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RAILROAD MATTERS IS NEW-JERSEY. THI STATEN ISLAND BKIDGE ASSUMINC SHAPE?AN IT-POKTANT TrBT CASE. Trenton, Jnne 10 (Special).?The Dsltlmora and Ohio Railroad bridge, so-called, across Staten Island Sonnd ls assuming shape, and the enormous draw said to be tbe largest In tha world, will be placed In position this week. The time for the completion of the work was fixed for Juna 10, but the bill extending the time has passed Congress. Precisely what ls to be done with the bridge when lt ls finished ls not publicly ?mown. That the bridge could have beesi used for all the great traffic of the ti more and Ohio Railroad tr'th the city of New-York, and that the rails could hare been kept hot wtth travel is certain. If tbe days cf misfortune bad cot come upon the -Treat corpora lion. As it ls now, the Baltimore and Ohio ls said to bs partially under the control of the railroads which lt was to ba-, a rivalled, aud what will be done now -sinains to be teen. The Lackawanna Railroad Company haas at last de? termined to put on a Sunday morning train on the Morris and Essex division, tn run west In ths morning and east in thc evening. Heretofore, passengers have | been taken In the milk train, which was the only Sun? day train. There ts hope that -.ince- the lee has been broken the company will gradually adopt modern meth? ods. The summer travel over the Morns and Essex I* (rrent and roig-t be quadrupled by more liberal B?ana~ment. One of the most Important oases of tbe year will be arp-ed In the Supreme Court here to-morrow. It ts the test nf the title of Prosecuor B. W. Crane, ot ffrsex County, to bis office. Crane was nominated by f!> Governor sud ie'eeted by the Senate. The nomi? nation wss not renewed, but after the adjournment of the Legislature Crane was appointed - to fill the rsoanrv." and his term will continue until the Legis? lature meet1, again. It ls claimed that tho appointment li practically an attempt by the Governor io e-rcatro the constitutional provision that appointments shall he maale " with the advice and consent of the tienate." ginee 1-77, e*B8B tins peculiar practice seems to have beg-..h. about thirty officials have held place, by ap? pointment afier being rejected. In one case a Judgo held over from year to year for four years by this means. Should the court decide agalust Proso rnior Crane, the Senate's volco In appointments irill bo restored. lt will be seen that the ca<* has much more than ordinary Importance. Inasmuch as the saaie language ls used In the Federal Constitution, and the question has arisen lu the case of Federal appointees. The Crane risa- will be arc'iod for F.*.se.\ i ounty by Chandler W. Riser, and for Mr. Crane by llenrv Young. Tbe Rew-Jereeg delegates to the National Conven? tion at Chicago will Hart on Friday of this vaak Allison, (.resham. Depew. Alger and Harrison are all said to have votes In the delegation. The nomination of Mr. Maine ls still advocated by no small number of Republicans. Th? State havinc appropriated *?l0.0OO for th? dod icit.'i of tho KswJeraey monument at the Oattgs* bur- battle-field, the ceremony has l>a*en fixed for the ,i ' this month. Tho Governor and bis staff and _aX) National Guardsmen, and those veterans who actcslly served In battle --ill have fro* transportation and rations and will attend in all possible grandeur. THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE. In irs issue yesterd,iy The SrNDAT TTtinrKE presented an extraordinary number of interesting, instructive and entertaining- features, among which were the following: A I_ondon letter from G. W. S. abeal London society, its attitude toward Mr. Gladstone and its political divisions; a letter from the regular Constantinople correspondent about diplomacy at that cap.tal, tho troubles in Armenia, the new railroads, the mails and the Custom House; a letter from Greece about the Corinth Canal, which will at last realize the dreams of 2.000 years ago; Amsterdam letter picturing the life of the Dutch workingman under free trade; account of the Chinese Emperor's annual visit to tho Temple of Heaven; jx-n-pictures of commence? ment days at West Point; sketch of The Dike Trying to Get There ; reviews of three new Arueri ela : a sketch of Mr. Laurence Obphant, nov? elist and r. former; Art Now. and Comment*.: Among the roliticians j Summer Drinks and Ices; baseball, yachting and other sport*; social and military news; A Summer Wardrobe; Bpsed of t',, Steamers; Notes of Men and Affairs; In tin- Church Potch; Diarite Rossetti's Wife; poems, tales, etc., and all the news of the day from all port* of the world, of which the chief topics were ai, follows: Foreijrii ? It was announced in tho ptrvrs. but semi-official ly denied, that the lie-using C-BHSes ta, the County Government bill had been aban? doned by the Tory Cabinet. "-_=__- The cauula in the LmrHTur Frederick's throat was again changed. ? Ibo degree of L. L. ii. was conferred upon I*nnce Albert Victor, of Wales. Lord Salisbury. Lord RoarIwly. Lord Randolph Churchill aud |faas**a G - ..- a and Balfour, by Ck?rbridge T'ni Tersity. ? Constable Simi>son. of the Dish i inUu-y, murdered his sergeant and then eoniuiitU'd suicide. ? Lord Stanley, the new Governor-General of Canada, arrived in the St. Lswr- ? Osngreea ? 'Die House only was in session: thc consideration of the Tarli, bill was continued. estie ? Tl i n waa no -hangs ba General E . condition. --: The State Department ? n informed ol the forcibl" detention of Leonotti Cipriani br the Italian Government. _-__ Governor Hill finish-d the consideration of tie u-aed by the Legi>lature.-?? Senator Hoar advised the ataeseehuBttta Bepuhhca** delegation not t?, tak-- any action as to eanditlates until after Raening Chicago._-. Judge Thurman appeared to >*e in excellent health and spirit-. City and Suburban.?In the Aqueduct taveatlga tion testimony was given to show timt Inspectors had been bribed to overlook bad work: a strong r.i*.- was tuado out against a sulr-contraotor of O'Brien A Clark's. == The Rev. Dr. Met-hesney pa;d B warm tribute to the character of Thoma's MeEIrath at his funeral in St, Raul's Church. :? The Da-moeratie dolecntes returned from the 8t. Loirs convention; little enthusiasm shown. The winners at Jerome Park wera: Long ?? . S.r Dixon. Linden. Nettle. Harry Mann ?-The Larehmont Ito-at ta was sailed without sufficient entries t<> lill all the class's. th< Shaa_*ock proving an easy victor.?_?Tin Chicago" heal tne Kew-York ball team 8 to ?'* and the Brookly_s beat Cleveland o to S. __?:Stoeka irp-ruiarly active and lower, closing steady at- the I Copi-s may still be had at the office or by maiL Sixteen pages, l'nce four cents. -4.V OLD ARTILLFRYMAX KILLED. Erle Penn.. Juno IO tsperlali.?Ia firing a salute ta iioti'ii of the Ilepublican candidate for Conpress 9taam*mf a ca:.nor. was burst at Fairview and John Smith, aire sixty, mas killed. He was an artillervman I- tu- A MEESEW SYNAGOGUE PIPTCATED. The' : ? :- <I doubtless lone be ro BWob-rea with interest by many uptown BB*_BBrs ti thsJex gi, ci.u:r!,. __> lt marks. In the II.-br-.-w ca'endar. the aa?cai os tri the ajBBgngBn ol tba spanish and '''"?t-tu?-ss CoBgiegatiOfl HaBM Vontefiure. In lui" -un<triyi_ari(' twelft, ??., be'we.-ti 'I,d Laxlagtoa tv?s.. willah took place y.-sta-rday afternoon. The BfBgos ol thH mw congietelleei was brae**-! a Lip is. . harea. The dedication aaevtoa wa. eoa *1 f. Stir. M mb Gaedaba. Tin- seiBBtesl lamp was li?htcd by D. M. liza, after which tho f*of_r|in mt I ..- I.,, hs ,,f Moses wera- rari-i.-il BOfBI __5e_ ' arch daiias ths chanting ,,f hymns sud iVej.ovi,,.,. ln ,|r. ,1|k ThB ,i0(il(._f|(IM sermoo and ? K?\. lu. H. I-erelra Mendes, oHlae .l-l i'ltth Avenue ByB-gBgUB The O'- ?--ai0 Morai*, of l-hlUdelphU. made the walloa. DEDICATTOB OF A UETTEESALTSt Tho mb 1 int'i ITBlHIIIB-Ol t 'h ure li. in Qiiinry-st., Brooklyn. *.\as tillesd yesterday afternoon at the -ed.catorv s--.sic.-s The prayer was made by the B*"v U. if. Yty. Tho Rev. Dr. A-BOfl OBBflleBB, of Ali Beak* Ckarek, preached Ike dedicatory seimon, in *bich ha rei natl at Ihe n.-riw-th of the new enterprise tn* (ta, hrlghl BBBBBBetB now that Its odlfieo wa-, rompia-ti | l:. i;. v jr,-. \. j. Can field, of tiia* Chare h w "ur rather, auea an a,!;!ia-s.. x_e senaon in the ??en :,_ ss_. preacbe, bv tha* pastor, tin- Ber Ab-ass "-'?n-J.r. Ti. lit* ? .-x.-isa-r. !,y the Snnjay school ?ena held In ths BBB B-Mes jestenlay morning. BOW MAXY MEX WERE OVERBOARD* -V f.-rrr rxnt Southtii-ld left her slip st WhlU-h.U-st St 8 o'clock bstuiday nljrht rrowdi-d with psssenst-rs. ?Wn the !aoat BBassi St. (^orgo a pretty youri? woman rs*-*, aty.ui crylntr dUtracu-dly, " There ia a man tram, **?-*-" Thai boat waa Immadiata'ly su>pp?l and the life boat Wis IsVBSSg, HLot J,,?.-pt, White and s deck hand jump.-d tatt, lt, snd cruli'-'d about in thai dark for ar. hour, tmt to-n. no otra* In th?* wst-r. The youiip ss?in__i said lhat --? man who was ovarrbosi, was faaahlonsbly d~'?sed sid hsd been sluing na>sr her. if? had suddenly, without a **(ard, leaped overboard Into the Hay No on* thought to ssk the young ber niura-, snd wh?n tho bost ?e,ch,*d bt. Ua-orgt ?h? la-ft tho ba,i_t. Sub?->_ii.-'it y ?se pilot snd ts* pellet sought for her, but could not tsd her. The QU<*?t,'on winch putrles them now is, "-ether a man rosily Sid jump overboard, and If so, --"taa-r he bore any rc isden to the youtin woman. On _kl ssme nl-ht, aa ths favrry boat Westfield ck-sr.-d ter klP ?t Bt. George on her 8 o'ctack trip to New-Tork, th? **T of " >ian orerboai-d" w? heard. A smsll bost waa ?atSMhsd. which cruised In the vicinity for som, time, "tu found no a,ne. Tv/o pa-sonf.'.-'* declaraid that ttia-y "*?*- cris* lu the wstcr of s drownlnn man, and th*n *?"? c_-? the ?,arm. It is believed by -oms that this ?sa ih?: ,?_., d'-M-rlb-d by thc young **oma/i, as the Wa*st ?*i'l leta h?, A9<:k ,U4l about the t-_c thst the troum KlaMf-aii WELSBACH Incandescent Gas Light Company OF THE STATE OP NEW-YORK, No. 13 West ma, ta-Yort This'company offers a limited amount of the full-paid Capital Stock of the Now-York City Wels bach Co., par value $100, at $30 per share, payable in two instal? ments atthe Chase NationallBank, New-York, the designated depos? itory of this company; no further payments or assessments. By the terms of a guarantee, which will be explained to the in? tending investors, the actual risk will probably not exceed one or two dollars per share, while large profits are reasonably sure. This wonderful system of light? ing is now on exhibition from 3 to IO p. m. at 13 West Twenty seventh St., where the Subscrip? tion Book is open. a. o. i;iM\?;r.R, tient-ral Manager. BOARD OF DIRECTOR*-. IAMF_J IT. STF.liBlMS, JOHN WANA.MAKKU, THOMAS IK-LAN, EJJ W AKD TICK, JOHN T. Ul L.t., WI-1.1 AM ti. WA Jil)-. It WILLIAM W. (.1BBS, F. O. FKKNI H, H. W. CANNON, T. J. MONTtiOMKKY, -J-UIU.- F. STONE, WILLIAM M. _?8'tf-CKLY, A. O. GUAN (.Kit ? ADVISORY COMMITTEE OP STOCKHOLDERS. 'JEORliE N. CURTIS, JOHN I. BLAIR, RORLKT H. BATJUB, MJ-B-tX 0. UJH-sON, UKORI,E I'll II.LKK, J*. W. KENNEDY. EDWIN Lt ULAM, Josi.i'll M. CAZZAM, JOSEPH BUSHNELL, JAM hs A. W RI- HT, DANIEL RUNKLi; J. B. ALTEMOs, JOHN tl. KEADl.NO. URALS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. FE.vrrnEs of new-vokk dealings. At the Produce Exchange on Saturday the cash grain marne's were quiet all around. bpaS-BIB did lltil.-, taking only 48,000 bushels of wheat, but cash wriest was firm. The sensational bbv?nientrj in option wheat oc cirra?d after ths close. Thn.ugh the regular sesaaion, trading was light and a linn tone prevailed, duo to IBpO-tfl of a threatened gra-ialinpira.r plague In tu" RBI Ul WBBL Tho ofltclal .untatlora. ended 3-8al-S cent higher, as CstlBWS: June 91 3-4, July <jl 6-6, August 93 1-8. .S.-p,,-n.lri-r H3 _ I, December 961-8 cents. Af;er the ofllcial tltBB, an > v cited specula'1BB BBB ABVBlepsd by the Government crop report, or jettier by the conflicting lrItBSBIS-BClSBS of IL The trears had looked for an important improvement In condition of winter svh, at, and tat IfBBBS 7-il ac:nn>t 73.1 lu May), Brett a _J*appoiiijinent. A vlguraaus scram? ble to cover short* carried December up 1 1-2 cents, that month absorbing the dealing.*. The advance, howt-vr, was lost almost ss Quickly as lt wss gained, ana wh-n trading casasod the tone was unsettled. 2 o'clock prices wre 92 3-4 for July. 93 1-2 for Anviist, mi, 88 l-l >-.-ri's fur DsSSBaBBr. The JunS av rag.- sf BlBt?I wheal lT3S) BBB par.-, ssith 87.8 In Jun-, 1807, and 84.9 at last year's harvest As the apisroiit reduction of bread'h of winter wheat from last JBB- ls aba.ut 1,750,000 acr> s, the Lull statistician*? IfSM ,._; an iniimriant reduction In the crop. The Washington rap,,rt maker- an BVBfSfi -.cresse tn ths acreage af i*i*"lncr wheal sf oin- per Stat Com on the sj,-,! ssas L-4 cent lnasi-r, saith shippers apaita-tic. The options wer? quiet and 1-4,3-8 cent lower for the principal months. The exportations of large arrival- this ss,,-k myatt the pstaetpal ttSBSBt of In flu'-nee, and were sufticlent to pres-ent any response lu cuni to the wheat rally after the close. Official final quotations were ss follows: June, 59 1-2; July, 59 5-8; August, 601-2; aSepirmbcr, 00 5-8 cents. Oats were quiet and easier in tone, closing as follows: June, 36 3-4; July, 37 5-8; August 33 3-4 and September, 33 cents. Lard was dull and devoid of fi-aiun-, th-- options closing down 2-4 points as follows: June, S8.72 , July, 88 73 ; August, S8.74; September, $8.78; October, $8.70, snd December, $8.1G. The receipt* of grain and flour reported on Saturday at Na-w York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Boston were aa follows: Wheat, 80,758 BBS-SlSj com, 110.838 BB-BBlS; oats, 118,898 BB-hSiS; Mal -rain. 31<J,VM bBBBSlBi flour, 30,724 packages. At Chi,ap,,, Mllss-aukee and St. Louis the arrivals were; Wheat, 72,341 bush,ls; com. 438,8"r7 bushels; oats, 330,185 bushels; ta,tal grain, 841.383 bush? els; flour, 20,307 barrels. THE TRADE IN CHICAGO. Chicago, June 10 (Special,.? The (iovinma-nt crop re? port was mystifying, as lt always ls. A dozen dltT.-r'-nt, interpretations Bara put upon lt. snd as a result, wh<-tt yesterday In the half hour I inmediately following the giv? ing out of ihe report plunged around In a range Bf 2 cents. The report did not reduce Hie BTBISgt condition of wheat. It even advanced the figures a little. But j lt announced a loss in the area of winter sslieat In IBBB numbers of 1.750,000 acres, and a Isbb In spring B_SSI of 134.000 acres. Tie- average condition ssas pur ut 73 3-10, against 73 1 10 In May. July wh'-at at night closed at 86 1-4 cents, an advance BBSS the oriening ot 3-4 cent. The market started in a humdrum way, with little doing. The fs-eling was heas-y early. bSCSBBS BkSSB was so little doing. ?jm 85 5-8 cents, shortly ifter the opening, the prices for July ra**d off to 84 7-8 cents. Then., was just br-fore ll o'clock a report, from Ness-. York that the Government mada- a general SYSBOgS ?r 88 i^-r cant, and on this the pries was rushed t? 88 1-8 SSBta AIiiios' Immediately afterward the ofllcial siaiaiina!,- ,amp thst the genera! averatv was 73 3-10. an linpruv iii-nt sf ?-10 per cent. On th!? the pru:.- ss. ni from 86 1-8 to 84 8-8 cents. These violent fluctuations aver-- all within a few minutes, accompanied by an enormous and BXCited trading, both uv h'-ulpers and men. W-BB lt ssa*, all over thur.- v. j. a gieel Itel of tSsBBtU. faction. Buyers had r * In a' tte- r-.p ami ,,ut at lat fest tom, snd sellers had fared just _? badly. The expe? rience will result possibly In a petition by the trad,- to the ut Washington. a.kiriL' last Ihs I port -BfSaf-B- be Issued al night. That Hill give BBB f..r IBBSBBSBlS examination of it before trading bSglaa ('..rn ssas as.-:ak ,.n lal,-- r. ,-aipis .nd on la nona, fur M?ndai. .loy ,]r.-n?-l fruin 881-4) cen,. |a :,i 1-4, elealns at r.2 1-2VS2 5-s cents. Provl?lons opened eiasv but closed suadv Bit-OBt any special feature. COURT CALENDARS-TO-DAY. ?n-rasim rofBT ? C'sambkrr. ? Before Andrews. J ? Naas .11. Si'. 41. 45. 69. 84, 70. 77. 84. St, BB. 84. *5. ?>:. 107, IIS l"., V.C 128. 180, wi. ia*. i*e. ??-'? ??*"? '-'?'? I**, iso, lia' 187' 107. if". ->*-. ?-"--? '-'-'s- '-''?'?'-'",- -?''? '-"?? -' ?_-(' 2*4 _H6 286. Wi, MS. --'?. '.'?". '.'-'I. Wi, '-'9.;. '.ill. tia, ?_??' '-97' iti" '-eH, ;jim>. sui. mi. mj. ;jui. SCr-SBS COUBT-OKI---AL -_jl 8BBBSB. -Ti-arKiir COUBT ? KfSCIAt TKs-B- t'KT I. ? Bsfnrs In _rai-__ J -Na*. Hid. 158.185, 1ST. 1S8.178L 17:4. 177. 776. '.VI, 71"'-. 670. SOB. 7.'.7. ~tii. Oil, 778, 797. 811, ti41. 7U_. 774. StvrBB? OOOBf-M-sSI-l, Tkkm-Part II.-No flsy "M-i^'-BCoL'BT-CiKri?it-P'.bt J.-liefors Lswrence. J. C'ase od no ai?y talen'.,r Bi-rusas COB-T ? cnBCOTT?FABl lt.?P.sfor-P.ntaraon. j nm il-. "o? Ts-... ion. lias. i--?. i'--y. luau*,. 1779 1780 liUll 70.. 1170. 1,31. 11*62. 1B96. 1145. 1770. l'.!-0' 47.V SSBft. IH-01. 1'.I2'.?. l_7*?Sa MjM**-__? -,_ -srtssit COt KT?CIBCLIT?PSB'I Ul. -eton << r.naii. J, v.. 74ci' 111* !6iJt; -9-0. 18511s. 1884, 1888, l'.'s. lust. isms. ism. IS54. IS-* uti. nie. ihoi... .;. ;i-i.-,o. i6TK. leal, ?Atll. HO:', 117., 107-J. 14-'7 _ . . - _ - BtrRKMR c'--?t-('um;i it?Fabi IT^BaBaee_B_aeB_ j___ Ns.?. .'.44 1614. IIKW 1-44. 180-. ls**?. "I'M. l'-'sd, i',-.'. i;i7 880, 1878. l'.'4S. 1707. 18*0.1078, 17_... _i;to, eon. SIS*. B04a 773*?. 1S-K. 1204. 1877. MBRBOUATL-S COl'KT?Before li-iisoni. st.?VS lil or AI ker I G. Qasoataal. la* ? ia. aili of Is??, J. (Uiver. II m T-STI-OBl TO BB 1AKKN IIIsMiKI Mir. I'S'>HATR ( LEHK. I'rsi.-taj of th* wins ot Uisrlea J'. Kn.g. Julia R. .Marsl,sll, ll ll Luoacomb 10 a. ni ; fiullp Lamer. Joseph Holt. ll ;soa. in m i'Emos coi bt?c, Tkrm.?Bsnes dsssbiw, c. j. ? Freaaiiuan sn i Tiilsi. JJ.-Anneal! frosa srslsri .Nos. 1. 9, 3, 4. .".. I App-s: tri.rn ;a,t?eaats No. )3. SirrKiok cosBi?srsiiA' lssa-Pefore o (.ornisn. J. Noi 14.,. ISO, _S1. -.-82 6S, 888. 811, 88S. 858.118,114,818. mon cotBT?Trial 1kr_?Part l.-JJetore Lugro, J.?' aw itu ?. no,1st cala-assr. __ _. coa-on ri.KAs (,i.\tRAi. Tkrm?Artjourseal untu Thura -sar. Ju,.aa SI. CO-JUS rLEAS ? fsPRCIAL TSRM? lisfof- Mn HoeMB. J -N... i. Cohmos Pi.bas-F.?v(IIT'1'SRM?Before Allen. J.--Case on i Nos. 38. 37. 46. 4* 2. 14.8.8. 7.8 t?. 10. M l? l* :~ Commosflbas?TrialTRBM_i>aRT I.?Bsfore Larremore, C. J. -Case *u : n* nar calaun.r . , Con-on Pi.rai? I kial Tkkm? PART IL ?Before Iialy. J. - Kat. .VA, 30-_. 72.i. 719. 510 716 6S*t. Wit. 714, (UM. B85, 6S6. 5??. .101. 501. '.r.a. S.7 lift ?53 MK *tto. 412. 600, S|3. 944. -47, 94S. S4W, 067, S.V,. l?6S cm COURT?IBlAL Tbbm -ra?T I ? Bsfore Browns. J.? | Use. 36.<7. _S.l. -661. 4172, Sots. 8808. 8882. S656, SSAS, 8S20. itil. 881. _8.ll, 1S74 .1744 3S4'J. 6_S, 3740. CIT! tail. ST?TRIAL TSBH-I'ar't IL ?Before McIIowd, J? i Koa. 3S.7. U1H. 5074. 3.'.5o. .m-j 1519 670. 5484. :L'.o:t. .439, 604*;. 5378. 3885. 3?S7. 3s-!a, .i?yi .j-.,;| 54Ui' .'027. OTT Coubt?1 rial Trrm- Hikt III.-Before McAdam, C. J.-Nea. 50-,'.'. 518-, 6283, 3SAS .(24_. ' ni ki or 'irrn avd 1-umi-ibb-Baafore Berrett. J, ans Aas.sii._l Ulatrli t-Aiiorne- I'arker. ?Noa. I to >** ISStlsalSS. BOSST OS "S-ISKAi. -srmidss?PAST I. ?Before .Mar Hst J., snd Asiiitant '.'istriet-Attorner BBSsBSB - < os. 1 u> ; _,. i!ieliu,?a. ( oi kt or OBXtUAL asssioMs ? Past JI.-ii?fore Gliaiar?l??-s. J., sn.l AasisUsi Uuiricl Anorner D,v|i.? Bs i coubt or oksbkai. sis?i.,s? *._?. i n ?Before (owiar, J . sod AsaUUut Ll-tl l-l AUsrintr J a; rs iii I.?laos. 1 LS 16 m atHssBj A DULL WEEK IN STOCKS. HEAR" INFLUENCES AT WORK. CAUSES, REAL AND APPARENT, OF PRESENT ? DLI'l:l..v*I't.N. Sunday, Juno 10?p. m. Th*- Tnitod Rtnt.-s Treasurer last week received from rustoms f:i, 5 7(5,010, und from internal rev? enue 8-,8.'(5,8.J0, total from both, f fi,_14 -;". n ira inst 85,846,9.4 for thc pr-eed Bf we-k. aSinee June l the Treasury has reduced the umount of net cash held in its vrttilts 8141,H70, and its deposits ni National hanks $6,?_6.8>>8. Th,- last named reduction, how.-mt. is principally a matter 88 bookKceping?a irar_sfer from the general account to credits of di.bursirij* .tlic-rs. Allowing for the usual weekiy silver coinage, over HOI*ttl w,,s added lo the general circulation by th* Treasury's o|s-r.itions since June 1. Siibjiuned an- tli<- results of yesterday's state? ment, compared with that of June 1. June 1, 1888. June ll. 1888. Differences. Gold coln and bul. leas certlO'-ates sud SIOO.000.000 . ,? Nsaree .... sioo.3oi.i20 s--,4-7,6S.*> i>c. ssoi.-'i r - eeete less certificate* . . 88.9_8.?00 34.31? 00(1 In'_ 888.780 Nat. bank notes. 0702.811 7.057,271 Inc 354.4W Ula/" dui'rs and built,xi less BBSs -neates.... 63._00,a306 r>3,_17.flr,l ix*. 8*1.788 CS?h In Trrs?'TSl-4.2;'1.74sS 1194.089,770 Dec. 8141.970 Da ires!-* In Ns tlonal bsnki . 00.07S.C01 Ml 11.733 Dec. 0.9.0808 T-.tal bal'nce s254,307,317 4-47,238,509 Dec. S7.0-9.-S De.Junt for funds ha'ld tn redeem Nar. I/uk nut's, Ilr-ludlllK Ul" 5 BS* c-rit fund 102.0*1.910 102.231.913 TVc 417.003 N.-t available balance . . . sUl.0Vr.431 SI t.'.OO.T.W, TW. tn.r: Hy tlie operations of the Sub-Treasury in the weeli ended Friday -"vening the banks fained jiiiKifi. Iee*ls-*day*B bank statement of averai i reports a -rain of 12,834,000 BBB-, This gain re 11. .ts large net receipt* lr,,tn the interior and indi? cates a, timi oaeh boldinga by the hanks at the el se of business Friday that BIB B0BBC 11,000,000 fri*- ni'-r than tha -uni of averages "***po**ted iii the Hell IBS III An expansion of 12,488,000 in the loans .wells the toe.-nea la the deposit, to $5,315. ioo. Hence the gai- t>, the surplus reeerre ls only 81,585.235. lea-ring it at 127,310,850, againsl $4.--7.7'_Tj on June 4, 1867, and $12,001,970 June 5, 188C, Tnt chaiif.'s.-s for flu- Break ef 1897 wen- ns fol? lows: Loans decra-iiM-d 1128,500; eB-h d***$"*e-aed |7,000, deposits d**c**-s*aed 1341,000, and surplus reserve lne*reaaed 182,300. The changes of the week of I WI were Loans Increased |?85,100j dish incn-iisa-.| 13,384*, OOO; depoeite toe_t*_sed $3,130,600, and surplus react rt toci-eaite-l 82,585, 000. Ths changes foe the week of 1881 trers: Julians Incl-seed 18,400,000; cash Inc res sad 8838, 700; deposlte increased $6,004,800, and surplus n-s.-rve decrea_*ed t.84,950, leaving it at $_,_05, $08. The sT;itement eompares with those of corre -ponding duta-s of 1887 and 1881 aa lollows: June U. ISSI June ll. 1087. Jun, B 1888 Ixrnns.S347.4'.'4.'.?", S885.10S 200 ?.-'?'. :? N - Sir- ??!?' .... "ii""-'-"0 72.171.9O0 M.7 Legal i.-itdrrs . 18.813,300 24,8150,800 87 lie,,,,.!!! .... 845.048,200 870.O85.8O0 886,54 t'lrcilati.e* . . 18,-88,100 ?-. 070.000 7.411,000 'Ihe foUtfW?fi Bhoara the r?'.arion between th totriil I tau re and tfal total deposit*, at the r ive dates: Suede .... B76.taO2.1o0 ?72 171.800 aWS.'.^'IOOO *_a--_l sta-Wl . 18,818,800 24 889 I yo 87,748,400 ToUl res'rvs r_5,21ai,lUO 897,101.500 ,120,4 4-.400 Rau-T-'i leatiiir ? S ns'st do psslts .... 80.41O.HO0 02.741,4V) 80,185,550 Buriilus ... . SS, BO-"-. 300 84,420.0-0 *27,310,tt.'a0 Bstio ? f -? -'>?? t<> <;? lier seat , , . 87.87 8819 8-32 Followil-g ia Saturday', statement in detail: , !??-,'* I H.nks. Ixiana. ' Speel*. ] U-i-St- ! D-pSBlta Nrsa- Y?rt. ... ~11.40t*.0-0 2.Olu.non l,.<oo.oo"~ l_7l lu.o'O Manhat i "mu. ' S.B,_,-O0 S.S.6.0-- 671.BOO lB.575.000 M.r.-tu-iU'_ 6.740.100 :(.H,4.4?i 7B7.-0. *?-,_- *"0'.... I B.054 .1 1160.000 BSf.UOO 7. America.' ll,4r..4.*0' 4.014.UIHJ. flu'. 1-0 1..047,SOO Plis-nn ?? H.ITS." Kl :..-!."ii.' n.'.*l,.a,M, S,07'-,00U rn,- ... 6,860.-00 1,0:4.nos, i l.7*7.40u Tn?te9nisn'a...l -.761.-fto 441.c."" iBal,IOU _.___.7oo Chemic-*! ... l8.431._O0 t*,it ? Men-Uauts'Kx. 8.M1.3-. .S7.7IHI 738.80- 8,86*1.700 ?n ...I 5,04'..6ik|. 1,639.5110 80*1,700 4--( -01' Butha _ Dniv i -.14-.1*00 4 ??-..'-" l.t-.xo" _..-!.'_"" Mee'i ATrsaVa' 8.076.000 lo'.." OU 820,000 '_,:i7S.ooO (.rea-nwirli.... ! 1.103,200 120.4O0 ll".-HO 1,183.008 LesUi.-r Mau! > 8,834.400 .-_.."?' 215.,U_ _.75S._?I Hersutti Wat... ;.--|!.l-av 451.. lili"0 1.408.700 ?,'-'-l.*r'*y 8,814,100 Klataaef NY'S .(.Hi4.1"(l -.4. '00 ..-,?"'"? S.SS2.7W Amarie-n Ex.. 14.4.10."'," 4.8S_.a-0OJ 2.500,. ?_.l?5.0O0 .lillirie.. KrirSilwav ?srsatiWis I'acin, .... Hep,lillie. ;-,;.;..- to 6.-.7.1"" i.?i",.o.o ic,7h..ii,," 8 4--^ *?"" l.S IO0 4. ?*?- oe 7.917.bOJi 1,864,000 l''J-..o" H. 10-.4i?*i 3.:lS7.1lH) !.vi),.-,is,, 2T.,lo<, 8.a?0,__e 8,2.4.200 1.134,800 724,20- -.'.f-!'.!"" Clutliaia.J 4.50H.3 -1 098.08X1 402.500 4 S73..? Psopls's .... 1.m.4.-.'0" 1,14 ToO 141. iOO V.T?I6,400 Nd America..., 8,806.40. 031.OOO 240,800 .;.*,;l7.00o Hanover.I 1_.624._01) 3,1.6.10-1 l,'i.-.-o" '.Ja-41.4"0 Irvin, . ?.,',.-""ii) 625.000 188,800 2,925,000 Citi-uns'. -.',-i)4. :0'i 746,300 2S-.7O0 8.113,400 8,4:12,700 108,800 40S.700 '.,-?ot,100 Market. _,177.1ik?i 8ni,:,o,)' 251.400 ii- . St Nicholas.... 1.771.70" 184.6001 eT.TO" eiiar.- ,t i.asnllie: 8,1.11.000 4-44."ira. 3i"..: 8.-09,000 Cori, t.xch_U|f? S,47a.**-0 1.074.8OU '.'-'J ""il 6.989.HWI ContlDSBt-L... 4.764.-.00 685.600 esl.i'm'; 6.."._",,ioo OrienUl. _.",.->.""" 159.800 3.4.*"" 2.0O4.0O0 Imp.tTraalera 2u,T3^:(ihi 1,878.100 2V.5So,S0aJ l'srk. .... 17.0-4.-00 '.,.,.T.loo 4.-iOsi.8 X) .l.T.ij,TOO North Hirer...I'l,9ss,-iUO| lr*4,a(*aj l?jo.8.)0 ',.l?l4.'iOO hast BlTST ....! 1,811.300 331,100 114.800 1.509.200 Fniirtii .Nat.... lB,Tl.'..Ti?) 8,180,200}1,06*1.000 17,101.000 Cont ral Nat_' 8,838.000 _,3O4,OOOr_,l_?,O00 ?..;.'. i.noo kscond Nat_ 8,416,000 842.000 .tn.tnio 4,20_,ooo Ninth Nat.' 1.7.1"'.'"" 6&6,SvXl .'r.-7-..0o0 1'irst Nat.. 2i,553.9(MI 8,703,700 1.44".4imi 19.746.400 'ill.pi -Val. ... 4,679,400 754,100 J.'6,"!m, 4.422.800 iii ... 1,438.700 -';?..7"0 184.800 1,21?.OOO Bowery._ 2,266,490 409,400 1?>S,600 2,403,000 NI i i.nuts* ... 2,_'.'0.&ISI 8.'.,,,0(1" li,.1.(-,M) 8.234.500 lier Amenran..! 2.6S1.0I-U 47').."" 1 _*_.'_0a> '.,414.."roo Chair-. 7,804,900 l,2nl,?00| b-.'ti._00, 7.a,.4.t0.i Fifth Avi-i,ne. 8,958,100 817,.I B9,90O| 4.041.700 O'riiian tx....! 2.tJ'-5.9oi) 127.700 :'o4.400 3.073.400 Oerinsnia. Unilai Mama. Liucln. 8,468,500 1,:(.<("", 3H'..."imi 2.718,800 3.844.1*1)0 U.6,500 7.I.S0OI 3,tf33,SiM) 8,448.900 856.100 _08,_OtM 8.261.SOO '_,;I45,00" I.4S 3 M, '.'56.'too' 2,944.800 1,51 a.OOO -.;,.".-no -..(,.',oo 1.763 '."" 8,009.700 1,11*0,000 :i.'.!,T"8 4.7.1 taartielil ... Fifth Val . Metrojaolls. B/sStSt-t.? 1.980.100 885,000 _T4..",0o, 21195,600 H. a. isrd. 2.07(r.'-iMi 875,700] 846.700 2,887,600 Sixth Nat .I i,'.)'.'".180 Cid.,hui 150,009 -.210,100 ?Aeit-rn Nst..| 9.61-.-.00 1.274.300 1 .,'i.,S,40ol 8...I4.3B0 Tlie bank efolianges at the New-Torh el**Brinj| House and thc stock Mild at Near-Yofk 8tO?K ?xebange for thc w,-,-k of three jean eoBspare as fwllo-.v.: \ve__ eadbtg?faas 12. 1886. .inn.- 11. 1887. Jobs B ' F-tc-SnffSS . . . 8592.494,0?* - 6524.048.ti44 N.. sBBIBS sold . 1,544,188 1,_-S lol (r?7._'JJ Last sreek was barren ol any specially important developments lo the moneta-, sit nation. Tl-' Hank of -_-_*___d rate for discount btu redaee- to 2 1-2 jH-r cent BO I hi.rsd.i_ . Hut this hu,| I.D for. shadowed hy thc condition of Ihe 1 i, a markel for money for ii we--k before, when rales had ruled ut below 2 i?-r ecol ell the time, .?,,i|i as low as 1 1-4 .mt eent The only importance In this rliani;e to the American marketa is in it* indication ih.ii nu matt'-r erbBI ma] be the ta-m_;irr;ir:' bal* anea- of trade, Eorope iias no need f"r our gold. In the local market iii, condition waa thal 1 perflnoneeaee. Call loans Danged ira-tu.-.-ti 1 and 2 |H-r ''.-nt, and time loans wnt freel* offi red at 4 1-2 i?er cent, ac. rding t., the character ol the eollatera] and len_th of time. The Tnesnrr'n bead parcbascs during the week wr.- in .m.ii! amounts arid agnegatra ;,n insignificant sum. <>n one da* tbe boldere t -mi.t-tt thi v vane- ins rata-s by offering 13,.I."1", .it 128 for the is and 107 i-j far the 4 i-2s, hut the v ? tory Rfnaad to adranee irs prion. The I evchane.s riil.-d weak, although tin- effect of th" Hank of I?}_iand's rednc ?! mt '**e_t rate wae t 1 stitt, n the price fer sixty day lolls. The marlo-t closed dull on the basis of ?' Bi 8-8 aad fl ?H|i 5-8 n-si-ctivcly for long and dort st. rl:n_. What artll be th.- effect ,,f the recent Beading and <Yna (liiin PaciTic Degotiatii ns is still a mattes of aome nneertainty, bal it ?>,-in< probahk thai they will snpply the market with s suffleii nt am,unit of bflLs t,< carry over to the new crop movem'-nt. without u further exportation "f gold. KAKMNG8GENl-UALI.Y BATIBFACTOBT. Aeearding to "The Chronicle's'' rwmpilation, Berenty-four r*il**oads srhicfa have made full rt> tums for the month of Hal give an n rgregat?* of l23.883.t3S, against 1.1,746,7*-" for Mar, IM7 a gnm of 11,137,258, or 9 23 per eenl I-.s In Hay the .am over Kay, 1888, of 102 roads th<-n n-portiiitr, \ 15.30 per B*s_1 -Baring in mind the .ams ol List rear, tlia- further galas for Mai "f this j,-ar should in regarded as eminently satisfactory. Sixty-five eeenpaniee have reporta-.] n,-t earnint's for the month of April, giving uu aggregate of I0.83t.877. against |10.1 a0,483 foi Ipril, 1887? a toes of lsii.818, or :i o''. |-r ,.,.t,t stilt,-I ia that way. the fo**effo(n*j sin,wm.- is tut from being satisfactory, lint of the total number if eomi 1 llii-s..lhere w-ri- fOStJ liv.- roads srhicfa ihowBgBi of fl.2IS,Git, or 1*>.7.", pet cent; thc ,,thcr twenty eompunla-s m a loss of fl.57t.281, "r 45.tS I"'1" ca-nt. Further, ot Ute aggregate |,,ss ,,1 the-treaty companies, thr.-a?Chicago, il'jrlinrton and Quiney, Chicago, (tarlington and Northern, and Atehison, Topeka aad Santa Pe?furnish 81,325,040, or 77.70 per dent to the 8B8?pantes natn.-,I Thus the l"*v of the Other seventeen OOSBpaniCO WBR BaUj 1248,888. With th-- f,,r> _-?in_ explanation, th'-ex bibil of net sai-tnp for April, as i;ir ;is repo-ted. should i?e eti.-oiirainni.' and artjefactarj to every one. rxeeptinir thCM pe***aO_S unfiirtiinate *-noii|{h tai he holders of tlie securities of the three eompani's whose hisses ar>- surlieieiitly larne t" ruiiMrt, the large BvaxaaB ?sin of sixty-two o_-*-b i,,t,- BB .i.-n, . lOBB ,,f ll "ti jst cent fur thc whole s;\tv ii\,- eompanJeft dna- reads and heal- "f little , m these al;i\ * ev ,-pt depress,,,n There ia <i- pee aston in tbe iron business, qepr-ssion in railn s l con**t4*uctiona depaea sion m mining, denreesiuii in the 00a] traiti'-. ,l ?SBSKiOB in m;ii]iifaeturin_. depreaeioa gB_-*_B__l spreads itself over all mereantilc pursuits and at the moment there is a pt-rticu-ir depres-ion nient tuts u*-?*n so thoroui*hly cul has beeome absolutely ehronio? In Its cultivation to itu pr seta poin thc labor of twelve months, t.hi.. ''f Ul*"owing erops. This condition of senti a7?f_?K,^*l ^a f? thoroughly cultivated that it certain circles, nt bas required -__?-? *- _?-??_- --?-??- wlsomy iiredictions nave r<,iiaiwa-a| ,.jich other j ri rapid suco-ssion, and Tti'-n- ari- those who pride themselves upon having loreeast the existin* condition- at the Stock Ex* enange. it would in- unbecoming in us alone to elaim that the existins* conditions are, to a large extent, the result of purely artilicial causes, pur tieuiur \- ee ut this pr**s?-tit moment the predictions or ru rt her depression ail over the country are more emphatic thau ever bi fore. We may, however, Oj i- mUtted to refer to a few facts which are in consistent with the m.'joritv of the statement which have been heretofore put forth. It is i*enerally admitted that the bank clear? ances, when fairly analyzed and speculative on iliturns properly eoosldend, are a fair indication of the general business of the eountry. We are inck b.*d tai ' ih? Chronicle'' for u compilation of tbe exchanges _ot the month of Mav and for Ave months of ink; anti ?**:_. for the month of May the exchanges of the New York banks ag ITegBted l-.737.053,484, atfaitLst $2,700, 7?8,.'J87, a decline of onlv $C.'l,700,000, or 2.03 per cent. Outside (,f N csa-York tbe exchanges in the month ol May Bj-gnaated 8l.t85.t75.880, a_rainst fl..-, 00. 887,880 t,.r Mar. I*-,;, a .rain of F-ir th.- liva- month's of 1 888 the exchanjres of N>\v i"rk hanks were ii 8,3- 1,071,043, atrainst 821. ,18,330,005-B decline of |l*700,900.000, or 7.0* [ur cnt. Now the value of securities dealt in at the Stock Excbanpe in those five months was fl.4f-w.oos.274 in lPtiS. a_-inst |3J81,S81tttt-B decrease of $712,000,000. A.ip.j-ini* the usual method of doubling the amount of security transac? tion's to cover the exchanges arisinn therefrom, we have 81,484,000,000, or only $:ton: 000,000 less than th,- total decline in the exehang'-s. Ontaide of -few-York the exchiin.i-s for liv months of this y.-ar were 17,130,083,351, airainst $7.1 lit,(",4 7,84ft -1 gain ef tneee fimires do not indicate any depression in general business. OOMPi-USOSfl IN RAILROAD BI'SINESS. Turning to railroad eaminfrs, another sure b.v rometer of genere.1 conditions, we find that for the four months ended April 30 134 roads have re? turned ,. mt pain in rtoss earnings of $2,634,244. <?f that number, ei,hty-one >*oads gave a gain ag? gi, -,.-.tin, 18,878,177, and the other fifty-three Nada returned a loss a?i*rcgating (4,843,883. Toward the loss cf the fifty-three companies, tba St. Paul Company contributed $, the North? west.-rn $1.14.000, the Chicago, Burlin(_ton and ? Mimey $4.4,000, thc Atehi.son, Topeka and Santa Fe $47(.U)ijo, the (Jrand Trunk of Canada $."51,000 and Wabash Westa-rn $271,000; total for the six ea8-B8_-88 named, 13,811,800, leaving a loss of only $1,004,000 distribtitavl among the Other forty-seven companies returning losses. Of the carnin__ thus far reported for the lull month of May mention is nindi- abova-, ns well as of the net earnings thus far n ported for t_e month of April. Tbesa- figures fail to show an> decline in the general inovciii' nt. ol toniia.e. Un the contrary, the BVBtafe I ii* i i - liit.s >_ liir_ely increased movement. As we have shown, the Important losss-s -which redaee the uv ? tai:,- aggregate are amongst a few companies that ha-.,? been sp-eiaHj affeoted hy eevere cuttins of rrit.s Even tin- earnings of those i-oi-ii-uh-s, if it is to he ;issu_a;d thattli-ey have been doing bntu nesB :it anything nenr as low rutes as have been quoted, show that their tonnage movement of this fear has been largely in exe*-** of the same period nf If*) 7. and they al_o (lcluonstriite the re,;!desstiess and _e**d-easnaa" of the " light for a Iastin_ peaee." Thc event of thc week which was most impor? tant in it. influence on the current share specula ti'.n. waa tlc- announcement of a faranger mova DMnt in thc State of Iowa. The Conirnissionors "! that State v-'-m to have BJB-med that if the railroads could atK.rd to do th'-ir busiuess, when at tinies they were *i**olut<-ly sompelled tn postpone shi|r mentB for th.- want of carss, -t the rates which th-- compauies had voluntarily established, tin low rat.s furnished a basis for the eBtahlishnv-ut of panBanent charges. The c.ndi ion nnqneetion iihly is eomewbat tetiona, but th- manai-emcnt-, Ot at least s,,n,e of tlc-Hi. have hlBBght lt upon th'-nis--hes. Ii is aonsewhat amu-nue-. however, te ih- ir.,:<< n.-iti-n ut the propoeed action ..I the State Conuniasion, when it only anggesta ia eontinnance of conditions which the managements have regarded with eomplaeaaoy dnring the lae! m\ ur ? light months. People with a dooen years' experience will remember that tu hist Granger movement *-**-1n*** tlie railroads of the Northwest. That movement was the "raquel of a railroad war similar to that which has been riging recently. They will also **ft*B**m?****. that the movement i dura-ion' thal aa *-',u aa it was lecog -ired thiit the proposed action would certainly drive capital out uf th" Western States, the n ment waa abandoned before it had done any ma terial hann. I hs demand for railway mortgages was un !. lin. SUbeC?ptions t., the J'eading 4 per o-nts were for many times tlie amount of? fer..1, an'l the itiibIiiibb done in previous . nt the ortiz's of the baiting bankets was large, But at th- Stoek Exchange the transaction*) in i fur the lull week were only 6f7,-94 shac-s ? 780,849 for the urec.-ding live days, and against 1,258,104 sharass tor tl?e week of last year. lu the early part of the week the conditions se* n. d to he favorable to a restoration of con -denes snd an improved BfteeulB-ion, hut, Ute powers that h.- were not prepared for that, ana tht inaeLin.-ry fur _e****eoB_o_ was put into active operation. The fluctuatione genertuly were small and insignificant till the Iowa Stat.; Commission threw it- authority into the balance with thc bears. St. l'nul. boto common and preferred stocks, snd Bock Island were the stocks which suffered moat became of that Bot?western eli sed 3-4 pei '.nt lower tlian a w-s-k ego, and Burlington and Quiney wag only 3-8 pa*r oem lower Phe Sortnwestern can pile an ndr ditional |1,800#00 on t.< the leas which it sus tained la-t y-ar and yet. pay its dividends of 7 and ?; per cant. iJurlington and Quincv's loss of net earninp for the four mouths of this year hits been 13,800,000 and its net earnings for the time have not equalled ene half of it* first charges. Aa to the general mark.-t th- effect of this new " hear" boom v-a.* simply to cheek the good feeling which was beginning to develop. Subjoined is our usual table, uiviuc the number of shuns sold of all stocks, the highest, lowest, and Snal prices of the week. tonUter with the final prices ol a week ?#**. p-***fixea hy the average prices of June ll, 118.! WBBKLT U-tCS ii ? ca Juna,_ ll. iHisti ! 1587.1 sst- ! i rin-t i -1 Juso I FIdsI 2. Lo- ,-__^^_ eat .1 nu III isis. No, llisiats Mid. Ascii Tot.,? -> *. , p. i: a t tts prel Caaa-sBoatk'ra. YtmxW Caucrsl irt S J... Centr-1 PaelBe., ChJl osin laqpr.. * Altos ! Cine A Nur'.tiw j '.!.:.% Sorth sr. j i !.. JIU at >*t PL., Ck U.V SI I-'Krf l'U J*t t. * P pri I'h --t I* M A o rat. Bil's 'io-| j si , ?Jil | l-.S' i-.:i' r?.-| ss ? .'lit, Si, Sa l . Mal __*?l 4*. r,.>< S3, ill! ?*si ise s... ST Si ts - BSN i--?i M ss li.-. ntl u. . ts . 87S HS *0 t , tu lu'.*, lil*. . lOSSj. los ,' lco-i; Ut . 148 ' UM HM 1)1% ?;.; _ v.lK< f.t\ _t5*i I.-. 107*. 10S*| lot*, 107% ts I a-J.i 3- \ SAM .. 84 Maj 3i ' _5*J 3-f] uib"* _?._...'i.I iii1.' i;i%| ijf , ni'* n_. ttl it I -t 1 ' 'nfl Coal. Cia w J r.. i W _ Barsf ... I ,rvr .t PlttS... Cl I Bl. ( ,, ll ?. ' 1 (.1, A _ 111. ilo pre 13* Si! IOo , asl 87-J a | _ 1,1 .. I 15. , 60 i ..*i N I -.0 .. j 4o. h9? 163*1 lot-j iu7 ^^^87'. 4*41 l-sl:4 Si's !? I 40 ? H'J*? DI. AW..i.'-''*. }*f*i i-'I** Usi-U. I. a lr A KU. _<)4 ^__H 4 h Its', 4-S U3a 40 -*.?. :.- . 1W Au jirf ITV* ii. M 40". l.-s (J-. ?13 ?-?7-s U?f .*!*? Il | t'.'s,, 4S.I do lat erf.| 78 I do-a.-KB*. '.-7 Pl W A Usn.| 47sj llimnia (Vdtrsl. i-.t^, SSS ;._?:? I-Se A VV..I 24 LskS 1. -- sV vrt [..i.., ^liore.\ U(jii |S?S lalan.l ?aj i st'o A N I.. N A A '_. .Vt-uba'tsii CirU I 1 lisacli! .. I JO .Mlslilsali CSOI'I *J3S. iS*? v i.-.t w pr* un r,h A St I_ H 5*i Jopiol.; 41. ll Mis. Ksn A Tex M I I'."-,1 Missa-Xl Panns 10'J*i 7U ? M.rril A K.ssaii. .. 14.M IOU', lu. 17 44% 8. Ul 33 . i 'a sn*, | 04 ly ali 88% -4*S.____ 'll I 3U*. ??- I vo*. ss'i! i. i 77. los', 17 4. 1? Sj 0- . ?li -0V i:s-4 h-?. US SS*,, _7*? 14*s ? '..0-. 93 I 53 85 I ?s.'. 10 I 77'i b7*7 -*j 1U*?| ll*?l ~0S| U". 13% ????. VS 5 J', ;?*4 H ?_o ai?. si>. 00 88. M io. *| 33-ji St., 'Ant 1... :, Y ' mir.,. M V _' A St I. ,Iii ..I pref. NY '.Kaw . I I AsV pl N. X. A N. K. . NY NH A ll.... a rust aw N . -AV. prj ... Nur A Weat_ M s-AW prt^_ tiUT V%C. Jo prl. O-lo A . ora, Inp ore UTA Na-.. Ors li sn. . Ur Short Llnaa . P.-u Ixe AK Tap i Plul. A Kr-lin PltlaaK.W-i mc i'iiliiiiSi)PC_irCo lo na .t Sar Kl.-nrai.-.A ss .; pi I;.i li A W I'Drsf. ltame. Wat a O, i'.ich A I,.m. St L. Ark A Tax tatl. A A I ll . Sa> praf bl LA SP pref 4a> lal prn! St P A Imnuli rat Psul A I, prf et P - * M . baiatkarn Paclfls Psriflr ...I Si% I'Danu Pscirtr ,.| 00 Wafeaae Wsl.a>sli praaf .. WAU] : West I'd Tel_ A Sans ! i|irr>.a Amer Ki press 1 8 Ktpr a-j los il (iv*.. 143 80% ... s-_; 14 . 4-*a ttO'i .1 ia r.i-a 70*1 12% 70*?| . ia -.*. 70-. TS 118% lc.*; 108 - 14 U H '_*) 3_ 'ii-, ti j 5*1 _7%' -.'?' I ali i ?i*s -?1'> 15-I t?-l OHr' 105 I ?4 M M V au 10*. ?it'. 18 -> * '. 37 \ *71%| Bk li 44 S, _** ' M i iii*. .3<?i BO-ji ll' 5!l?. ?_.M?.| 31 18% | a.., 154 75 H>6 I 14 %i 3S . 33 >s Bl 15%' IV 17 4? a ?J 1.1 4W'.j 10-|| 04 _-% 88 ti 00 1-4*1 151*?i 14 170 i 17(1 88% 06 ve*? iwo ?-?-. ' ? a M 51%. 60-s, 10% 18 :,-.,*4 a:i*i t?4H) ?. li's* ?'??,*, 33 ?i, ? 18 I If t,i*a a?'? ,154 I 154 l.'.4-a ,51V U. - t_ l2S_J 00 0 iii is- i 13 | 11V 43 i 40 -ll ?*? I _. Ul n ? SS 6.1 lol i iix? ; |OS% 1"<> ' " I *_. 10%l 18J*1 i.-rs, a_-? ix 13 i -_%; _?**( SiT,i 8? ;*' uo 1?_ . [_ 11,14, lil) H??*a 1_L' j 71'. HS 11? B . U3% ll9 00 18% S-*-| fi SO 04 ll- I ?3 I loo l iou ; ie, I 64 I s_ 13 40% H0s, ll.*> 64 101 1*3 54*4 i.-a ;.i-,' Wella larne Ka. Ula '137*. lM", Aaaasr Ca .las . I 7-J*a "I -i l-seida: Mail . ?4% |4 . R% ? s.%! _i*S 73 100 I 88 I 81 Con di i ,.ia Lo. I4t?-i 10.!'. ? MT-a M J-a 73 %| 73 SS 33 73?i 73 ea .. ! coo loo 3,r.'o ?.,00 188 1.5 it'.) 170 .. * ? 181 1CH.3.1 8.0I-.' ito *bu C.mi.') 3.8-s4 I'M) 700 sus il..'. 600 .'-0 ?JlS* ;-io IJ.-MI, 3,084 Ilo 1.370 UO too eil) 1.800 .4.-0 aeo 1.1IMJ 8860 31,5.0 881 17.J1D 300 7>8 lo<? -UO KIO 100 -_eu 2.OOM 27. i, .ll 46 SOO 877 6 100 18,880 40W 35.135 Bl ?7o 7.5 307 UN j. ; sa 2r-i*3. Ooo 2.11 j 4.'5 ll,, 3?0 B75 146.3.5 1.16 MM 0U 7.175 SOB 188 lou 7ou 100 1.031 ?BB IBO sou 1.003 13 4.U4 66,7-.', 440 ?Sf S70 ie, a ta lo 14 i-ji 37 183 8,188 stu S30 CAUCCA I.I 44V 19% 19%! 19%! .. I 10< Cohai. au!-i| 3;i%- 33.1 3nv 99*a\ b'* Teas Coal...I 88%| 89 I 8041 3. | 3S%|_4.154 Total sales for tha weak. 687.394 _*_30 Bs*r cent asseistn.nt sddsai._ Ths following wera Ssturdsy's quotation! (or unllst-*at sbbssMbb Bid. Atk-i Sos HAS new stock. % i? l>o old . % Pi-.-,k.Tii Kl--sis 33 87 t-nlnth. .So suers Sid. Ailed Aftiison ft Ptks's Peak first Ss... 100 Georgia Pac i Aol ai mortgage 6*.10*ti* .. Do 2(1 liiron.ea.. 43 ami Atlantic... 7 .. ;_leiicau National I>o prefd. 33 ... | isl . 89 E lean. Va and da Trust Keaxn.ts.. 99 lui old common si'- % VOcean Mi>ama ti ip Ho preferrad ... % %i to. lit srusfi'd 108 105 Flint ft l--r ..iar iSt I" Kaatand (I T I lit 'is, gnrt'd br M,L8 and Wu 98 101 Tolede, Peoria A Western 1st 4s 72% 75 Utah Cent'l 1st 6* 90 American ('otlen Oil truat cert... 34% S4*t .'lu. ago lias Trust .1 33 -.high ft Wilkes barre Coat Co Stock. 13 N Y Mutual Pal.. i. -IH .(nette. 41 'leorgia Pacific.. 12 1. Mai nan National .. Do Trust Kaw 'ia UH f*j Do Construction Company. 30 25 NJ Mouthers. % N Y. W 8 and B.. 2 3 wino Central. % % St Loma sud Chi . ?o pref. 40 Toledo. Peoria ft Weatern. IB 20 iTIie Natloa'l Tran Vicksburg ft May ?t ra, Pipe L rl'lian. % a. certiflcates.. 78% 79 Do pr-ferrert. %l Western Natloaai Wisco-s^i Central 10 .. j Bank.. 98% 96 iJopret. 39 ... 'Florida IUUWjr ft j NaT Co. V _ I Do Preferred._Jj CLOSING SELVES OF WOESOM 6TOCKR Boston, June 9. 1SS8. Yeeterday.To-day. Yesterday. To-day AA Toa. lit 7a 1S0% lao*, old Colony. 104H AAToe KR... ?i?, 83*e Bia ajaal K R KestoaAAIba'T Uf Iff .am . 18% l?*i Boat A Manie... 21 l i_ 211% Rutland cora.... 6*i 5s* Chic Barling * !*tiiilanupi. 30 35 Quincy. ll'_*4 }|| | Atteuei MlnUO. Cia San at Oot. 16 15% inesrl. 1 I Kai ta-ra UR..., l_;|i_ 1__ I Caium't A rtacis 24S 24tl I--stem RR is. l.l 1.4 I Franklin-_- 15 15 FbntAPereM. 42>aj 42 |Huron._ 4*? 4*4 flint A P Usu IOU 102*. Osceola. 21 21 -H4f?. lunin-T. '70 71 ls 7l. 110 Hell Telephone. 22*! 2_*t Mex can com... 14% it. Boston L*nd.... 7*i 7 Mexican Central Water Power... 7% T*j latMorlldlil Si;i, 68 Mass '.ant. 20% 20?i MtNEml.. ST H.-ii-anDL Ce. ill il -o 7a. 12-.% 12.*, West Kail l_nd -3% --3*? Otrd. A L (liam Laaa a're SaVce 61 ttl Dilan, cora_ 6% C-a' RAILROAD K_Jt_n_io_ 0-arnuxi iowa. 18.?(- 1887. i-*>8. N'urobor of milos . . . Iff 510 6ll Ki.urth wee- lu May- t_0.o*?0 (tn oil lam l to May 31 . S50-.S.7 6_8,-__ 880,281 CINCINNATI, WAfBlHGTOK AND H.VLTIMur.r.. Numba-r of miles... :-l _sl _sl Fourth week m May S40.341 fal.!..,7 "-54.15I Jiu. 1 to May 31 . 704,010 a_?i;,ii'.i>i b_a,0_t CT-sCI-aJNATI. JAC-tON AND MAcKLNAW. N'umtM'r of n_. s . . . - Iff Ml Fourth week in May-. 810,708 Bl t Ut Jan. 1 to May 31 .- 181,878 186,811 COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI MIDLAND. tfaaasM "f miles... 70 70 7( Fourth vs.,-li in May *J?.3_- SO.Oi'S 811.811 Jau. 1 tr Kay ai . 100,800 12o.44i 1-8,784 FLINT AND PKKF. MAF.QUFTT*-. Number of miles . . . 301 881 301 I-.,urta w-.'K in May SSO.-.Vt 871.9*-.. 8-7,2-4 Jan. 1 to May 31 . .05.451 1.039,4.1 1,034,071 KANAWI1A AND OHIO. Number of mil-it . . - 129 12. Fourth BPSSk in Mny -a e.4.70, 110,941 Jan. 1 to May 3t , ?- 81,680 104,2SI OHIO AND MISSISSII'I'I. Number of miles ... 010 ill. 010 Poaitk week in May - sr0,510 868,70? Jan. 1 tar May 31 . $1,4.2,001 1,698,400 1,444,-I'J-i TOLFDO, PEORIA AND WK-TXH-T. Number of miles . . . - 24 7 247 Fourth we.-k in May - S24.720 820,961 Jiu. 1 ls May 31 . - 302.11. S47,17i HOC-iTON AND TFXAS CKNTKAT Nnmber of Btf-M . - . 513 613 513 Third wa-ek in Mny . 882,978 041,103 840,071 Jiu. 1 to M.iy 21 . 8.*?H,S10 t?:!5.'j'-4 _l_,56t. DL.NVF.P. AND R-0 GRANDE,. ?st earning-? N'.i-.ber of Hill.. . . . 1 :* 17 1.317 l.fl 1 rat week lil .lune . , SliXl'.O 8187.800 8149.00. Jau. 1 to Jurie 7 . . . 2,1--.7-, 2.jl5.711 1,932,13; ETROPEAN FINANCIAL MAi'.KF.Tl Lo-i>^". Juno U.?I p. m.?< onssls. !)9i-16 for money sud '.,-.(*s tar lite aaicount ; A-.lantu: aad uieat We.aters tiratl mortg sire truttees'o-rtin.-aiajs. SSH: l anai'.au Pa.-ltlc. STsj; Krie. 2 .. .le. second cornell. 98%; Me-icau ordinary. ^->*J; Illinois Central. 122, -it. Pam. Couiiuon, OO-Si New. York Central, 107',; Reading. 110%. The rata et di vomit In the open market for botk short and threo mouths' bills is 1 % uer cent. The a lonni ef bullion )(one Into tbe Bank of England on balance to-day is 812.000, l'arls BSffeaS unote ;{ par ceut rentes at 83 francs 30 OSfiUaSB fer tin- account. TBE -TATE OE TRADE. nat.TiM-itr. June 9.? Cotton lU-id-. Ml Milne 10r-10%e Flour duil, uuctiaufe.l. Howard street and Weatern Sn per? il da- _2 59* |.l DU. Kl tra So *.l -"> * I 00. Fanny do 1-4 -j a-4 7?>. city MillsHuui*rfiuss2 :,vj>i >;.. Extra da S3 35 837. do Kio Bra-ids B48- * ' I ' PbBSBSOq I'mu.Is- *.i ilo. u.,-n perlaUTe Pala-ut $5 tri. Wheat?Soutkorn dal., lower. Palls .ift.oci Lsusbarry 128188a Western w,ra_. lower. No.. Wlutor Kel *.i?,t at 90*aB90'sa-. .lo for June at M%ai So ier JuJy S9%_90c ; do A-i.-ust ?*.< -,.-. do September 'j.??>.{. Corn?Southern ijuleu easier. While S8%0)SSA; Vellow a (Sol- Western waaia, lower. Mlxeat snot 10 asked; June 6S_0Oc ; July S9%B-0%C; Ae.nst. "?.?'.. Oat! Ilea.,y. Southern at 40 ./, Wcatern White at Lift 45c. ss.-stirn Mn?l at 4094-B; I'.-iu.aylTania al .ul 45s. Rre easwr. niiulns!; I'riine C'(tc,*. Uar itsa.iy, firmer. ' Frlaia to Choice Western 81 a'ml-17 SO. l'ro tmioiii active and urm ; Men Pork (1. oo. Balk m..sta. *<s,miders and Clear Rife Sides packed 7:? .??>?',_. Bacon? Shouldera ;'a-H-jo. Cloar KID--Idea 9*aC. Hams 12-j*tlilc. Lard relined at ???-jc Ralt.-r steady. Westera p-a.-s.-d ac l-.'Al6c; Cr.-ainerTat 1-aliac. Earss easv at 4%910?, retroleu?i alaa.1T. I'.elinwl at 7 -c. Oe?SB dnll; Rio C?ri;-ea. fair Ki-aa. isuirar Urn;. "A" soft B%SL Copper r? haed at tS%BlS%A Whisa.-T steady at Si '_o<?Sl -i. Frelshta ta LiTerpoot per steaaier da.I aud nominal. Lotion S-S3d. Klonr per ton. os. M. Oraiulsjrt. Ra-celpta? Flour 7.)*74bbla Wheat -.,924 bn-ali. C'eru 1, l'Slbuiu, Oats 5,000 buah. Hbipmsnts?l-'lonr-*,ot'*i bbs. Whoat M.Odo bain. Cora 17,l4_. sales?Wheat llti.ouO bash. Corn 18,800 bu.-h. ivrrxijo. Jnne 9.?Whsst? Na 1 nani iiuiaat but steady StS-fCOTor ( hleujo Aasu-t ->i>s of .' matsh. St90ci ll oartBB111 st :'0*ic i Na 1 Northers dull at lc over.Ckicafo Aususti Winter Wheat dull ; No. 2 Ked 9,*',c; -s'u. 1 White Mlchisaii 98 .caaked Corn dull and loweri No. 2 Yellow at -b?K|; N,i il Vellow atSSVC; No. .; ai. j5"vc in Hore. Oataouiel aol weak: No. . White at 4l-jc , No. 2 Mixed at i,\e. Rye nominal. Flour i[,i:et irnt ? Mi.lleeal Uiiasttis.t: si inter .Lian *14 oo_)l.): -priui; no Si 1-if 14 O'), cornmeal ateaaly. natuieal steady, (anal freights unsettled. Wheat; 4c asked. 3-jbid. Corn, S%6 i OaM'-?-<?. Receipts?Flour 34.000 bbis. Corn 826,000 nth. outs S.'i.ooc bush, shipmsnts hy lull? Flour .( bbis. Wheat .12.000 bush Cora 18.000 bush, (jats 38.000 tush. Csasl Stiipnienta?Wheat 11^,0U0 buah. Cstu 07,000 basu, Oati's.o.o feusli. QB-.SBC. June 9.?Ths leadinz futursi rarn-ed at follows ; WHKAT MO. 2. Op,-nu-*, Lowest. Closinir. Jnre. ?5% s5"? 84% 85', July.-. ?5*j 88% 84% .H., Lieieniber. 80% 1-7** h.-,i^ S/ia Septtmber. 84-j 8i% _4'i 80S cuts KO. 2. Jnae._.. t','% ?-2% 62*a SI U July. Ci bi-* SSS 6--*, Au.nsi. 6_*i 53-? O-'e (jJS September. &-?? 5?% 6J*i 63% oats so. 2. June. :'?-'*< 32rs __**. __-? July. 3-."a SW . 88% 3.?? Ansnat. '_?% W% 2*a% s*8% sopteiuber. 27% 27% 2T'e -,'7 . latl'-s P ,U_ PSI HU July . 131*7% Ho"> 1301 HOt Aiiaraist. 14 05 14 13 14 03 14 13 September. 14 15 11-3 14 13 14 25 Lass psb loo :S. Jilly. i* M 8?J% 8 52% b02% Ail-usl. SOO 870 8 O') 870 ?er. 8 o-."_ 872% >a >;7 % 8 7'.". Oc-toLer. 800 872% BOO S7_-_ short sisi rex ino rs. JnlT.- 7.-,7^ 7 63 787. J 88 August. 7 07% 7 72-j 7..7*? 7 71 -j Sepia?1 Ssc. 7 73 7 so 7 75 7 so Caah nuotatioas ware as follows ?Vs. 2 *>urlnr Ofl at SSijtfHli. No. .1 -^priUK Wheat noannal. No. 3?Ad No. 2 lioru at 51',,- No. 2 oau at .S_"_c. No. 3 Rye at Ma Na 2 HarleT 07-6-sc. No. 1 Flax seed at fl SO. Pl UBS li-uotl.v s,-.-s 87100a 7 14 Meas ['or? al if-1- 95-14 00 per b^L 1-ird at *- ?. j,er loo .:, Short Run -idei looss at |7 U Un salted shoulders boteit tc, on Ail, 35. shirl Clearai.les boxed at Sn lo* 1818, Wiiisk.-v. uistlllers' fiu.ihe.1 Koorta SI 20 yargai lou. Sugars-cat Lost ">*- ^ la'-- <<r_uualtod 0;,c ; -.tand? ara "A" t'SlC. Ar'ieiM. K-re'.ii's. Shlpmsnts. Fmur. Bbl!. 14,000 .n.oiwa M heat, bulli. 41.000 20,0-0 Carn, hush. 864.UOO S'.&.IMW Oata hush. 291,000 Rve. Suss. I 1,01*0 liuney, bash. 4.hoi 3.000 On tho l-rsdace Kxruanae to-day the Rutter aiarkst was artiTe. Creaiat-ry 15 a* lo., -airy 13 - lo %- Fggs hrui at U.;14-),i. ML-f-JKAPOLls. June 9.-Wneat?ReceinA 1G1 cars, r., Shipped out. Closing q?otsUs-l >o. 1 Hard caa? fj',,-, do July -4'sc, do August S.V.c : 011 track Bl. No. 1 _Unl Northern ,-asn B3%S 1 do July -J-e; do Angus'. -1,ij on track r*._-!il'?e. Nos I Nortaeruraah so-jr . do JuIt 81',c; do Aug nat s2e.; oa track "la*-*!. I-'iour nnn ; fat ents to ship, sacks, tu carlota, 64 30,itt 70 , lu barrell B4 70-S4 Md PiULAirKU'HiA. Jnne i?.-Flour-Sapplles light, holders tull prices tor deilrable brands sVheat opened a shade tiriner. ia lympathy with Chicato- sr-SCS tue market wai ailTtncn- sn the report that ike Agricultural DsS-krt ment mad* tue aT.rag" .--.nilitiou of wheat Mr. Tkla was dlicoTered to tw a miat?ie, aad tlio ia v erase proTed to Oe 7.C3, 7.'. 1 frees ris-sod a al;a.l? Isvtf than yater day. Western aud PeuuiTiyasla su nura ne f.' 75A* do do do i-.xtraa S:t BUBBS '-'-. No. -J Wiutor i-an. v a< -Stftsl 75. FenniTlvania Family at j I fia S4 00. FennaylTaau K .lier ITiceis *4 2i>^ti ii3. Uh:> Clear H.'nilU do do lirilghl 4k io*, 7.'.. India.ia CV ar*4 IO AI 40: do.lostraig-.lS4 40<#4Hi. Ht. Louis and UouUiern tunion Clear lo. .lr do straight SI MB S4 75 Winter I'atout lair to.-bulee st-.5?5 12 V Minnesota Clear Bil 00 ?4 .'">. -o atral?!itS4 40-1 75. Uianeeota i's'. ania good lo choica S3 ''')*J lt: So do fair. t*4 75<*4-'>. Rye Flour stes-'.T si $?? -?"'?_ 75, Wheat-Market rolaat dull aad lower demand fair t nemleS ut grain depot l).'? Ne. I Real in et|M.rt elevator-7c . No. 3 Real for Jun. ?1, ,i..!o! .J ii. v 'tl',---'. . do for Au.uat i'l'a A'J-.'c. do for September .la'.l-'c. Corn?Spot Iota doll and lower; futures weak, and dooltned le in sympathy with tha w eat No. 2 Yellow iu rraui depot ?'.*aa- ^teamer Sic No. .1 M*s*-*Ml Kt, I Mixed tor Juna 'r()-01c; do lor J uiT M*kBSl%S de for August 81%S>83%s doter BOB tom ber 18901c. Osu-Market for spot lots atrong and sItsbosS auder light ?nenn_sand S"?.l deaia'iil, Kejeatoai White 4 ' Ha t Mixed 41a-1 NA '-'Whit.- M%a>Sl%- riitnrwa quiet ; No.'J White lor Juse 4C.?44r. do tor July 44<r44l?r Sa for August iisw-G-c.. do for September ,1, PoUtoaa? N'owactlTO. tlrm old dull. weak. Wnite potaiooo. Sc.urn Mag-numa per IM !? sacs fl 7."i-l no do Kaleula 81 7<> _ si-O; ''? ''hanipioiia *1 ce a tl 7B. Ponuarl rania an! New-Torr Karly Koae caoioo White. bi 50c per bash. . do so Isir i* (,?_? :i5_4..c. . do do Burbanks and Whlta Stars choiaie at '..*-: do do doRurosnki -"sar to u<k-i at .'.Oe liebrom Choios st Mle i do Fair touo.l liAli.-.: Mammoth l?earl Choice af H.'.c : de Kau- lo Ooo.t 5o BMa 1 lomu new potaioea, primo, per bal.. S4 23BS4 M Florida sew potato"*, mealtnni. S3 iK)?*4 ?H?. Kio: uta new potaures. talla, per Ob;., tl 60**2 OB ProTia;ons rtr;,i. iu fur deaiaud. Beef i-ity. FamilT. BOT bb?, SS SOBM 00) Ss Ao Fa-tel" 87 00 01011: Wiuoked Beef l3Ai.*.: Hasof Ha-nsSlii "!'-' Bl7 (HI 1'i.rt. Mess. 410 00 do I*rn-? Meas. new Tit 50. doK-Ullty Sl'.i-Sad 50 Hains. -* ,10k ea! rrer IB. ll -J -" lc. do 9. 9 cured lu tiereea lo'?_)I1 "ac do do do In s.ajt. 8*|B--. MiateA Clear Kib'ret aineked 3% all Dav Hhouldera. Ul dry tait and tuny cured 6%e.i oe. do. sanoksd. 7*aas7-s_. --ouldsrs. plo Ala cuss. 7%B BRIER. MOORE CO, CABINETMAKERS & DECORATORS, 41, 4.1 and 4.1 West 11th Ht., ARE DISPLAYING THE LAKOE8T A5D HA-fD HOM.E8T -TOCK OF ARTISTIC FURNITURE Just now In ihr city, at prices, aa ?saul below all com? petition. VairelMre earpnsoln* any pr--loa? ea-aooo's prodeaHleue. The Moot woa-erfal ar-Vcte la Oak. *la_o_uny Cherry, W-lnm 7%-. am. do. smoked. 8"_B?-. Belliss ls pintle, 8*s ?air. ? do Breakfaat Raeou at lOe. Lard flrwa ?City l.-nne-i f.lOi.', ah ; ,io I-teem SS 7r'.!*'Hr, Ilotchere' lawree SH _.W*t .'". Buller Orin?Fenneriraoia Creamery Eura ai Hav ? Western < re-met t Extra l.B-Oe -. B. C aad N. V. Creamery fc.tra at l**a a M.-tem Ki.-i.-arr 14 A 15c; I Arlin, butter 1,'AlJa*. were omer, penuayirsnul flrata si 16 *jc | Weston firsts at I'm, Choeao quiet ttoaaty;' fair. New Tor, Full Cream >-?.?/*'.c . Onie Flats. Choice al mi..: do Fair lo Prime 7*??ie. Besar? Retailed (Iris. Powdar*! 7 1-16. s-rauulatod 6 lil -Ide. Feed onlel: Winbar Bran SIS .10..SI7 SO oer ton. rsatroleum ata-aly ; 70 Abai toot la bbiA 7 .e. ?aSBSBBS? Floor i.O-B bins. Whr<at l.Oajai bush, ('oro _.(>J0 bush, oats 4.0oO bush, a hillmen is- Wheal 4.000 buah. Cora 0,000 bush. Oata 15,000 :,'i?i_ THE PETROLEUM MARKET, f*T*WS TTiOM THE FIELD AND RANCE OT TB.TCTJ9. Tho pa-'roli-um situation at the moment seems to ba lsrfrely Influenced by tha outlook tn tho field. It can? not be said that dangerous developments are ahead, but enough doubt snd uncertainty exist to nniavorabl-, lnfluence values. The principal point of Interest and anxiety ls at Rake rs town, a place several miles south? east from the Kel hold pooL A fair producer has been found In this la>callty, but the |-eolo-*lcal character ot tho sand Is still a matter of dispute.. The owners ot tho well have msde ita" mystary," and full rnforsia tlon regarding lt will como to the outside speculator s*-~eeM** too late to bo of any benefit to bim. It is possible that no pool of any importance may be devel. oped at BakerBtown, but even If another KelboM wera ?BOoreM, it ought not to exert much effect on Tsluee at their present low ebb. At Washington unfortunate activity still continues, and the advices of Saturday; Indicated the chance of finding 'julte a little more oil In that field. Added to the e;r,-rt of nervousness oves possthlfl developments by the drill has been the gen seal speculative " blueness'5 of the atmosphere of Wall Street, and the unsealing effect of political contro? versies. I.ur whllo these elements ha**o affected values, and Bins' be weighed tn any estimate of the future, tha situation has many enromaglnR features. The shut? down has not yet helped the producers much. At 60 BSBSS a barrel, the daily yield ot 40,000 barrels nete only 8.12.000, and even If we add B8.000. as about rep resentln, profits on the trust oil distributed as a dally production, the total return to the producer ls onlj* what- wss repaved fur the dally our, put of 60,000 barrels a year ago. when th,- price was 00a65 cents. The success of the schema as an effort to lmprovo tho Industry h-s beer. rotaralaxS by the activity and recent good fortune of the of producers who have refused to unite with t-el* BBifkbeee In the work for trade independence. Never? theless, after having endured tho tests of the past, tha organized producers are nc likely to disintegrate, on the eve of the active refined season. Russia's trada his reeelat. ihe limit of her transportation facilities and coitsuUr repjits snow thst her miich-ulked os" pipe Use is certainly two to three years In the future, Nor have we heard of any change to Justify consider? ing Ohio oil as a competitor. It seem. hardly poss!. Me tint the business promised in refined wit-la thlrtj days can come without benefiting crude, In the ab? sence of any radical chango In the petroleum country. The charters this month have reachod a dally averaga of ".';._-? birn-I., or over 17.000 barrels In excess of the June production and nearly equal to the dally as i ii ire of the total dollv cries. The deliveries are still (a i? low th" daily average necessary to equal tha movement of last year but they are larger than ia May and enough ahead of the production to agata run the reduction of stocks up to large figures. Tin-re li r.o reason for sunpojing that the light de? liveries of tho last two months represent lost Instead of deferred business ; If this be correct, lt ls a moral cert linty that the stocks above ground at the end ol 1 -i sv'll have leen cut down hy consumption to 1<5.000,000 barrels, and by next May to 12,000,000 barrels. Even should Bak-a-s'.own develop Into a largo field lt would hardly be likely to Increase tha above given figures by moro than 2.000,000 op 3.000,000 barrel*. Should the worst view, there? for,-, of tho present situation and the near-by prospects bs taken, there n-mains strong ground tor the be? lief that beter prices for the producer may be post. poncd but cannot bo prevented. The pipe Unas fijiura.-s from June J to 7 (charters to the 8th, Inclusive, are as follows t FXl*e?| Huns. Delly's. lt. li v's t-T-arts-Ts. Tatalb-'A. 873,113 414.'-rt 141.-14 4.VVU Ar. yenlay. _y.S16 Ml-si -0.173 &?,-*?? The early part of last week witnessed a fair degre? of activity, while toward the close trading suffered diminution. Throughout the market was fererlsh and Irregular, the governing Influence unquestionably be? ing rumors, gossip and fears regarding the BaJ-ers town oil strike and the prospects In Washington. The sharp break of the previous week apparently reflected an anticipation of hearlsh news and to ttls extent waa of some benefit to the market of last week. The lat* rally of the previous week was carried to 80 3-3 cente on Munday, but a sharp drop to 77 1-2 cents fol lowed. Covering of shorts carried values up to 81 cents and In the last three days the market was variable between 77 3-4-79 3-8-73 1-4 cents. Tha b'-ar eUejas shows signs of renewed aggression and tho short Interest no doubt has been Increased, par? ticularly at the West, oil In the seventies ougrst to bo considered as having discounted a good deal of b-dl iv s. conslda-rlng that the coramerct-1 denisnd ls so B.UC- In excess of the supply, hut lt ntitsf ho eon ceded thar the sp'-cula-lve support to values at pres i.i.iii.l. Ihs best hope, perhaps that short s, lien will meet with small success lies In the rapidly spproae?lng -emaods of legitimate business. The uiar-ui Baas, aoWBeet, with a free -eliing movement in ****eejeea The IB-BB of Brices and the total dealings In Na? tional Trai,sit certificates at tl.e Consolidated Stock ami Petroleum t-tchaiitfo foi' tho l__t three woeks Bate as follows; Wk VitCO Jnne 2, Jane 9. Ol -lng tft.t-9 r..'. 3 4 79 3-9 H.b'J 1-2 M 1-4 ?*??"' 3-4 it. 84 7-8 77 1-8 77 1-8 . M t-M Ttl 12 7H 1-4 barrels .... 5,0"'.Ooo 0,198, OOO 7.807,000 ? Ui- is ?. k r\s.--a_a_e 1.BM MO -.37*1.000 _.6__,000 Xetal sales, horrels . . 0,-73,000 B,_-_,ooo 10,4ai9,00* ? Hit-best st the Stork Exchange, 81 cents. The refined market was moderately active smd ttna-ly wtthoal chanav at 7 1-4 eeata pa-r gallon, Abel ttl, at Kew-TS-fc* Philadelphia and La-tlmora. COTTON MU-ill IT TELEaBAPH. -tvMti*o<'i. Jase D? 1 o m.?Taittnn?The saios of tha day . r-.OaJO bales Amorla-aii. Futures rimes b?r?iy steealyi I'D soda La.-BuMinis clause. Jsnodeltvsry.S .ti-eaal. sellorsi Juno and July aleatory 5 ..-(Hil. buya-rs , July aad Auiru.f lrlvors- I _-_84t- Imyera. Auguit sn.l September dt'lir.ry, -, -Cr-W.'bayon BeftBSBBSf ami Oa-toher d-ltvery. S lt-iiSB ?efleri october hu-i Noteruber rtel.tery, 6 V o4d. buytri ; \o-emiier aud I)ei'.niU.r deuysrr.lo MMjHllSSa . l)oca?ni_or andiaaa-ry Sall ISSI. 6 9-4iL sa-llers, Bouicmher dolivsry. j .-.Va>4il. buyer oaLyssTos. Juse 9. ? Oott*m ? yolet anidllar. S Si La,w Mtsdllng, H'?: <."o<l Ora.tnary. S's; uast an-1 crate r.-.-..i;,is. '.?. bal.-- ex perm soaatwtse, noso ; salas. Bl o_n? , sto.:-. MU -aiea Nosr*)tS- Jnas H ? ( otton ? Stes-ty. Mlddlisg. Olj: sat -ieI rrnaa rocetpta, ldl balea i aa a. ports a-uaatwise, .-A Sa.ea --1 ??. 1'-- balea: alack 14,00. balara ?AVABBAB, -uss ?.?Cotton?Quiet sod steady. U'.AAlXag, 9 7 l'l Low -talallng. 9118; Ooo-l orl.n_ry. 89-lS. not ant -riras recsipu, ... balsa; se?, 2S_ bales, st-ek. 11.9SS If***s**OBLBA*is, Juss 9-Cottain-l'irm. MlddllBf. ?7-l6! _e? M,.i!.in_. S's: (iaxxl oi-lstry, hs,, not sod met iKeiuts, Stl balos; sales.'.',7.0 balsa; staxk, 9.,.?4 bait! EUROPEAN I'ROUCCE MARKET*. -.?-rsyoot, Jnnei*.?- ilo a m?Boof-Ho'.ders ofTsr freely. PoTk-lluldera offer aaodacutely. Kaius?liahteri otTor mod? erately, ?econ? HoUlert offajr (nodoratoly : long cl?ar atevty _t .. le. thee*. Tho supply ia poor. 1 allow- -ollera oiTar iui..iora;aly. hplrtu et furueotieo ? Holders offer freely. Kosh,- II oiilera offsr freely. Lord - Spe t aud tnt urea-11 obi era a>:i,-r tre-ly . prime Western spot, dull at A,'a. ed , Jana dull at 4-a "d.: July aad Au-ust, dull at 41s. vd. Whaet- Uoid ? rs offer Irasly. l-loar-al... ? ? offsr freeiy i (-?ru ? ka sud futures? Holde! a offer freeiy | Mixed Western J "so ?tall at tat*S-l July, dull at .* -?.ii., Asxuat. .lull st 4s SWd. aa... at L-jnalou-New York *??_-??Holderseffer freely. >:. ts, Juna ?. -Wileots lard cluaed et 97 treas- per lax) kilos. ninia Jane 9-Snaaiab sold -So'i*-*??*-. K-rhtnte est si *utar urn . sale*. 7..00 bass .-.-_?_: .(..'Jo lat -ja. -hi desrreea po-ar.-atiou, on apeoutatloe at at i??*S3 l-l parr uBlritel : Mu*, eradas. fair to sooal S.B S.l*>. cehinflcai, U. t.;'.e.roea. S-61-??S.1 1?V *i"?k tn warehoaae at U_t,u_ vi-'. Mataazoa. S.SeO box*-. 3.0..>s)a? bs(s and ie," > rat's iteeoipts ot tho -eek, SS- BuisSw ll.(HM) bass aad 3.6 bhds -.ports te the L'ulted SUMA 1 box, .0,3.b bass and 413 Bhds. SPIRITS OF TCRPEXTIKE. <niiiit>tr:\-. Jnoat). 'I irpeutiue stea-tr at .sl**c Sas AsiAH. J,ui? :'.?Tairpent?ie .'Slat at '.IV. Wlt-UBBTUB, Juno 9.-Turpeaunoitee.'.y ei .-iee. ?? a?-?aoa-a^?-???-?-?? ?' 'T UK TARIFF of lHnS," a pamphlet of 20 large pi?ee 1 glvluf rates of duty bow iii lorre, in full, tng.-iaei with thar autlr. Free ?lat, and other Tariff Intot, n,_,l,iir. Timely for ra.?e*rnre, and a?oolutely eorreet 12 ?lu s copy. _-_a__A_sl mt -Trna Irt-s-ia-. _iA?.Yetk_