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NEW PUBLICATIONS. TWELVE ENGLISH STATESMEN. WILLIAM THK OOM*\OBBOBt. Hy iBWABB A. Far.K BAX. I>. C. L.. LL I). 12DJO., PP- -00- MaonilllsB A Co. Thc now historical series to bc issued under the general titi* "Twelve English Statesman." opens with l*rofc*sor Fri-rmau's admirable mono jraph on William tho Conqueror. He has con? densed this biography from his great work on th* Norman Conquest, apuarcntly. nnd nowhere can a clearer, more sharply defined picture of thc Norman tx- found. In this competed form it is inevitable that thc historian's main views should come out in stronger relief than when surrounded and more or less shaded nnd softened by Ihe fuller exposition of Xiv- larger work. Ono result j of this is to produce the impression that the wrong*, and crimes of which William was guilty? j an ugly -Bl enou-*h?are r-crlmps accorded t ?> little weight in estimating his character. The fact indeed is not so. Mr. freemon has been compelled by the napa, of the work to dwell with emphasis upon those deeds of the Conqueror which most inflr.enred the English people; both his contemporaries and his s-MOSSSO-B This pisa, however, iiecs*itatea th- subordination of .-.hat may be called his personal career, nnd thus the events which in a detailed history attract | really excessive attention BoaBBBB of their dmmHtlc qualities, m v si em tn b ? slurred overbore. Profess >r Fre man i> n thing if n t con-cienticus. Ilis aim -BS always been to as.-.-: iain and pre? sent tftie trnth M cl ns ly as poodblo. It is dif? ficult in thc case of a man Ilks William, who, if ho did good, did it nine times ont of ten j indirectly and from a selfish motive, and begun by humiliating the people his conquest was thcr after to benefit, to reach a perfectly impartial estimate. Admiration for tin- foree and cruft of the Norman Conqueror B-BBt alwin*-* cont -nd with repulsion from his crooked morality and thc hollow subterfuge* by which hi sanctioned his rapacious deeds Tradition also his so dark ened his memory with vague charges of hld-OBI crimes, impossible either to lie proved or dis? proved, that little svmpathy nnd no ISSpeel can bc felt for him. Strong, capab].-, eh?nr-s'-oing. masterful, he unquestionably was: peculiarly fond I of pretences of legality rather than of legality Itself; but shrinking from no violenn- or outrage when in pursuit of any object ppon wilie, he had set his will. and. at least in his Inter -.-.its. sinking into a brutal despot, lt most indeed be admitted that eons;der.ibl i li-ens- - r quired in classifying him anion:' English astutv-smcn. His ?IsiliaaB?iieliip is much rata. to establish tlian his F.ntlisliry. As king of the English he may be admitted, bat be was not at ?ny time the choice of the English people. Professor Freeman insists, as his leaden well Imow, upon the magnitude of the benefit ciiil-i rd by William in establishing the unity of England. If the nation alaBM is to be.rognrded there can l>e no dispute as to this claim. Bat the impression made by William upon the En.l-ind of his time was certainly not of this character, and it maj* be contended that thc effects of his actions upon his contemporaries des, rv at least ns careful ex? amination and np;,ra s-m -nt ns the ulterior eon sequences, many af which he did not cont-mplate, and would not have labored for hal li-- ant ii ipated th, m. DoBModay Hook, for c\nmj'Ie. was created sim} ly and solely ns an engine of oppression; ns B means of tM-H-B-lng i;.\ation. conti*, at ion and the regrauting of stolen lands; an in.eiiious and effective device, no doubt, but directed against thc people of England, and in no way Intended ( to advantage tl., in. 'Die harrying of thc QortbeT provinccs. again. w;is a measure of ****el_leoo snd thoroughly malignant feroeitv: (he lees excusable because it was undertaken distinctly ns a punish ment for patriotism; for, of course, the pre? tence that the EngUeh people were rebels against this invader of their country was prepoeterons. For ft farsighted ruler, moreover, the deed was an amazing ono. It was n blow nt the vitality of th* country upon the health fulness of which i he himself depended! It did weaken thal vitality for several generations, nay, for several cent urns. It was therefore both a crime and a blander, end it, shows how large an element of pure animal ?savagery subsisted in the composition of the Con? queror. There is too an aspect of the Norman Consltt--l -In.-h ftafreect Freeman, -sith :,li h;s pednstaking snd inpartiality, has neglected. It, is Indeed B phase which, perhaps, no modern Englishman can be expected to take pleasure in examining, evan If hf can lie brought to admit, that it a'-tually rxists. We refer to the effect which the Nor I mnnizing of England has had on the subsequent l relations of fhe Knelish to the r.-st ,,f the world. | lt is the modern historical fashion to hold that j no such Normanizing really took place, bat that | tn eflect the Normans were aheotbed and ns- ! limilated by the i>cnp!e they had conquered. This ,'s doubtless the only theoreticiil com-x-nsntion for \ the Conquest available, and it lins been fully utilized, and nil ihe more freely, because after right hundred years a wide margin for hy pot lu sis Inevitably exists. Yet then are some salient, facts in the history af England since the Conquest which mny bc thought to Indicate that certain essentially Norman characteristics, sm-h as the habit of relying upon force and fnuid in external politics, survived nnd even kept a prominent position in the nation much longer than would have been expected had the alleged assimilation been ns complete as th" modern theory requires. To ippreciate the force of th;s consalcnstion the student ?f history must, however, go entirely outside of the circle of English historical literature. Fngland. as viewed by Englishmen, is?and the fact is loo litr tl* realiza-d-not the name us Kngfland regarded by Continental historians. Even thc legendary rec? ords of the Norman Conquest illustrate this. l'i-i lessor Freeman comments on the fact that BO British writer makes any mention of the oath said to have been taki n by Harold to William before thc invasion. I-Tofessor Freeman, Indeed, recog? nizes the tendency to warp facts in defence of nationality by inferring from tins silence the truth of the story about the oath, iu som ? fan ni But the tricks and thc cruelty which were William's weapons, and whi-ch all his tallowan tmployed according to their capacity. KMBChow con? tinued to characterize English foreign policy sd many generations after the Conquest thal one niav Slmost suppose some hitch in the proctBS of ibsorption of the Normans to have occurred; or lt may even be suspected that the ascendancy of the Norman blood continue,? far beyond the limits set by the new school of history. It is only poas_ bl* to hint this consideration here, but it may sug? gest an interesting theme for study lo those who like to pet out of beat'-n tracks. SOC- BS desire to obtain a succinct and compact acca.unt of Will? iam the Conqueror, viewed as a, benefactor to the people he only sought to aggrandize hi nisi -ll through, cannot do bettor than follow Professor Freeman in the little -Monograph here referred to. IC-to JHbH-i-ritma. JfNITTlXG-CROCHET. TRIBUNE E^vTRA NO. 94. CHE LATEST NU__BI_R OP T1IIS POPULAR SERIES OS ILLUSTjRATED MANUALS IX>R BOId WORKERS CONTAINS A GJU2AT VARIETY OF NEW AND BEA R_n PATTERNS. SENT P0-TPAI1. TO ANY POINT IN THE UNITED PEATES OB CANADA. PRICE 25 CENTS. ADDRESS HIE TRIBUNE. NEW-TOE it *T* HE TAV.U'X OF l-SS,** s B-BBBlOl ft _0 latfS paces ? i-'ia-ig i/.tts sf _i.i> iiow .ii loree, ia lull -.... ,,, , with tbe entl a Fra** IJst, sad other valuaMi- Tann In/or. j-sctou. Tiff .ely tar r.'srencs, and alwoluleiy rorruct. Pries 12 c*__u a coor. i-*ut>lUl_?d by "-he Trltuu,,-' Mob-Teri. ST,? pubHta.l.-m-. JAMES^ri.'KL.MAN ClTrKES WORKS. EVERY DAY RELIGION. 1 vol. limn. Ml 50. events un epochs in relicioes history. n.,aa ii Bee IBuat-eee- es. Haif-caif. e. _o. .\a-sT and cheaper edition. 12mo. *_. THE IDEAS OF THE APOSTLE. PAC? 12mo. ,1 99 SELF-CULTURE. Fourteenth cditlsin. l_mo. lt 50. Ilralfmit, ?s. Soul, postpaid, on receipt of price, br TICK NOR <fc CO.. BOSTON. F JJn-t.ttciion For Enys and Yourie- Men?City. A -CIR <~V LA HS OP GOOD SCHOOLS FREE. . tjtsia- whether tor boys or girls, and lo.-.ility preferred. ;. IC. AVERT. American Schr?l Bureau. _ W. latlh-saV.NJ*. Il PARATION r..i I.ill Cull,-c.- Examinations. Sum mar Her-aion WOODBRIDGE SCHOOL, bCRin* Aiicum l.t. n Base isi* ?' _ I NJVEI'SITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1.473 Broadway? I aaai SSa-s*.; list rear, primary, sa nni.ori.-iai and ?lisuhal depsritnents: Instruction thnmu.h. M. M. HOBBY-. W. L. AKIN. N. 0. HENDRICKSON. -Tins. For Both Sexes?-City. TTE BERI IT7. SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, WEST MADISON SQ CA UK. N. V. Open all sunni,-1. Als. Si-aside sumtuer Course. For Youno* Ladies?Citv. IB | IBS CHISHOLMS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Il Best o.>th--t., list-'-York. Will ssspsa September -19. Boys' Classes. Be*fB Bud Youn:? Men?Country. BRYANT SCHOOL Roslyn, L. T.. N. T.?Bearding Behool ur the biaiiesi >la?s fur boys; Primary, Inter nediate. Acad'-mle; Military ortsnltstion. GEO. BRUCft OORTELYOU, Principal._ -Hoi.!) INSTITUTE, li.-, hld, N. .L-Forty fourih veal ; fur boss and routis* men. Address Rsv. A. 0. ( HA.MHKILS. A. M., _'rluelpal. ___ (ELMWOOD SCHOOL COP. BO Yb.-At Milford, ('"tin. - Pavs-tits win, :ire unfortunato in the maim,, menl of Loir sou*. <s!il Jo well IO ptolit i.y the advantages utTerasd ,y db isBssl A-drsss i-t.ank m. howe, Knp't. 1 II.ELAND MILITARY ACADEMY, Worcester, Ma. H _|_d year. i Ul I in. s.-ia-ntitie. Class]..,I. C. B. METCALF, A. M., Superintendent IRVING INSTITUTE. Tsrtvtowu-on-Hudsnn, Offers un? usual a iv.ii ta.-. * to psrs-ts seeking th* best Instruction cr the. 11?, vs. A(1dr.-? A. -JUS ABM AC. Ph. I). VI iii HILL'S BOYS1 SCHOOL, BUlerlca, Mesa, 18 >| . ? kan ind 6 mil's from l.ussi-ll. on ths Sostoa ant Lowell ll. R. A .mo,riv sslecl lamil. School ol Bots from 7 lo 13 liii-luMvo; fall U-rm comm,mei ictobcr 1. S"nd lot circular lo M. C. MITCHELL, K M., l'l.ii, i| ,il OENNSTLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER I 26TII YEAR. A MILIT \RY uiLLEOE. Civil En 'tneerina, Chemist ry. Ar it-lecture. Cl.ssUs. prcpara* ?ry Depi I OLONEL C. E. HYATT, President. Ri, r'oRV stll'MiL, Haiti,, n" i<m:i.-F'i Boys, SJ0O-' 350; home Inituence.; tln.roir.-h school system: ex endive grounds, i \ miis-dum, bost house, lc. Aildr,-*,*, irv. li I. i vi ilKST, M. a., Rector._< f> n|-i',!Ns si ll,ml, Norfolk, Camn. li v ll, ni,- Saharol, prepailns hoy.* and roana nen fur l-l in,-. I..... Columbia sll th,' be t 11 achoula Instruction and thorouirb. h., horns beautiful, in a l-Hmsriaat.iy healthy town, lours (rom Ne* Ifork. Tim-. 1400. Tbs- MuBrst res* . ,s CU. Adilie--N 'or elrculST anl psrtlculsr-s. ? ? ,i \\i i -- s. rt isV'.i , l-rlnclp.-il. BUMMER SCHOOL FOB IiOYS.-I*e.'kskili Military ^ Academy, Juni 20 lo Beutrmbet 0. 'hs. Sand for ?ular. JOHN B. TILDEN, A. M., MD, l-eeknkll.. NY _? UM M l ,. s HO '.'. FOR BOYS. ? *5 AT THE Ult. -N : iCHOOL ROSLYN, L. L. N. Y. JUNE 21 TU ?1 n I MBKR 1. -Thc ben localed and mo-; successful >r thc Bummer 'chools for Boys" : proper!] beautifully mmh t<-d on salt every fsciUty for m.ody ana Nsnausa. wat ?tSioffUS ai.l>is' t ? * (".lu BRUCE 00B-~gLTOTJ, PHi-rlo-l. CMMER si BOOL st WawraB Hall, Peekak_B, N. Y. or circular address COL. C. J. Will C. HT, A. M. (3U*. *5 . SI BOOL, NORWALK, CONN 1 " r Moderate oii-i _,->. For ctrculai sddn f. 9. ROBERTS, IUMTV COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN.? Exsn_ns tiom f, alni -lui- -ill bs bell y Berkeley sn....,!, n 11th -I , 0n Mondst, Tuesday ani Wsali.-S-ay, Juno '?',, 20 and 27. I fnnttai psitlrulsrs -,, FRANKLIN II. lO'.VLi-.R. IM Wea .".?".'li-M.. M. Y. _ THE i'EEEKKILL MI LITA RT ACADEMY, FBsBa lull, N' V Sen i for (' 'sloaua*. JOHN N. TILDEN, A. M.. M. D. Prlaelpst Ut BST JER-ET ACADEMY, BMDGKWN, N. J. k Horns tor Boys. Select, UK-rough, SBceessfaL EstabUshod 31 years. Terms. *:joo. i-,--\, ii-,i. $' ii Gk _-Ll N, n. a. (Euc). ll.l.M ll Al.s . ,. nK-Mirt |.|, ia I W. B'IGNEY, i'll. D -|||| A YEAR FOP. BOYS. SWITHIN C. BUORTLTDGT!, A.M. fHnrvard), MccLa li'cim.i Academy. For Youn? Ladies?Country. BAQUET INSTITUTE, Short, Hills. N. J. ; n_llsh, I' -I- ii, I," I uensisn I oara_n_ ami itav si hool lur < '??? . li Ui *? Primary, intern Date and coil ni -. Early sn 0: stion !*? 'i sirsble. Harriet s. baquet, PrindtasL _ HOME ntit DAY SCHOOL FOB OHU.S. "THE ELMS," M>t'i..:-.'-1 i Mass. M-.s- Porter, Principal. Pa p .. || iltlafd to Vs-sar, Wtllesle/ nnd built;! on our cor tincsta?. Quincy mr timi for children. _ MW, AliELE BREWER sslll ba cia I 10 reeetTS i ujails i* mile children in fur home nest -tater. il 13, sar. J. is. MORGAN t CO., __ Old BroSd-sk, London, England. After '.hat, KUn-li l.rldi,-,-, Mass. lil its. IL <-. WILLIAMS' KELECT FAMILY S( HOOL lil lull vm M, LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, Amherst, Ma.--. From sent. 1.', '88, tu June 17, 'ki bend n.r Circular s.oii.._e AdsanliKcs and prt-paratlon foi Collegs;._ Bf CLEAN SEMINARY, SIM SH IRY, CONN?Home l~_8c-oot. y,.ui,-.- Ladies. Beautiful snd lu .iitiif-ji loea llon. Tine hours fm.ii Nets york. Half hour from Hartford. Address Rev. J. 1!. MCLEAN._ ROCKLAND (i'll IiiK. NY At K-ON-HVDCO_r. vs ni bc open durii.K summei for purni? Send for circu? lar saith lull part ' . ' ntei nt any timu. W. ll. BANN1S1 ER, A. M H Principal. YE SEMINARY, RYE, NEW-YORK. For p?rtlculsi-s a( Mrs. 9, J. LIEFE, SEVEN GABLES.?MRS. V.f-H oVl"> BOARDING Behool fir Young Lnili,-*. Briageton. N. .1. Cor tl 3 eats admits to Wellesley. Prepares foi sny C?MJg-;. In Ute piney region, i ii,mt. of i..ak.->s.l. v J., but milder. Pure spring (ivmii.isium sud Sun l'arior. ir un ap, "cJtM*-, STAMF<?RD. CONN. MlM Aiken's Behool for Young Ladles and Children; tummcncei Oct. 3. IH6H. After July 1. addie-- CATHERIN- AIKEN. _South Yarmouth. Mass. 1-Hl MISSES Wsl'.i.t -. Bt5.VF.biN- ANO DAY Ifoung Ladlei ss iii ,.u.-n Sciitemtrcr 20, si M Riyai 1 -'.. New.Brunswick, N. J. *1*RINITY HALL, R-vcrly, N. J. EsMhllnhcd UNT, A thorough home school for twenty young lsdtas. Varied sdvantages of the highest order. Careful 'raining In min. ncr, mind and heart Solid culture In English, MuaJc, Art and Languages. A prescribed course for stn,nets pro pariag Xor any col,,ma, Tws-ty-flrsl year begins bcp. tcmbci- 27. i-\?r cm-ii'ar sddrsss tin- prlnelnsl, _RACHELLE GIBBONS HUNT._ W'U.M'T .'.'Ni scliiMiI.. ri'K.MlKl.V MAHAME " Clealent's?Boa**?lng and fiav Behool for young lsd c-; .1.1 v..?r np.-ns September 19; A.- ilemlsnl' sud Collegs Pi psrston Cot ros; Pupils eater Wellesley on our exaiuljiatlran. Eur .-in ul:,-s. addiass Miss ADA M. SMITH, i, Mi . T li RICHARD-, 1 <:. -in.: loSTij, phils, \\r EST WALNUT 8TREET I'.oa P.DlNi; SCHOOL lor '? Y-aUng Misses nnd Little (Uris. l-.-npcnr-. S,.pt. Huh t?Uj year). Miss J. TRA UTM ANN, Prtaelpsl. Catalogue on appBcatlo-. 4,3ui Walnot-st., phiiai'a.Pa. AMERICAN ANO POREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY supplies prof.-sors. Teachers, Tutai.a. (Joven -c.. to Colleges, Schools mid P-mllte*. Ajiply to _ MILS. M. J. YODNG-ITJLTON, 23 Union Sguarc I BEST Ti A( mus supplied; no'e^srge. TEACH* -k. Kits registered fur 20 cuts for pests.*; va> llwayi on hand; form fur stamp. R. E. AVERY. A tu,.-ri tan Behool uu.-.-.-iu. _ Wen Utb-sL. N. Y. '1*1 rolls, govern - i, pi - ? . t ic is: ,i, branehesi _ rtreutari a fa eli -?? ? ?' esrsrel sdries tu parents; ',-? man ind Bpsnlsh spoken. MIRIAM COY* RI ERE 8J East 17th*si . bet Ithjtvo and Brosdwsy,_ 117OMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BUREAU (for *? truth sexes- supp profs sara, teachers, gov.'inessa>?, n.usiri.-ms. ho,is .keepers, companloas, #c, t>, soUages, K-hools and f.-.mllia-K ; also bookkeepers, atcnographera and eopylaii ut ' 'i- ti-" fi rm?. MRS. A. D CULYER. 3-0 .'rth-ave.. New-York City. C.ui-cn- -tlotius. ffXW-YO&l CENTJUL AND III OSON BIV-EB RAH, BOAB COMP iM ''MliE UK Till- TP.EASERER, At.,,,,,,.,.., New-York, June .-, I*s88. I>.\1DKMm?f FOUK PKKCKNton the un hun ,?.,."? ,:"' NEW.YORI* ANO RAR9-EM i.Nil.Ai. ami in D80N RIVER BAlLJtOAD OOM ss-.-e,, t)',.'>,T; '""'"' ."'" ProrlsloBl of BM contract las. u^ next - '>. ?:' ' i"'1'?? ? '" "l|s "m,',! ?" ,h'' ** -7 "I _? ll-H. " ""'" '?' '"' k" ~Ul I,- el,.-,. 1 || ;, ?-,.f?rk -' m.'. ?**iyS mm. i"'"t" a"!l r,"?""e<1 at 10 ?'cJoc** ,_ B, V. \V. ROSSITER, Treasurer. OFKICt Of _.|_ I,Ki.AW_l.E _.\|, BCDOOS CALA!. SO.. ) /.,... ,,,?,. NBB-Y.BK, -Say 19. IMUS. { Lo8^r??_^LT DJVIJ/i;.\i) nf ONE snd * this a. nipa ti- win bc paid at Bm Oftlce ol tho wrnpsny! Bbs ll i'.s" <l' '?'' lh*', ?-?_'" ** *'id *"?''* SttStf, The trsasiai -books -va. iii te closed bass Bm close of ??BIBS to-day unui ih,. n.oriiln^ ul .san i-ST, *uns HJ. By order of the Hoard of .\fanaufrN _ JAMES C. HARTT. 'Ims.iP.r. [ OMUARD l.\\ _STM1_NT it'.MI'AXY. u_l_ si ?___?? "" ""' (.'?irani, id Ga of this eoa-panr, dus (une 1 amount,,,- ,? Jn^ggo ;,7, win tra* paid on present," fork on aV .o' of. ,h" ,' ""r,,T- 1?>l- l-ro?dwsy. New. rora, on _na aJt.-t June 1st, \titti _WILLIAM A LOMBARD. Secretary. 1M1K ANNUAL MKKTINd of the -rtorkhnld m rt .*ri.i,!.<l,.l'MA-s' AMERICAN BEAL BSTATB ./^,r V- , "' ?'?? '" '"?? "" el.-.ilun of dlr- lan it r .r t,a.- iraaaaruoa ot sash mtier tm-4n-*sa as mat ".' ii"'Li . ? "?"'"??'. wi" b.- held on Thursday, Juna, ? . a-1V. ' "tio*;k na., .I 3' ' -? New. erk city. A K()].i>;,,, boeratary. <TT*g? SOPS OJ "i-KN-AIR SPof-TN." ,?,,-..,. MO * |,.'|-<*. muslim,-.. T|1L. st.n,iUrd authoiltr on .tn. M. in up. i, a,, ainu-, ma-nts. Rubs tor a_lliii|.', as'v.ln,. ling, ball .,,., .hoot I ni.'. hor*--t,_,k ilallng, sta*., ste ' flr1- v*i C.', '""}' i*'ibllrha-d by The Tribune, Niw^ <rk. BMNVMSI and u-lversally cOuiplUneniad l?y ths financial. HjbMAnAI HURT CMPsIT, KO. IO WALL ST. NEW-YORK. CAPITAL.?I.OOO.OOO D-BJKTXOH I: Fr. Ormond French, M. Y. H. *?'0*3*?*> g' J" ll I (russ M Y J..IUI R- 1" N. Y. ll I ll --liVn-ta Boston. T. Jct. Cu'iilu. Jr. Bolton. Au- H no" j" ?' Y. James O. Sheldon. N. Y. I-VU'iiioU1 V. V. A, s. ll ?tmarn, N. Y. ( r I is iiii..i.- N. Y. Wm- l-"n'l- rt. V ? ?' ii-.'i's", N Y. Samuel R Shipley. : lilla. I,, v Ts- N. Y. ' ? T. Wilson, B. Y. ii.-i.rv i-i.r-t7 . Li.-t*,*. ?o?a I. Watartm-. N. Y. Viands Ormond French, -r, -id.-nt. luhn I Wu tar bu ry, Vice-President. Anihorlted to ace -pt and execute Tru-t* of .-v.-ry de. M*Trustea for inv-s-ment snd minaRement of real snd '"'Vil-ifu-iiV*!.' Uiiofoats subject to chccnue throttKh the Cleari.ii-l.'i'U-e. lu-glairsr and Transfer Agent._ 1 F.'ITFRS Wsbnr and sall Rilli of Kt 1.1,1 ii. - eBBBJN on snd mukra esbls __ tiansiara ot nioner ts Kuropa. Or Australia ami tim Wost In? dies; also make rollsrtions PM VII IT sn,l Issuo Commsrcisi and i_n,.a_-__. TraT-illae ('reins, .-a-aiiabl*. In rail par ia of tha world. BROWN BROU, ak CO, BANKERS, NO. 6-WALLsr. " Notic-Tof SaIe~of Bonds. t-V-UUBOf COI NTY CLURE AND RECORDER* OF JE1 1 -ERMiN COUNTY, Bouldi r, Mont., Mny 1. I SSS ) _r? wi LIB is har. i,y niven thai ti... Board <.f County Conv mis.ioiH-i? of _e_erso_ ruuniy, Montana Territory, will Sae? torTatoito Sw hlfchest blt-der foi cash, on tl.e lt-th _v of ?n^ A. la- lAii, a. 18 o'cluek ,.,. nt BM ,?,-.; aa Bould-r. th- eui.nty teat Ct mid matj, tho ??,,,?? bondi of ssld eounta; <?> tha amount ..f mr y u,I-, nd S40.00O) dollars Bald toonda ahsBtoeoJ Um denomination ol tis,- hundred 104CO) t-Bsrs. aad Sated the _r of the tala thereof, i nayable In twenty K-rs after the sim Me after Bvo years Itmt "aid dato si sue- Bom ms Um -mt beard sksB 0 i.-.iirliie, snd shall lH-ir Intel -M a, the rial.- of (v Bet eeni t*i- annuni, Intere-M payable aemlsnnuaUy ob Qm n.M rlay of January sad Jail ol mali .di il.d payable al thc tiles of ibo '-'-.surer of -aid _Mto_Cpruia._sls fur the parc-MS ur MM bonds win tot r.-,.,., l ,,i the office of the I ounty Clerk, si taAA tnas-n of li, ul t-.-. up iu s.,,,1 ni-.- ol Mle. 6*W h-nds win bs -old i , the hlgb-st cash bidder, bat as bonds will bc aold for lees than ti"- pai valos ih.r.-of. ^,,1 bonds v.lll I"- Isa 'iel for the purpose of era-nnj* a eoiirt I,ouse under authority of .sections ','50. 7" >. 7'iC and 7'.?7 of tie- General I.jiss, hid Division ?f UM Conuitled Statute*, of M nuns, snd undei sa clecUon held Ihi'ieundei ou -I. A. I>- I--", ll "hl.h tims UM bald board wjk suUiorltCd to Issu1' bond- to -_:J aiiK-uiiL Bs oiJer ol tin- Board, __ ?___._, _ ,., , s iia.s. e .*? n.\ ins. r,,. ([ark._ 0 THE GENERAL i 0NSOLIDATED MOUTH .M. I. BONDHOLDERS OF THE T ot il-,' Interest <-f the bot i , . -. Tin,.-, shod slra I.i>... I their names, fl lil,---, s ,,-,.! (h.- SS-OUUI ul t. li'.- tala'.' a?-|iH' ?nt lu lily member of the Committee. Prompt sctioa is imp-ii-iit. EDWARD b. Mt Vis. Winslow, Lanie? A Ca, 17 N'ii-*i,i-st, WII.U \M E. BUL .. lr Co., 88 Br, .ul--**. william w ii iii.w RIGHT, tinton Trust <'? mosny, 71 BrnS'lssaT. WILLI A'.. M KIHI NS. I, s-,,ii ll.' ii,., i.ii - Co.. BO Wiall-st. WILLIAM I STRONE., _ Work, St rom: <_ Co., SO Rr sd-St_ si.f Illinois, Trna i Snilngnel I, June 1, 1088. THETRFJ -n.TIM)!- THE STATE OF \h A LINOIS will pal al the .MERRAN -XOIANOE NATIONAL n\Ms. New-York I ly, '?? i July 1 to 21, l.-.-s, inclusive, matured l>?t-r. -1 on ILLINOIS REGIS? TERED m i"mci pm. BONDS, and ihe principal ?f ms* tu rs.-J or cali,- I bunds fur si li'ii fun ls hsve f.- . -> a provida-d. JOHN R. TANNER, 81 iu Tr es surer. OFFICE OF HOUSTON] WEST STREET Sc l'AVONIA FERRY lt. ll CO., N... 41S East 10th-M. New-York, May -'?. 188-. The annual eleetlon of Dir-ctora snd Inspectors of Election will be held il thli offlee on Tuesday, June 12, 188.. i. '-...'? ii the hour* "f 12 m. snd 1 p. ai. 1). ll. H tbBROUi K. fi.'-arr. ri* Hi. s; Ct \"n ANNI AL Ml Ki! M. of the A itooiahol Vassal lin di; A'srni c. will ul tbe Com] ...: Bra _wuy, Kew-York City, on Thursday, June li, issn, ii _ o'clock R. c.. VASSAR. S>--r.-'iiry. flfitakcrf- daij Broknr-. P. ?/. G.sLL3,UDET & 03., BANKERS, COM Mi:**" AL TAPF.R. STOCKS AND BONDS. L'NITKD DAN is BL II.DINO, WAUUST- CORK EB Ui.OAiiWAT. II. IITCII. Jr., NEW-YORK, Merr.b'-r N. Y. btock Exchar.g VERMILYE & CO,, BA-YKERS, 1G AND 18 NASSAU-ST., IYew**??rk City. Dealers in Inreilmiut "?-.- i ? ,im. A. Gtcamboiit, -NEW EtOIJTIS. PROVIDENCE LINE FOR BOSTON. I'ROVIDF.NCK, WOBCE8TEB ami all p .Inti E\ST, via Dosi ea or Worcester. H-HMH BBODI island nd UASSACHTJ-XTTS I b-ave Pier 29 N. E., f(x,t of WaM.-ii-*t., at r, :30 p. m. j daily, (xuept Sundny, eon?eeUng at stssuners1 irkarl with SXfffass 11ain for Boston lravin** 0 a. rn, artisin-j Bo*-t?a T:ll t. m. Pal-Ma cats, toss- tqnl] i nt; fall alfht'a rest; slu.rt rall rid-.-. BoatH l's rHMWMd -K-SSUI uu .-jrli sta atni-r. A LBANY H()ATS-I-EOPI-L'.S LINK. J\ Steamers l,P.i w and DF.AK RICHMOND ;? as- Pim il, N. P.. foo' nf Csnal it., al . p. m. dally .-iiiii'.iis - exoep-.i '. s_RKIGHT reeel sd until thu hoar et dopartare. A?THO. BOATS?St-anicr-i SARATOGA ? and ( 1 IV OS I BOY liaktS 1 or i-la-.tric Hillls, leare |in-r4? ST. P., fo?! of ,l*il/, exceia r>.atur day, d Va ui. sun,las ;_..:?. r i? ., ns* ,i a . -? -, /CATSKILL, JII'JJ.VJN ANI) COXSXCKIE. \J RT-XOANT MTAMI'K KAATE-t-aKILIa Icavoa liom toot Jj.r st., V K., evoiy Ti't'.Mi.w, mi K-DAl sn. SATURDAY at 0 |>. n_, eoo?ecti-g vslUa BusUiu aud AlbanT Rm:road. ( MOUNTAINS. The Od Uoute \J QUfCKKhT, < ii:.\pi;st AND Bl >r CATSKILL DVENINt. LINE itostM-rsT|eaw ov,.rv ?-.-'h da] i 0 I- m. from fool of Ju- *? n i- ,,,,i,,,. ., lng asm. c. m. sad Cs rio p.. k. i ,? ,?'?.? uh\.. \ J, ,. beusas, ral -. Sc., send i.,,,?-., or sdUress ' ._W. ?'? im'oiii ?:.-.. i,.,-, i ? t -..iii. n. y. PALL JMVi.l; LINE JL foi R'-ion, Newport, Fr,:: River, l'r ,\1,lenee -,,,,i ALL K>_N._ EAST, biesinei- PtLtiRIM and lUuS 1"l- Lesvi N - -, fi ,ir 1 ?, _H s,',.\ iLVrr ffao of Uarray-SL, daily, HU ND AV- im i.i i,i ;,, .,\-". ", v Kuli Bight's re ?.. Exores* li al ni leavi p. v-i . -'o and 7 :-.'r a. m., dm- It.r-i .n . ? ,., . ,,,,,,.? ,Y_ leave lt *?t,<u n p. m. weoh dav- ; p. t?. bundara du,'. New-Yorh *:30 h. ,?. AN CltCJIl'.STItA ON faCll STEAMER Connecting ANNEX IJOAI hates Rroik. lyn -I :Hn j,, m. Jewel city 4 p, ?.. .*.,.., j ,,,?, ,,. .. ?_ sumps for c py "f - OkI Colony ->r Pllgi i lilarfuisely illu-lial. J S-BUIMM b...ri 'A l.tdily ullL. | Sl'ECIAL NOTXCE. T',e DOTJBLK si KV Hi. aili be resumed for tho summer *-;i-,,n eomn nclng June ld, ]->-- g, . will leay,- New-York a- 5:30 snd 0:15 p. m.. foi iii Stn jM.mts. Hann., ledrtng at, ths la'ter b.iur ssih louch at Ni-saport St ,*i:I5 a, m. Sundays, saul i.-.,v, ,\,,,v ^ ors s- ,", _J0 d. in , tym - ti .i- N. >s inht.^ HUDSON HIV LI, li) OAVL1(J_tT iiav line Si cam ;.;:.*-. NI ,v Vi.p.K AND ALBANT. daily (except si.i, I^ave Brooklyn. F>ilta.n-st. (by,> . .... no a m. Kew-Yr.ik. V,-tryst. Pier.fa 40 ? " N, ?-York, wfc,i 2_d l Hlei.aj w ? tor ALBAN V, landln, al W.-st P..I,it, Ncrbur-i Poiiirli. keepsle, UhineU i.. > .it-Kill u>.J Hudson. Raturnlng. lea-re Albany. ..8:30a. m. A Bm HAN l> ac - b, \ ?? saeh b< at-_ "^ MAR. POWELL FOR < ELVN'STON-S. WEST Axl Point, toriiwsll. Newbarg. Ni-w-Hambure Ullt-n l'oii.ilkeepsli-. Hs.I- P.i.i. IL- mi.ut anl Ism. ? ,'. j ,,...: WeeT-SJ .it Vi-r rv M it lt m. I \N--- -J.d-s 3.3-, n Ul e\r.jiiiii_ Saturday* win n abo iMiadf-lls hour sarller. \]Ol,\VfCU LINE for Hosttni, \\',,r(.,..t..r 1" l'orlland, Wew-Lsndsn. Norwich, White Mmlin.lns ai'i ii,'Ut. North sud F-^t. Steanwra leave Pier aa, ,?|j ..,.,' Uri. Noni, Kls-r. foot of Wstts-st (next pier shove De bra,rasers.s|. ft rn I, ila4ls, Sundays >M ,-|,t?,|. a, , ., , Thi- Hm bas mienusll-ai facilities for han ll|i,_ _?_ (jiVr-l i ullug freight t.-irsrurhout .N. -I ii.l;..?i one .i,.,,,,,, taili was- dally, szcept Bundsys. sxrlusivel, t.n frH-iYi Tickles and Htat.- IsV...-iii* viin.l ?t 207, 261. _3_ -j',- "a,-,* Itroadsasy, lp and 1- Greeawlch-st, 15J) Bnwerr in Brxrolalyri, 4 Covtl M . :>.'<') Ws-bliaSl-.ll , ,.,,,' it At Pier 40 North River, and on Steamers ________________________ !__ f-ftADT, Agent >ONDOUT, KINQSTON AND (-'ATSKlLlaMol'N'iAINS, ITY OK KINORTON leaves a C TONING TON LLNL.-'IJn-....]-. ,|;ri,t ,,??,; *~t,r Watch lilli ?nd Nair.,..,., , ,.' Slid Jaolnts In Rhode Island. Throw .la csrs ln-twa-,-ii sta-amer.' landing i j*ar' "*," 1-ler without ehsngs. Stesro. .* leave new |i!,r an \ ll ra alx.s. i .,,,,1 *f . at ?"> P- m. dally, . ,.,. Bt Knn-i.' arne blor rPo NEW-HAVEN, 75c. ' 1 \" fllsliiS i.,m.! 1 i.i sun Lil draTSC SJ 2y ?.kiju. THE MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. l-cr aNurth River. Vessels and RaKroads. 5.".Oi Peet, pkrra... ?0| Cut meats p Ki pi-.' I.-a I1, pk sa.. lltlf_J>l.,ees... H. mo Batter, pass IChsese. p?'I .0 D Bess. Ns. 7t*>, Ts'iacco.ek* __l r,,i>sc.o, nds ll,' W_.ls_7.0_la 70 Bean*, tibia. 1 ID Cotton. oaie-? 434 Frrs. bt>is... SSI Far.*, ease..,1 Fio-r. piss-. 18,lo7 I M.-al. -I'.is. I.Mi C lle-l P.sys sin Wheat i isa. 9H.400 rom. rois-. K' 1,880 (,?l..l,:is-i ,. l's.l? (I Mall, tm 'I ?- "N'.'MHl Pi-ss. boab.. Oatmeal bnls (lissiii. pkss Hopi ..iles.. Le?,Vl Saints Cirrj. !,-'? . bbl*.. Ts., bbl ... Pit, li. bills... i'm-, ness.. 1-5 800 a,v io ti'.j *,*<n fl, Ml 14. ia* HA 301 G-S-s?BA]L MAKKKT E-B-0-tT_L COFFI-W, In Rrar.ll irrnwths the market was s dnll one, -nd ealaas sv.-r.- largely unuiliial nt th,- basis of 104 for fair i Invoices. 'Hm mild, r irrnwths were also dull .ml nominal. In tho r-pei uliatiou tb,- movement wss quito ,, ii,.-, i :i tales i-.m.-iiiuR .Vi.jiHi boK? Imiiiri Um two hours ,,r iii,- session, ?lille rinsing prices rt prc Minted a dtclluo of 25- lu points for the dav. .losing prlesa, 10. Kia? 10.15 10.10.10. IS IO 10,10.18 io io,, io ia 13.8IV4 IS. SO 12 10412.20 11.80_-11._S 10 40- I'M Month January . | ? April . "May . . .lui,' . . July . . - September ? November ! Ssl ss Mlltiest. Lowest Ba.s. 10.00 10-lS 10-15 10.00 10 -15 10.15 l..'.oo 1,000 2,500 IO 16? i'.'.'.o 10.104-1 d. IS 10 25 18 50 12 lt.*. 11 15 in ,n 10.20 10.20 ia. 30 12 10 11.10 10.35 10.10 730 2,500 7.500 14.,vm 10.750 8,750 10.1O4T0.16 10.20 10.05 9.750 i OXTON?Spot prleets ss.-r'- ti... changed, but the market wa. firm- Males, 400 bales. In.-lulim* -TO bole* for ,-ou ?ait'iptloii and the balance on specidatlve ,. At the trotts Saturday's report In .Irate* rcealiits of ftSSO bales. eaimparlng with 8,278 hales thi* d.iv inst week, and 520 t/il>-? for the o,r responding 'ins- issi year, sine* K.>ptemher l (the begin? ning of Oi" crop yetti the re.vints have .-iRureitatel S.987_0-9 bales, eomparlng with (,171.90- halo* for thu mMttaaawA inc date last year. quotations based on tho American standard of cia ssl An? si,,n are: Uplands. 7 1-4 7 I 4 8 11-10 0 8-Ki fl 9 1 0 0 13 10 Gulf. 7 3-8 Montha. I Lils- . . ? *? pt niber |,.-i-,-in:.-r , I . . February . , March . . April ? ? Ms* 7 7-1 S 1.1-10 . ft -10 9 11-10 0 15-10 10 1-8 10 3 8 10-11-10 ii lie 11 11-19 8 13-18 lt 5-8 Jlinnest. Lowe*-*. Saie 10.01 10.10 10.19 9.71 0 19 t, n '.. ,0 '.' I ?J 11 ll,, , loo; in IO -., so ',' 4 7 li H 9.40 ti. 17 ll 54 4.800 8. MOO 10 '100 _.7i'0 3.4 ot) ?-'mi OOO ,'rllil loo firVTinrv. Strlel ArPnarr . . flood Orllnarv . . . Strict Wood ordinary . . Low Mlddllnc .... ?si-lct Low Middling . . Mi-ldilne.ff ?. l Mi linne.10 1-4 Rtrtrt Good Middling.10 910 Middlltis lair.10 15-10 rail.ii o io STA-MED, flood Ordlnarr . . 7 810 I-osv Middling Good ordlnarr 77 3 Mldlllrig I,, peCUlStlve ,-inrk.-> ,,;.-i ? 1 al lui iils.-ni'-.- of 3 pallita ,.i, Desi and '.:' 2 points on late months, and closed steady st a fui-bei advance of l point, bair*, 3-<,uoo balos. (;iiising ari east . . lo 09 lo lu . 10 l- ,. 10.10 9.70-'J 71 '.' ' '.' '.' 0.47-0.48 0 544053 !i ?24fl 08 '., 7". 11.71 '.i 784'.).79 FLOUR WT) MT \l. I I., M P.-1'.'iv-M sMll bave thc advantage. : u- ti,,- varlatlona have nol been nm:.-rial Si. ? i: ii. Trading ls of the neil Katunlav ehsracter. Sab-s. I3._.'0 i.'-I* . .utting 1.800 bbl*, city Mill Kxtrs al - i 00 foi -v. it Ind - 1,200 bbls, Fine il -. -_? *-.",- 730 bbls. Superfine at 02 lOSfS lo; iou bbls. S IO i 2i i' bbls. winter Wheat I'M i i a' <-l 09-88 '(?: and G. 800 Minnesota I *. ra. included in tbs sales were bbl.. tala-1, bj exporters. Msrkst closed steady. Quotations: ll ;:: 10: Kine. *_ 2M4_ BS. City Mills oi Weal Indies. 84 83.84 BO; Lao" Kxtras, >?2 (ion Wlntei wheal ;. -. Grad*-, 82 BO_*S8 40; fair ,, Vi v Chotara, kl -.?.... 40; Patents 84 20_hM 8*i Patents, laney, *4 75-4S IO. Spring Wheat-Loss- Bx* 1 '....-a 4<>; Cl ir. i.i SOS 4 IO; Rye MUtures, *:i 0O494 IO Btrslghl 3 70SS4 40; Patents. Medium tn ('hailee, 84 "*0e*?4 HS; Patents, Fa nay, 8Sff_ IO. stirTiiKiix ri.oi'it Q,i?- and anenauged in price. bales, 523 bbls., lin lu ll ir ur Common to Fair Extra st OS SO ! ',, i in r. i lotti la. . . . RYE FLOUR?In li.lit ,1. mini, .-.labs, 400 bbb- **u|H-rtliie al 88 8S_*8S 75. ,. . . . i.i ;.\ Ml. AL-Steady, reties* Westorn quoted ? , JO, sud Brs?dywlas at at 35. GRAIN WHEAT The actual rca rite t has not varied in respect ta ca.:-, lit-. Holders remain Ira !:, theil views. bhlpirers took 80,000 bushels. Th* - varied Within ins iar:---- of 1 tulle, ruling that ,...,,. higher i uly, sud .losing si neal las ii M. bpa.u ..:.,..a i a-1. ? i i i..,'. Alter the govern un,i ,,i and .li pur ii ? wars mort ?r :,s? e\.-it--i. . er, which i- tbs principal month, ssiw. ;i . l ii,;: 1 _c, du i" .i reported deereasa ,-.f 8 pal ,.-: I li, ssl..-.a. A tier wai 1 il lurU'-.l OUt Dial the S-OWtUg twport s>a? Jl : as good as tait lime lant. umutll, i - I. ;ui t-. IncaK until li>, en b.-r touched 96 7 -s, leas lng ot) uuaettled. Sales, 1,410,000 bushels future,, 80,000 bushels -,j?.t, Inelu-ing >??.. 1 Ctdcaga at 87c dc Ko, - i-.- i quoted nomi?al at '.._ l 2c in store, ; '...; I ; ;. o i , fi i-'r*-.>i l-'Jc delivered; Mo. -.. contract, | il i -arni ;; - 91 I 4c ; do JuHr, ;i2 3-8 ; ?02 9-Sc, closing at 03 S-be; Aa August, 92 7*9c#9S S-lSo, .,i ?,..; i jo j il Sept mtier, .,.< l-4_r:i:( 3-*5c eleali-i ; ? I... . ;,.,; __r90S-18e, closing ill .ii; i - lo Ms J ? 00 i li ? i ? " I i. i losing a' 81 0, ! I. ...RYE Hall and nominal. ... BARLEE AND UAR-1 LEI MALT?Lull snd unchsnge- . . . CORN?Ruled de- , , ill da-. Spot I ilecte I, only LOOO bi aiieis ciiaJislng hcn-s, st - dodi?? oi l-ie. Options - ?-, is*s.iinii io a fair degree of activity, claming steady al uesi the bottom. Sales, l.3i-_*,000 bu"h ? I-, future, i . Including -No. _ at 5oc ., quoted si 39 8*4-00c delivered; No. 9 Jun ?, .".'.i I?_?, cl ii.-' a: ."r'.i 1 2c; do July, BO 1*2339 S-8-, clon iug ai 69 5?-c; do Augu_t, 00S-8S00S4-, clusiug at 00 li'-: do September, 80 S-8-00 7-a>, Closing at, tjo 5-8c ; lo Octa, . Ol i ?- . -losing st 80 3-4c ; do Novem? ber, (nj j-saai'.o 3-lc, i ;.'.*iui,' ai Ot) 3-4, ; do l),-ceiuber, S3u, rc. . . "Als (len,-nilly dull. TnaUliif? as i ,.- end of the ss.ik. PrJees mis steady, snow. lng nu marked abango. 8s s, 80,000 bushels future, - ->?.!. includlug rio. fe at 80e; do White, 13, ll,; No. 2, 37*87 l-2e; de Wblt.i, 44aJ5e; No. 1 White, 17c; Mis.- : Western, 85?40e; White do, 42#47c; No. - lui' 80 8-4C, dooli | si .10 3-4c ; do July, 37 S-8C, cloiaiiig bi _7_-8c; do iugust, MMe, slo-t-g at 33 3-4e; .cu No. _ White .luti'-. dosing ll .1 ., 1; do Jul., 4_ l-_c Baked-FLKU-Dull and uni liaug '. j I \ 5 a li STRAW.?The ds-umd I- H--*ht and the sail.,-. ar,- without quotable change. Hay. .hoiee Tlm ,il,c, pei lon Ih '.,o_.i.'r- : Nar. 1. .S-Ooc j No. 2. 7SS ciover, i is' I 7S-83c. clover, -4-70--; sblppnag, ,,-?.ci-. Straw?Long rye, t1 OftSSl 10, short rye. 7_o. 15 tr 50c. nop-,. There ls -a fiir business passing fri,m day to das st previous quotation.: .N'.-sv- fork State, crop ot C887, .lui-, 104-lle.; do. common, 94I0-. J p.elUc Loo t cra.p ,.f 1887, s-llc.; d_. |s-n, 3,. o.-.; i, rtusns, .i,|. of l*--7. 102'jO . MOLAH.e-*., Uoil dall Bl l'J 3-4c. for 50 -i a ty. .% AV M- ST 'I.Es. i oi aplrlt* of turpent ns tic market s,,is duli, sii.b supplies oin i. i ut 3d L-c. Rosina quiet ;,n ! un, I,.me, I. OILS. Prime crude cottonseed ssa* rc-! 1 at 41c. and Oe., .-.iib ? fee sm?il lota, .silsjht.y ? i,]? i:,.--t ai <?"'?? Saisool 800 Dals. -t,iis.-. l -. ero msde si Ile. io I \N FREIGHTS?For - .-*.a"irday tho movement ? - ,i the gem ral mink, i frere well . . Li.Lill __NGAa.-JiI-.NTt s. ina, 8.000 bushels grain, 2d. . . . 1... ? ii \ ki hence i slil|>. 0,600 bbls rt-iini-.t, J- .'ti.; Jap?a fre-n l'bil-di-iptiia. ia l,ark. 50,UtXl , _-. s 80. ; llymonth or hamoath, nance sn Inuun bark, _,7?s9 bWs rvflD-d, 2s. 0<t. . . . MISCELLANEOUS i ii Min Rs?..uenoo Ayres, benet a lir.ul-ia baili, general Rio Janeiro, li-nee 4 schooner, general i-hjo , Newt-Tork from Satella Kis.-r, a schooner, lunilrar, rr-r mu an-l ss I,,, i I.i -? .. J 1. ? - rates i-nil.-iit by the -'..ii.-I to lil" United Itlngdea* nari-t, ate; UvorpswL I.iisdun. oi:is_ow. BrlstsL I - i, London. PETROLEUM - I I. d. drain.' o J Hour. 1 U , ivar, ssck?.I 6 t ?." . 1. _ i.jr*. Uaroos .i . t. Lard, am.ili jik.s. W 0 sud buller. . SS o Tallow.I 0 3 Peel. Poi. . 1 3 0 19 6 0 lu1. 1 tr 7 ? ll 3 S. al. 0 - 1 0 7 _ 10 o lo 0 19 d l'_ 0 S. ll. 0 '.S 1 o 7 0 20 o is e I 0 lo-., j 8 1 o ! 10 o I 10 0 1 ll ll 19 0 0 li 1? 0 S. ll. 0 3 1 8 8 H li ia 17 8 8 8 18 9 1'- 8 ? 10*1 2 1 , 1* I I lt 1 17 4 17 6 16 o io 0 2 8 lo 0 12 6 1. 0 IO 0 16 0 lair. - llosmr. A|.- . ( , ar, lian, l-?. *C. SS,.l si r.k. ll 3 i.ishi Measureaseai.. io o . , n i ??.,? - .I io o PROVISIONS?PORK SteaSI-eas ss..s mo geoaral mia ..ia the business rosetted a n?>deiat-- iggregatSj 8-0 Olr.s Bt-SS, | :..alu tOrnU, Mr-Sr, ql]ul.-(l illm SM io tor ono yesi old and *15 _."> io tor near. . . lil ;.: CJulei in,I ? na rally -I'.id.,. City Kaus Iiul.a M.-S-, ar 1 _,a t17. Kitti Mows,, *7 50; Packet, #8 50; t ? , ga oo. . . . Ll.:.i- Il AMS?Unchanged and qui.u guiled r . . ( , CUT IIEAI-?Rathol Quiet nut very Una, particularly on b.-..,.--,, >i ara wanted. Pie?li I bellies Quited 7 3 ie for 12 fti av-iia;.'. . . .'MIDDLES?Slow and nomi? nal . . . DREb-ED HOGS?Barvl* stonily .mi m ai request. Cits heavy to light, 7 3ei*7 5-s,-; purs, 7 3--K-. .... I.AKL?i-oaed ort .a trifle, or li.1 pofnto, clo-sluii; idy. Ths speculation ssa., viy Miall. ooasMnjiit u|i,n Ute ibseace of Int.I a;id cash trading unimportant. i stesm .sjri.i Quoted 8.7Se. Olty ?'eain steady; .,, tea, 8.15c; Rofl?ed quart,., g.Soe Continent, y.75o H.rutb Aiii-ncan; l.ouo les June, ?.7-Jif878i-, elostng 6 7-', ; -''0 t,? July, 8.74c. clot-lug 8.73o; 500 les August, -losing S74( , 5l*o tcs Septeinbsr. S790, closing 8.78c; '.Lo tcs October, 8 7-8e, r|?smK ?.70c. . . . cilLL*,i; AND Li.I..**-All cl..*-- I tlrm and demand fair. New ?to,-k ? \\,-,t.-iii Creamery'. ISSlSe; i:igiu, luatm l ?_,?. state haif Br-ln tabs LO 1-2S19 1-2 ; Welsh iuk, lO-s'tBc; Dalry 1,-1". i -_, i We.ta-ni FBetoiy, ij^l',^; West-ru U?lry. 12 L-,',-1'-,, ; Wooten- rtiUt-tlon Cre_m..rj*, 18-l7c. . . . . CHEKSK?State Fsctorv, 7,/*> 1 ta, .n. u.d ni; fancv White Sud colored, 8 3-8?*r 1-J. ; WfSSt-IB, Flat. 7aiSc li'. I 2c, n.n-i,-,i t.. ab. . . . ki.cs s'tuta- and PennsyU.nla, 10 1--.10 3-4c; Western, 1G.10 LSri '"?in? ri la I''- 1 -I--. si i,All Tbe market (-Insert firm for rssy stoek at 4a; i 9Mt tat MoUases, 4 li 10*4 :: lo roi lair ReSnlng, aili r I-IC f'.l 00 l-l I i tat rltai-Tll. iteilliaaa] dull alld UU I. Quotations: ('rn Loal 8. Oraahad 8. tubas 7, powrt-i-rt 7, -ranalatatl d 3-4. Mould " a" T i .mfr. tn.!., is' - a" u S-e), i offea ' A" Standard 0 l-_ ? t ?? A" ti 1-8. vs hu,- Extra ' C" r> ,??, Extra " _? . (ts*5 3-4, "C- .*, |.? rellow ishmnmT HTEARINE-Dall and prices wholly ao-Oaal Western qua.t.'d IO I .'- ?nd Oleomargarine, 7 8-4_-8c. TU.i.ow Oaiai bul te Ki -rudy. ats lie. Sales, 60,000 lt. 4 1-80. Primo city Quoted t.tvf: sTor-K M*nts:r-.TH ht Ta-LMssAPs Ctf.(-KC'i. I'nlon stock Y,trls, Jum o.-rAa Prnrtrf jaarnm taaanax raf??-iieoeiou 4.000 head: shium-.uti binsk. Marliet steaaly, nerves a4 30.?s5'.?o Cows amt MI seat 81 _0*83 40, Stockers sud leod.ri fl 40-1 lu lexus (attie 99 UMi 4 15 -T--?- ___?? 18.000 bOsVli shlp-nents hlsnk. m,rk*t ?!?*..'-. lower-Mud t!< 40,rA 7h : Haasy-So -6#._ 76, Liglat SS *-a Ut Ub. Pl,. ?nd fuUsSI OOafif.*, ala) *,'..?-;.- K-a-lil-, .',.,i?o hooa|; .niimiints kUnk. Msrket W"-,L- W__l,"i_N,i S4 9O?8 40t Teluna 89**S?4 00| sAosirrn |8 ?Q>i3 so, Sprit*- Lambs $1 _o,?_40r,e. bead. *,T. UJJJJ, Juae 11 CMM?MaaaipM 1,300 hoad; anti ?gat-* _?_.___ msrsst sciiT,. cholee llesvy Nstive 8toors 94 *?___?*_ Pair to Hood Native Misers at'.S M .,,. Iliita-S-ri rtleera. Media.,1 to ("holes. ?3 '-0a?4 3(, Kansers. iirdlusry to Qaai, g| -.0a*? SS. //oj--'l-.<?l-i? JOO |i?_,| : ,|?0-,,?ti ?sa Msrknt itrons 1 I'-lc- Ma-s-y an I MnU-hira' HOt-OUoa* 85 C6-*.". 75. .s,s.r-,.-it-,-eiiiis uk, )??,, uMpmanu 3.100. M.iksl l-.iir io .-aiicy f.'t 5u,..-, un. Kses-l RaoatB-l last 3t noars were H.^on heaal TeUI for ll,? ss.-ak mus tar '.7.000 heed. For same Urns isat w.--k ai ito. coangusd Unougu 23 cars, ot which . to Nsw. York ; 17 earlosdi on sale; msrket flog ____!?"??-_?______ B4-10C. CosssMa to Tslr 83 5 )?43 75 Ooort lo ino ice atlbMttr,. Kxtra 85 00-85 20. _**ns P ?-??' 00 . ei*iii nari left oTer. . ___ . ,__ th_ J-oss-Reoelsts last 34 henrs -.OOO -"ad. Total aW_ja_ weak tims fsr 48,450 hosaL For a*"* -""V _____ __?_ 45.200 bssal. t'onsignsd tliroush 83 ssrs of _|,lc?.,'* _* -fsw-YorS; ll carloads on asle ? ni\_st 8o lower, KUM Pis* and LightVerkera *.*. 80 . 5 70. r*lsetesl Vorkers SS lb _$r, HO; selected Medium weigh" ?*> 85-86 00. Ali sff-rln,fs taken. _^ LIVE STOCK MA11KET. New-York. Ssttirdsy, June O-BK.KVES-TV-celpts, 00 oars of 004 ha-sd, sll st OOth-t-. with the exception of ono oarloart. Mr. Eastman relived 42 cara, J. -tern 10 cars, and 7 cars went AlrCt to other slaughtet*eTB. Only one car tot- tho market. No trading worth noting for want of stock. Feeling fri". Shipments ss reported ycsr-rday: Boston shipments for tho week. 1,820 Beeves .nd 3,782 quartern of Beef. Shipment* from Montreal f#* tho week ending June 2 were 2,771 Cattle. CALVEN-ltncolpts were 108 head. Feeling S trifle weak tor Butternut- a_alv*~ No Veala sold. Ifsllen bec- * Hollis sold 100 Butermllk Lais-*, 12. th sversge, st 83 00 per 100 lb. Hil REP ANI) LAMjK-R-celpts 21 cars of 6,071 heart- 12 cara at Jersey 'Ry and I cars at OOth-st, and 9 cars were held over from yesterday. Demand more actlse, and the pena wa*, nearly clearod of stock at Just shout steady pries* Poor to Hood Sheepsolrt ai. 3,6 l-2o per ID; very Or? dinary tai Prime I^aniW at i> 3*37 1-lc, and 3 cars of Choice Kentucky do, Bt 7 _-4,8c. iSales-Hallcnbcck * Hollhs: M Kentucky Sheep, 117 th, st 04 75; 40 do, HO lb, at $5 50; ll- Western ilo, 75 TS, ai -4 ho ; 300 do, .'9 ID, at $5; 222 d?, 81 tn, at 9S 50; 202 Texa* do, 83 th, at 85; 200 Kentucky Lamb-, 07 16, at 97 75; 419 do, 071-, st t>8. A limey: 258 Western Sheep, 8ft tb, at 5"ac ; 25 Kentii<-kyl-m_s, (culls), S7 Tb, at 5*4.0; 103 do, 04 lb, at 7c ; 107 to, 07 16, at Tte. K. verla 4- rid'KEk: 221 Peru:iiaylvaula Lambs, SS 16, St Oe |ia-r tb. Hume & Mulls.: 80 State Sheep, 75 Ih, at 3,e, per 16; 43 State Lamia*, .7 16, at, Patt Juba *,- Hucl.-li-ham : 21 Wes*, Vlrpinla Sheep, 92 th, at f-4 ; 260 Wet Vr.lnln Lambs, 89 IT,, at 40 30; 275 do, 59 16, at 40 37. ; 1* Jamey do, 03 Th, at i.7 25. Rawtoo t (tii'-tt: 17 Vti-tala .sin-.-p, no rb, at lt, .'.1 9a, 106 Tb. ? t -c ; 273 Virginia Lambs, M _?, at 0*ac; 737 do, 00 16, .t C -c. J. E. Sartlaf * Co.: 102 K4-t_?_7 Sheep, 111 16, at fae; 3,12 MMb Lan ls, o'.) th, M 0*_c. M. Collins 32 Ohio {-.cop (culls), 05 16, at $4; 121 do, 80 ll., at *5 4); 7'J do, 88 16, at .5 50. Sherman I Culver: HW Kentucky Sheep, 83 16, at r*3; 83 do, 08 IT,.at 84 40; 143 do, 102 17,, at si 50; 06 do, 08 16, at 44 50. 04 Ohio do, 79 th, at to 25; M K.-ntu. ky Lambo, ,"rl *, Bl SSS7 i-_; 04 do, M 16, at to; 230 do, 03 12 tn, a, 96 30 ; 318 do, 00 16, at ?0 40; 478 do, 02 Th, at $0 50. HOOl -80-1848 were 4 cars of 002 hoart-3 esr* at Jersey dy and I car at COth-st. None for sale alive. Nomi nail.* sta.urty at 5 8- 4 a Oe pttfX_^^^ fllusical instruments. FISCII'P. PIANOS, r?nosvnei fur tone and randing lu rune. Manufactories and storeroom*. 421 to 425 Wast -*Uh-st.. anl f*07 Broadway, lSt-***- t nilson's BulldllK). i'ianos exchanned, rented, or Instalments. (Dccon Steamers. 4/VTCHOB LINK. U. S. Mail Steamships. -V NEW-YORK AMI LIVERPOOL. K. S. ri rv of rome sails Wednesday, Juno 13, sud every fomtii Wednesday thereafter. Saloon pu -a,i?t. $00 und upward. Second cla-e. 430. GLASGOW, VIA LONDONDERRY. fiooiiU. June 16, 10 a. m. Kumeasla, June 30, ll a. m. Utreaasla. Joni '-3, 8 p. m. Ethiopia, July 7. 3 p. m. lute- of pa*M_rs to OLA-OOW, DERRY, LIVERPOOL or lUXFAr.T. Cabin. a.Vi .itel s*(}0 Ss ,i d class. $30. Sferage, s.O. traveller-' Circular Letter*) of Credit and Drafts for any amount Issued at lowes-t current rates. For hook of Tours or further Lnfcnnatimi apply to nF.NDEK.SON BROTHERS. 7 Hov*ling Green, N. Y. n UNA RD LINE. SEW-YORK TO LIVKRroOL via QUEENSTOWN from 1'1,-r 40, North Hls.-r. FAST EXPRESS .MAIL SERVICE. *er\-la. Jun- io, 10 a m. Calila. July 4, 1 :30 D- m. scythia, Juno 20, 1:30 p. nu 'Etruria, July 7. 3 :30 u- ra. ?I mt.rin, Jun - 23, 4 :3o p rn Bervta, July 14. 'J a. m. kur.iuia June 30 10.30 a m. S.ytliii, July 18, noon. ??Will not sarry liit.-rimdlate or steerage. *WIU n.rt carry steerage. Cabin passage, t*_0, *s-<0 and $100. Intermediate. $35. 'teerase ttck'ts to and (ron all parts of Europe at vry oas- rates. 1 nr fr.-isriit at.d passage apply to the company, iOicu 4 Howling ("reen, New-Vork. VKRN-i.N II. BROWN 4 CO.. General A****-U pillCUi.AR LETTER:, of credit for travelers ^***' ibr-ii. ivilliblo in ill pirte of the world. Issued by HE1DELBAUH, ICKf.LHKl.MER afc CO.. Forslgn Bankers. _. Wt'dlam-at, COMFAGNIE UENt-RAXE TRAN SA TLA N TIOt'E. FRENCH LIM'. Td HAVRE. Company's Tier (new,No.4_ North.>,,t of MortOO-Si LA N Cf; MAM Hf., de,|ec . fiat.. June 16, 10 a. m. t.A BOt;iir,0';M-:. Frangeul . . -aturday. Jun* .3. :> l m. LA Ba-ETAGNE. (W .lou*beilu, . . . He*., Jun,- SO. ll B. is. LOUIS DE BEMAN, Agent, No- 3 Bowling Oreen. ^^ORDDEUTSCUEK LLOYD SS. CO. I SHORT ROUTE IO l.'i.N'liO.V, NEW-VORK, SOUTHAMPTON, AND HRE.MEN. Steamer* nail from nie r foot J ts,.. Hoboken. FAST EXPRESS STEAM ERR. Aller, Wert June IS, 7 :30 a in Baale, Wed., June 20. 2 D rn Kider, Sat., Juno 10, 10 a. m. FuldS, Sat., June 23, Ba. BS. I_ns. Tues, .lune IO, 1 p. nu Triiv.-. Wed,June, 27. aa. in. First Cabin. 8100 aud 'inward i% heith. according to lo? cation. Second Cabin, ,-0 and $00 a berth. Sta-ciugo tat lowost tates OELRICIfS ft CO., No. 2 Bowling Oreen. G UIOX LINE. UNITKI) .STATPS MAIL STEAMERS. FOR QU-JtlfSTOWN AM" LI VKRrOOL. Ltava Plat i?. M. B,, foot of King-st. ARIZONA .... Tuesday. June li, 0:30 s. m. WISCONSIN .... Tuesday. Jun,, lu, 1 p. m. NI.VAMA .... TtMOday, Jun.) 20. 0.30 a, IT ALASKA .'lu..sd_y. July 3. 1 p. m. aVTOMINO .... Tuis1.iv July IO, 5880 B, B. Cabin |iaVai,e, S50. .00. *8l> and S100. Second Cabin. 130 and ?33. Bt*-t-SM, ?20. A. M. CNDERHILL ic CO. 83 Broadway. N. T. Cl AMIIUKG-AMT-RICAN 8. B. Lino for IMy AA mouth (Loudon), Cherbourg; (Parlsi and Hamburg. Flt st CaMn, SftO and upsvarn ; siei-raite at low rates. ^Jellert . . . 8 a. m., Jun,- ll. BlMVta, IO a, m.. June 23. Muella, 3:30.i. tn., .tune 21. Boyla, 8:80 a. m.. June '_*) KUNHAP.OT "E CO.. C. B. RICHARD at CO..Gen. Gen. Agents. Ol Broad-st _ 1'a-. Anent*, Ol B'wsy, N. V^ I NMAN LINE U. S and Royal Mall Steamers * FOR yL'EKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL :iTV (>F IH.RLIN.Siiturday, June 10, 10 a. m. Tl'Y OF > HF.sTER . . baturJay, Jun,' KS, 8 a. m. : ITV OP (TIKACrO.Satiiday. June 80. 11 a. m. -ITY ol' RICHMOND .... Saturday. Julv 7. 4 p. m. S-rv-ni Itimaii Pl.-r, foot of Orand-sA, Jersey City. CABIN" PASSAGE. SOO and Upward. SECOND (JAB IN. B35 bTEERAOE, 020. PETER WRI0.HT *. SONS. General Agents. 6 BOWLING GREEN, N. V. J A-'AN-CHINA. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENT..ts SWamers lea vu San l-'runclaco as follows I OCEANIC.Thursosy, Jane tl -AELIC.Wednesday, July . I'.ILt.lO.Tuesday, Joly ii AHaIIIC.Tuesd-y. August Ta. Superbly Appointed?Superior Aceoniicoda'ioni. Reservatlons can be mado bv letter or to, liA rabin plans seen at 207 and 33'J Broadway. Nuw-Torh Ol Room 74, Railroad Building, Ran Frauct-co. LELAND STANFORD. Pl-Bldes, _ T. H. GOODMAN, tisueral Paam-uger A.tut_ PACIFIC MAIL STEAMsillP COMPA_.T8 I LINES rt.R CALIPOItNlA, JAPAN. CHIN . CENTRAL ANI) SOUTH AMERICA AND ME 1CO. Fruin Ness-York, pier foot of Cannlst., N. R. For San Franelsco, via the isthmus of Pani US SAN MARCOS sails iM.niJay, June ll, noot From San F', 1st and Hi.muan at For (.'lillis .ul J ip m. CITY OE SYDNEY saila Tu.-r-iny, June 12, 8 ?. n. For freight, paaasge and s.ner.-il lnformarl?ii aptly at company's oflicu cn the pier, foot, of Canal-st., N. B _II. J. BULLAY, bupertiitcn-iit. PED STAR LINE. LX> FOR ANTWERP AND PARIS. Balline froin Nesv-York and Antwerp weeli.'. W\rS|,AND . . . W-rtnosaj.-iv. Juno ijf Sa. m. BE MIEN LAND . . W.-rtn.-sl.-iv. June SO. _fS0 p. m. Suiiirnor rates: First Cabin, ten to iajl00. ficurslon, 8110 to iflSO. Second Cabin. *... Eicurslon. a*V and $85. Ste?ra|e at vety low ratea. PETER WIUG1IT _ bONS. Gcn'l Asts, ? Bowing Green. WHITE STAR LINE. "? IOU QUEENSTOWN AND LIVElPOOL. ROYAL AND UNITED STATE** M A11. Tl* EA.MERS. "CELTIC, Capt Irslns. Wednesdsy, Juno 9, 7:|0 a, B. ?Ki.i't l-.Lie. Cspt Davison, Satu-day, Jun* 10, Wa. m. GER.MANIC, ( apt. Gleadell, Wednesday, L/i- 20, 2 p. m. ?ADRIATIC, Capt Cameron, Widnesday, lam IT. ,'a. m. From SN tutu Star dock, foot Of IVv. 10th-?t RATES?Saloon, .00. ?.-s0 and tlOO. Return ticket* cn fBVOrablS terms. StOOraKS from or to fie (lld Country, tr'-'O. *A limit,d number of aeoond-e?bln/pssssncors aj.ii riud on thesa) ateamers, rato ?.15; excW-taS. 8SS. I-W Iti apoetion of plan- or other Informntlot. aiply at tho Com* pany'ri ofllce. No. 41 Broadway. New Voa. J. RRl'CE UMAY. AKOUt. BailrgttZ.i. KEW-YOI.K, ONTARIO ASH WESTERN KAI LU AV. Traills LOOTS Iron ieiries at West 42d and Jay sta. as follosss : ?Feat 42,1st., 7:50 a. m.; Jay-s-. 7:30 a. m., for Mil dletown, Fallaburi*. MenMeollO, Iperty, Wallon, Norwich. Utica. Rome, oneida. Kaliwi. Oswego, Bult;ilo, Detroit, Chicano, Wallklll Valley aolnts. Went 42d st., 4 :10 |, m. ; Jav *.. 3 :.'a5 p. m., for Mid di. t.,,vu, Lil.-!,ville, Wallhlll Valle; pom's. 4-d IL, 8:28 |>. m. | Jay-f, 0:10 p. m., dally for Middletown, rallsburt, Uborty, ?*_lton, Norwich, Oneida. Oaweao, Baaponsloa Brid,.-, Detrut, Chicsi'.i, st Louis. Buffet Bleepers to Niagara laS. Hcchmtii. Chair Car free to Roehest.r PulluiHii sleeplns-car berths t-servert at 307 Rrosdwsv Tlme-tat.i, s. tickets, .,-, al -07X7, 844, LS.. Broadway 737 Oth-ave., 134 l'_st l'2ftth-_c. J.04 West ISftth-stl, New. York. J. S ANlEltsoN, ti. P. a.. _18 Exdan.e l'laca-, Now-York. jT_i_Qi VALLEY IL/ILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS l?vo toot of Cortiar.dt snd DesbisiMis s;s. ss follows; 0 .io a. m. for I -isaasuquu-tul Intertnedlato polnta. 8 a. m. for GejMVa, Ls otu Elmira. Rochester, Buffalo snd the Weat snd prluclpsllocai trotuu. chair car lo I.nnha 1 p. m. for Tunkhinnoek ad Intermediate points. Chslr esr to Tui.-ii-nnui--.. Cuiaticil' u to R, jdln? and Uarrls hurj. 3 10 p. m. for PtttAtoi and principal Intermediate pointe i hair cur to L. uni ll Jun, linn. 3:40 p. m. for Mandi thunk and Intermeddle point*. Connection i? ReadliiK ail Harrisburg. Chslr ear to Msuoh Chunk. 7 p. m. f?r G.-neva. Oona, Elmira, Roehester, Buf? falo and the Weat. PulltSn Bleeper ta, Lyons. 8:]& p. m. fur I-tiraysand tntermedlato points. Trslna leaving at 8 a. ?., 1 p. m. snd 8:10 p. m. eon. neel for sll points In Matt.ur and Hazlotun coal r.-siuiiA SCNDiY TItAINM. 8 a. m. for Mauch C-i lt. Hi/letsiii snd liu-imediito points. '. .45 p. m. for Copliy ltd tntermedlato polnta. 7 p ni for Oe?ova, Lyons. Klmir*. Ra? hester, Buf. fslo soil the W.-st. l'u-nan aloeirOr to I.fous. General Es?tes OBce, _85 Broadwsy CjUORE I.I\E.-,v*\ Rail jj,mi,* for Bosion. t J New|H>rt and the ly*. Express leave* C.rand Central Si*tl,,u at ? a. m. andi p. in. Limited Expreia* ml . new Expre-i train at 4b. m. except Sunday. Fist Ex? press at il p. m. dally, pal*.os Psrlor-csrs or 61ecpl__* ?ats te dciUuaU.n, . ' ?'m**' ___Railrotrpg. T__IK8 FOR RO.ST< IN ""T J- via New-York snd New-England snd New.York, New-naven and Hartford Rn--"-, Leave NEW-YORK 10 A. M.. "3 IV M.. li .35 P ___' ' Arris. BOSTON 4 SO P. M., ?*- P M., 7 A. M. PARLOR CARS ON DAV TRAINS. PULLMAN (SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT TRatwJ ?8:00 p. m. Dally, locludl-i. Mundays. ***?*-?. Other tralna dally except buuday*. hl.-eplns eur accommodations .an ho seenras. ?? tie*., office*, 3,'I7 Broadway, and Grand Central Ivpot, ^^ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ^ _L On and aller May 13. lr**--. GRAND TRL'.VK LIM. AND UNITED STATE** MAIL ilOUTI Tralns leave New-York, via De?bros-e* and Cortl-sa** Street Kerries as follows: *?***? day. Wrillsuisburi*, Lock Haven. :t <r0 a. m., 8 p _7, Corry snd Erie at 8 p. m., rnnnontlng at c-rrw t,i Tituivilla) and tko OU IVatloiis. ' ?*? For Lebanon, 9 .00 a. m., 3:20 p- m. snd 12:15 night. For Norristown, Phenlxvllle, Potutown and I._d.n? 11 :00 -. m., 1 00, 1 'fi and 4 :00 p. m. , l -i,,'_ only, tl p. m. Sundays, 0 15 snd 10 a. m. ? Baltlmnre, Washington and tho South, ?* fairelted W??_, In.ton E-irii-hs" of Pullman Parlor Car*, dilly a>_(T__ Sunday, lo a. m. ; arrive WseMngton 4:00 p. m., _3 daily, with Dining Car, st 3 40 p m.. srrtvtr Wuk. Inis-'.on 0:12 p. m.; r. Rular at 0:20, 8 00 and r- _i S. m., 1 :00, 2:00, 4:30 and - :0O p. m., aid p. __ ni. ht. Sunday, 0:16 and _ a- m., 4 30 and - u. m. __t 12:15 night. ?" ?? "-B For Atlantic City, 1 p. m. week daya (through p_i?_ Car). ^ For Cape May, 1 p. m. week days. Long Branch, Bay Lead Junction and intermedia!, ... lion*, via IUhway and Am boy, 3.30, ..10 a, m. it noon, 3:10, 4 :10 and 5 p. ni. On sunday, . :4. a. a_ aml 5 p. m. (do not stop at Aahury Park). For Old Point and Norfolk, vis Maw*Torfe, l'hll_(,ip|_, and Norfolk Railroad, 8 p. m., d-iy ; via BslUt-o-I anl Hay Line, 4 :30 p. ni wiela; -isay*. Bouts of ? Brooklyn Annes" --..imect wl'h s'.l t_-,??? train* at Jet say Cl'y, affording a *_rc-;_y and _r?a tr-Qafer for Brooklyn travel. FOR PHLLADELPIIIA. fexpreM trains leave New-York, via Deslirosses tai Cortlsndt sire, t ferrie*, as follows: 0 :_0, 7 :-0, a, _ {'J, Chicago Li ml ta-al, with D'.nlne Cs. and 10, Washington Limltod), and ll a m.. 1. _, 3 __ 4, 4:30, :>, 0, 0:30, 8 and 9 p. in. and 12 45 nigh? Acoininodatlon. ? :30 and ll :10 s. rn., 4 .30 and 7 p. ?_ (sundays. Express 0:15. '.< (8 Limited) and 10 s. _. 4, 4:30, 5, 0, 0:30, rt sud 'J p.m., and 12.1. _gai Accommodation, 7 p. m. Tralna leaving N-w-Vurk dally, except Son-lay, st S, a and 11:10 a. m.. 1, -, 4, 5, S p m. .. I 10 a. _. and 0 p. m. on Sundays couneet at Tren'.-.n Par Cami (l.-n. Ticket Offices, Noa 1. 435, &I9 and OH Broadway, . Astor Ho_?B .nd fool of li- s'.t.i-s. s. in I Cortland! it*.; * Court-*t. sn! Brooklyn Annex Utatlon, foot of Fij.ioD-st lt.-lyn; station, Jeraey City; En-gran-, ZlskM (j_ci_ Ca*il" Garden. Tho New-York Transfer Company will call for to) Che,-k baggage ff.rn hotels and rOSMOMOa CHAS. E. PUGH, J- ?> WOOD, General Manager. General l'ass'r A.-ent tfORTHERN RAILROAD OE NEW-JERSEY. Xs?Train* leave from Chambers-st. Statloa sv.-a-s r_m tor Englewood, Tenafly, Closter. spaikh.ll, snd Ryufe 6:30, 7:00. 8 :_0, . :50 and 11:30 B. in.; 1.15, 1:10. 4 :,-(>. 4:50, 5:JO, 5:40, 0:40, 8.00, 10:80 |, m., 1} midnl-h'. Bundar-, 7 :00, O.'rO B. m.. * and 8 pm, Vnr Nunnet, S;,rfn. Valley, Moii'-ey and Ta! ? ms. wM*> days 7 00, 0:50 _ m., 4 :50? 0:10 p. ki. buu__j'_, a. m. aud o p. m. ? n. 1 Suffern?4, 4:45, 7:50, 0:30, 10 30 s.a.; i. 5. 5:30, BIO, 0:40, 7:30. >), 10:30 p. m. r AN., to Rid .ewoi d, - :30 a. ni. ; 5 :_0 p. m.? ERTE RATLWAY.-Ticket tlffin-s, 4ni. 317 711 and 057 Broadway. 163 1-2 Low.ry, 1.7 Weu-atl 1 Ila lt a: ry Place, i hsmbers and 23d faucet (enies, *,',?-. Fork. All *nl SSH i-n. i --.. Bi i .I*:.e. : : E il-jy. Williamsburg; corner N> ssark and Hudson sta.. Hoboken; 52 Montgomery-st., and N'.-w -station. ler*>y City, whets Tleket-a .and Parlor or si.-,' C.r resarvstlons an I onl.-ri for cbeckljiK and trsn-for of Im^l-jk.- can _? obtalasi. Ex t,f*s trnlus leave 23d-st. 5 minnie* earlier than tittie shows from cii.n',1 ? i,-*. ; ! esl trslns 5 to 10 minutes earUst, 9 s. m., daily, Day E.* pr. *s, buffet drisvin.-ro.,m e.,vhol to Buffalo; Pu.Iiii.m -leepln^ eoaches ii-ru. U_v._e to (lininna.I and Clevelsnl 10 :30 a. m., week days-, I*e!awsre Valley Expreas, psrlsf car to Bln-iiarn'oii. Osy.-_o. Elmira and CrnlDH. 8 p. m., dalis-. ? C-leafQ nod St Louis Limited.* a Jollf Pullman train ot day and buffet itoeplac e i :hss to But. falo, Nlaaata Ealia, Clovot-ad, Chiia.o, C Inc luna u in. Kt. Lou:.*; no -xtra ehar_e f,.r fa?t tln.e. 0 p. m., daily. Chicago Express, pullman buffet ileepino coaches to Bini;h. inion, Ots-Ko. 1?Imira, lt-s hester, Bul. falo, Cincinnati and Chlcaso. -____. Rutna-ifora ?ud Pas-als-4, 4:45, 8, 7, 7 50, t.JfL 10:30 a. m.; 12 no,.n; 1. 1:45, L 3:40,4:10. 4:40. 5.10. 8:80, 5 50. 8:10, Sm 7:30, 9, 10:30 p. m.: 12 night. Also to Ru'.herfur. fe :30 a. m. ; 4 :3y, ,"r :_(l p. m. . to PS-oaiO, ?. 0 10, 0*0, p. m. Sunda>*_ 4:45, 8:30. 10;30 a. m.; 12 noon; 1 :15, 3. 4. 6, o :30, 7 :30, 9, 10 :S0 |r. m. : 12 ni. kt, Paterson-4. 4 :45 0. 7. 7 :50, 9 30, 10 :30 a. m. ; 12 noeui I, 1:45. 3. I 80. 3 1". 4. 4.10, 4:80, 4 10, 5. 5 10. 6:30. 5:50, 0:ld, 6:80. 6:40, f :80. ., 10:80 p. _{ 12 nlf*ht. Sundays, 4 :45, 8 30. 10 :30 B. m. : 12 nosoj 1:45, 3, 4, 5, 0 30, 7 :3n. 9. 10:3u p. m. ; 12 mght Newark and Paterson, via NVavark-ft :45, 6 50, 8. b :3<i. 10, 11.30 a. m.; 2, 3:30, 4:20, 4 .IO, 5:20, 5:50, 0:2t\ 7:30, 10 p. m.; 12 night. Sundays, 9 a. in.; 3 30, | -SO, >* l<- m. Ridgewood and Suffern 1. 3. 4. 4 MO, ' 12 nlt-hr. A to Suffern, 3:30 p. m. faundjy*. 4:45. b 30. 10 M a m. : 1 :45. 4. 0 :30 p. m. ; 12 NewburK and CornwUl?7:50, 0 a. m. : 3 ;?0, 4. 4 :30. 5:00. 6:30 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. rn, ; 1 15, 5 p. r._ Warwl-k-Week d.ivs. 4:45, 9. 10:30 a. m. \ l, 4 ::<0 o. m. Goshen?4:48, 7:60, 9. 10:80 s. m.; I. 3:30, 4:30, 5:30. '.' p. m. Sundays, 4 IV 8 :30. ti :a. tn. , <', .30. o p. m. Hiddletown and Pori Jervis?4 :45. 7 :50, 9, 10:30 ?. m.; 3 :30, 4 :''0. 5, 7 :30. 9 p. m. Sundays, 4 :45, b :30, 9, s- tn. : 5. 0 :30, 9 p. m. Express trains from th- West; arrive in New-Y-t* St 7:C1. ll :50 s. m.. and 10 20 p. m. W. J MURPHT, L. P. FARMER, Gt-ti'l Suu'_ Gcnerul Passeugor Ageal ?? ? WEST SHORE RAILROAD. V. Y. C. * li B. ll. Ca. lessees. | Trains leave West 42d-st. station as loliov,?, .nd 20 mitt Utes (allier 'loin fool of las *,'.., Nort-I Ks r. ltetrolt snd ChkaK-, '9:55 ? m.. *0 ;00, *3 :15 p. m. St. Lout*. '0 00. -s:15 u. m. Syiacu---, Riittali). IU.-cne*ter_ 6u.sp,n^!on Bridge, Nfc agars Fail*, 3 :13, "J :5i a. m.. 0 :00, -8 ;i j p. m. Utica, 3:15, "J :55, (JllSOa. m., ?8:00, **> 15 p. m. Eliagnion, Bau..-Ilie*, Catskill, Albany, 3:1.. "7 IL '9:6.',, (aill:30 h. m., is t mk-, *0i00, tl 15 p- m. OratintoiiN, W'.-st Point, Cornwall, N-wburg, *3:15, 'iii, *9:55, 10:1J, (a,ll :SQ a. m., (S 1.0(1, 4:10, 6.14, "8 1!, 8:45 p, m., and 0:00 p. m., Cranston's. Cornwall, Kesvoura,'. p,r M(iitva>nl and Canad* Easf, *6 00 ia. in Hamilton, London, -'J :55 a. m.. *0:00, "8:15 _. m. Tos ron o, 19 .",."> a. m., 16:0.;, 3.15 p. m. "Jegaoi sleeping carn for Butfalo, Niagara Falli, De* tra*-., chica-o ana st. I.i,.. * Dally. I Daily except Saturday. Other trains daily ev ept Sunday. ,a. s.) L--.iv- J.-r.w Citr, p. It R. *?u tli.i, (a)ll :20 a. m., (?) 3 :40 p. in. ; lloook-u, West .-slejro Si non. i li .'io i m., is ;, p. ni. For ticatoU, time-tn bios, jiailoi ot sieeplntr cir ni-i-cmm d-Uons ur Information, apply st oince.. Uio,,klyn-33J VaMun.lon-st., 73L? Fulton-**., Ann- s irfli-e, fool nf l-'i,i. in-st. Ness.York City-3,;.t, 7KV 942 Iiia.adw.iy, 153 pj ?owe.-v, 12 Paik Place, ai. 1 West blore Stations, | I Vest 42d-st foot of Jay-st-, N. R. C. E. LAMBERT, 6 Vandet-bllt-ave. Generil Passenger Agent NEW-YOEK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. GREAT FOUR-TRA! K TRUNK LINE. On and aft-'r .lum- 2, trains leave OR AMD CEN'1 RAL bTATIOIf, Larjest .ann finest Ps-eenger Station In Am?rlri. ?8 s. m.. Rachist'-i-and .Monti, al Exnroais, dr.iwin .-raoni cara to Albany, Troy and Syrac-OS, also to Motitjxal *nl b'.. Albans. *9:5oa. m., FAMOES VESTIBULED CHICAGO ANI) ST. louis LIMITED, composed exclusively of bunsil nun king-car, dining car. Ira wing-room .nd sleeping can f.r Alb,ny, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, liuuaio, Manara Kali*. Erie, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Toledo, arriving al Q?CSgu at 9 :5o a. m., St. Louis 7 An p. Bk lisi-t Jay. 110:80 a. m.. C-lc-go Express fo NUgsrs lalla, To ??oi'tu, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Ind?inanoIIs, Detroit a>,l 0?leago ; drasslog-room .-ar* to i insndsigu < and r. , ill :3o a. rn , wes* rn New-Voiu. and Northern Ei. with diii.s log-room <ar. 3:30 p. m., Saratoga and Utica special, with drawitij. room cats to Albany and Troy. Kuna through to La-* Boorga aa satin lays only. *4 p. m.. Accommodation to Albany snd Troy. :-0 p. m., Fs_1 Chicago, a Inclnnatl and St f.."iis Er. pre** for Niagara Palls, BotlBlo. Huapeoalon Bridge, To? ronto, Cleveland, cincinnati. Indianapolis, st. Louis. T_. ledo, D-'Tiuit and (Mira-'.,, sa-lrli sleeping and dining tar*. 1*0 80 |>. rn., Montnal ind canai-d.aIgaa Express, dally, Ble,* to Plattsburg amt Mon' esl sii Ri tiae i i and via St. Albans, :,ls,, ,., gjm use an 1 CananalSif-S, ; IXeept Sudsy. .Sunday Train dees not iuii sve?l of Albany. 9 p. m., bpediil Bleeper, arrives Rothis'.er 7:4. %. a,. Hu tr* lo 0:33 a. m.. aud Clevi ind I I m. m. 1*11:30 p- m.. 8-rst Niu-lit Express for RoehlSSSI, Buf? falo, Niagara lulls, Ton-nto, Cleveland, Cincinnati la. 1?inspolls, St. Louis. I., tr,.it anl Chicogo, with si.-r-ptnir cars. sieeplng.ears t.> Clayton, via uilea, daily ?-c<->i Bs itu**?y . bum) '.. Canandaigus on sun las* only. 12 niirht. All any 1 lott M, Wi 'i kleeplog-cars to Albany ?nd Troy. Connects *.-. i - * a 'At aaortilng tr-ain*. f,,r tn- sve?t, for Saratoga, Lake George and tho North ..--curl saturday night). '1 'ii k. -ts and space |n Ara slns-r.iom and ?I"eiiiru earl ot sala a. Gland Central Sta.-tn*i -H3 ;-:? ind 942 Krosdway. 12 Park-pla.-.-. 1 Batta -s place, 02 v- attafl l.lsth st. s'.a-ion, New-York: 333 -Vaablntrten ind 730 Fulton ms., Brooklyn, and 79 4tii-?t., WUIlamsl \Ve*ti>i.'* Express calls lor aud check, baggags fro* hot. I* 01 reside? 1 ??*? ?l'.un . others dally except t,in-1iT. !S'< p it 13-tS st. Station I., take up pasaenger* ' 1 No -ii ind Va. - J. M. TOUCEV. lll'NP.Y MON-TT. General s,ip.'uiita-ndent Gaaera] Passcager Aser.t CENTBAL RAILBOAD OF NEW-JTRSET. FOOT OE LIBERTY STREET, NORTH RlVl-I Tiui.- Tsbls of Msy .'i,. ls--. For Til ILA Ul LP ll IA aol TRI fal TON, " ll-.und Brook Route," at 1. 7 :4*r, '.?. ll a. m. ; 1 30, 3:15. 4, S .30, 7-30. 12 p. BA SUNDAYS st 4. ? .40 a. in. . .',.30, 12 p Bi __ Trains leavln - at 4. 7 :4'?, 11 a. m.. 1:30, 4. 3:30. *:-t\ 12 p. m. have connection f,,r Read ng, 11 1 ville, ste.; 1 a. iii. for Easton, Bethlehem, A lien town, Mauch Chunk, Brading. BarrtabWg, etc. Ou Sunday fuf Easton. 7:00 s. m. for P-tS-t-gtOB, Easton, Bethlehem, AIIco town. Milich Chunk. 8:30 a. m. f;>r Kk-mlngton, L.i':.* 11 ;,,'.ii.. Rs**--, Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, Wilkel gera tam, Reading, Hsrrisbur-j. Pott*ville, Ta_-o,us, ghiasi-?-i .Sum, ia. Lewis m - K\ imoporl 1 ra. 111. for Fl. n,in.ton. Past,,n, n.-'lilehcm, Allcnio"-. y.iucli Chunk. Readiin.-, Harrisburg, etc. 3 4. i) ni for Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Msac* Chun-. wllhos1*ai*->j Scranton,, t-ha-raikln. 4:30 p. bl for Flemington, Lake Hop.:, .ng. Esatoa, Beth!.-hem, Allentosvn, ste, li :00 and 5 :3o p. m. tor Somatnll* and Ftenil'isun. 5:45 l). m. fer Easton, R.-th:.-hem. Allen'own, M?s?? Chun,. P.cadin; H-tt-Bbvrg, asa. On .Sunday* at 1* p. m. _^ 4, 8:1S, ll :1.r> a. m.. 1, 3 30. 4, 4 SO, 0:18 p. ra : Sub dass, 8*00, 9 00 a. ni foi R-l Bank Long Hianeh 1 Albury i'.ai_, i".-lau (.rose. except Sula 1 n . Potnl Pla**** snt. Parlor cars at 11:18 a m.. 1, j M 4 M pa m. 4, 8:16 a. m.. 1, 4 3o a, m. fur I .iiu.ln.dale, LARB" \V(),i|>, Manchester, Tums River Barueeat, etc. _ 4 a. m., I p. at for ATLANTIC CITY. Vineland. Bri I.el.mi. 4:00, ?:00, 8:15. 11:15. 11 Ll s. m.. 1:00, 4. 4-0. 6:30, 0 15 p ti Bund-ay-, 8 00, :? ? -a rot I'erth Atuir-X. SAN nv HO. iK ROI Tl For LONG BRANCH, Ol BAN 0 HOVE. Ste.. PROM l-l 111 8, N. R- k# M For Atlsntle Ili-hlan.K lllehland ilea, h, fseahrtght, Me-H mouth Beach and Lons Brunch, 4 30 10 15a. ?_-?-__ 6 p. m. Sunday* sexes-yt AUautlo lUshlsodi). ??*" For Eltreron, Ashutv Patk, (Vein GroTT?. etr., 10:18 s. m. I tl a, *n. Sundi)* (oxsaapl A'bury Park and OC?-a_ f]travel, 0:30a. ni. ._?.?. For T.akow.aod, Tomi River and Bsrne,it. 4 no a. _-. 8 45 p. m._'_ CAVE rmABriAMM R00TI V' FOR OLD POINT < '.IMPORT. NORPt'LK. PORTSMOUTHa ANO THE SOUTU. NEW.TOnK. PHILAnFLPmA * NOr_?i_L-iR'?': Train leave* foot ot Cortlsndt and I_S_T?evur-d dsily, 8:1X1 p. m. Ticket* and ?leepinit ***BT|iroa1l Co. ht any Ticket office ol th* Pcnnvl'*'- ^Tr _> _l A. xl wf ol;^-._; supt, __ a. cuoi__? __?*??"