far more lasilug importance. ? It prolltajth unto all things." Ju thc course of the week upon which wo have, now entered, tlio young men to svhom I e-peclally sjicak are exp.-, ung, according to our American phrase, to " finish college.*1 If they were la Ga-rmany thoy would be ex? pecting to " Oulsh the gymnasium" ; foT very slgulllcantly UM place of the thorough general training of a youne mau ls there called a gymnasium. Hut while you are 8el**hlBg one gymnasium, you aro be.Inning another and li!; li Bl Kyninaslum. I give as the precept for tho gym? nasium of Uta these four words: "ZBBMlefl thysa-lf unto godliness." -umm-ig up the prerequisite and preparation for be-, coming on athlete unto godliness, for attaining tho life that ls acceptable to (rod, it is Included in tbe one word? Ri uh. I believe tn clod, a lrursun, and that to acoede to Ills will ls as necessary as to breathe the air. I believe in Ria pr.-s.-nco with me, aud refresh myself with lt a* I refresh myself with water. I believe In His gracious forgiveness, and I rely on this for every hope as I rely on food for my bodily existence. ?Wrestling and running?easy to say, but how hard tn do! Ilosv hard, also, lt ls to know If we are suecedlng In either. Hnsv hard especially to find whether you are achieving In life ss much as you ought, and whether lt j can bs ?lid ot you In proportion to tho opportunities given you; hive foutrht t good fight! Your curso has be<-n well runt Wrestling was succeassful of old, when the aritstronl,*' was put tatra and forced to yield, confessing himself in? ferior. It was not requisite, he be so hurt as not to I.,- SMS tai MISSUS any Mil, Wrs.--ailing with sin ls *ue saasfBI wi-, ii a mm -noars that he habitually opposes the sin, snd when ho ?tajutlnually sca-Us the h'-lp of God that tho remaining evil habits in him nay !>?> overcome. Running a raes was BBeeeaafBl of old only when a min ran faster thsn any of the r.-s'. l'ltui illadas to the fact that lu ths running, only one ruiina-r would win tho prize, and tells us that lt ls not so In our running. Our running ls complete, our Beth ls a suc-e-s, if sse only ke, p tho eye fixed on tin: juju',) ss ho ls at tho goal, und keep on I,miling, BB niali.-i le,ss sftea one falls down, until tte' Judge says Mop; until Um herald cries, "IslISSI Bf Oed, rest from, thy loved employ." Ths course was s course the same which was run by our dasSBBBtB, ss hom sse bade farewell to a fesv months since, and whoso bodj was buried on the ?lope of the Alleghenies. Whether tho course be smooth or rouirh doo* not matter: whether you run ten yaam or one hundred yours does not alfa-,-t I tat success, provided you run to the last. Or whether you run se ss to bo prominent or obscure does not much maller. It la I saseeaafBl ISSS if you perform ss h.t.v,;r you do psi-Bl-*. lostrtag to the Judge to for gl\o Miortcunilngi, and la ac .-pi your service. Thero ls a motto In a gOBBS of Goethe, '? Olino keel olino rjst" ; HiiMe not and rest not It will do well for a motto to each in the life spiritual. Let him begin, and beginning, let him noe haste, neither rr-st. TO THK SKNIOR CLASS AT VASSAR. 8!*RMO** BY rKEsIBKNT TATI.OK TO YOBXO WOMK** ABOUT TO I.KAVK TOI I.K.UK. Pou-dikea :-s|e, N. Y. June 10 (Special).?President Taylor, nf Vassar i nllcge. preached the baccalaureate sermon this morning from Matthew x, 6, hi. theme being capabilities of opportunities. At tho clo.o bo addreeeed Um gradaaflag class an follows: Ladies of Ike BSs-BBttBg claris-I havo spoken to yon u simple trait-, bm one whisk every life must lean te rsepeet Von are uimut to enter upon a larger arena. The gatos ur,- opened for von und a great b"-l gathered to v-ateli your niOflBSB with a i,?po of your running to sneeeea. Tal, .ina-stion is < "ming: \\ hat shall your Ufa be when this tlr-*t enthusiasm baa passed away, or when it begins lo cool and trkan radiant haipo is disappointed! That will depend on th" reaaree of natural reeoareee la nbc SOU. Wo watch Min as yon go forth sslth great In lereet Wt lupe ''ir you, boee fur von all, but lt viii not bo o.n hopo nor g,??i Blebs- that will do our future. Under God you wdl determine tersina your future. Lnder Go, that with the powers (.anl has w blob von have s <aod has given you, and to have not ad.hsl thorou-li - Of portnnlQea her,-, if you g? Isoktag lo <<od kat strength, 'ben J"u shall bavn the sueesss nf tho soul tin! qstenalnea to taert-cs |i-,-Jf for God. for Othfls. inn if s,ui go tort- as tuaiiv go through life, with selfish, narnia thouahts, without s broad purpose, with sutu<- taltlsh ambition thst von shall make your -hui's, whether rou Interfere with others or not, rou ss lil bise. You will have the tinsel, but not the I am ol, and there will come the time when you will imt hare the lineal Qo, as (.od sends you, to heal the sick and emt- the leper, and as you go, preach the higher law sud a boiler light. Go to male vnuinelvov Go as scivuits. Go to make the Church breer lu Hs bought* and more devoted to tha Master, and amy jod go with you. mi m PREACHERS FROM ANDOVER IN DEMAND. Andover, Mass., June 10.?Anniversary week began o-day with a sermon by Professor Harris on uTh# 'reacher's Service of Men Through Sympathetic Adae atlon," the text being -1 am made all things to au nen that by all means I might win some." There ls much Interest in the meeting of the hoard if Visitors to-morrow (Monday), with Dr. Geo-go Leoj Valker In the place of Dr. Eusfls. It is two yean Imse the legal controversy was Introduced into t^ Uiard of Visitors by a letter from Or. If. M. Dexter U that meeting of the Visitors, President Seelys wu iot present, and the action was taken by Dr. Euitu ind Mr. Marshall. The trustees also meet to-morrow, f there shall be concurrent action between the t?, aoards lt may supersede the necessity af further p-^. ?ellon In the (supremo Court. Andover stu,lents ?,-. n favor with the churches as preachers. The senirrp ?lass a,f twenty has been exceptionally favored wita, ipportnnlttes to till pulpits, frat * student has ?,-._ ,1-i-n rejected by a council since the controversy hewn ind not ono has failed of a license to preach. Kdsin tymn Stiles, of tho senior rlar,s, ha^- been ordained hr he i-'roe baptists sr a foreign missionary, holding iu_L .titntlally th" same views on probation as the two ,-oiing men who were rejected by tho American Hoard _-.t year. _ ?? ATHLETES IS THEIR SUMMER HOME. r?lt NKW-TOnK -TIIL-TIC CLUB KNTRKS OX *Tf NEW ( I Cli-Hot.SK AND OROfM-s. Whenever clubmen have the treat of entering n_w _uarter*i and viewing tho results of tho Ubors r,f 4 -.iintnittoe, always bclectcd from th,iso who are knowa 'or their good ts.te and their ability to act in at :onlanco therewith, they aro wout to show thetr tn. predation In an enthusiastic manner. 8uch a ,I>ectacle wai that witnessed when one of the ten .dubs of New-York took geeeeeBlOB of Its uaw holies n Flfth-ave. a few weeks ago, but the entau?i*m? lispl.yed thou could not comparo for Intensity with ibo fea-ilngs which wore Shown by bslf a t_ousi__4 inombcrs of tlio New-York Athletic Club when they su'oyed the OgBB?Bg of their nev summer hums os Long Island Sound yoster-Ja... At IO :.'10 a. m. a J pedal train left the Grand Ceotrtl Station for Pelham Manor, and seven carloads ot athletes were shortly after deposited on the greensward amid tho usual attributes of a country scene. i_? jovial crowd at once strung ont Into a long Hue, which pros-coded over typical country roads and footpath* to their destination In a kind of blow going tteepla ikaaa over single plank bridges, stone-walls, ran fences and all, to Travers Island Among those shs t>ct their dusty fa-.-t on the Island for the Ant time after Its reconstruction were Walwr btanton, Thom*' H. kcal or and son, Joseph Longhmao, G. Y. Gilbert, T. Warren Lawton, J. P. Thornton, Washington Morton, Prank Dickinson, William Murray, A. H. turds, Ii. C. Williams, Walter E. Peck, W. F. Shaw, Dr. Bartlett, Dr. Taylor, Charles T. -elden, William H. Raymond, James BShfl-fler, It. S. Duqueon, Carl Mty boif, George H. Scott, J. J. O'Donahue, Edward Behenek, Frank Romayno, F, Clifford I'otier. 0, HIP Hard, Jamo< Moore, Arthur H. Moore, J. Rhinelander; Dillon. A. W. s. Cockran, Cap'alu Prank Evans, (.??? tain Waldo Sprague, Archibald Toa assad, ih aries Coster, Ed. Selbel, Edward Fuller, A. G. Mills. Dr. Gultteras, tho ex-champlon middleweight of Harvard, Major Kipp, Judge Hyctt, ll. E. Toussaint, the chtm* pion swimmer, John 'iullck, William E. Cable. T*n..j. las t*mvthe. the club-house arehltavt, J H. i>a.!, of I rei roll, Dr. D. Mc Keon, C. Cusklcy, Ma_ E. Mocrs! Edward Townsend. liefore noon a number of delegat'OBt arrived, amens them beitur represa-nfatlvo groups of the tuc mtiers ol the Now-York Riding Club, The Citizens' Bleyele Club, the I.archniout Yacht Club, tho 7rn Regiment an* a number of roaring clubs. shortly after noon T. Warren Lawton made a short address on behalf of President A. V. D-Mjolcourla, whom Illness prevented from being present, and Mr. Lawton formally Lauded over the Island to the club members, and, on ths other hand, In the name of the club, thanked the mem. berti ot tbe Islaud commute** for th.-ir endeavors. CniLDRES'S DAY IN CHURCH. HAPPY FACES AND FRAGRANT OT.OWKRS MADg TUE SUNDAY MEMORABLE. Children lu cool white costumes gave a pleatant variety to the services In churches all over tho city yesterday. The tccond Sunday in June bas for sev? eral years been set apart for a special service by tbs children In many denominations. While lt la mere generally honored by tho Methodists, Presbyterian, Congregational and Cnlversallst churches al.o ob? served Children's Sunday Id New-York yesterday. Ia the churches where tho greatest attention was give to the exercises, programmes were printed with re? sponsive services, tho churches weto decorated with smilax and tho pulpits almost hidden with flowers contributed by tbe members for tho occasion. Io some instances cagos of canary birds were hung around tb. churches and tho birds warbled their songs with tho muslo of tho congi-egulon. In nearly all tbs churches the pastors preached to tlio children and baptized Infants lu tbe morning. In some a proces? sion of cltlldren, In white dresses, strewed the chancels aud altar with wild flowers, while the afternoon or evening was devoted 10 anniversary services. Ono of tho most attractive of these services was that of St. Jame* Methodist Episcopal Church of Harlem, where the Rev. Dr. O. H. Tiffany preached in tho morning. In the evening tbe Rev. Dr. Robin? son, of India, preached on "Children's Day in India* Redford Street Church was crowded with children. Dr. Chadwick, tho pastor, preached in the murnini aud tho children's were hold at night. In tbe Forsyth Street Methodist Church the chlldrt-n'l woro in the afternoon. Among tho Pra-sby ta'rian churches, tho Rev. Robert F. Sample, of ths Twenty-third Street Church, held au evening no rv leo for children. In tho Second Collegiate Ks formed Church of Harlem children's services wet hold morning and evening. Yesterday was celebrated as Children's Day by tho Sunday-school of tit Old John Street Methodist Episcopal Church. The throng of little waifs who an? cared for st ?hs FIvo Points Houso of Industry and Msetea gathered thero yesterday to thc number of about 400 to celt'.rsM Children's Day. Thanks to kind and generous friends there were plenty of flowers for ali ol them; and after the lessons aud tho song service, many a little ualala with dirty fata, ragged clothing and bare feet maic_*4 out bearing his rosebuds, Hiles aud daisies as proudly as if they wera decorations of the Legion of Honor. Llilblren's Day was also celebrated by tho Sunday school of the Presbyterian Church of the Sea and Land. Tho church was decorated with cut flowers and evsr gieens and by plants and vines lu pets. The sorvlcs of song was the chief feature of tho programme. A short address was made Ly the Rev. R. J *'oi.e. Speelal " Children's Day" services were held in many of tho Methodist, Presbyterian and Reformed churches in Drunklyn yesterday. Addresses were marte to the rhilatren and they .sam; hvmns for ths QCCa lon. Flower, decorated the altars ot the churches. 'Ibo members of tho I'Ugrlm Congregational ' burch attended sas?lcea in winn might uo called s floral bower. Cut flowers, wild gowan and plants wers In aim,lilince and mado up in various design.. Ons piece that attracted much attention was BO munee** Lunch of daisies brought from Fordham by Mr. Kroll one of the choir, .hero vs as a bapilMii of chll-re lu tbe morning. The bunday-sehool greeting was rn the evening, at which were _, recitation by Maijone Ayres, floral offerings by tho infant class, raisin, "? floral emblems by a?*.lstance of all the classes. hyin-.* and renponstvo reading by the entire Sunday-school, and an address by the Rev. Dr. 8. H. Virgin. "Floral bunday*1 or Children's Day *** appro* prliita-iv celebrated In all tho Methodist aChurth** Tu Jersey City yesterday, In accordance vs Uh ths lnstructien*. given by th- General Methodist I'onfsr* ? n--e. The oliuiolies BBIB de. orated with flowers and the attendance was larce. Sa-rvtces were BM held in the Congregational Tal er Baale and lu so-** of tho Pie>byto'l_n .md lb-formed Churches. THE. CASE. VIEWED PHILOSOPHIC ALLI. From Tho Kennebec Journal. - Dear me.? sala! the little Rosron boy, when, aft** Intellectual suasion bad failed, they had spaahBd.BBj for tba- Hist time. " If I had hart tho slightest susplel'jS that the resultant sensation was so poignant, 1 itioUJs never have invited the experiment."* Impure Blood Appears In a thousand dllTa-rent forms and causes a ts* i' of aufferlnii. Scarcely a single ireraon !? eut?**Jf (MB fr ni IIB B-BSS- If TB ll th^ BBSBBSMg arf S _?_* blood purifier like II??l's 11 m? pa rills. which srs-lsstsS tax ry Impurity, and gives t? tho blood vitality and _?_-?*?? lt cures hcraifula, salt rheum, humors, bollt, pimple* m ill other site Hem BBBSOd by Impurltici or ps>li~no-? ^.?rms In the blond. Hood's Sarsapsrllla also overcon*** ?.hst tlrasl f.-elltt.. crvata-ai un api^tlte, cures dyipep*-** blUousiioM and lieadii, ho, snd build* up HM whole _y_?__ Hood's Sarsaparilla " From childhood I was troubled with pimple*, sn* -very remedy failed till I taxis Hood'i KamsparUIS. I tsvo taken llyo BBMlBa ?t"l BBB SM p!m|.la*s sr* sis*"** .011,-, my geiural h-ulth ls much improved, sud I ttltt^T -BSSBBBMBd BaaTa !Sar^sparllls.,, W. EVANS. IO- _->?> n.'!? n as.- . li!,.,.,:yu. N. V. Scrofula ... ? My son wss smicu-d with the worst type of *m**u* ind SB the recomnieudstlon sf my drugglat I ?*"'? b m Heed's Sarsaparilla. To-day he ls sound sod WBSt M^ r I th sta urti n j lt wu ssld thero was not enough B-edlclas ? Pilnole to eiroct S cun-.? J. CHRISTIAN. IllliwUs. UL '? I had suit rheum on my left arm three years. ??(-e^ lug terrltily. I Mt Ho-kV- Sarsspsillls. sod the ult rheum his .-ntlr.-ly d I aa p pcs red." H. M. "_Ij-L*S Kreuck-sL, l-.-ss.-.i, Ma-*. Hood's Saraparilla Bela by Sll dniggtats, SI i *-s for SS* 2_,___/ 0. I inion A CO., Aivotheosrle* DoWoil, 1st 100 Doses Ons Dollar