Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTS OF PRODUOt*, Pet North River. Vessels snd Raliroads. > she*. Pk rs SiOntmeal 'i'd Cntmeauims 1.7i'S B S Peas {Qrease, pkt* 201 > Lard, pkg*.. BPI) b*.:s. 1* firm soot iHotter, pkji 8,787 BJtaaa. bbl* 1ST. bags._ SOO Cheese, pun 6.417 I ?-?.n.|it 2 flnl-s. i.vis* 66-J'Ric*, pga... 76 Citton bsi.-s 1?30>IBtes.bala*.. 86'Spelter, pea. 701 Cowpe* oks.. 833|Leeth?i;*id'* 15,18t,iKtarrii.pkgs 1.000 print Fruit, Mo**.b?>?.. 98|Tallow, pkgi 188 pkg*. S Boinia tura, (Tobacco, hil* 6.(4 < Tttc*. Wt)'*.... 1,0?6| I.Ms. llOITwbaoco.plts 884 *r?rs. eases.. 2,43^1 Rosin, bbls.. 1011 Whisky.nols 330 flour,ps.'*.. '.'ii.-i,."Oiic?si>. 1'i.s 488'Wool bateau s.'i' .tMea'bbta. 15o.oil. lard bis. (.swine (Cal). WTifil.tmih (".5.X50 Oil, lnb.bSl*. gi a>kt?rn.- 15 Corn, otieh.. l.t3.Mi(i:Pe*nni?..t)ats 1.81H Krsn.'.vlC'all, Oats. bnaa..l?*.',MMi Pork. ossa.. 46.", I pki;a..._... 1514 Halt. bush... 31. ott*. Keel, pkt*... 2471 GENERAL MARKET RETORT. COFFEK-The market lor spot Brsrll stock* a little more steadiness, though may be but temporary. Pair Tn lolces 14 3 lc nominal. Sales, 1.800 bag? No. 7 (afloat), 10 7-8c stow vrins. Mild growths quirt, but steady. BOO Mig*JUasuayra. 13 1-4t; 137 Lacs Marscslbo, private lerra**. Toe option list wo* feaiurtiies* up to Hie close, when J um, Jumfiod un to 12.60c. Lster deliveries ?fare 10625 poiuts a bo Vu Saturday. Sales, 38.500 bags. Chining baie! prier.*. lllrhft. Lowest. Hag* . . 0??i? 9.70 070 OPS 750 ? m 9.65*. 975 875 ?76 1.000 ? ? 0.76tt 1? 80 980 9.70 1,500 . ? 9.76* f?80 9b5 9.65 1,000 ? ? ?.7ftt ti bo ? , 12.6o?J?S0 12.50 11.85 2,00> ? ? Ie.754t0.b0 10.75 10.60 4,2*0 . ? 0.90* 9.05 Op.'t 9.75 6.500 ? ? 9.703 9. mi 976 9.05 1(>,5'0 . . 9.006 9.05 9 05 950 4,50.) . ? 9.608 If. 66 970 900 If JO . . 90o? 9-65 970 9.56 s.750 ("oTTON?Tho market lor spot steady, but quiet at I unchrnged prices. Sales, 187 bales for consumption : ??ul 3t<? do for export. Tl.e jmrt reeeipta to-d.iv ae negat -1 1,470 bales, comparing with 1,002 bales this day la-l vv.-ek, 607 bales (o- ihi> roi responding dav las' y.-r.r. ?Batt Septen li-v 1 'tho Li tinning of the crop yean tn.' re. r> Ma have a gg re gated 5.4 20.380 bales, enmparin,: with b,i;'.i,?88 bales for the coin -snooding time last season. uuotatlon* based on tbe Arm. non siar.dsrd ot classifier, tlon are: I'mands. (imf. Ordinary ......... 7 9 16 711-10 P'rtet dTdtmry ...... 8116 8?io (jool Ordinary ...... 9 91-S Strut (rood Ordinary ..... IM 9 6-8 J/iiv MlldlmK ....... 97-8 10 r-tri? i LOW Middling. IO 1 8 10 1-4 Ml Idling. 10 vie 10 .-fi lio?l Middling . . . .' , . . 10 5-8 10 3-4 fBrfct Good 7-B ll MHdling Fair.111-4 113 8 Fair .ll 7-3 13 STAINED. Bmet fte/vd Ordinary 8 3-10 Middling . . . 815-10 liood Ordinary . .7 1-2 Low Middling . . 9 1-8 The option lts? ruled Irregular. Near months declinei I<-;'J pontt, while late deliveries advanced 5a 7 points on (".vim- news concerning tho grovving crop. Tomi sales, W,700 bales. donn*; Months. prices. Highest. lowest sate*. lune .... ..0 25*10 20 1024 10.21 8.100 July .... J0.2rVol027 10-87 10-24 li. I" r. . , . lo.3,-??10 30 10.36 10.32 35900 I "lier . . . '.' fc* ? 9 89 O.'.tO 981 12,000 October ... 9.09-s 8.70 9.70 ' 9.89 12,oro M v tiler . , ? 0.89** BOO O.oO USB 4,100 r ember ... 9.808 9 ol 9 ol 955 5000 lanna ry ... QA>7<? 9 08 9.08 902 MOO I'.-liUiiry ... 9.748)978 9','A 973 600 Marci. . . . . 9 82? 9.84 9.80 9 80 6'JO April .... p BOB 0.99 May .... 0.98&- 999 998 993 i,600 FLOUR AND MUAL?FLOUR?Little basilica* war- ae. SOSBpUaaaB U-day and values were without Important Mstnge. Sates, 18,760 >?Ul ^. Including 70'J Mils low ex ties, 82A5e*3 15; 6,400 bbls City Mills, 84 BO-oxM 60; MOO bbl* Minnow a, 8-75tf?5: 4,600 bbl* Winter Wheat. ?_'75</*'. lo; 750 bois Supo'im-, 82 88888, tad 1,900 bole hw al 8308883 78 Winier Wheat?Low Grades 82 75883 80; I ill to Very Fancy, 83 40<z*i 85; Patents, B4 25*46; Tai. nts. Finny, *4 75c85 10. Spring Wheat Low Ballas, $2 05* i'3 15 ; Clear, S3 30ff$4 45 ; Rve Mix? tures, 83 85684 36; Straights, S3 65684 06; Patent*. Ord i nu ry to Choice, 84 306" $4 95; Patents,-laney, f>u 15 15. . . . 60UTHEKX FLoUH-SaL s, 57:. bbil Common to Pair Exiro, 83 20?e3 80; Good to Ch..iee il... 83 906*5. . . . EYE J-l.OlU-I'iim. bales, 400 bois Buperiiiie at ?3 :tr,ai.;i 75. ?KAIN?WHEAT?Exporters siiowed no Interest In tin murk't, bai raine* wert without change. option trading wu? moderately active and Htosdy, udvancing 3-8 g7-8i-, but cl..sing at a slight reaction from the advance. Pw*., 8,880,000 bushels fuinn-, 2.fH?0 bushels !.pot, ln t.uding .New York No. 1 hard at S5c elevator; No. 2 Red auoi u ll 88( I'-livered, 87 3-s.- f. 0. b. ; No. 2 June, Closing at 85 3-4c; do July. 85 5-8a86 3-8e, ateanaj ?' ftil-be; do August, 87fl&7 3-4ir, closing at 87 8-8c ; do bojiti n.b.r. 88 ]-4<?ss 7-8c, oloslng at 88 l-2c ; do llei-eiii Isr, 91 fi-attan l-4e. rinsing at 92 l-8c ; do May, 98 8-88 80 7-Be, liomin., st 90 7-Se. . . . RYE?Dall and unchanged. BARLEY ANO BARLEY MALT-Dull and unchnnged.... Cv'ltN? In keening with the speculative market spot prices von- a tBaBl hiitlier, but the market v\a? du.l. In Uk oiiti.'U trading a noAerately aetlte bualaesa was shown. Mle* L248.000 bushels fu-ui", 209,000 bu>hels spot, in? cluding Xii. 2, 53 1-2b5S 3-4e delivered; No. 2, Jun., eltis ftig nominal; da July, 63S58 L4o, closing ni 63 l-4<-; do ASSUM, 64 l-4a."?; 7-He, cin^.n^ rn 51 ,"?-r-ii-; Ai, Btptember, 85 3-8'&66 't Bc, dosing at 55 1-Se ; do Ui-tober, 55 8-4^ 881-Bc, n.isiiiL- ai 5oe; ao November, 55 1-Sc5j 3-Se, tloslug at :>i 3 br r do December, 52c closing ul 52c. 0AT8?Little business wa> secempUsheil in thc spot mar k.-t. Bneeulstlon inoieratety a.uv. anri M"?dy. Sall*,] 119,000 bushel*, includiiig No. 3 at 32 r il.. White, 3oaSbi ; No. 2, 83683 l-4c; do White. 87 8-4*39*;; No. 1 Wbjte, ; 48e; Mix- I Wectern. 80*870; White do, 38o45l-2c;l Na -.' .Iuik, 38 11 a Ai 3-8c, rinsing :C 88 3-Si-; do Julv, 881.4888 880, eloslna at 33 3-bc; do AtfUSt, 111-24 31 3-4c, do*tag st iii 34c; d.. s.ptimb r. closing nominal. .... FEED?Hall and enchanted. .... Blew.York Produce Exchange statement of visible rupply. Saturday, June 28, 18?s. June ?IA. >s. June 10. '88. June 25, '.-7. Wheat .... 24,002,683 26,240,098 88,900,212 Cora.12,689.754 12,448,613 10.854,617 Dela.2,058,574 5.7.)7,0'JO 2,897,180 Rye. 230,718 240,128 2'!7,173 Laney .... 175.174 210.023 137,210 Tho changes In the visible supply, eouipaiing willi last we ... wets .1- follows: Wheat, 044.105 bushel* deeearse; tam, lii.rjn bushell Increase; nats. in>?,42(i bushels de crease; rye, 3,4io bushels decrease; bariv, 04,849 bwshels detr-, tat. Cuiiipaiatlve stii'.-kr- of grain In New-V..rk wsn-Iioiirpr: June 23.'88. June 10,'88. Juno 25,'87. Wh.-at. 2,722,687 2,7'.i3,4',?7 8,408,690 Core. 444,178 688,168 754,779 Pata. 896,889 0.11,i>8 &;m,(Oi Kw. 9.2.i7 9,227 10,0c3 ey. 8,798 0,798 6,800 Malt. 808,409 ?7^,9^2 234,752 Peas. 1,354 . ^ 7,440 Total. 4,040 617 4,297,942 4,083,373 Amount of grain afloat in New-York. 1-Week ending June 23. Jone 16. Wheat, bushels. 206.800 Com, ,?' . 155,200 UaiN " . 97,300 Total.'.r_459,30 617,500 HAY AND STRAW?Market ruled quiet and aaslei oa liberal reeeipts. HAY?Choice No. 1, 90898c; No. 2, 75 Clover, n.iM-d. (i.'>a7o. ; Clover, Sirene; NhippliiK, 65<t00c. STUAW-Loug ltye, 95caftl; Short Rye, 70u 75c; Oat>, 45?&0c. HOFb?Thc market holds swady to previous ravs, no impi itf.nt business i? noticed. New 1'oik 8t*t*>, crop of 1887, best, 12<f 13n; do medium, IOS Ile; do eomnioii. 9al0e; do olds, 4?6c; Pacific Coast, mern nf l?o<7, balle; do 1880, 3u0e; (iermaus, crop of 1^7, ir,u22r. METALS-COPPER-DulI birt ste.vly. Sales, 75.000 Tft at 16.15c f.?r Oc?,rwr, and 10c lor December. . . . Ll-.AD ?Active, bales, 450 tons at. 4.4<>. f.n .lui,.-. V?c ii.r July, 4.K'-.rc for Augun aud 4.20c for September. . . . TIN ? Ls^v?. (Sales. 10 tous July at 17.45c. 1 I MOLAfeSF.8-Lolling stock steady. Sales, 1 cargo Cardenas to l'hlladt-Ipbia at Wat for 50 test. I'.'.aek Strap in fair dcDiand, further salcb Including 300 bbl* c\tra heavr at ll'wo. NAVAL STOKES?Spirits turpentine nominal on thc sput at Sti'iC asked. Ki.sins n.oving slowly al quotations; Strained, el 15; Good Strtined, 81 17*! E, 81 22^; F, ll 3ye#l Wit; (i,*l 37'u ; H,*l 40?$1 45; 1,81 50?$1 55; K, cl 02 1-2; M. 8180; N, 8l90ael95; W. G.. 82 50; W. \\\, *2 80. Oli,s lotionseed i.t<-adr. Sale*. 100 bbls. prime sum rrs r v liow, at 47e. I.ard asV. Coronuut quiet. Quotations. Cottonseed, ciude. *3e; Summer Yellow, prime, 47c; Bummer While, 48c: Cocoanut, Ceylon, 6 1-4c; Cochin, 6 1-4c; Cod, dome* tl>-, 82c; foreign, 35c; Linseed, raw, city, 68c; Lard, prim,;, present mak", 022621-2c; Men? haden, crude, Bound, 24c, light pressed, 29c; bleached wintur, 32c; bloa.-hod sprint, 3le; Sperm, i-rud-. OBe: tiatursl winier, 88a70c; bleaefced wlnt-r, 73a75c; bleached sprnur, 07a70c ; Whale, crude, Northern, 888880; naluril uniter, 41-; bleached winter. 43c; extra bleached, 45c; S. j ettehsati bleached winter, 64c; SM elaln. 32'c31c; sai?'iilOel. p.-r lb, 4 1-2e. OCEAN FRKIGHTS?Accommodation for grain was in fair demand, but business otherwise was ltmitod. . . . BERTH IMiAi.l MINTS To l.lveriiool, hence, 32.OO01 bti.bel* grain; 1 3-4d: t? lv?.iidoi). ".OOO bushels grain, 2 3 4d ; to ( openhaawn. ht,-am, 24.000 bushels grain, ls od. . . . OIL CLIARTCltii-Italy, from I'hUtvdelphla. a British steamer, with 40.000 cases refined oil. 14 l-2c; hence, I Cl tl Stan bark, with 8.600 bbls. r.-iim-d oil. prior to ai rival: Stettin, fn.m Khiladelphla, a German Ship. 8,r/i0 bbls. refinel oil, prior tc* arrival. PROVISIONS?I'mKK?Values are well maintained, but the demand ls light. Sales, 75 bbls within I (inc-veat-'.ia Mess 014*814 2..: New M.-.- at .Ud'.i.'i 25: Short Clear, al *H'.a*18; F.xtr.i Prime, at *lb 2.',; l'rtme Mess, at 8t5o?11 50: and Familv Ifesi a; 816 608810 60. ? ? ? BK&V?Dall snd uni lunged , Me?s, 111 Heroes, st 812 505*16: Eatn Meas, In | Bal els, at, BT?a7 60; PtcBat, al 8886 80 yt barrel and ! 111^1160 In tierces; PUte, lt 87 28*87 60; framilv, ai j tJ 50 . . BERK ll A.MS-Steady but uuchaiig-d: 816 78 ; tt*10 liere'. and at Weat, *15. . ? . . CUT MEATS -quiet, bat ?ti'H'Xy- Q?f***V ?_ J* ????? ai.- nellies 7 34c; 10 Th. 7 3-4a7 7-8?; "ckl.d Hams: sf. Ufll >f!iJb0a\*lfklaHn? *l ?C; I do. st 7 8-4-?8c; Smoked Hams, at *?????. II iritil PJ?i?NetUct^-.l and nominal. . . llKKSSi-.I) . IIolJs-FTrnier V Itv Beaty ta ll?ht.7?=?7 8-10: Ptfft THt. I I.ARD-For spot lots th -re nw a moderate demand and'the market wea Int. ppUoas oUmAjX sn sBvanee . 7.8 r*inu, .Sale*. iOO tw^esUirn 8teaS ?... 1^ itT-^rTVH Tlie d. niand Is fair, but values show no de ?dud change BUUe 6( amery, 19 1-2820 1 2c; Western Creamery 17? 19 1 2c ; Itste, half firkin tubs, 17#19c; v>vf?h tub*, 17*131-2*: VtiTy lubB' 188)1881 Wasttta *t-torv 13?-10c; We?tern l?iry. 14?16>: Western Iml tsttoB Creamery. 15iT17c. . . . ChF.ESF-Flrm. Stale F*c ?rv 7'o8 3-4c includine fanoy. 8 5-8^8 3 4c, Wtsteffl aatL'7<rS<:; skims, Bute Factory, 2uo 3 4c; common u> choice EGGS?Steady. State and Pennsyl vatit* I0 1-2c-, Western, 15 1-2*15 3-ic ; Canada, 16c. SCOAR?The raw market quiet but strong. Centrifugal. 96 t-*t quoted at 5 9-l6d: 88 test. Muscovado, 4 aJaTl 13-16d Sales, 800 bag* Marsiihan, 4 l-8d: Reflred, tc-elve and Arm. Quotation*: Cut Ja&1, 8, Crushed 8 Cubes 7 l-eudoro/t 7. i.ianul?o-d f, 8-4u^.81. Metvld " A" 7. Confectioners' " A" 6 5-8, Coffee * A" tumdard 6 1-4. Coffee off " A" Ca6 18. White Kxtra " 0" 7-8, Kxtr* T 6 3-4. " C" I 1 2tf5 3-4, Yellow 6 3-Stf ti a hvTFARINF^-Moderstely active. City, 10 l-4c; Oleo ma/garfne. 8 l-8c. k ^TALIX)W-Clo*ed eariy at 4e, with sale* of 146,000 bbl* tl the Quotation. TjTVK BTOCBT atAKKKTB BT TELKGRA P H. Bi'ftAMs. June 26.?tattle? Reeeipra last 24 honr* 1,343 head. Tn ?J foi w**K tba* Ur 4,li6H head. For lune time Uat week 4.687 h*sd. < ir.?iguM throuft '-inn isv 64 tar* 63 *t which te New Tura: consigned throath lo-day 44 esl1*, 37 of which I" New-York ; 225 car* on sale 1 sslea Slow : prlo?? declined 16 .7 35c ?lnce Isit Monday. Common Ut F?lr 83 86*1 60; Oooil toCuoloe snipping 81 to'14 90; litr?86 40 C'ow??nrt Heifur* *AW?i 50; Bull* #2 768 88.". Mllc'i Cows %A'ttft%A: Stocker* dull st 83B83 26; Veal* dnl! at 84 6o*#5 50 . 2-> carload* left over. f>Uep? IlecetuM i**t B4 nosrs were 0,40<> h*ad. Toul for the we?k thus Ur 17.000 bead. For *?in? Um* last week 11800. v,'oB*ifnod thr?u?h 6S ear*. 18 of whlot t?i New Yors Ai c?Ho?ds on nile 1 market dull and lower. f,o?<l U> Chotoe 84 6084 75 ; Common nominal i Lamb* 86 00?6 68; bXtt^*eeti?ts last 24 hours 7.S40 htad. Total fer tba weet thai tar 14,975 head For *atne tim* last week le.iiofl heaC Consigned through Snmlay 34 esr*. IS of which to Now-York ; oon>l?-rn<ti thrungli to il ny 88 car*. 61 ot wtneli t6 New-York r 71 c?rs on salo; Bt lower. Muod Fig* amt Light Yorker* 86 00 ? 5 75; Selected Yorksr* 86 6036 75 ; t-elei ted Medium weight* 86 90 r Rough 85 00 95 20 ; BUSS 84 26 ; bulk told. Ciiic.t'io, Union stock Yarli. Jims 25.?rViMle ?Re eel nt* 9.000 head: shipment* 'J.0IMI; market dall sad weak. Medium to Choice corn-fed 83 753*1 90, Oetrt sud Mixed 81 Ijnaa 90; Blockers ami Feoiler* 82 25<i*3 75 ; Tex.ini 82 611*3 00. Hog*-Receipts 22,000 head; shipment* 6.60*; tnsrket Ste.viv, strong Mixed 85 463*86 67S: Hesrr 88 Mn 85 7.. . Light 15 40 a-*;, Bil I'lg* snd Cull* 81 l"tf$5 30. A'ies/1?Receipt* 5.000 head: shipments none; mar tat Million* CA a $4 90 ; Western Feeder! 83 188)88 35 ; Texan* 82 uo*:t 76. KT. t/Ott*. Jone 25. rnMI'-neemriM 4,201 head; "his menu l,0f0 head; market Clinloe Heavy Native (Steer* 85 4(1486 00. Fair to (ior).l Native 81*Sf* *5 00./) 85 50. BatcUrtts" steers. Medium ut Choice. #4 10*5 00. Blocker* and Feeders. Fair to Hood. rf'J4O?3 0O. lUngeri, coi h.teil if3 103 I 88 : mas fed 82 2."i33 60. Umje ? Kuceiotn 2,800 hoad; shipments 1,700. Mnrkel ? tos.iv. Choice neaw sn.l Butchers' "election* 85 50?5 0r?. Fae kin-. Med.nm to ITIoi.-. 85 Itu 85 65. Light grades, Ordinary to Bett, *.'? 25 BS 45. .s7>?ep-Recelot* 3.200 head i shipments 800. Markot steady. Pair to choice 83 toa 4 90. UVB STOCK ATATIirnT. Mtw-YoitK. Monday, Jnns 25, 1838. B**T*a Cow*. Calve*. tsbeen and Lambs, twine. 8.990 193 14.578 39,148 25.732 Reeve*. Cow*. Calve*, sheep. Swine. Terser Cifr Stock Yards. 5.886 4;< 608 29.54* 13,119 Slxtieth-st.. 1,431 12> 8198 0,433 .>.'. Iw. . 12,616 f-ci.ttii-iec. 1.703 80 77 175 . Receipt*last week..12.150 187 9,380 39.111 26.652 Oat, week last year.10.278 120 9.180 43,160 34.105 av. w'y lec'u last year. 9.067 181 4.78 j 3b, 146 33,613 Kt vi IA not. Ot HBKVE*. C'hme* a?i! Wxtr.i.88 85 Bt6 00 food to Prime.85 55 a*i hs lair to Hood.85 30 8)81 68 Common to Medium.84 50 #86tt Toor..84 20 ?$4 40 Oxen snd Btaitt.83 5" 8)84 00 Dir Cows and Hellers..8288 ?84 M Coionulos. llall-Rreoila and Cherokee*.84 00 ?$5 55 Bull*..82 00 <tti Ot At rage to-day. estimated.85 30 ?. 1.vinnie rsnee of iirire.84 00 ?88600 (loud to Prim* steen sold one ve?r ago st 81 05 &84 90, snd the average was eitiraated al 84 90. p.lview uv thk wr.FK-Ti.c asefe seana* Man day proved a most disastrous one to tattle sMpBBfl tu this market, and their Isaaaa run into the tens of Bttaaaaasi sf dollars. What at first sight appeared to bo a BBBlthJ boom In prices, based on an actual short supply of corn fed cattle, induced fi tattS to rush Into the market a lot of Betts*, Braaaftl stockers and tra nh entirely unfit for Ix-i?!, and which saakl to havo been kept back f..r settee] month*. In?tead of a healthy gradual advance which might have beta maintained until autumn, prices asst ap to such a phenomenal figure as to check consumption snd exportation, niel the inevitable result was a sudden col- | Inp*, with results as stated. The docllno up to the si. of Fridiiv's market, ns compared with the preceding Friday was fully 00c on best grades and from 75c to $1 on Com? mon stock and treat*, The beef market did not drop In a ratio corresponding to the BBstbM In live cattle, but was bad enough for the sell, lng Interest HiBiepeaa Bankets wcro unchanged, with refrigerated beef selling at scant ?, 1-2i. and American livo tattle at ll 1.8819 l-2c, estimated dressed weight. Livo Calves ruled firm and n small fraction higher for 8eei Veals on Wednesday, t,ut Buttermilk* Ml off 1-4a l-2c. and declined still further on Tliur.-l.iy and Pi ida with Veale also lower, aud all grades continuing dull to tho close, fih'vp and Lambs were In lather liberal supply, but G*eB Sheep were firm, snd all grade* Improved a little while La.'irtis, which were l-4c higher on Thursday, fell off ta Saturday, closing weak. ?kate vat nu Skaaee In tho Hog market, and tho few sales reajsttai were tl the reae* of aa 78Be8. BaMliVkn Bseetpta yesterday and to-day, 170 carloads of 2,990 head?45 cars direct to East Bjkki ttaaaktertrs, 36 cars at OOth-st., of which 27 cars tren kW Mr. 1 n-tin.v.i and 9 cars for J. Bltta, and 89 cars at Jersey city, all f'ir tho market. Trade was slow all thc morning, Bat fairly steady for all grades, and the feeling at tl. appeared to bo a trifle firmer on Geed te ('hole Beeves. The yards were not quito cleared. Among the salts in i ? a number of cars of Medium to Fair " Stiller*'' at *?"> 108 85 40, with 42 head Prime, sold at 85 75- Texans ran-', d from 84 to 81 50; Good Corn-fed Culorados sold at M ">?">: Poor Native* at 8-1 20a"*4 40, snd Decent to Prime at HBnOJnB88, VkHe 12 Cholco Lancasters brought $0, which was the top flguro paid to-day. Bulls, Stogs and Oxen sold at 82 108*84, The Galileo will lake out 400 Beeves for X. Morris. The Den mark gut oft (Saturday with 421 head, anl the f.vdlan Monarch with 110 head. .Shipments to-moirovv 2,200 quarters of Beef In the Nevada for Joseph Eastman. The week's shipments of Live Cattle aud Sheep aud Dressed Beef and Mutton aro as follows* Shipper*. t? r-1 I o < ail tB | = .1. Kaitman.|\Vl?ron?in. J. Eastman.jUorraaniO. .7. I ...rn,sn.iftpslB. J, Knattuan.|Circa*?la. J. Kuitraan .iCltyof Ctestcr M. '.nd sn lr h.'Spain. M. Goldsmith.'Brooklyn City . M. Ooluamlth.'Denmark. M. Goldsmith.|L, Monarch,_ A. K. Oulerbmlfu..Trinidad. fi. P. Louth ft Co...lTrlnldad. I. s. Iiillenliaok ...'Trinidad. I.. B, Dlllenb?e.k....|Huriiley. li mme A Mullen....iTrmldad. Kin 114 ?ir lim 15 46 2.6KO s-OO 1,440 1,446' .! 960 Totils.J 91) Totals last week.H.O70 'ii.Ul-, unit, ivi-i: 1S87.1 738 100i.. 251. 7.880 1811.... 0,380 lu ... 6,600 04 ... Rnles? J. fcchamberg : 42 Texans, 055 Th average, at * 1 per loo rh; 77 Coro-fM Celina io Steers, 1888 rr. si .'. 65; 21 Ckleaa* do, 1107 rr,, at *4 60; 19 do, 1395 rb, al Bi 80; 19 do, 1282 Th, at 85 75; 13 Ba, 1888 Bk. St 8880; 18 I.munster County, p.'nn., do, 1018 Fi, at 84 80; ls Kansas do, HOS Th, at 84 80; ? do, ljjnj Th, af. 81 90; 31 do, 1120 Th. at 81 95; 35 do, 1341 Th, at 88 BO; 18 At, ISSI ". 11 85 86; 25 do, 1358 !h, at 85 55; 21 do, 1280 TM, at 85 05 ; 40 do, 1230 Th, at 85 70. J. P. Sadler ft Co. : 60 Cincinnati " Stiller*," 1193 Bk at $5 40; 19 do, 1202 Th, at 85 35; 20 do, 1139 Tb. at 85 10; 3 do (Poor), 1120 TD, at 84 20. Newton * Gillett: 12 Lancaster Cnut,'.y. Penn., Steers, 1391 Th, at 86; 6 du, 1320 Th, at 85 20; 20 Pi-ntmylvania do, 1220 Tb, at 85 20; 16 Ohio do, 1390 Tb, at 85 50; 2 .-state Oxen, 1390 Tk. at 83 50: 2 At, 1600 Tb, at i?4. D. McPherson : 21 Texans, 952 Tb, at tl ; 3 Ohio Steers, 1436 rt., at 85 75: 2 do, 1855 Tb, at ?5 60; 5 do, 1392 Th, at f5 50; 1 do, 1570 Tb, at 85 15; 0 do, 1363 Bk at (', 12 1-2 . 10 Western do, 1230 Tt.. at 85 50; I do, 1888 Tb, at 88 80 14 du, 1214 Tb. at Bl 10: 3 do. 1213 Th, at 85; 7 do, 121m lb, at $4 80; 3 Hulls, 873 Th, at 83 60. H. 8. Itoeentkal: 55 Chicago steers, 1405 r\ at tr, 78: 34 do, 1328 Tb, at 8> 40; 37 do, 12*0 Th, at 85 30; 22 do. 1241 Th, al 85; 17 do, 1164 Th. St 84 95; 20 do, 122") Bk at 84 85; 10 do. 1200 Tb, at 84 40; 4 Bulls, 1385 Th, at 84. A. Coh'-n for A. Purst: 15 Corn-fed Kentucky Steers, 1470 Tb, at 86 85; 4 do, 1850 Tb, at 85 45; 0 do, 1400 Tb. at M 30; 20 d'., 1117 Tb, at 85 17 1-2; 21 do, 950 Bj, t\ 84 05; 22 do, 1080 Th, at 84 50; 18 Kentucky " .Still, rs." 1160 Tb, at 85 13 1-2; 18 do, 1110 Tb, at 85 15; 1 Cow, 1880 Th, at 84 76. Sherman it Culver: 1ft Chicago Steers, 1317 Tb, at 85 45; 3S du, 1297 Tb, at 85 40; 17 do, 1154 Tb. at 81 85; 32 do. 1104 Th, at 84 70; 15 do dinon, 1061 Tb, at 81 25; 9 Texans, 1000 lb. at 84; 19 Bull*. 1189 Tb. al 82 80; 13 do, 1105 Tb, at *2 95; 4 do, 1082 Tb, al 83; 8 do, 1279 lb, at $3; 1 Aa, 1430 Th. at. 83 30. kt Goldsmith: 43 Texans, 997 TD, at $4 10; 17 do. 1033 Th, at 84 50: 7 Kansas Steers, 1138 Tb, at 85; 51 Chicago do, 1869 Tb. at 85 65; 10 de, 1405 Tb, at 85 75; 42 Illinois "BUllers," 1399 Tb, at 85 76. MILCH COWS-Receipts for tho week, 193 head. Trad ha* been quiet at 835 to 850 per head for OtatMBB !.. Good Cow*. CAI.VLS-Re.-elpt* were 2,437 head, mainly at (Wh? et- Ska demand fer Veals was active and prices well tt*aakt*Ai Common were *low and Buttermilk Calves extremely dull and 1-4 to l-l* lower, with about 600 to M-U at a late hour. Buttermilks sold at 2 1-2*3 l-2e. iht Tb; Mixed lots of Calves ut 454 l-2c. ; and Common to Mast Teals at 5a6 l?8a talSS niltentirnk * Uollis: SJ Buttermilk Calves, i:,o Tb, at 3c; 114 do, 140 Tb. at 3 l-2c.; 122 Mixed de. 188 Th. st 4 l-4c; 36 do, 189 Tb, st 4 1-2c; 229 do, 147 Tb, at 5 l-2c; 66 Veals, 174 Th, at 5c; 54 do, 192 Th. at 6c ; SO d... 161 Th,' at C Icc ; 45 do, 133 Tb, at 6 l-4c; 18 do, 166 Tb, at 0 l-2c. Dlllenback 4 Dewey: 104 Buttermilk Calves. UH rt., at 83: 07 do, 104 Tb. at 83 05; 7 do. 194 Tb, al 83 50; 103 Veals, 119 Th, at 85 50; 118 di, 150 Tb, at 86. * Otis: 13 Veals, 139 Tb, at 5c ; 20 do, 150 Tb, at 0 l-4c; 1H do, 143 Th, at 0 3-8c ; 71 do, 147 Th, at 0 l-2c D. lla.-irii/i-11 : 5 Buttermilk Calves, 210 Tb. at 3 1-2c: 12 Veols. 150 lh, at B8j 81 do, 150 Th, st 5 3-4c; 52 do, 149 Th, at Be; 53 do. 127 Th. at 6 l-8c ; 22 do, 187 lb, at 6 l-4c ; 143 do, 145 Th, at 6 l-2c. Bethe ct Mullen, lil Hutt, imilk Calves, 153 Tb. at 2 l-2c : 7 do, 187 Tb, St 3c ; 85 Mixed do. 201 Tb. at 4 1-2c ; ? Veatt, 137 Tb, at Cc; 1H At, 189 th, at 6 1-4c; 18 do. 148 Tb, at 86 35; 57 do, 139 lb, at 6 3-Sc ; 22 do, 157 Bk at 0 una JelllfTe, Wright & Co. : 61 Buttermilk Calves. 139 1T>. at 2 3-4c ; 104 do, 1C5 Tb, at 8c; il do, 184 Tb, at 3 1-2.:: 9 Veals, 125 Tb, at 6c; Cl do, 130 Th, at 5 1-2c; 60 do, 139 Tb, at Oe. ' I'.vcrltt ft Pidcock: 10 Veals, 121 Tb, at BJ 40; 23 do, 132 Th, at *5 75. Judd ft Buckingham: 19 Mixed Calves, 168 Th. at 84; 18 Veal! 133 rt.. at 85 50; 20 do, 127 Tb, at 80 50; 3 do. 180 Tb, at 80 50. SHEKP AM) LAMP.S-n'coli,ts 50 cars of 11.P92 head-41 cars at Jersey City and 9 cars at 60th-st.. and 8 car* were held over from Saturday. There was I fair demand for Sheep and pricer were steady, with sales of Common to Good st 83 60*8*, snd strictly Prime lot.. a?U at 86 87 1 2<z?5 50. Lambs were in heavy supply, and the market declined from 25 to 40c before the close. Sale* af Common to Prime were made tl 85 50&87 37 1 2, sud Choice and Lxtia sold early In tin Civ at 8740 to 87 02 1-2 per 100 Tb. The pens were not cleared. Bales-Sherman & Culver: 38 Kentucky Sin SB*, 97 Th average, at 83 40 per 100 Tb; 125 do, 110 Tb, ai 84 90; ?j.',7 Tex** do. 76 1-2 Th, at 84 ; 190 Territory do. oa m. at 84: 214 Ohio do, 80 Tb, at 85; 135 West Virgina Lamb*, 67 Tb. at 85 65; 35 do. 62 lb. at. 86 15; tm Tea. m-sseo do, 61 Tb. at 80 30: 212 Kentucky d.., (12 Th, st a*) 70: 21? do, 66 Tb, at 87; 223 do, 64 12 ft, at ?7 05; "32 do. 74 Th, at 87 35. j. N. Pldcock: 190 Kentucky Sheep, sn Bs at 85 37 1-2; 96 Virginia Lamb*, 69 ft. St 86 37 1-2; 271 d... OS ft at ?0 1? I Hi d?. 6S ?? ?' S6 60; 1,096 do, d.'i Tb, at 87 47 do, 68 ft, at 87 25; 281 do, 65 ft, at 87 37 1-2; Iff West Vlrjlnla do, 57 ft, at 86 60; 300 do, 66 1-2 ft, at 07 26. Judd ft Buckingham: 2C1 Ohio Sheep, 78 ft, st 84 60: 12S do, 81 ft. st 84 75 ; 80 do. 81 ft. at t.",: 204 do, 84 1.2 BJ. at 85; 105 do, 110 ft, st 85 60; 43 Western do, 95 ft. at 84 88, 'O' sMtSS I.ambs, 83 ft. al 86; 9 do. 09 ft, at ?6 *5 ' 270 Weat Vlrplnla do, 62 1-2 Tb, at 80 75. Newton ft Olllc't : 13 Kentucky Sheep. 99 ft, at 88 76' 19ft Indiana do, 96 ft. at 86; 37 indiana Lambs, 55 ft. at 85 75; 2l2 Kentucky do. 68 1-2 ft. at 86. J V. fcadic/ * Oa : 3<J Kentucky Sheep, 112 ft, al i8 60; 212 Ohio do, 84 ft, at 84 76; 126 do, 84 ft, at 84 76; 126 do, 84 ft, at 86 12 1-2: 47 do. 84 ft, at 85 50 ; 210 Kentucky Lambs, 57 ft. st 86 60 : 271 do, 50 ft, st 86 ; 90 Vtrglnl* do, 08 ft. st 87; 82 do, 04 Ts, tt 87 37 1-2; 60 do. 84 tts lt 87 60k M. Collin*: 198 Ohio Sheep, 84 ft, at 81 75; 104 de. 82 ft, at 84 85. HaiLubeck ft Hollis: 28 Stato Sheep, 73 ft, st 83 50; 123 Western do, 09 ft, st 84 50; 77 do. 83 ft, st 8">; 50 Tennessee. I,amti<. 60 ft, al 86; 174 do, 65 ft, at 86 TB; 72 do, 66 ft, at 87; 63 Ki mucky do, 71 ft, aU?7 25: 218 do, 65 ft, st 87 40; 230 di, 67 ft, at 87 60; 79 do, 71 B\ st 87 62 12. Ollleiiback ft I>wev: 29 State Sheep, 113 ft. at 4 tS0\ 261 Kentucky Lambs, 61 1-2 ft, at 7c; 233 do, 00 ft, st 7 l-4c I>. Harrington: 199 T-r-i">ry Sli.-.p, 00 jj,, nt 4 3-Pc ; 27 State do, 77 ft, al 4 1-2. ; li Kl iilii'.l y Lamb-", "'?? ~ at 0 1-2c K.vertlt ft PI'Icock : 18 Pennsylvania Sheep, K7 ft. St 3 l-2c; 41 d>., 88 Tb, ut 4 3-4c ; 10? 1'eiilis;, Kania Lambs 69 ft. at 5 7 Hume * Mullen : 188 Teiiltnry Sheep, 93 ft, at 81 25; 23i oatt aa, aa n, st nt as, BOO! i'.. ??? pta wi .'.1 cars al 9.210 kaeaV87 ease el 40th-st- and 82 cars at lent* C.ty. Market BM -hang' tl avi tli Off assn to Qood Btatei iel ling at 8-"> (niu*5 80. Sales?J. G. gttltfc j 37 - 203 ft, St M ?cf' 1 10 Common do, 284 ft, at 85 60; 29 Pigs, 114 ft, at 85 bO. the sta ri: of tua de. BAinnaoan, Jane 25? Cotton Steady, Mlddllur st lo^e. Flour .jillet. ? tn ad jr. Howard Btrast ?nd Western Baner. nneta .1.1*82 S5. Extra .lo SJ 1.1*)>:<H5. lainlr Mo 84 lo -&4 65. (Itv Jilli* Mu perdue ?2 .Mia J iii. Kutra do *:t 00*3 76. do Kio Brand* *4 mi * 1 Bl I'.it IStS 1 Family #', 3'1. un Ba. perlatire Patent 8686, Wheat? Snntbesa uemiual. Piiltz fc:ieis7c; l.nns-bnrry HUit. Western wa* steadv. No. 'i Wiutor Bal spot at B4*aS| do Juno B4*at : do July at *4e ; ilo Auguit at M\c; do September st M5**C, Corn ? Sou Hiern anb-i, nominal: White MnnBUei Yellow iii U u o'he Western ililli *M easy, Mtxnu snot st aSSS r June 5.1953H.K-. 1 July SSS, Oats StOOdf ..ii.I Brm. Boothera at 1084881 Weiturn Wini* si 4;!?in'. Western Mis**! Bl IOa41*; PinriiTlraiii* al 40W48C Itvo ijui*t r 63#67c for Prime, ria.- easier ; Primo to Chalet Weetara $r .'e'..'fi7 oe. Prertatoaa .jun-t aaa iiea/tyi Mess Pork fl5 00. Bnlk meats-Oiotilder* loose ti-V ; Clear lt.? Miilea pacned R-^a Bacon?sholl.len m^c. Clear Hih Mites S-\c Haste 19?s8)l8*?C. Lard refined Bl 9?.c. Hin? ter quiet. Weetara parsed at 12410c; Cr inner, 189108. K,'ic* were fir.11 at lTijc feirolstai steady, itciinoii at 7'.c Coffee .'.nil, aaai 1 ktteerffeea, f?rr nt Isa, Mun-ar nulli; '-.\" *ofi ti'.c Copper ref'.aed firm at 15*j Sl.'.ti':. Winney quiet si +1 V'lfttl 2>v. Freight* to Ltrtrpo il per steamer dnil; Colton 888ft li.mi nor tun. Os. Od. Graiu at BA. BeeeieU?Blear 6.100 Mi!*: tVheal 1.900 I. 1-.ii. Corn 31.000 usn. oats task, Hhipmenta? Piour 751 bbl*. Salei?Wheat 350.000 bush. Corn 3,200 bush. BoFFAin. Jnne 25.? Wheat?No. I H?rJ actire, closing at \v. higher. 6*40 ,iver (.'mcato Aiiitusi asked ; sale* ?>( 16,0fOO bush. at 84*40, aol liit.iiiio Bl Me j No. 1 Northern at .i-.c ov*r; No. 2 Northern at 1 4c over; Winter Wheat In f.ur; Nu. I Bed .it '.Ile; Na, t White Mlchiri.n 92V- torn uniottleil ; Nu 3 4S4tf4s^c. Oat* itnll ; No. 2 Whlto UtaSBe; No. 'J Mlxot 34*1 Pye?No. 2 Western at 66* float unchainee L M lillee! hleinlrr Vtinlor llran at *1? 861 Sprinn aa 813 608 Bia 7.">. t wtatal ateady. Oatmeal ataady. Canal fratjcbts Strim*; Wheat -.'c . 1 om lT,c, 0*1* I ',: Keceipls?Flour none. Wheal 81,00(1 imsi, (urn 106.000 hush. Oatt !? '.pun luisli, .-.itip'* ny Hail? Flour 1 orr.-. Wheal 60,0110 Lunn. Corn 22,000 bush. <>at* Iii.OOo bush. Itvo 40.000 lins!;, ('.ma! >lipn-uti-Wlieat 37,000 bniiu furn 47.(kio bush. Cati 89.000 I-usn. Mostos. Juno 2."i.?Flour cintlniiet dnll. Corn was numma! r Hteamer Velio ? 639610. (lallilull; No. jj Whit") 434?a43l*C. Snort* dall and illii:lisiir?.|. I'r..rl.| ins mendy em; quiet. Port ursa. Lard *t ?',.? :i;,r.. Hams at ll1*!* 12SiC Bast steady. Batter inlet; Northern Creamery at 21c; Weateta Kura Orsa as sty at 80s Cheese qatei slut essy; Itest Northern B*B*1 "Uv: (toot bits K,;Hv, Kir** uno ; Kastern Bxtras 17*10)188; Western Kxtias 17.. Beeelpts -floor 6.000 1.his. an", io.ono sack*. Corn 3^,000 busti. Ual* lrl.000 bush. Miorts !7Hton*. OBtcaeOj Juno 2j.?Die levliu^ futnre* ranged as follow*: wnr.AT xo. 2. Op.-niri*. iti*!iest. Loxsst. Cloilnr. June. 'tn-i 78** W*j 79-\ Julv.^ 78?i 79>-i 7hi? 794 Auijust. 79** Ko 7i"4 J? 1 beptcmbcr. bo"* kati fin 7. . cobb rto. 2 June. 47 ~j 4-i 47Vi 4S July. 47?. 46*, 47U 4M>s AUirust. 4 -', 4!i's 4-14 4:"s rM-ptcmbcr. 88*J 4U7* 43'a 4H'? OATS !?0. 2. July. 3n?, ;<1>? 30\ 3)it AiiKiist. Mt* 98*1 W's '.'i1. beiitcuiber. 25'i 2J'.. 88** 25v? araaa pin* rr.u aat> Jnly. 1869 i:t7n I3it5 13 70 Angus!. i:i77'a i:t77lj IS7S L.'.77>? r-ci'leinbor. IS87?s 13H7sj 13 Hi 13e7'-j LAKH rsa loo ;?). July. is'J7*j ,s:lo 8 274 B87?s Aimnst. b37'a m;i7'.j h.t.'. K86 Kepteroner. H45 st.'. 849*1 B49*t October. S45 845 B49*t 8 4-"-j SUOIIT Rl'.lf PKtl 103 It). July. 7 47's 7 .-,0 7 45 7 .'.0 Au?uit. 7,',7'i 7.'.74 7 .'.5 78S bepteniber. 7 02'* 7 6* 7 6_'1a 7 65 Flour aaekaaeeij Caih i|iivit 11 ions wer.i as follows ?Vo. 2 Sorlnir Wheat 78 va79c. No. 3 spnn* wheat aoatlaaL Bo.i ned BO?*c, No. 2 Corn 47H8)t7lio. ito. '.' (Jau at :t)c. Bo. -' itvo at .' Na I Parlue at BSa No- 1 I'la* mm tit 81 30. Prime 1'luio'hy ^ee.i a? $: 88. Musi l'orn ut Bli 0.% per bliL tJirl at Sn Bi p-r 100 fh. Short Hlbs *.i.le* at +7 4o. Dtr salted SbmilJer* boied 8ii00i?6 96, Miori Clear hides boxotl 87 96a>S Oj. Whiskey, distillers' Smalled Koori* *1 90 per ail. Basan? ("ut Lost yuai'ii. lirauualie 1 9*tti Btaadara "A' ^rflciei. Kees! i'.s. Shipment*. Flour, bbl!...-.. 11.OOO 1 8.0O0 Wheat. Susli. 13,000 36.000 Corn, husti.,. 17t.oo I RSO.OOO Hats, nusli. IIO.OOO 37'.i..1 Bra, basil. S.OOO 9,500 Paney. Uusi,. 8.000 5,000 on tho Prod ass Bseaaan tD-.i.w the Battat market was steadv. Creamery 15 val gu. Dalry 11 ?* a 17u Kkk* steady at 14i*14>9C Cincinnati. Jnne 25.?Cotton <iuiet. Flour steady r Family $A 60<*83r(5; t?ncv *l 00984 96. i.i-?cr; N.^ -' Ked r'tc. ttoceiuu 8,600 huih.r ?tiltiiiieuis l,.'iOO. l>>rn Ballilla a Mixe.i at ala, usaa loweri No, t Mixeu 34*jc Hro stevie at 63c. Pork uteri,ly, ilull. at 814 98. Kart scarce al 88 t">. llnlkme .ts rm.l li.icon steady; Short mba at $~ OJ-j. bhort Clear t.i on. WhUkey Itendf ; sales of 647 Barrels titiisiieil K"'.'H on tho ha>u ol ?1 lt. lintier quint: Faucy NorthWettera Cieariifiy 209210; Pliine Dairv Koli at 14n>16e, Mi^ar was steady ; Hard lti-tlneit 7v*7J?c: New-Orleans 5<; ;.-V. Hots stes'lv; 1 ( and Lltlit $1 003 f.'. 40. 1'ac.ii ic an.l UtttOS ti ?6 254570. Bnceipt* 9. SOO; sh lunn uti 1.60ft i ..".-1 w tirin a 198. lirni; I'rimo to Cholco Oatt lui al 7 I -.. MiNXKAPct.ts. Juno 96.~Wheat?Beeelpts 9 'lays. 988 cars, shipment* *:: 1 ni. Cloeins qnotatiou*: In store ?.\n. 1 Hard cash 7U;,.c; do .lune 7:'', c; do July 7'.i'.c,; Auuii-t 80*ie, Nu 1 Northern cash 78 "ic : ilo I one 78**ei do July 79*?ei i!o Angaal mo1,' No. j Nnnneru cauli 75c ; ito .lune 74.1] do July 7ic; So A111r11.1t 75c. i ni track?No. 1 Hard vl'iC No. 1 Northern IWe. No. 2 Norlhctri r a 77c F.nur steady; 1'atcuts to siitp, sacks, in lariuts, at tanni in PlIll.AURLi-HlA. Juu? 25.?Flour -Hocelnt.s liberal, market weak. Weston and Petiusrlvanla Suuorllue 82 75it*J 00 ; do do do Kxtras ?.l iuii/8! '.'5. No. J Winter lamiiy 8,i B8988 75, Pennsylvania Kamiir at 83 H5<ft 8-100. t'tviniylv.ibi* Holier i'roce** St I08)8t 86. OBIS Clear 84 10"<*4 88. <lo ilo striU'it ** 41*<?4 7 ?. ludlaii* Clear84 1084S5t Soitestrattiiai M<*4 7.'.. Mt. LotiS sad Houttiem Illinois Clear at lo<i>t 35. .lu .1. strnuht fl 4ii? tl 75. Winter Patent fair t? choice 81 7995 00. Minnesota dear 83 M0d4 lo. do stratirM sa -.'j^i no. htianeseta Pat cuts, irool to choice, fi ~'->ti I M r ito do fair #4 >%<Ii i-o. Hye Flour qnlot, Clmlce at J.i 7o. Wheat SMrkol was nnnsttlod, cIosiuk **8)lS lower 1 ntttaW tro<* uiiiUr* aaa nioilersle, bat BOtalBt 'lularr for ttporti N'o. I Heil rn iii VHtor fer inillinr at Ole; No. 2 be.1 for Juno nominal 1 du Tor Joly B4aj#8S>si do for Au<ust 85<?Mile: il., for Heptember *r,*-ju ", vsc. Cora?Harket for lots ruled steady, t.ut local trade demand Hula, fntnrei nefleeted and notuinal ; No. 3 Mue I in r-'mti st. elet-jt r 5-?c . Ito. 2 Illili .Mixed 111 train il.-pot 5-?'.'? , So. 9 Mixed .'or Jane64<*4 56c; do for Julv 51 Vj'/ '.-'. '-.c; do for Aagast 689 ilo for fejiteiuoer 608)376, Oats?Price* lor ear lota declined *se nuder lithi local trails dem uni tlntraded White 44 ?4 t Vc: Vo. il White at 44V.C; No. 2 White 11 '..?:; ?fe, a Waite far J aaa liiaii'-jc: dolor Jaty 41 vii.''.. . de for Aiuuil 8.'>'i 3i'4':. 1 do for BoptOBIner .1.1 ,-i ill'.e. Potatoes -.tellly utnl in fair demand. Waite potatoes? Old 25-/.',00r Southern New Hos-. Choir*. 03 ."."i/?l 00; Koulhorn Now limn, Meoln'n to i'rime 8- 60BS 00 Month rn New Rose. Culls, +1 60t>?2 On r Hoiithini I Clmlce, .flni?a*J 60. Prortateas, in fair .leniuiiu. Beef. City. Family. n?r li'ji.. #4 50*f J 0-?; do do Paokeli 87 50?dOOr NuioKud Iliief ISaiSei Iteet li* ns f lu 011.8 817 nor Pork. Meas, 818 00 So Prim* Moat, aew 81t .'.Or .lp Faiolly 817./ ti 7 60 Ham*. Smoked per tr,, U'r-c l.e?r.; do s. p. tart*] "i titres*, 10*?B)11*scj do do do lu Mit. Sija'ic Hide". Clear Bibiiel amoked u*tnl06, 8houl<lcr*. in .'rr salt sae fully tared 7'<c, Ba do. Hooked. 7'-j.i7"4C Bhoaidtr* nicki, cure,!. 71-j* 7 So. do.' do. ?rnok it. 8*s8>8s, Heines li rptosle, fu? ll ^e. : do Hreakfaat Macon IO,; I.e. I .int linn?City llsnin*! 8.10 1*4 JO; .loeteani fS iy sj.; |9i HutclirV loose :??< 9598 5n. Bolter .|' Creamery Kura al lh'-.c 1 -.Veslorii creitneir Kura ul lr''- : il. Q sn.' N. Y. Crinnerr Kitr? .,- 17* 1 vVc.?iorn Factorr |4#15*sjer Psoklnr bolter liaise. Keir* were Penusrlrania flrms at 1 ,s?0; Weatern Iir-M at 16c. Cheeso stoatvr aossaad fair: New Vork Full cream r'.iti'io: ohio Flat*. Choice S'sas1-...- ids Fair ka Prime 7>.;<i-<c Sui:*r Ketineil urn. Powdered 7971*18 Uraaalatot 8*Ve. Paad rjtilet: Winter Hran Slr'. 109818 BO oHr 'on. Poiro." itu Bttadfj 70 Ahel lest In bbl*. 7 "vc Keceipt*? Flour 6.000 tibia. Wheat R.500 lius'i. dm 1,800 hush. nat. 91.100 ouitu Hbiiinieiits-Wueal 9,700 bu?h. Corn 8,700 bush. Hats 10.1100 I,ri,il Br. 1 am faa* M.?fleet dan and Baekaacad, wheat galet, steady; No. Red. casu B9wei 60 Jinn K9**Ci ?W Jaly 79ssn79**e, eloetBs 7?v. do \iijcist 798 rloiiiiK V'.'ljc; do HOptenibei S0*|Ci do lioeember "le. flosinf s:i?4c. Coin open** Brm bal otoned \ \c b*lo? teetoraay. No. ?.> cash 44944*10: Jaly ?I4s>?i4lic ttosma ?ItSi-r August 41V</M "vc, ci..sin,/ 41 ;,c te.I, ,-ei.t. . I ? r H'liiiu'. cIosiiik 48**ei veai B8H938*se, elosraa '^"'^v. Oats were Hr.uer; sash at S9**e bbl r Jaaoat39*M; July 2?a2('ii?c, clostnir 96Se, Auirust 93*08. Bye dull at 880, Kare)- dull; llran nuiiiiut. liar ililli: Prime Tlnintliy Bis 008)817 no; Prairie ag ooitkll 08. nutter tfrm ; Crcsmerr i:i., 17c; Dater st 198146, Lead Com moa $3 05; refine.1 81 Ort, Lue, ateadt at 1.'. steady at *-.' v5. wai ker ut 81 ii. Provisions smaki Perk at ri I IO, Lani al 17 87*? liryslt Meats, boson? >iiouiiicr? j:. -7 SS 86 00, ly>at Clear* 87 5flB7 69"9, Cleat inns 87 89*t'd7 75. filiort Clean il 768)7 -s7'^ Ba., Boxed? Bheaiderl tl 88 00 i.onx Clears *?( 173^ 40: Clear 8Ubs sri409846 Bhort Clears 84 8 88*166, liam* at 816 75*811 BO. Ile. eipts?Klour uni*. Wheal 28.000 lissli. Com ill.uiiu biuh. nats 40,000 bush. Hjo 1.000 bush. Toi.EHO, Jnno 25.-Wheat nctlve ami eaeier; cash H.'.V: Jute' .s.'.ljc July "A\c : Vuku.i UWt BaetttSket >4l4Cj Deoontbei 88So. Cot-, duli ; cash 4"'<:. Oats aaltti cash :13c. Clorerse.^1 dmi ; eask st r?l 2n . October at *4 40. Hei eii.ts WheatS,oeo bask. < oin'UioJ bush, oat! 1,000 buslL bhipiuculs -Win it 7,000 bnih. COTTON MAIIKKTS?HY TEI.KriR VPft. rrvT.Rro.ii, june 98?4 a ti notate Tea s?!e? ot the luy included '.'.clio kales American. Pa tares cloted stesdr 1 I ;i.iuds. Low aliiMliUf clause. Jnne delivery. 5 June anil Jury it. lr, cit. 6 83.88*1 ??l-ers: July and An^-unt ilelive.v. 5 89.868, seller*; Aiisust tn.l Keptemher nnUrery, i 8] '.il. sellers, aeptemN-r and October dullvery, 5 20-clrt. sel.i-ri; October sud Ni deliverr. 5 l.'.ii4(1. NoTemherand l)ecetiitnrrl*llver?, 6 i:i-64d. *eili-i I'-' '>'r and January di iiv-ery. 6 13-640. bnyeiar Seiileinbi-i Itt!tty, 5 Jl-il*.]. aeller*. Illliiaioi Taaell Oatt ai Blaads Muiiinnir. 0 1.181 Low Middiliiii. O's O'.od 1 in.inary, 8"a. uel and rr." ? 1 ??? empts, ? bales : *iiiort* coaitmie, 110 palen slock. 8888 bales. Ni. ni"!. K. June 25.-4 ..tton BtSSatjr. Mldillln?t. IO LIB 1 net ?,! ? roeolats. 189 bates: 1 morl* lo i,r*al ilritain, 87aI coastwis-, aanfcaleai (.ales, -Jl7 Bestei stock lO.lui hales. savannah. June 98, - cotton-Quiet and firm. Hld.Ulna, 0*4; L.1* MidiiriiiL-. U-V. (Joed (inlinary, 8'.: net ai.dKios* reieinis, -.'OS bales, en,ort 1 coastwise, 275 bales i sales, la b ilea : slock. 6,"ll I lu,es. Ntw-Om.KAN*, June .'.',. -cotton-Vnrry Bm. Ml.ldllnr. 8% ; Low UidilUnt. tits; Hood (inllmty, H 516; net re? ceipts, 776 bale* r irro.i receipts, 666 bales; einorls to CroatUrltaln. 6,401 bales: 10 ihe continent, ? bales; salo*, 4,000 bales ; Stock. 66.566 bales. ?roo*. Bailiff LONixit, Jone 25-At (tie *M| sale* to-day lhere waa a (arte attendance ead ?aetatora bid freely for ttvi clissos offeree. The flrmsesso. |u.i ions nays continues, tot pl s arc not quoted any hia'n-i lim quantity withsr.nsn Iodate don 1.ot sxoosd 8,000 bal**, a piotiorii.iii of wbiofi waa (?ken v, day. Thole ?- (offered 1X5^3 balee, lr., sale*of the d?y lu detail Blt aa follow* : Victor** nnlns*.. wonted, 10.141s lld. du link* alie piiico*. I?1r1*l*'.l"*<l ; k-rt'S-y, b'-vdtfl* i'.d do. lo.-k? aud i'lere*. 4?-jit*lM. Nu-v ItSlta Wal**-?*Jes. J.Ksi l,,ilo*. .enured. Od?U 6*on| SO. lockinnd pl*.**. 7dt li 4.1 . *r.*sy. 6d*lldr 8a lock* and pleoe*. I Vi JIVI.*lai,d-Salea. 1.400 bales ; I seated. K?81*74; do. lock* and (neets, S?sael*3'au8rea*y, 8?*d aitVdr do lock* ?nd plevna. dtslTSRil. South An?tr?lla? **i. s. J.i'i hales ; scouritd. llsaltfls, Ad; *re?*r. 5'?'*7,.k1. New /.aland-San*, 0.700 bale* { scoured, lia li Dd 1 do. locks and piece*, isl?ls A\i\. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARAT. IS. FF.\n:nr& of nkw-york dealings. Tho froaaet Kjtekaafi Baskets vier.. tttmmSj duii ?* a rule, but th. * enjoyed a reaction from last week's 1". line. Oatk Vfcaat was firm, but lt was excessively dull, only 2,000 bushels Ix I nu' traded In altogether, the al'.--:uii of our export demand roitiR without mentioning i lt Less than 2,0(".ihio awasttla were traded in. The ; tend" ney of atsjsalatl was to cover up previous BsBetv*, \ an I la Iks Ifcaaaee ll any important news ur developments I"1"-' ' 1\ ? 1 ". ... I cent, closing steady as follows: H 3-4; July, !?0 1-8: August, S7 3 3; September, M 1-2; December, 02 1-8 cents. The principal fenfire j in corn was the excellent exi?ort demand, which ran up to over 120,000 BBBkale Th" options were fairly active snd aaa*8 with pains of I 8*888 cent at 53 1-4 for July, &?? 6-8 for August, 55 5-8 for September, 50 for Octotior, and 55 3-8 cents for November. Oats were featureless but firmer; tho option* ended up 8-3d3-4 cent at 33 3-8 for J me and July, and 31 3-4 cent for Aucust. Con? tinued strength was exhibited by lard, snd tho options show net advance of 6<r4 points as follows: June, 88 55; JuJy and August, ts 52 ; September, 88 55; October, 88 62. THK Tit A DM IN CHICAGO. Chicago, June 25 (Special).-July wheat, which opened St 70 1-2 teats, ton. hed 78 3-4 and closed at 70 1-2. There was a decrease of Gl.i.OOO bushels, leaving only 24,602,000 ll of wh.-at In rtgkt, mrilnst 38,020,000 bushel* S year arro. AnaBfMBiatt were mom during the day for j tho shipment of over 650,000 htBktls of corn. Thin rallied 'le Bttel over one cent, and closed July at 48 3-8 cent*, strain.'! 4i; ,-,.8 at the Ramo moment la-tt Saturday. Not only are the shipment, .showing a surprising BMtSBBSt but ska Kattata aro showing a remarkable falling off. Oats were slieng and higher, pauly on the strength of Ciro and partly on th. -mail re. .|pts. Th" vlslhto supply kanasatd IO5.OO bushels, and the local stock decrsassd over 3,000,000 bushels. Tho roeelBtl aata only 110 ' 1 Jaly sp ii. fl at 88 5-s sad cloted at 311-8, tho top. June taeaetl at ill arid eic ted a . 31 1-2. Provisions aym pauii/.ii v,uii ern tai atttaaeefl le t<o. jones, Kaaaett it Hopkins bought atom 50,000 tiercer, of lard, a-lvrm. lng tha; prod.111 moro than IBO other* July pork BBSSaed at I lit BB and Bleaad nt *13 70. July lard opened at 88 27 1-2 and closed at 98 Bk, July short ribs opened at 87 47 1-2 ? I al 87 50. SPIRITS OF TCKI'KNTI.VR. OBABUarOB. jun.- 81 - Tai ate Hat :t3s?e hid, 32?4C salted. Bavaxkak, lune 25.?Turpentine Urtu ai 88a ?Wilminukis, June 25.? Turpentine sloaty at 33c. dcircursions. Ike ..niy sllVwatef Nates direct to the great ocean pier, at CONEY ISLAND LONG BRANCH. TO. ti W'S TIMF.-TART.K FOP. OOBTKY ISLAND: FKOII WM *s?3ll-!sT.. K K.-'.i, 10. ll A. M., 12 M., 1, 1:45 2:30. 8:15, 4 rio, 5, U, 7, 8, and 0 p. m. FKOM IMKK (VKWiNO. 1 Y IL. (Battery piaco sta? ll ta titrated raJLrotd*), h.iif ni hour lan-r. r.I'.TfKMN'r. LEAVE CONEY ISLAM) PTKfM 10 40. 1140 a. nv, 13:40, 1 ri". 2:40, 3:25, 4:10, 5, 5:15, 0:40, 7:40, B :I0, 'J rio. BBd *0:80 p. n,. B***Tkt lett boat fi un Coney Island lands at Tier No. 1, N. K., only. FAKF, TU COVET ISLAM) AND UKTUUN. 50 CENTS. to-day's timi: YABLE FOB) LOKO BRAM OR: FHOM YVEsT '.IIIIj.ST., N. K.-0:80 A. M., and 3 30 F. BL FROM Pl Kit (SSW) >0. 1 N. R.-10 A. M. aud 4 P. Bt Kl.TI UN INT.. ITtVE OCEAN PIE!* -1215 P. M. anio IB P. M. Ce*" Th it lsd boat from Long Branch lands at, I'ler No. 1. N. lt.. only, l-'AI'.K TO LONG BRAMOB AND BBTT7RK, 75 CENTS. Ml Nf.Lil FAlli., IO Ci-: NTS. Excursion tickets to Cosey I?lnnd rind Lone Ilranoh sold at. .-iii dowa-track stations elevated roads, with fret transfer betweea Snitli Berry and Battery-place, for 2d Snd Sj lave, passengers. tass. "lt566M 1SSS" PAIN'S (0 ipyrl!.-'.i*e.i. 1888.) THIS EVENING at MANHATTAN BEACH. IT HAS I)KI..V*i;llTKI) 1ROVSABMB. THE SCKNEI'.V IS A I'.UTtii'L'L REPBODUCXIOBT OE I ON DON (t:\Ti KIliS AOO. Tin: INCIDrNT.U. ri'.I'.FOHMANCF.S REIT.IVE Till MIKUS OF APPI.AI'SE. tiik i (i.\it.a(.i;a'!|iin is vii;\vi:d with won DER, a:. 0 THE .-I'll TAI LE I- A OH INP -I CO SS NEWBURG, WEST POINT and POUGH? KEEPSIE. firand D.illy Bxearslea (except Sundays), by tho fast and elPirnnt Div Line Steamers NEU-IOHK. AM) tl.HAW. From Brooklyn, hulton m., 'by Annex; .... (1:00 a. m. ? N.-w-York, Vestry-st. Pier.8:40 " " Ne.v-V. rk, W?st 888 ? Wet.'J roo " Excursionists vvll, bar* Uue. .eur* at West point, or one hom jul three-iinnrrers nt NeWbtUg; returning, reach New V. k B:80, Itrnoklyo 0:20 p. av A tine HAMJ and OIU III'.STIt A attached to each ooaf. APTEK-IHNNKH EX('FUSION to MFH.H, C.HKENWOOD LAKE MEALS, ,>(>.-. (will be renoiiteil.) 30c. SIM) IV. .11 I.Y I. Sncrlnl Irnln trine* ?"bmiibi*r*--Mri,et Station, Erle Railway. ?? I*. BLi 'i.' IiM P. .11.. returning lu (bc cvei.In? liv tnoo.ilulil. tor *?*** A ^*k> *e^k Hound $1.00 ibo aDIaXJW 'lri? TRAINS LEAVE HIOT lABrl A 1TH ST., N. Y. c. .20 aatly saasat Btjanajr), s :30, ior20, 11:20 a m. 12:20 nj :"i0 Beet Days C. 1. J. C. only, 1:20 d 50 San. dav* tad Ibu.- luis C. 1. J. C. only), and balf-liourly ?.. jo p. et .in?l B rio u. m. W MIT' il vi.I. >T., lerinlnu* ot alt elevated m^s. Hourlv from 7:10 B. 111. to 10:10 a, ni. : hJlf-hourly from 10:40 u. m. to 'J rlO a. m.; Biindavs hourlv from M.lo a ti. to 0:10 p. m. K-ic: (l?ys air train* stop at Raco Track. Rxearrloa tlciirets fur sale at all down-track stations of i.iv \ ita 1 Ba Ur eada. _ GUAND ( 'iNcr.UTK AFTERNOON AlfD RV BB IBO. HY TIIK KA HOI - USO HKGIHRNT HAND. A1.1 kKI) H. roUS, HIKJOCTOK. l'\I\- ftOBOBOVn BPBCTAt LB. "1666 GREAT FIRE OF LONDON," Tuesday Tliur.sdav and_Sat'irdiiy Eveolnss._ GREENWOOD LAKE/ Kx7,"i?.'.v WK "HT- sal.OO '?:" $1.00 ia. flshlnu. "ml iIHtIus Musir, bomina, ftshlna. mid iIHtIub. SperJBJ trntn le;iM-s ( hriiiit(em-?irer! slinion, Erie Hullwny, I?:(?;) A. ? 1 lf< Ht. ?:-V> 8> BX _^^^ CONEY ISLAND. M Culver Route." WEST BRIGHTON BEACH A NH Brighton Beach Hotel and Race Track. li ats teeta Wlirnil aI.I^KT. (llattrry), terminus of all Klevatod ratln sU hoarit-, lro? 7:1" a. kt to 10 rio A. M., tl,,-r?-sftcr l! Af.K-liol-Kl.V nnrll 8:40 I'. M., ami st 10-to i- *I M SDAVB. Brst Boat leatee at 8:10 j>. at, 1., ,::; iron west Brlektoa, lt ros p. m. SXCVSMOn TIC KKTS, IO <K\T-. on Ml-, rU Bil ddWN-TKA'K bTATlON'ji elevated roaas. , ? Oood te retata vin the ?Cultei" Brooklyn Koiitn vri'h tn chares sad le r-turu to New-Tor* tren MAN? HATTAN BEACH viJ l?*r BWm or Long isita?i oliy ni. ).*mi?ni ot fUflaraaet ta tue. m\N'iatt.\.\ UKA( !l TICBBTS, t~w<l *t> N'-w-lorlt, uro itood to to lu.n o\or tat ?-1 >.i'.'r Boata." ? tLLVKB IIHOOKI.YN HOI TR.' Trains leave BIB ate. St* liuth-bt. ilirtouwood) every Last4lulu from th" naBBk at ll M F Nf li...-?- cars (real HuiniHoii, Mouth, Wall, Fulton snd lailuni,.. Ferrar*, ?nd 1^-t F.Uer llrldte ruu diruct to i'm t r turon TM kf.ts. thirty < knts. CniLDKKN'UN ?F" I1SI- ?*EABS OP At.K, FRKK. Al-1. IKON STEAMBOAT TICKETS ure l-i. si to re? turn by Mir. route, al.induna horn; .ar line*, AU, MANJ1ATTAB BEAflU TICBBTJI aro good to return trj t',n route. BOWERY BAY BEACH ?BJ iiio-i iH-autlful and jH.pular Ksmlly Summer BeSStl only ..'. 1.hui..' .ail fret" New-York.'**lt>t? Uy eu-^Ant steamtM.n-s M"l'Kl.V from Harlem Urldt*. Hast lwith-it, iv from '.1 *? ni. t?. ? p in . dlrteily lo (irind fi.jr, Bower] Bal li w ti f*1"0 1&.\ ex.urHon, UOc ; children, 5e., excur.'on lo?- ales l?y horio railroad, from 02d ?t (Av ,1 m. till raldnlfht Karo, lue. LONG BEACH. (OMMK.NCIMI tVBS ii f.lTAVE ?\)OT EAST .'I4TII ST., N. Y.. HAILY, I ?... 7 riki 11 ;60, 10:50 *- 11. , 12:5U, IV, Brae, 4 rSO, 6 :80, >\ io. n &o p, tn. MM.AVK. o.lO. 0:30, 10:40 a. m.; 1:20, 2, 2 He., 8:00, 4:80, 7. 8:10 P tu. Cjecnreiimo. ''TteBeaotiflr ri-nec'innlnsvery d' r-sil, pres nil:,' a picture ot tr 'al '???.mtv and natural charm, rare plants, rjunrr.irVrni fol-*U'?, ?Jidrmiure'irlioiceit 0onr*>s. AnorMof attractive le*turo* and rein"! skat*. ure*, aifor-lnii .in. limlteil faeiiioe* for at.ummerd.iy'* oat. lrnr. Bx ,.!?..? kt. ri ?aerie *nd Aviary*. *M?mmoth Natural Aquarium, r?re Ki*-h. and Be* monster*. Three il 1st'not Brunis, TwnOr?nd( int - nt dilly. Superior Dinners * la ear*. ITvfci Ri**rnr4 flka ****| Ct?n JJoU. Klein Deonchland- the C.stle Bordered Bsnts nf the Kiv?r Kh-ne. Superb Bathing-, B alina-. FIshMK EnnH-ig and Willard* A. vrr'tsbl* r?lrvl.ind within the reach of ali. Tho Moil beautiful Day Bummer Benin lu thc World. TIM8 TABLE-STEAMEB3 LEAVE fler 18, N R . foot St., 8.45, ? ii, 10 45 A. M.; 1200 V; I 30. 2:10 S.3U P. H. Jewell's Wharf, Brooklyn, S.IW. lo.*) 1100 A. M ; 12 IS, 1 lt, 2 ?6. 3 45 P. M. fcj Htreet. kn** llivor. 9 ?. loria, ll SO A M.; 12.IS. S.1S.S.I5, 1.15,6.45 P. M. RKfl'K.Nf.S'O-Univc Olen Wand IOU A. M , 32.1 Street and Pier I .-J ll .5 A. M. and 1X45 P. M. for Pier IS only. 3 :>0 P. M. for SM Street ard Jewell'* Wharf, Brooklyn, too. 6 00, 7.00 and s.oo P. M. far ail landing* y *0c EXCURSION' TICKETS, 8*)./ EXTRA BOATS SUNDAYS. ROCKAWAY BEACH ??WAI SI MttER TIN TABLE. DAILY. LEAVE LOM! ISLAM) CITY AND BCSIIWI'K, 7:00, 8:10, ll rio a. m.: 12:80. (1:0(1 from U I. City), 2:08. 8.?00. 4:27 mot rrom Dosawlek), 0:10 .:?riw iiuiU Wlckj, 7:00, 6:10, i) :3J p. m. ?*l NOWS ONLY. LEAVF. LONI; ISLAM) (ITV AM) BUSUTii'lCK, 7:10, !i:li?, Ki :H) (Bttskwltk, 10:00), 11:10 a. nv.; 1:10, 8:18, 8:15, 1 :S0, B.80, 0:10 (0:80 Bu'hwlek), 7 :50 (7:40 Buahwlck), 'j roo do rio L. 1. City only)._^^^ l'IM;-T RESORT Ol T CC NrW-YOHK SIIOIIOI.A l'OI'l I AK EXt I KMON. HlaBK, >IS1UV, Jl LY I. Sneelul train tense* <'liruiiT>pr*.-'?tre?'t r>tnt'oii. Erle Rnilw-ny. Il) A. IL; 83*)>>Bt ih.i't A. M. returning in thc rt 1 ninv hy iiioiiii'ishl. B for TUB nor Xl) TRIP. THE WHITE MOl'XTAIXS. Through BrnrtSI vs, lil, SB .uni ritter June M, leave New York (Onad I 1 rsl Depot) vlj N. v.. N. il. and Ii. It lt, at 8:16 rt- m. dally, exeept Bundey* Due rr nt ti.'- at. 7:60 p. m. connecting at Waite River Junction roi Montreal, aad at Wall* Blvtt tut Newport. \ t. sad Quake -. Batta in Prnwin'.'-r.oom Cars a it he secured in advance liv tailing at or adtlresAlng Drawing*Room rind Sleeping* ('ar 1 iel. t omi--. N. Y., N. II. and II. IC IC, (fraud Central Uepot, New* York. C. T. HEMPSTEAD, Con. Pass. Airr-nt. Situations CDnntcb?/cmaleo. A. -A.~A.-A MSA L si-: ely. fformerly Ml" L. Campbell), 88 WrST 22D BT., FOREIGN ANT) DOMESTIC MALF. AND FEMALE EM V LO Vii CN 1 llUKCAU. Alt references strlctlj lnveitlgated and on Ole tor fcwaasnaa. Servants disappointing famillo* will be excluded from my office. N. B.-NOT CONNECTED WITH ANY OTUEB OPiiCE. C8 WEST 02P-ST. I . . t ?_?< A"-" A"-A? ** MKS. LOWE'S LARfiF. EMl'f.OVMI'.NT HOUSE. first-cla>s mai.;; ami fem ali-: help. 234 SD-AYS ( ii \ lt?MME. JACQUIN, (;02 (ith-.ive., upstairs, fur /?.. nish.-.-, to friniilltf* rind .suminer houses llrst-class servants, malo and female; 1 renell, German maids, nuises, specialties.___ A -LARGE PBOTESTAirr EMPLOYMENT HO USE. A*Hotels no charge.)?flood leryant girls and male im-lp for fsa-Hle*. ia-* Dtk-Bas., 4th house uuovo lOtsvat OOK. LAUNDKESS. OHAMBEBMALD, WAITRESS. ? tty two Uiorouchly competent, neat and obliging (.?iris not afraid of work; together or separate: city ur country; excellent references. Call li- West 23d w. Ci HAMBERWoTUL?By a young English girl foi geS ' .ral npstalrs wot* In private family in city; good ref? erences Baan ai Bougiand'a, ",10 ".th ave. Cl OOK?WAITKJEnn.?By two Beotek clrls: one compe > tent, economical cooli. Brat-class laundress 1 other, cn etllent chambermaid and waitress; eitv or oounlryj -J roars' reference. \vX Sd-are., AMERICAN TItAlNXNG h. hool._ Cii'M-.'. ii\ !-? 1 , carnblo Scotch woman not afraid to work; understands all innd-. ol rooking; Inst soaps, lo., el. ni le di ines ; will labor honestly ; w il 11114 to :i<Mm in laundry; city or country. Call at 270 Btu-ava., near irth M.,_ Cook.?Present employer destrei to ohtain .situation f..r her cool;, whom she erm highly recommend, A'l dress Mit-S. .1. K. Pfc, "The Dakota," Sth-ave. and . noURP.WORK, te! K. .1 German girl; good bakei ol 1 rt 1) and iii cuii; can do chamber work and wall On ta',Lr references. AMERICAN TRAINING SCHOOL, 4s'j Sd-wvc,_, nOUSEWOBJEEB.?By a contiietent younc womao I r imlly cook ; good wanner and ironer ? want- t'n.,d home; city rn- countrj : a years' city reference. Cali 1,017 oth bts., between BTtli sn I -".-'ii ita nnfsKWukk '??iTwiillne and oIiIIl-Ihr ; trooit retereiiees. 242 1 ia 28th-*t,, ring tlir.-. 1st \ii 1 Bra) class colored laundress witt) un jsiii|vi-s<.t tscilltlaa rmi ttiertness wishes genia* or families' walking by week or durren; country work a spedstty. Ajddrass C. !?;. JOHNtiON, 128 West SOth-ei A't'itsi'. and BEAMSTRES!*.?By a well educated North Lt German l-u-I : good dresmns ? - ttne needleworker; elsy tr ei nirry; iw-st, city references. DIRK, 71 :M-avc., parlor Boot,_ ?V rit-sE. -cnn take full charge from birth and raino I * 1 lillil 1 11 bottle : la neat, tl'ly young woman : tlmroui-'lily c.millet,.nt; 3 rears' reference; wanta irises etty 01 noun try. Call 1,017 oth-avc, between 5:tii .md B8tk Rts. TV casi. ANO SXAMBTRES&-By capable young woman II "o t;ik ? entln Charge St lnlrinr by hand ff denlrnil r is eood - .ri," --. i.ei arratd to be useful; city or country. -J70 Sth-arve., n.-nr I7th--.r.. up*l NURSE.?By a wtU-rsetamunded French woman; wairoa $16. Been nt Uoua^nnd'.s Bs8 BtkrSta., over fruit 4J_ NiUm , WAITER tad IJ8EFUL.MAB.-By a young intm with evi-i lieut references; city or country. Ad il;.? P.. 128 hlast "iTtil--'. _ \\T A IT RI: SS? Hy a protaatanl yoiini/ woman; no oh 11 jeeiron to tin- .riiu-iirv . iii be ?.i st present eninluy. ? - < .11 fr. mi 12 tu l, aO'J Madlaoii-ave. i^' liNTEDi?By a young lady (?"maalan), pnelttnt* as eompanion to elderly or invalid Lady.geseiaaes or ssert> tary or would superintend housekeeping aad rnotbartass ,-iiii. ns mother's heln ; ne obleetlon to ravi: blghsai tt ereiieea Address Mis* M., SQ WoodknlLat., Bsata iirook lyn. w Silaatloris CDanuo?-filaha. HCTLBB.?By ? aaat yoong eotertd Baa as saaaitaaeed buii'-r in prlv?t? family; city or country; i;ood city rtfaranoa, 11a west sad-st., M t\ont._ BbOKKEXfER, K.YI'l.K'1" ACCOUNTANT ot 18 years' ? X|. den..? ite,ir. ?> a portion ; tXOSllent lefuruucus. Ad drciw EXPERT, Tribune Offlca._ CnAi.'fiu.CN Hy .ui i'.n :i:.-!iii;aii uh..?e last employer niyhij- recomntsisds him a.-. Brsvclass man in every resui cl: lu y.-.irs' tuaerier refereuce* from other families ss Es aoaeaty, sobHuiyand cunohiiity: ekaiaetar will berir Itrii'test lnvusUgaCluu. Adore** J. T., Cuai-huuii. d71 i tli-.-i ve._. t'OACKMAN, kc?itv a thoroughly eompotent younc ? man; tirst-i-ia.* eoaekman and aseful-maa; will be di* 1 io a few iia\-. Aadresa l'KEl)., care Mr. Becket, Kl vi tdaic-on tlndnon. N. Y._ | (lOACHMAB, i.JlOOM, USEKUL-MAN.-Dy a ?Uady, / sokel yoiuig man; tharottgkly anderataaaUi fui ears ol liorrw*. carrin ieee; do gardening and general work; willing and obliging; good rafei n - WORKER Tribune Uptown Offlee, LSS8 Broadway. C? OARSMAN. By a 1: in, sgt .'h?. who mid. rsiritid*~Sie ' pr. fi ? ol horai ; would like in oountry for the ittaunar ar for summer and winter; wHiliu.- aol oblig? ing; city 01 country; Aral renee* tm-n last tad former^e'mployori^A'l'! ??.-, \. 1... .um East Ci OACBktAB tad BBOOM.?Bj 1 amata tata; th,.. ' ougaly und'-t -.t inls als business in every respeat; will be founU wllilor,' snd oliiimnr.' : no oMoetfiins to tue . , 1 01- address 1 OACllMAN, 81 East 4-Vth-sU C..A' UM AN-COOK tun! LAUNDRESS.?By mau and wife: no encumbrtnee; eui milk, bsow lawn.-. I private family; SrstVelasa city*; watfe*, S40 aud board. J-'ALNEY, 14r> Eawt 'iii-n. OACH.MAN.-By a young mini; liai. 'een over 3 yi:ar? with last employer, ?ho can r>.- statv; nratveiaas n ter? ence with road nona. Caii or addreaa ai last ruii.loyt-r'.s, lo Eru' BTUVat_ COACHMAN.?tty a fli-?t-ela*t man, suurle. who thor ouiihlv understand ?ml cai .1 ? '? ' ? ? his ii.,. ? ,,,, of tlio (a milt soing to Europa; Brat-cia** cltj rafaraaee. Call or ad* 'ir.*-, >. w.. So, ia Weal im'i-.(.. prtyataj stable._ 17IOREMAN, fcc?By a farmer; won af ten tleman'i puce; wife t,?..d conk snd baitermaker; thor ttajkly eompeteat. Address FAK.MER, lao Macdoiixal-at. 1J?OREM.VN OATBDEBBB or 1 \ BM PK. Uv n Prot-" set sat married man; 1 ip idem .1 in avery branek of hnrtii-u'.tur-, greeo-bouaes, graperies, riwrio*. ve"otaile nil ii and nire ,,f ail kinds of --eek; .vl?i> iii? class i,' r; 7 year*' timt-cl.ia.s reference frota lat plaee.i Address GAROENKR, -jth We* :;il-i Uri MAN. Bj tn BmgUaanau used to indoor aiiii outald I w.wk r urn Uko caiv of ,?^.r^ thin!? ; sc- t? hors.-, cow, garden; arintog and obliging; njeoa no object, u.-s-, references. OEOBOB, 188 8ta>atc. ???i SUamcra. 10MPAGNIE SBNKRALE TRANSATLAN / TIQUH fj*r;M'H LINE TO HAVRE inpanT's i-i-r lnew)No,*8 Nowh River.funt of Morton-ss. 1 BRETAt.NB, da Jou?*ellii Saturday. June So, ll a. m. , o \s? 1 h.M.. ^aiiu-lll .... Saturday. J?lr 7. 4 a. m. 1 NiiKMANDlri do KoraWec . sat,, Julv 14. I) a. m. LO! 1*- "! HCBIAN, A?em. k?. 8 Bowling Ureuu. (^ U1UN LINK. VS CN il Cl* feTATES MAIL STEAMERS. JOH QI KKNSTOWN ANO LIVERPOOL Iajvo Tier 33, N. R, foot of Kmg-st. tkrrfxfAen.rr' T'" ? ',v' J"lv ?? 1 t>. m V.).?)Ii10 ? * * ??'"'?'day. Inly 10. :.:;<? a. m. ,AJ,'T.0^A,s.' ' ' * au"?*">. Julv 17. 11:30 e. m. WIHTONB1N. .... Tu.-, day. Julv 21. 5 BB I. m. NEVADA.Tue?d*y. July 31 11 ? m ?*? Kafflatf ^,ioa *? ** A. M. LNDilKIIlXL 1 CO.. 88 Brosdwuy. M. T-, , ? Bttamboate._ "aTha n; vn^iXm r^Pht'S'UKZ. iV hu* mer* DU KW and DEAN RICHMOND lett* 1'ler 41. North River, root ot C*rsBl-st., St 8 P. M dally (Sunday* excepted), i/m Brook1ya Annex at a P. M, IUnklni? direct connections gt Albany for Bil points East uni aflat- j|ho with 7:00 A. U. etjyclsl Express for Saratoga, Liku Ceorge, Lake Placid. Karanac Lake, Paul Smith's and sit point* notth, arriving mme dey. Tick ita .uni baaaaft okaehsi io defctinatloo. Freight re? ceive 1 until tho hour of departure.___. A -TKO* ROATH connect with special en> euro** trains for SARATOGA, LAKE (.FORCE, PAU1 SMITH'S, LAKE PLACID, 8 A RAN AC LAKE, ali Adlroo, (lack snd other nolnt* on DELAWARE AND HUDSON or FITi'H lil KO lull ways. Meam.r SMtAToOA ot CITY OF TROY leave 1'i-r 44, N- lt., foot chrl?topher n., dnily, except Saturday, 0 p. m. bundey steamet touche* nt Albany. _ ^_ jnATSKILL. HUDSON ANT) CO^ACKIB. \J ELEGANT STEAM KR KAATERSKILL leSvat from foot Jay?t., N. R, every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURIMY it ii is a., connecting with Borton and ?Albany Railroad._ ATSKILL MOUNTAINS. The Old Route. QUICKEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST. CATSKILL EVENING LINE, steamer* KAATBRB KILL and CATSKILL lesve every w?vk day at 0. u, nv from foot nf Jay st., N. lt.. connecting with Catskill Moun? tains and Cairo K. K. For list of hou~?s, ntn, Ac. send) to pier or adliiess w. J. uti; HES. Calskatt, N. Y. __ PALL RIVEK"LINE ft JSM BOSTON, NEWPORT. FALL RIVER, PROW 1D1.NCE, and all Eastern points. DOCK!.!. SERVICE RESUMED FOR Tilt; SIMMER SEASON. Four steamer* In ? ..n.i iisslnti I'lftiRTM. # BRISTOL. PROVIDENCE, and OLD COLONY, '? Splendid orchestra attached to each vessel. Leave New-York from 1'lcr 28, N. R (ol(L No.), toot of Murray-**., a* follows: 6 :H1 p. m.?For Fall River direct, connecting for Boa? ton, Fitchburg, New-Redford, Martha'* VlneyaTd; Nan tu< kit, and local point* on Old Colony Railroad. 0rl5 p. m.?For Newport and Fall River, due-Newport shout 5:45; Fall River, 7 s. m., connecting wlUT e*?r*at train* and through car* for Lo?ton, Cape Cod, Lowell* the White Mountain*, Ac. sundays. !? jv. Niw-York at 5:30 p. m. for sit point*. Batarakti leave Baataa 7 p. m. Connection by Annex boat dally from Brooklyn, 5 p. m. *. Jersey City, 4 b. m. Tlokcu and atateroom* can be ?b-? tallied In Ni w-York st 207. 2fll, 7lL S)4*. 957, and 1,82? Hrosdway; 204 West l-'.Hh-s.t. and 134 East 125*h-*t ji Ul Bowery, A-tor House, and Windsor Hotel; Lina Office. Piaf 2S, N. R, and on i>ti-am*rs. Send 4 cents In stamin to P. O. Box 452, New-York, fer copy of "Fall River Line Toura," and "Old Colony osj Pilgrim di. U" a profusely illuhcratcd summer book <*w nearly l*jo pages. BORDEN * LOVELL, Agu. GEO. L. CONS OR, G. P. A. fef SPECIAL NOTICE. TWO STEAMERS will be run in etch dytwctSon tat SUNDAYS, Julv 1 and 8. Time Ublc* from Ncw-Yor* to be same as on week days. HUDSON RIVER BY DAYLIGHT, DAY LIN li STEAMERS. NI AV YORK ABD ALBANY. DAI l.T (except Sunday*), i Leave Brooklyn, I-'nlt..i,.st. (by Annex) .... ff -.(Hf-1. flaV New-York. Vi.stxy-st. Pier ...... 8:40 "? " New York. West 22dst, J'ler.0:00 aa I for ALBANY, lauding at West Point. Newburg, PougkW keonMe. ichln-t.eck. Catskill and Hudson. Returnlnu. leave Albany. . .8:30 8. nu A linn liAND attached to each beat Connections.: j.' WI ST POINT, NEWBURG and POUOnKEEPSlB,, Wlth donn dav boru. RUIN FRECK, by f-rry with Ulster and Del. B, R. tor snorts of tat Catskills. CATSKILL, with ?pedal train* on the Catskill.Mt. R R? HUDSON, with Boston w.d Albany H. it for Chat? ham. Pittsfield, AC ALBANY, with N. Y. Central snd II. R It R fog Utica, NIAGARA FALLS, Buttalo, sud the West; w4Ur* Bo-'.in and Albany lt ll. and Fli.-hliuru' R il. for Boston* with 1). and If. Co's K. R. for Montr**-!! and the North ind with SI'I-.l I AL TRAINS TO AND FROM MARAT' H". Al The New-York Transfer Co. will call for snd cheesy bfiairac- from howls and residences. pit< IVLDENOE Ulina TUE NF.W ROUTE FOR BOSTON. PROVIDENCE, WORCESTER and all points EAST. via Boston or Worcester. Steamers RHODE ISLAND snd MA8SA0HU8ETTS len ie Pier 29 N. lt, foot of, st 5:30 p. m.. dally, except Sunday, coni.ectlng at steamers' whait with,, exr.i-ess tram foi Boston leaving 0 a. m , arriving Boston* 7:).". a m. Wagner parlor e<n*.tpment; full nlghVs rest; sr.crt rall ride. Reeve i's renowned orchestra on ea eh steamer. STONINGTON LINE.-Tho only direct route fur Watch Hill and Narragansett Pier and poinrs tn Rhode Uland. Through* cars between steamers' landing and Narragansett l'ler willam chane* Steamers leave new pier 36 N. It, one block above Canal-st., at 5 p. m. dally, except Sunday. MARI POWBTE F.nrCHATWvTON'S. WEST Iv I Point, Cornwall, Newburg. New-Hamburg, tinton. Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park. Rondout and Kingston. Every wee it-iiny at vestiy-st. 3:15, and West 2'Jd-sr. S:80 p. m. excepting Saturdays when she leavea one hour earlier. NORWICH LINE for^Bostori^Worccsferr Portland, New-London. Norwich, White Mountain*, all points North and Fast. Steirrurs lesve Pier 40 (old num. ber!, North Uiver, foot of Walts-st. (next pier above Des* brosses st. Ferry), dally, Sundays excepted, at 5:30 p. BS* Tilts Uno ha* unequalled facilities for hatililnir and distrib? uting freight; throughout New-England. One steamer eat-h way daily, except Mundays, exclusively for freight. Tlcktts and Slate Rooms secured at 207. CM, 337. 397. 967 Broadway, lo and 12 (Ireonwlch-su, 153 Bowery, la Brooklvn, 4 Court-si.. 333 Washington s?. and 331 Fultoa. at At Pier 40 North River..and on sn-sinera. OTwT BRADYS AgJSBt. T>0NU0UT. KINGSTON AND CATSKILL jV-OUNTAINS, Landing at Cranstoos (West j Poins), Cornwall, Newourtj. Marlboro, Milton, FosfOkei.Tsii. arid F.sniiu* conmeetlug with Ulster and Delaware, St'uy Clove and Catskill Moun? tain lailnids. Steamer* CITY OF KJNGHTON and JAMES W. BALDWIN leave every week day at 4 p. m.. pier f ot of Harrlroft-st, N. R, except Saturday, when i 1'1'Y <>!' KINGSTON leaves at, X p. m., landing only st Newbnrg .'ind Poughkeepsie, coimecilng with i-rx-clsl trslm for all Bunuatt ll- Mets through the CalRktll Mountains. TONKW-HAVKN, 75c. EXCURSION (good 0 dsys). Bl 2S. Steamers C. H. NORTHAM si.d CONTINENTAL letta Peck slip. Pier 25 I.. R . 3 o. m. and ll P. m. (Sundays ll |i. i i, i,,nn ''inn .ii Nen-.II.n en with sp-clal (reins for MERIDEN. HARTFORD, SPRINGFIELD. HOLT ORE, A". Through tickets sold and baggage checked at 044 Broadway, New Turk, and 4 Court-st, Brooklyn. (Dwan Glamtrs. jj AJnJURGTM^ICAYsTsTT.ine for Pl> SJ mouth (London), Cherbourg (Parla) and Hamburg. First cabin, $50 and upward; Steerage at low rates, Baala, a io a. m., June -js. urmunoni* 2 rao v m. Julv fi Btli-niia, 1 riio p.m., July 3. Moravia, 7 riio a.ia, July la KUNHARDT * CO.. C. B. RICHARD A CO-.Oen. Cen. katata. Cl B..jJ --. Paa. Agent*, ol B'way. N. If. NOKDDElITSCIIKiTLLO i D SST CO. ~*~ SHORT Ro CTE TO IjUNDoN, NEW-YORK, SOH'PHAAIPTON. AND URF.MBJJU Klcianers --njl fiioir luer foot 2d-si., Ilobukon. PAtPT KN PRESS STEAJAERS. Trave, Wed.. JiumCJ, ? ,i *t Werra, Sal-, July 7, 4 p. to. Elbe, Sat Jun :k>, W MO a rn Aller, Wed. July lt..7 a. m. Lalui, WML, Julv 4, 2 p. nu EldW, Sit.. July 14; I a. tn. Pttst Cabin, 4100 aud upward a North, aiitordlng to le* cation. Si-ouiid Cabin, ioO and *C0 a barth, bteeraga at lowest rotes UKLKIcm* ft CO.. No. 2 Tte wi Iny Oreen._ fNMAN LINE U. 8. and Koral Mftil Stoomnrn ' luR QdKF.NKTOWN AND LLVHRPOOIi. CITY OK CHlOAOO.festuiday, June 30, ll i. m. CITY OF RICHMOND.Ssturdiy. July 7, 4 p. m. "II lt).Saturday, July 14. o a. m. CITY OF BERLIN ...... Saturday, July 21, 4 p. m. From Inman Pier, foot of Orand-st, Jersey City. CABIN PASSAOR too aud Coward. SECOND CAB*. IN, aa5. BTEERAOE, SK). PETER WBJUBX ft SONS. General Agents, 0 BOWLING GREENt Ns.T. "(fJUNAI.D LINE. NEW-YORK TO LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN fro* Pier 40, North laver. FAST EXPRESS MAH, SERVICE. Aurania June 30 10 30 a m. Scythia, July 18, noon. Calila, July 4, 1 r30 p. m. Umbrls. July 21, 3 n. Ma ?Etruria, July 7. ViSO tv m. Aunuua, July 28, 0 a. m. ntrvte, July ll, 0 a- ra. Galil*. August X, noon. 'Will no- carry attie ru ge. Cabin psssjifu, $?;o, esO snd S100. Intfrmedlate t35? Steorag.i (Whets to and from all part* of Europe at v?r? low ncc". For freight aird passage apply to tbe company, otllco t- Bowling Greta, Ni>w-York. VERNON H. BROWN ft CO.. General Agents, f iRCULAR "LETTERS of c*^dit7fo7travelein~ ^ abroad, avallablo In all parts of the world, issued h? UE1DEL3ACH. ICKELHF.IMER ft CO.. w Foreign Bankers. 29 WEUsaa-st. ? J apan-china7~ Ca'IDEN'L'.U, ASD ORn'^iTAI*. Stosuier* lea va Bun Francisco ss follows ? GAELIC.Wtdnesday, July if Bl I.'.IO.Tuesday. Jul> jj ARAHIO.T-Ueedriy, Auguss *1 OCEANIC . .... Satuid*v; S. i>t?mber ? Superbly Appi.lnt.d-Sujierlor Accnirrodstloua. Reservations can bt made ny letter or lalacraak to sad cabin planii aeon ..t 2S7 ana 83? Broadway. Now.York, u* Room 74, lialiroad Uuii-img. San, Francisco: ^ W LELAND STANFORD, PreMdent. T. H. GOODMAN. Ceueral Pa^euger AgentT___ ' PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP QOMPANTt 1 Ul NFS I*siR i \LIFURNIA. JAPAN, CHINA CJKWtRAC AND SOUTH AMKR1CA AND M*XlOf> Frura Now-York, pier fnot of Canal-?t-, N. R For San Friwiclmro, vis the l?thmu? of Pauama*. J oLORADo -ails Saturday, June 30, noon From s.ui Franoise*, 1st and bunnan ats. For China and Japan. CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO sal.* Sat. June 30 3 n. aa. For irwinhi, iias^t^ft and general ii,form*;i?,u '*in>lr 9 company'* omeo m Ure pier, fcot of Cansl-*t. N ft. _lt. J. BULLAY^^ujgiaDtjudeu^ I>ED STAR LINE. ' *? _ FOR ANTWERP AND PARIR. R li YN l" Nf,^"4 *?*^M$?~*iL*& U'FSTFRNLANO ' * * w^n^O; Juno 2T 8"S. BV SSBmn nv RUJia ftjONS. Oen-l Agu, Q Bowllnt Qf^. A NCIIOR LINE. U. S. Mail Binnajsjajatnav k s riIS*S.V\^oRFt ANOHVEHPOQU U*Ulp,k 8. H* tl r* op ROME adla W.auvaJsyT July ll Slid every f.iurth Wod:.e?da\ tU.JafU.r Cabiu, too, tub. v?6 and ?10o. selonli "issi. aaa. v,,^,. . *????.A.SGOW. VIA LONDONDERRY ?iimeasta. Jun.- BA io a. m. Ainhoria. July 14, tt . - Bolivia, july 7, 4 p. ul Dtivonla, Julv 21 a i" S' lutes ut psasaas loV.LASGOW. DERRY. l.lvElifcvtr or RILFAS'IV Cabin, ,5.)"nd $00 ERP?01' Sci ond (ia**, *.J0. Steenwe B2A TravcUer.' Circular Leii.-ra at Credit anTLratt* to* *.. ?^ K~'n?cT!,-l"u,-<1 "i luw^' currant rite*. *** For bo-ik of lour* or further infurnuu m .!._i. ^ HENDERSON Bl^HERs^ Bow^ G^eln? j|,^_ VVUIT*: STAR LLNE, ' ^l^^o\^^eiyM mil ..fig kg a"<?* S5 ot wow foS* *? ? rici on 1^*WLm, rat,, SW; ^cu^nMeAAUW-!.*1': x?isVb? a ssttigBr* ?rW; .. BaUCK U114X, twu,