Newspaper Page Text
NEW PUBLICATIONS. A JOURNEY OH TB1 WHEEL. OUR 6EXTIMKXTA"jOUItXKY. Dy K"?hf?b Robins Pennell. Illustrated by Joseph Pennell. Longmans, Green <t Co. lt ls clear that the realist tr- students of tho literature ol the day haw given Insufiirlrnt attentl.m to the part played therein by tho bicycle and tricycle. A horse or a boat may be invested readily arith romantic as? sociations which will bo generally underslood, bul tho bicycle ls severely utilitarian IB Its design and use. lt appeals especially to those able to ride lt. whlla others ore apt to find something grotesque In thc spectacle ol revolving legs and IBoltSS, and ..i.tstnMelXl neck tum anxious lace, afforded by a Mer at full speed. To the rider himself, the wheel la In every way al.ovo and beyond all other means of progression, and wo have no Idea ol disputing tho enthusiastic views cotn raon In publications devoted to bicycling- All that the wheelmen may say wo grant, but lt ls aeadfttl lo acknowledge that wheelmen form siter all but a atmall proportcn ol tho reading public addressed by .bicycling books aiming at general Intercut. ll the wheel has not made a permanent Impress upon the Action and poetry of tho limo, lt has certainly taken Ita place lo records of travel. Wo have had tho "cycling tours" of patient souls who havo bern Indefatigable In measuring distances, repo'tlng upon the quality of road**, and experimenting on their own "vile bodies* with the fare of country hotels. fXbero have boen the Journeying:; of adventurous wheelmen who havo explored strange countries and recorded with much particularity tlie amaxement ott the natives. Those who have ? wheeled" over moro laminar way3 and have sought to Impart a "'literary flavor" to the descrijitlon of their aosnSBSnnssSi aro Btlll more numerous. Ol this class of blryelo and tricycle literature the volume ansntn Us ls au oxaninlo. This ls tho last ol three describing a Journey from -london to Rome. We have had a " Canterbury Pil? grimage," for which Cha icer unwittingly stood spon? sor; "Two Pilgrims' Progress,'' In which tho shade ol Dunyan was Invoked; and now Lam ice sterne, himself an expert, is mado tho subject af an BSport saent In putting nt'W wine Into old bottles. Hut there lt io little effervescence Satan tho bot flo ls not an* dangered. Tho experience ol tho riders appears lo bave been In no way remarkable, nor very enjoyable. They had more than tlie usual cxi-erie: 88 of tiying bills, rainy and windy weather stupid and uncivil na? tives and shabby treatment generally, and thc rccoid Is likely to discourage any would-be Imi? tators. The Journey sectus to nata taxed severely the writer's strength and tho artist's temper. As In most books of tho sort aa BBToH ls mado to avoid " informalioir at any cost, but In avoid? ing tho dldaotlve lhere is danger of tho other extreme of too commonplace personal experience* The little sketch ol Barbozon as a plato where every peasant, on being discovered, StsTtnsa an attiti:il(**.ni'l " poses'' as a son of toll, ls amusing; bul wo must confess to finding this narrative of uninteresting details a little lli-osome. The writer has read lier StovOBSOtB faith? fully, as the text occasionally shows, but Mr. Steven? son has not yet lent his mantlo to any rider ol a Wheel. There ls an abundance of illustrations. Most of Ihe larger figure pieces and eenuin ot hers have been drawn after pictures by Millet. I.'lhermltto, Gray? son, Prout and other art Ms. Ihe figure ls not Mr. ronnell's strong point. His sketches of buildings and scenes along tho road aro drawn, as usual, sasjcestrraljr rather than conclusively, with a free use of broken lino, and with a reliance upon emphasis bf sharp con? trasts of white and black, wales, is Bara aaa v. ell adapted to "ptoceaa* reprodaetloa lt ls bnposslble liol to note here and there suggohtinns, whleh may be bssclest, of the uso of photography. Mr. Penaell'l light sketches are enlivening and interesting, although they bring ta mind Mr. llatnerton's reOOBl atttaaa? "Thc modern picturesque lias been a terrible enemy of accurate drawing. Many tirings an* not at all pict? ures.jue when Boeasattjtj arawa, yeastier ran bo marlo to look so by altering their character.* Bal H Slr, ll.imerton has Chosen Mr. IViiiull la Illustrate "Thu laano/1 In part, and for other work, it may bo as bumed that the latter ls excepted frem these strict? ures. } Nrm flnblircitiono. pAPEiTcoOKS mr. SUMMER KEADIXG. PUREISIIED TO-DAY. the midge, ny ii. a renner. U etai ? Simply ib-llshtful."?New-York OttBBMrtet] Adv<-it'R^r " Mt hs? palntM the F-'-nrh nieirter ?f *\ cw-y..r'- with Saaalal Bdelltr to the tire. Pu! thai rcmlnda Ol tl Dickens." ?Ni -a-Yurk Mail rtiiil 1. ; OURRAR. a Ibm al Hana Lia* By H. ii P. 60 cents. "The story *l? slm-iiv bermtlfiil as a felieata, clenr. and powerful BtcMua of peasant life la Norway." Do?l d Post. some rortJisAB noosa tn paper. Tin: ni.ACK ah kow. niattfa. B? t, Btttaasf. asst THAT LASS ii'l.owiill.s. . . Mis. linn. RUDDER, RUANUI . . . iraak B B ' . t.? DP, jfkyi.l AND Mi: hyde . 0 i. Stew. 21 Itt BEVIES.Ueorse w. om- SO ?THE LADT, ar Tin: tic ku? Brm* B nioektoa. ? M KIDNAPPED.K. I,, -sf vfs',11. od JUDITH.Isaiioa Uarlaad, r>o A i-'Alll BARHARIAN . . . . afr* Baractt SO FREE JOH.Jue; Chandler linn is SS NEWPORT. A RattJ. ... G. P. Lntlir.-p. CO ClIAKLLS SCl.IIiNEU'S SONS, 713-745 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. IF KITTI NG-C KOCH KT. TlilBCNE EXTRA NO. 04. CUE LATEST MM DER OF THIS POPULAR SERIES OF ILLUS TI. Al 1 ?; D MAN U ALS FOR HOME WORKERS CONTAINS A GRI'.AT VARIETY OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL, PATTERNS. BENT POSTPAID TO ANY POINT IN TUE UNITED STATES OR CANADA. PRICE 25 CENTS.* THE TRIBUNE, NEW-YORK JnslrncHon For Bovs and Young* Men?City. A -CIRCULARS OP GOOD SCHOOLS FREE. ? Slate whethei f<.r boys or girls, and locality preferred. R E. AVERY. Arnericsu ScliOol Bureau, 2 W. llih st-.N.Y. PREPARATION lox Fall Collei* EMmlnsUon*. nn-r B< Won WOODDKIDOE SCHOOL, begin* August 13, S2 Eatl 45th-st UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1.473 Br*fi*dw*T, near SVrUl-tt. ; 61st year. J*r:n.ary, commercial ina classical departments; Instruction th oro ur; h. M. M. HOBBIT. W. L. AKIN. N. C. HENDRICKSON, 1'iifl*. For Both Sexes?City. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, WEST MADISON SQUARE, N. Y. Open all Summer. Also Seaside Summer Courts. For Younsr Ladies?City. MISS PEEBLES AND MISS THOMPSON'S school ron girls, 82 and 31 East 57tti-st., Ni w York. Aoarett until Sept, 1st, care of J. KENNEDY TOD 4 CO., Bankers, 03 Wlliiaro-st., N. Y. _ _ M IBS CHISHOLM'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS* __ 16 East CSth tu, Ntw-York. Will reopen beptembsr 28. li y?' Classes, For Young Ladies?Country. METJCAN tllTTHITr 1 WTilt DbbiII session of A Normal School begins Aug 1.",, at East Oraiitt, N. J. Autumn aesaion Soot. 20. Classes also in New-York City. EMILY M. COE, Prln., uni Mum of Au. K.iideisaiuu Mag., Room 72, Bible liou**, N Y. QUET INSTITUTE Short Hill< NTL . . _iagllah, French, and German boarding and dar school lor young l*(lle?. l'rlmary, intermediate and coll-iiiato aepsruuent*. Early application I* desirable. _HARRIET 8. BAQUJ-.T, ITlnclpal. l? ORIJENTOWN FEMALE COIXSGE, N f I> Ohixmlnf locitlou on the Delaware. Healthful, home like ind Chrl?tl*n. Suin-rlor fac!llii?? li, iiiu?ic and arU Ii asl ta, maunsrs and luoials carefully guarded For et ., "tU9, "MfM*_RIV. WM C. BOWEN, Prest. ETmIRA COLLEGE, FOR WOMEN, offer* superior advantage* In ' olleae. Scleutlilc and Fr?*par.itorv Ci>ur?*-? of fifjdr; a'**- I" Musi-; and Art- Heated by Bte* m. and furnish**! olin rm "I*1 va tor. Charge* are unuautllr moleiat''. S> nd for Catal'igut Ut Fietld-ut, A. W. COWL FA. l.t. P. Elmira, M. Y._ HUME AND DAV bCMOOL KOR GIRLiv " -THE ELMS." Surlngllela, Miss. MISS I'ORTER, 1'rlnclMl. Ponde sttmlit-'d ui V***ar, Wellesley and smth on otjr oertiticate. Quincy method for children. |^TlSWr<)l/jSFMINAnY FOR YOUNO LADIKS. 1 AClloton, N TV, offer* uiisurnasatsd ad van wes in music,, scleucos and art, attncUve to Kraduate* of hlxh ^sf anaarstaS esanaaas *f^MWDICT| , .. KtHH li. O WiTlIAMS' .SELECT FA.M 11.V S< ll;;; I. 31 foi: young ladies *nd littlk o*lr*?s. An.hrr'u M***^ From S<!.u IC, 'SS. b, June 17. VJ. B\?!dIor Circular *2Mj. C<-lleKo Adianugea and prejiara'-li-n for Culltft. ejiai*'.li-n for College. _,-.__ EVEN GABLE*.-MRS. WESTCOTT.s BOAIUMN^ School tot X^S Uolas. Brlamtoa. K. J. < ? i ??? ?+ sdmiu to We:ie*J?y- Prepaiys tel any Colles' Se piney raglon. Cllmsw <- Lakewood, H. 1. but ioStter. Furs string w?fri Gr'uniitliua aud Sun 1'irlor. aJltauaud Ciicular on appUeauou. Instruction. For Young Ladies Country. MCLEAN SEMINARY, SI.MS KP RY. CONN?Ilome School. Young Ladlee, Beautiful ind healthful loca? tion. Throe hours fi om New York. Half hour from Hartford. Address Rev. J lt MCLEAN._ ROCKLAND ( (il I NYACK ONTIUDSON. will bo o|*en during se miner for pnprls. Rend for ctrcu Entoi at, any time, n. BANNISTER, A M., lrlnelpal. ?TRINITY HALL Beverly. N. I. Established 180T. A thorough home school for twenty young la-Mea. Varied advantages of the highest order. Careful training in mon* ner, mind and heart Solid culture in English, Music, Art snd Lancuttge*. A prescribed courts for student* pro* paring for any college. Twenty.Hi st begin* Sep? tember 27. For circular nitre** the principal, _RACHELLE GIBBONS HUNT._ TEMPLE GROVE LADIES' SI MIN A RY, Saratoga Spring*, N. t. Thirty-fourth rear betini Bent. ti. Address CHA*-. V. DOWD, Ph.D.. Pre*. TUB MISSED AN.MILE'S ROAEDINO" AND" DAY School for Yoong Ladles will reopen September HO, m 06 1 ts va ri ?t.. New Brunswick, N. J.______ WALNUT LANE SCHOOI^-PORMERLT MADAME tt Clem, nfl Boardlnt and Day School for young ladles; 8-Jd yenr i.iiens September 8f! Academic*! and College Praparjttory Courses; Pupils enter WcUealaj on our examination. Eur circular*, trtdresa Miss ADA M. SMITH. I Principals, lira, T. B. richards, I OertaBBtotra. Phlla. WF.Sr'WAI.NET STREET BOARDING SCHOOL for Y, int Mis-.--, aili little (.ills Henpens (sept. 19 (tith vcan. Ml-s .1 Tit Al TM ANN. Principal. CaUliiguo on application. 4,301 Wuli-ut-rl.. Phllad's, Pa. Boys and Yours* Mon?Country. ALEXANDER INS'iTTUTE.-MIlitary Boarding School, Whim Plains. N. Y. h. ll. WILLIS, A. M.. Ph. D., Principal. _ BORDERTOWN (N. ff) MILITARY INSTITUTE, un Uss Bluffs cf ihe Delaware, bet>vi-on New-York and Philadelphia. Solid foundations in English-American acaieinic studies. Careful urcuaratioii for college and higher acleutilie school*'.. Music lipton's U. S. A. Tactics. _ REV T, ll LANDON, A. M.. V'riiuipol. BRYANT SCHOOL, BoslTa, L. I.. N. Y.-Soardlng Behool of iii" hight-t <ia*? fur boys: Primary, lnu-r mediate. Academic, Military orcinirsUOB. GEO. itl.ItEcolUJ.Li"OU, Principal-_ ("CATHEDRAL SCHOOL CR SAINT PAUL, Garden ' ty L. I.-Boarding Behool for boys, acc..inmortal iona unsurpassed ; thnr-oiich preparation for Harvard, ("lumbla. Yale, Trinity. .'.-?. : 18 I wrhert employed; Military system limier ri United Stat 'i Inn) Officer. A Ureas ' HARLI S BTTJRTEVANT MOORE, a. I'... (Harvard), H'id Alaster. C1AYUCA LAKE MILITARY MAI*!.MY, / Al RORA, N. V. _ < one! C. J. WRIGHT, R S., A. M. . 17RRSR0LS INSTITUTE. Freeatld, N. J.-Forty fourth vear ; for hoyt and mung men. Address Rev. A. G. CHAMBERS, A. M., Principal. IM.MWOOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS.-At Milford, Conn. j Parents wini are uufuriuiiato In the ma na foment of their son* will do well to prout by tho advantages otTored by this school. Address FRANK M. HOWE, bup^. Yt ARV ARD UNIVERSITY. EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION Will be held In New-York in the lwture-room of the Young Meu's Christian Association. 2od-rt. comer of 4th ave. Cr.ndinaies onoring Mecnanrrs, advanced itiv?:i-?, ot ChSBBllllJ. trill BSSSSBStl Bl 2.A0 p. m. on TUESDAY, JUNE 20J other candidates at 8 a. m. JUNE 28._ I'lILA.VIJ MIIITARV ACADEMY, Woio-ater. Mass. -*2d year. English. BclenUfle, Classical. C. B. METCALF, A. M., Sup..-HnU>nd-'nt. __ IGHLAND .: ii.IJ Al'.V ACADEMY] Worcester, Mass., SSd pear. beflnB Kepr. ia, 1888. Classical, hcleutllic. Business, 1'iiniaty Departments. JOSEPH ALDEN SHAW. A. M., geed MtBUT._ IRVING INSTITUTE, Tsrrytown-on-Hudson, offers un? usual advantage, lo parents seeking the heal Instruction for their boys. Address A. ABM APR AC. Ph. D._ MITCHELL'S BOYS' SCHOOL. Hiln-iica. Mass., 18 mlle* from Boston and 0 miles from Lowell, on tht Lesion and Lowell ll R. A stilctly select Family Behool for Boys from 7 lo li Inclusive; fall term commences October 1. Send for circular to M. C. MITCHELL. A. M., Principal. _, MEW-ENGLAND CONSERVATORY. ll Ml -IC I IN I. ARTS, (UlATORY, Literature, English Branches, French. (Jarman, Italian, etc. LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED in the WORI.D 100 lastruetors, 2,552 Students last ri ir; BOARD ANH ROOM with Stein Heat aad Electric Light fall TEEM begins Sept. Jil, 1888. Illustrated Calendar free. Address e: t.ieiuee. Director, Fiiinlilrn Squats, Boston. M.i-s. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER. 20TH YEAR, A MILITARY COLLEGE I l-l En gtneerlng, Chemistry, Architecture. Classic i Prepara? tory Dept- COLONEL C. E. HYATT, President._ 1)..i i.hui ' i-sii. ? *.. ^ Military institute. Af. ??rta, Collete, Business, W.-r Point. Nama inls publication. Illustrated csislogua. C. B. VVARMNOl rh.D.. Prto. RECTORY BClfOOL, Hamden, Conn?Fur Boya aJBS -:!.-,(); bone Influences; thorough Bthool system; ex tensive rr. uni*, gymnasium, boat hou*>e, <tc. Address Rei. H. L. EVEREST, M. A., Rector._ ROBBINS SCHOOL, Norfolk. Conn.' A Horns Behool, iin-i-arlinc boys and vonna men for \nie. Harrara, Princeton, Columbia ill the best ?iiege* and scientific tshools Instruction tlsoroui a;.i tiioruuah. Tho home betutlful, In a remarkably healthy town. Stu from New-York. Terms, -rico. Tho bltrlicst ref* treneea given. Adlrcss, for circular anl parti, n'-irs, II REV. JAME'S A. TOW LE. Principal. SUMMER SCll'idL F'Ht BOYS. AT THE BRYANT SCHOOL ROSLYN. L. I.. N. Y. JUNE 21 Tn SEPTEMBER L " Tho best located and mort tut cessful of t.h<> Summer Sciionis tor Boys": property beautifully ritustad on sall v.mei; ircry 'fncillty fur stilly and recreation. Eur catalogue apply to OlUX BRUCE CORTELYOP, rrinclnal. CUMMER SCHOOL .it Worral! Hall. PeeJiSkill, N'. Y. *J Fur circular address COL C. J. WRIGHT. A. M. TUE PEEKSKiLL MILITARY ACADEMY. Pe-.-hs-' kill, N i 6 nd foi i . ta logue. JtillN N. TILDEN, A. M., M. D., Principal._ tl . 1ER8EY Al ADEMY, UKI Di. ETON, N. J. St a Dor.- foi Boyj Btlaet, timiough, Bueeesafal Established 31 rtars. Terms s800, PRINCIPALS-T Ai.11 ALLEN, B. A. fEnR.). __U1 A1, 1.1 W. BIONEY, Eh. D. 1JS7ILLISTON si.MiN.MiY, Eastthampton, Ma**.?Pre* '' I sri ? boys foi an* ? tine ? hool. Krill pens September 8, is-- Catalogue and Illustrated aitlclu on aiipl oatloa A I In Rev. william GALLAGHER, Principal, Martel D -r School.) \VORRALL HALL. ?* I-EEI.SK1LL, N". V. i ??? Youbj Boys only. Beni ter circuinrs. W \iU\ A - rZKS EUI', KOVS. yOUV BWITIUR C. BHORTLIDOR A.M. (Harvard). Media c Ec un. j Academy. For Bath Sexes?Country. C'QMH ~: APLEWOOI) LN6TTTUTR fur both sexes, OOUU.ConcordvMe, Penn. Preparatory, business, Eng? lish DradnatlDR, Scientific and Coll' tc preparatory eourseo. Special ??ru.' io little boya Highly recommended. J. MI'-E'l Lilli.I. 1 ,.. , I,. M., 1 r'loiliU. A. iciuljrro. BEST TEACHERS supplied; no charpa. TEACH? ERS ri-i;rsLeri-ii for SO ctntt for Dostage: vacancies alway- on hand; form fur stamp. R. E. AVi.l'.Y, Amtrl* can Sctv-ol Bureau. 2 West lilh-st.. N. y. VMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY supplies Professors. Teachers,, Governesses, 4c, to Oolletee, s-ehonis and Families. Aiipiy to MRS. M. J. TOURO-FDLTON, 23 Union Square. M0SIC "TEACHER WANTED. o-ii'leinin, sri,.,,; lo Nev. r..(:lnnl i..?ii '.'????ni.,:, ?oiil, *1..V" to tfl.-i-n. w. D. KER!;, Union Teachers' Agrnty, lo Aater place WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BUREAU ("for tt b'ah Mises) sujiplies professor*, teachers, tetamtaaaa, musician, housi-ke-pers, companions, Ac, to college*. tchools and families; also bookkeepers, ttenograpliers and SODTistS to business fl rms. MRS. A. D. CULVER. 329 Slh ave.. New-York City. .-?:-1-;_. i_? Blieuiianecmt. "Well* lui.,./. O'S S|i. ll.ll I I. res* li ii Ins nnil i-siensjer* via ie Erle, tha tfbjson, tbe ?! ll -] I r. c I i, ii, the .North* \s kt'-rn, (he Central Pu. ili.e una (he ls ii li I li ? r ii Plir-lfl.- 1!. H. ? . ?l**>? ' ll I,l-l 'hew York, Ac.tothi- Pd. rlrln roust, tho 'MyiifMrsloo, 'i-i-a Crux,Vle. ria, H. C., arni I ?? ria. ilinii t* m.* m.iv lue; ill.My Entirely relli vi-d by an invv tl it <1<t!*8 ? io s\rrc to the <? irk tn ttoatrt |totiii-eT.-.i. Worn for swaths without renioi ,1. Suoi*.-'fu)wh<n-i very other li' I, m fal l-l. A tri ure ph ot tho I'ithcssiiturir. F'.rsaleor.iy hy ) ,H.A.WALEalnrldcepcrtlConn _ ??TiiK TARiEE <'F is*-.;," ri pamphii ? of 20 large pape8 J jr I vine rat's (.f fluty now In force, rn tull, toeetner with the eatire fret LU(, .,,,.] ?:)?., rtluable Turitr infor rcatloii. Timely for reference, and ai..-"luteiy correct Fries IS eaata a copy. l'ublUlu-d by "Tht Triliutic," New-York. European ^oi)crii3cmcnto. CRATEFUL-COMFOI'.TINO. EPPS'S COCOA. nREAKFAST.-"Ily a thorough knowledk'o of tha natntrii law* which pov-rn thc o,.eiatioiii of d.testlon and nutrition, and by r careful aopllcatloii nf the line oualltii-t nf weij-ysU-cted cocoa. Mr. I-.pp*i hu arotlded our break fast triMcs with it delicately flavored be vc rate which nisy tam us many hca/y d'-ciort' bill... lt it lu th* judi.riout uso of such articles of diet that a constitution may bo rraduaily builtaip Belli Itreus enough io resist every Uu Oinxy ft Hundreis of subilo maUdles aro floating around us nady to attack wherever (hero lt a weak imlnu We may cstajie many a fatal thaft by keeping ourselves well fortlflsd with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."--civil gtirlat oasotte. Mode ilBinly wiri, lifilltng ws'er or milk. Sola only tn half pound tins by <?iO?-'''N,lsl*lied thru : JAM BS RPM A CO.. Honor.opathle chemUu,- London, England. UoGincGo Cljuiuts. POSITION OPEN in estaUilislsnrI buttMstL . IiIrJ,"""L',"i;"' ,"f '?'"", wandlng, who aaa Invest tl,Ooo Kj t2,000 anrl rend, i Mrvtaoa ut rcttoutbl* Salary _' i.ERE.siin-, -ri,t,mi,. omeo. JJrofeeoional. A MER1CAN OEN'ILEMAN truta 0 U?m (4 tSOMl Bankers ano Brokera. _____ KOUNTZE BROTHERS, HAVklKS l'JJO Ilroadwny, iFquimblr Halldtn*,) New-York. Deposit* rrerlvpd *ubjrrt lo rliceli nt sltht. linen si nllflivnl mi dnlly bnInner*. A urn ern I Ilruiklu* mut (allectlnii Huslne** Tra-nswcted. P. W. 6ALLAUDET 4 CO., HA > ki: II*. COMMERCIAL PAPER. STOCE8 AND BONDS, UNITED DANK UUILDINO, WALLST. CUKNER BROADWAY. H. riTCII. Jr.. NEW-TORK. Member N. Y. block Exchange. ZIMMERMANN" ,*c .TORSHAY. BANKERS AND ilRUICLRS, ll WAI.I-?*T. N* Y. MEMBERS OF THE BfRW-YORI ST-'l'K RRCRTAROR, STOCKS AND nOMDfl nOUOHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Dealers lu bulllmi. mv lc. foreJcn bank? in, les, ic Esthanat uni cable tmn-fcr*. on sll part* of thc wolli. In sums to -ult. tntertsl i.ii deiioslu._ .financial. JULY INVESTMENTS. We offer for sale, ami recom? mend without reserve the FIRST MORTGAGE, 0 PIER CENT. THT UT Y YEAR GOLD BONDS of tho COLUMBUS & HOCKING COAL & BON CO., OF OHIO. Wc have had the prnpeity and the securfty for theso bonds critically examined by two of UM beal experts wo could find, who report the lowest cash tala* as more than thiee times (he entire debt of $1,000,000. The best proof of the safety and value cf this Invest? ment security ls shown In Sat followln-* summary of tho company's operations fur tho year endrnr- March 31, 1888: Eai-ninga.11,846,936 81 Opetatini expenses. . 1,154,429 M Net. receipt*. . . Si 91,012 42 Interest, on Innuls. . . $00,000 00 'laxes. 12,000 02 Sundry in* I'rovemcnts. . . . ? 0,716 71 61.718 73 ??I sirtPMri FOR THE YFAU.SI 1 a,l?.l.?0 A limited amount of these bond* for salo at a price yielding over C per cent. JOHN H. DAVIS & CO., IO AVAl.L.rVr., N KW-YORK. Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern R.W. Co, 45 fears' 1st Mortgage 6 per cent INTEREST PAYABLE FF.imCART AND AUOT79T. Secured by MOJSgom on the vslusbla Termiaals In tht City of Seattle, Washington Territory, and on the completed and fully equipped mad In full epers Hon. ei'enrtlBZ eastward to the Pratt!I Caal snd Iron Mines We (tiler a limited runount nf thean bonds at 97*i an 1 secruod lutcisst, and iecomrnenJ intra si a aate luvottaient. JAMESON, SMITH & COTTING, M KKOAD-ST. To Stockholders of the Sutro Tunnel Com? pany who have not assented to the Plans of Reorganization. A RUann.t'e, in- Bating beta termeil, Btoefc. bolder* >v!e. have ii,.i, naeenu i heretofore to die plans of ?:i/an..n, bul wi*h tu protect theil tta*ek from te? nir-' rendered valuelea* illinium foreclosure, mu-t forthwith deposit iinir shares witii Ute Union Trust Company, Mo, ta Rroadway, Rew-York, pat ihe sum of oe etnta pei share, apl reeelvo (bereft peny'a n?a?U* receipts, which win entitle the bolder, ali -r eomple Uon et tii'i reorganization, t*. the -ame number ..f st.ares ol ttock as m.w deposited by aita, and di tim m 4 per cent bonds lu the piupoitiuu nf ?1 tor each .'.'. i now paid. The tin.1- for depositing stock and payment ol aabteitoi tiniis expln t Juiy il. ii.--. .i |i. iii. Payments should bc Dtade bj check on New*York to the i'rii..n Tru*'. Company, n id ihould be tecompsiiled by ,. ? jk linly Indorsed in I.lank, mid an BUthomadi ri I tim fill in Trust Company : dlank forms for rMs authortra* tlon sad eopli ol elrculai can i"- obtained himiu spplies 'ii. i il thi Union Trt I I a - ofllce, or it Room IB, 7th iv,.ir, Mills Building. Interest st the r.tie of t pet eent \%iii be allowed on subserlpUens from the date i-f payment, Foi ih-i BeorgtnJj il tu ? -, ll. ll. BALTZER, Chairman. Wew-York, .lune ci, 18S& ALBANY AND SUSQUEHANNA R, R CO. 6 Per Cent. First Consolidated Mtge Bonds, IMF. UM Mi I*rlnclpnl nnd Interest siinrruili-eil hy the Delaware and lliiilinii (niiiil (onipnuy by Indorse* ?neut upon ciicb limn]* I'ur sale bp KIH\, LOEB ?V CO., HO. 3U RAMAV-OT. INVESTMENT BONDS! Istlli-d un Ihe Water Winks ai BATH, the ( ..univ Seal nf bti-ulicn County, New-Tork. ' .\.. better works batt .-\--r- beta iiiiilr. They bib noMir.n ron ORLY Interest aa theta 'Jd y. ar o j.ei eent l-t Merlan rinnd. i> paid In iv- eli i n- the FARMERS' I/DAN AND TRI ST CO., Trustee To whom tht rental* ir* BMlaned. Theist snd i nra athet Chelea Ri a v. ik araiel B md* ms. ofli red t.y _ M. 1?., Trihuni- lliiildin*:. TEXARKANA WATER WORKS COT riK-sT.MIII.TI.AI.l-. ??*, 111 ll 1?17, l.NTKKKVT J ARVA KV AMI Jil,V. PAYABL1 IN RRW-YOHM. Farmers' Loan & Trust Company, Trustee. TOT tl. ll'IC, Jsl.OOOO. Grots im-nme from City Hydra it Rental. ataOBeai wlih Ra irnarit and I'iivji.- I per aiiiririn, over.Sin ooo Annual Beaded Interest, ?,Ji,(.Hio; expenses, 6A,ou> , , |,, Bun'lus.." Tt urkanm ls a protperoui -nd ttiaiBf (itv, trt* h> m debi Water tapply ibandsn and unfafllns. i have a limited amiiiiiii ti these bondi foi m ii bj ,:,i iccrued Int r. *r, whleh I eonnta4 as a ii.-..liri-iv good pat! ticuiais un appUeaUon. J. I.. HOIIKItT-OX, Investment SeniiHe- - Hsmnsx, ~i!)IT\ OF ST. PAUL COUPONS. The Ckaaa Rational Bank ol the etty al N"-v.York .'.?' beep appoint,-1 Klnsnclal lireni ol tbe City |r,[ St. i'.ni!, flinn., by tie Cejnroon Council ..f sn,.| .-ny aji coupon* nr si. 1'aiU ('Hy flniuls and ^^ rmi K.^i',,* KdneaUon Bonds should hereafter b- ?irevri-,<i ('luise National IJauk fol [,;iyr..ei,t ss thf-v fall due f,.,.,, Hu,, kt time. (.I,.||--.:. 111.I -. i .!;. i.- ,.,?-,.r. DONDS AM) MORTGAGES. Mnn.-y to loan In largo uuiiin at low rate of Interest on undoubted bccuiny. l'l.-asu address I KAMI ll. BURt; ICeni, Ilinnklyii, N. y N7.W-V..KK (JI.NTl'.AI. AMI Illli'-cN Ul V 1.1: R . ,, ' KiiAl) i MM I'AN V. GRAND ( I N'TRAli DKPOT, Ne** 1 rnH. June Ju, lf^^4 HY ORDER OF TIIL BOARD OF DIUEC TOl-w cf dita tJoBtpaajr. Etwtta lAaaatad tu*i.., f0# llftr dollar* earlu of Hm Capital Knick of tin- N<w-r.irk Hid Railroad ( innjiaiiy. now leid in ll.? l^;u.,,ry of lin- New.york ( i-ntiai Mills.,n Uiver Railroad Ooni* P*ny, under provisions of the Bontrttt nf leaso be tn stn (he two statpaalea, dated April 1, 1178. ar-- ,,r.l( , f tale, to provide for the expense of depresatne the i *eka and chani/lni.' the ?rail*s of UM Row-York nnd Harlem Railroad In Eat Std und 24th Wards ?.t UM Illy ol Row* York. Illds (ur th' |iiiniia*I of He WhStt or any purl nf t|l0 Ihes/t Bloch ? .ll I-- '' ? ? Iti 'i *' this nfti'e um ri S ii. ii, (>n Tuesday, July lu, USR, rayment (ur ;. "i*i siisien tl) *M) niadi. on J.ii) lo nest, uni roi i..i?ki -lures t . ld- , the 2d da) of Jiinuarv. Ihhu, m whlth dates oertiOeawi ol siaiok will be delivered. This stock will tc- entitled to the divl'I'-ndi payable a.'rer tin- date of Issue only. The ilutt lt retoived to reJ'rt Mir ?r all bid* If not dtCtuud tvC ik,, j^?t interests nf the Aomiiany. E. V. W. RUsSlTiai, Trcaaurtr. financial. State of Georgia Bonds. FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. EX KCl"1'ivr. OKFtt K, ATLANTA, OA., June 1st, itooj. Under tho authority ol an si I appro red .stpti-miM-r nth, i*e-7. BUthorlrlng ile Governor ant Trcttarer to i-*ui I,end, ot ih' stall 10 BB an ii in' Bet M BXteed nine', en handred thousand dellars, ?nii which te Bat od that p?r timi ol the public di bi mtwrtna Jaaurylat. lrofli. *<>ii.*d proposals will be reeelted at ti.Mee ..r tir<- Trttaufei t nf i..-,,,, ni, ii[i tn V.: ii lin,1; BL, on Julv Oth next, for om) i niiiii'-n nine handred thousand dellars nf four snd one* j bal per eeni coupon bunds (mauling as nenin set foithj ? n lr-.. :.? l (itiober 1st, 13aa. Ono hundred i.,, -r-.n I il ?** to mature January 1st, 1W?3. .. | dollars to mature January lat, i-*vj'J. . hundred thousand dellars tn ?amit January int, two. ?):?? mn, ii>-d liiniisiuid doiitr.s tn mamre January 1st, 1'JOI. ? ii,,, hundred thousand dollart to bm Hilt Jinuary 1st, ISOS. ?ne i,undi! -d tn nisriiiil dnllar* to mature January 1st., mos. ono lum 1, ' i.i snd dollars rn stature January 1*.:, leo*. du ? lum'lt-?'! n e'i?and dollars to mature January 1st, HiO'i. (inn handled thousand dollars to maiur*. January 1st, mod. i. iiundred thousand dollars to mature January lat, 1'J07. ? un. handred thousand dollar* to mamre .innuvry 1st, mos. ?h,i, hundred thi.ueand dollars to mature January 1st, mon. UM hundred thousand dellars In nmiur>* January lsr, HMO. nun hundred thouaand dollars to mnt'in- January 1st, 1011. imo handred I heat* ntl doiitrs to matun- January lsr,, mi 2. one hundred thoitsand dellars to niatui" January ls'., ISIS. '.nm hundred thousand dollars to nature January 1st, IOU. 'lim hundred thousand dollars to matun- January 1st, IBIS. One Iiundred thousand dollar* to mature January 1st, 1'JHl. Tin- beads in St in denomination of ono thousand dol? lar*, with semi annual eoupous due on tho 1st day of and July ot es<h tsar respectively. The |.i iin-i-ji-i arid Interest payaliln In the City of New Vnrk. tl suiii ulai'? as the (.overru.r mav elect, and at the Batta "f Cn- Treasurer of tho State, in the City of At |BBl I, OeOrUll. ltids inns., t*? oieomnanien by rertin?d check or cheeks ?eertlHesU ef dent sits of some solvent b?nk or bankers, ir boats! ol ihe Mare of (ioorgla for live per cent of tho amount of suth bid, said checks or certlncare of deposit belli! BMde payable to the Tn-asurer of Oeortla. U(d* will be opened l.y thc Uovernor and Treasurer mid declared by tat ntteaaUi of July next, the bta*<J re? torting 'he right la rejeet any or all of said bids. The sinte win lams registered bond* tn lieu oj any of the shore named bonds, as provid.-d In said act, at any (line uri demand of the owner thereof. Collies of (he sci ti tho Oenoral Afsemhlr authorizing this |.-ue of bond* will bo furnished on application to tho Treasurer. JOHN B. OORDON, R. U. JIARUI'.MAN, Governor. _Trc* turor. LOMBARD INVESTMENT GOMPANY, ISO RROADWAY, NEW-YORK CITY. Established 185-1. Incorporated 1832. Cnpltal fully pnl.1, SI. 1 IO (Min *?iii plo* nnd Reserve, 8310,000. Reserve Liability, Ul,130,000. 0 per rent Onnrnnteed Mottgaaai from $250 to $10,000, running Ave year*;, constantly on hand and for salo at par and Beenatd Interest, l-'lfty-flve Havings Banks and over two hundred tastltatlOBS hold our so'rurltles, which have for many years btood the test of every emergency. Depositors In Saving Ranks, parties with trust funds and conservative lattJBteta generally ar?r requested to call and examine theso securities, or send for pamphlets giving full Information. WE OFFER JULY INVESTORS Bi OCR OWN C l'KU CKNI DEBENTURE BONDS. TIII'.Y ARK KNTIRIXY VSJSM 1*1011 ANY SPF.C* T'r.ATivr. r.Lr.Mi.NT. call on write for tar NEW-ENGLAND LOAN AND TRUST CO., _ lim HBO A PW AT, NKW-Y.'RK._ Ol TICK OF St LoDis and San Francisco Railway Co. 10 HROAD-ST. (MILLS BUTI.DINCi. N'-w-Yorlr, Juno 18, leda. Notiee to ii.'. lort of ftOt.TH PACIFIC UAILROAD CO'S 1ST MORTGAt* 0 ITU il.NT B09D6, DUI JULY I* USS ^Mi.iOO In aPitiiitit). Th" baadfl ibOTS named wm ne pant at tm* tatet on ona rift,; MUMMY July 2, ISSI, rmi may be presented for examination It any time prior to that date, after which Ha beadl pw ?'-nie(i will bo call for on tho dav following t nt.ition of tho same. Tho last coupon of theso Donas (auo July 1, xtSS) will ' Bl this office .i? usual. Holder* ol Uta -Sui.i'll TAI II-'IC" Bonds are hereby further liiiniiiii-d that, to a United extent, they may anply to reinvest tht proceeds nf tho-.- bonis in the First, Kort 100 If ea i i Poi Cent Geld nonet of the tn. Louia ind Bsa Francisco Railway Co. at, the price ot os rm i teemed Interest, A the :.--' ? "f tho last named tond* amounts .-ir. present -!.(,'.' 1,000, applications for then trill be accepted ?ri . :?. .!- iccelvi i. and they will be delivered by r)i< lii'.-i 1 SUI I Co. on rt- maud upon the onlnr of thia my therefor. All Inform: in regard to the Trust Bonds is contained In a jinnr.'l circular, Which may bo obtaln-d at tin I ofllea ol tl 'ii" United Trust Ca _ T. W. LILLIE, Treasurer. LETTERS W* bar and sell nillsof Rt #1 mice un and ra.ikn c.iMa /-... transl*? of mon.-i* t* Europa, *** Australia and tho Weat fu (11. sr alto make Coilectloot CK EDIT. *'"? l,,uo Commercial and TiaTi-lling Credit*, arailabto lu all pan* of iii* world. BROWN TIROS. A CO.. BANKEUS. Nu. 53 WaLL-ST. yftiaVfttffct. gAggLl AMI TK\.?s KAILWAY CO Tn OM Il'ii'l-T* Bl GENERAL CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS. Ni-w-York, .lune 22, 1888. Un default In pavm>-nt of Interest due June 1, your Committee and the Trustee ando: yoai attttgage applied to tire United State* Circuit Court in nan tat tot a de? ceiver to protect youl right* Thi ipplteatlon wan sus i,iineii but the Receiver will not tx- named before July 2, and further argument wili then be heard. All wiii wish the proteetloB Indicated should send this month CB OBI ol (li I Mil ?' ? ' theil iinm-*. redresses, and tia- aili""!:' .uni rate ol IntereK of ti-vii bonds, EDWARD D ADAMS, WlnMuw. Ranier & Co.. 17 Nassau-st. WILLIAM L. HULL, Edward Sweat t Co., 38 Rn nd st. WILLIAM WI I IT KW RI GUT, Union Tins: Company. 71 Broadway. WILLIAM MERTENS. L von Hoffmann .fc Co., 60 Wall-st. WILLIAM E. BTRONG, Work, 6trouBjt_Co.._80 Br. adst._ iii an old established luge I...i.lnlii ll, Dl.\ 1?()]( SALK.?Stock in an old established enmranv oterins large retuint. l'ersonal appiicttiun. ?(lO.Tl'.ill.'ll, HEADY t i.UUDIUCH, 59 Wall-it. V ii.i.auk r.tixns. Nottct of faalo of Bondt or me viuare or ruount ^ lrweniv elf lit of the Sewertii?e Loan Bonds of the viiiao-e ol ??-.unt Vtrnen, In Wettchustnr County, Nsw York will be sold ut iiiiblic auction to the highest bidder tl the room of the Trusties of said Village, lu Dearborn's Building mi 4th Avenue, In *aid Village, ou Um Hill day ,r, 'l888, at J p. m. These ar- tho Irtt of a aeries of bona, ?ii'-.t-. are to he issued bv said Viliatre, under hop'.er txri of the ujwa if i?si, a* amended I-f (hr.itei lu.l of the law* ?t 1B38, ,', nrovide tuudi Coi lol i-..n?lrucUon of I u<*rnianout sys ...! ,,f IwweMge and dralBBgt for auld Vliltga. i-^.rh I' ?| ?.;i he ft i iee irlntip'l Milli Of net thousand dollars, ni will beal in'.r. s- at. the rata of four per centum pur ?'. nulli na ra bia sen I intiu.illy I'rliiolpll and interest lill be uaishlf H the NaUoual Clttatas1 Hank, in .New vl.'k CRT. The build, will bt coupon Inn.ill with the nrlvlWe to th- h'-lder ef having th-m made reKlst-rei I will be uuted Juno I-,-, latia, payable as tbontta Ko* 1 to 4 Inclusive, on June 1, mu 4 t ii is' Noa -r> i'1 M Inclusive, oti June I, un j bonds! No*. '?' ''' Vi in elusive, on Juno 1, JHHt 4 bondi Ne"- Lt ?" ''? Inclnslve, on June 1. IUI14 4 li..iid?' Sos 17 IO SO inclusive, on June 1, 181)5 4 bonJs' Nus. -I to 21 in elusive, on Jun- 1, lslis, 4 bond-' Nos '-'? '" Sn Inelattve, sa June 1, 10117 The bondt will be delivered to the pur. baser on or be 16th da] 1 '" f. l?8*. 'lu.- VI im" ol M-uni vernon ls musted upon the New. Vork Hunton rmi Nsw-Hsvea and upon tin 11 rfrD-in ita.ii ? '-' minutes travel, rion Uland Central Depot, with Bfl tralni ?? -<-ii wit dally, ha< a pop ulatl 11 of about 10,000 people, rmi has no nundea la* lobtedness. li has public wt ter works, gris and si ..(., horse railroad, dagwalkt, aid ls growing rapidly. mot bo sold for let* than par ami rn,, rui il i'.'' ' -' Dated June 11. ito*. liv order cf Village Hoard ol Trustees. u. m m KtMBuna, JAS. II. JENKINS, Village President Vlllarje Clerk. Diuiijcnb Notiug. ?jKFici: of st. i-A( L ano DULUTH uailhuau III.MIVN \ .^??... bl- P**1"1. J,*,-e Li, l?f*8. A DIVIDEND nf thine and one-half (JJ 1-2) XV poi " m. upi.ii ti,,. l'referrel Knick ot tail C-omnany ha* ibis dat beta deiltrttl out of tho Income Tor th'- last ,..,. montos nf tue n?cai inir .-illili,' June ;itj. inns. pa\abli! to ITer.-rre.l Stockholder* nf n...ird of ,li.w [g. it-gu, ln ,..Msh nu and iftef Juli '.'h. latta, nt the Fourth National Hunk ol tho ? irv nf New-York. Thc transfer booka, which ojien on lune -JI-M, ISSo, 'rill dor* for pu,u,,M.s 0{ dividend on June jun. and reopen ea Jul- ot'i, ima _ P1HUP N ll A ItKIS, Seiretriry. om rbi nu. M-.i.Attii'i ,-.i, ii.-n*,,*, (-VN.M. eo., r~ MCW. Vi iKK, May 'iV. .??3. 1 A QUAETEBLY DIVIDEND ol ONE and iY'i.M: HALF' ll LU8J III. i I N ,- mi th) capllal Hock of this trmimtiy ?111 be p.ti.l ut um ofllce of the company, No. -1 ( ? itiai.dt-sL, in thia city, on and sfu-r Friday. June lft, ina*. The iriimfes-book* ?lll be cloted from the close of busineas to-day until the morning of Saturday, June 10. By order of the Board of Manager*, _J AM KU C. Il A KTTT TrAturti. K min I. MlNNKAt'OLId AND " I'M urifl KA11.WAV COMPANY. MINNF.AI'OLIS, June "i. 18HS. COUPON'S duo .Inl.v 1st, prox.. from tho nrst Mortgagt Boads af mi* asaaaaay win be paid on rmi iifter that (Ule at the office of lt. I'. |1<i?sr d Co.. Ml Brusdway, New*York ll I: FI.KTCI1 KB. Treasarst, MU \..r.K CI-.NTHAI. A IICHSUN RIVKU ll U Ci" (il.'KK'I. ul' 1U1 THEASfjRKR. F New-York. June 2f?, 1SS8. OB THK PURPOSE of t, aiiart?rlv divi? dend, jisyatilo on ihe Illili d.iy of J*j\v ne.x', lh? trans? fer bnois ,.f 1'ompany ?iii !?? eluted st 12 o'clock, m., on atturday, the lanh IneL. and roypened at 10 o'clock. a. m.. un Tucaday, tim 17th of July next. ?4. v. w. Rot*lT?JU Treasurer. mvxotno iTTcrticfn. MANHATTAN RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 71 Broadway. Now-York, June li 1888. A DIVIDEND OF ONE PER CENT on the Il con?ollloted capital stock of this company for the quar? ter eliding Jun<* 80, le*8, has been declared, payable at till* Batta on and after Julv 2, IMS lat ItaBafer hooks will be closed .ii in>..n saturday, Jun- 1'.. and reopened BB Tues? day, July 3, 168B, at 10 o'clock a. m. d. w. mcwilliams, Treosurer. TOTIMPORTERS AJ.-^^.-Jgftjj NATIUNAI' ***** New-ycrK,'June 2oth, 1MNJ. A DIVIDEND of seven per cut oat nf tho XV earn.nus of the last sl\ mi.mlis has tn-diy I" ell 'l l,y this Hank, pavobl on UM lid 'lay ol July next. Tho transfer book* will remain closed till that date. IJIWAKU TU W .NM Ml, Ci-hlor. ,.j.-| i? |. OP THC S'lUTItKHN PACII-'IC CnMrvNY, NO. 23 BROAD .Si Ri.Kl' (Mills litillcHnjr.. N.-w-Y'.ik. jun., -j.-., inon, COUPONS duo July 1, 1888, from bonds of the ColloWlag named companies will be paid alt-Jf that lau- at this ellice : Central 1'aclflo It R. 1st mortgage. Western racine R. ft. lsr B?ttfafe. ( illfori ia and Oregon R. It, 1st, mortgage ext 5. Oreiffm and Calli..min l?t nortgagt i per cent. Northern Railway 1st Bmrtgflg - Berkeley Uandi 1st moiig-igu. Amador Branch II. ll. 1st mortgage. brockton and Copperopolls R. ll. Isl mortgage. Southern paella H. li. of Arl/ona 1st nortgage. Southern racine R lt. of New-hlt?oo lat atBttgaga. Galveston, H.rnisUurg and San Antonio 2d 0 per cent. Lasjttataa Western n. u. 1st ?ertgage. Morgan's Loulrlana nnd Texas ll. jg, arid K. S. Co. 1st 0. Cullfor-nia i'aclflc 1st mortgage 4 1-2 per cont. California I'B'iflc 21 mortgage U per cent. California I'aclflc 3d mortgage 8 and 6 per cenl Market Street Cable R'y Co. I-f. mortgage 0. 1'aiaro and Ssnta Cruz R lt Co. 1st 0 per cent. Sac i a men to and I'lacervllle R. lt Co, 1st 6 per cent Los Angeles arid San Mogo ll ll. Co. Itt 0 per cent Holders of io .ir more oo*ipona ctn lesve thara for ex* an,ii,, and receive pavmcrr mi Hu* dar following. _TIMOTTIl HOPKINS, Treasurer. MINNEAPOLIS, st. PAUL AND SAULT BTE, MARIE RAILWAY CO.. Mlininapolls. June 2.1, lfr-'SS.-Coupon No. 5, due July 1, 1888, of the first mortgige ? per cent gold funds of the Mlnneapolla Sault Bte, Malle nnd Atlantic Raliway Goflopaay wi!! be paid on and after July 2, at the office of Messrs. Morton, Bliss *. Co., 2H Nasaau-at., N. Y. W. D. WASHBURN. President^ PENNSYLVANIA COMP.WY.-Four and a A. hulf ;i<*r cent loan.?Interest due July 1st prOx. on the bonds of this luau will be paid at the Natlcual City Bank of New-York. Transfer books will close June l'j. _JOHN E. DAVIDSON, Ttcattjer, plTTSRr'RG, CINCINNATI and ST. LOOTS A RAILWAY COMPANY.-office of the treasurer, i'ittsbun*. Venn., June 14. IrtW.?The sen.I mumal Interest du.- [ai proximo sa the registered extended bond* of the Steuben villi, and Indiana Railroad Company trill lie paid ou and after July 2, 1S8S, at the National City Barrie nf New-York. Trunsf-r boole* will elose on the Kith last, ._JOHN ^"DAVIDSON, Treasurer. THK NATIONAL SHOK AND LfcATHKU BANK OF THK CUV OK N KW-YORK, New-York, June lath, 13S3. (DIXTY-NINTH DIVIDEND. kj The Directors or this Bunn havo this flay declared a -??rnl-snnual dividend <,f Kour 14; per cent free of tax, pa-nbie on July 2d, 1&B8, untu which date lite 'rancor book will be closed. _ _ A. M. BCR1BA, Cashier. THE PEOPLE'S BANK OP THE CITY OP NI1W yo UK. SE VENT Y-FOU KTII DIV ID LXD.- A iemi unnual dividend of live (5) per cent free of taxes, will bc paid on and after July 2, VU8. Transfer books will be closed fruin 20th Inst until that, date. _WILLIAM MILNE, Cashier._ ?'Pur: CHATHAM NATIONAL HANK. 19H X BROADWAY, Now-York, June 22, 1S38. SEVENTIETH DIVIDEND. The Board of Directors havo this day declared a.quar? terly dividend of THREE I'KIl CENT from the earnings of the past three months, payable on and after July 2. Tte transfer boona will bo cloted until that date. II. P. DOREML'fl, _ Cashl'ir,_ rp UK NATIONAL PARK HANK OF NEW -l YORK, lunu-22, 1488.?Tbs Director* have tjjls day declared a dividend of KOL'R PER CENT from the Bant? ings of rho pant nix months, payable, free of '.ax, on and after July -. The transfer book* will be closed until tho third pta* imo._GEORGE s. HICKOK, Caaniat. qMlE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY CO~ S Ul Broadway. Now-York. June 14, ISsSB. DIVIDEND NO. 32. A qrnr'erlv dividend of ONE PER CENT on the eapiral stock of thia company has this dav benn declared, pa vj hie on Monday, July 10, next. The tronsf--r bonks ?vs.ill bo cloned on Friday, June 29. ItiSS, at 8 o'elock , ..--..*.,, v.. . i.?.,/, .? .,??- ..... .nco, ai o o eiu'rn. and reopened on Tucsdav, Julr IT, ISPS, nt 10 o'clock, a. riv_ a. ft. ca LEK, Treasurer. MILWACKEE. LAKE SlioRE AND WESTERN RAIL? WAY COMPANY. _ NEW-YORK. June 22. 1888. rpiIE HOARD OF DIKIX'TORS of this com ?B. uany have this day aeelared I dividend of three Bad one-half vet cent upon tho preferred capital atock, pay? able at the National Bank of Commerce, New.York, the 15 th day of August next. The Transfer Books for tue preferred capital stock '.?lil I*e closed at 3 o'clock ii. m. mi the MU) day of Julv next, and will ba ie. opened uri Wednesday, the i,-,rh dav of Auzust next, at ll o'clock a. m._GORDON NpjtlUK, Treasurer. MERCANTILE NATIONAL HANK, New-York, Jun- 22 1888. TnE DIRECTORS ot this hank have this day declared a dividend of three per cont, free of ti\, payable on and after July 2, 1888 Tho transfer books will remain closed until fhnt (Site. ___u. BCIIENCR, CmM_ LONG ISLAND RAILWAY COMPANY. DIVIDEND NO. IV THE BOARD OF DIRKCTORS havo de Blared a qturterly dividend ol ONE PER CENT upon un. tantra! "(".-k, payable August l, 1888. Annatal books clo.*-.' July 'J and reopen Ausru?t 2 III Mtv" GRAVES, Trennrer. New*York, June Cl. 1888. _ THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF THE C&i~ ~ Ol' NEW-YORK, New-York. June 21, 1*?S. I1 HE Hoard of Direi-tors have this day de? clared a semi-annual dividend of three-and-on- half p*r cert, free of tai, payable on and after July 2, 7888. The transfer book* will bo closed until fha' data If. BUCKIIOCT. Cashier Dressmaking. DRE.SSMAKER.-By a nnt-elSBS person, by the dar or r.ike wnik home, rut. lit. drape; lr,su*t atyles; per fect lit, ?u ir.inteed : highest references. Address ROBBS, Tritium- Brandi Office. 104 Wes! 42d*st Cost ano -fount). ANY TERSON holding or lavfnrr claim to Bank-book No. 101,ftU of the union Dime Saving* Institution is notified to present it at tho Bain, as a natl book ia about to be Issued. UailroaDi. NEW-YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RALROAD. GREAT rOVR*TRACK TRUNK LINE. Un and after J uti > 23, trains leave GRAND CENTRAL STATION, Largest and Finest l'assvicer Station in America. *? a. m., Rochester Express, drawing-room tata lt Albany, Troy and Syracu?o.. 9 a. m., Saratoga, Lske leorge, and Montreal. Specltl drawing-room cara to 5ara?oga, Caldwell, Lake George, Plattsburg, and Montreal; il*' to St. Albans. 'J a m. for Adirondaci Mountains, butene. North Creek, Schroon Laku, Dlut Mountain Luke, Ac. Drawing* eat to Saratoga. ?*J :50 a. m., PAMOCS iTESTIBCLLD CHICAGO AND BT. LOUIS LIMITED, composed exclusively of buffet smoking-car, dining-car, sawlng-room sad ?l**eiiiui* ears (ur Albany, Utlcs, tsyracuie, Rochester, lluiralo, Niagara lalla. Erle, Cleveland. Udianapolis and Toledo, atrlvlu^ at Chicago ti!) ;5o a. m., ts- Loni*. 7 :40 p. tu. next day. 110:30 I. m.. Chlccfo Ell rest for Niagara j-alls, T?* ronto, Cleveland, Clnjinn.itl, indianapolis. Detroit and CnlcatOj drawlng-roou oars to Canuudslxua, Rochc*>iei and Rlrhlleld Springs Ul r30 a m., \Voaprn Now-York snd Northern Bntaas, for Saratoga, Laka leorge, Rolland, Bennington, North Adams, ftc. Drswlit-room esrs tu Troy. 3 30 p. m., Saraogs ai. 1 Utica special, with drawing, room turn to Alban,. Troy and baratnga. Runs IhrottgB to Lase Ceorge on Saturdays only. *l p. m., Acconmodtttion to Albany and Troy. Con? nects Tor WUUnniituwn, North Adams, and liitermodJaio point* on Bitehbure R. R. ?10 p. m., Pas' Chicago. Cincinnati and St Louis Ex* prets for NUgarj Palls. Buffalo, Susp-nslon Bridge, To* ria l.ettiAou stuttiners) mid Cltvtland, Cincinnati, liidlauspiiils, St. Louis, Detmlt, and Chicago, with ietp. lng and dining art. *|d p. tu. f?r Clayton dally, Ineludlng Sunday; for Paul Smith'*, (ally except Saturday. Through sfeeplna ..irs t.. Clavtoi and Paul Smith's via Utica uni R., W. and O. lt. R. 'JO BO p. m. Montreal and Csnandalgoa ExpreaBj daily. Bia ping ears io l latuburg sn i Mon'K'al via Rouse's Point and via St. Aloani*. ul-., to B)rBCI -i ami C.inaii.i ir-.'ua, daily except bunda'. Sunday t.r,iln dees not run wael of Albiay. *f(>:3?i 0. "i. fur Adli-ontliiek .Mounmins, l.nk.- Chaxy, Lvon Mniinti.n, Loon Lake, Baranae. Paul smith's, fte.) via PlattMbtrg anti Chtu>auBBy Railroad; also t,. Lo? loma, Nerti (r.-ek. Bchrooa Luke, Blue Moantaln [aka, fte., via Na'att'gss ami Adlroiidm k Railroad, Sleeping car New-York to Plattsburg. Conunenclne July -j sleeping cir will benin from New-York tn Nerta. Creek. ;i p. bl. Special Bleeper, arrives Rochester 7:10 i. m., ISuifalo 'J Jo a. m.. una Cleveland 1:23 p. m. ?til :3C p. m.. Ftst Night Express foi Bprlngs, Rochester iiuffab.. NbgarB inn*. Toronto, Cleveland, Cincinnati Indianapolis Bt. Loola, Detroit, and i iiit?,.;.i with *!?'.-ping cars. bleeping tatt to Caiisiidalgua on Sundays only. ll Bulnignt, Ailirondack Mnuntsin Special fq I ur . ^ Lake Ce irue, 1'laitsluirg. Loon Like. Saraiuw l.i , Psul Sultb's, ftc. Sbmiring cars tu Albany. i'lek.ts amt toaee In dra.\ lng-room and aleeping oms on sole a', iiund Central Staion 413 7fc3 and 042 llrond?ay, i-j i-ns pl. i rViiterr place, 02 w-st l2Stt>at., and l.lMh *. Sttt'lon. New*Yura; 333 WaslUngton and 730 Kuluin st*., Brooklyn, ind 7D ith-st., Williamsburg.'* Etpre** call* for and check* baxxago fnurt boPisor resident es. ?Rm dsilj , other* daily except Sunday. IStcp nt 13*>_. at. htition to take up passenger* for Ninth ami Weat, j. M. Tin ci.V. HENRY MONETT. (icneral Superintendent. Otneral Pas/o-n^or Agent. WBW-YORK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN lllAILWAY. Tra,ns ItaVt Lom telnet at Wc?t 4-d and Jay sus. us folio***: Vest 4-.'d .I., 7 io u. m. ; Jayst., 7 ill a. ni , fur Mid dl.-'jwii. Ellenville, Pall.-buig, Monticello. Liberty. WjI t-o, llellil Norvsi.-h. I'tina. Rome, uui-lla, Pulf'.iii. Ot* ?eiii, Bulttlo, Deiroit, Chlug" Vest 42(1 lt.. ll: IO ? p.: Ji.v-st.. S :55 *. m.. for Waiklll Valley *tstlon*, l-ske* Mohonk. Mlnnewaska. MUdletown. Pslltbuig. Liberty, White Lake. A'itt 4'Jd-?t., 4:10 p. m.: Jtv-si., a :ii p. m., for Willkill Vaii.-y stations, LBkes Mohonk, Mbinewaska, >llldletown. Bluomliigburg, Mt. Dale, Monticello, Pallo bu-g, Uberlv, While Ijike. Rockland. Wen 42d ?*., 4 .50 p. m. ; Jty-st.. 4 :35 p. m., for CsuplM-U Hull, Middletown. Blooiulngburu, Wurtsboro, Ll.-mille. West 42d-*t.. 0:25 p. m. ; J?y-*t-. 0:10 p. m.. dally Mr Middletown, Fallsburg, l.lni-riy. Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os*ec... (suspension Uil.L-e. Detroit, Chliag.i, Kl Loul*. Buffet Sleeper* to Niagara lolls. Reclining Chair Car freo io oswegn. Saturday half-holiday, We?t 42dst,. 1 :15 n, *? i J.iy. si. 1 un p. m., tor Cariiitxit Hall. Middletown. BI.h.iii lu/biir^', Ellenville, Kallsburg. Moiitliollo, Liberty. While Livingston Msiior. Walton, Delhi ? ind b, Ickets, ftc. si MT, 807. ivay, 7S7 i.m-sve., 134 Cst Piotr s ? tl WJ.%^^ Ijke, Ll\l;-g*ion Manor. Wi I'ulliiuui Iirtwlug RiK'in Mata and berth* reserved st 30T Broadway Time tables, ticket*, ftc. ai 207, 807, l|44, ..V*?28.Jlroidwayk, _787<p i.lh-tve., 134 Ilstt lSBth-sL. :rson. O. P. A., le Exchange PUoe. Nsw* York. | I.rtilroc.09. VORTHERN KA I LIK (ADO ? N E tV-JEMET. ll ?Trains luuve from t hami.*-r*-*t. Station week days for Englewood, Tenafly, ClosUrr. bparkhlll, snd NyaeH 6;80. 7:00, 8:20, 9:50 sud ll .80 a. n. r 1 15, A JO, 4 00, 4:50, ft JO, 5 IO. (J r40 a :00. 10 r3*1 p. m., ll ?*?-??* Sunday*. 7 00, li: 50 a. m., 4 and f ^^^^Btaaaal ?sundays, il :0O midnight, Sundays, 7 :00, 8 :50 o^ m.. 4 sikT 8 p. nw Vor Nanuet, Spring Vall-r, Mon-ef snd Ttllmaut. waac day*. 7 00. 0:50 a. m., 4:50,, 0 :40 p. ul bundays, fj;50 and S p. ERIE RAILWAY.-Tickot tllTicr*<i, 4 01, SI7. 711 sud 067 Brosdwar. 163 l-l Bowery, 137 ititi il. 1 Battery place, Ciuinoeit and ?.'?il Sm el (en lee, .lea ir.rk. 3JI and 13* '.. Bra-.klyn; 107 Drool**, Will .einiig; Newark and il.i-.i its U-hoke/i j 62 Montgomery**!., bii1 N> w Station, Jersuy City where Tick' ts and Patl-ir or Sleeping i ???? and orders for cheeking ani transfer .,f baggage can tv- obtained, lix* press train* leave '.'.ii u .'. minutes earlier then time shown from Chamber* f*. ; local trains '? I ? !'. bi bo te* earlier. fi a. m.. dally, Day Evptest, buffet drawing-room v ichet tn Hotfalo; sleeping Bosches lloriiclUvllle to Cincinnati arni Cleveland. 10:30 a. ni., v.- k day*. Delaware Valley F.rpreio, parlor ear to Binghamton, Owego. Elmira .md Corning. 6 p. m., daily. '-Chicago and BL I. vats Limited,*! tv.Ud) Pullman frain of day and buffet steeping coach** to Buf? falo. Niagara Fail*, Cleveland. Chliago, Cincinnati andi bl Lours ii , ? - I fs?t rln.e. 9 p. m., dallv (iilcitco Express, pullman buffet sleeping coach's to Binghamton, Ow tyro. Ii;rn ra. Rorheiter, Buf? falo. Cincinnati snd Chicago. Rurricrford aul Pas?lc?-I, 4:45, 6, 7, 7 50. Brio, 10:30 a. m.; 12 nomi; 1, 1:45, fl, 3 40.4:10. 4:40. 6rl0. 5:30, 6 50. 6rlf), I 30, 7:30, 9, 10:30 p. m.: Vi night. Also to Rti'.h.rfort] ? :30 0. in. ; 4 30, 6 r'.'O p. in. ,. 8 lo, 0 40, u, m. Sundnys, 4 45, 8:80, 10:30 s. m.; 12 noon; 1 :45, 3. 4, 5, 0 30, 7 :30, !?, 10 30 P m. : 12 nlyhl. Psterson-4. 4 .45. a 7, 7 :50, 'J 30, 10 :M a. Bi. ; 12 noon; 1, 1 ?5. 3, I 3". 3 40. 4. 4:10. 4 3". 4 40. 5. 5 10. 6:30. SM ...I". o:30, 3:40 J .10, i, 10:80 _p. m.; 12 night. 'SundST*, 4 :45, 8 30, 10 :M I m.; 1ST noan; "L" 1:45, 3. 3 3<\ 3 40. 4, 4:10, 4 3'i. 4 40. 5. 5 H), 6:30. .-. 00 ii.H>, o30. 9:40 7 :*), 9, 10:8O p. m.* 12 night. SundST", * Ai, 8 30, 10 3m I. m. : laTnoen; 1:45, 8, 4, 6, 0:30. 7:30. 0. 10:30 p. m. , ll night Newark and Paterson, \ "i Newark?143, n:'t), 8. fi rrlJO. 10. 11:80 a. m.; 2, 8.30, 4 :2u, 4:50, 5:20, 6 50, 6 20. 7:30, 10 p. m.; 12 night. Sundays, lta| 3 JJ. 6 r80, H p. m. Ridgewood and Suffern?4. 4 :45, 7:50. 9:30, 10:30 *. m.; 1, 3, 4, 4 :30, 5, 6 30. 0:10. 0 :40. 7 3), tr, 10 .30 p. m. ; 12 nlrb*. Ai-*-, io Ridgewood, ti 30 a. m. ; 5 20 p. m.: to feulTern, 3:30 p. m. Kunda***!, 4:43. 8 30, 10 30 a tm. : 1 45, 4, 0:30 p. m. ; 12 Mewbuig and Cnrnw?l!-7 :*-, ? a. ni. , 3 ?0, 4, 4:30, 5 00. 5 3o ri. m. Sunday*, 9 a. m. ; 1 15, 5 p. m. Warwick-Week days, \ a:,, b, io 30 a. m. j 1. 4 :30 p. m. Goshen?4:43, 7 50, 9, 10:30 s. m.; 1. 3:30, 4:30. 5:30. 9 p. m. Sundays, 4 :45, 8 :80, 9 a. m. , fl .30. 9 p. m. MlldV'-own aol I'..rr, J.rvU-4 :45, 7 :50. 9, 10 :30 s. m. S 3r30, 4:30, 5, 7:30. J p. m. Sunday*, 4:45, 8:30, 9. s. tn. ; 5. 6 :30, 9 pm. Kxpre.^ (rains from the West srrlvo tn New-York st 7 :05, ll :50 a. m., and 10 20 p. m. W. J. Ml'IU'llY. L. P. FARMER, C-ii'i Kup't General Pasaeoger Agent. P~~EKlNaVLVANIA RAILROAD." on and aft'r June .c. J 8 GR IT l RUNS LINK AND UNITED STATLS MAIL ROUTE. Trains Leave Now-Turk. ila Dc?bro?-cj and Cortlacdt Street narr a*, a-, f- lions: Harrisburg, Pittsburg m.d the Wi sr, with Pullman PaUca Cars stuehed, :> <v j m., 8:80 ur. t Cai i d s p. in, daily. New.Vork snd ( BJ ca go Limited ol P ri -. Dinln ? , mid bleeping Vest! ulei Cj:s at 9 OJ a. m. e\ery dBT. Williamspori, Lo. ic Daven, 9 ;co a. m., 8 :00 p. m. ; Cot jr and Kile at 8:00 p. Bx, connecting at Corry for T.ttt viii- mid the Oil Regions. For Lebanon. U .0" a. m.. 3 :20 p. m. snd 12rl5 night. For Norristown, i'henlwlll.-, Potwtown and R-ading, ll on a. m., 1 oo, 2 rix) and 4:00 p. m. fcutuitUya only, 8 p. m. .Snnday*, 0:15 arid 10 a. rn. Baltimore, Waahini on nod tho St nth, * Limited Wash? ington Express* of Pullman Parlor Cai?, dilly exoapf Sunday, 10 a. m.; arri vt Waahlugiuii 4:00 p. n. I, with Dining Cai, at 3:40 p. m.. arrive WatS*. lnKloii 9:12 p. m.; regular at 1:20. 8 rOO and I'M B. Bk, 1:00, 2:00, 4 :liO and 9:00 p. ci, and 12:li niL-hi. Sund.iy, lilli aud U a. m., 4 :3o and 9 p. m. andr 12:11 nigiiL For Atlantic City, I p. m. week-days (througi Parlot Car j. For Can? May, 1 p. m. week days. Long Bramrh, Hay Head Jui.etioa snd Intermediate *'v tiona, via Raliway and Ambo-.-, 3:30, 9 .lo a. m., 12 noon, 3:10, 4:10 and 5 p. m. On Sunday, 9 :45 a. nu sud 5 p. m. (do not atop a'. Albury Park). For Old Point and Norfolk, via New-York. Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad, 8 p. m., d?Uv; via RaJtimora and Ray Line, 4 rix) p. m. w< ek iny? Boai* of "Brooklyn A'nex" evnnect wl'h all throuj*** trains at Jtrtty Cl'y, affordLug a tpcidy and direct transfer for Brooklyn travel. fm* PtnT.AT.tfT JtTTA Exprett trains li ave New-Yurk, v.a Disbrotoe* tr.-JJ Cortland' Street ft nias, a* follow*: 6:20, 7 :*:0. 8, 9 i9, Cnicago Limited, with Dining Car* nod lo, washington L nnieii. sn 1 ll i. m., 12 :-M, 1. -Jr 3 r^O, 4, 4 :3o, 5, li, 0 r^O, b rmi 'J p. m. and lil 15 nigh... Aeconunodatiuii, a :30 and ll .10 a. m., 4 :19 and 7 p. Bt Bundara, Express 0:15, u c.) Limitedi aid lo t ?., 4, 4:30, 5, ?', 0:30, 8 and 9 o.m., and lilli higtU Aeconiinodatloii, 7 j), m. Trains leaving Now-York dally, except Sun Jay, at 8, 9 and ll rio a. m., 1, 2, I, 5. B DJ m. oed 10 a. m.. ind 0 p. m. on Sundaya, eouneet at, Trenton for Camden. Ticket OflCt*. Nott 1. 435, D49 ru. J 944 Dioa lv,.iy. 1 Aator lluuisc* and foot of D'thru**--.-, and Cor:land', nu.; 4 (Viurt-?t. and BrookDn Annex Station, foot of Fulton--.*-, Brooklyn; station, Jersey City; Emigrant Tlckirt Offlce, Castle Garden. The Now-York Transfer Company will call fer zai ?ek bagoace from hotol* ani re.-lii uces. CHAS. E. PUGH. J. _R. WOOD, Cheek bagsace from hotol* and "re UAS. E. PUGH, _________ General Manager. Gen?ral Pa>s'r Agent. WEST SHORE HA IL HOAD. N. Y. C. * II. IC R. Co., letieea Trains have \v,->r ?2aV-t. s'atioi. ns follows, snd 20 mlnures earlie: (TOBI fool ol Ja.-.-.-i., North K:\-.-r Detr dt and Chicago, 1:18 a. m., *0 roo, '3rl5 p. m. bt. Loulu, '<) on, -3 At ]?? m. Syrae'ts", Buffalo, it cn s easton lt'iil.*e, NI* agara Falls, 3 15, tlill, BL. ?) Oo. ?**:'?"? n. m. CtU-a, 3 :1ft, '9 :55, {ti 11 :30 a. m., ?() :00, '8 :15 p. m. KlnL'tton, Siugertles,, Albany. 3.15, -7:15. *9 55. i..j ll ;30 a. Bk. ls. 4 :oo, *i) .00, -o 15 p. in. Crsaston'S, Wt*! Point. Cornwall, Nev, burg, *3:t.% ?7:15, -r- :55. 10:11, (S| ll :30 S. m., (Si 4 :0O, 4 :I0. I I .. *<r15. (s :45 u. m., and 9:00 a. m., 3 15 aud 0:00 ii. ui.? Cransti-n's, Cornwall, Newburg. For .Montreal ani Cnna-bi Bast, '0:00 p. n, Hamilton, Lindon, "J :65 a. m.. *0 :00, *8:lop. m. To? ronto. ni:55a. m.. 16:00. *i:15p. m. Flegai ii-, for Buffalo, Niagara Fu'.ls, Dettoia Chleairn and Ut L'.ul*. Saratoga Specials, (a) ll .in ri. m., (s. 3rl5 p. m. Draws In-; r- om . irs i brough ; i .--j.j' Lain (ie. rr."', Il riio a m.. Di ri ivlni- Room Cars to Call troll, Saturda] - only, .- 1 :ta p. av Lakes MoaonJk tad Mlnnowtska. via New.paltt. 9:00, (ai 11:30 a. BL. fa) 1:49 p. ni. Drawing-Room Cars to Klnasum on 9:00, n, ll :90 I, bl, (sj Ai', h. m. trains. KastertklU, Hunt r. Grand ll I 8'stion, tod rho.-, nleia, 3:15, 'J :0(l, i-i: ll SO g. m. is. 3:15 p.m. Drawlncr [loom ('.irs to (Irani lintel "( and to Phoenicia 'for. Hotel Kauterskill and MoVitalu J1..U-. , on 0 :00, Vdt ll 30' i- m. mid is :( IS p. m. train*. Palenvtlie, Cairo and klountaln Doaat station, 3 li, 7:15, UrOO, (I 1 I r3o a. BL. (-3:1.-, p. m. Dru wff ?* Room Cars to Catskill o-. (j) 11:30 a. m. and isj 3 .15 p. nj. trains. - Haily. I Dal> exd-p* Satnrrinv. Orh--r trains daily. ixeept senday. (ai !? itt J raejr City, iv K. B - iJ tiou, (a) ll r20 a. bl, (s) 1:40 a, bl ; Il .boken, Wett Shorel Itatlon, fa) lt :30 a. m.. (s) 3:10 p. ni, For tit-ket*. tim-'-tabii's. parlor or sleeping-car i nodatlons or Information, apply at of.ic.-s. Brooklyn-33.T Wa*.hlngti.u-si.. ruo Full - ?-. ?nn t Offloe, toot ,,r fal. on-rit. New-York Ciiy-303, 78ft, '.U2 Broadway, 153 l.j Bowery. IS Park plata and Weal BJ o' iti .ns, f00t yt a/eat t2d-tt, foot of Jay-?t., N- ll* C. ll. i AMBERT, 6 Vanderbilt a,-. General Passenjror Agent. CENTRAL RAILROAD OP .\ I:\V-.TKR.SEy7 l-UOTOP LIBERTY STREET, NORTH RIVER, Time Table of May 20, 1888. I For PIIILADIi.l'HIA and TRENTON. " Bound Brook* Route," a-. 4, 7 :s>, 9, ll a. m. ; 1 IBO, J! 15. 4, 5 .30, 7 :30, 12 P. m. SUNDAYS at 4, b :45 a BL . .j3'>. 12 p. m. Train* leaving at 4. 7 :4o, ll a. m., 1 30, 4. 5 :30. 7 :30w 12 p. m. ha\e eonaoeUaa for Beading, Harrisburf, Pu-t?, ville, ate.; 4 a. bl for Eu-.ton, Rethiehem, Aiiontuwiu MtUCd Chunk, Reading. Harrisburg, etc. Ou bunday f^a La-i on. 7 :00 a. m. for, Easton, Bethlehem, Alletisi town, M-im-ii Chook. h:::o a. m. fpr Plomlngton, I^ihe Bopateonf, F.a'tnn Be-hlehem, Allentown, Mamti Chunk. Wilkt-sbarre, S. ransi ton, Reading. Hsrrlsburg, Pottsville,, Slumukln. Suiinui). Lewl-lnns. Willlainaport. I p. m. fur Pleinln-rtoii, Easton, B-illulienu Allentown. M.nit-h Chunk. Read?g. Hsrrlsbuif :t 15 p. m tor Easton, BetJblebem, Allentown, Mauch, Chunk. WUlKsnaria. Icrantoo, Ttmaqoa, siiamokin. 4 30 p. m. for I-'le:i ingtou, LaJie llojiar.e .rig, Easton. Bethlehem, Allentown, etc. 5 rOO snd 5 :30 p. m. for Somerville rind Ftemlnalcn. 5 45 p. in. f.^r Easton, Bethlehem. Allen'.mu, Mau'ti Chunk. Res-Jan? Baitlsbara. et:. on bunday* at 5-3iJ p. m. 4. 8:15, 11:15 a. m., 1. 3:30. 4, 4 30. 0:15 p. m. ; Sun? da}*, 0:00, 9:00 a. m foi R 1 llatiR. Lona Branch (Atbury Park, Oeean Grove, txoept Sunday). Pi Int i'l r*s, ant. Parlor ears at 11 III a m.. 1, 3:30. 4:30 p. m. 4, 8:15 s. m., 1, 4 :80 p. BL, for Panntngdalo. LAKE* WOOD, Manchester, Toms River. Barn.-Kat, etc. 4 a. BL, I p. m. for ATLANTIC CITY, V'.nelan'f. Brld?eton. 4:00, 11:00, 8:15, 11:15. 11:45 ?. m., 1 00, 4, 4 30. 6:30, 6 15 p ra Bundsys, 0:00. :> a. tr,. f..r Perth Arnboy.' SANDY l|...'K ll"! TE For LONG BRANCH, OCEAN GROVE, ets, PROM I'M II 6, W. U. For Atlaiitle Htghlands, Hljrhlaud B-a.-h, Sea'irlght, Mon* mouth Hca'h and Lone Brunch, 4 :30 10 15 a. m. ; S:i\ 5 p. m. Sundays (txetnt Atlantic lliuhlands), p.a<S a. m. _ For Blbetoa, ftabury Park, Oeean Grove, eic.. 10:15 i. m., 3 45 0. to. Sunlays (txeepl A.-itiry Park and Ocean] Grove), 9:30 a. bl For Lakewi od, Toms PJver ind Barnegat. 4 30 a. m.. 8 -.46 p. m. i't.-k-ls and Parlor Crir ise.its ean Ive proen-red gt 71, 415. BIL 04?. mo. 1121 BroadwaTi Itt Itliava. pTew-Torh Transloi C npanj viii fr and checl| baggage tron hotel bi res?sa re, CHORE LINE-ALL-RAIL BOUTE-JPOH kl . -. | \ ,li.I thti I.a- BVi I l.rilif Central Station u 10:00 a. m and l iki p. m for \ HUI Narragansett Pier. Newport, and Provjdenot and Hutton ?"? I p. BL Limited Expreta . v t, l'nivs Mince and m--*-:..:i. 11:10 a m. NIl-!i' Express for Mew* port, ProvWeo i Bostoo .lally. Palace Parlot <j ; Sleeping Cats to de?Unatl >n._ I Eli IC ll VALLEY RAILROAD. rA.SSI.NGLR TRAINS leave foot ot Cor?aili imf De-ibn-asus ii*- a* follow*: 0 ?J a. BL ("r CataanucjUl md Intermediate polrts. ti a. in. f?r Geneva, Lions, Elmira, ftoehastat, Buc*i? ind the Wett and prluclpai local point*. Chair car tn Elu ira. 1 p. m. for Tunkhamioek and* points. Chalfl tai to luiikhanuock- Ooaaattka to naa_B| aa! liam*. 3.40 p. m. for Pittston tod principal lntermediata point*. chair cai to I- and lt. Junction. 6.10 p. BL f<T Maddi Chum, ami iiterm.-diate polms* Conni'Hon to Rca Ung and liarrl?burg. Chair ear ta Mam-It Chunk. _ ; p. m. for Geneva, Lyona FlmJra, Roeheater, BuN lalo and the Wett. Pullman sieepei to Lyons. ti.16 p. m. for Lsursy* and lnU-rmedlate point*. I Trtlut leaving at ti a. BL, 1 p. m. and 3:40 p. m. eon, ceci. for sU puluts In Malian..y ani tl.uletoa coal ii-a-loii*. SO.DAY TRAINS. ll. ir. for Wauch Chunk, Ila/leton and lcicrmedla'a point*. . 45 p. m. for Copl.iy ani Intermediate i-oliils. 1 p. m. for Goneii. Lyona, Elmira, nVeneaakB- Bufsi lalo tnd tim Wael. Pu'; to l.\ou?. General I^atteru OlUco. Jlli Broadway. 'RAINS FOB BOSTON via New-Yolk and New-England and New.York. New-Ilaveai snd Hartford Rosdt Lea*.. Nl.W-YORK IO A. M.. '3 P. M , ll MO P M. ArrUe BOSTON 1 SO P M . '? P M . 7 A. M. \ PARLOH C VUS ON DAY TRAINS, t PULLMAN bl.H.I'ING CARI ON NIOJBT TRAINS* ?8:00 p. m. Dally, 1m lu ting Sunday*. Other train* (tilly except Suuda)*. Sioeplnu cor ace, i ran be secured at ticket etti, ea, 337 BresdwBy. ind Grand Central Di'pot. 1 d'*AVE CHARLES ROUTI >*> m i ? OLD TGI NT .-"M PO RT. NORtt'LK. PORTSMOI I II AND Till. nOUTIL NEW.YORK. PIIILADELTUIA * N0R7OLK R. ?? Train le*vet toot of Cortltndt and Dvnbroase* ?t*w nally* S;00 p. m. Ticket* and lieepiug heuos saeartft st iny Ticket Offlce ol tb? Pennmlvanls Rallmod Coj,. H. W; DUNNE. Sunk ?. B. COOEE. G. P. IKi,