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SUBURBAN PROBABILITIES. THE BARD IS WELL. NUT WILL NOT START. SING-TON LAME AOAIX-MT?.TKMF.S ABOUT DUH BOYNf?TMHOULK-'f* OAl LOP. The Bard is perfect iv -ol!. Ot h-as not missed a agaliop store be went into toa_a| this year. Ill* trott public api*c>_r?nc.- sa 111 l>- In ll ? a'oney Islatnl Biskes, 1 1-8 c. lr*. ;.: ? .-i-pshcad P. .r. M Saturday, ween with 1211 pounds up M will meet Emi>eror of Jforfolk with 103 ami Hanover with 11?- It will In* a areal, race. On saturday Tho Bard, carrvlni* 13d ?pounds, worked a mlle lal a quarter In 2:1- with out turnitiK a hslr. Th.< ls Subnrban weight and distance and tho trial wv*, eminently satis factory to Trainer Huggins. Ya*t. I am enabled t.. state ptnitlvely that Mi. Cassatt's Rt-.-at hoi-- will Dot go to the post un Thursday, no matter what the weather may be. If Clio.s'-bi.n.l' 9*9 a NfNMBas. tlve lr tbe Suburban lt will bc tbe victor of laust year, the much abused Euros. Tm not sum I/-II stott, either," said Mr. Huggins yesterday, as ho '.pened the stahl* door so that I might look aarefuliy nv*. Un- pWi unknown quantity In every race fm- which ho ls sent. ? 1 attempted to atti him a trial y--*. to uley bal he wouldn't po a vant and 1 had to Mag him back to bis bo.\. I'll ny lilm agsln to-muiTaiw and if lie goos to suit me I'll tcud lilm to the post Thursday.** " Does ho boss the Wtoh-l-iatBl I** "Ho doe* pretty BMMk as be pla*asea. Euros ls a ?pect-l-r horse. Nol"> '.*? know-, how fast or how far he can fro. I don't think tkM-*_ a man living who could ride kim with spurs, ami as for th<* whip, he'll go amy Way but forward when jon cut bim." "1 fBfffan Blay ward will rids him In tho Subur fcan*" ?* Of course." "Why dou't you start The Bard! On a fast track Itt pound* wouMn't mop him." "It mlglit In such a crowd as he would ni. lu Ihe Suburban. He might kati *o stand st thc post for an hour, he mipht bo shut out by a bad start, ami tnlg.'it bo cut down trying to go through. No, it ?wouldn't be sale to start him." "You don't think bc could lie beaten f ""ell, yes; I -lo think they'd beat him. Would ?rou Uko tn look at bim I" Tl.i tia,ncr opened another door and I feasicd my eyes on the sa'iu coat tad MOt-soai muscular de velai-jiuent of the magiiitlrent sou of Longfellow. Ho .looks as mtrS as nails and as sound as a raiach. He Isn't l,ai.a.*o-nc. ll-'s too gnat to be good looisinu. Eunis I. a moro sliapa-ly animal. - What arc tta ahanai's ol a match with Emperor of Norfolk?" I *9aTtt\ '?None, so far as I know." recited Mr. Huggins. "The only eoiidl'iors I should arr,',' to atv Weight for age. a mile Bad a (plaiter. $10,000 a sill?." Mr. Huggins explained pleasantly kal sudden return to r-heepsliea-l Bay Lom Jerome l'ark. It was not due to 111 favell ni:. The ma.', rlty of trainers are strangely reticent and absurdly Silly about the konM In their charpe, and ls ls -,s,ll nigh luipnsslide to persuade them to say wha* they will or will not start lor the Suburban. In England you find no such nonsense. There tho public K. ?' I wa-, I,* '- forehand the probable starters In every great rare. This k Ika way th*- Suourlr-n looks to one who bas tried to timi out all -kool li from horsemen who aro credited with knowing their own mind, arni being aware of own intentions: Hors". Wi lac?BJ Latest odd* Linden 1^4 Shauer 8 to ; Klrigstoa 1.1 ( ) 8 lo 1 j_teT__af) Joe Cotton 112 ( , 1 Ir t? l -a.J Mo-MMO. ll. s } 9A to 1 or < Martm > Pnitwood 110 t I 20 to 1 Eurus Ut 'I.-nward 25 tn 1 Elr.nri I UT GaRtOoa 7 t<> I Hidalgo ,115-, ) 20 io 1 or . nanni!.rn > Basn All 116 I I IS to 1 Terra Cotta . 120 Murphy 15 tn l Richm, .... i HR Nv. l'snohue, 30 to 1 I ne, IN C-BBMla 12 to 1 Tl ,'a>t 110 Kelly IO to 1 ' r i l?veland 108 JI olia, ss as- 50 ri. 1 Oonnetiiira Hi V. I.itU-fleld 25 to 1 Ordway WI f"' '" I If the grrlng should be heavy Mr. (.alway will not start Linden but may semi I'tips-rt. Klkw-a:a,cl ts ,11 not appear unle*_s thc weather le fair and Hie tra'!. dry'- K ngMisti w.ll renata In his l,ox if it rains. .hoiiM Warm ts" withdraw-n. it is posalkle that Hay? ward will ride Linden. There will be ai p-ist thirteen .tailers. l.luo Wing, who hit!.tn kai keen eon-Mered a dan? gerous element, will rm; t,<- read-*. Wln-u I visited him yestenlay bo han a pair of -Ari*****] ItraoMn M tils loreu-gs. Oat if Ike Bilbie baye iald kc won tkea to heep the tllt-s oil his lama, which had 1mm n fired. Th.- lad ajso Informed tm- that Troubadour na* on Ita road, and would arrive al Sheepshead today or to atms to go ai once ima it-ataf-i Kingston ls l?i >? rj i-* j -1 ii and ls i doubtful starter. Mei atv- -oses to bri ni i*t.-i to tta post, kui it looks as if Joe iotti-.i orin Li ih< Dwyer*1 repreaontotlTe, Ii.-.s'e .lim., is h tain) j... Iblllty. George Oyster la bu ht*- lit. and Ita odds ai-e 10 to 1 against his -total i . tin- post, ? omi u.;ai a workea a fast mil,- an-i a quarter yes* tsrdsy, an-l flnlsh.-il In a style that lilla-il tar owner and trainer With fl.-.-. Trlb-oolet ls dom. all Hitai ls a* ked of lilm. His Jocka-y-tralner worked him nine fm long* Iii _ :01 ree lerday, and nhl it wa mils b K-Uop, Trlboulet ls a tip, ran.y fa-llow - luge hames ami lone. Hat muscle*. He rr-iiilii.i- yon ol Ka. eland ami Banburg, two if tta hoin.-litst horses lu I raining. Turfmen .ii "the Bay" hold him I i high ??-t.-in. Hts -ia!,l? COB* pHiii-.ii. ida- ipeedy inti* Geraldine, I* a beauty and as p.-iitle as a kitten, noodtble, ;i two feat old, la one of Ita rm,?t bloodlike youngsters si-.-u thia year. Grover t'leva-land ?;ls _ L-it-at bone li, r-allfornla until TrllMiulet mel him and tn'iitM him how easy it wa* to gallup a mlle ami -i quarter In 8:(W i I. Mr. Liagclu las a -ilaik" hm.e. eligible to start, who may furnish tho surprise and uj-f-i of tta race. This ls K.uiTiy. a four veai- ol.l t,y Duke ot Bontrosn out of Ilea*, ila- ls a recent an iva) (rom itancbo del l'uso. tad i* sa.'i to tte a eUnkcr. Dantayna is th>- myst.-ry of tta ieee. He ls a= flue a plea*e of hors.-lWh a, ,-y, <-s?i !? held. Hts O'latl.-i-s ai-a- superb. Be is as active as a budla 0_ steel springs, at,J lo,,hs as If he could carry a mountain and stay all day. No dm has roi succeeded In getting a Ilia** oti him. li i? darkly Dinted tba) Jennings tier elsa** kial ai night on ita wa.on mad that rims parallel I,, tba. t'ulvrr Kallins. Tin- little train that dfOpa -rom ike summit t.f the kill by Green* od Cetoelarf mai.'.* th? r-iiiiihiK and Dunboyne beats i1 every night titidar rn douhir* i)- i. H.- na* a^r.-aity bro-en four rr. orris. Still, I doubt if Lunbovno eau bs-at the Bard Given a fair day ami a fast traelc tb?* foi-rgolmj list of probshl* st-lien mav be dis ideal into thif,- lots Iniuns-ibilitJes. iio**ili lilies and probabilities. The Suburban has not ye! been won :>v a poor boree, and lt ti' ? likely to i? ihii feat. Tho bnpOsslbllHI - ar'- Ik-Mi .lor- rot ton, Pun boyti*. El-wood, iiry Monopole, Orover Cleveland, lilclitnond. Connemara, Ontway am! Burua t-OaslMllUos? Terra fotia an-l Tribouiot Pra-,i>at'!liii,-s- Linden, ita beat ot tta Dwyon*? e-eept .i,,e t*ottoo- and tta i.'>*t of Baggln'a Should rain set in and m Ota iii- course taney one of tho lightweights with snail a lead a* Bant, -ot last year might mata a iinnis'av race of it. sum coin-; would afio h"ii, Dry Monopole, wbo reveii In mud, and bra, uta delight* in it. Terra Coila n expected to t-.-neli >l.fej>*;iia*ad Bav to moriow. H.- is tborougbl* se-nOnad au.i lightly wound np .'"." ahrulsin;* Ihe execj.tlve eommlttoe (.f tlin ronev island .lookey Club drove .,\<-r- ti.,- course rester-ay and Buperlntend ent f'larh" pointed out the lundr.-d and one improve? ments Bando. There are to tx- only eight mu' al machines In the bat?it;_? ring. Coop. f.,i s.-v.-t.ty-fve bookmakers havo been j laeed In position *Ih<- coin-sas i,.-s,r toola**- nioi-o atti a. tlve. "/.-Iel. "?Your ti.a ma* aha- wris tindoubtedly a starter In the .urta raes at I, >mc Van on June 7, and under raring rul.-s ail beta ; ad.- on him stand. No money wa* refum!.-,1 Tho* urta barked him lo-1. Tta Judgr*. exeiisas/i bim a- au act of meroy. ??ii" is en? tirely right in bis contention thal as th* bane vent t<i the p<r_t it wm squivaleni to his rann'pg tita. r_ea, "A" loses aeeordingly. Bul let hun have a sharp eye acd a few doiler* oa tho rogue w h<-n he btart. again axd he may get f-rea mtm KOB jriHOME PAM TO-DAY. BXM AU'S FIKfcT Alfi sRASCK-j'KKNCII TARI TO MBBT BO-HhAT, While tha entries for the .1, rome Park rares to-day are not of the high.-st quality, the ItMa g,neially aro evenly matched ?rjd the rontcsts pioiui-e to be close a_-d Interesting. The (yclot,.- coif should win tho first race, Cold ?tream sec o ul. The second race should go to Le J/igos, the place to Royal Arch Montana Morrissey'* Fremh Par?i should fake the Encore Hakes with e_*e. Hoi|.-;iV _u| run second. Fourth Ml lt- /.'I to win. j;r.s fer the piata, Mystic s last race must have liii;,!,.vod her. She thou. I win the sis '..hs i,asf> ma\mtm ? ??*. Theae arc tl a tries ! VIBfcl lUCK-MUliKNs. SI'KCIAL WFICUTa TITIAN (Ut Tlsr-l.SOO YAIU'S. Kaine. A.v. Wt. N_-1(, _. Wf Ca-ldair?am 4 111 r. Ttamsa a loo Cyclone colt * Ui la-ats 2 .,- , T> nafly t lil (rmaaaer 3 <,'-t Rldltuie 4 100 Hail, r M.hU ? ?7 psrilngton 3 loo >-.?, v J! 3 J,5 IXmald ll loo ?aUstod WalterT. 3 100 Nm -6 W.'r SECOND RACF.-HANDU Al'. 1 f-10 MILE8. Nm..- As<-. Wt. Nome *_,, w, Le Lo*ol I 109 Nattle , ' B_ Beyal Arch a 105 ** THIRD RACE-I'.NCOItL ST AK LS TW0-YEAR OLDS. SIX FURLONGS. O?vo?r. I Siro.. \yt f tl Biiilaesj i-r. n.-ia i-ark Kin, Han 125 Castle Mable Dis I ? Bolus ifJ R. W. Walden UeM I Jl< i?ful Kaoelalor .-stahl* Olp-y 4.-001 Itavon d'Or nf FOURTH RACE-HAND!.'AT. 1 1-16 Mll.I'fi Pome. Age. Wt. Name Age. Wt. Ban. AU C l-*_ NnUo _ _A Be-* _ los M__mi fijly S oi L?U..i_ ' 6 104 .oacptt g S? FIFTH RACE-SI.I.LI NO. ONE MILE i Nanv_ Age. Wt. Name ***? STA j prT.uind *? JJ* __? , - 1_ Frollc a 114 Peek-a-boo _> lg ! P_.lV* 6 1W Mino _ ?; ' Rearer B JH Mais I H| fioonihlne 4 1M Ctalala 1 "? O'Fellus - 106 Refund * m SIXTH RACE-ST-Kl'l.IiCHASi;. SHORT ?l?* Non.. Ape. Wu Nsme s-fe. Wk ' k-nford a 147 t.lenhar *| IH MystlO ? '???* Wind hesta ? IB Klph't, 5 137 McKcn/iO I 1*U rare at 2:30 p. m. NAfetTfrom the wires. HOW ELECTRICIANS WOULD SECURE IT. I MR. JOHNSON WANTS LOW TS9SSWSM S-li SEME GIVK6 MIS VI KWS. A manager of a Fort Wayne electric light company told tho coroner'- Jury *shtrh wa? invest,gating Ltncuiau ; Murray's death, that be hail been six years In tho business, and didn't know half as much abont tho ! irleks anl eccentricities of electrlrlty as he thought I be did when he had been at lt only six months. Il ls no wonaler. therefor-*, that the coroner and his , Jjrots. none of whom aro experts, found the subject j perplexing- said an electrician,speaking of tin-matter : - 1 hey hsve treed the electrical coon, but they know I nothing f the nature and habits of the varmint, and about all they can do is to keep up a U-_**?-.?? barking around the tree, until people who hare tho ncccssar. knowledge organlzo an expedition to bring the coon down." with a full appreciation of his own ignorance on the subject, a reporter of The Tribune railed on E. H. Johnson, the president of the Edison Klectrie Light Company, to get his opinion of what should be .hmo to render the wires harmless. The Edison people, la-t it be observed, have never killed anybody with their wires, and aro therefore not on the defensive. " Ijel me ask you a question," said Mr. Johnson, when the reporter had explained his mission. " Would you allow tai be inti-odneed Into your house an elec? trical current of such strength thal touching tho wire will, the hand, under certain conditions, would pro du< a Instant death I" ?' No." replied the reporter emphatically. -Very well," said Mr. Johnson. " apply the same rule to tbe streets. Prohibit the employment of elec irl.-al currents of such power that they will kill, and you attain perfect safety nt once. And that ts the only thing I know of that wit.' Insure perfect safety. Ikara ai-o two methods of electrical lighting; ono uses a high pressni-e current, and the oilier a low pressure ciitra-nt. Tho hjgli pra-ssure cm rent kills. tta Ins*- pressure current can't kill. From Ibis state ii.' nt which can't be contradicted, anybody can draw his conclusion as to what should be done to Insure perfect security, If that is thought worth attaining." '? Will not putting tlie high pressure wires under ground render them harmless!" ?? Ly no means. It ls an open question whether tb.- (lanifer to life would be materially lessened. The current would still have ample oppor? tunity to escape to houses and buildings adjotntag the wires. Certainly the dancer would be greater If the electric light companies did nut employ bettor insulation than ?: pres-nt. lt should be nnleist.>ud lhat the dangers from electrical currents are of two kinds?they may kill or they may cause fires. A current may be strong enough lo Ignlta." wood and yet not be strong enough to kill or even 10 iT.Juie a *rers.>n who comes- In coutte! with lt. Nr\r to prohibiting the use of the cun-ent lhat kills I wcnld favor putting the wire* underground, wheie they could not rome lu contact With the loose wires that are dang? ling overhead, and the compulsory einpb-ynient of tto keel practical form of Insulation. The quest ion ls largely a matter of dollars and cents; the wires aro bally Insulated now. Why" Beean**, a better Insulation would cost more money, and by Increasing tho ropp-*r in your wiro you lessen the danger by decreasing Ito force of tho current. But of course mcan6 more expense. " But by tho low pressure system can you get as i powerful lights as you do by the high pressure sys? tem ?" ??Certainly you can, only lt would cost, moro money Became of thc danger high pressure currents are for !,llidem in certa'n cities in OWBHIIJ In the Edison .ysietn you cnn take hold of the positive and negative eilis of tto wire tkrougk which flows a current supplies 80.000 lights and you would not be h arni el shows that perJeet safety ls attainable." Tho reporter next called at the oflice af the T'nlted ?states Eloctrlcal IJchtlng Company and ttore conversed ss iii Beary Hine, the manager of tho sa;cs depaitineut. This company manufactures both high pressure and low pressure j,iants. Mr. Hine said that the abandon? ment of the high pra-ssure system would simply put a stop to arc lighting, for whatever science might do lt tad not yet devised a method of getting arc light*, vt If h a low tension current. He thought that the dangers from the electric light wires were Beatty exaggeraMit. When it ls remeinbeii.fl kow recent I* thu application of e).*cti*|eity for illuminating purposes, and how tre? mendous ls the loree n-pr-cst ated. the thine t*? ho ania-cl ut ls that there has keen sn little los* of Ufo in a-onnea-tion with it. Steam number*, its victims hy thousands. In New-York electricity had killed f.i'.'r peoyla.. No company wanted to kill people. That wouldn't pay. But If the Wired were pur underground lt wm questionable Whether that would Btford gre-tter pe. curlty. lt was much more difficult to MC-Ure good In? sulation underfrOUDd than overground J Bartk was . good conductor '? *-li- a good insulator. The pre'ent insulation was -ejective; helter cou],i ire employed, nut science had not yet -BYteed a tborougkly satisfactory system of Insulation. Electric light companies would not spend larc* sums of money to scyiu-e Better Inenia tlon of their overhead wire, until lt ls definitely settled whether they are tai go nndergronnd or stay overhead,, ll put underground lt would require tto use ol an en? tirely new system of Insulation, and the present s-nb ways could not do away altogether with overlie id wires ; they would *itlll be required for local distribution tate-eau meeta. The. electrical problem hr*. i*eg_-*di>d as an extremely dfHcult ono which should not be settled hastily. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ MASH ATLAS REACH Til Ron SORES. A CHARMING PAY AT CONEY 1-I.ANH?MANY TIIOU SaNP I'l.-ASfRF. SKKKKKS. Two or three Miami ullin li .'in-jr- at C<rn>*y Island yest,--day only scattered Ito flt..- la.,.-, of dust ,ni the Concourse and gavo the sea air an additional touch of moistness. When the san came out a^-atn. after tbe rain, and the salt breeze blew briskly in from the ocean, no element was lacking for a porfect day at Ito beach. Tho whole Uland was alive, from Manhattan to West Li ijthion, v-nh pl. isiire-seckers of all sUes aud ages. Tho Iron steamT,oafs discharged passengers hy the hundreds every hour af Ihe Iron piers, under whose .tidier some a-nthusla-ts fried a brief dip In tue surf, and on whose broad promenades tbe more leisure lov? ing sat or walked, watching tl.e watte roll In and tumblo tho bathers helter*kelta-r. The Se. Keach Road brought down recruits half-hourly, and by the middle of the afternoon (;vcry Iroec garden and dance-hall in WM Brighton was crowded with thirsty patrons. The rumor that an escaped hyena was lying hid behind .. sand bank af Nu ton's Pdn: alr.-w tam lighting Fourth Warders In that direction. But (be hyena was not to be fouud, and tta only wild animal In si chi at ?_e West End yesterday was Ito -l4r*tl_M sweat board tiger. After tho ron-'i-and-tumble gayefy of the West E:id, Ita Brighton Beach section loaiked quiet and even deserted. The hie total I' not In complete order y.-t, and stands back a couple of hundred feet from the line of travel. The Marine Ballway \Mis running yaatcnlay. its Brighton station u now tar out In tin* water, and ls reached oarer a lone passage way built on piles. The beach her- is being Peaked away rapidly, and can only be sired, apparently, by a ss stem of b: akwaters. Some h-tpTOv-Wd ones along Ito i oin (.ui*e. which ls also threatened, have done much to stop Hm ravages of the beach combers there. The i eaeoaree, bf Ito way, is badly cracked up, some of the gullies bf mg worse than the " brc.-hers" on a country mad. The Maakattaa Beaek Hot< 1 was opem-d raeteeriaj for the season, aid that, of emt se, svas the ekleJ feature of tto day. The bl. frame building wa*, lu spick and span order, the turf in front of it as sm,,,,th and velvety as a well kept lasso, ito Howers every wh-'ie In bloom and Ito fount aim splashing In brisk eompotltloil alth the surf beyond the sea wall. A sacrea] cameert was glscr. In the music hall, and lin porches ami the benches on toe lats ii wara lill.-al with well -dressed people. The Hist display of fire work, will tal.e place In a day or two, and fillmore's band will begin Its regular (ipanail! before the end of th' week. Tto l-ong island Railroad rae freq nen! trains to th" beaa-li vesta-nisv. from both Kay Rldse and Hunter's Point. Tto '"rienfal Hotel will not to Opened till n-sr Nm ead of June. TOO MAL1GSANZ FOR A tBEESttEE Prom The nee toa Advertiser. '?nee more arni in a signal manner "Tho New-York limes"' Khous its lack of, nrdlnarv fairness ard Hs determination to placa. every Republican partv action and every act of individual'1'epuh'llraus fa the worst light possible, if it wa* a eonststeal I_ara.tee. lt inielit hope lo j? *a- before the country a* a preter natarally keen rrttie, spvlng flaws and rottenness be? neath the fsirest outward s?>emlng, and desaita-sl lo the um overing of uhliasl sepulchre*.. Hut ss bile lt leos no oppommltv t.) s(nh Ita teeth tn Republican flesh. lt has only a few faint and perfunctory barks for D-iaOBialle outrage* and Mr I leveland's Juggling willi and illili swallowing of the "__-*"__ ?wonl wklen was ronliilid fe him. -Tills anntr-M ls so plainly shown on lt. fslttortt- page of \a-stenlav (speaking of Mr. Blaine's letferl, I tint ii ex^rs.-s Hhelf lo the con tempt of all c?;?||d m. u. . li ls patent ?i, tj?. fa,.r ?f tkla prasenlmenl that tbe Republiean j-trtv could do notbln| to satisfy 'Hie Tarnee*- If lt tried And - Ito Tlmee* may reel assutivl that ih< UopnbOcM party will not make the sail-!*, Hon of -Tbr- 'Ilin.-i" De main ls*ue In thc (amidiigti and i.acrttl'o everybody and f-'-ryihlng thtt ??'Ibo Tlmee" hates to Its uialignant ss ii BROOKLYN'S LEAD GROWS. THE CLEVELAND CLUB DEFEATED. RECORDS OE TUT. Cl.lSM IN THE PENNANT AND INTERCOLLEGIATE RACKS. The Brooklyn and Cleveland clubs played a game ol baseball at Ridgewood Park, Brooklyn, yesterday, be f?r- shout 2,900 people, lt was a tame, uninteresting contest and re-etlted In an essy *. Ictory for the homo c'.ub. The ore fa _'_ ff-'' ir. j_b'jro] rler-tO-Sat. ..! 1 8| 0 lii.tralliie. . f.. o 1. - Esau, lb. . .1 0, 0 T *?trl?ka*r 9 b.' 1 I 8 (ill**.-, ri.I 0 .1 4, - (iaoalfellow. If, ol 1 -I *' Mct.lone.3_.. 0; 1 - I HnTiler. c.' o! - 4 0 Morrison. p...j e 0 _<>j Jj Tatala.I^I_M_' || lir-alv-. ".' Plnsney. Uh, oliMeCieli'o, 2b 0 'orr. Ih. 1 3,1' li lontx. rf.I 0 1 1 ll.hmlth.s*.I 110 I|'o*airton. If.... S 'il 1 OljCsraihors,cf.. li ll 1 al'i-s-AJJ.......I l! a! o Hot bert, c. "i! Totals. fl i ^^^ iio'i_:_7i7ti' 3 tl 1 ii 0 0 9 0 c 0 0 ll ll -_? - 6! Il ? Ss* ? ? ? _ _ ? 1 I 1 > o -ii. Brooklyn ,...o**,J-**''"_7 Earned runs-Cleveland. 0; Brooklyn, 7. First bs?* hv errorrv-Clevetsnt*, ll Brookljn. 4. --"ft on bsse? Clcveland 7: Brooklyn. 0. lint Ira*** on balla-Me nellan 1 Eoutr. 1. Stolen ba-?**-SmIth 1, O'Brien 1. McKe.-in 1. Strieker 1. Struck out-Strlcker 1. ('Ilk* 1. Snyder 1 Morrison 1, Caruther* 2. Home runn-Plnk ,,<>? 1 druthers 1. Three-bane hl-a-O'Brlcn 1, Miys 1 Two-bass hlts-Mos-San t May* 1- Trouble play* Rmith MrCIcllsn snd Orr. 1H\ by pUehor-__stt 1. Wild pitches-May* 2. Ps-jaed baUs-Snyder L Umpire -Mr. MeQuade. Tlmo of game-1:40. ? Font- declared out The League race still shows tho Chicago club In the lead, with the Detroit nine second, New.York third and I.oston fourth. Tho four .lube are close together and the positions msy be changed during Ihe present week. The games won and lost to date aro as follows; Cluta ni oi E B -si 3 sri ii ci ?* iu ti _ _ --?_?_ ?i r' s.: *? 5' *5i *. _ ?. -. i ii: i v i _ _ I _l *,. - Sii fl S! ? ill! Chicago. I,.liol!. Near.York. ItasUn. Philadelphia... Fitisl.urs. In.llaiiBpail'.a.. . Washington... (lame* Lost. li Ol 'all iii 2j 3| 3; 6| 2j . I *- 3 ?| 6< 2, .. - ?I , * ?' '< * 4 "6 ..: tat li ll 81 _ 2 7 0 ? el 4 O' 3 ll I ll 2; ll.. piuiniiiiitiMiM ?_6 :t7 _t 37 .-. -7 ilS'tO ie st 14 35 15 37 I", it" In the American Association race, the Brooklyn c-.ub steadily increases Us lead. Tho record ls as follow*,: Broektva !st. Louis Clnciiiistl Al:i.s'l Maltluiors ? ? " a- ld Kaosaa City LouTsvilis.'.''.""""li."."."i."."!ll Oj ll lj li j, nj 71 ..Hil Oaeioel?eet.-..-...liejitjll 17:i8 '.ti.s'.rv f.i Harvard has a big lead In the college race. Yale must wtn all her remaining games to capture ihe pennant. Tlio record to date ls as follows: Club*. 3 _ 5 I Ifarvar-. .. Yale.. 1 Princeton.| 0 O a trie i lost. 1 LEAR**- G-AM-.S TniS To-day?New.York w Chicago, st PoU. tiround*, New York ; VS Indiana pell*, st Washington , Oo* taui vs. Detroit, st Boston; Philadelphia vs. Pittsburg, at I-htladnlphln. Tossasy?-few-Tork v*. Chicarro. at Polo Grounds, {Tew-York; Philadelphia va. Pittsburg, at Philadelphia; Bootoo vs. Detroit, lt Bolton; Washlngtam va I:.inn IBOlls, it Washington. W?_ne*_*T?I'hllidelphli vs. Indianapolis, at Phila? delphia; Washington vs. Pittsburg, at Wss-lnjrton. Thursday?New-York vs Detroit, at Polo uroundaa, Na-s-York : Beaton v*. Chicano at Boston; philadelphia it Philadelphia; Washington v? l-:t>* vs. I.-,-anaj.uli*., it I'h burg, it washlnffon. Fridav?Near-York vi _ Detroit, at l*olo Ground*. Now York; Boston vs. C,ilcag?, at Bo-aton: Philadelphia ra In-ianapolis, at Philadelphia; Washington v?. Plttrtlxir?, ? at Washington. Saturday?Phllad"Iphla vs. IndianapolK at Fhlladel phij ; Bollon v*. Oileaso, at Boston; N,-w-York vs. Detroit; at Polo (.round*, Nsw-York; Waahlngton va. Pitt-burg, at Washington. ASSOCIATION faAME.S THIS WKKK. To day? Baltimore vs. AthlmJoa, at Baltimore: Cin? cinnati vs. Kt. Louis, at Cincinnati; Louisville vs K.aii**. City, St I.-uul-s lila. . Tuesday?Brooklyn va Claveland, at Washington Park, Brajoklvn ;' Iinltlmore VS. Athletlns. St Baltlmoj-e. Wa-flnesday?Ht. Louis vs. laOUlsville, st St. I/iuls; Kansa* City vi. Cincinnati, at Ka-iro* Cltr.C Thursdnv?'.iniore v*. Brooklyn, it Baltimore; Cleve loud ??? Athletic*, at Cloveland: St. Loul*. v* fyiulsvllln, nt Al Leola j Kan*** City vs I'lnclrinaii. at Ksiisa* City. 1'rHay?Brasvalvn VB. Haltluiol*, at Baiflirinr-; Cleveland ss A-hi--i.i, i.s. st Clevaalsnd; St. i.a.u.s ss. I., -ulsslils- _t St. I^nls; ls'niis-i* city vs. (Inrlimatl, at Rania* ( Ity. ,SaturdST-(Ueveland va Athletics, at Cleveland; Balti? more vs. Brooklyn, at flaltimor*; St. Louis v*. Cincin? nati at St. I..,uis; Rsum* City vs. -eulaville, at Ksn*ss City. The (-.-imp scheduled to be played st Osklsnd Tark to-day, botween the Jersey City and New Jersey Ath? letic Club nines, has been declared olf. ORSOSt ON DIAMOND FIELDS. Philadelphia. Jims 10,-The Athletic and Baltimore clubs played off a poitponed game at Gloucester PortiV K. J., thi* afternoon before about 2,i*>00 s-pertators. Kil? roy isms h,t freolr, md his support, wss p,,or WeylUiiff ptOt>e_ a f.-iirly .o'*! game, and wa* auperbly tacked up. The hatting o? Bierhauer and Griffin inri th* fielding of Steeoaa were th^ features. The acore was an follosrs: Athletic ....21830000 2-11 Baltiinors - ..2000 0 020 0?4 Baarcliits?Athletic, 15: Baltimore. (J. Krrora-Ath le'le, 5; Baltimore. 8. jfTtchera-Weyhlng and Ellr.y. T.'mplre?Mr. Doe-cner. Cincinnati, June 10? Tho St. I.ouls Browni s-on ft day's game ky bunching their hits, and th?- ?,, ,i BB?sd hy the costly errors of their opponent*. The seor? as Bl ('Ir.clnnitl st. Loals . fal ,.00801000 . . 0 0 0? 1 800 H.-o-hlU-ClucUinatt, 17- Et. Louis, lt, Errors-liln ctnnitl. ?; St. Ix,ul\ i. Pitchcrs?.M-lline and "Judson Uniplre?Mr. Gaffney. TFNN1ST-7;ICKKT AND ATHLETICS Tli^ aiinual spring gann-s of the Brooklyn ledges af th*. AiH-lr-nt, a)rder af Enra,*ter* will be held st Euler,. Purk IJa*t Ncsv-York. to-day. The (feW'Terfc Oriefcat Club will play a match a,.iinst the Staten J -lauri Cricket Club at LhrlafatO-, Staten Island, ai, 1 p. ul to-morroat. A touiii.iii'iit for the lasrn tennis championship of the Mladic Suites will be h>'..! on the Rt. CsSlAe'S cricket groundr. at Uo.oken next Wcdiiesdsy, and the billowing days. H. W. Slocum, o. Campbell, Oej-roll J. 1'osf, II. Norman, of Broxaklyn; Dr. Dwight. P_ 1). .Sears, af Beeteai and Bekman, of the Westcheater Tennis Cluh, are e?p.*cte(l to ccrapetaj. The Orst -"even of the Manhattan Cricket Club of Brooklyn, and the Newark club, will play next Wednes? day on the .lohiison-ave ground, N?-wark. The Coney B?d and Cnn Club will have lt* monthly .hoot on the grounds st Woodlawn next Wednesday. The sa rond .-annual tennis tournament of the Cr**ct-nt I Athletic Cilia will tro held on the grounds st Nin'h st. sud Nitith-ave., Brooklyn, nest Saturday. Singles, deaMea and mixed ?sables will ka played. Tb,- New-York Cricket Club will j,lay a match against the Yonkers Cricket Club next Saturday at l>ntrul l'ark. Tho Alms Cricket ttub will plsy against ihe Man? hattan Cricket Club next Sstuiday at l'resp. rt Park. Ths Staten Island Cricket Club will p|?y a nistch Bgalass the Scabrlght Cricket Club al Senbrleht, J*,'. J., ,.ii Siturlay. TWO NEW ROMAN CATHOLIC CBVRCHEA Two Ito man OB-kaMO chsii*?':* were d<*di,-.ita.-d *reiM?>r dav, one at No*. 511 and 513 Wast Twenty-third-**, and the other In The ono In West Twrnty-thlrd st. I* csll-sl the Church of the Guar'lan Angel. || cost 000,000 and wll! seat stout 700 persons. It (* only a MO vestry building; whoa ?ulllclent tuna* are in lund lt will Ire turned into a school hill end i more apsclou* church erected. It wu dedicated hr Bishop Conway, Of Curium. High mass wu e-lebrate-1 hy the Itov. ." mamt S. Hughes. a??*l*t*_ br tbe is>v. .'hirle* Pirk*. a- d-jicon. th* R<-v. Thoma* Galllgan lub-deioon. and, lt.- IU-V. Will.i-ii O'Nolli r* ter ., c*rema,nl?-s. Th" Bot. A. J. C?ii_'ainc, -iroet-r of St. Josept;'., s*imna*T of Troy, presched. "T-e Chureh of Si Anthony ?P Padua, In Sullivan-st., wss dedicated hy Archbishop Cor rliran. It cost O-OO.OOO, and will matt l.&OO pe-aon*. I'oiitlflesI high rnsss wss eolebrated by Bisl,,,-, st A. r.ud dm. af Byracuae, having li ssiisunt priest th* Rev. J ?1. Mclvavin; descon. the 1-ov. John J. R.-sn; sub-descon, th., IW. Joaeph ll. Bigley; maater* of eer-nKmle*, ths Kev. John J. Me-ee and tho Rev. John MeCloaky, frf St. Bonaventure's -en-nsry ?f Allegheray. Bishop Ryan, of Buffalo, preaofied tbs dedication sermon. IN MEMORY OF THEIR DEAD PASTOB. Speclsl servic--* tn ma-nory af th* Rev Br. -sme* D. Wliaaa, fornaer paator of f*is Central Pr?s*hyt?-rijQ Church, aa, N held there Int evening. "ivory ?*?st wss oecnpleal The *?rnHrn ws? delivered by the Rev. Dr. K u. p>iiaaaj|ta.r, ul.,, t rok for hil t#lt the lina;, "Ile (rasing ,j_ad y,.t s-.-ok.-tli." Ile U.h^the atarry of Dr. Wllioti'i nf,., ttt,,y he wa* coias-i-rted by s oomrsde sad deva-loju-al sxeaiptl->nal Hirts after hia entrance into iii* Christian ministry: how he had been the pallor of two churches In thia oily, off both ot which ho had liff.*- debts, aad how l.t- ot his congregation* loved and honored him. He closed with eame*t "ord* of for tho character and work of the departed pa?tor. Colonel Elliott E. Shepard delivered to HM congregation a number of loving message* which Dr. Wilson Imparted to him for them a ahort time katata hi* death. HOME SEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE I (OT ELS. __ FIFTH AVENUE s.-ret-iry End .ir, OS-OJ-I -I. A WmieaBBaa, ?'.* -Vi-.hi - n, nnd -nato Oeerj r '"rwln of Pot-dam. N. Y. C. N. fa ton, of Csllfornls, snd Lieutenant-Colonel fioaldard, of iwrmudii. MURRAY HILL-lTofessair T. lt. Ltmtm bury, of New-lliven, and Stile .Scnat/rr C. P. Ved-ier. NEW-YORK-Ex-Miyor frederick O. Prlnc, of lt?*inii. *sv-iM)><?Il?slohn B. Sherman and I-rskin.- M. Phelp*. of Clilcago. WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY. American Jockey Club raina. Jerome Park, 2:15 p. m. AquMu-t InveatlgsUon by Senate Committee, Supremo Court room*, ll a. m. Alice Woaadhall forgery case, General Sessions. Mi** Terry-Mrs. Perine libel snit, Supremo Court. Trisl of thu Dis* Debars, IJert-ral Scsli-n*. joh.i R. Dunn larceny case. Court of Over and Tertnlner. Iuteratats Commerce Commlei-lon, l'llenil Building, ll s. m. Board of lEIeetrlesl Control, No. 1/.18 Broadway, ll a. m. Conecrtby Mlle, de Noguelras, Hoffman House parlors, 3 p- m. Cls?* Dsy exercises of Columbia College, 3 p. tT, Receptlou to London Ancient and Uonorablo Artillery Guard, Old Guard Armory, forenoon. Baseball, New-York against Chicago, Tolo Grounds, 4 p- m. Openlnr* of new Republican Headquarter*, No. 18 Weat Twenty-flfth-*t, evening. Election for vice-president of the Coffee Exchange. Meetlmr of Federal Club. No. G-*.> M.idison-ave., es-enlng. Anniversary of tho Home for Incurable*, Fordham. NEW-YORK CITY. Several onflro blocks af houses In Fifth snd Madison aves, aro already locked, bolled and barred for tho summer. The Re***. Dr. Robert Collyer now has lils study In the Holland Building, at Broadway and Fortleth-st. Tho Gospel tent, In Fifty -fifth st. near Broadway hai boen raised and pitt In etd**, anti the wai mar services will begin In a few days. Brldtret McDonald, of No. .113 East Ninety seventh-* st., who van found ilt:iiilc on Saturday night, willi a ,-MM named Mamie Meyers, was fined St In the Har? lem Court ye.stcnlay. AfOBl Knoll, of Mr. Oerry'l Society, reported that Ike woni.-in baal befriended tho child, but the fine was Imposed for drunkenness. Tho child Is now in charge of tho society. A board of Army ofllcers has been In sesfilon at the Army Building, considering a site for a new gun proving ground, In view of tho probable uso ol tho Gainly Hook giound foi hotel purposes. rn BROOKLYN. The body of a man, about twenty-one y?ars old. five feet six lin-lii-s In height, with a smooth fae and dark bair, was picked up In tho Buttermilk (luanncl yo-ter dsy. lt haal been In the water a long time. John (arley, age thirty seven, was stabbed yesterday morning by Charles Smith, age thirty three, a fellow boarder at tho house of M.1**.. Ellen Finnegan, at At lantlc-ave. and .ackman-st., and was talton to m. Mary's Hospital. 8mlth was arrested. What ls known ss the Prospect n-l-hrs Presbyterian Church has boon organized at Seventh ave. and Thirteenth st., and the Rev. William A. Ilolilday ls acting as pastor. Chsrles R. Doane Post, G. A. R., held stvIccs af 'ho grave of Frederick Boyce, In Greenwood Cemetery, yes? terday, and .lames R. Allsbon mad,- an address. While getting In a strea-t car of tho Hamilton Part. Uno. at Third ave. and Twenfy-thttd st.. on Saturday night, Thomas Ferrett, ago twenty-live, ol No. 38 V.'al cott-st., slipped and fell beneath the wheels. Ho died from his Injuries In a short time. SEWS FROM THE SUSUERS. NEW JERSEY. It appears on lnve*tl-allon that tho killing of Charles Berkey st Cnlon Hill, Saturday night, by Thomas Bodler was purely accbiental and Bollier will prob ably be released on ball to-day. Berkey lived in West Hoboken. Ho and Bodler matt wann frlendl snd when he called to seo 1,oilier Hat-inlay nl-ht the latter took him up to his room to show him a new re? volver. Whllo they wore examining rho weapon lt accidentally went oft* and killed Berkey. Dodler was arrosted. JERSEY CITY. Tho body of a man, 000 about fifty, was found yes? terday in tho "Gap" at ~ooklagt-M*-0>. Ho was di.-s*.-.I in a dark suit and wklto underclothing, an-l bad fri Ci! In his pocket. Some visiting canis in his pocket had tb? name of ?.fohn ofTennan, No. -I Hi Utim iroMt-st., ooraer af Joe kepa at., iiiot,kiyn. e. D." Tho body ls at Speer's morgue. It was clam;. I Hst Bight by a relative. The drowned man wu <>lf mian. No particulars were given as to tho way lu which hu lost his life. John Reid, of Hoboken, who was appointed ono of the Jury Cainimlusloii-Ts for Bodsoa under the lass passed by the Republican Legislature la-t winter, has ??reigned the presidency of tko Hudson County Repub? lican Lennie. As th-* law was passed to take tho selection of Juries, out of the conli-ol of politicians, Mr. Reid thought lt would bc inconsistent In him to be a Jury ( oitiiulsslonef and tho preeMO-t of a political or? ganization. ? STATEN ISLA NO. Os-cr CO.cMVi people yesterday visited Buffalo Rill's camp at Erasflna. IkOCtlf after 1 o'cloclt r-teterdai morning, four men nanied George Briant, Alfred \\ liitev. Joseph McCabe aad william Hoyle, of Tomphl-evllle, entered tko livery -tables of Fred. Il se. In Montgomery ave., Toni'pklnsvllle, and stolo a horse and baggr. After o hot pursuit. fh<-y ware arrested and ragei) bet. Justice W. C. Casey, who committed them (or further e.\ arni nat lon. ? ? LOKQ ISLAND. Edwin Penny. Junior member of tlie firm of Clod- ,v Pennv, and one of the oldest and beal hnown mer? chants of Uayshor*. died at bis son's nonie, ju Kist port, Saturday WESTC ll ESTI R CO UNTT. It was a yea- apo yeatorday that the First Prc-shy terlan Church of Mom:' Yen.on h.'M ls .ral tOTXltt, and the anniversary WOS m.-irk*,! bj a lane attanda-OO, an sireiient addrooe by the lo"-. J, Stoddard Lane, the rei.'ontly elected pastor, and an atmosphere laden with the perfume of Bowers of every kind. Bereral ehUdres were baptized The eerrloee were held in lteebjterian Mall. The body of a middle a**cd man of stout build. In heavy clothing and overshoes, wes found In the Hud? son at llii.stliiL-- ya-sferday. If ked been In tko wata-r a long time. Tin- fe ii mv. were unrecognisable. In the puckett, were found three Unpaid a*- -sstnenf notices from a sorrel .clei to will-am Graham, signed i,y Paul p, Kaiuiineiieii. a. secretary. Coroner Mitch, eil had the body removed lo Dobbs Perry. Nallian H. Parker bas beru elected ? sehool (mutee la Porteheetee viiia-e, in place of A. 0. If-tford, who suddenly illsappi-ai-e,| MMBB tl nu- Iga Tbe citizen- of (Mag Bing have taken steps to raise a fund fur a dj inking fountain foi horses in memory of Beary Bergh. ??i ASOIEBTS AXD BOSOEAELES hack AGAIX. Tin- -Begotten of the Ancient, ,-imi fl newralia Artillery of London arhleh has brea vtatttag this oeontry arrived at ihe Grund Central .Station at u e*ele_k lust evening treal ii,.s,on. arkara iha-y kera beaa enjoying a reaad af ? - HrlMea ta tht lase tatalght Tiny an ... i bj ,i ,1,. taehm-al af tha OM Ow it, arho eeoeiiud thea to the Ylctorla Betel, wlu-r-. they will remain until W.-1 when th.-y tset. mil fur lu,me. Today they .sill visit th puHIr bulMtiigs ?f rh,- city .ml all M Mayo. BOWlU at the City Hall, and lt. Ui* .y. ulnif, together isltli tl... Old Cusrd, will occupy boxes at the Casino. Oeaemla Sheruian an' Schofield and about, loO West Mal cad-ts will also he pveeeak Tuesday th. y Mill tBke I sall linsn th" kerkera and In the evening they will (five a laeeptloa to tho Old Guard at thc Victoria BetaL OLD AXD TOVXO SOLDIERS AT THE OASISO Reside* th* three ,-oinpanli? Bf Va.-.t |',,||,t cadet* numbering loo, who are t.r visit the Casino tin. svsnlns in full uniform, there are t,, i?. r,rrr_-t,t unrlcr Hm aseorl of the old Canard, tin- Beaoiabls trtlUery of Loini.ui. numbering twenty, also In full Uniterm, oeeanylag Ilse of tiie |rru*cenlum heaea Th- cul. ts will |e;,V(? (ho Victoria Hotel it ,,r.-,-lsa-|y 7 :-r,, marching gp BNOdwaj. ind lOOS-l-g the Casino In plenty of time r,, tam hBarlil ainR of the perforuian,.-. Qeaoial lhere , .mi Barty will occupy aaa .>f Has pr-,-.-, Ama text*, and . awabet af officer* fruin West p,., will le- In - . ll of U atMtJtt The housai il'. DO d .uted *a . F.u || . : -, ? eric: . Has*- , PR. Jfr(7M\V.V RI .Va MEANS SATISFIED. Dr. MrOlyiin .-iri;ir,.^B,.,t a targa sullen,,- Bl Coper Union is*t evinii,,., ?? ,. yhl. mmktaM af i ptople-a party." Dr. Jeremiah Couuhlln, wh-i acted ns a-h.ilrma.., In Introduclii, the *|K?alt.r. said that since the laat moctlns. I-rcaldent Clevaland hsd kOOB " hosa-l.-d'' Me ii..mliiati..n. Tho '?s p'at.?rm waa adopted; hut lhere wa* nothing In that lo reduce taxation on th- preda lsbor. Mr. Cleveland ms* *urs to follow In th* taotataaa of hi* predece*sora it would be a rc'.a.ii af the platform adopted four yesrs sro, and that would make it no trctter. Dr. McGlynn said thst the * urlff tlnkerlm-'' at .st. I.Barta waa no goard, lieoaiisas, mBmt sll, the reduction wa* Inilu Itustmal. ? .Vd OMS TBIBD to BILL THE WOT. A ststa-uienl was publUhed bsturday that a hoy of fifteen, lauiiied liihn l,?u|? l'?|o, a fo* sa.n Bf Charlotte polo, a calore I woman, ;!\liiK' ll No, 1st Hlgfc -i , g].K lyn. had been tbe victim of a bruni asssult, Baajgoead lo havo tc-tn l_?u_? by sa sit- _,pt tu get hiiu out vt j tho way ss an heir to a valuable estate. iBieetlgMlaa ahowi-d that tlio Kt?ry of thc anna ult had grown out of an accident which hBgfOBni to the t,?y on Thursday night, ss hen ht f-U from a truck on which he wa* playing. Mr*. Polo nalil last, evening (hut a few yeara ago she believed an iit-inpt wa? male t k dnap tho boy by Inveigling him on board a ve**cl, but ho was rescued before the ship nulled. When he was 1 irt on Thursday evening, Mrs. Stat theafkl an attempt had ln-en mado to kill him. WAEEWRLL TO VASTOR HALLIDAY. PI.VMOUTH CllCKCII KXIUKUHKH ITS APPRF.CIATION' OF HIM SASS WORK. Tho Rev. Samuel R. Halll'liy was sufflelrntly re? covered y tenl.iy io go out for a rlale. Ilo will go assaj io Ibo country foi- uu extended rest to-morrow. The lommllteo appointed by Plymouth Chuich M l'rl ?lay algal to e.tpiess to bim tho senlonents of tho church In -Mtfttag his resignation a. I*sioral Heli?-r waited Ol him yesterday and presented UM loll'?v. Ii.r; lotta : As a committee appointed by l'lymouth Church at lt* ?Baling held on Ju.'iu 8, I*r**-j, to pr-sciil you with a i t-.iitiioriiiii, espteootve ot th- ii.h i-t-.-ii iii which Vuil havo bOOB, Ire, tad Rill <'V-r fal h> ld by th'.' i. ol Um .hunh, na desire to ?.iy sour laag end useful lahore for tha chur, ii have n ide you an inseparable port of Its history, anl In no small measure a factor In Its succema. Your BBlalallBUlBO "f mttef havo soothed Barrow; the oonealatloa at Chrlat Bagenaed by yea le sun ian! .st-.rii, by day an-l by Bight, to ri, h anl poor, kan ' miara i Ihe *__eted; tba Oaagel carried hy yoe in heart md tn haul ha* "-reved tho power of Hod unto salvation, and demonstrated a personal God lovUij tho personal man. Of such scrvicca Plymouth Church is not and could not be oblivious, but .lOOlil-Hj sud heartily acknowl adgea their raine a* ineet-nbie. Ia thu- future you win lie followed by our prayer* for God's richest Moootag; und may tlc- c..ii*,"leu*iie*>s that, you have not llred. ti"' iai?,i.-.i in vaia, that >"- ara enalu?md la the beerie ?t th- suffering and th,- destitute, that you luise honored Clod and served youi (allowa ba tha -.''"rious sunset "f your life, and the t>ri_:.'. awakening C_ the n.oi-n lu the New Eton when von are welcomed by tin,*.! with srhesn ami for ss le,in you have labored au-1 with tho Maater's ?? U'eii ii .i,-'' |ri sting Thu totter ls '?lg.""d by T. Jacobson, C. T. Chrlsk-n sen, A. li. Wbeolo, 1,-, Thomas J. Tlin.-y and ll. \V. fi. Hussar,!. Br. Halliday briefly express,-,! hi_ appr_>cla tloii of tho testimonial by tho committee. MR. ELAINE SMOULD BE IN CONGRESS. From 'lha? pittsburg 'iliius. The Republicans of this country have no idea ot allowing Hiairn* to ito Into private lifo at pn-seni. There ls a strotg beln-f thal ne should b<; in the next Congress to tafce e hand in tbe settlement of the tariff question, and give his powerful support to tho Repub? lican Ailmitiistj;itliiJ) Whleh will be inaugurated ______ ?l, 16-9.. Mo <|iiestloii Blaine could run in any Con? gressional district In tho country, If he desired to So lt. The Republicans In any district would fed ju mi-! lu having bim (or Ibelr candidate: and any detitet has a righi io make bim ins candidate. Rut tin re a One dist rle t iii which Ulai tu; etruld with pecu? liar propriety be taken up by tho Republicans. We mean the XXVlth. which Congreeeman **cott regards as his property. Blaine, as the Republican eam-dete there, would give to the battle a National Interest. Furthermore, thero would be a fitness In putting him against Scott, as the personal representative of the President, in a direct ionse. lt would he matching Ulallie ,-i,-.->'iist Cleveland, maine's election to Con ?BBee would surely (ollOW. It would l*> a great thine tu base the pitimeai Knight In Congress, It would be ?I (.'.nt thin, to l>oat Seoit. and through him Orover Cleveland In sending him there. What say the Repub? licans of thc XXVlth Irlstrlct. MA RI S E IS TB LUG ES VB. MINIATCIti: ALMAMASk Ta -DAV. Rna rises 4:24 | Sets. 7i27 | Moon sets O:.** | Mona's ara. - HIGH WATKft. A.yr?*iana*v nooit his i nov. uri **r,_i neil a.-tti-i -48 .'. j/-*?anaiy Uso-. H: .3 i dor. Taf.L uo_ I Hell Uats. lo,*.. ISCOMISC, STEAMERS. TO-DA X. Venn. ry?n. ****-_ Mas. Lydian Monarch.I^s-li.n.May _T.Monarch Devonia.ous?-?v.May 31.Au, Lor La av rn.Jun* 2..Fr*ncSTraai Kider.,Bremen.June 2.N (1 Llovl P ('aland.Rottertsm.May 30.Neth-Anier Alene.Port 2.Atlas ha-'.iago.Ilavaus.June 7.Ward's Tl ksdat. junk IS, Wisconltn.LlTornool.June _.Guion Spain.Liverpool.Mir 31.Natl-, al polyns*U.11 nm i,e.r..May 30.(arr KdtthOoddea.Montego Bay, .-fane 4.At at \v I WElrNKSIrAV. JCNf. 1 *a. State of Nebr.fska._Olasgosv.lune 1.8tats li.-i.r-nlanai.Antsi-ars.Juse '..Rsa Star Nessoort.Aaptuwall.Juue ._1'acinc Ma:1 0 UIGOIS<7~~Sl~EAMER$. TO-A I*. Vsiael VetuL Zins, mr M.Hi.I iii sails. ban Marcos, l'-olflc Mail. A spin wall.10 sm uoon. inaeaAta nm is, Arizona, Otilou, Li-*r_?ul. 4 am 6:301 tn O/.ama, Clyde, Ban Doiulugo. 1 pm . pm waunaeoAT, junk 13. Celtic. Wnito Star. Liverpool. 4 30sm 7:!J0am City of Itom... Anchor, Liverposl. es ara Th* l.uesn, Xntloual. Liverpool. 7 sm AlUr. >' o Lioyu. Bro nea via ts'' I'nap _, 4 a ni 7:30 p mt Wa.-.'.aii.l, Beoatae Antwerp. 4:30 s m H am Alveua, Alla*, li'.nKSt.jn.ll am 1 pm SBIPPISQ sr irs. PORT OF X-.V-YaJltX.9WMDAT, JVSE 10, 1833 anitivKD. Steamer ilepanlte (Br). IUs-eison. l.tvarseol Mar 31 and Quenustown J mm 1, with iuds ? land 9;i_ passenger* to J Brui ?? Ismay, Arrived ai tie- Bar .ai ?. lo i> ss, M.-ainer **ervia (Br). McKay. Liv.u poul Jane 2sa.l Qaaeas town 3. with nuts* an.1 1,009 '.'issasiieurs to Vernou II lt ru av u .t Co. An iT-d at tlie Dar at 5 Iii p ra. Hteamer Pr-ils vUer), iliuscli, li i .hnrgMay.t. in ballast ts Kdwar.l Krhn*. Airtv.-.l at the Har at (ism. HteatLSr Auirtlirst i Uri. Cawse. nanua lim.- 4, via Dela war* llieaksaratcr, witli tulvar to Perkins .t Waaia.-,, vessel to J Unite Iannis Arnvajil at tlio Bur ut 1 |) BS, Mea.nor "lu iel Br . Locks, Hamilton. Bermuda, 3 ,'.ay?, willi mt*.- an I |.assenter* to A tl Uula-rbrldge ?; Co. Artlvcd at tue Bal at 7.-.'o ,, m. st.-iitiu-r CsrollBS .illller. Miller, t.eor_sto-n, SC, with liiii-ic to W V I! tinhut ale Co. Steamer Wysnots, Ito.n. itlciimnnd. City Point snd Norfolk, will,, in sail iiBBsoiiaorstn Old i>om.-nious*c*o. stearne ouyan,!,ut.-. Keller. Stesrpert Nears una Xorfslk, with?lal ,e snafpasaen rst,*, uiit Dumlntoo *j?c,,. Bseaier Mreakwata-r. liole. Wast i'oint. Vs, **itb md-a snd |ia*ai'n,i' is to < lld Homin;,,a H ? i',, Hisamaai Kerman winter, llaiiott. Uuston. with tmlas ta ll F Dm-.,,_, M. sraer svtlkeabnrre. C.itesv Boston for Pott Johnson. Mi lp Loch Torn,lon (Bri, Puttaiann. Calcutta 102 days, with unlse to Howe. Ilalcii .tr Coi ve*i?el to Henaleiton Rrs*. Itark lla.lsiis, (urtu, Xcuvitia 13 aaft, ri '? .-laware Breakwater, wit ti su_ar to ?losls Bro*; ve.iel to R I* Buck at IO. Bark Doria KekhoA Todd, Catbarlee li days, with wear sud p?ssa.ii?*r? to artier; ve iel to K Ward A Co. sciir Uraos Bradley, Melnt te, if etan sae lt .lay*, na ne;,ware Hieakwriter, witli moiaises to J M Ceball.M .' Cu. vessel tu rsiiosT at Knrsres*. Ha .i Hsroldln*, rttibalta t'nant.inaiiio IS days, witn ?nsar t arden vasse! tu r u .-siuiiii ,t Oe, SCXMKT? At Hook, winn Itjllt. SSW; haly. At Cay I sLu.,i, sTlnd linht, a\Vj cloudy. Cieoreil Otii? Bteeaer Canada (Br), uoBimon. London- f tv j num. Kteamrr I.etltubro (lui), In Mateo. Catiliil?Phelps Urn a* CO M*anierMctire?or (Br), Miller, St Ana's Bay-W W Hurl I it,? Co. at-saaer Unite (Xor). Christensen, Baracoa?Gome/ A Pearsall. Steamer tVereohiud (Nor,. Tlanx-n, Haracos?II Pumois. Ma-snicr Bene:factor, 'li'.,.,li, \S lim nilton. N C-Wni P Ordeal C ' Hteamei (Jetorara, Baltlaaore?B N Doss-or. **liiu I'aiaravo (f?i, ihk-iiis. t' .l.uubo anal Malabar?T ll,'-.ia ,t Co. li.iia ii.,.ie cf ort, ,:;, Matthews, Yokohama?MFPicker. lilt' A Co. Bark AatocratJNor). is'nn.Uen. Btett a?C Tobias a Co. Berk Nanny v.,, , WilUelml, ?>|..,rto?.i it a Cuaiiiintis. BarkOlusts lAusii, folauihi*, Perth Aiuboy ?Kunek, Kilys *C'o. Bn_ Klslnf Sun, Deeker. P.r..l?etowu, llarbadoei?L W * P ArmstiHi:/. 'SAI i.KH. ''sumer* for I.onilon: Llandiff City, Br'stol; Lot. talbra, i srdifl fn.t.i. Bsrsa-o. **in* Pslcravr, tor ? iotombo, at.\ P.srki AJj\. tor Hamlin:-.; Nanny, Oporto; Pudel, Punta Lura. 'iur. Mij-.KMi;\r* ar arh;AMEit\ rOB-ION paiitrs r-aj ItvsKrciot. .tune 10 Arrtveil, itcaaier Auranls (Hr), llsins. fr,,iu N, ss- V?rk QUB?KsTowa, Jans ? -Arrive?, ateaaier Lord Ooush (iu>, II aches, ti.on P-llsuslpbla May .ie on her Wtf t . l.iv.rpool . ia i,ru, i, de ll. - salloiu .-.leaiin-r-. Cnilrr'ia (Bl . 'l.-Ml. k?a. ind Xevad i Hr, Coablna, from -Ivs .>u?i hsnes fer N?* Vo-k. lim s>i.*t, June ll?.-sailo.1, atataiiior t-'uMa .r>, I'mifk, f.,r Ne-s-y.irk. AM.ii .inst, lune 0 --.ailed, iteamet / (Dtch), Poesea, for N'>>? York. AsiiTi'.ii-. jun*.i Belted, etea ur Ithj-uland (Belg). Jami soi . ioi New-York. TAM*, Tenag Ballad ileeiirHaa-oe* B.kir, fromXsw. .,,rs on bet war 11 Ho Janeiro auusuiiceinent Rri mmki.i.'s (';ir;.ttit-!s. Blob. Mollow, Del j. etona Kaos-on saeh *ar*iip^.. W-aiessls Hi,us*. Maoraaat IU Branoiac*. ?3l lirs.vlvas, . We*? 14th ?t, _y I 6tli s?e. E. & \V. Tai "Wk iiita" Collar. E. ii W A .NltW Br.-lUX IS OOUa-Ba A. DA-D-UL M. D., Itt \\ it 1 Diaessessf th* ffervoas ?*?*???. (ieuito-Urinarj* Organ* lejneeaaeeaa i? ai itv. iisura?sto i-j, 6 uss. ^? a* UWTl Rs." tts*. \vt-si.'*'vs rsooram eraor, far iklHrsa rsitnt-tr. ?often* ttl* rasas, r?.tu-)ss isrla iiaati is. allies all pus, eui** wlBilcolie aol iuirusi. I'wnatr -live SOB tl a u*ctl?. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tal* powder ??' \*r ssres. a n.srs't O' pul ls. strength snd srbolesouieoess M.u., eeono?deal 11,?.a the oi I s..rv klu?l, said tamil.t li aa,ld lu cu (? ii. eu wm. th.-, tiiulllimla sf losv tasat, rrtiort wi-ight alum or iiho-ptial* uosal r*. bold ouly lu tMua. AU VAL _?Ali__sU PuWii-Ut CO.. lue CARPETS. ?ul Secret* We li av* never bought "Jobs" Ito ssl! cheap la ag ,_ imsiaess csrssr, bat. weski ago a manufacture- *g ___a ?oeds esma to as Bsd la ."Tuiaenos UM ns ka Wants. __ pU-'i Be goo-ts Pr '.ks mimmtOt mi'iiaj a raise," Wi founi! ont what be bsd . tbe style and qaaHty sa_?a us and -retook the whole lott paid for them. ||, __ Miinflcd. so are wc-sad now weir.sll sail tliem st s-_ rate as ws bought them? 50c. en t1** Dellar, ss Uar ?_ tl.t-y will last. The .a**..rt mer t eontslas Brussels, lagraias, tvn. and Arr Squs re*. Ia eoonectlon with above ws effsr 1,000 Rollo of CM_ .Mali inti* st Issi thao cost of Impartation. BmiiimMroi 22, 24 and 26 East 14th St., Near Cition Square* New Straw Mattings. FOR 30 DAYS! Wv -liall make A GREAT CLEAR* UNI oi l IAU for this Beato*, Now in stork ami arriving : -CHI Rolls Inn. r >I itt:u?s ll yds.) Ti.%A09 ,V?? H.ul? Kiim-r Miillliiiis . lo yrti , 9._ 4|g .100 IfolU l-ii,i ? ..lattin** (ttl yds.) ?. _?0 sail I Kaili* Pitney Mulling* ' IO yal*.) <*. j 4<J 1,000 Itolls Fancy Mm imus IO yd*.) '<.. . (M) .100 Holla Inner Matting* 1 IO vd-l -.,.... g^ 700 ltoP, Feiiey Mattings | IO yds.; I._ 7j,, IOO Harli* Fi.nev Mallina* (tO a/da.) ?._ *_00 700 Rolls l-'itii.-r .ilntiiiius (40 yds.) -. fl 0 Also a lull Assortment of While and ranc- fess-ea, I rom M.OO to f 1 .*? per roll. ?*.iini|ila-* lem on application. H. F. WILLIAMS sk CO, 250 Canal St., Petwt-eii Proadway snd Centra Hi Yen, tiier.? nrr lui rani-,? ila.. 1 do 11 ait pav? li;.rollin-timi insult tbe customer by pre. *u?iin? lo Kite the best shoes nt prices lb it simply mean cheap. Interior, and un ?coaonilcul gaud*. A Italian **Ihm- is a bar Kilto (Inn does pay, because lt represests the largest possible equivalent far a modi*.! price. ' HANAN & SON. AT It ET AII, 297 "s BROADWAY. N KW-YORK. He-ss ea-ii If eu ile anal Online ala. 30- tTI-TON-ST. 11.1 io.v I.I *, Opposite City Hall. Oar Shoes ena be obtained from oar Agents la Ihe mi,ii 1 ml cit.e* ol ihe Called Mute*. A |> .still card inlalra-ssed ta BS will put them within your reach. DOUSE FURNISHING, FOItKlt'N ANP DOMESTIC ( OOKIMJ I TKN-II-S, OOn-aUl ANDTiN .UOl'I.DS, CUTLERY. I LEWIS&CONGEB, 601 AM) ?03 liTH. WK., 1.3-S ANO 1.3IO BROADWAY. ?(_ T--_ FOI. ,1 <-iit-ti)iii-in:i<|i> suit or overcoat SS ts* I *J ssortli ?_."r. 1.a *fO*a ilntlt Clot;.,ns; Parlor*, tu Kant Uth-st.. un lei- Morten ioasc. u^sn ironings. CARPETS. GREAT OLEABUfG SALE. 300 inri krk.nt ITT-aE- BK-T BOOT mmBI 600 CHOICE DI si-NS BEST IIX-WOOL INtUtAIN SlhTGLE I 1! < ES AN") I'VT!'!. .NS WK SHALL NOt DUPLICATl! vt 1.1 '.**> tua:; COS OFPBODUCTXOft SHEPPARD HAPP. CO, SIXTH- A VF.. 11TH AND I I i'll ST*?. 17U1-1- DRESS SUITS for salo or hire. _ Import..1 Na.-eltlea in Ksncv \'ests. I.AMd'S Misti Clstbln_ fat ors, li') K_at Ut'- lt.. ur. .el Mart.ia llsuas. ??SeCURUS JsTMCAT ORBIS TERRARUM.* Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATER8.* Tue flHwg it thc /pollinaris Sprint during the ynwr .SS7 amounted ta 11,894,000 bottles. 0/all Grourt, Druggists, ?*.- Mintrat Water l)?Uer,. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. MISFIT :iinl aneaJled-for -ni's Bf-twH_| u, users iron, Isaalms tailor* at _l( sula*. LAN-'" Mum LIM?aa Pallara tO m. I ilaat. uu ter M orton H-***? " CHUTE THE MAIL.1 $0 7^ BUYS 11 nobliv punt*; "><> ?"??? ???I"' ti sm leading tailors at Half vV'ie. _____? Misill LT.tiiiii. 1-arists. N I ! Itii ?t? uu.ler Morton ll-"*? THE TARIFF THE? ARE TRVI ,'i TO O',/RTBBOW Anal over svbla-h A Tug-of-War*i3 Now Taking Place. HOW AMERICA FUNGS HER MILLIONS Over the >aond far 1'ord ku I.ubor und Prodactt* 14 cern* a ce****. AM*-* _ Trl-uae Ce***** e\t**\