Newspaper Page Text
UK AL ESTATE. BUSINESS AT THE EXCHANGE. Owing to the Intense heal yetienlay the real estat* BuirKct wst somewhat dulL Rome Interest wtt shown, however. In the tatt !.- Will.mi r. Tool l^ Drown, of No* 712 and 714 \Vafhlngt(.o-*t.. wold pertly by order of lh< iasataai Court *nd partly by order of the executor ol John-G. Ackernnn. The prope-tv consist* of two-*tory, title and Unmeet brick dwrlllnj*. renting for B810 pei annum each. Nu. 712 *old for tT.510 to Jeremiah Pang, bum. and No. 714 for 07,200 to D. P. Brown. B, V. Usrnetl * Co. offered No. 234 We*t Sixty-firs' st., t two-ktory and bsnen.-n- fur. ?? dwelling, on lot 2J5i 100. between Tenth and Eleventh ovea. Tue bid linc rai up Don 14,500 to ti.OOO, st which price James Wslth wai the buyer. Tho tame anctlun-er offered s faclory prop orty. being No*. 859 to 805 Rivington-st. The blddinj ian from el7.000 to 122.000; Thomas F. Pollard wai. thc buyer. Wlllism Kennelly A Brother sold under the di rectlnn of Abner C. Thomas, by order of the bupremf Court, lu foieslooure. No*. 452 sn(?454 West Seventeenth st., two Bve-story double tenements, on lot* 25x77x'.?S eadu They sold for elS.SJU) each to the plaintiff. Tat sale* were adjourned. Ai the Exchange yesterday a fully furnished or un furnished house lu s choice loeillty of Brooklyn waa of fVn-d to rent on moderate term*; a nrst-clas* stoek farm of 205 acre* In Oran-re County. New-York, with a house sf thirteen room* ind commodious ouibufliHic* wis of? fered for SOU at 135,000, and a plot of twelve acreo, ripe for improvement, at Tarrytown, surrounded by fine houses, it |a\aaaj oer t ita (ie..iee W. Van Slcien, soereury of th? Holland Trutt Company, hat ls?ued a circular to the stockholders In thc pM-irsnge. sugge*tli-g that the estate* of Mme of the prom liienl I udder*, who have reiently been embarrassed niiirkt be formed in stork companle*, and the share* be put on the Exchange with a guarantee of the Title Gua rr. mme and Trutt Cnmitany ss to tide. The proposal hat not been unfavorably received and some members think that lt might bc the means of tettiiug matter* on the vt i Bl aide much more rapidly than if the properties ere dealt with under foreclosure. New York, Monday, June 25. 188S. The following were made st tho Exchange tod Butt-on Room tc-day : By Winiam Kennelly & Brother. J! flve-atnry flats, with lot.*, Nos. 462 and 454 Weat r.-h-st.. t *. T*0 ft e of lOlh-ave, lots 25x92 each; G. C. Onri-r. B37.020 By Richard V. Harnett A Co. 1 thr-H-.story fat tory. with plot of land. No*. 35") to 805 Rivingion-*(, * s, 20 ft e of Tompkins ? pl Ma i.\ uri-tr. x70;T. F. Pollard . 22,000 1 t*"'o-t-.irT house, wllk lot. No. 23-1 Wesr tllsust, - a :to0 ft e of nui-ave; lot 25x100.5: J. W*l.,h. 6,600 Bv William R. Brown. 1 three-story building, with let. No. 71* Washing? ton a ? s, 50 ft * of llth-ave: lot 23x04.(1; D. P. Jb-owa. ... 7,250 1 similar building, with lot. No. 712. adj. shove, lot 23x70. 7,610 Br A at, Muller * Sou. of dweUlns*. with lot. No. 405 Esst llOth-st, e ol Ut-ave.. wa* adjourned to July 9. r.rr r.r.AL estate transfers-n. y. city. llih ?t. ss. 104 w sv.. A. 25x04.8; L W. Uavid i ka C. Beret. ... etCloo - ,r- I property, John C. Boret to Valentine Bor*t 10,400 w i-. centre bloek he tween H'.id and 1 "41li ?ts. 100x100.9x125; Hamilton Odeil. ref, to M ? >v il Valentine.29,000 71- it, ? t, 175 rn 31-ave, 22il00.2; Moritz Biuer lo WU um H Childs.15,000 n s, 9i w A venue-A, S5xl00.S; Frank Ktviavb-nar to Altv-r-. M. 6. hntck - ? ? 21,600 BCth-i-t, n *?, 4-21 e Avenue-A 25x100.?; Charlotte V Smith to Della A. I iii-race.7.400 7th st. i. - | j .vj'j.' z , M.ny E. Lor? kins to Terell,, Hraiv.10,825 Cypiassare, w ?, ht s l49th*?t. 24x90: Samuel P. Pease and wife to Chadee Arm*heimer . 5.200 lSl-'-tt, ti *, 268 e Sth-ave. 17x09.11 : Itertiirt II. Jackton and wife to Marr E. Godward . 12,775 EOth st. n s, 175 e Sth-ave, 25.?.i'S.9 ; John Peters in (sarah J. Balla*.24,250 121s;-st, n s, 75 w 7ih-avc, 100x100.11; Daniel V. Kendall to Erilya Smith.80,000 121st-?i. * a, loo t Lenox-eve. 100x100-11; Jame* Kilpatrick to Jame* Carlew.44.000 107t7ii-st, net, 3O0.fcen w KinnkJ'n-ave. lfl.Sx 100; John A. Xti"i, ct al, to Emma Lyon . 4,200 Biter ker* st, n w eor South 5th-sr. S'.mloO, Daniel B/iberl to Geraldine A. Goddart .... fi,000 Weal Catari. Has r Your Titles (.unmount. GERMAN-AMERICAN REAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEE CO. Money to Loan on Bond and Montage at 4 *a per sent. ,,-,,.. - 1*4 Nttsan-at.. Mutual Life Aallulng. mc**, <? ,M1 MouUKUe.,u Brooklyn. Elution Galee of Kcal (Palate. AUCTION SALE, NEWTOWN, L. I. to Bataan Binding ju>u lu the cnoiteat . trt of that village. Saturday Afternoon, June 30, 3 P. M. *iale Dooltive, without reservation, to highest bidder. Music by Edinue r's Military Band. Coila'",on und>- tie larg* ''nu ,, tiri.ri to the BBsf. Maps and free pstset by aldresslng Hitchcock's Real Estate Offlce, 14CH.\MHEU.*-'*>T.. M.W.YORK. Ciln Propnls for Sole. IJV'R SALE.?The 8-?tory freestone keast. No. 441 Lex lngton-avt., between 44th and 45th sta. Address ii ir ir tn, o on-, v v i> n B ll H.. Box 2.29.V ff. Y. P. a Two OLD lim Mis. int 40x93, odjtlnlng Bowery on Broome-st.; good for tmlld-T or sn love- ? I,'. t'AKKl tC, e~ei.r, Grnnd-st. snd Bowery. w|J ".(WI *? !??' R-BT HW BRICK V: OH)Jo".>" !.-\i:..-...ii-a .'-.. near OOtb-st.; lita two iwnatone Ibu-. 20x70x100, ?18,500 each, Tt-. .it of r-a?ltall*tB I* Invited, as tiie aio-;- property avast t>e sold wlthoul II EL W Els KEE, 1 lil' L- \inr.'toir avi., Beti 996Vst Citij ProofrtD Zo tel. Ti LLT. L"v\. ? I-'our - cabinet llnlshed dwfciiiris*: 4i;.'t Lexingtou-ave. .luiiitor win show at oil ?. if. Bowery National Bank. OOt MtlilS"N-AV!... COR 48D-8T?Te I^t.-The O')! .. lurnished aorati bi.Um- (the owner n-servtng some room*.;. Apply on p.ein BB J) lo 1 li. in. Dnoincse Propcrtn Sar Sal: ano >?o Cet ADJOINING Gland Central I* pct, on 43d-?t., attractive tu,r?*, In,'t- p.aus gla** front*; steam BBafc Apply ?Au - ?_ B! 8, 8T0RES, LOFTS AND OFFICES TO LET, oa Beetanan. Ar.n, rcltoa John, Pearl, Will tua, uri meals la the vicinity. RL'LAND a ^HITING, '. I--- Hinair-st. Cvcokltin pvo^crtp -for Gale ano So Crt ]> Li a Ol DESIRABLE LOTS tot sale on De Kilb <-.*-., near bun uer . 75x^00. IUJ.AM) 4 WtllTING. S Beekmnnst. pottle. HOTEL BRISTOL7 S9SUAWB, ANO -M!)-*vT. For (??-. Summer Montos, Large Cool Itoo-u*. with hilt* ?t lar.'.,'.. ?u;f.?so*j?b.e Prlee*. TAT. K. WOOI.LKY. Ii.l LIN'.-, - N. w KnelanJ II*tcl. ?0 Bowery; 2t> blight, sepv-au* room*, 40c., 6oc. ; weekly, 02 'io. B? MASaiOX HOI SE-Urooklra IleUrhts. ot-swelt* Wall-tt.. .Vew-York, foor-ninut-s'w?l* fi* ii iV.ill-i'. tu I Knil*'i isrntt sal tl* Brnl?e. t'4B>ri.*raoo.. ? ii Kli-lias r >x?j ??ol* r ilti. **.>a. toinr.y amt !r*iitl*n( h iielr -'OO r**o n*. Roome ano flats *Zo Cct. J ^u Ltet for three u.outht or seager u. geiitli-mau or gen - UsasBB ai. i wile, * furnished ajwrirnent I" -ne * Ai;?u,ii. 17 r^"i arith-*-., on the apex W Murray Mill. 3 ;_> lour Urw windows wita awalaft ind of parlor, r- ' '? bathroom, .. loao hy. Elevator run* aU night. saauBwr, rii per month. Adtn ss j. u. w., on j liri , ... 'j i i ?? aird ** I' ni. hoaro anb Uooms. B-isui i.'iih wtNTED i.ot etntral aeeommoaiiion, roi^n^uy furled wi'r popular sui 1* tjt*l 1-,Uj-*>t-it. "'*' fl un Gramorcjr i'ar**- _. Iq \v ,; largs furt.i-h d room*, wita board; O Kl -:- "' 141 TH rsi "" EAS'/ comer irv;: ? -- inperlor J :? ,,., ?, i*tl mi- co ., . .,n.modi .us . Imo tuite* ol ? ' ' ? "1** I nerlcaa uble, a* ?urniu.-r Bike*, iteleienee* ex ^^___^_ ., j ;n ?? i i;i \\ ;. 'l ?For r-nr. Iitnd*. melv furlil-I.e 1 >I i .?..,]. room*; new in.uv- m.d new furni i. ??_ t)(\ I.AST 2-.'I? ST.?Htntlaome, airy rooms.with boord; 53 '.:.M trri'isn-nt gBtBlB BetUBilli WI-**sT JtJII) VT.--I.arge l>sik pa lor, hsnjsoniiiv funuthed, with every otavtliicitoe; alao *iiikle Iou EAST 10T1I ST.-S<luaK- ro .rn on second floor; ?><> r.r.n.nj' wall r , also suit Bad ball room with board. -fj | KA.ST '.'-Tl! Bl -Nettly funiish'-i floor; J-I t alas stat*** ?r|d double roon,*., wrtA ot without board; itennaneui or trantient; krrni* very low. Brooklyn. FrnivisHEn nooKn, in* ? 2 oataataai iieitht*. Brooklyn: BtTBtal desirable rooms u- int, ea tuite or Bingle ; ot..: room turtaMo for physician's offloe. Conntrn Pro^crtrj for Sale unb Zo Cct GFNCV TOR MONTCLAIR"- Ilsndaoav! r*?i.-i,eo? __ ?ud building sn..* for sale; lio-i-s rx> let, s. aeon or year. CLAREN! 1. B. TLBUs. i Beok>i^o-s*.. N 1 FOR SALE.-Seashore front farm; .'M *? i'r.'noe's Bay, btattii I Jt.CKNEAV. 45 Lisp- -isrd-tl._ MONTCLAIR. N J (SpeciSltT).-Modern hoesesltor ntl or tale ; furnl?hed resldenee* s/?son or year. Ir-AIISONS di TAYLOR. 79 Cedar-st-. N. T. A .fnru.6hc& Canoes (Ea Cct. MiKTCLAIR N J.?Furnish. I; modern; complete; st? rict ive , comfortable; ? room*; ?'?tison er Itjat; #75 p?-r mm.iii. Itt OWNER, care Curtin. 05 .'?tU_ __________ \ l \v win- . Bt; fully fur* lt iii.h?Hl. vi rv d---. si f boats; all im? provement*: el.-pi I 1 lilian J views; beautiful cmurflls: Indee: tte Ve, fce. : Pw rent tn deslrablu ptrty. TURNER v SANFORD, rtewbarg. H. T._ Conntm Croocrlo fer Cale ano Ho Crt. FOR SALE BY AUCTION on FRIDAY, 6TH JULY, 1S88. Valuable Timber Limits, THE PROPERTY OP HAMILTON BROTHERS. IN LIQUIDATION W. H. XEWIS. Auctioneer, am offer for sale l.v aintr.i.i at OTTAWA CITY tho following Tlmi-er I.rr-,;;.. eOSBBI-i-siiis- oil Puimiin- Kit. r nm! Irtbiltarir*. Blnek Kl?er and Kenyan KJvor. All In the province of Qm '? 7511 SQUARE MILES! ge snd nell Ititi TB leal farms p neral pla ? - :. e.,1,,,. ettea Uaerawitk, aa. sa i.iitineau ICIvrr aud tributaries, rovlncu of yu--1.-. , 934} SQUARE MILES! wltjj farms plant, mj-f-Uee, 4c., Kv. runs of above limits can be teen at Iroverumeul Crown Timber ? Hamilton Biathere* atlee, Su->- I Cit/. Ira* liiediau- transfer of abott on salo b ALSO, with poaaas-toa, say tin i*i of December next, tht property known ?? the Hawkesbury Mill*, owned by the iVott Ina aad aaad for atinufaeiurtag timber from lini's; miu it.-! .rn the Ottawa Uiver, In tat I'm-.-, ince of Ontsrtn. midway between diawa and Moi eonsistlng of four sawmills, with lath and seantlinR-mlll additions, unveil by anett, witt nwtag tapani u of tn i -2.0OU.DU0 Weal Weekly. blscktmitbs', Atong, wheelwrights' ind carpenters' shops, _c ne., i. I tei .. ,-... ?, ... ; forty million feet of lumber. Lame brick dwelllag-boust Wita extensive grounds, ditto stone house, tnl seven good Beasts r.uilt of ? "Kl and one bundled taoaatMta, now at* tooti i t.\ ssaptoyi a Valuable fe:rn in the vicinity of over 1,000 acres, s lirge portion of which la etvered with exc-llenl tlmtv*r. For terms of wle, nisns of profs riles and all particular* apply to Mr. Cha*. Magee, Ottawa. j. j. c. AnnoTT. GEORGE W fl \MILTON, G. C. HAMILTON, C. W. OILHI.K. Trus'ees. Dnmrnrr ucoons. Crescent Valley House, Pawlet, Vt. AMONG the GREEN MOUNTAINS, Opens lt* fifth ? B-**oi. Ji.n-' 1 UttH. ) BfBatlJ fnTBIMtttt; aaa al '-tn.- Bal.a, bot and cold b I -,..i**ed; lei to ai_ i*er week foi June s&a septen uer foe eircsuara, _.-.. a*Mraa* _ ,\ Lt VtSl JJ-. Pawiet, \t or .i ii'u, utt watt XM-at., real aa tai.- ,.-*,. ,-, ilea \ ora. A BKAI TIKI I. -UMMI-.R KF-.IKT. ALWAYS COOL, AND NO MOSOt'ITOES INDIAN HARBOR HOTEL, <.u*-"KV.virii. co5N tv II. V HID, PIKII'lt KTOIt Cl" A I KO ll JINK TIMK idliKK Situated on Lons I-._ti 1 bound, So Billet from (fraud Central Depot, i*M*st., Kau Vork Ex pres* time, i I mtnut.-*. rrimmutat.i.n, 40 eaaia a day. Bead for d sertpUve pamphlet. LA BELLE FALLS CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, Situated in tlie heart of BBS Katarakttl dove, one milo from ra.lroad depot, one-half mlle from pst Uni ind i egrapb oflicc*. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR FIFTEEN. Address fur terms Mrs P I SCHROEDER, ralenville, Grewne County, N. y. The Fatnoii* Meet! arnon;* do Grata Momttln*. Open fro.n Jnne li to Oetoner I. For plan of roouit. eirnuUr* ste., s-oilr to or ait Iris. fi W. *1A( *VOY. ?r J. de J. SABER. 31 t liir-su New.York. THE MANHATTAN BEACH AND ORIENTAL HOTELS Arc now open dur-ni? the *?-?:?-? m ttl the eiit.-r'rinment ?f ft MOORE'S HOTEL, TREN1 X PALLS, N. y. F.:..s- B -'iii'n ru. 1 Fa..* .ii rl.e World. Opens Jur 9._Send ter Clrctti-r,_M. MOOUJE, Proprietor. PROSPECT HOUS?, NYACK-ON-THE-HUDSON. now OPEN. Hobbs rm \ * I; 400 I Improvement* tin I li-' teat a '.' J. PORTER. POCONO MOUNTAIN HOUSE MOUNT POI 0X0, MON HOE CO., Pl SN. i li i -.?. ... f. -. ? above tl le-water. BtafnIBcen' ... ,?? ... ... y ^ November 1. Aceon il rates to J On H., L. A W. li li, For circulars, lc, ad'ire ss E. E. HOOKER rn SPRING HOUSE, BJCBriELO SPill.NiS, N. I, OPEN Jl'XK 10 TO OCT. 1. FOR ILLi'STl'..-TED CIRCULAR AND IXFOItMA TlOX AfUXiF.?s_T. lt P Ki if'TO ft. cATKiiiLi. MOim'TAiaa, TEMPER HOUSE. Open Jnne la "t. I rm rr i.r ?tir OMI Oe s wa at Fifta Avenue Hotel Mjiilav* sii'l l"r. I .rt. or ? liretn J. if 'I Iti: .. PI. ii. Jr.. I'.i ran Ida. Ulatet Co.. X. V. LEWIS F. OOOU-IKLL, M?r, lor seri* of Cranston'! Hotel UIITED STATES HOTEL, lom; BBaHOH. LAIRD <t VAN' ( I.K.AK. Plt.iPRIETORA._ Ll- ? U Ulauil. lt. 1 'l,n.i-?e. Fifteen nm.- a-, tea; laperk bataiag; line n.ias and bluo I MhlaCi 'Ui... boats; pi ga* In every room ; electric bell* , pr n,.-n id. SOO reel pu. e* re.isonaMe. E. A. BROWN, Hop ll* ind Hrtedwpy, N y c.- \\ ..iii if desired, bi ?'?"'?._ BERKSHIRE nu..'..** -The ClsBIn Boase, Bs aaa*. Mus*. Am-m* ii..- romona n-TKniiire HUI*; wtil for tiuo ?ca?iii slay m. Elevation. 1.S00 feet Perfect drainage, *prliii* -.?at.-r. s.-id on* "f la. BsallBleal town* In ail HtW'Eufl* i- Elcventli season City refer? ence*. For Illustrated circular ad' ? A G. CtUKS. Proprietor^ LOCK ISLAND R 1 OCT KS VI KW HOTEL. J m. liuiw ani t.iui- Bshlng , *.U|.*tI- l,aihluR ^5<H? i-'uetts; Lillis; eleirtni mu?ic hu., tine Breaasfis; table oBloe: BtocftTitporu isntVUiok. o. b. Ma::IiI--.n. Marviu** taft suira, BBB Rnalway, S to 1_ a- I; - 1 ir "li Av eu IK '._p. ru C? ATbKILL koUNTAIJi - , i. ii irs". 1 .-: sb i'.-. .i . W, r. "-nlii., paoaaacta, ar. Y. UTI I- AI.llloN. ASBUmr PARK. X. J. - son, ij..^ open. Li ouiy 60 yard* lr, ni iii- ? muale throajrhoat i.'"; sta ton. 'l'in.i>. i^ to *J^ pei *??? -m.. Bl 50 tof- per o>y_. & n pDaaaom. \l i-i.kvx si..Ml na KV BUILDING aili spaa for ?um* Al nn-r boarden Jun SC *.sole. J ? bulldluaa, tieautiful (rri.uii'.*. and surroiuUioni Uoaltbful, BUlel location, lin..? boars I ..rr New-York. llmf tn.ur from Hartford. X.. u '" ? mi ? *-li _ J. ii. Mrl.ii.Cy > bury. Conn. RRVXRI BOUBB, - ION On ike Fun-j., in pisa Celebrtttd for If* superb cuisine ari Oral last In ill re?p?*et* whlta Mounuln ii ?lil find ll the cook tl uni must comforu ii au venlei-t to iheir depoU. 1 I'- MERROW 1 __? SPRAY VIT'.W HOTEL, t , .: th.- U-aeh, cor. O.-ean ? ns.-mii BBBtwa. yOJUPR WHITE, Prop., P. 0. Baa lafT. TI'.j.nton iiufsi. and Care. Astwry Psrk, N -i be American aol European nlaut fie. Bl , Anne*; ?dde4; aa city convenience*. Mr*, hi. V. wai.Ni li II I I HF. Pl and Billtlde. Cool. (UiCI r- -? r* i . pBl milk fr ?-i ekarmlng h*i*^ ai i dr..-. fa'tiirijr. .-'ffctable*: charinln-- walu* arl dru-n. la'IUntr. txisiinif, Babtaa. tenim. h. II- Bl Killi Kt, Mtnager. THE BEACH Hof*-.' AM' ' "IT*...I B, N J \l,st d' sirnl,. . ? , It'-iullfu! drive*. !S,. m.. -i ul I-..--- Adli.-t H. J. C ti. li CHUMP, u*i.< ll TUe I> von li-n. L> ^???i- Pa. ls rn.? tpek. THE -III I..??:**. tn tUIf t-.JH.VK. X. j" opex ? tattjaa ant naataf hotel. Eie rator electric BtUs, jul I arttttaaMa K. ii'iWl.ANn. IB-1LBC1.TON r.\ THF,S \ \\ BPRINC LAKE. NEW-JERgET. DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH, oas a.M) r.LEC TR10 BELLS- OPEN FIMjM JENI In ni rOBEIi Ti" ii K l.I.TI i(v\oi;.II w ' I'lT- MOUNTAINS '"^ C..Ol.NOW HOUSE. g. IL UOO.'NoV/ * CO., Prop'l Jt'riutouia. N ii. Gnuimcr Rceorts. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS LAKE GEORGE VIA THU DJALAWARI AND III'DsuN RAILROAD '1 h.. i . uta to SARIT'-OA LAKE CHAMPLAIN. -lUSABT.E CIIASM, SHALON SPRINOS. COOl'l RSTOWN, THEORAVITY flnannaaaaal Line Hrtwrea nawTatn inti. MaaireaL Direct rel ronimunli*a'ion vis l'ltttuhnrch tn Saranao Laka Iia.-i1 or bt. r ., nie Oom Ni Fur llluntrar- usa litt, lime tables. ma|e* '. - '.. J w aURDICE. Baatial Paaaaagt* Acm. H. G. TOURO, (.-rr. ul .":.... --r. ALBANY, X Y. ADSRDNDACKS. nut MOl NTAIN LAKE. ii mtUTOnj OOtTRTT, x t. PROSPECT HOUSE, BJROR0EW Ti NNICLIfP, HAN AP RR A ' . Hew-York City. HOTEL BRIGHTON, LONG BRANCH. Open Iriiin .lune -JJ 1*1 lo *?r, (. Lilli GIT*?T\ I- Hld ill ?> ?: V re-eu?:iB?*d tor the ? eil??ii. -p, lill nili-s in l::ii ,'.. s _Addre.. n- above, ^JOiIX .S sT'.'KES. Proprietor. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. NEW TICKET OFFICES. ?71 niCO Aim AY iFimilr ?n'. IJPM .I.i-- Honk* on tsle. Coiiiiiit.tniioo mar i.e .n-Mn-l lui rr\- tL.ys beter* tlio first dar ..r'r wini*-. TKhl.Ts tl) lt V \ \ Ml l: i?? KAW \ t III AC .1 1. tll.M-i Alli. AMI IL OFF1CKK ?ItltlllHW \Y AMI IAN lt. ?T. I ll IO BROADWAY, ind al James slip, ?!.I East Mlk-st. Astor House, BM 1M2, I.SIS li .?.-.-.< 142 West-st, lu li.' We-' 1 J.V.I. -I*'. HltOllKI.YN.- btaUoot ? tv.-*., bedford, Lt lan tic ai, I I Bothwick, .-or. liii-hwlck rind Montrose aves.; !M3 Fuli/>n.?? K>7 li. irl ?var f. D..BBH L. 1.(1:.. Wllillilll ,', I'I lt LCI it C tit SK IT*. MAY BF '.I'.T .1V..1- AT OFFICES _ 1ABKKD*. BEA alwaa *. t mou HOTEL I'OW OPES. THE KI*E*sT HOTEL ON IHE ATLANTIC coast. AFTERNOON ?NR EVENING i '\'< T.r.T3 Ry Pro! Ilertr.iril'H I i-lrl.r.urd !lr. he*tra. UABSSft BATHING REACH In Uh n .*. 1'Mi ?pisE ki j. euiLDn '* <IW I.MVs TRNNM QROCNOS. last aaa 1 ro!Vi LOOKOUT HOTEL, np aa FI?*>II AMI GAM 1)1* MKS "Ab Tar- | \ | PRE or tkls Roi . v..-*... ad iiKhtiul llje ill _ LAKE CEO^GH, III I.Ki'?("?* LANDINU HOT; I. tnl eottng'-t. bi* t. I June at. t Bent, ball !?? lin \ rv r-end lor pamphlet and term '-. I' WARD BENDER. Prop._ LAKE GECHC-S. ?OHIt LS HOI -I . At noltsa, Alrtetti ??'! laka lhere. B<>.it*e itah ts, fte i milk ami veaeisbiei from ti iel (arm Tens per weet, Plan* amt Ph itofraphs rr.i\ bi seen al 1S3 Nassau-m. ,Va..i-*-...? Buil ll ., . :. ?? ? .. -.: pa xi hosa usn. MIK I A-T.IN. Rn On the summit of Wert*' M tin- wnrlL Two boara i,..i.. .\ CHARLES L STONE, Prop., Es Of " UrofK House." I. na._ ADLKONDAI KS rAGE, (ti URO iX LARI N 1 riea?**nt!?- 1" St?U bu [rom 'he itk soon i un iinij r-- 1 wiro purl belM for ClICU.Jl. Will ?? | A" IiIllu.Miii KS.-VAL! ; > I! ELI! Lill '? V. oniv - .-I ii. n. n. . ni ii, turn . Has been i i. spared i i care ** ill bo given I ind the l?r-,'o dlniAg liai. .minot BS IB I patted ni tait ??? t.-.u. MBA <: Bill :i" '? A UH.'-' ILSE -A. l\k i: plai id, ? EENRY ALLEN, i ? ? Thl? I I ' tloUK Iii Un- \ of Mino ... Pure april.-" .?*.it-: 1-uIV A . Ul-. 4 TLANTIC CITY. .'? i in the Iii a tl. foot of Ar .?til. BILLARD ll. ii s i.i. Alto. v, - i. X. Y. j wurr:-. MOUNTAINS. Open Joni Mott etatral an ii.- attlna PRIES I (? LEX -1MM1 1 HOT! : f OLEN lil MM r i. I. 7. W I CO.. PA On ' m X"--YofK and t li i -, ?.. 11 - ure. 'In- .... rt'iie* adi lt. ttl] '" thi , turn ' "ii- bbvi For c.rvuiara. itrrmi, 4... I .MU' K. Mi HOTEL OX : Ki V EAST nv. WU. X I. Every. N. J._ AKE 0EGRG1 ll Ol'. It'".?-' LODGE 'inirl *et?on o-k-os Jam IA I '?eilent acvommodatibiia at rn '? a. PERRU, ? I bune.J I *AKE PLACID ' 1> MIKIlOR LARI Xew ownership si ? ? i lement* rxTf.- u Accomuiods BtrcmUr. MIRROR LARK UOTBL CO LiVREL HOrSl \ n'lAN Wi PAT! Il""1 ?' ? L 1 ? n-tr.. BrooklTn ." It m. li ?* iv, New*York. _ M. iCNT \ r li.-:.- n l'. la Bli . lor circular! i.<., t A n * RvJEPI N J.-op* lt lat, lau int. 'a itlUB -l'u feet of surt .'-p.rcial talcs (or J Ulm. A. D | LXK._ ^- -. ? j ' - NJ "|i-n Jun- '.-. . ti., ir I._v - . li. Pilli i Box 2 UT._ (\ AK HILL IloL'SPi, ^ LITTLETON ,N. H One of tho mom ? * > rttws tn th' Walla Mi-..:.' ? r likhw; tu . naptateaaaMa *?*-i.a i i _PARR V JARVIE_ prli .1 bru e. on I k< of IIU1 WILLIAM CRUSH - Vira. RI- il Mi. -ir l . I LKK S. J. . I . .S I I i -s I - ^ ARATOOA fcl'KlM?:-. :.. t Dr. STRONG'S SANITARIUM OPEN ALL THE IXAll i with til th' ..un hydro patlirt bs h* - .'..nus ol eli '. For ilo- treatmt ut of nu j., i- i.i lt ls I rv .mi lillian-, niel with ito* ul inc b \Vat.-r?. 1'ji tn nr.iis ~-,it .. 1>liIJ NANEPASII Mart,! 'ti id Ni k Finest ocean teen ie ta ?.?'?a?t- For _ 1' bpk-udiJ loijtio; .or ?<\ Irena i - I. ' 0NN1 Ll . 1 rtn hi; vii rORl v. J -li.'. n. y. burntly Hr.' elsa* .'nor j ... l ? arly in ' i j a- '-??: Broadwsj New-Yaifc, 1 to i p. m. T. KI I.-ii-1. owner and uti pr ? Till. I.i.HM AX, A BJ. J. n ill tho year; ti.iariie J md Heit ly f. Mr*. F W LEI LN. T HE THEM SEA HUT. N. J. B. W. Li Winter aillre**, _ CIXNAMIN-ON, N. J._ ll * UREN HOI bl tr Tin band -??. - - tn nf ort* 1.1 lae In X>w l i hil !?? "li t- il I'.'! i ? - i- ; ali the ri nulli. (.,nu.! jt Hr-- ? .tiur-lies. Uni pns _WM.I.! \\| li SO HT H WORTH. U'HERK TO M'EMi ll. -I UMBB* lt you Blt ex.*.I ... copy of "bu.. .. .Hilario alni VA.atein i.a. j 901. IM-l Ld-lli llr.Mi-ii ,.i; oh... . 1..I tad L*..?i l-^-.tii au In Brooklyn ar. 4 i ..ort-i . SOO i il , au and H/7 nroailwrtv. Wiii-an_ibur? ; alO Maabalta li*., OrttiupuiAt, or tr In *'an>pa lo J. U ANDEIU.ON. 0. P. A., la Eachaufe place, N- T. Summer ucsorts. a:)Iiiom?.l( k*s A.'IKOMILi hs BEEBE HOUSE. LEESE V Ll.I EV. El*?**E\ I ll. * L. 8. ft n i. Ort. 1. A -s Sihj. Ueautlfuil- . tn. he.irt of poi El .-.. .. i r**rr-.. i mom* m uthti 1 with aa*, weil vcnulatel. lr-?. ti.niit* txii**, bilr nattrr. -? | hot ind ell - f fifer r batb -. t. l-kTHiih .-nil-.-. Car* lol . I tUldf to ant - .,-cuiar. LELAND HOUSE ANO C0TT^8E8, S' HROON LAKE ESSEX 00., X. Y. hi* p. pu a. hotel ?ul bt open for the *ee*on from Jane li 'j October L Act.. mn.i..|.itiou.*i f.o - _ L IL ft E. D. LOCKE ?____, AI-IROMIK h?* RICHARDS HOUSE, And MA..-,. .N ii'.i SE ANNI X oo I_ke Cha' M. A. CLAKK, i niv.t hotel lr; \v ? leeReM table. fviS'lriB. riilinr.-, ashing . ' Ti legrtph offli*s> lu '"' ii Ti-rmt ... fri f.n-liitie* J r 1" Iv .-ri"- to til j A linmdacks. careful drivers will me**: u irrlvsl of trams or bo*U on notice by telegraph, run-hate titrket, to Wett port- Free 'bo*. bend fr dretlar. ADIRONDACK HOI KT LINS r SfiRANAC LAKE HOUSE. ., ," (s.i.:i-ia-- In-.. **ti. on i Lr-aucay il- lt- Enlnru'i I. Bewly turniahod and lu perfect tanit-iry "'? 2 0 ti f si elovsl 1,000 feet pla/re. Emi? nent pnyslclani .??? onimcnd climat.: for lung aili throat troablea Malar . and bay fi a Splendid trout ti*)hliiK and hun'rn?. open 1,replace* In par* i offlce. 1 ii le be*l In ute n. i ?''<?? best at Saratoga. Opes M..^ l -,. n,,v. i Bead foi lllu?ti rn i . *a?IL0 n BULLER, Proprietor, Sarsnac Lake. X. Y. A DI KO'*, PACK ROI NTA1NS. THE WINDSOR. ELIZA Iii.TM TOWN, V y .. ,-, | ,,? ; ? BOBBI of the mountain -... n-ry. C ba rm lat drives rtriiate in ?very direction. :*ure, dry. hraclna bU, ttonderfully eon. (lU--|ve U) tOOd (|0 tuns.,', malana. Kuan int* water on every floor ? mountain tpring pure. Table teiond to none In the vdi n n ia ks. berni dally ms 1- te snd fr m New*Yt rfc, Tele? graph, express md tickel offlct la boast. Kin.- tennis court, am .-? : tarmi ot ned by the proprietor supply tat bolus with tn I bundi past m.Ik. eresm, butter, eggs, vegetables, tc. Circu? lar null city relate ._ORLANDO KELLOGG, Proprietor._ RW IIKdOK HOI Sf _?_ AOIUOXDACK MdtMLlN ,.''-- N V. rinlv three teaug.) R K I.;.. ?? brook trout tl bing rn ri \ k.-. Air dry ind lnvir-'oiarinr.-. | ., ? || nt i , . tallies, milk, cream, uti brrok troui during tl . -Wi furnlshe i rmi venrl chi .fr. renlsi ?* I i cit* : r. rent ? _ li CAM MUON. IT'.p. NEW-TORT, R. I. OCPLN HOlSty. M I 1DNB 27. 'or . . ?., ?* G. WE/ V* p.. _ or V.-I 'I l R, JIL tr. CO., _ l.V'....r ; . ii .1 se, Ni.w IfORK CITY. NEW TAPPAH ZEE HOUSE, **>nr|..nii-tbr-lluiis, in. * L blt po* a . - * flrst-i fi-.rni -ie 1 ? -.3 D. WINI Ul.oTEl GGEAii AVENUE HOTEL, huetts*** I- l. N. "? ii m serf snd ttlli .-. rm,h.; ur -ur *-\NI HI' WEI KS PAVILION HOTEL, URO, l. r. Opt i: \ GILRERT, Msutger. a from New*Yorl ? I bri ? : i ?? - - _.i . - . N. 1 -i ?:,.".. i . , ir MILLI .. . BALL i BPBINO HOUSE, HUM li l-l.AMI. If I. Fin*-' Bt -i I ' i? n from I'l..1 .er !l - ll irii or .- ,- li. Uti - Ul Juli l.'.'li 'I i- LL, 1'r.e. THE HOLLYWOOD EOTSL, long mmm, n. j., W i -? V -, :.- uutur| i EKK'K HUEY, Tlie :. _ e-ARATOGA *rt:iM.**. UNITED STAThS HOTEL I irorn .flinn '.'1 tn Otk 1. 'KIN-**, OAORA I'KRHV. Ll -ABLE i ll L-M *s \. . . r ... M'.ITfl HE ( Ll -ai l.? II'T l i . Ilo ?? maj wiall to - Hailed en i. ? ; ? . ? i. poitatio'.N SAN LOAN, X. Y. I.liii Pl U IO ST IOE LIM. Only eoocb line tl ....-, new lour* . . v ? v 1 ? li v li. IL H.. Wet tGNEW BROS.. 1 ? I! Ll.i'li'** " I ? Til L.'l (IMO!iv. . n I ,??? ? l.t.ll .- i il. ll. lr. J . . ' . -? Y TllrJ Lilt l-lll lt.* BAS II kSBOB, -I LINK. Bl Of tho ocean, ?. i ll- I - lard . I Inn.- lin. M. I. BA LC H. 0 I. square, _ t RT l'.LUK, X. J. -k , ,il Kl \\ 111)1 -E. ', 1 by addition of a lane bl rte .io j i RALPH, 1'raatletor. C'ATals 1 I.I. MO I" NT.kl.NS I'UtVi i H ,-r In ri year. Twt at. s 1-. bCyJ i. Tiep'r. C1 AKI.l N il' N. J - Jil J Ul.'J aol acp I I. HINESON, Propi t* i IRT ?. I:! - w - -' :. ".'? Titi * '".'. >.<.:? ?S.-..-I. un Wi ir.--ii Jun 2; :.. tk popular hotel i.ii-1 ?? oppot ti ?? nilli - belo- N?t Lo ens ami I i'i. r- r. ni iii- House New* * inter I tli-r wafer. ? 'i- -if If you i'.. sn New-York. Jrop in at _ nlOHi i.-,;i ii ll ll iL'SE.?Open until November; j iter Oap Bl '? iri-iir i- .ii.-r Eur irir.u.a,* fenn. H. LLLAIRE SPRING MICE |;:.\'II. N. .1 lin ii.. . . . . RICHARD BARNEOAT CITT, rilS-H Jillie 10 tO ' ? r..l,.T 1. Terra*. ' '-?_ H-- '..WW I ri LY. N. J ? ?I-. . ,, ,. li IIILDR1 II, 1' ?i ii.,. ir, Ik. f ? FONO POINT ll "TEL. i s] se! l LAKE NI ' U llhln stght ' EXcepUonal ..- ai** it* " ?'' ? Itadld b< ueh. ol.. - ? ' ' k ? Yo::-. O-.i-iVi LAKE HOUSE oear Peeksklll, N v und* un.) ? I h enlarsod. Tlie Bt no ". larno airy l.-i.iio is..- ?i***cial rate* (or June ?,,( J..1IN 1' TEtlRV t huN, Pioprleturs. Rlvtrhead, L_l.__ > ' ror European m<*th'?',i .( tums Buluhai ?*? PalvarliaUoo, , t ,.( l;.--pir.n.,ry rji-fsn.. si , ' '? ?inipbli-u ainu*. PatlU'iu il npen Juni 20th t-uaw 'nUt- l juII.N II LARDNER t nORtV B RI ?OUSE vi.c.: nm I vt ~ IMl^a*d; ti.illy si,,.ni.:s to sui from LakB rabie ; pur. ' air; no -laUilj . tio l-i h..n " w s .-,. GAINER I'i'.prletor. T-nOUBAND I 'MIX-sTUR. 1 w. . . ? Alexandria Uiy, V \. Uki Thousand Ri pa | to al? P-*. wee* Serial mu-* i- Ht to r.-nt. IWQLRHART. Proprletot, I' NITEO STATF" noTF.L. I ATLANTIC 'MTV. N J The btnjasl and Lesvllnc (loci. i.l-K.N--* Jl-XE -ii, lBbd. LUrrj* fl. Warien, Maug'a D- IL BROWN. Snmmcv tte-sorts. "AVON BEACH HOTEL, HATH Bl M R< I* Li NOLL* OPEN sadat n.* management. - fi. 8, M. ill etor ROYAL VICTORIA Hm K.I.. Nassau, X I'., Ilanama*. Tr?.n? from Brooklyn, or butt, fr* I'., X. Y.. every hil, heur. Surlir* Line t r 1-t, X. lt, N. Y. COLUMBIA HALL, LKHAMIN sI'KINi.s. w. Y. In tho hight,t of tin* I:, .kafclrt HUI*, will OPEN JUNE BaTI] ins i,.? pi iBinatssd JeKa-h'.ful drive*. on le.Kt.-*. medicinal balli*, urarid trcnery, no malaria, no assaaaitoee N>?|T futrl.-liet last fi-.-i. Applv to J. v. JuRDAX. Pitasloser, lietel iiati.iuon. 608 alh-ata. CRANSTON'S," WEST POINT ON THE HUOSON, SEASON XOW OPEN. Htilt h<*ared by tuarn and room* by open grate Ure*. Diagrams nr.iy be i-e-Ai and roon.* engage! at the New York Dulci, Now-York Lill. _ IL CRANSTON. dutches iioim:. _, paw lim;, lil I Hi.i. io.. .\. Y. novation, -no f.,r, perfect sewerage; pure spring wsier; no malaria or motqultoes. Largo t.ri.-k houte and two Que.n Min.. cottage* with beautifully tba led lawn, r.iKiu?*t tnd ti orita eH?,nj?; drltirin*. bunting, tithing. Tablo a tpeeialt] Xew bubb. Per <inu..i.t artdre** ^^^^ WM. I( BDRROUGBn, Proprietor. "hotel kaaterjskillP CATSKILL MOINTAl.NS, H.t. KOW 0PI..V R\TE? KIM ( ED MIC t woe': an 1 upward during July. Railroad acceo* dire, tt the BotsL beni for circulars to I W. F. PA Mi E. Manager, k nanak Ul P. o.,' _ o:? .ns* Ctaaaj, V._ HOWLAND HOTEL. I.OXO ilEAXt II. t-eason of IBM willopo* THC USDA Y. Jauo3L ApplttaMaaa may be made to HENRY WALTER Proprietor. Albemarle Hotel, Miliin.n r**i|Ujri\ Xew-York. Leland's Ocean Hotel, lom; BRANCH. OPKNs JUNE I BTU. WARREE LELAND, Ja MASSAPEQUA HOTEL BOUTD 0\ 5TER I'. LY, L. . NOW OPEN. A npw hotel nni nts ?l'na'<-'l en Great South li:-.-, overlooking lin Atlantic Oeean; SB mllee from Lona Island City or Brooklyn, excel len 1 drlvea Ano g, 1.1 thing ii in improveflBesu; furnished; rate* front 112 1 1 s sk upward _ I. TB M LN, Msnagtr._ MONMOUTH HOUSE, OUTER mu.;-. BELOW LOMB HI'.AXCH.) Spring Lake Beach, N. J. For lattas aad lafniBsailiB aaataai 1- 17. M lltby. Rouse, or Rete! _uayttta, 1'iuia. REAR BEABRIGHT, NEW-JERSEY, ? I . Hoi ia 1 . ..1: ? 1 eater bat l-? \M> P. EARL! Owatt tad Pr.prletor NORMANOIE BY THE SEA. ? NCW-JERSJBT, ?bal ? ? ? aet rmi Pr .prl SPRING. Baal BUMMER HOTEL LOCOMMODATIONB IRVRW H N Ci 1 ?-. M ? Consiiiii|itlon in 1 "??v*7 of POLAND WATER, lift ntl (.allon*. Beatty J.OOO.DIIO Bottle*. Th ip ag rn the '" ted viiti, anti - HIRAM RIC KER t -".\>. Proprietors. Depot li; l Baaasut Ot ? Tribune Hlil?. Battd for Circular. THE KENSINGTON. SARATOGA SPRINGS N V . Oppo - i''i rt. I ur rr..- Gar: ratoga. r tor 100 gu sst* 1 . et. _ PAUL -_ THE KITTATINNY, DELAWARE wat: ill, GAP, I ENE., NOW OPEN. l-oi encular n.d w.n.* ?* W. ,L. B KO Dil EAD 1 SONS. \BBURY PARK. X. J.-'-I., lure." BM Otb ave. Un? obstructed 00 1 . - lons for twenty ri all y.-ar. A. li. M LR HART,_ BATH 1.1 Ll II 1 Bel ! 1 on ihe Lower B*y, H minute* fri ?1 eltjj! foi I-athing; hu: -f. T. LEWERB. Blv in \n. n 1 ? - tm j rt-xlevue- *ni etea Jon.- 1',. ont block fi . I Banlent Bay; ?u \ fl waler, jj-or - \ H IINSON._. CiREBBON SPRINGS PENN. Main Line Pennsylvania P.i".riB_ On X p of Alleg-sny Mob i >. SUB MOUNTAIN ROUSE Kow oi>.-n. 1 10a, For circulars - WM R DUNHAM, Superintendent, Crinia Penn. (? VI -K ILL Ml - ' 1- . bo . - Cor circular ad :l:e-s il. .- . ? . X. Y. DLIsY ' .-1 . '? '. \ II. suuiUK.-r b. .1 . nos, ai'lre** .. ir ? '.- RR J 1 \ 1 KILL I ? vJ.NS. fr-rn .Inn- t..lober. For Illastrstea e*ri*t!ars -?'?'.- I i ' iii: ..-?-, x. Y. Hui sTAURANT KITCHEN WARE, ICE CREAM II'.!.I/. DAKERS' ANO CONFECTIONERS' UTENSILS. JAMES V. WAT KIN- ' BUN, IB 1 stearn --. I ARE t'liAMrr.LlX -THE WESTPORT IXN. " I? A . lew of lake ind mouuu.ii-* , i' il ag, fishing .ml rli..- .lines. Aiiretia MRS . S. v._ Ll li has. ll NOW OPEN. THE WINM-OR COTTAGES. Ct 1 r-sve., hs I bloeg from 1 ? 1 m. _\ . LBS FAMILY HOUSE_ I)ARTI! i ?' - Ot Summer Recreation Finning, Boat* itu; and a pleasant I. .-allon on Lake Ontario od I Lin ular. II. II. GILL, Henderson. N. Y. CJt'X'blDE FARM.?1.? s.n. be rnjojrttil rn i7 all re*;.eel- iiv making boin* a; **uri?iito Farm, Arra, s. V. , terms B_aeiat?. tor' tartha! ii_ir_aiion addie** is above. .. _RTON~ilOTi POPULAR J O 1 W-. MAY. X J. New Ownerthlp. New Management Newly Fur nlthcX Pertert Fine*) beach 111 lue noiix open.*. Jane 30 1 rUEO. WALTON. Propry Lute ol Bb J taws Hotel. X. Y. L.ATERL'1 li ' Jl In UM CaUk?lsj on a"'farn7 1 ; bigk ele . . - sd in M S. L. SATERLEE, Tbe ?omer, X V. Count? Douro. 4 BEAUTIFUL private home for hummer 'guei?tt: one fl. or tv v (amilft -. er j -? 1 1, un*; j large elegant g_nslon. loeatJ ... i- n i- i view ; 0. ju-ii,ii iiuu . ?: lawua, awn tenn;-.. cn..|U t, lt?de, fruit, kj*. net ana cU waler. 1 its 1 3 liv pot*, .'.-vs a?aatae ..; about an h.^"ri fi.. ' . lent lunn Ai lr-.--- C. ^?. lsr: W lilia nt* st., il 0 mr, or , ill fro.n 'j io ll. a CCORD X. V.? .-suriiiner boarders wauit.1 ."*? j., f.inn buiwe; bl gb - evatlon; bee I th j locatloa: ihe ii.e-i prosp of Lake il ih ink ind L free r..?'itiq nn,i i part talara addi aaa RENJ AM IN II. DEPTJT. 1 bi'lLi V HILL COTTAGE-! a: 1 A Jil re ; 17 c.i *lu. i .1X1 B MEL1U8, Ctpske lion Wink-. X. Y. ' no ARD ON A PARR LoeaUoa lush, iuiliiifui; pieai I > tallon; reP-ren ? A . -- a Jt? H., btis li _-. Dutcbi ts Lu , N. V. r iii/ARO is*, a in-odal ori anioug L tko mouataiu*: tern? uioderaie; citj reer-ne-.a M. 1.1:1/1 E, ClartKeek, N. ll. C:Y BO x RD il - .1 i rulla. Apply lo E. HAW. in-* r. -. V _ M ATS KILL?L Ullgblfully sit I pie ground nrai-cl*M a. ?ounooiiaUont; ? -? ' : I -, r. I LAWBORRT, K< S. T. PatjBBl ut, bsi tier, 1 ran mm riii.i . . - vtat.-r, magnificent views; sds ORT i\_ LRU ?? Wilton jsiomlnsry oa >!*. MeOtttr. 1 r u B 81 '?? f ? ''- Bs ? - 1 BB to BlOi >P*--ial a us u. ? ' rr*. '. Y WI on. X Y. I f Lint ? 1* Mrs. J B. Ci .i.i-l. 1..1I1C.E FARM ? Pl- ritinr . cilut- a-liji-tfui ?.?*ne7yT I > ???? Wu.. U I) 1? \ . 1. ??, X. ll. I^OUR GENTLRMEN or two saapls ian (Int ?letlt-abl* I ,.u pi I vate family; h.m.l-'?i'i ILtBV .me; ls-g? gioumli on Caltad-s; ld than an hour nm N. I., i ininut***.' from ami, ti Call or atltlre? iDVJ RTlbliR, 1-- Wriirmi. .l, aa no,**-. i'AMll.11- iii .-.1 l-l Mi ' OMPORT in beal thy loeaUeo ! IBOI ..ii lirK1-' tann; Ti uitnut-'t fipm dLJ, 1 1 ilBBBM I n. tutloti. Mr.. F. SMITH, Loctitt Valley, .ni largs (?inr_, 73 mlnut.-t fioni city, _ ?1 fr n. - .iird. 1- :.A*js DOARO rn * MOUERN OOTTAOR ? " laig-' sddliloai and ets_no_a*ai reoott; teutraUy oi:au:il ind uewly furuiHlied. Ul ITtoiii ?L, hartt-m* GHI rjEALTII AM' ri" -? rom*. Rot I 1 balB : hird l.x-*ti..n : [imui I'll Siisae ; uno -,- - ".uniiz-r limited. ir.o-sj a? rmg a eoUilirj li o.." I .r in*- sim, Hov 1-., I V Ll iRaNT HOME far INVALIDB li-tut rm ground*. ..-r vle-> .lil.I- 1c.01uno.lai om . laiy lu charge ntl nirne. Adrtre** Mia* _TL'ART, bherman N Y._ [' lui. NOTH 1 I'artle* dsalrlna board st farm bouts L aaiung Ute CaUklii*. n( moderate tale, *ilrtre*? ll, MOM. Urns oil vuie, R. Y. " mn6<mcnla. A FUES8, A PUBLIC, UNANIMOUS! ia. M??uiltceiiuv inumiilunt uroiuetion at SALNT GEoKGE, CT ATKIN ISLAND DODI DRAirri . St meet itnpeB-ii-w*, realistic. *ti\-':.v and inrsrlng neiuUTg* < oi*-u-air buuiiii'" rii-bl'* spetiacle. NEBO, BEBO, OE THE FALL OF ROME The grandest ?ceuery ever painted, on the greatest stage ever erected. Two tnnussna human being* In tko eon> ptny. llittorieal ubletux of bewilder-lna beauty. R-> nju charlot rtcen, n**rce haud-ui-hand combat*, traine* tthl.-re*. a rhor.i* of OOO voice*, elephant*. Hun*, tigers, gladiator*, knlghta. _. _ . __ THE CIRCUS MAXIMTS AND NERO'S PALACE, and a thousand otter tn.a*ing sight*, the eoual or artii'k were never before presented to the Amerl'tn public; the whole concluding nub Un; UirLI'ngiv picturetqutt DEMTRCCTIO.N OP ROME. Admission. BM.; granl tund, 2jc. extra: thlldren under ll, haJf price, famlJy tiekeit st reduced lat.r*. T'.ket* for oate at ?'.l the H. i O. Railway oSI<e*. at ttl principal hole!*, st Hn-nunu't, Union .fc-uare, and on ska tullun* of the 'ievated railroad. *>tat--n Itland Boat*. Battery, every 10 minute*-, ftra lOe. bummer -'RVtiTAL LVAVE from 22A-t_. N. H.. ind J.-we.l't wharf. Brooklvn, every evening; al?0 GRAND REPUBLIC, beginning Saturday. June BJ; round? top, 23*. _aT>EUGHTPUL SAIL T" THE GROUNDS. ,. A LOVELY, BRKEZ1 BAILI -> AT ERA8T1NA. STATEN ISLAND. BL I IA rn HILL'S ? WILD WILD _ LA'11ST. ?" WOT. S wild, wi-lrl mlr/hty exhibition. RAIN oR SHINE AT I ANO 8 Jr) P. M Staten Inland botts every 20 minutes: fsn> ottlt lr>. f then railroad, ttlearn.rr Henry E. Bishop from Jewell's Dofg, Brno kl rn. 1 rs-5 p. m. and 7 p. m. : fun*, round r-ltv only 25c. GREAT FAMILY DAY OUTING REAOlLB A IWrethnieii** tt papular nrlcti?Good dinner. 50*3. CAMP OPEN BO-RDATB ADMISSION' 25c. GREAT DAV ATTI". XfTION*"" AT ST GEO ROB t-TATE.V ISI.LNO. TUFBfMY**. THCHMIW-* and saI'I'HDLYB "THE HERO ol' NIAGARA ELI THE OXLY ORIGINAL AXO IAJROCS BLONOIN M.OMliN SUPREME MONARCH OK TIIK HIGH ROPR f und*T tb- msnagen.- rt of IMRE KI KA I.KY M. Tllondtn will perform oft a ripe placed st sn altitude of 120 feet on eairh of the named day* st 4 p. m., for o limited asaatB onlv ._ADMISSION. Soe. :_CTIIT.riP.rrv, 2J5e-_ BBOADWA1 THEATRE T.-n.jrht at 8. Broadway, eafatf 11*1 tk Sa?iirt*riT matin,** at 2. __Bfkataaat, taBsst aad coolest theatre lu the world J. C DUFF THE i OPERA OOM PA NT._QUI TX s MATE._ BATTLE Tho Great Wsw Drama OP Iti'h-st. and ith-ave. l.ErrVsBCIt'.. Joly ls:. -J I, ;i i ..nd 4UX. Annlver*?ry of the (rreat Battle. An elaboraf- tonvonir will lie prei-enl-M to ea,*n vl*i__ Uader Hie marrngemi-nt of J. M. HILL. ^^^ CA-INO. ~~ Broii-Iwav and 3?th-B_ Ev-nlngK at 8. Ma?Bte Sa'urdnr st X "THE PHENOMF.NLf.8UI CES* CONTINUER* HUNDREDS TURNED LWAY NIGHTLY PATCP.OAY EVENING. JUNE >rTH, SOUVENIR AND i.ALA XIOI1T, A*f*i I0TU REPRESENTATION OP THE bi'ARKT.INU COMIC OPERA. N.VDJY. RECEIVEO WITH ROARS OP* LAt'OHTER. Roof GARDEN I ONCERT AFTER THE ol'EKA. ADM1SSI0N Mc, InelLUlng Loth enteriainiiienta DVS MtJSEE! Wax Tableaux! it'll HOej ART OALLERT i_lDELYI NACZrS HXJNOAKIAN HAND. _a,- I., m. Mystllylng Chew Automaton. _ f;HAND o|?KR.\ HOUSE" Vt Revived Mata lOrcbetira Circle and D,il?--nv) IUH. To-night. Tonight. _UNCLE TONrBjCAnJ/N_ JUST COMPLETED-PANORAMA. JERUSALEM AXD THE CRUCIFIXION. "There waa darkness over sll the land." Milison-a-e. and i'.uh st. Open day ind night, MADE COOL ARTIFICIALLY. E MADISONSQFARE TilKATi/j: hod Air. Mr. A. M. PALMER . . . Sole Manager. .ntl RICHARD M LN8FIPT.ii At Ch.-vrlal in A PARISIAN ROMANCE Mr. ManhaVli's Farewell Appeal ance Saturday Xlr:h'. ??* Monday, faly 2.EFFIE ELLBLEitjn ? Ti-- karpi .- - TERESE GARDEN.-To-njRht, st rnaa7i t-iierii. Byway narwa. Vfedaeeday, aeaaBt lt Ans;. Fa tin lt ju. Thu:-slay. Ka'lnli/a. Fiiliy. Nanon. rALLACK'8. Uader the .Hi-eerinn nf \tr. Henrr E. Abbey LAST V li K Ol-' THE LADY OB TUE TIGER Hy Um MeCAULL OPERA CO. Monda*-, fuly IB, ? le Opera. PRINCE MEI IIU8ALEM. !!-.- ? MeCAULL OPERA co. >v Cbc (Tart. pONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB* *-* JUNE MEETING. ! BBB TUESDAY, JUN I Contintiiiiz WEDNESDAY, J ENE 27 ani 11'Xl-. 23, 2D AND :.0. RACES COMMENCE AT 3:30 P. M. Train* from o'.il. B reel i-.-rrv, .mi Boat* fit.rn fuot. LVhitehaH-eC. half hourly. LEONARD LV. JEROME. Pres. _J. O. K. LA WREN! i.. Bee'y. __ (SPECIAL PAELOR-CAB TRAIN Igbtbi IO tool East MUVat, 1 ;iy i. bs,, Imnu li* City 1:40 p. m. for the C. I. Jink jr Ctatl Bl Trset. Drn lj3o0ijs If WWI Roll* Calat fcUttiaga f.1 TS roll; Fancy, ai; |WU" Beamle**, art to ta. Pim M utm. i. Cnrp. lini**, Kanry Cha rs, Tibet. A. Lister * Sons. Tit R way. Ct-gul Notices. N ; otic E. IX BaW ITTflW TO JURORS FOR STATE COURTS. ,.. otficf. or nf. r fiuuistioMra ok jcaoaa, . *?? BOO! 117, M Ht A KT Ul ILLINO. f Cbajuasa wTttrr atii hb-iai -a *y. ( BlW'l OHK. Jlluo 1, 1^8*. J App'.l' allon* for exeiai.'i.oim vt ll. uv. hcirl Ure, fromi 0 tu 4 dally, from all pertwtt* li le Ol n ?i-rvlni* wat h<ive betro-i.u .r-..n.pi, ani a.. ueeUel Inlorins tlon will De given. T-OSt who hate not ann-eit-d a* to their Ilatillrty, or pr. v..j permanent exemption, wr , ..ry "enroll linen in ' ri.ju.i.i.^ .ii- i.i lo <pi/-?r t> me this year. Whether Uah bs an? si* ..rod in peritoii. if po**, ole, ani tl tills office only) .lol.-r rt vere peas! ties. Il naat brina; proof of exemption; if llaiiie, he iimnt also answer la bwb. ?s-ii, Kivlng mil and eorreel bb?m. feslifcinrr. sta., e'c. Nu itt. i.-:..n irtnd to leiti ra Per*.n., ?? ' nu,I.i- ns liable must terv wh?-n etllM or Bay rie-ir ;iiie?. No ??'-'?" ' ? lae will ts j.. i?ed "r inter? ferer,. ?? permit tel}, 1 io- ? f unpaid rill be entered a* JulKriii-nts ii|mn flu- property of 'r.** tellntiuenta. .va food stUaens ?ili nil tin- coatas of ;'i*fite, and t?* -?I . reliable snd reapec'.sble Jurie*, and t-uLtailit tin jr ilutr by tervlBj pronrptly wiifii aummoned. tllowinrf . i'-rk . ani tubordintd - '.. - rve, r--;. Il v al tempi at bribery or ev.-i i .... - for ea* rollnent Person* Bttwetn cl\ty ani tevtnty reata ..f egf, aummer al ma b Bpi l li Uj Ul. jn 1 United bta'.-s jurors aro not Siempt. Every mau mutt attend te his own BO tl et. If la a mi** demeanor to kIv? any ;nrv paper ? i tnether t.< nnnwer. it lt uImi ptnltkable riv tine ai hnprlaociB at ia. ?elvo any pre??nt or bri:-.-, aireetl] or Indirectly, in rela? tion to a Jury tervli-p. or to withheld my paper or maka .-hiv false statement, sui tvet] tatt will be pio-: cuied. CTIARLFA r.r ri.t.V. _ Comml-sloin-r of Juron. VOTKK. Jil Uni ted r-t-i'e* of America Tn rhe Clroul* ol tin* init.*d ftataa r..r the Milli. Dtatriei of AlaBw . Tte American Loan and Trast Compuny i, The Montg.merj and florida RaUwaf s In "<lul-r i owipiiisy. I indfr and by virtue ait * -l en ?- tattled ea ll ? t\ k Bal of June, 1**8N," In th- sh fl . |.-r s_ sd, Special Maa) - . etiidance with the provttli ns of **uii ttn, on Tiiuivlav, the lirii day i .' July, 1 - 12 noon, in Inuit of f-bUM-ry, Stat.- of Alibjina, pr auction, to th<* hipie- i , . Ol.- -riid the Montgomery and J .?.ins at Monttuwtery. - thence in a aontncaaierl I n Florltla, aol B s between -? rl'il". lnK therein rhe mad*, iv rind tiara, tOtTlbai with all tho sup. rtuueturt-. A- |*H wrouiid*. -i.ttiyn I naterlnir piaf-s worh -I, ip*, ma ti t- lin. ks. turnouts, lon,-tal.!. .' nx' tures, lomriKiUve*. tend m. n:*, ani all oilier pni|>eriv wh t - i., .-.-,?,. ? dlnarlly used tn optraUnn said railroad and all rlirh'i tu! nrtvUeats of way. m tranalt, which are mw ,-. ., ttructed, |.un*hBM>d. a.*quin-.l, l , by tali eoir.pany. amt p<*r_iiiliig i., ?an \?. . ,,f r, snd Bil i-nrpurare CifhU. lilKlli-t-* and rranchi*** i_ rmpsr.y, tnfether with ail and tiiisn' tn. n's, h. r.-l. ai...-iit? aim anpurd- i*-it.-- t,u.|?BB_ ll loBtlcir-a porUoti only o'. - a ha\li_ b.,n r?n" strurt.-il The pitt.-hater st and *al- i.m*r p?v th<- tum ,.f .1.1.. *"*?>* '.i-l. a* |:*irt [.,y,;?.n.. ??* , ? . of,,,- *,?,. ?? ?.,,,.. (lf ? ih" * ,' parchaa.. mom.? n.n-- iH- paTl ?? ,b? bpeelal yn<.>r ? thin r-?t,ulv davit ift.-r -t <l ,,-,'. i 2 balain-e tv.,-, be paM rdue eoupojiB b**lenKinii th. ?ad tl 'wi in (hi* nirt; 'h. .am.. . ' sued price ur tbIud as wuull i tiirs,',*rt*T?vhM iu" h":,,-r? ^ ?' tltn-i to r.>i'.-ive In ras.* t ie enr|r.- ann.un. ,,t ih, kw .!_ paid in ra-n. Under thu , ' ?*??_* aE^??EvS- ? sr" ORANVlLLK P. HALL I - ind RICE it WILEY . B ' lt"r* . ,',n_ jaJlTIlKMr:rC0URT. CITY AND COUKft t,h."?.J' M lK John WOOS, f _B1lBB ta Hamtnff ii--L S__^tS_l_ -?d hrt ???" "??** Pi..nt.tis. ssainlt?* fendanta7 W" lerU"'* ",J ?* ** l??"'>" ?? -*r?n*V S? ParnaM to *n ord-- Btatt at s Speelsi ivrm or __i ourt h.-id ai th- Court lim** it, itu- (itt ,lf N?.w V..?i nd aoter-1 herein on th .\... .oi-r Tw' -'? - reo-tor* Y:,twi_ '?*?"? lentlai Henri W, Kertne tbi- ti,*? ar.* r-nuln-d to btMt Ut-lr aMBSttA* tr3 "-" V"'"'1 "?'-" "? '"l I-niel. ?re namwl lu atti <*rler and spuuiit... r ? .ii. . pnrpo - at bia offl e. No. 'Mi Broadway? tn th- Litv of V n 1 irk on er teforv the IT.M dav of lu'r l-x- 1. ?' ftlotk in the afternoou of that day.whi.-b dav tn,,? and and In aefsttU thereof tush person* and cis-drr rs -i __ r?i io fie oiairibuuon of tho fund* iu tao baud* .rf t_T__ (liiUie. -..**"? aa* C'MC.i v R AMT I NOB] HrfertM ?ta^aanB,B0W' Alwru<fy Ior *-'iiltuU0:?. -?*> Broadwsj.