Newspaper Page Text
THE OLD CADETS BACK AGAIN BEADY FOR Rr .UNION AT WES. POINT. A Qt'IKT AND ftOMBRK SUNDAY fOB THF GRADUAT 1NO CLA83?Ttlflla- LAST PARADK AT TilK posr?k\i nrtsKs of ali*mni d*y. ,._r T_i.KOR4.ri! to -rai tm-ima) West Point. N. Y., June 10.?The cadets spent a quiet hut most impressive Sucd-y. The d;iv was o ta.niibo-1 of their sombre feelings, for it is MM I light thing to approach the eni of such comrade? ship as is found herc, and ail of them undoubtedly felt a trifle subdued. The graduates att nl,-.| eervice in the morning for the last time, inn I J-trofessor IV-etlethw-aite. the chaplain, talked to them of God and their native land, the service of whora aud of which he declared to be ever associated and the noblest service upon which men cen enter. His address was eminently patri? otic. Ile urged them not to consider tint tl..-ir work was completed but only just begun, und warned them against neglecting to piesse tins.. studies which make men of soldiers as well M soldiers out of men. In tbe evening tho reveille was sounded, timi for the la**t time, too, the graduates marched out to paru-K Hie entire ccrps formed in a single line, before which tbe band murched, B-U Bf t nit-lev-, ol "The Soldier'*, Farewell " -Auld Lang Sync." - I'ood-by.-. Sweetheart Good-bye,'' ? Thc Girl I Lacft Ik-hind .Nie'1 and - Home. Sweet Home.- Then all the _Haesen ot the gruduatinr. einss left Tbe ranks and man li.-<l forward le the s|H>t where Colonel Hawkin*-, the commandant of eadeta ste,ii with uncovered bead. lie -.poke to them btK-tlj, congMtulating tliem that they had reached tlie goal for winch tiny had hotel so long striving and expressing Ins wi-.ii that their promotiotis would be swift and beqaeat, aad that they would d,-< rve them all as,fully as they de B-rved that now in pros-iett. They salutes! and Hood fur ? ni un-u; W-ilt the other three i . ? marched by them. Am. n^ the d 1stintruished graduates here are General Sh? um, Qeoscal Morns Soliaff. Qoaeial A. S. Webb, who was graduated iu '5. ; General i>. D. G-oea, ",>l: General Buns, '47: General Couch, '46; General A. J. l'errv. '."il; General Willcox, who was _raduuu*d in '4 6 and warn Ins rank in the soe-tiee; General Daviea, ?IS, Colonel Arden mid l'ro.eb-.or Kendrick. ':?::.? Colonel Bradford. "AT, also a Confederate oflleer; General Hatch. .45; General Cellom, 'a.H; General Frye and Geaeral Yaabafen, 47; Professor Romes ?42; General Palmer and General Jones, '46: General Shephard, '40; General Abbott, O' ; Pip lessor Chaplin, of Harvard, a griuluute of 'TO; Colonel Carey, '58- Captain Green, Captain Hills. Captain John R. Rodman and Captain Rust 11 After the graduates have left here to-morrow, the remainder of the day will be given up to the tlumni. who have been pouring in rapidly in tin ist few days, 'j be tM*9t ol i*- is more largely meeeeertod than any other, as th.-y will celebrate with especial ceremonies their entrance upon the third decade of thair military life. The ass..ela? tion will hold its annual meeting in th.; afternoon and its dinner in the evening. Upon each (,r these irTf-asicns General (1. T. Green, of the duse of '23, will preside. It is erqaected that about eighty gradustes will be present. It is considered r.> markable that so many ol the old graduates could be got together. ? -? THE FRESH-A IR LUND. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. rrevto.slj a._n_wicsh*ed.e.,43213 Trenton. 1 Os) Adi'- *? ? tha chlllr-ni' fiii- held si HM -.-denes cf _ S. Atwater, 404 Mo-rts-a-a., K-iabeth, N. J. 7 00 Dan T-lmage's Sons. ?0 00 Hop. Chapel, l're'byt.rlau Sundsy-schooL Bloom ..?-.j. .* ., mi J ii,i ir. I'.i-iik-li'.ii) supt. . 1500 Gtrtrul'.- I>u_el*. Carrie ami Gertrude Harssradt. Edith i-iie'.styn. Annie iiud Floren.-r. Miller, Kui"Booma, ?bubsTraver, AUosTswaoeaA Mabel Htn?r snd Lotti-- Scr-et. Hui-on,.VY. 20 no M. J-arker William*, llul-on, K. Y. 100 Ms? P. GrlJTath. 20 00 J :th Day Baptist Sribbash-aa-liool. Plainfield. NJ. 10 00 Miss L. K. A.'s Run-lav.-i-hool eliass. Central Prss-ru'ri-n Chu-ch. Otamaa, N. ,T. . . . 30 r>o In memory of Chat:.!- Kingsbury M.cKay ... 2500 0_p-half of lira...-I* ,,r a a-Hldrenn' fair frtv-n St Mrs. Pas idrkrii'-* tci-l-m ?-. *4 Fa** ^a, li? st., bv Maud". Mary and Davidson land Carrie Keekr. ISSI 7ti-hl-n1s Sunda- achoel. Ran Bernardino, ?" .!. 2 00 \ ss ladia>? ,.f Iks Cet-atock Behool, K West l<M-*0t, procea-ls ot an operetta. *i co T.?1'..w Thoma*. -'?"? '""' T F. W. 1SS 00 X. Fssta.n. Penn. & 00 6trawberrv festival h'-ld bv th" children of tlie T*u10t, **ai-ds-*.a.,-hnol. N. Y. TOO Blot*, B Jan**. 4 Amen poss-books. little Bays -ind |irts ol th" -OMk-JB PN0B0I Kindergarten. Total. Jane 9, 18-9.SO."SOU A GOOD IDEA WELT. CASKX?O OtTT. Ta the Editor of The Tribune. Slr: It affords trie much pleasure to remit to yon th* Inclf-ed draft for KO. to be applied to your Fresh Air Fund. The sum has ba-*en raised by a number of l-l. plrl** wi-hln Ike i_t week, from the t-ale of Hears--. What aikei Sat affair more interco | the fact that tho LUlc folks themselve-* conceived the Ides ot aldlniT your noble StBeBBtaBSa, ami haM tat TieA lt out In th'-lr o-vn -wsy. unaldod by any or.a-il tt!|i,ii. I app.-nd a list of these little philanthii.pists, whose sees tin-re from seven to ten yrat-s : (iertrude Ihi UoU. Carrie Hoysradt, Edith Esselstyn, Annie Mil? ler. Kittle Pearson. Emma Traver. Alice Townsend, on-rud" BS--ats-, Mat? 1 rianor. Florence Miller and Lottie 6tr?*.t." They worked under tho general sup-. vision of Master Warren I sJ?o Inclose bit own check for SB, to be added 'o thftmi'l. Yours tjnlv. M. PASX?B WILLIAM*-. Hudson, N. Y., Julie 2. ISSI GIVING THEIR PENNIE-* FT'EELY. To the Editor of The Tribune. Slr: Thc followlni little boys and (-Iris, of tho Brook? lyn Froebel KlBderparten, wlshinu that other children ( tnsy have a shar* of the country pl'-a<ure* they tli'-rn telves enjoy so heartily, offer these pennie*-, amour,:inc tu |17 73?In many caees directly from their llttlo sav Iiig banks?to swell the Fre-h-AIr Fund . Nathan Brown. Louise Tousey, Crace Knowlton, n Chitsenden, Cd, fohn meka Harlan Fitch. Artbtir Woodward. Frank Dav ul, Jr., Marvin Chapman. Frlfr. Behr. Franklin Thompson, M*ude Jones, pT_nk Morrill, Hannah Keene. sJarJorv Pre nils- Prower Hewitt, -eatrlr-. |*| Fellojtft Blrd^'-ye, Harold Burnett, Thomas Smith. c. No. 210 Clinton-st.. Brooklyn, June 9, 1S33. K>IT, LITTLE GIP.I,** OBGANIZE A FAIB, To the E'll tor of The Tribune. 81r: Tour little f-lrls, pupils of th" Normal Tra'n Ing ichool, put their he*ds to-tether. on charitable In t"t,; b.nt. and orttanlxod a filr. Their names ar": Wstide Davison. No. 44 Ea-t Fnrly-nlntli-st., twelve yearn; Carrie Eteht, No. -K East Sixty-first st.. tWttrt yetrs; Mary DaeMeOB, eleven years, and Francli Betttsoa, n'oe and a half years, of No. S">2 E!g!:'li ase. Tas's!!- wa? ktM on Saturday. June 2. at No. -l-l bel Forty-niitli-si.. Mrs. Davidson having Kindly placed ber -various rooms at the disposal of the Oa-Mraa ?t,d th,ii frier**"-*. The result of the enterprise was SH070. of whleh i?l"> 'ir. lt Itxkieod for Tl-- Tribune Kr-wh-Air Fund Vu,ii--., trulv. <'. V. AHLBTROM. No. Ul Fast T\s.-t.ty M-coiid-st., Jun.- S, ISSS. RINGING FOR 1 HE CTTILDHEN. To ffi| tilter at The Trt9atna. Th- fBBaf ladi-*S of the Comsfoek r*a*hooI. at N" '!'_ ~'rst Forfli-!li-st.. take pl"astns? In B-B-tag yon th* Inclosed OBOSt for i>-'A. Ut ptaBBB-t of tko '.?(/.i-vin-i.." plven by tin-til on Friday. .lune 1. f"r the benefit of tie- fteok Arr Fund. IlKFf.AH C. BEUCKAP, HELEN FAITNE~f ,f'K. LOtl-E rnWi ri: ' S. AOrTBB IIAVEMEYER. AMY CSCll .ir.VK'V*;, MAHY W. WHEELER, AKHIB G LlPi-lKT, CLARA a_fDMVLLER, Coes mlttee. No. 02 Weit Fort Seth-st., June 7, ISSS, CR 0 STl EY | BTES T S UND AY OUT. TUT. CF.XTRAL PAKK CIIIM l'AN**FI S IN TltT'-TR -Omm TlTTI-Tt-at W1f THI.Y WK.l'.i: VOTED Mindsy was a gteat occasion for the chimpanzees In Cen*ral Park. Mr. Crowley and Miss Kitty Be _*an? have been watluf* patiently for the ai rival of lumnier. Crowley has boon especially impatient to I*** out Into h's quarters In tlie Hut. house and Las lepeatedly tried the door of bis eage, shaking lt fun willy every morntii** after breakfast to Indicate le - - keejaasr tba* be thought it. quite time te be tal. hit summer vacation. On Saturday Dr. Conklm d' tennlned that the chimpanzees could come out of their ?inter quarter- The groatest difficulty wwi In get tin;* Crowley transferred ^o the Hon house. Last ptBJaBtt be wss led out walking by his keener's side and clasp? ing his hand, but Crowley has grown too big foi apron strings to hold him, and the keeper felt some anpi-e -ension -bout le*d_m* him out alone. Kitty t > closely In bet- keeper's arms and wa* transferred with wit difficulty to her new quartets. Dr Con-lin, in anticipation of Crowley's changed condition, had p.-pared a kind of Chinese palanquin tor him. lt ls a large pine box, which Cli*e*i securely **d lt perforated with breathing holes on the side lour men placed theil shuuldeis to the handles ami tf , box 1-, easily caiTl.-d. Crowley became so greatly SxrlreaJ jeastHrday morning when lae s,w Kitty Ulit*u --1 of tao A IBO ool ibat lor a short tittie he ref, ??et) Into tl,e palanquin. \*h!<-Ii ?_.s pured al tl ?f Ms caje. At last he was pei-siia-led to ra.' "tamit. ?,i:d tl.e Kee]?a-rs niait:herd down with him In ?'-te ta, the lion house. Ile w*s yulte saiisf-d wheo ? lonni h'.mseii BBBt more In his summer home. [*lt?y succeeded In |_elHii;.' a pleee of a led t,at,i(_i.i.._ _tBt-Bttkt0< from .onie 'Ihurioan man annmg her v:?. ?tort and tko tied this over her head aud appeared to think Ike lui secured a new spring l?onti"t. Ever, pleasant day dring (he summer they will be taken Into the Hon huso to raw*->ive visitor*, but Crowley will go and reta*., hereafter tn his palanquin. MEN MET IA A SATURDAY STROLL. BITS OF PEI?ONAL CHAT AND GOSSIP. On l'.madway o s*a,unlay -The Tribune" Stroller encountered ?*cnatoi john II. Mitchell, of Oregon, v lu, l? a representative satevaian of the Paelfie Oeost, with fine physical charaCerlsllcs. soft complexion, blue eye, and a full bro,? beard. Senator Mitchell I* especially happy Just-,,-*- IIVa.r tl,.. NtBBl cb-ction In his State. "A leadl* H-mocrat told me In Wash? ington," nil I.e. -? ihatno such effort to carry a State of ihe site of Oregon ha ever been made by his party. Ile knew what be was aylng to bo true. The Dcm ocrats poured money ant. men Into tlie State. Smith M. Wea-d snd .lohn P. Mm (hit there, and a score of the chrewdrst agents rroney could command spent months In tho State. We ont them a keynote to >> Umis sin h as th. y did not ?pect. We aro ready for the Pro-Idem lal ronte.t in fregon, and expect to _ee every Northern State answerosr signal.? Senator John Sherman was !ec*Ti entering a carr!a_' with SBBBlOf Frank Illscoek, tcbe driven to tho Penn sylvania station on the way 'o Washington. Doth IBO above six feet In height, the niluan bring the tall'-: l.y two or three inehet. They ?*e a note-.sorthy pair, and a* they drive away a dozen hus are raised to Oe tn One of the passers-by who wac hes them depart ls William S. Wyse, the smooth-facel New-Yorker who won a great sum of money bettlni on Cleveland four years ago. He ls now laying aHldsthe other way, but ls more Interested In business thas pailltlcs, having Jit.t come back from the Pacific Coat, where he went flvo weeks ago lo open a wheat siach factor,-. Ills companion ls tSl__iimd Spltter, of Vlatuia, a young lu veater. Joseph Pulitzer Is -.ecu i-olllng rown Flfth-ave., Ms afflicti*il eyes shielded hy a pair o. Mg green g.,g |lea lie ls going over to F.urope to ?-e If he cannot recover slgbt. His brother ls an au?lst In BerttB, ,itnl Mr. Pulitzer Intends to take council with him a*. to F.tu-oiean oculists. A Western man met near the Gll?y Btate - Colonel W. lt Distln, of Quincy, who l? i member of Ike stan* of Governor Ogh-sby. of Illino*. Ho wa*, one of Coastal l-iu-an's warm Meads, i- p-omlnent In ctand Anny circle,, and a delegate to the 'epubllran National Convention. Ile is a Whol-Sel prodm-. BMtekaat and has been In New-York on business, but has lin (dentally made some Inquiries abott- Btrlltrft. although he keeps a close guard on his toigue atid has nothing to say ea that topic. In th- I "*0BB* he ls a*000e*l with Ike rest of Ike Illln>ls dele? gation as for Cire*hatn, but ho was a classnate of Chauncey M. Da-pea*, and ls endeared to QoMeO) Alger thiangh the -BfM family. Dennis J. Shea, tho lld AsscmMv DHIl-Ol Kepuallr-n leader, ls out for an airing. Ht ls known as a con servative in jxilltical opinions. When asked about nation, ho said: ? If Mr. Maine ls renominate) al i :.!,?_,.'.,. Le- sail! pweof my district. Democratic ?old as lt la 1 IW'.osv of no other ramil, ao who has such a hold on the affections of the massa-." Colonel Thomas Ochiltree is seen In the entrance of tko Hoffman House with a suspiciously red handker? chief in his hands, which he vigorously'piotest- ls mt a ba-dSBBB" Us tells th!- itan I "When Thurman was in Iks .-ena!,-, ono of his fellow-member*, tra Heury Cs. Davis, of Wet Virginia, (ko fsther-in-law i< & II. Elkins. Ali important d--ban CBBM o* In which Thurman took a leading part. In Ike mldsi nf lt Davis went to sleep with lil- bead on 1.1- arin un kl! desk. Thurman stopjied to blow hi _ ie, H 1 it i> one nf his Baroona! pcciularltlo. that on sud, occa? sions he literally Bake, th- dead. OB this occasion he Woke Davis, who lu cany nf,- Bal a Balt-BOrB ami niiio brakeman, and who. as ke opeaod 'ii eyes, caught Fight of Thuraian's red bandanna waving lo the air ii .'.!* hali da/..-, i condition, he ooajded the ton nd and the bandarna Milo a railroad danger signal, and grab? bing htv desk he attempted to twlef ll around like ea old-fashioned hi alie before be ra___s?ibered where he was and began to laugh at his delusion." A DECORATION DAY SEQUEL brooklyn rouncAL sc_ntmRS Qu_-nraxu_ra ABOUT TBF. PKKRIDI.N I's "flB-Ta The topic of discus,1-,n yesterday among Brooklyn Oread Army men was the Kilkenny exhibition whleh to-'k place af tho King. County .Memorial Comm tl -Roting uti ftatuitlav eveiiing. lt was a wordy i OB bo'w-.-n C ninty Auditor EtfltBB, D-tted States District Attorney Wilber, and Pollco (oiniuis stoner Ball, who aeeo the main eoe ptratort engaged ir, ftM-tag cicvoiaui into the Decoration Day proceed lags, ami _- ii grear ont ol that eerefuUy forgeaieed political Intrgne. tl..- falling out wa- much t-njovi-al ty the l.epublieau majority. To add Beet to th evaatagt groeoodtags, whoa Ike committee feaahod Di" ( tty Hall they found that th -y BBCt locked out of the Aidcrrnanic Chamber, in aeeordaaee etti prevtoas tkreel aid a reeotatloa following it pooood .it tko last BBHitleg (>.' the Bot-d, and considerable delay oecarred boluc- an outran," w* eaVeted. It was well known tliat tbe delay in starting the na ade on Dec.nation Day, which malted in Un Prestdagt'i staadlag boagry ami thirsty ea the re I Mead, watting nearly an hoar before Ike head of the coinuiii appeared, eree ckergsd te be Sae to tao Jealousy of Police Commissioner and (.rand Marshal Bell v. ho was determined, n is alleged, to bn-ak ut, tko Presidential teeeptlM at the house of Mervin (rois, No. 41H* Bedford ase., win, lives In the same district with Bell and who i, a rival candidate of his for tko DOBMCfatlC iintiilnutuiti for Mayor BOZt time. (.rand Wen bel Bell, however, reported that the panie had been a brilliant success all through, carefully avoiding any allusion to di lays or the criticism*! which lils action has a-volted. Th ls va- th. opportunity for Dist net-Attorney Wilber to get lu his wurla. He adopted a style of bitter saretoat. ll- waa delighted, I e said, to karn that the parada va- inch a success; that in- and other eomiadi wholly inista.'a-ii ni supposing thal there bad beaa intentional delays to acnieve sinister purposes; that the forced narebes by ahlcfa the old and Infim coc t i been i ompetled to fall out of the ranks, aa i rhlch bad ectoaU. Ki.led one veteran toldler, w.t. jkadvertent, and bad nothing to d', with an alleged lian tn make a Bosco of tl,.- President's reception lat- which Mr. Crosi Issued 2,000 Invitations. Mi. liaJ! replied ami the other sunn ide- entered into the - -ld th*- hot shot Hew about* the Demo cr*tic brethren, oauslng some ugly wounds. Finally, Cohnel J. w. Jones Insisted oa lae rote of '? thank.?? . adopted and tuecoodod la spite of >\liber's i Botan showed "hut he bad brantirht hlr. bmifkatarter tor by pounding down, a "-it ol order, elution of Comrade lleB-itreet which requires every delegate to thc Memorial Committee to tu, With the secretary his m.litaiy reeoid. it was a clear lase of gag law and the question ls as!;-.; - Wiat ls the matter with imtan's record I" IHE PROG RA MME AT WESLEYAN. ARP.A7GRMKXTS FOR CiillMFNCEMKIT-WHO Will BT. MAPS PltrSIBINT? M Idiot own, Conn., June P.? Ihe proprramme for the ronmeiicemeir eaerdOOS at W.-sles-at, l'nlver<ity has be<*i comid'-t-d. In fact, some of the exercises ili-ady tali.-n place. aPLoui;li cominetic BBSBl veek is -. fortnlirtit in the futnn-. HM final cxamlna loi he seatar rJees noe ut red ia-t week, and tbe tblrty-et- aeaiberi alB hare an interval of rest be fore the hteful day ol * sheep-bins* BiT-vW-. The itlag ian -bB peet eaatelai tklrtj ihree peaag mee and thee yBBBg wot;;en; In the li*l Klven on the | ip of tin- circular contalnini* the annual exer | ,f tkt reaag apiK.-ar last. Som te oj,le *aa*t tUlB-Setead why all tho names ar. ?Mal _is>-n in alplial*eil> al mder. The kateallneate senean win be pi cached two fruin ttnicnr.v. This duty usually falls ta ti.,- pretMeesI ?f the teBega; hut tTeelepea baetag bein wt bout a aili-Seat for thc la*t poer, and the -etlag e-resldeat,Profeeeet John M. Fsa ~eek net i tn kilter the Bar. Db Albert s, Hunt, of :,!?? Vork, who .at long be?n conm-cf-d with I h. American Bible S*:|?ty, has beoa leteeted a^ boo I laureate pr.SSfkOT. '.Io has the reputation of bS-Bg an .-li.-juetit h|sak.-l lad Bl Iirooklyn, where he Beet, he ii in deoeaad as, ??supply'' ls ehmefcee of ail d'* nominations. Ot Minda. OTOBlag, Jnne SA, tie' iinlversi-y s.-rutOB Uio ba- dclivcri-l bv Ike BtV. I T. Munder, whose aberal BB-glaai siBWl havo at tt-acted much attentn.. Tkt foiUiwing Monday . day . Ikt BXeeeleei <> the campus in the will, as usual, attract! lariro crowd. This ls one of the pleasantest teatBaa of cmnienceinent Week, That OTSBlBg the exeflent glee club of the collei?. will give a ttattti The annual meeting f th<? BrSSSMI falLs on Tues? day. 119. m., when th iiuportant (lut-stioti ,.f M-Mt lug a pr-sid, ot to BBBJBBl tho ll>-\t. Dr. John W. Bosch, w!,o rt-lgaod a fat ago. will probably be, de ?i.e ha. bail lb!-- ?Biter In charge dining the year, but tko esnlt of Its _euboratlOBS bas in i l--.-n ir.mi- known. ?],,- business meeting of th Aiomi.i a-.s_.iv.-nun abo ??cms ou Tuesday tore ooo n IV ti rt nos I sj is gis-n no t, t-it-s aud other rtmislons. ll is h.,_s>.i thai a.-* fnanv aembers ~ possible of the class.!**, of ISSS, l<-.e:>, 1-7: i-v-. lbrl and IA8S will be on hand to recall tBell -indent da>", renew old ttBM fneiidslili-* and retail ir pleasure-- and siruggle of tln:.-s gone by. An lufi-esUBg feature of the das WlB Ire a gallie,lng of talia former edllors of ' The College Ai gu*.'' at u breakfat In honor of tho eompli tn,11 Ol the lweutietti \,-ar f th" publication of this well-known mill-,.'- louraa, in Ike **"??-?? 'b< tiu!uqueniiUl ex.-n i?cs ot ij? Chapter of !tl" __? ' " ?lion fiatfiinly con-ected wit. Wesleyan will h.- held eddi asset trill be Isslii r, > ,v the B*r? Otonm ll. M (,rew and tks Bett. Dr. *0BBI M. King Ino com rueni 0?erelses will oa-i? (,n Thursd-T. Jnn< - and after thu coufornn,, of degrees lh? roms tii.-nt iiii.nei will be eaten, r_e regular annual ex eiiiiiialious lake place on .lum jo. -_o. -! ?"<* '-'?'. **n'l the esaminatlon ol catidt.aie for adniisaion to th. next freshman cls_s cn Ju_o_t?. THE PEOPLES ttSVASS. WIDE AWAKF. COU BAB-OBOH AND MM To tht Hil.;,., af Th, Tribune. 6lr: I wss one of ti,r. ?? \\ ide A.~*fces"* In 18C0; have voted the National ticket straight ever since and I am Rilli wide-awake In regan! to every movement which affects the Kepubllcan party. Cr SMS reason I suggest that if New-York ls not a unit upon Bu* name of Depew, then let the ticket be Harrison and Phelps, the platform " protection to our Industries'' and -protection to our aeawe." and we will win. Jaeeeg city, june w, tabs, wiiik av,'Au tSStSSW ANI) llARHI-aiN. To Ihe Editor 0f The ir il. mir. sir: Willi Mr. P.lalne out of the way, whose noni Inat lon for President would most likely win In Hie coming cont'-st ? This Inquiry has been mad'- BOBt quite often since tbe pn:?-iitat|on of the Irvniorratlr ticket. The unequivocal answer of a IBOB-Bg l'epubll can tbls morning was Chauniey M. DefB-*, In asso? ciation with Rssllettie Hard-on for Ylre-pre-ldent. brilliant, magnetic nam.-- neal t" "" : Kepubllcan msaost fa. urabi v. Tbrongh thctr power, lt is believed, New-York ai d Indiana would be carried. tims sect-ring a victorious rasnlt Lat es nosslaets men who can defeat Cleveland and Thurman, and -MSC men may he fi,nnd In DapOB and Harri-on. Kne Penn., June B, 1? I. B. U. BHBBMAB AND PIIFl.l-s To the Ed i : ?<? uT The Tr* tm tte, Slr: Dot not theso two nam,-. :.iml for stability of Judgment upon thc vital Issues of the coming csm palgn? William Waite:- l*kelpe, BB i - li-b-l.ty lo the best principles of sound government has won tlie sup? port and of _keasaB_e Bf 'be DeaMC-a-Ic t-itl-eiis of New-Jersey, and if tiomlnata-d would carry his State. Of all our Statesmen ls there one with clearer vision upon tho financial QBOStloas of our tni..- Ikea ?enatOI Sherman, and aller all. ls not this tko principe] leonel Does tai .nUahtened lars In cap ii. I the pou*er an-l pott iry Pnni and quality of labor lift > These two tte samoa are true Aawrfcaa citiseaa, tho uorthy deece-dants as en ot Franklin and WMhlngton. BOUND Fount .-. Brooalyn, June o. l - - - OBBKHAM AND BrOBTON. Tolhe Editor ,f Ihr /rt',.,.,. So-: Will, such a candidate as Judge QitlhStl. the iran party wo_ld OBtBT tko Bghl wltii high and .strong . lalms lor a IWBeplBg \u-tory. Wit li Oroeheei as the cr.udi.late there would bo no dslSBS te caataalga, hut on- of etta-h ea tl ? Dot-Berets efl ulong tko Baa ile would oioaoe the old soldo rs. ht would ai-eii..- the iain,ring nen, and h*- would dorsal land ssii'iout doubt, with ali due regard io the last claims ol other candidates, i mas) Insist that Uretham ls tbe meei ., Udale (or 11 Let the tici.ei i?. Qreakaa and Mot ton Beal Aaren, N. v.. Jane B, 18- w. I:. BOBEBTB, A STOBD 1 OB A-S--.B, To the Ed it or of The Tr *', un e.. 'ir: I want to suv a WOffd fm OeDCTSl Alger. I sm a yo-ing man wkoos Int ProsMoBtlel baDBl was cast for Jam's Q, Blalao, and Whose ooo pad will I ??? for tko BepukBeea noBtlBpe, whethor k ? be tko poMsked i>a-|.,-ss-. ti.:.d Allison, th- abb- o-t-skaaa, the gal lant Ilawb-y. the brilliant Phelps, Ike popalet Hairi-on or that st-inch old leader, John BbQItlBB. TO Sty mimi, eatalBt-d by the Bisons of Mugwamperj, any one of ni.-n I, pref. r.ii,i, ta UM ti'-h.-t pit .n uomluatioii li,-t week at si i Bat tkeee ls a man eeeoag tko BopabBeaa candi? dates who tills my bill of what an American should be. As his Mloa oonntrymaa, I am proad nf ir carecr. l a-n glad le kaow thal s-eh a seri le in tl.,- i h.iel Mates, ead i gat] r In piratlon from :i- - ?? 1*1 .- bolo Ste exetapBfl i wbai may be goae by a you:,.' A ne fir en who has j ;? purpose ooapled with honesty am! patriotism. A poor bey, a loyel rolnnteer, a brave and i I odteor, an emeus him a'..,i nea naafiil business au honored Governor, a geaarouo ani weU-beloved cltl7.>-n. thc favorite son of a great stat,-. Th iii.- sta*.*!.'-, by wbJeb .'-ii : ador bas risen to I. jdaaae. and In every position be ba- been the --aivie man of tho people plain in his lattes, i- ixe in id- life, ? laJingt with all lil name ai tbe b.-ad of tbe Kepubllcan Uclnrt would at t r_< i thou ol young mei about to < , end a con binetlon of Alger end Phelps would iweep the North in opposition to thc thara refi rmer snd his antiquated mako-w?lght Thurman Wi Ntl LKl'l l.Lb Plainfield, N. J.. Jane 0, i---. -3 THE PROBLEM .17 CHICAGO. IA. MNF.'s BXCEPTIOXAL STBE-fUTH WITH TnR IRISH, :; ron! in Tbe ii*Mi Wond. i. ll . Republican part* In convention s tembled at ' bk tgu will uni; itlon _-?, ii.i.i.-I al 9t. Louit did renominate the ebie] ol lbs old ticket without presenting any other the Irish l*i*Dt_et-oui*i > e ol '-,. ? Itfa Irosh accessions, will surely n- given ',, ti, - Re* . nominee; and if the Republican part J is fh*-n succe-.s ful, s> ii! thai event I do most nrmly bolleve it irtfl (ul, those Ii a ill lorever aftr-r Identify themselves with the Kepubllcan porty and ll rm,-! ardeni h:h1 eonslsteni aupport. v e had bi " down to Ihe fa. i - of pi One of the fa<:t ? I. tiiat N-'.s Torti is a Democratic -tate. Tbs Fret Tia ie Mugwumj ;,, good. There, t"". are iii ? |*rublbil In view of tha ? iry for tbe Republican party, in order to Bin, to put In tbe the Di ito b bo fan gu outsld ? bis oa c party lim-s and win reinforcements tram t.'..- ranks ot the op position Blaine ls thal maa. Be ena in New-Yorha Sew .i.-.^.'s and Connecticut gather around tu* icandard of me .. '.'? ? SK) voti - than any other ju Utract. i limply record i. y opinion 'hat, wttaoul Blaine .-ts the standard-bearer and champion of om cant defeat seems Inevitable. lt looks noe a li ll would be a go-ss-yoa pies kgo, and thal Polly ar-.d ,*-a-ltl-iiii," s would have it ali their own ?>iv. In that event i shall remain Independent of either part] Oat* lng tue csmpaifru. ADfJF/: W <t'LI) TESL AT HOME WITH DE1T.W. Proa The Koch-si ?: Herald. lt li -a'd thal Uusseil .1 Vi ?on and n Hi ona ra, the lr-hi i _? . ; in bli Hie, tn ii in ali bis I um, i . . ii- and ei ,i -I1- -it.-1 ul i ? ni ,r,. dorine ? i si' ol which time I .. . lor bim, be bas t. i l no - buslne-s dispute*, bis faint a* and manliness belog ({?lair.' . acknowledged Li even ona \s!'h wt* dealinfpi. . sack a man as thai would feel p i-f.-i' iv al ii : ?? on a tlc! ey M. Depew. ?; j> ? in, law ! 'it Ins Integrity a,,d merni 1 ire as acknowledged a- ara '.'?- t|ualltle* ... . speaker, hit public spirit 1 admin . over the gnat cor] or li1- ?? nd liberality dlsideyed toward th ? t-i iplo] ? of thal ci i-;, i allon. TIIF. QBBBHA-I BOOMBRS OPPOSED TO I.I..MNK From Tao CBkB-BBII Time- Star nm thi- koeal of tbe opposition (thal it forced Blaine to wltodraw), ri pose- one 'i'-e*l motive - active GlBS-ant follnslnp. Tte )*.,,*n orlglna'cd In na! spirit an i ha* taken e rory Darrow ronr-a Nosv that lt ls fulls nnderstood, lt wlU pmbably dwindle. Mr. Blaine's friend. In the convention will attracted toward Wt thould sav that bv natural telectlo ? ma] ??? '-"* i snpporl "iib theil ? ll man. a National man. ! a stalwart adv,raia- ol tht B ipubBcaa doctrine of pu, teetlon. Iltr. KABSBi DEMAVD ld.AINK, I'liin The rTeW-TOf- Tablet. Tbe inl'liotis ot AlBOflran tnll-rs are now tuning with aa-ioi - the Bepubllcan i . party has, In tba pre tani cr'.sls. i aiagnlfioeni nppor ma:.- a ca:i I whom t rally ! i ero I ona nan In tht* i'*.rt.y al.giant pro ? er nj, above bbl lolloe -. and a a very synonym lor Protection to American in ;? and American labor. That man lt James Gillespie Blaine. He has declined t.. l?- . tan-lit. - demand his lomloatlon, an-l ii \> ll be the highest polities, wisdom on the par of the Republican na! Convention to bow te the popular will Mr. Plain" I- tn" ininti of a patriot IO dMli?e a ii dint niaaiis nomination Boen bis nany, and bia nnanimue tioml naJiou would swen li-- triumphant election. A DASI BOBBB PBOM NF.W-.u: Trom The Newarlt Press Register. How aJii.ii- I Beleey, of rTew-Jereey, 'or a dark boroo at ( hloegw I W-KXnr_-B WILD OVKB BIT-K. From The Mfjwaaheo Btealag Wleeoaele Wlsconeln RenuUlcans are proud of Goveraor Baekj Ikey lia-..- aatebod -nil deep Interi admiration, He hat never .'. ? i their Dtmoet oxpectatluna, and ike) are qulti re, if,., to the chief executive chair of tbe Wallon ti,at i t!ii-e! tbe dntii-s af that jH.siiiuti in a manner that win ?est promote th<- interests of l try, ami prove eminently satlsfacioi". tu tbs whole pet pto The peel record of liovernor Bask, both military and civil, ls a gilarante.- that .neb vflll be th" I OB-B-.AN and M'l'l'.w -Mit THB BBVBB-UB Front The CafeeeT- Tiftaaa BtBeaaa* eaaU Bet. tunning as vies Pteeldeat, carry either of thc doubtful -lat,-. a,f Induua. ? unnectlcut ur New .let-ey for Iiris-w: bul St l|? ? ? u| of tin- tilda't If. li,- could SWOOP Indiana and I un ail the .-tates Blaine eerried, whleh -ould eloci them both; ?")'! wi;', .-a little hali frow, t >.-tr.\* _s \ ira, he I lat ?? Bow "i .,1:. In Hean rolumn. It win ti.ii- hs m. thal ?? indi k* (le his tetter to I bs v -* I or! -1 the -t-mg man at the tall Inst,--,! a,f the h.-iul of the tia-ia thereby iM-riN ti,,- election of both, -till.- br r**verslng the i.pb-r be w'.uld Iism- a Bvaral eertalnty of li? tton of both nun. and that, Uto, without saa-rtnclng Ike p- t-si>nal Interests of either. AI.I.1**<'N BBnKB-JB'OU) ALL From The Oxford (lowai Journal. We du. ho ? tnanv trait* of character lu Mi. Allisii.n that were - i ? -i, w Hi Ml coln. Lt broad. a.j?.-r. ? itamps bim a* a ' i'i.- people, win," I n te res i - ext to Ms hoar! \ a man of character and ability d* obs ijiie-tlons. snd bis slews on I i,- i|,ii,;i,,,is of Hi.- das accord with the principles of ref,,im and for ti intera-bts of Ike poo pla, He ii beeamma stronjow In the hesrts of the people every dsv ?n.| pi-oml?ei lo be the lcsdmi c-hdtdate at the National Contention. I SMALL VILLAGE USD!R MARTIAL LAW. .AWLKSS I. A BOW MKS AT VKHrt-ANCE'S POINT BVAB-s-B BY I'lNEICItTON'S DKTECTIVII. Verpl-nrk*. I'oint on tho Hudson is under martial sw. A detachtneut of thirty Pinkerton detectives in inlfi.rin are stationed there under the Caimmand of a isptaiu and Il.-uicii-nf. Tho cause of this slate ot -laira ls labaar troubles. The tight ls directed a|ain*>t tod--rmond's brick yard. In this out of the way iainli-1 there are situated twelve brick yards, In which ."nu m,-I, are emj.iosed. Last year not a brick is as made owing to trouble*, with union men. This rear one ya ls being run by union men, ??ii ne bein; worked by non unh n and tho twelfth, belonging to Klrhard Kodei uioud, ls the ono at which ha lo i.,'d int n et! have been directing all then ?lowers of Intimidation. TeeterdBy on.- ?.' ike Illy eerea non-union men, Bkeai Liidc, nu,nd has got to work for him waa aa isulted in broaai daylight and his skull was fraetur*>d. rares weeks ago Ld-, mimi hiaaett w-a_ set epoa by a crowd IhtUS and nearly killed. Ho sss kia Had in IBS heed aud all arv.r tho body. This wa_ th.; climax of a seidel of Bet*. The matter was lak-jti laden thi (..rand Jury and rlility of the ring leadsea aeea It-Brttrl Among tho number were ?8pott>- ilaOult-,-, who ls tl,-, loedOt of tue union iii-ii at TorploBiUfi loint. Sosae trore Indicted lor ?aaeali in ii,- iecoad degree, otben i-r couspirec}. lo-uay thees Baa will be an-'-- . Boaormood expects to ins West-bettor County for (ailii.g to .ii-iii.-, i hi.* propelt- from mob violence mil tar th.- Injuries ks reoetred fi"'" IBs _?*_?* ih- mob. lb.- lue ai aBthorttlea at \erpla_c-- _* .re paralya-st Tko Hnkerton deteettvee buss pam lac sj Iks cums. Ths Bfty-eevon non un on men whom be employi Uve ?t ihe sams bouee with tn? ?electives. The Hnk.-rfo,i mea guard the bries yam md UH hOBBS ulgfc- and day. ar. threats have Weu Biaal- to blow the lion-'* up with dynamite. Bash ol Bodermond in tim Bghi eg?esl ls*mantm taker*' Association, imHiding ti, nealthv bu. dong tbs Hudson -*"-1 "" lt:w ka-nssi-lt riYe.s The wagaw vary from ai ?"> " -- ," is-r dav: in- kean <,f work are |,-ss than fi-B hour*. The wari?en el the Petal ashed Ipr__nor Jone J '",wer? Vi __ . elsewhere. These metteti all brought on n thu THE EIRE RECORD. A FLU PACTOBT TV.d' F. IN FL\MF--. A fire krohS om on tho third iBOf of the fur factory of Thomas Llovd. af No. 163 mion-ave., Iicooklyn, un BBleidoj eight, and was extiagakbed with only s slight lesa About deyhreah yeeterdey, fir** ?'? mgaln di rat -red ls I ? -eese ealldlng ead ir destroyed ,,? | worth SIO.OOO, ead daaugsd the building g.,ooo. I_* ttl H Ol brick, four -.tories in- heleht, and balonr- !?> .lose- h ' al Me. The cans,- pf the lue, and unknown. Whether he rtsrne I,,,,. extinguished the ftrtt Uese the* u.r.s,'v red. oi ni locendlar- (ired tho place, will be Investigated by the f~* marsbaL [i.s.-ls IN PABIOUI Ft.AfF.S. Ttliildad Col., I'm" lO.-One of the most dI?a?trous ._,? ,,.,. Md Dds ritv startsd tats thia sreatag. Attar u han Ifhi Ott Its dspstta-aal tao* Mr," r, i.lro! nf lt bBl SSS anttl the Corni, . ,?,iniV ,,. - sen wnsnmsd. Ill leletrraphlc ...iimiuni.-iatnin, makin * ? fnr-.h-r partlcBls-S la aK-fc ( . . i || . Ja-S 10.--Kir- bt-fcs sal l-*f In Bog-?*t iiaioeieni. ta a mst sf Beeden balldlaga ssath ?f the MssssUs I-atpta. Be Bihlesse'i machine sh?|,s and Jahn Mulim'* boat bOtttlag depot war- anon-' tlw balk-Ma ton-sn-sd. Cat ? | avering M -s.'e p-.ira.rty noni th- Mable* bbsbbI to 1*75,000. ]\< / ? ? . s in SOCIETY. The ongepweul B ennoano-d nf BBes Sarah ? of tbe Ber. Thomas (Jallaudet, te Blchard Bbenua Lindsay Palrtax, whose rogagemeel te MBm Grcce Bradford was a;.aaoed recently, is a brother of Bemlttaa Bogart Fairfax, who niairled Miss Van Btineioleer oas year ega Be ls a _on of Colonel Fairfax, of Virginia The BwrriegB of Wilfred Hartley, son of .To?eph w. Bortk-y, sad M - '.-"-nore K. Beery, daughter of 1 _ ima g. I >? rj ? tool i-i 1 ? oe Taeidsy at the house ul James Taleott, Sa 7 Weel I1fty*ae-*a_t_-st The any arm performed by tbe Bev. I>r. BartlBy, o_ uncle of the bride?oom Tbe best niau was -. aral the ushers were K lc hard IL Haines, r Howard Whitloek, Eurene Goadhy and ; Webb. Man] wal -kn.n p.- ij.'c were present , :,r ;.,.- tbs weddiag of Mus Ed Walker, dangkter of Aha s. rather, to Benjamin Franki::! Hooper, al Ihe Charch <>f the Puritan j, .lu:,,- 1 t. A reci-pflon 1 il! follow at the brid '?. home, Na 157 Weet 0_e*hB_d_BB-a_dr twenty--- COB peimi-Hi ls ar.t'.Mii'i?d of Miss Agna* Fond's. daughter ol _oren_o Boudekush, to Harold Ban den "t_ Blas Clere Bng-tdus, daaghter of Abrahea Bogar (?.ns, and flenry B. -ounsbery w-en* married Thi in tbs Madison Ave ie Be* nm I ( ireh by the Bev Dt. Abbot! K. Kl':.el--. ThON were rn- ' I The bridegroom's nephew, Judson Umaebery, wes tbi Antoni the -nt. ta aare Mr. ead Mn ,;,,_,. Andrew newcombe, Mr Mn, 1; i>. Lonnsbory, Mr. ead Mrs. James Lonni bery, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac !;. Johnson, MB bury and Dr. J. U ' BntphaB. --? A MOBUMEST TO TBS VICTIMS of ANARCHY. Chicago, June li Bed to-day that the moa un.-i: to the pol - ' ''??? |B the Bay bibi Bel -ore win mn be le the ?eaerally propose-] form 1,1 -in oflb-et alth a club, rampant ob a -.rotc ned-sui audi: rted that tho esos-orlal wfll be pieced luiiy a mile ai I 1 q wtee Bum the Hsyatarket. Tht KWoni . ? lhat tbe Haymarket, es and saloons. U not aroU tnlted for a work of art. and that a poBeemaa with a lim, bas 1.n demonttrated tube a thoroughly ins luMect, however admirable li- may bs on a beat. Fnlon : "? r?:" monumon w,n bc thal ofi female fl-fure. s-wterely draP^O; I,.,idi - " *W'K1^ ,?,!,., , rbe booh proclaims that In tin* lau 1- lapreoea TALKING to TBS SVT0SB9 OOLLSOS SIELB, naen lo Ike fradnetlng cleet ali:.,.-,!-sr.-.naii-i,.l!.V"W^,:-Uv.r-da. ht. Tl Church in the efternooe br the Bea. Dr. n. taChereh Ti"tc..t w.~s. .. 1;,,.. . ,,- iv* mi your moot holj fa- *? ... ,,,. tari thal Ru?Kf? lnf' mt. wat founded ? mme whee Mesata ^_*^" waaadebat-dq-eatloa Tho lead le tmwitotlad ***lth ic,,,! aad the ejaastloa wee Bottled. ooo had not forgotten BB female creation. B6BMBIM Boden times were Bee te tale any position which they Mi eompetenl to BU: had boee barral from no sphere of u -?:" ??? ai *_ *'e? "j wtUIng to entei Tl P de * * ???_? '" ,!l" t tn- whoa worn Jf ?? ft^httTthVi of the temple, c. I J""."'"'*'. .-V IT \<. id proce brlnn !? mud.- visible : ? : ' ,,, I .lit tl.i- hidden b-aull'-s ot the jual til' MISS SOSA R ISP MARRIED r.:.ltlnv.,e. June IO. MK. B< ?- Land, tho B-Jl hm.wn actn '? ' ll-: ri''J a', - . .ptain Arthur Hame of the 1 1 ?s Department rn the Ltdt-d Katee Amy. nth J.>??_*?_"?_ md -i " 1 iyed /'"'^^..^Vc l -i mer a teacnet of elocution In tha city. a pbela rm tm wsot tbs sunda t la w. n?. km ssl,,, ii thc P.'^ts .r-ukin-r ol ? " Sr- VltTitf ? p1' *''? M..., ..,-,?.: Dosne 1 lay la the Beware il sae -Bag wkiek cksssed Iks hsertaol :i, clergy -es tkt __J J" malt . ,'i,,iHsvi-i, tho*9~**?*? ?* d,s- law. HU.te nany pe**?is - ^" -..ciivs-i.,-bsbs.t^f;'?:: 1 ,, .? a-uab ed tai discharife - rant ta Bj- ? ma, -.i-i. ? tars ita Bar-By Ba aaaS BBB sj* May ??? rta aeds sapay- "';-*?. r--.? r> 11 ,:? 1: 1 ci ,,".-? " ? - *- ? . , , a., ?_-_-_-_-*: and new ba? an onB-aaee, he hal rsvot-d Bs ami ' nae -.-ian t_t a.I sbHIs -sjtataa keeBsd aa tts. oftlcer. nf th- bar ta SBfOietBg lt* ?___'"V "e Wa'ers nf th- Us- rn .-lllrrs ..? '? ?- _,_,?, ,. n?t s (boobs sad kspsesssd hkasHf with--ut ant reeaeSS. ?Mitta, or pa.iitlcia,:. B* bSfSd iBel ?? tWtS WOSh Lu.d tx- ci.minu-d, UU. Ikers watt* *t n, r,,w Int, ?m-sreadhahttaVB ??_ lJW ?"**'" "I , .m.. laimra of saloajna woulO and thst the Irac- and llde -Wf **? mit h. rssgsasd un Baa-By. _ OUABDIi WEE SAE I'roin T Jo! Bl dey 'ls/-''"' _- a i..ia.f that benefit ls to b? T,i""" '? "' it? iV tme water run ai "'^ ?,.- b> - cop-jus and faucet* ting oj - S^i-rl -teaaetf tfi lUghi t. acmmplah ansi!.nu: '"w?rI ' ,,._,_,, _?| tcuvcious ali? uiBi l-;'^1;! ?I^."|_I,|, ti is merely _ *_sie of water o ?? .Hean, ttl trickle throi.ithis ??^tm% Formula* em (olon.-l *A ar np** 'Vl'i; . ,'* illow bo OtgaaB braces two Injunctions: l1r,r' , . 7"; wita.,n ri__|_a ' " d_^2_5 tn all. wi. ?- ctrndlflons. .V''7ri;.',,,,,.?_,... drain ail ..1 . (be hou?e und. -ra.- ?" ^'' M f I BIMlId Sdll IO th-C th- S'>'',V'f'llJ?"-HPSr,,S -~ ventilate en W-? ?',*,'"; ,s ,h ..Vi : ^Si^ffii^ !2fJ .-li,ru,e"7^,mfr ..ofd?m'Sties.iireiimr: . ..1 Mus lot -nant-d. snd '?'m,,V',::^,ffl?m, rlglUaes I- 11- prTeo of health, s. ?' ?'?^-, ?lldi!1,?1_. amateur sdvioe 0u maners ol health. test all things Int hold fast to that which ls good and In accord wu li common sense. The best plumbing will not last forever, and need-i periodical Inspection. A trap msy freeze In January and dry up tn Jul v. and deep frosts will break up drains and cause leaks; rats may burrow: ga*.-*- will eor-nte. valves become leaky by wear, ana car-lens aa-aaa. nsjriect to keep fixtures clean. Hence periodical ia*pectlon. espe'laliy of hidden plumbing* work, should be an Imperative duty u_H>n the hou-se holder. OBITUARY. COLONEL F-DV^MRD'rTk IN GI IA RM AX. London. June 10.-The Rl-rht Hon. Kdward Robert Kine Hannan, Parliamentary Under-secretary for Ire? land, and member of Parliament, for tho Isle of Thanet division of Kent, died at his residence In Ireland this morning. This ofllcial, tho proposition to pay whom a salary has been tho subject of some fatormy debates In Par llsment In tho last few month-., was born In ISBB, educated at Eton, served several years In the army. s-id then settled down at Huckin uh am, near Bogie, County Roscommon, where his larp-st estates aro. Tho family had lunn bo-n conspicuous, both for tbe extent of their Maded pee****e*ty and for bein* almost continually at war with theil tenants. Mr. Klnp Harman was Lord Lieutenant and honorary colonel of tho militia of County Roscommon, and magistrate and deputy llcutonant for the counties of Longford. Westmeath and MfB, In which he also had c-iatc l'or Sll? he sat In Parliament from 1**7T lo ISM SS a Homo Ruler. In lo79, however he punished eer tain of his tenants for attendlrs* a Land Lcasrue raeet DSg hy taking away their wood culling btBBBOOB, and theeaaftee he was at war with tho Parnell party. William O'lirlen and other leader- In that o.-ganl-a Hon fat afoot Investigations Int ? charlies again.*! him, of rack-rent Inc, evictions and other hardships to the tenantry, while Colonel Klng-Uarman In turn Invoked astlstanco from Dublin for tho suppression of ? Batted Ira-land." Mr. O'Brien's paper. In tho election of 18.0 slleo chose noeses .-exton In the landlord's stead. Trie Tortes bad now taken tho latter up. and when Colonel Taylor, member for County Dublin and one of the BeBcoosSeld whips died, ( olonol King Bar man was elected to tte vacant *-eaf. which he occupied from 16S3 to 1886, In tl.,, linter v. ar. throufth the lion of snrfrage the .Tish party wad aide to defeat him at tbe polls, and Ix- was unable to obtain another constituency In Ireland. Bul In 188T, In ;ati exceedingly close contest, he was abb- to aware an election in Kn-'latid from the tele of Thanet. In April of last year he mu- appointed Coder Beere-ory for Ireland, much to the Indlgnaflou of the irish party. At the tlmo lt war* anders!.1 that no pccunlar-v com irerisaMen for his offleial service would be a*ked fm from Parliament, but an attempt to provide e rthslsss. a faa weeta ego, gave rise to a stormy ? and the tJovernment wa-, outvoted liy a narrow majority. CHARLES H. WINFIELD. Montgomery, N. Y., June Ilk?Charles II. Winfield droppa*d dead while addressing a sunday school at Walden this afternoon. He was a lawyer of consider? able prominence and served In Congrats from 18?3 to l-'.T. Mr. Winfield v.-as chairman of the BeB-YOf state Democratic OonvenBon In 1866, and ern tncf-Attoruey for Orange County from le-Jl to 13,0. -? CHARLES _. WUITNF.V". Baw Orleans, Juno 10.?Charles F, Whitney, a well-known member of the New Orleans press, and for several yean past city editor of -The Times Democrat,'' died last evening of cancer of the tongue.' STtA RT AS EASY HISSER. TUT" GREAT FRENCH BACtt C-PIUSSS THK ORIXD I'HIZK (!F PAKIs. Taris, June 10.? The mee for tho Orand Piite of Tarls. of 100,000 franc,, was ran tu day and was won by three leagtho by Pierre Dobob'i ehoetaa, colt Stuart, by Le Destrier, out of ntofllh Bastin Mr.'s che.tnut colt Crowberry was second, ti.ree lengths ahead of Laren dc Soubeyran's bay colt Saint GnU, third. Stuart was ridden by Lane, Crowberry by Webb, and Saint Gall by Cannon. Th-- other - aad theta Jx keys were: A. Lupin's brown ddt (iilior (Storr); Ilaron de Soul eyrau's ches rna! eli i harli flirldgeland), and the same owner's chest tui! cdt Saint Leon (Rolfe). The la-t betting ff i 14 to i against -.tuart, l l ? ?_ to i against Crowberry. .", to 1 sgeittSt Saint Gall. 16 to 1 tgslnsl (ialaor, and ?j'! rn l , ? thcrif and Salnl Leon. i beril and -ilnt i.e,,!: mad-, tha running, w-|th Saint t;all third, and Crowberry, Qalaor anl Bruer! follow? ing, Phis order was maintained until Ihe top of the ? reached, wi mi Crowberry drew rdoncslde of ? .all. while Cheri! and Bal nt Leon feu beek. From this point smart. steadily gained on the leaders, and before the la?t cornet was turned ho v,as in front, coning hum-.' an easy winner. COB DITTOS OF GROW TX <i COBS A NP WHEAT. chicapo, June io.--'Tin- Tarmont B****1e**a ti.:-; week win *ay: " Btplen-flng of core B not fl in mat BstrleU, batta oil rs corn is up and __S-__| f;Br progrooa An uppreciaiiio laereaae this year ta Ott acreage plant,-d to corn is again noticeable from a summary of the reports from out- eotsB-ponOBt-ta, A summary of the reports from cur earrosjJbdSBtS nive tt.e following averages by States of the acreage t Ian fed to corn this yeer: Illinois. 104 per cent: Indiana. 100 il- per cent; Ohio, loo per cent; Kentucky. 100 l-_ per cent: Missouri, 104 per cent; Iowa. 1<-I per cent; Minnesota. BS 1_ BOT cent; iv-at'-as, 12". ira-r cent; Dafcota, |gs pe:- eent, cud Between, 119 per eent 'lhere appcan to be a decided decrease ta the acreags ot laud town ie ip-fiag wheal this year, a- compered with last fear. A summary of our reports gives ihe following averages by states,, of acreage ? sd, ss compared with last ye-ir: ItllnoU, '.'7 1-2 per cent: Iowa, ti? per cent; Mlnnosote. BS per conti Dakota, 'j^ per :.-.-br__a, Til ..ur sent,"_ TO XAME A GOVERNOR FOR MAINE. Bootoo, Juno 10 t6peclali.-Thc Maine Stato Re? publican Convention, which meets at Portland on Tuesday, June IB, promises to be a larpe and in fl ll sn tie I gathering. The candidates for Governor arc to havo their headquarters at the l-'almuuth House and they and their men will bo found upon the ground In force on Monday afternoon. The majority ot the delegates will arrive by sj-a-el-l trals Tues,liv morning The State Committee valli meet as usual -.,-tiing previous to the convention and win ai range for tao temporary orgenlsatlon and other emt lt is probable that i Haynes will be re-elected National committeeman bv the delega 'lacie being uo other candidate, so far a* learned, THE DODY OF T. HA BE180B GARRETT WOTPOUBD Baltimore, yans lOL?The United Bts Ostipee, Captain Burgh, to-day vtsltad the glaes \ T. Iiarrlsoa Garrett ssas drowned and fred lOVB-Bl l>i i.adsldes from !i -r eij-'ht-lnch puns to bring up the body by concussion, but In vain. I'p to a late hour ;ht nothing bed boee boord of th* body. Tho Wipe Bed yacht w_ partially rehted to-day and towed nearly up to ths city. A bolo Ave faaet In width tu fuund to have been made by the bow of thai steamer Joppa lu the side of tho ( Ju.*f baa.-- ol the engine room. Hie must ita-.- sunk -j soon as th>" Joppa backed off, as the hob- extended several bel below tho water Una, At the Associate Reform i Irirch, of which Mr. Garrett was a member, the pastor, the Hov. Wayland D. Dall, delivered a eulogy on the many good iiualltles ol the deceased and lu eharc-Ss prayers were ottered tor ihe ?flUetod family. THROWIXG HIMSELF FROM .* CUTT. Bingera Peile, June io [Special). Somo boys this afternoon dtaCOVOIOd the body Of .lames Uynn. I ?pleyee of Bingara -'ails village, a? the fool .,f tiie precipice, near ti*e possonger tuspeaoloe bridge. : three aaehs ego, and either lefl baai tl i .-iitt or committed lutckto. lt.- !:aai money das bim from ths corporation, bal was drinking an ; u hun last seen alive. FUNERAL OF EZRA RAKER. Huston, June io (Spcciali?The funeral cf Bare Maher occurred to-day at his summer home In I'.ev attey. It was attBBded by a lame and notable gath? ering, including Governor Abms ead Chariot PraaeBi Ad ams. ?-?? MISS CLEVEI.AXD AT BOLLAA9E} PlTFXT. Borne, B. Y., Juno 10 (-special).-.Miss Bose F. Cleveland has arrived at her country home In Hoi land Patent, where the will spend the summer months - ty LOUISVILLE DEFEAT EH EY KANSAS CUY.1 bOOanrB-*, Ky., June 10.?The ball .ame b*-dty wii asllsd ai ths tua of the ?iuh BmlBg, mi aeeeBBl Of min. Ti> th.H P<?'nt Bassos Otty lad, mainly up. error, sf the houae team. Tl.e score wss: Louisville.0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Ka-sa- City. 0 0 1 2 2 0?. l;.i?!_.ts-I.oulsville 5, Kshs-h City 5. Krrorn?iAraiis. ville o, Ksnsss City 2. PtKhaaa_Bassy md Tooi **_fllro Mr IBegaesai - ? THE WEATHER REPORT. BtfT-BBMBBf W-HOATIO-S?BOB94 norm. V/AeHtsuTOX. Jous lo?For NewKnsIsnd snd Ksiten Ness York. Ksstern rsnnsylvsnts, \as>- Jsraey. Detsvsara si,-'. Maryland. a,a!cssioosl rain, statioii.rv temneratnra., (si lowed tty oooler rjorUiweiterly or ss?staTlr windi aad BB weather. K?r Ohio, Western PsnnaylTsula amt Weiteru No-York cooler, {slr weather. fi 1,1 .,I TRIBCWB LOCAL EBVaaT OBSERVAnOMS. .vlfcLu"' ISSTSeiBJfl] _S__5s_2.CE -.-?S*aJ m BAR 1-CUal 29. *i In ths rti?sr_m a rostlnnoua Ima, ahowi tile *>aro~a?i?r r.a. iu_i,.,us -ester tsr, ss o.aervsit st tho I nit?t Statasi Hisosl vriim- stall..;i at thia cur Tho a?uiia-a iu,U.s_. t?S Uoauarstars ootaal ai lla.lnut'a yUsrma^r. '.IS Hruaalarar. Taisrss omoa Jans ll, 1 a m.?Cloals snd lansl-ai altarastsd jr-staKtUy wiu twa et t-rte shewsrs, sad -lah - - humidity, 81. The tes?orot-TO rs-**-- ba-twee- el" oed 7*r? thsoverage (WV) -*?*?f ? _? h-he-r thsn on the -otToipeod ..:.?? day issi year, and l's'* higher thsn on -aluMey. In sad nater this city to-day lhere will pr-bobly ba raia follows* hy coe! er. fatr wootha.. ?-,. rn FI RIX 9 TR lt EB SHOT lt AT A "WWABFBAT." Whllo on duty st t-0 wharf of ths People's fis-i.'ffht Company, In South Kl-venth-st.. Brooklyn, ycstcr-sy morning. Edward Hotrisa-i. ths witc-imai). ssw s attn at tho end of ths whs rf. Wham he seeoaUard him the man rs ve sa insulting reply, snd he drew his revolver snd fired two shots In the slr to Intimidate the strsng-T. Tba, latter drew his revoker risl SAWS Ui return. Hod? man then fired s third slt-t tUr-cUy st the man snd be (Usoppesred. It is not __a_wn whether he wss wounds*. md fa-.I into tbe wster or hail a boat la whleh he socaped. The police liiveatUMted tho ma tier sod decided thst ht wss s " wharf -st" who wes- seeking for someU-ng r ?rieL ,-T'K'IAL TRAIN TO CHM'AGO UM-1 MIMI, plot and alternates ,1th their friends leave Grand tent ral Station u 10 ~B- a. m. .Satin day. 10th Inst., arrlvo Chcago at isl .Vc-lock noon on Sunday, 17th BBB, A dilling car w;U ne attacked to tialn and run through to Chica-o. aloa.-ping car accommo? dations and excursion tickets can he obtslue-1 at BOW-Tork Central ticket ollie a-. 4 lil. 7*5 or _.-_ Broad wsy, ll Park place. Grand Ce sti-1 Watton. ?_ West ladred-aad twenty fifth st and One-hundred-ai-d thlrty eighthat Station, .Ww Yo -h. or SSS \V_shlng?nn st., Brooklyn. TkOOS not aleslrlng aa-commaxlations on tie speeUl can procure at t u io office* excursion tickets tu i hie seo and return; good going June 14 to naive, aud for return putia- unttl June 2? ln clUsiSa-. _ _ * Ht trifling wttb a canch ra ?sy a one allows himself to drift Into a c-nditisn favorable te tba* dsvelopmeat of sesse latent dls-ase. th.-reafur takes full peesea sion of the system. Better sure your et id at once With Ur. Jayno's Expectorant, a good rsm idjf for Uiroat-aiis and lung affection*- .'? When yen reach home- worn out with overwork or ep pMtasod br tse heat. 1> tr a- the faa-e and hi nsls or whale psriou with Pond's Bx lt eat aad water. Neihisc ls so refreshing aud lnvigerstiug. Beware ot tn-'taUoas. .'. A_e!'rttisl*nbititBtsfornsM-a*_sp'.lls anst crnde mia, eral waters is l__B-_t*e Ski.tzf.s Ape-ibst. Plan', rh!<*H?l?*e Instantly tHalnfa-a-ttt snd chenilcsllv u?utraiUea all dlsosse.bre?*e.UB.< i hen- is no h.msa-ho ,1 need of more vital trap-nance Uus niatciiless disinfectant. The Brat lll?h-( lana (Ik a ret? rs. Ki_noy Uro*.' 8peeU_ Fotou-s. MARRIED. ALR-RTSON-WILLIS-On Fifth dav. "txth month. 7t?, HSm, st th? r?i.,lenoe of the Ort.te'a motha-r. Westbury, long Island, by Friends' ciremonr. Marv W.. Sssrtlsr of t sherm-a _ sad ihs Ute Samuel Willis, to J. Aagustt-S Aljeriaon. ,Yo'ice? of man i<i'/es inuit be iadortei with fall mama and addrtn. ________________ DIED. Snm'.jT, Juno 10, st hts resident*, 59 Christo, pliers*.. .J i.nen J. llogert. la his 8.M r?.r. Funeral SSSTlaoal me True Reformed f'utch Cbnreh. Perry, ascase -tb a_, eu Tuesday. Juse l.tu idsl. st _ o'clock p. rn. COLGATE?On Friday. Jane ?, Frances I-:ii*x.wlfs of theists CBssteaO. Colgate, snit dau.htar tl Ira. Perego. dsceosetf. Rllstlvss and friends sro lnnte.1 to attend funsrsl services st the Modiion Aveuue Mstliodlst F.piscopal Church, cor uer irOth-st.. on Mo-nUy. Jons ll. st 9 o'clock a. ta. Friend! ire reajuested not to aend flowers. rii.MST1 )(K-< >n Fri,tar, Jane S. Amelia Hnaaa, daughter of Hm late Jabez aud A maali- ' UCils ,e C'oinstoa*. i'.elatiTes and friend* are lnvite-l to attend the funeral -er Tiree ?t the resilience of her slater. Mrs. FrclerleA E. Dib? ble*, itt. 199 Weat Tot lia-. on Monday. June ll. at His. as, OROE-BECK?Os Saturday morning, siter a lingering llU n*sa Ba?BF P. Oreeatreck. wife of A. V. H. (Iroosbeek. USU leas sr uer late residence. No. 2. Culver-ove.. West Il.-r.en. N. J . sn MODitay evening. Jane 11, st 7 p. si. lBteriix-nt ,t i.reenstool, at lue con reuience et the ft?illy. Norwich papers pie ise copy. ri SB SalO-OlT. sa Fridar. Jnne S. 1=8.. Jsmes B. Ksrr. Kelattves snd friend* sre lurtteal to attend the funeral sar. Vices at h.a Uie ia*ideace. No. 00 West 48t?-st, Monday monitor, at lOu'clock. Kindlr omit SOBBSB 0*OB*TBS?Oa saturday, Jnne 9. Kstls A.. wlfeof Dr. Jo? seph O'Dwyer and 'tin.liter of p. f. Begs:. Furoral Tiiesal.T, Jnns Vi. st 10?. rn , frirai 8t. Vtacent rsc a-er'a Cbureh, i)6i!,.>t. sad Lexington are. p;?;,se jinn nowtra. Tit''MA*-On **.it lr-tay, Jone 9. In her'.-oth yeer Louie A-. ?! i-i:: iter nf Mrs. Anns L. and th- lats Wllltsm II. Thomas. Funeral fioiii her late resilience, ?-i_ LAf_yelle-svs., Brou--. Itu, Koaalar, I UM.-ll, at 5.0 p. lu. Interment Tuesday morning. Special -Cotices. A. Jneckei, llnnalnrlurer of Reliable Pura. Tl > I -ar,,., luor-aaje lu my business has made it neces for me la t-.tend my slor. and manatactarlua* facllitlea I therefore b.-x to lniorm you that I have removed my place of -BStBsas to ll EAST NTNF.TEFNTTI STREET, IV t'veer. Broad way and 5,tiav_. (opp. Aruold, Coastable a cal -PZCIAL FACILITIK3 FOR BTORAOE a B-PAl-B, C'olo-nbia Collrae SCIIOO^J OF LAW. IMPORTANT NOTICE. From the , omm-scemeiit of the scholsitlo ysar lt).*-!?'BO, the denToo of Bachelor ot Lawi will be conferred only upoa itatetaU hereafter iiiitnculitiii a for the first time who sh-U UaT-parm?da TIII'.EE YEAR*!' COURSE. F. A. P. BARNARD, LL, DM D. C. L. Pres Idsna I',111 titi shed ism t-utles trolnrr shroud or t>r the oountrr fer the summer, or those arl?a preter bavins to the risk and trouble of ms?lag l,r.rerTes-_c.. will do well to send their orders earl/ for illl*. -ICKLRATU' HOME-MAD Pl'.KSKRVED. BRANDIED. CANNED AND ?-PICED FRUITS PURE REI) CURRANT JELLY A KPE'JIALTT. Jadlies. Jami, 1'iesles and Mince Meats. I's*' rvtUi:.. put up in ail-as. Uoalds stored ui.ltl FaJL For pnc'.-s, roterca-ei. atc, addreii Mra SARA FT S. MrELRATH. -S3 Defft-w-al.. _Irro-lyn. N. T. T. M. Stewart. Cnrprt I leann if Work*. KM TT-.AVt _Send teroircilar- iel (Jail l.t?-1st lt._ fest OUee s..ti--e. Should be rrs. dally bj all latersstod, as cbanffos nay occur ar, any hilo. (.-????-? for ???-_?, countries oesd not bo apecla-Iy sd, dressed for dlapatch by say particular steamer, eti-spt whoa ll ii desired to *>e.i6 dup,. :.L-? of bant'.ug and commercial il. siimei.:s, letters not t-os-ct-lly ad-rsaneal being toni by the fastest vessels available. Foreign m_Js for the wa-.-s en-lins June ld. will elssa (pron.ptly '.ii sll eas*-) at this office as follows: HOBDAY?'At IB B m. io- Csutral America snd Month Faade ports per aieaoisUip Kau -larcoa. via Aspinwell (letiori for liiuiluai-.-, m?ii oe d.reeu.1 "per Sea Marco* ";. Tl'K**l>AV-At .30 p. m. for Braid and tho L? Plata couutriet. Tis Rio Se Janeiro, parr aieamship I'siama, ir, ui H-t.m.;ie. mli.ui. lor Oreal Britain, lrelaail. Kel. gium and IBs Nctlerlaii,!*. per steamiinp vis liuceostaiaru i letters for auber Kureirosu cos nine i mun l.- directed '' per AjH-oua " 1 : al 1 p. ni. fer St. Do. r...nio. Cane Uaytt sod Turk's Islsud per steamioiu (jmii. al i p. m. lot Piogreso, per sies-n-ip _I Ca Uso. W-DNF.HDAY-At 4 s jr.. for Europe, perItaaamth!p Atlee. tu Southampton ?_f ilr.-ui.a Letter* for lrei-ud most be dire, isl "per Afjer"). ut I i'.o a. si. for Iro'.snd, M aleaiaslnp City of Rosie, aria sjueeLstowa (letter* tor i.real Brttsis ami Kiiropeau couutr.e* must bo dirootsd "per City of Home") ; si 4 -O_. in. fer UalglSia Sliest, uer .tesmshiir' Warslan.l. via Antwerp ileiten nins, be directed "pair \\_i-lanai- it ll a. ta. for llaril sud B-iiuiut Is.'und*. i,er ?t?_iii*hio Alvena : st 1 rn, m. for -t. Croix and St. Tkerus- vii nt. Croia. s'?o Windward I?i*n_* d.rec:. per steamship Onnoeo. Hil BBDAV?At _._.)J|_Ba__Bt Europe, per steamship Oei lert, via PlyuioaiU, t'lieruours sad Hamburg (letiori tor Ireland must bc directest "per flslUll"). st 1 p. ra. foi s srspecne, Chiapas. TabascosmS Yuoiua. per steam ?ilia Ctr of tl-shiDgtosi letteri for and Tux ?t, a:u .uraM.-*. sud r?r ottter K*iloa?- Mates via Vira Crux, mult be dtre-ies "aer <lty of \\ oslnngton"). all p. m. for I'lirKrsse. nar steamship i'suauia, via felters must be directed "uni i'-aa?ia"). SATURDAY-Al 9 30 o. ta. for Irelaml. per Iteauuhln ??ervis, vis gaeeusuiwn (fosters fan Britain and ntlier Kuropa-an onsta-ies msst sertnectert "per .Hervla") st tl :10 s. m. har l.uiope. per steamsnip Kider vi* Mouth lainptam an t Breuten ilstUrt ior Ire..nd in ut bedirecle* "p..r Hl'.er ' si?: <o a m. fer Frsaee direct, uer sinamshlo I a>oniiau,:-.-,vla Uavroila-llsrsiauiL be i reeled--per La .Norm-n ne"' \ atti ;iOa- m. fir ?aa>lUnd direct, uer ste sm shu* Iiev.auu. via Ulasgew ile-i en must se diroetod " per IreToiiii" . ?! 8 i _. m. foi tht, Netherlands, vu Heller liam. i??r ileaauhip Amiter.U -u (loller* iau*t be directed ?per Ami'i-r Um '.. std ?. _ for Norway du en esr ?laMinsiitp Heiser (letters a.ust oe directed " per 00100*/') 8UNI)AY-At 3 p m. for TruxiUo. par steamsUlo lUroisL trom .***w-()rie_a?. st I P. m. B r Biuene.ds, per iloein ?his llsriau. from Nsw_jr,ean_ -???*-. Mstli for the Itsw-llxn lilan.1i. p?r if ?..n*;,.o Auatrslla ? from Kin rrsartaas), close hen June *l:t. si 7 p. m. .Mslls r?r ( hm a sud !_[,?_, per s-iamsliip u-e_uic ifroau Mu I-1 am is, m. rioee bere Jure *1_, st * .Hi o. m. Molls lot Hie **.M-i-ir islsuds per s.lp Tropic Bird from Ssa J-rannsco close nereJuue -_-. ?t *..:?. p. io. M.a. r,, Atistr.ina. Ne*/.eaisnl. Hsw.Kii*. Kiji and Somoaa ?. !.-r itaoms.i,. M-noo-a If. om (**n FrancUcoL ?e ..ere Juse -_4. si S Jo p. m. (a?r on arrival al New Tori .rf i-.eainstii;, Auraui,. with Ri nish mail* for Au*. tnt;-) Mails for cuba hy rad io Ta. ip*, ria., and theooe hy steamer, via Key West. IU. cloe- at thu office daily at 2:.10 s. m. .The schedule of closlns ot Trans-Psci_c malls ts arranged sn the i>re.uia:>tlon ot their oniaterruutaat .Terland transit !-, -^11 Kraiicia,-,,. Molls from ihe Beet -'rtTint on lime st -s I- rancUcoon the day of sailing of ?tasaus*rs are Sls|>at.-ba*4 llae s-meday ll KN RY O. r_AKi4C B, Postmaster. Post omoo, New-Yers. Juue 9, ISM I Riliaicns Xotirco. THE UNI'ARJJONABI-K SIN.-What ls ItV MMctal sermon 'o-uivol si Jane Slrvet M.-ihoai-si Kp.?*>>?_ " ""jr*1 Jil R*-v. XHUltA. UARiU-ON. STEPUEM Mi-iuurt*, l-asior.