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A FORTUNE FOR A YEARLING* L.IAPPLEBY PAYS $38,000 POR KINO THOMAS XXTRAOJRDIKAaT MICKI*. FOR CMTRIKD TOUMO BTKRS AT Tim HAGMN KALK. It *#at the race of th? century. There trove tom i?tart?fB-Oratt of Pennsylvania, Dwyer of New-York, 'Hearst of California, and Appleby of New*York. Grata jumped away with the lead -when the flax was elven, and set a furious pace, a regular bank-breaker. Ile opened a big gap In the first half mlle, and thought bo Bias running away from his field, bul they closed with aim on the backstretch and he suddenly quit at the 89,000 post. Then Dwyer took the lead, and running well within himself, showed the way around tho long tura To many he looked aft over a winner, but to the eonsternatlon of the grand stand, he propped himself at the B15.000 post, and refused to budge an .Inch. The heavyweights strode over him, going so tatt that their passage set the wind attie and tho spectators wara scorched. Swinging Into the home* atretch Hearst and Appleby, head and head, buckled Lflown to a desperate finish. At lt they wont, hammer Bnd tongs, pitchforks and sawlogs. It was thc Vant against the KaaL The people stood up and shout.-il. They climbed on chalis end benches, and stood In each ethan lapa, alt the time cheering. Hearst mado a spurt at the S-0,000 post, and lt looked to be all over. But Appleby came attain tLl.t gamely, and at Ihe 1*30,000 pott was clearly In th-* Iel. Then the jjicojilr went mad. Hcaist'g Jock--y asked him for a Dna] effort. Tho Californian was nore distressed and already swen lng badly, but ho t-o*.ponded and came away. Only a few strides more between him and the line: At the *37,000 post he faltered. It was a fatal moment. Appleby, with a long leap, shot past him at the $38,000 post and won by a short hoad amid Intense excitement and much heat. Then thc presiding Judgo, William Easton, announced that Appleby had ?mashed the world's record to smithereens, at which lhere was renewed shouting and calls fm- Appleby. All this lo do was made over Mr. Ilaggln's yearling colt King Thomas, a full brother of Ung Vox ami the last sou of King Lan. No sonni-r had ho been knocked down to Mr. Aj.pleby, of tbe bookmaking, Brm of Appleby ,t Johnson, at the extraordinary ric ure of $38,000, than a rumor spi-ead through Madison Square Garden that Mr. Appleby was mr tl np; for Will lam K. Vanderbilt. Till-, was promptly denied by Ihe purchaser. *? Xo, slr," he ejaculated with enthusiasm; "Mr. Yandeibllt,"' he continued, "doesn't own a hair of King Thomas's tall. I bought him for myself, and fcc goes to Jeter Walden's farm this afternoon." Jeter Waldon ls th<- well known trainer. Certain pei-Mins Insisted that Mr. Delmont was tlie real pur? chaser, while others contended that tho colt was go? ing to r.rookdale, the home of Mr. Withers. Well, If anybody can alford sack luxuries as SSoiOOO colls, surely lt ls tlie bookmaker. And tlie great and dls crlrulnaittig public may rest happy in tho conviction thal lt has au Interest in King Thomas, for, bless you, didn't tho public pay fur hlmt It ls the largest pi lee ever paid for a yearling In Ibis country or any other. Mr. IIa;.'Klii, who ex? pected sonic!liing like $10,000, was amaied beyond measure. Ho mado a personal request that the purchaser should not chango the colt's name, but let him ever remain Kinj; Thomas, in memory of King Lan and la honor of tho noted Kentucky breeder, (sixty-four yearlings were gold for B113.27S, an average of $1,764 each. Of tho horses in training, tho gray colt Donald was sold to A. 0. Sohne for tl.OOO, and Hector, Ganisou's pet, was bought by hts falher-ln law for B1.060. Mr. McMahon also bought the sister of Cyclops. Mr. Easton, In a silk shut, sold the horse*. Around him sat ninny nuti-il BOtBBBBBa, every well known trainer In the neighborhood of New-York, and scores of persons nut Beaner ted with the turi In any capa? city. Among btie familiar faces seen wore thoie of John Bunter, Arthur Hunter ("Mi. Pelham"), J. (J. K. Lawrence, Colon.-! li radford, Leonard Jerome Cap? tain W. M. CetJUBtr, Statler Caldwell, Charles liath cate, Stanley Mom-nn-r. Colonel Simmons, D. D. withers, Philip Dwyer, tho llaggtns, father and son; Superintendent Barret tn, T. M Croft, Secretary Love? craft, Mr. Kelly, Potter Atbe, Senator Hearst, A. V. Walcott, Janies II. Keane, J aim-*, tialway. Colonel Frank Hall, Oden Howie, jr.. Manager McQueen, of the Morrissey Stable; D. IL McCarthy, tho owner ol tho Castle Stable: Wyndham Walden, T. W. Doswell, Vi. Jennings, Janus Rowe, Mr. Huggins, Walter Gratz and all the bookmakers. Following ls a Ur-t of tho youngsters that fetched Bl ,000 or ol lt : No. 1-Blsci* filly by Iroouols. out of Agenorla; S-ii.ii.-i 0 tar gt Hearst.$1,900 Ko. s-Chetuiut colt by K vries Daly, out of Bettie; J. tHn_n.1,300 No 10?Ciieninul colt by Jw Hooker, rut o( Callie Smart (brother ut C. II. Todd); E. D. Mor? ten (lli-inTistcad bulli?).liOOO No. 15-Drown taft by Kyrie Daly, out ot Kilts; Danes Brother*.1,000 No. 18-Hay colt by Slr Mi id red, out of Faustina: Senator Hearst,.2,800 No 19?Chestnut filly by King Ban, out of Flora; J. Plnni*.i . 1,200 No W-Baj - "lt bj Warwick, out of Lady Middle? ton ; Fl BIB a III Stable. 2.050 No so?Btv .'.lt by Mr Mildred, out of La Favor. Ita- Senator Hearst.6,000 Nu. 81?Chestnut colt by lrot-uolt, O'lt of Letola; Wvndham Wallon.6,600 No. $2?Chestnut Illly bv Mort'-rner, out _ Ll rr le _BMB isi-tei ut CyelOpe); Jj, McMahon . . 3,850 No 88?Bay cell bv Warwick, out of Lorllla; Wvndham Wilden.1,850 Nu. BB-Caestnut edit bv Hock nookina, out ol Milt .-I the HIM; Hear*.1,100 No. 37?liar colt bv Sit- Modn-d, out of Marton; Dwyer Brother*.1,000 No 53- Bey coll i.v Kvrle Daly, out of Mariposa; W. BL " Conner.1,150 No. an-Kini* i neilin-. Lay cult by Kins Bin, out of Maui Hampton (brother or Kin*: Fox and Ban roi); i.. Appleby.38,000 No. 43-Ilav coll In* Kyrie Bair, out of Mura; Wyndham Walden.2,900 No. tl?Hay emt bf Kyrie Daly, out of Mt Love; Senator Heart*.1,600 No. ta?Bat tnlt by Slr Mod red, out of Plaything ; Senator Il'-attt.3,300 No. 52-Chestnut rillv by Joe Hooker, out of |M B. I D. J. McCarthy.T 1,750 No. 61-Bov flllv bv .slr Moired or Kyrlo Dalt, out of Rosemary ? c. Boyle.1,300 No. 67?Chestnut filly by Mortimer, out of Sly Dance: Dwyer Btothers.1,400 No. 00?Brown i*olt by Slr Modred, out of Sweet briar ; Wyndham Walden.2,500 No. 61-Bav Colt by Kyrie Daly, out of Trellis; E. D. Morgan.1,500 No. C3-Bav flllv by Slr Modred, out of Twilight; Senator Hearst.1,100 No. 04?Bav flllv by Iroquois, out of Vandalltc; Wvndham Wallen.J.500 No. 66-Bay roll by Hindoo, out of Vestella; Pr.-rikriov*. Stable. 1,000 No. OX?Chestnut flllv bv Kyrie Daly, ott of Winni? fred; Wyndham Wallen.1,150 TO-DAY'S RACING AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY. The Coney Island Jockey Club's caul today promises well. ar*, lt Includes many well known horses that will meet on fenns that should result In good sport. Kaceland should win the first race, King Crab second. Diablo ran so well on saturday fhat he should win the June Staln-s, If well ridden, while Aurania may get second place. Locust thtuild win the Thistle Stakes, Tea Tray second. George Oyster is a doubtful starter, but even it he should come to the post, he can hardly be flt yet for a severe race, as rheumatism has dolayod his work. After Fircnrl's splendid run on Saturday, she ought to catpure the Cnlvei-sal Handicap, with Blehmond second, but Rupert, with his light weight, may slip imo second place. If Connemara will rna kindly she has th* beat chance In the fifth rana, etti Tribonlet second. Lancaster should win the race on the grass. Following ait* the lists of probable starters: MUST P.ACE-SPECIAL WEIGHTS. Vs MILES. Name. Ape..W't. Name. Ago. Wt, Inspector B..-, i:<i. Han land..3 107 Grover Cleveland....5 116 hlnp Crab.a 107 Tiui'-r.a 116 Ofiiece.4 HW (ili'ini,i.uiid.4 loy SECOND RACE-JINK STARKS. TWO-YEAR-OLDS. SIX Fl^'LONGS. | I i Owner. Hurst*. Sire. W't. Darer Brothers.... Aurania. Virgil. 122 R. LV. Wallen. H.iluUy. Hopeful. 122 Casttt stable. . Diable . Bolas. ns i ?- ?",*"?-??-? J A H. (ii. nilK. UH J. E. McDonald.... Bub Ftu.-.v. Great Tom. 118 J. g. Morr??*y.... fe*in Wood. Longfellow. 118 J. B. Htggln. Marssc. King B.m. 116 A. Bei_uii*..... ... Glory. iriCtea. 112 J.T. fetcwart ft Son Va Tout. Fsuatu*. 110 THir.D RACK-THISTLE STAKES. THREE-YEAr OLDs. 1 ?-10 MILKS. 1 _ Name. art RbBM W't !,*&*?.>" JHfihaia.Ti* 2J* lT*y.H.? Lt-cust..108 fi**??,?- ."- Gray Dawn.108 &n Vr\'r.,"'?' T-*'*-S?".108 Charley Dreux.....10B " FOURTH RACE-CNIYII'.saL HANDICAP. IS 1 MILLS. ; Owner. RttM si.,, ?<?<. w>i J. B Haggin. Tmtul. Callan**.*f' 120 O. B. Morrl*. laver. ].?, Malley. 0 l?( iA. J. Ca?*atl. J,urns. lulu* 5 lia Dwyer Brother*.... Joe Cotton.... King AUowtoV 0 114 Acorn Stable. Itichmnnd.. Vlietl u | itj J. B. Hag-fin. Ben All. Virgil.'.'.'." ."* A ii? W. JenniuK*. Dmboyae.. irncaa " * n* Ms?fii*>ii Stable.Ordtvav. Surthstbokl'.'.'.'. 4 -t\" II..salo Ji ,.,.... Kfii|-Aironto.. 4 111 Preakness Stable... Rupert. r*U*tU>. 6 00 FIFTH RACE-HANDICAP. l\ MILF-S. Name. Age. W'r. Nam**. ... bbjsj losueelor ?.5 120 I/<I^got..8 lift Trlboulet.4 115 Conmnvirt.4 f.Ji Ksbiolah.6 115 Th.- Bout Un.5 $00 Srsll.? 314 Bela.4 v?l eyal Arch.a 111 * BIXTK RACK-UK.If WEIGHT HANDICAP. 1 Mo MILES ON THE GRASS. | j Zaacltter.5 ISO Prospect..| ju Flrtt race st 2 :30 p. m. I OFFICERS OF TUB ANCJKST BCOTTISB BITE. The Sovereign Grand Contttts-iry of SovrMgn Grand laspeatoraGenersl. thitrythlrd and lstt degree of the Aeortattt tad AVeepied Bc-otitali RlixiHor the United Sun-* ?f Aatertca, Ita terriUiriet snd dependenele*. held lu annual _*s*tlng at No. 117 We*t Twenty lhlrd-*i. yet ,te?aty. Mott Potent Sovereign Dr. ?r_n*no J B iBjtKBs delivered _t annual sadress. He also eave s [***B_nJ ttetuet of Bl* recent Ula to Emope, where hu exceeded la asttbllahlng fraternal relaUcm* with the (rand Orient of rrsnoe and several other Grand Orients f Karcpe. The Blli-wlng officers wore chown ? taff flurtrlous Pr. P. J. S. Gerga*. ?* Sovereign (.rand em? ander; Vsrv lUastrioat Alcxtnder B. Mott, tt P. Lieu Grand Commander; Very Illuttrlou* P. K. D. tibbs, st Grand Orator snd Minister of State; Very Uustrlous J. B. Fraser, at Grand Secretary; Very ll J. H. Russell. s? Gund Treasurer; V.-ry ll t-.trlous George Davie, a* Grand Mar.htl Onoral; Very Ilu*trlou* James McGrath, as Grand Masier-GeneitJ Bf :eremonle?; Very Illustrious William Marshall, at Grand iUndsrd-Bearer; Very Illutlrlout J. T. Brown, as Jrand Captain of the Guard; Very Illustrious Alexander dCLean, as Grand Seneschal; Very Illustrious Alexander V. Murray, ai Grand Sentinel. "PAT" DIVVEKS STAR ASCENDANT. fattt" walsh octswoxi: dy bis rival's nc NIC YKSTE.tOAV. Whiskey and heal; licer and unlimited enthusiasm | . flotilla of nine craft and 15.000 people,; seventy Ivo cases'of champagne and a band of seventy-five nusiflans; fiO.OOO sandwiches and barrels nf lemons md last, but not least, " Pat" Dlvver himself, wen* rome of thc principal attractions which the P. Dlvver aaeeaattjan enjoyed on thc popular Alderman'-, an nual excursion for his ? coiisiltooonts." The Fourth md Sixth Wards were practically depopulated ye^ Icrday. " Fatty" Walsh was a,taln " knocked out." ' Prjit* pivver's star was never so high as lt was yes? terday . Thousand* of people poured down Dover st. yes? terday murnini; to po on the excursion. Alderman Dlvver himself was lalo. But when he, got to tho pier the fluid had ? got In Its work.". TJie band played ''Seo the Conquering Hero Comes," snd Ibero were cheers for " 'Pat' Dlvver and drover Cleveland." Mr. Dlvver took fhe cheeis Just as becomingly as If ho were on the tall of thc ticket and lt took him fully ten minutes to board the flotilla, which pnocoeded to Ilivcrvlew Grove on the Hudson. Among those Who were Invited were Al icemen Oakley, Dowling and McCarthy; Congressman Splnola, (t.nimissinner Croker. ex-Aldermen " Tommy" Shiels, Farley and l-lttp?trlck; Charles Bellly. Ootonef I.cvy, exsforoner Kennedy, " Barney" Bourke, Timothy ?'Dry-Dollar" Sullivan, and many others. GIBLIN SENTENCED TO DEATH. JCSTICK BAItBKTT CONDKMNH HIM Ta BF. HANG-D ON ACGUST 17. With palo faro, bul cool and collected manner, Charles Giblin, convicted of murder In the first de? gree In shooting Madeline Qa**- in her husband's baan rf In Houston-st., stood before Justlco Barrett in tho Court of Oyo'r and Teriulnei- yesterday ami listened to the words that condemned him to death. Alter tho application of his lawyer, Abraham BayBBIi for a new trial and arrest of Judgment, had been denied tho Judge addressed the prisoner as follows : Charles Giblin, 1 would not-add to your misery by a single harsh word, nor would I prolong the situa? tion by the slightest admonition. After a fair trial, dining" which you were faithfully and ably defended, you were convicted bv twelve intelligent men. You took human lifo and your lifo mutt be the expiation. The law alone pronounces Judgment and that Judg? ment is thst you be hanged by the neck until you aro dead on the 17th day of August. Giblin was taken back to tho Tombs. BELO FOR KILLIS0 THE BARTENDER. The court-room at Police Heaiquariers at Coney Island wi* crowded with spoetators, mostly colored people yes urii.iv, when the preliminary examination was bepun In the eas* of Stone, the Jockey, who shot and killed Henry Miller, the bartender at Frederica' Stcnzlg't hotel, on Friday, ind hit companion, Metrltt. Prodi-rick St-nrlg, the proprietor ot tho hotel, tettifled that ho employed Miller at hi* barkeeper and that a little after midnight On Friday morning the two defendant* came Into his bar Toom. They approached the bar where Miller was walting on another colored man. A* they entered the witness passel into Ihe beek part ef thc hotel Into the kitchen. Me had betn there but a few moments when he heard tom* word* between the defendants and Miller. He ataru-d to go Into the barroom and heard one of the prisoners tty, " I'll fix you," and then he heard a shot fired. The men then ran out- When they were brought back by the officer* tbe witness reeognlted them and lrtvntlfled Stone ll the ann who Orcd the shot. Mr*. Elizabeth Stenzlg leltifltd that the waa titting lu front of th- hotel when thc two men entered. She followed them In and went to her bedroom. She had only ttepiied Into her room when th* heard t shot fired, and on going Into the barroom the saw Miller lying on the floor. She recognized Stone and Merritt as the men who entered when she was out tlde. The defendant* wera held to await the action of the Grand Jury. The Coroner's inquest was h'-ld yes? terday, and the verdict was that Miller came to his death (rom a bullet wound In the heart Inflicted by Cooley Stone. WHOLESALE GROCERS IN CONTENTION. The convention of wholesale grocer* which was called for the purpose of forming an orgiinlzotlon to remedy the abuses In trade, especially In th-*, salo of sutrar, yesterday appointed the following committee on permanent organi? zation : F. B. Thurber, of thia city; J. B, Hunter, of Pittsburg; William Groneweg, of Council Blufft; F W. lntbutch, of Milwaukee, and G. L. Bower*, of Boston. Tho eoaitoittee apjiol'ited en Saturday Bl confer with the sugir refiners had been unable to nun them and the con? ference will be held thia morning. The committee on perman it organization recommended Oat a Rcuf-ral committee of forty wholesale groins I ?ppolntcd to formulate a plan of organization, the details to be left to an executive committee af teven members of the general committee, to be named by thc chairman ; the executive committee's report to bo approved by the gae* eral committee before bein-; submitted to the trade foi final action, a two-thirds vote of tlie whole trade banal necessary to accomjilish anything. The question of hindllng sugar at coat or less was dis? cussed at great lengtr. The untiment of the d*legate< was that none but granulated sugar should be sold si colt. The convention adjourned until 1:80 p. m. to-day, when tko sugar committee will report. THE HARLEM TURN VKREIS'S SVCVESS. The cornerstone of the Harlem Turn Vereln's new grin naslum ind hall, at Nos. 20H-217 East One-hundred-.ind twenty-fourth-sf,., wis laid yesterday with great ceremony, About 3 o'clock a procetMoii nearly 1,000 thong wm formed of delegates from til the turn v.reins and Germai singing societlct In Brooklyn, headed by the 7th Regimen Band A circuit of several squares was made and thur the societies gathered iround ike pletform erected on thi site of the new lull. After an Sfaatfag address Bj 1 *r. - ldent E. Langttcln and a routing German chorus by th. audience- appropriate speeches were delivered In bot I English sud German by Judge N'chrbas, General Fruin Slgel, Jocob Cantor and J. E. Graj-bill. The Harlem Turn Vereln was organised May 18. 18C.7 with only five member*. Now lt las a membership o: 350. The new hall lt to have 38 feet froniago and lot feet depth, with a height over all of 45 feet. It lt t< be bwHt of britt, with terr* oona trimming. The cos ot c-onstrBctlen is $26,000, while the ground cost tSO.OOO Dr. R M. Richard directed the ??eremonles yesterday, as. slited by Adam Harman, A. Montoux, Dr. A. J. Bil booler, Wllllim Strautt and Jacoo Stein. TBS BATOR AND TBE HOARD STILL AT WAR. The Jersey City Board of Public Works met yesterdij afternoon, and prepared Its estimates of expenses fm the neut Aval year. Tho appropriation for the current year was B78.01W 08. For the next year the Board a?k 1010,320, exclusive of tho receipts from water Mata which, tvtrage $525,000, with expenses avoragltiji $300,000. Mayor Cleveland's communication notlfyUifi the Board that he would not slcn for the pay of mon than three men to blow off hydrants, bemuse h- belle ttl one man could do the work and then have plenty of linn tu tjiare, was read and filed. The Board then proceed. - to appoint tlx hydrant blowers, mn- appointment Itt Bael commU-iloner, ani a foreman ovor the gang at $I,eoO i year. Thomas W. Leake., whose duty tt ls to prevent tht pollul'.on of thc Passaic River, stated that tho .???:.c from Newark is the worst source of pollution. A reso lution was adopted rcquettlng Corporation Counsel Bini: Ui uko the necetsary su-p* to prosccuto Newark and al tho other polluter* of the waler. ENGINEERS HACK FROM THE ISTHMUS. Meter*. H. C. Litchfield, of New-Vork, engineer, nu H. D. Murphy, of Boston, artist, both members of tin Nicaragua Canal turvey Expedition, hay arrived her. from Bl va*, by way of Panama. They bring news fron the expedition to June IL All were well, and the sur v'eys wara practically linished and satisfactory. Galt Engineer Menotti arrived at the headquarter* on the Sui Juan from hit visit to the west tide, on Mty tt (_ location of the lower route had already Beta complete! from Ochoa to Grtyu.w.i, except tome local examination tod borings Avhieh Mr. peary had directed to be mady THE BODY OF AN A UTBOB CREMATED. Mn. Sophia Illgbee. known In literary circles ss " Llsl Lester," died at the Sturtevant Hour*-, of pneumonia, rn Friday. In her fifty-flrtt year. She tatt s wntn-ii latani that her body be crema'^d, aud lt wa* accordingly taken t tho Fre*h Pond Crematory, on I~ng Island, and Incinerate Sunday afternoon, In (Jie presence of a few Mend*. Mr* Highes wat tho daughter of Major Walker, of I'mid-du-La WI*., sad the widow of Jodga L. B. Iligbco. Arnon tho** present st the Incineration were Mr*. Alexandr Mr*. Theodore Hilton, Henry L. Hinton and Mrs. C. W. C Danae THE SPECIAL ORA NP JURY READY TO REPORT The Special Grind Jury nat nady yetttrday afurm.oi to make a report to Justice Banett, bul tat- court hal al reidy adjourned when Ba* Grand Jurjr BB_aeiBB_ BBjk_BB the curt-room. The (irand Juror*, lt waajunderttood, ha not found tay Indlctrocnts, but s report had been pre pared setting foil* tbe great difficulty u^-tneed in ab [sining reliable Information flem witnesses a* to the transactions on which the charges were founded. The Grand Jury will probably make a report on the subject to-dsy. _:_ BOMB NEWS. WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY. Coney Islsnd Jockey Club races, Sheepshead BIT, 2:S0 p. m. Convention of Wholesale Grocers, Mercantile Exchange, 1 rJto p. m. Board of Aldermen. City 11*11, lp. n Annual rojrstta nf Yonkers Yacht Club. Institution tor the Instiuction of tho Deaf and Dumb ion,in- in i-in.-m. 10 a. m. I.xt ni sion of Ladli-s' Torkvllle Branch of Land League to Cold Spring Grove. St. Peter's College commencement, Academy of Music Jotm y City, 8 p. m. Columbia Chest Club mitch, club-house, 8 p.m. Meeline of the pilot Commissioner*. Music In Tompkins Squtre by F.ben't Band, 8 p. tn, NEW-YOBK CITY. There will bo a presentation of flags and a portrait of J. Edward Simmons, tho president of tho Board of Education, on Wednesday morning In Grammar r-chool No. 44, at North Moor? and Varick sis. Ev Jnstlce 1-'. G. Gedney will present tho banner to tho scholars. Frank Byrne, accused by tho English Government of having taken part In tho Phoenix Park murders, has had to elmo his liquor store In Thlrd-ave. for want nf customers. As Friday this week will be tho feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a general dispensation from the usual fast has been granted to Catholics. Tho branch of tho Irish National League In Tork? vllle will have their annual excursion to-day to Cold Spring Grove. Archbishop Corrigan confirmed a large number of children yesterday In St. Boniface's Chureh, at Forty ?-oventh-st. and Socond-avo. Tho Rev. Francis T. Jones, of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Grand st, hal boon appointed d rector of St. Mary's Literary Society, East Broadway. A testimonial of $o\41S has boen prestnted to Father Thomas f. Gregg. A bale of Egyptian cotton weighing tW8 pounds ami one ol Fast Indian growth weighing 400 pounds attracted much attention at the doorway of tho Cot Ion E.\chaugo yesterday. Edward H. Carpenter, of tho Brookside Knitting Company of Troy, who was brought to this city a few days ago under Indictments for forgery, was released y.sienlay un depositing $2,000 In cash as security for his appearance. Tho Sinking Fund Commissioners yesterday dis? cussed tho /application of tat Staten Island Rapid Transit Company lo build a new $115,000 ferry house at Whltehall-st., which was declared lost at the last meeting on account of the negative vote of tho Con? troller, and tho mailor was rt-lerred to tho Corpora? tion Counsel. The steamship El Dorado, from New-Orleans, ar? rived yesterday with 1,514 barrels of California grapo brandy. This ls tho largest Invoice of tho kind ever sent hero; lt carno by the Sunset route. The Sinking Fund Commissioners refused yester? day to authorize the renting of a tax offlce In Harlem. The prices obtained af the auction salo of Cali? fornia fruit yesterday were $1 85 to $2 50 per box fur peaches ; $3 25 for Ilartlett pears ; $1 BB to $2 95 for peach and Royal Native plums and fl 15 to Bl 75 for apricots, soft or wet 70 cents. The commission which will have In charge the erec? tion of a municipal bulldng, not within City Hall Park, organised yesterday. Mayor Hawttt wo* elected chairman and Deputy Controller Stores secretary. Tho RaplNt ministers held their last session for the summer yesterday and listened to a paper by the Hov. Addison Parker on " What to do with our Deacons." The ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church listened to a paper on Demonology. There were 2,510 immigrants landed yesterday at Castle Garden. A Customs in.speetress stiled from Linda Bnrtone on Sunday seventeen and one-quarter yards of silk, which WBi concealed in a bag about her person. She arrived by the French Lino iteamer La Brctagne, Tho Moxart Veteran Association (40th New-York Volunteer*.) have completed arrangements fur their annual reunion and regimental monument dedication Bl (Jettysburg, on July 2. Treasurer Joseph Robbins, No. 2.14 Court-st., Brooklyn, and Secretary G. A. Sehiirrman, No. 185 Forsyth-it? havo tickets and* badges for disposal. About 350 books were sold yesterday by Bangs A Co., No. 73fi and 7-11 Broadway. The catalogue In? cluded handsome copies of choice works In English literature, French works of humor and a collection of works on architecture, science and art. BROOKLYN. Passenger trains began running yesterday after? noon on the Broadway branch of the I'nlon Elevated Railroad. The Veteran Association of fhe 47th Regiment went on their annual picnic*, to t'ollcgo Point yesterday. Jesse L. Ward and Anni's _ M'-Whortor, daughters nf Dr. Richard II. Thompson, who diet! In November, lnf.4, began suit In the supremo Court yesterday aaalatt DeWIU C. Littlejohn, Henry W. Johnson and Hugh anil Lucy Littlejohn, for au accounting of tho ? al i'" of Dr. Thompson, which was willed lo tho children by (heir father, and of which Messrs. Little? john and Johnson were executor!. Judge Cullen, of tho Supreme Court, handed down yesterday a decision denying the appllrailon of tho Brooklyn Cabkl Railroad i ompany for the appoint? ment of commissioners to condemn a section of the trucks of the . oney I'land and Brooklyn Railroad Company, on tho ground that a Company could lease Its road but not Hu charter. ME WS FROM THS SI'SURBS. Ni.\'i:sK.Y. Mr. Parnell and General Black arrived In Newark yesterday, ami were eyorted by the 1st Regiment of tiftB Volunteers tu Camp Wolf, Tone, at BaailTBBl Park, whero there ls a four days' encampment for tho benefit of tho Hoine Rule Fund In Ireland. Mr. Par? nell and the General mado addresses-, and tho exercises were presided over by Mayor Haynes. Oa r-unday night a woman from Crange, whose name could not b-- learned, visiting Watsesslng. At the coiner of Dodd snd Prospect sti. three Bara BtWfrltH her, ami thea knocked mt down. Jacob AbeJiait, of Baal Onana, ran te the scene, and the woman's as? sailants beat him unmercifully, breaking his leg and cutting a deep gash In his head. The ruffians fled ?t the approach of several men, who escorted tho woman to the cars. WESTCHESTER COL KT Y. Edward Palmer, of Hawthorne ave., Yonkers, died suddenly of heart disease, yesterday, while sitting on his piazza. -at AI.o.N'C THE SOUND. At Bridgeport last night 100 guns were fired In honor of lae nomination of General Harrison. Th*) Republleent aro well pleased with the choice ot tho convention. -?sw-, .4.V OFTEN ARRESTED THIEF CAVOIIT AOAIK. Two thieves went Info the Jewelry store of J, _ p.,,. ter, No. 232 Washington M., Hoboken, and aslii-il io look at some clocks OM of them reached overt,-*, |_$_ eu-e ;uid -i-i/eil a niitiil-i-r of diamond rings, but hi> wa* caught sud locked up. His cum; anion knocked Mr Litter down anti c-caped. The prisoner was l.b-nt|fieil ss Edward McGee, a scapegrace member ol a wealthy tamil) of Waahingten, i>. I . wBo bad Leen out of prison only two month* McGee** titter waa married to a prominent official In Washington only .i fen weela ago. Ill-, escaped c-uni-aile wa*, known to be William (Jordon, a notorious thief who hail been arrest.*.] |., >n|g city a number of ttin****. He was arrested on Sunday night lu Sec-ond-st., and leotefdef morning he was Identified by Mi. Litt.r nnd his son. REGRET FOR TONY HARES 00WD1TISS. Tin- news published In taflBM?*J**S Tr'buiii- t|,?t, j, ha(1 beesaaa aeaeaaarjF lt put the comedian Tony Ban under restraint at Wnn .i-t-r. Mass., did nut meal nun-h ?,r. prlsy* lo theatrical circles, although lt was reetfttd w|t*, e. ni rai ani gtaatat aspteeataaa of regret. BaattJi aa* fi ie the n int benefit for Mr. Hart Lr. lanartam, who had long been his physician, atated to a PBJBMtat nf this papal that the. comedian wa* unquestionably tufTcrlng from lurlpleiit paresis. At the request of Mrs. |jar. ?^ said that her hutband read the papers, the doctor's opinion wat nut printed, ( a few dayt ago Dr. BiBeMaea wini' ls now mit nf the city, said that he feared a t-rl.l* was eleat at hand. Mrs. Hart, who came on fur ! Bttttf i . ..-.. -,,|,,.. ,,f h,r own uni her liu*b.'ind'* in,,s. jn. tlinate friends, tail yesterday that he had not. I*,;,, *?t to rm asylum, but wa* under the rare ot a nutt. ,,,?. ., doctor at hi* father's hnu.e. Mr. Hart, ls tild to |_ only abb- to Hith the greatest difficulty. There ls un? happily bo hope of recovery. Fortunately, the tv?ult of Un baaeM will allow of his receiving all needed care md ? lieiitron. a ? SALE OF THE ALEXANDRE LINE OF STEAMERS. The **lo of tho Aleiandre Line of steamer* to th,- New Tatt ind Cuban Kteimthlp Company, of which J F.. Ward a Co. are the managing owners, waa cumpleu-d y-tuirdsy at the offlcet of ('arter, Hollins t- r>.rtT,rd, No. 00 Wallal., when all th- e-inlructs and nece?tary pipers were signed by thc partb-s Inf enatat ?,d the ships and other pr..|i?-rUel of ti,,, in,., wen- r.;uid.*d mir to Melura Ward _ Co. A number of tho Urm of F. Ab-xandrn A Knnt declined to ttate the amount of pur? chase ninney paid for the butlne**, tn deference to the wl?hes of Met?r*. Ward * Co.. who Slso declined u> _*_s public id) TuiUjtr dttails et Uta UtaaacUo_k ~ ON DIAMOND FIELDS NEW-YORKS BEATEN IN IMllLADKLPIUA. DOH n.AYINO I1Y THE VlsITol'.S - Wilt II l'lTCIIKS I'dnl.l.Y. I'hllaiV-lphla, June Uj.-Th" hoine club played all ?mind tho New-York nine this afternoon, and won as icy pleased. About 2.ono people vero present. cirh pitched with little skill, being both Wild and if-ifistive In his delivory. Ward and nie damaging errors. Tho score was as follows : BiladtteBiB I r l'>.pnia j* || Kew-York, ir Ah P"ta\ * ^odTif.|"Tl Tl "iii" 1 '"ii iTIernsu.Tf.. . il ll 41 Oj li in.ters, tf....I ai a ll Ol ? 'Ricli*ril*'n,3h Ol a Si 41 a in.ter*, rf....| *\ ai i m?w?i V ?. ;; tearw.rt. ..i l i' *i ? ? <'onn"r- '**?-??' lb "l a| ai 71 o! (i o'liounce, If..I ll nrrtr. elehtnty ab 1, 'J ?<? il 0 | Kwing. c. 'nirnnl.'si, (I. ? le....H. p.. leuioDtt, c. Tot*!. a1 ni ai 6] i .wtni. ??. o 21 a HlBttery. rf...I 1 e. lliWhttaey. 3b.. I 0 ii a1 a il li i Ol Ol 6 nnala7 ll ol (I ii n l o i l :-. -i i i ii .i [ il il i H 1, Welch, p.. ll Oj ll 4| O' liri!' rout.i'TluiaVlHJ'ri hlla-leljihla ..2001 0044 0-U cw York . . . 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0- 4 barned runs? Philadelphia, 8; New-York, 1. Two 0*' hit*?Irwin 2, Ml hardson, Connor. Three-base hits Slattery- Double play*? Debhanty ind Wagnnhurst, len?on. Irwin and Farrar. First base on balls?Wood 2, ona ny, Irwin, Clement*, O'Hnurke. Hit hy pitched BlI-TIernan. First baser on errors?Philadelphia, 6; lew-York, 2. Struck out?Wood, Handers, Deifhtii'y, rwln, Connor, Slattery. Passed balla?F.wlng 1. W'lld lt?he*-Wcleh 1. Tlme_2 hours. Umpire-Mr. Kelly. r.AMKS IN OTHI'.i; ("ITU KS. J3os(on, June 25.?Tho home players could do lltt.lo jslnst O'Day'a iiirchlng, and were beaten by tho Wush igton club by this score: 'iwhlngten ...00010102 0-4 oaten ....00000110 0-2 lUtehlls?Washlng(on, fl; notion, 7. BsIMB WaB_ igton, a; Heston 0. l'ltchers?O'lliy and Clarkson. inplre?Mr. Clarkson. Detroit, Juno 25.?Tho Detroit club defeated tho hltago nine to-day by si.perlor batting. The League ?aders did not gel a run. Tho scoro wa*: hlragn ....00000000 0-0 letroit ....02000000 OJ Ilrisehlts?Chicago, 8; Detroit, 7. F.rrors? Chli-ago, 8; Ci. l'ltcher*? Krock snd Gctzcln. Umpire-Mr. slentlnc. Indianapolis, June 2.).?The Pittsburg club defeated tho iidlanapolla nine a*, follows : Ittsbnrg . . . . 3 0 0 0 tt 0 2 1 0-0 iidUnapolis ...11000100 0-3 BaBBMBB?t'Utsbiir-*, 11 ; lndlana|ioIis, IO. Krrors? lt--burg, 3; Indianapolis, S. l'ltihera?Calvin and I--,.ly. Umpire?Mr. Lynch. St. Louis, June 25.?The St. Louis club defested tho latinos City niuo to-day ut follows: ans** City ...10200000 0?3 t. l>ml* ...30033010 0-10 IlriMhlts-Kansas City, 0; St. Louis, 7. Krrors ansr.s cjiy, ;i; Sr. Louis, 4. ritchcrs?Kirby snd Iuds.'ii. L'niplre?Mr. (Jnlfney. At Allentown?Alb-iiiown, 8; Scranton, _. At Louisville?Kain. JERSEY CITY'S EAST TRIUMPH. BWABB BBBBATI KLMIRA?BBOOBM ok Tim CLIM A smaller crowd than usual Jfttiicbsed the b.i^o all game ai Jersey City yesterday, bet wei-n tin- Jersey Ity and Iilnghaintori clubs. Tho home nine played i good form and won with c.-u-c. The scoro was as illows: Jmty fIff. I r.|16 llm.l. cf.... I 4 6 Brien, 1 li 3| 3 cowies, 3b.I - 3 nel. If. B 1 ol ..irii.-. rf.. 0 1 /ni' fi. e. I, BBsfBaasBHta "l| 1 li'Mcdulrk. lb., ll! 0| o iKlnstley, Ab. 3 1; i Hornsey, t s 9! 0 o,Lavin, cf. 0 0; 1 McOuckin. If. erharnt, 2 b.i 1| 11 _| 6, u; Kwsld, o . .... ? iptcli'ger. c. Ol li ll. ll 0"Meekert. 2b.. yle. p.; 9: li Ollll 311Chapman, rf.. ang. aa. 8 ll 9l '2 li Loni, p. Totals.|U|5ii?|it'l 7(1 Tetals. r.|lb|po{_ | e. "ol ii "in 0 l| 9 4l 9 1 '-' 1 l*| A ll 1 li ti O Ol 0 Sj 0| 0 Ol 0 ll Oj 9 ii ii a 4 o li ii ll ll 0 Oj Ol oi Ol 7 .51_* !__]__!_? crtev City ....00230026 3-l> .iiu-ti.inii.iii ....20000000 0- 2 Bataai iun*?Jt-.tey City h. Btag?iartoa, l. Left on s*e*-Jcr*ey City 9, Illngliamloti 3. Struck out?Jersi-y Ity 0, Binghamton fi. Mulan bases -Jersey Cl'v d, iliighamton 0. Flrtt baso on balls?Jersey City fl, Bing amton 1. Flrtt baas on urror.s?Jersey City 12, Bing amtnn 4. Double plays?Illland and (.erhard*., Rm-sv, leckert and McGulra. Hit, bv ptKiaat WlaattBjr. >'?>? ulrk snd (Irrhardv. Hom- runs-("J- rhardd. Two-ba so ite? O'Brien 2, Knowles 2, Lavin 1. Passed balls? Jwtld 3. Umpire?Mr. Holland. Time of game?1 hour 0 minutes. Yesterday's game between tho Newark" and Elmira lubs, at Newark, result ed a* loUowa : ewart . ...3 3 000011 3-11 Jinlra..100010100??:3 Tli" league and Association records to dato aro as ullows: UUM Won.lout, pe. AeenrtrtHnn. Won. Lost p.c. hle?go. SS li (JS7 Brooklyn. 37 [fl .BM letroit.. 31 17 MO SI I-onit. Ul ll ,074 lotion. rio 'JJ ..'.77; Athletlo. BO IB .1(12 lew.York. 27 2'i .6M Cincinnati. 20 21 ,0*0 ?hila-lelpiiia... 2K 23 ..',0(iH4ltiiiii,r.) . 94 itt .400 'ittsunrt. IC 20 .US'. Cleveland. 1' 31 .id Vsthlngt*.a.... 17 Ml .3S4 Ksnsaa City .... 14 Bl .SM nilianapolis.... ll 33 '.312. Louisville. 14 3d .SWI Harvard and Tale will play the final game in tho nter-colb-gla'i- series at Now Haven today. Tho un rullegcs are now lied for first place, it looks s If Yale would get the ehamplooshlp ar-'aln. The Jersey city and Easton nines play at Jersey 'Ity to flay. ' Tho New-York nine play.-, at Janey City in Thursday. . CBXCKRBR8 OOMUrfo TOOK iiu'-LANR The arrival of (lie fJvritlcrn'-n CrleBetan of Ir-lind In 'an.idn and subsequently In America is looked forward to >.ith coii'lderal'le pteBtaN ny til livers of cricket and ither kindred tportt. Th>> proRrsmnn* will bt as follows! In Canada?August 13 ant lt. with Halifax; Aur-'ti-r 17 ind 18, with St. John. Th. life to Huston to play BatlBtt l...i;'-A.i 11 : thence a.*ain tn Canada. August 24 and 25, mains-, Ottawa and ftlstrlet; August 27, BB and 20, igatakst au Oaaada; at latoaka Auiru-t 3i and Bepteasbet l, against Toronto Club: Btptt?_ai I and 4, agalnttl Hamilton and Iii-trlct at Their ('-mallan tour Hoing llulshed, the next objeiilve point, will !,?- l'lilla* lelphl*. From that city they will come to New-York. MOTES SBCOTBSBD IS WBWABE EAT. Tho bodle* of all tho victims of tho Bttasi yacht dis? aster In Bassall Hay. below Newark, were rt et ve red fte terdny morning. The llrst body brounht up wat thal Bf Louis Graff, who was drowned while en BBBTariM to .-ave fJussle Soat^, to whom he >-ris BM! ft I to !?' niiiri-d. Soon afterwardi th? bodies of Minni" Berget, ;iu-e nlne ktaa; kissie sn-n/, aft tvaatys (-'i~-i'' Weeer, asa anas. (.-en, and Ll/.zln Lllllox, ige lif(.-.-n, were found ant rt mond to the nu. rgue. Cotirty l'h.v- ki.iri ll-wbtt Inttl* (udd an Investigation yesterday, with a view of holding tn Inquest. Tho place where the accident occurred ls pren..lined dangerous to nnvlL-atlon. 'lhere w- re no lights shown on thc dil,.- wh-n lin- steam latin, h i-iruck, ? nd small vessels frer-uently come in colll-Joti with lu HE WAS CARELESS WITH HIS PISTOL. ?naff Stettman. a milkman, age twen'y four, who lives lt No. 220 Fast One-hundred.and-tw?,, il-mii-h. I a self-eocklng pistol in Anton Kraut*.'* liquor store, at tha issmo addret*. on Sunday night. The weapon was disr t (urged and the bullat struck James Kiaaaa, BSja twi-nty elghl. In th* chrn, and 1* still lodged In the back of hi* neck. The wound Ls thought a probably fatal one. Stellmin was committed by Justice Duffy, in the Harlem Court yetterday, t? await Cha result af Kraus.s's Injuries. BARINE ISTELLIGENVJS. MINIATURE VI.*-A**fA* , Tii-UAY. ano noe*- 4<98 I BeU. fltl I Moan rite BJII Mooa'i at*. 17 m.ill w.vrK.K. ^..V?Hendy Hivta. 9.23 I Out Itl'l 10 031 Bell Gate. 11*11 I*..*/?rJanily Jieok. OM I Bat. iii'd. iu 07 I Hell Utte, liiid INCOMING STEAMERS. In-IiAr. I'tll't. Frnnt. .?vrlln.l. Wv, lie Knrter.Anlwerii.June IO...White. Croea 1. n el *n.l.l.iveriiiMii.June 14.Natlo**l Ainlns.Port 1.inion_June Hi. Atlas . itie. Ilreniiui. June Hi .....Nu l.iujri. Westernlaml. ..Autwern. Jiibi- IS.Itoil stir riniaijeipiii*..Laaaafta..Juueiu.Koa u flraawMoaf. jink 27. City of Coln rubia.Marana.tune 2.1.Wari Ueew Cljrd*.Sail llenuiigii..Jiiiio I'.i.Cly ile oranaoAY. ram 2s. Franc*.London.June 15.Nation il dalila.Liverpool.J nm- IP..Cunard Malo of l'enntyl vania,uiatgow,.Iub? IO .stale A (boa.Kingston.Juno Iii.A tut OUTGOING ? I RA MERS. TUESDAY. JU.NU Mk Vestal tViW. tone. For Malls Binti sails. .Nevada, Ouios, LiverBool. I alu (ino a ni WKti.VBtDtr. jute 27 Adrlstlc. Whit* Bur, Llrer-mol. 4 30 s m 8 a ni Trave. Nu Lloyn. Hreuion via Moath'ton. I BO a tu H a iu Ithvniand. lieu *?tar. Autworp. ? 3D * in 8 a in Atilt, Atlat, Klngtton.U ?_ j, pu, lill RHIUT. JUNK 2*. Put* of*. sut*. uta-.*,,-. n ?m Uugia. Hiiniti-.\iin-r. II iiiiinirg . 0 am h .no a ni New Gas Engine "The Baldwin" Rthtbtted at the late Amtrttco, /,, ,t,tute lair. Sew- York. A four norm, power engine |n connection with ?(orapo battery, running Mliicaiideseei.t, el,-, trie iigh-s (ind. withal btttery. BJ lights) gi vin, ? perfect Fight, with 111 the ste?diimr_ that can bo obtained from tho high tpM-d tletiB engines lu BMUBBB u-?> fur elielrlc llghlliin and permilllnt any number of ||fc.|,t? to b.- shut ..rt or turned on without affecting tho leiualnlug light* In (ha tilghtesi degree. A martel of beautr, Iierferrinn and power, aiapt.-d '.o ilBktmg, pumping, and all Beret bm when n Hts iud cheap power lt rtauln-d. Maiiuf'r'd ami gu.n.iiiie I t, Otis Bros <& Co., Elevators and Hoisting Machinery, M 1'ua Row, Kow*luijw SIIIPPISG NEWS. ?ORTOF NKW*YORX.MONDAY. J I'Nn 25. 1888 AHKIVKII. Hteamer Furriest!* (Br), Hedderwlck. (Jreenook Jane 14 lorine ll, with iiitsn?nil70i? p***en?tr* to Henderson Bro* lirlvisl ai the nar .a 7 ? in. ?tin.i Itolieiiiu lien. Kotifr, Hamburg June 10. Havre .(, wini mute ind'.UH patsengurt to Kuubartlt A Co/ Ar* I Veil *t tile uti :tt '." * m. . . Btsaatel I'rln/. Willi ni I i[Mah). I'rln*. Iiemersra Jubb ... 'on -p.un (J. Carilyn no 7 B?-BMB l.sfnayra H. Puerto Ca leiioll. CartlBS ll. I'ort aiit'riiiee IU. with nula- ena IR isaasBgert to Kmill.inlt A Co Aiiive.! at tho liar at 7.1(0 s m. Hteiiiner N'lngur.i. r.. uiils, Havana .1 nays, with mdse snd >Hs*engeri? tn .la* K Ward A Co. Arrlveu at the Uar at 1L8O l in st.-.imer HI liorado. Byrne, Now-Orleana 5 day*, with roilae o.Ioliu T Van Sickle. _ (steamer Equator, Nellan. Wilmington, wlthmdne to Wm P'o . ? Meiinei 1'iosiiiiirg. Mills. Baltlmoro, with coel to Consoll lated Ceel Cn. I teamer Commonwealth. Van Kirk. Philadelphia, with maa* 8 Roberta * Kui---. Menuter \Mnliirop. Bragg, Portland, with mdte to Horalli ?all Bark carl Holli ((.er-, stoll. H In vapors 114 days, with mdse o order: vessel lo denham A Boyeti-n. Hara Kelnln.i Kerran itu!). Maasone, Oenoa 41 Cays, with luise to onlel: vessel tn Klinrh. hdr* rfc Co. Bark (iilii tnt), dawson, imbin, 50 dayo, with aut*r to or ler; vostel toj V Wlntiiev A Co. Bait .Iou ii K Chasn. ( llltort. i uibiirien 12 day*, with sugar o onter; vestal to Chase, Talbot rt Co. Bark sag* (Dan), (svennsen. /ar* 17 day*, with mdse to F. W s- .nus * Co; veatel to Benham rt Boyestn. Bark Clentli?( Un. Joyce. (Hare Bay, CH, I'-'day*, with -0*1 to McNevor A Co; vettel to Harvey A Outerbnuge. lingi iinieo, Mahiniaii, Mt Anu't Bay 17 days, with sugar ot; Wessels & Co. taWsET-AtSaurtv Ifoek. wind light, 8; hauy. AtClty Isl.-ii.ti. wind light, NW, clear. (LEAKED. Steamer BeteSB (Br). Cntnlng, Liverpool ria Queenstown -A M Cndorhlll * CV steamer claribel (Br), CHnkitel, Falmouth. Jam?Pim. For wooit 4 Co. steamer Meciregor (Br), Miller, Kt Ann* Bay-W W nari ?ut .V Co, Steamer Wergeiiimt (Nor). Hansen, Barseos?H Darnels. Steamer Martha ate vent. Chance. Baltimore? B N Downer. Sinn Iceberg. Treal. San Prancltco -Van Vleeck A Co. bark Helios (Nor), Woltt, Tromsee, Norway?FuncU. Edyt tc Co. Hark scotland ( Hr). MBnro. Antwerp-Snow A Burges*. Bart Anna Marla d'Abunilo (Ital). Monti, Cette?Fiiaeh, Ethe rt Co. Bark ll L Houlh. Kirby, New.Orleans?Tupper A B*?ttle. Bark Salome (Nor), Neilson, Perth Amoey?Benham A Basvaaea. Brit Marah Wallace (Br). Hobler, Halifax-AT Heney. SAILKA Steamer OnIt'.o, for sr John. NB. Ship Beethoven, (or nuneri'.un. Barks Hcot'nnil. tor Aatwwrti Jellie McOregor,-. ling Advance, for i'ort au 1'iince. Tilt Jim'I JUE NTS tit STEAMERS, FOB KI UV PORTS l.nyrin*?, June 'ii?Arrived, tteamer Canada (Br), Bobin lon. (rom Mew*York. "l.iVKKi-tiou Jinn-'Jj-Arrlve.l, tteamer Navarro (Span), al.le. fi ino New. Vork. Qt.-BKXsTows, June ^4?Arrive.), steamer The Qneon (Br). Ile. ley. .'rom Now York on her way to Liverpool (aud pro -eedod). soi i hampton. June L'4 ? Arrived, steaeier Elder (Ger). Iltur, from New-York en h*r way to Bremen (and proceeded) Ol.Asonw. June 1"4-Arrived, steamer Stale of Nevoria (Ur), Douglas*, from New-York. I.aI'.vk. Juno ill- Hallen, steamer state of Ooorgla (Br), Moodie, Iroui olasgow lu-mro for New-York. st n.t.r. lune 2a? Passed, steamer (lelletf (Oer), Kuhlweln, Ironi New.York on Bet war to Hamburg, DUBBBT JIK \ i >. June as-Pastou. aiearaer Uland (Dan), Skiedi. from New Yora Ba lier wav to Copenhagen. HAVnK, Juno ii?Arriver), steamar La Nornieadle (Fr). De Kersabtae, from New-York. _ .Ni ah -i .11. i. ki, June -^A Ainvcd, steamer Aletla (Fr), Vail et, (rum New.Vork. _ Puiti SAin, June 24?Arrived, tteamer Altonower (Br). Barnet, from Japau ami China porta ob her way to New fort- , _. , , Yokohama. June 26-Arriveil, tteamer City of Peking, [learliurn. from San Francisco. Ad ki.a*iii. NZ. June Jj-Arrived, stsamsr Alamoda, Morse, Iroui San Prancltco. announcement.*. Henrt A. DAviFf.*, ML D.f S19 WEST MSBa-an Slteaeet of tha Nerruu* nvste a. (ieuito-lTrlasry Organs. ImpoteaceanU sterility. Hours?8 to lit, 6 lei Ladies who dolicrht in a olpar, Roft and vel? vety akin are sure Ito be pleased with 0_>EI.LS> BEN zorn Cf'sMKi!' BOAP. Sol'l everywhere. ADVERTISING MANAGER WANTED. Tho manufacturers of s bie'h-class proprietary article now extensively advertised require the tervlces of a com pe-.-nt person to take charge of their advertising depart? ment. Must havo had a large experience in the adver tlsins* business, pnstosi a k-WWtadsfB of the newspapers of the ccun(ry and their respective value* at advertising mediums, and b<* In every way competent to manage suc? cessfully the largo and Important Interests of the ad? vertiser*. The highest reference.* required. Address, giving full particulars as td past or present employment, ^tperlenco and ability, LAWRENCE, 40 Nassau-st., New York City. SAFES ix TWO LARGE FIRES. DANBURY, CONN. Jnne CO, IBBB, In the large fire its had ono of ymir mako of safea, and I am pleased to seato that all the books and paiera were taken from lt, after the trying ordeal, ita a good, state of preservation. It. A. SXTLXHSB, Pres., THE R. A. BELDEN CO. DUB0I8, PENN. June B_> *j?*gn. We had one of your Champion Safea In our hotel. " THE UbBBWICK.* It was oix-iied tho fourth day after the tire and the safe still hot. Our paper* and all tho contents are preserved In perfect Bular NIHir.I< _ CAHI_I_ HERRING & CO., Nos. 341 Sc WI BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. ENAMELED JEWELRY. We have on exhibition the most complete variety of designs in Enameled Flower Brooches, nnd many seasonable and fashionable designs in Elaborate Silver Jewelry. Gorham Mfg Co., silversmiths, Broadway and 10th Street. CARPETS. SPECIAL CLEARING 8ALE Of snni;:i. HKMSHIMA IUU :, it.vmi: BODY BBUSBBXB BBOM tv. TKR Wini JJUBV -riir. tiiim; rOB OOTTAQM ami ooumnnr uudhmcbb bi bi bx rn *. irjpm in I-KAINS BBjOM .'.h. BJBU YAKI). A1.1. .WOOL AND ?mit BQUaJII (OOO BUBB) i_ USB THAN 008 OB BROOM I kin. him nan fa rs ll I i T ell,. Minis, 1, 2 AMI Jl *, AKlis Willi: AMI H.oM 1 T(? I YA HI'S LOMO, AT MK'l'T uni: IIAI.I'TIII'. BMULAB I'RICH. SHEPPARD KNAPP 4 CO., til -V lil. A VE.. 13TH AMI 14 in SIS. SPECIAL MENTION. astatine)* Inls* tba** swlawtia* ara rrremmtilf* ta tho rea-ara ett THK TRI Br.-*Bj aa iharougk-lr rtslUblf, aaa basiaeaa csa Btaaaa BT mrnll wita tb* ??r*riU*n -Uk Besrtott aa_aif UNEXCELLED. OLD GOLD. If Die leader* of The Irl'inne will get out their old Enid. Biri til vi r. old ;<? wi,.rv snd -?ml lt I.jr mall or express to us. we will tend tlisni hy return msil B fortified chocs for full value. Qoodt returned if offer not sst t*r*ctory. Headr--lsrtert for Duplicate. Wadding Protaots, Diamond*, Watches -tte A store full of tiir*r?,iis. Head stamp fur prlce-I'st J. H. Johnston & Son, lao nowEiiv, >. y. wi: diffeb in character and canal.illtr ss we do In look* and ti-muera ment I'n-t rstan I yourself ?nd you lnvn tim leer to sne ri-ns A phrenological rh.rt will show what vou are. Ex. Boilnations d.nly. HOYA I.KRA \VKIJi*l IO,, 775 BROAKWAV. PA TEXT Crouch & Fitzgerald lCi*li:il>|i> Trunks and Unga. 1 Cortland-*.. 7ilHth~n.r .J.', \. Y. I. urge* I A.isoi lin. ni. Ii*"I ??!' les aud i-owi ti Prices. Johr.IV.oore ?VI. .'?7 tl- .ia \Vnrr.*n-*t Also II iruosj A Hors-) Loo ts ?_? ntADB MARK r "?*. ar?rt fsmSw hy " LBADINO |{ KT A ILK KM Cnrni't Style rind Superior i'misi*. AV Kl.Il, f'OI.nrRNtVHII.I KF.\*s Manufac'rs, i'JA B'way, N. Y lIsTcoNovE^icorr ?slaaufacttirsrs**' AKTiano OPEN FIRE PLACES anil Tsrlor r.rV.**, MAMTSAeS BjWlBBa, ana** -ni *-f?*:v. IMPOKTliH- Ol? il?.__ JIB A 30 W. NEW BBaVOB, Y(IKI_ z^pen Artist. 20.1 ll KOA OW AY, Executes, evert Mylo ol' Ar? usn.- I'l'ii'iiiinsltip. Ki-sohi lions, Mt'iiioiinl*. cir., i-n* frrnssril. (triiilnr unil anec** men* mulled un it-quest. Address D. T. AMES, iO'i IIIIIHIIU ll. IS'E'* _ HEFFIELD? Mm Wt I,,..-, rm.i I. "Vi tt -j , THEETI BREATh "a GU MS* Bed IVYfl. J. LEACH, Stationer, Printer, Slid BLANK BOOK MTg, I*s? NA*HAU.f*JT., Standard, American ssa Ipring Hack Diaries oa ass*) ill th* year. special limed Aeestint Root. nail* to tr li rat thor*. natl** LEG6AT BROS., CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. MILLION BOOKS Rare, ( nrious. Current IB sdrf-li. II.MOMT I.IVF.v AWAY. Mbrarte* Ba Balla* '.Var-er lian at any Hook Store in t.-.e World. '.ihrarle* and /looa* Bought >l ? n.iiriiih i ni ni m. hp Free. ?1 < h nulli r--st.. ld d*OT A est of City Hali Park, N. Y. IO vr?. eTpertence A fscillttsa PERFECT STEAM CARPET Cleansing, Pat. In U. R. 4 Europe. rhos. Jas. Stewart. Only New-York Office, 1.VV1 BROADWAY, 'it\ door above 46th-at.. mil Uric mill llh sis-. J. O Telephone connection. IO injinu a **?!.?-? lally. ~t Die Hilliest Indi..rilli-t I IMliilllllllth 1-llilnrsK IKWMKII it t IJHM l;'i\(i'? 1 nfaillBt Asiatic llres." I'.'il'I. -I I. lt. a large, lootel* witted threoit, ls * " Wul ii!k,"snt la produced in ail be coloring* of Brainerd <a innstronif's rnfadiut* Asutia -yes. As in (he production ot irslnerd & Aruistronr's Outline E ? broid.TT," ??Fllo,'* ?Twisted Embroidery," tad ' KlltlOK Hilka," WORTH* .KSb IMITATIONS ol IOPS sfl.K have alrsady*p* .eared lu the Biaricut. **eo liiul every ekt-in bin ra be name ot the Brnlnerd de ,1 in-i rn i. gi o. unil I hi* I rads imii. " \ I. Dyes.-' -lli!lfl!KII\l)\VAY N. Y. E. &H.T. AnthonyAOu ?Bl BROADWAY. N. Y_ FHOTOGRAHHIO A JUA 1? IR OL'TtflVaV B-TCHSI. rA-vTKRJU CATALOM'*-: FKEB. Men-un Triboaa I_ Crawford Sat $AW HASsStWtD $3:'Tr?_iWilt. ooio Csiv To Tuc Ccss-mCt ;::;;;New-M M Broad* BI Broad >? I lilian-st. Brooklyn COLUMBIA /f\ Bicycles, C*^"/_ Tricycles, Tandems, Safeties. POPE MTG GO. 19 WARREN-SU, NI-.W YOU.K. /4 .*& ^s* _ S* J s* Av ** (CO i flt _? <s?V ff/ ADWAY' PILLS S The l.n ni liter and Stoma, li Remedy Far th* cure af all disorders of tlie Stomach, l.tvtr, Bowal*. Kldaeyt. Blad.lir, Nervaas Diseases, lost of Appetite. Head, ache. CoBstinritton. (ott.vest ss. Indigestion, Bllloatuest, Ki-ver, Intl.unmadon ot Ihe Bawds, Ktt tal Bil derang manta et the latcrnal Vi seer*, l'un-ly v***o?ule, couu~Dla_ no nitreury. mln.-ials or deleterious drills. .Sold by drug-g-ltt*. 'ii o*nu a bax. CarlESchultzs SeltersfiifyfaiboniCe UTI.IA AM) VICHY Willi IJTILIA, CARI-?* BAD, MARIENBAD, KISMM.KN. _M.s, KI_u SIN..F.N HUTKKVVATKK ANI) PU LU, A, WU* lH'V.KN, SCHWALBAI H, l'YUMONT, AA. wo. ?? i\ivi:itsirv place. TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR 1888! 25 CE.vrs A COPT. 1'ari v Platforms and Election Statistic! Wita Copious POLITICAL MISC ELL ANY. Accurate, Complete, Standard Authority, A POPULAR HAND-BOOK For Tko I?Ki:*IDF.\TI AL CAMPAIGN. Far p-alo lu Tribune Ctaattajj Kaoav Sta* fey postage yala, aa aa*ava,